#not all neos but look inside your heart it will tell you
clay-pidgeon · 7 months
my most developed oc is ginger . she was supposed to be a side character so virtue could have a little buddy but instead it grabbed the narrative adjusted it to be on her and he immediately just did an elaborate mime routine
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discoscoob · 18 days
FRIEND ZONE | Neo Anderson x Reader
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Under the warm glow of a single lamp and the flickering light of the television, that neither of you are paying any attention to, Neo sits silently on the couch in your shared apartment. Curled up beside him, with your head buried against his chest, you sob against the worn fabric of his dark hoodie.
Neo feels his heart ache with a heaviness settling in his chest and one question clawing at his insides. How could anyone hurt you like this? You’re too kind, too precious, too… perfect to be inflicted with that kind of pain. How could someone take your love for granted, when he would do anything to have you look at him the way you look at those unworthy fools who only end up hurting you?
He shifts slightly, unsure how to hold you without holding too tightly. His arms feel clumsy in moments like this. He wants to cradle you, to keep you safe and protect you, but instead he just awkwardly rests his arm on your shoulder, the lightest touch - the only touch he dares.
You sniffle, lifting your head just enough to speak, the sight of your swollen and puffy eyes, agitated by your tears, provokes a coiling ache in the pit of Neo’s stomach.
“Why do I always pick the worst guys?” you wipe your tears with your sweater paws, your voice shaky and raw as you speak. “I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong? Why is it so hard to find someone who actually cares? Someone who will love me… for me.”
Neo’s throat tightens. Every time you say something like that, it’s like you’re throwing daggers straight at his heart, unaware how much he aches to unburden himself of his hidden feelings towards you. He wants to shout, I'm right here! He wants to pull you closer and tell you that you don't have to keep searching. He wants to tell you that you’ve already found the guy who would give anything to make you smile, to protect your heart like it's the most precious thing in the world— because to him, it is.
“He was a jerk, Y/N. You didn’t do anything wrong, he’s an idiot for not realising how lucky he was to have you.” Neo says softly, his fingers gently rubbing circles on your shoulder. “You deserve so much better than him. Someone who will cherish you and would do anything just to make you happy.”
“I don’t think such a guy exists, Neo.” your shaky laugh sounds bitter as you hopelessly admit your dwindling faith in love.
The words hit Neo in the chest like a hammer. His heart twists painfully, almost cruelly. It's not just what you said—it's the finality of it, the way you’re so convinced that no one would ever love you the way you deserve. No one, including him. It's like you don't see him at all. It makes him feel invisible.
I exist, his mind screams, but his mouth stays sealed.
“He does exist, Y/N. I promise, he does.” his strained voice answers around the lump in his throat that he painfully swallows. Neo hesitates, the truth on the tip of his tongue, held back by his own cowardice. The thought of losing you, your friendship, your laughter, your late-night talks — it paralyses him. He knows if he tells you the truth, everything could change. What if you pull away from him, the only person he's ever felt this connected to? What if he loses you? That scares him more than anything.
“Maybe… maybe he’s closer than you think.” Neo cautiously adds, his fragile heart anxiously teetering between the possibility that you might catch onto his subtle hint and realistically knowing that you won’t. His heart will fall either way because the possibility of you knowing will only lead to the possibility of your rejection.
“I wish more guys were like you, Neo. You’re the only one who never lets me down. I don’t know what I’d do without you… you’re like my rock.” Neo feels his chest clench uncomfortably at your words, because they’re agonisingly close to what he desperately wants to hear but almost cruelly they’re not meant in the way that he wishes. They’re never meant in the way that he wishes.
“I’ll always be here for you, Y/N. I promise I’ll never let you down.”
And he means it. Even if it means swallowing his own feelings. Even if it means watching you fall for someone else again and again. He will pick up the pieces of your broken heart and carefully put them back together with tender care. While neglecting his own broken heart. Because loving you is the easiest thing he's ever done. Telling you... that's the hardest.
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weirdsht · 2 months
Cliché - LoTCF & Venion Stan! Reader
notes: ngl i took more time dwelling whether i should make this a series. but i never did two series at once because i can't handle the commitment, so i compromised by making it a long oneshot. ALSO TRIGGER WARNING: I put my psych major to work while writing this fic so...
tags: TRIGGER WARNING PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE TAGS (dw nothing too graphic for every warning) depression, eating disorder, anxiety, self-loathing, torture and abuse, guilt, like lots of guilt, passive to mild suicidal thoughts, not being able to control your body, catatonic depression, anhedonia, blood, cursing, vague novel spoilers, Taylor Stan being the best brother out there, open ending i think, can be seen as hurt/comfort
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are open and welcome
Buy Me Dessert
Navigation Masterlist Platitude (pt. 2)
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Tak Tak Tak
The sound of the horses of the carriage filled your ears as soon as you woke up.
…Wait horses?
How could there be horses when you were sure you were inside a lecture hall?
“Young master I’m glad you’re awake. We are nearing Viscount Tolz’s territory.”
Viscount Tolz? That sounds familiar, but you can’t quite put your finger on it as you just woke up.
You observed the unfamiliar place you woke up in. You seem to be inside a carriage, years of reading manhwas, manhuas, mangas and web novels have gotten you familiar as to what they looked like. 
Observing the interior a bit more, you notice that the carriage you are in seems luxurious. That and the servant riding a horse outside the carriage window just called you “young master”. 
‘Did I transmigrate? I swear I was just nodding off during one of my lectures…’
“You. What date is it? My head feels fuzzy from sleeping in this uncomfortable carriage.”
‘I’ve rotten my brain reading that damn isekai genre. I already know the drill, I should be a villain or something. I guess I should be glad I didn’t end up as an animal, those things have gotten popular these days…’
You silently shivered at the thought of being a bird or a snake.
“I’m sorry about the seat young master. You’re custom cushion should be arriving tomorrow. As for the date, it is currently year 780 of the Felix Calendar.”
By the calendar mentioned you could already tell what series you transmigrated to. There was only one series you know that uses Felix Calendar.
Lout of the Count’s Family
And it looks like you got sucked into that novel a year before things began.
“As soon as that arrives install it in my carriage. This thing is as hard as a brick.”
Contrary to what you say, the seat is very soft and comfortable. However, if you really did transmigrate as a villain like in all those manhwas you’ve read then you figured you have to act as bratty as possible. 
“I understand young master. We are nearing the villa soon, I’m sure young master Neo has prepared your room so you can rest.”
Fuck. You’re fucked.
Out of all the small villains in existence you just had to steal the body of a dragon abuser. You just had to get in the body of Venion Stan.
Venion out of all people. Even Neo Tolz or Adin or Duke Fredo would’ve been better picks.
But no, the gods of this world just had to put you in the body of an atrocious villain that has no use.
Never mind running away in the countryside while enjoying all the inheritance, there’s no way that black dragon is going to leave you alone.
…And for sure the black dragon is already 3 years old, there’s no saving you now. Anger and despair are already planted in that poor baby’s heart.
Everything moved too quickly to your liking. One moment you were in the carriage, then next Neo was greeting you. After you blinked you’re already in the black dragon’s cell.
‘Can I survive a year before Cale comes here to get the dragon?’
The black dragon can’t use mana, let alone dragon fear. But his vicious gaze full of animosity is already enough to make you feel guilt and fear.
He looked so pitiful. The cell might be spacious, but a cage will still be a cage. He was just there, in the middle of the cell. Chained and unable to fight back.
The buffet in the middle doesn’t help the queasiness you feel in your stomach.
‘Don’t bother with it, I won't be visiting the dragon further.’
The words you want to say are stuck in your throat. Some unknown force is stopping you from uttering them out.
You figured it was so that things would still go according to the plot.
‘I know I wasn’t the greatest in my previous life, but was I so bad that I must experience this?’
Tap Tap Tap
Heels of your shoes tapped against the ground as you walked towards the table. You tried to stop your body, but it was useless. No matter how hard you try to stop yourself you just keep moving.
Your voice- no Venion’s voice said and the torturer started whipping the dragon.
There’s a bile in your throat threatening to show itself. However, you swallowed it. The scene may look horrendous, but you didn’t look away. You didn’t stop eating the feast in front of you. You didn’t stop laughing at the small dragon’s demise.
More like you couldn’t.
You wanted to cry. You wanted to go back to your world and curl up in your bed. You wanted all of this to be a dream.
‘Is this the doing of the gods? If so then why must they be cruel.’
“Is there anything else you want to do young master?”
“No just go out. All of you. I will follow in a short while”
Following your order, everyone in the dungeon started heading out. After a few seconds, there was no one but you and the dragon in the room.
As soon as there was no one else in the room you vomited. Good thing there was a bathroom attached in the dungeon. The bathroom door was wide open as you puked your gut out, showing the black dragon a view of your pale face. Despite that you didn’t care, your only focus was to get rid of the horrible feeling running through your body.
It’s not as if the dragon would care about its torturer.
That night you spent the entire time in your bed tossing and turning. Too tired to sleep but too scared to face the nightmares you have to combat every time you do.
“Go find a magician or something and commission a temperature-regulating device. I want it installed at the cave before we visit the Tolz territory again.”
“As you wish your highness. However, aren’t you spending a bit too much on a mere pet?”
“You dare think I’m buying all these things for that pesky dragon? I’m buying it for my own comfort, you should be aware of how I want to be comfortable all the time.”
“It seems I made a mistake. I shall prepare everything you desire for the next time you visit the villa.”
Six months has already passed since you became Venion Stan. Adjusting wasn’t easy, especially when there are more times when you can’t control your body than when you can.
But still, you persevered.
It wasn’t like you had a choice anyway. You have already taken over this body so you have to live in it. That and there’s also the fact that you want the original plot to go smoothly.
You want the black dragon to experience justice.
So you persist. Even when the atrocities you did make you puke. Even when you want to kill yourself.
You didn’t
It wasn’t right.
You may not be the original Venion Stan, but it wouldn’t be right to take away the revenge the black dragon deserves. That was why you decided to persevere.
Persevere now and suffer at the dragon's hands later before finally dying.
That was your plan.
You didn’t care about other things anymore. Money, territory, power; none of those things mattered to you anymore. Too disgusted with yourself and everything you have been doing to even attempt to enjoy those things.
There’s a silver lining in all of this.
After a month of being in your new body, you have found a loophole. You found a way to combat some of the restrictions to your actions. As long as you sound selfish and villainous enough, you can get away with saying and doing most things.
Using this knowledge to your advantage, you slowly made life for the dragon easier. You bought a lot of things such as cushions, a more comfortable collar, and the temperature-regulating device you just ordered. You also used this fact to lessen your hold on both Taylor Stan and the underworld.
“Venion, I heard you withdrew the people watching over your older brother.”
You scowled at Marquis Stan’s words as if the mere mention of Taylor Stan upsets you.
“Father, what can that cripple do? He has no legs, no power, and barely has any money. Putting people to watch over someone like that will only be a waste of resources.”
Luckily, the marquis agreed with your reasoning and let the situation go while praising how smart you are.
‘Hopefully by this Taylor Stan can gather more information now that my people are now hovering over him.’
That night you managed to sleep for approximately 30 minutes. The longest sleep you’ve experienced since coming over to this world.
It was another torture session and once again you were vomiting everything you ate that week after the session. 
While you were busy trying to not make a mess on the bathroom floor, you didn’t notice a certain young dragon observing you.
He may be three years old and he may not know much but his still smart because he's a dragon. That was why he noticed the changes in his captor that started around 8 months ago. 
The young dragon noticed the hesitation in your eyes whenever you entered the dungeon. How you were puking from self-hatred and not because of how bad the food was like you said. How your laugh is soulless, especially when he’s being tortured. 
How you stagger the slightest bit while standing up after those sessions. How your hands shook ever so slightly from guilt. How you tried to make the cell as comfortable as possible for him despite saying you were doing it for your own comfort. 
How your eyes look more lifeless each time he sees you.
The young dragon noticed all of it. He may not know what caused the change, but he knows that everything you’re doing is against your volition.
“Fuck I lost my appetite already. I’m going back to my room. Feed those scraps to that dragon.”
You ordered your servants on your way out. Walking as if your entire body wasn’t shaking ten seconds ago.
The black dragon just watches you with observant eyes. 
The “scraps” you were talking about were the feast that was barely even touched. It had always been like this for a few months now. You would barely touch your food and give it to the dragon in the guise of treating him like a dog.
For now, the young one accepts the food. He’ll figure out your intentions later.
“Lessen the guards at the dungeon. Remove all the cushions too, I’m going to change them. Do the same thing to the dragon’s collar too. While you’re at it increase the guards stationed at my quarters. Put the guards in the cave to my room.”
It’s the fated day. Time passed and now is already the day the black dragon will be rescued by Cale, Choi Han, and the cat tribe children. You already met them earlier and acted as arrogant as you could.
Hence the preparation. You need to make it look like the dragon was kept in a horrible condition. Of course, he was… but like much more worse conditions.
“Assassins have been increasing their attempts lately. If I see someone assigned to my room not doing your jobs I’m going to feed you to the sharks. Oh, and you.”
You pointed at a random servant passing by.
“Here’s some gold, buy some alcohol from the inn. Don’t tell anyone I was the one who bought it.”
“May I ask what you’re going to do with the alcohol young master?”
Everyone knows that Venion Stan deemed things not noble enough as disgusting. But you felt guilty for pushing that old man around earlier so you made an excuse.
“Depends on my mood. I’m feeling generous so if you all guard my room tonight then I’ll give you the alcohol tomorrow to drink.”
Everyone held in their shock.
“But if you don’t then I’m going to throw each bottle in your heads while drinking real wine.”
With that, you turned around to lie down on your bed.
That night was the same as every other night you spent in this world. Sleepless. However, that night you felt some weight being lifted off your shoulders as you heard the ruckus Choi Han was causing outside.
‘He should be curled up in Cale’s lap while looking at me viciously’
You stealthily peeked at Cale as you walked towards your seat. Just a moment ago he was trying to rile you up by acting obnoxious. It was hard to try and act like you were keeping your composure when you agreed with everything he said.
“What the..!” 
‘Shit did I not put enough strength into my acting?’
You barely felt your blonde hair sway as you slapped the table in supposed shock at Taylor Stan’s entrance.
‘Maybe I should’ve forced myself to eat a little bit more before coming here…’
Gritting your teeth, you ignore the black spots dancing in your vision. Today is a vital day, you can’t ruin the script by fainting because you only ate 3 spoonfuls during breakfast.
Luckily, it looks like everything is going according to the plot. Based on everyone’s reaction, you looked like an enraged noble.
Days following that event were even more chaotic. Not only was the terrorist attack in the plaza terrifying but trying to act as if you were trying to hold on to your position when you just wanted to give it to Taylor was even tougher.
As usual, you persevered.
Comforted yourself at the thought that in a few months, you can embrace death’s sweet presence.
“Do I look different without the blood?”
You felt scared and relieved at the sight of the black dragon that now goes by Raon Miru.
Scared because even though you have resigned yourself to your fate, and felt like you deserve it even, you still feel fear for what’s about to come.
Relief because he looks healthy. Chubby even. You were glad that he was living a good life after he got away from you.
Disregarding your feelings, you let the poisonous fog into your body. Resigning yourself to the four days of hell waiting.
Your body feels sluggish when you wake up.
“What the… It hasn’t even begun yet why does that bastard’s eyes already look dead?”
“That’s what I was telling you human! That punk's eyes tell a different story from his actions.”
Soft. Whatever you were lying down on felt soft. It wasn’t like what you’ve read in the novel where Venion was lying down on the hard ground. The magic collar was also soft. It felt similar to the one you bought for Raon a year ago. 
You would know because you made sure to pick the softest one yourself.
“His eyes look more dead than when I last saw him at that cave.”
Eyes? Were they talking about yours?
You didn’t know. You didn’t care.
You just want everything to end.
Someone gasped, you think it was one of the kittens.
“T-tears! Why is he crying? I only put paralysis in poison earlier.”
Crying? You were crying?
You sit up. It was hard because of the chains tying your arms but you still did it.
As you look down on your lap, tears are indeed flowing.
‘Why am I crying? Wasn’t I waiting for this day?’
Everything was already planned in your head. You get tortured then you will go crazy. Then you will kill yourself and make everyone believe you did it because you’re crazy.
So why are you crying now?
Why are you in tears as if you don’t deserve what’s happening to you?
Why do you weep as though you haven’t committed several crimes this past year?
How dare you do so.
How dare you act so pitifully when the child you tortured is right in front of you?
Shameless. Till the end, you’re so shameless.
Beacrox unlocked the magic collar. As he did you saw it falling on the ground.
“Ah, so there really was fur inside…”
Your voice sounded soulless. It sounded so dead that even you were shocked at how you sounded.
But it also felt cathartic.
After two years of trying to act lively. Two years of acting as if you were fighting for something.
You can finally let out your real emotions.
Two years. It took more than two years for you to be granted that privilege. 
“Speak. I heard you bought the same thing for Raon.”
“You really named him Raon…”
Beacrox grabbed your collar. He looked furious. If you remember things correctly, he just heard about the dragon’s story a while ago so you understand his feelings.
“He told you to answer. Why did you buy something like that after 3 years?”
“I was getting tired of looking at the hard metal… There was nothing in that cave but stone and metal…”
Your tears are still flowing. It looks like they were crying a whole year’s worth. 
Despite that, you were not shaking, nor were your eyes looked sad.
Contrarily, you looked like those creepy dolls with soulless eyes that cried in horror films.
That low-key scared everyone in the room.
“Before, when I was three, I saw you shaking every time you came to the cave. Why was that?”
What’s happening? Why is there a sudden interrogation? You signed up for torture not for a cross-examination.
Still, you answered the dragon.
“I can’t tell.”
“Is it related to how you can’t seem to say what you want at times?”
Just how much did that kid notice in the few times you visited him?
“Yes. When are you going to get started? I need to meet with my hyung after this…”
Meet him and then die.
So please hurry up already.
“Hey punk, you sound like you already know what’s going to happen.”
“It’s obvious. This place looks exactly like that damn cave.”
You were getting tired of talking.
Actually, you were tired. Period.
“But it doesn’t look like how I left the cave when you rescued him.”
“Yes, because that wasn’t how the cave I lived in looked like. It looked like this.”
And the “this” Raon was talking about felt more homey. There were soft lights and a bunch of pillows and cushions. There were even some stuffed toys and blankets.
Was this how you decorated Raon’s cave?
You can’t remember.
Not that you care.
“Can we get started already please?”
“I thought you were a sadist, not a masochist.”
Something snapped inside you at that moment. You didn’t know why it was Choi Han’s comment that riled you up. Maybe it wasn’t the comment but the waiting that set you off.
“Just do it already! Are you dumb?! This fucking plot will not move unless you fucking torture me!”
In that moment you felt a searing pain in your chest.
Blood flowed out from your mouth.
‘So that’s what happens when I try to push the restrictions.’
Coughing out blood when you’re body was already weak from not eating and sleeping enough was bound to cause you to faint.
And faint you did.
“Young master Cale said you were unconscious for 4 days. The doctor told me you were both malnourished and fatigued. One of your servants confessed that it’s an achievement if you eat 4 spoonfuls every meal. The young master also mentioned how it seems like you were forced to do everything you’ve done… Just what is happening? Hmm? Tell this hyung of yours.”
In the end, you didn’t get tortured…
“What’s going to happen now? What’s going to happen to me?”
You diverged from the fate carved out for Venion Stan.
That made you scared.
The restriction placed upon you to prevent you from straying from the plot scared you.
“Everything will be okay. But you need to tell me what’s going on.”
Taylor Stan hugged you, and you felt disgusted with yourself that you dare find warmth and comfort in that hug. Disgusted that you dared cry in front of him when you tried to kill him in the past.
But you couldn’t help it.
You couldn’t help that your hyung was soft and caring even though he was stern and strict. 
“I’m scared hyung. I’m a horrible person.”
As you speak you notice Cale in the corner of the room. He was trying to go out to give you two some privacy.
“Please stay.”
‘You deserve to hear the truth too.’
Cale stopped moving at your words. 
At that moment you decided to spill everything. Venion Stan’s role was already done. Even if it wasn’t, you already strayed from the path written for him. So you’re pulling all stops now.
“I’m a horrible person that did horrid crimes. I know that, I did them with my own hands after all. But I didn’t want to do them.”
You felt that stinging pain slowly coming back.
“There are times when I can’t control the things I say or do. No matter how hard I try my body won’t listen to me.”
The taste of blood in your mouth is back. You tried to act as calm as possible and nonchalantly spit it out in a napkin as if you were just wiping your mouth.
“I think it’s the god’s doing. It’s fated that I must be a bad guy for everything in the future to work out.”
You wiped your mouth again.
“I couldn’t resist it. But I found a loophole.”
“If I make it look like what I was doing is villainous then my movements will not be restricted as much.”
“So when you removed the people watching over my residence..?”
You nodded while wiping your mouth once again.
However, this time Taylor snatched the napkin out of your hands.
“You’re bleeding..!”
You were wiping so much blood that it already seeped out. Causing for Taylor and Cale to see the blood.
“I should’ve used a darker colour…”
“Stop talking. I’ve already heard everything I need to know.”
“I have nothing else to say to you anyway.”
The two men started walking out of the door when you called out to someone.
“Young master Cale, can you please stay? I must tell you something.”
The marquis and the young master exchanged a glance before one of them left the room.
“What is it?”
At Taylor’s exit, Raon undid his invisibility.
“It’s not fate.”
Cale and Raon looked at you as if you’d lost your head. Honestly, you wish you did. Being beheaded right now is better than living with these horrible feelings.
“It’s plot. You should know what I’m talking about.”
Luckily, Marquiss Stan left the napkin so you could wipe your mouth again.
“I think the universe, not the gods, made a mistake with me. But despite their mistake, they are insistent on going with the plot laid out.”
You discarded the napkin. It’s already drenched with too much of your blood that it can’t be used anymore.
“But don’t worry. This plot is very beneficial to you. You just have to follow whatever you think is right. You can disregard whatever anyone says. Even if that anyone is a god.”
‘Unlike me’
Cale handed you a handkerchief and you wiped your mouth with it.
“Lastly, I’m sorry Raon Miru-nim. My only choice was to either keep torturing you or throw you out. I couldn’t throw you out, because if I did then you wouldn’t meet the young master.”
“It’s okay… I am great and mighty so I figured out long ago that you were being forced.”
“Thank you.”
With that the dragon became invisible again and the two head out of the room.
Cleanup was easy. Of course, it was. Everything was already planned out beforehand.
The previous marquis was arrested and his people were successfully rooted out. You got sentenced to house arrest.
Meaning, you got a slap on the wrist.
It confused you. Why did you get such a light sentence when you did so many horrible things? It didn’t even feel like house arrest because your hyung always kept you by his side and personally took care of you.
“How about you? How are you and your brother doing?”
You heard Cale speaking on the other side of the communication device. But you just kept your head low and stared at your palms, unmoving.
Marquis Stan hesitated.
“His been listless since that day. I checked with an expert and they said his in a catatonic state.”
You blur out the rest of their conversation. It wasn’t like there was a need to listen anyway. There’s nothing for you to do now. Your role is done but you can’t die.
You're tired.
So so fucking tired.
Tired of waking up. Tired of moving. Tired of thinking. Tired of breathing.
Tired of living.
So you opted to not move. Tune out the world around you. Maybe if you’re lucky they’ll leave you to rot in that lavish room of yours.
“Your eyes look more lively today. Do you have enough energy to speak?”
You blinked once. Then twice. You don’t know how many days have passed already. All of them look like a giant blur in your mind.
For the first time in a while, you moved your body to look at your surroundings.
As you take in your surroundings you notice that there’s a storm outside. That and Taylor Stan seem to have put you in the wheelchair he used to use.
“Taylor Stan…”
“Call me hyung.”
Did you deserve to? Well, it doesn’t matter since he ordered you to.
“Yes, my dongsaeng?”
“Why won’t you kill me?”
The wheelchair stopped in its tracks. It was because the one pushing it stopped walking.
“Why would I kill you?”
“Why would you not kill me?”
You had no way of knowing just how scared Taylor was at this moment. Your voice sounded so soulless. As if you were asking about the weather and not about your death. He was already scared that one day he would just wake up to find you dead. Your questions and your way of asking them are not helping his fear.
“I told you, I wouldn’t kill my family.”
Silence lingered as the two of you went to your room. Inside, the first thing you noticed was the door on the wall.
“That’s a connecting door. It’s connected to my room.”
“Very fitting for a criminal like me that needs to be monitored at all times.”
“That’s not…”
Taylor Stan chose to sigh instead of answering. After he did, he called the servants to help you with your nighttime routine.
“You all can go now, I’ll take it from here.”
Servants filed out of your room as your brother took the brush from a servant's hand.
“You know that this is useless right?”
“Why is that?”
Taylor continued brushing your blonde hair that now reaches past your shoulders.
“It’s not like I’ll sleep. There’s never a night where I slept for more than 30 minutes. I think.”
“Maybe if I stay by your side you’ll sleep better.”
You didn’t respond. You just watched in the mirror how your hyung gently brushed your hair. At some point, you pulled your legs up to your chest and started hugging them.
Taylor Stan didn’t seem to mind your movements. In fact, he seems to encourage them.
“Let’s eat dinner now. Do you want to walk?”
The mere thought of moving more than you already did makes you feel nauseated.
Your hyung nodded and started pushing the wheelchair again. As he did the sight of the food prepared on your table caught your eyes. It wasn’t a feast like how you were served in the past.
Instead, there were just two simple identical meals on the table.
It reminded you of how you used to eat your meals back on earth.
“You’re eating too?”
“I haven’t eaten yet. I figure we can eat together since Cage is not here.”
She must be in the super rock’s villa or something.
Eat together was what you did. Well, more like Taylor ate while you take a few bites and play with your food.
“Do you not want to eat anymore?”
“It’s fine, just leave it there. You already ate thrice more than you usually would. It’s okay to take it slow.”
That’s true. You ate 10 spoonfuls today when you would usually just take a bite or two. Three at most.
Maybe a gentle company and a simple meal did the trick. But you aren’t sure.
After the meal, you brushed your teeth before lying down on the bed. Taylor was sitting on a couch beside your bed as promised.
That night, for the first time since you arrived in this world, you managed to sleep almost the whole night.
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jvnluvr · 1 year
blue lock boys when you surprise them ! pt 1. ♡
ft. sae & kaiser x f!reader
(neo-egoist arc spoilers!! be warned)
author’s note: my last blue lock post got a lot of love and it made me more motivated, so thank you everyone! might do a part too where the roles are swapped, or with more characters. lmk by asking if you have any other requests. enjoy more bllk content, my lovely readers. <3
itoshi sae:
sae is gone a lot. you knew from the moment you got into a relationship with him that this would be the reality of your relationship. you loved him though, so even if you missed him tremendously, he would always come back home into your arms. there wasn’t much more you could ask for.
sae had gone to brazil for three games. it was a week stay, but it felt so insufferably long. maybe 3-4 days in, you were sick of being home after work not having anyone to go to or not having anything to do. so what did you do? obviously book a ticket to brazil yourself! to avoid suspicion, you told sae that you might not respond to his texts because you were going out with your friends and end up staying over at their place. (all your friends were busy that week.) but he didn’t catch anything!
you fell asleep on the flight, waking up to your landing. your heart was racing as you walked off into the airport. you’ve never really done something this grand before. surprising your boyfriend right before his game? god, you never expected to even set foot in another country for a while. all you could do was quickly rush to get a taxi, (you learned basic portuguese for this) and off you were to the stadium where his last game was being hosted.
quickly playing the driving, you ran inside. even if shidou was annoying, you thanked him for not revealing your plan to sae and helping you enter the stadium freely. “your boyfriend is a lucky one, yeah?” you could only nod in nervousness. why were you scared to see him? what if he just told you to go back home, what if he didn’t want any distractions, what if-? “c’mon he’s about to get on field, go!” shidou pushed you near the place his team was getting ready.
“hey [name]! sae didn’t tell us you were gonna’ be here.” one of his teammates grinned at you. you saw sae slowly turn around when he heard your name, an annoyed look plastered on his faces, thinking his teammates were tricking him for a stupid laugh. that was until he actually saw you, that his eyes widened.
“uh,, surprise sae?” he kind of just stood there for a second, not even being able to process the fact that you were physically standing in front of him. you only were able to feel dejected for a mere second, assuming he wasn’t happy to see you, that was until you were suddenly enveloped into a warm hug. and for a second, it felt as if you were the only two in the blazing stadium. “stupid, why are you here?” he whispered in your ear, not letting you go. despite his chosen words, his voice was filled with nothing but softness.
“cause i missed you, sae. you’re always gone, and even if i was prepared, it hurts not being with you.” you replied back. god no, you weren’t going to cry right before he went on the field. “don’t cry princess, i’m right here.” you were trying so hard to hold it in, but you couldn’t help it, he was with you, after what felt like an eternity. “thank you for surprising me, you’re the best thing i could ask for.” he kissed your forehead, still whispering so his teammates couldn’t hear the sweet nothings he reserved for you.
michael kaiser:
the ace of bastard münchen loved you very dearly. kaiser loved selectively, but the moment he laid eyes on you, he was smitten. truly, he tried to make as much time as humanly possible to spend with you but when blue lock joined the top teams, his brain had been haywire because of isagi. all he could think of was how to improve, how to crush him.
so naturally; with his brain occupied and all, he gradually started spending more and more time away from home to practice. sure, he still texted you sometimes and all, but you felt more lonely before than ever, since you were so used to kaiser being there to smother you in his love and adoration.
so when today finally came, the day where they would go up against barcha fc, it was him to finally prove he was a better player than isagi. he left super early that morning. he didn’t expect you to even try and leave the house because you studied from home, and he was going to be gone practically the whole day. to be honest, you really did want to go and surprise him at the game, but you couldn’t afford to skip class today. so you had to come up with something else grand to surprise kaiser.
so you went out after class, an hour before he was supposed to come home. you bought heart-shaped balloons, confetti, a cake, and any other decorations that you could drape onto the walls in your shared house. just before you were about to go back, you got a *ping!* from your phone.
ml michael: baby we won!!!! i’ll be home in a bit <3
you: congrats ! i’m waiting <3
you knew after that you had to rush home and get ready. gratefully your house wasn’t too far from the store. so you quickly unloaded everything from your car and put everything up in the living room, near the entrance of your house. “i hope he likes it, and isn’t too tired to just ignore everything..” you let out a slight sigh before continuing to finish up putting up the decorations.
you heard a loud engine outside and you would have been surprised if it was anyone besides kaiser. you quickly ran to shut off the lights before hiding behind the couch that faced the wall. the sound of the keys jingling as the door opened made your heart race as you held your hand over your mouth, not wanting him to even hear your breathing. “my dearest love, i’m home- huh? why are the lights off?” you couldn’t help but internally giggle at his insanely slow reaction time.
“[name], are we playing hide and seek or something? you know i’ll find you.” at that, you unintentionally rolled your eyes at his confidence. there’s no way he would expect you to be behind this couch, not to mention he hasn’t even turned the lights on- “found you.” you yelped as kaiser picked you up from behind, sitting you on his lap on the side of the couch.
“now, does my pretty girl wanna tell me why she was hiding behind the couch?” he kissed your cheek, and he swore he could see them turn red in the darkness. your entire plan? ruined. this really wasn’t the way you wanted to surprise him. “just wanted to surprise you, y‘know? you didn’t even turn on the lights silly.” kaiser gave you a confused look but nonetheless got up to turn them on. “surprise! and of course good job on winning your game today.” you smiled at him, but he just stared at you with the biggest heart in his eyes.
“you’re the cutest thing ever.” he lifted you up again and you wrapped your legs around him. “there’s a cake too, we should eat it.” you mentioned, totally forgetting that you set it out on the table. “i love you, liebe.” he couldn’t stop kissing you after that surprise.
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novankenn · 1 month
Spirits of Vengeance...
(1)- the Rider (Yang)
"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!!" Yang screamed at the shadows inside the garage at her family home on Patch. "WE HAD A DEAL!"
"We did..." came a sinister almost hissing voice from all about her. "and I kept up my end."
"How? How did you? Mom is gone! She's gone!" Yang wailed tears flowing down her cheeks.
"I brought her back, like you asked..." the voice informed the distraught young woman. "We never agreed on how long she would stay..."
"So it was you!" Yang pushed down her sorrow and latched on to the burning rage with in her heart. "You did that to her and Ruby!"
"I did not." the voice replied. "I do not HURT my investments."
"I'm not an investment!"
"Oh my dear, dear Yang... yes you are."
"Bring them both back! I'll make another deal! Just bring them back!"
"I'm sorry my little sun-dragon... but you only get one deal."
"You can do it!" Yang wailed "You did it once you can do it again!"
"I'm sorry Yang... but without a deal... I can't..."
"But..." Yang collapsed to her knees , wrapping her arms around herself in a vain attempt to stop her shaking. "Why... why..."
"I wish I could tell you why..." the voice answered. "I truly do, but I have no answers for you... at least not yet."
"Yet?" Yang looked up to see a set of ominous and sinister glowing eyes in the deepest shadows of the garage. "What... what?"
"I have a job for you... and while you work to complete it... I'll find out the why and who of what happened to your mother and sister... deal?"
"Wait... you said no more..."
"This is not the same type of deal you made with me ten years ago..." the voice replied, "This is more of a verbal agreement. You do something for me... I'll do something for you."
"I... I..."
"Yang, my little sun-dragon... you really have no choice. I made an investment in you. I nurtured you strength, and wellness. I empowered you... now I aim to collect..."
"I won't..."
"You will. You have no choice... though if you... willingly choose to complete this task... I can do things in return... like find your mom and sister... so... what is your choice?"
"You swear?" Yang choked out as she forced herself to her feet. "You swear if I do this you will find them?"
"Have I EVER broken a promise to you?" the voice asked in response. "Will you be my rider?"
"Yes..." Yang answered with a shaking voice.
"Say it!"
"Yes, I will be your Rid.... ARGH!!!!!" Yang twisted about, pain shredding through her body. She staggered and fell to her knees as smoke began to flicker about her body. Wispy tongues of orange flame licked about her flesh, and she shrieked in agony.
"The change gets easier... with time." the voice commented as Yang's pale flesh melted and then was charred away. Floating into the air as specks of ash.
The sounds of her screams had never left the garage. The shadows having deadened them into complete silence... so there was no one but it to witness as the once vibrant beauty rose to her feet. All her exposed flesh was gone, leaving nothing but gleaming bone wreathed in flickering flames. Her once long golden locks now nothing but a cascade of rolling flames.
"Go. Vale. Her name is Trivia Vanille, though she goes more by Neo nowadays." the Rider turned it blazing eyes towards the origin of the sinister voice. "She is not wat she appears to be. Send her home."
"Send. Her. Home." the Rider hissed out in a guttural voice, before it moved forward towards her alternate body's pride and joy. As soon as its flaming fingers touched the motorcycle, flames leap forward and coiled about it. Slowly the formerly sleek street bike twisted taking a shape more inline with its new owner.
With a hissing snarl the Rider gunned the engine and tore out of the garage and down the short driveway, leaving a trail of flickering flames as it went.
The red eyes watched the Rider leave, before they too faded away.
(Master List)
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Paring: Jung Jaehyun x afab!Reader. [For the sake of this fic, NCT 127 had a concert in Toronto, Canada during the North American leg of Neo City - The Link Tour. The exact date is not important, but if you want a rough timeline, imagine the concert to be somewhere around January 2023, after their three concerts in the USA. The actual concerts that happened in Toronto were in May 2019, but they are too old for the fic. This is just in case you are curious about the timeline. Otherwise, it doesn't really hold any importance for now.] Genre: - fluff, angst, sexual themes. Words: - 2.5K
Warnings:- Kissing, making out, grinding. Summary:- It’s a chilly night in Toronto, and the idea of spending it in the warmth of a stranger’s presence is too good to pass on.
If someone asked you what night was, you’d probably say it was him. He was wind and gale, and zephyr and melody. He was calm. He was cold and warm. And maybe you won’t admit this out loud, but he was love. He was regret and yet the best decision you’d made that night. One night with him showed you what it truly meant to be alive. Part of it may have been because he was a stranger. It was easy to let go when there were no burdens or pains crawling between your intertwined hands.
You’d met him back home, in Toronto, in an empty park. It was a night that seemed to take away all your stress.
“Aren’t you cold?” was the first thing he’d said to you. You were out in a park late in the night, with very less people around. It was nice and quiet, and you couldn’t resist sitting there. The view of the city calms you down after a stressful workday. For some reason, he gave you doubtful glances from behind his round glasses and beanie, as if he was looking for something on you. ‘Cute’ was the first thing that popped up in your mind, but you couldn’t figure out why he was looking at you suspiciously.
“A bit, but I’d endure it for this view.” You bury your gloved hands deeper into your pockets as you decide to answer his question.
“Well, aren’t you right about the view?” He said, staring into your eyes, not even glancing at the view. It was embarrassing to admit how your heart had skipped a beat at his cheesy line. Although it was fairly too common, and you had heard it quite a few times from different mouths, his sounded so genuine. Like he isn’t looking to impress, but just a thought he verbalised. He looks around a bit, before taking a seat beside you.
It takes you a moment to realise you are staring at him.
“Can I look at them?” You ask, trying to make an excuse.
“Look at what?”
“You must have taken some pictures with that Polaroid camera over there.” 
“Oh. Okay, Sherlock. Only if you let me see yours though.” He says, pointing at your own camera.
The camera-swapping session soon turned into a long conversation, and you both decided to warm yourselves to search for a cafe downtown and warm yourselves with a cup of coffee. The streets were bustling despite the cold, as families and partygoers hopped in and out of clubs, restaurants, and taxis. The New Year spirit was yet to die down. You never thought that a walk around the town with a man who was practically a stranger would be this soothing. 
You were happily strolling, occasionally brushing your hands and fingers against each other. He had enough after a few back-and-forth lingering touches and decided to just entwine your hands instead. Warmth settled in your body as you traced his knuckles. The redness of his ears was just a cherry on top. You eventually settled on bouldering after getting done with grabbing your coffee at a Tim Hortons. It was much warmer inside, and you both tucked away your extra layer of clothing.
It was nearing midnight, but it seemed like Toronto never slept. There were plenty of people in the bouldering gym. You gave him an introduction, telling him how to use the holds, what to do, etc. To give him a practical example, you climbed a wall for beginners. The activity was something you often enjoyed doing with your friends, so you eventually got good at it, even if you weren’t a pro.
“Whoa, that was so good.” He shouted as you stood atop the wall, climbing it with ease. Although you weren’t particularly looking to impress him, you wouldn’t deny that his compliment felt good.
“You can do it too. Come on, give it a try.” You shout back, standing on the edge. He gives you a nod, dipping his hands into chalk as he grips the first hold and starts to ascend. He was doing exceptionally well for a first-timer. Maybe it was because of all that time in the gym because was clearly visible from his toned body.
“A couple more and you are good to go. Come on.” You cheer for him as nears the end of the wall. The pads of his fingers slip from the crimp as he tries to reach for the jug above him. He slides down, his legs catching onto the holds below.
“Careful.” You gasp at him.
“I’m fine. Fine.” He reassures, trying and succeeding in climbing the jug. Now all he needed to do, was climb over the edge. He slings one leg over, grabbing with his hand. You bend down, giving him your hand to give him an extra push. 
“Thanks.” He mumbles as he takes it. You put your other hand above his own, and as you pull him up, he pushes himself, causing you to tumble backwards along with him.
You fall on your back, both your hands still clutching his as you look up at him in surprise. He looks shocked at first, but his expression changes the longer he looks at your face. Your face contorted in confusion when he started chuckling, wondering what was so funny about him crushing you underneath his body.
“Your face is covered in chalk.” He explains, raising his hand that isn't still clutching yours to wipe your face, only to realize his hands are dirty as well. None of you attempt to move as he fishes his handkerchief out of his pocket. You close your eyes, reveling in the feeling of his breath on your face as he wipes your face gently. Butterflies dance in his stomach as well. 
He admires your face, the couple of moles you have. His gaze lands on your closed eyes, lingering on your lips. The lip gloss you were wearing earlier almost wiped off, slightly covered in chalk. He wipes them as well, unable to resist touching your lips, even if it was with just his handkerchief. You open your eyes to his dreamy ones, the handkerchief long forgotten as you mirror the hazy expression on his face.
It was like a staring match, both of you fighting for who’d look away first. None of you do, both in a daze as his face inches closer, your lips almost touching. He looks up once, looking for any hesitation, a sign that says you don’t want the same. You don’t waver, clutching his hand tighter instead, a silent plea to close what was left of the distance between your lips. His eyes glow a little, closing as he places his lips on yours. 
Your hand immediately comes up to grip the collar of his shirt as you deepen the kiss. You both lie there like two touch-hungry teenagers. A few onlookers groan at the unnecessary PDA, telling you to take it somewhere else. You both shut out the noise of a lady shouting expletives at you, the fire in your cores too exciting to give a fuck. His hand slides to your waist, slightly lifting your top to gain access to your skin. Shivers run down your spine, your tongue prying his mouth open to intensify the kiss. He opens up for you, letting you explore his mouth. You reluctantly pull away as the lady shouts again, threatening to call the guards. 
“Meet me at the stalls”, is the only thing you whisper as you both scramble to get up and straighten your clothes. You’re gone in a second, leaving him behind to ponder about what just happened. It was so unlike him to draw attention to himself in public, especially when he was roaming around without his group, the manager or the crew. The fact that he could do something as scandalous as kissing a girl out in the open had left him baffled. No one seemed to recognise him or record anything as he looked around, and he sighed in relief. He would be screwed if his manager knew.
He quickly pushes his thoughts about his manager to the back of his head as he remembers you were waiting for him. Hesitant, he lingers outside the stalls, the common washroom seemingly empty as he knocks on a couple of doors. The nerves in his body make him feel uneasy. Maybe it was the thrill of sneaking around like this. The door to the last stall opens as walks closer, and he is pulled inside. You push him to sit on the closed lid of the toilet in a flash. The look of surprise adorning his face makes you chuckle, cupping his cheek as you straddle his lap. 
“You took so long, I thought you weren't coming.”
His hands slide on your waist, “Well, I had to. I haven’t asked you out on a date yet”, he says. 
Maybe it was a bold move for him. He’d had his fair share of flings and dates, but he never dated anybody seriously. They either went crazy about his fame, or it was the money. He always had to go through so much trouble just to make sure nothing was suspicious about them. There was always a possibility that it was some crazy fan of his, pretending to be a date. Yet he doesn’t know what came over him, but he surely doesn’t regret it.
Something about you had struck him tonight. When he found you sitting in the park all alone, he was suspicious about your intentions. The other day he was roaming around, and someone followed him all the way from the restaurant he had his lunch at, to the place he was planning to have dinner. It wasn’t until he threatened the guy with cops that he left him alone. So his having doubts about you made complete sense.
Although, as the night progressed, he found himself enjoying your company. No one had ever been so genuine with him, soothing him simply with their presence. The the hand-in-hand walks and your sweet talks pulled him in. You were making all the the stress of his day go away without even doing anything. Whatever this was, there was one thing he was sure of. He didn’t want to let go.
“Are you seriously asking me that here of all places? What is it? No one ever kissed you this good?” You chuckle, breathing heavily as his hands roam your middle, resting just below your breasts. He just nods along as he laughs under his breath, and the warm air falling on your neck turns you on even more. He peppers kisses there, his wet mouth surely leaving behind a couple of marks. 
“Tell you what.” you say. “Ask me that again after we get out of here, and I might just say yes.” 
Your eyes hold fire as you move your hips, rubbing yourself on his hard-on, claiming his mouth again. He pulls you in, a hand rising to squeeze your breasts now. He pulls you closer, decreasing the minimal space between your bodies. He grabs your hips, setting a pace. The friction from your pants almost feels too good to be true. By the time you became aware of your fingers, they were already under his shirt, grazing his nipples. He moans in your mouth, his stomach twisting in knots.
The phone buzzing in his pocket pulls you both out of your haze. You express your disappointment as his hand leaves your body to reach for his phone. You decide to continue kissing his neck making him stutter as talks in a language you don’t quite understand. You are too aroused to care about trying to figure out the language anyway. His hands find their way back to your waist as he hastily cuts the call.
“Stay here.” He mutters, eyes closed, relishing in the feeling of your body on his.
“What?” You groan, eyes portraying the confusion you felt. “I need to make a call. I’ll be back. I promise.” Your face falls in disappointment, but you have no choice except to agree. The fire in your core would just have to wait. 
“Be quick.” You quip, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. He smiles at you, leaning to give you a final kiss as he adjusts himself, tying his jacket around his front to cover up his clearly horny self.
15 minutes later, you are standing outside, staring at the Polaroid as all sorts of thoughts run through your head. You look at his fond expression as he stares at your face in the picture. It certainly wasn’t the look of someone who was spending the night with a stranger.  He was admiring you, smiling in the way his dimples showed, the light striking his eyes at the perfect angle, making his dark brown eyes stand out even more.
You had taken the at Tim Hortons while you both looking through each other’s cameras. You were looking at all the Polaroids he had takes on the beautiful city while he went trough your camera roll, where you had captured the people of the city, your coffees running cold.
“Your photography makes even the most mundane things come alive.” He said. “But what about you? Who is capturing your charm? Beauty?” He added, proceeding to keep on taking pictures of you. That was when you slid beside him, sliding one hand to hold his face as you took a selfie through his Polaroid. He smiled at you, taking another one you each had one to keep.
You desperately wish calling him was an option. You both had somehow forgotten to exchange numbers through the night. The area around was emptying as it was past midnight now. Dejectedly, you called a cab to go home. You kept looking around until it arrived, hoping that maybe he would pop out of somewhere. Maybe he had just wandered off during the call by mistake. But as you get into the cab, still looking around and through the mirror for any sign of him, it settles in. He was gone. He wasn’t coming back, not for a stranger. And as it turns out, you would probably never see him again.
As silly as it was, you kept going to the park after that, in hopes of seeing him once again. Always going at the same time as the day you’d seen him for the first time, only to never see him again. Eventually, the park just became a place of solace for you. It probably was a heartbroken act. If you could even call it that. But nothing had ever hurt you more than the fact that the night that was probably the happiest in your life for you, meant nothing to him. Was it all just a fever dream?
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prisoner-000 · 9 months
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did you really love her? | a kazui and hinako playlist!
tracklist & my reasons for the songs below the cut :) (half & coward montblanc excluded because i believe those to not be about hinako and kazui's relationship)
little lies - fleetwood mac: i feel like this is almost too obvious to explain. i know the song is technically about falling out of love, but the lyrics fit way too well with their relationship. this is from hinako's perspective, she wants to believe that kazui is genuine, but she slowly realizes that somethint is off. this song encapsulates their dynamic to me. tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies... oh no no, you can't disguise... [].
little soldiers - the crane wives: "and i dragged you through every room inside our home, but you still held me at night" and "i swear that i loved you, i swear that you loved me". hinako works herself to the bone for this relationship to work, so does kazui, they don't surrender, they want to win against the social norms. but they can't. no matter what, they can't do it, and they tear each other apart.
cat - milgram: yeah
have to explode - the mountain goats: "someone's gonna do something someone else is gonna regret". this whole song is so somber and sad but you know the singer and their partner are going to have a terrible fallout. it's all so bleak. hinako and kazui are going to have that argument, and hinako's going to fall.
time - aliceband: "will you remember me in years to come?/or am i just a seed, and please be fine/'cause i hate this lying all the time/and i would kill myself if i thought i'd go somewhere better/but this is it/we are in hell, we are in pain/and i will suffer with you"
second hand news - fleetwood mac: a song about the singer's lover finding someone new to love and the singer leaving. take that as you will.. hinako pov :)
angeleyes - abba: lyrics don't really fit their relationship but they do fit eerily well with the entirety of the cat mv (i made an amv of it. Perhaps.)
leaving home ain't easy - queen: "stay, my love, please stay" - this line always makes me think of the moments before hinako's death. a lot of singled out lyrics really fit their relationship imo..
i want you to love me - fiona apple: hinako pov. need i say more. a woman raised in a society that expects her to be the perfect wife and she finds the perfect guy but he doesn't love her. not quite.
neo-neon - deco*27: yeah.. (both of t2 kazui songs feel like they are sung to hinako imo)
the winner takes it all - abba: feel like i don't even need to explain myself just listen to it man
drowse - queen: a song about goodbye and love fading away... and remembering what used to be happiness... do you think kazui ever looked back on the happy days with hinako and felt like the worst man on earth
butterfly - weezer: sorry for weezer. "sorry for what i did" MORE GUILT!!!!
another heart breaks - elo: just a good, moody, calm song that i feel would, if milgram was a movie, play in the days after hinako's death
the man with the child in his eyes - kate bush: something about kazui constantly reminiscing about his childhood, wanting to not grow up, wanting to be young and irresponsible forever. hinako pov.. meeting him and seeing that child in him
the stranger - billy joel: "you never let your lover see the stranger in yourself". self-explanatory? kazui never told hinako the truth until... well.
left-handed kisses - andrew bird: a song about two people falling in love. there's a lingering sadness in it, almost like they're both kind of unmotivated.
fakery tale - deco*27: THIS IS MY T3 COVER PROPAGANDA!!! i'd rather forget this ever happened, pretend it was all just a lie...
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najaemism · 2 years
heart can’t lose [67]
PAIRING. lee haechan x fem!oc
SUMMARY. fourth year pre-med student and neo university student council president, haechan lee does not have the time for relationships. instead, he focuses his attention on his studies and extracurriculars, so as not to disappoint his parents. that is until hera seo came along—and everyone starts to wonder if the university’s golden boy would finally let his heart lose.
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“HYUCK?” HERA CALLED out upon stepping foot inside her boyfriend’s condo unit. She received no response, making her furrow her eyebrows as she walked further inside. She stopped by the kitchen to place down the kimchi stew Erin had made for him before she moved towards the hallway where the bedrooms were.
Remembering that the first room was his study room, she gently opened the door and found Donghyuck with his head resting on the desk, an open book about Medical Microbiology beside where he was resting. 
She let out a sigh as she walked closer to him, noticing that he had fallen asleep on some papers scattered all over his desk, as well as opened pens and highlighters—all color coded, she remembered from a conversation they had before (apparently, green was for stuff he understood, yellow was for ones he was still trying to understand, red was for what he couldn’t understand, and blue was just pretty).
She smiled to herself as she looked at him sleeping peacefully, her hand coming up to run her fingers through his hair, “Hyuck?” she called again, softly this time, hand still playing with his hair.
He stirred, eyes still closed as he hummed, as if asking why she was calling him.
“Hey, bub, wake up,” she mumbled.
His eyes slowly opened, eyes adjusting to the light inside the room. “Juno?”
“Hi.” She smiled at him. “You fell asleep while studying.”
He groaned, closing his eyes again. “Need five more minutes,” he grumbled, earning a chuckle from Hera.
“You’re going to hurt your neck sleeping here, Hyuck,” she said, hand sliding down from his hair to his cheek, “and Erin made you kimchi stew, she asked me to bring it to you.”
He let out a huff before raising his head from the desk. “M’tired,” he mumbled.
“How long have you been studying?”
“Since I got back home. I think it was around 1 PM,” he replied, his eyes still closing every few seconds, making her smile as she caressed his cheek.
“Huh. And how long have you been asleep?” 
He shrugged as a response. “Few minutes? An hour? Not really sure.”
“You should take a break and rest more, yeah? But after you eat. I’ll just go set it up,” she told him before she leaned down to press a kiss on his forehead. She then moved away from him and turned to leave the room, but he quickly reached up to hold her forearm, lightly pulling her back until she almost lost her balance and fell on his lap.
He hummed contently. “Feel like I’m already resting now, though,” he said before he wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder.
“What do you mean?”
“Just saying I feel less tired now that you’re here, Juno.”
She blinked. “Oh.” 
He chuckled. “Stay here tonight?” he asked.
“You gotta eat your food first, though,” she said as she tapped his hand to make him let her go. “It’s going to get cold.”
“S’fine,” he murmurs, holding her closer to him.
He let out a whine. “Missed you, though, I don’t want to let go yet.”
She smiled at that. “I’m not going anywhere, Hyuck, we’re just going to eat, yeah?”
He lifted his head from her shoulder, and she turned her head to look at him, only to find him looking at her expectantly. “You’re gonna stay here?”
She didn’t reply, instead she leaned down to place a peck on his lips. “Let’s go eat dinner?”
He sighed deeply, although there was still a smile on his face. He stared at her for a few seconds as if he wanted to tell her something.
“What?” she asked.
He didn’t say anything for a moment, as if he was still contemplating what he was going to say, and she narrowed her eyes at him as if trying to figure out what was going on inside his mind.
“Are you gonna tell me what you want to say or…?”
He took a deep breath, “You know,” he began, and she raised her brows at him, waiting for him to continue what he wanted to say, “I’ve already had my future planned out since I was… maybe fourteen? I mean, I already knew what I wanted then—well, I knew what my dad wanted for me, I just told myself it was what I wanted, too—but that’s not the point,” he said. “I told you about my first relationship, right?” 
“Because I had everything planned out already, I always wanted to stick by that plan, you know? And being with someone… that was never part of it, which was why when I got into a relationship during my senior year of high school, I didn't put much effort into it.” He let out a sigh, eyes now glazed over as if his mind was now somewhere else.
“When that ended, I told myself I wouldn’t get into a relationship anymore, not when I thought that I’d probably end up doing what I did back then, but then, you came in, and—Jesus, it probably sounds cheesy, but everything just... changed? I kept wanting to see you, and talk to you, and just—be with you?
"Which I didn't expect, because honestly, after I drove you home that first night, I thought we wouldn't talk to each other again, but not even a few hours later you sent me a game on iMessage at one in the morning,” he recalled, and she let out a laugh. “Then after the second time we met, well… you already know about that, I told you that already—”
“Hyuck,” she interrupted, “why are you telling me this?”
“Because I’ve been thinking about it—this—for a while now. I know it's only been three months since we got together, so I didn’t want to just say it out of the blue. I thought it was something that had to be said during something special, not when it’s the middle of midterm exams week and I’m running on two or three hours of sleep—but you’re here, right now, and all I want to do is to just... say it, so might as well just tell you all of this before I say it, right?
“Say what?” she asked with her brows furrowed in confusion.
"That you've wrecked my plans, Seo, do you know that?" She snorted at that, and he couldn’t help but smile fondly at her before continuing. “And that I think… I think I love you.”
Oh, she thought, I did not see that coming. 
Silence hung in the air after the words had left Donghyuck’s lips, but despite that, he didn’t look one bit worried about whether she would say it back or not. He knew that he had wanted to tell her that for a while now, and although this was not how he had imagined saying it, it still felt perfect—it felt natural, normal—and he thought, wasn’t that just the most perfect moment to say it?
She stared back at him, mouth slightly hung open before she asked, "You think?"
He let out a chuckle before shaking his head. "Yeah, no, I don't think I love you—” he paused, then said— “I know I do."
"You… you do?"
"Yeah,” he replied, “I do."
She let out a breath, then her lips curled up into a smile. "I think I love you too, Hyuck," she said, grinning as he rolled his eyes playfully.
"You think?" he teased, raising a brow at her.
"Dumbass," she mumbled before leaning closer to kiss him again. "I know I love you too, Hyuck."
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SIXTY SEVEN. | prev / masterlist / next
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NOTE. i was listening to 'you are in love' on repeat while writing this....... u can say that is the haera song for now :D how are we feeling besties :D
TAGLIST. @radiorenjun @bluejaem @pink-but-rosie @renjun-pretty @holdinbacksecrets @rynshyuckies @jelllyjae @jenyongcas @whyisquill@beemarkie @morkxlee @hibuki-chan @moonwalkun@lyyhyuck @baekhyunstruly @lilacdreams-00 @ridinhyuck@archivedmkl@najaeminluvbot@jiye0n0 @rensiu @morkleetrash @neo444 @hrjchive @keemburley @soobin-chois @yiz-yo @juune04 @nctasdfghj @hyckio @studywoo @jun5ui @smolpeyy @mahae66 @kkotjia @yoonhanzjaem
HCL TAGLIST. @aedreamzy @rrnhyuck @reinde3r @daegalfangirl @yixingtion @dandelionxgal @thesunsfullmoon @yangsbff @y3jiishot @purpleheejin @prdshobi @vantxx95 @goldryush @minavenue @xpsychoticpandax
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liminalpebble · 1 year
Sex and Death: Chapter 9, Red
Masterlist link 
Smut, so much smut...mostly smut. Minors DNI
Noura unlocked the door to her flat. Magnus gallantly took the grocery bag and held the door open for her while she shuffled inside ahead of him, peeling off her cold weather clothes. As she did, Magnus took it upon himself to start putting the groceries away. When he got near the bottom of the bag, he found a little amulet in the shape of a hand with blue glass eye in the middle and examined it.
He scrunched his pretty face quizzically in a way that Noura found unbearably adorable and asked, “What's this? I saw them hanging over the till,” as he turned the little trinket over in his hands.
She smiled and came over to him, hair mussed from shaking it out of her knit hat. Noura explained, “it's a gift for you. It's called a hamsa. It's supposed to protect you from the 'evil eye' or any other bad luck, I suppose.”
“And does it?” he asked, enthusiastically, as he smoothed out her tussled hair with his fingers.  
Noura chuckled, “Well...I'm a skeptic and an atheist, so I'm probably the wrong person to ask.”
“Then why did you buy it for me?”
She rose on her toes to kiss his cheek. “Because I knew you would find it interesting, and I do love getting that curious reaction out of you. It was worth the 30 kroner.”
Magnus switched his voice, imitating the salesman's tone of a TV commercial. “For less than the price of a cup of coffee...YOU...yes, YOU can be protected from evil. Grab yours today!”. He finished his impression with a wink so cocky it gave her the intrusive desire to both slap his face and kiss him.
Instead she just giggled, and he had to kiss her when she laughed like that. It drew him to her like magnet and it took enormous effort pull himself away once he started tasting her warm soft lips. He reluctantly released her, and turned the small ornament carefully in his large hand. “Shall I hang it on the rear view mirror of the car?”
Noura sighed a little, putting her hand on her hip and leaning against the kitchen counter. “Around here? I'd say not unless you want your windshield broken in. Some folks around here can be...well...hostile.”
Magnus scowled and put a protective arm around her, honest blue eyes searing. “How hostile, Noura? Look, the police know there's Neo-Nazi activity around this part of town. In my opinion, they've been woefully inept about doing anything about it. You being here just isn't sitting right with me...and now the footprints...the angry customer. I don't think this neighborhood is safe for you. I wish you would get out of it.”
“And where exactly would I go?” She asked with an edge of exasperation to her voice, “Magnus, I have no where else to go...neither does Mo...neither does Yasmin. So we help each other here and stick together. Don't you think if we were all able to live somewhere safer we would?”
Magnus blushed and looked to the floor, embarrassed that he hadn't thought of that obvious fact much sooner. What Noura didn't know (but heavily suspected from his posh accent, nice clothes, and expensive education) was that Magnus came from money; the kind of wealth inherited so easily that it makes its more moral recipients ashamed of it. The young detective was this kind of ethical person. He tried, secretly and quietly, to use that money to positive ends; to educate himself, to fund the right things, to act with more understanding and compassion than many of his peers. He tried to stay humble, observant, and sensitive, but the telltale ease and naivete of being born rich seemed to follow him everywhere, especially into situations like this.
He sighed saying, “I'm sorry, Noura. I didn't mean to nag you or insult you or tell you what to do. I'm just afraid for you,” and held her close against his chest. She could feel his breath rolling in and out as he cradled her into himself, kissing the top of her head. His brow furrowed and his heart ached as he held her there thinking, she feels so small in my arms. How do I protect her?
“Hey,” she said very softly, massaging her hand into his curls, “I know you're worried. So am I...but we're doing all we can. We're just resting, not giving up.”
He met her gaze...those deep brown doe eyes he couldn't resist...as his hands moved, blossoming up from her waist, following the curve or her back, the lattice of her spine. As her loose shirt shifted to reveal her shoulder, he took the opportunity to meet it with his lips. As his mouth traveled up to her neck he noticed a silky red strap peaking out tantalizingly, in stark contrast to the drab tee-shirt. He slid his long pointer finger under the strap, sliding it back and forth, feeling the pleasure of satin against his skin. “Oh darling,” he purred out, “And what might this be? Hmm.”
Noura gave a sly little fox's smile and said quietly, “I was just trying to follow your instructions Detective Martinsson. I didn't want to be charged with the crime of neglecting the lingerie drawer.” She pulled his face down, kissing his cheeks, then his neck, before traveling up to run her lips and teeth ever so lightly over his ear. She lapped her small pink tongue against his delicious creamy skin and was rewarded with his rumbling baritone moans of pleasure.
Magnus shivered and grunted, overcome with need for her. He hoisted her by the hips to set her on the counter. She let out a sharp surprised laugh at his sudden enthusiasm. His hands snaked under her shirt as he panted, meeting the hot soft flesh of her stomach and heading north. She gasped and moaned, pulling his broad torso against her and gripping his shoulder as he made quick work of throwing her shirt aside.
“Yes...yes. Please...Magnus,” she purred as his deft fingers hastily freed her of her jeans and socks. He took a step back, drinking in the sight of her perched there in a maroon satin confection of  bra and panties. His reaction mas making her wet; the way he took a step back to admire her, eyes wide, lips parted, chest heaving, high with the heady sight of her.
“Goddd...Noura, you're so beautiful,” he sighed out, cradling her face in his hands as he kissed her deeply, tongues tangling in pleasure. His eyes, lowered as if hypnotized, and he licked his lips when his gaze met her full breasts nestled together tightly, straining against the skimpy garment. He could see her nipples growing hard beneath the the thin fabric and lowered his head to nip at them, slicking the fine material with his wet warm mouth. He freed her breasts, sliding the satin down to reveal her. She reached around to unclasp the bra, but his hand found hers grabbing it tightly.
“No,” he growled, “leave it on.” His fingers found their way under the elastic shoulder straps, this time plucking them against her skin. The surprising little sting sent a thrill through Noura's body as she gasped in surprise.
“Ohhh. Golden Boy,” she purred out, delighted. She slid the straps further down her shoulders for him to reveal more of her cleavage, pressed into a deep cleft by the garment. Entranced, Magnus buried his mouth into the soft valley nipping and licking. “Yes..yes..leave marks. I want you written on my skin.”
He looked up to her, with a smiling but dangerous expression. “Oh pet...I hope you know what you're asking for. I can be...enthusiastic.”
Her dark eyes met his, challenging. “I don't recall asking, Detective.”
His cock ached at her words. He dropped to his knees, pulling her roughly by the calves towards his face. She leaned back, gasping a litany of affirmations, eyes closed in transcendence. The sight of her like this, her lingerie dripping off her body in drapes of burgundy lace, was somehow more dirty, more wanton than if she were wearing nothing at all. There was something irresistible about its only purpose being to beautifully frame the perfect, needy of curves her body.
Enormously pleased, he saw where the fabric of her panties was already soaked for him. He ran the back of his finger up and down her barely-clothed slit, eliciting the most delightfully needy whimper. He mouthed at the soft thick peach of her pussy through the panties, biting lightly at the plump outer lips. He nudged the gusset aside with the long muscle of his tongue as he pulled her closer to his face, reaching deeper into her wetness. She let out a sharp yelp of pleasure then moaned his name as if it were the only word she could remember while he fucked her with his tongue.
His movements and hot heavy breaths were pushing her quickly to an orgasm. “Magnus...I'm...I'm going to...”. Her voice came out cracking, high and breathy.
He moved away from her core, blue eyes piercing her as his glistening lips said, “Don't you dare, sweet girl. Not yet. Can you do that for me...be good?”
Her big sweet eyes looked uncertain and a little nervous. “I...I don't know if I can hold back. I'll try.”
Magnus chuckled. “That's all I'm asking for, my sweet sweet girl. I want to make this earth-shattering.” He kissed her thighs and calf as he moved away from her center, decorating her legs with her own wetness.
She said between gasps, “well....I know...you are a perfectionist.”
He chuckled, then stifled it in mock-seriousness saying, “Stand up, Ms. Harik. Hands against the counter.”
She obeyed and chuckled, saying sarcastically, “is this a strip search, officer? I'm not sure what you think I could possibly be hiding.”
He whispered over her shoulder, settling his chest against her back, “You'd do well to comply, Ms. Harik.” She noticed he had taken his shirt off, and the sensation of his warm hard chest and stomach against her back sent yet another electric jolt through her.
“Bend over. Spread your legs,” he ordered crisply, kicking his foot gently between her ankles to urge her to stand wider. He broke character for just a moment, sweeping her hair away from her ear to ask in a whisper, “Is this okay, darling? If not...”
She turned and kissed him hard to shut him up, biting his lips lightly. She shimmied her ass, in its skimpy underwear, up against his proud erection and said, “I love it, Magnus. Please...give me all of it.”
He gave her the semblance of a pat down, running both hands down her arms, and under, then over her waist, grazing the outside and inside of her legs. When he got to her core, he grabbed it roughly, making her moan. Noura could hear his belt being undone, the fabric dropping, and went weak at the idea of his firm bare ass pumping while his jeans pooled over his powerful thighs. She yelped in surprised response to Magnus pulling her back roughly by the center line of her thong. He ran his fingers up, gathering the fabric in the front so it bunched between her lips in a hot line of friction against her clit and entrance. He tugged again, hard, and a sharp stab of arousal traveled through from where it rubbed and strained against her engorged skin.
He grabbed her hips firmly, and begin grinding the length of his cock along her slit.
“You want it rough, Ms. Harik?”
“Uh huh.”
He released one hip to pull her closer by her thong eliciting a yelp. “A proper answer, Ms. Harik.”
She panted, “Yes...Detective.”
“Good girl. Now beg for it.”
“Please...Please, Magnus. I can't wait anymore.”
In one quick, full thrust he was sheathed in her, filling her up to the hilt as he bucked his hips at and angle, pushing her to tiptoes. He dug his fingers into her hair, lifted it to expose her ear and neck as he caged her with his strong body. “Tsk tsk...I'd prefer 'Detective Martinsson' from you, my dear. Show some respect!” he admonished, lips and teeth meeting her ear, neck, and shoulder as he began slid his cock back and forth gently.
She turned her lethal onyx eyes to him over her shoulder, retorting, “Make me.”
He gritted his jaw and his sweet blue eyes transformed to hard steel. He exhaled a deep, “Ohhhh...darling,” as he snaked his arm around to hold her breasts, “I'll do better than that. I'll make you scream it.”
He bucked hard, pulling at the soaked fabric of the thong where it was now pushed aside to make room for his generous cock. Magnus could hear a tiny rip, but the couldn't let up, pushing harder and fasted egged on by her litany of affirmation. And finally she hissed out, “I'm...coming, Detective.”
He smacked her ass hard. “Mmmm. Come for me, darling. Come all over me.”
She clenched around him and shuddered, moaning and gasping as her head dropped to rest on the cool counter top. His release chased her quickly in fast sloppy thrusts until he spilled, warm and thick inside of her.
Exhausted, they both slide down to the floor, filthy and dripping and utterly spent. Noura shivered at the cold tile against her skin, so Magnus laid on his back, gathering her into his warm arms.
She could feel a breathy chuckle roll through his chest as she laid there and he said, “Just resting, huh?”
She giggled and panted. “Yeah...yeah...just resting.”
Taglist: @peacefulpianist @peaches1958 @icytrickster17 @sired-to-hybrid @mjsthrillernp @acidcasualties @loz-3 @annoyingsweetsstranger @alexakeyloveloki @marcotheflychair @muddyorbs @smolvenger @sweetsigyn @goblingirlsarah @lovelysizzlingbluebird  
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wildtornado-o · 2 years
Marked down a lot of Roman Holiday scenes during my reread, I love this book so much.. (all ones that just made me smile asdhfksd) and I wanted to share them <3 (under a read more)
"Roman squeezed Melanie's hand reassuringly. He needed her and her sister to remain calm"
"She held up her screen to show him a drawing of an evil, grinning face, carved into a pumpkin 'I like his attitude, you can do that?'"
"No one had ever given him a gift before, either. What were you supposed to say when someone did something nice for you? 'Well. Thanks.'"
"She made a finger gun with her free hand and pointed it at him. He laughed. 'You got me!'"
Asking about Neo's school lol "'So, how was school?' He asked. 'Learn anything?'"
"'More specifically, this this for you,' he said. Neo took the box delicately from him. She weighed it in her hands. She shook it. She pressed her ear against it. 'Don't worry, it isn't flowers.' She stuck her tongue out at him. 'Go ahead. Open it.' He sat on a stool by the counter and watched as she untied the string and peeled off the brown paper. Inside was a pink cardboard box. She shot him another glance. He spun his seat around 'It's really not flowers.' She lifted the lid off the box and rummaged around in the pink and white tissue paper before she found what was inside. Her eyes went round like saucers and she hopped up and down. Then she pulled out a parasol."
"She slashed it back and forth in the air, with a rapturous expression on her face. 'i can tell you hate it,' Roman said. Neo sheathed her weapon and leaned on it with her hand, placing the other over her heart. 'Don't get mushy on me,' he said gruffly."
"'These aren't mine, officer. I've never seen them before in my life!' She pulled a hanger off the rack and held it out to him. It was a long white suit jacket with red lining and gold buttons. It was just his style and just his size. She held up another hanger with a black shirt and pants and a gray scarf.- 'You made me a new outfit?' he asked. She nodded."
"'It looks good,' Roman said. Neo pouted. 'Great actually. Really nice work. We look like quite a team. She snapped her fingers, skipped away and returned with his bowler hat. She reached into a pouch and drew out a red feather, which she stuck in the brim. 'Just a regular feather this time, yeah?' he asked. (he def knew that she put a tracker in it again sdhfs) She smiled innocently, then rose on her tiptoes and placed it on his head. He sighed. 'Your talents are being wasted with me. I might just regret leading you down a path of crime.' Her look said Don't flatter yourself. "
The Doom Cannon.
Her throwing away all the one person jobs <3
"He was basically the only thing that mattered to her in the world right now, and she wasn't going to lose him, too"
"Neo blinked back tears and hugged Roman. 'Hey. Don't wrinkle the suit.' But he put a hand on her head and over her shoulder, and that felt more like home than that house and her parents had in a long time."
"Neo put a hand on Roman's arm and shook her head. He's not a criminal; he's my friend. Well, I guess he's both."
"Her father threw up his hands. 'Do you know what she wants to say?' he asked Roman. 'I do, actually.' Roman looked at her fondly. 'I'm surprised you don't.'"
"He's my friend. A real friend."
"'You were a cute kid. What happened to you?' Neo sighed. 'I'm kidding. Come on, you're usually the fun one. Being back here really bothers you, huh?'" He's so good at reading her
"From this angle, she saw that Roman was similarly paralyzed on the couch, a look of concern frozen on his face. Concern for her."
"Neo looked back at him and cracked a smile. He caught a lock of her hair and showed it to her. It was white. 'This is new. It suits you.'"
"-I mean, I'm still not interested in having a sidekick--' she glowered. 'But I couldn't ask for a better partner' Neo leaned over and kissed Roman on the cheek. His face went red. It was fun to mess with him sometimes. She tousled his hair for good measure. He needed a new hat. 'Stooop,' he said, pulling away."
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So since Ruby’s “Why do I have to be the leader?” rant doesn’t work, like, at all, what do you think it should have been about? And what do you wish to see from it?
No this is totally not an excuse to see you flex your expertise on writing ✨emotions✨ and ✨angst✨, wdym. I am completely normal about the way you are able to yank my heart out and plaster it against the wall no matter the franchise or character
When Crescent Rose hits the ground, the world stops. At least, it feels like it does. Everyone's eyes are on Ruby and her eyes are on Jaune, unable to bring herself to look down at the weapon she just let fall.
“Ruby?” Yang asks. “A-are you o—”
Distant cries cut her off. Jaune panics, the dam breaks, water rushes in, and Ruby can’t move.
Every breath she takes is just shy of enough, so she breathes faster, then faster still, her heart pounding in her chest. Every blink shows Salem, or Cinder, or Neo leering down at her, all of Atlas burning behind them.
And at their feet, at her feet, is Penny, dead all over again.
“Right, Ruby?”
Weiss’s question pulls her back to the here and now. Ruby winds back what they were saying in her mind but comes up empty. She hasn’t been listening at all, she’s just been standing here, and they’re still looking to her? “Why are you asking me?”
Blake straightens from where she’d been comforting the kneeling Jaune. “Um, we just—”
“Because I’m the leader?” Ruby cuts in. She’s staring at them, grouped around Jaune, the very pictures of concern and compassion, and she’s seeing Penny at their feet, and she’s seeing herself too, out cold, lying in the dirt. And maybe she’s also seeing herself alone in the market with an empty jar while Yang claims her arm, and herself alone at the festival while her team rides away on a cat they just met, and maybe, just maybe she can’t get any of that out of her head. “That’s why, right? Because I’m the leader.” She stares at Blake. “Because you’re all following my lead.”
Yang frowns. “What’s this about, Ruby?”
"I thought I could be the leader because I had you. What happened to being a team, huh? What happened to that?” She begins to pace, unable to stay still. “Or is it just 'Ruby tells everyone how to fix things' now? Let’s all watch Ruby while she screws everything up, is that it? Is everything on me, are you all just throwing it on my shoulders,” she rounds on Weiss, “so you can complain and complain about the stupid rules of wherever we are, or”—she turns to Yang and Blake—“sort out your feelings towards each other, and not think about how everything is falling apart? Good for you, by the way. I'm so. Happy. For you."
Yang steps between Ruby and Blake, which only throws fuel on the fire.
“Yeah, protect Blake, she needs it,” Ruby snarls, and she knows she’s crossing a line but she can’t stop. “I should’ve figured turning your back on your sibling runs in the family.”
Yang’s eyes flare red but that reflexive anger drowns in the shock of those words coming out of Ruby’s mouth. That is the opposite of what Ruby wants. She wants, needs, Yang to be mad, to fight back, because then she can throw the raging blaze inside herself at someone else instead of letting it burn her up from the inside.
“Clearly, you’re not okay,” Weiss says into the razor-sharp silence, and Ruby senses the paltry peace offering coming before Weiss awkwardly finishes: “Maybe we should’ve pressed harder.”
Yang’s lips thin and her expression hardens as her surprise ebbs. “No, we did ask. She deflected. That’s on her.”
Ruby clenches her hands into fists and tries to control the inferno before she digs herself any deeper. “I deflected, and that’s my fault?”
“Who else?”
Her nails press into the palms of her gloves.
“If you had a problem,” Yang continues, “you should’ve said something instead of pretending like you were fine.”
The fire erupts.
“I didn’t have a choice!”
“Yes, you—”
“No! Salem has two relics, Atlas is gone, we have no idea if anyone actually made it to Vacuo, and it’s my fault! Or is that thinking too much like Ironwood, Yang? We don’t want to think like that, right? Because we’re gonna save the day, save everyone, because we’re all huntresses.”
She pauses to drag in air, a glimmer of guilty satisfaction shining in her chest at the shocked looks on their faces.
"I’m the leader, so I have to be the one to make it right. Right?" She glares at Jaune, who is still on his knees before the village’s watery grave. "There's no time to break down, is there?"
Tears still shining on his cheeks, Jaune reels as though slapped. That disbelief sparks into anger but Yang catches him by the wrist before he can do more than stand.
“Enough,” Yang says, cutting off his retort. “We’re all a little high strung right now, let’s take a breather.”
Ruby stares, anger unabated, blood roaring in her ears. “I’m sorry, is this a bad time?”
Blake holds up her hands placatingly. “Look, Jaune just watched his village get washed away and Neo just attacked. We should take a minute to—”
“What is that supposed to do?” Ruby snaps. “Are we all supposed to mourn the paper people you were fine with letting kill themselves? Or are we supposed to be sad for a second and then shove it all down? Gotta stay positive, right? Gotta look on the bright side! Gotta save the world with a smile!”
The childish nickname Yang hasn’t used in years cracks like a whip across Ruby’s mind and kicks up the fire anew, but there are only ashes underneath. Years and years of ashes, piled like a freshly-dug grave.
“Shut up.”
Now it’s Yang’s turn to flinch.
Ruby, hollow and cold, picks up Crescent Rose and hugs it to her chest, but the weapon brings no comfort. Nor does Yang, nor her team, nor Jaune, nor the gaping absence on her belt where her mother’s emblem once rested.
“Don’t,” Ruby whispers. “Don’t do that. Just don’t.”
She wraps herself in roses and runs.
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discoscoob · 3 months
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ִ ˙ ✩°˖💿 ⋆。˚ A shameless ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ ripoff from your resident Harry Styles fan :)
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After forcibly removing you from The Matrix, Neo’s hope that you would eventually learn to accept your new life in the real world never comes to fruition. So he has to try alternative measures.
His idea comes from the training programs but he tries something a bit more ambitious, he’s The One so he can practically do whatever he wants. He creates a whole simulated suburban town, designed like the 1950s and he keeps you plugged into it. Your mind is wiped of everything that came before and all you know is this simulation, you believe it to be the real world, you believe Neo is your husband and you’re happily married but you keep having such vivid dreams, where you live a completely different life (the life you had in the matrix) in a completely different world that is far more advanced and you have a successful career, you tell Neo about these dreams every morning before he “leaves for work” (unplugs from the simulation) and he acts amused telling you how absurd they sound.
One day you’re running errands when you see Neo’s car parked outside a motel. You watch him enter one of the rooms and your mind thinks the worst, that he is having an affair. Determined to confront him you storm over to the motel and barge into the room you saw him disappear into, prepared to find him with another woman only to be greeted by an empty room. Your feet quickly rush to the bathroom but that’s empty too. Feeling confused you come back to the room and notice the phone hanging off the hook and carefully put it back while your mind races wondering if you were imagining things. You startle when the shrill sound of the phone ringing echos through the room, making your heart leap out your chest. You quickly answer it and everything goes dark.
When you wake up, you’re in an unfamiliar dark room, you can feel the cold air against your skin as your blurry eyes try to look at your surroundings. It’s hard, your eyes hurt, you’re unaware of how long it’s been since you last used them. You look down, realising you’re strapped down to what looks like a dentist chair, you panic and start crying out for help. You notice all these strange ports on your skin with wires attached, you feel like you’re in a nightmare. Then Neo comes running into the room, realising you managed to escape the simulation. He soothes you, telling you this is just a dream as he plugs you back in.
Once you’re back inside the simulation, you wake up confused, the ‘nightmare’ still fresh in your mind and Neo is there ready to feed you some lie. You fainted in front of a motel he tells you but your memory tells you otherwise, you feel confused, wondering where the nightmare started and reality ended.
The next day while Neo is “at work” you revisit the motel room, it looks just like it did in your “dream” and the phone is sat on the beside table. You sit on the bed and hesitantly lift the phone off the hook and put it to your ear after taking a deep breath. Nothing happens. All you hear is the dial tone. With a sigh you put the phone back down and shake your head, convinced it was all just a dream you return home and your life with Neo continues as normal for a while again…
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jojotichakorn · 1 year
For the ship ask game - kanthua The Eclipse and jimwen Moonlight Chicken :)
👀 considering our conversation about moonlight chicken, i feel like you are trying to expose me KLDFGJLKDFGJFDKJG still thanks for sending these in tho 🤍
do i ship them, and why? big time yes!! thua is my favourite character from the eclipse, and neo always puts his entire actussy into bringing any character that he's given to life. thua and kan's respective arcs intertwine really beautifully as well, like they just Make Sense. and when their lips briefly touching makes all your insides do cartwheels in a way that few actual kissed have done, you know it's Serious.
canon potential: they are fully canon and i have absolutely zero notes in terms of how it actually happened. kan's mixed signals, thua's complex feelings about their dynamic and how he's meant to act, the whole bruce wayne thing, the way that any of kan's fears are forgotten when he gets protective or jealous, the fact that they get together after kan makes that leap and goes to the protest, etc. etc. and i really love the scene where they get together, because kan acknowledges where he fucked up. 11/10 canon dynamic.
opinions on fandom opinions: there's a lot of clownery at thua in general, i think, but in terms of the couple, i'm chill with everyone's headcanons about those two.
do i ship them, and why? how shall i describe this... i don't ship them and don't not ship them, i'm just kinda 🤷‍♂️ ykniwm. just 🤷‍♂️.
canon potential: what can i say, i'm just not the biggest fan of this specific dynamic, where there are certain boundaries established and then the main character goes on trying to cross them. like i know, i know, the boundaries are there for a sad reason and everything ends well, but whenever the message does end up being "sometimes, not listening to what the other person says they want and don't want is the way to go", i'm like "huh?" 😭 also, the fact that they are trying to convince me that the age difference between them creates that big of a disparity, especially when 1) mix and earth look pretty much the same age, and 2) neither of them looks the age they are supposed to be in the series, it just does not land for me. i'm also not the biggest fan of the generation gap as a sweeping statement either, especially when we are talking about marginalised people, who often fall out of those typical patterns because they are directly negatively impacted by lack of progress. and, don't get me wrong, there is some truth to the problem of fathers and sons absolutely, shout out to turgenev, he's my man, but it's not that simple.
opinions on fandom opinions: i have not dived into the side of the fandom that's into the series at all, because - aside from heart and liming - i did not really like it. so can't really say what i agree or disagree with.
send me a ship, and i will tell you why and how i ship them
(list of dramas i've seen)
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bookish-library · 4 months
The Horse and the Infant Staging
The saga that started it all, the Troy Saga! Here is the staging for the Horse and the Infant! Currently The Horse and the Infant will be the only song posted until mid-June, due to life events (nothing bad, just no laptop access). This saga has been so fun to design, and having the opening of the show occur like this is such a cool image and way to start the show.
Ao3 link here, apologies for any formatting issues, it's a little wonky on Tumblr. Story below cut!
Blackout, house and main. During blackout, ODYSSEUS and SOLDIERS sneak onto extension stage (representing the Trojan horse), crowding in a huddle. ODYSSEUS faces audience, SOLDIERS have their backs to audience. They are holding torches, shields, and weapons [spears/swords]. Each has a light somewhere on their upper body, turned off until music begins. Odysseus’ light is placed slightly above his heart, pinning a sash underneath his armor.
As music begins, turn torches and body lights (white) on. ODYSSEUS crouches in front of SOLDIERS, laying out the attack plan.
Alright my brothers listen closely
Tonight we make the Trojans pay
Ten years of war they killed us slowly
But now we'll be the ones who slay
Think of your wives and your children
Your families wonder where you've been
They're growing old and yet you're still here
Do what I say and you'll see them again SOLDIERS:
Yes sir!
(He points to each soldier as he names them, 
they acknowledge)
Diomedes will lead the charge
Agamemnon will flank the guards
Menelaus will let our mates through the gates to takе the whole city at large
Tеucer will shoot any ambush attack
And Little Ajax will stay back
Nestor, secure Helen and protect her
Neo, avenge your father, kill the brothers of Hector!
Yes sir!
(SOLDIERS bang shield and weapon together on each “huh”)
Find that inner strength now Huh!
Use that well of pride Huh!
Fight through every pain now Huh!
Ask yourself inside Huh!
(He thumps his chest with his fist)
What do you live for?
(Another thump)
What do you try for?
(Another thump)
What do you wish for?
(Another thump)
What do you fight for?
SOLDIERS (mimicking Odysseus, thumping chest):
What do you live for?
What do you try for?
What do you wish for?
What do you fight for?
ODYSSEUS (looking out into audience, seeing in his mind's eye):
And Telemachus
I fight for us, I fight for us
What do you live for?
ODYSSEUS (thumping chest):
What do you try for?
ODYSSEUS (thumping chest):
What do you wish for?
ODYSSEUS (thumping chest twice):
I'm on my way
What do you fight for?
(ODYSSEUS whirls and points to the stage with his sword as he yells, curtains part to reveal Troy. There is a wall SR. Lights up normal, cyc dark blue)
SOLDIERS and ODYSSEUS rush the main stage, meeting TROJAN SOLDIERS (red body light) and beginning to fight. If any soldiers die, extinguish their body light. ODYSSEUS fights on extension walkway, close to main stage. As ODYSSEUS steps onto the mainstage, a monstrous version of ASTYANAX rushes at him from SL, striking ODYSSEUS with his sword and continuing past to exit SR. SOLDIERS and TROJAN SOLDIERS continue to fight as they make their way offstage. Unlit, extension stage lowers to set baby cradle. ODYSSEUS cries out in pain (lights flash red), but is somehow unharmed. 
(looking around)
Who was that?
(Cue: Eagle cry) 
(All SOLDIERS should be gone as Zeus (yellow body light) enters. ODYSSEUS turns to face him.)
ZEUS (stepping out DSR wing):
A vision of what is to come, cannot be outrun, can only be dealt with right here and now
ODYSSEUS (stepping towards him):
Tell me how
(Cue: Extension stage rises with baby cradle, continue blackout on extension stage)
I don't think you're ready
(He crosses to CS, taking measured steps towards ODYSSEUS, who counters backwards)
A mission to kill someone's son, a foe who won't run, unlike anyone you have faced before
ODYSSEUS (now standing his ground, gripping his sword):
Say no more, 
I know that I'm ready
I don't think you're ready
(He gestures to extension stage. Lights up on extension)
ODYSSEUS stares in shock and drops his sword (timed with music, on harp entrance).
ODYSSEUS (stepping off main stage, crosses to cradle):
It's just an infant, 
It's just a boy, 
(He looks back at Zeus)
What sort of imminent threat does he pose that I cannot avoid?
ZEUS (remaining on main stage): ENSEMBLE:
This is the son of none other than 
Troy's very own prince Hector, 
(ODYSSEUS looks at the cradle)
Know that he will grow
from a boy to an avenger
One fuelled with rage
as you're consumed by age
(ODYSSEUS looks back at him)
If you don't end him now If you don't end him now
you'll have no one left to save you'll have no one left to save
You can say goodbye to
(ODYSSEUS looks at the cradle) Penelope
You can say goodbye to Penelope
(As Odysseus picks up the bundle, cue extension stage to descend, clear cradle set and send back up ASAP. During the following section, ZEUS’ body light slowly shifts to orange.)
ODYSSEUS (picking up baby bundle ZEUS (crossing back DSR):
then stepping away from cradle):
I could raise him as my own He will burn your house and
Or send him far away from home He'll find you wherever you
Make sure his past is never known The gods will make it
(He turns to face ZEUS)
I'd rather bleed for ya, He's bringing you 
(He kneels)
down on my knees for ya down on your knees for ya
I'm begging please
Oh, this is the will of the gods
(His kneel sinks to rest on his feet)
Please don't make me do this, don't make me do this
The blood on your hands is something you won't lose
ODYSSEUS looks down at the bundle in his arms. ZEUS exits as:
ALL (except Odysseus):
All you can choose is whose
ODYSSEUS is left kneeling/sitting on extension walkway, looking down at the baby bundle in his arms. 
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puppy-phum · 2 years
10 Characters
tagged by the lovely @i-got-the-feels​​ ♥ thank you a ton! am trying to keep this short (and not too serious so forget about cool character analysis for now sigh) bc tumblr crashed. or my old laptop crashed? when i started this the other night but i won’t be giving up so here goes.
(my love for my blorbos is overflowing so placing all of it under a cut to spare ppl who do not care! but please do know i care about all of your blorbos a ton ♥)
so tagging in return: @dimpledpran @i-am-just-a-kiddo @ashenlights @psychic-waffles @s1utspeare @talaypuens @laowen​ @snimeat @luna-lina @machikeita​ @eohachu ♥
Fah (Mek Jirakit) Sky in Your Heart
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- if i had to pick a (fictional) doctor, this would be the guy ♥ - deserves care and understanding more than anything else, so happy prince is giving that to him (communication! my biggest kink!) - an overgrown puppy on the inside, fighter on the outside - will charm you, your mom, and the whole of your friend group. with one smile. - will be a brat about it
Puen (Jimmy Jitaraphol) Vice Versa
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- living his missed childhood in the other universe as he should bc he deserves to be himself for a moment - actually the gentlest man alive - owner of the puppiest puppy eyes you've ever seen, pls don't tell him no - unhinged, horny, and absolutely insufferable. i’m obsessed. - loves taking care of others but is actually a baby ♥ (- jimmy my beloved, i adore thee)
Nam Seonho (Woo Dohwan) My Country: The New Age
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- my poor little meow meow. pathetic. broken. doer of evil deeds yet forgiven and loved ♥ - looks absolutely fantastic tortured and wet. i apologize for saying this (not) - his smile is his greatest weapon, be glad he doesn't get to use it too often (which is to say: give him happiness or else) - i would go to war for him, guess me and hwi have something in common - i would also kill his father for him so. idk. hwi take good care of him or i will replace you?
Riku (VA: David Gallagher/Mamoru Miyano) Kingdom Hearts
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- i know maybe 10% of his whole story but he's my blorbo by choice - the emo boy of my heart ♥ - cool hair my dude, glad it's smaller now - i cry every time he's on screen while i play kh3 bc he's just So Good - did i tell you he's a cliché emo boy antagonist(?) bc he totally is
Cha Siwon (Kang Eunbin) Blueming
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- never will move on from his story arc and all that happened there - he just really gets it. he really gets how hard it is to be loved in the wrong ways, in the ways you cannot enjoy, and then trying to accept the right ways, the ways you can enjoy ♥ - one of the best bl characters i've ever had the pleasure of watching - no one is allowed to hurt him - cradle him and tell him he's good the way he is, i beg
Bai Choufei (Liu Yuning) Heroes
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- i have never ever before been this angry for a fictional character - like yeah i know he's The Worst but he deserved better (from the writers) and i will fight about that - he loves wang xiaoshi so much it's making me want to howl - the prettiest ♥ like pls if evil why so sexy - catch me talking about his final "it hurts" line even when am 80yo and in a retirement home, that shit hurted (- liu yuning the man that you are ;; ♥)
Tin (Tae Darvid) Triage
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- now i feel bad about picking fah as my doctor guy bc tin's here too but ER is different i swear - the character development for him? phenomenal - someone who loves cats cannot be a bad guy - goofiest and the most endearing smile, i love he ♥ - his willpower so strong i bet it would've brought him back from the dead even without tol
Kan (Neo Trai) The Eclipse
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- there are parts of me in this boy and i hate staring into the mirror every friday - but at the same time all i wanna do is pick him apart bc he's Me - if i could collect his smiles into a jar and keep that for the dark days of winter i would - he is so soft it's driving me insane ;; like who hurt you, i will fight them - never thought i'd love a neo character like this, yet here we are ♥
Five (Aidan Gallagher) The Umbrella Academy
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- my fave 15yo grandpa, an absolute icon for us old souls - the best humor ♥ - so young, so old, so tired of this bullshit we call life. why must we remain - the oldest brother yet gets zero respect in that household - i actually adore how smart he is yet he's also just So Dumb (but does this family even own a braincell? questions for the universe)
Theo (Book Kasidet) Enchanté
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- when we ignore the ending of this show, he truly is my beloved ♥ - theo losing his faith to love hit me like a truck. i never recovered. - i am so happy he got his own love tho, happiness looks so good on him ♥ (and so does marriage! thank you vv for that ;; new forcebook series when????) - the maker of chaos, the doer of tiny evils. cat behavior i'd say - his closet is to die for
thank you once more for tagging me and thank you for reading! let's see again, maybe next year, with yet another random assortment of characters :'D 
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maguro13-2 · 10 months
War of Shadow Realm ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 4 Pt.14 ~
[Last Boss Ver.1 : Metal Madness - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Kimial Diehl : It took him that hours to complete his transformation? It looks still incomplete!
Ashley : No, Kidding!
Vector : Hey, fellas! We just got here in the nick of time!
(Sonic's group arrives)
Sonic : Looks like we're just got some group to care of this one.
Grim : You three go on ahead, we'll take care of this one! I've been waiting to stop him in my entire life.
Ashley : But Grim! We can't just...
Grim : Go! Do as what as I say! Get to Ohkubo's cartoonish moon and stop the mad man from destroying the planet!
Ashley : Understood, my Lord!
Kimial Diehl : Wish us back!
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : Tell, Kimial that I said "hi", though! Later! (The three of them leaves)
Grim : Okay, Metal. You want some chaos? I'll give you chaos!
Ashley : So how do we get to Ohkubo's moon.
Kimial Diehl : I know something in cartoon logic. Quick! To the secret entrance! (The girls enters through the secret entrance door)
Sonic : Payback, Metal! You're going to regret on tricking us for playing like a bunch of dummies!
Tails : We won't give up that easily!
Knuckles : I knock the sockets out of you!
Neo Metal Sonic (as Metal Madness) : This time, I will turn all of your victories into despair!
[Mastsr of the Universe - Sota Fujimori]
??? : Yes, Asura! That's it! Show them pitiful humans what it means to be evil! Show the demons that are inside of you! Give the planet the ultimate demonstration to corrupt their minds, conjuring their hearts, and make this planet yours!
Sora : Hold it right there, hooded creeps! So this is him, right? The Grandson of the Kusakabe.
Goofy : You mean that's the Kishin from Soul World? But he doesn't look even demon, and you meant he's literally the grandson of Shinra Kusakabe!
Donald Duck : What a nutcase he is!
Sora : Who are you guys and state your names!
??? : Well, well, what a cold reception from a keyblade wielder like you. But perhaps you didn’t forget someone did you? (The mysterious cloak man unhoods himself to show his Egyptian third eye; Yami Marik from Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Sora : Hold the phone! Yami Marik? And who's the other one? (the other mysterious man unhoods and reveals to be Yami Bakura) Bakura? Now I understand who they really are, it's those guys from that Trading Card-Game show. Yugioh was it?
Ashley : What?! You mean these are the ones that possessed modern day Marik and Bakura? The ones who send people to the Shadow Realm? That's them!? They're the masterminds behind tthe evil forces?!
Shinra (Devil Chaos Chao) : What evil forces that you were talking about?
(The other groups arrives)
Shinra (Devil Chaos Chao) : Hey, isn that...*DBZ SFX : Surprise* (realizing) My Grandson?! This is the Kishin Asura? But he's not even a demonic entity, he's just a guy with a third eye. But my man-made son said that he is responsible for the death and now some heartless jerkass manage to revive him.
Moirai Albarn : So...This was all of your doing! Using a mad man as a tool to destroy the whole planet. You manipulated the real world for Demon Vibe, didn't you?
Maka Albarn : It hardly pains me that Crona and us had suffered a lot to those heartlesses it's because of you guys! I will avenge the people of Earth that you destroyed!
Yami Bakura : Avenge the people that we've destroyed? After what we've told everything in a monitored situation like this, you had your blood and guts to decide that fates cannot be changed, all of the Real World will be swallowed into Shadow Realm. And more importantly, look on the man that you really wanted to defeat. This mad man called the Kishin Asura, isn't the one you expected. It's actually a heartless in sheep's clothing!
Sora : Hold the phone, What?! So does that means...the Kishin's a heartless?! An imposter that tries to make the planet go mad?! So the meisters went all the troubles of saving the real world from an imposter?! How did we not know it?
Yami Marik : Because, Keyblade wielder. It is indeed that the real Asura Kusakabe was killed by the hands of another enemy! You were all bamboozled by Demon Vibe all along! The thing is that the Skull Gang's leader was using you as pawns to protect the devil's legacy, you were all puppets on a string to Necrodeus the entire time! The truth can be a very painful lesson to you! The Gorgon Witch Sisters that wanted this "Crona" earthling to become a God, it wasn't about bringing the madness, it was about bringing the death and Destruction that they craved for!
Ashley : So, I was right about it. That what caused the hatred between the humans and my people, it was all nothing but craving Death and Destruction, all part of Demon Vibe's plan to conquer all the galaxies in the universe.
Tsubaki : So the DWMA'S sworn enemies...they were no evil people nor were the witches, it turns out that the witches fought by the school were a magical tribe originated from Inca Kasugatani, but then I realized that the Men of Shinra's influence had the nerves to keep truth out of it, by calling us "Heroes and Villains of Soul World." They had the nerves to keep truth hidden from the Detectives and the witches their selves!
Yami Marik : You hardly recognized that truth is the best answer to confess the secrets of your world, Assassin! The reason that Shinra's influence made you heroes was a part of a conspiracy that is untold, the legacy of Shinra was the known object that you were protecting from being destroyed, but it's a pity that heartlesses and doppelgangers were only trying to destroy it so that his influence will be vanished forever.
Ashley : So much for you to ask. We won't take this seriously.
Yami Bakura : That heartlesses and nobodies will do something stop the reaches of parasites of the planet like you.
Donald Duck : Oh, you think so?
Goofy : Then who's gonna stop us? You and what army?
Sora : Goofy! Now's not the time to ask that question stupidly...?
[An army of Heartlesses and nobodies appears in front of them]
Sora : We are ambushed army of Heartless and Nobody! Oh no, we're ambushed by Heartless and Nobody!
Ashley : I told you not ask that question!
[The Resurrection of Solaris- Hideaki Kobayashi]
Yami Marik : [laughs evilly] There's no escape for you! This will be your last moment that you will not forget! Soon, the earth will suffer in a world of darkness and despair there is, and of course, your demise that will be your only gift that will ever succumb it!
Maka Albarn : Not a chance! I only admit it that I would never serve Demon Vibe's righteousness. And if I would I did, I suggest that I won't be a pawn in your silly corrupt game. As like if I would see you try, all the way to the very end and...*Heartbeating* Guhh! (Straining in pain) What's happening?! There's something wrong with me! My body...My spirit...my power...[yelling] IS CHANGING!!!
[Critical Moment of Contra - Akira Yamaoka]
[Maka yells in rage]
Yami Marik : Impossible! That power!
Moirai Albarn : Sister! *Heartbeating* Ahh! My power is overgrowing! I can feel my blood boiling! I can feel it! My father's blood. This is what we waited for all this time. I will give you a demonstration and understandings of my true power!
Yami Bakura : Impossible! No one has ever succeeded in able to achieve that kind of power! What trickery is this!?
Shinra (Devil Chaos Chao) : You didn't remember? When I found out that she and her sister shares a common trait with the alien race from a faraway planet, their ancestors were a powerful race of warriors that we're able to absorb the energy that are souls and came to this very galaxy that had dreams of conquesting it.
Yami Bakura : Are you telling me that these two girls are...
Shinra (Devil Chaos Chao) : Yes, that is wisely correct! They are the daughters of Lord Phanto, the Great Phanto King and Ruler of the Galaxy!
Yami Marik : W-What?!
(Maka laughs sinisterly)
[Between Dark and Dawn - Yutaka Minobe]
Maka Albarn (?) : [Shifts in Truth's voice] So, I take it that you would want to bring a conquest to this world that I protect? How pity of you to make truly valiant effort of one's self. I am amazed that I would be a great servant and loyal heir to the race given by my own blood. And I'm afraid that I cannot low a mad man to do that. After all, he is no Kishin, but a foolish grandson of the devil that only wanted nothing but make-belives. The world of Soul Eater sickens me. All of Ohkuboverse is nothing more than a facade of the Shadow Realm!
Yami Marik : Curses! This is the Phantonian Race's true power! They've hiding for a millennium just to unleash their...(realizng) true potential?!
Moirai Albarn : (shifts in Truth's voice) That's real clever of you, Shadow pharaoh. You're persistent that you wanted everyone or the planet to be swallowed into Shadow Realm's clutches. All to be engulfed by the darkness. Humans grieving with the despair is really what gave their hearts, all part of Sephiroth's will. But the despair that I'm giving to those that tries to get their hands on ending the planet that heartlesses have desifed
Yami Bakura : (growls angrily) Cursed that intergalatic menace! Who do you think you are, she-devils?!
Maka Albarn : [Shift in Truth's voice] There's more Maka Albarn than meets the eye, but I'm something different than any type of human that how little you can recall. You can call me...(it's is revealed that she transformed into a Phanto) Phanto Maka!
Moirai Albarn : [Shifting with Truth's voice] And don't forget about me...This is the Phantonian race's true power!
Ashley : No way...this is Maka Albarn' true power?! She turned into a powerful Phantonian!
"At long last, the earth's sworn saviors have finally showed their race' true colors that achieved their perfect form! Their true power of potential has finally made into the most powerful warriors of the cosmos. Thus, the true form of the Phanto Sisters are reborn."
~ Sixty-Seventh Scene : True Blood of Phanto ~
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