#not allowing even the heat we pay for when freezing outside!
bxnyi · 2 years
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acesbelovedwife · 1 year
Warmth part 1/?
Portgas D. Ace x fem reader who can't feel heat
8,1k characters
Part two here!
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It was cold...
Way too cold
You never felt warmth throughout your whole life, but this time it was way worse than any other time. You were just walking on the beach when the coldness hit you, you saw a pirate ship in the distance so you wanted to get a closer look but seems the world decided to finally end you suffering. Your eyes started closing as you fell on the sand. You thought you heard footsteps but it's not like it mattered anymore. You could feel your life was slowly coming to an end...
"Her temperature is way too low, how is she even alive right now?" Marco muttered partially to himself while Ace just stared at your unconscious body "it's gonna get lower than it already is she'll die for sure-" "what if I warm her up?" Ace cut him off. Marco thought for a minute thinking of any other way but this one seemed like the best one to help you at the moment "yeah it should work, just don't do it rapidly we need to take it slow so the body will get used to the temperature in a healthy way" Marco replied. Ace quickly sat on the inflammatory bed pulling you close to him. Your body was cold as ice so he hissed at the contact, but you needed him right now. He didn't even know you. He didn't know what made him so determined to help you, but he didn't bother thinking about that, for now he needs to help you. Maybe it was the feeling that he was needed to someone..
Hours later you were still unconscious but your body seemed to warm up "her temperature seems to be normal now, you can lay her down" Marco told Ace. But as soon as he stopped touching you the thermometer showed once again that your body heat seemed to low down to a dangerous level "what the hell... Why can't her body hold heat on its own?" Marco was confused, he never seen anything like that, he couldn't even give you any meds since he didn't know what was wrong with you. The only thing that seemed to help was Ace, who was keeping you close once again seeing your state worsen. "I'm gonna go find some books, maybe one of them will help. For now, keep a close eye on her. If anything happens come get me" Marco told Ace who nodded actually looking like he payed attention for once which surprised Marco a bit but he decided to ignore it.
You felt weird, comfortable, but in a weird way. You never felt anything like that, without thinking much you wrapped your hands around the 'thing' that was emitting the weird feeling. Was it warmth? No it couldn't be... You heard a grunt in response making you freeze in place scared to open your eyes "huh?" Ace looked down and saw you clench to him for your dear life as if you were about to die if he was to leave. It took him a minute to realize what's happening "oh shit, you're awake! Are you ok, does anything hurt?" He asked you worried "...I'm ok" you whispered into his chest "I'm gonna go get Marco, he needs to check up on you" he spoke fast trying to stand up but you wouldn't let him go. He looked down at you and you looked like you were about to cry "please don't go... I haven't left so warm in my life" you whisper-begged him, he didn't understand. You didn't feel warm? "What do you mean?" He asked confused sitting down again allowing you to hug him close "since I was born I never really felt warm. I could even spill boiling water on myself and wouldn't feel it..." You explained. He didn't know what to do, if he doesn't get Marco he's gonna get his ass kicked by him, and if he does go to get him your state will worsen. He didn't want to take you with him since it was cold outside already, he thought for a second "I'm not going anywhere, don't worry" he reassured, you were so happy you couldn't stop yourself but kiss him on the freckled cheek making him blush furiously. "Thank you thank you thank you!" You kept on repeating hugging him tighter while he shyly hugged you back.
Soon both of you fell asleep considering it was the middle of the night. Marco came back to the inflammatory room to tell Ace he wasn't successful in finding anything when he saw you both cuddled up on the bed. He checked your temperature making him sigh in relief seeing it's normal, when he pulled away the thermometer he saw you move you hands around Ace making him happy to see you're not completely unconscious anymore. Though most of his happiness came from the fact he has now more stuff to tease Ace about with the others. He pulled covers on both of you and went to his room to get some sleep, thinking of what his next course of action should be.
You woke up cold again "maybe it was a dream.." you thought to yourself. You sat up scanning your surroundings, no, it couldn't be a dream the room looks exactly the same. You stood up immediately walking towards the door opening it up, it was cold, but you were desperate to find him again. He can help you, you saw some people staring at you "isn't that the girl Ace found last night?" "I think so-" "where is the guy with freckles?" You cut him off "oh, you mean Ace? I believe he's with Marco and Thatch in the kitchen right now, but you shouldn't be walking around the deck you're sick aren't you?" You didn't bother listening to more and decided to find the kitchen running away, you didn't know where the kitchen was but you didn't care. You just needed to find him, you felt a bit dizzy but decided to ignore it for now "it'll get better when I find him" you thought.
You were opening doors one after another until you finally opened one of them seeing three guys staring wide eyed at you, and one of them was him, the freckles. "What are you doing out of your bed?" The pineapple head started speaking "I told you I shouldn't have left her, why won't you believe me?" "Because it makes no sense!" Both freckles and pineapple started arguing while you started feeling dizzy again "hey girly, you hungry? I can cook for you anything you want-" before the other guy could finish you started falling to the ground, before you could hit the floor though Ace caught you and lifted you up. "Shit, are you ok?" He cursed under his nose, you didn't bother replying and just nodded, you could feel warmth coming from his body making you feel at ease. Marco quickly ran up to you putting his hand on your forehead feeling it get warm rapidly "what the hell, Ace I told you to not warm her up that fast!" Marco scolded him "but I'm not doing anything! I'm just holding her right now!" Ace defended himself, Marco put his hand on his forehead then Ace's, it wasn't hotter than his own "huh-" he was even more confused than earlier "you can't think on an empty stomach, how about we all eat and then think?" Thatch suggested and both of them nodded in agreement while you nuzzled yourself into Ace's chest making him blush and the other two smirk.
You all ate and you got to know all of their names making you feel stupid you didn't think of Ace's name earlier considering he has a tattoo of it. Soon enough Marco started bombarding you with questions while Ace kept you in his lap "so basically you can't feel heat since you're born and the only one you're feeling it from is Ace?" He asked in shock "pretty much yeah" you shrugged "so what do we do?" Ace asked "well, her state got so bad to the point she will die if she won't feel your touch for too long, we don't really have too much of a choice here do we" Thatch spoke while Marco nodded "it's all up to you Y/n, would you like to join Whitebeard pirates? I'm sure Pop's will understand your situation" Marco said, it nade you think for a bit. It's not like you have anything to keep you in your home, everyone always bullies you for your disability, so.. "as long as I can be with Ace I don't mind" you blantly said making Ace cover his face with his hand at your choice of words. "It's decided then, let's go to Pop's!"
Whitebeard was reculant at first but he quickly took a liking to you "I can't fight but I can do other things I can cook too!" You said as Whitebeard laughed at your determination "As long as you don't bother Thatch I don't have anything against it. Now, let's have a banquet for my daughter!" Whitebeard announced laughing as you hugged Ace's arm feeling cold yet again. "Welcome abroad" he smiled making you smile back at him. "Now that I think of it" Marco started catching everyone's attention "how are you gonna sleep?" he finished making Ace's face drop at his words and making Thatch laugh like a maniac while you were standing there confused at everyone's reactions. "She'll need a separate room that's for sure, but considering she needs to keep warm she could just sleep with Ace in his room" Marco continued smirking at Ace making him blush furiously "y-yeah I guess" he stuttered avoiding eye contact with everyone.
The evening came fast, everyone was enjoying the banquet drinking and laughing "Ace is one lucky guy to have such a beauty stuck to him~" one guy said, he was completely wasted just like most of the crew. You laughed with everyone else while Ace had more confidence in his drunken state putting his arm around you being on the verge of passing out after so many drinks "I'm gonna put him in his room, he's gonna pass out any minute.." Izo said being the most sober person along with you. He picked up Ace while you followed them to his room "if you need anything feel free to ask" Izo said smiling while putting Ace on the bed. You giggled at his soft snores, he looked cute "good night y/n" "good night" you replied as Izo closed the door behind him. You looked around, you didn't expect the room to be so clean, you looked at passed out Ace on the bed, he was still in his pants "it must be uncomfortable to sleep in those" you thought, you took them off along with his hat and necklace and pulled covers over his body. You looked around the room and decided to search for any shirts, with no avail "I guess he really doesn't like shirts" you thought to yourself taking off everything except you panties and bra joining Ace under the covers cuddling up to him and soon falling asleep.
Part two here!
I think I'm gonna do like 2 or 3 parts of this but I'm not 100% sure so I'll say with the question mark. Sorry for any mistakes, english is my second language. I hope you enjoyed reading ♡
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onesaltyerik · 1 year
The endless loop of the landlord
Us (meaning me and my two flatmates): Hey so, the conditions in the flat are horrible, the walls have bugs and rats crawling around at night, there's persistent mould no matter how much we air out the place or run the dehumidifier, the carpet is constantly damp in the morning, it's freezing during winter time because the layout of the place makes it impossible for the fixed to the wall heater/dehumidifier to heat up anything outside of the room it's in, there's dry rot in the floor boards and walls, we can't open the windows any more than a crack when we're not here during the day cause the safety latch only allows a tiny little crack to be opened that's not nearly wide enough to allow for proper airflow, this place seriously needs renovation and fixing so we are breaking lease early and moving out.
Landlord: Okay but you signed a clause in your lease that you would provide a new tenant(s) as replacements to move in if you broke lease early, otherwise you'll still have to pay rent here.
Us: .....bruh, no one WANTS to take this place, it's literally rotting, it's not a safe place to live! We can't find a replacement because it's not something that can even house a replacement! Landlord: well then you just have to stay until your lease is up. Us: we literally cannot, our health has rapidly deteriorated, if you want us to stay until the lease is up you need to address the mould issue. Landlord: you should be leaving the windows open the run the dehumidifier. Us: NO, that's what we've been doing, it's not a solution! The problem is the building is literally falling apart from lack of moisture barriers under the floors, you have insect and mice infestations, there's hardly any windows and the windows that exist can't be safely left open all the way during the day when none of us are here cause of work and school because of the high burglary rate. You need to replace the windows so they lock open more than two centimeters, you need to install moisture barriers under the floor boards, you need to replace the dry rot affected areas, you need to put a dehumidfier on opposite ends of the flat so they actually get airflow and dry out that area, you need to replace the mouldy carpet and rotting curtains instead of just telling us to spray it down with bleach and call it a day! Otherwise we are leaving! Landlord: I can't do that with people living in the flat, we would have to work around your schedules. Us: Then let us leave! Landlord: No, you need to find a replacement tenant. Us: That is literally impossible and we are not going to lie and con someone into taking this piece of shit from us! Fix the damn flat or we're leaving! Landlord: (comes to visit) I fail to see where any of the issues are. (completely ignores the literal damages everywhere)
Yeah, so, that's what's happening right now. Fuck landlords.
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Hey. It's my birthday and I'm in danger.
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I dont have a lot of followers and when I needed help affording my medication a few months back, the post flopped. But! It's my birthday on monday and I fear for my safety! My house was broken into in August. I was certain if I made a post then it would flop again and I was embarrassed to even try. Now, my attacker is escalating, and I need to buy security cameras, and you are my only hope.
On august 26th, someone came threw a window my roommate had left unlocked, and stole only from me. My tv, ps4, laptop, and $700 (rent money). Money and material goods are one thing, but the person also took out my vibrator and my underwear and arranged them on my bed, as well as leaving a mug and plate at my desk where they had clearly made themselves comfortable. I was terrified and didn't sleep for weeks, thinking it's my violent r*pist ex roommate trying to scare me or worse.
Last week, my roommate Dawny (@wizardproblem) came home to find our 2 cats outside and shattered glass everywhere. The (we think the same) person this time threw a brick through the bedroom window of my house so hard it left a hole in the opposite wall. A trail of broken glass went immediately to where the money was kept the first time, and when it was not found, they went straight to my bedroom. There they found my rent money once again ($700, my landlord takes it in cash only and I withdraw it as soon as I have it so I don't overdraw my account come rent-time), and, upon opening my drawer and seeing i threw out my sex toys, tore apart my bedroom, pulling clothes off of hangers and ripping books to pieces. Finally, they stole a very personal and intimate journal where I describe my trauma, and went into Dawny's room and took his laptop.
On top of all that, my landlord is making me pay for the window ($600 +tax), and it's freezing in Canada. The longer I can't pay to fix it the more I'm paying for our heating bill. My landlord is also not allowing us to break our lease to move. I moved here in June.
I recognize that getting all of that money plus what our personal belongings were worth back is not possible. However, with my birthday coming up, I need to feel safe in my home at the very least. Any money I receive for this will go to getting cameras/security for my home, and any extra will REALLY help me and Dawny pay for our rent this month.
I'm really begging. If everyone that read this gave me $1 for my birthday it would truly mean the world. Please, please consider and PLEASE reblog this. Having to write this all out is so humiliating, and I really don't want it to be for nothing. Please help. Please.
p4yp4l: cassieheale
proof of stuff:
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smittenzs · 3 years
Rating: G Ship: Lava
(Note: They use Celsius) ----- "You are not going out there in just a t-shirt!" Kai and Cole were in the living room of the monastery, arguing over who was going to go get the mail from outside. The problem wasn't who was going to do it, it was what said person was wearing to go get said mail.
"Kai I do this all the time, trust me I'll be fine," Cole argued as slid his boots on.
"Yes, BUT this is easily the worst winter Ninjago has ever seen. It's snowing like crazy outside, and the thermometer reads -12. You're NOT going out there."
"Kai, babe, look at me," Cole said, grabbing Kai by the shoulders gently. "I do this all the time, and I never feel anything. I promise I'll be fine. Now stop worrying, and let me go get the mail before the mailbox freezes shut, okay?"
Kai sighed, pinching his brow in irritation knowing he won't be able to reason with Cole. "You know what? You're absolutely right," He said playfully as he sat on the couch, knowing well that Cole was going to come in deeply regretting his past decision. "I'm going to pull up a movie for us to watch while you go get what the mailman dropped off. Sound good?"
"See? I TOLD you! I'll be right back," Cole said as he opened the door, and stepped outside onto the courtyard. Kai smiled smugly to himself as he pulled up Netflix, knowing that Cole was probably paying the price for his stupidity right about now.
Suddenly, the door burst open with a shivering Cole rushing in, dropping the mail on the small table next to the door, before slamming the door shut tight. He was shivering like mad, shaking like a leaf as his teeth chattered, eyes wide with his body covered in snow. "Don't you f-fucking start..."
"Well look what we have here!" Kai leered from the couch, giving Cole the smuggest grin he has ever seen from him. "Looks like someone should have listened to me when I told them to put on a jacket!"
"You s-sound like a nagging h-housewife..." Cole shivered, rubbing his forearms with his hands.
"Just get your dumbass over here so you don't catch pneumonia," Kai teased, patting the spot on the couch next to him. Cole, as salty as he was, was too cold to care about getting even. Right now, cuddling with the Master of Fire sounded like heaven. So, he shakily made his way over to Kai, and sat as close as humanly possible to him, allowing Kai to wrap him in his arms as he soaked up all the heat his boyfriend was emitting.
"I'm s-so glad you're like an oven..." Cole shivered as Kai pulled up a movie for them to watch, trying to get even closer, despite being practically on top of Kai.
"You wouldn't even be in this position in the first place if you just listened to your boyfriend for once!" Kai teased, patting Cole's shoulder.
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tasmpeter · 2 years
— ⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿ dirty valentine
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☾ parings: adrian chase/vigilante x fem!reader
☾ summary: adrian and you met once again & you start working on your plan to kill his girlfriend.
☾ warnings: smut, p in v, semi knife play, man handling, oral (fem receiving), mentions of murder, stalking, mentions of drug abuse, small mention of possible relapse, threats of murder, breaking and entering, people being toxic. 18+ minors dni.
☾ authors note: ahhh here is chapter two! here we start getting the plot going and learning more about the characters. most of the action won’t happen until the end of the story, it’s a very a slow burn story. also, i apologize for adrian being an absolute fucking asshole in this chapter, i kinda had to. anyways i hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think
masterlist ☾ requests/asks
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It may seem like it, with all the notes you leave behind and how frequently you find yourself doing it, but in fact, it's the complete opposite. You wouldn't have found herself in this situation if your (ex) husband would come back home to you. So, here you are now, leaving another note at another body, praying to whoever can hear you that Adrian will be behind you when you turn back around. You hadn't seen him since that night in the alleyway. It was like you hallucinated it. You hadn't had one in awhile — your meds help with that — but, with how off you had been feeling recently, it wasn't outside the realm of possibility. You wearing wearing another one of Adrian's old sweatshirts. It still had his scent, you always made sure to set his sweatshirt on the ground before murdering people — allowing his scent to remain. It was two weeks after you had last seen Adrian, and while the snow had all melted, it was still below freezing this late at night. The walk to your apartment was about a half a mile from your latest murder. The cold nipped at any skin that you bared at the night. You started regretting wearing a skirt and sheer tights today.
It was almost midnight by the time you got home. You thanked your past self for leaving the heat on before you left earlier. You made your way to the bedroom you used to share with Adrian, stripping off your tights and skirt, leaving them a pile on the floor. You were about to unzip Adrian's hoodie before you heard a knock at the door. Your heart jumped at the noise and a little voice in the back of your head screamed Adrian! You shuffled to the front door in just his grey sweatshirt, not before grabbing a knife from the kitchen, holding it behind your back — maybe it wasn't Adrian, you had to be prepared. There was another knock at the door before you finally opened it. There was your beautiful boy. Adrian still had his Vigilante uniform on. The mask was still tightened over his head and his red visor masked his green eyes. You set the knife on the entryway table.
"W-what are you doing here?" You asked, tugging down the bottom of Adrian's sweatshirt.
"Why do you have all of my fucking hoodies? I swear, I don't even know I'm missing them unt—. Whatever, that's not why I'm here. Official Vigilante Business, permission to enter the premises, ma'am?" Adrian asked, flipping from his normal self to his Vigilante persona fairly quickly.
"Considering you pay my rent, come on in," You said, opening the door a little wider to let him slip inside. Adrian slinked inside, taking in the changes you made to the apartment. The last time he was inside the apartment that used to be theirs, Peacemaker and him cleared out his belongings, while you were in therapy. You had redecorated a couple things. He noticed that you had got a new couch and a new coffee table. There was a couple of new posters on the wall as well.
"What official Vigilante business do you need to attend to inside my house?" You asked, locking the door and walking towards the living room.
"I'm here to give you an official warning, and I don't do official warnings, so you should be grateful," Adrian said, placing his hands on his hips.
You looked dumbfounded at Adrian, "For what?"
Adrian took a step closer to you, "You know what. Stop killing people or I'll kill you."
You took another step closer to him. The gap between the pair only inches apart, "So kill me then. You won't do it. I know you, Adrian."
In quick secession, Adrian grabbed a knife from his hip pocket and held it against your bare throat, "Don't think I won't, Bunny."
You snarled, "Go ahead, Addy."
Adrian, in a heat of lust and anger, quickly pulled his mask up over his lips and crashed into yours. You kissed back with the same ferocity he kissed you with. You had never kissed him before like this. Never this intense. The knife still hovered over your throat, like a threat or maybe a promise. Your hands made her way to Adrian's dark curls, tugging and pulling and grabbing for anything you could. One hand remained on the knife still taunt against your throat, and Adrian's other hand made his way towards your thinly covered ass — palming and kneading at it. You bit Adrian's lip and you could hear his moans inside of your throat. He threw the knife on the floor and hoisted your body up. You responded, wrapping your legs around his waist as he carried you to the bedroom. Adrian threw you body onto the bed, allowing your lips to detach for a moment. His eyes were hungry with desire and lust. He watched you unzip his hoodie, leaving you bare except for your panties.
You didn't know what the sudden change of heart was, but you didn't care. You would drink in these rare moments you still has with the man you loved. Adrian stripped himself out of his uniform and crawled on top of you. You initiated the kiss this time. It was all tongue and teeth. Adrian's hands were everywhere, same as yours. One hand kneaded your bare breasts while the other stuck its way inside of your panties. Your hands found a way to his cock. It was all lust and frustration. You could feel it as he pumped his fingers in and out of you. Your back arching but your grip on his cock still remained. This went on for awhile. You had never heard Adrian this silent. Even when they kissed, he would still mumble this into your mouth or even break apart the kiss to comment on something. He had a mission this time and he was focused on it. He was focused on it while he pushed himself inside of you, stretching your cunt around his cock. All he had for you were moans of pleasure. No compliments, no dirty talk. Just moans as he slid in and out of your cunt.
When they had both finished, Adrian collapsed on the spot next to you. That used to be his side of the bed. The room was silent expect for the pair trying to catch their breaths. You were afraid if you got up to clean yourself up that Adrian wouldn't be there when you got back. So you stayed, laying right next to him — shoulder to shoulder — and stared at the ceiling, hoping he would say something.
"That can't happen again. I-I'm still dating Augustine," Adrian spoke, sitting up from his spot from the bed and marching over to his pile of clothes on the floor.
You were beyond furious at this point. He slept with you. He had sex with you and is still dating another woman. You knew Adrian had a couple screws loose, but the way he had been behaving recently was new territory, even after being married to him for three years.
"What the fuck, Adrian? A-are you joking? You can't just barge into my house and fuck me and still date that fucking girl. I love you, Adrian! I still want to be with you and you can't just, just do this!" You shouted, searching for a shirt of your own to cover your naked body.
"I pay the rent, by the way. You're welcome," Adrian said, buckling his pants.
You whipped your head around, "You know what I fucking meant, smart ass! W-what are you doing here? Honestly. D-do you want to get back together? What do you want, Adrian?"
Adrian slipped his mask back over his face. His eyes were dead now. Any chance you had of reading him was gone, "I-I was giving you a warning. Stop killing people or I'll fucking kill you, Bunny. I-I'm not playing around."
You chuckled, "Yeah. You were warning me to stop killing people while you came inside of me. How very menacing."
Adrian didn't say anything. Maybe out of shame, out of guilt, out of anger. Maybe because it reminded him of the day you broke up. It was similar in many ways. Adrian acquiescing and you continuing to chase after to him to yell at him more. Whatever emotions Adrian was feeling right now, he didn't have time to decipher them. He simply headed towards the front door and ignored your angry ramblings. He noticed the knife placed on the entryway table by the door and wondered if you had placed it there on purpose. Maybe you planned to stab him in the other arm this time. Adrian didn't take mention of it and simply walked out the door, leaving you in a blubbering state in the living room.
Why do people that love you hurt you the most, you wondered. You had your head in your hands, tears covering your palms. You hated this. You had not wished for this to be your life. You didn't wish for Adrian to leave and confuse you. You just wanted your husband back. You, at the end of the day, wanted a family. You didn't have much of one as a child. Your mother killed herself when you were nine, and it put a permanent scar on your life. A memory that will never escape your mind, no many how many decades pass. Your father, who was never any better before your mother died, completely gave up once your mother died. You ended up moving in with your grandparents, who died when you were nineteen. Maybe that's why you wanted Adrian back so badly. Maybe you were clinging on to this idea of a family. Maybe you just wanted someone to love you. However, the only thing currently stopping Adrian from rejoining with you was Augustine Warren. The gorgeous and ever capable woman who was the complete opposite of you. In that moment, you knew it was time to set your plan in motion. You would do whatever it takes to be with Adrian again.
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You found yourself outside of the abandoned video store that Task Force X called home. Your memories of this place were scarce. You had only been inside a few times. Once to give Adrian his lunch, another time because he injured himself badly and needed a ride home, and one last time when you had an episode and showed up unexpectedly. From what you remember of the interior: Harcourt had the large main office that was sealed behind its own glass door, there was a group of tables in the main corridor that sat Leota, Augustine, and Economos. Augustine had a larger medical set up in the upstairs room that housed more medical supplies. Besides some leftover video store clutter, there was nothing else worth note for you. It was around nine at night when people started to trickle out of the office. You had made station across the street, outside of a convenience store. You watched as Adrian and Augustine, hand in hand, stumbled out of the office laughing. You couldn't make out what they were saying, but watched as Adrian leaned down to kiss her. He wrapped his arms around Augustine, as he just did with you the night prior. Adrian's hands snaking around Augustine's body. It made you sick watching it, but you didn't know for what reason. Maybe you were sick watching Adrian grope a girl after coming in you the night prior, but the more plausible — and worse — reason was because you were jealous. You were jealous watching Adrian stuff his tongue down another girl's throat.
The rest of the group spilled out of the offices, groaning at the couple making out in the parking lot. You heard some partial — and loud — comments Chris shouted at the couple. There was laughter and then the rest of the group got into their cars and started leaving. Adrian and Augustine slowly made their way to Adrian's car, still clingy onto each other and pressing kisses to each other's bodies. There was no way you could follow the car on foot. So, you decided on the next best option. You waited until the car pulled out of the lot and disappeared down a side street before making your way towards the video store. You didn't want to attempt to bust in the front door, it was off a busy street and too may cops drive down that road. You made your way around the back and found a window. While it wasn't opened, it was unlocked and you easily pushed it open. You climbed inside of the store and took in your surroundings. It was the medical room. You poked at some of the random supplies: gauze, needles, IV drips, bandages. You noticed a bottle of morphine and debating slipping it into your pocket. You decided against it, but slipped a bottle of Xanax into your jacket pocket instead.
What you was actually after was Augustine's file. Any record on her, or where she lived, would help Theodora out tremendously. You made your way down the rickety floorboards, wincing at every creek. Your hands were stuffed into the coat pockets of Adrian's old jacket, your hands clutching onto the bottle of Xanax. Finally, you managed to find Harcourt's office. Thankfully, it was unlocked and you slipped inside, not bothering to shut the door behind you. You found a file cabinet and began digging through its contents. You skimmed through mission reports and other meaningless paperwork before you finally found the file she was looking for — Augustine's. You flipped through the papers. Name, date of birth, a list of qualifications.
One thing that did stand out to you was an official reprimand from Amanda Waller. According to the document, Augustine was written up and moved to another team regarding an incident with her male coworker. Interesting. You decided to take a picture of the report for later — just in case. You flipped through a couple more papers before finding the location of Augustine's current apartment. It was only a couple blocks away from the video store. You snapped another photo of the address before slipping it back into the appropriate slot. You were going to have a long night.
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Augustine had decided to spend the night at Adrian's apartment — maybe because he begged her to sleep over. The current emotion Adrian was feeling, he didn't understand it. It was like someone was eating away at his stomach and he wanted to throw up. While he didn't understand it, he did have an urge to please Augustine. He wanted to get on his hands and knees and do whatever she wanted. Was that a symptom of the feeling? He didn't know and he honestly did not care enough to figure it out. So, that's how Adrian found himself eating Augustine's pussy not even twenty four hours after he fucked Theodora. It seemed like Augustine was having a good time, at least, but Adrian couldn't seem to get out of his own head. He wasn't even hard, and eating pussy usually makes him excruciatingly hard. After the third time Augustine came on Adrian's lips, she pulled him up to a kiss.
Augustine pulled away and brushed a loose strand of her hair behind her ears, "Are you alright, Adrian? Y-You're not even hard, and you are like, always hard."
Adrian huffed and slammed his head onto his pillow, "I know. I'm sorry. I-I just seem stuck in my thoughts today, I guess."
Augustine laid down next to Adrian, propping her elbow up to rest her head, "I thought you said that introspection was for losers. Are you becoming a loser, Adrian?"
Adrian slipped his glasses back on and ran a hand through his head, "N-No. Ugh, I just don't know what's going on with me. It's gross, I hate feelings."
Augustine traced patterns on Adrian's bare chest, "I-Is it about your ex wife?"
That shocked Adrian. In the four months they had been dating, Augustine never once mentioned his ex wife's name and neither did Adrian. It was like, an unwritten rule between them that no one shall dare mention her. He honestly didn't know how to respond. He could tell her the truth, that Adrian slept with his ex wife and kissed her a couple weeks prior and she's murdering people to get his attention. But that conversation would end with Augustine packing up her things and probably never speaking to Adrian again, so he decided to lie. It was easier, anyways.
"K-Kinda. S-She, she is complicated. Very complicated," Adrian said as he ran his fingers through his hair again. He didn't feel bad for lying to Augustine. It actually came more natural than he expected.
Augustine's natural pink lips turned into a frown, "You know, you can talk to me about stuff, Adrian. I-I'm a good listener."
Adrian huffed again. There is no way out of this one, "When I first met her, she was a really bad drug addict. Like she did everything from weed to heroin. I-I actually first met her as Vigilante, because she was buying heroin and I killed her drug dealer. W-We kinda just started hanging out after that, and I helped her get a therapist and get clean and everything. S-She also has schizophrenia, which is why she did drugs, to calm the voices in her head, I guess. W-We never really fought, well, we did sometimes. But, it was always over dumb shit. Like, she would yell at me for hurting myself when I'm out as Vigilante or she would say that I was spending too much time out. Whatever, but, the day we broke up, we got into a really nasty fight. She was out of her meds and I forgot to pick them up on my way home from the store, and I guess she was having an episode when I got home. She just blew up on me. Like total, complete meltdown. We were just yelling at each other, saying horrible shit. I-I guess I said something over the line because she ended up stabbing me with a steak knife. That's this scar," Adrian pointed at the jagged stitches in his arm, "I guess our neighbors called the police or something, because the cops showed up after that. They wanted to arrest her, but I didn't press charges. I sent her the divorce papers like a week later, and I haven't seen her since."
Augustine sat for a moment, thinking over her choice of words before responding, "I'm glad you shared that with me. I-I didn't know she was mentally ill."
"Yeah, big time. She told me that her mom gave her the disease she had. Always used to say that it's the only thing her mother gave her before she killed herself." Adrian said, before taking his glasses off and setting them back down on the table.
"No more of that though, let's get back to business," Adrian said, sliding back on top of Augustine and laid her flat on her back before connecting their lips.
And the entire time Adrian was fucking Augustine, he dreamt it was you.
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volleychumps · 4 years
hey hey hey i love you & your work 🥺🥺💕 can i request hc or scenario (up to you, love) of akaashi, ushijima, & tsukki being cramped on a busy subway train with the girl they like and having to like be v close & trying to give each other room but there IS NO ROOM and ! there’s a pervert feeling her up and they see she’s Very Uncomfy and save her from it? thanks ily 💓💓 congrats on 3k
Thank you for 3.4k! Have some fwuffy scenarios you guys seem to like protective boyos tehe 
Protecting their Crush on a Subway w/ Akaashi, Ushijima, and Tsukishima
Warning(s): depictions of harassment 
He knew you rode this train. 
It was an evident fact that stood out in his mind when he would board after a grueling practice, instantly seeing you in the same spot at the same time of the day after your own club activities, either immersed in a book or your playlist, a light tune in your throat. Akaashi would make sure to always sit on the other side, risking a glance at two at you from the other side of the subway train, always keeping a distance- yet always keeping you in sight. 
And it was evident that the setter had no intentions on acting on any blooming feelings he felt emerging from your small giggles reserved for yourself, or even the tasteful choice of book of the day you flipped through. He was satiated from his distance, hands tucked away in the warmth of his pockets as he watched you hurriedly tuck your novel away and get off at your stop. 
Until the day came where the distance was closed. Harshly. 
He wondered where you were as the sun set and the train conductor was making their final calls, the subway growing unbearably cramped- a fact he noticed as soon as he realized your absence- not being able to handle the small quirk to the corner of his lips when you stumble on out of breath just as the final call was being heard. 
Blue-green eyes watch from a peripheral view as you bite your lip at the sight of your seat being taken, looking around kind of lost before your eyes fell on his school uniform. Akaashi tilts his head, scooting just enough towards the person next to him to make room that had your eyes brightening at the motion. 
 Your grateful smile had both corners of his lips quirking up now, and you sit graciously in the seat next to him while whispering a small thank you, now not having to stand up and hold onto one of the rails. He simply nods, looking down at his own book but not really paying attention to it, noticing a bit too late that your leg was pressed tightly up against his. He feels the blush emerge before he can stop it, but keeps his eyes on the inked words. 
But his leg wasn’t the only one yours was pressed against. 
He feels you stiffen mere minutes after the train began to move, and his blue eyes drifted to his left to break the ice and talk to you-
and he wished they had sooner. 
Akaashi’s eyes narrow at the sight of a dirty hand inching towards your thigh, exposed from the skirt of your school uniform. You were quiet and reserved at school (one of Akaashi’s favorite traits), and was most likely not the type to speak up when an incident like this was happening. And he wasn’t either. 
Until now. 
He casts a glance to your face to see you near tears, face flushed in embarrassment as you internally struggle with the choice of making a scene, prompting Akaashi to shut his book with a sharp clap, feeling your trembling increase as the hand slides up further. You feel his breath tickle your ear as you look at him slightly, watery eyes blinking in confusion. 
“Excuse me, L/N-san.” 
Your eyes widen a little bit when Akaashi’s arm wraps around your waist, reaching behind you to snatch the other side tightly, pulling you into his side snugly so far away from the perv next to you that your leg is almost on top of his. Akaashi ignores the thump in his ears and heat in his cheeks as he rests your head on his shoulder, lifting his head slightly to shoot a venomous glare at your perpetrator over your head. 
The old man laughs nervously, deciding it was a good time to get off as the train came to a stop, nodding once to Akaashi before making a hasty exit. 
Akaashi sighs, narrowing his eyes further when he saw all the extra space, signaling that the old bag had been pressing up to you on purpose. He lets go of your waist immediately, not surprised you scrambled off him as fast as you did. 
“I’m sorry for acting rashly, I-” 
“Thank you!” You bow deeply, now having the room to do so as the volume of the train car had lessened drastically. “A-Akaashi-san, right? I see you around school sometimes so don’t freak out, I know you’re a gentleman! How do I make it-?” 
You tilt your head, and Akaashi hums, content look on his face as he opens his book back up. 
“You missed your stop.” 
“You...know my...?” 
“Will you allow me to walk you home when my stop comes?” Akaashi rushes out, internally beating up for his mistake before a warm smile crosses your face, the setter relaxing at the sight of it as you nod once. 
“I’d like that.” 
“Very well.” Akaashi clears his throat as you shift a bit closer to him despite the distance you could easily put between the two of you. 
“What are you reading?” 
Akaashi feels his lips curl again, anger fading away as he tilts the book in your direction to explain, legs touching one another voluntarily-
suddenly glad the distance had been closed. 
He always stood two hand rails down from you. 
The train ride home had always been a rather cramped one, but the regulars on this train were the same people who knew that the certain railing you were holding was yours at this time of the day. And Ushijima’s railing was his. 
Two away. 
Ushijima saw the way your face lit up when you talked to Tendou, the kind smile gracing your features enough to make a foreign feeling bump around in his chest as he stood off to the side awkwardly. Tendou had flicked your forehead, and you had pouted in his direction with the most adorable eyes-
“Are you just going to let your friend bully me?” 
And then you had taken his arm, sticking your tongue out at Tendou as you pretended to begin to pull him in another direction. 
“Just for being an ass, I’m stealing your one and only Ushijima~” 
But the funny thing? He found himself wanting to go in the direction you had wanted him to, your small hand wrapped around his bicep as the wing spiker tried to translate just what he was feeling. 
And when you let go, he blinked. And blinked some more as you giggled and waved as you walked off, suddenly wishing Tendou hadn’t interfered as the redhead places a curse on you from afar. 
He glances at you, hand loosely holding onto the holder above your head, eyes cast downward. You probably didn’t know you were on the same train, seeing that you never looked at your surroundings much due to your focus on your phone. 
But he suddenly wished you looked around you before you left yourself vulnerable to the person who wasn’t a regular on the train. 
Ushijima’s glances turn to a full on-stare at what was happening, eyes hardening at the sight of some geezer approaching you from behind, resting his front against you as you freeze. The brunette boy watches as your face contorts to one of fear, the phone screen turning off and stopping it’s illumination on your face. 
And then you glanced around for help, instantly locking eyes with him. 
Ushijima moved hastily, maneuvering around the oblivious passengers before stopping to tilt his head intimidatingly at the man pressed up behind you. 
Two handrails away. 
“Y/N, there you are. I was starting to think you missed the train because I didn’t see you.”
Ushijima smoothly steps between your harasser, taking his place and ignoring the slight stumbling of the pervert, keeping a respectful distance from you before his hands rest on the same handrail. Olive eyes peer down at you, his worry for you winning against the anger in his head. 
He glances behind you, eyes narrowing down into a glare as the old perv whistles and looks in every direction except his, Ushijima’s height and pissed-off expression now very apparent. 
“Something you needed, sir?” The words come out lacking any form of respect, and the geezer only shakes his head no hastily before making an excuse to go to the other side of the train car, leaving as the train comes to it’s next stop. 
Ushijima doesn’t take his eyes off of him until he’s out the doors, huffing through his nose with a shake of his head before glancing down at you, seeing a slight quiver to your shoulders before sighing. He goes to move away, wanting to give you much-needed space-
but your hand grabbed the side of his school jacket before he could take a single step. 
Olive eyes widen at the tear that slipped your eye as you looked up at him, tremble in your voice. 
“Could you...stay there?” 
And the thump was back in his chest, Ushijima merely nodding once as you relax your grip on the side of his jacket, facing forward again as you hastily wipe at your eyes. 
“Um, sorry to ask, but could we maybe ride the train together going forward-?” 
You turn again at his abrupt response, the kind smile filling your face in relief as Ushijima finds himself giving a content one back, tightening his grip on the railing-
now no longer two rails away. 
He preferred to stand. 
Lesser chance that people would have to be so close to him, easier to mind his own business, his height giving him an innocent view of...
You who sat with one leg crossed over the other as you absent-mindedly stared at the outside flashing by with the speed of the train, lost in your thoughts as the tall blonde who held the railing a few feet away could watch as you entered your head- void of reality. He would watch as a book lay-half open in your lap, your thumb holding your place as you watch the world from outside the train window flit by.
Tsukishima liked how lost you got. 
Like the day you had bumped into him, the blonde already pissed about getting to school late before now having deal with disheveled you, jacket hanging halfway off your body and still pulling a shoe on. You had looked up at him with a doe-eyed expression, apologizing profusely as Tsukishima remained indifferent, this close to snapping before- 
“Here! Take this, you’re late too so you probably didn’t get to eat anything-” 
And then a pastry was shoved into his hands before you were running off into the entrance, waving backwards before turning around slightly, the blonde boy bewildered as a wide grin passed your face- 
“See you around!” 
Tsukishima found himself wanting to do the same as well, unwrapping the pastry that was much too sweet for the morning-
still chewing on it as he mildly walked up to the entrance you had darted off in, now not annoyed at the fact that he had been late in the first place as sugar coated his tongue. 
Tsukishima kept you in his line of sight, immersed in his phone while knowing if you had caught him it would probably be translated as some creepy action, but you never had looked away from the outside. He wondered what would happen in the case that you did, knowing he surely wouldn’t be trying to get your attention- 
And he suddenly wished you would look away to notice the odd man oh-so-casually gripping the railing that was in front of your seat, stepping in front of you with no good-intentions behind his smirk. 
Tsukishima loses his grip on the railing above as the man begins to talk you up, you flinching at the sound of the voice in surprise before innocently peering up at him with that same doe-eyed expression-
the look on your face a bit too familiar with the blonde as the man nears even closer, a look of uncomfort passing over your face as it looks like you’re kindly telling him that you’re still a high-schooler.
Tsukishima feels his jaw clench when the stranger grabs a few strands of your hair, rubbing it between his fingers as you flinch away, his hand darting out to grab your face-
“Oji-chan, that’s not a very nice way to touch a girl, is it?” 
The smile on Tsukishima’s face was feigned so-obviously, golden-brown eyes spinning in a dangerous glint as he tilts his head, smile straining as he raises his voice. 
“If I didn’t know any better, it would be harrassment if that girl didn’t like it- oh! Is she crying?” Tsukishima clicks his tongue as the onlookers begin to take their phones out, whispering amongst themselves in judgement as the perpetrator stumbles over his words. 
He casts a glare to the blonde as Tsukishima’s grin only widens, scoffing before getting off the train as it comes to it’s next stop. Tsukishima ignores the applause when the perverted man steps off, merely stepping in front of you and gripping the railing above as you look up at him with eyes brimmed with tears. 
The grin fades as Tsukishima sighs, collapsing in the now-open seat next to you before looking straight ahead, voice now it’s signature monotone as he sits his bag next to him. 
“Oi. You can cry. I won’t judge you. Much.” 
And he doesn’t stop you as you lean your head on his shoulder and let your tears of relief slip freely down your cheeks, the blonde shooting glares at anyone sending you pitiful looks until your stop comes. You wipe away your tears hastily, looking behind you in confusion when Tsukishima grabs his bag to get up with you. 
“Are you dense? I’m walking you home.” Tsukishima glares at you, daring you to comment on it before grabbing your forearm and dragging you off the train, your sniffling filling his ears as he begins to walk out of the station. 
“Hm?” You manage out after directing him to where your house is, the blonde still three steps in front of you as his hold on your forearm tightens just a little more. 
“Wait for me after school. You’re riding with me from now on.” 
“Okay? Goodnight.” 
Tsukishima turns on his heel, wishing he could hear your door open to ensure you get in okay before your voice makes him stop mid-step. 
“T-Thank you! I’ll be waiting after school...Tsukishima-Kun.” 
The blonde glances behind him, lips curling up into a smirk at the sight of a pretty smile now filling your face in the moonlight. 
“You won’t get lost when you’re with me, idiot. Let me see you go in before I change my mind.” 
General Works: @takemetovalhalla @savemesteeb @kasandrafaye @dreebbles @yams046 @aprettyfruit @therestless101 @dai-tsukki-desu @lifeisntjustblackandwhite @curiouslilbeast @wisepandaslimeland @deadontheinsidebut @lmkjimin @h0ngh0ngh0ng @theworldupthere @itz-tooru @orangegiraffe7
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
Where There Is Change
Last Name Wayne
First *** Previous *** Next
Okay so I know I diverged from cannon, but I think you’ll all like this.
The moment that Damian agreed, they left.
She immediately placed their phones and electronics into storage, so this game would be a little more fun.
Mari "chose" the first place that they teleported to was Paris. The irony was not lost on her.
The place that kicked her out was the first place that would open up to her. But then again most of the city adored Marinette they loved Lady Scarlet even more, but that wasn't general knowledge.
She and Damian know it is a matter of time before B figures they left the country, but hey. They mostly stuck to going between super cities in the U.S. before. But right now, it mostly was her showing him around the city the museums and then getting really inspired by the scenery.
If she was prepared with several different sketch books and pencils for both of them it was an added bonus.
She knows she subconsciously picked Paris and after a few hours it might be smart to jump again. So, she let Damian decide on a place where he wanted to go. He did warn her that if they were spotted, they need to leave immediately, but she didn’t really see a problem with it.
Because granted they’re both Wayne's, and Wayne's if you know them well enough, they will be able to hand your ass back to you on a silver platter smiling as if it was the greatest thing in the world.
So, they jumped again.
This time it was her turn to be awed by what they saw.
They were in a small alcove completely hidden; in the cave they were in the face of it was covered by bushes. But looking out she saw the mountains in the far distance it appeared to be a lake no it was larger maybe it was the ocean. Right below her was a lush courtyard filled with plant she's only seen and one other place, but the heat here was tremendous, and the sea that she could see was in the wrong direction. Apart from being far, far, far too close to where she originally thought they were.
She was going to lean forward a bit and completely break through the bushes that were covering them when a hand pulled her back. She looks back and sees her little brother holding onto her.
"We have to stay hidden Nettie, are above the League of Assassins." He whispered so quiet she could barely hear him about ten inches away, so she’s not taking this lightly.
She nodded, and they stayed there, silent. The only sound was of graphite on paper.
Then everything changed.
On instinct Marinette shot out her arm, a wooden imperial yo-yo appeared in her hand, with a quick flick of her wrist she stopped the projectile, lodging it within the wood. A quick glance at her brother and she opened up portal behind him and pushed him through without a word, closing it behind him.
She knows that it’s more dangerous if they find him here than her, so she stayed behind.
She removed the projectile and examined it, a blow dart likely with poison, seeing as a liquid was seeping into the wood of the yo-yo. She created a replica of the dart and stored the poisonous one and her yo-yo back in storage.
She took a quick breath and punctured her arm where the dart should have originally landed. And fell to the ground, slumped down.
She kept her face relaxed her body limp and she felt three, four, five separate sickly deathly auras around her. She kept her breathing at minimum, light, almost as if she was asleep. They picked her up and moved her. She realized immediately that she was being taken down the mountain, taken deeper into the League of Assassins.
Five assassins she can take them. But the one thing repeatedly crossing her mind was one phrase.
'How dare these assholes mess with her family! Her little brother! They are going to pay!'
Because she is a Wayne, and Wayne’s protect their own.
She was eventually dropped in a large room, from what she can tell, if the echoes were any indication to what she was thinking the size of the room could be. There were three more auras in this room, aside from the ones she passed to get here. What surprised her was she recognized all three.
Still acting unconscious, she heard a woman’s voice, Talia Al Ghul, speak. "What business do you have to bring this child here?" It was phrased as a question but seemed more like a snarl or demand than anything else.
"She was captured on the grounds. She’s an unknown." Was what was reported by one of the people in who had dragged her down here.
Then she heard a chuckle.
"She’s awake." That voice, she recognizes that voice. Her entire previous plan was now completely out the window. So, she lazily pushes herself up, pulling out the dart once she was on her feet.
"Damn, I thought that would last a little longer." She finally looked up and saw Damian's clone, Heretic, Talia, and Al Ghul. But something was wrong, it was bothering her. Al Ghul, he, he… he wasn’t Demon, he wasn’t her Demon anymore. All she recognized now is his voice, at least that’s what she told herself, nothing else was the same as a person she once knew. The question now is why. "I really shouldn’t have introduced you to the Order, if the result would have been this?" A smirk on her lips and now standing cocky in the middle of a room full of assassins, she is stalling. He is acting like he knows her, but his aura is indecipherable, familiar, but not.
"You should not have, but then I wouldn’t be here today, to thank you, would I? After all you allowed our family to find these pits." ‘Our Family’ she dove into her memories, but now that she needed them, they were far away and fuzzy, God damn it.
"Hmmm, I suppose not. Right now, I really wish I had turned you into a cat permanently. I found the correct spell, so I actually can now." This elicited yet another chuckle from Al Ghul which had everyone else in the room on edge.
"Really now I love to see it, after all I wasn’t able to experience it before you vanished." She quirked an eyebrow at this response, but she didn’t care about his mind games, she was stalling, trying to find out what caused this change. All her mind supplied were the plants outside. Demon wasn’t good with plants, but he was with animals, so how.
"Really you don’t wanna know why am actually here?" She asked, looking so innocent, one might believe that she was there merely an accident or coincidence.
She then turned towards Heretic, death in her blue eyes was all anyone could see, but she didn’t kill him. No, she couldn't bring herself to kill him. He may have killed her baby brother, but he is
Damian’s clone, but that clone was nothing but a poor imitation of her brother. With a snap of her fingers, he transformed into a statue of a panther, mouth opening for a roar. In all accounts looking intimidating, but there’s no way to be scared of a statue.
"That was for killing my little brother." She crossed her arms now glaring daggers towards Talia.
"I wasn’t aware you had a little brother, Lady Cheng." Demon never called her Lady Cheng, no to him she was Malak (Angel), but…
That was when the pieces fell into place. That’s why the older Damian looks like a cross between Demon and Bruce. That’s why Damian turned into a panther cub. Damian is Amir’s reincarnation, the true soul of the black cat. That means, in front of her stood Ra’s, Amir’s older twin brother. That’s why he could read the journal, he is a miraculous soul. And only miraculous souls know the language of miracles, without decades of studying the script. It’s ingrained in them but only accessible after coming in contact with old magic, miraculous magic.
"One, the name is Wayne. Two that’s because at the time that I met the both of you 600 years ago, I didn’t even know I had siblings. So, get this through your head, I don’t care that he is your son or your grandson. He is my little brother. Nothing will stop me from making sure my family is safe." Her voice stayed level, emotion flitted in and out of it, in such a way that it almost seemed inhuman. For more reasons than one, she just sensed one of the Lazarus Pits.
"Scarlet." She heard gasped by the woman next to Ra’s.
"Correct." She glared at them walking closer as she said so. "My name is Marinette Wayne, and you best remember to never mess with creation. I would have thought you would remember that little Lǎohǔ (Tiger)."
By her walk over a sword had appeared in each hand, which she was now holding up to Lǎohǔ‘s neck, while the second was held right at the base of Talia's spine, almost daring her to move. The threat hung in the air, and both knew she was capable of following through.
"Well, I do believe it’s best to catch up over some tea." Lǎohǔ offered, many would have taken his offer. Because if the Demon’s head offers it, it would be your funeral if you refused, but she wasn’t just anyone. "After all we haven’t seen each other, in nearly 600 years, now have we, much must’ve happened to you."
"Hmmm... not really you’d be surprised. By what has become of my life been since meeting you." She decided to put away her blades, for the time being. Seeing as she couldn’t leave without destroying the Pits. The only surviving consequence of the Miraculous wish, cast ages ago. Now time to come up with a plan.
"Are you sure about this Pigtails?" Plagg spoke up.
"Ancient magic like this calls for a price." She sighed.
"We know, Marinette, but your little brother." Tikki voiced.
"I'll do everything I can to keep all of them safe." She spoke resolutely.
"But can you live with this?" Tikki asked.
"I have to be able to. Besides I'm pretty sure he is your true kitten, Plagg." She reassured.
Tikki and Plagg united their powers, and were able to destroy the pit, and every other one on Earth. Then disappeared. She opened a gate knowing what is coming.
Somewhere in the league of Assassins was the Demon's head and his daughter, looking royally pissed as they watch a timer tick down. Seeing as Marinette decided to freeze them with venom, so she could destroy the Lazarus Pits.
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @adrestar @miraculouspenta @vixen-uchiha @animegirlweeb @jumpingjoy82 @thedragonbug @astoriaandroses @icerosecrystal @t1dwarrior-of-earth @moon5606 @zalladane @midnightrosecrystal @myazael @prettylittlebutterflie @toodaloo-kangaroo @roseisred @galaxymoon @queenz-z
Story Taglist: @ladybug-182 @nerd-nowandforever @stelliones @trippingovermyfeet @thepaceperson @all-mights-asscheeks @another-cancer @alyssadeliv @mep-kittyjustkillme @ravennm84 @chocolatecatstheron @jayjayspixiepop @missanalysis @lost-in-the-world-of-maribat @aespades @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @ritacrow-blog @frieddonutsweets @laurcad123 @ashbrea381writings @jjmjjktth
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Gotham Villains x Hotel Owner!Reader || Headcanons
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Explanation / Topic: You run one of the cities dingy hotels except this one, in all of its glory, is only ever visited by bad guys. Your hotel is well known as the place rogues hide away in when they're planning or they're just out of action for a while because you refuse to give up information to the police no matter what (Its proprietor-client confidentiality! Ha ha) and you're treat them fairly (Although- on the kinder side of course)
These are the many ways they show their gratitude, no matter how small.
Character involved: Most, if not all, of Fox Gotham's rogues. Except Ra's Al Ghul because he bores me. Nevertheless, not just the Legion Horrible's like the picture might lead you to believe- that's just the picture with the most villains that I could think of.
Warnings: Probably too much fluff. I'll make a sequel to this with the less-then-pretty, nitty grotty details of this hotel too probably XD
Barbara likes to invest every now and then, "Just making sure my affairs are in order baby- gotta make sure my hidey hole's still there when I need it." but she always adds a little something for you to buy yourself 'something pretty' (Since your style is SO plain, according to her but then again who isn't plain compared to her XD). This little something is always upwards of a hundred dollars. She's such a sugar mommy you cant convince me that she isn't-
Butch (Or Cyrus Gold, or Grundy. he has too many names) has made it clear that if you ever need help, you can always call him and he'll be there. Very gangsta about it. He's such a big, tough guy but such a softy on the inside XD When he had Grundy brain, he still had some kind of tracker in his mind like dogs do that took him 'home' (To your hotel), dragging Ed along with him. He gave you a big, bone crushing hug when he got there.
Dr Strange is not allowed in as he'll steal your guests and experiment on them.
You don't know Ecco too well yet and vice versa but when she turned up with Jeremiah and Jervis- you definitely appreciated her presence more then that of Jeremiah's. You were still sore over Jerome and didn't trust this new brother. Still, you complimented the bullet in Ecco's skull, saying it was pretty cool, and now she loves you XD When she's in the neighbourhood she occasionally likes to pop in and say hello; Spread a little chaos, you know the deal.
Honestly you probably new Bridgit long before Strange forcing upon her the heat resistance thing and her becoming Firefly. She of course didn't remember you but soon *warmed* up to you after you gave her one of the few rooms with a fireplace and easily forgave her when she accidentally set the couch in her room on fire (I mean its for sure not the worst thing that has happened within these walls- no worries). She has been known to go around lighting the fireplaces for you under the pretence of having fun (Which is true) but also so that you can worry about one less thing. Firefly is also one to come chat with you if she's bored.
Fish Mooney obviously doesn't stay with you very often at all, because this lady can find better dwellings (As, no offense but your hotel is kiiiiinda dingy. What can you do about it, though? You house rogues and a lot of them don't have a lotta money) but she still absolutely appreciates what you do. She'll send bad guys that she does business with that have deeper pockets then your usual client, your way. She's also kind to you, which to me is even better honestly haha XD
Headhunter stays with you a lot when he's on business and often reminds you that you get a discount from him if you require his services. Hey, you keep him in milkshakes! He's gotta repay you somehow.
Okay, the twins. You knew Jerome first and got off to a bad start with Jeremiah due to that. Still, we aren't talking about relationships; We're talking about nice things. So moving on. Just assume that you warm up to the brainier twin.
These two are hard XD Cuz their 'good' and 'bad' sides kinda blur together as they're so unpredictable and don't really care about anyone.
Still, I can see Jerome being pretty light with you and valuing the fact that you can keep up with his banter- so he keeps you alive. You're basically his mother actually, despite the possible lack of age difference. Like, he wants to show you stuff he does and tell you about chaos he's created.
And Jeremiah honestly appreciates that you'll listen to his long speeches (You've gotten pretty good at just sitting and nodding your head and you've perfected the art of the well placed understanding noises like 'Hmm' and 'Ah!' and 'Oh dear' in your line of work)- so obviously, you're invaluable to him. Must keep you around. I mean, Ecco listens, but does she really understand? That is the question.
When he's around, Jervis is very polite and gracious. He'll duck into the kitchens after dinner and start helping you with the dishes and clear dining tables, he'll ask you how you are and mean it (Like, he'll stand there and discuss it with you), he'll try to keep Jerome from barging into your room in the early hours of the morning, etc. Just nice things like that ^^
Magpie tries not to steal from you... Haha XD Like, she'll pick up a pretty clock off a mantle piece and then go to leave with it... then realise that this is yours and go 'Oops!!' and put it back, giggling nervously.
... When she leaves you still find various items from other places in the hotel, in her room, but still. The fact that she tries is enough!
Mr Freeze is a pleasure to have around, of course!! He's quiet, he nods to you when he passes, and he's there to freeze assholes that harass you (And then take them outside so they don't melt all over your carpet). A respectful dude. He has frozen Jerome multiple times... particularly when Jervis has been unsuccessful in persuading him not to wake you up at 3 in the morning.
Ivy gets so happy whenever she sees you. Lots of hugs and telling you all about how she's been. Her energy is enough to cheer you up, and on your birthdays she always brings you a new plant that has meaning to her. Like, a sunflower for how kind you are, a Ficus for abundance, etc. Always in a pot of course, never dead. So of course, you have to take care of them but its a small price to pay for the sweetness ^^ And the not being murdered thing.
Like Mooney and Barbara, Oswald doesn't stay often due to having that mansion from his father but he remembers your kindness from when he would fall on hard times before that (And after the fact, too of course) and whenever he's making some kind of mafia deal he always ensures your and your hotels safety in the contract.
Pyg / Lazlo (I cant decide which name I like best XD) is just very polite, like Jervis. Gentlemen. Also his impressions- God. Have fun with that. He might just do your favourite Looney Tune character if he's in a good mood.
With Ed... look, if you even try with his riddles without being prompted, he'll do anything for you. It's well documented. I'm not sur about nice deeds, cuz Riddler's kind of a dick, but he'll for sure send you a birthday card every year! Christmas probably too ^^
Scarecrow: I will not spray you today. You: Gee thanks. // No but seriously, he's quiet about his gratitude but he is definitely once of the good ones ^^ Would absolutely take it upon himself to come save your ass if you got abducted.
Tabitha... well, you know how Headhunter will you get a discount if you want someone killed? Tabitha will do it for fucking free.
Hey, if you feed Victor (Zsasz), you have a friend for life. He will bring pizza and just hang out together. He is also willing to murder someone for you.
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wisteriashouse · 4 years
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pairing: rengoku kyoujurou x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1482
a/n: found an old incomplete draft and completed it instead of writing something new from scratch because i am ✨ lazy ✨ smh
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It’s absolutely freezing.
“I do not think that we’ll be able to make it back to a Wisteria House tonight!” Kyoujurou calls over his shoulder, his booming voice somehow dampened by the roar of the winter gale. Pulling your haori tighter around yourself in a poor attempt to shield yourself from the freezing winds, you do your best to stop your teeth from chattering before calling out a reply to the man in front of you.
“What do we do, then?”
There’s the crunch of Kyoujurou’s zori sandals on the snow as he trudges back to you, his bright hair tossed about relentlessly by the winter storm. Contrary to you, he appears completely unaffected by the cold, a vigorous smile on his face even as the winds batter the two of you. Perhaps it has something to do with him being the Flame Pillar, you think as you try your best not to shiver. 
Kyoujurou, of course, notices.
“Are you cold?” He asks, brow furrowed as he looks you over - a cursory glance of concern that has no right making your heart skip a beat as it does. Cheeks heating slightly, you turn away so that he can notice and shake your head, fisting your hands to stop the shivering. It wouldn’t do to have you embarrassing yourself in front of a Pillar.
“No, I’m alright.” 
You’re proud of the fact that your teeth only chatters once.
Kyoujurou frowns slightly, and before you can ask him what the matter is, he’s already slipping the haori from his shoulders and stepping forward. Shocked at his offering, you raise your hands to stop him in his tracks, shaking your head desperately. “No, no, I’m really alright, Kyoujurou-san-” 
The Flame Pillar pays no heed to your words, humming lightly as he sets the fabric of his haori around your shoulders, smoothing it out with his hands so that it wraps snugly around you. To your surprise, the second the haori settles around your form, you feel yourself enveloped in warmth - Kyoujurou’s gentle warmth woven into every fibre and stitch seeping into your skin.
“Kyoujurou-san, I really...” your words trail off, caught between slight guilt at taking his outer coat in this cold and the desire to continue basking in his warmth. Already, the added layer of protection against the winds make you want to cry with gratefulness. Kyoujurou only laughs at your hesitance, reaching out to sweep some snow off the top of your head. 
“It’s no problem! As you are my junior, I should be looking out for you!” His words, simple as they are, are enough to make your heart trip in your chest. He smiles at you once more before his eyes turn razor sharp again, glancing over the expanse of snow behind you before making a quick decision. “We’ll find a cave somewhere and get out of this cold. It wouldn’t do to keep wandering about in the middle of a snowstorm and the mountains are treacherous at night.”
He takes a single step forward, pauses, and glances back at you briefly. You blink at him, a little confused at the way he’s staring at you, before he’s suddenly reaching out to take your hand in his.
“Come on!” Kyoujurou says brightly, even as you gape at him. “I would hate for you to get lost in the snow! This way, I’ll know that you’re always behind me!”
With a gentle tug of his hand, he leads you through the snowstorm, shielding you from the biting winds with his own body. His hand is wonderfully warm, long, strong fingers folding over yours and holding you close behind him. Sure that you’re out of his sight, you finally allow yourself to smile - happiness seeping through the cracks of the professional facade you try to keep up around your senior.
The two of you find a small cave embedded in the side of the mountains after a few minutes of searching. Ducking into the small crevice splitting the rock face, you let out a sigh of relief to finally be out of the wind, drawing Kyoujurou’s haori tighter around yourself. 
Deep into the cave, where you can no longer hear the howling of the wind outside, Kyoujurou spots the remains of an old campfire - apparently, both of you aren’t the first ones to take refuge here from the elements. While you pick out the still salvageable twigs to burn later on, Kyoujurou works on starting the fire with a small flint and steel. A few minutes later, the darkness of the cave seems to fade ever so slightly, and you turn around to see your mentor holding up a patch of burning kindling that illuminates his triumphant smile.
“We’ll have to wait out the storm here,” Kyoujurou tells you after he gets the fire going, sitting next to you. Your backs against the wall, both of you watch the little fire you have in front of you crackle merrily, orange gold flames so much like his hair near hypnotising you with the way they dance. You nod, tuck your feet close to you and blow on your hands, because even with Kyoujurou’s cloak, your extremities still feel they might freeze at any moment. If that’s how cold you feel, you wonder how Kyoujurou hasn’t turned into a walking block of ice.
“Kyoujurou-san,” you begin to say, concerned, and his head turns around immediately to look at you with a bright smile. Golden light flicker across half of his face, the other half cast into shadow. Remarkably handsome, you want to say, but instead you ask, “Are you sure you aren’t cold? I mean, I have your haori and I’m still freezing…”
His mouth twitches into a slight smile at your question, but then suddenly he laughs, eyes crinkling slightly at the corners. “Well, when you put it that way, yes, I am very cold right now. Perhaps I should talk to Oyakata-sama about winter uniforms during the next Pillar meeting!” He laughs again at the thought, and his eyes soften. “But I am quite alright. It is more important to me that you will not freeze. I am uncomfortable, but I have been through worse. Do not worry about me!”
That doesn’t sound very good. Chewing on your bottom lip, you glance down at the haori covering you before turning back to the man sitting next to you. “Then, Kyoujurou-san, how about we share?”
He stares at you, a befuddled expression on his face that constitutes of a boyish raise of the eyebrows and a slight scrunch of his nose as he fights back a sneeze. “Share? How?”
“Well,” you hold up his haori in front of you to gauge how much it will cover. And… that was a silly suggestion to make, because you have vastly overestimated the size of his haori, but you also don’t want to go back on your word about sharing it. “Like this…”
Sidling up next to him, you try to press yourself as close as possible to his side without actually touching him, before you toss the haori over the two of you. It ends up failing to cover either of you completely, but at least now you feel less bad about having it all to yourself. “I mean, it’s important to me that you don’t freeze either, Kyoujurou-san.”
Kyoujurou is quiet for a second, before he smiles again, more slowly this time - it’s not bright as the sun, like his usual laughter and grins are, but more gentle and muted, like the small fire in front of you. “That’s very nice to hear,” he says. For some reason, you can’t bring yourself to look at him - instead, you keep your eyes firmly focused on the flames in front of you, watching them as sparks swirl into the air. 
While they are very pretty, they also make you sleepy in a record amount of time. In almost no time at all, you’re fighting to keep down a yawn, your eyelids starting to droop. When your head nearly falls forward, a gentle hand catches you by the chin and guides your head to rest on a strong shoulder.
You try your best to stay awake, you really do, but Kyoujurou hums lightly, his hand settling lightly on your head. “Just go to sleep,” your mentor says gently as you struggle to keep your eyes open. You’re practically leaning against him at this point, but he doesn’t seem to mind. “I’ll take the first watch, so you don’t have to worry about a thing.”
“Mmm, wake me up when you want to change over...” you barely manage to make out before your eyes slip shut. You vaguely remember something gentle touching your forehead, but you cannot remember what it was in the least. 
All you know is that you slept warmly that night, and that’s enough for you.
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yourwildsimp · 3 years
sweet confessions
includes: aizawa, y/n
warnings: mentions of nightmares
length: 1,986 words
summary: with neither of you able to sleep, trapped words are finally allowed to slip like melted butter.
Four in the morning was not the time to be up, especially on a work night. Well, a workday at this point. You should be in bed, surrounded by the fluffiest, warmest blankets on the softest mattress you could afford.
And yet? Here you were in the bathroom, washing your face with warm water, for what was the third time in a row. It was as if you were trying to slowly drown yourself. A yawn left your lips, strong enough to rock your body with violent yet satisfying shudders. You cursed your insomnia. You knew you were tired, so why couldn’t you fall asleep?
Something clattered in the kitchen, a hushed swear which broke the stillness of the shared apartment soon followed.
Was he up, too?
Your face heated up at the thought of your roommate. There had always been a spark between the two of you, but both of you dodged any confrontation. It was like fate danced you both around each other, curious to see who would take charge. Who would finally end this little game of cat and mouse? You didn’t think you had enough confidence to be the one to put a stop to the games you were playing and admit how hard you’ve fallen for him.
However, as life tugs you both along, curious things unfold.
You cracked open the bathroom door to peep out, holding your breath in case he was just outside. This was new to you, as Aizawa was typically asleep for as long as he could be. His record is 19 hours straight after a hard mission. Your record was nine hours, and you were damn proud of yourself for it, too.
You carefully stepped out after turning off the light, trying to creep back to your bedroom without getting caught. It’s not like you wanted to avoid Aizawa, you just didn’t want him to catch you up this late again. Though as soon as you took your first step out into the hallway, he spoke, the words making you freeze like a deer in headlights.
“What are you doing awake at this hour?” You swallowed around the lump in your throat as you stood straight.
“I thought you didn’t know I was up,” you said with a grin, but Aizawa could see how tired you were.
“I’m a pro-hero,” he hummed, a coffee mug warming his hands. “It’s almost insulting that you thought I didn’t notice you. Now, why are you up?”
“I could ask you the same thing, Mr. Pro-hero,” you retorted, earning a worn chuckle. The distant look in his eyes told you everything you needed to know to understand why he was awake as well.
You knew all too well that Aizawa’s night terrors were a force to be reckoned with. On some nights he even woke up screaming or falling out of bed. Aizawa’s dreams were the only thing that could get such a strong reaction from him.
“Drinking coffee this late can’t be good for you,” you said, changing the subject rather quickly while you headed into the kitchen with your roommate. “Doesn’t a hero with your status need to stay healthy?”
“It’ll keep me up,” he murmured with a strange sort of solemnness infecting his tone.
You couldn’t stop the empathetic look from tainting your face even if you wanted to. You hated nothing more than watching as the hero business ate away at your best friend.
“Hey.” His voice took you from your thoughts. “We’re already up this late, and I doubt either of us will sleep soon, so. . .” Aizawa trailed off as you looked up at him. “So, come sit on the roof with me. Only for a bit.”
Your jaw nearly dropped to the floor before you caught yourself and nodded. You hoped that you didn’t look too head over heels for him, but little to your knowledge, Aizawa found your reaction cute.
“Sure, alright,” you said with a small smile, trying to sound nonchalant. You didn’t, but Aizawa didn’t comment on it, sparing your pride. “Ah, wait, let me grab a hoodie-”
“Don’t bother,” he said, just loud enough for you to hear him.
A smirk tainted your lips as you crossed your arms over your chest and accusingly leaned towards him.
“Oh, so you want me to freeze? That isn’t very heroic, mister.” The way you raised your eyebrows got him to spill a chuckle.
“I do not. You can just wear mine."
Leaving the conversation at that, he turned away before you ever saw the pink hue that dusted his face. It took you a second to let his words process before you were following after him like a lost puppy.
It's not a big deal. He's just being friendly and giving, as always. That's the lie you've always told yourself.
“How do we get up on the roof?" You asked as he led you on the small back porch.
Your small smile dropped entirely as he jumped and grabbed the edge of the roof, pulling himself up with practiced ease.
"All right, asshole, not everyone is a pro-hero, so-" You cut yourself off as soft cloth suddenly wrapped around you, acting as a safety harness.
He lifted you to the roof without breaking a sweat. And to be honest, that boosted your confidence by a few points.
"Such foul language doesn't belong in a pretty mouth like yours," Aizawa murmured, his calloused hands carefully pulling his scarf off of your shoulders. He left the cloth on your waist for you to take care of, as he didn't want to overstep any boundaries.
The scarf was the furthest thing from your mind as you hoped the dark sky hid your heavy blush.
He said I was… Pretty. Aizawa… called me pretty.
"You, um…" You tried to start a conversation to distract Aizawa from the fact you weren't removing his scarf. "You got up here stupidly fast. Do you do this often?"
He didn't comment on the matter of his scarf, silently using it to justify why he was sitting this close to you.
"I'm a stealth hero. I'm always jumping rooftop to rooftop," he reasoned, heavy eyes taking in the ever so familiar landscape.
"That's not what I asked," you prodded gently. "Do you come up here often, this late at night?"
You wanted him to trust you, to tell you what was obviously plaguing his thoughts or what had scared him sleepless this time. You were well aware trust wasn't given easily, especially for someone like him. Someone who's been hurt time and time again.
His jaw shifted, and you were too concerned about his mental health to think of how handsome he was with his sharp features.
"Sometimes. When the dreams aren't incredibly terrible," he muttered after a thick swallow.
You hummed to let him know that you understood, your body shifting a minuscule closer to his warmth. He noticed, and without a word pulled his hoodie over his head. You two were sitting so close that you needed to lean to the side to avoid getting elbowed.
"Hey, what are you-"
He smiled gently as he set the article in your lap, and the sight alone shut you up. He was gorgeous, basking in the never-sleeping city lights.
"Didn’t I tell you? You can wear my jacket if you're cold."
Be still your beating heart, because if it didn’t soon, you were sure he'd think someone was knocking at the door with how loud it was pounding against your ribs.
With a painfully flustered chuckle to fill the silence, you put it on. And, God, you'd be content dying surrounded by his scent of heavy rain and the forest. A small thank you filtered off your tongue. Using the visual excuse of adjusting how it pooled at your hips, you shifted ever closer.
"You know-"
You had both gone to speak at the same time, earning a soft giggle from you and a deep chuckle from him.
"You go first," you offered with a gentle smile.
"Only if you go after, no matter what," he playfully demanded.
As you agreed, you watched his eyes lingered on you, something indescribable dancing behind the walls of charcoal. With a deep breath, he faced the horizon.
"Sometimes when I drive, I'll turn on the radio. Just to have some background noise. I don't pay attention to it, though, because most of the music is shit," Aizawa started, something in his chest swelling as you chuckled at him. "But then, when I was sitting in the UA teacher's parking lot, something hit me as I listened to a sappy song."
"What? That you're getting old?" You teased, trying to break some of the tension in his shoulders.
"I realized that all of a sudden, every love song was about you."
Your soft gasp sounded like a nuclear bomb to him and he screwed his eyes shut. He knew he should've stayed in bed.
"I..." Aizawa moved to stand. "I should go back to sleep," he finished rather quickly.
Your nibble fingers gripped his pants leg and he froze entirely, like a child who’d been caught eating candy past midnight.
"Hey… What happened to our little deal?" Your caring tone caused him to hesitate. "Please, Shouta, won't you hear what I have to say?"
Shouta. How pretty it sounded rolling off your tongue.
He swayed in the morning breeze, the very beginning of a sunrise highlighting his dark features. And then he sat, avoiding looking at you at all costs.
"As I was going to say before I was thankfully interrupted," you began, adjusting the sleeves of your (his) jacket. You took a deep breath, hyping yourself up to finally fess up as he did. "You know when you look at a kitten, you think of Shinsou? Or when you see candy apples, you think of Eri?" You asked, earning a stiff nod.
"Everything has started reminding me of you. From sleep bags to your favorite dark chocolates, and baggy clothes like the ones you rarely allow me to borrow, or a coffee mug you'd like. You're always running through my mind," you took a breath, needing to get some air after your fast-paced rant.
You both sat in heavy silence, the dew in the grass glinting from the rays of marigold that poured over the horizon.
"Can I do something stupid?" He asked quietly, shifting in his spot.
" 'Course. It's about time we swapped roles," you humored.
Smokey-colored eyes bored into yours as he faced you, Adam's apple bobbing as he gulped. You'd never seen him so… beautifully revealing.
Suddenly you were surrounded by warmth, Aizawa no longer looking at you. He hugged you so desperately, it was as if he thought you'd leave him. He scruff tickled your neck as he nuzzled into you, but you couldn't care less.
The way you didn't need to think twice about returning the hug made him smile against your skin. You both sat there on the roof, basking in rays of fresh morning sunlight, never letting go of each other.
"It was about losing you," Aizawa breathed, breaking the blissful silence. "My nightmare… In it, I had lost you forever."
You closed your eyes, one hand tenderly massaging his scalp with the other held him closer to you. "I'm right here, Shouta. I'm not going anywhere," you reassured, feeling his breathing pattern calm. "You know that, don't you?"
"Yeah…" He whispered, voice heavy with sleep and concern.
"Let's get back to bed, okay?" You murmured, feeling the weight of your feelings change from suffocating to soaring.
"Not yet. Please… I just wanna stay with you." Aizawa pulled you impossibly closer and you smiled.
"Whatever you wish, but don't blame me when you're sore tomorrow." You felt him chuckle as his eyes drooped shut.
" 'm always sore anyways."
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inkykeiji · 4 years
day two ❅ cause i’m mrs. snow, til death we’ll be freezing
don’t cry snowman, don’t leave me this way, a puddle of water can’t hold me close, baby
day one ❅ day two ❅ day three | series masterlist
character: todoroki touya | dabi
genre: smut + angst
notes: weeee yay day two!! touya + co go ice skating :) this, again, was not supposed to be as long as it is, but eh here we are!! | title credit: snowman by sia
warnings: 18+, pseudo-incest (stepcest), drug use, very rough sex, public sex, generally toxic relationships, size difference, tense family dynamics, reader’s probably a lil too obsessed with touya’s cum, slight dacryphilia, slight degradation
words: 8.3k
I’m only worried about you, you want to say. It isn’t your intention to put more stress on him, especially when being forced to spend nearly every waking minute around his blood siblings is evidently very difficult for him, but you don’t want him dead because of it, either.
“I love you,” you tell him instead, unsaid words sown into the fabric of the sentence.
But he doesn’t need to hear you say it, he can feel it—in the air around you, radiating off your frame in thick waves that crash into him in the most pleasant way; in the way your soft fingertips stroke his cheeks, tracing his features with the utmost gentleness; in the way you gaze so tenderly at him, eyes sweeping across his face akin to the most compassionate caress.
It all makes him feel like he can do this, like he might actually survive this, so long as you’re by his side.
    ❅           ❅           ❅           ❅           ❅           ❅     
The wind howls gently, picking up swirls of snow and dusting it against the window, the snowflakes soft taptaptap’s echoing among the tiny bedroom. It’s grey but bright outside, the morning of December 22nd. Strands of hair stick to your cheeks and neck, chills erupting across your skin as you wiggle around beneath Touya’s heavy arm, laying across your waist in a loose grasp, your movements causing the blanket to slip from your clammy skin, a soft hiss spit through your teeth as the cool air of the room hits your heated skin. Touya’s got his head buried in the pillow, his torso laying half on top of yours, legs intertwined.
“Touya-nii,” you whimper, eyebrows furrowing a little in frustration as you struggle under him. “Niichan,”
“Mmph,” he emits an unintelligible noise in response, muffled by the pillow.
“Niichaaaaan,” the honorific leaves your lips in a whine, giving another weak shove at his arm. “Niichan, you’re so hot, I’m gonna melt,”
“Too bad. We’re not getting up yet,”
You whine again, your squirming becoming more vigorous. “But Touya-nii, I’m so thirsty! Please, my mouth is drier than the desert, I swear to God,”
“If you don’t stop acting like a brat, I’m gonna fuck you like a brat,”
“Is that supposed to be a threat?”
That gets his attention, fluffy head shooting up, white tufts tousled and standing on end, sleepy eyes squinting against the sudden light as he tries to glare at you. “Excuse me?”
The deep, rough lilt to his voice, heavy with sleep, makes your stomach flutter, blood rushing to your cheeks as you gaze at him.
Even in the morning, he’s stupidly beautiful.
“G-Got you up,” you giggle a little, reaching forward to run your fingers through his messy hair, smoothing it down in the process.
He deadpans, glaring at you for a moment, though there’s no heat in his eyes. You stare back, blinking twice, little fingers trailing down the side of his face and then tracing his jaw, murmuring about how pretty he is.
“Pretty, huh?” he finally sighs, a small grin spreading across his cheeks, head tilting to the side as your fingers travel down his neck, tracing the intricate black ink.
“Mm, very pretty,” you whisper to yourself, eyes zeroing in on his adams apple as it bobs with his chuckle. “But I’m still thirsty,”
He laughs again, rolling his eyes and pushing himself up completely, sheets pooling at his waist. “Fucking brat,”
It’s just past 9am, but the kitchen is empty. Touya carries you there, and even though you’re more than capable of walking by yourself, you snuggle into his neck, scattering gentle kisses across the scarred skin, head resting against his broad shoulder.
He exhales a sigh as you do so, and you can physically feel the tension leaving his body, a tiny bit more with each kiss you press against him.
A soft yelp hitches in your throat as he places you on the counter, cold marble stinging the bare skin of your thighs, Touya smirking at the sound as he wanders over to the fridge, rooting through it for a moment before turning back towards you.
“Water?” you make a face. Touya deadpans for the second time in fifteen minutes.
“You said you were thirsty, did you not?”
“Yeah, but…” you trail off shyly, hooking your ankles together and swinging your legs a little. “I wanted chocolate milk,”
“No,” he says instantly, slamming the fridge shut with more force than necessary, jars jiggling and clinking together with the motion. “Water first,” he uncaps the bottle and holds it out to you. “Don’t you dare start pouting,” he adds, when your eyebrows are beginning to knit together, voice stern. “You did not drag me out of bed at nine in the fucking morning because your mouth was drier than the desert just to pout when I give you water. You know you aren’t allowed sugar first thing in the morning, baby,”
You suppose he has a point, working hard to smooth your face as you take the bottle from him.
“M’sorry, niichan,” you murmur before taking a sip, gazing at him through your lashes.
He glares at you for another moment before a tiny grin breaks his face, shaking his head with a soft chuckle.
“You’re really testing me this morning,” he mumbles as large hands pry your knees apart, wedging his hips between your thighs while hands curl around your hips and drag you towards the edge of the counter. Your legs wrap around his waist—an automatic reaction—ankles hooking again and holding him close, bodies pressed flush together.
Something’s still off, you can tell, evident in the way his head drops the moment you’re close enough, forehead resting against the crown of your head, exhaling.
“It’s not very nice, babygirl,” he speaks again after a beat of silence, calloused hands slipping under your—his, your mind reminds you—t-shirt, palming your hips. “Think you should make it up to me, hmm?”
And you want to, God, do you ever want to, want to kiss all of his sorrow away, want to pull those gorgeous broken whines and throaty moans from him, want to help him forget about whatever it is that’s bothering him so deeply, to lock it out of his head, shoving it from his mind as his brain is filled with thoughts of you. But…
“B-But niichan, we��re in the kitchen,” you have to force the trembling words from your mouth, biting down hard on your lip to keep from moaning as his teeth skim along your neck, evoking a full body shiver.
“So?” his lips brush against your skin, nimble fingers dipping into your cute pink panties.
“Anyone could—could come in any second and—”
“What? Catch us?” he pulls back a little, smirking. “And?” sapphire searches your face as heat rushes to your cheeks, rushes shamefully between your legs. He snorts a moment later, pressing two fingers against your clothed cunt. “Exactly,” the word is just a huff of breath as he nudges his nose against yours. “You’d love that, wouldn’t you?”
“Don’t try lying,” he sounds bored as he cuts you off, fingers rubbing at your little hole through the damp cotton of your panties. “Your pussy’s very honest,”
And the broken whine that hitches in your chest is nothing short of absolutely pathetic, back arching and eyes fluttering as he begins flicking his thumb over your clit, keeping his touches light and fast.
“Yeah,” he breathes, the word bordering on a growl. “Of course you would. Bet you could cum from just this if Natsuo were watching, huh? Want everyone to know how easy you are for niichan? How much of a good little slut you are for niichan?”
“You planning on testing that theory out?”  
Natsuo’s unexpected voice makes you jump, eyes snapping open and flying to his face as you choke on a gasp, Touya’s thumb choosing then to press hard against your swollen little clit, forcing an embarrassingly loud cry from your lips and paying no mind to his younger brother, who’s leaning casually against the doorframe with a smirk decorating his face. In fact, Touya doesn’t react to Natsuo at all—
Because he already knew.
“N-Niichan,” you nearly wail, burying your scalding face in his shoulder, nails digging into the smooth muscles of his back.
“Aww,” Natsuo coos, and he sounds genuine. “C’mon, don’t hide from me, sweetheart,”
“What, now you’re shy? When you were about to get off on the very thought just moments ago?” Touya’s patronizing chuckle vibrates against you, though his hands are on your back, petting you in smooth, soothing motions.
“Niisan, don’t tease,” Natsuo laughs, and you smush your face harder against Touya’s shoulder, whimpering a little as Natsuo’s voice gets closer. “I just figured if you two were gonna have a cheeky lil fuck in the kitchen, the least you could do is let me watch,”
Touya begins laughing again, starts to say something, voice abruptly cutting off. You stiffen, clinging to him, breath bated as you listen.
“Surprised you two were the first ones up,” Fuyumi’s voice floats through the space, tone clipped.
You peak out from over Touya’s shoulder, watching as Fuyumi fiddles around with their extremely expensive coffeemaker, a deep scowl etched into her face.
“Oh? And why’s that?” Touya asks lightly, sounding genuinely surprised, innocently curious.
“You know why,” she snaps, slamming her coffee mug down on the granite countertop and whipping her head around to glare at her older brother.
Touya chuckles and shakes his head, maintaining that he doesn’t, he swears, and if you didn’t know any better, if you couldn’t see the smug smirk on his face, the mocking amusement swirling in his eyes, you’d believe him to be telling the truth.
But Fuyumi knows him better than that, rolling her eyes and grumbling unintelligibly under her breath. Shouto chooses then to enter the kitchen, hair slightly mussed, looking a little like a white and red haystack atop his head, and Touya’s body goes rigid.
He yawns out his morning greeting, glancing around the room, mismatched eyes lingering on your bare thighs for just a second too long.
Touya notices, because Touya notices everything—especially when it comes to Shouto, cobalt eyes sharp and trained on his every movement—moving to shield you with his body as best he can.
“C’mon princess,” he’s mumbling as his hands force their way under your ass, hefting you up again. “Let’s go,”
And no one misses the way Shouto watches the two of you leave, the way his sleepy eyes focus on your ass—just barely concealed by the cotton panties, Touya’s hands providing more coverage than the garment does—then move down to his brother’s shameless erection, partially obscured by your body, inhaling a sharp gasp that everyone hears, that everyone knows what it’s in reaction to, that everyone ignores.
      ❅           ❅           ❅
Today’s activity is ice skating, Rei tells you as your exiting the cabin.
She looks excited, a smile on her soft lips, eyes bright as she pats your shoulder, and it makes warmth flutter in your chest, glad to see the events of yesterday haven’t completely dampened her mood.
“Do you know how to skate?” Natsuo asks you, bouncing a little on the balls of his feet.
“I do,” you say proudly, looking over at Rei as you reach Touya’s car, sharing a grin. “Rei taught me not long after she and my father started dating,”
“Aw, mom,” Natsuo coos, looking over at his mother for reassurance. “That’s sweet,”
Rei hums, nodding as her eyes drift back to yours.
“Hold on a second,” she says as her smile slowly begins to dissipate, glancing from Touya’s hand on the handle of his car’s passenger door, to your face, to Natsuo standing by his own car a few feet away, brows knitting.
“What are you doing?”
“Getting in the car?” his response comes out as a question, spoken slowly as he’s worried it’s the wrong answer, tilting his head a little like a puppy.
“There’s no need for you to take more than one car,” Rei says pointedly, her gaze darting to Touya, holding his eyes even though she was speaking to Natsuo. His mouth falls open to protest, but she continues. “The five of you will fit in one. We’ll see you there,”
Her tone is final as she turns away and gets into her own car, the five of you watching in silence as it reverses onto the road, snow and ice cracking and popping under the thick tires. Natsuo turns back to the group, a large, boyish smile on his face.
“It’s fine! We’ll take my car,” Natsuo’s eyes soften a little as he looks over at his silver Porsche, patting the roof affectionately.
“No,” Fuyumi responds immediately. “Absolutely not.”
Stone eyes fly back to her face, alarmed. “What! Why?”
“Because you drive like a lunatic—I refuse to ride in any car when you’re behind the wheel,”
Natsuo frowns as he rounds his car, coming to stand with the group. “Well your car isn’t here, since you came up with mom, so—”
“We can take Touya’s car,”
“No,” Touya nearly growls, the unexpected rumbling deep in his chest causing everyone to flinch.
“Why not?” Fuyumi’s eyebrows furrow in confusion, eyes narrowing slightly as she glances at her older brother. “I can’t think of any reason—”
“He is not stepping foot in my fucking car,”
Fuyumi’s eyes widen slightly, staring at him in disbelief, arms crossed tightly over her chest. “You’re kidding, right?”
“Do I look like I’m fucking kidding, or are you really that stupid?”
“Touya-nii,” you gasp softly, tugging on his arm a little and then hugging it to your chest. His voice drips with venom, sharper than a tungsten needle, and it makes both you and Natsuo wince, despite not being the object of his fury.
“Fine, Christ, I just won’t come then,” Shouto finally chimes in with a roll of his eyes. “Will that make you happy?”
Touya whirls around to face him, rips his arm from your grasp so aggressively, so suddenly, that it sends you stumbling backwards. Natsuo catches you quickly, righting you with an arm wrapped around your shoulders.
“You wanna know what would make me happy? You fucking de—”
“That’s enough,” Fuyumi cuts him off with a glare so fierce it sends chills skittering across your skin, regardless of the thick sweaterdress and heavy jacket you’re currently wrapped up in. Natsuo must feel it course through your body, because he pulls you tighter against him, fingers digging into your shoulder.
Touya’s eyes snap to his sister, raising an eyebrow as a terrifying smile spreads across his face. It’s a smile you’ve only seen a few times before, gleaming white teeth on display, angular jaw clenched tightly. It’s a smile that makes icy dread pool in your stomach, thick and heavy, and you try to press yourself closer to Natsuo, body flush against his side, partially hiding your face in his chest.
Still, Fuyumi does not waver. “You are an adult, Touya. For God’s sake, act like one! Shouto is not a disease—”
“Could’ve fooled me,”
“—that will infect your car! He’s your baby brother!”
Touya’s eye twitches at the term, painful smile stretching even wider. In the pale afternoon sunlight, those glinting white teeth look pointier than normal, and you whimper into Natsuo’s chest.  
“My car, my rules,”
“Oh my God! Are you being ser—”
“Alright, this is getting a little ridiculous,” Natsuo jumps in quickly, trying to keep his voice light. “You’re scaring our little princess, niisan,” he says, voice softer, a large hand rubbing your shoulder in comfort.
Touya spins around again, wild sapphire eyes finding yours, his face falling the moment your gazes meet.
Little fingers have tangled themselves in Natsuo’s jacket, clinging to him so hard the skin over your knuckles is stretched taut. Your entire body trembles as you blink hard, trying in vain to clear the tears rushing to your eyes. The pounding of your heart echoes in your ears, so loud you can’t hear what Touya says as he swoops towards you, eyes wide and worried.
“We’ll take my car, and Fuyumi will drive.”
Natsuo’s voice holds the same note of finality that his mother’s does, large hand still curled around your shoulder as firm stone eyes scan the three faces in front of him.
      ❅           ❅           ❅
Touya refuses to have you and Shouto in the back seat alone, and Natsuo insists that he sits in the passenger seat, to make sure Fuyumi doesn’t hurt his baby, he explains, which is how you end up smack in the middle of the oldest and youngest Todoroki children.
It’s cramped—they’re both too big to be in the backseat of such a small car—resulting in the three of you being squished together, your body packed in tightly—practically wedged—between theirs.
It’s nearly impossible to keep your thigh from brushing against Shouto’s, but you try anyway, leaning into Touya as much as you can. A strong, possessive arm is wrapped tightly around your waist, fingers fisted in the material of your little sweaterdress, sapphire eyes hyper-focused on the way Shouto’s corduroy clad thigh keeps knocking against your bare knee with every gentle jolt of the car.
But when Shouto idly drops his large hands heavily to his lap with a sigh, long fingers splayed casually, just the very tip of his pinky resting against your thigh—well.
Touya sees fucking red, yanking your body away from his little brother immediately with a vicious growl caught in his throat, the movement so sudden and unexpected it has both you and Shouto gasping, heterochromatic eyes wide and alert as they snap to his eldest brother’s face,
He hadn’t even noticed. Truthfully, you probably wouldn’t have either if it hadn’t been Touya’s suffocating, overbearing presence beside you—engulfing you, causing you to be excessively aware of every miniscule movement, every jostle and touch and bump.
“Don’t fucking touch her,”
It takes Shouto another half a second before the realization hits him, eyes darting down to his thighs, finally taking note of the placement of his fingers. Then he’s scoffing, rolling his eyes as he huffs to himself, quiet and under his breath, something about Touya being absolutely ridiculous and childish and insecure.
Yet Shouto’s legs spread a little more every time Touya pulls you a few centimeters closer to him, ensuring that your thighs can never quite escape his, his strong muscles constantly nudging against yours.
It isn’t until you push your knee back against his, hard and purposeful, giving Shouto a sharp look, that this behaviour finally halts.
“Who’s being childish now?” you hiss, eyes holding his sternly, widening a moment later as if to say, Stop aggravating him.
Shouto’s face falls, lips tugging down into a frown as his gaze searches your face, head shaking a little. He opens his mouth—to apologize, you think—but is cut off by Touya’s immature snickering, his chest vibrating against your back.
“Fuck you,” he seethes instead, eyes narrowing and mouth snapping into a firm, unimpressed line.
“Watch it—”
“Play nice, you two,” Natsuo warns from the front seat. “I won’t hesitate to pull this car over and beat both your asses on the side of the road for everyone to see,”
“Okay, dad,” Shouto snorts as Touya simultaneously responds with, “I’d like to see you try,”
Nevertheless, Natsuo’s little warning does manage to shut them up for the remainder of the ride, Shouto crossing his legs, knees pressed up painfully against the door in an attempt to stop touching you. You’re practically in Touya’s lap by the time you arrive at the Ena Skating Rink at Crystal Park, seatbelt uncomfortably biting into your flesh through your clothing.
“I don’t understand why we had to drive an hour just to go skating,” Shouto grumbles just as Fuyumi turns into the parking lot, face set in a deep frown, eyebrows furrowed as he glares out the window. “There was a perfectly fine lake like, ten minutes from the cabin,”
“Shou, you sound like a petulant teenager,”
“Technically, he is a petulant teenager,”
“Not for much longer,”
“That’s right, your birthday’s coming up,” you say automatically without thinking, words slipping from your mouth as Fuyumi circles the lot in search of a parking spot. In the past, Shouto would’ve ignored such a slip-up, figuring the politeness of providing you an answer not worth Touya’s wrath, but now he turns to face you with a small smile, heterochromatic eyes almost twinkling, mask of irritability burning off his face in an instant.
“Yeah, in a few weeks,” he shrugs a shoulder. “I’ll be twenty,”
Do you have any plans?
The question lingers on the tip of your tongue, words frozen at the back of your throat as Touya’s hand curls protectively around you, strong fingers digging into your plush waist hard enough to make you wince.
But Shouto has become pretty good at reading you over these past few years, no longer needs you to voice your thoughts—the two of you have become accustomed to communicating through looks and expressions alone, to keep from sending Touya into an absolute rampage, to keep the both of you safe.
“Not sure what I’m doing yet,” he answers, keeping his voice light, though those mismatched eyes are sharply trained on your face, ready to analyze and decode whatever expression your features morph into.
This is the first time he’s ever verbally answered, though, and it hits you like a bag of bricks swung at your chest, the realization that this is something the two of you have built up together, something the two of you have spent years doing, working together silently, quietly, subtly, to keep Touya placid, something the two of you have been subconsciously doing to protect each other.
The thought inspires an odd feeling in your stomach, chest tightening with something akin to anxiety, something bitter and heavy rooting in the pit of your belly.
Touya saves you from having to answer, hastily unbuckling your seatbelt for you the moment Fuyumi’s finished reversing the car and nearly hauling you out  before she’s even cut the engine.
      ❅           ❅           ❅
“You’re not coming?” you ask Touya as he slips your foot into a skate, beginning to lace it up.
Touya shakes his head. “No,”
“Touya never learned how to skate—refused to, actually,” Natsuo informs you, sitting down next to you on the bench and playfully bumping his shoulder against yours.
Tilting you head, you stare at him, a soft little oh slipping from your lips. Touya avoids your gaze, jaw clenching rhythmically.  
“It’s for the best. He really shouldn’t be near any sort of blade for an extended period of time, not while Shouto’s in reach,” Natsuo jokes, though no one laughs, because it’s true.
Touya spends most of his time leaning against the boards, bright sapphire eyes trained on you, glued to you, cataloging all of your movements, each of your cute little giggles and soft little smiles, every hand on your shoulder or waist as it steadies you.
It’s hard for him to watch.
It’s hard for him to watch the way your eyes twinkle as Fuyumi speaks to you, the two of you gliding around the ice nonchalantly, hard for him to watch the way Natsuo pulls endless laughter from your throat as his gloved hands hold yours, pulling you along with him, hard for him to watch when Shouto appears beside you, slowing his stride to talk animatedly to you, the two of you absorbed in whatever discussion you’re having.
And yet, he can tell something isn’t right. Your eyes are twinkling, but they don’t gleam the way they do when you gaze at him. You’re laughing, but it isn’t as bubbly and pure as it is when evoked by him. You’re talking, but you aren’t wholly and completely captivated by whatever it is Shouto’s saying to you, gaze constantly drifting just over his shoulder, connecting with Touya’s.
Those ten little words from the night before echo through his mind again, and his molars grind together, but the look in your eyes, the way your face positively lights up when you skate towards him, past him, blowing kisses and giggling behind mitten covered hands, stomps them to little pieces, to dust, your fleeting presence blowing them away. He feels like he can fucking breathe again, each time you glide by him, resolve hardening a little more with every lap past him.
No, he knows he’s the best for you, absolutely is without a doubt the very best for you— and you confirm it with that loving, adoring, doting look every single time.
Despite this, he keeps disappearing intermittently, your heart sinking just a little bit more every time you look over to see him nowhere to be found, a sour taste settling on the back of your tongue. This is only the second day into the trip and you’re already terrified, knowing that he’s filling his nostrils with that fine white powder the moment he begins to feel his high fading, the moment he feels himself beginning to come down.
And by the third time he vanishes within a single hour, you decide you can no longer stand by and do nothing, say nothing—he’s gone for more than usual this time, an uneasy sense of dread flooding your body, making your limbs tingle as your heart begins to race, plopping down on the wooden bench and bending down to quickly unlace your skates. Your voice shakes as you tell the others that you’d like to take a short break from skating, claiming that your feet are sore, and that you’d like to rest for a while.
In actuality, you’re sure they all know what you’re doing, itching to go search for Touya, heart pounding painfully as several scenarios flash through your mind, but they say nothing, nodding with those polite smiles they all plaster on their faces any time something like this occurs.
The muscles in your thighs ache as you jog across the snow-dusted field, eyes frantically darting around the large open space in search for a man with ivory hair and azure eyes. Your feet take off the moment you spot him, an instinctual reaction, breath ragged and burning in your chest as you barrel into him, winding your arms around his waist tightly and burying your face in his strong chest.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he’s murmuring softly, arms encircling you and squeezing you against him, dropping a kiss to the crown of your head. “What’s going on, princess?”
Pulling back, your eyes study his face, stomach plummeting when you see it.
“Out playing in the snow again?”
Cobalt eyes narrow, Touya tilting his head in question as he stares at you. A frown mars your face, deep sigh leaving your nostrils without your permission, and Touya bristles. A tender thumb swipes across his nose, showing him the pure white powder it gathers.
“Slow down,” you say softly, gently, cautious eyes watching him carefully. “I don’t want a trip to the ER for Christmas,”
He holds your gaze for a moment, and you can see it, the blue fire simmering deep within them, but because it’s Christmas—and only because it’s Christmas—he blinks twice, extinguishing the flame to dull embers.
Chest heaving once, deep and heavy, he sighs out of parted lips, holding your hand to his cheek. Sapphire eyes close briefly as he nuzzles his face into your touch, and for a moment—just for a second—you think he’s about to apologize.
But that would be a Christmas miracle.
“Keep me in line,” he says quietly, shoulders slumping a little in defeat, a tiny sardonic grin on his lips as his eyes open again, searching your face. “Okay? Can’t let my best girl down on Christmas, now, can I?”
And although his shoulders are straining under the weight of this new responsibility—to try and restrain himself a little more, to not solely rely on the drugs to numb him to everything, to give up autonomy, power, to you—a weight feels like it’s been lifted off of yours, regardless of the fact that he’s asking you to control him, and you inhale deeply, able to breathe again.
I’m only worried about you, you want to say. It isn’t your intention to put more stress on him, especially when being forced to spend nearly every waking minute around his blood siblings is evidently very difficult for him, but you don’t want him dead because of it, either.
“I love you,” you tell him instead, unsaid words sown into the fabric of the sentence.
But he doesn’t need to hear you say it, he can feel it—in the air around you, radiating off your frame in thick waves that crash into him in the most pleasant way; in the way your soft fingertips stroke his cheeks, tracing his features with the utmost gentleness; in the way you gaze so tenderly at him, eyes sweeping across his face akin to the most compassionate caress.
It all makes him feel like he can do this, like he might actually survive this, so long as you’re by his side. The thought produces an inexplicable lump in his throat and he blinks hard, glittering eyes sweeping across your face before he seizes it, large hands cupping your jaw almost painfully as he pulls your face towards his, lips capturing yours in a crushing kiss.
Niichan! You try to squeal, muffled by his lips, Touya using the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth, down your throat.
Traitorous as ever, your body melts into his only a second later, fingers latching behind his neck, trying to pull yourself closer.
“I need more,” he mumbles against your lips before pecking them again, eyes still closed. “I need more, baby, I need more right now,”
“Then take it,” you whine breathlessly into his mouth, echoing your words from the night before. “Take it, it’s yours,”
      ❅           ❅           ❅
It smells like damp rubber and stale snow, with a hint of year-old hard candy crushed beneath snow boots, releasing faint scents of artificial strawberry and orange.
The restroom is filthy, but neither of you care, too wrapped up in each other to pay much mind to the grime on the walls, or the flaky rust on the faucet—which is quietly dripping intermittently, covered in little droplets of condensation that gleam under the harsh florescent light humming above, tubes exposed.
The cement wall is cold against your bare skin as Touya rucks your dress up around your waist, hands under your ass supporting your weight as your legs wrap around him obediently, praising you for listening to him and never wearing pants, even in weather like this, because god, it makes everything so much easier, baby.
In the past, you would’ve been in a rush, positive you didn’t have much time before someone noticed your absence.
But your family is used to this now, completely unphased by the two of you disappearing for twenty, sometimes thirty minutes and returning with swollen lips and freshly fucked hair.
It’s not like they can say anything, anyway—it’s not like anything is going to stop the two of you now; it’s not like anything would’ve stopped the two of you before, either.
Despite this, Touya still doesn’t exactly take his time with you, large hands pawing at your breasts, your waist, your hips, fingers dipping into the elastic waistband of your panties just to let it snap back against your skin, reveling in the little yelp it conjures from you.
“Already soaked,” he sneers in your ear as two fingers skim over your lace-clad cunt. “Of course you are. I don’t know why I expected any less,” he huffs out a chuckle; a mean, harsh sound that ghosts over the shell of your ear before he captures it with his teeth, biting down hard and forcing a high-pitched squeal from your throat. “Because my baby’s such a Goddamn slut, isn’t she,” his lips are against your ear as he murmurs in that low, sultry voice, hot breath contrasting the cool air of the restroom, and you shiver violently.
“Only for you,” you whine out, already breathless.
And you’ll never get over how easily he knocks the air out of your lungs with just a few dirty words and prodding fingers, stroking your slit through drenched lace in a way that’s almost gentle, careful, purposeful, sure to keep his touches as teasing and not nearly enough.
Still, those three words have more of an effect on him than you would’ve thought, a possessive growl ripping from his chest as he grinds his hard cock against your inner thigh, the denim rough against your soft skin.
That growl in particular is your favourite, and you tell him so.
“Yeah?” he laughs a little, pulling back as sapphire searches your face rapidly, wide and bright and alert with the cocaine rushing through his body.
“Makes me—” sharp teeth sink into the flesh of your neck, just above your shoulder, a loud gasp cutting you off and bouncing against the walls of the small room. “Makes me wet, niichan,”
He groans into your skin, tongue wet and warm and caressing the skin in little licks back and forth, back and forth, back and forth as he sucks, branding you with brilliant violet.
“What’s this? My princess talking so dirty without being prompted?” he pulls back to look at you, and you can see the amusement dancing in his deep, deep eyes, endless pits of cerulean smothering everything their gaze touches, almost voracious as they soak it all up, feeling like they’re sucking the very life from you in the most delicious way.
A pitiful squeak escapes your lips in the form of an answer, heat seeping into your cheeks. He’s mocking you—you can tell. Those three words uttered from your lips aren’t even that dirty, are nothing compared to some of the things that have come out of your mouth while you’re delirious on his cock, begging for his cum.
Still, you’re unable to find your voice, staring at him in an almost helpless manner, a little kitten in the clutches of a jaguar, claws beginning to close in on you, trapping you between heavy, sharp paws.
“Ah,” he smirks, eyes darkening dangerously. “Not so bold when niichan’s actually looking at you, are you?”
Front teeth dig into your bottom lip, chewing on it a little as you hold his gaze, feeling heat gush between your thighs, the symphony of your combined slightly ragged breathing ringing in your ears.
“Say it again,”
And you try—really, you do, lips separating as you try to force the words out, a nasty combination of frustration and shame eroding your chest, burning and acidic, then shaking your head a moment later.
“Just,” you whimper as you try to pathetically rock against him. “Please?”
“Nah, nah, nah,” he’s shaking his head, that stupid grin etched across his face, pulling back even more but keeping you up against the wall, hands still cupping your ass, hips pinning yours. “Niichan isn’t gonna fuck you now unless you ask for it,”
Your forehead creases with a deep frown. You usually ask him to fuck you, don’t you? “I alwa—”
“No, no, you don’t,” he says simply with a tilt of his head. “Niichan wants you to really ask for it this time,”
You blink rapidly in confusion. “I-I don’t understand,”
Little breaths are beginning to leave your mouth, speeding up with the racing of your heart, terrified to upset him. Yet he looks amused, looks like he’s having so much fun as he torments you.
“Aw, sweetheart,” he coos with a false pout, mimicking your own. “You’re not that stupid, are you?”
A little whimper leaves your lips, chin twitching, threatening to begin trembling as you shake your head at him, unable to find words. Heat floods your face again, little pinpricks under the skin of your cheeks, a physical manifestation of your humiliation as he tuts his tongue.
“I don’t know how else to explain it to you,” he shrugs nonchalantly, though you can feel his cock throbbing through the thick denim of his jeans. “Just ask for my cock, babygirl,”
Although oozing with patronization, his voice is soft, blown pupils gazing at you with so much love it’s nearly overflowing from his eyes, slender fingers kneading the flesh of your ass almost tenderly as he waits.
And that’s all the encouragement you need, really.
“I-I want your cock, nii—” you begin, voice fading as your eyes meet his unimpressed gaze, raising an eyebrow at you as if to say Really? That’s the best you got?
A fierce need to prove yourself, to make him moan again, to make his stomach tense from just your words alone, blazes in your chest, burning through your veins and giving you another surge of confidence.
Gazing at him through your lashes, you pout a little more. “Niichan,” you whine out the honorific, back arching a little as you do. “Please, niichan, give it to me, I’m begging, my pussy is aching for your cock, T-Touya-nii—I need it filling me up, need it right now, f-feels so empty without you stretching me wide open,” the sentence fades off into a little whimper, but his lidded, glazed eyes, and the way his tongue runs along his bottom lip as he stares at you spurs you on, more dirty words spilling from your lips. “Feels—Feels wrong without your f-fat cock inside of me,” you nearly weep. “Please, niichan, make it right again,”
The gentle tremble in your voice only adds to it, somehow manages to make you seem so fucking innocent as you whine out such filthy words, and Touya can barely handle it, rubbing against your thigh, the repetitive motion of the denim dragging across your soft skin causing it to chafe.
“Fucking Christ,” he breathes, pressing his forehead against yours as his eyes slip shut. “I wish I had recorded that,”
A cute, shy little giggle bubbles up your throat, face still burning. “I-I can say it again, if you want, niichan,”
He laughs—a genuine laugh deep in his throat, paired with a smile that meets his eyes—and presses a chaste kiss to your nose.
“One day, I’ll film us,” he vows, and the thought alone makes your stomach swoop. “But now, niichan’s gonna make you feel right again, okay, princess?”
“Oh, please, please,” you’re whimpering, body quivering against him.
“Shh, niichan’s got you,” he murmurs as he fiddles with his belt using a singular hand, your tiny fingers wandering down between your bodies to aid him.
Shoving your panties to the side, the head of his cock presses against you, and you wince in anticipation of the stretch—the stretch you so lovingly begged him for, he reminds you, sapphire eyes soaking up every single one of your expressions as he pushes in; reveling in the way your shut lids tighten, face screwing up in pain as the softest little yelp hitches in your throat.
It burns unlike anything you’ve ever felt before, abused cunt still sore and raw from the night before, from being fucked so ruthlessly less than twenty-four hours ago.
But you’re so wet, he breathes, rolling his hips slowly, stretching you little hole out just a bit more with each unhurried rock of his hips against yours. The wetness does nothing to stop the sting that accompanies his motions, though, reopening the tiny superficial fissures in your sensitive skin, quite literally tearing you apart, again, as your cunt yields to his girth.
“Niichan, hurts,”
“Yeah, baby?”
Little fingers curl in his thick sweater, and you whimper out an affirmative, head nodding lethargically against his shoulder.
“I thought you wanted niichan to fill you up?” he speaks as though he’s confused, a hint of condescension sown into the question, never halting his thrusts.
“I-I do!” you say quickly, head shooting up to gaze at him with glassy eyes, thick shield of unshed tears causing them to gleam in the harsh light. “I do,”
“Well then,” he smirks at you, hips pulling back, slow and controlled, before thrusting back in, sharp and fast, so hard it shoves your body up the wall, head whacking against the concrete with such force it sends agonizing pain shooting through your skull like lightning strikes. “Stop being a fucking brat, and take what niichan’s giving you,” he scolds over the piercing cry that falls from your lips, voice rough, deep, rumbling the way thunder does, buried in thick clouds on a humid summer’s day.
“Ungrateful little slut,” he snarls out, panting a little as his hips set a punishing pace, rapidly slamming into you, his jutting hipbones digging into the fresh bruises from the night before.
And you’re powerless to stop the noises you’re emitting, catching in your throat in time with his harsh thrusts, little mewls of niichan! and broken whines bouncing off the solid, cold walls, each one reverberating in his skull, forcing his hips to drive faster, harder, deeper.
But it’s fucking intoxicating, the way he’s pulling those needy little sounds from you as tears slip down your cheeks, pompously spitting demeaning words at you, sugarcoated in a thin, gleaming layer of praise. He’s a goddamn drug, words invading your mind and casting a thick haze over it, and during that moment all you can see is him, hear is him, taste is him—you swear you can feel him rushing through your veins, his heady scent of expensive cologne mixed with hickory campfire and a hint of Marlboros filling your lungs, the organs swelling painfully as you hold him inside your chest, trying to keep a piece of him close to your heart.
He stops to readjust your position, grunting as hooks an arm under your knee and yanks, ripping it from around his waist and forcing it toward your torso, your ankle nearly resting on his shoulder, his hand splayed flat against the dirty wall, using it as leverage. Your other leg clings to him, wrapped so tightly around his body that the muscles are beginning to quiver. Still, this brief pause affords you a much needed moment to catch your breath before his hips piston into you again, harsh, strong, fast, cockhead slamming against your cervix with each snap of his hips.
Each thrust forces another yelp to tear from your throat, your voice hoarse and raw, as he bruises your abused cervix, sharp spikes of pain shooting up your lower back and down your trembling thighs. He’s a watery blur at this point, eyes overflowing with tears, nails digging into the meat of his shoulders as you clutch him, arms beginning to ache from holding yourself up.
Tufts of white hair stick to his neck and forehead, clumped together with sweat. He’s almost whining out curses, slipping from between clenched teeth as his thrusts continue to pick up speed, although you can barely hear him over the sound of your own ragged breathing, peppered with pitiful little sobs that leave your chest heaving.
“Look at you,” he gasps out, wild sapphire eyes searching your face. “So fucking beautiful, taking my cock so well,”
And even in such a position, inebriated from the potent combination of pain and pleasure and him, his praise still makes your heart soar. A little pink tongue darts out to wet your chapped lips, bitten raw by him and salty with your own tears. Strand of hair stick to your puffy cheeks, though you’re unsure if they’re coated in sweat or tears.
“C’mon, baby,” he nearly keens. “Want you to be a good girl and cum for me,”
And those two tiny, four letter words are the magic words, like they always are, your head nodding vigorously, incoherent babbling bubbling past your lips; yes niichan, of course, wanna be a good girl for you, touya-nii, the best girl, your best girl.
He gives you permission to touch your clit, swollen and aching from neglect, your fingers sneaking between your bodies to rub at it, pussy clenching almost immediately.
“Oh, fuck,” he whimpers, squeezing his eyes shut tightly. “Yeah baby, just like that, milk niichan for all the cum he’s got,”
The praise, mixed with a direct command, has your fingers speeding up, moving in rapid circular motions, that cord of heat in your stomach coiling tighter, and tighter, and tighter, until it finally snaps, your little cunt throbbing as you gush around his cock.
He follows immediately after with a dark growl of your name, hips stilling as he finally cums, pinning you against the wall, cockhead pressed tightly against your sore cervix.
It’s thick, scalding, and copious, wrecked little noises getting caught in your throat as his cock pulses, filling you with endless spurts of cum; so much, too much, and you’re sure your womb isn’t nearly big enough to take it all, positive that it’s leaking out of you, running down your ass and down his balls.
You still haven’t caught your breath by the time Touya’s releasing you, hands firm on your hips as he places you gently on your feet, keeping you steady as your legs shake. You can still feel his cum leaking out of you, and you wish you had something better than your thin panties to keep it inside of you. With a pout, you tell him so, voice absolutely ruined as you wheeze out, “I-I wish I had a-a plug, niichan, to hold all of your cum inside me,”
“Christ,” he breathes, eyes twinkling as he gazes down at you, brushing his slender fingers through your sweaty hair. “You’re gonna be the death of me, y’know that?”
      ❅           ❅           ❅
You don’t remember much of the drive home, struggling to keep your heavy eyelids from falling shut. Touya’s half dried cum is sticky—now practically gelatinous—in your panties and the mere thought of it makes you whimper, wiggling your hips a little, trying to shuffle closer to him.
It makes you feel needy. It makes him feel wanted.
“Niichan’s here, baby,” he’s murmuring into your hair as he readjusts his arm around your waist, pulling both your legs over his lap, your side still pressed firmly against his. “Niichan’s here,”
A pitiful whine slips from your lips, little fingers curling in his hoodie as warm hands travel up your dress, kneading the supple flesh of your thighs. Fingers press into the bruises he knows are there without even having to look, smirking at the way you hiss, contrasted by the way your thighs spread just a bit more, giving him more room to work, to play. The pads of his fingers graze the tiny raised cuts that the rough denim of his jeans left behind, tracing the raised little scabs.
“Sleep,” he tells you softly. “You did so good today, such a good little girl for me, my best girl,”
And his voice is the most soothing lullaby, smooth like melted platinum and quiet enough that only you can hear it, undoubtedly drowned out to the others by the staticky car radio.
      ❅           ❅           ❅
The dark bedroom is bleary, as if you were gazing at it though a thick slab of glass, eyes scanning the room slowly, mumbling out something that’s unintelligible even to yourself.
You’re not exactly sure how you got here, sitting on one of the twin beds in yours and Touya’s shared bedroom, propped up against the tiny headboard like a doll.
Touya’s murmuring to you softly as tender hands find the hem of your dress, tugging it up slowly, slowly, slowly, a low whine getting caught in your throat as your soft skin is exposed to the cool air, until he’s removed it from you completely. The clasp at the back of your bra snaps, and you want to tell him to be more gentle, this is your favourite bra, but you can’t seem to make your tongue move, the muscle sitting slimy and heavy in your mouth. Your vision disappears entirely for a second as something soft is slipped over your head, your body engulfed in the scent of hickory wood and Marlboro smoke.
Then large hands are all over you, maneuvering you onto your side then rolling you onto your back, gently prying your thighs open a moment later as he kneels between them, the springy mattress dipping with his weight.
“Touya-nii,” his name escapes your lips in a jumbled whine of protest.
“Shh, baby,” he hushes you, pulling your soiled panties down your legs.
Every muscle in your body aches, weighted down with fatigue from the long day, a few weak kicks—more of a fluttering of your legs, really—being all you’re able to manage in resistance.
“Hurts, niichan,” you whimper, through your eyelids are already falling shut again, exhaustion tugging at your consciousness gently.
“I know, princess,” he responds, and you’re just awake enough for the words to register, brow furrowing. His body heat disappears for a moment from between your thighs as he leans over to grab something, then returns, waves of comforting warmth rolling off of him.
Your body flinches ever so slightly as you feel something cold and smooth being spread across your swollen folds and puffy little hole. Cream, your mind supplies feebly.
“Quiet now,” he says, voice firmer than before. An order, this time. “Go to sleep, baby, and let niichan take care of this,”
Hot, tingling sparks blossom deep in the pit of your stomach, making your entire body buzz, like you’re high off him again, the sensation causing your chest to swell. This is what love feels like—Touya rubbing cool, soothing cream into your raw skin as he murmurs soft praises to you—you’re absolutely positive about it.
“I love you,”
The words leave your lips as a dreamy sigh, body finally relaxing against the mattress again.
He presses a tender kiss to your inner thigh, the soft skin a mosaic of crimson and violet from his previous ministrations. “I love you more,”
And that’s the last thing you feel, the last thing you hear as your mind slowly drifts into unconsciousness, filled with hazy images of a pretty boy with glowing sapphires for eyes and ivory for hair, of slim veiny hands decorated with the most magnificent black ink, the pads of their fingertips dancing along your skin, of a deep, sultry voice smoother than satin murmuring how much it loves you as lips crawl up your body—up your thighs, over your stomach and ribs, along the curve of you neck, until finally, they reach yours.
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barnes-dameron · 4 years
hi, do you think you could write a mandalorian x reader where the reader gets hypothermia? maybe din goes off on a bounty hunt for a few days and a couple days into him being gone the heating completely stops working and reader can’t fix it and she gives almost all the blankets to grogu to stay warm? cue din freaking out when he comes back to a barely conscious and freezing reader and he warms her up and it’s just cute
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*gif not mine
Mandalorian x reader
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: This seems very fitting for me right now since there’s a foot of snow outside of my house! The reader is gender neutral  
You looked out the wind shield of the Crest to watch the frantic swirls of snow that encompassed the ship. Though you couldn’t feel the cold at that moment, the sheer thought of it was enough to send a shiver down your spine, causing goosebumps to rise, and the tiny hairs on your arms to stiffen. The howling wind outside was so strong that it gave the Razor Crest a gentle shake. You hated the idea of coming to Hoth, but the Mandalorian insisted; a bounty worth a ton of credits was hiding out in a cave somewhere nearby.
Shaking your head, you descended down the ladder to be greeted with the beskar clad bounty hunter who was packing for his hunt.
“I shouldn’t be gone for long,” he said, his deep voice doing nothing to comfort you. “Keep the heater on, and you and the Child should keep warm.”
You nodded at his words, pulling your jacket closer to you at the mere thought of being cold.
“How long will you be gone?” you asked, trying to conceal your anxiety.
“A few days at most,” he replied, shoving a blaster into his holster before slinging his prepared bag over his shoulder. “But I’ll be back in no time.”
That was the last thing he said to you before departing into the white abyss, leaving you and the Child in solitude.
It was quiet in Crest, except for the hum of the heater and coos from the Child every now and then. There was little to keep you occupied, much less to distract you from worrying about the Mandalorian. There was nothing on board that interested you, and the Child couldn’t do a lot, much less talk. The only thing that kept you company was your anxieties. However, you put all those thoughts aside when it was time to eat. You heated up some pre-made soup, serving both the Child and yourself. But as soon as the hot broth reached your lips, the humming stopped.
Your heart began to quicken its pace as fear began to spawn within you. At of all the times for this to happen, why did it have to happen now? You stood up from your seat on the floor, grabbed the toolbox, and made your way to the control panel for the heater. Removing the metal paneling that was concealing the controls, you stared at the wiring and tried to make sense of the thing. You didn’t know much about this sort of thing, only how to hot wire a speeder, but you hoped that this wouldn’t be too different. You rearranged the wires, and nothing. You reprogrammed the system, and nothing. You stepped back, putting the panel back, then began your frantic search for anything that will keep you warm.
Days. That was what the Mandalorian said. He would be gone for a few days. A few days for you and the Child to survive without heat. You gathered all the blankets that you could find, all your clothing, the Mandalorian’s capes and shawls, and an old animal pelt you found in the back. The Child watched in curiosity as you began to make a nest of blankets and clothing in the small bunk. You grabbed the little guy, placing him on the make shift bed, and continued to wrap him in the Mandalorian’s capes.
“Go to sleep, little one,” you murmured. “Hopefully you’ll keep warm, and by the time you wake up Mando will be back, and we’ll be far away from here.”
You closed the door to the bunk, praying that the Child will stay warm and that the Mandalorian will come back soon. If anyone knew their way around this ship, it was him. You sighed to yourself as you pulled on more of your clothes, the layers hopefully keeping in your body heat. You made your way to the cockpit, and settled in the pilot’s seat, looking out the wind shield in hopes that a beskar clad figure would appear in the winter desert. You didn’t care how long it took, you will stay there to make sure he comes back.
Hours have passed by. The never changing scenery doing nothing to keep your interest, much less to keep you awake. You lost all feeling in your toes and fingers. You were now able to see your breath every time you breathed. You continued to shiver in place, trying to stay awake to see the Mandalorian. But the swirls from wind and snow caused your eyes to grow heavy, lulling you to sleep despite the cold that was beginning to bite your cheeks.
The Mandalorian dragged the body of the his dead bounty behind him as he approached the Razor Crest, but a certain dread overcame him when he entered the hull only to find the interior was just as cold as it was outside. His heart dropped as the idea of the situation washed over him. He released his hold of the corpse’s feet, the thud echoing. Din closed the hatch to the hull, and began to look for you and the Child.
He opened the door to his bunk to find a little bundle of blankets on top of his cot. Din pulled aside some of the blankets to find the little womp rat, curled in a ball with his eyes closed as he napped. Turning on the heat signature on his visor, he was relieved to see the Child warm. He nodded to himself, placing the blankets back on top of him before going to find you.
Din climbed up the ladder to the cock pit, and his heart began to sink when he laid eyes on you. You were nearly blue through the heat signature vision, and panic started to arise within the Mandalorian. He turned off the heat signature, and began to examine you.Your features lost color; your lips were pale and chapped, and eyes shut. Your body was shivering, and your teeth were chattering softly. Din shook your shoulders, and began to repeat your name, trying to will you to wake up.
Relief flooded him as he watched your eyes flutter open, though they seemed lifeless, it held the light of someone who had hope.
“What happened?” Din asked, trying to keep your attention before you go back into your sleep.
“H-h-heater,” you stammered out, your teeth chattering as you did so. “B-b-broke.”
Din nodded, before hastily ripping off the cape that rested on his shoulders. He wrapped the garment tightly around you, making sure it covered a good portion of your head so that some warmth could return to your face. It was then that he set forth towards the control panel, pulling out the tools that Kuiil gave him from what felt like ages ago. Din recounted the words and advice from the wiser being as he fixed the wiring and checked the internal structures of the heater so that it would last. When he gets back to Nevaro, he will pay a mechanic to install a new one so that this will never happen again.
Din sighed in contentment when he began to feel the haul warm up, the soft humming filling the air once more. Turning back, he returned to the cockpit to find you once again sleeping. Taking off a glove, he pressed the back his bare hand to your cheek but then instantly pulling back when feeling how cold you were. It would take some time for the whole ship to warm up, and he would have difficulty carrying you down the ladder. You were still unconscious, practically dead weight. He would have no problem with anybody else, but this was you. He didn’t want to even risk hurting you.
Weighing his limited options, Din decided to do what he thought best. One by one, the Mandalorian removed pieces of his beskar armor, setting it aside on the floor, but not removing his helmet. Once it was all laid side by side, Din dragged you off the pilot’s seat, moving you towards the door so that the heat could get to you sooner. He pressed his back to the wall, holding you close to his chest as he circled his arms around you; pressing as much of his weight on you so that you could receive some his heat as well.
Din didn’t know how long it took for you to begin to warm up or even regain consciousness. To be completely honest, he enjoyed this intimate moment with you, despite the circumstances of the whole situation. He took this time to remind himself that you were safe, alive, even though he was gone. Even though you were helpless in this situation, you remained alive.
He was pulled from his thoughts when he felt you shift under him. He turned his head to look at you; the color has returned to your face and your eyes fluttered open to reveal the light of life within them. Din brought his hand to your face once again, relieved that it was warm instead of frigid cold.
“Mando?” you whispered, your voice hoarse.
“I’m here, cyar’ika,” Din said, grabbing your hand and holding it in his glove less one. “Are you okay?”
“Better,” you replied, snuggling closer into his chest. “The Child?”
“He’s okay,” Din assured. “Sleeping soundly in the bunk.” Din stroked your hand, relishing in the soft texture that he so rarely felt. “Can you move?”
“I think I can,” you said. “I can wiggle my toes.”
“That’s good,” Din affirmed. “Do you want to get up?”
“Not yet,” you answered. “Can we stay like this for a bit longer?”
“Whatever you want,” Din replied.
He leaned his head back to rest on the wall behind him, allowing you to get closer to him; resting your head on his collarbone, right underneath his chin. If he were to lean forward, he was sure to feel the top of your head beneath his helmet. But this wasn’t about him, it was about you. He wound his arms tighter around you, but still held your hand, tracing patterns on the back of it.
“Hmmmm,” you hummed, causing Din to draw his attention to you.
“What?” he questioned, curiosity getting the better of him.
“Nothing,” you replied. “I just never really realized how warm you are.”
Din felt you squeeze his hand tighter, but he pulled away for just a moment. He positioned it so that your fingers would interlock with his, palm to palm. It was this moment that Din would cherish forever: holding your hand with you so close to him in the solitude of the ship with the heater humming in the back and the harsh cold outside.
Taglist: @tangledlove27 @absurdthirst @caswinchester2000 @16boyfriends-and-me
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likeastarstar · 3 years
The House Call
Summary: As a full time grad student and part time drug dealer, you have a lot on your plate and Namjoon being a shitty school project partner is NOT helping, ok?!
Okay, so you were a drug dealer.
Nothing major! It was just weed, which would be legalized quickly, given the way the rest of the world was going. It was just to get you through grad school, you only sold to friends. You kept your circle tight, not many people even knew you dealt. You were very selective, which is why when Seokjin asked to share your number with his friend, you were unsure. But he was your most reliable customer, so his friends must be too.
What made it even worse was that he apparently was too busy to meet up at your usual drop spot- insisting to pay extra if you did a house call instead. You agreed, obviously, but still. It was annoying.
You had things to do, there was a huge project due the next morning and your partner hadn't done his part of it. He looked smart enough when you were paired up- he had glasses and everything. How were you supposed to know he was lazy as shit.
A buzzing in your pocket interrupted your internal rant- who the hell was calling you this late at night?
"Hello?" You snapped, letting your bad mood seep through your tone.
"Uh, hi- I had a question about the project."
Namjoon- your project partner. Of course. You groaned, walking up the steps to the apartment complex to where you were meant to drop off the weed. All of your conversations with this new customer had been through Jin, a fact that you regretted deeply.
"Get it over with, you know you really should've done this sooner," You sighed, checking the apartment numbers twice before knocking on the door.
"I normally would've but I've been really stressed, ok?" He apologized, a shuffling sound coming through the line.
You rolled your eyes as the door in front of you opened, revealing-
"Namjoon," You gasped, taken aback. He was Jin's friend? What are the odds. You hung up quickly, raising your eyebrows dramatically, "What are you doing buying weed instead of working on our project?"
He looked shocked himself, towering over you with his phone still pressed to his ear. He was dressed more casually than you were used to seeing, his hair disheveled in a way that oddly looked better than when he tried to tame it.
"I told you I was stressed," He mumbled, "Come in. I didn't know you were a dealer."
"I didn't know you smoked," You bit back, rolling your eyes.
You pursed your lips but stepped into his place, looking around curiously. It was nice, decorated in a way you wouldn't have expected from a 20 something year old boy. His place was relatively clean, other than the multiple empty cup noodles placed in random areas and the insane amount of paper laying around, "is this all schoolwork?"
"I'm taking a lot of classes," He shrugged, "How much is it?"
"Uh- thirty," You answered, picking up the nearest piece of paper. It was for micronutrients in the human body. the human, a class you had taken two semesters ago on a whim. "No wonder you're stressed out."
He handed you the money wordlessly, trading you for the paper in your hand. You looked at him for the first time since you walked in, only now noticing the dark circles under his eye and the way he had seemingly bitten his lower lip raw. You groaned, feeling all of the annoyance you had minutes ago turn into sympathy.
You shoved the money in your pocket and handed him his weed, pulling your backpack off your back, "Get high, take a break."
"I can't take a break right now, I'm so fucking behind on all of my classes-"
"Chill, I'll help you. Light up, we'll work on the project together and then I'll help you on micro. I got an A in it, I'll tutor you."
So that's what you did, working through the mountain of shit he had piled up in his living room side by side. You never really noticed how funny he was before, both unintentionally and intentionally. He offered your own weed to you and you accepted, feeling nice and relaxed by the time you had gotten around to tutoring Namjoon on other subjects.
"Do you understand it a little more now?" You asked, looking up at him. He was sat beside you on the couch, thighs touching yours with an arm stretched behind your head on the couch. He nodded and frowned, correcting his work and leaning towards you to show you. "Y-yeah, that's right."
He smelt really good- like sandalwood and honey. You couldn't help but stare at the way he was sucking his cheeks in in concentration. Why the hell was this guy a environmental science major? He could be a model.
"You're a really fast learner," You noted, your voice soft and hazy, the way it always was when you were high.
"You're a good teacher," He mumbled, smiling sleepily at you.
He looked so cute you couldn't help it, leaning forwards to kiss him. Namjoon was caught off guard, freezing for a moment but his lips were soft and his skin was warm, drawing you in before you snapped back to reality, pulling away sharply.
"I shouldn't have done that," You gasped, leaning away from him awkwardly. You had to get out of here- eyes already searching for your belongings. Embarrassment crept up on your skin, heating your cheeks. Maybe you could blame it on being reallt fucking blazed, which you were.
"No," He said suddenly, catching your arm with a hand around your wrist, "I should've done it."
"Why do you think I wanted to be your partner for this project?" He smiled, eyes lighting up in a cute way you hadn't noticed before.
"Um, because I'm the smartest person in class?" You guessed, playing with his large hand idly. His fingers felt good between yours, tingling shocks sparking in the places where his skin touched yours.
He laughed softly, nodding sheepishly, "That too- but more than a good grade, what I wanted was you. Part of the reason I'm so behind in class is because all I do during lecture is stare at you- you're not very good at controlling your facial expressions, did you know that?"
You pulled your mouth into a tight line, smiling awkwardly. It was true, you had been known to show every thought passing through your mind on your face. "Why didn't you say something sooner?"
"You're really scary," He shrugged plainly, as if it were just an obvious fact. "You yell at me a lot which makes me nervous and horny at the same time and I've been trying to figure out whether that means I'm a freak or not."
"It's a good thing I enjoy yelling at you," You noted, more to yourself than him.
"You can yell at me whenever you want, baby," He said jokingly, grinning down at you. Holy shit, he had really nice teeth.
You barely had time to process his words before his lips were on yours, leading the kiss this time. His hand cradled the side of your face, thumb stroking your still flushed cheeks delicately as his other arm wrapped around your waist. You placed your hands on his shoulders, squeezing the muscle under your palms and pulling him closer to you. Namjoon guided you onto his lap, holding you closer him. God- he was warm and strong and so, so soft.
His hands stayed in their polite place at your waist, kneading into the flesh of your sides with a purpose. Namjoon was a good kisser- an easy balance of dominant and soft. He knew where to push and pull, reading your body like it was second nature to him. First kisses could be awkward, but this one was perfect.
His tongue licked a tentative swipe along the edges of your mouth and you reached up to sink your hands in his hair, pushing his head to the side slightly as you parted your lips and allowed him to deepen the kiss. His tongue was soft against yours and he tasted like smoke and something sweet, your favorite strain of weed invading your senses.
"We should do this more often- maybe not the tutoring thing, but this- the kissing thing," He said, parting from you for a moment.
You nodded eagerly, pulling him back towards you, "Yeah, definitely- the kissing thing. Maybe if I give you enough time to stare at me outside of class, you'll do better too. I really can't date anyone below a 3.5 GPA you know."
"Okay, calm down," He pouted, narrowing his eyebrows at you, "I have a 3.8."
"I have a 3.84," You bragged, "Don't worry, I'll tutor you."
He stifled a laugh and began kissing you again. You smiled and reminded yourself to thank Kim Seokjin for asking you to make a house call.
(A/N: giiirrrl what the hell? I don't have a 3.84 in my program...maybe I should've gone into a creative writing grad program instead....LMAO)
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
Hi!! Can I please get wolffe with 1 and 4 smut please!!!! Thank you!!!!! 🥰
Playing Around
😏 heck yeah you can- but I apologize if it’s bad. It’s nearly 1am, I’ve never written anything for Wolffe before and I started writing another story halfway through the smut??? So if you get lost, I really do apologize. I think I fixed it though. I had to reread it a good three times lmao.
A small PSA to the others who requested, I see em all and I will get to them when I can. I start a job on Thursday so stories may be a teensy bit delayed from my posting at least once a day ordeal!
Wolffe x Reader: “It’s okay, just pretend to be my date until they leave,” and “your hair is so soft...”
Warnings: Sexual content, language, female receiving, protected sex because it is frowned upon using kids as distractions during war.
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You sat at the bar with Wolffe and his brothers. 79’s was slowly starting to get more crowded. You wouldn’t really mind if the moment Wolffe walked off someone hadn’t stole his spot at the bar next to you and began hitting on you. “What’s a pretty gal like yourself doing in a joint like this?” He wasn’t a clone, but even if he was one. You still wouldn’t be amused.
You were a Jedi. Trained by General Plo Koon himself. Which was how you were so close with Wolffe— yet it still took everything in you not to knock the guy next to you off the bar stool and walk out. “I’m here with some friends.” You told him, truthfully. The man snorted, and you frowned. “Where are they then?” You motioned your head to Boost and Sinker, catching a glimpse of Wolffe heading back your way. Eyes locked on the intruder in his seat.
“And him,” you spoke. Pointing off towards the commander with a small smile and a wave. The guy turned. Flashing a glare to Wolffe then looking back to you with a dopey smile. “Well, doll, if you want to hang out with a real man..” you glared. You couldn’t stand random people giving you pet names. “I’m just over there,” he pointed to a table with a few other guys. Who all looked away when you looked over.
Wolffe finally made his way over and stood next to you. Practically towering over the man. Eyes still locked on him with a look that could kill. “Is he bothering you, Cyar’ika?” He asked, then glancing to you. Gaze softening for a second. Before hardening once he looked back to the other. “Who’s this, your boyfriend?” The guy snorted, and you grabbed your drink, taking a sip to try and calm yourself down. “I’m whatever she wants me to be, now get out of my seat.” Wolffe growled, and you glanced over to him. Brows a bit raised. Smirking behind your glass and the man cowered away.
Wolffe sat next to you with a sigh, and you leaned over. Pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, Wolffy.” You teased. You were the only one that was really allowed to call him that without him getting pissy. “Anything for you, general.” You snickered, watching as his face heated up a bit. It wasn’t the first time you’d kissed his cheek before, but he always acted so nervous. Even if he knew you just meant it in a friendly manor, or so he thought.
“Wolffe, don’t call me General when we aren’t on the field. I don’t like it when you call me that. Makes things feel, too formal.” You told him, and he nodded. Sighing, and glancing over to you with a small smile. “Yes, y/n.” “Better.”
You chewed on your bottom lip, watching him with a grin. Wolffe looking back to you with furrowed brows. “What?” “So you’re my boyfriend, hm?” You giggled as you watched his eyes narrow on you, then widen in realization. “I was just trying to get him to leave, I didn’t mean-“ you interrupted him by raising your fingers to his lips. “Wolffe, it’s fine.” You spoke with a small smile. “I really do appreciate it, if it weren’t for you they’d probably be waiting for me outside for when I left.” Wolffe looked back to the men at the table. Then moved his attention back to you. “Well..” he started in, “if it’s okay, just pretend to be my date until they leave?” He spoke, and you were the one to shyly look away now. “I’d appreciate that.”
You had to remind yourself throughout the night that you two weren’t actually on a date. You were just being friends. You’ve known one another since General Plo got Wolffe in his Battalion. It was nothing new for the two of you to hang out outside of work, but you wished it was more than just in a friendly manor.
You sighed, the guys had left a while ago, yet you still felt on edge. Turning to Wolffe, you tapped his shoulder to get his attention. Since he was talking to one of his brothers. You could tell he was frustrated by the way his shoulders tensed when you touched him. He quickly relaxed though once he realized it was you. “I think I’m gunna head,” you spoke, and he turned around fully to face you. “Oh okay, you want me to walk with you back to your quarters?” He asked, and you nodded. “If you could, please?” He smiled, you were one of the few that were able to make him smile by just offering softly spoken words. “Plus since you’re my date, it’s the right thing to do.” You shot the tease at him. Snickering at his signature eye roll.
You jumped from the stool, landing on your feet. The two of you, well mainly yourself. Said your goodbyes to the others left in the cantina. Then off the two of you went. Wolffe holding the door open for you, and following you out.
The two of you walked down the street a ways until you could find a cab to wave down. Climbing in and heading back for the hanger. The ride wasn’t really too long, though it was quiet. You were thinking of what you could say to him. What you could do to maybe tell him that you wanted to go on a real date sometime, but before you could. The cab was stopped and you had reached your destination. Wolffe paying the fee and the two of you climbing out and heading back for your quarters,.
You walked the halls in silence, as usual. Though you really didn’t hate it. You weren’t too fond of silence when you had so much to say all at once. “Thank you again, for tonight.” You spoke the first thing that came to mind. Once the two of you reached the door to your room. He gave you a bit of a grunt, and nodded. “ ‘f course.” He spoke, hands resting at his side. You reaching over and grabbed his one hand. Both of you watching your movement closely. “I mean it.” You spoke, the two of you catching one another’s gaze. “For a fake date, I enjoyed every second of it.”
Wolffe was practically staring into your soul at this point. You squeezing his hand, and then relaxing your fingers in attempt to let go. Thinking you upset him, but he had a firm grip on your hand. You weren’t complaining though. “I enjoyed it too,” he murmured and you bit your lip. Glancing to the side, then back to the commander. “Did you wanna come inside?” You nearly whispered, and he nodded slowly. You opening the door to your room. Then pulling the male in behind you.
He paused for a moment, and so did you. You both back in the same position you were in in the hallway. “Can I kiss you?” He asked, and your breath caught in your throat. “Yes,” you said, nodding your head along with your words. Freezing up when his calloused hand reached up to cup your face and stroke your cheek with his thumb. Leaning down to press his lips against yours.
You had been waiting for this moment for what felt like forever. You’d dropped hints, kissed his cheek, hugged him, held his hand, everything that you thought he would notice. Since he wasn’t the best with understanding flirting. It flew over his head half the time anyways.
He pulled back after a moment. His fingers moving to trace your jaw. Whimpering a bit and your eyes fluttered open. Just in time to see a switch flip in his eyes. He pressed you up against the wall. Kissing you again, though this time it was rougher than the last. You yelping into it when your back pressed against the surface. Arms moving to wrap around his neck. Moaning into his mouth when he shoved a leg in between yours and up against your warmth.
He took this to his advantage, shoving his tongue into your mouth and the two of you battled for victory. Though it was stupid of you to even try. He was winning from the beginning, and soon his tongue was roaming every inch of your mouth.
You brought your legs up to wrap around his waist. Hands moving to undo his upper armor and he helped you out. His top half now left in his blacks. As his armor fell to the floor with a clank. Now it was your turn. Wolffe pulling the little armor you wore off, and the two of you were ripping each other’s shirts off like that was your jobs.
His mouth traveled to your neck in nearly an instant. While your hands roamed his exposed chest.. Moaning when he sucked and bit down on your skin. Thankful he was leaving most of the bigger marks where you could cover them. You’d have a lot to explain to the council if they found out you were sleeping with the commander you were occasionally the general of. When Plo needed the help or was off doing something else.
You ran your fingers through his hair. Tugging a bit when he moved down to your breast. One hand squeezing while his mouth sucked. Making you squirm, especially when his mouth swapped over to the other and your ignored one was left with cooling saliva.
It wasn’t long before he was peeling you from the wall and slamming his lips back against yours while walking you to your bed. He placed you down, parting from you for a second so he could remove the rest of his armor. Which he did effortlessly. You doing the same, slipping your pants off as he did as well. The two of you left in nothing but your underwear now. Eyeing one another like you were starving and each other’s bodies were the only thing that could feed you both.
He climbed back over top of you. Eyes roaming your skin, then moving back to your face with a lust filled gave. Though he had a look of admiration as well. “We can stop, whenever you want,” he assured you, and you nodded. You knew he wouldn’t force you into anything you didn’t want, but the words were still so sweet to you. Reaching up to hold his face with your hands, and pull him down for a short kiss. Pulling back and he was chasing your lips for more. “I can assure you I’ve wanted this for longer than I’d like to admit.” You spoke, and he smirked. “Good to know I’m not alone.” He nearly growled. Beginning to trail kisses down your body once more.
You were squirming so bad. Needing some sort of friction and attention. Basically shaking as he licking and bit your skin. Panting like a dog in heat when he moved to your thighs. Now pinching along your sensitive skin. “Wolffe, Kriff, please,” you mewled. The commander smirking as he moved his fingers to lightly trace over your underwear. “Please what?” You were going to get him back for this, but right now you couldn’t think clearly. “Please touch me,” you huffed, and he listened.
He pulled your panties down your thighs, bringing his face even closer to your entrance. Arching your back when he blew against you. You were already so sensitive and you needed some form of release. Wolffe moving his fingers to rub against your folds and then up to your clit. Flicking his tongue out to imitate the same movement his finger did. Which had you unwinding. Hands moving to tangle in his short locks while your legs wrapped around his head.
He continued licking you and sucking, like you were all he wanted to eat. Fingers pushing in and out in an upbeat tempo. Your body beginning to shake as your climax started nearing, “oh Kriff, Wolffe.” You gasped, and he could tell you were close just from the shake of your voice. Pulling back and you let out a whimper. Looking up to him with a pout, and he grinned as he kneeled between your legs. “I’m not done yet,” he assured. The gruffness of his voice making you shudder.
He pulled his boxers off, and readjusted himself between you. You eyeing him for a moment, and watching as he held something between his fingers. Then slipped it over his dick. You weren’t sure how he was keeping a condom hidden, but you weren’t about to ask. You were just thankful he wasn’t about to unintentionally knock you up.
“Did you have this idea all along, or were you planning on taking someone else home.” He chuckled at that. Leaning down to kiss your cheek and press the head of himself against your entrance, making you squirm again. “I’ve had this idea for a while, but never had the chance to act upon it til now.” He murmured against your skin. Kissing your temple, then down your face to your lips as he pressed inside you. Your arms and legs moving to wrap around his body.
He was a lot to take in all at once, thankful he moved in slowly. Thankful for the kisses and sweet nothings he used to help distract you. Once you were finally ready though, you moved your hips up a bit. Nearly melting at the feeling of pleasure that coursed your body. Wolffe obviously feeling the same by the grunt and the way his nose scrunched.
His one hand held onto your hip while the other was pressed beside your head on the bed. Rocking his hips while your finger tips pressed into his back. Eyes locked on one another. Giving him a nod and he picked up the pace. The sound of skin on skin and your guys’ short and ecstatic breath filling the room. Both your eyes falling shut as your both neared the end. “Kriff-“ Wolffe grunted, and you leaned up to burry your face in the crook of his neck while his thrusts quickened. Getting sloppier and more uneven as he chased his orgasm and pushed you to your own.
You let out a small cry, muffled by the skin of his neck as you reached your limit. Your walls clenching around him was enough for him to topple over as well, letting out a cry of his own. Riding out his orgasm with a few more sloppy thrusts, before pulling out of you and rolling off of you with a groan. The two of you laying on your backs panting. Trying to live out your highs. Once Wolffe was down from his he moved to remove the condom, tying it and tossing it in the bin next to the bed. Then climbing back next to you in bed.
He lied on his side, facing you. Unsure if he should touch you or not. Both your chests still heaving and sweat was beading on your forehead still. “You just gunna.. stare at me?” You asked, turning your head to look at him, smiling tiredly as a small lop sided smile crept onto his own face. “Wasn’t sure what else to do,” “you can hold me, for a start.” You didn’t have to tell him twice.
His arms reaching out and pulling you close to his body. You pulling the covers over the both of you, since the cold was slowly staring to creep up on you. Humming a bit when his hands repay through your hair. “Your hair is so soft,” he muttered. Making you smile, kissing a few of his scars on his chest while you cured up next to him. “Maybe I’ll let you use my conditioner in the morning,” and you did. He loved it, too. Because each time he caught a whiff of the shampoo and conditioner out on the field, all he could think of was you. Which was enough to keep the commander fighting, for you.
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duskamethyst · 4 years
de trop.
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a/n: idk why but i love creepy and asshole dabi. also, i noticed i just went slightly over 100 followers. thank you!
word count: 5.3k
genre: quirkless AU, smut, nsfw, mature
warnings: disgusting–  noncon, dubcon, pseudo incest, infidelity, forced breeding, degradation
pairings: touya x f!reader (with mentions of enji x reader)
summary: you and enji are married to each other. there is still tension in his relationship with his children and they are still in the process of accepting you as their new mother but touya takes the initiative to get closer to you.
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being married to enji todoroki isn’t easy.
you’re a sight for sore eyes. young with a body that’s to die for. to some people, you were considered as a trophy wife or a gold digger judging from the obvious age gap between the two of you and how wealthy he was. you and enji paid no mind to it, the love and trust you had for each other was more than enough to keep the relationship going and it was all that mattered. you enjoyed playing the role of a little housewife; cooking, cleaning and managing the household while he provided for the family. 
his children had a hard time accepting it but what child wouldn’t when their new (super hot) mom is around their age and the strains they had before you exist in their lives didn’t help either. it took months for any of them to even speak to you, and it’s usually only a couple of words throughout a week. deep inside you knew if they ever had a say in their father’s marriage with you, they would be quick object to it.  
you love them, though– with all your heart. you didn’t want to feel like an outsider. you hope to be in their good graces sooner or later so they could fully accept you into the family. you even tried to learn what their favorite meals are and how to cook it. aside from enji, you’ve never really gotten any compliments for your cooking but it’s okay, you took it as an opportunity to try harder! dinner time was always a bit racking and quiet, neither of you nor his children really tried to talk to each other and even when you tried, you were always answered with one word replies that entirely cut off the whole conversation. after dinner, they’d usually walk out from the room to be alone by themselves, leaving only you and enji by the table. nonetheless, fuyumi was nice enough to help you with the dishes. 
usually it'd only be the same faces you see around the house in the evening: enji, natsuo, fuyumi and shouto. all of them were usually occupied with their normal activities outside the house, leaving you alone to manage whatever there was that needed to be done and the only time you’d usually walk out of the house was when you needed to buy groceries. you’re aware that your husband had a total of four children, but you rarely saw the eldest around and you had no idea what he did for a living. all you knew is that you’re a couple of years older than him.
you saw him once at the wedding ceremony, though only for a short while. enji had introduced you to him; touya. if anything, he seemed rather uninterested about the whole thing but you were grateful that he made an effort to come to the wedding although he was also the first one to leave and you never heard from him ever again. like all people around his age, he probably had a lot going on in his life right now.
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turning the corner to the todoroki’s residence, you are suddenly met with a male sitting down in front of the gates. you slow down in your tracks as you try to identify the mysterious guy while your hand clutches on your phone harder in preparation to call the police in case it turns out to be some perpetrator roaming the neighborhood in broad daylight. 
however, the man notices you and turns his head towards you– immediately greeting you with his cerulean orbs; a very prominent feature of the todoroki family. 
“touya?” you call hesitantly as the male stands up on his feet, his hands shoved lazily inside his pockets. 
“yeah.” he simply replies as he eyes you up and down when you walk up to him with a grocery bag in one of your hands.
“it’s nice seeing you again!” you chirp as you look up to him in awe, unnoting the mischievous glint in his eyes and his lips quirk into a lopsided smile. “are you here to see your father?” 
“kinda, yeah.” he scratches the back of his neck as he steps aside to allow you to open the gate for the both of you.
“well, he’s at work right now.” you frown before smiling again when an idea pops inside your head. “but you can stay until he’s back. i’ll cook you something while we wait for him. you must be hungry!”
touya doesn’t answer but instead he follows you inside the house. after sliding into your house slippers, you put down your groceries on the table and swiftly put on your apron before taking out the ingredients to begin cooking. 
“i’m not sure what you like… but i can make curry or omelette rice for now.” 
touya snickers as he leans on the kitchen island, eyeing you as you fish out the vegetables from the refrigerator and the grocery bag, “don’t trouble yourself.”
“oh, i insist!” you wave your hand dismissively. “we’re family, after all.”
you turn to the sink to wash each of the vegetables and eggs thoroughly all while striking up a conversation. as you’re about to reach for the cutting board and the knife, a pair of hands suddenly rests on your shoulders, making you jump in surprise. you turn your head around to see touya looming too close behind you as his gaze boringly through you. 
“um, do you need something?” you ask nervously, wiping your wet hands on your apron that you only wrap around your waist and below. 
he ponders for a moment as he continues to stare at you before speaking, “just wondering how you ended up with a scumbag.”
your eyes widen in shock at the heinous word that rolled off his tongue. you’re well aware of the tension in enji’s relationship with his children but none of them dared to say such words about him– well, at least not in front of you but the mocking smile etched on his lips makes you fumed inside and you’re definitely not having it. 
“listen,” you shove his hands away and turn your body towards him. “if you’re here just to insult any of us, the door is wide open for you.”
touya whistles as he revels in the amusement of watching you play the role of a good little wife for his dear father. such pitiful little thing. throwing your youth away and devoting your life for the man that least deserves it. he finds it even more ridiculous how hot you are and his dad was the one that managed to land you, not him. where the fuck did he even find you? why did you even end up with him? you obviously made a mistake and he wants you to see it.
“how good was it? you got fucked dumb by his cock or something?” he jeers. 
you feel your cheeks begin to heat up from anger and embarrassment from his crude words that your hand instantly lifts up to give him a slap on the face. however, it never reaches his cheek instead he has caught you by the wrist– just a few inches away before he’d actually feel the harsh impact. 
“tsk,” he scowls before twisting your hand and making you turn back around and shoves you in front of the counter as you yelp in pain. “got some fight in you, huh? no wonder that old geezer likes you.”
“t-touya– it hurts!” you whine as you struggle under him. he notices how your ass subconsciously rubs on his groin with each movement and (as if he wasn’t already mid hard from seeing your ass when you bent down in front of the fridge) he feels his cock twitch inside the restraints of his pants. he notices that you might’ve realized it too since you suddenly stop grappling and freeze underneath him. 
“why’d you stop?” he chuckles. “such a tease, aren’t you?” 
a tint of pink spreads across your cheeks in shame this time and you quickly shake your head to deny the outrageous accusation. seeing how fast you change from being so uptight to suddenly becoming uneasy in front of him, he thinks you look like a puppy that just got kicked and trembling in fear. and boy, it sparks some sort of disgusting excitement in him. 
“you see,” touya’s fingers reach for the loose ribbon of the apron, easily tugging it as it comes undone before carelessly discarding it to the floor. “it makes me a little jealous.”
as much as your mind is spinning and how scared you feel right now, your eyes wander around to look for something to protect you since you still have your other free hand to reach for the knife. there’s no way you are going to commit murder but you still could threaten him to leave you alone, the very least. if only you could reach for it, though. 
as if he could read your mind, touya grabs a fistful of your hair that leaves a stinging pain on your scalp in order to pull your body back against his. your neck twists to the side as he forces you to look into his menacing eyes. 
“pay attention to me when i’m talking to you.” a sharp and threatening tone enfolds in his voice as he speaks. before you could retaliate, touya turns both of you around and pushes you down towards the kitchen island with his weight pressing behind you to keep you from escaping. he releases the clutch to your wrist and your hands quickly try to prise the hand that has been holding the back of your head. despite your efforts, his grip only remains tighter and makes you wail in agony. 
“shut up.” you don’t miss the rattling sound of a metal buckle coming from your back. when he releases the grasp on your hair, he swiftly pulls both of your wrists together and next thing you know, the texture of leather can be felt brushing against your skin. 
“touya, let go.” you muster all the courage you still have but your voice betrays you as it comes out weak and meek. 
“no,” he grins. “i like seeing you like this.” he presses his body down further, making you bend down on the counter and you gasp in surprise as he takes the opportunity to rub his hard-on against your ass. 
“fuck.” he growls in your ear. the friction feels like an itch that he finally gets to reach. almost. the soft flesh feels so good against his cock and he can’t help but wonder what it’d feel like to be inside of you. you must be warm and tight. god, he hopes it’s tight. 
it’s wrong. it’s so wrong. you chant inside your head as you find your thighs already pressing against each other while touya is making himself busy finding relief from your back and the grunts in your ear don't help either. you want to cry, you want him to stop but the twisted feeling in your gut tells you otherwise. you feel revolted and disappointed in yourself.
the grinding comes to a halt as he pushes himself back to take off your jeans. the thick fabric is in the way and it isn’t enough for the ache in his pants. his bottom lip gets caught between his teeth as he relishes in the sight of your ass, adorned with a pair of simple red panties that seems to be provoking him further. 
“shit, you’re gonna make me cream in my pants.” touya smacks the flesh hard enough to see it bounce and you yelp in shock and humiliation. his fingers move around your thigh to reach your clit and to both of your surprise, your juices are already pooling and forming a damp patch on the flimsy fabric. 
your heart stops and your eyes wide open in horror as touya’s sinister laugh rings in your ears. 
“holy fuck. mommy is a fucking whore.” he mocks, voice laced with amusement on his discovery. 
“stop this, touya.” you plea but a sharp pain shoots throughout your body as a hand comes down hard on your ass again. he has one hand pushing you down on the island by the neck, your cheek pressed against the cold marble and one roughly spreads your legs apart before pulling your panties down, the slick forming a clear string from your sopping cunt onto the fabric and eventually splits as it slides down further to the floor. 
“why? you clearly enjoy this.” he breathes against the shell of your ear, making your body shudder in response. you open your mouth to retort, instead a soft mewl slips out from your lips when his fingers creep up on your slits and coating it with your essence. his thumb rubs circles on your throbbing clit and it got you biting your lower lip to stop any more shameful noises from escaping. 
seeing how stubborn you are is leaving him unsatisfied so touya props himself on his knees and pulls you closer to his face by the hips. he swallows almost too loudly when he sees how your pussy is glistening with your slick when he spreads open the folds with his fingers. immediately, he sticks out his tongue and begins to lap off the juices from your dripping cunny. 
“nggh– ” you try to push away but the firm hold he has on your thighs only pulls you closer to his face and cements you in place. you turn your head to look back at the male, but the sight of his face drowning between your ass cheeks only adds more fuel to your arousal. his eyes flutter open and catch you staring. he continues to lock his gaze with yours as he watches you whimper when he inserts his tongue into your wet, gaping hole. 
it feels so lewd, so dirty but fuck it makes your hips jerk desperately closer to his face, wanting his tongue to fuck inside you deeper and drool starts to trickle from the corner of your mouth. the kitchen is filled with nothing but the pants and squelching sounds that are borderline pornographic as he sucks and laps all your essence. touya revels in your flavor as his wet muscle moves in and out deliciously while his mind wanders and curses how enji got to be the one to taste you like this every night. 
“wanna cum already?” he audibly whispers as he realizes how your legs are already trembling. if it wasn't for him holding your thighs, you would’ve sink down to the floor. 
it shouldn’t be a question. of course you want to cum. he’s only asking because he wants to humiliate you and probably to boost his ego. so you remain quiet through the heavy breathing while painfully trying to deny your orgasm. 
a cocky grin quirked on his lips and you don’t miss how his chin and lips are shimmering wet with your juices. touya is strong-willed and he takes your stubbornness as a challenge. he actually prefers to deny you your orgasm but he’ll save it for another time because right now, he wants nothing more than to make you cum on his tongue. 
“can’t hear you, doll face.” he slides in two digits inside your cunt and groans at the way your walls are already milking his fingers. touya can’t wait to ram his cock inside your tight pussy so he sets up a new determination; pumping his fingers fast and deep to make you cum faster. 
an uncomfortable sensation is squeezing down in your core from the intrusion. it gives you some sort of relief and throb at the same time. it feels peculiar; something like you’ve never felt before and it feels so fucking intense. touya rubs deep circles on your clit and you’re no longer able to hold in the moans from your lips and your eyes squeeze shut as the orgasm continues to build until it dramatically crashes down– your vision turns white at your foreign but mind blowing release. 
you erratically pant for air and your eyes flutter open again to realize that you just squirted. 
“that was so fucking hot.” he pulls out his fingers and slaps your pussy. you whine at how your cunt convulses from how empty it suddenly feels. “don’t worry, doll. i’m gonna give you something better.” he coos and gets back up on his feet.
your body is already limp from your release and you’re feeling light headed that you don’t even fight back when touya carries you over his shoulder and walks out from the kitchen. your eyes wander from door to door, thinking that he’s probably marching towards his room. 
but once you land on a familiar large and bouncy bed, eyes staring up to the familiar ceiling– you know something is terribly wrong. as if to reaffirm yourself, you turn your head to the side and you clearly see the picture of you and enji from the wedding ceremony on the vanity. there’s no doubt that touya has brought you to the very room where you share your nights together with your husband. 
your stomach churns once touya immediately hovers above your body and caging you in, a smug and devilish grin curves on his lips. 
“d-don’t do this, touya– ” you whimper, the restraints from your back making you uncomfortable as you try to move. 
“ah, ah.” he shushes you. “after i made you squirt on my face, of course i have to feel your pretty pussy around my cock. bet he never even made you squirt before.” he knows damn well it’s true because he sees the hesitation in your eyes before you look away in embarrassment. 
your bottom part is already bare and naked when he kicked off your jeans and panties before carrying you earlier and he kneels between your thighs to keep your legs spread. touya kisses you before you can even utter another word and he easily slides his tongue inside your mouth when you gasp in surprise. 
while his tongue is roaming around in your mouth, sucking on your tongue and making you pant for air, his hand snakes into your shirt to grab a handful of your breast. he starts to massage your mound, fingers slipping into your bra to rub your hardened nipple with his index and thumb. the kiss breaks as you mewl underneath him and he leans further down and attacks the soft flesh of your neck with his teeth.
“don’t– it’ll leave a mark.” you say between pants. 
touya pulls away to look at you. his turquoise eyes flash between amusement and bewilderment. “that’s the only thing you’re worried about?” he cackles. “not at the fact that another guy is gonna fuck you on your husband’s bed?”
your cheeks burn pink in shame when you realize that he’s right. you’re worried about the wrong thing. your mind fumbles to find the right words, to make it make sense when you’re also trying to reason with yourself in this compromising position. 
touya realizes the question strikes something in you from the perplexed look on your face and he finds great pleasure in it. your attention draws back to him as he suddenly lifts up your shirt, a brow raises when he notices you’re sporting a front clasp bra. you’re really making this easy for him, aren’t you? it’s almost like you’re asking for it. 
“then i’ll leave a mark where no one can see.” he suggests nonchalantly, reaching to unclasp your bra before your breasts pours out from the confinements. touya leans down to suck on one nipple while he flicks the other with his finger, sending waves of pleasure down to your core. you squeal at the sensitivity, thighs unable to press against each other for relief because his own legs keep you nice and open. 
touya continues to suck and nibble harshly on the skin of your breasts, still intent to leave bruising marks all over your chest while you try to shake him away. while the possibility of having marks on your neck is bad, having them on your breasts are even worse. should enji wants to fuck you tonight, would he let you keep a shirt on? would it seem weird? his orders are absolute and you always listened like a good girl but what if–
“you’ll be sore by tonight, i don’t think you can take another cock inside your slutty cunt.” as if he could read your mind, he interrupts your train of thoughts.
touya stands on his knees and a sense of pride washes over him as he takes in the view of littering bruises on your breasts and the flustered look on your face. he continues to take off his jeans and boxers down to his knees before kicking them off the bed. his hard cock finally getting an alleviation as it springs free from the restraints of his jeans for too long. 
the tip is already flushed with a bead of precum and you swallow heavily at the girth– it’s not as thick as enji’s but the length makes up for it. touya begins to line his cock with your entrance, mixing the pre from the tip with the juices from your sopping pussy. a soft whine finds its way past your lips as he rubs his tip through your folds and teases your neglected clit. 
“are you gonna let me fuck this pretty little pussy?” he nudges your clit as his cold gaze pierces through you. “on your husband’s bed?”
the reason touya never stops pointing it out is simply because he likes it. he gets off to the thought that he gets to fuck his dad’s hot wife on his own bed and especially when she is this submissive and vulnerable. above all, enji is his least favorite person in this world. 
you seem reluctant but there’s a brief glint of lust in your doe eyes and it makes his cock grow impossibly bigger. 
“if you’re not gonna answer me, i’ll just leave you like this until he comes home.” the threat masks his impatience. he can’t wait to fill you to the brim and make you cream all around his cock. 
you shake your head, “n-no, don’t! i– please...”
“please, what?” he snickers, slowly poking his tip just by the entrance before pulling out and it affects your body just as much as his. “tell me what you want.”
“please,” you purse your lips flat, bracing yourself before the next few words. “f-fuck me.” 
touya pushes your legs back to your chest before pulling you back down closer to him. a hiss slips out from his lips as he protrudes into your warm cunt– it’s everything he imagined it to be and you’re already sucking him in. you’re so perfect for him.
“so fucking tight,” he growls as he inches in deeper until he’s in balls deep while you squirm underneath him. “i don’t think he fucked you right.”
that’s wrong. in fact, your sex life has been fulfilling. enji can be rough but he can be gentle when you ask him to. the only extra points touya gets is the fact that he managed to make you squirt once and nothing more than that! hopefully.
the current position makes you put your weight on your back and it’s causing discomfort when you have your arms tied behind you but the moment touya starts to pound into your pussy, the ache suddenly becomes the least of your worries and is replaced by the feeling of being stuffed full by his cock. you can feel the popping vein brushing against your walls each time he rams in. 
thanks to your dripping cunt, his pace is relentless and you quickly become nothing more than a moaning mess. 
“who’s fucking you– hah– this good?” he grunts, eyes watching you as your face contorts into a blissful expression with his every thrust. he smacks and bite your thigh roughly in an attempt to draw your attention to him. 
“y-you are!” you wail in a mixture of shame, pain and pleasure. 
“what’s my name, slut?” 
“t-touya!” the lack of resistance in your voice surprises not only you but also him.
he lets out a throaty chuckle, “don’t tell me you’re already dumb on my cock?” he rams deeper and you can feel the tip of his cock brushing against your cervix. “such a dirty whore.”
you find yourself not able to care about the crude names he’s throwing at you anymore. he’s right, you’re already drunk on his cock. touya rejoices in the sight before him and burns the image deep inside his memory. he wishes he could send a picture of you to his father, his mind already picturing the horrid look on his face and it serves as a fuel to the firing resentment inside him.
“you like me fucking you while your husband is out?” the thought of it is so revolting but it somehow makes your pussy throb. it’s as if there’s an ongoing war inside your head and your body seems to betray you.
he presses down on your clit and you feel your pussy clench tighter around his cock. the pressure that has been building overtime feels so tight and it’s threatening to snap. 
“ah– gonna cum!” you cry. you feel so close and your toes are already curled in anticipation for your next orgasm. 
but you’re suddenly pulled far away from your awaiting orgasm and you let out a pathetic whine when touya suddenly stops ramming his cock inside you. 
“if you’re gonna cum on my cock,” he grabs you firmly before rolling to the side so he’s laying on his back while you’re propped up above him with his cock still inside you. “then you gotta work for it.”
instinctively, your hips begin to roll desperately. you’re just so horny and so needy for his cock. 
“that’s a good slut.” he moans. his hands rests firmly on your hips to guide and help you from falling down as you wildly bounce on his cock. suddenly, the sound of a shredded fabric rings in your ears and you realize that touya has ripped off the shirt that you still had on earlier while your bra is already hanging loosely down your arms.
now everything is perfect. your back is arched and your amazing tits are bouncing up and down in front of him while you ride his cock in desperation to reach for your high. 
“tell me i fuck you better than your husband does.” he teases your clit with his thumb and your head lulls back from the intensity and tingling sensation in your core. 
you bite your lip so hard, it could draw blood. you don’t answer him but instead you try to grind closer and harder on his mere touch, your mouth agape as you whine like the bitch in heat you are.
“say it.” he presses his thumb harder but draws back immediately when your body starts to shake. you’re panting for air and the roll of your hips start to stutter though still aching for your release.
“t-touya, i want to–”
“then let me hear you fucking say it,” he smacks your thigh before gripping your hips to force you to stay completely still. “you had no problem screaming my name earlier.” he mocks, fingers digging into your flesh.
your slick is dripping down on his balls, your walls are already clenching on his cock and you’re just longing for some friction to fully push you over the edge. “you fuck me so much better than him, touya.”
“mmhmm,” he lets out a triumph sigh, guiding your hips to move agonizingly. “what else?”
what else? what else does he want you to say? your mind is already hazy with lust and the tight coil in your guts are begging to snap any time soon. 
“i-i want you so much! need your cock! want your cock to make me–  ah!” 
touya lifts up your hips slightly and slams deep inside your cunt. an overwhelming sensation aches deliciously in you core and it only grows more with every thrust. strings of curses escape from his lips and his fingers bury in so deep into your skin, you’re certain that it’s going to leave more marks on your body. 
his thrusts are so vicious and you can’t prop yourself up any longer and it results in you quickly melting down to his sweaty chest. his hands clutches the meat of your ass as he lifts up his hips higher and continuously rams inside your pussy while your hips buck to meet his thrusts. 
“ngh– fuck. right there!” you moan as your body quivers and there’s the presence of that intense feeling again. a feeling you can’t quite catch in the pits of your stomach but is begging to come out. with a snap of his hips and his teeth sinking on your shoulder, a potent wave of pleasure washes throughout your body and you could see stars. your hips shake brutally from the results of the impact and your mouth parts to a silent scream. 
your breathing turns inconsistent as you find solace in his rapid heartbeat. 
“you’re not lying, huh?” he muses. you look up at him meekly and confused but his eyes are concentrated where your bodies are joined together and he’s very pleased. “you really needed my cock to squirt.” 
the bed sheet is soaked now. the very bed where you and enji always cuddle up against each other and you ruined it. because of another man, and not just any man– has caused you to wreck it. 
“i’m not done with you yet.” touya pulls out his cock and pushes himself off of you so you’re laying weakly on your stomach. he positions behind you before lifting up your hips, forcing your back to arch and ass to perk while your cheek rests against the mattress. your body shivers as you feel his tongue licks a strip of your juices. a groan erupts from his throat as he mercilessly slides his cock inside your dripping cunny. you wail from the overstimulation but he pays no mind to it as he remains rutting his hips in pursuit of his own orgasm. 
“that’s it, doll. so– fucking good.” he breathes as he picks up his pace while you whimper underneath him. “you can take it, yeah.” you hope that he’s showing you concern but the tone of his voice implies that it’s a command rather than a question. 
the grasps on your hips are tighter each time he impales his cock inside you. his thrusts are so strong that you can feel your head getting closer to the headboard. the lecherous noises of skin slapping against each other reverberates throughout the huge room, almost loud enough to overpower both of your gasps and moans. 
“i’m gonna fill this slutty cunt with my cum,” he grunts, rutting his hips faster. “you want it, right? fuck– make you carry my children.” 
realization shoots through you and tears start to well in the corner of your eyes. “no, no. please, not inside!” 
his sporadic pace starts to falter before his cock twitches inside you and you feel warm, ropes of cum filling up inside you. touya breathes heavily and his semen drips along from your pussy as he pulls out his cock. he keeps your hips in place as he shoves back in the cum inside with his finger before untying your wrists and laying down next to you to catch his breath. 
“don’t worry your pretty head. the bastard will never find out.” he suddenly interrupts after a brief moment of silence. you both know what he’s going on about and it’s definitely not the bruises nor how messed up the bed is. 
“it’s gonna come out of you. he’s never gonna ask any questions.” 
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duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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