#not being able to watch my favourite show made me cry
fangomango · 7 months
so uhmmm
because me and my sister tend to fail our classes (for reasons we can and cant control) our mother has now canceled our hulu subscription because all we do is watch bobs burgers (which isnt why we were failing)
so uhmm...
:\ im not taking this well
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vivwritesfics · 9 months
Mini Me
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With how shitty my life is rn, I keep having these depressive episodes. Turns out my depressive episodes breed fluff
Max's six year old son has just started karting and his wife has to take him. Boy oh boy, does he miss his wife and son.
"So, Max, can we expect to see your little one around the paddock today?"
Ever since the day he was born, Fabian Verstappen had been seen with his parents around the Formula One paddock. He was always smiling and waving at those he knew and those he didn't. Fabian Verstappen was the happiest boy around.
Max was very proud of his boy. He showed him off to whoever he could. When he was young, he sat on Max's hip while he completed interviews and such.
Fabian was Max's number one supporter (Tied only by Max's wife and Fabians mother, Y/N. She followed him around the world three times before agreeing to marry him. It was a year long engagement, and in that time Y/N found out she was pregnant. They managed to keep it hidden until after their wedding, although Y/N did have to get a dress that better fit her bump).
There was a year between Fabian being born and him being able to attend his first race. Christian was happy to get him fitted out in Red bull Racing merchandise. He got his own little hat and a too large Red bull shirt with a thirty three on it (Max had lost that years championship. Red bull had won the constructors but Max had just missed out on the WDC. Red bull had worked out the kinks in the car and Max was bound to win this year, just as he had the previous year).
This year was the first year Fabian and Y/N weren't there to cheer Max on. And interviewers certainly picked up on it.
"Uh, no," Max answered when they asked about Fabian. "He and my wife are at a karting event right now."
The interviewer gave him a nod. "Following in your footsteps perhaps?"
Letting out a laugh, Max nodded his head. "We can only hope," he said.
"Do you think we'll be seeing him in a Red bull Racing suit in the next fifteen years?"
Again, Max nodded his head. "If he's anything like his dad, he'll be in a Red bull Racing suit before that," he said and adjusted the cap on his head.
Max left the interview and checked his phone. As much as he wanted Fabian and Y/N at his race, he knew how important karting was to his son.
Max has always been Fabian's hero. His first full sentence was 'I wanna be like daddy'. Max and Y/N did whatever they could to make Fabian's dream come true.
The one thing Fabian wanted but he couldn't have was to have his daddy at his karting races, watching him. There had been a lot of screaming and crying while Max and Y/N tried to explain to him why his father couldn't be there.
But Fabian had made friends at his Karting matches. He and the other kids he had raced against got along like peas in a pod. Fabian's first ever play date was with his karting friends. Some of them had been sat with their eyes and mouths wide open while Max brought them juice. They couldn't believe he, their hero and favourite driver, was Fabian's dad.
Max pulled out his phone and checked his messages. Nothing from his wife yet, but Fabian's race should have been done, he realised when he checked the time.
Dialling her number, Max pressed his phone to his ear.
It took Y/N a moment to pick up. "Hey handsome," she said in a chipper voice when she picked up the phone. Her voice was distant and slightly distorted, and Max realised she was in the car.
"Hello, Liefje. How's our little racer?" He asked her.
"Daddy! Daddy!" Came Fabian's voice. "I won! I won! I won!" He shouted.
Well, that answered Max's question. His cheeks were warm as he smiled, listening to his son. "Ik ben zo trots op je, mijn jongen. Ik kan niet wachten om jullie twee weer te zien!" (I'm so proud of you, my boy. I can't wait to see you too again!)
There was a moment before Fabian responded. He was fluent in English and French, but he was only good at Dutch. It still took him some time before he could work out what Max was saying and respond.
"Papa, ik... heb een... trofee." (Daddy, I got a trophy.)
There was a certain sense of joy that filled Max whenever Fabian answered him in Dutch. "Fabi, make sure mommy sends me a picture of your trophy," he said.
"I will do, Maxy," Y/N responded for the little boy. "Fabi, what do we say to papa?"
Again, Fabian was quiet for a moment. "Oh!" He suddenly cried from the back of the car. "Good luck with your race, Papa! Maybe you can win like me!"
The Verstappens laughed.
"Good luck, Max. Call me after you've won."
"I will, Liefje. I love you."
"I love you too."
Max hung up the phone after that. He his qualifying to get ready for. As he got ready, though, he spent the entire time thinking about his wife and son. He checked his phone constantly, waiting for Y/N to send over the picture of Fabian and his trophy.
No father had ever been prouder of his little boy than Max. Fabian was his everything and he couldn't wait to see him in the big leagues. Who knows, maybe Max would still be racing alongside him. Maybe he'd have Horner's job, team principle of Red bull Racing while his son raced as their number one driver.
No matter what, Max would always be Fabian's number one supporter.
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hunnylagoon · 4 months
PT1: Sober to Death
Ellie Williams x Reader
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I’m home and here to stay like a ghost to haunt. You can’t shake me off your back for I linger in your head like carelessly uttered curse. Summer falls to ashes in my mouth and so I will spit them into your urn, just like that all of my devotion turns violent.
Premise: After a mental break you are being held together by nothing but glitter glue and craft yarn. You seek refuge with an old friend in a coastal town to live the life you thought you left behind.
Warnings: SENSITIVE THEMES / reader is a recovered addict / mentions of drug and alcohol abuse / angst / brief mentions of violence / possibly triggering discussions of drug addiction
Read at your own discretion
Inside me, something seethes. Inside me, some feral animal has been forced into a cage where it thrashes and screams. Perhaps I will turn into a snarling wolf and rip out the throats of each girl who made me go home crying in middle school. Maybe I will don the pelt of a sheep and surprise all of those who convinced me it was a good idea to try ketamine when I shed my cloak and reveal my long curled claws and fangs sharp as knives.
I'm heartless at worst and helpless at best.
I don't know how else to be. I was raised like a stick of dynamite lit from both ends and I can describe in detail how the earth warps beneath my feet or how I watch the sky bend until it snaps and collapses onto a body too tired to lift it back up.
Everything miles ahead of what I was, to them, I was only ever an addict. Cursed with the nickname 'popper' since tenth grade and everyone thought it to be nothing more than a joke they didn't know how I found serenity in the tablet of acid that rested on my tongue. 
It started with pot and drinking on the weekends then flew into full-blown benders when I swallowed back synthetic sunshine like it was candy. None of my friends thought I would end up with my back plastered on my dorm floor, eyes wide with what once was a bottle of pills frothing out of my mouth. 
It took me two overdoses to get here, had to put my white blood cells to work.
"I didn't think you'd be up this early," Joel smiled at me, he was nursing a mug of coffee, a plate in front of him with a half-eaten piece of toast and a golden yoke running onto the porcelain. That might've been my favourite thing about the farm, fresh eggs. Once you have them you can never go back to the sad pale grocery store eggs.
"That makes two of us," I pulled out a chair from the wooden dining table and sat down. Joel had put so much love into this home. These days I’m too nauseous to eat breakfast.
"Ellie doesn't even wake up this early," He took a slug of his black coffee, the scent was strong, filling up the entire house, I could smell it the second I woke up. "How's the room? Is everything to your liking?"
I had felt so guilty for free-loading off Joel whom I hadn't seen since I was twelve, it had been eight years. He sent me cards on my birthday every year but I never was able to grasp how close our parents had been. I'm pretty sure I was friends with Ellie when I was little, there were pictures of the two of us hugging each other and playing beneath sprinklers, my front teeth missing, Ellie covered head to toe in Spider-Man band-aids. I didn't have any recollection of us when we were close, as we got older we got more stiff around each other. When my family would visit, she would hang out with her friends and I would keep to myself. Of course, my parents moved us to the city where everything hit me too hard all at once. "It's perfect, thank you."
"It's pretty hard to peel yourself off that mattress, huh?" Joel smiled at me, showing me every ounce of warmth he had when I was a child.
I nod in response "So much more comfortable than those stiff dorm mattresses," It almost felt like I was making conversation with a ghost.
"Since you're up so early, care for a tour while I do some chores?" He asked. I had been here a few days already, though I just kept to myself I didn't want to impose on his pleasant life with his daughter who hadn't called him at three am sobbing because she had too many opioids. I had wandered briefly around the farm of course and I had remembered bits and pieces of it from my childhood but I felt so out of place that I mainly locked myself inside of my temporary room and lived through my friend's Instagram stories.
"I'd love to," I smile politely, unsure of what else to do. 
 "Do you think you're gonna go back to school?" Joel asked as he stood up with his plate and mug in hand and began to wash them in the stainless steel sink. "No pressure, there's life outside of a lecture hall."
This was a question I had been thinking about day in and day out. I was a year and then some into getting my degree when my 'fun habits' began spiralling uncontrollably. My parents had managed to snag me a two-year deferral so I could go to rehab and go back to school the following year but I was so full of shame that I shook with the thought of going back. For the first time in my life, I am afraid I have no real desires. 
When I was dead inside a motel bathtub, I thought I needed to be somewhere different but now that I'm there, I need to be someone different too. "I'm not really sure right now, just please don't tell my parents I said that."
"Secrets safe with me," He opens a cabinet and pulls out a bag of cat food, shaking it until a scrawny calico cat appears out of thin air. Pepper happily devours the food Joel puts in her little bowl. I remembered Pepper, she was a kitten way back then and I would cut open socks to make clothes for her. "You should just know that it's never too late."
Very early in my life, it was too late. "Thanks, Joel," Not yet a corpse and still I rot like all of my ambitions turn to sludge at my tired feet.
He looks around, exhaling a deep breath, trying to scope out anything else he has to do in the kitchen. "You outta get geared up, I'm gonna wake up Ellie then me and you can get to work."
I nod in agreement even though I'm not sure what he means by 'gear up' so I figure that's just him saying to put on a hoodie and some rain boots. I stand awkwardly by the door, waiting for Joel. Absentmindedly I rock back and forth on my heels hands clasped together. I'm twenty years old but I feel like I'm twelve again, trying to find a place for myself in someone else's life. 
I thought of the last time I was in this house. I was twelve, unaware of the future that awaited me, I had buried a time capsule with Ellie and her cousins somewhere on this property. Writing to my future self, talking about all of the things I should be. If only she saw the brain-rotten zombie that was her destiny.
My parents had told everyone back home I was backpacking across Australia and taking a break from academics to see the world. In the eyes of those who knew me well and were more than aware of what happened, it was a shame to them that I had wasted a sharp brain and a pretty face. It takes a whole lot of strength the endure myself.
It doesn't take long for Joel to walk back down the creaky stairs, Ellie trailing behind him, sleep in her eyes. She's in boxers and one of Joel's old t-shirts, hair still messy and unbrushed. Ellie yawns and gives me a little wave- it wasn't really a wave, just her raising a hand in my direction as an acknowledgment. 
We hadn't spoken much since I got here, I had met her in the past but we didn't know each other. A lot can change in eight years. She wasn't unfriendly toward me, we indulged in small talk and laughed at each other's jokes but each conversation was so shallow I wanted to lay face down and drown in them. 
Ellie goes straight for the fridge, unlike her dad, she pours milk into a sickly sweet cereal which seems cavity-inducing. She was back from college for the summer, taking advantage of her father's love and food. Joel walked over to where I was standing at the door, slipping into his mucking boots. "While you're both here," He says before looking at me "How much do you know about boats?"
I furrow my eyebrows "A good bit I guess?" I answer, figuring he was just trying to rekindle a spark between Ellie and me that had been put out eight years ago by rain, ocean spray, and vodka.
"Y'know, Els," He gestures towards me "This one used to work at her parent's marina, they tell me she's done a couple of repairs and I bet she could give you some pointers on how to fix up that boat." I'm confused by his words, this is the first I've heard about a boat. Joel can see the uncertainty on my face "Her uncle gave her a piece of shit boat last summer before she went back to school, over the year I guess some teenagers thought it was a good hideout and trashed it even more."
"Seriously?" Her head pokes up "It would be great if you could come down with me later, she just needs a little love," Ellie spoons some cereal into her mouth. I had always thought it weird how people spoke about their boats like they were women, I even caught myself doing it on occasion. "Only if you want to, of course."
"Sure," I agree, no idea how much repair this boat was in need of "I've got nothing better to do."
I could tell Joel counted this as a win. I knew he had been commuting with my parents and how desperately they wanted me to keep myself occupied for the summer. "Well, we've got some work to do, kiddo."
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After a solid five hours of following Joel around like a duckling and re-learning all the names of the animals, I was walking with Ellie toward her pickup truck. "Wanna drive?" She asks as we walk to the long beaten driveway
"Oh, I can't." The coolness of the morning has ebbed away into a borderline unbearable heat, I wasn't sure how Ellie was absolutely unfazed in her Jeans, T-shirt, and trucker hat. 
"You never got your licence?"
"No, it got taken away."
She cracks a grin "Jeez, what did you do? Hit a pedestrian?" Ellie teases.
"Something like that," Truthfully, my licence got revoked after I got a DUI and swerved my car off the highway, I was too high to realize the danger I was in and laughed the entire time warm blood pooled from a gash in my head that had to be stapled shut. Luckily my parents can throw money at anything and the problem will go away. 
She hops in the truck, there are little bits and pieces of it that show how it's lived in. A rubber duck with sunglasses sits on the dashboard and I'm partially surprised it hasn't melted in the sweltering heat. 
As beautiful and scenic as the drive down to the docks is, it's also extremely awkward, only on my end, Ellie seems completely unfazed. Travelling down the dirt roads until we finally hit the pavement. 
The salty breeze of Andromeda Cove carries conversations of clubbing and tanning, mingling with the sweet scent of coconut sunscreen and sea salt. Colourful beach umbrellas dot the shoreline. Seagulls glide effortlessly overhead, their calls blending seamlessly with the distant laughter of beachgoers. Quaint shops and cafes line the bustling boardwalk, offering an array of surfboards, souvenirs, and freshly caught seafood delicacies.
The Cove was immune to those gross and bland modern buildings that looked like something I would've made in Minecraft as a kid. Everything down here was local and kept its charm even after all these years. "Do you ever miss it here?" 
"I don't remember much of it to be honest."
"Really?" She asks, taking a turn down to the docks "It doesn't seem like it was that long ago."
"Yeah, my memory just isn't very good." My lungs are burnt and my brain is fried. You could tell me that I was in cheerleading for five years of my life and I would probably believe you. 
I hadn't remembered her being this quiet but then again I don't remember much, I should probably write down everything I can before Alzheimer's sets in. There are lapses in my mind where memories should live, I recall my life through glimpses.
Ellie takes her keys out of the ignition and hops out of the truck, leading me down the docks. I keep guessing in my head which boat belongs to her and then the second I spot it, I know and how I dread. It's a sailboat or what's left of one, sharpie graffiti scribbled all around it. The word 'wanderlust' had once been titled along the side though the first half was scratched out by what I assume were those teenagers Joel mentioned so it just said 'lust'.
Ellie had no problem climbing aboard, I on the other hand had doubts that it could support the weight of two people, let alone itself. There were chips of white paint scraped off, Ellie motioned for me to get on deck  "How long has this been abandoned?"
She waves me off  "There's freedom that comes with abandonment."
I raise an eyebrow "Sinking in a boat that's docked is a very lame way to die."
"Nah," She says "We can haunt the marina."
She holds out her hand for me to take it and with hesitation, I do. Stepping over the gap between the dock and the boat, I haul myself over the rails. Even in the dark, I could make that climb, it was almost like muscle memory from working at my parents marina summer after summer. "She's a beauty, yeah? In her own special kind of way," Ellie pats the side of the companionway. "I actually made some progress on it last summer, if you can believe me."
"I don't know if I can," I look around, following her as we duck into the saloon.
She reaches for a notebook with a pink sharpie clipped onto it on the table of the saloon and turns to face me "Whoever was here must've been a real wordsmith, what I can't figure out is how the words got out of the notebook and onto my walls." 
I crawl onto the cushioned V-berth to get a better look at all of the writing on the walls. Most of it had been poetry, not Edgar Allen Poe but the kind that only an angsty teenage girl on the verge of a mental break could've written. 
The Statue of Juliette:
May I ask what you have done to women?
That your hands have only learned to harm one
Hand after filthy hand
Is dragged
Over my rusted skin
The things I have seen
The things I have endured
No water can clean me
No blanket can warm me
Take a hammer to my bronze flesh
And I will thank you for your kindness
As my body crumbles and clatters against cobblestone
I am eternally grateful
For this is the gentlest act I have ever faced
"I know," Ellie says, and I look back to meet her sharp gaze "A real Sylvia Plath.”
"Is this your candle?" I reach for it on the ground, it's halfway through its life. A vanilla bean bath and bodyworks candle.
She takes it from my hand and gives it a sniff "I was wondering why it smelled so good in here, I just thought that was you." She places the candle back onto the saloon table "So, Neptune's daughter, where should we start?"
I snatch the notebook from the table and flip it open to a page clean of any writing. It takes a little less than fifteen minutes to seek out all of the trouble spots. Ellie followed behind me and nodded to everything that I was saying. 
The boat isn't in nearly as bad of condition as I expected. I suspected that the teenagers who occupied it while Ellie was away at college had all been girls, they took relatively good care of the boat aside from the graffiti, allegedly most of the damage had been there when Ellie got it from Tommy a year ago.
We now sat next to each other in the booth around the saloon table, the ocean rocked the boat beneath us ever so gently, the same way a mother would rock her child's cradle. I missed the sea when I was in college, on a bender I had driven three hours just to be back with it, it seemed the only safe place to let go and be reborn. I liked the sharpness of the air, the vastness of the horizon and the mystery beneath it. I thought I would rise from the seafoam a new woman the same way Aphrodite did but no, I threw up on the sandy shores and called my parents to make it go away.
I give the notebook over to Ellie, a new entry written in bright pink Sharpie amongst the poetry and anecdotes. 
Wanderlust's issues:
Mainsail and jib seem sketchy; Unfold the hoist for a full assessment
Wiring issues are out of my hands but a probable concern-should probably call in an expert
Nav instruments are cracked
Leaks on starboard window, probs cracked moulding
Interior woodwork is original, mainly solid despite a bit of mildew
Graffiti and chipped paint, graffiti likely cleanable (May need a new coat of paint)
Possible rigging issues
Underside? That's a question for the experts
Final Verdict: Wanderlust is a seaworthy vessel in need of some love
Ellie lets out a low whistle "God, I love a girl who knows the difference between a mainsail and a jib." She cracks a mischievous grin.
"You're teetering very close between sexy and crass," I tease her in return.
She seems a little taken aback by my comment, like she hadn't anticipated a response but ignores it nonetheless "What would it take to make you my first mate?"
"I'm sorry?"
"For someone with a bad memory, you seem to know your boats, Joel said that you used to work on charters. You gotta know more about sailing than me. It'll be a fun summer project, get you out of the house a bit."
I furrow my eyebrows as I look at her "You want me to work on the boat with you?"
Ellie nodded. She didn't rush to fill the silence that stretched between us, she didn't bother to sweeten the deal or hunt for some reason I would like working with her. She just let it stand. I looked her in the eyes, trying to figure her out. She goes from being almost non-verbal with me and now she asks me to spend the summer on a boat with her. I wondered if she knew what she was doing at all and if I would be carrying her through this.
I had a feeling that Ellie would become my next bad habit. It's easy to get addicted when everything interests you and nothing satisfies you. "I'm in."
"You won't regret this," Ellie almost jumps up, I swear I could've seen her making calculations in her head "So, I'm thinking we get rid of all this junk and get a good look at it bare bones, make a list of supplies and give her the spa day shes in desperate need of."
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On my second day as first mate, I had been scrubbing away inside of the saloon while Ellie did some work on the exterior, my Scrub Daddy was being put to work. By the time I even made a dent in all of the Sharpie poetry, it was nearly falling apart and begging to be killed.
When I emerged from the companionway to replace my filthy bucket of water I spotted Ellie chatting up a girl on a dock. She had long glossy black hair that cascaded down her back in strategic ringlets. "So you're gonna sail on this thing?"
"Rebuilding her first," Ellie tells her, leaning against the railing. The girl she's speaking to looks like she's freezing, denim shorts cropped high and a white tank top.
"Do you need help?" She smiles and even I'm seduced by it. She has tanned skin that she's clearly been working on and sunglasses pushing back the silky hair from her forehead. "I've been on boats, lots of times," Her arms are crossed over her chest. I can see goosebumps all over her legs from the chill brought to us by the gray sky above and the frigid air. 
"That so?" Ellie asks, rising to her full height. A wrench in hand, it looks like the beginning of a really bad movie, not a family-friendly one. She saw me then, standing behind her. I watched her facade drop. Her smile changed as I approached, turning from flirt to friend in two seconds.
"Oh, hey," The black-haired girl regards me like I'm some kind of threat. "So do you need help or what?" 
Ellie looks at me and then back to her "Thanks for the offer but we're all set."
"Do you maybe wanna grab lunch or something?" She completely ignores me.
Ellie shakes her head "We've got lots of work to do, but-" She takes a deliberate pause and I almost cringe "I'll probably be at the shipwreck later. Stop by if you're around."
"See ya'," She grins and takes the sunglasses off the top of her head, placing them on the nose bridge before walking back down the dock.
"Wow," I dump my bucket of water over the rail of the boat "Looks like super difficult work out here, you are so brave." Sarcasm drips from my tone "Without you, who will flirt with all of the hot girls at the marina?"
"No need to be jealous," She says "I'm spending every waking minute with you after all."
I gave her the evil eye but I truly wasn't jealous. I didn't chase the thrill of a fling or late nights with girls whom I would forget by morning. I had dropped that by college and replaced it with ketamine and opioids, I abused liquor like I was its two-faced love. Now the only thing I chased was calmness. 
I wasn't jealous, just briefly reminiscing over how carefree I used to be. 
The tide was rolling and the sky above us was gray and angry as if something was raging within it. "Shit," I mutter, waves shifting from a distant hiss to a closer hush. The air hung heavy, I hadn't even noticed the change in weather from what seemed like the century I spent scrubbing away in the saloon. 
Ellie must've noticed what I was. "So, I'm thinking we should go?"
"You think?" I retort.
Moments later we're packed and rushing down the dock to find her truck. It doesn't take long for rain to begin to splatter on the ground beneath us, it isn't light and gentle, it's harsh. It sounds like pebbles being tossed onto a sheet of glass.
By the time we reach the truck, I'm soaked, hair sticking to my forehead and neck "You didn't want to poke your head into the saloon and say 'Hey, it's looking like there's gonna be a storm'?" 
"I was a little preoccupied," Ellie isn't much better off than I am, she takes off the flannel she had on top of her tank top and tosses it into the backseat, her tattoo out on full display. The rain is so heavy that everything on the outside of her truck looks like a blur. 
"Can you even drive in this?"
"No, can you?"
"No, I told you I have a DUI," The second the words leave my mouth I regret the slip-up. My eyes go wide and a hand slaps over my mouth, I'm acting like I just told her I was the one who took out JFK.
"You didn't tell me that."
"Well," I look forward, ignoring her piercing gaze, "I thought I did."
If not for the rain outside that pounded against the glass as if it wanted to be let in, we would've sat in complete silence while we drowned beneath all of the words going unsaid. My mind begins to wonder, first I think of the black-haired girl at the docks; I hope she didn't get stuck outside in the rain, especially with her lack of clothing. Then I think about what Ellie's thinking, did she know already? Had Joel told her? I'm humiliated all over again like I'd been when the paramedics dragged my half-naked body out of a bathtub.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asks. I don't say anything and she takes this as a hint "We don't have to talk about it."
I'm beginning to grow comfortable with the silence. I almost preferred it to the back-and-forth banter Joel and Ellie constantly had, which was more so father and daughter teasing each other.
Joel had probably known more about me than I did, my parents liked to keep him filled in after all. They just loved to keep tabs on me, if it was legal I'm sure they would put cameras behind my retinas and watch my every move. Eight months ago when I was in rehab, that was the most peace I've ever felt. As much as my parents wanted me clean, they held resentment since I ruined my life and was destroying theirs by association. Joel didn't seem like the type to gossip to his daughter but it nagged at me regardless. "Did Joel tell you anything?"
"What do you mean?"
"Just-like," I search through my brain to find the words "Like what I've been up to?"
She shrugged "He just said you are on a deferral and need a break from the city."
"Okay," I say, my voice so quiet it was almost smothered by the obnoxious rain. 
"Are you hungry?"
We had thrown on two jackets Ellie had in the back seat of the cars. She offered me Joel's black raincoat while she humbly took the bright yellow rain poncho. It took everything in me not to laugh at her, she looked like Georgie.
Ellie slung one arm around me, we were both hunched over as we ran as fast as we could. She was shouting stuff at me but I couldn't hear her through the rain, I just nodded in agreement and hoped she hadn't said something awful.
She tugged me left, the deluge chasing us into Salty's for cover. It was nearly dead in there, two other tables, one was an elderly couple and the other was a group of girls, laughing like hyenas while one of them showed the others a picture on her phone.
Ellie wasted no time in taking off her poncho and I didn't blame her, no one wanted to be seen in that. The second we settled into a booth by the huge glass window which took up the entire storefront, an over-eager waiter came up. He was tall, had dark hair and had handsome features, he must've been bored with how slow it was in here. "Hey, Jesse," Ellie said "Can I have water and a big-buck burger?"
He nodded and swerved his body to look at me, "Alright and for you-" He looked up from his notepad and paused for a moment before a huge smile cracked on his face "I haven't seen you in so long!" 
"Hi," I smiled, my mouth hanging openly awkwardly as I tried to recall him.
"Do you remember me?" He asked, his hand dropping to his side "Jesse," He reminded "We used to go to school together."
I had no idea who he was "Oh my god, yes!" I say "I remember."
His smile grows "God, you look so different."
"You too," I gesture at him "You're way more-" My mind falls flat "Grown."
He nods along to my words "Have you had a chance to look at the menu?"
Wanting this conversation as soon as possible I nod despite not even opening the menu “Yeah, I'll just get the, uh, big-buck and a club soda.” I repeated Ellie's order.
He jots it down onto his notepad "It'll be right up."
"Ellie, I don't know who that is," I say when I see him retreat to the server station to fill in the order. The entire restaurant is nautical-themed, the walls painted black, and there were nets with faux fish covering every square inch of the ceiling.
"Wow, I had no idea," She says, sarcastically "Damn, your memory really is fucked." 
Trust me, I know or at least I think I do. I disregard her comment "Water? Don't you wanna get rootbeer or something? Joel said you drink so much soda that your blood is made of corn syrup."
She grins "Gotta keep up the tough guy act."
Across the restaurant one of the girls waves to Ellie, this one has curly brown hair and a sundress "Hi, Ellie!"
Her eyebrows furrow "Hey there-um...you," Ellie said "Good to see you again."
The girl smiles slyly at Ellie before turning back to her friends. "Looks like I'm not the only one forgetting people, what's your excuse?"
"There's a lot of girls in the world, I can't remember all of their names."
"You must've gone through every girl in the cove, power to ya'," I say "No idea you had such a reputation."
"You don't know a lot about me."
I shrug "You know even less about me."
"I bet I could guess."
"Be my guest."
She leans back like she's carefully considering her next words, choosing them very wisely before she finally settles "You picked a major like communications and got bored quickly, decided you needed to do some soul searching. Probably read 'Eat, Prey, Love,' then went on a backpacking trip, expenses paid by your parents. Alternatively, you lived in a van and pretended to be a broke hippie."
I shook my head "Very cliche and you were only right about one thing."
"I got bored quickly," The rain outside was failing to cease. Across from me, it looked like Ellie was calculating my every move. Her auburn hair was still wet, and from her hairline, a droplet of water dribbled down onto her button nose to rest on her cupid bow.
"Can I have a hint then?"
I see a realisation hit her "You partied with frat guys?"
I shook my head "I've always been too cool for them." I wasn't too cool for them, I was too fucked up to even know they were throwing a party until someone verbally informed me, by that point all I've ever done at a frat party was break in through a window and steal a keg like the disgusting fiend I was. It was nothing to be proud of, my friends thought it was hilarious and posted it on their Snapchat stories, egging me on and feeding into this sickening behaviour. What wasn't funny was how I got caught and winded up with a busted lip and broken rib. With pupils the size of my iris, I couldn't feel the pain I was in.
"Okay, now you have to tell me."
"I can't, I lose my mysterious allure."
The bell above the door chimes signalling the arrival of another customer and said customer makes a b-line for our table. She takes a seat next to Ellie "Jesse texted me that you were here.”
"Dina, were you at work?" Ellie furrows her eyebrows.
"Yeah, it's not like anyone's buying souvenirs right now and Jesse told me you finally came back," She whips her head to look over at me.
I genuinely remembered her, unlike Jesse. She had buried the time capsule with Ellie, her family and I. I also recalled how her older sister used to give us hand-me-down clothes. "Dina, hi."
She has freckles scattered across her face the same way that Ellie does. Her smile was so comforting, I forgot that I was soaked to my bones and shivering. "Well we should all do something together tonight," Dina grins "You're doing Ellie a huge favour by helping her fix that rig, she better give you some good head for it."
I almost choke on my saliva while Ellie just groans with disappointment like she had anticipated Dina saying something along those lines "D, you can't say that stuff around every girl I'm with, this is essentially my sister for the summer."
Dina raises her hands in defence "Sorry, my bad, I was unaware since you failed to mention that you have my old friend living with you." Ellie looks like she's going to say something but Dina speaks up again before she has the chance to "Let me give you my number."
Wordlessly, I hand my phone over to Dina who fills out her contact information and then gives my phone right back to me. I study Dina's face and her mannerisms, hoping that something might bring me back to my childhood which has been wiped away by every upper and downer you could put a name to. Something about her seemed familiar, maybe we had been closer friends than I thought.
I nod along to whatever she and Ellie are saying, chiming in random bits of dialogue but my mind is stuck on the two of them side by side. They're what I could've been if my family never moved us away and I hadn't turned my brain into sludge.
The life I could've had.
 Ellie smoked from what I knew, maybe Dina or Jesse were into something a little more hardcore. Hardcore? If hardcore qualifies as drowning in a concoction of cough syrup, Vicodin, codeine, and Gatorade to balance out the flavour of self-destruction. The bottles I swallowed to sleep, I showed up to almost every lecture high. Here I was handed what was nearly a good life and I tossed it away for something with a sweeter taste than a stable job and proper education.
The horrors I've committed. No good deed will ever outdo the bad that I have unleashed upon this godforsaken earth. From my clouded brain, paralyzing thoughts come to life to curse myself, the nightmare no mother would wish for her child to endure. 
Relapse after relapse, I would fall sick with the thought of how many times I had to relapse until I was finally clean and that bitter flavour washed from my mouth.
"Are you okay?" Dina asks with a smile and furrowed brows "We kind of lost you there."
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It's one in the morning and I want to drink wine then slip beneath the rapid waters that will gladly pull me under and claim me as theirs.
Instead, I opt for a class of water. As Dina had said earlier, she wanted to get a bunch of friends together but the second we got home, I showered and locked myself away. Echoes of laughter and chatter drifted through my window.
I slip down the steps that lead to the kitchen. Outside the rain has finally dissipated and Ellie, Dina, Jesse, along with a handful of people I don't know crowd around a bonfire. The kitchen is illuminated only by moonlight, the moon hung over me as I poured myself water from the tap, a dead thing over a dying thing. 
I have seafoam in my veins and centuries-passed sunshine that induces my craving for some pills that will put me to sleep. Three months completely clean and yet that doesn't end the yearning for the drugs that comforted me more than any human ever had. 
The door cracks open and in comes Ellie, she's laughing and from the uncontrollable giggles, drowsy gaze, and slightly disoriented walking I can tell that she's been smoking. "Hey," She smiles at me, reaching passed me to grab a mug with Garfield on the front and fill it with water but she doesn't take a sip, she just sits it down on the counter behind us and stares at me.
Our faces only inches apart, I contemplate her next move. This close I can smell the marijuana on her and I almost want to scuttle upstairs and light a candle. Ellie hugs me, wrapping her arms around my midriff and letting her head find its resting place in the crook of my neck "Are you okay?"
"Mhm" She hums "I'm just glad you're here, whatever the circumstances are, I'm happy that you're helping me with the boat," I'm carrying almost her full way, and she's slouched against me "I love you man, I know you don't remember a lot from when we were kids but we had a lot of fun together."
"Thanks, Ellie," I give her a little pat on the back "That's really nice of you."
She peels herself away from me, using the counter to lean against instead. She looks me up and down, having an intense staring contest with my pyjamas "Do you wanna come out and smoke with everyone?" She's shed her tank top and thrown over a gray hoodie to shroud her from the oncoming cold.
I shake my head, no "I don't mess with that stuff."
"That's smart," She says "Have fun in your room, stowaway, I'll see you tomorrow to work on our boat," With that Ellie leaves without grabbing the Garfield mug she came in here for.
A/N: Hey, y’all. I’m aware I have a million open docs, I assure you they are all getting some love but I needed to come back to my roots and write some angst. These are some issues I have struggled with and I feel that it’s important to bring attention to it so it’s not taboo.
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spitefulfemme · 2 months
i love being cared for and spoiled just as much as the next lesbian, but it's so important to do the same for the other person in the relationship.
helping them out when they've had a bad day, give them a shoulder to cry on or a neck to hide their face in, reassure them that they'll be ok no matter how much the world feels like it's crashing down on just them and them alone. or if they're not that much into physical touch, just lending an ear helps. even if you can't give them great advice, just being there and letting them get their bad day off their chest says a lot, and it means even more. and some people don't like to talk about their bad days. that's ok too. sometimes it's just space that they need but sometimes they just need to be distracted from their bad day. indulge in some of their favorite hobbies with them, watch a comfort show/movie of their's, cook them their favorite meal.
remembering the little things and doing them just because. adding in small details that you've remembered they hold so dear to their heart for whatever reason. it always feels good to know you're actually being listened to.
can we pls normalize femmes paying for stuff? just a little bit???? please queens/kings????? listen guys, i'm not complaining if you want to take care of me financially, i am a broke bitch! but WHEN i do have money, (not very often😞) at least let me buy you some ice cream with it or SOMETHIN'- PLEASE! i know ice cream isn't a super big responsibility but it's always felt weird to me seeing the relationship dynamic where one person supports themselves and their partner financially, and the partner doesn't even reciprocate it occasionally???? THIS IS NOT ME DEMONIZING THIS LIL DYNAMIC OR WTV, i just personally do not vibe with it. but do whatever makes you happy, bbgs. i know there are other ways of taking care of someone other than supporting them financially but i'd love to even be able to do it just once in a while, if not all the time. (all the time is not likely bcs once again i can't save money for shit....)
i know i mentioned this for like five seconds in my first or second lil paragraph but cooking is such a reassuring thing to do. cooking someone their favourite meal or just any meal is a love language that we look past too often and i am sick of it!!!!! (this is coming from someone who tried to make homeade hamburger helper with burrito beef two nights ago btw... don't look at me.) it's such a quiet way of love admittance. but then genuineness is there and it's abundant. mostly if your partner is of culture, i bet that would be an amazing and quite heartwarming surprise for them to see. (meow:3)
i could go on and on and on about reciprocity but it's 2am and i don't feel like writing anymore...
⁻ this post was made by a minor, mdni accs dni!
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(seems like a good place to leave this) Billy edging you until you're nearly screaming, then handing you over to Stu, who overstimulates you until you're definitely screaming. Thoughts?
So you throw two of my favourite boys, my all time fave poly ship at me with my favourite kink ever and expect me to not write something for it? You would be extremely mistaken Anon. I have so many thoughts about all this and this is literally THE place to leave a thought like this. So let’s get into it.
Rating. Explicit. Length 2K. Billy Loomis X Stu Macher X AFAB! GN! Reader. They/Them Pronouns. Poly!Ghostface. Warnings: Dirty Talk. Edging. Orgasm Denial. Vaginal Fingering. Vibrator. Toy Use. Overstimulation. Hitting. Punishment Play. Pain Play. Begging. Crying. Forced Orgasm. Vaginal Sex. Billy And Stu Being The Worst/The Best.
A Battle Of Wills.
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This is your fault.
At least that is what he keeps saying to you, continually tells you and reminds you, that this is all because of you. To quote him about ten minutes ago when you were whining, “If you’d just kept your mouth shut I wouldn’t be doing this to you.” 
You are positive that he thinks he is making a good point but no one is forcing him to do this, he made this choice of his own free will and speaking of will that is how this all started. Claims over who had the strongest will, who could last longest in this scenario, and you are coming to realise that perhaps you were too confident, okay, not just confident, leaning more towards outright cocky and now you were paying for it. 
You were just so sure that Billy wouldn’t be able to have the self restraint for this, you thought that being naked and below him, moaning and squirming, fully on display. You thought the feeling, the view, hell even the smell would draw him in and make him cave before you did, and yet, you were, fuck, you aren’t even sure how many edges deep at this point. Billy was showing no signs of wanting to slow down or stop or even release himself from his jeans, that smug look on his face, between your splayed legs, two fingers lazily pumping in and out as his thumb circles your clit as he asks, “How you holding up?”
You open your mouth to speak and his thumb presses harder as his fingers curl just so and it makes you let out the most pathetic sounding moan as opposed to any actual proper words and he laughs, “That’s not a real answer.” 
Sucking down a deep breath, brows stitched together as you try to ignore the pleasure coursing through your tense body as you try to push out a response that won’t have him mocking you. The words that leave you sound rushed and strained, “M’ fucking fine.” 
“Oh yeah, you totally sound fine.” Your eyes run down the length of your body to him, staring up at you with that look that makes you clench around his fingers, something he of course notices and naturally comments on, “I felt that.”
Before you could say anything else another voice is cutting in that has both you and Billy’s attention snapping towards the bedroom door, seeing Stu leaning against the door frame looking all too amused, “Now what is going on here?”
“A battle of wills.” Billy says before his attention is returned to you along with the quickening of his fingers once more, “Oh really?”
“Mmm.” He hums out as Stu pushes off the door frame and comes closer, his gaze feels predatory and somehow makes you feel even more naked than you already are in your totally bare state. 
Billy hadn’t stopped and Stu watching now was adding to this, pushing you to the edge quicker, pleasure spiking at an alarming rate. He was watching every small movement and reaction with great interest, the way your chest rose and fell, the stuttering of your words when you try to speak, the hitching of your breath.
"Hi." He greets with a small wave, playful and totally him and you push out the response of, "Hey Stu."
The sensation rises, climbs, you are almost there, you are too keyed up at this point to do anything to hide how you approached that ultimate moment and thus he knew just when to stop, just when to pull his fingers out. He was cleaning them off, a groan against his own slick digits, revelling in the taste of your pure unfiltered frustration as you fight off the urge to sob. 
Stu was beside the bed, hands in his pockets, head cocked to the side slightly, eyes roving over your sweat soaked form and he spoke again, “Soooo, name of the game is who can break first? He edges you till you beg to cum or he breaks first and has to fuck you?”
Still breathless you nod, eyes falling closed as you try to regain some composure, Stu snickers, “Musta really pissed him off this time. How long you been at it man?”
“Oh what would you say? Getting near an hour now.” He admits and you huff out a weak, “Feels like two.” 
“And you still haven’t given in, it’s honestly impressive.” Billy praises and the warm feeling of pleasing him washes over you briefly before he says, “But I gotta get going soon, so let’s wrap this up, okay?” 
“Shit yeah, it’s Wednesday, you got a class soon.” Stu said as if he just remembered and Billy grunts in acknowledgment as he was shifting on the mattress, you hear the nightstand opening, hear him rooting around for something and then it snapping closed again. “Yeah, but don’t worry, after I break em then I got a treat for you Stu.” 
Stu points to himself with a wide grin as he lets out a pleased, “Ooooh, for me? You shouldn’t have.”
Billy is back between your legs and the bright flash of colour in his hand catches your eyes before the item he got from the nightstand is between your thighs and the sound of consistent humming fills the room. As soon as candy coloured silicone touches your overly sensitive clit your head is thrown back against the pillows, body is immediately taut, legs jerking from the sharp rush of sensation and the bliss hits like a ton of bricks, weighing you down, rooting you to the spot. Stu laughs as he exclaims, “Jesus, you’ve done a number on em. So loud!”
Were you being? You hadn’t even realised you were moaning until Stu pointed it out, long and low, curses and panting breaths and unable to stay still. It took all of two minutes for you to approach the edge, and that is when you break, that is when you beg at last, “Please, please, please, fu-fuck, I can’t take it, I can’t, no more, please!” 
Closer and closer still, he didn’t look like he was going to move away, was holding the vibe just right on you and your eyes stay locked on him, still begging, still pleading, completely and utterly desperate, “Need it so b-bad, need to cum, please, please, M’ sorry! Just let me finish, let me feel it, please Billy!”
He had this look on his face, as if he was considering and that shift in his eyes like he might pull away again it makes you more frantic as your legs begin shaking. Your fingers are tugging on the sheets, back about to arch your volume increases, as if begging louder would make him listen. You were two seconds from tipping over, “Fuck, fuck! Right there, gonna cum, yes-”
That is the moment he turns it off. 
You nearly scream, the heels of your hands press to your eyes and you want to break something, you cannot believe how bad this is, how in need you are as you fight back tears, laying slack on the bed and leaking an obscene amount you bite out, voice breaking, “You fucking asshole!”
“Awe, touchy, touchy.” He admonishes you for your comment by laying a firm smack down between your legs, the hit lands on your extremely sensitive cunt and the tips of his fingers catch on your clit and your legs respond to the rush of pain with a twitch as you yelp. He then tells you, “No one likes a sore loser.” 
Somehow you restrain yourself from flipping him off but just barely.
You feel him shift again on the bed and your hands pull away, looking to see him tossing the toy aside and stretching, looking again, very fucking smug. “Looks like we proved who has more will power because while you-” He gestures to your still trembling form, “-are a fucking wreck who is practically crying to cum, I’m gonna get up and go off to class totally fine.”
He does just that, gets up and he pats Stu on the shoulder, “And I’m tagging Stu in who hopefully is in the right mood to help you out.” 
“Seriously man, this is a great gift, our favourite slut already on the brink of tears and dying to get off? You’re too good to me.” Stu sounded genuinely touched and it makes you want to roll your eyes, the guy will take any chance to ham up a moment for a joke and take great pleasure in it, king of improv thy name is Stu Macher.
“What can I say, I’m a real generous guy. Have fun, I’ll see you two kids later.” A kiss pressed to Stu’s cheek before he is leaving, you are focused now on the tall blonde, a lecherous and sadistic grin splitting his features as he sing-songs out, “Bye Billy.” 
Your body still feels weak, limbs heavy but you try to move back on the bed, get away from him but he is too quick, hands lock on your ankles and he pulls you down the mattress, “Hey, hey there’s no getting away from this sweetheart. I got no plans this afternoon and nothing sounds as fun as fucking with you does.” 
His hands ran up your legs as he pressed onwards, “Don’t look so scared, Billy was the mean one today so I’m gonna be nice, alright?”
Why didn’t you believe him?
Billy was in no rush to get home. 
Class was fine, he got a late lunch, and he was out of the house for around two hours, he wondered if you were both still going at it until he got into the hallway outside your apartment and he could hear you.
He unlocked the door, meandered his way towards the bedroom to find the door was wide open and you still spread out on the sheets and Christ even with the gag Stu shoved in your mouth you were this loud? 
Turns out Stu’s idea of being nice was making you cum over and over again until you literally couldn’t fucking think anymore, forget about speaking.
It was nice to begin, the first orgasm had you thanking him, babbling with the relief the washed over you as you came with his fingers buried in your cunt and his mouth on your neck. It was still good when he didn't stop, merely slowed as he worked you up to and through your second and even enjoyable when he first picked up the toy for the third and fourth he wrung out of you.
But those happened over an hour ago and before he even got his pants off.
Now you were sore, exhausted and thoroughly cummed out, dried tracks of tears down your cheeks and forced to just take it as Stu worked on getting his own hard earned pleasure.
“C’mon man, haven’t we tortured them enough today?” Billy asked, Stu’s head jerked up, a look over his shoulder, a smile spreading on his face as he sees the brunette now watching the scene making him slow his hips, “Almost done, swear to God.”
Billy scoffed, a roll of his eyes as he started to come into the room, “Yeah I take you swearing to God real seriously.”
“What should I swear on to get you to believe me?” Stu was back to it, sounding a little breathless, a harsh rolls of his hips, one of your legs propped up on his shoulder, his hand near your knee as he fucked into you and his other hand holding that same toy Billy was using earlier to your throbbing and over worked clit. “A stack of your favourite porn maybe?”
He snorts out a laugh, a harder slam of his hips into yours and another broken moan tears out that he talks over, “You think M’ that sex obsessed? That I can swear on porno like it’s the fuckin’ bible?” 
“Think? I know.” Billy sat down on the edge of the bed, his hand reaches out, sweeping some hair off your sweaty forehead, “How many times did you make them cum?”
“I had em keep-ing count but once they, ugh, couldn’t form words anymore-” Stu’s sentence stops with a moan, your body was forced through another brutal orgasm and you cry into the gag, it barely felt good, mostly it hurt, just painful clenching and flexing of your cunt around his cock plunging in and out of your abused hole. His pace was uneven, thrusts sloppy, he was going to cum soon, thank God.
Billy nods as he watches your body shake through the feelings Stu was forcing onto it, your eyes unfocused, drool down your chin, throat ruined from all the incessant moaning and crying and screaming into the gag, “Yeah once they start sobbing like that all bets are off, bet they aren’t even listening to this right now.”
“Ohh, you gonna want a turn after I cum in em?” Stu asked and Billy said, “I mean I didn’t cum earlier did I?” 
Seems the afternoon is far from over and one thought breaks through your overstimulated haze, you have got to stop making bets with them.
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
Time to fly!
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Vote in the other polls!
What fans say:
How To Train Your Dragon:
The message was just nice. I have a lot of nostalgia for it. I used to be a huge dragon nerd as a kid and dragons just weren't that prevalent in media here, especially not as friendly figures. I still love HTTYD and it's sequels nowadays.
It was one of my favorite movies as a kid and one of the few movies I watched that wasn't a barbie movie, it's just really cool.
Best movie featuring dragons period. The pure wish fulfillment fantasy of having a highly intelligent fantasy creature companion that can fly and doesn’t mind being ridden like a horse, therefore also the best execution of the dragon rider trope in all of fiction. Extremely funny, adding to the comedy is the fact that only adults have Scottish accents and all the teens have an American accent. So good that even its tv show follow up was decent by extension. The bit where Hiccup is trying to earn Toothless' trust and they start to work together changed me on a fundamental level.
I LOVE IT SO MUCHSHJKBSKHGDK I have a bone dysplasia which causes some bones to be a little bit more hollow and whenever I would feel a pain in my top back, 8 year old me was like ''woah I'm growing wings its my time to fly like toothless'' lol and it was always a dream of mine to fly. Weirdly enough I could relate to toothless because the "not being able to fly but you should be" felt like an allegory to a lot of my life! It gave me hope when he WAS able to after the help of others + the care he always needed + that mechanic wing thing made me feel like with the right ''recipe'' could help me get better too. My favourite scene is the first flight!! I love the animation for it, it makes me feel like im flying through the clouds too! The soundtrack is amazing too, I still cry to the songs.
I could write an entire essay about how much I love this movie, it truly is one of the best films ever made to me. Utterly flawless on both a technical level and a story-telling level. Not to mention the score oh my GOD the score of this movie changed my life. There are too many scenes that are so impactful, but the Forbidden Friendship scene has to be one of the best. Test Drive too.
This is literally my favorite movie of all time. This movie got me through the worst times in my life. It’s about love and friendship and all that lovely goopy stuff and it’s also fucking gorgeous.
THE cinematic masterpiece of our generation. On god.
This movie is an absolute masterpiece, the animation is pretty, the score is perfect, the relationship between Toothless and Hiccup is so sweet, Toothless is absolutely adorable. Definitely one of DreamWork's best films.
It's a beautifully animated movie about an unconventional viking boy named Hiccup finding his place in a world where dragons and vikings are constantly at odds, and how he changes the world around him. The dragon designs are unique and beautiful, and the vikings are larger than life and match the exaggerated setting.
Who on Tumblr DOESN'T want a dragon best friend I ask you. I would kill to have what Hiccup & Toothless have.
It does a brilliant job balancing tropes in a way that subverts and plays into them. There is so much in it for both adults and kids, it doesn't look like other animated films, it feels more grounded and in that realism it becomes so beautiful. The friendship in the film feels very real despite one of the characters being unable to talk! Forbidden Friendship scene is, in my opinion, the greatest scene in the history of cinema. The music, the lighting, the cinematography, the pacing, the emotions, it is practically perfect in every way. I could go on but I think ya get it.
God this movie defined my childhood and it's still so good when I rewatch it now. I'm guessing you'll have had this submitted a good few times bc it goddamn deserves it but. Hiccup is so relatable and !! dragons !! big cute dragons whose animation models are based on cats!! based fr
I have many fond childhood memories of this movie and in particular I loved how my cousin would "talk" for Toothless (cousin was babysitting us when we first watched the movie). Another thing is The SCORE. The music is iconic and awe inspiring to this day. That first time when Hiccup and Toothless fly together and it Works and the score absolutely goes HARD, I loose my breath every time. It's great. Also have you seen Toothless he's an adorable dragon and a badass, what's not to love?
Makes me cry every time because Hiccup and Toothless are such good friends and they love each other and end up as two halves of a boy dragon soulmate sandwich also the music is extremely good who doesn’t like dragons anyway.
It's the story of a beautiful friendship forming between a boy who doesn't fit in and a dragon who is the last of his kind. It's so cute. And it shows positive representation of disability, Hiccup and Toothless become disabled in ways that meaningfully parallel each other. Hiccup makes a prosthetic tail fin! And Toothless is just so cute!
The sound track is amazing
Honestly everything is phenomenal. It has a good use of comedy and an excellent story and character development. There are also countless beautiful and awe-inspiring scenes supported by an amazing score.
It is a very emotional movie about an old man learning to still enjoy life even though his wife died.
Such a beautiful film about loss
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giuliadesu · 7 months
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𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨 | han jisung
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kpop | giuliadesu
fem!reader ⍛ hurt/comfort; depression, insecurity, anxiety ⍛ 1k w
volcano by han
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sometimes, being friends with jisung was hard. it didn’t have to do with the fact that he was an idol known worldwide, often busy with promotions and concerts, no. after knowing and witnessing firsthand some of the darkest days in his life, you made it a point to never show him your weakest side, the one prone to depression and self-loathing; you didn’t want him to worry over your wellbeing when he needed to focus on his own things to be happy. you tried your best to be a little ball of sunshine whenever you spent time together, allowing the boy to either bask in the warmth you hoped to give him, or to soak it up whenever the darkness started creeping up on him.
but it was hard nonetheless, especially when you were the one being dragged back into the darkest recesses of your mind.
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you had been back in seoul for a coupe of months now, after spending half a year abroad for a job opportunity, and jisung decided to drop by to finally spend some time together — it had been far too long for his likings.
he noticed something was off whenever you called or facetimed, yet the idea of asking you directly never seemed good; after all, the last thing he wanted was to make you uncomfortable.
now that you were home, though, jisung decided that the best way to deal with whatever was going on through that pretty head of yours was cuddling while watching your favourite anime. maybe he was being a bit selfish, but he missed his little sunshine.
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“do you think it’s okay to be this insignificant?”
your voice was muffled from where you were resting against his chest. jisung glanced down, noticing how your small hands were tightened up into small balls over his hoodie.
“but you are not insignificant.”
he felt your body become tense against his, yet silently waited for the rest of the rant he hoped would come.
“… not being able to get a job, dropping out of university, being stuck inside this body and in this life — it’s not much of an accomplishment or stuff to be proud of.”
he stayed silent, carefully considering what you’d just shared. why did you never tell him any of this? was this the reason why you where so thin now, compared to when he dropped you off at the airport all those months ago? had you been starving yourself because of stress and depression?
“at the end of the day, the people around you are not going to care about all that, you know?”
he perceived anger boiling through you.
“but i do. at the end of the day, i am the one having to deal with all of this-”
“-and you are so, so, so strong for that.”
he smiled and cupped your cheeks, forcing you to look at him. the sight of your pretty eyes rimmed in red from the tears you were holding back was painful, he could feel his heart clench.
“you don’t even know how proud i am of you. you still made it through, you are making it through!”
one tear, then another; one sniffle, then another. crying in front of han wasn’t on your to do list for the day, yet the sincerity of his words and the warmth of his gaze cut right through your heart. you buried your face in the crook of his neck, holding him tight. he held you back with equal strength, allowing your trembling body to shake all it wanted.
“i’m sorry for not realising sooner what was going on, i should’ve taken a plane to reach you when i started suspecting something was off. but you are not alone, ‘kay? please, rely on me! i want to be by your side when you’re feeling like this, i want to help you see the beauty in and around you. i- i want to make you happy…”
you could feel your heart stop, then beating again like crazy. why did he have to say something like that now of all times?!
“it’s not your fault, ji… i just shut off everyone, i felt ashamed of my own feelings and responsible for all that was going on. i kept wondering how someone like you could stand to be around me, i mean, look at you! a successful music producer and idol, an all-rounder in your field, an amazing person… you could have literally anyon-”
“-but i want you. i am the person i am now because you were by my side when everything went dark. you were my sun, you embraced all my scars and imperfections, turning the tide so that all my cons are pros now. you were next to me when i had panic attacks, you were hugging me whenever i was crying. how could i love someone else the way i love you?”
you finally looked up. his eyes were glossy, shining from a flutter of emotions.
“like a volcano, love at a temperature that can melt when touched take me to you, way below to the end of the ground it’s okay if everything burns down even if i go back hundred of times, my choice is always you, so i can melt into you hug my body even if it hurts, it’s okay among the cold and harsh waves i need your heat, you are my volcano”
“that song was for you. i wrote it with you in mind all those years ago when i realised you were more than my best friend.”
he chuckled, stroking your head before moving some strands aways from your face.
“you really are a volcano: you bottle everything up for the longest times, then you explode. sometimes it’s a big event, loud and scary; other times it’s the gentle flow of lava, still scary yet fascinating to look at, with your eyes red with unshed tears.”
his hands found your cheeks again, and you let yourself melt at the contact.
“if i am a volcano, then you are the ground that supports me — anytime, anywhere.”
the kiss was slightly salty from the tears you both let out, but it was perfectly imperfect like the both of you.
i’ll protect you, it’s okay to hurt; i’ll embrace the wounds you shed.
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© giuliadesu. please do not copy, translate, use in videos or reupload on other platforms and sites. it is strictly forbidden to feed any part of my content to ai.
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cartooncreep · 9 days
Speaking on the Darius,Brooklynn and Kenji drama.
Now when I first started this show back during Camp Cretaceous I was fond of dinostar, i thought it was a given that they would end up together, I mean its a tale as old as time; main guy ends up with main girl (excluding the lesbians). However, as the show went on and the probability of dinostar becoming cannon withered I ended up having a growing respect for the Camp Cretaceous team. For me at least, and for the general audience I would say, they subverted expectations. However small of an act it was, making dinostar not cannon was monumental in children's story telling not pushing an ideology that men and women can't be platonic friends.
Darius being one of the only one's without even a hint of a romantic subplot was also incredibly refreshing as too often storytelling gets bogged down by romance plot that are so badly written it makes me want to cry as to why it took precedent. It was also so comforting to finally have a character in western children's media that could be feasibly headcannoned as arospec without having people use their romantic interests as an argument against.
The introduction to Darius's feelings towards Brooklynn I thought was well handled and very mature, the writing team knocked it outta the park with how they made the characters mature with the way they handled emotions and tension, Darius's confession to Kenji felt so real. I swear I've seen/experienced one to one scenarios in my own adult life. It is despite this the confession felt like I watched the first cannonball blow through the hull of this story.
As most of you know the fandom was far from pleased with the pairing of Brooklynn and Kenji in the first series so I am grateful that they show not only allowed us to experience a glimpse into how wholesome their relationship was and how they genuinely DID work together only to have had them break up. It made it feel less like a retcon and more like a realistic path for a teenage to young adult romance to follow. Another thing that was important about their relationship was that Kenji was the one to end it.
Too often in this series Kenji has been dismissed as "the dumb one" by not only his friends but his own family. It occurs to a point where Kenji would have likely ended up agreeing with everyone else as to avoid being laughed at for having his own opinions. To have Kenji take matters into his own hands and put his own wellbeing first, to have him be the one to end things, makes me genuinely love and appreciate how these characters have matured and changed with time.
Now, back to Dinostar. I wouldn't have minded Darius and Brooklynn having a romance this series if there wasn't a previous relationship. Having a found family trope is one of my favourite things, but a trap that media falls into way too often is creating an incestious friend group dynamic. The reason why these sort of friend groups don't work out in highschool (which is where you will most commonly come across this dynamic) is because of the incurring jealousy. Jealousy breeds contempt. Having the original pairs maybe swing apart and then back together wouldn't cause as much as a rift as different friends falling for each other and causing strain on past and present couples.
I believe building up this relationship between Darius and Brooklynn will muddy this beautiful found family trope this show has built. Maybe the characters themselves will be fine with the end solution however I can't help but think the audience will be able to look at this show through a lense of reality and be sobered by the fact that having dinostar become cannon causes irreparable rifts.
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bostova · 6 months
i remember being small, maybe 2 or 3 years old. i had chicken pox and was so terribly itchy, so my mother put a lotion on my itchy that smelled bad, and unnatural, and yucky on my sores and hoped that i would sleep, but she left my moon lamp on and it was too bright in my room. i held my Captain Scarlet doll and my teddy and pulled the quilt over my face, but then i got too hot. some of my scars are from the sores.
I remember earlier than that, though. I asked my mother and she told me I was too small to be able to remember it, but i can remember it better than even she had. HE came home different and unrecognisable and Scary. There was a big dark cloud outside and it was raining. His head was shaved and he was wearing a red tracksuit. He was the angriest that my small eyes had ever seen a person to be. He smashed eveything in the kitchen, it was so loud and I covered my ears, and then he made his way through the house, punching holes in our doors, stamping on my best toys and my mother's shiny things. She put me in the car before he could break us too and we drove far away for many hours and the rain was hitting the car so hard. And then... we went home again so she must have thought it was safe now for some reason. I hoped that it would be to a different house, with new toys and no holes, but it wasn't. He was gone and my mother was left to pick up all of the little pieces of plates and cups and our lives were supposed to continue as though that hadn't and wouldn't happen again.
I remember getting lost a lot when my mother would take us shopping, i never remember him being with us, so probably we were out to try and be away from him and pretend again. i remember her showing me where in the Woolworths i should go if i got lost, but i could never find where that was, nor could i find her. i cried for a while and looked at the toys that pulled my eyes into them and had probably caused me to get lost in the first place. I looked at them through their boxes and didn't understand why i wasn't allowed to open them, were they not for children like me to play with? she always found me, but i only really remember the getting lost, not the getting found.
I remember being sat in the bath when i was 3 and being sad that i was alone and had no friends to play with, then later my mother told me that i was gonna have a sister, and that she was doing that so i wouldn't be alone. i remember hoping that i could be a good sister to her, not realising that i had to be a brother which was different. i knew this from seeing some brothers in my cartoons i think. She was so small and i remember taking a picture of her with my red camera when she was born, my mother told me to make sure it doesn't flash because my sister's eyes were so small, much smaller than mine, so i covered the flash with my finger just in case.
i remember being 6 or so, and inventing worlds for my toys to live in and be happy. I wished i could live there too, and hoped that if i wished hard enough, and gave those worlds as much detail as i could, i would be able to go there. i remember copying the voices and memorising all the lines from the films my mother had taped for me, which i was allowed to watch whilst he was away. My mother always laughed when i could say the next line of the film before the tv said it. Hook was a favourite film of mine, i loved how peter was able to fly and live in such a wonderful place like Neverland, and it always made me cry when he had to go home to his own family, because it meant i couldn't pretend that he was my dad too any more.
I remember being 6 or 7 and she showed me Highlander. I loved the swords and the sound they made, and i wanted to live forever, i think she did too because she was crying a lot. The Kurgan did not scare me, as i had seen scarier things already, and his sword was much better because the spikes popped out and it was longer. But he killed Ramirez so that made him the bad guy. BETTER TO BURN OUT, THAN TO FAAAADE AWAYYY, YYYAAGH i would say often and my mother would laugh.
i didn't like school very much and the teachers did not like me either. one of my teachers always used to spell things wrong when she wrote them on the board so i would make sure to raise my hand and tell her, so she could spell it right, you are supposed to spell things right when you are a teacher because you don't want other kids to learn it wrong, this was the right thing to do, but then she wouldn't let me go to the toilet when i asked until i stopped asking. and then i got a kidney infection and had to be in the hospital with a needle for 5 whole days because i wasn't allowed to go to the toilet i think, i was 7. she made me stand up in front of the class when i came back and asked me to explain to them what what had been wrong and asked me if it burned when i went to the toilet, i said yes and my face was red and i wanted to run away but I couldn't run home, and the other children laughed. those kids in my class had made a small card for me telling me to get well soon, i didn't recognise any of the names.
i used to fall over a lot i think, i was clumsy and "uncoordinated", that was a big word i learned from the school nurse, i asked her to say it some more times and then to write it down and then i never forgot it. I would see her a lot, and i remember making her laugh once because she had to write my name in the accident book and i said "you'll find my name in there a lot!" and she said "oh, in the wars are you?" and i smiled and agreed with her, but didn't really understand what that meant.
i remember having some friends who were girls who i liked a lot, and some boys who i had to play with because those girls would also run away from me at lunch time, they said its because they don't play with boys, but I didn't really understand what that meant or why it meant i had to try and play football instead of what they were doing. i hated football and being in the mud, one boy always used to push me over and put my things in the mud because i wasn't really a boy he said and i talked funny, and he spat on my new shoes, and stole my favourite lime green transformer car. i tried to tell the teacher but she was the one who wouldn't let me go to the toilet. why did it have to be like that i wondered?
for all of those years i wished i could be back by the mountains and the sea, and the place where they meet, where i was born and it was warm. my auntie and my nain and my taid were there, so why couldn't we be too? we could just get in a car and go there, and i remember being mad at my mother for a very long time that we had to live with Him instead. it was only later that she told me it's because he was in the police and he would kill her and me and my sister if we left, and nobody would know. she had tried to tell the police before about the way he hurt us but they said they don't know what she was talking about, he would never do that, he was a good policeman. so she belived him when he promised to hurt us if we tried to get away.
i remember high school was so big and i felt so small, and now i REALLY had to be a boy, and more boys would hurt me if i tried not to be one of them. i liked books a lot, and read them whenever i could, i got good marks in english and i liked my teacher. i wrote a poem about war once, and she told me i was a dark horse, i didn't know what that meant, and i was thankful that another kid who was loud asked her what that meant so I didn't have to use my voice to do it.
it was high school where i got into music, and i realised that music was like books because it made pictures in my head, but other kids could see those pictures too and music was easier to share than a book. i got into guitar along with a few other mosher kids because punk rock was new and exciting, and easy to learn and play for people. my first guitar was 3/4 scale and had one pickup in the middle position. it was terrible and loved it, and the way it fit my body.
i grew a lot towards the end of high school, i got tall and i grew my hair long and straight, and i think a lot of girls liked me then, and i liked some too, but i had no way to talk to them any more because i still didn't want the boys to hurt me, though i was taller than them all now, which made me feel alien and strange. i was just glad that i could run away from PE to play guitar now.
college was where i met my first girlfriend, she said she loved me and she hurt me a lot and often, this was the only kind of love i knew how to receive besides the love that my mother gave which isn't what a girlfriend is for, so i gratefully accepted it, believing her when she said that if she didn't love me who else would? she did some stuff with other guys too, but thats okay because she said she didn't love them, just me, and that i wasn't allowed to talk to any girl other than her because she loved me. I believed her because why wouldn't I? i was 17 and had never been in love before.
i went to university and i learned about byron and the renaissance and shakespeare and wordsworth, about postmodernism and structuralism, and i studied film too and adaptation. i loved learning things but i could never stay and do the other fun stuff with the people in my class because i had to go home and i wasn't allowed to be far away from my girlfriend. she said i wasn't otherwise she would tell her friends about how embarrassing my body was and what i sounded like when i had sex with her, my face went red at the thought. i ate one sandwich a day for my meal, this felt like enough, but people kept asking me if i was okay. i was cold a lot, and very thin as I realised later. i grew a beard with my long hair because i wanted to embody the manliness that i saw in films and read about in books and saw in the bands i liked, then my girlfriend wouldn't be able to embarrass me to her friends.
I was 23 when she left me, I still didn't have the guts to leave her, and i cried for a long time, because i believed nobody else could ever love me. but then someone did, and i moved across the world to be with her and to get away from everything. i loved her and she loved me, and in a new special way where i didn't have to be hurt or scared, but i think she knew that the manliness was just a costume and this wasn't what she wanted. she wanted the real thing, not the pale imitation mask that i wore. we moved back to here and tried to make it work for a while until it was either we get married and decide who moves and stays where, or we go seperate ways. she chose the latter for me because i was paralysed by the idea of losing love once again.
i realised i liked boys too, a long time before that, but i had never had the chance to try things with them, to try kissing them or touching their bodies, and when i finally did i chose to wear girls clothes and underwear because that felt correct to me, and the way they touched me felt like they were touching a girl, and that felt nice. I used to step out onto the landing outside my bedroom at home with the big mirror when nobody else was home, and see what i looked like in my girl clothes. Every now and then if i held my body in a certain way I would see that girl, and then she was gone again. and i would put my metalhead guy clothes back on and feel the anger that i thought the music was giving to me. I didn't know that anger was coming from inside me, this was how it had to be for me, i was 27.
For my whole life up to that point i knew that 30 years was my cutoff point, i knew the anger that fueled me, and followed me around was also burning me out from the inside, like a tree in a fire that is left standing only as a hollow shell of itself. "no more" i said, 30 was the end of it all.
A funny thing happened though when i was 28. i met a girl at a party with some friends and felt like i recognised her, she was tall and strong and beautiful and was dressed like a wrestler for the theme of the party. I was drawn in and i had to know more about her. i realised then that we had met before, she was the brother of a boy i knew well from high school, and she was a girl now. she had done it, and i didn't know that was a thing you could just... do. she was only a year younger than me and she was a beautiful girl now, and i was speechless. i internalised that wonder, but never quite put the two together about the way i felt about myself and what she had done for herself. that came a little later when i was 29 and very quickly approaching my cutoff point. i realised then that i had to choose. I chose "fuck it, i may as well try and be a girl, i can always leave the world later if it doesn't work out"
when i was 30, and my body was now getting softer, and I was allowed to be beautiful thanks to the hormones i had waited a lifetime for, i met another beautiful girl like me. i could tell she had been sad for a long time too and was also seeing the world through the new eyes that we had given ourselves. we grew and bloomed together, we shared our plushies and added new ones to our family, and added other beautiful girls like us to our bouquet that we had met along the way, making our family bigger and bigger. we are now surrounded by our sisters and wives and partners and so much love that binds us and makes us stronger together, and we are held by it. we have love that stretches across oceans to where my wife and little girl are waiting, and are happy and held by their loves too. one day i hope we can all join up into one place, like a wild garden of flowers and plants and trees and moss and bees and bugs and dogs. i get to be a dog too now, and I like that i can forget about the bad stuff when i am allowed to be dog. i play with my stuffed toys and i eat from my bowl and I nap in my doggie bed, and when i wake i can bark at my girls and they bark back to me, our home is full of food and joy and music, this is what love is supposed to be i think.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 2 months
Eat The Acid III
Cm Punk X Fem reader (Punk is refered to as Phill)
Requested by anon
Summary: No matter how hard Y/n tries she can't seem to get Phill out of her head. Everything reminds her of him. It doesn't help that wresltmania is around the corner and her ex husnand can't seem to keep her name out of his mouth. What happens when it gets so far that the All In fottage gets releaced and Y/n is forced to relive that horible day.
Warnings: Mentions of toxic relationships, implied misscarage, depression, SH
Part 1 Part 2 Main Masterlist CM PUNK Masterlist
Inspired by: Eat The Acid by Kesha
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Wrestlemania 40
No matter how hard I tried to avoid it, I always found myself stuck in the same position. Punk and I would ‘make up’ just for him to say something stupid to make me go back to hating him. When Phill got injured I hated myself for how it made me feel. I felt like he deserved it. I found it hilarious but at the same time depressing. This was karma biting him in the ass. Karma’s a bitch, he should have known better. He should have known that he coudn’t just show up in WWE 10 years after getting fired and expect to win the world title in the main event of Wrestlemania! I told myself I wound’t fall into his traps. I had to be strong, I had to learn to fight the devil. The thing about the devil is that he isn’t a little red man with horns and a tail. He can be beautiful. He’s a fallen angel who used to be God’s favourite. 
After the Royal Rumble, I didn’t watch any of the WWE products. I had my own things to worry about. Instead of crying myself to sleep, mourning the man I once loved I would write. Instead of bottling up my emotions, I would release them in the form of poetry. No matter how hard I tried it seemed like a part of Punk would forever be a part of me. I tried to forget, I tried to forgive but I just coudn’t. I wanted to run away, I wanted to disappear, I wanted to die. I felt sorry for myself.
I would go on walks in the park to clear my mind but all it ever did was create a dark cloud above my head. I would watch the mothers playing with their children, I saw how happy they looked. I wanted to be like them. I accepted long ago I would never get to have that. Maybe that’s the part of Phill that lived inside me. The scar on my abdomen reminded me of what we could have had. 
It was no secret that Phill and I had an age gap. I was only 23 when I began going out with him. My parents didn’t approve of our relationship. Not because he was 34 and I was 23, not because he had tattoos, Phill was even straight edge. My parents just simply didn’t like him. Why? I’m not sure. He took care of me. He loved me. He taught me how to love again, something I never thought I would be able to do. 
He would hold me close as he kissed my scars, telling me that he would never hurt me but when in reality he would cause me the greatest pain. He left me no choice, I hated who he had become. I handed Phill divorce papers and wondered if I was doing the right thing. Was I really willing to throw 10 years of marriage down the drain?  Despite us being divorced for some time now I can't seem to get him out of my head. He won't leave me alone, claiming I need you and I do need you. I miss you, I miss your touch, I miss the way you would make me feel but you can never know that. Now I sit here admiring the fresh wound on my wrist, a wound you promised you would never cause yet you did.
I wondered what Phill would say about the person I’ve become. I know he would be disappointed in me. I had fallen back into my old habits. I had become that mentally unstable little girl he met years ago. Maybe that’s why my parents didn’t like him. Maybe they thought he was taking advantage of me. Maybe they thought he only wanted me because of my issues, how could play the hero in this story. I felt safe with him. I felt protected. But that was then, this is now. I need to be my own hero in this story. The thing about this story is that it’s not one about puppies and rainbows, this story is cold and dark, filled with horror. 
It was weird seeing Phil at wrestlemania. 10 years ago at wrestlemania 30 I sat in the front row cheering on my soon to be husband. Looking back on it I was happy, I was free. There was something about being 24 with the love of your live that made you feel like you could take on the world. Now at 34 I sit watching at home, a bitter sweet taste on my tongue. This was wrong but it was also right. I was happy for him, but of course those feelings would never last. He just had to go and shit on me and my family once again. This time for absolutely no reason. Everyone had moved on, everyone was over it, or so I thought. 
By now I knew whenever Phil and I were trending at the same time it was not for good reasons. I didn’t want to know why we were trending but it would help to explain why all of a sudden AEW was going to air the backstage footage from All In. I wasn’t surprised that Phill continued to shit on the company and myself. I was just tired of his games, moments like this reminded me why I coudn’t forgive him. Why I wound’t get back together with him. Wrestlemania weekend was his weekend, his time. Why did he spend it all talking about the past. It’s not like he can go back and change everything. He was just making everything worse. 
When I found out the All In footage was being aired I thought it was a joke. Knowing my brothers they would say they would air the footage and the ‘aired footage’ would be the two of them backstage eating donuts with fake fighting sounds in the background. Matthew and Nicholas assured me that it was indeed the real footage that was being aired. They didn’t want to air the footage, it was Tony Khan that insisted on showing the world what really happened. I felt sick, I knew what happened that night. I yelled in the man’s face. If they wanted to paint Phil as the bad guy the should be showing the footage from the brawl out. Everyone knew that all of this would add fuel to the fire but when TK want’s something to happen it happens. Surprisingly he was the most mad about this whole situation. So here I sat in the EVP’s office, being forced to relive a day I wanted to forget forever. 
This should end everything right? Now that everything is out there for the whole world to see they should know Phil was always the bad guy in this situation right? There is nothing else he can say or do to make things even worse than they already are right????
An: This wasn't originally going to have a pt 3, however I got multiple requests for a third part. Even though I left pt 3 on a Clift hanger there will be no part 4
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f10werfae · 2 years
Sign of Love
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pairing: Husband!Henry Cavill x Deaf!Wife!Reader
Summary: Headcanon of you and Henry’s relationship ♥️ with a lot of flowers
- Requests are open!
Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Henry Cavill’s Masterlist🌟:
Full Masterlist✨:
Taglist Form💫:
💟It all started when you met Henry that rainy day, you were rushing to get all the flowers outside the shop inside. Henry had came over immediately without even thinking and helped you carry in the stock of chrysanthemums
💟 At first when he tried talking to you, he was wearing a face mask due to covid so you couldn’t even read his lips, having to break it to him on a piece of paper that you were deaf
💟 Now being in a relationship with Henry, he was fully fluent in sign language, learning it everyday since the first day he met you. Not wanting you to have to lip read all the time, he thought it was only right of him to learn sign. It started off with small phrases and sentences, now sign had become a way for you guys to relax when sometimes even Henry couldn’t be bothered to talk
💟“I got you something” He signed coming in from the front door, his work clothes hugging him nicely. “What?” You signed back only to watch him pull out a bouquet of flowers. Not just any sort of flower, your favourite flower. Sunflowers. Running over you gave him his usual welcome home kiss, now accompanied with your squeals of excitement as you filled your vase with the flowers
💟FYI your vase was never empty, Henry had made it a rule for it to always be filled with flowers, almost a way to show his love for you in another way
💟Finally it came to a point in your relationship where you and Henry were debating children and marriage, the next step of your partnership. You of course had to sit him down and let him know that if he was to have kids with you, that there was a possibility they’d be deaf too. You thought that would instantly be a deal breaker for him, but you couldn’t be any more wrong.
💟So when your first baby boy came along with that startling cry, it was almost a shock that he had come out hearing. The whole pregnancy you guys had been preparing for him to come out deaf. Tears were definitely spilled that night
💟Henry had started off teaching your baby boy Charlie sign language before he could even speak, wanting his son to start communicating with his mother straight away. In fact the first word Charlie ever said was “mama” in sign language, a complete surprise to you, one which ended in tears of joy and lots of cuddles
💟When you did your first dance at your wedding, Henry chose a song that could make you feel vibrations, so you wouldn’t miss a single beat. His vows were signed, and he just couldn’t get enough of kissing you
💟Then your next baby, Isabella was born deaf. Something you both were expecting knowing at least one of your children were going to be. Charlie her older brother had now been the one to sign to her constantly, both Henry and you cooing over their sweet loving relationship
💟With you still owning a florist shop, Henry and you expanded your business to the shop next door when the building was up for sale. Your children stayed with you in the shop whilst Henry worked, both of them loving the idea of arranging different types of flowers
💟 When the kids finally went to school, Isabella was skilled enough to lip read recognisable words but you still thought it would be better to send her to a specialised school where she would be able to communicate with others clearly. Charlie on the other hand cried when he realised he would be separated from his little sister for most of the day.
💟 Don’t even get me started on the way Henry treated you years down the line, almost as if he had only been with you 3 months. He was still like a lovesick puppy, eager to show you new words he had learnt everyday in sign. Both of you getting excited every time your children would also learn new words
💟 What wasn’t funny was when during arguments you would sign something very inappropriate, with baby Isabella copying you instantly. Something that taught you to never sign in front of your children especially if it was private and inappropriate
💟Henry’s family was the most supportive you couldn’t have wished for anything more, his parents had learnt sign when they realised how serious your relationship was getting, being fluent by the time Charlie was born
💟Your life with Henry is amazing, having such an understanding and caring husband was something you thought would he impossible in such a prejudiced world. He proved you wrong.
💟Heck even when he was doing press tours he'd advertise the hell out of your floral shop, customers ringing in from all over the world to order special arrangements from yours truly. Henry of course on hand to help his dear wife’s arrangements. Every few minutes he’d turn to you and mouth “I love you” a shy smile coming up on your face causing Henry to smile triumphantly
💟When out on red carpets, he’d hold your hand knowing how anxious you get, your favourite flower sitting in his blazer pocket. Something he called the best form of advertisement. When people would interview you, they’d do it in sign, something Henry had requested. He knew it was time for inclusivity and he was not going to let his wife miss out on the whole red carpet experience.
💟Henry had not only lent you his heart, mind and soul, but his ears too
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
Lean On Me
Pairing: Chris Evans x Female Reader
Summary: it’s okay to be vulnerable and it’s okay cry when you need too, we can’t all be strong all the time
Warnings: none really, crying, mentions of burn out, very soft and comforting Chris 
A/N: thank you to the lovely @sparklehippie17 for requesting this with the sleepover prompts yesterday! I know I’m posting it late, but I wanted to make it somewhat of a full length fic, so happy reading my loves! I feel like this may not be the best and I definitely don’t think I did it justice but…anyway 
Word Count: 676
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 Growing up with a heart of ice wasn’t something you would ever recommend for someone, the constant feeling that you couldn’t be vulnerable or show your emotions on others, took a massive toll on you. You supposed it was a mix of growing up as a child and not being able to fully express your emotions properly, and your area of work, as soon as you stepped foot into the office it was like you were a robot. It wasn’t until you finished one of the busiest work weeks for the month that you started to feel the sudden urge to absolutely crumble. 
Though that wasn’t easy for you, often you would excuse yourself to the bathroom or bedroom to be alone, so no one had to see you with flushed cheeks and bloodshot eyes. When that feeling came up you snuck off to your bedroom, your boyfriend Chris, unbeknownst to you, was already up there unpacking after arriving home from filming three days prior. Closing the door softy, you allowed your sniffles to turn to quiet sobs, which immediately altered Chris, his head poking out of the closet, a sad frown on his face 
“Oh honey…”
You jumped not expecting him, your hands coming up to quickly rub your eyes 
“I-I’m sorry, didn’t know you were u-up here” 
Chris took you into his arms and held you tightly to his chest, hands rubbing up and down your back in a comforting manner, no matter how hard you tried the tears would just not let up
“Deep breathes baby, in and out…I got you”
“I d-don’t want you to s-see me like t-this”
A few kisses were placed on your head, his grip staying firm as he worked to ground you and help you catch your breath 
“I want you to know it’s okay to cry sweet girl…whenever you need to”
You shook your head mumbling a few broken no’s into his now damp flannel, Chris didn’t like that answer so he pulled back enough to take your face in his hands, just looking at how burnt out you appeared and the sad look in your eyes was enough to have his heart clench sadly
“Y/N, I love you, and I know being vulnerable is hard, and it’s not your favourite thing but you don’t have to be strong all the time, you don’t have to feel this alone, lean on me, let me take some of the weight off your shoulders baby”
You sniffled softly before offering him a small smile, his thumbs catching the remainder of your tears as the slid across your skin 
“I don’t want you to think I’m weak”
“Honey, I will never ever think you’re weak for showing emotions, that will never make you weak, they make you strong. Being vulnerable is being strong, we can’t hold everything in all the time and let it take a hold of who we are right?”
When you offered him a nod in agreement he continued 
“You work so hard, and do so much for so many people, you can’t always be a robot my love, as much as I know you are at work, I want you to feel comfortable and know you’re safe with me if you need to yell, scream, cry, sob your eyes out, I will always be here”
He leaned down to press a tender kiss to your lips, watching your mood slowly lighten as you smiled 
“I love you, I will try to get better with asking for help and letting myself be vulnerable”
“Day by day sweet girl, I’ll be with you every step of the way”
It wasn’t something that could change overnight, but gradually you’d notice it become easier to ask Chris for comfort, or to listen, allowing you to open up and let him in when the days became too rough for you to manage on your own. Having Chris by your side, only made the journey that much easier, and helped to thaw that heart of yours out just a little quicker. 
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notinthislife50 · 1 year
Chapter 2 - What Is Going on?
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They both laughed as they shook my hand. And that was my first introduction to Jensen and Jared. The best friends a girl could ask for.
Filming was to start in just under a year so we made the decision to hang out as much as possible and get to know each other. It was the best year of my life. Coming from having no family and hardly any friends and in a new town I was grateful for how welcoming everyone was.
I even met Jensen’s wife Amy and she was just as friendly as the boys.
When filming started Jensen,  Jared and I decided to share an apartment. A few of the crew also rented apartments in the same complex. I can’t tell you how happy I was.
The first few weeks of filming were a breeze, but then came Jensen’s character, and my character had to film a sex scene, something I had never done before. When Jensen saw how nervous I was he tried to calm me down saying he had done this before and I could trust him, and I'll be so sick of these scenes it will be boring after a while.
As we wrapped season one a big party was thrown Amy had flown up for it, and I was so happy to have another girl to hang with.
One morning the boys rang me screaming it was our two year anniversary since we met and we needed to celebrate,  so obviously I had to fly down and party.
I spent the next few weeks down in Texas. I stayed in Jared's and it worked out perfectly as season one was just about to be released.
We watched the first few episodes together but then I flew back to Canada to get the apartment ready for the boys coming back.
When they arrived a few weeks later Jared hugged me,  trying to squeeze out any air I had left in my body but as I hugged Jensen I could tell he was hesitant and something was off.
“You okay?” I smiled. 
“Yea, Smurfette” he smiled sadly.
The next few months of filming I couldn’t help but feel Jensen becoming closed off from me and began to panic.
“Jared, did I do something?” I asked tears forming in my eyes.
“Y/n no you did nothing wrong“ he hugged me tight kissing the top of my head “your his second favourite friend, he will talk to us when he is ready”
I pushed him and laughed “I have you know I'm the first favourite” but knowing that wasn't the case, 
“Jensen,  come on the next walking dead is ready to watch “ I shouted from our living room.
Jared plopped down beside me placing drinks on the table. As we waited we could hear Jensen shouting from his bedroom.
“What's going on who is he talking to?” I asked confused.
Jared shrugged being equally as confused
When Jensen stormed out of the room he yelled “Thanks a lot Y/n I was on with Amy and you shouting at me to get off the phone didn't help.”
“oh I’m so sorry I didn't know you were on the phone with her” I whispered taken back by his tone.
“How is she?” I asked, “I’ve texted and rang her a few times but haven't been able to get through”
“You know not everything is about you” Jensen yelled at me.
“Woah Jensen” Jared stood up “She was only asking a question.”
“What so you are on her side?” Jensen accused.
“When you’re shouting like this I am” Jared tried to calm him down “Tell us what's going on man we are your friends “
“Nothing is going on let’s just watch the damn show” Jensen huffed throwing himself down on the couch.
As I slowly sat down looking at Jared he shrugged at me and shook his head in shock. As we sat in silence watching the show Jensen’s phone kept going off. And the more it kept going off the more angry he got.
“We could leave this for another time if you wanted” you softly said not wanting to cause any trouble.
“If I wanted to leave it for another time I would have said” Jensen barked.
As tears formed in your eyes, you whispered “I'm feeling tired anyway I think I'm just going to go to bed.”
As you stood up Jensen yelled at you “You’re trying to make me feel guilty now?”
“Jensen” Jared shouted, “What the fuck?”
As you walked into your room `, silently crying you curled up on the bed,
“What the fuck man?” Jared shoved Jensen,  “she's our best friend what are you doing?”
“Amy is having a breakdown with all the sex scenes Jared I don't what to do “ Jensen confessed rubbing his hand down his face
“And how is that y/n fault?” Jared asked “She is just following the script. She loves your wife she would never hurt her.”
“I know but I don't know what to do” Jensen started to cry.
(Just like everyone else who loves Supernatural,  I love Danneel, So for this story, I have made Jensen’s wife someone else out of respect x)
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lucy90712 · 11 months
Carlos Alcaraz- Winning Wimbledon
The last two weeks have been leading up to this moment so you think I'd be ready for it but I'm definitely not. Most people will never see their partner compete in a tennis grand slam let alone reach the final which is why I'm so incredibly nervous as I'm just not used to it. Carlos has of course won many tournaments including the us open but I wasn't there for that so this is my first time watching him in a grand slam final. I'm so glad I'm here though as it's been amazing watching him adapt to the grass so quickly and play some of the best tennis I've seen from him plus it's always nice to be there to celebrate each victory with him.
All morning I've been so incredibly nervous I've barely been able to eat as the nerves have made me feel so sick meanwhile Carlos is as calm as anything and has just been going through his usual pre match preparation. I don't know how he can be so relaxed when there is so much at stake but all day he has been happily smiling and talking to people he meets as we walk around which is just insane to me but at this point I don't think he's human. He could just be putting on an act but I know Carlos well enough by now to know exactly how he's feeling and I can tell he quite calm. Honestly I think I'm nervous enough for the both of us which is probably why he's fine as I'm definitely not and I won't be until the match is over.
Sitting in the box in centre court didn't at all help my nerves but at least here I'm not alone as I'm surrounded my Carlos' family and coaches who are all feeling the same way as me. I was sat next to his mum and we held each others hands from the second the players walked out onto court as it was comforting to know there was someone else there watching the exact same thing. From the beginning the match was difficult to watch as Novak is definitely the favourite for the title and has been playing brilliantly recently so things were tough for Carlos. I could barely watch the actual match as it was just too much every time Carlos lost a point I could feel my heart sink so I had to find other things to look at occasionally just so I didn't die. With the amount of stress the match caused I think I'm going to end up with grey hairs sooner rather than later.
After a long and gruelling match Carlos had match point so his mother and I squeezed each others hands and I held my breath as the ball went back and forth across the court. Then out of nowhere Carlos hit a brilliant winner that gave him the match and the title. He dropped to the floor as the whole of centre court cheered and clapped including me creating the most amazing atmosphere which I don’t think I'll ever forget. I couldn't help but let out a few happy tears which quickly developed into full on happy crying as it was just so emotional actually being there to see Carlos achieve something so amazing. As everyone in the box hugged each other Carlos made his way up and his family embraced him straight away. His coaches were the next people to get to him before he came over to me and pulled me into his arms. I wanted nothing more than to kiss him and show him how proud I am but I didn't as both of us prefer to keep our relationship mostly private. Before Carlos had to go and accept the trophy he wiped the tears from my face and quickly pressed a kiss to my forehead.
Carlos accepted his trophy and then did his interview on court before being whisked away to do everything else he is supposed to after winning. It seemed that he was gone forever between interviews and press conferences and presenting the trophy out in the balcony but eventually he text me to say that he was finally free so I told him where I was so he could come and find me. I expected him to be a while but all of a sudden I had two arms wrap around me which I recognised in an instant. As I was sat in a chair that could spin Carlos sat next to me and spun my chair to face his and for the first time since he won I really got to see his smile which was much bigger than I think I've ever seen it. Neither of us said anything as I've already told Carlos how proud of him I am about a million times so I have no words left to be able to congratulate him with.
Instead of talking Carlos put his hands on my hips and moved me off my chair to sit me on his lap so he could wrap his arms around me. Now that we are finally alone Carlos' lips met mine in a searing kiss which encompassed all of the emotions we'd both been feeling all day. Carlos can never just give me one kiss so he kissed my lips a few times before peppering kisses all over my face until he was satisfied that he had covered pretty much every inch of my face. Once he stopped I thought we would just sit together for a while but I was wrong instead he picked me up over his shoulder and started to walk somewhere. I had no idea what he was doing until he finally put me down and grabbed the replica of the trophy he was given and handed it to me. As soon as it was in my hands he had his phone in his hand and was instructing me on how to pose. Having my photo taken isn't my favourite thing but I let him have his fun for a bit before I made him join me and we took a few pictures together. We probably took over 100 pictures before I finally got to look at the trophy properly which really made it sink in what had happened a few hours earlier and I couldn't stop my smile from growing.
We spent a bit more time alone together before we met up with the rest of his family and coaches to enjoy this momentous achievement all together. Carlos didn't leave my side the whole time he always had his hand linked with mine or an arm around my waist which his brothers teased him about but he still never let go of me. It isn't often that Carlos is this clingy so I soaked up every second that he was touching me because at some point we will have to be away from each other again and I won't get to enjoy the comforting feeling of having my boyfriends hands on me. The entire time we were out he was so loving and affectionate that I almost questioned if some lookalike had taken his place but it was definitely him and he was just being extra sweet which I wasn't going to complain about.
After a long night of celebrating we finally made it back to where we've been staying the last few weeks and I was absolutely ready to crash and probably sleep for the next 24 hours. I got myself ready and then got into bed to wait for Carlos who still seemed to have loads of energy but he still got into bed next to me anyway. The second he was settled he opened his arms and I got myself set in his embrace with my head resting on his chest listening to his heartbeat which was sending me to sleep.
"Thank you for being there today it means a lot" he whispered keeping me just about awake
"There's no need to thank me I'm so happy I could make it to see you win such a big match" I said
"Well you're my good luck charm every time you come to a match I win so I have to thank you for that" he laughed
"Don't be silly that was all you and I couldn't be more proud that you gave everything out there and ended up with the result you deserve" I said
"Thank you amor now get some sleep I know you didn't sleep at all last night" he said laying my head back down on his chest
"Te amo" he whispered just as I was falling asleep putting a smile on my face
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candyskiez · 8 months
ramble abt ur favourite su characters
pearl is probably my absolute favorite. which is funny considering I used to dislike her a Lot. she was such a dickhead to steven and was very hard to like at first considering she used to be so mean. but the great thing about how she was developed is you simultaneously learn WHY she's like that while also seeing her become better. like. "gems do not experience childhood" explained so fucking much, especially with how unhealthy homeworld is revealed to be, ESPECIALLY with how horrific the treatment of pearls is revealed to be.
also just. the fucking horrible mess of emotions that is, the only reason steven is here is because rose *isn't.* and pearl had *no sense of self* outside rose. yet she couldn't get better while she and rose were in contact. there HAD to be some sort of separation for her to be able to heal and grow. pearl had to grow away from rose for a long time and be completely separate from her for a WHILE if she and rose could *ever* have a healthy relationship, if that's even possible.
pearl starting to form her own opinions is so fucking. god. it's so fucking cathartic to watch. and learning just how much of her worth she put up on being the only one rose trusted made her flipping out about the lion feel so much more Real. of course she freaked out, it was the only thing she felt like gave her worth. of course she freaked out, she used the fact rose told her things she told nobody else to make herself go "see? it wasn't all for nothing. you're not beneath her. she LOVES you."
and god the way she treats steven in season one still makes me so mad but. it makes sense. it's horrible and unacceptable, but it makes *sense.*
god. also just. the little hints of her having opinions outside of rose for so long, she just felt too guilty to show them. she felt like they were a betrayal to, she was terrified of being Too Much. she was terrified of displeasing rose and losing her looking at her like she was *worth* something. she tells rose, why would I ever want to go home if you're here. but she misses space, she risked everything to try and go to space even when it was too dangerous. she was so close to bismuth. she did have feelings outside of rose, but her world revolved around rose so much that she felt like she couldn't have them. I mean it when I say she cannot have a healthy relationship with rose. there's too much of a power imbalance and she has to be away from rose so she can grow more.
also, god. pearl finally being able to say, rose was wrong. rose was wrong to hurt you. you were hurt, badly. even if she didn't mean to, she hurt you and that was unfair of her. to volleyball? the girl who reminds her of herself when she was younger? poetic fucking cinema. it makes me feral. I love this show I love the "rose quartz isn't a monster" while also "rose and pearls relationship was deeply unhealthy and pearl cannot be with rose and heal at the same time, they have to be apart for at least a while for pearls sake." COEXISTING. this show knows what nuance is and I love it. pearl is such an excellent character and I GET HER. I love her so much. I want to kiss her forehead. a single pale rose made me cry.
(this is for me telling people to ask me for opinions/thoughts on su stuff! feel free to shoot me an ask)
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mzannthropy · 5 months
Favorite and least favorite. DJATS scenes? My least favorite is the overdose scene in ep 8. Like,wydm Billy called Daisy "baby?" I doubt that. My favorite is either Billy saying good morning to Camila and Julia in ep 5,Daisy kicking Nicky out,or the Camilabilly s*x scene at the end of episode 5. (and he wasn't thinking about Daisy,idk what Daisybilly shippers say. He loves his wife, aurora is about her, nothing can change that.)
I can't shut up about the Pick Up Your Kid scene from Episode 3. Bc I know how much Sam loves his kids and being a dad, I knew how difficult it would be for him to film it. The tears were unscripted, that's just Sam crying for real. I've not really thought about favourite scenes. Camila and Billy on the balcony in the finale, but that's only bc of their acting. Aside from the fact that the dialogue was ridiculous, it shouldn't exist, bc there's nothing like that in the book. Erasing the Daisy and Camila hotel room scene was a huge disservice to the characters, to the fans, to TJR. Just thank the gods that Sam and Camila are such good actors. I liked all Billy's scene with Camila and Julia. As for other characters, I liked Teddy being a father figure to Billy, the final scene with Karen and Graham. I know the poor guy was devastated, but Karen made her choice.
Least favourite, where do I start. I agree on the ending of Ep 8. (It was in fact what set of me off on a mini villain arc that lasted all through till the end of June, when I accepted that Sam was not going get an Emmy nomination, which is why I wasn't even upset that he was snubbed, bc I had already grieved it, but it was a painful process.) It should have been Simone that found her. Once again, a female character robbed of a scene. Not to mention that a man cradling a woman in his arms (while she might or might not be dying) is the most overdone scene in all of TV/film history. Start noticing it and you'll never be able to un-notice. Also, same episode, when after the press conference they walk in that corridor and Billy tries to kiss her. The whole argument, even. Cheap drama for the sake of it--nobody argues with faces that close together. It gives me so much second hand embarrassment that I literally recoil any time I think of it. I don't get triggered by horrible scenes that usually carry trigger warnings, but I do get triggered by stuff like this. Bc it's stupid.
Sam has a film, The Nightingale (dir Jennifer Kent), in which he plays the most horrible character of his career. It's a brilliant film and I recommend it, just heed the warnings bc it gets really violent. Yet it's easier for me to watch than a lot of DJATS. Bc I understand his part in the story, bc he is supposed to be like that.
ETA: Bc I misremembered, I thought Simone found Daisy in the book, (I can't check the book bc I listened to it on audio.) so I thought they should have kept it like that, but she actually just woke up herself, broke up with Nicky and then called Simone. I knew Simone figured somewhere, at least. Doesn't change my point, though, bc it still takes away from a female character. It's even worse bc it means that in the show, Daisy needed a man to 'save her'.
Yeah, if anyone had to find her in the shower, Rod would have been the better option; he's the manager after all, and if Daisy saw in his face that he was really worried about her, not just bc she was the lead singer and he'd lose money or whatever if something happened to her, but out of genuine care, she'd realise she was worthy. But nooo, they had to go for the most male writing stereotypical scene instead.
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