#not being believed is something else istg
heatherchasesyou · 2 days
Weird SH3 dream I had + a sketch page to illustrate some bit of it
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pls read this u wont regret xd
OK SO I don't even know how to start it because it's always hard to tell when dream stories start 😭😭 but I can only remember of a BIG and WIDE library scenery. I felt very surprised because something told me it was a whole new "story expansion" that went in the SH3 HD collection (how specific of my brain, never played that version if u wanna know) almost like a discovered secret (so discovered that I remember coming to Twitter shouting like "WDYM THERE WAS A GODDAMN STORY EXPANSION IN AN HD COLLECTION HOW DIDN'T I KNOW THAT WTF". All of this in the dream, with the whole emotion LOL).
The funniest and weirdest point of the story in the game is the characters, more specifically Heather, Claudia n Vincent, the three fuckers were all in the same room aka the big library, but something about their interactions was very… different.
More specifically towards Vincent, dude was ABSOLUTELY STRESSED, he wasn't being the same slightly passive-aggressive he was with Claudia in the real game, or doing his common gaslight with his stable and concentrated voice tone, nah dude, he was COMPLETELY MAD, idk why, idk who hurt him but bro kgkgkfjgkgj he had no patience while taking to both Heather and Claudia, y'know that scene where Heather is about to get out of the same room as Vincent in their first meet and he shouts "WAIT, I'M NOT FINISHED TALKING"? It sounded pretty arrogant and aggressive, right? Now imagine it multiplied by 10 and we have Vincent having the worst day of his life, don't talk to him or else you die.
As a result, both Heather n Claudia was becoming as stressed as he was, mainly Heather in this case, dude was getting so arrogant that she had enough of that shit, she literally THREW HIM ON THE FLOOR, LITERALLY PICKING HIM ON THE ARMS AND SHIRT COLLAR N THROWING HIM ON THE FLOOR LIKE A… IDK LIKE A JUDO WRESTLER??? ISTG IT LOOKED SO FUNNY YET SO UNCANNY, IMAGINE HEATHER BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF HIM, THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED (y'know that eerie feeling when you see irl ppl fighting and you're like "omg why are they doing this pls STOP", that's how I felt on the dream seeing such scenery, but as we speak now I can't help but LAUGH LOUD like kdjfksjsek I LOVE REMEMBERING THIS, I LOVE 2 SEE MY MAN GETTING BULLIED IDK WHY).
There was also that confusing information that was inserted into my brain that the story was actually a SEQUEL of the events like??? Vincent received the backstab but didn't rlly die??? Neither Claudia??? But they were in there… As if nothing happened (maybe that was the reason Vincent was so distressed, he couldn't believe such a thing happened LOL). After Vinny got completely ROASTED by Heather, he was there on the floor trying to get up, he was as mad as before but he couldn't do a thing, only look at Heather with his eyebrows working the RAGE that was inside of him.
Jeez, I loved that dream, hope I can have more of this in my future nights 🤣
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flowered-mp3 · 2 years
legit gonna tear up at work because ...
#another annoying bf post from yue... but this one is different y'all#we were talking the other day and the topic of 'how we got together' came up#and i know that some of you guys were there for the entire journey (tysm)#so essentially i told him that i was super close to just ending it out of the fear of getting hurt#like i knew that i liked him alot and the fact that he was also seeing someone else was almost too much to bear.#it ate me alive. i remember driving to dance practice listening to sad music and when i parked my car i just sat there.#thinking and brooding and contemplating on ending it with him.#the more dates that i went on i realized that i wanted him and that if he didn't choose me the heartbreak would be the worst. i would need#an immeasurable amount of time to move on. and it would suck. but luckily i took the risk and it worked out :')#because i literally asked him 'who are you still talking to' after he told me that he deleted hinge lmao#and he said that he's so glad that i didn't go through with cutting it off.#plus i told him that when the other girl said 'i'm not ready for a relationship' to him i was like FUCK YES LET ME TAKE HIM OFF YOUR HANDS#HONESTLY. if i ever meet this other girl i'm buying her a coffee and making her cookies istg because she did me a service#a service that makes me the happiest that i've been in a long time attached with a bf that makes me feel seen and safe and comfortable.#and then. he just started to spill everything. he was like. i should've chosen you earlier. i should've been exclusive with you earlier.#he said that he regretted even entertaining the idea of going out with the other girl#and then i asked him if i really had anything to worry about and he was like yeah. you did have something to worry about#(lol i love being right)#he literally said that there were times at the beginning where he was swaying towards the other girl instead of me#and how he realizes now that he was so stupid for it. he said that he couldn't believe that the thought ever crossed his mind#to him we were easy and talking to me was fun and all of our dates were great and memorable so the fact that he ever swayed towards the#other girl was a source of guilt for him. he said that he felt guilty for making me wait when i already knew that i wanted him#it's been eating him up and he admitted the sweetest fucking thing.#he said that the idea of not having me there. of not having me in his life. heartbreak doesn't even begin to describe how shitty it would be#like a 'knife in his gut' he said.#and he was like 'the idea is so fucking awful that i'm tearing up just thinking about it' :'(#just the fact that he could've lost me before it even started... it was the possibility of that happening that got him all shaken up#and i could hear his voice breaking up over the phone as he said all those things#then he said 'i just want you to know that i'm fully committed to you.'#and i said that i know that he's committed to me. and that the past doesn't matter anymore because he chose me and we are together now.
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august-racoone · 2 months
istg if i see another post with something having too many eyes saying its the beholding, i am going to scream. yes, the beholding is all about eyes, but just because something has eyes doesnt mean its beholding. as much as i hate to quote jurgan lightner " you're thinking too literally. examining the physical categorization, but ignoring the meaning of the thing."
i personally believe that eyes being were they shouldnt be/more than usual is the flesh or the stranger or the spiral. its body horror not beholding. yes, it has beholding undertones, but ultimately something else (again, probably the flesh)
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fangirleaconmigo · 17 days
*whispers* I think I have a date.
Guys I have had one date in the past ten years istg. At my age (40’s) I have to go online to date because almost everyone in my age range is mostly taken, AND I live in a conservative area so even the lesbians are sometimes right wingers. It’s bleak. Also I just have not wanted to. The reasons why not could fill a tome. I’m fairly aromantic, I don’t care, blah blah blah. Also I have a lot of internalized shit but we will not go into here.
But anyhow I was at my friend’s house yesterday and a woman came to the party, which is unusual because my friend’s house is basically a gay male colony. And ofc I assumed she was straight which may be another reason I never go on dates.
But she offered to walk me to my car for no reason and asked for my number and invited me to go wine tasting tomorrow. Just me. Not the guys. Like one of the guys texted me today to invite me to something else. So I’m almost definitely sure it’s just me.
I have a history of being mind bogglingly oblivious to being flirted with by women? But I’m just gonna go out on a limb and believe this is a date.
I know almost nothing about her except she’s a doctor and Indian and loves dogs and has a beautiful smile.
And that’s good to start with yes?
Also, this is a date, right? Right?
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mochinomnoms · 6 months
Oh my gosh that's so cute, such a happy eel when Shrimpy comes to him. Extra cute if Shrimpy is the shy type, gently tugging on his shirt to get his attention cuz they smol, so his toll as fuck self didn't see them. Blushing and asking if he maybe wanted to hang out or maybe they brought him a snack or some candy they thought he might like. He's so happy about being sought out and that shrimp is triggering his cuteness aggression and making him want to squeeze and bite em.
Cuteness aggression is so real istg
Canonically, Prefect is actually very handsy and physically affectionate. I believe in Floyd's Labwear when on the home screen, his Tap 5 line is something akin to “Hahaha, stop that tickles!” They are also known to tug on lots of character's sleeves, arms, shirts etc.
Floyd probably wouldn't be fond of the constant touching, based on some of his lines I believe in his P.E. and dorm cards, at least not until he's started growing affection for Shrimpy. Although...being actively sought out when everyone else avoids you is something bound to make his heart pitter-patter just a bit.
Then it's a whole new problem of *CHOMP*
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ALSO ::: @blkkizzat got me all inspired and shit with her cute little mdni banners. So this one kind of models Kali's? Even though they really don't look that similar. I still wanted to give her credit for the inspo! I love inadvertent inspo the mostest. Thanks, Kali!
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A/N ::: This came to me way too long ago in my Ask box. And Istg, I can't remember the last time I couldn't dislodge my head from my ass to write something. It's not that I don't want to write it, because I love the idea and very much wanted to write this for one of my moots. So here I am, throwing caution to the wind, spitting into the breeze, pissing at the hurricane and hoping for the best. I'm down on my knees, praying that I can finally belt this out. Just kidding. I'm on my knees suckin' Draken's huge cock. Duh.
C/W ::: Adult Draken x F.reader, "sexercise", sex as a form of exercise. You know when you wake up the next morning and you're sore from the amazing sex you had the night before? THAT is working toward THIS.
WC ::: 1,954
Here you go mack
MNDI under the cut
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"What the hell are you laughing at." Draken stared you down with his dark eyes, waiting for you to say one more stupid thing about this new thing he's implemented into his workout routine.
"I- aheh - I'm laughing ... because it's fucking ridiculous, Ken. Like, I respect you for being so dedicated to working out and stuff. But sexercise? You can't believe that'll be a thing." You walked over to him and ran your hands up the front of his shirt, stopping to admire the firmness that pushed back against your palms.
You cocked your eyebrow and rubbed his pecs, "Have you - have you always been this ... hard?"
He bent down and whispered into your ear, "Why don't you let me show you a few different exercises, princess? If all else fails, at least you'll have a good time." Draken kissed his way from your neck up to your lips. You felt his hand creep up your thigh, stopping just short of where you wanted to feel him the most.
You moaned softly into his mouth and tugged at his hair, "You're so fucking dirty, Ken. Ok, fine. You can show me a couple of these ... 'exercises'. But don't count on me doing anything more than bouncing on youahh!" He bent over and hooked your waist over his shoulder and carried you off to the bedroom. "You mean to tell me that there's no equipment that's needed for this shit?" You laughed, "I should've kept my sex-pectations low!" You laughed again, harder this time.
Draken's hand came down hard on your ass. "There's equipment alright. Heavy, hard, big equipment." After he smacked you, he squeezed the cheek he punished. It made your cunt clench in anticipation.
He dropped you onto the bed and immediately started pulling his shirt off, revealing his tattoos and toned muscles. He was so hot that it was almost unreal. You couldn't believe this was the man that wanted to show you some ... interesting new exercises. You started pulling off your own clothes, eager to have his skin pressed against yours.
He pushed you back onto the bed and crawled over you, his cock hard and pressing against your leg. You could feel the wetness pooling between your legs. You couldn't wait to see what he had in store for you.
"Now, you're gonna lay here and watch me do some pushups," he grinned at you, "Don't move a muscle." He pulled the bottle of lube out of the nightstand and situated himself at the end of the bed and started lowering himself to the floor, then back up. He wasn't even breathing irregularly. The bastard. You could see his muscles flexing as he lowered and lifted himself.
"Not moving is kinda my thing." You watched him do a few repetitions, admiring how hard his cock was when he did them. You couldn't help but rub your fingers over your clit, teasing yourself.
He jumped up and pushed your hand away, "I said ... no moving, princess. That means no touching, too. Ok, angel?" He grabbed your hips and pulled you down to the foot of the bed, so your feet were on the edge. "Ok, lift your hips up and hold them there." Draken helped guide you so you were alligned with his cock. "You ready? Tell me if you need to stop." He stroked himself a couple more times for good measure and got a decent coating of lube.
You scoffed. "Hhh, yeah, okay. I'll be sure to let you know when I'm tired of you fucking me. Also, what the hell happened to foreplay?" And then, almost as if it was completely out of your control, your eyes rolled.
"You happened, brat. I'm - I'm serious. I am just now getting to a point where I'm not really sore the next day, an' I've been doin' this for about a month."
You sat up immediately, your feet hit the floor with a loud thump. "Who the fuck you been doing this with!?" He dodged the swipe of your hand at his stomach.
"You, brat. Only you. You haven't noticed the weird positions lately?" Draken bent over and kissed you. "If your pretty little head wasn't screwed on ... I don't know what would happen to you. Ok, you ready now?" He smiled at you and half of the tension in your body melted away from just one look from him. The effect he had on you was ridiulous.
He pushed into you slowly, letting you adjust to his size. He felt so good that it almost hurt. Your pussy clenched around him, making him groan. "Fuck, you're so tight, princess. Y-you gotta relax or I'm not gonna be able to - I'm not gonna be able to move, heh." He said, brushing his hair from his face.
You moaned softly as he bottomed out, stretching you so good that you weren't sure how you were ever able to fit him in before. "Fuck, Ken. You're so big." You felt your body relax around him as he started to thrust in and out of you, slowly at first, then picking up the pace. "So, what you're gonna need to do is sorta rest on your shoulders. And then ... you ... fuck ... me." His thumbs ran small circles over the plush of your thighs, some harder than others.
"Wow, this - I mean, I'm going to be toned in no time! Ok, so I just fuck you? Can do." You positioned yourself so you were resting on your shoulders and started to raise and lower your hips to do just what he said. It wasn't 20 seconds later that you were whining.
Not because it felt good, but because it was fucking hard to maintain this position. "I, ow! K-Ken help! My thighs are going to spontaneously combust! Get ... get out!" You started laughing hysterically. "JESUS!"
Draken pulled out, leaving you feeling empty. "What are you doing, you ... Oh my God, ha! Are you ok?" He joined you in laughing, but not nearly as hard as you were. Tears ran down your face.
You whined, trying to pull him back to you. "Ok, so, maybe it's not as easy as it looks. Show me something else! Something that doesn't require me being like ... like that."
Draken grinned and flipped you over, so you were on your hands and knees. He grabbed a pillow and put it under your hips to prop you up. "Ok, now you just ... lift your ass up and down. Like, it's kind of like a squat, but ... you know what? Just do whatever you want, you'll get it eventually. You're a smart girl."
You turned your head to look at him, "Aww, Ken. You really think so?"
He bent over and kissed your cheek, "Of course, baby. Now, let me give you a demonstration. And then you can join me. Deal?" He positioned himself behind you, his cock still glistening with your juices.
You rolled your eyes and chuckled, "Deal, but only because you're so fucking sexy, Ken. And I don't think I've ever been so wet in my life."
Draken took hold of your hips and pulled you back onto his cock. The sound of your ass slapping against his thighs made you moan. He started thrusting in and out of you, filling you up over and over again. He bent over and kissed your back, leaving a trail of small love bites up your spine, leading up to your shoulder blades. He kissed your ear and growled through his teeth, "Yeah? Does my princess like this? You like how I fuck you?"
"Yes! Yes, Ken! Fuck, don't stop! I'm gonna cum!" Your thighs clenched as you came around him, your body shaking from the intensity of your orgasm.
Draken moaned and pulled out, his cock covered in your cum. "You wanna taste yourself, baby? Yeah? Well me too. You taste so good, I want some." He pulled you up and pushed you back onto the bed, then started to lick your clit. He sucked and licked and teased you until you were crying out, begging him to stop.
He pulled away and smiled, "You ready for another exercise?" He moved up to your mouth and kissed you, letting you taste yourself on his lips and tongue.
You whined, "Yes, yes, I'm ready! I can do this!" You said a little too enthusiastically.
He grinned and laid down next to you. "Ok, this one is called ... the blowjob. It's pretty self-explanatory, but ... you just gotta suck me off. Can you do that, baby?"
You slapped him on the thigh. "I've never heard of that one. Why don't you walk me through it? I don't wanna fuck it up, y'know." He smiled that dark smile he has and grabbed a handful of hair on the back of your head, guiding your mouth to his cock.
He helped you line up, and then you just opened your mouth and let him push in. You could taste your own cum mixed with the salty taste of his. You looked up at him as you bobbed your head, watching his face contort in pleasure. "Fuck, you're doing so good, baby." You did that for a while until you could feel him getting close to cumming. "Hey, wanna try a new position? Get on top of me, yeah?" He pushed you off of him and positioned himself on the bed, his cock standing straight up.
"Ok, just straddle me and slide down, and then you can go at your own pace." You did as he said, sliding down his cock. "Just like that, princess. Now, lean forward and put your hands on my chest, and just move up and down. Use your thighs ... you know how to do this. You do it all the time." He was right, you did know how to do this. You started rocking back and forth, his cock hitting all the right places inside of you.
You moaned, "Oh god, Ken. You're so deep. You're so fucking deep! I c- ... any-, please! I want to cum!" Draken groaned and bucked his hips up into you, meeting you halfway.
"Just so you know, this is cheating. Me, helping you do this exercise, it's cheating. Technically, you're supposed to do everythi-"
"KEN! Shut up!" You yelled.
"Right, right. Sorry, angel." He grabbed you by the hips and began to thrust into you harder, bringing you both closer to the edge.
"Faster, please! Just a little bit faster! Ohhhh myyy fuck - yes!" You felt your orgasm rip through you as you collapsed on top of him. He came a few seconds later, filling you with his hot cum.
"Ok, so ... I guess this isn't what you call sexercise. More like, just regular sex." You giggled and laid on top of him, his cock still buried inside of you.
He smiled and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, "Sexercise? God, princess. What a silly word. Let's never use it again." He pulled you in for a kiss, and you melted into his touch. "You're so weird, y/n. Please don't ever change."
You smiled back at him, "Same."
He rolled his eyes and pushed you off of him, "Shut up. You're getting sappy." You giggled and cuddled into his side. "Now, I think it's time for a cool down in a minute, ok?"
"Oh god, there's more?!" You buried your face in his neck. "What could that possibly consist of?"
He rolled out from under you and got you situated before he trailed his lips all the way down to your hips. His mouth was so hot you could feel the tickle of arousal stirring in you again.
"I'm so glad you asked ..."
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Taglist ::: @arlerts-angel @viburnt @darkstarlight82
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Buck & Eddie: "My Buddie Crack Theory"
Since the finale airs tonight, I decided I'm finally ready to share my theory with details.
Question: What is "My Buddie Crack Theory"?
Answer: Buck's still in his coma dream.
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I've included the details below the cut but please note, if he is still in his coma dream, it's NOT A NEW CONCEPT because it's been done on network TV before. (Details about the TV show "Dallas" and the main character "Bobby Ewing" are below the cut.
After season 6 ended, I read a post on 911blr that contained a screen shot from the show's IG page and it included a statement from someone who works on the show. It indicated season 6 was an "experiment" and it piqued my curiosity because I remembered reading about a TV show that did something similar in the 1980s. If it's true and KR was doing an experiment, then, it's possible 9-1-1 is doing something similar with Buck's coma dream.
In 1986, a procedural drama, "Dallas" did it with one of their main characters. The gist of it is, after main character "Bobby Ewing" was killed in a car accident at the end of season 8, he came back in season 10 because one of the actors who was still on the show asked the actor who played "Bobby" to come back because their ratings dropped. He agreed and the writers retconned the entirety of season 9 and turned it into a dream sequence for Pamela, Bobby's wife. Supposedly, she dreamed everything that happened before she woke up in 10x1 and when she walked into the bathroom, he was in there taking a shower 🙄. ISTG this is true and I know it's soapy and weird but here's a link to one of the articles that discusses it (Dallas).
How does this relate to 9-1-1? Well, it relates because since the beginning of season 7, there have been many indications in the interviews from the main cast about the possibility that TM is retconning seasons 5 & 6 and doing a mirror image or carbon copy of season 4 so he can get the main characters back to the point they were at in 4x14 (Buddie and Bathena). It's when he left OG in the hands of KR since F*X wouldn't allow Buck and Eddie to go CANON.
Before I delve into this, I need to make three points. First, I'm not making this about one specific character because the show already did that so please if you're going to be salty about it, please don't read this. If the things I've identified are correct then, that's on 9-1-1 and their writers. Second, these are my interpretations and observations of all the off kilter, retconned and unhinged things I've noticed since last season. Third and finally, when the season is looked at as a whole, it appears Buck still being in a coma is the only thing that makes sense.
Disclaimer: No one has to agree with my theory and please understand I'm not asking anyone to. The purpose of me doing this post now is because I wanted to wait until just before the season ends before I posted it because I wanted to see if the trend would continue and it has, for me at least. My theory could be right and it could be wrong but the point is someone else may have a difference of opinion and if they do, it's perfectly ok because two people's opinions can co-exist.
Now back to the regularly scheduled program...
Several things happened in seasons 6 and 7 that caused me to believe Buck's still in his coma dream and since the beginning of season 7, I've felt like all the mains have been acting OOC at different points and their actions have been off in someway or another. I'm not the only one who noticed it and there have been viewers who've commented on this topic in post-mortem articles and on social media. When I looked at the entirety of 6B and season 7, IMO, it seems like everything is being told from one character's POV, i.e., Buck's. It's a flawed and skewed one that in order to understand, one has to go back to review the details in 6x11.
After 6x9 aired, to me it seemed like Buck and Eddie were already together in a romantic relationship but Buck got struck by lightning and it halted everything. If they were, then everything about Buck still being in a coma makes even more sense and it explains their actions.
Here's a brief summary of 6x11: It appears Buck woke up TWICE in his coma dream and the first time he did, he was talking to Daniel but the first person he remembered from his life was EDDIE. After Daniel told him the next time he climbed a ladder, he should be sure there was someone available to have his back to which he responded, "I did". Reminder, after his brief flashback, Eddie wasn't included in Buck's coma dream anymore in season 6. I think the second time he woke up was when he was talking to Maddie before the 118 entered his room. Also, while he was playing gin with Bobby, Bobby told him he couldn't believe Buck returned from a world where he could fix everything but he replied, "Not everything."
I think he was still in his coma but he thought he woke up and when he had a coffee date with Natalia, he told her, "I woke up in a world that was both everything and nothing I ever wanted it to be" and other than the two things he told Maddie in 6x12 (included below), that's all the audience heard about his dream.
Now, in season 7, Eddie's the ONLY person Buck keeps thinking and talking about non-stop which could mean he's still in his coma but this time he's seeing his romantic life. Reminder, he was confused in 7x4 about whose attention he was trying to get but the viewers knew it was Eddie. Additionally, everything that happened in his dream has come to pass in some form or another but it's possible it might not be real.
Maddie and Chimney got married in 7x6 but it wasn't the wedding Chimney described to the team in 6x16 they were planning before he proposed. In his dream, he told Chimney they should get married because they already had a kid and a house.
Bobby retired and he died (temporarily) in 7x9 which both of those things happening have always been part of Buck's biggest fears. In 3x10, he told Bobby he's one of the most important people in his life and in 6x11, Bobby being Buck's found dad was CANONIZED by May Grant. Reminder, Bobby was dead in Buck's coma dream when he was talking to him.
In 7x10, it's possible the 118 might get split up (hopefully they won't but with Ortiz and Gerard around 🙄 who knows what's going to happen) and that's another thing that scares Buck, him losing his family. In 3x16 he was worried about them being split up and he worried about it again in 6x5 during Hen's medical school party.
In 6x11, when he was running towards his hospital room, he ran past Chris but Chris asked him to help him find his dad but Buck told him he wasn't real but the truth is he was (related post).
After he woke up the second time, the audience didn't see Buck's recovery from him being depressed and everything they did show was kind of off but not so much that it would be noticeable. The conversation Buck and Eddie had in 6x15 in the cemetery in front of Marie's grave was interesting and that's when Buck admitted he felt like he had to be the same old Buck mostly for the sake of everyone else. Viewers who watched the last few episodes of 6B remember what a cluster "F" they were and several recurring characters acted OOC too.
Now let's fast-forward to season 7.
I've been posting about my theory since the end of season 6 but I really dialed into it after 7x1 aired because the timeline Athena stated surrounding when Bobby purchased their cruise tickets was OFF. For those who watched 5x18, they know Bobby purchased the tickets then but their trip got delayed at the end of 6x1 after Athena's father had a stroke. But in 7x1, her scene with Frank started with "Two months ago" then she said, "Last week, my husband... he did something, he... booked us on a cruise". Why is this a problem? It's an issue because the TIMING IS OFF. For Athena's timeline to be accurate, seasons 5 & 6 wouldn't exist since Bobby actually booked the cruise in 5x18 which happened more than a year before they left.
Additionally, all of Buck's biggest fears are being addressed in season 7 and they're happening one right after the other.
Bobby retiring (mentioned above).
Bobby dying (mentioned above).
The 118 being split up (mentioned above).
In 7x10, it appears the Diaz parents might be taking Chris from Eddie and moving him (hopefully temporarily to El Paso). In Buck's coma dream, he was worried that Eddie lost Chris because he wasn't there to introduce him to Carla (she hasn't been mentioned once this season - related post).
The sun setting behind Eddie and Buck in scenes during season 7 are also part of this because in 6x12, Buck told Maddie, "For some reason, it's never nighttime in my coma dream". IMO, it appears Buck's running out of time to figure things out and it's possible he just might by the end of the finale, that is if the narrative continues.
Furthermore, NONE of the things that happened to Buck in season 6 have been addressed in season 7 and they remain unresolved (related post). There hasn't been any mention of the sperm donation, the baby, his quest for captaincy, his recovery from being struck by lightning and he never had a breakdown, even though he's well overdue for one. It's kind of like everything that happened wasn't addressed on purpose and before 7x1 aired, in an interview, TM said he didn't want Buck focusing on all the stuff that happened in season 6 because he wants to be happy.
I'm including a lot of one-offs that happened to add credence to my theory. Before reading the items below, don't forget, Buck is Midge in the movie "Vertigo" and she was waiting for Scottie (Eddie) to move on from his deceased wife. Well, isn't that what Buck's kind of doing now with Eddie? YES!
I think Marisol doesn't have a last name because Buck doesn't know what it is. He met her in 6x5 the same time Eddie did and when they went back to her house, I don't think he was worried about her and Eddie dating later on. However, I do think she's the only woman Buck could think of since she was the only one he saw Eddie with before he got struck by lightning. Eddie didn't mention Buck to Felisa in 6x7 when he told her about Shannon dying and Chris getting caught in the Tsunami even though everyone knows Chris was with Buck that day. Also, Buck never met Vanessa in 6x14 since Pepa introduced her to Eddie and it was after the lightning strike anyway. It appears Marisol was the only woman he could think of that Eddie might end up dating. Eddie's never said her last name either which is suspicious. Reminder, Eddie used to say "Ana Flores" all the time which means he knew her full name.
In 7x1, Eddie said, "Welcome back to the land of the living Buck, you were truly missed". It was an odd comment because they were still working together and if they saw each other every shift, why would he say it like that? It seems like he's still waiting on him to wake up.
In 7x4, Buck told Tommy, "I haven't had this much fun since the night I got struck by lightning." 👀 IIRC, that night wasn't fun for anyone especially him, so it was a strange comment for him to make and when Tommy asked him about it, he replied, "I'm just using it as a point of reference." Therefore, it seems like the show wanted the audience to remember Buck was in a coma and it's possible he still is.
In 7x9, Tommy said it had been 5 years since he left the 118 which was WRONG because he left before Buck started which happened 7 years ago. It's another weird timing discrepancy but I think it was included for a reason and it relates to Buck and Eddie. It appears Buck was once again confusing his feelings for Eddie with Tommy since later in the same episode, Eddie told Kim it had been 5 years since his wife died but if the math is done, it's also been 5 years for Eddie working at the 118. Reminder, he quit in December 2021 and he didn't return until May 2022. Therefore, Buck's known Eddie for 6 years but Eddie's only been at the 118 for 5.5 years.
IMO, Buck's encounter with Kim in 7x9 was him coming face to face with his worst fear (related post) and it involves the way he believes he'll never be able to measure up to Eddie's first spouse, even though the audience knows he's fulfilled the role as coparent in Eddie's life since 2x4 when he stepped in and helped Eddie find childcare for Chris.
The retconned ages in season 6 have continued to be up for debate but I think while in his coma dream, Buck got Eddie's, Shannon's and Denny's and his own ages wrong and I think the show made a point to highlight them because if TM really is retconning the last two seasons, then it's true, Buck would be 30 years old since he was 29 in 4x5 and it's possible he would have had a birthday before 4x13 aired (if the show was on their normal schedule). They've never stated Eddie's age so who knows how old he is.
It's possible Tommy's a figment of Buck's imagination especially since he's so much like Eddie.
Kim's comment to Buck in 7x9 about how the firehouse looks bigger in person than it does on FaceTime was a direct callback to season 2 when Buck slide down the fireman's pole and walked up behind Eddie after he had just finished a FaceTime call with Shannon. Buck told him he should ask Bobby for a discount when Eddie asked him if he thought they'd have to get married again (Buck was being petty).
Now if 9-1-1 is planning to retcon seasons 5 and 6 within Buck's' coma dream, then everything makes perfect sense because in 6x11 and in 7x4, one thing was clear, IT WAS ALL BEING TOLD FROM BUCK'S POV which everyone knows was flawed. Even TM admitted Buck wasn't seeing what he thought he saw because it was from his point of view. Buck remembered things that didn't happen the way he thought they did in his coma dream. One of them includes him believing he saved Bobby but the truth is he didn't because Chimney did when he took Bobby to meet a couple whose baby was saved after they got a blood transfusion with Bobby's blood in season 1. Also, Buck's memory was so jacked up that he thought Eddie wouldn't have been able to stay at the 118 if he hadn't introduced him to Carla. He also believed Eddie would have had to fight his parents to keep custody of Chris which was WRONG for two reasons. First, Eddie will sacrifice anything for Chris and second, Bobby RECRUITED Eddie and convinced him to join the 118 instead of station 6. So logically, if Bobby would have been dead from the plane crash in season 1, Eddie NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN AT THE 118 BECAUSE BOBBY WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN THERE TO RECRUIT HIM. It also means Hen and Chimney wouldn't have met Eddie; therefore they wouldn't have known he had a son.
If 7x10 ends with Buck waking up from his coma and him remembering he's already in a relationship with Eddie, I won't be surprised because that's what the narrative was showing in season 6. Also, AB and MJW both said, "Something biblical was going to happen in the finale" and the only thing I can think of is Buck coming out of his coma.
Can the narrative change, of course it can and it has several times over this season alone with last minute scripts and storylines but hopefully, this season will end on a good note because IMO, it's been underwhelming thus far.
With regards to Buck and Eddie, I think TM (showrunner) has done his best to confuse viewers this entire season so they won't see what's coming. I'll admit, I might be completely off base with "My Buddie Crack Theory" and none of the mishaps that I've identified mean anything but it's also possible they could mean everything. Tonight's episode will tell the tale so I'm curious to see how it will all turn out.
Hopefully, it has all been a dream and Buck and Eddie will end the season together in preparation for season 8.
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tsxkkis · 10 months
# nishinoya yuu - nail polish
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a/n = not exactly happy with this one, but i feel like it suits noya a lot ^^ also i just installed the my little pony mobile game if u know which one i'm talking abt and it brought sm happiness to me istg T-T
summary = nishinoya is eager for you to paint his nails.
warnings = noya being overly clingy as per usual, also nishinoya being an ipad kid
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you could see nishinoya's bright smile the moment you opened the door to your house, his short figure standing on your doorstep with sheer excitement beaming from him.
it was pretty understandable. after all, you were his first girlfriend. he was excited every single time the two of you hung out. and you loved it about him. he was like the sun; bringing the positive energy into your life, the smile on his face brightening up your day every single time.
the boy trapped you in a tight hug, his hands wrapped around your waist as he squeezed you tightly, your hands over his arms. as he loosened the hug, his eyes caught a glimpse of something.
he looked down, focused on your hands, more precisely, your nails.
"ohhh, new nails?" his eyes sparkled, gently grabbing your hands to take a closer look. they weren't anything too special; you decided to try out the new technique you saw on the internet a few days ago, and even though they didn't come out perfectly, you were still satisfied with the results. and nishinoya seemed to be thrilled as well.
"i painted them yesterday." you smiled, taking in nishinoya's enthusiasm. "what do you think?"
he looked up at you, grinning from ear to ear, looking as if he was going to combust from happiness at any given second.
"they're so cool! i can't believe you did that yourself." his words echoed through the hallway, the boy jumping around. as his frame appeared in front of you again, he gently grabbed your face, peppering it with kisses as he spoke. "my girlfriend is so talented."
"you know, i could do your nails if you want to." you giggled at the boy, your cheeks turned a bright shade of pink.
even though you thought one could not be more excited than nishinoya was just a second before, he had managed to prove you wrong.
his eyes widened at your words, the almost exaggerated look of shock on his face making you laugh yet again.
"of course i want to!" his voice was suddenly an octave higher than before, sprinting towards your room as if he was speeding to the barbecue after a tiring volleyball practice.
you followed shortly after him, seeing his body already sat in front of your desk, waiting impatiently. you didn't bother cleaning after doing your nails the day before, so everything was already set up for you. only this time you weren't doing your own nails, you were doing nails of the boy who couldn't sit still for five minutes even if his life depended on it.
this is going to be tough.
"noya, you are aware that there is no chance you're going to sit through all of this." his head turned to you, curiosity painted on his face. "doing all of your nails would probably take over an hour."
"oh." his smile dropped, his eyes locked with yours, mind trying to find a solution for it. an idea quickly popped into his mind, his face lighting up yet again. "you can do only one on each hand, then. ooh, and can you do them in karasuno's official colors?!"
you agreed to his solution, seeing it as the best one in this situation. to your surprise, nishinoya wasn't even moving that much while you painted his nails. he was a little impatient with the uv lamp, of course, but that was inevitable. to calm him down a bit more, you got your ipad out, putting on a tv show so he can focus on something else. it was a bit funny; you had to act like somewhat of a nanny of his. but you secretly enjoyed how much you had to baby him sometimes.
as you turned off the uv lamp, after applying the top coat on nishinoya's nails, you looked at your work with a bright smile, brushing the hair falling on your face behind your ear.
"it's done." your words catch his attention immediately, his head turning from the ipad and towards his hands. you laughed at his reaction, his eyes sparkly and wide as he stared at the nails with his mouth agape. "noya, it's just nail polish.."
"AHHH I LOVE YOU!" the confession sounded more like a scream, his figure throwing himself onto you, almost pushing you off of the chair. "i love you, i love you, i love you. it's amazing."
the familiar feeling of butterflies in your stomach appeared at the sound of his words, a smile on your face as the boy hugged you tightly.
"you're overreacting a bit." you mumbled, trying to get out of noya's grip. he shook his head immediately, moving so that he could look at you now. he had the brightest grin painted on his face, the one you were so familiar with and loved so much.
"nuh uh. i just love you a lot."
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taglist: @ox1-lovesick @moonswolfie @wyrcan
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wonysugar · 24 days
No because like I would be such a sub for soyeon.. like her most recent Instagram post 😵‍💫😞 the new comeback like omg she look so good.. the things I want her to do to me are... Something else
-💪🏻 anon
i’m a bit late oops.. but i believe 💪anon was referring to the pictures that were posted after the super lady concept photos! :] these ones
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when i look at those pictures i think HM! size kink. NO BECAUSE HEARR ME OUT her body is genuinely so petite and small that i can’t help but feel like she’d be so turned on by someone bigger than her properly manhandling her all she wants :((
istg this girl either goes from being THE brattiest sub ever to THE meanest powerbottom to ever exist like there literally is no in between😭😭 she’ll either make you eat her out as she degrades you until she’s satisfied or have you use her body and fuck her stupid ahehehefjdh
likee she may be small but she could easily hurt you if she really tried! like.. imagine you’re kneeling before her and she just slaps your stupid pathetic face and calling you a dumb dumbb puppy??:&;@/ LIKE OKAYYY
ALSO THE BRAID?? now if i said hair pulling would i get flamed because believe it or not I AM ABOUT TO SAY IT!! she’d be SOOO into hair pulling idc idc IDCC… that and marking. she wants her body to hurt afterwards :(( legs sore from being pounded all day,,, she lives for it idk!
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juliapark13 · 5 months
Y'all be like kids istg hjshsjsj💀
Taejoon decided to go together real afffff
Not a tkkr here. Remember that not all ppl who come here as a matter of eye opening to you, is a tkkr. There're many people who aren't shippers. Nor "supporters" bc there's literally nothing to support here. As of now,there's no official couple of bts. Many people don't support headcanons and assumptions. Bc simply it's none of our business and it's really uncertain thing to dedicate time for, wich also, not everyone has this much time for.
May you stay delulu if this keeps you sleep at night. The fact none of armys know anything personal about the members and each of armys look at things in a certain way and see anything as something "eyebrow rising" or a "sign" or whatever while it simply be to fuel shipping propaganda (especially when ml ships are pretty popular In korea and internationally even) and also something not as deep or "romantic" in their life as YOU make it so.
I hate seeing you guys being as toxic as tkks but you're always somehow covered with the fact that you're not actually a tkkr. Since toxicity is only directed to tkks, but this is not actually true. Toxicity exists in jkks and jnkks too. As far as I saw.
I'm actually one of your followers, and many other jkk blogs. That's why I'm writing you here this to express the way I'm sick of y'all. Y'all are grown up right?
Taejoon decided to enlist as companions to be together for whole 18 months too? 😮 I had to miss it anon, my apologies 🤧
Sometimes I wonder if you’re this stupid for real, or you just can’t find anything to say anymore, so at the end it only makes you toxic and look like you aren’t grown up.
They don’t have to be official couple for me to believe they are, because it can’t be more obvious they are. They were showing it without actually saying it for years.
I really don’t care if people think they’re only friends unless they don’t downplay everything they do. And you know why they do it?
When we say everyone sees what we see, but it makes them uncomfortable because they are either homophobic or y/ns or ship them with someone else, it’s not a joke. They feel jikook is too real, so they have to downplay their bond every single time.
For example everyone saw the „bite mark” was a hickey and everyone knows what it means. They were shocked and they could never accept it. If they truly believed Jungkook and Jimin are only friends, they wouldn’t have such a huge problem specifically with them.
They don’t even want them to be friends, that’s why they were furious when they found out Jungkook and Jimin are going to enlist together as companions.
Lastly, the only BTS ship pretty popular in Korea is jikook, because koreans aren’t blind and they know their culture.
Happy unfollowing me 👋🏽
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kitybur · 1 year
𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 | 𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐚𝐜𝐰𝐡𝐲
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⌦ in which you’re just a loving s/o to the best boy.
— warnings: pronouns not mentioned, swearing, fluff
| Heyyy! I saw your issacwhy x reader work and i loved it. I cant find much issacwhy content, so I was obsessed. Do you mind writing how he would be with a cuddly and overall sweet s/o. Take care! <3 |
mental note: i went so off topic with this request, but still sorta kept the idea? mostly just some isaacwhy hc lmao my bad. :(
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
i feel like he would LOVE to have a cuddly and sweet s/o.
like, we’ve seen how he acts with his friends (very touchy and lovey)
so i feel like with his s/o he’d be the same.
loves the attention, istg.
oh he’s editing? and you wrap your arms around his neck from behind? hands through his hair? SHFJCKSK
he’s probably really cocky about it too, like he’s always bragging that you love to cuddle with him and love to buy him things.
because his friends get no bitches™️
im calling it. isaac is an ass man.
therefore he would love when you let him lay on your ass. not in a sexual way, just like plop his head down on it when you’re laying on your stomach.
i feel like it takes a lot to make him blush, since he’s overly confident (in a hot way).
but if you want cuddles and need them now, you’re whining because he won’t stop and give you some ( stubborn bitch 🙄).
your whines would make him blush, mans freaky what can i say.
he’d blush when you buy him something that he’s been mentioning he wanted for the longest time.
bro would want to marry you omg.
“what’s this for?” *holds up a penguin plush*
“oh, just something i saw while grocery shopping. reminded me of you”
his heart stops and he just looks at you cause you’re literally the sweetest thing to ever exist.
i wanna believe there would be a youtube video out there called ‘y/n being in love with isaacwhy for 5 minutes’.
it’s just clips from vlogs and irl podcasts of you being the sweetest partner to him.
like getting him water if he needed some, holding his hand, clinging to his side, giving him cheek kisses, etc.
in conclusion, you’re the best s/o and he’s so glad he got to you before anyone else.
<3 <3 <3
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bgyuus · 2 years
+ in love with kaiser !
cw: slightly nsfw, mentioned words like sex and cum, everyone is aged up to 20+ in here, not proofread
istg im so in love with this man
"hey, you dropped this."
your eyes immediately shone at your missing photo card case with a picture of the famous german prodigy, michael kaiser, in it. "thank you so much! i thought i've lost it. Thank you!" you exclaimed, looking up to your savior. your eyes met with the none other than isagi yoichi himself. "thanks again, isagi." you smiled at him as he nodded. you walked away, leaving the man and his heart who ached more of your sweet voice.
he sighed as he walked to the opposite direction. maybe if he wasn't too fixated on football, he could've still called you as his. maybe if he were to spend his free time with you other than practice, you would've still be by his side. but all those precious moments together were all drained into the dumps, and there's nothing he could do about it. you're already with someone else. someone who he believes would treat you so much better than he did. and that someone is-
you yelled across the train station. your current boyfriend just came back from his latest match is now finally back home. you ran towards him, snuggling into his chest as he wrapped his hands around your smaller frame. "you missed me that much, huh?" he smiled at your teary reaction as you nodded aggressively as an answer. "look! i even have you as a photo card in case if i miss you," you quipped, giddily holding up your photo card case. kaiser chuckled at your antics and patted your head.
as you were walking back to your apartment, kaiser told stories about his match and complained about his lousy teammates. "i'm sure isagi isn't that bad, right?" you asked, while opening your shared apartment door. kaiser raised an eyebrow at your question. "what do you mean, princess? how do you know that he isn't that bad? mind you, he's actually annoying," he slightly pouted. you only laughed at his sudden change in behaviour. "kaiser, are you perhaps jealous?" you giggled while hiding your cheeky grin.
kaiser closed the apartment door and walked towards you. you immediately stopped laughing when you saw his darkened eyes. "kaiser, my love, i was just joking," you gulped, slowly backing up as your back hits the wall behind you, trapping yourself between his. his sharp eyes looked down towards you, making you feel small. you looked down to your feet, afraid at what's going to happen next. suddenly, a strong pair of arms wrapped around your sides and lifted you up. you gasped at the sudden change of height and felt yourself being laid down onto the couch.
you laughed as kaiser continued to tickle your sides. you tossed and turned, laughing crazily while kaiser's fingers kept on doing his magic towards you. "kaiser please," you heaved as your hands hold his face. your eyes looked into his and saw the loving way he looked at yours. you couldn't help but lost yourself in those gorgeous eyes of his. slowly, your hands went to the back of his head and brought his face closer to yours, closing the gap between you.
your lips moved in sync together. it's funny how your lips and his were like perfectly made for each other. kaiser bit your bottom lip and deepened the kiss. you sighed into the kiss. oh how you miss his scent and his warmth being this close to you. a groaned came from kaiser as you felt something poking at your thigh. "kaiser," you panted as his lips went down to jaw and to your neck, biting a spot along the process. he only hummed in response. your hands roamed his broad and muscular chest as your finger pads across the toned clothed skin. "your shirt is in the way," you said as you pulled his shirt above his head. kaiser smirked at your eagerness.
"you really do miss me," he said as he goes down on you, unbuttoning your white dress shirt. "kaiser, wait!" you halted. the man above you looked at you with a puzzled look on his face. "we've never done this before," you said in low voice, looking anywhere but him. truth be told, you only had sex once with isagi in your past relationship, well it wasn't really sex, it was just a heated make out session since you were both in a argument. but if you were going to really do it with kaiser, you wanted it to be special. you love him more than anything in the world and doing this-
"i'll make sure to go slow, okay princess? i'll try to not hurt you,"
he said with a small smile plastered across his face. you felt your eyes nearly tearing up as you nodded.
after a series of reciting kaiser's name like a prayer and cumming multiple times, kaiser finally lets go of his high, his cum painting your walls white. you smiled as he drops onto your now tired body. "you felt so good. i'm so happy that you're mine." he said as he laid his head onto your chest, hearing your heartbeat. "i love you." he whispers as he closed his eyes in slumber. you chuckled at his antics and stared into the ceiling. starting a new life with kaiser, didn't made you regret anything at all. he was really sweet and nice, he even makes sure to always spend his free time by taking you out on small dates. even though he isn't always at home, you appreciate that he always sends goodnight texts and keeps on checking in on you. even though he can be really ego-ish and a pain in the ass towards his teammates, but whenever he's with you, he's a whole different person. you sometimes wish he would go feral on you (yk what i mean) but you can't help but fall in love with this kaiser.
"i love you too," you whispered, kissing his forehead.
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mara-xx217 · 7 months
I'd love to see some general yandere pocketcat hcs (termina) like does he treat reader differently then the others and try to help reader out (maybe bargaining for something in return). Or just how their dynamic would be and how he would act to the object of his obsession affections.
Omg yes I LIVE for yandere Pocketcat Istg-
Warnings: Yandere, Implied Non-con, Obsessive/Possessive Tendencies, Stalking, Voyeurism, Somnophilia
Yandere!Pocketcat Headcanons
All contestants report on feeling like they are always being watched, but none are being watched as closely as you and a certain one-eyed doctor...
You meet Pocketcat far earlier than anyone else. He's had an eye on you for some time and now that the game is afoot, he has no need to hold back in introducing himself.
That masked gentleman could be considered charming... but something about him makes you physically sick. You can't put your finger on it, but after the horrors you've seen so far in the few hours you've been in Prehevil, you now trust your gut instinct and keep your distance.
Melodrama should be Pocketcat's middle name, because you not shaking his hand and viewing him with suspicion has him reeling and acting as though you have struck him with the rusty pipe you managed to pick up from a trash pile.
He believes that persistence is key to any budding relationship, so just one rebuttal (or a few dozen with escalating responses) won't be enough to dissuade him from pursuing you. Pocketcat will be relentless as he 'courts' you, always offering you advice, a new possible way forward or... something else, but always for a price. You never asked what that price was because you knew you wouldn't like the answer you would receive.
It hurts him, how resistant you are to his advances. Though... there was one moment where you would be vulnerable to his charms...
You aren't safe anywhere, even on the train or in the Bop. Pocketcat knew that you were the one. The one. You may resist while awake but in the midst of sleep, you were honest and your body would tell a different story than your mouth would the next time you would meet in the waking world...
'No, no, no...' It was all you said to him. The more you said it, the more it started to sound like 'Yes, yes, yes...!' to Pocketcat. Your refusals would only pull him closer, not push him away. The hook was already set and he was thoroughly ensnared... As were you, though you didn't know it yet.
Pocketcat wouldn't mind if you were to become Moonscorched... Your new, monstrous form only adds to your beauty, not detracts from it.
He would try to drop the 'big L word' love before you would turn... though perhaps you would be more receptive to it with his Master's influence opening your eyes to the truth?
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @slutwithadegree, @dead-bxxxtch-walking, @space-arsonist, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire, @hoemine, @memoryofheather
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bridgertonbabe · 5 months
I hope you can answer this question,
How would the family group chat pop off when Araminta suffers an unfortunate accident?
BSSG Group Chat
Michael: Hey @ Sophie Franny's just told me after Greg told her that Hy told him that Daph told her that El told her that Ben told her that Arabitcha's in hospital? Is it true? 👀
Gareth: please be true 🙏
Gareth: even if it's a sprained ankle or something weak like that
Simon: Yeah so long as she's suffering ✨✨✨
Phillip: Last El heard they're still at the hospital with Posy and Hugh
Lucy: omg she went to the hospital????
Kate: Only for moral support for Posy!
Kate: No way in hell would she be there otherwise.
Penelope: Yeah Ben wouldn't let her step one foot in that hospital if it wasn't for the purposes of being there for Posy.
Gareth: well maybe with ben being there her life support could be "accidentally" pulled out
Simon: Yeah or her LVAD wire being cut.
Gareth: the fuck's an lvad wire?
Simon: You've never watched Greys Anatomy?
Gareth: you watch greys anatomy?
Simon: Daph watches it and tells me all about it.
Michael: Oh really? Is that so?
Michael: Because I definitely seem to recall you having an in-depth discussion with Franny about the show.
Lucy: yeah I remember that!!!!!!
Simon: ...
Simon: Ok fine! Daph got me into it, I didn't want to like it, then I convinced myself I liked it ironically, but now I guess I have to accept that I actually like it unironically. You happy now?
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Penelope: 🤭
Kate: 😂😂😂
Simon: fuck off @ Gareth don't act like Hy doesn't make you sit and watch drag race with her
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Phillip: If it's any consolation I willingly watch Love Island with El
Phillip: There's something so endlessly fascinating about good looking people having to actually make an effort with each other when they're all used to being the ones being pursued in the real world.
Kate: Hang on Eloise watches Love Island?!?!
Kate: I could have sworn she said she hates dating shows like that
Penelope: She very much does but it doesn't stop her from watching them obsessively
Phillip: I could lie and say she hate-watches them or even watches them unironically but deep down she loves them.
Penelope: Very much so
Penelope: But she will absolutely deny it if you bring it up so don't bother
Kate: Believe me I wouldn't dare raise any subject with Eloise that could result in her vehemently getting defensive for 10+ minutes
Phillip: That's fair
Michael: Well I watch Say Yes to the Dress - and I was the one who got Franny into it
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Michael: Oh come on I don't mention it that often!
Phillip: Did you completely forget the time you invited us round for a boys night and made us watch back to back episodes of it and nothing else?
Simon: surely you must be aware that your love of Say Yes to the Dress is absolutely no secret whatsoever
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Sophie: Yeah you've sent me screenshots of dresses you think I might like if Ben and I were ever to renew our vows.
Kate: Same here! You even add suggestions for dresses for a vow renewal on the beach, in a rustic barn
Kate: Omg Sophie
Kate: What's happened?
Michael: What's Arabitcha in hospital for?
Gareth: please be something that inconveniences her the most 🙏
Penelope: yeah please let it be more than a sprained ankle 🤞
Simon: Wishing nothing but the worst for her 🙌
Sophie: Well
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Phillip: Wa
Phillip: Wait fr?
Kate: Omfg are you serious
Michael: Say more now
Gareth: sophie please istg
Sophie: She's seriously actually dead for real fr.
Gareth: and to think i was worried it would be a sprained ankle at best
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Michael: Holy shit
Lucy: how did it happen???
Sophie: I just want to state for the record that Ben didn't pull her life support plug or cut her LVAD wire.
Kate: That's a shame for Ben, he'd have loved to have been given the opportunity.
Gareth: hy too
Sophie: She was actually being her absolutely lovely self and having a go at some poor shop assistant demanding to speak to their manager or whatever and she literally dropped down dead mid-rant.
Penelope: omg
Gareth: she really went
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Phillip: So she died the way she lived
Kate: Being a bitch right to the very end
Simon: What I'd give to have been there to witness that
Michael: Maybe if there's CCTV in the shop we can ask the owners if they could be so very kind to send us the footage
Penelope: Is Posy ok? Obvs she was a bitch to her too but is she feeling any sort of way about it?
Sophie: When we were told she did start to cry but then we realised her sobs were actually laughter and she was hysterically cackling with relief and she said "well thank fuck for that"
Phillip: Oh I was the same when my dad died
Simon: Same just minus the tears
Lucy: And how are you feeling about it all @ Sophie ?
Sophie: I don't know really
Sophie: I sort of don't feel anything?
Sophie: Maybe it hasn't sunk in yet, like I haven't properly processed the fact she's actually gone, but yeah right now I'm just of sort like eh, you know?
Michael: I think that's to be expected.
Phillip: She put you through shit and was nothing but awful to you but because of who you are you've naturally always been the bigger person and taken the high road, you haven't let her diminish your self worth and you've gone on to live a wonderful life that she could only dream of having. Whether you process her death and feel any type of way about it or still feel eh, you're always going to be better than her in every possible way; so don't you dare feel bad about yourself for feeling any sort of relief or joy from her passing.
Michael: 👏👏👏
Kate: Exactly what he said ↑
Simon: And like Phil said, don't you dare for a second feel guilty for celebrating her death
Penelope: And even if you want to be the bigger person and not celebrate, we'll all celebrate on your behalf don't you worry
Sophie: I really appreciate it guys 🤗💖💖💖
Sophie: And if you'd all like to go ahead and send your celebratory reaction gifs and memes please be my guest x
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Gareth: hy's ecstatic btw
Gareth: and is claiming full responsibility
Gareth sent a photo
Lucy: omg is that voodoo doll????????
Penelope: Why am I not even remotely surprised
Gareth: according to her she threw it down hard on the floor a few hours ago
Gareth: and now that she's dead naturally hy believes it's all down to her
Kate: Just so long as she doesn't start making dolls for every single person who wrongs her or anyone in the family. We don't want her getting any ideas.
Gareth: yeah tell that to the doll she made of my dad and is currently slamming against the wall 💀
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
My ask is! What is your fav trait or habits or like one thing which is particular to jikook which u adore or makes ur heart all mushy? It could be a moment or like particulr thing .
For me it is the way JK takes care of JM. In one run episode he puts the socks on JM. It was a simple gesture but damn that one moment made my heart melt, jimin sitting cutely like a baby while jk put on the socks . I repeatedly watched that clip, it is one of my fav jikook moments.
Thanks for this question anon. Here is something that makes me all mushy. This behaviour from JK makes me believe we have lost him and he ain't never coming back to us. He's too far gone... fr.
Jeon Jungkook is a man whipped.
Exhibit a) BTS at Atomix. It's a good restaurant, right? And I'm sure they had fun. Ate good food and what not? We know JK loves to eat, so I'm sure it was a good time. But when the infamous tkk photo was brought up months later JK only remembers that day because Jimin said "I'm sorry"
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Umm... okay. Moving on.
Exhibit b) Run BTS episode 10. It was a continuation of several episodes where they rode on ATVs, did a bunch of shit, among them, bungee jumping and we know how much JK loves that. But his favourite thing about all of that when asked, JK said;
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Again, what?
Exhibit c) When JK was asked what his most memorable thing about the Tokyo trip with Jimin was he says 😬😬😬
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I mean....
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For me this is the cringiest Jikook moment of all fucking time. I cannot watch this. I just can't. And if it comes up I watch with one eye closed because it's painful AF to witness. Especially members' reactions. Even they know JK is whipped. So Jikook go to Tokyo. Beautiful city, they moved around, they explored, even had fun on Halloween with Scream costumes and everything. They were there several days and even went to Disney where it looks like they had a blast. But this, this? Is JK's most memorable moment?! Are u kidding me? Unless "playing on his phone" is code for something else, this is whipped behaviour right there. And look how proud he is while recounting this. W.H.I.P.P.E.D i say!!
(Sidebar: JK is wearing Jimin's photocards as earrings. ☺)
Exhibit d) JK's reaction to Jimin sneezing.
That's it.
Exhibit e) JK reacting to Jimin slurping noodles
He is adorable. Fr fr. But listen, Vhope DGAF but here JK is being endeared AF by Jimin's simple act of eating noodles. I mean... come on dude, really? I mean I get it, its Jimin. But really? 🤭
Exhibit f) JK's reaction to Jimin's pinky. The absolute cutest. He's so whipped y'all
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Exhibit g) "You owned Run Bts"
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First of all, JK sounds adorable when he says this. I just wanna put him in my pocket he's so cute 🥺 But also really? I mean okay. If someone held a gun to my head and told me to prove I was Army of course I will go "lagibolala!" It's one of the most iconic BTS quotes right up there with "party party yeah, niagara popo, listen boy, etcetera" But still... Jimin owned ALL of Run Bts because of this? Really JK? Tell us you're whipped without telling us you're whipped. I can't with this guy.
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Exhibit h) One of my favourite JK moments of all time. When he was asking Jimin for pork. Gosh, how is this man so macho and yet so adorable at the same time??? Istg I could listen to this all day. Someone make it my ringtone already!
Anyway, the thing that is easily missed is the fact that Jhope who was next to JK offered his pork. But JK didn't want that one. Nope. He wanted the one from Jimin who was allllllllll the way on the other side
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Exhibit i) Last but not least. I already brought this up but it deserves to be brought up again. BV season 4 members in New Zealand enjoying the beautiful view. They've never been there before. Its their first time. They're all in awe. Its amazing, incredible and they all pretty much "wow" the entire time. But JK, JK is like fuck the view. Staring at my boyfriend is all the view I need
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The camera keeps panning out. And JK keeps staring. What did I say? JK my dude, you are
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So yes, anon JK is a man in love and he makes me go all mushy when I see him get amused by the most mundane things as long as they're coming from Jimin.
A member will do one thing and JK won't care. Won't even notice sometimes. But as soon as Jimin does that same thing, suddenly its the funniest thing JK has ever seen. Or the cutest, or whatever. To JK, certain things are "meh" until Jimin does them. Then he absolutely loves it.
When I tell you Jungkook is a man in love, I mean it.
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sevensoulmates · 4 months
Speculation ahead:
I want to talk about the title "Buck, Bothered and Bewildered" less from the assumption that the song lyrics = what happens in the show and less from the assumption that Buck's name being in the title means it's all about him. The episode may have him have a central storyline but I'm 99% sure the episode will also feature Maddie and Eddie having central storylines in this episode too.
So, Bothered and Bewildered. To me, those words signify big change, big realizations, but also confusion, discomfort, growing pains with emphasis on the pain.
Bothered implies that whatever change is coming it will not be easy. It implies that this is something that disturbs the characters usual life. It's something that requires looking inward, discovering why the change bothers them so much, and coming to terms with the new life they'll probably have to lead from that moment forward.
Bewildered implies that this change is a surprise. Not something the character saw coming. ((so for those of you who are assuming this is Bi Buck realization I don't think it'll be just a "oh yeah I've been bi this entire time" thing)). It's not something they've been sitting on agonizing about, but something that comes out of the blue. Or maybe, it's something the character wouldn't let themselves think about and/or never believed was true about themselves, but now has to reevaluate who they really are.
This could mean a hell of a lot for all of the characters. From a Maddie/Madney perspective maybe they're adjusting to being fiance's, or Maddie worries about potentially becoming a wife again.
For Eddie, if this is a queer realization for him, I don't think it's an easy one. It's one he'll struggle with. We know Marisol is still around, this could be in reference to the relationship he's trying to force with her. I do still believe man is deep in compulsory heterosexuality, so I wouldnt be surprised if he tries even HARDER to force this relationship with Marisol in a last ditch attempt to prove his "normalcy". And perhaps he finds his relationship with Marisol bothers him in unexpected ways. In relation to potential bi Buck, it could mean Eddie has to grapple with Buck's sudden queerness and determine WHY it is bothering him. If anyone has a "am I homophobic because my queer best friend is with someone else" moment, I believe it would be Eddie, not Buck. I truly believe Eddie is that repressed. But if the Buck/Tommy rumours are true then this could spell EXTREMELY interesting for Eddie as well, especially considering the next episode is You Don't Know Me.
And Buck. I know we're all kinda jumping the gun assuming it means bi Buck, and istg I'm also hoping and praying too. Truly, it makes the most sense to do. Let the homoeroticism of the basketball scene sweep Buck into an unexpected queer realization and let him grapple with the idea that now Men are an Option. And if Men are an option, Eddie could be an option. The implications of this are fucking ENORMOUS.
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