#not formally diagnosed
honestly, dyspraxia would explain a lot. why i randomly fall and trip when there is literally nothing to fall or trip on. time blindness (that could just be the adhd, but you never know). why i hate driving with a burning passion and only do it because america is stupid about public transit. and also why autocorrect must save me and why i don't type with my thumbs and probably why my handwriting looks the way it does. and i can't catch things except when all the physics aligns and-- wait, did i have difficulty learning how to ride a bike? does this explain my dance issues?
and just so you don't beat me to it:
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 8 months
Boiling hot take, but we're never going to be able to tackle the problem of bullying, especially in schools but also in general, unless we address the fact that some people, especially some kids, are just… not that great to be around.
And that's not always their fault.
Like, as an autistic adult, when I look back on the ways I was treated as a kid, on the one hand I think "fuck that was shitty to live through", but on the other hand, I kinda get it?
I was loud and regularly called out in class or interrupted people when they were talking.
I had a narrow range of interests that I was very interested in, and wasn't great at recognising when the person I was discussing them with wanted to talk about something else.
I couldn't judge my tone of voice and so things I said often came across as insulting when I didn't mean them to.
I was highly opinionated and argumentative.
I would sometimes lash out at people physically (when provoked).
I growled and hissed at people like a cat when I wanted them to go away, because I didn't know how to communicate that in human terms.
I used to hit and bite myself when I felt frustrated, and a couple of times threatened to hurt myself during stressful social interactions.
I had a loose grasp of personal hygiene.
Was any of this a justifiable excuse for bullying me? No. I was a kid, struggling with a brain that was structured very differently to everyone else's. I didn't even know what I was doing wrong a lot of the time. I had a disability.
But was this a justifiable excuse for not wanting to hang out with me? Fuck yeah.
Like, I would have liked it better if I'd been able to have close friends in primary school (without the teachers having to literally set up a structured group of people who were willing to befriend me, complete with weekly meetings where we discussed our social issues with an adult mediator present)? Yeah. That would have been great.
But I was also weird and unpredictable and gross and inconsiderate, and I wouldn't have wanted to hang out with me either. The other kids didn't owe me their friendship. (Even though, again, none of those things were my fault.) But that doesn't mean I deserved mistreatment.
Basically, I think there would be less bullying if we had more preschool books and Very Special Episodes about how to handle interacting with people who are essentially harmless, but who you don't really want to be friends with all the same.
Get rid of the dichotomy in kids media where everyone is either deliberately and purposefully being unpleasant because they can, OR Just Like You with no annoying or unpleasant traits whatsoever.
Sometimes people just are Annoying. It sucks. But part of living in a society is learning to walk away from those people and leave them be, rather than treating their existence as a personal attack.
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autisticlee · 5 months
"just be yourself" has always been one of my most hated things to hear from someone. it may sound simple and easy to you, but when you grew up never able formed a single solid personality (because you grew up autistic or for some other reason) and/or have always felt more like 20 different personalities in a trench coat who fight over who is supposed to be in charge, that "simple" advice is so much less simple.....it can even seem impossible.
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itsdefinitely · 2 years
changing my home/lock screen might be a small thing to you, but for me it took many years of training. what do you mean you didn't witness the montage in which i changed it but got too uncomfortable with the difference that i had to change it back? you really didn’t see me almost flinch when i saw the wallpaper for the first time? smh
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shieldfoss · 3 months
Once again annoyed at the fundamental unseriousness of the American approach to oaths and promises
why Shieldfoss cannot commit to the Rust CoC, clearly written by people who just wanted to write cool words on paper with zero regard to their actual meaning.
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spiritrosesaga · 7 months
I didn't know that I could be Autistic and not have meltdowns. This is new to me. As someone who is self-diagnosed, this news has really helped me with imposter syndrom.
Let me explain.
As much research I have done, I never once considered that there could be a few of us who have little to no meltdowns or shutdowns. To discover this and read this bit of information has helped me much more than I thought possible.
Because so many of my Autistic and ADHD comrades share experiences when they have meltdowns/shutdowns, the imposter syndrom has been affecting me a lot more than usual and to know that I don't have to experience meltdowns or shutdowns to be autistic or adhd, this made my day!
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starzovermarz · 1 month
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I need my motivation PLEASE
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insufferablemod · 5 months
my list of names grows we got -ask insufferable prick mod -insufferable mod -insufferable -aipm -suff -ism
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viric-dreams · 17 days
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Whoops, more thoughts triggered.
Jones is fairly self-aware that there's something up with him. He knows about the compulsions. He knows why he responds in certain ways to different triggers. But he doesn't like to think about it, because that only makes them stronger in his mind. Instead, he tries to manage himself as best he can, to redirect into relatively harmless rituals, to extract himself from situations where some sort of an episode, and interpersonal consequences, seem inevitable.
Roberts isn't naïve, he's always known he was wired differently from most, and he was never particularly good at being able to hide nor compensate for it. Internally, there's very little denial happening in regards to either his mental or physical health. But what he can admit out loud is another matter. In the New Sequence, any sort of infirmity could've be seen as a weakness, or grounds to push him out of his position, so he was exceptionally careful to keep as much as he could out of public knowledge. Since leaving the navy, a lot of those anxieties are no longer as relevant, and Roberts feels more able to be open about it with trusted people. Roberts has recently found a therapist, and is also independently working through some things.
Ockham fully believes that there is absolutely nothing wrong with himherthem. Anyone who tries to bring up any of hishertheir behaviours as unusual or concerning is going to be shut down by virtue of being too English or too human or too overly-sensitive to know what they're talking about. Because Ockham does not see anything unusual or concerning about anything heshethey thinks or does, Ockham does not believe that heshethey needs to talk about it, and any sort of "help" would be seen as intrusive and unwelcome.
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aemiron-main · 2 years
“i was talking to someone about st and they asked if i shipped byler and i got scared” bro i was talking to someone about st this morning and they changed the subject by asking if i’d gotten my autism diagnosis yet 💀
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 7 months
new tag game
take this test (https://www.idrlabs.com/pooh-pathology/test.php) and screenshot + upload your results, then tag some people to keep it going
I’ll go first
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Tags (no pressure!): @saveugoodmadam @writingraccoon @thatdumbgoth @antisocialgaycat @noels--lament
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petyou · 14 days
i have to talk to a psychiatrist friday and im so nervous……..
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cosmicwhoreo · 1 year
*holds up mic*
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seabeck · 1 year
My mom is trying to get a formal autism diagnosis from a doctor and I warned her it’s not cheap but she didn’t believe me until she was quoted upwards of $5k
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xenogenderbunnykid · 1 year
do you ever just hyperfixate on somthing so hard you want to scream and bounce off the walls 
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adamsvanrhijn · 4 months
the thing about that test is that everyone hates it and it makes a lot of assumptions that seem aligned with stereotypes but it is almost always clinically valid. the website itself says this when they are like "we hate this but it's right almost 100% of the time". so like it is doing what it is designed to do even if it's uncomfortable. not saying it's the Best but people in the notes whenever it goes around like "you shouldn't take it seriously because of xyz"... Well!
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