#not in the scared way btw but in the 'god decided my fate is to be sick so i don't deserve to even live life' way which is actually dumber
pochapal · 4 months
how to stop being Affected as a result of medical problems ending explained reddit no paywall
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scarapanna · 11 months
Huge Avatar of destiny headcanon post
Finally decided to expand on my long and contorted interpretation of the AoD = Pv headcanon with a brainrot blast (None of this is canon btw, all of it is just for fun)
[This is way longer than the other two i've written, so it gets the read more treatment]
What even is the Avatar of Destiny?
All magic classes/types have a pure being assigned to it, and the Avatar of Destiny is a deity meant to resemble the purest form of white magic.
This creature of light is often seen by cookie-kind as an omen bringing either prosperity or misery depending on one's fate, it's neither good or bad in morality and is depicted as indifferent to anything it comes across, often being met with either fear or acceptance for what it'll bring.
These beings are often seen more as gods due to the mistery around them and barely appearing to cookies.
Magic deities and cursed forms
Cursed forms, to put it shortly, are a manifestation of ones magic as a defense mechanism triggered in very specific circumstances.
These have different traits influenced by a cookie's looks, demenor, and the magic types it's intuned with (All cookies have magic in their bodies since born, regarthless of their battle class)
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The looks of a cursed form are more similiar to the magic type's assigned deity the more a cookie is intuned and experienced with it's magic, individuals with higher intunement share elements near identical to these beings.
This meaning that cookies as experienced as the ancients have a cursed form with an uncanny resemblance to the beings assigned to their magic class.
Pewpaw's similiarities and connection to the Avatar
To start getting into the juice of this ordeal, is Pure Vanilla's manifested magic actually the Avatar of Destiny?
Well, yes and no.
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Him and the Avatar share lots of common traits, but are not equal in terms of magic.
Vanilla is incredibly experienced and intuned with white magic but it isn't possible for him to be as perfect as a magical deity, plus cursed forms are also influenced by other magic types the cookie has practiced as well (Even if it's not the main one they practice).
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As for the state of mind needed to trigger manifested magic, it's different for every cookie, and for Vanilla's case specifically it's intense fear combined with all the other factors needed (We never see him full on scared after all)
As for the cursed form itself, this is what it looks like
[edit: here's the link to a redesign + some more insight on the form]
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Powerful intunement with white magic gives it an uncanny resemblance the the Avatar of destiny, but with a few differences both physical and in behaviour.
To start of with it's looks:
•This cursed form is smaller in height compared to the Avatar and has golden accents in it's feathers and body (This due to Pure Vanilla's ingredients and some influence from a small perchantage of crescent moon magic intunement trown into the mix)
•Symbols and patterns are simplier in structure due to not being a perfect being like white magic's corresponding Deity
•More feathers cover the form's "body" to protect it's weaker spot (this being the middle of it's chest area).
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On the other hand, behaviorally the two are even more diverse:
•To start off, the cursed form is much more tense and nervous unlike the avatar (This also due to the emotion that triggers it).
•The form has similiar powers to the white magic deity, but they're not as strong, plus it tends to use more defensive spells to guarantee it's safety
•And lastly, it attacks what it sees as danger on sight, so it's best to not fight against it to avoid the more destructive attacks it has to offer
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Truly, I used to be ashamed of my divinity.
I would always down play it but deep down I always felt a disconnect to everything even the gods that people would force upon me.
Everything seems so empty and lackluster to me because I know that life can be grander than all of this.
And if you continue to give into your old beliefs that isn’t getting you anywhere.
You’ll go extinct just like everything else.
Why do you think the same animal species including humans look different in every region?
Because if they don’t adapt then they’ll die and go extinct.
I’m not trying to scare you I’m trying to inspire you.
Please don’t be arrogant enough to believe that humans are exempt from extinction just because they’ve been overlooked for eons.
Bad behavior will always be evaluated eventually because no one deserves to be oppressed.
Btw your Jesus’ soul isn’t on this planet and if that deity does ever decide to show up here they would most likely remove all the evil from your hearts so you can stop making them look bad.
I’m sorry to break it to you but deities aren’t as merciless as you believe and the only reason why old gods were so brutal is because they had to figure out love on their own.
They had no proper guide.
They had to figure out how to lead in a chaotic and selfish world that they inherited.
We have the knowledge to heal all of that now.
And rewrite the fate of this planet.
Truly it’s up to you not me.
I’m going to be fine regardless cus I’m not attached to any of This only my loved ones and they will always be with me cus I actually value them.
I don’t lose things I value unless it no longer wants to be with me.
I forgive every god for leading this world to the way it is and I know that most starseeds feel the same.
I’m grateful for the old deities for trying their best with what little guidance and unconditional love they had.
We just want to be able to live in peace already.
It’s a new millennium let’s relearn everything we know about living.
Because this shit ain’t working and it’s boring me.
Let’s forgive the past already.
Most of us weren’t even alive to even know this shit.
You’re just recycling stale karma for no reason.
If you’re god is truly that great then why is everyone so depressed, unfulfilled and hopeless?
Why is there so much chaos?
Why haven’t Jesus saved this world yet?
Because you must learn the same lesson Jesus failed to understand.
I can criticize Jesus his children has been tormenting me and so many others for a while now.
He’s in my debt for that.
I wouldn’t of been through hell if it wasn’t for his kids messing with the natural order of societies.
I don’t know bout y’all but we hold people accountable over here especially those with power.
Understand my soul is connected to Hellenic deities.
Deities who weren’t afraid to check other gods.
I don’t put myself under anyone.
Free yourself from karma that doesn’t belong to you.
Stop being afraid you’re safe to do so.
There’s new deities being spawned and popping up on this planet constantly.
Let’s give into our future.
I promise you’ll love it.
Understand that we control our destiny and that millions of us are already on the same spiritual level of Jesus but are ashamed to admit it because of the turmoil one might receive from deluded conservative Christians who’s views are redundant to our future.
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I know you’re going to hate me trust me I expect it. But understand you can never hate me more than I hate you..
Prove me right that humans are only good for opposing celestial life.
Please do but understand you’ll surely fail.
Because this is destined.
We will protect our peace!
You murdered so many of our celestial family.
I hold no grudges though I just want people to get on board with living already or we’ll fulfill your death wish for you.
If you continue to attack us.
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aehyei · 3 years
Hi soulmate! Love you sososososo much (btw sorry for making you dropping your phone TT) I have a request for you: “ please don’t scare me like that again. i can take a lot of things, but not losing you. / ” come here. i’m taking care of you tonight. and you’re gonna let me. ” (3) sender shows up at receiver’s house drunk after they’ve broken up. Pairing: ceo!jaehyun x korea's president!female reader (bc why not) Thank you!! <33
heyyyy riri 🥺🥰🥰 it’s fine! my phone’s still alive and i am too but like,, jaemin’s,, way,, too,, hot,, for,, me,, to,, handle,, :,)
pairing: ex-boyfriend! ceo!jaehyun x korea’s female president!reader, genre: angst, fluff, exes to lovers!au, !heartfelt, tw: driving under influence, cuss words, drinking, mentions of a toxic family, prompts used: “please don’t scare me like that again. i can take a lot of things, but not losing you.” + “come here. i’m taking care of you tonight. and you’re gonna let me.” + (3)
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And so you’re the president. 
What a job. Everyone looks up to you, and the whole country’s state is on your hands. One simple little mistake and everything you tried to built falls down like sand. And too add to that? You’re long time boyfriend decides to break up with you with the reason of “We don’t belong together, we travel different paths, roads that will never meet.”
In the first place, how did you become the president? Honestly, you did not know either. Both your parents are potential politicians, always doing everything to stay in power— even if it means making their daughter run for a position in the government just so they could assure that they are the most powerful to live in South Korea. 
And just like the story ends, you find yourself at the top, being controlled by your parents with every move you try to make to help the country. 
But aside from how obviously unfair fate is, at least it gave you a chance to meet Jung Jaehyun— a young, rich, and famous CEO of a really known company. Your parents adored him more then they did with you, and you hated how they loved him just because of his money. 
“Date him, Y/n. He’s a great man,” you would remember your mother tell you while drinking green tea. You didn’t want too at first, thinking it was entirely cruel for her to control your love life now. “Mother, is me being the president not enough for you?”, You would ask, looking at her with an uneasy expression. 
“Nonsense silly girl. If you date Mr. Jung, your status would be better and everyone would love you more.” Her voice was stern and scary, making you give in to her wishes. 
Love you more, huh, if you date Jaehyun, would everything finally be enough for them? Would your father finally smile at you and tell you how proud he is? Would your mother finally call you her daughter instead of some silly girl? 
So date Jaehyun you did. 
The blind date was really awkward at first— aside from the cameras and paparazzi around the restaurant, or how Jaehyun literally looks like a Greek god that night— you felt the butterflies in your stomach swirling around like crazy. 
He...wasn’t that bad at all. In fact, he was a pure gentleman and always respected your personal space, never crossing any line. Maybe that was one of the reasons why you went home smiling so widely that night.
Unfortunately, your mother was right. When the public saw your dating status with the famous young CEO, they did adore you much more then you expected. Praising you in every way. 
A living fairytale, that’s where you thought you are. A princess caged in a tower, with an evil dragon and witch guarding the entrance, and a handsome brave prince saving you. 
Except the princess was you, the evil dragon your father, the witch your mother, and Jaehyun as your prince. 
But just like every fairytale, the story ends. Suddenly, people were sick of watching you and Jaehyun and wanted something else. Rallies were often happening, going against the thought of a young immature girl to run a whole country. 
It was the first time you saw your parents really worried— but you would be a fool if you think they were worried for you. It was mere obvious by their actions that they were more worried getting kicked out of power then their daughter’s mental and physical state. 
Then Jaehyun was taken away from you. He was banned from going anymore near you, and it wasn’t like he could. Your father would cut all ties you have with your boyfriend, saying you need to study on how to satisfy the people, not yourself. Your mother would constantly let you be followed around by a camera just to show everyone how ‘mature’ you actually are. 
Eventually, their plan did work and everything was back to normal again. After some begging and pitiful tears, they finally allowed you to meet Jaehyun just for this once. This time, no more cameras, no more paparazzi, just you and Jaehyun alone. 
“I’m sorry for everything and I—”
“We...we should break up.”
“W-What do you mean? Jaehyun, this is—”
“We don’t belong together, we travel different paths, roads that will never meet.”
So it turns out, he wasn’t your prince, and you weren’t a princess. You’re just a silly girl following whatever the witch and the dragon says. It all came crashing unto you as you stare at your now ex-boyfriend with a blank expression, slowly nodding and leaving before he sees the tears trickling down your eyes continuously. 
You weren’t in the mood now in dealing with your mother’s shrieks and your father’s sermons. You weren’t in the mood in pretending to be someone you don’t know in front of the cameras. You weren’t in the mood in dealing with the whole country and all that is on it’s land. For this once, you want silence. You want to look out your window and stare up the moon. 
Maybe you took a couple of sips of red wine, wishing when you wake up this was all just a nightmare. But there was one thing for sure— you weren’t that drunk to imagine a Jung Jaehyun standing just beside his expensive car with a can of beer in his hand, staring up at you with red puffy eyes. 
...or are you? 
You looked at the wine your holding, looking at it’s bottle to see it’s ingredients with confused and squinted eyes, “How strong is the alcohol rate...?”. 
“Can I climb up?” Jaehyun croaks out suddenly, startling you. “H-Have...have you gone entirely mad?” You stammered, creasing your brows together. He smiled and chuckled, looking down by his feet before looking back up at you, his dimples showing, “If I truly become mad, would you take care of me?”. 
“I would,” you whisper, opening your window wider for him, “Come here. I’m taking care of you tonight.”
Jaehyun’s smile grew wider, but he didn’t budge yet, looking hesitant. “What if everyone doesn’t want us together? What if...I don’t want you to take care of me?”. 
You shook your head, far to drunk to care anymore, “No. I’m going to take care of you and you’re gonna let me.”
Convinced and also wasted at the same time, Jaehyun stumbles to climb up your window— stopping when you’re both now face to face. “Why are you here?” You mumble brokenly, the hurtful memories just from hours ago still vivid for you. 
“There are two reasons,” he slurred, “the first one was I was looking for home, and the next thing I knew is that I’m in front of your house. And the second is I’m really, really, really drunk and I love you.”
You visibly froze. Jaehyun raised his right hand and gently caressed your cheek, smiling sadly, “I love you.”
He loves you. 
“C-Careful, you might fall,” you stuttered, grabbing on his arm. He grunts and enters your room, taking the wrong step and accidentally falling on top of you. A loud thud echoed around your dark room, and for a minute, you worried if any paparazzi are watching. Jaehyun must’ve noticed and softened a bit, “It’s just the two of us. Just you and me. Close your eyes if you want too, but I’ll just be here.”
You did close your eyes, feeling Jaehyun move away to lay beside you on the flooring and guided for you to lay in his chest instead. He reeks of alcohol and so did you, but no one cared right now. 
“I could handle my parent’s evil schemes, people going against me. I’m willing to give everything up, but not you,” you whisper, hands clutching the fabric of his shirt, “Please don’t scare me like that again. I can take a lot of things, but not losing you.”
Jaehyun held you tighter, burying his nose on your hair and inhaled your scent that he loved so much, “I’m not going anywhere.”
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kadwrites · 4 years
faith - T.S
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summary ; tommy believes , soulmate!au warnings ; none word count ; 1564 a\n ; this was requested by @wowjeena , i hope that you like this!! , thank you all for the support!! <3 , btw , there is a quote from a wife of soldier who was in ww1 . also , I didn't proof read this so please go easy on me. enjoy!.
the concept of soulmates was never a concept the tommy understood , let alone believe. destiny and fate are things that tommy despises , your life doesn’t control you , you control your life , at least thats what he thought.
for years , he went out of his way to mock destiny , to mock the thought of something that is definite ,  nothing is definite to him , except death. 
but when all hell broke lose, when he was stuck in a place the he does not know , seeing people die day after day, he longed for something that would comfort him. though his disbelief in fate in the past was a mere feeling he used to believe , deep down,  that maybe it is true but now he is confident , that a definite fate , a definite path , is not something that exists , it is an illusion and a lie that people tell themselves when they loose control.
he rests his head on the pile of dirt behind him , he opens his eyes and they drift to the tunnel that he dug , the tunnel that he will crawl in at dawn and fill with as much bombs as he could and try to survive whatever that will come after. he swallows and closes his eyes again. his body is numb , his head feels heavy .
his eyebrows furrow when he feels little tingles on his arm , as if someone is touching him , he lifts the sleeve of his shirt and sees words forming on his arm , the words get erased and rewritten , as if whoever is writing them, is hesitant. 
“all i can do is hope “ it gets erased and then new words appear “hope for you to live , hope for me to meet you , even if only once”
his eyes stare at the words written on his forearm , his heart clenches when he rereads them , he feels a weird feeling of heaviness weighing on his heart. his fingers ghost over the letters , this is the first time that this happens to him
“i don’t know where you are ,i don’t know what is happening to you , but i beg you to not give up.”
all the tommy can think of right now is that somewhere back home, someone is waiting for him , someone is praying for him , even though they haven’t met him.
he scribbles something with his finger , and letters appear as if he is writing a pen. 
“you don’t know me”
he watched the words fade away 
“i don’t have to”
he swallows again , he doesn’t want to close his eyes , afraid that the words would disappear , and his last piece of hope , would be gone.
"i believe in you"
his eyes water , his lips are trembling slightly , he closes his eye and rests his head back , the tears flow slowly. he covers his arm with his sleeve, his eyes refuse to fall on his arm.
when it all ended , when tommy finally came home , nothing changed. the emptiness inside him didn't change , his heart is still hallow.
when he woke up in the middle of the night , months after coming back home , his body is covered in sweat , he is shaking , he wipes his face with his hands and sets on the edge of the bed. his legs feel weak , he reaches for his cigarettes on his bed side table and lights them with a trembling hand. he covers his face with his hand ,his heart is still pounding
then he fills a tingle on his arm, again. his eye open , he quickly rolls his sleeve
"i'm so sorry"
his eyebrows knit
"for what?"
"the nightmare"
he tilts his head in confusion, how could she possibly know?
"i'm sorry that i can't help you , but hopefully it'll pass"
tommy's eyes shut , his shaky hands rub at his face , because he know that it won't , he knows that whatever wounds the war caused , won't heal.
"have faith"
his nose flares in frustration , he doesn't know why
"faith in what ? god?"
"faith in yourself , in your strength."
his widen a little , his hands trace over the letters , again. he is left somewhat speechless. he doesn't know what to say or what to do.
he takes a deep breath , his hands rub at the place where the words were. his eyes are misty
this night was unforgettable to him .for days , this was the only thing that he thought about , it kept him busy .
his he shoved his hands in his pocket as he walked in the sideway, his mind is replaying the events of that night , his lifts his head and his eyes wander to the busy street for a little bit and then settle on someone in the crowd, a woman , she looks tommys way and her eyes widen ,she freezes. tommys looks at her unblinking , he feels as if he knows her , he feels an urge to go to her , but then she looks away and enters a house nearby in a rush , as if she was running.
a part of him tells him that he is seeing things , that he finally went mad. but the other part says 'you know who that is , you know what that means'. he never listens to that half.
he enters the house , he is still thinking about what happened. he sees polly sitting in the kitchen , a cup of tea in her hands
"come here , i feel like we need to talk" she says , eyes meeting his, her gaze softened.
he sits quietly as she pours for him a cup of tea
"whats the matter?"
he sips the tea slowly , she waited for him to answer her
"i don't know what you're talking about" , his voice is a little raspy , it's clear to polly that he hasn't slept well , if at all.
"what happened , i know something happened so don't even try lying to me",
"do you believe is soulmates , polly?" he asks casually , he then sips from his cup again
her eyebrows arch and she smiles a little knowing smile, she sits her cup at the table and gives tommy her full attention
"i do."
"i don't"
she tilts her head , she studies his face for a moment before speaking "i know , you used to not believe in soulmates"
"i still don't"
"you're lying" she says softly , still looking at him.
"i don't want to believe"
"you're still lying"
he shoots her a quizzical look
"you want to believe , don't you?" she stays silent for a second "you are just too proud to admit , even to yourself"
his mouth opens and closes
"i think i saw her"
"you think?"
"no i.." he looks at her "i saw her"
"then why are you so confused tom?"
he doesn't answer her , instead he finishes is cup and then thanks her for it and heads outside.
he leans on the wall of the house , he doesn't know he's been here , but its dark outside now.
he stares at his arms, then at his car , the scene of her running into that small house plaguing his mind.
he opens the door of the car and then stops , mulling over the thought one more time , but he shakes the hesitation away.
he gets in the car and turns it and drives to the same street . looking around , trying to remember what the house looked like.
he spots a house and drives to it, he squints at it , and then he leans back on his seat. he reaches for his cigarettes and lights one , he looks at one of the windows .
he gets out of the car and knocks on the door, he waits for a minute . the door doesn't open. he looks at the house on more , deciding that this was a terrible ideal. tommy turns and heads to his car and then he hears the front door squeak , he stopts mid-step, truns around slowly and finally faces the door again. he sees a girl , but not the one he saw today. he almost walked away again but he saw another girl coming and placing a hand on the other one's shoulder, the girl who he assumes is her sister , points at tommy and their eyes meet , again.
she froze for a moment before she taps her sister back and tells her to go inside , she garbs a coat from the coat hanger and gets out , closing the door behind her.
tommy is silent , all he could do is stare. his gaze roaming her face , scared that she might run away and go inside again.
"came right to my door" she smiled at him "didn't know that visiting people at night is on your agenda"
"it always is, but the people aren't usually as pretty as you" he smirks at her, then he offers her a cigarette
she rises her brow at his comment a small smile playing at her lips
"i don't smoke."
"why are you here?"
"you know, i used to not believe in this" he gestures at the both of them
"what changed?" she whispers.
she is afraid, afraid that maybe he will reject her , to tell her that he tell her to go inside and forget about him , the writings , everything.
"i have faith now" he smiles gently.
she feels warmth flooding her at the sight , her eyes sparkle  and she feels herself smiling back at him .
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plane pillow
where peter planned to play video games with ned through the whole flight but fate decided to take another turn....
*A/N: this isnt related to far from home nor the ending of endgame, just pretend infinity and all the movies after didnt exist since i imagine pete 16 in here. i dont know why 16 i just like that age on him lmao, enjoy reading!*
pairing: peter x reader
status: strangerz (well sort of since they haven't talked to eachother but they're in the same school)
peter's POV
"the flight will be amazing! i heard they'd installed the new game we were talking about" i gushed to ned, excited for the whole flight to be filled with video games.
"im excited" ned stated practically jumping from excitement and i shook my head laughing
"OK CLASS!" Mr Harrington clapped his hands getting our attention "we're boarding the plane in a few minutes so pack your stuff and lets goooo" he pointed at our gate dramatically.
we walked to the gate, scanned our ticket and sat on our assigned seats, ned and i sat on the three seater, he took the window seat by winning a 3 round match of rock, paper, scissors *sighs angrily* and i obvious got the middle, kinda scared of who'll sit beside me though.
we had to wait for a few minutes, since we boarded the flight early. ned and i obviously started playing video games, too entranced by the small glowing screen infront of me i haven't realized a girl.
she hadn't really acknowledged me either because she looked tired, i cursed at the screen for losing the game too quickly and my dumb ass still didnt realize a GIRL, MY AGE, looking PRETTY FUCKING ADORABLE was sitting next to me. oh dear god.
after a couple more games and me being the most idiotic teenager known today for not looking at my right to see her  the flight attendant alerted us that the plane will take off so we the screen will freeze any moment. ned and i decided to sleep, it was very early in the morning and we need to rest if we plan on gaming most of the flight.
i closed my eyes and shifted a bit in my seat, and slept. the plain was moving at the time trying to find the best place to take off. i guess i was really tired that i havent felt someone sleeping on my shoulder.
i was peacefully sleeping still agitated from the uncomfortable seat but i heard a loud noise that frightened the life out of me and due to my spidey senses i sensed a hand on my right, so what did i do? i fucking held the hand. hard, may i add, from the fright.
i opened my eyes quickly and jumped a bit, turning around to see who's the stranger that i held hands with, startled as well. i sighed in relief knowing our plane was safe and it was just about to take off. but then i took a good look on the perso- her, took a good look on her, on her? OH MY GOD ITS A GIRL calm down peter and please dont scare her off. i couldnt stop looking at her and to my luck she was looking at me as well, but none of us spoke
i couldnt help but notice the small part of her y/h/c hair that was shown from her hood looked so shiny and smooth, her eyes were the most perfect shade of y/e/c. the extremely large hoodie looked so comfortable on her which made me think of her wearing one of mine, how big and long it'll look on her body sent butterflies to my stomach. she looked small, and precious so fragile yet she held her body confidently.
the voice of the flight attendant echoed through the speakers which made us both stop our trance of one another. even though the lady's voice wasnt scary it still frightened us. i mean no hate towards miss attendant she called me a cutie and gave me extra blankets
but coz we got startled again we held hands....again looking for the sources of the noise. we visibly relaxed once we realized what it was, looked at eachother and laughed, her laugh was angelic and soft, hands down the best sound ive ever head. she looked rather embarrassed from the encounter but i bet you a thousand dollars i look worse, i could practically feel the blood rush through my cheeks once she realized how long ive stared at her
"i- uhm i-im so sorry for sleeping on your shoulder, and- and holding your hand and stuff" she apologized, it only made me even more baffled by her. how could a voice match with a face so perfectly.
"no no its fine uhh i dont mind *nervous laugh* and for the hand thing i was the one who grabbed yours so i-i should be the one apologizing...im sorry" i rubbed the back of my neck. this is why i dont talk to girls, ever. well mj is an exception since shes like the closest thing i have to a friend other than my best friend obviously.
"i-im y/n, by the way" she lifted her hand properly introducing herself
"peter, peter parker" i shook her hand, it was nice feeling the warmth of her hand again. we probably held hands (for the third time today by the way) longer the we should have but who am i to say i was bothered. i definitely wasnt.
"nice to meet you peter" she smiled shaking our hands one last time then sitting it on her lap. scratch what i said about her gorgeous laugh, hearing her say my name was the best thing ive heard in my 16 year of existence. (her laugh is obviously the second best)
before i could ask anything else, the plane decided to finally take off. i adjusted myself to the seat, not turning to my right side anymore and closed my eyes trying to think of smiling puppies. ive been on a plane before, in fact a private one last year but that was it. this is my second time flying away from new york and i was a bit nervous.
y/n somehow noticed my sudden tense form, who am i kidding i looked like i was about to die coz of my nerves. and held my hand. and i immediately opened my eyes again, the feeling of her skin coming in contact with mine brought chills down my spine, good ones obviously
"you looked rather tense, is this ok?" she leaned into my ear so i could hear her. i looked at her confused on why she would want to help me but nodded as a reply. a smile crept on my face and i couldnt seem to take it off.  the take off went smoothly thank god. and ive occasionally squeezed her hand, usually when the plane made very loud sounds. but i made it! woohoo
i didnt know if i should stop holding her hand or not, even though i didnt want to. will she think im a creep? and if i did, will she think im rude? but i guess it didnt seem to bother her if she went back to sleeping. so i figured i should do the same
i shifted in my seat a couple of times trying to get the perfect comfy spot....nothing. this seat will be the death of m-
"you can sleep on my shoulder if you want" she whispered. "i figured since you let me sleep on yours which im very sorry about, you could sleep on mine" she smiled
"thanks, but i dont wanna bother you or make you uncomfortable"
"oh nonsense! my body is screaming right now cheering for me, well partially scolding at me for saying something risky like that to a good looking guy, its ok" she laughed, her eyes widened in shock from what she confessed. i smiled at her and rested my head on her shoulder
"you think im good looking?" i whispered playing with our fingers, i dont know when i got the sudden confidence but hearing someone like her think a loser like me is cute did something to me.
"shut up" she playfully shoved me and i laughed.
"are you from midtown?" i asked her
"no im from queens" she joked
"oh you're definitely from midtown" i chuckled, next thing i know i was having a normal conversation with me laying my head on a girl i just met like we knew eachother for years, it was nice to talk to a girl i potentially thought was cute instead of talking gibberish
she was very understanding and looked like interested into what i was saying, i was gonna skip my geeky side when she asked about what i like but to my surprise, she mentioned it when i asked her the same, she said she loves comics and likes watching sci fi movies. i asked her if she watched star wars and she said she didnt...yet.
"wanna uhm watch it together?" i played with her fingers absentmindedly nervous if she'd reject me.
"yeah sure" her eyes lit up like she was waiting for me to ask her that. we watched the movie in bliss, thankfully she liked it! and immediately said to put the second one. and surprise surprise, we finished it.
when the credits rolled in, i saw her yawning, shifting in her seat again, i decided to be bold so i lifted her head off my shoulder pulled the arm rest away from us, took a pillow and patted my lap. immediately after doing it i regretted it, she barely knows me, what the fuck peter.
"you sure?" she asked smiling a bit, she looked like she felt something giddy inside which made me feel at peace again and i nodded.
"good night" she whispered snuggling her head on my lap, i hesitantly put my arm over
"good night, y/n" and we fell asleep like how ned slept the whooole time i was talking to her, wow we have a lot to catch up on
peters pov
i didnt know the whole plane (our class) practically gushed over my interaction with y/n, i know its been a while since i liked a girl but betty and the rest (including Mr Harrington) practically begged mj to take photos of us since she was the closest, not that she wouldnt have done it without them asking her....
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*A/N: idk what this bonus was lmao but i had to add the school feeling happy for our boy pete*
have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
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yehetalltheway · 4 years
Description: meeting him was fate. I remember his smile, his eyes they gave me comfort but then it was all gone. Will I ever meet him? Or are my insecurities going to win again.
Pairing: Sehun x Reader
Word count: 1,205
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A/N: this picture does not belong to me. credits to the owner. 
The most boring time of the year was here, I wish I could say that I was excited but honestly this time of the year was as boring as it could get. Being a second year student at a university is easy as long as you ain’t working, but the second you take a job, well there goes your happiness. I too had plans for my vacation up until my stupid best friend decided to ditch me and go for a little couple’s adventure with her boyfriend. 
And so here am I at 10am in the morning, working at a café (where my best friend and I were going to work together btw). But its okay, I can do this. Here comes a customer. “Smile y/n smile.”
Just like this, a smile would always appear as soon as he would arrive. A complete stranger, I don’t even know his name or how old he is, but something felt just right but wrong at the same type. We all have an aura and to put in simpler terms his one was dark and luminous at the same time. I guess that it why I fell.
It’s been 3 weeks since his first arrival and at this point I know his proper schedule. He comes in at 11:30, orders an Iced Americano or sometimes when he is happy he choses Chocolate Boba Tea (but that is rare), he sits beside the window and stares. His eyes wonder as if they have no particular destination, as if they are just trying to take everything and everyone in, but soon after they land, they find my own. 
Today was different, he walked in just like he always does, a freshly steamed suit adores his body. Shockingly today he speaks for longer than 5 seconds, his beautiful voice melts and I am dumbfounded. 
“It’s a beautiful day, don’t you think?”, says he.
I try to find my words but they don’t come out.
“What I mean is that although the sun is at its peak, the rays they dance as if they are meeting the ground for the first time.”
“Ummm... the day... yeah its pretty.” oh lord what, why am I fumbling. Stop acting as if you have never met a hot guy before!
“I can’t help but notice that you are quite dressed up today. Any special occasion?”
OH MY GOD, does he know that I dressed up extra today (face palm). Wait is he noticing me? 
“Ummm... No. Just felt like it. Uhhh I don’t have a boyfriend.” wait what, did I just say I don't have a bf. What is wrong with me???
But then I heard it the most beautiful thing in this world, his laughter. Not to sound weird but I can listen to his laugh all the damn time. His calm and serious composure broke in a second and his eyes curled beautifully. How can someone be so handsome and cute at the same time?  
“Well then isn’t it my luck day.” And with that he left, he didn’t even sit down, he just took his coffee and left.
God I have never been as embarrassed as I am today, after what happened yesterday I hope he forgets that this place existed. For a minute I thought that he had. As soon as the closing time came around my stomach was filled with nervousness and anxiety what an idiot am I. But then the door opened and there he, only this time he smiles and waves AT ME!! 
“Hi. You look as pretty as always. Can I get 1 Chocolate boba tea and 1 whatever your favorite is.” he said as if I hadn’t said anything embarrassing the day prior.
“Right... my favorite?? Are you expecting company??” , to be honest I would get jealous if he says yes. Weirdly enough I have developed a crush on him and i would break my tiny little heart if he says yes.
“YES... yes I am.” he says, or should I say he screamed it out. Well he didn’t have to rub it on me like that. 
“YOU.” wait what did he just say.
“ME?? You are asking me to coffee??” 
“Yeah if its okay with you.”
That is how we got close, his scheduled changed, instead of coming in the morning he came during the evening close to the end of my shift. We would drink some coffee, talk a lot and walk our way back. 
His name is Oh Se Hun, his work - he doesn’t talk about it much but from what I know he works in a family business. Although he is 4 years older than me, never have I ever felt uncomfortable with him.
“You know, there are people in this world who enter your life at the right time, just when you need them the most. They stay with you until they are needed and then just like they entered, they leave. Honestly, you came into my life when I needed it the most, but I am scared that you want me to leave yours as quickly as I entered.”, he says, while he played with my head was lying on his lap and he was caressing my hair. 
“What do you mean? Are you telling me that you are leaving or is it just one of your lame philosophical talks. Se Hun, you are scaring me, would you please answer!” I don’t know why but I am scared, as if all of this was just a dream and that I am going to wake up and become my old, unhappy, introverted self. 
Being with Se Hun has changed me, my shy self has started talking more, everyone around me is shocked by this change. I have started smiling more, my colleagues definitely think I need to see a doctor cause my lips are always up. He is a ray of sunshine in my dark boring life and without him I’ll be broken and damned.
That was the last time I ever saw him. With those words he disappeared, into thin air as if he never existed. My summer love. That day, I wish I would have kissed him, hugged him, told him how I felt. But I didn’t, I couldn’t. I couldn’t stop thinking why would someone like him, like someone like me. Would he have stayed if I would have confessed? Was he trying to tell me something every time he held my hand as if I was a baby who would get separated from him? Was he just a summer feeling or was he my knight in a black tailored suit? 
Whatever the reason may have been, I had lost him forever. I lost him to my insecurities, to my doubts and now he was gone. 
Here I am 3 years later, applying for a job at a company just minding my own business when I bump into someone. It’s the same old smile, the same dark eyes, the same scent, even the way my name rolls out of his tongue is the same. 
The only difference is, that I have changed thanks to him. This time I have held onto him and I won’t let go that easy. 
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Jus woke up from my nap and decided to try Rosaria and yep she did not disappoint. I’m waiting for resin so I can kickass the electro hypostasis or the pyro Regisvine, this sounds like pokemon ngl.
And also Yandere Stardew Impact hahaHAHAHHAHAHAH YES! Mostly because Yandere Xiao and Zhongli! Just imagine this in the Outlanders where the darling farmer doesn’t have feelings for Zhongli but Zhongli has, a very unhealthy one at that. When the portal was made and darling farmer was there to see him off, Zhongli wanted darling to come with him “Just a peak.” Not knowing that the moment darling step foot in Teyvat they have already sealed their fate by none other than the God of Contract himself.
Or or or Xiao drugging his darling and bringing them with him. Because come on the thought of just whisking them away while he mourn to the ‘what if’s’ MUST have come to his mind at some point.
Childe tho maybe he’ll brought it up casual much like Zhongli and then just not letting darling back to their world. ‘Accidentally’ destroying the portal so there’s no way for them to go back.
But I wonder about Diluc and Albedo hmmm
Yes yes yessss I think Mihoyo purposely gave her some good assets (both physically and kit wise ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Almost every gacha game is pokemon since its all elemental based so I guess we're playing an evolved verson of pokemon nowadays? _(:3 」∠)_
Btw those are some very realistic thoughts *sweats* (i'm pleasantly scared. Yandere is an addiction fhgohregorgh). Zhongli with his stature can force darling through the portal if he wanted to. Xiao is def the type to use force by any means since he is already an agressive person. Childe is in between tho, he's sneaky about his strategies yet does not show a shred of regret when seeing the face his darling makes once putting darling in a situation that was irreversable.
SKSKSKS What I love about yandere Diluc is that he is the protector of freedom yet in yandere mode, it pretty much goes against what he stands for (stripping away darling's freedom ofc). But you know its kinda romantic that he's willing to go against his principles to have darling at his side, dunno if thats a good thought of mine, yanderes mess me up lmao.
Albedo wouldn't bat an eye at all. He'll treate it all as a matter of fact. Super calm amidst darling's loud screaming protesting. I guess being an alchemist who becomes easily fascinated by the things that intrigue him also drives him to be deeply obsessed by it that he can't help but to know more until nothing is left.
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
BTBY Chapter 7
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Series Summary: For Namjoon, the moment he set his sights on being the #1 rapper, he pushed the symbol to the side and hated it. Love should be chosen, not forced on you. He didn’t believe in fate and this mark on his wrist was a big “fuck you” to all that." Chapter Summary It's award show night! Also, your secret comes out.
  Previous Chapter found here
The group gathers around and watches their red carpet interviews which they react to with a mix of pride and cringe at different moments. The BTS production team shoots footage of them doing this and getting their hair and make-up done and then stops rolling. You are still scrolling through your phone over on the end of the styling counter when you hear the door open and close and a voice cut through the air.
“What the fuck [Y/N]?” You know who it is but you are absolutely shocked that these words are being directed at you. You turn to see Xavier coming over towards you with a look of rage on his face. Ice runs through your veins. He has never yelled at you like this. You guys have had disagreements over the years but nothing like this. In fact no one has ever yelled at you like this before. “Did you just turn down a summer tour with Imagine Dragons?”
You sit your phone on the counter and try to swallow even though our mouth has gone completely dry. “I did. I don’t get why it’s such a big deal though. Other offers are going to come along. Calm down.” you try to get him to chill out even though he is absolutely livid.
“They’re my favorite band. Did you even look at the tour schedule? They’re actually going to Hawaii. HAWAII.” he emphasizes. You notice that everyone in the greenroom has gotten quiet and they are all trying to be polite and not stare, but it’s a small room.
“Dude. I hear that you are upset, but it’s not a big deal ok. Other bands travel. We have a show to get through tonight.”
“Why did you say ‘No’? Especially without asking ME first? Why do you think you can just make all these decisions without me!” Xavier is so angry he doesn’t even look like himself. You want to tell him why you turned it down but you don’t want to make him feel bad. This is all spiraling out of control. You take a deep breath.
“I don’t have to check with you before making a decision about who I work with, ok? Can we please just get the band we ARE working with ready for the stage and move on with our evening. Please?” you are trying to keep your calm but you are starting to shake from having your best friend scream at you at you.
“What the fuck is wrong with you,[Y/N]? I thought we were a team.”
Namjoon couldn’t take it anymore. Taehyung tries to keep him from getting up but he throws his hands to the side and marches up, inserting himself between you and Xavier. “The deal from that manager was for her. Only her. They didn’t want a choreographer. That’s why she turned it down. She’s trying to be a good friend to you so stop yelling at her.” his voice boomed over the room.
Xavier stood there for a moment, taking everything in. His best friend being upset, the performer he looked up to admonishing him, and then turned and realized the whole room was looking at them.
You hold your hand in front of your mouth, surprised at how the past five minutes has gone by. You are still in shock that the whole thing has happened. “RM,” you gently touch his back. He turns his head and looks down at you, “Thanks.” You move so you’re next to him, facing Xavier. “I didn’t want to make a big deal about it. Can we please just get back to focusing on the job we are supposed to be doing right now? Other offers will come our way for both of us. Ok?” you pat Xavier on his arm to comfort him. He’s been your best friend for five years and you’re sure this has to be super embarrassing for him.
“Yeah, ok,” he says, you can see the tears in his eyes that he’s trying to not let fall. “Just uh, give me a minute, yeah? Excuse me,” he says more to RM than you and he exits the green room.
You are still shaking a little. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Hey” you hear Namjoon’s deep voice quietly behind you and feel him gently touch your shoulder. It suddenly feels like your entire body is being wrapped in a giant warm blanket. “Are you ok?”
You turn towards his voice. “Not really.” you sigh deeply. “But, we have a show to put on and I hear you guys are supposed to win tonight. So let’s put this stupid shit behind us and move on with the evening.” you plaster a smile on your face and gently shake his hand off you. “Thanks again. I do appreciate it. Can you please apologize to the group? This whole thing is so embarrassing.”
“Yeah. I’ll take care of it. Why don’t you go take a walk?”
You avoid eye contact with the rest of the room as you head out towards the hallway. You decide to go sneak a peek at whoever is rehearsing right now. You’re glad your group went earlier in the day. Still, it was the least they could do since they had fucked up your rehearsal times yesterday.
To your surprise you turn to see JHope standing to your left. “Holy shit!” you yell. He scared you. He shrieks back at you and then laughs. “Sorry,” he holds up his hands.
“JHope. Need anything?” you smile at him.
He looks at you thoughtfully. “Just one thing.” he says and before you can even guess or ask what it might be, he grabs your arm and pushes up your dress sleeve, to look at the glowing mark on your wrist. You instinctively pull it back and up to your chest. He smiles at you and raises his eyebrows. “Yep.” He turns and walks back towards the green room. That little shit.
Tonight is not going how you planned it. These past 2 days are not going how you planned. And while it was nice that RM stood up for you back there you can’t help but wonder why. Probably because he was the leader of the group and things were getting out of hand. You think back to his hand on your shoulder and the way he stood up for you and feel tingly. Nope. Nope! You shake your head as though you can physically get the thoughts out of your head. Ugh. You really need to find Xavier to check on him. ----------- JHope walks back into the greenroom with a huge smile plastered on his face. He had suspected since yesterday afternoon that something was going on and now he had confirmed it. He goes over and whispers to Taehyung who smirks at this news. They had stayed up last night talking about this possibility and were feeling very proud of their deductive reasoning skills right now.
Jimin and Jungkook were having their hair touched up at the moment while Namjoon was scrolling through his phone. Jin was on facetime with his girlfriend over in the corner, occasionally turning the phone around to show her the organized chaos of the greenroom. Her group hadn’t broken out on the international level yet
Yoongi walks over to Namjoon, “So you’re sure our choreographer and Director are coming back, right?”
Namjoon scoffed, “Of course they’ll be back. Well, [Y/N] will be. She’s a professional.” Yoongi eyes him suspiciously. They hear a knock at the door. Without [Y/N] there to liaison, the task falls to Namjoon to go answer it. He rolls his eyes a bit, can’t they just get ready for the show??? And goes to answer it.
“Yes?” he asks, a man standing at the door with a few legal size envelopes.
“Oh, sorry to bother you. Just dropping these off for [Y/N] to look over. Is she here?”
“She stepped out for a moment, I’ll take them for her,” he responds and lets the man hand him the envelopes.
“Thanks. Good luck tonight. My daughter is a huge fan,” the man says.
“We’ll do our best,” Namjoon flashes his trademark dimples, closes the door, and takes the envelopes and thoughtfully sits them down under your clutch.
He looks over to see Yoongi smiling with Taehyung and JHope like they are plotting something. Which is never a good thing for him. Why can’t this show just be over? He sits down in his chair as a make-up artist comes over and starts to do some touch ups.
You come back to the room. No luck finding Xavier so far. You shoot JHope a glare causing him to laugh and hide behind Taehyung who flashes you a boxy smile. Oh God. Do they all know? Just get through tonight. You make your way to the back of the room to your purse so you can text Xavier and Joe.
“A courier stopped by for you,” Namjoon mentions from the chair in the space next to your stuff. “I put the envelopes under your purse.”
Apparently you should hang out with him when there are crowds of people around because he’s actually nice to you then. “Great, thanks so much.” you respond while digging your phone out. “Did Xavier come back here?”
“Nope.” Namjoon responds with an edge to his voice. Now that you think of it, he probably won’t because in addition to being embarrassed, he’s probably afraid of RM. You sigh. This goddamn day. You send off some messages to him and Joe telling them if you don’t see them before the show you will meet them at your seats. In the nosebleed section. Where they keep the staff.
You feel eyes on you and you see three of the members staring at the two of you interact but trying not to stare. You don’t dare say anything to him right now with so many hair and make-up artists surrounding you. You type into your phone, “BTW JHope knows. He came up and saw my soulmark. I’m guessing he also told the others since they look like a bunch of high school girls right about now.” “Hey, can you look at something for me?” you ask him as you hand him your phone. He gives you a confused look but takes it anyway. He reads the message, looks over at your wrist which is currently covered by your long sleeves. He starts to run a hand through his hair but stops himself since it was just styled. He types something in and hands it back to you.
“How? Your wrist is covered. Also Maybe you should get some concealer. Hasn’t your boyfriend noticed?”
You roll your eyes and type “He literally walked up, pushed my sleeve out of the way, laughed at me like a schoolgirl, and left. I haven’t seen my boyfriend since this happened. In case you haven’t noticed, IVE BEEN WORKING :/ “ you thrust the phone back into his hands as you begin to tear open the envelopes.
He reads the message and then turns to glare at the three gossips who make eye contact with him and scatter. “Sorry. I literally have 6 children. Well 5. Jin takes care of himself.” he hands you your phone back and continues to scroll through his.
You look over the contents of the first envelope and smile. As predicted, these are formal bids for summer tours. And this one is for a director and a choreographer. The tour doesn’t go to Hawaii, but you can always save up and just go with Xavier and Joe for fun. You open the other two proposals and look over the salaries, hours, and cities.
“What are those?” RM asks casually.
“These are formal bids for summer tours. This awards show is kind of known for where people look for summer work, so a lot of Producers come with bid sheets. I usually only accept written bids. Mr. Salontes caught me off guard earlier because we ran into each other. I hate networking and verbal offers; It’s too much work to keep track of all the ass kissing so I just send out my resume ahead of time and receive written bids on awards night.” You put the documents back into the folder.
“Anything good?”
“Yeah. They’re all good groups. I’ll let Xavier pick. He has to work around Joe’s schedule and cares more. I just love traveling so I’ll go wherever.”
“You aren’t going to check with your boyfriend?” He raises his eyebrows. Why does he care so much about your boyfriend?
“No. Not really. I mean, I had this job when we started dating. He knows I go on tour in the summer so it’s not like it should be a surprise to him, you know? It’s my job and it’s literally my favorite part about it.” you shrug your shoulders. “I don’t suppose you have a girlfriend?” you ask.
He scoffs,” Definitely not.”
“Well if you did, would you stop touring or ask her where you were allowed to perform?”
“Definitely not.” he repeats.
You raise your eyebrows at him. “I didn’t think so. It’s the same thing.” you start scrolling through your phone to see who else you know that posted they were here tonight. An alarm goes off. “Alright guys, 10 minutes. 10 minutes until you’ll be seated. At 6:45 I will come get you and you will come change and be on stage at 7:15. One of your categories is next so you won’t come back and change until after the announcement. I’m sure you will do great!”
You look in the mirror and touch up your own make-up a bit.
“So pretty,” you hear RM say under his breath as you catch him staring at you. You’re not sure if you were meant to hear it and try your best to keep your face neutral. You put your make-up bag into the company box along with your clutch and lock it up.
“Do you guys still get nervous at these things or is it just like a normal day for you?” you ask RM, relaxing with your back against the wall.
He smiles, “We definitely still get nervous. Even if we think we are going to win and even if we have performed a song hundreds of times. We want to do well for our fans and for each other.”
“Well if practice was any indication I’m sure you guys will do great.” you say as you check your watch. “5 minutes” you yell into the green room. “When do you guys fly out?”
“We’ll leave for New York tomorrow morning, stay for two days and then back to Seoul.”
“Cool cool.” you say as your small talk ability is starting to wear out.
The time has finally come and you gather the group together to escort to their seats. They randomly get distracted by saying their “hellos” to other artists but you have worked in enough time that you should still be good. You show them to their seats in the second row, left side.
You pull RM over a bit so he can hear you over the guys being all excited and taking pictures of them in front of the stage. “Ok, do not leave the seats until I come get you. The show runs over some times so don’t assume that because it’s the original time I told you that we will actually go at that time, ok? If I had to guess, we will already be ten minutes behind when I come get you and 20 minutes by your performance time.”
“Got it.” he looks over to the other guys who are goofing off and taking a bunch of selfies.
“Good luck!” you tell him as you turn to grab an earpiece from the sound booth and get to your seat.
“Hey! [Y/N]” you hear someone say to you. You turn back and it’s Jimin. “Take our picture?”
“Sure,” you respond, walking over and getting his phone. “Alright guys, together.” You take several photos as they keep switching positions every few seconds. What a bunch of pros.
“You guys make that look easy,” you say as you hand the phone back to Jimin. “Alright, see you soon!”
You start to once again make your way to the sound booth when you hear another voice calling your name, “Hey!” you look over and see Seth Ayers, another Director. He has just got his artist escorted to her seat.
“Hey!” you lean in for a polite hug. “How are you?”
“Good, good. You look nice.”
“Thanks. You too. It’s always so fun seeing everyone in their fancy clothes,” you laugh. You suddenly feel rage in the pit of your stomach. What the hell? You take a few deep breaths.
“Who’s your date tonight? Xavier?” he asks
“No, Good guess though,” you smile, “Xavier brought his boyfriend. I’m flying solo this evening.”
“Oh. Well, if you need an escort to any of the after parties just let me know.” Oh God, was Seth hitting on you!? Ughhhh. Awkward. Time to mention your boyfriend. All of a sudden you feel breathing on your neck. “Ahhh. Hey there.” you say as you turn and see RM lurking.
“I’m so sorry to interrupt. I forget, what time are you coming to get us?”
You smirk at him. Jealous. He was Jealous. “No problem. 6:45.” you turn back to Seth. “I’m not going to any after parties this year. We’re having a small gathering at the studio afterwards. Good luck tonight! It was nice to see you” you flash a smile and start walking with RM back to the front of the theater.
“You forgot what time?” you whisper.
“Yep.” he says cooly.
You roll your eyes. “Huh. Ok. Well You.” you take him by the shoulders “Stay. Staaaaay. I will be back sometime later this evening.” You jokingly move him and place him right in front of his seat. “Got it?”
“Yes, I think I understand.” he smiles. Ahhh Dimples. Staaaahp.
Will you ever get to your earpiece? Make it to your seats? There is half an hour until the show gets started and they are setting up for the opening act. You massage your temples. Let this day end.
“Picture?” you hear JHope ask as he walks over with his camera. “Ok!” you put back on your enthusiastic facade.
“Oh ok sure.” you stand next to him and take a few pictures. Once again that low lying rage fills your stomach. Jesus. How can a person who doesn’t even want a soul mate get so damn jealous?
“Stop it.” you say to him.
“Stop what?” he responds. You give him a hardcore mom look.
“Yeah ok. Whatever,” you say.
“Now, you two?” JHope asks and you almost object but you don’t want to be rude. You stand next to RM and give a half-ass smile. More of a smirk really.
“Ok. For real. I am Going now. Good luck.” you say as you turn and finally get your hands on the damn earpiece. NEXT CHAPTER
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yelenasdog · 4 years
unknown desires (spencer reid x russell holmes) (i’m so sorry BFRHEKRB)
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really all i have to say about this is what the fuck and why the fuck. I DESERVE NO RIGHTS. enjoy i guess??? if u found this while searching for some reid x reader there’s plenty of that on my account!! 
i’m deleting this bye ok-
btw it’s set at the end of s9 ep18 and then ends probably around s13?? idk. also listen to billie eilish’s “i love you” to be extra sad bc this is lowkey kinda angsty and lowkey a mess but im throwing it at u ok bye!
“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary”- Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven
Spencer shouldn't have been so drawn the first time he saw Russell in person. He shouldn't have been drawn at all.
He was a victim, someone who the young doctor had stared at a photo of for days while planning his rescue.
Although he didn't feel the initial electricity, he was far too buried in the case to think about Russell's kind puppy dog eyes or plump, rosy lips. Yes, far too busy to even fathom thinking of the way his raven locks that Edgar Allan Poe himself would be jealous of complimented his ivory skin, even for an inkling of a moment. He couldn’t bear to do such a thing.
But then, there was after the case, that day at the hospital. There was loss, it was hard to see. But yet again, he saw it every day.
His brain was fuzzy, and he seemed to be more heavily affected by this case than any previous endeavors. He wasn’t sure as to why.
It had him lost in his own thoughts, swimming in a pool of unknown desires.
So lost in fact, so drowned in his daydream, that he was barely aware of the person that had been wheeled over in his general vicinity.
It was him. His pink pout (that was more of a smile) was busted, no doubt, and his porcelain skin had cuts littered among it, but god, it was him.
He should have been disgusted, scared even. The man had rabies! And this was doctor Reid we’re talking about, the biggest possible germaphobe. But he couldn’t bring himself, he was too infatuated. Not that he would admit to it, though.
And he apparently had heard about Spence and his displeasure with even slightly unsanitary situations, as he chose to greet (and simultaneously say goodbye) to the doctor with a simple wave and bashful smile.
Spencer returned it in the same manner. The interaction was quick, too quick. It also warmed his heart to a full extent.
Russell was whisked away by a nurse, looking back reluctantly at the three agents that had saved his life, specifically a certain brown haired doctor, wanting to encapsulate his stunning image in his mind.
Spencer stuck to a cycle. Save, move on, repeat. It was easiest to do so rather than deal with any tag along, unwanted, painful emotions. 
Because that’s all love was. 
Crude and abrupt pain. But despite this, he found himself asking Garcia for Russell's current home address. His own actions confused him, but nonetheless, he held his head high as he exited the batcave towards the light, clutching a paper with the info in his hands. 
He knew he didn’t need it. But he refused to face the (impossible) possibility to forget this information, to forget Russell.
The paper was wrinkled and dampened from his gorilla grip by the time he had arrived. He flattened it out with shaky hands, grabbing a fresh piece of parchment.
“Hello, I'm Doctor Spencer Reid.”
No, no, too formal. He erased it.
“Greetings, I’m Spencer Reid.”
What was he, an alien? Even though many members of the team thought so, he decided against giving Russell Holmes that opportunity. And then it was gone in the wind with a few swipes from his pencil eraser.
“Hi! I’m Dr. Spencer Reid, I was one of the agents that assisted on your case. I hope this message finds you well. I’m just checking in to see how you’re healing.”
Spencer scoffed at himself out loud. “just checking in”, his ass. He continued writing and with very low expectations, he sent off the letter.
“I'll be just a minute, Mom!” Russell hollered through his home as he went to go check the mail. He walked down to the mailbox, limping ever so slightly, still in recovery. He flipped through the various envelopes, doing a double take when he saw a certain name.
Doctor Spencer Reid
Apartment 23A
Wilcox Road, Quantico, Virginia, 22134
He tore into the message immediately, a growing smile resting on his face as he read.
“Hi! I’m Doctor Spencer Reid, I was one of the agents who assisted on your case. I hope this message finds you well. I’m just checking in to see how you’re healing. How's your mother been since her surgery? I hope she is doing well, too. If you need anything don’t hesitate to write back or call the number at the bottom of the page. Yet again, I'm glad we could get you home, perhaps to your boyfriend/ girlfriend, or wife/husband.
Best regards, Spencer.”
He was off the walls with excitement. There was a newfound pep in his step as he made his way up the driveway, no doubt planning on writing back.
“Dr. Reid, I appreciate you checking in on me. I do not regret informing you that there is no boyfriend or girlfriend here, just my mother and I while we both recover...”
Glee and bliss. Those were the two things that could no doubt be used to describe the relationship between Spencer Reid and Russell Holmes.
Although it was nothing too formal, exchanges of news about mothers or about how work was going was going on either side soon became much more deep, bringing the two closer than imaginable, even from 689 miles apart.
Never meeting again in person, the situation reminded him all too much of Maeve, but nonetheless, to him, Russell was worth it. So they talked, and talked, for years and years on end. 
They both felt a warm fuzzy feeling in their chest, quite able to place the cause on one another. 
Then one day, they stopped. 
Spencer had gotten home from a long case, and was very much so looking forward to an uplifting note from his distanced lover. But to his surprise, there was nothing. 
Although he found it odd, he blew it off, considering the possibility of getting lost in the post, running some stat to calm himself. Pulling out his cell, he dialed the number that he had saved of Russell's if for some reason the letters were to become inadequate. Voice mail. And voicemail again, and again, and again. Spencer tried for days and weeks, but to no avail, he was met with radio silence.
Until one day, if it was fateful or not is up to you.
 It was sunny in August, and Spencer Reid was not a fan. 
After sweating around all day (he wasn’t sure what it meant either), he made his way to his apartment. He stripped down to his slacks and undershirt, waltzing around his apartment with a water bottle in hand.
knock knock
He squinted his honey eyes, confusion flooding his body. He cautiously approached the door, keeping his revolver in his peripheral vision, compliments of his paranoia.
Another two knocks sounded, but before a third could ring out, he swung the door open.
He gasped, his jaw water bottle falling out of his hand and rolling into the hallway.
“Hi, Spence.”
He wanted to hug him, he wanted to kiss him, God, he wanted to-
“I felt like I needed to tell you in person.”
His heart dropped to his feet as Russell's own shaky hand presented itself, in it, a white envelope, similar to the one that started their not-so extravagant rondevu.
“W-what is this, Russ?” he opened with nimble fingers, sliding it from its encasement.
Join soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Russell and Jane Holmes-
He didn’t read the rest, he didn’t need to, and couldn't. Tears made their way to both men’s eyes, threatening with such a fierce hostility to spill.
“I’m so sorry, Spence.”
This warranted no response from the doctor. He looked blankly behind Russ, his mind running a million miles a minute. With his head hung in a terrible shame, Russell turned to leave.
He was shocked when he was stopped by Spencer grabbing him by his blue and red plaid shirt, pulling him back.
He turned, his hazel eyes just barely meeting Spencer's own of the same color.
“Do you love her?”
He pondered for a moment, before nodding slightly.
“Yes, I,” he paused. “Yes.”
Spencer bit his bottom lip briefly, before making a choice he knew he would regret.
He gripped him by the collar of his shirt, smashing their lips together for the first time and the last.
It should have been sweet, it should have been everything he hoped for and more. It should have been a reunion as glorious as they both could have imagined.
But instead, it was a mixture of salty tears, as their lips moulded together like they were made for each other. He pulled away, trying to maintain a strong facade.
And with that, he took one more look, before committing him to a memory, and nothing else.
He shut his door, sliding down against it and silently sobbing, pulling at his curls as tears racked his body. He heard smaller footsteps pad up the staircase, stopping next to where he left a dumbstruck and emotion ridden Russell.
“Hey, sweetheart, is your friend going to be able to make it?” She rubbed his shoulder lovingly, so incredibly oblivious and unaware of the previous happenings.
He put a remorseful hand on hers, watching how her engagement ring shimmered, even in the dim lighting.
He put on a false smile for his future wife he thinks he loves. “I think he’s a bit busy, he said he needs to review the date.” He spoke loudly, hoping Spencer could hear him through the thick door.
She frowned, nodding in what was her understanding of it all.
“Well, I hope he can make it, he must be important if you came all the way here to deliver this for him!”
He smiled genuinely, thinking of all the letters sent and hours spent.  
“Yeah, more than he knows.”
It wasn't until after he heard their steps retrieve, and their car start up and go, that he picked up the card to finish reading it.
He ran his finger over the gold raised trim, the feeling giving him goosebumps. He read the front and flipped it over, seeing an all too familiar hand writing underneath the date that the supposed union was to be held.
I'm sorry, I love you.
literally what the fuck was that ffwbfbfbkfw what do i even tag this?? im so sorry. also this is my first character x character be nice
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I was watching a devil wears prada character analysis and miranda says in the movie “what are they gonna say about me, dragon lady, career obsessed” in regards to how differently she would be percieved if she was a man and i am like aint those some dany vibes
But the thing is that daenerys is NOT career or ‘throne obsessed’!!! I’ve said it before and y’all bitches best know that I’ll say it again! Daenerys is NOT throne obsessed! Daenerys literally views the throne as a burden that’s been placed upon her shoulders. She views it as a duty that was bestowed upon her as her entire family was murdered, her brother died, her child died, she is the single last living Targaryen (that she knows of) and views the throne as something that has befell upon her out of process of elimination. She has the ‘Well if no one else will do it, then I will’ mentality.
Daenerys views the throne / ruling as a responsibility to help as many people as she can. She doesn’t want it for glory, she doesn’t want it because she simply thinks she deserves it, she doesn’t want it because she feels that it’s her right as the Last Targaryen (as the show did). She wants it because she knows that she has the power and the means to help better the world.
Even though Dany wants to sail to Westeros, Dany constantly chooses to sacrifice her goals in order to stay in Slaver’s Bay and take care of her people:
“There is nothing to stay for,” said Brown Ben Plumm.
“Your Grace, the slavers brought their doom on themselves,” said Daario Naharis.
“You have brought freedom as well,” Missandei pointed out.
“Freedom to starve?” asked Dany sharply. “Freedom to die? Am I a dragon, or a harpy?” Am I mad? Do I have the taint?
“A dragon,” Ser Barristan said with certainty. “Meereen is not Westeros, Your Grace.”
“But how can I rule seven kingdoms if I cannot rule a single city?” He had no answer to that. Dany turned away from them, to gaze out over the city once again. “My children need time to heal and learn. My dragons need time to grow and test their wings. And I need the same. I will not let this city go the way of Astapor. I will not let the harpy of Yunkai chain up those I’ve freed all over again.” She turned back to look at their faces. “I will not march.”
“What will you do then, Khaleesi?” asked Rakharo.
“Stay,” she said. “Rule. And be a queen.” - Daenerys VI ASOS
When Xaro offers her ships to go to Westeros, Dany refuses again:
“Enough.” Dany slapped the table. “No one will be left to die. You are all my people.” Her dreams of home and love had blinded her. “I will not abandon Meereen to the fate of Astapor. It grieves me to say so, but Westeros must wait.” - Daenerys III ADWD
Instead of sailing for Westeros, Dany agrees to marry a man she hates and sacrifices her happiness for the sake of her people:
… but Daenerys Targaryen had other children, tens of thousands who had hailed her as their mother when she broke their chains. She thought of Stalwart Shield, of Missandei’s brother, of the woman Rylona Rhee, who had played the harp so beautifully. No marriage would ever bring them back to life, but if a husband could help end the slaughter, then she owed it to her dead to marry. - Daenerys IV ADWD
“It is not,” she agreed, “but it is important to me that you should understand. My people are bleeding. Dying. A queen belongs not to herself, but to the realm. Marriage or carnage, those are my choices. A wedding or a war.” - Daenerys IV ADWD
When Dany is offered yet another choice to go to Westeros, and this time with a powerful alliance with Dorne, Dany sacrifices this for her people and still decides to marry Hizdahr:
“It would please me if he had turned up with these fifty thousand swords he speaks of. Instead he brings two knights and a parchment. Will a parchment shield my people from the Yunkai'i? If he had come with a fleet …”
“Sunspear has never been a sea power, Your Grace.”
“No.” Dany knew enough of Westerosi history to know that. Nymeria had landed ten thousand ships upon Dorne’s sandy shores, but when she wed her Dornish prince she had burned them all and turned her back upon the sea forever. “Dorne is too far away. To please this prince, I would need to abandon all my people. You should send him home.” - Daenerys VIII ADWD
And when Dany marries Hizdahr and has her wedding night with him, we see just how much she is sacrificing her happiness:
Dany flinched. “Who is there?”
“Only Missandei.” The Naathi scribe moved closer to the bed. “This one heard you crying.”
“Crying? I was not crying. Why would I cry? I have my peace, I have my king, I have everything a queen might wish for. You had a bad dream, that was all.” – Daenerys VIII ADWD
This willingness to self sacrifice that Dany has is tied not only to the fact that she cares about people, but also to the fact that she sees taking care of her people and protecting them as her duty as queen. We can see, in several moments, how Dany is both self-sacrificing and dutiful, and how she is constantly being self critical and reminding herself of her duties as a queen:
“I was alone for a long time, Jorah. All alone but for my brother. I was such a small scared thing. Viserys should have protected me, but instead he hurt me and scared me worse. He shouldn’t have done that. He wasn’t just my brother, he was my king. Why do the gods make kings and queens, if not to protect the ones who can’t protect themselves?”
“Some kings make themselves. Robert did.”
“He was no true king,” Dany said scornfully. “He did no justice. Justice … that’s what kings are for.” - Daenerys III ASOS
Dany would gladly have sent the rest of the petitioners away … but she was still their queen, so she heard them out and did her best to give them justice. - Daenerys III ADWD
“Your Grace could not have known—”
“I am the queen. It was my place to know.” - Daenerys V ADWD
A queen belongs not to herself but to her people. - Daenerys V ADWD
“A queen must know the sufferings of her people.” - Daenerys VI ADWD
She would rather have drifted in the fragrant pool all day, eating iced fruit off silver trays and dreaming of a house with a red door, but a queen belongs to her people, not to herself. - Daenerys IX ADWD
It was time, though. A girl might spend her life at play, but she was a woman grown, a queen, a wife, a mother to thousands. Her children had need of her. Drogon had bent before the whip, and so must she. She had to don her crown again and return to her ebon bench and the arms of her noble husband. - Daenerys X ADWD
Let it be known that Daenerys Targaryen is not throne crazy, she wants to rule because her ultimate goal is to help people. She wants to protect people who cannot protect themselves. Thank you!
BTW this is me writing this entire meta:
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monsterkingdom · 5 years
Heya! welcome to the masterpost I’m making to keep track of how I view my Wandersong AU that I’ve dubbed
Read below!
The concept of this AU is very simple! Kiwi -- our Bard-- is a being made directly from Eya. That is to say, they are basically a demi-god.
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When setting up to finally have the passing of the Universe -- Singing her song again-- Many know of the Hero who is sent to usher out this task within its final moments.
What if, before even that prophetic dream and entities start truly deteriorating-- She made a being to also challenge the idea with the knowledge of the ever so elusive Earthsong. That’s where this AU comes in!
Eya created a being to see how much the world truly is in disarray and attempt to remedy it in their own way. A being free from fate. Free-will was her emphasis... as well as her attunement to magic-- which by default meant music.
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They were sent to the Earth the Wandersong Universe knows... Specifically to a woman living in a city in the midst of industrial change. Riddled with loneliness due to a husband who got too into his work and guilt.
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Seeing such an ailed child on her doorstep, a scenario one only hears in fairytales... She took the child in wholeheartedly, worrying who would leave them in such a state. After searching for the origins to no avail, she decided to raise them as her own.
Under the name Jack. Named after the fabled protagonist of many fairytales and rhymes... it seemed fitting based on their circumstances.
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And thus, begins the bard’s life.. full of normality in every sense of the word.
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....almost every sense of the word.
The magical properties of their music were always something they grew up with. Though, it didn’t do too much... Their mother assumed that the child was most likely part witch. As simple as that.
As least... as simple as trying to mask their child’s slightly pink tinged hair with several different hats upon growing up. Thankfully, Chismest was starting its headstrong course on being perpetually cold and gloomy by the bard’s early years and being bundled up was definitely inevitable indoors and out.
Cutting forward to the events of Wandersong, many of everything ended up panning out the same. The prophetic dreams, ghastly encounters, universal fates amounting to nothing, so on and so forth...
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The not-so-Earthsong was sung. The world was saved... the zip and zap from the dreamtower was done and the dialogue with Eya congratulating them begins. However... as she starts prepping to send them off. A rumble occurs... the clouds separate and palms grasp the platform the three of them stand on.
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(now please enjoy this minor comic I did half a year ago)
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(ok end back to writing)
Kiwi then began-- as Eyala once put it-- “vicariously feeling Eya’s love through everything in the world” (paraphrasing this btw)
However, there’s... quite a lot of love to feel. Especially when you’re not used to it. That happiness... that joy... starts feeling a bit weird when you can’t turn it off.
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Needless to day Kiwi didn’t adapt well.
Though... Eya, in all her overseeing capabilities... seemed to have a detached reaction to the whole situation.
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“Oh fine fine...” she waved her hand slightly... the hue in Kiwi’s face settling a bit, though their face still bore an expression that showed they were still under some of the emotional weight of the whole thing.
“I suppose it is a bit much all at once... You’d probably be better off having it opened but unleashed through your own discoveries.”
Before Miriam could question further, the goddess’ gaze shifted to that of her Angelic assistance, who was watching the whole thing rather speechlessly.
“Eyala, dearest...” the melodic voice of Eya’s godly tones spooled out toward her, “I’m putting you in charge of guiding them through the basics.”
“M-Me, Eya?” She hesitantly replied, “I mean... of course!” she sputtered out.
“Eeeeeeexcellent” she chimed, “We can see they’re already experiencing increased empathy... maybe in due time they’ll be able to discover their other properties. The bard may excel beyond your basic prowess later on, Eyala, but your knowledge is a wonderful base for the poor dear...”
Eyala wordlessly nodded, clearly not about to speak up about the whole ordeal Kiwi had gone through in front of the goddess herself,
“In any case... I am greatly pleased with your performance, child. As a reminder, this is my gift to you. The locks are now undone... all that is needed is for you to learn. Maybe then you’ll be ready to take it in this way.” she smiled, eye crinkling with pleasure as Miriam helped Kiwi to their feet,
“Eyala will assist you in any way she can... She’ll probably teach you how to contact her with ease after this. However, I must leave you now... re-establishing the universe that was saved and all” she chuckled about it, hair slowly enveloping her face before she began receding into the clouds once more.
The godly presence left in an instant, leaving the trio to stand bewildered on the platform once more.
“So...” Eyala began.
“...Is she... normally like that?” Kiwi wheezed out, finally gathering their bearings.
“Yeah... she didn’t sound empathetic like the tales blab about her being.”
Eyala frowned at the two of them and clapsed her hands together, “She tries her best... but, she doesn’t get to experience things as much as she used to. Though, her love for everything is still here...”
The angel sighed and floats closer to Kiwi, holding their face slightly. A bit more tenderly than the goddess did to them previously,
“We’re gonna make this easier for you, lil’ B. I promise.”
Kiwi-- being a direct piece of Eya as opposed to a simple messenger like Eyala-- had a lot more going for them in terms of connections to things. As someone who normally was pretty darn good at burying their feelings into the dirt, suddenly feeling a good amount of what everything else did along with their own weird doubts was quite a bunch to take in.
They went through with their hellos and good-byes, keeping their misty tears in as best they could. They met up with their mother during... trying desperately to hold their tongue as she rambled on about their ‘long lost’ father finally come home... hoping all of them could live normal again. That they could be normal.
They were whisked home in the  late evening after staying with Miriam for dinner... holding her closer than ever in their ever-so-tired arms... before letting her drift into the night sky and drift to their bed.
Only to be unable to sleep due to all the sudden emotions they felt. Realizing... ever suddenly.. a lot of them were from the people they interacted with. It was like having thousands of voices and waves of feelings hit you in a chaotic, nonsensical cacophony. It all felt like static, their brain muddled with thoughts not quite their own. They shook their head and for the first time in a while... they cried.
They felt the immense weight of these feelings drag down their face, the tears building and washing over their cheeks relentlessly. They couldn’t tell if they were happy, scared, or sad. Or if it was even them that felt this way.
A hand touched their shoulder, a familiar glow next to them. Kiwi needn’t even look to know it was Eyala again. checking in on them, most likely.
“Hey... Lil’ B.” her voice whispered, “I know it’s... a lot. You’re being left on a pretty bad note.” Kiwi turned,, face still full of tears and their voice caught in their throat from.. well... everything. They simply nodded in agreement.
Even Eyala could see the visible strain on Kiwi’s face.. and very well knew the reason why, “ Here. Let’s start with this instead... and I can help with the contact stuff tomorrow. We gotta help you filter this all out.” She held their hands in hers, rubbing their palms with her thumbs, “Just... focus on me. Okay? It helps to have something to think about other than people... “
Kiwi nodded... and looked Eyala over. Her hair effortlessly floating behind her in its usual ever-shifting hue... her smile, small, but visible. They could read the concern on her despite having most visible features omitted... Eyala was good at that. Expressing herself through motion and all. It reminded Kiwi of themself.
Without realizing it-- they found their head suddenly empty... well. mostly. There was still that static tingle in the back of their head. Near their neck, it felt. Almost like forgetting something important... but they pushed it down. Much like anything else they felt in the past... and let out a shaky sigh.
“That better...?”
Kiwi nodded again, looking at their hand for a sense of stability now.
It glowed... not much but. It was just a tinge... ever slightly lighter than the darkness surrounding them and Eyala, “So...” they scratchily started, “I’m really...”
“A real child of Eya. Not just in... like... a collective universe sense. Yeah.”
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Tom Holland-The Impossible (6)
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So, this is the end! I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed writting it! This is the most happy part, I think. Thank you for your love!! Btw, if you want to read some more angst, I’m working on a different series for our lovely boy Peter Parker, let me know if you want to be tagged! I will anounce it soon
Plot: the worst have passed. The tsunami, the fear, the wounds. Life goes on, for all of you
Previous parts:  (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
“Harry! Harry, for the love of God! Come here now!”
The park was particularly crowded that day, families with their children enjoying a sunny day with a picnic and groups of teenagers playing card games. A soft breeze made women’s hair move, and some of their dresses were flying upwards in a not so casual manner.
The man’s scream made a few head turns his way, but quickly they came back to their original matter. Talking, eating, making out. Like in a school’s playground, everyone was doing their things in the park. Besides the river, a few kids were having a bath. It was a normal sight, something to be happy about. In the middle of the main group of children, stood one that looked forward with an annoyed look.
He had a mop of brown, wet then from the water that covered more than half of his body. He had been wearing a red and black shirt, with his favourite design in the front, too big for his small body. Harry was a thin boy, shorter than most of the boys and girls his age, and usually the clothes were a bit too wide. Still, the five years old had insisted in buying that t-shirt and wearing it that day to the park, where he could show it to his favourite uncles.
But he no longer cared about it, and the t-shirt had been thrown over a big stone at the border of the river.
“Harry! Out!”
Coral, a girl he had been playing with, gave him a weird look, and slowly swam far from him. She was mildly afraid of the man that was running towards them, a wild look on his face. He was running fast, yet suddenly stopped when he was almost touching the water.
He looked at the water, back to Harry and begged to the boy with his eyes to come out.
Now, Harry was a smart boy. He knew that what his father did was a living was extraordinary, that his mommy wasn’t like the rest of them, and that there were some things that were banned in his house.
Harry Holland could eat all the sugar he wanted after the bed time, but could never, never, take a bath. Not unless one of his uncles were with him, and his parents didn’t know.
Harry Holland could have any toy he wanted. Cool cars, expensive building packs, electronic books. But he could never, never, ask for a trip to the beach. Last time he did that, the little boy ended up in the hospital in the arms of his grandma, while his father was lying in a cot high in meds.
Harry Holland knew he shouldn’t have gone into the river, and walked out of it with his head hung low. As soon as his little feet hit the ground, his daddy was squeezing the life out of him.
“Oh God”
Some of the moms gave Tom weird looks, but most of them just looked down to their businesses or hugged tighter their kids. Tom’s breathing was anything but normal, and it took him a few minutes to go back to reality. Harrison, who had a comforting hand on his shoulder, didn’t rush him. He let his best friend hug his son as long as he wanted.
Sounds around them came back slowly, and he was able to tear the arms off his boy. Harry looked quite ashamed, big brown eyes looking at his father and the ground, little fingers fidgeting in front of him. The actor blinked the tears away from his eyes and sniffled, reminding himself that it was just his son in a river. Not Thailand. Not the beach. Not it again.
“Harry, you can’t go running off like that” Harrison said, kneeling in front of the pair. The boy nodded. “You scared us all.”
“I’m sorry daddy” he whimpered, rubbing his eyes with his little fist. “I just wanted to play”
“There is enough space to play out of the water” the blond reasoned with him, not wanting to give Tom the weight of scolding his son for his fears. “Why don’t we go back? Uncle Paddy is trying to prank uncle Harry”
Harry let out a small giggle, eyes glossy. For a little boy, he knew when he did something wrong. He knew how to differentiate. It was not the same not picking up his toys than running into the water.
Before anyone could move, he rushed forwards and fell again into the arms of his father. Tom’s arms were shaky, and pressed the kid against his chest. There was no human soul that could differentiate where the father’s hair ended and where Harry’s started. In school, teachers said that he was a carbon copy of his father. Tom made a fart sound on his son’s neck, and he broke in a fit of giggles and squirms. Easily, he picked the kid up, and let him wrap around his body like a koala.
For the first two years, Tom had been afraid of picking up Harry. He felt like his son would coward away from the scars on his arms. His neck. His chest. He hadn’t counted them for a long time, the painful reminder of what almost took his life away. But what chose him to cherish every second life gave him. That was why he didn’t say no to anything his son asked. Time was precious.
“Is food ready?” Harry asked, leaning his head on Tom’s shoulder.
“We have to wait a little longer” Tom said. “Why? Is this little guy giving you problems?”
His fingers tickled the small stomach, and Harry laughed again. Tom could spend hours listening to him.
“No!” Harry smiled. There was a gape on his mouth, where a few hours ago there had been a teeth. It was put away on Tom’s wallet. “I heard grandad saying that we were going to eat all together”
Harrison sighed, and changed the topic. It was easy, because little Harry soon started talking about the Batman film he had seen last month. Tom couldn’t forget about it that eastly.
He had been a nervous wreck since he had woken up. It was an important day, the first day all the family had decided to go out in public since the incident. Tom feared it was too much, that things could go wrong or that someone would say something. That had been the main reason of Harry’s run away; Tom had been too busy looking at the text message to pay attention to his son, and he had ran to the river in search of new friends.
The message itself came back to Tom’s mind, and his palms became sweaty. Only minutes away. Probably, it would go wrong. It had gone wrong the other tenth time he had tried; someone being rude, too many paparazzi, the trauma coming back. He had all his faith on that day, but-
Like a rocket, Harry was out of Tom’s arms and running, as well as he could, towards the limping figure that was talking to Nikki. Tom’s face broke into a smile and fastened his steps, until he was besides you. Harry was jumping up and down around you in circles, too excited to keep still but knowing he couldn’t just hug his mommy. Not yet.
“Hey baby” you said, and tried to pick him up. There was a metallic sound and you almost fell backwards. Luckily, Tom’s arm found your back and took most of Harry’s weight in the other. The boy chuckled and showered your face with kisses. “Wow! What did I do to deserve this treatment?”
“You did it so well mommy!” Harry squealed happily, and hug your neck. The boy closed his eyes. “And I missed you so much! But daddy told me you would be back”
“Yeah, I couldn’t be much longer away from my favourite boys.”
The rest of the Holland family stepped back to give you some privacy, and Tom kissed your forehead briefly. What he wanted, was to lock you in your room and keep you there forever. But he knew you were already making a big effort being there, in front of so many people, so he restrained from dragging more attention to yourselves.
Harry babbled about school, how he had met new friends and he had drawn so many draws, mommy, we’re going to cover your room in that! You laughed, but bit your tongue to avoid spilling the beans.
Tom smiled at your knowingly.
Life had not been what you had planned after your trip to Thailand. You only wanted to solve whatever problems you had with Tom; but instead, got the worst of your nightmares. For six years, you had been traveling from hospital to hospital with a missing leg. In order to save you, the local medics in Thailand had to cut your leg; so badly, that it had caused you problems for six years.
For six years, you had been living in different rooms in hospital while Tom and Harry did their lives in your house. For six years, Tom had made the impossible to get you to see the little boy every two days. For six years, you were robbed from your time with your son, by some cruel fate that seemed to follow you.
But that day, in Tom’s and yours room, were all the suitcase your carried with you to the hospitals, along with some gifts from the doctors. Tom pecked your lips once, two when he saw you begging to protest. You were like two teenagers in love, while Harry talked without noticing anything.
It had been six years since your life ended in that beach in Thailand. You had arrived to London in a private plane, Tom holding you as he sobbed himself unconscious, covered in blood, dirt and fear. One year later, little Harry came to the world, and things started again. Operations, therapy, meds.
Life had not been kind. But you were past the point of caring.
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krizaland · 4 years
Defying Gravity Chapter 7
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Alrighty! I’ve finally conquered my writer’s block and I bring you chapter 7! Thank you all so much for your patience and support! I love you all so much!
Be warned: There’s angst ahead! Have some tissues on standby!
Here’s the song I used btw
Meanwhile, Purple finally ran out of donuts to feed you and was tenderly petting the top of your head.
You shuddered at his touch as you tried to hide your discomfort. You hated being in the arms of an evil alien overlord. One wrong move, and you could be killed! Or worse:
Zim could be killed.
It didn’t take long for Purple to notice your discomfort.
“Cutiepie, what’s wrong? Why do you seem all….gloomy?” Purple asked as he continued to pet you.
“Oh it’s nothing…”You lied as you tried to sound happy.
“Aww, you can tell me anything, Cutiepie! What’s wrong?” Purple pressed.
“Well.. I’m just a little…sleepy is all.” You hoped that Purple would believe your lie.
“Sleepy? Why didn’t you say so? Come on, let me take you to my quarters! You’ll rest a lot better there then in Big bad, Red’s quarters.”
And with that, Purple carried you off to his quarters.  All you could do was hope that once he brought you to his quarters that he would leave you alone.
“Here we are~ I even bought you a little bed right here!” Purple sang as he plopped you down into a super fluffy purple pet bed.
You let out a squeak as you poked your head out of the endless sea of lavender fluff.
“Aww! You look so cute! I knew you’d like it!” Purple giggled as he clapped his hands.
“Yes…It’s very soft,” You admitted as you let out a fake yawn, “Thank you, Almighty Tallest.”
You tried not to vomit as the last words escaped your lips.
“Oh please, call me Purple!” Purple giggled as hi PAK sparked a bit.
“Ok, thank you, Purple…” You let out another fake yawn as you pretended to fall asleep.
“I’m so glad you picked me, Cutiepie! We’re gonna have so much fun together!” Purple whispered as he kissed the top of your head.
You tried to hold back a shudder as you tried to ignore the kiss.
Purple jumped a bit as Red made his way into his chambers.
“Hey! You know you’re interrupting a very important-”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, look, can I talk to you…Outside?” Red grumbled as he put his hands on his hips.
“If this is about Cutiepie, you can’t have them! They already chose me! So just leave us alone! Cutiepie is trying to sleep!” Purple huffed as he folded his arms.
“First off, their name is Y/N. Second, how are they supposed to sleep when you’re screaming?” Red lowered his voice as he spoke.
“Cutiepie is my pet, therefore I get to pick their name!” Purple pouted.
A growl rumbled in Red’s throat as his ruby eyes narrowed.
Purple swallowed hard as pink sweat dripped down his face.
“Outside. Now.” Red commanded.
And with that, Purple reluctantly followed Red outside.
You let out a sigh of relief as you slowly sat up.
If there was one thing that scared you more that Purple’s pets, it was Red’s rage.
You almost felt bad for Purple as the sound of muffled arguing echoed from behind the door.
You took a deep breath and tried to remain calm.
Staying calm grew more and more difficult as you found yourself missing Zim again.
You found yourself wishing for a way to see him again. Even if it was just for a little while!
In that moment, you remembered your communicator bracelet!
You looked down at your wrist and sure enough, the bracelet was still there! What luck!
After making sure the Tallest were still preoccupied with their argument, you turned on the communicator and called Zim.
Zim let out a gasp as he felt his own communicator go off.
“Eh?! Y/N?!” Zim’s eyes lit up, “Excuse me, I have to take this!”
And with that, Zim ran off and answered your call.
“My human?! Is that you?! Is that really you?!” Zim squealed as your face appeared onto the screen.
“Yes, it’s really me! Oh Zim, I’ve been missing you so much!” A few tears trickled down your cheeks.
“My human!!! It is you!! Oh thank god you’re alright! Zim misses you too! You look even more beautiful then I remembered.” Zim sniffled as he struggled to dry his own tears.
“Don’t worry! I’m fine! A little shaken, but fine. Hey, what’s with the armor?” You asked nervously.
“Zim is coming to rescue you from the FILTHY TALLEST! I had to suit up and stuff!” Zim explained with a smile.
“WHAT?! Zim are you crazy?! They’ll kill you! Please stay back on Urth! I don’t want to lose you!” You pleaded.
“You won’t lose Zim! I have acquired the help of the Resisty! Oh and the Dib-Monkey. He wouldn’t stop bugging me.” Zim admitted.
“Dib’s there too?! Oh god! Please go back home! I don’t want anything bad to happen to either of you!” More tears fell from your eyes.
“Fear not, My Human! Zim shall rescue you! I promise to ensure that everyone will live!” Zim vowed dramatically.
“Zim please-”
“Nuh-uh! Stop trying to talk me out of it! I am coming to rescue you whether the FLITHY TALLEST like it or not!” Zim interjected.
“Zim, please! I can risk losing you! Just go home!” You pleaded.
“Eh?! Do you still not have faith in Zim?!” Zim snapped.
“No! I always have faith in you! It’s just…I’m worried about you!” You explained.
“My human, you have nothing to be worried about! Zim would do anything for you!” Zim insisted.
You let out a sigh as more tears poured down your cheeks.
“Hey, look at me.” Zim’s voice softened.
You slowly looked up and tried your tears.
“You know I want you. It’s not a secret I try to hide. I know you want me. So don’t keep saying our hands are tied.” Zim sang as he gazed deep into your eyes.
“You claim it’s not in the cards, fate is pulling you miles away and out of reach from me! But you’re here in my mind! So who can stop me if I decide that you’re my destiny?” Zim’s voice grew louder as the song continued.
You let out a soft gasp as Zim became more dramatic.
“What if we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine? Nothing could keep us apart! You’d be the one I was meant to find! It’s up to you! And it’s up to me! No one can say what we get to be! So why don’t we rewrite the stars? Maybe the world could be ours? Tonight..”
You let out a chuckle as you playfully shook your head.
“You think it’s easy. You think that I don’t want to run to you. But there are mountains. And there are doors that we can’t walk through.”
“I know you’re wondering why because we’re able to be just you and me within these walls. But when we go outside, you’re gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all…” You sat up straighter as you held back more tears.
“No one can rewrite the stars! How can you say you’ll be mine? Everything keeps us apart! And I’m not the one you were meant to find! It’s not up to you! It’s not up to me!When everyone tells us what we can be! How can we rewrite the stars? Say that the world can be ours, tonight?” Your voice was passionate as you rose to your feet.
Zim’s eyes were glued to yours as tears streamed down his cheeks as well.
“All I want is to fly with you! All I want is to fall with you! So just give me all of you!” You and Zim’s voices oozed desperation.
“It feels impossible!” You sang as your eyes squeezed shut.
“It’s not impossible!” Zim countered.
“Is it impossible?” You asked as you opened your eyes.
“Say that it’s possible!” You and Zim sang in unison as your hands dragged down the screen.
“How do we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine? Nothing can keep us apart! Cause you are the one I was meant to find! It’s up to you! And It’s up to me! No one can say what we get to be! Why don’t we rewrite the stars?! Changing the world to be ours?” You and Zim’s voices melted together as your souls aligned for a moment.
You let out a gasp as the door opened.
“I’m sorry…” Was all you could whisper as you cut the call.
“Wait! My human! NOOO!!! MY HUMAN! MY HUMAN!!!!” Zim wailed as he shook his communicator.
“You know I want you… It’s not a secret I try to hide. But I can’t have you. We’re bound to break and my hands are tied…..”
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aislinceivun · 4 years
Hi! I know that you’ve said that you won’t continue with the sequel planned for Wandering Bird, but I was wondering if I could inquire on what you might’ve written? It’s just, I really adore your fic; can’t get it out of my head actually (so I’m so sorry if I’m being insensitive!) You mentioned once that you were going to do a POV from Arthur Gwen and Morgana- does that mean they (Morgana and Gwen specifically) had an idea of Merlin’s fate? Could Arthur “see” Merlin during his adventures? Part 1
Part 2: (Again, I apologize for my questions-your story just has so many interesting plot points!!) How would Bonnie and Co interact/react to Arthur’s return? Why couldn’t Freya interact much with Merlin; Was it a lack of magic, interference or something else? Somewhat weird question: but did you have anything in mind for Merlin’s Vigil Night? (If he can get one poor dear). (Gushing continued in third ask I’m so sorry)
Part 3: I loved how you showed Arthur considering legal reforms before his death-and the Phoenix as the emblem? *Chef’s Kiss* Was the creation of the phoenix’s later on a reference to that? Random aside: I really adored how badass you made Merlin, without making him too edgy or dark, you know? Also I really loved the many prophecies/legends surrounding just Merlin as “Emrys”! I adore literally everything about Aithusa, and her final scene made me bawl (also your art is gorgeous!) You’re amazing!
Don’t ever apologize for asking questions about fics! Even if they’re old fics the author doesn’t plan on returning to, these kind of asks can really make their day and I’m sure 98% of the time they’ll just be over the moon that someone still thinks so much about their work :D I am!!
I still get emotional thinking about Aithusa, so I’m super glad her storyline made you feel so deeply. And that yuo liked Merlin’s portrayal and the lore about him! And thea art! Ahh, just, thank you! 🥰
Unfortunately, I no longer have my original outlines and the roughly 15k I’ve written due to my old laptop crashing, and it’s been 7 years (oh my gosh how) so I no longer remember the details. Which is too bad - I have several abandoned fics in my mother tongue, and I always uploaded summaries of what was supposed to happen to provide some kind of closure to readers. I can’t do that properly with Wandering, but I’ll try my best!
Putting the rest under a cut. :)
Feathers was inteded to be a series of 7 fics: 3 long main stories and 4 shorter (8-15k) standalone side-stories. The graphics are pretty much the only thing I still have  left x’D
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You know this one, 75k of how Merlin spends those roughly 1500 years between the end of the show and Arthur’s rebirth. Then, the stuff that never got finished:
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The Gwen POV side story, set during ch1 of Wandering. Focused on Gwen dealing with Arthur’s death, managing the kingdom and working on abolishing discrimination against magic users. Also getting together with Leon after a few years.
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The Morgana POV one, at parts corresponding to ch1 and ch2 of Wandering. Honestly, I’m no longer sure about the details, but the early parts were supposed to explain and detail show canon, and then... I think I meant to bring her back in as a literal bird. With the life span of it, just keeping her consciousness, so she can watch what happens in the world. She probably watched over Aithusa, too, and Merlin, and IDK but the goal was to show her thoughts and eventually give her character justice and closure.
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The Arthur POV one. He was kept in some kind of otherworldly, underwater palace-like place and could only interact with Freya, really, but he did get constant flashes of Merlin - especially where he was near Albion. This short was supposed to be very dream-like, as time works differenetly in that place. It’s kind of like when you’re half-asleep, y’know? So Arthur didn’t really live those 1500 years like Merlin did, but he followed his journey, in a way. When Freya “woke him up” at the end, they did have a conversation about it. He lost these memories when he was reborn. (But he still often dreams of water and a kind lady)
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The next big one! Set in 2012, this would’ve started with Arthur & Merlin going to uni and “meeting each other” and ended with Arthur finally regaining his memories. Merlin kept away from him while Arthur was growing up, you see - aside from that one time when he learnt that by pure chance, Ray (who became a PE teacher) ended up being one of lil’ Chris/Arthur’s teachers. As old man Emrys, he got himself some history teaching shtick because he wanted to see how Arthur was doing, but he quickly realized that this is not going to work, what with him being in love with the man Arthur is going to become. xD So he left after a few months, and kept away from Arthur. (But kept pestering Ray with questions :D)
Anyway, when Arthur goes to uni (by this point, he exclusively goes by ‘Arthur’ btw, dropping Christopher) Merlin magics himself back into his eighteen year old form and gets enrolled in the same school. Agatha and Mike would have had prominent roles as basically Merlin’s sidekicks. Aggie is especially close with him, after him mentoring her about magic all her life.
Arthur has no memories either of his old life or about the years spent with Freya, so the dynamic at first is pretty much show S1. Most of the angst would have come from Arthur finally wanting to get together with Merlin but Merlin pulling away because there’s just too much Arthur doesn’t know; how is he supposed to be together with him when he’s hiding so much, lying so much? This Arthur is pure and free of the tragedies of the past, and maybe it’d be best if Merlin left him alone... But something must be happening - something the world needs Arthur for, if he slept through WWI and WWII but NOW fate decided to send him back...
Anyways, he would have gotten back his memories aroud the end of this instalment. Cue a lot of crying from Merlin’s part.
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The last big one, a direct sequel to With Memories. A lot of recap and talking in the early parts, Merlin and Arthur reconciliating who they were in the past with who they are in the present and who they wanna be in the future. 
There was a Big Bad of some kind of malicious magical origin (not necessarily a person, but an “end of the world” kind of thing/entity. It was 2012 after all. Little did we knew the real shit was coming 8 years later It was revealed that Arthur had magic himself, plenty of it - he couldn’t use it, at all, but he wielded a lot of pure magic, maybe related to how he was basically marinated in magic-juice for over fifteen centuries and how his soul was pushed back into the world xD There was a lot of magical and dragon-related lore to be revealed. The Phoenixes came back to play a part in resolving the Big Bad, too. But it’s all very hazy. What I do remember is that to fix the Big Bad, Merlin AND Arthur had to hold their Vigil Night, in a way - not dying, god now, but both of them hand to give all their combined magic back to earth.  This resulted in the Big Bad no longer happening and Merlin losing his immortality =)
After figuring out their shit in the first half, they were pretty much together, btw. Learning each other in a new way. Arthur digged Merlin’s Phoenix emblem tattoo, that’s for sure. A lot of communication was needed, especially because it wasn’t easy for Arthur to understand Merlin’s grief (sometimes, Merlin looked so old despite the young form he wore; sometimes he felt ancient, and Arthur was a bit scared in his presence - not scared of Merlin, but scared of how to measure up to him, reach him, help him.) And Merlin had to understand that even with his old memories, Arthur wasn’t exactly that Arthur, the king - he had a life of his own in the present, a new identity, and it was unfair of Merlin to expect him to be the same. They no doubt talked a lot about Merlin’s lived experiences, his lost ones, Aithusa. (Merlin never stopped wearing the pendant made of Aithusa’s scale)
Happy end, of course :)
Well, that was a lot of vaaaague stuff, but hopefully gave you an idea? Bonnie wasn’t around too much, though I’m sure I’d have included some scenes with her. She probably didn’t met Arthur until Together Again. Aggie liked him fine but kept teasing him and she could be a bit harsh, what with her being so overprotective of Merlin. Mike and Arthur got along really well. Arthur was shocked when he was first fully introduced to the whole family and was met with his old PE teacher AND that brought up the fact Merlin attempted to teach him for a few months xDD 
Buuuuut.... this was still just 6, eh?
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Last instalment, another side oneshot, and a prequel to the whole series. Kilgharrah’s POV. Set a few generation’s before Uther’s rein, elaborating on some of the lore and backstories revealed in Together Again. (all of which I no longer remember, rip) I know we’d have met an ancestor of both Merlin and Arthur through Kilgharrah: Aurelius Ambrosius, who does some good deed to Kilgharrah, and the dragon blesses him - after this, the man takes the name Pendragon. And Coel, who was a dragon lord, husband to Ystradwal high priestess. Coel had a cheerful and kind personality, and he was the first human Kilgharrah came to like. They became friends. Coel was supposed to be Merlin’s grandfather, I think. Kilgharrah and his mate were expecting their first egg to hatch when Uther’s purge started, and that was pretty much the end of this short =(
All I have left aside from these is some tidbits of dialogue from the single file on the sequels I have:
“Whoa, Merlin, slow down. I can’t follow you.”
“I’m different from you. Okay? I’m not... I wasn’t... I didn’t reincarnate. I’m not a reincarnation of the original Merlin. I am the original Merlin. Do you understand? I never... Look, I never died.”
“You are. The same Merlin." Merlin nods. "The same Merlin who mucked out my horses and saved me countless times and magicked his way into my life.”
“I’m afraid, sire.”
The title comes without a conscious thought, and when he realizes, his heart twists and cracks.
Arthur just stares at him.
“So? Who are you guys, then?”
“I wasn’t lying about them. They are family. No! Gods, no, not like that,” he adds quickly upon seeing Arthur’s widening eyes.
“He’s our magical fairy godfather,” Mike and Aggie say in perfect union, completely straight-faced.
“The only times I was really miserable were the very first few hundred years, and later the roughly three centuries that followed Aithusa’s death. For the rest of the time, I wasn’t completely alone, and that... helped. A lot. But... it was hard. I hated how everyone I cared for withered away and died before my eyes, so I tried to keep people away for a long time. I was lonely, but that kept me safe from heartbreak. At least, that’s what I’d thought.
“But then I met Bonnie, and as I watched her grow up and start a family - a family that welcomed me - I realised how foolish I was for attempting to condone myself to a solitary life and deny myself the warmth of others’ love.”
Arthur wipes a hand over his face. “Owning a magical heritage but no apparent talent to use it... Just. Great. I’m a fucking Quibble!”
Phew!! What a trip down memory lane xD And I actually remembered more than I thought I would, so that’s nice. Thank you for enabling me to ramble and recall some stuff a really liked about this verse. I hope I was able to give you some closure! Cheers!♥
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saykouyakiimo · 6 years
Adam is related to the god of darkness, as much Ruby is related to the god of light.
Or at least, I found something interesting (parallels you know)
I warn you immediatly, don’t expect anything of me. This theory is absolutely garbage... And tbh i’m scared to post it, because I’m affraid about comment people comments... Yeah RWBY’s fandom is terrifying. Please be kind I’m autistic. Before to start you have to know that english isn’t my native language... Sorry for my mistakes... Oh I wanted to thanks my best friend who translate 50% of my theory in english.
AND ALSO. Don’t tell me that wanting Adam to come back is harmful for abused survivors. I’ve been victim of child abuse, and I kept suffuring until my 20 years, due to my past abusives bests friends. So please stay cool.
Why hope his return despite confirmation?
It may be a long time that Kerry confirmed the Adam’s death, it remains a lot of points to brought up. During the interview, it’s important to know that everything is subject to interpretation, and some details didn’t escape me to make me pick over factors that go in my direction. In the first place, before say that he were really die, he answers to that question : “Was there ever doubt that Adam was an unredeemable character or was there a chance that he could have been redeemed ?” It’s pretty funny that Kerry doesn't employing the past when he answers. He doesn't said “he WASN'T irredeemable” no It’s different. He litteraly said : (paraphase for the first one) “I think he's redeemable” and “I wouldn't say he's unredeemable”. Use time present for a dead person is strange. Then he adds everybody has the right to have a second chance but that the circonstances in which he ran into with Blake didn’t help him at all. At the moment where he had to reveal his potential death, Kerry forced a smile and took a big second to say « yes ». After being interrupted, because on of the animator rejoiced of the news, he right away resumed to output on the tone of joke : “yes he's dead, unless with do a Darth Maul. (character who survived to fatal injuries) Ah. Nah he's... We. [Interrupt]. He fall in water fall, there is no body, but like. He got stabbed twice, and hit his head on the way down, like... He's dead." (Paraphrase cuz I don't fully understand why he's saying) "Now the fanbase hate me, that's fine." The fact that the creator make a reference at the character of Darth Maul, it customs clearance of a thing : he’ll not lie. If our beloved faunus comes back, Kerry will already warned us. He wasn’t obligated to say this sentence, mostly that he introduced it after beint interrupted. Furthermore, he sorely insisted on the manner he was killed, to the extent that he looked hesitant in the choice of his words. Others will interpret it like « yes but for him it was so evident to think him dead, that he feels confuse to explain why ». The words of the co-writer are absolute, he wasn’t obligated to do that. I’m not saying is lying, on the contrary. Just because Adam is dead, doesn't mean he stays dead (it sounds stupid, but you'll understand). For the case of Roman and Pyrrha, it had a sens to exclude them psysically. It had repercussions on their entourage. For the case of Adam, it’s the same with Yang and Blake… But not totally. Fans say that by taking away his life, they finally got rid of their demon and that they don’t have to feel haunted anymore. However, even the song « Nevermore » confirmed this, it’s not a victory. They maybe have the feeling of being free of this monster, but something else going continue to curse them : the fact to take a life. As inhuman a person is, we can’t not be affected by this act. However, if they aren’t affected, it’s a huge idleness and a very bad writing lmao. These two girls maybe consider themselves happy to get rid of him for the present moment, but I expect that the karma come to hit them at Atlas. I can't blame them to have kill him, he was a threat, i'm aware of that (btw I've nothing against Bumbleby dw). Which gives hope a sequel  for this character, it’s one of « Nevermore »’s passage :
“Another soul consumed by hate and spite Another destroyed life There's no pleasure, there's no joy It's just a story of a boy who lost his way Into shadows strayed He'll see the light of day”
It isn't without know that the musics of Jeff Williams & Casey Lee Williams have a canonical aspect. The best exemple before anything else, it’s Divide and Sacrifice. The « He’ll see the light of a day » can’t be overlooked. I already see some purists come back for the reinterpretation of this passage, because the refrain start with « Nevermore ». This will implies « Nevermore he’ll see the light of day ». In the literal meaning it’s true, but as it happens, we speak about the fact that he lost his way, and that in this shady way he’ll see the light of day. « Lost his way » is related to the fact that he’s consumed by the revenge and the hate, but he never came out. The last sentence refers to the fact he’s going to come out of it. Add « Nevermore » is stupid, because he always lived in this state of mind. He can't nevermore see the light again, since he has never seen it. Second reason for which this interpretation is wrong, is that it breaks the structuring of the verses. For the first choir it works because it gives « That’s in the past and I won’t be controlled ー Nervermore ». But for the second… « Not dying now, we’re protecting our own ー Nevermore ». It lost its sens, and it implies that they will never protect each other. If a schema applies for one, it should be the same for the other. Another reason to doubt of his definitive departure of the series : the lack communication around the character and of the « final » episode which concerned him. I’m not saying that like « they don’t give enough attention to the character », no it’s really something. Why Adam doesn't appear on the promotional poster, when everyone knew he was coming back? Each episodes are review by guests like comedians, at the exception of one : the 12 one, where Adam die. Even for the season 4 they hadn’t done something like that. Strangely, for the occasion they could have invited the one who’s playing Adam, Garrett Hunter, considering that it will be the last episode where he’ll act. It’s the end of the character that he incarnates. Fans could learn more on the dubbing actor, or the antagonist himself, but there was nothing of that. Cause yes, it stays questions withouts answers. Why Adam can’t use his semblance without his weapon ? How his semblance can project such complex shapes ? Why showed the mark SDC to already expel it ? And as we know, CRWBY never confirmed the type of faunus he was… I’ll come back on this subject. In addition of that, Garrett Hunter didn’t address any thank you messages for those who followed him in the whole series, I want to say that it’s truly strange.
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Udapte about Garrett Hunter (Adam’s VA)
Garrett Hunter doesn't confirm Adam's death, people think he probably doesn't know anything about it, but I doubt it. During a live of Mega64, somoene talk about performing as Voice Acting. And then, Garrett talks about his “death”. He uses words like “I was killed, I think”, “No body, no deads”, “I keep my fingers crossed”, but at no time does he says “Adam is dead, he will not come back”. On the contrary, he adds “never say never” and he pretends to pray for his return. VAs know things about their characters. Pyrrah's VA knew that her character was going to die from the beginning of the story, and Yang's VA knew she would lose her arm, and that as soon as she was used to her voice. And what's very encouraging is that the VA Pyrrha had confirmed in an interview and Twitter, the death of his character. And there, Garrett mentions word for word that Kerry released during the RWBY Rewind: Darth Maul (twice) But if there was no hopes, he would say he is dead. In this case, we have not learned more. And if he knows of his return, why tell us? And Kerry either did not confirm 100% his death, basically he declares “He died, unless maybe we decide to bring him back”. Another contradiction with the voice actor of Adam. The guy had the balls to says clearly, that the antagonist he embodied, was killed without them using his potential. But , when his buddy reply “everyone is it saying that your death was bullshit”, Garrett says he loved the scene about his confrontation between Yang and Blake, because it was a retaliation of the two characters on him. It's just a big mind fuck at this point. My guess is that he likes this scene because karmas are finally shared between Adam and Bumbleby, and he knows what will happen to his character. Why would he says that Adam's potential was not used, while he loves his death scene? Because he will be able to make a fresh start. That's my thoughts. I know that he must have trouble with his character, because this one receives ALL the salt of the fandom on the face, and there, they will offer him a way to make his character appreciable. And pretending not to know what will happen to the former White Fang leader is completely stupid. The VA know the fate of their character. Kerry and Miles must have planned his come back in advance, they can't hesitate when they’ll write it in the script, because the situation requires it. Why ? Because his branding S.D.C. directly link to the volume that is focused on Atlas, in the one that will arrive in a few months.
Confirmation of VA about Pyrrah's Fate Confirmation of the VA in about her death
and she declares this just after the first view of the last episode of volume 3.
Mega64 podcast with time code (17:52) : https://youtu.be/YKQ242Pd6Fg?list=WL&t=1072
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Seriously, if it had been his final scene, they would have shown us one last time moonslice...
Update 05 july : Does Garrett confirmed something ?
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Why bring him back to life ?
Adam is THE faunus who stands out the most than the others, there isn’t two like him. In terms of discrimination, it’s the one who suffer the most. His hatred pushed him to ignore that humans had the same rights of him. He’s blind to the extent that he wants to submit them at his own race, the reverse the role of the one who is tyrannized. He has all the reasons of the world to hate this species, nobody could blame him (even if it doesn’t justify his actions of course). He maybe served his purpose with Blake and Yang, he can always serve others. I mean... He just serves to a plot device and that's it... and that's why I feel so frustrated, cuz there so many things to do with him...… First he could go to Mantle and settle squares up with his old executioners, facing directly the Schnee Dust Company (AND WEISS CAN SEE HIS MOTHER FUCKING BRAND). Secondly, we could send another message : « people can change ». The conclusion of Adam was sad because, finally, nobody really deter him to continue in his way, not directly at least. And when they tried to do it it was too late. Never they're told him « what you’re doing is bad, you should live for another thing than revenge ». Blake implied that she was against the murder, but it didn’t go further that. When he was scolded by Ghira, Sienna rather encouraged him after. As soon as we acclaim him, Adam had a click. Him who was treated like a property, an animal, a sub-category being, finally discovers the feeling to be « lionized ». For him, it was the climax of his existence. Also Goldi reminds me that “Adam hated huntsmen and was so set upon destroying their academies bc they're supposed to protect people but they didn't protect him from the scd and in the end he is killed by two (one human) huntresses”. And this end is so bad for his character... Logic would have wanted Blake and Yang to stop this cycle of violence. And there, the writers decided to repeat it by killing him. Bumbleby didn’t deserve to do that, as much as Adam didn’t deserve to die from their hands. This « death » can make him take a new start… Maybe that Blake and Yang didn’t kill him physically but they’ll kill him psychologically. At the moment when he was stabbed, we can see his face slowly decay. He realizes the fact that he just be stabbed and it hurts. He isn’t the one that he believed, this final point shows that he has nothing, and that the one who’s alone it’s him. And in my opinion, it's a trait that presents him as someone who can have a redemption, because he realizes how wrong he was. Yes he is redeemable and >THIS< show why, and why Adam wasn’t able to get one before. Returning after that, he’ll loose what made him a redoutable antagonist : his confidence. His power, he extracted it of control, but to have control being confident is necessary. Now that the one who he manipulated turned against him, and furthermore it’s one of his kind, he’ll gonna doubt of everything. Adam is weak, with this break, he risks to become a completely different character. The most important point is his similarities with Raven. Seriously I need to detail ? Imageries, fighting style and ideology, they share far too much in common. To the extent that it’s frustrating to see that Yang didn’t make a connection. If you want to spend time, I refer you to a thread which makes you a summary of all the parallels. With so much in common, it’s legitimate to ask if they’re not related. Not by blood because they don’t share any physical similarity, but to be honest, I can see Raven as a teacher.
> Parallels of Adam & Raven < + this one
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Grimms masks, Asian style, chokuto x nodachi, same color scheme. It's a bit big anyway lol. AND THEIR FUCKING DARWINIAN SYSTEM
And your theory you piece of shit ?
I’M SO SORRY. I needed to expose thoses points before to can begging it. First, I would like to recall why people thought that Adam Tarus had Silver Eyes. (For this part, I’ll take what said >here< because it’s really borring). This faunus isn’t only assimilate to Raven but with Ruby too, and it’s perfectly justify. The similarity of their symbols, imagery of the rose and the moon. It seems weird says like that but there is another person with Silver Eyes who’s assimilated to the same scheme : Summer Rose. It’s the principal element which supports this theory, since she’s directly inspired of a fairy tale « The Dead Moon ». If you want more informations on this subject, consult this post. Basically, it demonstrates the fact that the personified moon’s light repulses the monsters, like the Silver Eyes, and she was « killed », like the moon in RWBY. This ability is destined to protect the life, cherish people we love. But in the case of Adam, it’s all the opposite. He’s only destruction, hate and rancor ; it’s the opposite reflection of Ruby. But with what we saw in the series, the faunus doesn’t have Silver Eyes but blue eyes. With this, all of this wonderful theory falls in the water.
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in the opening 2 of RWBY, Ruby fall since the moon lol
However, with all that I resumed and what we learnt in the volume 6, I asked : is there something else ? We learnt that the eyes light came for the God of Light (GoL/Creation Dragon/…). In my opinion, Silver Eyes are a present of the God to defeat Salem, cause they affect the magic. A considerable help given to Ozma. But could it be possible that the younger siblings, the God of Darkness (GoD/Destruction Dragon/…), offered another thing to our professor, to help him in his quest ? It’s not impossible, since there must be a complementarity. If it’s the case, in what form doest it manifest and how ? I have my idea. First, you should know that RWBY never let something randomly, its foreshadowing is clearly what’s make the charm of the saga. The moon has been destroyed by GoD to restart a new era. Silver Eyes and faunus appeared after this period (HOW STRANGE), it’s a thing to know. Without transition, I’ll go to the point where I would like to reach. Actually i sought differents types of horns, just to try to identify those of Adam. Every faunus has animals characteristics. But in the heap, I didn’t see only one faunus have attribute which couldn’t be identify. Adam has the imagerie of a taurus, but at no fucking time his horns correspond to those of a taurus, not even to goat (even if I found this joke funny). And my issue, is that RWBY already shown a bull faunus.
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I mean. No. This isn’t a bull. And there’s no point for him to be a goat (besides jokes)
His horns start in forehead, point back to go inside. And I have only seen one person share those similarities for this characteritic, it’s the God of Darkness/Destruction.
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What I insinuate here ? That Adam has dragon’s horns. The theory is completely shitty lmao, I told you. 
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But It would explain this. Oppositions between Adam and Ruby.
If we assume that Adam is the nemesis of Yang Xiao Long, which means Little Dragon Sunshine, Adam will be related to the one of darkness. And I tell myself that AS BY CHANCE, the dragon of light is Chinese style, like the name of Yang. And seriously, I’ll give you pictures together, and keep in mind what was said on the faunus and Raven.
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Just find this here
The dragons are reflected in the world map of Remnant, as it happens at the top we have the God of Darkness and the one of Light on the right.
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And looking at the episode 7 of volume 3, I realized that Adam had the map of Remnant behind him. And strangely, the firts plan we have of him, is this one :
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Nothing is left to chance in RWBY. It surprises me that there is EXACTLY this continent behind him. The dragon is at the middle of the plan with Adam in font of it. The head and the wings are claerly apparent, the others pieces of lands don’t appear whole, I seriously doubt that this angle haven’t been chosen involuntary… Because when they had to built the scenery, decisions have been done, I tell myself that it’s not innocent. The guys could restricted to this, but no. They continue all along the scene, knowing that Adam walks when he listens the deal of Cinder…
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He could stop everywhere, but they chose to structure the scene like this.
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Adam only aspires to destroy, like the God of Darkness, counter to his brother, who him search to preserve the life. Amond their powers which have been exposed, we could see that silver light, and specific forms of thaumaturgy. But what will the power of Adam be, if he has dragon’s horns ? I think it will be a form of incomplete immortality, or which needs some conditions to be activate. It’s not impossible, like I said, the concept of life and death can be reverse with magic. Furthermore, if we associate Raven and Adam, it’s not improbable. You know why ? I tell you. In the episode 6 of Volume 5, something caught my attention. Amount of screenshots in coming :
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Raven doesn’t believe in what is said to her, there is no reason for her to take literally what Oz told her. She needs to see to believe it. So she saw someone come back alive in front of her eyes, to come and declare the fact that she knows people who can come back from the dead. She can’t have seen Ozpin being killed, since he has not reincarnated in the meantime. Salem, I doubt that she could see her being hurt to return to life, because you have to beat her already. It’s very possible that it is Adam, since this whole scene, is to build in the same way as when the faunus was in full deal with Cinder. The guy stands right behind the fucking dragon of destruction. And what do you think Raven does? 
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She looks at the dragon of destruction on the fucking map. It’s more complicated to discern because she doesn't face to the protagonists because we do not see what she looks, but her eyes are focused on the continent. In addition, we have a sequence where the camera slides gently on the map, to finish on the continent in question, implying that we are through the eyes of Raven. And some plans show that it pays particular attention to the parcel of land. 
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Beside, in the Black Trailer of RWBY, we see a crow... Someone told me it was Qrow who was looking for Amber, but I made some searchs on internet, I didn't find any confirmation of CRWBY. For me, the fact that it's could be Raven would make so much more sense. After all, she seems almost omniscient and she can be here, from the beginning. And that reminds me of what Barbara says about “some things could be planned from the beginning”. And I remembered something in Volume 3 DvD commentary : “The idea for the Maidens was thought up by Monty Oum in between Volume 2 and Volume 3 and worked into the story.” So... This isn't suppose to be Qrow looking for the Fall Maiden, right ? Cuz Monty hadn't this idea yet. When he puts this crow, he was thinking to something else, right ? The last option is Raven...
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Otherwise, remember well that the God of Darkness destroyed the moon. And what is the name of Adam’s semblance ? Moonslice.
Apart from these facts, there is something that who intrigued me. All the characters with a red aura, are more or less related to thaumaturgy... (As a reminder name ≠ aura color) Qrow : Crow transformation with magic Raven : Crow Transformation with Magic + Spring maiden Pyrrha : Was in contact with the aura of the Fall Maiden + was killed by the Fall Maiden Ruby : Silver eyes, which are connected to the God of light Adam : Could potentially have dragon horns (why would he escape the rule?)
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For those who will tell me that the color of Raven's aura is orange, it's wrong. Originally she is red. It is clear when flames glow from her eyes and she uses her semblance. It's because she received the power of the Spring Maiden that she is orange. When Pyrrha agreed to assimilate the power of the former host, the aura of the Fall Maiden that enveloped it and it was indeed orange, instead of turning red. If Pyrrha had become a maiden, his aura would have undergone the same transformations. The fact that Raven's aura is orange would be incoherent. Because in no case we see this amber in her design, or even in her name ... We would see this pre-configuration somewhere.
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Or it’s due to the dust after the fall... Cuz we can clearly that the power absorbed is red, and it belongs to Raven
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Some shitty arguments (don’t take it serioulsy lmao) : - Adam’s name means humanity. And that made me think about the new erea, and all this things about gods... - The precious stone associated with the name of Adam, is the ruby. It’s kinda funny when you know that the show is called RWBY, and the main character wears the name “Ruby”. I think it’s more a coincidence, but I have to put this somewere.
This was my shitty observation, bye.
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