#omg I rambled so much
maxlarens · 3 months
I’m totally not stalking your blog at all and I totally wasn’t refreshing like crazy to see when my ask would be answered (also totally not up past my bedtime)🤨 buttttt I do have a question 🙋🏾‍♀️
When you say lando is easy to write what does that mean 🤨 I’ve always been curious about how writers decide to approach certain characters like do you have a basic personality profile you apply to each fic or does it change by prompt? Also I wonder how different writers have differing opinions on the characteristics. What makes someone hard to write for?
Pls and thanks 🙇🏾‍♀️
(Alsoooo somehow forgot to voice my absolute love for your pfp and header it’s so cute😭😭 I must know what is this characters name I’ve never seen it before)
pls sorry i would have answered straight away but i was caught up at work. which is done now yayyyy
i love LOVEE answering writing related questions like this tbh so thank u!!!! and okay well it’s very instinctive for me, sometimes i just pick up on someone’s mannerisms very quickly— usually because i’ve seen gifs/videos/etc— and can kind of easily pick out a trope for them? if that makes sense. sometimes i don’t. but yeah for example lando fits very easily into this charming kind of cheeky character and all i have to do is put in his mannerisms/speech patterns to make it more believable. its hard to pin down the tropes themselves with a name but i have a bunch floating around in my head that feel very obvious when i start writing.
someone like george or alex for example don’t come super easily to me. i have to watch videos of george to pick up on the things i like to pay attention to. that will probably persevere whenever i write him, probably because i have more experience writing a certain kind of “character” and he doesn’t quite fit that.
logan, oscar and max also feel really natural for me to write. i think actually a lot of that comes down to certain similarities i have with each of them— i just go oh okay what would this aspect of my personality do in this situation. but also its similar to the lando thing, i just have a grasp on their mannerisms.
there’s a certain amount of making shit up in there. i try to stay accurate to their real life personalities but also i’m not trying to pretend this is real and don’t care if i use a little creative license which helps a lot. its very much separate from real life to me. i write my readers like i write OCs basically, just veer away from getting too descriptive.
okay and finally because i’ve rambled too much. i pick and choose prompts or just try to apply it to a situation in a way that doesn’t feel obvious because there are some things that just feel Not Right to me?? in the sense that i can’t imagine someone in that situation. or it’s not believable to me. it’s why i don’t/won’t write a lot of fan service-y very specific things. there’s nothing wrong at all with wanting to read something about someone comforting u about a specific issue/etc it’s just difficult for me to write. does any of that make sense!!?!?
and her name is maisy mouse!! she’s from children’s books i used to read and i think there was a tv show?? it’s fairly obscure i think. it was going to be snoopy originally actually but i couldn’t find the right image for that.
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ventique18 · 8 months
Begging for attention... Randomly setting up impromptu dates...
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He literally just barges into your room without prior notice and for no reason 😭 (the original jp line was "What? Do you wish to tell me that I simply barge in for no reason? Of course not, I assume?")
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Overly attached boyfriend 😭
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aphel1on · 5 months
laios has very quickly become dear to me not just because he's an autistic protagonist but because his autism is itself one of the reasons his party has an edge over others. though we see him struggle in social situations, his special interest makes him hypercompetent in the context of dungeon survival. i'm aware that's not a NEW observation on him but i was impressed that he even used his special interest to successfully solve a crisis that relied on noticing social cues- he was able to pick out the impostors bc he honed in on the small discrepancies in their attitudes toward monsters. if that isn't weaponizing your autism, i don't know what is
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querulousmegapode · 5 months
Every day I wake up and remember that the Disc is populated by a set of fascinating, nuanced and ultimately human* characters. And I smile.
(*NOTE: please insert as appropriate: vampiric, dwarvish, Nobby Nobbs, definitely not a monkey AAAH, etc. etc.)
Each character just feels real!! Like an actual person you could meet!! Even when they’re a background character you’ll never see again. Even if they only show up once.
The disc is so full of life, and that’s so so wonderful.
I was having a conversation with a friend (my poor friends are consistent victims of my discworld propaganda drive) about how much I liked Angua and they were like oh!! Is she your favourite character!? And I had to very awkwardly be like, oh no, actually there are like six other characters that I’m somehow *more* insane about.
And it just got me thinking about how well done every single character is. Even the characters that show up in only one book are just awesome! The villains are brilliant!! And as the series progresses you see such a genuine effort to portray people well.
There are So So many Discworld characters that I love, and that’s such a testament to how talented Terry Pratchett was as a writer.
Just,, man, I love all those little guys so much. I’m so glad this exists.
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mint-ty · 2 months
Finland, we really loved your little gremlin today 🥹🥹🥹
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forgettable-au · 8 months
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What do we think? I think he's like the coolest scientist to ever science
I'm genuinely so shocked about that I'm so so glad you're all enjoying this AU so far hehehe:D
Also I just made the 1000 followers celebration post like a month ago or something??wow
Here's the guy ‼️‼️ I wanted to practice drawing him quickly and in different poses. I think I achieved that, all this was made with just the lasso fill tool it was soooo fun and I loved not being worried about details just SHAPE
ALL SHAPE (and colors)
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shiloriin · 10 months
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And when you kiss my wounds,
I don’t feel as unworthy
of you.
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kiwi-and-pasta-at-3am · 5 months
Despite the rumors and the appearance, you may find that Ronal Speirs...
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Can actually be kinda soft!!
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deoidesign · 3 months
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please please please please please please please let me tell you about this comic I want to make it so bad please I can not wait I am losing it
If I don't make the comic then I'm not going to make it... I need other people to see what is in my brain so I'm not the only one going feral over them
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jesncin · 3 days
The Potential of Asian Lois Lane: An extra addition
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A bonus addition to my Asian Lois essay. I know Lois Chaudhari isn't technically a Lois since the premise of the comic she's from is where the Superman mythos is fictional and the characters in it happen to be named Clark/Lois etc. But since she's a Lois stand in and romantic partner to the Clark Kent of that story, I figured she deserves an honorable mention at least.
Here's where I position her in my Spectrum of Asian Lois Lane chart. And I'd like to talk about her!
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Compared to American Alien, this Lois is actually specific and textually Indian in Superman: Secret Identity. Unlike American Alien Lois (that never specified what kind of Asian Lois was), she can't be replaced as a white woman because the text acknowledges her Indian identity (her name, lines of dialogue like this, etc.) hence she's not interchangeable with whiteness. So this take has that going for it.
Where Lois Chaudhari still falls behind Girl Taking Over (and what it shares in common with American Alien) is yet again a sense of missed opportunities narratively.
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In Superman: Secret Identity, a man named Clark Kent from Picketsville suddenly has Superman's powers. After years of being made fun of for his namesake, he suddenly is what everyone has been making fun of him for- and as he lives through life he slowly understands why fictional!Superman is the way he is. It's a great story but where it misses the mark for me is its failure to recognize Superman as an immigrant. Secret Identity's Clark isn't an alien immigrant, or a human immigrant, and is instead ostracized because of his name. Government baddies want to do experiments on him so he has to hide from them too. But then he meets city girl Lois Chaudhari, and they connect because people keep teasing them for their names and Lois knows what it's like to keep secrets because she,,, committed a crime as a teen once.
"I guess we're both dangerous felons, then. Public menaces."
Being hunted by the government and being experimented on isn't really the same as being caught shoplifting.
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It works well enough as a connection but to me is a huge missed opportunity to have an Indian American relate to your Superman stand-in as an immigrant. To connect on a deeper level other than "people make fun of us for sharing names with fictional characters". Later in the story, Clark and Lois have twin daughters who are visibly Indian. They too, have Superman's powers. While we're treated extensively to the narrative showing us why Clark would hide his powers from the government wishing to seek harm on him, we never get to see what Clark's daughters have to deal with on top of being visibly non-white.
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Superman as an alien immigrant is an anecdote in this story. Because after all, that's not what a white American man from Picketsville would find relatable about him, is it? I have the same thing to say about Secret Identity that I did with American Alien: "Clark isn’t the only American Alien in American Alien, if you catch my drift."
I think this story is the perfect encapsulation of the limits of a white writer. One of my hottest takes on Superman is that the best and most holistic take on his character doesn't exist in the white imagination. Take a look once more at the Spectrum of Asian Lois Lanes chart that I made. All save for Girl Taking Over were headed by white men (MAWS may have Asian directors and writers on their team but ultimately its pitch and main ideas are the brain child of Jake Wyatt, a white man).
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People have taken issue with me saying this and assume that I mean white people can't write a good Superman story, and no. That's not what I'm saying. I like Superman: Secret Identity. I even like American Alien. But it's been 80 years of predominantly white writers of all backgrounds getting the chance to write Superman- and already multiple attempts at an Asian Lois- and yet it took until Gene Yang (and artists Gurihiru) with Smashes the Klan and Sarah Kuhn (and artist Arielle Jovellanos) with Girl Taking Over that I felt Superman's themes as an immigrant finally took center stage and weren't just a mention or anecdote.
In no way do I want to imply that getting writers of color or Asian writers specifically will mean you'll be guaranteed a great Superman story. I'm against promoting the idea that diverse talent is infallible or tokenizing and essentializing them in such a way. What I am saying is that the best and most holistic story on Superman as an alien immigrant isn't even a goal in the white imagination. Immigrant Superman doesn't live in that mind. He doesn't pay rent there. He doesn't stop by to visit. And no, Superman creators Shuster and Siegel wouldn't have written that story either. Superman may have been the "Champion of the Oppressed" from another planet under their pen, but he would never have related to or have had immigrant solidarity with America's perpetual foreigners the way Smashes the Klan portrayed him as having. Superman's creators were too busy writing Slam Bradley to be able to write that kind of Superman.
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The appeal of these cape characters for me, is the process of adaptation. Seeing them be handed off to someone else with different life experience. Seeing them bring a whole new perspective that surpasses even the creator's intentions on their character. That's what makes these characters rich and worthy of constant revisits. I just think that people of different backgrounds should be able to get as many chances as white men have with writing Superman and his cast of characters.
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crabonfire · 18 days
Engineer! cuddling you for the first time and falling asleep afterwards 🗣🗣💯🔥🔥
character: engie
note: I was reminded my a mutual that I have a fucking tumblr blog 😭😭😭 so here's uh yeah engie posting cause I miss him and also...this one goes out to u moot... xoxo...
also it's 4 am and I wanted to make this short but...yk me...I'm a yapper ☺️
also first 4 paragraphs are just a bit of backstory but you can skip that!!!
warnings: this is CORNYYYY super CHEESY so BE WARNED 🥶🥶🥶🥶
and also I'm making the reader the shy one ❤️ not engie ILL MAKE ONE WHERE ENGIE IS SHY OKKKK calm down
• I had a lot of different scenarios for this but I'm choosing this one cause I feel like it fits ❤️
• It was a hard day for the both of you. Your team had suffered an embarrassing loss, with scout constantly dying to the enemy's sentries and spy getting caught by the pyro again and again. It was especially bad for you, though. You got three whole kills, a devastating drop from your usual 7.
• And Engie? He got tired of getting his sentries sapped over and over. His usually flawless strategy crumbled at the enemy spy who kept on tearing down his defenses. After he made dinner for the team, you saw him dissappear into his workshop, and not coming out at all after that.
• You tried to sleep it off, but one, you were disappointed in your performance today, and two... you wanted to see how Engie was doing.
It was, what, 2 am? 3? But who cares, right? You missed your boyfriend, and you could tell he was still awake when you walked over to his workshop and saw the light pouring out from the door.
There was no sound as you approached the door. Maybe he was asleep? You hesitated, but you opened it quietly, careful not to potentially wake him.
• But he was awake. His back was hunched over, goggles still attached firmly to his eyes. He definitely had creases in his face from how much he wore them. And that signature hardhat of his. He sat staring at- whatever contraption he was working on.
He didn't notice you, walking over and standing behind him, quietly taking a look at what it was he was so focused on. A little remote, you had never seen it before, but you assumed it had something to do with his sentries.
"What'cha working on?"
• He visibly flinched, not expecting to hear your voice. He blinked, shaking his head and turning to look at you.
"Darlin'! Ya scared me."
He chuckled, his voice was low and rasped as if he hadn't spoken or drank in a while. Now all he wore was a t shirt and more comfortable joggers, atleast he bothered to put on something softer before working.
He gave you a small smile, but you could tell from his voice and the creases near his eyes that he was exhausted.
"What're you doin' up so late? I thought you'd be asleep by now."
He commented very ironically, that smile still plastered staying even with the exhaustion written on his face. You stood there for a moment, before crossing your arms and tilting your head, mimicking that smile.
"I could ask you the same thing."
Another chuckle, this one less energetic and strained. He looked over at what he worked on, "I'm workin' on somethin' that I think will really bring us back. Its just...lots of trial and error." He looked back to you, taking off his hardhat and setting it to the side.
"But I think I'll take a break from that. Did ya need somethin' from me?"
You blinked, realizing that, you didn't really have anything to talk about or do with him. After a moment of contemplation, you shrugged and went quiet when you spoke.
"I...no, not really. I just missed you."
• You two hadn't been dating for very long at all, so admitting all this lovey dovey stuff was embarrassing. You couldn't see his expression too well, but the way his lips curled into a big smile made your knees feel weak. It was like his exhaustion faded at your words, as he fully turned back to you and hummed.
"Ya missed me, huh?"
He felt so happy hearing you say that. He couldn't help it, the sudden shyness in your tone made his heart skip a beat. "I missed you too, sugar."
• Your own lips formed a smile when he said that, and that little pet name? He could make any corny nickname into something cute. You two just stared at each other for a little bit, before he broke the silence with a small yawn.
He murmured a quiet "sorry", which made you giggle. Even if it had only been a minute or two, seeing him had already made you feel better about how your day went.
• You approached him as he sat on his chair, he stared quietly, tilting his head with a smile when you stopped and stood closely over him. You hesitated, but quickly blurted it out.
"Can we...yknow.."
You made a gesture with your hand which he couldn't help but smile at.
It sounded so silly and embarrassing to say outloud. But you two were adults, goddammit. And you had to engage in some sort of cheesy romantic thing if this was gonna be a real thing.
He looked even more surprised then when you admitted you missed him, and somehow, his big smile grew even bigger. He nodded, chuckling once more and finding your hesitance charming.
"Of course we can, darlin'. C'mere."
• He wasn't nervous at all. Well- maybe a little. But definitely not more than you.
"How do I-"
You hovered awkwardly over his sitting form, but he only opened his arms up to you, his hand gently guiding your waist as he pulled you closer. He watched your nervous face, feeling his heart beat quicken at the way you seemed so scared to "mess up" or make him uncomfortable.
You sat down onto his lap, your chests close together as you settled your arms against his shoulders. This was the first time you two were this close. Everything else was just- a short hug or a kiss that lasted a little longer than most. You stared through the lenses of his goggles, it was a little silly but, you found the sight to be endearing. He felt the exact same.
His arms slowly wrapped around your body, making sure you were comfortable, too. You spoke up quietly, feeling a bit more nervous when you realized how close your faces were.
"Is...is this okay?" He only nodded.
"Mhm. More than okay."
• You relaxed a little bit more as you looked at his calm expression, and slowly, wrapped your own arms around him too. Feeling braver, you rested your head on his shoulder and sighed. You had been needing this. His body was so warm, so nice, like an oven.
He had been needing this too. He didn't realize how tense he had been until he calmed down from the feeling of your weight on him, his muscles could relax. He had been waiting for this, honestly. He wished it had happened sooner because if he knew how nice it would feel, he would've done it at any chance he got.
Being able to hold you felt therapeutic, felt comfortable and familiar. He leaned against the table as you settled in his lap, his eyes closed as he could hear the sound of your faint breathing. He hoped you couldn't hear the fast beating of his heart, but you secretly hoped he couldn't hear yours.
• "This is nice."
You mumbled quietly. He hummed softly in response. Your voice sounded so nice to him, so quiet, you could lull him to sleep and he wouldn't complain. He could never complain.
Instinctively, he started to rub random circles around your back, your own eyes closing at the soothing feeling.
• You'd break the silence occasionally by talking about random things that he'd be happy to answer. He was supposed to take a small break and go back to work but...you had fallen asleep. Well, how could he work if you were sound asleep on his lap, hm? Guess it would have to wait till tomorrow.
was that a satisfying ending I can't tell I'm so tired OMG this was lowkey me rambling sorry for shit writing English not first language + I haven't written in so long kmg.
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horsemeatluvr23 · 4 months
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the juppet !! i just realised he is jerma posing i swear that was unintentional...... i spent so long digging thru muppet concept art and looking at old puppet designs just to end up doing a rly simple drawing but. i love joehills!! i have only been watching them for like 4 years but their videos r so special to me :3
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obsessive-jan · 26 days
The spanish zoo tour guide having to deal with the obnoxiously loud and easily excitable british tourist:
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starheirxero · 8 months
After revisiting your "came back wrong" comic, absolutely wonderful btw, I came to a rather haunting realization.
Because it became true. But instead of Bloodmoon, it's Eclipse. And that's both much worse(for the characters), and much better(for the narrative).
Because both him and Lunar went through the same, and in a way seem to parallel each other, though that's probably me overthinking.
Both of them died. Both of them were blown to smithereens. Both of them came back after several months. Both found themselves in a body not their own. We've seen what they look like in every other universe.
Both of them came back wrong.
Lunar came back numb, quieter than before, with all their energy being a play. He came back running from unknown danger. They died a normal animatronic, and came back being more.
Eclipse is the opposite. He came back louder, erratic, full of madness. Where Lunar is running from unknown danger, he is sprinting towards it, not realizing the consequences until it's to late. Not to forget the star. Eclipse died being somewhat of a god, and came back as nothing more than a plaything, a puppet on a string.
In a twist of fate, they can relate best to each other now, and that might be the worst part for both of them.
Because what is there to do? Even though they understand, even though, one day, they might glance at each other and wonder "Do you feel the same?", they will never be able to confide in each other. Their relationship is beyond repair, and for good reason. Eclipse hurt Lunar, used and ab*sed him, and then blew him up.
This also opens up so much emotional baggage. What will Lunar think? Will he wonder "Do you regret what you did now, knowing how it felt?" Will a part of him feel the smallest bit of satisfaction? Will they ever be able to look at him at all, or will they forever hide away?
What about Eclipse? Will he feel guilty? He seems aware of the damage he has caused the celestial twins, even telling Ruin that he deserves what's coming for him, but he still showed no remorse when he talked to them.
I'm sorry this got so long, I am incredibly emotional about this right now, and I can't even begin to describe, how this makes me feel-
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mellosdrawings · 2 months
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I can't tell whether I hate him for always coming at the guaranteed only, or whether I hate myself for being unable to keep myself from pulling everytime he's on a banner.
I was supposed to wait to check what next month's events were gonna be. I could've always pulled for him next year. If I mess up my next pulls I swear-
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shuutingstar · 5 months
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