#not me having feelings over jc in red robe
kagamikoi · 2 years
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lucidlivi · 1 year
Chosen For Pleasure (XI)
Series Masterlist/Warnings
Tag List: @ladysparkles78 @suckitands33 @little-x-wolf @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @jc-winchester @mrsjenniferwinchester @lessons-of-red @jamerlynn @deans-spinster-witch @kazsrm67 @deans-baby-momma @willow-sages @ritz-hell-hotel @perpetualabsurdity @mhessellund @itzabbyxx @chriszgirl92 @abbybarnesstuff @larrem88 @commonsenseishard @impalaspixie @notsogoofyjelly @hzllxhoundxx @taylortots-world @k-slla @heavenlyackles @spnfamily-j2 @buckybarnes-1917 @foxyjwls007 @spnbaby-67 @readingsins (if you would like to be added to my list, please send me a message or an ask!)
Fluffy Angsty Chapter! Also this skips around some, just bear with me... trying to get you guys to the juicy stuff! It all makes sense, just have to use your imagination to fill in some gaps!
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"and his pass is canceled for the convention this weekend right?" Jensen spoke over the phone.
I was curled up on his sofa wrapped in a robe. At this point the tears have stopped, but the feeling of disgust was still present. I couldn't believe that happened. I was starting to wonder if I was giving him the wrong impression. Jensen assured me many times that it wasn't my fault.
I heard him grumble a few more words before he hung up. Jensen came over to the sofa, picking me up and cuddling me into his lap.
"It's over, he's done at the company, you won't have to see him again." Jensen said running a hand through my hair.
"he's really gone?"
"he's gone."
I took a deep breath and cuddled in to him closer.
"It's not your fault, you know that right?"
"did I give him the wrong impression?" I asked sitting up so I could look at him.
"no, absolutely not, it was him, you did nothing wrong, you hear me nothing." Jensen said cupping a hand to my cheek.
I realized Jensen was right. I told him no. I never gave any indication that I was in to him. It was him. It wasn't me. I just needed to accept that.
"thanks for lending me your robe, I couldn't stand to be in those clothes another minute." I said as I cuddled the material closer to me.
Jensen was a big guy, so this thing swallowed me whole, but it was undeniably comfortable. It was silent for a few moments before Jensen broke the tension.
"you know uh, if you wanted, you could move some of your stuff in here.......or like all of your stuff." Jensen said rubbing his hand along his neck nervously.
I choked on my breath at his offer.
"are you uh asking me to move in with you?"
"I guess I am....I just I was worried about you today, I couldn't protect you and that scared me. I want to protect you, I want you around." He rambled.
I felt my heart swell. I didn't think I could fall harder for this man than I am right now.
"can I think about it?"
"of course."
"didn't you guys hear Gray resigned unexpectedly last night?" A female coworker gossips to Stella and myself.
Of course we knew the truth.
If I thought Stella was mad about Jensen, she was furious about Gray.
I sighed walking in to his office, memories of yesterday replaying in my head. I wasn't sure if I was still going to have a job after all of this. Gray appointed me senior editor, but now I'm realizing that was just part of his sick ploy. If they knew the real reason he left, I was definitely a conflict of interest.
The head of HR Bonnie was frantically looking around his desk. She glanced up at me before quickly glancing back down.
"oh good, just the person I wanted to see." Bonnie said rummaging through papers on his desk.
Here it comes. I'm fired. I knew it.
"Gray resigned last night, no word why, he's got a meeting today with the owner of the magazine and you're probably the only one who knows his stuff." Bonnie said in a rush.
I felt a sigh of relief. They didn't know.
"so I'm not fired?" I blurted out, before I could stop myself.
"why would you be fired?" Bonnie asked stopping her searching to gaze at me.
"It's just uh, Gray appointed me this position so I didn't know if.." I started my lie, but I couldn't think of how to finish.
I was thankful that Bonnie was too distracted to break down what I was actually saying.
"quite the opposite actually, I need you to temporarily fill in for Gray at today's meeting." Bonnie said handing me a stack of papers.
I realized it was the draft for this months magazine.
"wait you want me to fill in?" I asked shocked.
"you're right that's too much and..."
"no I'll do it." I said quickly.
Gray stole a part of me, now I was taking it back.
I breathed a shaky sigh as I walked in to the conference room. All of the executives were there making small talk. I gave a small smile, informing them I'd be filling in for Gray today. I listened to the men talk over each other as they were discussing the essential items to put in this months magazine. I was a little timid, being the only woman in the room.
"maybe we need to be featuring some new voices." I spoke barely above a whisper.
Suddenly all eyes were on me.
"I mean people are going to get tired of the same stale material, but we have plenty of reporters who write amazing articles if we took the time to sift through them I think we could reach more people." I explained, suddenly finding my voice.
"that's ridiculous." one of the men said rolling his eyes.
"no, that's smart, I love it." David, the CEO of our company said.
I could feel eyes on me as the meeting wrapped up. I went to grab the papers when David stood in front of me.
"what did you say your job was again?" He asked.
"oh uh I was just filling in for Gray, I'm just a photographer, and I edited the photographs."
"hm, well how about you permanently fill in for Gray?" David said smiling.
"wait you want me to be the chief editor?" I asked, not believing what was happening to me.
"I do, and your first job is to find me some new voices." David said giving me a nod.
"to the new chief editor." Jensen said raising his wine glass.
"you didn't have anything to do with this did you?" I asked giving him a look.
"no sweetheart that was all you."
"sorry, it's just I don't really believe it myself." I laughed clanking my wine glass against his.
"well believe it, that was all pure talent from you."
"it's just that people are talking." I sighed.
"who cares, let them talk, because you earned it." Jensen smiled.
our waiter brought the check over to our table. I quickly grabbed it so he couldn't pay the bill.
"gotta be quicker than that Ackles." I laughed handing it to the waiter.
He shook his head before grabbing my hand and bringing it up to his lips to place a tender kiss on it. I felt the butterflies erupting in my stomach. I gazed at him lovingly, but suddenly something caught my eye.
It was her.
The girl.
"what is it?" Jensen asked, noticing my change in demeanor.
I took my eyes off the girl to glance at Jensen, however when I glanced back she was gone again. I felt like I was going crazy. I swear I saw her a second ago.
"uh, a couple days ago, there was this girl outside my work, she knew my name, but it seemed like she knew more than that." I said feeling a chill run down my spine.
"you know we should go get you a dress before all the shops close." Jensen said, avoiding the conversation.
"you know something don't you?"
"I don't know anything, probably just some crazy fan girl who saw you with me and is trying to get close to me." He shrugged it off, grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door.
"okay two things, one that was very pretentious of you, and two I thought we said no more secrets."
"It's not a secret."
"and you're a terrible liar." I glared.
He took a deep breath knowing he'd been caught.
"Riley..., we fooled around a couple years ago." Jensen started to explain.
He was hesitant to continue but I urged him on.
"what happened with her?"
"what alway happened, she wanted more, I didn't. I broke it off, and she was devastated....I mean she eventually ended up getting married, but her husband left her, and now she's convinced we were meant to be together." He said taking a deep breath before continuing.
"In uh California, the day on the boat when I took the call, she uh showed up to one of my ale houses and slit her wrists trying to get my attention, it nearly gave my patrons a heart attack, my guys have been looking for her ever since, the girl needs help she's unstable." Jensen explained.
"oh my god Jensen, you didn't think this would be something worth mentioning to me!?"
"I didn't want you to worry about it."
"I thought we weren't going to keep secrets anymore, this seems like a pretty major thing to be keeping from me!"
"I thought I was protecting you." He said putting a hand to my cheek but I moved back a step letting it fall.
"well you see how that worked out cause she's clearly found me." I said feeling a little frightened.
If she was that unstable, who knew what she was capable of.
"I won't let you get hurt." Jensen said pulling me in to a hug.
I let him, wanting his comfort.
"I'm not going to let her hurt you." Jensen said kissing my temple.
I looked in the mirror one last time, soothing out the silk midnight blue evening gown.
It really was beautiful.
I tried on many different ones before settling on this one. It was simple, but elegant, kind of how I would describe myself. I didn't need some thousand dollar dress, of course Jensen didn't let me pay anyways.
As the cashier was ringing me up, Jensen swiped his credit card before I could even get mine out.
"gotta be quicker than that (L/N)." He smirked mocking me from earlier.
I smiled at the memory.
It was the night of the ball and I was a bundle of nerves. It's been a whirlwind of a week, from being promoted to the new chief editor, to finding out there's a crazy girl out to get me.
"wow." I heard a voice call from the doorway.
I turned around to see Jensen standing clad in a royal blue suit. He looked breathtaking, the blue bringing out the color of his eyes.
"wow yourself." I smiled.
"you look beautiful." Jensen said.
I smiled, turning back towards the mirror. Jensen came up behind me, kissing my neck.
"so. fucking. beautiful." he whispered between kisses.
I choked back a moan, cocking my head to the side so he'd have better access.
"mm as much as I want to rip this dress off of you, I believe we have a ball to attend." Jensen smiled.
I let him lead me outside, but was shocked to find Cole standing in front of a limo.
"Jensen this is too much." I said laughing while offering Cole a smile.
"only the best for my lady." Jensen smirked.
Jensen and I sipped on champagne as we traveled.
Sometimes I felt like I was truly living in a dream, like one day I would wake up and find out that I had some serious head trauma from my fall and that none of this was actually real.
I didn't realize how quiet I was being until Jensen spoke up.
"what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Jensen asked, tucking a piece of stray hair behind my ears.
"just that all of this feels like a dream, you feel like a dream."
Jensen smiled, scooting a little closer to me. He placed a hand on my cheek, stroking my cheekbone with his thumb.
"It's not a dream, I'm real baby, this is real."
I stared at the handsome man before me, and before I could stop it, the words fell from my lips.
"Jensen I love you."
I could see that he was taken back for a second.
"I don't expect you to say it back, not until you feel comfortable, I just wanted to let you know." I quickly explained.
although I was dying for him to say it back, I wouldn't say so.
"(y/n) I..."
"HERE" Cole shouted as the limo slowed down.
Of course.
Jensen smiled at me, as Cole opened the door offering me his hand. I grabbed it letting him help me out of the limo. Jensen got out after me, offering me his arm.
"your masks Mr. Ackles." Cole said opening a brief case revealing two masquerade type masks.
I gave him a look, the smile already finding it's way to my face.
"oh didn't I mention this was a masquerade ball?" Jensen smirked putting on his mask before helping me tie mine.
"no that never came up." I laughed.
Jensen finished tying the mask, once again offering me his arm. I linked his arm with mine, letting him lead me through the crowd of people. I noticed a couple guys in all black suits following us.
"I'm guessing these guys belong to you?" I asked.
"just extra security.. I told you, I'm not going to let you get hurt." He assured.
"you won't even know they're here." He added.
Somehow I doubted that, but I didn't want to ruin our night. I saw eyes glance our way as we made our way through the masked individuals.
"everyone is looking at us." I told Jensen suddenly feeling a little insecure.
"not us, you... you're the prettiest girl here tonight." Jensen flirted.
I rolled my eyes playfully slapping his shoulder.
It was elegant in here, everyone was dressed up, donning masks so we couldn't tell who was who. It was a magical moment, something I could only dream about growing up. A body stopped in front of us, and by the sheer size of it I could tell right away that it was Jared.
"I'm so sorry man, I didn't know she would be here." Jared quickly rushes out.
He turns around gazing in the direction of a blonde girl in a formfitting red dress. Even with a mask on I could tell she was beautiful. I glance at Jensen and notice that his entire demeanor has changed. He was no longer smiling, instead he looked like a lost, sad soul. I felt a burning in my chest as I asked the question that was weighing heavily on my mind.
"is that..."
Author Note:
I'm so sorry ya'll, I really be the annoying ass cliffhanger author. I have to keep you coming back for more though! I'm also sorry it's a shorter update, but we're really getting in to the thick of it now! I really hope you're enjoying, thanks so much for all the love already, please keep continuing to heart, comment, reblog, and follow, it makes us authors want to continue! I love you all!
Part (XII)
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truly-morgan · 1 year
[XianCheng helped by YLLZ (18+)]
ChengXian | Mo Dao Zu Shi 03-03-2022
[#xiancheng  feat yllz, nsfw]
what if jc and wwx were already a thing in their teenage years? of course, teen hormones kick in, and they have some steamy time behind everyone's back.
but neither of them are experienced and jc is a bit scared to really say that sometimes it doesn't really feel that good, as much as wwx tries his best.
then one day something unexpected and weird happened.
they were on a night hunt when they stumbled on a man looking a lot like wwx. Both teens were quickly on guard, unsure of what was happening, suspicious of the man who seemingly recognised them immediately.
It took some fighting and yllx!wwx telling something one they would know and even some of wwx secrets for them to believe him.
jc was still a bit sceptical, seeing how the man was using such unorthodox ways of fighting, yet wwx was only fascinated by his story of how he got there as he was tinkering on some invention.
They all went to an inn, as it was agreed to hide this older version of wwx until the man find a way to return it he's timeline. jc would lie if he said it wasn't nice seeing wwx so excited as he helped his older self work on something.
But also seeing how strong and even more ingenious wwx seem to be later. He nearly asks more than once what his older self looks like, but keeps himself from doing so, scared of the answer.
but once they are alone at night again, wwx is ready to be naughty and come onto jc who is happy to now have his full attention, not without scolding him at first about the other wwx being next door ("he went out to drink" he replied to him).
and so they go on like usual, wwx still being a bit rough sometimes even when he tries his best. he is about to ask jc how he is doing when he sees him frown like this, clearly gritting his teeth.
"Poor a-cheng, looking so uncomfortable, is your shixiong still so bad after so long?"
This makes both teen freeze, jc clenching hard on wwx who curses and pulls out the little he had put in. jc hide against his lovers, beet red at being found out as wwx glares at his older self.
the yllz was lazily leaning on the wall, drinking some wine he watched them, making them wonder for how long exactly e had been there watching in silence.
they were both a bit unsure when he walked to them, taking off his outer robes, leaving only a thin inner robe on.
"Does it hurt when a-xian gets in?" the man asks jc, sitting nonchalantly behind jc, leaning over him with a smirk. this makes wwx want to pull jc closer to him and away from himself. it feels weird to be defensive of himself.
jc takes a moment before nodding a little bit, not meeting wwx's eyes when he called out to him, surprised. "Why didn't you tell me?!" he asked. jc can't bring himself to say he was scared wwx would simply leave if he couldn't do it.
the yllz simply hummed sadly, moving to instead be sitting next to wwx who was still kneeling between his shidi's legs, taking a small bottle out of his robe.
he ignore his younger self's protest when he slowly made it drip on jc's entrance, adding to the nearly non-existent oil already here. "You have to be careful, you need to use a lot of oil to make sure he won't get hurt," he says close to wwx hear, the teen looking at the now slippery ass. jc could only blush at being looked at like this by the two of them.
"Did he prepare you" the older man ask jc, the young man nodding. "was it long?". this time he got a negative reply, making him ts-ts his young self. "You have to be patient or else jc won't want to be with you anymore".
this seemed to be enough to make wwx quite being mad he was being humiliated like this. Would jc really live him if he couldn't get better? he didn't want that.
he was quickly guided to jc's entrance again, his fingers teasing the rim at first before being encouraged to put two inside of him again. he followed attentively the instruction given to him, moving around like he was told. he was able to soon add more in as jc was relaxing, the oil clearly helping and making everything more slippery.
wwx was startled by a louder moan made by jc, stopping his fear of having hurt him, looking up at his shidi putting a hand over his mouth at the sound he made, flustered.
"oh~ you finally found his pleasure point" yllz hummed, "keep massaging that place, he will love it".
wwx wasn't sure at first, but kept doing it slowly, until he realised jc seemed to indeed be liking it, now doing it more enthusiastically. it was the first time jc seemed to be enjoying himself so much aside from when they were giving each other's handjobs.
he kept going until he made him cum, looking in amazement at how he managed to make jc cum like this.
"look at you, coming so good for him" the older man praised, making jc blush, "Do you want him now?"
"Yes please, I want a-xian in me now, stop teasing me" jc begged, leg weakly trying to pull his shixiong closer to him. wwx couldn't refuse such an invitation, especially with how painfully hard he was after hearing jc moan like this and look so good.
he was careful when sliding in, amazed at how much more easy it was and happy to not see jc's usual frown. soon he started moving in and out of him, bending down to kiss his shidi and loop his arm around his neck, keeping him close.
wwx was a bit startled when he felt his hand move his hips a little, angling him differently, only to have jc moan even more against his lips, making him realise he was hitting the same place as before.
he kept going roughly as jc kept asking him to be faster and deeper, only stopping once he came deep inside jc, panting heavily above his shidi.
wwx was startled again when he felt something being dumped on his ass, finger teasing him.
"Hey, what are you doing" he barked back at his older self, feeling himself being pushed forward a bit more once jc had sat up a little, his head in his shidi's lap.
he felt a body above him, finger still teasing him a voice sounded close to his ear "Look at our little chengcheng, still painfully hard too, don't you want to help him? I am sure he also wants to experience you"
this made wwx stop fighting against him, looking up at jc who was blushing, looking to the side. "Does a-cheng want to be on top?" he asked.
"I... would like to try" he admitted. wwx was quiet for a moment, then nodded, "Anything for my a-cheng then" he smile. he was a bit nervous, but really if it was for jc he could do anything.
he did tense a bit when he felt fingers getting in, trying to relax.
he decided to distract himself by grabbing jc's cock, deciding to suck on it. his shidi was surprised at first, as it was something he hadn't really let jc do since he thought it was dirty. yet there was nothing to really stop him, and it did feel really good.
he had to keep himself from coming too, looking at wwx who was shivering and moaning at what his older self was doing to him, making jc a bit jealous. he gently pushed him away, moving behind him.
the yllz didn't fight and step aside, watching the little shidi take over.
he was clearly more skilled with his hands and fingers, picking up quickly on how to pleasure wwx correctly. "A-cheng I want it now" wwx ended up asking after too long of being teased like this from behind, hip swaying a little bit.
the young man looked a bit unsure, but he felt a larger body behind him guiding him around. "Don't worry, he will love it" he heard whispered against his ear. he blushed at the sudden closeness, but instead focused on wwx. he was careful when he went in, cursing at how tight wwx was around him, hands on his hips, stopping him from moving around too much. wwx was surprised by the sensation, surprising himself by how much he liked it and how much more he wanted. he tried moving around, only to receive a slap on his ass, making him whine. "Don't hesitate to punish him if he doesn't obey you".
the older man said, having clearly understood that jc wanted to take it a bit more slowly. jc had been surprised by his moan, feeling him shake around him, even wwx seemed surprised by his moan of pleasure after the slap.
jc couldn't help but shot a glance toward the yllz. the man obviously understood what wwx like as it was also himself. this made him realise that it meant the man also liked this kind of treatment. he could only imagine this tall man moaning under an older version of himself while being punished for being disobedient.
it aroused him quite a lot actually, the idea of them in the future still being like this, wwx pliant under his hands, finally being an obedient boy.
he tentatively slapped wwx again when his shixiong tried to move again, something in his eyes flashing at the moan he gained from it.
soon he started fucking into wwx, every now and then slapping his ass when he wouldn't listen to him, like when he tried jerking himself off for example when he asked him not to do so.
soon they were completely lost in their own bubble, fucking like rabbits after learning just how good it could really be in the proper way.
They completely missed how the yllz was suddenly engulfed by a dark cloud, making him chuckle a little bit.
he thought it was too soon, but he did have enough fun, now he could go home, leaving these two to enjoy themselves.
next time he opened his eyes he was being held by familiar eyes, a cute frowning face looking back at him.
"How many times do I have to tell you to be careful when you do experience like this!" slj scolded him, helping him sit down on the side of the bed.
he then noticed how little robe he was wearing and the rather obvious tent in his pants.
"How shameless, do you dare cheat on me now?" he asked.
this made wwx chuckle, purposefully letting his robe slide off his shoulder. "I helping a little a-cheng and a little a-xian to be better lovers to each other" he replied.
"But I wouldn't mind letting my dear sect leader punish me for being away from him and behaving naughtily again" he cooed as jc put a knee on the bed between his legs, pushing him down.
"You better be ready for a good punishment then, I am not letting you go anytime soon" jc replied with a smirk, hand snaking until his undone robe as he bent down to kiss him.
well, this ended up being a switch xiancheng / chengxian I guess. the boys just enjoying themselves with a bit of help. also, this is a timeline where yllz!wwx stayed by jc's side and our dear purple sect leader didn't allow him to run away
we like some slight dom/sub dynamic where wwx is ready to submit only to his shidi
yllz!wwx has clearly awoken something in the young couple
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llycaons · 1 year
ep33 (3/3): lwj earring indulgence
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people rarely make wwx as self-possessed or confident as he is in canon. I'll read fic where he's like 'lan zhan I am so sorry for breathing in your direction thank you so much for giving me a square mat to sleep on I promise to behave' and he'll be SO insecure and hesitant when that's really not him! for the most part he doesn't shy away from confronting lwj or getting into his business
it's just that lwj doesn't tell him shit bc he doesn't want wwx to feel obligated to lwj which is a great impulse but wwx also likes knowing how much people care about him so it's a bit of double-edged sword?
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they're helpfully reminding us that this kid's name is yuan too
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this made me laugh so hard. he's standing there with his ORIGINAL FACE in his classic black robes and red ponytale, playing a flute, and he thinks playing badly is a disguise? and THEN lwj gets mad at him for fumbling their song lmao
but wwx needn't have bothered bc lqr didn't realize anyway due to being comatose. until wwx woke him up with his bad flute playing
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lqr having such a strong reaction to a flute is funny bc was he even on the front lines in sunshot? they said he didn't leave the mountain very often and it's not like he's a warrior. he's probably never seen wwx play
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one of his top expressions
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lwj is quite strict with lsz, in his own way. not in an aggressive way, but VERY expectant of obedience
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there's one single female disciple here and she stayed in the back the entire conversation before coming forward for the water basin. what, are female disciples servants who are only used for healing?
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this looks so cool. green suits wwx really well honestly
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perhaps I have been unfair to lsz given how annoying his character is in fanfics and how obvious of a plot device he is. but he's a nice boy, and to my surprise he's also smart!! look at him thinking through problems!
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encouraging to see wwx express sentiments that before his death, he really needed someone to tell him
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coming back, I think he's become in a certain sense resigned to the things in his life that happened. no use getting angry or upset over them, some things you just can't change. and this is really sad, but it's also, hopefully, indicative of a more healthy mindset in his second life
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"I naturally trust you' and that's what he needs to hear, baby
also seeing them standing together makes those 'huge top' fics so funny. they are literally almost exactly the same body type and build. no lwj is not a head taller. no he is not built like a brick shithouse, his hands are not large enough to encircle wwx's waist. if anything he is slightly taller and more slight in build, where wwx is slightly bulkier. but I think his height is because of his heeled boots
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damn the jingshi is really so nice. I love hat porch area and the bridge over there.
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right after wwx said 'it's pointing at the person who told it to commit crimes' ljy jumped and then glared at wwx haha
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omg HORSES! I didn't know they used horses! wwx bouncing like a bobblehead hehe. and all the fics insisting he only uses little apple
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HANGUANG-JUN PIERCED EARS SHOT. taking this to headcanon that lwj wears earrings. let lej be a little gnc. as a treat.
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this was such a strange moment. lwj walked off and left wwx behind entirely. why???
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oh and this was funny. this guy seling ugly portraits that wwx took offense to
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this kid kicked a civilian in the chest for saying the name 'wei wuxian' in public. he might have already been sensitive and prone to fights, but clearly his parenting has been ABYSMAL
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by 'his uncle' he is talking about jc. btw. I originally thought he was referring to himself, but it just makes more sense. ha.
I hate the fairy scene possible more than any other scene in this show. why is his face so comedically twisted? why is his running so stupid-looking? unbelievable that this happened in the same episode that made me cry my eyes out
personal highlights
oh the rite of spring was INSPIRED
all of wwx's crying this episode. all of it. beautiful
cgi sword stabbing a hand my beloved <3 <3 <3
lwj's broken little 'wei ying' at the very end
everything about the jingshi opening scene. the music. the lighting. the atmosphere. the calm
wwx seeing his younger and more innocent self frolic about. as stated, I was inconsolable. I've always liked it but after today, it's going to be a very special scene to me
lwj's sexy whip scars and mysterious chest brand. can't help it. I love them. and wwx's seriousness and care during that scene was really nice too
lqr being roused by bad flute music, yelling at them to stop, then slipping into a coma and wwx sitting there like 😬 'whoops' with that funny face
wwx sitting with the bamboo background looking all cool
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vrishchikawrites · 3 years
You know what would be interesting?
JC never lost his golden Core.
And Wei Wuxian did not lose his.
But he still gets dropped into the Burial Mounds. And like I dunno how, but he comes out of there having mastered the new form of cultivation.
Jiang Cheng acts like a dick that's par for cannon. And this Wei Wuxian who has survived the burial Mounds with his golden core intact has no time for his drama.
He definitely confesses to Lan Wangji o ce he is out of the burial mounds.
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji in the Sunshot campain would be brilliant. Cultivating and * *wink wink nudge nudge* * dual cultivating.
JC is seething with jelousy. He has everything. The gentry name, the money and sect leadership but the whole world is only speaking about Wei Wuxian and his like awesome cultivation. Both the sword style and with his flute.
Wen Qing and Wen Ning- Wen Ning convinces his sister to join the war. Wen Ning wants to be on Wei Wuxian's side.
What would JC throw a tantrum over if he doesn't have anything to throw a tantrum over??
Like for example he blames Wei Wuxian for Lotus Pier burning. Obviously it's not his mistake. But one day he is yelling at Wei Wuxian about it and sect leader someone maybe XiChen, maybe Sect leader Nie. Whoever. Comes and like defends Wei Wuxian.
What would he do then faced with the facts? Cling all the more to his warped world view? Or apologize?
It will be interesting to see.
You don't have to take this prompt if it's too messy or whatever. I love you and your writing.
Also, thank you for choosing to write my previous prompt.
(this is a little similar to trapped and patient but also quite different. Hope you like it! The format is a bit different because this is a lot of time to cover in a short prompt)
When he stumbles out of the Burial Mounds, Wei Wuxian is stunned. He can't believe he made it, that he was able to survive it, without his sword.
Wei Wuxian walks forward shakily, one unsteady step at a time, putting distance between him and that wretched place.
He feels weak, drained, devastated in small ways.
But he is free.
Yiling offers shelter in unexpected ways. He's able to hide in a temple to recover. His condition is wretched enough that he's mistaken for a beggar. A few people take pity on him and offer fruits and buns.
It takes him a week.
That's all it takes for him to recover.
Wei Wuxian washes all traces of Burial Mounds off him, soaks in icy river water for hours on end until he feels purified and reforged.
Now, he's ready for revenge.
Wei Wuxian has only tried his cultivation method on the dead. He has used it to repel the fierce corpses, fierce ghosts, and spirits soaked in resentment.
When he tests the method on the Wens, it proves to be even more effective. They scramble like mindless beasts, driven by fear and confusion. The sounds of his Dizi pierce the air and induce madness.
He watches from a distance, indifferent as the Wens turn on each other, swinging their swords, shouting at phantoms, all sense and intellect gone.
He turns away.
Jiang Cheng's arms wrap around him and the fog around his mind starts to slowly recede. He stands stiffly, blinking a little before looking beyond his martial brother.
Lan Zhan is there, staring at him with wide eyes. There's so much open concern on his usually stoic face that Wei Wuxian wants to turn away.
"Wei Ying,"
It is only then, under the power of that golden gaze, that his fugue state dissipates. He sees Lan Zhan step forward, almost reaching out only to pull back at the last moment.
Jiang Cheng pushes him away and punches his shoulder, "Where have you been? How dare you abandon us and just frolic off somewhere?"
Wei Wuxian swalllows with difficulty and answers their questions with his habitual dismissive charm.
But that honest expression of open concern on Lan Zhan's beautiful face doesn't leave.
He meets those golden eyes and feels something shift within him.
Shaking his head, he dismisses the feeling. There's no time for sentimental reunions. He turns his attention towards Wen Chao, unsheathes his sword, and kills him in one clean strike.
There. Done.
The war is already in full swing by the time he joins it. His martial brother and Lan Zhan are quick to take him to Qinghe, not even letting him ride his own sword.
"Wei-gongzi, I'm happy to see you safe," Lan Xichen greets, running a discreet eye over him. The older Lan brother's concern is well hidden but Wei Wuxian senses it nevertheless.
The man looks like he's just about ready to banish him to the healing halls.
He opens his mouth to reassure Lan Xichen but Nie Mingjue intervenes, slapping his back solidly, "I hear you're responsible for the devastation at Yiling. Good work!"
Wei Wuxian smiles brightly, hoping to banish that increasingly familiar look from Lan Zhan's face. "Thank you, Nie-zongzhu." He smiles up at the man, "I can give you a full report of what happened if you wish it."
The Chifeng-zun's expression shifts into one of approval and he nods, "I do wish it."
"I would like to know as well, if you don't mind," Lan Xichen says and Nie Mingjue nods before he glances at Lan Zhan.
He chuckles, "Lan er-gonzi can join us as well."
Wei Wuxian doesn't realize he's been spending more time with the Lan brothers and Nie Mingjue until Jiang Cheng angrily points it out.
"You're too good for us, are you?" He demands, "Abandoning us in favor of your new friends! Even in the battlefield, you and Lan Wangji are inseparable! Have some shame! How dare you abandon your responsibilities and mess around with that man?"
"a-Cheng," Shijie reprimands gently but her voice is weak.
"Aiya, Jiang Cheng, who keeps track of such things amidst a war? They're all our allies. It's not like I have abandoned everyone." He still trains with the Jiang disciples and leads them in battle after all.
"Wei Wuxian!"
"Jiang Cheng," His voice makes his irritation clear, "Is this really the right time to worry about such trivial matters? Who cares about appearances during war? Are were not all one when on the battlefield?" He asks, narrowing his eyes on the furious Jiang, "We don't know whether we'll live or die when we ride out and you're concerned about who fights alongside me? Just who are you speaking of?"
"Who I am speaking of?" Jiang Cheng snaps in return, "Your obsession with that man is unseemly and reflects poorly on the sect! You know it and yet you carry on shamelessly-"
"My obsession?" He demands, "Just what are you trying to imply, Jiang Cheng? You're going to be a brat just because Lan Zhan happens to be the only one able to keep up with me?" It is no secret that his three month stint sharpened his cultivation in ways people find hard to fathom. He didn’t just develop a new cultivation method, he grew. Surviving the Burial Mounds is a feet beyond the skill and endurance of most cultivators. 
Wei Wuxian has earned his already formidable reputation.
Jiang Cheng reels back at the reminder, his face twisting with rage.
Never let it be said that Wei Wuxian takes things lying down. He has spent a lifetime appeasing Jiang Cheng and dealing with his insecurities.
He no longer has the patience.
He reaches out instinctively, pulling Lan Zhan out of a blade's path, spinning around to block the strike with his bare arm.
His thick leather brace manages to minimize the damage and he doesn't lose his arm but it is a near thing.
With a hiss, he crowds against Lan Zhan and brings Suibian down in a sharp slash, cutting the Wen before him from left shoulder to right hip.
"Reckless." Lan Zhan says later as he carefully stitches the cut.
"I couldn't let you get hurt." Wei Wuxian says softly, peering down at the kneeling figure before him. He has seen Lan Zhan in various states of indignity, covered in blood, robes soaked in the disgusting sludge of a war-torn field.
Nothing diminishes his beauty.
Wei Wuxian's heart races, his head spinning as he smells the scent of sandalwood. He swallows as Lan Zhan shifts closer, carefully snipping the excess thread and studying his neat stitches.
This close, he feels overwhelmed and realization dawns.
"I love you," He breathes, stunned.
He loves Lan Zhan. The knowledge strikes him now, suddenly, without warning. "How did I not know?" Wei Wuxian feels strangely dazed. How could he not know? It is so obvious to him, his constant need for Lan Zhan's attention, "I hate it when you ignore me." The feeling of those snapping golden eyes on him when he finally manages to gain Lan Zhan's attention, "It's thrilling when you don't."
He has never met anyone more beautiful, "I find you better looking than any maiden." Lan Zhan's proximity now makes him feel-, "Breathless," He says, "When I'm close to you I feel- how did I miss-"
Lan Zhan grip is like vice around his wrist.
Wei Wuxian stops, going pale as he realizes how brazenly he had just confessed love to a man. If Jiang Cheng were here, he'd definitely gut him with Sandu, "Lan Zhan, I-"
Lan Zhan surges forward, eyes blazing and expression dark.
Warm lips slide over his and his mind goes silent.
He doesn't think a single thought that night.
War doesn't wait for anyone and Wei Wuxian doesn't say anything in protest when Lan Zhan pulls away from him. He watches with heavy eyes as Lan Zhan shrugs on his discarded outer robes and glances at him.
"Is your body alright?" He asks and Wei Wuxian feels a blush crawl up his neck.
“No! Of course it isn’t,“ He complains even though his body is buzzing with lingering pleasure. He pouts up at Lan Zhan, who studies him with careful golden eyes, “Really, going on and on, taking your pleasure without any care for my virgin body.“ Lan Zhan’s ears are delightfully red, “Who knew er-gege could be so bold?“
“Wei Ying,“ Lan Zhan’s expression is flat but his voice carries a hint of a waver. Wei Wuxian just grins in response, “Be serious.“
In all honesty, his body is already back to its regular state of being. His Golden Core is still spinning furiously and the lingering energy from Dual Cultivation has healed any aches and pains he might have. 
“Fine,“ He says in a petulant tune, inwardly delighted that Lan Zhan is now his, “But er-gege must kiss me to make me feel better.”
Lan Zhan doesn’t hesitate, leaning over him and gently tipping his chin up for the demanded kiss. 
Wei Wuxian sighs, sinking into it as a curtain of silken black hair forms a private cocoon around him. 
The war ends but Wei Wuxian’s problems don’t end with it. Three issues stand before him; helping the Wen remnants, helping rebuild YunmengJiang, and figuring out how to marry Lan Zhan. 
One obstacle stands in the way of two of these three goals. Jiang Cheng absolutely refuses to lift a finger to help the Wen remnants, even though Wen Qing’s assistance helped them win the war. Jin Guangyao may have killed Wen Ruohan but Wen Qing prevented thousands of casualties.
Wen Ning was also responsible for rescuing Jiang Cheng from the Wen capture before he lost his Golden Core. It was fortunate that Wen Zhuliu had been called to visit Wen Ruohan and Wen Chao had to wait to enact that punishment. 
Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian managed to steal Jiang Cheng away just hours before Wen Zhuliu returned.
And yet, Jiang Cheng chooses to side with the Jins on the matter instead of listening to Lan Xichen or Nie Mingjue. Wei Wuxian knows it is partly because their sister is marrying into the Jin clan and they can’t afford to make things difficult for her, but still.
Jin Zixuan will obviously protect shijie. There’s no need to be so cautious, especially if three out of four sects oppose imposing any sort of punishment on innocent people. 
On a personal front, Jiang Cheng’s disapproval of his relationship with Lan Zhan is blatant.
Jiang Cheng can’t really stop Wei Wuxian from marrying whoever he wishes. He doens’t need the sect leader’s permission as he’s not really the member of the family. But his shidi is making things difficult with his sneering disapproval and contemptuous comments in public.  
He has already alienated Lan Xichen completely by calling Lan Zhan’s honor in question (boy did he earn the punch Wei Wuxian had leveled at him - sect leader or no). Nie Mingjue will never side with some upstart over Lan Xichen. 
Lan Zhan himself doesn’t care. He has never liked Jiang Cheng and he never will. He only retaliates when Jiang Cheng tries to attack Wei Wuxian. 
His protective er-gege as no tolerance for anyone trying to harm him.
Which is what, ultimately, breaks Wei Wuxian’s ties with YunmengJiang. 
The confrontation is embarrassingly public. He doesn’t mind Lan Xichen or Nie Mingjue being present but feels upset about Jin Guangshan and Jin Guangyao being there as well. 
“Twin Prides of Yungmeng, isn’t that what you promised me?“ Jiang Cheng demands, “Where will your pride be if you break all of your promises and get into...” He waves his hand at Lan Zhan in disgust, “Is this how you intend to repay us? My father raised you to be the Head Disciple of the Jiang Sect and you would rather be some sort of deviant?“
“Jiang Cheng-“
“And you would side with the Wen dogs too! Was this always your intention? Did you always want to bring down my sect and support its enemies?” 
“The Wen remnants have helped us. They’re not our enemies.“
“They’re not our enemies now,“ Jin Guanyao interjects calmly, his voice soothing and patient, “But surely you see that it may not remain so? We cannot risk another war.”
“They’re barely a few hundred people and we have already taken most of their resources. They’ll live as poor peasants. How can they be a threat to us?“ Wei Wuxian asks. 
“You’re indeed naïve, Wei-gongzi,“ Jin Guangshan says in a gentle, placating tone, “Perhaps your fondness for Wen-guniang is making you turn a blind eye. Beautiful women have a tendency to do that.“ He chuckles indulgently.
The sly implication in his tone isn’t lost on anyone. Lan Zhan’s expression turns frosty and Wei Wuxian feels a surge of fury strong enough to make his blood boil. There are so many things wrong with that statement that Wei Wuxian, for once, is rendered speechless.
“You question the honor of Wei Wuxian of all people?“ Nie Mingjue demands, taking a step forward, “I have stayed silent because Jiang Sect business isn’t my business but I will not have you slander and belittle a proven warrior in my presence!“
“Indeed,“ Lan Xichen says calmly but there’s no mistaking the sharp look in his eyes. Lan Xichen rarely reacts to provocations or interferes in sect matters that don’t concern him. But he’s not going to let anyone upset his younger brother carelessly, “The matter of the Wens is easy to resolve. Let us give them a small piece of land, let them set up a village, and forbid cultivation among them.“
“Er-ge,“ Jin Guangyao begins but Lan Zhan is out of patience. 
He steps back and bows to all assembled before placing a hand on Wei Wuxian’s back, “Wei Ying will choose his own path. Wens will remain free. Wei Ying and I will marry.“ He meets Jiang Cheng’s furious gaze, “Jiang-zongzhu must decide whether his brother’s happiness matters to him.“
Wei Wuxian winces. 
“My brother’s happiness?“ Jiang Cheng demands, “All everyone has ever cared about is his happiness! What about me? What about our Sect? A sect he nearly destroyed because of his loyalty towards you.“ Jiang Cheng looks at him, “Did you forget my mother? My father? How do you intend to repay the enormous debt you carry, Wei Wuxian?“
Wei Wuxian stares back at him, “What is my repayment, Jiang Cheng?” He asks softly, “What will it take for you to consider that debt repaid?” It has been over five years since the fall of Lotus Pier. Wei Wuxian has bled and slogged through war to restore that place to its former glory. He has kept Jiang Cheng safe, helped renegotiate shijie’s marriage, and used his name to draw skilled cultivators to YungmengJiang. 
What more can he give? 
“Loyalty.“ He stills, “You devote your life to YungmengJiang and nothing else.“
Lan Xichen makes a faint, alarmed noise while Nie Mingjue huffs in disapproval. 
Wei Wuxian takes a deep breath, feeling Lan Zhan’s fingers flex on his back. He levels a flat look at Jiang Cheng and thinks on the matter of debts. He thinks about Madam Yu’s refusal to bend, of Jiang-zongzhu’s passivity and lack of planning. He thinks about the Wen’s unprovoked attack on Cloud Recesses and the inevitability of war. 
He thinks of his Lan Zhan and shijie’s Jin Zixuan, without swords and facing an armed group of Wens under Wen Chao’s orders. 
He thinks of love. Of what it means to be truly, unconditionally loved. 
No sorrys and no thank yous. No debt owed for simply being a part of someone’s life. 
He thinks of acceptance that comes with an older brother’s amused smile. He thinks of an uncle’s gruff admonishment to behave followed by a stiff reminder to eat, you’re skin and bones already. 
He takes a deep breath and decides. 
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sincerelystranger · 4 years
authors note: jin ling and his uncles get drunk and find out why JC was blacklisted by all female cultivators
It doesn’t happen every month, and it’s not like planned or anything, but every couple of months, with no rhyme or reason, both of Jin Ling’s uncles will come to Koi Tower at the same time.
Jiang Cheng comes armed with Yunmeng wine and weak excuses as to why he’s suddenly shown up and Wei Wuxian will come with a crate of Emperor’s Smile and no excuse at all – just a huge smile and a hug and stupid words like: “I missed you!”
Jin Ling doesn’t really say anything when they suddenly show up like this. He just orders the kitchen to bring out two bottles of Lanling wine and to prepare uncle Jiang’s favorite assortment of nuts and uncle Wei’s preferred dried and spiced sliced brisket
When all of his orders are prepared and Jin Ling and his uncles are sat around the table in Jin Ling’s room, they place all the bottles of alcohol on the table and proceed to get rip roaring drunk.
It shouldn’t be a good time – it really shouldn’t. Jiang Cheng is ornery on the best of days, and alcohol does not mellow him out, like, at all, and drunk Wei Wuxian only gets (if possible) more annoying, and Jin Ling usually spends more than half the night just mediating between his two uncles, but…
But Jin Ling looks forward to these nights more than he’d ever care to admit.
Because even though most nights, Jin Ling ends up having to act as a physical barrier between his two uncles so they don’t kill each other (or more so that Jiang Cheng doesn’t kill Wei Wuxian), there are some nights like these…
Nights where they’re all laid out on the floor, staring dizzily up at the ceiling, just…
Just enjoying each other’s company.
It’s… nice.
“This is nice,” Jin Ling says, feeling warm and dizzy and a little fuzzy around the edges.
“Mm, yeah,” Wei Wuxian sighs above him, or maybe next to him – Jin Ling can’t really tell.
“What’s so nice about laying on the floor?” Jiang Cheng scoffs – but he’s laid out on the floor too so Jin Ling doesn’t really understand what he means.
“Understanding the niceness of laying on the floor is one of the things you’ll have to learn if you ever want to reach nirvana, Jiang Cheng,” Wei Wuxian says sagely.
“As if you even know what nirvana means,” Jiang Cheng grumbles.
Jin Ling doesn’t know what nirvana means, but he understands the niceness of laying on the floor. The floor is solid and real underneath him. Grounding him when the world around him is jiggling like acorn jelly.
“I know what nirvana means,” Wei Wuxian answers haughtily, “I know a lot of things.”
“Shut up – you know jack shit,” Jiang Cheng says, but there’s no real venom in his voice so Jin Ling doesn’t move. Jiang Cheng probably won’t attack Wei Wuxian tonight.
“I know a whole lot,” Wei Wuxian mumbles petulantly.
Jin Ling can hear him move then, the hurried rustle of his robes sounding louder with his ear to the floor.
“I know a whole lot, but there is something I don’t know,” Wei Wuxian says, his voice playful.
Uh oh.
A playful Wei Wuxian does not mean good news.
“Tell me Jiang Cheng… Why have you been blacklisted by all female cultivators?”
Suddenly the room is quiet.
Jin Ling doesn’t think he’s even breathing.
He waits for Jiang Cheng’s inevitable anger. He waits for the shouting, the screaming, the crackle of Zidian…
He waits.
And he waits…
“I don’t know,” Jiang Cheng finally answers, “I went to meetings with three different cultivators and after that I was suddenly blacklisted.”
“You don’t know?” Wei Wuxian asks incredulously, “You really don’t know? How did the meetings go? Did they go well?”
Jiang Cheng snorts. “No, they didn’t go well!” he answers, “But I don’t think it was my fault – the ladies were strange!”
“Strange?” Wei Wuxian asks, “Strange how?”
“Well the first lady didn’t stop eating the entire duration of our meeting. It was obvious that she hadn’t been taught correct meeting manners so I corrected her – but maybe that embarrassed her because she left in a huff.”
“What did you tell her?” Wei Wuxian asks, and he’s definitely stifling a laugh.
“I just told her that no man would want to marry her after seeing the size of her appetite – I mean, imagine the cost!”
Oh gods…
“And the second lady?” Wei Wuxian squeaks out.
“She talked the entire meeting! Barely stopped to take a breath!”
“Oh, so you didn’t get to say anything to her, then?”
“Of course not! Barely got to say hello,” Jiang Cheng pauses then, “Well, I did ask her if she was related to Wen Chao, because he’s the only other person I’ve ever met who could talk about themselves for so long.”
Jin Ling can feel the floor shake with Wei Wuxian’s stifled laughter.
He’s still caught somewhere between humor and horror. How can his uncle be so clueless?
“I guess she took offense to that,” Jiang Cheng continues, “because she dumped her cup of tea on me as she left. Very rude lady.”
“And the third?” Wei Wuxian asks, and his voice comes out in a pained squeal.
“Oh, she was the worst,” Jiang Cheng says, “I didn’t even want to meet her – she begged the match maker to set up a meeting with me! But when I finally meet her, her face is caked with powder and her lips are so red they look like the center of an archery board!”
Don’t laugh, Jin Ling tells himself, Jiang Cheng will be upset if you laugh.
Don’t laugh.
“So I tell her to be careful because our disciples might get confused and try to shoot her – I was just looking out for her, right? Well, for some reason, that made her cry and run straight out of Lotus Pier. And after that, I was banned.”
“Jiang Cheng!” Wei Wuxian exclaims and he’s laughing so hard he can barely talk. He’s laughing so hard that his laugh comes out in these long wheezes. “Jiang ---- Cheng!!”
Jiang Cheng is still besides Jin Ling, and Jin Ling is trying his damned best to keep his laughter in, but it’s so fucking hard.
An archery board.
A goddamn archery board.
“An archery board?” Wei Wuxian asks with a wheeze, “Fucking Wen Chao?”
“Shut up,” Jiang Cheng says but his voice shakes and Jin Ling can literally feel him vibrating with held in laughter beside him.
Jiang Cheng is trying not to laugh.
His fucking uncle is trying not to laugh.
And somehow that’s what pulls Jin Ling over the edge and he has to curl into himself because his laugh is too big and powerful.
“Don’t laugh,” Jiang Cheng hisses, smacking Jin Ling on his back, but Jiang Cheng’s laughing too and Jiang Cheng telling Jin Ling not to laugh is only making him laugh harder and --
“Uncle, you’re the worst!” Jin Ling crows, actual tears of mirth streaming down his face, “The worst!”
Jin Ling can’t breathe because he’s laughing so hard and Wei Wuxian is laughing just as hard somewhere near Jin Ling’s head and Jiang Cheng is laughing too and…
And it’s so nice.
“And you don’t know why you’re blacklisted, Jiang Cheng?” Wei Wuxian asks, his voice coming out in something that sounds like sobbing, “You really don’t know?” And he falls into another fit of giggles.
“What did Uncle Jiang do wrong?” Jin Ling asks, just to be a little shit and because he just can’t. Stop. Laughing.
“Shut up,” Jiang Cheng growls, but it’s tempered by the fact that Jin Ling can literally feel him shake with laughter, “Shut up, shut up, shut up!”
Maybe Jin Ling will never reach nirvana, but he knows the niceness of laying on floors and he thinks that must be close enough.
“Stop fucking laughing!” 
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An Unwitting Sanctuary // Luke Patterson
IN WHICH: Reader finds herself dropped kicked into a  whole new world void of demons but filled with ghosts. Having grown up in a top secret religious Order it’s quite the adjustment temporarily stationed in a world less dangerous. But with the help of a trio of teen ghosts and a girl whose throat was nearly slit the transition isn’t fought.
Warnings: Swearing, violence, blood, demons, wounds, angst, and fluff
Words: 5.6k
A/N: Just another fic that I periodically worked on. This is a crossover with the Netflix original series Warrior Nun which I highly recommend.
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It all started a decade ago when you lost your mother to an illness that had desiccated your family's happiness. Your father failed to find peace at the bottom of a bottle before he was a great father. In his last attempt to be a father, he made the tough decision to give you up to save you from watching his self-destruction and so he wouldn't hurt you.
That's how you found yourself numb on an airplane heading for Spain where you had been taken in. Tear tracks slowly drying on your pale cheeks, you tried to find what you did wrong for your parents to leave you.
"Hi." A sweet voice spoke from beside you. A girl with light brown hair in pigtails said with a bright grin, "I'm Ava."
A faint blush appeared on your cheeks at her words, but with one mention of your favourite show, you couldn't help but ramble. The woman beside Ava, her mother, smiled at how easily Ava could make someone happy. Ava and her mom remained by your side, even getting off the plane.
"It was nice to meet you." Ava beamed, revealing a missing tooth. Ava tackled you in a hug tightly, "You're my bestest friend in Spain." 
Your little hand waved as Ava's small stature disappeared out the airport entrance with her mother leaving behind a forlorn little girl. A stoic woman using a cane slowly made her way to you emotionless as she glanced at a photograph in her other hand.
"Y/N Y/L/N? You may call me Mother Superion," The Nun questioned, resting both her hands on the head of the cane with such intimidation, "Follow me. You're very fortunate Cardinal Duretti and Father Vincent found you.
"Why do you wear robes?" Your innocent question was taken by Mother Superion with little regard. Mother Superion questioned if the Order could afford having a child in the midst of the Order members' sworn duty.
"It is my habit. It is an outward sign of my religious' consecration to God." Mother Superion spoke, leading the way to an unmarked black vehicle idling for the stoic Nun and the little child. A vehicle that would transport a small American child to a place devoid of parental love and nurtured guidance.
Now at eighteen years of age, you had seen more than most people saw their entire lives; you were no longer the bright-eyed little girl longing for her father's hug. You were a girl who matured beyond her years, dedicating her life to a mission civilians had no clue about. It was a hard life among your fellow Sisters, yet you were closest to the Warrior Sisters you had been assigned to. Mary, Beatrice, Camila, Shannon and Lilith; Mary being your closest friend given you both were part of The Order of the Cruciform Sword but not Nuns, having never taken the vows. Lilith had grown colder and bitter when Sister Shannon was chosen for the Halo, so it was often hard to be around her now.
Mostly when she was gunning to retrieve the Halo from the resurrected formerly quadriplegic teenager girl. A girl that would most likely lose her life if Lilith succeeded and you, along with Mary, made it your mission to stop Lilith. Which led you to a warehouse where Lilith was on a screaming Ava, the Nun so gone you had absolutely no doubts Lilith would any anything for the Halo.
"-and you can't even appreciate that." Lilith hissed in the other girl's ear, "Your loss."
The Divinium blade stabbed into the middle of the Halo, sending severe pain through the Bearer's body. Her echoing screams joining the mystical sound reverberating from the golden glowing Halo itself.
"Enough!" Mary shouted, sprinting as Lilith started to carve the Halo out of Ava's back. In an unspoken decision, Mary tackled the Sister while you scrambled on your knees. You wrenched the knife from Ava's backsliding the blood-soaked blade in your combat boot.
"Ava, you need to get to the side. If Lilith comes, use the skills you gained from the Order." You told the teenager as you helped her up before running to join the combat.
"Fuck off!" Ava shouted, scrambling over to her unconscious friend JC. Another example of why relationships and friendships were impossible, a casualty in the work against the demons.
Your closed fist slammed Lilith's left cheekbone sending a splatter of blood from her lips; you dropped into a defensive crouch. Gracefully twirling, you avoided the hard kick from Lilith while Mary wiped the blood from her face. Lunging back from Lilith, you kicked her thigh, getting distance from her.
Lilith was about to slam her boot into your midsection when a familiar sound echoed in the warehouse. You all went still scanning the room for the unfortunate Tarask that would appear after a portal opened.
"Mary?" Lilith breathed, focused on the golden ripple behind the operative, who slowly turned as the screech grew louder. You stepped back beside Lilith as the Tarask entered the dimension just as terrifying as the last time. 
Slipping one of her shotguns, you raised it just taking a shot when it aggressively hit Mary, sending her halfway across the warehouse into a windshield. The shotgun in your hand started blasting at the increasingly pissed off demon.
Lilith was slowly unslinging the Divinium Sword from the scabbard on her back. Your eyes flicked from the movement to the Tarask towering in the room. It didn't take a genius to understand Lilith felt the need to prove herself as the rightful Bearer. 
"Lilith, no." You sternly spoke, flinching when the Tarask flipped a car towards Ava and the boy. The horrendous Tarask stopped as Mary joined in, shooting him as your shotgun clicked empty. 
Ava was stumbling back, keeping the boy behind her as the Tarask stalked her lifting one of its razor-sharp appendages. Lilith lunged in front of Ava in a moment of redemption as you tried to push Lilith away, but something lifechanging happened. 
A twin gasp filled the area as you felt something enter your body from behind. Glancing down, you saw the appendage had impaled your lower stomach right after it went through Lilith.
"No!" Mary screamed as you choked on the pain flooding your system. Sound faded as you could feel rather than hear your scream. A dribble of liquid slowly ran down the corner of your mouth, the copper taste bitter.
Red hot pain came from your midsection along with a deep cut oozing blood from your arm where Lilith had sliced your skin open with the Sword. Lilith slumped onto your back as she screamed, which had you literally slide off the Tarask's appendage with the lubrication of your own blood.
Your body connected with the floor having a first-row seat as Lilith whispered something that aided Ava in fighting the Tarask. With the swing of the Sword, the Tarask burst into flames vanishing through a portal with Lilith still on it.
Your eyes fluttered as Mary limped over your prone form. Maybe now you could join your mother in peace.
"No! Keep your eyes open," Mary demanded, struggling to lift you with her leg. A thin bead of blood-stained your cheek as it ran a path from the corner of your mouth.
Your eyes shut completely faded into a painless sleep.
The next time you woke up in the medical ward where you would stay for weeks after miraculously surviving what should have been fatal. Things changed for you, leaving doctors unclear; even Jillian Salvius' scientists and herself couldn't figure it out. Things got better, but the whole teleporting and you could see the demons once hidden from you.
There were other things you do, but that wasn't as important as the current moment deep in the catacombs of Vatican City. Soon you left Warrior Sisters to help Mother Superion in keeping the Reject Nuns from stopping your mission. After the last one fled, you watched as the entire area grumbled, Beatrice must have to blow up part of the tomb to retrieve Ava from whatever she'd found. You were proven right when Father Vincent carrying Ava appeared.
The Sisters recounted what happened, leaving you shocked. Ava had managed to phase through the twenty feet of solid rock to steal Adriel's bones. Instead of a pile of bones, Ava had found that the supposed Angel had been waiting for her. 
"He was alive?" You breathed, taken aback as Ava dropped the bomb that Adriel was alive and very much not an Angel. 
"He's a devil." Ava's words proved correct when invisible forces shoved the line of people far across from you. Unlike anything, you had ever seen before in your life.
A dark-haired man strode down the middle confidently with one wave of his arms, sending people flying away and dust from his lost robes. The man was dressed entirely in black and oozed darkness. His eyes gazed at Ava before meeting yours with a smirk. 
Your eyes widened at his blunt statement issued directly at you, "Why is he looking at me like a prized possession?" 
"Stay here." Father Vincent spoke, pushing in front of everyone to make his way to the man who should have never been let out. Something deep in your stomach felt wrong; Father Vincent sent your heightened instincts flaring. 
You could hear a whisper in your head as somehow words reached across the great distance in Father Vincent's voice. 
"My master." Father Vincent verbally revealed his betrayal, leaving you breathless. He was one of few people that raised you from childhood, and he was evil. Adriel whispered to Vincent's ear, he was no Father, before stepping around him. 
"I admit my doubt laid in if you could be brought." Adriel's cultured voice spoke, staring at you, "My first step involved finding a capable human, 'A child's awakening born from despair. A child brought from a different part of the world'" 
You hyper-focused on the approaching man, barely noticing anything else, even the glance between Ava and Lilith. The entire group began fighting the man cleanly and professionally, you were drenched in blood from close combat.
In a lull, two girls came close together, each with a heavy heart at the short conversation and plan they had made. Lilith had had a dream that the only way for you to be safe was teaming up with Ava and it meant possibly never seeing you again.
"This is what you dreamed?" Ava demanded her former enemy. Lilith shook her head. 
"Not this exactly." Lilith murmured back, "It has to happen now. It's the only way, Ava." 
Ava squeezed her eyes shut as memories from a much happier time came into her memory before all she knew was heartache. 
"Ava, introduce yourself." Seven-year-old Ava looked up at her mother, "She looks sad." 
Ava nodded her small head-turning to the other child next to her, "Hi. I'm Ava." 
Ava felt happy when she managed to bring a smile to the girl beside her spending the next few hours talking. Ava hoped she would get to see you again, but life had other plans when the car accident happened. Ava would see when you were both jaded and cynical to the once innocent world they both knew. 
Grabbing Lilith's hand as Beatrice engaged the combat, Ava, with the Halo's power and the changes in Lilith, opened a portal. A single tear fell from Mary's eye as she slammed her boot into the armour of your combat outfit. 
"NO!" You screamed as the portal closed you from your friends, your team, your Sisters. You only caught sight of all them stalking towards your enemy.
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The room, a garage of some kind, was modern with plants set in the glass wall with a well-used piano situated in front of it. The room was quiet, thankfully, as you hit the floor at a fast speed, still screaming. The thud echoed around the room as you laid on your side in the fetal position. 
"Please let the stitches be fine." You prayed, pressing your hand against your lower right quadrant. Your hand came back wet and sticky as you shouted in pain.
The black clothing hid the blood from your wounds, Adriel's blood and blood from your opened wound. You army crawled on your back towards a material, grabbing the dark sweater you screamed as you pressed against the wound. The pressure almost sending you unconscious.
"It's a killer song." 
Your breath hitched at the sound of a stranger, an American stranger too. You shuffled into the corner, unaware of the drops of blood you trailed.
"With Julie's voice, it will be great." Another voice spoke, faltering before speaking again, "Reggie? You okay, you've gone pale."
"Alex? Is that…is that blood?" Reggie, the guy that first spoke, whispered, looking at the drops leading to where the piano was situated. The two guys walked closer to where a small puddle of red liquid was smeared, "Yeah, that is definitely blood."
"Check on Ray and Carlos. I got Luke." Alex spoke, sharing a very concerned look with his bandmate. The two disappeared, unaware of the girl lightheaded intent on staying quiet.
With the room empty, you set about struggling to the bathroom for a mirror, the bruised skin barely shocking you. It came with being a Warrior Sister. Your hands shook as you washed the blood off, stilling at a door opening.
"Blood?" A feminine voice questioned. Peeking around the corner stood a Latina teenager with one of the boys from earlier, "Are you sure?" 
"Yes. Deadly. No pun intended." Reggie spoke, leading the exasperated teenager to where the piano was; congealing was the bright red fresh puddle of blood, "Your family is fine." 
"So is Flynn." Alex spoke, appearing with Luke beside him, "Luke was at the Orpheum.” 
It seemed your body decided to betray you with a jump in your heart rate and a flutter in your stomach. You winced, removing the pressure from the dark sweater shuddering as the black shirt pulled away from the wound.
"That is a lot." The newcomer, Luke, spoke, coming to a stop in front of the puddle frowning as he double-checked his guitars were safe. Julie's voice made the boys ashamed when she noticed something they didn't. 
"Did you happen to see there is a trail of blood as well?" Julie spoke, gesturing to the drops leading to the bathroom, "Whoever it is-"
Julie cut herself off with a scream as you lunged at her swinging a long sharp knife at her face; Julie stumbled, flailing as you glared at the terrified teenage girl. You didn't care who she was other than your mind was screaming danger. It was Julie being clumsy that was saving her life and you being weak.
"Oh my god! Julie!" Luke shouted at the sudden attack on his new friend and bandmate. All three were about to protect her, even though the sense of touch was still off and on.
You groaned, slumping to the ground once more, breathing heavily, and e/c eyes rolled back in your head, "Fuck." 
"She's a ninja!" Reggie yelped, ushering the group away from the girl in agony. His eyes taking in her youthful appearance and the dark black combat outfit. He didn't miss the bruises and cuts on her paling face.
"She almost killed me!" Julie shouted at the bassist, "In case you didn't see?! That knife came very close to slitting my throat!"
Tears filled your waterline as a feeling of being weak flooded your body in such a way you had never felt. You couldn't even protect yourself. The sense of despair taking most of your pain away as a sob broke through.
"She's crying!" The panic in the messy-haired boy voice broke through your tears. Tilting your head to see the very terrified teenagers, the despair was taken over by guilt.
"I'm sorry." You spoke, leaning up, "For…uh attacking you?” 
"Greatly appreciated." Julie sarcastically countered with a roll of her eyes, "Who are you?” 
"No, Julie, what are you?" Reggie inserted, pointing towards you with his index finger, whereas Alex was intently watching your movements.
"I'm in America. Wow." You chortled, collapsing into a fit of laughter, "Just when I thought life couldn't get more surprising! Oh, wait, I dropped out of a portal in the middle of a fight." 
"Can you explain why you're in our studio bleeding…oh, you're bleeding." Alex choked, bouncing on his feet as he frowned at your obvious pain. His eyes looking at the abandoned sweater you had been using against the wound, "If you promise not to attack can I get a first aid kit?"
You hesitantly nodded graciously, appreciating his kind offer, "Get a needle, thread and a lighter." 
Luke and Reggie reluctantly helped move you to the couch, with Luke grumbling about stains; he didn't like that a bleeding girl would be on his couch. You wheezed sitting on it, Luke's eyes widening as you started removing the tight black leather. 
"Uh, what are you doing?" Luke nervously questioned, scanning to find his friends. Julie had joined Alex in collecting your requirements, and Reggie was getting a bucket of water. 
"Removing my armour?" You spoke, sending him a weird glance wincing when the layer pulled the remaining stitches—a curse slipping out of your full lips. 
"Oh, that is disgusting." Luke grimaced, leaning away from the wound, still oozing blood and glancing at your chest with a deep blush. 
With the other three joining with the items, they watched as you cleaned the area with a wet towel revealing more of the gore. A sharp gasp when you shifted to check the entrance wound on your back, deeming it okay, you inspected the exit wound. 
"Okay, stitches tore only. That's good. I didn't want to deal with scrambling my organs." You chortled, removing your utility belt to fold and clench between your teeth. 
Doctoring the wound took your mind off your friends' survival, but the thud of a body brought you back to the here and now. Reggie, having seen you about to pierce your skin with the needle, had fainted. You raised one eyebrow before looking at the other three. 
"Uh, maybe look away?" You spoke, temporarily removing the belt from your mouth. Returning back to the task, you grunted as you stitched the wound as best as you could. By the time you finished, you were sweating.
"I fainted." Reggie groaned as he sat up, seeing that you were taking clothing from Julie and the first aid kit put aside, "I didn't think ghosts could faint." 
Julie and the Phantoms went silent as Reggie revealed their biggest secret to someone new. Julie groaned, putting her face in her hands while Alex shot the same annoyed and exasperated expression at the bassist. 
"Ghosts? Better than demons." You muttered with a sigh, "Can I use the shower?" 
Julie mutely nodded as she took in both the lack of response and your retort. Fifteen minutes later, a very different version came out of the bathroom. You were swamped in the flannel Luke had offered and the shorts from Julie, but you kept your thick combat boots. It was odd seeing you so feminine and free of blood. 
"Thanks." You smiled gratefully at the four teens, "So ghosts? Are all of you ghosts?"
"No. They died in 1995, I'm alive." Julie shrugged, taking a look at her newest best friends that had helped heal a part of her. Helped bring her back to music again, "I'm sure you may have heard of the band Julie and the Phantoms."
"No." You blankly replied, "Look, I was literally just at the Vatican an hour ago….which Beatrice partially blew up…"
Your words trailed off as the situation finally hit you full force because there was no way you were in Italy. Thinking back to the moments before you felt into a portal, you vaguely recalled Lilith meaning another dimension. 
"I need a phone." You demanded, quickly retrieving the one Julie offered to type in the phone number ingrained in your memory. One of the many things that Mother Superion had beaten into you literally.
"Andalusia, Spain's Authentic Castle Tours. How can I help you?" The voice asked, located in Spain at a desk in a business building near a deteriorating church. 
"Is Cardinal, I mean, a man named Duretti available?"
"I'm sorry, but we have no one in our employment by that name. Can I have a name, please?"
"Never mind." You gruffly replied, ending the call as you tossed the cellphone back to Julie, "I really did get transported. Stupid Vincent and Adriel."
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A month was spent finding your bearings in a new dimension with people so far from your regular life it was astounding. Even though you had threatened Julie with a knife, at first, you had bonded with the girl. You were most peaceful when you were in the studio with Luke across strumming on his guitar to a new song. You had quickly become part of their friend group as time went on, and to be honest, you didn't really want to go back.
"What do you think?" Luke asked you, meeting your gaze, "Is it too soft?” 
"Aren't you the expert?" You smirked as he disappeared and popped up beside you on the couch with a smile. You weren't like typical girls Luke had known back in the '90s.
"Are you okay?" Luke questioned, turning his entire focus to give you a perfect view of his gorgeous eyes you could never distinguish between brown, green or even blue.
"Yeah. It's weird not having Mother Superion judging my moves or training with Beatrice, but it's okay." You half-smiled, recalling the people that had been in your life every day for years, "I miss them. They were my family."
Luke understood more than Julie ever would, and he knew more about your history than the others, "I get that." 
"I had a normal life. Parents that loved me and some friends I loved even at six years old. Memories of my mom are faded, but she got sick when I was five and passed a year later. My dad…he was struggling. His last good parental deed was putting me up for adoption." You admitted slouching to place your head on Luke's shoulder. His heart fluttered at the movement, "I never could make myself look him up. Hurt too much." 
"Yeah. I understand the feeling." Luke breathed through his nose, leaning his chocolate mess of hair on yours. The warmth flooding your systems.
The studio was empty other than you and Luke while Julie was at school. Reggie and Alex had left right after the living singer. You guess Reggie had found Ray at the site for his current photography appointment. Alex had a few places he could be at.
"Y/N!" The faint call of your voice in the distance startling you. The harsh yet feminine voice of one of the Sister Nuns bubbling hope in your stomach.
"Did you hear that?" You asked the ghostly guitarist, who frowned in confusion. Your eyes flickered around the studio frantically, "What the- "
"Y/N!" The voice grew louder in the room, with only it heard by you. Your body moved without thinking to the barn doors.
The doors opened with a gentle push as you followed the smoky wisp to the backyard and Luke behind you. Laughter sounded miles away from Julie and Reggie coming down the cement steps. Alex trailing behind only to halt watching your movements and Luke's questions falling on deaf ears.
"Come on! You said it would work!" The grit in the voice that had a life just as difficult as you in losing people. The smoky wisp flashed into a glowing portal as shiny as a frozen pond in the winter.
"I'm a little new at this, Ava! Opening dimensions isn't something that comes with a manual!"
"Lilith? Ava?" You breathed, reaching one hand out to the portal displaying a scene of two of your friends. Each wearing their combat outfits and grimaces as Lilith raised one hand up. 
"What in the hell is that?" Alex demanded, reaching to pull you back when your hand disappeared from the fingers to the wrist. Alex stumbled backwards at the sight of your hand being gone. 
"The portal," Luke interjected as you became mesmerized with the portal that had your life, your mission in life waiting. 
Glancing behind you, the four people that became just as important watched vigilantly as Ava and Lilith fell into the portal. The two girls quickly stood up in defensive movements scanning the surroundings.
Ava shoved Lilith off her to roll onto her stomach than her feet with a scowl. Ava's brown eyes clashed with your wide, shocked ones with an unmistakable look of relief. Ava's foot shoved the hand of Lilith's as her hand shoved Ava's calf. 
"Did that just…did she just-"Reggie struggled to make sense of the two girls appearing out of completely nowhere. His light eyes frantically moving between the people in the vicinity.
Striding up to the two girls, you punched Ava in the face with a hiss as a splotch of blood splattered your cheek.
"Ow!" Ava shouted, holding her cheek from the force of the hit with a frown.
"That's for sending me to another dimension!" You exclaimed before tugging her into a hug that left both of you uncomfortable. Her growing up in an orphanage and you in the Order had very little physical affection, "Vincent?" 
"Missing. Camila's been searching." Lilith interrupted, brushing the dirt from her clothing with a tentative smile. It was silent for a mere second before the formerly cold Nun lunged to hug you tight, "I'm so glad you're okay."
"Can someone please explain?" Alex questioned, flinching when Lilith made direct eye contact with the blonde drummer.
Her dark eyes staring the male down unflinching before her eyes found three other strangers standing around.
"Alex, this is Sister Lilith and Ava. We're teammates." You slowly admitted having kept some parts of the story from them.
They knew what you came from, a different world very different from theirs and worked for a secret organization. They didn't know much more than that as the Order's status as a secret.
"Teammates? Why are nuns involved in your group?" Luke asked, crossing his arms with furrowed eyebrows. Distrust sparkling in his hazel eyes for the first time since you first appeared in his life, and it hurt you.
"Ava!" Lilith hissed, narrowing her eyes at the American girl hellbent on breaking all kinds of rules. Ava's scathing glare, in return antagonizing her further, "The only reason you know about the Order is because of the Halo."
"Because I would still be a dead formerly quadriplegic girl!" Ava snapped, glaring down the person that became a frenemy after the Vatican, "This thing in my back is the only reason I'm alive!" 
"I am so lost," Reggie mumbled under breath as the oddly dressed teenagers sparked into a rushed argument. His eyes caught Lilith's hand turning into a fist while Ava got all in the other girl's face.
Your eyes moved between the volatile duo that had brainstormed together to keep you safe. Without their secret plan, it was a wonder what Adriel would have had in mind with you. The memory of his fascination with your very being and the way it appeared he had somehow manipulated arrival to the Order. But how could he when he was trapped in a long-forgotten twenty-foot concrete tomb?
"Ava!" You commanded her full attention, "Stop. We have bigger things to worry about. Is there a plan to find Vincent?"
Both girls solemnly shook their heads in sync, "No."
"Let's get inside before Mr. Molina finds two strangers in his backyard." You ushered the two girls into the studio. Lilith scanned the building's interior, no doubt looking for threats as one would with the lives you had lived.
Ava was swift to take the kevlar upper body armour off her body, leaving a thin black long sleeve shirt. It was tossed onto the couch among the notebook you had been using for anything to do with your other life.
"What have I missed since Mary planted her heavy ass boot in my chest?" You demanded, recalling the painful feeling of Mary's kick. The tough girl didn't hold back in anything she did combat wise "How does she even walk in those cement traps?"
Julie and the guys found seats in the room around the three alien world individuals who spoke as if they were alone. They heard mentions of someone named Adriel and Areala with the odd mix of words they didn't comprehend.
"So we go back, and we kick his ass." You snapped, crossing your arms, "I didn't even get to use my new-"
"Are you forgetting he hit me, sending me a few feet in the air? How six of us, five being highly trained individuals, failed?" Lilith retorted, mirroring your stance, finding an ally in Ava's unstaggering support.
"They all threw daggers, Camilla unloaded her crossbow, Mary beating him with the shotguns and even shooting him? That barely left a dent! For fuck sakes, he took an arrow to the neck, and he still got up!" Ava completely snapped with a heated glare in her milk chocolate eyes with hints of dark chocolate.
"That goal wasn't to end him; it was just to kill seven minutes for Ava to recharge." Lilith uncharacteristically softened her tone. Her dark eyes lightened in both comfort and sympathy, "We almost didn't make out of the fight. Adriel brought his wraith demons-"
"Like the pussy he is." Ava scoffed, rolling her eyes at the look she earned from Lilith, "What! Just because you're a Nun doesn't mean I can't swear!"
"Question," Reggie spoke, raising his one hand in the air, receiving the Warriors' attention. She shrivelled under the glares of the Nun; your frown proceeded the sharp punch to Lilith's arm for her action.
"Don't be mean to him." You stepped closer to the band that had grown to be close with you despite the rough introduction. The arm of Luke's chair bumped your waist, knocking you off balance. Luke's warm hands settled on your hips to steady you.
"I only just got used to ghosts," Alex whispered to himself, pushing his hands through his hair. His expression solely of confliction and emotional agony.
"I'm sorry, but did he just say ghosts?" Lilith questioned, staring at the blonde-haired drummer, "Better question, why are you hanging around with them?"
"Because after I was so kindly shoved into another universe, they welcomed me in." 
"After you nearly slit my throat too." Julie inserted, climbing to her feet to station herself beside you. Her face stoic, staring down the two females opposite to you and her.
In a moment of unison, the dead boys all stood up to match Julie in her support. Luke's hand brushing against yours momentarily before his pinky wrapped around yours. Lilith and Ava didn't miss the small movement.
"Lilith, Ava, these are my friends. Julie and her band of ghost boys." You softly spoke, nodding towards the Puerto Rican teenager with a smile, "This is Luke, Reggie and Alex."
Alex lifted his hand shoved it into his jean jacket pocket with a happy smile that belied his anxiety and confusion. Reggie's flushed cheeks squished as he beamed at the new people while Luke was more cautious. 
"Ghosts?" Lilith questioned once more, with her stance becoming combative and distrusting. Her greying hair peeking out under her black combat veil, a testament to her time in the dimension where the Tarask took her.
"Relax. Lilith." Ava spoke, straightening up with her lips pursed together, but she refused to relax. The room had waves of tension from the people inhabiting the building at the moment, "We just came to grab you."
The residents all slightly stepped in front of you, Luke's one arm behind him as he kept his pinky intertwined with yours. While the whole story hadn't been revealed to them, they knew that whatever waited in your homeworld was much worse than a pesky Broadway wannabe ghost in vintage wear.
"I don't know the full story, but she is not returning with you. There's a reason why you sent her here." Luke passionately spoke, glancing at the two girls with ulterior motives to dropping in for a casual conversation.
Your finger squeezed the messy-haired guitarist's own finger before you stepped around the wall of four musicians. Your name whispered behind you as you stepped up to the Warrior Nuns in front of you. The room filled with tension.
"Lilith, unlike you and the other Nuns, I didn't choose this life. Neither did Ava. We both got handed a really shitty hand of cards that ultimately placed us in the path of the Order." Your hands reached out to grasp the older girl's hands.
Luke sent a look to his bandmates with a sick feeling sinking in his stomach as he anticipated your decision to leave. It physically ailed him as if it hadn't hit him before that this world wasn't the one you were from. Why wouldn't you want to get back to your own world with your family?
"-But you can't come back." Is the words Ava spoke that had Luke coming back to the present. A certain light feeling took over him.
"Not yet, at least." You murmured with a bittersweet smile placed on your pretty features. Despite ignoring it, Lilith and Ava had already known from the moment they saw your interactions with the band what the outcome would be.
This was your home. At least for now. Lilith couldn't blame you, not after what happened, and that was okay. It was safer with you here until they could figure out a plan about the havoc in their own world.
"If you want, you can stay here for the night." Julie offered with a small smile, "That way, you can catch up properly. My dad would be cool with the guys bunking in the basement." 
After the Orpheum, the boys had developed the capability to be seen when they wanted, and Ray was informed of certain parts. Ray knew much about them, but he wasn't privy to the tidbit that the guys were dead.
"We have to head back. You're completely sure you don't want to come with us? Things may go bad, and we won't be able to get you back. You'll be stuck." Lilith warned you with a faint smile upturning the corners of her lips.
"I'm not stuck. I think this is where I was always supposed to be, even if it's only temporary. In this life or the next."
"In this life or the next." Ava and Lilith echoed back before they opened the portal to your former world. The portal closed behind them, leaving you with a bittersweet feeling in your very soul.
A single tear trailed down the apple of your cheek as the life you once had closed, and who knew it you could return to that chapter. Calloused fingers brushed the tears off your cheeks before a pair of lips lingered on your forehead.
"You good?" Luke murmured against the warmth of your head. His heart ached for you because while his parents didn't know he was dead, he had the opportunity to visit them.
"I will be." You whispered, tiptoeing to press your lips against his soft pink lips. Luke sharply inhaled at the action before he melted into it.
Yeah, you would be okay.
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lochtayboatsong · 3 years
The Jesus Christ Superstar essay absolutely no one asked for.
Last weekend, I watched the pro-shot of the 2012 arena tour of Jesus Christ Superstar starring Ben Forster, Tim Minchin, and Melanie C, because it was Easter and it was up on YT for the weekend.  I never managed to do my annual listen-through of Leonard Bernstein’s Mass this year, as is my usual Easter tradition, so I figured “Why not watch/listen to this instead?”  It was my first time seeing and hearing JCS in full, and Y’ALL, it has been living rent-free in my brain ever since.  I have a mighty need to get my thoughts out, so here they are, in chronological order by song.  
1) Prologue: I love the way JCS 2012 makes use of the arena video screen.  The production design and concept clearly took a lot of inspiration from the “Occupy ______” movement, which makes it feel a bit dated now.  But every single production of JCS is a product of its time period, so this is a feature and not a bug.  
2) Heaven On Their Minds: This is a straight-up rock song.  It wouldn’t be out of place on any rock and roll album released between 1970 and 2021, and it boggles my mind that Webber and Rice were both in their early twenties when they wrote it.  Also, the lyric “You’ve begun to matter more than the things you say” hits hard no matter the year.
3) What’s the Buzz: A+ use of the arena screens again, this time bringing in social media to set the tone.  Also, this song establishes right from the outset that Jesus is burnt out and T I R E D by this point in the story.  Seriously, can we just let this man have a nap?
4) Strange Thing Mystifying: Judas publicly calls out Mary and Jesus claps back.  Folx, get you a partner who will defend your honor the way Jesus defends MM in this scene.  Also Jesus loses his shoes and is mostly barefoot for the remainder of the show.
5) Everything’s Alright: Okay, this is one of the songs I have A LOT to say about.  First, it’s important to know that I was a church musician throughout all of my adolescence and into my early adulthood.  The pianist at the services I usually played at was a top-notch jazz pianist, and also my piano teacher for about six years while I as in high school and undergrad.  (Incidentally, I had a HUGE crush on his son, who was/is a jazz saxophonist and clarinetist and also played in the church band, but that’s a story for another day.)  One of the hymns we played a few times a year was called “Sing of the Lord’s Goodness,” which is notable for being in 5/4 time.  Whenever this hymn was on the schedule, it was usually the recessional, or the last song played as the clergy processed out and the congregation got ready to leave, so we were able to have some fun with it.  After a couple verses the piano player and his son would usually morph it into “Take Five,” a famous jazz standard by Dave Brubeck which is also in 5/4 time.  Anyway, the first time I listened to this song in full, it got to Judas’s line “People who are hungry, people who are starving,” and I sat bolt upright and went “HOLY SHIT THIS IS ‘SING OF THE LORD’S GOODNESS/TAKE FIVE.’”  And I was ricocheted back in time to being fourteen and trying to keep up with this father/son duo in a cavernous Catholic church while simultaneously making heart-eyes at the son.  Final note: This is the only song in the musical to feature all three leads (Jesus, Judas, and Mary Magdalene) and is mostly Jesus and MM being soft with each other in between bouts of Jesus and Judas snarling at one another.
6) This Jesus Must Die: I LOVE that all the villains in this production are in tailored suits.  LOVE IT.  Also, Caiaphas and Annas are a comedy duo akin to “the thin guy and the fat guy,” except in this case it’s “the low basso profundo and the high tenor.”  Excellent use of the arena video screen again, this time as CCTV.
7) Hosanna: My background as a church musician strikes back again.  It honestly took me two or three listens to catch it, but then I had another moment of sitting bolt upright and going “HOLY SHIT THIS IS A PSALM.”  Psalms sung in church usually take the form of call-and-response, with a cantor singing the verses and the congregation joining in for the chorus.  If I close my eyes during this song, I have no trouble imagining Jesus as a church cantor singing the verses and then bringing the congregation in for the “Ho-sanna, Hey-sanna” chorus. 
8) Simon Zealotes: This is part “Gloria In Excelsis” and part over-the-top Gospel song.  Honestly it’s not my favorite, but it marks an important mood change in the show.  The end of “Hosanna” is probably Jesus at his happiest in the entire show, and then Simon comes in and sours the mood by trying to tip the triumphant moment into a violent one.  Jesus is not truly happy again from this moment on.
9) Poor Jerusalem: Also not my fave.  It kinda reads like Webber and Rice realized that Jesus didn’t have a solo aria in Act I, so they came up with this.  But it has the distinction of containing the lyric, “To conquer death you only have to die,” which is the biggest overarching theme of the story.
10) Pilate’s Dream: Pontius Pilate might be the most underrated role in this entire show, and I love that this production has him singing this song while being dressed in judge’s robes.  
11) The Temple: The first half of this is one of the campiest numbers in Act I, at least in this production, and it’s awesome.  The second half is one of the saddest, as Jesus tries to heal the sick but finds there are too many of them.  Also the whole scene is almost entirely in 7/8 time, which I think is just cool.
12) I Don’t Know How To Love Him: Mary Magdalene’s big aria, and one of the songs I knew prior to seeing the full-length show.  This production has MM taking off her heavy lipstick and eye makeup onstage, mid-song, which is kind of cool.  Melanie C says in a BTS interview that MM’s makeup is her armor, so this is a Big Symbolic Moment.
13) Damned For All Time: The scene transition into this song is played entirely in pantomime, and I love it.  The solo guitarist gets to be onstage for a bit, A+ use of the video screen again to show Judas on CCTV, etc.  Love it.  And then this song is Judas frantically rationalizing what he’s doing, and what he’s about to do, with Caiphas and Annas just reacting with raised eyebrows and knowing looks.
14) Blood Money: This is where the tone of the show really takes a turn for the dark.  I think this might be one of Tim Minchin’s finest moments as Judas, because his facial expressions and microexpressions throughout this scene speak absolute volumes.  And the offstage chorus quietly singing “Well done Judas” as he picks up the money is a positively chilling way to end Act I.
15) The Last Supper: Act II begins with major “Drink With Me” vibes.  (Except JCS came WAY before Les Miz, so it’s probably more accurate to say that “Drink With Me” has major “The Last Supper” vibes.)  Jesus and Judas have their knock-down, drag-out fight, and it’s honestly heartbreaking, thanks again to Tim Minchin’s facial expressions.  A well-done production of JCS will really convey that Jesus and Judas were once closer than brothers, even though their relationship is at breaking point when Act I begins.
16) Gethsemane: This is Jesus’s major showpiece and one of my faves.  Jesus knows he has less than 24 hours to live, he knows he’s going to suffer, and worst of all, he doesn’t know whether it’s going to be worth it.  It’s an emotional rollercoaster to watch and to perform, and it goes on for ages: something like 6 or 7 minutes.  Fun fact: the famous G5 is not written in the score.  Ian Gillan, who played Jesus on the original concept album, just sang it that way, so most subsequent Jesuses have also done it that way.  Lindsay Ellis has a great supercut of this on YT.  John Legend notably sang the line as written during the 2018 concert.  
17) The Arrest: Judas’s Betrayer’s Kiss is played differently across different productions.  The 2012 version is pretty tame - I’ve seen clips and gifs of other productions, including the 2000 direct-to-video version, where they kiss fully on the mouth and have to be dragged apart by the guards and it is THE MOST TENDER THING.  Then the 7/8 riff from “The Temple” comes back and the 2012 version lets the video screen do its thing again as Jesus is swarmed by reporters.
18) Peter’s Denial: Not much to say about this one, as it’s basically a scene transition.  But it’s a significant moment in the Passion story, so I’m glad they included it.
19) Pilate and Christ: The 2012 production continues with the theme of Caiaphas, Annas, and Pilate all being bougie af, since Pilate intentionally looks like he just came from tennis practice during this scene.  Also he does pilates...hehehe.
20) King Herod’s Song: Tim Minchin says in a BTS interview that JCS works best when Jesus and Judas are played seriously and the rest of the production is allowed to be completely camp and wild and bizarre all around them, and he is bloody well CORRECT about that.  Case in point: King Herod.  There is not a single production of JCS that I know of where Herod is played “straight.”  He’s been played by everyone from Alice Cooper to Jack Black, and everyone puts a different zany spin on him.  In JCS 2012 he’s a chat show host in a red crushed velvet suit, who is clearly having the time of his LIFE. 
21) Could We Start Again Please: This is another of my faves.  Just a quiet moment where MM, Peter, and the disciples try to grapple with the fact that Jesus is arrested and things are going very, very badly.  This is also my favorite Melanie C moment of the 2012 show.  Her grief is very real, and the little moment she has with Peter at the end is very real.
22) Death of Judas: This is basically Tim Minchin screaming for about five minutes, and incredibly harrowing to watch on first viewing.  
23) Trial Before Pilate: Possibly my single favorite scene in the entire 2012 production.  This is another harrowing watch, but there’s so much to take in.  The “set” that the entire show takes place on is essentially just a massive staircase, and the people with power are almost always positioned above the people without power.  In this scene, the crowd shouting “Crucify Him!” is positioned above Pilate, which is a very telling clue to Pilate’s psychology during this scene.  Jesus is at the very bottom of the stairs, of course.  Excellent use of the video screen once again during the 39 Lashes, to show the lash marks building and building until the entire screen is a wash of red.  Pilate’s counting also gets more and more frantic, especially starting around “20.”  And all the while the guitar riff from “Heaven On Their Minds” is playing.  Jesus’s line “Everything is fixed and you can’t change it” is played quite differently in different productions - here it’s defiant, but elsewhere (in JCS 2000 for example) it’s almost tender, like Jesus is absolving Pilate for his part in the trial.  But it always ends the same - with Pilate almost screaming as he passes the sentence and “washes his hands” of the whole sorry business. 
24) Superstar: The most over-the-top number in the show.  Judas, who died two scenes ago, comes back to sing this.  There are soul singers.  There are girls in skimpy angel costumes.  The parkour guys from the prologue are back.  Judas pulls a tambourine out of hammerspace midway through the song.  And Jesus is silently screaming and crying as he gets hoisted onto a lighting beam while all this is going on.
25) The Crucifixion: More of a spoken-word piece than a song, it’s Jesus’s final words on the cross over eerie piano music, and another harrowing watch.
26) John 19:41: An instrumental piece in which Jesus is taken from the cross and carried, at last, to the top of the stairs, before being lowered out of sight as the video screen turns into a memorial wall and everything fades to black.
So.  I know I’m anywhere from three to fifty-one years late to this particular party, but I am on the JCS bandwagon now and I’m thoroughly enjoying myself.  :)
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biwenqing · 3 years
I know jc got dunked numerous times, but does lwj ever get dunked? and if so, who's brave enough to do it?
THESE QUESTIONS just *chef kiss* so so good! Sorry for the delay with this, it ended up over twice as long as I expected (almost 3k). I had a ton of fun with it, I hope you enjoy it! Very much a “let Lan Wangji have friends agenda”. (link to series on ao3)
The alternate title: Four People Who Can, Would, and Have Dunked Lan Wangji
| 1. Wei Wuxian |
“Would you spar with me?” Lan Wangji found that the word burst forth. He had wanted to ask them for a while and just hadn’t found the right time.
Wei Ying tensed from where he sat, fiddling with some brilliant talisman design or other. An unhappy frown pinched his face, which was very much not the expression Lan Wangji wanted. Wei Wing sighed and said in a tired tone, “I won’t use my sword.”
Ah, that was the issue. Lan Wangji quickly clarified, “I was thinking I had not practiced hand to hand combat in too long.”
Wei Ying’s expression changed instantly, a knowing smile and reflection of the heat that curled in Lan Wangji’s gut. He set aside what he was working on and came to stand at Lan Wangji’s side, leaning forward into his space. “My husband has such good ideas, I know just the place!”
Wei Ying led him a ways away from Lotus Pier, around a bend in the river where there was a shore of soft sand. It was an ideal and private training ground and Lan Wangji was planning on telling Wei Ying this, but when he looked over, words failed him. Wei Ying was taking off his outer robes and layers until he was just in his underclothes.
He grinned when he caught Lan Wangji staring. “Lan Zhan, you can’t tell me we’re going to do this fully clothed.”
Lan Wangji swallowed and nodded, moving to do the same. He carefully folded his own and set them on the rock next to Wei Ying’s, pausing a moment to straighten out and fold his husband’s clothes as well, so they wouldn’t sit in a ball.
He turned to find Wei Ying watching him intently.
“Do not grow distracted,” Lan Wangji scolded in a tone probably only Wei Ying knew was teasing, fully aware of the hypocrisy in his words as he approached Wei Ying.
“And here I was thinking distraction is really what this is all about.” Wei Ying settled into a strong form, arms up, and grin wide. “My apologies, husband. I’ll focus.”
They both made what Lan Wangji later decided was a valiant effort to focus on sparring correctly. The familiar zing that had existed since their first swordfight tugged at them and Lan Wangji reveled in it. He wanted to be better than Wei Ying. He wanted to be closer to Wei Ying.
He wanted.
Any focus broke when Wei Ying used some of Lan Wangji’s distraction to pin him to the ground. They breathed together and Lan Wangji took a moment to study his husband’s face - his beautiful dark eyes, the little freckle near his bottom lip. The familiar weight of him, now heavier, healthier under the watchful eye of those who cared for him.
“Lan Zhan.” Wei Ying’s voice was almost a whisper. “Focus.”
He must have visibly frowned, because Wei Ying started to laugh, shaking them both. Lan Wangji wanted to taste the sound and moved to flip them.
The change only made Wei Ying laugh harder. “Is that how this is going to be?” Wei Ying worked to flip them back so he was laying on Lan Wangji again. They managed to do this a few more times, becoming more tangled with each one until Lan Wangji decided he preferred to feel Wei Ying’s weight on him.
Lan Wangji ran his hands up and down Wei Ying’s side before huffing in annoyance.
“What is it?” Wei Ying asked, their faces so close together now.
“Sandy,” Lan Wangji managed, trying to brush some of the roughness from Wei Ying’s clothes and his own hands.
“Hmm, a good point,” Wei Ying pulled back a bit and it was all Lan Wangji could do to stop himself from tugging his husband back close. “Shall we relocate our... sparring?”
“Mn,” Lan Wangji thought that was a very good idea. His husband was very wise.
Wei Ying stood up, pulling Lan Wangji with him. But instead of going to gather their clothes and head back home, Wei Ying tugged him towards the water.
“No,” Lan Wangji said, panting his feet. His husband was very stupid.
“No, no, I know, but we need to get at least some of the sand off,” Wei Ying assured. “Then we can go home and have a bath.”
He took it all back, of course, his husband was a genius. “Alright,” he agreed and Lan Wangji let himself be led into the cool water.
Wei Ying splashed him. The grin hadn’t left his face and Lan Wangji could distract himself from other emotions by feeling content with this fact. It also meant Lan Wangji spotted when it turned mischievous as Wei Ying said, “Lan Zhan, do you think you could catch me?”
“Yes, always.” That should be obvious.
“Aw, Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying protested, covering his face briefly. “You say such kind things. Now I almost feel bad for doing this.”
“Doing what?” Lan Wangji’s tipped his head to one side.
Wei Ying didn’t answer, just backed up a bit before taking a running jump towards him.
Lan Wangji did indeed catch him, but they both tumbled backward into the water with a splash and Wei Ying’s bright laughter. When they surfaced, Wei Ying apologized by peppering Lan Wangji’s face with kisses, so Lan Wangji decided not to take revenge.
This time.
| 2. Wen Qing |
Wen Qing cornered on him at the edge of a pier, eyes stormy. Lan Wangji glanced to see if she had her needles out only to find, just as alarmingly, she was gripping her sword. She was dressed mostly in purples to help her blend in with the Jiang sect, looking just as intimidating as in her Wen red.
Lan Wangji normally got along very well with her and had thought they were friends. This behavior was odd. He wanted to back up some more to get some space from her but worried he might slip right into the water. “How may I help you?” He tried asking instead.
“We need to have a talk,” Wen Qing said, back straight and looking him dead in the eye.
Lan Wangji didn’t like this eye contact. It added a feeling as if she was looking down at him despite his greater height. “Alright. We are talking.”
She pointed her sword hilt at him. “Don’t get smart with me. This is serious.”
“I am becoming aware of this.” Lan Wangji tried to keep his own grip on Bichen relaxed as he could.
“You better not hurt Wei Wuxian,” Wen Qing said, still staring him down when he focused back on her face.
Lan Wangji had a flashback to his first week on Lotus Pier. Jiang Wanyin had done something very similar to this - an obvious threat of harm if anything happened to Wei Ying. Jiang Wanyin had not liked when Lan Wangji had pointed out that it was, in fact, he who had arranged Lan Wangji’s marriage to Wei Ying.
Lan Wangji focused on the matter at hand. “I will not, would never, do something to hurt Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji said and it was a promise. He had made it before and he would make it again. “Wei Ying is my equal and my partner.”
Wen Qing nodded and began to look a little less intimidating. “I trust that you will. But I wanted you to know what will happen if you don’t.”
“I am well aware,” Lan Wangji said, and even gave a little smile. “Wei Ying is very loved.” As he should be.
“Good, but don’t get cocky,” she said and then moved quickly.
Lan Wangji had lowered his guard enough that he couldn’t dodge her in time. He had enough forethought to toss Bichen on the pier before he splashed back first into the water. When he surfaced he found Wen Qing was already walking away, apparently deciding Lan Wangji had fully gotten the message.
This was certainly a different outcome to his conversation with Jiang Wanyin.
| 3. Jiang Yanli |
Besides his husband and a-Yuan, Jiang Yanli was the person Lan Wangji spent the most time with. He had found a close friend in his sister-in-law, and appreciated the times when she translated some of the behavior of her brothers.
She, along with Granny Wen, had both begun to teach Lan Wangji how to cook. It was an activity Lan Wangji found relaxing and enjoyable. Lan Wangji found that what he could do and who he could be was something he had more control over as a (married in) member of the Jiang sect than the second young master of the Gusu Lan. This was a thrilling and terrifying fact.
Jiang Yanli was one of the few people who had asked Lan Wangji, “What do you want?”
He wished to repay her kindness and tried to at every turn. During one of the afternoons they spent in quiet, shared company, Lan Wangji noticed she seemed unhappy and unable to sit still. He put away his guqin and moved across the room to her side.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” he asked, offering his hand to help her up. Jiang Yanli gave a small smile, that Lan Wangji knew her well enough to tell was false. It was a falsehood she didn’t want pushed on though - sometimes she reminded Lan Wangji of Xichen. He was pulled from any feeling of homesickness by Jiang Yanli’s small hand briefly on his own.
“A walk sounds lovely,” Jiang Yanli murmured. “I need to clear out my thoughts.”
Together they moved from her rooms. Wei Ying was somewhere checking on vegetable growth and checking up on the Wen refugees. Sometimes Lan Wangji would go with him, other days, like today, he would go off with one or both of the Wen siblings. That was when he visited Wen refugees (no doubt cultivators) that he didn’t want Lan Wangji to have to lie to his brother about.
“Summer is going to come to a close before we know it,” Jiang Yanli commented. “I think you will like the lotus harvest.”
“Mn,” Lan Wangji said, glancing over at her. She seemed to relax as they walked. “Do you want to talk?”
Jiang Yanli sighed, though she didn’t seem upset by his question. “It’s complicated.”
Lan Wangji assumed as much. He also was pretty sure this was a matter Jiang Yanli would not wish to talk about with either of her brothers. “Is it about the letter you received from Lanling?”
Jiang Yanli almost winced. “You noticed it?”
“I did not mean to pry,” Lan Wangji assured. “But the paper and seal are similar to what my brother used to receive.”
“Ah,” was all she said for a long time.
They continued to walk, moving from the pier and past the training grounds. There were paths throughout the nearby forest, intended for training and hunting but worked well to get some space.
“I don’t think Jin Zixuan had anything to do with the cruelty against the Wen civilians.” The words were frustrated, not in Jiang Yanli’s usually calm and thoughtful manner.
Lan Wangji could sympathize with the frustration of knowing the one you loved wasn’t being understood. “I do not believe he did either.”
Jiang Yanli grabbed his arm, looking up at him with wide eyes. She quickly let go but stayed close, halting their progress. “You don’t?”
Lan Wangji nodded, not sure what else to do to assure her. “When I was younger, often at cultivation conferences we would... both stay out of the way. I got to know him a little bit. I did not engage in many conversations, but from what I have observed, I have seen no cruelty from Jin Zixuan.” Pride and disdain, yes, but Lan Wangji had experienced the same faults.
“That’s a relief to hear,” Jiang Yanli smiled again, small but real this time. She turned back to continue walking and Lan Wangji matched her pace. “I trust your judgment.”
“I am flattered.”
“You saw a-Xian for who he is,” Jiang Yanli said. “That certainly says something to me.”
They walked for some steps more in silence. “What do you want to do?” Lan Wangji asked.
Jiang Yanli focused on the ground ahead of her. “I don’t know...”
“Do you care for Jin Zixuan?”
“Yes, but I care more for my family and the work we are doing here,” Jiang Yanli sighed again. “It doesn't seem like these two things line up.”
“You could let Jin Zixuan know that there is a space for him here,” Lan Wangji suggested. “Give him the choice.” Not making his offer for Wei Ying to come back to Gusu sound like a choice seemed to be what backfired on him. Lan Wangji could pass along what he had learned.
Jiang Yanli nodded. “That’s a good idea...”
“I am sure there would be a place for him,” Lan Wangji encouraged. “...I could talk to Wei Ying if Jin Zixuan accepts.”
Jiang Yanli laughed at that, as they turned to walk back towards home. “Yes, maybe if you broke the news to him, he’d behave.”
“He just wants you to be happy,” Lan Wangji said, though he didn’t really need to defend Wei Ying to her. “It is a sentiment shared.”
“Thank you,” Jiang Yanli said. “I’m glad to have you as a brother-in-law.”
Lan Wangji wasn’t sure what to say to that. But it warmed him to have Jiang Yanli as a friend. As a part of his family.
They spent the rest of the walk back in companionable silence until they reached where ground turned back to pier. Jiang Yanli paused then and turned to him with a smile. “You’ve become something of another brother to me,” she said.
Lan Wangji inclined his head. “I am honored.”
“Now there is something of a right of passage to being my brother, I hope you don’t mind terribly. Just a matter of formality.” Her smile had some mischief to it. “See as the eldest, I get to push you into the river.”
Lan Wangji couldn’t come up with a response fast enough to that before he was indeed pushed into the water.
| 4. Luo Qingyang |
Lotus Pier had been rebuilt larger, to accommodate the number of people who had come to call it home. Lan Wangji and Wei Ying shared rooms to one side, and nearby Granny Wen had been settled with her son, who just insisted everyone call him Uncle. A-Yuan now had a bedroom in each and seemed happy to call the entirety of the Pier home.
On the opposite side, Jiang Yanli had her rooms, with an open and airy living space that had become a communal gathering area. Near her but more towards the back were the Wen siblings.
Lan Wangji might never fully understand the man, but he had to acknowledge that Jiang Wanyin took good care of his siblings and those his siblings deemed important. Lan Wangji was sure the sect leader was trying to figure out where to put the newest addition.
Luo Qingyang had shown up ten days ago and seemed to be in no hurry to leave. She had been traveling on her own, assisting in small night hunts, since she had left the Jins. But she wanted to take a break and had “heard that Yunmeng was the place to be.”
Lan Wangji couldn’t say how true that was, but it had certainly endeared her to Jiang Wanyin. In fact, Luo Qingyang, or “Mianmian” as Wei Ying insisted on calling her, made fast friends with everyone on Lotus Pier from Granny Wen, to the new Jiang disciples, to a-Yuan.
Lan Wangji certainly found her pleasant company and someone it was easy for him to talk with.
They were walking back from the training field when she asked, “I watched Jiang Cheng toss your husband in the water this morning,”
“Mn.” Lan Wangji had been showing a-Yuan how he played the guqin, so he hadn’t witnessed this particular event. “It is usually a form of affection.”
“That’s how they show affection? By pushing people in the water?” Luo Qingyang sounded confused but intrigued. Lan Wangji could understand this feeling.
“Yes. Though it can also be a form of punishment,” Lan Wangji explained. “It can be hard to tell which it is being used as.”
She laughed. “Of course, of course. This is making me wish the rules were written down like in your sect.”
Lan Wangji understood that feeling at an almost painful level. “All rules are unwritten and flexible. Except for the one against insulting someone’s soup.” This was mostly a joke.
Luo Qingyang shook her head, chuckling some more. “Noted. So shoving someone into the water could be seen as a declaration of friendship?”
“Yes, I suppose-” That was all the warning he got before he found himself falling with a splash.
He surfaced to find Luo Qingyang laughing, nearly doubled over. It wasn’t a mean laugh... it was actually nice. She thought him a friend, not someone intimidating or cold. She peeked over at him and said, “Sorry, sorry. Here, let me help you up.”
Lan Wangji gripped her offered hand and raised his brows. Luo Qingyang realized her mistake a moment too late and let out a yelping laugh as Lan Wangji tugged her into the water as well.
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alice-in-wonderart · 4 years
your scenarios are so cute!! could you please do one of jiang cheng having a crush on someone he thinks likes wwx (but they don’t, he’s just dense)? 💞
Shiiiiii- I absolutely LOVE this idea! It was so much fun to write and I had a blast trolling AngryPurpleMan™️. Honestly, JC living a lowkey comedy sitcom lifestyle is the quality content we all need. I present you, the most dense-tastic man on Earth learning how to emotion properly for the first time. 🙌
P.S. I hope he isn't too OOC
The Art of Jealousy
He knew better than to let his emotions get the best of him. Yet for some reason you had him in the palm of your hand. Not just him, but his heart. He had never before felt something as strong as every heartbeat around you. He would hear it in his head, feel it down his spine.
How utterly unfair life could be.
Jiang Cheng was a difficult person to deal with. It didn't take a genius to realise it. Hell, even he knew it. And he never really minded, that is until he met you. Kind and compassionate, strong and level-headed, intelligent eyes, quick wits, and frankly - a billion more qualities he had grown to...fancy, as he'd call it reluctantly. It took a war and some serious trauma on his side to realise, that maybe love wasn't a COMPLETE waste of time, and that maybe he would be allowed to experience it...not.
Jiang Cheng was a difficult person and he knew it. He also knew, that his brother Wei Wuxian was charming and funny, good-looking and of course - a ginormous flirt. He also knew people enjoyed jokes and flirting. And he was well-aware those weren't his strongest suit. But as he stayed from a distance, watching you laugh cheerfully at one of Wei Wuxian's trillions of ingenious jokes, his arm wrapped around your shoulders, he so wished he could be like that.
Of course, that you'd fall for that idiot. Who wouldn't? Although in his opinion, that would be abysmal, who was he to judge? That's right. Who was he to have a say in this? Yet he kept on wishing you'd turn to him instead, laugh with him instead, hug him instead, look for HIS company, HIS opinions. And with each longing stare your way, he'd get increasingly angry - at himself, at you and above all, at Wei Wuxian.
What he failed to notice during his bouts of rage were the longing stares you threw right back at him, and the knowing looks Wei Wuxian would give you. You'd told him a while back about your growing fondness of the Jiang sect leader and, as the great best friend he was, he'd vowed to help you win over his burning heart. In actuality, Wei Wuxian already suspected, that his brother had also harboured a certain attraction towards you, all he needed was a little bit of solid proof.
And god, you try everything. Cooking him something? He found the two of you before it was ready and got angry he wasn't invited. (though he denied that reasoning) Buying him something? He was in an exceptionally bad mood all day. (totally not because you went to the market with Wei Wuxian.) Drinking tea with him and just talking? Duty called and he had to go to work. Accompanying a night hunt? Jiang Cheng had to monitor Jin Ling and just as you were about to be attacked, Wei Wuxian (ofc) came to help. (JC just has 0 luck.) Clearly, it wasn't working out.
Currently you were in the middle of your plan to make him confess 'notice you'. Or rather, Wei Wuxian's plan. You weren't all that aware of it. And as Jiang Cheng angrily scowled at the two of you, he knew he was succeeding.
The younger brother couldn't stand it anymore. That shameful display of digusting affection made him want to carve his heart out and throw it right at you. Instead of throwing a scene, however, he decided for once to be the bigger person and *totally not in a demonstrative manner* walk away - an action both WWX and you noticed immediately.
Returning to his private study, he plopped on his chair, trying his darn hardest to stop himself from destroying his surroundings. Futile. In a sudden wave of anger, he pushed all of his scrolls and documents off his desk, letting them scatter around the room. His mind was screaming at him, but his heart was louder. He was done with wasting time on these foolish emotions. Who needed love anyways? It only makes you weaker. He wasn't about to embarrass himself with such stupid feelings.
His thoughts were interrupted, when there was a small knock on the door. "Who is it?", he asked sternly. He wanted to be alone. "It's me, Y/N." And just like that his tough act crumbled. "What do you want?"
"May I come in?"
Stepping inside, you were met with a clearly fuming Jiang Cheng, sitting amongst a few dozen scattered scrolls and sheets of paper. He averted his gaze away from you, as he crossed his arms.
"So? What do you want?" the harshness in his voice made your own anger rise, but no - you had it all under control.
"I think we need to talk about something important. But A-Cheng, what happened here?" you gestured to the scrolls.
"If it's that important, why don't you go ask Wei Wuxian for help? Or just go bother anybody else, but me." There it was - that childish jealousy Jiang Cheng has always had. He didn't want to sound as mean as he did, but his anger got the best of him. And deep down he knew, that he was going to regret it. But he was going to think about it later.
"Because it has nothing to do with him." You felt your voice tremble. Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all. "You know, nevermind, forget what I said.."
Jiang Cheng's heart was drowning in pain and guilt. Yet the more he felt it, the more defensive he became.
"Yeah. Now leave. I have work to do and I'm pretty sure your lover is looking for you."
What? You moved closer, standing right in front of him. "My what? Jiang Wanyin, what are you even talking about? What lover???" But then it dawned upon you. Was....was he jealous? Was he acting like that, because of jealousy?
His cheeks reddened as he finally looked at you. "As if it isn't obvious. You and Wei Wuxian spend every second together. It's so obvious it hurts, damn it. So don't play s-"
He was interrupted by you pulling him in by the robes and leaving a sweet kiss on his thin lips. You were right - he was jealous. And currently, he was so stunned he almost forgot how to breathe. Once you pulled away he nearly fell back. His face was now beat red, eyes wandering over your face, lost in the disarray that was his mind.
"A-Xian and I aren't lovers. We're friends. He was helping me try to confess...to you. You're the one I fell in love with." Suddenly you felt very small under his gaze, as you muttered the last of your confession.
And in that very moment, Jiang Cheng's entire world came crashing down like a tsunami. It was...him? Actually him? Not Wei Wuxian, not anybody else - but him? All this time?
"Wha-" He didn't know how to respond. He had yelled at you, nearly sent you away all for nothing. And suddenly realization hit him. You had just kissed him. He gathered himself as much much as possible, nerves practically wrecking him on the inside.
"If that is true, then...You idiot-" Instead of finishing his sentence, he just sighed, before pulling you in for another kiss. Wrapping an arm around your waist and burying the other in your hair, he whispered against your lips.
"Be mine."
"I already am"
You decided, that for the time being you wouldn't mention his jealousy. After all, who'd ruin such a wonderful moment?
"You were jealous, weren't you?"
*Pterodactyl screeching in denial*
Or maybe not.
Thank you for reading~
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bloody-bee-tea · 4 years
A second chance
ScarletRuby19 over on Twitter commissioned me for a Chengxuan fic where JZX survives and comes to Lotus Pier where JC and JZX bond, first over JL and then JYL, before they fall in love. Cue some angst and doubt, over whether they are allowed this happiness before they decide that, yes. JYL would want them to be happy. Plus a little bonus at the end where WWX finds out and Madam Jin doting on JC. I hope you like it! It’s a little over 5k, so you can also read it here on AO3.
Jiang Cheng is standing in the ruins of his home and he doesn’t know where he should even start. Just yesterday he added a plate for his sister, setting it up next to their parents and just the thought makes Jiang Cheng want to curl up and die. Or maybe just sleep for a very, very long time.
Let someone else shoulder the responsibility for once.
But he doesn’t even get that, because a disciple comes running up to him. It’s always bad news when people run up to him.
“What?” Jiang Cheng snaps out before the disciple even comes to a stop, and when he does, he has to bend over to catch his breath first.
“Sect Leader, Jin Zixuan is here.”
Jiang Cheng blinks, once, twice and then a third time for good measure.
“He is what?” he finally gets out and the disciple points back to where he came from.
“He just landed, a baby strapped to his chest.”
Jin Ling, Jiang Cheng thinks, and it’s that thought that finally gets him to move.
He runs off, the disciple close behind him, and Jiang Cheng comes to a stop when his eyes fall on Jin Zixuan, like his disciple said, chalk white in his face, sweat on his brow, swaying on his feet and a baby strapped to his chest.
“You’re not dead,” is the first thing Jiang Cheng says to him and he’s met with a grimace at that.
“Wishing I were right about now,” Jin Zixuan gives back, panting heavily and when his knees give out on him, Jiang Cheng is there to catch him.
“I don’t understand,” Jiang Cheng admits, one hand under Jin Zixuan’s shoulder to support him, and one hand on Jin Ling’s head.
“Wen Ning killed you,” Jiang Cheng says once he safely guided Jin Zixuan to sit down right where he stood and Jin Zixuan lets out a snort that turns into a pained grunt.
“Wishing he did right about now,” Jin Zixuan says again with a grimace and then he sighs when Jin Ling starts to squirm in the harness. “Help me with this,” Jin Zixuan pants out, getting started on undoing the straps that hold Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng is quick to assist him.
He doesn’t mention how much Jin Zixuan’s hands shake.
What he does mention is the steadily growing patch of blood on his robe.
“What the fuck,” Jiang Cheng breathes out and then turns towards his disciple. “Get Jiang Sushan, right now.”
The disciple runs off without comment and Jiang Cheng turns back around to Jin Zixuan, just in time to have Jin Ling deposited in his arms.
“What is going on?” Jiang Cheng whispers and Jin Zixuan presses his lips together.
“I survived, if only barely. And I can’t stay at Koi Tower. I think—I think Jin Guangyao and Jin Zixun were working together. I can’t—I don’t trust him. I can’t stay there. Jin Ling shouldn’t be around him,” he pants out and Jiang Cheng looks down at the tiny baby in his arms. “My mother sent me away.”
“Why come here?” Jiang Cheng dumbly asks, but it’s all a bit too much right now.
“You’re her brother,” Jin Zixuan presses out. “You’re his uncle. Where else would I go?”
His answer takes Jiang Cheng aback, because it sounds like Jin Zixuan didn’t even consider going anywhere else, and it makes a ball of dread settle in Jiang Cheng’s stomach.
“I have nothing to offer you. Look around,” he says and points at the still slightly smoking ruins of Lotus Pier. “I have no resources, no stable home, nothing. Why come here?”
Jin Zixuan levels him with a look Jiang Cheng didn’t know he could make and repeats “You’re her sister, you’re his uncle. Where else would I go?”
Jiang Cheng opens his mouth to argue, but before he can find the words, Jin Ling lets out a discontented noise and Jiang Cheng’s attention is immediately redirected.
“I don’t know what to do,” Jin Zixuan whispers and he sounds as honest as Jiang Cheng has ever heard him. “She’s gone and I don’t know what to do.”
Jiang Cheng’s head snaps back up, just in time to watch Jin Zixuan slump back, his injury and the exhaustion clearly getting the better of him, but before Jiang Cheng has time to panic, he catches sight of Jiang Sushan rushing up to them.
“I don’t know, either,” Jiang Cheng whispers and then he makes place for the healer, Jin Ling cradled protectively to his chest.
He doesn’t have a goddamn clue what to do either.
Jiang Sushan forbids Jin Zixuan from standing up until the hole in his stomach has healed. The hole in his stomach. Jiang Cheng feels sick just thinking about it, and he tries very hard not to imagine how it happened.
But with Jin Zixuan forced into bedrest, Jiang Cheng spends more time in the infirmary than he ever cared to do before. But Jin Zixuan wants to see his son, and Jiang Cheng can barely stand the thought of giving the tiny baby out of his hands.
So it’s him who brings Jin Ling to Jin Zixuan on a daily basis.
“If you could just heal up already,” Jiang Cheng grumbles sometimes during the third week, because he has a home to rebuild and a Sect to establish and disciples to train, but instead he’s sitting at his late sister’s husband’s bedside, holding a baby on his knees so Jin Zixuan can reach out and let Jin Ling grab his finger. “I have better things to do than be here every goddamn day.”
“Then just leave,” Jin Zixuan snaps back, clearly as unhappy with his bedrest as Jiang Cheng is.
Plus, neither of them counted on seeing each other every goddamn day when Jin Zixuan married Jiang Yanli and for all that Jiang Yanli clearly loved him, Jiang Cheng still holds a grudge.
Jin Zixuan was an ass to his sister and he’s not sure he’ll ever forgive that.
“Fine,” Jiang Cheng presses out and makes to stand up, absolutely intending to take Jin Ling with him, but Jin Zixuan fists his hand in Jiang Cheng’s robe.
“You’ll leave him here,” he says, eyes narrowed and Jiang Cheng fights the urge to bare his teeth at him.
“Absolutely not. You’re not even allowed to hold him yet,” he gives back and he can see the fury flash over Jin Zixuan’s face.
“And whose fault is that?” he demands to know and if he’s being honest, Jiang Cheng has been itching for this fight ever since Jin Zixuan landed in Lotus Pier.
“Why don’t you tell me,” he says, voice scathing and Jin Zixuan doesn’t even hesitate for a second.
“Your fucking brother did this to me,” he hisses and now Jiang Cheng gives him a smile so sharp Jin Zixuan rears back.
“From what you told me it was your brother who did this, so if I were you, I wouldn’t go around throwing stones,” he gives back without missing a beat and Jin Zixuan goes red in the face. “Now if you would excuse me, I have to take care of your kid, because clearly you’re unable to.”
It’s a low blow, and Jiang Cheng knows it, but he can’t stop himself.
“I wasn’t supposed to do this alone,” Jin Zixuan says, and his voice sounds more watery than Jiang Cheng knows how to deal with. “Yanli was supposed to be here, too.”
“Yeah, well, she’s not, is she,” Jiang Cheng says, and even just the reminder that his sister is dead cuts him open all over again.
A very vindictive part of Jiang Cheng hopes that Jin Zixuan feels the same pain Jiang Cheng does.
“And whose fault is that?” Jin Zixuan yells suddenly at him, startling Jin Ling into crying, but neither of them care right now.
“Certainly not mine,” Jiang Cheng shoots back but Jin Zixuan doesn’t back down.
“No. It was just your brother who killed my wife. Who killed his mother,” Jin Zixuan says with a pointed look at Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng boils with rage.
“She was my sister, too,” he shouts, Jin Ling full on wailing in his arms now, and it’s only the arrival of Jiang Sushan who defuses the situation.
“What the hell,” she says and marches up to Jiang Cheng, to take Jin Ling out of his hands. “I allowed you to bring him because I thought it would help his recovery,” she snaps and rocks Jin Ling in her arms.
“Since clearly you’re both too stupid to appreciate my gift, I’ll have to ask you to leave now, Sect Leader Jiang.”
Jiang Cheng turns burning eyes on her, but Jiang Sushan is not one to back down and Jiang Cheng knows it.
“Can I—,” Jin Zixuan asks, arm outstretched for his son but Jiang Sushan gives him the same judgemental look she gave Jiang Cheng.
“Absolutely not,” she declares and then simply storms off, Jin Ling still in her arms.
Jiang Cheng’s fingers itch without Jin Ling’s by now so familiar weight and Jin Zixuan looks like he has half a mind running after her.
But thanks to the interruption all the rage left Jiang Cheng and so he scrubs a tired hand over his face.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. If you leave that bed, she’ll find a reason to send Jin Ling to Meishan or something,” Jiang Cheng whispers without looking at Jin Zixuan who freezes in his movement.
“She wouldn’t,” he gives back but he doesn’t sound as certain as he surely would like to be.
“She would,” Jiang Cheng corrects him and then straightens up. “Just stay in this goddamn bed and heal, would you? I’m tired of doing this alone,” he tells Jin Zixuan, his eyes still carefully avoided, but he still notices the jerky nod from the other man.
It’s only then that Jiang Cheng leaves the infirmary.
It takes Jin Zixuan another two weeks to heal enough for Jiang Sushan to allow him out of bed. He’s still not allowed to hold Jin Ling without help, but at least he can watch him. It doesn’t give Jiang Cheng enough time to deal with his Sect’s business, but it’s better than nothing.
“I can help, you know,” Jin Zixuan says one afternoon as he watches Jin Ling and he startles Jiang Cheng enough that he messes up his letter.
“Fuck,” Jiang Cheng curses, prompting Jin Ling to let out an unhappy noise and when Jin Zixuan shoots him an accusing glare, Jiang Cheng glares right back.
“He’s too young to pick up on this,” Jiang Cheng says as he checks if there’s a way to save the letter.
There is not. He’ll have to start over.
“One day he won’t be,” Jin Zixuan reasons and he reaches out as if he wants to pick Jin Ling up.
“Oh no, you don’t,” Jiang Cheng hisses under his breath and intercepts his movement, taking Jin Ling into his own arms.
“Jiang Wanyin!” Jin Zixuan snaps and Jiang Cheng glares at him over the top of Jin Ling’s very soft baby hair.
“If you pick him up, you’ll rip something and then we’re back at square one, so don’t even think about it.”
“He is my son,” Jin Zixuan presses out and Jiang Cheng shrugs.
“Then maybe hurry up with the healing, so you can hold him, too. It certainly would be a great help,” Jiang Cheng snarks and then clicks his tongue when his eyes fall on the ruined letter.
“I can help,” Jin Zixuan says again, following Jiang Cheng’s gaze and Jiang Cheng bristles.
“I am perfectly capable of writing my own letters, thank you very much.”
“You’re so—,” Jin Zixuan says and then clearly can’t find the right words because he closes his mouth with a click. “Fine. Put him back down again, so you can finish your damn letter.”
“Ah, language,” Jiang Cheng reminds him, rather smug, and he almost has to smile when Jin Zixuan shoots him a glare.
When Jin Ling starts running around, Jiang Cheng and Jin Zixuan have long fallen into a routine. Jin Zixuan was right when he said he could help—he was trained as an heir, too, after all—and Jiang Cheng is loathe to admit that it removes a great weight from his shoulders to pass the less important matters off to Jin Zixuan.
They don’t talk a lot, even after all this time, since too many topics are off limits. They don’t talk about Wei Wuxian or Jin Guangyao at all, and mentions of Jiang Yanli still make both of them bitter and snappish, even though they are getting better at it.
It’s still safest to talk about Jin Ling, so they mostly spend their time doing that.
Even though Jiang Cheng finds himself wishing they could talk about Jiang Yanli more often.
Jin Zixuan is one of the last living people who held his sister dear, and Jiang Cheng itches with the need to find out what details Jin Zixuan remembers about her.
Jiang Cheng is afraid he’s forgetting too much lately, everything getting buried under work and more work.
“My sister told me I would hate this,” Jiang Cheng says apropos of nothing one day, when Jin Zixuan’s gaze follows Jin Ling down the pier.
They have secured this particular pier—erected a barrier so that Jin Ling couldn’t fall into the water even if they looked away for a second—and so Jin Zixuan doesn’t hesitate to snap his head around to him.
“What?” he asks, voice breathless and Jiang Cheng already regrets opening his mouth.
But the thought that maybe his memory of Jiang Yanli would be matched with one from Jin Zixuan gets him to talk again.
“She always said I’m a doer,” Jiang Cheng says, and keeps his eyes on the pile of letters on the table. “That I was meant to train the disciples and lead them on night-hunts. That I wasn’t made for the bureaucracy of leading a Sect.”
“She was right,” Jin Zixuan says with a scoff, though it’s not as sharp as it could be. “You’re doing a piss-poor job at this.”
“Language,” Jiang Cheng mildly reminds Jin Zixuan and he has to press his lips together when the predictable offended huff comes.
It was quite the surprise to realize that Jin Zixuan cursed almost as much as Jiang Cheng did, and by now Jin Ling starts to babble. One of them will slip up sooner or later, and Jiang Cheng is determined to have it be Jin Zixuan.
He thinks it would greatly amuse him, to see Jin Zixuan flush in outrage and embarrassment.
“You think you could do it better?” Jiang Cheng challenges him and Jin Zixuan sighs.
“I don’t—I don’t know,” he finally admits and Jiang Cheng’s gaze snaps towards him.
He didn’t expect Jin Zixuan to admit that he doesn’t know, that he isn’t sure of his capabilities.
“My father—he never let me do much. Shoved the minor matters off to me, but that was before Jin Guangyao came to Koi Tower. Afterwards, not so much. I guess between the two of us, you’re the only one with real experience.”
“Oh,” Jiang Cheng says, because sometimes he forgets that it wasn’t only his family that was fucked up.
“Oh,” Jin Ling parrots after Jiang Cheng and it’s enough warning for Jin Zixuan to brace for the impact of the toddler.
“You just make sure to repeat the harmless stuff,” Jin Zixuan tells his son as he hoists him into his lap, where Jin Ling settles quite contently.
An ugly spike of jealousy goes through Jiang Cheng, but he shoves it aside. Jin Ling is Jin Zixuan’s son. He’s just the uncle. Of course Jin Ling would be more comfortable with Jin Zixuan.
But then Jin Ling makes grabby hands at Jiang Cheng and Jin Zixuan shuffles closer with a roll of his eyes.
“I do not understand the fascination with your bell,” Jin Zixuan grumbles under his breath but he watches fondly as Jin Ling excitedly grabs for it.
“I do not understand the fascination with you,” Jiang Cheng shoots back, his eyes already back on his letter, but he still hears the outraged noise Jin Zixuan makes.
Instead of retaliating, like Jiang Cheng expected, Jin Zixuan falls silent and it’s a long time before he speaks again.
“Yanli always said that we needed to find a capable and trustworthy right hand for Jin Ling,” he finally whispers and Jiang Cheng stiffens. “I think she was preparing for the possibility that Jin Ling would turn out like you, too,” Jin Zixuan goes on, and normally Jiang Cheng would be offended at his choice of words, but Jin Zixuan’s voice is soft and Jiang Yanli never thought anything wrong with Jiang Cheng.
“I see,” Jiang Cheng whispers and then busies himself with the letter again.
He doesn’t move away when Jin Zixuan’s knee brushes his.
Jiang Cheng is contemplating drowning himself in the waters of Lotus Pier when Jin Ling runs up to him.
“Baba!” he yells excitedly and Jiang Cheng’s heart stumbles with that by now so familiar and dreaded mix of emotions.
They have tried to tell Jin Ling that he should address Jiang Cheng as ‘jiujiu’ and not ‘baba’ but it never seems to stick with Jin Ling and at least Jin Zixuan seems to have given up on it.
Jiang Cheng refuses to acknowledge how that makes him feel, but sometimes, it’s all he can do, drowning in how much he might want this.
It’s not right, and Jiang Cheng knows it.
“A-Ling,” he greets Jin Ling when he crashes into his legs and peers up at him, excitement shining out of his eyes. “What is it?”
“A-die said I could start training with the sword soon!” Jin Ling’s voice is still too loud, too excited, but Jiang Cheng smiles down at him.
“Oh, did he?” he asks, even though he already knows it.
For all that Jin Zixuan is Jin Ling’s father, they have fallen into the habit of making decisions together. It’s a dangerous territory, like Jiang Cheng’s heart likes to remind him.
“Yes, yes, yes,” Jin Ling babbles, and Jiang Cheng knows Jin Ling is getting too big for this now, but he still bows down to pick him up and settle him at his hip.
“But I’m not allowed to use Suihua yet,” Jin Ling then adds with a sad little tilt of his mouth and rests his head on Jiang Cheng’s shoulder. “A-die says I’m still too small for that.”
“And he’s right,” Jiang Cheng says and flicks Jin Ling’s nose. “Plus Suihua is too sharp for practice. You don’t want to cut yourself, do you?”
“No, baba,” Jin Ling agrees immediately, because for all that he tries to play tough—even at his tender age of five—Jin Ling cries easily.
Not to mention that neither Jin Zixuan nor Jiang Cheng like to see him hurt.
Jiang Cheng turns away from the water, thoughts of drowning himself and his stupid feelings forgotten, and when his eyes fall on Jin Zixuan he turns his head slightly away from Jin Ling on instinct.
It’s also a good reason not to focus on how his heart skips a beat.
“A-die!” Jin Ling predictably yells and throws himself out of Jiang Cheng’s arms, straight into Jin Zixuan’s, secure in the knowledge that neither will let him fall.
Jiang Cheng maintains his grip on Jin Ling until he’s sure that Jin Zixuan has him, but he sharply turns his head away when Jin Zixuan’s hands linger on his own longer than is strictly necessary.
Jiang Cheng’s mouth gives an unhappy twist when he reminds himself yet again that Jin Zixuan is his dead sister’s husband, but it does nothing to calm these feelings inside of him.
“Did you tell your baba already?” Jin Zixuan asks Jin Ling, but his eyes don’t leave Jiang Cheng and Jiang Cheng has to turn around when the look becomes too much.
“I did,” Jin Ling nods. “He says Suihua is too sharp for me, so I won’t use it yet,” he then tacks on and Jin Zixuan chuckles.
“Didn’t I tell you the same? Why do you only listen when it’s your baba saying that?” Jin Zixuan wants to know and Jiang Cheng can’t take it anymore.
“Zixuan!” he snaps and he only remembers himself when Jin Ling stares at him with watery eyes.
“A-Ling, why don’t you go to your room, I found you a training sword,” Jin Zixuan says as he puts Jin Ling down and Jin Ling runs off just as excitedly as he ran up to Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng’s outburst clearly already forgotten.
Jiang Cheng stares after him, not out of worry because he knows Jin Ling is safe in Lotus Pier, but to avoid Jin Zixuan’s look.
He can feel his eyes on him and Jiang Cheng doesn’t know if he’s strong enough to take it.
“Why are you still objecting to being called baba?” Jin Zixuan wants to know as he steps up to Jiang Cheng and Jiang Cheng tenses.
“I’m his jiujiu,” he gives back, even though there’s a sharp pain in his chest at the possibility of being addressed as such from Jin Ling.
“No, you’re not,” Jin Zixuan softly says and then turns Jiang Cheng around with a firm hand to his shoulder.
Jiang Cheng can’t meet his eyes, but when his gaze falls to Jin Zixuan’s lips instead he jerks his head away from that sight too.
He’s still trying to forget that night, the one where they both got drunk, the night where Jiang Cheng allowed Jin Zixuan to lean in and kiss him, and it’s so much harder than it should be. But Jin Zixuan isn’t his to touch or to kiss and Jiang Cheng hates himself a little bit for the fact that he wasn’t strong enough to push him away.
That he kissed him back instead.
“Wanyin,” Jin Zixuan whispers, and Jiang Cheng jerks with the familiarity in that name.
“Don’t,” he presses out and tries to take a step away from Jin Zixuan, but he follows him.
“Tell me why,” Jin Zixuan says, matching Jiang Cheng step for step, relentless in his movements, until Jiang Cheng is pressed against the railing of the pier.
“You’re my sister’s husband,” Jiang Cheng bites out, the words so ingrained in him already, because he has to remind himself of that several times a day.
“I’m a widower,” Jin Zixuan says, and he sounds exactly as pained by that as he should, before he shakes his head. “And the mourning period is over.”
“That doesn’t change anything,” Jiang Cheng gives back and startles when Jin Zixuan puts his hand on his arm.
Not really holding onto him, but seeking contact nonetheless and Jiang Cheng is helpless against it. He sways into the contact, a move Jin Zixuan clearly notices because a small smile grazes his lips.
Jiang Cheng itches to kiss it off.
“Doesn’t it?” Jin Zixuan asks and Jiang Cheng raises his head as he pushes his shoulders back.
“No,” he bites out but Jin Zixuan doesn’t let go of him.
“Do you really think Yanli would begrudge us this? Do you really think she wouldn’t want us to be happy?” he asks and Jiang Cheng jerks with his words.
“Who says you make me happy?” he shoots back and his stomach falls when pain flashes over Jin Zixuan’s face.
He hesitates for a moment, but when Jiang Cheng doesn’t move or say anything else, he slowly pulls back.
And Jiang Cheng, he can’t let that happen.
His hands shoot up on instinct, fisting in Jin Zixuan’s robes, which are more purple than gold at this point, and he stops Jin Zixuan in his movement.
Jiang Cheng can’t quite meet Jin Zixuan’s eyes, but he has wondered the same lately. If Jiang Yanli would really be mad at them for finding happiness again. For finding happiness with each other.
Jiang Cheng can’t be sure, but he likes to think that she would want this for them. That she would be happy. And if Jin Zixuan thinks the same—
Before Jiang Cheng can overthink this, he leans forward, pressing his lips to Jin Zixuan’s, who meets him without hesitation.
Jiang Cheng was drunk the last—only—time they did this, but he isn’t now. Now, he gets to enjoy this.
“You make me very happy, Wanyin,” Jin Zixuan mumbles against his lips when they finally part, and Jiang Cheng wonders when Jin Zixuan turned into the more brave, into the more suave of the two of them, but then he tilts his head again and all thoughts flee his head.
Jin Zixuan makes him very happy, too.
Jiang Cheng hasn’t even entered their rooms completely yet when Jin Zixuan slams a letter down on the table.
“My father died,” Jin Zixuan announces and the good mood leaves Jiang Cheng just as quickly as his stomach drops to the floor.
They didn’t even get two years, is all Jiang Cheng can think, as he sinks to the floor opposite of Jin Zixuan.
“I see,” Jiang Cheng whispers, and pushes the letter away from him.
He can guess what it says. Jin Zixuan is the heir after all.
He will leave, and he will take Jin Ling with him, and he might as well reach into Jiang Cheng’s chest and take his heart, too. It’s not like there will be much left of it, after all.
“You don’t,” Jin Zixuan says with a little shake of his head, and then leans over the table to drag Jiang Cheng into a biting kiss.
Jiang Cheng imagines this is what goodbye tastes like and he has to blink furiously so that the tears won’t cloud his gaze.
“I’m not going back,” Jin Zixuan says when they finally part and Jiang Cheng’s breath hitches at that, his hands coming up to frame Jin Zixuan’s face.
“Do not lie to me, only to leave in the end,” he demands, but Jin Zixuan shakes his head and then presses a kiss to Jiang Cheng’s palm for good measure too.
“I’m not,” he reassures him. “Did you forget that my mother likes you? Maybe even more than I do,” Jin Zixuan teases him, and it’s familiar enough to bring a small smile to Jiang Cheng’s face. “She’s going to be acting Sect Leader,” Jin Zixuan tells him as he leans close again to brush his nose against Jiang Cheng’s cheek. “And she wants us to marry.”
Jiang Cheng freezes in surprise at those words.
“She what?” he dumbly asks, because this is something Jiang Cheng never allowed himself to think of, to hope for.
Jin Zixuan wore red once already, and surely Jiang Cheng couldn’t get so lucky as to see him in it again.
“The date is set,” Jin Zixuan says with a shrug. “She doesn’t give us much choice. Really, it was more a statement of facts than her voicing a wish. You know she adores you, I wonder how you can still have doubts about that.”
“Zixuan,” Jiang Cheng says, because he doesn’t appreciate it if Jin Zixuan is just joking around right now.
“If you would have read the letter you knew,” Jin Zixuan says, his amusement clear in his voice and Jiang Cheng can’t help himself, he simply has to lean in and capture Jin Zixuan’s lips again.
His fiance’s lips, if Jin Zixuan is speaking the truth.
“Jin Ling is going to love this,” Jiang Cheng says when they part and Jin Zixuan makes an unhappy face at him.
“I would prefer it if you loved it,” he pouts and Jiang Cheng gives him a brilliant smile.
“Isn’t it enough that I love you?” he asks and when Jin Zixuan splutters like he always does when Jiang Cheng so freely expresses his affection, Jiang Cheng knows that they will be alright.
More than that even.
Wei Wuxian has to admit that he kind of enjoys showing the little brat just what his talismans can do. It’s fun to see him on the floor and struggling to get free.
“You just wait until my a-die and baba show up,” the brat says, once he exhausted himself and Wei Wuxian frowns at that.
“Your a-die and baba?” he parrots but before the brat can answer him, there’s a rustling in the underbrush next to them and Wei Wuxian takes a cautious step back.
“Jin Ling,” a new voice says and Wei Wuxian watches as the sour face on the brat’s face is overtaken with a smile.
Wait a minute, Jin Ling? Jin Rulan? Could it really be, Wei Wuxian wonders, but then Jin Zixuan is already stepping forwards and it’s really him.
Even though Wei Wuxian has to do a double take when he sees him dressed in all purple.
“Jin Zixuan?” Wei Wuxian blurts out, and then—because he can’t help himself—he adds, “Didn’t Wen Ning kill you?”
As soon as the words leave his mouth he slaps a hand over his mouth, but it’s already too late and the damage is done, Wei Wuxian can see that in the narrowing of Jin Zixuan’s eyes.
“Wei Wuxian?” he asks, suspicion clear in his voice and Wei Wuxian winces.
To think that he would blow his cover this soon.
“Haha, in the flesh,” he says with a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his head, and he totally doesn’t squirm under Jin Zixuan’s searching gaze.
“Not quite in the flesh, huh,” Jin Zixuan mumbles and then destroys the talisman on Jin Ling’s back. “You know, I didn’t appreciate it when your Ghost General put a hole through my stomach,” Jin Zixuan then says conversationally and before Wei Wuxian can say anything to that, purple lightning fills the forest.
Wei Wuxian shivers, phantom pains already running down his back, and he takes a step back.
“You know, I didn’t appreciate it either when your Ghost General put a hole through my husband’s stomach,” a new voice says and when Jiang Cheng steps up next to Jin Zixuan Wei Wuxian’s mind goes blank.
He blinks in confusion several times, but the picture still doesn’t make any more sense than before.
“I think you broke him,” Jin Zixuan whispers to Jiang Cheng who gives Jin Zixuan a sweet smile—and that is something Wei Wuxian can’t even begin to process—and then he holds his hand out for Jin Ling.
“A-Ling, come here,” Jiang Cheng says and Jin Ling is up and next to Jiang Cheng in an instant.
“A-die and baba?” Wei Wuxian whispers, his mind still reeling with the new revelations, and he’s almost relieved when someone else interrupts the scene.
“Zixuan, are you angering my A-Cheng again?” a woman’s voice suddenly calls out and Wei Wuxian can do nothing but stare in helpless confusion as Jin Zixuan groans while Jin Ling snickers.
“A-niang, seriously, you could think Wanyin is your son,” Jin Zixuan complaints just as Madam Jin comes to a halt next to them.
“Thankfully he is now,” Madam Jin gives back with a smile as she pats Jiang Cheng’s cheek, and Wei Wuxian has to watch as his brother just lets it happen.
Without blushing even, which means this must be a regular occurrence.
“It’s not him who made me angry,” Jiang Cheng reassures her and Madam Jin’s eyes fall on Wei Wuxian.
“Oh?” she says and Wei Wuxian falls into a sloppy bow.
“Madam Jin,” he greets her only to startle when Zidian crackles again.
“That’s Sect Leader Jin to you,” Jiang Cheng snaps, just as Jin Ling chuckles.
“What. The fuck,” Wei Wuxian whispers and when three voices snap “Language” at him, he wonders just what the hell he stumbled into this time.
{Buy me a kofi}  
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calypsoff · 3 years
Sixty Two.
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Today is Grammy’s day, and I am feeling the full throttle of being lost in a room full of designers, I am just here confused as hell. I am so glad Rorrey is here with me, I asked him to stay longer but also Robyn’ family have come and it’s nice to have them; they are currently keeping me sane because this home is busy. We have had people coming in and out for Robyn, her dress is too tight so Mel had to rush out and now his partner Adam I think, he’s using my office to come up with a backup plan, he was supposed to be dressing me, but it’s been scrapped, and they are rushing around Robyn, me on the other hand. I am waiting for JC to cut this shit off my head “Hi everyone, where is she?” Looking behind me at Jen “upstairs in our bedroom, she’s not happy. Tell her that I will bring her some food up, it’s coming” Jen pointed at me “good, I will go up then. Wish me luck” she walked off, I got to make sure my babies are fed now, I got to take care of my wife “is it always like this busy?” I asked Rorrey “bro, it’s bad. But not as bad as the fact Robyn doesn’t fit in her dress so I can only imagine how annoyed she is, usually it flows so yeah. How you feeling? You’re going to be there with Robyn, in the limelight. Her husband, you know what. Embrace it, you’re out there winning. Fuck what anyone says because we know your heart bro, we know you so whatever they say means nothing. Enjoy yourself, get in there. You smile too, there will be a lot of flashing lights, but you be there for my little sister and my nephew or niece, it’s y’all day. It ain’t even Grammy’s night, it’s y’all night. Trust me” I chuckled “makes me feel nervous when you say that I know that people won’t be expecting Robyn pregnant, they going to see it now officially” rubbing my chest grinning “Boys, Chris” looking behind me “food” Frank held it out, we have Frank at the door because the door is open, so you never know “oh yeah thank you” getting up from the couch, taking the bag from him “hey family!” Noella walked in with my favorite princess “oh wow, forget Robyn. Look at Majesty” walking around the couch towards her “hey” hugging Noella “hey you, big day for you. I’m excited, you not going to take your fave?” Shaking my head “duty calls, got to feed Robyn” I know she’s going to be so hungry “oh yeah, you do that” walking around Noella to go upstairs.
Knocking on the door lightly and pushed it open, my eyes widened. Luckily it’s just women in here because I would have blown a fuse and the three men are gay because she’s naked, I dislike that “let me put my robe on then, the fuck!? Why didn’t any of you tell me to try these dresses on beforehand!? My body shape has fucking changed, how stupid! How fucking stupid!” Closing the door behind me “why isn’t your hair cut!? You’re not going like that” oh she’s spotted me “soon, I bought you food” Robyn finally put her robe on, well she needed too. She’s a little stressed out, she looks so stressed “come, let’s go and sit in the corner” Robyn shook her head “I don’t have time” pulling a face at her “you don’t have time for me” she put her head down as her smile grew “maybe a couple of minutes then” I chuckled “I’ll take that, come. Let’s just, actually let’s just sit in the spare room. The room I never took all the stuff out of” walking back out of our bedroom “yes Chris, we need to decorate the baby room” I had to start her off “I know” opening the bedroom door and walking inside the room “I will do it, I promise” sitting on the edge of the bed “if you can” opening the bag for Robyn, I got her a chicken salad because if I get her anytime fried she would say I’m adding weight onto her “you really got me food” placing the bag at the side of me “of course I did, you just need to relax. You’re really stressing out, nobody is more stressed out then the people around you that want to make you perfect” opening the box “true, just that I want to be perfect and it’s like I can’t be” stabbing my fork in the salad and chicken and holding it up too “what, don’t cry” placing the fork in the box, placing my arm around her, I was going to ask what is it but I didn’t, let her just cry it out and then I will.
Rubbing Robyn’ back, she laughed to herself “I’m just hormonal, sorry” shaking my head laughing “don’t be, just eat. Here” lifting the fork up to her mouth “I just got overwhelmed, it’s nothing bad” she said before eating from the fork “it’s ok, I got you. It’s a lot happening, yes you are the superstar but it’s a big event where you are for one pregnant so there is a lot of emotions in that but you’re revealing something that is very close to you and letting the public in, it’s a lot on your shoulders too. You may think you don’t feel good and stuff, but you do. You’re actually the most beautiful pregnant woman I have ever seen” holding the fork up to Robyn’ mouth and looking at her, Robyn is so teary eyed “I don’t deserve you” she sobbed out, she did that and a bit of chicken came out of her mouth and onto my arm “sorry” she laughed wiping my arm “anything else? Stop crying, you’re going to look amazing. I can’t wait to see you all dressed up” using the back of my hand to wipe her tears “I have my foundation on, you wiped it” letting out an oh laughing seeing my hand full of it “just eat, you need too” she ate finally, she is feeling emotional “it’s not about me, I will be there for you. This is your day Robyn, it really is. And I will be there with you, you don’t need to speak to anyone when walking that carpet either” Robyn rested her head on my shoulder “I think when the dress didn’t fit over my bump I just had a meltdown, but they will fix it for me. I know it, thank you for being a good husband to me. I should be the one prepping you, this is a big thing for you” eating the salad myself because she ain’t eating and I’m hungry “we got each other, you will be fine” feeling my phone ringing “I think JC is here, I need to go down. But eat this ok, you need to keep the baby fed now” Robyn moved her head back from me “love you” pecking her lips “love you too, I’ll come and check on you later” passing the food to Robyn.
I swear I have a soft spot for Majesty, she is the cutest little thing “look up for me bro” JC said, majesty is nosey, she is like what the hell is happening. Lifting my head up as he finished my line up “you going to look the cleanest in that bitch bro, trust me. The thing is I have had many phone calls about haircuts but then you messaged me, I was like ok I need to go to him. You’re a good man so I had to come out here for you” I grinned “all done” looking back down at Majesty “you ain’t scared are you?” She smiled at me “let me take a video bro” fixing Majesty in my lap “cool, you know I appreciate you coming out. I know you had a lot going on, you had many other clients so good looking out” I can’t believe he did come out for me “not a problem, just look down for me” looking down smiling at Majesty, I just went for a clean cut. Nothing special, JC walked around me “looking good brother” looking up smiling “shoutout my nigga JC for lining me up” Majesty yelped out “with my niece, she is giving you a shoutout” I chuckled, she is here trying to be involved “thank you” I said again, I appreciate him so much for this. He didn’t need to do all that, but he did come out here for me “have a good one out there though bro, big hype for you” I chuckled shaking my head, I don’t know about that shit.
The press is going wild for Rihanna, like every headline about the Grammys is about Rihanna coming. Tapping on the video “Rihanna will be performing but will she be pregnant, she has teased the world and hasn’t been seen in public for what could be months. She’s hidden behind her Instagram so I think this even will be Fenty’ day, it is I don’t care what you say. The pictures she posts could be old for all we know, I am interested to see if she is and if she is, you can catch me on the flip side going crazy. Her husband has been seen out on several occasions with her brother. One thing about him and I’ve read people talk about him because we don’t know him besides he’s just a regular guy, they say he’s always kind and always there to say hi and has never denied a picture with fans and always spoke if they ask and we really, we honestly hope that we get to see what Rihanna is doing” this E news discussion thing is deep “you reading up huh?” Rorrey said laughing at me “erm not really, it was on my timeline on my Instagram so I just thought I would look. But I get it, I get that Robyn is feeling the pressure. Why do people care so much? I really didn’t care for celebrities like that, I don’t’ anyways now but people really care” it is so weird to me “people are obsessed with my sister, at times I am like why? But she sells” he has a point, but I don’t like the obsession, the way they are counting down on her.
It's nice that Rorrey and Noella are here, I mean all of her team are here in this house, they are here supporting Robyn, but she has been upstairs forever, she is taking her damn time up there. I hope she is ok with everything; I know there is a lot going on with the Grammys “so are you both going to be there? At the Grammys?” I asked “how does it work? Do I just follow Robyn? I am not even sure what the fuck I am doing” I asked either Noella or Rorrey to answer “so you walk the red carpet, different for you because you’re her husband so like at first you just let her ahead and then usually once done we go but with you I think it will work like she goes ahead first and then they may shout you or Robyn will wave you over, stand with her. Just look around and let the photographers take the pictures, once that is done you walk further along. There may or may not be interviews if so you will just wait there with her. Then you walk in, someone will show you to your seats, with it being Robyn it will be front row. You sit with her, she will at some point be asked to go to get ready to perform. Either me or Noella will come out and sit in her place while she performs so we can watch it, we are going to be there but backstage. Then she will come back to her seat, but you will just remain where you are. Just let it flow Chris, that is how I say it” nodding my head, I think I will be ok “Chris, hey. Come with me” Adam said to me “follow me” he laughed, getting up from the couch “be nice with him!” Rorrey shouted, following out of the room and following Adam “sorry, just behind but we had to change your suit colour too so yes. I am in the office, so we needed to match with your wife, we had to change this last minute, but we got there so you are wearing white please do not dirty it” walking into the office “this is so nice, yeah. I think it will match my new cut. Sharp as hell” I chuckled.
Fixing my belt on my white pants, these are crisp white, so I need to be extra careful with myself “are you done? I am coming in Chris” Adam said and opened the door “you look perfect, so I have some accessories for you, I picked out the watch” turning to Adam “watch? Really?” Adam opened the box “this is Richard Mille, white gold. This costs around seven hundred and fifty thousand, but you will be wearing this for the night, celebrities don’t keep many jewellery, companies give them things to wear to show off their rand and I got you this” my eyes widened, I am in shock “bro, this is expensive. And it’s on my wrist, this is making me nervous” I chuckled, watching him put the watch on my wrist “wow, I am shook. Amazing, this is dope bro” I am so excited “so I just give this back to you at the end of the night” he nodded his head “yes you do, and we have this gold ring, just put it on any finger your like and that is it. You just need to put your suit jacket on” I grinned wide, taking in a deep breath “I am so excited, I am wearing a watch this expensive “come here” Adam grabbed the suit jacket, holding it open for me. He is rushing me “your wife is down; she is glammed up. Are excited” putting my jacket on, he pressed his hands down on my shoulders “I feel like I am getting married all over again, is she happy? That is all I want, is her happiness” turning to Adam “she is, we have made her happy” that is all I care about.
Pressing my suit down as I made my way out “looking good Chris” Mel winked at me “thank you, your man got me good” making my way to the living room “your groom is here, oh wow Chris. You look so nice. Ready for your big day” Noella complimented me “thank you” I chuckled, I cheesed seeing the back of Robyn. I know the back of my wife, she is wearing red “let’s see then, I am here to see you” I said, Robyn looked behind her and I swear she looks so perfect, her eyes just glistening bright “wow” I breathed “oh my god, Chris you look so handsome” she turned to me, the red gown elegantly showing her bump, her bump look so perfect, the gown has a little trail to it but not too long for her “I love this dress twin, you look so good. Oh wow Robyn, I love it. From your face to your body, your makeup is perfect, wow” Robyn chuckled “you like it, you look in love again” she doesn’t even realise how amazing she looks “but everyone please, how amazing does she look, the boys did an amazing job. I know today was a little messy, but you did it, all of you. The Grammys aren’t ready for you Robyn, wow. I would kiss you, but I don’t want ot mess your makeup, beautiful Robyn. I am like so lucky to have you” Robyn put her head down “you’re make me shy, god. I am getting nervous just thinking about getting out of the car, we need to leave now by the way, we are going to be late” nodding my head, I guess this is it.
I can’t stress this enough, Robyn looks amazing. Her bump looks so good, she looks good. She is glowing, she is happy. I love it, this makes me happy. We have her team here in the car with us, just so they can go over Robyn that she looks perfect “so are we late?” I questioned, she seemed to have made it seem like we are “not late, on time for me. Only the losers go early Chris, but once I get out of the car, Tina is going to be there and so is Jay Brown. I will be walking, and Chris please keep up, I need you there with me. Tina will be telling me where to go and stand, she will have this information, anything you hear from the paparazzi you ignore. Fuck them, I am not answering any questions, for now I am saying this, but things can change but just stay close to me. But most of all, have fun. Big day for you too Chris, you are the most handsome man Chris” so she says when she looks like that “you look like a whole meal, I look like nothing compared to you. Robyn you look amazing, you’re glowing. I am so lucky to have you” everyone in the car cooed out “isn’t Chris so cute” Adam said, I wish they wouldn’t do that.
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angstymdzsthoughts · 5 years
wangxian loveless au where during that one drunken night wwx and lwj slept together and wwx didnt come out of the situation unscathed. he began having nauseous bouts and experiencing fatigue and after a couple months his stomach grew bigger. he's absolutely terrified bc not only are he and lan zhan just 16 and 17, he would absolutely bring shame to yunmeng jiang if people knew their lead disciple got pregnant out of wedlock like some common whore.
if there is anything more strange than ruckus in the cloud recesses, it is wei wuxian being silent and obedient. it has been a couple months since something just changed in wei wuxian like a switch being flipped and he just.. stopped being a troublemaker. he stopped talking back to the lan teachers, stopped sneaking out at night, stopped nipping at lan wangji's heels and giving jiang cheng headaches. instead he gives jc a different kind of headache with how skittish and mousy he acts. wwx still does well in his studies and sword practice, but he's a lot less reckless, a lot less free, a lot less wei wuxian, and jiang cheng can already feel his a-jie and father's disappointment weighing on his shoulders.
wwx uses talismans after talismans to conceal his growing bulge and with the thick winter robes, no one suspected a thing. he just has to be a lot more careful and avoid the healers at all costs, lest they find out about his secret. instead of going out and hunting pheasants, he spends his free time reading huaisang's romantic novels and keeps a sketch book filled with his everyday paintings. lan qiren is equal parts content, intrigued, and horrified. if his teachers couldn't manage to keep changse still, what had he done so terribly wrong to make the boy change so abruptly?
lan wangji got his peaceful silence back. wei wuxian had been mildly entertaining for a while, but now that he's gotten bored of getting rebuffed, he had stopped and lan wangji didn't miss it too much. lan xichen is a little disappointed that wei wuxian didnt manage to crack down wangji's walls, but it would be unfair to expect the boy to do so for him.
before they knew it, the snow is thick in the cloud recesses and the disciples were let to retire earlier in the evening. their study would soon end when the frost melts. wwx slipped out of his room when he felt the contractions coming. the moon hung high, its light illuminating the serene white and lan xichen went on his night patrol shift as usual. he was walking on one of the watch towers when his tranquil was broken by a muffled shriek of pain.
wei ying stumbled into an empty room, doubling in pain and hurriedly put on silencing talismans. the pain and pressure seemed to last forever and when its over, a shrill cry brought much anticipated relief.
wei wuxian picked the baby- his baby- off the floor, shielded only by his hastily discarded outer robe from the cold wooden floor. the baby is laid on his chest, blood and slime staining his white robes but wei wuxian doesn't see anything past the scrunched little face and he couldn't believe he had ever thought of getting rid of this being in his arms. he only got a short tender moment before the door slammed open and to his horror, zewu-jun staring at him with mirrored terror on his face.
lan xichen followed the sounds and found himself in front of an empty classroom. the door pulsed with spiritual energy and he could tell the silencing talisman put on was only half installed. he raised his hand to knock and- is that a baby's cry? his hand moved itself and slammed the door open. "wei gongzi?!" wei wuxian laid on the floor, the bottom of his robes open and in his hold is a tiny wailing baby still connected to him through the umbilical cord.
"ze-zewu-jun, i-" wei wuxian clutched the baby tighter to his chest, as if afraid lan xichen is going to take him away. "please let me help you," the older interrupted, shuffling in to begin helping wei wuxian. he took out spare cloths from his qiankun pouch and wrapped them around the boy and his baby. wei wuxian couldn't look at lan xichen. no wonder he has been laying low, if he's keeping such a secret.
poor boy, did someone force him? is that why he had to hide? "wei gongzi, are you-" his hand accidentally brushed over the meridian on the child's head and felt a familiar signature. the baby is a lan. wei wuxian's eyes goes wider if that was possible. lan xichen tugged slightly to reveal the baby's face. his tiny golden eyes are open and all xichen could see was wangji's childhood face. wangji's son, oh god wei wuxian gave birth to wangji's son.
but how did wangji ever- it can't be- wangji drunkenly bedded wei wuxian and now he has a son! lan xichen trembled and stood. "zewu-jun?" the first jade just ran, but not before slapping on a silencing and locking talisman on the room. "zewu-jun, i can explain!"
class was cancelled the next day. not with lan qiren so close to a qi deviation with the news from xichen that wangji has a son, just born last night and by a guest disciple, no less! he sent wei wuxian along with his baby into seclusion, telling jiang cheng that his shixiong sneaked out again and will be put into solitary for a few days. immediate invitation was sent to jiang fengmian and yu ziyuan, insisting that it is urgent that both of them come.
lan wangji stands in front of the room wei wuxian is detained in. he had been content with uncle and brother as family. it never crossed his mind that he would get married or have a child- much less with wei wuxian. but the boy is in this room right now, with a child that is his. his son. he should come in- should at least see the child. he should take responsibility, even if he didn't mean to. he shouldn't push his son onto someone else, he shouldn't-
"lan zhan? is that you?" wei wuxian's voice sounded nervous. he probably saw lan wangji's shadow in front of his door. "i- can i come in?" lan wangji replied hesitantly. "please do," he answered.
lan wangji opened the door and stood face to face with wei wuxian, whose usual mischievous expression is replaced entirely with one full of worry and guilt. "lan z-, lan wangji, i'm sorry," he started.
the second jade didn't know what to answer and they stood in silence. "i'm here to see the baby," he began, cursing himself for sounding colder than he intended. "of course.." wei wuxian led him inside, to his bed where the sleeping baby is swathed in thick white blankets provided by zewu-jun.
wangji does see himself in the baby, and for a split second he hated it more than anything. "what is his name?"
wei wuxian doesn't answer. "wei- wei ying?" he was instead staring at the baby. "oh- i'm sorry. what did you say?"
"his name?"
"baobao doesn't have a name yet. i don't know.."
yu ziyuan's face is red with anger. behind her jiang fengmian is filled with worry. of course that no good son of a servant will churn yet another trouble that will bring smear to the yunmeng jiang name all because jiang fengmian has always been too useless and too soft to discipline him properly. lan qiren and lan xichen was already waiting for them.
"sect leader lan, zewu-jun," she greeted them.
"madam yu, sect leader jiang," lan xichen bowed back. "please come inside. we have.. important matter to discuss,"
she notices the silence talisman plastered wall to wall in the meeting room and she could only wonder what had happened for the lans to need such discretion. the tension between them was so thick it could be cut with a knife. "what has that brat done now? i swear if he continues to be unruly i will whip him with zidian until he repents," yu ziyuan started.
lan qiren chokes on his tea a little bit. "that would be unnecessary, madam yu," xichen winced, " i believe it would be highly inappropriate to subject him to corporal punishments considering his.. delicate condition right now,"
"delicate..? is a-xian sick? is that why you called us here? then- can we see him now?" of course jiang fengmian would worry about that useless boy first before he ever thinks about her son. "shut it, jiang fengmian!" yu ziyuan barked. "i bet you he just fell from the mountain and broke his bones while sneaking out to do god knows what! this is the boy you keep spoiling! that good for nothing son of a servant!"
lan qiren and lan xichen both shriveled in their seats at her tone. what happened to wei wuxian was much, much worse. "madam yu," lan xichen tried. "wei wuxian.. gave birth to a son two nights ago,"
yu ziyuan's face flashed an angry shade of red, then white, and then green before she shred the table in front of her into splinters. "he.. gave birth?"
lan xichen solemnly nodded.
the chuckle that left her mouth terrified everyone in that room. lan qiren tried his best to not vomit blood. "don't tell me, that boy now has a kid.. like some whore?"
lan qiren looked at jiang fengmian. the man's face was paper white and tongue-tied. he pitied him, having to bear the brunt of yu ziyuan's wrath on top having to process this information.
"does he even know who the father is? or did he sleep with everyone in gusu?"
"third madam!"
lan xichen looked like he is going to start crying, so lan qiren chimed in.
"the father is wangji,"
the negotiation was dreadful. jiang fengmian tried to get wei wuxian and his baby to go back to lotus pier. yu ziyuan refused to bring that disgrace back to lotus pier. lan qiren insisted that wei wuxian and lan wangji must marry, now that their child is the third heir to gusu lan. news will be let out that the lead disciple of yunmeng jiang and the second young master of lan had been engaged for a while and will soon marry. their altercations during the length of the study had just been because they had an ongoing squabble. the child will be announced one year after his actual birth.
lan wangji chose the name lan yuan for his son, which his uncle and brother approved. wei wuxian's heart fell that they never asked for his opinion on the name.
wei wuxian had to go back to yunmeng jiang when the disciples disperse after their year's study. he couldn't bring baobao to lotus pier without alerting everyone and wei wuxian never cried harder than when he had to part with his baby for the first time. even jiang cheng couldn't console him. he endured the torture for two months. two torturous months without his baby where madam yu only spoke in a cold tone and his shijie's soup no longer comforted him. the last two months yunmeng jiang would ever be his home.
the expensive red robes hang heavy on him. everyone congratulated him on his marriage but all wei wuxian felt is cold. he couldn't look at lan wangji without knowing that he forced the second jade to a marriage he didn't want. lan wangji couldn't look at wei wuxian without wondering what if it had been someone else, someone he had consented to marry. they live in the jingshi, but sleep in different bedrooms. their interactions are polite at best. wei wuxian spends his time cultivating and inventing talismans while raising his son, and lan wangji spends his time cultivating and attending to sect duties.
lan yuan grows to be a smart and strong disciple who excels among his peers. no wonder, people say, his parents are two of the most powerful cultivators of their generation. lan xichen replies to comments of 'lan yuan looks so grown up already' with 'my nephew is tall for his age'. he will no doubt become a fine sect leader one day, people say.
lan wangji and wei wuxian are married, everyone knows that, but they never act like they are. they act like parents to their son, but never like spouses to each other. gusu lan's no gossipping rule never stopped people from talking. lan yuan knows that he is older than his classmates. lan yuan knows why he barely ever see his parents together. he knows they love him, of course, but they don't love each other.
poor lan yuan, people say, trapped in his parents' loveless marriage.
lan yuan knows that he is trapped between a father whose anger kept simmering at having to marry someone he didn't want and a mother who felt like his marriage was a mistake.
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foularcadebanana · 4 years
I will be okay
Prompt for the Untamed Fall Fest for Day 27 was ‘Fright’ and Day 28 was ‘Decay’. I decided to do these two days together because I have big things planned for the last three days of this fest. I hope you guys enjoy this. I poured all of my whump!JC feels into this one. He deserves to be cared for and loved.
Summary: Wei Wuxian and Jin Ling find out that Jiang Cheng was severely wounded in a hunt and rush to him.
Wei Wuxian sat in an unnamed inn in an unknown town. He had been travelling for months and he felt homesick. He had been to Gusu just weeks ago to visit Lan Zhan, and then Lanling before that to visit Jin Ling, hoping the boy’s behaviour towards him would soften. Wei Wuxian thought he was succeeding and Jin Ling’s feelings towards him were slowly thawing out, although he was still averse to calling Wei Wuxian his uncle.
Wei Wuxian couldn’t stay in Gusu for more than a few weeks at a time, and he could barely stay in Lanling for days before leaving lest the ghosts of his past come back to haunt him. The place he craved to visit, the person he wished to see, was in Yunmeng Jiang. Lotus Pier.
Wei Wuxian drank the unknown liquid in his cup, deep in thoughts that he was pulled out of by the sound of two male voices talking.
“Yeah, I heard that it was a decaying corpse. It was dead on the ground one second and the next, it was alive and rushing towards him. No one could figure out how it had happened, and it took them all by surprise, even the Sandu Shengshou. The corpse rushed towards him so quickly that no one had the time to defend him or push him out of the way.” Wei Wuxian’s eyes widened at the words, his heart pounding in his chest. These people, they couldn’t be talking about…
“Didn’t they rush him back to Lotus Pier on their swords? I heard the corpse got him really good, and they don’t know what it did to the Sandu Shengshou, but there’s something really wrong him. All of the doctors and physicians of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect are scratching their heads in confusion. They think someone’s cursed him.”
“What?!” Wei Wuxian exclaimed before he could help himself, making the two men turn to look at him. “The Sandu— I mean, Sect Leader Jiang, he— What’s happened to Jiang Cheng? Is he—?” Is he dying…again?
Flashes of Jiang Cheng when he had been captured by the Wens and Wei Wuxian had found him; of when Jiang Cheng had woken up and told Wei Wuxian that he didn’t have a core, that he would rather be dead than live like this; of how Wei Wuxian had scrambled to find a cure, and watched his brother laying in that bed motionless, in a coma-like state, day after day; of how he had searched day after day and night after sleepless night for a cure; and of how he had finally found the cure and it had changed everything, ran through Wei Wuxian’s head.
Wei Wuxian could not go through that again. He refused to do it. He stood up from his table and ran. He didn’t know how he would get there, but he was going back to Lotus Pier.
It was stupid. Ridiculous, really. He was the Sandu Shengshou, the Sect leader Jiang. He had been through way worse. He was fine. He had told the physicians and doctors and numerous disciples and residents of Lotus Pier continuously that he was. And as touching as it was, he was getting a bit irritated and straight up annoyed at repeating himself.
He didn’t understand why his subordinates had thought it okay to go behind his back and send a messenger to Koi Tower as an emergency call.
He hadn’t rested his head on his pillow for more than a few minutes when Jin Ling burst into his room with a dramatic flair that he had, no doubt, inherited from Jiang Cheng. Jin Ling's eyes were red and puffy, he had clearly been crying, and he was a mess, his robes were on the wrong way around, his shoes were untied, his hair was all over the place. He had clearly hurried over, leaving everything and everyone at Koi Tower the moment he had received the message.
“Jiujiu,” Jin Ling’s voice was soft as he sat next to Jiang Cheng. His hands tightly wrapping around one of Jiang Cheng’s. Jin Ling’s hands were warm against his own. “You’re going to be alright,” Jin Ling’s voice cracked as he spoke, trying not to look at the deep scratches on his arms or the bleeding bandages wrapped around his stomach.
The blood was soaking through his robes and his hands were covered in it, but he  decided to ignore all of that to concentrate on the trembling of Jin Ling’s hands. Jiang Cheng reached his free, bloody hand out to caress Jin Ling’s cheek gently and reassuringly. “It’s fine, A-Ling. I’m going to be fine.”
Tears sprung from A-Ling’s eyes and good heavens this was why he hadn’t wanted anyone to unnecessarily cause the boy any trouble. Jin Ling had already been through so much, and he had just lost another member of his family not too long ago. He didn’t deserve to be here to see Jiang Cheng in such a state.
“You have to be,” Jin Ling whispered, determination and resolve etched onto his face. “You hear me, Jiujiu? You have to make it out of this. I can’t— I can’t— Don’t leave me, please. Not you, too. I won’t— You’re the only one—” Jin Ling began to sob so hard that the whole bed shook with him.
“A-Ling. Don’t— Don’t cry. I’m fine. The physicians and doctors will patch me up like they always do. I’ll be okay. You’ll see. I’ll be nagging you to be a great sect leader and threatening to break your legs in no time,” Jiang Cheng said, hating that he had to watch Jin Ling cry so openly without being able to do anything about it. He hated it even more that he was the reason for it.
He should have been more careful, but he had been distracted during the hunt. They had been hunting for a demonic cultivator who delved into black magic. His victims were many, spread across all of the sects, but he had been choosing victims specifically from the Yunmeng Jiang Sect for the past few weeks which had meant that he had become their problem.
Jiang Cheng vividly remembered what had distracted him, but he refused to acknowledge it. It had been voices. Voices of his A-Jie, of Wei Wuxian, of A-Ling, all of them calling out to him, laughing. Visions of them happily smiling and together had flashed in his mind. He hadn’t been able to help it. He should have been more alert.
It wasn’t like he had never been hurt on a hunt before. Jin Ling had always been there for him when it had happened in the past too, choosing to stay by his side, the stubborn kid.
As the pain woke Jiang Cheng up in the middle of the night, he saw that A-Ling had fallen fast asleep next to him, and Jiang Cheng really wasn’t been able to help himself from carding his fingers through Jin Ling’s hair, soothingly. A-Ling was there despite being a Sect Leader now, despite having his duties and obligations to the Lanling Jin sect to complete now.
You would have done the same, a voice in Jiang Cheng’s head responded. You have done the same, in the past, and you still will in the future. Just like he will, the voice promised him. Jiang Cheng wasn’t able to help the smile on his face, he couldn’t help himself from leaning forward slightly, despite the pain, to kiss A-Ling lightly on his forehead.
“Thank you for being here for me, A-Ling.” Jiang Cheng softly muttered into the darkness of the room.
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 50: The One with the Greatest Family Reunion(s) of All Time
so we start the ep with nhs's truly oscar-worthy performance which results in jgy getting stabbed
And i cheer for both the performance AND the stabbing!!!
lxc has his eyes closed bc that's his coping mechanism when times get tough
and jgy is like i know!! that's why i haven't done one more bad thing!!!!
everyone's faces are like sure jan
but then they look at nhs like, wait a minute...
jgy is like why are you looking at him? you're not gonna see anything! i didn't see anything all these years and i'm smarter and sneakier than all of you!!!
okay, he didn't say that last part but it was def implied
jgy: nhs, good for you. i didn't expect that you would be my downfall.
nhs hasn't broken character either! He needs to join a theater troupe or smth with those skills.
blah blah lxc and jgy are having Feelings blah blah blah lxc is conflicted blah
hm, those Feelings are becoming rather Dramatique
ugh jgy just let it go and die already
jgy: have I ever done you wrong?
UM?? how about KILLING his little brother's soulmate?
which resulted in him having to watch his little brother suffer extreme physical punishment and then grieve for years after??
Jgy: now you won't even give me a chance to live?
oh we're getting some not so great special effects and jgy drags lxc to the coffin and then bleeds all over it, gross
ooooh, the Temple of Doom is starting to fall apart
lwj makes a move towards lxc but wwx grabs his arm and stops him!
bc it's dangerous to get too close and wwx is protective of his soulmate!!
jc starts the evacuation bc hello the building is crumbling and he gets everyone out except the lan bros, wwx and jgy
Jgy: stay and die with me
but lxc was ready and willing to do that, so jgy shoves him back bc why the hell not
(we're gonna ignore how awkward that particular maneuver was, we already know special effects are not a priority in this show)
Jgy's like lets emotionally torment lxc some more, just for kicks, bc I'm an ASSHOLE
lwj catches his brother and he is Concerned.
Eventually our lan bros and wwx flee the temple and jgy has one last meltdown before getting crushed LIKE THE MAGGOT HE IS
Now we cut to a shot of all our crew standing outside
and we see my bratty son slowly fall to his knees with a look of UTTER SORROW AND PAIN ON HIS FACE
Bc he was BETRAYED by his nice uncle
we get reaction shots from wwx and the lan bros
(wwx continues to be beautiful even when sad)
oh, now lxc and nhs are having a moment sitting on the steps of the temple
lxc asks nhs if jgy really had made a move
nhs is like, you questioning me is making me doubt everything! idk idk!!
even amidst his grief he takes a moment to be completely exasperated by NHS's catchphrase lolol
now we cut to wwx sitting on a different set of stairs, carefully fiddling with his demon flute and he looks up to see jc watching him and HE SMILES
oooh, he's unwrapping his sleeve and we get a flash of his bare forearm 
how scandalous! you're gonna give lwj vapors, wwx
We see the very last cut on his arm fade away bc finally mxy has been avenged
cut to jc and jl watching wwx smile
bc i mean, who wouldn't be captivated by wwx's smile?
none of the sect leaders before were captivated by that smile AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!!!
oh that smile didn't stick around for long bc we hear barking!!
wwx gets this panicked wide-eyed expression that mAKES ME WANNA HIDE HIM AND PROTECT HIM FROM THE WORLD
But I also don't want to get murdered by LWJ's death glare so I'll just let him hide and protect wwx...
omg my bratty son looks SO HAPPY and shouts "fairy!!" before running towards his doggy friend
i'm not much of a dog person, tbh, but MY BRATTY SON IS SO HAPPY 
and fairy did bring a whole crew of cultivators...
too little too late, some smart spiritual dog he is, lololol
we've got lan disciples, and jiang disciples and all these people swarming around our crew, fussing over them. 
it's kind of sweet except i notice that no one's approached my bratty son 
he is, in fact, ALL ALONE with fairy and i am OFFENDED on his behalf
not that my bratty son seems to mind
he's too wrapped up in his doggy reunion to notice BUT I NOTICED SO I'LL BE OFFENDED ENOUGH FOR THE BOTH OF US
wwx is smiling as he sees lwj and jc being fussed over by their respective disciples
so cute so CUTE, I love his smiles so much
lwj stands up and greets his uncle with a stately bow 
god he's elegant and regal af, how the hell does he do it
but his uncle's a douchebag and barely acknowledges him before turning to leave and lwj watches him go, kind of hurt, kind of surprised
ooooh, now we get a shot of jc watching wwx as he gets questioned by oyzz
Oyzz is like what happened? Are you hurt? Is everyone okay??
and we can see wwx is still smiling!! BC MY BOY IS MADE OF SUNSHINE OKAY
jl looks up  with an ADORABLE smile on his face and tells fairy to wait outside 
My bratty son is actually very sweet!!
jc starts to leave the scene (and it's only until now that he stops staring at wwx btw) and wwx watches him go 😔
cut to a shot of lwj blatantly staring at wwx as per usual
wwx looks up and meets his gaze 
they get lost in each other for a bit bc when DON'T they?
We’re at the steps of the temple again and we see nhs pick up jgy's crumpled up hat looking all contemplative
oops, nhs's fingers come away from the hat all tacky with blood, yuck
cut to my bratty son running back into the temple where all the cultivators are inspecting stuff and he asks ljy where wwx is
Y'know, his not-evil, not-angry uncle? 
ljy tells him that he and hanguang jun left after they brought them lil apple
lol, the idea of ljy and oyzz dragging lil apple along just to return him to wwx cracks me up
jl tells ljy to take care of fairy for him before he dashes off to find his new uncle
BUT JC STOPS HIM?? "don't chase after them"
look at jc being all Cool leaning against that tree
in his fashionable robes
with his awesome sword tucked in the crook of his elbow
jl throws one last glance at the direction wwx and lwj left, and then joins jc under the tree 
jc is like, they're long gone kid
jl: so that's it? you're letting them leave just like that??
jc: what else? invite them to stay for dinner? say thank you and then i am sorry??
lol, he's working himself up into a snit already
he just hides it under bluster bc he's sensitive and people are mean to him all the time!
not that i hold that against jc, that's a lot of emotional trauma he's gotta work through
JL: it was exactly bc of the way you were acting that they took off! you're such a pain in the neck!!
these two crack me up every time, i swear
but the whole corporal punishment is...problematic
jc raises his arm to smack jl and jl ducks and raises his own arm to block the blow and i'm sitting here like, yikes
but then we get a shot of jc's open palm, out of focus with a crisp backdrop of red leaves from the tree they're under
and his hand is just held there, stilled for just a moment before the fingers start to gently curl inward and the strike never happens (thank god)
jc: lets go home, jin ling. let everyone go back to the place where they belong
he walks off with jin ling springing to his feet and chasing after him a beat later
jl: was there something you wanted to say to wwx?
have i mentioned i love my bratty son? BECAUSE I DO. A LOT.
jc: no, there isn't.
jl: bullshit!
JL: i saw it with my own eyes! you wanted to talk to wwx! but you didn't say a word just now or back in the temple!
jc: there is nothing to say
jl: bullshit! you had something to say!
while this entire exchange is happening we see jc marching ahead, not looking at jl at all, but jl is walking backwards eyes pinned to his face the entire time
bc my son might be a brat but he's also pretty observant and he KNOWS his uncle 
we're back at “the ones where we gross sob FOREVER”
and wwx is telling jc to stay put at the inn while he goes to get food and meds
his voice all weak and tremulous
but jc steps out of the inn for a moment after wwx leaves
they were like three feet away from grabbing his big brother
and he says internally, "take care. i'm leaving jyl in your hands"
Jc goes and causes a distraction and lets himself be caught by the wens
cut back to the present, and jc's eyes are welled up with tears 
he has a hurt little smile on his face, he says, "take care"
softly, mostly to himself
after a moment, he turns to jin ling and says "lets go"
and we watch them leave
I just want them all to be a BIG HAPPY FAMILY DAMN IT
cut to the next scene, we hear ~THEIR SONG~ start playing in the background all slow and soft
i love the overhead shot we get of them surrounded by the gorgeous foliage, it's so peaceful
As wwx and lwj walk slowly and at ease with lil apple between them 
lwj: wei ying
he says it all seriously. wwx looks at him and he's got A BIG SMILE ON HIS FACE 
bc he's looking at his soulmate!!!
who wouldn't smile when looking at their soulmate???
he's cheerfully twirling his flute bc finally all is right in the world! 
the mystery is solved, his loved ones are safe
and he's traveling with lwj and lil apple
nothing could be better!
wwx: whats up?
lwj is pointedly not looking at him
lwj: there is something that I…
and here he stops in his tracks, and wwx stops with him
lwj: i didn't tell you.
wwx gets all playful and leans on lil apple, and waggles his demon flute and lwj
wwx: what is it?
Look at that mischievous grin!!
he's all prepared to tease the heck out of lwj for whatever he's about to say LOL
but they're interrupted!!
wen ning and lan sizhui are running after them and wwx notices
His face scrunches up and he mutters under his breath like, damn it! every time!! these two are fast! 
wwx: sizhui, why are you following us? aren't you afraid of old master lan calling you out?
lsz: i have something important to ask you!
he's all out of breath!
wwx turns to look at lwj eyes wide and curious before going back to lsz
wwx: what is it?
lsz goes on to explain how he's been remembering things but he's unsure of stuff so he wanted to ask them about it
wwx looks confused and glances at lwj 
lwj just looks back at him briefly before his eyes flick down
wwx: what is it that you want to know?
lsz looks down and, like, gathers up the strength needed for this next line of questioning. 
with the sweetest smile, and the softest eyes he starts listing stuff
like how he knew a cocky chef who was actually a terrible cook
(wwx laughs confusedly at this)
and how that man planted him in a field and told him he'd grow faster with some watering and sunlight
he goes on to say how that man would play with him 
and how he had invited hunguang jun for a meal and then didn't pick up the tab so hanguang jun had to pay
There we get a flashback to their meal at the yiling wine house!
wwx blinks rapidly, not believing what he's hearing
wwx: wen was your surname? isn't lan your surname?
wwx: lan sizhui, lan yuan.. A-yuan?
His eyebrows are furrowed
His eyes are full of tears!
he's looking at lsz like this has to be a dream bc it's too good to be true
Lsz nods jerkily
he's watching his son so intently
he's seeing his two most precious people reunite
and there are no tears??
lsz: i...i am a-yuan
and his voice all cracked with feeling
wwx huffs and is still shaky
wwx: didn't a-yuan pass away already?
he's thought his kid was dead this whole time
lwj had been staring at lsz this whole time but when he hears wwx say that, his gaze drops to the ground 
wwx turns to lwj, hope and tentative joy in his voice
wwx: lan zhan, was it you?
lwj meets his gaze and says yes, his voice steady and firm
lwj: this was the thing i haven't told you about
and wwx looks back at lsz, breath choppy and lsz flings himself into wwx's arms!!!
lsz: i really missed you, i really missed you
wwx laughs and sniffles
wwx: silly boy, why are you crying?
lsz pulls back and scrubs his face in his sleeve
lsx: i wasn't crying. i was just feeling really sad and yet thrilled at the same time
lsz: i couldn't put it into words
lwj: then don't
pffft, ofc lwj would be the one advocating for LESS WORDS lololol
wwx laughs at that
wwx: that's right. no need to say anything
then he starts his theatrics, bc he wouldn't be wwx without his theatrics
he leans on lil apple and rubs his own shoulder
wwx: damn, you little ones are strong, you are indeed a student of hanguang jun
he looks at lwj and points his demon flute at him
lwj: he is a student of yours as well
omg lwj delivers this line so sincerely
like, there was barely a pause between what wwx and what lwj responded with
he's so freaking earnest
LOL wwx straightens up at that and reaches for lsz
wwx: no wonder he is such a handsome boy!
Wwx, you are SHAMELESS
He giggles as he pats lsz’s face, it’s freaking adorable
lsz: master wei didn't teach me anything!
wow lsz, you've had your other dad back for all of five minutes and you're already sassing him?
he truly is wwx's son lol
wwx: i did! it was bc you were so little and you forgot
You’re sounding a bit defensive there, wwx...
lsz: yes, i seem to recall. i remember now
wwx immediately starts preening
wwx: you see. i've mentored him!
lsz: for example, switching the portrait of a beauty into--
wwx slams his hand over lsz's mouth, HIS FACE IS A PICTURE OF PANIC
lwj's eyes have widened slightly and developed an edge of Judgement 
wn peeks at lwj out of the corner of his eyes like he's trying to gauge his reaction or smth lolol
wwx laughs awkwardly and takes his hand off lsz's mouth to shake a finger at him, wearing a tight smile on his face
lsz: and when a pretty lady passes by--
wwx: NONSENSE!!!
wwx shouts this at the TOP OF HIS LUNGS to drown out lsz
he whirls on him pointing an accusatory finger and marches towards him as lsz scrambles back
wwx: nonsense! how come you're remembering these kinds of things? how could i teach little kids these things?
lsz: you did! wen ning can testify!
wow, way to throw your uncle under the bus, lsz
kids these days have no filial piety!
wwx: there's nothing for wen ning to testify!
as soon as lsz draws attention to him, wn looks at lsz like WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?
and lwj side-eyes wen ning SO HARD, like what the hell did you let wwx teach my son?
wwx: stop talking nonsense! i am telling you, little boy. lan zhan, what did you teach him?
as soon as wwx turns to him with his wild accusations, lwj gets this delightfully crooked smile on his face 
and he looks down as if there's TOO MUCH JOY IN HIS HEART that he can't bear to watch for long
and this marks, what, THE THIRD? the third time lwj smiles in public, all OUT IN THE OPEN?
wwx: when a-yuan was little and with me, he was a good boy!
lsz: it's the truth!
wwx: nonsense!
wwx: do you see that pit? no matter how big you've become, i will still plant you into that pit. understand?
lsz has a big grin on his face
wwx: what are you laughing at? you dumb boy!
wwx laughs to himself and lwj still has a small smile playing across his lips as he watches his son
wwx: a-yuan, you are too old for this
wwx: do you remember, you used to grab hanguang jun's leg when you were little, just like this?
so many wonderful flashbacks of little a-yuan clinging to his parents’ legs!!
oh god, oh god, my heart, my heart is going to explode from all the tender feelings!! Look at their faces
wwx's mouth slowly curls into a smile before it grows INTO A FLASH OF HIS SQUINTY-EYED SMILE
you know the one!
and then we cut to lwj's face
he has the softest expression on his face
he's got this gentle, tiny smile, the slightest of curves at the corners of his mouth
and in his eyes are SO FULL OF LOVE AND WARMTH as he watches his soulmate smile at him with their son clinging to his soulmate's leg
now we cut to a different scene, lwj and lsz are in the background have some sort of father-son chat, while wwx and wn chill in the foreground
here we find out that wn and lsz plan to go back to qishan to build some sort of memorial to their loved ones
wwx: i'll come with you
wn: that won't be necessary
wwx: you don't want me to tag along?
aw, my sunshine boy looks kinda hurt 😔
but wn assures him that that's not the case. it's just that wwx has already done more than enough for them and it's time for wen ning to go out on his own
wwx gets all teary-eyed again and pats him on the shoulder, and agrees that that's for the best
lsz and wn split off, and wwx waves his demon flute cheerfully at them, lwj at his side
wwx turns to lwj with a smile
wwx: lan zhan, lets go! 
he says happily, with confidence, then he taps chenqing on his head a couple of times
wwx: where should we go?
he grins, pulling lil apple along with him, so cheerfully!
wwx: let's get going, lil apple!
but lwj isn't turning with him
he's still in that spot, his back towards wwx who already was forging onto his next adventure
wwx slows to a stop as he notices the absence of white robes at his side AND ~THEIR SONG~ STARTS PLAYING AGAIN
he turns back slowly to look back at lwj, confused
there is too much distance between them!!
multiple yards of distance where there should be NONE!
lwj is still facing away from wwx, he's still rooted to the spot and his face has gone blank
wwx: lan zhan, you...aren't you coming with me?
and there's a too long pause during which wwx's eyes are desperately pinned to lwj's back
finally, FINALLY, lwj turns ever so slowly to face wwx
wwx is staring at him and lwj can only meet his eyes briefly before they slowly turn downwards
wwx gets this tiny hurt smile on his face and nods as his eyes well with tears again but this time THEY ARE NOT HAPPY TEARS
these are "i knew this was too good to be true" tears
these are "of course i can't keep good, pure lan zhan at my side" tears
these are "this is exactly what i deserve" tears
lwj looks up again, and wwx gives him a nod and a smile bc he doesn't want lwj to feel guilty for leaving him
the camera pulls out, really emphasizing the distance and the sudden quiet that falls between them is severely lacking any words of explanation
we cut to a truly impressive shot of the cloud recesses, followed by a cut to a waterfall 
I’m pretty sure it's the same waterfall from when they were kids and had that sword fight
and we hear the opening notes of ~Their Song~ played on the flute 
wwx walks into view on the shore of the pond the waterfall goes into, with his flute at his lips
in the background we see that lwj is at the opposite shore closer to the waterfall, sitting cross-legged with his guqin in his lap
and jfc the shots of the waterfalls in this area are freaking gorgeous
now we see them standing together on the same boulder over a smaller waterfall 
bc our boys have an aesthetic 
that aesthetic is moonlight and waterfalls, and they're sticking to it
wwx: lan zhan, tbh, it surprised me that you would take over the role of his excellency
lwj: we made a vow here
and we get a flashback to the lantern scene and hear those vows they made as kids
Back in the present, wwx smiles, and knocks back the jar of wine that he has with him bc the mystery has been solved BUT HIS ALCOHOLISM HASN'T!
wwx turns to face lwj
wwx: lan zhan, you truly deserve your title, hanguang jun
and lwj turns to look back at him
lwj: and you too, wei ying
we are BLESSED with wwx's wide, squinty-eyed smile
and lwj graces us with his soft, small, secret smile
they stare at each other for a moment before turning back to gaze off into the distance
the camera pulls back to gift us with the gorgeous scenery that surrounds them
now we cut to them walking down the steps towards that big rock full of ridiculous gusulan rules
nhs is there! with his fan!
nhs: this is unexpected. cloud recesses has added another thousand rules.
wwx: nhs, no matter how many rules are added, there is one that matters most. do you know what it is?
nhs looks so at ease here
this entire time since we got back to the present to watch wwx solve this mystery, nhs was nervous, twitchy and flaky in every scene
but here, he stands straight and serene with a confidence we have not yet seen on him til now
nhs: i have no clue
he says this and it doesn't sound anything like his usual anxious, dopey, "idk idk i really don't know"
nhs: please advise, wwx.
and wwx strides up until he's right next to nhs, shoulder to shoulder, tho they're facing opposite directions
wwx: that would be...
he leans down, and lowers his voice
wwx: "thou shall not befriend the devil"
there has been a distinct lack of background noise or music since this scene started
but the minute those words leave wwx's mouth, we get ominous music. 
nhs keeps his harmless act as he meets wwx's eyes and they share a laugh 
(a laugh of acknowledgement, of recognition of each other's skills)
nhs: wwx, you have the nerve 
wwx: no i wouldn't dare. i'm no match for you.
the words they're exchanging SOUND carefree and easy on the surface, but they definitely carry some underlying tension
nhs notices lwj watching them and bows respectfully
nhs: your excellency
he turns to leave, fan open against his chest
wwx: clan leader nie, i have one question that i would love to get your opinion on.
nhs: go on
wwx: you have put in so much effort and energy, don't you want to be the Excellency?
wwx is gauging nhs's threat level to lwj
bc with the skills nhs has developed and the cover he has, it really wouldn't be all that difficult for him to depose lwj if he wanted, you know?
but nhs has never been the ambitious sort
he was perfectly content with his art, and his fans, and his porn, and being second young master, nothing more (UNTIL FUCKING JGY RUINED IT ALL)
nhs: wwx, it was once said that we can never get tired of these scenes; earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea
nhs: as for me, i am a sensible man. if i have to, i always do it myself.
nhs: but for the things that aren't my business, i won't meddle in
and i'm not sure if there's something i'm missing, some layer of context or whatever, 
but what i get from this is that nhs is saying everything has its place and he has no desire to go outside of his own place in the world
if the situation calls for it, he will intervene but ONLY if there's no one else willing or able to step in
really, this is just his poetic way of saying, i have no interest in hurting hanguang jun or stealing his power
lwj walks up to join wwx as the two of them watch nhs leave
lwj: aren't you going to ask him?
wwx: ask him what?
wwx: who let mxy out? who released the blade spirit? who found sisi and bicao? and who wrote that anonymous letter?
and he gets this unconcerned expression on his face
with a little pout he just goes on to say that these questions don't matter anymore
and he walks off, twirling his flute
we cut to the next scene and our boys are standing face to face on a grassy hilltop. wwx points behind lwj
Brief aside to say, i love the robes lwj wears here, they’re very very pretty. White and pale blue, they look very airy and light
wwx: i will head that way
and lwj points with bichen behind wwx
lwj: i will head this way
lwj: have you decided where you are going to go?
wwx shakes his head and tilts his chin up
wwx: it's a big world that we live in. i will wander with my fine wine and a ride, and make it my home
*cries softly* but you have a home, LWJ is your home, why are you leaving
lwj lowers his gaze
probs bc he is thinking the same thing i was
let lwj be your home, wwx
wwx: lan zhan, i will get going
and lwj gives him one single, barely there nod of the head
bc he doesn't want wwx to go!!!
but he doesn't want to hold him back either...
wwx walks past him with a smile, dragging lil apple along with him and cheerfully he says:
"as long as the sea is bound to wash up on the sand and stars are above you, we will meet again."
and lwj just watches him leave before steeling himself to turn and walk off to his wwx-less future 
but as he walks, he hears wwx playing their song on his flute so he pauses to turn back slightly
and we hear wwx’s voice over, "lan zhan, next time we see each other, you better have a name for this song."
as lwj continues walking, we hear his voice over, "way ahead of you."
and he seems slightly less sad at their parting.
we get a gorgeous shot of a green cliff side and of course the cliffside has a couple of pretty waterfalls
wwx standing alone, playing on his flute, and the camera is lovingly caressing all of wwx's best features
we get a beautiful close up of wwx's lips resting over the mouthpiece of his flute, aND I THANK EVERY DEITY IN EXISTENCE FOR IT
and it's not immediately apparent bc wwx always wears dark form fitting robes
but the robes he's wearing in this scene are DEFINITELY DIFFERENT from the ones he was wearing when he and lwj parted ways
we have no way of knowing how much time
but time has passed
wwx is playing ~Their Song~ alone on that hill, the vocals are like honey to the ears and they crescendo to give us an overwhelming swell of emotion
the music peeters off until it's just wwx's flute reaching the last notes of ~Their Song~
as he is finishing we hear lwj's voice
"Wei Ying."
wwx freezes, like he's wondering if he imagined that voice
the music is completely gone, everything is utterly silent and wwx's face is completely open as he lowers his flute
a smile starts to curl at his mouth, small and tentative and as he turns around, ~Their Song~ crescendos into existence again
and wwx's smile grows incredulous and relieved and SO FULL OF LOVE AND JOY
and we fade to black
bc that's where it ends
That's it
Hang on, hang on, just give me a minute. *deep breath* Okay, i’m good, i’m good now. 
This show is just...it’s so beautiful in every way except CGI lol and it evokes so many visceral feelings. It’s passionate, is what it is. And not in the sexual way “passionate” has been forced to become. This show is passionate the way passion is supposed to mean: piercing anguish, burning anger, utter devotion...just overwhelming feeling
But most importantly, the passion in this show is intense love:
Platonic love; see how much our main cast gave up to aid their friends and dependents
Familial love; look at the lengths those brothers and sisters went for each other
Romantic love; watch how these two soulmates returned to each other again and again regardless of all the obstacles between them
I honestly can’t think of another show that’s done this so well. I am just so grateful to have been able to watch this show, to have gotten to know these characters even tho it’s raised my standards for future shows to ridiculously high levels
So that’s it! We’ve reached the end of the guide! Now we can go back and re-visit our favorite scenes whenever we want!
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deesarrachi · 4 years
One week down, three to go! @fytheuntamed‘s fall fest continues.
Shout out in this one to @trans-axian for pointing out that wwx and jc would have basically identical parenting styles in this post lmao
Jin Ling has A Plan.
It's a really good plan, by his usual barometer of plans (Lan Jingyi approves but doesn't have suggestions, Lan Sizhui disapproves but doesn't refuse to take part), and it's going to work out great and then his maternal uncles will stop being super weird and stilted and formal at each other and he can stop feeling vaguely guilty every time he choses which one he wants to spend time with on any given day.
It would have been a great plan, very simple and straightforward and easy except for the fact that apparently someone (not him, certainly) had neglected to make sure that the carefully planned and perfectly safe fake haunting he'd roped the Lan juniors into setting up wasn't going to get completely derailed by the very real and dangerous actual yaoguai that was also wandering around the forests outside Lanling – and really, he was going to have a long and involved talk with every single Jin cultivator, what was even the point of being the best and most powerful sect if they couldn't even keep their own lands clear of roaming ghouls?
But maybe that conversation would have to wait until there isn't a long and – thankfully – shallow slice across his chest, staining his robes red.
He meets Lan Sizhui's equally wide eyes, tearing his eyes away from the matching gash across his chest and has a momentary jolt, wondering if his face is as ashen and filled with terror as Lan Sizhui's.
Before they have time to react beyond shock, a black arrow fletched in red erupts from the yaoguai's chest and purple lightning encircles its neck, snapping it with a loud and final crack, and Jin Ling breathes a sigh of relief. Not, of course, that he couldn't have easily handled it himself, but the ground feels a little uneven under his feet and there's a faint buzzing in his ears that would make it slightly more difficult. It's nice to know his uncle – two of his uncles, he corrects himself a little dizzily, realizing belatedly who the arrow must belong to – is there to step in and lend a hand.
From opposite sides of the clearing, he hears "A-Yuan!" and "A-Ling!", and then the two voices ring out in almost perfect unison, "I can't believe you went off alone; you're not too old for me to throw in the pond, you know!"
Jin Ling and Lan Sizhui share another shocked look in the silence that follows, a silence that seems to ring through the woods around them as though every living creature is holding its breath. He counts out three heartbeats before he dares to look around, first to one side at his jiujiu then across the grass at Senior Wei (technically, he thinks somewhere behind the sharp sting of the cut on his chest that's starting to push its way over all his senses, also his jiujiu). They're both wearing almost identical expressions of surprise and horror, staring at each other over the fallen body, bow fallen limply to the side and Zidian deactivated.
"At least they have something in common," Jin Ling mumbles mostly to himself, but he's still gratified by Lan Sizhui's laugh, even if it's followed by a pained noise.
"It's a start," Lan Sizhui agrees, pressing a hand to his chest with a wince. "Good plan."
"I know," Jin Ling retorts, then, "Thanks."
Well, his shushu had always talked about the importance of being flexible.
He was sure his New Plan would be just as good, as soon as he thought of it.
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