#not really but I'm going to tag it as that because
woso-dreamzzz · 2 days
Date Night
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of the Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You go to date night
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Pernille smiles as she watches you both.
It's dark out, the sun having set hours ago. It's way past your bedtime but you're still up.
Magda's holding your hand, swinging your arms back and forth as you jump over the cracks in the pavement.
It was supposed to be date night, the first one they're having since the move to London. Perhaps it was a bit ambitious to arrange it when you were still settling into life in England, when they didn't quite have a big network of support.
The girl that was meant to be babysitting you had to cancel, citing illness just a few hours before Pernille and Magda were scheduled to go out.
They didn't have many other options and you still weren't comfortable enough with the Chelsea girls to hang out with one of them while your mothers went out.
So, you just came with them.
You got to eat fancy food at the restaurant Magda had a reservation and now you were all off to the bowling experience that Pernille knew was just a cover for her and Magda to get a little tipsy.
Well, it was supposed to be that but with you now tagging along, Pernille could settle for only one alcoholic drink.
"Momma!" You call out, pulling Magda to a stop as you turn your head to face Pernille. "Hand, please!" You hold your hand out for hers and Pernille shakes her head fondly, slipping her own into yours.
"Should we swing you?" Pernille asks and you nod.
"Okay. Ready? One, two...three!"
You giggle as you're lifted up into the air suddenly, kicking out your legs to get more height like how Momma taught you to do on the swings.
They swing you all the way to the bowling alley.
You've never been to the bowling alley before so you're very excited even though Morsa makes you change your shoes and wait for her and Momma to do the same.
They buy fancy drinks and then a fruit shoot for you.
You like fruit shoots so you try to drink it all down at once but Morsa stops you.
You don't quite understand bowling but you know the balls are heavy. They're not anything like footballs and Momma even tells you that if you try to kick it, you'll probably break your toes.
You don't want to break your toes so you don't kick it.
They're heavy though and you're not strong enough to throw them like how Momma and Morsa can.
That's a little frustrating.
You clearly don't like someone having to stand behind you to help so Pernille drags the ramp over.
"What's that?" You ask as she drags it in front of you.
Pernille crouches down next to you to show it off. "You pop the ball here and push it down into the bowls."
You frown. "I don't have to throw like you and Morsa?"
"Not at all. Here, I'll help."
Pernille sets the ball up at the top of the ramp and you push it down with all your might.
You manage to hit more pins than your last few gutter balls and you like that, giggling a little as an animated pen appears on the screen to write in your score.
You're still little though and you're really just enjoying the experience rather than setting out to win so while Magda and Pernille get competitive, you enjoy rolling the ball down the ramp and finishing off your third fruit shoot of the night.
It's way past your bedtime and Morsa's jacket looks nice and warm and snuggly so you curl up next to Momma with the jacket over you like your blankie.
"I think it's time to finish up," Pernille says as Magda finishes off her last bowl," Princesse's gone to sleep."
"I'm not getting that jacket back, am I?"
"I don't think so."
Magda shrugs, picking you up and wrapping her jacket more firmly around you.
You don't wake up at all, merely fidget a bit in your sleep to try and burrow closer into Magda's shoulder.
"We should take her on more dates with us," She says as they both head out.
Pernille rolls her eyes. "You're only saying that because I can't be as competitive with her around."
"No one's stopping you."
"I don't think Princesse would have fun if she knew how competitive I truly am. You're lucky, Magda, otherwise I would have completely ruined you at bowling."
Magda scoffs even as she hoists you up higher in her arms. "Yeah, right. I'm so much better at it than you."
Pernille pokes her in the chest. "As soon as her babysitter is healthy, we'll go back and I'll show you exactly why you're wrong."
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star-sparkler · 3 days
Y'all if something isn't explicitly stated in a show, it's not canon. And even if it was, buddy, it doesn't matter. It's made up cartoons. I know we joke about touching grass but it's genuinely for real so important to get off the internet and get your body and brain out of the brainrot loop. The cartoons are all fake. The fan content is all fake. Let people have fun. You can have fun too! "In episode 123, XYZ, Blank character clearly stated their favorite color is [COLOR]." "Yeah? Well now their favorite color is [DIFFERENT COLOR]!" And that's okay! That's imaginative fun, baby! :D I love playing close to canon myself, but there are no rules. There Are No Rules. Give ur blorbo a mobility aid. Let them smooch an OC. Project your orientation onto them. Give them a trauma or a hobby they never had before. Draw them in clothes they'd never shown an interest in. As long as what you're creating doesn't hurt others (disclaimer that I'm NOT endorsing brother ninja turtles kissing or whatever. I don't want this in that tag so forgive the verbose roundabout), it literally does not matter. This is your fun time. So have fun! And if people can't handle that, that's a them problem, not a creatives' problem. I know it's not what people want to hear, but if you get upset over others playing with media because their interpretation doesn't match your own enjoyment/belief about a character/show, you can just take a deep breath and ignore it. Trust me when I say you'll feel a lot better by focusing on what you ENJOY instead of kicking up a fuss over what you dislike. Go engage in something you like instead! Utilize the block button. Mute things you're not interested in. You are the curator of your own internet experience. It's very tempting to voice opinions at every opportunity simply because it's so easy to DO that online and people love to hear themselves talk / be heard but like. There's power in just. Not doing that. It's okay to observe something and think "Hm. I don't like that / I don't agree with that." and then shrug and keep scrolling so you can enjoy stuff that DOES align with your joys. Chat with people about why you love it! Play in the happy sand! The really extra cool thing is that if you don't like what other people are making (or even if you DO like what other people are making) then you can whip up your own content that you like yourself! It doesn't matter what your skill level is. There's no greater way to learn to appreciate art (writing and everything that falls under the 'art' umbrella included) than by engaging in creation yourself. It's fun! So...Choose to have fun!! <3
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fuxuannie · 2 days
Unrelated to any of the Kenji thirst I keep thinking to the moment where Kenji is real close to losing his shit because someone made the 'Where's the Japanese Version of the guy' in regards to him and like fuck it hit me hard. I'm mixed like to the point where people can't pin my ethnicity by looking at me and constantly being told I'm not x or y enough to be a member of a community by all rights I do belong to I just I really empathized with him in that moment. I'd love to see some head cannons on how he feels and deals with the "Not Japanese enough" allegations, how he feels about being back in his home country after being in America for so long just overall how he adjusts and navigates through that
❥﹒kenji sato x gender neutral reader
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✦. synopsis — request (thank you so much !!)
✦. love mail — requester wherever you may be, you are loved and it’s heartbreaking you relate to such :( you and me both, but thank you for such a heart touching req 😞🫰.
✦. tags — NO SPOILERS, not super x reader focused but elements are there, based on writer’s own experiences, angst-ish (not sure?), mentions of discrimination
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Adjusting to life back in Japan was.. no easy feat, really. It had been so long since he was home, it no longer felt right to call it that. He felt out of place in his own skin. No one could tell, after all – it was his charm. But after every game, after every interview, he goes home and feels more disappointed in himself with each day. His own language, it feels foreign on his tongue. Each word he says feels wrong. You’ll be there to reassure him that it’s been some time, of course he won’t be perfect. But that’s the issue; he’s not perfect. He should be. That’s what people expect of him.
Criticism came with the lifestyle, it was a guarantee. But for it to come from his own people? Ouch. It was bad enough that back in America, he was made fun of for his bare-bone English, now back in Japan it’s his barely coherent Japanese. He feels like wherever he goes, he has to feign confidence to not break down. He puts on those damn shades to hide the way his eyes start to tear up when things get too much. Sure, he had gone through shit. But how much can one man take till he starts to break? Kenji can tell you, it’s not a lot. It’s been years and he’s just had to act like it doesn’t affect him.
And if not for the way he speaks, of course they go for how he looks. Now Kenji will admit, he IS a confident man. He loves himself and his image, but he isn’t immune to insecurity, no one is. Your heart breaks whenever he cries in your arms, resting on top of you as he sobs into your chest. You try to soothe his worries, kissing each part of him that he feels insecure about, which ends up just being his whole face. It’s a harrowing sight to see. You just wished you could get rid of all his problems, because for one man to bear it all? It wasn’t fair for his poor soul.
Sometimes you’ll wake up to him watching his old games, he’ll ask you what’s wrong, but you don’t notice. Instead, you see little him and how he smiled. It confused you, the tape wasn’t even playing – it was just paused there. He had that typical smile that most kids had, full of teeth and eyes squinted because of how wide their smile was. You chuckle, he was so cute. You then look back at him, and you try to understand. “I-” He’ll start, running a hand through his hair. “I just.. I missed that smile. The people back in America.. they made fun of me so-” You ran into his arms, engulfing him in a hug that made him feel so warm and fuzzy. And he doesn’t realise it, but that moment brings back that smile. He’s just so happy with you he can’t help it.
I think that, all and all, he’s just had to become desensitised to everything. He just shuts down whenever someone says something about how he doesn’t fit in. You’ll defend him, but he tells you not to. It’s a waste of breath. You want to argue that it’s not, that he deserves to be defended, but his defeated look wins you over. He knows there’s no real way to stop them, so he’d rather focus on his practices or making you feel happy. Those are things that matter to him; not something as temporary as his appearance or mannerisms of speech. He’s accepted that, and his priority is your happiness and his. :)
For more lighthearted headcanons, if you were Japanese, you'd offer to help Kenji refresh on writing his Kanji and overall speaking, which he is more than happy to accept. Another case, if you aren't Japanese; he'll ask if you want to learn with him. He's overjoyed if you accept, it brings a positive association and motivation to relearn his language. It wasn't to just please people.
I imagine Ami had become a good friend to you and Kenji, so she offers to demonstrate all the mannerisms Kenji has perhaps forgotten (and you did too/want to learn as well) to help. You both appreciate her helpful hand, and treat her to good restaurants for dinner as thanks. :)
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honeyspotpie · 19 hours
Dndadders is it too early to be placing bets on which season 3 PC will receive the in-character patreon EP/album treatment.... Guys...
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larluce · 2 days
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity ,@lucifertookmyshoe , @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @star-rie , @error-username-not-available , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 , @tansyuduri , @tercais , @robynnemrys , @evadne01 , @serasvictoria02 , @hairdryerducks , @hopeaha , @curiously-lazy , @ harriettesthings , @andrealux16 , @wacko-weirdo , @greatdonutenemy , @yougottobekittenme , @anxiousosaurus
LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS AU HERE: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 , PART 13 , PART 14 , PART 15 , PART 16 , PART 17 , PART 18 , PART 19 , PART 20
I forgot I never showed how Arthur and Lancelot became friends again so here it is:
After the events of "The Poison Chalice". Lancelot in the dungeons.
Lancelot: (lying on the floor, thinking) The luck I have. I came to become a knight and somehow, as soon as I arrive, I end up offending the Prince of Camelot himself (sighs) Maybe that dream didn't mean anything after all. Maybe I'm not fit to be a knight… But then why were the prince and that boy in my dream?
Gwen: (arrives with a plate of food) Uhm... Hello?
Lancelot: (stands up quickly) Oh.. hey! 😅
Guard: (opens the cell)
Gwen: (enters, blushing a little) I...uh... brought your food.
Lancelot: (laughs softly) I can see that (takes the plate) Thank you, my lady.
Gwen: I'm not a lady and don't thank me, it's my job. Well not really, I'm Lady Morgana's maidservant, but Merlin asked me to make sure they were feeding you, so, uhm, it's actually a favor. Not to you! But to my friend Merlin, that is. (thinking) Oh, gods! 😳 Why did I tell him all that?! 😫🤦‍♀️
Lancelot: Merlin?
Gwen: The boy you saved.
Guard: (urges Gwen to get out of the cell with a gesture)
Gwen: Right, sorry. (gets out of the cell)
Guard: (closes the cell)
Lancelot: (stops Gwen before she leaves) Wait! You said "saved". You mean he is alright?
Gwen: (smiles, touched at his worry) Safe and sound. He was just under the effects of a paralizing poison, but it was not letal. He can move now.
Lancelot: (sighs in relief) I'm glad... wait, then why am I here?
Gwen: (confused) what?
Lancelot: For how the Prince reacted I thought I was being arrested for murder! Does the Prince still think I tried to kill him? Hasn't your friend explained to him what happened?
Gwen: (laughs without being able to help it)
Lancelot: (confused and a bit offended) I don't believe my disgrace is funny, my lady.
Gwen: (still between laughs) No! it's not-Sorry, it's just... (turns to the guard, scolding him) You didn't tell him why he was arrrested?
Guard: (shrugs) That's not my job.
Gwen: (sighs and turns to Lancelot) You see-uhm... sorry, what's your name?
Lancelot: Lancelot.
Gwen: Lancelot, the prince didn't send you here because he thinks you murdered someone. He's keeping you here because you touched his manservant.
Lancelot: ...
Lancelot: What? 😧
Gwen: Merlin, the boy you saved, is his personal manservant, but also the token of his affections if you know what I mean and you were found in... a very compromising position.
Lancelot: I was just holding him!
Gwen: For his highness that's compromising enough.
Lancelot: But I saved his life! Shouldn't I be rewarded instead?
Gwen: Yeah, but that also means you stole him the chance to be the hero. Merlin has been defending you, of course, but apparently that just infuriated him more.
Lancelot: Oh...
Gwen: Yeah, you might be here for a while.
Lancelot: (scared) He is not going to execute me, is he?
Gwen: (with a comforting smile) No, he wouldn't go that far. (thinking) He is not King yet. (says) I have to go now. (starts leaving)
Lancelot: (shouts) I didn't get your name!
Gwen: (turns and smiles softly) It's Gwen, short for Guinevere.
Lancelot: (smiles back) Nice to meet you, Guinevere.
Gwen: (blushes and leaves)
Lancelot: (thinking) Suddenly life in prison is not so bad.
Time skip after Merlin moves to Arthur's antechambers. In Gaius's Tower
Merlin: (enters) Gaius, did you call for-What happened?! 😨 (Goes to Lancelot worried, who is being bandaged by Gaius)
Lancelot: Nothing.
Gaius: The prince and the knights decided to use Lancelot as a practice dummy.
Lancelot: More like a practice bag. 😓
Merlin: Wait, that was you?! I thought it was an actual dummy. You weren't moving at all.
Lancelot: It's worse if I defend myself (streches a little). It's no so bad though. I've learned a couple of new fighting technics today! 😊
Merlin: That's still not right. I'm going to talk to Arthur. (Makes a move to leave)
Gaius and Lancelot: (Shout so loud Merlin startles) NO! 😱
Merlin: (confused) Why not?
Gaius: My boy, Arthur is taking it out on Lancelot as bad as it is. Trying to intervine is just going to make things worse.
Merlin: I just don't get why he is treating you so badly. I always talk him well about you.
Lancelot: (grumbling) That's the problem.
Merlin: Uhm?
Lancelot: Do me a favor, Merlin. Talk him bad about me. Maybe that will work.
Gwen: (enters with small package) Good morning, Merlin, Gaius, Lancelot.
Lancelot: (straightens up inmediatly and smiles) Good morning! (smiles, but winces a little at the sudden movement)
Merlin: What brings you here, Gwen?
Gwen: Oh, I just came to bring Lancelot his food.(goes to Lancelot and gives him the package) I know the Prince has been giving you a hard time
Lancelot: (blushing) Thank you, my lady. But I'm not in the dungeons anymore, you don't have to-
Gwen: Still not a lady and it's no problem really. Sometimes there are leftovers in the royal kitchens and I hate to see food going to waste, so you're actually doing me a favor.
Lancelot: By eating the food nobody wanted?
Gwen: Yes.
Uncomfortable silence.
Gwen: Uh... Lady Morgana must be looking for me.
Lancelot: Right, sure. Send her my greetings. (thinkings) "Send her my greetings"?! 😳 Really?! 😫🤦‍♂️
Gwen: Goodbye. To all of you. (leaves quickly as red as a tomate)
Merlin and Gaius: ...
Merlin: Alright, what is going on? 🤨
Lancelot: I don't know what you are talking about. (unwraps Gwen's package) Uhmm... It smells good.😋
Merlin: Yeah, like it's been recently cooked despite it being leftovers that normally by this hour are, you know, cold.
Lancelot: (takes a bite of his food) Uhum.
Merlin: And isn't smoked pigeon Gwen's especiality?
Lancelot: Really? I didn't know. (takes another bite)
Merlin: (takes Lancelot's food from him rughly)
Lancelot: Hey! 😠
Merlin: (accusing) Have you been courting Gwen? 😠
Lancelot: What?! No!
Merlin: Well, she's definitely courting you!
Gaius: (scolding) Merlin! (takes the food from him and gives it back to Lancelot) What's the matter with you? What's wrong with Gwen showing interest in Lancelot?
Merlin: (raises his voice in desperation) That is not how it was supposed to be!
Gaius and Lancelot: ...
Gaius: Merlin-
Merlin: I have to go. (leaves)
Another uncomfortable silence.
Gaius: Aaand I never got to tell him the errands I had for him... (sighs and looks at Lancelot's food) Can I have some-
Lancelot: Mine 😠 (brings his food closer to him, protectively)
Time skip. Merlin in his new chambers watering his lily.
Merlin: (thinking) I shouldn't be this mad. Is not like Gwen is being unfaithful to Arthur. They are not together yet and they haven't shown any interest in the other either. And Lancelot has always loved Gwen, that's not a secret. I want Lancelot to be happy. He's my friend, but... Then who will be Arthur's Queen?
Arthur: (from the door that conects their rooms) You're going to drown it.
Merlin: (stops watering his lily and turns to Arthur, confused) What?
Arthur: The plant. (walks to him) If you give it too much water you can kill it.
Merlin: Oh, right. Sorry. (blushes)
Arthur: You should fertilize it too. Plants don't only live of water, you know?
Merlin: (laughs a little) Since when do you know so much about plants?
Arthur: (his smile wavers) I... read. (Composes himself and jokes) Something you should do more often if you even know what that is.
Merlin: ...
Arthur: Okay, what's troubling you?
Merlin: Uhm?
Arthur: No snarky reply, no insult. It seems serious.
Merlin: It's nothing. I'm being ridiculous.
Arthur: It's not ridiculous if it's bothering you.
Merlin: You wouldn't understand.
Arthur: Try me. (takes Merlin to a nearby seat and sits next to him) Come on, you can trust me.
Merlin: (sighs) Gwen and Lancelot like each other.
Arthur: ... Oh.
Merlin: I should be happy for them. I know I should but I didn't expect Gwen to fall in love with someone so soon! (thinking) Someone that it's not you. (says) And Lancelot is a good man and his feelings are sincere. I know he would make Gwen happy, but... (thinking) She was supposed to be happy with you.
Arthur: Merlin, are you... jealous of Lancelot?
Merlin: What? No!
Arthur: Of Gwen?
Merlin: No! She's my friend. They are both my friends. It's nothing like that.
Arthur: Friend's jealousy perhaps?
Merlin: Maybe? I don't know. I guess I'm just afraid of change. (thinking) And how this will change EVERYTHING ahead.
Arthur: (sighs in understanding) I know that feeling.
Merlin: And how do you feel about this?
Arthur: (confused) What?
Merlin: How do you feel about Gwen and Lancelot having feelings for one another? I mean, Gwen's been Morgana's maidservant since forever. You know her longer than I do.
Arthur: I... don't know. (Thinking) I know I was relieved to know Lancelot was after Guinevere instead of you, but I was also furious with Lancelot for making Guinevere cheat on me with him before. But I'm not mad at him for wanting to be with her now.
Merlin: But it doesn't bother you, does it? (Thinking) If you have feelings for her in this life too I'll intervine, but if you are okay with it I won't. Just tell me.
Arthur: (thinking) It should bother me, she was my wife after all, why doesn't it bother me? (Says) It's her life, Merlin. She can do what she wants.
Merlin: (sighs in relief) You are right. Thank you, Arthur. (Stands up and goes to the door)
Arthur: Wait, where are you going?
Merlin: (from the door) To give the new couple my support! 😊
Arthur: And your chores? Merlin! 😠
Merlin: (already gone)
Arthur: (sighs and keeps thinking) I loved Guinevere, I know I did. I should be at least upset about this and yet I'm not. I decided I would court Merlin instead of her before I traveled back in time. I already had Gwen in my other life and it wouldn't be fair to either of them if I went after both, but... It was easier than I expected. I haven't thought of Guinevere until Merlin mentioned this. (looks at his ring finger with a sense of nostalgia) Guinevere...
Arthur's flashback.
Arthur in his chambers writing a speech on his desk.
Gwen: (enters, in a cheering tone) Hey! They told me you were hiding here.
Arthur: (not looking up from his papers, in a bored tone) I'm not hiding, I'm writing a speech.
Gwen: For tomorrow's ceremony, I know. (gets closer) I can help you with that. Give it a feminine touch as you would call it. This way you'll finish this sooner... (hugs him from behind seductively) And his majesty can concentrate in something more... exciting.
Arthur: (doesn't react at all at her intend) I rather do it myself. Thank you, Guinevere. (keeps writing)
Gwen: (her smile falls and separates the hug, but composes the smile quickly) I was thinking on visiting my father's and Elyan's grave today. (her smile turns sad)
Arthur: (hums in acknowledgement, eyes still on his papers)
Gwen: I haven't done it in years since Morgana... you know... It's silly cause is not like she can harm me now, but I still have this... fear sometimes.
Arthur: (doesn't even hum now, eyes still on the papers)
Gwen: But I can't live with fear forever so I'll go today. I just... don't want to do it alone.
Arthur: (finally looks up from his papers) You won't be alone.
Gwen: (hopeful) Really?
Arthur: Of course not, you are the Queen. You can take all the knights you need. (looks back at his papers)
Gwen: (her face falls) Right... Yes, I guess I'll do that.
Arthur: (keeps writing in silence)
Gwen: (walks to the door but stops midway and suddenly grabs candelabra and throws it at Arthur in full rage)
Arthur: Ow! (Brings a hand to his head) What the- 😨
Gwen: (grabs a vase nearby and throws it at Arthur too, screaming in rage)
Arthur:(dodges it barely, still very startled) What's wrong with you?! Guinevere!
Gwen: (keeps throwing random things at him)
Arthur: (yells) Stop it! (goes to her, being hit or dodging objects constantly) What are you doing?! Guinevere! (holds her wrists to stop her)
Gwen: (shouts, histerical) NO! (frees from his hold and shoves him furiously) I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!
Arthur: Can't stand what?
Gwen: You! This! (points both of them) Us! If there was even an us to begin with!
Arthur: What are you talking about? We are fine.
Gwen: (laughs dryly) We are NOT fine. But of course you haven't noticed! You don't pay attention to me at all! You don't care what I do, you don't care how I feel! You wouldn't even notice I'm gone!
Arthur: That's not true!
Gwen: Really? When was the last time we intimated? Even better, when was the last time we share a bed?
Arthur: ...
Gwen: You don't remember. Why would you? It was so long ago...
Arthur: Guinevere-
Gwen: But you didn't realise it until now, did you?
Arthur: (full of guilt) I'm so sorry. You are right, I've been a terrible husband-
Gwen: Husband? (laughs dryly again) Oh, Arthur, we have long stopped being wife and husband.
Arthur: (heartbroken) Don't say that.
Gwen: Don't pretend you are hurt now. Everyone in the castle knows you stopped loving me years ago. Or maybe you just pretended you loved me all this time.
Arthur: (angry) Who said that?
Gwen: Everybody! The servants, the nobels, the dogs even! It wouldn't surprise me if all Camelot knew!
Arthur: But someone must have told you this rumor-
Gwen: Is not a "rumor"! They told me that to my face!
Arthur: (very offended and angrier) They can't do that! You are their queen! It is a grave lack of respect-
Gwen: You think they respect me? I'm a peasant possing as Queen that can't even give them the heir they want. For them I'm no more than your little experiment at best.
Arthur: I had no idea-
Gwen: Exactly, just like you had no idea Morgana had me echanted for WEEKS until Merlin pointed it out. But you did notice when he left your side for more than 5 minutes, you noticed something was wrong with him before you left for Camlann and you noticed when he didn't smile for 3 days!
Arthur: (confused) Why are you bringing Merlin into this?
Gwen: I just don't understand! (tears run down her eyes) Why? Why did you marry me? You went against the council, the law itself just for what? To have me as some decorative queen?
Arthur: Of course not!
Gwen: THEN WHY?!
Gwen: ...
Arthur: (realising his choice of words) I LOVE you. I meant to say-Guinevere! (Stops her by the arm when she starts leaving)
Gwen: (frees herself roughly and slaps him) Don't touch me! (Cries)
Arthur: (utterly shocked) ...Gwen-
Gwen: I should have run away with Lancelot when I had the chance! (Leaves closing the door behind her with force)
Arthur: (touching all the spots where Gwen hit him either with objects or her hands, feeling sudden pain) She's stronger than a give her credit sometimes. (sits on the bed) And does know where to hurt. (puts a hand on his chest, feeling hole in his heart)
End of Arthur's flashback.
Arthur: (thinking) Oh, gods... It's not that I didn't love her, but I stopped loving her way before I did the ritual. And she knew before I knew. (goes to the window and spots Gwen walking with the laundry) Guinevere, I know we were happy at least at the beginning. But even in our best days you weren't as happy as you could have been, were you? You never asked to be queen, you never wanted the title and the responsability. You just wanted a partner that adored you and respected you til the end, and I couldn't even give you that. You always loved Lancelot more... just as I always loved Merlin more. You told me before leaving that you just wanted me to be happy. Even when I made you miserable in our last years of marriage, you wished for my happiness. (sighs as Gwen goes out of sight) You also deserve to be happy.
Time skip. Lancelot at the stables.
Merlin: (enters) Hey... Sorry for how I reacted before.
Lancelot: (gives him a smile that doesn't reach his eyes) It's okay, Merlin-
Merlin: No, it's not! I was rude and mean and you didn't deserve that. I'll understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore.
Lancelot: (laughs) Merlin, I was thrown in the dungeons for you and that didn't stop me of wanting to be your friend, did it?
Merlin: No? 🥺
Lancelot: Of course not. (smiles) And I understand why you reacted that way. Gwen has been your friend for longer than I have and... I'm very aware I'm not the best match there is.
Merlin: Don't say that! You are more than worthy of her.
Lancelot: Really? She is Lady Morgana's maidservant and the blacksmith's daughter. I, on the other hand, don't even have a proper job and I came here with nothing because I have nothing for myself, much less to offer. And I met her when I was in the dungeons! what kind of good first impression is that?
Merlin: Good enough. She does like you. I can see it.
Lancelot: Gwen is a wonderful woman and I'm lucky she has any interest in me at all. But she deserves better than just... me.
Merlin: I think that's for her to decide. Don't you think?
Arthur: (enters) There you are. Lazing around as always.
Lancelot: (nervous) No, I wasn't, Sire! I-
Merlin: Relax, he's not talking to you. (aproaches Arthur) Need me for anything, my lord?
Arthur: No, but Gaius does. Apparently, there are some errands you should have done hours ago.
Merlin: (facepalms himself) Ugh, I forgot.
Arthur: What a surprise.
Merlin: On it! (leaves running)
Arthur: (turns to Lancelot with a serious face)
Lancelot: We were just talking I swear!
Arthur: (throws a sheathed sword at him)
Lancelot: (catches it in reflex) ... Sire?
Arthur: Not bad.
Lancelot: (still confused) Would you like me to sharpen your sword again, sire?
Arthur: Don't worry. I have my own. (points his sheated sword in his belt) What I'd like is for you to kill me.
Lancelot: (even more confused) Sire? 😥
Arthur: Come on, don't pretend you don't want to. Hell, if I were you, I'd want to. (unsheates his sword)
Lancelot: (unsheates his sword carefully)
Arthur: (smirks) Come on!
*insert epic sword fight*
Arthur: (smiles) Not bad indeed. (sheates his sword and puts it aside) It's a shame the Knight code doesn't allow commoners in the calvalry.
Lancelot: (nods sadly) Merlin informed me of that, Sire.
Arthur: I can make an exception for you though.
Lancelot: (hopeful) Really, sire?
Arthur: You just have to do me a favor.
Lancelot: (very happy) Anything! I'm so grateful you are giving me this chance, sire! I am forever in debt with you!
Arthur: Do you know Guinevere?
Lancelot: (confused at the sudden change of subject) Yes, she is lady Morgana's maidservant.
Arthur: Such a beauty, isn't she?
Lancelot: (frowns) She is.
Arthur: I know you two are close.
Lancelot: Oh, we are just friends, but yes. We have grown really close, sire.
Arthur: That's perfect. Then it will be easy for you to do what I'm going to ask you.
Lancelot: Which is?
Arthur: I want you to convince her to join me on bed tonight.
Lancelot: ...
Lancelot: (any trace of kindness on his face gone) What?
Arthur: I would ask her myself, but I want discretion, you see. And since you are so close to her, I'm sure you would have no problem-
Lancelot: No.
Arthur: Excuse me?
Lancelot: I won't do that, sire.
Arthur: Oh, it's a real shame. (sighs) I'll ask someone else to do it then. (turns to leave)
Lancelot: (blocks his way) No! I won't let you dishonor Gwen like that!
Arthur: (laughs) Like she has any honor to defend.
Lancelot: (unsheates his sword pointing it at Arthur's throat, furious)
Arthur: Lancelot?
Lancelot: Take it back.
Arthur: Lancelot, you are threatening your Prince.
Lancelot: (raises his voice) You are NOT my prince! How dare you speak of a maid like Gwen like that! I don't care that you are the Prince of Camelot or of all Albion! I rather die by decapitation for regicide than let such a dishonorable man taint her!
Arthur: (smiles proudly) You are right. Gwen deserves a man that treasures her and defends her of everything and everyone... just like you are doing now.
Lancelot: ... What? 😧
Arthur: Well done, Lancelot. You have my blessing.
Lancelot: Your... blessing?
Arthur: To court Guinevere.
Lancelot: ...
Arthur: You can put the sword down, you know?
Lancelot: (sheates the sword and puts it away, blushing) Sorry, Sire.
Arthur: So, when will you start courting her?
Lancelot: (still pretty confused) I wasn't really planning on it, sire.
Arthur: Don't tell me you don't have feelings for her. You were about to kill me for insulting her just a minute ago.
Lancelot: It's not that!
Arthur: Oh, you think she is not good enough for you? 🤨
Lancelot: No! It's me who is not good enough for her!
Arthur: Because you are a poor country peasant that was arrested as soon as he laid a foot in the citadel?
Lancelot: ...Yes?
Arthur: It may sound ridiculous for me of all people to say this, but titles and possessions don't actually define your value, Lancelot. My father believes that nobelty is defined by blood and the family you were born. I, however, believe nobelty is defined by the actions of men and what they have here. (points Lancelot's chest) And I can tell you for certain you are the noblest man I ever met.
Lancelot: (looks at Arthur in awe)
Arthur: So court her! Fight for her! Even if a lord or a prince or even a king shows interest in her, because they might have riches, but not what really matters.
Lancelot: (nods, emotional) I will. Thank you, Sire.
Arthur: Don't thank me. I can't actually make you a knight, Lancelot, not until I'm king. But I can give you the training meanwhile if you allow me. In exchange of that I do need a favor of you.
Lancelot: You... want me to ask Merlin to join your bed?
Arthur: (blushes furiously) What? No! I would never-
Lancelot: (laughs)
Arthur: (laughs too) Alright, I think I deserved that. No, what I want is for you to protect him when I can't. He tends to get into trouble constantly as you could see and I can't always be around to protect him myself as much as I'd like to.
Lancelot: (smiles) You can count on me, Sire.
Timeskip. In Morgana's chambers.
Gwen: (enters with a couple of flowers in her hair)
Morgana: (compliments) Nice touch.
Gwen: (shyly, blushes) Thanks.
Morgana: Wait, I know that face. (gets closer to Gwen) Are they from someone? 😏
Gwen: (blushes more)
Morgana: Don't tell me. Lancelot?
Gwen: (nods, smiling brightly) He gifted them to me.
Morgana: I can't believe it! Finally! (hugs her) It was about time he made a move. (pulls away) I'm so happy for you.
Gwen: We barely just started courting. It may not last.
Morgana: It will. He'd be a fool to let a wonderful girl like you go. (caresses her face fondly) You know what? You can have the rest of the day off.
Gwen: But you-
Morgana: Will manage on my own just fine. Have a date with your man. You earned it.
Gwen: Thank you so much, my lady. (about to bow)
Morgana: (stops her) Morgana. Just Morgana this time.
Gwen: Morgana. (hugs her) thank you. (pulls away) I'll tell you everything when I get back! (goes to the door)
Morgana: I want every detail!
Gwen: (leaves closing the door behind her)
Morgana: (her smile falls as soon as Gwen is gone) It's fine. (goes to her bed and sits) She's happy. (smiles again, but her eyes water) Gods, I've never seen her... (sobs without being able to help it) so happy!
The events of this part happen just before the events of "Lancelot" for which I already wrote a small fragment and I don't plan to write more on that episode really cause basically the only thing the changes is that Lancelot kills the griffin when it first attacked Merlin since Merlin echants Lancelot's weapon sooner and that's when he properly discovers Merlin's magic (though he already suspected it). I will write a bit more of "Excalibur" though and extend myself in "The Moment of Truth" and "The Labyrinth of Gedref" because there are gonna be important changes there. Once finished with that I'll full on go with Series 2 (where most of your requests are). So enjoy Series 1 :D!! cause series 2 is when everything will go to hell
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hypervoxel · 2 days
Oh, so, like, the entire first season's establishment of the characters and their interactions don't actually matter in Helluva Boss. Okay, cool.
Like, I get that characterization develops over time and the writers come up with new ideas and places they want to take the story, but. So much of the Stolas/Blitzø stuff recently isn't character development: it's retconning.
#I'm just salty because i was heavily invested in the unhealthy dynamic as i interpreted it#instead of the unhealthy dynamic the show decided on.#uhhhh. yeah I'll throw this in the crit tag#helluva boss critical#I'm mostly just not invested in this show anymore. alas! but i do still very much enjoy the art and animation style#every time there's shiny glowy eyes i go 😍#anyway it does just take a tiny amount of editing to have this come across how i would very much enjoy#where Stolas is just. hypocritical#he wants love and a relationship so badly#and that's such an interesting characterization and I'm here for it!#if we also just. acknowledge the way he was SO obsessed with sex while Blitzø was awkward about it#like there is a lot of mention of that - Blitzø says he thought that's what Stolas wanted from him#and is confused about why things are changing!! (i love it so much)#but the show seems to take Stolas's side instead of allowing that 'yeah‚ he doesn't recognize how his internal emotions were never seen‚#because all Blitzø sees are Stolas's external actions - exactly the problem that Stolas is having with Blitzø not communicating!'#AND i still think there should be more emphasis on 'hey yeah it was really fucked up to manipulate Blitzø into sex like he did'#the crystal didn't magically fix it and they should have issues with Blitzø not understanding his worth to Stolas#because from his POV: Stolas really does only want him for sex‚ is paying him with access to the book and human realm‚#and has repeatedly sexualized him And seemed ashamed of it when other important people knew#(compared to how he acted towards Blitzø around other Imps) (which makes it seem like he doesn't care about what Imps think at all)#Stolas can be sad and his emotions are interesting but not when all of the fandom I'm seeing is taking his side#me at all times always: i think these characters/this ship should be worse!!!
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sleepy-grav3 · 2 days
We Became Heroes Because You Didn't
The Justice League don't specialize in much. If you ask them, they'd say otherwise. Unless they're one of the Bats, because they acknowledge that, especially with magic. They hate it, but they have connections and will at least ask for more details to deal with the situation at hand. Though they'll need proof.
That's the thing really. Proof. Because how are you going to get proof of something if everything gets repaired by the end? Or maybe you're the villain here according to the public. Or maybe everything you say is just plain crazy that nobody even knows what's going on from the start!
It was only when another group was formed when everything became clear. They were frowned upon, unknown, spoke nonsense, and never asked for help. They were the survivors that played hero. They were the shadowed version of the Justice League.
They were Justice League: Dark
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A fanfic (or multiple small ones grouped together?) that isn't really about them joining forces, but more about the discovery of more dangerous territory that's being handled by kids/teens. Lift some weight for these kids. They really want a safe net by now in their hero careers.
Like- maybe a few of these wouldn't be the JL's fault. Maybe it was the government (at least for the US). Like Danny Phantom and Gravity Falls mentions the government, maybe they blocked off those regions from outside connections.
I feel like it would be funny if maybe Constantine just ends up collecting kids like Batman with his.
They're just kids! Itty bitty toddlers. It's supposed to be our job to take care o' that shit, ain't it?
And JLD now has a bunch of young professionals cause what the fuck, kid. Why do you know this??? Ya know? Maybe the JL just randomly finds these things, calls Constantine after Zatanna fails to know wtf is going on, and he just calls over a kid. Or a group of them.
JL: We need a professional, why is there a child here?
Constantine: Cause even when you fuckers ignored their calls for help, they still at least try to help where they can
JL: We never-
Constantine: Shut your traps! School's in session
*Child tries to explain*
JL: You have to be kidding me. ___ doesn't exist.
Constantine: Oh bloody hell-
Child: And they wonder why they get more attention than us.
idk, I just like the idea of Constantine being a father for OP characters and desperately want a Young Justice League: Dark. I read a couple of Danny and/or Billy being adopted by him, but the cravings... And if it's a whole big crossover thing, that would be great. Tag me if you see or write about something like this. I wanna read too :)
Don't put too much hope in me writing it though, I'm seriously bad at continuing/finishing stuff. But if I do, I'll edit this post with links to whatever I write.
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 days
Does methinks have more thoughts on alpha togame they'd like to share?
tags for gender neutral + afab!reader (no mention of specific secondary sex but they can smell togames scent), dubcon (just out of rut shennanigans), mean togame, rough sex, omegaverse fuckery, a mention of face-fucking 18+
Togame tells you about his rut two full weeks in advance and makes a point to emphasize that you're not allowed to see him.
He never tells you no, though sometimes he likes to pretend. His immediate, firm rejection of spending time together during his rut strikes you as odd. Even more, he's being totally unreasonable by refusing to explain to you. You try not to take it heart because Togame is by all other means, perfect. And the way he lets you down is the same as always - kind, relaxed playful. Tells you it's not a big deal but still.
Still. It's unusually serious and worries you all the same.
He won't explain why he can't be with you during his ruts either, doesn't bother with the details and smooths past it when youpry. You snoop around Shishitoren searching for answers, but every member who's been with Togame long enough to know just gives you wide eyes and dodges your question. Choji answers you after some prying, with a wide toothed smile and a shake of his head.
"He's not really himself," And then a little kinder. "He's probably just worried about doing something bad to you. His ruts are kinda scary."
If Choji is saying so, you can't help but believe it's true. Still, Togame is your partner and he's always good to you, albeit a little difficukt. It feels like the least you can do is to be with him through it so he doesn't have to go through it by himself. You try arguing with him but he's always firm, even jokes he'll lock you out of his apartment if you show up.
It's maybe a bad idea for you to go over, but you can't help it. It's the first time he's been in rut in your relationship and the thought of him being by himself troubles you. So you go, you even bring things he might need.
You can immediately feel the suffocating, oppressive air when you arrive to his apartment. It's so strong it makes your skin prickle regardless of your sensitivity to pheromones. They practically seep under the door, make the hairs on your neck stand. A signal to danger, telling you to run while you're ahead.
But you're stubborn, so you stay and ring the door bell. It takes a few times before Togame really answers.
The first thing you notice is how different he looks. His hair is down and his glasses are off and his expression is... hard to describe. Dilated pupils, heaving breaths - something wild about him you rarely see, not even in fights. You remember what Choji says about him not being himself and decide it's accurate. Togame barely looks like himself.
"Why're you..." He shakes his head, covering his face with his hand to cover his nose. "Go home. Now."
You're being stubborn, but it's frustrating. "Let me in. I just want to to help you—"
"Go home. I'm saying this for you. Go."
It's petulant but you shake your head and frown. "I'm not going home."
He gives you a long look, scrubbing a hand over his face. His scent gets stronger, intoxicating - makes you lungs feel hot and your chest tight. You let out a shaky little breath and cross your arms. It takes a minute before you feel yourself be tugged forward. It happens too quickly for you to make any sense of it. Your bag is dropped onto the ground, back pushed against the door while Togame pins your wrists between his hands.
His voice is thick, lacking his usual bravado. "Don't be stubborn and go home." He says, the force of his grip getting tighter as if to drive in his point. "I'm hanging on by a fucking thread right now,"
"I'll be fine," You make sure to meet his eyes. "It's fine even if you hurt me. I'm not gonna break into a million pieces. I'm here willingly because I love you,"
He laughs. There's something caustic to it. "You're really have a talent for testing my patience."
You can feel the threads of his control snap when Togame finally kisses you. It's rough, more teeth than lip - a harsh clattering, a desire to dominate that bleeds itself into the gesture. He rarely reveals so much of his desire towards you with so little coaxing.
His scent is so thick you cant breathe. It's oppressive, washes away your own with no remorse. Your pressed so squarely into the wall there's nowhere for you to go, nowhere to run now even if you wanted too. The fabric of your clothes tears like paper under his grip, leaves you gasping as he grips you. It's bruising and quick, makes your heart hammer half-way between fear and full blown lust.
His voice is muddled with animalistic need but the words - his convictions are spoken with unmistakable clarity. "I won't go easy on you." Another nip, a bite - a harsh hand coming down on your ass that makes you yelp. "I'll fuck you until you cry and make you wish you ran away. Even then, you won't get any sympathy from me."
True to his word, Togame shows you no mercy. He fucks you right at is doorway with your face pressed to the wood and makes you squirt on his welcome mat. Fucks you with a leg up in the entrance to his living room, pinning you down even when you want to run away. His entire house ends up soiled before you even make it the bedroom - cum dripping on his counters, saliva from face-fucking you staining his couch. He fucks you up against a window and holds you up while he does it once - telling you his neighbors are going to see if you don't cum on his cock fast enough.
By the time you get to his room, your whole body is throbbing from all you've endured. You catch a glimpse of yourself in his mirror and you're covered in bitemarks and hickies. Too fucked out in a daze, Togame is still relentless. Still hard after cumming in you so many times and still with enough energy to pin your knees up - fucking you with your spine at an angle with just as much aggression as before.
He's barely sober enough to collect himself when your gazes meet for the first time in a while.
He smiles at you and it should be scary but it arouses you instead. "My ruts last days," He tells you, meeting your mouth in a sloppy kiss - through drool and sweat "Let's do out best together."
You can barely breathe, nodding in a daze as you resign yourself to fate
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elsa-fogen · 3 days
(About the inside out au)
I think the main emotion for Alastor would be joy, but it would be STRUGGLING. If any other emotion would try to touch the panel joy would bite. The only emotion that could occasionally touch the panel without joy losing it's mind would be anger, but as soon as Alastor is done ripping apart someone joy would go back to biting.
Sadness being banned means that joy bit off it's legs so it's really hard for it to access the panel (but not impossible).
Fear is in a constant war with joy. They are worthy opponents, because Fear also bites.
Disgust is just chilling there. Actually Joy doesn't hate that one. It just occasionally touches the panel when Susan approaches or Angel Dust says something and then goes back to sitting on the couch.
Joy likes to feel like it's in control, but in reality if other emotions really want to take over the panel they will, and Joy is not as strong as it likes to think it is.
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yall really wanna make me draw something with this don't you
But i have the idea i talked before that there's mini Alastor in his head who controls all the emotions and he may force joy to be the main one and control who and when touches the panel (and fights sadness when needed)
And he also has hate as sepparate emotion, i don't care.
Also i'm making tag for this one so it's easier to find all parts lol
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erinwantstowrite · 3 days
Let me just quickly say, cross-overs can sometimes get REALLY difficult to map out and write in a cohesive way but you have absolutely NAILED IT!! I absolutely ADORE LoF!!! I usually don’t even bother reading fics with the ‘Richard Grayson is Richard Parker’ premise cause I felt like they were super confusing and overcomplicated but this fic?? SUPERB. ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. OH MY GOD I ADORE IT. Everyone’s characterizations are so nice and wonderful aaaaaaah!!!! <33333
Ok ok I did actually have a question as well: would you be willing to share what your writing process looks like in terms of a chapter you’ve already posted? I was just wondering since I’m also currently working on my own fic (it’s been a few years but I managed to get fixated on an idea and it grew legs lol) and I’m currently fighting the organization of it haha.
How do you keep track of the plot points and/or foreshadowing you want to get a ‘lightbulb!’ moment for later? Do you have any tips?
Thank you so much! I absolutely adore your writing AND your art is so gorgeous omg it adds so much to the incredible story :DDD I hope you have a good day!!
I have a secret: I actually didn't like "Richard Grayson is Richard Parker' tag for a while for the same reason. Sometimes they felt like they missed the mark or it's just. A thing that's there? I almost didn't include it for LoF, but I'm glad I did because it changed the direction in such a big way.
Another secret: this made me incredibly happy because I have read so many wikis and scoured the internet to make sure that I had enough info on both fandoms so LoF could make sense to anyone who's reading it, whether they know Spider-Man, Batfam, or neither at all. Sometimes I worry a lot before I post that I'll miss a mark and will confuse people.
As for the question: I definitely am willing to share what my writing process looks like!
Be prepared for under the cut, I love to yap. It's in my blood to yap. And that's why it took a minute to get to this ask haha
(Spoilers for Leap of Faith!! Everything mentioned has already been published ((Chapters 1-11))
I had to go and find out which chapter I wanted to use as an example and I think we're gonna go with Chapter 5 for the most part :)
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My writing process is, as described by alighterwood:
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I think the description fits because while I'm all over the place, I have to be very detail oriented and I store everything in one spot.
Starting with the overall process, what I find is most helpful for me, when organizing, is having a notebook rather than doing it all digitally. I've been using a 70 sheet notebook that I had lying around waiting to be used, and as of yesterday, I officially filled the entire thing front to back. It's been an incredible help, for a lot of reasons, but mostly because it's a lot easier to remember something I physically wrote down than it is to remember something I typed. I'm now on to my second notebook for LoF, and I might even have to get a third.
In another ask, startupkat asked me this:
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And I shared a little about my outline process there, but I'll try to go into a little more depth here. Emphasis on little because this is so long.
I write a truly insane amount of outlines in this notebook.
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This is just what I can show you, but a good chunk of the notebook is just outlines. Over and over and over again. That's because they're always changing/adapting based on so many different factors. Sometimes I get to a chapter I thought I had fully planned out and then realize it just doesn't work anymore. Other times, I get to the chapter and realize I don't want to write that anymore/isn't as interesting as I thought it would be. A few times I got halfway through a POV of a scene I was struggling on and decided to switch POV's, which will change up the outline for a chapter every now and then.
Which is why I don't write incredibly detailed outlines and try to keep it vague until I actually get to that chapter. It's a lot less daunting to rewrite a chapter outline than it is to rewrite the entire outline.
Fic outlines and Chapter outlines look a lot alike.
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This is what I said in the other ask, but I didn't elaborate on it all the way.
I make a list just like that, and then I try to put it in chronological order/in an order that makes sense. I keep the Fic outline vague by writing down "Goals" for a chapter rather than scenes. But I also keep notes to myself if I really think something is important. The more important I think a scene needs to be, the more details I write down to make sure my future self recalls what I had in mind when I thought it up.
Really simple example:
Chap 1 Goal: Peter gets to Gotham and meets Babs while running around. Meet Nightwing too? Get shelter.
Chapter 2 Goal: Bats are like "???" about Peter. Batfam dynamic important... Peter stalking Batfam back? Peter meet Batman >:)
When I get to a chapter, that's when I make a far more detailed list of wants/needs/goals. It's the Step 2 from the Step 1. Here are some examples from Chapter 5:
Needed to have:
More POV's from universe 1299 (Peter's home universe)
Tony's POV more specifically, how he's doing/feeling, what he's figured out
What they've figured out on 1299 side vs what's going on in 1300 (Gotham)
Explaining more about Peter's trauma/his past
Dick learning more about Peter, and vise versa
Wanted to have:
Ned being a more central character
Natasha :)
Loki being a little shit
Tony and Cap bickering
Peter talking to Nightwing again
The last name Grayson
(This is the shortened list, because the chapters are so long)
When I looked at this list before writing my outline, I had to figure out how I could incorporate everything. If I needed more 1299 POV's, and I wanted Ned, Natasha, and Loki, there's one scene accounted for. I had to get their side of things and wanted that trio together. I needed a Tony POV, and I wanted Tony and Cap bickering, so those went together, plus I got 1299's POV of Ohnn and his plans explained.
I needed to have Peter explaining more about his trauma, and Dick and Peter to talk/get closer. I wanted a Nightwing POV, to have Peter say his last name, and them doing gymnastics. I knew Peter wouldn't willingly talk about that, so I had him have a nightmare. Not only did it give readers perspective but it made Peter more susceptible to talking to Nightwing because he was more emotionally vulnerable/lonely, and that's how that scene came together.
That's when I would write down the chronological order of these events by writing out "Scene Blocks." (This is what I wrote down but my handwriting was so bad I can't subject y'all to it):
scene 1- Ned talking to Loki. Natasha should be nearby and observing Loki's behavior. They are not on friendly terms. Ned is more worried about Peter than he is as to what Loki could be up to, so Natasha takes on that role.
scene 2- Tony is freaking out about Peter being in an alt dimension. He should attack Ohnn when he's not prepared for it. Beat his ass? Beat his ass. Cap there too.
scene 3- Peter's nightmare. "Ben, where do you go when you die?" "Where do you think?" "With you. Where you went."
scene 4- Nightwing and Peter.
Of course, things come to attention when writing. Like originally, Tony and Cap were arguing in the Tower. But it was a little too much like his and Natasha's argument, and I kept in mind that Tony is smart. Sometimes I forget that the characters are smarter than I am, so I have to account for what they would figure out. So Tony would have picked up the puzzle pieces and come to more conclusions than I originally thought about, and I figured he'd be way more proactive about it than just. Being in the Tower and waiting.
Which means that that scene ended up being as listed above: having a squabble with Cap, learning more about Peter's dynamic with the Avengers in this universe, and seeing how Tony is reacting to it by throwing himself head first into trying to capture Ohnn.
I'll realize I need something else to be mentioned or put in and I'll have to shimmy things around, but that's basically how it goes.
As for other forms of organization:
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Keeping a timeline is so important because it tells you a lot about the environment your characters are in. It's also important to remember what a character has on them, what money they've spent, who they've met/who you have mentioned, every alias that is being used, to read your work and write down edits you want to make before you make them, to write down ideas beforehand of situations you can use, and, most importantly: MAKE A MAP!! This has saved me so many times. Sometimes your brain WILL trick you or make it harder on you to envision a scene. Make a map of where your characters are physically!! It will save you too!!
As for foreshadowing and plot points, I'll let you in on yet another secret:
Your subconscious is doing a lot more than you think it is.
Sometimes when I foreshadow something, I didn't even know I was until I got to it. I very often go back to read chapters that came before this to see what I've mentioned and what I haven't, and when I do, I'll see something and go "I have to bring this back" or "I almost forgot about that!"
Other times, I am very aware of what I'm foreshadowing, and that's because I follow a mystery plot formula. You have to keep in mind everyone's intentions, all the time. How are they feeling? What are their motivations? And: what are they doing right now, while this character is doing this?
Like Beck and Ohnn. From the very beginning, I knew I had to make sure that it was obvious Ohnn wasn't working alone. From there, I had to weave through the story and slowly build him up as someone who's working behind the scenes. Even from Ned's first POV, I made sure to mention that this person knows Tony and is tech savvy.
My biggest tip is to make sure you reread your work or at least skip through it, because sometimes you don't even know that you placed something there.
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And sometimes, it's very purposeful. :)
I hope this helped! I really tried to keep it short but I am insane and the process is sooooo long. It sounds complicated but it really is simple when you're actually doing it I swear
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woncatz · 2 days
can you do jealous chaewon dragging reader into a room(and fucking her roughly) because reader was being way too flirty for her liking?
i couldn't find the right pictures but i had chaewon wearing the diesel tanktop in mind while writing this ;)
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'steaming hot'
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pairing/s : kim chaewon x fem!reader
tags : rough sex to soft sex (?), jealousy, oral and fingering (r!receiving), manhandling, mommy kink, clit rubbing, chaewon is really pissed and REALLY MEAN, lots of degradation with a little bit of praise, mild overstimulation, chaewon slaps you like once, short fluff at the end.
a/n : if it wasnt obvious; the end is rushed so don't go after me, also, this doesn't follow the request entirely, but the idea is there :)
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"one americano, and a latte, please and thank you." smiling at the barista across from you. glancing at her name tag before speaking once again.
"so faye, how long have you been working here?" you said while making direct eye contact.
"oh.. hm - a while now, i guess." the girl chuckles with red cheeks and continues to prepare your orders.
"what is a pretty girl like you doing here and working in a cafe? surely some companies out there would be interested working with a gal like you." it was obvious that you were shamelessly flirting with her, fully knowing that chaewon could hear the whole conversation. you glance at chaewon from the front of the café and sure enough, she was glaring daggers right at you and the girl.
"t-thank you, you're also very pretty." the barista momentarily stops her actions to look and smile at you, before she's starts working on it again. though she can't hide the blood rushing to her face by being complimented by someone as hot as you and chaewon did not like that at all.
"thank you darling." you spoke with a sultry voice guaranteed to seduce anyone who was in hearing range, before smirking at the sight of chaewon slowly losing her composure.
"chaewon? are you alright? you look a bit uneasy." faux innocence dripping from your tone knowing that your plan was working.
"i'm alright." and chaewon answers shortly.
"are you feeling sick? we can go home now if you want. i can drive for us."
all that chaewon does is roll her eyes and look out the window completely ignoring you.
"here's your drinks ma'am." the girl in front drives your attention off of chaewon. you smile at her and quickly reach down to your purse for your wallet.
"we'll get going, thanks." you didn't even realize that chaewon was already beside you and had already slammed the payment on the counter before getting the drinks and dragging you to the car.
"hey, why do you seem mad? what did i do wrong, hm?" your voice laced with fake innocence which pisses off chaewon even more, she hates it when you act like this, like a brat.
"you're fucking annoying. get in." she opens the car door for you. even when mad, chaewon is still a gentlewoman, and you really liked that.
and now you're inside, seating beside your lover who refuses to look at you. you feel guilty, almost. but this is what you wanted to happen. and so you let a small smile paint your lips.
not long after, the both of you arrive in front of your apartment complex. chaewon once again opens the car door, and you shuffle against the seat to step out but chaewon pulls you by your wrist and slams the door behind you, pressing a button on her car keys to lock it.
you wanted to speak, but you knew that what you had done was enough to fuel the fire inside chaewon, so you stay quiet. on the way to the elevator, chaewon doesn't wait for the elevator to close before latching her lips onto yours. the kiss was rough, but you didn't mind.
"someone could walk in." you moaned as she starts sucking on your neck. soon after, the first two buttons of your blouse has been undone, showing your cleavage to chaewon.
"fuck, this is what you wanted right? for me to get jealous so we could have sex? you're such a fucking whore." she gropes your crotch through your denim shorts resulting wetness to pool in your core. the elevator bell dings and the sign shows '3rd floor'. chaewon wastes no time and grasps your wrist, walking towards your room. it was a good thing that the building uses cards instead of keys because as soon as the door was open chaewon was already on her way to the bedroom still dragging you behind her.
"look at you, all we did was make out and you look like a fucking mess." she makes you sit on the edge of the bed before kneeling in between your legs.
"please.. please chaewon." you said.
"you think you have the right to beg after what you did?" quickly undoing the buttons of your shorts before pulling it down along with your underwear.
"you're so wet baby, you really wanted this to happen hm?"
"yes mommy," you moaned and closed your eyes as you felt chaewons fingertips meet with your slit, dragging it up and down before circling your entrance. you let your eyes close, even such a slight sensation sends electricity through your veins and the whine that came out your throat was uncontrollable.
"chae, need it, i need your tongue, please." your eyes shoot open soon when chaewons hand comes in contact with your face following the immediate burn and sting from the impact. you felt tears brim in the corner of your eyes as chaewon grabs your chin roughly to make you look down at her. her face was painted with what you couldn't comprehend as disgust or condescension.
"you whore, even after doing all that- you have the fucking guts to tell me what to do." you've certainly never seen this side of chaewon, witnessing her down on her knees yet still emitting such a dominant aura turns you on even more.
"chaewon i- ahh!-" your sentence was cut short as a moan escaped your throat from chaewon diving into your cunt, she was licking and slurping and sucking your sensitive clit. what she had done definitely caught you off guard as you find your back meeting the mattress below you.
"agh- chaewon, slow down-" moans and whines filled your shared bedroom as chaewon shoved her tongue deep inside you before dragging it up to your clit and flattening against it.
"slow down? isn't this what you wanted, baby?" her voice was muffled by your pussy as she continued eating you out like she'd not eaten for days, latching and sucking on your clit and giving it kitten licks. a knot in your stomach has been forming and was threatening to snap at any moment.
"f-fuck! im close... don't stop, don't stop!" nearly shouting as chaewon shakes her head and gives your clit one last lick.
"that's it pretty girl," she replaces her tongue with her fingers, shoving it inside and pumping them in and out at a fast pace. she curls her fingers simultaneously as she stands up from her knees to reach and face you from your current position on the bed.
"you gonna cum? gonna cum for mommy? hah... your cunt is sucking my fingers, baby, i can barely move them." she was obviously mocking you, the sight of your disheveled hair and sweaty body drove her insane and a familiar overwhelming sensation started to build up on your lower stomach fast.
"cum for me, show me that you can be a good girl. cum for me baby." and all it took was a drag of her fingers and her thumb rubbing your clit to push you over the edge.
"cumming!- 'm cummin-" your hips stuttering and rising from the bed with your eyes squeezing shut as you squirted all over chaewons fingers and she lets you ride your orgasm out before you grab her wrist and urge her to pull them out.
"you okay?" she hugs your limp body before kissing your cheekbone, trailing down to your neck. the sudden shift of her mood causing heat to rise to your cheeks.
"mhm... i'm okay." silence fills the room as chaewon rests her head on the crook of your neck.
"i've got to make you jealous more often." and she just laughed.
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janaispunk · 11 hours
say you'll remember me
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chapter 5 • series masterlist
pairing: Dave York x f!reader
summary: The aftermath. (Because I am dramatic)
word count: 1.9k
tags/warnings: explicit smut -> 18+ mdni, dbf!Dave, somewhat unhealthy relationship dynamics, daddy issues (reader’s dad sucks big time), able-bodied reader, no use of y/n, divorced Dave, slut shaming, pure angst I'M SORRY
a/n: co-written with my angel @joelscurls, i love you <3
i'm sorry that this took so long and also about the... contents of this. it's the last official chapter, but there will be an epilogue. if this is stressing you out and you'd feel more comfortable knowing if there will be a happy ending, please feel free to shoot me a dm <3
follow @janaispunknotifs for updates and find jess’ masterlist here and my masterlist here :)
dividers by the lovely @saradika-graphics 🤍
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“Where’s my what?”
David steps through the open bedroom door, pulling a washed out t-shirt over his head, tousling his hair even further than it was before. He’s not wearing pants, only the briefs that he so eagerly got out of less than an hour ago. He freezes at the scene in front of him. 
You’re painfully aware of your own appearance, painfully aware of how obvious it is what you’re doing here. There’s zero chance of talking your way out of this one. 
Your father is still standing in the doorway, jaw clenched impossibly tight, his gaze flickering between the two of you. You steal a glance at David, finding his eyes already on you. Regret is swimming in them, threatening to drown you both, and you know that he’s come to the same conclusion. You’re done for. 
“What the fuck is this?” 
It’s clipped, the quiet and cold tone that you’ve had a lifetime to get used to, but it’s tinged in anger, with an intensity that you’ve never heard before. The step you take back comes instinctively, following the desperate urge to get closer to the man behind you, the man who makes you feel safe, even now. A scowl forms on your father’s face as he clocks the movement. 
“Jim–” David tries, arm halfway raised like he’s reaching out. To you or to your father, you’re not sure. 
“I was in the area, thought I’d drop by, even though you weren’t answering your phone.” His chuckle is devoid of humor, his eyes flashing darkly. “Guess you were busy.” 
“Dad, please…” You’re not sure what you even want to ask for. For him to hear you out, to understand? 
He shakes his head, looking you up and down, disdain written clear over his face. 
“Put some clothes on, Jesus Christ. I’m taking you home.” 
You look at David again, desperate for just a hint of comfort, no matter how small. The promise that, somehow, everything will be fine. He gives you a curt nod towards the bedroom, no discernible emotion in his expression. 
You’re uncomfortably aware of the expanse of your bare legs under his shirt as you walk back into the room, the place that has become your sanctuary over the past weeks. 
“Jim, listen,” you hear David’s voice through the open door. “We just– we were talking if maybe I could get her an internship at the DIA, and it– it just happened. It was a one time thing, I swear. And a mistake. I–I’m so sorry.”
Lies. They seem to fall from his lips so easily, like a story that he had prepared for a long time. Maybe he did. 
“I really don’t give a shit, Dave.” 
You hear David sigh, can see his accompanying expression in your mind. The pursed lips, the firm jaw. 
“I guess that’s fair.” 
You don’t want to leave, don’t want the tense car ride, don’t want to be alone in your room and replay this over and over. You’re already circling through scenarios how this could have gone differently. 
Why did you have to go open the door? Why didn’t you let David get it? Why did none of you notice his phone ringing? Why hadn’t you been more careful? 
When you re-emerge from the room, neither of them has moved. Your father’s expression is unreadable, a stoic kind of coldness that doesn’t betray any feelings he might have. 
You can’t help looking at David’s face when you pass him, searching for comfort, reassurance, anything. Some sign that he didn’t mean it when he said you and him had been a mistake. But he’s staring at the floor, his face like a mask. 
You bite your lip, avoiding your father’s gaze when you step past him and down the stairwell. He’s gonna have more to say about this, you know it. 
He’s fulfilling your expectation after a few minutes of silence, the tension in the car so thick that it feels like you’re getting crushed by the sheer weight of it.
“Always taking the easy route, aren’t you?! Rather just spread your legs than to put in some actual work, fucking hell…” 
Your lips fall open at his words, a disbelieving huff escaping you. 
“Dad, that’s not–” 
“That’s exactly what it is,” he cuts you off, his grip tight on the steering wheel, venom spitting from his mouth. “I didn’t think I raised you to be a whore.” 
You snap your mouth shut, staring straight ahead, tears brimming in your eyes. It had never even crossed your mind, the thought that you’d get anything like a job out of your… situation with David. It was never your motivation. You just– wanted him. Wanted him to like you. 
It hurts, hurts more than you want to admit to yourself, to have your own father jump to that conclusion so quickly. To know that he has no issues seeing you like that, thinking of you like that. 
“You embarrassed me,” he continues, even angrier than before. “Throwing yourself at the first man you see.”
Heat is rising in your cheeks. Your teeth dig into your bottom lip, hard enough to draw blood. 
“I’m sorry.” It’s a whispered sound, shame ringing with the words. You don’t want to apologize, but it comes like an instinct, the only acceptable option that you have. 
“You’re gonna stay home for the next two weeks, until your break is over. You’re gonna study and maybe, if you show me that it’s not a complete waste of money, I’ll keep paying for that goddamn school.”
Your head whips around to stare at his stony profile beside you. He’s grounding you?!
“Dad, I’m not a child!” 
He shrugs, pulling up to the house. 
“Well, since you’re acting as irresponsible as a child, I’m gonna treat you like one.”
He doesn’t stop you when you throw open the car door, fumbling with the house keys before you get the door open and stomp up to your room. Angry tears are blurring your vision, blood pounding loudly in your ears. 
You’re not thinking straight, thumbs flying over your phone screen, a message about how this doesn’t mean anything, how you’ll figure this out, how much you still want him, flowing from your fingertips. David doesn’t respond. 
You cry yourself to sleep that night, tossing and turning in your sheets, your dreams full of vague shapes and scenarios, replaying the day’s events over and over. 
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Your father checks on you the next morning, pointedly asking about your plans for the day, seemingly content with your mumbled, spiritless responses about revising coursework and working on applications for an internship. 
“You can do better than the DIA, you realize that, right? Hardly any money to make there.” 
You nod silently, forcing down the ragefit about how you don’t give a shit about the DIA, or about any job for that matter, that it never fucking was about that. 
You’ve never had a particularly strong intention to actually follow your father’s orders and not leave the house, but it’s out of the window when your phone finally vibrates with a message from David, asking if it’s possible for you to meet him. 
You’re out the door in a heartbeat, paying no mind to the security cameras recording you, to the consequences of this. It’s like you’re on autopilot, the stress of the past 24 hours erasing all rational thoughts from your mind. 
David meets you at the door, a sight so painfully familiar and yet entirely new, because of the look on his face. Devoid of emotion, a mask of the man that you know, but not this version of him. He pulls you into an embrace, one that you desperately want to melt into, but his arms are stiff around you, coldness seeping into your bones despite the warmth of his body. You suppress a shiver when he doesn’t even lead you further into the apartment. You’re standing in the hallway, the short distance between you suddenly unbridgeable. From the corner of your eye, you notice his bedroom door. Firmly closed, once more. 
“Sweetheart–” he begins, rubbing his neck with one hand. A nervous gesture, so vastly different from the self-assured, always in control David that you’re so intimately familiar with. 
The rational part of you knows what this means, can almost predict the words that he’s gonna say next. It gives you a strange sense of déjà vu, reminds you of another time when you were in this apartment, so sure that he didn’t want you, that he was going to end this thing with you. 
You were mistaken back then. You know that you’re not mistaken now, because the David in front of you is nothing like the one from back then. It’s glaringly obvious, the difference between them, the cold determination that you see in his eyes only right now. 
“You’re breaking up with me, aren’t you? F–for real this time?” 
Your voice barely wavers, your eyes don’t stray from his face. It’s like you’re walking through a dream, through a living nightmare, eerily aware of what’s gonna happen next but with no way to do anything about it. 
Hurt flashes in his eyes, gritting his teeth, swallowing down a lump in his throat. He only manages a silent nod.
You feel your face crumbling, hot tears finally springing to your eyes. Your throat grows tight. 
“Please… please don’t. Please.” You have to beg, have to at least try.
“I’m sorry,” he sighs, running a hand over his face. “I never should have– it was a mistake. You know that, right?” 
You shake your head, eyes wide and silently pleading with him, unable to form words. He sighs, pain clear on his features as he cups your cheek. 
“Baby, I– I wish things were different, but– you’re so young. You’ve still got your whole life– you don’t need me. I never should have allowed this. I’m sorry that I did.” 
You choke out his name, the one that, unbeknownst to you, no one else uses. That he’ll never let anyone else use again. 
“But I want you,” you whisper, stepping closer, pressing your face into the familiar crook of his neck, breathing in the comfort that the scent of him brings. He chuckles weakly, a humorless sound, gently moving out of your embrace, his large hands finding your shoulders instead, prompting you to look at him.
“You shouldn’t. I’m not– I’m not worth it. I won’t let you fuck up your life over this.” 
Acceptance and denial are battling in your heart, the knowledge that you kind of always had but buried away deep down finally resurfacing. He isn’t yours to lose and he never was. 
“I’ll miss you,” you whisper, tears silently streaming down your face. You need to ask, need to know if this ever meant as much to him as it did to you. “Will you miss me at all?” Will you even remember me?
His lips tilt up in a sad smile, and you could swear that his eyes are glassy as he gently presses his mouth against your forehead one last time. 
“Always, sweetheart.”
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.........................................please remember that i love you
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detectivebambam · 1 day
y'all remember how i have a hot take about Andrew that i refused to say out loud cuz i thought I'd be murdered? well it's midnight and I'm going to post this before going to bed
Trans Andrew Minyard.
all well and good, i love transing characters i think it's fun
in almost every fanfic I've seen, especially the ones that talk about his sexual abuse, he's always trans. and this rubs me the wrong way because he is some of the only representation of bio male SA victims in media. and idk something about erasing men's sexual trauma comes into play here.
i can't really think rn cuz I took my meds about an hour ago so they're kicking in but yeah ig that's my hot take and bc of the comments I've gotten in the past over less controversial opinions, I'm a lil concerned but it's gonna be alright
reading over this before posting like jesus bam bam get to the point
also I'm not gonna tag this as #transandrewminyard cuz i want that to stay a safe place so i would appreciate if u reblogged don't add that tag
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babymochibeargyu · 2 days
[Babymochibeargyu 100 Followers Event]
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I honestly can't believe we reached this many in the span of 44 days? Like I said before, I didn't think I would even be writing so many fics after my first two as I was just doing for the plain fun of it, but after seeing how well received my works started to get, I just decided to continue and here we are. anyways enough of my rambling lets get to the event🥺
As you guys know I usually have been writing for Gyu on here, because he's been really living in my head rent free and I have just so many fluff thoughts to write about.
But for this event, I'm letting you guys choose who you want to see in my fluff/whichever genres you guys want me to write about[as due to a recent poll you guys seem to be deprived of the other members hence I decided to do this]
here's how things will go:
1st Event
pairings: 1 txt member x reader
genres: any genre is fine(I'll try my best to write whatever you guys give me)
genres can be :fantasy, hybrid,enemies to lovers or just plain fluff, whatever your heart desires!!
no smut/nsfw(im not confident😭),SA,rape,sexual harassment, incest
no. of entries per person: I'm not sure how many will participate(but I hope you guys do >_<) so I'm just gonna give you guys max of 5-10 request per acc![ if yall would like, you can send more, but they will be looked to afterwards, so as to give everyone a fair chance]
(those that I do not reply to during this event, may be turned into a future fic)
how do I get my entry to be written? : if your entry inspires me, then you'll definitely will be seeing it turn into a fic
also tip, I usually get heavily inspired if there's pictures!!
i just found out that if you are using laptop and not anon, you can insert pics otherwise[you can copy and paste pics into the asks(if you wish to remain anon), it will also give me a clearer sense of which direction I should go for]
entry duration: currently i will be giving it 2-3 weeks[from today 23June - 15July] unless theres an overflow of entries then i may end the event earlier so fastest fingers!!(also im not really sure whether when my next milestone will be so if you wanna see your ideas come to life please send them in now 🙃)
opened to who?: anyone who's following or isn't(yet): since the tags will include all members, it will appear to those who isn't following me too. so if you do send in an entry and aren't following (yet), do think about it and join in the fun :') because all is welcome!! [so that you can also see whether your entry got picked!!]
rules for sending an entry:(please please please read before sending anything!!)
Updated: moving forward any anon request that I receive during this period, if without emoji and without stating that its for the 100 Lovelies Event💗i will take it as its a separate request and will look at it only after the event(so don’t say I didn’t warn you if you’re wondering why your asks hasn’t been chosen!! As i cannot be updating and finding out all the time on my blog thank you, and im pretty sure its quite clear in my rules already)
it would be nice if i know who I'm replying to, however if you want to be anonymous, please at least put 2-3 emojis with it
in the event somehow the emoji's chosen gets repeated at least with more than 1 emoji I'm able to identify that you are different people
this is so that I know how many entries you have already sent in! if there are no ways for me to identify you, I may not write it for the 100 followers event, so as to be fair for everyone participating)
for the fics please state (member x reader, genre, settings/prompt of what you want to see. and I'll continue from there)
if you only state member x reader and genre, your entry will be ignored(so please state!! i don't want to ignore any of your entries!!)
also please write in your entry :100 Lovelies Event, so that I know that your ask is for an entry
I will choose up to 10 entries to write from(is the current goal i have but if im in a feel good mood i probably will write more). Sooo let me know your heart's deepest desires and let your imagination run wild LOVELIES~
~ all the fics written during the event will be under the tag of [100 Lovelies Event💗] and can be found under the main masterlist as well.
2nd Event(update)
- if anyone would like, you can request a short song cover from me(I’ll try my best) and I’ll upload it to my yapping blog under the same tag!!
- this doesn’t count as an entry for the 100 Lovelies Event💗so it doesn’t matter how many song request you sent in!! I just wanted to do something that’s personal to me too
But anyways let’s get this fic party started🥳
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bellaxgiornata · 2 days
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Always Waiting for You [1: First Meetings]
Pairing: Sam Winchester x fem!Reader Word Count: 4.4k [Series Masterlist]
Warnings/tags: 18+; fluff, pining, friends to lovers, slow burn, angst, canon typical violence, eventual smut, use of pet names & nicknames (no y/n)
Series Summary: In the beginning you'd been content helping your grandmother run Springwood, the quaint bed and breakfast she had owned and ran for most of her life. You'd grown a fondness for Springwood over the years, already having long since known your grandmother wished to eventually pass the bed and breakfast onto you. But the more you got to know the curious Winchester brothers every time they sporadically turned up to rent rooms, the more you'd begun to long for a little something more in your life. You soon found yourself becoming close friends with the brothers–even after finding out what they really did–and you easily found yourself falling for Sam. But the pair of you only ever remained close friends as the years passed by despite you always secretly holding onto the hope that he'd someday finally stop trying to protect you from himself and his life.
Tag List: @cheshirecat484 @stoneyggirl2
a/n: While Reader will not have a physical description or a name (other than nicknames and pet names), she will have a bit of a family history for the sake of the plot (since this is a long fic). I still like to keep things fairly vague so that readers can either pretend it's their family or pretend Reader was adopted at birth and are still able to insert themselves into the story if they want. With that out of the way, enjoy part one! Feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
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Hunched over the sink as the bright, late morning sun filtered in through the kitchen windows, you scrubbed at the pan you’d used earlier to make breakfast for the guests currently staying at Springwood. Omelets had been on today's menu and they had taken you a good portion of the morning to prepare and cook despite only having three guests who had stayed at the bed and breakfast this weekend. Though you didn't necessarily mind the extra work because you usually rose early in the morning everyday, always unable to fall back asleep because you felt a little restless. Which was why you often welcomed any opportunity to keep yourself busy at Springwood.
Focused on your current task, the warm, soapy water splashing over your bare hands, you were too deep in your thoughts to catch the sound of soft footsteps shuffling towards you over the scrubbing of your sponge. It wasn't until you'd heard a voice behind you that you realized you were no longer alone in the bed and breakfast’s kitchen.
“Relax there, honey bee, or you’re going to wear that poor pan out.”
Startled at your grandmother’s unexpected presence, you jumped at your place in front of the sink. In your surprise you had dropped the pan into the soapy water with a loud, messy splash. Looking over your shoulder, fresh soap bubbles now splattered across your face, you found your Nan grinning at you and shaking her head.
“You’re too uptight, bee,” she teased. “Always so in your head. I swear an elephant could sneak up on you sometimes.”
“Well you're certainly quieter than an elephant, Nan,” you countered, rubbing a forearm at the soap that had splattered on your face. “And I'm not entirely convinced you don't know some secret way to get around this place unnoticed.”
Your grandmother only smiled as she continued her way across the kitchen to you. Turning your attention back towards the pan you'd dropped in the sink, you picked it up along with your sponge and resumed your cleaning. 
“I could have taken care of the morning dishes, you know,” she told you. “You've been doing all the cooking and cleaning the past few months, honey bee. You're not leaving much for an old woman to tend to.”
You shot your grandmother a grin over your shoulder. “That's the point, Nan,” you replied. “You've done plenty over the years here. I'm completely capable of handling the load. It isn't like we're constantly booked to capacity or anything.”
“Well, no,” she agreed slowly. “But little bee, when was the last time you had a day off?”
Switching on the faucet, you rinsed the large pan underneath the spray. Watching the soap bubbles disperse, you shrugged at your grandmother’s question.
“I don't know,” you answered her, reaching over and setting the pan into the drying rack on the counter. “It's been awhile, I suppose.”
“Don't you think you should get out of this place more often?” she asked. “Spend some time with your friends? Maybe go on a date every once and awhile?”
Pausing mid-scrub of a plate, you turned and shot your grandmother a pointed look. “Nan, you ask me this like clockwork almost every four months,” you pointed out. “I'm fine . I actually like working here, you know. The guests keep me busy over the weekends, and the gardening, cleaning, and paperwork keeps me busy during the week. And in my downtime,” you continued, focusing back on washing the plate in your hands, “I've got plenty of books to read.”
Your grandmother padded over to the counter beside you, one of her hands raising up to lightly rest along your shoulder. Pausing once more when you felt her give you a gentle squeeze, you glanced down at her hand before your eyes eventually met hers.
“Don't you ever get lonely, honey bee?” she asked. “It's just the two of us here.”
“Well there's also the Johnsons,” you joked. “At least until morning check-out, that is.”
Nan released your shoulder, her hand playfully slapping your arm as she shot you a look. Though you could see the smile she was fighting back, the corners of her lips twitching.
“They've already checked out,” she told you. “Just before I came in here to find you. But you know what I meant, bee. You're far too young and full of life to be holed up in this place with me all the time. You should find yourself a nice man.”
Rolling your eyes, you opened your mouth to protest, but your grandmother quickly cut you off.
“Or a nice woman,” she amended with a cheeky grin. “You know I don't judge.”
Shaking your head, you focused on rinsing off the plate in your hands before adding it to the drying rack beside the pan. “You worry too much about me,” you told her. 
“Someone ought to,” she replied. “I'm an old woman. Someday I won't be around and I don't want to think about you being here all by yourself.”
“Then I'll get a cat,” you teased. “And then I won't–”
The sound of a loud, growling engine roared over your words, drowning them out. At first the noise was just a distant rumble, your brows drawing together as you tried to place where the sound was coming from. But it didn’t take long for you to realize that the sound was quickly growing nearer, clearly coming from a car making its way up the winding drive to Springwood. 
Almost simultaneously, both you and your grandmother leaned over the counter towards the kitchen window above the sink, peering out at what you could see of the driveway. It was a moment before you spotted a black muscle car through the trees that lined the long drive. The pair of you silently watched as the car gradually made its way along the path, heading to the front of the bed and breakfast. 
“Well you don't see that every day,” Nan muttered, her voice just audible over the roar of the car’s engine. “Not ‘round here at least.”
“No,” you whispered, transfixed by the car glinting in the sunlight as it drove, the plate in your hands temporarily forgotten, “you certainly don't.”
“Wasn't expecting anyone to be checking in on a Sunday, either,” Nan said. “Suppose whoever that is will keep us busy for a bit.”
After a moment, the car disappeared from view and you remembered the plate in your hands. Focusing back on it, you turned the faucet on and ran it under the warm spray. As the soap washed away, you felt your grandmother lightly pat your shoulder. At the feel of her touch, you looked over at her in time to see her turning and making her way out of the kitchen.
“I'll go greet our new guests, bee,” Nan called back to you. “Maybe you can come help them find their rooms?”
“Yeah,” you replied. “I'll just wash up these last few dishes from this morning and I'll be right out.”
After your grandmother had disappeared, you’d spent the next couple of minutes cleaning the last few pieces of silverware, your hands moving quickly and efficiently. Once finished, you dried off your hands and hurried out of the kitchen, making your way down the long hall towards Springwood's foyer in order to help Nan with the new guests that had just arrived.
As you headed down the hallway, passing by the entrances to Springwood's dining room, library, and sitting room, you'd expected to overhear your Nan talking to an older couple. Considering the type of car you'd seen pull up, you found yourself surprised when it sounded like the voices of two younger men speaking with her. When you grew near enough to the bed and breakfast’s foyer, you couldn't help but overhear their conversation. 
“...such a nice little town,” Nan had been saying. “I hope you'll be enjoying your stay here.”
“Oh, I'm sure we will,” a man's voice politely replied. “Though we'll probably be spending most of our time in the town over. In Arlington.”
“Arlington?” Nan repeated in mild surprise. “What's in Arlington that would have brought the pair of you boys out this way?”
Stepping out of the hall and through the archway that led into Springwood's entrance, you caught sight of the two young men who were currently checking into the bed and breakfast. Abruptly stopping short the second you actually saw them, you were taken by surprise as a soft gasp slipped out of you. Standing frozen in the doorway, your feet rooted to the spot, you saw both men’s attention shift from your grandmother behind the front desk and over to you. The shorter of the pair’s gaze quickly began to size you up, his eyes scanning you over from top to bottom. Beside him, the taller one sent you a friendly smile in greeting. You couldn’t help but notice something warm and comforting in the way his eyes held your own, something about him easily drawing a smile from you back at him.
These men looked absolutely nothing like the usual guests who stayed at the bed and breakfast. For starters, they were incredibly attractive–which felt like a vast understatement. They looked as if they'd walked straight out of some magazine advertisement even if they weren't dressed in anything out of the ordinary. And besides how noticeably handsome they were, they also weren't here with a family, nor were they an older couple clearly in their retirement years enjoying their free time traveling. Those were generally the type of guests you had staying at the bed and breakfast regularly, not insanely attractive young men. You'd also thought it was strange that they'd shown up at the end of the weekend when Springwood's guests typically checked in at the beginning of one. You found yourself instantly intrigued by the pair of these strangers, wondering why they'd chosen to stop here and not at the Hilton that was twenty minutes away in Bridgeport–a significantly larger and more exciting city. 
“We're here for work, actually,” the one with cropped blonde hair answered, focusing back on your Nan. “It tends to take us to all sorts of places across the country.”
“Oh does it?” Nan said conversationally, sliding the keys to their rooms across the desk. “And what is it you gentlemen do for work?”
“We uh,” the blonde began, pausing to clear his throat. “We–we work for a magazine.”
“A small travel magazine,” the one with slightly longer dark hair quickly added. “It’s uh, it’s not a very big magazine. At the moment, at least.”
One of your brows quirked up onto your forehead at the way in which they'd responded. They hadn't sounded so sure of themselves in their answer. Almost as if it was a lie. But why would they have lied about their job? And why would a travel magazine be interested in anything out in a small town like Pine Ridge or Arlington?
As you found yourself growing even more curious about the men and their strange response, you couldn’t help but continue to stare at the taller of the pair. He towered over the other man beside him, a seemingly genuine smile on his face as he focused on Nan. Your fingers itched to brush away some of the dark wisps of hair falling into his eyes the longer you studied him. You also couldn’t help but notice the way his navy tee-shirt clung to the front of his chest beneath the baggy, brown jacket he was wearing. 
You couldn't quite place what it was about him, but you found yourself struggling to tear your eyes away from him the longer the pair stood there. Maybe it was the friendly smile he'd initially sent you accompanied by the set of adorable dimples on his cheeks, or maybe it was the unexpected gentleness that seemed to be radiating from him despite the other man's self-assured–and possibly arrogant–demeanor. Either way, your eyes were oddly drawn to him.
Until he glanced back at you when you heard your Nan give them your name in way of introduction and he'd caught you staring. 
Smiling sheepishly back at the pair of them, you forced yourself to straighten your posture and clear your throat. You were supposed to be a professional when it came to working with the guests after all–even if they were two painfully attractive guests. You should have known better than to be staring.
But you could certainly act normal. Because you didn't have a choice not to, not with them staying here. Especially not if they actually did work with a travel magazine. You didn’t need a bad review of Springwood getting around because it would kill the business.
“My granddaughter here can show you gentlemen to your rooms,” Nan's voice said, breaking through your thoughts. 
She turned and sent you a smile from behind the front desk, but the mischievous glint in her eyes didn't escape your notice. No doubt you'd get an earful later about how attractive they were and whether she thought they were possible suitors instead of just traveling guests who'd be gone from your lives before you knew it. A conversation you were already not looking forward to later.
“Though maybe first you'd like to show them around Springwood a little, honey bee?” she suggested. “You know, let them get acquainted with the place.”
With a sigh, you plastered your most professional smile onto your face before waving a hand at the two men. “If you'd like to follow me this way, I can certainly give you both a brief tour of Springwood’s main floor before showing you to your rooms.”
The blonde suddenly grinned wide at you, the cocky confidence you’d picked up on from him rolling off of him in waves now. The intensity of it had you biting your tongue and refraining from making a comment as you continued to keep your practiced, professional smile on your face instead. Though you were still fighting to keep your eyes from returning to the taller and more attractive of the two. 
“We'd certainly love to follow you,” the blonde replied, shooting the man next to him a little smirk. “Wouldn't we?”
Your expression faltered at his tone, your head tilting a bit to the side. It had sounded as if there had been something else intended in his words, a double meaning that almost seemed inappropriate, though you weren't entirely sure. But your suspicions were confirmed when the brunette roughly elbowed the blonde in return, sending you an awkward smile as he did. 
“Sure, we'd love a tour,” the brunette said. “That sounds like it’d be helpful.”
Eyes narrowing, you curiously studied them for a second longer, taking in the wounded look on the blonde's face as he rubbed his side. Beside him, the taller one was shooting you a strained, polite smile. Choosing to ignore the question dying to spring out of you, you turned and headed back into the hallway. Behind you, you heard the heavy footsteps of both men following after you. 
“So down this hallway,” you began as you walked, “you'll find a lot of the main areas our guests enjoy here during their stay at Springwood. The first room to your right is our sitting room, which is also where you'll find the staircase that leads us up to Springwood's second floor, and that’s where our guest bedrooms are located.”
You came to a stop beside the entrance to the biggest room on the main floor of the bed and breakfast, gesturing a hand at the doorway that led into the sitting room. Both men glanced inside, examining the space that was filled with a few cozy sofas situated around a fireplace. 
“There's also a door that leads to the back garden just through this room,” you told them. “It tends to be a nice, peaceful spot where guests often enjoy doing some work or catching up on reading. Or even having a morning coffee. Though,” you continued, turning and heading further down the hall as the men followed behind you, “we also have a small library that some guests like to use as a quiet place to focus on work while they’re here, too.”
Stopping in front of the next room on your left, you once more gestured inside. This room was one you personally spent a lot of time in yourself when the bed and breakfast was empty. Usually you would curl up on the sofa with a book and a blanket, spending rainy days reading when you couldn't enjoy the garden outside.
“You both might find the space useful if you're here for work and want to get out of your room for a bit,” you told them. “There's a couple of desks inside and a printer you’re welcome to use. It's pretty quiet in there. And then further down this way,” you said, turning and leading the pair a few more steps down the hall as you continued on your tour, “is a place you may want to remember. In here is Springwood's dining room.”
You came to a stop in front of the dining room on your right, watching as both men once more craned their necks for a look inside. It was a fairly large room with a few different sized tables meant to accommodate couples and families alike, though when it wasn't tourist season–like right now–it was often depressingly empty and quiet. 
“We serve breakfast here between eight and ten every morning,” you informed them. “There's a daily breakfast menu in your rooms, but when it's off season for tourists during winter and spring months, I'm open to taking suggestions for other things. Given enough time to prepare, of course.”
The blonde turned his attention back on you, a devilish grin lighting up his face. “Open to suggestions, huh?” he asked, his tone once again hinting at something else. “I like the sound of that. I could definitely think of a few things I'd like to suggest, you know?”
Both of your brows slowly rose upwards as you stared back at him in disbelief, unsure how this man could be making such blatant innuendos if he was here on business and representing a travel magazine. Especially with his colleague standing right next to him. Something certainly didn't seem to add up with their story, not with their strange behavior since you'd met them. But before you could say anything, you saw the taller of the pair once more sharply elbow him in the side.
“Dean,” he hissed out of the corner of his mouth.
You noticed the way the blonde shot the other an insulted look, something far too familiar passing between them to just be colleagues. They definitely didn't seem to be acting like a pair of professionals on a business trip. 
With an awkward chuckle, the brunette sent a nervous smile back at you. “Sorry about my brother,” he apologized, “he has a habit of saying whatever pops into his head without thinking first. It’s something he should probably work on.”
“So you're…brothers?” you asked, eyes jumping between the both of them. “Brothers that happen to both work at the same travel magazine? That's interesting.”
At your comment, the pair abruptly exchanged a look with each other. Wordlessly you watched them, carefully scrutinizing the way it appeared as if they were silently communicating with each other. You caught how the blonde roughly shook his head at his brother, the movement small but just enough for you to have picked up on it. The brunette's eyes had gone a bit wide in response before they seemed to be pointedly glaring back at him.
“What travel magazine did you say you two worked for?” you questioned, interrupting whatever moment they were having. “And I also don't think I ever caught either of your names now that I think about it.”
The pair broke out of their silent conversation, both of them shifting awkwardly on their feet as their attention returned to you. You couldn’t help but notice that the smiles on their faces once more looked oddly strained. Despite knowing better than to pry too hard with guests, you found yourself desperately wanting to learn more about them and what it seemed like they were hiding. 
“We are brothers,” the brunette confirmed. He raised a hand, pointing to himself as he said, “I'm Sam and this is my brother Dean.” 
He gestured over his shoulder at the shorter blonde, your eyes following his hand’s movements. Dean was standing there shooting you what you presumed was meant to be a charming smile, but you weren’t remotely charmed by it. 
“We both work for, uh–” Sam continued, though he quickly broke off.
Gaze drawn back towards him when he’d spoken, you watched as his face scrunched up as if he was in thought. Beside him, Dean let out a faint chuckle, lightly slapping his brother on the arm.
“We work for a magazine called The Open Road , but my brother here is new. I just recently got him a position,” Dean’s smooth voice explained. “He often forgets the name of the magazine because he’s just…so new. You know?” He turned and shot his brother a look. “Isn’t that right, Sammy?”
Sam forced a smile onto his face as he nodded, the gesture looking a little stiff. “Right,” he agreed. “I’m uh, I’m quite new to the magazine. This is actually my first assignment. So it's…all new.”
“Oh,” you replied slowly, still scrutinizing them carefully as you made a mental note to look into the magazine later. “That must be nice. I imagine getting to travel for work is exciting.”
Dean laughed lightly, something glinting in his eyes as he did. “You have no idea how right you are.”
Ignoring the strangeness of his comment, you decided to focus on finishing the tour instead of being too noticeably nosey. They’d probably stop giving up too much truthful information so freely if you didn’t. 
You took a moment to point out the first floor restrooms across from the dining room before leading the men back down the hallway from which you’d initially come. As you led them towards the sitting room, you overheard them sharing some hushed words behind you, but they were speaking far too quietly for you to be able to really make out anything they were saying. And admittedly, you’d been trying.
“So your rooms are just upstairs,” you explained as you approached the staircase. “And once we reach those that’ll basically conclude our little tour.”
Making your way up the stairs, one hand trailing along the banister, you noticed both men were now quiet behind you. When you finally reached the landing on the second floor, you found yourself a little disappointed that the brief tour was already over because it meant you had no more reason to continue to try to unravel whatever mystery seemed to be hanging over these brothers. And it certainly seemed like there was something more to them than what they were letting on. 
“These will be your rooms for your stay with us at Springwood,” you said, pointing out the two doors to your right marked with a number one and two. “If there’s anything else I can help you both with during your stay, please don’t hesitate to ask. My grandmother and I are always somewhere on the property.”
“Thank you so much for the tour,” Sam told you, adjusting the duffle bag on his shoulder. “But I think you’ve been quite helpful enough already. We won't take up anymore of your time this morning.”
You sent him a polite smile and a single nod before turning, but you’d only managed to take a single step before you heard Dean call your name behind you. Immediately you stopped at the sound of his voice, glancing over your shoulder at him. 
“You said breakfast ended at ten,” he began, “and we’ve had a long drive. Is there anywhere you could recommend close by for us to grab some food? Either breakfast or lunch? We’re basically starving.” 
“Certainly,” you replied, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips as another opportunity to pry more answers out of them seemed to present itself. “There’s Rosie’s Diner a couple of miles down the road in Pine Ridge’s downtown,” you said, turning back towards them. “There's also a couple of fast food joints out that way, too. And Cast Iron Cafe. Or if you’re both not interested in driving anymore this morning,” you continued, trying not to sound overeager, “I’d be more than happy to scramble up some eggs and fry up some bacon?”
Sam held up a hand immediately, shaking his head. “Oh no,” he said, “we couldn’t possibly ask you to make us breakfast. Especially after hours.”
Dean’s head snapped to the side instantly. “Dude!” he exclaimed. “She offered.”
“Really, it’s no trouble,” you assured the pair. “Like I said, it’s off season for tourists right now. So both of you are our only guests at the moment. Honestly you’d be giving me something to do.”
“Eggs and bacon sounds perfect,” Dean replied, a big grin on his face. “And then I could use a nap. A long, long nap after all of that driving.”
Sam rolled his eyes at his brother before he shot you an apologetic look. You couldn’t help but admire the warmth in his eyes as he did, but then you quickly mentally scolded yourself for even thinking that. He was a guest, after all. Just a guest. One who’d be gone before you knew it, even if he and his brother were piquing your interest with their unusualness. Because that was all it was drawing you to him–their unusualness.
“I’ll let you both get settled in then,” you said, turning and beginning to make your way down the stairs. “If you head down to the dining room in about twenty minutes, I’ll have a couple of plates of food ready for you both.”
You were nearly halfway down the stairs when you overheard Dean behind you whispering to Sam, his voice just loud enough for you to catch what he’d said.
“Dude, this place is awesome,” he enthused. “We should definitely come back here.”
As you continued your way down the stairs, you couldn’t fight the growing, pleased smile on your lips, grateful they couldn’t see your face at the moment.
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tanoraqui · 2 days
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: Reason with the Mad Mage & Diplomacy with Elves
Note: everything from here on is retroactive/reread, because I stayed up until about 6am on Wednesday night reading until the end because that was the only way to ensure that the characters would be okay.
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Hey look, now our protagonists are the food, instead of running around holding cooking implements! I'm sure that's fine!! (Look at that lion's eyes!!!)
I really like how...everyone? In the pasty gets at least 1 fight where they're totally on their own, for whatever reason: Laios with the living armor and again now with all the dragons, Chilchuck with the mimic, Izutsumi with the succubi, Marcille with the rabbits... I note that the reasons for it are escalating:
Laios fought the armor-captain alone as a strategic choice, while the rest of the party distracted the rest of the armor in the other room
Chilchuck fought the mimic alone because the rest of the party was asleep down the hall
Izutsumi fought the succubi alone because the rest of the party was already down, though not yet dead
Marcille fought the rabbits alone because most of the party was dead and Izutsumi had fled
Laios fights the dragons AND the Mad Mage directing them alone because the entire rest of the party is dead
Solid writing, that. And Senshi...has a monster that is His To Fight, that is where we got some special Senshi character exploration, but the whole point of it was that Senshi, who had been alone for so long, now had people reaching out to hold him, and to make food for him.
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I just like when they say things outright. "Meals are an act of optimism." "Only the dead don't eat." Fuck yeah!
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EYES EYES EYES EYES EYES. Thinking a lot here about that post about how Thistle is a great example of an antagonist who is really truly too far gone to "talk it out" with. His intentions ARE good, and Laios sees that so Laios tries... and Thistle is also trying, it's just...the demon has been playing on him for too long with too much skill.
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He's so! Earnest! And young! It's implied that he dies in the end, and I do think that's a narratively solid and restful ending for him, but man I want this kid to live and maybe covertly tag along with Mithrun on exploring the risen kingdom and defending it from random monsters, and re-learning how to have healthy desires. I think it'd be good for both of them, and also, potentially very funny.
me, 2 posts ago:
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me, now: Ah, yes, that makes sense... Not our heroes but Someone sure is.
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Fucking love multiple consecutive dungeon lords going, "my last wish is to fuck that guy up."
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They're just...happy...
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Love love love Chilchuck taking charge when Laios isn't there, especially in the context of "imminent tense 'diplomatic' meeting." He formed a union! He's good at this shit, and he'd be even better at it if he didn't have the handicap of being disrespected as a halffoot, and it's wonderful to see him with a team that has learned to respect him beyond that prejudice!
Also, Senshi's tiny eye wrinkle of determination <3
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Never mind my previous comment. Chilchuck is never allowed to do diplomatic relations with the elves ever again.
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Kabru, internally: oh my god we're all going to die
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I'm just noting Ms. fresh-faced aristocratic scion and the handful of extremely competent, notch-eared criminals she's in charge of... The structure of this lead group of Canaries is very interesting, because Mithtrun is nominally in charge, and he genuinely does command in combat and other matters focused on immediate dungeon lord-hunting. But he's ONLY focussed on that, so Pattindol is clearly accustomed to taking the lead in situations with more social nuance... And the criminal members make decisions on their own such as to take advantage of Mithrun's typical disappearance to go snoop around this house... But they are accustomed, and I'm sure required, to have permission/orders from a guard to use their black magic specialties, see: the enchantment of Laios, Chilchuck & Senshi here, or in their opening mushroom fight when everyone was shouting out how they could kill the mega-mushroom.
...I'm gonna pay attention to how Pattindol and Flamela [I hope I'm getting these names right] interact later. The Canaries are such an interesting paramilitary unit.
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This is just a screencap of Kabru's life for the rest of his life. Good luck, Mr. Future Royal Advisor!
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Every good adventure story, and arguably every good story, period, reaches a point where to explain it makes you sound COMPLETELY insane - sometimes even with the context of the rest of the story up to that point. This...is very much that point.
I love that point so much.
It's unreasonably stressful that Kabru's hands are obviously magically, invisibly handcuffed this entire scene. It's a metaphor for how he's handcuffed by the general threat the Canaries represent, of course, making him unable to warn Laios of the dangers of both the Canaries and of the demon. Being able to weird a sword would do nothing to help if it's going well or if it all goes wrong. But it's still stressful! And Laios doesn't know about the dangers just like he doesn't put together that Kabru is invisibly handcuffed!
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God I love Marcille. And her problem-solving methods.
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So! A court magician's daughter clearly outranks an aristocratic scion sent into the Canaries to prove her family's loyalty to the crown. That makes sense.
Unfortunately, Mithrun's single brain cell, while focussed entirely on destroying the demon, is still capable of Insight checks, and the criminals are basically unfazed by the court hierarchy games that Marchille is trying to play.
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Why does EVERY elf assume that Marcille's great wish would be to be a full elf! I want to drop Elrond on these people and watch him verbally eviscerate them.
Joke's on you, motherfucker! Her greatest wish would (she thinks) serve all people, and has secondary effects that she could still enjoy!
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Marcille: [hears Izutsumi lurking, ready to kick Mithrun in the face]
Marcille: Alright, time to tell a bishie to step the fuck off.
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