#not sorry for all quizzes and such they're really fun and i love seeing you guys do them too!
justiceburst · 1 year
Human Values Test
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Goro's strongest values are Achievement and Self-Direction.
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moonsaver · 5 months
Your writing is very good! And I like it! I'm having it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, everytime
BUT LIKE, LISTEN TO ME, WHAT IF S/O WAS REBELLIOUS LIKE HIM TOO. But not like actually him, just typical rebellious student back then. Like, breaking the rules, pissing off the teachers, etc
AND, HIS S/O IS LIKE NOW, NORMAL. A PROFESIONAL, and probably embarrassed of their phase back then. I do see them being Friendly and chilled with Ratio?? Or like "Oh crap, it's the old rebellious dude that tries to teach me random smart stuffs"
But in my opinion, I do see S/O just being like "Oh, what's up Ratio" and just being neutral. Greeting him whenever they passed by or see each other again, while also slightly joking about the things Ratio tried to teach them back then. As they told him that they actually listened to his teaching.. Even though it's.. Well, it's used by unsuccessful methods
S/O WOULD DO THAT, telling Ratio old rebellious phase embarrassing stories to his students whenever they feel afraid of him. Like
"Oh, did you know that your professor (Veritas Ratio), used to talk so much about our teacher that just give the slightest wrong formula, to the point he keeps getting send to the office? Hah! I was there!"
As Ratio stood there with hidden embarrassed look, as he tries to hold the urge to not shut S/O up.
Under the cut,might be long!
Soso, you're the rebellious kid who's butting heads with the other jerkwad, the only difference between you two is that he's just a nerd on top of being a rebellious kid. He's the "worst" of both worlds.
It's a very cliche enemies to strangers to acquaintances who respect each other to tension between possible lovers. Its kind of funny.
In your student days, I imagine the moment both of you see each other in the hall, you scowl at each other. Or make fun of something the other has. Maybe he's lugging a bulky art project and you make fun of him saying he looks like a turtle dragging his own shell. Maybe you left your bag's zip open and Veritas comments on how "devoid of knowledge" it is, "like your head" (you forgot all your books somewhere, your bag is completely empty). God forbid either of you tried something experimental and the other catches a glimpse of it. If they're not within talking distance, they'll shout on the top of their lungs. To both of you, the louder it is the more humiliation is involved. You'll find this method is often used by Veritas, as he openly quizzes you and chides LOUDLY that you're a BUFFOON and an IDIOT for not knowing a SIMPLE FORMULA. You decide to retaliate by stealing more than half his stationary, so now he has to scramble to gather extras and literally no one helps him cause he's a jerk lol.
Everyone on campus absolutely either hates it or loves it. Theres fanpages of you two with cringe edits,or those really well-made shitpost ones. Sometimes your classmates just bait the other to go a certain place just so you two cross paths and stir up a lot of trouble. The teachers are all done with both of you.
Cut to the future (or present?), reader's a professor too now. Let's assume either of them is unaware when they join the job (as implied by the request).
I imagine professor reader, if they manage to stay calm and just.. talk normally, it does give Dr. Ratio some whiplash. His pride demands he straightens himself out though, so it's not too soon before he himself drones on about some or the other tedious topic. You mention the past and how often you used to butt heads, and Veritas' first instinct is to immediately retaliate the way his past self would have done; but he stops himself in time, and sighs at it. You've painstakingly ingrained that response into him. But he's still slightly embarrassed nonetheless. It's not too soon before the conversation becomes more relaxed (I mean.. considering Veritas,as relaxed as he lets it be), and as a form of "nostalgia" he brings up all the questions he used to ask you back then, only to be pleasantly surprised when you give him detailed but professional answers. It's not too soon before he learns that you've become a professor aswell. Dr. Ratio congratulates you – with reservations of course, which is completely thrown out the window when you tell him you knew all of this because.. you listened to him.
Ugh. Don't make him feel so sappy. A part of him detests it; warming up and being all chummy with a hopeless classmate of all people. But a part of him is.. kind of happy about it.
Which is promptly changed the moment you also realize he's a professor now.
And that his students aren't spared from the nostalgia either.
He's bursting through the door, jaw dropped, angry and shocked face as you prattle on about how much of an asshole he was back in the day to his students. For a moment, he contemplates whether he should just throw chalk at you and make an example of you to his students, or drag you out. After a few seconds of paralyzed contemplation, he immediately grabs you by the back of your collar and drags you out before something else comes out of your mouth.
It's almost the same all over again – both of you bickering back and forth as he's all pissy about you spilling everything to his students! You've positively tarnished his reputation! Perhaps he shall tell your students how you used to walk around wearing a lanyard and a shirt with the institution name written on it in big, bold letters on the first day? Or that time you tripped and faceplanted right into the trashcan while you complained about his (axe bodyspray) deodorant?
Ugh.. he'll just deal with you later. Although he won't admit this even to himself.. it's nice seeing you again. He didn't think of that, it must be the headache you gave him that's making him think all weird.
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
How can I determine which starter Pokemon would be the best fit for myself? And I'm meaning the traditional starters across the regions. Should I go for one that's more similar to myself? Or more of an opposites attract situation? I want to make sure I find the best fit for myself, but I also want to take the best care of my partner that I can.
((OOC It appears that Liko's school from Pokemon Horizons pairs the students with the best fit for them, which is what I'm referring to. Almost like they were interviewed to see which starter mon would work best with them. I've seen theories that this is why the students were called up in a certain order to get the correct partner for themselves))
(Ooc: My brain was confused on Horizons and how they couldn't choose their own starters. I like the theory you made)
How to choose the best Starter Pokemon
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There are a lot of debates on which starters to choose for each region, but it can be even more difficult to choose in a place where you can choose starters from multiple regions.
I've heard of some Pokemon-related schools that decide which starter to choose for the kids by observing them and their behavior and doing interviews/tests on the kids. If you don't go to a Pokemon-related school, I'm not saying you should take tests or anything (but there are quizzes online that can be quite fun, even if they're not always accurate). But you should observe your lifestyle, behaviors, what you want out of your journey, etc. There isn't really a science to choosing a starter.
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That being said, I think choosing a starter you can easily get along with is a very good idea. Obviously, having a close bond takes a lot of time, but having a starter that has the same energy is good. But there isn't a way to define the 'same vibe' and all that.
For example, a lot of people are surprised when I tell them my ace is an Inteleon, since they say we aren't similar at all (not sure how I should take that) but I can confidently say we get along great. I first got Squirt as a Sobble, and she was a lot different than me. I was outgoing and loved to explore and meet new people, while she was very shy and preferred to stick to herself. But I also lived in a remote area and was by myself a lot, so we got a lot of bonding time. We're not the complete opposites of each other, and we're not the same either. But we get along great.
Another thing that's good for a partner pokemon is both of you have traits that can balance each other out. Talking about me and Squirt again, Squirt being my partner helped her with her anxiety and being less shy or scared around new things, as well as raising her confidence. Me being around Squirt helped me learn sympathy, how to care for and understand others, and how to just chill out and relax (younger me was a freaking menace, which I guess fits because now Squirt is a menace).
An additional example would also be a kid at my school named Magnus who has a Ralts. Magnus is really reserved and quiet, while his Ralt's is more social and more 'battle ready.' But his Ralt's also looks out for him, and the two seem really close.
What I'm saying is this: you and you're partner should have similar vibes and get along well, but it's important for you to have differing opinions and traits in order to grow as people.
Sorry this post is long. Hope it helps!
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howlofhades · 1 year
Incorrect quotes go brrr
Irais: I think I need a hug...
Bear: Good thing I'm hug shaped!
*45 minutes later*
Irais: You... you can let go now.
Bear: No, I absolutely cannot.
Irais, to Bear: How do you tell someone politely you want to hit them with a brick?
Irais: Alright, listen up you little shits.
Irais: Not you Bear. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
Irais: You’re alive.
Bear: No need to sound so disappointed.
Bear: *eating a cinnamon roll*
Irais: Cannibalism.
Bear: *confused chewing noises*
Bear: I have seen a lot of murders in my time, and all six of them were today.
Bear: You can't wake up if you never got to sleep.
Bear: Could you maybe just like… stab me… right in the gut. Just REALLY twist it in there. ‘Cause that honestly seems less painful than this conversation.
Frey: Problem, I can't tell if this food is over-sauced or undercooked.
Skunker: Solution, just pop it back in the oven for another 10 minutes. There's at least a 50% chance that'll fix it, right?
Storm: Result? Food has somehow become unpleasantly soggy and unpleasantly crunchy at the exact same time.
Erix: No better time than this to pull out my favorite word! Slunchy!
Barks: ...put it away.
Skunker: What does “take out” mean?
Frey: Food.
Erix: Dating.
Storm: Murder.
Barks: It can be all three if you’re brave enough.
Frey: *Takes a sip of milk and gags*
Frey: Oh my god, is this expired?
Frey: *Takes another sip of milk*
Phoenix: Let's just agree to both say we're sorry on the count of three.
Phoenix: One... two... three.
Lazarus: ...
Phoenix: ...
Phoenix: See, now I'm just disappointed in both of us.
Phoenix, holding an antique bottle: Is this whiskey or perfume?
Lazarus: *grabs and chugs the entire bottle*
Lazarus: It's perfume.
Phoenix: *Answers phone.* Hello?
Lazarus: It's Lazarus.
Phoenix: What did they do this time?
Lazarus: No, it's me, Phoenix . It's actually me.
Phoenix: What did you do this time?
Irais: Pluto, keep an eye on Crimson today. They're going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Pluto: Sure, I'd love to see Crimson getting punched.
Bear: Try again.
Pluto, sighing: I will try to stop Crimson from getting punched.
Crimson: *tapping fingers on table*
Pluto: *taps fingers back furiously*
Irais: …What’s going on?
Bear: Morse code. They’re talking.
Crimson: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … -
Pluto: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
Bear: Why is Crimson crying on the floor?
Irais: They took one of those 'what person are you?' quizzes.
Bear: And?
Irais: They got Pluto.
Storm: Erix won’t come out of their room!
Barks: Just tell them I said something.
Storm: Like what?
Barks: Anything factually incorrect.
Storm, shrugging: If you say so.
Erix, arriving moments later: Did you just say the sun is a PLANET?
Erix: When Storm was born, the gods said, "They're too perfect for this world."
Barks: Please. When they were born, the devil said, "Oh, competition."
Storm: Go ahead, Erix. Let it out, cry. If you don't, your tear ducts will get blocked up, and then when you get old, you won't be able to cry.
Barks: Just when we thought it was safe to let you back into the conversation.
Irais: We have fun, don’t we, Barks?
Barks: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
Barks: My head hurts.
Irais: That’s your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity.
Irais: Barks has only knocked me out three time this week. Our friendship is really developing.
Barks: You are a spineless twit!
Irais: You cannot talk to me that way, I am your superior!
Barks: A six-year-old girl could talk to you that way!
Irais: Yes, because that would be adorable.
Barks: No, it's because you are a five-year-old girl and there's a pecking order.
Irais: We’re going to defeat you with the power of friendship.
Barks: We’re not friends.
Irais, holding an axe: We’re going to defeat you with the power of incredible violence.
Irais: "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."
Barks: ...
Barks: What a stupid fucking quote.
Barks: I'm killing way more than two people, idiot.
Barks: *Locks Skunker in the car.* Act like a child, get treated like a child.
Skunker: What? Isn't it illegal to leave a child locked in a car?
Barks: *holds a blaster out to Skunker*
Skunker: I-I don't believe in blasters.
Barks: Well, trust me, they're very real. Now take it.
Skunker: How stupid do you think I am?!
Barks: You really want an honest answer to that?
Barks: Love makes people do stupid things.
Skunker: I love everything!
Barks: That explains a lot.
Pluto: Frey isn't talking to me.
Crimson: Enjoy it while it lasts.
Crimson: Okay, can we all stop saying stupid shit for a moment, please?!
Frey: Alright.
Pluto: Hey, I-
Crimson: SHUT UP!
Frey: It was bound to be stupid.
Barks: Time for plan G.
Bear: Don’t you mean plan B?
Barks: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Storm: What about plan D?
Barks: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Lazarus: What about plan E?
Barks: I’m hoping not to use it. Irais dies in plan E.
Pluto: I like plan E.
Storm: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Pluto: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 credits.
Storm: If I had a credit for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you.
Barks: Actually I did the math, Pluto would have 225 credits, not 15.
Pluto: Fam I’m right here....
Bear: If I had a credit I would buy a can of soda :)
Storm: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Bear: Sorry I only have a credit.
Storm: :(
Barks: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Pluto would have 22,500 credits because it's a credit for every pixel.
Bear: If I had 22,500 credits I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice.
Barks: You can buy anything you want with 22,500 credits
Irais: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice.
Barks: Apply juice to what.
Irais: Directly to the forehead.
Pluto: Great chat everyone.
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could i get an obey me matchup perchance :o
i’m bi and i use any pronouns. aries sun, virgo moon, taurus rising and entp
appearance: i’m like 5’9 or something idk also can’t tell if my hair is blonde or brown. i have heterochromia and i gotta lotta moles/freckles. i like to wear bright colors and i rarely wear makeup. im 24 but ppl say i look 16. skinny af but i have been told many times that i have a pixar mom dumpy
personality: a lot of people have told me i am very calm but also chaotic. i see humor in everything so i inevitably become the designated “funny friend” in every friend group 😔 i am silly but i’m also smart and responsible i graduated college with a 4.0 gpa and double honors. i have a bachelorettes degree in animation and now i’m getting my masters in creative writing. i wanna be an artist or writer full time someday but for now i teach college fiction writing and that’s pretty fun too. i like to tease ppl and start arguments but only when it’s lighthearted, i avoid real conflict like the plague cuz i’m bad at standing up for myself/setting boundaries. i also hate asking people for things i don’t wanna be a burden. i wouldn’t call myself a perfectionist but i’ll work at something until it’s more than decent bc i hate letting people down. i love to entertain ppl ^_^ i can be flirty with people i don’t like but when it comes to ppl i am actually attracted to i become smooth spongebob it fuckin sucks
likes: iced black coffee, raccoons, cats, birds, blue flavored things, swimming, acting, graphic novels, hyperpop, shitty b movies, punctuality and respect for other people’s time, nature, long car rides, karaoke, fellow creatives and people who treat me niceys
dislikes: spiders, sand, driving, cooking, germs, bad smells, early mornings, dress codes, email etiquette, people telling me what to do “because i said so”
hobbies: writing, digital art, animating, going on walks, making parody songs, ice skating, making and taking online quizzes
other: i have 2 pet birds 4 younger siblings and i’m horrible at sports/dancing i am not in tune with my body at all, also i suck at math. my love language could be whatever they need tbh but i do appreciate quality time a lot
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while; life's crazy at the moment. I hope you like your matchup!
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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Mammon is definitely your best match in Obey Me! You're both funny but can be serious when the mood calls for it.
You're both awful at flirting with each other, much to the chagrin of the other brothers. You can flirt amazingly with anyone else, but when it comes down to the people you actually care about, all flirting skills go out the window. The brothers are so tired of it...
Loves watching B movies with you. They're one of his favourite types of movie so you'll hear no complaints from him when you suggest watching one.
Will do all the driving. He's pretty protective of his cars so he prefers to drive anyway. Mammon would love going on long drives with you; he gets to spend time with you without his brothers butting in.
Will also take care of any spiders around the house. But not without demanding a kiss as payment. Feel free to either give him a kiss or a punch.
Loves watching you work on your latest animation project! It's one of the few times Mammon will sit still for more than a few minutes. He just thinks you're really clever for being able to make what you do.
You will definitely be asked to tutor him. You're good at studying and get good marks and Mammon is the exact opposite. He'll try his best when studying with you but it's still a struggle for him. Just be patient and give him rewards when he does well.
Lucifer hopes spending time with you will make some of your responsibility rub off on his younger brother. He also hopes Mammon's irresponsibility doesn't rub off on you...he can really only handle one person in his life acting like that.
0 notes
milkiematcha · 2 years
okay wait okay so hear me out….
jeno and bimbofication. yeah.
i like how all of these fall somewhat in the same categories 😭😭😭
(also feel free to use the ideas !! go crazy w em)
omg your asks are so good??? they're always so smart istg
i think jeno would love bimbofication, but something about having a smart gf just go totally dumb would really get him going. he'd love teasing you in the library while making you study, then dragging you home and then really having his fun with you.
he'd make you kneel in front of him, his hand caressing your cheek while you rest between his legs, looking up at him with those pretty empty eyes like you can't even think about anything but the bulge in his pants. so he decides to quiz you on the content you were supposed to be learning in the library, but you were, of course, not learning anything and just thinking about getting railed.
so when he starts quizzing you on your psychology terms, he's absolutely delighted to see the way your eyes start filling with tears, the way your lip trembles when he murmurs "what a dumb slut" because how can you deny it when you really are just that.
and he just wants to hear it come out of your mouth, so he lets you paw at his sweatpants until you can just nearly suck him off and then he grabs the nape of your neck like a kitten and pulls you back until you finally admit what a dumb whore you are he finally lets you get what you want, but not without making sure you know how dumb you are for him.
i am so so so sorry for the late reply! i've been a bit busy and haven't had time to properly write but thank you so much for the ask, yours are always really good and i love writing them<33
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danowh0re · 2 years
Klitz relationship headcanons with s/o who looks like typical blonde but in reality they're super smart and always can help?
Sorry if it's too specific, love your writing🦢🦢💗
ᵒᵖᵖᵒˢⁱᵗᵉˢ ᴀᴛᴛʀᴀᴄᴛ
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Tysm for the request! Lmk how you like it! Rbs are appreciated
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❀ I feel like he'd literally ditch the tripods- Eli always being on klitz ass 24/7 about it
❀ Klitz would pop out pop quizzes for them on the spot, thinking that they have no chance to beat the klitzer >:)
❀ Y/n would probably be really accepted in theyre group, making really good jokes and leaving eli and Matt all like, "klitz where did you get this chick??".
❀ If y/n wears something flashy there's no way klitz is getting any work done-. Them asking for help with a question and playing it off so cool-y. Being like.. "ohhh~ oopsie... I'm so silly ;)". Klitz growing a smile and basically yelping
❀ Klitz would treat them like a goddess though, carrying their books, dropping stuff off at their locker for them. Tying their shoe, anything, you name it.
❀ He would totally just draw little doodles of them on his worksheets though, his thoughts making him slack off in classes. Making y/n having to tutor him ;)
❀ He's either really clingy or his super afraid to touch them-
❀ When klitz first introduces them to Matt and Eli they immediately think that they are just using him for a grade boost- but they slowly see and just learn that they actually have feelings for eachother and they are crazy simular, no matter what they both are wearing
❀ Y/n making klitz match clothes with them one day,,,, turning into a couple days.. the tripods making fun of him. He'd make fun of himself too
❀ From klitzs' friends bullying him for every move that he makes he gets really bummed out quickly but y/n knows how to help him. Usually being a boss bitch and throwing a drink at Matt and Eli lmao
❀ He's super always afraid of saying no to whatever question y/n asks. Even if he doesn't need to say an answer he's all 🌝
❀ Also comments on how beautiful they are, like, he's not able to stop- he shuts down at their beauty
❀ Always asking if their thirsty/hungry. Or just need anything
Asks for reassurance too :).
❀ He would always like, bring up that he's their princess and he's his knight coming to save him from question that they are stuck on 💀. The most cheesiest shit you can imagine.
❀ They love his little pickup lines too. Leaving y/n all blushy :3 (most of them being dirty sksksksk)
❀ y/n having to fix his hair, shirt collar, glasses. And he'd keep it like how they styled it forever
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@thehermitsaltar @ghot-girl @nephilxterra @truecobblepot @sympathyforher @trelaney @koshi-sama @creepling @the-hidden-pages @swn-kings1 @hansakind @milfodyssey @geisterfvhrer @iggay @vocivious @earwax666660 @etherealweed @yelenabelovasbathwater @vigilanteboyfriend @im-a-burden-to-society @riddleklitz @vxid42 @halcyonbabe @2000sbxtch @cowboys-and-riddlers @beenz-beenz @sagexsenorita @whiiiiplaaaaash @foetus-on-your-breath @sleepg0blin @slut-for-matt-murdock @paramountives @nevilleismywhore
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firstginger · 2 years
Hey! I’m sorry if you’ve been bombarded by these kinds of questions but I’m enamoured by your starter Pokemon quiz. I’ve taken it a bunch of times to get my team of six (Numel/Aron/Totodile/Larvitar/Bagon/Beldum) and while I love all of them, I really enjoyed Deino’s entry as someone with a disability I loved the fact that it embraces it’s unique perspective. Could you repost the full entry here? (As well as Rockruff as I haven’t gotten it and it’s my favourite.)
Hey it’s me! The anon with the Deino/Rockruff request, as a follow-up/aside, I wondered if you’ve ever had specific Pokemon that correlate with daemons from your other quizzes. I’ve always been curious about if there was a specific Pokemon that fits the daemon i was given (Red Golden Retriever) or if they’re simply not compatible 1:1. Thought it might be a fun thought experiment. Either way thank you so much for the quizzes they’re awesome!
damn that is a CHAMPION team!! so glad to see numel get some love, i'm a hoenn fan and i've always felt like numel/camerupt are so frequently forgotten because they're not OU or whatever.
of course! :D
Well, would you look at that! It seems a Deino wants to be your partner! Deino, also called the Irate Pokémon, is unable to see and as a result will bump into things and eat anything. Like most dark dragon Pokémon, Deino are drawn to people who are withdrawn and perfectionistic, though they are also known to be exceptionally confident and strong-willed Pokémon. They make the perfect partner for trainers who are assertive and idealistic, though may struggle to connect to others and feel understood. My friend, this marks the beginning of your and Deino's journey together. Welcome to the world of Pokémon!
Well, would you look at that! It seems a Rockruff wants to be your partner! Rockruff, also called the Puppy Pokémon, has lived with people since long ago and will rub the rocks on its neck against the people it loves. Like most rock Pokémon, Rockruff are drawn to people who are proud and determined, though they are also known to be exceptionally ambitious and reckless Pokémon. They make the perfect partner for trainers who are fierce and adaptable, and can be incredibly headstrong when it comes to standing up for themselves and their beliefs. My friend, this marks the beginning of your and Rockruff's journey together. Welcome to the world of Pokémon!
additionally that's such an interesting question, and i'd love to hear what people got as their daemon and as their pokemon partner! i can definitely say there's a bias in what types of people are on tumblr and take these quizzes -- chingling and the honey possum are two of the highest results for each quiz, and i can certainly see how they're similar. same with something like litwick and the hooded crow. alternatively the rarest results of slakoth and feebas don't have such an obvious comparison to the rarer results of the daemon quiz like the impala or horseshoe crab haha.
oops forgot to add mine -- spheal and a red lion tamarin, playful but stubborn. 🤪
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trobedisontime · 3 years
I’m taking a bunch of community quizzes (it ended up being 10) and reviewing them cause I need a hobby!! And cause I love this show and I’m gonna be in the car for the 2 hours so let’s get into it
This is a long post so the rest is under the cut!
This one was pretty short but really fun!! Plus I got Troy!! 10/10
Liked the questions on this!! Slightly longer than the first one. I got Abed this time!!
I liked this one a lot!! The questions and the answer options were really funny. And I got Annie!!
This one was fun!! I got told I was a funky lesbian which made me smile :) oh I got Annie again shockingly
This one was fun too! Pretty basic questions but I like basic because I do t have to spend half an hour overthinking the answer lol. I got Troy again!!
This quiz is great!! Awesome detailed description of your result at the end, will probably call you out. I’ve been exposed as a jughead kinnie which is you know. I got Abed!!
I had a good time until I got Pierce what the fuck
This one was nice and a very quarantine mood in some of the questions. I got Britta!!
This one was short, but fun!! I got magnitude
I got the Dean. I suppose I deserved it
I made I pie chart just for fun
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{2/10 times I got Troy, 2/10 times I got Abed, 2/10 times I got Annie, 1/10 times I got the Dean, 1/10 times I got magnitude, 1/10 times I got Britta and 1/10 times I got Pierce}
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getitinbusan · 4 years
The Music Room -
Min Yoongi 18+ Smut
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Part of the Lost Boys Series
Warnings: 18+ smut, MF sex, MF oral, A playful bite, Swearing.
Words: 3075
Summary: A stand alone series about a misfit friend group of seven boys. These stories are a day in the life snip it of who they are, where they came from and how they love.
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The melody drifting up the barren hall floated through the air like it was made for your ears alone.
The poetic rhythm of the keys made you pause, listening enviously at the talent of whomever was playing.
But who was playing? It was 8 am on a Friday, the room should be vacant. Pulling up the music rooms schedule on your phone, you weren't wrong. The first spot of the day was yours for the entire semester. 
You knocked lightly. The sound stopped and the bench made it's familiar dragging noise across the concrete floor. 
Pulling the heavy windowless wood open by it's cold handle you peeked inside. He scrambled, seemingly embarrassed, shoving his sheet music into his backpack. 
"You should be more careful with your notes, don't want to ruin any masterpieces." 
"No fear in that," he mumbled.  "They're just a bunch of scribbled ideas."
 Pulling the zipper shut he slung it over his shoulder.  "Sorry, I didn't know this was your time slot." 
"It's fine." you tried to smile at him but he kept his eyes down.
"Don't you have the schools app? I can check to see when you're supposed to be here." You tapped the widget,  "What's your name?"
"It's fine, I'm actually not on the schedule." 
"Oh, why not? You sounded great. If you missed the cutoff you can still be added to a wait list. People drop out all the time." 
He looked up and grinned. By God if he wasn't the most beautiful boy you'd ever seen.
"I don't belong here." 
"Don't say that. I was listening and you're really talented, you deserve to be here just as much as any of us." 
"I don't though." His eyes met yours and you were done for. "I don't go here, I'm not a student." 
"Ahh, I guess that's a problem." 
"I already said I'm sorry," he got defensive. "I'll just get out of your way."
He started towards the door.
You tugged his backpack. "So is breaking into schools and playing piano a weird hobby of yours?"
You tried to lighten the mood, "you've got a little Phantom of the Opera University edition kink?" 
He laughed. "I'm not technically breaking in, I do have a key fob." He held up the school ID. "It's my roommates. And if you want to know about my kinks you're gonna have to get to know me a little better." 
You stepped closer and took it from his hand.
"Park Jimin, Performing Arts." Handing it back you eyed him up and down. "So what's your story….."
"My name's Yoongi."
Pulling a chair out from the corner you sat and rummaged through your backpack until you pulled out your breakfast. 
"Listen Yoongi, I was just going to sit here. I need logged practice time for course credit." 
You peeled your clementine, "So if you want to stay and play, be my guest."
He looked at you unsure, "Why would you do that for me?" 
You smiled and shrugged. "I like your face." 
Turning red he plopped his knapsack back onto the floor and reclaimed the bench. 
You waited until his fingers were just about to land on the keys. "I do have one condition though." 
He froze, "Yeah, what's that?" 
"You have to take me for coffee later and tell me your story. Agree?" 
"I Agree. But you didn't have to give up your time for that, I was going to ask you out anyway." 
You probably wouldn't have given up your time but you were intrigued. Park Jimin was an amazing dancer. The curious boy who was here on scholarship was often the subject of conversation in the dining hall. Not only was he good looking but he was a mystery. He hung out with the strangest group of friends, seven misfit boys who were proud to not fit in. In this small University town they stood out as odd, everyone referred to them as The Lost Boys. Yoongi, now being revealed to you as one of them, seemed harmless enough and the opportunity to get to know a piece of them was too good to pass. 
Walking and talking up the worn concrete path you made your way through the bustle of pajama clad students trying to get to class. 
"Don't you have to be somewhere?" 
"Yeah, but I don't care. I'd rather get to know you." 
"You should go, I'm not so important that you should lose a day of school over me." 
"It's all bullshit anyway Yoongi, it's not going to get me anywhere." 
He stopped abruptly, now just outside the small coffee shop. "You sound like a spoiled brat." 
You were shocked, who the hell was he to speak to you like that? 
"I'd kill to be in your position and you don't even give a shit about just squandering it away." 
He pulled the door open and looked at you crossly. "Still want that coffee?" 
You stepped in front of him and shot him a dirty look. "I do. You owe me AND because I'm a brat I'm going to order the fanciest thing on the menu. TO GO!" 
He silently walked behind you, following to the counter while you placed your ostentatious order. You stood studying him while he asked for an iced Americano. His blond shaggy hair skimmed his chocolate eyes and his sexy lips seemed to  always sit in permanent pout. They looked like they'd be nice to kiss. 
"You want to stop staring at me and take your expensive drink. You're holding up the line." 
You blushed, knocked from your daydream admiration by his deep voice.
You huffed while pulling the chair out, making a show of your annoyance, situating yourself at the corner table.
"I thought you were getting it to go?" he barbed. 
"Why would I do that when I can be a pain in your ass a little bit longer? You promised to tell me your story, let's hear it?" 
His inhale was deep. Anxiety? Apprehension? A mix of both? His eyes stared at his coffee while his fingers fiddled with the straw. "I want to be a musician." 
"Well I figured that much." 
"Listen, if you really want to know can you just shut up? This isn't an easy thing for me to talk about, I don't just tell everyone." 
"If you don't want to tell me don't" 
He cut you off. "But I do want to, for some stupid reason."
"What reason?" 
He exhaled with a smirk. "I like your face." 
You smiled, "Then please continue." 
"I want to be a musician. I write music and lyrics and it's all I've ever wanted my entire life."
He took a sip of coffee. "My parents didn't approve of my choices so I decided to move out on my own and live my life how I wanted." 
You nodded in understanding. 
"I didn't take into consideration how hard exactly that would be, but I'm a proud man, and there's no going back." 
"So what do you do? You're not a student, do you work?"
"Yeah, I deliver food and groceries part time. It doesn't pay much but the basics are covered." 
You looked down at your shitty expensive coffee in guilt, maybe you were just a spoiled brat.
"So whenever I'm not working I try to get as much practice and writing in as I can. I use Jimin's fob to get into the music room and that's where I am most nights...all night." he shrugged in omission. 
"So no time for a girlfriend?" you felt silly the moment it left your lips. 
"I didn't think so." He looked up for the first time since the conversation started. "But," he smiled, "I think given the right person priorities could definitely be changed." 
Talking into the afternoon time flew away. Several less expensive coffees later he looked at his phone and frowned. "I've got to go to work." 
He stood up and gathered his things. "But I'd love it if we could see each other again." 
You stood to go too. "Next Friday 8am? I can let you in with my fob?" 
"That sounds really nice." His hand reached out and his fingers brushed across yours as he took the tray from you. "But I was hoping I wouldn't have to wait that long. We're having a party tonight at our place...will you come?" 
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You sat on the edge of the sofa watching the group around you getting drunk and philosophical. Definitely nothing like a frat party, these guys were a different breed.
His roommates were all handsome in their own way and something about them just set you at ease. No pretensions, no apologies, they were just who they were having fun.
Finally seeing him walk through the door your heart raced when his eye caught yours.
"I'm sorry I'm late, they kept getting orders." 
"It's okay. Your roommate..." you pointed to Seokjin. "The one with the really broad shoulders, he kept me entertained with some pretty good jokes." 
He scrunched his nose, "really, really sorry." 
You pulled a bottle vodka out of your purse and raised your brows. "Are you ready for some fun." 
He grabbed your hand and pulled you up from the couch until you were close enough to hear without having to shout.
"I'd like to grab a shower. Do you want to wait in my room for me? I mean...if you're uncomfortable down here by yourself." 
It was a no brainer, the sexual tension and chemistry you'd had all day was like a current of electricity running between you.
"Lead the way." 
You looked around his room while he was showering. Sure the mattress was on the floor but the bed was made and his clothes were hung neatly in the closet. His dresser was stacked with notebooks that were overflowing with lyrics. Pieces of paper with doodles and random words loosely spilling from between the pages. 
Pictures, they must be family, small resemblances in their smiles and it looked like he had a brother. 
He had a shelf full of colognes. Picking up the Paco Rabanne he walked in as you were pulling the cap off to sniff it. 
"Sorry, I wasn't trying to be nosey, I just wanted to know what you smelled like." Idiot, of all the creepy things to say. 
He smiled, "It's alright, I'm not hiding anything." 
"No," your cheeks flushed when it finally registered that he was half naked in front of you. "I guess you really aren't." 
"Shit, sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just forgot to grab my clean clothes before I went in." He opened a drawer to pull out a shirt. 
"It doesn't," you blurted embarrassed. 
He pulled his hand away from the clothing and raised his brows quizzically, "So you don't want me to get dressed?" 
You walked towards him, he was gorgeous. Water droplets still clung to his muscular chest like he couldn't afford the time away from you to fully dry himself. 
"I think," you stammered, "That I'd actually prefer if you didn't."
You placed your hand on his bicep and waited for his response. 
It didn't come from words, it came from two soft warm lips attaching themselves to yours. 
"You're a good good kisser Min Yoongi. Is your mouth that good at everything?" 
"You mean like singing?" He teased your lips with his while he popped the button on your jeans. 
"No," you giggled. 
"Then you must mean biting?" His teeth lightly bit the flesh of your thigh as he kneeled to lower your pants and underwear. 
"Nope, that's not what I meant either." 
"Oh, I know, you must mean eating?" His warm tongue found your clit and gave it a little flick. "I think I'm pretty good at it." 
You ran your fingers through his hair while he looked up at you hungry. 
"Prove it," you moaned." 
Stepping out of your pants you leaned back against his dresser. Ass resting on the edge he opened your thighs, a low mumble of, "fuck" drifting out of his mouth before he dove in. 
His large hands held you open while his silky tongue explored every crevice of your sex sending your senses into a frenzy. Coming up for air every so often he'd moan at the loss of your taste before inhaling and going back in for more. He wasn't methodical, his mouth was unpredictable. One minute his tongue would be deep inside you and the next he'd have his lips around your clit sucking softly. 
"Come over here with me."
He led you to the bed, taking off your shirt before guiding you down. Your eyes ran over his body stopping at the bulge under the tightly wrapped terry cloth towel. The wetness in between your legs grew just thinking about getting to see it. 
He laid down beside you, holding your face and kissing you while you reached to undo his shroud.  
Smiling, he pulled your hand away, "I'm not done with you yet. Tell me what you want me to do to you." 
You had to rub your legs together for friction, he was driving you wild. "This morning, when I watched you playing?" 
He smiled like he knew.
"All I could think of was how sexy your..." He stopped your words by hooking two fingers  into your mouth and rubbing them against your tongue. 
"You were thinking about how good these would feel inside you?" He kissed your neck, "You really know what you want huh?" 
"Some people even say I'm spoiled."
"Do you always get your way?"
He plunged them inside of you changing your words of, "I hope so," into a long drawn out moan.  
Kissing his way down your neck and over your collar bones his mouth lingered on your breasts. Skimming his lips across your nipples he watched as they hardened into excited little buds. A small smile graced his face, he was clearly proud of how he was making your body react. 
His long piano fingers played skillfully inside of you while he latched onto your nipple and suckled. Your heart beat loudly like it was part of the parties soundtrack, the music  reverberating through the floor as he fingered you. The whole unfolding scene felt like a dream. Dizzy and intoxicated from lust and heavy breathing you didn't want to wake up to a reality other than this one.
A thud outside the door snapped you back, your thighs clamping shut on his hand as you pulled the covers up to hide yourself. 
"It's locked, nobody can get in, don't worry." He pulled the sheet back off of you to continue his work. 
"Are you sure they can't get in?"
A loud moan rang through the hall and the thuds against the wall gave away the truth. 
"I'm sure they have their own agenda." 
You flopped back trying to regain the moment while his fingers  stroked your walls. 
It was distracting at first, people fucking right outside his door. But a few minutes of listening to their pleasure, of hearing their moans and the pleas of harder, you were more turned on than ever. 
He watched you unravelling at the  pornographic sounds. "You wanna cum when they do?" 
"Please..please," you begged in time with the drag of his fingers. 
The sounds escalating on both sides of the wall seemed to add fuel to the fires of both immanent orgasms. Just as the stranger in the hall screamed her end, Yoongi pumped and sucked harder until you finished longer and louder than your unknown counterpart. He laughed as he pulled his fingers out of you, the strings of excitement cleaned off with a lurid suck of his own digits. 
Your head was still reeling when he pulled his towel off. His thick beautiful cock looked so hard and ripe as he reached in his drawer for a condom. 
"Can I put it on you?" You took it from his hand and ripped the package open. Holding it between your fingertips you got closer and ran your tongue around the head of his cock. The taste of pre cum on his freshly washed dick made you ready for more.
Giving him a few deep sucks and pumps you needed him now. He watched while you rolled the thin latex tightly over his twitching thickness and straddled him, wasting no time to begin bouncing on his cock. 
Your kisses were messy, hands entwined in his hair, your breasts grazing against his skin with every thrust while you rode him. "Fuck, you feel so good." 
His hands gripped your ass squeezing as he moaned underneath you. Orgasm building like a hurricane, the eye of the perfect storm became more imminent with every slide of your pleasure point against his soaked pubic trail.
"Make me cum Yoongi." 
He flipped you swiftly onto your back and his hips picked up the pace to the finish line. Thrusting in between your open thighs his cock drove you to convulsively cum, your cunt squeezing his own warm liquid into the condom between you. 
He lay with his arms around you in silence. Your head on his chest listening to his heart slowly make it's way back to a normal pace.
"I can't promise you anything more than who I am. I don't have anything to offer you but dreams that may or may not come true."
He stroked your hair as he spoke his truth. "I'm working hard, but I can't guarantee that I'll ever amount to anything more than a delivery boy." 
You sat up on your elbow and stared at the man you'd just fallen in love with. "I want to share all of my time with you Yoongi. In fact, I insist you take it. I've heard you play and I believe in you."
You waited until your lips were just about to land on his. "I do have one condition though." 
He tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, "Yeah, what's that?" 
"You've got to promise you'll write me a song. Agree?" 
His fingers splayed caressing your back, he couldn't help the huge smile that took over his face when he kissed you. 
"I agree. But you didn't have to give up your time for that, I was going to do it anyway."
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freddiekluger · 4 years
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i love the "mike seeing the ghosts" idea SO much in general, so i've interspersed the main cap headcanon with some ones for the other ghosts- i love mike sm so thanks for requesting!!!
it started as a tickle in his throat, but come evening mike comes down with a serious chest infection. alison drives him to the doctor's in time to grab some antibiotics, but they've got a function at button house this week so for the most part alison has to keep her distance- can't afford for both of them to get sick, especially considering how many repairs, decorations, and vendor meetings still need to be sorted. mike pops a couple tablets before passing out.
the next morning, alison has to go out to run some errands, so mike finds himself stumbling to the kitchen for breakfast the next day. julian's already there, doing his trademark lunges while listening to the horse racing (it's become his ritual whenever the races are on- he's insufferable otherwise, so alison lets him keep the radio). they share a nod, and it's not until after mike sits down with his cereal that he realises he's just nodded at a dead politician with his balls out. between that and the phlegm in his chest, it was a rough start to the day to say the least.
after he gets over the whole "ohmygodicanseedeadpeopleholyshit" (and at least one reenactment of the hospital scene from the sixth sense), along with greeting the various ghosts he encounters on his way back to bed, via the loo (both him and mary got quite a shock when she "peeked on him at privy"), mike collapses onto the bed.
a pillow over his head, mike lets out a few substantial groans before hearing a cough that, surprisingly, doesn't come from him. he slides his head out from under the pillow and sits up to see a greying, slightly awkward figure in period military dress standing in the doorway. he assumes this must be the captain.
mike: hi?
captain: oh, hello. i was just on my way back from my morning run* and mary mentioned that you can, well, see us now.
mike: yep. [coughs] that's pretty much the deal. not sure why though
captain: oh that'll be the antibiotics you've got there. strong stuff, eh? anyways, i thought i'd stop by and say hello. hello
mike: hi. i would say nice to meet you, but [a coughing fit ensues]
captain: ahem, quite
mike, holding up a video game casing: well, i was just gonna play this, if you don't mind?
*this is technically true. the captain is indeed, on the way back from his morning run, except his morning run finished half an hour ago, and he's been waiting for the right time to introduce himself to mike. unlike thomas, he doesn't expect anything to lead anywhere, but that doesn't stop him from wanting to be alone with the rather handsome buffoon.
mike's holding one of those war themed combat games, the kind with a vague plot but mostly battles and button mashing. the captain's temporarily distracted from staring at mikes arms, and starts quizzing him about the game itself. by the time the loading screen is done, mike's already gotten the impression that the captain doesn't want to leave for a few different reasons, and it's not like you have a WW2 army captain of hand to help you work out strategy every day, so they pretty quickly end up teaming up- long gone are mike's days of button mashing (or, mostly long gone. "sometimes it works!"). the only condition was that the captain had to stop calling mike 'michael'- mike said it reminded him of his grandad too much.
- the game has moments where your character can romance any of the other characters, regardless of gender- mike's a dirty player, the captain gets rather awkward when mike decided the best way to achieve his immediate goal is to seduce all relevant characters into giving up troop information, and mike would be lying if he didn't find it at least a little bit entertaining to watch
- in between levels, and when waiting for lives to replenish, mike asks cap about his time in the war, and the captain loves having someone to listen to all his stories (even if most of them are second hand). he keeps having to remind himself not to stare, because mike can actually notice his eyes wandering, but of course that just makes him even more aware of it and the cycle of awkward noises and obviously-not-looking continues. alison has let slip to mike that the captain is likely a bit of a bender, and is relatively flattered by the possibility of cap liking HIM (not to mention not wanting to accidentally send him into a toxic 40s shame spiral), so mike just keeps the friendly conversation going to keep cap feeling comfortable. the captain's crush migrates to the left, and by day four or five him and mike really are friends more than anything else- if there's one thing the captain couldn't stand, it would be turning into one thomas thorne, although he still gets a few butterflies when mike compliments his strategy after a tough level. (it's not every day you have the attention of a handsome man who thinks you're a genius- especially when you're dead)
- it warms alison's heart to see the captain having the closest thing to fun he's had since they arrived, and the whole ghost set up works well for her and mike- mike needs the company, and alison can't afford to get sick or fall behind on jobs
- kitty loves mike (not romantically, she just thinks he's neat!), and eventually joins him and cap for their video games. cap was dismissive of her at first (one part possessiveness over mike's time, one part disbelief that kitty could be a good player), but kitty ends up rivalling him when it comes to strategy. after one too many nights locked outside and having to break back in to her own home, she's become an expert at espionage (even if she won't admit her experience was anything other than a fun childhood game.) with cap and kitty helping him out, mike makes more progress in a single day than he had in a week of gameplay. not to mention, kitty could really use the confidence boost from mike's compliments which he gives to both of his gaming partners frequently, although he draws the line at kitty's georgian cough remedies
- fanny ignores him as overcompensation for Redding Weddy. well, i say ignore, but she's somehow always the first one to volunteer when alison asks one of the ghosts to check on him
- mike considers going down to the cellar to get a look at the plague ghosts. mike heads to the door. mike remembers the sheer amount of skeletons when they dug up the plague pit. mike pulls his blanket tighter around his shoulders and heads away from the door.
- obviously, thomas avoids mike wherever possible. mike barely even knows what thomas's voice sounds like by the time things go back to normal
- mike feels bad for humphrey, and keeps trying to pick his head up and place it amongst the action before remembering he can't actually touch him. he also feels bad for screaming everytime he sees humphrey's body stumbling around. it was in the bathroom one night, and let's just say it was lucky there was a toilet nearby.
- pat invites himself to watch mike, kitty, and the captain as they tackle the final levels together, on the proviso that he doesn't make a sound. pat's rubbish at tactical planning, even if he can plan a mean scouts activity, but he's just happy to watch. it's nice to see the cap really having some fun, and see kitty included. it'll be sad for everyone once mike finishes his course of antibiotics
- thing eventually do go back to normal, and the captain misses mike's company far more than he thought he would. mike's still around, but not being able to properly talk to him is tough, and the captain realised that he was maybe more fond of mike than he convinced himself (mike will still make a thomas thorne out of him yet). mike strangely misses the funny soldier, and the georgian 'battlemistress' (kitty chose the title herself), and alison finds herself constantly passing messages between them. they're currently testing out all the ghost-communication equipment under the sun (within a reasonable price range) to see if they can find a better solution
thanks sm for this one, and so sorry for the delay! i've been battling with hardcore brain fog, so it's been difficult to create totally new stuff with words- hope this was up to scratch
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mypimpademia · 4 years
SFW alphabet with Kuroo Tetsuro
Kuroo x reader
TW: Maybe some swearing
Note: You can also request SFW alphabets for other characters on my character list if you'd like
Template creds:
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Kuroo is very affectionate. Usually shows it through lots of kisses and hugs.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How did the friendship start?)
He'd probably be the crackhead ass best friend that convinces you to do dumb shit with them.
It would most likely start in middle school in a super cliche way. He'd probably be running in the halls and run into you, say sorry really fast then keep running. And the next day come to give you a real apology and you guys just hit it off.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Kuroo loves to cuddle, and khen cuddling with him, hes always the big spoon. Has your back to him chest with his arms around you, while you're sitting up, chest to chest laying down or on your sides, anything where he can have you super close really.
Hes also the type to be reluctant to letting you get up to use the bathroom because he doesn't want to stop
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Once hes absolutely sure that you're the one, he'll start wanting to settle down. But he won't actually do it till he's ready.
He at least has basic knowledge, he can make spaghetti, rice, a grilled cheese, all of that, but can't do anything super complex. He definitely has potential to learn though.
He's pretty good at cleaning, it just the staying clean part that doesn't always work. I feel like he lives in chaotic cleanliness, meaning it'll look out of order but he knows where everything is. But if you simplify it and put everything into small units or something, he'll be really clean.
E = Ending (If they break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
The longer you've been together, the easier he'll let you down, but the harder it'll be for him.
Depending on why you're breaking up, he'll talk it out with you. If you're going out on good terms, he'll ask if you'd like to stay friends. But if its on bad terms, he'll cut all ties with you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel commitment? How quickly do they want to get married?)
Like I said on domestic, he'll want to settle down and get married once he realizes he's got the right person. Doesn't really care when, as long as youre both ready and able to do it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically, he play fights a lot and gives really tight hugs, but he wont if you ask him not to.
Emotionally, hes pretty soft for you. He'll open up to you when he feels a good amount of trust, and he'll make if clear that he'll be your shoulder to cry on when you need it.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Kuroo loves hugs, and he hugs you whenever he can. Usually hugs you in an almost back breaking grip, he might pick you up and spin you around too.
L = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Always said it when you guys were friends, and when you were dating he kept saying it. But never said it in a romantic way till about 10 months into your relationship, so decently fast
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Kuroo is confident, and doesn't get jealous too often. But when he does, he gets pretty jealous. He'll get super touchy with you, hold your hand, and your waist. If you're talking to someone he'll just stare at them, and drag you away when he reaches his limit.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kuroos kisses are usually rough, and passionate. But they'll be softer if he's in a soft mood.
Kisses your lips and face the most, and if youre short than him he'll kiss your forehead and the top of your head.
He really only ever likes kisses on the lips and jawline. He'll take anywhere else, but those are his favorite places.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Kuroo is the type to get used as a jungle gym by little kids. But he'll probably play tag and hide and seek with them. He's like the fun dad type around little kids, and his parental side come out around them.
When theyre not playing, he's lying down with all of them watching a Disney movie while they're hugging him.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Kuroo likes to sleep in, so mornings with him are spent going in and out of sleep while you hold each other. And once you're completely awake, you'll probably lay in bed for about an hour just talking.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Kuroo is a night owl, so the two of you will stay up, playing games, talking eating, etc. Then you'll go to bed around 1 - 3 am
O = Open (When would they start revealing themselves to you? Do they say everything all at once, or wait awhile to reveal things slowly?)
Since you guys were best friends before you were dating, there wasn't much to open up about. But opening up romanticly took him around 6 months. He's an open book, so there wasn't too much to say, so he said it all at one.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Kuroo is super nonchalant, so he really does ever get mad. It takes a lot to make him angry, so don't expect to see him heated too often
Q = Quizzes (How much do they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Kuroo surprisingly remembers a lot about you. He doesn't remember everything you say word for word, but he knows a decent amount. He knows you favorite color, food, family names (even if you've only mentioned them once), favorite flower, etc.
R = Remember (Whats their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first "I love you" will forever be his favorite. It was such a soft and vulnerable moment, he just knew it'd be something he'd never forget
S = Security (How protectively are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Kuroo let's you freely talk to anyone, but if he gets a weird vibe from someone, or youre talking to someone that he knows isn't good, he'll make sure to keep an eye on you.
Normally either keeps his distance and watches you from afar, or stands next to you with an arm around you.
Doesn't really want protection, he wants to be the one protecting you. But if he had to choose, it'd be to defend him when hes mot there to defend himself.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks)
Kuroo is a very driven and passionate person, so he puts a lot of effort towards your relationship. However, it will falter if he sees that his partner won't reciprocate that energy.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Kuroo likes giving tight hugs, and rough kisses, and he's even rough during play fights. So his bad habit is that sometimes he gets too rough, hits you a little to hard during play fights, and squeezes you too tight during hugs, but nothing that hurts for more than a few minutes.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Again, Kuroo is very confident, so he never gets too concerned with his looks. People even call him bed head, which is probably true. He'll come out of the house without changing his hair from how it was after waking up and still feel like he looks good.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Once he's really into your relationship, he'll definitely feel like something is missing when hes not with you. Hes not clingy about it, but its not the same without you
X = Xtra (Random hc about them)
Kuroo takes a lot of pictures of you to the point where you make up 50% of his gallery. He even has them categorized; selfies, full body photos, cute pictures of you sleeping, you making dumb faces, etc.
Y = Yuck (What are somethings they wouldn't like? Either in general or in a partner.)
Kuroo wouldn't enjoy a partner that has nothing that they strive for. They don't have wants, or a goal, they're just there.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Kuroo moves around a lot in his sleep, but when you're next to him he moves a lot less. And he's a generally heavy sleeper, but tends to wake up if you even get out of bed to use the bathroom.
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Anything Like Christmas Wishes
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It’s a very late and final “Tis the Damn Season for Two Dumb Bitches” from me and I’d like to once again express my hate for anything @doc-pickles talks me into and promise to never partake again. I hope you all had lovely Christmas and enjoy a little more of the Kit Kat universe, I never planned to write more than one oneshot for him and here we are so let me know what you think.
This is part of the Anything like series so if you haven’t already go check it out.
Alex caught sight of Kit as he exited his friend's house, apparently, one of the kids in his class was born on Christmas Day which meant his parents always went overboard on the Christmas eve party.
Alex had been pretty bummed to lose half a day with Kit on their first Christmas together but he couldn’t let him down, especially when Kit had been so excited telling him all about this famous party. He had to admit the smile on his face had been well worth it. He’d only been in his life for a little over six months but Alex already felt like he’d known him forever, he’d made a point of knowing everything about him, what he liked, what he disliked, allergies, shoe size, favourite ice cream flavour, teachers names, anything and everything he could think of, he even quizzed Jo on her pregnancy when she let him. He was so desperate to not feel like the outsider looking in and the family he could've had.
“How was the party Kit Kat?” Alex asked as he buckled the young boy into his car seat, ruffling his hair affectionately before he shut the door.
“It was awesome...Jamie’s dad set himself on fire.”
Alex chuckles peering up to see Kits grinning face that was covered in chocolate cake still in the mirror. “Oh well, that sounds safe…”
“It was really funny…”
“I’m glad you had fun, are you excited for Christmas tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I’m so excited.” Kits eyes light up at the mention of Christmas as Alex pulls out onto the street. “Momma and I are gonna watch the Grinch and make lunch together, momma always burns something.”
Alex chuckles, catching Kit's eye in the mirror as he pulls up at red light, the miniature Alex falling into a fit of laughter as Alex shudders at the thought of Jo’s cooking. “Oh don’t I know it.”
“What are you doing dad?”
“I’m probably gonna go into work and check on my patients…”
Alex hears Kit gaps dramatically at his answer, making him furrow his eyebrows as he looks back at him. “You’re not...you’re not gonna see bista and El?”
Bista and El, Kit had accidentally called Alexis his bista instead of sister the first time they’d met and they’d found it so funny it had ended up sticking. It had been a great relief to Alex to see them all get along, Kit was so excited to have even more family and well for the twins Alex assumed they were getting used to surprise family members appearing every five years, plus they really enjoyed having a younger brother, someone to teach all the cool stuff they knew to and boss around.
“No, they're with their mom this year. We take it in turns. I saw them last year, so this year it’s their turn with her so I’ll see them the day after and then we’ll come to pick you up in the afternoon.” Alex forces a huge smile on to his face, hoping Kit doesn't pick up on the fact that it doesn't quite meet Alex’s eyes, he really hated spending Christmas without his kids, he hated more that he’d gone from the guy all alone on Christmas to the family man cutting the turkey and then back to being alone again.
“Oh…” Kits face dropped as they pulled up to Alex’s, looking down at his hands as he waited for Alex to open the car door for him. “So you’re all alone?”
“No no I’m okay buddy, I’ve got a lot of kids at the hospital that need my help.” It wasn’t a complete lie, he could go to the hospital, sure he wasn’t due to work but he’d definitely have something to do, he'd never wished a kid sick but he sure could use the distraction.
“You can come to my house.” Kit exclaims, throwing his hands up in excitement, sending sweets flying as they both kick their shoes off by the door, Kit tugging at Alex’s sleeve and he excitedly tells him his new idea. “Momma won’t mind at all, you can share my presents.”
“Thanks, Kit Kat, but you don’t have to worry about me, you and momma have your own plans.” He watches as Kit deflates once again, his little lip jutting out the same way Jo’s does. Alex hated this, he hated hurting his kids however inadvertent it was. It's clear a change in topic is in need if Alex is gonna rescue this KitKat and Daddy day. “Now...who wants to play Mario kart?”
The spend the rest of the afternoon playing as many games as they can, Alex may have gone overboard with the sweet treats, he was kind of a sucker when it came to spoiling his kids, it wasn't until Kit had begun running purposefully in the wall only to fall into a fit of giggles and go again that he realised he'd made a mistake one that he'd have to somehow explain to Jo.
“HI MOMMA,” Kit screamed the minute Jo opened her front door, his eyes wide as he raced past Jo, spinning around in circles in the hallway.
“Hi Kit Kat” Jo laughed bemused as she looked back at him before turning towards Alex who was sheepishly making his way up the drive with Kits bags in hand.
“He’s kinda sugar high” Alex mutters rubbing the back of his neck as Jo steps aside to let him, they’d agreed he’d have Christmas Eve with the Kit this year but Alex didn’t wanna lose any time with him so they’d decided he’d spend the evening with him at Jo’s so he could do the bedtime routine and Kit could still wake up with Jo. Jo had promised to make herself scarce already feeling bad Alex wouldn’t be with Kit on Christmas, much to Alex’s dismay who really wouldn’t mind spending time with her and Kit together, but Jo was pretty against the idea of giving Kit the wrong idea.
She’d insisted she’d be attending her hospital Christmas Eve party which is why she was standing there now, shaking her head as she crossed her arms over her chest, the deep red satin dress clinging to her body making Alex avert his eyes up to her face which wasn’t helping much because the red lipstick she’d chosen to wear really had his mind spinning as he stepped into her house.
“I can see that...Thanks for bringing him here, I don’t wanna ruin your time together I just thought it would be easier to put him to bed here.”
“Jo I get it you don’t have to explain it to me, I’m happy to do whatever makes you happy” Alex mutters carefully choosing his words as she closes the door leaving little space between them, making Alex shift uncomfortably.
“So you keep saying…”
“Well, I mean it, Jo.” Alex’s voice changes, sounding a life more serious as he peers his head around the living room door checking that Kit was alright, watching as their son every toy he could out of the toy chest in there. “So you're going to that Christmas party?” He asks looking back to Jo gesturing to her dress.
“Yeah...I wouldn’t usually, I mean if I’m off on Christmas I’ve always usually been with Kit but I...it’s only fair you have time with him but I can’t sit here on my own so the party’s a good distraction.”
“Well, you could’ve hung out with me and Kit.”
“No no, it’s your time I don’t wanna encroach.”
“Jo really it’s-“
Alex is cut off by another male voice.
“Jo...Hi” There standing in the doorway to the kitchen is a man Alex doesn't recognise dressed in a smart suit navy blue, that screams more expensive than one-months paycheck. “You must be Alex...Kit’s dad right?” The mystery man moves towards Alex, offering his hand out for him.
“Right.” Alex nods, his hand tightly clasping around the mystery man as he sized him up. He hadn’t seen Jo with another guy yet, he knew she’d been on a few dates the last six months but he hadn’t actually seen a guy with her, seen a goy put his hands on her. He’d assumed he’d be okay, so much time had passed since they’d been together but seeing this guy here now, in the house his son lived in, Jo dressed up to the nines to go out with him...it all made him feel sick.
That should be him, this man is in his place, in a life that should’ve been his but he’d ruined his chance a long time ago and he couldn’t really blame any guy for wanting to be with Jo.
“Sorry this is erm Dr Walker he’s the trauma chief at work.”
Dr Walker pulls his phone from his pocket as it pings, tutting at something before he begins to type away furiously. “We should get going.”
Alex withheld a growl that rumbled low in his chest as he watched Walker walk straight past Jo looking down at his phone as he grabbed his coat from by the door.
Jo looks a little uneasy as she checks her watch, glancing between the two men in her hallway before letting out a shaky breath. “Alex…”
“It’s fine Jo...go, have fun, you deserve it.” Alex shakes his head smiling at her, watching as she calls Kit to say goodbye before following the doctor out, glancing back at Alex as she heads down towards what he assumes must be Walkers car.
When Jo returns home later that night she’s pretty sure she’d never been happier to see her little yellow front door, waving goodbye to Dr Walker she heads up her drive, as she slips into the door she can hear the TV still on in the living room, poking her head around the door she spots Alex sprawled out across the sofa, one hand clutched on the remote, the other behind his head as he snores softly. His face is covered in Kits face paint in a pattern Jo could only describe as a drunken tiger, it made her chuckle softly as she stared at him. The relationship he’d been building with Kit made her heart soar, they were best buds and she was glad Kit seemed to adjust to his presence so quickly. It wasn't much of a surprise to her though, Kit had pretty much been a carbon copy of Alex since birth, even though Alex insisted he saw a lot of her in him.
A crash from behind her makes Jo jump as she whips around spotting those mischievous Karev eyes staring back at her. There Kit was standing on the staircase, dressed in his dinosaur Christmas PJs, his green teddy Link had bought him when he was born tucked under his arm, the Batman torch he’d dropped down the stairs lying on the floor by Jo’s feet.
“Hi Monkey...what are you still doing up?” She asks narrowing her eyes on him as she slips out of her feels making her way halfway up the staircase to meet him.
“Checking to see if Santa had been.”
Jo smiles, stroking her hand as across his cheeks as she sits on the steps, patting the space beside her for him to sit. “Well you know he only comes if you’re asleep, so you better run back up to bed.”
Kit squirms in her arms, protesting immediately making Jo frown. “But I need him to know I’ve changed my Christmas wish.”
“You have?”
“What about that remote control truck you wanted?”
“I don’t want it...I want dad to come for Christmas.” Jo opens her mouth, words failing her as her heart breaks a little, she hadn’t expected Kit to ask that she had never wanted to give Kit the wrong idea about doing things as a family it was the whole reason she'd not invited him, even though she'd questioned her decision every time she saw her boys together, having to remind herself each and every time that they both weren't hers, only Kit was. “He’s gonna be alone, I don’t want him to be alone.” Kit mumbles pulling at Jo’s hair as his eyes downcast to the living room doorway.
“That’s a really nice wish Kit Kat.” Jo smiles softly brushing back his hair, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “You know the good thing about Santa?...he always knows what your Christmas wish is, now back up to bed please.” She whispers, holding her hand out for Kit as she guides him back up to his bedroom.
Half an hour later when Jo managed to slip out of Kits room, happily convinced he’d finally gone back to sleep, she wonders if Alex had woken up at all.
She finds him exactly where she’d left him, sleeping soundly on the sofa, he looked so peaceful and she had to fight the urge to curl up beside him. “Alex…”
She tried to gently shake him awake as she kneels down on the floor beside him. “Alex.”
“Huh, what’s the time?” He croaks abruptly sitting up as he looks around the room frantically trying to get his surroundings.
“Just gone midnight.”
“Oh sorry,” he sighs, rubbing a hand down his face as he meets her eyes, making Jo’s heartbeat speed up as she realises how close his face is. “How was your night?”
There’s something that flashes through his eyes as he asks about her night and she knows he’s testing the waters, wanting to ask about the man he’d met earlier.
“It was okay,” Jo shrugs, smirking as he looks her up and down.
“Just okay?”
“Eh pretty stuffy, I hate these parties, don't even know why I bothered.”
“And that Dr Worker?”
“Walker.” Jo corrects, she has to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing as she watched the lines form across Alex’s forehead scowling after the thought of the man. “What about him?”
“How was he?”
“Fine...so was his wife, who I’m good friends with,” Jo mutters waiting for Alex to react as she fiddled with her empty ring finger. She hadn’t even worn her ring that long but she’d never got used to the empty space it left.
Jo rolls her eyes he really was dum sometimes. “She got called into surgery last minute but I’d already agreed to go with them so I didn’t have to walk in alone and he wouldn’t take no for an answer, anyway she joined us there.”
“Oh I thought-“
“Oh, I know what you thought.”
“I’m sorry Jo, I know I have no right…”
“No, you really don’t.”
Alex sighs, for a second there had been a wave of relief flood through his body when she’d told him it wasn’t in fact a date she’d been on, but that was soon replaced with the reminder that she wasn’t his, and that he’d still be going home tonight alone. Slowly he rises off the sofa, grabbing the throw banker he’d laid out and haphazardly folding it up never meetings Jo’s eye as she rises from the floor in front of him, “I should get going. “
“Alex?” He’s just made it the doorway when he feels her slender hand wrap around his arm pulling him back towards her before he even has a chance to question it.
Suddenly she’s all he can see, her red lipstick a little faded from her evening out, her eyes a little tired but they still had the same beautiful sparkle they always had when they’d look at him, he honestly thought he’d never not see pain reflecting in her eyes when he’d bumped into her at the hospital six months ago but he was relieved to see that wasn't true.
He watched as her eyes flick up, pursing her lips as she tries to fight the smile on her face as Alex stares back at her dumbfounded still, his whole body set on fire from her simple touch.
Mistletoe hanging neatly with a gold bow from the doorway, Alex hadn’t even noticed it earlier this evening.
Jo raised her eyebrows at him in a silent question, her hand still wrapped around his arm as she leaned in closer her breath fanning across his face making Alex’s heart thump harder in his chest.
He wasn’t a shy guy, he didn’t get nervous kissing women he was attracted to but this wasn’t just any women this was Jo, Jo who knew him better than most people, Jo who he loved with everything in him...still even now. Jo who happened to be standing before him in a red satin dress that set his pulse racing with one glance and suddenly he was a teenage boy who’d never kissed a girl sitting in the nurse's office.
He’s hesitant as he leans forward, pressing his lips against her soft cheek. It’s a simple and sweet and over way too soon but it’s closest he’s been to her since they’d reunited and with every movement, Alex was scared she’d back off, turn around and tell him she hated him and she’d be well within her right to.
“That’s pathetic,” Jo whispers stepping closer to Alex, both hands tracing up his arms coming to rest against his shoulders. “How the hell am I meant to know if we still have something with a kiss like that?”,
Alex shakes his head confused for a moment, surprised as his hands wind around her waist as if they’d never stopped doing so, “You don’t know if we’ve still got something?” He asks in disbelief at how she could ever question their connection as he feels h er fingers tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck and he lifts his lips in a small smile as she leans further into him.
“Well it wouldn’t be bad to confirm it…” she teases, her lips brushing over his.
Alex cuts her off, his lips pressing against hers, making Jo yelp as he pushed her against the wall tightening his grip around her waist.
“How’s that for you?” He mumbles nipping at her bottom lip gently. Smirking at the way her red lipstick is now smudged, his cocky boy self proud he’d been the one to smudge it.
“Good…but erm maybe we should check again?" Jo mutters little breathlessly, her thumb wiping her own lipstick from Alex’s lips as she leans back in pulling Alex’s head down so she could reach him as her lips find his again. “And again,” She whispers in between kisses. Now she’s started she can’t remember why they haven’t been doing this the whole time, maybe the pain she felt had been covering over the memories of him because right now she’s pretty sure nothing ever felt as good as this. “And again.”
The tiny groan Alex lets out, lets Jo know he's thinking the same thing as his hands slide higher up her waist.
When they break part in need of oxygen, Jo finds herself holding back a laugh at the absurdity of the situation, leaning back against the wall with Alex’s arms still around her. When she finally catches her breath she pushes off the wall untangling herself from his arms and for a moment he thinks she’s leaving but she surprises him as she reaches the bottom step when she turns around holding out her hand for him.
“Come on…”
Her words seem to act as cold water shaking Alex from his daze as he stops dead letting her hand fall between them. For a moment the fear they'd both read this all wrong creeps in.
“Jo I don’t wanna rush this, and it’s late and Kits asleep and I have no idea what this means or if I’m dreaming and then this means nothing at all but I know we should slow down…”
Jo wants to laugh because she’s never seen Alex Karev wanna slow down anything, he’d told her he loved her before they’d even kissed, he’d asked her to marry her before they’d been together a year. He had never taken things slow, not with her. She got it, he was scared, god knows she was but all she knows is that she spent most of her evening stood alone at that party tonight wondering why she wasn’t at home eating Chinese takeout with her two favourite boys in her pyjamas. And then she remembered she was too scared to, scared of being hurt again. Maybe this won’t work, maybe they aren’t destined for forever or maybe they are. Maybe if they just keep trying one day it will all work out, all she knew was that she didn’t wanna look back and think of how happy she could’ve been if she’d just been a little less scared.
“I think we’re a bit past the taking it things slow stage Alex...now come on there’s a little boy who’s Christmas wish for his dad to be here when he wakes up...you wanna make his wish come true? Maybe make my wish come true too?”
She grabs hold of his hand dragging him upstairs without a response, keeping her firm mom voice on so Alex couldn’t argue with her. They had plenty of time to sort it all out, right now she’d really just like to fall asleep in his arms again.
“Mom...mom he’s been, he’s been, he came...Santa came.” It’s Kits voice that wakes Jo up the next morning the little boy bursting into the room, stocking in hand as he clambers over Jo’s bed completely obvious to sleeping Alex he’d kicked in the stomach.
“He did…” Jo grins just about catching Kit before he falls headfirst off the bed, her whole face lighting up at her sons' excitement.
She watched as his little face twists up when he’d notices the usually empty side of his mom's bed is currently occupied, frowning as he peers over recognising the sleeping figure. Of course, Alex could sleep through all that noise.
“DAD” He screams leaping over Jo as he jumps onto Alex’s back making him groan as he shook him awake. “YOU'RE HERE” Kit squeals, hugging Alex's back tightly, as a sleepy Alex winces twisting carefully as Kit sits on top of him.
“Oh hey Kit Kat, good morning bud…” Alex smiles sleepily, rubbing a hand over his face as he looked towards Jo who was smiling beside him, her eyes watering slightly as she met his.
“Mom, dads here.” Kit whispers his little arms wrapping tightly around Alex’s neck as he hugged him close.
“Yeah, he is baby.” Jo’s voice cracks a little as she watched the two, turning away slightly as she wiped her own tears on Alex’s T-shirt sleeve that she’d thrown on at some point early this morning.
Alex tries to ignore the way his heart breaks knowing the reason for Jo’s tears as he watches Kit begin to rip open his stocking, he’d missed this, he’d missed their family he missed her. All this time wasted.
“Don’t…” she whispers from beside him softly as she snuggled into his side watching as Kit begins to line up some of his gifts. “It’s okay we have time now.” She mumbles against his neck as if she knows exactly what’s he thinking her hand tenderly reaching up to wipe the tears he hadn’t even known he was crying before he felt her wipe them away.
“This is the best Christmas ever.” Kit exclaims looking up at his parents completely unaware of their quiet moment as both their faces smile brightly back at him.
Alex nods wrapping an arm around Jo as he tugs her closer to him, pressing a kiss to the top of her head as Kit begs them to follow him downstairs to the rest of his presents.
“Yeah, it’s a pretty amazing Christmas...” Jo agrees as Kit crashes down between them, the little boy's laughter ringing out as Alex hoists him up ticking his side as Jo begins to smother him in kisses.
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thatwriterkei · 4 years
hii requesting a fic w the reader and peter on an academic decathalon trip living their best life 😌 idk like touring the city they're in and generally having fun (sharing a drink 😳 etc) because everyone knows peter deserves a bREAK
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Wanna Share?
A/N; @parkershoodie 💖 this is just a VVV belated blog anniversary present!!
Summary: The Academic Decathlon team travels to Anchorage, Alaska where the reader and Peter share a (non-alcoholic) drink together; Featuring the Northern Lights.
Warnings: just some major fluff and mild cursing
Click here to be added to my taglist!!
"Oh my god, this is beautiful!!"
MJ quirked an eyebrow at Y/N while she plopped her things beside one of the beds in the room. "That's more than what you said after the plane landed."
"Well, it's not my fault I was distracted.."
"You mean distracted with fluffy haired, doe eyes Parker?”
Y/N melted at the thought, laying back on the comforter that covered the bed. “He really does have fluffy hair..I just wanna run my hands through them..And his eyes, I could just stare into them all day and night..Couldn’t you?”
MJ shook her head with a sigh, “You’ve got it bad, hun.”
Y/N nodded and waved back, but her eyes never left Peter’s. “Yeah, nice to see you too Ned. So, what brings you to this neck of the woods, Pete?” She asked, awkwardly punching her crush’s shoulder. 
Their conversation was soon interrupted by a knock on the door followed by some chatter.
MJ walked over to open it, “welcoming” Peter and Ned to her own ‘personal hell’. Peter and Ned traded looks of confusion with each other before Y/N entered herself into the conversation.
She jumped up and rushed to the door with a slightly dazed look in her eyes when she came across Peter’s presence. “Peter!! Old Peter Parker, hey what’s up-Um-dude?”
Ned casually waved at the love struck girl, “I’m here too..”
“Well, we were wondering if you guys would like to accompany us in a study session for the tournament later this evening..”
“Excuse Peter’s stupid manners, he’s just nervous because of yo-”
“So, will you want to? You can join too, MJ.”
“I don’t care..”
Y/N quickly spoke up, “She does, and I do too! Yeah, sure, that would be fantastic! Wanna come in, then?”
Peter and Y/N shared a quick smile while MJ and Ned exchanged a knowing look.
A half an hour went by as the group studied for their event, determined to beat their competition. Ned was finishing up quizzing Y/N with her own flashcards while MJ and Peter quietly bickered.
 “Okay, Y/N, last question is..” He paused for a second to reread the question over and over again, as well as the answer. He held a mischievous grin on his face, “Who is the cutest person alive?”
Y/N’s mind went blank with terror.
“Give me that!” She grabbed the note card and crumpled it up, tossing it into a nearby trashcan.
“It’s getting pretty close to the tournament, isn’t it?” She laughed nervously, ushering Peter and Ned out and shutting the door behind them. She slid down the door, covering her face.
MJ burst into laughter. “Oh my god, that was super embarrassing!”
“Not helping, Michelle.”
After a few hours of sulking in her feelings, Y/N managed to gather enough courage to face Peter again, during the competition though. Sadly their team did not end up winning, but that didn’t stop MJ and Y/N from meeting up with Peter and Ned in their room with some milkshakes.
They all sat in their own spots across the room, Y/N with Peter on his bed, MJ on a loveseat, and Ned on his bed.
“Sorry, Y/N/N, turns out I didn’t have enough money for all four milkshakes..You can have mine if you’d like.” Peter spoke shyly.
“Hey, it’s alright! We can share.” She responded instinctively. “I-I mean, only if you want to!!”
Peter’s cheeks were dusted with a light pink color. “Um, yeah! I’m totally alright with that!”
Y/N took a sip from the cold beverage and handed it back to Peter where he took a sip as well.
“Ooo, an indirect kiss. Very smooth, Peter.” Ned commented with a wink.
Y/N and Peter immediately turned into blushy, flustered messes, trying to make up excuse when there really couldn’t be one anyway.
“Just stop denying it. Even I can admit that you two would be a stupid adorable couple.”
“MJ!!” Y/N glanced over at Peter, smiling sheepishly, where he stared down at the milkshake in his hand.
“Y/N...I..Would you maybe..Do you-” He groaned, muttering a few profanities.
She chuckled at his rush of words, nodding shyly. “Y-Yeah, that would be great.”
“Finally.” Ned and MJ said simultaneously.
*if you’re name is italicized, it means I can’t tag you
Mutuals tags:
@lowkey-holland @musicalkeys @murdermornings @that-one-eggo-child @theamazingtomholland @clownsloveyou @sirtommyholland @parkershoodie @soft-petey @god-knows-what-am-i-doing
Peter Parker tags:
@fallinfortom @peterspideyy  @lowkey-holland @musicalkeys @murdermornings ​ @that-one-eggo-child ​ @theamazingtomholland ​ @clownsloveyou​ @sirtommyholland ​ @parkershoodie ​ @soft-petey ​ @god-knows-what-am-i-doing ​
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Hi Colour! How are you doing today? I don't know about doing meaningful things with my life, feel like I've just been surviving this entire time lol. However I am trying to figure it out and working on building the life I want to live and hopefully I will be able contribute to this world in some way.
I don't think I've ever played a game of trivial pursuit. Have never been to a pub either, not like the ones you have in the UK anyway. Just been to very dirty bars where me and my friends used to drink as much as we could afford, shared questionable food that could potentially make us sick the next day and there were no quizzes or games really haha. So your exp sounds way more fun! 😂
I'm glad you're giving the song a chance! Only Spotify knows how many times I've listened to it lol. I reckon Hozier's going to be my artist of the year for 2021. I love attributing works of art to Dani x Jamie, have a whole ass Pinterest board full with images of paintings, poetry, music and anything that I think relates to them really (yeah I know, I have a problem).
I love everything you've said about how Dani, Viola and the lady in the lake are alike, I hadn't really thought about their similarities before, but everything you've said makes perfect sense. I always saw Viola as a narcissist, even her drive to protect her child felt selfish in a way, don't know if you know what I mean. And when she fades away and becomes the lady she's just pure (almost animalistic) instinct while on auto pilot, bc she only remembers rage and abandonment, she takes anything on her path aggressively unless they're a child. So what she sees in Dani is not processed logically, right? It's pure instinct and emotions, so what she recognizes in her when Dani invites her in is the desperate need to protect this child, so she sees her as deserving. Perhaps she also saw in Dani and opportunity to escape this nightmare. Despite all her faults she didn't deserve what happened to her either.
And don't get me wrong, Jamie is so, so strong and solid and she is my favorite mostly bc I identify with her personality more than Dani's. But we know Jamie is all that even before we learn her story, and I feel like it is expected that she'll be the strong and brave one bc she's had to be that her entire life albeit unwillingly. But Dani? We expect her to break at any given point, I mean she is reaching her limit after all that's happened, with all the weight she's carrying. I remember thinking "Jesus, this girl needs help" when I first watched the show hahaha. But she fights every damn time, she doesn't run away and that's why I find her so fascinating. That's why I thought this song was so fitting. Even if Dani would never see herself that way. But it's Jamie's perspective (and fire signs tend to exaggerate everything 😂) so it feels fitting that she thinks so highly of her baby haha. Ugh I just wanted them to stay together forever. 🥺
Omg yes! I love how you refined this idea, good thing you're a writer and I'm not hahaha. And yeah I'm absolutely here for sapphics with weapons like holy shit imagine Jamie fighting with a sword? 🤤 I'm weak. Hahaha would be cool to see them in a pirate AU too! Maybe someone's already done it? Idk. But aaaah I want to see them in every possible universe hahaha. Makes me want to get back into drawing too. 😩
Aww you two sound like you have a lovely bond going on. Your niece sounds like the coolest! I started out drawing anime too when I was a kid and ended up doing graphic design for a living! How did learning how to draw anime style go for you today?
Hey I'm doing great thank you I hope you are too? I know that feeling because I feel like that's how I have made it to 27 just surviving (barely) and taking things one day at a time to get me to this point and hopefully I can contribute in some way even it its just a small way... so I totally get that feeling but I am sure you contribute so much without you even realising it!! Oh it's great but depending on how competitive the people you're playing with are it can get pretty heated... I've been in some heated games of it before because people just refuse to believe I know the answers to some of the questions and they think I've been cheating and have all but demanded I have another question asked instead of the one I got right... and pub quizzes can be fun again depending on the team you're in and how seriously you wanna take it I have been in teams where its been a serious thing and we have all desperately wanted to win and then I've been in teams and we've just had fun with it... all the pubs I go in are dirty bars too but sometimes they have pub quizzes... I have had many nights where I have drank what I can afford... one night me on my roommate went over board though and we ended up spending ALL our money even our taxi fair and we had to walk home in the dark along country roads with hardly any lights to guide us... because of how drunk we were it too us around 3-4 hours and I fell over a road sign and ended up in a ditch... I've had a lot of fun experiences but some really stupid ones as well... your experiences sound great though!! I would love that!! I listened to the song and I loved it so much!! I don't even wanna know what my most listened to artist will be this year... my money is on it being the Six musical soundtrack... probably All You Wanna Do from that musical I'll be surprised if it's anything else. I would love for it to be someone like Hozier, but ever since I have done my Spotify wrapped thing it's always been a musical of some kind that's been my number 1 song / artist haha I love doing the same thing. If I can make something fit Dani x Jamie I will like it doesn't even matter what it is haha... I don't think you have a problem I think that sounds so cool!! I have nothing like that. I just have a head full of random ideas screaming to be let out I agree Viola is definitely selfish and narcissistic and everything she did came from a place of anger and rage over the things that happened to her she fell in love and got married and had a child and saw her sister try and take that from her while she was ill and in the end her sister killed her. Like yeah, I do feel sorry for Perdita with the way she was treated but I do think everything Viola did was out of frustration over what was happening to her. Like you said she acts on auto pilot and only knows rage until it comes to children- because all she knows is she is looking for a child so when she saw Dani so selfless sacrifice herself for a child she saw a little bit of herself in Dani she knows Dani is a good person and she can relate to that protective streak and I think she did see Dani as deserving I definitely agree with everything you've said here. Viola might have had faults and flaws and who doesn't? But I definitely think she had it rough and did deserve better than she was given. I agree, you can tell looking at Jamie that she is strong and brave while Dani comes off as the exact opposite. But I think you see fully how brave they both are when Dani sacrifices herself for Flora and when Jamie offers to keep Dani company and loves her despite knowing she won't be able to love her forever. I love Jamie but definitely relate to Dani's personality more, there are a lot of things Dani does that I see myself in her because I have done those types of things myself and the whole beast in the jungle speech resonates with me so much and every time I watch the last episode and hear that speech I am a crying mess from that point on. It's funny that you thought that about Dani when you first watched it, because me and my sisters got my mum to
watch it and she said the same thing about Dani "she needs help" but then once told me she liked Dani because she reminded her of me that was an interesting conversation to be a part of "Dani needs help... but I like her she's like you." I was like "Thanks?" I agree this song is definitely more how Jamie would see Dani, I think Dani just has a very blasé view of herself, like I don't think she's self conscious or self deprecating in anyway but I think she sort of walks around like "this is me and this is just how I am" where as Jamie just sees Dani for how brave and strong and amazing she is- maybe even if as a fire sign she exaggerates a little bit haha Jamie just thinks Dani is the most amazing person in the world and I just know that Dani saw her the same way!! I really wanted them to be together forever... I am never going to emotionally recover from Bly Manor. Your idea was incredible and I think it would be a great story to read honestly that's the type of thing I live for!! OMG Jamie with a sword is just 🤤 🥵 I am all for sapphics and weapons of any kind!! There's this pirate AU which is absolutely amazing!! I don't know if you've read it or not but iamalekza writes some really great fics!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/28631598/chapters/70179306 ^^ Pirate AU I really wish I could draw I would love to be able to draw scenes from fics I have read and even ones I have written but I just don't have the skill set for that!! I would love to see other fan arts though I think drawing is such an incredible talent to have and I am in awe of anyone that can do it!! Me and my niece have a great bond, she's like a little mini me (despite almost being as tall as me). She is honestly such a cool kid I have a hell of a lot of fun with her- I'm looking after her again tomorrow and I have no idea what we're gonna do but we will figure something out... she's such a good drawer she's only just started doing it at the beginning of the year and she's really progressed with it... I however have not so I am definitely gonna need more practice. That's so cool that you started out doing anime drawing and then ended up going into a career in graphic design. Again that's a talent that I am just in awe of because it's just something I have never been able to do!!
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denqis · 5 years
sunshine ㅡ terushima yuuji x reader
summary: yuuji has been ignoring you for weeks and you finally snap at his game against karasuno.
warning: tiny sprinkle of angst ; fluff ; use of curse words (like twice or sumn)
word count: 1300
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"he's so hot, don't you think? i'd love to date him.."
he sent her a wink while walking past, high-fiving his friend after.
"that's number 12 today. you're really the shooting star of our team."
he shrugged and stepped onto the property surrounding the venue.
"i just wish she was here to see me play."
"aren't you going to see terushima today, y/n? they're playing karasuno, right? he might need your support."
your best friend quizzed, trying to analyze your dull expression.
"he'll get enough support from his fangirls... he doesn't need me."
you mumbled, taking a sip of boba.
"come on, don't be like that. are you still mad?"
of course you were.
he hadn't been at school for weeks and once he returned he treated you like air. he just hung out with his teammates and joked around with everyone but you. it seemed to you that you were just a fling, despite him and everyone around you assuring you he was being serious about your relationship.
he wasn't. you were sure of that now.
"i'll take that as a yes. come on, i'll treat you to your favorite. it won't fix your heart but it may help."
she grinned, looking at the directions to the venue where your boyfriend was playing today.
"don't try and trick me into going to see yuuji. i'm not ready to see him. especially in his jersey and shorts, sweat running down his face, anyways..."
you interrupted yourself, embarrassed at your slip-up. you really were still crushing on him, no matter how hard you tried to deny it.
"aw, you're blushing. come on, let's go."
you only noticed she had tricked you once at the venue.
"fuck you.."
you grumbled, ready to turn on your heel, when you spotted his frosted tips in the crowd.
your heart skipped a beat, blush rising once again.
your friend yelled out and took your hand before running towards him.
he turned around, spotted the two of you and froze. you really were here.
he exclaimed giddily and waved.
once you came to a halt in front of him, he wrapped his arms around you, burying your face in his chest.
oh how you had missed his warmth and scent.
but you still weren't ready to forgive him and so you pushed him away, staring right into his eyes.
"now you care?"
"sunshine listen. i'm sorry."
he lifted your chin and leaned in, ready to kiss his guilt and your jealousy away.
"you have a girlfriend? then why did you ask for shimizu's number yesterday?"
a small, orange-haired boy halted and turned his head to the left, visibly confused.
that was the last straw for you. you had enough.
"wow, just wow yuuji. i'm done playing your little game. don't text or call anymore. i hope you choke on your ego. i-i.."
your throat tightened up and you couldn't hold back anymore. all the frustration, jealousy and pain pent up from the past weeks spilled out all at once.
tears streamed down your cheeks as you struggled to breathe.
"i hate you, i hate myself, i hate that i like you."
you choked out and walked off, until his strong hand got a grip around your wrist.
"y/n. let's talk."
you didn't want to talk, you couldn't talk. you were too busy crying in public and embarrassing yourself.
but yuji simply pulled you into the venue, through corridors and into the changing room, locking the door behind you, before starting.
"it's true i asked for her number. it's true that i ignored you at school, but that's all just because i was so nervous and didn't know what to do. you make my brain foggy, i can't think straight when i'm around you. she reminded me so much of you, i couldn't help it. i know that's a sucky excuse, but i just don't know how to explain myself. i just want to ask you for a second chance. please forgive me. i really like you."
"you should focus on volleyball, apparently it's the only thing you care about anyways."
you shot, tears slowing down.
"i care about you! volleyball is my hobby but you.. you're more than that. you make me happier than volleyball ever could. please y/n, i'm begging you to forgive me."
his lower lip quivered as he took one step closer to you.
you kept quiet, nibbling at your lower lip, you were torn. but when he took another step towards you and you could see his thick lashes surrounding his glistening eyes, tears threatening to fall from them, it suddenly became clear.
"fuck, yuuji.."
you whimpered, a blush present on your cheeks and a blush quickly spreading on his face as well.
"you better kiss me like no one's watching right now or i'll leave for good."
he suddenly perked up, hands caressing your face and pulling you into a kiss, lips fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle.
"do your best."
you whispered breathlessly in between kisses, before his hands wandered your body and settled on your butt.
you shrieked, as he just giggled and pulled you closer.
"you said like no one's watching."
you felt his tongue piercing press against your slightly parted lips and let out a sigh, granting him entry.
"terushima! the game's about to start!"
a male voice called, causing the two of you to fly apart, with racing hearts and swollen lips.
"i'll be right there!"
he yelled and pecked your lips one last time.
"i'll do my best for you. cheer me on."
"so, we lost."
he stood in front of you, hair still wet from the shower, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.
"but we had fun and put up a good fight."
he continued, ruffling his hair with the towel dangling over his shoulders.
"i guess i wasn't really a good luck charm.."
you admitted, astonished by the radiating happiness and positive vibes coming from yuuji.
"are you kidding? my girlfriend is the best good luck charm of all!"
he beamed and embraced you tightly, before pecking your forehead.
"don't doubt yourself too much. i hate seeing you taking yourself down all the time. you're amazing."
your face turned crimson in no time, causing you to turn away quickly.
"let's go grab some food, i'm starving."
he chirped, taking your hand and walking out of the venue.
"thank you for coming today, sunshine."
you looked up at his sparkling eyes and bright smile, catching a slight pink blush on his cheeks.
suddenly, you halted and stared at your crush.
"yuuji, what exactly are we?"
you quizzed, expecting a characteristic dumb or non-telling answer, but what you got instead left you shaken.
"we're a couple, dumb dumb. i thought i had made myself clear? i like you, hell, i love you."
he laughed, while you just stood there, heart pounding relentlessly fast and limbs trembling.
"you.. you never asked me out properly, though."
you had a tiny pout on your lips, you had always dreamed of a romantic date, him asking you to be his girlfriend at a candle lit dinner at a fancy restaurant, but then again it's terushima yuuji you were talking about. he considered mcdonalds to be a five-star restaurant.
a smirk suddenly adorned his lips as he leaned in.
a kiss landed on your forehead.
another peck fluttered onto your left cheek.
another followed shortly on your right cheek.
finally, he locked his lips with yours and pulled you into a tight, loving embrace.
was all you could reply, as his lips recaptured yours again after seconds apart. you melted into his arms, hands caressing his face.
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