#not sure I'll be able to do this regularly but I felt like sending out some love to this fandom
angels-fantasy · 6 months
hi! i was wondering if you could do a bakugou x reader where the reader went to the states to visit family and as a surprise the reader came back on an earlier flight but something bad happened to the flight she was supposed to go on but thank god she wasn’t on it and bakugou thought the worst when she wasn’t responding to her texts but it turned out all okay in the end? sorry if that’s vague 😭😭
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Flight Frights (Request)
Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Details/Warnings: katsuki gets a little emotional in this one, slight talks of death but nothing crazy
Word Count: 1.7k
hello thank you for this request :)) it was enough for me to work with so dont worry! i hope you like it 🩷
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"You sure you got everything?" Your boyfriend asked for the millionth time.
You rolled your eyes. "Yes, I have everything. You can even double check my bags!" You insisted.
He squinted and began looking through each of your bags silently. After a few minutes you looked at him smugly, "Are you going to tell me how perfect I am and that I didn't forget a single thing?"
Katsuki smirked, "Nah, I was gonna say you forgot your brain somewhere." He teased and gripped the top of your head lightly.
You smacked his hand away, "You're not funny, Katsuki." You laugh, despite your words.
"Yes I am and you know it."
The two of you continued to spend time together until it was time for you to go to the airport. You were visiting your parents in the states, so Katsuki was going to drive you to the airport and send you off.
When the time to go to the airport came, he drove you there and waited with you until you boarded the plane, which you felt bad about but appreciated a lot.
Some time later, a boarding announcement for your flight rang out loud through the speakers and you frowned at Katsuki.
"I'm gonna miss you." You said and hugged him tightly.
He hugged you back, "Yeah, I know."
"Stop it! Be serious."
He laughed and apologized, "I'll miss you too. Be safe on the plane and everywhere else, and don't talk to any fucking weirdos okay?"
You nodded and gave him a kiss, saying goodbye.
The time spent at your parents went well and you called and texted Katsuki as much as you could but it was hard, considering the time difference.
But like always, you managed to make it work.
As your trip neared it's end, your mother asked you if you were going to take the later flight like you planned.
"Jeez Mom. You trying to get rid of me already?" You teased her, making her pout at you.
"Oh stop it. You know that's not what I mean."
You smiled and said, "I know, it's just fun to mess with you," with a laugh, "but nah, I think I'm gonna take the earlier flight actually. I wanna surprise Katsuki, even if it's just a few hours earlier."
Your mom smiled at you, "That's sweet of you. I wish he could've come along with you..." She trailed off, making you a little jealous that your mom was wishing someone else came along too.
You crossed your arms, "Yeah well, he's busy with hero work, so he couldn't." You excused, "And besides, you should be glad it's just me! I missed you and Dad."
She smiled and patted your head. "Well of course I'm glad you're here! But I know you two must miss each other a lot. I know what it's like to be in love." She winked, and coincidentally your father walked in at the same time.
You both greeted him and continued talking about mundane things. You only had two days left with your parents, so you wanted to make them count more than the previous ones.
Fast forward to the day of your flight. Your parents took you to the earliest one at 5:00 am and said good bye to you, but not without some tears.
After sending you off with a lot of love, you were now on your way back home. You felt weird not texting your boyfriend about what you were doing, but you were still excited to surprise him. You wondered how he'd react.
You were a little nervous about how he'd react to you not answering his messages, since you wouldn't be able to text him regularly during the whole flight. Maybe he'd think you were sleeping in, since it was a likely scenario.
Ignoring your thoughts, you looked out the window at the raining sky and decided to fall asleep, hoping it would make the trip go by faster and thankfully it did.
Back in Japan 5 hours later
Katsuki had been on his phone mindlessly scrolling through his feed when suddenly a video caught his attention. It was a recent news post about a plane crash coming back to Japan from America.
"The flight had taken off at 10:00 am, and an hour into the flight the plane experienced a high amount of turbulence due to the unexpected weather conditions. Suddenly, the plane went crashing down-"
The news now had all of Katsuki's attention. He felt his heart racing in his chest and the world went silent, only the sound of his beating heart now filling his ears.
The plane that had crashed, was the flight you were on.
He felt as if time was slowing down as he watched the news. The news reporters had been describing just how bad the accident was, and he felt like he couldn't breathe.
There was no way you were hurt or even dead, right? You had to come back home to him. He had so many plans for your future. There's no way he'd be able to live life knowing he'd never get to act on them.
He grabbed his phone and clicked on your contact to call you but it went straight to voicemail. It was just because you had it on airplane mode right? They always make people turn that shit on.
He called again and again until he thought he was going to go crazy at the sound of the automated system's voice. He threw his phone across the bedroom and rubbed his hands through his sweaty hair.
After taking a few deep breaths, he got up and walked over to where his phone was and picked it up. Turning it over, he sighed at the large crack on the screen.
"Fuck..." He mumbled. Whatever. His phone didn't matter right now. What mattered was you and your safety. That damn phone was replaceable, but you weren't.
He continued to use his phone to call your mom, who was confused at his phone call.
"Hello Katsuki!" Your mother said.
"Hey, um-" He cut himself off to hold back tears. Fuck did your parents even know about what happened? Your mom sounded so happy, he didn't want to ruin it.
"Katsuki?" Your mother asked in a worried tone, "You okay, dear?"
He nodded, even though she couldn't see him. He wiped his eyes, "I'm fine. I was just calling to ask about Y/n."
"Oh! She should be fine. We dropped her off at the airport a while ago, so she's on her way back to you."
Holy crap. Your mom didn't even know about what happened. He couldn't tell her, there was no way. All he could do was thank her and hang up before he began to cry.
"God dammit." He cried.
Katsuki had never felt so defeated and devastated before. He continued to sit on your shared bed, eventually laying down in it and crying out for you. He didn't know what condition you were in right now, but like he was trained to do, he assumed the worse.
Hours later, you were finally off that cramped plane and on your way home. You couldn't wait to see Katsuki and the look on his face when you surprised him.
As you were driven home in an Uber, you were on your phone when a news report popped up. Curious, you clicked on it and found out that it was about the flight you were supposed to be on.
You put a hand over your mouth and thanked every god there was that you ended up on a different plane.
You closed the news article and focused on something else to distract you until you got home.
When you finally did, you giddily ran up the steps to your home and opened the door as quietly as you could. It was pretty early in Japan, so maybe Katsuki was still asleep.
Pulling in your luggage behind you, you took your shoes off and scampered around the house to look for your boyfriend. The house was so quiet, which was strange since his presence was so loud.
Tip-toeing into your bedroom, you awed silently at the sight of him sleeping. You snapped a quick picture and walked over to him, sitting on the bed next to him.
You reached out and stroked the top of his head, lightly scratching his scalp to wake him up. You frowned a bit when you noticed how irritated his eyes seemed. Maybe spring was getting to him already.
"Katsuki, wake up." You whispered.
He grumbled a bit in his sleep, shifting around a bit before finally opening his eyes.
You smiled and held one of his hands in both of yours, "Surprise! I'm home early."
He looked at you with a sleep clouded gaze for a second, and then shot up in bed.
"You're okay?! Oh my fucking god." He said and wrapped his arms around you in a bone crushing hug.
You hugged him back, "Of course I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be?"
He rested his face in the crook of your neck and said, "I-I thought you were hurt. I saw the news about the flight and it crashed!"
You frowned and hugged him tighter, "Oh Katsuki... I'm so sorry I didn't tell you anything." You pulled away slightly and placed your hands on his face, "I wanted to surprise you, so I got on an earlier flight."
He sighed and leaned his forehead onto yours, "Thank fuck you did. I would've brought you back to life and killed you myself if you died." He said, making you laugh now that his personality seemed to be back.
"Now cuddle me." He demanded and wrestled you lightly to lay you down next to him.
You gasped at his words, "Did you just admit you want to cuddle me?" You asked.
"Of course I do, woman. I haven't seen your ass in weeks." He said and laid his head on your chest, wrapping an arm around your waist, lightly stroking the skin there.
You moved around, trying to get into a comfortable position which made Katsuki groan.
He pinched one of your thighs, making you yelp, "Stop squirming. We're going to bed now."
You smiled, "Sorry love," and messed with his hair. "Can I put on a movie Kats?"
You took that as a yes.
As you watched the movie, you continued massaging Katsuki's scalp and playing with his hair which made him eventually fall asleep. You smiled down at him, happy that he was now at peace compared to earlier.
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authors note
thank you for reading <3
btw for people who have sent a request, i'm working on it i promise! it's just happening a little slower since i'm sick lol
love ya 🩷
tags for bakugou fics: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot
711 notes · View notes
skz317cb97 · 2 years
The Club
Bang Chan x Thick female reader
Word count: 6.3K
Synopsis: Friends to lovers such a cute trope... in theory. You go to the club with your two best friends and the clueless man you love, your roommate Chan. Will you be able to stand watching him hook up with yet another flawless girl that you could never compare to or are you finally at the end of your rope.
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A/N: 18+ ONLY! I don't know where this came from I just knew I wanted to do another thick reader fic. I honestly pulled it from my ass which I guess is what all writing is really. ANYWAY! I hope you enjoy and if you do please reblog, comment, like, send an ask whatever I love to hear from you guys. As always warnings and smut below the cut!
Warnings: Body image issues, cussing/strong language, unprotected piv intercourse (please use protection), cream pie, crying after sex. I think that's all, this one is fairly tame. If I missed something please let me know and I'll add it to the warnings asap!
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Your best friend and roommate Chan knocked on your bedroom door and then walked into your room a second after, a typical move on his part.  
“Come right in why don’t ya.” You scoffed. Chan flashed his megawatt smile that you failed to see since you were laying on your bed face down after having the worst week of your life. He picked up one of your throw pillows and flung it at your head. 
“Hey wake up! Minho and Jisung called, we’re going to the club tonight so get ready!” You rolled over looking at the ceiling and pushed the pillow Chan threw on the floor instead of flinging it back towards him, he frowned a little. 
“Pass. You guys go without me.” The last thing you wanted to do was go and watch your three pretty best friends get hit on while you sat at a booth drowning your loneliness in whatever you felt like shooting back. It always happened and of course it did. They were three attractive men that could dance, they were articulate and kind as well. So they had their pick of the women whenever you all went out to the clubs. The club experience was not the same for you.  
You were bigger than most if not all the other girls at the club and your dancing was mediocre at best. Most of the time you would dance for a bit with the guys and eventually, one by one, they would break off with whatever girl rubbed against them. Then you would make your way to a booth and be there for the remainder of the night. No one ever approached you except your friends who would regularly check up on you, sit for a bit, maybe order a drink, then back out on the dance floor. You were sure it was a great time for them and usually it didn’t bother you that much but after your day, your week, you didn’t have the energy. Chan was persistent and wasn’t having it though. 
“What?! No no way we’re not going without you, we all always go together.” He grabbed you by your hands and you wished it didn’t make your heart race. Chan pulled you until you were sitting up. 
“So get. Dressed.” You rolled your eyes and pulled your hands away. 
“I said no Chan.” He rolled his eyes right back. 
“Give me one good reason why?” He crossed his arms in front of him and you let out a huff of frustrated air. A good reason why? Because you’d had a horrible week and you didn’t want to watch Chan rubbing against and kissing another perfect girl that he would bring home and you would ultimately have to listen to the soft moans and panting of a stunning girl you could only ever wish to be. You couldn’t say that to him though, so you sat there quietly. 
“See you don’t have one. Minho and Jisung will be here in forty-five. Get. Ready!” He spun around and left your room before you could argue more. So this would be your night, again. You just hoped your stupid heart could take it. Sure, being in love with your best friend and roommate is such a cute cliché trope until you’re living it, then its agony. You got up and started getting ready and by ready, you changed out of your work clothes into street clothes. You didn’t try, you just didn’t feel like faking it. So a basic pair of jeans, a tshirt, some converse, and your hair up in a ponytail was your attire for the evening. 
Chan thought he was going to have to drag you from your room by force but when Minho and Jisung showed up you walked out dressed and ready. Naturally since Minho and Jisung were your two only other friends they knew you had feelings for Chan. Not because you ever told them, nor would you admit it when Minho would allude to it. Minho just wasn’t an idiot and had eyes and Jisung... well Minho told him everything. Jisung was skeptical still. As soon as you walked out Minho knew something was off. You weren’t your normal glow-y self. He made fun of you constantly calling you concentrated sunshine because you just had this glow about you that made others around you smile and even though he teased you for it he found it endearing and a wonderful quality to have in a friend but that night he didn’t see it. He walked up to you. 
“You feeling okay?” You nodded. 
“Yea sure like a million dollars.” You deadpanned and went to walk past him to follow Jisung and Chan out the door but he stopped you. 
“Hey...” You looked at him and your eyes just looked empty. 
“You sure you should be going out?” You took a deep breath and tried to get a grip. 
“I’m okay Min really, let's just go please?” He was concerned but he wasn’t going to push you, not tonight at least. He grabbed your hand and you both headed out the door with your friends. 
Once you all arrived at the club the guys migrated towards the dance floor like you all always did, dance, then drink. You broke off and made your way over to the bar quietly. When Minho turned to make sure you were still right behind him, he didn’t see you anywhere. Chan already had a gorgeous girl in a silver sling of a club dress shaking her ass and backing it up on him and Jisung was just dancing with the mass of people. Minho couldn’t just dance and have carefree fun knowing you weren’t, he walked over to Chan and his ‘dance partner’. 
“Hey, did you see where y/n went off to? She was right behind me then gone.” Minho yelled over the music. 
“Probably getting a drink she’s been in a mood today I don’t know why.” Minho watched the girl grind her ass against Chan’s crotch and Chan’s hand slid across her backside as he moved his hips with her. Minho rolled his eyes, of course he didn’t know why. 
“You're my best friend but you’re an idiot sometimes...” Minho mumbled. 
“Huh?” Chan couldn’t hear him over the music, Minho raised his voice over it again. 
“I said I’m gonna check by the bar.” Chan nodded and waved at Minho as he made his way towards the bar rail. You had initially been at the bar but as soon as you had a drink you made your way over to one of the tables you would sit at usually. When Minho didn’t find you at the bar he knew he’d find you there. He slid in next to you at the booth you’d chosen for the night. You downed the rest of your glass and he looked at you. 
“How many is that?” You looked at him blankly. 
“Does it matter?” He arched one of his perfectly shaped eyebrows at you and narrowed his eyes. You sighed. 
“It’s only my first calm down officer.” Minho nodded. 
“Come, dance with me.” 
“Pass.” Minho grabbed you by the hand and pulled you. 
“I don’t think that was a request. Dancing, now.” You got up because at least you could get another drink in the process. Minho guided you towards the dance floor and started moving his body to the beat, you bobbed back and forth half-heartedly. By the second song Minho had gotten you to lighten up a bit, it helped that Jisung had joined you both and you had your friends near you. Well not all of them. You had been watching your feet or looking at Minho so you could read his lips when he spoke to you. Then you scanned the mass of people dancing and your eyes landed right on Chan and the silver dress girl making out and dancing, Chan’s hand gripping her ass as she giggled and he kissed her neck, their sweaty body’s moving in tandem with each other. Your face fell as your heart shattered into a million pieces. Minho could see it happening in your eyes. He scanned your line of sight and saw Chan and the girl. Before Minho could say anything, you excused yourself. 
“I think I’m gonna be sick.” You pried your way through the people on the dance floor trying to get out of there and into the fresh air, you needed air. Jisung was confused when you dashed off and Minho just raised his hand as he followed you. 
“Just... stay here I’ve got her.” Minho cut through the crowd right behind you. You burst out the club door and into the cool night, taking gasps of air trying to will any and everything in your stomach to stay put. Minho popped out a second later and almost bumped right into you. 
“Hey, look... you know... about Ch-” You cut Minho off. 
“It was just hot I needed some air.” Minho rolled his eyes at you. 
“y/n I know-” You cut him off more forcefully, tears slightly collecting in the corners of your eyes. 
“I was hot Minho!” He stopped, pushing you would do no good and he didn’t want to upset you more than you already were. You sniffled a bit and pushed the tears back down. 
“I’ll be back inside in a minute.” He looked at you unable to hide the concern on his face. 
“Promise.” You said. He accepted that and headed back inside. You got yourself together outside and made your way back into the club a few minutes after Minho. You walked up to the bar, you promised Minho you’d come back inside, you didn’t say you wouldn’t drink. You were done dancing for the night you were ready to drink and forget. Forget the image of Chan and some gorgeous girl dry humping on the dance floor that was burned into your mind. You got your drink, several in fact, and made your way to your table again. Your drink of choice? Instant amnesia, tequila shots. Shortly after shot number six? Seven? Who cared. Shortly after you knocked back yet another shot Minho, Jisung, and Chan all crowded the table, the beautiful girl in the silver dress glued to Chan’s side. Minho snatched the empty shot glass out of your hand frustrated. 
“Did you drink all these?” He motioned at the slew of empty shot glasses in front of you. You just nodded and Minho sighed and looked over at Jisung who looked concerned but unsure how to help. The girl whispered something in Chan’s ear and he nodded laughing making Minho look over at him. Chan raised his eyebrows. 
“What?” Minho shook his head and motioned towards you. 
“Do you maybe wanna try and help me here?” Chan held up one finger to the girl. He slid into the booth seat next to you and she sat on the edge right by him. 
“What’s up?” He nudged you and you shook your head. 
“Why is everyone acting like this isn’t what we do every time we’re at the club? I drink and you guys...” You lifted your head enough to look over at the girl next to Chan. 
“do you. Just leave me alone.” Chan didn’t get why you were acting like this. So you had a bad week at work, you didn’t usually take that out on them and you definitely were never so short with them. 
“What’s your problem tonight?” You narrowed your eyes at him and then dropped your head back down. 
“Just leave me alone, I’m always alone anyway just...” Chan got a look on his face like the lightbulb just went off. So that was it you were upset no guys were approaching you. When Minho saw that look on Chan’s face he was almost certain it was the wrong lightbulb going off and braced for grade A Chan foot in mouth material.  
“Well of course, you’re dressed as frumpy as your attitude.” You looked at him with your jaw dropped as tears instantly pricked your eyes. Minho literally face palmed and even Jisung thought that was way harsh to say. Chan realized it was too far the moment it left his mouth. 
“Move and let me out.” You said quietly but sternly. The girl stood while Chan put his hands up and didn’t budge. 
“Wait...” You looked him right in the endless pools of brown you usually adored as your tears threatened to fall. It wasn’t even just that he’d said it but to say it in front of that beautiful girl, it tore your guts out. 
“Bang Christopher Chan move, or I will scream.” You took a deep breath preparing to scream as loud as you could, a tear slipping down your cheek and he quickly got up. You pulled yourself out of the booth and walked away without a word as they all watched. 
“Wow Chan of all the bone head things to say... I didn’t think you could say something so heartless, especially to y/n.” Before Chan could say anything Minho took off after you. You were drunk and crying against a brick wall when he found you. He promised not to ask or say anything, he just wanted to make sure you got home safe. He put his arm around you and walked you back to your apartment. Back in the club Jisung and Chan stood there in shock for a second. Neither of them had ever seen you like that before, then Jisung turned to Chan and gave him an angry look. 
“I know I know I feel like shit I’ll go apologize to her.” Chan turned to the girl that had been his dance partner and then some for the night. 
“Uhh sorry I’ve... I’ve gotta fix this, she’s my best friend.” She looked irritated but nodded and left for the dance floor again. Jisung suggested taking the long way back to your place to give you a little time to cool down and Chan decided that was probably a good idea. By the time you and Minho got to your place you had stopped crying. He led you to your room where he helped you take off your shoes and get into bed, you threw the cover back and peeled off your jeans leaving you in your panties before laying back. Minho’s face turned a little red and he looked away until you were covered again. He grabbed you a bottle of water and dragged your trash can by your bed in case you had to vomit. He went to leave your room and let you get some sleep but your voice came out tiny and shaky and it stopped him. 
“He doesn’t love me.” Minho turned. 
“Who?” He asked although he knew. 
“Chan.” It was the first time you’d ever admitted out loud to him that you were in love with Chan. Minho knew Chan was oblivious to it and he knew Chan loved you; they all did, but he really didn’t know if Chan was in love with you. 
“I don’t know, try not to think about it right now, okay? Get some rest.” You curled up and turned towards Minho. 
“Min?” He hummed smiling softly at you, he hated seeing that spark in your eye smothered by your tears. 
“Nothing.” He nodded. 
“Good night y/n. Sleep well.” He pulled your bedroom door closed and locked up on his way out. On Minho’s way home he ran into Jisung and Chan who had taken the long way so were walking from the opposite direction. Chan jogged up to him quickly. 
“Did you find her? Is she okay?” Minho nodded. 
“Yea I found her. She’s home, she’s in bed now.” Chan sighed in relief.  
“Thanks Min. I’ll make it right.” Minho nodded 
“I sure hope so.” Then Minho and Jisung headed towards their own apartment. When Chan got home he made sure to quietly unlock the front door. When he turned to go down the hall towards your rooms there you were in your tshirt and panties braced against the wall trying to get to the bathroom to brush the taste of tequila out of your mouth. If you weren’t still drunk you would have been mortified to be standing in front of Chan in your panties. 
“Oh hey, Minho said you were asleep already.” You shrugged. 
“Sorry to disappoint you but I’ll be sure to put earbuds in so you and your slumber party pal can be as loud as you want.” Chan’s brow furrowed in confusion. 
“Slumber party pal?” You pushed your fingers into your eyes and fought the migraine that was starting to form. You tried to walk into the bathroom and he stopped you. 
“Wait. What are you talking about? Do you mean the girl from the club?” What did that have to do with it. Chan was confused. 
“Yes the girl who’s attitude and certainly her dress were far from frumpy.” You could feel tears starting to form in your eyes again. You’d hoped you’d cried all you had in you. Chan felt the slap to the face your words were meant to carry. 
“y/n I shouldn’t have...” You cut him off angry. 
“You think I don’t know what you mean when you say that?!” Chan shook his head he didn’t understand, what he meant? 
“That I’m fat! I’m fat and not pretty! I’m fat and why would anyone approach someone like me! That I wasn’t her! You don’t think I know it already?! I see the way you look at her and I see the way you look at me and I know!” You looked down crying and realized you were standing there like a fool with no pants on. You ran to your room and slammed the door grabbing sweats and pulling them on before crawling into your bed hopeful that it would swallow you and take you away. Your head was pounding and you felt like you wanted to throw up, you just wanted to disappear.  
Chan stood there absolutely stunned. Why did you feel like you needed to compare yourself to that other girl? The alcohol was skewing your perspective, it had to be. You didn’t really think he meant that did you? You didn’t really think that about yourself, right? Sure the girl he was dancing with was beautiful but he thought you were beautiful too, you knew that, you knew he thought you were pretty. He thought it all the time when he watched you cooking dinner in the kitchen or when you both were curled up watching a documentary on sea cucumbers, he thought you were the prettiest when you laughed, which you did often... usually, not so much lately. You had to know because he thought it all the time... he thought.  
Thinking and saying are two totally different things. He tried to remember a time he’d told you that you looked pretty or that he thought you were beautiful and he couldn’t think of one, he couldn’t think of not one time he’d actually said out loud that he thought you were pretty. Underneath he knew a lot of other feelings came up with that statement, feelings he wasn’t sure he was ready to deal with, feelings that may scare you, feelings that might make you uncomfortable. You lived together, things could get messy saying things like that, so he’d thought it all the time but looking back he’d never really said it. Then he said that. God he was an idiot.  
He walked up to your door and could hear you sniffling on the other side. He knocked and then walked in like he always did. When he did you turned your back to him. Your voice was small again, choked. 
“Go away.” Chan shook his head and took another step in. 
“No. I need to say something.” You buried your head deeper into your pillow. 
“Go awa-” 
“I think you’re beautiful.” You closed your eyes tightly, tears soaking your pillow. 
“I think you’re so beautiful and your body is...” You sat up and faced him. He had to stop. 
“Shut up! Chan just shut. Up!” 
“And your body is perf-” You got up and stormed towards him. You started beating on his chest with your fists and he held your arms stopping you, your eyes closed tight crying even harder, screaming at him. 
“Shut up! Shut up! Don’t lie to me! Don’t you ever fucking lie to me! I hate you! I hate you for doing this to me! I hate you for making me love you!” You collapsed to the floor in front of him, curled up sobbing and whimpering at his feet.  
“Liar... I hate you...” You choked out quietly and Chan stood there frozen by your confession. He looked down and saw you, then laid down on the floor beside you. He didn’t try to make you talk or hold you, he just curled up and laid there with you so you weren’t alone. He’d never leave you alone, you were his best friend and so much more. It wasn’t long before all the night’s events caught up and you both fell asleep next to each other on the floor.  
The next morning you woke up stiff and sore, your head was pounding not only from the alcohol but also the endless crying you’d done the night before. You winced as you opened your eyes and then realized the warmth behind you and an arm draped over you. You turned your head a little to look and saw Chan laying by you on the floor, his arm around you. You quickly scrambled away, waking him up in the process. You sat on the floor by your bed your knees pulled up to your chest. Your chest that felt so heavy, heavy filled with the memories and the pain from last night. Chan sat up and tried to see you through his sleep swollen eyes. 
“Uh hey... um, good morning...” He said in his deep groggy voice. You bowed your head. 
“Morning.” You replied quietly. Chan sat there and stared at you for a second until you started to squirm. He wasn’t sure what all you remembered from the night before. He finally snapped out of it and struggled standing up, stiff from sleeping on the hard floor. 
“I uh... will let you wash up then.” You nodded and he turned and left your room. You grabbed a fresh tshirt and pair of sweats and hurried to the bathroom. You took the longest shower of your life, brushed your teeth and felt a little better. Not great but you could open your eyes all the way at least. As you were coming out of the bathroom Chan was walking into the hall from the living room and you almost bumped into each other. 
“Oh, sorry.” He said as his hands gently held your arms to stop you from stumbling. You quickly pulled away. 
“It’s fine.” You practically ran for your room and shut the door. Chan knew for sure that you remembered at least part of the night before. He ran his fingers through his messy curls frustrated with himself and went into the bathroom to shower as well. When he was done he threw on some shorts and as he pulled his tshirt over his head you tapped at his door. 
“Yea?” You cracked it just a little and kept your eyes glued to the floor. 
“Um, I... can I talk to you?” Chan nodded. 
“Yea of course come-” 
“In the living room whenever you're done.” You quickly added. He frowned a little but shook his head. 
“Yea I’ll be right out.” You gave him a single nod and closed the door. It wasn’t long before Chan walked out into the living room. You were sitting on one end of the couch just kind of zoned out until he walked in. He walked over and sat on the other end of the couch turned towards you. When you finally willed yourself to look at him you couldn’t help the small frown that shifted onto your face when you saw him sitting there with his wet curls and hopeful eyes. Chan’s heart squeezed in his chest seeing your frown. 
“I think I should move out.” Like a bucket of ice water was thrown on Chan, that was his expression. 
“WHAT? WHY!?” You scoffed at his reaction and his question. 
“Seriously Chan? You know why. I was drunk but I remember everything. I just... need some... space, some time away...” You watched your hands as you picked at your cuticles. 
“From me?” Chan said pained. You looked up at him with tears rimming your eyes and nodded. It was like the wind had been knocked out of him and he was hit with a realization that he’d taken so much for granted, a realization that he was losing you. You stood up to head back to your room and Chan gently grabbed your wrist stopping you. 
“Last night, when I told you you’r-” You shook your head. 
“No, stop. I’m going to pack a bag and stay with Minho and Jisung for now. As soon as I have arrangements made I’ll let you know and be back for my things, I’ll try to be quick.” Tears were streaking Chan’s face now as well as your own. You pulled your wrist free and did just as you said you were, you went to your room and packed clothes and toiletries to take with you to Minho and Jisung’s. On your way out you crossed through the living room and Chan was sitting in the same spot, still with tears running down his cheeks. You walked over and when you knelt in front of him he looked over at you, his eyes glassy with tears. You pushed his damp curls back, and he sniffled, you softly kissed his cheek and then stood and left. Chan broke down crying when he heard the door click closed behind you. 
When you got to Jisung and Minho’s place the first thing you did was fall into Jisung’s embrace and cry uncontrollably. You had been strong through the whole thing and now you didn’t have to be so you cried. Jisung sat on the couch with you and let you while Minho made some tea for you all. After a good cry and some tea you got unpacked in the guest room. You all were settled in the living room watching tv after dinner when there was a knock at the door. Minho and Jisung, one on each side of you, looked at each other. Neither were expecting anyone but both knew exactly who it was, you did too. Minho got up to answer the door. 
“Min...” You called him. He turned and saw your eyes, big and worried. He held up a finger nodding and turned to go answer the door. When he opened it unsurprisingly Chan was standing there. 
“I need to talk to y/n.” Chan tried to walk in and Minho blocked him. 
“You need to give it some time Chan there’s more to this for her than you realize.” Chan pressed his lips together tightly; he knew what was at stake and he wasn’t going to lose you without a fight.  
“Minho, I need to talk to her let me through.” Minho shook his head. 
“She needs to come home!” Chan said loudly. 
“y/n please come home!” He shouted into the apartment 
“Please! Just stay with me!” Minho pushed Chan out of the doorway and walked into the hall with him pulling the door closed behind him. 
“What the hell are you doing man? Are you hearing me? There’s more to this than you think!” Chan pushed back against Minho. 
“I’m in love with her! She needs to come home, she needs to be home with me! So I can apologize, so I can cook her favorite dinner and grab that lemon lime sorbet that she loves at the corner store, so I can hold her and kiss her and tell her everything I should have long before now.” Chan shouted, huge tears in his eyes. Minho was stunned. Once he had his wits about him again he shook his head. 
“All that aside Chan. It’s not the time for this. Just... give her some time.” He spoke softly, Minho didn’t want to have to hurt his friend and turn him away but he couldn’t hurt you either. Chan nodded, turned, and left without another word, he understood. When Minho walked back into the apartment you were standing at the opening of the foyer wide eyes filled with tears. 
“Mi-Minho... did... Chan... did he just...”  
“Say that he loved you?” You nodded and a tear fell. 
“Yea, he did.” You took a deep shuddering breath and braced yourself against the wall. 
“He looked awful. It’s only been part of a day but he looked like absolute hell not having you home.” You nodded, staring off as your thoughts spun a million miles an hour in your head. Chan loved you? Like you loved him? It was impossible. You didn’t know what to do. You were so confused. You had so many questions. You finally looked up at Minho. 
“Wha- should I go home? What do I do?” Minho shrugged. 
“Do you love him still?”  
“I’ll always love him.” Minho raised his brow at you knowingly. It was late but you didn’t care. You ran to the guest room, threw on some jeans and your tennis shoes and started towards you and Chan’s apartment. When you got there you unlocked the door quietly and tip-toed in so you didn’t make any noise in case Chan was already asleep. You walked into the living room and Chan was on the couch. His head was tilted back resting on the back of the couch and his arm was thrown over his eyes. You weren’t sure if he was sleeping or not. You made your way over and stood in front of him. When Chan felt someone standing near him he jumped before he realized it was you. He relaxed and sat there looking up at you with big brown glassy eyes. 
“y/n?” You nodded trying to fight back your own tears already. He didn’t say anything he just sat up and wrapped his arms around your midsection and hugged you, his head resting on your soft tummy. You hugged him, your fingers resting in his curls. He leaned back and looked up at you and you pushed his curls back away from his face. 
“I’m so sorry y/n, I should’ve never said that to you it wasn’t right and I...” You shook your head. 
“We have a lot to talk about and we will, I just have one question right now.” Chan nodded, his eyes piercing into yours. 
“Are you in love with me?” Chan shook his head up and down without a second of hesitation. He did, he knew. 
“Say it.” He sat up straight and looked at you, into you. 
“I’m in love with you y/n. I love you. I love you so m-” You leaned down and kissed him softly. He cupped your face and tilted his head, deepening the kiss. You broke away to take a breath and Chan pressed his forehead against yours, his hands resting on your wide hips, guiding you to kneel and rest on his lap, a thick thigh resting on either side of Chan’s strong legs. His hands slid down your thighs and squeezed even through the material it sent a shiver up your spine. You steadied yourself by holding on to Chan’s broad shoulders. Those same strong hands squeezing your thighs came up and held your face so softly, his thumb grazing the apple of your cheek. Tears started to well up in your eyes, Chan gently shook his head and pulled you in to kiss you again, pulling at your bottom lip with his teeth softly. You opened your mouth allowing him to slide his tongue inside. Chan wrapped his arms around you and pulled you all the way down onto his lap and you could feel him pressing into you making you throb with want as he devoured your lips. His hands ghosted down your back and rested on your hips urging you to move against him and you moaned into the kiss. 
“Sound... so pretty... baby girl.” He mumbled as he kissed down your neck. You could feel yourself getting wetter hearing the sweet pet name. You tilted your head giving him better access to his target. 
“Ch-Chan... wha-what are we... doing?” You panted as your hips ground together, as his hands gripped, and his lips explored. He pulled away when you asked, he was a little red and breathless chewing at his bottom lip. 
“Uh wha... what do you want?” You looked at him and pushed his curls back away from his beautiful face again. 
“You.” He smiled and touched your face. 
“Then... I’m yours.” You kissed him hard then scrambled to get up and get your jeans and panties off. As soon as Chan realized what you were doing he lifted his hips and pulled his shorts and briefs down to his ankles. You quickly climbed back onto his lap, there was no time to be shy or bashful as Chan lined up his cock with your wet hole and eased you down on to him. You both moaned and you gasped when you were fully seated in Chan’s lap again, only this time with his dick buried deep inside you. 
“Oh god!” Chan held onto your hips, his lip between his teeth, eyes closed tightly as he felt you squeeze his length with your warm soft walls. When he finally opened his eyes he saw you looking down at him, your eyes sparkling. You pulled at the hem of his shirt and took it off over his head running your hands up and down his firm torso over his chest and abs and back up again. Chan sat up his cock moving inside you deliciously making you squirm as his hands traveled up your plush body lifting your shirt up and over your head, your full breasts lined up with his face, he sucked on one and then the other, squeezing and pushing them together then raking his teeth across your hard nipples. 
“Ch-Chan... please...” He let go of your breasts and his hands slid down your curvy frame and rested on your ass. He leaned back on the couch then squeezed and pulled your hips forward and then pushed them back as he rolled his hips up into you. 
“Like that baby girl... ride it just like that.” You planted your hands low on his abs and pushed your hips forward and then back again on your own. You moved again and again and set a rhythm. Chan’s head rolled back and his eyes closed. 
“Does it feel good?” You needed to know you he was enjoying it, you wanted to make him feel good. Chan looked at you blushing and smiling as you rode his cock. 
“Mhmm yes, you feel so good baby, don’t stop.” He squeezed your thick ass and urged you to move faster. Your breaths shortened as your hips moved quicker. 
“G-gonna cum... Ch-Chan go-gonna cu-” Your eyes rolled back into your head as you wrapped your arms around Chan’s head hugging him tight, his face buried in your big tits again. Chan could feel you dripping down his cock as you came on top of him, your hips stuttering and Chan helped you ride it out as he rolled his hips up into you harder. When you finally let go of him Chan slumped back on the couch again, held up your hips forcing you forward making you brace onto the back of the couch and with his strong hands holding you up he started pounding into you from underneath not only chasing his own high but sending you nosediving into another orgasm. More of your arousal dripped down his cock and there was a lewd smacking sound every time Chan hammered his dick into your wet cunt. He put you down and sat back up pulling you close as your cunt took his whole cock. It was messy grinding and rubbing and wet and as you shook and trembled through your third orgasm. Chan pulled you closer still, he held you tight and came deep inside you as he cupped your face and sweetly kissed your lips. You sat there sweaty and out of breath on Chan’s lap your head resting on one of his shoulders, his arms wrapped around you as his cock softened inside you. When you caught your breath and the adrenalin wore down the gravity of what just happened hit you like a train and you started to cry. Chan pulled you up and held your face worried. 
“Hey hey, what’s wrong huh? Baby don’t cry.” Hearing him call you by the sweet pet name only made you cry harder. He hugged you close again and grabbed the throw blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped it around you. He rubbed your back and held you until you were calm again. 
“Sorry it was just a lot of big feelings all at once and I got a little overwhelmed.” Chan shook his head as he continued tracing shapes on your back to soothe you. 
“Don’t be sorry I understand. Are you okay now?” You nodded and sat up and Chan smiled at you his dimples popping up. 
“Good. Why don’t we wash up and get to bed. We’ll talk about everything first thing tomorrow, including you moving out of your room. You were confused and frowned a little. 
“You... you still think I should?” Chan nodded. 
“Absolutlely. My room is bigger so it just makes sense for you to move into mine over me moving into yours.” You let out a huge sigh of relief and shoved him a little. He hugged you close and kissed your neck. 
“I love you baby girl.” You melted into his hug. 
@acciocriativity @caroline-ds-world @chansynie @ughbehavior @jquellen27 @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny @owo-manii-uwu @armystay89 @b00dyguts @purplenimsicle @caticorn61 @lauraneuuh @channieandhisgoonsquad @life-is-glorious @minnysproutgriffinteddy
“I love you too Chan.” 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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bursonafied · 8 months
Pairing: Simpbur x Gn!Reader
Warnings: not proofread, tooth rotting fluff
Pronouns used: you/yours
Trope: friends to lovers
This is just a quick example of what I write… please bear with me it’s a bit rushed but future pieces will be better :)
don't be too mean i'll cry /j
also send more requests plspls i need to write for this lil loser guy
Wilbur had always been a particularly chivalrous guy, whether you’re in a relationship or not. You could recall the last time you and a group of friends hung out, he offered you his jacket, offered to carry you over a deep puddle. (Which, of course you accepted… the opportunity to be carried like a princess couldn’t be passed up so easily). He would defend you whenever someone would make fun of or tease you. He would shoot daggers to anyone who even attempted to get too close. He’s just protective! You’d tell yourself.
“You’re such a white knight, Wilbur,” or “You’re such a simp, dude.” It was endless, but he didn’t seem to care. Your friends would even go the lengths to call him ‘Simpbur’ whenever he did something particularly romantic, just for you You didn’t care, it was cute.
You weren’t sure why you were so surprised when he finally asked you out on a date. But of course, you said yes. It was hard to resist his sweet eyes and nervous smile. He was too adorable. You two agreed that the perfect date would be at your favorite ice cream place then straight to the park to watch the sunset. It was not only simple, but your two favorite things. Ice cream and the sunsets, (or, maybe Wilbur was that second thing).
The doorbell rings and a knock follows, a short little ‘knock knock’, not even a full three. You hurry to fix your hair in the mirror and rush to the door. You take a deep breath, your nerves silently taking over. You open the door with a kind smile. Wilbur is holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. He grins nervously and holds out the flowers for you.
“Um.. I, I got these— these flowers for you.” He seems to stumble over his words a bit. You can only lightly giggle and take the flowers, bringing them up to your nose and breathe in the scent, then let out the breath through your mouth.
“They’re beautiful!” You say, tilting your head a bit. There’s a short, awkward silence between you before Wilbur clears his throat.
“I know those are your favorite. I remember you telling me a while back. I would, put them in some water so they don’t die, because I want them to last. Because they’re… you know, your favorite and...” He over-explains a bit and gestures around with his hands… which he tends to do when nervous. It only adds to his charm. You smile and nod, placing the flowers into a pretty vase beside your front door, right where you would be able to see them right before leaving the house.
“I know, Wilbur. They’re very pretty.. thank you.”
He breathes out a quiet ‘not as pretty as you’ (which he hoped you didn’t catch) before nodding. “Yeah! Yeah, um. Of course. Anything for you.”
“So you ready to go?” You ask as you grab your bag from beside the door and sling it over your shoulder.
“yeah- yes! Lets go.” Wilbur nods and waits for you to step out of your place, closing the door behind you. He takes you over to his car and opens the door for you, smiling. How sweet of him!
The car ride wasn’t the slightest bit awkward. You two talked just as you would as if this were a hang out rather than a date. In a way, any one-on-one time with Wilbur felt like a date. Maybe you were just so exponentially head over heels for this guy without realizing, that you took each interaction as a romantic one. You two sang your favorite songs on the way to the parlor his voice sounding better than yours since he sang regularly… you just sang TV Girl about as loud as you could in the shower. There was a difference.
"this song kinda sucks," You mutter, skipping over one of your favorite songs. Often, you'd get bashed for your music taste. Wilbur just shakes his head.
"Nono! go back! i like that song!" Your heart flutters in your chest as he flips back to the other song, allowing it to play fully.
Upon finally arriving to the parlor, Wilbur again, opens the door for you. You thank him and he nods. He thinks about grabbing your hand and linking your fingers, like he wished to do so, so many times before. His fingers would twitch in longing, wanting to connect you two in the kind and gentle manner. He would to it today, even if it was the last thing he did before the date was over.
“Wilbur?” You tap his shoulder, snapping him from his thoughts. He looks at you with a grin. “It’s your turn to order.” You point to the cashier who seemed to be about 19 and way over his job, hinted at by the obviously unamused expression he held. Wilbur’s face reddens with slight embarrassment and he nods.
“Right! Right... um, just a chocolate dipped cone, please.” The cashier nods.
“Your total is $4.76.” he slides forward the little iPad to pay. Wilbur quickly swipes his card before you get the chance to pay for your sundae, and you shoot him an angry, yet playful, glare.
“What? Couldn’t let my date pay for themself. That would be so rude!” He teases, lightly nudging you with his shoulder just before taking his ice cream.
You then both drive to the nearby park, a short drive that was mostly quiet. nothing worth telling, said park has a downhill slope right at the parking. It was perfect for watching the sunset. Wilbur pops his trunk and you both go sit in the back and eat your ice cream. He grabs a blanket after a moment.
“It’s supposed to get cold soon,” he says as he holds his ice cream cone in his mouth, his teeth are too sensitive to the cold but he would rather make you comfortable and suffer for a moment rather than watching you freeze.
“Aw, thank you. Youre the sweetest.” You smile before taking another bite of your sundae. Will smiles and nods, taking the cone from his mouth and biting into the sugary treat. you both sort of sit in silence for a moment while the sun falls behind the horizon. You yawn, covering your mouth, then you lean your head on Will's shoulder. You can hear his breath nearly stop, his body tensing up. Why was he reacting like this? It's not like you'd never done this before. Maybe it was just... a different situation. You both finish up your ice cream, and are now leaned against each other, bodies touching, it's warm enough between you two that you can ignore the chill from the outdoors. You sit in a comfortable silence until he decides to speak up.
"Sunset's pretty." He mutters. You nod in agreement. "I think you're prettier though." He adds after a second. it makes your cheeks burn with blush and a smile crossed your face.
"That's just not true." You giggle, shaking your head. Will takes a breath to regain confidence and wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer against him if it were possible. You look up at him with a grin.
"You know i couldn't ever lie to you." He mutters, looking down at you... soaking in your beauty. His eyes drift from your eyes down to your lips. He couldn't tell you how long he'd been resisting this.
resisting the urge to feel your lips pressed against yours in a passionate kiss, to feel your breath mingle with his in such love and longing.
"i know you wouldn't." You mumble, looking up, your eyes meet his for a brief second before you notice them drift to your lips. you can't help the smile playing at your lips. "What're you looking at?" You tease, lightly nudging him. his face reddened and he glances away.
"Not.. nothing."
"Nothing, huh?" Your fingers brush over the top of his hand, his breath hitches. He was so nervous, it was honestly cute. Soon, you link your fingers with his and you can feel him practically melt.
"I've wanted to ask you out for so long." He whispers after a moment of silence, rubbing his thumb gently along yours. It causes butterflies to fly loose in your belly.
"So why didn't you?"
"Don't think i could handle being called 'simpbur' one more time." He chuckles, shrugging. You look up at him, and he was already looking down at you.
"I always thought that was stupid." Your grip tightens around his hand. he inches even closer to you.
"Yeah." You confirm it, and it's silent for a second as you both inch closer. your brain was screaming at you to just go for it. so, you did. Your lips collide against Wilbur's, it's a sweet (yet somewhat awkward) kiss to begin with, but you two ease into it. He tilts his head and grabs your chin between his index and his thumb, and you lean closer. Your hands rest on his chest as you two enjoy your long overdue kiss.
Wilbur's lips are warm on yours and his hands begin as sweet and innocent, but he grows a bit eager. his hand trail down and rests on your thigh, which takes you by surprise. His lips leave yours momentarily and connect to your neck, and while the feeling is nearly euphoric, you have to pull away. It was a bit too soon to do anything more than kisses.
"Will.." You whisper. He responds in a gentle and careful voice.
"Yes, darling?" He looks up at you.
"This is... amazing but I... I'm not ready for.." Your words trail off. Wilbur simply smiles and nods in understanding, returning up to give you one quick kiss on the lips.
"That's alright. I'll wait my whole life if I must."
Your heart flutters as his promise and you nod.
You couldn't wait for more future dates. More opportunities to hold and kiss Will whenever you wanted, and now, he was inevitably, undeniably, all yours.
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sailor-aviator · 10 months
Tom and Jake's Relationship
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Story: The Dagger Posse Universe
Word Count: 2k (oops)
TW: Mentions of death, Mentions of illness, Mentions of pandemic, Mentions of funerals, Mentions of burials, References to prostitution, Mentions of hanging, Starvation. Think that's it.
A/N: Been sitting on this one for a while. I wanted to show the kind of relationship that Jake and Ice have, and I sure hope I was able to give you even the slightest glimpse into how much they care about one another. Please enjoy!
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The epidemic that swept the small town of Maverick was as quick as it was devastating. It slaughtered several of the different townsfolk, and left several with no family left. Tom had been there to comfort Pete "Maverick" Mitchell and a small Bradley Bradshaw when Nick and Carole had been lowered into the cold, dark earth of the desert. Bradley had been so young, and he had clung to Maverick's leg, hiding his face away. Tom wasn't sure if it was to keep from seeing his parents like that or to keep his parents from seeing him like that.
They had been good, kind people. Goose was well liked by most and Carole was well liked by all. Both always having smiles for whoever had the fortune of encountering them. And they had been fighters, holding out until they couldn't find the strength to draw another breath.
Tom had been walking aimlessly down the streets of Maverick after their funeral, searching for what, he didn't know at the time. The day had been cold and eerily calm, like the desert mourned with the sheriff too. The image of young Bradley clinging to Maverick's leg as he tried so hard to keep a brave face replayed in his head. The only time he cracked was when the men began to lower the coffins into the graves below, and the boy had shed a single tear and let out a solitary sob.
Tom's heart broke for the son of his friends, but he knew that Penny and Mav would take good care of him. Still, it wasn't easy to lose your parents, especially at such a young age.
He rounded a corner near the edge of town, stopping short at the solitary figure that sat huddled on the foot of the stairs leading up to the back of the butcher's shop. Mossy, green eyes popped up to look at him, and Tom was taken aback by how gaunt the poor boy looked.
"Jake," he nodded, looking him over. There were dark circles under his eyes, skin pale and he definitely looked thinner than the last time the older man had seen him.
"Sheriff," the blond nodded back, voice barely audible as he slumped back in on himself. Tom felt a pang run through his heart at how tired he sounded. A boy of eight years shouldn't be sounding like that.
"What are you doing, Jake?"
"Sarah didn't make enough to feed us again," the boy whispered, eyes closed in defeat. "I always tell her that I found food somewhere else so she gets enough to eat without worryin' about me. Sometimes the butcher will give me scraps that I can cook."
"How long has this been going on?"
He shrugged. "Since Ma an' Da' died."
Tom's stomach lurched. A couple of weeks then. The sheriff knew he couldn't go on like this. He knew that Sarah was doing her best to provide for her and her brother, but there was only so much a girl of fourteen could do unless she chose to sell herself. Tom wasn't going to let that happen. He owed it to their parents to take care of the two.
"Come with me, Jake," he murmured, causing the boy to look up at him in confusion.
"What?" He frowned, stumbling to a stand. "Why?"
"We're going to go see Penny about a meal."
"I can't afford that, Mr. Ice," Jake exclaimed, despair in his eyes. Tom shook his head, placing a gentle hand on his shoulders to guide him back into town.
"Don't you worry about that. I'll get you sorted out."
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And Tom had seen to it that Jake ate regularly, cooking him meals and sending him home with leftovers as often as he could. He had even taught him to hunt, and the boy was a halfway decent shot when he wanted to be.
Soon, Jake was old enough to work, and Tom made sure the boy was being paid fair wages, working odd jobs to earn enough to support him and his sister.
"You're not workin' too hard, are you, Jake?" He asked the young man one day. Jake had looked at him with a tired smile, rubbing at his eyes as he answered.
"No, Tom," he sighed. "I'm not working too hard. Just earning my living."
Tom had hummed, but made sure to slip a couple of extra dollars into the boy's pouch when he wasn't looking. Winter was coming up, and he knew Jake was in need of a new pair of boots. It had been too long since he bought the last pair, and it would do him no good to run around without proper footwear. Now that he thought about it, it wouldn't hurt to give him a couple more dollars for new clothes, so into the pouch it went.
Tom couldn't help the smile that grew on his face at the sight of Jake in his new trousers and boots two weeks later.
"What are you grinnin' about?" Jake had asked him, brow furrowed in curiosity. Tom just shook his head and chuckled.
"Don't you mind now."
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Tom knew that Jake's heart was in the right place, but he could have done without the extra grey hairs.
"Bradley's problems are his own," he had groused to the blond. "You shouldn't go gettin' into trouble for someone who's fighting their own demons, son."
"Bradley is my friend, Ice," Jake had sighed, sipping on his beer at the bar. "I'm not leaving a friend to walk through hell alone."
Tom felt a twinge of pride. Jake had grown into a fine young man. Loyal, strong, kind, and clever. All things a man should be, Tom supposed, but Jake's loyalty was a double edged sword at best.
"I'm not going to be able to bail you out of these predicaments for forever, you know," he had grumbled, sipping on his own beer. Jake huffed out a laugh, patting the older man on the shoulder.
"I don't expect you to," he grinned, shooting him a wink. "One day I'll have enough money where I won't need to do this anymore. Maybe I'll even build you a fancy new house while I'm at it."
"Every single one of these grey hairs is because of you, you know," Tom scowled, shoving the younger man lightly.
"I think they make you look distinguished."
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Now this was something Tom hadn't expected. Of course, he knew that Jake had his fair share of flings with the women in town, but he had never seen the boy so transfixed before. And it appeared the young lady had taken an interest back in him, though the more he observed the two, the more he wasn't sure she knew the extent of her feelings.
"You just don't know when to quit, do you son?" He had remarked to Jake one day after the young lady had left him standing in the middle of the street. Jake squared his shoulders back, and despite his grin, Tom saw a look of quiet determination in his green eyes.
"I'm going to marry that girl one day, Tom," he had declared.
"Pretty sure she has to like you first."
"I'll get her to like me," the blond shot back. And for a moment, Tom was taken aback. In Jake's eyes was a mixture of two things the older man wasn't sure he had ever seen before: nervousness and longing.
"Give it time," Tom cautioned, squeezing Jake's shoulder. "A girl like that needs to be earned, not won."
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It was now or never. Tom had convinced the marshal to go and get a drink to ease some of his tension, and now was the only chance he would get to free Jake. Tom was never going to let the boy hang, he couldn't let it happen. He knew there would be grave consequences for himself for letting Jake go free, but he wasn't about to let him down. While Bradley had always had Maverick, Jake had always had Tom. Tom wouldn't let the only son he had ever known leave this world by the end of a rope.
He stopped as the front door creaked open to reveal you, a bedraggled wreck as you stared at him. Now this was a surprise. Tom was sure that you wouldn't show up, after all it was late and you were a lady if nothing else.
“You shouldn’t be here, darlin’,” he drawled, placing his feet on the floor. “This ain’t no place for a lady such as yourself.”
“Where is he?” You asked him, stepping into the room and quickly closing the door behind you. Tom heard Jake call out, and as you moved towards the back room, he stopped you.
“Are you sure you’re ready to see him like this?” He asked you quietly, lips pressing into a thin line as he continued to study you. You stared at him with fire in your eyes, a fire that had Tom's mind blazing in curiosity. What a tough little thing you were.
“Please,” you murmured, your eyes never wavering. “Please let me see him.”
Tom stared at you for a moment longer before glancing at the door. Any chance of getting Jake out now was gone the second you stepped foot through the door. He would have to come up with another plan, but for now, the least he could do is let the two of you see each other.
“You have five minutes, Scout.”
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Tom was still thinking about the way your eyes had sparkled as you saw the wanted poster for Isaac Cassidy. He could practically see the cogs in your head turning as you played the part of the damsel in distress for Beau, but Tom could see now that you were no fool. No, you were more than capable, and he supposed that you had come up with a plan of your own.
"That girl of yours sure is something," he had mused to Jake, watching the blue light of the morning filter into the jail.
"You have no idea," the young man croaked back. "I love her, Tom."
"I know."
"I don't want her to see my hang."
Tom paused at that. He had already come up with a contingency plan, but a feeling inside of him told him that you were hard at work making preparations for your own handiwork.
"Somehow," Tom drawled, "I don't think she will."
There was a moment of silence between the two of them.
"I'm sorry, Tom."
"What the hell are you sorry for?" Tom rolled his eyes, earning a sigh.
"I'm sorry for how things ended up. You always warned me to stay out of trouble, and now here we are."
"Yeah, well," Tom sniffed, pushing out of his chair and heading for the door. He had to speak with Maverick before time was up. "Maybe you'll listen to me once you get out of here."
And with that, he walked through the door.
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Tom watched as Jake led you down the road, the crowd crowing eagerly behind him. He had to hand it to you, you were a cunning, ruthless lady. Not many people could have pulled off what you did, and Tom could count you as one of the few people in this world that left him impressed.
He supposed that Jake would try to stay out of trouble moving forward, but trouble had always had a knack for finding Jake if nothing else. Tom let out a sigh as he watched the young man place a gentle kiss to your forehead, squeezing you tightly as you continued to walk towards your home.
"You comin'?" Bradley asked him, an impassive look on his face. Tom nodded, turning to start making his way through the crowd. He wasn't one to take delight in death, but he was certainly one to make sure that no harm came to the people he cared about. Isaac Cassidy would die today in place of Jake Seresin. Tom would rest easy knowing that the boy he raised would stay safe for another day.
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winteriron-trash · 2 months
pinned faq
hi, my name is roman. i used to be a semi-popular winteriron blog, but now this blog is mostly dead. so. rip, gone but not forgotten. but i still get some pretty common questions so here's a one-stop shop for most of them as well as links to the important things.
My Tumblr Fic Masterlist
My Ao3
My (dead) WinterIron Discord Server
Did you write the Tony Stark wifi tower fic?
yes, i wrote that fic! it is by far the most popular thing i've ever written and it will probably outlive me.
I found that fic on [insert site here], do they have your permission?
probably not, no. i have found that fic everywhere. and i mean everywhere. pinterest, wattpad, facebook, instagram, tiktok, mediachomp, and so on. honestly, it's been years and i can't control or chase down every single copy and i have no interest in doing so. i don't love that it was stolen from me (especially on for-profit sites) but it just is what it is. it's a fanfic rite of passage to have your stuff stolen, honestly.
can i do a translation/podfic/write something inspired by one of your fics/posts?
yes! there is always a blanket permission to do any sort of transformative work with my work, especially my older stuff. if it sparks joy and creativity in you, run wild with it. i prefer to be credited, but honestly, i'm just happy to see my stuff still inspiring people.
will you ever write winteriron/mcu fanfic again?
well, you should never say never. but in this case, you might want to say never. i have very little interest in winteriron or the mcu in general outside of nostalgia, and i likely will never write anything substantial for them again. it's sad, i miss it too, but i just don't have that spark for marvel these days. mostly i write dc comics fanfiction.
did you write [insert winteriron fic/post here]?
idk. maybe. probably. i wrote and posted a lot of things. you can scroll the tag on this blog to find all my old posts, some more popular than others. if you think it was me, chances are, it probably was. i got around a lot from like 2018 to 2020.
do you have a tagging system?
i used to but lord if i'm going to use it now. i don't even remember it, so your guess is as good as mine. tbh i just use tags as a place to ramble these days so navigating my blog is about as easy for you as it is for me. which is to say, it's not easy at all. because tumblr's search function is ass. i do know one of my old tags has my deadname in it. you'll probably find it if you look hard enough, but that is what it is.
are you going to revive this blog?
probably not consistently, no. if i have something i really want to say here, i'll say it, but i don't have much interest in maintaining this like i used to. i want to be able to, i miss posting here a lot, i just don't think it'll spark joy for me the way it used to, which sucks but that's just the way things go.
why did you leave this blog?
idk. life happened. i was an 18-year-old fighting chronic health conditions and mental health issues that led to me dropping out of high school so, tumblr sort of fell to the back burner, then got forgotten about entirely. eventually, i lost interest in the mcu as i felt the quality of it took a turn for the worst and i went back to dc, which i'm still into. i read some marvel comics, enjoy an occasional mcu project, but largely i just don't have the interest i used to. it sucks and i miss it, this blog probably kept me alive as a teenager. but now it's mostly just an archive of my past, and i'm okay with that.
can i talk to you/send you an ask/befriend you anyway?
sure, if you want, don't know if i'm good company though. but i'm always open to making friends and reminiscing about winteriron, marvel, and all that good stuff. i've gotta warn you though, tumblr fucking eats my DMs on this blog like no fucking business. i'm regularly fighting it. my discord is devilbonesofmetal if you wanna yell at me there, just say you're from tumblr.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
Finally was able to make up a part two of the modern!fuck boy!uni Aegon bc I re watched gossip girl last night and you said you wanted more bc FUCK I love that episode and scene sm. So here you go 🤭
Something must have changed in Aegon because after he left your house, he began texting you regularly. That wouldn't be worrying but he consistently brushed off his and project work. Now he was texting you, asking if you could meet up and work on the project or just texting you, asking you random stuff. Like, for example, he would text you, asking you if your day was good as you only had one class together. You found it odd but didn't question it. This went on to close to a month before he randomly texted you at nine in the morning. And it wasn't about the project.
Aegon: Hey, if I ask you something, promise you won't freak out.
You: Sure. Shoot.
Aegon: my dad is on my ass about settling down and...I may have mentioned your name.
You: excuse me?
Aegon: I know, I know. We don't exactly like each other but here me out. Convince my dad you are dating me and if you do me this favor, I will be in your debt forever. Promise.
You: Fine.
Aegon: thank you, really! I'll pick you up at 7.
You: 👍
What did you get yourself in too?
As you got ready, you see a fucking limo pull up. Of course Aegon would pull up in a goddamn limo. You roll your eyes to yourself before grabbing a jacket and your purse and leaving.
The car ride to the fancy - no surprise there - restaurant was silent. With that, you and Aegon got into a "who could make who say something first" competition. He would stare at you before quickly looking away when you looked at him and you would stare at him before quickly looking away when HE would look at you. It was awkward to say the least.
At the restaurant, you met his mother, Alicent, father, Viserys, brother Aemond, sister, Helaena, and step-sister, Rhaenyra. They were nice enough, but you had a feeling that Aemond, Rhaenyra and Helaena were the favorites. Your theory proved to be true after Aegon's many love interests came into conversation and a stealth insult about his weight. You surprise yourself by reacting to those comments by reaching under the table and grabbing his hand and giving it a light squeeze. Aegon notices this and sends you a small tight lipped smile.
After the frankly awkward dinner, you and Aegon begin riding back to your house.
The past couple weeks, you felt awkward around Aegon. Yeah, he was handsome but you tended to only interact with him when only needed, i.e. with the project. But after spending a little over a month with him, you began to feel weird around him. After he had spent the night four weeks ago, you found yourself waiting for him to text and you were actually happy to go to the only class you had with him. With that came... interesting...dreams involving him, butterflies in the stomach whenever you thought of him or when he texted or even hell, when you even heard him talk! It didn't occur to you until last night that maybe you were falling for him. And you weren't mad about it.
"I'm sorry about those comments," you say.
He only shrugs. "I heard all about it before."
Once again, you surprise yourself by reaching your hand out, laying it on top of his hand, and giving him a light smile. Aegon then intertwines his fingers with yours before leaning his forehead against yours.
"Is this okay?" He asks.
You nod and he leans his head up before giving pressing his lips to yours. Both of you then begin to lean backwards into the limo seat, sinking into the surprisingly soft leather seats.
I LOVE THIS NONNIE !!! so adorable, my rich!baby boy 😭😭😭🥺
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on-noon · 2 years
Part Two of this
Taglist (ask to be +/-): @saltysupercomputer @aloeverawrites
Mali taps me on the shoulder while I read a book.
"You got a letter from Galwant!" she says.
I take it. Admissions weren't supposed to come for another week yet.
It's already nighttime, so I can't go over to Jalthe's yet.
I always felt confident I would get into Galwant, but now with the letter in front of me, I'm not certain. I can't focus on my book anymore, I stay on the same page for what must be ten minutes. I put the letter in the book as a bookmark, then go to bed. The sun has barely set, but what else am I going to do tonight?
After breakfast, I walk over to Jalthe's house.
"Look what I got yesterday." I wave the letter.
"Have you opened it yet?"
"No, we promised. Also, I'm too nervous."
"Well, open it now"
I break the seal, and pull out the letter.
"Alawyn Void, we are writing to inform you of your acceptance to Galwant," I read. "However we noticed..."
"Why'd you stop reading?"
"The rest is just boring information. We got the important bit. I'm accepted!"
Jalthe congratulates me, then his dad brings out some cookies.
They talk about my plans, his dad gives me some advice. I say what I've always said for my plans, I want to be an accountant.
They seem to act like it's cool. But I know Jalthe would have a great time being a magic researcher, and I don't feel that way about numbers.
When I leave, I read the rest of the letter.
However, we noticed a few oddities with your application. We received a note from your headmaster, signed by the local mana tester that you don't have magic. That wouldn't be a problem, we have a promise to accept people regardless of magic ability, as you surely know. Then we got to the magic examination results. There were a few notes added, and after reading those we would like to recommend you attend another academy, for we feel you would best be able to learn as we are not equipped to help students master their magic in the way you could. For that reason, we forwarded your application to Tharin Academy, and we hope you consider them. If you are determined to come here, you are welcome. After all, we pay no attention to magic abilities in applications and your academics were very strong. Further information will be coming when regularly we send out admissions decisions.
I burn the letter. Magic can be quite useful.
When the normal time to receive admissions decisions nears, I make sure to be the first one to check the mail every day. And then one day, there's a letter from Tharin. I stuff that into my pocket. There's also a letter from Galwant for me, so I take that as well. I head outside and climb the old tree to read them. First the Tharin so I can get rid of it if they reject me. If they accept me... I'll deal with that then.
I slit open the letter, break the seal. I read it. I'm accepted.
A bird flies up past my face, and I hear footsteps. I stuff the letter back in my pocket. Jalthe is running down the road. I jump off the tree– about to use wind to soften my fall, but then remember Jalthe can sense magic.
"Are you okay?" Jalthe yells.
"I'm fine. Might have some bruises tomorrow. Did you get the letter?"
He reaches me, "Yep." and waves the letter. He's out of breath. Did he run the whole way here?
He rips open the seal.
"Dear Jalthe Mender, we write to inform you that you have been accepted into Tharin Academy!"
"Ey, congratulations!" I shout. "I knew you would get in. And the advanced program?"
"We have also decided you are a prime candidate for our advanced program. We look forward to hearing your decision on whether to attend. Furthermore, admission to the advanced program comes with a full scholarship. Please inform us if you will be attending."
"Once again, congratulations. Now you get to study that multi-mana magic you were talking about!"
"Yeah. I guess." Jalthe sits against the tree.
"Why don't you sound more excited? Every time you talk aboult that I know you want to do it."
"I do, it sounds great. It's just– I barely got to know you, and now we'll part ways. I know we still have two months, but–"
I take the letter out of my pocket, and hand it to him.
"What's this?"
"Read it." I say. I watch him open the seal, and start to read it, and then I start pacing.
"You got into Tharin! Why didn't you tell me you applied?"
"I didn't believe I'd get in."
"I suppose your great at classes, and your magic does offer research oppurtunities– but do you want to go? Tharin focuses it's classes on magic."
"I've listened to you talk about magic this long, I can handle an academy talking about it. And besides, every academy focuses on magic classes. Even Galwant has a fourth of the classes be about magic."
"As soon as you can, come to my house. I'm sure my dad will make something, and we can talk. I can't believe your going to Tharin – are you sure? You would fit in so well at Galwant? And you don't have to decide now, I can wait."
He runs off, surely to tell his dad.
I didn't tell him. Why not? There was a perfect opportunity. I have to tell him eventually, and the sooner the better, probably. After breakfast, I head down the road. I'll tell him today.
When I knock on the door, it only takes a few seconds for Jalthe to open it.
"I need to tell you something," I say.
"Okay. What is it? I understand if you want to go to Galwant–"
"No. Can you promise to keep it a secret?"
"Of course." Jalthe says. "I guess we should go to my room?"
"No, the forest would be better."
"I know a clearing not too far. Let's go."
We reach a little area with a fallen tree, which Jalthe sits on.
"So what is it?"
I use the wind to blow some leaves off the ground. I try to smile.
"Wait– You just–"
I nod. I make a plant grow– to knee high.
"No. You have magic?!" Jalthe shouts. This is why we're in the forest.
I nod.
"That's incredible! How? And– did I– did you use different types of magic?"
I nod, and float a leaf up, then burn it.
"You know how you said mana combined is like putting filters on top of each other? Well, what if you combine them all?"
"It'd be black!" Jalthe says. "Just like your mana! When'd you figure that out?"
"A day or two before I started talking to you."
"This whole time? Does anyone know?" Jalthe asks.
"Not really. I snuck into the magic exam and said I had plant magic, so that examiner knew, but she didn't know I didn't have magic. Galwant knew something was up, and actually recommended I go to Tharin. But no-one knows about the multiple types."
"Why not? Do you realize how big of a discovery this is? Even if you're not powerful, you'll be one of the most famous mages of the century. Especially if you can cast spells that use multiple mana types all on your own. Are you powerful?"
"You don't care that this whole time I didn't tell you? I lied to you."
"Did you? Anyway, this is too cool. I can't be mad. How powerful are you anyway?"
"I don't know. I don't really know how to figure that out. Are you sure you don't care? I'm sorry."
"I can teach you, you still don't know much magic right? I'll teach you, that way you'll be more able to keep up at Tharin."
"That would be great. So far I've been just remembering people's spells and practicing later. But you'll keep it a secret, right?" I ask
"I don't know why you want it to be a secret, but yes," Jalthe says. "We should probably get back. My dad is waiting for us. He made pancakes."
We get up and walk back through the forest.
"Wait, does this mean you're going to Tharin?" Jalthe asks.
"Yes. Yeah. Even Galwant thinks I'd fit better there. And you're going there."
After eating the pancakes, we go back into the woods, and start my magic lessons. At the beginning though, it's just me showing Jalthe what I already know. I start with air, because it seems the least harmful. When I get to the floating spell, I lift us both up into the air.
When I drop us, Jalthe seems shocked. I should have asked before lifting him into the air.
"That's a mid level spell! And you've learned it in what, a month?"
"Month and a half"
"Still, that should take much longer to get to that level. Like that's average for having learned for ten years. And you somehow can both use that much power, and have that much control? You've really been learning fast. When did you learn that one?"
"The day after I first figured out I had magic. But I wasn't really able to control it."
"A day? You could channel that power after a day? How much can you use now?" Jalthe yells.
"I don't know. That's what I need you for. I can only guess what spells are bigger. How about this, you try to teach me the biggest spell you know?"
“The biggest I know? That would probably involve stopping someone else’s spell, because you need almost double the energy. You get half of it back, but still need to be able to channel that much energy. You’ll need to cast a spell for me to demonstrate, preferably not too big? Most of my magic needs other people to practice– so you’ll have to make do with me.”
I try to make a small light, and Jalthe casts a spell, and no light appears.
Jalthe asks, “Got that spell? Or should I explain it?”
“I think I understand it. Cast a spell, and I’ll see”
I feel his use of magic and attempt to copy his spell. But I'm too late, so his spell completes, and mine collapses.
"Need me to demonstrate it again?'
"No, I was just late. I just need to try again."
He casts the spell again, and this time I'm ready.
I successfully stop his spell. 
“Seems like I’m at least that powerful. How powerful is that?”
“That’s pretty powerful. I just barely can do it, and I’m supposed to be the most powerful magic user in the school. But if that’s not powerful enough to find your limit– know what? I think I figured something out, it probably won’t be useful, but it should at least show you what it’s like to do a spell that’s too powerful. So, you’ll try to probe my mana, I’ll stop it, then you stop me from stopping you. That should be a large enough amount of magic, only some of the best mages have reached that power level.”
“You can stop someone from stopping magic?”
I try, casting to detect mana then almost immediately stopping Jalthe’s spell. There’s a weird feeling, indescribable and wonderful. I detect Jalthe’s mana.
That wasn’t supposed to happen. How can you be able to channel this much magic? You haven’t practiced that much!”
“No, no it’s wonderful. But that much should definitely take practice. To be able to channel that much magic– it at least felt difficult, right?”
“Well, I felt something? It kinda seemed like what everyone described the first time they use magic. Now I understand why they never were able to explain it.”
“No, no this shouldn’t be what you felt when you first used magic, that is an incredible feeling, this should be more of a straining. Can’t you tell the difference?”
“I didn’t feel anything when I first used magic.”
“What? You sure?”
I nod.
“What was your first spell?” 
“Disturbing the earth,” I say. “A very small spell, for six year olds.”
“Okay. I think I remember reading that for some mages who are powerful enough, they don’t feel it on their very first spell, but rather a bit of a bigger one,
they don’t feel it on their very first spell, but rather a bit of a bigger one, for some reason. There are theories about the feeling being actually not just magic being used, but like a stretching of the muscles- obviously not actual muscles, but y’know.”
“Yeah, okay. So why didn’t I feel it then?”
“Well, the theory goes, for some people who are powerful enough their first spell isn’t powerful enough to even start a change in how much mana they can channel– it’s well documented that the more total power, the faster the ability to channel mana increases. But if you really didn’t first feel yourself using magic until now– you’re really powerful. Like those powerful mages who didn’t feel their magic at first, felt it soon. Probably that disturb earth spell would have been powerful enough.”
“So then, how powerful am I?”
“As powerful as there are only legends about– and this is ignoring the whole all magic types. I don’t think I’m qualified to teach you,” Jalthe says.
“I don’t want to tell anyone else yet, I’ll wait ‘till we get to the Tharin. So you’re the only one choice I have to teach me, and besides, I’d say the prodigy is probably a pretty good choice.”
“Please don’t call me that. But I guess I’ll teach you. At least until we get to Tharin. They’ll have to be able to teach you better,” Jalthe says. “What is it you want to learn?”
“Theory. More spells. Practice,” I say. “But it’s getting dark. We should finish up for today, see you tomorrow.”
We practice most days. Jalthe helps me get up to speed in magic theory, and really helps me with the complex spells, to have more control.
He keeps wanting to do tests to find my limit, but I refuse to do any spell that does anything big enough to cause noticeable destruction, or like a huge light coming from the forest. So he can’t find a spell to suitably test my strength. 
I don’t know if I want to know yet. I already don’t know what to do with Jalthe’s insistence that I’m the most powerful mage ever. — I still sometimes forget I have magic.
next part
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Sorry I haven't been around much. Life's not been too bad. School has been a bit busy. Feeling stressed but at the same time super excited because it's just that much closer to my goal of getting into the profession I want and I just wanna get to the helping people part. Made a new friend, which is nice, feels a little less daunting when you have someone who's also going through the same stuff.
But the main reason I dropped by is because I saw that you weren't feeling all to well and I wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you and hoping things get better. It's a shit thing when you aren't feeling great but the isolation can sometimes be worse. I hope you feel better, my friend. Sending you all the love and light 🖤🖤!!
And NEVER feel the need to apologize for not being able to write requests. You, like the people sending the requests, are a person with your own life, feelings, struggles, etc. And I hope the people sending you asks in requests can understand that and exercise some compassion. (Remember, I am your friend and I would die for you in a heartbeat. If someone says shit, they can eat shit. [As in, I'll fight 'em if you need me to.])
On a lighter note THE BABIES!!! AH!! Seeing pictures of them show up on my feed always puts a smile on my face. So bloody cute they are. Also, super psyched for you and your new tattoo. I'm sure it's gonna look awesome👌🏽!
Alright, gotta go. I'll try to drop in more often just to say hi and catch up and stuff but even if there's silence from me for a bit, just know that I genuinely care for you, dude. Seriously, you are not only my treasured writer but someone I consider a friend. I found your blog and stories when I was feeling super out of sorts and reading your works on Alfie really helped me feel less lonely. Even more so when I started talking to you through asks where we could go feral over the man together and it was so 🥰 because honestly, I haven't felt like that with many people, to the point that I thought I never would. I really do hope you feel better, that you find small moments of respite in your day that put a smile on your face or even just make you feel a little bit lighter. But I know that's not always possible and that's okay too. You're allowed to feel what you feel and how you feel 🖤. Always sending you all the love, my dear friend, stay safe and I'll talk to you soon.
hi!!!!!! good evening!!!!! as always, I hope your uni is going well and it's not been too mentally taxing - but please ensure you're taking frequent breaks when you're studying and working!!!
its absolutely okay!!! I can wait lmao but I'm glad things aren't too bad. i get that! it was the same for me in college tbh, 4 years of it, you learn to eventually adjust to the chaos and hectic nature of things in your own way - so don't worry too much, you'll eventually settle! I'm so glad to hear you made a new friend!!! that's awesome!!! and it can absolutely help to have one or two people who you can really talk to about it tbh - I'm still friends w a few of the girls I met in college, and we talk regularly!
yeah, I'll be honest, it's mostly fandoms that are, like, larger tbh; like, Call Of Duty, Band Of Brothers, rdr2, etc. and it kinda sucks and it's kinda why I try and distance myself from those fandoms as much as I can (mutuals & friends being the exception, ofc), bc I just... like idk, it is really isolating, but it also brings out the festering things like self doubt - bc I see people interacting w other writers in the same places and I'm a bit like "oh. I'm not good enough, then.", which tbh, is bullshit. ofc I'm good enough. I'm a good writer lmfao but, yk, it's not good to feel like that, so then I start feeling less motivated and less inspired to actually write for those fandoms in terms of requests bc I'm a bit like "well, I'm not gonna get so much as a "it was great, thanks!", so why bother?", yk? it makes me feel... not CHEAP, but like... something very similar tbh. it's not a good feeling, either way, and I'd rather NOT engage w it and would rather focus my efforts elsewhere - like on fics I've currently got on the go, like Once We Were Close & Where You Belong (Next To Me), as well as requests that I actually DO feel motivated and inspired to write - even if it's just 100 words instead of 1000.
and thank you; sometimes I feel a little bit pressured to take requests that I don't want to bc either I don't feel motivated or bc I feel like it's a demand as opposed to a... request. but that's always come from other people, never you. it's hard, but yk, I'll get over it lmfao I always do. (and yes, 100% we're friends. I'd die for you, as I've said to others many, many, many times, admittedly dbvlykvkskg I would lay down my life and protect you at all costs 🫶🏻)
THE BABIES!!!!!! my 5 boys and my 1 girl which technically does mean I'm a #girldad lmao (nobody tell Gallipoli she's a python, she's my little girl, she's my baby!). Hanzo is the only actual baby I've got left tho, bc he's >1 month old 😭 the rest are all grown up :( even though I could've sworn it was yesterday that Red Baron could fit into the palm of my hand and still have room, I could've sworn just yesterday he was DEFINITELY NOT 118.8cm and 1400g. he just... got so big all of a sudden??? like, Spotify play Sunrise, Sunset from Fiddler On the Roof bc I'm GOING THROUGH IT.
but anyway, yeah, little baby Hanzo:
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takes after his daddy bc he's got a fiery (pun intended) temperament like I do 🥺🥰 plus: bc I already HAVE a scorpion tattoo, I don't ever need to get one for him lmao (although I do toy w the idea of getting one of Hanzo Hasashi from MK when I'm financially stable...)
please, feel free to pop by whenever you want - if this were a house, you'd have the fucking key by now 💀 just let yourself in whenever, my dude, you're more than welcome! but thank you, I'm honoured and incredibly grateful 🫶🏻
I'm glad that my fics have made you feel less lonely, especially in a time and society like today's where loneliness seems to only grow - I'm glad it made a difference 🫶🏻
DJGKDK YES!!! I'M ALWAYS DOWN TO GO FERAL!!!! ALWAYS!!!!! but I'm so glad you found safety here, really 🫶🏻🫶🏻 I love you. we may not share blood, but that matters very little.
and thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻 it means a lot 🫶🏻
sending the love right back at you more than reciprocated, my beloved friend!!! we'll talk soon 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
0 notes
sterek-stuffs · 2 years
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Fics that came out this year and you might have missed, but that are absolutely worth checking out!
among your heart-shaped leaves by dappledawndrawn
After rebuilding the Hale house, Derek enlists Stiles' help in planting a garden.
Bite the Moonlight & Bleed Gold by raisesomehale
Seven years after being tricked and imprisoned by the Argents, Derek Hale finds himself off the blistering coasts of Antarctica aboard the Argentum Domina, an illegal prison ship out of which the Argents operate their behemoth, underground poaching empire. Derek, a bitter, pack-less alpha, spends his days working off his servitude by poaching creatures for Gerard to sell on the Black Magic Market, just trying to retain his sanity as he earns back the years of his life one capture at a time. But there doesn't seem to be an end, or future, in sight for him. Until, everything changes when Allison Argent brings him a capture case with a reward price so ludicrous that he has no choice but to accept. The only problem is, the target creature shouldn't even exist. Derek is flung fast into the deep webbings of a bigger mystery than he could have ever imagined. And discovers that, like this enchanting creature, not everything is as it seems. Can Derek unmask the schemes that threaten not only his life, but the state of the very world itself? And if doing so means losing the unexpected love he finds along the way, will he be willing to make that sacrifice?
The Bright Side of Disaster by Gia279
Tucked between fresh harvested vegetables and fruits, homemade skincare products and lovingly knit scarves and sewn shawls, were booths and tables selling potions, amulets, crystals, and herbs, athames and wands, scrying glasses and hand-embroidered altar cloths. Beacon Hills was a hotbed for magical activity, and it drew the supernatural community like moths to a flame. There were rumors that magical tools crafted in town were more powerful, potions more effective, even herbs more potent.
buyer bonus by elisela
When he walks back to the table, Derek’s out of his seat before he can think better of it. He’s going to ask him out. He’s going to go over there, he’s not going to say the man has a mouth he’ll dream about or give any cheesy, half-assed pick-up line, and he’s going to ask him if he would like to get coffee some time. Maybe he’ll skip that and go straight for dinner, or the bookstore. Derek’s heard you can learn a lot about a person by what they read. He’s cool. He can do this. “Hi,” he says, eyes flickering down to the glossy pamphlets of houses for sale that litter the table, and when panic overtakes him, what comes out of his mouth isn’t any of those things. “I’m thinking about buying a new place. Are you an agent?” Ah, crap.
Waning Crescent by Dexterous_Sinistrous
Derek’s scent was a heady warmth that enveloped Stiles’ senses. It was like the first strike of rain in a dried forest. A crisp smokiness to the tickle of petrichor. It lit up an unfamiliar spark in Stiles’ gut. And for the first time in a couple hundred years, his fangs ached.
how long will it take (to finally atone) by lookingforatardis
“I could hurt you,” Stiles says quietly, and doesn’t quite understand why he’s being honest himself. “You wouldn’t.” “I did, though. I did, Derek.” Stiles’ voice shakes and he has to pull his attention away from Derek to calm himself down from the sudden flash of memory. Silence fills the room until it’s uncomfortable, until Stiles has to look, and finds Derek watching him with a closed expression. “That was the nogitsune,” he tells him. “Not you.” Or: Void hurts Derek while possessing Stiles and Stiles has an extremely hard time recovering from what Void did to Derek even after the nogitsune is gone. The thought of touching him sends him into a blind panic, terrifying him as if every touch will hurt him all over again. Stiles can only take so much, after all, and Derek has always been his weak spot.
Don't forget to leave the authors some love!
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systematic-advice · 3 years
Man I wish my source wasn’t so problematic. It brought the whole system so much comfort but we can’t justify supporting a man who literally wants our rights taken away. I’m not sure how we wean off of it after being obsessed with it for 7 years. Any tips on that front?
Hey there Anon.
I can completely understand finding comfort in a source. For a long while we advocated heavily for HP fans as well, but the issues kept piling up. I think it's okay to recognize the comfort in a source and also to understand that there were other hands that went into the creation- but it's apparent that in a lot of medias the people who benefit from their consumption are often the worst.
I'm going to assume that you MIGHT be talking about Five Nights, just based on some context clues and timing, if not that's okay! I think the same will apply to anything like this really, but I bring up that source because we know people who adore the series. I was CRUSHING For them when Scott decided to show his true colours as so many people met their communities through that franchise. Much like JKR, It hit people hard and I think a lot of people are still struggling to figure out how to interact with it based on what they know. This whole thing can be a tricky road to navigate and the way we sidestepped it might not be ideal for everyone.
When we found out what JKR was writing about and about the 'hidden' racism/phobias within the book and films, the two HP Fictives we did have wanted nothing to do with the source. All of us felt cheated, because honestly? We grew up reading those books. But we also grew up in a place where the only minority we were really exposed to was Indigenous People. This means we were blind to a lot of the problems she was perpetrating. We're glad to have our eyes open, but it did take something special away and that hurt.
We moved away from the media, we sought out other fantasy and we asked those introjects what their other interests outside of their sources were. We began to fuel those interests and help them move away from things that might be problematic and away from a fandom that might support them. Our writers were there to chat about there source internally as needed for comfort, but over time they began to identify less and less with a source that was damaging to people they loved. While this didn't change the pseudomemories too much, or completely change their identities, it gave them things that were other ways to distinguish themselves in the System and connect with others that had nothing to do with where they came from. Hobbies, interests and sills are a great place to start when looking for places to find comfort.
When it comes to the comfort of the entire System it's fully understandable to be attached to something. As stated above we've totally been there. But there are other medias, other comforts and growth to be had for all. If you were able to find comfort in that media, you will be able to find comfort in others. And to be clear there is nothing wrong with recognizing the inherent comfort of nostalgia. You can look back on those times and feel happy about those comforting memories if it helps, that time and those things were still special to you. That's going to stay with you no matter what the creator does. I think it's really about picking what you consume, what you put forward and what you interact with regularly.
This one was a really hard one to answer and I'm not sure if our answer got the point across really. It's such a murky area, loving media and hating the creator. I hate to demonize people for what they love (Despite some of the earlier posts we've put forward. This was an angry rant/ syscourse blog when we started after all). We're just not sure exactly where the line should be drawn.
If any of my followers have any suggestions I'd like to ask you to reblog/reply/send and ask and put them forward. I'll be happy to add them to this post.
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“You can ask me as much as you want, I’ll say I love you each time.” + “Piggy back ride?.” if it’s not too much with v please? Thank you a lot💚💚
Thank you for the request! I loved writing this one 💕
If anyone else would like to send a prompt as well, here's the Soft Sentence Starters list 😊
"I'll always say I love you each time."
V/Jihyun x Reader
It wasn't out of the ordinary for Jihyun to spend majority of the day in his studio, especially when inspiration struck. Time easily forgotten when he was working on a canvas. Sketching out his general idea, mixing colors, painting, redoing parts he wasn't satisfied with, trying to figure out what was missing to make it perfect...
Taking breaks barely happened, when he got so absorbed by the piece. 
And while he knew that most people would've probably easily gotten annoyed by that, maybe even demand that he spent less time in the studio... You were the complete opposite. 
Of course he made sure to spend as much time with you as possible, because he loved you and also loved to be around you whenever he could. But work was still work. 
Not only did you constantly encourage him to pursue his dreams, you also checked up on him regularly to make sure he had everything he needed. Food, something to drink... And sometimes you would even just sit with him, giving him input on his current piece or watching him work. 
Moments like that were already enough to help him, when he felt stuck. Like your presence alone was enough to bring up an entire new spring of inspiration and ideas in him, which he was always eternally grateful for. 
That day was no different. He sat on his stool in front of the tall canvas, a couple specks of paint covering his cheeks. His brows were furrowed in concentration, while he tapped the end of the brush against his lips.
A quiet knock on the door pulled him out of his thoughts and his expression softened as soon as you entered the room, making him feel lighter. Like a breath of fresh air streaming through open windows. 
You set down a small tray with a cup of coffee and a bowl of various fruits. And maybe it would've only been a small thing to some, but it made his heart skip to see that you cared for him like that. 
"I thought I'd get you something to snack on", you chirped and stepped closer, brushing his bangs out of his face, before you pressed a kiss to his forehead. 
The feeling of your soft lips against his skin made his eyes flutter shut and he hummed quietly. 
"Thank you, love", he murmured and, after putting the brush aside, wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer, both of you now facing the painting. 
With your hands resting on his arms, you leaned back into him and he used the current position to rest his chin on your shoulder. 
"How is it going?" 
"I think I'll be done, soon... But something is still missing." 
Both of you stayed quiet for a moment and you tilted your head a little, lips ever so slightly pursed. Something you usually did when you were lost in thought and Jihyun thought it was absolutely endearing. 
"Mhm... Why don't you try some more sunset colors for the sky? Some pink and peachy shades? Maybe also some clouds in the right corner? I think that would look pretty." 
After shortly thinking it over, he came to the conclusion that it would indeed look rather nice with the rest of the color scheme. 
"You may or may not have just saved me from mulling things over for hours." 
"Well, just make sure to mention me as co-artist", you joked with a chuckle and turned around in his arms, lifting one hand to gently rub on the dried paint on his skin. 
"Darling... You're not my co-artist, you're my muse", he said quietly, smiling warmly at you, before he tilted his head to be able to press a kiss to your palm. 
Even when you said nothing, your cheeks began to flush and you gave him a light shove, something you liked to do whenever he managed to fluster you in one way or another. 
"Alright, I better leave you to it, then." 
Though before you even had the chance to only attempt to leave, he wrapped his arms a little tighter around you, with his face buried in your hair. 
Once again you were ever so patient with him... Not asking him to leave the studio, even though he knew it was time for dinner, soon. 
And like so many times before, he was wondering why you were still around, only calling him out on his habits when you knew he needed a break to recharge. Not once did you get mad or annoyed with him for spending so much time painting. 
"I can hear you thinking", your amused voice snapped him back into reality. "Penny for your thoughts?" 
Gentle fingers carded through his hair and for a moment he just melted into you, nuzzling your neck. 
"I've just been wondering why you're still putting up with me. I mean... I've been in the studio quite often, recently. But here you are, being all sweet and even bringing me food. Why?" 
It wasn't the first time that conversation came up, but the thoughts always returned, at some point. 
"Jihyun... You can ask me as much as you want, I'll always say I love you each time. That's why." 
He felt one of your hands move to his back, rubbing slow, small circles into it. 
"Besides, I'm not "putting up" with you. I'm happy that you finally have the chance to do what you love and I'll gladly support you wherever I can." 
As soon as he pulled back and looked into your eyes, he was met with nothing but unconditional love. Still, he was wondering how he deserved someone as perfect and wonderful as you. But whatever it was, he was more than just thankful for it.
Without any hesitation, he leaned in to plant a kiss to your lips, one he felt you smile into. 
"I love you, too. And I won't ever stop doing so. Now... How about we call it a day and cook dinner together?" 
You entire face lit up at that and you nodded enthusiastically. Cooking didn't always end up with perfect results, mainly because you two got distracted rather often, but it was always fun, which was the most important thing. 
"Alright, then hop on~", the artist grinned and, after getting up from his stool, he bent down a little to give you better access to his back. 
Without any hesitation, you jumped on it, your arms and legs wrapped securely around him, while he rested his hands on your thighs to ensure you wouldn't end up slipping down. 
That way he carried you into the kitchen, with you brushing your lips teasingly along his neck, which sent a shiver down his spine. 
"Sweetheart... If you keep that up, I can't promise that we'll actually make it to the kitchen." 
You giggled and placed a last kiss right below his ear. 
"Maybe for dessert~First we gotta make sure that you'll eat properly." 
If you'd like to get added to the tag list, please let me know 💕
@ayamewhump @white-wallflower @ultrasupernini @just-a-key
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Genre: Angst
Warnings: Contains curse word/s, first part is more of angst flashbacks
Word Count: 3,401
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“Just do what you want to do, Mark. I don’t want to give any shit anymore.”
Mark furrowed his brows down at your words. He’s clearly taken aback with what you had just said. He’s been trying to talk with you for the past 5 or 10 minutes. You just don’t know anymore. You don’t know how long he’s been bugging you to talk because your mind is in a fog of negative thoughts, with pain, anger, sadness.
This whole ordeal is taking all of your energy to be calm. You’re just so emotionally exhausted after having another week of silence between the two of you. You live on the same roof, sleep on the same bed, yet you both feel so far away from each other now.
“This is your way to work things out now, Y/N?”, Mark finally said after being silent for almost half a minute. His voice is low. You felt that he was hurt from what you just said to him. But you just don’t feel anything right now. You felt numb.
He continued to talk with you in a calm voice, “I get it that you’re tired. But you’re not the only who feels exhausted in here, Y/N. It’s been almost two w-“
“Yes, Mark. Two. Fucking. Weeks.”, you cut him with a louder voice now. “What’s your plan?”
Mark responded with a silence. He’s sitting on the bedside with his hands on his head, facing the window while you sat on the other side of the bed facing the wall.
“I- I don’t know…”, he answered after being quiet for a few more seconds, taking a deep sigh.
You were waiting for him to talk, but you felt a sharp pain in your chest when you heard his response. Not expecting for him to be at lost now with your problem.
He wasn’t like this before. You think to yourself. Now you feel your eyes starting to water. You just want him to wrap his arms around you just like before, after you both had a fight. He always knows how to resolve things between the two of you. He always tries not to do or say anything that might upset or hurt you. And if he did, he always knows how to comfort you. For the four years, 10 months that you’ve been together, he always knows how to make you feel better.
But he isn’t like that anymore.
“I felt like this isn’t a home anymore, Y/N...”, Mark continued. “This... This whole situation. This whole set up. This doesn’t make me feel like home anymore.”
You felt a drop of tear fell on your cheek as he continued to speak. His words echoing in your mind sends air to your head. You wanted to shout. You wanted him to stop talking. Yet, you sat still on the bedside, freezing. His words just passed through your ears.
Another silent set of minutes passed after Mark talked. You tried to keep a steady voice before speaking.
“This isn’t going to work anymore if you felt that way, Mark…”,you said as another drop of tear fell down, and another, and another.
“I cannot force you to stay just because I want to. Tha- That’s not right.”, you continued to speak as you struggled to succumb to your sobbing.
“I still love you, Y/N…”, Mark responded with a low voice. You heard him sniff through his words. You close your eyes to stop yourself from crying harder, knowing that he’s already in tears too.
“I... I do. I still do love you, Y/N…”, he continued to talk.
“But it’s not enough for you to just feel that..."
You paused for a few more seconds, gathering all your thoughts.
"How about me, Mark? What would I do with your words if I can’t even feel it anymore?”, you spoke to him again, now staring at the floor. You’re thinking, how does him saying he loves you brings pain rather than happiness?
“I’m sorry, Y/N… I know I’m lacking these days. I’m failing to fulfill my promises to you. And I cannot stand to see you getting sadder and sadder each day because of me... I’m sorry…”
You don’t know how or what to respond to his words anymore. You hated to hear him saying sorry to you. You took a gulp to suppress the feeling of pain in your chest.
Your mind wandered around the time it all started. Mark was struggling to keep focus on his work as stress after stress took part of his job as the director of photography. There were much more projects than usual that was assigned to their production company. The conflict in the situation escalates more when one of their models backed out in the middle of their shooting. You’re just not sure if it was the model or the agency who pulled back. You cannot remember exactly Mark’s ranting on you that day. They already finished half of the set, shooting and editing for two days. They cannot hire another model that day because of their packed schedules which cannot be postponed or re-scheduled. That’s how they came up with the idea of choosing Mark as the substitute model since he already has a background when you were still studying. Mark is still kind of having second thoughts about it because he is aware of how it will add up on his already messed up work schedule, yet he chose to take a go for it because he said, he doesn’t have a choice though. Because it’s either he agreed on it or they will pull out the project and end up with no payment, in which they already had spent a big amount of money. The project came out more successfully than they could ever imagined, resulting to Mark being scouted as a model to some more projects. Tripling, even quadrupling his work in a regular basis.
You watched how Mark’s lifestyle changed over the past three months due to his work. Although you don’t have any problem with it, at first, aside from him not being able to go home regularly and not contacting you to at least let you know. You loved and supported him in every path he took.
A simple and common problem that almost each couple usually go through in their relationships. But that “simple and common” problem quickly arises when you tried to communicate with him about it. You don’t know what have gone wrong, or what did you told him so wrongly for him to change his habits in your relationship. That in the blink of an eye, you didn’t even notice that he just suddenly felt so far away from you. Catalyzing in a cleft in your almost five years relationship.
You tried to talk it out on him for some times. But you had your last straw almost two weeks ago when he suddenly snapped out of you.
“Y/N, can you please drop this out now. I’m already burned-out from working. Are you not getting tired from this? Because I am.”, cutting you and answering another phone call from his co-worker, before storming out of the living room, “Yes, Jae.”
You were left dumbfounded with his words. That moment did scarred you so bad. That’s for sure. You just don’t know him at all.
And that only proliferated the gap between the two of you. Taking you to the situation you are in now.
You’re now already bawling, trying to speak clearly as your breathing heaves, “I... I’m not happy with this anymore, Mark… I tried. I tried so hard. I tried so many times to reach out to you. To understand you. I feel like… I don’t even know you anymore…”
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Y/N's P.O.V
It's 5 in the morning. Your alarm sets off. Just another normal working day, you think. You opened your eyes but didn't get up. You just stayed in your bed for a good 40 minutes. Laying on your back, you unconsciously fiddled your fingers at the big space beside you.
Thinking. Deep. Eventually losing yourself with the flashbacks in your mind.
You took a deep breath as you found yourself thinking about him again.
Thinking about how you used to wake up next to his pretty face as he snuggled you, showering you with sweet pecks all over your face, preventing you from getting up.
Playfully tickling your sides and you softly patting your hand to his cheeks to stop him.
His deep, soothing voice starting your day, “Good Morning, my angel”, smiling sweetly, as he rubs his tall, pointed nose to yours, always send butterflies to your stomach just by hearing his voice.
God, even his nose is just as fine as his whole being.
Thinking about how two were so happy before, the life you had with him for the past 4 years and 11 months. You both know, including every people around you, thinks that you are an absolute match for each other. You felt that no one and nothing will ever break you.
But with your current situation, you knock your self-thoughts. Leaving you always ending up in to thinking, how did it ever end up like this?
You lightly shook your head to clear out from all these thoughts taking over your mind. You suddenly look at your table side, glancing at the picture of the two of you that you still keep. Clicking your tongue and closing your eyes, you tell yourself, "Wake up now Y/N. That was 2 months ago.", as you take another deep sigh.
You got up from your bed. Walking towards the big stand mirror just beside your bathroom door to check your face and the bags under your eyes that you gained from all these sleepless nights, lightly tapping your face when you suddenly saw the familiar shirt on the floor. You're not even surprised anymore to find some of his left-over things in your apartment that you two used to share. You roll your eyes while shaking your head, "I'll have to clean this room eventually".
You recapture why you haven't even moved any of his things, not even an inch. You didn't even take a chance to pick up those random things he left.
Just once.
Just that one instant when you tried to clean your room from his belongings.
Right. Because when you did that, one week after he left, you didn't anticipate to have a severe breakdown. You are still afraid that you might helplessly bawl again in your bedroom floor just from the lingering scent he left. You remember that day so clearly. You didn't manage to get up from the floor. Didn’t touch any food. You just drank water. You didn't even shower. The definition of a complete disarray.
You're afraid to find yourself being a mess again from all the crying, from all the pain you felt you think that might not subside. Not even a little. You don't want to miss another day of work. Because the last time that occurred to you, you missed three consecutive days just to pick yourself up. If it wasn't for your best friend, Damica, you really thought you wouldn't have the strength to get up for the whole week or the next.
That's why you said to yourself, yes, it's a mess. But you chose not to gamble yourself for this again. You'll have to clean it up though one day. Just not today.
You were in a haze as you took your last 15 minutes break at work when you felt a light pat on your shoulder, distracting you from your wandering thoughts.
"Hey, Y/N. We're going to K-Town later to crash after work. You good?", Yugyeom said with a small smile and slightly raises his brows.
You paused to think for kind of long seconds.
Oh, right. K-Town.
Something that reminds you of Mark again.
You felt your chest ached a little bit more when you heard that place. A torture you always feel day by day.
You two would always go to K-Town every other week to spend your Friday nights after work to enjoy the start of your weekend together and of course, to release stress, just drinking and eating. Even if almost all of your friends have gone home, you and Mark would stay for some more time. Just talking about anything and everything. You two would sometimes come home at 2 in the morning. If you enjoyed the night so much, much later than that. After you got off the cab, he would sometimes drunkenly tell the driver, already eating some of his words, "Hey sir. Thank you for dropping me and my beautiful wife home safely.", as he tightly wrapped his arms around your waist, with his head leaning on your shoulder and plants a soft kiss on your neck.
You quickly blink to wake yourself up from the memories to respond, "Uhmm... I'll g–".
"Ow come on, Y/N. It's already Friday. It's been I-DON’T-KNOW HOW MANY WEEKS since you came with us.", Bambam cut you while kind of pouting as he felt that you might reject their invite again.
He is right though. You can't even remember anymore when was the last time you spent time with your friends. All that you can remember is how long you and Mark have called it off. But hey, you have to break yourself from these thoughts of Mark. You think to yourself.
"I was about to say I'll go when you cut me off Bam",you respond with a chuckle.
With your response, Yugyeom and Bambam was clearly surprised and hugged you tightly while screaming of excitement and happiness, sandwiching you between your two tall friends.
"YES!!! At last!!! She's herself again!!!", Bam said loudly as he was jumping. Not caring about your other workmates already looking at the three of you because of their noises. You just shut your eyes tightly and pursed your lips as you felt a little embarrassed, yet in a good, funny way.
"Yah yah yah! Get back to work. You still have an hour before you can leave.", the three of you were kind of startled with your boss' voice. Finally releasing you from their tight hugs.
"Ah, Sir Park! You have to come with us too later!",Yugyeom said to your boss as he playfully teased him by nudging his shoulder.
"Why? Are you going to treat us now?", Jinyoung replied, raising his eyebrows.
"Ah~ Stop it Jinyoung. Y/N's already coming with us. You should come too.", Yugyeom responded.
"Yah! This little pu– That's SIR PARK for you.", Jinyoung told Yugyeom as he jokingly attempted to hit him with his hand.
Looking at you now with Jinyoung's bit confused reaction, "You're really coming Y/N?"
"Yes, SIR Park.", you replied with a sweet smile. "That's why you should come too.", nudging at his arm with your elbow.
Jinyoung was one of Mark's college close friends. While Yugyeom and Bambam were one of the active members of the organization where Mark and Jinyoung are both officers. That's how you got close to them. Them, treating you like their sister, and you treating them as your brothers.
Yugyeom and Bam walked back to their working stations to finish the remaining hour of their work. Jinyoung walked back with you at your desk with his arms crossed to his chest, carefully analyzing your face.
"Are you sure you're okay now?",Jinyoung asked straight with a low, quieter voice so that only you can hear his kind of a personal question. "Let me just remind you that you can always file for a vacation leave, Y/N. Don't push yourself too much."
Your eyes opened slightly at his words. But you managed to compose yourself and put a still reaction. Just how you always react. Like nothing was wrong.
Blinking, you smiled at him, "Yes, Jinyoung. I am fine. Thank you for being such a considerate boss.", trying to put a light tone to every word you said to make the conversation less serious.
"I am not telling you this just because I am a considerate boss. I am still your friend, Y/N. Yugyeom, Bam and I.", Jinyoung replied to you.
You only answered him with a smile and nodded. Implicating that you acknowledged Jinyoung’s comforting words. Because you still don't know how to react or respond properly to your friends after checking up on you, after learning about how Mark and you suddenly broke up. Even you, yourself. You’re still dumbfounded at what happened to your almost-perfect relationship. You’re still at lost.
It's only 8 in the evening when your friends got high from drinking. You're only watching them while munching some fish cake at your table. Jinyoung, like the usual older brother to you, advised that you don't drink tonight and you just agreed. You just really didn't feel like drinking tonight. You only want to spend time with them after not being yourself for the past eight weeks. You're giggling at their weirder antics that shows up when they have alcohol in their systems. They just eccentrically yell something, sing some songs that you can’t even recognize if those songs really exist and dance that made you laugh even more.
"Yah! Jinyoung! How about you take off that padding cyclings!", Bambam yelled to Jinyoung as the surrounding's becoming louder, causing you all to crack at how shameless he is for bugging Jinyoung when he got kind of drunk.
"How about I break your chopstick legs, huh?!",glaring, Jinyoung retaliated, causing you to burst in to laughter again.
Your eyes were already tearing up from laughing when suddenly you heard a familiar laugh. You know that laugh too well. You felt a sudden cold chill in your spines. That soft laugh even though he's already laughing his lungs out. You force yourself not to think of him this time, but it's no use. You already know him like the back of your hand. And like a natural reflex, you looked for him. You start to find at who's laughing with that familiar voice. The laugh that you can listen to even though you're sleeping. You're already picturing his face. His perfect set of teeth. His cute canines. The laugh that you always love to hear. That voice.
You thought, Maybe he's here?
Obviously, he knows that you're always here every other week.
Maybe he came back.
You stood up from your seat and looked harder for whose laugh it belongs to. You rubbed your eyes and wiped your glasses at your shirt, squinting your eyes and extending your neck to look sharply. Scanning keenly the noisy surroundings, the people around you.
But he's nowhere to be seen.
There's no Mark here.
He is not here with you tonight.
He is not with you anymore.
You felt another known sharp sting in your chest.
And that pain you felt intensified when you heard Yugyeom tell you all in a loud voice, probably because of the drunken state he is now, “Whoa! Look at Mark hyung!”, holding his phone up, pointing at a posted photo of Mark on his Instagram that he uploaded a few minutes ago. You really tried not to look, but your eyes automatically glance at Yugyeom’s phone when you heard Mark’s name.
You bite your lip and swallowed to conceal your uneasiness and eagerness to see his face again. You felt your mouth dried when you saw his photo.
He became much, much, much more gorgeous than you could imagine.
You thought that he already has the most pretty face you’ve ever seen in your entire life.
Small face, high nose bridge, small alluring lips, his beautiful teeth that accentuates his whole features, and those doe eyes that brightens up his face when he smiles, your most favorite.
Just… his whole appearance is the vivid representation of an ethereal beauty.
Although it is a black and white photo, you can still see how much more gorgeous he has become. He’s now the cover model for a very well-known fashion and lifestyle magazine. He’s wearing a black leather beret and a black tank top, reflecting at a what you think is a window or something, flexing his side profile. A pure beauty. He really is made for this; you think to yourself.
You felt colder. Empty. You told yourself in a small voice, "...Manhattan must be really nice then."
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So, here it is guys! My apologies for the late post 🙏🏼 But here it is anyways hehe. Thank you for those who are waiting and still want to read 😊
Also just a thought, I won't promise to put all GOT7 members in this AU unless they fit the characteristics I feel needed in this story.
I'll try to post the next chapter as soon as possible. Stay safe ya'll! -n. wang 💖
CHAPTER 2 (working in progress)
CHAPTER 3 (working in progress)
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match-up, No. 1
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Anon asked:
"oh hi hello! i just saw the match up posts and i got super excited cause i love your writings and i never had to chance to send an ask like this lol! i'm 19 years old but i'll be 20 this year. i'm pretty tall for a girl (173 cms!) but still i'm on the chubbier side because i eat a lot and im proud of it lol. i have green eyes, and raven black hair, medium length with short bangs, because i dye it regularly, but normally i'm a blonde! also idk if this matters but i'm straight!
i really like cooking, it's a big passion of mine, i also love singing! music is a big part of my life, i cannot go a second without listening to something and i've always been like this. even though i'm not talented about it, i love to listen to it. i'm a big hopeless romantic so i'm a sucker for anything that's romantic, like movies, songs, books etc! i really wish nothing but for real and pure love! i also collect toys and figures cause i didn't had the chance to buy them when i was little.
i really dislike being left alone. i don't have many friends or loved ones, but whenever i have to leave them for something it hurt's me a lot. i don't like too much people around me but i really adore the ones who i care about. other than that, i hate the way i look most of the time. since i was a little girl i was never comfortable with my body and had lots of issues with it but im trying to do my best to love myself!
i know this was too long but i couldnt stop myself so i hope its okay! im so much lookinf forward to this match up thingy! thank u soooo much for the chance! take care ❤️"
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a/n: First of all thank you so much. I'm so so glad to see that you like my work. This is a great motivation for me to keep writing. This really made my day. 💙 And I really hope that you'll be liking what will come next. I really hope that I didn't disappoint you my dear anon. This is my first time doing something like this and going honest I'm really insecure and anxious when it gets to my work. I'm never happy or satisfied by the outcome... But that's not the point. It's about you. So if there is something bothering you please don't hesitate and DM me or anything and tell me. Other than that happy reading! 🙈
Match up rules can be found HERE.
Warning(s): maybe some grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I'm still improving in every aspect. (Please have mercy on that))
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: Lord know who. IF anyone knows who did it please tell me so I can give credits. Thank you. :) !!!
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• I think that you and Sanji would give a great pair.
• There are a lot of traits of you that resemble that of Sanji in my opinion. And exactly this was the reason why Sanji started to spend more time with you and get to know you more than Nami or Robin.
• Whenever Luffy screams from the top of his lungs "SANJI! FOOD!!" you scream back from wherever you are right now "Gimme a minute and I'll get you something!", before Sanji can react to the food loving man.
• Sanji loves it when you join him cooking because you two seem to be able to work together without having to communicate. But even if Sanji would like to talk to the beauty that was next to him he wouldn't dare saying a word because as much as he loved talking to you he loved listening to you sing while you prepared anything you were on at the moment. Sometimes he would just stop in his tracks and just watch you dance around the kitchen whenever one of your favourite songs starts to play in the radio. He would watch every of your moves and smile like a idiot.
• After some time passing Sanji manned up and asked you out in the most romantic way. Sanji prepared a picnic with some snacks under that one tree with the wing (I hope you know what I mean 😂). Everything was set. You were in the girls cabin reading a novel when you heard a light knock. You didn't look up and just told whoever was there to come in but the person simply knocked another time what made you stand up with a scuff. You were ready to scold anyone that was there for ruining your peaceful reading session but there was no one except of a huge bouquet of red roses. It had a little note in it saying that someone is waiting for you down on deck. With a huge smile on your lips you stepped out of your room just ro realise that the way down to the deck was decorated by flower pedals. The sight in front of you made your heart race. You didn't wanted the feeling that grew with every second in you to stop. But you made it down and was greeted by the blond man you were always fond of. He took your hand in his and lead you to the swing and made you sit down.
• He took both of your hands in his and looked you in the eyes while giving the most sweetest confession ever made. And of course you said yes and wanted to date him
• dating him was the best thing that happened to you. He was sweet and caring. He spend every free second with you. If you were close to him he would always grab your hand and intertwine them. Sometimes he would appear out of nowhere and give you a kiss and compliment a different part of your body just to leave you dumbfounded and confused with a racing heart.
• There was this island the straw hats docked on and to their luck there was a festival planned for the night of the day they came. So Nami and Robin took you shopping and made Sanji go have fun on his own. Unlike these two you wanted something fancy that wasn't a dress but they still brought a few for you to put you in later on. And they managed to get you in a short sleeveless pretty blue-black dress. They did your make-up and theirs and ran out when Franky yelled that the fireworks were about to get blown what was the sign for the beginning of the festival. But you didn't came out because you felt uncomfortable in your current state.
• Sanji sensed that something was wrong and made his way to you only to find you standing in front of the mirror and looking at yourself with a tilted head and slight pout. Sanjis eyes widen at the sight of you. Because of 1. He couldn't believe how good that dress locked on you 2. He was shocked because he knew that you didn't like the way you looked.
• "How dare you!? How dare you not love this beautiful sight?! Baby! Darling! Love! Please don't. You look stunning. Simply gorgeous now please allow me to take you to the festival and brag with the fact that I can call the most beautiful woman mine."
• As you can see Sanji doesn't, can't and won't tolerate you being insecure so he took it upon himself to push your ego and make you love yourself as much as he loves and adores you.
• On the festival Sanji would never let go of you. He would constantly have you close to him so he could protect you no matter what happens. He makes sure to once in a while ask you if you're alright or if you want to go back to the sunny since he knew that you're not a fan of crowed places.
• Sanji left you alone for a few minutes but sat you down on a less crowded and also quieter place to get some drinks. You were happily looking at the ocean when a guy approached you and started a conversation with you. You were clear not liking it but still tried to talk nicely. But the guy seemed to understand your friendliness in a different way and got closer. You told him to keep a distance but he laughed it away and simply acted as if you said nothing. You felt uncomfortable and suffocated so you were about to stand up when Sanji came and kicked him out of the chair with a sweet smile upon his lips saying "Thank you for keeping my seat warm but now move your pathetic stupid ass away and leave me alone with my girl."
• When the guy left he took you in his arms and apologised while sitting you down on his lap while asking you probably a bunch of times of you're doing good or if he hurt you.
• While Sanji confessed his love to you Zoro was in the crows nest watching you two with a disgusted and confused look while silently praying for you to reject him but sadly you didn't. In fact you even kissed him. "TF is that stupid woman doing?!"
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lauwrite1225 · 4 years
Somebody to die for.
Finan x OC; The Old Guard inspired Alternative Universe
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Summary : Victoria's life is rather simple until she has a car accident from which she ends up miraculously unscathed. A series of weird events animates her daily life, everything seemingly bringing her to a strange man. Until this very man knocks at her door.
Spotify Playlist • Masterlist
A/N : And there it is, the first chapter of this fic I have been working on for a few weeks now! I'll post every Friday! A very BIG thank you too @maggiescarborough​ for all her precious help and thanks to whom this is story is way better than originally ahah!
Warnings : mention of blood and death
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Chapter 1 : I'm fallin' so I'm takin' my time on my ride
“Vicky you shouldn’t drive home so late.”
Victoria sighs as she climbs down the few stairs from her parents’ house down to the garden, her mother following her close. It’s dark and the motion detector activates the outdoor light, making the little path leading to where she parked her car more visible. 
“Stay for the night at least, you can leave early.” Her mother insists, arms crossed upon her chest to protect herself from the cold.
“I can’t mom.” She unlocks her car, throwing her bag on the passenger seat before turning around and leaning against the door. “I have to open the shop tomorrow and I don’t want to be late if there’s too many people on the road.” 
“That’s not safe, Vicky.”
“Come on, mom, it’s not the first time I’m driving during the night.” She exhales, sitting in the car and starting it. “I’ll text you when I’m home.” She smiles, ignoring her mother’s eye roll and closing the door. 
She slowly drives away from her parents' house, an old house lost in the middle of Essex. Her mother wasn't wrong about the risk of driving during the night on country roads, but Vicky took this road so many times, she's not really worried. She turns on the radio and turns the sound up when she recognizes the melody of Ride by Twenty one Pilots. Her fingers tap the steering wheel in rhythm with the drum, her head nodding regularly. She knows that song by heart and can't resist singing the lyrics as she drives in the direction of London. 
After half an hour of driving, a heavy rain is now falling, Vicky starts to regret not having listened to her mother. She woke up early this morning to be in time for the family lunch her parents have been harassing her about for a month. She yawns, her hand passing through her blond hair as she drives on a small quite deserted road. She tries to turn up the music louder to not fall asleep, but inevitably, her head starts to nod and her eyelids grow heavier. She closes her eyes, just one second, but when she opens them again, she’s blinded by the headlights of another car in front of her. Panicked, she hits the brake with all her strength, a slew of insults escaping her lips. The person in the vehicle in front seems to do the same and swerves. But inevitably, the two cars meet and the shock makes Vicky’s head hit the steering wheel violently.
For a long moment, it’s just darkness and silence and Victoria finds it awkwardly peaceful. She feels weak and out of her body, the strangest feeling she has ever felt. She can’t tell how long she’s been that way but suddenly it vanishes. She’s overwhelmed by all her senses who awaken at the same time. She panics, the feeling of her heart beating resounding in her whole body and the air painfully filling her lungs. She abruptly opens her eyes, straightening until the back of her head hits the car seat. 
It takes her a few minutes to calm her breath and to realize where she is, morning’s light blinding her. She’s still in her car, the windshield broken in a million pieces dispersed everywhere. She quickly notices the blood on the steering wheel and her clothes and immediately she brings her fingers to her forehead and indeed she finds fresh blood, but no wound. It should have reassured her, however it horrifies her. She tries to open the door and has to force it to finally leave the car. In the process, she falls on the floor and crawls to move away from the vehicle. The sleeves of her shirt are torn and stained with blood, but again, she’s perfectly healthy. Her confusion makes her sick and she leans on a side to throw up, her whole body shaking with a long thrill. 
Once her stomach is emptied she starts to look around her, now that there’s daylight she is able to see the fields that expand as far as the eye can see. She’s alone on this road, with her car with smoke coming out of the hood and absolutely no sign of the other vehicle. She stands on her feet, her legs shaking, and walks a little further to see if there’s anyone.
“They fucking left me alone.” She grumbles as she realizes she really was utterly alone. 
She walks back to her car and grabs her bag and jacket before searching her phone. When she finally has a hand on it, she sighs of relief. Though it doesn’t last long as she discovers how the screen is cracked. 
“New car and new phone it is, then.” Victoria speaks to herself, more to try to stay calm than anything. Fortunately, it’s still working but she realises right after that there's no signal. “Obviously.”
She looks around her one last time before facing the facts, she has to walk back home. She fills her bag with the important papers stacked in her car before walking away. After a quarter hour of walking, she starts to recognize where she is and estimates she should arrive in a village in another quarter hour. This time alone gives her the occasion to try to understand what happened last night. She obviously got into a car accident and the other person involved let her on her own, didn't even try to search for help, it is morning now, in six hours at least, if they left to find help, they should have already been back. No, they left her on her own as if she was dead. 
Victoria stops, the thought troubling her. She can't explain what she felt after the accident, she has already fainted a few times in her life, and it has never been like this before. But what is even more troubling, is that she's perfectly healthy, not even a scratch despite the blood she found on her clothes and in the car. Nothing is making sense.
She covers her face with both of her hands, then rubs her eyes as waking up from a bad dream. But she's still in the middle of a road, in the middle of nowhere. 
“What the hell?!” She shouts, frustrated by so much incomprehension. 
She continues to walk, she wipes the blood from her face before she reaches the village and puts her jacket on to hide the state of her clothes. She has no idea of what happened and she definitely doesn't want to have to explain it to anyone. She finishes her way home with public transports, and it's past midday when she arrives in London. She gets a few messages, from her boss and even more from her mother. She sends excuses to her boss with a lie and another lie to her mother, saying she fell asleep and forgot to text her before. 
Once she's in her small flat, she rushes to the shower after throwing her clothes in the washer. She stays at least an hour under the water, her mind playing the past events over and over until she's upset again. When she steps out of the shower, she’s starving. So she grabs the first thing she finds in her fridge, which happens to be the leftovers of her lunch from two days ago. She tries to remain distracted, turning on the TV and starting an episode of Game of Thrones, her best friend Rebecca has been harassing for a month to start watching the show. And for a brief hour, she’s captivated by the Battle of Bastards, and by how good looking Kit Harrington is in armor. 
The rest of the day is uneventful and when Rebecca visits her later in the afternoon Victoria hesitates to talk to her about her accident. But she’s pretty sure she’d simply think her completely crazy. 
“Are you alright, Vicky?” Rebecca eventually asks when she hands her a cup of tea. 
Victoria smiles kindly. “Yes.” She’s not used to lying to her best friend. They have known each other since middle school and she could count the number of times she lied to her on one hand, one being for her surprise birthday for her 18th birthday. “Why are you asking?”
She sits next to her friend on the couch, bringing her own cup of tea to her lips to blow on it. “I don’t know you’re very silent. And you said you weren’t feeling good this morning.”
“Oh… Well it was nothing, just felt nauseous.”
Rebecca narrows her dark eyes but doesn't push further. “How were your parents?” She asks, changing the subject, much to Vicky's pleasure.
“They were fine.” She takes a long sip of her tea. “They wondered if you'd like to come for dinner one day.”
Rebecca grins, her parents have always been pretty fond of her, even proposing her to join family events. It never bothered Victoria who was happy to have a friend with her. “Of course, I'll come. I just need a date.”
“I'll text you.”
Rebecca leaves after dinner and as soon as the door is closed Vicky falls into her bed, exhausted. She doesn't have time to overthink as usually when she tries to find sleep, she finds Morpheus' arms the moment she closes her eyes. But her sleep is far from being peaceful, her dreams bringing her sometime in the Middle Age, judging by the clothes of the men surrounding her. She's in the middle of a fight opposing warriors with long hair and tattooed faces and others with more modest appearance, only a fire alighting the area. She looks around her, trying to understand the scene, but her vision is almost constantly brought back to one of the warriors. It's a tall man, wearing leather armor above a greenish tunic, with dark hair and beard. He is using his sword with such ability, his movements swift and precise, Vicky can't help but be impressed. From the corner of her eyes she can see men falling and how trees seem to delimit a clearing. She looks up to the sky and can see the stars shining in the sky, never before she has seen them so clearly. Then, a sound catches her attention and she's staring at the warrior again. He is not fighting anymore, frozen and his face twisting into a grimace. She looks down to his abdomen in sync with him and she gasps as she sees the sword coming out of his belly. And it's like she can feel all his pain as the sword leaves his body, her guts tearing apart. The man coughs blood, falling on his knees, his hands pressed on the gaping hole in his abdomen. He finishes his fall, head first in the mud and Victoria can feel the life leaving his body as the man takes his last breaths, his brown eyes looking into the void. 
Victoria wakes up abruptly, sweating and panting. She presses a hand on her chest, desperately trying to calm her breath. Once she's calmed she pours herself a cup of water, still haunted by the sensation of her dream or maybe nightmare. She doesn't find sleep after that, so she just lies on her couch, watching TV, until morning comes and the hour she has to leave for work. 
It's only the first night of a dozen as sleepless. Most of the time, she finds herself in the Middle Age, in various places, some faces regularly appearing. Sometimes she's in other periods, even in modern days. But the common point to all her dreams is this man. Each time she can see him more clearly, his thick hair is most of the time cut short around his ears, a scar slashing his forehead while two small others are ornamenting his left cheekbone. One day, she decides to draw him, she spends the afternoon on it, but she's determined to make it as realistic as possible. As the lines darken the paper, she realizes how the man reminds her of someone. She sends the drawing to Rebecca without much explanation and she immediately replies to her that he reminds her of the guy from the conspiracy theory video they watched one late night. 
Victoria takes the time to search the video in her browser history, and indeed, Rebecca was right. The man is the spitting portrait of the one called the “time traveler”. She watches the video with probably much more interest than the first time, desperate to understand why he is haunting her nights. That's clearly the least credible story she has ever heard: a man, the same man, captured in pictures at different places and at different periods of time. A guy talented with photoshop could perfectly create this whole theory. She sighs, closing her laptop and just comes to the conclusion that her brain registered the man's face when she watched the video with Rebecca and simply has a fixation on it since. 
Curious to know the origins of the other faces she can see in her dreams, she draws them as well and she finds herself with three other men. The younger looking is blond with a bowl cut, a long face and an endearing smile. The two others look much more like warriors, one has long hair tied and shaved on the sides, his eyes a piercing blue, the other has different colour eyes and a tattoo covering the side of his neck. Once again, she sends her drawings to Rebecca but this time she has no idea of where she could have seen them. 
Days pass, the dreams don't fade but Victoria forgets about her accident and all the strange things that happened, until the police call her. Obviously, her car had to be found as she didn't call anyone to take care of it, she just wanted to forget what happened. She tries to give the best explanation to the police, telling them she's alright and shock made her forget to deal with her broken vehicle. After an hour on the phone they finally let her alone, adding that if she wanted to file a complaint there would probably not be a lot of results. She just replies that she will think of it, when in fact she won't at all.
As things couldn’t get weirder, one afternoon she meets an odd customer at the bookshop she’s been working for years now. She doesn’t notice him particularly, until she feels like he is staring at her behind his sunglasses. She tries to ignore him, but can’t resist staring back. He is wearing a grey sweatshirt, the hood covering his hair, but at the color of his beard she guesses it’s as dark. There’s something familiar to him and decided to understand what his problem with her is, she fully turns to face him. 
“Can I help you?”
The man seems to freeze, his hands sinking in the pockets of his trousers. He lowers his head and reads the badge with Victoria’s name on her jacket. He looks back to her and this time she raises an eyebrow, her arms crossing over her chest. 
“No that’s alright.” He mutters with an accent she doesn’t get in the moment. “Sorry for botherin’ ya.” 
He steps back and leaves the bookshop without another word. She doesn’t move for a moment, frowning and still staring at the shop’s door. She has dealt with a thousand customers in five years of working here, sometimes extremely weird, even more than this one, however it’s him who remains stuck in her head even a few days after his visit. 
But the culmination of this month filled by weird events happens a week after the man came to the bookshop. It’s a friday, and as usual, Vicky has her free afternoon and spends it at her flat, watching the last episode of Game of Thrones while drawing. But she’s interrupted by a knock on her door. She frowns, pretty sure she expected no one to come today. The person knocks again and she gets up from her desk chair. She unlocks the door, opens it, and before she can even say “hello”, she gasps in surprise at the sight of the man standing in front of her. 
Victoria has no doubts. It’s the man from her dreams or the one theorists call the “time traveler”, standing in the corridor of her floor with a tight, uncomfortable.
A/N : A first chapter full of misteries ahah ! Don’t hesitate to comment, express your ideas regarding what could happen or whatever could happen, I’m really curious to know ahah! See you next week for some answers ;)
Tags : @maggiescarborough​ @geekandbooknerd​ @obipoelover​ @finansarms​ ; Don’t hesitate to tell me if you want to be add to the tag list of the fic!
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rogue-barnes-16 · 5 years
Summary: after the too convenient disappearance of Natasha Romanoff, the Avengers —a local biker gang— search for help in the most unexpected place in order to get their friend back. Will it help, or will the situation just get more twisted and dangerous?
Pairing: biker!Bucky Barnes x reader
Genre: angst-ish (biker gang au)
The mysterious disappearance of Natasha Romanoff: @shirukitsune @retrxbarnes @montypythonsholysnail
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @1a-girl-has-no-name1 @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack @butifulsoul125 @unlikelygalaxygiver
Warnings: language
A/N: I've been kinda missing for quite a while, posting something here and there, but I kinda miss writing regularly so I'll try come back to posting twice-thrice a week, but you gotta give me a bit to get some shit rearranged and written for that schedule to be possible. Meanwhile, enjoy this part of the series and if you wanna be added to the taglist, send an ask <3.
The mysterious disappearance of Natasha Romanoff masterlist
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist
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I took a deep breath and threw myself against the backrest, waiting for the first location to load while my hands ran through up my face and through my hair.
A yawn escaped my lips as I checked the laptop's clock first, and the timer for the code to do its magic second.
Leaving the laptop over the chair where I had been sitting, I walked my way to the kitchen and poured myself what would be the fourth coffee of that morning.
As soon as I finished, I made my way to the balcony were I used to spend those early mornings with my mug held between my palms.
I took a sip of my coffee, resting my elbows over the small balcony's railing. My were eyes closed as I breathed in the forest morning breeze.
"So much for saying it was a one-night stand." A teasing voice behind me asked, and a grin tugged the corners of my lips. "You still here?"
"It's been two weeks since that." I taunted him, taking a sip. "get over it."
"can't get over you." He dramatically stated in his morning husky voice, which made the sentence seem way more romantic than I thought it was.
"So fucking cheesy." I laughed.
"Bare with me, doll." feeling his lips against my temple made my smile wider while a pair of hands traveled from behind me to rest on my hips. "this is mine." he tugged the hem of his jacket, which I was wearing.
I hummed in response, leaning my back against his chest. "It's chilly out here. I didn't wanna get cold."
He tugged the hem of his jacket eagerly, feathery kisses tracing a path from my shoulder to my neck "come back to bed" I chuckled at his eagerness . " it's still warm."
"I got work to do" I replied noctant with the sole goal of sort-of upsetting him in a playful way. "No time for cuddling."
"Please, Y/n." he whined, slowly pulling me away from the balcony to take me back to the bed. "Just ten minutes."
"It's not gonna be ten minutes." I retorted playfully, turning around to kiss his lips as we entered the bedroom once more. "You're not fooling anyone with those puppy eyes, Barnes."
He let out a subtle laugh "at least you won't get cold."
I shivered.
It was always a little bit too chilly during the morning in that balcony.
I felt the urge to squeal when a jacket was suddenly thrown over my shoulders as a reply to my subtle shiver.
I held it back, though, and instead, grabbed the lapels clothing offered and put it on while a tall figure made its way to my side "Drop the coffee, yunky." Sam teased, resting his elbows over the railing without sparing me more than a subtle glance. "it's like the tenth one I see you with this mornin'."
"It's just the fourth one." I responded, looking before me to avoid eye contact with him as I took a sip of the coffee. "It's nice to see your level of drama hasn't changed at all."
"it's good to see your level of sarcasm is still the same, too." I shook my head with a smirk I couldn't hold back. "I kinda missed that annoying sass."
"Oh boy, ain't I aware of that."
His amused yet brief chuckle preceeded a surprisingly soothing silence between the two of us.
"So" I looked over to him and, by the knowing half smile in his face as he watched me intently, I just knew what he was going to mention. "a boyfriend?"
"Hell no," I denied with a scoff. "we're not talking 'bout that."
"C'mon, Y/n." he whined, turning to face my side. "I won't tell Barnes."
"Sam" I pinched the bridge of my nose as all the bad memories from those last days with them came back around, as if they had been summoned by Bucky’s last name. "I still don't trust you. Any of you."
"Uh... Sorry."
"Like-- I appreciate you tryin" I explained the best way I could. "but we're not there yet, and I don't know if we ever will."
"Yeah I'm-"
I shut my eyes as the self-awareness of how rude I might have sounded hit me. "I'm sorry I-"
"No, no, I'm sorry, you're right." he sighed, rubbing is hands together in an anxious manner. "And... I know it's not my place to ask any of this, but-" he took a split second to measure his words before speaking. "You're happy with him, right?"
I frowned, not at the question itself, but at what was carefully hidden behind it. "what d'ya mean?"
"I mean, you're with him because he makes you happy, right?"
"Wilson, why the fuck would I be with him if he didn't?" I inquired, now turning around to face him as my tone turned more hostile each passing second.
"I shouldn't be sayin' this but-"
"But you're gonna say it anyway." I finished. He opened his mouth a couple of times but nothing came out. "C'mon, what d'ya mean?"
"Listen-" he glanced around before continuing the sentence he had just started. "I'm just sayin I hope it's 'cause you're happy together and not 'cause of Bucky."
We eyeballed each other for a hot second while the anger built up inside me, making it so damn hard for me not to explode.
"Y'know what? I'm not havin' it." I stated, stepping away from the balcony in order to reach the living room.
"That's not an answer."
"You don't fuckin' deserve one." I hissed, grabbing the laptop to finish what was left to do as quickly as I could, now eager to flee out of there.
How dare him? I thought to myself. Who the fuck gave him the right to say shit like that.
The moment I was done with the laptop, I smacked it shut and, picking up my jacket, I rushed downstairs.
I was so inside my thoughts that I ended up bumping into Bucky on my way out, which left us both with barely enough balance to avoid falling down the stairs.
"Shit- sorry."
"Don't worry." he let go of my forearms, which I didn't know he was holding, and I shockingly enough, had to do the same, since I gripped his arms to avoid falling. "You okay?"
"Yeah- I mean..." I puffed, affirming with my head. "I'm fine."
"I..." I stared into his eyes for a moment, watching him trying to read me in order to find out what was wrong. "You sure?" I only nodded as his worried irises observed me. "you finished?"
"Yeah, everything's set in the laptop already." he mumbled an 'alright' and stepped aside, freeing the way for me to exit. "I... I really hope you find her."
"I'll call you if I need your help again." he answered, and, right after, attempted to climb upstairs.
"Bucky wait!" I followed him just to be close enough to be able to grab his hand, which made his whole body tense. "I changed my number." I explained whilst getting a pen out of my pocket to scribble my new number on his palm. "there it goes." I let go of him with a pang of sadness that I wouldn't even admit to myself. "keep me updated." I requested, trying my best to ignore the tinge of red creeping up his neck and ears.
"Okay. Have a good time with your boyfriend." what was meant to be a smile ended up as a pursed lip, and I couldn't blame him since I felt my mouth doing the same gesture as I climbed downstairs to the door.
I double checked Natasha's phone's latest locations, which Y/n had managed to get before leaving, before going back to the map in order to revise which were areas out of New Jersey and Queens.
"Hey" I spun my head to the door frame, against where Sam's side was now resting. "How's it going?"
"Uh... I think we have something." I informed him, pointing at one small area near the center of Manhattan. "I called Carter— I know, Steve's gonna kill me." I stated, anticipating whatever Sam must have thought of saying out loud. "She said Hydra's boys have been seen in this area for a while and--"
"I wasn't asking 'bout Nat." he cut me off, tilting his head to the side slightly while the faintest tinge of worry showed up in his eyes. "I meant-- y'know what I meant."
"What d'ya want me to say?" I questioned with a wannabe-careless shrug. "It's going. Just like it's been goin' for 'bout year already."
I took a peek at his face and I just knew he was about to explain to me how different it had been today from the rest of that year of me drowning in self-pity.
"She got a boyfriend."
"Yeah, I heard that too." I replied sarcastically, getting up in order to reach for the phone again.
"What I mean-"
"She moved on, I know." I finished his sentence, starting to mark Peggy's number once again. "Can you focus on-"
Sam teared the phone away from me in a swift movement, which left me shocked for a couple of seconds.
"what the hell, Wilson?"
"Don't call Peggy," he warned me, locking the phone and placing it in his pocket. "Steve's gonna end you. And-"
"I swear if it's 'bout-"
"I wasn't gonna say that she moved on, you idiot." he snapped. "I was gonna say, don't do anything fucking stupid."
"What the hell does that mean?"
"It means she's not single." my friend warned me with arms crossed, no longer resting against the door frame. "It means that if somethin' happens and she doesn't stop it-"
"Nothin'll happen," I assured him with a sting of pain in my heart.
He sighed, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm just sayin'..."
"I'm tryna help, man." his reply sounded as a desperate whine. "If you do something stupid and her relationship goes south, the blame's gonna be on you."
"It wouldn't-"
"It will," he argued, lowering the voice before continuing. " 'cause it's easier to blame the ex who fucked her up."
"We're all adults."
"Yeah" he agreed. "but you're my friend and I don't wanna see you bawling and weeping for another year."
"I'll be just fine."
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queenxxxsupreme · 5 years
Solace-Jim Mason series
Chapter 1
A/N: Guys. I literally just watched the Tribe of Palos Verdes yesterday and I can’t even. Jim deserves better and I intend on giving him better. So here is my first chapter to what will be the death of me:)
Warnings: implications of suicidal thoughts
Word Count: 2.5k
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"How long have you been at that hospital with that boy, Sonny?” 
I glanced over my shoulder to the boy that was laying in the hospital bed. He’d been in a medically induced coma for going on three weeks now. 
“He’s been here for three weeks. But I do leave, dad.” I spoke quietly into the phone to my father. I turned my attention back to the window that overlooked the ocean. “I just leave when he has company. I don’t want him to be alone.”
“You don’t even know him.” 
“A part of me feels like I do.” I chewed on my bottom lip. “I mean, I was on that beach for a reason.”
“Yeah, jogging like you do every morning.”
He didn’t understand. No one understood the weird connection I felt with the boy I found on the beach. 
“I have to go, dad. I have some stuff I need to do.” I said my goodbye to him before hanging up. 
The clock near the door to the room read 9:39p.m. Visiting hours for the hospital were over hours ago but luckily I was able to talk the doctor into letting me stay. Steph said it was my oddly green eyes that everyone fell for instantly or my friendly smile. 
I moved to take my seat in the chair underneath the window. I had a few schoolbooks spread out on the floor around the chair. They were for a class I had to take over the summer to ensure I would graduate the following year, but they weren’t the topic of my concern right now. I pulled my sketch book into my lap, folding my legs underneath myself, and looked across the room to the comatose boy.
His name was Jim Mason. He was a seventeen-year-old boy, the same age as me. His hair fell in loose chestnut waves around his face, his dark lashes resting upon prominent cheekbones. His skin was pale, but he had gotten some color back since I found him. I had studied his face time and time again, but I hadn’t been able to see his eyes. His sister, Medina, who I’d spoken to a handful of times, said his eyes were blue like the ocean. They were the prettiest blue she’d ever seen, she said. 
My gaze dropped down to my sketch book. I had been working on drawing a few surfers I had seen earlier that evening when I was outside waiting for his family to leave.
(”Don’t you have somewhere else to be, sweetheart?” One of the nurses I had seen probably a dozen times in the last three weeks asked me on my walk back through the hospital. She didn’t understand why I was spending so much time with Jim, with someone who didn’t know me, who I didn’t even know. I just gave her a little smile and nod of my had, not caring to explain to her that saving his life had also saved mine in a way.)
I wish it was easier to explain to people that finding Jim on the beach that morning saved my life. After having no sleep for three days and thinking back to the night I went to the party in San Marino two weeks ago, I was ready to give up and throw myself into the abyss I’d found solace in.
Three Weeks Ago 3:28a.m.
My eyes stung as the ocean breeze hit my face, almost instantly drying my tear-stained cheeks. My lungs burned and ached, begging me to stop running. I wasn’t sure how long I had been running but I just needed to go. I needed to be somewhere other than Palos Verdes. I needed to get out. The salty air made me nauseous and the sound of the waves was driving me crazy. 
I was about to give up, the tears in my eyes were no longer from emotional pain but physical instead. The waves crashing against the shore were beginning to look comforting, like they’d be a good place to end the miserable train wreck my life had become. 
That was when I saw him. 
He was laying on the sand on his back. I slowed down, my breathing labored and choppy. I hesitated to approach him, unsure of who he was. He could be one of those party kids I saw regularly doping themselves up on whatever they could get their hands on. He could be dangerous. 
As I got closer, I noticed that he wasn’t breathing. Panic set in. My heart, still hammering in my chest from my sprint, was now pumping from a new wave of adrenaline. 
I pulled my phone out and dialed 9-1-1 before rushing to his side.
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”
“He-He isn’t breathing!” I choked out. My trembling hands reached out to check for a pulse. I don’t know if it was because I was shaking so badly, but I couldn’t find a pulse. 
“Who isn’t, ma’am?”
I couldn’t answer her question. I started to do chest compressions, remembering the training from the classes I took after witnessing the same thing happen to my mother. As I counted out each compression, I could still hear the dispatcher try to talk to me.
“Ma’am, what’s going on?”
After getting thirty compressions down, I tilted his head back and gave him mouth to mouth. 
“Please! Send someone!” A new batch of tears flooded my eyes as I gazed down at the boy beneath my hands. I started a second set of thirty chest compressions, ignoring the pain in my arms. I needed to keep going. I needed to keep going. 
After doing mouth to mouth the second time, he choked to life, coughing harshly and then vomiting. I helped him turn over on to his side, my hand rubbing his arm. 
“Hey, hey, hey.” I murmured softly as he threw himself back on to the sand. His eyes gazed up at the dark sky. It was too dark to really make out any of his features. His eyes started to flutter shut. I patted his chest to get his attention. “Don’t close your eyes, sweetheart.”
The sound of sirens caught my attention. I looked up for a brief second to see if I could make out where they were coming from. I looked back down to the boy to see he was gazing up at me with hazed over eyes.
“You have to keep your eyes open, sweetheart.” I smiled softly at him, feeling a little bit of relief flooding me. He was breathing. He was alive.
His lips moved but no sound came out. I wasn’t sure what he tried to say but he hand came up to hold mine that rested on his chest. 
The sound of the heart monitor beeping in the hospital room brought me out of my little trance. I looked up to see his eyes were open. His fingers were wound tightly in the white sheets of his hospital bed. 
It happened often. He would have dreams sometimes in his comatose state. The doctor said he couldn't dream. Comatose patients didn't dream, but Medina said she knew he was dreaming.
My gaze flickered down to my sketch book. I started to hum Sweet Child O Mine. It was arguably my favorite song. My mother used to sing it to me when I was young. Without realizing it, the words started to come out of my mouth in soft murmurs while I finished the sketch of the surfers.
"She's got eyes of the bluest skies, as if they thought of rain. I hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain," I paused for a moment, shading in a particularly dark part of the ocean.
"How long have you been sitting there?"
I nearly jumped out of my seat at the sound of Jim speaking. His eyes were closed and his hands still fisting the sheet beneath him. His voice was quiet and raspy.
"Just a few hours." I answered with a little smile, putting my pencil down and closing the sketch book. "I'll go get a nurse."
I froze at his words. His eyes opened and for a moment, stared at the ceiling above him.
"No. Just.... Just stay."
I nodded my head, tucking pieces of red hair behind my ears. I out my sketch book into my backpack and nervously bit my bottom lip. He turned his head to look at me.
"What's your name?" He blinked slowly, still dazed from just waking up.
"Everyone calls me Sonny."
"Is it a nickname?"
"Emerson is my really name." I answered quietly. The only person who ever called me by my real name was my mother.
"Emerson." He closed his eyes for a moment and brought his hand up to rub his eyes with his fist like a child. "Hi, Emerson."
“Hi, Jim.” I smiled softly, waving my hand just a little. 
“You’re her.” He opened his eyes to meet my gaze. “The girl.... from the beach.”
“Yeah, that’s me.” I nodded my head, nervously messing with my fingers. "You remember." I was a little surprised, not really expecting him to remember.
"I thought you were an angel." He admitted with a little chuckle.
"Far from it." I laughed a little awkwardly, glancing down to my fingers. My eyes caught sight of the pink scar across my left knuckles. I brushed my fingertips over the scar, remembering how I’d gotten it just two weeks before meeting Jim. “Is Jim short for something?”
He groaned softly.
“James.” I tested the name out on my tongue. It felt familiar and warm. He smiled softly at me.
“How long have I been here?” 
“Three weeks. Your dad and sister were here just a few hours ago.” I glanced over to the clock by the door. “But visiting hours were over so they had to leave.”
“Why didn’t you leave?”
I lost my voice as my eyes found his. My lips parted but no sound came out. I couldn’t find the ability to talk. What was I suppose to tell him? Was I suppose to tell him my sob story? Would I tell him why I was on the beach that morning? What my plans were to do had I not found him? 
The door to the room opened and in walked a nurse. 
“Well, look who’s awake.” 
“He-He just woke up.” I sputtered out, brushing a few pieces of red hair behind my ear.
As she started to ask Jim questions and tell him that his family would be notified immediately that he’d woken up, I decided it was best for me to leave. I gathered my things and slipped out behind the doctor that was entering the room. 
“You’re back early.” Reese commented as I closed the front door behind myself. He sat in the living room with his feet propped up on the coffee table. He was in nothing but his swimming trunks and a zip-up that was unzipped with the sleeves pushed up completely. His blonde curly hair fell into his sleepy eyes. He was my second oldest step-brother, but he’d been a part of my family for so long that he was just like a brother to me.
“Yeah.” I sighed softly, tossing my bag to the ground by the door. Usually, I wouldn’t make it home until well after midnight. I preferred to spend my nights either at the hospital with the stranger I found on the beach or on the beach just outside of the hospital. I always tried to stay away as much as possible. Home wasn’t bad, but whenever I was home and my parents were too, they’d pressure me into normal teen stuff. “He woke up.”
“Oh. Cool.” Reese turned his attention back to the TV. I shrugged off my jacket. “Are you gonna tell him you’re in love with him?”
“Shut up.” I rolled my eyes at him, throwing my jacket at him. He snickered and caught the jacket, tucking it underneath his arm.
“There’s pizza in the fridge if you want any.”
“Wheres Steph and dad?”
“Charity dinner.”
As I moved into the kitchen, my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was an unfamiliar number. I furrowed my eyebrows together but answered anyone.
“Sonny Carlisle?”
“This is her. Who is this?”
“Medina Mason. You found my brother, Jim, on the beach three weeks ago. He woke up just a few hours ago.”
“Yeah, I know.” I smiled a little, leaning against the island counter. “I was there.”
“You didn’t stay?”
“The nurse said his family would be contacted. I didn’t want to intervene.”
“You should come over tomorrow for dinner tomorrow night. I think he’d like to see you. He’s been asking about you since I showed up.”
My stomach tightened at her words. Was he interested in me? No, that was silly. He just woke up from a coma, Sonny.
“Why’s he been asking about me?” I moved to get a water bottle from the fridge.
“He just wanted to know who you were. I told him I didn’t know much about you. You kinda stayed away any time I came around to see him.”
“I didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes.”
“Hey, Sonny? Is that you?” Miles called from the balcony upstairs.
“I’m on the phone, Miles!”
“I know it’s late, Sonny, and I don’t want to keep you up.” Medina said. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay. That…. That sounds good.” I nodded my head. “Bye, Medina.”
“Good night, Sonny.”
The call ended and I put my phone down on the counter. I raked my fingers through my hair, closing my eyes for a few moments. I placed my hands on the edge of the marble countertop, bracing myself as I took a deep breath.
He was awake now. What was I going to do to distract myself from my own problems?
“You okay, Sonny?” Miles asked as he walked into the kitchen. I pushed myself off the counter and turned to face my little brother. He had short blonde hair that stood up in every direction. He must’ve been asleep. His eyes were a bright piercing blue. He was sixteen.
“Yeah, Miles. I’m good.” I nodded my head with a little smile.
“Her Sleeping Beauty woke up.” Reese teased, moving into the kitchen. He went to the fridge.
“Shut up, Reese.” My cheeks burned at his words.
“The boy from the beach?” Miles raised his eyebrows.
“Yeah. He woke up a little bit ago.” I nodded my head. “I’m going to bed, guys.”
“Jackson’s gonna be in tomorrow morning, by the way!” Reese called as I made my way up the stairs. “Then the real fun can begin!”
I nodded my head but didn’t say anything in response. It was our parents’ eleventh anniversary so Steph’s oldest, Asher, and dad’s oldest, Jackson, were coming in from out of town. Asher was coming from Portland and Jackson was coming from New York. Reese was the only adult child who stayed with Steph and dad after he turned eighteen. He was twenty and showed no signs of moving out anytime soon.
I closed the door to my room behind myself and tossed the water bottle down on to my bed. I raked my fingers through my hair, letting out a little sigh. My stomach began to churn as the haunting anxiety began to return at the thought of not having something to do in the morning. I usually would go walk on the beach from sunrise until around seven. Then for an hour and a half, I’d visit Jim and the morning nurses. The alarm clock by my bed read 11:18p.m. Sleep wasn’t an option. I was too worried about what I was going to do tomorrow.
I made my way over to my desk and decided to work on a few paintings. It had been a while since I actually sat down to paint. Maybe it would calm my nerves.
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