#not sure how to tag this bug thingy
arco-irisi · 3 months
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xenrey for soul
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yournightmary · 6 days
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Roommate!Ellie HCs | part II
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content warning:: fem!reader, modern!AU, pretty sure that’s it
AN:: Hope you all enjoy this:) xx
part I here!
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ roommate!Ellie who loves going to the store with you. Whether you’re going to get the groceries or just doing a quick run for a snack- she’s tagging along.
also- definitely walks behind you like a kid, pointing at everything on the shelves and asking you if she can get that. Or just puts the most random and weird things in your cart.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ roommate!Ellie who feels weird whenever someone touches her hair but still asks you to cut it for her. For the love of god, she can’t cut the back even if she wants to. If she does it herself she’ll end up with shitty layers, not in the cool grungy girl way.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ roommate!Ellie who will get hyperfixated on one specific food and she will eat only that for two months straight. Then she’ll get sick of it and won’t be able to even look at it :(
⇢ ˗ˏˋ roommate!Ellie who always helps you pick an outfit just so she can shamelessly stare at you. Also offers you to help with your hair, just so she can touch it and be close to you.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ roommate!Ellie who made you sit through a 9 hour youtube video about FNAF lore and later questioned you about it. Would pretend to be mad when you answered wrong.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ roommate!Ellie who shares all her subscriptions with you. You two share a netflix account, you have spotify duo maybe even the apple one family thingy if you have an iphone. You always send her half the costs but she somehow always manages to give it back. Most of the times just buys you a gift with it.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ roommate!Ellie who has the humor of a 12 year old boy. She knows all of the brainrot jokes and doesn’t get how you can’t understand them or don’t find them funny.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ roommate!Ellie who tried to take you out on a date multiple times but it always ends up a flop. Whether you stumble upon some mutual friends and hang out together or just don’t do anything date-like, you never seem to pick up on her hints. You do. She’s just oblivious.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ roommate!Ellie who made most of the art in your apartment herself. There’s definitely at least one portrait of you, proudly displayed in the living room.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ roommate!Ellie who is the scary-bug killer in your duo. Big spider in the shower? Weird, flying, buzzing bug in your bedroom? Give her a minute tops and you’ll be safe again.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ roommate!Ellie who literally cried when she got back from work before christmas, seeing the whole apartment decorated. Then she got excited like a kid when she noticed there were gifts under the mass cane plant, your budget too small to get an actual christmas tree so you just used the beloved house plant you already had.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ roommate!Ellie who finally confessed her feelings on valentine’s day, when you both didn’t have a date so you just watched shitty rom-coms together. Was literally shaking on the couch and almost backed out twice.
your relationship didn’t really change once you became a couple, Ellie just got a lot more touchier. She denies it but her love language is physical touch. She’s a softie at heart.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ roommate!Ellie who leaves notes all around the apartment so you can find them while she’s at work. It’s mostly awful dad jokes, she probably gets them from Joel.
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sarahowritesostucky · 6 months
📖"Merry & Bright"
Part 3 - Family Fun Night
Merry & Bright Masterlist
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Rated: Teen
Pairing: Bucky x Steve
Tags: a/b/o, omega Bucky, alpha Steve, kid fic, Karens
Summary: Bucky and Steve go to their daughters' school play.
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(If your name is Karen, I'm sorry and sending warm hugs)
Bucky’s been able to ignore the encroaching Holiday season for longer than usual this year. 
Between the warm-ish fall weather and his continuing therapy appointments, the ceaseless calls from his publisher and that guy from Warner Brothers, and the move and the overwhelming demands of a newborn, it’s just hard to believe that it could already be Thanksgiving next week.
Steve’s next text coming through just about drives a bulldozer through that delusion:
Steve: Hey, I’m at the store right now. You want me to pick anything up for this ‘Friendsgiving’-extravaganza? I know Jarvis said he’s got it handled, but I feel like we should have backups for the girls? Just in case Tony’s picked out some sort of weird, avant garde menu? Becs really has her heart set on pumpkin pie. And Sarah, well …
Bucky: You could ask Pepper. I think we’re safe as long as there’s mac ‘n’ cheese and rolls. Anyway we’ve got over a week to sort it out.
Steve: … Babe, today’s Tuesday. We’ve got two days. 
Bucky immediately checks his phone calendar, and sure enough, Thanksgiving is this week, not next. Fuck. 
“Ohshit,” he breathes, eyes bugging out of his head as he realizes that this means tonight is the school play, not next Tuesday. “Fuck. Shit!” In his hands, his phone chimes.
Steve: So, pie?
Bucky texts back a harried ‘yes’, thinking that he’s got to get his butt back to the tower immediately. He very suddenly has only about nine hours before his children need to be fitted with their (as of yet not even near-to-finished) homemade costumes. Becca’s paper mache drumstick still needs spray painted, and Sarah’s supposed to be a scoop of mashed potatoes that Bucky still needs to find something to act as the pat of butter on top.
“Jarvis, help.” Bucky says as he hoofs it back in the direction of the tower. 
 Jarvis’ voice emanates from his phone: “Mr. Rogers. How can I be of assistance?”
Bucky rattles off the craft supplies they’re going to need. “And if you know anyone on Stark’s payroll who’s good with a needle and thread, that wouldn’t hurt either.”
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It seems like only yesterday they were dressed up as Buzz and Woody, letting Bo Peep and a very bossy Jessie drag them around from house to house. They’d trick-or-treated in the Cobble Hill neighborhood where they technically don’t live yet but will soon, once the house is finished being refurbished. Bucky had carried Gabe strapped to his front as one of the Little Green Men alien squeaker toy thingies, and Steve had pulled a wagon along for when one or both of the girls inevitably became too tuckered out to—
Anyhow, point is: it feels like they were trick‘or’treating all of two seconds ago.
And now Thanksgiving is in two days? What the everloving fuck?
Bucky spends a very brief amount of time that afternoon being irrationally mad at his husband, as if it’s Steve’s fault that his pregnancy brain has apparently extended into the postpartum period and allowed him to lose track of time. He grumps privately that Steve should’ve somehow magically known that he was mentally operating in the wrong week, and should have thus alerted him that the holiday was imminent! Stupid Steve. What the hell is the alpha good for, anyway?
Later that evening of course, he realizes how ridiculous that is. He comes to terms with the fact that he’s actually upset with himself—partly because of the mad scramble he’s left with to get ready for Coulton-Chestor Preparatory Academy’s family fun night, but even moreso because of the 5k he now has to face up to in less than forty-eight hours. (What real, qualitative difference one more week of jogging in the park was really going to make, Bucky can’t say, but he’d been counting on it to help him work his confidence up about the whole ordeal.)
It’s not like he wouldn’t back out of it if he could, but he absolutely cannot back out. This is the first ever Brooklyn Bridge American Heroes Turkey Trot, co-sponsored by Stark Industries and Barnes Prosthetics (yes, Bucky is the genius who thought it’d be fine and dandy to plan a 5k less than half a year after giving birth). Together, he and Tony have started a foundation for veterans and civilian victims of the regime years, to help provide them access to the high quality, bio-integrative prosthetics that Bucky’s company makes.
Since it’s not exactly cheap to weld a robot arm onto somebody, Bucky and Tony have partnered with Wounded Warrior Project for this charity run; done to raise funds for vets who don’t happen to have a spare ninety grand lying around to fund their surgeries. The limbs themselves are, of course, all provided free of charge by Barnes Prosthetics, and the overall costs are at least somewhat ameliorated by various amenities provided by Stark.
As the visible face of the charity, Bucky’s got no choice: he needs to show up, show off, and show support. He’s expected to be there to make nice with all the other amputees who’ll be running, and to show off how happy and perfect his life is now that he’s got the Asset IV prototype cybernetic implant attached to his body. It is a bitchin’ arm, and Bucky is excited to get to hand one of those gigantic cardboard checks over to the Wounded Warrior guys, but he really, really wishes he’d thought to postpone the Foundation’s first run until next Thanksgiving. 
At least he’ll have Steve there with him, he thinks. His Alpha has promised not to outpace him to any embarrassing degree, Darcy is fine with keeping Gabe until they get back, and Tony has even arranged to have the girls set up for the Macy’s parade with a disgustingly VIP viewing situation on Central Park West. But aside from those few hours on Thanksgiving morning, Bucky’s daughters will remain under his purview for the holidays this year. 
And the hubbub begins with Family Fun Night that evening. 
Bucky alone has to deal with Sarah’s anxiety problems leading up to the curtain call for this stupid fucking school play. “Hold still, Honey,” he begs, speaking past the safety pin he’s got held between his lips as he kneels there and uses both of his hands to try and do a last minute costume fix. “Sarah I said hold still.”
“Fix it daddy, fix it!” 
He’s crouched next to his youngest daughter in the school’s hallway, trying to better secure the pat of “butter” (a folded yellow tea towel) to the top of her not-so-great mashed potato costume. Steve is off somewhere with the drumstick, helping her to not be scared about walking out on stage. “Baby, please. I can’t fix it if you keep moving around,” Bucky growls, but his frustrated tone only makes Sarah get more hysterical about her role in the play being messed up by a floppy tea towel. She starts to cry about how she doesn’t want to do this anymore. 
“Sarah Winnifred, I swear to God, if you don’t hold still, you’re gonna have a new hole poked in your head!”
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He and Steve sit proudly in the fourth row back and watch the play that their children’s overpriced prep school is putting on before it lets out for Thanksgiving break.
At the end of the final song, when all of the students are lined up on the stage like a demented paper-mache buffet of human-sized food items, bowing hand in hand, Steve and Bucky rise with all the other parents for a standing ovation, humongous smiles plastered on their faces. Steve tries to do a finger whistle with middling success, then he leans over to Bucky’s ear and cheerfully whispers, “That was so dumb!”
Bucky laughs, still clapping and beaming with absolute pride for his daughters. “Yeah it was friggin’ awful!” 
The curtain falls, and he and Steve exit the auditorium to go backstage and congratulate the girls. A very excited drumstick and mashed potatoes run up and start talking over each other to tell their fathers all about the play that they just performed. “Papa! Daddy! Did you see me?! Did you see my song?!!” 
“What about meee?!”
“Sure did, Becs. You were really good!” 
“The best turkey drumstick ever.”
For being such excellent thespians and to celebrate their acting debut, they present the girls with two foil-wrapped tulips that they bought out in the lobby. Becca especially, seems very proud of her flower, twirling in her drumstick costume and holding it to her nose again and again. Bucky’s smile wavers with emotion as he gets that warm, shot-of-whiskey feeling once again, and he remembers that Life is Good. He catches Steve’s eye from over top of the mashed potatoes, and they share one of those silent “I Love You” moments. Steve shoots him a wink.
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It being family fun night, Darcy appears as planned and ushers the girls away to go change back into regular clothes before they head over to the kids’ party in the gymnasium. Meanwhile, Steve and Bucky go to the reception that’s been put together for the parents. Bucky isn’t super keen on attending, but he promised the girls that they could play games with the other kids for at least an hour, so he and Steve make an admirable attempt to mingle amongst the other parents.
Coulton-Chestor Preparatory Academy is an exclusive elementary school on the Upper East Side. Due to its sheer proximity to Stark Tower, and since bussing the girls all the way to Brooklyn for an entire year would’ve been too much of a hassle, Steve and Bucky chose to enroll them there. It’s only temporary, until the renovations on the Cobble Hill house are complete and they’re able to move back to Brooklyn. Bucky is looking forward to being able to walk his children the two picturesque blocks between their house and the neighborhood school each day.
But until then, it’s the more snobbish parents and overzealous PTA moms of Coulton-Chestor that he has to navigate at functions such as tonight’s. Bucky’s been taking some time off work ever since things got very pregnant-and-miserable in about month eight, but he still considers himself a working father, and as such there is an awkward disconnect between him and the more … involved stay-at-home parents who surround him at the reception.
At least there are hors d’oeuvres and cocktails, which give him something to do with his hands. Steve starts chatting with a few of the parents who are running the silent auction, and Bucky avoids getting drawn into bidding on overpriced theater tickets by heading over to the refreshments table. He’s just finished loading up on a bunch of mini quiches and cocktail weenies, when the one person he’d hoped to fully avoid at this function makes her attack. Bucky turns around with his little plate of foot and startles as he’s suddenly faced with a familiar, blonde-haired woman. 
“James!” She’s got a tea-length dress, an overly-whitened smile, and a ponytail that’s been curled to within an inch of its life. It’s Karen.
(No, her name is literally Karen.)
And in Bucky’s limited experience with her, she has an uncanny ability to make every social interaction the exact opposite of what Bucky would like it to be. It’s just a gift some people have.
She swoops in with two other omega parents by her sides, introducing them as “Jill” and “Nate.” Bucky plasters on a smile to match hers while she air kisses his cheeks in that way that rich people who think they’re cultured always do.
“You made it,” she coos, acting pleased to see him. In all fairness, she might be. Bucky’s never point blank told the woman that he finds her insufferable, and she always seems to make a beeline for the more well-to-do parents. Ever since she found out that Bucky and Steve not only rub shoulders with Tony Stark, but are actually living with him, she’s been eager to make Bucky one of her besties. “It’s been too long. How are you, darling?”
“Oh, you know,” Bucky says, gesturing with his plate of cocktail weenies. “Hanging in there.”
“And how is that gorgeous new baby of yours doing?” she asks, nudging Jill to announce, “James is married to Commander Rogers. They have three children.”
Jill and Nate make a polite fuss over that, while Bucky tries to act gracious and think of a way to correct Karen that “Commander” isn’t Steve’s title, and if he ever hears her referring to him as such, he’ll be offended. “How is your family doing?” Bucky asks, more to get the topic off himself rather than due to any real interest. 
Like most of the Coulton-Chestor moms, Karen is married to a well-to-do Alpha, has precisely one child, and spends her time trying to climb as high in Manhattan “Mommy” society as possible. Having a living child at all is automatically a foot up in terms of social standing, Bucky’s learned, and the moms of Park Avenue lord their accomplishments higher than most. Most times Bucky’s met her, Karen’s been wearing diamond solitaires with designer workout clothes and brandishing her own fertility like a damn merit badge. 
Karen brags about her son for a few minutes, and when it seems like everyone in their small group is necessitated to take a turn with regards to their own offspring, Bucky throws some random fact out about how the girls have been doing. Jill and Nate start gushing over Bucky’s grand accomplishment of having three kids, which is practically unheard of. 
“You must be so proud. How lucky to have three healthy children!”
“What were yours in the play?” Jill asks, and she seems friendly enough so Bucky makes an effort to tell her about how he’s responsible for the turkey leg and the mashed potatoes. She giggles and nods and says her son was one of the pumpkins.
“Oh, ha, yeah. They had quite the little dance routine, didn’t they?” 
Bucky’s smile turns annoyed when Karen feels the need to point out, “Yes! And your little Rebecca kept up alright, didn’t she? She seemed able to follow along with the other kids quite well!”
“Yes,” Bucky says peevishly. “She’s very talented.” 
“Isn’t it wonderful here? I just love how inclusive Coulton-Chestor is,” Karen simpers. She turns to the other moms and starts telling them about how Becca is in her son’s “regular” class, and how she’s always so sweet, and so helpful to the other students. She talks about Becca like she’s a little mascot, or a class pet, and it rankles Bucky’s nerve to no end.
Since the fertility crisis began, there’s been more stigma placed on children with any sorts of disabilities, and Bucky’s had to deal with a lot of thinly-veiled prejudice due to his daughter’s special needs ever since he started advocating to get her into the same high-quality school programs as Sarah. The public school system still hasn’t recovered, and with limited slots available in all childcare-related fields these days, people are more ruthlessly competitive for their children than ever before. 
“Yes, we like it here,” Bucky agrees. “Though we’ll be switching to a different school next year, when we move to the new house over in Brooklyn.”
“You’re not leaving The Tower?” Karen gasps, as if that’s the most horrible, ludicrous decision. Given that she makes it sound like Bucky and his family are choosing to move out of friggin’ Buckingham Palace, Nate and Jill predictably get curious and ask:
“The ‘Tower’?”
“Stark Tower,” Karen chirps, excited to tell the other two omegas, “James and his husband live there.”
 Nate’s eyebrows go up. “They live there. In the tower?”
“Oh yes! Didn’t you know? Why, they’re friends with the Starks.”
“Really? Oh, I’ve heard such good things about that Pepper Potts,” Jill gushes. “Seems like a lovely woman. How do you know her?”
Bucky smiles, pained. “Actually I knew Tony first. We work together.”
“You work?” Nate sneers. Bucky ignores him. 
“Yeah, I met Tony back during the, ah … well, during the regime years.”
“Gilead? Oh. Huh.”
(“Wonder what the Starks were doing, back then? Were they married then?”
“You never do hear what celebrities got up to during all that, do you?”
“No, you never do.”)
Bucky hums, not intending to get into a conversation about it, but Karen forces his hand by volunteering, “Wasn’t that all in your book though, James?” 
Karen enthusiastically tells the others, “He was one of those resistance fighters, can you believe it? That’s how he lost his arm.” (Everybody’s eyes not-so-surreptitiously fly to where Bucky’s left hand is sticking out of his sweater, holding onto the plate of hors d'oeuvres.) “And he was a vessel. His husband was one of the commanders down in Washington. That’s where they met!”
“Steve wasn’t a real commander …” Bucky hedges.
“Oh he wrote a whole book about it! You really must read it.” Karen rattles off the title and both Nate and Jill make sounds of recognition. 
“Ooh. You know, I’ve heard of that book.”
“Great,” Bucky mutters. He has to smile along politely and answer them as they start asking him fascinated questions, with Karen supplying details every time he tries to demure and change the topic to something less sensational. 
“He’s just being modest!” she simpers, laying her hand on Bucky’s arm in an overly familiar way. “James, tell them about how you were on the View.”
Bucky reluctantly does, and Jill and Nate nod along, enthused to hear about how he’s been on television and met the hosts of the show. “It really wasn’t all that exciting,” Bucky insists. “I wasn’t the main guest. They had, you know, real celebrities that went after me. Reese Witherspoon and stuff.”
“You met Reese Witherspoon?”
“No, no. I didn’t. I was only there for like, two minutes. It wasn’t even important.”
“Oh I don’t know,” Karen prods smugly. “A little birdy told me that Netflix was trying to buy up the film rights to your book.”
Bucky doesn’t even care, he openly shoots her a withering glare this time. “I can assure you that’s not true.” (It’s HBO, and it isn’t Bucky’s fault if she doesn’t have her details right.) 
Karen continues to gab to the other two parents about it anyway, insisting that some omega heartthrob actor whom Bucky has never heard of would be the ideal casting choice to portray him in the film version of his book. “And Chris Hemsworth. Oh! Wouldn’t he just be perfect to play your Steve?”
“Nobody’s making a movie out of it!” Bucky snaps, fed up with her incessant gossiping. “It’s not happening.” He looks around awkwardly at the end of his outburst, aware of Nate and Jill’s surprised expressions. “Um, I just mean: the studios were shopping around,” he mutters. “But I said no.” 
Of course this is very disappointing to Karen, and she tries to tell Bucky what a mistake that is, talking about how interested everybody would be in the subject matter. “I just saw an episode of the Dr. Phil show where they were talking about it,” she says. “They had wives and some of those vessels on. Even a commander.”
Bucky hums dispassionately. “Sounds like trash tv to me.” He’ll be damned if he lets Karen know he was asked onto that program as well. “Just people trying to make a spectacle out of it.”
Karen titters awkwardly and agrees, but Bucky can tell that she’s annoyed at him for shutting her gossip down. “Well, it’s all very controversial, of course,” she excuses. “And a commitment like that would just be so much more on your plate.”
Bucky nods, glad that she’s dropping it. “Yeah. Exactly.”
“After all, you’re already a working mother,” she says, saying ‘working’ all hurriedly and quietly, as if it’s something not to be mentioned. “I’m sure you just want to focus on your family, now. With the new baby and all.” 
“Congratulations,” Jill gushes. “Did you have a boy or a girl?”
“A boy. Gabe. He just turned four months old last week.”
“Oh, how wonderful.”
“Another omega for your family?”
“No, Karen,” Bucky says, annoyance audible in his voice. “We haven’t had him tested. We’re just going to wait and find out the old fashioned way.”
“Oh. I see.”
They all seem taken aback, because it’s very rare for a newborn not to be tested for designation these days. Much to Bucky’s chagrin, gender roles only seem to be becoming more emphasized than ever. Jill chuckles awkwardly and tries to lighten the mood. “Well, that’s so progressive of you. Dan had our little Archie in an alpha playgroup by the time he could crawl, I swear.”
They all titter over that, and Bucky tries to scan the room for any sight of Steve without being too obvious in what he’s doing. He spots him over by the punch bowl. “Um, I’m sorry,” he excuses. “I think I see my husband calling me.” He starts to make his escape, but Karen grabs him just as he’s turning.
“Oh, James, wait! We wanted to ask if you’d help us plan the Winter Gala.”
“Oh, I uh.”
“We’re going to have the children do a nativity scene. And I was thinking a candlelight service. Wouldn’t that just be picturesque?”
Bucky makes a face. “Sorry, Karen. My family isn’t very religious.”
“Oh, no but it’ll be interdenominational!” she insists with a big grin. “You celebrate Christmas, of course!”
“... No?” 
“Not really,” Bucky grunts. “I mean, we do a tree and a menorah and all that, but ..."
“Menorah?” she says, and the way she squinches her eyes sets Bucky’s nerves on edge. “You’re not Jewish?”
Bucky pulls his arm back to himself. “Culturally, yes. Steve’s family is Catholic, mine’s Jewish. But we’ve decided that organized religion isn’t what’s right for our family.”
“Oh! But you can still come to the church service!” Karen says brightly. “It’ll be—”
“We’re not religious,” Bucky blurts out, sick of stepping around the issue and having lost his patience. He’s tired of politely fielding other people’s invitations for him and his husband and children to come and check out ‘this congregation’ or that, and figures he’ll just squash any chance there might be of him actually getting roped into planning holiday festivities with the Coulton-Chestor evangelical set. “We’re pretty much raising the girls Atheist,” he tells Karen, watching as her smile flickers like a bulb hanging on by its very last filament. He feels a degree of nasty satisfaction at having perturbed her. 
Disturbingly, the Christian Right has continued to grow in popularity—culturally, if not politically—these past few years, and Bucky has very little tolerance for it (he tried to show tolerance before the regime, and look how that ended up). He knows his family is in the minority, and it’s very apparent how this information makes the friendly light in even Nate and Jill’s eyes dim somewhat.
“I’m sure you’ll plan something great, though,” he excuses brightly, turning around to go and find Steve and see if it isn’t too early to make their escape. “It was nice catching up!”
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This has been a fill for:
Card: SB3088 || stark-contrast
Square D3: Slice of Life
Card: sarah-writes-stucky
Square I5: Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Card: sarahyellow / sarah-writes-stucky
Square C4: alpha/omega relationship
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payidaresque · 1 year
The New Editor tips and tricks (sort of)
So, i got a lot of interesting activity with my recent poll regarding what editor content makers actually use, and i noticed that some people (well, most actually) really struggle while using it. And as i'm using it for some time now, i found some ways or actually making it work better/be less annoying. Please note that this is in no way an attempt to try to force anyne to start using it, this post is desinged to be a help post for those who may not know how some of its functions work, and maybe an informative post for others, and maybe make content maker's life a little bit easier, and that's it!!!
If you're intrested, please read below. And please pass it along so more people can see it! Thank you. Warning: image/gif heavy!!!
Add more images after you already added some This is useful if you want to add a gif to one side only. If your making a comparison gifset, for example. After you added your gifs, click on the space between them until you see a blue line, and then hit enter. This is useful because you don't need to drag your gif all around, and if it's added to one side, it sticks to one side only. The same applies to the other side
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Reorder gifs The most handy way would be by dragging them by those 4 squares thingy. The blue lines may be distracting, but think of it as the guides as to where your content will be placed
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Double check What I mean by that is this: when i add my gifs, they usually added into text editor itself, so in order to be sure, I take a gif, and drag it one level above, like this:
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Obviously, the new editor needs a hell lot of work before getting implemented permanently, but i hope this will be at least of some help for those who strugling. There's a lot of issues with text formatting as well, maybe it's the matter of a habbit that i don't find it very hard as of uploading/rearranging gifs anymore, my main issue with it, personally, is that it makes my content look ugly for others (surprisingly, they look as intended to me, i checked it like several times before). I do understand that staff needs to update the code that was written over a decade ago, and it's important to think of it from the technical side of things too, because it may be that the old code is outdated, so they simply can't use it anymore, even if they wanted to, cause you know, progress is never sleeps, in every aspect of life, especially such a complicated thing as programming and coding
What i'm trying to say is, that as a content maker myself (i've been making content, mainly gifs, for over 7 years on here), i understand the frustration. Trust me, it pisses me off too. What staff can do tho, is fix the existing bugs
Don't just complain. Explain. Angry tags in reblogs won't help the case. Send them feedback/tickets telling what issues you personally have with the new editor, preferably with screenshots/gifs to show off the problem, so they know it's not just words but actually see the problem. And try to be as detailed as possible. The new editor kinda sucks, but it's nothing that can't be fixed And maybe they'll listen to us
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Here's my little blog site thingy, I'd recommend using it while viewing my blog, so the posts aren't annoying white blocks
Y'all can call me Creature or Archivist (among other things, check pronouns page down below for info), I go by it/they pronouns, as well as any neopronouns
One: GENERAL WARNING FOR INSECTS, ARACHNIDS, AND OTHER BUGS IN THIS BLOG I like bugs, they're really cool! but if they aren't your jam should warn you that there's A few here
Two: this is my only account, I don't have a side blog or art blog right now, if you specifically want to see my art you can use my art tag (tags listed below)
Three: I block freely so I'm not writing a big dni, don't interact if you fall under basic dni criteria (racists, pedos, nazis, etc. You know who you are), terfs don't interact (although I don't see why you decided to come here in the first place)
Four: WARNING FOR EYESTRAIN!!!! I LIKE BRIGHT COLORS!!!! Oh and eyes, A lot of eyes
If I should start tagging stuff as warnings just ask <3 I might not be amazing at it but I'll tr
Wings of fire*
Will wood*
Warrior cats*
Wander over yonder
Lemon demon*
Ride the cyclone
The beetlejuice musical
The Jekyll and Hyde musical*
Tally hall
Miracle musical
Jack stauber
Gravity falls
Across the spider-verse
Birds (mainly birds of prey)
Sea Creatures
animals that people find scary in general
My chemical romance*
The owl house
The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde*
The glass scientists*
The Magnus Archives*
A bunch of other things
*starred interests are ones I mainly post about*
#creature draws : this one has my art!
#creatures neon dragons : this one has some simple brightly colored sketches of dragons on a black background (im not sure I'm continuing this, all posts here are old)
#super cool art : other peoples art that I reblog
#creatures ted-talks / #creatures ted talks : these have my text posts, stuff where I talk (I don't do so very often)
#creature answers : this one has my answers to asks and responses to tags
#creature rambles In someone else's post : self explanatory, I talk in someone else's post
#very important post (vip) : this one has posts I find important, nowadays I stick to things with helpful links
#creatures faves : posts I really like
#creatures faves² : posts I really really like
#creatures saved files : this one has things I want to save for later
#creatures saved files art edition : art tips and color palettes I wanna save
#wee woo : will wood related stuff
#silly music people doing silly things : other musician related stuff (where you'll find lemon demon and mcr posts grouped together, yaaayy!!)
#casualdejekyll and formaldehyde : Jekyll and Hyde related stuff
#Normal British archives : The Magnus Archives related stuff
#wof of fire : wings of fire related stuff
#warrior kitty cats : warrior cats related stuff
(don't worry I'll figure out how to fill this empty space someday)
In The meantime here's a playlist of my favorite songs
Stay tuned, in the next update I might have My interests organized (I'm making a spacehey) ←ok this might not happen any time soon lolz
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mrskurono · 3 years
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title: Friends without Lovers || platonic Bakugou Katsuki + fem!Reader a/n: i'm watching bnha from the beinging rip me word count: 2.2k tags: fem!Reader, plus size reader, established relationships (fem!Reader x Izuku/KiriBaku), long time friends, heavily aged up (late 30s/early 40s), angst, past mentions of body shaming/quirk shaming, language, happy-ish ending, reader has a kid and KiriBaku has two, unedited character(s): Bakugou Katsuki ft. Izuku Midoriya + Eijiro Kirishima synopsis: Katsuki and Eijiro celebrate twenty years of marriage with friends and family. You can't help but congratulate your long time friend when your childhoods together come up.
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"Aw, Kacchan, the run away groom."
Katsuki's red eyes flipped up at you standing against the event hall's door frame when he heard the voice. Scowl deepening as you sipped your beverage unfazed by the grueling look of irritance.
"Shut up." His pinched expression let go the second he realized who it was lording over him, "I'm not running away you idiot. Just letting the other one suffer at the wrath of my mother."
"Wrath?" You jutted your chin back down the hall where the wedding anniversary was being held, "Your mom is gushing over your son's dimples and Kiri is getting in on that sweet grandma love like a ham."
"Tch-" Katsuki rolled his eyes knowing well how spoiled his mother made his kids, "That damn old senile bat."
Careful not to spill your drink, you gathered the hem of your outfit and sat down with a plop next to your friend, "Congrats by the way." He looked over at you with a blond brow cocked up, "For the anniversary you god damn idiot. Twenty years and here I thought no one would ever marry someone so-"
"Mom! Mom! Mom!" Tripping down the hall with exuberance only outshined by his father, your son stopped when he spotted Katsuki next to you. Green haired teenager beaming a giant grin at the blond man, "Uncle Kacchan! Congrats on the porcelain thingy."
"It's an anniversary bud," You can't stop smiling at your son's lack of knowledge of such old traditions. Though it was something he'd learn soon enough if he ever chose to get married. For right now though the teenager was rocking on his feet looking like he had a mighty important question to ask you, "What's up? You look like you're going to pee your pants if you keep doing that."
Still grinning like a fool. Mess of dark green curls. A spitting image of Izuku if you'd ever seen one. Nearly seventeen years and still you wonder what you did beside make a mini version of your husband. Looks, personality and sweetness. He was perfect. Well, for a teenager.
"We wanted to go down to the shopping district. The twins said Uncle Kiri said they could go so I was wondering...." You boy smiled even wider.
"Where's your father?" You look past him not seeing Izuku for the past twenty minutes.
You kid pointed back to the event hall, "He was doing something with Mr. Iida. He said ask you."
"Ha." Katsuki snorted at Izuku pulling that card.
Of course you glared at your comrade and then looked back up at your son, "Fine. Make sure you're phones on. We're going to meet grandma after this got it?"
"Yes!Thankyou!Iloveyou!Bye!" Bounding away like touching the ground would kill him. You sigh and take another drink with Katsuki surprisingly quiet next to you. Your son had mentioned that his twins were also going. But apparently asking their other father didn't warrant much of a reaction from the man next to you.
"...he certainly looks like Deku." Katsuki commented softer than you knew he could speak.
Looking over the rim of your glass at him before swallowing your gulp of tea, "I'm not entirely sure what I did for ten months. Even your surrogate tricked some of Eijiro's genes hah."
Empty drink next to him. Katsuki honestly was just about to get up when you came over. Now the kids hyped up doing something down at the shopping plaza. He figured getting up right away wasn't really necessary. Plus he had something bugging him worse than the run away groom comment.
"...When did you know?"
Puzzled by what he meant. You turn to Katsuki with your confusion clearly plastered on your face. He takes it upon himself to clarify what he meant.
"When did you know Izuku was the one." Katsuki reiterated.
Still skeptical about where this was going with your normally brash friend. You don't answer him seriously and jab him in the side, "What you really a run away groom after all these years? Who you gonna run away with me or Izuku?"
"Pff-" He snorted, "As if." Katsuki looked at the rim of his glass and gave a small shrug, "I'm just curious. After all these years."
He was more serious than you actually thought.
"What does it matter? You like me or something?" You snorted with the glass raised to your lips for a drink, "Lil' late for that."
Katsuki shook his head, "I love that shitty haired idiot."
"Well," You palmed the back of your neck, "When did you know it was Eijiro then?"
"Spring term of our junior year, right before finals." His answer catching you off guard with how concise it was. And when you looked over at him there wasn't trace of joking on his face. Katsuki really meant his question then.
Dwelling on it. You think back to when you were about your son's age. Still a student at U.A. Everything that had happened over the decades, thinking about one thing seemed almost trivial. Until there was a clear cut answer sparkling in your memories.
"Sophomore year." You wipe the condensation dripping off your drink with a small smile, "I think it was sophomore year. Izuku probably knows what day it really way. But he picked me up."
"From school?"
"No you dolt, off the ground." It felt stupid saying it out loud. Feeling your face heat up but still it was a comforting warmth to think of, "He picked me up and spun me. I hadn't ever been picked up because of well-" A quick gesture to your ample body, "But he picked me up and spun me. Laughing and telling me it was easy peasy." The memory brought back more emotions than you realized were attached to it. Wiping at your eyes as your husband's laugh and words were so clear in your head even after all these years, "I think I fell in love with him right there."
Stillness fell between the two of you. Another drink and your beverage was gone. But you couldn't bring yourself to look over at your friend as the thoughts of your youth filled your mind. Memories good and bad. The reason it felt so magical when Izuku picked you up was because the reason you had hated yourself so much was sitting right next to you. It'd been years since you thought of it but suddenly it felt very raw.
"...gonna tell me why?" You cock a look over in his direction, "Seems stupid to ask that now."
Katsuki rolls his eyes and shook his head, "I don't know. I just thought maybe you always liked Deku more."
"More than you?" You almost had to laugh, "Kacchan you're my friend but know there are some things I haven't forgiven you for."
"I know." He accepted that. Long ago it was just something he simply had to live with, "I'm not asking you for forgiveness. I fucked up, I know that."
You squeak your wet thumb over the drink container while looking down, "Izuku forgave you long ago. I don't think he was ever really that mad but-" All the years of teasing and reprimand for making the 'wrong' decision felt so volatile and close to the surface on such a happy day, "I had to undo a lot of things you did and said to me. We'll never be what we were before middle school."
He hung his head. Knowing exactly the rift that widened between the three of you. One that he caused.
"Guess that was my ego talking," Katsuki sighed as he leaned back to prop himself up on his hands, "I know I said it wasn't ego but....I just thought I should have it all."
This wasn't knew. Leading you to roll your eyes at him.
"Thought you liked Izuku that entire time, it kinda pissed me off."
"What?" You glanced over at him a little grossed out, "You had a crush on me or something?"
"Fuck no." Katsuki's face soured at the thought, "No. But- I guess I thought of you as a consolation prize." The look of disgust clear on your face, he spoke up to explain before you could say anything, "I was the one scoring high enough for U.A. My quirk was the best. I was the best. Somewhere, I guess I just thought you'd side with me."
"Katsuki there were no sides. You were my friend. So was Izuku. And you two were friends." You frowned at him, "I used my quirk to help people. And you did the opposite. Why would I have sided with that?"
"Because the other side was quirkless," He shrugged so frankly, "So it was logical for the strong to team up. And stick together."
Quirkless sure. But he wasn't now. And perhaps that mended a few bridges after creating new ones when the three of you were younger. But the way Katsuki viewed power through the years was only the tip of the iceberg that caused such a divide between you both.
"...it wasn't just what you did to Izuku." You pointedly say, "Yeah that was a dick thing to do all the those years. But I didn't fall for some underdog thing in middle school. And you didn't push me to liking Izuku. I did that all on my own."
At some point you could feel his gaze on you. It was obvious but you didn't look over at him. Only remaining fixated on the glass in your hands.
"...Izuku was strong. He's always been strong. Strong and stupid." You paused and squeezed the object in your hands as you found your words, "I wasn't...I wasn't as strong about your words. I guess...I remember the day you turned on me a lot clearer than I do when I fell for Izuku."
Katsuki stayed silent. He knew what day you were talking about. Only a few weeks into U.A. Perhaps all the things he threw at Izuku rolled off him or made him resilient. Not everyone was like that. And deep down Katsuki knew you weren't like that. Even when he through away years of friendship in just a few words.
"...the way you made me feel bad about myself, about my body." You bite down on your lips trying to steady your breathing, "I won't forget those words Kacchan. They've come up so many times in my life. And affected so much. My work, my relationships, everything."
He didn't dare deny it. Knowing the second he went for the throat with you back then that it was unforgivable. Shaming you about your quirk and its physical affects on your body, about your stupid choices to stick up for powerless Izuku and worse of all, equating your insecurities to how unlovable and useless you were. Thinking about it now. Katsuki didn't entirely understand how you could sit here with him right now without throwing a drink in his face. Empty glass or not. He'd understand if you came back with it full just to dump it on him.
"....but," Your voice seemed lighter, "Now you're my son's godfather. And give him undying love from two wonderful uncles."
Katsuki looked up at you. His own eyes misted with tears to match the ones clinging to your lashes as well. The two of you sharing a lip quivering smiles as you reached out and slugged him in the shoulder.
"And I guess your kids are ok too." You chime in with a bigger grin.
Rubbing his fists into his eyes. Katsuki let out a debilitated laugh as he shook his head, "God damn it woman. I'm so glad I married shitty hair instead of you. But still-" He couldn't stop from smiling, "I'm glad you and Izuku could be apart of these past twenty years too."
Laughing it off you couldn't help but sock him in the shoulder once again as you blotted at your own face. The two of you got interrupted by a voice hollering down at the two of you. None other than Eijiro and Izuku waving you down like mad men with smiles on their face.
Getting to your feet after Katsuki got up first. Offering you a hand as you took it and stood up and fixed your outfit before looking down the hall at Izuku.
Done up in his tux. With an All Might pin on his lapel like he did for every event attended. His green eyes lightened on you and you swore you could see the world sparkle in them. Freckles scrunched up as your husband waved at you grinning. Somehow that made your tears well all over again in your eyes.
"Kacchan." You muttered to catch the blond man's attention next to you. When he looked over at you he only saw you staring and smiling at Izuku like a damned fool, "Thank you. For giving me Izuku."
"Tch." He snorted but abashedly put his fist up next to you, "Didn't give you anything."
You raise your fist and bump it into his as you look over to see your friend staring at the red haired man right next to your husband. The same look of the world in Eijiro's eyes and knowing he was looking at Katsuki just like Izuku looked at you.
"Still." You smiled when Izuku began talking even though you didn't understand what he was going on about, "Thank you for everything Kacchan."
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Kamen Rider Thunderbirds Chapter 3 (Bit 5 End)
Prologue, Bit 1, Bit 2 Updated, Bit 3, Bit 4 
Finaaaly! I finished Chapter 3! :D
Big thank you for @janetm74 for the beta read, thank you @myladykayo for helping me through the story. Tagging @willow-salix, @katblu42, @gumnut-logic and @dreamycloud)
So let’s end this chapter, right? :)
“So you are saying that you’ve been attacked by some unknown monsters?” Jeff asked, his fingers gripping the paper. The bandaged up boys nodded.
“Yeah. And we believed it was a set up." Virgil pointed out.
"It seemed like deliberate sabotage by those… things, so we came in and fell into their trap." Scott theorized. He continued explaining: in fact, the way the fires started was suspicious, the flames appeared in random parts of the building, according to the recent investigations. And according to the testimonies of the rescuees who were trapped underground, the humanoid fire-monsters appeared out of nowhere and they are the ones who started the whole fires, and then… they were simply waiting. The field commander finished that the poor fellas acted as bait for the monsters to finish him and his brothers off.
"Long story short: they were after our heads apparently." Gordon concluded.
Their father had a look of extreme concern. To think those threats with impossible yet fantastic power to bring down a building were after his sons was very alarming and pose a threat to their lives and security. Here he thought that time where they had to save the world from a mind-controlling alien sphere was a close call!
"Thank heavens the Kamen Riders came and saved us!" Alan chirped, his ocean eyes sparkled like stars with memories.
"Yes. You guys are very lucky. And those rescuees as well." Agreed Jeff, "However, we don’t know if we could trust those bug-eyed warriors.”
“But dad! They saved us!” Argued the youngster, “They saved us from these creatures! I am pretty sure they are our allies! Friends even!”
"Alan! We don't even know who they are!" Pointed out Gordon.
The young blonde crossed his arms and gave the most dramatic pout. Jeff sighed, gently shaking his head with a slight sympathetic smile, “They may be on our side now, but we still don’t know what their intentions are. Especially when they got those… other-worldly powers. So take their alliance with caution.” he said sternly.
The brothers nodded in agreement, including Alan who simply cocked his head to the side. They did tell John about the whole thing, in which the middle brother had mixed feelings. Concerned, relieved and interested. But mostly worried.
After the debrief, the atmosphere was a lingering silent worry.
“Hey kiddo, don’t be upset.” Gordon smiled optimistically.
“You sure?” Huffed his youngest brother.
“Yeah. As much as I am suspicious about them, I am also curious.” his innocent smile turned into a cheeky smirk.
Alan’s grumpy face slowly transformed into that of an excited gremlin that the redhead knew and loved, “Alright! How about we go talk to Brains? See what he thinks of this rescue.”
Gordon grinned, “Right behind ya, Sprout!”
And soon enough, the terrible two vanished through the door of the lounge, their excited feet echoed through the halls.
“What do you think of the Kamen Riders, Scott?” asked Virgil, placing a gentle hand on his older brother’s shoulder. 
Scott shrugged, “I don’t know.” He was mostly worried about those monsters. Those… things. What are they after? Why do they want International Rescue dead? Of course it was only one time, but what if they do it again? He was beginning to feel dread. Being possessed by an alien was bad enough, but almost getting burned alive by monstrous animal-headed gladiators with powers to control fire was out of the question!
“You know, I do have a hunch that our bug-eyed acquaintances are on our side.” admitted Virgil, “But, I also have a feeling that we’ll meet them again, considering the circumstances.”
Scott looked back at his brother. Sky blue meets earthly brown. There was a silent conversation. An understanding. And then a nod from the eldest brother. They sat there in compassionate silence.
The quiet must’ve been killing his brother, because all of the sudden the mechanic asked, “Say, would you like to play the piano again?”
“Why’s that?” Scott raised a brow.
“My fingers are sore from fixing the Mole in a rush back there.” Virgil smiled with a little embarrassment, as he revealed his bandaged hands.
Scott gently tapped his brother’s shoulder with a chuckle. He got up from the couch and walked over to Virgil’s beloved white piano. He sat on the stool once more, opened the lid and stretched his fingers, “What should I play?” 
“Anything, I don’t mind.” His musical brother shrugged, standing beside him.
As Scott thought which song to play, his mind drifted back to the moment when he looked into the eyes of the golden Rider. It seemed to him that there was something warm behind those bug-eyes… something human. Scott wondered if there's a sensitive soul behind that mask.
Maybe it was just in his mind, maybe it was not true, but it made him relax. Pressing the keys, he began playing a familiar, jazzy beat as he remembered that moment. After a few repeats of the rhyme, he went to the main part of the song.
“Ah, my favorite! Take Five!" Jeff exclaimed, "Just like you guys.” he chuckled.
Scott smiled at his father as a response. There were some remnants of his stress, but it didn't bother him as much as he was in the morning. Jeff gave him a relieved nod before continuing doing paperwork, quietly humming and tapping his foot to the beat. Virgil smiled widely at his brother before humming as well and snapping his fingers along with the melody of the immortal piece of Paul Desmond.
Scott jumped into improvising like he was here to woo the girls at a party. As he was playing, he thought back of their victory. And his tension melted away. Outside the villa, the soothing music echoed through the beautiful nature of the island and into the night sky.
The moon shone in the night sky and the cold was a constant companion. The sounds of distant cars driving through the streets could be heard from the top of the skyscrapers. On one of them stood four figures, taking their time enjoying the view from above.
The Kamen Riders were resting after the heated fight. Gills was leaning on a wall next to the entrance, between his legs lay his loyal dog. G3-X was finishing writing a report of the fight on his custom laptop. Kuuga was laying on top of the entrance, admiring the stars. And Agito was standing near the railing, staring into the lights of the city.
"Oi, Agito!" called Kuuga all of a sudden. The golden Rider turned to his best friend.
"Nando(What is it)?" asked Agito.
"Why wouldn’t you come up here and watch the stars?” suggested the red Rider, "It's beautiful up there."
"How can you see stars from here?" objected G3-X, "Ya can't see Shiitake with all those slagging city lights!"
"They can see them through their visors," scoffed Gills, making the robocop Rider whistle a sound of realization before turning back to his computer. 
Raider looked up and tilted his head as if trying to see them, but after a few moments he gave up as he put his canine head back to the ground.
Agito had taken a moment to stare at the city, then moved towards the entrance, climbed and sat next to Kuuga.
"Not too cold buddy?” the red Rider asked, only to receive a shake of the head from his golden companion. The two took a moment to appreciate the stars in the cold night sky. Few stars faintly glowed in the dark sky.
"Man, can't believe we just met with International Rescue in person!" excitedly said Kuuga, "I gotta say, they are quite tough guys, ne? Especially Noodle, he looks quite young!"
"Noodle?" asked the golden rider in confusion.
"The blond kid! The one I saved from falling into a ravine and returned the gun to?" Kuuga sensed Agito raising an eyebrow that cannot be seen from the cover of his mask. "We should give them nicknames. To… you know, to know who's who we're talking about?" He explained, shrugging.
A sparkle of mirth could be faintly seen behind the faceted eyes of his friend, a warm smile could be felt radiating from his breath. "Sure...But why the blond kid 'Noodle'?"
"Because his blonde hair reminded me of noodles. And to be honest, 'Noodle' sounds kawaii~! Don’t you think he looks kawaii, ne?” A big grin was radiating from behind the mask of the red Rider. Agito laughed wholeheartedly. Kuuga continued, "The auburn hair guy; I think we'll call him 'Kuma'! He looks so serious, strong and tough, like a bear! Remind me of someone…"
The golden Rider laughed again as he nodded. "So um… shall we call the leader 'Sky Eyes'?"
Kuuga rubbed his silver chin for a bit, "Hmm…the one who pilots that big-hyper-speedy-rocket-jet thingy? Why's that?" he asked.
"Because… his eyes reminded me of the sky...” The red Rider saw the sparkling human eyes behind Agito’s red bug-like lens. Kuuga nodded, agreeing that the name was well suited for the blue sashed commander.
"What about the redhead guy? What should we call him?" asked G3-X as he looked up at the two Riders, seemingly curious.
"Clownfish..." Gills dropped the answer. There was an awkward pause. "He smelled fishy..." He deadpanned. Everyone laughed, acknowledging his typical 'I don't care, deal with it' attitude as they accepted his answer.
"Noodle, Kuma, Sky Eyes and Clownfish. Sounds good for our mystery gang of rescuers!" Kuuga clapped and rubbed his hands excitingly
Agito chuckled softly before looking back at the stars once more. The more he stared at the little faint glistening lights, the more the made him think of sky… sky eyes… the man whose eyes were always drawn to the sky.
He felt a warm feeling as he remembered those cobalt irises. He wondered why he felt like that. He barely knows that man, let alone the fact that International Rescue seemed to keep themselves secret. Maybe he'll never know. But one thing for sure, they'll cross paths again. Because of those things...
Those kaijins… they were new. He had never seen them before. And they are as aggressive and dangerous as disasters. Agito… Yuuki sensed that whatever they were, they seemed to be after International Rescue. But for what? And why?
The answer will remain unknown, for now...
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im-auntie-social · 3 years
Ooh, I'd love to know more about Murderbot Brienne!
(Also asked for by @kulliare from the WIP tag game thingy)
I wish I’d written down where this idea came from-- I think people were joking around here or on a discord about the idea that the sh*w relegated Brienne to being nothing more than a robot bodyguard, first to Sansa and then at the end to Bran. And then I spent a week bingeing the Murderbot books. So.
It’s a story that won’t let go of me, but that is utterly nontrivial-- I’d have to navigate first person narration and getting the voice right (as both a reference to the Murderbot books AND true to this form of Brienne), the AU translation (just switching to things like WinterFell and NightsKing, while amusing to me personally, isn’t quite enough to make an AU work), as well as basically all the philosophical questions robot stories have been wrestling with since the word was coined. And, you know, the fact that Uncle Social is a roboticist and has MANY OPINIONS about how robots should be written. I want to write this story. I really do! But it’s haaaaaaard so I keep not making progress on it.
So far the idea I have is that Brienne wakes up on RedKeep with no memory, an inactive governor module, and basically one directive: guard Bran Stark. She wants to be fine with that-- she can download every episode of Florian and Jonquil to keep her from getting too bored-- but the fact that her memory was wiped bothers her more and more until she decides to track it down because it’s bugging her.
As soon as I stepped off the shuttle onto WinterFell station I knew I was on the right track because my first instinct was to make a quick about-face and get the fuck out.
It’s not like I sensed danger-- definitely nothing that useful. But one look at the welcoming party that awaited me had me scrambling for a nearby camera feed to make sure my skin was all still attached. I didn’t think I’d ever seen humans that upset and that determined to be friendly at the same time.
Then again, my whole problem was that I didn’t know what I’d seen. Let alone done. It was getting to be very annoying to know there were so many people with memories of me that I was unable to reciprocate.
Sansa Stark had said in her message that she knew me before. I assumed that meant she knew of me-- that I’d fought in the battle against NightsKing and somehow not been listed on any of the records or ship manifests from around that time. As far as I’d been able to tell there were no SecUnits involved in that fight on either side, so if I was there I might have been memorable.
But if I had been there, and I wasn’t on the records, then it was possible there were scores of SecUnits, all of whom had their records expunged, and I was just another part of a faceless android crowd. So I still didn’t know a damn thing.
See? Irritating. Deeply so.
I glanced around the central courtyard of the station as I approached the group, getting my bearings, introducing myself to the local HubSystem and determining whether it was likely to become a pain in my ass later. When I looked back at Sansa, she had tensed even further. I often made humans uncomfortable with my presence alone, but something about her face didn’t quite fit with the data I had.
“I thought being here might bring back some of those memories.” She was trying to be conversational and not doing a very good job of it. She must have known that’s not how my memory storage system worked-- once memories were gone, they were gone for good. But then again, she wasn’t entirely wrong either, thanks to the handful of still-organic bits of my brain wired into the system. They couldn’t be wiped, but they couldn’t be accessed in any sort of useful way either.
Seriously. Fuck everything.
“So I’ve been to WinterFell before?”
“Well, yes, but I didn’t just mean on the station. I meant--” she gestured around the courtyard, “--right here.”
She could have just told me and saved us all the time. She clearly wanted to tell me or she wouldn’t be dropping what were obviously hints. Hints that I lacked the capacity to understand. Because if I knew what the fuck she was talking about I wouldn’t have needed to be there in the first place.
It wasn’t a struggle to look impassive, so that’s what I did. She relaxed at that. 
Okay, so something had happened in that courtyard. Something involving me that Sansa was afraid I’d remember. And scared-people-plus-SecUnit can only mean one thing: I did something heinous there.
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thepilotanon · 3 years
I was tagged for a thingy by the cutie @wayward-rose, so here I am, answering questions while I break from writing!! I guess, if you're interested in getting to know about me, take a peek!
1. Why did you choose your url?
It was how I would sign my messages on other blogs (on anonymous), before I actually made the blog - because I think Ben Solo is a best pilot in the galaxy!
2. Any side blogs?
This is actually a side-blog!
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
This blog specifically has been here since 2018, I think. I'm really bad at dates - before Yahoo bought it, I guess.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Bruh, I don't even know what a queue is used for on here.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Long story short, I got buzzed on vodka and wanted to share my Clyde Logan idea (that turned into a three-parter) on here and decided to make the side-blog.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I found this cute picrew thing and thought it would be nice! I had a cute Rey and BB8 from Forces of Destiny that I found on Tumblr before but, unfortunately, I can't find the original creator of the icon, so I can't properly credit them. If you want to make your own, here's the link.
7. Why did you choose your header?
I don't think I have one? I see that it's purple, and purple is my favorite color!
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
I honestly don't know. I think it's currently either Loki getting hugged for the first time, or Lady Dimitrescu adopting me as her daughter, after mutating my corpse with moldy bugs, or something.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Many beautiful babes who I like talking to and chat with about actors and funny videos!
10. How many followers do you have?
Probably between one and a billion.
11. How many people do you follow?
Probably somewhere between one and a six thousand.
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Does the one where I make poor joke about Kylo being a buff croissant count?
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
I guess it depends on what's going on. If I'm writing and need a break, I'll see if I have any hc requests, or I'll browse certain tags. If not, I usually just check to see if I have messages in the late evening.
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
Sure, and I'll do it again whenever I see unnecessary bullshit/bullying going on.
15. How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
I'm indifferent? Not on this blog, though.
16. Do you like tag games?
I rarely participate, but I like seeing what other people have to say about themselves or have fun!
17. Do you like ask games?
Would hc requests count as an ask game? (No, it doesn't. But I don't mind them as much).
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
I'm not sure what qualifies as "Tumblr famous". I think my mutuals and other people are very talented and deserve a lot of praise and compliments on how much time and effort they put into things!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I wouldn't call them crushes, but deep admiration of their talents and being kind to me!!
20. Tags
I honestly don't have anyone in mind. But, if you decide to join in on this game, please mention you got it from me, so I can see what you wrote!
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holylulusworld · 4 years
My beloved daughter
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Request: I was wondering if you would do a one-shot where Jensen's daughter is diagnosed with an auto immune disease like lupus? If you've heard of it?
Pairing: Jensen x Daughter!Reader, Jensen x Danneel
Warnings: angst, talk about autoimmune disease lupus, scared/sick reader,  comforting, medical procedures, language
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“How about a movie night and some pizza?” Glancing at you Jensen wonders why you are silent. Something is bugging you; Jensen can see it written all over your face. “Kiddo, what’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing, dad.” Rubbing your left leg, you try to hide the pain or that you are scared something is terribly wrong with you.
“Y/N, I know something must be wrong. Does mom know?” Sitting next to you Jensen pats your thigh and you hiss in pain. “Okay, you are in pain, Sweetheart. What happened? Did you fall or did someone hurt you?”
“I don’t know…” Whimpering the words you nervously rub your arm. “Something is wrong, daddy.”
“What do you mean? Y/N, tell me what’s bugging you right now.” Brushing your hair aside you show Jensen a bald patch at the back of your head. “Y/N…”
“That’s not all, dad. Lately, I have joint pain and my muscles ache too. Worse than after a hard work out. I feel like I am tired all the time.” Sniffling you rub your eyes.
“You lost weight too, Y/N. Why didn’t you tell mom so?” Blinking the tears away you wipe your nose with the sleeve of your shirt.
“JJ was sick, and mom was so worried as the doctor told her it might be her appendix. I wanted them to have a nice weekend at the spa. I lied and said there’s a party at Sharon’s place.” Nodding Jensen takes your hand in his, squeezing it gently.
“I’ll get the car and we will drive to the hospital right now. No more hiding anything, Y/N. Wait here and daddy makes sure you will get help.”
On his way out of the house, Jensen needs to take deep breaths. With shaking fingers, he dials his wife’s number.
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“We will need to make a complete check-up. Sarah over there will take some blood samples and I will call my colleague to let him have a look at the case of your daughter too. Mr. Ackles, I assume I know what your daughter is suffering off and if I am right, we need to talk about treatment and medication.”
Wide-eyed Jensen watches the doctor talk to the nurse. He can see the pity in her eyes as she takes several blood samples of you and his throat tightens.
“How worse is your assumption?” Voice trembling Jensen holds your hand as the doctor swallows hard.
“If I am right, and I hope I am not, its an autoimmune disease called lupus. But let’s hope my colleague will prove me wrong, Mr. Ackles. If you want to stay with your daughter, you can do so. I’ll be back as soon as we have the results.”
“Which tests will you do to find out if it’s this lupus thingy?” Looking at the doctor, scared the tests will hurt you squeeze your fathers’ hand.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. First, we will do an antinuclear antibody blood test. ANA is a type of antibody directed against the cells' nuclei.” Confused you look at the doctor, not understanding a single word he says.
“Let’s say this specific antibody is present in nearly everybody with active lupus. We use this test as a screening tool.”
“I don’t think I understand what you are saying but if it means we find out what’s happening to my daughter, we are all in, doctor.” Jensen stammers, holding your hand tighter.
“Don’t worry, Mr. Ackles. We will explain the tests more precisely later. For now, we will just name them, okay.” The doctor looks at you, a warm smile on his lips. “We will do more than one antibody test to be sure. We also will run some urine tests.”
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Hours later Jensen paces around the hospital room. “Jensen, calm down, Baby. I know you are worried; I am too but we need to wait for the results. I searched for lupus and its…” Sniffling Danneel looks up at Jensen holding out her hand.
“I know, Danny but it drives me crazy to not know what’s wrong with Y/N. All those tests and the doctors running around, taking samples of my daughter.”
“Dad, I am scared…” Sniffling you look at Jensen and Danneel gets up to sling one arm around your shoulders. “We will get through his, Y/N. Everything is going to be alright.”
“What if I got this lupus thingy?” The door opens and you can see it in the doctor’s eyes. Whatever you have, it must be awful…
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“Lupus…” Falling into a chair next to your bed Jensen holds back the tears. “My beloved daughter has an autoimmune disease?”
“We are sorry to tell you, Mr. Ackles but we are afraid it is lupus. We should talk about treatment, medications and what we can do to make Y/N live her life as normal as possible.”
While the doctor talks about how to ease your symptoms, bring down inflammation and how to prevent organ damage or other health problems you sniffle silently.
“Shhh, …we will make sure we find the best treatment, Y/N. You are not alone, Sweetheart. Mom and I are here, JJ too. Let’s listen to the doctor, okay.”
Nodding you lean your head against your fathers’ shoulder, listening closely to the doctor’s explanations. With every word leaving the doctor's mouth you become angstier.
Weeks ago, you were a healthy girl and now you suddenly feel like you are going to die or never be able to live the life you imagined.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. We will be going to kick that diseases ass…” Jensen whispers and you chuckle lightly. “Whatever you need, mom and I will make sure you’ll get it…”
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SPN Forever Tags
@donnaintx​, @screechingartisancashbailiff​, @fallen-wolf22​, @sister-winchesters99​, @mogaruke​, @the-is13​, @helloitsmeamie203​, @sandlee44​, @strayrosesbloom​, @notyourtypicalrose​, @thewinchesterco​, @marvelfansworld​ @hobby27​, @gh0stgurl​, @flamencodiva​, @jay-and-dean​, @voltage-my2dlove​, @spnhollis​, @chonisberonica​, @wittysunflower​, @supernaturalenchanted​, @shikshinkwon​, @yolobloggers​, @hhiggs, @laxe-from-outer-space​, @ilovefanfic86​, @linki-locks11​, @eggingamazinglove​, @trumpettay​, @fandom-imagines1​, @thenamelesschibi​, @waywardbaby​, @straycuties9​, @drakelover78​, @stuckys-whore​, @zxph-yr​, @i-love-superhero​, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt​, @deepmuffinspymaker​, @katsav17, @heyitscam99​, @fandom-princess-forevermore​, @neii3n​, @exo-nova​, @cocklesbelli​, @echoesofpassion​, @lauravic​, @shatteredabby​, @deanmonandnegansbitch​, @sea040561​, @lemondropirwin​, @lonewolf471​, @wronglanemendes​, @juniorhuntersam​, @helpmeluci​, @goodgodimaweirdperson​, @shadowkat-83​, @alltimesamantha​, @officialmarvelwhore​, @meganywinchester​, @miraclesoflove​, @maniacproffesor​, @hollymac79​, @kayla-2000​, @gracefultrenchcoat494​, @babygirls-fav​, @spnwoman​, @amiquette​, @alexoloughlinlover32​, @geekofmanyforms​, @jessica-marsh09​, @spnficgirl​, @shut-themoonscone​, @thequeenreaders, @countrygal17a, @atomicfandombomb, @kteelou, @soryuwifeyxx, @kricketc28, @defenderrosetyler, @shortwinchester, @maybesomedaygayyyy, @tmiships4life, @sabascio, @that-place-called-middle-earth, @the-broken-angel-13, @bunnybaby89, @pandabiiissh, @maddiedott, @lilulo-12, @theoneandonlymelol, @mblaqgi, @clawsandshotguns, @justsomedreaming, @cassiopeia-barrow, @its-the-timey-wimey-winchesters, @mscarter213, @jo-like-josette, @mep6811, @prettydeaneyes, @rvgrsbrns, @deanwanddamons, @tearsforhan, @skittlebittz​, @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags
@spnfamily-j2​, @supernatural-bellawinchester​, @negans-lucille-tblr​, @deans-baby-momma​, @thefaithfulwriter​, @squirrelnotsam​, @roonyxx​, @neerness​, @deansgirl-1968​, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​, @butifulsoul125​, @lyinginthegingerlocks​, @20gayneen​, @janicho88​, @woodworthti666​, @thevelvetseries​, @dreaminemz​, @akshi8278​, @midnightsilver16830​, @mrspeacem1nusone​, @ria132love​, @caligraphee​, @the-witch-in-silence​, @justanotherwinchester​, @multisuperfandom​, @jason-todd-squad​, @jadesupernatural​, @psychicforest​, @luciathewinchestergirl​, @magssteenkamp​, @palefiregiver​, @tranquility-or-chaos​, @jxackles​, @michellemxndes​, @addictedtofictionalcharacters​, @gabifernandessn​
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asterekmess · 4 years
S3A - E2
Here we go, Episode 2 of the rewatch. Honestly, even if you guys really don’t care about these, I’m gonna write them anyway, cus I need to get my FEELINGS out.
Anyway. Read More as a symbol of my love.
Your pen is dry, honey. Try a sharpie.
So Stiles has literally known Heather since he was born? Nursery school is from 0 months to 5 years old, apparently. And Scott doesn’t know who she is? How does that even happen? It’s not like Stiles hasn’t seen her in ages, she recognizes him Instantly from across the room and he recognizes her back. So, Scott just never met her or asked about her or anything? Stiles never told him?
If anyone was curious, apparently Heather’s friend is named Danielle (according to Amazon Prime’s “X-Ray” thingy). She’s the same girl from Lydia’s birthday party, I think. The one who woke Stiles up? OHmygod that would be so fucking interesting. If he invited her and Heather to Lydia’s party. Maybe Heather couldn’t go, but Danielle showed up.
Awww, was Heather Stiles’ first kiss? Did they play winery as kids? Hide and seek? did they break a stupidly expensive bottle of wine?
I have personal issues with Stiles supposed canon age. I refuse to believe he’s not 17 and a year older than the others, because of repeating a grade when he was really young. I just refuse to believe otherwise. XP
PLS STOP making fun of girls asking for guys’ consent. This show would be awesome for like ten whole seconds if they stopped RUINING the girl’s asking for consent by having the guys laugh at them or treat it like a joke.
Allison, Scott’s not gonna have a single fucking clue what you’re talking about when only you hold out your arm to show the bruise.
Also. I believe in Big Dick Stiles Stilinski, bc he’s too smart not to know that wearing too big a condom is like the worst possible idea and can render it basically useless, and he wouldn’t have grabbed one (which we see he did in the next episode or something) if it wouldn’t fit. Therefore. XXL for our boy. XP
Hold up. So no one heard Heather screaming? Was she hallucinating the wine bottles breaking? Maybe it was an illusion, cus there’s no mess when Stiles gets down there? But still, the screaming is real. Scott should’ve heard screams like that even from outside the building.
Also, I feel p fucking bad for Stiles. As far as he knows, she bailed on him. What if he thought it was a prank or a joke or something? Or, even worse actually, since he’s known her for so long and she left her shoes down there, I bet he’d be worried instantly.
*snort* I looked up Derek’s loft set for research. They had to do so much editing to make it look grudgy and out of the way. This building is in the middle of town and it’s Massive and Gleaming. It’s a place where you can rent office suites. XD
I love everything about Isaac’s little venting session over getting Peter’s help, except the part where where he mentions Scott. Fuck scott. (whoops, now I need the tag. Like you didn’t see that coming?)
I find it hilarious that Peter’s intro is Rock Music. Also. “Fair enough.” I do love this man. (took me a while though.) Like, he’s honestly pretty simple to understand most of the time. He just wants people to be honest to him, say what they wanna say to his face.
Look at Peter, giving us one of the very few hints at werewolf history. Presumably, the ability was meant to be used to share memories with pack, locations of dens or images or even scents of other packs. And though mostly Alphas do it, clearly not just Alphas do it. This is fucking Interesting, I want MORE.
Aannnd, we discover that Scott’s been lying to Allison this whole time and letting her think that Derek just randomly attacked her mother. Love it. Also, I’m still not over Allison’s behavior in the last season? Waiting on an apology, hun, and it better be good.
OH. OH NOW You can sense the werewolves, Scott? SERIOUSLY?
Why do they make every single scene with Finstock have something to do with Stiles’ sex life? Like....it’s awkward. Stop. Also, can you imagine Stiles getting a rep around school for having a big dick bc of this? Is that something that actually happens in high schools? I had no friends, I would not know.
“No play.” The first time Scott decides that neutrality is better than actually doing something useful. I’m salty. *nods* yup. I am. I know what this scene does later on, and I hate it.
Also, can I just say that I literally hate that EVERY SINGLE time Stiles is having a good time, they make it Horrible? Stiles makes a lil joke about Derek being a Sourwolf? Derek gets claws through his lungs and spits blood. Stiles gets to play on the team?  Across town Erica and Boyd are being tortured. Stiles is about to have sex? The girl he’s supposed to have sex with is being traumatized downstairs. Stiles is about to play a stupid fucking game in class? He gets taken in for questioning because his friend since birth has been kidnapped. They literally refuse to ever let Stiles be happy without making him look like an idiot or an asshole for having a single good emotion. It makes me so MAD. You can literally measure the show! If Stiles is actually smiling, then someone’s about to die.
OH MY GOD. Really? Another moment we didn’t get to see? “Derek says it’s easier to turn teenagers” WHEN DID HE SAY THAT? I‘M SO CURIOUS. Also how does Stiles know what Peter and Derek tried to do to get Isaac’s memories back? Are they reporting to Stiles? Letting him know what’s up? STILES IS HALE PACK I WILL FIGHT YOU.
I’m getting really sick of Deaton somehow knowing more about werewolves than the two born werewolves. Like, it’s really fucking annoying? They know their own species, or at least they should? It was the same with Chris helping out on the hunt. He doesn’t know werewolves better than they know themselves and I’m fucking tired of it. Let Peter and Derek have their own fucking history and knowledge about their own fucking species.
*snort* i paused at just the right time and the water effect made Derek and scott’s foreheads Really big. XD
I enjoy Stiles getting distracted now that his job is done. I feel that in my soul. The only difference between us is that he has the confidence to just Grab the shit he wants to play with, and I never did so I just zone out staring at it.
I’m not stupid. I see them suddenly throwing in the work ‘risky’ everywhere. But I still appreciate Derek reminding Isaac that he doesn’t have to do the ice tub thing.
More reflections...what’s with the reflections in this season so far?
Also, is this how people sound when they’re hypnotized. I’m on Stiles’ side actually, giving this the side-eye with Isaac’s constant “They’re here” thing. It seems really weird and overdone.
God, this scene is such fucking bullshit. Derek would never put Isaac in danger like that. Isaac’s the only Beta he’s got at the moment. He wouldn’t do that and it’s fucking Stupid to make him be so vicious and scare the shit out of Isaac. I fucking hate it.
I think it’s sweet that Isaac looks to Stiles for answers when everyone’s acting weird.
Ten hours of research, and Stiles has a little pinboard on the floor, the prototype for his big one Awwwwww.
Papa Stilinski comes through ONce Again!
If they’re supposed to meet at 5 and get to work at dark. Why is it dark when they get to Dereks??? WORK WITH ME HERE.
WHY would they patch the wall (Which is stone, so wtf did they patch it with? Concrete?) if they closed the bank down right after the robbery???
IT”S THE SCENE *heavy breathing* “Big bad wolf, yeahhh, lookatdat” Peter looks SO DONE “I’ve been dealing with this for months, make it stop”
aaaand again. “Risk” Since when does Peter care about risk? I never understood this scene. We have evidence that Peter cares about family, and according to werewolves, pack is family. He flipped shit to find Derek when Derek was missing. This is exactly the kind of thing he would do. I just...I don’t get it. Don’t like it, either.
“Yeah, if you want me to come” “NOT you” I love this scene, because it shows not just that Stiles is fucking raring to go and help, but that he didn’t offer before only because he thought Derek wouldn’t let him. We know Derek doesn’t think Stiles is useless. He put Stiles in charge of researching this entire bank. Which means it’s not that he doesn’t think Stiles could help, it’s that he doesn’t want Stiles to get hurt. And apparently Stiles knows that Derek feels that way, and knows Derek is vehement enough about it that he didn’t even bother bringing it up in the first place. That’s some serious trust and understanding, and even respect right there that Stiles is showing. Understanding what Derek would feel before he did it, trusting that Derek knew better about what was too dangerous for Stiles to involve himself in, and respecting him enough not to bug him about it anyway.
personal preference, I hate how much time is wasted just showing people walk down halls with weird lighting effects, or showing Allison trip over debris and pull her coat closed. Like...it’s really not needed?
Sup, Morrell? 20 seconds to get hidden? Is that 20 sec before the alphas get in hearing range or 20 sec before they actually get there? And how did the Alphas know that Derek was coming tonight? As far as they knew they took Isaac’s memory away and killed Braeden.
Smart girl with the bleach. I mean, I don’t know why the sudden scent of bleach didn’t tick kali off, but sure, whatever works.
I’m not even kidding. When I saw this scene for the first time I fucking burst into tears. Just that little glimpse of Erica and I was a mess
I really love Stiles and Peter chatting though. Like, Stiles gives no fucks, and Peter sounds just so used to it. Also, Derek’s couch looks sooooo comfy. I wanna sit on it. And Peter halfway through calling Stiles annoying is just like “Shit. He’s right. Again.” and there’s no physical distance. Peter once dragged Stiles around by his neck all night and nearly killed Lydia. But Stiles has no qualms about walking right up into his space and helping him out. PLUS, when Peter realizes Stiles is right, there’s no insults. Not even frustrated ones. When STiles describes the walls of the loft, Peter doesn’t say, “No, you idiot, the bank vault.” or make a quip. He’s immediately looking to Stiles for the information and trusting that he has it and will know where it is.
Then we have Scott just...whatever the fuck he’s saying. I don’t wanna hear it.
Okay, that is way more space behind Derek and Scott than Stiles said. And how is the moonlight even getting in? They had to shimmy through a shaft in the walls, there’s no windows in the walls. AND HOW THE FUCK would the ALpHA PACK KNOW THEY EVen KNOW WHERE THE BANK IS???
Derek should be able to hear the phone call. Just. Yes. That’s how that works. Also, Peter, now is not the time for gladiator analogies.
And the tears are back. All it takes is one fucking word. “Cora?”
IT DOESN”T MAKE SENSE. HOW WOULD THE ALPHAS KNOW??? If Marin hired Braeden and told her to get a message to Derek about the bank they were being kept at, then that means that it was all this really dumb double-double cross. Her making it look like she double-crossed the Alphas by telling Braeden to give up their location, but actually doing for the Alphas to trap Derek and Scott. What the absolute fuck?
FINALLY Someone holds Scott accountable. THANK you Derek.
Also, hello Lydia, I’m so sorry honey but you’re about to enter a whole new nightmare.
Final thoughts: I’m very long winded, and very frustrated and very fucking sad. I am just so goddamn sad and the next episode’s gonna make me feel even worse so I’m taking a break.
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Teenage Wasteland (Sriracha, Part 20.)
Description: A problematic college student gets the worst summer job of the ‘83 - Jim Hopper, the Chief of police in your hometown will have you as his secretary since his old lady Flo has two months lasting holiday. It was agreed so Hopper could let you far away from all the trouble
Part Summary: The relationship seems to reach it's top by the November of '83 - but you're not one of those who would've Jim walk away without explanation.
Warnings: Angst, more angst and a child.
A/N: And after the whole relationship thingy, we've finally arrived at the destination I was most excited about. Inspired by Cold As Ice by Foreigner and Baba O'Riley by The Who. 
Word Count: 6.5 K
Tagging: @nemodoren​, @creedslove​
Master list: H E R E
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That morning, you got out of bed really late - it was Saturday, a few days after December had started, so neither of you had to leave early for work or school. Your nearest shift at the bistro started on Sunday evening, so you had all day just to hang out around each other.
And you could just tell that something's bugging Jim of since the moment he let his feet slip out of the bed. It was the start of December and you knew that it could be the incoming Christmas. Also, you agreed to have dinner at your parents' next weekend, so that could be adding up to his stress as well. You visited Joyce and both her boys just the weekend prior, training for the Christmas Eve.
You helped her with cooking the potatoes and baking the turkey, preparing all of the cookies and even drank one shot of a weird Brandy she offered you. It was an awesome dinner - Will brought his whole party over, Hopper spent most of his time talking to Jonathan and when the dinner came by, eight persons were sitting at the table without anyone realizing, since Nancy Wheeler came by as well, picking the kids up. You really enjoyed the whole night and Hopper seemed so as well.
When he didn't speak to you a word during the whole morning, that was when you started to get irritated by his behavior as well.
"Something bit your ass in the bed?" - You looked at him when he came back from having a cigarette, closing the terrace door behind him. - "I swear it wasn't me." - You joked and continued preparing the lunch, checking out the burning stove in the corner as well. 
You could pinpoint the exact moment when you knew something's off - he didn't even smile at your remark. You wouldn't want to let him walk away with such an attitude. If he thought he can fucking just walk away without explaining himself, boy, wasn't he wrong?
And yes, there was, in fact, much to talk about. But how the hell should he tell you without making you upset? He found a little girl in the woods who was scared out of her mind and who needed home. He didn't want to break up with you, under any circumstances - once he found the happiness, why should he give up on it? But at the same time, he knew that he can't make Eleven trusting him with you being around. All he needed was some time. 
“Partners.” - Suddenly, you stood up in front of him, looking him in the eyes, obviously having another of you monologues, just as you used to when there was an argument incoming his way. And again, he surely didn't hear more than half of it. - “Do you know what that word means?” 
“Two people loving each other?” - Jim guessed and took a beer out of the fridge. You stood there with the cloth you were using for cooking on your shoulder and you had both your palms on your hips. You opened up your mouth and furrowed, not expecting such an answer. 
“Yes, basically. But don't you try to beer me out or outsmart me, Jim Hopper! But you know what else partners should do? Share feelings, talk about things that are ailing them? Have you heard that before?” - You slowly walked next to the couch, following him, kneeling next to him. He felt your palm slowly tracing his shoulder and neck just before you turned his face at you. 
He knew that he's dancing on thin ice because you were literally everything he got at the moment. You were a person that meant home, warm arms when he needed a hug, kind words when he needed to brighten up his mood, lips that always accepted and gave him the sweetest kisses. And you knew him - he told you everything. 
You knew everything about Sara, he told you about Vietnam, about Diane, his time in New York. And you didn't stop listening for a moment - once he was done, you just held him in your arms for a little longer than the previous time, letting him know that it's still isn't late for him.
You let him understand that he still has the right to love and to be loved in the first place. 
“Come on, Jim. Just tell me.” - You begged before stealing his breath away with a kiss. He smiled when you leaned your forehead to his with a calm expression.
“I'll be moving out of the trail.” - Hopper started slowly. You almost smiled when he told you that, but then you realized that he said he's moving out. There wasn't any we are moving out. There was no you in that plan. With a stiffed smile, you moved away from him. The tears started to gather in your eyes and Jim almost gave himself a smack. So much for not making you upset, huh?
“That's great, I suppose. Good for you.” - You nodded and stood up, facing away so he wouldn't see you crying. 
“No. It's not what you think.” - He stood up, catching your shoulders in his palms, gently massaging them. - “I just need to be alone for a while. I think I've discovered something and I just need to test it out. I need some time.”
“And where exactly in the sentence I'm moving out you hear the word we?” - You asked back, making his hands let your shoulders go. - “Because I can't hear no matter how hard I try, Jim.” 
“Y/N, come on...” - Hopper followed you to the bedroom. He was watching you running around that room, abruptly packing all of your clothes while you started to cry. 
“Jim, if it's just that you're not happy or feeling safe with me anymore, you can just tell me. If it's just another woman, come on, tell me. If you're worried about that we are going to end up like you and Diane, I did all I possibly could to show you otherwise. Just...” - You stood up, looking him in the eyes. - “Don't give me the famous I need time excuse. I beg you. Just tell me that we are breaking up, make it quick, painful and hard to swallow. At least, make me hate you.” 
Really, so much for upsetting you. He fucked up grandiosely, Just as Jim Hopper always did. There was no way that all of this could go any worse than it already did.
“I don't want to do any of that, you crazy woman. Did you even listen to a word I said?” - Hopper opened up his mouth and your eyebrows rose rather quickly. He already upset you and now he was calling you crazy? Oh dear Lord. You stood up, exhaling loudly, putting your hands on your hips again. You, my dear, you were a piece of art in his eyes. 
Because no-one could make him feel like a little bitch as you were capable of in five minutes of your free time.
“You selfish bastard.” - You laughed ironically and continued with packing your things. Now, he turned on an engine inside of you and he could be sure that you're not going to leave a single string of his clothes dry. - “Are you planning to add me to your tragic backstory? To tell women in pubs how you had a crazy ex-girlfriend who left you all alone, brokenhearted, in your trail and never came back? That's what you want?”
“Y/N, calm down, this is...” - “You won't be telling me when to calm down, James Hopper. No. I gave you five months of my life, I found a part-time job so I would be sure that I have my own money to help you paying food, rent, clothes. I patched you up mentally when you came back home after the whole Will Byers thing, I tried to give you everything I could. Don't you even dare to tell me to calm down!” - You yelled at him while you packed the stuff you got in the bathroom and pushed it inside the bag, taking your shoes on.
Fuck his lunch, his trail, fuck him. That was what you repeated to yourself when you put the jacket on and ran into the snow in front of the trail. It looked beautiful - snow was covering every inch of the driveway, the trees, the grass was nowhere to be seen and the quarry behind the house was frozen down. Such a beautiful look, but you didn't have the time to look at it.
“Stop!” - Hopper ran after you only dressed up in his shirt, jeans, and socks. But you walked further and further away from him, showing him your middle finger. - “I love you, okay? I love you, you lunatic.” 
That was what stopped you from walking further away, taking a short breath in. He never said that. Never. You could feel it in his touches and looks, yes, but he never told you just as you never told him. You turned around to look at him, watching him walking to you only in his socks. He must've been so cold and you just knew that he's going to be sick after that. 
“I love you, yeah, I guess. I mean, I've never been good with my words and you know that.” - Hopper mumbled and caught your face in his palms. He felt so warm, but you felt how much he was trembling. No wonder, Hawkins was always freezing during winter. - “But that's just how the things are. How they are supposed to be, I guess. And you better believe me when I tell you that there is anyone who would I rather spend every minute with. But I really need some time.” 
At that moment, you smiled dreamily and caught his sides, letting the bag fall on the ground. It wasn't the biggest or the greatest feelings sharing you have seen, but that didn't matter. All that did matter was that he wasn't lying, which you could easily say. What other lunatic would run after you in socks? 
“So just... Don't leave me, alrite? And when it's goin' to be the right time to come back, I'll let you know.” - Hopper smiled at you when he saw you crying again. After that, you almost pushed him to the ground when you leaned for a kiss. 
“How much time do you have on your mind exactly?” - You led him back inside and made him change his socks and tugged him into the blanket on the bed. Now you were believing that maybe he really just needs some time. 
“Hard to say. Just wait for me a while?” - He asked, pulling you in for another kiss. You knew it's time to leave even if you wanted to undress him and make sure that he's all warmed up. 
“I'll ask my mom to take me back for a time. At least, I'll have time for studies, because there ain't going to be anyone who would distract me with fucking.” - You mumbled, sticking your ice-cold fingers under his shirt, having a sick smile on your lips. 
“You love to be distracted with the fuckin', baby.” - Hopper mumbled back while he undid the zipper on your jacket, ready for a few rounds. But you stopped his hand and kissed his forehead. 
“I do. And I do love you too. But this has to wait.” - You rose your eyebrows, leaning in again. - “I'll do wonders to you once you tell me that you're ready, baby.” - You whispered, stealing him one last peck from the lips. Hopper was smiling as he watched you leaving his driveway in your car. He could only thank Gods that such a wonderful and nasty woman found him and made him hers.
On the other hand, your mom was rather surprised to see you at home with your things packed into a bag. She was still pretty sour about the thing, as she called it, happening between you and the Cheif, but she somehow managed to keep her face straight during all of your family dinners and she even defended your choice when someone asked her about that relationship.
“Oh, honey.” - She opened up her arms as soon as she figured out you must've broken up. You let her hug you, but you chuckled nervously. - "It didn't work out, did it?"
"Mom..." - You waved her off and took your shoes off while she closed the door behind you. It was freezing outside. But you knew that she still had something to say. - "It's natural, it happens sometimes. The things just don't work out. I'm not even surprised that you and the Chief... That wasn't a healthy relationship for you, darling. He's a complicated man with a complicated past. Don't blame yourself. You're so young and you'll find a man to love you properly."
"Mom, we didn't break up." - You told her with a big smile while you put your jacket on the back of a chair. Your mom turned back at you and she started to apologize, but you just laughed again and hugged her. You knew that she's worried and that she doesn't like seeing you falling for a man so older than you were, let alone falling for a man with past as complicated as Jim's was. It wasn't that she hated him or whatever, she was just worried that he breaks your heart one day.
"I got your point mom, it's fine, really." - You hugged tighter and kissed her cheek. - "We just talked like two responsible adults and agreed that Jim needs some time for himself. Also, he said that he wants to move out to something bigger than the trail is."
"Oh, wow. Chief really means it seriously." - She said and you could say that she's really surprised. And pleasantly surprised. - "You can just start to call him Jim already, it's been five months since we started dating. He won't take that as a disgrace of his Chief status." - You mumbled to her and stood next to her by the sink, helping her with cooking the lunch.
Your brother did something that you didn't expect at all - as soon as he got home from hanging out at his best friend's, still Steve Harrington's, he hugged you so tight that you almost couldn't breathe. Even your father was glad to have you home around Christmas.
You did as you were told and went to work, studied for exams and overall really tried to move on with your life while Jim was up to his business.
He called you on Christmas Eve and wished you Merry Christmas, repeating you that he loves you and how much you mean to him, promising you a big gift once you come back. The call on its own was already a big present for you.
But that was the last time you heard about how he's doing and his whereabouts. Days passed from Christmas Eve, weeks and then months. January flew past you so quickly that you had barely any time to notice the time. Hopper was in your mind literally all the time, naturally, but the loneliness really hit you on Valentine's Day. You watched all the couples going for a dinner to their bellowed fast-food bistro, Marty's, girls were carrying chocolates and roses they got from their lovers and you?
Hopper didn't even call you. There was no call, no message on the recorder, no letter or a goddamn card. Not even a piece of paper with a stamp on it. That was the day when you've had about enough.
Hopper was literally just fucking around with you - and he should know better than doing that. You were a lady that didn't take any shit. His shit, your brother's shit, Harrington's shit, just no-one's.
The other day, you literally stormed into the office of the PD, looking as pissed as never before. When the boys saw you, they knew that the boss is in some serious trouble. They noticed that you hadn't shown up for a time - in the fall, you stopped at least twice every week with something homemade for them, but haven't visited the station for months at that point. And when they asked Hopper, he never gave them valuable answers. But your face at the moment you walked in and, holy damn, even Callahan almost pissed his pants.
"One question." - You looked at each one of them. - "Where is James Hopper?"
"Did something happened?" - Powell slowly got up and tried to at least... Negotiate with you. You rose your eyebrows.
"So he stands me up for almost three months and you dare to ask if something happened?" - You told in an ironic voice. - "Nothing happened, yet. But when I get my hands on him, either I will smack the fuck out of him, kick his balls or just straightway kill him. I haven't really decided yet."
Calvin looked at Callahan and gulped. That man brought a storm upon himself. The first few weeks, they made fun of him having a full-on blown relationship with you, but they accepted it as a matter of fact. In the end, there was no wonder why Hopper fell for you with your character and witty remarks. There were a lot of people actually wondering about why the fuck you've chosen Jim as your partner, but it worked out somehow. And everyone who wasn't blind saw it. But when he pissed you off and clearly did, the officers wanted to be as far away from you as they possibly could.
"He took a few days off. We thought you're together and you have some plans, you know, all the Valentine stuff going around..." - Calvin spoke to you and he saw you grinning. That bastard. That ass. That jerk. Oh, you had about hundreds of names for him and you'll yell each other at him once he'll stand in front of you.
"Try to look for him in the trail. If he's not there, drive to the cabin on this address. But don't give it to anyone, it's for cases of emergency. It's in the woods about fifteen minutes from the town." - Florence gave you a small piece of paper with an address and you knew that you'll have to buy a map to find that. You nodded. She really meant the part about the secret, whispering it to you.
"If he stops by, tell him that I'll kick his little sorry ass as soon as I see him." - You mumbled to his boys and left the station, walking to the car as cold February wind messed up your hair.
"Well, normally tell I would like to have her at home." - Callahan told to Powell as they both turned away to sit down again at their tables. - "But I wouldn't want to be Hopper right now."
"If you're going to thirst about boss' girlfriend again, leave me out of it, I beg you." - Powell told him, looking at his crosswords again.
First off, you stopped at the trail just as Florence advised you. Jim's car wasn't there, but you wanted to look inside - when you took the key from under the big mossy rock, you got into the trail easily.
You stopped for a second and looked around. It was just empty, not the home with the burning stove you remembered. So, Jim really did move out - there wasn't anything remaining after him or you, or your relationship.
There were no dishes, no clothes, the bathroom was completely empty. You could see yourself walking out of the terrace just two months ago, giggling as you run through the trail, James laughing and following you. That was the first day it snowed and you stood there and laughed before the first snowflake fell on your nose.
The pictures he had there had disappeared as well - even the one where you've had a beautiful dress and you were giving James a smooch while you were in a police department party together, it was when November was ending. He looked happy as he was holding a beer to the photographer, telling him not to take a photo of you, smiling from ear to ear.
Even his album of nasty photos of you has disappeared - for example only wearing his shirt or you in the shower, or the photo he took on the day you were supposed to leave Hawkins. There was no clue remaining after you ever being there - or that he ever was there.
You felt brokenhearted and used. You didn't leave the goddamn town just because of him. You threw the chance to study at an elite university out of the window just to be with him. You had already sacrificed so much for that man - you whole dignity which you just threw away because you were crazy for him, the whole town just having straightaway fun of you now. You hid in the trail for two months only to spend time with him, not leaving it for the whole day so nobody would know. Every night of those two months, he had a plate of food finished minutes before came home, his laundry was done, you ironed his clothes and took care of the whole trail...
And James repaid you with this. Just disappearing into the thin fucking air. 
You looked at the piece of paper Florence gave you and for a while, you searched it on the map. You've visited a few wrong locations on the search and smoked almost half of the pack of cigarettes. But when the night came, you stopped at one place that indeed looked old, but the lights were on. After a short walk, you've noticed his Blazer. And you got mad again.
While you walked in the direction of the cabin, preparing a speech for him, you stumbled upon a wire, making a loud shooting sound when it ripped apart. It was a bang sound so loud, that it scared the birds away. Before you picked yourself up, you saw movements inside the cabin, lights going almost immediately off, and shortly after, James himself came out of the door.
And when you saw him standing there, the bomb inside of you just went off.
"Hey!" - He yelled at you, certainly not being able to recognize you in the darkness. Slowly, he was walking to you and you noticed a gun in his hand. His personal gun. - "Who's there?"
Without hesitation, you ran to him, smacking his cheek and pushing him back. Then you grabbed some leftover snow and threw it at his shirt. Yeah, at the moment James perfectly knew who you were.
"You selfish, fucking, arrogant, ignorant dickhead! You jerk! You idiot! You motherfucker!" - You yelled at him at the top of your lungs, crying hysterically. James slowly exhaled, messaging his nose, lowering the gun. He should know better - he should know that you're capable of tracking him down. He should give you a call or something, but he needed to keep distant and radio silent.
One of his sides was happy that you were there. He missed you so much that it often kept him awake all night long. Sometimes, when he sat at his office all alone, he almost dialed your number just to hear you asking who's on the other end. He missed you sleeping next to him, the way you talked and poked fun of him. He missed you as a whole.
The other side was straightway terrified. You were already in a hysterical state and he knew he fucked things a lot by what he has done. Jim knew that he should explain rather quickly before losing everything that was remaining of your we.
"How can you fucking explain this, James?! How?! You stood me up for almost three fucking months, you left me all alone without a clue whether you're alive or dead, you haven't called, send me a letter, you haven't done anything to let me know!" - You pushed him again and Jim closed his eyes for a while, licking his lips. - “Was it a fucking guessing game for you? Huh? Because I didn't find any of it exciting or fun.”
Yeah, he fucked up badly. You even called him James and you barely have done that before. This is going to take a lot of talking, step by step trust re-building and a load of eating out before you'll be able to trust him again.
"Baby, listen..." - Jim tried to calm you down, but you made one of your hissing sounds, warning him that if even dares to come closer, you'll hit him again with no problem.
"No, you listen! If there's another woman in there, I swear to fucking God, James! You're dead if I find someone out there. I will cut your fucking balls off and wear them as a necklace!" - You pointed at the cabin and at the exact same moment, someone else came out. But it wasn't a woman, just as you would've expected. It was a boy, presumably, looking at you with their hand risen up. You saw James looking at him, snapping as soon as he saw the risen hand.
"Down. Put the hand down, immediately. She's not evil or dangerous." - James stood up in front of you, pushing you behind him, covering you with his body. - "She's just very angry."
After a minute, the boy straightened up and put the hand down, looking at you with interest. What the fuck was happening? Since when did James have a child? Or at least another one which was at least ten years old? Since when it lived with him? What on the world was going on? - "Angry?" - The child asked back and at that moment, you realized that it's not a boy. It was a small girl with short, curly hair, dressed in an old sweatshirt and sweatpants that were too big for her.
"Angry." - She repeated once again before disappearing into the cabin once again, presumably thinking about something.
You stood outside for a moment longer, your arms were still holding Jim's sides and his hands held you in once place.
"Let's just say we have a lot to talk about." - Jim muttered slowly before letting go of you to take a good look at your face since he hasn't seen it in months. He looked at your photo on his nightstand every night since you separated and even though, he forgot how beautiful you were. Especially when you got mad at him. The curve of your nose, opened up lips, and wide eyes. You were stressed and you didn't have any idea of what to think, but it didn't take away any of your beauty.
Without him barely realizing what he's doing, his palm went to palm your jaw, his thumb drawing a circle on your cheek. You were a person who meant the world to him and for the first time in the last three months, he finally felt complete again.
"Will you come inside? We're just havin’ dinner." - Hopper whispered to you and you nodded, wiggling out of his arms, walking to the door. The girl was cautiously watching every move you made, her finger was put on a word in the vocabulary. She was reading the definition of the word angry. That situation was making less and less sense.
Jim helped you out of the jacket, putting it onto the couch. The couch he had in the trailer. Actually, you knew a lot of things in the cabin apart from the couch - you also knew the TV, the fridge and the bookcase. But where did the child came from, you had no idea.
You sat down onto the reaming chair between the girl and Jim. The girl moved further away once you sat down, keeping a safe distance between you. The dinner was rather quiet since you and Jim needed to talk and the girl he got there wasn't really talkative at all. When the main dish was over, Hop served you and himself chocolate ice-cream and a cup of coffee while he gave the girl a frozen Eggo and sent her to the room, telling her not to get the food all over the bed.
"Start talking, James, because this shit is just ridiculous." - You mumbled and watched the wall in front of you, drinking the coffee, not even trying to pay attention to the ice-cream. But you made sure that the girl's doors are closed. - "Do you have any more daughters I should know about?"
"She's not my daughter, Y/N... Or... It's complicated. Remember the Will Byers disappearance incident?" - He asked and you just nodded with a quiet hum, still watching the wall. - "She had escaped the lab nearby. They held her there like a little biology experiment, can you imagine?"
"No, Jim, I can't, but I'm sure that that won't stop you from continuing your story." - You mumbled ironically as a clap back, which made Jim pause for a second before continuing. He was getting everything he deserved, after all.
"She lived in the woods ever since. I was giving her food into a small box every night and one day, she appeared there and started followin’ me. The government is after this girl. And they would do her terrible things once they would find her. I couldn't let that happen." - Jim finished quietly.
He was saving a little girl while you thought he's back to his fucking everything that moves schedule. He was there with her the whole time.
"But not telling me wasn't a solution. Leaving me in the dark wasn't a fucking solution." - You whispered back, not able to look at him. Saving a girl was a good excuse to disappear from the surface of the earth for three months. It was. You couldn't argue with him because of that. But that didn't mean you're over it. Not that easily.
"I know. I should've told you. It was a dick move and I'm really sorry. For everythin'." - His palm found yours on the table and entwined his fingers with yours. - "I'm really sorry."
At that moment, the girl opened up the door again. You almost tried to drag your hand out of the table, but Jim just tightened the grip. Once you knew about Eleven, she should know about you.
"Angry?" - The girl pointed at you with a question. Jim smiled and shook his head, motioning her to sit down with you.
"She was. At me, not at you." - He answered and you nervously looked at her sitting down next to you. She was watching every inch of you which really made you nervous.
"Pretty." - She said simply before turning her face to Jim. She looked at your entwined fingers and furrowed a bit. - "What's that?"
"Holding hands, that's somethin' you do with a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you know, kiddo? This is my girlfriend, Y/N. This is Eleven." - Jim introduced the two of you. For a long time, you just stared at the girl without any movement before you rose your palm to shake hers. Small steps at a time, you reminded yourself, small steps at a time.
The girl was definitely weirded out by the gesture, her hand reached out for yours with suspicion before she caught it. It was a ten seconds lasting handshake before she quickly fetched the hand back on her lap. Clearly, the trust between you two was on point zero and lower.
Then, when this awkward part was finally over, she turned back to Hopper, clearly having more questions on her tongue. For a while, there was silence as Eleven tried to think about some meaningful sentences.
"What is a girlfriend?" - Eleven asked silently, giving too much caution on every syllable.
"Someone you love. A member of your pack, just like the lonely wolf in the fairytale we read yesterday. A member of a family." - Hopper enlightened Eleven in a quiet voice, smiling at her.
"What is a love?" - Eleven asked, being completely caught up in the topic. Her eyes were curiously shining.
"Fetch the vocabulary, this is the word of the day." - Hopper said and as you watched Eleven disappearing in the only room with a proper door, bringing the book she had there before, you realized that you're completely silent, barely breathing. You were afraid to talk or move - Eleven finally calmed down and at least ignored your presence. You didn't want to disturb her and Hopper having their time. Also, from a psychological standpoint, it was seriously interesting.
Finally, Hopper let go of your hand and looked at the word love, just as Eleven did.
"Deep and affecti-cti-onate emotional at-tachment to a person." - She read slowly and really, she was far behind the kids of her age. She looked at Hopper as if she read a spell, and Hopper nodded, licking his lips before continuing.
"It's a feelin’. A feelin’ inside of here." - He pointed at his heart and Eleven mirrored his actions. She nodded, which made him continue. - "You feel happy and safe when the person is around. They make you stron’ and they care about you."
Eleven nodded, looking away for a while before she first pointed at Hopper before she pointed her finger at her chest. - "Love?"
"Yes, this is love." - Hopper stood up and packed her vocabulary, messing her curly hair up. - "Say good night."
"Good... Night." - Eleven mouthed slowly, looking you in the eyes. You smiled back, wishing her a good night as well. With a grin, Hopper led her to her door, making her dress up into her pajama.
"Are you goin’ to stay here a while?" - Hopper asked with hope in his voice, walking behind you. His palms circled around your shoulders, massaging them. - "Here? With me? I have a bottle of good wine in the fridge, I'll give you a ride home, I've missed you..."
"A little while won't kill me." - You bought his offer and a contained smile appeared on your lips. Hopper was still caressing your shoulders and the back of your head leaned into his belly when Eleven opened up the door, standing there, cautiously watching you. She never stopped looking around for a second, didn't she?
"Ready." - She nodded at Hopper and he left to tug Eleven in. You walked around the cabin and cautiously looked at every corner of it, listening to a quiet small talk going on before you saw his shadow sit down to read her a bedtime story.
The cabin seemed oddly impersonal. Hopper was trying to hide his life away from Eleven. It was for Eleven to feel like she was the only one in his life, the center of his small universe. Hopper was focused on Eleven and their bonding and you knew that, but it hurt to see Hopper completely erasing everything you two had. He should've told you right away. You weren't a bitch and this was a completely understandable situation.
Then you looked into his small room in the back of the cabin, repressed by only a doorframe and a piece of dark cloth. And Jesus fucking Christ, you could straightway tell that this room is Hopper's doing. It was ultra messy, his clothes were everywhere, there was an empty can of beer here and there, some leftovers, dirty and fresh clothes, unmade bed - yes, home sweet home.
And there you saw it - his old detective books, the album of naughty photos and the photo you loved so much directly on his nightstand. You walked through the mess and looked at the framed photo, having a small smile on your lips. When you put it down, you bent over to pick up his shirt, covering yourself in it.
You've missed him so much. Oh, you closed your eyes, breathing in his smell mixed with cologne and cigarette smoke. Dear Lord, the smell on its own made you smile.
After a while, you went back to the living room, still seeing his shadow reading the bedtime story, you've heard his voice changing rhythm and depth depending on which character he was reading as.
You didn't even know how, but during your waiting for Hopper, you've fallen asleep. When he entered the room, looking at sleeping Eleven for the last time, you were sitting on the couch, your legs were folded below you.
A smile spread on his lips when he walked to sit on the couch next to you. Hopper didn't mean to wake you up, but he couldn't stop himself as his fingers reached out to smooth the hair off your neck. Before he could stop himself, his lips were traveling on your neck. He heard you sleepily giggle, your palm smoothing one of his shoulders while he laid you down.
"Well, hello there." - You murmured into his ear and hugged him, while he pressed his body onto yours bringing you even closer. - "I've missed you." - Hopper sighed and continued with kissing down a trail between your breasts.
"Oh, did you?" - You mumbled back, slowly waking up. You've been sleeping for only twenty minutes, but since you've been on the edge of breaking down the whole day, you've been really tired.
"Every damn night." - His face appeared in front of yours and that smile... Made your heart pound faster. Your fingers were caressing his jaws and you finally rose your knees to rest them on his sides, pressing himself closer.
"Jim, Eleven..." - You mumbled and looked on the door while Hopper worked on kissing your neck, unbuttoning the shirt you had on. - "She's asleep. I swear."
"You also swore that you have a bottle of wine. Empty promises." - Your fingers caught his chin and you brought his face back to look at you. - “It will be better not to take things quickly. What about me coming here tomorrow? Its Saturday and maybe, I can find some things both me and Eleven like.” 
“No. For the first few times, I think it shouldn't be for too long. Before you both get a hold on it.” - Jim sat up and you immediately followed him. - “What about Monday night?” 
For a while, you kept quiet. Eleven was definitely a special girl, but now, she was somehow a part of your life as well. It was up to Jim and you to find a way to make all of this work. Slowly, you reached out for his hand and held it tightly. 
“Yeah. Monday evening sounds about right. I’m usually ready to go at eight o’clock precisely. Do you want to pick me up at Marty’s?” - You asked innocently, a smile appearing on your lips. 
“I'll be there. Eight o’clock, not a minute late.” - Jim answered and you nodded, standing up, ready to go for your jacket. Both you and Hopper knew that you have his shirt on, but you weren't giving it back by any chance. Of course, he walked you to the car, where you gave him a short look before opening the door. 
“See you on Monday. I'll take some food from the bistro so you won't have to cook. That girl is already enough of a wretch.” - You smiled and almost got in, but an arm stopped you. Hopper leaned in, cathing your waist and giving you a deep kiss. You got caught up in the moment for a while, but after a while, he let go off you.
“Monday, at eight o’clock. not a minute later.” - You whispered, stealing the last peck before you drove home.
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teaforten · 4 years
Rabbit and the Monkey Cups - (Part 1/2)
Did you need AIW fanfic? Here is AIW fanfic.
I haven’t written in a long time for this show, but it was Rachel’s birthday and I decided to turn a little thing into a big thing. But didn’t finish it, so this is part one of two. 
Here’s a preview, and the rest is under cut. Tumblr wanted to put a bunch of spaces in between every paragraph and frankly I don’t have the energy to take them all out, so sorry about that. 
Wondermart was having a huge clearance sale on Halloween stuff, so Hatter and Hare were promptly there on a crisp November afternoon, to hit two birds with one stone. You see, Rabbit’s birthday was at the end of the week. How did they know? Alice had just told them. She was tagging along right behind them, actually, mentioning it in a timid fashion, because she herself was unsure what to get the bunny, or any bunny really, let alone one of his age.
“Ahhh, there’s got to be something here,” Hatter said to the other two confidently.  
“You think he might want a new cape?” Hare wondered, patting at some leftover Dracula capes at the end of a costume rack.
“It’s possible. How about a skull? You think he needs one of these?” By now, Alice was squinting as Hatter plucked up a funky glow-in-the-dark skull from a shelf of cheap yard decorations.
“No, let’s get him this candy bowl,” Hare suggested, though just as he indicated it, the plastic skeleton’s hands guarding its mouth closed around his hand and gave him a serious jolt.
“You guys...” Alice started.
“I want that for myself,” Hatter told Hare.
“Hell if you’re keeping that in your kitchen!”
“It’ll be great for my cookies!” Hatter insisted, with a scowl. “Lord knows you’re not keeping me away from them!”
“You GUYS.”
“Huh?” They both turned to her obliviously, holding each side of the bowl as the skeleton hands slapped open and closed.
“I don’t think Rabbit wants leftover Halloween stuff for his birthday,” she tried to tell them, in what was the most neutral voice she could manage.
“Are you sure?” Hatter wondered. She just rolled her eyes.
“Why don’t we try, uh, some plants at the nursery, or, or a sleep mask? Some fuzzy slippers?”
Her two companions looked to each other and shrugged like she might have a point.
So off to the Wonderland nursery they went, where Alice was plucking up pots of pansies and tulips and flashing them at Hatter and Hare, who seemed not at all impressed. “I mean they’re fine if you just want something to take up space in your window sill,” Hare told her with his eyes half closed. Alice was silent, as she really didn’t see a problem with this. “Alice. Alice Alice Alice~~” Hare drawled, looking around the nursery like he was embarrassed to have to explain this to her. “When my Grandpa December was around the Rabbit’s age, he was going through his very last existential crisis, and the last thing he needed was to fill up his window sills.”
Hatter nodded emphatically. “Mhm. Mhm. That’s a mid-life crisis kind of present.”
“What we need to get the Rabbit is something that reminds him that he’s in control of his life again.”
“Right! Something that says twilight can be just as exciting as any sunrise,” Hatter chipped in, swooping his hand into the air.
“I don’t know where you’re going with this,” Alice told them.
“Well obviously--” Hatter started... then he turned to Hare, looking for some help. “Where are we going with this?”
Hare was all shifty-eyed by now. “Come. Come, my children,” he said.
In no time, they were being led to the “restricted” section of the nursery… a shady little greenhouse shack thingy-mabob… covered with vines and thorns. And the woman helping customers there looked awfully witchy. Her wiry salt and pepper hair was stacked onto her head in a bun, almost all of her fingers had a ring, and she was walking around with a hunch. It gave Alice the creeps. Hatter, too. He was trying to hide behind her, actually, and it wasn’t working out very well.
“Do you have a membership card?” She asked Hare, also looking very shifty-eyed. Hare took out his wallet and flashed the goods. Then she jerked up her chin like a bouncer who had recognized one of their own, as if to say “a’iiiight, ya’ll’s cool to go in”...
In a very interesting turn of events, it was Hatter clutching Hare’s arm and nibbling his knuckles, and Alice trailing behind them, using his coat-tails as some kind of safety leash.
“Poisonous… carnivorous…” Alice read the signs hesitantly as they passed them.
“Cadaverous… smelly?!” Hatter screeched.
“Oh, the smelliest!” Hare flapped his hands and kept walking.
“I don’t think the Rabbit is going to want a smelly plant, Mr. Hare. After all, he’ll have to keep it at the palace, and if the Queen doesn’t like it…” Alice started.
“Well then I know! We’ll get him a guard plant!” Hare concluded. Hatter seemed both extremely terrified and extremely excited about seeing which selections of guard plant this place had.
“There are plants that can guard palaces?” Alice wondered incredulously.
“Shhh, everyone be quiet,” Hare told them. They weren’t far from an enclosure where a deep crimson light was shining on a beastly looking growth in the corner of the greenhouse. At its base was an array of spikey pads clustering around even spikier shoots and bulbs -- all more or less foaming at the mouths, or whatever it had.
“What? It can’t hear us--” Alice tried to say before Hatter’s hand fell over her mouth.
“You don’t know that,” he stage-whispered without looking at her. She almost had the nerve to bite him. Evidently, Hare had immediately forgotten to show any caution once he realized what was in the enclosure because he was bursting at the seams and hopping in place like a cheerleader without pom-poms.
“Oh, WOW. They said they were going to order it in, but I HONESTLY DIDN’T BELIEVE THEM. Look you guys, it’s a GIANT CATAPULTING FLYPAPER TRAP! And no wonder they’ve got these bars: someone could fall right into that thing and they’d be a GONER,” Hare told them, tenting his fingers and grinning from ear to ear, with every possible dimple in his face showing.
“Geez, Mr. Hare. I never realized you were so, well, morbid.” Hare looked mildly surprised for a second, then just shrugged.
“Anyway, Rabbit could never handle something like this. And look at the price. Oof!” They watched Hare take out a neon green notepad from his pocket and scribble down a note. “Reminder to myself to break open the ole piggy bank when I get home. I just might have enough!”
It was Hatter’s turn to lay down the line:
“Hell if you’re keeping that in your garden!”
“Oh, I wouldn’t put it in my garden. I’d put it in my dungeon,” Hare told him matter-of-factly.
“Ohhhhh. Well in that case… just remember to show it who’s boss.” A whole lotta eyebrow wiggling and elbow jabbing took place before Alice could no longer sit with this image. She pointed at the first thing she saw.
“Uhh, what about this? This looks exciting enough. What is it?” She asked Hare, who was even blushing by now. He cleared his throat.
“Oh, those are… I think I remember… oh yes! Monkey cups!”
“Monkey cups? That doesn’t sound too scary.”
Hatter and Hare shrugged. Their minds had clearly moved on to other things. “Nahhhh, guess not! It’d probably be perfect for Rabbit - he can feed it bugs and stuff when he’s having a bad day. Hahahahhaha!” Alice frowned just as soon as he winked at her. “What? We all know he has a sadistic side.”
@ @ @
As cool as the plant was, Alice wasn’t particularly sold on the idea that Rabbit would be satisfied with just that kind of gift on his birthday, so she begged and pleaded for them to come with her to hit the nearest convenience store. They were being absolute drama kings about it as if they were in some kind of black and white purgatory hell as she perused the greeting card section for just the right one.
“Come on, Alice. How is this watercolor pastel painting of flowers any different from the other ten that you looked at?” Hatter wondered with his eyes rolled back into his head and his giant purple body slumped up against one of the flimsy card racks. A clerk nearby could now see how precarious this situation looked and was watching them carefully.
“And they all say happy birthday!” Hare chimed in as he wandered up to Alice’s side. As he did so, she noticed that he was holding the pot of monkey cups off to one side of his chest, almost as if he had been breastfeeding them or something. He also randomly had a hiccup blanket over his shoulder. She scrunched up her face for a second before she had a response prepared.
“Yes, but they just don’t have that… oomf!” Alice told them, making sort of a “glitter exploding” gesture with her hand.
The both of them repeated the word several times to each other, also imitating the gesture.
“You know. A certain... je ne sais quoi?” She emphasized, even getting on her tippy toes. Hatter tilted his head and mimed the phrase in confusion while Hare tried to pronounce it. He even handed Hatter the plant so he could sort of pop his booty out and tip his toe, while still butchering the phrase spectacularly. Alice smiled and rolled her eyes. “It’s French. I learned it from my penpal, Yvette. It means. Well, it means that you don’t know what it means. But it’s something special.”
Hatter frowned.
“Alice, do you even know why we’re here?” He asked.
“Because we’ve been trying to figure it out for the past eternity.”
“We’ve been here for five or ten minutes tops. And yes, I know why I’m-- DUM!” She hopped when she saw a familiar face pass the glass from the outside. The Tweedles were on their way to the front doors. Hatter and Hare cranked their necks as the bell on the door jingled, while Alice went to greet the twins without a moment’s hesitation, as if they were rescuing her. It would seem they might have also been whispering their hellos and other exchanges, which was just plain rude, in Hatter’s opinion, based on the way he squished up his lips. He looked Hare in the eye and nothing further needed to be said.
Just as the Tweedles were heading back with Alice to the card section, they passed Hatter and Hare, who were on their way to the door. “Oh hey, you two!” Dee greeted, followed by some timid waving by Dum. “Hey guys, uh, we’re just gonna be going,” Hare told them, jutting his thumb out with a crooked smile. “It’s these poor little guys’ nap time.”
“Uhh yeah, and we’d hate to be a 4th and 5th wheel,” Hatter muttered, sort of coddling the monkey cups and shielding them from the Tweedles’ view. Hare was equally concerned about this and hovered around him, trying to put the hiccup blanket, which had a soft little cartoon cactus print, around Hatter’s arm and over the plant, going “sh sh sh…”
Dee cocked his brow and didn’t say a thing until they were gone.
Then, once they were:
“Why are they going around babying a patch of bright green dangling plant dicks?” Just as soon as he said it, Dum was seized by cackles… and more or less so was Alice. But hearing“Mr. Dee” talk like that was highly unusual.
She wanted to speak but couldn’t stop laughing and started sinking into herself. Dum had to pull her up before she hit the floor. “What?! What is it, Alice?! XD” He kept asking her.
“They’re not plant weeners!” She peeped into his ear, still trying to properly breathe again. “They’re m-monkey cups! They’re for the Rabbit! For his birthday!”
This started a whole new round of reeling between the Tweedles, which garnered the attention of the store clerk, who still wasn’t happy about Hatter leaning on all the card racks.
“Excuse me… do you three plan on buying anything?” He asked. He was old, uptight, and easy to dismiss.
“Oh yeah, sure,” Dee told him, swishing his hands before he let them fall on Dum and Alice’s shoulders. On their way to the cards, Alice tried to explain the meandering logic that had led her and her eccentric companions to and from the nursery today, with such an odd purchase.
“Well just make sure the Hare keeps the receipt, is all I’ve got to say!” Dum told her, earning a high-five from Dee.
“You guys wanna help me find something else?” She wondered, quite relieved just to be hearing sensible sentiments again. Dee thought about if he had any plans for the day.
“I’m game.”
“Yeah, so am I,” Dum said.
“A’ight. Let’s find something with some real je ne sais quoi around here and then hit that sleep store across from Just Add Sugar!” Dee turned up his nose with a smug smile like he knew exactly what he was doing. And he probably did.
@ @ @
It was five-thirty in the afternoon and Hatter and Hare were tipped back in their chairs with their bellies full of crumpets, cookies, and jam. And tea, of course. Lots and lots of tea. Beside the Hare was one of those bouncy baby seats that he periodically tipped with his foot. And inside of the baby seat was the pot of monkey cups, wrapped up in the cactus blanket. Several crumpet crumbs were surrounding it. “Do you think it liked the crumpets?” Hatter was busy scraping food out of his teeth and was probably in a food coma when he answered:
“I mean, it ate them, didn’t it?”
“I think so.”
Just then, they saw the Tweedles and Alice frolicking by, flailing shopping bags and sipping slurpees. It was an immediate outrage. Then they slam-dumped the empty cups into Hatter’s trash-can outside the gate. “Oh hi, Hatter and Hare!” Dum shrieked cheerily in a blur.
“Bye, Hatter and Hare!” Dee shouted, just as they were opening their mouths. Alice apparently didn’t even notice where they were or whose house they were passing. It just looked like she had been having the time of her life, or something.
“You know, sometimes, Hare… I don’t know about that girl.”
@ @ @
The day of Rabbit’s birthday, Hare was simply a sobbing mess, and Hatter was having to do a lot of bedraggled consoling that frankly he was not prepared for, in order to make this visit to the palace even possible.
“Come on, Hare,” he told him, trying to pry the plant from his needy little fingers. It was not unlike trying to pry a fly from a venus fly trap. Except this fly trap was worried about the fly and was sure that keeping it in its mouth forever was the only way to keep it safe. Just as it popped free from Hare’s desperate clasp, his arms collapsed in his chest and his knees hit the ground as he wailed:
“We shouldn’t have bought them so early in the week! Now they think I’m their ma, and they’ll miss me terribly!”
Hatter frowned, then realized that he was sort of petting one of them. “Hey, what about me?”
Hare shrugged as a tear pooled in his eye. “They’ll sort of miss you too.” Hatter turned to the fourth wall and just stared. “But every plant needs their ma!”
“Then the Rabbit can be their godmother! Their fairy-godmother! Ahhh? He’ll let you visit, I’m sure.” Hatter’s proposal wasn’t all that bad. Still, Hare was caught up in a moment and could only sniffle, so his partner gave him a heavy pat on the shoulder and walked past him. “Now, I’m gonna take these guys out for one last walk, and then we’ll head to the palace. Take a hit off the hookah, if you need.”
@ @ @
The palace courtyard was unusually quiet that day. Hatter and Hare were thinking there’d either be some sort of bash already started, or they’d have to get into an argument with the Queen about letting Rabbit have free time on his birthday. Instead, they found him kicked up on the chaise lounge, being fanned with a giant banana leaf by Alice. Totally oblivious to their presence, as he was wearing a thick cushy sleep mask and slurping up a tropical smoothie with an umbrella, Rabbit had more or less slipped into nirvana, or as close to it as an old servant would ever get. On the nearest table was a catalogue for the sleep store Alice had visited with the Tweedles, there were brand new, fuzzy wuzzy bunny slippers on the floor next to him, and even a gift basket filled with soaps, bath salts, and the most basic bitch teas Hatter had ever seen. Not that he would say anything.
But he had to say something, because poor ole Hare was still waiting for his hit off the hookah to kick in and had red eyes that could be seen from a mile away. He even forgot to stand and face their friends. Hatter grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him in the right direction.
“Rabbbitttttt!” He shouted at the bunny.
“Mmmmmmm...yyyyyesss???” Hold up a moment. The peaceful smile on the Rabbit’s face slowly fell as he realized he had heard the voice of someone he was sure in the past had never helped him achieve any sort of serenity. He snatched off the sleep mask. “Oh, hello... Hatter. Hare.” He was sort of leaning back and away from them now. Luckily, he couldn’t see that Alice was behind him, trying to hold it together.
“A little birdie told us it was your birthday today!”
“A little birdie?” Rabbit scrunched up his face, confused.
“He means me,” Alice said sweetly over his shoulder.
“Oh, but you’aaa~ not a bird!”
“Yeah, but she overhears all kinds of things, like a bird on a tree-branch!” Hatter explained, to which Alice nodded, “and that was the only way we were going to know it was your birthday, you secretive, sly, s-selectively friendly…s-senior citizen--”
“You had better get on with whatever you came here for, Hatta~...” Rabbit muttered, just as Hatter felt a tickle in his throat.
“Ahem! Yes.” He turned to Hare, who had been trying to blot a tear with the cactus blanket without anyone noticing. “Uh, Hare, why don’t you take the blanket off and show Rabbit this wondeeerfulll, spectaccuullar giftttt, ahhhh?” Hatter tried his best to sprinkle all the razzle-dazzle of two people onto the reveal, but no matter of twisting and twirling elicited much of a reaction out of Rabbit once he saw under the blanket. And he only had one thing to say.
“My, those are awfully phallic, aren’t they…”
Alice just bit her lip.
“What’s ‘phallic’?” Hatter questioned, not yet sure if he should feel validated or offended. Alice shrugged, as she didn’t know either. Rabbit immediately regretted that it had ever fallen from his mouth.
“Uhhh… Well what are they, anyway?” He diverted.
The Tweedles, meanwhile, had been oo’ing and ah’ing at all the boring af statues the Queen put up in one of her hallways, like really putting on an oscar worthy performance out of the sincerest desire for Rabbit to have some alone time with his gifts in that chair. When they were back to the courtyard with her majesty, however, they were having a really hard time keeping a straight face while a clueless Hatter and an unreasonably forlorn Hare waved around the bright green plant dicks monkey cups and pitched them like they were going to be Rabbit’s newest obsession.
All they had to do was step into Alice’s vicinity and make eye-contact with her and she was already giggling.
“So you see, Rabbit, this isn’t just some midlife-crisis window-sill filler… set these up at your table on bingo nights and you’ll have all the bunny ladies crowding around, knowing you’re up to something.”
“And what exactly am I up to?” Rabbit cocked his eyebrow, quite distracted by their striking resemblance to, well, cocks.
“Bein’ a plant daddy,” Hatter told him, smiling and nodding like he was very sure of himself, “to a hardcore plant that’ll eat all the bugs in your garden. Even frogs, too!”
“Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!” Was Rabbit’s first reaction. Then he leaned forward and tapped one of the cups before the Queen belted from behind him.
“That’s BARBARIC.” Immediately, Rabbit fell right on his face on the floor beside the lounge, then had to prop himself up and heave a little when he realized she had been so close to him all along. “Why would you get Rabbit a gift like that!”
Hare had recoiled just as much as Hatter, but he looked more defeated than anything else that neither of them were impressed with his gift, especially now that they were his babies that he’d raised for a week. Once again, Hatter had to do the explaining, patting Hare’s hand, which was squeezing his arm, all the while.
“We thought he needed some excitement!”
“He has PLENTY of excitement around here!”
Rabbit darted his eyes around. He wasn’t about to disagree with her, because technically she was right, it’s just… it wasn’t the good kind of excitement. The Tweedles and Alice were feeling even surer about their gifts by now.
“Well then really, this plant can keep up with him, is all we’re saying,” Hatter told her, not even missing a beat. “Oh look, it already likes him!”
For the first time in the last five minutes, Hare had something to say: “It does?”
Hatter gave him a look. “Uhhh, of course it does, Hare. Hand it over. Wouldn’t want to keep these two parted.” Try as he may to sort of direct the pot towards the birthday bunny himself, Hare was sort of squeezing it close and didn’t know how to let go. Rabbit, meanwhile, looked completely flabbergasted as he sat there on the floor beneath those looming plant dongs. The Queen threw up her hands, which just elicited more of the Tweedles’ giggling.
“You have GOT to be kidding me!”
“Uhh, they mean well, Your Majesty!” Alice tried to step in, being the noble child among the group and all that. “I mean if you think about it… it’s just as silly as any other gift they’ve given him…”
“Hmph, you’re right… there’s no way this is a joke,” her Majesty answered back in a deep voice, with her chin tucked into her neck. Then all five of them just kept watching Hatter and Hare fuss over the pot.
“Hare, just let go! One finger at a time. Come on, now.”
“I’m trying!” Hare pouted.
“I highly doubt that!”
“You don’t know what it’s like to be a mother!”
“No, but I know what it’s like to live with one!”
“DON’T shame me for being an empath!” Hare growled through his tears, still with the cactus blanket thrown over his shoulder.
“Alright you two, listen!” Rabbit professed, just before he scurried to his feet and yanked at his vest, then patted a few fuzzballs away. “I’ll keep the plant for a few days and see how it goes, but I want He’a~ on call at all times! He obviously has a grrreener thumb than I~, but I appreciate your thinking of me on my birthdehh~, so I shall try my best. Ehh… provided her Majesty approves.”
They all slowly turned to her in suspense, looking somewhere on a spectrum between apprehensive and hopeful. And then there were the Tweedles, who were just about to whip out their popcorn bowls. The Queen squinted at them for a moment before she decided it was not her circus, not her monkeys. Well, hopefully.
“Fine. But I don’t want to hear a thing about it. Call the Hare if it gives you any trouble, and if he can’t help you, hohohhhh,” her eyes bulged as she cut her hands into the air, “it’s straight back to the nursery.”
“Of course, of course. Ehh… thank you.” Rabbit nodded to the Queen awkwardly before he turned to Hare and opened his hands to receive the plant. Hare just stared at him until Hatter leaned into him.
“Give Rabbit the plant, Hare.”
“Eheheheh! Right,” he said, his arms extending out with a tremble to relinquish his babies to his favorite frenemy. Rabbit took hold of the pot and tried not to cringe as the dongs sweeping over the side brushed his forearm. Try as he may to bring them closer to his chest, Hare came with them. He laughed and gave them a better tug, which prompted Hare to tug them back. Before everyone knew it they were bouncing back and forth. Finally, Hatter took Hare’s shoulders and held him in place, so that Rabbit could pluck the monkey cups out of his motherly smother, and inspect them with none of the same sort of affection.
“Eheheh, loveleh~ loveleh~~...” he trailed. “Well, I’d better- eh, put these somewhere. T-thank you, everyone, for the birthday wishes and gifts… You’re all too kind.”
“OH WAIT, RABBIT,” Hare screeched, wriggling out of Hatter’s grasp and pulling a baby bag out of nowhere.
“This is all of his stuff!” When Rabbit took it from him, his arm plummeted as if he had just taken a bag of bowling balls.
“Gee, thanks, I feel so prepared now~” He said through his teeth to the fourth wall. Then  he fluttered his fingers and rolled away. Hare looked at least somewhat reassured as Hatter patted him on the back and he blew his nose.
Part 2 coming soon!...
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clownistyping · 5 years
The Neverending Story, chapter 11
Im posting bc im that scared of being stuck in a hole of not posting bc im busy. Also Audrey 2 is worst wingplant
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Cover by @laneygthememequeen
"What did I do wrong?" Beetlejuice pulled his hair as he sat in the garden room, the large plant beast patted his back with a vine. Beetlejuice looked up at the plant who spoke, 
"Ya fucked up, bud." 
"Oh fuck you." Beetlejuice grumbled and stood up. 
"You're no help anyways." He walked into the living room,it was dark by now. You've been in your room all day, once every 3 to 4 hours he brings food to your door. 
Your stomach definitely takes over and you always take the food, gladly. 
He checked the clock, not the old grandfather clock but just a regular wall clock. It's been an hour since he's given you dinner, walking upstairs he reached your room. Putting his ear against your door he no longer heard your mumbles, instead it was quiet. You're asleep thank God. 
Going back downstairs he waved Audrey goodbye, he needs to talk to someone. Someone who'll understand. 
Shutting the back door he sighs, the doors cracks started to glow green.
"Oh Lydia! Could you come here for a second?" Adam asked as he stood next to his tiny set of his county. Lydia looked up from the couch, and put her book down. 
It's been a year since her marriage and divorce with Beetlejuice, but she's handled it quite well. She's barely changed appearance wise, but she's grown a lot personality wise. 
She's smarter when it comes to the supernatural, still she dabbles in the occult every sunday. 
"What's up?" She asked as she looked at the set, Adam smiled. 
"I'm thinking of making a netherworld set! It'll be a challenge definitely but I'm sure I can do it." Adam pushed his glasses back, "But it'll be fun too!" 
Lydia shook her head "That means you'll be visiting the netherworld more often." Adam nods. 
"That increases your chances of seeing him." Lydia nodded over to a stray bug on the wall. Adam looked over to his wife who sat on a sheet covered chair.  
Barbara stood and smacked the bug with a fly swatter. She shivered afterwards, 
"I'll never understand the appeal of bugs." 
Adam turned back to Lydia, Lydia raised her eyebrows. 
"Well isn't he what, in ghost jail?" Adam said and chuckled and Barbara nodded. 
Lydia opened her mouth to speak but shut it when she noticed smoke coming from the attic door. Right after the smoke came, a green glow. 
"Holy shit." 
The door slammed open and smoke shrouded the figure from behind. Barbara ran over to Adam and he pulled her close, he put his hand out. 
"Lydia come here!" He yelled and a foot slammed down on the wooden floor. Causing one panel to raise and smack his hand away. The smoke dispersed and revealed the depressed green ghost. 
"It's showtime." He whimpered and fell onto his face in tears. 
"Oh." Adam said quietly, Barbara whispered asking if that's really the ghost they met. Lydia with wide eyes stared down at the ghoul. 
Stepping over to him, she nudged him with her foot. He grabbed her ankle and she screamed, 
"Help me!" Beetlejuice said with tears and snot coming out, she cringed and shook his hand off of her. 
"What happened to you!?" Lydia asked pretty loudly to be honest, she squatted next to the undead corpse. 
"I-they-me-we-" he heaved and she sighed. Grabbing his hand, he led him to the couch. The Maitlands followed, watching him wither onto the couch. 
Beetlejuice explained it all in a mess of sobs and snot, 
"And then they found our photo-"
"You still kept that?" Lydia asked and Beetlejuice nodded slowly. 
"I didn't wanna forget you." He whined, Lydia shook her head. 
"Wish I could forget you." She stood and started for the door. Beetlejuice whined and latched onto her waist. 
"Ya can't leave me in my time of distress! I'm a mess!" 
Lydia glared down at the ghost who let her go, 
"Listen Beetlejuice.. I'm not sure how to help you. I mean you really did this to yourself."
Beetlejuice whimpered and looked towards the Maitland's for support. They shook their heads, 
"You shouldn't even be bothering that person! You're nothing but trouble." Barbara scolded, Adam nodded. 
"Ya, plus ya could be lying! Maybe this is some extreme guilt trip to try to get you to somehow marry him again." 
Barbara nodded this time, Beetlejuice shook his head. 
"No! Can't you guys just believe me!?" He begged. 
"L-look! I got proof they exist." He snapped his fingers and suddenly one of the multiple polaroids appeared in his fingers. 
The first one you took, the three looked at the image. Then each other, then the image again. Lydia sighed, 
"How do we know this isn't photoshopped?" 
"Oh I know what that is! It's a computer thingy!" Barbara gushed. 
"Can't ya just believe me?" Beetlejuice asked again his lip out as he made his eyes big. 
Lydia bit her lip, can she believe him? Only one way to find out. 
"Fine..what do you want me to do?" Lydia said and Adam interrupted. Stepping in between Lydia and the ghost. 
"I refuse to let you go anywhere with this thing." He stood his ground, Barbara stood next to Lydia. Holding her close in a tight hug, they really are attached to the girl. 
Beetlejuice sighed and stood up, brushing off his knees of the dust he looked at the trio again. 
"Well..thanks anyways." He mumbled. 
"If ya need me, which I doubt you will, you know how to call me." He turned towards the glowing door, slowly walking towards it. 
The trio felt a wave of guilt wash over them, the first time they've ever seen the ghost that traumatized then for eternity, show true sadness. 
"Beetlejuice..wait." Lydia said, breaking from Barbara's grip. 
"I'll help you." She said, Beetlejuice's face light up but she raised her hand. 
"But only if you promise not to hurt me or try to marry me at all." She looked at the Maitlands, who looked away. 
"And that you bring me back safely." The maitlands looked up and nodded. Lydia smiled and she looked at the ghost who still wore his sharp teeth smile. 
"Oh I knew I could count on you bestie!" 
@if-youd-be-my-soft-fuzzy-man @dunununun @theannonomusgamblerpt2 @laneygthememequeen @zelda2248 @madameboxhead @obsessed-librarian @randomfanders-blog @holy-fucking-shit @juni-berries @rallsa @the-dream-weaver @vivienex13 @ah-callie @asilentcruellullaby @1-rosewiththorns @apocalypseillustrate @a-fan-fighting-for-equality @westiefromtheeast @buggbeverage @bumblebeests @renlup @yeemotrash214 @cryptidslasher @introverted-catnip @lamour-est-mort-cheri @lundybunny @peach-beetle
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ravens-rambling · 5 years
Hello, could I ask if you could make a prompt thingy with the word alone with Prinxiety? Or if you already made one could you link it? Thank you
Whoop some more Prinxiety!! And hey have some confessing Prinxiety cause…idk this just formed to that XD hope you like it anon!! 
ships: Romantic Prinxiety 
warnings: Mentions of Deceit, Anxiety attack, Crying, Blood, Punches, Cursing, Yelling, Panic Attacks
Tag List: @punsterterry @frostedlover @mutechild  @stormcrawler75 @mycatshuman @panicattheeverywhere15 @analogical-mess @thewinterbookqueen  
Virgil had been alone for years. Years he’s spent held up in his room trying not to hurt anybody. Years he spent hiding his pain behind a facade, a mask, of a bad guy that he didn’t want to be. For years he was alone, alone to deal with the negativity and anxiety that came along with Thomas’ life alone.
For years he had to deal with the panic attacks and anxiety attacks alone. For years he had to cry himself to sleep because he was so frustrated at himself and the loud world around him. Frustrated that he had to play the bad guy. But he didn’t blame the others. No.
He blamed himself. He’s anxiety after all. Not like anyone wants anxiety right? All he can ever be, all he is, is anxiety, aka the bad guy. Cause that’s what anxiety is right? Something that’s bad. Something that nobody wants. Something that people try to get rid of or in his case ignore.
So when he ducked out it was a shock to him, well more like a slap to the face, when the others came for him before he disappeared for good. It shocked him that they actually wanted him. And not just because it was affecting Thomas. Because they wanted to include him in their family. They wanted anxiety.
He remembers that night when he cried himself to sleep, but not out of pain or frustration this time, no it was out of joy. Now he didn’t have to hide his true self from them. Now he didn’t have to hide himself behind a mask.
Now he was loved for the first time in his life.
Sure, the love was intense at first having never experienced it before then thrown into this family all of a sudden. Between Patton’s never-ending hugs and cuddles to Roman’s ever need to make up for what he’s done by comforting him and supporting him when he needed it, which was really weird and awkward at first by the way. To even Logan’s weird but comforting and kind way of showing his own love. It was….nice. Really nice.
So nice in fact that he couldn’t help but think this all was a dream. A dream that was a paradise that his mind conjured up for him. Maybe he really did disappear and this was all just some pleasant escape from the harsh reality? Or maybe that snake is doing all of this?
When his mind went this path he knew to go to the others before it festers. The first time it happened he let it grow and grow until he suddenly burst into tears in the kitchen. For him, it was quite an embarrassment seeing them all rush over to him and make sure he was okay.
It took a while but he managed to utter out what was wrong. And for them to realize what they needed to do.
They told him that every time it happened to come to one of them and they will reassure him. They will always be there to tell him that they are real. That none of this is a dream.
But right now, in the middle of the night, he couldn’t just go to one of them, could he? The others are sleeping he can’t just wake them up cause of his dumb pestering thoughts. He’s just being stupid now.
But those same thoughts kept whispering to him.
They don’t really love you.
You’ll always be alone.
You’re anxiety, why would somebody ever love you.
Those thoughts continued and continued and with every word they grew louder and louder. Until not even blaring his music can solve the problem. Okay, maybe he really needs one of them now.
Silently he grabbed his purple plaid weighted blanket and wrapped it around him. His normal hoodie was still on and under that his sweater that Patton and Roman got for him that year. And of course, he was wearing baggy purple sweatpants, different than the tight pants he normally wears during the day. His socks scatted along the carpet really well as he opened his door and peeked in the dark hallway.
Slowly he dragged himself close to the others doors taking note how nobody’s lights were on, only their fairy lights glowed faintly under their doors.
Nope, he can’t do this. He can’t bug them cause of his stupid thoughts. They all need their rest. He’ll be fine…properly.
So with those thoughts, he turned right back but instead of going back in his room he went downstairs. Maybe some TV can make him fall asleep. Or hey maybe he can ditch that all together and make some coffee. Yeah… That sounds good.
It didn’t take long before he mindlessly cradled a mug of steaming hot coffee in his hands, his tired eyes blinking at some show that he didn’t even care enough to focus on what he put on.
Honestly, he thinks it’s Ghost Adventures. Why he was watching that in a pitch dark room by himself hell if he knows but hey here he is might as well go full blast right? YOLO and all of that.
He didn’t know what happened but one moment he was blinking at the screen and yawning the next moment somebody was touching his shoulder. The visions of the show played in his mind and screwed his thoughts up even more. His eyes shot wide open, when did he close them? And he practically jumped in the air.
His mind instantly went to ‘there’s a ghost in the mindscape’. A ghost that’s going to kill me. Or one of the others. His fight or flight instincts kicked in and he instantly punched the blurry figure in front of him.
But he paused when a loud exclaim of pain shot through his ears. Wait…. Ghost can’t feel pain right?
He blinked open his eyes and spotted the white and red of the sweater first. Then he slowly raised his head…. To see Roman clinching his nose with both of his hands even some droplets of blood came through and dripped onto the carpet on his feet.
“Oh?? That’s all you got to say Emo? How dare you punch my beautiful nose!! You better hope you didn’t break it I swear you little-”
“Well, I didn’t mean to!” He waved his hands up in the air as he stood up and went to the kitchen immediately awake now.
“Yeah sure, you didn’t!!! What are you doing now going to hit me with something hard now-”
“Would you shut the hell up I’m getting you some iced peas. Right? Isn’t that what you’re supposed to use for bruises?”
Roman was silent for a moment and Virgil looked over to see him opened and closing his mouth still holding his nose. He looked flustered as if he actually didn’t think Virgil was going to do that. Yeah… The bad guy right?
Virgil flinched at that. Those thoughts were still there??
Once he grabbed the bag of peas from the freezer he threw it to Roman who caught it effortlessly. Virgil wasn’t the only one with good reflex having fought all the monsters and shit in his imagination he guessed would do that to a person.
As he was walking back after Roman mumbled something to him he noticed it was still dark out. It must be 2 by the looks of it. He must have passed out.
Roman mumbled something else but it was heavily muffled by the bag on his face. Virgil ignored him having grown frustrated at himself for sleeping down here. Why did he let himself fall asleep? He was disappointed in himself for letting his thoughts run off like that again to the point he had to come down here and-
“What, Princey?” He shot back his frustration and irritation at himself leaking through to his voice and must have been his eyes too. For Roman huffed and turned away.
“Well, I’m sorry for caring. Go ahead and mope around here for all I care. I’m going back to bed, Anxiety.”
His old name. His old purpose… Okay, that stung.
Roman was already on the first stair before he could even comprehend what was going on. And already up the stairs before he could even say a single thing.
His eyes filled with tears before he could stop them. His heart hammered in his chest. Blood rushed to his ears as his thoughts intensified.
You hurt Roman.
No wonder why he doesn’t like you.
No wonder why none of them likes you.
Once Roman tells the others what happened in the morning they will be so disappointed in you.
Maybe even fearful of you once they see how badly you hurt him.
“Ro… I-I… I didn’t… I didn’t mean to… I’m sorry….”
Now his tears were streaming down his face. Now he couldn’t breathe. Every breath he drew in went right out of his grasps just like that. His lungs stung with the effort of attempting to draw in air. He was gasping for air he knew that he was trying to suck in air the best he could. But still, nothing was there. Nothing was coming in his body.
He couldn’t breathe.
With a very shaky hand, he lifted it. His mind was drawn towards Patton. He would forgive him, right? He would still love him?
But what side was summoned wasn’t Patton. He saw the burst of white and red before he fell to the ground having been pulled by his shirt with a loud thud.
Virgil gasped for air as he drew himself back into the couch. Great now he’s going to fuck up more. He’s going to mess this up more. He’s going to hurt Roman more. Will he come at him with his sword like he used to do? Will he-
“Virgil? Virgil! Hey hey, it’s okay. Its okay I promise you. Can you look at me?”
He shook his head, no he shouldn’t. He might see anger back in those eyes. He might see-
“No no don’t do that.” He felt gentle strong hands grip his own where they landed on his hair. When did his hands land there? Slowly but gently he felt them being pulled back from his hair to his lap.
“I’m sorry Virgil. I properly caused this… I don’t hate you, love. It’s okay. Can you breathe for me? Remember your breathing exercises? 4-7-8 you remember?”
He nodded. Yeah, he remembers…
With very blurry and shaky vision he finally glanced up to Roman. Though he could barely see he could tell Roman had a faint smile on his face. He didn’t look upset. He didn’t look disappointed. He looked…comforting…
He practically dove in the others arms as he cried more. He wasn’t going to be alone again. Nobody hated him again. They still love him.
“It’s okay. It’s going to be okay. Just keep breathing love. That’s it there you go. I’m so proud of you my Stormcloud.”
It might have taken minutes or hours before Virgil finally stopped crying. Roman being there and rocking them side to side as he did. The feeling of his comforting strong arms grounded him, made him realize this wasn’t some dream. And Roman’s strong chest and scent made him tired and made him realize just how tired he really was.
Slowly his tired eyes blinked open and looked up to Roman, who was smiling down at him… And having something wrapped around his nose. Oh yeah… He hurt him….
“You tired Stormcloud?”
He nodded. He wasn’t able to talk right now he knew it.
“That’s fine love. Want me to leave you here?”
He shook his head and whined softly.
“No? Okay. Do you want me to bring you to bed with me?”
That he nodded on, despite his cheeks flustering at the thought he would love that. He would love to be supported by Roman’s scent everywhere around him. That sounds…nice.
“Gotcha love.” He felt a kiss on his cheek. Then something wrapped around him. Something slightly heavy. Oh… His weighed blanket…
And with a gasp of air, he felt himself being lifted into the air his hands gripping tightly for a moment.
“Whoops sorry. My bad should have warned you. We’re going up the stairs now okay?”
He lazily nodded his hands losing their grip… And before they were able to fully make it up the stairs his eyes slowly closed. And he let darkness consume him as he fell asleep warmed by Roman’s warmth and scent.
When he opened his eyes he instantly noticed that he wasn’t in his room was number one. Second, was that he heard somebody snoring loudly next to him. His body tensed up as he slowly looked around, once he realized where he was… And even more so when he realized who was laying next to him.
Roman was passed out his limbs every which way. His hair was all over the place, in his face sticking up in places that he has never seen before. He could see a faint bit of drool coming down his gaping lips as he snored loudly away. What looked like a white tape was placed over his nose, which honestly just made him cuter.
Virgil all but almost fainted right then and there from the sight.
If normal Roman was cute asleep Roman was a dream.
His heart clenched tightly as he sucked in a breath. He could feel his cheeks going red and swallowed. Fuck he’s adorable as shit, was all his mind could say and think of repeatedly.
As he was having his gay moment his moving must have woken him up, or he could have just wakened up by himself, for a few moments later his wide eyes looked upon Roman’s tired red ones.
Virgil’s body tensed up even more as his cheeks grew brighter. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“I-Ill… I… Um….”
Fuck he couldn’t even talk. He really was a fuck up wasn’t he? But he couldn’t move despite his brain now screaming for it. He was frozen as he stared at the bed-headed sleepy Roman.
Slowly Roman blinked then lifted his head yawning loudly then smacking his lips a few times. Finally, he glanced over to Virgil and smiled, “Had a pleasant night, honey?”
Virgil couldn’t do this. Between Romans very cute very sleepy voice and his teasing tone. Nope. Nope, he couldn’t. This is just one of the tricks that he loves to play on him. That’s all this is, some type of sick joke.
Finally, his body seemed to want to move as he felt his legs move off the bed. Though Roman frowned at the movement.
He felt a hand on his arm and whipped around to see a frown and pleading eyes staring back at him. Fuck. Fuck. He can’t do this he just can’t.
“Virge… Wait you don’t have to go yet…”
“…. Uh… I…”
Roman smiled as he rubbed his arm up and down quickly through he retracted his arm causing Roman to pout.
“….no…. I.. Nope….”
Roman tilted his head almost like a dog and looked at him curiously. All his ruffled up tangled hair moving along with his head.
“Nope, what? Was it something I did? Are you okay? Please tell me I didn’t hurt you too badly last night. I… I didn’t mean to I swear, Virge.”
Oh, he’s playing that card now. Virgil shook his head all but trying to hurry to get out. But he found his other leg practically trapped in all the blankets. Why did Roman have to have so many blankets???
“… I… No… It… It wasn’t… That… I…” He swallowed thickly then sighed loudly his shoulders slumping. Well, he might as well face the fire right? He drew his arms around him in a form of a hug and glanced away.
“No… No, it wasn’t… I just… Those thoughts returned and… You yelling at me and me hurting you just sorta….” He flicked his wrist a bit then shrugged, “And this is just…. I don’t know… I’m sorry.”
“Hey hey no there’s nothing to be sorry about love.“
Virgil flinched at that nickname, it occurred to him that he kept calling him that last night, so he’s still playing that joke huh?
"I’m sorry for spooking you last night. You are anxiety after all fight or flight is what you do. And you chose fight when I startled you. I’m sorry for yelling at you… Honestly, I wasn’t having a good night either and I went down to get something to drink but… When I saw you there asleep curled into yourself you looked…hurt. I wanted to wake you up to see what’s wrong but Virge?”
He felt a hand on his shoulder and gulped his eyes glancing over.
“You can come to me whenever those thoughts come up you know that right?” Virgil nodded. “Then why….?”
He sighed, “Because… You were asleep… I know you need your rest… So does everyone else and I… Felt bad for waking you up and I thought I didn’t need you guys this time and…yeah, it became too much and then you yelled at me and… Yeah….”
“Love… Love even when I’m asleep you can wake me up if something happens. I promise you I won’t mind it, okay?”
“Yeah, I know… It’s just….” He waved his hands again then sighed in defeat.
Roman seemed to get it though as he smiled, “I get it, love. I get it. Come here I won’t ever be angry at you. You just surprised me last night is all.”
Slowly Virgil lowered himself down into Roman’s chest breathing in his scent as his arms wrapped around his thin frame. His cheeks were beyond flustered now he was sure that his face must be bright red by now. He sighed contently, though, knowing that he was really here. He wasn’t angry at him again. He didn’t hate him again. He felt Roman’s hands rubbing his back soothingly.
Maybe he can enjoy this joke though.
Slowly Virgil found himself making some noise and a moment later he realized he was purring. Curse him, he blushed even more.
Roman chuckled loudly, “Aw. You sound so cute like that. My little Stormcloud cat! Now I can make cat references!”
Virgil blushed even more now hiding his face and mumbled something into Roman’s chest.
“What was that dearest I didn’t hear you?”
“I said shut up!”
He heard and felt Roman laugh, “Yeah yeah. Love you too, Virge.”
Wait…What did he just said???
He felt a kiss on his hair then he went back to his soothing motions.
Virgil was afraid to move now or to even make a noise. Did…Did he just say what he thought he said?
After a bit though he peered up at Roman who had his face in his hair and gulped. Did he actually meant it or was this still part of his joke? Should he even mention it? Why is he calling him so many nicknames all of a sudden?
He felt Roman’s breath against his hair and scalp as he hummed lightly.
“Did…Did you actually mean that?”
“Mean what? That I love you? Of course, I meant that. I do love you, Virgil…For quite some time actually. I didn’t know how to say it without spooking you but well last night kinda forced me to say it. I’m not sure if you have the same feelings or not but-”
“Love you too.”
Happy silence engulfs both of them as they laid there content in being in each other’s arms. They both had bright smiles on their faces and very flustered red faces but neither of them minded it.
There they laid for a few hours, both of them not wanting to move out of their embrace. But the smell of pancakes made them start moving their bodies their stomachs growling. And maybe they didn’t stop holding hands the entire time they went downstairs and ate. And maybe Logan and Patton had knowing smiles on their faces despite how much they tried to protest that no they didn’t do what they think they did.
Sure that wasn’t exactly how Virgil had planned his night it was where he wanted to end up, in Romans arms. But as he chuckled to Roman’s and Logan’s normal bickering as they ate that yeah…maybe he wasn’t alone anymore. Maybe he wasn’t in some dream. Maybe they did love him.
Maybe he wasn’t alone again like his thoughts try to convince him of.
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lateviews · 5 years
Lateview: Absolver
If you've heard the expression, “Biting off more than you can chew”, then you'll understand how I feel about Absolver. Fans of third-person fighter games like “Dark Souls”, “Devil May Cry” and “God of War” know that these types of games require high levels of love and polish to do well. Despite the starved market, there’s a lot of room for mediocrity. Surprisingly, Absolver doesn't pull any punches and goes toe to toe with the best... until it runs out of steam.
Absolver is a third-person fighter game trying to set itself apart from the crowd using two unique mechanics: stances and the combo builder. The “build your own combo” system has been done before, most notably in “Remember Me” and “God Hand” but the way they combine it with the stances really sets it apart. Each move has a speed and damage rating as well as some of the moves having unique properties like breaking guard and interrupting attacks. There are 4 combat stances, visually corresponding to the direction your torso is facing. Changing stances will result in you turning your torso to face to the left or the right of your opponent while others will leave you with your back facing towards the enemy! Each stance can be assigned an escalating number of light attacks and a heavier “alternate attack”. Most attacks transition you from one stance to another; then, since you’re in another stance, you can immediately use that stances attacks. If you build your combos correctly, you can create loops where one attack will lead into one stance before an attack in that stance returns you to the same stance you started in. The end-result is a custom-built train of attacks that you've personally engineered to confuse opponents as you flow from stance to stance. Since you’re changes stances so often, your alternate attack changes over time. Predicting what move your opponent is currently planning on doing is daunting since there is so much they can do. Oh, and did I tell you that you can pull out a sword or gloves and doing so swaps you over to a brand new page of attacks that you need to customise and memorize?
The game has RPG elements to it as well. Gear will drop from mobs as you down them and you'll also find stashes of gear hidden within piles of rocks. Most interestingly though is how you acquire new attacks. You start the game with a reasonable number of attacks but soon you’ll run into people using 'new' attacks against you and if you block that attack, you'll start learning the move. Use your right thumb-stick ability against it and you'll learn it even faster. Story wise, this is a cool concept. Get punched in a particular way a certain number of times and you should be able to know how your opponent punches like that. Unfortunately, in practice, this just results in you actively not killing your opponents. You end up standing around as they are wailing on you while try to block/dodge/parry all their moves; grinding out all the moves before you move along. There is a risk/reward system at play here wherein all the learning you've done during a fight won't be saved until you kill the opponent and exit combat, but there is a lot of moves to learn from random grunts in the world and these don’t really pose a threat once you’ve got a handle on the game. This system gets even worse when you're trying to discover sword specific moves because swords are rare, and by the time you find someone wielding one, they are normally a very strong opponent and you can't afford to grind out these moves because you won’t survive unless you actively damage them.
That's pretty much the entire game. Fight, learn moves, earn gear, equip said moves and gear, repeat. Thankfully that's not as bad as it sounds because hey, it's a fighting game. You came here to fight. So why am I so disappointed in it? Well before I get to the big one, let me just rattle off a few smaller impressions the game left on me: ●       Falling off ledges is far too easy. Admittedly this is a designed mechanic; forcing someone up to a ledge and just pushing them off with attacks is a legitimate way to win a fight but it still felt like it was far too easy to just slip off. Even with nobody attacking you as you’re navigating the environment, one foot off the path might mean falling and most of the time falling is death, because when it's not instant, the insane fall damage will ensure you lose the fight that you just dropped into.
●       The environment is not easy to find your way around. The “map” you're given is essentially 3 circles, and you don't know where you are unless you sit at a bonfire an energy shard thingy or kill a boss as these are the only 2 markers on the map. Many times, vital paths that you NEED to go down are not highlighted or made evident in any way and are sometimes, out-rightly obscured. As a result of this, I completely missed an entire area of the game for a long period of time simply because I couldn’t find the path AND I thought I had already entered that area of the map… There's a time and a place to do-away with the hand holding evident in modern game design but this is too far the other way.
●       Maybe why the environment is so convoluted is to try to hammer in this sense of mystery that the game is so stubbornly trying to instil. The game makes a point of telling you NOTHING about where you are, who you are, what you're doing or why. Thankfully it does tell you what to do (fight people and open a door). It just comes across as entitled. There IS an interesting world here but by the end of the game, nothing is explained at all. Who am I? Why did I teleport when I put on this mask? Why do I need to kill these people? Did I travel through time? Who is this chick with a sword? Who were the people who were here before? The game makes a point in referring to the tesseract-looking particle effect that happens as you kill others, get killed yourself or even unsheathing your sword as “folding” which seems really cool! To sum up my feelings on the aesthetics and lore of the game, I have two words. Obnoxiously Mysterious
Finally, the big one. The game ends. It just ends. No big finish, no special reveal, no closure. Nothing. If you remember before, I mentioned the map being 3 circles? That's it. That's the whole game. I have FOUR HOURS in Absolver, and it's finished. The entire story-mode. That's a third of the I spent in DMC and less than a 10th of the time I spent in Sekiro. Now sure, those are AAA titles with massive budgets behind them, but I cannot help but feel starved of content, especially since the story does not wrap itself up. The game starts with you and a bunch of other initiates standing in an arctic wind before you are chosen, you don a mask and teleport to another world. You then traverse through 12 named areas (3 of which contain nothing) fighting 11 different bosses. There are probably below 50 enemies to fight in the entire game. And then you're done. After fighting the somehow important Risryn, you're teleported back to the place you started with, you graduate from being a “prospect” to become an “Absolver”, you get a neat cape and you get told, “Idk, wait around and grind a bit I guess?” before it teleports you back to the “hub”. To put this in perspective, if the game had 3 times as much content as it currently does, I would still probably call the game short. I have no idea why (besides development problems) the game ended when it felt like Act 2 should have begun.
The game tries to justify this by placing a big emphasis on PVP. There is a system to look up other players and have a tussle and the game is always online so you might find people in the world and decide to start smacking one another but if the game is dead (like it was when I got to it) then all the PVP is non-existent. That's not even mentioning the players who don't WANT to fight other people. As far as I can tell the “latest” addition to the game included the “downfall” mode. This mode (only available after you have graduated to be an absolver) is randomly generated rooms of goons to fight endlessly. The lore explanation for this area only adds questions to the already tall pile of unanswered ones. The game allows you to fight bosses again at a harder difficulty, but this is locked behind PVP progress…meaning that if you weren’t able to find a game like myself, then you just can’t
I hate having to be so negative. Other indie games cater themselves to a casual market and can have all the depth of a puddle and still receive high ratings but because the devs took on such a loved genre, all the depth they have added only makes people want more. I mean really, if my biggest complaint about the game is that I wanted more, there's got to be something good about it. In shooting for the stars, the devs came up short, but the time, skill and effort they put into trying to get there far exceeds a lot of other developers. I can say that the game was bug free and (until it ended) felt close to a AAA title and the sad thing is that it starts to get judged by those harsh standards. For a AAA title, this would be an insult; But for a fighting game? This is a worthwhile experiment; for an indie game? This is one heck of an accomplishment and for your time? This is worth it.
Overall, I'd look to pay $15 to $25 for Absolver, despite its $42 default price tag. It depends on how much you love the third person fighter genre; how much you enjoy PVP (and if you're lucky enough to be in a locale with players online) and how much you want to support the studio. If you can make a trio of yourselves, maybe you can get some mileage out of the co-op enabled Downfall mode, but I wouldn't want to pay much more for that.
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