#not sure if jack will ever come up again in the series or if he'll find out about stacy's life with the wolves but
The Hole Skit ft. Stacy and Jack
Stacy: *sips water from a wooden bowl* Jack: Hey Stacy, have you seen my tote bag? Stacy: It's missing again? Jack: Yeah. Stacy: Pretty sure it fell into the hole. Jack: What hole--OH MY GOD!!! *Dramatic Sound Affect* Jack: What is that?! Stacy: It's a hole. Jack: Yeah, I can see that. What's it doing there? Stacy: Well I woke up this morning... *takes a long, slow sip out of her bowl of water* and there was this hole. Jack: Did you do anything about it? Stacy: Well, I put a rug over it. *Dramatic Sound Affect* Stacy: Yeah, it fell in the hole. Jack: Should we call the national park service or something? Stacy: I already called them, yeah... Jack: Well, where are they? Stacy: They're in the hole. *Dramatic Sound Affect* Jack: ...Where is my camera? Stacy: *nervous sweating* Jack: Stacy, where is my camera? Stacy: It's at work. Jack: Oh. Where does it work? Stacy: In the hole. *Double Dramatic Sound Affect*
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
All this selfish and unselfish talk is really seeming like a theme. Renfield is ASAS (Assigned Selfish At Seward's), Seward says he's singled out Renfield out of personal interest, Dracula is selfish but promises to share Jonathan after he's used him, Quincey says he's a friend, who is more selfishless than a lover, and Jonathan declares he puts his boss' interests over his self.
Hi, I've been laughing at ASAS for a month now.
You're right, though! Seward is the only person who has ever actually directly said the word 'selfish' and then only when referring to Renfield, but it obviously characterizes his own behavior with regards to Renfield as well. And he does seem to realize that. But it stands in contrast to his reaction to Lucy's rejection. While the way his proposal was phrased sure came off more selfish than Quincey's, both of them were really good about respecting her feelings for someone else and supporting their friend in the aftermath (again, Quincey came off more so than Jack but I think it's at least part hiding his feelings/the difference between correspondence and private diary. They both do want to support Lucy and Arthur).
So here we have some really unselfish behavior in the suitor squad... which in itself makes Lucy feel selfish and guilty about prioritizing her own feelings: "Why can't they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her, and save all this trouble? But this is heresy, and I must not say it." That line isn't actually about her being in love with all three men, it's about her feeling bad that she's hurting them by not being able to match their emotions or give them what they want, since they're such good people. And yet she feels bad for mentioning it, too, since that's not a socially acceptable solution to even bring up.
Meanwhile in Castle Dracula there's an inverse of that scene playing out with Jonathan and the vampire women. They are grasping for someone who isn't theirs, perhaps greedily/selfishly - but just like the suitors, they're willing to share and respect one another. Dracula comes in to stop them, selfishly keeping Jonathan all for himself - but only to a point. He'll share with them later, he just gets first dibs.
And obviously Jonathan who has to sacrifice his own interests for others. There's just this back-and-forth with selfishness and unselfishness, and kind of interestingly the narration does seem to land on the same conclusion as Seward:
...a possibly dangerous man, probably dangerous if unselfish. In selfish men caution is as secure an armour for their foes as for themselves. What I think of on this point is, when self is the fixed point the centripetal force is balanced with the centrifugal; when duty, a cause, etc., is the fixed point, the latter force is paramount, and only accident or a series of accidents can balance it.
Translating to plainer English, Seward essentially hypothesizes that people who are very self-centered want to ensure their own safety, and in doing so weaken themselves by leaving opportunities for a foe to exploit. Those who subsume their own personal desires or safety in favor of a greater cause or duty are way more dangerous since they will ignore limits and thus be harder to counter.
So, if we look at the characters in these lines, so far this is kinda what I see:
Renfield - currently selfish; as long as he doesn't find a greater cause to serve he's not likely to be dangerous despite being very clever and intriguing
Seward - selfish with Renfield and thus more vulnerable to being mistaken/manipulated/in the wrong with him. Unselfish with Lucy and thus possibly more dangerous on her behalf (same goes for Quincey on this point).
Lucy - Not actually behaving in a badly selfish way but feels like she is, and that may count enough to make her vulnerable. Emotionally at least she sure did get hurt by refusing them, seeing as she cried a lot for them and all.
Mina - So far selfishness hasn't come up with her, but any leanings so far are a lovely mix of both in a way. She's learning things to help Jonathan (unselfish) but those also happen to be exactly what she wants (selfish). We'll have to wait and see where she lands in the end.
Jonathan - It gets interesting here because he seems "unselfish" from the start given how he is serving others' interests, but if we follow Seward's definition then up until the very end of his stay Jonathan was still trying to prolong his own life and play it safe, thus acting "selfishly". He did take calculated risks along the way (and some uncalculated ones) but always reverted to being careful in the end, serving his own interests as much as any duty. It's only when he throws caution to the wind and submits to a duty to try and stop Dracula at all costs that he truly becomes dangerous to the Count (on shovel day)... but on the other hand, he definitely wouldn't have lived long enough to be a threat if he hadn't balanced things out by playing along with the game and simultaneously seeking information wherever he could. Also he does specifically call it a "wild desire" so it certainly fits that part of being selfish as well. Sort of fits the theory, sort of doesn't.
Dracula - Selfish and also made quite vulnerable by it! He defers sharing Jonathan until he's leaving town anyway, so he's not actually being very unselfish with him there. But more to the point, he's selfish both in the sense of taking what he wants, and in the sense of trying to protect himself. Keeping Jonathan around that long was the former, and it already backfired once by giving Jonathan enough time/opportunity to take a whack at him and injure him slightly. The journal too is a danger if it gets out. And he's obviously got layered plans (multiple lawyers, fifty boxes) which surely are intended to keep him safe. If this rule persists then perhaps those very cautious acts (or others we are yet to see) might open him up to counterattacks later on.
Vampire ladies - Selfish to others but unselfish with one another. Hypothetically this would make them more dangerous when someone they care about/respect is on the line, but nothing of the sort has happened. Certainly they are both more antagonistic and vulnerable to Dracula, but Jonathan didn't find any way to deal with them safely himself. It's not like selfishness automatically guarantees defeat though, just gives more opportunities.
There are several other more spoilery instances and considerations I could bring up too, but I'll keep them out of this ask for now. It's an interesting definition of selfishness and not everything fits it perfectly, but what does sure is fun to think about.
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ajitated · 2 years
DannyMay 2021 Compilation
All the fic I wrote for DannyMay '21! ✨ (link to entire ao3 series)
Linked in order, with the day, most relevant tags, and a brief summary of each.
(Originally spread across 5 posts, posted from: 9-13 June 2021)
Day 1: Memory — Blank Spaces — Dark Ages, Memory Loss, Angst
He doesn't remember who he used to be, but he has snippets of who he'll become and that will have to be enough. Surely the future has to be better then whatever past led him to here: injured and chained and with a man he's quite certain contributed to his injuries as his only companion. The only thing he knows for sure, is that he won't cooperate -- he'll ensure all his captor's efforts are wasted, they won't control him even if he doesn't know why he initially refused.
Day 2: Home — Where the Heart Is — Dark Ages, Domestic Fluff, Sleep
Sometimes, home is your stubborn lover that never goes to sleep on time.
Day 3: Portal — Masters Portal — Lost Time, excerpt from my Invisobang fic (Danny grows up in GZ au)
There's a blocked off portal in the Zone, and Danny finally decides to visit it.
Day 4: Stars — The Brightest Burns — Dark Ages, Human au, Rockstar au, Angst
Pariah has been Cassius's manager since before they became Clockwork and has been in love with them just as long, but nothing will ever come of it. They burn too brightly to stick with something long enough to make it last.
Day 5: Doorway — More Than Bargained For — Outside Perspective, Corpse au
Officer Roald is not having a good day. Instead of chilling and writing traffic tickets like usual, he's out searching for the town's ghostly vigilante. At least he has Kite, the force's dog, to keep him company.
Day 6: Core — Second Chances — Dark Ages, Royal Family, Obsessions
Pariah doesn't know what his purpose is meant to be, now that he's gotten a second chance — but he knows what he'll make it.
Day 7: Illusion — Never to Be — Dark Ages, Time, Angst
The worst illusions are the ones you know to be real.
Day 8: Gravity — Stargazing — Royal Family, Constellations, Light Angst, Moving On
Sometimes, the most important part of something isn't the view itself, but the ones you're seeing it with -- and the night sky is even more special, when Danny knows he won't see it again for some time.
Day 9: — Candlelight — Dark Ages, Royal Family, Danny meddling, Romcom themes
Clockwork is avoiding Pariah. Danny decides to do something about it.
Day 10: Shadow — One Another — Lost Time, Slight Horror, Eldritch, Ghosts aren't ghosts
The Zone holds more than just ghosts, and Clockwork can't wait to see what Danny will become.
Day 11: Midnight — Past, Present, Future — Lost Time, Midnight, Time
Humans cannot affect time in the ways they hope to, and even if someone was to succeed one day… they would no longer be human by the end of it.
Day 12: Scars — You, Yours — Dark Ages, Scars, Possessive Behavior
Pariah has many scars, while Clockwork has just one. It takes a lot to scar a ghost.
Day 13: Daydream — Of You — Dark Ages, Daydreaming, Kissing
Some dreams are better than reality.
Day 14: Neon — Ceiling Stars — Royal Family, Post-Identity Reveal, Jack and Maddie Suck, Hurt/Comfort
Sometimes, a blank slate isn't the start of something new: it's just blank... but even then, those that care about you can help make it a little less empty.
Day 15: Nature — Of Trees and Teas — Kitsune Danny au, Yokai au
Adjusting to life as a fox spirit isn't easy, but Danny's getting the hang of it. Now if only the closest thing he has to a mentor would actually answer his questions, instead of sending him out to do tasks with no explanation.
Day 16: Glow — Next To You — Dark Ages, Human au, Rockstar au, Angst
If you love someone, let them go.
Day 17: Freedom — Caged — Dark Ages, Kissing, Implied Sexual Content
Pariah stares at Clockwork's blush and knows exactly what it means.
Day 18: Frozen — On Ice — Royal Family, Fluff, Pariah's a dumbass rip
Famous last words: “Boy, I’m a fire-core. There is very little chance of you freezing me.”
Day 19: Wings — Feathers and Freedoms — Dark Ages, implied Royal Family, Wing au, Hurt/Comfort
Everyone has wings, ghosts included. A ghost's wings are connected directly to their core, and can tell you a lot about the ghost. Pariah isn't very happy with how Clockwork has been treating their own wings.
Day 26: Luck — Luck, or the Lack Thereof — Dark!Danny, Captivity, Hurt no Comfort, Arena/Coliseum au
When they first caught him, he tried keeping track of time. When that failed, he kept track of fights. After the hundredth fight, he stopped caring. Phantom doesn't know how long he's been held here and forced to fight, but he knows exactly what he's going to do when he gets out. If they're lucky, they won't even have time to regret catching him.
Day 27: Rain — Rainy Days — Veggie Burger, Past Everlasting Trio, Heartbreak, Angst
Danny is happy for them — really, he is — he just... would have liked to be part of it, too. Would have liked for it to still be an "us" instead of a "them". 'Till death do us part' doesn't really work for him though, so he probably should've been prepared for this.
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azurevi · 4 years
on land where we can touch the moon (2/?)
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A quick note- this is pretty messy. I'm planning as I write, so there'll be information scattered across the words, and it may be overwhelming...kinda. I have added a little note about what happened in this chapter in the end. This series is also up on ao3.
There is, naturally, a reason Azul was stuck with the name 'The Sea Merchant'.
It wasn't a bad name, and there was no hint of degradation in it. It just wasn't particularly suiting. Azul wasn't a merchant. He wasn't even a shopkeeper. He was just invested in a little magic, and this hobby of his got leaked out somehow. 
His magic was certainly something. It's A Deal allowed him to confiscate another person's valued quality in exchange for their wish. Anything could come to life as long as the deal was equal.
Only the drunk and people in desperate need of help ever went to him for help. After Azul had started mastering his magic, he reckoned that it hadn't been used to its full potential. If the person on the other side of the deal failed to meet the requirement, Azul could take even more from them without suffering any loss. 
And so he sugarcoated and exaggerated his words, put up the most professional smile he could manage. For a few weeks all was well. He'd gained himself a melodious voice, splendid flexibility and a ton of unique magics, but nothing great ever lasted. He was soon exposed as a scammer and his notoriety was whispered among the streets, passed on and on until every family warned their kids not to ever run into him. And Azul, with his fame and prosperity wilting under the gossip and points of fingers, was forced into giving up his success.
He had been in hiding ever since.
He could never understand how something as atrocious could happen to him. If it hadn't been for the sneers and isolation in the entirety of his childhood, he wouldn't have grown up hating everything and everyone around him that called him ugly, unwanted, repulsive. It should've justified his desire for revenge.
Instead, God decided that his suffering was not anywhere close to enough and kicked him down the cliff where he was crying for help.
That being said, Azul was grateful to have Jade and Leech sticking around after everything. The two of them were also unpopular among others, so they eventually got close as a tight-knitted trio.
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"No you didn't," Jade said firmly. 
"I did, Jade. I did," Azul sighed, "They were dying, Jade, I couldn't just let them die,"
"Well, you should've."
"Don't be so uptight. Azul was doing the right thing, wasn't he?" Floyd winked. "So. Were they good-looking?"
"The human. You must've saved them for a reason,"
Azul hated how Floyd's words implied that he would never do good unless there was something in it for him, but one could never lie in the face of truth. 
"I just didn't want to let them die. It was their birthday,"
"What does that have to do with everything?" Jade asked. "You went above the water. You saved a human. You were almost caught. You could've died up there, you know. How did you even manage to breathe?"
"I just… did." Azul said, twirling his tentacles in nervousness. Jade was entirely disapproving of his actions, while Floyd on the contrary seemed to be mildly intrigued. 
Everything still felt like a fever dream. All the fireworks and cheering and explosion were still vividly scorched into his mind as if they'd been put on repeat. The splendid colors, light giggles and- 
And those beautiful eyes of yours. The way your hair flowed in the night sky with ease, how you laughed like tomorrow was promised and your life had been planned out before you, a clear and untainted path to success. Azul couldn't decide on whether he was jealous or amazed.
"Well, you better hope they didn't really see you, or that they forgot about it. If the humans come down here to hunt us down-" Jade couldn't even bear to finish the imagination. He simply shook his head in dismay.
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"I swear I saw someone! I couldn't have just been washed ashore!"
"Apparently, you were," Jack said, stroding with large steps that had you panting to keep up. "Near-death experiences do things to our mind, your majesty,"
"That may be the case for others, but I'm sure I was conscious," you retorted. "I woke up to a pair of pale, azure eyes, then in a blink they were behind the rock. If it hadn't been for you-"
"I apologize for worrying about you, your majesty."
You bit your tongue. Fighting with Jack always ended with him being passive-aggressive and you stepping back reluctantly. Plus he was as stern as a rock. Almost nothing could move his belief.
Shouting and grunting could be heard from inside the medical room where Ace, Deuce and Grim were being tended to.
Jack flung open the door, and the three stumbled to get into the blankets and put on a excruciated expression.
"I see you're all healed up," Jack said. Ace hummed lowly and slapped his forehead with the back of his hand. 
"I'm at death's door, commander. It pains me to say this, but I might need to take more days off,"
Jack was quiet for a while, and you could almost see a drop of sweat sliding down Ace's forehead.
"And you, Deuce?" Jack challenged.
"I'm traumatized," 
"And Grim?"
You arched your brow, at which he shivered in fear. "I- I'm feeling fine already,"
"So it's just Ace and Deuce, right?" Jack said. Ace and Deuce nodded their heads so hard they could fall off.
"Alright. Your health is of utmost importance to us, so I'll contact the Raven Healer…"
"The what?!" Deuce's voice croaked.
"The Raven Healer. Surely you've heard of him. He's best known for being able to treat any diseases, both mentally and physically,"
You were sure there were sweats rolling down Ace's cheeks now. "But- but doesn't he heal by using bizzare mediciness…?"
"Oh yes. His magic is what makes him such an infallible doctor. You two seem to be in a lot of pain. I'm sure he'll free you of your suffering."
You turned sharply towards the door and stifled a laughter. 
"That's… not very necessary…" Deuce's voice faltered word by word. He was fully aware that he'd already lost. "You know what, commander? I think I can dive back into work right this instant!"
Jack smirked smugly. "Splendid. And you, Ace?"
The two of them stared at each other so intensely there seemed to be sparkles between them. Finally, Ace gave in. "I'll start work tomorrow,"
They didn't even wait for Jack to walk completely out of the door to whine. They looked fully healthy, even more energized than you.
"Anyways, did you find your saviour?"
You sighed. Ace and Deuce were still skeptical about your 'story', which you'd corrected to 'experience', but at least they were open-minded. 
"No clues. I've had guards patrolling about every two hours. Nothing has yet to happen,"
They eyed each other uneasily, then back at you with a worried face. Before they could make assumptions, you defended yourself. "No, I'm not sick. My head's not concussed,"
"Well," Grim scurried to your lap. "Perhaps your saviour doesn't wish to be found?"
That'd be unwanted. You would wish for anything but to create troubles for your lifesaver. Nonetheless, you knew you wouldn't be able to sleep without sending your gratitude. 
Alright, there might be a selfish motif. You were admittedly curious about those light, pensive eyes and silvery, gleaming hair under sunlight. All these unknown were like a gravity pool, pulling you deeper and deeper into the mystery.
"Well, you ought not to lose hope," Ace patted your shoulder casually, like you weren't the princette of the kingdom he was serving for. "Maybe you'll actually run into him. Fate has a weird habit for setting unexpected traps."
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It wasn't so much love as a tender curiosity, but the line segregating them was so flimsy that one's got to mix them up at some point.
Azul found himself in such a dilemma. He couldn't decide whether it was attraction or nosiness that he was feeling. Either way, it's got him hooked like a drug. Something beautiful had finally entered his life like light piercing through a thick fog of ink, and it was possessive. Azul had a feeling that it wouldn't go away until it had drained him of his mind.
The door to his room was thrown open and Azul had to hide the peeled petals and green stem in a jumble. He had been chanting 'they love me, they love me not' for the past hour. To his luck, Jade and Leech didn't seem to have noticed his haste expression. They were both panting when they swam inside.
"What's wrong?" Azul's first instinct was that something had gone south.
"There-" Floyd wheezed. "There's a sta-"
"There's a fallen statue in the Coral Maze," Jade finished the sentence. "People are fussing over it,"
"Okay," Azul eased back into his bed. He'd already lost interest at 'Coral Maze'. It was at the centre of where the majority of sea creatures inhabited. Nothing could make him go anywhere near civilization and its hubristic aesthetic again.
Or so he thought.
"No- you don't get it. It's a statue of a human that sank along with wreckages of a big ship, and it's made of gold,"
A statue made of gold.
He recalled it now. It was supposed to be your birthday present. The consternation of what followed the present revelation had been so intense that it'd washed the memory of the statue out.
"We just thought that it could be the statue you mentioned in your story, you know? It looked really grand…" Floyd sighed.
Azul wanted to get up and swim over right there, right then, but he knew he couldn't. What would others say to him the moment they saw the shadows of their tentacles crawling on their pure and oh-so royal ground? What accusations would they throw his way? How many children will be led away from him like he was some man-eating, brutal abomination?
Not to mention the unforgiving rage he'd evoked in trying to scam them in the past. Dishonesty was highly criticised in their high-class society. It was as if they were saints that had never done one thing wrong. Bet they'd never even stayed up past midnight.
"You ought to come take a look!" Floyd suggested. A casual, friendly proposal.
"No," Azul snapped. "No, no. I'm not going there,"
"They're planning to use the gold," Jade said. "You know how they are. They see one thing from the ground and start screeching in pain,"
They were going to use your statue. The statue that was perhaps the only thing that was related to you, the one way to never have to forget about you again in case that you never met again.
And to imagine the effect it'd add to his collections! A big gold statue in the centre of his grotto, accentuated by the sparkling of other jewelries. It'd be complete.
"I'll sit on it," Azul decided. He was not to act rashly, lest he walked one step wrong and brought upon himself misery and misfortune. If he really was to pay a visit, he would act in secret. Perhaps in the veil of the night. 
"Just don't act alone, okay?" Jade said. Azul nodded despite not paying any mind to him.
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In the dead of the night Azul decided to sneak out. Alone. It was a mistake, really. Azul couldn't stop thinking about your statue, and by the time he realized how absurd it was, he'd already gone to the Coral Maze.
There was nary a shadow except his own. Still, it was much lighter than where he lived even at night. The distorted image of the moon waved from above as Azul made his way through the many identical corals. Then he finally found your majestic statue standing solemnly in the centre. The only beauty in the water.
It was a sight for sore eyes. White, pure light reflected off the gold and created streams of gleams onto the ground. That someone would ever find it to be disgraceful was incomprehensible to Azul. Something like this deserved to be put on display in the museum for all to see.
There was no radiance on your face and no splendid colors in your eyes. It was merely a fraction of what you were. Nonetheless, it was enough for Azul.
"Who's roaming there?" an alerted voice asked. When Azul turned, he saw a silhouette looming from outside the Coral Maze, holding two anglerfishes in hands and waving them in the water.
Panic was the only thing Azul felt as he hid behind the statue, struggling to keep his tentacles out of sight. The light stayed right in front of him for a while before skimming away.
Azul grabbed the statue and swam, pushing his tentacles through the water as hard as he could. 
"Wait there- oh goodness!" 
There were several voices now, mumbling and inquiring. Then light was casted upon his flitting figure and there were bemused gasps before someone yelled, "Seize him!"
Azul was out of breath. He wished he excelled in fitness but instead he was stuck with incongruous tentacles that would never cooperate at the most needed times.
A hand grasped the end of his tentacle but slipped off. He kept the statue tight in his arms, as if his life depended on it. He could tell that they were near now, and was trying very hard not to imagine the gruesome outcomes.
Someone grabbed his tentacles. He faltered and was pulled back despite protests.
"Keep him in place!" another person yelled as the crowd moved to keep Azul fenced in.
Azul couldn't see anything. Everything was a poor mixture of shadow and distaste and sneers. He was probably going to die right there.
"I can't believe you have the guts to come back, Ashengrotto. After all the things you've done!" someone spoke up.
"Yeah! How shameless of you!”
"And he's stealing our properties now! Imagine how desperate he is,"
"You guys don't even want it!" Azul said.
Some guy lurched forward. Azul cowered backwards.
"It's disgusting, yes, but it's still gold." he said as if it was a completely just thing to do. "It landed on our ground, so it belongs to us. On the contrary, you don't have the rights to lay your filthy hands on it. What more do you want to steal from us?"
"I'm taking this because none of you understand the beauty of it!"
This evoked a negative reaction from the crowd, but words could never be taken back. Azul could feel his heart pounding like a prisoner hellbent on escaping. He had to escape. No more of this degrading gazes. No more of the points of fingers.
"Beauty?" the guy scoffed, and for a moment his face scrunched up and he was ready to spit out rage, but then it softened into a smug smirk. "I guess only ugly understands ugly, huh?"
Azul's head throbbed.
"It doesn't justify your actions, ink-blasting thief. Hand that piece of trash over right- uff!"
He was flung deep into the water until he disappeared into nothing but a black dot. People around Azul immediately made way as they fled in screams and wails. His tentacle was still tingling with the impact, but he couldn't quite feel it. Even if he did, he couldn't care less as he skyrocketed to the surface of the water. He blinked and blinked, but his eyes were still blurred by what would be mixed into the seawater eventually. 
He'd had enough. Heard enough, seen enough. If he'd spent one more second down there he would have suffocated to death.
The familiar freshness of air welcomed him the moment he broke through the water's persistence. The land wasn't far ahead. He swam towards it as if it was his sanctuary. 
There was a man sitting on the rock, face hidden under the hood. Azul considered retreating. He had no idea what would happen to him if he was spotted, but nothing better would happen if he were to go back. So he continued swimming and crawled onto the cool soft sand, only letting his head be seen by the man as he hid behind yet another rock where he placed the much valued statue.
He seemed to be asleep, chest heaving up and down at a steady pace. Just as Azul started sliding out, the man raised his head and looked straight at Azul.
They were a pair of humming, white circles, seemingly void of any sentiments. The man had a mask on that shielded his face except for his tightly shut lips. Two crows were staring right at him with the same uncanny manner.
"You've finally arrived," the man said.
Probably the humans had been searching for him. Azul decided to keep his mouth shut.
"I've been hearing your calls…" he tilted his head. "You can come out. I know what you are,"
Azul still hesitated. But he was much closer to the ocean than to the guy, so he slowly let his tentacles into light.
The man remained calm, not a bit taken back by the revelation.
"Well, I've been hearing your calls…" he resumed.
"I never called out to any humans,"
"Not literally. But you have been calling out a lot," he smiled amiably. "You have to know that it's especially hard for me to hear from creatures undersea, so if your wishes managed to reach me, it means you're pretty desperate,"
"I think you have the wrong person," Azul said and started retreating.
The guy sprang up and his crows curled up together beside him. "Wait- I should introduce myself first. I'm the Raven Healer,"
Azul pondered for a while. "That doesn't explain anything except for the crows,"
"You lots haven't heard of me?" he frowned so deep that his brows and eyes were a cluster. "You guys are really secluded,"
That was when Azul finally realized that he knew about them. About all the lives and creatures that inhabited the deep sea.
"And I mean no harm to your realm. My only target is you," he smiled again, this time at an ominous angle.
"Well, I'm quite famous in this realm. I heal people for a living, whether it be physical or emotional needs. Anything you need, I can grant you,"
That's not very different from Azul's magic. 
"Sometimes, when someone is really desperate for a change, their thoughts can be heard by my crows. And you, Azul Ashengrotto…" his smile dropped a bit and his eyes drooped. "is particularly distressed,"
"Alright. It was nice meeting you," Azul nodded respectfully. The man didn't seem to be harmful. If he fled right now, he could probably throw him off.
The Raven Healer stilled, then burst into piles of blatant laughter. "No, no. I've been looking for you, don't you get it? I'm here to grant your wish!"
I'm here to grant your wish. Like how Azul'd promoted his business as the Sea Merchant.
"I understand that you've been suffering quite a lot, and that you want a change. But nothing ever comes without a cost… I'm sure you can understand,"
The healer stood up, the material of his greatcoat fluttering in the wind. He made his way freely to Azul, who could only freeze up as he inspected the statue with great interest.
"The heir to the throne! I see why you're desperate now. They're a real catch," the healer then looked down at the outstretched tentacles without a word. Azul prayed in his mind that he would turn away from them.
"Well, here are my terms. I will grant you a pair of legs in exchange for your magic,"
Wait, what?
Azul was pretty sure the Raven Healer was just imitating him now. A great figure appearing out of the blue to answer your hopes. The catch was that the figure would always take away your most important thing. It was never a fair deal, Azul was aware.
"I don't think you need my magic," Azul breathed.
"Why, I do!" he exclaimed. "Collecting magic is a splendid hobby of mine! It is because of all these magic that I am such a renowned magician,"
He was obviously lying. His smile couldn't reach his eyes, and the orbs where his eyes were supposed to be were humming like a hazard label.
"I think I'll be just fine," Azul hurriedly brought the statue to his chest and started sliding away.
"...How are you going to survive?"
"What?" Azul swiveled, exhausted.
"Up here. With your…" the healer wiggled his fingers.
"I'll find a way,"
"No you won't," the healer protested. Azul looked up to the sky, took a deep breath and decided to entertain him. 
"Why so?"
"You're gonna cause ruckus. Chaos. People are not especially used to seeing half-man half-octopuses roaming their land," he said honestly. 
Despite knowing all this, Azul still considered his word rude. There was a thin line between blunt and disrespectful, and he'd just crossed it. 
"There won't be anyone dealing with you, will there?"
"...I suppose not-"
"Exactly! I am your only hope!" he exclaimed once again, throwing his hands up in the air like a dramatist. "Unless you want to go back?"
Azul glanced at the serene water. He knew that down there, the mermaids and mermen must be panicking over what'd just happened.
"You can't hold onto that statue forever. If you really wish to stay here-"
"I just came, Mr. Healer. I'm not going to stay,"
"Yet. Come on now," he groaned, as if he was the one exasperated. "I know you want it. You need it. So what are you waiting for? You're never going to see all the beauties in this world in this state!"
He was right. Agonizingly right. He couldn't just walk around as an octopus. It would be like a stain on a quaint painting. Moreover, now that he was here, he couldn't just give up the chance to find you again. It's not like the ocean would welcome him anyways.
As if hearing his thoughts, the Raven Healer reached his hand out, "Deal? Your magic for a pair of legs. It's a fantastic trade if you think about it,"
One second. Two second. Azul didn't wait until the third to act on it. The moment their skin touched, Azul felt a stream of warmth coursing through him, rushing to his throat, where he choked up a luminous blue orb. It was within the healer's fingers within seconds.
"And your legs," he rummaged inside his pocket. There seemed to be numerous tiny objects inside as he dug around. Finally, he pulled up a thumb-size bottle and handed it to Azul.
He downed the slimy liquid inside under the healer's encouraging nods, and almost gagged at the sensation. "Guh! What the hell is-"
His tentacles started glowing a bright yellow, bright enough to attract people in this dead of the night. They started to shrink until they completely disappeared, and a pair of human legs replaced them.
He couldn't believe his eyes as he stretched around and surveyed the changes on his body. It took him quite some time to adjust to it, but he was surprisingly good at it. The fabric of the pants that came with the gift fluttered against his 'flesh' like a mother's caress. He felt normal, for once. Not some ugly monster that preyed on innocent kids. Not a marginalized criminal. Not even a wicked fraud. He was just a human wanting to explore the world.
"Three days," the Raven Healer said.
"What?" Azul was too joyous to pay real mind.
"If you can't find the most beautiful thing after three days, you will dissolve into sea bubbles,"
Azul stilled as he comprehended his words, then he started to chant no in his mind. He'd fallen for his trap.
"You didn't mention it at all!" Azul yelled. "Refund! You're scamming me!"
"The pot's calling the kettle black now. How comical," the healer giggled. Azul's heart dropped to the bottom.
"Consider this your own medicine. It's not like you're completely at loss over here!"
"Wait!" Azul reached out to grasp his fainting figure, which had become an opaque vision. 
"We shall reunite in three days. Until then, enjoy."
All that was left was the crashing of the waves and songs of the crickets. Bathed in the glow of the moon, Azul finally came to the conclusion that he'd fucked up.
Life never stopped to give him a break. There were haste footsteps nearing from behind. Azul instinctively retracted his tentacles, but forgot about their absence and tripped instead.
"Yikes! That was a nasty fall. Are you okay?" 
Looking up, two formally looking men were standing above him, one with crimson hair and another navy. There was a sword attached to each of their sides.
"Yeah. I-I'm fine," Azul cleared his throat and stood up.
"Are you homeless?" The redhead asked and was immediately hit by his companion.
"You can't go around asking people whether they are homeless!" he scolded, then turned to Azul brightly. "You must be in search of shelter! Please follow us!"
"That isn't any better," 
"Shut up," the blue-haired snapped with the same polite smile. "Come on, Mr…?"
"A-Azul. Azul Ashengrotto,"
"Yes, Mr. Ashengrotto. We can't have you catching a cold out here,"
Despite his friendly facade, Azul could see underlying motives lurking beneath. But clueless that he was, he didn't have a choice but to follow suit towards the castle-like building in the far distance.
"Your majesty will be pleased to see you," the redhead murmured, but Azul couldn't quite catch that.
"What was that?" he asked.
"It's nothing," was all that he received. "Just that you'll surely love the place."
Conclusion : Azul had once gone around scamming others with his unique magic but was busted and had been further criticised since. The Raven Healer is obviously Crowley, and his magic will be further explained in next chapter.
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aros001 · 3 years
Going in blind: Watching season 1 for the first time. Random thoughts.
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This show is kind of nice because I have no memories of the original She-Ra show, or even any of He-Man, honestly. I'm not sure if I ever watched the original, so I have no frame of reference for how the series is "supposed" to be. I can just take it and judge it as is.
Of the bat, all I know is that supposedly She-Ra and Catra get together as a romantic couple later, but I'm also a huge My Hero Academia fan and the fandom around me ships every character with every other character, so for all I know that might just be shipper wishful thinking I've been seeing and hearing. Given fandoms for Gravity Falls, Thor, and Supernatural ship even siblings together, I've learned not to trust anything except for what I see in the series for myself.
By the way, this isn't a review, just random thoughts and comments I'm having as I'm going through season 1 for the first time.
Episodes 1 and 2: Right off, I really like Catra's "No duh" response to Adora about the truth of the horde. She knows they've been lying to them and have been doing terrible things, she just doesn't care. If she and Adora play their cards right they could end up being the ones in charge and then they'd have all that power. Not necessarily to make things better but enough to where they could do whatever and live however they want. That's a good build for an antagonist. Not ignorant to the fact what they're doing is wrong, just simply so selfish that they don't care.
Episode 3: It really feels like there was no good reason why Glimmer didn't just outright introduce Adora to her mother and every reason she should have known it was a bad idea to try and hide her for a surprise. Being a former horde soldier she'd probably get treated with hostility if Glimmer brought her to the front gate but you'd almost guarantee Adora would get arrested or outright killed if she got caught while no one else knew she was there.
On the other side, we have Hordak being pretty intelligent in promoting Catra. He probably knows Shadow Weaver already doesn't like him, so it's not like he's losing anything making her upset with him, and it's clear she favors Adora way more than Catra, so that little bit of advancement towards Catra probably goes a long way in earning her loyalty to him and a person on the inside with Shadow Weaver.
Also, I'm not the only one who saw Madam Razz and immediately thought Adora had found her Yoda, right?
Episode 4: I don't know how it was in the original She-Ra and He-Man series but I kind of like She-Ra being this title from legend. Adora is not the first She-Ra, given what Razz was talking about with a Mara, so instead of being something new, impressing everyone with abilities they've never seen before, and creating the legend, Adora is placed in a position WAY over her head where she's having to live up to what came before her.
Episode 5: Calling it now, as long as her personality is genuine I think Scorpia is going to be one of my favorite characters in this show. She's...endearing, I think is the best word. She's like a mix of Kronk and a nicer Shego.
For a little bit I thought Mermista was voiced by the same actress who played Poison Ivy in the Harley Quinn animated series. She's not but they do have the same kind of Daria-ish inflections, thus by confusion. Given the prom episode, Sea Hawk feels kind of like her Kite Man.
Episode 6: Okay, now it's between Scorpia and Entrapta who are likely to be my favorites by the end of this. She's fun and quirky.
Episode 7: Quite the lore drop. Shadow Weaver was once a Mystacor sorceress known as Light Spinner. I like to imagine we'll get more on that later. Her haunting Adora reminded me of the Teen Titans' episode where Robin was similarly haunted by Slade. This didn't go as far as that but that's probably for the best, since TT had two and a half seasons to build that dynamic up with Robin and Slade while we're only now halfway through the first season.
Episode 8: Well dang. Again, I don't know for sure if Adora and Catra do end up together but boy do I buy why they're shipped together after that dance. Also, good on Bow for standing up for himself. It's clear that he'll always be Glimmer's friend and this won't change that but that doesn't mean he has to just accommodate her. I understand where her issues stem from but I am still glad he gave her a reality check. It helps him feel a little more like his own character.
Also, another nice little bit of lore and worldbuilding. Scorpia's a princess, the horde landed where her people lived, and they seemed to join them willingly.
Episode 9: Surprisingly don't have a lot to say about this other than I don't buy for a second that Entrapta is dead (EDIT: She's not). This was mostly action.
Episode 10: Not going to lie, this one kind of annoyed me a little, at least the first half. The conversation between Glimmer and her mother saved it a bit. It was a bit of a trifecta. You have the alliance breaking apart, saying that the loss of Entrapta only happened because they were all together...even though Entrapta only "died" because of her own machine obsession that caused her to deliberately walk back into the purging chamber. You have Entrapta who might be turning to the horde's side because she feels abandoned by the other princesses...even though they thought she was dead, and again it was her fault they got separated. And you have Glimmer refusing to tell her mother that Shadow Weaver's dark magic has caused her powers to go on the fritz and is causing her great pain. It just feels like none of this would be an issue if most of these people would stop being self-absorbed for three seconds and talk like any normal person would. It feels very CW drama, like something I'd see in a bad season of Arrow or The Flash. The only person whose issues I buy is Adora, who is basically a soldier who was never properly raised to deal with emotion or loss and is already struggling with the burden of being She-Ra, the legendary savior. I get why she's beating down on herself for not being able to do more even if nothing that happened was her fault.
Episode 11: JEEEEEEEEEZZZZ, that was such a good episode! Focused entirely on Adora and Catra and their past together. Like, just showing someone this episode alone could probably get them to want to watch the series. That was everything you needed to know about their dynamic and history together.
Also, that moment when Catra and her past self are looking at each other, while obviously Catra takes the opposite lesson, it reminded me of this fanart I'd once seen of Jason Todd, the Red Hood, looking at his past self as Robin. The past says to the future "You ruined everything". Catra could be happy but, ironically for someone who hates Shadow Weaver, she's probably going to be a lot like her, sacrificing everything for power and ambition.
Given the way she looked, I'm guessing Shadow Weaver is either addicted to the power of the Black Garnet or she suffered some kind of past injury and its power is the only thing keeping her going. Or both.
Episode 12: I'll be honest, Swiftwind being able to talk kind of gobsmacked and I needed a moment to recover. What a great voice they chose for that character.
So She-Ra is kind of like the legendary heroes from Rising of the Shield Hero, coming from a long line of people chosen to wield the sword. I tend to dislike chosen one types of stories because I think prophecy takes a lot of weight out of the character's actions, so this and Avatar are more what I like. The MC is special but not the only one who's ever been special and they can still easily fail. Their destiny was only to be able to use the weapon, not that they would succeed in any specific purpose.
And dang, Catra's turn against Shadow Weaver happened faster than I thought it would but I'm not complaining. That great "This is what you've really been preparing me for" speech and Hordak, again, being an intelligent villain. "Oh, this experiment could net me a MASSIVE gain and all it could potentially cost me is this rock I already gave away to someone who lately hasn't been producing any results and has been consistently disobeying me. Yeah, I'm going to let this play out."
Episode 13: That was kind of a brutal fight between Adora and Catra. Not the worst I've ever seen even in other shows for this age range (Samurai Jack, for example) but those punches are connecting and those claws are leaving marks.
Also, maybe I'm just misunderstanding the exact situation but shouldn't the good guys' side be called the Resistance instead of the Rebellion? Being a rebellion would imply they are rebelling against an established power or rule over them, but the actual conflict we are shown is the established power and rule that is the kingdoms of Eternia resisting an outside force that wishes to establish a new order over them.
Season 1 verdict: I'm into it. I'm definitely more invested in the villains' side of things but that's not a fault of the series, that stuff is just way more geared towards me than the current princess stuff. I actively am at attention whenever the horde main characters are on screen. For the good guys it's mostly Adora and the She-Ra stuff I'm invested it. That isn't to say I have any real dislikes for that side. Bow especially I'm liking much more than I thought I might. He has kind of this gravitational pull around him. You will be his friend regardless of how much you might want to resist. He's definitely the rock for everyone else to hold onto.
Minor side note, kind of like Korra in Legend of Korra, I love how even when her powers aren't active Adora is shown to still be pretty strong physically with how easily she was lifting people up at the prom.
And I was right, Scorpia is my favorite side character.
On to season 2!
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/nyll2e/going_in_blind_watching_season_1_for_the_first/
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Memories and a movie
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Pairing: Castiel x Dean
Written for: @spnchristmasbingo
Square filled: Miracle on 34th Street
Warnings: none
Summary:   Dean Winchester has never been one for holidays, but he's fond of his few good childhood memories. When Castiel unwillingly upsets him, he will have to find a way to make up for it.
Words: 2391
Beta: @raspberrymama
my work can be found on AO3, here! If you’re interested in the whole series, you just have to click here!
Dean is in the kitchen again, making popcorns and humming a cheesy Christmas song that he heard while grocery shopping, and just won't get out of his head. He's not too bothered about it, all in all.
You won't be joining them at the bunker at least for another day, due to the closed roads, but the rest of them can start to get in the Christmas spirit. They decided to watch a Christmas-themed movie, so to give Cas and Jack the full holidays-are-coming experience. While he throws some more butter in the popcorn, he looks for the salt, trying not to spill stuff around.
A moment later, Sam walks in the kitchen, holding his pc and looking at him.
“Hey. Need a hand with that?”
“Yeah, pass me that bowl. Do we have it?”
“Yep. Miracle on 34th Street, as usual. Are you sure you don't want to watch the new version, too? I think maybe Jack...”
Dean stops him before he can go on. “Sammy, we've been over this. You and I are going to show the kid our Christmas movie, and that's it. If he doesn't like it, he'll show us his favourite one, and we will never forgive him for that.”
Sam scoffs softly and clicks a key on his pc. “Alright, then, I'll throw in the subtitles and we're good to go. We'll wait for you in the...”
“Dean cave!”
Sam sighs, exasperated. “... yes, Dean, we'll wait for you in the Dean cave.”
“Don't say it like that. It's a temple of happiness and comfort. It's the Dean cave!”
Sam opens his mouth to say something, then decides against it. He sighs and walks away from the kitchen, smiling. Dean is insufferable, of course, but it's a different kind of a pain in the ass. A light-hearted, happy Dean who teases and mocks people around him because it's fun, and not to keep a distance to avoid painful separations. All in all, he's glad of being nagged like that.
He walks in the infamous Dean cave and he finds everyone already settling down. He connects the HDMI cable to his pc and goes to sit on the couch, next to Eileen. She makes a small hint at him, and Sam nods. He clears his throat and looks at Castiel, curled up on an armchair next to the couch.
“Uh, Cas... why don't you give us the armchair? We can definitely be more comfortable there. Here, take the couch.”
Shrugging, Castiel moves on the couch. A moment later, Dean walks through the door with a ridiculously huge bowl of popcorn, and goes to sit next to Castiel. Jack stands up, going to turn off the lights, and Sam hits play on the pc before going back to the armchair and letting Eileen sit on his legs.
“So... did you love it, or did you adore it?” Dean beams at Castiel and Jack as soon as he turns the light back on.
“I like it! It put me in a good mood”, Jack nods, smiling. Dean chuckles, satisfied, then turns at Castiel, who still hasn't spoken, and looks pretty confused.
"What troubles you, Cas?" Dean asks, curious to see if he will have to explain something.
“I don't really understand the point of this movie.”
“The-the point? Cas, it's the best Christmas movie ever made, until Trading Places, what do you think is the point?”
Castiel shakes his head, an incredulous expression on his face. “Dean, it's a terrible story about how the American system cages a man for believing to be a fictional character. The judge emits his sentence on a case that doesn't belong in a courtroom, based on what's written on currency. It all stems from the troubles of an alcoholic man. How can you love this movie?”
Dean looks at Castiel, horrified. Sam knows that face. It's the same expression he had when he was forced to destroy Baby to survive a ghost attack. Whatever it's going to happen, the happy atmosphere of movie night is about to go up in flames. Surprisingly, Dean just sets his jaw and nods.
“Alright, I get it. Not everyone can appreciate it.”
“I'm just saying that there's not a lot that...”
“Shut up!” Dean barks, a second before walking away without giving anyone the time to stop him. Confused, Castiel turns to Sam.
“What did I say?”
“Cas, uh... Dean loves this movie. Very, very much. We... we used to watch it with dad, so... I-I think he was hoping you'd like it, too.”
For a long moment, Castiel stays quiet, then nods. “I understand. I suppose I'll go apologize to him.”
“It's not... let him cool off a bit, maybe.”
“Don't worry, Sam. I know exactly what to do.” Castiel ignores Sam's suggestion before going after Dean, leaving Sam, Eileen and Jack in the room. Jack stands up and stretches, still in a good mood.
“Don't worry Sam. If there's anyone able to calm Dean down, that's Cas.”
Sam chuckles, taking Eileen's hand. “You know what? You're right. Let's clean this place and go to bed, we'll deal with the lovebirds tomorrow.”
They all laugh, and start tidying up the place.
Castiel walks in Dean's room, awkwardly standing just a few steps from the door. Dean is sitting at his desk, going through some stuff, and Castiel can take a look at him. He studies how his dark blond hair is slightly ruffled on the back of his neck, after being pressed against the back of the couch for the last couple of hours, how the shirt's fabric stretches on his broad shoulders. It's looking at the movement of his shoulders that Cas realizes that Dean is moving. He turns to him, and gives him an indecipherable look.
“Hey, Cas.”
“Dean... I wanted to...”
“Ah, look... it's fine, man. It's just a movie. No big deal.”
“Sam explained to me it was a sort of tradition. I should have known there was a story behind it. There's always a story with you.”
Dean's lips curl again in one of the half smiles that Cas has learned to map and interpret down to a fine art... in a few seconds. There's always a moment or two of pure amazement at seeing how his whole traits seem to turn him from a weathered hunter into a smiling man, showing the Dean he's always cherished so deeply.
“You know... you're right. Guess I was mad because it's one of the good stories, this one.”
“... would you like to share it with me?”
For a fleeting moment, Castiel sees the surprise in Dean's eyes, as clear as fleeting. It almost hurts to think that he could be surprised to be asked to share something obviously so dear to him, but Castiel stays quiet and watches Dean nodding in agreement.
“It's just... you know we didn't have exactly an easy childhood. I had to take care of Sammy from day one, cause dad... you know. You heard more than enough. But Christmas... soometimes it was not about... this.” Dean says, gesturing at the room around him. “Sure, it was always in a different motel, always after some monster. But... the police rarely work on Christmas' night. Families stick together, making it harder for the monsters to hunt. Motels would offer something to their guests, especially to us. They saw a single dad working his ass off with two children... it tends to make people feel sympathy, especially at Christmas.”
Castiel nods, entranced by Dean's voice. He keeps smiling, and it's clear that, despite everything that man put him and Sam through, he still misses his father. His dad.
“And no matter where we were... that movie is a classic. If it wasn't on a channel, it was on another. When he managed to stay with us, Dad would make some popcorn, usually with so much butter that you could see through the bag once you were done, and we would all hunker down and watch that movie together.”
“... it sounds like a wonderful memory, indeed.”
“Yeah, it... it is. One year... one year Sammy was so upset that we had to decide: telling him that Santa wasn't real, or inventing an excuse to justify the fact that, once again, we didn't get a new house.”
“How did you deal with that?”
“We told him that Santa couldn't get a new house for us because we had to move constantly, to stay safe. We had to stick with that for a couple of years, before he grew out of that. I... I did my best to let him be a kid, Cas. Standing up to dad wasn't easy, and I... I just did my best.”
Castiel must fight the anger he feels understanding why Dean sees himself the way he does, and walks as close as possible to Dean. He places a hand on Dean's shoulder, trying to find the right words to say.
“Dean... you did a wonderful job with Sam. You shouldn't have been forced to look out for him. Your father was supposed to do it... and I'm sure that Sam is grateful for it. I'm sorry I didn't appreciate the movie.”
“Ah, Cas, it's fine. I overreacted.”
“No. It's not fine. Allow me to apologize.”
“... there's no need to...”
“Dean, I understood that around Christmas is customary to make kind gestures to each other. Please, let me.”
Dean chuckles, raising his hands.
“Alright. Let's see what you got for me.”
“Fine. Get dressed.”
“... what?”
“Get dressed.”
Dean smiles, curious to see what Cas has in mind and stands up to grab his coat. He puts it on, takes a scarf and a hat, puts on his gloves, and finally turns to face him.
“Is this enough?”
“It is. Are you ready to take a flight?”
“Not a fan of it, but... whatever makes you happy.”
Castiel gives him a small hint before placing a hand on his shoulder, and Dean experiences the familiar and dreaded feeling of his stomach being mashed from the inside during teleportation. A second later, when he opens his eyes, he manages to steady himself against a brick wall and take a deep breath before bending down and trying to catch his breath.
The air is cold, heavy, and Dean knows the smell lingering in the air, even if he can't pinpoint where or when. It feels familiar, but somehow distant, and it brings mixed feelings with it. When he finally feels his stomach settling down, he straightens his back and looks at the angel who just brought him there.
“Cas... where are we?”
“Why don't we go find out?” Cas answers, with a small smile that lets out his anticipation. Dean, affected by Cas' visible excitement, starts walking towards the exit of the alley where they appeared.
Before they walk out of it, Dean has a clear idea of where they are. There's only one city in the world that has that particular kind of bright night, those sounds mixed in a cacophony so terrible to result irresistible, topped with the smell of a thousand different foods, people and exhaust pipes. When they walk out from the alley, his hypotheses are confirmed, and Dean laughs, incredulous, turning to Cas.
“You brought me to New York?”
“So it seems.”
“What the...”
Cas points at something behind Dean, who feels his heart stopping for a second, then starting to beat furiously in an attempt to catch up. Sure enough, turning around Dean sees the building of Macy's, dressed in blinding lights and Christmas decorations.
For a moment, Castiel is deeply worried. He never saw Dean reacting like that. His mouth fell open, while his whole face transformed into a blank expression of utter disbelief. He just keeps staring at Macy's, his eyes running up and down the building the only movement that Cas can see, as if trying to find a way to get in, or something like that. After a few very long moments, he decides to risk a question.
“Dean... are you alright?”
Dean turns to Cas so quickly that he almost takes a step back. He raises his arm, pointing at the building.
“You... you brought me to New York. On Christmas' week. To friggin' Macy's? Because you didn't like my favourite Christmas movie... you thought it was a good idea to bring me into it?”
At six and seven for Dean's reaction, Castiel nods. He thought he'd appreciate the intention behind the gesture. Perhaps he's been too intrusive. Perhaps he interpreted the sharing of his story in the wrong way, or perhaps Dean didn't mean that...
“Cas... that's the... that is the most stupid, senseless, sweet thing that anyone is ever done for me!” Dean practically shouts in Castiel's face.
“Why are you yelling now?”
“Because you are not supposed to... Cas, how... why did you do this?”
When he finally realizes why Dean is so upset, Castiel smiles. A big, wide smile that makes his eyes crinkle and the most human side of him flash clearly like one of the Christmas lights around them. Dean Winchester, the legendary hunter, the man who came back from Hell, the one who died and came back to tell the tale more than once... is embarrassed. The most brazen, skilled conqueror of waitress of the United States has no idea about how to react to a genuine gesture of care and affection.
The smile of Castiel erupts into a light-hearted laughter, and Dean is bedazzled in finding out that, in fact, he loves that. He thought he'd hate Castiel laughing at him in a moment like that, but... he was wrong. He adores his laughter. It tells him that Cas just read all the right things in his reaction, understood where they came from, and why they are there.
Dean blushes, sticks his hands in his pockets and mutters, in a falsely angry tone “Shut up” at Castiel. He doesn't stop Castiel when he nudges him with a shoulder and stays close to him.
“What do you say about we go and take a closer look at that place?”
Trying to keep his coolness, and failing miserably, Dean nods. “Well, since we're here...”
Cas shakes lightly his head, impatient and slightly exasperated. “Yeah, we're here. Thanks for seconding me. Come on, let's go.”
Thank you for reading! 
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