#not sure if that's a controversial opinion
nativegirltapes · 1 day
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angel!reader 🧁🎀 ╱ drew’s controversially younger girlfriend !
the sweetest brat in town >.<
⸻ super sweet, but can get really riled up and angry when she feels disrespected, jealous, or insecure. when she’s angry or upset she finds it really hard to hold herself back, if she has something mean to say, she’ll make sure it’s heard, whether it’s complaining to her boyfriend or personally messaging whoever she has said issue with.
fashionable princess
⸻ always experimenting with her style, and helping her boyfriend look as stylish as her. constantly online shopping for new pieces to add to her wardrobe! she’s always making drew play ‘dress up’ with her, making him give his honest opinion. and despite her not believing his 5/5’s for every outfit, he honestly thinks that she can pull literally anything off.
homebody city girl 🎀
⸻ as much as she loves going out, being shown off, & partying. she loves staying in, especially with her boyfriend. wanting to keep that little bit of privacy she has left while dating an A list celebrity and making it known that she is his and he is hers is difficult.
college girl
⸻ what’s a pretty girl without the brains? takes her studying very seriously and wants to do well for herself. nothing more she loves then showing off her much older boyfriend by bringing him around campus or to her dorm to have him “help her study”. (she gets distracted by his beefiness and begs him to fuck her)
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oswildin · 2 days
(Possibly?) Controversial opinion incoming:
(Throwing it back to 2012/2013 here lmao)
I feel like the theory that Loki was mind controlled during the Avengers actually takes away the complexity of his character.
w-wait- waIT- HEAR ME OUT!
I think Loki was INFLUENCED by the mind stone for sure, but, to me, he was not controlled.
His anger, his fear, his need for validation and revenge are all what drove him to the events of the Avengers movie. He had just been, what he felt, was cast out by Thor and Odin and his home - those he considered his family and people, he had fallen through space, ended up in such a bad state that Thanos found him and used him for his own gain. (Although, Loki is smart enough to play at that game, ‘you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours’ type of thing. EDIT: I mean this sentence in a ‘Loki is good at twisting things to his advantage’ way, not that it means he couldn’t have been manipulated himself in the process.)
I don’t think Thanos or the mind stone had any control over Loki’s mind, not in the way most theories speak of. Loki was controlled by the consequences he would face if he failed his mission, not that he was physically being controlled. I think Loki was given the mind stone because Thanos knew it would enhance those feelings of venom Loki was experiencing - it was an aid of sorts to give him his conviction, which even then, Agent Coulson saw through it.
“You lack conviction.”
Those simple words got to Loki. Because he knew it was true.
Loki never wanted the throne but yet, that was what he was telling everyone was his goal, his reasoning, his motivation… When in his heart, he knew it wasn’t. His motivation was truly fuelled from his hurt, his pain… Not an ambition for a throne.
And that is what makes Loki so interesting.
And that is why I find the theory that Loki had no control over his actions and had no idea what he was doing, takes away from his character, his complexity…
(PSA: I am not here to tell you what you can or cannot headcannon or what theories you believe, it’s a fictional character in a fictional story in a fictional universe… It isn’t that deep, this is just my own personal opinion and preference! If you like the theory for your own reasons, that’s fine too! /gen)
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justwinginglife · 1 day
This Time, It's Different
Dedicated to the only person who will read this, my bestie @minasfwoopyponytail, yall I know I be doin Soshiro all the time, but I got on the Ranpo track cuz we were talking about Ranpo being in our top favs for BSD so I gotta show him some love today (I am so sorry that I bought Chuuya, Dazai, and Akutugawa merch and forgot about you Ranpo my love, this is my apology fic for you).
You were never good at lying. 
It was inconvenient in almost all aspects of your life, but you never thought your ineptitude would be the reason someone finally fell in love with you.
After many failed attempts at bending the truth, after attempting to tell your aunt you liked the socks she got for your birthday and instead unknowingly wrinkling your nose at them and breaking her heart, after attempting to tell your boss that you were busy and couldn’t come to work on a Saturday and when she asked follow up questions about your supposed plans you found yourself flushed and floundering, after attempting to tell your ex that you enjoyed meeting his family but then immediately declining any further interaction with them, after multiple awkward interactions and even more disastrous encounters, you decided to give up on lying. It wasn’t for you.
So you resigned yourself to the fact that you would have to tell nothing but the whole, honest truth for the rest of your life. Your lackluster lies may cause catastrophe otherwise. 
So when you joined up with the Armed Detective Agency, when you rejected Dazai’s advances by saying, “No offense Dazai, but I’m sure you say that to all the ladies, and while I’m flattered, I’m not into womanizers,” when you offered methods of stress relief to Kunikida because he “always looked like the world was ending,” when you asked when Furukawa would be retiring because you were concerned about him “overworking himself in his old age,” when half the detective agency was against you from your first day, Ranpo Edogawa found himself half in love with you already. 
He’d never met a person who didn’t -or just couldn’t- lie, even among his fellow coworkers, and he was at least intrigued by you if nothing else. He found himself eager to see just how far you were willing to go to continue telling the truth. 
Going forward, you often found him tagging along on missions with you, peeking over your shoulder while you worked, listening to everything intently, even despite your other coworkers telling you that Ranpo almost never went out of his way to be this personally invested in anything, just because he wanted to hear you talk, to see if you really told everyone everything you thought all the time. And to ask you questions. Lots of questions. 
Most of them were controversial because he wanted to see if you’d stick to your opinions even if you were in the minority, some of them were philosophical because he wanted to know the way your mind worked, and a few of them were just downright absurd because he was Ranpo. 
“Okay. So. You want to know if I would divert the trolley to save the lives of five by killing one?”
“Yes, and when you’re done with that, do you think that dress makes that girl’s butt look fat?”
“Mr. Edogawa, sir, I really don’t see how this is relevant to the case.”
“Oh it’s relevant, alright. Answer the question, I’m your superior and I wanna know.”
“Um. Alright. Well clearly it makes more logical sense to sacrifice the life of the one for the good of the many, just mathematically speaking, and yes, that dress is very unappealing on her, I don’t know why she went with white.” 
“Agreed, the white is hideous, you pass my tests. For now.”
And so this bizarre relationship of yours continued.
Ranpo would wait for you to finish up cases, would wait for you to finish in the bathroom, would wait for you to finish up dinner, just so he could pick your brain, just so he could amuse himself with your answers. But the more time he spent with you, the more his reason changed for spending the time. He was always attentive, had always had a keen eye, but when you were around, it seemed every last bit of his attention had devoted itself to you. He knew how long it took for you to finish going to the bathroom, so -much to your embarrassment- he always knew what you were doing in the bathroom depending on the length of time. He knew how long it took for you to eat and which foods took you longer amounts of time to eat them. He knew when it was your time of the month, he knew what you craved during said time, he knew the way you’d react when he brought you said craving. He knew almost everything about you and it still wasn’t enough. 
One day, he diverted from his usual barrage of insane questions and he started asking about you: what was your favorite food, where were you born, did you have any pets growing up, what did you like to do outside of work? By now, you had gathered from all his previous questions that he was just having fun interrogating you, but you enjoyed talking with him, so you answered all his questions regardless, personal or otherwise. You were unsure how telling him your favorite color was supposed to entertain him the way his usual ridiculous questions did, but you told him it was green anyway. He brought you a bundle of kiwis the next day because he couldn’t figure out what else was green to give you. You were unaware of the fruit’s connection to his question about your favorite color but to him, he’d pretty much just asked you out. 
When you didn’t reciprocate his feelings, because you were unaware he had feelings for you, and unaware he had just presented them to you through said kiwis, he pouted for the remainder of the day.
You couldn’t figure out why the man who had spent every waking second of your career with the ADA by your side had suddenly started avoiding you. You couldn’t figure it out, and it was killing you. Little did he know, you had also started memorizing details about him, and the way his laugh sounded, the way his lips curved into a smile, the way his fingers pushed up his glasses, the way he did anything and everything, the way he said anything and everything had you craving your next interaction before the previous one had even ended. And you couldn’t take the silence he had now forced you into. So you went on a hunt for him.
You found him sulking on the rooftop. 
You plopped down beside him without saying a word and when you could tell he might be preparing to run again, preparing to plunge your relationship into further silence, you handed him a Ramune. He froze. And then he snatched the drink out of your hand like it was just another Tuesday for the two of you.
“You remembered my favorite flavor, huh? Not too shabby for a second rate detective.” He chugged down the drink.
You laughed and nudged his shoulder with yours. “If I’m such a second rate detective, how did I know you’d be on the roof?”
He shrugged. “Got lucky, I guess.”
You bit your lip and for the first time in years, considered lying. But you couldn’t do it. “Actually, I didn’t just ‘get lucky.’ I knew you’d be on the roof. You always come to the roof when you’re upset. I notice more than you think. So tell me- why are you upset?”
He sighed. “You’re not into me. No one’s ever into me.”
You blinked. “I’m sorry, what?”
He sighed again, this time more exasperated. “I gave you a gift, but you didn’t accept my feelings.”
You blinked again. “The… kiwis?? Ranpo. You always give me gifts. You gave me strawberries during my last period even though Yosano told you to get me chocolate because you know I like fruits better than chocolate. You gave me limited edition tickets to a play that was already sold out because you’d preordered it when you heard me vaguely mention that I liked it. You are always giving me things, and they’re perfect, and I love it, and I appreciate it, but how was I supposed to know this time was something different?”
He tapped a finger on his chin. “Yeah okay fine. I see that now.”
You inched up closer to him. “So… this time is different though?”
He suddenly blushed. “Yeah… this time it’s different. This time I wanted… well I wanted…”
He’s suddenly quiet and it’s the first time you’ve ever seen him like this. You’ve rendered him speechless and it’s impossible not to find it adorable.
You kiss him.
If he was speechless before, now he’s speechless and breathless.
“I just… you just…so we’re?”
You nod, smiling at him. “Yeah. We are.”
“We’re… together?” He squeaks out.
“I’d like us to be.”
He nods vigorously. “I-I’d like us to be too!” He blurts out.
You kiss him again and this time he savors the feeling of your lips melding with his. This time he kisses you back with fervor, with passion he never knew he could feel. This time, he’s all yours.
Author's Note: I am too lazy to write a longer fic that delves into their relationship after this, but I did want to write a lil drabble about it, so I will be posting it here.
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onlyfangz · 2 days
controversial opinion, but if you're not charging money for it and aren't actively harming anyone with it, you're under no obligation to improve your art. sure, do it if you want to, but if you have no desire to do colour studies or pose studies or warm up sketches or whatever, dont!
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purple-dreams9 · 2 days
If Thea was Theo, a controversial opinion
I want to preface this post by stating that this is not meant to change anyone's mind or opinion. I am not here to tell you to like a character or to ship a certain ship. You are free to hate Thea, write her off your fics, ignore her existence, and ship Kevin with the milkman if you so desire. This is also not an essay. Instead, think of it as the thought dump of someone munching over it for days.
This all started with a conversation about Thea with a couple people on a Discord server. I've been mostly neutral about Thea, not understanding the overall hate but not knowing much about her either. It led me to read Nora's most recent post about Thea, the replies and the "Why do you not like Thea?" poll, and I've seen plenty of Tweets about her, too.
In general, I noticed one main element when people explain their stance: it is not because Thea is a woman and people want to ship Kevin with male characters. The real reason(s), branched in different directions: the age gap, the lack of building of her character, how little she shows up/how little we know about her/the feeling of her being shoo-ed in out of nowhere as Kevin's love interest, and her attitude (inc. her lack for communication with Kevin after he left the Nest, her comment to Jean in TSC, etc.)
I have been in many fandoms for over a decade, some with more prominent mlm ships, and to be honest, none of those reasons seemed to truly justify the dislike of Thea to the degree she is disliked in the fandom as a whole, especially as the romantic interest of a main character. It seemed to me that most of it is rooted in the desire for Kevin NOT to be straight, but to be gay and be with a guy (or bi, but I see more people using "gay" for Kevin. And some prefer Aro/Ace Kevin, but these fans are a bit more quiet and subdued with their headcanon.) See, even taking Thea out of the equation, there are no popular mlw ships for Kevin with characters from canon, and even in fanon ships the counterparts are mostly (if not all) men.
That got me thinking: "What if Thea was Theo? How would that change how fans interact with this character, even if her personality was the same? What about the relationship with Kevin? Would fans approach the ship differently if he had had Theo as a boyfriend instead of Thea as a girlfriend?"
Of course, it is all hypothetical. For one, a big part of her character is that she is a woman of color (note that I am not black, so I am in no position to talk about how her race plays out with her character) in a predominately male and white team (violent cult) that had to fight her way to the top. It wouldn't quite have the same weight or the same background if she was a male. For two, I am aware it would bring another discourse to the table, that of the "predatory gay men stereotype" (even though there was nothing predatory or "grooming" in their relationship, but that conversation is not for this post.) I am sure plenty of fans would still hate the Kevin/Theo ship, and Theo himself.
Still, I allowed myself to picture it. I read, once, that women used to ship male characters together because female characters were underdeveloped and were not interesting. I wondered if this applies to fandom as well, how certain fandoms prefer to develop and grow male characters.
Things like "lack of canon information about Theo" would not be an issue. Fans are very good at filling in the blanks and building a character from the few spare parts given by the source. This also applies to "there is almost no interaction with Kevin" because let's be honest here, guys, ships are sometimes made from nothing. Rarepairs exist, and even ships like pre-TSC Jerejean can explode in popularity.
With how big of a part Kevin plays in the books and how big his shipping fandom is, if Theo was a thing, I truly believe we would have seen him bloom in fanon spaces. He would have given space and opportunity to grow, change and develop both as a character and in his relationship with Kevin.
The "forbidden relationship" trope and the possibility for angst would have fans foaming, fics working around Theo's past and how he had to fight his way to the top would be written, AUs where he leaves the beliefs of the cult behind and reunites with Kevin would also exist. We would see stories about how his and Kevin's love story played out before and after Kevin left the Nest (at least one primarily focused on the notes they used to pass each other in secret). His mean comments and bitchiness would be ignored, played down, understood, forgiven, or found charming (like Andrew's throughout the series, or even Abby's in TSC.) In a few words, he would be more present and less disliked.
AFTG is a predominately queer fandom, and there is nothing wrong with wanting representation, but I also think it's necessary to use the same scale for female and male characters that are romantically or sexually involved with more popular ones. It's fine not to like Thea, but also to sit and think: would I asses a male character in the same way? How would my view of them change regarding their gender? Just food for thought, I guess.
Again, this is not a call to action of any sort. It is just me, rambling and putting my thoughts down. I can't see different realities so this is basically all fiction. I wanted to take it out of my brain, hear what others think and that's it. Ship what makes you happy. Create what inspires you. Curate your experience. All that being said, Id love to hear your thoughts, but I wont debate anyone's opinion because that's truly, not what Im seeking.
This got longer than I intended so I'll end this here. If you made it, thanks! I hope you have a nice day.
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seeminglyseph · 2 days
Every now and then I'll see a critique like "they sure just shout their feelings at each other"
And it's like... a shounen fight anime for teenagers.
Which is not to say that the genre is not *capable* of subtly but like. Also, sometimes, when your target audience is teenage boys who are specifically looking for punches, like... sometimes, you put the text in the text on purpose. Sometimes, you consciously choose to have the hero geadbutt the power of friendship into a guy, and they talk about loneliness and fun and leadership.
And also sometimes. Characters don't have the vocabulary to describe their emotions in a way that sounds "valid." Sometimes that's characterization in itself, the lack of vocabulary to describe emotions and motivation. Honestly, it's wild how often people will just take characters at their word when they describe their feelings in a shallow way when like... all the imagery is like... clearly depicting something else. Like, say.... Sometimes, a character just says their bored, but like... literally, all the imagery involved clearly depicts a pretty deep depression or personal crisis. But that character has no words or frame of reference for how to discuss those feelings, so he just says he's bored and lashes out in increasingly erratic ways?
Yeah I might be talking about Wind Breaker again Tomiyama Choji gets done so fucking dirty by people what the fuck is up with so many videos I have seen just fucking going "what he did all this because he was bored???"
Like. No. Did you pay attention??? He lost his purpose, and he lost his way, and none of his friends were willing to stand up to him or stand with him, so even though he was the leader and he had a gang, he was entirely alone. But he didn't have the ability to find what he was missing, or name what he was feeling. So he didn't know how to ask for help.
He's as much a feral child as Sakura and so works as a first arc foil for him, a character who seeks power and leadership without any goals or intentions behind it besides "Freedom." Especially since Choji is shown not fully knowing for himself what freedom is or would represent. But for the types of people who end up in feral street gangs? And for a character that is a foil to Sakura and is also... very speed based in his fighting style. Freedom makes sense for something that Choji would want.
But it seems like a promise he was given without much intention of him receiving it. I don't really think he was supposed to overthrow the boss of his gang and become the leader... though that's some rampant speculation.
I dunno man. I know part of it is like. O ly one season is out, so everyone is still not sure what to think about it. And that's fair. I'm still like... confused about multiple angles of the series. I've read... a decent chunk of the manga, and I'm still like. Pretty curious about how the universe works, honestly. Maybe the fact that I clocked how Choji held his chopsticks and like. Multiple puzzle pieces fell into place because I have been loving the weird little details Wind Breaker will throw in. Either this series tells a very intense story through background details and character designs, or one day, I will be made a very large fool of.
None of this is an organised enough thought to be worth anything but like. I know this is probably not controversial among Wind Breaker *fans*, but like. I keep like... seeing people with this opinion in videos and stuff talking about Wind Breaker that seemed to have not connected and not understood.
Which does make me feel a little like a "you just don't *understand* man." But like. If you really felt like Choji acted the way he acted because he was bored and wanted to have more fun you like... *didn't get it* or were being purposefully disingenuous because you personally disliked the portrayal.
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3rdsday · 2 months
Tommy basically said "the DSMP was good because it was, and still is, loved" and that basically sums up my feelings on the matter too.
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skywalkr-nberrie · 3 months
I’m so done with the whining and groaning about the casting in TPM, like why not we get past the first glances, and focus on the story? Padmé was CANONICALLY a 14 yo girl, while Anakin was 9! It’s not that huge of an age gap, even if you “feel uncomfortable” with the visual aspect of it all. And at the same time, certain weirdos will think it’s more normal for this same 14 yo girl to have a crush on a 25 yo man, pushing 30?? Nah baby, what DOES make more sense, is for a kid to make a deep bond with another kid. And that’s exactly what happened with TPM Anidala.
Realistically, why would Padmé even acknowledge or give OW ‘special treatment’ beyond the gratitude of their business affiliation? She was only affiliated to the Jedi because of the Chancellor (at that time) Qui Gon and OW were assigned to her, to help aid the blockade in her homeworld. To Padmé, this is all only official business. However Padmé building a genuine connection to Anakin, a boy who has nothing to do with her work, her world, her position, and only sought to help her out of the kindness of his own soul and heart is a very valid reason to become attached to someone and feel a deep connection to them, that carried out for years to come in the future.
Anakin was interested in getting to know “Padmé”, he didn’t care that she was a “handmaiden” or a “farmer’s daughter.” Even after he found out she was a whole queen, Padmé was afraid that Anakin’s view of her would change, but it never did. He told her, he still likes her, if she still liked him (as a friend). Padmé was endeared by his genuine passion and optimistic view on life. Years later, Anakin is still that same kind and genuine kid, whom helped her in her times of deep despair but now she’s beginning to see him as a man. It was due to their already established deep bond/friendship/connection all those years that help take route in their love. It’s a gradual love story.
Nitpickers really gotta stop focusing on such trivial things like the casting ages “not adding up”, because It’s such an unserious complaint. Especially since in TPM, they’re not “in love” yet. They’re only two kids, forming their first real connection or bond to their fellow kindred spirit. Even Natalie P. says, that before meeting Anakin, Padmé was nothing but a “mask”. Completely void of her own desires and personality. She confirms that it was ANAKIN who broke her out of that repetitive cycle.
(Source: Star Wars Archives - 1999-2005)
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oceanwithouthermoon · 4 months
imo everyone who insists that saikis life was perfect and he was a spoiled brat complaining about nothing are just purposefully ignoring and misinterpreting the whole manga simply because they like other characters better and want to make up scenarios to make their fav seem like a precious little victim in every situation
its hard to explain but i see it happen a lot with specifically people who have dedicated accounts for other characters and constantly misattribute every issue to "saikis such a baby, my character has it way worse!" "saiki hurt my babys feelings once so i hate him!" "saikis such a spoiled brat, my baby has a way shittier life and never complains about it!" "saiki hurt my poor precious fav once so hes an abusive monster!"
and said "shittier life" that they "never complain" about is either the persons headcanons (literally made up) or... the character DOES complain about it and the person takes those words at FACE VALUE but ignores everything else, including things that actually HAPPEN right in front of our eyes
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would it be fair to say that "asexuals can still have sex though" is pretty much the same as saying "lesbians can still fuck men though"?
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copia · 5 months
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sleep token rituals 3/? 𝅘𝅥𝅯 source — Aqua Regia
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foxglovedforest · 6 months
y'all are out here losing it about wildflower and barley but bitch what about Empire Now?? what about a song gently inviting you to imagine a kinder world at the end of the empire a hundred years from now?? The comfort of a future so bright it's burning? Of knowing a better world is in the grasp of our hands and its coming? Idk about y'all but I needed to hear that
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aroaceleovaldez · 8 months
i hope this doesn't sound like a silly or weird thing to send you, but i'm autistic and have long thought of nico and a handful of other riordanverse characters as autistic and i love your posts about why nico in particular seems intentionally autistic-coded. but i've been thinking, if rick did intend for any of his characters to be autistic, why wouldn't he say so outside of the text at least? i can't think of a good reason why not, when he goes out of his way to be explicit about so many other characters' various marginalized identities and has confirmed things like reyna being asexual outside of the original text. so it gives me this nagging sort of doubt that maybe rick just made nico come off as so extremely autistic coded by accident, somehow. if it wasn't an accident i do kind of wish he'd say so because there's next to zero explicitly stated autistic representation in, like, any media so it'd be nice to have here even if not strictly necessary. either way though, like i said, i love your posts and i agree with you 100% about autistic nico! some others i like to think are autistic are annabeth and leo.
(Most of this is gonna be kind of a tangential ramble to your point and i apologize in advance just bear with me)
This actually touches upon something I've been meaning to do a write-up on recently, which is: depending on the coding, that is our explicit statement. In most coding, actually, that's kind of the point. (Also something something Death of the Author.)
You may have noticed a recent trend across media of characters saying things directly rather than expressing them in a natural way, and often this includes incredibly stilted dialogue of characters explaining things in very politically correct, wikipedia-esque descriptions and terminology that make absolutely no sense for the characters' personalities or mannerisms. This is born out of the idea that if something is not stated in explicit terms, no amount of evidence below an outright direct exact statement will ever count - if two characters of the same gender have an explicit kiss and wedding on-screen, it doesn't matter because they never said the word "gay," etc etc.
In PJO, prior to more recent books, we get plenty of examples of characters explaining parts of their identities without direct statements. Percy never needs to say in outright terms that he has PTSD from Gabe - and it doesn't make sense that he would! He's 12! He's never been diagnosed for that. He probably doesn't even know what PTSD is really. But we, the audience, know without a doubt he has PTSD, because it is clearly expressed to us. That is coding. Tyson is coded as having down syndrome. Nico is coded as being autistic. It doesn't make sense for Nico to turn to the camera and explain that he's autistic and what that means, because he definitely never got diagnosed for it and probably doesn't know what that means cause the diagnosis literally did not exist when he was growing up - and heck, autism terminology was still kind of getting sorted out back in 2007 when TTC was published, so it's unlikely we could have feasibly gotten any exact terminology wink-wink-nudge-nudges short of something like how Percy outright mentions other students called Tyson the r-slur in Sea of Monsters. And in fact we see that same exact style of coding with Nico later on in the series. Nico never turns to the camera and says word-for-word "I am gay, I am mlm, here's me wearing my exact pride flags" (until TOA/TSATS, which... did the exact thing i mentioned about characters speaking like theyre trying to get a good grade in therapy, or giving a powerpoint presentation). But it is never unclear that HoO is telling us outright that Nico is gay. It's not just hinted at. It's there, in your face. But entirely because no one ever outright says "gay" specifically it's technically still only coding. We know he's gay, we know the characters have trauma/ptsd, etc etc. We don't need it spelled out - that's just kind of condescending. It's like if you said describing a character with "eyes like moss" means they were "green-eye coded."
Nico being autistic-coded isn't hidden. It's not a secret. It's very overt. If you know what autism looks like, well, yeah, there he is. Even if you only know very vague 2007 media presentation of autism, Nico in TTC is easily recognizable enough as autistic because that's the point. Tyson is easily recognizable as being coded as having down syndrome and it's very clearly very intentional! It's just never spoon-fed in exact terms to the reader because it's not necessary! You've already been told the information necessary to tell you what is up with this character, so just plainly going "oh they're [x] in exact terms" is very much telling-not-showing and feels redundant. And while there are places for that kind of thing, most of the time it's very unnecessary. Sometimes coding is subtle, sometimes it's obvious, and yeah there are times where writers code characters unintentionally, but the textual evidence is there, and that's the whole point.
And that's what Death of the Author is about - it doesn't matter what the author intended at the end of the day, because if it's in the text it's in the text. You can look at author intent to try and figure out what that text means, but the text is the text. A Separate Peace is a very classic example - author John Knowles denies there being homosexual subtext, and meanwhile one of the protagonists living in 1942 puts on a pink shirt while saying he doesn't mind of people think of him as gay. What the author says after the fact doesn't matter - if it's there, it's there. So Rick saying anything outside of the books is completely irrelevant. And Rick talks about this a lot - he actively tells people that his statements outside of the books are just his own thoughts, but what's in the books is what's in the books, and if the text supports it then that's all the evidence you need.
Nico specifically is a case where yeah, he's clearly autistic-coded. It's very obvious and very obviously intentional when he's younger, and as the books progress it remains a background trait of his but is still notable (except for when it gets forgotten in TOA/TSATS like everything else, including the adhd/dyslexia, but i digress). It's a clear pattern within the first few books that Rick is intentionally including. It doesn't make sense, especially for the year the book was published, for the reader to be directly told in explicit terminology that Nico is autistic, because the reader is already being told that Nico is autistic.
And yeah, Rick doesn't mention Nico being autistic-coded outside of the text, but he also doesn't mention Tyson being coded as having down syndrome. He also said one time that Percy doesn't have PTSD at all, which is very incorrect starting from book 1. Again, Death of the Author. Whatever Rick says outside of the books does not matter, because he already said it in the books. And there's plenty of other stuff in the books that Rick doesn't touch upon, particularly relating to character identity - did you know Leo is Native? Sammy mentions that the Valdez family is Native in Son of Neptune but we don't get any specifics and then it's like never brought up again anywhere. That happens all the time in the series - and outside of the series - Rick can't possibly address every single point to confirm/deny everything from the books. That's what analysis is for! And that's why my blog exists 👍
#pjo#riordanverse#nico di angelo#autistic nico#analysis#ask#Anonymous#long post //#tone indicator just to be sure cause i know i used a lot of italics: this is all non-agressive/not mad i prommy#im just very passionate about this topic (coding & fandom concepts surrounding ''canon'' + death of the author)#also controversial opinion cause i know some people have talked about wanting the use of the r-slur in SoM censored#but i think it should stay because. well. yeah no that was still very commonly used in 2006#trust me i heard it a lot. i was there. in fact it was commonly used after that point. for awhile.#it wasnt until like a bit into the 2010s iirc that campaigns started to go ''hey maybe. dont use that word.''#like that was RECENT#and yeah! these books are not old! TLT is only just coming up on 20 years. thats not super old for a book!#and yeah! that term was considered a-okay terminology to be used in a middle grade book in 2006! which is startling to think now!#but that's also why it's important to not erase that#because otherwise you forget that up until very recently that word was considered Perfectly Acceptable#and in SoM it's even specifically acknowledged to be used in a hurtful way! Percy is actively condemning it!#like. dont put it in the show or whatever. obviously. replace it with a different indication/coding to explain Tyson's struggles#not that i think Disney would put the r-slur in their show. but like. dont erase it from the book??? from 2006??????#i am frightened to see how the show will handle tyson though. its not gonna go well i can feel it in my bones#anyways man i should post that excerpt from A Separate Peace though#just cause that scene has lived in my brain rent-free for years
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worth-this-and-more · 1 month
ahhhhh I actually have a lottt of controversial opinions but I think the hottest would be that bree lashing out at her ancestors was justified imo.
this is a story about a black girl, who is "the first", and finding your own purpose apart from being "the first" and I've seen a lot of people calling bree out for yelling at vera at volition, but me personally I agree with her frustration.
she has been given this whole responsibility of keeping herself safe as well as being "the tip of the spear" while having literally no fucking clue on how the hell is she supposed to use that power at all. yes vera has had her own share of struggles and I'm not saying that her trauma is invalid, but a bargain with all the ancestors was a risky move and now the price is being paid by bree. she is, after all, a 16 year old who is literally dragged into this whole mess.
what happened to vera was cruelest of them all, but that doesn't mean that bree hasn't lost anything of herself too. dragged into this unregulated deal with the shadow king himself, not to mention the fact that the piece of shit Arthur is literally manipulating her from the start, so she isn't able to use her own powers for good. and the warnings her ancestors gave?? how is she gonna use the warnings when the threat is unknown and noone has any clue about it?? on top of that everyone is constantly telling her how they've sacrificed everything so she wouldn't have to, but in the end bree has to give up everything anyways.
her ancestors have used their root for defense, but how long are they gonna keep defending?? her frustration was genuine and yes adults need to be respected but that doesn't mean that they're always right. at this time where she needs her power as an attack, her ancestors have no clue about it and keep reminding at how they ran so she wouldn't have to, but what is she gonna do instead of run??
no clue at all.
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tequilaasquared · 3 months
Lip and Debbie and Ian and Carl are two of the most underrated sibling dynamics in shameless and we don’t talk about them enough
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fiona-fififi · 3 months
#feeling controversial today i guess#but like#i am at the point where i actively do not get the hype around tommy#like he’s just some guy#most of what people seem to like AND hate about him seems to be just based on headcanons not anything he's actually done in canon#he's had exactly zero development outside of moving buck's character forward since showing up again#like sure maybe there's potential but it hasn't actually been used at this point he's just kind of there#i do not understand having particularly strong opinions on him in eithet direction#like fanon opinions sure he's fun in fic#but like. the way people seem to be mapping their fanon versions of him onto canon to fit either a blind adoration or a blind hatred for hi#is super weird to me#like he’s just som guy y'all why is half the fandom falling out over this dude while the other half has gone underground??#he's just not that interesting#i will never understand how hard this fandom goes for side characters#who have had next to no development of their own#i didn't get it with lucy#i don't get it with tommy#like to each their own#but damn the power y'all give these random characters who frankly just aren't that interesting in their current states is#a lot#like enjoy have fun no judgment there#but can we maybe stop actively attacking each other over this guy he's just some dude come on y'all#*either *him *some#i really need to proofread my tags#*also i think i mean more controversy rather than hype in that third tag. it's not really that i don't understand why people like him#but more that i don't understand how he inspires such extreme opinions#anti tommy kinard#just in case#this isn't meant to be anti really i'm just like. very neutral about him#911 discourse
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