#not to pat myself on the back but most of the family was like 'yeah the exchange woulda sucked this year if not for that so thanks'
legogonkdroid · 2 months
did i ever post here about how i put a live lobster into my family's christmas gift exchange last year
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cherry-leclerc · 4 months
wait for you ☆ cl16
genre: fluff, humor, tiny bit of smut, established relationship 
word count: 1.8k
An eager Charles tries to convince you to take part in an adorable video to show off your relationship for the first time, but it only lands you two in a clumsy mess. 
nsfw warning under the cut! 
18+…mainly just charles being a tit addict lol, oh and a bit of dry humping ahhah 
req!…quickie, but enjoy :) ps. we love a man who understandssss
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“Come on! Don’t be like that.”
It takes all of you to not roll your eyes at your needy boyfriend. He was excited to be back to racing after such a long time and this was just pure adrenaline, if you can even call it that. He had brought it up a few nights ago over dinner.
It’s been a year. Actually scratch that. A year and five months. Which is basically two if you stop and think about it.
Humming, you nod with less enthusiasm as he dangles his phone right in front of you, displaying cheesy couple videos. 
We can recreate it, people will know, and people will love you. Easy peasy.
But there was nothing easy about any of this. It had stayed a secret for so long for a reason - a perfectly reasonable reason. While you knew the good would most likely outweigh the bad, that didn’t make it less nerve wrecking.
With a heavy sigh, you roll off of his lap, chewing on your bottom lip. “I’m not sure, Charles. You know how I feel about all this. Plus, don’t you like knowing it's just you and me who know about us?” You signal between the two of you, eyebrows wiggling suggestively as he gulps.
“I do love having you to myself…”
“So it’s settled. Not yet.”
The next time he brings it up is when you’re out on a double date with George and Carmen, seeing as they spend a good amount of time here in Monaco. Could be nice, he says, blankly taking a lick from his vanilla ice cream. Would make me happy, y’know…
“I feel like I have to ask,” the Brit mumbles curiously. “Trouble in sex-paradise?”
Choking with surprise, you hurriedly shake your head as Carmen pinches her boyfriend's thigh. He yelps, scooting closer to the Monegasque who continues to pout. Rubbing your temples, you say, “Don’t pay him any attention, he doesn’t know what he’s saying.”
“Amore, it would be perfect!” Angling his head to the couple, he retreats his phone, already showing off the video. “Wouldn’t it be cute to announce our relationship like that?” Before they have a chance to answer, he nods happily, as if they’ve given him the biggest blessing. “It would, I know it would.”
“Reckon it’s a bit much,” George says while Carmen winces in agreement. Charles’ green eyes flicker to where you bite back a grin, writhing to let loose.
“You guys…”
Carmen pats his hand gently over the table. “Charles, just try and put yourself in her shoes. She’s worried. We’ve all been. Being in the public eye is extremely terrifying. Maybe she’s not ready-”
“Or she’s not that into you.”
The brunette clenches his jaw. “You’re not?”
Giggling, you peck his rosy cheek as he stubbornly gives in, a smile already being drawn onto his lips. “I’m so in love.” Then you turn to the Brit, kicking him sharply underneath the table. “Asshole.”
As he winces in pain, his girlfriend rubs his arm gingerly. “Oh, she’s definitely in love, Charles. But she’s not ready. Just wait on her for a tad bit longer.”
You’re honestly shocked when he doesn’t bring up the topic the time you visit his family, or when you meet up with Pierre and Kika. It was odd, but you didn’t think much of it. 
That is until he has you perched on his lap, greedy mouth wrapped around your sore buds. Large hands come in to grip your breasts, squeezing them closer to his face as he groans. You shiver when the cool air hits your wet skin. He smiles wickedly when you start rubbing yourself against his thigh, whimpers entering the room.
“You sound so sweet…”
You grip his shoulders tighter.
“Doing so good for me, yeah?”
You nod with soft pants and tired eyes.
“Do you love me?”
More than anything.
“Then you’ll do the video with me? You will, won’t you, darling?”
“Yes, yes,” you huff, core growing tighter. “Anything and everything you want.”
You can practically feel his smirk against your chest, but are too far gone to even care.
With one last lustful lick, he scoffs. “That’s my girl.”
“Okay, stand still,” he instructs, hands fixing his phone against the wooden chair. There's heavy concentration that lingers adorably as he gently bites down on his bottom lip, that it almost makes you regret how much you were dreading this. Balancing yourself on your tippy toes, you giggle nervously. Green eyes look back at you before pressing a kiss against your temple. “Shouldn’t be too hard. Just stand there and look pretty.”
“Because that’s all I’m good for,” you mumble sourly as he aims a deadpan expression. You know that’s not true. Then he presses the countdown and runs out of the frame, leaving you to stand like a lost puppy, soft eyes looking for their owner. Frowning hard at the camera, you sigh. “I really don’t get it-”
All of a sudden, strong arms wrap around your waist as he carries you in a hurry. You’re squealing loudly and shutting your eyes tightly. It leaves you winded as you slip into a coughing fit. Swiftly, the Monegasque places you back down and cradles your face with worried eyes. “Holy shit, are you okay?”
Pushing him away harshly, you shoot daggers at your boyfriend. “What the hell was that? You nearly killed me!”
The brunette winces. “I didn’t mean to do it that fast…” His shoulder droops with panic when you narrow your sharp eyes, chest heaving with slight anger. “Or that hard.”
You step away, frantic arms shooing him. “I’m out, this is stupid.”
“No, wait!” Following after you, he reaches to grab your hand. “I’ll be gentle this time. Let’s just try again.”
A skeptical scowl paints your face before nodding along. Dimples shine back towards you as he happily leads you back to the large kitchen. Slow, Charles. I mean it. Beaming brightly at the screen, you playfully search for him before you catch a glimpse of your clumsy manchild through your peripheral vision. You foolishly flinch as he makes his way and comes to an unexpected halt. He groans and you wail.
“Why did you stop?”
“Why do you look scared?”
Letting out a dry laugh, you bring your hands to your hips, right leg extending out like a strict teacher. “I was doing my part.”
“If looking scared was what you were going for, then mission accomplished.” He rubs his lids. “Try to pretend that you like me. The whole point is to show people that we’re in love.”
“Am I supposed to act like I like you or all lovey dovey? Which one is it?” you bicker back, hair whipping your cheekbones. He rolls his eyes. Stop acting like that, it’s not cute. “It’s not cute,” you mock as you return to your original spot. “Do not fuck this up, Charles.”
“Fine,” he grunts. Repeating the same actions, this time around he manages to trip over his own two feet, landing with a loud splat. The sound of his skin hitting the marble floor has you rolling with laughter and gasping for air. This is great, you wheeze, eyes crinkled. “It’s because I mopped earlier, remember? One last time.”
The Monegaque readies himself like a quarterback, dark eyes drawn to you like a hungry lion. You almost want to laugh with how serious he’s taking all of this, but somehow hold back. Once again, he makes his way on cue, arms wrapping around you securely and taking you down with him this time. 
Landing with a low umph, he holds onto you tightly, making sure to land on top of him safely as you yelp. Twisting up quickly, you bang a soft fist against his chest. “Dickhead! What are you doi- I’m not a fucking potatoe sack!”
The brunette manages to sit up, immediately going in to rub his head. Black spots blaze over his eyes. “I think I’m blind.” He pants, loopy eyes making a weak attempt to take in your delicate figure. “You still look like an angel, though.”
“That makes absolutely no sense.” You pause. “A-are you okay, baby?”
Brown locks bounce up lightly. With a heavy sigh, you help him up, leading him carefully towards the couch. Sore shoulders relax against the pillows. You bite down nervously on your thumb as you debate calling for help, given as how he hasn’t spoken much after the catastrophe. He hums. “I’m fine. Sit.”
“Oh, good,” you say, releasing out a breath of relief. As soon as he feels a dip next to him, he peeks one eye open, finding you with a pale face. A strong sense of protection takes over as he pushes your hair back, making sure to analyze everything about you. Why are you colorless? Did it hurt? Does anything hurt? We can go to the hospital to get you checked out. Actually, let's go.
He’s already grabbing your hand, flinging you to stand up when you let go. “I said I was okay. I’m just worried about you, that’s all. You took it the hardest, I swear I heard the sound of a coconut crack.” A teasing smile slips onto your berry lips, closed fist gently knocking against his head. “Only making sure.”
“Ha-ha.” Bringing you towards his chest, you nuzzle your face sweetly. “I tripped again-”
“I know,” you giggle, though it comes out slightly muffled, and slightly demonic. But it makes him grin eagerly, hand flying to smack your ass. You jump, feeling his chest vibrate as he chuckles. “This was an utter mess. How about we try again tomorrow?”
“How about we don’t?”
You pull away, hands pressing against his tall frame. “But I thought you wanted to do this…”
“I do, but you’re not ready.” A boyish wince strikes his face. “And I’m not going to force you.” You can’t help the swing your heart goes through with his sweet gesture. He continues. “I shouldn’t have asked you to do this in the first place; I knew you weren’t ready and I still tried. I’m sorry.”
Guilt eats you up with his words. “I swear I want to do this for you. I can try again!” Slithering out of his tight grip, you cluelessly look for his phone. He chuckles at your cute pout of determination. 
“But you’re not ready,” he states for the second time. “I’ll wait for you to be.”
The internet was a scary place - one you dread very much - but it’s true. You would have done this with him, even if you weren’t open to it. But the fact that he understood regardless…
Sheepishly marching your way over to the green eyed boy, you shoot a shy wink. “When I am…I’ll let you know?”
He grins, arms wide open as you find a home between them. “Of course.”
taglist: @myownwritings
*anyone is welcome to lmk and i'll add you along :)
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lovifie · 2 months
Hiii 🩷
I really loved your ‘Mr & Mrs. Price’ story where his partner he is marrying is younger than him! I was wondering if you had anymore of those stories?
If not, I was wondering if you could write a little after they get married sort of thing. Like would they have kids right away, etc.
Thank you!!
Hi love!! 🩷🩷 Thank you for asking so nicely 💕
At the moment I don't have anything else written for Price and her younger wife, so I'll write you a little bit of what I thought would happen after the wedding.
A continuation to Mr. & Mrs. Price
Suggestive | 730 words | Back to Masterlist
The first thing would be the honeymoon, and Price gives me the vibes to go somewhere cold, like the Norwegian Fjords (? I don't know why, he just does. Constantly clinging to his wife like: "I'm cold, dear. Can't you see?" Only to sneaky get his hands under your clothes.
Friends and family complain about how little photos you took, but it's just because most of what you took, were taken inside your room. So many, so many pictures of his hand on your body, the gold band on his finger shining on all of them.
So much fluffy/dirty talk. "My dear, wifey... See? I told you I was going to marry you one day, and look at you, Mrs.Price... so fucking beautiful under me..."
Neither of you are surprised when a couple of months later you get a positive pregnancy test.
"We used protection..." Price says, as if that would change something.
"Yeah... Until we run out, Mr. I Pulled Out." You say.
Having a child so quickly after the wedding was neither of your plans, but Price was already talking about taking a step back from the dangerous mission and for some reason neither of you were panicking after the news.
It was a weird feeling, at first at least. But on the doctor appointment, when you hear the little alien's heartbeat it was set. Price's hand holding yours, the whole way back home.
He did step back from the dangerous mission, working at base helping the recruits and helping on the small missions, not wanting to be far from you. So he spent his working hours at base, and one day he forgot some documents at home and asked if you could bring them to him.
So you did.
You grabbed the folder, and drove your pregnant self to base.
Ghost was the one who saw you first, almost as you stepped off the car. And he was immediately on your side, stunned when he saw your belly.
"Are you..." He asked, not wanting to be rude; looking from your stomach to your face.
You quickly nod, the man's eyebrows disappearing under his mask. He took the folder from your hands, as if it was a heavy piece of furniture you were holding making you laugh. "Congratulations... That's what people say, right?"
You nod again, holding onto his arm to ease his mind as you walk towards Price's office. Small talk about how you were planning a baby shower and if he would like to assist, the panic clear on his face making you chuckle again.
"I'm pulling your leg, Simon. I'll send you a message with the important news." You say, patting his arm.
"And I will be forever grateful for it." He says, slowly falling in a comfortable chat with you.
Gaz and Soap walk out of Price's office just as you turn the corner. Both their expression of shock.
"Captain!" Soap calls him, annoyed with just finding out. "Ye got yer missus pregnant already? Ye filthy dog."
Price furrows his eyebrows, walking out and smiling widely. Quickly walking to you to give a kiss on the lips, his hands resting on your tummy.
"How are my girls doing, sweetheart?" He asks, Simon hearing it perfectly.
"Girls? You are having a baby girl?" He asks, making Gaz and Soap repeat it as echo.
You chuckle again, taking the fold from Ghost's hand and handing it to Price. "We are doing great today, John. Here's the documents, Simon wouldn't let me hold them myself."
"Good lad." He says, nodding at the mancunian making you shake your head.
Unlike Ghost, Gaz actually asks you about the baby shower and if he can assist. Price doesn't say anything, but he is really glad he offered; having now a familiar face at the party.
And even though only Gaz assists in person, he brings a present. "From Ghost, Soap and I, hope the girly likes it. Whenever she uses it."
He says that because the gift is a bright pink toy car for the baby to drive around.
Price complains about the safety of it, but later at night when everyone is gone he sits on the sofa, looking at you drive the car yourself talking about how you always wanted one as a kid. And Price is not sure how he got this lucky in life.
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lulu-tutu · 1 year
Do you take platonic requests?
If so, could I request head-cannons, or anything you like really, of Splinter (can be 2012 or rottmnt) becoming a father figure for a reader who doesn’t have one? The reader becomes friends with the turtles and spends a lot of time at the lair, obviously because they want to spend time with their turtle buds, but also because they really like talking to Splinter and he kinda picks up on it after a while and decides “yep, I have a 5th kid now”.
Sorry if this is a bit of a strange request.
Father Figure ⭐️ Splinter (Platonic)
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A/N: This wasn’t a strange request at all, I love requests like this because they really pull at my heartstrings. Was super fun to write, and I tried my best not to tear up as Father/Child scenes make me emotional lmao
Pairing(s): Platonic!Splinter x GN!Reader
Warning(s): Like, two swear words, teeny tiny bit of angst? Overall very soft <3
Proof read :)
Spending so much of your free time down in the lair meant not only hanging out with the turtles, but also becoming close to their dad, Splinter.
So much time in fact that it started to feel like he was becoming your own dad.
The first time you had a proper conversation with him was when you were having a sleepover at the lair. While everyone else was knocked out cold in their own rooms, you couldn’t catch a wink of sleep, so you decided to check out the one place the guys spend most of their time; the Dojo.
You first thought was to just marvel at the range of weapons they had, but you weren’t even close to doing that when you spotted a meditating Splinter sitting silently in the middle of the room.
Breathing a sigh of relief that the sound of you entering the room didn’t disturb him, you went to back out when his voice startled you. “Cannot sleep?”
Ah, shit. You fucked up.
Not wanting to be rude, you sheepishly nod, “Yeah, I’m really sorry for disturbing you. I just wanted to try and tire myself out by walking around.”
It was then that he gently patted the space in front of him, inviting you over. With nothing else to do and honestly, why would you even decline, you complied and sat in front of him.
That night the two of you talked for a few hours. It started off a little bit awkward on your part, not knowing exactly what to say to him, but he was kind enough to lead the conversation.
You talked about the turtles, when they were younger and just learning how to defend themselves, about some of your future plans, if you had any that is, and if not, he would try and give you a push in the right direction with small ideas he thought would suit you.
At some point, your home life was brought up. You explained to him that it was just you and your mother when you were growing up. You never had a proper father figure, but you would never trade your mother in for the world.
He tells you that your mother did a wonderful job of bringing you up :’)
As time went by, you spent more and more time with Splinter. He’s shown you a few defensive moves in case anything were to happen when the boys weren’t around to help you, to which you profusely thanked him for. He was so proud when you managed to pin him down once (though he wouldn’t tell you that he was obviously going easy)
You two drink tea together a lot, and if you didn’t like tea, he would manage to find you something you would prefer.
At some point he begins to call you his child, it started off as ‘Okay, it’s because I’m a teenager, I understand’, but at some point to both you and him it starts sounding more like he’s definitely adopted you. And he has.
He tells you about Miwa and his past family, which you take in with watery eyes and a soft smile. At that point, you knew you were apart of the family.
Sometimes the guys like to tease you and Splinter, Raph often stating that “Well since you’re his favourite child-“
You would just grin with your hands on your hips, “I am the favourite child, thank you very much. Now if you excuse me, I’m telling dad that you ate my slice of pizza.” Just to be petty lmao
If you’re ever upset, your go to person would be Splinter. Something about the way he hugs you so tightly, with so much care in his embrace just makes you sob it all out until you felt better, his calming words making everything seem so little.
When Father’s Day arrives, you might or might not have actually celebrated it with him and the turtles. You bought him an actual cake that you all shared, and took plenty of photos to hang around the lair and in his room. It was a day to remember, especially when you could spot the little tears in his eyes.
Overall, Splinter is the best dad you could ever want, and you make sure he knows that.
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janeyseymour · 6 months
Fire in My Heart (Repost due to mistake)
Anon asked for a mel x firefighter!reader, and I posted, but didn't realize I left out the end of it, so... repost!
Summary: There's an incident at Abbott, and you and your crew come to the rescue.
WC: ~3.4k
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The two of you always joke about how ridiculous it is that you actually managed to find each other. Growing up, you had almost always had a crush on your teachers- particularly the ones with red hair. And for Melissa, she was absolutely fascinated with anything that had to do with firefighting as a little girl- it felt like it was in her blood to do something that had to do with fighting fire. 
You nudge her. So maybe she wasn’t doing something that had to do with fighting fire... but she was doing someone who fought fires for a living. She teases you right back.
“I’m sorry Ms. ‘I had a crush on all of my female teachers’.”
“Correction: I had a crush on most of my female teachers,” you tell her. Then you playfully shudder. “No one could’ve had a crush on Ms. Adams.”
“Okay, sorry,” Melissa rolls her eyes as she continues to pack your meals for your shift at the station. “I’m sorry Ms. ‘I had a crush on most of my female teachers.”
You shrug. “Eh, it worked in my favor. I got the hottest redheaded second grade teacher t’go out with me,” you grin as you wrap your arms around her waist. 
“Hell yeah it did,” she chuckles as she turns over in your arms to face you. “You got yourself a Philly eleven, and I got myself a Philly twelve. We’re the hottest couple in this city.”
You pat her backside as you realize you have to let her go. “Alright, babe. I’ll be home later tonight. Don’t start any Schemmenti style fires now?”
“I can’t make any promises, an’ you know that,” your girlfriend grumbles. “I swear, if Janine says one more thing about the stupid book fair, I’ll-”
“You’ll call your girlfriend and rant to her instead of bludgeoning the poor woman with a
copy of Peter Rabbit or lighting something on fire,” you tell her seriously. “Jesus, how did I end up dating someone from an arsonist family?”
“And that worked out in my favor,” Melissa wears a smirk on her face. “We Schemmenti’s can start the fires, but no one expects the chief’s family to be the ones starting them.”
“Please tell me that isn’t why you’re dating me,” you roll your eyes as she hands you your lunch bag.
“It’s not,” she promises you before adding on. “But it don’t hurt.”
You chuckle before picking up the rest of your bags. “Don’t start any fires that make my department have to come out to rescue you today.”
“That’s never happened,” Melissa retorts.
“Don’t let today be the first!” you call as you reach for the door. “I’ll see you later tonight, I love you!”
You can’t believe you have to go respond to a call from Abbott Elementary. As you’re driving, you have half a mind to call your girlfriend. She answers on the first ring.
“Melissa Ann Schemmenti, this fire that I’m responding to better not be because of-”
“It wasn’t me,” the second grade teacher tells you. She pulls away from the phone just slightly to scold a student for getting out of line. “Maya, this is a real fire! This is not a drill! Stop doing the Gritty!”
“Is everyone out of the building?” you grit out as you drive just the slightest bit faster.
The teacher looks around at all of the teachers holding up green pieces of paper. “Yes. And when you get here, don’t even bother looking for-” your phone clicks off. You assume a coworker of hers had come up to her, and no one knew that the two of you were dating.
As you pull up to the building, it’s clear that whatever set the alarm off isn’t too big of a deal. Still, you and your crew go in to survey the area. You know Melissa’s room number, and you immediately head in that direction, barking out orders to your coworkers as you go.
Melissa’s room looks perfect. It’s so... her. It’s filled with various signed sports gear and merchandise, but it also is flooded with pictures and drawings from the kids, and you can clearly see the bulletin board that displays different school projects they’ve completed. You nearly swoon.
You do a quick lap as you continue to make sure she didn’t somehow secretly start this fire. You stop at her desk when you see just the smallest corner of something sticking out from underneath her mousepad. You have to make sure it’s not any sort of evidence, so you lift her mousepad. Underneath, there’s a picture of the two of you. You do swoon at this. Even though neither of you are out, she still has a reminder of the two of you with her at all times.
“Oh, Mel,” you whisper, a smile appearing on your face. You quickly pull yourself together and continue on. You don’t see anything else that would make anybody suspicious of the Italian teacher, so you continue to the next rooms.
Janine’s room is quite the opposite of Melissa’s. You can’t explain why because she too has some memorabilia from sporting events in Philly, but-
“Hey, Y/N,” one of your men comes down the hall holding up a burnt shawl and a candle. “It looks like we found the culprit of this mess. Just a small little thing really in the teacher’s lounge.”
You release a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You were fairly certain your girlfriend hadn’t caused the fire... but now it was confirmed that you wouldn’t have to be bailing her out of jail today.
With a nod, you exit the building and tell everybody it’s safe to go back inside. Melissa is all grins when she sees you, but you remain professional. And she’s able to play it off that she’s beyond excited that they brought a tractor drawn aerial. 
She makes her way over to you. “Can I bring the kids out to look at the-”
You roll your eyes and nod. “But I can only stall for so long before the boys will start to catch on.”
Your girlfriend practically sprints away, giggling with glee, as she goes inside to retrieve her kiddos. 
When she brings out her students, you have to pretend like you’re annoyed that she’s wasting your time. 
“Ma’am,” you say. “We really do have to get-”
“Ain’t you the one who’s doin’ the fire safety meeting for the teachers later today anyway?” she challenges you, fully knowing you are.
You sigh. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Then you can stick around.” You don’t miss the wink and the licking of her lips. She finds you irresistible in your uniform.
While the kids are at lunch and recess, you have to hold the fire safety meeting. And Melissa is as brash as ever. You unfortunately have to ban open fires, and this sets off Barbara.
As Melissa runs out of the room, she gives you a look that asks for silent forgiveness, and you nod. You know she has to go check up on her best friend, and you need to continue your meeting.
After Barbara admits that she’s been dealing with Gerald’s health scare and the candle was 100% an accident, Melissa feels terrible. But she knows how she might be able to turn Barb’s mood around.
“I think I might have a roundabout way of getting you to be able to keep lighting your candles,” the redhead smirks.
“What do you- you heard the chief: no more open flames.”
“I can call in a favor,” Melissa nudges her. “I’m sure the chief can do something special for her girlfriend.”
The kindergarten teacher’s eyes go wide. “For her- her girl- Melissa Ann Schemmenti, how long have you kept this from me?!”
“I wasn’t keepin’ nothin’ from you,” your girlfriend laughs. “Ya never asked, so I never had to tell.”
“Oh, girl,” Barb howls. “You have some nerve, not telling me. I’m gonna need more details.”
“Maybe later,” Melissa rolls her eyes. “None of youse know, and none of her department knows we’ve been dating for the last three years and living together for the last year and a half.”
The kindergarten teacher looks at her best friend incredulously. “I’ve been to your house!”
“She’s always on shift, and we don’t have many printed pictures together; just digital copies,” the redhead shrugs. “Now c’mon. I have to convince my girlfriend to let my best friend continue to have candles. And then I gotta get my kids back outside to play on the truck.”
“Haven’t they been playing on the truck all day?”
“No,” she admits with a laugh. “That was my time. Now it’s theirs while I flirt with my girlfriend.”
“Miss fire chief?” Melissa asks all too innocently as the kids explore and play on your truck.
“Yes ma’am?” you reply, committed to your work persona of badass fire chief.
She glances around. Your coworkers are distracted with the kids, so she pulls herself slightly closer to you. “You think I can call in a favor?”
“And that would be?”
“Let Barb light her candles in exchange for her not killing me for not telling her about you?” Melissa asks hopefully. 
You hazard a glance at her. “Melissa.”
“I also need your help putting out my fire,” she says coyly as she daringly grabs your thigh. “Seeing you in uniform is... wow, babe.” She knows you’ll say yes now.
“Fine,” you groan. “But if this happens again, it’s on you. You hear me?”
“Yes, chief,” the teacher grins and mock salutes you. She stands next to you for a few more minutes before she has to call her kids back into the building for dismissal.
“Alright my little eagles, everybody say thank you to the firefighters!” Melissa grins. Her students do as she asks before they all head back in. She mouths a ‘thank you, love you’ to you while everyone else is preoccupied.
As you and your coworkers are heading back to the station, you hear one of them mention that ‘that redheaded teacher was a smokeshow’. You grip the wheel just a bit tighter. You almost say something right there, but you let them go. They’re right. Your girlfriend is a smokeshow, and she sure as hell knows it. They only continue making comments about her though, and suddenly you aren’t so happy.
One of the boys starts making rather vulgar comments, and-
“Oi,” you call from the front. “Will y’quit havin’ fantasies about my girlfriend?”
All of their eyes snap to you. “W-what, chief?”
“Stop thinking about my girlfriend like that,” you tell them again. “Or we’s gonna have a bigger problem than some little candle fire.”
“She’s your girlfriend?”
“Yeah, she is,” you huff. “Melissa. She’s a Schemmenti, and she’s mine. So any thoughts you have or had about her, clear your brains out, or I’ll have your asses. Are we clear?”
“Yes, ma’am,” they all mutter, heads down. Some of their cheeks are red.
“Wait a minute,” one of the younger firemen catches on. “Is she the one who made the ziti you brought to our Christmas party last year?” You nod. “Do you think she could make it again? That shit was off the charts. But, uh... only if she’s got time. Don’t wanna pressure her.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” you laugh. “She’s been pretty busy lately, teaching two grades. But maybe I can convince her to bring a couple trays of food down for all youse.”
Unbeknownst to you, Melissa finds herself in the same situation as you while everyone is gathering their things to leave.
“That woman was... wow,” a few of the other teachers say, and Melissa hears. She takes a deep breath. They’re allowed to say you’re pretty- they don’t know you two are dating. They start to take it to the next degree, and the redhead’s face is almost as red as her hair. Still, she tries not to overreact. She promised you she wouldn’t be the reason Abbott burnt to the ground. And then one of the fifth grade teachers says something so filthy about you that-
“Barb! Lemme go!” Melissa tries to fight her way out of her best friend’s arms, and Gregory and Ava are also quick to hold your girlfriend back. “He’s gotta know he doesn’t got any reason to talk about a woman like that! Much less, my woman!”
She doesn’t even realize what she’s said- she has no idea that she’s admitted to dating you. But everyone else heard her. They all freeze, all except Barb. Barb continues to try to hold Melissa back.
“Woah!” the fifth grade teacher surrenders. He puts his hands up, terrified of the redhead right now. “She’s your girlfriend?”
“She is, and you don’t get to think about her that way, much less speak about her like that,” Melissa grits out. “You even think about her again, and I swear to God, my foot will be so far up your-”
“Melissa!” the kindergarten teacher scolds.
She fixes her shirt as she huffs and pulls away. She storms out of the room, only to be followed by her usual crew.
“So... you’re dating the firechief?” Gregory asks as they exit the building. At Melissa’s nod, he says quietly, “That’s pretty cool. No wonder you know so much about the trucks.”
“Nah, I knew all that before I met Y/N. She just happened to be a firefighter when we met. Been promoted since, obviously.”
“That’s really nice, Melissa!” Janine grins. “So, when do we get to meet her?”
“Y’already met her,” the second grade teacher rolls her eyes and starts to head for her car.
“No, but like... really meet her?”
“We’re busy that day,” Melissa tells Janine. 
“I- I didn’t even give you a day,” the younger teacher looks hurt. 
“Regardless,” the redhead sighs. “She’s pretty busy. I’ll talk to her tonight when she gets home and see what we can-”
“You two live together?!” Jacob exclaims. 
“Have been,” your girlfriend snorts. “It ain’t news.”
“This is news to us though, Melissa!” Barbara chides her friend. “Even I didn’t know about Y/N! You pulled a Jacob on us!”
“Like I told you before, Barb, youse never asked. I’ll talk to her tonight and see if there’s a day we can have you all over, okay? Ya happy?”
“Delighted,” the kindergarten teacher smiles. “Alright, I have to get home to Gerald, but I will see all of you tomorrow.”
The rest of your day is rather uneventful, and the end of your shift couldn’t come soon enough. You know Melissa was all worked up seeing you in your uniform and having to be a hardass- something entirely different from what she sees at home. 
“Alright boys, I’m heading out for the day,” you tell your subordinates. “Don’t do anything where I would need to be called back in.”
As you’re just about to close the door, one of the men calls your name out. “Don’t forget to ask your woman if she’ll make us her ziti.”
When you walk into your house, Melissa is curled up on the couch, a glass of wine in hand. Her glasses are on the tip of her nose as she grades some of their writing.
“Hey, babe,” you smile as you make your way over, leaning down to kiss her. She tastes like wine, and it makes your head spin.
“Hey, yourself,” she says as her attention is back on her papers. Although she has changed her position so you can sit with her. “Your food is in the microwave, and your glass of wine is in the fridge.”
“Thanks,” you grin tiredly as you head to grab your food and drink. By the time you settle on the couch with Melissa, she’s already put her papers away.
“You didn’t have to put those away,” you tell her as you dig in. Funnily enough, you’re eating ziti tonight.
“I can grade during my prep tomorrow,” the teacher waves you off. “I just wanna look at you right now. Talk to you.”
Your heart practically melts. “Well, I pretty much know how your day went,” you tease her. “Harassed the firefighters all day to play on their truck. Anything interesting happen after I left? Is Barb okay?”
“Barb is fine,” Melissa assures you. She almost tells you that she told her coworkers about the two of you. But she doesn’t. “Did anything else happen after you left today?”
“Nothin that I had to go out for,” you tell her. “Although, the boys and I did have a pretty serious chat today.”
“Oh?” You can see her interest is piqued. “About new equipment?”
“About how they needed to stop thirsting over my girlfriend,” you say smugly. 
Her eyebrows shoot up. “Oh?” she breaks out into a grin. “I still got it.”
“You do,” you chuckle quietly as you lean into her. “And after I made it very clear that you were mine, and I’d have their asses if they made another vulgar comment about you... Jake, one of the newer kids, very sweetly asked if you could consider making another tray of ziti for them. I guess that reminded them all how much they loved your ziti because Vince mentioned it again on my way out.”
“Just take some of the leftovers in with you tomorrow,” your girlfriend laughs. “I’ll make another tray over the weekend too.”
“They’re all gonna be trying to steal you from me even more now,” you playfully pout. 
“‘N I’ll tell ‘em I only got eyes for my girl,” Melissa says sweetly as she presses a kiss to your temple. “For the fire chief. That I don’t go for the regular firefighters.”
“Should I remind you we started dating when I was just a ‘regular firefighter’?”
“But now you’re a firechief, and I won’t settle for less,” she grins. Then she gets the courage to tell you what she wanted to tell you earlier. “I guess we had a pretty similar conversation with our coworkers today about each other.”
You furrow your brows.
“One of the fifth grade teachers saw you today and was saying the filthiest things about what he would do to you if he could, and I almost lit his car on fire,” Melissa tells you.
“I told you I don’t want you committing arson for me,” you tease her. 
“Barb held me back, and I told the guy, I says, ‘you don’t get to think about her that way, much less speak about her like that,’ and then I told him if he did, my foot would be so far up his-” the redhead shakes her head. “That’s besides the point.”
You roll your eyes fondly. Of course she threatened the guy. “So everyone knows now.”
“Janine is already asking when they get to meet you,” Melissa sighs dramatically. “I told them we would find a day, but I also told her we’re always busy, so there’s really no pressure, hon.”
“I think it might be interesting to finally meet all of these people I’ve heard so much about,” you tell her. “We could have them over for a barbecue on Saturday?”
“That’s so soon though,” she grumbles. “And I just told you I would make a tray of ziti this weekend for your guys.”
“I think it would be nice, babe,” you try to convince her. “You can make the ziti Sunday, and- hopefully- it’s too last minute for some of them, so you’ll just end up with me and Barb anyway.”
“Okay, okay,” she says after a few beats. “I’ll tell ‘em tomorrow at lunch.”
Of course, they all show up to your house on Saturday. Of course they do. They’re thrilled to meet the woman who finally took Melissa Schemmenti off the market. 
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meespresso14 · 29 days
Warnings: mentions of nausea, vomiting, and pregnancy.
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“Hey babe, I’ve got to go.”, Luca’s voice, your fiancé who belonged to SWAT’s voice rang out. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”
He came in the bedroom, looking at you in bed. You knew you looked terrible—pale as a ghost, sweaty, and wiping the tears from your eyes. 
“Yes, I’ll be fine. Go to work. And don’t worry about me.”, you sniffled.
Luca’s face wore concern as he touched the door way. “I’ll always worry about you.”
“Not during a mission. Nope. You know the rules.”
“That was when we first started dating and I wasn’t sure things were going to get serious.” 
You rolled your eyes easily, sitting up in bed but instantly feeling so sick that you had to immediately lay back down. 
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”, you groaned.
Luca came over to the bed, siting on the edge. He sat on his empty side of the bed. You weren’t going to lie—it wasn’t so bad when he left for work some days and you could have the entire bed to yourself and sleep in. But today wasn’t shaping up to be a great day. You had already called your boss, letting them know you wouldn’t be in today. This had been going on for a few mornings but you were sure there was something going around.
He brushed through your hair easily. “I just hate leaving you when you’re feeling bad.”
“I know. But I’m a big girl, I can handle myself.”
Luca rolled his eyes, scoffing playfully. “Fine. Mrs. Independent. But if you need anyone—Annie’s number’s on the fridge.”
“Also have it in my phone.”, you smirked at him, shaking it lightly. 
Luca smirked back. “I love you. I’ll see you tonight. Unless it’s an all night job.”
“Okay, honey. Be careful. I love you too.”
He kissed your head, brushing through your hair again. “Get some rest.”
“I’ll try.”
Back at SWAT headquarters, Luca was in the locker room. The assignment was already given by Hondo. Most of the team had already finished getting ready minus Deacon.
“Hey Luca. How’s Y/N?”
Luca looked up at him. “Not so great. She had a really rough morning. Woke up—said she felt dizzy, nausea, vomiting. This is like the third day in a row. She couldn’t hardly keep water down, man.”
Deacon’s eyes widened before he stifled a small laugh. “Dude.”
“Ever think she could be having morning sickness?”
“Morning sickness?”, Luca repeated.
“Yeah—as in she’s pregnant.”
Luca scoffed playfully before resolving in laughter. “No way man.”
Deacon shrugged his shoulders lightly before smirking at Luca whilst leaning against his locker. “Just saying—Annie and I have been through this four times already.”
Luca rolled his eyes. “Well, we aren’t trying.”
“Don’t have to be.”
“She wants to get married first. I respect that, Deac.”
Deacon smirked easily before patting Luca on the shoulder. “Alright, Luca. Let’s get ready to head out.”
Luca nodded, his smile fading softly. What if Deacon was right? He swallowed hard, thinking about the possibility. He wanted nothing more than to have his own family. But he knew that there were steps you wanted to take first. There had been many women in and out of his life but none of them understood that SWAT came first. You did—and it blew his mind. You understood when he was late coming home—sometimes never coming home until the next morning just as you were getting up and getting ready for work.
You’d never admit to Luca that on the nights he didn’t come home, you barely slept. You worried about him. But you knew this would be part of your life as long as you were with him—and you wanted that to be forever. Luca shook his head, trying to get the thought away. At least just during the mission.
Back at home, you finally trudged your way into the living room. You barely made it to the couch, that queasy feeling never quite leaving. You laid down, a sigh of relief finally escaping you as you turned on the television and began watching one of your favorite reality shows. 90 Day Fiancé. It was almost comical how in love these people seemed to be, giving themselves ninety days to get married in. It was something you could never do. 
After being emerged in your show, you heard a knock on the door. You debated not answering it. Whatever it was, it could wait. But you all didn’t live in the best part of LA. But it was up and coming. Another couple of knocks came to the door and you sighed, lifting yourself off the couch painfully slow.
“Coming.”, you barely got out. 
Standing up only made you feel worse, that queasy feeling intensifying. It was miserable. Quickly, you opened the door to reveal none other than Annie Kay.
“Annie.”, you smiled even through the sickness. 
“Y/N. How are you feeling?”
She took you in a hug and you prayed she wouldn’t squeeze too tight. That might be the thing that sent you over the edge. 
“Uh okay—just really nauseous.”
“Oh my gosh—come on, let’s get you to the couch. You look a little green around the gills.”
“I am.”, you sighed as she ushered you over to the couch. “Did Luca send you?”
“Well, not exactly. Deacon had said you weren’t feeling well and I thought I’d run by and check in on you.”
She sat you down before laying her purse in the chair across the couch. “Lay back.”
You didn’t argue with her suggestion considering you felt like you could throw up at any given second. 
“How long has this been going on?”
“A couple of days.”
“Have you eaten anything and kept it down?” 
“Not exactly.”
Annie’s lips curved in disapproval. “I’ll get a cool washcloth.”
You heard her move through the house, working her way to the bathroom and eventually finding the towel closet. You closed your eyes, praying that you wouldn’t throw up anymore. You were so sore from dry heaving. As you heard Annie approach, you opened your eyes softly. 
“Have you thought about going to the hospital?”
“No. Why waste valuable resources on someone who doesn’t need them? I’m sure it’s a virus or a stomach bug or something.”
Annie looked at you disapprovingly as she laid the washcloth on your forehead. “Because it could be something else going on.”
“Annie, you don’t have to do this. Aren’t your kids at home? They need you more than I do.”
“We’re family. We SWAT girlfriends, fiancees, wives have to stick together.”, she smirked. “We’ll always be here for you. Besides my mom is there with the kids right now. It’s fine.”
You smiled softly. Ever since Luca introduced you to Annie, you all had became quick friends. It was a no brainer considering your partners worked together. But it was nice to have someone around who understood how you felt—your worries, your fears, how much you loved the man that made you feel all of these things. Annie understood that a hundred percent and validated your feelings, letting you know they were normal. She recounted memories from when Deacon was a police officer before transitioning to SWAT.
SWAT only intensified her worry but she knew it was his passion—it was something he loved. And Luca was no different—considering he grew up around his father and grandfather. There was no talking him out of trying out for SWAT. 
“Thanks. It means a lot—oh crap. Annie, can you grab that small trash can? I think I’m going to be sick.”
Annie jumped off the couch, quickly grabbing the trash can and immediately handing it to you before she pulled your hair back. It was no time before you were back to your same morning routine—dry heaving. You began coughing lightly as Annie looked on sympathetically. She stroked your hair lightly as if she was trying to reassure you. Your eyes were full of tears and you could barely see as you rubbed them, hoping the torture was over. 
Sighing, Annie sat the trash can down on the floor. “You didn’t have anything to really throw up.”
“I know.”, you sighed. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“Don’t worry, I have four kids. I’m used to a little vomit.”, she smirked playfully before her voice deadpanned, turning slightly more serious. “I really think you need to get checked out.”
“I’m fine.”
“Really, Annie—I am. I even feel better now. I’m gonna go try and shower.”
Annie watched from the sidelines as you threw your blanket back and swung your legs over the side of the couch, planting them firmly on the hardwood floor. You felt dizzy and light headed but decided to continue on your stubborn way and you were damn determined to get to the bathroom and take a quick shower regardless. 
“Are you sure you feel okay?”
“I’m fine.”, you repeated, being insistent. “Really.”
She backed off easily, realizing quickly that she wasn’t going to win this argument. She knew you were determined, driven in your own way, and slightly stubborn. It made sense why you and Luca were so good for another. You all balanced each other out in some ways. It took so much effort to put one foot in front of the other and you prayed Annie wasn’t noticing your struggle. You could feel her eyes on you but tried to ignore it.
The bedroom began to grow blurry as you cleared the door frame, barely closing the door. You had to steady yourself for a moment before continuing. At least you were alone now and Annie couldn’t see you struggling. Breathing a slight sigh of relief, you continued to the bathroom. Things seemed to go from bad to worse, vision blurring further to the point you could barely make out the shapes of the shower, sink, and toilet. Your body began to sway, eyes closing and everything faded to black.
The mission was getting hot and heavy, the SWAT team coming upon the house with hostages inside. That’s when Cortez radioed Hondo.
“This is Captain Cortez to 20 David.”
“This is 20 David.”
“Is there any way Luca can be pulled out safely without compromising the team or mission?”
“Negative, Captain. Not right now. Is something wrong?”
Cortez sighed before responding. “Annie is on her way to the hospital with Y/N. She passed out at home. Just get him out as soon as you can.”
“I will.”, Hondo promised.
Hondo sighed as he ended the radio conversation, refocusing his attention to the matter at hand. Watching Luca spring into action while having no clue what was going on behind the scenes was gut wrenching. He could only imagine how Luca’s reaction would be when he told him but right now he didn’t have time to think about that. There are things that needed to happen before he could do that. As long as things went smoothly, this would end soon and he could tell Luca about what was going on with you. 
The team worked like a well oiled machine, staying in the zone. It wasn’t the first time they had been in a similar situation. Everyone knew their role and the knew it well. Hondo gave gentle orders, they followed. It was that simple. The moment of truth came, the moment they had been waiting for. Chris had a clear shot and was able to subdue the target. So far, things were successful. Hondo hoped they stayed that way. He knew he needed to pull Luca as soon as he could.
Besides his parents, you were the only other person he was so close to. Hondo could tell how much he loved you—how much he cared about you. No other woman had made it this far with Luca so he knew you were special. There was something about you. He could remember when Luca had a little more pep in his step. Hondo knew in that moment there was another woman. After the team teased and prodded at him to gain some information, they didn’t think it would last.
Luca didn’t have a good track record with women or relationships. So when things went the opposite way and Luca brought you to meet the team, they knew things were different. He seemed serious about you. That was even before the proposal. It seemed like yesterday when Luca was acting weird—getting prompted by the team about what was going on. They all feared trouble in paradise. But they were so far off from what was really going on. 
He sighed, finally telling them that he planned on proposing to you—that night. He asked them if they thought it was too soon or if you’d say yes. He got a few teasing answers but in all seriousness, everyone agreed that you’d be over the moon. That was one of the best days of your life. After watching the news all day and worrying about Luca, you were finally glad to see him that night. It was supposed to be dinner at a restaurant on the beach and then a walk on the beach. 
He might have been late but he had a good excuse. He expected you to be angry but you understood why he was late. In that moment, you proved even further why he should marry you. You were the only woman who understood SWAT came first. It was a sacrifice you were willing to make if that meant being with Luca for the rest of your life. 
You could hear all the sounds around you—people talking and moving around you. A familiar voice was one you picked up on—Annie. Slowly, you opened your eyes, everything coming into view. It was a white room, a sterile smell up in your nose. Were you at the hospital?
“Y/N?”, Annie touched your arm gently. 
Turning to look at her, she finally came into view after you blinked a couple of times. 
“What happened?”
“You passed out in the bathroom. I brought you here immediately. Your blood pressure was low, they did some blood work. The doctor should be in shortly.”
“I’ll get him.”, the nurse spoke up.
“Did you call for Luca?”
“I did. Jessica said she would get Luca out as soon as she could.”
You smirked. “SWAT comes first.”
Annie smirked back. “It’s part of this life, isn’t it?”
“It is. Thank you, Annie.”
“You’re welcome.”
Interrupting the heartfelt conversation, the sound of the curtain sliding back and the doctor entering the room got your all’s attention.
“Miss L/N?”
“I’m Doctor Owens. I’m treating you today and I’d like to go over a few things with you since you’re awake now.”
You nodded.
He continued. “Is your husband on his way?”
“Fiancé and as soon as he can. He’s a police officer—well, he’s on SWAT.”
“One of LA’s finest.” 
You smiled, instantly thinking about him and nodded lightly. Annie smiled at you sympathetically and you felt like she already had an idea of what was going on. You fiddled with the hem of your blanket lightly. 
“Your blood pressure was low when you arrived. We did some blood work and determined that your iron levels were also low. Also, you had an abnormal result in your blood work.”, he smiled.
Why was he smiling?
“What’s going on?”, you asked easily.
Annie squeezed your arm reassuringly. 
“You’re pregnant. Congratulations.”, the doctor smiled. “Your HCG levels are perfect. Your iron and blood pressure were low from early pregnancy. We just need your consent to give you some iron infusions before you leave. We might keep you overnight, just observe you.”
“Pregnant?”, you repeated, feeling like the wind had been taken out of your sails.
The doctor nodded. “Around four weeks. Still early but everything looks great. I’ll be happy to go over the results once your fiancé arrives.”
You nodded softly, swallowing hard. The doctor disappeared behind the curtain and you instantly began to feel overwhelmed. 
“I can’t believe this.”, Annie smiled. “Luca is going to be over the moon—oh, he’ll be so thrilled.”, she smiled.
“Are you sure?”, you laughed nervously and she could tell you were worried.
“I’m sure—he’s always wanted his own family.”
You began to feel a little numb, like you were disassociating slightly. It felt like a dream—but you weren’t sure if it was going to have a happy ending. You could only hope Luca would take the news well. You’d find out soon enough. 
If anyone has any requests, send them my way.
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smooth-perceval · 10 months
“My love, my life”
“If I had someone like you”
Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader
Max Corner
Summary: [Max and reader crossed the line in their 3 year friendship, resulting in 2 positive pregnancy test. And 1 baby on the way.]
Max makes amends for his wrong ways, reader forgives him, Max’s declares some very crazy things- however reader has something crazier that he doesn’t take too kindly.
Warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, soft max, angry max, fake relationship, mentions of J.Verstappen, Google translate, NO PROOF READ!! , maybe reader being a dick?
Key: Y/N (Your name) Y/N/N (Your Nickname)
Word count: 4,137
Inspo: It hurts me- Elvis Presley (Song)
A/N: So a month later and we have this, please enjoy! I need to get me a Max. I’m sorry it’s terrible I just had such readers block- and yeah there’s no excuse for it being bad.
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Well of course Max and Kelly was the talk of the weekend. Some pleased they was back together, others not so much… myself included- mine was out of pure jealousy.
I avoided Max like the plague, hid in the most random spots to avoid any contact with him-
The second most spoke about during the weekend was me and Lando, people pining us together. I love Lando dearly, and he loves me- but strictly platonic, even the thought of anything more makes me cringe.
Every so often he would bring the conversation up of moving back to London. And I would just brush it under the carpet, I wouldn’t lie and say I haven’t look at the odd apartments near home, or even considered moving back in with mum and dad, it just seems kind of the best thing for me and the baby- I have nobody at home expect Lando, and used to be Max…
“Y/N?” Glancing up like a deer in headlights I turned my head to Lando confused-
“Sorry, did you say something…” with and apologetic smile, I nervously picked at the pleats in my dress, looking back down at my lap.
“I said we’re about ten minutes away from your mum and dads”
“Oh- I can’t wait to see them.” Sighing I rested my head back in a bliss.
“Me neither it’s been a while-” laughing a little Lando turned a corner onto a familiar street. My childhood home standing bright and proud.
“Is it weird I’m nervous to see them again…”
“Of course not.”
Humming, Lando pulled up at the side of the road. And as if both thinking the same thing we glanced around at the many cars parked around nearby.
“Well if they’re throwing you a surprise welcome home party. It’s not much of a surprise.” In unison we both glanced at each other breaking out into a fit of giggles.
“Let’s go act surprised” rolling my eyes playfully we both got out the car creeping up the drive and knocking the door.
And within seconds it swung open revealing my mum, dad rushing down the hall in a hurry.
“There’s our little girl!” Smiling wide, I stepped indoors embracing them both tight.
“I have missed you both so much.” And just like that relief washes all over me, the calmness your parents can bring is a different kind. And I cannot wait to be able to give the same to my baby.
“And Lando! It’s been a minute!” Turning in their arms, reaching out and dragging him in.
“Your daughter has kept me miles away.” Another round of laughter rang out.
“Not the fact you’ve been playing cars all around the world kid” patting his back my dad swung his car over his shoulders dragging down the hall and out into the garden.
Mum turned around back to me smiling wide. “How’s the baby?” Her hands come up clutching my stomach.
“Oh well- they’re fine, a few more weeks and we should know the gender!” My face hurt from smiling so much. “Is dad okay?”
“Yes, honey- you know what his like he won’t tell you how excited he is.” Nodding my head as she waved it off.
“Come your dad got the barbecue out!”
“This is his way of showing his love? Cause he knows I love a barbecue-”Stepping out onto the patio, a loud cheer erupted, glancing up I laughed covering my face, and praying I looked surprised- I mean it still was a surprise the amount of family and friends here.
“Welcome home darling!” One at a time each family and friend greeted me some still doing their rounds on Lando.
Mum was right the barbecue was going, dad and my two uncles standing around it chatting, all three nursing a beer.
Truthfully I was in a bliss. I felt at ease- like once again the world was lifted off my shoulders- I could breathe without a care in the world.
That’s when it was decided for me… moving back home would benefit us. I had family here. The baby’s family is here- Max has no say in the baby’s choice all the time his playing stupid hot and cold- who have I really got back in Monaco? Just Lando now- just him and that’s the scary party, because even at times there’s no Lando.
“Y/N/N!!” Turning around to my mothers call, she gestured me over, excusing myself through the crowd I took her hand as she pulled me the last length.
“I think this is the first time his ever been late.”
“Who?” Looking up at the back door, on the patio, there he stood as always. Making the most grandest of entrances. Always, always showing up unexpectedly- And once again popping that little balloon of happiness.
“Why is he here?” All the colour drained from my face, replaced with a bright red- rage fuelling within me- with a hint of sadness and embarrassment.
“He is your friend right? Or do we class him family how long you’ve known each other- I know you see him more often than us lot but still.”
Creeping down the steps my dad was quick to greet him along with other family members, Lando giving him a curt nod of acknowledgment, then turning his head to me in shock. Mouthing a quick “you ok?”
“Max, how are you honey?” Pulling him into an embrace, his eyes landed on mine.
“I’m okay, how have you been?” Rubbing her shoulders they both pulled away from on another.
Taking him in- he looked rough, his eyes were dull, complimented with nice bags underneath clearly from a lack of sleep, he still tried and made himself look presentable his hair styled back, though a loose strand fell out onto his forehead- yet he wore it well. His smile didn’t really quite reach his eyes like he was holding back or had no energy to do so- and yet despite seeming so frazzled he looked so good. And I hate that.
“I’m good! I’m going to be a grandmother! As you know-” giggling happily turning back towards me, her hand reaching up to my arm in a comforting way.
“I know- I’m very excited!” Smiling shyly he rubbed his forearm, taking a quick glance at me again.
“I’m thinking it’s going to be a girl.” She started rubbing my belly once again, my eyes were only focused on Max, I couldn’t get any words out. “You know what I’m like Max, some say I’m a witch for how correct I am with these things!”
“Either way, longs their healthy right”
“Either way, I think you and Lando would force them into racing!” Nudging his arm Max laughed a little.
“Well they’ve got Verstappen blood, I doubt we would have to force them that much.”
My eyes grew wide as I stared at Max, before looking at my mum. Then back at Max. Then back to mum.
“Verstappen blood?” Confused my mum glanced between us both, all three of us looking at one another in turns.
“Why your bl-” pausing- her finger pointed at us both, her eyes growing wider by the second, a gasp falling from her.
“Your the fath-”
“Shhhhh!” Cutting her off, I waved my hands infront of her.
“You haven’t told your parents…?” Mumbling quietly max lowered his head slightly.
“Have you told yours?” Now back glaring at Max. He slowly nodded his head.
“That’s what I’ve been needing to talk to you about.” Sheepishly he looked down at the small gift bag in his hands. Taking a deep breath, trying to calm myself I turned back to my mother holding her hands.
“Mum please- don’t tell anyone okay. Not until I’m ready…”
“What about your father?”
“I’ll tell him later. I promise…” Pausing I looked back at Max. “You.” Jabbing my finger into his chest. “Indoors now.” Picking my dress up slightly I hurried indoors trying not to draw so much attention, or give off that I’m absolutely raging inside-
Once in the kitchen, I looked back at max standing over the other side of the table who was wearing a small genuine smile.
“That wasn’t funny at all Max. So wipe that smile off your face”
“Just happy to see you again…” he placed the gift bag onto the table.
“Cut the crap. And just talk.”
Raising his hands in defence he pulled a chair out for me to sit before sitting down himself.
“How have you been?”
I think if looks could kill, Max would’ve been killed roughly 33 times.
“How have I been?”
“You know, in general… the pregnancy- how’s the baby been?” The tension grew as his sentences become frantic and rushed.
Kinda cute him being nervou- No Y/N his not cute. His a dick.
Clearing his throat he put his hands up once again in surrender.
“I’ve wanted to talk to you since, well after we was at yours…” raising his eyebrows, trying to hint at the last night we shared. Staring at him for a few moments, I then slid into the chair he pulled out, finally accepting the conversation. Truthfully a part of me just wanted to be in his presence, is it bad of me for enjoying being the centre of his attention… maybe.
“Then why didn’t you?” Crossing my arms over my chest I leant back into the chair.
“Well- so as I said, I told my parents… my mum was-” my heart skipped a beat or two, praying that the response was all good- kinda hoping they was excited it’ll make this whole thing easier- “There’s no words I think she cried for about an hour, she like jumped on me!” Chuckling a little at the memory a smile still playing on his lips. “My dad however… not so much.” And just like that the smile was gone, and my heart dropped- one out of two.
“He said a baby out of wedlock wasn’t something he wanted of me, told me to keep it a secret… kinda filled my head with crap and made me believe I shouldn’t do this… or I couldn’t do this like, be a dad- and that’s where Kelly comes into this.”
I hated her name rolling of his tongue, I would’ve rather had a drop of poison. The jealousy churned my stomach.
“It’s fake- all of it with us… I mean I know it’s fake, I think she is getting a little to comfortable.” Fiddling with his hand infront of him he looked up at me.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner… my dad had told me I needed to cut contact with you… that it’ll be easier- that way, just like move on and I kinda believed him- I thought I wasn’t good enough to be a dad, yet being around my nephews- makes me want a baby even more, and that’s when I realised the mistake I made… if you don’t forgive me I understand, I wouldn’t either. But I really hope you can find it in your heart somewhere to… or even just let me be apart of our baby’s life- I want to be a dad, so fucking much, I feel like it’s meant for me” truthfully he tugged at my heart strings, maybe it’s the hormones… but could I really forgive him that easy? Life’s been hell-
“Why didn’t you just call?…”
“Someone blocked you and I couldn’t figure out how to undo the block!!” Frustrated he pulled his phone out. And as angry as I once was- nothing could beat the smile slowly forming at his stupidity. Who doesn’t know how to unblock someone?!
“Please show me how it’s been driving me insane- I even searched up online but I couldn’t figure it out!” sliding his phone across the table. I looked up at him taking in his face once again... and just like always he was again forgiven.
“You swear you want this Max?” Biting my lips I picked at my dress once again, praying he says the words I want to hear.
Looking up from his phone, scrambling his hands over the table he quickly reached over holding onto my hand with both of his.
“More than anything in the world. I promise” his eyes spoke of pure genuine.
“This is the last time I forgive you. I swear on this Max- the last time” Squeezing his hand I stood up from the table making my way back to the garden.
“Y/N? The gift-” Max was following behind holding the bag out. Glancing down at it then back up at him I took it gingerly.
Pulling out a wrapped box from inside the bag, a small ribbon tied around in both pink and blue. Max took the bag placing it onto the table before taking the box from my hands holding it for me to pull the lid off.
Inside was a beautiful crystal set, of three bears- engrave on them was my name on one, max name on another and the baby bear still empty.
“Once we have a name I can go get it engraved on there-”
“Thank you Max.” Gulping, I felt my cheeks warm- how can something like three little bears make me well up so quickly. Closing the box back up I took it from his hands hugging it close to my chest. “It’s beautiful- thank you.”
“I think your beautiful…” his hand reached up brushing a strand of hair out my face…
“I’m sorry for everything.”
“We will see-” stepping back from his touch squeezing the box a little tighter.
“Also get Lando to look at your phone, I’m sure you both need a catch-up.” Smiling a little, reaching out and rubbing his arm gently, he nodded in response.
“I’ll prove myself- honest.” Stepping around me he headed out into garden, possibly going to find Lando.
Placing the box on the table I took a few deep breaths. One parent happy another not- my mum just found out who the dad is, my father doesn’t have a clue… Max is back, and his not technically single-
And me- I want to scream, I so wanted ti hate Max, but how can I? I don’t think I ever can hate him that’s the truth.
“Darling, you okay?” Turning around there my mum stood in the doorway smiling softly. And that was all that was needed for me to let the tears go.
“No-” I felt my lip start to tremble as she rushed in shutting the door behind her.
“Oh honey, sit down-” smiling sadly I took a seat once again, my mum pulling a chair around and in front of me.
“Talk to me-”
Taking a few deep breaths, I straightened my back, “where do I start-” we both giggled leaning into each other.
“You and Max? That’s a start-”
“Well if you mean what happened, we was both drunk mum, it really was a mistake- that happened twice” looking around awkwardly avoiding her wide eyes, “Max has been a bit difficult, his been a bit of a no show- and then after the second night we spent together- he completely cut me out, and seeing him today has been the first time in a while and well… as you know I didn’t want to see him.” Pausing I looked back at mum, “but I’m glad you did now because I found out the truth- his dads not happy were having a baby out of marriage. His mums happy- but his dad has basically forced a relationship onto him and told him to basically leave me and this baby- and Max believed it at first and he is saying now he realises that he wants to be a dad.” Huffing out a breath, I smiled finally wiping my face.
“And ontop of it all- I don’t know what to do- but I got this thing to figure out and it’s either for the better or, it’s failed, you know…”
“Well, that’s a lot to take in…” smiling she brushed my hair out my face, just like Max done not longer than five minutes ago. “Well, I’m pleased to know who the dad is, I’m glad it’s someone like Max even though his been acting silly… he is a sweet boy. And he deserves this family you are both creating.” Squeezing my hand reassuringly she continued. “But make it his last chance-”
“Mum- I don’t know if the other problem is going to ruin that whole family dynamic.”
“Honey, your a family for a reason, families are there for each other no matter what.” Standing up she rubbed my shoulders.
“Did you want to talk about your other problem?”
“No no, I think we have sort of covered it…” waving her off I stood up also.
“We better head out honey, hopefully everyone will start leaving-”
Smiling at each other, we linked arms heading back out into the garden.
And as if summoned Max was at my side, staying true to his word of proving himself.
“I got you a drink.” Holding the glass out to me, i accepted it smiling a little. “Thank you-”
My mum leant through and gave Max a tight hug whispering in his ear- whatever she said made him smile, a cute shy smile-
“Thank you.” Pulling back from each other, mum excusing herself.
“Did you want any food?” Both looking over at the barbecue, my stomach churned.
“No I feel like being sick…” laughing a little I sipped at my drink trying to hold down any sickness.
“Need me to get you anything?-” wide eyes he rubbed my shoulder gently. “Max, relax- your making me feel even more sick with all the questions.” Smiling a little, I moved past him going to sit down.
And within seconds him and Lando was both sitting down either side of me.
“So when you telling your dad?”
“What?” Looking over at Lando then over to Max.
“Well Max said your parents didn’t know and now your mum knows so when you telling your dad.
“Later.” Looking over at my dad I sighed, waving my hand infront of my face.
“You okay?” Max asked once again.
“I’m fine- just a little hot.” Max started waving his hand also in front of me.
“Why don’t we go indoors?”
“I’m fine.” Drinking my drink once again it was now Lando’s turn to pipe in.
“If you feel hot maybe we should sit in the shade?”
“I need 5 minutes.” Standing up I rushed off away from them both. And straight to my dad.
“You want some food darling?” My dad smiled at me hand resting on my arm.
There was bare to none food left, everyone had got there quickly. And just as quickly I shook my head.
“Dad can everyone go now-” swallowing I looked around at everyone- I don’t know when but at some point it got too much. The heat, the sickness, the problem. All of it.
“Err, sure honey.” His head darted around as he found a spot to put his beer down, and one by one, people started migrating out, giving me waves from a distance and a smile.
I was grateful, my dad really served- I felt guilty ending the day short but I just wanted a moments peace… and once everyone was gone and everywhere was cleaned up.
Well I say everyone gone- Max and Lando both defused leaving, sitting back down on the outside furniture and engaging in more conversation.
With them distracted I went down into the garden a little more, sitting at the little table and chair there. Under a tree with a lovely breeze blowing through and calming me. I was at peace.
My hand subconsciously rested onto my stomach, and the thought of knowing my baby was there, calmed me even more.
“Hey…” awaking me I glanced over my should at Max.
“Can I sit?” Nodding over the chair, I nodded along clearing my throat.
“Sorry about kicking everyone out early.”
“Why you apologising?” Tutting and shaking his head, he sat down across the small rounded table.
“Just feel bad…”
“Don’t even begin to feel bad-”
“I already do-” laughing a little I leant towards the table, or more towards Max… the table definitely the table.
“How you feeling now?”
“A lot better…” pausing I looked down at my hands, fiddling with them.
“I need to speak to you about something…” looking back up at Max, his eyes were already on me as he nodded.
“I need to tell you something too-” smiling a little, I nodded my head.
“Okay well I’ll start-“
“Y/N I love you, not just as a friend or best friend- I think I genuinely love you.” I watched as he swallowed hard, my heart pounded, begging to be released and handed to him to look after.
“I’m moving back here-” I don’t know why- I could’ve said I love you back or, thank you- but no I chose to potentially ruin any moment we was about to have, his face hadn’t changed- I had no idea if he even heard me- he was like frozen in place.
“So let me get this straight. I tell you I love you- And your telling me you’re going to move across country, take my baby with you, and be hours away from me? When I’m trying to make emends for the things I’ve done.”
Nodding my head slowly, I chewed at my bottom lip.
“Right- so.” He paused turning away looking across the garden.
“Are you doing this out of spite of what I’ve done?”
“What? You seriously think it’s like that-”
“It’s how it seems.”
“No Max it’s not. Your never in Monaco, who is to say you’ll get 5 minutes when I go into labour or when the baby is here? My family are here at least I’ll have someone while your gone- do you understand that.”
Getting up from my chair I moved to stand in front of him, catching his attention.
“I have people here always… your never around. And you don’t realise how terrified I am to do this Max… I’m basically doing this alone and I’m so scared.” Once again the tears built up, rolling down my cheeks.
“I’m scared, what if I don’t know how to be a mum? And our baby won’t exactly have a dad around permanently- his in different countries all year round never home- what if this baby doesn’t feel loved enough Max? I’m so scared that this baby won’t realise how much it’s loved by us- it’s okay saying it but they need to be shown it-” letting out a sigh of relief, looking down at him I quickly wiped my face.
“So don’t judge me for helping our baby.” Max’s hands were covering his mouth, rubbing his face slowly, seeming like his staring past me. “I just feel like, every time I get close I’m really falling backwards…”
“Exactly how I’ve been feeling with you-” sniffling I wiped my face once again, Max finally sat up straight looking up at me.
“Let me help- atleast…” Max hands reached up taking mine and slowly pulling me closer, and like the sheep I was I followed along, now standing between his legs.
“I got it all covered…” lying through my teeth, Max already knowing- shaking his head. His hands slid to my hips, guiding me to perch onto his leg.
“Just let me take care of you-” it was like being in a trace, the way I just followed whatever Max done. “I’m okay…” it was like another comfort blanket, I curled up on top of Max, his arms around me securely, I knew he was still annoyed the heavy breathing gave it away. “Please stop fighting me… I want to try and accept this some way-”
“Okay…” sighing I closed my eyes, now finally accepting peace.
“I love you too max… always have.” Pausing once again, I leaned back looking up at him, “But you aren’t mine to have exactly…”
“Don’t- go there, I need to get my whole situation sorted, I just wish like-”
“Like what?”
“If I had someone like you- life would be a lot easier.”
“In a prefect world” laughing a little I rested my head back onto his chest. “I’m sorry”
“What did I tell you about apologising?”
“Not to do it…”
“Then don’t. It makes sense you being here, our baby ne-”
“Your baby?” Sitting up I turned around Max head basically snapped as he looked over.
And there stood dad.
“Well, I beat you to telling your parents.” Max mumbled guiding me off his lap, both standing in front of dad who stood there with two teas in hand. And a face like pure thunder…
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A/N: Okay, sooooo Max is forgiven once again!!! How we feeling about the reader back in the UK? Orrrrr do we have a moment we’re the reader if about to leave and Max changes her mind? Keeps her in Monaco? Hmmm, anyways I hope you enjoyed a sorry it’s been so long!
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footprintsinthesxnd · 5 months
The Angel of Easy
Mads!! I was so excited when Réka messaged me to be your Secret Santa pinch hitter. So here is a special little Nixon fic for my favourite fellow Lewis fangirl.
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Being one of the few female intelligence officers in the 101st was always going to be a slightly different experience. Despite her training as an SOE and working at Bletchley Circle nothing prepared her to be thrown into a company of men who drank, swore and fought like dogs but formed a group far stronger than any family could ever be. One of the men she warmed most to was Lewis Nixon. His endless sarcasm and witty humour had cemented him in Y/n’s heart and it didn’t take long for them to become firm friends and then something more.
“Do you have to go on that patrol? Can’t you just stay here with me?” Lewis whined, his head still buried under the bed covers as his near-naked frame lay sprawled across the bed.
Y/n laughed, lacing up her lump boots as the grown man rolled over to face her, his blurry eyes and sleepy smile tugging on her heartstrings and if she looked at him any longer she would climb right back into bed with him.
“You know I have to go. This is finally my chance to truly prove myself,” she retorted, this would be her first time on a patrol without Lewis and she intended to gain the respect of her fellow paratroopers.
“You’ve already proven yourself to me in many ways,” Lewis wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Y/n sighed, hitting him with the nearest pillow.
“I have to go, I’ll see you later. I love you,” Y/n called as the door slammed shut behind her.
“Love you too,” Lewis mumbled into the pillow, his mind drifting back into his sleepy state when he sat upright. Had she just said what he thought she had? And had he replied with the same answer?
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“You know Lieutenant, you’re not that bad after all,” Johnny Martin, nodded at her and she smiled in return. Johnny was a hard man to win over so this was the biggest compliment he could have given.
“Yeah, you’re alright Little Lady,” Bull chimed in, patting her on the back with his large hand.
“Well thanks, guys, I knew you’d like me eventually.”
The group continued to laugh as they followed the path back towards their camp when a loud crack from beside them caused them all to hit the deck. “FLASH?” Johnny shouted, his weapon raised. “Flash? Or we fire.” Was followed by a burst of machine gun fire. The firing above Y/n head caused her to freeze, she’d been through basic training just like the rest of them, she’d fired her weapon and she carried her M1 with her now, but something inside her would allow her to move. Her limbs lay frozen against the wet, muddy soil, her head pressed to the ground.
“Y/L/N GET UP!” Johnny grabbed her collar and shoved her against the nearest tree. “Y/l/n, you used that goddamn gun of yours. I don’t care if you are a Lieutenant or a fucking Major. I’m not losing any of my men because of you.” Johnny's voice was harsh, his usual snarl mixed with a desperation for her to follow his instructions.
Y/n nodded quickly, raising her M1 and firing around the edge of the tree. Johnny seemed satisfied with this and continued his way along the line to check in with the rest of his men. Y/n continued to fire, round after round, clip after clip, with only the image of Lewis in her mind to keep her grounded.
“I’m out of ammo,” she called down the line but the others were too preoccupied to hear her above the firing. Y/n did something she never thought she would do, she got up and ran. Time stood still as her legs carried her from behind the cover of her tree to the next tree, bullets whizzing past her.
“You alright Luz?” She asked, sliding down next to George who was trying to call through to Winters on his radio. George nodded to her and she grabbed his ammunition, loaded her weapon and started firing again.
The noise was deafening, nothing like practising on the ranges back at Toccoa.
“Y/L/N!” Johnny called, waving at her from the next tree down. “There’s a whole goddamn Panzer division coming from the south. We’ve gotta get outta here.”
Y/n nodded, motioning for him and the other men to head for cover further back from the line as she continued to fire. Johnny and Bull appeared by her side soon after.
“The others have retreated. I think we’ve hit their line. What’s your orders, Lieutenant? Johnny, Bull and George looked at her expectantly and Y/n felt the weight of the world on her shoulders.
“We hold them off for as long as we can, at least we can give the others a chance to pull back.” The men nodded at her, seemingly approving of her reply.
George continued to keep Winters and the battalion in the loop while the others continued to fire upon the inbound Panzer division. Mortar fire from Malarkey’s mortar squad littered the tree line in front of them and sporadic machine gun fire came in response.
“Winters says to pull back. The air force is bringing in air cover,” George shouted over the firing.
“Cease fire,” Y/n called, motioning for Johnny to head back first while supplying covering fire, then Bull and then George.
“What about you Lieutenant?” George asked, hiking his radio onto his back.
“I’ll be right behind you George, okay?” George nodded, keeping his head down and sprinting towards the cover of the tree line.
Now that she was alone Y/n wondered how she was meant to get herself out of this situation and without covering fire she was a sitting duck. They would have had her firing zeroed by now and mortars would surely start firing soon.
“Well, it’s not or never,” Y/n threw herself out from behind the tree, firing towards the German line as she retreated. Once the clip was empty she slung the weapon onto her back and turned tail, running towards George who was waving frantically at her.
“Y/N COME ON!” He screamed, grabbing her hand as she collapsed into him. “Christ Lieutenant, you’ve got a death wish,” he laughed, helping her up. Johnny nodded at her and Bull gave her his signature smile until their faces fell.
“Hey, what’s all the long faces for?” She laughed, “We just got out of there alive didn’t we?”
“Umm Y/n you might wanna sit down,” George caught her as her knees buckled beneath her. Johnny and Bull quickly moved in to help. Johnny pulled his aid kit out of his pocket, pressing a bandage firmly to the pool of blood at her side, before helping to lift her into Bull’s arms.
“Stay with us Little Lady,” Bull whispered as her heavy eyelids slid closed.
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“You know what they say, Dick,” Lewis sighed, rubbing his hand over his stubbly chin.
“What do they say, Lew?” Dick stretched his arms above his head, as he sat in the armchair beside him.
“Well sometimes, no matter how much you want it, some stories just don’t get a happy ending,” Lewis choked, the tears freely rolling down his cheeks again. He had cried so much in the last twenty-four hours that he wasn’t sure how he had any tears left to cry.
“She’ll pull through, Nix. She’s strong and she knows you are waiting for her. She’ll make it.” Dick patted Lewis on the back, raising from his chair and leaving Lewis to sit in his uncomfortable silence once more.
“Lewis?” Her voice was weak, her breaths shallow but her bright eyes watched him intently as he raised his weary head.
“Y/n? By God you’re awake. Oh thank God,” Lewis flung his arms around her neck, burying his head into her neck and crushing the air from her lungs. “Careful Lew, I’m a little sore,” Y/n whined, pushing Lewis gently to which he jumped away.
“I’m so sorry, Sweetheart. Are you alright?” Lewis sat back down in the armchair, his hand clutching desperately at hers.
“I’m a little sore,” she admitted, wincing as she tried to move.
Lewis jumped up again, “do you need me to get, Roe? Do you need some morphine?” Lewis' eyes were wild, searching her face for the unspoken answer.
“No. No, I'm alright. Just sore,” Y/n reassured him, reaching for his hand which Lewis took instantly.
“I was so worried I’d lost you,” Lewis admitted, his eyes full of tears but he couldn’t take his eyes off of her, too afraid that he’d blink and she’d be gone.
“I’m sorry I worried you, Lew. It was all going so well. I think I proved myself to them.”
Lewis chuckled, leaning forward to brush the hair that had fallen upon her face, “You, my love certainly did prove yourself. You are all the men of Easy can talk about. Hell, you’re the ‘Angel of Easy Company.”
Y/n laughed, “Well that’s something I suppose.”
“Just next time, maybe don’t get yourself killed over it alright? I don’t think I could go through that again,” Lewis looked at her poignantly and Y/n just smiled. Her fingers reached up, brushing her fingers over Lew’s cheek, cupping it gently.
“I promise, Lew. I won’t do it again but if I do at least I know I have you to come back to.”
Dick smiled from his spot in the doorway, he’d had a message from Colonel Sink but he couldn’t bear to interrupt this precious moment. Just for those few minutes, his friends were happy and that was all Dick could ask for.
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Tags: @georgieluz @iceman-kazansky @yeahcurrahhe-e @msmercury84 @blvestxr @dustyjumpwjngs @theflyingfin @jump-wings @kafka-ohdear @kmc1989 @mads-weasley @docroesmorphine @liptonsbabe @sweetxvanixlla @hesbuckcompton-baby @ronsparky @allthingsimagines @whollyjoly @bucky32557038ww2 @panzershrike-pretz @malarkgirlypop @hanniewinnix @inglourious-imagines @l13bg0tt @supervalcsi
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tojisun · 11 months
real enough to touch
atwow!jake sully x fem avatar reader
!! angst; there are references to a1; hinted age gap between jake and reader; use of "kid" as platonic pet name // 2.1k words
: based of this prompt; hope you guys would luv it <33; title from blue banisters - lana
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you watch as they gather their things, packing up whatever else they could hoist onto their ikrans without the beasts buckling underneath all the weight that they are not used to carrying. the sully’s are silent for a change, their lips pinched close, their eyes refusing to meet each other in an act of full avoidance, hoping that the silence would blanket their breaking hearts.
your hands twitch, muscle memory kicking in when jake stalked away and left the rest of his family for a short moment. neytiri finds your eyes, tipping her head to wherever jake headed and you send her a short nod before turning around to follow the trail that your friend left.
you find him standing before the opening of high camp, alone, his eyes looking far away and his mind lost in thought. not even your loud footfalls could coax him out so you wait, taking your space beside him, basking in the silence as you count down the minutes you have left with him.
“i’m sorry,” he says after a while, his voice thick and only then do you realize that he slipped into english – a pretence of privacy.
“you shouldn’t be,” you tell him, tipping your head up and smiling when you meet his already-waiting eyes. “i get it the most, you know?”
“i know,” he breathes. “i’d love nothin’ more than for you t’come… but the people, they need you more.”
“‘course. they’re still gon’ need the remaining warrior of the jarhead clan, now that y’r leavin’,” you tease, hoping to ease the tension.
he chuckles, shaking his head at your words. your heart stutters at the sound, the realization that this is the last you’ll ever hear from and see of jake has you biting the inside of your cheeks, willing yourself to not cry yet. not when he needs you – strong heart.
he licks his lips, parting them, hesitating, until he finally mutters, “thanks for always being with me: back in hell’s gate ‘till now.”
you roll your eyes at him this time, a huff of short laugh escaping your lips. “i promised, didn’t i?”
(“on me?” he asked, tall and blue and free. he stood beside neytiri, their eyes pleading, waiting, but hardened – if you were going to stand against them, then so be it.
but how could you ever? you would follow him to hell if he asked.
“always, corporal,” you replied, laughing as you shook your head, watching as your answer was rewarded with twin and fanged smiles.
yeah, you thought, i have no regrets.)
but that might have been the wrong thing to say; you watch as jake’s face falls, his body drooping along, making him look older than he is. he reaches out for you, patting your head the way you see him do with his kids – familial. platonic.
your heart bursts at seeing what you are to him. it is love, sure it is not in the way you want, but it is still love. jake’s love.
you shuffle to his side, patting him on the back. “i’m fine, jake.”
“i know y’are,” he says, his hand still resting on your head. “but i want you to live for y’rself, kid. y’ve always been here f’r me and now i want you to be here for y’rself.”
“and what exactly does living for myself mean?” your tone is jovial, light.
“…well, i see the way you are with my kids and i know you’ll be a great mother.”
his words strike you, your mind racing as you stare up at him with wide eyes. no.
“no,” you repeat out loud, chuckles spilling from your lips. “you- no. jake. i, uh, i don’t think i can.”
his brows crease, worry lining his face. “you can’t? why?”
“it’s not like i’ll like anyone else to the point of marriage and mating.” you shrug, hiding your wince with a cough, your tail coiling around your leg as you duck your head away, breaking eye contact.
he holds your arm, quiet, urging you to look at him again. you refuse, hoping he would not insist, not when it’s him.
“anyone else?” jake’s voice pierces through your silence and your lungs burn at hearing him repeat your slip up.
you clench your jaw, biting back anything that can clue him in because jake’s smart. no amount of augustine’s curt dismissal could say otherwise. hell, even spellman had begrudgingly admitted that there’s something good going on in jake’s head. ‘something’ that could easily bite your ass right now.
“oh,” he says. 
you shrug out of his hold, jake easily letting go of your arm, and you shuffle away, your back turned to him. you rub the back of your neck, chuckling, not minding the fact that you and him could hear just how fake it sounds.
“it’s nothing, jake. don’t. don’t worry about it.” you do not meet his eyes, ashamed of having your feelings unearthed, laid down at his feet for him to see.
he is quiet, unmoving, but you can feel his stare pinning you, tracking the way you shuffle or how you fiddle with your fingers to keep your eyes busy.
you wonder what he thinks, but fear seizes your heart, squeezing, filling you with pinpricks. you are afraid. afraid that if he does give word to what you have always avoided – his rejection, his apologies, his pity – then there’s no turning back. no bridge to salvage. and you would be left with nothing of jake, not even his friendship.
then, amidst your silence, jake finally speaks.
“since when?” he asks. his curiosity is gentle, kind, and you turn to look at him, seeing the beginnings of apologies shadowing his weary eyes.
another dismissal sits on your tongue, ready for you to just move past this because what good would it do to talk about things that could never be?
but how long have you been unkind to yourself? how long have you carried this love? before the war and even now at its return, was it not him who you fought for? was it not jake who gave you the strength to just be?
you feel him step close to you, close but not enough – it would never be enough. you study the contours of his face, every line and every freckle. eywa, he is so beautiful, your heart burns.
“that day before you were gon’ go scouting with augustine and spellman.” the words spill from your lips. “just after you caused so many issues by just running away once your first link was established.”
you laugh, heart easing up when you see jake’s lips tug up in a soft smile at the memory.
“i just finished unlinking from my own when you wheeled towards my open pod, grinning ear to ear, asking how it was. i told you it felt weird, in a good way, and you did this laugh. it was- it came from deep in your belly.” you lick your lips, ignoring the choked up feeling lodged in your throat.
“you were always so detached from everyone, keeping to yourself even on the days we were allowed to let loose and have fun, but it all changed that day. you looked so much happier, lighter. calmer, even. jake, you were – are – so beautiful. and i, well, you know.”
jake’s eyes gloss over like he can see the memory play out before his eyes. “that long?” his voice is vulnerable.
you take a moment, a quiet breath, then, “it’s always been you, jake.”
tears trickle from the corners of your eyes, spilling onto flushed cheeks. your heart caves as the last of your secrets are laid bare for him to see. the pieces fall from your palms and you know jake could never pick them up for you. you don’t even expect him to.
because this love that you carry is not meant to be reciprocated, you know that at least. not when jake’s heart has finally found its home in the loving arms of neytiri. because while you are in love with jake, you love neytiri just as strongly. and just how you will do anything to make jake happy, you will do just as much to protect neytiri’s joy.
“i’m sorry,” jake whispers, the simple words loaded with so much emotion. you look into his eyes, see the storm raging, and you laugh.
the giggles spill from your lips like your trickling tears – soft, unexpected, and surprising.
jake looks up, astonished and confused at your reaction. you shake your head at him, moving close, reaching to hold his wrists with your smaller hands.
“jake, i know,” you say, smiling up at him. “i’m not hurt or lamenting. i’ve had years to make do, and many more years to realize that us being friends – that’s just as good. i don’t need anything more from you jake. i’m happy as we are.”
jake studies you, his eyes tracking your tears and the soft smile gracing your lips, memorizing the white freckles on your face and the patterns running along your cheeks. he gazes into you, seeing, not for the first time, how much you mean to him and his heart calms. because despite the tears and the heartbreaking confession, jake sees the serenity lining your face, and that is all that he could wish for.
he twists his hands so that he is holding onto yours, your fingers tangled with his. amber eyes gaze at you, heavy with sincere care directed at you. you giggle, a heartbreaking hiccupped sound, as he draws you close and pulls you into an embrace.
the last one, you think to yourself, burrowing your head onto his chest. and then he’ll be gone.
“thank you,” jake murmurs, his voice muted from where it’s pressed onto your forehead. “i- i’m sorry for not noticing. for not realizing, but thank you. thank you for still being with me. for choosing me and the clan. for fighting for us. i wouldn’t have gone far without you so thank you, kid.”
you nod, no longer trusting your voice, your lips wobbling as you stifle a sob. his fingers run along your braids, tickling the base of your ears, before pressing a kiss on the top of your head. then, he is pulling away, his warm embrace leaving you for the cool air to caress.
time has slipped past your fingers, it seems, and now it’s time for him to go.
“take care, jake.” you hold his eyes, willing yourself to be strong in front of him for the last time.
he nods, unable to leave with a pretence of a smile amidst his own teary eyes. but that’s alright. he’s given you enough of his kindness and love to last you a lifetime.
you both return to the edge of the cliff, the clan watching as the sullys prepare to mount their ikrans. neytiri offers you a tight hug, her sobs pressed on the side of your face and you hold her with weak arms, crying as your sister takes her leave.
the children squeeze you as they hug you goodbye. tuk promises to tell you the stories of her journey and you do not tell her that they might not return to the clan anymore, not when jake’s doing this to protect them from the humans, so you nod and tell her that you will wait.
because you will. you will wait for their return. for your friend’s return.
jake meets your eyes once more, raising his hand and waving goodbye, and then they’re all gone.
the clan members return to their tents, quiet and solemn, but you stay at the edge of the cliff, watching as they go smaller and smaller, until they’re engulfed by the colours of the vast sky.
mo’at stands beside you. waiting. silent. then, “come, child. you no longer need to hide.”
your knees buckle as you turn to her, unable to stop yourself from hugging her as you sob, not minding the fact that she is the tsahik as you seek comfort in her embrace. your lungs burn at the weight of your sorrow, and she holds you close, her aged arms holding you up as you weep.
because now, truly, jake is gone. he has left you behind, unable to follow him.
you had been fine not being his beloved as long as he was in your life. but now, you have nothing of him. just memories of him – his ghost.
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television-overload · 2 months
of our own making
(an X-Files fanfic)
Chapter 2/34 - decaf coffee
[Read on AO3]
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In the next week, the topic of adoption doesn’t come up again, and she tries to put it out of her mind as much as possible. They wrap up their case, spending several dull hours working on their reports, and wait impatiently for something else to come across their desk, ideally something a little more intellectually stimulating than the last few duds they’ve worked.
The good thing about not having any cases, though, is that no one blinks twice when they take a long lunch here, or leave work a few minutes early at the end of the day there. A spontaneous mid-morning coffee break at their favorite cafe down the street gets them out of the building, enjoying a rare warm day in December.
On the way to the coffee shop, they walk side by side—as always—until Scully stops suddenly in the middle of the sidewalk.
“Oh, Mulder. Look,” she says sadly.
He follows her gaze to the other side of the street, where a little boy no older than four stands with frightened eyes, looking back and forth helplessly while busy businessmen and women in suits pass by without sparing him a glance.
Mulder checks for cars quickly before jogging across the street, giving Scully little warning before taking off. She follows behind, carefully dodging traffic as it approaches.
“Hey, buddy, you lost?” Mulder asks, approaching the boy and kneeling down to his height.
The boy nods, red-faced and eyes brimming with tears.
“That’s okay, we’ll help you get this figured out,” he says consolingly. “Are you here with your mom?”
“Uh huh,” the little boy answers shakily.
Mulder gives him a comforting pat on the shoulder, offering him a reassuring smile. “Alright, well let’s find her, yeah?”
“I’m Fox and this is Dana,” he says, nodding up at her. “We work for the FBI, do you know what that is?”
He shakes his head. “No.”
“Well, we’re kind of like cops.”
He sniffles.
“What’s your name, bud?”
The world slows to a halt, and Scully’s eyes widen.
It’s a common name. So common, in fact, that she can name at least six Williams, Wills, or Bills off the top of her head without hesitating. But that’s exactly the problem.
It’s a family name. Both her family, and Mulder’s.
Fox William Mulder.
“William? Hey, that’s my middle name!”
She won’t think about it. She won’t think about the way that she wanted to use that name, if they were lucky enough to succeed at in vitro fertilization. She won’t think of that little boy she pictured, or the man she hoped would stay and be his father.
“Really?” William asks, eyes lighting up for the first time.
Mulder smiles. “Yeah, better than Fox, right?”
She hears a giggle, and remembers Emily. Mulder got her to laugh, too, even under the most harrowing circumstances. She shakes her head, focusing on the situation at hand. She won’t be of any help if she can’t get her head out of the clouds.
Mulder asks, “You know what your mommy’s name is?”
“Um—Susan,” William answers.
“That’s great. Good job, buddy, that helps. Where did you last see her?”
“We goed to get me shoes for playing soccer,” he says matter-of-factly.
“Soccer, huh? I’m partial to baseball myself—”
“Mulder—” Scully stops him, tapping him on the shoulder. When he looks at her, she points to the other side of the road, and he nods his thanks.
“Hey, look, there’s a shoe store across the street,” he says triumphantly, refocusing in on William. “I bet you she’s right over there looking for you!”
He stands, reaching out his hand for William to hold, and they cross the street together with Scully following closely behind. She watches them, and thinks that if she were a passerby, she might think they were father and son, out for a midday stroll.
It’s a side of Mulder she doesn’t often get to see. A side she suspected lay dormant for a long time after Samantha disappeared, but it’s still there, popping up here and there when it is needed.
“Hey, Scully, can you go in and check if there’s a Susan in there?” Mulder asks, looking to her for assistance. “I want to stay out here in case she comes by looking for him.”
She nods, clearing her head once again of the swirling thoughts that had occupied her. “Yeah, of course.”
She goes in and comes back out just as quickly, shaking her head despondently.
“The clerk said she and her son left about 10 minutes ago,” she reports.
“Did he say which way they went?”
“To the right.”
Mulder glances in that direction and nods. “10 minutes, well she couldn’t have gotten far. We found him just over there,” he says optimistically. “William, keep an eye out for if you see her.”
“Okay,” he agrees.
They head to the right, Mulder now carrying William on his shoulders up above the crowds. They pass a few stores, finding no luck so far, but then are startled when some pedestrians up in front of them nearly get bowled over by the sudden opening of a shop door. A frantic woman exits, then darts off, apologizing as she goes. 
Mulder starts jogging, knowing that it must be the mother. He dodges other people walking, skirting between them expertly, which leaves Scully behind by a fair few paces. Luckily, she’s used to it. The woman is poised to enter the next shop when he calls out, “Susan?”
She turns.
“I think this little one belongs to you.”
An instant wave of relief washes over the woman’s face, and she runs to reach them. “William!” she gasps.
The boy all but leaps into her arms, curling in close while she strokes the back of his head, comforting them both.
“Where did you find him?” she asks through tears, holding tight to her wayward son.
“Just across the street,” Mulder says with a smile, pointing to where they came from.
Susan sighs in muted frustration. “There’s an ice cream shop over there, I should have known.”
“My sister did the same thing when I was about 9. Gave us all a heart attack,” Mulder chuckles.
The casual mention of his sister causes Scully to look at him in shock, but he’s too preoccupied to notice.
“I can’t thank you enough. I turned my back for one second.”
“No problem, just glad he’s back where he belongs,” Mulder responds.
After waving goodbye to William, he turns around, a content smile on his face. He starts in the direction of the coffee shop, as if the events of the last few minutes had never happened. Expecting Scully to follow, he walks right past her, but she stands frozen in place.
It’s insane. It’s impulsive. She’s going to do it anyway.
He pauses and glances back at the statue that is Dana Scully. Amusement plays at his lips, though there’s more than a little confusion there too.
He laughs, backtracking a few steps so he is closer to her.
“You’re gonna have to say more words, Scully, I don’t know what you’re—”
“I want to adopt a baby.”
His eyes widen, and he looks to his right and left as if someone might overhear their personal conversation and go tell on them to their supervisors.
“You’re bringing this up now?” he asks, a little incredulously.
“And– and you’ve thought this through? You’re sure?”
No, not really. To be honest, she’d barely thought through this at all. There are so many reasons why they shouldn’t, why this is a terrible idea. They’re not ordinary people. They have enemies who could use this against them, careers that have proven to be life threatening on multiple occasions.
And yet…
“Mulder, seeing you with that boy…” she says, her eyes trailing off in the direction the mother and son had disappeared. “Yes, I’m sure. Only if the offer still stands, I won’t hold it against you if you’ve changed your—”
He stops her. “No! No, I’m in. Let’s do it. Let’s– We should talk about this.” He grabs her elbow and starts toward the coffee shop with her in tow, and the pace of his step forces her to walk faster to keep up. “Buy you a cup of coffee? Breakfast sandwich?” he asks, scrambling for something to say.
“I feel like I’m gonna throw up.”
“Just the coffee then.”
The bell jingles as they enter. They sit down at a booth and Mulder leans in, his voice low and placating.
“Okay, no need to panic. We’re just talking about it, yeah? Breathe.”
She huffs out a laugh. “How are you so calm about this?”
He smirks. “I’ve been reading about this stuff for months. You only found my stash of brochures last week.”
“Months?” she breathes, voice laced with disbelief. Her head feels like it’s spinning. “It’s just a little… overwhelming, I suppose,” she says.
“I have that effect on people,” he jokes. “It’s not a rush. If we do this, it will take time, we just have to decide if it’s something we want to pursue. There’s an application process, and getting approved, not to mention finding the right placement...”
Scully feels out of her depth. He knows a lot more about this than she does. She almost wants to ask if he has a slide show prepared.
“I want to do it. I do,” she assures him, carefully choosing her words, “I just don’t know where to begin. It sounds like a crazy idea. Is it crazy?”
“Probably,” he says with a shrug and a grin. “Kind of just makes me want to do it more.”
She’d never admit it, but she feels the same way. Maybe Bill’s right. He has rubbed off on her.
“So… where do we start? What do we need to do?” she asks, needing more information before she starts spiraling.
“Why don’t we take it slow? Start with you and me and an actual adult conversation about our priorities, and then maybe this weekend I can stop by with some Chinese and we can look into next steps.”
She takes a deep breath, heart rate slowing back down to normal.
“Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good.”
How do we do this? How do we have this conversation we should have had months ago?
Before they get a chance, a waitress stops by to take their orders, and Scully opts for decaf. As electrified and anxious as she feels right now, she really doesn’t need caffeine to make it even worse. She can feel her knee bouncing relentlessly under the table.
Once the waitress is gone, Mulder gets the ball rolling with the first order of business. 
“I guess to start us off, I need to know how involved you want me to be. I can help you find an agency and be your personal reference on your application, or I could—” he pauses. Breathes. “Like I said, I’ll be as involved as you want. I just need to know what you’re thinking.”
She shakes her head. “Mulder, I couldn’t ask you to—”
“I should tell you that the agencies favor couples over single parents,” he adds before she can finish, “It might be more difficult to get approved on your own, but if that’s what you want, I’ll help you.”
She studies him, the nuance of every microexpression on his face. She knows what her heart is wishing for, but what about him? Would she be asking too much of him?
“What do you want?”
He ducks his head, staring at the chipped surface of the table before glancing up at her with an apologetic smile.
“I’m a selfish man.”
She looks at him, needing more of an answer before she dares to respond. If he doesn’t mean what she thinks he means, one wrong word could spell disaster. Upset the delicate balance that is their friendship. She has to hear it straight from his mouth, this is no time for assumptions.
He sits back in his booth, and she braces herself for what he’s about to say.
“I want to coach little league,” he confesses. “I want to drive an ugly minivan, the ugliest one you’ve ever seen. I want to help with math homework, to tell crazy stories at bedtime and go on camping trips together.” 
He looks deep in her eyes, and she shudders, feeling like his words have penetrated her very soul.
“I want it all, Scully. I want a family.”
I want you.
She feels tears pool in her eyes, her throat closing with emotion.
“I want that too,” she chokes out, unable to form any more words.
He reaches out a hand across the table and takes hers. She holds on tight.
“Well, that’s one thing settled,” he says, blinking back the pinpricks of tears in his own eyes.
Lovely tag list ♡: [if you would like to be added or removed, let me know!]
@today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr @agent-troi @angegova @baronessblixen @calimanc @captainsolocide @cutemothman @danasculls @deathsbestgirl @edierone @enigmaticxbee @figureofdismay @frogsmulder @hippocampouts @invidiosa @monaiargancoconutsoy @numinousmysteries @primrose19 @randomfoggytiger @skelavender @skylarksong @slippinmickeys @stephy-gold @teenie-xf @the-redhead-in-a-dress @vincentsleftear @whovianderson
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irrelevantwriter · 1 year
Pairing: Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) x Touchstarved!Female Reader/You
Rating: SFW, Angst, Comfort
Warnings: Language, angst, comfort, family shit, mentions of sick/divorced parents, touch-starved reader 
Word Count: 2263
Summary: An emotional moment gets the best of you. Eddie comforts you and realizes you need more than encouraging words.
A/N: I made myself cry writing this so I hope you hoes appreciate it. I went with a reader who was having a bit of an emotional breakdown and who also happened to be going through it. Oh, and touch starved. Which is coincidentally what the title of this fic is in Latin. Enjoy and share with your friends! Feedback is that good shit.💗
Disclaimer: As always, reader inserts are true reader inserts. If you find any specifics in regards to reader’s appearance, kindly let me know and I will fix that.
Disclaimer: Characters are of age in my fics.
*Check out my other Eddie fics here
*Masterlist in bio.
Tears pooled in your eyes. A sob simmered just under the surface, but you did your best to hide it. You sniffled, taking a deep breath in. The action had little effect. Your lashes were still dotted with wetness, your mascara no doubt transferring to the skin under your eyes.
You shook your head, willing yourself to stop. Crying at work was the last thing you wanted to be doing. It was embarrassing, especially around a group of men who didn’t have the capacity to soothe a crying baby doll, much less an actual human.
You ignored the tightness in your chest and went about your evening routine of closing down the auto shop. You turned off the lights and locked the door, flipping the ancient sign in the window from OPEN to CLOSED. A few of the guys still worked in the garage, a bay left open to let the minimal summer breeze through.
You wiped away an errant tear as you made your way to the break room. You worked on autopilot, setting the coffee maker up for the morning, the men claiming to not know how the machine worked. They insisted you did it better. It was a ruse you were very much aware of, but you also didn’t mind. You did it anyway. It felt nice to be needed. Even if it was only for your subpar coffee skills.
The thought made a stream of moisture trail down your cheek, the movement startling you. Your hands shook as you bit your lip, on the cusp of a full blown crying fit. A  faint thud of boots and a melodic whistle sounded in your ears, signaling someone was approaching.
You knew that song. You knew that person.
You hurriedly turned away from the door, patting your face dry as Eddie Munson strolled in. He brought with him an aroma of motor oil and faded Old Spice, the cigarette he’d just smoked lingering on his clothes. You kept your head down, busying your hands with the coffee filters.
“Hey…didn’t know you were still here,” he offered, standing next to you at the sink.
You watched from the corner of your eye as he rinsed his coffee mug, the lettering across the front chipped and scratched. Once upon a time the piece of ceramic read Son of a Bitch with a caricature of the devil beneath it. It always made you laugh. Eddie was far from the devilish persona he liked to portray at times. He’d been the warmest and most welcoming of the bunch when you’d first started.
You cleared your throat, hoping the flood of emotions hadn’t made its way to your voice box yet, “Just finishing up.”
He nodded, placing the mug on the drying rack and making his way over to the fridge in the corner. He pulled out a can of cola, his name scrawled in black marker across the front. He always drank a soda at the end of the day. It was a habit you’d picked up on in your time as receptionist at the shop. All the guys had habits. Eddie’s habits were your favorite.
The pop and hiss of the can being opened reverberated in the otherwise empty room. He made his way back over to you, sipping loudly from the can.
“You okay?”
“Yeah. Why do you ask?”
“Because you’ve been counting the same stack of filters since I walked in.”
Your fingers stopped, pushing said filters away. You scoffed at his observation, still not meeting his eyes. “Just distracted.”
“Wanna talk about it?” he asked, grease covered forearm shifting closer.
You shook your head.
“Sweetheart,” he called softly. Too soft.
You hesitantly met his gaze, feeling silly for the outburst you’d nearly allowed yourself to have.
His eyes were warm and welcoming, his lips pulled into a tender smile, but when he noticed the redness in your own eyes and the drops clinging to your lash line, his brows furrowed.
“What’s the matter?”
“Nothing,” you said with a shake of your head, wiping the evidence away.
“Did something happen?”
He reached a hand out, but didn’t touch you. He hovered over your shoulder, wanting to but not crossing that line. You were coworkers. Friends even. But you’d never touched one another. Not with intention. And when he didn’t inch closer, you realized how badly you wanted it.
“Just some stuff with my parents. It’s kind of a shit show right now,” you offered, voice betraying your real emotions.
“Can I do anything?”
You smiled up at him, heart warming at the sight of such a selfless human. You hadn’t known they still existed.
More tears came.
“Woah, what happened?” Eddie asked, brown orbs going wide with panic as he set his can of soda to the side.
You’d frightened him. You could see the worry in his face; that he’d said something wrong. It was quite the opposite.
“M’fine,” you sniffled, willing the tears to stop. But they wouldn’t. Everything rushed back to the surface, making you feel vulnerable and way too exposed.
“Says the girl sobbing in front of me,” he deadpanned.
The comment made you giggle, a hiccup following.
His expression flipped at seeing a hint of a smile on your lips. “There she is.”
You were both quiet for a moment, the hum of the appliances a constant in the background. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, feeling Eddie’s gaze on you. Humiliation crept its way up your spine.
And then, a warm caress near your shoulder made you pause. It was slight and hardly noticeable, but you felt it nonetheless. Felt the heavy weight of his rings through your blouse as he rubbed soothing circles. Felt the hard calluses of his fingers rub against the fabric. Felt the warmth.
The unexpected contact had a duality you weren’t prepared for. Your senses came alive while your body succumbed to the comfort, relaxing in on itself. You swore you could feel every microscopic aspect of his touch. And yet it all blended together to create the most all consuming embrace.
A simple touch set you aflame.
“My dad is really sick. And my mom can’t deal with it. I’ve been helping them out. With finances and doctors appointments. But it’s not easy. Especially when my mom talks about divorcing my dad. It’s just…,” you stopped to catch your breath, feeling your lip begin to tremble. “A lot.”
Eddie didn’t say anything for a while. He’d pulled his hand away while you’d been speaking and you already missed it.
“Jesus, M’sorry sweetheart. That’s…shit,” he sighed, scratching at his stubbly chin.
You nodded at his words, laughing at his interpretation. “The shittiest,” you agreed.
You finally turned to face him, no longer hiding your tear-stricken face. You thought you saw something akin to sadness pass over his features before it was quickly wiped away.
“M’sorry,” you apologized with a self-deprecating laugh, accepting the balled up paper towel he’d torn off the roll for you.
“What’re you sorry for?”
“For crying at you. Unloading all my shit.”
“Hey,” he paused, making you meet his eyes at the seriousness in his tone. “Don’t apologize for that. You can always talk to me.”
You simply nodded, fearing words would fail you.
“I’ve never seen you cry before.”
“That’s not really unusual. I don’t have many reasons to cry most days. Despite my current predicament,” you joked, gesturing to your wet eyes and sniffly nose.
“You’ve seen me cry,” he pointed out.
“Yeah, when Brady brought that puppy he found near the creek that you wanted to adopt,” you explained with a laugh, thinking back on the memory.
“Because he wouldn’t let me,” Eddie added, pouting.
“Because you try to adopt every animal you come across.”
He shrugged, a wide smile on his lips.
“I’m not big on crying. Or emotions really,” you confessed, wringing the tattered paper towel in your hands. You avoided his gaze, but a gentle tip of your chin made his mahogany stare meet yours. He didn’t move his finger away from you. Instead, he trailed the digit up and over your cheek, cupping your face in his palm.
“This okay?” he whispered, watching you.
“Yes,” you croaked, trying hard not to let your eyes fall shut at the feel of his skin on yours.
“It���s been awhile, huh?”
The question lingered in the air, your silence a response.
“Since someone touched you like this. Like you matter.”
His words made your heart stutter, the burn behind your eyes now unbearable. Could he really see all of that just by looking at you? Could he sense it?
“I-I,” you struggled to respond, shame clouding your mind. The raw emotion of overexposure came back tenfold and you stepped away.
“Don’t. Don’t do that, sweetheart.”
“Do what?” you practically growled, hating that he was seeing you like this.
“Push me away.” He said the words like it pained him to say them.
“Don’t do that,” you threw back. “Don’t act like you care.”
“I do care.”
He stared at you for a long moment. So long that you became uncomfortable.
“What kind of question is that?” he asked with a shake of his head. “We’re friends, aren’t we?”
You opened your mouth, then closed it.
He moved forward, closing the distance between you both. You fought against the urge to pull back, waiting for his next move.
He approached you as one would a wild horse. With ease and patience. He extended his hand back towards you, angling for your face. You didn’t flinch when skin met skin. Rather, you basked in it. You closed your eyes and burrowed into his heat.
“Just—just let me help you.”
You'd never heard him so desperate before.
The question was on your tongue, ready to roll off.
He could see it in your eyes.
“I like you.”
He shrugged, “Your guess is as good as mine.”
You laughed, the sound watery and broken, but there all the same.
A single tear slid down your cheek and into his palm. His thumb lightly traced the curve of your lips, still gently cradling your cheek. You succumbed to him, too weak to deny your body of such intimacy. Because he was right. It had been too long since someone had touched you with meaning. With care. With a fragility you deserved but weren’t often afforded. Too many times you’d been dropped and broken and shattered, put back together in a half-assed attempt at mending.
“Close your eyes,” he softly demanded, his sugary laced breath hitting you in the face.
You obeyed, spine straightening when you felt his free hand land on your other cheek. You waited, anxiety soaring through your veins like the blood that pumped through them.
“S’okay,” Eddie soothed. He was closer, you could feel it. You could practically hear his heartbeat. “I got you.”
His chapped lips lightly touched yours, giving you the chance to pull away if you wanted. When you didn’t, he surged forward, kissing you none too gently. Like he’d been waiting for the chance. The notion made you melt. Melt right into his hands.
You kissed him back, albeit with less fervor. It’d been so long. And both your body and mind were struggling to play catch up. But the minute his hands drifted down to your hips, you lost yourself. Finally feeling anchored in a sea of thunderous waves.
You only pulled back when air became a necessity, realizing you’d been clinging to his stained t-shirt. You became bashful suddenly, avoiding his ever observant gaze.
“M’sorry,” he mumbled, catching you off guard.
You looked at him in question, hoping he didn’t regret what had just taken place. “For what?”
“For not doing that sooner. For everything you're going through. For the pain you’re feeling.”
The words came out jumbled and entirely too fast, but you caught every syllable. Neither of you were surprised this time when a trickle of tears escaped your eyes.
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for, Eddie.”
He nodded, pulling you close. It wasn’t until he’d wrapped his arms around you that you realized he was hugging you. A full body hug.
His arms held you tight, but not too tight. Just enough to make you feel safe. His chin was tucked near your forehead, allowing you to nuzzle into his chest. His scent wafted through your nostrils, soothing you like a fidgety toddler.
And it worked. Oh how it worked.
“Let me take you home, yeah?” he asked into your hair, his breath making the strands move against your scalp.
“I’ll stop and get you some food. Anything you want.”
His chest vibrated under you, luring you in closer. The act was physically impossible. You were as close as two people could get. And yet, you wanted more. You were utterly addicted to his touch.
He pulled back too soon for your liking, but he made up for it by dragging his lips across your forehead. You closed your eyes at the sensation, lost in it.
“You’re so pretty.”
You blinked, seeing him staring at you in what could only be described as awe.
“I’m a mess,” you replied with a shake of your head, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
“So,” he grabbed your hand, pulling it to his chest. “You can still be pretty and a mess.”
You laughed, unable to come up with a retort. “Thank you.”
And you meant it. For more than just his words. And he somehow understood.
“No problem, sweetheart. I got you.”
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igotanidea · 1 year
Someone special : batboys x ADHD!autistic!anxiety!Enby!reader
Request: batbros with a Enby reader who has some mental disabilities: Autistic, ADHD and anxiety who is pretty smart with random information and info dumps but is slow with processing things
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„Hey, what’s with the long face?” Dick asked seeing them frowning in the corner of the batcave avoiding any other member of the family.
“Nothing….” They muttered, not facing him, making Dick crouch just to look straight into their eyes.
“Hey….” He repeated, a bit gentler this time “you can tell me, love. What’s going on?’
“I… I didn’t quite catch on the plan you were describing” they muttered, blush creeping on their face “God, I am so stupid!’
“You’re not stupid, peanut” Dick grabbed their hands in his reassuringly “I can describe it again to you if…..”
“That is the whole point, Dick!” they exclaimed “you shouldn’t have to! I’m just so sick of myself and of making you say everything twice just because I cannot process information fast enough. God!” they groaned getting up and starting to walk around the batcave in circles.
“Stop honeying me! I shouldn’t even be at this team! I’m like a threat to everyone’s safety while on patrol.”
“Ok, now you are exaggerating.”
“How am I….. how am I exaggerating?!”
“You’re like a mine of knowledge, if you don’t mind me using that term.”
“Yeah, sure.” They scoffed “completely random, useless information.”
“I wish I had as much of those as you do.” Dick mumbled under his nose
“You…. you what?”
“Yeah, you heard me.” He smiled “Come here.” Grayson patted the spot next to him and they obediently approached him, sitting down and letting him put an arm around their shoulders reassuringly. “Back in the days, when I was a detective….”
“Oh, that is an old time ago, you dinosaur.” They laughed
“Well, thank you very much. Someone once called me ancient, so sorry to disappoint but you are not the first. But. As I was saying, when I was a cop…..”
“Did you know that there are less than 1000 cops in Bludhaven and even less in Gotham?” they blurted “And statistically, each year there are less new and more retiring, so most probably in the next 5 or so years we will be left without any PD to protect us?”
“Ohmygod I did it again!” they covered their mouth instantly regretting each words said “Imsosorry, Dick, Ireallydidntmeantoburstoutlikethis.”
“Hey, hey, breathe.” Dick pulled them closer to him, rubbing soothing circles on their chest “It’s all good. I was going to say that random information are usually what helps crack the case, you know. Something completely unrelated is helping with the solution”
“Ho… how?”
“Have you watched legally blonde?”
“what does that have to do with anything?” they frowned searching for an answer in the back of their mind, Dick not helping just watching them with that smile of his, waiting patiently “Oh…..” once they realized what was the point their eyes went wide “you mean the part when Elle figured that the daughter killed the father, because she couldn’t have been at the shower at the time because of the perm?”
“Yes. And you are babbling again.” Dick grinned
“I’m sorry……” they looked down, ashamed. If only they could be different…..
“Why?” Dick kissed the top of their head “you are so cute. Everything you do or say is always so cute. And damn, I love you because of all that. So don’t ever be sorry for being an amazing human being.”
“All right….” They mumbled, leaning into Dick’s touch.
“Pinky promise?” he asked pointing a finger towards them.
“Sure, Grayson. Pinky promise.”
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Everyone in the room where laughing at some joke he just said, but instead of joining the group in the joy, Y/N stood up and walked away, without a single word. At first, Jason didn’t even notice that being too caught up in being the center of attention (good for once in his life), but barely  a few seconds after he run the corridor just to find them. Fuck, what kind of boyfriend was he to miss their disappearance.
“Sunshine? Come on, where are you?”
“Hey Jace…..” they emerged from the nearest room smiling widely ‘what’s up?”
“You’re asking me?” Jason was dumbfounded “You.. you left and I though…..”
“Oh, were you worried about me? “
“Um, yeah.”
“Why?” they tilted their head and Jason started wondering whether that was just some silly game or if something really happened.
“Um… cause I was worried?”
“Oh, that is so sweet.” They cooed taking a step forward “but you really shouldn’t have. Your joke just reminded me of some book I was reading and I came here to check if I was right about the reference. And on my way I realized I left my cup of tea in the kitchen. But while I was in the kitchen, I realized I wanted to talk to Tim about one of his crazy plans that truly have like zero chances on succeeding, even if he insists on doing it.”
“Sure.” Jason crossed his arm on the chest, those stupidly big biceps flexing making their mind go blank. “Is it your anxiety again?”
“Yeah….” They played with their fingers in embarrassment “no? yes? Maybe? I don’t know. I just got giddy for no particular reason. Guess it’s more the ADHD thing than anxiety this time. I….” their mind was now running with the speed of light, their thoughts unable to stop and making them space out.
“Sunshine?” Jason put  a hand on their shoulder throwing them off the reverie and only that made them realize he was actually talking for the last minute or so, probably finishing with a question and awaiting answer.
“Hm?” they tried to cover for being so recklessly distracted
“I know that look.” Jason said “where were you?”
“too far from you…..”
“That’s not possible.” He laughed, cupping and caressing their cheek “you can never get far form me, cause if you do, I will come find you and bring you back home.”
“Jace…. I…..”
“Hush, little one. It’s my job. To keep you safe. “
“Even from my own nature? You must hate me for it.”
“Did you hate me when I was having panic attacks, trauma and when I was dealing with post-pit aggression? Yeah, we both now you did not. So how can I hate you? I …. I feel a lot for you, you know it, but hate?” he shook his head “hate is none of those things, baby.”
“Thank you….” a single tear flew down her cheek. Just one since Jason skillfully stopped the rest that might even dare to uglify their pretty face
“Wanna get out of here?”
“Yes, please….”
“Let me rescue you then.” He grinned, picked them up and carried outside, ready for a night bike ride to help them clear their mind and stop the pacing thoughts.
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“You’re back!” Tim only did as much as step though the threshold when they threw themselves at him, arms wrapping tightly around his back pulling him close “I was so worried, Tim!”
“Hey, love.” He smiled and kissed their temple “I am back. I’m safe. You can relax now.”
“No….no… I really can’t …. I…. I can’t” their whole body started to shake, as they took a step back from Tim “what if…. What if?”
“What if what?”
“What if you were followed? Or poisoned with some crazy substance with slow-paced activity? Do you even realize how many of those are there in the open?”
“I actually do.” He muttered, not able to stop the self-proud creeping in
“And …. And the scientist are constantly coming up with new ones. Like Crane for instance. His fear toxin is just one of them. What if he creates something better? I mean, worse? I mean….”
“Were you reading one of my reports again?”
“What? No. I was just browsing the web…..”
“On my computer?” he asked quietly, trying not to startle them
“Uh, um, kinda…. Please don’t be mad at me, but you always have those interesting sides on. Truly, I have no idea why would you even search for half of those things, but you always got me curious.”
“I’m not mad” Tim shook his head “but look how it made you feel. You are trembling.”
“I’m not….” they objected, but Tim was no fool.
“Perhaps I should just use the parental blockade on some of those. Reading about murder is no good to you.”
“No!” they squealed “it’s fine. I’m fine, just a bit….”
“…projecting?” Tim asked, eyeing them closely, searching for any change in the body posture or face expression. Anything that would be the reflection of Y/N’s mental state.
“Maybe… All those photos and mugshots and police reports and the crime descriptions. All of that could happen to you any night you are out. Do you know the statistics on….?”
“I do.” He cut them off “And I have no intention of enlarging them. Ever. You know I’m careful, right?”
“Yes.” They squealed, but it was not convincing at all, they were still shaking
“Do you want a hug?”
“Please…” the second Tim opened his arms, Y/N dived right into them, pulling him close, making sure he truly was with them, safe and unharmed. And getting completely lost in his warm, comforting embrace. This was nice. This was calming and their breath slowly started getting back to normal.
“You are my number one reason to stay safe out there. Unlike my brothers I think before I do something so the chances of getting injured …..” he started, and the fatal word made them tighten the grip on him “sorry.” Tim caressed their back “the thing is, I can’t let anything happen to me, because I can’t let anything happen to you. You gave me your heart and I just have to make sure it’s safe so….” he blushed a bit in that cute way that always made Y/N’s pulse speed up “so that’s pretty much it.”
“I love you too, Tim.” They muttered “can you just hold me like this some more?”
“However long you like.” he said pulling them closer, just standing in the door, unbothered by anyone, at least for the time being, enjoying being together in this little silent bubble they created for themselves.
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‘They have been here for like two hours and they barely exchanged any word with anyone.”
“I was trying to talk to them and they didn’t even look me in the eyes. That’s so rude, don’t you think.”
“Maybe they are just crazy? Wonder why Wayne let his blood son get together with such a freak….”
Y/N was not deaf. Despite the opinion amongst people they were also not stupid, crazy or insane. Just a bit different, but it was easier to call them a freak than actually try to understand. Those people at the gala had no idea what they were talking about, but it didn’t lessen the pain at all. However, while they decided to just ignore it, instead standing by the bar, counting the glasses all over again and trying to stay strong, Damian was not the one to hold back.
Especially when it came to them.
“I dare to say it again. Johnson.” a familiar voice reverberated from behind and despite knowing better Y/N turned around noticing Damian confronting one of the gossipers, his face absolutely blank which was enough indication that he was pure rage inside. Thank God, he had no weapon on him while at the party. At least, seemingly, it was Damian Wayne after all.
“Oh, come on, Wayne. Relax a bit. We were just joking. No one here means any harm to your partner.”
Y/N frowned. Maybe it really was just a joke? Sometimes they had trouble in recognizing irony and sarcasm and metaphors, so perhaps it was just one big misunderstanding?
“Really?” Damian hissed “do you see anyone laughing? Do you see Y/N laughing?”
“It’s not like they would get the joke after all.” One the jokers took a sip from his glass. Just one before the glass broke in his hands, debris and the rest of drink falling on the floor.
Mhm. So he actually had a weapon on him.
“What the fuck, Wayne?! Are you insane?!”
“Not more than them.” Damian smirked throwing a glance at Y/N. “Guess that’s what makes us a great couple.”
“You little piece of shit! Do you have any idea how expensive this suit was!?” the man’s face was now red from barely held rage as he took a few steps towards Damian, readying to strike
“Don’t know. Don’t care. And if you are trying to scare me…”
“DAMIAN!” before he could throw a threat at his father’s guests Y/N rushed towards him, grabbing his arm and stopping him in his tracks “let’s just go. Please. It’s not worth it.”
“But they….”
“It doesn’t matter, really.” They shook their head and tugged at his sleeve “please, I’m tired.”
“Yeah, you two weirdos better leave now, before….”
Johnson never got to finish this sentence
“You really shouldn’t have done that.” Y/N muttered when ten minutes later they and Damian were sitting on the bed in his room, next to each other.
They both got kicked out the gala by Bruce himself when Damian could not control himself any longer and threw a perfectly aimed punch at Johnson’s face.
“He got that coming.” Daman shrugged “the only person who can make fun out of you is me.”
“Am I supposed to be touched by that?” they asked tilting head “is that another of those sarcastic jokes I don’t get?”
“No. No it’s not. I really mean it. Cause even I mock you, it’s still just teasing you know it, right?” they nodded “gotta keep the appearances.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means if anyone else ever say as much as a bad word about you, would probably lose a tongue.”
“An ear?”
“A finger?” he whined “please, give me something to work with.”
“As cute as it is, I’m not going to let you mutilate anyone because they offended me. But I appreciate the gesture.” They pocked at his belly and laughed a bit.
“I’m not cute…..” Damian pouted, falling onto the bed next to them.
Whatever Y/N said, he was going to have some fun with a person daring to criticize them. They didn’t really need to know, right?
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coupsinmyheart · 1 month
cruel summer - joshua hong ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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. pairing (joshua hong x female reader) female reader is called Alfie Hwang
song recommendations to listen while reading :
cruel summer - taylor swift . love me like you do - ellie goulding . give your heart a break - demi lovato . you are in love - taylor swift . double take - dhruv . every summertime - niki . i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys . untouchable - taylor swift . night changes - one direction . the very first night - taylor swift . i really like you - carly rae jepsen . the reasons of my smiles - bss . falling you - 曾可妮, 都智文 . sunday morning - maroon 5 . slut! - taylor swift . we can't be friends (wait for your love) - ariana grande . what lovers do - maroon 5, sza . darling - seventeen . king of my heart - taylor swift
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this is for entertainment purposes, all characters personalities that are features here are not the same as they are irl so please do not take it seriously! i've been quite busy these days so i might go mia again after this 😭(sorry guys it's major exam year for me) anyways, i hope you like this & let me know what you think! happy reading <3
tw/ curse words, mentions of sexual topics
featuring seventeen's joshua hong and female reader.
angst, fake dating troupe, fluff, humor, enemies to lovers
"it's a cruel summer, with you."
Singing softly to the tune of your favourite song, you placed the last few stacks of papers into the recycling box your mom has left in the room for you. It was finally summer break - the most awaited season of the year. The only time of the year where you can pull out cute summer dresses and accessories and no one would ever judge you for it. However, this time it was different. Your ex, Noah, would be coming back to your hometown after 2 years. Both your parents worked closely with each other due to shared interests and businesses. So, upon hearing the news that Noah cheated on you with some girl at a college party, his parents thought that the investments between both companies were over. However, your parents advised you to not care too much about it and how there are many other fishes in the sea or blah blah blah because Noah's family business brings them good money and so on.
Did the breakup hurt? Oh fuck yeah it definitely did.
The promises, the little things he took note of, the acts of services that he did without me telling him to do, the quality time...It may be nothing to him, but it was definitely something for me. He was my first love and you know how people would say how first loves would always hold a special memory in your heart? I never believed that until i met Noah.
From perfect grades and a perfect GPA to my first fail in school. Ever since then, I knew I had to tell myself to buck up and stop giving a shit about Noah because it's not like he gave two shits about cheating on you? Afterwards, I heard from my parents that Noah was moving to Vancouver for further studies and at that time, I thought that I had moved on.
But clearly until now, I haven't.
Placing the recycling box outside of my room, I placed my books and materials into my bag and headed out for math tuition.
"Alright class, we have a new student who will be joining our class, can we please welcome Joshua!" the math tutor, Mr Lee announced as he patted Joshua on his back while he introduced himself to the class.
Not Joshua Hong again. Why is he even in this class.
Oh yeah, forgot to tell you, I despise Joshua with a burning passion. To put it simply, He's too good to be true. Yup, i admit it. His body proportions , his angel-like face, his kind and warm hearted personality. I mean- Straight A's and a perfect GPA with many awards and won several basketball championships? Every female teacher has a soft spot for him, even the principal adores him, every single auntie likes him at first glance. Tall, Handsome, Young and Rich. He is not real. And worst of all, I was the well-known smart-rich-pretty girl in the school until he came along and captured everyone's attention away from me. We battled for tests, exams, to see who the teacher picks in class when both of us raise our hands at the same time (which usually ends up with him giving in to me) yeah- almost everything. Now, he's joining my math tuiton? What the heck? I can't even catch a break.
While walking to his new table, Joshua locked eye contact with me with a pure smile on his face. "I swear to god." I muttered under my breath as I try to ignore the unwilling presence in the classroom.
As soon as tuition was over, I hurried out of the building and waited at the entrance for my chauffeur to arrive. However, to my dismay, I saw two familiar faces walking towards me - Noah and his new girlfriend, Zia.
"Hi Alfie, it's good to see you again." Noah started. That look on his face used to have sparks 3 years ago, but now I couldn't see it anymore. "O-Oh Hi." I stuttered upon looking at their hands intertwining with each other. "This is my girlfriend, Zia." He continued while Zia muttered a "Hi" towards me, smiling.
This freaking asshole. Like what was he trying to do? Rub into my face how he left me for some pretty girl? Just my luck. I thought while forcing out a smile back at her.
Regaining my confidence, I replied, "I see, hello there. Also, what are you doing here? How did you know I come for math classes here?"
"Your mother told me about it and she asked me for a favour to bring you out for dinner with Zia." He casually said. What the fuck? Aint no way am I going toI tried my best not to rolled my eyes as I looked around, signalling help.
Should have made friends at this tuition centre.
At the corner of my eye, I spotted Joshua waiting for his chauffeur (i guessed) In the heat of the moment, I spurted out. "I'm going to eat with my boyfriend!"
and that one hasty decision changed my summer.
Noah and Zia looks unconvinced as they looked at Joshua and looked back at me, especially Noah as he probably knew how badly affected I was after the breakup. Fuck I can't go back on my words now, what's done is done. Mustering up my courage, I shouted at a distance.
"Joshua! Come over! What are you doing there?" god that was embarrassing. He's going to laugh at me after this.
He looked at me with the do-i-know-you face and raised his eyebrow and walked over hesitantly. I smiled at him, motioning with my eyes for him to come over. He stared confusingly between me and the couple.
"Oh! this is my ex boyfriend, Noah and his girlfriend, Zia." I started, wrapping my hand over his arm, trying to make the act look more convincing. He looked at me confusingly, however his body remained calm even though my palms was all sweaty around his arm. I smiled at him while blinking, hoping he have caught on by now. Thankfully, he wasn't one of those stupid and couldn't-get-the-hint kind of boys, this man quickly caught up to the act.
"O-Oh yeah. Hi guys! I'm Joshua, Alfie's boyfriend." He said naturally while giving them a wave. Wow, I actually believed it for a second by how real and natural he sounds. Going back to the main point, I continued, "Yup! He actually booked a dinner reservation tonight. Sorry I couldn't make it, hopefully next time (hopefully never) we can have the opportunity to have a meal. Bye! See yall around!" I exclaimed as I pulled Joshua away, hoping they would leave soon. My arm still wrapped around Joshua's biceps.
"They are probably gone by now." Joshua said as he looked at the unfamiliar alley we were in. I immediately unwrapped my arm around his biceps as I realised what a mess I have created. Alfie..you and your ego once again.
"Sorry for bringing you into that mess earlier on and thank you for helping me." I started as I cleared my throat.
"Glad I could be of help. You should leave soon, it's getting dark and this place could be of danger at night." Joshua replied, feeling unfazed about the situation earlier on.
There he goes again. That warm look in his eyes when he talks to people. That gentleman-like smile and that caring tone when he talks. Especially in the dim light coming from the streetlight at the corner which shone on his face with the evening sky. He looks way too good.
Snapping out of reality, I answered, "Yeah of course, let's go."
"You have a boyfriend?" My mom exclaimed surprisingly while motioning my dad to come over to the living room where the commotion was created. Well, looks like news has reached my parents. What a digitalised world we live in!
"Who's this guy? How long have yall been together? Is he rich? Is he smart? Is he good-looking?" My mom started.
"He's rich, smart, handsome, amazing and he treats me well." I answered, feeling surprised by how fast and natural that sounds. As if we were actually dating.
My mom looked at me up and down, and continued, "I heard his name was Joshua...heard his parents were making big bucks and they owned lots of lands and businesses."
Well i wouldn't know that fact but since I heard Joshua's family was a big shot in the business industry, she must be right then. Nodding my head, I walked away, hoping they would not continue this conversation.
"Alfie Hwang, please remember that your finals are this year. Joshua seems to be a great guy so far but you better not be distracted!"
"yeah yeah"
"Also! Bring him over for dinner one day!"
That stopped me in my tracks. In fact, I almost stumbled over the stairs. Fuck, I thought this was just a one-time thing and after two weeks I can just say that we broke up and no one will ever hear about this again.
How do I convince Joshua to come over for dinner?
Hurrying up to my room, I dialed for my best friend's - Noelle Choi and yapped to her about the horrible situation I was in.
"No fucking way. You're so lucky!" Noelle exclaimed as she screamed.
"Not funny Noelle, what the fuck do I do now?" I said in frustration.
"Hey, you got THE Joshua Hong to pretend to be your boyfriend in front of that asshole and that bitch." Noelle continued, "Just imagine how jealous he is."
"It's just Joshua, you're overreacting and I don't think the mess I placed myself in is worth pretending to be with Joshua for a few minutes." I said while plopping down on my bed in agony.
"No. You're wrong. Do you even know how of a big thing Joshua is? The only son of the Hong Group. One of the biggest companies In Korea and popular in America and worldwide known. Many girls line up just to be with him, but did he never accepts them. Even our teachers would quit their jobs just to be with him. Disgusting, right? But it's true. Heard he dated some girl back when he was still studying in Los Angeles, first love probably." Noelle explained enthusiastically.
"Okay okay I get it. Joshua this, Joshua that. Wait- all this time I've complained about him to you, were you always on his side?"
There was a moment of silence on the other side of the phone call as I shouted "Noelle Choi!"
"I'm sorry okay! He is just too perfect." Noelle admitted sheepishly. I can't deny on that one as much as I don't want to admit it.
"Whatever, what do I do now?" I cried out as I dropped my head into my soft pillow. "FML."
"I mean, since you're already at this point, just ask him to be your pretend boyfriend for awhile." Noelle suggested.
"Are you crazy? Imagine if he rejects me, Not only will my reputation will be on the line but Noah would find out how I faked having a boyfriend and that would be so embarrassing and pathetic. How am I going to face the world after that? Just imagine the words that will come out of peoples mouth after. 'Hong Group's only son Joshua rejected Alfie Hwang from being her pretend boyfriend.' Oh no way am I doing that."
"Oh Alfie, you got to let you and your ego down. I mean, to be fair, you wouldn't be in this mess right now if you didn't want to look like you're happily in a relationship all these years in front of Noah and Zia babe." Noelle pointed out.
Shes got a point. My competitiveness and pride are my weaknesses.
"You know what, you're right. Since I've got the shame to bring Joshua into this situation, I will have the shame to ask him to pretend to be my boyfriend. I mean, I don't think he's looking for a relationship and neither do I and if he rejects me so be it, you can do this Alfie Hwang." I sat up confidently.
"That's the spirit Alfie!"
As soon as I spotted Joshua at school the next day, I followed him until there was barely anyone around before pulling him into a corner. Surprised, Joshua asked, "Is there anything I can help you with, Alfie?"
"Oh Im glad you asked, because yes indeed there is." I answered, trying my best to be confident. Taking a deep breath, Joshua motioned me to continue.
"Would you pretend to be my boyfriend?" I asked as I closed my eyes expecting him to start shouting at me, telling me how crazy I was. However, he didn't.
Joshua blinked twice and replied, "Okay, but how do I do that?" I opened one of my eyes, taken aback by the quick response. "Erm...." I started, trailing off. "You know, you don't have to agree with this, you can say no. You know?"
"Yeah I know." Joshua replied casually.
"Oh my god. Thank you." I blurted out while stopping in my tracks by how desperate and silly I sound.
We exchanged numbers and agreed to discuss more of this after school. As we exchanged goodbyes, I held up my hand in victory towards the pillar where Noelle was hiding and mouthed a "He agreed." She gave me a nod of approval as we walked back to our class.
After school ended, I immediately booked a taxi and headed to the café where I was supposed to meet Joshua. We deliberately chose a place where none of the students that attended our school came due to location and inconvenience so that we would not spark rumours and be the trended topic of our school the next day.
Walking into the aesthetically grey café, I spotted Joshua sitting at a corner. His airpods was in his ears as he closed his eyes. A cup of ice americano was siiting on the table. I gulped as I stood at the entrance, admiring him. I can totally get why female teachers fawn over him and male teachers are salty and jealous of him. I didn't even realise how long I was standing until someone asked me if I could move as I was blocking the entrance. Apologising, I walked to the table Joshua was at shaking those thoughts away. "Its just going to be a skit. You hate him anyways Alfie. Nothing is going to happen." I kept repeating to myself in my head.
"Hi Joshua." I said, while pulling out the chair opposite him.
He opened his eyes and swiftly got up. "Oh, my apologies Alfie, I didn't meant to doze off. Would you like anything? It's my treat."
This man was too kind. Way too kind. The fact that he has been waiting for me for god knows how long and still apologised for not greeting me? I could never.
"O-Oh it's alright. I still haven't thank you for agreeing to his stupid deal. Can I have a vanilla latte please?" I replied.
Joshua nodded as he raised his hand to motioned the waiter to come over as he placed my order and thanked the waiter politely. I shifted in my seat, feeling the silent awkwardness for awhile before clearing my throat breaking the silence.
"So...as you saw that day. That's my ex-boyfriend, Noah and his girlfriend, Zia. We dated for 1 year and a few months before he cheated on me with her. He left Korea with her to pursue early studies and gain career experience and he came back a few days ago for summer break. Our parents are pretty close as they owned businesses together and work together for quite a few years. That's why, when I came home that day, they heard about you and invited you to come to our house for dinner next friday." I explained, looking at Joshua's face processing the situation.
"Mhm." He replied as a sign that he was listening.
"Thanks for helping me that day." I continued, "and sorry for using you."
"No worries." Joshua replied, assuring me. "I understand."
I nodded my head as the waiter came over to serve my drink. I also told him about what my family likes and what their hobbies and interests are so that it would come off more natural.
"Don't mind me asking but why did you agree to help me?" I asked, genuinely curious. "I mean, we barely know each other and i'm basically just using you in a way and guys like you are usually looking for a long-term relationship right? I'm pretty sure you want that too."
I swear Joshua's angel-like face dropped for a second before replying to me. My heart sank for awhile for some reason, as if I was offending him.
"Erm...what do you mean by that?" Joshua asked, his body tensed up a little as he sat further into the chair.
"I don't know. I mean, your family is doing so well, you're the only son, your grades are perfect, you do well in basketball, you win championships, you're responsible and respectful. I mean, don't many successful daughters wants to date you? Don't you want a stable and long term relationship too? Isn't that the reason why you reject all the girls at school?" I blurted out, without thinking much.
This time, Joshua was the one who cleared his throat as he changed the topic. "Text me your address. We'll meet at 6:30pm at your place. Lets go, it's getting late , I'll give you a ride home." The next moment I knew, he got up and headed for the doors. Swiftly, I grabbed my bag and chased after him, wondering what got him so irked up.
I was pacing around my room, as I looked into the mirror for the umpteenth time, fixing my hair and patting my black skirt and the long sleeved white top that was hugging my torso. It's just a dinner. What could go wrong? In fact, everything could go wrong. Knowing how my family was like, everything that could go wrong could go wrong.
And heck yeah I was right.
As soon as I heard the doorbell rang, I rushed down the stairs, preventing my parents from being the first one to greet him. As I opened the door, I saw Joshua standing at the front. He was wearing a black button up shirt which was unbuttoned at the top, showing his sleek collarbone. My parents headed out of the living room while my sister walked down the stairs from her room, eyeing Joshua.
"Hey." I said, faking a wide smile as I opened the door, motioning him to come inside. His hands was filled with paper bags and items.
My parents welcomed him as they ushered the helpers to collect the bags from him. (he refused of course)
"Hello! You must be Joshua. We've heard many amazing things about you!" My mom started. Joshua smiled at her as he nodded in reply. I was sitting awkwardly in the living room as Joshua entertained them. My parents must have liked Joshua because I've genuinely never seen them be so happy before. Even when with Noah.
The whole dinner was going by smoothly as my mother kept asking personal questions about Joshua and I had to cut in sometimes to not let my mother cross his boundaries and to not make him feel uncomfortable, of course. Although he would reassure me on and off, looking at me with those tender eyes of him. Oh he had experience, he's way too good at this.
Joshua bought herbs and herbal tea for my parents, bought a whole coffee machine in the latest model, bought my sister several makeup items with the latest models and expensive brands. I was surprised by how he took note of everything I said.
As the night was about to end, my mother ordered me to get the new fruit basket that was on the dining table that she just bought just for today. Walking to the kitchen, I heard two familiar voices echoing through the kitchen as I immediately stopped in my tracks as I stood behind the wall in the hallway. It was Joshua and my older sister, Alice.
"I mean." Alice said. "What do you even see in her? You're smart, handsome, rich and could pull any woman you like. So, why her?" This bitch. My sister and I were never really on good terms. We used to be close but that was before our parents compared us in academics and achievements and we both got pretty competitive, fighting over everything. Thats why, growing up, we were never really on the same page and we became more distant due to busy schedules and work or school. Moreover, now that my sister is working at a company, we don't even see each other for more than 2 days sometimes.
Anticipating Joshua's answer, I held my breath as I crossed my arms.
"I like everything about her." Joshua answered.
Hearing Alice groan and the sound of her house slippers against the hard floor, I walked into the kitchen as if I wasn't eavesdropping on their conversation. For some reason, I was satisfied with his answer and I tried my best to hide my smile. Looking at my sister rolling her eyes at me before heading out of the kitchen, I felt even better.
"Let me." Joshua said as he took the filled fruit basket from me as we walked out of the kitchen together.
After Joshua left, I washed up and changed into some comfortable clothes before calling Noelle. He must have cast some spell on my family because my parents told me to invite Joshua over again soon.
"No freaking way." the other side of the phone spoke as I laid on my bed, arranging my clothes in my closet.
"Yes freaking way." I said while placing a flowery dress in my closet.
"I would kill to be your family member right now." Alice said in a exaggerating tone. "Not bad, this Joshua guy is surprisingly good at this."
"I know right. Its as if he pretends to be other people boyfriend for a living." I replied.
As days passed, Joshua and I continued to be strangers in school but dating in front of my family. Alice was pretty suspicious as I was not posting him on social media at all so I made sure to block everyone from school who was following before posting a subtle picture of us sharing an airpod together on my instagram story. The background story was even funnier because I remember calling him to meet up and him just agreeing without even hearing what I have to say. Then, as we were in his car, I took out my airpod which was not even connected to my phone. Joshua didn't even say anything and he just followed my instructions and thankfully, Alice didn't asked anything after that.
Everything was going pretty well until one day when freaking Noah decided to show up at my school and somehow he knows that day I have to come back to school for extra class.
Walking through the hallways, I was greeted with the familiar sight of my ex. Just my luck. What was he doing here?
"Hi Alfie." He said. "I heard Joshua comes to this school too."
"Yeah." I said, trying my best to sound normal and calm.
"You guys don't go home together? I mean, when we were dating, I would go home with you. Remember?" He said, letting out a laughter.
What was this asshole trying to imply? I raised an eyebrow at his statement and replied.
"He has to attend one more lecture. I'm going home to catch up on today's school work. Bye." I said, continuing my way to the school doors. However, he did not stopped there. He sure doesn't know how to take a fucking hint.
"What a boyfriend, isn't he?" Noah scoffed as he shook his head. Now he was crossing the line, there was no way I was backing down. Somehow, as much as I indirectly hated Joshua, I had the feeling and my head tells me to defend him. And that's what I did.
"Now what is your fucking pro-"
"Yes? What's this about?"
Suddenly, Joshua appeared behind Noah as he looked at Noah and walked towards me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "How was your day babe?"
Now this was clearly getting looks as most students stopped to look at the commotion happening. Looking at Joshua and motioning him to stop, he continued staring at me with those fond eyes of his and pulled me into his chest further.
"Oh! You're Noah right? Nice to see you again." Joshua said smiling genuinely at the now flustered man in front of us, hand still on my shoulder.
"Whatever." Noah said as he walked out of the door.
By this time, most of the students were either whispering or shocked by this scene. Some girls were even crying and one even said "Why is she with him?" However, despite the many happenings surrounding us, all I could see was Joshua. How fucking perfect he looks under the summer sunlight beaming down on his perfectly crafted face. Awoh that 90 degree jawline of his. I didn't even realise he was walking me out of school (hand still on my shoulder) until he spoke.
"Let's go Alfie."
The car ride back home was silent, I looked out of the window, mind still filled with the scene from earlier.
"Alfie pull yourself together. It's just an act. You hate him after all." I repeated these words in my head.
"Alfie pull yourself together. It's just an act. You hate him after all."
"Alfie pull yourself together. It's just an act. You hate hi-"
"Are you okay?" Joshua said as he stole some glances at me while keeping his eyes out on the road.
"Wha- Yeah i'm fine." I said, eyes still out of the window. No- wait Alfie there's no reason to be scared. I mean- what's there to be scared of. You didn't do anything wrong. It's only because he was good-looking. Yup, thats it. Get it together Alfie.
"Were you crazy earlier on? Why did you do that? Now the whole school is going to know about this." I blurted out, this time fully facing him.
Joshua let out a gasp and apologised quickly. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry if you felt uncomfortable, I didn't mean for you to feel uncomfor-"
"No it's not that." I cut him off, annoyed at how he apologises at everything. "It's just that I thought we agreed to keep this act to our families only but people at school was going to know sooner or later so whatever I guess."
"I'm sorry Alfie, I shouldn't have done that no matter what." Joshua added. "Although I would like to thank you for giving those girls at school a reason to not bother me anymore, so thank you."
I stifled a laughter as I replied, "Well you're welcome!"
At dinner, my parents told Alice and I that our annual summer villa stay at the town's beach (Suns beach) would be this weeknd. My mother told me to bring Joshua along although I tried rejecting the offer, telling them this was a family event thing but they did not want to hear of it. What's even worse is that Noah and his parents are coming over to stay too. With Zia, of course. So maybe bringing Joshua along wouldn't be too bad of a thing.
The next day, I asked Joshua out to an Italian restaurant for lunch to tell him about the news. Joshua agreed even though I told him that it was alright if he already had plans but as always he agreed. I told him more details and how Noah and Zia were also coming along.
After lunch, we walked through a narrow pathway near the roadside to head back to Joshua's car. In a split second, I felt a warm touch at my shoulders as a spurge of force sent me into the innerside of the walkway. Looking at Joshua, he continued walking, looking out for cars. I felt heat forming on my cheeks as we continued walking. "Alfie calm down he's just a gentleman, all he did was touched your shoulder, he didn't kiss you."
Friday arrived earlier than usual. I pulled my luggage and carriers into the garage and helped the helpers to load the baggage into the family car. Soon, we were headed to the Suns beach. I used to look forward every summer for this particular reason. Since young, my parents and Noah parents brought us here to stay every summer and that was probably how we became close. Ever since Noah left the country 2 years ago, his parents still came over every summer to spend time with us. This was the first time where I was dreading to head to the Suns beach. Younger me would never believe what I said.
Soon, we arrived. 2 cars were already parked in the driveway. "We must be the last ones." I thought. As we took out the baggage out of the car, Noah's parents, Uncle Han and Aunt Han came to greet us. Joshua also came out and took my luggage and helped me carried my duffer bag. Him wearing a sleeveless white tank top was also not helping with the situation. Shaking those thoughts away, I greeted Noah's parents before walking into the villa.
To my dismay, Noah and I had to share a room. My room. To be in fact. Looking at the perfectly made queen sized bed in the room, I sighed as I started unpacking my luggage.
"I can take the floor if you like." Joshua started, breaking the silence.
"I appreciate that." I replied, looking at him. Despite all these situations, he still had those warm eyes on him.
After an hour of winding down and unpacking, my parents suggested we head out to the beach for a picnic. Rejecting the idea, I stated that I felt dizzy and would like to rest in the room for awhile. They agreed as my father told me to cone out when I'm feeling better. Joshua decided to stay with me in the villia despite me telling him to go out to the beach as I knew how much he was looking forward to be at the beach.
"You know you can just go right? I'll be fine. It's just a little motion sickness from the car ride earlier on." I said as I laid on bed with my eyes closed, feeling Joshua's presence in the room.
"It's okay. I can always go tomorrow. Do you need water?" Joshua asked.
Too tired to even argue with him even further, I shook my head weakly and fell into deep slumber.
When I woke up, I was taken aback at the mesmerising orange-yellow sunset that fell onto the room. Looking around, I saw that Joshua had fell asleep on the mattress that was laid out on the floor. Carefully lifting the bedsheets, I stepped out on bed and made my way to the door, not wanting to wake Joshua up.
"Oh you're up." Joshua said tiredly just as I was about to open the door.
"Oh sorry for waking you up." I said, turning around.
"Do you feel better?" Joshua said as he got up.
"Yup. We should head down, its dinner time."
Joshua nodded as we headed down to the kitchen. My parents, Alice, Noah and Zia and his parents were already at the kitchen munching on some steak while chatting.
"Alfie, Joshua! come here and have some steak." My father pointed out as he patted his hand to motioned us to come over. My parents introduced Joshua to Noah and his parents and exchanged conversations for a while.
"I'm glad to hear that Alfie is doing well. Joshua is such a perfect fit for her." Aunt Han said as she smiled warmly at both of us. Giving a weak smile, I thanked her and continue biting on a piece of rib-eye steak.
"Definitely. Joshua is such a caring person. Handsome face and pretty manners. Oh, the heavens has bless me with such an amazing soon-to-be son-in law." My mother exclaimed. I noticed Noah's annoyed expression from across the table.
"What's so special about that. There are many guys out there who looks better than him." Noah pointed out as he shrugged his shoulders. Zia fed him a piece of steak as she added, "for example, you." she said as Noah ate the meat smiling back at her. Alice gave a puking expression as she stood further from them. "Get a room."
They were seriously such assholes. Initially, I thought that I would still be hung up over Noah when I heard that he was coming home for summer, which was the reasons why I tried avoiding him. But now, he just makes me regret my decision on even wasting time on him and even shedding my tears for him. Enough was enough. I was about to berate at his statement when I suddenly felt a warm hand on mine. It was Joshua. Shaking his head as he probably guessed that I was about to offend Noah, he pulled me back to my seat, holding my hand under the counter. I took a deep breath as I looked at him. Why does he always let people take advantage of him? And somehow, even though I was so upset and furious at that moment, his presence and touch calmed me down. Knowing my horrible temper and inability to control my emotions well, I have always thought that nothing really could calm me down until I met Joshua.
What was this man doing to me?
After dinner, I headed back to the room to wash up. My parents and Noah's parents was at the living room watching television. Alice was probably in her room watching Netflix or something and for Noah and Zia, they were probably in their room making out or some shit. As I was about to grab my towel to head to the bathroom, I spotted Joshua at our room's balcony.
Actually, I planned to have a talk with Joshua that night. But I planned to do it after everyone was asleep and we could finally have some silence in the house. But I guess I could talk to him right now and quickly get all the questions in my head answered.
"Hey." I said, stepping into the balcony.
"Oh hey. Look at the stars." Joshua replied, lifting his head up to admire the glowing stars surrounding the navy blue night sky. Yeah, the stars were beautiful and I would be admiring them too if I was not filled with distracting thoughts in my head. But right now, the stars were the least of my concerns.
"Don't you think I don't really know you that well?" I started, looking at him. This time, he turned his full attention towards me, titling his head a little.
"I mean." I continued. "You know so much about me, like you know my interests, my family, my ex and like almost everything but I know so little of you."
"So what do you want to know about?" He asked.
"Erm...I don't know. Tell me something I don't know about." I replied, standing closer beside him.
"Well..my ex-girlfriend cheated on me too." He answered truthfully. Raising my eyebrows, I looked at him confused. "But why? I mean you're so nice and caring and even if she was a bitch and just wanted your money, it's not like you're lacking in that."
"There was a period of time where my family was not doing too well in financial terms." Joshua admitted. "She left me during that time, I guess she just wanted to use me for money but I truly liked her then."
and for the first time, Joshua had a cold expression to his face.
"Oh wow...." I answered. "Im sorry. Hope you're okay now."
"It's okay, I've moved on long ago." Joshua says, breathing in the fresh scent of the breeze. The sound of the ocean waves in the distance made the mood less awkward and more calming.
"You're way too kind."
"You're too kind to everyone it's annoying."
Joshua looked at me mouth opened as if he was trying to say something but he couldn't form words.
"Wha- What do you mean?" He finally spoke.
"Like you allow people to take advantage of you, you agree to everything, you let people stomp all over you. For example, earlier on, when Noah insulted you, you should've just let me insult him back but you refused. You're too kind for this world and I absolutely hate you for that." I blurted out. It felt amazing after finally saying the words that were in my head for the past week.
"I don't want to start a bad blood between us, besides, it's just a small matt-"
"No it's not!" I said, voice louder this time. Joshua seems taken aback by my sudden break out. "It's pissing me off. Even in school, when we used to compete in tests or exams, when I get a higher score than you, you would not show any ounce of jealousy or anger. In fact, you smile at me and congratulate me with pure genuine on your face. Before you transferred, I used to be the one who's smart and pretty. The one who is the teacher's favourite. But ever since you came, everyone just ran to you. Yes, I was jealous okay! I hated you for stealing my title away, but you seemed so unbothered whenever I rolled my eyes at you or give you dirty looks. Worst of it all, you still smile at me. It makes me feel so bad of myself. Every time when you do well on a exam, the teachers would praise you in front of the class but when I do better than you, I don't even get a 'you did well, keep it up!' and you would always give it up to me when only both of us raise our hands to answer a question and you keep telling me I did well when I score better than you in an exam. What is your problem?"
"Can't you see i'm trying so hard to win back my reputation? But suddenly this rich man's son comes into our school and he is suddenly the main shit of the school. Worst of it all, you're not cocky at all and is the kindest person i've ever met! That day when you joined math tuition class, I was genuinely upset as the teachers teach really well there and I wanted to gatekeep it from you! Why can't you just say a 'i hate y-"
"Alfie." Joshua cut me off.
"Why are yo-"
"Alfie." This time, Joshua hold my shoulders, calming me down while looking deeply into my eyes. I hate how his eyes were still filled with passion after everything I've just said. My ears were filled with tears, face as red as a tomato, huffing and puffing.
"I'm sorry that I made you felt this way. I didn't meant to stole the spotlight away from you and I didn't know that every test or exam meant as a serious competition to you. Also, I've never hated you." Joshua said as he patted my back calmly to cool me down.
"And that's what I hate about you. I've treated you like shit but you always treat me so well. Why can't you just see me as your competitor and hate me too? I don't even know why I brought you into this mess and why you even agree to this, this is stupid." I said as tears rolled down my cheeks uncontrollably.
Joshua shook his head as he continued, "Not everything has to be a competition, Alfie. I know you're competitive but life isn't a competition. To all those that left you after I transferred, they are all horrible and blind people! You are so much more than you think, Alfie."
I smiled at his statement as he chuckled at me and added.
"As for why I agreed to this.....you know what, never mind, let's go inside it's getting chilly." Joshua said as we went back in together.
Maybe Joshua was right. Maybe I should not have treated everything as a competition. Maybe the thing I was battling with was my emotions after all.
Truth be told, even though I don't want to admit, I've never really hated Joshua. It was just the pressure I faced from my parents to be the best at everything that made me jealous of him. As I tossed around to my right and saw Joshua's sleeping figure on the mattress, I sighed as I closed my eyes, falling into deep sleep....
The next day begins with the gentle warmth of the sun casting a golden hue over everything. The air is crisp and filled with the symphony of the clear blue waves in the distance and rustling leaves. As I flutter my eyes open, I realised that Joshua was already up. Looking at the time on my phone - 10:48 AM, I stretched as I got out of bed to wash up.
As I took a piece of a pancake that was stacked on a plate at the kitchen counter, I placed some honey on it and sat down to enjoy them. Looking out, I saw Joshua playing badminton with the Dads. His black tank top made him look even more glistening under the morning sunlight. Oh his smile is gorgeous. I didn't even know I was admiring him until a shrieking voice boomed through the kitchen.
"Who took my mascara?" Jumping at my seat, I looked around to see Zia stomping into the kitchen. "Was it you?" She asked as she pointed at me.
Giving her a judging look, I furrowed my eyebrows as I defended myself. "Why the hell would I take your mascara. I didn't even stepped a foot in Noah's bedroom."
As if noticing something was off, Joshua opened the clear balcony door while Uncle Han and my dad walked in.
"What's the commotion?" Uncle Han asked, placing down the badminton racket.
"My mascara is gone!" Zia cried out.
Rolling my eyes, I went back to focusing on my pancakes, munching on them showing how unbothered I was. I was pretty jealous when I saw who Noah cheated on me with but honestly, there was nothing to be jealous of. Only someone with a pretty face. I'm kinda offended he even left me for her. That's insulting. Walking away, Zia continued to stomp up the stairs, continuing the hunt for her mascara.
Uncle Han shaked his head and commented, "I hope you won't get offended, Joshua but when my son was dating Alfie, I was really happy. The fact that my son cheated on Alfie with this....girl made me really disappointed of him. However, i'm glad Alfie has found her true happiness. Joshua, you must treat her well."
Joshua smiled as he replied, "I definitely will Uncle Han."
The next few hours went by in a flash, Alice was at the beach, taking pictures and watching the lifeguard on duty because he was hot or something. The mothers was watching a movie in the living room while the dads was at the entertainment room playing a match of chess. I was about to take a dip at the swimming pool when I saw Noah and Zia sitting at the edge of the pool, flirting with each other. Just great, my dreams of a relaxing day at the pool is now ruin. Turning around back into the house, I was taken aback by the sudden presence of Joshua, shirtless. He turned me around back to the pool and guided me there, leaving me stunned.
"Josh-" I stuttered.
"Just trust me." He said, holding my hand in his as he walked us to the other side of the pool. When Noah and Zia saw us, Noah ignored us and Zia rolled her eyes at us. As I stood at the side of the pool, Joshua threw a volleyball at my direction without warning, causing me to miss it.
"Hey!" I said, laughing as he stepped into the pool.
After a while, Alice came back and decided that Joshua and I should play a game of couple volleyball against Noah and Zia. We both agreed as our pride was on the line to beat each other. Especially Joshua, who seemed very eager to win against them. Pulling him to a corner, I whispered, making sure only both of us could hear, "You don't have to agree to this you know? Noah used to be the captain of the volleyball team." Joshua just smiled and answered, "don't worry."
The game started as Noah and Joshua was at the front while Zia and I at the back. And for the first time in my life, I say Noah sucks at volleyball. (younger me would not believe i could say something like that) Joshua was hella good at this. The way he is so agile to defend every attack aimed at him. How was he good at everything?
"What are you doing? Don't be embarrassing!" Zia shouted as she furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance at her boyfriend missing the ball.
It was clear who was the final winner. In fact, Zia left the game halfway due to embarrassment and Noah got out of the pool stomping into the house. I chuckled at their salty expressions and high fived with Joshua, complimenting him. "You totally carried. I didn't know you were good at volleyball too?"
He replied, "Oh there's a lot of things you don't know about me."
That night, we were laying in our beds (joshua was still on the floor) getting ready to call in for the night. I was scrolling through 小红书 while Joshua was on tiktok. We were enjoying our silent time and I really appreciate Joshua for being someone who also enjoys silent time as much as I do. It doesn't mean you have to communicate if you're in the same room and some people seem not to get that.
"I'm sleepy. I think i'm going to sleep soon." Joshua said, putting down the phone as he closed his eyes and massaged his arms. I knew his arms hurt from playing volleyball all afternoon and that the thin mattress laying on the floor is not helping either. Should I ask him to come and sleep on the bed tonight? Is that going to be weird? After contemplating for quite a while, I finally mustered up my courage.
"Erm..Joshua? Do you want to sleep on the bed?"
Joshua opened his eyes and looked up at me.
"N-No don't get the wrong idea, there's enough space on the bed and your arm probably hurts from playing volleyball with that asshole the whole afternoon because he doesn't want to admit defeat." I explained hastily.
Joshua gave me the warmest smile ever and I swear I melted at the spot. "Sure. Thank you." He replied, opening the covers on the other side and joining me on the comfortable soft bed. As we laid down on the same bed that night, the awkwardness of tension filled the air as I turned around to my side while Joshua was staring at the ceiling.
"Hey...erm Joshua?" I broke the silence.
"Hm?" He hummed in response.
"I'm planning to tell my family we have broken up by the end of summer." I said. Since we have finals this year, seniors have to return to school by July, which was in 2 weeks time.
There was a moment of silence in the room except for the crashing of waves outside as I waited for Joshua's response.
"Oh yeah." He replied dryly. Feeling quite disappointed with his sudden dryness in answer, I hugged the shared blanket tighter to my chest.
"Good Night Alfie."
"Good Night Joshua."
The rest of the villa staycation went by smoothly and as soon as I got back, I continued to grind on my studies, making sure I do not let any of my grade fall and to push up my GPA. Alice did not want to take up my family's business so that burden is suddenly mine. Although I do have a confirmed safe spot for me in the future, I still wanted to do well. Joshua and I never contacted for a while after the staycation. He was probably studying his ass off too, so I never made it a point to contact him first. (in case I was disturbing him) And soon, summer for us was over.
On the afternoon of the last day of summer, I texted Joshua to inform him about the breakup that was going to happen tonight. I waited all day for his reply, constantly checking up on my phone to see any notifications coming from him, only to no avail. "Oh well he must have saw the message I guess. He's just busy." I thought. It was 10:pm. Not wanting to push it any further, I carefully walked down the stairs, towards the living room where my parents were sitting down on the couch watching the daily 10pm news broadcast. Walking into the living room, my parents eyed my suspicious behaviour and turned their focus back into the living room.
"Joshua and I have broken up." I said, praying a hole would dig me in right there.
I swear the whole house shook a little when my mother jumped out of the couch and hollered. "What?"
My father stood up and turned the television off.
Not again.
"What do you mean yall have broken up? Why? Did he cheat on you? Did he not like you anymore? Alfie, did you cheat on him?" My mother flooded me with burning questions as I held my hands in defence. Alice was also somehow already in the living room too.
"No, listen to me." I said calmly. "It's our final year, Joshua and I are too busy for each other. That was the reason for the breakup."
Alice scoffed as she commented. "On the last day of summer? You think I believe you? It's as if you're his side chick for the summer. I fucking knew it, no way a man could have no flaws at all."
Oh god this wasn't going as how I expected to.
"He doesn't have another girl!" I defended.
"And how would you know that Alfie Hwang?" My mother added. "And even if you knew that, you should've just stayed with him, just use his money, they are dirty rich anyways!"
Oh my god. This is absolutely disgusting. As if on cue, my phone which was in my hands the whole time started vibrating furiously. Startled, I look down as I saw Joshua on the hotline. Quickly stating to my family that I needed to answer a call, I swiftly rushed up the stairs. I could still hear my mom's voice yelling for my name. Hot tears brimmed at my eyes as I shut the room door close.
Taking a few deep breaths, I closed my eyes while the phone was still ringing. How am I going to answer his call after all the shit I've put him through? Gaining back my confidence, I swiped the phone to answer and hold back my tears, trying to sound as if I wasn't sobbing a second ago.
"Alfie, are you free to meet right now?"
"Y-Yeah." I said, hoping my voice didn't sound too cracked. But I guess not.
"Are you crying?" Joshua asked. "Wait there, I'm coming."
"No wait-"
The call ended. There was no way my parents would let him in after whatever I said. Oh my god he's going to blame me for not explaining clearer to my parents and making him seem like an asshole. I rushed down the stairs as I placed at the entrance. When I saw his familiar black SUV at our garage, I ran out of the entrance, hoping none of my family members have noticed.
"Joshua, come here." I said, as I walked briskly towards the neighbourhood nearest park which was only a street away. I felt Joshua's presence next to my side in a second and felt those warm eyes on me. He bend down to look at my eyes while trying to keep my furious walking pace.
"Alfie." Joshua said, suddenly stopping in his tracks abruptly.
Feeling frustrated, I turned around and said, "Joshua, what are you doing? Follow me."
"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me why you're crying." Joshua said, keeping his composure.
"Joshua, I'll tell you later. Let's get out of this place first." I said for the second time, feeling a little more frustrated this time.
"I already told you. I'm not going anywhere unless you tell me why you're crying." Joshua spoke, more firmly this time.
Rolling my eyes in annoyance as my hot tears has also rolled down my cheeks, I blurted out in the heat of the moment. "I'm sorry."
Joshua raised one of his eyebrows as he walked over and asked, feeling flustered. "N-No wait, I don't understand why are you apologising?"
"Because you're being seen as an asshole all because of me!" I cried out, more tears flowing down this time. "You shouldn't have agreed on this, this was a bad idea."
"Alfie, hey." Joshua said as he gripped my chin softly to look up at him. "You shouldn't blame yourself that this situation happened. I don't care what other people think about me, they can say as many shit as they want to. I brought myself into this mess, so don't blame yourself, alright?"
"Then why did you agree to this?"
"Because I love you!"
There was an awful plain silence as I slowly looked up from the concrete to his endearing eyes. It's not fair even in situations like these, he looks good. Trying to process what he said as I opened my mouth but I couldn't seem to form the words.
As if taking the hint, Joshua added. "And not in the friendship way, I'm talking about as a person."
"What.." I mumbled, feeling faint.
"I've liked you since I've joined the school. Even before I joined the school, I've heard rumours on how smart you are and have always admired you for that. And as I expected, the rumours were true. I always wanted to get closer to you but you somehow seem to not like being around me. Here, right now the only reason I agreed to help you was because I like you."
"No, I think I love you."
The way he can say all these words as if the emotions were in his eyes and voice enticed me. I couldn't believe all these years I treated us as rivals but he didn't felt the same at all and now that he have mentioned it, I don't even want to face him anymore. There was a reason every time whenever he smiled at me, cheered me up when I didn't do well on an exam, praising me when I did well on a test but here I am foolishly thinking of him as my competitor and hating him when he was beside me all along cheering me on. All the hatred poured into him, he didn't even felt any anger towards me at all. How can I ever face him anymore?
"I'm sorry." I said, hurrying back to my house. I could hear Joshua's voice calling for my name in a distance but I couldn't turn back. I must not. As I slam myself into bed, I bursted into tears uncontrollably. To be honest, this summer break has made me change my opinions on Joshua. In fact, I might have also developed some feelings for him and as much as I don't want to admit it, I do enjoy his company and I liked him by my side. Moreover, I definitely didn't want summer to end. I've always thought it was only me who felt this way so I didn't want to make it awkward for him and it was probably my karma for hating him. But now that I know he has been always feeling this way for me, I couldn't help but feel that I have let him down again and again. No matter how many times I've treated him badly, he would always be on my side, always speaking up for me, always looking out for me.
As I unlocked my phone and saw the unopened messages from Joshua, I closed my eyes harder as more tears flowed down my face. I went to the first person I could think of - Noelle.
"Noelle...I fucked up."
As summer ended and we came back to school, reality hits me quickly as my parents pressured me to do well for monthly tests and to prepare well for the final year exams. I also had to realise that Joshua was just a summer fling. I tried my best to avoid him in school and at tuition although sometimes I can feel his eyes on me. My parents also forced me to delete Joshua's number and to forget about him completely. "He's just an asshole who picked you up as a side chick for summer. Get over it." They would say. As days got by, I found myself even more stressed about the upcoming final papers. It got so unhealthy that I would often skipped meals just to have more time studying. Sometimes, I would even wake up at 4:AM in the early morning just to study before going to school. Noah and his family received the news fast which didn't stopped him from rubbing into my face when his family visited for dinner which made me almost punched him in the face right there. However, despite all that, I seem to be forgetting about Joshua, which was a good thing - well at least I believed so. Was I happy? Definitely not.
We were having our monthly test today. As usual, I studied until 3:AM, had a restless night, and forced myself to wake up at 5:AM to get some revision and work done. As I was holding my formula sheet while walking down the hallways, Noelle joined me halfway.
"Hey!" she greeted me with her usual cheerful smile.
"Hi." I replied, my focus still on my formula sheet, repeating the formulas in my brain over and over again.
"Didn't you wake up at 5AM just to study today? Take a break." Noelle said, as she snatched my formula sheet away from me.
"Just in case I forget later on, that's the key to memorising bae." I replied while rolling my eyes as I snatched the paper back from her.
"Whatever you say." Noelle said, scrolling her phone.
Oh how I should have listened to Noelle. To my dismay, once the test started, my mind went completely blank. All the endless studying and revision that I have done over the past few weeks had gone to waste. Holding back the tears, I closed my eyes as I clutched my palms together, trying to recall the formulas and techniques. However, nothing seemed to make sense and connect.
"No no no no...Alfie get yourself together!" I thought to myself, trying to recall again. But nothing seemed to make sense once again. As the first tear fell onto the paper, creating a stain, I knew it was over for me. Placing my hands over my face, I tried to stopped the tears that kept falling down my face while recalling the formulas. All the equations and formulas just came crashing down together, not making sense at all. Feeling distressed, I took a deep breath in and out, looking around the classroom to see everyone answering the questions calmly. This did not made it any better.
"Alfie, are you okay?" The examiner, Ms Yoo asked as she looked at me with concern. This made the whole class (including Joshua) to look at me. Nodding my head, I looked down at the damp paper as I held my pen firmly. I couldn't breathe at all. I need to get out.....
Once the paper ended, I grabbed my bag as I rushed out of the school. Breathing heavily, I tried to stabilise my breathing as I finally let go of the tears that I've been holding back an hour ago. Upon seeing this, Noelle immediately embraced me into a hug, patting my back as she asked, "Alfie! Are you okay? Don't cry, please..."
"I fucked it up so bad...." I sad as I sobbed into her chest.
She patted my back as she hugged me tighter and repeated the words. "It's going to be okay."
Afterwards, Noelle took me to our comfort ice cream shop to cheer me up. It kinda worked, I guess. Even though I was so underserving of that sweet and exotic mango sorbet.
"My parents are going to disowned me..." I trailed off, scooping the ice cream repeatedly.
"What if I talk to them?" Noelle suggested. "They wouldn't scold me right?"
"Yeah but the war would start after you leave anyways."
"Do you want to come to my place for awhile?" Noelle asked.
"I kinda want to go to the bar alone tonight." I said, "I'm in need of alcohol in my digestive system right now." I love Noelle with all my heart but as of right now, I need to be alone.
"Are you sure you're gonna be okay? I can accompany you just in case."
"I'll be fine. Don't worry." I replied as I flashed her a reassuring smile.
"Okay then. But you have to call me if anything happens and you have to pick up my call, okay?" She said, her tone firm.
"Mm, I will."
As I sat at the bar counter, face already flushed red while drowning myself with lemon lime beer. You see, I'm not an alcoholic person and it may be embarrassing but I prefer my alcohol to be less bitter because I get red easily and my alcohol tolerance is pretty low, I would say. I was preparing myself for some alone time that night but I guess not.
An unfamiliar hand landed on my right shoulder as I looked to my left to see a middle aged man who was probably in his 40s. Cursing under my breath, I rolled my eyes as I swapped his hand off my shoulder, hoping he take the fucking hint by now because I really don't want to deal with his bullshit tonight.
"Why so angsty, Miss?" He asked in a cheeky tone as he landed his hand on my shoulder again. Okay I am not doing this today. Swapping his hand off my shoulder harder this time, I stood up in annoyance and shouted, "Get the fuck off me! I'm not interested to fuck so find other people!"
He scoffed as he grabbed me in an instant as he whispered, "You don't have a fucking say in this." Trying to lose his grip on me, I kicked his leg, causing him to fall on the floor. In a swift second, a hard slap landed on my cheek as I shouted, "What the fuck is wrong with you, fucking pervert!" By this time, many people were surrounding us, trying to see what the commotion was about.
Little did I know that at the same time, Noelle was dialling my phone which was picked up by the bar tender who witnessed what happened. "Please come over! Your friend is fighting with a pervertic and unreasonable man. I'm just a bar tender, I can't help her."
Just as the man was about to land his second slap on me, I closed my eyes as I held my hands out in defence, protecting myself. However, I heard the man screaming in pain. "Who are you? A-ah! Let go bastard!"
Slowly opening my eyes, I was greeted with the familiar sight of the infamous Joshua Hong. I stood rooted to the ground as I saw Joshua twist the arm of the man and grabbing his collar. "Who the fuck are you to hit a girl? She's clearly not interested in you." Joshua said as he landed a hard punch on him, causing him to scream at Joshua as he hurried off in embarrassment.
Why was Joshua even here anyways?
Not sparing any glance at Joshua, I grabbed my bag from the seat and my phone and walked out of the bar.
"Alfie!" Joshua called out as he followed me out of the bar. He held my hand firmly which forced me to turn around to look at him. Oh his face, how I have missed him. I was doing just fine, why did he have to come back to my life?
"Why can't you just leave me alone?" I cried out as my tears rolled down my cheeks and I felt the heat from the bruise on my face and the alcohol I had earlier on. I probably looked like a mess right now while Joshua still looked perfectly fine with his perfectly tousled black hair.
"I was doing alright until you came along! Why can't you just make me forget you!"
"Alfie, I-"
"Look, if you're here to mock me for getting perved on then fuck off because i'm having a really shitty day!"
"I love you."
Huffing and puffing from all the crying, I looked at him as I felt the tears rolled down my cheeks even more. He continued looking at me with his warm eyes and calm facial expression, as if I was the most precious thing in the world.
"I love you so much that I'm not going to give up on you." He said.
"I love you so much that I'm not willing to let you go. So, please if you feel the same, don't forget me. I'll give you as much time as you want, just- just don't forget about me."
"B-But I don't understand! After what I have done to you? after what they say about you?" I asked, half asking half shouting to be exact.
"Who cares what they say about me. As I said, I brought myself into this mess, It's not your fault. If its anything, it's instead my fault." He repiles.
How can he be so caring after everything? I bursted into even more tears as I gave in and cried into his chest, hitting him lightly. "Are you crazy? Why are you so stupid!" I could feel his chest vibrate as he smiled and replied, "Hit me as much as you want, let it all out."
"Are you not scared I leave you one day?" I asked, looking up at him with puffy eyes and a tear stained on my cheek.
"Then I'll continue liking you and wait until you like me again." He answered, smiling at me back.
"You fool." I said as I wrapped my hands around his waist tighter. He patted my head gently as he pushed back a few strands of hair behind my ear.
Joshua was indeed someone I couldn't avoid in my this lifetime. No matter which road or path I take, they all lead me back to him.
It was already 2am. Joshua insisted to talk to my parents even though I tried to persuade him not to. As we pulled up at the driveway, I could feel the tears and brewing argument that was going to happen later on as soon as I noticed the ground floor lights were still on.
"Alfie Hwang where have you been?" My mother hollered as soon she heard the door unlock. "Anyways, how's the test today? You better get a good grade I tell you! I didn't sent you to tuitions for nothing!"
Placing my bag down on the bench, I sighed as I watched Joshua cautiously walked into the entrance.
My mother continued, "What's this asshole doing here? Don't tell me you came home late because you slept with him!"
"Hello Auntie Hwang." Joshua started as his face evolved into a warm smile.
"Wipe that fake smile away from your face pretty boy. Leave my daughter alone." My mother said as she pointed a finger at Joshua.
"Mom!" I called out. "Joshua isn't that type of guy."
"Did he brainwash you or something? You were his summer side chick, get a gr-"
"No! I lied to you." I admitted as I hung my head low.
"What?" My mother asked, raising an eyebrow. "You better explain yourself right now Alfie."
I started elaborating everything that had happened right from the start as my mother listened to me with bated breath. She seemed annoyed, furious, frustrated and confused all at the same time. However, I felt relieved to be able to finally to not lie to my family anymore.
Thankfully, my mother did not get too upset that night. She apologised to Joshua and scolded me for lying to her. She still scolded me harshly for not being able to do the test today though - I guess some things just don't change. Joshua gave me two thumbs up signs and smiled at me with his crescent moon shaped eyes. And for the first time in my life, I didn't cry while arguing with my parents all because he was there.
Word spread fast. Soon, my whole family, Noah and his family and even my parents friends all knew about this situation. Was it embarrassing? Of course but knowing I had Joshua on my side made the situation a lot better. In fact, Joshua started to stand up for himself whenever Noah would throw insults at him. And of course, he would always defend me.
Joshua was the perfect boyfriend any girl could ever ask for. The way he's so observant and would notice whenever I am feeling down. The way he would always sing Sunday Morning by Maroon 5 every time we go for karaoke sessions. The way we would have unserious debates every single time. The way he plays basketball so passionately. The way he would always bring me out to eat my favourite foods and would never let me pay. The way he would often cook his hometown cuisines for me to try out because he knows I can't do myself any justice in the kitchen.
Time do flies by fast. From studying for tests and exams to graduating university soon. If you told me a year ago Joshua Hong would be my boyfriend, the one by my side, I would laugh at your face hysterically and bet my whole bank account and in the end lose everything.
This summer has taught me lots of lessons and how the unexpected can really come true sometimes. Most of all, I know that Joshua Hong was the one who was there for me since the very start and will be there with me till the very end. These are words that may be cliche or may seem nothing but from the bottom of my heart, thank you and
I love you Joshua.
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asingleietsist · 10 months
"A Green Queen" AU
Chapter VIII
TW: Discussion of Self-ham
A few hours passed as the two discussed various agreements, commerce deals, supply exchanges, and of course the Grand Peace Flair Ball. Luigi sat on the side next to Kamek, taking notes as the MagiKoopa guided him and kept him up to pace with the conversation. He had chimmed in a few times to give his thoughts on certain guard stations or small reminders of past agreements King Totomesu had stood by. He felt a sense of distance every time the Prince or Bowser shut him down on ideas, but chalked it up to them having more experience. Kamek also reassured him each time that he was doing fine and gave a small pat on his back for comfort. They had broken conversation a few times to eat and rehydrate before they talked on end again.
And as the night fell, they had finally completed their discussion. Prince Khufo cheered and bound off to the kitchen to check on their nightly meals. Kamek, also took this opportunity to check the older scrolls for new spells and remedies for the Koopalings.
The King, however, was at the edge of the balcony looking up at the stars and humming to himself, he was ready to leave, but too tired to go too far into the palace.
Luigi fixed his papers carefully and placed a little gold slate paperweight on top, so they didn't fly off as the breeze kicked in. He stood up, hair flowed slightly, as he watched as Bowser's head turned to follow a certain passing star that shot by.
He walked over with a chair and sat down beside him, still keeping a bit of distance between them. "They're pretty... D-Do you like watching shooting stars?"
"Yeah... I usually watched them with the little ones, but I doubt we would've made it back in time to see them together.. You should see their little eyes light up when they..."
The large koopa's words trailed off as he noticed Luigi's galaxy blue eyes shimmered, eager to hear him talk fondly about his hatchlings.
"That's sweet of you... They could be watching right now. If that makes you feel any better.."
'Why does it matter what he thinks? You're just-'
"Hah! You underestimate their attention span. Ludwig is probably telling Iggy to stop trying to replicate star patterns with his bombs. And Lemmy is most likely drawing silly faces on their shells when they're distracted, speedy lil champ!" He exclaimed. "Wendy won't be so pleased, once she finds out though, she's not afraid to tackle any of them down and nip at them."
Luigi looked at him mortified. "That sounds...greaatttt.... Um.. Did they all come from the same.."
"No, you've asked before"
"When you nearly severed my arm off?"
"Hey! I apologized!", The large lizard huffed. His arms now crossed on the ledge.
Luigi chuckled a bit, "Uh huh.. What an amazing apology."
"You're damned right it was!", Bowser grinned.
Luigi snickered and rolled his eyes, enjoying the King's confidence. Bowser smiled a bit seeing the Queen's enjoyment and continued.
"I'd found most of their eggs on islands or in dense territory I had conquered. Most Koopas my size will abandon eggs once most of the clutch hatch out.", He huffed and gazed back up at the stars. "Yeah, some of them were a hassle to raise, still are, but I'd caused the entire universe to quake in fear if any of them got hurt.", He chuckled at his own comment.
Luigi eyes lifted slightly as he saw the King's gaze softened. "I raised them myself and even though they drive me insane sometimes; they're family to Junior.."
'Just Junior?'
"What about you? Aren't they your family just as much as they are Junior's?"
Bowser gave a low growl causing Luigi to stiffen.
The two stayed gazing at the show, Luigi sighed and started to think about when he and Mario would watch the sky with Peach and Toad.
They shared food and witty jokes about their adventures. The countless of times they had saved or helped the kingdom and allies. It had become a second home to Mario and himself. He always felt some sort of peace being with Mario and wished he had some way to contact his brother outside of the contractual agreement.
The agreement.
In light of the situation, the dreamy atmosphere, the cool breeze. Luigi had forgotten that all of this was temporary.
He was a queen to his enemies and all of it was his fault. He agreed to be Bowser's bride, strictly married to the koopa next to him by circumstance of he and his brother's plans. Despite it being his karma, he still missed Mario, and trembled realizing the passage of time.
A light sense of pain hit his arm again but it stopped as Bowser's claw quickly removed his hand from digging into it.
"Why do you keep doing that?!", he yelled.
"It's nothing! Let go!"
"I said let go! I'm fine!"
" You're not fine! Just let me see and-"
"Thank you for your concern, but I'm FINE."
Bowser's nose flared at his tone and his claw tightened around his hand slightly.
"You know you're REALLY stubborn!"
"I learned from the best...", Luigi muttered.
Bowser growled deeply, "What'sTHAT supposed to mean!". His grip tightened around Luigi's hand more as his pupils slitted and were locked on him.
Luigi winced from the pain breathing heavily then looked away shaking.
Bowser growled then roared briefly as he let go.
Luigi checked his hand for injury, only to see light bruises on the sides of his wrist. He let out a sigh of relief as he massaged them, then looked over at his captor.
Bowser sighed, his tail swayed violently as he tried to cool off. " Why can't you just talk?"
"You ask me to shut up every other time.", He muttered.
"I-", he turned around to object, but couldn't retaliate. "That's usually because you've said something stupid and you know that's not what I meant, when it comes to that."
He lightly tapped a finger on Luigi's right arm.
"I... You caused this."
The King's head tilted in confusion. "But I said-"
"I know... And I'm glad, but it doesn't erase it immediately. It still hurts me. YOU still harmed me! I want to forgive you, but every time I think I understand I begin to blame myself for not thinking about why I'm here and that all of THIS could've been avoided."
Tears swelled in his eyes the more he went on, only to be met with Bowser's perplexed expression.
"As far back as the wedding, I've just been replaying it over and over! If I didn't let my disguise slip or if I hadn't agreed to be here or if I hadn't bothered you that night! I wouldn't have gotten hurt, I wouldn't have these fucking nightmares!"
Luigi's streams of tears blurred his vision, he was regretting every ounce of information he was telling him. He didn't even bother to look over at the Koopa and kept his eyes on the stars as they reflected in his tears slightly.
Bowser blinked, he watched the small man's body shake and hiccup from crying. He reached over slightly with his claw about to say something then retracted, before getting up to leave.
Luigi sniffled as he covered his face with his hands and slowly slid them back into his hair. A light breeze made him shiver, but they didn't stop the quiet crying.
'Why did I do that... He doesn't care! Get a grip, Luigi!'
Half an hour had gone by and Luigi had rested his chin on his uninjured arm to calm down.
His pink eyes gazed out at the palace fountains and the desert beyond the gates.
Dried snot flaked on his mustache and he didn't bother to try and look for Bowser or call for Spotty once his tears stopped flowing.
Purely out of embarrassment.
As he closed his eyes, he heard claws clank against the tiles, and a mild quake rattled his chair.
He felt a warm sheet embrace him only to open his eyes and see Bowser removing a lid from a small dish with an aroma of hefty spices leaving the plate. He gestured towards his face with some wipes he'd brought back, almost ordering him to take it.
Luigi nodded and took a few to wipe off his face and 'stache, being careful of his eyes and lips. When he finished, he glanced behind him to see the blanket placed over his shoulders. A simple black velvety sheet with Bowser's emblem on it, he sighed looking at it then turned his attention to the food Bowser brought.
He hadn't said a word about his outburst and was a bit ashamed to ask, "I'm s-sorry about all of that!", Luigi laughed. "Just forget I said-"
Before he could finish, Bowser slipped food into his mouth with a spoon. As Luigi began to chew, his face lit up tasting a familiar fruit he hadn't had in a while, tomatoes.
Despite the pleasant surprise he looked up at the King confused.
"You talk too much."
".....Not usually..", he swallowed.
"You also cry worse than a hatchling."
Luigi sighed, "Probably..."
Bowser looked down at him, "So you hurt yourself because of me?"
Luigi didn't say anything nor did he move in response to his comment. He stayed staring at the stars, the blanket covering his shoulders.
Bowser hummed, understanding to not press further for now, and asked if he wanted to just eat.
Luigi nodded, his face flushed as he slightly opened his mouth for another spoonful.
Bowser's tail slowly swung as he fed him again and looked up towards the heavens. He wanted to know more about this self inflicted harm, if he could for a moment, stop the pain as quickly as each star shot above. A pit of guilt growing in his stomach, as brief as the streaks of silver, luminescent, and ever fleeting.
Spotty stepped onto the balcony and stared at the two, "Your highness. The Prince has found intruders in the palace and is requesting your...and the Queen's presence immediately."
Luigi groaned a bit and slightly stood up. His knees shaking as the crying has caused a small headache to form, making him feel dizzy.
Bowser caught him carefully and growled, "Fine, but tell him I'll be taking the Queen back to his room for the night."
"But-", Luigi stammered.
"No. You are going to rest. That's an order."
Spotty bowed, "Yes, your highness".
Bowser glanced down at Luigi and puffed, "Do you mind if I carry you?"
He shook his head slowly, not wanting to worsen his head ache. "Just...really slowly. My head is spinning.", he gasped.
Bowser nodded and gently slipped his claws under the Queen's thighs. He made sure to avoid digging his nails into the pants, despite wanting to playfully poke at Luigi's soft skin.
Luigi kept close to the koopa's chest, hearing a slow thump thump coming from his shell. He listened to its shallow rhythm and closed his eyes as Bowser carried him down the hall.
Prince Khufo yawned as he stepped down the torch-lit stairwell. His wings opened greatly as he darted down the stairs dramatically, causing the once sunset shimmering flames to blaze ocean blue.
At the bottom, he stepped into a sandstone hall, filled with nearly empty cells, holding long gone dry bones, goombas, and deserted, torn shy guy uniforms. The Prince padded past each cell with a cheeky grin and as he approached the last two his eyes lit up.
"Oh, what a treat! Thinking you could get in here unannounced? And why.. not even a single letter either. We're not plebians yknow..", he pouted.
He held one of the torches closer to the cell and the light shined onto a cloak, covering his captives face.
"Nothing? Really? Hmph, suit yourself. Maybe the Koopa King will have more fun with you and your little band of outcasts. It'll sure be quite the show~", he giggled.
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My Little Twinkling Star ~ Ominis Gaunt x Slytherin!Reader
Summary: Reader misses her family to the point of crying, but is too afraid of telling Ominis, knowing his bad relationship with his own parents.
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It was no news for anyone that Y/N loved her parents more than she loved life itself, almost to the point of obsession. Why? Certainly, no one could really understand. Most of the children her age were attached to their parents, yes, but not like this - Not to the point of crying just thinking about them. And the more the years passed, the harder the separation became. Once again, not even she could understand why - After all, she had the best of friends in Sebastian and Anne, and an absolute angel of a boyfriend in Ominis. Not only that, she loved her time at Hogwarts, the studying, the Professors, the environment, the creatures, the forest; There was not a single thing she disliked about her years spent at Hogwarts... But at the end of the day, she knew she wanted to return back at her home village and be close to her mum and dad.
Now, in her last year of Hogwarts, with the stress from the NEWTS weighting so heavy on her shoulders, she wrote to her mother more than ever before - In fact, if the poor Owl could handle the tedious flight, she would write her parents ten times a day, at the minimum. At some point, she even asked her mum to send her a few Howlers, just to hear her voice, as so many months passed without seeing each other, without feeling her warm, loving touch, or her protective embrace.
It was always late into the night, when sleep refused to visit her, that she’d go to the Common Room, with a calming tea laced with some sleeping draught and honey, that she would listen to the sweet voice of her mother, calling her all sorts of cutesy nicknames, like ‘My little twinkling star’, ‘My precious little angel’ or even ‘My beautiful sweetheart’. 
Of course, she got along very well with her dad too, always playing around and going on adventures, playing games or doing tech-stuff, as he was a muggle carpenter and built everything around their home, including the cozy little cottage all with his own hands... But there was always a special connection with her mum, her guardian angel, her most beloved person alive.
And tonight, like during many other nights, she laid on the couch, hugging the plushie that her mum gifted her on her birthday many years ago, along with the fluffy blanket, and she opened the envelope. A bittersweet smile appeared on her face, hearing that tender voice, telling her words of love, of the mundane, and how much she misses her little twinkling star. Y/N’s face became wet with tears, hugging the plush tighter to her chest and stifling her sobs in the blanket.
Oh, how she wished she could explain what she was feeling, how she wished to talk to someone without sounding pretentious or spoiled. Sebastian and Anne both lost their parents, and her sweet Ominis... He didn’t even want to hear about his dreadful parents. Poppy’s parents were just as awful, and she ran away from them... Though perhaps she would understand, as she loves her grandma as much as she loves her mum... And then there’s Natty, who still blames her father’s death on herself, and she has a little bit of a rebellious state with her mum.
Y/N was so absorbed in her own thoughts, comforted only by the envelope’s voice looping the message over and over again with each flick of her wrist, that she didn’t hear the sound of soft foot steps, until a familiar voice called out her name, confused. “Y/N?” Ominis called out in a soft voice. “O-Oh! Ominis, h-hi! It’s late, why aren’t you sleeping?” she quickly closed the envelope, hiding it underneath the pillow. “I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d get a glass of water.” he explained. “I can only guess you’re pretty much in the same boat as me, huh?” “Y-Yeah... Sort of. I made myself some sleeping draught tea with honey. It’s still a bit warm, if you want some.” she offered, patting the spot on the couch next to her. “Sounds lovely, thanks.” with a soft smile on his face, the boy sat next to her. “I heard your mum’s voice. Is everything okay?” Y/N’s breath was hitched in her throat, unsure of how to answer. “Y/N? Are you okay, my darling?” he asked again, hearing no answer. “Ah, y-yeah, of course, everything is alright, no need to worry. I, uh... I guess I just miss my parents, that’s all. No big deal.” Ominis, however, frowned. He might not be able to see the blatant fidgeting of her body, or the way her eyes were looking everywhere but at him, but her voice was betraying her. “Y/N, come here.” he extended his arms, and by instinct, Y/N cuddled into his embrace, getting herself comfortable and covering the both of them with the blanket. “Please, tell me what’s bothering you. I’ve heard you crying on a couple of occasions - And it’s not only me worried, but Anne and Sebastian too.” he tenderly caressed her hair. “Is it the gossips from those nasty girls? Because, if it is, I don’t want to hear any of that. I won’t accept you agreeing to some low-lives degrading you for your softer nature. I have told you once, and I will tell you again - Your emotions are endearing, and the fact that your love for the people you care for is so strong that’s overflowing... I think it’s beautiful.” “Ominis...” she whispered his name in disbelief, feeling his hands softly make their way to her face and wiping away her tears. “It’s a selfish reason, I don’t... I don’t want to bother you with it. It’s really... It’s really silly, you know?” “Is it exam stress, then?” the boy could feel her head nodding at first, only to shake just after. “So not only that.” “I just... I just really miss my mum, okay? I know, it’s a stupid reason to cry. It’s very, very stupid. But I just want to go home, and... And hug my mum, and joke around with dad, and play with my puppy, and be in the comfort of my own home... If it makes any sense at all.” she sighed deeply. “I’m stressed from the exams, yes, but... I don’t know why I’m so emotional. I thought I was getting older, tougher, more mature... Instead, I’m just turning into a huge weeping mess. It’s... It’s stupid. It’s ridiculous!” she gritted her teeth in exasperation. “I have the perfect life with my family, and I feel like I’m selfish if I cry about it, when people like you are one step away from being estranged for not sharing the same bigoted beliefs as your family, or -- Or Sebastian and Anne, whose parents died... Or Poppy who ran away from her criminal parents... I just... I don’t want to burden you with my silly, makeshift problems... Because they aren’t even problems, I’m just being a spoiled brat.”
Ominis was silent for a few seconds, before pulling Y/N into a sweet kiss, and smiling at her like the loving angel that he is. “Now, now, didn’t I ask you to tell me, whenever something bothers you? Even the little things? You missing your family is included, you silly little lady.” he chuckled softly. “It’s not your fault that my family sucks. In fact, I think your family is more my family than my own family ever was. Didn’t your mum say two years ago that I’m as good as her son?” his smile widened. “I’d say, I miss your family too.” “R-Really? You do?” Ominis nodded affirmatively. “Then, after we finish Hogwarts, would you like to move in with me, in the same village? A pretty little cozy cottage, just the two of us, in the comfort of a familiar and very friendly village - Which so happens to be rather close to Sebastian’s?” “Ahh, you want the world to explode, don’t you? If the four of us are reunited after Hogwarts ends, then no doubt, bad things will happen. Either the end of the world, or... Erh... Sometimes similar.” Ominis joked. “But I do fancy that idea, I can’t lie, especially if I get to taste more of your mum’s cookies or meals. They were positively fantastic.” “Ominis.” Y/N abruptly murmured his name. “It was me who baked the cookies.” “Even better!” he exclaimed in surprise. “I just have to wife you now, and it’s all good. Everything is going according to the plan.” If only he could see the heavy blush painted on her cheeks - Though Y/N suspected he could feel the warmth at least, as the cheeky grin never did leave his face. “Ah, you got all quiet, have I flustered you so? Forgive me, my little twinkling star. Just wait a bit more, until we’ve graduated, and I can get you a proper ring, beautiful, to match your own charm.” Y/N had to bury her face in the crook of his neck from embarrassment. “It’s times like this when I’m really upset I can’t see. I would do anything to see that look on your pretty face.” he just won’t give her and her beating heart any break, will he?  “Ominis, you’re embarrassing me!” she finally managed to whine.  “I might have done that, but at least you’re not upset anymore, so I don’t regret anything. After all, I meant every word I said.” he rose her face, just enough to place his forehead against her own. “The love you have for all of us is magnetic. It’s absolutely beautiful. It’s what attracted me most to you. You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met in my life, and I never want to lose you. All jokes aside, I hope you will actually come to me, no matter what silly thing bothers you so. I can feel when you’re upset, just as you always could with me. We are connected, the two of us, didn’t you say that - Remember, when you touched my wand, and you said you felt happy? That you felt a comforting warmth take over you? That’s what I feel whenever I’m with you. Any bit of sadness I have, simply disappears. Do you know why?” “Why?” Y/N dared to speak, though her whole being was frozen from all the heart-warming words addressed her way. “Because I love you.”
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blacklegsanjiii · 2 months
Thpughts on the RLS!Siblings?? 👀
Mostly about how funny would be some interactions with RLS + ASL siblings bc y'know, lusan. Like, they doing a "family dinner" kinda thing, but with much much caos and Luffy loving his boyfriend :)
Also, I love your posts! Your Misora fic is amazing, I reread at least two chapters everyday 😭❤
Ah, I'm glad you liked NBL! Its definitely a rare pair I'll love until the end of time.
As for my thoughts on RSL with an ASL family dinner: you're right it would be chaotic. Sabo and Koala are visiting and checking in when the Heart Pirates show up so Luffy throws a party because it's two family reunions in one. So Law is putting up with Luffy's shenanigans as Robin is catching Sabo up on the fact she, Sanji, and Law are also siblings. Sanji is cooking for the feast as Ace is talking with Shachi and Penguin.
At some point Law manages to corral the five of them into the Tang for a more private conversation. So the six of them are in the mess hall of the Polar Tang to talk, mostly about how RSL became siblings. Luffy is sitting on Sanji much to Law and Sabo's annoyance, Ace is laughing as he sits next to Sanji who knows it's a losing battle on every end for him. Robin is giggling as she sits between Law and Sabo, Luffy immediately starts playing with Sanji's hands.
Law throws a room out but is promptly fended off by Robin's devil fruit and Sanji does kick Law in the shin.
Sabo threatens to remove the cook from life if he does anything to hurt Luffy. Sanji has questions about why Sabo phrased it like that because look at Sanji's brother and sister. Look at them Sabo.
Sanji's been threatened far worse for far less. And he says so. Do better Sabo.
Sabo is absolutely offended by Sanji's attitude towards his threat but Ace has absolutely lost it and Law has given up to join his sister and Luffy in giggling as the blonds stare down each other. If they thought they were going to have a serious discussion they were wrong. Sanji is just like "I'm the only person in the room without a devil fruit and I can still set myself on fire" which makes Sabo look at Luffy in disbelief and ask where he found him. A fish shaped floating restaurant in the East Blue is not an acceptable answer apparently.
Robin says that she and Law found Sanji in the North Blue before that. Law hums and says that maybe the North Blue was good for something, despite sending Sanji to the East Blue and Robin to the Grand Line and keeping him there but Robin points out he got to keep Bepo. Law says he lost all three of his families but at least he got the bear in the most sarcastic tone.
Luffy asks what he means so Law talks about Amber Lead and his home town, Rosinante who adopted him and then sacrificed himself for him, and then Sanji and Robin. The glare Robin and Sanji get is very familiar and Robin pats Law's shoulder and off handedly mentions the three buster calls she's survived and Sanji points out he and Luffy were there for two of them. Robin acknowledges that despite Law's very, very tired look.
"I stabbed myself in the face to prove to Shanks I was tough, but I was aiming for my eye." Luffy says as he plays with Sanji's fingers.
"How did he convince you to be with him?" Law asks Sanji with despair.
"He refused my refusal." Sanji deadpans.
"Have you tried killing him?" Ace asks. "That's what Sabo and I used to do before we gave in."
"I tried killing myself." Sanji shrugs as Luffy immediately pinches his wrist in punishment for his phrasing making him hiss in pain.
"Yeah, you broke your back kicking me and Nami out of the way of an avalanche and I had to dig you out." Luffy grumbles.
"That's on you Captain, you could have left him there." Robin smiles.
"I would have." Law agrees before he looks at Sanji. "You broke your back?"
"Mhm, fought the next day." Sanji answers as everyone stares at him except Luffy. "Thanks for saving my boyfriend and his brother by the way." Sanji waves of the looks easily.
"Yeah, no problem. Figured you had all died and he didn't need that too." Law nods.
"Our apologies." Robin says.
"None of you guys are allowed to die." Luffy orders them all. They all agree easily.
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