#not to sound like an old perso
essayofthoughts · 1 year
Okay okay, I’ve got two for ya, one lighthearted and fun and the other angsty so dealers choice:
1)Minor Illusion with Percy and Delilah (or Orthax)
2)Polymorph with Keyleth and Percy
👍✨ hope this helped ❤️
See, you say this but 1. I am contrary, and 2. I am an angst gremlin! So we'll be taking number #2 for a punch in the gut, thank you Skele!
Percy avoids all of them after they chase Orthax out. Some of that may just be because he's sulking over the List - Keyleth wouldn't be surprised; her best friend is a lot more emotional than he likes to pretend - but honestly, she thinks it's much more likely that now they know for certain why he's a tiefling, he's just not... dealing well.
Honestly, she can't imagine she'd deal well, realising she'd changed something so fundamental about herself without realising, let alone that it came along with a demon deal, but also she thinks Percy is being a bit stupid about it, maybe? They're his friends and they love him and every burden is easier to bear when it's shared: he shouldn't have to be alone.
It takes her some time to find him. He's not in his room or the workshop he's claimed, or visiting his sister, or down in the acid chambers by the ziggurat. She ends up going Minxie just to try to sniff him out, and then has to turn back into herself twice when she scares some poor maids cleaning out the old parlours and in the end she gives up and Polymorphs herself into a housecat because then maybe she won't scare people so much.
She's gotten so used to being able to use Minxie, she really should be more mindful.
Still, once she catches his scent it's not too tricky to find him. He's curled up in a small tower room, tucked into a window seat and leaning his head back against bare stone almost the same colour he is.
It doesn't escape her notice that he jumps when she turns back to herself.
"Keyleth," he says and...
Oh. Does he sound shaken?
"Are you okay?" she says. "You've been avoiding us-"
"I rather thought I'd scared you," he says, swallowing. "Given-"
He had, a bit. It was... it was awful seeing her friend slowly become a monster and how willing he was to be cruel and horrible but... Orthax is gone now. And she doesn't think Percy would be hiding from them if it wasn't partially for their sakes. Percy can be arrogant, yes, and entitled, but he also respects the hell out of them? And she remembers what he'd said, when they'd started wondering if he really was in control of himself. She doesn't think he wants to hurt them, not really.
"A little," she admits, settling on the other end of the windowseat, leaning her staff against the wall. "But- also worried about you?"
He blinks at that - he always blinks at that, like they shouldn't care about him and it always confuses her, how Percy can be the most confident, arrogant person in a room and then... be like that. It's like he doesn't think he's worth anything while still demanding everything.
"Are you okay?" she asks again, because he still seems a little off.
He lets out a long breath - she thinks it wobbles a bit and narrows her eyes.
"I'll be fine," he says.
"Percy~" she says, half a whine, because he should know better by now. She doesn't want him to be fine at some point. She wants to know if she can help him now.
Percy doesn't say anything but that's normal. Keyleth's spent enough time in silence with Percy to know when he's silently thinking and planning something to say as opposed to just thinking to himself. At least there's no smoke now, wisping up from his collar - just his usual sooty fingertips and charcoal-touched ears.
"It's unsettling," he says quietly, staring out the window. "Seeing you-" He waves a hand, claws flashing pearlescent in the light from the window. "Changing forms isn't-"
Oh. Oh. Of course.
"I mean-" she says. "I won't- I won't do that to you, if you don't want me to."
Percy's bark of laughter is sudden but he is smiling, so she'll take that as a good sign. "Keyleth dear," he says fondly, "You did Hold Person me when Scanlan tossed the List in the acid."
"You would have dived in!" she says. "We didn't want you to get-"
"You don't like being restrained," she says. Percy doesn't say anything. "You could have told me," she grouses.
Though. She supposes he didn't get a chance to before: it's not like it'd ever come up. They don't usually get into fights with each other.
"I'm sorry," she offers. He twitches, but doesn't look at her, still staring out the window. It is a nice view - Whitestone's all edged in frost, snow slowly drifting down. If the wind doesn't change they'll be covered by Winter's Crest. "Percy?"
"I don't remember being changed," he admits. "I don't think I want to."
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onedaughterofman · 2 years
Writing sessions #2 (Papa Emeritus III angst)
Summary: There's someone in the mirror Terzo doesn't recognize.
Tags: angst, emotional hurt, depersonalization, imposter syndrome, self doubt, self hate, self esteem issues. Around 700 words.
A/N: I wrote this short ficlet based on @turbodrawn amazing Terzo fanart. (I hope you don't mind!). Terzo never wanting to be Papa, being terribly insecure and over-performing in an attempt to hide it is my favorite type of Terzo.
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There’s someone in the mirror Terzo doesn’t recognize.
He should. That person is him, people say, while their fingers wrap around his arms and hands push on his back. The same ones who control him like a puppet, those who make him sing and dance round and round, they are the ones that clap and cheer for him while he's performing.
He's loved, they say. People love him so much. He shines bright like a star, like the whole night sky.
And yet, Terzo can't believe the person that smiles in the mirror is him.
Behind a dense coat of paint and silky, fancy fabric, there is a face of his own and a soul that belongs to him. Or so, it should. He’s free, as free as he could desire. He’s a son, to an eternal unholy father. A leader, to the masses. An icon, to so many inside the Ministry.
It doesn't matter. To himself, he’s a fool. A slave, tied down, chained to a microphone and a stage, devoted to everybody but himself.
When did he choose this life? When did he accept this?
Did he, ever?
“Stay still, your Eminence.”
Terzo’s head moves to the side, making the paint brush stain part of the white on his cheeks. The hand gripping his jaw presses tighter, long nails digging in his skin. It hurts, but he can’t complain. They won’t listen. They never do.
“Papa Emeritus III needs to be on the stage in 30 minutes.”
The voice is faint, merely an echo in his ears. Terzo’s face twitches again, and this time a hand falls on the top of his head, fingers wrapping around a few black strands of hair. Blood rushes in his veins and arteries, fighting to follow the distraught rhythm of his heart.
He’s panicking, experiencing everything and nothing at once, but the person in the mirror only smiles. Terzo's mouth widens too, raspy, painful chuckles escaping from it. Oh, fuck. He’s thirsty, so thirsty, but his throat is closed.
Terzo wants to scream, to punch the mirror and shake away from the hands that touch him and restrain him in place. He regrets this, hates this title and this greasy paint, hates the way it makes him look like Him.
Fucking Nihil.
He loathes it. It makes him sick.
“Well, Papa Emeritus III is not here,” he affirms, instead. There is nothing behind his eyes, at least nothing he recognizes. It feels like staring into the void, and discovering the void is staring right back at him.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” someone says. The nails poke deeper, leaving behind red marks as he is forced closer to the mirror. “He’s right there.”
The whisper of his voice, full of air, is fearful. It sounds like a secret, a confession no one should ever hear. “I don’t see him,” he murmurs, lowering his gaze. It’s practically impossible when the fingers on his hair pull him even closer. “Please, don’t make me. I can’t.”
Shrinking on the chair, he's frozen. Terzo is not ready to go out and face thousands of people. He can't sing and dance in front of them. What if he makes a mistake? What if they hate him? All these people want to see a charismatic leader, someone with raw sexual energy and power, not poor old him, a teary-eyed, trembling mess covered in paint and silk.
“Papa Emeritus will be on the stage in 20 minutes.”
“I can’t be him right now, please.”
The air fills his lungs fast, but it’s not enough. It lacks oxygen, consistency. Terzo desires to hide, to run away, remove all the makeup and take off this stupid suit, but there are so many hands touching him, so many ghouls incarcerating him… He can't move, can’t breath, can’t hide from them or himself.
No, Terzo can merely stare in the mirror, at a person that looks like him but it’s not him. He has become a monster of his own creation, a hungry creature that devours him to the very core. Papa Emeritus III tilts his head to the side, sultry gaze setting upon him, and Terzo wishes he could look elsewhere.
It disgusts him.
“Who else are you, if not Papa?”
A wide smile appears on the mirror. Face obscured by the shadows, Papa Emeritus grins at him. Terzo’s mouth is agape, air frozen in his ribcage. The pupils are tiny inside his irises, trembling with fear and realization.
Who is he? Who was he, before everything?
No one.
No one.
The last stroke of the brush draws a thin black line on his upper lip. His head nods once, silently, and the fingers finally release him. A tall mitre is placed on him, golden embroidery shining so beautifully. Under the dazzling lights of the vanity table, Papa Emeritus III laughs a hollow laugh.
Ps: I wish I could explore this idea a bit more, but this is all I managed to write. What can I say, this is totally self indulging 'cause I love sad old men.
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iwannafun · 9 months
୫ Intro ᪥ 🇫🇷-🇬🇧 #1 Diary of Kary
🇫🇷 : Hey ! ☕️
Voici une petite présentation sur moi et pourquoi je commence ce blog journalier. Je suis une fille de treize ans qui se sens ..à vrai dire je n’est aucun adjectif pour y décrire Je me suis dit d’écrire un journal sur ma vie et les émotions que je traverse , même si personne ne le lis que tout le monde s'en fichent.
Bien sûr je vais changer mon prénom et celui des autres concernés pour ma sécurité. Alors , je m'appelle Kary et j’ai 13 ans. Je suis dans une école privé en France pas très connue mais très difficile. Malheureusement, Ça m’a fait redoublé et rajouter une tonne de problèmes dans ce stupide collège. Dès la 6ème je me suis fait remarquer par mon côté ultra extravertie qui me fait agir comme une fille stupide que je le suis déjà. Jai fait tous ce qui ne fallait pas faire : Attirer l’attention des 3emes , avoir des amis superficiels qui sont là que parce ce que t’es un clown , avoir une réputation.
En l’occurrence ma réputation c’était : la folle dingue.
J’ai été accusé de beaucoup de choses qui dans l’occurrence sont fausses. Exemple : j’ai voler un cadenas (j’ai modifié le vrai objet volé)
J’ai beaucoup été marqué et j’ai même un peu honte quand je suis avec mes amis qui sont tous en 4eme et que je connais depuis ma première 6ème. (Je sais pas encore si je ferai une liste de mes contacts ou si je le raconterai à mesure.) Niveau perso ma mère est divorcé de mon père , j’étais trop jeune pour m’en souvenir. Le seul souvenir qu’on se rappelle de ses moments la c’est un son assourdi.
Voici une présentation qui laisse à désirer de moi! J’essayerai d’écrire plus souvent puis si vous avez des questions je vous répondrez ! Désolé d’avoir paru froide au cas ou- Bisous ! 💋 ( ps : désolé pour les fautes d’orthographes)
🇬🇧 : Hi ! 🥖
Here is a little presentation about me and why I am starting this daily blog. I'm a thirteen year old girl who feels…actually I don't have any adjectives to describe it. I told myself to write a journal about my life and the emotions I go through, even if no one reads it except no one cares.
Of course I will change my first name and that of others concerned for my safety. So, my name is Kary and I'm 13 years old. I am in a private school in France, not very well known but very difficult. Unfortunately, it made me repeat a grade and add a ton of problems to this stupid college.
From the 6th grade I stood out for my ultra extroverted side which made me act like the stupid girl I already am. I did everything I shouldn't do: Attract the attention of third graders, have superficial friends who are only there because you're a clown, have a reputation.
In this case my reputation was: the crazy girl.
I have been accused of many things which in this case are false. Example: I stole a padlock (I modified the real stolen object)
I was very marked and I even feel a little ashamed when I am with my friends who are all in 4th grade and whom I have known since my first 6th grade. (I don't know yet if I will make a list of my contacts or if I will tell it as I go.) Personally, my mother is divorced from my father, I was too young to remember that. The only memory we remember from these moments is a muffled sound.
Here is a presentation that leaves something to be desired from me! I will try to write more often and if you have any questions I will answer you! Sorry for seeming cold - Kisses! 💋 (ps: sorry for the traduction)
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inkwell-and-dagger · 1 year
[Forsaken Souls: Escape]
A/N: if you didn't already know, there's new Forsaken Souls lore!! this is solely for Rayan now officially being in his Recovery Arc™, also referencing the new Survivors member, Ivy Xiomara!! also Vantè and Vesker belong to @paranoia-exe!!!
CW: successful escape attempts, mention of blood / wounds, homelessness, stealing / shoplifting uhh you know the spiel, kinda manipulation, brief mention of starvation and dehydration
The Survivors (Foster (they/them), Esrana (she/her), Ezra (he/xem/they), Madir (he/him)) — Whumper(s)
Zayn (he/they), Ivy (she/he/they/xir) — Past Caretaker + Carewhumper
Rayan (he/it) — Immortal Whumpee
—> —> —> —> —> —>
Rayan had finally done it. Escaped. He ran, and ran, and ran, and as much as he knew freedom was finally his to take, a lingering and barely coherent thought in the back of his mind told him that they'd still come after him. They always do.
He wasn't thinking; he should've gone back to Maddie's, or— or at least Vantè's or Vesk's, Hell, he should've gone straight to the hospital for all the wounds that hadn't had time to properly heal over. But he knew they would eventually. They had to — otherwise, well... Rayan was fucked.
So, he ran past Madison's house, didn't even think to go to Vantè's or Vesker's either. He didn't even consider going to the hospital. Ignoring the looks people would give him as he stumbled and hurried past; he knew that seeing a dishevelled 35 year old man, blood coating his clothes, running down the street was not exactly a normal sight anyway.
He didn't know where he was when he finally stopped. Everything was so... new. So bright, so happy. Rayan didn't like it; it was overwhelming. But he was too exhausted to go further away.
-> -> -> -> → -> -> -> -> → -> -> -> -> → -> -> -> -> → -> -> ->
He spent weeks there. Weeks, hiding in whatever alleyways he deemed safe enough, or sometimes a more friendly stranger would pass and offer him a bed to sleep in for that night or a good meal or two and a shower. Rayan would accept out of pure politeness, but would always get out before the stranger had woken up the next day.
He had learnt a lot of things. One of them being that The Survivors — even mentioning the group name made him shudder — had been arrested after Zayn had called the cops on them. Good for him. However, the fact that, somehow, Esrana had escaped the police with Zayn in tow was unnerving. He should've listened to that thought in the background of the incoherent rambles going on in his mind. He should have gone back, and accepted the fact that there? There, he will be the safest from harm, because harm was right above him. Right above him, above the basement he'd grown so used to. In the handles of the knives displayed in the basement, in the discarded bloodied gloves, in the rope used to bind him if he got too squirmy. Right there, they made him believe he was safe.
Another thing being that he was finally labelled as a missing person. He wondered why the few people who had taken him in for a night or two hadn't recognized him as that man. But, he couldn't blame them; even when he looked in the mirror, he didn't recognize the sunken, tired eyes staring back at him. The trembling in his legs when he was to stand was somehow foreign to him, the shaking of his hands holding packs of cigarettes and what little food he could properly find in his exhausted daze. But even then, he somehow remained starved, his throat remained dry and oh god it hurt to move so so much why couldn't he just die like a normal perso—
He heard voices. Synchronized footsteps, no doubt going to pass him in a couple moments.
"I— I dunno, mum..."
A sigh. "...Have some hope, Vee. Please, we— we can't give up on him."
"I'm just— I'm sore, 'nd hungry, I— I dunno"
"We can stop by the nearest store soon and get some rest and something to eat, okay? Just— he can't be dead, obviously—"
Rayan instinctively hissed at them as the figures passed, the noise sounding hoarse in his throat. He clutched his pack of cigarettes tighter, fumbling for a lighter; he'd sworn he had it on him. He recognized those voices. And the silhouettes...
One of them took a step back. Long, blonde hair, bright blue eyes, sharp horns and a tail to match... "Forget I said anything." And... that voice. Irish? Most likely.
The other voice was Irish too, with an accent the exact same to his. Shoulder length brown hair, glasses, uhm...
It took him a moment to finally understand. Vantè and Madison.
Madison's face lit up, meanwhile Vantè held hesitant uncertainty in his expression.
—> —> —> —> —> —>
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okimargarvez · 2 years
Original title: Fuoco che brucia lento
Prompt: what if after 16x7.
Warning: spoiler for 16x7.
Genre: romantic, angst.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, BAU team, Tyler Green.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: oneshot 86 in Garvez collection.
Legend: 💏😘. Song mentioned: Quando io ho perso te, Tiziano Ferro.
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Note: this time I have to put notes before the story. Because trying to fix the mess of 16x7 wasn't easy, as you all know. And I'm scared I wasn't able. Before watching that episode I had this dream with Luke that pushes Penelope for knowing how was kissing Tyler... I have to thank @thinitta for helping me with some particulars. Another warning: this time Tyler is not just a name, but his part is really short and (spoiler) no romantic feelings between he and Penelope, I swear. This story is also a "long version" of my What if instead. And there could be (for someone, not me) a possible Luke OOC.
This time I block, I block, I block everything, I block every memory in concrete, I block it and a tear stumbles inside an answering abortion
That voice she hasn't heard in over twenty years and that sounds so real. Penelope, Nina. Her body shakes, wrapping the single sheet around her like a shroud. She encounters no obstacles in her whirling. Penelope… It's mom. She's fifteen again and everything's fine, except that there is a really nasty guy at school. Penelope, listen to me, my baby. Your father and I have something important to tell you. She's scared, now she's grown up, she's about to sneak out to see that same boy, who now that he's matured isn't bad at all. It might be her only chance with him and she won't give it up, for the world. They'll never know. Then, that voice again. Penelope Grace, listen carefully to my words. The tone is no longer just sweet, but also authoritative. She stops wandering between ages. We heard you when you came to visit us. We want you to know that we are proud of the woman you have become. All the people you've helped… in the so-called real world, a tear rolls down her cheek. There are no hands ready to dry it. A wave of love and affection envelops her. It doesn't last long. But lately… are you sure what you're doing with that man? And here she is abruptly dragged back into her forty-year-old body. She knows immediately that they are talking about Tyler.
Even in the dream she is aware that he is not resting next to her, but on the sofa. And it's definitely better that way. Not even with Kevin she had spent many nights together, certainly not to "sleep" literally. It's a part of herself that she doesn't feel she can give. Or maybe not yet. Penny, you know deep down that it's not right what you're doing. She clenches her fists in her sleep. You love him? This time the word has passed to her father, with his innate and involuntary ability to make her feel guilty. No! She firmly denies, without even pausing to think. Because you're actually still in love with…
She wakes up abruptly, panting. She grabs her phone to see what time it is, but she accidentally unlocks the screen and the first thing she sees is a conversation. A text she had chosen not to answer. There are rumors that they could make a Doctor Who spin-off. Completely neutral, without mischievous undertones, without puns. Yet the sender had been enough to make her act in that unnice and almost rude way. She re-read it and it makes her heartbeat wildly as she puts head in her hands. Luke.
It was the last thing she saw before falling asleep. She whispers that name endlessly, careless that anyone might hear her. And do the math, come to the right conclusion. The sex with her was truly amazing, nothing to complain about. He couldn't say if it was the same thing for her, because he felt… very carried away and not very participative. But he's not stupid and, when sober, he also has a good memory. He immediately understood who the Luke that came out of her lips is, with such a desperate tone. Agent Alvez, the one of the cognitive interview. Which had helped him remember. And also thanks to this, they had managed to find Alison. Perhaps this is right, that the circle closes here, even if he feels that he could have fallen in love with Penelope, and even deeply. But he can't love for both of them and then… he feels exhausted. Emotionally exhausted. He knew it was morally wrong to go any further with her, but he didn't care. And now he won't be the only one to pay the consequences. Penelope will never be able to keep it to herself and it will get her in a big mess. She will lose her job. He curses himself as he makes his way to her bedroom.
The door opens wide. -Oh, it's you.- he seems to look at her as if to ask who else it could be. It's not even 7 am. -Tyler… we should talk.- he nods. -Possibly without ending up in bed together again?- even in such an embarrassing situation she can't help but shoot one of her jokes. He just smiles and waits. She leads him to the sofa. He positions himself at an acceptable distance. -What happened tonight was… nice… but we really have to cut off all contact. When they catch Sicarius- he notices that she has excluded herself from the speech -it could really happen that I have to testify and I... I can't lie, in a courtroom like anywhere else.- a sad smile paints on her lips.
-I understand. Really.- he tries hard not to touch her and to look at her as little as possible. -I don't want you to be fired because of me.- she laughs now, but bitterness oozes from every pore of her.
-It would also be my fault.- she allows herself a hope. I don't want you to feel like just a mistake along my path. You weren't just that and even if we never see each other again… I will always wish you the best, because yes, it's always been my gift, to see the light in people and sometimes I get to help turn it back on.- Tyler nods. He doesn't smile at her, because it's too dangerous. -You know, I was shot fifteen years ago- he opens his eyes wide, but doesn't interrupt her -because a bad policeman was convinced that I was on his trail, instead I helped the victims in mourning. However I'm telling you this because… I should have known what the risks are and especially the boundaries. You are not only a key witness in a big case, but also a brother who has lost his sister.- even Penelope avoids looking into his eyes as much as possible. -But it had never happened to me to mirror myself so deeply in those I helped. As if before you, I don't want to consider me someone grieving. As if it didn't happen to me, but to someone else.- she sighs. To completely close the bridges, she knows that she should also say something else... but she just can't do it. -Maybe in another circumstance, who knows...- but she doesn't know that he's good at math.
And he's already put two and two together. -It wouldn't have worked anyway, because you're in love with someone else.- she opens her mouth, she doesn't ask him how he knows. She simply nods, admitting, for the first time in front of a living being other than Sergio, her own feelings.
But I didn't understand, I didn't understand, I didn't breathe, I was lovesick
He misses her. He can't remember the last time they were alone, that they exchanged half a word, a joke of their own. Or that their eyes chained to each other, as they always have. It's been weeks, maybe a month, that Penelope has been avoiding meeting his gaze for more than two seconds and has only spoken to him to answer questions pertinent to a case. The rare times he has attempted to provoke her, he has crashed into a wall. Made of rubber, without actually getting hurt, but getting only frustration. Because nothing like this had ever happened between them. He has always been a separate discussion for her. The only one to be hug with reserve, emphasizing the exceptional nature of the event. They have been colleagues, almost friends and almost something else... but not even after the date, in the three years she has been away from the BAU, has there ever been such a cold and heavy silence between them.
Indifference. Yes, it seems that for her he has become not invisible, but… anyone. And he can't tolerate it. He'd rather be her newbie again than this… absolute void. Now that he was Luke. That he had gotten used to hearing his name come out of those lips. Heavenly and infernal music at the same time. And now she hasn't stopped using it, nor does she call him Alvez, but it no longer has the same nuances. Her tone is flat, aseptic.
It must be said, however, that he has also noticed a change in her attitude towards the other members of the team. Less jokes and smiles as well with JJ and Tara. Some interaction with Rossi extra work. And above all a submissive disposition towards the boss... who is however at the same time one of her best friends. So he deduced that whatever happened, it's not just about them. He doesn't know whether to be relieved or saddened, for two reasons. First, because that still makes him just one in the deck. Second, because she is ignoring or has forgotten what he had told her by giving her a black and white cat-shaped stress reliever. After all, only once did she take him seriously, even if it was circumstances that made him her confidant...
Today he has decided that enough is enough, the hourglass must be turned. Time is up. In short, yesterday he risked being killed for the umpteenth time and the only thing that crossed his mind was that he would have wanted at least one last word, one last hug from Penelope. That he lacked not only the woman he would have fully wanted in his life, but also his friend. If she decided that they couldn't be more… be content sucked, but this… emptiness was worse. And it didn't feel right, because he hadn't done anything wrong. Of course, he tried to call her, he looked for her in her office, but she wasn't there. Once upon a time she would wait for them until they returned, to comfort them, distract them with her jokes from the bad they had witnessed.
He sighs, one step at a time, without rushing, because there are only two possibilities anyway. Either she's there, and then he'll let himself open up, one way or the other, or she won't, and then fuck the whole thing. And he has a confusing sequence of events before him. The night of the date, the anxiety and expectations, the first time he saw her, behind a pile of folders, when he rang the bell and saw her on the video intercom and the buzz of people forcing their British accents, meeting Roxy, hugging, dancing at Rossi's wedding and party… and then, the day things changed.
She had arrived at the BAU looking weird. Guilty, but not in a derogatory sense. JJ gave her a friendly shoulder and maliciously teased her. Someone here seemed to have had some good sex. He had overheard the conversation of his friends as he arranged some documents from his desk. But, pretty much always, whenever he's around her his senses are partially alert. There's no way he doesn't notice her presence. It's like she's pulling strings inside him. She is certainly not indifferent to him.
He had nearly punched a hole in the declaration sheet he was signing. She had sex? He couldn't conceive it. He had raised his eyes unobtrusively, sensing her reaction. Yes, JJ was right. It had been a blow to the heart. So his feeling was right that in the evening of her stroke of genius about streets, she wasn't alone or even at her house, when they had heard that noise that was certainly not cat-like.
He had felt betrayed. Even knowing that he had no right, because they weren't a couple and she could do as she pleased. Despite all these beautiful rational thoughts, his heart had continued to insist with conviction that she belonged to him. As he belonged to her. Maybe… maybe she was going through her “Lisa phase”. He would have tolerated it. He would have gotten over it. If it was just sex…
The next day, however, that shred of euphoria was gone. Only the guilt remained. JJ had noticed it too and had gone to find out. Luke had assumed that the relationship, whatever it was, had nipped in the bud. The road was clear again.
Or so he had deluded himself into believing. But from then on it had been an obstacle course. And here he is, ready to knock on her door for the umpteenth time.
And I lost you, I was looking for myself in the remaining and tiny pieces of too little, of emptiness, of dirty happiness of the memory of the next day
Penelope would never open the door to him. Almost no one entered the former bunker anymore except her. Everyone had deduced from her attitude that she preferred to be alone when she was delving into the badness. Since the results hadn't gotten any worse, Emily hadn't objected. She too wished she had the time to worry about her friend but keeping open a case that the higher-ups had officially declared closed was a heavy enough commitment. Plus, she was convinced that Garcia was processing some sort of mourning for being forced to break up with Tyler. She knew something about sick relationships too.
Luke, however, doesn't have time to knock. Luck has its hand on it. She's leaving and when she notices him, it's too late. She freezes in the doorway. The man doesn't move back. He is really too close, as he hasn't been for too long, but she doesn't have the strength to take a single step, neither in one direction nor in the opposite one. So, they just stare at each other like two jerks, and she makes a second mistake. She allows her eyes to fall prey to his. The intensity of Luke's gaze shocks her, it's as if just a second had passed since the last time they found themselves in a similar situation.
-Penelope.- her name is a jab in the stomach that makes her stagger towards her cave. He follows her, saying no more, turns and closes the heavy door behind him, exactly as he had done seven years ago. With the same determined expression. -Are you okay?- it's perhaps the thing that matters most to him, but he knows that she won't answer him and he won't feel bad, when she turns her back to him and goes back to the central computer. He sighs and sits down at one of the side desks. -Could you deign to explain to me why you are avoiding me and even don't answer text or calls anymore, if not during office hours?- she knows that if he wanted he could force her to spit it out, but he doesn't want to use certain techniques on her. Show his darker side to her. Even if… could she be fascinated by it? It happened with many women, even against his will. Penelope keeps typing, indifferent to his presence, so he's forced to switch to slightly less elegant methods. He grabs the chair and rotates it in her direction.
Her expression is priceless. Super indignant, almost as if he had committed who knows what sacrilegious act. -I'm working.- she only says, but Luke knows how to dig deep and sees the terror behind that detached attitude. Is she afraid of him? Stakanovich reappeared and she didn't tell him? He just can't place such a reaction.
He looks for her eyes and catch them. A little satisfaction. -You know you can talk to me about anything.- nothing. -You forgot…- then, something clicks inside him. Someone has moved the lever from a dutiful coward to a cocky one who cares nothing about consequences. -Okay, that's enough. I'm not talkative type, especially about my feelings, you should know that.- even if she doesn't reply anything, she perfectly catches his insinuation, the fake doubt. -But I see no other way to unlock this situation. I miss you. Okay? I miss seeing you, babysitting Sergio, seeing you hugging Roxy… and our bantering too. You didn't want to try another path, and that's fine…- not at all, but he certainly can't force her to stay with him to make her understand that it would be wonderful, between them -but also taking your friendship away from me… it hurts me, because I don't know what I did, what I did wrong.- he tries to take her hand, but she slips away like a snake. -Let me make it up to you, please.- the tone of supplication, the look of a wounded puppy. It's Penelope's turn to blurt out.
-No, no!- she almost shouts, shaking her head. -You didn't do anything, you had nothing to do with it, understand? Leave me alone!- she tries to drive him away with a push at the height of the man's chest. Third mistake. Luke grabs both of her wrists, pulling her dangerously close to his body.
-I already told you once. I'm not going to leave you here like this. So you better talk.- playing the bad guy just doesn't work when he's with her. -Penelope! Please tell me what's going on and I promise… I'll consider leaving you alone.- he had to tell her the truth, because after Phil… he never stopped feeling guilty. He keeps hold her by the wrists. -Let's play a game, okay? I tell you something really big that I haven't told anyone and you open up to me.- he doesn't wait for her to nod or any other reaction. -Fine, I'll start.- he clears his throat. -Since our dateI haven't stopped thinking about you for a moment. And even before. I mean, I'm clumsy at this sort of thing… but I thought you figured it out. From the way I look at you, the way I act around you… God, I'm so in love with you, Penelope, and I convinced myself I was going to die without ever telling you. I agreed to stay friends, but I can't accept this. Indifference. It kills me.- her eyes become more and more lucid, it doesn't seem emotional, though. -I can't conceive my life without you, without our relationship. Perhaps one day you will understand how much you have changed my life…- and he lets her go, so suddenly that she ends up back in her chair and an immense cold of envelops her.
But at least she's not at all indifferent. She cries, making no effort to contain herself. -Luke.- this is a lament of pain. -Oh, Luke, it's too late.- he frowns, confused. Is she perhaps dying? Did she find out she has an incurable disease? Not even that would make him give up feeling for her.
In less than a nanosecond he grabs her by her hips, pulling her against him. -No, no, whatever it is we can deal with it together, anything, okay?- his hands slide over her face, which looks tiny. -It's not just words, I really mean… I love you so much…- now he has taken his foot off the brake, he doesn't even know where that pedal is anymore. He reads the same emotion in her transparent eyes and leans down to kiss her. But as at the end of their only romantic date, she dodges him.
But he holds back her hands, their fingers intertwined. -I can't!-she protests, desperate. He focuses on her verbal choice, because she didn't say she didn't want to, but that she couldn't… -It's too late for us.- it is her greatest admission. Was there a moment (unspecified) then, in which they could have been together? What can be changed, if she is now looking at him that way, making him feel like the only man on the face of the earth?
Penelope still loves him. It should shock him just the thought that she loved him, since until now it was only a hope, not a belief. But no, he's not shaken at all, because deep down he's always known it. Yes, they belong to each other. But something has come between them and she has no intention of telling him. -Pen…- he begins. And maybe she would have made it, she would have given in, telling him what she had done and really surprising him, because she felt exactly like that: guilty, also because she felt like she had betrayed him.
But Luke's cell phone beeps and the computer next to them starts flashing. There is a case and it looks pretty bad too.
And the last memory of a, "I love you too much" tastes like rough paper, a diary page… I dreamed about it, I hoped about it, I adored you but I just wanted to die alone
He was always said to himself that the hard part would be telling her feelings. Trying to express the sensations she causes him, aware that he can only get closer, because it's impossible to describe it, put it on written paper. Not even the best poets could do it. He told her, but he doesn't know that even in this he arrived late, he came in second.
How fucking she changed his life. Perhaps she no longer remembers what Agent Alvez, SSA in training, was like, tall, dark and blandsome. How empty his desk was. His apartment. And his life. And not only empty, but also dark. How many shades from gray to black, but there was no room for the other colors in the palette. It was much easier to observe the outside world in a schematic way, neatly dividing people into good and bad, never contemplating something in between. Never look into the abyss. Chasing, without judging, but also without understanding.
Then that call came. He had rejected it, like in other occasions. But Rossi had played his trump card. Daniel Cullen. The Crimson King. It took such a bastard for him to get to know what was to become the most important person in his life. Whether she wanted it or not. It wasn't all Garcia's credit that he'd turned from a lone wolf into a twerker at a co-worker's going-away party… But 70% was because of her.
She, the light at the end of the tunnel. Hope that never dies. The smile despite the traumas. Generosity, altruism. With her jokes, with her every gesture, she had forced him to wake up. Life didn't suck that much. Maybe it was worth living it better. Sure, Roxy had contributed too. To keep him alive, lucid. But as much as he loved her, even she hadn't been enough.
While Garcia… she had been a punch in the stomach. A taser shock. And she had tried to treat him badly and keep him at a distance. Guess what if she had allowed him to get to know the real her right away…!
In the BAU he had felt accepted for the first time and free to express his opinion. Important. Useful. The fugitive team was just him and Phil, the other colleagues were... others, in fact. Collateral damages. He missed the chases and stakeouts, but profiling wasn't bad. Especially if he could use his new knowledge for… other goals.
But Penelope Garcia was a book written in an unknown language. In some ways it was easy to decipher, like realizing that she wasn't able to hate anyone, least of all him, just for taking Morgan's place. For others, however, she was as elusive as a puzzle, an enigma of the Sphinx of Thebes.
And she intrigued him. She totally turned him on: brain and body. Whether insulting him or paying him a compliment, everything was gold to him. Her sensitivity had then knocked him down for good.
In his time with Lisa, she had let him know another part of her. Paradoxically (or maybe not, analyzing it in detail) their relationship had grown a lot when he was committed to Lisa. The first hug, the slow dance at Rossi and Krystall's wedding… all in the shadow of Dr. Douglas. Her affection was of the friendly kind, though they never completely stopped flirting. But that hadn't stopped the love he felt towards her, on the contrary, it had increased it. It had made it more solid. From a crush or infatuation, it had become extremely serious.
So, they had lived a very intense period, where they had competed to see who died first. There hadn't been a winner, fortunately. And then, the third strike. Alexei Stanovich. She had finally trusted him, and she also went to thank him. He was so upset that night that Lisa got confirmation that she wasn't looking for. So, they broke up and he waited for his moment…
But all this was in vain. Because now he knows she loves him and she knows he loves her. But it's useless. They don't stay together. She didn't even let him kiss her. She continues to keep everyone at a distance, focused just on work. Only one thing has changed: she no longer avoids his gazes, as if to tell him that she hasn't forgotten, yet, that nothing will happen between them and that he should stop hoping for it.
But they both know that will never happen.
I block every memory, but I don't remember what the warmth of your hug is, I don't mean the thrill, the thrill of half fucking caress, I don't remember... I erased you who watched in silence the blows I took and there I lost you
Luke made a few attempts after their mutual declaration. He tried to persuade her to tell him what the reason was a new wall had been erected between them, but nothing. She'd rather see him sad and confused every day than kill him with a sentence. How could he forgive her? How could he continue to see her the same way? Tyler made her feel useful, but no one ever looked up to her the way Luke did. Not only as a deity, but also as the best person in the world. And she doesn't feel like losing his esteem.
During the lock down she believed she had made some progress, that the therapy was finally working. She had a lot to process, but she enjoyed her new life. Then two men had brought her back into the abyss. Luke, with his big eyes and a missing girl and above all Tyler Green, with his rage and computer skills.
And everything collapsed. She wasn't healed or improved at all, quite the contrary. Her life is currently a mess and it's all her fault. She prevented Luke to do anything, giving him a sop by accepting the date. The way it had gone, it would have been better to end his hopes immediately by saying no. After four years, she should have answered him with a passionate kiss or an amused laugh. No shades. And instead…
She had kissed Tyler less than a month after knowing him. That would have been bad enough, but they also slept together. And the worst thing, the one that made her feel more guilty, was that she had allowed him to see her soul. Maybe just because she felt she couldn't do exactly the same thing with Luke, the man she really loved.
Because she had decided it. Too dangerous. But dating a man, even if it was just for one night, had made her realize that there was an emptiness inside her, that as independent as she felt, she lacked that kind of presence. If she hadn't met Tyler she would have stuck with Luke's thinking. But to see many of his characteristics in another guy… it had been too much.
All excuses. She'd tried to do the right thing and failed on every front. The only thing she is sure of is that she will not repeat that mistake. She will always love Luke, silently and from a distance, hoping that he will find someone who will make him happy. She won't do the same.
Then comes the Day. It's been a relatively few months since the supreme bullshit (to distinguish it from the normal bullshit, i.e., the first kiss), as she dubbed it in her head. An incoming call on her screen. It's Rossi. -We got it! We caught the son of a bitch!- the man's enthusiasm falters, because before him is a broken family, not just a bastard. And the more he reads his file, the harder it is to just hate him.
Penelope nearly falls off her chair. She fails to participate in the general joy. She turns off the TV every time they run the story with Emily, Bailey and the head of the FBI. She starts shaking and feels like she can't stop. She feels the chasm opening beneath her at her feet. Her sin will step out into the sunlight.
So, she decides that she can't live in anxiety and waiting. She might as well destroy herself with her own hands. To confess. Maybe Emily will give her some extenuating circumstances. She goes to her office and only by looking at her, her friend understand. Or maybe she just guessed, but she feels the strong negative vibes about her and that what she is about to tell, is going to give her more than just a bad migraine. Her screams reach up to the desks. Luke lifts his head in that direction. -I'm sorry, Garcia, but this time I won't be able to defend you.- her anger suddenly passes and is replaced by a feeling much stronger.
Disappointment. Deep disappointment. -I'm fired, I know…- Prentiss stands up and approaches her. She tries to hold back, to be professional.
-Yes, Garcia, you're fired, but that's not all.- she almost laughs, because she can't conceive it's really happening. -Sicarius will not be the only one to undergo a trial. It would take me the whole day to list all the principles that you have violated.- the blonde remains silent, accepting every stab wound, because she deserves it.-Do you understand that if it turns out that an FBI agent dating a key witness, it will seem that the latter has been… manipulated, to make him say what was convenient for us?- Penelope falters, leaning against the door, which remains ajar. -The bastard will still be convicted, because luckily we also have other evidence… but the credibility of the BAU will collapse and the director could even decide to terminate the unit and send us around the United States.- Garcia hadn't realized the stakes. -I hope it was at least a good fuck.- finally comments Emily.
-No!- she shouts. JJ and Luke exchange a look, recognizing the owner of that voice. The man clenches his fists. What the hell is going on? They should celebrate. They solved the case of the century. -No, it's not fair that the team has to pay! I… will leave and come back just to testify. I will limit myself to answering the judge's questions. It was only one night. Just one!- a few words reach his ears. -If I was the only one to get to fall… I'd accept anything, but you all… please, Emily…- she's not sure she can call her by her name, nor that they're still friends.
-Holy shit.- the boss bangs her fist on the desk, dropping a photograph. The glass shatters into a thousand pieces. Penelope bends over, as an automatic reflex, trying to pick them up and hurting her hands. Prentiss blocks her. -Penelope- the use of the name ignites a miserable hope in the heart of the IT -I accept your offer. But- she holds her breath, until her head starts spinning -I have to be sure something like this won't happen again. So… the others must know it too.- she believed that if she would get away with it, instead she has to pay for her mistake.
She throws herself on her knees, grabbing her hands and piercing her tights and flesh. More bloodstains. -No! I beg you! I've already lost your esteem and maybe even your love... please!- but the boss doesn't want to listen any reason. She calls an urgent meeting in a room where no one can hear them, Garcia takes care of deactivating the cameras with a simple click. And she forces her to say it. She almost wrote her a script. Short and to the point sentences. Sharp, sharp as knives. They plunging themselves in the heart of her family.
Shouts, confusion. Well, they're looking at her in that way. As if they don't know who they are facing. She doesn't cry. She plays a role that doesn't belong to her. Then, the last word: -Goodbye.- but JJ chases her, captures her, hugs her.
-Why, why didn't you tell me about it?- nobody manages to extract even a syllable from her. Luke watches the two blondes interact, shaking his head. He just doesn't want to accept that idea. He was right, Garcia had had an affair. But… just with that man? The… bad copy of him? Why the fuck had she given this guy so much after just a month? And without ceasing to love him?
-I love you, Pen, please remember that.- it seems that JJ is afraid that she will make another wrong decision, definitive, however, this time. No, she would never go that far. Meanwhile, Tara tries to justify her, squeezing her knowledge of the human psyche. It seems that someone told Rossi that his 15-year-old daughter is pregnant.
-I know it's a shock, but we can't do anything but give her time.- Prentiss sighs. -And keep your mouth shut.-
She locked herself up in her bunker. She's gathering her things, living in deja vu. Wishing it was still that day. How many different choices she would make! She'd jump into the elevator with them instead of letting them go and throw her arms around Luke and not care about anyone else.
Luke…she tried never to look at him as she confessed. She partially succeeded. He was the only one who didn't have that look, as if he had contemplated something similar, but certainly not at these levels. And so, in one fell swoop, she lost everything. Job, family. Luke.
The door opens and there he is. Oh God, he's pissed as hell, but his eyes are deeply watery, as if he's about to cry. -Penelope.- his tone is dark. Only with suspects she has heard him talk like that. She's scared of him. She starts to vibrate, but doesn't run away this time. She will accept anything he tells her, because she deserves it. It's okay even if he now hates her. It's a strong feeling, anyway. -What the fuck did you do?- she lets him vent, curse, lets him grab her shoulders and shake her. -Tell me.- he puts her against the wall and leans almost against her. -I want to know what it's like to kiss him.- her eyes widen. She didn't think he could upset her further.
-But…- she stammers. Luke silences her by lifting his index finger until it touches her lips. -You really don't want to know. It will make you... feel worse.- he laughs, not a happy laugh. She doesn't fall just because there's a wall behind her back.
-It can't be worse than this. I want to know. I want to know what fucking talent this guy has to be able to kiss you after less than a month.- the subtext is clear, because he and not me. He reads the objection in her eyes. - Uh, shut up. I know it was you who kissed him first and not the other way around.- even worse. He squeezes her arm and that's how he notices the cuts in her hands. Most have closed, but one, deeper, is still bleeding. Now he's looking at her as if he's looking at her alien copy.
-No!- she denies, shouting with the little breath she has left. -One of Emily frames fell and I looked for…- Luke nods, reassured, realizing that she is telling the truth.
-Penelope, listen to me carefully. You will not leave this room until you have given me the information that I care. Am I clear enough?- so authoritative. Something melts inside her, a decidedly out of place reaction, yet she can't deny it. He grabs her by the chin, forcing her to look at him too.
-Uh… it was… we were walking and he said Alison worked right there, then we crossed the street and I had an epiphany. I gave him my keys and ran to the taxi, he asked if he could help and I don't know what clicked in me, but… I wanted to thank him and… I wanted to make him feel good… I don't know.- she closes her eyelids and squeezes teeth.
Luke doesn't let her go. -Ok, this is the context, but I asked you for something else.- he bends over her. Less than a inch between their lips. -How did you feel when you kissed him?- for a moment she thinks of rebelling, but in the end she gives in.
He presses into her cheeks, making her eyes open. He demands to watch him as she says it. -…it was… nice. It's been…a long time since I've kissed someone.- he doesn't seem satisfied, yet he should be. Nice is… poor. She would feel bad if someone told her that kissing her was only nice.
-Have you felt… butterflies in your stomach? Chill?- she shakes her head, even though he has a tight grip on her. -Good. And... did you happen to wonder what it would be like to kiss... me?- a first note of uncertainty.
Penelope swallows. -Yes.- she only says, letting her eyelids drop.
-Even while you were kissing him?- he steps on the gas, traces the border of her mouth, makes her lips part. She nods again and sees his shadow looming closer and closer. She has no way to escape and she doesn't even know if she would. For the first two seconds she undergoes that kiss that she had longed for, she first. Then she gets carried away by him and kisses him back with all of herself. She grumbles into his palate as their tongues struggle strenuously. Her hands also seek the male body, one on his neck and other in his hair. How much she's wanted to do this! Luke breaks away suddenly. If it had depended on her she would have risked collapsing, rather than let him go. -Was it like that?- he gasps, pressing his body on the female one.
-No…- she replies, feeling something extremely hard on her leg. She certainly couldn't blame him, given the state of her panties now...
-So how was it?- he nibbles her right lobe. -You know what I'd like to hear from you... but say it only if you really mean it.- she feels a wave of heat, from her hair to her toes. She involuntarily rubs against that bump in his pants.
-Kissing you was...-he listens to her take a breath, but not because she has any doubts -...a thousand times better... overwhelming... oh!- it's moving. She is sure of it. It distracts her.
He abruptly grabs her by the chin and sticks his tongue in her mouth with the same eagerness. Then he strokes her cheek. -You were very good.- he sees her reaching out to him, living solely to gain his approval and he enjoys having that power. At least for today, at least for a few hours. -I liked your answer, that's why you deserved another kiss.- Penelope doesn't move. -But… I want you to tell me something else. Everything.- she tries to plead with her dark and big eyes.
-Luke... there's no need. I'm sure that... with you it would be a completely different thing...- but this time she must have put the words wrong, because his expression is hard and annoyed.
-Would be? You didn't say will, so you think we're good? That knowing that you love me and that I love you, I can settle for a few kisses?- although she is shaking, something else emerges from the depths of her soul.
-Do you know what? I admit it, just kissing you gave me an orgasm and I'm not ashamed of it. But from this story I learned the importance of doing things at the right time and… I'm sorry, Luke, but that's not it.- she doesn't let him reply. He is so shocked that she manages to break free of his grip and gain enough space to breathe like a normal person. -I left the BAU, again, so as not to force Emily to fire me and I will have very hard days ahead of me. I can understand your... need to know the obvious, that with you everything would be... - he glares at her, she corrects herself -will be, sorry, unique, different. Even if it's not like you, this behavior. But I won't tell you about the sex, so you can take me in this office, in the middle of the afternoon, with a thousand agents beyond that door.- and that was exactly his plan.
He is reluctantly forced to agree with her. -Good.- always that rude tone, that sounds absurd, with her. Inside he is singing her the sweetest of serenades. -But I think I have the right to know at least how. Or if you prefer, why.- he doesn't need to add anything else, she understood perfectly. Luke begins to collect every item on the desk, handing it to her and helping her with the grave task.
Penelope sighs. -I think this will hurt you more than knowing the positions we've experimented…- she comments in a low voice, but not enough. -He came to me to leave me the keys and take back his few things. When he was about to leave, he turned away, like you did the time you found me crying after Spencer's visit...- he clenches his fists and freezes, away from her -and he told me that met me made him feel will to stay alive. It made me feel… good, useful. It moved me inside.- her predictions turn out to be right. The man takes her by the shoulders again, but by now she's used to it and she doesn't even flinch.
-I should have told you these things, not him!- he protests. -You are not at all aware of what you have given me, of the impact of your life on mine. I will never be able to repay you, in any way.- this time she has no intention of taking without replay.
She gives him a push. -Then why didn't you ever tell me?- he smiles, but without happiness.
-Because I've always focused on you, on you, if you haven't noticed. On your own good. And mine came on reflex.- she knows he's telling the pure truth. -Would you have ended up in bed with me too?- he can't help but provoke her, because behind the fake seducer there is still a wounded man. She's right, it's not the right time to take that step too.
-Idiot!- other shoves. -He didn't wait four years to take a step.- she accuses him in turn.
Luke opens his mouth and nothing comes out, then tries again. -He didn't have a regulation that expressly forbade him to romantically date a colleague.- he points out to her, but it's the wrong move. She smiles.
-No, there is only a precise protocol which advises against, to be polite, even just fraternizing with anyone who is minimally connected to a case.- he grabs her by the blouse, dragging her towards him.
-Ah, now you remember.- her hand burns with the temptation to slap him.
-You're such an asshole, Luke Alvez, and I'm even more so than you, because I'll never be able to stop being in love with you.- she sighs. -But above all because you didn't understand that you fucked me in the precise moment in which your lips rested on mine.- this declaration makes him completely leave that role that doesn't suit him.
He strokes her hair gently and even his tone has changed, it has become velvety, soft. -Would it have been enough to kiss you?- she nods, determined. -I wish I'd known earlier…- he watches her sadden, wither, because she's thinking about everything that's happened. -Hey, Penelope, my love.- it's heartbreaking to be called that, yet it's profoundly correct. No sour notes. -I won't leave you alone in this, okay? I don't even care if I have to move on another team, or rather... yes I would, but you are more important than anything and I've made an immense effort, to get to this moment, I don't intend to give up anymore.- she throws herself into his arms, holds him close.
-How can you not hate me? Have you forgiven me?- she asks him, trembling.
-I... it was a nice blow, I won't deny it, but I believe that love is seen above all in difficulty and... you are human, Penelope, you can make mistakes too.- this is the strongest declaration someone has ever made to her. She feels that huge weight in her chest, to always be perfect, always up to it, finally flying away.
It won't be easy, it will take time, but she's not in a hurry anymore. The fire between her and Tyler burned too quickly and it is known that in these cases it can never last long. The one with Luke, on the other hand, has been burning for seven years, nourished by patience and hope and will never die out.
And I said to myself if I fall in love, it will be with you
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resuri-art · 1 year
Since your host!bakura and spirit!ryou series is coming to an end, are there any things that you wanted to include but couldn't?
I think I managed to put everything I wanted, but actually I have a deleted scene from part 3. Marik and Isis' confrontation was going to be very different at first.
After seing his brother on the Death-T, Isis was initially going to catch Marik and Bakura as they exited Kaibaland and take both of them with her to have a talk.
I changed it because it was too soon for Isis to be aware of Ryou's existence, but if you're curious about how it would have go:
(Also note that this is a draft I didn't work on since I changed the scenario. The writing may be a bit off.)
The boys were gathered at the Ishtar house, sitting on the couch. Honestly it looked like another kidnapping.
"So… Still don't feel like facing sis?" Marik mentally asked his host as he was stuck fronting. He was still in command when they exited the park, and seeing Isis panicked his host, resulting of them being unable to switch.
"Believe me, I'm trying! Can't you just go?"
"Nope," the alter sighed, "I can't just choose to leave, you know it. You have to calm down for that."
"Easy to say! Did you see the look on her face?!"
"She will kill us all, probably."
"You think she knows it's you?"
"Probably. She doesn't just look angry. She is looking at me like I killed her family."
"Yeah. It sounded funnier before I actually said it."
Marik blinked when he felt someone holding his hand. He looked to the side and saw Ryou smiling at him. Marik smiled back, appreciating the support his friend was giving him.
"So," Isis said as she sat down in front of them, making them all flinch. "For starters, you." She pointed at Marik. "What did you do to my brother?"
Marik tensed, and his host could tell how hurt he was hurt by her words.
"... I'm here."
"You're not my brother."
Marik clenched his fist as he felt the anger growing inside his chest. His eyes immediately searched for something- Anything he could throw at her.
"Calm down! Please! I understand you're angry, but hitting her won't help us! You won't feel better!" His host pleaded, but feeling him scared wasn't helping the alter.
"You don't know that."
"I do!"
"I'm sorry," Ryou said, cutting Marik in his thoughts. "I'm not sure how much you know, but this is Marik. Just… A different part of him."
Isis glared at him.
"I didn't ask for your opinion, spirit."
Ryou smiled at her, and it made Bakura shiver inside their mind. It was his smile whenever he was mad and about to (figuratively) muder someone.
"Right, I'm a spirit. A very old spirit, that knows way more about soul magic than you," Ryou's eyes become cold. "So I would suggest you show me a bit more respect."
"What-?" Isis frowned. "The ring is known to be the most cursed artifact. You think anything you said had any value?"
"Try spending 3000 years alone in the dark and see how your mind handles it. Then we'll talk about being cursed."
The two of them glared at each other for a moment. Then Ryou sighed.
"I understand that family is important for you. So do you really wish to lose Marik because you're too stubborn to listen to what he has to say?"
Isis blinked, looked at the spirit, then at her brother. The two still have their hands linked, as if Ryou was trying to appease Marik. It seemed to work since the alter was only looking down, avoiding her eyes. Isis put a hand on her forehead. She let out a long sigh.
"Alright. I'm listening."
"... Sis."
Isis looked up, surprised, and recognised that it was now his brother in front of her.
The blond raised a hand, palm open, to stop her from getting up.
"Wait. You have to apologize."
"To the other me. You have to apologize. You can't say that to him."
Isis blinked, surprised. Out of all the things Marik could have said, she didn't expect him to defend that other personality.
"What do you mean, Marik? He-"
"I know what he did. But he is me. We are the same person. So whatever he does, it's also me doing it. And so, he is your brother too."
"Since how long is he back?"
"He never left. I just lied to you because I knew you would try to get rid of him," Marik sighed. "Look, I'm not proud of lying to you. But you never listen. Not when you think only you can be right."
"Talking of lying. When were you going to tell me you found the puzzle and the ring?"
Marik looked away, and Ryou just shrugged. Couldn't help him with this one.
"I'm sorry… It wasn't to lie, but…" Marik sighed. "Look, I don't care about the Pharaoh. I don't understand why we have to serve a dead guy, sacrifice all our life for it. Everything happened because of him."
"Besides, Ryou is my friend. I didn't want him to be at risk with the ritual."
Ryou looked at Marik, moved by his word.
"You admitted out loud we were friends. You and Bakura are always so emotionally shuttered. I'm so proud of you."
"You didn't have to say that out loud…" Marik mumbled as he looked away. In his mind, he could hear his alter snorting, "Could be more than friends if you weren't such a coward."
"Shut up you too. You just want to fuck him."
"Yes. But I'm sure this comes from you rather than me."
This was the deleted scene! Also I wrote that last exchange between the Marik for fun but I didn't want that fic to turn into conspireshipping, so it wouldn't have make it into the fic anyway.
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the-hem · 11 months
"The First Entity." From the Maha Upanishad, the Exploration of the Mysteries of the Atman.
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V-57. ‘As an immense rock, covered with main lines and sub-lines, learn to regard the one Brahman with the three worlds superposed on It.
V-58. ‘Now it has been known that this problem world is not produced, as there is no second entity to serve as a cause. This alluring (world) may be looked upon as a marvel.
V-59. ‘Long agitated (as I have been, now) I am at rest; there is nothing other than pure Spirit. Laying aside all doubts, discarding all sense of wonder, behold !
The Book of Acts, 2: 1-22 has an amazing cohort to the above verses. It states mankind will use its faculties to engineer one Concept of God that will allow us to serve Him anywhere, in any language, in all the ways He explained in all the scriptures:
The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost
2 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.
 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 
3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them.
5 Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. 
6 When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. 
7 Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? 
8 Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language? 
9 Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,[b] 
10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome 
11 (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” 
12 Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, “What does this mean?”
13 Some, however, made fun of them and said, “They have had too much wine.”
14 Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. 
15 These people are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning! 16 No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:
17 “‘In the last days, God says,     I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy,     your young men will see visions,     your old men will dream dreams. 18 Even on my servants, both men and women,     I will pour out my Spirit in those days,     and they will prophesy. 19 I will show wonders in the heavens above     and signs on the earth below,     blood and fire and billows of smoke. 20 The sun will be turned to darkness     and the moon to blood     before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. 21 And everyone who calls     on the name of the Lord will be saved.’[c]
We cannot fail to take advantage of the amazing opportunity our modern world has been given to call upon the Name of God in the performance of the work needed to be done to restore sound government, especially in America, end all the wars, house millions of refugees, and establish a fool proof model for life on earth.
President Biden is not doing his job. The Mormons and Republicans are running us into the abyss. Vladimir Putin is obviously not doing his job. The Chinese are warping and wrecking this planet as rapidly and as insidiously as possible. Instead of purpose, there is persecution everywhere. We are not road kill, laid out on the road to Heaven by the Russians, Mormons, Hamas and Chinese for their horrific pleasure.
Every life has a value and a purpose and this prophecy in the Book of Acts, which is coming true now, explains how to find it and make use of each one. We must not waste any more time doing so. Together, the freest and sanest persons on this planet can force the world's malfunctioning governments out of power and make them do the work God created them to do.
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We are big fans of Hotel Mira here at The Permanent Rain Press. From the Sharkweek EP to Perfectionism, the band’s sound has consistently developed over the years, surviving new members and name changes. A stunning punk-rock essence is maintained, and an emphasis on live performances has cultivated a loyal fan following.
The audience was first treated to a riveting cabaret performance by the established drag icon Shanda Leer. He belted out the beautiful “That’s the Way It Is” by Celine Dion and had the audience laughing about the bisexual lighting in the venue.
Up next was Dust Cwaine, a non-binary singer-songwriter and drag artist. Bringing along the River Children band for support, they put on a humorous, bubbly, and nuanced show. Touching upon important topics such as fatphobia, body positivity, and queer identity, Dust Cwaine quickly created a safe and inclusive atmosphere.
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They played through 90’s punk-pop influenced tracks including the spiritual “Hearts in Atlantis,” and the dejected “To Be Okay.” Acoustic notes accompanied sturdy vocals and earnest lyrics: “Tell me what it feels like to be okay / tell me what it feels like to love your body.” Dust Cwaine captured the pain of heartbreak with “Seventeen.” They healed and reclaimed inner peace with steady strings and catchy lyrics: “Am I too old to stop believing in destiny / I wasn’t enough but I gave you the best of me.”
Hotel Mira kicked off their setlist with the intense and electrifying “Everything Once.” A song written about the loss of a friend. Charlie Kerr’s voice showcased its unique animation. The band played through recent releases, including the beachy, on edge “Fever Pitch,” the racing, romantic “Eventually,” and the adrenaline-inducing, metallic “Dancing With the Moonlight.” The latter was partly produced at Bays’ Tugboat PI. facility in New Westminster. Clark Grieve’s guitar hooks are razor sharp, and the song gives off a gritty, ELO-esque vibe. Lyrics of discomfort and self-doubt document the inner struggles of chasing your dreams in the Mecca of entertainment: “I’m thinking of changing my name / A private life that I would trade / For blinding lights and an early grave.”
Perfectionism songs featured heavily on the setlist. “Jungle,” a lively and bold tune, benefitted from Cole George’s dynamic drumming. The audience loudly sung its iconic lyrics: “I can’t wait to lose it ‘cause everyone cool is a head case / My mind got polluted by rock stars and suits and a new wave.” Hotel Mira also played sweet and cheery “The Eyes On You,” the epic and cathartic “This Could Be It For Me,” and the reflective, downcast “Speaking Off The Record.” Mike Noble’s reliable, rich bass reinforced raw words: “15 of my closest friends / Walked me right up to the ledge / ‘Everyone loves you,” they said / So why do they leave me for dead.”
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Kerr had a beaming stage presence, alternating between snappy movements and gracefully dancing across the stage. He whipped around the mic, tore off his tank top, held the hand of an audience member, and jumped into the crowd on the floor. His genuine interest in building a rapport with the crowd stood out. Kerr asked the audience who experienced a breakup and got everyone to curse the ex-lover out. F*ck you, James!
Older releases played included the fiery and frantic “Ginger Ale,” voltaic “Circulation,” and urgent and passionate “Southern Comforting.” These fan favourites evoked a storied local history.
Fun, playful and authentic, Hotel Mira’s live concert flew by. Seductive synths and punk-rock unleashed vibrant melodies. Charlie Kerr’s stage persona is wildly entertaining–something not to be missed. The night ended with nurtured bonds and musical satisfaction, as anticipation grows for Hotel Mira’s sophomore album.
Written by: Jenna Keeble
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eriellesudario · 6 years
Falling For You – EXPLAINED
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Recently, I’ve just released my latest single “Falling For You” and for the first time ever, it’s more electronic pop rather than my usual me playing on my ukulele. The song is now available on Bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes, Soundcloud, and Google Play and a music video over on my channel.
This song is about the infuriating feelings you get when having a crush on someone and the fear of confession as it will change everything. Another way to interpret the song is the idea of long-distance relationships or crushes because you just want to be close to someone.
And in a personal context (since all of my songs are based on real-life events), this song is about what happened to me in mid-2017 when for the first time ever, a guy actually liked me back but due to distance, they were not up for it. That falling for them is wrong and that I should turn my feelings off like there was an off switch.
And as always, I’d like to share some backstory behind the song itself and perhaps some antics from the music video.
How it started
I just want to kiss you But you’re not that into me, So I’ll just miss you.
I want to hold you Pull you closer to my arms, cuz my love is true.
It started as a Twitter thread. I wanted to jot down what was in my head as originally, these were my feelings towards an old friend of mine (different person). You can tell that the lyrics changed drastically over time, even during recording. It’s mostly because I was working on a way to make the song to not sound ‘possessive’ which sadly, is one of my biggest flaws in my songwriting – I can’t write love songs without sounding “too needy“.
Somewhere around March, my friend Myztic (from the LazyTown: Fan Series) offered his services and wants to collaborate on a song with me. It was around this time where I have collaborated with a few LazyTown YouTubers as well as working with the people over on LazyDubs. Myztic knew that I don’t always do fandom shitpost and I also put some originality into my work. So one day on Discord, he and I were talking on an original song!
I was thinking about which song to submit and I remember that Twitter thread I made, fixed the lyrics quite a bit and gave the audio to him.
I told Myztic that the vibe I’m after are ‘Capital Letters‘ by Hailee Steinfeld and BloodPop, and ‘Beautiful Trauma‘ by P!ink. But since we also like LazyTown, there is also some ‘We Will Be Friends‘ vibes heard around the intro.
And after waiting for a few weeks, I was sent the first demo of the instrumental and we’re able to create the first demo:
This is when our work begins to start and nearly 2 months later with 6+ demos with multiple versions within a few of them, and 2 Discord account changes. we’ve got the completed song!
Lyrical Meaning
Verse 1
I want to kiss you   But you’re not that into me,   So I’ll miss you.   (Miss you, Miss you)  
I want to hold you   Pull me closer to your arms,   And just be with you   (Be with you, be with you)  
Verse 1 represents the fantasy that I want to do with the person. The longing to be kissed and touched by them. But sadly, in reality, that’s not happening so all I can do is just miss them and hope to see them the next day.
If we correlate this to real life events – this was when I started reblogging romantic love quotes over on Tumblr so that I don’t have to worry about telling him. It was a way for me to vent out how I feel without confirming anything.
Pre Chorus 1
Your smile, your eyes, boy time flies   I want to touch you, feel you, be by your side  
You push, I shove, This feels so wrong,   Everytime you’re with me I’m dying inside  
This represents what I like about them. How I enjoy their company and seeing them smile, and just seeing them in general. The second half is the idea of how ‘wrong’ it is to fall for someone, especially if they are someone you’re very close with. You want to shove your feelings towards them but they might end up pushing them away.
In real life – it was around this time I started to know the person. I really don’t remember why I did end up liking this person but I guess it was because they were able to make me smile. I wanted to shove how I feel but I was scared that it will ruin the friendship that was starting to emerge.
Cuz every time you’re with me,   even if it’s just behind the screen,   I feel so confused   and I just want to scream   And everything you do   just out of the blue,   My heart skips for you,   because I’m falling for you  
This is about being frustrated with how you feel. The fear and confusion about why this is happening. But despite trying to denying how you feel, you are in love. You like the person.
This was Confession Day for me – when the person found out about how I feel and I was so scared to tell him. He actually had to spell it out for me, saying that it’s ok… or at least it was.
Verse 2
I sometimes wonder   Do you ever feel the same?   Or is this not ok   (Please say it’s ok)  
And I sometimes question   If I told you how I feel   Does everything change?   (Please don’t change)  
Do you sometimes wonder if you told the person how you feel, it will change your friendship? How they won’t see you the same way anymore? Or if they also understand and feel the game way? You want to tell them but you are afraid of change
This was a few days before and after the ‘confession’, how I was so afraid to tell this person and still confused that this has happened. What happens now? — that question lingers in my head.
And I know, this is wrong   This isn’t what you want   And I’m cool with that  
But I don’t know   What do I do   How do I turn it off   So I make these feelings stop? 
This is the part when you’re still in denial on how you’re feeling. Despite them knowing or not, you know this may not be something they want in a friendship. You want things to be/remain the same that you’re willing to throw away those feelings.
This was the expectation for me to turn off my feelings is a hard challenge. This was a thing that I’ve always struggled with and due to this, I end up hurting people and losing people who were close to me.
Pre Chorus 2
I know you won’t approve this   I know you will push me away   But there is something I need to tell you   So please sit and stay   I hope you understand what im about to say   The truth will set me free  
I’m falling for you  
This the confession stage. You’re ready to tell the person how you feel, despite the consequences. You’ve planned this and thought that once you could get it out, all the fears and anxiety would stop.
When I wrote this part of the song, it was under the impression that the person I’m referring to will wind up hearing this song for some random reason. Not because I want to tell them how I feel, but rather let them know that I’m about to tell this story through music. It’s the only way for me to preserve what I’ve felt at that time and despite our downfall, those times we had will always be my favourite.
This is the part of the song when you’re finally honest about your feelings.
The Music Video
Music Video Synopsis
It’s about a friendship where the girl ends up falling for someone she’s been really close with. But due to her fear, she’s forced to hold all her feelings in and not tell the person. She’s also confused if the guy has feelings for her or not since they both enjoy each other’s company and are really close.
The music video is supposed to represent why I end up falling for someone — because they make me happy. I enjoy spending time with them and I don’t want that moment to stop.
Friend: “I can sense you’re smiling right now” Me: “I’m not smiling” F: “Yes you are” M: “I-… I don’t want to say the reason why” F: “Why is it that you’re smiling?” M: “I can’t say it. You might get mad” F:“Whatever it is, it’s probably not as bad as you think it is” M: “Maybe it’s you that’s making me smile right now” F: “That is the less weird/most normal thing you’ve ever said”
For those who are unaware, I’m demiromantic. It’s when you form some sort of emotional bond with someone before feeling some sort of romantic attraction towards them. In some cases, it would usually mean me falling for my friends, but in other cases, I may just like someone because they make me feel really happy or I knew/got to know them really well to some extent that I end up having an attraction towards them.
A demiromantic is a type of grey-romantic who only experiences romantic attraction after developing an emotional connection beforehand.
The music video is inspired by a few university activities/filming assignments I’ve done in the past as well as my own experiences with other friends and things I wish I was able to do with them.
I guess the music video just shows what I long for in either a friendship or relationship. I’ve experienced cheesy stuff before (both offline and online) and they were amazing and memories that are really hard to forget. I guess I wanted to recreate them in the video.
+ + + +
This song is a way for me to preserve the remaining memories I have left about this moment. It’s one of my favourite memories of this person as it marks the first time that someone actually likes me back, but I guess, like always, it wasn’t meant to be. I know this person and I may never speak again due to recent conflict but if I do end up forgetting everything about him, I just want to remember and preserve that one small piece of my story when a guy realised something was up with me and told me it was ok to feel this way, even if it lasted for a short while.
Falling For You is now available on Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Spotify, iTunes, Google Play and CD Baby.
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trustdesignstudio · 2 years
Sift heads world ultimatum cheat
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Johnson is assaulted and killed in his own home by Vinnie Shorty and Kiro.
If you played all the previous Sift Heads World game in the Sift Heads World series then you probably do not want to miss out playing the latest Sift Heads World game Sift Heads World. You play as a group of pals who have been sought by both the police and an Italian Mafia but their time to flee has run out. Mouse Move Click to interact with objects or shoot. Take the passage and go up the stairs where you will have to kill three men. Go forward into the room ahead and shoot the two guards here. Go up the stairs and kill the last two men at the top.Ĭheck it out in this latest action packed Sift Heads game.Īct 6 and thus serves as a bridge episode between The Ultimatum and Sift. Ultimatum is the final installment in the point-and-click action game series Sift Heads World. Support for the Flash plugin has moved to the Y8 Browser. The Ultimatum is the last act for this Sift Heads World series. Its finally time to take action and youll be going after Alonzo the Mafias boss. You and your friends are being chased by police Italian Mafia and Japanese Yakuza. Pindutin para mapanood ang bidyo ng Sift Heads World Ultimatum Walkthrough ng libre. Panoorin ang bidyo ng Sift Heads World Ultimatum Walkthrough. Play all parts of the sequel online and reach this final part, to see the end of the story.Sift heads world ultimatum walkthrough start engine The Ultimatum is the last act for this Sift Heads World series. Everything depends on your accuracy and actions, so one single fail shot could be fatal. The story of Vinnie and his friends is so exciting and still the final result could not be predicted. Sift Heads World: The Ultimatum is a flash game, another part of the game sequel.
money- get 5000 cash perso- change character revive- restore to full health halloween- hidden costume burst- get shotgun watchout- get AA12 shotgun. The cheat money, halloween, burst, watchout, animal and yuuma doesn't work on Sift Heads World: Act 3 and yuuma, animal, watchout only works for Act 2. Finally, you will get Alonzo and punish him for everything that he has done! Play also car racing games. First press 6,5,7 and on your screen, there should be a cheat screen. Act 7 is the latest part of the game series, where everything should end.
Feel free to switch between weapons while you are changing the position. Choose the weapon and eliminate all thugs on the street before they enter the building. That was a huge mistake for them, because Vinnie is a great shooter. Unfortunately, the Mafia can't play the game fair, so they have sent several cars full of armed henchmen, with an order to kill everyone in the building. Reach your shelter and heal the wounds while you still have a free minute, think of your next actions and who stands after these assault attempts. Even a super muscle car like yours won't save you from the pursuit, unless you do something special to distract the attention of the whole police department. You kill only those, who deserves it and police officers follow strict orders. Disable police cars, but without casualties. There is nothing impossible for Vinnie and his friends, so he will find the way out even from the deadlock situations. However, it only sounds easy, but too complicated to achieve. You need to get rid of a tail, before actually trying to reach the shelter. The story starts with the chase, where Vinnie is trying to break away, but there are too many police cars. But the Mafia can! Well, the story is complicated and involves the police, the Mafia and even Vinnie's old man. Frankly, the police only makes it more messy, but they can't end their or somehow prevent their actions. They are all tough and cool, so even the police can't actually stop them. But who actually cares? In the center of attention there is Vinnie, a leader of one tough gang that consists of three members: Vinnie himself, his girlfriend and his best friend. Have you missed old good tough stories, like we used to have in the 90s? Everything was perfect about them, except the reality.
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kawaiianimeredhead · 2 years
I can not stand filling out forms on my freaking phone uhh
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lgg5989 · 2 years
Church Encounters Chapter 16 Part 2
Hey guys! Thanks to everyone for your continued support of this fic, @barbiewritesstuff and I are having a great time writing it. We waffled on in this one...its a whole 12k words...hope you enjoy it! We do also want to let people know that our lives are getting a little busier and our updates might not be out as steadily as they have been up to this point. Thank you for the support and for your patience while we find a new groove :D We have had a few requests for side drabbles and stuff about these characters and we will be happy to answer them! Just send us asks :)
You can find the previous chapters on my Masterlist, and you can read the whole series so far on my Ao3! :D
PS. If Glen is reading this, do you like it so far?
Tagging: @roosterscock  @sydneyhlove​
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“Jake,” you said, looking around at the ransacked room. You had been pulling clothes, shoes and souvenirs out of your case for the past hour now, desperately looking for one of your most precious belongings, again.
Jake hummed, appearing through the bathroom doorway with his toothbrush hanging from his mouth. He looked around you, making an effort to hide his surprise and failing miserably.
“Everything okay?” he managed to ask through the toothpaste foam, his voice sounding thick and muffled.
You looked at him guiltily, “Do you know where I put my chapel veil?” you asked, suddenly terribly interested in a strange stain in the rug. 
“Have you gone through my trousers?” he asked, looking behind him to see if he could spot them. Jake eventually did find them, on a pile of other clothes to your left, turned upside down and inside out. 
“I think I might have lost it at the Basilica yesterday…” you said, your heart sinking to your stomach. 
“I will glue the damn thing to your head, woman,” he said, spitting the contents of his mouth into the nearest sink, briefly rinsing before walking straight past you towards the phone. As he lifted the receiver of the old landline phone, he reached over to you and grabbed your arm, spinning you into him. He lodged the phone between his cheek and his shoulder, using his now free hand to keep you flush to him while the other disappeared for a second, only to return with a sharp smack on your bum, jostling you against his front.
“I should punish you for that,” Jake breathed into your ear, his voice deep and gravelly, “Maybe then you’d remember not to d-- Ciao, sì, sto chiamando per un oggetto smarrito?” he added, rudely interrupted by whomever had answered the phone. You wriggled yourself free of his iron grip. Turning around to try and get a read on his face, you could feel a blush covering your own, something certainly not helped by the wink Jake shot your way and the cheshire smile he wore.
“Abbiamo perso un velo da cappella” Jake continued, “È bianco con pizzo attorno al bordo”
“No, non c'è nessun nome scritto da nessuna parte,” he replied with a sigh. There was a pause, then, after a moment Jake turned to you, “He’s going to check but he’s not hopeful if there’s no name.”
There was another pause as Jake waited for the man to come back. The anxiety Jake had alleviated with his innuendo had come back in full force. Thoughts swirled through your brain as guilt made you tear up. Jake opened one of his arms wide to you, signalling you to come for a hug and you obeyed without hesitation. He squeezed you tightly, kissing the middle part of your hair repeatedly until a voice came through the receiver again.
“Signore? Sei ancora lì?” the voice asked. The man sounded young, barely older than you and his timber of voice shook slightly as he spoke. Jake hummed in response. 
“Abbiamo un velo che corrisponde alla tua descrizione. Puoi ritirarlo oggi o possiamo spedirlo a casa tua,” the man added.
Even if you didn’t understand much Italian, the grin on Jake’s face told you everything you needed to know but he still translated it for you, “They have a veil matching the description. We can pick it up today, or they can mail it to us,” he said before turning his attention back to the phone, “Lo prenderemo oggi.”
Still taking the time to check you hadn’t left behind, you packed and left the hotel room in record speed. It was still early in the morning when you got there, and you still had some time before the train to Napoli was due to depart. So, having missed your usual, and necessarily for your survival, cup of coffee you stopped by a café and ordered a coffee to go. 
The man on the phone had directed you towards a police station. The tiny building looked like it could only hold about three people and when you wandered inside, you saw how right you had been. A sign saying ‘ricezione’ had been hurriedly slapped onto one of the four desks crammed into the space, ignoring the pile of loose papers spanning the entire work surface. 
Jake advanced towards the ‘reception’, almost jumping out of his skin when a uniformed man popped out from behind one of the piles. 
“Ho parlato con il detective Ferrari, siamo qui per raccogliere un velo,” he said, looking at Jake. 
“He’ll be right back,” he translated for you. 
“Are you American?” the detective asked in a surprisingly good accent. You nodded slightly, and the man smiled, “I like America. I studied at The Catholic University Of America in Washington DC. How do you like Italy? And the Vatican?” He asked you, then turning towards Jake, “Your accent is good, where are you from?”
Jake grinned, “Texas, but we’re from Salerno,” 
The man tutted, “What are they doing, eh?”
“Not our best year, I have to agree,” Jake laughed.
“Don’t tell the Vatican City Football team, but I’m a Napoli man myself. Team of champions!” He laughed, driving his fist up in the air to accentuate his point, “What do you support?” he asked you as you rooted through the lost and found box in search for the promised veil.
You shrugged, “Whatever he supports,” you replied a little apologetically.
“My wife says the same but recently the children have come home cheering for Milan, so I’m not sure she means it,” he said with a small laugh before asking,”Are you two here on holiday?” 
“Honeymoon, actually,” you replied, a smile on your face. 
“Oh, congratulations! Are you staying in Rome long?” he questioned, looking at you both excitedly. 
Jake sighed, sounding a little disappointed when he replied, “We’re leaving today, actually. We’re going to Napoli,” 
“Yes, the beach is beautiful. How did you like the Vatican? Did you follow mass yesterday?” the guard inquired again, interested to hear of your plans.
“We did see the papal mass yesterday, it was so wonderful! I didn’t know there was going to be one while we were here,” you replied. He raised an eyebrow, answering his silent question, you added, “He surprised me with it -- found it!” you exclaimed, genty extricating the delicate veil.
“I wish my wife was as easy to make happy,” he joked, “Well that’s what I get for marrying a protestant… The only thing she wanted to do in the Vatican was visit the Sistine Chapel,”
“We didn’t see that one,” Jake admitted right as the detective brought a mug of steaming coffee out from a pile of paper and took a sip. He immediately choked on the beverage and Jake crossed over to him to pat him between the shoulderblades
“Mamma mia! Vieni in Vaticano e non vedi la Cappella Sistina? Che senso ha venire allora?” he exclaimed, clearly upset by the revelation, “No, no, no, you need to go. Today. Here, you take my pass,” he said, fishing a plastic card out of his wallet and raising a hand towards you to stop any protest, “You need to see it,” he added.
With your veil firmly gripped in your hand you exited the police station in front of Jake. On your way out, you heard the officer mutter something under his breath, “Americani pazzi… Vengono in Vaticano e non visitano la Cappella Sistina.”
You crossed the piazza San Pietro towards the Chapel where throngs of people were waiting for a chance to get in. As you found a spot near the back of the queue, a security man walked up to you, asking to see your pass. Jake opened his mouth to explain but the man smiled, “No worries, Marco called.” he said, signalling for you to follow. 
You skipped the queue and walked right in after minimal security checks consisting of a bag check and a pat down for Jake. The chapel was magnificent in and of itself but as you looked up above the crowd and towards the ceiling, your breath caught in your throat. On the sides, sandwiching a painting of Zacharia were the paintings depicting David slaying Goliath and Judith defeating Holofernes. 
You admired the painstaking work of the artist, slowly moving further into the chapel. Passing under The Drunkenness of Noah, The Great Flood, Noah and his Family Making A Sacrifice After The Flood, and Adam and Eve Being Sent Away From The Garden of Eden, before stopping under the paintings of God creating Eve and the Creation of Adam. 
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Jake asked, appearing beside you, taking your hand in his and giving it a squeeze.
Too enthralled by what you were seeing, you could only hum in agreement. You stayed like that, both of you staring at the ceiling, for a few more minutes before your necks begged for relief. You straightened up, looking right in front of you as you massaged your sore spots when your eyes fell on the back wall. 
Behind a wall of tourists you could see the Last Judgement, a beautiful fresco painted by Michelangelo, depicting the Second Coming of Christ and the final and eternal judgement by God of all mankind. Slowly the crowds parted to let you through and you could admire the painting in all its glory. 
Too soon for your liking, Jake tapped you on the shoulder, “Honey, we have to go or we’ll miss the train,” 
“When does the train depart?” you asked, shaking yourself out of your reverie
“In an hour and a half, we really have to hurry,” he replied.
You mentally cursed yourself, forcing your feet to walk towards the exit. Jake stopped by the security man and gave him Detective Ferrarri’s badge before hailing a cab and rushing the both of you towards the hotel to fetch your bags and then driving towards the train station. 
Once on board you stayed awake long enough to down the coffee Jake had gotten you on the platform and eat a pastry before your eyes grew heavy and your head lulled onto Jake’s shoulder. You felt him shift to throw an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into a comfortable cuddle as you fell asleep, leaving him to figure out how to turn the pages of his book with one hand only. 
You awoke with a start, your body pitching forwards in your seat unexpectedly. Sitting up and pulling away from Jake you rubbed the sleep from your eyes before stretching your arms over your head with a small groan. 
“Good afternoon princess,” Jake said, rubbing his hand down his back before pulling his arm back into his own seat. 
“How long did I sleep?” you asked him, looking over to him with your eyes squinted. 
Jake smiled warmly at you, “The whole ride,” he answered, gesturing to the train station that you had just pulled into. 
“All the walking of the last four days has worn me out,” you said defensively. 
“I know darlin’, don’t worry, the rest of today we are going to relax,” Jake said, grabbing your bags from the overhead bin.
You stood up, making sure to collect all of your belongings from your seats before slowly deboarding the train. Following Jake, you made your way to the taxi stand. 
After successfully hailing a cab, Jake loaded your luggage into the car and slid in next to you. 
“Dove signore?” the driver asked. 
“The Grand Hotel Santa Lucina,” Jake said, settling into the small car as best he could. 
With the directions given, the driver took off through the small streets. Unlike Rome, where there were shorter buildings, every building in Naples felt like it was towering over the road, like they were going to touch or fall into each other at the top. 
Between the buildings you occasionally got a glimpse of the coastline. The roadway near the water was lined with large boulders and rocks. The ocean, a beautiful blue hue, one you hadn’t seen much of other than when on an aircraft carrier. 
Soon, the taxi was making his way closer to the coast, a few large buildings on a small peninsula starting to come into view. He pulled up under the awning of the building and a man immediately stepped forward to open the door of the taxi, “Benvenuti signore e signora, posso aiutarvi con le valigie?”
Jake paid the driver before climbing out of the car, holding a hand out to help you as well, “Thank you, help with the bags would be great,” he replied, smiling at the bellman. 
“Of course sir, we can handle this while you check in,” the man said, his English was very good but heavily accented. 
Jake left them with a nod of his head, he held the door to the hotel open for you, allowing you to walk through in front of him. You stopped in the middle of the lobby taking in the beautiful decor and extravagant colours. The deep blue hues of the furniture complemented the white walls. Gold chandeliers hung from several spots in the ceiling and your own reflection could be seen throughout the lobby with the several mirrors that were hung as decoration. 
Jake bumped into your back, not expecting you to suddenly stop walking in front of him, “I’m sorry,” you apologised, “It’s just so pretty.” 
He let out a small laugh before whispering into your ear, “If you think this is pretty you should see the man that comes with your room, I hear he is a pilot or something.” 
“Really?” you responded, your voice teasing, “I don’t know, how could he possibly compare to my dear husband?” 
Jake pressed a kiss to your cheek, a small snort of amusement leaving him before he took your hand and the two of you made your way to the counter. Once he had checked in using a mix of English and Italian the two of you were presented with the key cards to your suite. 
The bellboy from before guided you to your room, depositing your bags inside the door for you before taking his leave. Once he was gone, you allowed yourself to wander further into the suite. A hallway brought you into the room, a purple light was glowing a few feet down the hall and you were surprised to find the biggest shower you had ever seen. Looking up you noticed the bathroom at the end of the hall. Looking back at the shower, you thought that it would easily hold two people as you passed by it and glanced into the bedroom. There was an opening in the wall that allowed you to peek into the room from the hall and you gasped when you saw the ocean view from the windows. 
Making your way into the bedroom you walked to the large windows in the wall. When you got up to one, you realised that it wasn’t a window but a door, they both were, and there were two balconies in your room. 
Pulling the door open, you were immediately greeted with fresh ocean air. You let out a delighted sigh before turning to look at Jake who had followed you through the room. He had a bright smile on his face and was carrying your bags with him. Setting them on the floor, he collapsed on the couch that was at the end of your bed. 
“What’s left to do today?” you asked him curiously. 
Jake laughed, “Not all of us slept on the train princess,” he said through a yawn, “Nothing, I thought we could lay out by the pool and relax.” 
“That sounds nice,” you said, rubbing a hand through his hair. Turning away from him, you opened your bag, digging through it until you found the blue bathing suit you had packed. When Jake told you that swimwear would be required for your honeymoon you panicked a little. All of the bathing suits you had ever bought were for practicality more than anything else. 
You knew that he wouldn’t care what you wore, but you found yourself wanting to impress him in some way. Jake was a bit of a show off and with all the afternoons you had watched him play dogfight football on the beach in San Diego, you could see why. 
“I’m just going to change,” you said as you made your way to the bathroom, “Then do you want to come with me to the pool? We can read and maybe you can even take a nap?” you suggested, knowing full well that when he saw you in your little surprise napping would be the last thing on his mind. 
“Sounds good sweets,” Jake said, his eyes closed and his head squishing a throw pillow between it and his arm. 
You smiled at the sight of him, every day you spent with him you were happier and happier to call him yours. Making your way into the bathroom, you shut the door behind yourself, clicking the lock into place quietly. Stripping out of your travelling clothes you shimmied into the bikini, making sure that all of the straps were secured. 
Looking yourself over in the mirror, you were happy with the way the bikini looked. The top was a few shades of blue darker than the bottoms and while the straps were much thinner than you were used to, they were doing a good job at keeping the goods secured. Slipping the white cover up dress over it, you put your hair up in a white clip wanting to keep it out of your face for the afternoon. 
Walking back into the bedroom, you nudged a sleeping Jake with your hand gently, “I’m going out to the pool love, are you going to join me?”
“Yeah,” he said quietly, his eyes still closed, “I’ll be out ‘n a minute, okay?”
You laughed at him, “Alright, but don’t take too long. Who knows the kind of Italian men I might have to fight off-”
“I’m up!” he said, his eyes open and his body lifting off the couch, “I’ll be right behind you, I promise. Save me a chair?” he asked, his fingers trailing over the material of your cover up. 
“I’ll save you a chair,” you said, slipping your sunglasses on to your face, pressing a kiss to his cheek, you picked up your book and room key. As you left the room, the sounds of Jake shuffling his clothes around meeting your ears, you grabbed a bottle of water before heading towards the pool. 
Twenty minutes later, you saw your husband saunter out onto the pool deck. He had his Ray Bans on and his swim trunks were slung low on his hips for not being wet. He passed by one of the towel stands and grabbed one, throwing it over his shoulder as he walked along the row of chairs. 
You watched as he stopped walking, squinting his eyes and searching through the other people that were lounging to look for you. Waiting until he looked past you a few times, you raised your hand and waved at him, a smile on your face. When he saw you, laid out in the little bikini, he immediately picked up his pace, the smile falling from his lips. 
When he got to the chair beside you, he took the towel from his shoulder and spread it over you like a sheet, “You came up here, like that, without me?” he asked, his voice sounding deeper than usual. 
LIfting your sunglasses to sit on the top of your head, you winked at him as you pulled the towel off yourself and tossed it in his face, “I told you I was going to have to fight the other men off,” you said playfully. 
“I…I’ve never seen you in this before,” Jake said quietly, his hand coming up to skim over the warm skin of your thigh, “Is it new?”
“Mmmmhummm,” you hummed, “Bought it special for this trip.” 
Leaning towards Jake you pressed a kiss to his cheek, pulling back just a little you whispered in his ear, “I love you Jake Seresin.” 
“I love you too,” he said, a smile splitting over his face. 
You gave him another sultry smile, “I think you need that towel more than I do or we might have a mass of women to beat off,” you said, laughing a little as he looked down quickly before laying the towel across his lap. 
You could feel Jake’s eyes on your body as you sat there tanning, a grin split your face, “We can go back up in a little while,” you promised, “But for now we are enjoying this amazing sun.” 
He sighed, “Alright,” he agreed, rather reluctantly. 
After the pool, you and Jake enjoyed a shower together before you ordered in for dinner. The hotel’s room service menu was extensive and everything that you ordered was delicious. Settling in for the night, you left the doors to the balcony open, enjoying the fresh air. Jake had turned on a movie on the TV and then promptly fell asleep. You laid there watching him, he looked peaceful when he slept. 
His hair was looking a little longer than usual, he hadn’t had it cut since well before your wedding. When Jake wasn’t serving his country, he almost always grew out some form of beard, you had never minded, the man was handsome with any kind of facial hair, and as of now, he had a healthy amount of scruff covering his face. He regularly slept without a shirt, often in just his boxer briefs or a pair of shorts, and tonight his chest was on full display. 
You reached across him, grabbing the remote for the TV and turning it off. Leaning over Jake again to turn off his lamp, you noticed that his phone was resting next to his head on the bed. Picking it up, you placed it on his night stand. The screen lit up when you grabbed it and you saw a text from Bob, Glad you two are having fun!. What really caught your eye though was the picture Jake had chosen for his lock screen. The image was a still from the video he had taken of you dancing after the Opera. You were in the midst of a pirouette your hands raised above your head, a carefree smile on your face. You smiled at the picture and pressed a kiss to Jake’s forehead before clicking the knob on his lamp. 
Clicking the knob on your lamp, the room was plunged into darkness, the only light coming from the moon outside your open windows. You rolled over in bed and fit your form to Jake’s. In his sleep he wrapped his arms tightly around you, nuzzling his face into the top of your head, his scruff catching in your hair. Closing your eyes and breathing in his scent, you were lulled into a peaceful sleep. 
Jake woke you up by snuggling into your neck, spooning closer to you, one of his arms tightening the grip it had over your waist. He mumbled something in your skin, rubbing his hips onto your backside.
"What was that?" You asked groggily, wrestling one arm out of Jake's grip to rub the sleep out of your eyes.
"I said, time to wake up, Princess. It's nine am," Jake repeated, resurfacing from your neck and removing himself from the bed while you pouted at the loss of contact, "If you need me, I'll be in the shower," he added with a wink.
You followed suit, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed a little clumsily and wobbling your way to the bathroom while rubbing your sore back. Jake looked at you from the shower, an amused little smile etched on his face.
"You feeling sore?" He asked. You stuck out your tongue at him as you climbed in behind him, snaking your arms around his waist and hugging him close.
After a long shower, you finally moved onto getting ready for the day. Italy was set to be a little cool for May so you fished out a leopard patterned dress and black jumper which you paired with a pair of black trainers and a clutch in which you had packed a pair of Jake's aviator sunglasses and your phone. Jake, deciding to somewhat match, had chosen a black shirt and a pair of blue skinny jeans. 
"Where to, Mr. Seresin?" you asked as soon as you walked out of the hotel doors. Jake pointed towards a cabbie, leaning against his car and playing a game on his phone. 
You followed Jake into the navy sedan, buckling up while he helped the cabbie punch your destination into the satnav. You arrived at the Capella Sansevero twenty minutes later, beating the satnav's initial time prediction by three minutes due to the driver's complete disregard of Italian traffic laws.
You got out of the car happy to still be alive despite the two near misses and followed Jake as he led the way towards the chapel. Inside the chapel, where a small crowd was gathered, sat the world renowned Veiled Christ. 
The sculpture was breathtaking. You couldn’t find the words to describe how life like the marble looked, it was carved so intricately and delicately that the cloth looked real. If you didn’t know it was made of marble you would have easily been convinced that the sculpture was actually a person laying under a sheet. You wanted to reach out and touch it, but you didn’t for fear of getting in trouble and ruining the delicate sculpture. 
You felt Jake’s hand run down your arm and you turned to look at him, “It’s gorgeous, I can’t, my brain thinks its real,” you said quietly. 
“It does look very real,” he agreed. The two of you continued to gaze at its exquisite detail. You could see the holes in his hands and feel and the sunken side of his abdomen from where the spear pierced his side. The crown of thorns sat at his feet. 
Once you and Jake had taken in the sculpture from several angles and felt like you had your fill, the two of you made your way around the chapel. It was filled with other marble statues, none as intricate or hauntingly beautiful as the Veiled Christ, but still worth the time taken to gaze at them. 
When you had your fill of the marble statues, the two of you made your way outside the chapel once more, shading your eyes from the sun with Jake’s pair of sunglasses that you had remembered to pack for the day. The two of you walked through the streets of Napoli, looking at small corner stores and other museums that were around the city. You came across a bustling pizzeria when Jake’s stomach rumbled rather loudly. You raised an eyebrow at him, “Are you ready for lunch?”
“I guess so,” he said, a bit embarrassed at the volume of his stomach. 
Getting in line, you looked up at the sign and realised that you had stumbled upon the L'antica Pizzeria da Michele, one of the oldest and best pizzerias in the world. The smell was heavenly and the line was out the door and down the block. When you finally made it inside Jake ordered for you in Italian, ordering two margarita pizzas. You found a table to eat quickly. It was easily the best pizza you had ever eaten and you could see why the restaurant had a Michelin star. 
As you left the restaurant, Jake hailed a cabbie. The ride back to the hotel was made in comfortable silence between the two of you, the cabbie filling the air with soft singing to whatever was on the radio. When he dropped you off, Jake paid him before leading you inside. 
“Alright princess, I have a surprise, do you want to walk with me or wait here?” he asked once the two of you had freshened up and packed a few souvenirs that you had bought into your spare luggage. 
“I’ll come with you, do I need anything specific?” you asked. 
“No, just your beautiful self,” he said, giving you a quick peck on the nose. The two of you walked for a few minutes before coming to a stop outside a vespa rental. Jake gave you a smile before pulling you inside. The woman behind the counter set you both up with helmets and a vespa the colours of the Italian flag. Jake guided it on to the road, your hands squeezing him tight even though you had a seat back behind you. 
The ride was long but when Jake guided the vespa to a stop you were almost sad that it was over. The roads and scenery that you got to take in from the back of the scooter were unlike any other. Jake helped you off the scooter before he put the kickstand out, “Where are we?” you asked, turning to look at the ruins around you. 
“Pompeii,” he replied simply with a small smile on his face as one of his hands rubbed the spot on his chest where yours had been sitting for the ride to the ruins. He pocketed the keys to the vespa before taking your hand. The two of you got tickets to the ruins and picked up a map of all the areas of the city you were able to see. 
Since it was already the afternoon, you decided that the four hour self guided tour of the ruins would be best before setting out with Jake leading the way. The area was somewhat crowded, but with your naval aviator leading the way, you weren’t worried about making your way through the crowds. 
After your tour of the theatres, bath houses, a garden, and the city’s amphitheatre you were both tired and ready to return to Saint Lucia. The ride back was no less wondrous as the ride there and Jake even let you drive the vespa through the busy city streets. You stopped along the way for dinner, a little seafood restaurant just off the main road. 
Once you returned the vespa and walked back to the hotel, your stomachs full with dinner and your feet tired from another long day of walking, you both collapsed into bed after changing into your pyjamas. 
You let out a quiet groan as you rubbed your hands along the soles of your feet in bed. 
“What is it darlin’?” Jake asked, his Texan drawl a little deeper than you were used to since he was tired. 
“I’m going to need new shoes when we get home with all the walking we’ve been doing,” you said, turning to rest your head on his chest, the beat of his heart lulling you to an almost sleep state. 
“We can get you some tomorrow,” he said, already half asleep. You hummed back at him before falling into a deep sleep, neither of you moving for the entire night. 
For the first time in your life, you woke up before Jake. You had left the balcony windows open, allowing the gentle sea breeze to flow through the room. The sound of seagulls had roused you from your sleep and now you were able to see what the ruckus had been about. You were disappointed to see they seemed to simply be chatting. Behind them however, stretched the sea and a footpath overlooking a pebble beach that seemed to call your name. 
You fished a pair of sandals out of a bag, as well as a pair of high-waisted green shorts and a white button-up shirt which you only buttoned up some of the way. Conscious it was still early in the morning you also grabbed a grey cardigan. Just as you were fastening the buckle on your sandals, Jake woke with a start.
“Where ‘re you going sweetie?” he asked, looking at you somewhat panicked while raising himself on one elbow to see you more clearly, “You leavin’ me?” 
“No,” you laughed, “I wanted a walk near the beach.”
“Oh,” he fell back onto the bed, “I had a nightmare. Can I tag along?”
“Sure,” you replied.
Jake climbed out of bed and pulled on a shirt, leaving his basketball shorts hanging low on his hips. Slipping his feet into socks and tennis shoes, he joined you by the door and the two of you made your way down through the lobby and to the pebble path along the beach. 
“Want to talk about your nightmare?” you asked, taking his hand in your own as you walked down the beach. 
Jake rubbed his eyes, “I dreamt I was coming home from deployment and you had left me. Like, the house was empty, no pictures, no furniture, nothing left in the cupboards. And when I called you and asked why you had left and why you had taken the kids -- we had kids -- the only thing you said was, ‘You know what you’ve done Jacob.’ It was not a fun dream,” he explained with a pained laugh, “And then I woke you were dressed and putting on your shoes and I was scared it might not just be a dream.”
“I’m sorry baby, but rest assured, you’re stuck with me forever. For poorer or for richer, in sickness and in health, Amen. I intend to keep that promise, baby,” you replied.
Jake seemed reassured. He let go of your hand to wrap his arm over your shoulders, wriggling his fingers for you to intertwine your fingers with his as you walked. 
“How about ice cream for breakfast?” he suggested.
“Lead the way, Sailor,” you replied with a smile. 
Jake walked you along the footpath for another five minutes, stopping by a gelateria with a stunning view of the sunrise over the bay. You ordered a cantaloupe sorbet and Jake an almond, pistachio and hazelnut gelato, which you ate sitting on one of the many rocks overlooking the water, your feet dangling over the edge, inches away from the lapping waves.
“So, where to next?” you asked. 
“We have a train to catch at four to go to Salerno. We’ll do a little sight-seeing… I hope you don’t mind but we’re staying at my cousin’s. He’s nice, he has an inn in the village. It’s nice, clean, but the only room he has available has two single beds…” Jake’s voice trailed off, looking expectantly at you for your reaction. 
You jokingly pouted at him, “How will I sleep with my big teddy bear?”
Jake laughed, dragging you into a hug you barely had time to save your ice cream from. 
As you set foot in Salerno, after an easy hour-long train ride, the gentle heat of the platform felt like a welcome change from the stifling heat of a packed train. Jake led you away from the tracks and through the exit where your eyes immediately found a tall man holding a sign saying ‘Signor e signora Seresin’. As soon as he saw you, he threw his hands in the air and smiled, a gesture Jake returned.
"Jacob, è passato così tanto tempo,” The man said, hugging Jake tightly and then letting go to kiss his cousin on the cheek, “E questa dev'essere tua moglie,” Cousin Julio said with a large smile, “Jacob warned me you did not speak Italian,” 
“I’m learning but it’s a slow process,” you replied, neglecting to tell him that the reason for how little you understood was largely because you often forgot to practice, despite how many vaguely threatening emails the duolingo owl thought fit to send you.
“Well, we are going to help you. This is the last sentence I say in English,” Julio said, shooting you a mischievous wink 
“You’ll have to speak slowly, then,” you warned
“Mi assicurerò di parlare chiaramente” Julio replied, enunciating each word clearly and slowly, just as he promised he would. 
“Come sta Gianna? E Andrea e Roberto?” Jake asked, picking up your bags and carrying them to Julio’s car. 
As you exited the station, Julio fished the car keys out of the pocket of his slacks, and pressed one of the buttons. The headlights on a red Alfa Romeo blinked on and off a few times, beeping as it did so. 
“Hai cambiato macchina?” Jake asked, looking slightly dumbfounded, “Alla locanda va tutto bene?” 
His cousin tutted, “Ho dovuto usare questo cestino perché la Ferrari è al garage,” Julio replied, “Non mi piace neanche,” he added, looking at the car with an air of disgust. 
“What’s happening?” you asked, concerned you hadn’t understood the conversation properly because while Julio had stayed true to his word and spoken slowly, Jake had rattled off his questions and responses with the rapidity and practice of a native.
“What’s wrong with the car?” you asked, confusion laced in your voice. 
“It’s --” Jake hesitated, looking at you nervously before Julio interrupted.
“Ah say it!” Julio exclaimed, “It’s cheap! At least we will not have any trouble fitting the bags in the back…” he added rather sadly, opening the boot and signalling for Jake to load the suitcases with a flick of his hand.
 Jake entered the car, forever in the passenger seat, while you sat at the back. Clearly conscious that you might be feeling a little lonely, he passed a hand through the small gap between his seat and the car door and held yours for the duration of the journey, gently caressing your hand with his thumb.
“Benvenuti alla Locanda,” Julio announced as he pulled into a reserved parking spot metres away from the front entrance of what you assumed was the ‘inn’ they had been referring to. The sign above the door read The Garden Inn in English beneath the Italian script.
You hadn’t quite realised that when Jake and Julio had been talking about an inn, it would only be an inn by name. The building you stood in front of was more akin to a small castle, with ivy running up the stone walls and beautiful arched window overlooking a garden the size of which you had never seen before with luscious green grass, beautiful olive trees and near the back, rows and rows of vines. 
‘La locanda del giardino’ had been in the Seresin family for generations, passed from Eldest son to eldest son until it got to Julio who quickly made it the pride and joy of Salerno and then it’s greatest disappointment when it lost its fifth michelin star after a rather rowdy fight over the homemade rosé with a prickly food critic. Since that fateful evening in early 2013, Julio changed the name of the Hotel Restaurant from ‘L'Hotel Giardino’ to the current name. A rather passive aggressive, and constant reminder of his failure and proof that the Seresin family were eternally competitive. 
Julio led the way inside. He stopped by the reception desk and rang the bell, waiting patiently for someone to come through to sign you in while humming along to whatever the radio played. A minute later, a teenager walked out into the main hall, adjusting his tie. 
“Come posso aiutarla?” the young man asked, not looking up from his tie yet.
“Puoi aiutarmi salutandomi,” Jake replied, “Oh God, I sound like my dad,” he added, looking at you with horror in his eyes. The teen looked up at Jake, delight immediately written on his face. 
“Jake!” he exclaimed in flawless English, walking around the reception desk and hugging him hard enough to knock the air out of his lungs. 
“Roberto! Che bello vederti! Non ti vedevo da quando eri così grande,” Jake said, holding his hand out to show a very small height. 
Roberto brushed his hand away with an embarrassed smile. Suddenly he turned towards you, “Sono Roberto, e tu?” he asked, his teenaged voice dropping down an octave as he reached for your hand and placed a kiss on your knuckles. You tried to stifle a laugh. 
“Mia moglie. Fare marcia indietro,” Jake said, his previously amused tone now slightly threatening, now that the two of you were married he was more possessive than he had been before, not that you minded.
“Paura che la perderai, Jacob?” Roberto said as he winked. Jake’s mouth opened in shock, “We are married, I’m not going to lose her,” he said, stunned. Julio barked a laugh, clapping his son on the back. 
“Questo è il mio ragazzo!” Julio wheezed between laughs, holding his belly with one hand as it bounced up and down with every laugh. When he calmed down, Jake’s cousin walked behind the desk and checked you in, giving you a set of keys. 
The room you had been given was the only room not serviced by a lift. In the time of Jake’s grandfather, the wing it had been built in had been used to house employees. While most of the rooms were now open to guests, Julio had kept one for friends and family. The room, while small and more spartan than the ones open to guests, was still beautiful. 
The walls were painted plain white, the beams of the inn exposed and stained a dark brown, the colour resembling that of fine mahogany. The floor was exposed hardwood dark enough to match the colouring of the beams. The two twin beds in the room were wrought iron and separated by a rug and night stand. Opposite the beds sat a small and two comfortable looking chairs. Giving Jake a forlorn look, you picked the bed furthest from the door. Through a dark door just inside the room you could see a white tiled bathroom with a single vanity and a small shower stall. 
After getting out of your travel clothes and into a dusty pink midi dress and some comfortable sandals, Jake led you back out of the room and into the ‘staff only’ part of the castle, which after opening the door at the end of the corridor, turned into Julio’s family home. The door opened up into a large kitchen and living room. Busying herself in the kitchen was Julio’s wife, a thin and tall woman with a head of shiny black hair. When she saw Jake, she immediately dropped the onion she had been peeling and went to embrace him.
“È passato così tanto tempo!” She exclaimed, clearly excited to see her cousin after such a long time. She turned towards you, adding “Welcome to the family,” and squeezing you in a tight hug.
“Julio told me not to speak English with you,” she whispered in your ear with a posh English accent, “But I miss it too much,” 
“This is Giana,” Jake explained, “Julio’s wife.”
“Yes! I’m from Brighton,” she added, explaining the accent, “We’re having dinner in a few hours, we’ll have drinks beforehand though don’t worry. Jake, why don’t you show your wonderful wife around the property?” she suggested.
Jake took your hand in his, leading you out of the back door and into the private garden. He opened a gate and led you further into the property. 
“How are you doing?” he asked, his voice soft and gentle as he looked at you, “I know they can be a bit much.”
“They’re lovely,” you reassured him with a smile, “Jake --” you hesitated and he frowned, “I figured -- err -- what was that business with the car?” 
“Oh. Julio is a big luxury car guy, he collects them, I’m sure he’ll show you the garage…” Jake explained, not really giving the answer you wanted to the vague question you had asked.
“Is that why he seemed so… upset? It seemed like a nice car though…” you probed.
Jake smiled, “It’s his ‘cheap’ car. He usually takes the Ferrari around town but it was being looked at for something, I think.” 
“Does he like showing it off?” you asked, your voice laced with a bit of wariness.  
“No, it’s his regula -- oh I see what you’re getting at,” he laughed, “Very tactful, but you can ask outright. I mean we’re married now, you have every right to know about that,” he added. 
Ever the tease, Jake wouldn’t answer your question without having you ask for it. 
“Jake, are we rich?” you asked, laughing a little at the notion. 
He nodded his head. You raised an eyebrow at him, “How rich?” you probed again, curious as to what you had married into, neither of you discussed finances much. 
After a slight pause Jake answered, “I can’t give you a number right now, but enough to be comfortable, forever, even if we both stop working and have a truckload of kids…”
“So if I decide not to renew my contract with the Navy…?” you started, trailing off and hoping he would get your meaning. 
Jake squeezed your hand in his before answering, “If that’s what you want to do, then we’d be fine.” 
“Okay,” you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. 
“Come, I need to show you something,” He said, walking behind a tree and through a hidden door in the hedge. The setting sun shone bright as you passed through and blinded you for a second before your eyes adjusted and you saw a wooden gazebo, hidden between trees, its wooden beams turned green by climbing vines. Underneath the gazebo’s cover were two striped cabana chairs. Jake lowered himself onto the red and white one, leaving you with the lavender and white one. 
You stayed there, looking at the skyline of Serano itself as the sky turned orange and pink as you held hands with Jake. An hour later, right as you were almost dozing off, Roberto walked up behind you, scaring you out of your skin, and announced drinks were being served.
The teenager walked you back to the private terrace where a table had been set. Roberto showed you to your chair, pulling it out for you to sit down under Jake’s watchful eye. Giana came out minutes later with an assortment of olives, small slices of mortadella, figs, and marinated vegetables, as well as the local specialty some Caciocavallo dell'emigrante. Julio, in the meantime, brought out the drinks. He served Jake an Aperol Spritz and gave himself and his wife a glass of the house’s rosé each.
“Does the Mrs. want a glass of wine or is she not allowed?” Julio asked, shooting you a wink right as Jake had decided to take a sip of his drink. He coughed and choked while you tried to pat his back and keep your composure. Giana slapped her husband’s arm with a towel shooting him a glare.
“La spaventerai!” she exclaimed before turning to you and saying, in English, “Don’t let him scare you off.”
You winked at her, “Don’t worry, if anyone was going to scare me off it would have been this one,” you said, gesturing to Jake. 
“What did I do?” he asked, raising his hands like you had a gun pointed at him. 
“You, Lieutenant Commander Seresin, are a grade A asshole when you want to be,” you said, raising one eyebrow, challenging him to contradict you. 
“Well, I can’t argue with that can I?” he said, a smug smile on his handsome face, “Yes Julio, she can have some wine, we aren’t trying for kids yet,” he said to his cousin. 
Julio frowned at that, “The Lord calls you to be fruitful, Jacob. You aren’t getting any younger, so I say hop to it,” he said, earning himself a smack round the head this time.
“Let them take their time!” Gianna said, now standing over her husband. 
“Well, they’re married! Money isn’t a problem! So what are they waiting for?!” he exclaimed.
Giana glared at her husband before turning to you, “Y/n, dear, come and help me in the kitchen.”
You followed after her, keeping your head down to the floor as you passed by Julio, half in embarrassment and half because you were afraid to start laughing if you crossed his eyes. Gianna handed you a platter of Fettuccine Alfredo. She walked back out, holding a small bowl of parmesan shavings and a large bottle of Pinot Grigio. You tagged behind a little, overlooking the scene as you thought about Jake’s reaction.
The truckload of children had been his idea and yet, outside of his nieces and nephews, Jake had never seemed particularly excited about children. Even Dmitri, arguably the cutest baby you had seen in years, with his chubby cheeks, lovely smile and adorably round body hadn’t even raised a smile in Jake while you had been left wishing for a little baby of your own since he had been taken from your arms. And now, with the way he had seemed so dismissive of Julio’s concerns, you wondered if he even wanted children and wasn’t simply doing it all to ‘make right by you’, as he had said so many months ago during your first argument. 
You were so lost in thought that you almost ran into someone, a teenage boy identical to Roberto save for a pair of rather unfashionable glasses that he wore high on his nose. He gave you a small smile and a shy wave.
“I’m Andrea,” he said, “Be careful where you’re going, you’ll trip,” he added, pointing towards the floor inches away from where you stood towards the raised edge of the bay window. You shot him a grateful smile as you rejoined the group, sitting down next to Jake as you tried to shake off the thought.
Dinner had been wonderful but it had lasted well into the night as the men chatted and drank. It eventually came to an end after Gianna’s famous coffee and amaretto panna cotta when mosquitoes invaded the private terrace and left you all bitten and crabby.
“Hey, you okay? You were quiet tonight,” Jake asked as you climbed the flights of stairs up to your room. 
You hadn’t said much since Julio's question, quietly stewing in your own thoughts, too lost in your own head to make much conversation. 
“Just tired,” you lied.
Jake hummed, “Me too, I have just about enough energy to shower and then I’m going to sleep,” he said. He looked around him, checking that no one could see you, “You could always join me in said shower…”
“Not tonight, sorry. I think I’m too tired,” you said. 
“You sure you okay baby?” he frowned. You nodded, quickly unlocking the bedroom door. 
True to his word, Jake immediately stepped into the bathroom. Five minutes later, he walked back into the bedroom and fell onto the bed with a groan. After your own shower, you slipped underneath your own covers and tried to fall asleep. You turned and turned, unable to find a comfortable position as the thoughts in your head kept racing when you heard Jake, clearly experiencing the same issue, sitting up in bed and then walking around the room. The bed behind you dipped as he slid under the covers with you, pulling your back to his front. 
“It’s lonely without you,” he whispered into your hair, squeezing himself tighter against you on the tiny single bed, “I miss you.”
“I miss you too,” you replied quietly, laying stiffly in his embrace. 
“Okay, I know something’s wrong. Please talk to me,” Jake pleaded, the arm that rested against your waist moved a little to find your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Are you sure you want kids?” you asked, your previously controlled voice wobbling slightly as you desperately tried to hold in the tears that had been threatening to spill since the beginning of dinner.
Jake pushed himself up on an elbow, “‘Course I do, where’s this coming from?” he asked, letting go of your hand to brush some hair away from your face. 
“You didn’t seem too keen at dinner,” you replied with a sniffle, losing your battle against the tears with every gentle graze of Jake’s fingers against your cheeks.
He laughed a little nervously, “Honey, I wasn’t too keen to discuss having kids with Julio. I want kids, I just don’t think my cousin should have a say in when we have them,” he added, wiping away the tears that had begun to fall from your eyes. 
“He is a bit of a…” you trailed off, not wanting to say anything mean about Jake’s cousin in front of him but Jake finished for you.
“He’s a fucking busybody?” Jake laughed, “Yeah he is. And you know the worst part? Whatever I say he’ll tell Nonna on his weekly whatsapp call,” he added.
“What? You mean to tell me that Nonna, the woman who calls you every other day to tell you what Anna from church, Patricia from town and Mark from High School have done to disgrace Texas, is a gossip?!” you gasped in fake outrage, clasping imaginary pearls in the darkness of the bedroom.
“I don’t like the accusation there, Mrs. Seresin,” he said, his tone nothing but teasing. 
“I don’t know what you mean,” you answered in your most innocent tone of voice.
Jake let out a deep sigh before exclaiming, “I am not a gossip!” 
“Uh huh,” you agreed sarcastically, “Next you’ll tell me it wasn’t you who tivoed Days Of Our Lives.” 
“Shut up and sleep, Mrs. My-husband-caught-me-watching-My-Strange-Addiction-at-three-AM-once,” he replied, poking you in the side to make you laugh.
“Once! You caught me once!” you said, turning around to face him. 
“Yes! Caught! But considering the TV said you were on season 6, I’d wager this wasn’t the first episode you watched!” he laughed before leaning forwards and kissing your lips.
You fell back onto the bed, the kiss quickly turning more passionate as Jake shifted himself on top of you.
“Now, how about we practice this baby making thing,” he suggested, his lips leaving yours to kiss down your neck.
You hummed, “Yeah, we need lots of that, want to make sure it sticks when we try for real,” your giggle turning into a moan when he nibbled on your collarbone.
“Exactly,” Jake agreed.
After an extended practice, deciding that squeezing the both of you onto a single bed wasn’t a good idea, especially after having almost fallen off twice in the previous hour, Jake climbed back into his own bed.
The next morning came earlier than you expected. With the late dinner the night before and the tossing and turning both you and Jake had done making the springs on the worn beds squeak each time, you were exhausted. Julio and Giana were kind enough to set both you and Jake up with breakfast and espressos before driving you the forty minutes back into Naples to the airport. 
Leaving them at the car with a hug and a kiss on both cheeks, you and Jake made your way to the check-in counter. Checking your luggage and then going through security you and Jake grabbed a second cup, of significantly poorer quality, coffee before sitting down at the gate for your flight. Jake had booked the early flight from Naples to Nice, France so that the two of you could watch the Monaco Grand Prix. 
The first flight from Naples to Paris was fairly short. You still squeezed the life out of Jake’s hand on take off, but the ride was smooth. Your layover in Paris was an hour and a half, the two of you stood by a large window in the airport trying to spot any well known landmarks you could see, including the eiffel tower. 
The second flight was a little rougher, more turbulence during the flight. You practically crawled into Jake’s lap, holding his hand was not nearly good enough, you were grateful that he didn’t complain, just wrapped you up in his arms and hummed a melody you didn’t recognize into your ear. When the flight from hell finally ended, you were thankful to be on solid ground once again. 
Nice, France, was just that, nice. You and Jake took a short train ride to Monaco, arriving in the city just after noon, with enough time to get to the hotel before the race. Jake had gone overboard with this hotel reservation, but it was a once in a lifetime trip and he didn’t care. The Hotel de Paris Monte-Carlo was beautiful. Your room was complete with a huge freestanding bathtub and a glorious king sized bed. 
The best part was that you could watch the race from the comfort of your balcony. The two of you settled into the room, Jake grabbed a quick shower to wash off the smell of airport before dressing in a pair of dark trousers and a polo shirt. You pulled on an airy blue wrap dress. You didn’t have time to fix your hair before the race so you tied it up with a silk scarf you had thrown in your luggage. 
As the two of you settled out on the balcony, the race began. Your afternoon was relaxing, watching the cars as they passed by your viewing spot and eating the room service that you ordered. The menu had been impressive and you were tempted to order one of everything but you resisted the temptation, instead settling for one of every dessert. 
Once the race was over, the two of you continued to sit out on the balcony, watching the sunset on the horizon. When it was dark, Jake broke the comfortable silence you had been sharing, “We should go to bed princess, we have another early morning tomorrow and a long day of travel.” 
You nodded, standing from your chair while covering a yawn. As you entered the room, you felt Jake’s hand settle on your waist, his thumb rubbing small circles on your hip. Turning into his arms, you leaned up on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his jaw. Jake leaned his head down, capturing your lips with his own. You felt his hands wander their way down from your hips, brushing over your butt. He pulled you closer to him, squeezing one cheek in his large hand. 
You pulled away from his lips, “I thought it was time for bed,” you said, looking up at him with a grin. 
He let out a laugh, “I didn’t say what we would be doing in bed, darlin’,” he answered, his eyes boring into your own. 
“I don’t know, I didn’t sleep well without you next to me last night,” you said in a more serious tone, “Tossed and turned the whole night.” 
“What did you miss the most, baby?” he asked, nuzzling his head into your neck, pressing a kiss where your shoulder and neck met. 
“Missed how warm you are, your hands on my hips, being wrapped in your arms…” you said, trailing off when he kissed a particularly sensitive spot on your neck. 
Jake let out a grunt when you pulled away from him. You walked away from him, picking up your pyjamas from your luggage as you made your way to the bathroom, making sure to catch his eye as you stood in the doorway. Your fingers slipped over the knot in your dress and you pulled it open, revealing what you had been wearing underneath, “I’m just going to shower quick,” you said before shutting the door behind you. 
You let out a quiet laugh behind your hand when you heard Jake groan in the bedroom and you weren’t surprised in the least when two seconds after you stepped into the shower he joined you. 
By the time the two of you got into bed you were so exhausted from the day and the lack of sleep the night prior, that you didn’t even say goodnight. Jake pulled you into his arms and you fell asleep against his warm chest. 
Jake woke you up early the next morning. He helped you pack your bag before the two of you set off to catch the early train back to Nice. Today was going to be busy, but of all the things you had seen on the trip so far, the actual site of the apparition of the virgin Mary was the highlight. You flew from Nice to Toulouse where Jake rented a car and drove the two of you the two hours to Lourdes. 
The site of the grotto was protected by a grand basilica that had been built on top of where the original sightings took place. You and Jake walked down the slope towards the holy site, joining the long queue of people getting in line to approach the running water near the statue of Mary. 
When it was your turn to approach the statue of Mary you stood there silently, reflecting on yourself and your relationship with God. After a moment of reflection, you reached forward and rinsed your hands in the water running under the statue, blessing yourself with the sign of the cross. Jake followed in your steps and the two of you crossed over to light a candle each, both beacons to God that the offering of prayer remains burning long after you returned to daily tasks. 
The rest of the day you spend exploring the basilica and its surrounding gardens and other sites. You and Jake took the time to stop and pray while you were inside the church, kneeling next to each other in a pew before leaving Lourdes. 
On the ride back to Toulouse, you fell asleep. Your honeymoon, while enjoyable, had been long and busy. You only woke when Jake plucked you out of your seat like you weighed nothing and carried you into the hotel room he had booked for the night. Tonight’s accommodations were not as nice as the previous few, but what could you expect, staying on the airport property was convenient for the morning. Your early flight home ensured that you would arrive with a few days to unpack before returning to the Navy’s beck and call. 
The flight home was long, but you landed safely Saturday evening to find a grinning Cyclone waiting for you at the airport.
“So how was it?” he asked, looking at you and Jake from his position behind the steering wheel.
“It was amazing!” you said excitedly, “We made a lot of memories,” you added, your hand squeezing Jake’s. 
He nodded along with you, “Yes, hopefully we can go back again one day,” he added, winking at you from the corner of his eye. 
The ride home was long, California traffic clogging up the interstate, but Beau must have been feeling chatty because by the time he dropped you off at home, you hadn’t realised that almost an hour had passed for the drive. 
Glad to be home, you started on a few chores, unpacking and starting the laundry. Jake was kind enough to run out to the store in preparation for dinner and breakfast the next day. By the time the sun had set your bags were unpacked and you felt ready for your first mass as man and wife. Jake joined you in the master bedroom for the first of many nights together and as you fell asleep that night, you couldn’t feel anything but content with your life. 
The radio played a song through the house as you made your way to the bathroom where Jake had already climbed in the shower, letting the room fill with steam. Through the noise of the water you could hear him singing along to March: Hills To Climb by Tim Myers. You opened the shower door and slipped in behind him and he turned around to face you, his hands foaming up the shampoo he had poured onto his head, filling the air with the smell of his bourbon scented head and shoulders shampoo.
He rinsed his hands off of bubbles and brought them up to cup your face, pulling you close and kissing you. Almost by reflex, your fingers tangled themselves in his hair. Jake sighed happily into your mouth as you massaged his scalp, working the shampoo through to the roots, eventually making your way down to the beard he had yet to shave off. You ran your manicured fingers through his beard, soaping it up too, careful not to get any in his mouth. 
Your hands moved again. Passing them through the water jet, you washed off any remnants of shampoo before squirting some of your own vanilla and ginger shower gel into your hands and rubbing into his skin, moving from his shoulders to his chest, and down his arms. Jake let his head fall backwards into the steam of hot water as you ran your hands over him, groaning when you stopped to wash yourself.
“Go get ready, I won’t be long,” you said, Jake pouted for a few seconds, silently pleading with you. When you didn’t relent, he stepped out of the shower with a frown and left to dry himself while you washed yourself.
When you walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later, Jake had gotten himself ready and made you a cup of coffee which you gratefully accepted. You looked through your wardrobe to find an outfit to wear to your first mass as a married woman and settled on a simple black dress and the same scarf you had worn in Monaco to tie your hair back in a bun. 
You looked around the bedroom for your hairbrush, acutely aware of the ticking time when Jake waved it at you, pointing at the floor between his open legs. You sat down in front of him as he brushed the knots out of your curls, one hand against your scalp to avoid ripping hair out by the roots. You closed your eyes to enjoy the pleasant feeling of the brush moving through your hair. 
“All done,” he announced too soon for your liking, dropping the brush on the bed. Jake squeezed your shoulders gently before standing up, making his way out of the bedroom to find his shoes. You followed suit a few minutes later, hurriedly fastening the scarf into your hair and pulling on a pair of heels. 
Jake drove down to church, dropping you off in front of the doors to find a parking spot for the truck, silently annoyed he hadn’t listened to your suggestion and taken the Mini. You entered the building, walking up to the front to find Bob. 
“Hi! How was Italy?” he asked, hugging you tightly, “Where’s Jake?”
“Finding a spot,” you said with a smile. 
Bob winced, “Good luck to him, I’ve never seen it this full,” he said, looking towards the church’s doors to see if he could catch a glimpse of Jake hurrying in.
He raised a hand waving someone down, hopeful that Jake might have gotten lucky and was coming down to meet you. You turned around to find Cyclone, Elisabeth and their children waving back at Bob.
“Mrs Seresin, nice to see you again,” Elisabeth whispered, giving you a side hug, one arm holding up a sniffling Martha. The little girl leaned into your arms and you grabbed her, lifting her out of her mother’s arms. 
The church bells rang, echoing through the church as a woman finished the last Hail Mary of the Rosary. She stepped off of the stand, moving away from the microphone as Father John walked up the aisle with a pronounced limp.
“He tripped and fell on Friday, he hit his head. Freddie and I had to drive him to hospital, it wasn’t pretty. He couldn’t even remember the ‘Our Father’,” Bob whispered into your ear when he saw you frown. 
“Is he going to be okay?” A deeper voice spoke from your other side, startling you, “Sorry,” Jake apologised, running his hand down your arm in reassurance.
“Honestly, I don’t know,” Bob replied, “We tried talking him out of it, but he wouldn’t hear it… I guess we’ll see how it goes,” He shrugged, “Freddie and I have a copy of the homily and readings in case we need to take over…”
“If you need me to do anything, just say,” Jake replied. 
Father John started mass, stumbling through words and repeating sentences, bringing his hands up to his head every few minutes to touch his forehead where you could see a cut. Next to you, Jake shuffled, no doubt exchanging looks with his fellow youth ministers. Suddenly, Father John stumbled forwards, narrowly avoiding hitting the floor when Matt lunged forwards and caught him. Bob handed Jake a piece of paper and he walked up to the microphone, starting the first reading as Matt gently walked Father John to the nearest chair and Freddie fetched a doctor. 
“Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go down, because your people, whom you brought up out of Egypt, have become corrupt. They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them and have made themselves an idol cast in the shape of a calf. They have bowed down to it and sacrificed to it and have said, ‘These are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.’ 
“I have seen these people,” the Lord said to Moses, “and they are a stiff-necked people. Now leave me alone so that my anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them. Then I will make you into a great nation.”
But Moses sought the favor of the Lord his God. “Lord,” he said, “why should your anger burn against your people, whom you brought out of Egypt with great power and a mighty hand?”
Jake spoke clearly into the microphone, leaving when Peter Simpson hit the arrow key to move the slide to the lyrics of the next song.
Mass continued like that with Bob taking the second reading, trying as hard as he could not to look at anyone but you or Jake to combat the debilitating fear of public speaking he suffered from, and Cyclone helping out with communion. Then, with one last song, it was time to project the announcements.
“Wait,” Father John’s unsteady voice rang through the church, bouncing off of the walls and stopping everyone in their tracks, “I just wanted to say congratulations to Lieutenant Commander Seresin and his wife, Mrs Y/n for their marriage. May it be filled with many happy moments and joyful surprises,” he said, walking up to the both of you and resting trembling hands against your arms. He turned away towards Bob, Matt scrambling to follow in case Father John fell again, “I also wanted to say congratulations to Lieutenant Floyd, on his engagement. Thank you and Lt Commander Seresin for the many hours you have spent with our youth, helping them as they grow to become the Godly people we all hope they become,” Father John continued before faltering, Matthew yet again ready to catch him.
“Baby, I’m going to stay behind,” Jake told you when you moved away, ready to take Martha back to Elisabeth. He fished the truck’s keys out of his pocket, “I’m parked by the baker’s. I’ll catch a ride with Bob,” he added, giving you a quick peck on the lips before ushering you out of the church.
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madametrashbin · 3 years
Timeless Emotions
This is probably shorter and this is self-indulgent because Guoba has all my attention during the Moonchase Event... LIKE LOOK AT HIM THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE EVENT! HE’S SO FUCKING ADORABLE AND I WILL DO EVERYTHING FOR HIM! AHHHHHH!!
Ahem, anyways... enjoy me wishing I could just hug him and have him as my cuddle/snacking buddy... I’mofficiallySAGAUobsessedskjskjskjskjs
Before I forget, I’m the type of person who won’t keep things the same in terms of timeline so it might be confusing to see like several thousand different manners of initial entry lmao.
Marchosius, just like all other Gods, loved and revered the faceless God that existed beyond the boundary of their fabricated world.
Even as time has passed, even after he had sacrificed his power and knowledge to quell the calamities that threatened the people of Liyue, his adoration for the faceless God has never waned.
So when he meets them, or rather, saw them from afar while they wandered around the Harbor alone, that forgotten part of him reignites back to life as he quickly made his way over to them. Of course, Xiangling noticed his departing figure and called out to him, but he was too occupied with the distant figure to hear it.
Only when he touched their hand did they notice him, and when he felt something so achingly familiar... like home... like the stars, he knew immediately that they were someone important.
Human they may appear, he could never really mistake this sensation as anything else.
The nostalgia that runs through his veins, the many faded memories in his mind that had lost their clarity through the years he had been asleep... he feels the happiest he’s ever been, seeing this person in front of him gave him the most joyful feeling that makes him feel so satisfied.
It was different from eating all the wonderful meals he was given, and different from watching people passionately cook to their heart’s content... but it was a wonderful feeling all the same.
Although Marchosius may no longer be present in these times, but he will always adore them no matter the form he takes or the current state he is in.
You looked down when you felt something- a paw, grab your hand. You were lost in Liyue Harbor, alone since you first woke up alone in the outskirts of Qingce Village. You spent some time there before leaving, wanting to see the rest of the world you once saw behind the screen of your monitor.
You arrived to Liyue Harbor after travelling for a week, surprisingly fortunate enough not to encounter any trouble on your way there.
Now you’re lost as hell since the city was much bigger in perso nthan you thought... and there was so much more people inside the city, making it so much more disorienting and likely that you’d get swept away and lost among the sea of people.
You had managed to get out of the bustling crowd to take a breather before you arrived at your current predicament... which honestly wasn’t that much of a problem, considering the cute little happy face you’re seeing right now.
“Oh, it’s you.”
You say mostly to yourself, crouching down and petting the former God who makes a happy noise from the touch.
“It’s nice to meet you, Marcho-- ah, I mean Guoba.”
You almost used his old name, mostly because you’re still trying to keep up with your current situation of being in a whole new world that you knew of as a game... plus his old name was pretty cool too, had a nice ring to it... but considering his situation, Guoba sounded much more fitting for the endearing character that he is now.
“Where is Xiangling? Shouldn’t you be with her?”
The little creature could not reply in words, having lost that in his time asleep, only making a few delighted noises before pointing over to Wanmin Restaurant at the distance.
This was how you ended up settling with Chef Mao, helping around with your surprising kitchen expertise (that you honestly were pretty sure you shouldn’t have since you were just a basic civilian that lives off of fast food and takeout) and pretty much integrated into the Wanmin Restaurant until the rest of the characters came across you.
Although the changes have grown to be more exhausting after each new revelation for your mental and emotional wellbeing, just having Guoba around grounded you... something that you were incredibly thankful for as you fed him homemade Chili-Mince Cornbread Buns while spending some time in the peaceful silence... even if you could feel the ever watchful eyes drilling into you from the shadows.
However, hearing Guoba’s joyful noises always brought a smile to your face, easily helping you get over the causes of your stress as you enjoy your snacks with him.
Ever since the day he met them, they’ve been living with him and the father-daughter duo he happily calls family, entertaining him when there wasn’t much to do and helping around the kitchen with him when it was busy. It was even better when they made all these wonderful food, both familiar and unfamiliar that made him feel better.
Many people came ever since they stayed, the restaurant is always busy and people seem happier and filled with so much more energy after eating meals they made. 
Even though he never truly understood the intense feeling of adoration he constantly felt around them, he knew that they were someone important to him and that he wanted to stay by their side forever... he does get concerned when they go traveling with Xiangling, very worried that they’ll get hurt while they were helping Xiangling find inspiration for a new dish.
Not to mention when he has to leave them, he feels an intense sensation of sadness of being away from them, the strong temptation to run back and stay by their side growing stronger the further he was from them. While he was very much curious about these feelings, he doesn’t dwell on them knowing that when he comes back to Wanmin Restaurant, they’ll always be there.
Even if more people, both familiar and unfamiliar come to flock around the restaurant and take up more of their time upon seemingly realizing something, he always knew that they would make time for him and relax alongside him when it was just the two of them.
They always smiled, happily indulging in his desires for hugs and sharing snacks together... even if there were some strange people staring at them from the shadows that he noticed from afar.
In the end, it didn’t matter what he or others thought... their desires and feelings mattered more than anything else, so he tries his best to make sure they would smile no matter what. 
Whether it would be by letting them hold him and carry him around when they travelled with Xiangling and her friends, or dine together in a rather secluded spot away from the loud noises, whatever makes them smile was all he seeks to see as the warm feelings within him would bloom into a rejuvenating sensations that leaves him satisfied much like the wonderful food he is fed.
Nothing beats the familiar sensation of home, after all.
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ckbookish · 4 years
1 "I thought you were dead.": I Still See Your Ghost 
Today was just not Dick's day. First he overslept his alarm and was late to work. Amy had been less than impressed at his tardiness... Then He had bungled what should have been an easy take town... But the straw that broke the camel's back was Tim. Dick had forgotten to call Tim. 
2 Friendly fire: Fratricide 
Jason was pissed. No, Jason was enraged. Yeah, he was enraged at the whole mess his family-- if that’s even what they were to each other anymore-- had gotten him in. It was meant to be a simple night. Break in. Torch the drugs. Maybe shoot a couple of people and go home. But no, Batman heard about his plans and decided that arson was too extreme. “Someone could get hurt.” Well someone had gotten hurt, a lot of someones. 
3 Hypothermia: Weekend Commute 
Dick Grayson makes his way home during the first snow fall of the year, when he finds himself confused and cold, miles from home.
Chapter two Bruce's perspective.
4 Superman: Bringer of the Dawn
The Aftermath of when the Joker shoots Dick.
Where do you go when your family tells you to get out?
5 Shot: The Gratitude Trap
Bruce finds himself in the dark, a place he never thought he would be when it came to Clark Kent and Dick Grayson. Yet here he is digging for answers, because he is too scared to pick up the phone and call. 
6 Two-face: The Better Choice 
How do you reconcile the man who was once your friend with the monster he has become? Bruce reflects on how the man he once called his best friend changed. How could the man who helped him foster Dick, hold that baseball bat? 
7 Drowning: Omori’s Law
Deep in the sewer's under Gotham, Batman is trapped. There is no back up, no Robin. He is faced with the single truth that he tried to teach each of his partners... You have to save yourself. 
  8 Found Family: A Restoration from a Resilient Heart
Dick just wants to not be alone with the shadows in the house. Bruce doesn't realize he has lived with them for far to long, and maybe he doesn't have to anymore.
9 Adoption: The Irrefutable Truth
When he reached the reception, he found himself looking around a fairly empty room. There were a few call girls in the corner filling out forms, an older woman holding a dog, a kid that looked about twelve and a middle aged man who looked like he was ready to cry. He knew no one. Dick was about to turn around and head back to his desk when the on duty officer called out to him. Officer O’Conner was one of his fellow rookies, he had a thick accent. Dick thought he might be from Louisiana. “Grayson! Why didn’t you say your brother was coming to see you?” Dick looked at him with his mouth slightly open. There was no way he heard that right. “My what?” 
10 Bruises: Mr. Wayne
Tim is new to this. He's only been Robin for a little over six months. It was going well. But now he was going to be fired. Batman wouldn't want a partner who got caught at school with a black eye. Would he?
11 Bruce is dead: You Have One Saved Message 
Gotham gossip columns spread lies and smear good people's names. But yet Damian can't help but think maybe this mornings article was true.  That despite all his claims of being the true son of Bruce Wayne, he was in fact the only unwanted one.
12 CPR: Vital Signs 
Robin wakes to find him and Batman in an exploded factory. With Batman injured and the building burning around them, Dick struggles to get them both to safety.   
13 Dad:  Storge 
Bruce could have sworn his spirit had left him momentarily.  The sudden hollowness that filled him couldn’t be explained in any other way. 
 “Your dad must have his hands full with you.”  Elizabeth Ribbons leaned forward and patted Dick’s shoulder, as he reached for yet another slice of cheesecake from a passing waiter’s tray.  
Bruce fixed his eyes on the ice sculpture that hid him from view.  It suddenly seemed like the most interesting design in the world.  The soft lines of the ice on the otherwise insignificant over sized swan seemed like a lead shield...  Because Dick would read it easily in his expression. He wanted to be Dick’s dad.  But he wasn’t. 
14 Stealing the Batmobile: T-Minus Six Hours
Some days Tim is sure that he’s gonna be killed. Usually it’s some luck shot or near miss that made his life flash before his eyes. Not today though. Today he was positive Bruce was going to kill him. Yes, today was the day that Timothy Jackson Drake was going to be put down. He’s not sure that even Nightwing could save him. He was going to go down in history as the first sidekick to be murdered by their mentor. Because the Batmobile was definitely not where he’d parked it.
15 Wayne Enterprises: Amidst the Absence of Meaning 
Bruce is worried. He's running on less than three hours of sleep, and way too many cups of coffee. He had messed up. That much was obvious. The question was would Dick forgive him?
A gruesome night on patrol bleeds into Bruce's work day and now all he can wonder is if this is the thing that will push Dick over the edge? Had he finally seen to much pain?
16 Ransom: Sum of My Worth
The ring of the phone seemed to echo through the manor’s still too quiet long, winding halls, and everyone present collectively held their breath. Bruce lunged for the phone.   
17 Secret Injury: Hiding in Pain Sight
“What?” Dick asked sharper than he meant to. He was tired.
“Nothing.” Tim said with a small smirk. “Heavy is the head.”
Dick closed his eyes, glad that Tim couldn’t see them. He was so sick of this. Tim, Jason, Damian and Cass all didn’t think he was good enough, well Cass hadn’t said that, but Dick could read her. They didn’t think he was up to the job. Well they didn’t need to tell him that. He knew it.
18 Superboy: An Interlude in Breathing 
Tim looked out over the water in a daze. Bruce and Dick had gone somewhere below deck and he was alone. Well there were strangers on the ship mingling and talking excitedly--but Tim gave them no notice. Instead he watched the water lap up against the hull and crash down back to meet the dark, cold waters. They were far enough out that he could no longer see the shore. It was just endless expenses of sea and sky. Something tickled his neck and he started, only to realize he had been crying. It was only a tear slipping under his collar.
The days after the battle of Infinite Crisis
19 Betrayed: Smother
She took another drag of the cigarette, letting the smoke roll in her lungs for a long moment before allowing it hiss out between her teeth. The screams from the warehouse weren’t completely muffled by the distance, or the walls. Perhaps she was only imagining them. But then, sounds like that, she didn’t think she could dream up. She jumped after a particularly high pitched yelp. “Get a grip.” She dropped the cigarette and pulled out another. Her hand shook as she lit it. “It’s just some random kid. He’s not--” She bit back a sob. She didn’t deserve to cry. She had no right to tears, not when it was her fault.   
20 Crowbar: Breaklights
The mail fell to the ground and the paper smacked the tiles hard.  The sound in reality couldn’t have been all that loud, but it seemed to echo around the entryway.  Bruce didn’t look at the dropped bills and the invitation to a fundraiser for the new Gotham women’s shelter.  He was too fixated on the small stamp with the queen of England's head on it.  Wolverhampton.  
The large envelope was far heavier then it should have been.  Bruce could feel bile crawling up his throat.  
He had forgotten.
21 Deathstroke: Debts and Dues
There were some things that were never pleasant, getting caught in the snow without socks, losing your keys, and not being able to remember the name of a song. Having a gun pointed at your chest, Dick felt, qualified as extremely unpleasant. He stood stock still. The barrel of the gun was still hot, it burned slightly as it dug into his sternum. Even with his uniform he could still feel the heat left over from previous rounds fired. He didn’t flinch. He couldn’t flinch. “Move.” “You know I can’t.” Dick wondered if Slade had the guts to do it.   
22 Mission Gone Wrong: Murmur in the Quiet Hours
Superman? Clark froze. He knew that voice. But-- he had never heard it sounding so sad. Was that-- no. Clark dove for his phone, still on the counter from when he got home last night. The screen was black. Dead. Clark swore and dropped it. He was in his coat and shoes before it hit the counter top.   
23 Kidnapped:  Chum 
Dick trumped through the leaves, stopping his feet roughly. He relished the sound of the crunch beneath his shoes as he tread on the brown, dead leaves before him. He felt rather justified in his satisfaction. After all the world had taken so much from him, why wouldn’t he do his best to crush it in return. The woods were cool and as he went deeper into them they grew darker. The sun had long set, and the sky was quickly vanishing as the trees grew thicker. Wayne Manor was far behind him. He was never going back. He hated those pristine walls, those old floor boards. He hated the quiet. He hated the stuffy furniture and the rules and the vases and pictures. He hated his new guardian and that… that… Dick couldn’t remember what Alfred was called, but he hated it. The bag on his back felt heavy. It had everything Dick owned in it. Well and a toothbrush that Alfred had given him. But he didn’t think that was really stealing. 
24 Riddler: Seeking Silence on Shortwaves
Normally Dick would be happy to listen to Tim talk. In fact, Dick thought it was one of his favorite sounds in the world. Tim rarely allowed himself to be excited about things. Hearing him speak so freely and openly to Bruce and him about his plans was refreshing. Dick only wished it wouldn’t be at the cost of his life.
Batman hadn't always been so strict about talking unnecessarily over comms. When it was just two of them it hadn't mattered, their walkie talkie system had always worked. But now that Nightwing and Robin were in Gotham, it seems insane that they never realized: if only one person can talk over the radio at a time... how could they call for help?
25 Mr. Freeze: Glimpsing the Sun While Trapped in the Rime
He almost called Bruce between his fourth and fifth class. He pulled his phone out, leaning against his locker, and half dialed his number when a warm hand fell on his shoulder. “Hey.” Dick spun around and blinked back black spots as his body protested the sudden movement. A blaze of red hair filled his vision and Dick felt a small fire build in his chest. His face split into a wide smile.
After a run in with Mr. Freeze Dick finds himself feeling odd at school, but he can't go home, not when Barbara's asked him to drive her to Betty's party after school.
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beetlegoose01 · 3 years
Purrfect Timing
Purrfect Timing
by pepperimps01
Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
AN: Special thank you to @nostalgiaruinedme for beta-ing this shell shot! I couldn't have done this without her love, support and wonderful editing! They write a lot of fantastic Rise and 2012 fics so be sure to check them out!
Summary: On his way home from Run of The Mill Pizza, Mikey encounters a little stranger.
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Mikey was starving and that was not an exaggeration, thank you very much. His insides felt as though they were in the middle of an intense fight with how much growling they were up to, and his stomach acids were currently winning. It was honestly a bit embarrassing every time his belly rumbled, since it was loud and noticeable.
But even though it was his turn to order and pick up food for dinner, he hadn't moved from his cozy spot on the couch. Because comfort trumped over his need for food. Or did it? He was curled up, a fuzzy blanket draped over his body, scrolling through random apps on his phone.
His stomach growled again.
Food or relaxation? Two very critical things that the thirteen year old turtle craved.
"Yo, where's our pizza?" Raph walked by, passing Mikey and lightly tapping his shoulder with his massive hand.
"It's your turn, Angelo!" Donnie sang from their lab, various sounds and lights erupting from the back room. Clearly, they were up to their usual shenanigans and projects judging by all that commotion.  
"Can't you cover for me D?" Mikey whined. "I'm too hungry to move."
"They did it last time. Now vámonos, hermano before we all get hangry." Leo piped up, lying on his plastron and flicking through a magazine. "That means hungry and angry at the same time, in case you didn't know. Hangry. Clever, eh?"
"We get it," Raph grinned.
"My leg fell asleep, I can't move now!" He retorted, pointing at his limp leg. "Otherwise, it might fall off. I read that somewhere."
Seeing his brothers matching pouts and the fact that he was running out of excuses, he finally relented, "Fiiiiiiiiiine." He drew out the word longer than it needed to be, slumping over in obvious annoyance as he stumbled out of the lair. "You all owe me." Mikey glared at both of his brothers. "I am going out, suffering for your needs! Without a single complaint!"
"What you're doing sounds a whole lot like complaining to me, Miguel," Leo pointed out with a smug grin.
"You're gonna have some pizza too, don't worry," Raph assured him. "Now go. Don't forget your weapon, kiddo."
"I'm movin', I'm movin', Sir Nags a lot." He couldn't pretend he wasn't excited for some super cheesy pizza, but he didn't want to go through the effort of getting said pizza.
Humming to the jingle of some commercial he had listened to once or twice, Mikey climbed through the sewer grates and into the glorious city of New York. There was something about the city that always gave him a jolt of excitement and wonder— as if anything was possible with all the bedazzled lights and colors.
"Let's see," Mikey rechecked his list, humming as he read along. It was a crinkled receipt scribbled in red crayon, but it did the job. "Cheese stuffed mozzarella sticks for all of us, blobfish with salty swamp for Raph, extra cheese for Pops, bubblegum and jalapeños for Donnie, Spicy Supreme Swirl for Leo, and..." He paused for dramatic effect. "The best pizza of all: pepperoni for yours truly! Me!
“Some may call this delightful, delectable pie basic and to them I scoff at!" He strolled into Run of the Mill Pizza through the regular entrance. "For what would we be without the classics? Nothing!" He collapsed into a random booth dramatically, interrupting two customers having a meal. "When I say pepperoni pizza is the best food in existence, you say-"
"Uh, are you gonna order?" A kangaroo yokai waiter with piercings stared at his random display in annoyance.
"Oh, yeah totally!" Mikey perked up. "Here's what I need."
Carrying five pizza boxes would normally be a difficult endeavor for any normal person. However, any normal person did not have the energy of Michelangelo. Not to mention, a very hungry Michelangelo. Luckily he had already started nibbling on the mozzarella sticks or he would have collapsed from hunger.
He skipped cheerfully along the alleyways, ready to bring their super delicious dinner home. But of course, it could never be that simple. Something always had to get in the way.
At first, Mikey heard various rustling noises from the shadows. Thinking nothing of it, he kept walking. No doubt it would just be a rodent or something.
He nearly jumped out of his shell when a potato chip bag flew past him in the wind.
"I seriously need to stop watching those late night horror movies. Soon I'm gonna end up being the most paranoid turtle alive."
But something immediately made him freeze in his tracks, dropping the boxes to the pavement. A lone trash can shuffled in front of him, toppling over and discarding the garbage to the ground. He felt a twitch up his spine, fully aware that there was no wind causing it to move on its own —which could only leave him to believe he wasn’t truly alone with his pizzas. There was someone, or something nearing towards him, hiding in the shadows like a predator circling its prey. He shuddered at the thought.
"Alright, who's there?" He demanded, gripping his kusari-fundo tightly. "I ain't afraid of you! You can cut the whole 'hiding in the creepy shadows shtick', you hear? I'm a ninja anyway." He stiffened. "Unless I'm being followed by another ninja. But a ninja with mystic powers? Ha, I bet you're not." Mikey crept towards the suspicious trash can, ready to deal with whatever was behind it. "Anything you wanna say?"
"That's what I thought- wait, what?" Mikey narrowed his eyes. "Did you just say meow, Mr. Trash Can?" He tilted his head to one side, then lightly tapped it, waiting for a response.
Behind it, revealed a small grey kitten with big blue eyes staring at him with curiosity.
"Mew..." She shivered from the chilly night, instantly melting his heart. Patches of snow white fur painted her four paws, like mittens.
"You're not a trash can ninja..." He murmured, crouching down. "Oh me gosh! Nawwww it's an itty bitty kitty! Hey there, lil one." He held his hand out for her, holding back a squeal.  "Nice to meet you, sweetie pie.”
The kitten blinked back at him, sniffing his hand with her tiny pink nose.
"See? I'm not scary or anything. I won't hurt ya," He whispered. "You must be hungry!"
His eyes flickered to the dropped pizza box. He opened it cautiously without making too many sudden movements to startle the cat. He picked out a piece of pepperoni and placed it in front of her, which she happily inhaled.
"Wow, you've got some appetite. And you like pepperoni, which must mean you're something special, kitty," He chuckled. "Anyone who loves pepperoni is a bestie of Mikey, amigo.” Examining the kitten further, he noticed something strange, “Say, you don't have a collar or tag or anything."
The poor thing was still trembling and looked about skin and bones. So much so, that he could see her protruding ribs. He couldn't imagine why someone would leave such a sweet thing by herself on such a cold night.
"Well I can't just leave you all alone. Don't worry, I've got the perfect place for you." He lifted her in his arms, letting her nuzzle and lick his nose.
"Fellas, I'm home!" Mikey chirped, bouncing into the main living room with pep in every step.
"Oh great, Mikey's back." Donnie deadpanned. They were currently sitting on the floor, focusing intently on an upgrade for one of their Battle Shells. "Did you bring the pizza?" They asked without looking up.
"You bet I did!"
"Did you get the mozzarella sticks?" Leo sat up eagerly. "With extra cheese stuffing?"
"Ugh, you know that junk goes straight to your thighs, right?" Raph grumbled. "But did you?"
"Yep!" Mikey plopped all the pizza boxes on the sofa, followed by the bags with the mozzarella sticks and soda. "But that's not all..."
He presented his new friend to his siblings proudly. "My pride and joy!"
Leo had already grabbed a slice of pizza, so when he looked up, he spat the melting cheese on Donnie's battle shell in shock. "Holy sprinkles on a sundae!"
"You brought a cat." Donnie stated, unusually calm with their usual added sarcasm. "Don't remember adding that to our order. So spill."
Mikey lightly petted the kitten's stomach. "I found her on the way back. Isn't she cute? I was thinking we needed a pet anyway. What could be better than this darling?"
"I'm gonna explode from the cuteness!" Leo squealed. "My heart might give out." He collapsed into Raph's arms like a fair maiden in distress.
"That's not physically possible, Leon. But yeah, she's pretty adorable." Donnie snorted. With a single breath, they snatched a napkin and gingerly wiped their battle shell with perfect precision.
"Yeah she is! Can I hold her?" Raph cupped his hands out, which Mikey happily obliged. The kitten snuggled in his hands, yawning from exhaustion. "Do y'all see that? She's asleep! She fell asleep in my arms! That is the cutest thing in the entire world. Nothing, and I repeat, nothing can top a tiny baby cat sleeping in my arms.”
"Or she's just resting." commented Donnie dryly. “Which is, y’know, a possibility.”
"Shhhhh, my baby's sleeping!" Mikey hushed, shooting Donnie a glare fierce enough to silence them.
Raph glanced at his youngest brother. "Hold up. We've got a little problem here. Our dad is literally a rat.”
"That might be slightly problematic, yeah." Leo scratched his head thoughtfully.
"So what?"
"Ugh scoff, cats eat rats!" Donnie snapped. "There's no way Dad is gonna let us keep it."
"Except Pops is a giant rat. This lil one is a regular, innocent baby kitty. She would never hurt him." He took the cat back, holding her close to his chest. "Never."
The three older siblings shrugged.
"Alright then."
"Sounds good to me."
"Yeah, whatever."
"You- you guys aren't gonna argue or say we can't keep her?" Mikey said, puzzled.
"Why would we?" Donnie scratched behind the cat's ears, cooing as she purred in her sleep. "I may be a certified mad scientist, but I'm no monster. Mostly." They added as an afterthought.
"What should we name her?" Raph asked. "We gotta give her a name!"
"Raph's right. We can't just keep calling her 'the cat'."
"How do we even know she's a she?" Donnie said, crossing their arms. Noting their siblings blank expressions, they elaborated with annoyed squinting eyes, "What? All I'm saying is, someone...not me, should check. Did I mention I don't want to check?"
"It doesn't matter,." Leo said. "The cat deserves a name regardless. So I propose a name game contest thingamajig. We each choose a name, and vote on our favorites. Sounds good?"
"Woah woah woah." Mikey narrowed his eyes. "I found her, which means I should name her!"
"Except your name idea ould be super dumb," Donnie waved their hand. "And I've already got the perfect name picked out." They gingerly patted the kitten's head. "Beryllium." They paused for dramatic effect. "Perfect, eh? I know, you're all speechless from how amazing that name is, I honestly don't blame you,"
Raph took the cat from Mikey and stepped forward as if he was a game show host. "Alright, we've got one name out of the running so that leaves the three remaining competitors,"
Donnie scowled, clearly offended by Raph’s obvious dismissal of what they assumed was a perfectly fine name for a kitten.
"My turn! Frida Kahlo." He smiled softly. "We've all got an artist theme going on. I figured she needs to match us. It’ll be this sweet thing."
"Not bad. But my name's better." Leo scooped the unnamed cat in his arms, putting on a faux British accent to win the spontaneous naming ceremony. "Stanley." There was an awkward pause, so he cleared his throat. "Or Stan among friends."
Mikey made a face. "That's pretty awful,"
"Oh, and I suppose your idea is so superior?"
"Yeah, it is." Mikey held up a slice of pepperoni for the kitten to nibble on. "There ya go, Pepper. You like that?" She crawled back into her original owner's arms, purring with content. "What do you guys think? Pepper! Short for Pepperoni, since she loves them so much." He giggled, cuddling her.
"I... actually like that." Donnie said finally.
"Me too!"
"Pepper it is," Raph declared. "Now, let's chow down on that pizza!"
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chaneajoyyy · 4 years
Do you know any images that has plus size characters and Erik in them that I can read? I’m kind of new to the whole fan fics!
I sure do! 
- how i feel, right now, animal, chains series, purple herbs & gardens, risks & new beginnings series, better with time, let’s play, without a doubt, sizzling pans & slow jams, misinterpretations, visions of gold, out business, come through and chill series, nights, slow burn, a siren’s allure, venom, the one, maybe they’re right, sore loser series, i’ll be alright, spooky cookies & vampire fangs, screams in the night series; knock, knock series; imagination, the cure series, poptart man series, this must be our song, conversation starter, heaven is a place on earth, twins?, say it, i’m there, his princess, his for the night, sugar baby series, authority series, baby shark, lemme try, take our time, say the word, sudden reunions series, memories of you, more ways than one, lemme try it again (that’s my face), not in budget, i would like to see it, pease mama bear, she likes me, guess what, times like these, tell me your secret series, he gets it from me, baby see baby do, see what had happened was, who me?, so relax, three kings of dreams, deck the b-…halls?, do it again, be quiet, you so crazy, how that sound?, you’re so handsome, sit still, leave me aloneee, don’t hide, or maybe, send it to mommy, but i’m sick.., you thought i wouldn’t find out, he’d make you his, ballet baba, ain’t that right?, he wasn’t having that, being honest, that’s all it took?, then stop ignoring me, since you can, but i thougth…, jealous, i won’t tell you again series, hit me, no reply, i’ve alway been, you sure?, no more tummy time, toss ‘em, you done now?, sing it baby, doped up, battle it out, for however long, bath time, bedtime stories, i’m sorry, was that so hard?, i owe you that, whatchu say?, hard headed, it should’ve been you, take our time series, baba’s day, whatever she wants, nope, can’t even look at you, not again, nose wide oen, just a bit longer, come on over to my place, fences & bullriders, right now, designated command strips,mr. telephone man series, autumn leaves & cookie thieves, one way or another, you ain’t hear that?, open up, better?, huh? nuh uh, cute enough to eat, she likes me- @supersizemeplz
- all erik fics and headcanons- @nahimjustfeelingit-writes
- all erik fics and headcanons- @eye-raq
- teach me series, when you’re mad series, waffles series, slow ride series, movie night series, let’s talk about sex series, mines, thunderstorm, girl fuck you, eat your breakfast seres (with eat your dinner), secret admirer, amusement park fun, displays of affection, night at the movie theaters, silent hearbeats series, kissing strangers series, worship, loving the way you love it, day drunk, smile for me daddy series, just like you, we goin to hell, breeding time- @thehomierobbstark
- late again, halloween party, imprint, a man in love, v.i.p (includes m/baku), daddy’s home, y’all again?, okay? okay, prisoner of love, family cookout, kiss, what’s cooking good looking, expecting headcanons, food headcanons, crying headcanons, nsfw headcanons, foot fetish series, halloween headcanons, lingerie headcanons, jealous headcanons, kevin’s  heart series, untitled series- @madamslayyy
-carnal stimulation series, next lifetime series, hoe ass erik series, dirty little secrets series, hennything is possible, sunday dinner series (with payback), a.d.i.d.a.s., green goddess, suddenly stevens, beauty is her name, it’s complicated. i’m sorry, the great reveal, neighbors know my name series (part 2 to @hearteyes-for-killmonger‘s story of the same name), the devil speaks xosha, mile high, trap card, act up, let me smell it, up late, i’ll take your man, carry on, dreams & nightmares- @goddessofthundathighs
- headass youtube couple series, fix my crown series (with ‘the puppy’), all skate, cutting ties series, #tsrbaewatch- @apantherinmypastlife
- all erik fics-  @wawakanda-btch
- all fics- @hearteyes-for-killmonger
- say my name series, beg for it, the coat room, charley horse, full court press, house party, boyfriend makeup challenge, gumby, the let out series, disorderly, token, all i wanted for christmas is you, hit the showers, neo, erica; veni, vidi, vici, i will be here, trick or treat, the wakandan boys when they’re sick (includes t’challa and m’baku- @sonofnjobu
- mine, unravel me series (includes belong to you), i missed you series (inlcudes you a’ight and if they ain’t looking), rated e, on braodway, no average bitch,  @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers (scroll for erik killmonger x reader and erik killmonger imagine)
- all tasting mellow fics- @tastingmellow
- laid up series- @pastelastronomy24
- come lay with me, house hunting series, stretch marks, the footbal jerseyy, you sure?- @marvelmaree
- the deal series, nuggest of truth, girlfriend, all i want is you, care for you- @wakandamama
- rated e for extra petty, elbow deep series- @puffmamaa
- she got game, where’s the smoke, s.d.m., from paris with love, where the hoes at? (with t’challa and m’baku), written all over your face, baby bump series (wit cuddle buddy,, and hc: chubby!erik trying old clothes), not in that way, here kitty kitty, computer blue series, chunk series- @ghostfacekill-monger
- all erik fics- @stripper-patrick
- he spills series (with t’chala and m’baku)- @captainsaveasmut
- i’m cleva series, do me baby (part 2 of @killmongersgurl‘s serieserik’s created a monste)-, @killmongerdispussy
- sorry he’s gone, mad issues series, curiosity happy weight- @curls-and-crosses
- nah baby i got you- @inxan-ity (scroll for erik killmonger)
- all fics- @writerbee-ffs
- paragone series- @dynastynoire
- all fics- @eriksjournal
- the sweetest taste series, late night drive- two of a kind series (includes ‘03 bonnie and clyde prequel), beyond the lights series, mad love series- @wakandaforeverwrites
- all erik fics and headcanons- @plussizeappreciationfics
-thanksgiving w/ mr. stevens and the udakus series (with valentine’s gumbo),  @mermaidchansons
- all erik fics- @muse-of-mbaku
- all fics- @eerythingisshaka
- all fics- @artisticestheticreads
- return the favor series,”you wake up to find your bed void of your sick boyfriend erik killmonger and you’re not very pleased- @taint3dvirgin
- a day at the beach with erik, prompt 19 “what’s cooking, good looking”, stay here tonight, greater purpose of chaos, sharing disney movies with erik, 90s disney movies with erik-  @hidden-treasures21
- new year’s surprise series- @thefantasyride
- for the love of money?, my first & his only, the big chop, braid my hair, short staffed, visiting hours- @bakarilennox
- insecure series, “erik x wakandan!reader where he says ‘you are your own perso. you are not mine. but i hope you will let me love you.”, sabotage, sweet like honey series- @erikslulbaby
- kissing strangers series- @halcyonscry
- baby bump series (with cuddle buddy, hc:chubby!erik trying on old clothes) (chubby!erik), chunk series, special delivery, here kitty kitty,  s.d.m., she got game, computer blue series, where’s the smoke, from paris with love, where the hoes at?, written all over your face, not in that way series- @ghostfacekill-monger
- not enough, a little insecure - @maybecoolwords
- french inhale series- @jewelofwakanda
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