#nott family
libbnott · 7 months
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Rich and rioting 💸
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poetryandbloods-blog · 3 months
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Nott: House Nott descends from Vikings (Norwegians) who invaded Great Britain, the Nott family is known for creating the most notorious indivisibles of the ministry and it is said that one of its members created the first time turner, they have an affinity with magic of time like no other family. They are almost always sorted into Slytherin. They have an affinity with dark magic. Slogan: “Tempus edax rerum” / Time devours everything. Color: Turquoise Blue. Animal: Phoenix.
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myst867 · 2 years
Intertwined Universe One-Shot Posted
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Yay! A oneshot for update day! Next week we are back to our regularly scheduled WIP but for today we get a peek into some of our Death Eater history ... and time turners. https://archiveofourown.org/works/41787273
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waldorfsoso · 1 year
Comencé a escribir un poco de la tercera generación de Harry Potter. Paseeeen❤️.
Creo que te gustará esta historia: " 《VIDEO GAMES》||3G Harry Potter|| " de BrujaIndiscreta en Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/223191817?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=BrujaIndiscreta&wp_originator=Q%2BFYivQEMZUQy9hzUBwbSeZWplpPtzb%2BKboWNeOAj7vmsWPwvN%2BbpKVyECqEmWSiBsSRBZGUR7mMaQOC9Hzyyx4Pv235zBud51ew6i4rbJl%2B7M52c48eV6xx1ZotL1IT
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revvethasmythh · 3 months
Thinking about Caleb “I-use-people’s-full-names-to-show-intimacy” Widogast and the way he calls Veth “Veth the Brave.” It’s not all the time—it’s rarely used, actually, saved for specific moments, only when he’s using the fondest of tones, with the most admiration, and how calling her that is more intimate than just “Veth Brenatto.” Because Veth the Brave is both of her identities. It’s Nott and it’s Veth, it’s their co-mingling, it’s her in her entirety. Veth the Brave. That’s why it’s so intimate, because he is speaking to all of who she is
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theostrophywife · 7 months
kiss with a fist | chapter seven.
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masterlist 💋 chapters 💋 playlist
pairing: theodore nott x reader.
song inspiration: it's nice to have a friend by taylor swift.
author's note: more fluff, more banter. this chapter is just self indulgent cuteness.
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Being friends with Theodore Nott was strange. 
Though you still bickered and bantered, the undertone of your interactions were less hostile and more suggestive in nature. Theo had always been a flirt, but you never realized how good he was at it until your usual response of irritation sharpened into something else. It didn’t help that his presence around you had become more constant now that Luna and Pansy made things official. 
“They’re sickeningly adorable,” Theo said as he slid into the bench next to you. “I’m fighting the urge to retch.”
You glanced up to find Pansy and Luna huddled close together, whispering and giggling at one another. “Oh, absolutely vile. No one should be subjected to their shameless canoodling this early in the morning.” 
Theo poked your thermos with a piece of french toast. “Just like you shouldn’t subject yourself to that sorry excuse of a coffee flavor.” 
You took an exaggerated swig and smiled. “The pumpkin spice is here to stay. You’re free to leave if you don’t like it, Theo.” 
His eyes glittered with mischief. “Hmm, maybe I didn’t get a good enough taste last time. I think I’ll try again.” 
“Don’t you dare, Theodore,” you warned, cradling your thermos protectively. 
“Is it Theodore now?” He asked, raising a brow. “And here I thought I’d earned first name privileges out of that pretty mouth. Amongst other things.” 
“Yeah, well, you seem to like abusing the privilege so maybe I should start cutting back on my generosity.” 
“I think you’ll find that I’m equally as generous, if not more.” His smirk grew when he noticed you growing flustered. “I’d be happy to demonstrate, Y/N. In a broom closet. In an empty classroom. In either one of our dorms. Hell, even in the middle of this damned hall if you asked.”
“Tempting,” you said sarcastically as you attempted to hide the tinge of red that had crept up your neck behind a curtain of hair. “Sadly, getting expelled for exhibitionism isn’t really on my to do list.”
He shrugged nonchalantly. “Suit yourself. Just know that I have no qualms on getting on my knees for you, diavolina.” 
You nearly choked on your coffee while Theo smiled innocently. 
“Oi! Am I losing it or is this bacon burnt to a crisp?” Mattheo exclaimed as he obnoxiously plopped down next to you.
Enzo sat across from him and took a bite out of his toast. “You did ask for it to be extra fried.”
“I asked for it to be fried, not charred.” 
Theo sighed. “What are you two tossers on about now?” 
Malfoy appeared out of nowhere and took the spot beside his cousin. “Riddle’s convinced that the house elves are out to get him.” 
“They are out to get me! Look at this monstrosity.”
“Yes, I’m sure Winky’s actively planning your demise,” responded Blaise with an eye roll. “You’ve officially lost the plot, mate.”
You blinked, utterly bewildered at how and when you’d adopted the four Slytherins into your circle. Across the table, Pansy frowned in disapproval. Her little bubble of bliss had been abruptly popped by the presence of the boys. 
“You lot are scaring our poor Ravenclaw friends.” 
Berkshire gave you a sheepish smile. “Sorry, girls. We’re sort of a package deal. When you date one of us, you date the whole lot.”
“Oh, joy,” you deadpanned. “I’ve always wanted to be in a polyamorous relationship.” 
Mattheo smirked. “We are quite good at sharing. Aren’t we, boys?”
You wrinkled your nose in disgust. “On second thought, I think I’d prefer dying alone.”
“For Salazar’s sake, you’re even meaner than Pansy,” he muttered at his blackened bacon. 
You smiled sweetly. “Aw, is someone a little grumpy because they got served ash for breakfast? Poor little Riddle.” 
Malfoy snorted. “I wouldn’t mess with her, Mattheo. You know she almost pushed Vane off the bleachers the other day.” 
“I did not!” 
Theo chuckled. “Yeah, but you wanted to.” 
You bit back a smile. “Maybe a little.” 
“Everyone is talking about the dressing down you gave her,” Enzo said. “You’re kind of a badass, Y/N.” 
Pansy rolled her eyes. “More badass than you boys will ever be. Now stop pestering the poor girl and let her eat breakfast in peace.”
Despite the rough start, the rest of the meal was actually quite enjoyable. The Slytherins fought and argued like siblings, but you could tell that they all cared deeply for one another. No matter how much they teased and taunted each other, the boys were like rowdy brothers and Pansy, their elder sister and glue of the family. They all seemed to defer to the fearsome witch and you couldn’t blame them. 
Parkinson was terrifying, but in the most amusing way. 
As you wrapped up the morning, Pansy turned and the boys immediately fell silent. “Don’t forget our trip to Hogsmeade at the end of the week. You’re invited too, Y/N.” 
“I have to stu—” 
Pansy held her palm up. “Don’t bother. I’m not taking no for an answer.”
Mattheo snickered. “What’s the matter, Y/N? Are you and Notty boy too busy eating each other’s gel—”
“Finish that sentence and I will impale you with my fork.” 
Malfoy smirked. “Please do, Y/N. I’d like front row tickets to the show.” 
“In that case, it’ll be a hundred galleons. A bargain, considering how deep those pockets are, Malfoy.” 
“Violence and extortion?” Blaise asked with a sly smile. “I can see why young Theodore is enamored with you, Y/N.” 
Theo rolled his eyes. “Shut up, Zabini.” 
You sighed, rubbing your temples. “You’re all honestly giving me a migraine. Parkinson, seeing as you’ve given me no choice, count me in for Hogsmeade. Loons, I’ll see you back at our dorm. To the rest of you, please do consider a refresher on manners. Except for you, Berkshire. You’re a sweetheart. No idea why you’re friends with this lot.” 
Enzo blushed to the tips of his ears. The rest of the boys protested, but you were already halfway through the Great Hall to entertain their complaints. 
“Enzo’s a sweetheart, is he?” Theo asked, smoothly matching your stride as you walked across the sunny courtyard. 
“Jealousy isn’t a good look on you, Nott.” 
He gasped, clutching his heart. “First Theodore, now Nott? You wound me, Y/N.” 
The crisp autumn air filled your lungs as you and Theo sauntered through the castle grounds. “Following me now? Zabini was right. You are enamored with me.”
“Oh, absolutely enthralled, darling. You have bewitched me—mind, body, and soul.” 
“You did not just quote Jane Austen to me.” 
“I saw your tattered copy of Pride and Prejudice,” Theo said with a smirk. “I imagine quoting Mr. Darcy is a bit like foreplay to you.” 
“Foreplay implies that you’re going to get lucky, which you’re not.” 
“Is that why you’re leading me into a secluded forest?” 
“I’m not leading you anywhere. You’re choosing to follow me. Stalking is the more accurate descriptor.” 
“Maybe I’m curious as to why you’re going into the Forbidden Forest by yourself. Don’t tell me you’re meeting a handsome Mr. Darcy type out here.” 
“Close. I’m here to meet Henry.” 
Theo paused, furrowing his brows. “Who in the bloody hell is Henry?” 
“You’ll see.” 
The forest thickened and the unmistakable crunch of the freshly fallen leaves echoed in the clearing as you trotted on them with your boots. You stood underneath a towering oak tree whose gnarled roots choked the damp earth underneath your feet. As loud as you could manage, you placed two fingers in your mouth and whistled. 
Beyond the tree line, a soft rustling emerged. You turned and found Henry galloping towards you. The thestral was barely a few weeks old, small and spindly with milky eyes and a sharp snout. He flapped his bat-like wings shyly as you knelt to the earth. You patted between his horns and smiled at the baby thestral. 
“Theo, meet Henry.” 
Theo crouched beside you. “Hello, Henry.” 
The foal peered curiously at Theo. Henry glanced up as you gave him a reassuring nod. 
“You can pet him, if you’d like. He’s fond of ear scratches and belly rubs.”
Theo looked unsure for a moment before gently scratching behind Henry’s ear. The baby thestral cooed and melted into his touch. 
“Here, you can help me feed him too.” 
You pulled out a sack of treats and handed some to Theo. “Henry’s quite young, so he’s not able to hunt for himself yet. Hagrid said that these treats will keep him healthy and fed until he gets his bearings.” 
“I didn’t know that they could be this small. I just always assumed that all thestrals emerged as full adults.” 
“Most of them are. The birth of a thestral is actually quite rare. This one here is the first baby born in over a decade.”
Theo nodded as Henry happily devoured the treats. There was a small smile on his face as the small horse nuzzled its snout into his palm. “I didn’t realize that you could see them too.” 
“Yeah, after the war I’m able to see them as clear as day.” You scratched underneath Henry’s chin. “I suppose most of the school can, too. I think they look at the thestrals and see the loss of innocence. The price of war. The death and carnage. But when I see this little guy, I’m reminded of all the sacrifices that others have made so that I could be here. Henry symbolizes a new beginning. It’s not always pretty, but it’s real.” 
The foal cooed as he basked in attention and affection. You and Theo played with him for a few minutes, giving him scratches after he diligently finished the last of his food. The thestral whinied in thanks before heading beyond the trees again. Henry flapped his wings happily, stirring the autumn leaves below him as he skittered off. 
“Will he be alright?” Theo asked. 
“He’s got his mum. She’ll look after him.” 
Theo smiled a bit. “I suppose she will.” 
The two of you walked back towards the castle in comfortable silence. In the past few weeks, Hogwarts had been suspended between autumn and winter. The air was tinged with chill and frost, but the first snowfall of the season was late in its arrival and you couldn’t wait for the day when snow covered the castle grounds again. 
You had always adored snow. One of your earliest memories was waking up on Christmas morning to find London covered in a glittering blanket of white. You always considered that moment as your first real glimpse of magic. Especially after you and your mum spent the entire day making snow angels in the front yard while your father snapped pictures. 
“What was your mum like, Theo?” you asked, your breath forming a cloud in front of you. 
Theo slipped his hands in his pockets. “Beautiful. Smart. Funny. That’s what I remember most about her. She had a wicked sense of humor. We used to pull all sorts of pranks on each other when I was little.” He grinned as he recalled a memory. “She rigged my very first broom to make farting sounds every time I flew. Malfoy laughed so hard he tumbled into a bush.”
“That must have been fun growing up.”
“It was. Mum was a lot of fun, but she could be strict too. I swear I knew all of the basic spells and wand movements before I even stepped foot in school. She said I had to ace my studies at Hogwarts if I wanted to get into Cambridge.”
You smiled. “What was her favorite subject?” 
“Most would guess potions, but it was actually a close tie with transfiguration. Mum once turned Goyle’s dad’s sock into a snake after he made fun of her haircut in fifth year. Professor McGonagall still brings it up to this day. Says mum was one of her best students.” 
“I bet,” you said with a chuckle. “Now I know where you get all your mischievousness from.” 
“My nonna always said that raising me was like raising her all over again. I swear, the old bat holds herself back from calling me Vittoria half of the time.” 
“Is that your mum’s name? Vittoria?” Theo nodded. “It’s very pretty.” 
“It means victory. My family is very intentional with names.” 
“What does Theodore mean?” 
“Divine gift.” 
“It seems fitting for someone who generally acts like they’re a gift from above.”
Theo rolled his eyes fondly. His expression turned serious as you rounded through the Black Lake. “For years, mum tried and failed to get pregnant. Her health was already precarious to begin with and the healers told her that having children would be difficult. When she discovered that she was pregnant with me, mum called me her little miracle.” 
“That’s so sweet.” 
“I’m not sure how much of a miracle I turned out to be though. After she had me, mum’s health declined. She was bedridden a lot of the time until she passed. My father always said that she might’ve lived longer had I not been born.”
His jaw clenched. You were aware that Theo didn't have the best relationship with his father. The elder Nott had always seemed cold and standoffish the few times you'd glimpsed him on the platform with Theo. By their stiff interactions, it was easy to surmise that they weren't very close. Whatever obligatory ties they might've had was swiftly severed after Theo testified against his father after the war.
Despite the fact that he was locked far away in Azkaban, you hated that Mr. Nott still had the power to hurt his son. Even if it was just cruel words from the past.
"I'm glad you were." You bumped him with your hip. “What a dreary world it would’ve been without you, Theodore Nott.” 
Theo bumped you back, catching you around the waist. “What about you? What are your mum and dad like?” 
“My dad’s a conductor for the philharmonic, but he was a musician years before that. He can play pretty much every instrument. My mum’s a barrister. I used to put on her wig and robes and pretend that I was defending a case like I’d seen her do at court.”
“That explains a lot,” Theo mused thoughtfully. “The angry piano playing. The constant arguing. I feel like I’m truly getting a full picture of you, Y/N.” You stuck your tongue out rather petulantly, which only made Theo chuckle. “What about siblings?” 
You shook your head. “I’m an only child.” 
“So am I,” he said. “Though I never truly felt like it. I have an exorbitant amount of cousins. The Marchesis reproduce like rabbits, but it made for a fun childhood. Plus, there’s Pansy and the boys who are pretty much my family at this point. We’ve all known each other since birth.” 
“That must’ve been nice. All my cousins were significantly older, so I was never really around children my age until I came here. All the other muggle kids thought I was too serious and grown up and I thought they were all childish and quite stupid.” 
“That doesn’t surprise me one bit.” Theo draped his arm over your shoulder, ruffling your hair. “Did you ever get lonely?”
“No. My parents were my best friends, as lame as that sounds.” 
“I don’t think it sounds lame at all.” 
You grinned. “Besides them, Luna was the first friend I ever made. Now, she’s more like a sister to me and I feel rather protective of her.” 
“Pansy told me you interrogated her about her intentions.” 
You shrugged. “Just covering my bases.” 
“You know, Pansy’s mum and my mum were friends back then. She was overprotective of her friends too.”
“Sounds like my kind of witch.”
A faint smile bloomed on Theo’s face. “It’s nice to be able to talk about her.” 
“That’s what friends are for, Theo.” 
He stopped at the edge of the lake. Theo towered over you, nearly covering your small frame from view. He brushed his knuckles against your jaw, studying you thoughtfully. “Is that what we are, amorina? Friends?” 
You tilted your chin up and met his gaze head on. “Yes. Is that a problem?” 
“Not at all. I’ll be whatever you want, Y/N,” Theo said as he traced your bottom lip with his thumb. “As long as I get to do this.” 
Theo closed the gap between you and your breath stalled as his arm snaked around your waist. He pulled you flush against him, his mouth inches away from your own. Theo studied you for a moment, taking in your flushed cheeks and dilated pupils before pressing his lips against yours. A tingling sensation set your body alight as he kissed you with a burning devotion reserved for the most ardent zealot. 
The kiss was a prayer, an alm, a petition to the divine, but the words were in a language that you couldn’t understand. 
His eyes burned like a funeral pyre and you felt the heat of it brush against your very core. Theo brushed his thumb against your cheek, his voice as rough and calloused as his touch. 
“Sono pazzo di te.” 
“I’m afraid that’s beyond my grasp of the Italian language. What did you say, Theo?”
Theo smiled. “I said I’ll race you to Charms!”
Before he even finished the sentence, Theo took off running. You yelled after him, cheeks red and hair streaming behind you as you chased him up the steps. You were out of breath and panting and very aware of how ridiculous you looked, but it was also the hardest you’ve ever laughed in your life. 
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The formal invitation to Professor Slughorn’s dinner came on the same day of the Hogsmeade trip. Up until then, you had successfully put the whole thing out of your mind, but the letter in your hand pushed it back to the forefront. By the time the last class rolled around, it was all you could think about. 
Luna could tell that you were distracted as you walked through the castle halls. “Are you still thinking about the dinner?” she asked. 
You sighed. “Honestly, I’ve put it out of my mind for this long, but I know I can’t keep avoiding it.”
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”
“A year ago, it wouldn’t have even been a choice. I would’ve jumped at the chance to attend, but now…”
“Things have changed,” Luna said. 
“It isn’t fair, Loons. After the war, I thought things would get better, but there’s still so much shit to dredge through.” 
“There’s always going to be shit to dredge through, Y/N. The good news is that you have people to tackle it with.”
“I think the people make it harder.” 
“Because you care,” she said with a smile. “You don’t have to lead with your head all the time, you know. Sometimes it’s okay to let your heart call the shots.” 
You groaned, rubbing your temples. “I feel like I’m in one of these cheesy muggle soap operas. What choice will Y/N make today?”
“Whatever you choose, I will support you. I already spoke with Harry and told him to keep an eye on you should you choose to go.” 
“Did Theo put you up to this?” 
She shook her head. “We’ve had…conversations about it. I’m perfectly aware that Theo has strong opinions on the matter, but Pans and I would be glad to give him a stern talking to on your behalf.” 
“I appreciate it, Loons. You know, I wasn’t sure about Parkinson at first, but I think she’s quite good for you. Terrifying, but good.” 
You truly meant it. Over the past few weeks, you had gotten to know Pansy and the rest of the Slytherin gang quite well. Mostly because they seemed to follow Parkinson around like lost puppies, which was amusing in and of itself. Regardless, you had grown fond of the little terrors. 
“My girlfriend in a nutshell.” Luna’s serene smile turned serious as she touched your arm. “I know I’ve been busy with Pans lately, but I want you to know that I’m always here for you, Y/N. You know you can talk to me about anything.” 
You smiled and squeezed her hand. “I know, Loons. You’re a great friend. Even though you adopted five bumbling idiots without my consent.” 
She chuckled. “Oh, I only brought four into the fold. One of them was already yours to begin with.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief. “Speaking of which, what is the situation between you and Theodore? Pans will not stop pestering me about it.” 
“Friends who sneak into each other’s dorms at all hours of the night, take strolls together in the Forbidden Forest, and stargaze at the Astronomy Tower. That kind of friend?” 
You flushed. “It’s complicated.” 
“I’m not judging,” Luna declared. “I happen to think that you two are adorable together.” 
“Who’s adorable together?” asked the obnoxious voice of none other than Mattheo Riddle. 
The boys were huddled by the castle entrance, dressed in comfortable layers. The last week of October had brought chill and frost, but snow had yet to make an appearance. 
“You and the sound of silence,” you retorted with a smile. 
Theo, Blaise, and Draco tried and failed to suppress their laughter. Enzo bit back a smile, which fooled absolutely no one. Pansy just sighed exasperatedly. 
“Do you see?” Mattheo cried. “She’s always so mean to me.” 
Theo draped an arm over your shoulder. He was dressed in a green and silver striped sweater with a pair of casual jeans and slightly scuffed trainers. The ensemble resembled something that the boys back home might’ve worn, but for some reason it looked a thousand times better on Theo. 
“Don’t worry, mate. She’s mean to everyone.” 
“Not to me,” Enzo said proudly. 
You grinned. Out of all the boys, you admittedly had a soft spot for Berkshire. He always had a stash of treats from Honeydukes to share during your study sessions and was just genuinely nice to everyone no matter what house they were in. 
“Obviously Enzo’s my favorite.” 
“That’s not fair,” Draco complained. “He bribes you with fudge.” 
“Better step it up then, Malfoy.” 
“Honestly, I’m offended,” Blaise said rather dramatically. “I shared my expensive face creams with you, Y/N. Doesn’t that mean anything?” 
“And it was a very special night, Zabini. But you can’t beat chocolate.” 
Pansy rolled her eyes. “Let’s go before you lot derail this whole trip with your madness.” 
“Coming, mum,” you said brightly. 
Parkinson glared at you, but it was short-lived given Luna’s giggle. The blonde took Pansy by the hand and your comment was all but forgotten. 
As always, the charming village of Hogsmeade was littered with your fellow students. High Street was decorated for All Hallow’s Eve, complete with enchanted pumpkins, floating cauldrons, and charmed skeletons that popped up to frighten the witches and wizards strolling through the busy shops. 
The group entered Gladrags first. The boys, with the exception of Draco and Blaise, immediately occupied the benches towards the front of the clothing store. You took advantage of the peace and quiet and perused the rows and rows of rich robes, quirky hats, and crazy patterned socks. Though you preferred the simplicity of muggle clothing, you had to admit that the wizarding world offered some interesting choices in attire. 
After half an hour, your group walked out with nearly half the store. The Slytherins took the phrase ‘shop until you drop’ into a whole other level. The purchases that Pansy, Blaise, and Draco were so heavy that it had to be carted off back to the castle. 
You visited Dervish and Banges in which the boys spent an exorbitant amount of galleons on quidditch equipment. The group then made its way to Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes where Mattheo almost lost a finger faffing around with a nose-biting teacup. Draco and Blaise stayed behind to wait for Mattheo and Enzo to ensure that they made it to dinner with all of their appendages intact, while Pansy and Luna popped into Madam Puddifoot’s for some chamomile tea, leaving you and Theo to explore Scrivenshaft’s on your own. 
“You didn’t have to come with,” you said as you examined the new stock of stationary. “I’m sure watching the Weasley twins hustle Riddle out of his money is much more entertaining than looking at boring old quills.” 
“It’s alright, I don’t mind. Besides, Mattheo’s a big boy. He can handle himself.” 
You snorted as you picked up a quick writing quill. “Oh, I don’t know. Riddle might need his knight in shining armor to rescue him from those villainous redheads.” 
Theo smirked. “You think I’m a knight in shining armor?” 
“Hmmm…” you cocked your head and examined him. “You’re more like the sarcastic sidekick, I think.”
“I’ll remember that, Y/N.” 
“Add it to the list,” you said with a sly smile. “I’m sure you’ve got a running tally on the countless times I’ve bruised your fragile ego.” 
Theo clutched his heart. “Mattheo’s right. You are mean.” 
“Don’t act like you don’t enjoy it.” 
His lips curved up into a dangerous smirk. Theo leaned over you, bracing one arm against the shelf behind you to cage you in. “Oh, I do, but I enjoy fucking the attitude right out of you even more.” You swallowed thickly, backing into the bookshelf. Theo’s eyes flickered with amusement. “Not so feisty now, are we?” 
You rolled your eyes and smacked him against his chest. “You’re an absolute pest, do you know that?” 
“Add it to the list,” he responded cheekily. 
The flirting and banter followed you all the way out of the stationary shop. You and Theo argued for ten minutes after he took the shopping bag out of your hands and carried it for you. 
“I’m perfectly capable of toting my own things around, thank you very much.” 
He shrugged. “A gentleman never lets a lady carry her own bags.” 
“I wasn’t aware you were a gentleman.” 
“Only when I want to be,” Theo said. “You should take advantage of it. You never know when it’ll happen again.” 
You rolled your eyes, tugging at the bag in his hands. “Give me back my bag, Theodore.” 
“Drop it or I’ll haul you over my shoulder and carry you around the village instead.” 
“Fine, you win this round.” 
Theo smiled triumphantly. “Y/N admitting defeat? This calls for a celebration. Honeydukes it is.” 
The candy shop smelled as magnificent as it always did. Rows and rows of rainbow colored treats greeted you in every direction. You felt as giddy as you had in first year when the trolley of succulent-looking sweets passed through the aisles of the Hogwarts Express. You picked out your favorites—cauldron cakes, nougat chunks, and pumpkin pasties. 
Though the shop was packed to the brim, you moved easily among the aisles as Theo cleared the way. He quirked a brow at the mountain of sweets cradled in your arms, but said nothing as you marched up to the register. 
“Will that be all, miss?” asked the kindly shopkeeper. 
“And a batch of your freshly made fudge,” Theo requested. “Put it on my tab, Mrs. Flume.” 
“Of course. Anything for you, Theodore.” 
The shopkeeper disappeared at the back of the shop to fetch the fudge. You nudged Theo with your elbow. 
“I can’t let you pay for all of this,” you hissed sharply. 
“Of course you can. I’m disgustingly rich, remember?” 
“I know, but it wouldn’t be right.” 
He shrugged nonchalantly. “You’ve put up with my friends for weeks on end. Consider this as payment.” 
“This more than makes up for the debt. It’s not even equal at this point.” 
“Oh, don’t worry. Half of this is for my benefit. Can’t have Berkshire beating me for that number one spot, can I?” 
You chuckled. “Are you trying to bribe me, Theo?” 
“That depends. Is it working?” 
The mouth-watering scent of freshly made fudge hit you as Mrs. Flume handed Theo a large pink bag. Bribe or not, Theo was definitely on his way to dethrone Enzo as your favorite. 
“You’ll spoil your dinner,” Theo said as you popped a square of fudge into your mouth. The chocolate dissolved on your tongue as you released a sigh of satisfaction. 
“What are you, the chocolate police?” 
“What’s a police?” 
“They’re like aurors, but without wands.” 
“Well, one could argue that the amount of sweets you’re about to consume is a threat to public safety.” 
“Would you rather I be a threat to your safety instead?” 
“I’d say you’re already doing a rather excellent job of that.” 
You stuck your tongue out, but Theo didn’t seem to notice as he looked behind you. The bell chimed softly as you exited Honeydukes only to walk right into a winter wonderland. The cobblestone streets were as crowded as ever, but many stalled in their path to look up at the flecks of white falling from the sky. A gentle breeze sent a scatter of snowflakes to pile up in the storefronts, decorating High Street with glitter and wonder. 
The first snowfall of the season certainly did not disappoint. You ran out into the street, catching snowflakes on your tongue while laughing giddily. Theo watched with a small smile as you twirled around, your blue and gold scarf blurring while you spun and spun underneath the clear, blue sky. 
“Easy there,” he said, catching you around the waist before you could slip on a patch of ice. “I’ve never seen anyone get this excited over a bit of snow.” 
“It’s the first snowfall of the season!” you exclaimed. Theo chuckled as you dragged him out of the busy streets, weaving through shoppers and villagers alike. You didn’t stop until you reached the end of the village. “Come on, you have to see the view.”
At the edge of the small, sleepy village, you could see the blanket of snow covering Hogsmeade. It made everything glitter as the sun disappeared over the horizon. You felt so happy that your heart could burst. 
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” 
Snow dotted his mop of curly brown hair, the glittering flakes catching in his long lashes as he stared down at you. “Yeah,” he murmured, releasing a cloudy breath. “The most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.”
Theo’s gaze softened. He reached out and brushed the snowflakes off your bottom lip with his thumb. The nervous bob of his throat was so uncharacteristically earnest that you nearly did a double take. 
“I want you to go to that dinner tomorrow night, Y/N.” His voice was soft and carried none of the argumentative tone that it usually did when you discussed Slughorn’s dinner. “I understand why you don’t want to and believe me, I wholeheartedly agree. But I’d never forgive myself if I stood in the way of the one thing you’ve been working for since first year.” 
You sighed. “It’s not just you, Theo. It’s Pansy. Draco. Blaise. Enzo. Even Mattheo. I don’t want to support anything that alienates my—my…friends.” 
Until this moment, you hadn’t realized how fond and protective you’ve grown for the Slytherins. Somewhere between quiet mornings sipping freshly brewed coffee with Pansy, game nights in Malfoy’s ridiculously huge dorm, studying with Enzo in the Great Hall, comparing skincare products and exchanging tips with Blaise, and even riling up Mattheo with your ridiculous arguments, the little group had stolen their way into your heart. 
They were your friends and you would do anything for your friends. 
“All of us think that you should go. After all, there’s nothing more Slytherin than turning something terrible into a golden opportunity. If you get that recommendation, you’d be the first muggleborn member of the M.E.S.P., so you have to go. Go and make your favorite serpents proud, Y/N.”
Warmth spread through your chest. You could tell that Theo felt strongly about this. That he truly and genuinely cared about what an opportunity like this meant for a muggleborn witch like yourself. 
You found yourself nodding after a moment. “Fine, I’ll go but you have to let me eat another piece of fudge.” 
Theo smiled and those charming dimples peeked out of each cheek. “Not a chance in hell, dolcezza.”
You groaned dramatically. “Is that all or are you going to start lecturing me on my irresponsible consumption of sweets again?” 
Watercolor eyes flickered over you. “There is something else,” he said softly. “There’s something that I’ve been meaning to tell you, Y/N. I think you’ve already guessed by now but I—I think I’m—”
Before Theo could finish his sentence, a snowball hit him square in the chest. You yelped as a barrage of snow came raining down upon you. High up on the hill, Mattheo and Enzo skittered between the trees. Your would-be attackers laughed as they continued to hurl snowballs in your direction.  
“You’re dead, mate!” Theo bellowed as he dragged you behind him. “You two are absolutely and positively dead.” 
The two of you crouched behind a large rock. You peeked around the corner, trying to calculate your next steps. Pushing past whatever moment the boys had interrupted between you and Theo, you turned to your curly headed companion with a smile. 
“I know that look,” Theo accused. “You have a plan, don’t you?” 
“You still have those dung bombs from the twins?” 
He nodded and handed over the array of goodies he purchased from the Weasleys. The plan came to fruition a few minutes later. Mattheo and Enzo were safe up on their high hill, but you and Theo were not about to let that deter you. He followed as you crept up the fortress, keeping guard as you palmed a snowball in your hand. 
Mattheo spotted you first. He hurled snow at you, but you easily dodged his attack. When he left himself exposed, you flung the snowball with all your might. It hit him in the leg before exploding and drenching him with the stench of dung. Riddle nearly retched at the foul smell while Enzo doubled over in laughter. 
Theo took advantage of the situation and hurled his own snowball at Enzo’s stomach. Within seconds, the stench worsened. The two boys threw their remaining snowballs on the ground and signaled their surrender. 
“Dung bombs?” Riddle exclaimed as you came closer. “Nice touch, Notty boy.”
“Don’t look at me, mate. It was all Y/N.” 
Mattheo’s eyes widened. Enzo burst into laughter. “Told you not to mess with her,” Berkshire said as he cast a scouring charm over the both of them. 
“I’ve got to give it to you, Y/N.” Mattheo said with an impressed tone. “You’re more devious than I gave you credit for.” 
“You have no idea what you just started, Riddle,” you declared with a triumphant smirk. “If i were you, I’d sleep with one eye open tonight.” 
You flashed him the most evil smile you could muster before dusting yourself off and heading down the hill. The boys stared after you before following. 
“I am genuinely afraid of her,” Mattheo murmured. 
You didn’t have to turn around to know that Theo was smirking. “Now you know how I feel, mate.” 
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Taglist: @annaisabookworm@marina468@yaraasthings @the0doreslover@bubybubsters@moony-artemis @natasha887@lucyysthings@criesinlies @bunnymallowo@niktwazny303 @letmedownslows @siriuslyalovergirl@wordsarelife@clairesjointshurt @daydreamingabthar @mishtay @cherry-hoe  @littlebookbengal @maybefoxysouls @nomup  @aliensknowmyillusions @cinderellawithashoe @starsval @kalulakunundrum @lucyysthings @siriuslysmoking @purplegirls-posts @unstablereader @lqclercs @whatsupb18 @rikirritated @psychedeliccc @jetblackpayne @clairesjointshurt @ama1a2 @omwtkydttfym @cinderellawithashoe @xeqr @txzii @goldenmagnolias @ilikefictionalmen @xxpeachyxo @dirt-cup-draco @willowecho25518 @shulipp @pompeygirl89 @lame-ferrum @dustbunniess @justdizzie @sopsopsopy @therealallisonspear
Please let me know if you'd like to be added.
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supernaturalcharlie11 · 9 months
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Veth‘s/Nott‘s stained glass window in the tower
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its-your-mind · 9 months
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Actually, I don't think we've done a full introduction of your friends here, if you want to… - c2e96
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Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 7 Group 31
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Archive Staff: Jonathan Sims, Sasha James, Tim Stoker, Martin Blackwood
Mighty Nein: Caleb Widogast, Nott the Brave/Veth Brennato, Fjord, Jester Lavorre, Caduceus Clay, Beauregard Lionett, Yasha Nydoorin, Mollymauk Tealeaf/Kingsley Tealeaf, Essek Thelyss
Archive Staff:
They’re trying their best to understand
Mighty Nein:
Originally, they were only seven, and the Nein part of their group name was a running joke about rolling nines and Caleb's German accent. Then, after Molly's untimely death, the group picked up Caduceus, making seven again. Later, they ally with Essek, who makes eight. And finally, through the power of love and found family, they defeat a villain named Lucien (who inhabits the body Molly had, it's all very complicated), and revive the body to become Kingsley Tealeaf, who looks at Molly as his brother but ultimately makes the group Nine. His revival is literally an act of divine intervention, fueled by the love and loss they all felt after chasing their beloved friend across the continent.
Internally there are other fantastic family bonds. Caleb and Nott/Veth having an incredible bond, Caleb and Beau being the Empire siblings, Molly and Yasha being the circus kids, Beau and Fjord, Cad and Fjord, the chaos crew, Nott and Jester, it goes on and on. They all change each other so significantly, they grow together, and canonically even though they live apart, they all have regular meetups in the tower Caleb created for all of them, with a stained glass window in Molly's honor and rooms dedicated to each member of the group. Even now in the new campaign, they've had cameos that prove years later they still work together and have each other's backs.
This is THEE definition of found family, these assholes were thrown together through circumstance and mostly hated each other to begin with right up until three of their own were kidnapped and then it was ON. And when Molly died, they took his ideals and turned them into a legacy SO POWERFUL they took Essek from a cold, self motivated war criminal to a man willing to die for his friends. They refused to let Beau face her abusive family alone! They helped Yasha heal from her trauma! They took down the whole Cerberus Assembly for what they did to Caleb! They saved the whole dang world together WITH THE POWER OF FUCKING FRIENDSHIP 😭! THEY LOVED MOLLY SO MUCH THAT IT SAVED THE WORLD! THEY NAMED THEMSELVES AFTER A STUPID PUN AND THEN THERE REALLY ENDED UP BEING NINE OF THEM! I WOULD DIE FOR THEM!!!
official art by Ari Orner, fan art by exmakina and tobyjamessharp
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gods-graveyard · 3 months
"No one can tell the Weasley Twins apart" may be true, but with a few key exceptions.
McGonagall- She's iconic, and also how dare you imply she cannot tell two of her students apart, thats just blasphemy.
Lee Jordan- His best mates (and they told him)
Elisen Nott- Her best mates (and they didn't tell her, she learned out of spite)
Percy Weasley- They're his brothers, he really can't understand why no one else can tell
Oliver Wood- Quidditch, no elaboration.
Marcus Flint- Oliver & Percy told him how, and Quidditch.
Harry Potter- The vibes (Their freckles)
Theo Nott- The vibes (Magical signature)
Luna Lovegood- The vibes (but actually)
This is all based on my fic @yellow_sprouts on ao3 called "Navigating the den of snakes" and with the twins being introduced next chapter I thought I would go ahead and give a lil fun snip (although Theos is a minor spoiler)
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hp-hcs · 7 months
male, nonbinary, & gender-neutral readers x hp characters
requests: open! (RULES)
join the taglist!
Do you hate it when you find a fic that says “x reader” only for it to have she/her pronouns, as if it’s some inherent rule that only fem people read fanfiction? WELL DO I HAVE A BLOG FOR YOU.
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am i reorganizing my masterlist for the 10,000th time? yep! i’ve finally written enough that i need to break this down into tinier masterlists!
key: 🚹 = male reader ⚧️ = nonbinary reader 🚻 = gender-neutral reader
☣️ = yandere tw 💥 = violence tw ‼️ = homophobia/transphobia tw 🩸 = blood/gore tw 🧨 = implied sexual content/sexual innuendos ❤️‍🔥 = smut tw
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mattheo riddle masterlist
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theodore nott masterlist
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polyamorous/non-monogamous masterlist
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“Splinched” masterlist • theodore nott 🚹🩸
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“Pansy’s Brother” masterlist • theodore nott 🚹 ☣️ 💥
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“lipstick” masterlist • enzo berkshire and draco malfoy 🚻 ☣️ ❤️‍🔥
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“watercolors” masterlist • tom riddle 🚹
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“The Doll” masterlist • enzo berkshire, regulus black, draco malfoy, theodore nott, mattheo riddle, and blaise zabini 🚻 💥
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“phoenix tears” masterlist • riddle brothers 🚹 ‼️💥🩸
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draco malfoy:
the audacity, i can’t believe this 🚹
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enzo berkshire:
shut up 🚹☣️❤️‍🔥
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ron weasley:
love triangle 🚹
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neville longbottom:
mr. green thumb 🚻
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weasley twins:
common room confessions 🚹
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blaise zabini:
uniforms ⚧️
fiendfyre 🚹
yandere! blaise zabini headcanons 🚻
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narcissa malfoy:
yandere! mother! headcanons 🚻 ☣️💥
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riddle brothers:
June 🚻
crystal 🚻☣️💥 (referenced attempted S/A tw)
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pansy parkinson:
paralyzer 🚻
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viktor krum:
sibling rivalry 🚻
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slytherin boys hcs:
slytherin boys: gn! muggleborn! reader’s music taste is rather…unexpected 🚻
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。.・゜✭・.
random non-reader stories:
❌= implied/referenced child abuse tw 🛑= graphic child abuse tw
“where have you been?”
molly weasley discovers the extent of the dursleys’ abuse ❌
the weasley family and their cinematic adventures
just some funky lil headcanons
Harry Potter and the Amount of Abuse He Suffered at the Hands of His Guardians That Doesn’t Get Mentioned Nearly Enough (aka LET THE POOR BOY BE TRAUMATIZED)
writing prompt: “…jegulus taking in teenage harry after he runs away from the dursleys” 🛑 ❌
untitled tomarry thingy (i just love them okay)
writing prompt: “Touch starved Tom / Voldemort” 🛑 ❌
two thousand words of pure marauders-raise-harry fluff
writing prompt: “regulus black becoming the best seeker ever and harry being his biggest fan and then he finds out that his dad use to date him and he tries (and plots with sirius) to get them back together just so he can call the regulus black his stepdad”
Children Don’t Belong in Cupboards (pt. 1/?)
synopsis: jily comes to the dursleys’ to get their son back 🛑 ❌
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Draco Malfoy x y/n (Slytherin Reader) one shot
SUMMARY: Draco relentlessly flirts with y/n even if it annoys her.
WARNING: none other than the fact that this is not proof read.
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It was late afternoon after lunch break and Y/n was noting down points on a piece of parchment while professor Prof.Binns went on droning about the 'Medieval Assembly of European Wizards'. Most students find History of Magic to be exasperating but it's mostly because of Prof.Binn's teaching techniques.
Regardless of how boring it may seem, y/n makes it a point to give her 100% in class. She was concentrating so sincerely that she failed to notice a certain platinum haired boy glancing her way every few minutes. As the class went on, Prof. Binns decided to halt the lecture to let the students read and review the material before proceeding further . As she continued to read through her textbook, a charmed paper swan flew over her head and landed right on the page she was reading. She looked up and around to see who levitated it towards her and saw the group of infamous Slytherins laughing- Malfoy, Zabini, Parkinson , Nott, Crabbe and Goyle. She immediately knew it was their doing. Draco was waiting for her to look in his direction and now that she did he winked at her and shouted across the class " go on darling, read it" ; only for his friends to howl and make funny noises. Y/n got irritated so she rolled her eyes at him and grabbed the paper swan to crush it into a paper ball and chuck it at him. Soon the class ended but only after Prof.Binns had given them an essay as homework.
Y/n slung her bag on her shoulder and carried her extra books with her arms & exited the classroom to head to the courtyard since it was her last lecture of the day. Draco immediately followed her out of the class to catch up and annoy her. "Uff, that looks heavy; lemme carry them for you sweetheart" he tries to snatch the books in her arms. Y/n gets irritated " Don't you have somebody else to bother Malfoy?". "Actually, I do but you're far more interesting and also pretty cute to look at" he replies with a grin and tries to snatch her books again. This time y/n stops in her tracks and pulls Draco down by his tie to look into his eyes "Back off Draco". This makes him grin wider and he lets out a whistle while looking her up and down " ooh... feisty". Y/n blushes at the action and immediately releases his tie and walks away while Draco just stands there grinning like a fool in satisfaction.
Later that night y/n entered back in the Slytherin common room after having finished with her dinner and decided to sit on one of the couches near the fireplace. She was reading a magazine that she found on one of the coffee tables when she felt the couch sink beside her and an arm around the back of the sofa where she sat. She immediately recognised who it was just by the smell of expensive cologne. " What do you want now Malfoy?" she said without looking up from the page. "What? Can I not just spend some time trying to make acquaintances with fellow house mates?" he mockingly replied. Y/n decided to ignore him altogether and Draco got the hint but he wasn't satisfied with the interaction just yet, so he started to play with her hair. This made y/n's blood boil and she swatted his hand away and he let out a chortle. "You have nice hair" he said. "Oh why thank you Mr.Malfoy. It's an honour to get complimented by the ferret boy with slimey hair" she replied with a sarcastic smile. Draco pulled a face at this but laughed it off. Y/n shut the magazine and stood up and walked towards the stairs leading to the girl's dormitories when she heard "Goodnight darling!". She turned the corner as she secretly smiled at his antics and yelled back "Goodnight ferret boy!"
Thanks for reading! 🤍
Sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors, this is not proof read 😅
Do like, share and comment your thoughts down below 🤔💭
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poetryandbloods-blog · 5 months
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Flora Rosier (1958 - 1986)
Tiberius Nott (1927 - 1998)
My headcanon is that Flora married Nott in an arranged marriage, she was friends with Narcissa and it was this friendship that made her live so long, because Nott tended to be very violent and she wasn't his first wife.
Eventually, not even the grudging respect he had for the Malfoy family was enough and one day he went too far in his aggression.
Flora he had four siblings (Evan 1957, Pandora 1961, Felix 1969).
She called Theo "Theddy" and after her death he never let anyone call him that again.
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c-kiddo · 25 days
got to tha episode/scene in which the gals go get tattoos while caleb and fjord eat fish and chips and also caduceus tells them about green beans and destiny and how they're the same and just absolutely drenches some chips in vinegar
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morsmordream · 10 months
my random HP family headcanons that i firmly stand by
(not canon compliant)
creature blood was remarkably common in the older family lines that existed before modern-day laws. it is rather rare that these families produce true creatures themselves, even half-blooded creatures, but the blood can often manifest into family gifts. for example, creature blood is how the slytherin line have their ability to speak parseltongue.
the black family are world-renowned in various fields. they’ve produced countless scholars, and some of the finest duellists of each generation. but the family specialty, that everyone learns, is curse-breaking and it’s inverse. there’s a terrible item in the family vault that could kill you if you touch it? contact the blacks. you need an object enchanted to persuade someone into supporting a wizengamot bill? contact the blacks. expensive as their services may be, it’s always worth the money. customer satisfaction guaranteed.
the black family have held their reputation for dabbling in the darkest of arts, even black magic, since their very beginning. their family name comes from their reputation of practicing black magic. this is separate from dark magic, and is a dead art today. whilst books exist in the darkest corners of very few family’s vaults and libraries, the sacrifices required have deterred anyone who picked them up for centuries. a branch of black magic involves the summoning of beings from beyond our world, ‘demons’ as they are often referred to. the summoning of a shape-shifting demon, and subsequent procreation with, is a potential reason why only the black family have metamorphmagi in britain today- though this claim is unproven, and no longer proudly claimed by the family itself.
the malfoys have veela blood, especially these days. it was a rather scandalous affair when abraxas malfoy married a french witch, amelie bonnacord, who had been adopted into a notable pureblood family and happened to be a veela. the malfoys already had distant veela ancestry, making abraxas resistant to the veela allure. their children, lucius and lydia malfoy, were therefore half veela, and her grandchildren, including draco malfoy, a quarter veela. the veela allure seemed to work differently with men, and little was known about it as men born to those with veela blood was rare. the malfoys spend most holiday seasons in france, visiting family, and all speak fluent french.
the potter family never have been, and never should be seen as, a sparkling beacon for light magic. as necromancers by blood, no matter how much time passes since their amalgamation with the peverells, they naturally lean towards darker magic to facilitate practicing the art. not every potter has dabbled in their family gift, it’s not a requirement, but the ancient books in the family vault cannot be destroyed and will always return to the vault after a necromancer passes.
a few centuries into the past, the potter family migrated to india before a couple of branches returned to britain in the early 20th century. fleamont potter and his cousin, charlus potter, were the first potters to be born on british soil for centuries. fleamont potter married euphemia patil, a half-indian british witch, and had james potter. james potter, upon marrying lily evans, had harry potter- who was half indian.
the lupin family have a long history of naturally born werewolves, hence their family name. as time went on, and laws changed, werewolves born into the family would assimilate into packs instead of living as wizards with a dark secret. with time, fewer and fewer werewolves were born into the family, and the werewolf blood appeared dormant. remus lupin became a werewolf through an attack from fenrir greyback- the first werewolf in the family in several generations. his condition did not pass onto his son, but it is possible that remus being a werewolf may awaken the possibility of future werewolves in the lupin line in generations to come.
the weasleys hail from an old irish clan, one which they no longer practice the traditions and magic of- deeming them outdated in an age where they are deemed ‘blood traitors’ for their love and acceptance of muggleborns. the family magic is largely based around the elements, and is only really practiced by bill and charlie- though fred and george dabble in it from time to time. due to turning their backs on tradition, the weasley manor wards refused to grant entry to those in the family who did not practice their family magics- which is why they live in the burrow instead.
the weasleys fall from grace is infamous in pureblood circles. before the first war, they were actually a rather wealthy family. arthur weasley’s auror wage was enough to live off with two less children, and their vault was plentiful. molly added to their income by authoring books on household charms and tutoring pureblood daughters in etiquette. unfortunately, molly encouraged arthur to funnel money into the order of the phoenix to help with the war- they were not active participants, rather financial backers. by the war’s end, the family vault had been halved, they had two more children, and molly had quit authoring books to raise the children. she soon quit tutoring too, turning her back on other pureblood families due to her paranoia that anyone who hadn’t aided the order in the war were all dark and thus contributed somehow to her brothers deaths. soon after, arthur left the aurors and moved to head the misuse of muggle artifices office at molly’s insistence, due to her persistent paranoia- this time that something horrible would befall him as an auror. this caused another significant drop in the family’s finances, gaining them their reputation of being a poor family with more children than they can clothe.
the nott family are descended from viking clansmen in norway, and the majority of the family are still based there today. they’re very proud of this heritage, and every child born into the family is trained extensively in hand to hand combat from a young age. the nott family additional pre-schooling education also includes the language of old norse, nordic history, ancient runes, and runic magic. the england-based branch of the family add norwegian on to this as well.
the gaunt line, and subsequently the slytherin line, are only extinct in britain (the cursed child is not canon to me idc about delphini). a branch of the family, descended from one ominis gaunt, live on in france and have long abandoned their practices of inbreeding. the branch or branches of the family that remained on british soil rapidly squandered all that remained in their vaults by the turn of the 20th century, leading the family to financial and societal ruin with only their heritage and a few heirlooms remaining intact.
the lovegood family are rather notable as one of the few remaining seer lines in britain. pandora lovegood, upon marrying xenophilius ollivander, found her own seer ability passed down to her daughter luna. many overlook their seer lineage and focus more on the family’s eccentricity, forgetting that true seers rarely speak in plain language- they cannot always just speak the truth of what their visions show them, they must relay what they have seen in a way that makes others search for the answer. it’s not that hard to understand when you actually try it.
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lenoraslament · 3 months
Hello! Welcome to the Masterlist!
I am now taking requests. I write for Slytherin boys mainly but I can also write for Bridgerton and Gilmore Girls.
One shots are at the bottom
First are posts related to my three part Tom Riddle Fanfiction. All three parts are on my Wattpad
* indicates smut
^ indicates romance
+ indicates dark themes/angst
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Lenora was cold, smart and cunning. Until. Until that night. Two mudbloods stole something from her, a piece of her she couldn't get back. She finds solace and healing in the unlikely ally of her longtime acquaintance Tom Riddle.
Wattpad Link
Chapter 9 Excerpt: Insolence +
Chapter 12 excerpt: Moment in the Library ^
Chapter 16 excerpt: Apparating ^
Chapter 20: Pleasure *^
Chapter 23 Excerpt: Malfoy Ball ^
Chapter 28 Excerpt: Good Girl ^ (*in the Wattpad chapter)
Chapters 33&34: Revenge and Satisfaction *^+
Chapter 35: Aftermath ^*
Chapter 36: Make Me Forget *
Chapter 38: Punish Me *+
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Book 2 Lenora’s Love:
Lenora was Tom Riddles everything. Until he had to Obliviate her memory. Now they are brought together for the summer, as he continues to build his dark legacy the death eaters. Their love is inevitable; even with Cygnus Black trying to intervene. Will the truth out?
This book whole chapters cross posted to Tumblr but if you want to read on Wattpad
Part 1 Summary / Say Yes to Heaven ^
Lenora arrives at the Malfoy Lakehouse and leaves Tom breathless
The Rose Garden ^
Tom watches Lenora from afar much to the chagrin of Abraxas
Why Not Tom Riddle
Lenora wonders about the change in Tom Riddle not realizing she was obliviated
Hard to Resist^
Cygnus grows closer to Lenora
Firestarter +
Lenora accidentally reminds everyone just how powerful she is
Worth It +
Tom and Cygnus duel, Abraxas confronts Lenora
Flawless ^
Tom continues to confuse Lenora, Delia appears for the first time since the Malfoy Christmas Ball
Strumpets *^
Lenora catches Tom doing something unsavory, she pushes to be a deatheater
Lenora tries her best to be respectful and discovers something useful
Lust Potion *^
Delia gets revenge on Lenora, Tom tries his best to resist Lenora
Despair +
After being humiliated by Delia, Lenora wants to prove herself as a deatheater no matter the cost
I Love You ^+
Tom nearly loses Lenora for good.
Pain is a Price +
The long term repercussions of Lenora’s potion are discovered
High and Mighty
Tom proves his leadership while being absolutely faded.
Flowers for a Lady ^
Lenora is made a deatheater but isn’t sure what to make of this new side of Tom.
Dowries and Dark Marks +^
Tom tries to figure out how to get Cygnus Black out of his hair as they both chase after Lenora
Pillow Fight +^
Cygnus Black wishes Lenora goodbye, making her lash out at Tom Riddle
Tawdry ^
Lenora forgives Tom and then is forced to play the temptress
Make Me ^
Tension finally comes to a head between Tom and Lenora at the lake
They simply can’t stay away from eachother.
Crash Into Me^
Tom and Lenora continue to push and pull, Abraxas catches them
Tom Riddle the Romantic ^
Tom Riddle goes way out of comfort zone
A Proper Date ^
Tom and Lenora finally have a real date
Lenora wants more from Tom than his horcrux
How it Always Should Have Been*^
Tom and Lenora make love
Time Doesn’t Bow^
A snapshot into 6 months of bliss as Tom and Lenora stay together
Lying *
Cygnus Black returns, Lenora catches Tom in a lie
Disillusionment +
Lenora learns the truth of everything that happened before Tom obliviated her
I Lost You+
Tom’s proposal goes awry, Lenora gets revenge
I Hate You+
Lenora broke Tom’s heart but he gets the last word.
One shots
Tom Riddle
Hot Mess Part 1
Hot Mess Part 2 *
Slytherin Boys React
Perfume Preferences
How they would Overstimulate You*
Edging Orgasm Denial *
You took Lust Potion *
Romantic Moments ^
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