provokingdrama · 2 years
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They're coming to take me away!" c.2006-ish. Not a very good painting, but I was trying to capture the memory of a situation from 1998. I've mentioned in other paintings that in the summer of '98 my psychiatrist forgot to get me refills for my meds before going on a 2 week vacation. While my family and therapist were trying to get a hold of him, I fell back into psychosis. In this painting it was evening, and there were cops driving up and down our little street. I thought they were coming for ME. For no reason. But I got off the couch. The lights were already off but the TV was on and I thought they'd see me. I hid in the dark behind the couch and soon my parents came home (I'd been home alone). They told me the cops were gone after I said why I was hiding. In the painting I'm in the lower center area. That's what my living room looked like at the time, lit by the TV. Couldn't go back to college in the fall because of this. That's the 2nd time I'd had to drop out. All because of one doctor. #art #psychosis #darkart #literallydark #acrylicpainting #rushed #notverygood #butitgetsthepointacross #psychosisawareness #schizophreniaawareness #actuallyschizophrenic #schizophrenic #nomeds #baddoctors #paranoia #paranoid #delusion #paranoiddelusion #delusional #cops (ACAB, btw) #theyrecomingtotakemeaway #ohno #acrylic #painting https://www.instagram.com/p/CgnE84PP8z2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ispyspookymansion · 1 year
my true and correct ranking is
evil dead - all good
child’s play - mostly good people r to mean to seed it’s fun
final destination 3/4 but 4 is terrible
scream 4/5 and 5 isn’t that bad
saw - mostly good sometimes really great and even the bad ones have their moments
friday - mostly terrible but all extremely enjoyable
nightmare - 3 great movies and new nightmare and like the bad ones are fun
chainsaw - two fantastic movies i can take or leave the rest
psycho - i love 1 & 2 but the rest of them are notverygood
halloween - great opening wild sequel i own season of the witch merch and a dvd copy of h20 but christ alive when it’s bad it’s terrible
write-in last place is alien cuz those first two are without comparison but prometheus is the worst movie i have ever seen
saw should maybe be higher cuz i like her more than scream but if we’re looking at them as a franchise than i think 3D and jigsaw really bring her down cuz they kinda loose what makes those movies work so well i loved finally seeing the reverse bear trap in action tho
also i’d be reeeeally incherested in knowing ur rankings :D we’ve all given our terrible opinions i’d love 2 know urs
sorry this is abt to get so long and just know i dont necessarily believe any of this im saying words recreationally ! and i tried to think abt them as in quality of franchise, but i am obviously human with personal tastes and biases. i generally counted how many movies i gave 3 or more stars on letterboxd to get my numbering. below the cut for my takes!
- saw (8/9 or 88%) my babygirl. my sweet cheese. i can get why some people dont rock with it but writing it off as torture porn is unforgivable both in that its not, or not entirely, and okay so who cares torture those bitches !!!!! saw’s Quality is not consistent, but its premise is and its one of the most interconnected franchises which strengthens it as a series
- child’s play (6/8 or 80%): prefacing by saying this doesnt take the show into account, but the show is a wash for me anyways. child’s play is a perfect mix of funny and scary, both on a movie by movie basis and as a franchise. don mancini sucks at writing a tv show but his consistent hand in the series makes it a good franchise as far as consistency. edit i forgot about the terrible remake um. yeah. eep.
- final destination (4/5 or 80%): 1, 3, 5 are really good, 2 is decent, theyre fun! i rewatch them from time to time i love the concept i love tony todd and i think its impressive that theres really only one stinker (the final destination aka final destination 4 you will never be famous)
- scream (4/5 or 80%) very partial to the original, and i respect a lot of what scream does even in the movies i dont like as much, but the last film + upcoming no sidney lose points for me for sure. the first movie is standout, the rest are pretty consistent even if its at a level far below the first film. i havent seen the tv show
- noes (6/9 or 66%): my beloved <33333 i loooove the first three and i love new nightmare! the quality steadily deteriorates between those though it Is in a fun way most of the time. the atrocious remake damages this a lot for me but it Knows what it is, so you cant fault it for that. i would fight for noes as a favorite above scream and final destination, but its a weaker franchise overall imo
the next three i had a hard time putting in order tbh, but i guess what i’ll say is:
- psycho (3/5 or 60%): i really was surprised by how good the 2nd one is, cannot state that enough. but 3 flopped to me, the bates motel tv movie sucks, and ive heard the remake is horrible. the prequel is alright (it and 3 both get a half mark), though the whole franchise loses ground for the inherent issues with norman’s character. i havent seen the bates motel tv show.
- evil dead (2.5/4 or 63%): look. sorry, but its not for me. i love the first one and i love the remake, but the style of comedy isnt my thing in the two in between. its not BAD in the sense that it is what it set out to be, but i just dont like that thing very much, and i struggle to call it a better Franchise than most due to how varied its parts are. ash williams tboy swag you Will always be beloved tho, and the first one is a real fav of mine
- halloween (7/13 or 53%): the original is very dear to me, i love the weirdass hustle of 3, and i think halloween 2018 was a great start to a disappointing trilogy. the muddied timelines mean the franchise itself is a mess. one great movie does not a good franchise make! i might put this above psycho depending on the day, but the last movie was so atrocious it leaves a very bad taste in the franchise mouth
- friday the 13th (5/12 or 42%): i love campground horror and overall, the quality of f13 as a series is pretty consistent! its just that its pretty consistently bad. i respect the hustle of sending jason to space and manhattan but its not my kind of film
- tcm (3/9 or 33%): only the first two and the 03 remake are really good to me. i dont think people realize there are NINE of these. a lot of the other sequels are decent movies, bad tcm films, so a low ranking as an overall franchise. sorry tcm, your writers dont understand what makes you great!
so um yeah. im pulling for scream or noes to win at this point, but my opinions are clearly not very shared....also these could change at any time i cant stress enough how much even the lowest franchises here are beloved by me, rewatched by me, have posters on my walls, etc etc!!!
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hundredpocketed · 2 years
feeling notverygood today, achey and exhausted, got some vaccinations yesterday so I'm praying that it's just side effects but also I'm a close contact so i am a bit worried 😱
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heartstoppermybeloved · 5 months
#heartstopper #notverygood #fyp #tshirtweather via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idTEH3Hj4WA
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cipheress · 3 years
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Morose and felt of sempiternal fruitlessness,
A pummeled bird is left foreign.
Sweaty and haggard from saving,
Clad in crimson and stygian wear,
He wraps his tidings, others say it’s carelessness.
The small bird isn’t a cretin,
His flock may postulate diversely on that,
It’s routine denouncing.
He knows; He knows his worth,
But decides to tarry and stays still,
Whether or not he has ties,
The fragile bird is gaunt,
Yet cannot think of a consciousness without his wrongdoers.
For he is still infatuated by this fabrication.
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pen-driverart · 5 years
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Day 14- Goth
Hux goes goth
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gentleoverdrive · 5 years
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The sort of silly brouhaha that happens when you're trying to come up with riff ideas and your pick is like "how about no?" #prsguitars #sunday #feelingsilly #riff #riffwars #dumb #notverygood #kvlt https://www.instagram.com/p/BzEA_kShga3/?igshid=1ihfzrgdzgjoo
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collegebaby01 · 5 years
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Tried my hand at drawing at work today. I feel like I’m getting better, but I’m still not sure. Thoughts? #art #beginnerartist #maggiesimpson #fionashrek #shrek #ariel #littlemermaid #disney #drawing #crayons #markers #pencildrawing #pencil #pencilsketch #notverygood #selfconscious #insecurity #selfconfidence #visualart https://www.instagram.com/p/BvnWFNulbwS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10tzw4ua38xs
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oodlesofpun · 5 years
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Recently as I rummaged through the aisles of my community’s bi-monthly clutter bazaar, I longed for the days when glib treasures competed for my attention and every trip was a Sophie’s Choice between a stranger’s toiletry and a European electronics cable whose ends were created for a technology that never existed. But the momentary fad of Marie Kondo had triggered a mass exodus of personal belongings that do no spark joy, and the bazaar was saturated with nothing but practical items. Yet to come away, empty-handed would prove right the little boy who had earlier stuck his tongue out at me and said I was currently mismanaging my 30′s. But lo and behold something caught my eye like an errant fishing hook. Underneath a pamphlet on when to ski and a can of live spaghetti, was an old friend, the complete works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. I quickly scooped up the collection and handed the junk attendant a wad of cash. He gave a knowing look and said my money was no good here. I knew my money was good because I had printed it at my house myself that morning, but thanked the man anyway and rushed home to catch up with my past.  
I pulled the cover off of the phonograph that had replaced my air mattress years ago. I generally use it to bore people until they realize I my entire personality is nothing more than a drawn-out description of all the things I’ve bought. But today it was going to connect me with an old friend. I had a special connection to Mozart that no one else did. Many said they liked Mozart, but for me, it wasn’t so much about him, as it was about his music. I was unique in that I liked to listen to it, often waving my finger around as if I was one of those conductors that direct symphonies from a bean bag chair. Mozart let me know it was okay to listen to sounds and close your eyes at the same time. I woke up my turtles and placed them around the phonograph to let them in on a part of my life I rarely speak to them about on account that they’re turtles. I threw the wax on the phonograph and dropped the needle on Symphony No. 41 "Jupiter," 1st Movement "Allegro Vivace." The turtles stuck their heads out, and I swear, if those turtles were dogs they would have ran away from me years ago! But even as dogs I believed they would have stuck around for such ear heroin in the key of C major. I was instantly taken back to my days in 18th century Austria, living off moldy bread and the village stew. Mozart’s music spoke to me and said, “You don’t have to be an apprentice to a candle maker in total silence.” I’ll never forget the first time I saw him in concert. I thought, “What strange man is this who wears a big white curly toupee even though he has hair?” Back then it gave me a shot of jollity in a time when most of my family was dying from lack of vitamin C and drive by sword swings.
I then put on Serenade No. 13 “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik,” I prepared to tap my foot like an impatient old man, when suddenly the song came on... and I. Became. Furious. The initial strings that had inspired me to be a boy who combs his hair suddenly made me want to pull it all out. What I remembered as a classic, now sounded like a ringtone in a commercial. I apologized to my turtles and quickly changed it to Piano Concerto No. 21, 2nd Movement. My turtles slowly turned around and climbed back into their respective terrariums. As I watched the needle careen methodically around the grooves of the record, I realized, this was TERRIBLE. Was this music or Bugs Bunny waking up in the morning? This 2nd Movement sounded more like a bowel movement. I went for the surefire hit Overture to Marriage Of Figaro. More complete crap. A melancholy dropped over me that I had not felt since I learned which person I was in photos. One thing was for certain, Mozart is not very good. Maybe it had a time and a place, but that was hundreds of years ago, and I was a different person back then. I remember putting on my long-tailed fancy clothes and traveling three days to watch him play in front of dozens of people. I had fond memories of standing completely motionless and thinking that I wasn’t just a peasant that day, I was a peasant who had stolen a dead man’s long-tailed fancy clothes. But what I was listening to now, was complete garbage. It didn’t even have any words. How you have a song without words? They had poems back then. Throw a poem on top of the song, boom, welcome to music Mozart!
As if the record was rejecting itself, the phonograph skipped to Rondo Alla Turca. At least I think it was Rondo Alla Turca. The only thing I was certain of was that the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart did not hold up. I immediately started tearing down all of my Mozart posters. I trashed my Mozart statues. I smashed all of my Mozart flatware. I took my “I love Mozart more than you do” shirt off and collected all of my Mozart clothes, which is all of my clothes, and threw them in a pile. The third movement of the sonata tortured my ears like the emergency broadcast system being played on a chalkboard. In a fiery rage I meticulously took apart my Mozart coffee table and unplugged my Mozart lamps and disconnected my Mozart ceiling fan and poured my vintage Mozart gasoline all over them and as the sickening melody that seemed birthed from the devil himself commanded me, I set my Mozart themed bungalow ablaze.
And as a dissonant crescendo jeered at the burning inferno, I turned to grab my turtles, but they had already left. 
Maybe they were dogs after all.
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glorioussteak1-blog · 5 years
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Mixer.com/GloriousSteak1 come watch me #play #stream some #fortnite on #Mixer #Microsoft #live #stream #gamer #handicap #handicapgamer #notVeryGood yup#chill #follow #retweet #share #RoadTo50Followers #GamingIsLife #SelfPromote @WatchMixer @MixerShares @WATCHmixerLIVE https://www.instagram.com/p/BtHN1A9Halj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wimtpwklr6nn
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But it was true that things were finally flowing again. Those who made their business in the shadows of Avalon's white spires had grown stagnant. But now that was changing, the swell of opportunity bringing with it uncertainty that he had not cast his mind on for a decade.
Slowly, he brought out a match box from his pocket, biting down on the cigarette as he unsuccessfully tried to strike a match. Rain dripped from a roof. He looked up to the night sky.
A bolt of pink light sliced in front of his face. He almost flinched up into it.
Smoke began to drift up from the cigarette.
'You were always one for showmanship.' He remarked, eyes adjusting back to the dark.
'Yuki wants to see you, we don't have time to dawdle.'
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inktober so far
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lovelypetboutique · 6 years
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#japan #tradition #traditions #culture #me #mitsudomoe #try #tokyo #video #igjapan #girlinjapan #traditionalmusic #oldmusic #notverygood #travel #travelblogger #traveller #travelling #travellingthroughtheworld #adidas #adidasstansmith (presso Shibuya, Tokyo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoOT5tkg-tu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mfxsamou6dli
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hillwench · 6 years
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I think I found our orca. #pnw #orca #paintersofinstagram #acrylicpainting #notverygood #artistsoninstagram #lifecycle #shootingstars (at Camano Island, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmejSukBClG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vjzoce9vabc5
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gigartdropshispants · 6 years
Haha. Well I tried to do a #quicksketch of #JohnLennon but couldn’t do it this round. So when all else fails I just #doodle all over and call it a #warmupsketch. Whatever. Will try him again later. #Peace. #sketch #sketchbook #handdrawn #dailydrawing #illustration #drawing #drawings #timelapse #pencilsketch #notverygood #wtf #thebeatles #gigart
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lotusfoxfire · 6 years
I really kinda with I could post “aesthetic” hipster pictures but i look fucking retarded and all I can do is draw and cook. so like.... Look at my food and art and shit 
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