#now annoying seeming people just sat down next to me god
natashaslesbian · 2 days
Another Mother | Part 3
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Scarlett helps you out when you start to get sick, she hopes you’re getting closer until your dad tells you he’s needed back at work. All you truly want is your mother, not Scarlett
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings/Content: Sickness, Throwing up, Medication, One hint of non sexual nudity, One swear word
You followed slowly behind your dad into the living room, finding Scarlett already settled on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. “Hey you two” Scarlett smiled, a little too friendly for your liking, despite your earlier bonding time. “Did you apologise?” The blonde asked Colin “yeah” your dad nodded. “Good, now let’s watch a film, what’s your pick y/n?” Scarlett said as she adjusted her position on the couch, hoping you would join her. She was slightly disappointed when you took a seat on the spare armchair beside the expensive looking couch, wiping at your suddenly stuffy nose “terminator 2” you said as you slumped down. “Oh one of my favs, nice pick” Scarlett said as Colin came and sat beside her. Your dad sighed as he got comfortable “guess I gotta get used to being outnumbered again” Colin smiled as he wrapped his arm around the blondes shoulders “looks like you girls are already ganging up on me” he joked. “We make a good team y/n” Scarlett smiled at you “we’re not a team” you coldly replied “just two people living under the same roof who happen to get on occasionally” you said with a croaky voice. You didn’t see it, but Scarlett smiled at your words. Even if it was only occasionally, she was happy to be getting on with you, it was a start.
Your eyes grew tired towards the end of the film, a small headache forming behind your eyes. The exhaustion due to your restless night soon lulled you into a comfortable doze. “I think someone’s ready for bed” Scarlett whispered when she saw your head slowly bobbing to the side. “Y/n, wakey wakey!” Your dad called, using that annoying voice which he thought was hilarious. Your brows furrowed as you shuffled slightly “Colin!” Scarlett groaned. “Sorry kiddo” he laughed “you tired? Why don’t you go take a nap before dinner?” He said. You sighed loudly as you sat up, rubbing at your sore eyes “no I’m good” you said. “You sure?” Colin asked worriedly, to which you nodded in response. “You do look a little pale y/n” Scarlett piped up. “God I’m fine! What do you care anyway?” You snapped as you stood from the chair, leaving heavy footsteps in the path of your exit. “Hey! What did I tell you about the attitude!” Your dad called after you. “Leave it honey, she doesn’t seem well” the blonde said, running her hand along Colin’s arm in what she hoped was a soothing manor. “She’s fine” he huffed.
You made it halfway up the stairs before a rough cough escaped your lungs, as if being home sick wasn’t enough, now you were getting actually sick. You finally made it to your bedroom, where you flopped down dramatically onto your bed. Being too tired to change, you rolled over into your stomach letting your heavy head hit the pillow. You slept through dinner, Colin left you to sleep when he came to check on you. You slept so deeply, it was morning the next time you opened your eyes. You whined as the morning sun hit your gaze, making your pounding headache ten times worse. You were slightly dazed, but still knew it was Monday, meaning you needed to get ready for school. You peeled back your duvet and began shivering despite the sweat running down your head. You somehow made it to the door quickly, ignoring the ache of your muscles in each step. When making your way to the bathroom, the haze behind your eyes caught up with you, sending you toppling down to your knees. The crash against the wall had your dad awake in seconds “y/n?” He said as he swung open his bedroom door.
You saw a hint of worry come over your dad as he ran towards you “are you alright kid?” He said as he began to help you up “god you’re boiling” he exclaimed, deciding it would be better to keep you sitting. An inquisitive blonde appeared in the doorway, also awoken by the noise “is everything alright?” She said. “You were right, I think she’s sick” Colin frowned as he held you in his arms. “M fine” you whined “gotta school go” you slurred. “No sweetie I don’t think you’re going to school today” your dad said “I…um…I’ll call them okay, and we’ll…we’ll get you feeling better in no time” he stuttered, slightly unsure of what to do “let’s get you back to bed” he said. “I think she needs a shower first” Scarlett said, still standing in the doorway. “What?” Colin said, looking up at her. The older woman came to rest the back of her hand on your forehead, you shuffled away when she came into contact with you, pulling a face of disgust. “She’s too warm, she needs a cold shower” the woman said. Colin’s face fell into shock “right…well uh” he mumbled. “I’ll do it” Scarlett said “if that’s okay with you” she asked as she placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, thrilled when you didn’t shrug her off. Your dad smiled at the offer from his fiancé “you go call her school” she smiled back “I don’t know the number” Colin said in defeat. “I’ll find it later” Scarlett said as she rolled her eyes.
You felt a pair of arms scooping you underneath your arms, gently lifting you away from the floor “ok sweetie, come on let’s get you in the shower” Scarlett said as she took on all of your weight. Being too dizzy to notice, you allowed yourself to be helped into the bathroom and deposited into the toilet lid. The running water caught your attention and you furiously rubbed at your eyes trying to regain your vision. “Hey try not to do that okay, you’ll make them sore” Scarlett said as she reached for your hands. “Leave me lone” you said as you saw a flash of blonde hair “don wan you” you grumbled. Scarlett was getting used to your standoffish attitude, so she didn’t take your words to heart. “I know you don’t y/n but you need a shower and I don’t think you can do it yourself right now” she said as she checked the temperature of the water. Satisfied that it was cool enough, Scarlett began peeling away the shirt stuck to your skin “we’ll keep your underwear on okay but I need to take your shorts off too” she said soothingly. Despite your best ideas, you allowed the blonde to help you stand and step out of your shorts as they pooled at your ankles. “‘S cold” you groaned as you stepped underneath the water. “I know sweetheart but we gotta cool you down” Scarlett said as she helped you to sit in the tub.
You whined as more of your skin came into contact with the cold water, Scarlett gently shushed you as she helped you to settle against the tiles. You didn’t put up much of a fight once your body was supported by the tiles and Scarlett took the opportunity to search for your schools phone number. Once she found it, the actress poked her head out of the bathroom door and called for her fiancé. “I got the schools number” she said as Colin climbed the last few steps. “Thank you baby, is she okay?” he asked as he typed the number into his own phone. “She’s only just got in but it should cool her down a bit. I’m guessing Marie used to take care of this kinda stuff?” Scarlett questioned. Colin smiled at the mention of his late wife “yeah she did” he said, reliving all the times you would be napping with your mother when you had a cold. “Why don’t you go make her some breakfast, she needs to eat before we give her some medicine” Scarlett said as she held Colin’s hand lovingly “okay yeah” your dad sighed as he ran back down the staircase, still in his panicked state at your sudden sickness.
Scarlett returned to the side of the bath and leant over to gauge your temperature, she was delighted when you felt much cooler than before. “Okay let’s get you out sweetie” she said as she reached for a fluffy towel. “No tired” you mumbled through the droplets of the water “thought you said it was too cold?” Scarlett smirked as she helped you to stand up again. “Don wan your help if you jus gon make fun of me” you argued, your anger a stark juxtaposition to the grip you had on her arms. “Sorry baby” Scarlett said, the nickname sliding off her tongue so naturally. You grimaced in annoyance at her affection but allowed her to help you back to your bedroom nonetheless. “Sit tight okay, I’ll grab you some fresh clothes” the blonde said as she sat you on your bed “I feel sick” you groaned as you wrapped your arms around your bubbling stomach. Scarlett took notice of your movements and hurried across the room to place your bin underneath your chin. On cue, the small contents of your stomach came out, it was mostly acid considering you hadn’t eaten in almost 15 hours. “Alright sweetie, it’s okay, let it all out” Scarlett cooed as she ran her hands along your back. You pulled back when you were done, avoiding the bin as you moved your head forwards to rest on the blondes frame. She placed the metal can back on the floor and gently soothed the skin of your arms. “I…I need to get dressed” you stuttered as you slowly pushed Scarlett away, feeling guilty for relying on her so heavily. “Do you want some help” Scarlett asked. “No, I can do it” you said as you pushed yourself to your feet and turned your back to the older woman, ending the conversation.
Scarlett waited just outside your door while you pulled your clothes back onto your cooler body. Colin came rising back up the stairs with a tray of fever friendly food. “Hey, she’s just getting dressed” the blonde said as she leaned over the tray to give her fiancé a kiss. “Okay hunny, thanks for looking after her” Colin said “I made her soup and a few slices of toast” he sighed as he held out the tray, wishing you could get better quickly, he hated to see you like this. “That should settle her stomach a bit, she threw up” Scarlett frowned, also hating to see you like this. “Oh god okay, I’ll see if I can get the rest of the week off work, I’m due back tomorrow” Colin said. He placed the tray on the hallway table and pulled out his phone to call his boss when a small whimper came from your bedroom. “Scarlett?” You called out “yeah sweetheart” the blonde replied leaning gently against the door. “I think I need some help getting dressed” you muttered “okay I’m coming in” Scarlett said as she picked up the tray of food for you “I got her” she nodded to your father. Scarlett couldn’t help the pitying whine that escaped her when she came back into your room. You were half sitting on the bed and half sitting on the floor, you’d managed to dress your lower half but when trying to put a loose sports bra over your head, you failed tremendously. The older woman kept her eyes above your shoulders as she helped to pull the bra over your chest, when you were covered she grabbed the large shirt she had laid out and helped you to slip into it. “Thank you” you whispered, “don’t mention it sweetie.
You climbed back into bed as Scarlett carried over the food your dad had prepared “‘M not hungry” you whined as she set it down on your lap. “You need to eat y/n, you’ll feel better I promise. And after your done we’ll get some medicine in you then you can sleep okay” Scarlett said, unconsciously leaning forward to brush away a loose strand of your hair. You continued to moan in disagreement but soon you had finished the whole meal, you felt a little bitter though you were definitely not going to tell Scarlett she was right. Your dad stopped by as you were finishing up, arms full of medication as he wasn’t sure which ones you needed. You and Scarlett both chuckled as his frantic state “give it here” she blonde rolled her eyes and reached for the basket. “How are you feeling pumpkin?” Colin asked as he rested a hand on your forehead “sleepy” you whispered “we’ll get you tucked in soon I promise” he cooed. Scarlett found what medicine you needed and helped you to swallow it, despite your unwillingness. She stood back as her fiancé helped to soothe you to sleep “get some sleep” Colin said as he switched off your overhead light, leaving you to rest. “I can’t get the week off” your dad sighed as he closed you bedroom door “they’re behind on scripts for the sketches I gotta go in” he sighed. “She’ll understand baby” Scarlett said as held Colin’s hand tightly “and I’ll be here to look after her” she said. “I know it’s just, her mom used to watch her when she was sick, or on school holidays, practically all the time cause I was at work. I thought I would finally have a chance to be there for her” Colin frowned. “She knows that you love her CJ, and she knows that you’re always gonna be there for her, wherever you are” the blonde said as she brushed his cheeks in her hands. “Come on, I think we have time for our own breakfast while she sleeps” Scarlett smiled as she lead her fiancé back down to the living room.
The pair kept a close eye on you for the rest of the day, although you slept for most of it. Despite your sickness, Scarlett and Colin used this time to spend together, basking in each other’s comfort. You were awake now and enjoying a sit com in the silence of your room. The medicine was beginning to ware off and you felt the same bubbling in your stomach return from earlier. Colin shot up from his desk when he heard the retching coming from upstairs, he jumped into action as he ran up to you followed by Scarlett. The door swung open to reveal you with your head over the bin once again “oh pumpkin” your dad cooed. “Daddy” you whined as she came to your side. The blonde also appeared behind you, pulling your hair into a loose ponytail to avoid it getting in the way. Colin nodded in thanks to his partner as he gently stroked your back “it’s alright kiddo” he soothed. When you were done, you leaned back against your dad in defeat. He didn’t waste a second as he scooped you up into his arm, bringing you back to your bed. You saw the look in his eyes, the one that meant he had something to tell you “you have to go to work tomorrow don’t you?” You quietly asked. “Yeah baby, I’m so sorry there’s nothing I can do” Colin said as he reached around your shoulders to hold you against himself. “Scarlett will be here though, she can look after you okay?” He said. You drew your gaze to the blonde standing at the foot of your bed. You wished your dad could be with you, the comfort of your mother was absent and now so would your father’s, Scarlett was the last person you wanted around right now. “Okay” you sighed in defeat. You supposed it could’ve been worse, and Scarlett had helped you out today. Whether or not you wanted to admit it.
You soon fell back asleep in your fathers arms, feeling comforted by his presence. You didn’t join him and Scarlett for dinner, your stomach not being able to hold anything. Nightfall soon came and you resorted to having a movie marathon having slept so much already. You were feeling worse than ever as you couldn’t take any of the medication on an empty stomach, but you just couldn’t keep anything down, your tummy was constantly aching. It was around three am when you couldn’t hold back from stumbling over to the bin again. You had no concept of time and the world was going around in a blur. “Y/n?” You heard as you gently turned your head to the footsteps closing in. “Oh pumpkin” Colin sighed as he came to your side. “Dad” you whined as you leaned into him “what time is it?” You asked. “About 3” your father said. You glanced towards your window, seeing no light leaking through “am?” You said feeling guilty for waking him. “Go back to sleep daddy, you have work today” you said as you toyed with his necklace. “It’s okay baby don’t worry about me” Colin said as he too your face into his hands. “You’re gonna be tired” you frowned, your vision blurring slightly. “No, no sweetie it’s okay” your dad said as he helped you to stand.
“Come on let’s get you back to bed” Colin said as he supported your weight on the short walk back to your mattress. “I wanna go home” you said as water crept up behind your eyes. “You are home kiddo” your dad sighed as he began to tuck you back into bed. “I’ll never be home again, not without mom” you cried, thinking about your moms soft hands gently flowing through your long hair. “Pumpkin, you gotta let her go” Colin whispered. “What like you did” you snapped, sitting up with a sudden burst of energy. “You just let her go, moved on and forgot about her. You sold her house, drove in some new bimbo to replace her and just let her go!” You shouted, tears now streaming down your face. “Y/n” your dad sighed “it’s not heathy to keep holding on, she would want you to-“ he continued before you cut him off “don’t you dare say she’d want me to move on” you sobbed. Colin sat back in defeat as you flipped back down into bed, turning your back to him and pulling your stuffed bear close to your face. “Y/n” he whispered “just go dad. You’ve got work in a few hours. I’m not gonna be the reason you get fired for falling asleep at your desk” you muttered under your breath, shaking due to your small outburst and probably your once again rising temperature. “Scarlett’s here if you need anything” Colin said coldly as he headed off back to bed for a few extra hours. “Like fuck” you cursed.
A/N: Series Masterlist here<3
- Astara Bell
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @nevaeh-daughterofvalcarol / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904 / @strange-night-owl / @kkreader78o / @hatergirl-69 / @asv-xx
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youwerelikeanangel · 1 year
anxiety days at the library are soooo fun
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auroralwriting · 3 months
jealousy, jealousy
bucky barnes x avenger!reader (no use of y/n)
bucky hates when his girl has to flirt with the enemy
word count: 1.5k | warnings: none
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The whole idea of it was absolutely, utterly stupid.
Zemo was obsessed with you, that much was obvious when he couldn't leave your name out of his mouth during the whole Sokovia Accords issue. Now, he was up to no good once more after escaping prison, leaving the Avengers no choice but to find out what he was up to.
The only problem? He refused to speak. Well, he refused to speak unless it was with you.
Bucky felt rage creep up his whole body when Steve explained what you had to do. You had to actually pretend to be interested in every single word Zemo said, meaning even if he flirted, you had to just take it. Apparently, this genius idea was Tony's, and the rest of the team had agreed to it, meaning Bucky's opinion was next to worthless, especially when you already agreed.
He trusted you with every ounce of his being, and he knew you wouldn't do it if you couldn't handle it, but he hate the fact that Zemo was probably going to flirt your ear off. You were Bucky's girl, his doll, his special girl, his everything, not Zemo's.
Nonetheless, Bucly had to hold his tongue and silently nod as Steve explained.
"What're you thinking, Buck?" Steve asked, noticing Bucky's silent deminor.
"I'm thinking about how many ways I could murder Zemo," Bucky commented, eyes darkening.
Steve sighed, placing a hand on Bucky's shoulder, "Bucky, she said she could do this."
"It's not her I don't trust, Steve. Imagine your girl getting hit on and you couldn't do jack shit to stop it. How would you feel then?" Bucky seethed, taking a deep breath in. "Sorry, that was hostile."
With a shake of his head, Steve's eyebrows furrowed. "I understand, Bucky. But we have to get to the bottom of Zemo's plan, and he won't talk unless its to her."
The whole team sat in silence, now gathered in the meeting room. The only noise was the whirl of the fan above their heads as they watched the live footage of you standing in front of Zemo's cell.
"Zemo," You said, crossing your arms. "Being stubborn as always, I hear."
A crooked smile formed on the man's face as he leaned his head on the bars, as close to you as he could get. "Darling, I just did not wish to speak to such insolent people such as the Avengers," Zemo scowled as he spoke. "But a dove as sweet as you? How could I pass?"
Bucky felt his fists clench tightly as he watched the interaction. God, he just wanted to deck this guy straight in the nose. Ever since the Sokovian first went on the run, he always seemed to make some time mid-battle to try and make some small talk with you. It annoyed not only Bucky, but everyone. No one talks that much during a fight. However, now that he was captured, it was the perfect time to use his infatuation of you to the team's advantage.
"Tell me, what do you have planned with those," You paused, grabbing your file and flipping through the loose pages, "Ah, 'weapons of double mass extinction' as you so delicately put it."
Zemo laughed, "Extinction is not my end goal if that is what you are asking my dove."
"It wasn't," You added as Zemo continued.
"However, I am just so excited to reveal what they will be used for." He smiled. Your brow shot up, waiting for his answer. "But seeing it will be the best reveal of all."
Sam sighed, watching this all carry on from where the team was still sat. "He's just gonna play games with her."
"She's smarter than you'd think, give her a chance." Natasha said, "I'd know, I trained her."
Tony stood up, "I don't like this, I'm ending it."
Bucky held up his hand, nodding. "For once, I gotta agree with Stark. I want my girl out of his sight."
Quickly, Steve stood up, "This is our only chance to find out what Zemo has planned. He won't lay a finger on her. Is it uncomfortable? Of course it is, none of us enjoy watching him flirt with her, but it'll work." Tony sat down as Bucky grumbled, all eyes falling back to the screen that showed you now closer to Zemo's bars.
"Would your wife really enjoy knowing you're flirting with me?" You slightly taunted, wanting to push his buttons.
"My wife is dead, but you already know of this." Zemo replied.
With a knowing nod, you pursed your lips, "She was Sokovian too, yeah?"
"We were all from Sokovia, my wife and son, as well as myself." Zemo answered.
"Born and raised?" You continued. Zemo gave a nod as you thought for a moment with a hum, "Were you there when Ultron attacked?"
Zemo nodded, "Yes. That is when my family was murdered."
"I'm sorry," You honestly replied. "Does it still bother you? Not your dead family, but the Sokovia thing. You know, the floating?"
A quick glance of the situation, and it would've looked like you were now just chatting with the enemy, but you held down a smirk as Zemo replied. "Of course I am. That was my home."
"New York could be your home now," You offered. "Turn yourself in and we can get you transferred here."
Zemo laughed, "I would not wish to be here after what will happen."
Boom. You looked up to the camera, "You all got that?" You asked the camera, knowing your team was watching. You grabbed your file, standing up. "Thank you for your time, Zemo. This was very informative." You grabbed your comm and pushed it down, "Stand-by. Send Stark-Bots to check perimeters of the state. Zemo's planning on making us levitate like Sokovia."
Face pale, Zemo stood up, yelling incoherent words that fell upon your deaf ears as you left the room. Bucky, who had seen it all, was already waiting for you outside. He was quick to grab you and hold you tight to his chest.
"I'm okay, Buck," You smiled, voice muffled from your face being pushed against his strong body.
Bucky shook his head, "I know, I just don't want you near that freak again."
You couldn't help but laugh at his words as you pulled away enough to give him a kiss. "You jealous of Zemo?"
"You played into it," Bucky muttered.
"It was all fake, love." You replied. "You know I'm your girl."
Bucky couldn't help but smirk, "Damn right you are." He turned to the door that lead to Zemo's cell. "You hear that? She's my damn girl!"
You couldn't help but feel your heart thump at Bucky's words. He was always so damn hot when he was jealous. "C'mon, show your girl how much you love her." You teased, Bucky's eyes falling on you once more. He was quick to grab your waist with his metal arm, pulling you in as his other hand rested on the back of your neck, pushing your face against his as his lips locked with yours, a tight, sloppy kiss ensuing in the middle of the hall.
"I'm never letting you do that again." Bucky muttered, pulling away to speak. His breath was hot on your cheek as he spoke. He pulled you into another wet kiss as a soft ahem came from behind you both.
"This is not a room, but I'm sure your horny asses could find one."
Bucky groaned as he turned around, "Do you have to ruin every moment?" He asked Sam who stood smugly.
He put his hands in the air, "I just wanted to congratulate Nat's best student on her great work. Especially the one where she made her soldier get all jealous"
"Thank you, Sam," You smiled, a light blush on your face.
Bucky took a pen out of his pocket and threw it at Sam, "Get outta here, man!"
"Alright, alright! No need for hostility." Sam defended as he walked away.
As Sam left, you gave a knowing smile at Bucky. "So jealous over my mission, huh?"
Bucky scoffed, feeling embarrassment creep in his chest, "I wasn't jealous."
"I think you were," You argued. "Over Zemo of all peopke."
"Only I can talk to you that way," Bucky said, voice nearly a whine. "You're all mine, not his or anyone else's, and he knows it."
You smiled, giving Bucky a kiss on the cheek, "And that's probably why he loves doing it so much. You know he's got a thing against super soldiers. He's gonna do anything to get under your skin."
"And he chose the worst way to do it," Bucky muttered as you pressed a soft kiss on his lips.
Bucky looked at you with a goofy smile, pulling back. "C'mon, doll. We still got some work to do cleaning up Zemo's mess."
"Someone's feeling better," You teased as you both began to walk. "You'd better show me some more of that jealousy later," You suggested.
"Oh, I will," Bucky smiled. "You bet your fine ass I will."
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0097linersb · 28 days
Kisses to My Exes (m)
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Pairings: Yunho x Reader
Genre: Smut, PWP
Word Count: 2k~
Warnings: It´s a smut so +18 MDNI.
I sat down and wrote this in 20 minutes and never looked at it again, I´m not responsible for anything under the read more button.
Follow me on twitter pleaseeee: wooyosgfreal <3
You should have let Mingi sleep on the floor.
You should have slept on the floor.
Anything but this.
Jeong Yunho was snoring next to you, his arm slightly touching yours because the bed just had to be minuscule. They were right earlier, Mingi would not fit next to Yunho, hence why you had to give him the cabin´s couch. Thinking back on it now, you could have asked to share the bed with Mingi instead of going through this and the realization made you groan louder than you planned to - but Yunho didn´t seem to be bothered by it, deep in his slumber state.
You should not have downed all that wine.
You were restless, tossing and turning in bed for hours, eyes glued to the dark ceiling and huffing in annoyance at yourself. You know how wine gets you, and you still went there and drank a whole bottle of it with your friends at their cabin. Of course you didn´t think about how you´d have to come back to your own cabin later with your ex-boyfriend  - out of all people - and his best friend. Now there you were, horny enough to climb the walls and nothing you could do about it.
Every option already crossed your mind: Locking yourself in the bathroom? With the two of them right outside? Ew, cringe. Taking a shower? The noise would wake them up, even worse than the first idea. Just going to sleep? Well, that´s what you´ve been trying to do for the past hour, but the throbbing in between your legs was not allowing you to.
The covers were too hot but when you took them off, the room was too cold, your pillow was too thin and the tags on your shirt were bugging you. Everything was wrong and you just wanted to scream in frustration –
“Will you quit moving?” Yunho´s deep sleepy voice made you jump in surprise, immediately turning your face to look at him. He didn´t even open his eyes, but you could see by his facial expression that he was annoyed.
The two of you didn´t exactly break up in good terms; actually, you could bet this was the first time he spoke to you alone since then. You don´t hate him - even though you´re the one who broke things off - and you guess he doesn´t hate you either. He is mad at you, though. Has been for the past five months.
“Did I wake you up?”
“You´re practically dancing in bed, what do you think?” He groaned, finally opening his eyes to look at you – and boy did they look angry.
Yunho sighed deeply before closing his eyes and trying to go back to sleep. You genuinely felt bad for waking him up so you did your best to stay as still as possible, but the motionless position apparently made the throbbing more evident and it was starting to ache. You squeezed your thighs together to try and relieve some of the pain, noticing how Yunho´s breathing was deeper once again. He always fell asleep so easily, it amazed you, truly.
After what felt like hours – but were probably 15 minutes - you allowed yourself to move again, trying to find a more comfortable position, anything that would get you to fucking sleep.
“Y/N, I swear to God,” The deep voice surprised you once again, raspy from just waking up.
“I´m sorry,” Your voice on the other hand was small in shame, you truly didn´t mean to bother him, you were just so uncomfortable.
With another sigh, you heard Yunho shifting in bed until he was spooning you, his chest pressing against your back so casually, “If I help you out, will you let me sleep?”
“Help me out?” You practically stuttered, gob smacked by the sudden touch and the question.
“Y/N, we dated for almost 3 years. I know when you´re horny.”
“I´m tired so don´t expect too much.”
You didn´t know what else to say besides a weak “Ok.”
You held your breath as Yunho´s hand expertly snaked its way down your sleep shorts and into your panties, a moan of relief slipping past your lips once his fingers traced your slit for the first time. The hot air from his lazy chuckle hit the back of your neck once he felt how wet you were, his pads continuing to trace your slit back and forth to spread it all around.
This didn´t have to be weird considering his fingers had already been inside of you many times before – and Yunho had such nice fingers, so long and slender, so clean and delicate, so beautiful. The thought alone had you clenching around nothing, bucking your hips against said fingers so he´d do something.
Yunho followed through with his words of not doing anything fancy, not bothering with teasing you or toying with you like he used to in the past. It was clear that his sole goal was to get you off as fast as possible so he could go back to sleep, and when the wet pad of his middle finger found your clit, drawing small circles against it, you were sure his wish would become true sooner than later.
As expected from someone who had been fucking you daily for the past years, Yunho immediately noticed how you were having a hard time trying to keep your moans in, his free hand instinctively finding your mouth and forcing two of his fingers inside to keep you quiet. He had to shut his eyes at the feeling of you moaning around his fingers because God, he missed your mouth. Another thing that was driving him insane, was the way you kept grinding your hips against his fingers chasing your high, therefore, rubbing your ass against his cock on accident every other second – He had to bite his bottom lip so you wouldn´t hear him groan.
When Yunho felt you were getting more agitated against him, he slipped a finger into you - and not even the way he pressed your tongue down kept your moan inside. Yes you broke up with him, and yes you´d never admit it, but no man would ever compare to Yunho. His fingers just reached places no one could ever, and he truly knew you inside out.
You could feel all of his knuckles rubbing against your walls, pumping into you slowly a few times before adding another finger, curling them so he could find the spots that got you clenching around him – which again, took zero to no effort.
“Already?” He chuckled darkly, noticing how you were already digging your nails into the pillow in desperation.
Since you couldn´t speak, you simply nodded, bucking your hips against his fingers because it just felt so good. In the middle of the woods, in that quiet cabin, you could hear so clearly the sound of his fingers pumping into you, in and out.
“It must be sad, huh? Not having me to fuck you anymore,” His voice sounded so raw and rough.
You moaned at his words, feeling close to the edge in record time. He was right, it was devastating.
“Bet you miss my cock every day,” His lips were slightly touching your neck as he spoke and it was driving you insane, especially with the way he sped up his fingers. “And I´m sure you imagine it´s me every time someone else is fucking you.”
Once again, he was right, but he didn´t need to know that.
Yunho´s fingers left your mouth once you didn´t answer, finding its new home around your throat, choking you hard enough to cut out your blood flow but not enough that you couldn´t breathe or talk, holding you close against him. Some animalistic part of him saying you were still his. Your hands clawed at his arm and you pressed your face against your pillow so you wouldn´t wake up Mingi as his best friend fucked you open with his fingers.
“Yunho,” You moaned, warning you were close.
“I know. You´re squeezing me so tight I can barely move my fingers.”
He removed his fingers then, leaving you empty for a second before the pads of his fingers were rubbing your clit once again, trying to tip you over the edge faster, applying the right amount of pressure as he drew fast eights against you. Your body was already stiff, preparing for the wave that was about to hit, the sensation quickly growing inside of you.
Yunho felt so big behind you, his groans sounded so hot against your ear and you realized you missed this, you missed him. You held onto his wrist for dear life and closed your eyes, paying attention to each drag of his skin against your sensitive walls, and the second he tightened his hold against your throat, you let it crash down.
Your body shook violently as pleasure took over your whole body, slowly reaching every edge of you. Yunho was quick to cover your mouth with his hand, your moans muffled by his palm as he continued his ministrations, watching you crumble down in his hold. He continued until your eyes were open once again, your breathing labored but stable, your body spasming in aftershocks. He continued feeling you until you were whining over being too sensitive, until you were pushing his hand that was covering your mouth away.
As you tried to come down, you felt Yunho fixing your panties back in place, turning to look at him when he retrieved his hand, watching how he sucked his fingers clean unceremoniously. You were in awe. You wish only love and mind-blowing sex were enough to hold a relationship.
“Thank you,” You managed to breathe out after a minute of silence. When he didn´t answer, you motioned with your head towards his sweatpants, “Want some help too?”
You could see how hard he was, and not only that, but you could feel his cock throbbing against your ass the whole time he was fingering you. The way he kept unconsciously grinding into you is probably one of the reasons you came so fast.
“I´m good. Let me sleep now,” And with that, he simply turned around, giving you his back. “Goodnight.”
Oh, he was really mad at you.
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limethefirst · 2 months
Void Runners Pt.2
pairings: Deadpool x Wolverine x teen!reader
warnings: contains heavy spoilers for Deadpool and Wolverine, swearing, crude humor, Deadpool
summary: After escaping Cassandra's lair you find yourself tagging along with Deadpool and Wolverine in hopes of saving their universe as well as getting out of the void
Part 1
a/n: Ask and you shall receive! This is a continuation of Void Runners since people seemed to really enjoy it! I hope it lives up to what you guys were expecting, I was thinking of ways to involve the reader a bit more! Request are open
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You had no idea what was happening. One moment you were watching as Cassandra was about to let the giant monster known as Alioth eat you, the next you were being squished by Deadpool on some type of rocket soaring through the sky escaping the close clutches of death itself.
There wasn't much time to process anything because you were already about to crash, and were flung straight into the hard, dusty ground you've come to know as the Void.
A groan escaped you lips as you sat up, looking towards your new companion's, Deadpool and Wolverine; noticing how Deadpool was on top of him, your brows raised a bit.
"What cha' thinking 'bout?" Deadpool asked him, his voice laced with an innocent tone.
Logan wasn't fond of this at all, "Get the fuck off of me," he said, almost growling at the man.
"Shh shh, almost done"
"Almost done what?!" he look up at Deadpool, concerned about what he meant by that.
Deadpool now changed his tone to a more annoyed one, "Getting my knife out of your buttock, you pervert! Get your bind out of my pants!" Both men were now getting up, "I'm telling Blake!"
Deadpool looked over to you and grabbed your arm pulling you up next to him. Then he gave you a silly thumbs up, which you didn't understand why but just gave him a smile in return as a thank you for the gesture.
"New rule!" Logan began again, "I talk now" this time he looked at you as well.
"I haven't even said anything?!" You looked at him confused. Throwing your arms up a bit, and looking at Deadpool as well.
"Hush little one, Papa is talking right now" Deadpool looked over to you, holding up one finger to signal you to be quiet as he talked to Logan. You threw your arms up again now looking at Logan as he groaned at whatever was going on, obviously exhausted.
"Shut the fuck up!" Logan had now turned around, "Let me fucking think, we gotta get back to paradox right? Right?"
"Am I allowed to speak now?" Deadpool asked him sarcastically, you could tell he was smiling.
"Just nod asshole" Logan was fed up at this point.
Deadpool gave in and gave Logan a slight up and down, letting his buddy say what he needed to. Logan then looked at you as if something in his brain clicked.
"Johnny said something about others before you got him killed!"
"Poor kid? He was like fifty!" Deadpool shoots back, insulted by the comment.
Logan looked back at you, "You've been here longer then any of us have, do you know where we can find these guys?"
You hesitated before speaking to him, "I have an idea," you said, Logan looked back at Deadpool and nodded.
"You're gonna help us find them and get us out of here," Logan told you. He wasn't willing to listen to any protest, but you didn't care to argue, this was your chance at escape and by God you were gonna take it.
"Alright, I'll do my best then." You nodded at him, jumping on the bandwagon of opportunity.
"Oh I knew it was a good idea to bring you along sugar sprinkles!" Deadpool said as he patted your back, which honestly felt more like a hard slap, that lightly pushed you forward.
"You better fix my shit like you fucking promised," Logan pointed his finger at Deadpool's chest as you stepped to the side, look straight ahead noticing something in the distance.
"I smell a quest!"
"I smell food,"
This caused both men to look at what you were looking at.
A little restaurant not to far from here.
Logan was turning the place upside, you were unsure what he was looking for as he'd already found you guys some unopened spam to eat.
Deadpool finally had his mask off and you noticed what he looked like without it, you couldn't help but feel bad for him, even with the way he is, something tragic must have happened for his face to be all scarred the way it was.
"So what made you finally wear an honest to God costume?" He asked in between bites, "Mines red so they can't see me bleed." This time he turned to you and gave you a strange smile as he took yet another bite. "I can see how yellow can be useful too!"
Logan turned around and stared him down, "Have you been checked for ADHD?"
"Nu uh," Deadpool answered, mouth full with a big smile.
"You should," This time you answered as you finally tried the spam, it wasn't too bad for God knows how old it could've been.
You could hear a chuckle come from Logan as he continued his search.
"Though I've had several STD's, probably caused by ADHD" Deadpool told you guys.
You just rolled your eyes at him, wondering where he gets these ideas from. You guys both sat there longer watching Logan. Deadpool sat on one side of the booth, you sat on the edge of the table a bit, and Logan was still searching.
"What are you even looking for?" You asked the bigger man, curious what was making him more frustrated then the red masked fellow next to you.
All you heard was a mumble before you saw him grab a bottle of rubbing alcohol.
"No no no no no, that's rubbing alcohol, you don't want to-" Before he could even finish his sentence Logan had already chugged most of it down, you turned a bit to him and sat yourself next to Deadpool watching Logan come towards the table, "Oh yup there you go, there you go, fuck that liver."
"Don't come to me when you need a liver transplant," Deadpool gave an amused snuff at your comment and turned back to the big fellow.
"What the fuck are those?" Logan was looking at, staples in Deadpool's head? You turned to look at it and you stared a little too hard that you could see the little strands of most likely fake hair pinched in between it.
"Oh, back in civilian life I wore a toupee, but nobody knows," Deadpool gave a little smile as he looked at you guys, touching his phantom hair.
Both you and Logan began to laugh a little at this, "They fucking know" you told him.
Logan joined in on the teasing, "Everybody knows," Logan gave you a smile, being glad someone else is there to help him tease the annoying red suited vigilante.
"Wanna talk about what's haunting you, or are we gonna wait for a third act flashback?"
"Ughh go fuck yourself," this was all it took for Logan to go back to the bar stools as he sat there, drinking his rubbing alcohol.
You gave Deadpool and annoyed look at elbowed him a bit, trying to get him to lay off the man a bit; it seemed to get through to him, as he rolled his eyes and began to talk again, "In my world, you're uh, well regarded."
"Not in mine," Logan didn't look back, he just took another sip.
"Well they don't like me much in my world," Deadpool said trying to lighten the mood.
"We couldn't tell.." You told him, as you stood up and threw away your empty spam cup.
"I wanted to be something, you know? Shit, I wanted to be an Avenger!"
"Fuck the Avengers,"
"I didn't make the cut though, same with the X-men," Deadpool paused, picking his next words wisely. "My girlfriend left me,"
"You had a girlfriend?" Logan asked, with genuine curiosity.
"Yea, Vanessa, when we met she was a dancer, made a whole life, it was good, but oh boy I just, uh"
You stood by the trash, leaning against the wall, not wanting to intrude on their moment.
"But fuck, you were an X-men, fuck that you were the X-man. You, uh the Wolverine, you were a hero in my world."
"Yea well, he ain't shit in mine." Logan finished his drink, if that's what you could even call it.
Deadpool turned to you, as if asking you to say something too. You let out a bit of a sigh before speaking.
"You saved me in my world."
Logan turned his head a little bit, and Deadpool gave you a somber look, unlike his normal self.
"I was in an accident, but I saw this man with metal claws, he helped me, he got me out." You closed your eyes and breathed.
"It inspired me to become who I am today, every Wolverine, is a hero in every universe, no matter what." You looked up at the both of them, "Well it's what I think at least. I didn't recognize you at first, but when I heard your name, I knew who you were, even if you aren't from my universe."
Logan looked back down at his empty hands, he began to think. The silence was killing you. Deadpool could tell and so he went back to his normal demeanor. "Alright sugar tits," Deadpool looks at Logan, "Time to go!"
It was time to continue your adventure in finding the people who would help you escape this place.
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sam24 · 9 months
Man on a Mission
Summary: Apparently, someone called Bucky's girl a whore. He has now made it his life's mission to find out who.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Bucky sat at the kitchen island, eyes narrowed, leg bouncing, and the same scene from last night replaying in his head.
Bucky drew random patterns on your bare shoulder, his nose buried into your hair. You were being quieter than usual, but he knew you were awake as he could feel your hands fidgeting.
He didn’t want to press you to tell him about it, so he settled on making you feel as loved as possible, pressing kisses into your hair.
Suddenly, you broke the silence, taking Bucky by surprise.
“Buck . . . do you think I’m a whore?”
“Wha-” Bucky lifted his head immediately, trying to look at you. But you hid your face in your hands, turning away from him.
“God don’t look at me. Fuck, this is so embarrassing,” You groaned into your hands. “Forget I said that.”
“No, honey, look at me please,” Bucky gently pulled your hands down, cradling your face. “Who called you that?”
“No, no, no one,” You shook your head frantically. “I’m sorry, just forget I said anything. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“No, sweetheart, who- okay we’ll get back to that later. But you are not a whore, okay? No woman deserves to be called that in the first place. Who-”
“No, no one. I was just . . . I just randomly thought of it.”
Bucky wasn’t convinced, but he let it slide.
For now.
“Well, I don’t want you thinking these things about yourself.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Okay?”
You nodded, seeming relieved and a little surprised that he dropped it that easily.
It was now the next morning, and you were at the gym with Natasha, which gave Bucky the perfect opportunity to figure out who to murder.
Steve walked into the kitchen with Sam trailing behind.
“Morning Buck.” Steve greeted. His head stuck into the fridge, trying to look past the shit ton amount of edible cookie dough you had made a couple days earlier.
“How come you didn’t come run with us, you lazy fat ass.” Sam teased, leaning on the island.
“Didn’t feel like it.” Bucky narrowed his eyes.
Suspect 1: Sam Wilson, The Most Annoying Bird Alive
Sam had a tendency to poke fun at people, but some might not take it as well as others. For example, when a barista burst out in tears last week when Sam joked about her being “all over the place” with all the orders coming in. (He came in with flowers the next day)
Bucky wondered if Sam had said something that was supposed to be funny, but you didn’t think it was and got upset.
A part of Bucky wanted to settle on Sam so he had an excuse to beat him up, but the more rational side of him realized that you had gone on one too many missions with him to think he was being serious about anything he said.
Tony then came in, holding a bunch of empty coffee mugs in his hand, practically throwing them into the sink.
“Bruce said my mugs were ‘taking up too much room’ in the lab,” Tony rolled his eyes. “Well why doesn’t he try being the goddamn genius backbone of this team.”
Bucky stared at him intently.
Suspect 2: Tony Stark, The Dick Who Can’t Set His Metal Rock Music Lower Than 98
Tony had a tendency to snap easily, especially when he was low on sleep (which was basically all the time). Everyone usually steered clear of Tony when he was moody, because he would most definitely say the meanest things, but not really mean any of it.
Bucky tried to think if it was logical that Tony would snap at you and say something. However, he came to the conclusion that even if Tony had said something, you had known him for too long to take his sleep-deprived words to heart.
“What are you looking at, Winter Schnitzel?” Tony challenged, noticing Bucky staring at him.
“Nothing.” Bucky replied, his stare shifting over to his best friend, who was grinning in amusement, but still trying to find something to eat that wouldn’t give him diabetes.
Suspect 3: Steve Rog-
Bucky stopped himself, almost laughing at himself for thinking Steve would ever call a woman a whore.
Even though you always kept the fridge full of random items you would make, Steve would never say a single bad thing about you.
For now, Bucky was stuck.
6 hours later, and Bucky was still stuck.
You and Peter were out (God knows where), which was another perfect chance for Bucky to think.
But the problem was he couldn’t think of anyone.
Everyone in the compound adored you, so Bucky couldn’t figure out who the hell would deliberately say something to make you upset.
He dragged his shoes across the floor, cursing Steve in his head for making him go on a “stroll” because he apparently looked “pent-up”.
There was no way in hell Bucky would walk around outside, so he opted to take a walk inside, using Mother Steve’s demand to his advantage to scout out potential targets.
He halfheartedly glanced around the floor, stopping when his gaze landed on you.
He immediately grinned, not caring about the fact he probably looked crazy, and started his way over to where you were.
You were talking to someone with a bag in your hand. Bucky remembered you saying something about picking up a dress from the store for your friend. Peter was next to you, and for some reason, puffing his chest out?
But, as Bucky got closer, he realized you were talking to Jacob, the little dickwad who couldn’t take no for an answer,
“How many times do I have to tell you? Get out of my way. I’m trying to get this to someone.” Bucky heard you snap, tuning in with his enhanced hearing.
Bucky stopped, trying to assess the situation and figure out if you would appreciate him stepping in or not.
He knew you didn’t need anyone to stand up for you, but his overprotective side rippled through his body, his jaw clenching and fists balling.
“Baby, stop acting- “Jacob was cut off with a sharp slap.
The little bastard was taken by complete shock.
Meanwhile, Peter was still trying to look as intimidating as possible.
“Jacob, what the hell is your problem? I’ve told you to leave me alone more times than I can count. How fucking thick is your skull?”
Jacob was about to reply, with probably something bitchy, but he caught sight of Bucky in the corner with the most murderous glare and stopped himself.
He instead looked down and stepped to the side, giving you and Peter room to go.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Beat it.” Peter growled in the most non-threatening way possible as you two left, giving Bucky the perfect chance to slide in before Jacob could hightail out of there.
“Barnes.” Jacob greeted, clearing his throat.
“Callaway.” Bucky’s blood boiled at how differently he treated other men than how he treated women. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you to respect a lady?”
Before Jacob could reply, his equally dumb friend, Brody, walked past the two men.
“Damn, Jake. Barnes finally here to beat you up for calling his girl a whore?”
Bucky and Jacob both stared at Brody.
Jacob looked sickly pale, and Bucky looked calmly terrifying. Clear sign he was fucking enraged.
“Oh shit-” Brody finally put the pieces together, practically sprinting away.
Bucky turned back to face a petrified looking Jacob.
“So,” Bucky reached out, fixing Jacob’s tie and smoothing down his collar. “It was you, huh?”
Jacob tensed under Bucky’s touch.
“Chill pal, I just wanna talk.”
A bruised cheek, wet underwear, and hurt ego later, Jacob’s talk with Bucky was over.
Bucky threw his feet up on the ottoman, but not before telling Friday to make sure Jacob was apologizing to you, as instructed by Bucky himself.
He patiently waited for you on the couch, a wide grin appearing on his face as you walked in and cuddled up next to Bucky, but not without pressing a kiss to his lips first.
Halfway through the movie, you turned to look at Bucky.
“Thank you,” You smiled.
“For what, doll?”
You turned back to face the movie, a smile playing at your lips. “C’mon. I know that was you. He would never apologize on his own will.”
Bucky laughed, turning you around once again to pepper kisses all over your face.
“I love you, my little smartass.”
“I love you too, pops.”
Mission accomplished.
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stuniolvs · 8 months
keep you safe ~ m.s.
in which matt snaps at you because he is having anxiety before a show.
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(please leave requests!)
matt had begged you to go on his second tour with him. you two were a fresh couple during the last one and he absolutely hated it.
he just missed you like hell and didn’t want to do that again. so you agreed to go on this one with him.
it’s currently the second show and you loved going to the first one with him so you were excited about this.
you guys had been driving for most of the day before stopping the tour bus at the hotel then checking in and dropping off all our stuff then driving back to the venue. now just waiting in the tour bus until the triplets needed to go in.
you had noticed that matt seemed a bit off but you just figured it was because he didn’t get good sleep last night.
“hey baby are you excited?” you ask matt who was watching tv. “mhm” he sighs not breaking his gaze from the tv.
you entered the venue with various security guards around you and the triplets.
meanwhile matt was biting his nails feeling extremely stressed and anxious. he felt sweat prick at his hairline. he started doing some deep breathing as he entered his green room type of area to get ready.
you quietly sat on the floor backstage wanting to leave matt and his brothers alone to get ready.
nick entered the room first wearing a purple shirt and some jorts. “looking good nick!” you compliment “thanks babe, i gotta go check with the sound people so ill be back soon” you nod.
then matt enters backstage. he’s wearing a blue tshirt and jeans, simple, yet he still looks so pretty. “hey baby, you look g-“ “shut the fuck up! god you’re being so annoying!” he shouts quickly storming out.
matt felt panic rise in his throat.
shit. shit. shit.
he felt himself start to sweat as he’s breathing restricted. he tried to take deep breaths but they’d just get caught in his throat.
“matt?” you shout down the long hallway knowing something was up with him.
“i-i-i” he tries to yell but it comes out barley a whisper. luckily you heard him in their because it was fairly quit in the hallway cause nobody went down it unless they had to use the restroom.
you quietly open the door and the second you see him your heart tugs. he’s sitting on the ground with tears running down his face, sweating, and trying to breath.
“hey, hey, matty.” you slide down next to him. you pick up his hand and place it on your chest covered with a blue shirt. matt looks up at you with glossy eyes. you take deep breaths as matt try’s to follow “so sorry” he mutters three times through strangled breaths. “matt it’s okay” you cup his face and pull him into a kiss.
he quickly kisses back, putting his shaky hands on your waist.
after a couple minutes you pull back.
you speak before he gets the chance to, “matt what’s wrong?”
“i-i don't know.” he mutters “i-im so sorry baby, i d-dont know what’s wrong. i don't feel good.”
“its okay matty. i love you and if something is wrong, even if you don't know what it is, please tell me and i can help."
he takes a deep breath“i love you more and i promise i will.” he sighs “i have to go, we go on in 10” he groans.
“okay baby, win for me. i love you so much,” you say with an idea popping into your head. he kisses your nose. you run a paper towel under the sink and wipe his face with it. “i love you too baby.”
you walk him over to his brothers and you place a parting kiss on his lips with a “you look so amazing matty.” and a flushed matt enters the stage.
you walk over to you favorite security guard and speak to him. “hey, i have to go get some things for the triplets i should be back about 20 before the show ends, ill text you when im back.” “oh yes of course mrs.sturniolo, ill be there to walk you in when you text me.” he nods “thank you so much!”
you leave and stop by your favorite flower stand and get a bouquet for matt. then you stop by target and get candy and stuffed animals of their animals for each triplet. you leave and arrive back 16 minutes before the show is gonna end, holding a bag full of stuff.
you enter the backstage area seeing the triplets enter from the stage, all three of them sweaty.
matt glances around before landing on you before he jogs over to you “baby! baby! i won!!” he says holding up his medal.
“good job matt! here you go, there’s more stuff in here but they're for your brothers too so can you go get them?” you ask while handing him the flowers you look up at him after your rant and see a shocked matt staring at the flowers. “these are for me?” you nod aggressively. he looks up at you and places a soft kiss on you lips, slightly leaning because there’s a bag and flowers in-between you guys.
he pulls back, “thank you so much baby. i'll go get nick and chris.” he says placing a soft kiss on your nose.
when matt, nick, and chris are in front of you you hand them their candy and stuffed animals.
they all hug you thanking you.
"are we ready to go back to the hotel?” you ask “mhm,” chris says, he looks exhausted.
matt drives them back to the hotel and you all settle down in your rooms.
matt dumps a bottle of water in a cup and uses it to put his flowers in placing his stuffed shark next to you in bed. “to keep you safe.” he said
you smile and open your arms, he lays on your chest. “i love ya’ so much baby” he mutters “i love you matty.” you kiss his head.
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umeqii · 6 months
-⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY ⠀⠀⠀. . . ⠀⠀⠀but you're lowkey cool .
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fandom ; class of 09
character ; nicole
gender ; female reader (lesbian nicole real)
creator ; umeqii
QUICK A/N - so like idk i'm a nicole kinnie and so like i might (i will) self project but yk ^_^ and uh idk i js wanted to post smth abt co09 bc like all i saw was mf jeffery ones and no one likes jeffery he's a fucking wierdo anyways!!
TW - like it's co09, so mentions of pedophilia, drugs, dark humor, sh, suicide jokes, things like that :P
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okay so it's quite clear that nicole is a sociopath, and she's aware of it and she payed VERY little attention to you at first
i guess you were just like, that one girl who just sits in class n minds her business and overhears alot of weirdass drama like that one blonde bitch kelly being inlove with her cousin or something
but you had a new student, and you gotta admit, she was really pretty ≥∇≤ !!
her personality; not so much (real though)
anyways, you grew up to read people really easily from the way you were raised n shit so when you first spoke to nicole in class, you realised she was faking to smile; or just faking to be nice in general
so you kept that in mind, but didn't say anything because you were loekwy afraid :P
one time, you guys had science together n this kid jeffery kept tryna talk to nicole and it's not like you were mad at her for tryna make new friends, it was jeffery you were mad at
he didn't even acknowledge you one bit ☠️☠️
so you just end up standing next to them saying nothing and looking like a random stranger
when nicole sat in her seat, with jeffery rambling about anime girls or something, you saw how she looked REAALLLYYY pissed so you were gonna sit in your seat (which was opposite hers) and ask her
you just ended up staring at him with a slightly open mouth when he ignored your soft askings of "can you please move?"
that's when our favourite toxic lesbian said something!! (i'm delusional)
" oh my FUCKING god, next time i hear anything about your stupidass anime cat girls, i will actually hang myself from this light. like who the fuck even asked?? i know damn fuckin' well i didn't. and get your greasy and filthy ass out of y/n's seat, you bitch. "
that was jeffery's face (and lowkey yours' too)
he got out of your seat and mumbled an apology to you and sat somewhere else leaving you and an annoyed nicole sitting in silence
" oh uh...are you? "
" do you have any meth. "
" ah fuck sorry, i don't do.. uh yeah "
" you look like you do, you seem fucking crazy "
" oh. "
so like after that, and you, being the sapphic you are, ended up falling inlove with nicole !!
she was lowkey a bitch and you won't lie, toxic as fuck but she was your only friend and she stuck up for you so that's good??
she treats everyone with no respect at all, but for you, you can see the SLIGHT change in attitude
like you see her with jeffery, then people like jecka and emily, and you!!
she would always say things about you guys making out or having sex in the bathrooms and you couldn't tell if they were jokes or not
but like i lowkey cba to say how ym got together so all ik is that yu asked her out, she made out with yu and yh
so like now HEADCANONS time
nicole is an insecure girl deep, deep down so that's why she acts the way she does.
but yeah, those insecurities make her REALLY jealous 😭😭
it's sometimes concerning .
like one time you were approached by emily and she was asking you if you wanted some drugs or something, which you declined, and you ended up complimenting her hair and saying how it brings out her eyes and she ended up hugging you
then nicole stormed over and started going fucking crazy mode at emily saying how " don't you have like a 30 year old boyfriend you can give head right now? so fuck off and let me give this bitch head instead, you cokewhore!! "
something along the lines of that
like i guess showing affection makes her pretty vulnerable, so when ym are in public she's a bitch
she's really controlling or whatever the word is (toxic)
"y/n, you know how much of a fucking pathetic loser you are? just think how fucked up you would be without me, then. like no offense babe, but you're really fucking deranged in the head but i guess that's something that makes you hot."
okay that's all i can think of but yeah i also hate parental controls like why are only 5 of my apps unlocked like let me go on discord ://
you guys should add me on discord, my user is umeqii yiu bitches /affectionately /nf
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sunarc · 1 year
Do We Have a Deal
Synopsis: Your shy sweet tutor could use a lesson of his own
Character:Choso x reader
CW:afab reader, smut with a little plot, cum eating, unprotected sex(wrap that willy), riding, kinda dom reader, reader is sassy, choso is shy, alcohol consumption, oral m receiving ,3.5k words, collegeau
A/N: i wanna rub my pussy juice on choso’s face also thankyou to @aztecbrujeria for fueling me with Choso content that basically motivated me to write!
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Choso gets sweaty palms when he just so much as looks at you. His breathing becomes jagged and he finds himself holding his chest in an attempt to contain his sudden excitement. His eyes scanned over the crowded room watching the way people danced, sweaty bodies pressed against one another.
“You’re too tense, have a drink” Itadori’s voice yelled over the obnoxiously loud music.
This isn’t the kind of scene choso would normally find himself in. He’s not a partier yet, somehow he found himself pressed against a corner wall watching with fatigued eyes as sweaty bodies grind on one another. He’s not a drinker yet somehow he found himself gulping down large amounts of alcohol and grimacing after each sip. The only real reason he can say he’s here for is you. You love to party. You’re honestly the exact opposite of him if he’s being honest. You’re outgoing, you seem to always know the right things to say. Your laugh, my god your laugh, it’s one of the only things Choso can hear over and over again. You are such a ball of sunshine Choso finds himself squinting whenever he stares at you. He watched with low lidded eyes as you mingled with the crowd. Your clothes were skin tight showing off every curve. Choso's eyes analyzed every inch of skin he saw. Your plush thighs jiggled with each step you took, your plump lips formed a gentle smile. Choso wasn't a fan of sweaty bodies but the way your skin looked glistening covered in a sheen of sweat left him wondering, what other parts of you look as glorious as this? He shook his head almost embarrassed by the lewd thoughts that plagued him. His feet dragged him to the nearest exit. It was hot There were so many sloppily drunk people falling over him. He almost tripped over someone laying on the floor. His face scrunched up at the sight.
Parties are so silly , he thought to himself. He wondered why you liked them so much. He found himself standing aimlessly at the front entrance. He could have push his way back in through the sweaty bodies and find some sense of purpose in the party. He’d rather not waste his time doing that. He sat on the porch tapping his foot to the sound of the muffled music inside.
“You don’t seem like the party type” a voice rang out behind him.
“I’m not,” he answered without looking.
He felt a body plop down next to him unnaturally close. The skin to skin contact normally would have annoyed him but his head turned to see you sitting smiling at him. Your eyes were low and he could tell you had been drinking.
“Why are you here then” You questioned with a smug smirk.
Choso staresd wondering why you were outside with him right now. You looked exceptionally beautiful in the moonlight. You smelled nice too. He wondered how you could be so put together even when you had an altered state of mind. His eyes moved down to your lips. They looked so plump and soft. He was so caught up in you he nearly missed what you said to him.
“I-I’m sorry what was that?” he was usually never this nervous.
He fumbled over his words. His palms are even more sweaty than before. He’s fearful you might hear the way his heart is pounding in his chest.
“I asked if you were okay,” you smiled softly “ You’re out here all alone and I just wanted to check up on you”
What a kind soul you are.
“I’m alright, I’m just not a party guy” he said lowly “Why are you out here”
He wanted you to say because you were following him. He wanted you to say you couldn’t stand the thought of being at a party where you couldn’t find his face in the crowd.
“Someone threw up on the couch and it smelled horrendous” you said showing disgust at the memory.
“And I saw you leave I just wanted to check up on my friend”
“I um “ he felt himself growing even more nervous and he couldn't help but laugh at himself.
“You’re laughing”
“I am” he wasn't sure if it was the alcohol that caused the sudden surge of bravery but his words shocked him “You make me nervous” he voiced
“I can tell” you said.
There was a silence between the two of you. It wasn't one that was awkward more so one that made him smile. He could feel your eyes staring at him causing him to feel hot all over.
“You never answered my question”
His eyes met yours and he almost regret turning to you.
“What question”
“If you’re not a party guy why are you here.”
You sat back leaning on your hands eyes never leaving him.
“You” he wished he could take the simple word back. His face went a sharp red. He turned away embarrassed at his sudden bravery.
“Me?” you said leaning forward coming close to him.
“Yes” his voice cracked and he wanted to hide away in a hole.
“But…” you leaned close, so close Choso was almost positive he could feel your lips against his skin. Your chest pressed against his arm and he could see the smug smile you had knowing the effect you had on him. You gave him a soft giggle before pulling back just enough to stare at him.
“You never speak to me when you come to these parties.” You said.
Your hand reached for his hand. He knew his palms were sweaty and he wanted to pull away to dry them but you moved too fast. You held his hand looking at the way his veins showed . His fingers were thick and his hand were wide.
“You only ever speak to me when we have our tutoring sessions together” You said still staring at his hand. You massaged the skin before feeling his arms. His muscles felt tense and you could tell he was growing more and more nervous by the second.
“You are a really good tutor by the way” you smiled “Why don’t you ever talk to me? Aren't we friends?” you said pushing a loose strand of hair from his face. He opened his mouth to speak but before he could voice his thoughts you were already saying the words he couldn't bring himself to say.
“I make you nervous” you whispered. Your voice was sultry.
Choso couldn't help the lewd thoughts that crossed his mind. He wondered how sultry your voice would sound moaning his name. He let out a breathy laugh unable to form any reply. His skin felt warm all over. Your body is pressed so close to him he didn’t even realize. You’ve never been this close with him, not even during your tutor sessions. You typically sat across from him staring and chatting away instead of paying attention to his dull intellectual words. You were never one for boring lectures, he learned the quickly. You liked to joke, you were quick witted and you always gave him silly nicknames that he never really minded.
You stood quickly and Choso’s eyes followed your figure. You held your hand out to him with a delicate smile.
“Walk me to my dorm?”
This wasn’t something new. Choso had walked you to your dorm room countless times after a tutor session. He wiped his hands against his jeans in an attempt to wipe away the sweat before grabbing your hand. Choso’s cheeks never burned so much before. You held his hand pulling him closely behind you. His feet dragged closely behind you. He bit his lip wondering what he could say in this moment.
Say something
He took a deep breath.
“So how did you do on your test?”
What are you a professor? Why are you asking about school?
He regretted the words immediately.
“Is that really what you want to know right now?” you turned to him.
“Then ask me something you care about?”You teased
He couldn't think. He could barely even focus on how to walk. One foot in front of the other he thought, chanting the words over and over in his head.
“Why do you come to these parties?” he asked hesitantly.
“Hm” you said thinking “ For you I guess” Choso hesitated cocking his head to the side in confusion.
“What do you mean for me?”
“I come because you always seem to be at these parties, you come so often even though you stand in a corner looking like you hate everything” you said keeping a steady walking pace “I never really understood but I guess I do now. You’re just so intriguing” you continued.
Choso hung onto every word. His breathing was heavy as he leaned forward captivated by your voice.
“You find me intriguing?” he almost forgot everything you had just said focusing solely on that part.
“I do” you said stopping in your steps turning to him. His eyes stared down at you scanning over your body then to your lips.
“I find you so intriguing and I wish you would talk to me about more than just school.” you took a step towards him. Your hand glided up his arm to wrap around the back of his neck. You pulled him close to you. Your lips were inches apart. Choso’s eyes were filled with lust.
“I want to know so much about you” you pressed a kiss to his cheek “I want to know what drives you crazy” you pressed a kiss to his other cheek. You leaned back staring at his lips.
“I want to know what can I do to ease those nerves” your lips pressed against his for the first time and you felt chills run through your body. His arm wrapped around your waist pulling you in to deepen the kiss. Your lips moved in sync as if the two of you were meant for each other. It was messy but in the most perfect way. Choso could taste the liquor on your lips, it had never tasted so good. You pulled away and he followed wanting more of the taste of you.
“Come to my room” you whispered
Choso looked up not even realizing that the two of you were standing in front of your dorm. He wanted to go with you he swore it but he was so anxious he could barely move his feet.
“You’re drunk” he said.
“Sober enough to know what I'm doing though” you replied.
Quick witted as always
He didn’t realize how his feet followed you with barely any hesitation. He could feel his heartbeat growing stronger. The walk through the hall felt extraordinarily long. It’s so quiet he was positive this time you could hear how fast his heart was beating. You reached your dorm room and pulled him in. You led him through the apartment like room. His feet follow yours matching each step you took. Your room was nice, It smelled like you. You turned to him, slipping off your top. You stared at him watching the way his face turning a bright red. Your hands grab his leading them to your chest.
“You act like its your first time”
His eyes were wide. He tore his eyes away from you.
“I uh” he cleared his throat “I’m a virgin”
You smile holding his hands against your chest.
“I can teach you” you said. Your voice was soft and Choso couldn’t help but lean into you.
“T-teach me?” he stuttered
“Let me help those nerves, let me give you a lesson for once” you said emphasizing the 'you'. Your hands help Choso’s hands to massage your chest. Your eyes stare into his waiting for him to allow you to do as you pleased. He looked nervous scared almost as if he was afraid to have you in such an obscene way.
“I- are you sure” he asked in a shaky voice.
“Of Course. I want you Choso. Can I have you?” You were so close to him he could feel your breath fan across his skin. Choso closed his eyes silently praying this wasn't a dream but if it was he’d gladly entertain it.
“God you don’t understand how bad I want you”
His lips pressed against yours in an eager kiss. Heavy breathing filled the room. Your hands both scanned each others body leaving little to nothing untouched. His hands squeezed at your skin as he hungrily pressed his body against yours. The bulge in his pants began to grow. Your fingers danced against the hem of his pants.
“I’m gonna give you something special just for being so good for me Choso”
You got on your knees and unbuttoned his pants, eyes never leaving his nervous ones.
“It’s okay” your said breathlessly as you pulled his underwear down freeing his cock. “I’m gonna take real good care of you.”
You gave the tip of his cock a kiss before sliding his length into your mouth.
Choso was big. His cock was thick and long and almost impossible to take whole. You couldn’t believe he was keeping all of this to himself. Your head bobbed along his length slowly. You let out soft moans. The vibrations of your moans left Choso shaking. He rocked his hips into your mouth in a delicate motion as if afraid he’d hurt you. He slipped his shirt off tossing it to the side revealing his toned chest. His hand came up to his hair gripping the strands. He looked down watching the way your mouth stretched to take his cock. Drool pooled down the sides of your mouth. Choso couldn’t help but think of how pretty you looked taking his cock like this.
“F-fuck you’re gonna make me lose it” he whimpered.
You let out a small laugh as you released his cock from your mouth with a popping sound. Your hand stroked him while your tongue licked the tip causing him to shiver.
“If you cum in my mouth I promise I’ll let you make a mess in my pussy”
Choso’s eyes grew wide at your words. You took his length back in your mouth, bobbing your head in a slow teasing motion. His hands grabbed at your hair pulling gently. He stared down at you, jaw hanging slowing.
“I’m so sorry “ the words slipped past his mouth as his hips picked up speed rocking into your mouth. You let out gagging noises as his cock touched the back of your throat. Choso’s groans and whimpers began to fill the room. He couldn’t contain himself as he fucked himself into your mouth.
“I-I’m so fucking sorry Angel” he panted “You’re mouth is just so warm and good I can’t help myself.”
He let out desperate whines as he continued his abuse to your mouth. He threw his head back letting out a strained moan as his cum filled your mouth. He looked down at you eyes filled with desire and concentration as he watched his cum drool down the corner of your mouth. He pulled his cock out using it to wipe your lips. You licked the cum off his cock with a giggle. Choso didn’t even recognize his actions. He never thought he would be one to make a pretty girl lick the cum off his cock yet here he was shoving his cock back into your mouth just to make sure you swallowed all of it.
“You look so pretty”
You stood up and grabbed Choso by the back of his neck and pulled him in for a wet kiss. The kiss was messier than before. Your spit mixed with his as your tongue pushed against his. The two of you took off your remaining clothes before you pushed him down onto the bed. He sat watching you crawl into his lap with wide eyes.
“You’ll be a good boy for me and make my pussy nice and creamy for me right?” you moaned the words as you placed the tip of his cock at your entrance.
Choso almost went feral feeling you slid down onto his cock. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as your walls squeezed around him. This feeling was completely different from your mouth. It had him breathless without you even moving. His mouth hung open drooling gliding down to his chin. His hands found their way around you hips squeezing at your skin. You bounced your hips up and down in a slow pattern. Choso cursed to himself quietly noting that you liked to tease. He had never felt anything like this in his life. The way you felt gliding up and down on his cock. Your slick dripped down making a puddle around his core. He thought he might lose his mind. Your chest bounced up and down as you moved. Choso couldn't help but bring one of your nipples into his mouth. He sucked and nibbled at the bud causing you to moan. His hands wrapped around your body clawing at your skin.
“Please” he whimperd. He wasn't sure what he was begging for but it was the only word he could think of along with a string of curses. His hips bucked roughly up into yours meeting your movements. His hands moved to grip the fat of your ass squeezing harshly. His nails dug into your skin. Choso never thought he would be one to whimper and moan so much during his first time but the noises that slipped past his lips were euphoric to your ears.
“You’re- fuck” he could barely form a sentence as he was cut off from the pleasure of your gummy walls squeezing him so tight.
“You like that?” you asked.
Choso almost missed you words as he was so concentrated on shoving his cock upwards into you. Your hand squeezed his jaw forcing him to make eye contact with you. Tears brimmed his eyes. He had never felt so desperate and needy before in his life.
“I asked you a question pretty boy” you said as you threw your ass back onto his cock.
The sound of his balls slapping against your skin filled the room, yet somehow not overcome by the lewd sounds of Choso’s moans.
“You like the way my pussy feels sucking you in hm?” You whispered the words into his ear.
“Yes I-I love it so much” he choked out. “Pussy feels so good” he grunted
You let out a pleased hum at his words. You placed wet kisses down his neck that you’re sure will leave a mark.
“You’re mine now Choso” You whisper the velvety words into his ear.
Choso let out a whimper.
“Please” he whined “ Please let me cum”
You bounced up and down chasing after your own orgasm.
“I like it when you beg” the words dripped down your tongue “ cum for me baby”
Choso’s eyes saw stars as he came. His thrust were wild as he fucked you through his and your orgasm. His teeth clamped onto your shoulder as he lost control. He never felt something like this before, not even during his late night sessions of touching himself to the thought of you. Those short skirts you would wear to your tutor sessions or the way you would bend over to grab your pencil showing him the pretty panties you would wear always left him feeling insatiable. Never did he think that he’d have the chance to fuck you so sloppily, watching the way his cum dripped out of your hole onto his cock. He leaned his head back breathing heavily still holding your body against his chest.
“I- fuck - wow you’re amazing” he was at a loss for words.
“So were you tutor, how does it feel having pussy for the first time” you asked giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Wow” was all he could manage to say. His eyes were dilated. You knew he was too fucked out of his mind to really speak.
“Let’s make this a regular thing, you tutor me in physics and i’ll tutor you in sexology” you giggle at the made up subject name “deal?”
Choso looks at you with doe eyes
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brae-brae · 9 months
RODRICK HEFFLEY X READER (SMUT)You know where I live, neighbor
rodrick heffley. your loud and annoying neighbor, not to mention, a total ass hat that just seems to LOVE harassing you at school. whether it's snarky remarks or "accidentally" bumping into you in the hall. but what happens when you see something you weren't meant to, through a window...
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(god hes so fooken cute)
Scrolling through TikTok, I suddenly had my ears invaded by the loud music of my neighbor. I rolled my eyes, throwing my blanket off of me and jumping off my bed. God, he does this like every other night. This is getting ridiculous. I try to keep my cool, but tonight? Is not the night. I’m sick of not saying something. This ends tonight. I walked over to my curtains and threw them to the side, opening my window. 
Just as I was about to yell at him I stopped in my tracks. There he was, Rodrick fucking Heffley, with his blaring music, laying on his back, cock in hand. I couldn’t stop staring. His legs shaking slightly, head thrown back, biting his lip, hips slightly bucking into his hands, everything. I felt like such a creep, especially when my thighs closed together, fuck. I was enjoying this… I shouldn’t be enjoying this, but I couldn’t help but watch, the sight of his mouth hanging open, his other hand wrapped around him, gripping the sheets, it was too much. 
I felt my thighs become wet as I rubbed them together for any friction. I couldn’t control myself. My hand slowly made its way down, rudding circles on my clit. I held onto the window sill, as I leaned back. I sat on my bed, legs spread slightly, as I inserted a finger pumping it inside of me. I gripped my bedsheet, adding another finder. God if only it were Rodrick doing this to me… I began quickening my pace, the thought of Rodrick over me, his hair in his face, sweaty, kissing my neck, god it was wrong but it felt so right. 
“Fuck, Rodrick…” I tried to be as quiet as I could, but I couldn’t help myself. I let a louder moan out as I added a third finger. Curving my fingers inside me, I could feel my abdomen tightened as I came undone. “Shit…” Out of breath, legs trembling, guilt washing over me. Just as I removed my fingers from myself, I heard a deep voice, almost a whimper, call my name. “S-shit Fuck! God Y/N!” my head shot up, looking out the window. 
Seeing Rodrick, head still thrown back, mouth even wider, legs shaking violently as he shoots cum all over his hand and stomach. His breathing is heavy, hand running through his hair while he licked his bottom lip. I quickly shut my window and curtains, turning my back to them. What the fuck did I just do. 
The next day at school, I tried to avoid Rodrick at all costs. Normally, I would “avoid” him, hoping to have some interaction with him. Now? No, never. Even my friends started to notice. Anytime they tried to ask me, I would try to play it off as not enough sleep. As the bell rang for lunch, I stayed in my last class as long as possible, hoping Rodrick wouldn’t be in the halls. As I saw the last few people in the hall, I walked to my locker. As I was putting my books and grabbing my lunch, an arm came crashing down next to me. 
Looking up, I felt my face go red. “Hey, darling, I have a question,” he said with a smirk. Trying not to react to the name. I tried to play it off, rolling my eyes. “Don’t call me that. And what? This better be important” I said with my arms crossed. He looked at me up and down, then cooing me, crossing his arms as well. “Have fun last night?” my face dropped, going pale. He just laughed, clapping his hands together. “Oh god! Your face! Ha!” he cackled. I looked around, embarrassed. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about..” I looked away. His face lent down to mine, that shit-eating smirk, toying at his lips. “Yeah, I think you do.” he looked at my lips and back at my eyes. I rolled my eyes and slammed my locker, causing him to jump. “Nope!” I turned on my heel and began walking away. He grabbed my wrist, turning me around to look at him. “Then why don’t I remind you..” he bent down to my ear and whispered the words he had said last night, “God Y/N..” he chuckled and looked me in the eyes. My face had regained its color and then some. “Shut up!” I whisper-yelled, “I don’t need the whole school to know!” he threw his head back laughing, holding his stomach. “You know,” he paused, and leaned on a locker, “you should come over later… to my place” he winked. “You know where I live, neighbor.” he walked away, saluting me as I stood there in complete shock. 
Like I would ever even consider that! What an asshole! 
I turned and shot him a look. “9 o’clock! If you don’t answer, I leave!”
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worldofkuro · 3 months
Painted Smile
Painted Smile XXXI
<- Previous Chapter I Next Chapter ->
Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: Aah… Those chapters are getting more and more enjoyable for me to write. I hope you will enjoy this once as well. Please, do give me your thoughts. Oh, also, congratulation.
You woke up with a gasp, soaked in sweat. You sat up, hiding your face in your hand, trying to calm your breathing. Once again, you had that dream… You looked at the afternoon’s sunlight shining through your window.
It’s been a few months since Alice’s passing. Her funeral was beautiful but so.. heartbreaking.  You could still hear her father’s sobbing as he did his speech, talking about his daughter like she was still a little girl.  When you walked toward her coffin to see her one last time, you tried so hard not to break down, not when Trey was sitting not too far away from the scene.
Thank God Alastor stayed with you. He gave a speech that made you smile a little. He talked about Alice, saying she was like an annoying little sister he wished she could keep on annoying him. 
Then of course, came Alyzée. You didn’t tell her that Trey was the one who took Alice from her. You couldn’t. Not yet. She looked at Alice before turning her head toward the rest of the people, smiling even if tears were streaming down her face. She only said one sentence.
“ Alice won’t let her killer rest, she will make his life a living hell.”
She then stared at you and you could almost hear her, pleading for you to do justice. You knew Alice never told a soul about your killing’s hobbit, you knew that, she would never. But at that moment, you felt like you were alone with Alyzée, and Alice’s spirit, smiling at the both of you, like she was asking you to help each other to take revenge on her killer.
You hugged Alyzée as they lowered Alice in the ground, you shall never see her face again but in the picture you have taken.  She was sobbing against your chest but you were looking at Trey that was wiping his tears. That bastard was crying, he was crying even though he was the one who created this moment. He worked for it since you were a teenager, since you were fifteen years old
You felt Alastor’s hand on your eyes, whispering in your ears.
“ Don’t show darling. Not yet.” You nodded at his words, knowing your eyes were burning red. If you could, you would scream at everyone the murderer was crying on the grave he dug for his wife.
John gave a speech too. He seemed really sincere but you couldn’t trust your instinct right now. You never felt like Trey was a bad person, a monster. How could you trust your instincts now?
After the funeral, Alastor drove you home and your usual three spirits were waiting for you.
“ Little lady… I’m really sorry.” uttered Papa Legba, his usual warm smile no longer on his face. Your eyes welled up again but you just nodded toward him. Legba tried to help you against Trey, you were thankful for that. You looked at your shadow and Alastor’s as they were looking at you, clearly worried about you. 
“ Were you… the one making me.. levitating?” you asked, as Alastor made you sit on the sofa and went to make you a hot chocolate while listening to the conversation. 
“ As Alastor is  getting stronger, your power also goes up. Not as powerful as Alstor, but still impressive for you. Levitation is a new skill of yours. I did help you. I didn’t want you to use too much energy and pass out with this new power of yours.”
Alastor sat next to you, placing his hand on your knees, his eyes never leaving your form. You could hear him talking in your mind but you couldn’t understand anything he was saying. You just wanted to close your eyes and sleep.
But for Alice, you would stay strong, she was killed alone, scared, you couldn’t be this weak right now. You concentrated on Alastor’s voice in your mind.
‘Please, look at me…’
You turned your face toward your husband whose body relaxed when he saw your eyes on him. You knew Alastor was worrying about you and that made you feel bad. You smiled at him, it wasn’t your usual beaming smile but this smile was meant to say you were doing… okay. 
“ That was impressive, little missy. I thought you were going to kill this man.” laughed Kalfu, sitting on one of your chairs.
You clenched your fist when you heard Kalfu’s voice. You wondered if he knew that it was going to happen..?  You looked at Baron Samedi who was staying strangely quiet since you came back home.
“ Did you know..? Did you know about Trey?”
“ No.”
“ Would you have told me if you did?”
“ You aren’t my protégée…” said the spirit.
You nodded. You should feel angry but in a way… You could understand. you looked at Legba, already ready to ask the same question.
“ I didn’t know. My priority is your safety. When I’m in the spirit realm, I don’t care about what is going on, on earth.”
You nodded and then looked at Kalfu who was smirking at you, waiting for you to ask the question.
“ I know you wouldn’t have said anything.” you spat at him, Alastor squeezing your knees, making you calm down after your words.
“ I wouldn’t have even breathed a word, little missy.”
You leaned against Alastor, stroking both his shadow and yours. You could see they were worried and … sad? You looked as your shadow touched your belly with a worried frown. You gasped before holding your belly, making every head turn your way.
“ My… My baby..?”
“ It is safe.” Baron Samedi said, confident with a small smile. “ I healed it.”
Both you and Alastor looked at Baron Samedi, surprised. Well, you were surprised while you could see Alastor smirking like he knew it was going to happen, he seemed satisfied. Well, you weren’t surprised, Alastor always knew things before you even saw it. 
You made a deal with Baron Samedi for his powers, but unlike Papa Legba, you didn’t really have a close relationship… So why? Why did he save your baby? Did he want something in return?
“ I told you, didn’t I? I don’t like children dying. They should live for as long as they can. I won’t ask anything in return, it was a selfish wish.” 
“ And Alice’s baby..?”
Baron Samedi sat on the floor, smoking his cigar. You knew you were looking at him like it was his fault, and you knew that he knew what you were thinking. He was the spirit that was handling the dead, he was the one saying that this person could die, or this person should stay on earth. So why? Why did Alice and her baby have to die?
“ Because her soul wasn’t mine to collect.” Baron Samedi sighed. “ The baby and.. Alice’s soul has been used for a ritual. That’s what I felt. Trey earned more power by this kill… Even if I think he only wished for the child’s death.”
“ And you can’t do anything about it?” Asked Alastor.
“ I could. We all can. But this is a silent law, if a soul is spoken for, you don’t touch it. The soul has to reach for you for us to be able to do something.” Baron Samedi sighed. “ I don’t even think Samael knows he has souls that are spoken on his name…” 
You frowned, did that mean Alice belonged to the devil? How terrified she must feel !
“ Can we save her soul?” you asked, a new fire burning inside of you.
“ Haha! Go to hell, little missy. Maybe you will be able to do something against Lucifer.” Kalfu laughed mockingly. You wondered how you didn’t jump at the spirit to strangle him… Maybe because Alastor's hand was still stroking your leg, keeping you attached to him.
“ But…”
“ I’m sorry, little lady. Alice’s life was meant to end sooner than she expected. She lived well,even if her love for this dame, Alyzée, was just like a spring flower, attached to the ground,  who wished to love a leaf attached to a tree’s branches. They both loved each other unconditionally, but winter came. The flower died, but the leaf still weakly attached to the tree shall stay strong before meeting the flower in death.”
You didn’t realize you were crying until Legba’s gentle hand stroked your cheek. His warm smile was once more on his lips.
“ You don’t have to feel guilty. Alice was a beautiful flower.”
You cried in Legba’s arms, and you were quite surprised that Alastor didn’t stop Legba from touching you. But then, Papa Legba’s had always been like a grandfather to you, he helped you, even when you didn’t ask for it,he  listened to your worries and protected you…Hearing his gentle words about your friend healed something inside you.
He then took a step back and you watched as the three spirits were standing in front of you and Alastor, they seemed powerful, menacing for some, welcome for others.
“ No matter what way you are choosing, we shall help you.” 
When they vanished, Alastor and you took a warm bath. Alastor asked you if you wanted him to stay with you, if he should take a break from work but you kissed him, saying you shouldn’t show any kind of weakness about Trey. He stared at you before smiling at you.
“ Let me handle it. At least, let me do my hunt alone.” He whispered against your naked skin. You closed your eyes before nodding, you knew he would find any information about Trey before coming to you with a plan to dispose of him.
And this is where you were now, months after this nightmare. Your belly had grown bigger, and you felt your baby move inside of you. The first time it happened, you screamed so loudly that Alastor almost tripped as he ran toward you. His shadow was already at your side, snarling at everything and anything. 
His eyes were burning red as he entered your room and you gestured him to come closer, placing his hand on your belly. He seemed confused, still smiling, but when he felt your baby kick, he gasped, taking back his hand. His shadow, though, was eagerly touching your stomach, with childish curiosity.
Alastor’s eyes were wide, his stare not leaving your belly. You giggled as he touched your belly once more. He seemed so lost, like he was finally understanding that he was going to be a father, that you both created something that was living.
Baron Samedi stayed with you a lot during your pregnancy, when you asked him why, he would always tell you he loved seeing pregnant women. For him, it was the most beautiful faith in humanity: Creating life.
You kept Eamon by your side, always hugging it against your chest. It would help with your emotional burst sometimes. Alastor had to go to work of course, and you enjoyed listening to his voice through the radio.
Alyzée would come, in the beginning you were both seeing each other to grieve Alice, now, even if Alice’s death was looming above your head, you were able to talk about simple things without bursting into tears. 
You left the bed, taking Eamon with you and smiled as your shadow followed you quickly, looking at your belly. You walked down the stairs, Alastor’s shadow touching you to stop you if you were to fall. Because yes, Alastor said he would keep working but his shadow shall stay with you until your pregnancy was over.
You thanked it before walking into the living room. Your back was hurting, so you laid down on the couch. You couldn’t wait for Alastor to come back home and massage your legs, your back and your feet. You closed your eyes, ready to sleep some more before you heard someone knocking. You opened one eye, was Alyzée already there?
You stood up and walked toward the door and opened it before slamming it closed.
John was here.
Should you kill him?
“ Please… I.. I want to ask you  questions about my cousin.”
You peeked at your shadow and Alastor’s which were ready to throw themselves to the man but you stopped them with your hand. You closed your eyes before opening the door once again. You knew John would never hurt you, so you shall fetch some information.
“ Come in.” You said, holding Eamon against you before walking into the living room. you wouldn’t give him coffee or things to eat, he could chock, you didn’t care.
“ I see you still have that plushie… It still looks great.” John said, trying to look calm but you could almost smell how nervous he was. You sat on your rocking chair, staring at him as he stayed standing in the middle of the living room. “ I.. I.. Can I sit?”
You scoffed before gesturing to him to sit on the sofa. You would have to clean it as soon as he left.
“How is your pregnancy going? From what your father said, it's almost time…” He observed, smiling at you even if you could see it was a little strained. You rolled your eyes at him.
“ Talk, what are you here for?”
“ I.. Okay. As you know, I have taken Alice’s case,” you flinched when you heard his voice saying your friend’s name, “ but.. I have nothing. It’s like the killer walked into the place, like they owned it, killed Alice and then left.” You looked at him like he was the dirt under your heels. “ I know, you must think: Ask her husband. But… He can’t have done that–”
“ If you don’t believe me, then leave.”
“ Please, wait! It’s just… My cousin– Trey Felleur was seen in Terrytown with his coworkers. He has an alibi. So… After looking for any other suspects… it leaves me with.. you.” He winced when he saw your expression turn from confused to angry. Wait, wait… Trey was seen somewhere else the night of the murder..? Wait, did John just said–
“ Are you telling me you are suspecting me… to have killed Alice?” You asked, as calmly as you could.
“ You knew the house like it was yours! You were at the murder scene before my cousin according to what he said.  And I’m sure Alice knew that Alastor was a murderer.” John spat staring at you.
You stayed composed. You didn't know if John had real clues against Alastor or it was his obsession with you and your husband that drove him to this conclusion.
“ Clue, John. Give me clues and Maybe I shall listen to your nonsense.”
“ I went to his old house in the forest. I dig once more where you stopped me once. Under the deer bones, there were human’s bones. I’m sure it’s his fathers. He killed him and then buried him, here!” He said with a big smile, like this would make you believe him.
“ Why didn’t you go to the police then?” You asked before smirking when you saw him looking away. “ Because you knew you trespassed again. You knew no one would listen to you.”
“ But you… You want to know the truth, right…?” He stared at you. “ So you will help me. We will make it seem like you found the corpse and you came to me because we used to be friends and then we can lock down Alastor for good.”
You tried to keep yourself from laughing. It was almost cute… 
“ What if I don’t?”
“ Then, I’ll think you killed Alice with Alastor and you tried to protect him.” He spat. You frowned, you didn’t know if John could have you arrested because of that… Would he? You bit your lips, damn it! How were you supposed to play?
“What do you say, Mrs Sanglar?” he asked.
“ I say you should leave my dear daughter in law alone.”
You both turned your head toward Marie who was standing near the door of the living room, looking at John with a frown.
“ Mister John Felleur, was it ? I think this is not the first time I hear you trespassing on my property. I shall ask my dear daughter's father for help.” 
You smiled at Marie as John’s face fell. He grimaced before standing for the sofa, took his hat before leaving, saying his offer was still opened for you. Marie stared at him until he closed the door and went quickly toward you as you sighed.
“Are you okay, sweetie?”
“ I’m okay Marie, he just… upset me.”
“ Well, I can understand. From what I hear, he was quite an impolite man!” She said, frowning. You smiled at her, you were thankful for Marie. She and your mother always came to check on you when you didn’t feel like leaving your house. Marie talked with you, and even told you she began to work with spirit since you told her Trey was the killer. She said you needed protection so she asked the spirit to protect you if you were to be in danger in the forest. That warmed your heart.
You both talked, sitting under the porch, until you saw Alastor’s car coming. You sighed in relief as your husband stopped the car and walked toward you. He hugged his mother before kissing your forehead.  Marie didn’t stay for dinner, she already agreed to dine with your mother. She kissed your cheeks, like she used to do when you were just a child before Alastor drove her toward her destination.
You walked inside your home and decided to do something light for dinner. You stroke your belly with a small smile.
“ What should we prepare for Daddy, huh?”
You felt your baby kick you and you laughed, caressing the spot where you felt its foot. Maybe you should do a salade de fruit. It would be fresh and you had enough ingredients to make a lot of it. And you craved it so bad you might eat it all, then cry and Alastor would have to comfort you, saying he didn’t want a Salade de fruit so you could eat his part. 
You began to cut the fruit, Alastor’s shadow helping you while your shadow was caressing your baby, trying to smooth it. You didn’t know why but it seemed like your child was reckless today.
You lifted your head when you heard Alastor coming home. He walked toward you and hugged you from behind, kissing your neck before lifting slightly your belly. You moaned when you felt the weight being taken away from you. You almost cry because of the sensation. Where did Alastor learn that..?
You turned your head toward him to ask him but he kissed you. A kiss so gentle you felt like you were walking on clouds. You turned around and crapped your arms around his shoulder, kissing him back with the same gentleness he was giving you. You almost whined when you felt him step back.
“ Mhn?” He looked at his shadow. “ John was here?”
“ Oh, yes… Let me tell you.”
You both sat on the sofa in the living room, eating your salade de fruit, Alastor already giving up his bowl to you as you already finished your second bowl while telling him what happened. You smiled as he made a face so fakely shocked that you couldn’t help but laugh.
“ He didn’t. How could he think I did this all alone? I was helped by an angel.” He said, smiling as he kissed the back of your hand. You giggled as he began to talk about you like you were the strongest person that managed to take down all of your foes. 
“ An angel, huh?” you smirked as you ate from Alastor’s bowl.
“ A fallen angel then. I saw you flying high in the sky… you seemed so out of reach, you seemed to enjoy yourself..” you looked at him as he seemed lost in his own thoughts. “ So of course, I had to drag you down to me so I could admire you closer.” He smirked down at you. “ You didn't really try to run away, dearest…”
“ Well, maybe it was because I saw you down there. I was curious, you looked almost as proud as if you could fly yourself. So when you decided to take me, I accepted because I didn’t want to fly in a sky where you weren’t.” You smiled at him.
You saw his pupils dilate before he squeezed you in his arms, being mindful of your belly. You laughed as he bit your shoulder and your neck. You knew he liked to do that when you overwhelmed him with your words or your actions.
“ Alastor… How is our child going to be? I wondered…” You looked at the ceiling as you felt your husband’s hand on your belly.
“ Mhn… Let's say. for their own good, they should have your innocent face so they can easily trick people. They should have my way with words. Darling, you are too emotional sometimes, so they should have my patience…” He mused as he looked at you.
“ Mhn… Are we going to show them Voodoo..?”
Alastor stayed silent for some minutes, which gave you time to  nuzzle against him, waiting for his answer. You wished for your child to know about Voodoo, it was Alastor’s culture and… You would be kind of sad if your baby couldn’t interact with Papa Legba or your shadow…
“ Mhn… I… Would you?” He asked you, his voice a soft whisper. You smiled, you didn't know Alastor was still unsure about how you would perceive him depending on his answers…
“I would.”
“ Well, that’s perfect! Because I think they should work with Kalfu because–”
“ No way Alastor, our baby isn’t going to work with Kalfu.” you said, looking at him in the eyes. He almost pouted which almost mad you grin.
“ But, they would work with a powerful spirit,” he mumbled. “ don’t you think? For their security?”
“ They could work with Papa Legba.” You said, with a happy grin. Alastor rolled his eyes at you, making you laugh. You kissed his cheek and you both kept talking about your child’s future until it was time to go to bed. You took Eamon with you and walked toward your bedroom.
You changed into your nightclothes and then you went under the cover, laying on your back. You couldn’t wait to lay on your belly once again… You turned your head toward Alastor who laid next to you with a book in his hand, reading. You closed your eyes and fell asleep with a little smile.
You woke up with a gasp, soaked in sweat. You sat up as you groaned in pain. Damn it, maybe eating so much fruit was a mistake…
“ Darling?”
You looked next to you and find Alastor, still reading his book. How much did you sleep? You groaned as you felt pain in your stomach once more. You took the blanket off you, you needed to go to the bathroom.
“ Fuck…”
You looked at Alastor, surprised. He wasn’t the man to use bad words like this. You almost laughed but you were soaking wet, you needed a shower… and the bathroom. But as you tried to stand up you froze when you saw the mess between your legs.
It felt like time froze, nor you or Alastor was moving, you could only hear the noise from the clock.
Tic-tac tic-tac…
“ Water, my Alastor broke!” you screamed, completely scared out of your mind. You didn’t know what to do, how to do it ? You heard Alastor stumbling out of bed before ordering his shadow to take your things as he kneeled next to you.
“ Alright darling, breathe with me okay? You are okay, you are splendid.”
“ Alastor!” You screamed in pain.
“ Of course.” He stood up and carried you in his arms, running toward his car, being mindful of your shaking form. You could see his shadow moving around the wall and taking everything it deemed necessary for you. Did it just take a candle--? 
You screamed in pain once more. Damn it, being almost slashed was less painful ! Alastor placed you in the car and drove to the nearest hospital while trying to calm you. You looked at his shadow which gave you Eamon as you screamed in the car. The shadow looked so scared, it was cute. You wanted to smile at him as you took Eamon but another contraction made you scream.
Damn it!
You tried to breathe like Alastor was telling you but then you didn’t know why you felt panic. Where was your shadow? You haven't seen it since the pain began? Where was it ? 
“ Where is it?” you shouted.
“ What? What is where?” asked Alastor as he kept a hand on your knee and the other one on the steering wheel. 
“ My shadow !” You cried, squeezing Eamon against you so hard you were almost afraid to hurt it.
“ It’s not important right now, darling.” said Alastor, his smile strained.
“ I want my shadow!” You hollered not even caring that you were making a tantrum about your shadow while your baby was literally on its way.
Alastor stopped in front of the hospital, left the car before taking you in his arms and running inside the building. You didn’t really know what happened, you could hear shouts and sweet words as you were being taken into a room too white for its own good. You could feel people spreading your legs, touching you, what was going on? Where was Alastor ?
“ Where is my husband?” You yelled. A nurse told you they made him wait in the corridor. “ Bring him here!” you grabbed her collar before letting her go look for your husband. You cried as your head hit the pillow , when were you put into a bed? You wanted this pain to end.
You then felt a hand on your skin and you knew who it belonged to. You opened your eyes and smiled weakly at Alastor, he was smiling but it seemed like it was taking everything out of him to keep this facade.
“ Alastor..!” You cried as he kissed you multiple times before kissing your hand.
“ Darling, no matter what happened… Stay here for me.” He pleaded with his eyes and then you realize… Alastor was scared that you wouldn’t make it. That you would die during childbirth. You grabbed his hand with your, smiling at him with a new fire burning inside of you.
“ I will stay…” You choked out those words.” I won’t leave you..” You screamed as pain was too intolerable. You heard a nurse ordering you to push but damn it you couldn’t even feel your legs…!
You would stay..
‘ You will be by my side.’
I will stay, nothing will separate us.
You pushed each time the nurses were telling you to do it. But it was getting harder and harder and you were getting more tired as time was passing.. You felt like you weren’t in your body anymore… You felt so tired…
“ She is bleeding too much, call the doctors!”
‘  Nothing can tear us apart. I dragged you on earth with me. You are my only light. You are my sanity.’
“ Miss, please just a little more! Don’t give up!”
I joined you… Because I wanted to live this life with you… And the next one too…
‘ Darling..?’
You could hear cries.
You turned your head weakly toward Alastor that was grabbing your hand so hard it was shaking. His head was down, his forehead against yours hands. He didn’t seem to be the one crying…
“ Congratulations, Mrs and Mr Sanglar! You are the parent to a healthy and lovely girl!”
A girl..?
You turned your head toward the nurse that was cradling something in her arms..
A girl..
Your eyes widened sighly.
Your baby girl.
 You took your baby that was crying against your chest and you couldn’t help but cry too. You did it… You made it.. You looked at Alastor who hadn't moved one bit. You couldn’t talk, you were crying but you were too tired to make any other noises.
Alastor… We have a girl…
Alastor’s head jerked up and he stared at you with his eyes wide open. He stared at you and only you. You smiled at him as you closed one eye, trying to reassure him. You were not gone. You saw his body relaxed and he kissed your forehead, pushing his lips hard against your skin.
You looked at your baby girl who stopped crying. You looked at her with so much pride. She opened her eyes, and you saw her beautiful eyes.
“ She has my eyes…” Alastor whispered, astonished. You looked at him, tears in your eyes. 
“ You seem surprised…” you whispered, your voice hoarse from your screaming.
“ No… it’s just…I mean.. The way they shine… It’s definitely from you. “ You watched as your husband looked at your daughter. She was looking at you both, recognizing your voices. You kissed your baby with a shaking sigh. She was here… Finally…
You looked around as the nurses were busy with you didn’t know what. You smiled a little as you saw Papa Legba, on the corner of the room, looking at you with pride. You watched as Baron Samedi smiled widely at you, giving you a nod of appreciation. Kalfu smirked and winked at you, making you chuckle. They vanished when the nurse came to you.
“ She is beautiful, how should you name her?”
You looked at Alastor who was staring at you. You both have talked about multiple names depending on the gender of your baby. And now, as your baby was looking at you and Alastor, you were sure of yourself.
“ Yes… she shall be named…
Tag List: @lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega @tiredflame132 @mo-0-o @vvollerie @sodavizz @boogiemansbitch @tessemerick @slytherin4ever @kammsinn @alastorssimp @t0xic1vi @diamond-almond @fangirlbitch02 @saccharine-nectarine @thenorthnightingale @bibliophile-yomna @itzjustj-1000 @mothraantics @yourdoorisunlocked @phamtasic @karmakillz @holographicage @sarcastic-sourwolf @akuraluna2468 @everwolf-20 @thesunandmoons-blog @songbrita @noraunor @fandomsbookclub @hokkaido97 @catticora @gasiacos @charlottemorningstarsdarling @nekee-lilac02
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serafilms · 10 months
song 69! loser of the year (simple plan) + dick grayson requested by @celamoon (2023 spotify wrapped event) (this works so perfectly holy shit?? also hi cressie ilysm i’m such a big fan)
you make me wanna shut it all down, throw it all away, ‘cause i’m nothing if i don’t have you
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Dick Grayson has no shortage of blessings.
He wakes up every day with a full head of silky hair, skin glowing and a bank account fuller than that house on Full House. He has a great job (that he doesn’t even need. Thanks, Bruce) and great friends, old ladies love him and even his smile has been known to make a few people faint.
He’s a celebrity. His life is great. He’s on top of the world.
So why is he still staring at his phone, waiting for the screen to light up?
Because of you. You, his good friend of three years and silly little crush of one.
Yesterday, his life was perfect. He’d met up with you in the city because you’d promised to help him get his new tux for the next gala. He’d made a few jokes and got to see your smile, and got to meet a few fans on the street. Then, when the two of you were sat in a coffee shop, he looked over at you and his heart stopped.
The sunlight was caught perfectly on your face, lighting up your eyes and bouncing off your hair and god, he was so down bad.
Well, no time like the present, he’d thought.
The conversation lasted about one excruciating minute, before you were throwing a few bills on the table, giving him an apologetic look and walking out the door.
“I’m in love with you,” he’d said.
“I need to think about it,” you’d replied.
His world has slowly been crumbling ever since.
Yeah, his hair and skin are still perfect, his bank account is still loaded and everything else in his life is totally fine, but none of it seems as useful anymore.
His phone buzzes and Dick lunges for it.
Jason: hey
Jason: when r u coming for the gala
Jason: damian’s extra homidical today
He frowns down at the screen. That doesn’t seem good. He shoots back a quick idk and promptly mutes the conversation so he isn’t baited again.
He’s alone with his thoughts for long enough to start thinking about his next move. Dick is starting to think you’ll never give him an answer, and you’re just ghosting him now to avoid rejecting him. Therefore, the obvious solution would be to move far, far away from Gotham. Nightwing will just have to relocate. The Bats will be fine without him.
Maybe Hawaii? No, still too close. Somewhere in Europe, maybe? Or is that too high profile a place for a celebrity? Australia seems nice. The sun would be good for his tan. He could live in a little house by the beach. Learn to surf. A simple life.
Without you, he doesn’t think he has much need for any luxuries. He’d give it all up for you if you wanted, he’d give it all up if he didn’t get you anyway. He’s nothing without you. Money or not, he’s a total loser.
There’s an incessant knocking on his door and he groans.
“Oh, come on, Jason! Did you really need to come to my apartment to drag me out?”
He makes his way to the door and throws it open, preparing to see the face of his annoying younger brother. His scowl drops instantly.
You’re standing there, all dressed up, a bouquet in your hands.
“Hi,” you say, smiling shyly, “I was wondering if you might need a date to the gala.”
Dick grins, grabs you by the waist, and pulls you in for a kiss.
He guesses he won this time.
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intoxicated-chan · 5 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖 ║ ❝𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐡❞
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(A/n) ➳ I’m back at writing! I thank those who gave me advice that helped me with my writer’s block. Hopefully I can keep a schedule and I thank those who waited! Thank you all!  
Word Count ➳ 1.3k 
Content Warnings ➳ Alcohol use, drug trafficking, mentions of baby trapping, swearing, mentions of toxic friend group dynamic, threats of violence...  
JUDAS Masterlist
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Andrea brought the glass of cheap liquor to her lips as she eyed Daryl conversing with the group of men. She wouldn’t say he was friendly with them but seemed to be coworkers of some kind.  
“Are you seein’ this?” Andrea asked Amy who quickly agreed with her.  
Amy pulled her phone up to take a photo. “(Y/n)’s gotta see this-”  
Andrea snatched the phone out of her hands. “Jus’ cause he’s talkin’ to some guys doesn’t make it suspicious. You need hard evidence.”  
“Like what?”  
Andrea kept her distance as she maneuvered past people, nearly getting a drink spilled on her when she was pushed by a dancing couple. She blended into the background as she came closer to Daryl and his friends.  
She observed his interactions with the other patrons, noticing how he kept glancing around, as if he was expecting someone. He then leaned into a man, like a hug and passed something into his pocket and shook his hand.  
She could only see them whispering to each other until Daryl turned around at hand gasping his shoulder.  
It was Merle, he leaned in. “How much do you get this month?” He asked, taking the wad of cash from Daryl’s pocket.  
“Less, cops been ‘round.” Daryl again looked around. “And one might be pokin’ their nose where it don’ belong.”  
“I told you not to get involved with that woman.” Merle commented, counting the cash. “Look at you now.”  
“The hell’s that supposed to mean?”  
Merle chuckled, putting the cash into his back pocket. “She ain’t gonna stay for you, tie ‘er down or somethin’. From the way you talk ‘bout her, she’d make a good mom.”  
“Ya can’t-” 
“Leah called again, need you for the next run.”  
“Did ya not hear me?”  
“The hell the cops gonna do? They got nothin’.” Merle laughed, ignoring Daryl. “The guy needs his money, some shit ‘bout his wife.” Rolling his eyes, he was annoyed, getting pushed to do more and more work while their boss gets most of their earnings.  
“He needs ‘em now?”  
Merle shrugged, coming to the bar and ordering a drink for them both. “Friday.” Two days from now. “You goin’ be meetin’ with her-” 
Daryl waved him off, remembering the place. It wasn’t like he was the one bringing the shipment to her every time Merle was ordered to do it himself. Daryl walked to the bar, easily drowning the shot given to him. 
He just needed to stick it out for a few more runs then he could be free. Free from his brother, free from this mess, he can finally go back to you without everything haunting his mind.  
“Another.” He demanded. He wasn’t going to be able to make home sober tonight. He huffed, taking out his phone. He pressed on your contact, bring the phone to his ear as he took his shot. It rang a few times before you answered.  
“Daryl? What is that sound?” 
“At some bar.” He responded. 
“Are you alright? You sound drunk- please don’t tell me you’re drunk.” 
“I’ll be drunk soon, darlin’.” 
He heard you sigh over the phone. “Send me your address, I’ll pick you up.”  
“Yer too kind.” He chuckled. 
“Jus’... Jus’ don’t drink too much.”  
He threw his head back as he took the shot, groaning as the burning sensation went down his throat, clouding his mind as the more shots he took, the more the alcohol influenced him.  
What Daryl remembered was slumped over the bar and then pushed into a car that smelled fresh. Your voice filled his mind as you spoke to him to keep him awake. God, the way you took care of him made him relax.  
You sat in your recliner, legs crossed as you held a mug of coffee. You watched Daryl’s chest rise and fall, keeping close as it was becoming noon.  
He had passed out the second he hit your couch, and you were too worried about him to sleep so you stayed awake.  
Your phone had buzzed for the hundredth time for this day. It was a string of text messages coming from Shane, begging you to think twice about Daryl.  
You were disappointed in Shane. You knew he was rash, but you didn’t think he’d react this way when he was rejected.  
You have no idea what the hell you’re doing 
You could hear him say it, repeatedly. It played like a song that you wanted out of your head. It was annoying, frustrating, and somewhat depressing.  
“Ya should really block him.” Daryl’s hoarse voice made you snap your head up and see him awake. He rubbed his eyes as he grumbled. “That coffee?” 
“Hand it over.” He weakly demanded, it made you laugh and hand it over with ease.  
“Glad to see you alive.” You got up, stretching your legs. “I was thinkin’ I might have to take you to the hospital with the number of shots you took.” 
“That’s what work does to ya.” He responded, taking a large gulp of the coffee as he slowly sat up. “Still haven’t answered ma question.”  
“Don’t worry about me, Dixon. I'll make some food for you.” 
“No, sit down.” 
“Daryl you’re hungover-” 
“Sit.” He pushed your throw pillow on the ground, having you sit next to him. “Ya don’ block ‘im ‘cause yer worried, ain’t ya?” 
“...I never seen him act like this before. Yes, I’m worried ‘bout him. He's texting me every minute!” You explained, feeling your chest tighten as your voice wavered. “Then Lori! And Rick! Who’s next? Carl?!”  
“It’s ‘cause of me.”  
“Please Daryl, it’s not you. It ain’t your fault.” You immediately reacted, grabbing his shoulders. “I jus’ realized that my place in that group wasn’t as a friend but a prop. They knew I didn’t have much around me and used it to their advantage. If I disagreed with someone then the rest turned against me. I'm better off with Amy, Andrea, and you.”  
“Yer gonna regret it.” 
“I can promise you now that I won’t.” You retorted. You then sighed, laying back. “Let’s stop talkin’ ‘bout this. I seriously need a smoke.” 
“I got some in ma bag.” Daryl looked around, his eyebrows furrowed when he didn’t see around him. 
“It’s in my car.” You replied, pushing yourself up to grab your shoes and keys. “Your brother was kind enough to get your ass in my car and bring your bike.” 
“Yeah, met him I pulled up. Why? Is something wrong?” 
“Nah. It’s nothing.” You nodded and left, leaving Daryl sitting on the couch.  
As he took another sip from the mug, Daryl’s phone rang. He glanced at his phone briefly but didn’t bother to check the caller ID as he flipped open his phone, assuming it was his brother. 
“Merle.” Daryl answered, rather annoyed.  
“Daryl, my man!” His voice boomed though the phone, all cocky and charming as usual. “How’s my favorite deliver boy doin’ today?” 
The voice on the other end wasn’t Merle’s. It was Negan Smith. Daryl’s heart dropped as he recognized him. 
His voice made Daryl’s stomach churn. If he remembered correctly, the delivery was for friday, tomorrow and any call from Negan was never good news.  
“What do ya want, Negan?” 
“There’s been a change of plans. We’ve got an emergency and I need the damn goods by midnight. Tonight.”  
“We had a deal-!”  
“Fuck the deal, Dixon.” Negan's tone shifted suddenly, becoming serious. “You’ve got until midnight. Don't make me come lookin’ for you. We all remember what happened last time you were late.” 
With that, Negan hung up, leaving Daryl staring at his phone in disbelief. He threw his phone and held the scream he wanted to let out, but he held his head in his hands.  
He had until midnight... Failure wasn’t an option. 
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.  
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⊰ Chapter 7 ⊰ » » YOU’RE HERE « « ⊰ Chapter 9 ⊰ 
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venileix · 5 months
𝜗𝜚 .River's Edge
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PAIRING: Scott Barringer x F!reader SYNOPSIS: Tension is heavy between you and Scott and the others thought of a bonding exercise to help you make up. WARNINGS: first post!, established relationship, jealous Scott, slight angst?
You simply could not understand why Scott was so mad. Raking your mind of the past few days, you were almost positive you hadn't done a thing.
It didn't take long for the others to catch on to Scott's behavior, especially towards you and anybody who tried to talk to you. So the group decided to orchestrate the perfect little getaway for the two of you.
It was a difficult task to find a way for the staff to fall blind to two students disappearing for a few hours, but the plan was almost perfect.
The next morning, the plan was put into action. The Saturday sun beamed down on you as you hiked the trail through the woods, Juliette just ahead of you, leading you to a spot she was telling you about at breakfast.
You were suspicious of her as you follow, there was no chance Juliette had a spot in the woods that she found.
The sounds of calmly flowing water got louder as you walked, the nearing river drowning out Juliette's ranting.
"Where exactly are you taking me?" Out of the years you had been at Mount Horizon you weren't very close to the girl in front of you, so the confusion hadn't left you since you both split from the cabin that morning.
"You're so impatient," Juliette rolled her eyes, "We're practically there." You didn't get the chance to respond as you freeze at the sight in front of you.
Scott and Auggie stood on the river's edge, and the confusion grows further through your chest as Auggie shoves Scott further towards the canoe resting on shore.
"Juliette, what exactly is going on?" Your voice was low, but the sound of your footsteps must of alerted the boys a couple ways down the small hill as they both snap their heads in your direction.
"Just give it a chance," The girl drags you towards the pair on the shore, "Please."
You roll your eyes, letting her lead you towards the last person you wanted to see right now.
"Nice of you to finally join us," Auggie smirked, watching the way your eyes narrowed at the three people around you.
"Can somebody just tell me what's going on?" Your chest tightened as you noticed Scott's annoyed glare on you and Auggie.
"Well," Juliette grins next to you, her shoulders straightening, "The group thought it would be good to let the two of you have some time together."
Scott scoffs, "We spend time together."
Auggie shakes his head, bringing his hand up to the boy's shoulder, "Well, now you get to spend more together. Now get in the damn canoe."
Juliette was quick to also push you in the same direction.
Soon you found yourself in the middle of the calm river across from your boyfriend, void of any paddles to be able to get yourself back to shore. Auggie said it was to make sure we actually spent the time together, or whatever.
It was silent for a while, you were stuck in your thoughts. Why hadn't Scott been talking to you lately? It did actually feel like forever since you hung out. Maybe you did something wrong? Did you overstep on any boundaries?
"What are you thinking about so hard?" Scott's voice startled you, your eyes jumping up to meet his as he sat across from you in the narrow canoe.
"Did I do something to upset you?" Your voice was quiet, and you felt small under his stormy blue eyes.
It looked as if he was struggling to form the right words as the corner of his lips tugged down.
"Do you like Auggie?" The question took you completely off guard as your eyes widen in surprise, a confused laugh ghosting over your lips.
"Auggie? God no, he's so in love with Juliette, it's honestly comical at this point!" Despite your attempt at lightening the mood, Scott still seemed ticked off.
"Really? He seemed to be real into you the other day at the bonfire," He turned his gaze away from you, refusing to meet your eyes again.
"Scott," you try to meet his eyes, sighing as he doesn't make any movement, "I was helping him with ideas for asking Juliette out."
You watched as his hands tightened into a small fist, "You were practically on top of him!"
You scoffed, crossing your arms, "Juliette was a couple feet away from us, he didn't want her to hear us!"
He didn't say anything, just flexing his hand in annoyance, still refusing to look at you. "Scott."
It all made so much sense now, Scott was jealous.
His blue eyes slowly turn towards yours again, a frustrated glare making them appear darker than usual.
"I love you. You are the only person I want to be able to know me the way you do. The only person I want to see me how you do."
That was the first time either of you had said those words to the other.
In the flash of an eye Scott closes the distance between you, catching your lips in a love filled kiss.
"I love you." He grinned into the kiss, and you would never complain about his switch up in moods in this moment.
You push him away gently, smiling sweetly as you stare into him, feeling the relief flowing through his veins.
You lean back but the sudden movements rock the canoe and in the blink of an eye you find yourself submerged into chilled water.
Hands find your waist, and as you open your eyes, the dark water is brightened by beams of light around you. The blue eyes in front of you are like a saving grace as they peer into yours.
Breathing feels like a distant thought as his eyes search your own, and with a wide, closed-lipped smile you tug his face towards you, this time it's you bringing him in for a kiss.
He responds immediately, wrapping his arms further around your waist, the cold water long forgotten as your lips move in sync.
Letting this moment sink in for as long as possible, the internal fight for air wins as you drag your bodies up, breaking the surface and separating for breaths.
The two of you swim to shore, tugging the canoe in tow.
Logically, you knew you probably didn't have a lot of time left, knowing the group can keep the staff distracted from your disappearance for only so long.
But you ignored that, instead choosing to sit in comfortable silence with your head on Scott's shoulder as you sat on some rocks on the river's edge.
With the affection from your boyfriend back, you both complied ideas to pitch to Auggie about how to win over Juliette.
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honeylations · 1 year
- Angry Pupu -
Prompt: Chaewon is known for her anger issues, always yelling at the smallest things whereas you’re her calm and collected girlfriend, always so soft spoken and doing everything with a cute smile. Your members wonder how you two ended up dating despite the obvious opposite personalities.
Warnings/Notes: cute pupu, angry pupu, reader is adorable tooooo, soft and fluffy, a mix of comedy
The members lost count at the amount of times their leader had screamed today and you seemed to be the only person unbothered by it. Sakura had just finished taking pills for the headache she received from hearing the short girl’s anger.
“I swear this is her new record. How is her throat not hurting?” Sakura whined, rubbing her temple and flopping down on the couch next to you.
“How are you even dating her, Y/n?” Yunjin groans as she joins you two with a bowl of popcorn in her hand.
“Y/n is like the off switch for Chaewon’s tantrums” Kazuha appeared shortly after with a whisper, tensing when she heard Chaewon’s little feet stomp downstairs.
The youngest Japanese girl ran to you as a shield, angering the leader even more. “BACK OFF MY GIRLFRIEND, NAKAMURA!”
Kazuha squeaked and ran to Yunjin instead, not daring to say another word. Eunchae comes in with a bowl of strawberries and feeds you one before going upstairs to finish her Lilo and Stitch marathon. You hummed at the delicious taste of the fruit and turned to your girlfriend who got jealous of the hand feeding gesture between you and the maknae.
“We should buy more strawberries, love. They taste amazing” You spoke with a smile, Chaewon’s anger disappearing almost immediately.
She cupped your face and pecked your lips. “You’re so fricking cute. ISNT SHE GIRLS? SAY IT TO HER!”
The 3 girls sitting on the couch flinched and started complimenting you chaotically, voices going over each other, not wanting an ass beating from their short tempered leader.
“Love, calm down please” You said, caressing her arm and Chaewon obeyed, sitting in your lap.
“Ok, babe”
“Whipped” Yunjin commented, earning a couch cushion to the face. “OW! God Y/n, I want you to answer my question for real this time. How the hell are you dating this monster?”
“She’s not a monster. She’s my hero~” You cooed, hugging your short girlfriend tighter.
“I’ll be needing a hero if I get screamed at one more time” Kazuha muttered, seeing Chaewon glare at her.
“Chaewon? A hero? You’re saying this girl who’s scared of a mouse toy is your hero?” Sakura scoffed as the leader flipped her off.
“You’re just jealous” Chaewon hisses.
“And you’re a comedian.”
You held your girlfriend back down on your lap before she drop kicked the eldest member.
“Chae saved me from so many people before we debuted. Her yelling may be annoying to you girls but it always reminded me of why I love her! She’s so tough~ Without her anger, she wouldn’t have saved me from the bullies back in high school. She does the same now with anyone who shares hate comments about me. I’m too shy to stand up for myself like that” You explained, your heart swelling at the memories.
“Yeahhhh. Y/n was this cute little chubby nerd in high school” Chaewon grinned, pinching your cheeks again.
“Woah wait what, okay, this was something we haven’t been told before” Yunjin said, adjusting her sitting position and looking at you, Chaewon growling.
“Oh please, pull your head out of your tiny ass Kim, I’m not gonna take your girl. I just wanna know more about this cute little chubby nerd you were just talking about” The American added.
Chaewon got off your lap and sat next to you instead, pushing Sakura further into Kazuha who was already getting squished. The younger Japanese member gave up and sat on the ground instead, snatching Yunjin’s popcorn bowl.
“Yeah it’s true. I wasn’t that good looking in high school” You shyly smiled.
“Hey don’t say that. Nobody starts off as a hottie, like, me in high school with the dark ass eyebrows that didn’t match my hair colour? Goddamn” Yunjin joked, making you all laugh. (A/N: I’m not actually talking about Yunjin like that guyssss! The whole dark eyebrow thing is something I added based on my experience in high school💀💀)
“I’m being honest, I swear! I was super chubby, wore these thick purple glasses and always got bullied for reading books all the time. See?” You pulled out a photo of you in high school and all the girls (besides Chaewon) gasped.
In the photo was 14 year old Y/n with a bob cut and thick fringe, using one hand to hold a thick novel to her chest while the other put up a peace sign. Your purple glasses were indeed huge and you smiled widely, presenting the braces you had at the time.
“Oh and here’s Chae” You zoomed out of the photo and 14 year old Chaewon was exposed. She looked the same, only difference was the long hair in the photo. Sakura squinted her eyes and noticed how Chaewon’s hand was around your waist in the picture.
“Awwww! Chae did you have a crush on Y/n at this time?” The eldest asked as you closed your phone and returned it to your pocket.
“Yeah I did. Couldn’t tell if she liked me back though”
You blushed and slapped your girlfriend’s arm. “I did! I told you before, I just thought you were too good for a nerd like me”
“Nerdy y/n is cute, don’t get me wrong, but you’re absolutely stunning right now. Hellooooo? Your body? Your abs? Your facial structure? It’s so hard to believe that was you in the picture” Kazuha complimented.
“I just finally took the initiative in eating healthier and working out” You shrugged, letting Chaewon play with your fingers.
“Was Chaewon this loud back in highschool too?” Yunjin asked with a blunt tone.
“YAH IM GONNA KILL YOU, HUH YUNJIN!” The shortest member screamed and jumped onto the tallest member, shoving the couch pillow into her face.
You rolled your eyes with a smile and looked at Sakura. “You grab her legs, I’ll grab her arms”
“Absolutely not, she kicked my face last time we did that. Get Kazuha”
The said member stood up. “Sorry I don’t speak nor understand Korean very well so imma just go” Kazuha quickly says and runs upstairs to join Eunchae.
“Stop pretending you loser!” You screamed out to Kazuha in Japanese, knowing damn well this wasn’t the first time she’s done that. (A/N: Fun fact for everyone, Kazuha sometimes pretends that she doesn’t understand what the members are saying to her in Korean😭)
You sighed and stood up, patting down your pants. “Come on, babe, let’s go to bed”
“WHY DO YOU ALWAYS PISS ME OFF WITH EVERYTHING YOU SAY!” Chaewon continued to scream while violating Yunjin with the pillow.
This was gonna be a long night.
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chrollosbm · 10 months
Sunflower Fields: a Choso Love Story Chapter Eleven
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art cr: shijoula on x
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You're broken from a past relationship, thinking you only deserve the worst. Choso comes along, making you realize you deserve the world and more. Will your ex-boyfriend let you go without a fight? (Choso x black!reader, yandere Choso)
Previous Chapters
pls support me on ao3, it would mean the world to me
Choso was currently standing cluelessly in a bar he’d never frequented, let alone heard of, in a pile of bodies with people he would never, ever, even associate with. The place was full of obvious college students who’d just hit the legal drinking age, or were either too young to be in a bar in the first place. The bouncer seemed sketchy to begin with, barely checking IDs as he chatted up younger women who were barely adults. He felt gross, gross to be standing in here as the air was muggy, it smelled like it hadn’t been cleaned in ages, and the music was absolutely terrible. 
But, he was doing this for you. This small, crowded establishment that was driving him insane was right across the street from the far more luxurious club you were in. Thank God. He felt like he would have a heart attack if he knew you were in attendance of this low class bar, knowing you were way better than this.
Choso couldn’t even spend five minutes in this setting before he realized he couldn’t take much longer, so with great effort, he pushed through the sea of bodies and made his way outside, to the front of the trashy spot where he found a vacant bench to sit on. He sighed as he sat down, legs sprawled out in a manspread position, annoyed with his plan to begin with. He could’ve just done this from the start, as he had a clear view of the club from here, although it was more risky as there was a higher likelihood of him being caught by you. He deemed it worth the risk though, as he only wanted to protect you. You would understand that, right?
A feminine voice snapped Choso from his thoughts. “Mind if I sit with you?” The voice said, and he turned his head to find a pale woman with long brown hair, dressed in club attire, a cigarette hanging from her mouth, waiting for his answer.
He simply shrugged, not bothering to change his position to make room for the stranger. He couldn’t bring himself to pay attention to anything but the surroundings of the establishment you were in. The streets were filled with loud, drunk people, the night’s lights were bright and sounds of laughter, screaming, and music filled the air. Choso hated it. He hated the amount of people, the noise, the smell, everything. Once again though, he was out here doing this for you, to stand guard, to be sure you wouldn’t come into harm whatsoever. 
The scent of cigarette smoke and vanilla filled Choso’s lungs as the strange woman sat down next to him, taking another puff of the cancer stick, the aroma surprisingly not foul smelling. He had immersed in smoking as a teen as part of his rebellious phase, only stopping because of the growing dent in his pockets due to the habit. He never picked it up again after that, as he knew it was bad for his health, and he didn’t want his younger brothers to pick up the habit as well.
A hand holding out a pack of said cigarettes was now in his view, distracting him from his surveillance on you. “You smoke?” She asked, offering him one.
Choso turned to look at her and shook his head. “Not anymore.” He answered, taking one anyway, actions contradicting his words.
The woman gave a chuckle and pulled out a lighter to light the cigarette currently hanging from Choso’s full lips, before taking one final drag of hers, tossing it carelessly in the already littered street afterwards.
“I’m Shoko.” She said, monotone laced in her voice, and Choso mentally rolled his eyes. 
Not his type. Not you. 
“And I’m not interested.” Choso responded, not caring about the clear lack of manners he was giving to this stranger that was kind enough to offer something of her possession to him, something he was currently relishing in. He could physically feel the stress lifting from his body with each inhale, suddenly feeling less tense about the entire situation. He had a full view of the entrance and exit to the club, so he would know when you left. He needed to relax. 
Her loud laugh interrupted Choso’s thoughts and he cringed, annoyed at the volume of her roar. You were the only one whose voice he loved hearing at that amplification. “Oh, relax.” The woman he now knew as Shoko’s voice was still filled with humor and he wanted to leave immediately. He didn’t want to entertain this conversation any longer. 
“I’m not trying to get into your pants. Yours has something in it that I’m not too particularly fond of.” Her face read disgust as she looked the man up and down, a smirk on her face as she reached his eyes again. 
Choso’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, suddenly feeling a twinge of guilt for his bluntness a few seconds ago. A twinge. 
“My bad.” He said, casually, exhaling the smoke from his lips with an ‘o’ shape, away from the woman’s stature, a small smirk remaining on his face from the tranquility of his old habit and the fact he’d just mistaken the woman next to him for flirting with him. It happened pretty often that he rejected others, so it was just a habit, not cockiness at all. He tossed the still-lit stick into the road, mocking Shoko’s previous action. “I’m just used to rejecting women is all.”
It was her turn to shoot her brows up in shock at his statement and she folded her arms and placed one leg over the other, bouncing it up and down, her knee-high boots moving in the air. “Cocky bastard, I see.” She let out nonchalantly, causing Choso to let out a genuine laugh at her boldness before she continued. Who the hell was this crazy woman? “I think we’re gonna be friends.” She finished with a smile and he tilted his head in confusion.
Friends? Choso didn’t really have friends, more like acquaintances, coworkers, and you. His brothers were his friends, but he knew that didn’t really count. He didn’t really trust anyone enough to have close companions, afraid that everyone ended up leaving, anyway. The man had always struggled with that part of himself, as he of course had some fear that you could leave him at some point. He of course wouldn’t let that happen, like he’d pondered before, he would die before that dilemma occurred. Choso was afraid of what he would do if you expressed or gave off any sort of disinterest in him, knowing he wouldn’t let you go, no matter what he had to do to stop you from leaving him. 
As scary as the thought was, he knew he would take drastic measures to make sure you stayed his, even if that meant corrupting some of the morals he wasn’t even sure he had. 
He needed you and you needed him. You two were going to be connected, forever.
“So, what are you doing out here all alone?” Shoko asked, calming his sinister line of thinking. Choso stared blankly at her, not sure exactly what to say. He couldn’t just outright say he was tracking you, keeping tabs on you even though you weren’t aware of his actions. That would come off as stalker-ish. Choso wasn’t a stalker, he just wanted to confirm your well-being. “I’m meeting an old friend. Although, it is getting kind of late for my liking.” She let out breezily with a sigh when Choso didn’t answer quickly enough, and he mentally sighed, knowing he wasn’t in the spotlight anymore.
He quickly composed himself at her statement before responding, taking a piece of his makeshift bang from his signature buns to twirl in his fingers, feigning nonchalance. “Oh nice. A girl?” He smirked at her and she scoffed, rolling her eyes.
“Boy, do I wish! Just going clubbing with one of my friends from high school. Haven’t seen him in a while and he’s been going through it because of his ex or some shit.” She shrugged. “Oh, I think that’s him now!” Her voice was filled with enthusiasm as she pointed to the familiar man walking down the street and Choso couldn’t believe his fucking luck. 
Walking only twenty feet from him, was Suguru fucking Geto. The man who broke your heart more than once, cheated on you, betrayed you, stalked you.
Suguru was stopped in front of Choso before he knew it, a cocky expression on his features, looking down at the sweet woman he was meeting for the night. “She bothering you?” He asked Choso jokingly, obviously having no idea who he was and it took every fiber in Choso’s being not to knock him out on sight. Choso was livid, he knew it by the heat inside his body, no matter how freezing it was outside, it felt like a hot summer day by the way he was sweating. His knuckles were paler than usual with the way he was clenching his fists, ready to swing at any given moment. He couldn’t though. How would he explain this to you? He just so happened to be at a bar across the street from the club he knew you would be at? No, you wouldn’t believe that for a second. You were too damn smart for your own good.
Wait a minute. How did Suguru know you were here?
“Okay then…” Choso’s eyes snapped to the man as he spoke when Choso didn’t answer, knowing his face read nothing but pure hatred from the sudden unnerving aura in the air. “Let’s go, Shoko. This guy’s a fuckin’ weirdo.” Suguru continued and Choso absolutely lost it at the man’s bravery, obviously having absolutely no clue who he was dealing with. 
Choso let out a disgusted scoff before standing to his feet quickly, choosing to land mere inches from your stalker’s face. “That’s fucking hilarious coming from you.” Choso’s words came out venomous, wicked really, as he looked him in his eyes, standing tall and proud, not caring how confused the man before him seemed.
“The fuck…” Choso heard from the bench where Shoko sat, obviously bewildered at the observation before her, head flicking from left to right. “You know my friend?” Her question was directed at Choso, who ignored her inquisition.
Suguru was clearly disoriented at the man before him’s menacing spirit, completely thrown off guard at his statement. “Yo, I don’t know who the hell you are, but back the fuck out of my face.” He moved closer to Choso, words contradicting themselves, chest equally as buff, almost touching his, with a haunting look plaguing his features, one that would’ve scared the average man. The being you were dealing with was not your average man though, Choso was a lot of things, he had a lot of positive traits that included caring, protective, kind, and intelligent, but there was a demented side to him, a side that contained vile-like behavior, vengefulness, manipulation, and acrimony. It only showed when he or a loved one was threatened or hurt, and as said before he tried to keep it under wraps, it wasn’t a side he wanted you to ever see.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Choso asked, cutting to the chase. Fuck the BS, he needed to know why he was here, about to attend the club you were currently in, celebrating your birthday. He continued when Suguru’s face quickly filled with skepticism. “You here for her? On her birthday?” Choso nodded his head across the street and not soon after, all the blood seemeed to rush from Suguru’s face.
When silence filled the air, nothing to be heard but their shallow breaths, Choso’s heaving getting louder by the second, Shoko cut in, finally seeming to catch on pretty swiftly. “Oh, you did not bring me here to help you stalk your ex-girlfriend, did you?!” She asked the gobsmacked man before Choso, who still had nothing to say. “Answer me right now, Suguru Geto!” Her voice came out, forcefully and the man she was speaking to’s jaw clenched tightly, obviously caught in his seemingly master plan.
“You her new boyfriend or something?” Suguru spat at Choso, ignoring his concerned friend who threw her arms up in defeat, before fuddling in her leather jacket to grab her pack of cigarettes, muttering something about her “friend” being shitty as usual. Choso would have to agree, maybe even taking it further to describe him as something far more cruel.
Choso smirked at him, almost laughing in the man’s face at his apparent stress. “All that matters is that you aren’t. She’s done with you. While you’re busy still pining after her, stalking her, she’s moved on, very happily at that.” Rage suddenly filled Suguru’s eyes, a burning fire seemingly in them as Choso continued, loving the way he was riling the man up with just words. 
The scene across the street from the club you were in, completely oblivious to the situation, was a sinister one. But, you were inside, trying to have the time of your life, but seemingly not being able to for a few reasons. 
Number one: Andrea left quite some time ago. As usual, she could not handle her liquor. Before you all left the pregame at your apartment, she was already off her ass. She then proceeded to order three rounds of tequila shots, one after another, before she bolted off to the bathroom, prompting your older sister to run after your best friend, who was almost equally as drunk, but kept it under wraps with her super responsible oldest sister powers, as she called it. They didn’t spend too long in said restroom until Kento was waltzing into the establishment, an irked and distressed look covering his features. He took her home shortly after, but not before sending money for an Uber, since he was supposed to be your ride home. He sent more than needed, but you knew it was because he felt so horrible about the situation. 
Number two: Not only did your best friend get absolutely hammered, but so did your younger sister. She drank more than Andrea, at both your apartment and the nightclub, but she seemed to overestimate her tolerance, as she was currently leaning on your older sister for support, still trying to dance, without any success. 
Number three: There was something nagging in the back of your head. You didn’t know what, but since arriving, you felt…watched. It was like someone’s eyes were never leaving you and since around the time Andrea left, it got worse, making you feel almost naked. Your paranoia had driven you to search for the reason why you felt so uneasy, trying to lock eyes with the predator, but failing miserably. This was bothering you more than anything else, more than the people in your company irritating you greatly, which was a damn lot.
Your thoughts were interrupted when your older sister, your saving grace, and the only person not causing high emotion in you, Valerie, called your name in concern. You snapped your head to her to find her attempting to hold up your suddenly very drowsy younger sister, Opal, causing you to have those same powers your older sibling claimed to have, sobering up completely to help the youngest out of the club immediately. 
Today was not a good day to wear high heels, with them being at least four inches tall and skinny, making it incredibly hard to help guide the grown woman out the night spot. You managed though, with the help of a security who came to save the day. 
You were all now sitting outside on the curb, waiting for the Uber Valerie called while you were still inside, only to find out it was twenty whole minutes away. It was almost freezing outside and with your choice of attire consisting of a skimpy black dress that stopped at your mid-thigh, those heels that were open-toed, and only a fur coat that seemed to be your only intelligent choice of clothing on your body, you could not wait that long. You had half a mind to call Choso, but you knew it would probably take him that long to arrive anyway, plus he hadn’t answered any of your text messages in the past fourty-five minutes, so you assumed he was already asleep, (plus you would feel bad for taking the money Kento had so graciously given you just to not put it to good use.)
“How the hell is she in university drinking like a maniac every weekend, but can’t hold it together for a night out with us?” Valerie inquired from next to you, eyes on the scene beside her. Opal was leaning on the security guard for support, basically hugging him, with her eyes closed, ignoring his pleas for her to drink the water bottle he’d snagged from the front counter. 
It was cute really, they had only just met, but by the rose tint on the man’s cheeks, you could very well tell he was into your younger sister. At first you thought he was helping out of kindness, which he still could have been doing, but now it looked like he was doing it for something more, with him promising to remain outside with you all until your ride arrived. 
And why wouldn't he? Your sister was adorable, with her face almost an exact replica of you and your older sister's, her hair in a huge curly fro, dressed in the girliest, pinkest club attire, including her baby pink fur coat, which was the exact opposite of you and Valerie's. Valerie had chosen a warmer outfit, a tight, midi length sweater dress and high heeled boots, obviously the smarter of the three of you. Her hair was in black knotless braids, as it always was, being that it was easier to take care of since she didn't have the time to do her own hair, with her hands always in someone else's head. 
You let out a snort, wondering the same thing as your older sister. “Who knows?” You turned and shook your head at Opal, who was now drinking the water, staring up at the man who was now pleased at her actions, praising her with a smile on his face. “She better get it together before tomorrow night. I’m not stopping the party again just because the two of them can’t hold their liquor.” You finished with a roll of your eyes. It was your birthday weekend, for Christ’s sake.
Your annoyance was cut short when Opal finally spoke, but it was in a panicked tone, and not to you, but the man beside her. “What the fuck is going on over there?!” Her words were slurred, but you followed her eyesight to the scene across the street to see two men beating the shit out of eachother-well one man getting his ass beat. A screech from the woman above them was loud enough to pierce everyone’s ears in a two-mile radius. 
“Jesus Christ!” Valerie gasped next to you, covering her mouth as the man on the bottom’s face made a loud cracking sound as a fist connected to his jaw. 
Your heart raced with adrenaline at the sight before you as you got up to get a closer look, despite both of your sister’s protests. You really should mind your business, but something was calling you to the scene ahead of you, an invisible force dragging you to the commotion that was drawing a small crowd, anyway. The security guard who helped Opal was running ahead of you towards the disturbance, having to abandon your younger sister for a more pressing matter. 
You stumbled across the street, curiosity getting the best of you when you paused halfway there, to find  no one other than Choso fucking Kamo getting yanked off of a very bloody man, who still had the nerve to be talking shit after the obvious ass whooping he just caught. The top Choso’s t-shirt was torn, exposing his tattoos and his silver chain, his hair was a mess with one bun hanging from his head, while the other had seemingly fallen. His face was tomato red in comparison to his pale body, and fuck. Why did he have to look so deranged and so sexy? 
You snapped out your dirty thoughts and wanted to run over to Choso to figure out what the hell was happening, why he was fighting when you looked down to see that the man he was just hammering into the ground was no other than Suguru fucking Geto. 
Your heart felt like it stopped beating with the way it dropped to the bottom of your stomach. What is going on? Why were they fighting? Did they know each other? Who is that woman? What were they doing here? 
All of those questions were swirling through your head just as Suguru seemed to notice you, his facial expression turning from murderous to appalled, probably from your surprise appearance.
“Your boyfriend is a fucking psychopath!” He all but roared at you, looking disheveled with blood pooling from his nose and mouth and onto his neck as he attempted to get up, but falling almost immediately, causing the brown haired woman to help him up, grumbling obscenities underneath her breath. Was this his new girlfriend? 
Ugh, who cares? 
You didn’t know what to think and you weren’t sure how to feel, but for some reason the sight of Suguru on the ground, beat to a fucking pulp by Choso Kamo, pleading at your feet, lit something sinister in you. You didn’t feel angry, or disappointed, or sorrowful even. 
What you felt was pure elation. Euphoric at the fact that he was practically crying and begging you to do something about Choso who’d just given him the ass whooping of a lifetime, probably at your expense, and outright in ecstasy at the sight of Choso, only ten feet from you now, a small amount of blood drooling from his gore painted lips, silently suffering, seemingly waiting for your reaction, as he was being held back from the pathetic man under you.
You couldn’t help the sinister grin that began to creep on your face, something that should have terrified Choso, or even yourself, but it didn’t. In fact, his large toothy, amused smile followed yours, and he looked the happiest you had ever seen him.
You didn’t know if that relieved you or fucking terrified you. 
Chapter Twelve is Posted
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