#now prepare yourself for basement babies
porschesbabydaddy · 1 year
Currently obsessively thinking about an AU where Porsche and Chay are found by Gun at a young age and raised by the minor family
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cherry-cola-on-ice · 6 months
Slashers with a sleepwalking s/o
AN: totally based off my personal experiences sleepwalking lol asked my friends and family what their favorite sleepwalking episode was.
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Jason Voorhees 🏕
Jason is already paranoid AF about you unknowingly wandering into a trap during the day.
But the first time he comes across you in the woods at night? When you should be asleep?
He is not a happy man. Many thoughts run through his mind. Are you trying to leave him? Trying to get yourself hurt? Would you rather die then be with him?
It takes him a good while and a lot of explaining for him to understand what's happening. That your not intentionally doing this. Science shit™️
He sets up a system. Maybe a bell or two. Something loud to let him know where you are. Maybe some trip wires.
Strangest thing he's seen you do: He watched you eat a entire sleeve of saltines while standing in the shower.
Michael Myers 🎃
Michael's seen some shit. So this is nothing. All those years in Smiths Grove have prepared him for this. So you sleepwalk? Cool, his neighbor at Smiths Grove used to eat cockroachs.
That being said, the closer you're relationship grows, the more worried he becomes. What if you fall down the stairs? What if you wander into the road? What if, what if, what if??
He doesn't have the foresight to set up traps, like Jason does.
Uses his fucked up sleep schedule to his advantage and often stands over your sleeping body. Jumpscare.
Will definitely tie a bell on you while you sleep. Totally not a collar what are you saying? Don't make it kinky.
The strangest thing he's seen you do: Put all of the remotes in the refrigerator because they needed batteries.
Thomas Hewitt 🥩
Poor sweet man. You're going to give him a heart attack one of these days.
However, he's probably one of the more better prepared of the lot. His house is set up to keep people in and out. So there isn't much danger you can get into.
Unless he forgets to lock up the basement. Which has happened once. And only once. You were fairly unharmed if not a little traumatized.
Has taken to locking your bedroom door. Also installs like 10 latches. AND puts a bell on the doorknob. And maybe sometimes you.
Look, he's already scared of losing you to somebody else, he doesn't want to have to worry him losing you to you.
Strangest thing he's seen you do: Him, Monty and Hoyt sat and watched you stand in front of the sink for a hour and a half. Just standing there. Menacingly
Brahms Heelshire 🐀
Oh, poor baby is confused. Especially at the start of your situation-ship. You don't know he's there, you just think you're babysitting a doll for a sad old couple. Not their grown ass son who lives in the walls.
The first time Brahms finds you sleepwalking, he's pissed. You trying to leave him, he knows you are. But... did you just snore?? Wait, you're asleep. He feels a little better about the situation.
Until you start walking towards the stairs. Boy's never moved so fast in his life. He knows if he wakes you up it's game over. So he gives you a gentle nudge back to your room.
Now after you find about the rat man in the walls, things are different. Brahms, even in the deepest REM cycle, will never let you go. Man is a koala and you are the tree he's clinging to for dear life. It's almost impossible to escape his arms at night.
Almost makes you sleep in the walls instead of the bedroom so you're safer. Like ain't no way you're getting out of those without him waking up.
Strangest thing he's seen you do: Sat up in bed, complaining about the maracas in your mouth??? He cried.
Billy Lenz 🎄
World's worst caretaker 👑
Especially before yall start dating because, at that point in time, he's still trying to decide if he wants to kill you. He won't lie, he very briefly thought about pushing you down the stairs.
But? After you win him over? Yeah still kinda sucks ass at keeping you from hurting yourself. He'll keep you alive, mind you, just a little worse for wear.
He asked you once if he could tie you down in bed. You didn't like the look in his eyes so you declined. Billy pouted for the next three days.
TBH he might do it anyways. Look he's just trying to keep your silly little self safe, S/O. Get your mind out of the gutter. Haha, jk...unless 😏?
The strangest thing he's seen you do is eat a entire bag of gummy bears while standing outside. He joined you.
Vincent Sinclair 🖌
Another prepared king 👑
His workshop is dangerous. Upstairs is dangerous. The whole town is health code violation. And bby cannot stand the idea of you hurting yourself.
But other then the constant anxiety that you'll some how end up falling off the stairs or falling into the wax or the any other number of things his brain comes up with, he's very level-headed.
Child safety locks. He buys that shit in bulk.
But hey, gives him a excuse to hold you at night. (Vincent, they're literally your s/o)
The strangest thing he's seen you do is stand over Bo's bed, chanting tomato. Bo almost cried.
Bo Sinclair 🔧
Definition of "Look at that idiot...oh wait that's my idiot!"
Honestly, probably the worst. Not like 'let's you just walk around' worst, but more like 'Imma gonna chain you to the bed' worst.
Dude's so scared of losing you, pretty much the best thing that ever happened to him, that his willing to go to drastic matters to keep you safe.
Don't try to explain the science behind it, you'll only give him a migraine. Just let him keep you safe. K, bby?
Bo's gonna lose sleep some nights, he's that scared. No doubt you will wake up to the feeling of someone watching you. Just comfort him, ok?
Strangest thing he's seen you do is sit up in bed and start singing 'Livin La Vida Loca'
Asa Emory 🪲
Number one prepared king™️
I'm not saying he may or may not, kinda sorta perhaps placed cameras around your living situation before you two even began dating. But yeah he did.
So he knows all about the crazy shenanigans you are up to at night.
He reads the books, watching online lectures 👏all👏the👏research. You can bet your sweet ass he knows exactly how to wake you up in case of emergency.
In the same breath, despite how much he does love you, science. Prepare to be studied like a bug under a microscope.
Strangest thing he's seen you do is standing with the refrigerator doors open, telling him how much you love this show.
Norman Bates 🚿
My poor sweet innocent murder bby. He doesn't know what to do.
Yeah, keep you safe, he's got that much down. But at what cost?
The hotel looks like a a daycare center now. Baby proofing everywhere (ask him about getting locked out of the bathroom, it's funny)
Suggested a collar once as a joke, wasn't expecting you to agree. Got flustered. Dropped his cup, maybe got a bone.
Another koala sleeper, so good luck escaping his embrace. Will go as far as following you to the bathroom to make sure you're actually awake.
Strangest thing he's seen you do is sit down in a fake potted plant in the living room and talk about dinosaurs.
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st0ryf1lms · 3 months
is it really you? ➳ ken sato
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pairing: ken sato x reader
word count: 866
genre/warnings: fluff, sort of a crack fic, 3+1 things, wrote this with a sarcastic tone LMAO, a bit of profanity, grammatical errors most likely (wrote this at 1AM), reader uses fem pronouns
synopsis: the 3 times kenji sato swore he saw you, and the 1 time he actually saw you.
a/n: yes, i'm finally giving in to the kenji sato brainrot HUHUHUH if i had known he was the reason my writer's block would disappear, would've watched the movie sooner i'm ngl edit: AAAAAA WHAT 600+ NOTES??? U GUYS ARE INSANEEE I LOVE YOU ALL this is now up on my ao3!!
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At the New Tokyo Dome at his first game as a Giants player
Maybe he was just dreaming, maybe it was the fatigue actually catching up to him ever since he hopped off that plane, or maybe he did actually see you in that stadium amongst the crowd cheering his name. You, as in his childhood best friend, arguably one of the best parts of his childhood in Japan before leaving for LA. You, as in the childhood best friend he never got to say a proper goodbye to. You, as in the childhood best friend whom he always missed and cried to his mom about whenever he'd get homesick. (You, as in the childhood best friend he'd harbored a secret crush on as a kid. As an adult? Psh, what sane person gets hung up on a person who must've forgotten him all those years ago. Not Ken Sato, for sure, yeah, uh-huh.) He'd never know for certain, of course, because as he was about to stop and look, a Kaiju crashed a KDF plane into the ceiling of the stadium.
KAIJU ALERT, his watch blared in an angry red face. He sighed, making his way to the nearest stadium exit and heading towards the dimly-lit part of the street by the stadium. Not without stopping for a split second because he thought he saw your silhouette. Silhouette, really? My God, Kenji, pull yourself together, he told himself. Of course, that wouldn’t be your silhouette because he definitely doesn’t know what you look like anymore, what food you like, what your job is, how you held up after he left for LA. Of course, he doesn’t know that.
Shaking off any more thoughts of you, Kenji turned into his giant alter-ego to fight off the Kaiju wreaking havoc on the streets of Tokyo. (a distraction, really, as Mina would say.)
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2. On a grocery run looking exhausted as hell.
It had been two weeks since he took in the baby kaiju in his basement and Kenji Sato has never been more exhausted. If you ask him, exhausted would be an understatement. Nevertheless, his mind was actually alive (much to Mina's surprise) because he swears this time, that he actually saw you. With his own two eyes. As if locked in a daze, he secretly followed you like a lost puppy with a push cart in the grocery store before realizing you were heading for the exit. He stopped in his tracks as the doors opened for you, realizing the items he got weren't paid for yet.
Begrudgingly, he went back inside the grocery and got the rest of the items he needed before going back to his house.
Next time, I swear, I'll talk to her, Kenji said to himself as he drove back to his place.
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3. During Emi's acid reflux rampage.
Shit, shit, shit, he cursed to himself like a mantra as he zoomed across the streets of Tokyo on his bike, trying to chase after the pink baby kaiju that somehow escaped his basement that he explicitly placed under the care of Mina (in case you couldn’t tell, he's definitely glaring at his AI assistant). Looking at the construction site beside him as he sat in traffic, an idea popped in his head. He could use that to give him a boost to quickly get to the baby. He rode up the makeshift ramp and turned into his giant alter-ego, catching his bike in time.
"Holy shit." He froze. Goddammit, had he really been that careless? Changing in front of a civilian? Nervously chuckling, he turned around to face the owner of the voice, mentally preparing his response [read: excuse] only to be wide-eyed and speechless. The owner of the voice was you. You, as in his childhood best friend, whom he's been trying to catch up with ever since he landed in Japan.
"What the fuck! Ultraman is Ke-" You exclaimed before you got rudely interrupted by the giant superhero. "Hey, shhh! Can we, like, stay quiet on this matter? I know I don't have an NDA right now but my bike will suffice, I guess. I'll get it back from you, I swear, I just really have to take care of this right now. Treat you to our usual spot? Thanks!" He said frantically before running away to take care of his huge baby problem.
Not really the best way to reconnect with your childhood best friend.
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+1. After the battle at sea with the KDF.
"Hey, sorry for being late, had to take care of something." He apologized as he jogged up to you on your usual hang-out spot when you were children. You reassured him, saying that you had just arrived, too. "I didn't know what kinda stuff you eat now as an athlete superstar so I just went for the safest convenience store options." You said sheepishly, holding up the plastic bags with a weary smile. "I don't mind, I actually like convenience store snacks." He beamed on how you still remember what he used to like as a kid.
"So, Ken Sato, gonna explain?"
"Oh, you're gonna want to sit down for this."
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casuallyanidiot · 28 days
Oh dear. Poor reader :(. They must be crying and whimpering, all scared in that dark but spacious boot of his car. It's not right, their screams are perfectly muffled by the gag he so perfectly and effectively bound them up in.
Can you blame him though? It's painfully infuriating to see them struggle in shitty flats with worse room mates. He made sure they can't work anywhere else so they definitely can't afford anything better. Yan (ex) coworker knows they'd be happiest and safest locked inside his lovely manor at the edge of some remote forest with no where to run! ☺️
He's got everything prepared. A pretty room, locked up for them to acclimatise so that they don't hurt themselves or him. They don't even have to worry about the things they love, he's already got everything shipped out there.
What's wrong? He's got everything they could possibly need. Don't piss him off now. He's seen them be useless at everything ever. Just be the pretty doll they know they can be :)
Yandere coworker, if you can even call him that anymore, is nicer to you once you're chained in his basement than he's ever been before.
It's honestly a guilty pleasure of his, but he can't help but get hard when he sees you all teary and curled up on the plush bed he's given you. Yandere coworker smiles despite your fear. He loves this. Finally after all this time, you're the weak little thing he knew you always were.
"Don't cry baby," He coos. "I'm gonna take good care of you," He murmurs with an almost giddy smile. He grabs your ankle and tugs you towards him. You try and claw away from him, but of course you can't even do that. God, you're helpless without him.
Yandere Coworker wrangles you onto his lap and squishes your face in his hand. "Be nice," He warns despite the soft grin on his face. He forced you into a cute little outfit earlier. He had always imagined that you would look far better in short, frilly skirts and soft pastel sweaters than you would office wear. He's glad to know that he, as usual, was right.
"Be nice," He repeats. "You're acting like the world is ending, baby." His voice is full of playful affection. He presses open mouthed kisses to the back of your neck and rolls his clothes hips against yours. You whimper, and he can't help but chuckle. Even after all of this, you still don't get how good you have it. The entire room is filled with designer furniture, all tasteful and cute like you. There's nothing on your body that's worth less than a hundred dollars, and he feeds you (even if by force) only the best meals.
"You're just so dumb, sweetie," Yandere coworker murmurs as he nibbles on your earlobe and forces your thighs apart. He hears you squeak and feels you shake against him. He shushes you quietly. "Acting like you can do anything for yourself... Fuck, you're so useless. You can't even get good sleep if I don't make you, huh?"
You flinch. You try to argue, but he delivers another warning squeeze to your cheeks. He hums and draws circles up your plush thighs with his thumb. "That's why you need me, baby," He practically moans out his words. You're terrified, and even though he knows that he should be trying to get you to accept all of this, he just loves how you tense up in his arms.
"But I know, baby," His voice drips with false sympathy like honey on his tongue. You "I know exactly what you're good for."
Yandere Coworker knows that it's hard for something so simple and sweet like you to understand that this is a good thing. Maybe once you're face down, ass up and stuffed full of his cock, you'll stop pretending like you can even do that.
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onysfavreader · 6 months
Random hc of being Ony's hyperfemblack!wife
You getting spoiled way to much but Ony who doesn't mind because his girl deserves the universe and more
Ony who can never have enough pictures and videos of you on his phone because he is quick to show you off at any chance you recording little maintenance vlogs for your photo shoots together
Ony who just loves you so much and never want to not see you smile
Ony being the only one to help you handle your emotions and make you feel better because he knows you can't help but be so emotional "Shh baby tell me what's wrong" "What happened ma why you look so upset"
Picks you up if you try to walk away from him when you're upset
Ony letting you decorate bc you're helping each other create your dream lives and that included giving you your dream pinterest house and closet lmao
You being the only one who gets to see Ony's soft side after you spent forever trying to get through to him like he put you through the worst when you first started talking but now he makes up for it every day and you brag about it to yourself because it took you forever to get him to that point
You not being any better in the beginning of your relationship those half assed ‘situationships’ could never prepare you for your relationship with Ony your the reason ony’s patience and trust for you is as high as it is
You two giving golden retriever and black cat energy Ony doesn’t look like he likes anyone and doesn’t but is the sweetest ever once you really get to know him especially to you and you looking the sweetest on the outside but you’re are worse then people think Ony is
Ony supporting you through everything and you doing the same even if you don't know exactly what he's doing you trust him
You walking around wrapped in a robe or one of many blankets almost everyday bc your always cold until Ony caught on buying you hoodies and jackets in his size just to see how cute you look when they cover so much more of your body than his
Ony giving you all the hugs kisses and praises he can because he knows you fiend off his attention and will throw the worst fits when you don't get it
You holding onys two fingers instead of his hand bc he's so big
Ony who lifts double your weight on a bad day this and just picks you up and you love it until he pisses you off "Put my ass down now" you shout trying to push him away "Why you not talking to me ma what's wrong" "Boy fuck you" "We gotta work on the mouth of yours" "Ony put me down" You laughed as he carried you to your bedroom “Don’t laugh now” “Baby I’m sorry” “I don’t want to hear none of that ma”
You absolutely loving Ony and the life you've built together
You're only piece of gold jewelry is an anklet with an 'o' charm and you refuse to take off even after he offered to get it in silver
Buying Ony just as many if not more flowers then he buys you
Ony and you having two dogs that are your babies. Ony's being some big 'scary' dog like a black pit bull that absolutely adores you and your a cute little brown toy poodle that Ony tries not to trip over bc they follow him almost as much as you follow him
You and Ony would have different "rooms" that would be your own space yours would be in the attic and he would have his in the basement but you two would still have your bed room
Ony never letting you know what he does for work but he keeps you safe and happy so you push your suspensions aside
You and Ony being the cutest together like your head over heels for him and he completely adores you
You being onys entire world and universe sun and all with the brightest smile on your pretty face and biggest heart
You both having to learn to love but know you want to be with each other for the rest of your lives so you push through the rough patches
Ony cooks and you bake
Ony doing the bathroom, dish, taking out the trash, fixing things, lawn work, bills, bugs, ect
You organizing, decorates, takes care of the dogs, cleans laundry, houses maintenance, groceries, ect
You and Ony who spoil each other rotten and love it
You doing Ony's hair and it's just a cute moment between you two every few weeks one of you will set up the bathroom before going to get the other then you'll sit on the sink with him in front of you most off the time it's quiet as Ony watches you concentrate
You rarely buying Ony gifts because you're always making something for him
You never being able to get enough of Ony
You have the prettiest garden with flowers herbs and fruits that you somehow managed to scared the dogs away from and plug!Ony will some times ask for help when growing his weed
- smut
Definitely the daddy dom of your my dreams he can be the sweetest softest dom ever or the scariest brat tamer but a pleasure dom either way
You almost being apillow princess bc Ony loves being the one to make you cum just by using you but you knowing how to suck it off the bone and neither of you can resist having him down your throat
You being a sweetheart but when you aren’t you can get a horrible attitude and smart mouth only Ony can handle because he knows how to keep your mouth full
Ony can't help but come inside of you so he pays for your birth control
Ony's 's so big and strong and so so big especially compared to you and you love it just the thought turns you on like just looking up at him while you standing next to him maybe holding his fingers and all you can do is squeeze your legs together
Ony fucking you in his hoodies
His voice is music to your ears but His praise will make you're eyes roll back and brain go dumb every time "Fuck you're so good baby just like that" "There you go ma"
You calling him daddy bc what is an Ony
Being each other's biggest eaters
Ony will pick you up and carry you away to your bedroom when he needs you and when you need him you’ll wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist or you’ll straddle his lap until he eventually gets it
You are definitely kinker then ony hands down and has to teach him things like
You liking soft intimate sex and Ony who fucks you so hard you go dumb almost every time And somehow he always knows which one you need
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munson-blurbs · 6 months
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Summary: An evening in the Wheeler basement reveals what you've been trying to deny about your best friend, and longtime crush, Eddie.
WC: 827
Warnings: hurt/no comfort, unrequited love, mention of sex. You've been warned.
Eddie “Speak First, Think Later” Munson struck again. 
A rainy spring Saturday had the Hellfire Club gathered for an impromptu meeting in the Wheeler basement. Eddie whipped out a campaign that he’d been saving, somehow just as detail-rich as the ones he’d meticulously prepared for regular Friday sessions. It had gone on for hours until Dustin, the last player standing, rolled to cast a fireball and was met with utter failure. 
“Damn, and here I thought this was one of my weaker ones.” Eddie popped a sour cream and onion chip in his mouth, crunching down with a triumphant grin. “Looks like I’m unstoppable. Impenetrable. Invincible, even.” 
“Yeah, whatever,” Gareth muttered, but there was no missing his own smile as he added, “tell that to Chrissy Cunningham.”
Chrissy Cunningham? Your stomach dropped at the mention of her name. You’d noticed him glancing over at her table in the cafeteria, and saw him at her locker a few times, but that didn’t mean…
Jeff snorted. “He can’t tell her anything without looking like a total moron. ‘H-Hey, Chrissy. Nice hair, um, thing.’” 
“I do not sound like that, asshole.”
“Dude, you said that exact sentence in algebra yesterday. It was a direct quote.”
Your throat was scratchy from shouting during the game, but you cleared it and forced yourself to speak. “What’s going on with Chrissy?”
Grant ignored the glare that Eddie preemptively gave the rest of the guys. “Our fearless leader is smitten with the Queen of Hawkins High,” he teased. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas all underscored his statement with obnoxious kissy noises. 
“Shut up!” Eddie yelled, but it only further spurred them on. 
“Don’t be shy,” Dustin said through his laughter. “Everyone knows you loooooove her!”
You didn’t. Okay, maybe a part of you did, but your optimism—or perhaps naivety—dismissed the idea. Because if he loved Chrissy, that meant he didn’t love you. It meant the long hugs and arms slung over your shoulder were platonic. That the deep conversations late into the night were simply between friends. 
“I don’t love her,” Eddie retorted, his pinkening cheeks giving him away. “I just think she’s cute, okay?”
“Cute?” Lucas said. He rolled his eyes. “Puppies are cute. Kittens are cute. Babies are—”
“Fine, I think she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in my goddamn life!” Eddie snapped, but a soft smile tugged at the ends of his lips. “Are you idiots happy now?”
The most beautiful girl he’d ever seen in his life. In his life. 
Happy? You were the farthest thing from happy. 
Your eyes blurred with tears, blinking them back and timing a sniffle with the crinkling of the chip bag as Mike passed it to Lucas. If you could pull yourself together, you could excuse yourself before you broke down completely. 
“Dude.” Jeff looked at Eddie, pulling his gaze to you despite your reluctance to even glance his way. “She’s a girl.”
“Oh, shit.” Eddie chuckled, snagging his Mountain Dew can from the snack table and taking an extended swig. “It’s not like I’m gonna have sex with my best friend, though.”
Gareth feigned a pout. “I thought I was your best friend.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not having sex with you either.”
You watched as Eddie finished his soda, crushing the can in his fist and tossing it at the drummer’s curly mop of hair. 
It’s not like I’m gonna have sex with my best friend. 
Not even a pause. Not a moment of consideration. Nothing close to the movie-esque scene where the boy realized that the girl of his dreams had been right in front of him the whole time. 
Mustering up a half-smile, you pushed yourself off of the couch. “I’m gonna head home. I’m pretty beat.”
Beat. Broken. Destroyed. Shattered. 
Eddie sat up, brushing Lays crumbs onto his jeans and leaving them shiny with oily residue. “Let me drive you,” he offered. 
You shook your head. “N-No, I wanna walk.” 
“It’s raining,” he protested. 
“It’s fine.”
That may have been the first time you’d declined the chance to spend time alone with him. You lived for the days you’d climb into the passenger seat of his van after Hellfire, resting your head against the window as it vibrated from the bass of the radio speakers. 
Eddie shrugged. “Suit yourself,” he said, turning his attention back to the guys. 
He didn’t come after you. You heard his laughter echoing around the basement as you ascended the stairs, barely managing to close the door before you burst into tears. 
Everything you wanted Eddie to feel for you, he felt for Chrissy. The thought of watching his eyes follow her around the cafeteria on Monday roiled a sickness within you. 
You wished you’d never showed up to the Wheelers’ today. Although it wouldn’t have changed Eddie’s love for Chrissy—or his lack of love for you—at least you could continue pretending that there was hope. 
Now, you had nothing but a broken heart.  
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daddynattt · 1 year
Welcome to your new home
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Dark!Natasha Romanoff x F!Step Daughter R
warnings: nat has a penis, hidden camera, masturbation, kidnapping, smut, blow job, face fucking, stockholm syndrome, unprotected sex, breeding, dumbification
word count: 1.4k
send drabble requests
Natasha eyes the camera feed on her phone, getting comfortable in bed as she watches you undress. Such a dumb little thing, not even knowing you had hidden cameras in your bedroom for your stepmom to spy on you. She strokes herself through her boxers, licking her lips as she takes out her erect cock, jerking herself off as she looks at your tits, your nipples perky and hard. Her eyes travel down to your pussy, causing her to grunt as she strokes herself faster, the image of her dick deep inside you — your walls squeezing her tight, as she releases herself in you and finally takes you to make you forever hers — causes her to reach her orgasm quick as her cum shoots onto her hand and chest. Her breathing turns ragged as she calms down from her orgasm. In just a few days, her and your mother will be divorced and she will finally have you all to herself forever.
“C’mon Natasha, are you sure we can’t fix this? Y/n was just beginning to get comfortable and used to the idea of having you around.”
Natasha remains stoic, looking at your mother as she gathers the rest of her belongings. The divorce has been finalized, and now you can be hers. “I’m sorry, but this is the end of us. I wish you all the best, but I just don’t love you anymore.”
Your mother frowns and Natasha walks out the door to her car. She opens the trunk and puts in her bags, smiling as you lay there completely tied up with your mouth taped up, laughing to herself as you try to squirm and scream.
“C’mon baby, it’s time to go home.”
Natasha opens the trunk and pulls you out of the car, grabbing onto you and forcing you into the house as she brings you down into the basement. You kick and scream, hoping somehow you can escape her grasp and run away. She pushes you onto the floor and slaps you, causing you to shut up instantly.
“Be a good girl for me and behave, understood?” You look up at her with tears in your eyes, flinching as she grabs your face in her hand. “Shh baby, I won’t hurt you, not too badly at least. I love you and you belong to me. You’re mine now.”
She strokes your cheek, smiling as you unintentionally fall into her touch. Natasha makes her way upstairs as she prepares your special drink, and just as fast as she was gone, she came back.
“I’m going to untie you now, if you scream or fight, I will hurt you in ways you can’t even imagine. Do you understand?” You flinch as you feel the tip of her knife against your neck, nodding faintly as you look up at her. “That’s my good girl. Behave yourself, I'm warning you.”
She unties you and removes the tape, smiling as you stay still, not uttering a single word or sound.
“That’s it baby, good girl. Now be an angel and drink this, this is your special drink just for you.”
She puts the cup to your lips, and you drink it, not wanting to upset her. You finish it all and she kisses your forehead, guiding you to the bed and setting you down. Your body starts to feel weak after a couple of minutes, eyes drooping, and you lay there on the bed, letting the effects of the cocktail take over. As much as you want to get up and leave, your mind is fuzzy, and you stare up at the ceiling, falling in and out of consciousness.
Natasha smirks to herself, getting herself situated and getting everything prepared as you sit there, your body too weak to move.
An hour later she comes back in only a t-shirt and boxers as she makes her way over to you on the bed. “There’s my little princess. Now, daddy wants to play and have some fun, and you’re going to be a good girl for me and take it okay?”
You look up at her with doe eyes, your brain has gone to mush. Your mind is hazy and you can’t think of anything else but your stepmother. She starts undressing you, beaming as you don't fight back, letting her remove all your clothes until you’re fully naked. You watch as she pulls down her boxers and removes her shirt, grabbing onto her cock as she strokes it, your mouth watering at the sight. You don’t know why, but you want it in your mouth and deep inside your pussy.
“You like what you see princess, hmm? You want daddy’s cock don’t you?” You find yourself nodding, and she gets onto the bed and on top of you, stroking her dick right above your face. “Now, be a good girl and suck my cock. Watch your teeth okay? Go on baby.”
Natasha parts your lips with her tip, her pre cum coating them, and you take her dick into your mouth, sucking on it the best you can. Your head is completely empty, no thoughts in your brain other than your stepmother, and you find the taste of her addicting and wanting more. She pushes herself deeper, grunting at the feeling of your warm, wet mouth around her.
“That’s it baby, just like that. You’re doing so good for me,” she moans. You gag around her as she shoves her dick down your throat, looking up at her with tears in your eyes as she face fucks you, drool and spit coming out the sides of your mouth as you deepthroat her. “Fuck! Daddy is gonna cum princess, oh you’re such a good little slut for me, taking my cock so well. You were made for me weren’t you? Not your stupid bitch of a mother. You’re mine now baby, you’re not going anywhere.”
You happily let her fuck your throat, suddenly giddy at the thought of being hers and only hers, and you choke around her as she shoots her load down your throat, doing your best to swallow everything she gives you, not wanting to disappoint her. You whine as she pulls away, grabbing at her dick and looking up at her. She laughs, smiling as she is starting to finally get you where she wants you, leaning down and kissing you as she slides her tongue into your mouth and tasting herself on it.
“Aww my princess is already addicted to my cock? My dumb little cock slut huh? Shh, baby, it’s all yours, gonna fuck your sweet little pussy and breed you like the dumb bitch you are. You’d like that wouldn’t you? You’re nothing but a set of holes for me to dump my cum in, hmm?”
You moan at her words, nodding as you spread your legs. “Please daddy! Please please please!”
You don’t know what you’re begging for, but all you know is you need her inside you. Natasha smirks devilishly, sliding her cock inside you in one full thrust, causing you to moan out loud. She is so big and deep, but all you feel is pleasure and lust as she slides in and out of you at a fast pace, wrapping your legs around her as drool comes out the sides of your mouth, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as she fucks you relentlessly.
Natasha grunts and moans in your ear as she fucks you deep and hard, your walls squeezing her tight, causing her orgasm to reach its peak. You feel so good around her, better than your mother ever felt, her sweet little step daughter that she kidnapped lying underneath her. The dirty thoughts, and the amazing feeling of your pussy, causes her to release herself inside you, moaning into your ear as she hugs your body and shoots all her cum inside you, sliding in and out slowly to prolong her orgasm, making sure to stay inside you to ensure you are properly bred. Your body is weak and limp underneath her, the medicine and the rough fucking causing you to lay still.
You moan as she moves herself inside you again, and you weakly push her away.
“Shh princess, just be a good girl for me and take what I give you, you’re not going anywhere. You’re too dumb to know anything aren’t you?” You stare at her dark, hooded eyes and nod. “You need me to decide everything for you don’t you? Yeah that’s right baby, that’s my good little slut.”
You lay there for hours and hours as she uses your body however she pleases, getting fucked until you’re unconscious. This is your new home now.
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disneyprincemuke · 11 months
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midnights, 8 * mv1
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rumours on the paddock have it that max is out and about with another girl on his arm
pairings: max verstappen x fem!reader
warnings: -
notes: only 2 more parts after this,, making me kinda sad ;( i’ve used this as an outlet not to trauma dump irl anymore so what have i gOT AFTER THISSSS
(series masterlist)
(prev) // (next)
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the car slowly comes to a stop, turning your head to stare at the apartment building you used to have memorised. it’s in the louder part of town, a more convenient location for your now ex-lover for when he needs to get around.
you hadn’t expected to cave so soon, but you were lying about in your apartment with nothing to do when you felt a sharp pang of pain in your chest. fueled by the sudden cat shaped hole in your heart, you called victoria up for a request to spend some time with the felines you’ve deemed as your kids.
a soft tap on your window makes you turn your head, a small smile from the younger woman startling you before winding the window down. “hey!”
“hey,” you greet her solemnly, putting the car in park before you climb out slowly. “have you gotten dinner yet?”
“i’ve got food upstairs,” victoria assures you. she turns to the man in uniform, hands behind his back at the entrance of the apartment building. “extra for you as well.”
he sends you a grin. “ms. (y/n)! welcome back.”
you return his gesture with a courteous nod. “hello,” you smile as he makes his way to your car.
valet is something you never asked for, but max had insisted following the incident of you chipping the paint off your car on a wall in the cramp basement parking.
if victoria hadn’t told you that your car was still under the list, you would have taken a taxi.
“sorry for calling you so abruptly,” you chuckle sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck as you follow the younger woman into the elevator. “i just missed jimmy and sassy. so much. i’ve tried staying away, but those two have got my heart in their tiny little paws.”
victoria smiles warmly at you, a friendly hand on your shoulder with a tight squeeze. “i’ve always got your back,” she giggles, shaking you slightly. “you’re my favourite.”
you shake your head. “have they been eating fine?”
“they have! but i get an inkling that they’ve been missing you,” victoria frowns, now leading the way in the empty hallway. “they sleep on your side of the bed when i’m around and start meowing like crazy when i come in. probably hoping it was you.”
that was the conflict you had coming back from the singapore gp to clear the apartment of your things.
you had concluded yourself that packing them up to bring them with you would be too stressful for the cats, which is why you made the difficult decision to leave them in max’s apartment.
on your last night, you gathered them up with you for cuddles while you slept. in the morning, they meowed for you as you walked out, leaving your heart heavier than it initially was.
when you step into the apartment, you try to push away the lingering feeling of breaking out into a sobbing mess. you call for the cats as you usually do, things shuffling and falling over in different parts of the apartment before you see two figures running over to you.
“i’ll prepare you a plate,” victoria grins, closing the door behind her. “i made carbonara.”
she disappears into the apartment, leaving you with the two cats rubbing their heads and bodies on your calves while you take off your shoes. it’s not very like them to be clingy like this, so it makes you grin though they do make it harder to finish your task.
“yes, yes,” you mutter, grabbing jimmy by the torso to briefly move him away. “i will carry you in a bit, baby. i just want to take off my shoes.”
you trudge further into the apartment, trying to make sense of the half empty place you used to call home. you should’ve been here; you should still be here.
if only you can get yourself to call him instead of moping around and falling asleep with his name on your lips like a prayer.
you try to get comfortable by the coffee table in the living room, both cats wrestling one another as they try to fit in your lap. you put your bag on the table. “i’ve got treats for you guys!” you squeal. “but, i’ve got to send a text first. give me a second, okay?”
you turn on your phone, answering your friends with a simple text message. you then get distracted from there, swiping to your home page and opening instagram for a quick look.
suddenly, you wish you never had.
there’s a picture of max, in the paddocks during the race weekend… with her. the bane of your existence then, and still the bane of your existence now even when he’s not yours anymore.
not that there's anything suggestive in the picture that would confirm a relationship. but it is enough to raise speculation now that news has broken that you are no longer together.
they're simply walking side by side in conversation. surely there's nothing going on between them. right?
you feel your heart sink in your chest and your throat closing in. even the presence of either cat isn’t enough to make you want to stay. but you know you have to power through — they’re just cats. they don’t know what’s going on.
you breathe out shakily, tears filling your eyes to the brim as you take out the liquid treats for the cats.
victoria walks out of the kitchen, alarmed by your sniffling and the tears falling out of your eyes. “oh, hey! what’s wrong?”
you shake your head, promptly putting the packet of treat down while jimmy and sassy flock to the familiar scent. you wipe your tears away and laugh dryly. “oh, it’s nothing! i just really missed the cats.”
“no, really. what is it?” victoria asks in a soothing tone, putting down the plates on the dining table before she runs over to you. “what’s wrong? talk to me about it.”
but you can’t. victoria will always be on max’s side — through and through. they’re siblings, after all. it doesn’t matter what happened between you both. no matter how much victoria says that you’re her favourite.
you grin through your tears and force a smile. “it’s just the apartment. i haven’t been here in so long.”
the suppressed emotions from earlier are finally surfacing. it’s even worse now that the universe made you look at the picture of max with kelly.
it all feels too fresh. sure, you were doing fine months after the breakup. but it’s different now seeing him in the first steps of moving on; you were still hoping for that slight glimmer of spark to eventually rekindle and reconnect you with him.
with kelly now in the picture, the possibility to having max back are looking bleak.
victoria holds you in a side hug. “i’m sorry you guys broke up,” she rubs your arm, head resting on top of yours. “i’m here if you need to talk about it.”
you give her a nod with a small smile. you wipe your tears away and try your best to stop crying - you'll just cry on your drive back home. "of course. thank you, vic," you smile, patting her knee. "but i will be okay. as always."
"i'm on nobody's side, if that helps."
you're not sure why victoria felt the need to clarify that. the only possible reason would be that max has not spoken of you and it only makes the tightening in your chest worse.
you let out one final sob, hand on your chest as jimmy and sassy wrestle one another for the liquid treat in your hand. you laugh breathily as you look up at victoria. "if max hasn't talked about it, maybe it's best that i don't as well."
and it left a bitter taste in your mouth saying that. it feels like it's over. you've now completely lost max without any signs of life. there are no signs of max ever coming back.
if max can move forward, so can you.
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taglist: @merchelsea @leclercdream @labelledejourr @laneyspaulding19 @lpab @graciewrote @hollie911 @thatsojasminesworld @mycenterfold @princessria127 @ironmaiden1313 @dl-yum @crlsummer @brekkers-whore @minkyungseokie @honethatty12 @barelytolerabled @vellicora @lokigoeschoki @avg-golden-retriever @lokigoeschoki @cherry-piee
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svtoose · 5 months
Palace Rendezvous ft. Joshua Hong
pairing: joshua x fm!reader
word count: 1.2k
F : pretty fluffy
warnings: palace au, reader is a worker, kissing
summary: you and josh are two staff members at the palace. how will you keep your relationship a secret?
a/n : i made a banner hehe. ps. I'm sorry if u read this before I proofread bc gosh what was wrong w me!!
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"We're going to get caught, Shua." You whisper into his ear. He continues to kiss your neck, moving his lips freely among your skin.
"Please, baby. I can't risk it." You plead. He finally releases you from his arms and frowns at you. You and Joshua both work at the king and queen's palace, but are forced to date in secret cause of a 'no dating' policy for the palace staff.
"I have a dress to sew, and you have a prince to tend to. Don't let the prince find out his right hand man is violating a rule." You whisper against his lips in a teasing fashion. He shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath. Before he lifts his lashes, you sneakily slip out of his grip and start speed-walking down the dimly lit hallway.
"This isn't over, Y/N," you hear him threaten as you giggle, continuing on your path to your quarters, where there is a garment waiting for you to complete.
With quick steps, trudge to the basement, fearing your boss's dismay at your tardiness.
"That's two in a row, Miss Y/N," your boss says after you enter the premises. Her eyebrows are raised, and a subtle smirk sits on her lips. It's almost as if she knew what you were doing just a few minutes ago.
"I apologize. I'll be extra early tomorrow." You speak guiltily, avoiding eye contact.
As you scurry toward your workplace, her next words make you stop at your place. "It's a boy, I presume. He must be the reason you're always late."
'Oh, no. This could be the end' you think to yourself. Is it that obvious? Well, you can't really admit it to your boss. Both you and Josh could get fired and sent home. Worse yet, you guys could be injured in front of all the staff to "set an example."
"No Miss. I just lost track of time while getting ready," you reply to your boss, hoping she believes your lies.
"Sure, you did. Just get to work."
You nod your head and quickly walk to your station, continuing to pin the hem of a dress you're working on. The gown is sheer pink, with an intricately embroidered bodice and a tulle skirt. It's absolutely perfect for the 16-year-old princess. It's definitely one of your more extravagant pieces.
Your hands steadily prick needles into the ragged hem of the dress as your boss walks around, critiquing and admiring your and the rest of the girls' work.
She finishes her rounds and takes a seat beside your isolated workspace as you mentally prepare yourself to be berated some more. Your boss was a kind woman in her fifties, but she did not appreciate any misconduct. Nobody ever wanted to be on her bad side.
"Exquisite Miss Y/N. Very elegant. I'm sure the princess will be delighted. Do you plan on adding straps?"
"Thank you. Yes, I do. I could also leave it strapless, but I know the princess prefers the support."
"Perfect then." She's about to leave before she pauses and looks at you.
"Miss Y/N. I know you know there are rules about personal affairs in the palace.
"I'm not having any personal affairs." You cut her off, lying through your teeth. You are usually not this abrupt, but the anxiety of her finding out about your relationship is surely terrifying.
"A chance to finish, Miss?"
"Yes, of course. I'm sorry."
"You're a terrible liar, you know. As I was saying, I know there's a boy. I know you're scared right now that I might get you in trouble. But I'm not looking to ruin your life. As long as it doesn't interfere with the quality of your work, which it obviously hasn't, then there's nothing to report. Even if the queen were to find out, she's a complete sucker for a good love story. She would be more than glad to turn a blind eye. And as for the king, he barely notices the staff. I'd be surprised if he knew my name. All I ask is that you come on time so you don't raise any suspicions among the rest of the staff. Does that sound reasonable?"
Do you hear her right? You and Shua won't have to worry about it anymore.
"It sounds far better than reasonable. Thank you so much. I promise I won't let you down, and I'll be on time from now on."
"Alright then. I'm glad this could be resolved. Get back to work. The dress is due in a few hours." She winked at you and walked away to her own station.
'I've got to tell Josh the news!' you think to yourself.
Though you are quite distracted for the duration of the work day, you successfully complete the dress, straps, and all. You quickly hang the completed garment on a rack and speed your way to your room, where you hope to freshen up for your date with Joshua.
You remove your hair tie, allowing your locks to lay freely, before you swipe a sheer shade of rouge over your lips. 'He's going to be so happy.'
You take steady steps toward the rooftop, where you know Josh will be awaiting you, imagining the smile that will adorn his face after you share your news with him.
After a few seconds, a beautiful scene reveals itself. Your dear boyfriend stands against the railing, admiring the acres of green that are accompanied by the sunset.
"Shua?" You call out with a peaceful smile on your lips.
He perks up, turning around to walk toward you with open arms. No matter how many times you see him in his uniform, it never fails to take your breath away; the suit is just tailored so perfectly to his frame.
"C'mere, sweetheart." He calls you in for a warm embrace, while you just cannot wipe the smile off your face.
"What's got you so happy?" He asks, releasing you from the hug. You grab his hand and walk back to the railing, pulling him behind you. While his arms enclose you as you both stare out into the sunset, you begin to reveal the news.
"I was late to work today... and..." He lays his chin on your shoulder, leaving sweet pecks on your neck.
"Well, my boss had an inkling that I was with a boy and told me that... it was okay. She wouldn't tell anyone we were together as long as I came on time." You feel his kisses pause as he lifts his head.
"Does that mean..."
"Yes, Josh. We don't have to fear for our lives anymore. We can be together."
"Oh, baby, that's so great." His arms tighten around you as you turn around to hold his face in your hands. The happiness in the atmosphere is blooming as your lips inch up toward each other in a deep kiss.
"I'm so happy, Josh."
"Me too, Y/N." You turn back around and continue to admire the nature that surrounds the palace. You can just feel it in your bones that life is about to get better.
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hansensgirl · 9 months
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summary. | Andy Barber’s wife has taken one step forward, but also two steps back.
prompts. | Andy Barber + Mob/Mafia + “Take you home? This is home. You aren’t going anywhere.” + Stockholm syndrome, requested by Anonymous.
pairing. | dark!mob boss!Andy Barber x fem!reader.
warnings. | NON/DUBCON, captivity, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, conditioning/grooming, pet names, ex-basement wife, past use of restraints, manipulation, gaslighting, housewife kink, and more. 18+ MINORS DNI!
author’s note. | this is a part of my Dark Concepts (2023) request form. thank you for taking part in this event! please enjoy and don’t forget to reblog. MINORS DNI, 18+ ONLY! taglist: @hansensfics.
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When Andy’s associates ask him—their boss—how his wife is doing, he always smiles and says you’re doing great. 
At first, this was not true. 
You were quite the brat—kicking, screaming, and crying at the mob boss whenever he’d come close to you. You did not adjust well to the basement until he had to teach you that this was your new life now, whether you liked it or not. And he promised you will like it—you must. 
But now, Andy’s words are honest. He even goes as far as to share your newest creations, like a cherry pie or a hand-knitted scarf. They all marvel and remark that he’s a lucky man. That he is.
The lock turns, and you know your husband is home. Anxiety fills you—you usually watch the time, but today, it seemingly slipped your mind. You enjoy your time to yourself, since you are free from the looming threat of messing things up for the mob boss.
You smooth your skirt and stand up, placing your cross-stitching hoop on the table beside you. You fold your hands and force a smile, hoping that the evening and night will be lovely. 
You have awaited his arrival all day, not knowing what to do with yourself when he isn’t around. It’s odd—you never were like this. But then again, your life was much different then. 
You’ve been preparing your request all day. You know it’s far-fetched—a dream so distant from your reality—but it doesn't hurt to try. Andy always says never to be afraid to ask him for something. 
Andy walks in and enables all the security features, though they’re no longer necessary. You know better than to try and escape. “Honey? I’m home,” he calls out, and you step out of the library he installed just for you. 
It was a gift for your five-month anniversary. That night, he fucked you for the first time without the need for restraints. 
“Hi,” you greet, walking up to him and pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek. Andy’s beard tickles your face, and for once, you don’t fight back your giggle. The first time it happened, he smiled so hard. But you were disgusted with yourself—you threw up a few moments later. 
“How was your day, sw– sweetie?” you ask, voice breaking. You’re not used to this, but you try just for your sweet husband. 
Andy grabs your arm and leads you to the dining room. Your steps are much shorter than his. Your ankles wobble in your heels, but he slows down just for you. How kind of him. No regular man would ever do that. 
“Oh, it was nice. Better now that you’re home,” you hum. Ever the gentleman, Andy pulls a chair out for you first and gestures for you to sit. You do as he says. You can’t help it. 
“Oh, yeah?” he chuckles, sitting down as well. You nod your head. Your smile doesn’t drop.
“You’re adorable, honey,” Andy coos. He rolls the sleeves of his dress shirt up and loosens the top button, exhaling deeply.
“Long day?” you question, squeezing the edges of your seat. Your leg bounces, and you hope Andy doesn’t notice. He doesn’t need to worry about you—he already has so much on his plate. You would hate to be a bother. 
“You know it. But I’m glad to be home with you now, baby,” he says. “How about I get you a drink?” you offer, already standing up. Andy reaches for your wrist. “Later, sweetie. I just want to spend some time with you,” he tells you. 
Obediently, you listen. “Good girl.” The praise makes your inside warm. You love his kind words. You regret ever insulting him during those days. 
“Oh, well, I did want to ask you something…” you begin, exhaling shakily. Andy’s brow furrows in word, and he’s quick to place a hand on yours, rubbing your skin soothingly. “What’s wrong, honey? Are you alright?” he asks, and you quickly nod.
“Then what is it?” Andy urges, waiting patiently for whatever it is you have to say. “Don’t worry. I won’t get mad,” the much-feared mob boss promises.
You bite the bullet.
“I… want you to take me home,” you whisper, looking down at the table so you don’t have to watch his wrath form. 
A few moments of silence pass. Your breathing becomes rapid as you panic inwardly. 
“Take you home?” Andy eventually repeats, as if making sure he heard you right. You nod. “I mean– Us,” you quickly correct, though you know it does nothing to fix your blunder.
You curse yourself. How stupid are you? How selfish? Andy has given you so much—he has loved you like no man ever could. And here you are, throwing it all back in his face. 
You already start forming an apology, ready to take whatever punishment he’ll dole out. Even the basement. 
“This is home. You aren’t going anywhere,” Andy growls, fists and jaw clenching. 
Your vision blurs, and sobs swim in your voice. “I– I know. I’m sorry—I’m so sorry,” you begin, bursting into silent sobs. Your tears fall onto the oak table, streaking down your cheeks. 
Andy doesn’t say anything. “Pl– Please, Andy. I’m sorry. I don’t know why I asked,” you continue. He stares at you, his gaze hard. He swallows.
“Please, can we start over?” you beg, finally looking up at him. Andy subtly nods, and you’re about to thank him when he speaks up, interrupting you.
“What for dinner, sweetie?” Andy asks, looking at the kitchen. You go with what he does. “I haven’t made anything yet. I was waiting for you to come home,” you tell him.“How about we skip dinner, hm?” he offers, and you can see his eyes go dark. 
You smile at the innuendo. Whatever your husband wants. 
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lazyneonrabbitt · 9 months
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Daryl Dixon x reader
Request. Cuddling in bed, like mundane little moments in their relationship
🏠 🌳 🐺
You laid in bed, cuddling your big, fluffy beast of a man. Propped up on your elbows that rested on his chest so you could press sweet kisses to his snout while the rough pads of his paws ran over the soft fat of your thighs and butt. You had just gotten out of the shower while Daryl had offered to warm the bed for when you got back.
Even with the winter being as cold as it was, you were,you were perfectly comfortable being in the nude underneath only the large deer pelt Daryl had gifted you as his courting gift that you had ever so excitingly accepted when the days started getting shorter, and with accepting the pelt you also accepted his offer of marriage.
Which was something you hadn't entirely realised as it happened.
You had been invited to come over for dinner and you had stayed with him in his basement room overnight and only kisses and cuddles were shared after he gave you the pelt.
When you came back upstairs the next morning Carol had embraced and congratulated you, asking if the newlyweds would like some breakfast.
Your little sign of shock had Daryl almost regret not being more forward about it until Carol enthousiastically spoke up about it and Daryl only sensed happiness and love coming from you.
"So, the pelt is like my wedding ring?" You three shared breakfast and talked. Carol snooped about your first night together and got disappointingly boring answers, and Daryl explained how werewolf relationships worked and tried to adapt them to you being a human together.
So here you sat at your back porch. A large sheet covering the white painted floofing as you held the squirel carcass with your bare hands and cut away at the skin with a grimace on your face.
Next to you your loving husband laid on the floor, rolled over on his back and laughing.
Well, as far as laughing went in his shifted form.
The first time he had you do this was a nightmare.
Daryl came home with a couple of hunted squirels, throwing them at you and letting you know he caught dinner and you were preparing it.
Sitting on the porch you watched in horror as Daryl showed you how to skin the little creature and prepare it for cooking.
When he handed you one you took it reluctantly, being way out of your comfort zone while Daryl laughed.
"Yer the one who mentioned havin' kids. I'm the one teachin' ya how to be a good werewolf momma before I even think of puttin' a pup in ya."
You complained all the way through the job, and Daryl helped you a lot those first few times.
Now as you were at the squirel business again he had shifted so he couldn't help you. Not physically but also not even verbally as he couldn't talk. You almost didn't want to feed him the squirel after you finished it.
Not that you'd need to take it apart for him, he'd swallow it whole.
"It's for the babies." You kept telling yourself as you almost cried when you stuffed your hands into its chest cavity to pull the innards out. "Gods, I can't believe you shove your entire head between a deer's ribs to eat. So gross.."
While it wasn't technically a complaint, Daryl still decided to fake offense and dramatically turn away from you, plopping down with his tail almost in your squirrel and loudly grumbling like you hurt his feelings.
"Just know that if you ever feed them whole squirels you're the one bathing them." You swat his tail away from the dead animal and slump back as you continue to reluctantly carve it up.
At least you had dinner prep almost done now.
Together with the potatoes coming in from Hilltop and the locally grown greens you managed to put together a decent meal for the two of you.
Like you agreed on you ate dinner together at the table, even if you had been spending all day at home. Dinner was one constant at home to both be normal people for a moment.
As you ate you felt eyes on you, knowing full well what that look was but you ignored it to the best of your ability and continues to eat.
Untill Daryl decided ro mumble a question with his mouth full. One you didn't quite make out and had you look up.
Right into his big, sad puppy eyes that looked down at the meat on your plate and back at you, pleading to trade.
There was a lot people didn't know about Daryl. One of those being his hidden talent for giving puppydog eyes that rivaled even little Jude and RJ's.
One quick glance was all it took for you to give in and trade some of his potatoes for your portion of meat.
A sigh leaves your smiling lips as he happily chows down on his dinner.
After Daryl washed the dishes that you dried and put away after, you decided to go for a shower.
He loved it when you washed his hair, scratching the collected dirt off his scalp and massaging fhe soap through his hair. If you didn't need to preserve water he could stay in there like this with you for the whole night.
When you were done he'd always return fhe favor. Washing your hair with the same care as you did for him.
One thing you did without fail was make sure to be out of the shower before Daryl had the water shut off.
As you stood on the ratty old bathmat you watched Daryl's figure as he shook the water off him like a wet dog, his long hair slinging waterdrops everywhere.
Your little after shower ritual was nowhere near as thorough as it was in the old world, but whemever Daryl brought back sealed bottles of lotion you'd make sure to treat your skin nicely while your hair sat wrapped in a towel and Daryl watched you while he air-dried on the edge of the tub.
You loved to watch him through the mirror, staring lovingly at your butt while you lathered yourself in lotion, and caked moisturizer on your face. After massaging it all in you went to towel dry your hair as you let the rest of you continue to air-dry.
Once you had your hair dried and brushed you moved over to brush Daryl's as well. Carefully plucking at the tangles and being relieved when you didn't find any knots you couldn't save and had to cut out.
Living alone in the house was a blessing, being able to walk around the upper floor in nothing but a towel without having to worry anyone would see you as Daryl snatched the towel off you to hang over the edge of the tub before joining you in bed.
It might have been early, but as long as he got to cuddle you he'd be in bed any hour of the day.
A/N: So much fluffy goodness! Do you enjoy the fluff? Or would you enjoy more smut?
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chiriwritesstuff · 8 months
'Love, Joel'- a 'The Girl in IT' Companion Piece - Pt. 1 - 'The Tornado Watch'
A Boss! Joel Miller x IT Specialist F! Reader AU
Chapter Rating: T
Chapter Preview: "Joel?" your voice calls out, followed by a knock on his window. "What the hell are you doing here? The news issued a tornado watch. You shouldn't be here," you say, frowning. Despite your concern, Joel can't help but smile at the sight of you. Your hair is tied into a messy bun on the top of your head, and your oversized sleep shirt falls off one shoulder. If you weren't frowning at him, he swears the mere sight of you would knock him off his feet. His hands itch to reach out to you, pulling you into his truck so he can kiss that frown off of your face, wishing you a good morning. He imagines his fingertips grazing the skin of your bared shoulder, pressing a kiss on your skin as your head tilts in pleasure-
Chapter Warnings and Tags: Strong language, Joel is an idiot who disregards weather warnings, please be smart and shelter if caught in a tornado warning!, no beta we die like men!
Word Count: 2K
A/N: ... and here it is! Part 1 of my 500 Follower Celebration, 'Love, Joel'- a look behind the 10 years of Joel's pining for our favorite girl in IT, Sugar. I thought it would be really fun to see what happened in the span of those 10 years, where Joel worked his ass off trying to feel worthy of our girl! Thank you so much for all of the love and support you all have given me and this little fic of mine, words can't describe just how much it all means to me!
Remember when Sugar asked Joel about the moment he realized he was in love with her and he mentioned something about a Tornado Watch? This is that story.
The National Weather Service in Austin/San Antonio has issued a Tornado Watch for Travis County until 5pm... please do not attempt to leave and find shelter-
"Dad, are you serious?" Sarah's voice echoes through the phone in disbelief. "The entire campus is on lockdown, and I'm stuck in a basement with 50 other panicked girls. Why in the world are you heading to work?"
"The weather lady mentioned it's just a tornado watch, not a warning," Joel defends.
Sarah sighs on the other end of the line. "I really think you should turn around and head back home, you know, like a rational human being."
"Can't do that. The project is already behind, and I can't afford for it to fall even further behind. Plus, I owe Tommy money for all the overtime he's been putting in," Joel explains, a touch of frustration evident in his voice. "I'm already in hot water with the client as it is. You know how it is, baby girl."
"I'm pretty sure this client of yours is sitting comfortably in their own shelter in that big house of theirs. The actual nerve—"
"Sarah, I get it, okay? The moment it escalates to a warning, I'll come down from the roof and join them in that cushy shelter, okay?" Joel reassures, attempting to ease Sarah's concerns.
"Promise?" she asks softly, and Joel envisions the hint of a frown in her voice. "Or else I won't come home over the weekend."
"You're going to come back home this weekend?" Joel's spirits lift, a grin playing on his face as he heads towards the job site.
"Promise me, Dad!"
"Cross my heart," he assures, turning into the driveway. "Need a ride, or you're good to make it back yourself?"
"I think I can handle an hour drive." She replies with a small chuckle. "I don't have a good feeling about this, but be safe, okay? I love you."
"Love you too, baby girl. Go shelter with the other girls now, ok?"
"Ok dad, bye."
"Bye," he says absentmindedly, the phone already disconnected after Sarah hangs up.
Joel turns off the ignition, a deep sigh escaping from his chest. He gazes into the distance, the burden of the tornado watch weighing heavily on him. He should be at home right now, preparing by filling water bottles, checking for enough batteries for lanterns and flashlights, tuning into the television for weather updates, and patiently waiting out the storm.  
Instead, echoes of his client's disappointed voice from yesterday's confrontation linger in Joel's mind, questioning why a 'simple roof repair' is stretching beyond the agreed-upon month.
"I paid you good money and took a chance on you, and you can't even deliver..."
What haunts him more is the image of you in the background, concern etched across your face.
"Dad, you can't blame him for the crappy weather we've been having! Of course, the project would be delayed," you try to reason, awkwardly placing a hand on your father's shoulder in an attempt to soothe his frustration.
"Is it your money that's paying for your mistake?" your father snaps back, shrugging off your hand. "Or do we need to revisit why you thought mounting an antenna on the roof was a brilliant idea? Who do you think you are, concerning yourself in an adult conversation?" he chides, crossing his arms. "Go back inside and help your mother with breakfast!"
Offering Joel a weak smile, you nod, turning back towards the house. Joel smiles back, the sight of your concerned face pulling at his heartstrings. His hands itch to push the errant stray hair away from your face, his hands grazing the softness of your skin spanning across your face-
"Well? What are you doing just standing there?" your father snaps. "Don't you have a roof to fix?"
Just a few more days, Joel. You can do this, he reassures himself. He idles in the car for a bit, observing the darkening grey sky.  At least Sugar should be home, maybe she'll keep me company...
"Joel?" your voice calls out, followed by a knock on his window. "What the hell are you doing here? The news issued a tornado watch. You shouldn't be here," you say, frowning.
Despite your concern, Joel can't help but smile at the sight of you. Your hair is tied into a messy bun on the top of your head, and your oversized sleep shirt falls off one shoulder. If you weren't frowning at him, he swears the mere sight of you would knock him off his feet. His hands itch to reach out to you, pulling you into his truck so he can kiss that frown off of your face, wishing you a good morning. He imagines his fingertips grazing the skin of your bared shoulder, pressing a kiss on your skin as your head tilts in pleasure-
"Hello? Are you even listening to me?" your concerned voice cuts through his reverie, snapping him back to the present. "Go home, Joel. I'm sure Sarah is worried sick-" you bite your lower lip, your lips wobbling a tiny fraction. "-and I don't want you stuck here if things take a turn for the worse," you insist, a hint of worry in your eyes. 
Joel opens his truck door, shaking his head. "No can do, Sugar. You heard your dad yesterday; I need to finish this job and get out of y'all's hair. I've already overstayed my welcome." 
"I don't give a fuck what my father says, he's just being difficult as fucking usual. He's already up in arms fussing around about the watch, i'm pretty sure he's not concerned whether or not you'll show up or not," you say defiantly, frustration flushing your face. "I swear, if you don't go home, I'll force you to shelter with me!"
Well, Joel muses, the corner of his mouth rising in a smirk.  Now that's an idea I wouldn't be opposed to-
"I'm a big boy, Sugar. It's just a tornado watch, no need to worry about little ol me, okay?" he smiles, cupping your cheek.  Fuck, her skin is soft-
you lean into his touch, your eyes closing in resignation.  
"Okay Joel," you whisper, your hand meeting his.  "The moment Nancy over at KXAN mutters anything about a tornado warning, I'm climbing up that fucking ladder myself and dragging your ass to shelter, okay?"
Joel gives your face a small squeeze. "Deal."
A few hours later, as Joel continues on working on the roof over your bedroom, you stick your head out of your window, calling out to him. "Joel? The news said that a lightning storm is going to be rolling in soon. I think it's time you should head out-"
Joel stops hammering a shingle, steadying himself as he peers at you from the roof. "I just have a few more shingles to go-"
Your eyes narrow in irritation. "Joel, no. Get your ass off of the roof this instant!"
"Baby-" he breathes, kicking himself for letting the endearment he calls you in his dreams from leaving his lips. "I can't afford to lose this job, your dad is already pissed as it is-"
Your face contorts into something resembling sadness, and if he focuses on your face hard enough, he swears he sees the tears forming on the corner of your eyes. If it were a different time, in a different place, where Sarah's mother's body replaced yours, he would imagine he wouldn't even be having this conversation, having been forced to brave worse conditions before.
"How am I going to expect to survive if you don't go into work?" she would spit, shaking her head and glaring at him as Sarah wails in her booster seat at the table in the background. "It's bad enough that you basically trapped me, do you need to be here to make sure I stay? What's a little lighting storm gonna do to you, huh Joel? We need to eat!"
"Trapped you?!" he replies angrily, his hands clenching, knuckles white. "I didn't force you to stay, it's not like you're happy to be here!" He motions over to Sarah, his eyes narrowing. "Our daughter is crying out for you and you can't even be assed to comfort her!"
"I don't want to do this right now, just go Joel. You think about your attitude while you work in the storm!" she shouts, harshly grabbing Sarah from her seat and slamming their bedroom door.  
It was her cruelty and selfishness that turned Joel off from dating and finding someone else, the weight of her absence proving to be a heavy burden on him as a single father once their divorce was finalized. Sure, there were women, attractions, and occasional one-night stands, but nothing more than that. Joel could count on one hand just how many women, in the last twenty years, had stayed the night, and to be completely honest with himself, it didn't bother him in the least. He had Sarah to raise and raise right, a wayward, careless brother he had to bail out of jail when he drank just a little too much, and a business to run. He didn't have time for casual, and he didn't have the desire for anything long term. Things were going great, even if his business was barely off of the ground and he was starting to slowly swim into the depths of debt. He didn't need to add anyone else into the equation.
And then you came along.
... with your fucking smile and your bright eyes and the way that you laugh - with your entire body - as he cracks a dad joke so bad he could feel Sarah cringing all the way from her college dorm room. How instead of living your life and being a twenty-something doing something fun with friends, you would rather spend your time with him, sitting on the edge of your windowsil asking him about anything and everything, genuninely interested in what he had to say. How you would bravely climb up his ladder even if you shared that you're afraid of heights to pass him a water bottle, concerned about potential heat stroke. He wasn't used to anyone besides Sarah or Tommy fretting over him, he wasn't prepared to be completely overwhelmed by your sudden presence in his life. He wasn't looking for anyone, and yet-
You took his breath away like a hurricane, and he finds himself ready to be swept away by you and you alone.  
"Joel!" you shout suddenly from below him, your foot already on his ladder as you brace yourself, the tears flowing freely down the slopes of your cheeks. "Please, Joel, just come down! It isn't funny anymore!"
"Sugar! just stay down there, let me just finish, it'll only be five more-"
"NO!" you scream, the sight of your tears making him halt in place. "Stop FUCKING AROUND, JOEL!" you cry, shaking your head in defiance.
Joel drops his hammer and quickly jumps on the ladder, skipping a rung as he hurriedly makes his way to you. "I'm coming baby, just hold on!" he yells as he descends, the need of your body in his arms too strong to deny.  
"You fucking idiot!" you shout, practically barreling into him as his feet touch the ground. His arms instinctively wrap around your shaking form, your small fists beating on his chest as you sob into it, your tears soaking flannel. "What were you thinking, risking your life like that? No one is worth you risking your life for some fucking roof!"
Joel cradles your head as he places a soft kiss on your hair, his hand rubbing your back as he tries to settle you.
"You're wrong, you know" he whispers, his eyes closing as he tightens his hold on you harder. "There is someone risking my life for," he breathes, his mind coming into a realization.
I fucking love you, Sugar, he thinks, biting his tongue from saying it out loud as he loses himself in your embrace, wishing that the moment would never end.  I can die right here and die a happy man, he muses.  Just as long as I get to hold you like this. 
One day, he thinks.  One day I'll be able to tell you this out loud.
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technologyculturedneo · 9 months
Scented Poison. Final Scent
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PAIRING. Jaehyun x Reader x Jaemin (ft Taeyong)
GENRE. Established relationships. Cheating. Office drama. Smut. Angst.
SYNOPSIS. What happens when a perfectly hidden affair becomes public? You feel almost petrified and exposed when Jaehyun (your husband) and Jaemin (the man you've been sleeping with) officially meet. Jaemin isn't afraid of twisting his words to get Jaehyun paranoid, neither is he holding back on the feelings he's grown for you. Meanwhile, you're so hell bent on securing and hiding this lie away from Jaehyun that it almost becomes impossible to tell him the truth. All the while Jaehyun grows more suspicious of your relationship with Jaemin that it strains your relationship. You find yourself left with no other option, but to come clean. The only problem now, is how to come clean to the man you've married, and the man you've been having an affair with.
WARNING. Slow burn (longshot). Office drama (mentions of inappropriate acts/unethical practices). Cursing (mild and soft). Smut (includes and not limited to cheating, consensual and non-consensual, rough/dominant, submissive, dry humping). Angst (has levels of tones). Betrayal (heartbreak)
WC. 34k
Disclaimer. I thought I posted this shot a long time ago (I'm talking 2 months back) but I didn't realize that I left it on post privately. And so for 2 good months, this amazing last part of scented Poison had been sitting in my Tumblr basement 👁️😭. I'm officially the saddest person on earth. But I digress, because this was absolutely a masterpiece to write ENJOY!
Masterlist: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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The morning comes indicating and showing itself by shining through the curtains. Your eyes flicker open seeing the rays of light peeking through your bedroom windows. The windows are large, and so the light comes throughout the whole room. You sit up on your plushie bed surprised that you’re dressed in your white silk night dress and that you’re in your room. Last night you recall Jaehyun arriving home early and that you both drank wine and made love on the floor in one of the living rooms. However, you’re on the bed and Jaehyun's spot is empty and your heart gets sad. “Did I dream it all?”
Your head moves to the side when the bathroom door opens and your eyes make out the walking figure of your Jaehyun as he wears different styling of clothing- instead of the typical black work attire. "Wearing causal clothes feel so foreign," Jaehyun mutters as he exits the bathroom. A chuckle leaves your lips as you become happy that you didn’t dream it. He looks up to the sound of your chuckle, his eyes lighting up. “You’re awake. Good morning baby,”
You stretch your arms wide getting out of bed with a sleepy yawn as you flipper yourself to him, pulling him closer to you. He doesn't resist at all, even when you drag him onto the bed and continue hugging him and all you can do is tug him in an enormous hug wrapping one leg around him. He smells so good and he chuckles hugging you back.
"I thought I dreamt it all. I’m happy you’re here. Moring,” You mummer in a tired sleepy breath feeling his warmth against your skin. “Okay, I feel gross now." You get off him standing up and stretching your arms out. It’s upon standing that you feel your lower half being satisfied. Jaehyun meanwhile sits up on the bed watching you with a smile and happy eyes, especially when you turn back to him with a pleased smile. "You look like you’re ready to do something fun,”
“With you of course,”
“Well then, I'll quickly go and get ready and prepare a special breakfast for you then we can go out. Right?"
He stands up with his hair that's still a bit wet. "Anything you want,"
You lean back on your seat, with your legs crossed. The wind blowing gently while slightly carrying your flowy dress lifting it up lightly, you place your hand on your knee to not allow the dress to go higher, just as you sit opposite from your husband, a smile never leaving your face. You’re both sitting on a table of two as you ponder on whether to order the food inside the store or not. This decision is tough, because even though sitting outside of the cozy little brick building of a beverage and diner spot, you can tell how nervous your husband is to unveil his emotions.
He looks as though he should be doing something but he doesn’t know what, thus his eyes staring mindlessly into his drink and back at the inside of the store. You can only wonder what his thoughts are- but you’re sure you know what’s on his mind. Jaehyun leans back on his seat fixing the black sunglasses over his head as he sips on his wine again and breaths out looking at his drink. His face looking extremely worrying. Your eyes are stuck on him, finding him the most fascinating and amusing. Admiring his carefree, nervous yet charmed appeal, he slowly begins to look tense when noticing your eyes, sitting up straight and leaning over the table, he smiles at you while whispering. “It’s awful.”
You burst out laughing covering your mouth trying to lower your voice, but end up closing your mouth and your shoulders shudder in laughter. “I told you that they’ve changed in the weirdest of ways. Let’s just go eat someplace else,”
“No let’s stay, it can’t be that bad,” He continues smiling seemingly trying to convince you.
“You sure?” You ask your eyebrows raising in amusement. “I know you can’t handle your garlic well, and they’ve just began adding a lot of garlic to all their meals. I mean, I like garlic, but I don’t think you can handle it that well.”
“C’mon, it can’t be that bad.”
“Okay, if you say so,” You smile as you shrug your shoulders allowing him to have his moment. It’s seriously been so long, since the both of you went out and spent time together. Allowing him his time to express himself has you feeling like you’re back in the honeymoon phase.
He nods his head, before peeking to the inside of the store waving his hand once. In an instant, the chef of the store comes out with a polite smile. The chef being his old time friend. Moon Taeil. “Mr Jung, are you ready to order? We’re truly pleased to have you back here. How did you like the wine?”
You hide your face, knowing it’ll give away your jeering smile. Jaehyun hums out and nods his head. “Was it a new recipe drink?”
“Yes,” The chef smiles proudly. “We tried to create a brand new taste for this opening mouth, the wine festival is in a few weeks so we need to prepare. How was it? We’ve added a hint of garlic,”
“I think I can grow into it,” Jaehyun has a plastered smile on his face, looking up into the man’s face. “I’m ready to order,”
His grin enlarges yet again. “Don’t forget, it’s all on the house today. So get as much food as you like,”
“You’re very kind Mr Moon Taeil, I’ll eat and enjoy this meal. So yes, we’ll have the large pack of chicken breasts seasoned with everything except garlic, if it’s possible. Think we could do it separated with extra mild sauce for the madam and hot spicy for myself. Would you like garlic in your chicken?” Jaehyun asks you.
“I don’t mind,” You reassure as he looks over the menu.
“Alright, garlic for the madam. I would love some Italian styled spaghetti while my madam wants your soft slurping special noodles. A medium side tomato salad dish for me, without garlic again, a small avocado salad for the madam, I presume with garlic?”
“Yes, and a lot of paper and lemon,” You direct to Taeil before turning back to Jaehyun. Having him by your side, ordering your food makes you happy because really- it feels certainly real that he’s here with you, and that you’re not eating all alone (like all the other times).
“And lastly two full baskets of fries will do, is that okay?” He turns to you and you nod your head smiling at him. “The fries should be seasoned with minor salt. Oh, can I get the same beverage, and my madam?” Jaehyun turns to you with a little smile, asking you what you want to drink, just as he hands the menu to the chef.
“It seems like we’ll be eating a full meal,” You sit up with a charming smile. “Just water will do,”
“No problem madam, I want you to eat to your hearts content today. Enjoy yourself here, I’ll make the best full meal you’ll adore. Are you sure you want just water, not even with strawberry rizz the way you like it?”
“I’ll get full really quick if I keep drinking, but I want that strawberry rizzed water, I love how you make it,”
“No problem Madam,” Mr Moon Taeil, the chef walks back into the store and you turn to Jaehyun with playful wide eyes.
“You’ll grow into it?” You mock from how he commented that he’ll grow into the garlic flavored beverage.
“What?” Jaehyun smirks and elegantly speaks highly of his friend. “Mr Moon is the only man I can trust when it comes to eating outside. I trust that I’ll truly grow into it. He’s the best. Plus we’ve known him since college, so relax bae. I’m sure maybe it was just the beverages, he’ll come through with the food,”
“I can’t complain, because I only came here once without you and the food left my mouth in a garlic taste, and I never came back again. Anyway, you were saying?”
As you and Jaehyun simply chat on about a new fragrance he wants to launch, as well as the types of food and cravings that he has missed, your eyes do a double take when right behind Jaehyun- a whole street away, you see a face that you’re not too sure if you should be seeing. Your heart beats faster and you tilt your head to be in direct line with Jaehyun, hoping that you won’t be seen from the couple that seems to be approaching. However, it becomes difficult when Jaehyun quickly announces he needs the rest room. You sink your head down pretending to take interest on the table utensils. You hold onto them gulping down the bile bitter taste in your mouth.
Your eyes notice their stilettos stopping by the entrance of the diner and you hear a very irritated Haera. “Seriously Jaemin, you want to eat here? Why?”
You make the mistake of peeking up, because instantly you catch Jaemin slightly pointing at you. He smiles when you simply stare at him. You hold in your breath when he walks forward with his hands in his black sweatpants and matching black hoodie with a black cap inside. Your cheeks heat up when he moves forward and instead of coming to you, he moves past you. You see Haera folding her arms shaking her head with a strong disapproval look.
You turn your head around when hearing a strong scrapping sound- coming from Jaemin dragging another table. Aligning it with your table, his slanted head turns to you and he looks cheerful. “Hey,”
“Hi?” You utter out in confusion as you watch him take the two chairs that were once on the other table. “Jaemin you can’t do that, you’ll block the whole side walk,”
“Don’t worry, I’ve done this before at another restaurant. If the tables are outside, you can do anything with them,” He mummers after placing a chair for Haera. “Sit,”
Surprisingly, he takes a seat next to you breathing out gleefully, but when looking up at Haera he sighs as if challenging her. You’re unsure of the gaze they share, but it looks intense with Jaemin having a strong glare on his face while Haera looks really angry and her tongue poke her cheek before she sits opposite from Jaemin. “Fine. We’ll eat here. Anything for my so called love who got promoted as his worthless job,”
“Thank you to my dear ungrateful wife. So,” Jaemin breaks your gaze away from Haera and unto him, where you meet his pumped smile. You wonder why he’s smiling so much. Of course it could be because you had sex with him twice yesterday, but otherwise, there’s this strong happiness radiating out of him. “I wanted to thank you again for your gift, it lit up the house,”
“You’re welcome,” You meekly respond, trying not to make eye contact but feeling warm when he’s eyes don’t leave your face. You don’t know when, but there’s a friendly vibe around the two of you. Of course you don’t want to give in to the friendly vibe but you reciprocate his smile feeling hesitant knowing Haera’s sharp eyes are on you.
“Are you here alone?” He asks. “Thought we could join you. Did you already order?”
“I’ve told you one too many times Jaemin, she eats alone for a living. As if she doesn’t have a husband,” Haera articulates, yet instantly looks up when hearing someone clear their throat. Her eyes widen upon the figure of a person she hasn’t seen in years. “No way. You’re really here?”
Jaehyun’s eyes distastefully turn to her, blinking once. Seeing her only perks a spite of anger in him. It was only yesterday whereby he warned her that if she ever angered you again, then he’d blacklist her.
Haera is simply stunned seeing Jaehyun. Honestly, the last time she saw him was in his prime chubby years. Even though he became successful years later, Haera couldn’t care any less about his image, only that he was a millionaire making money and cheating on his wife. But now seeing him, her eyes take in his toned, bulky, slim yet firm features all over his body. He looks truly like a millionaire bachelor living the life. There’s no way, the fat chubby Jaehyun turned into a hunky piece of meat in under 2-3 years. Not only his figure, but his whole presence- and aura.
Being too stunned to speak Haera simply blinks and looks at Jaehyun up and down, but Jaehyun’s nonchalant cold stare turns to the man who’s sitting close to you. Jaemin is up on his feet in an instant bowing his head and body until his cap almost touches the table. Jaehyun is fazed when the bowing man gets up straight and smiles. If anything Jaehyun’s stone cold yet serious face wavers when blankly staring at Jaemin, especially after hearing Jaemin addressing him. “Good day sir,”
While your ears as well as Haera’s eyes are equally shocked upon Jaemin addressing your husband as sir- the both of you gasp out with different reactions. Jaehyun’s eyes go from Haera to you wondering why you’re gasping, before he speaks to Jaemin. “You’re the new replacement for Jungwoo right? Jaemin, is it?”
Haera’s eyes marvel in huge orbs. “Wait-” She gasps and turns to Jaemin in shock. “You know him?”
“Haera, this is my boss,” Jaemin’s words causes your forehead to heat up and your chest to tensely rise and fall. They know each other? “The Fragrance owner-”
“I fucking know that you dick head!” She whisper yells through clinched teeth seemingly joyful. “Babe! Why didn’t you tell me that he was your boss? You fucking work for-” Despite not liking Jaehyun and having the assumption that he always cheats on you, she envied his riches and money, a man making money was like the doorway to her soul. For Jaemin to be working- wait for Jaemin to have gotten promoted could really be a big game changer for her. Especially since Jaehyun knows his name. So this is why Jaemin was so excited yesterday. He was excited because of this promotion and not some flumsy workplace promotion- this was the big deal! Haera instantly feels this pride and joy in her husband. Finally, he stepped up. “I love you so much right now babe,” Haera whispers.
In the midst of Haera hushing out praises to her husband, your heart still thuds and drops all the way down when hearing Jaehyun say Jaemin’s name again. They know each other? How do they know each other? Jaehyun surprises you again when he addresses Jaemin. “Mr Na, is this your partner? Are you two, joining us?”
“Yes sir,” Jaemin is still respectful and controlling himself, even taking off his hat to show his respects. You can tell his in high awe of his boss, respects Jaehyun and seems slightly timid when politely smiling all the time, and that crushes you. Not only does Jaehyun know this person, but you’ve been having an affair with this person.
“Honey?” Jaehyun calls calmly and you jump when seeing he’s got your hand in both his big warm hands. Your heart scrambles and you can hear the beating in your ears but you try to calm down and smile hesitantly. Jaehyun is sitting down now, and so is Jaemin. And they’re both looking at you. You keep your eyes firmly on Jaehyun who tries to soothe you by rubbing your hand. “If you’re not comfortable being here we can go-”
“Honey?” Jaemin mumbles to himself. Slowly leaning back in his seat as if Jaehyun’s sudden odd presence makes sense. “Honey as in… husband?” Jaemin’s eyes are left in astonishment, his eyes never leaving Jaehyun.
You don’t even need to speak for Jaemin to quickly piece the pieces together. Instead of surprise, or terror for sleeping with his boss’s wife, a deranged proud leer sets on his face as he sinks in the background upon realizing that he’s been fucking the boss’s wife, you all this time. Jaemin is in absolute shock that he can’t even comprehend the livid details that his boss looks caring when holding your hand and smiling gently with you while caressing your hand, on top of that he’s dressed in the most normal of clothes and isn’t in his usual black suit that terrified everyone. The image is so defying and contrary to the ‘Jaehyun’ he knows within the workplace. Jaemin wants to laugh at the misperception, but he’s still fazed of being before his boss that he doesn’t know whether to act civil and professional, or relax in the same manner that his boss is doing.
Inside of work, Jaehyun is vicious and ferocious, he is demanding and makes it clear to everyone that they work for him only to get his money. He doesn’t seem like the type to be tamed or even held down, by a petite woman like you. Jaehyun strives in competition and is wrathful and egotistical and can do anything to get what he wants, Jaemin analyzes how Jaehyun got to the top. That same man seems more like a man of high social bars who sleeps around to relieve stress…he doesn’t give off the impression that there’s someone at home who he’s looking after.
Jaemin low-key watches your interaction with your husband and is surprised by the whole ordeal. Jaehyun’s eyes at work seem ready to kill and attack with just one stare, yet here with you, he’s being attentive and his eyes don’t seem at all harmful. He looks enticed by you. Jaemin can even see it, that Jaehyun is head over heels for you with the way he’s eyes go all over your face and whispering in such a soothing manner that makes his voice angelic.
Jaemin can only lean back in his seat in pure amusement of what he’s seeing. Jaemin doesn’t feel too intimidated by this form of his boss.
So this is the husband in which Haera has been spreading rumors that is sleeping with his secretary? The husband which is rarely around to satisfy you? Your husband, his boss? Your husband is his boss, that Haera has lied about? Jaemin can only look away with an amused smile. “What the actual fuck?” He mummers.
Jaemin’s attention is snapped back to reality when your chair screeches back. You feel your body heating up by both male figures staring at you. Your legs suddenly giving into the guilt of what’s been happening behind closed doors as they shake. “I’m a bit lightheaded. I…. I… I’ll be… I need to use… I….” You don’t finish your hesitant sentences as you let go of Jaehyun’s hand and slip out of your chair rapidly going inside the diner feeling your hands shaking. Haera with quick senses follows you- fearing that you might cause a scene resulting in Jaehyun and you leaving, and that would be bad because she wanted Jaemin to have this moment to become ‘friends’ with your husband.
“Y/n you’re being selfish right now-”
“I’m being selfish?” You turn to Haera in heavy shock as you blink at her.
Of course she doesn’t understand that you’ve been screwing her husband behind her back. You don’t know if she’d care that you’ve been sleeping with her husband. Jaemin has said that his relationship with Haera is just a hoax, not serious, only as a means for Haera to use him as a rebound- but still, she’d completely flip if ever coming to the truth that you have been…. That you as her best friend have betrayed her, that you as the one that she cried to for several months about Donghyuck (her ex), have been playing behind her back laughing and smiling with her husband. Donghyuck may have left her with spots that will never be filled again, but you were there to always assure her that her next husband will never disappoint her- but yet what do you do- you screw her husband.
“Haera, you’re the one being selfish right now. I just wanna spend time with my husband and not have to see you or your husband and have the both of you ruin-”
“Babes you won’t even hear a word from my mouth. I promise I’ll be quiet, please my husband just got a promotion and I’m so proud of him. He’s finally making it and-”
“No!” You shake your head with your heart beating fast. With the way Jaemin was secretly smiling, you don’t trust that he won’t cause a scene. “I can’t risk anything.” You mention making a straight beeline for any waiter.
Meanwhile outside, Jaehyun’s ears perk up right after his eyes follow Haera who’s chasing after you before he turns his head back to Jaemin who speaks. “I didn’t know Y/n was your wife sir,”
Hearing that comment makes Jaehyun mobile, he’s wondering why Jaemin is on first name basis with your name. “And I didn’t know your wife is fairly loud.”
Jaemin chuckles lightly. “Are you afraid she might corrupt your wife?”
Jaehyun gives Jaemin his best uninterested stare before replying. “Personally I’m not a fan of your wife.” Jaehyun’s about to get up to attend to you, yet Jaemin speaks again.
“Why is that? Is it because of the things she’s said about you?” Jaemin doesn’t know where the confidence comes from, but it makes him feel empowered in some twisted way that he’s been inside you many times to have a say in the relationship he shares.
Jaehyun has a twisted face. “Pardon?”
“I hate Haera’s lies too,” Jaemin has a secret smile when having Jaehyun freeze for a mere second before sending an all too familiar stone stare in Jaemin’s way. Jaemin goes on to filling Jaehyun in on the little drama. “I mean no disrespect sir, I didn’t know she was your wife so back then I had no say, but now… For a while now, my wife has been speculating that the only reason your wife is with you is because of the money, and she also has reason to believe that you’re cheating on her with your secretary.”
“What nonsense-”
Jaemin quickly raises his hand in surrender looking amused and pretending to be stunned by the news. “I know right, I’ve been telling her that it’s rubbish, she shouldn’t say things like that. Working under you, I know you’re an ethical man with high principles and morals. And I don’t think you’d cheat on Y/n. She’s beautiful.” Jaemin feels a bit hot headed when pouring the juicy details unto Jaehyun. He can’t help it, he just wants to understand why Jaehyun doesn’t satisfy you. “But also being around your wife a lot frequently I know she’s not after money, but something more traditional, something like love. She already has everything she needs except a solid foundation of trust. I don’t know why my wife does that to her,”
Jaemin’s words cause Jaehyun to breathe in once before leaning back on his seat not as eager to check up on you anymore. “Are you their mediator? Making sure your wife doesn’t get out of hand? Because if so, you’re not doing a good job. I might step in because if you must also know, she’s demoralizing my wife.”
“That’s why I’m simply there to comfort your wife sir.” Jaemin adds very calmly with an assuring smile. Which only makes Jaehyun stop in uneasiness. Comfort? “There’s only so much I can do to my wife, but her mouth runs on her own. I hate seeing your wife sad because of mine, so I apologize there. Knowing now that she’s your wife, I’ll make sure to keep Haera in line. Because your wife is remarkably wonderful. You know actually, after getting my promotion she treated me to something special, so it adds onto her charm of how loving she is, and I wouldn’t want to hurt her.”
“She got you something special?” Jaehyun’s brow raises slightly as he listens to Jaemin.
Jaemin smiles innocently and looks to the side upon realizing that Jaehyun has never cheated (merely being because everyone in the office believes that they’re boss is in a relationship with his work as he hardly ever mentions anything outside of work, and when he does it’s mostly about his competitive business partners. Jaehyun is married to his work). “Yes, nothing big. We went out to celebrate. Afterwards, uh she got me some flowers?” Jaemin chuckles lightly upon remembering when he got home after ‘massaging you’ and he saw the gift you got for him. “A congratulatory card, fresh vintage wine- that was expensive, and some striking polaroid pictures of her new album collection.”
Jaehyun can only think of how he saw the latest bit of your work, and they were erotic collections. To think that Jaemin got a sneak peek into your new collection makes him wonder how close you too are. Usually customers buy pictures, but somehow you’re giving it away to him. How close are you with him? And not only that, but Jaemin seems fond of you in a light way, but there’s something in Jaehyun that doesn’t sit right with the way Jaemin smiles.
Jaemin thinks of how he caused you, a loyal and faithful yet needy woman to go behind your husbands back and commit-
“For how long have you known her?” Jaehyun asks, when remembering how ‘Haera’s Husband’ called late at night on your phone. Late at night. Was that a normal thing between you and him? Did he normally call at that time, or was it unexpected also for you?
“Well your wife and my wife have been friends for a long time, but I recently met your wife. I’d say we hit it off well, in a platonic way. So that’s like a few weeks now, I’m practically damage control. Every time she’s in need, she calls me,” Jaemin chuckles looking back to Jaehyun hinting to the damage he caused. The choice of Jaemin’s words don’t sit well Jaehyun, especially if he’s only there to ‘comfort’ you. “She likes it rough…”
“Pardon?” Jaehyun gets ticked.
Jaemin’s head snaps up and he clears his throat shaking his head. “Hm? I said she has it rough, constantly being nagged by my wife. Always being alone and lonely.”
Jaehyun’s jaw locks when he hears Jaemin say the word ‘horny’ but it comes off as ‘lonely’. He could’ve sworn he also heard Jaemin say that you like it rough, before saying otherwise. It’s either his ears are messing with him or he’s not understanding Jaemin. “My wife has always been a tough woman. I trust that you’re misunderstanding your role as the husband to Haera. For all we know Haera may be projecting her insecurities of having a rough and lonely time unto my wife, so it’s best to check her instead of my wife. Now, if you’ll excuse me, let me check on my wife.” Jaehyun gets up without saying another word knowing all too well that he didn’t like the feelings arising in him. Heading for the diner door, Jaemin is left with one last glare from Jaehyun, the glare itself is filled with tension and Jaemin can feel it.
“Sir,” Jaemin clears his throat lightly. “Would you fire me for having a friendship with your wife?”
Friendship is harmless. But the one Jaemin is hinting at it, going about it subtly, only ticks Jaehyun off. He doesn’t look at Jaemin, but instead tries to calm himself down. “I don’t like mixing my work with my personal life. I’d fire you if you didn’t measure up to the high standards of my company. However,” Jaehyun turns his head around to meet Jaemin’s anticipation stare. “I’d appreciate it if you’d tend to your wife’s act of scandal and tamed her and you left mine alone. I’m here now, so you don’t need to be around to ‘comfort’ her anymore.” His words are firm and serious.
He’s here now. You don’t need to seek comfort in the arms of another. He won’t make the mistake of leaving you alone anymore. Taeyong was right in some way when he said that leaving you alone is scary. What types of people do you meet when he’s not around, and what the hell do they fill in your head?
Before he can pull the door open, you’re already pushing it open with four large brown paper bags of the diner’s logo. You’re holding 4 large brown paper bag takeaways looking surprised upon seeing Jaehyun by the door. He doesn’t waste a second longer, and instantaneously gets the load off your hands not minding the stern eyes of an angered Haera in the background. He’s so closed off and hooked on Jaemin’s words that he doesn’t notice the worry passing through your eyes when looking at him.
“I thought of getting the takeaway for us instead, was that okay?” You ask carefully.
“Good thinking.” Jaehyun holds the bags all in one hand and his other hand going down your spine resting at the beginning of your waist. “We should go,”
You draw closer to him, not making any eye contact with Jaemin nor Haera. Jaemin stands and bows his head noting that you guys weren’t gonna stay anymore. “Have a good day sir,”
Jaehyun’s jaw tightens but he tries not to show his slight irritation. “I want to see you. First thing tomorrow, in my office. In the morning.”
“Yes sir.”
And just like that, you fear that whatever Jaemin and he spoke about made him this way. As you’re both walking hand in hand around, you feel that the atmosphere has shifted completely. Whereby you and Jaehyun were practically talking about anything, it’s left with you talking alone while he glares wholes at anybody staring too long at you. You feel awful. You truly do. And when taking several rounds around the city you can tell that going home will be followed by some sort of discussion. Which is why you prepare for it by calming Jaehyun down by talking. You haven’t seen him angry or pissed in so long, but slowly as you sink into his arms when the Uber is going back home- you can feel his tight clutch on your arm. You can only wonder what thoughts are going through his head.
He’s so deep in his head that he doesn’t realize that you’re already home. Getting home, you notice his car along the curb of the mansion and can only guess that Taeyong has brought it back. Entering the house, you warm up the food preparing to eat the food from Taeil.
“What do you want to listen to?” Jaehyun asks bringing out his records. “Made the rounds around the basement and found these,”
“I hid them with the hopes that you wouldn’t find it,” You giggle just as he has a mischievous face.
“I’ll play this one. Let’s see what else you hid in the basement,”
Jaehyun seems to be in a (slightly) better mood because when he returns back to you in the kitchen, he begins chatting as if he wasn’t pissed off outside by Jaemin and every other guy that looked at you. He talks about how he should take regular breaks from work so that he can rest with you more often instead of leaving you alone and lonely. You don’t know where most of the topic is going but you go along with it, laughing, joking and eating and not trying to bring the tension. “You wanna take regular breaks from work?”
The question remains in the air for a long time. The silence, aside from the background music, has you worrying that you’ve probably said something wrong. Jaehyun continues to eat and drink on his wine and not even looking at you as if you didn’t say anything.
“You said you’ll start taking regular breaks from work right?” You ask again, thinking he didn’t hear you. But just like before, he doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t answer. You blink several times and watch him devour the food. You let out a low chuckle and continue eating. “The food is really good,”
“It is,” He responds to that.
You’ve known him long enough to know that when he behaves extra clingy and doesn’t respond to certain questions that he somehow feels guilty- so you wonder why he’s feeling guilty all of a sudden, and about what.
For some reason thinking about how you left Jaemin to chat with him gives you chills that Jaemin could’ve said something to irk him. Because he looked angered when deciding to leave the pair at the diner. You’re curious to know, but not curious enough to turn the mood down, or cause an unnecessary argument.
So you ignore it.
The whole afternoon, Jaehyun doesn’t retreat to check on his work, instead he’s attached to your hip, literally. His hands in your hair when you’re not busy, his arms hanging around your waist when you’re working around, his head close to you at all times while he responds, listens and comments to everything you say.
You both end up being outside on the balcony of your room watching the sunset. Jaehyun rests his head against yours rubbing your sides humming to the songs playing in the background.
"I love Nakamoto Yuta so much. I'd do anything to have him play a private concert for me,"
Jaehyun laughs. "I still find his music weird,"
"You don't know music like I do," You laugh and roll your eyes.
"No, your music taste is weird," Jaehyun smiles and kisses your forehead suddenly. "I actually went to high school with him,"
"You keep saying that, but I don't believe you," You scoff. When the sun is no longer in the sky and the tiny little twinkling stars appear illuminating the night sky with extra wonder, you smile when a memory pops in your head. “This reminds me of our first date ever. Do you remember it?”
Jaehyun bites his lip with a smile forming on his lips. On that night, you were out camping with him (your ideal first date) and wanted to see the stars. He went out his way, to search for the best view just for you, which led the both of you standing above the mountain on an edged cliff whereby the stars were in arms reach. Jaehyun remembers how happy he was to have made you happy.
The view of your smile, of you opening up to him about your life, about moving out to peruse your passion for photography, because you always felt inspired by him and how hard he worked. It was on that night that he cherished you the most and made it his own person promise that he’d like to make you happy because you deserved the world.
Sadness comes upon him upon remembering Jaemin’s words. His arms slowly remove themselves from your waist in shame. He’s failed to keep you happy, and that makes him distant. You’ve been lonely and enduring so much all on your own. While he was out working, thinking that you’d enjoy the freedom and luxury he’d spoil you with… you were actually being comforted in another man’s arms while his wife spread disloyalty speech against him. Why did he lose track of his promises to be by your side?
His eyes humbly look up again and you both stare at the night serene peaceful view while hanging on the rail, you breathe out and turn your head to him when his smile is no longer on his face. You tilt your head and rest your arms on the rail watching him as his gaze on the view of the city lights below doesn’t seem to be in his mind, he seems preoccupied. “You okay?”
The silence that looms the atmosphere makes you stand up straight as you turn to him totally. He doesn’t say anything, nor does he look at you. He simply nods his head, his gaze now on the ground, with his hands in his black sweats as well as his head hanging down.
Not wanting to push him to talk you, you lay your hand on his bicep and walk in your room going to the joined bathroom. No sooner than later he slowly enters, meeting your eyes when looking into the mirror as you perform your night routine. He simply watches you, his eyes with hearts as he takes you in. You smile feeling flattered before mocking him for being hypnotized.
Walking into your room with him following behind after you’ve washed your face, you feel kind of relieved for Jaehyun not bringing up the inconvenient encounter with Haera and her husband and that the night will end smoothly. For you that’s a win.
Even better because when you sit on the edge of your bed, Jaehyun follows you. He bounces once, just as you bounce as well before you both chuckle. His hand carefully runs down your face, tucking your hair behind your ear. “I’m mesmerized by you again,” He shifts close to you. Your eyes sparkle with incredulity when he holds your face in his hands, his eyes, his dark brown eyes going over your face. Why is he always so mesmerized by you? “You’re so beautiful,”
“And you’re handsome,” You smile waiting for him to kiss you.
His head dips closer to you, his lips briefly touching yours once. He’s not in a rush, so you don’t attempt to quicken it. He tilts his head to the other side getting your lips in between his lips yet again. You close your eyes kissing him softly. No tongue, no force, just gleams of his soft peck. “I wanna ask you something,” He says between the kisses. “Who’s Jaemin to you?”
Your heart flutters causing you to instantly stop kissing Jaehyun. You clear your throat and move your head back trying to maintain your breathing from the harmless question. “He’s Haera’s husband,”
“I know that, but who is he to you?” His question presents itself as the first step to understanding what Jaemin’s parables meant.
“Why are you asking that?” You ask calmly. “He’s just Haera’s husband.” You answer again, feeling your tongue heated and heavy.
Jaehyun sets a hand behind his head while looking at you. “Has he come to our house before?”
“No.” You answer in a heartbeat before clearing your throat and shaking your head. “Why’re you asking?”
“Does he comfort you when you’re feeling lonely?” Jaehyun asks ignoring your question.
“Jae? I barely know him.” Your eyes reveal your confusion but you try to remain calm. In Jaehyun’s eyes, he picks up on all your little nervous reactions. He doesn’t want to draw conclusions on the relationship you have with Jaemin, but your reactions are causing his head to think otherwise. At first, his questions were to see if Jaemin was telling some sort of truth, but with your reactions he’s confused about your relationship with Haera’s husband.
“I just wanna know who you’re hanging out with,” Jaehyun speaks carefully with his eyes on you. “I’m barely around, so if you’re not getting comforted in your loneliness by me, it means you have a good friend in Jaemin. Right?”
You take a moment to understand the question and watch his reaction. “Honey, you can’t be jealous now.” You lightly smile, hoping to remove the fear in your heart. “But… I’m telling you now, whatever Jaemin said, don’t listen to him.”
“Okay,” Jaehyun gets his hand up lighting cupping your neck and massaging your neck. He gets close to you, his lips briskly kissing on your neck. “Do you feel distant with me?”
“No, honey never. I don’t even care how absent you are, as long as I’m with you, I always have a smile on my face,” You moan when his mouth is wrapped on a spot on your neck kissing, licking and biting all your well-known sweet spots. You hold onto his shoulder feeling, that his kisses are a little bit too hard. “Jae,”
“Are you after money?”
“Jae-ah,” You moan out when his hand gets on your covered boob and he squeezes on it causing you to gasp. His lips lingering over your open lips, touching, but not kissing, and it takes one glance of his eyes on you that you move in close to get a feel of his lips, but he moves back.
“No, you’ve always liked it traditional right. Just love, and my presence,” he gulps when looking into your eyes. They still look the same to him, your never ending eyes that were only for him. Glancing down at your body with his eyes, he lets’ go of your neck feeling hot after taking such actions without asking you. “Do you remember those days that you used to come over at my workplace?” He whispers but still gets close to you and kisses your lips. His lips are hot, soft, settling, nibbling and gasping- you find yourself in the same state pulling onto each other for more and when you stop, you have his eyes closed, heavily exhaling, hair ruffled, and he looks like the prettiest mess ever.
But if you look closely, you see some form of insecurity laying over him. So you plant your lips on him. “Can we talk about you acting strange?” You whisper between the kisses.
“Why’d you stop coming to visit me at work?” He asks, regardless of your question. You hum in remembrance parting from the kiss when he slowly moves back.
You lay your body sideways on the bed, while he lays flat and turns his head to you. His lips are slightly puffy and his hair is slowly forming into curly messes with your hands running over them.
Your eyes wander around his dainty analytic face. He’s got bags underneath his eyes, but they’re not heavy as before. His eyes remind you of the times when your hands were always on his hair to make him feel better, of the times he’d spend so much time with you, and attend to work during the late hours and would wake up with a headache but still go to work and then come home and instead of finishing up on work, he’d spend all his time with you before doing his work late in the night.
You shrug your shoulder when making your eyes move back to his. “You’re working at work. I felt like I was distracting you. Day in and day out, I was too clingy. You stopped sending me messages too, so I felt like a bother. I didn’t want to get in between you and work…” You mumble getting quieter, knowing that the truth would not be nice to be said out. “You practically started living in your office.” You say. It hits a nerve inside of you to say this, but you know that this is the discussion that you were waiting for in anticipation. Besides, when else will you get the time to talk to him like this when he starts going back to work again. “I didn’t want to disturb anymore,”
“You’re my first priority at all times. Not work. If you say you want me here, I’ll be here,”
You try not to roll your eyes knowing that even if it seems true, it’s not. “Jae, I just don’t want to disturb you-”
“I made a vow to you. It’s not like I would ignore you and continue working. All that I do-”
“Yeah, I know. All that you do, you do it for me.” You mumble out kind of bitterly but still keep a calm demeanor. “But clearly, work comes first because for you to do anything for me it would require money right? Hence the trips you make me go on, the brand deals designer collections you always get for me, or even always filling up my account, to show me that you’re doing all this for me,”
“Are you upset about that?” His eyes squint in hurt.
“No,” You instantly say assuring him you’re fine. You breath out through your mouth. “It’s just, I wish that you didn’t…you didn’t put me in such a position whereby I’d be a motivation for you to work harder. I mean, don’t get me wrong honey but… I mean, it's not like I cared about all of those things in the first place. I only wanted you.”
“And I’ve given you me-”
“No, you’ve spoilt me with your riches and success. I guess it’s okay, but it’s the fact that I’m doing all those things alone and you’re working. Jae I need you, not all those promises you made me. I needed you, not the vows."
Jaehyun's eyes that are on yours seem so hallow yet you can tell that your words are hitting him. He leans on in his elbow, his eyes never leaving your saddened eyes. “Were you really lonely?” He asks softly.
You flatter your eyes to the wall behind, not wanting to fight even a little. Your ears go back to him and you nod your head. “What kind of question is that? You know I’ve been missing you like crazy. And I know you're working extremely hard, but why did it always have to be so hard even to see you? I hardly saw you during the days and on the weekends you were either on a business trip or in the office. So of course I’ve been lonely. This house is so big and I’m always alone when I wake up,” You whisper looking into his eyes. “I don’t know how you do it, but no amount of work can make me get over how lonely I’ve been feeling for years. Feeling you at night when you come back is reassuring to me, but waking up without seeing you feels like a constant loop of loneliness. Did you really think I'd be okay?"
"I honestly thought you'd be." His hand comes on top of your shoulder and he lightly massages it. He pulls himself closer so that you’re both close by an inch. Jaemin was right, you had it ‘rough’. “Y/n, I promised you a good life, vacations, world tours, the biggest events, the whole world at the palm of your hand. I promised you that you’d be smiling whenever, I promised tha-"
You shake your head and exhale out. "No more promises Jae, no." He looks in between both your eyes, and you can see the fear in them. You breathe out showing a little smile even though it doesn't reach your eyes. "You're going back to work tomorrow. Just kiss me for tonight, be here right now with me. Let me feel you, let me cherish you. Kiss me Jaehyun. Just kiss me, I’ve missed you and I want you,"
He kisses instantly and deeper at that request- as if all the talking was just a hindrance and all he wanted was you. However in Jaehyun's head, the guilt sips into his conscious and he asks himself if really he took it too far. Working instead of being with you.
The thought itself angers him because he upset you. Remembering Jaemin's words about how you liked it 'rough' - his hand slides down to grip your thigh, spreading your legs a bit wider so that he can settle fully between them. And as all of him is lined up with you, you're left gasping for air by the kiss that gets rougher and rougher. He's licking, sucking, messing with your tongue before he leaves one big lip pulling kiss and sloppily downs on your neck leaving you panting and breathing. Jaehyun tears himself away from the continuous hickey he’s been giving you, his mouth treading kisses to your jaw, your neck, your ear.
You're trembling, not with fear but with want as Jaehyun breathes your name over and over onto your skin. Like a prayer, that emits how your name sounds on his lips. The fast paced kisses tagged with Jaehyun's equally fast moving hands as he unclips your bra from underneath your shirt, he removes your bottoms and sits up (still with his lips attached to your neck, leaving you moaning at the forming hickey) dragging your body close to him as he spreads your legs wider pounding you straight to him.
You gasp and open your eyes, your hands immediately take his face into your hands. Finding his eyes blazing, his breathing ragged as your own- you try to catch your breath wondering why's he being so rough with you? You just asked him to kiss you and be with you…not dominate over you.
He dares to run his fingers from your back all the way up to removing your shirt and bra in the process. You're flustered when seeing your nearly naked under his grasp. You slide your hand down his check, right beneath the collar of his shirt. His skin is like heated silk, he shudders at the touch, head bowing so that his inky black hair spills forward blocking your view of his face.
Jaehyun always asked.
But this time when he grips your ass and stares back into your eyes while strutting his sweats down a little before parting your thong and his hips drive into yours just enough that a lewd gasp comes out of you. It's the more, you realize, that you want more of him… More of him when he doesn't ask but takes it from you.
"Jae," you throw your head back and moan out the more he thrusts into you. His thrusts are a bit slow but each one is impactful. When he sees how you're enjoying it and not worried about if he's hurting you or not- something comes over him, be it anger, disappointment that he can't get Jaemin's stupid words out his head, whatever comes over him causes him a low growl as he pins your body into him and does as you say.
He takes from you in the roughest way possible when all of a sudden his thrusts are on fire and his speed shots rocket high his skin pounding into you mercilessly. He figures it's the anger he felt at the diner with Jaemin. He grips onto your flesh and bounces you in an insane way onto his cock that gets rougher causing your clit to tighten as you feel your stomach bubbling with release. "Jae, slowly-" You stop talking shutting your eyes heavily. Your words hardly reach his ears. Jaehyun wants you to stop talking and in a flash his lips are on you again. Your hands that are tight on his biceps squeeze on tightly when he seems hypnotized by the lust.
His other hand runs up you back pressing you harder against his chest. You taste like the wine sunrise that you came from drinking and the sweetness that makes his head swim with thirst. He sucks into your tongue dictating over you. Your mouth opened up, lips parted as you try to catch up with him, but you're unable. He was never one to explore, but you're astonished in shock how he doesn't leave your mouth unexplored.
Every part of him wants to wrap around you. It's like all the dirty desires he once had about you begin to enlighten in this moment that he doesn't hear a word you say. "You like to rough don't you." Is the only words that leave his lips when his thrusts are never gentle, like before.
Jaehyun closes his eyes burying his head on your chest tightly holding onto you. He couldn't believe how you really liked it in the beginning and urged him to go on. You were never like this so what corrupted your thoughts? Could it be because he hasn't been home for so long that now you were sex deprived and wanted it rough? And that you were never really lonely but instead horny… And Jaemin comforted you by-
"No!" Jaehyun's cock is deeply into your belly even though you've long cummed and are now begging him to stop he doesn't hear and they're tears by your eyes. "Jaehyun please!"
Your hands are now in his hair trying to pull him away. Now you know that Jaemin definitely said something and messed with his head. Because when your thighs are sweaty and shaking against him again when you erupt in cum squirting he still doesn't stop gaping at your whole with his steel like dick.
You wanted to make this a special kiss, make every touch from him be as one that you'd crave, because you didn't want to think of Jaemin. You scream when the fourth orgasm comes and Jaehyun doesn't stop.
"Jaehyun stop!" You cry out holding onto his shoulders. "It hurts!"
Jaehyun's head snaps to yours immediately stopping Jaemin's thoughts from his head when he sees you crying and panting with your pulse pounding in your veins. He looks into your eyes. You look back into his, shell shocked like he just dropped a bomb in the center of the room. Neither of you say anything as you stare intensely into each other’s eyes. Yours with tears and his with much distress.
Jaehyun's thoughts are foggy when watching the cum pool from your cunt and onto his hard dick. He's instantly up on his feet- his member as hard as a rock and your legs trembling with your pussy egging out and dripping in cum.
You can only hold in your tears and stare up into his eyes filled with horror. You try to collect your legs but they're straining in pain from how Jaehyun turned rogue. He doesn't look into your eyes again as he turns to the washroom and locks himself inside.
Another type of guilt sips into him. He turns on the cold water and removes his clothes getting inside groaning out by the coldness of the little droplets of the ice cold water the moment it touches his dick. What the hell did he just do?
Meanwhile, you're swarmed in guilt for perhaps pushing him too far. What was that? Regardless after composing yourself and the pain in you lower abdomen and legs are manageable, you clean yourself up with some wipes that are on your bed side and you ignore that you have no bra on or shirt when you work around your room.
You remove the bedsheets that are stained with your pools of sticky cum and you go into the laundry room a few doors down and place the sheets into the washer leaving it to wash. You also remove your thong tossing it inside and are now left naked and guilty.
Upon returning to your room you still hear the shower go on. You put on your silk night dress and get out a new set of layers of sheets and tuck them on the bed, before getting on it and resting your body down. You close your eyes and sigh out.
“No more promises,” Your eyes snap open by the whisper in your ear. You realize you fell asleep and the room is now in darkness. A pair of arms are on you and you know it's Jaehyun as he sips his warmth into you. He continues to whisper. “From now on, drop by whenever you want. Send me messages whenever. I’ll always answer. Stay with me at the office longer, tell me to come home immediately when you need me, pressure me to leave everything behind for you- because I’m telling you the truth when I say I’m here now. I won’t leave you alone ever again. I won't let you be lonely. I know I’ve been an absent husband to you, but I can promise… No promises, so I'll make sure to get it right this time. C-can you forgive me?”
You lay your head back on his chest closing your eyes. You cling onto his arms around you tightly.
"I'm sorry for tonight… I was out of it. I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you."
You quietly breath out and nod your head.
Jaehyun wants you to say something, you don’t speak at all. He sinks down when remembering your words. "You're not a distraction to me honey. You’re my wife, I shouldn't have ignored your desires."
“Jae, it’s okay.” You hum out lightly. “You’ve got work in a few hours. You need to rest.”
"Sir it's 12 o'clock, you've got an appointment with the factory production manager at 12h45."
Jaehyun snaps out of his thoughts when glancing up to his secretary Chae-won who stands by the door.
"If you leave now you'll reach there in about 30 minutes."
"Are they already finished making the test samples?" He asks quietly going over the papers on his desk wondering why he's not focused- they did tell him that they'd be finish before the afternoon. Everything on his table looks like a blur of work and he clears his throat feeling uncomfortable by his unkempt desk and non-professional like behavior. He gets up and searches around his desk. "Where are they?"
"Sir are you looking for the factory documents?" Chae-won asks finding it strange how Jaehyun is so out of it. "You gave Mr Na Jaemin the documents to be processed this morning." She looks to her watch just as Jaehyun remembers his faint discussion with Jaemin. "He should be here by… There he is."
Jaehyun picks up his phone and tells his driver to get ready for him downstairs. "Chae-won stay here for today. I think my wife might come in. If she doesn't come just stay in my office until I get back. Oh yes, in case she comes before I’m back, there are some roses I bought this morning on the couch with a card. If you could hand it to her and make her feel comfortable, I’d be glad." The little smile on Jaehyun’s face comes out naturally when talking about you, that his heart hurts all over again thinking about how he went overboard and your silent treatment to him. “I’ll be going now.”
"Yes sir." Chae-won watches Jaehyun walk out his office with nothing but his phone. Jaemin stops with a smile and then follows Jaehyun towards the elevators.
Chae-won prior to what Jaehyun said is seated in her office typing out the rest of Jaehyun’s completed task on the company portal. Focused on her work not bothered by anything else, she’s alert a little when her desk phone rings. Picking up the call, she waits for the caller. “Ma’am, there’s a lady here claiming to be Mr Jung’s wife.”
Hearing the words Chae-won’s eyes marvel. “Oh, yes send her up.”
“Are you sure?”
“Mr Jung informed me of her presence himself, yes send her up.” Chae-won ends up cutting the call seemingly finding herself getting excited. She quickly gets up and fixes her attire making sure she looks presentable. Fixing the perm on her hair she quickly walks into Jaehyun’s office, walking through the large space and going down some steps before reaching to the little set area where there are four large couches and a table in the center with the view being the city being displayed by the top to bottom glass wall.
Her eyes marvel at the little set up when noticing that Jaehyun prepared for his wife’s arrival. She picks up the bouquet of white and pink roses wrapped in a beautiful black drape with card multiple of hand written cards, she walks out his office and makes her way to the elevators. She waits and prepares her best smile. When Taeyong spoke about Jaehyun’s wife he had such high admiration for her and words filled with love that Chae-won was jealous at how Taeyong seemed to talk about Jaehyun’s wife for an entire car ride. Not only Taeyong, but her own boss is head over hills for her. From the little that she’s seen, Jaehyun is easily flattered by his wife not only by phone calls, but also at the mention of her name. So of course she has no high expectations but she wants to see the lady that’s captured her boss’s heart. The lady who made the little ‘holiday’ possible for the entire company.
Meanwhile, downstairs when waiting for the elevator you’re enchanted by how everything in Jaehyun’s whole company has changed. The last time you were in the company, it only had 20 floors- but now it’s stacked up high with 40 floors. The exterior of the whole company is designed in such a sophisticated and elegant black view with the logo of a perfume bottle being the main visual. The interior is even more jaw dropping that you get lost just upon entering. “Wow,” Not only is the renovation impressive with cyberpunk aesthetics and classy modern day color themes of black and white, brown and white, grey and white, silver and white, blue and white, but the dress code and fashion of the workers and people in the company is to die for. All the colors and proud workers walking around make you feel intimidated. They walk with poise and stern confidence, they’re dressed in elegant colors, all the ladies in heels and tight fitting work attires, all the guys in suit pants of dark colors and buttoned up shirts or even blazers and shirts. It’s absolutely stunning to see how much has changed, you last remembered everyone wearing jeans and a simple theme of blue was the highlight of everything, however now, everything is classy.
Jaehyun really did this? At this point, you believe that even if Haera had to bad mouth Jaehyun, you wouldn’t believe it. Because really, he’s been working at his hardest.
The front desk lady tells you to press the last floor to head straight to Jaehyun’s office floor. Getting in one of the transparent elevators by choice, your eyes are large in astonishment and awe that you don’t mind the people that enter and leave the elevator. You’re confused though when you notice that the elevator stops at the fifth floor- the fifth being the last on this elevator. Upon getting out, you look around to the fifth floor which is almost like a garden as it’s plastered in such green serene vegetation. Of course it’s barricaded by large glass walls that encase the indoor garden with sun radiation lights and sprinkles of rain water from above. Not wanting to waste time, you pick up your basket and walk closer to the walls trying to find another elevator.
Your ears perk upon hearing your name being called, but you remain frozen in spot when you know exactly who’s calling you. You ignore the voice and continue walking hoping to get far without an encounter from the-
“Hey,” You feel your wrist being held forcing you to turn and face Jaemin. “What’re doing here?”
His face brightens up when seeing you, that his thumb on your wrist begins to carefully caress your hand. You pull your hand out gently and tuck your hair before clearing your throat, focusing more on your hands then his face. “I’m here to see my husband. If you don’t mind,” You promptly walk passed him taking slightly bigger strides.
“What’s with the attitude?” Jaemin charismatically scoffs before gripping your hand again and pulling you towards him. You stop yourself from colliding into his body by placing your hand on his bare chest…well his shirt is unbuttoned revealing just a piece of his crafted chest. You clear your throat
“Jaemin get out of my way please,” You hold your ground strongly giving him one serious stare.
“I don’t want to,” Jaemin playfully chimes.
“I’m not here for you,” You try backing up, but he steps closer holding onto your wrist tightly.
The pleasantly playful smile doesn’t leave his lips as his eyes are fixed on yours. “What’s got your panty in a twist? Are you pissed off? Do you want some relief?”
“Fuck, Jaemin.” Your eyes snap up to his as you shush him by placing your finger over his mouth getting upset. “Can you not do that here? Please.” You beg in frustration through your teeth.
Jaemin, not hearing a damn word you say, holds onto your finger that’s on his lips and kisses it. “Why’re you so mad? Did something happen?” His eyes go over your black fitting pants and large black buttoned shirt. “Are you really here for your husband?”
You break out of his grip stepping back in annoyance. “Yes.”
“Okay,” He smiles and places his hands in his pocket. “Where are you headed? To his office?”
“I’ll take you there,”
Instead of using the glass elevator you’re led to a row set of elevators. Jaemin looks behind to make sure that you’re following behind him. Upon reaching the 4th elevator that opens up Jaemin’s fingers double taps on the 40th floor. Once the doors close, you keep to yourself, your eyes on the number board above counting up as you go up each floor.
“You brought him lunch?”
You nod your head not turning to him.
Jaemin looks into the basket again noticing you brought a bunch of treats and packet sized lunch. “Damn, he eats a lot doesn’t he?”
You ignore him, internally sighing that the elevator is going fast but is still around the 10th floors. “How long till we get to the 40th floor?”
Jaemin chuckles. “An hour.”
You pray that he’s joking, but nonetheless you don’t engage in his sarcastic comments.
“I’m finding it hard you came here for him. I think, after finding out I work here you came to see with your own eyes,” Jaemin mumbles out again, you can hear him getting off his corner and moving softly towards you. You don’t budge, even though you really want to. You remain in place when he gets in front of you and pats your head. “I could be tooting my own horn, but I’ve never really seen you here before. Mm, you smell good. Now it makes sense why you always smelt like the boss. You use his perfumes don’t you.”
20th floor. You internally groan.
“I guess I should be thanking you for the free meal. The chef Moon Taeil, allowed us to eat for free,” Jaemin whispers with a low smile, before his smile disappears. “Why’re you so upset? Did you piss off your husband? Is that why you’re here, to make up?”
You shake your head but stop mid-way and face him. “Actually, now that you’re on the topic. What the hell did you tell Jaehyun yesterday?”
Jaemin thinks for a second, a smile growing on his face. “What do you mean?”
“He wasn’t himself when we got home.” You barely go further in explanation but Jaemin reads your face.
“What, the sex wasn’t good?” He asks out of a hunch. “If anything, I didn’t tell him how to satisfy you- so you can’t blame me if he was bad at pleasing you. Did he fuck you the wrong way-”
“Shut up.” You roll your eyes. “Now tell me, what did you say to him?”
Jaemin’s hand reaches for your waist and by an instant, he gets both his hands on your waist spinning you around and lightly backs you up against the elevator. Your eyes widen wide as your basket drops from your hand. He smiles when he has you trapped in him. With his strong grip on your wrist, his other hand pins both your hands above your head leaning down with a smirk as he kisses your neck. “What the hell Jaemin-”
“You’re stressed and I’m trying to make you feel good- I can make you feel better then him. Even after giving him a hint that you like it rough, he still makes you so tight?”
Gathering your pent up frustrated strength- you push on him with all your might and glare at him. “Don’t touch me.” You blurt out through clinched teeth. “Just because you and I fucked doesn’t mean that you’re suddenly my husband. How dare you? You’re just a man I had sex with while my husband was away, stop acting as though you’re mine. You are nothing to me other than my best friend's husband. Know your place.” You warn.
In all your out bursts Jaemin's solely lifts up his eyebrow with a stern face. "Is that so?" His head tilts to the side as he loses his smirk and his tongue pokes against his cheek. "You’re right, I'm just the husband to your best friend." As if not believing your words he replays the whole conversation in his head before he clinching his jaw. "Okay." He sighs out and adjusts his clothes and stands back into his corner, his eyes going away completely from you and to the elevator wall.
The rest of the elevator ride is silent. If you knew it'd take putting your foot down to get him to shut up then you would've put your foot down a long time ago. You don't say anything and he doesn't say anything, he retreats to the side and faces the elevator door now watching the floors, you pick up your basket and try to calm down from your heated anger.
It takes a really long while, but once the floor reaches the 40th floor you find yourself praising the heavens. The door opens and Jaemin stretches his hand out. You don't look at him but step out minding your own business. Your own business being met with a lady in a black beautiful knee dress holding a bouquet of white and pink roses. A smile lights itself on your face when an instant memory comes to your mind.
The white and pink roses reminding you of the day you got married. The theme was cream and a faded pink. Back then Jaehyun wasn't as heavily pocket rich and barely had enough to host an entire wedding, but you made ends meet by getting a really charming wedding planner who made everything work. Everything was plastic, second hand and fake, yet it all came out to beautifully. Nobody could tell the difference except you, the wedding planner and Jaehyun.
The most memorable part of your wedding night were the rare type of roses. Jaehyun had picked them out and on each and every rose stem he wrote such pure and heartfelt words that made you cry.
So seeing the roses again, you're reminded of all his wonderful messages. Come to think of it, everything he mentioned in the cards come to life, not only the prosperity and riches but how his feelings never changed from you. He's still so hell bent on pleasing you.
Taking in the flowers with such warm and loving hands, you coo and giggle as though the bouquet is a little child. "It's so beautiful," You hum out in bliss and turn to greet the lady before you.
"Good day ma'am. My name is Chae-won. I'm Mr Jung Jaehyun's secretary. He apologized for his late coming, however he did say that you should make yourself comfortable. If you can please follow me here," Chae-won bows her head before leading you along the corridor into office- all the while as her brain works at rapid speed to try and match your face to someone she's met before. She swears she's seen you before, but where…
Getting in the office, you can't stop staring and being so impressed by every little inch and detail of architectural work as well as the placement and digest of each ornament. Not to mention how spectacular the view is.
"He's such a dummy." You smile sadly. "Now, I'll definitely feel like I'm disturbing him. Where is he by the way?"
And that's how she manages to get a whiff and look at you. It's when you look down with a sad smile does she remember a lunch break she had with Mark -who invited two strangers to eat with. You're the lady who has a CEO husband who cheats on you! Her eyes widen and she covers her mouth. As she's about to defend her boss, her mouth completely seizes when remembering how Jaemin had his hand underneath the table somehow pleasing you.
Your reactions.
She can't forget your face and how you looked. Erotically pleased. You were almost squirming in your seat the same way she squirms when Taeyong touches her in his car. You could barely speak, you kept your head down biting your lip as you flinched in your seat from time to time letting out low sounds- Chae-won remembers how disgusted she was because you were seemingly doing it in public with your best friend’s husband, with no shame.
However, upon looking at you, you look daring and fierce yet so fragile and innocent like you’d never ever take advantage of Jaehyun’s kindness. If Chae-won had seen Jaehyun perhaps when he was in his chubby youth days then perhaps she would say that you looked out of his league- but, knowing what she knows now about how you and Jaemin could’ve been entangled in something she feels almost disappointed in you.
You on the other hand can’t read minds, but you watch as her face falls from happiness to shock to confusion all together being dissatisfied. She shakes her head and clears her throat. “Uhm, Mr Jung said you could lounge here until he got back. He’s gone to the factory producers to smell some test sample scents. Hopefully he should be back around 2pm.”
You nod your head looking at the clock on the wall. “It’s quarter to, so that should be soon enough. I should probably open these,”
You turn around and squat down by the table level begin to unpack the basket filled with different types of snacks. Seeing as you’re working, Chae-won notes to herself that she never sees Jaehyun eating when he’s at work.
“So, what does he normally eat when here?” You ask. “I warned him about his blood pressure and salt and he tells me he just drinks his protein shakes.”
“To be honest,” Chae-won folds her arms not wanting to talk about Jaehyun to you who is a cheater. But knowing that she has no say or right to make such accusations she speaks. “I’ve never seen Mr Jung eat or drink anything. He’s practically working on his desk all day, all afternoon, all night. He only gets up to stretch his legs or use his personal washroom or ever make phone calls. But I’ve never really seen him eat,”
Your eyes widen and you turn your head back to Chae-won in shock- who points to the frequent places that Jaehyun is at. When she points to her office that’s in another room, the glass wall show that if he moved off his desk to a certain spot she’d be able to see everything he’s doing in there. You shake your head.
“Can I ask you something Mrs Jung,” You get flustered by that name but still hum out, still setting up the table of different meals and the treats you know he likes. “Does he eat when he gets home?”
You breathe in and nod your head. “I make sure to prepare a big meal for him when he gets back.” You shrug your shoulders. “Of course I’m always asleep when he gets back home, but I leave his food in the microwave covered in bowls. I know he eats them all because he never leaves a single bowl full- he finishes everything and washes his plates after.”
“You sleep when he gets back?”
Feeling judged, you take a seat on the chair next to the secretary and look out to the view of the city that’s heavily adorned by towers of different shapes and sizes and lengths and logo’s all being so radiant. “I used to wait up for him…in the living room or my room. But me being the heavy sleeper I am, I’d always wake up when the sun would be up again, but instead of being in the living room where I last slept, I always find myself in our room. Sometimes I find that I’m changed and covered in the blanket. So I sleep in the living room and find myself in our room. At some point he gave me the green light to just sleep and not wait up for him because he joked that I’m heavy when going up the stairs,”
“Oh that’s cute,” Chae-won laughs a little and you smile. Judging by the size of your house she can imagine how long the stairs are. Not only does he finish late, but he’s probably starving and sees his wife passed out on the couch. “If you ask me, I never knew Mr Jung had a soft spot. He was always my highly intellectual superior boss, one wrong move and he’d threaten to demote me. But after that day where he finished early to get back home to his wife, you, I started seeing him differently. Almost like a family man,”
Chae-won’s words make you stop for a second as you try to think of when he’s come home early- you visibly freeze in your seat remembering that it was the first encounter with Jaemin. You shake your head and gulp going back to organizing the table while Chae-won talks about how amazing Jaehyun is. About how focused he is, how he’s a perfectionist and wants nothing less than perfect. You’re even shocked when Chae-won mentions that he’s never smiles in the work place, and that the only time she’s seen him smile was when talking about you.
That even makes you feel all the worse about what you’ve done behind his back. Sitting down on the long couch keeping you company, Chae-won watches as you set out all the little foodie items before assisting you in making it look presentable. You're very sharp and detailed orientated. She's kind of jealous of how you look and how you emit such radiant energy….but behind closed doors you’re a cheater. Hearing her work telephone ring, she snaps back and stands. “I should get back to work, I’m sure Mr Jung will be back.”
“No problem, I’ll wait here for him,” You smile nervously. “I hope he won’t be mad,”
Chae-won shakes her head with an honest gleam in her eyes. Aside from your dirty habit with Jaemin, you did look like you loved and appreciated the man you love- it’s what Chae-won sees. “Trust me, today he was really spaced out and simply looking out the window. I think he’s really motivated to have you here,”
“You’re so kind,” You bow your head and quickly pick up a little sealed bag with some pastry that you baked this morning and present it to here. “Here, have this. For your hard work and assisting him. Thank you very much.”
Feeling touched by your generosity and kindness Chae-won accepts the little bag and smiles. “Thank you Mrs Jung,” It’s not long before she walks up the few steps and walks towards the door.
She wants to say one more thing, but looking through the glass door she notes the elevator door opening up and seeing Jaehyun walk out all poised and stern with Johnny and Taeyong walking beside him. Shoot. She breathes out and quickly looks back to you, hoping to get one more saying in- before she attends to her boss and his guests.
"One more thing Mrs Jung." Chae-won turns her head to look at you. "I know it’s not my place to say this but… Please don't believe your friend and everything she says about Jaehyun. He's never once cheated and I can testify on that. So, with all respect, I ask on his behalf, that you stop fooling around his back. He’s a good man. He doesn’t deserve you screwing behind his back." Chae-won's words are final and sharp, yet her stare is empathetic leaving you feeling as though a ton of bricks has fell on you.
You don’t react but simply stand still and watch her walk out. How did she know?
You can't even be in shock when a few seconds later the door is opened up and in walks your husband- whom you feel so guilty towards- and two-
"Y/n?" That's Taeyong, who's eyes blossom at the sight of you. "You're still banging like this? How have you been?" Taeyong with smiles makes his way towards you just as Jaehyun grips the back of Taeyong's blazer pulling him back.
"Goodbye Taeyong." Jaehyun can't even contain the excitement he's feeling when seeing you that he clears his throat to compose his serious face when looking at Johnny. "I think you can go ahead in the negotiation room with Taeyong. Make sure they don't accept the proposal to start investments. I can't have Mr Zhong win the bidding wars."
"Wait but what if they bring the money in cash-"
"Then bid higher." Jaehyun, still holding onto Taeyong's blazer tightly so that he can't escape, now begins to push Johnny out his office. "You know the drill."
"We know the drill, but the question is how much is the limit. It's reckless throwing all that money to a project that hasn't yet began," Taeyong comments.
You find it comical how Jaehyun frustratingly attempts to get the two out but they stand firm and question him. "Why do I have to be the brains of everything? Why the hell do you think I said you should make sure that no one in the high up committee should accept the proposal? Find loop holes in the project, pick on everything that looks remotely close to suspicion-"
"You know that's not even remotely close to our assigned positions. We're not good at picking holes with the higher up- that's your job." Taeyong deadpans before folding his arms. "Wait, are you leaving us two alone in that meeting? You fucking can't be serious, Mr Zhong and those Chinese and Japanese bidders always come fucking prepared to devour us-"
"Not only that, have you seen the launch of committee members? Sir you seriously can't leave us," Johnny looks stunned. "You're leaving the fate of this company in our hands? I mean I'm good at settling the scores between outside companies, but against Mr Zhong and his team? Sir sending us alone will be sending your company into the hands of the Chinese and Japanese."
"Exactly!" Taeyong agrees.
"Your heads will be on the chopping block if Mr Zhong so lays a hand on my company. I'll fire everyone in your-"
"With all due respect sir, but this fate is best left in your hands. You know Mr Zhong won't wait to tear us limb from limb, we practically sent him off the market with our recent new releases. He's not coming to play this time."
Jaehyun runs his hands through his hair and groans and peeks at you for a second. The look in his eyes says it all, he wants to be with you. But hearing the debate going on between the guy Johnny and Taeyong, you know it's really serious. "Babe, why don't you go with them? I'll still be here when you come back,"
That brightens up his mood when he mutters out apologetically. "Really?"
Johnny is stunned by the change of demeanor his boss has, from cold to soft in a matter of seconds. "Oh shit. Were we being cock blocks for you-"
"No, it's okay," You immediately assure and smile at them. "Uhm-"
"Wait outside." Jaehyun's voice is stern and seriously directed at the two men. "Now."
Taeyong smirks and chuckles lightly before winking at you. "It's a pleasure seeing you. You haven't aged a day since college. You still take my breath away-"
"Get out." Taeyong jumps a little by Jaehyun's words and laughs a little while walking out.
"We've barely got 5 minutes so make it quick." Taeyong winks and walks out with Johnny, who smiles in your direction before following Taeyong.
Jaehyun shakes his head passing one last irritated look at Taeyong before turning to you. Despite his smile being small, it still reaches his eyes and he almost gets shy when drawing closer to you. Standing right in front of you having his eyes being captivated by your beauty he slightly bends down to give your lips a light peck. “I was thinking you weren’t gonna come,”
You smile shyly and take a step closer just as his hands wrap around your waist to bring you closer to him. “It felt right coming to see you. I mean, I might not come next time because it’s evident that you’re working, but I’ll make sure to drop by occasionally. Especially if I miss you,” Your words fade to a whisper when you lean in and plant a kiss on his lips while holding onto his chest. “You should eat before going into your meeting, I heard you barely eat when you’re working.”
“Eat?” He smiles lightly peeking his head behind you to get a look at the table. “You really came prepared to spend time with me,”
“Come on,” You lead him to the presentable meal and you take a seat right next to him. “Oh yeah, I love the new construction you’ve placed around the building, they really stand out.”
Jaehyun rolls his sleeves up with a smirk as he picks up the chopsticks. “Modifications were needed at the time, and I didn’t want to purchase a new building and relocate, or even design and construct a new building because essentially this place is perfect in the economy, it’s literally close to the center. Besides, constructing a new building would mean consulting an architect, planning for designs and drawings, a lot of costs would need to be done from materials to be used to cement- not to mention it would be tough looking for any type of land without being too far from the busy city life and on top of that documentation takes a really long time, and getting it approved takes even longer. So enhancing and reforming the building suited my thinking back then. It would be a waste to sell this building and start from scratch, so might as well adjust it.” He plucks a crispy shrimp in his mouth and smiles at me. “It’s delicious, say ah,”
You open my mouth as he dips the fresh shrimp inside some sauce and places it inside your mouth.
Spending the little amount of time with Jaehyun feels really satisfying with your heart being content by how nothing seems awkward after the previous night. In fact, everything is going smooth with Jaehyun talking and leading the conversation engaging in how he wants you to broaden your business and make it more versatile and within an office block instead of virtual and online and at home. The way he’s talking, only brings you back to the days of how you’d admire him when he spoke.
He is undeniably an intelligent man, with a preserved mind. He takes care of all your needs with integrity and wisdom. He loves you so much and it’s evident in the way he talks to you and how he wants you to perform more and achieve your own goals. He even almost dumbs himself down to speak to you. Not that you’re dumb, but after hearing his business thoughts, you can’t help but wonder how much of an intellectual man he is outside of talking to you. He’s influential and has all the right rights in place…so how could you have possibly thought about cheating when he cares so much for?
You’re so overwhelmed with emotions that when he takes the last bites of the rice cake, your hand lays on his firm thigh getting his attention. “I just, want to let you know that I love you. I know I said a lot of things last night, but all that matters is that you matter to me. It still feels like we’re in our honeymoon phase, but really I still love you so much and love how you always think of me,” Your heart beats fast when there’s clarity and peace washing over his eyes. Unlike your guilty eyes, Jaehyun is imbedded into you.
“I love you more,” Jaehyun leans in and you hold the side of his face as you both dive in for a kiss. It’s supposed to be simple, yet Jaehyun doesn't stop kissing you and easily causes you to lower your body with his hand guiding you down onto the couch. You moan into the kiss tilting your head when he adjusts himself in his position getting you to open your legs and guide them around him.
"Babe, you have to go," You mutter in the kiss rubbing his shoulders calming down from the kiss. You sense a pair of eyes on you, but you try not to mind it only focusing your eyes on Jaehyun’s hair as he now has his head against your shoulder flattering little kisses.
"Just a little bit more."
You giggle when he switches your position getting you off the couch and onto his lap. He spreads his legs having his hands politely moving over your hips while you sit on him. "We're being watched Jae," You breathe out in his ear moaning when his hands squeeze your butt in his grasp. His tongue circling around a certain spot on your neck which he’s marked. You’re on edge when his teeth sink and giving you a hickey. Closing your eyes and controlling your breathing as he sucks your neck off as well as continuously groping your ass. While mounting you closer onto his manhood.
Unconsciously your hands run down his neck unbuttoning his shirt and unfastening his tie. It motivates him to ride his hands against your torso and going to your shoulders to easily unbutton the first few buttons and pull down your shirt and the strings of your bra, giving his hands something to grope on. He pants out when having his eyes fixed on your full chest, his hands probing tightly. You grin when he sinks his head in between your breasts rubbing his face on them. His fingers gently unbuttoning your shirt. You take it upon yourself to plant your hands on his shoulders as you rake yourself on his heavy poking bulge.
“Do you wanna make a baby with me?”
You’re stunned by the muffled question, but not entirely surprised… okay, no, you’re surprised. “Baby? As in infant depending on both parents to be present in its time of living? You wanna make a baby with me?” Your grinding becomes faster as you practically dry hump him feeling his member having its own heartbeat and poking uncontrollably. “Fuck Jae,” You moan throwing your head back.
A light buzz catches you off guard making you bounce in jitter on Jaehyun- earning a moan from him, with him bucking his hips up once in your core.
“I’m sorry sir to intrude.” The voice of his secretary plays on the little intercom on his table, causing your head to rise seeing past the glass wall. She’s looking back at you- but upon making the eye contact she’s quick in snapping her head in the other direction. “Mm, Mr Zhong and his team are in the meeting room, it’s been more than 10 minutes sir. Mr Suh-”
“Stay,” Jaehyun stops slightly and tilts his head to the side watching you with a smile, ignoring the voice that still speaks on the intercom as he continues to rub his face on your boobs while his hands travel to your ass rocking you against his boat. “Please stay,”
"What?" You hum getting your eyes on him running your hand across his cheek following the lead of his hands as he controls your movements against his shaft.
"Stay until I get back,” He says again laughing by how mind fucked you looked. “I’m not even in you and you’re already losing your mind?”
Jaehyun’s eyes are quick when turning sharp, looking annoyed making you giggle a little. He tries to force himself to stop rocking you against himself, but it’s so hard when he feels his edge coming on- but it’s still far. “Jae,” You snap him out of his thoughts. “We can continue when you get back,”
“Or,” His member twitches. “We could do it now,”
“We can’t, your secretary-”
“In the elevator as it’s going down,” He mutters. “No one’s gonna know,”
Your ears hear him and recall how he mentioned how slow the elevator is while going down. But you shake your head, knowing his dick is the one thinking right now. “Baby,” You get off him standing up and fixing up the buttons. “Come on,” Upon buttoning up your shirt, your eyes watch Jaehyun trying to catch his breath while his member is firmly poking his pants making a tent form. When finishing buttoning up your shirt, you turn around and stride towards his door. You don’t even turn around when Jaehyun questions.
“Wait you’re serious?” He catches on and quickly gets up adjusting his clothes and following. You wish you were serious, but knowing him, he won’t be focused when he’s in that meeting if you two had to get it on in the elevator. At least with a hard on, he’d be focused at the meeting. Is your sick thought. So your plan is just to lead him to the elevator.
“Take whatever you need for the meeting, hurry up you’re going to be late.” You quickly open the door and begin walking watching him scramble on his desk for the things he needs. Before you can march to the elevator you notice the secretary waving her hand from her office. You head to the secretary’s office. You notice she’s on the phone, but when she sees you she presses the phone to her shoulder clearing her throat.
“It’s urgent Mr Jung gets there now, Mr Suh says the bidders want to leave and won’t wait for Mr Jung to waste their time.” She places the phone back down on its hook and gets her journal and starts walking out.
You turn back and see Jaehyun looking over a file, before you follow her. “Uh, are you also going with him?”
“Good, because he’s not thinking straight right now.” You mention when she presses a button and the doors automatically open up.
She snickers a little. “I’ve never seen him like this,” When getting in, you both turn back seeing him with wide confused eyes looking at Chae-won and then to you.
“It’s good you’re going with him, he’ll be in shape.” You turn your head back to him and pat his chest. “Good luck okay,” You stand on your tippy toes kissing his fazed lips.
“You tricked me.” He mutters when you gently push his stiff body in the elevator and Chae-won closes the elevator doors.
You try not to laugh at his annoyed face, but once the doors shut you can’t help the little cackle that leaves your lips. Meanwhile Jaehyun in the elevator huffs and pokes his tongue against his cheek when feeling an irritating poking from his member. He doesn’t even bother to cover up his poking bulge as his mind tries to gather his thoughts into the right place.
Chae-won’s cheeks are red from spotting the visible bulge. As soon at the elevator opens up moments later to the floor their supposed to be in- Chae-won walks ahead of Jaehyun and enters the meeting room first leaving the door open for Jaehyun knowing all too well that he will be in no mood to mess around. He grumpily walks alarming the male faces on the rectangular table. Despite him being late, no one on the table looks like they’ll complain as they get up politely bowing to him even though he doesn’t acknowledge them. “Shall we begin.”
It evident that things have changed between you and Jaehyun ever since you’ve had that talk. Dedicated and diligently keeping to his word, Jaehyun comes back home much earlier than before. Whereas back then he came back home around midnight sometimes 3pm, these days he’s back by 6h30pm and latest being 7pm. As he keeps to his word and arrives home much earlier than before, you try not to slack off on your end by committing to your work (since he also offered his assistance) and brand as a business.
His proposal was to serve as a guidance to help shape and form your business. At first you weren’t that interested in developing more into your business, however upon engaging into another conversation (which seemed more like a negotiation), he encouraged you that working would keep you less ‘bored’. He made references to how being active and working would make you sharp, on your feet, you’d have sunlight contact and you’d actually talk more to people instead of being alone. As your business revolved around photography and selling your pictures, Jaehyun mentioned you could make your offer more of a service and take photography into another level.
You admit that after hearing Jaehyun, you realized that you were very lazy. He didn’t say it out loud, but you could tell where he was going. He worked out a brainstorming project whereby he analyzed his way around your ideas (ideas you used to have in college), he made the sacrifice to knock off early and get home to help you – all in the name to get you kick started on working again.
You put in the effort to work mainly due to the reason that he wouldn’t stop saying: “You mean to tell me that you’ve got a degree yet you aren’t utilizing it to its full capacity because I’m the sole provider? You stay home for hours on end and sulk around because I’m not home, and mope around because you’re lonely, but then you’re not really doing anything to pass the time? You aren’t doing anything productive except loom over my absence? They are 24 hours in a day and you barely do anything except cook, clean and lament? Really Y/n? Could you waste any more time?”
Of course that caused some arguments to pop up here and there, but as the weeks passed and you began actually being productive instead of being a “housewife”, new problems came along.
Firstly, with the assistance of Jaehyun, you sought out a business plan, marketing plan, service plan and all the other plans. As you were pretty good with advertising your work online (on your blog), you kept rising the hype for your mini pop up store. You managed to secure a decent modernly vintage yet aesthetically pleasing place which would be transformed into the likeliness and hopes of being your business’s spot. As soon as you bought the space and building for your business store, you knew that you wouldn’t be resting as much as you wanted.
You tried to step up your game levels when it came to making a lot of the important decisions about your business because as you soon came to understand that you disliked (sometimes hated) that Jaehyun involved himself in too deeply. So you made sure that before 6pm everything that was on your bucket list had been ticked off, so that when Jaehyun would come back home, he didn’t have to help you that much.
It irritated you that he didn’t even know your vision that well and would place his ideologies here and there. So you had to step up tremendously, and even if Jaehyun didn’t say it out loud he was/is proud that you’ve been working hard. At least you got a taste of what it’s like to be preoccupied with work so much that you actually begin to appreciate someone busting their ass for their ungrateful self. But mostly, he was satisfied that he didn’t find you relaxing and sitting around whenever he came home.
He liked movement.
And soon enough, your home somehow become lively with you moving around. At some point you were actually not that bothered by the fact that you spent less time with Jaehyun. You moved from your production room into his office to ask about some accounting balance checkups, you’d prepare food for him and then go back to your little production room and never went to him again.
Because at times you needed a break from him. He was annoying to be around when all he spoke about was work.
“I’m telling you, when he’s on work mode, he’s on work mode. And when he’s not, he’s focused on me like a guard dog asking me what I did, what progress I made, where I need help, how I can improve, bluh bluh. I’ve just began realizing that I kinda missed it when he wasn’t home,” You stress to Haera who’s laughing at your misery, while she helps you unbox your kit. Your mini pop up store was looking good and pleasant with its minimum style, yet enticing and eye catching work, but there still needed to be work done. “Like majority of the days, he’s not so stressful to deal with. He comes home, we eat and we spend some quality time together without talking about work. But other days, he comes back home stressed and passes his stress onto me,”
Haera busts out laughing and she’s failing to hold in her breath while you carry on talking.
“Just yesterday, when he got home, he asked where the food was. I told him I’m still working, but I’ll get it done as soon as I’m done working. I thought he’d wait, but man goes into the kitchen and fixes his own food, and he gets angry. But I wasn’t about to have him mad at him, and then we sleep being angry, so I tell him that the next time he comes home and he’s hungry and he sees that there’s no food, he should know that I’m also working and that I’m tired too.”
“What did he say to that?” Haera calms down, wiping on her tears. “Man, you’re now starting to sound like a normal married woman who’s got a husband that’s always present,”
You ignore her and continue talking. “He didn’t even say anything, he ignored me. And I still had to make my own food, because he didn’t make any food for me.”
“Trouble in paradise,” Haera shakes her head, when she’s done packing the box and moves onto another box. She gets out of the way, of the men carrying a shelf made of glasses.
“Where should we put this?” You turn your head and give the men instructions of where you want to the sets of customized shelves to be placed.
Getting back to your station, Haera speaks up again. “So, that’s what was on your chest. Anything else?”
You sigh and organize your photo’s on the table. “Not really, I’m just tired. I’ve been really invested in getting this load done and out the way.”
She nods her head. “It’s coming in clean and I can’t wait for the launch. You said you’ve made the announcement right? How many tickets have been sold?”
“I was honestly surprised at the amount of tickets that were sold within the first day,” You marvel with in enthusiasm. “I’ve always known that I’ve had a handful of people who view my work, as well as a number of people who buy my actual work. However, combined I didn’t think I had over 150 people. To be honest, I memorize my clients and even though others have bought once, I still memorize them. So it’s honestly shocking that the online sales went up to 250 sales.” You shake your head in delight. “According to Jaehyun, he said I should prepare for at least 200 guests, but honestly I don’t even think the 150 people will actually show up, so to keep it fair I’ll get set catering for 100, and if more people come they’ll just stand.”
“Don’t down yourself like that babes,” Haera laughs. “You know your shit when it comes to photography, your pieces are all I have hanged up on my wall. Besides, you should listen to your husband, because if you say he’s been helping you out with marketing, what are the odds that he prompted your name to some of his business associates looking for a photographer?”
“I’m a stock photographer encompassing skills in advertising as well as production.” You state while finishing with the last box and stare at her. “Jae, well he thinks I’m a nude and erotic photographer,”
“How come?” Haera snickers lightly coming closer to assist you.
You shrug your shoulders giving her another tired look. “A lot of the aesthetic shots I take I sell them off to influencers to post on their social media feeds. If I want, I accept to shoot staged photos of products so that businesses can use them on their websites and such. My money comes from the advertising industry, where I show products off in the most appealing way possible for the target audience. This includes a combination of flat-lay product shots and photos of people using the product in the intended way. However, my dear husband only sees the erotic photography’s I’ve recently taken. He acknowledges them as a lucrative beneficial type of photography, and says it’s certainly a niche market for boudoir or bedroom photography. I don’t think he’d promote my work to his business associates,”
Haera can only chuckle. “You sound like you’re starting to distaste your husband,”
“It’s not that I’m starting to dislike him, it’s just,” You shrug your shoulders huffing out. You don’t exactly know why you’re so irked by him these days, all you know is that it’s irritating when all you talk about with him is business. “I just miss us talking about everything else except work.”
“Well,” Haera suggests while leaning in your ear to whisper out. “How’s the bedroom talk?”
You shake your head. “What bedroom talk?”
“You know, a little manaconda entering your-”
“Honestly, I’ve been too preoccupied on work to focus on that.” You state. “I now know how he’s been abstaining himself while doing overnights at work. The stress is too much. Between work and him, I’ll choose to keep working.”
“Geez, why’re you being a buzz kill?” Haera asks. “No wonder you’re both so tight you need to relieve some stress.”
“I’ll consider it after the event.” You state now as you open up your tablet to tick off the items that have been placed inside. Walking around the store you begin to make adjustments and continue unboxing as well as placing items by in their respective shelves as well as places.
“It’s looking good babes,” Haera approves when the store looks crowded and more spacious with all the frames on display.
“As it should,” You remark. You crack your fingers after placing the last nature album back on its stand, before taking interest in your best friend who’s been on her phone ever since unpacking the boxes. She smirks while crossing her legs and rapidly types on her phone. Taking a seat next to her on the couch, you peek at her phone. Getting a glimpse of the text messages, you turn your head away when seeing your friend send a nude photo from her gallery. “Who’re sending those to?”
“Who else?” She asks rhetorically, knowing very well that you know who.
Lately you friend has shown no signs of shame in openly expressing how her sexual life is booming behind closed doors with her husband.
Ever since telling off Jaemin in the elevator, which was months ago, you can practically say that you’re life has sort of come back to normal. Without the exception of cheating, both you and Jaemin have hardly spoken to each other. As much as you were adamant on not committing that same mistake again with a man who was never your husband, you couldn’t help but miss the warmth between your thighs whenever you felt needy.
As tempting as it was to know that he was one phone call away, you held in your urges and maintained your dignity in being Jaehyun’s wife. With Jaehyun’s face being a face you’ve began seeing way too many times, it was almost impossible to think of Jaemin. Although they are those times when you visit Jaehyun in the office and spot Jaemin and him having tea, or other times you enter the building and Jaemin’s down by the clerk’s desk talking to some businessmen before directing them to some place in the building. In all those instances if you make eye contact, you both move past each other like you hardly know each other.
So seeing his number on the top of Haera’s screen you roll your eyes and cross your arms. “What? Are you jealous that you aren’t getting any?”
“Jealous?” You raise your brow ignoring her. “Any news on Baekhyun and his wife’s baby shower?”
Haera laughs. “Not you being salty. Is it that bad with Jaehyun?” She lays her head on the couch watching you.
“Haera I don’t know what you’re talking about,” You shake your head. “Nothing’s wrong with Jaehyun and I-”
“Yeah except the fact that you’re both stressed. Like I get you’re going through a phase of recommitting to each other but damn, is it that bad that you’re getting salty?”
“I’m not salty.”
“You don’t have to say it, but it’s so obvious. You’re so tight and stressed.” She says while standing up following behind you as you try to walk away from her. She jogs up the stairs behind you as you head into your office. “You know what, tomorrow is Friday, why don’t you come down with me to Faded Fantasies and together we can release some stress-”
“Haera please. I should honestly be working, I can’t be slacking off. The opening date is right around the corner and I don’t want to lose focus. I promise that right after the opening, I’ll come with you,”
Haera sighs. “Alright, I’ll be going now. Jaemin is waiting for me,” She answers her ringing phone. “So tense,” She mumbles before letting out a little laugh. “I know right, her husband hasn’t been giving her any that’s why.”
Your face grows red but you swiftly walk away from her not giving ‘Jaemin’ over the phone call the satisfaction of seeing how embarrassed you are.
Getting home around 6pm you find out that you’re earlier then Jaehyun, and so as the idea hits you, you decide to put yourself out of your misery and dress up in your black silk sexy fabric wanting to get laid. Maybe Haera is right, you need to be loose a little so that you won’t be so tense all the time. And as you put on your matching lace bra and underwear which highlight your perky boobs and show off your firm buttocks you already feel yourself getting in a mood and hope that Jaehyun won’t turn you down.
When talking to Haera about your sex life you didn’t mention to her how you’ve been turning Jaehyun down whenever he wanted to lay with you. Now that you think about it, it could’ve been the thing both provoking you guys. But as you wear your sexy silk night dress that reaches up above your mid-thigh, barely covering your ass, you smile at yourself while looking at the mirror. You do nothing much with your hair expect comb it to lay flat against your back. He liked it that way. You add the dramatic lace stockings that held your legs firmly revealing your juicy prompt thighs on display. Already getting so horny you slide your hands down your body while giving yourself a show in your mirror. You’re watching your face and the features it makes while twirling your hips and playing with yourself. You don’t go any further simply wanting yourself not to tease yourself too much that you combust.
Checking if you still have some time to cook, you turn up some music from Jaehyun’s record player ero erotic, and make a full meal for the both of you. That way after eating, you can tease him a bit while he rests up before you both go make soft love in your room. The ideas swarming in your head has you feeling aroused already and so once you’re done cooking and cover up the food you check the time- but you can already hear the door keypad sounding that someone has arrived, that he has arrived. Going up the stairs quickly you go into your room you touch up on your features and making sure that your body popped tonight.
Seconds later, you can hear the music being lowered almost to mute and you take that as your opportunity to appear. Leaving your room and making your way to the spiral staircase, your legs tip toe down the stairs in a sexy way. Seeing his stiletto in black attire, you smile as you reach the top of the stair case and pose for him. “Hey sexy,”
Jaehyun turns around- your eyes widen in horror just as the person you thought was Jaehyun turns out to be Jaemin who’s stunned to see you. His eyes go over your body and quickly you cover yourself up with your silk gown- knowing it’s not see through your face gets heated as you pent in frustration. Just in time to see Jaehyun walking from the other side of the house. “Oh there you ar- oh. H-hey honey.”
Breathing in annoyance you scurry away holding your down below your buttocks so that they wouldn’t see anything. Dashing up the stairs and into your room you slam the door just as furiously as you remove your gown and throwing it on the floor. The one time when you want to have sex, its when you see his stupid face. To think you saw him again only in your most revealing of self-wear has you angry.
Seconds later Jaehyun opens up the bedroom door, his eyes widening shyly when seeing you remove your silk dress and toss it on the floor revealing your round sensational ass being held by a G-string. Feeling your anger and understanding immediately what you had plans for tonight, Jaehyun approaches you cautiously. “I should’ve called and told you I was bringing a work partner over. Honey I’m sorry,”
“Weren’t you the one who nagged yesterday for us to no longer to bring work home?”
“Honey, this was important,”
You ignore him and sit on the bed while removing your lace thigh stockings and replace them with the skinny jeans you wore and find a shirt to put over your bra.
“I’m sorry,” Jaehyun is aroused seeing you, but he feels so bad that he invited someone over when you were ready to engage with him. He so badly wanted you, and seeing you conceal all your sex appeal by tying up your hair and removing your makeup makes him grunt in disappointment. Now he’d have a grumpy wife. “Look, I didn’t want to come home late. I had a few more things to do, but the time was already finished. I asked him to come home with me so that we could finish up the work-”
“So what do you want me to do about that? Should I prepare the table for 3 now?” You finish removing the makeup from your face with a wet wipe stand up while folding your arms. “You should go back to your date, I’ll get dinner plated-”
“Please don’t be mad,” Jaehyun gets you in a hug and kisses the top of your head. Being cranky about not having intercourse is normal and Jaehyun understands why you’re so upset. But he doesn’t know that the other reason you’re upset is because he brought the last person you wanted to see come over to your house. You didn’t like the fact that Jaemin saw you half naked and all purled up for your husband- you were hoping he’d never get to see you again in your slutty attire.
So after rolling your eyes and hugging Jaehyun back half-heartedly you put on your slippers and make your way down the stairs. Jaemin is still by the bottom of the staircase, and when he sees you coming down he attempts to bow his head at you but you barely spare him a glance as you strut away from his view. He wasn’t expecting to see you like that. Seeing you look so sexy and ready for a good fuck, he can’t even lie that he got turned on from the little he saw. Shit. His eyes follow your figure until you’re out of sight.
Looking up the stairs when he sees Jaehyun walking down the steps with his hand scratching the back of his head. Jaemin tries to lighten the mood. “I guess the Miss’s had other plans. S-should I leave?”
“No, it’s okay.” Jaehyun lets out a breath and gets his briefcase along with his laptop bag and nudges up the stairs. “Let’s get these documents out the way. She’s making dinner, hopefully we can finish up fast and have you leave before your wife starts calling.”
Going up the stairs following Jaehyun, Jaemin tries to cover his slowly forming bulge.
In the kitchen you begin to make another pot of food, seeing as they won’t be enough to plate up for Jaemin. Instead of placing the finished meal on the usual dining table, you set it in the four sitter dining room as they’ll only be three of you. When you’re done you make your way up until you reach Jaehyun’s office. The door is left adjured and you stick your head in. “Diner’s ready,”
Jaehyun’s eyes move away from his laptop to you before nodding his head. “I’ll be down.”
Your eyes move around his office seeing a variety of paperwork and another open laptop but you don’t see Jaemin. “Where’s Jaemin?”
You nod your head. “I’ll go ahead and start without you guys.” You don’t give Jaehyun time to respond as you head towards the staircase. Instead of starting without them, you simply take your plate and head on to kitchen to watch on the tv placed there. You can hear Jaemin and Jaehyun occasionally laugh from time to time, and you wonder how it is that Jaehyun actually became friendlier with Jaemin-whilst almost months ago he looked like he was about to throw hands with him.
Before you’re even finished with your food Jaehyun enters the kitchen with some plates in his hands. You peek at him getting off your stool. “You guys done?”
“Let me remove the plates from the table, you head on to your date,”
“It’s okay,” You sigh and let out a small tight smile. “I’m calmed down. Just needed to eat.”
Jaehyun checks to see if you’re really telling the truth, and then eventually drawing near to you to give you a hug. His arms wrap around yours and you lay your head on his chest. “Don’t go to sleep just yet, okay? Wait for me,”
“Sure,” You nod your head as he walks out the kitchen with you following behind. Jaemin is nowhere in sight, and that makes it easier for you as you pack all the plates and food together. You wash the dishes, give the kitchen a last minute clean up, wiping down all the tables where you ate as well as Jaehyun and Jaemin before heading up the stairs wanting to head to your room. On your way, you catch Jaemin leaving Jaehyun’s office. Ignoring his presence, you’re not expected to be called back. Your head snaps to him. “What?”
“Yikes,” He lowly chortles before drawing closer down the steps to you. “Thanks for the food. It was delicious. Best homemade meal I’ve ever had,”
In your head, you’re reminded of how much Haera hates cooking and prefers eating out. Not wanting to create conversation with him, you acknowledge the compliment with a little head nod before making your way past him- however yet again he stops you. This time by holding tight onto your wrist. “What?”
“Damn I get that we’re not…you know-”
“Jaemin I don’t have time for this-”
“Could we even just be friends? It’s not like all we had was sex-” You instantly shush him, and he cowers with acknowledgment before muttering a sorry. “I’m sorry. But you know what I mean. I missed talking to you,”
“Hate to burst your bubble, from my view it was only pure transactional intercourse. Now if you’ll excuse me-”
“Your pop up store was amazing.” He speaks, causing you to stop again and turn to him. “Really liked what you did with the place, it looks like it’ll have a long lasting business life span. I never got the chance to say that, but seeing as you’re not interested in building our friendship, I might as well say it now.”
You’re tempted to walk away again, but what he says strikes a daring nerve. “Building our friendship? Really now?”
“Pure friendship with no strings,” He mutters. “I just really hate passing you by in the hallways at work, or not being able to talk to you normally. It’s tense and you keep giving me this death glare. Look, I’m apologizing now for how I became too comfortable around you. We should’ve just started out as friends and not gone down the path we did. I messed up and I admit that. I’m sorry for tempting you and fooling around. And I know you said it was purely sex transaction for you, but for me it was more than that, I thought about the conversations we had. It was nice actually talking to someone else other than Haera, and letting out my business ideas or talking about my life and you showed interests of actually caring and I liked how you encouraged me and gifted me something on my birthday. I mean-”
As Jaemin talks, your closed off face begins to notice that his eyes are big and shining so bright while talking to you. He looks remorseful yet he seems content with the little attention you’re giving him. Your mind is fixated on his delighted face and diluted eyes, that it takes you a while to notice it…but he actually looks sad. And once your eyes catch onto the sadness replaced by the façade of the smile on his face, you gather up a question. Not minding that he’s still talking, you lightly interrupt. “Is everything okay?” Your tone is soft and almost worrying.
Jaemin’s speech halts just as his ears catch the question. For a brief second his face collapses into his true emotion, but after catching the sight of Jaehyun coming down the steps behind you, his fictitious smile comes back. “I was telling her that her store gives firm statistics that it’ll run for a long period of time,”
You jerk a little when Jaehyun suddenly appears behind you placing a hand on your hip. “That’s actually very genuine of you.” Jaehyun proudly smiles before nudging you a little. “She’s overflowing with work, works more hours than me, very soon she’ll be paying the expenses.”
“I could never beat you, you literally brought your work home,” You lightly kid when turning to Jaehyun. “So, I see your date went well,”
“Date?” That earns Jaemin a light chuckle. He really liked seeing you happy and making your light jokes, you really excelled in diverting attention. A graceful topic of work implores over the three of you, before ultimately Jaemin leaves and it’s left you and Jaehyun. Closing the doors and locking them, you allow Jaehyun to sweep you off your feet and take you up the stairs.
Telling him you’re too tired for any sexual activity makes him downcasted, yet he still has a smile on his face when you both drown in each other’s scents and sleep…
Or at least you try to sleep. Your mind is alive and buzzing with thoughts both on what Jaemin revealed and how he wants to rekindle the ‘friendship’ you both had. From what you recall when spending time with him, it’d always lead up to him whipping out his manhood and inserting it into your womanhood. You don’t recall any sentimental talks- aside from him talking about his desires and interests…and even talking about how much worth he feels as a man and ‘rebound husband’ to his wife… Okay, maybe he did pour out his feelings to you, and he trusted you enough to tell you what’s been going on in his life and how he feels. You think back to his eyes and how he looked at you like someone who’s receiving attention from a person they really like for the first time. For the time you’ve known him, you’ve only seen him as someone who allowed you to explore into the cheating territory, you never thought that he was using that same territory as a haven where he could let out his emotions.
The decision comes naturally to you when in the morning Jaehyun goes off to work. You wonder if really, this friendship between you and Jaemin might just work out. You feel awful that you never noticed him to have any other feelings, and simply mistook his feelings as a drive of sexual thirst. But after seeing his down casted face and eyes, you thought to yourself that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to engage in a friendship with him.
And so, without a doubt, you’re walking into Jaehyun’s building with the motive to see Jaehyun, but alternatively see Jaemin too. And to your luck when the receptionist down stairs lets you up as usual, you’re surprised to find Jaemin already in Jaehyun’s office. He’s hunched over on Jaehyun’s desk arranging some papers. He gets surprised to see you, just as much as you.
“Hey, where’s Jaehyun?”
“Oh, him and Chae-won went to the factory to check on the samples.” Jaemin briefs you in. “Are you here to see him?” He timidly asks, as if testing the boarders of whether or not you’d ignore him.
“Yeah,” You answer him and motion to the lounge area. “I’ll just wait for him here,”
He nods his head with a faint smile. “Cool, I’ll be here then.” He motions to his own work that he was doing before you came in.
You nod your head and move over to the lounge area. Setting up the food and covering it in as you wait for Jaehyun, you make your way to Jaemin. He’s dead focused on his work, however when he notices you- his smile joins on his face. He’s happy that after some months, you’re actually not giving him the cold shoulder. “I know you’re busy, but I still wanna ask. Are you busy?”
“Uh,” His chuckle has you going over on Jaehyun’s chair and taking a seat on it. Feeling like a big boss, your arms rest on it as if you’re doing a proposal. “I need to finish arranging your husband’s tax invoice from the company’s personal invoice. It’s not as hectic as it looks. Why?”
“Just wondering,” You hum out. Watching him work, allows you to process in your head the types of questions and conversations you want to have with him.
“Aren’t you supposed to be at work right now?”
His question snaps your attention to the now and you nod your head. “I’ll head there after here. As a boss I can go in any time I want,”
He chuckles a little. “Make sure not to abuse your power. Your employees see and judge you without words,”
“I’m aware.” You shrug your shoulders leaning back into the seat. “It only took 1 week for me to realize how monstrous and cruel the unspoken environment of the workplace work feels like,”
“With a face and mind like yours, you look determined to get the job done. I have no doubt that you’ll keep it running for a really long time,” he comments kindly.
Meanwhile you scoff teasingly when remembering his words of last night. “Do you really think my business is gonna last long?”
“Yeah, certainly.” Jaemin answers truthfully looking into your eyes for a second. “I was there at the opening, and when hearing your speech and seeing the goods, personal services as well as public services you provided, I thought to myself how dynamically creative you are. Your vision came out perfectly and from the sounds of how Jaehyun describes your enterprise, it surely does manifest a success. I even ordered from your photography collection and bought a camera.”
“I saw you looking for one,” You nod your head with a proud smile. “Thanks for supporting. I can only keep my fingers crossed and hope to keep my business running for as long as possible. Oh yeah, isn’t your business like 4 months old now going to 5? How’s that going?”
“4 months old?” That makes him smile lightly. “How’d you know?”
“Haera might’ve mentioned you hosting a party for your business turning 4 months. She invited me but…yeah,” You try not to make it awkward and end of with a smile.
Jaemin nods his head returning your smile none the less. “The party went well, although I think your presence would’ve spiced up the night a little more,” His underlying tone has you feeling tensed for a second. You try not to think too much about his statement and listen to him talk on about his business. “It’s booming as always. You know with a club, it’s quite different from a business, because it all depends on the number of customers. Thankfully, my customers aren’t a number short, and it seems to be growing by night. It doesn’t have too much scandals, and by law it does everything right,”
“How do you handle working in the morning and at night?”
He shrugs his shoulders and takes a seat. “You’d be surprised that I actually have a lot of energy at night. Gives me freedom from my hell hole of a morning life,” He mutters out the last part. Judging from the fact that you heard it just shows how he wanted you to hear it.
“So,” You start when noticing he’s not as busy. “About what you said yesterday,”
He looks confused for a bit, yet he still nods his head. “About?”
“Us being friends,” You clarify, and his eyes briefly take yours in. As if anticipating what your answer or reaction would be. “I thought about it, almost the whole of last night. And I wanted to apologize to you.”
“You wanted to apologize to me?” The shock is evident on his voice. “What for? I’m the one who pushed you into-”
“I didn’t realize that you were actually pouring out your anxieties and thoughts to me. I only thought about sex and how you pleased me.” You mutter out. “So when I realized that you were genuinely expressing yourself to me, I felt bad that I couldn’t separate lust from reality,”
Jaemin nods his head after a while. His eyes go back to his work. You wait for him to say something, but when nothing comes out, you wonder if you said anything wrong.
“I don’t know about what type of friendship you had in mind but I was really hoping that we could start on a clean slate, if that’s okay with you?”
Whatever his answer is, you’re hoping that this won’t lead doors into another mistake between the both of you. He looks to you and smiles a little. “I don’t want you to feel forced.”
“This is me returning the favor. For every pleasure you gave me, despite it being out of context, I wanna be there for you the way you were there for me.”
Jaemin doesn’t say anything and it’s not long before you see Jaehyun and Chae-won appearing. You sigh when Jaemin doesn’t say anything and also get a little sad once Jaehyun walks in the office. You get off his chair and embrace him in a hug, while Jaemin goes on working and not minding the both of you.
The next couple of days are filled with work piling on top of each other. You focus on work while keeping time for Jaehyun, however that serves as impossible as the only time you see him is when it’s time to eat and when it’s time to sleep. Jaehyun stated that for the first couple of weeks and months work is tough, as you have to put all your energy into grooming it and making it grow. So while he understood your reasons for being preoccupied by work- you found it strange how at times you’d drift back into the state of barely seeing him. And to be honest you missed spending time with him. And when you get lonely, your mind turns to Jaemin. With Jaemin not giving you any proper answer, you don’t try to force anything but you can’t lie that he comes across your mind more frequently then often. And when Haera comes with a ‘work escape’ offer and it involves Jaemin’s club- you can’t help but become excited and immediately agree.
“So Haera and I are gonna go out this Saturday night,” You mention when laying down on the couch while Jaehyun flips through the tv stations seeking for what to watch.
“A club, Faded Fantasies,”
“I’ve never heard of that club,” He mutters, his eyes intensely reading the description as quick as possible. “Is it new?”
“Well if you mean new as in turning 5 months this Saturday then yes,”
“Do you have that sort of time to be wasting at some random club?” By his tone of disapproval, you get up from your side of the couch and move over to him.
“Come on babe,” You cutely impose. “It’s just for some fun, a little stress reliever, you can come to,”
“To some random club? I don’t think so.”
“Jaemin owns the club, so it’s not as random as you say,” You regret saying your sentence, as you watch Jaehyun freeze for a second. Your mind is quick in working out what next to say, however Jaehyun beats you to it.
“This Saturday?”
“Mhm,” you hum and give him a cute smile. “When was the last time we relieved stress together? I think it’d be a great chance for us to do so,”
You can’t tell what’s the look in Jaehyun’s eyes when he turns to gaze at you. There’s a bit of hesitancy and reluctance, but he effortlessly nods his head in agreeing, as if it’s something he needed to desperately do. You feel too content to even pay mind about his subtle confusion. You don’t even know why you’re too elatedly vibrant, all you know is that you might get to see Jaemin. Maybe it’s because you were once so used to having him balls deep into you that for the past few months of not getting any attention has set you a bit off.
When Saturday night comes and the hours roll by with Jaehyun going to work and coming home just in time to see you dressing up, you inform Haera that you’ll be tagging together with Jaehyun and that you don’t need a lift. She seems even more joyful at the news then you yourself- and you can tell that it’s because of selfish reasons but you don’t pay any mind to it. Your head is so wrapped around and fixated on seeing Jaemin that everything flies past your head. It’s almost as though you’re on cloud 9.
Perhaps if you paid attention to your surroundings a little more, you’d have realized that going to the club was a huge mistake. Firstly, while the location was still the same, a few modifications were done. It was no longer a first floor club, but now it had a double story, but the second floor was reserved for separate parties. As in Jaemin’s top customers who wanted a whole floor to themselves to do ‘god knows what’. Secondly, everything around seemed a little more hazy- as if it was a set up for trapping you into doing something you didn’t want. The lights were dimmed a little more, the music style changed and there was now a dj that set a tone for everything. While Jaemin was frequently busy as he still ran the drinks from time to time, he also had time to casually slide into the party and enjoy himself- it could be because he got himself a set of new workers who were really handy.
You and Jaehyun dressed up in club casual clothes, with you going with a smooth black tight dress that reached above your thighs, to Jaehyun matching with his standard black clothes, black suit pants and a white buttoned down shirt that had a few buttons missing at the top, allowing a part of his chest to be revealed. Come to think of it, you admired him and remembered all the reasons why he was sexy and could pull off anything. However, while your brain believed that you’d solely keep your attention on Jaehyun- once you reached the club and your mind adjusted to all the new changes, you couldn’t keep your eyes off Jaemin’s post.
Meeting Haera, who was already drunk, you easily joined her on the floor while Jaehyun found himself on the bar stool engaging in conversation with Jaemin. Jaehyun had his back to you, and Jaemin was behind the desk with his full view being in line with you. The dj toned the mood down into a sexual scenery and after a couple of drinks with Haera, you and her began dancing in such seductive manners that it just gets the attention of both your husbands.
Haera holds onto your waist and you drunkenly slide down her body letting your hands explore her figure and frame. She equally engages in the seductive dance as you’re both horny and thirsty on the dance floor, creating some form of attention to be on the both of you guys. But you both don’t mind as you’re half aware and half faded. All you care about is grinding on each other to get into a position of intimacy. At some point of your sexual thirst your tongues are entwined together and slither past each other wet and sloppy being the definition of you two. Fingers tracing every inch of her body just as she roams your body. You feel so hot, so bothered, so desperate for more that when you explicitly peer at Jaehyun- you except to see him looking back at you with lust- however you're met with Jaemin's dark pupils on you.
Which intensifies the moment you pull away from Haera and motion that you're going to the bathroom. Jaemin takes it as an opportunity to approach and follow you into the washroom. You intentionally wait by the door for him, and out of heat from all the make out with Haera, you don't wait a second to pounce on Jaemin's lips the moment he steps into the washroom.
Jaemin too doesn't stop you and attaches his lips deeper and his hands running up and down your body as he navigates you into one toilet stall. He mutters a little 'Are you sure?' but you're in pants and heaps of excitement when he hastily pulls up your tight dress over your bare thighs. Then he leans down and kisses up and down your leg, and then your inner thigh. Excitement reaches him when he meets your bare pussy in his face with no under garment. Your eyes close and his tongue traces down your center and to the slit at your apex, licking and sucking until you're ready to explode under his tongue. Jaemin being a master adds his touch by sliding his fingers just as his tongue move all across your sex.
Your fingers dig into his hair and hold on tightly to his head not wanting to let him go. Jaemin gets up and attaches his lips to yours again allowing you to taste your sweet and sour wetness. He slides a finger inside of you, caressing and teasing until you whimper in his mouth and arch your back trying to find more sensation with your own hand by placing it over his and helping him help you by rubbing you faster. His breath becomes ragged and his lips move away from your lips as he sinks on the floor again, but not before placing his tongue against the small hole he'd left and flicking his tongue across it. You moan and he continues to lick and suck until you're ready to come again. "Jaemin,"
He moans just as you help him unbuckle his pants. "Fuck, you're so hot. Your husband stepped out for a call and I couldn't help myself."
"Me neither," You position yourself over Jaemin's member just as he slams you against the door and thrusts himself up. It feels good and your head falls back on the wall as he pushes into you roughly. The feeling is amazing and you gasp loudly as your orgasm hits you harder than anything. "I've missed you so much," You wanna blame the alcohol, but a part of you really misses rough sex with Jaemin.
"Fuck!" Jaemin groans.
After that night with Jaehyun, he casually returned back to normal into intimate sex without all the roughness. And although it was nice, you barely had sex after that, and so now feeling how Jaemin's whole cock finds pleasure in your hole, you can't help but cry out in bliss as Jaemin thrusts harder into you, and your orgasm takes you. "Fuck!" You cry, clenching the sides of Jaemin's shoulders and burying your nails into them, digging in deep enough to draw blood.
"I love you so fucking much," Jaemin moans into your ear, holding onto you tighter to him.
His confession has you stiff. But you're equally panting from how rough that was. "Shit," You whisper out and blink a couple of times to get your vision back in focus. Getting off of Jaemin's cock, you ignore his confession and begin cleaning yourself up quick. "Shit," You curse again as you slowly come to realization of what you've just done. "I've gotta go," the light alcohol in your system has you tossing the used toilet paper into the toilet as you flush and quickly walk out the stall adjusting your clothes- you get a chance to see your reflection in the mirror and boy do you look drunk and fucked.
You walk out the washroom in time to see Jaehyun searching for you on the dance floor- once you make eye contact with him, your nervous smile comes on and you walk towards him.
You're not expecting him to kiss you, but when he does you halt only for a second before wrapping your arms around his shoulder and drawing yourself close to him.
The sex you had with Jaemin was supposed to be for Jaehyun. The way he's kissing you and holding you tightly to him only shows his desire to be with you even if there was no actual physical activity between the two of you for months. As he's kissing you and his arms slide across your ass and gives it a squeeze- you only feel an intense amount of guilt spread over you. Fuck. If you'd just waited a little bit longer, it could've been Jaehyun's dick inside of you.
You're not even focused on the kiss as much as your mind is flooded with so much guilt- yet when the dim scenery of the club fades away and you notice you're in a bright place- you immediately realize it's the washroom that you were in several of minutes ago. Jaehyun is hot and bothered, needy and intense when his lips don't stop going down your neck, his hand squeezing your ass tighter than it already is. He starts kissing up the side of your face while you have to stand there with your legs shaking as if they've lost their strength. But you try to hold on. He's right here and he wants you, he'll never hurt you. Just like how he loves you.
"You're already shaking, damn I didn't even do anything,"
Jaemin's who's in the stall simply sitting down and regreting his whole decision to have sex with you again, is alerted when hearing Jaehyun's voice. His brows furrow before he stands up from the toilet seat and peers out of the door. Jaehyun's frame is over yours and your hands are around his neck. In a swift move Jaehyun picks you up as you spread your legs around his torso still in a steamy make out session with his tongue still invading your mouth. Your legs fall open wide feeling his boner and his hands roam down your body pressing you into him while they find their way beneath the fabric of your dress and onto your breasts and kneading them lightly as he continues to kiss your neck. "No panties hm?" Jaehyun laughs into the kiss.
A random guy walks into the washroom and cusses out before exiting when noticing how you're half naked and Jaehyun has you pinned up the wall against his body. That doesn't stop Jaehyun from continuously gnawing at your lips.
The first thing Jaemin notices from you and Jaehyun's make out is how passionate Jaehyun is.
Jaehyun isn't rough with you, he caresses your body, compliments you softly, has you moaning in such a soft voice- and it stings his heart because despite just cheating a few minutes ago- you look so safe in Jaehyun's arms. You hold him extra tight when you're moaning, you run your hand over his hair, you maintain eye contact with him- you're literally looking into his eyes as he's making love to you. That's what it is, it's sex but from your intimacy with Jaehyun, it looks so much like love sex.
Jaehyun is not in a rush and is taking his time with you, even when he asks if you're okay with doing it in the bathroom, Jaemin stays back in his own toilet stall and hears you. You're moaning as Jaehyun's gentle hands massage and dip into your wet pussy. Your legs around Jaehyun's waist don't flatter as you hold him tight while he takes off his belt and now holds you with both hands holding your thighs as he pumps his hips back and forth slowly but so deep. It hurts because you're overly sensitive, but as quick as the pain comes — with how gentle Jaehyun is the pain fades away and it's replaced with pleasure.
"Ah," You moan and throw your head back. Jaehyun's thrusts aren't rough and fast like Jaemin, but there are deep and so slow- hitting on all the right spots. He pulls out and in with such precision that you keep your eyes on him as he fucks you with passion.
"You're so pretty," Jaehyun says leaning in for another kiss. Jaemin watches you and his heart takes in the sight of how beautiful you look when locking eyes with your husband. With every hit of Jaehyun's cock you reach your climax, with each pull on your nipples you scream louder, but in all that Jaehyun's care over you has Jaemin in how passionate you both look.
For a while now, it's all he's been looking for. Passion in love. With Haera, it's never passion, it's always a give and take. While he enjoyed rough sex, a part of him also wished to enjoy the intimacy in holding and caressing and staring so deep into each other’s eyes that you fall in love all over again. Even though he can't see Jaehyun's eyes, your eyes on Jaehyun are so profound and intense that it has him feeling something in his heart. You love Jaehyun. And even though you had sex with Jaemin, he can clearly see where your heart lies. Your eyes are avidly and keenly engraved on Jaehyun.
And just for a little while, as Jaehyun pounds into you and you forget all about Jaemin, the guilt and shame return when Jaehyun pours out his seeds inside of you and you clean yourself up before throwing the tissue away. While you stand by the sink with your gaze on the mirror, Jaehyun stands behind you and leans into you whispering in your ear. “That was fun,”
Fuck. You should’ve really waited a little bit longer for Jaehyun, instead of getting it on with Jaemin.
2 Weeks later
You try as hard as possible to avoid Jaehyun’s work place, Jaemin, Haera and even the Faded Fantasies club. While Jaehyun was highly impressed after being there for one night, your experience had you wishing you never went in the first place. You can’t believe you slept with Jaemin. Again. Now you were all the way back in level 1. It didn’t help that even if you avoided Jaehyun’s work place, Jaehyun occasionally brought Jaemin to your home- sometimes he even brought Jaemin back home to assist him as well with his own Club Business Project.
You couldn’t look Jaemin in the eye knowing that you shamefully had sex with him again, and you can tell that he felt the same way, because whenever you somehow locked eyes you both looked away and walked in opposite directions.
“So,” Haera starts while taking a seat across from you in your office. “What is the deal with you and my husband?” You choke on air looking up immediately at her- only to see her startled by your reaction. “Calm down girl, what’s wrong?”
“You asked me what? About your husband?”
“Oh,” Haera runs her fingers through her hair. “I meant it in a simple way, not an accusing way babes, relax. He speaks so highly of you as if you did something for him. So I’m asking, what spell have you casted on him?”
You sigh out, breathing out in relief. “I’m still not sure what you mean by that, so I’ll ignore the question entirely.”
“The other night we were having sex, and all of a sudden he asks me how you and I became friends. He’s balls deep inside and he asks me this, I tell him we met in college. And then he goes on to asking different questions about you, such as your favorite band, taste, attractive qualities you like and so on. Imagine this, but he’s fucking me hardcore.”
Your face naturally gets red because you feel like you're caught, but after hearing the types of questions he asked Haera you stop writing for a while and look up to her. "Well, did you ask him why?"
"I did," Haera scoffs a little and avoids your eyes. "He said some dumb excuse, that he wanted to get you a birthday gift," While Haera says this, she's reminded of Jaemin's actual response to her…
"I think I might be in love with her." Jaemin pounds deeper into her before taking a different approach and begins pounding slowly and with all his force. "Fuck, she's the type of woman I love, she's so passionate and dedicated to something so small as love. Ah- You should see how she looks at Jaehyun. Fuck, I wish you could look at me like that." As Jaemin says that, his eyes change when looking at Haera. And even though he's having sex with her, Haera can just tell that the lustful eyes her husband is giving her is actually meant for Y/n instead of her. "I would've loved you more if you were her–"
"Fuck you. Are you drunk?" Haera's face turns into disgust and in anger she grabs Jaemin's shoulder while his eyes enlarge and she switches position now being on top of him. Leaning back she begins to ride him in a fast manner, quickening the pace trying to stop Jaemin from how he was pounding into her slowly. "Don't you ever compare me to her. You don't know what I've been through, so don't you fucking dare try to judge me. Hell if I wasn't so into men I'd have left you for her. You think you're worth the love? Fuck you, fuck me, ah,"
Haera looks up and watches you working. "I think I love him… Jaemin I mean."
That makes you stop writing for a bit, in fact it bursts you out of your thoughts. When Haera mentioned that Jaemin spoke about you because he wanted to get you something for your birthday, all you could think about is how to politely cut of the sexual transaction you guys have imposed on yourselves again. However hearing Haera's confession makes an explosion occur in your heart- because just weeks ago, you heard Jaemin confessing to you. Your eyes peer into Haera's eyes- and for the first time since you've known her, she actually looks sincere. She's never looked like this while being with Donghyuck and surely whenever she'd cry to you she never exposed her real emotions and always played it off as as some little thing. But now, her eyes are bit bigger, there's a glint of light that reflects her sincere emotions.
She chuckles faintly and leans back on her seat and stares ahead. "It sounds deluded, I know right. I love him more after that night we had sex. I think, a part of me realized how much he cares about me and how much I've taken him for granted. First of all, coming home to a partner waiting for you is truly the best thing any woman could ask for. He's always there for me. Listening to me rent, always trying to cheer me up with wanting to do something new or having sex in different ways- I mean even if I'm a bitch to him and treat him like crap, he's faithful and loyal to making me always feel good. Maybe I've been too harsh on him, but hearing him talk so fondly of you kinda made me jealous." She scoffs and looks at her wedding band on her ring finger. "I know I have nothing to be jealous of, but I love you babes, so much. And if I love you, and Jaehyun loves you, I'm afraid that Jaemin will start loving you… Jaemin has started to find reasons to love you too and it's making me anxious because…I want him to love me too…the way he loves you- God what am I even saying."
And just like that, you watch Haera shut down from voicing out her thoughts. Her unconscious thoughts. Hearing Haera implode such profound details of her love life has you shocked. It may have been a little peek but just hearing it makes you feel guilty. You heard Jaemin say he loves you and hearing your best friend being vulnerable makes you feel bad. "I love you too Haera." You confess as you get up on your feet and round the table to get to her. You stand right in front of her and she gets up and comes in for a hug. The ability to tell whenever she needed a hug still surprises you.
As she hugs you tightly you can feel how she's shaking. "I love you too babes, and I love him too,"
You can only hug her as she pours out her soul.
Later on in the evening when you return home you've got a lot on your mind. Aside from work, Jaehyun and Jaemin, at the top of your head is now Haera, your best friend who you have betrayed. You feel incredibly pitiful when thinking you've lusted over man, you've had sex with her man and overall you think her man might love you. To think that even though you don't feel an romantic feelings for Jaemin - Jaemin feels a lot for you. Not only did he remember you birthday but he's been curiously asking about you. What's worse, is that your best friend who doesn't have a heart has suddenly found a heart and wants to use it to fall in love with Jaemin. The only problem though, is you.
While Jaehyun has reduced his expansion of going to work from morning till night, you feel as though you've put him in a dark corner by sneaking around his back whenever you've been with Jaemin. Jaehyun has done nothing but give himself to you, he's devoted countless of hours into helping you with your business as well as being the present husband you've always wanted. It sucks because your present husband knows who Jaemin is, and Jaemin seems to have gotten a special trust from his boss after knowing that the both of you are friends. Jaehyun speaks good words about Jaemin, and it doesn't help that you've slept with him- because now it seems as though you've not only crossed a relationship line, but you've crossed a business line too.
For crying out loud, your wedding vows are ringing loudly and clearly whenever you think about how you betrayed Jaehyun too.
Jaehyun doesn't deserve your betrayal, and neither does Haera. Come to think of it, not even Jaemin deserves the feelings he's gotten for you. Somehow you've led him on. Perhaps you were both thinking of sex that night, but maybe it wouldn't have gone that way if you weren't so eager to have him lips locked from the moment he entered the door.
With so much thoughts in your head, you get out your phone and make a rash decision to text Jaemin.
You: What we did that night… mistake right? you don't really love me… do you? becuz if I'm being real we can't take back that night, but we can take back our words. You don't love me Jaemin. I love my husband. We should stop having sex becuz it's not looking good anymore. Please respond… say something, anything…
You begin to prepare food for both you and Jaehyun as you wait for him to come home, while at the same time waiting for Jaemin to text back.
Jaemin doesn't text back and after a whole hour passes you're done making food. Your mind is elsewhere when you're alone in he living room waiting for Jaehyun to come home. The moment your phone dings, you jump and attended to your phone immediately.
Jaehyun: I'm drunk babe. Fetch me
Your anxiety simmers down when reading the text and realising it's from Jaehyun. You get a little confused when reading the text again. Standing up you make your way to your room as you double check on Jaemin's message. You're fresh your screen hoping that your phone glitched when he texted. But instead there's no glitch and there's no text from Jaemin. Getting a set of car keys from Jaehyun's drawer you put on some shoes and check a safe car to go with. Your not much of a driver and prefer your driver to drive you around, but for a long time (probably months) you've let your driver go because you enjoyed walking with Haera or alone.
So getting a white BMW from the set of cars, you prepare yourself to start driving as the sun has set leaving darkness to fill up on the sky above. As you start driving under the dark purple sky, you love as it turns into a navy blue before it's complete darkness by the end of your journey. Parking outside of Jaehyun's company. You lock the door and head up the stairs leading into the entrance of the company. The lobby secretary isn't present but the security and cleaner greet you and let you in easily leaving you enter the elevator and heading on upstairs.
"So slow," you mutter when the elevator finally reaches the top after several minutes. You exit the elevator but stop when seeing the whole hallway leading to Jaehyun's office is dark. The only light emitting is from his office. Taking a few steps you walk calmly when sensing some movements after hearing some papers rustling.
Quietly entering into the office you're surprised when seeing the familiar figure of Jaehyun not inside the office but instead it's Jaemin. Jaemin is seated by the down step of the lounging area. He stands up and moves towards the couch. He takes a seat nonchalantly muttering out some words.
His head snaps up and his eyes widen. He removes an ear pod and clears his throat. "Hey, what are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here?" You emphasize.
"Doing a last minute fact check before tomorrows board meeting. Your husband wants me to introduce the concept of the Class scent to tomorrows bidders. The Chinese are coming, and Japanese, but we're mostly marketing to the European board members." Jaemin answers and clasps a bunch of papers into his hand before propping then nicely on the table. "It's going all well, I'd say I'm doing well."
"Why are you in his office though?"
"Like I said, fact check. He's got the papers and projector that I need. It's under close supervision so that no mistakes can happen. Which is why I can't take it out and lose anything by accident, so I'll just have to be here,"
"Oh," You nod your head. "So you're busy." You mutter when getting that out of the way and look to Jaehyun's table. "So where's Jaehyun?"
"He went home?" Jaemin raises his brow. "He left, so I assumed he's going home,"
"But.." you take out your phone, just as Jaemin stands up and cautiously moves close to you. "He sent me a text saying he needed me to pick him up,"
"Pick him up?"
"Said he was drunk,"
"He looked perfectly fine when leaving the office, sober even." Jaemin tilts his head. "Did he say you should come here?"
Finally getting another look at the message, you notice that he sent another message after that.
Jaehyun: I'm drunk babe. Fetch me - I think I'm at Fantasy Faded👁️ it's Jaemin's club that one yeah
You sigh and shoe Jaemin the message. "What's he doing at my club?"
"By the text, it seems like he's drinking," You put your phone on your pocket but stop halfway when remembering your message to Jaemin. "Hey. Do, you have, a minute to spare?"
"Mhm," he nods his head, and the nervousness comes back to his face. "It's about the club right?"
Your eyes squint a little. "Did you read my text?"
Jaemin's eyebrows raise and he gets out his phone inspecting it. "What text?"
"My text message, that I sent you?"
Jaemin looking down and scanning his messages shakes his head. "I got nothing,"
"Nothing?" You go to his message to check if you hit sent when sending the message. "But I sent… Anyway Uhm, here,"
You give Jaemin your phone to read the message…
You: What we did that night… mistake right? you don't really love me… do you? becuz if I'm being real we can't take back that night, but we can take back our words. You don't love me Jaemin. I love my husband. We should stop having sex becuz it's not looking good anymore. Please respond… say something, anything…
Jaemin's facial expressions change evidently going along with how unstable, uncomfortable and restless the message is. "I didn't get this," he mummers and bites his lip before looking at you.
You don't say anything, and simply look at him waiting for his response. You've already allowed your thinking to cloud your mind, now you wanna hear him.
His eyes are tranquil as if he's regretted nothing. It's weird because when reading the message he looked distressed but now looking into your eyes, he looks calm. He opens his mouth to speak, but when nothing comes out and he puts both phones away in his pocket, he takes a step close to you and places his hands on your cheeks and before you can retreat his lips are pressed lightly and moist your lips.
Your hand goes on his bicep and you squeeze it a little before moaning back and stepping away removing your lips from his. You're breathing a lot and clear your throat. "Jaemin –"
"I saw how you made love to Jaehyun," Jaemin's hands find their way to your neck again as he's looking down into your fearful eyes. "Can't I just try it? Just the tip?"
"Jaemin…" You can only breathe out in shock with no words.
"He was so slow, but he put his all into it. It wasn't even sex anymore, that was love,"
"Jaemin please," you get your hands off his bicep and pull yourself away from his hold. You turn around and walk away from him. You go down the step and face the open view of the night city. Your head buzzing instead of enjoying the view. "Jaemin, I don't want to lead you on anymore. I don't love you-"
"I don't care about that. I know you don't, but if we really wanna end this affair. Can't I just try it once? Make love to you instead of having sex?"
You can't even look back at him as your face is in shock. You gasp and your body jolts a little when the warmth from his sips into your back. His hands find your arms and he goes up and down making you feel warm. "Jaemin please don't make me do this,"
"I won't kiss you ever again after tonight," Jaemin whispers in your ear. His fingers run down your waist and he begins to undo the buttons on your shirt from the bottom up. Just the little warmth from your stomach has him attaching his lips to your neck. The tongue and kiss pecks can be heard and your shallow breath is all it takes for Jaemin to feel fully engrossed. You want to stop him but once he's finished with all the buttons, you reach behind your back and undo your bra.
"We're never doing this again right?"
"Right-" Jaemin is breathless and his eyes are needy with eagerness when finding your lips. You kiss him in the same way you'd kiss Jaehyun and that makes Jaemin grunt in bliss. "Make love to me as you'd do with him,"
Unlike the needy look in his eyes, Jaehyun lusts after how soft and smooth this is going. You back him up trying to get to the chair without looking. Once on the couch, you straddle him and roll your hips over his poking member and be helps you remove your shirt and your lingering bra. His warm tongue sucks on your nipple and you through your head back moaning while you dry hump him. Your shaking hips over his covered member has him squeezing his hands over your thighs.
"Should I be this needy right now?"
You smirk and take care of him rounding your hips slowly and making sure to graze him with your pussy.
"There's nothing sexier then a woman who knows to ride," Jaemin let's go of your hips and watches how you ride him and waistline moves in such a seductive way. "This is killing me, fuck,"
"You like it,"
Jaemin's eyes peer up when hearing your voice. You're not looking at him the way you did to Jaehyun, but it's close enough. This is lust to its peek.
As you ride Jaemin slowly, and you both take your time in exploring each other's bodies by removing your and his clothes, you truly don't know what comes over you when you have sex with him in the same way that Jaehyun would have with you. It's raw yet so passionate- if anything you think you've made Jaemin fall more in love with you, but you're too caught up to care. While you're riding Jaehyun drunkenly drives himself to Taeyong's house.
Due to Jaehyun being drunk he's unaware of Chae-won's confused face when seeing her boss. "Tae? It's sir,"
Taeyong is shocked to see Jaehyun but spotting his best friend looking fuzzy, he does the most rational thing and gives Jaehyun the spare bedroom to sleep in. Long time ago, perhaps at the start of Jaehyun's business, whenever Jaehyun would feel overwhelmed by work, he'd come over to Taeyong's place and talk it all out.
So as Taeyong assists Jaehyun on the bed, he's surprised by the mumble that leaves his best friend's lips. "What did you say?"
Jaehyun mumbles and gets under the blankets before speaking in a slow manner ready to sleep. "You told me that leaving her all alone and her spending time alone was scary. But I trusted her… I trust her Taeyong. It was a mistake right? Fuck… sleepy.. she didn't sleep with him… She couldn't have-" Jaehyun's eyes close and he hums out as his voice becomes more and more difficult to hear as he fades into whispers. "Shit…when was this? That fuck… Slept with my wife… fucking Jae…Min…"
While Jaehyun is drunk, you and Jaemin after having had sex in his office, retort to touching each other in the elevator when going down and even in your car he can't stop fingering you while you drive on the dark deserted streets of the night. As soon as you get to his house, your sexual drive kicks in and you and Jaemin enter into his dark home and pounce for the guest room. Haera is asleep but it doesn't stop you and Jaemin from continuously touching each other.
The room is pitch black. The only light illuminating your figures on the bed is from the open curtains of the moon light. Jaemin wraps his arm around your waist, holding you tight to him as if he feels that you might reject him. Something has changed. You can’t see him, however, you can feel that the air tonight is different.
How did you get here? Yet again, how did you end up here? No seriously, how?
You can’t see him, yet you can feel the bareness of his warm nude body sipping into your own nude backside spooning you. Yet again, you find yourself here indulging in this filthy unfaithful act in his room, with him that’s not your husband, on his bed, naked and fully collided into him allowing him to caress your figure carefully. You find yourself yet again (even after you’ve told yourself that you’d never do it again) here. In his grasp…In his arms….In his warm loving hold.
“Do you love him?” His voice is just below a whisper, between raspy and breathless yet it sounds so full of anxiety as if your answer will determine his next words. His question doesn’t make it any better, and you’re reminded that you’ve kept this unfaithful practice for more than 7 months. That’s why, he’s so attached to you. That’s why this suddenly feels all wrong. His arm pulls you closer to him, as your eyes remain fixed on the open window. Jaehyun could be home right now. The guilt you once felt for every time that you’ve left him alone, sips into you like a regular feeling that’s become normal. “Do you love your husband?” Jaemin whispers into your ear again.
No seriously, how? How has this little one time thing, led up to this moment? How did you end up here again?
End up in a bed that’s not yours, but yet feels so familiar to you. End up with a man that you’ve allowed to stretch your legs wide open and dip his head in your glory hole one too many times, knowing all too well that he’s not your husband. How did you end up agreeing to letting him lap at your dripping core with such drive and thirst, knowing all too well that neither of you should be doing this? Neither of you should be craving each other. Neither of you should be lusting after each other.
How did you end up here?
End up allowing a man you’ve hardly known to be your constant dick call and to be your escape. Night after night, either at your place or his place as your voice, moans out blissfully while you’re being riled mercilessly from behind- allowing him to grip your hair back forcing you to arch your back into his chest- where he grips his arm underneath your bouncing breast colliding your back into him so that there can be no space in between. Whispering softly into your ear, “I love you and I want you so much,”
How did you end up here?
“Do you love me?”
You snap out of your thoughts, by the new question. Thinking of how he’s been so chatty tonight. He not only confessed his love, but now he’s asking of your devotion to your husband… as well as to him. You breathe out and turn around, his arm never leaving your waist, simply adjusting as you turn to face him. His face looks different. This isn’t the face of the cocky man who prided himself about sleeping with a billionaire’s wife. This is a man who has stars in his eyes, love blinded by lust and how he wants you.
As if it can’t get worse, he’s Jaemin, the husband to your best friend.
Looking into the eyes of your best friend’s husband that you passionately fucked moments ago, you can’t believe how messy everything has gotten. It started out as a onetime thing, it turned into a constant night hook up for whenever your husband was not around- but now, after the conversations you’ve had… even you can’t deny that you’ve gotten into a deeper relationship with him.
He doesn’t seem to care about the consequences anymore as his words are true and evident in his hopeful eyes as they search your own eyes. He calls your name gently. “I want you.”
How did you end up here?
"Jaemin," You moan as he pounds you from behind. "We're never doing this again."
After you drop him off at home, you're devastated when going back home. You get shocked when Taeyong is seated in the living room. "Where the hell were you?"
Your face is coated red and your hold your heart. "Jaehyun asked me to come and pick him up from work. I was there but he wasn't, I looked around and just decided to come home," is the only lie that pulls up the top of your head.
"Apparently he was drunk. He's upstairs." Taeyong gets up and walks past you towards the door. "Night."
You look at the clock and see the time. 03:34.
1 month later
"Oh my god!" You cover your mouth in pure happiness when a familiar man steps onto the built stage in your backyard, and he points his hand at you. "Oh my god Jae! Is that- Jae you didn't! Oh my god! It's Nakomato Yuta!"
You as well as all the other ladies in your backyard cheer and squeal for the famous heartthrob Japanese singer.
"Happy birthday to the lovely Mrs Jung Y/n," The famous celebrity, Yuta charmingly smiles in your direction. "When Mr Jung Jaehyun called me and told me he's got a beautiful wife who loves my music and records, I was touched because I didn't think he could get a wife firstly. He was a geek in high school and knew nothing about the type of music I made. So hearing that my music has influenced your wife, you Mrs Jung, truly enticed me into believing your husband has extraordinary taste. Seeing you Mrs Jung, seeing your beauty that radiates into him and into everyone here makes me happy because this is the type of songs I write about. You always need someone in your life. And I'm especially happy for you, to be a part of this birthday special. Thank you for having me this afternoon, in your beautiful backyard, my prayer is that your birthday may bloom into one of prosperity in all aspects of your life. Your beauty is captivating me, so I prepared this song especially for you, dedicated to you, and requested to you. Thank you to the crowd as well, for joining in on this special day, to this special woman. Sing along if you know the song, t's called All worn out,"
Already by the break of the first piano chord has all the ladies screaming and abandoning their dates/husbands/boyfriends and racing to the front. The soft violin mixes well into the speakers around and the mic is placed beautifully as Yuta sings the lyrics.
You and Haera hold onto each other while swaying side to side and singing. "Hold me down. I'm not the one to stay around. I'm lost again. It's getting kind of turbulent. Pull the roses out. The stems look sad and wilted now. You need a friend. In the heat of it. Heat of it!"
When the soft rock plays you and Haera bang your heads softly before laughing and looking to each other giving warm hugs around. Looking around the crowd you're happy when seeing your friends and family all in the backyard enjoying the moment just as much as you. You're grateful that for each and everyone of them. You'd never expect to see them on this day, but when Jaehyun took you out early in the morning as a special birthday morning, you were completely clueless to come back home and the whole house was packed with your family as well as friend's who all came to celebrate your birthday.
Yuta sings a couple more songs, and listening to his voice is so cosy- and being out of character for your rich friends, the crowd listening to Yuta's smooth and soft voice, begins to sit ok the grass just listening to him sing. It's like a private concert for the ladies, and some of the guys who enjoy the song.
For the other guys, they're watching football on TV and cheering on the team that's winning. For Jaehyun though, he can't get his eyes off of your elated face that looks like it's seconds away from breaking from how jubilated you are. The skies turn dark as the twinkle lights scattered in the backyard light up and create a blissful ambiance. Jaehyun's heart breaks a little when he sees Jaemin leaving the other groups of man and walk over to the ladies on the ground. Jaehyun watches as Jaemin scoots himself in between Haera and you a d sits close to you but has his attention on his wife.
Jaehyun still doesn't know whether he dreamt it all or not, whether he was too drunk to pull reality away from his dreams, but seeing you turn to look at Jaemin and then smiling makes Jaehyun feel bad all over again.
"Come on Jae, I don't think she'd do that to you," Jaehyun turns his head slowly to Taeyong who takes a position next to him. That night when he drunk his pain away and made it to Taeyong's door, Taeyong was surprised by all that Jaehyun said.
Jaehyun faces Yuta again and listens to the lyrics he sings. "Why are his heartbreak songs so successful? And true." Jaehyun breathes out and shakes his head before getting his eyes back to you and Jaemin… Thankfully Jaemin has his arms wrapped around Haera, because if they weren't then it would've played with Jaehyun's mind some more.
"Jae," Taeyong sighs and pulls Jaehyun away from the scene. "This is depressing. You haven't once smiled truly ever since that day you waltzed in drunk into my home,"
Jaehyun finds himself in the kitchen with Taeyong taking a glass of water. "I'm not trying to be negative and unrealistic, but what if it wasn't a dream? Then what would I be smiling for? My wife is cheating on me with-"
"She's not cheating." Taeyong immediately cuts and looks around lowering his voice hoping that nobody heard him. "Damn. Get a grip on yourself. It's her birthday for hell sake. Have you caught them being intimate together?"
"No but-"
"No is the final answer. With the amount of work pressure she's under, and the amount of work Jaemin's been doing, you really think they'd go behind your back? No man. Besides you said that he's a mediator between his wife and yours. Why would he cheat on Haera? That fucking bitch gives great head and I doubt he'd leave her."
"Great head?" Jaehyun furrows his brows. "Am I missing something?"
Taeyong grunts and looks displeased. "Got head from her once or twice when you and Y/n were still in the dating phase,"
"I'm not even going to comment on that," Jaehyun drinks the water and immediately speaks on something different to avoid going back on the topic of his relationship. There's absolutely nothing that Taeyong can say to sway him from his suspicious nature between you and Jaemin. The only proof Jaehyun has…is the text message. The only problem is that he's not quite sure if the text message was real, because after drinking a whole bunch of things made the text message a bit incoherent and Jaehyun doesn't know what he read. But he knows he read something that upset him. He remembers:
You: What we did that night… mistake right? We should stop having sex. Please respond… say something, anything…
It's a bit unclear which parts of the message was fake and what was real, but Jaehyun surely remembers reading something along those lines.
"You and Chae-won seem to be getting it on. What happened to your playboy record?"
Taeyong's smile makes Jaehyun smile. It's crazy what the honeymoon phase of couples who want to commit to each other can do. "I feel like I'm on cloud 9 with her. She's great in bed yeah, but she's great as a person too. Smart, dedicated, persistent, and she's so pure and lovely. I'm the second guy to ever have sex with her. The first time she had it, was with her uncle, he molested her. And then me. Technically to her I'm her second, but to me I'm her first. I won't ever allow herself to think of that disgusting man as her first. Either way, she's got a good heart. And I don't know why, but it's healing being with her. I love- wow." Taeyong breathes out and smiles a little.
"That's TMI for me," Jaehyun lightly smiles. "You love her?"
"Is that weird to say? It's been 6 months with her. Love is way too fast right?"
"I feel in love with Y/n on day 2 of us saying hi for the first time." Jaehyun chuckles modestly. "It's not too fast, just make sure she's not boarding her traumas on you and you're not boarding your fuckboy ways on her,"
"I don't mind boarding her traumas, as long as it helps her heal then I don't mind,"
Like all epic nights, it finally comes to an end with Yuta playing his last song, the guests singing a little happy birthday song, cake and eating time before they start leaving by the strike of 10pm. Thankfully with a few workers over, they clean the house spotless and by 11pm everyone is out the house, only leaving you and Jaehyun together alone in bed.
For some weeks and days, something has been off between you and Jaehyun. You don't know what it is, you wish you knew, but you don't. Jaehyun doesn't seem like himself and it's bothering you. You keep trying and prompting him to open up, you give your all in trying your hardest to get him to even talk to you, but yet he zones out or quiets down.
He doesn't kiss you anymore, and if he does it's the weakest thing ever light as a feather. He doesn't hold you anymore, if he does it's only when someone is around. He doesn't even talk you a lot like he used, and talking was always the base of your relationship. To have him coming back home and ignoring you purposely is something that surely has gotten you worried.
Tonight is no different when you finish washing your face up in the bathroom. You enter the dark room to see him already sleeping with his bed side lamp off but yours is on. You sigh and get closer to the bed. Laying on it, you close the lamp and face his broad back.
"Jae," You whisper in a tiny voice.
He doesn't respond, but you know he's awake as his back stiffens a little before he breathes normally.
"Thanks for today. You made my entire day special, and I love you for bringing Yuta over,"
He nods his head. "I love you too,"
"Can I..hold you?"
Jaehyun sadly sighs and nods his head. He hears you moving closer before your tiny arms wrap around him. It hurt him a lot at the mere thought that you were cheating on him. With your beauty that was enticing to anyone who met you, he never worried that one day you'd cheat on him because you've always shown how devoted you were to him. Cheating was never something that ever crossed his mind, because he trusted you a lot to believe that you wouldn't cheat on him. But now, he doesn't even know what to think.
"Are you mad at me?" Your tiny voice fills the quiet dark night air again.
Jaehyun shakes his head. "No." His hand goes over yours that's on his abdomen. "Are you mad at me?"
"Yes," you respond in a heartbeat still with a whisper voice. "Because you're mad at me and I don't know why,"
Hearing you say that only makes Jaehyun clinch his jaw and huff leaving your hand alone. In fact he gets so bothered that he pulls your hand away from him. "Just sleep. It was a long day." It bothered him at the thought that really you could be lying to him every time you sleep with Jaemin and he wouldn't even know.
Jaemin was in his office that day. If Jaemin hadn't left to use the test room then maybe Jaehyun wouldn't have know that you and Jaemin had been texting. When Jaemin left he left his phone, and just in time his phone lit up. Jaehyun was going to ignore it, until he saw that it was a message from you. Furrowing his brows he looked again but the screen went off. Feeling paranoid of seeing your name, Jaehyun wanted to make sure that he didn't see your name and that it was someone else instead. But when he sneakily picked up the phone, he was surprised that there was no password and that it instantly opened up to your messages. His eyes widened when he read the message. His jaws clutched and he couldn't keep his raging emotions in check. He deleted the message immediately and just before he could open up the images that Jaemin sent you- He heard Jaemin flushing in the bathroom.
Setting the phone down, Jaehyun calmly packed up his things. Not even caring that he wasn't done with the work and helping Jaemin he got up just as Jaemin came out.
"Are you leaving sir?"
Hearing Jaemin speak only made Jaehyun want to throw Jaemin out the window in rage. But instead he shook his head and packed up. "I think you can handle without me. I'll head home."
Jaehyun didn't know what he read. Did his mind play a trick on him? Or did he really read… Instead of going home he called Haera. It's a number he rarely called, but it was an emergency. Haera was at Jaemin's club. Turns out he appointed her to management position to handle it while he was at work. He went there with the intentions to find out what Haera knew, but the moment he got there and they offered him a special- he said: "Fuck it" and began drinking. Shot after shot, bottle after bottle, Jaehyun didn't want to think at all.
Did you cheat on him once? Or was it an occuring thing?
Jaemin snaps out of his head and hums.
"What's wrong? Please tell me," your voice sounds so broken and it hurts him that you sound that way, but it hurts to know what you did. "I want to know what I did wrong,"
"You really wanna know?" Jaehyun's voice is gruff and he clutches his jaw and whispers. "Okay." He turns and his back is flat on the bed while his gaze is up on the ceiling. "1 month 3 weeks and a day ago, you put on a tight dress I'd never seen before, you had no underwear on and we went to a club owned by Jaemin. In fact, it dates back to 6 months ago when we made love on the living room floor and you got a call from Haera's husband, Jaemin. No, not only that, but the first time I stayed home for a full day we went out to eat and we were met by Jaemin and his wife. I remember you being startled and looked uneasy, I thought it was because of Haera, but…" Jaehyun's jaws tremble in annoyance, he pinches his forehead and squeezes his eyes shut and breathes out. All incidents with Jaemin flood in his head. "You had no underwear on when we went to that club, Jaemin called you late at night after we made love, he said you liked it rough and I fucked you out of anger that night- I hurt you because I was insecure of my own husband skills, but yet you… He knew you liked it rough because he fucked you didn't he?"
The room falls into a deafening silence.
"Taeyong said when I arrived at his house drunk, he took me home and you weren't there. You came back around 3 a.m. Where the fuck were you at 3 fucking a.m.? Hm?" Jaehyun can't open his eyes and it hurts saying it all out loud. Hearing your silence Jaehyun grunts. "Fuck it. I shouldn't have said anything."
"Did you sleep with Jaemin?"
"Jaehyun please-" your voice gets ruffled up in emotions of sorrow. "Listen-"
"It's all I need to know did you sleep with Jaemin? Yes or no."
"Answer the damn question. Did you have sex with Jaemin? Did he fuck you? Did you allow him to fuck you? To see you naked? To have you all to himself while he fucked you roughly? You and your horny body. Did he sleep with you? Just answer me!" Jaehyun is off the bed and glaring at you while you kneel down on the bed and ruffle your fingers together. Jaehyun's eyes get teary and he pants out in frustration seeing you like that. "Answer it." Jaehyun whispers.
You sniff back and you blurt out. "I did."
Jaehyun's teeth sink into his bottom lip. "How many times?" He whispers. "If it was once I'll get it. I wasn't around when you needed me. If it was twice…three times ….four times ….how many times did you guys fuck?"
"How many times Y/n?"
"I- I don't know, I can't remember but-"
Jaehyun's hands go all the way up to his head and he runs his fingers through his head. He can't believe how ears and he doesn't want to hear you anymore. He gets his slippers on and walks out the room blocking your words as you 'try to explain' the casual words of: it meant nothing. I love you. It didn't mean anything. We stopped. Jaehyun doesn't want to hear any of it.
He remembers watching movies where the characters would face this situations and he'd think to himself that he'd forgive you if you did cheat on him, but reality is often disappointing when it hits. He can't forgive you, not now at least. You slept with Jaemin one too many times. And even as you're holding him and begging him not to go Jaehyun gets out the door and walks off leaving you crying in hysterically on the ground with no shoes. Just in time they both spot Haera also in a nightgown and getting out of her car looking pissed. Taking a few steps to your crying figure Jaehyun watches as Haera slaps you across the face.
"I'm pregnant Y/n! How could you do this to me! How could you sleep-" Haera drops to the ground and weeps out causing you shock. "How could you sleep with my husband. You bitch!"
"Taeyong's not home sir." Chae-won nervously says. "He went to pick up some papers at work sir,"
"Can I come in?" Jaehyun's voice is bleak and broken and Chae-won has never felt more bad for her boss.
"Of course sir," She moves aside and let's Jaehyun enter the house. "Is everything alright? We just came home from Y/n's party and you looked okay, what's wrong?"
Jaehyun says nothing and makes it in the kitchen. He sits on one of the stools and sinks his head in his hands. By chance, Chae-won begins making some coffee. "How do you know he's not cheating on you?"
Chae-won's ears perk up when hearing Jaehyun. "Pardon sir?"
"He's out at this till this time, getting so called paperwork? So how do you know he's not cheating on you?" Jaehyun repeats again before looking up into Chae-won's bewildered eyes. "He was notorious for sleeping around. I even warned you that he's the type of guy to love one night stands. So how do you know he's not cheating?"
"She's beautiful right? My wife. I never thought…she's beautiful so I should've known,"
Jaehyun gushes out grieving in his head. "I should've never read that text,"
"You found out she cheated on you," Chae-won says. "She stopped though. Or I'd like to think that she stopped,"
Jaehyun's eyes look up deadly into Chae-won's eyes.
"I saw her once, but when I found out she was your wife I told her not to do it again. And I believe she didn't."
"The world is not as innocent as you." Jaehyun's huffs when remembering how Haera slapped you. If his secretary knows, chances are that Taeyong knows and it's why he kept playing the denial game even though all the evidence was in front of him. "I wonder how she felt." Jaehyun gets up.
Surprising Chae-won, Jaehyun walks forward and corners her against the counter with his arms on each side of her.
"When you kiss Taeyong how do you feel?"
"How could've been kissing another woman before you, but you still kiss him,"
"Sir I don't think-"
"You're a woman so tell me," Jaehyun's eyes get dark, clouded in rage, sadness and frustration. "Tell me how does this feel. When another man who isn't your man touches you here,"
Chae-won gasps when Jaehyun places his hand over her breast and palms it. "Sir-"
"Does it feel good?" He dips his neck down and his lips brush her neck before his tongue sucks on her. "Does it feel good?"
Chae-won nervously trembles and whispers. "Sir please don't-"
Jaehyun's ears go deaf when his other hand goes down her body and his two fingers sink inbetween her legs covered in pajama pants. He rubs over he clothed pussy and she trembles. She moans out in pure fear and her hands hold tightly onto his bicep. Jaehyun gets turned on by your heart and continues to kiss you. "Would it feel good if I called you baby?"
"What the fuck?"
It takes one hard punch to get Jaehyun off of a tear filled and trembling Chae-won. Chae-won blurts out a cry just as Taeyong immediately holds onto her and hugs her. Like a baby, he carries her and gets out the kitchen leaving Jaehyun bleeding out through his nose and mouth. Jaehyun touches the bruised part of his cheek and chuckles. "Feels good doesn't it," He gets back on the floor and covers his eyes. "Is that what you felt Y/n? Scared? Or where you like me…and enjoyed it just a little?"
3 months later
The new secretary is devoted to her job, just as much as she's devoted to her wardrobe and appearance. From wearing thee most tight and short dresses to puffing her face in such seductive make up and her fragrance always gets Jaehyun's attention that he can't help but just look at her. Every time she bends over, purposely sprays the new collection of perfume on her chest and moves closer for Jaehyun to smell sets him on fire. The way she ties her up and looks at him like she's undressing him with her eyes turns Jaehyun on every time. In fact he loves going to work and spending the longest of hours there just being with her. But despite the advances from her corner, Jaehyun doesn't respond back even though he wants to. Even though he wants to smell and kiss her, and hold her body tight while he undresses her just makes him hard - and he gets frustrated because it's just all in his head.
He wants to know how long will it take for him to finally break and give up on being faithful to you. How long did it take for you to come to a conclusion to sleep with Jaemin? Did you put up a fight or did you willingly allow Jaemin to just touch you?
He wonders how long it took for Taeyong to find a heart and love another person with it? And how long will it take for him to give up on Chae-won if she had to cheat? Because Taeyong was once a heartbreaker, would he be heartbroken when his lover cheats too?
Once Haera got pregnant, did it sink in Jaemin's head that he no longer was allowed to sniff outside? And have lustful eyes elsewhere? How long did it take for him to realize that his family is all he needs to know that he should've never slept with another woman?
In Jaehyun's knowledge: he and you were a couple, Jaemin and Haera were a couple and Taeyong and Chae-won were a couple- that means there were 3 lovers, but Jaemin cheated on Haera, you cheated on him- that means there were two affairs and then in the end there was a betrayal. He knows for sure that he was broken, Haera could've been broken too and Taeyong hated his guts for what he did to Chae-won. But in all that, who broke first?
Was it you? And then Jaemin? Who broke who first? Was it Jaemin or was it you?
Because as damage control Taeyong, Haera with her unborn child, Chae-won and himself were damage control to the affair of Jaemin and you and they all had to suffer one way or another. Whether it was by loss of friendship, or cutting ties - the damage was done and everyone was left heartbroken.
Even though Jaehyun was still together with you, and Jaemin still with Haera and Taeyong still with Chae-won — Taeyong and Jaehyun lost their friendship because(1) Taeyong couldn't trust Jaehyun (2) Jaehyun hurt Chae-won (3) He didn't feel like working with Jaehyun as Jaehyun was in an "off" phase. He also made Chae-won cut all ties with the Fragrance company as it didn't seem that Jaehyun was in the right mind.
Haera cut all ties with you and because she cut ties with you, Jaemin too cut ties with you for good and thus resulting in the loss of friendship.
So while Jaehyun lost Taeyong and you lost Haera, it was hard to face each other. Jaehyun couldn't stand to look at you. You were now really lonely. Without Jaehyun sharing his business details as well as personal emotions, he bottled up so much and became a changed person, in a negative way. Without friendship in your corner or even a husband to pay mind to you, you felt absolutely hopeless and it got you feeling depressed. You've been trying for the past months to get Jaehyun attention back to you and for you both to speak but…the damage created a wound inside of both of you.
Jaehyun wants to know what changed inside of him for him to become this way?
He abandoned coming home early because he couldn't stand the sight of you. He slept on the couch because he didn't feel comfortable sharing the same bed knowing that Jaemin could've slept with you there too. He sent you money regularly but you guys hardly spoke to each other. After that night, work became his refuge camp once again. He stayed longer merely because his new secretary was an eye candy and her advances would increase by the hour and she got more bold.
Could it be that because you cheated on him that Jaehyun found no reason to feel bad to cheat too?
Or was it because of Jaemin? Jaemin was still in the company and he still worked with Jaehyun but there was a strain.
"Will you fire me?" Jaemin once asked when they were in the elevator.
Jaehyun merely even looked interested. "It hasn't affected your work so why should I fire you? We're in the third quarter and that wouldn't be a smart move. With Taeyong gone, your skills have improved vastly."
Because of breaking up with his best friend, because of violating another woman, Taeyong wanted nothing to do with Jaehyun at all and that affected his business greatly. With Taeyong gone, Jaemin proved he was worth the keeping. But since it bothered Jaehyun, he asked: "So you had sex with Y/n."
Jaemin's heart feels tugged. After Haera told him she was pregnant and he confessed that he had been sleeping with you, he never had the courage to face because so much tension had built and relationships had been ruined. So talking about you makes him feel bad, you didn't deserve this. He can only imagine what you're going through.
Jaehyun unconscious asks when Jaemin doesn't answer. "If you want her, you can have you know."
Jaemin's brows furrows and he peers at Jaehyun. Jaehyun has no emotion and looked dead inside and outside, especially his tone of being nonchalant like be doesn't care anymore. "I can't do that, she's your wife. I shouldn't have-"
"I don't care of what you shouldn't have done, I can't stand being in my own house knowing you and best had sex there."
"I've had her in other places, you know." The bitter smirk spreads across his lips. "All over your precious billionaire office, in the company elevator where you're standing, in a outdoor cafe in public, in my club in the bathroom- double times, I've even had her at my place twice and even in your car. So will you stop coming to work, or stop riding in the elevator and stop using your car all because we had sex there too?"
The conversation happened weeks ago, but it's Jaemin's words that always rile Jaehyun up in pushing the border between himself and his secretary.
So when Eunha enters the office in her tight and short body con red dress with a buttoned down blouse, she smiles at Jaehyun before walking down to the lounge area and bending down all the way till her ass cheeks are exposed revealing the red thong- and Jaehyun's mind filled with Jaemin's words prompt him to tell Eunha to stay a little while. "Why don't you have lunch with me?"
"I'd love to sir," Eunha takes a seat on the couch and turns her eyes to him. "Aren't you coming?"
Lust is in the air and just as Jaehyun is about to join Eunha on the couch he writes down in his notebook:
Scented Poison
That could be the name of his new fragrance launch. And when he sits down next to Eunha and moments later has his head wedged in between her core- he knows how the scent will smell especially when enjoying the scent of Eunha.
Jaehyun thought he'd feel bad for sucking Eunha's breast and fucking her raw without a condom, especially when he thought about you. But he was surprised that he found himself smirking and chuckling. Haera always told you about a businessman sleeping with his secretary. "I guess that came true,"
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Taglist: @markleelately jddky notevenheretbh1 bellamendoza evepsycheandbluebirdswife fadingyouthunknown idkbutlukpop tattedhyun svtdose hyacinth-tree galorehearts f4irynono momwwndmxmff dalivanmagritte jovilymalfoy synnocence pieberry00 ohbrooke prettywoojae jaeminfication sehoonsworld haeuniee jccv svtf1lms vsszn aegablog dyndlpn starlightwish fashion-addictedd v3rtexx seamlessheart emvrd milkisgod weiyingsgoldencore moa-carat-addict akkindless pjw04 starillusion13 funkycatbruh entertainmentnabi baobeirenchin032313 hendowie mahm00n15 fullsunld twilightwei r24priv05 yutazen27 6-ucci yuneeeee glitterybarbarianwitch jaeminfuture
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messedupfan · 4 months
Chapter 18
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Summary: Wanda has been seeing someone. Daisy reconnects with Reader. Jean and Anna have special plans.
A/n: Heeeyy, please don't hate me. Enjoy!
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Wanda checks her watch nervously. She had arrived at the office thirty minutes early to mentally prepare for the appointment. She wasn't sure what she was going to discover in that room. All she knew was that the idea made her feel ill. Her mind jumps to all of the people she slept with and she begins to feel like an idiot. Her leg bounces nervously as she thinks about how she will be judged by the doctor. It won't happen in front of her but she's almost certain it will happen. 
“Wanda Maximoff?” Her head snaps up at her name being called. “I'm ready to see you now.” Wanda nods and rises as she collects her things. She was going to be fine. Agatha swears by therapy. She was going to be fine. This was the next step to getting better and getting on with her life. 
You are standing in the backyard of your former home. “You wanted to show me my own craft space?” You ask with arms crossed over your chest. 
“No, we wanted to show you our future craft space,” Jean says and Anna waves her arms around as she presents a stack of boxes where your tools and materials used to be laid out. 
“What's this? You know that I need the space when I get an order. I know it’s been a while but it’s not just for me. I’ve been able to help you guys with the money I make from this side job. It’s not some frivolous hobby,” you walk around the room. 
“Yes, well, it’s actually been a year – close to a year and I’m pretty sure we were your last customers,” Jean says. “Besides, since we’re going to have all of this time we thought would be occupied by a baby… We want to make it into a craft space.” 
You clamp your mouth shut as you look at the boxes. It wasn’t fair for them to throw that in your face but this scenario was eerily similar to the one you’d witnessed with Wanda’s basement and Vision. You couldn’t stoop as low as that man so you sighed and nodded. “Okay, can you give me time to find somewhere to store it all? I don’t have the space right now.” 
“Sure,” Jean says, “just please don’t take too long. I have a lot of idea’s and I’m excited. Well. We’re excited.” She pulls her wife close to her and the two share a kiss. You find their behavior to be odd but you don’t think about it too much. 
“Okay,” you drag out. “I should get going. I need to do some grocery shopping and make some phone calls to see who will be willing to store my things until I can find a better place.” You walk through the gate to get to your car as they allow you to go. You scroll through your contacts to see who you can trust with your tools and supplies. You pause for a moment when you see Daisy’s contact. You know that you didn’t love her the way she deserved but it still hurt to see her name. You decide to leave that task for when you’re home because you needed to focus. 
You walk around the store with this nagging feeling that you should contact Daisy for some reason. You didn’t understand it. In the time since she ended things with you, you haven’t wanted to contact her once. Maybe it was because things with Wanda have crashed and burned alive. You don’t know, but you had to fight it because it wouldn’t be fair for you to try and insert yourself in her life again. As you shop you recignize her friend and you can’t stop yourself from saying hi. Because you mistakenly feel as though that would be rude. “Hey, Jemma!” You greet with as smile. 
Her eyes go wide and she almost runs but instead turns around smiles back. “Y/n, it’s been a while. How have you been?” 
You take a deep breath as you mentally run through the chaotic months you’d been having. “I’ve been better,” you nod. “Yeah, um, how have you been?”
She makes a face and narrows her eyes at you, “Let’s not waste our time here. I’m not the person you want to know about. Am I?”
You’re surprised by the implication and you shake your head. “No, I’m genuinely curious about you. I wouldn’t ever put you in a position to update me about Daisy. She made it very clear that she wanted me out of her life.” 
Jemma’s eyes scan you and she nods. “I’ve been well. Daisy, however, not so much. I’m telling you this because she is going to reach out to you soon. As much as I don’t like you, you do deserve the warning.” 
Your eyebrows twitch and you frown slightly, that was not what you expected to hear. “Oh, I hope I can help her with whatever it is. I just… She’s not going to try and get back together right?”
Jemma bursts out laughing and you smile and nod as she makes a big show of her amusement. “I’ve forgotten how funny you are!” She points at you with a grin. “No! She doesn’t want you back!” 
“I’m sorry,” you say as you try not to roll your eyes at her reaction. It was unnecessary. “Just, let her know that she can contact me whenever she wants. I’ll see you around, Jemma. Or maybe I won’t.” You walk away and continue to shop for the week. You go home and put your groceries away and don’t think about Daisy the rest of the day.
Wanda sits in her office and goes over her budget proposal for the project she was assigned. The company has been trying to score her former in-law’s as a client for years. She knew Stark Industries was a big corporation when she married into the family. It’s what paid for this house. It’s what allowed her to not work for six months. It’s what has paid for her new land. But for some reason she still feels weird about using her relationship to the Starks to help this company land them as a client. It made her realize why they probably hired her in the first place even with the unexplained unemployment gap after being fired from her previous firm. She runs through the proposal a couple more times and hopes that this doesn’t create a rift with the people she was getting to build a healthier relationship with. 
When she feels confident about the proposal she sets it aside and starts to work on the digital blueprint of her dream home. It has gone from sketches to utilizing the program on her computer to draft together a more visual representation of what she wants her house to look like. She has lots of windows and an open floor plan. She knows where she wants a dining room and how she wants the kitchen to look like. The second floor has a den space and an office space and multiple bedrooms. Then she considers adding a third floor but thinks it might be too much. 
She starts to shuffle the rooms around and considers moving the office to the ground floor. Then she adds a basement. Then she takes it away. She plays around with the design until her stomach grumbles and she is reminded that she has to eat. She shut down her work and walks downstairs to make herself something to eat. As she sets out ingredients, she fantasizes about you standing in the kitchen helping her. She wonders if you'd wrap your arms around her and kiss her cheek as she chopped vegetables. She thinks about how easily she could melt against your body. She allows herself to think about moments she could have with you without making herself feel guilty about it. She's tired of feeling guilty for wanting a better life for herself. 
As she lays on the couch and watches a show that she has been binging lately she mindlessly traces the letters M, I, N, E, on her upper thigh. In her mind, it's a memory of you, but really it's only another fantasy. She doesn't know why she can't just give in. She doesn't know why she pushes you away. She knows she shouldn't have but she also knows that she probably would have hurt you. She takes a deep breath and sighs. 
She walks up to her bed as her mind prepares her for waking up early the next morning. The mental checklist of what she has to take care of tomorrow. What she should wear for her meeting with Tony. What she should make herself for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Should she go out? Should she anticipate Tony offering to take her to lunch? 
She thinks about the therapy sessions she has scheduled for the next several weeks. She thinks about wanting to hang out with her friends. Then as she closes her eyes, she thinks about you and a small smile lifts up her lips. 
You are getting ready to take your lunch break when your phone goes off in your pocket. Your heart leaps into your throat when Daisy’s image covers your screen. You answer and start walking away from the job site. “Hello?” You say into the phone. There is a loud drilling sound and someone starts banging a hammer on a wall. “Hold on, I can’t hear you. One second please.” You cross the street and keep walking until you find a quiet area. You sit down on a park bench. “Okay, I can hear you now. Um, hey,” you say as you remove your hardhat. “This is a surprise. How are you?”
“Is it a surprise? Jemma told me that she warned you I might contact you,” Daisy says. 
“Uh, she did say that but I wasn’t sure when to expect your call. So it is still a surprise,” you reply as you run your fingers through your hair. “She also warned me that you’re not doing too well. Is there something I can do for you?” Daisy goes quiet and you think that the call has dropped, you move the phone from your face to check but the sunlight makes it difficult to tell. “Hello?” 
“I’m here,” she sighs and you can tell that she is trying to hide that she is crying. You take a deep breath as you brace yourself for what she might tell you. Maybe Phil is terminally ill. Maybe her mom passed. Maybe this, maybe that. 
“I’m here for you,” you tell her. “No matter what, it’s okay. You can tell me.” 
“I,” her voice cracks and you wish that you could do something more than sit here on the phone with her. “What I need to talk to you about is better done in person,” she finally says through her sniffles. 
“Okay, um where do you want to meet?” You ask. “I don’t have Rachel this week so you could come over to my place because it's a lot more private than yours or if you don’t want privacy I can go to your place after work. Um or we can meet somewhere public. I’m willing to do whatever you need.” You softly offer her options. Your heart is pounding from the anticipation. What could be so bad that she had to see you in person?
“I’m okay with coming over to your place,” she replies. 
“Okay,” you state, “does seven-thirty work for you? I’ve been working twelve to thirteen hour shifts to pay those pesky hospital bills.” 
“Seven-thirty works,” she answers. “I’ll see you then.” 
“I’ll see you then,” you say as the call ends. You sit on that park bench a little bit longer as you fear what Daisy has to say. What could she possibly be holding on to? What has her in tears? What can’t she say over the phone? Your mind races as you eat your lunch. It continues to run as you get back to work and think about what Daisy needs help with.
Wanda laughs with Tony as they sit together in a nice restaurant. Her pitch went well and Tony said that he would consider hiring her for the project. Then he offered to take her to lunch to celebrate. Now the two were discussing highlights of Vision’s finest moments during past holidays. “Oh, remember that time he convinced your dad to let him cut the turkey and he nearly cut his finger off?” Wanda says. 
“How could I forget? I’m the one who pointed out that there couldn’t be that much blood on a turkey!” Tony laughs as he lifts his glass from the table and swirls it around. He shakes his head. “I have no clue how I’m related to that man.” 
“I don’t know either,” Wanda says. “You are way more fun to be around,” she compliments and they clink their glasses together as they cheers to that. 
“You know, Wanda,” Tony starts as he leans in closer. “Why are you wasting your talents working for a company like Nexus Developments? You are family,” he puts his hand on top of Wanda’s. “We could have helped you land a job with the company we usually use or hell, we could have made a branch for you.” 
Wanda taps Tony’s hand as she pulls away and slumps back into her seat. “I know that you would have. But I couldn’t ask that of you or your family. Vision would have made it about him some how and lately,” she shakes her head as she feels tears building up. She takes a deep breath. “Lately, whenever your brother doesn’t get his way, my kids pay a price. Hell, even when he does get his way, my kids still suffer.” 
Tony nods and takes a drink from his glass, he sighs as the aged scotch goes down smoothly. “I understand your position. Just know that if you ever need help, we are still here for you. Vision can go fuck himself,” he tells her. Wanda laughs a softly as she agrees with his statement. “Who knows, maybe I’ll be able to convince you into a Maximoff and Stark partnership once again. This one being a profitable business instead of an emotional headache.”
Wanda shrugs, “We’ll see. The future is quite unpredictable after all.” 
As you walk through the your apartment building you run through the possibilities of the impending conversation over and over in your mind. The scenarios don’t stop until you see Daisy pacing in front of your door. You check the time on your watch and fill with relief that you’re not late, she’s early. 
“Hey,” you say as you sort through your keys to find the one that will unlock the door. Daisy startles as you announce your presence. “Sorry, I didn't mean to,” you notice that she doesn't look too good and you just move to open the door. “Let's just,” you hold it open for her and she walks right past you. “Would you like anything to drink? Water maybe?”
Daisy shakes her head. “No, I don't know how long you'll want me in here after I tell you what I need to tell you.” 
You make a face, unsure what she could possibly say that would have you kicking her out of your home. “I have a feeling this is something we should sit for. Come on,” you sit down on the couch and wipe the sweat from your forehead.
“Are you sure you don’t want to shower first? You’ve been working hard all day and I know you how much you hate sitting in–” Daisy rambles on as she paces the living room and you have to cut her off. 
“Daisy, I hate waiting even more,” you tell her. “Come, sit,” you pat the space next to you on the sofa. 
Daisy stands still and frowns at you. “No you don’t. You are the most patient person I know.” 
You nod your head slowly, “I can be patient, that’s true. But I still hate waiting.” You admit to her. “I’ve been worried about you all day, Daisy. I don’t want to be pushy but I want to be able to help you. I can’t do that if you don’t stop stalling and tell me what’s wrong.” 
Daisy sits next to you and drops her face into her hands. You sit there and wait for her to collect her thoughts and say something. Anything that will explain her behavior. You bounce your leg as your body decides to show your impatience. The movement has Daisy moving her hands from her face through her hair. “The night we broke up I,” the area around her eyes are red and her nose is pink. She doesn't face you because she can't say this and have you look at her differently. She doesn't know where you stand on a topic like this because every conversation the two of you had on the matter was purely hypothetical. She wanted to keep this to herself because she didn't want you to change in her eyes. She likes you the way you are. “I found out that I had um, sorry this is difficult for me to say.” 
You hold your hand out to her, “Daisy, it's okay. Whatever it is,” you trail as she turns her head away from you. “Are you sick?”  You ask softly as her shoulders shake. 
She turns her head to stare in front of her as she shakes her head and wipes her tears. “No, I'm not sick. That's not the kind of results I had received,” she reaches for the box of tissues in the coffee table and blows her nose. “I found out that I was pregnant,” she finally says. 
You feel your heart stop beating and drop to your stomach. You grow nauseous at the news. “Oh,” you grab onto the arm of the couch as if you're going to faint. “I um,” you blink a couple of times. “Is it someone else's?” The words stumble out before you can process the implication. 
“I never cheated on you,” she states sharply and she looks at you this time. 
“I'm sorry, I shouldn't have… I mean, can you blame me for asking? You didn't tell me until today. You broke up with me instead of telling me. I can't think of why you would do that unless the baby wasn't mine or —” you stop talking as you look at her and clamp your mouth shut. Daisy avoids your eye contact as you recall her behavior that night. She didn't want to be a mother. She kept telling you that as she tried to leave. “Oh,” you react again. The tension in your body releases and you try to figure out how you can address this conversation respectfully. “You decided not to go through with the um the uh pregnancy? Is that what you're telling me?” You try to keep your tone even and your features neutral, trying to avoid showing any insensitive emotions out of respect. 
Daisy closes her eyes as she starts to sob. “I couldn't go through with it. I'm not ready.” She says through her tears. You nod your head because you don't know what to do or how to properly react. “It wasn't an easy decision, you know? I thought about it for a couple of weeks and I thought about telling you but I was so scared that you would be happy and I would have the baby to please you and I just —” 
“Daisy,” you call her name until she stops rambling and you enter her personal space, pulling her against your chest to let her know that you are there for her. “Daisy, I get it. It's okay. I’m not ready for another kid. Shh, shh, it's okay. It's your body, I would have never asked—” 
“I know you wouldn't have but I would have done it! For you!” She interrupts. “Because I know how much you love kids and you're a great parent. You're so great with Rachel and I know how much she wants siblings and I just couldn't. I couldn't be the one to give you that. But if I told you, I would have gone through with it and I would have been miserable,” she continues to ramble. You pull back and get her to look you in the eye. 
“Daisy, you're not listening,” you say calmly. “Breathe with me. Okay?” She nods with you and you count to four with your fingers as you inhale through your nose. Then you put down the four fingers as you hold. You lift them back up as you exhale. And you repeat the process with Daisy until she appears a little more relaxed. “Daisy, recently I've been asked by my ex-wife to have more kids with her and I told her no. I — this is going to sound horrible but — I wasn't ready to be Rachel's parent. I love her, she is my world. But it took me longer than anyone realizes to be comfortable being her parent. I wasn't ready and I know that a lot of parents will tell you that none of them were ready and that's,” you wave your hand to the side. “It's quite clear that they weren't and I don't think it should be that way.” You shake your head. “Daisy, I'm telling you right now that I'm not ready for another child. When you told me about the pregnancy right now I nearly threw up. You made the right decision. I'm not mad at you. I don't hate you for making this decision on your own. It's your choice, I'm just sorry that I didn't make you feel like you could come to me about this. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you.” Daisy closes her eyes and leans against your chest. 
Neither of you talk for a moment. Allowing yourselves to process and accept the truths that each has shared. You think about how that night might’ve gone differently. You wouldn’t have lived with Wanda for almost two weeks. You wouldn’t have gotten as close to Wanda as you have. You would have been having back-and-forth conversations with Daisy. You would have developed a stronger relationship. Maybe. It could have turned sour. She could have grown distant and resented you or herself for the decision. Who knows? That wasn’t what happened. So it doesn’t matter now. But you can’t help but think where you could have been now had things happened differently. 
“Did you deal with this alone?” You eventually ask her. Daisy shakes her head against your chest. You’re surprised she is still resting against you because normally she couldn’t stand the smell of your sweat and the other odors that come from manual labor when the two of you were together. “Jemma?” She nods against you. “Can I ask, uh, what… or why did you bring this to me now?” You ask carefully. 
You feel Daisy take a deep breath and this is what pulls her away from you. She wipes her face and sits against the back of the couch. She plays with the rings on her fingers and flexes her jaw. “I didn’t get the abortion until a couple of weeks ago,” she admits. “I almost went through with the pregnancy because,” she takes another shaky breath. “Jean was at the same clinic I was at to make the appointment. I spilled my guts to her because Jemma had to leave halfway through since it wasn't the appointment and Jean was there when I had second thoughts. It took me a couple of weeks to even go in because I was in denial for a bit. I didn’t want to believe it was true. Then I saw the sonogram and I,” she shakes her head and looks up to the ceiling. “I had second thoughts.” She shrugs her shoulders and you take one of her hands to offer your support. It’s not an easy decision for most. That's assuming that it's ever an easy decision for anyone. “Jean offered to pay for my doctor bills and prenatal care if I decided to follow through with the pregnancy and gave her and Anna the baby and never told you about any of this.” You drop Daisy’s hand and turn away from her. 
You stand up with that nauseous feeling again, not sure what to do about a betrayal of this caliber. You know that Jean has a tendency to do anything and everything to get what she wants when she wants it but… This was too far. “I can’t fucking,” you shake your head. You want to punch a wall or break something but you can’t. You can’t afford the injury. You can’t afford the plaster to fix the wall.  You can’t afford to replace the things you have. You can’t afford any of this because you thought you were paying off debts before interest can build on them. You thought you were doing everything right. You thought you could trust Jean. You can’t believe she would go so far as to put Daisy through something like this. 
“Please don’t hate me,” Daisy begs, “I was confused and I wasn’t sure what I wanted. I only said yes at first because I thought you would be allowed to be in their life and I thought you would like that and–” 
“I’m not upset with you,” you cut her off. “It’s not your fault,” you try to focus on your breathing but you can’t calm down. You can’t focus on anything. You don’t know how someone can be so deranged. You look at Daisy and you feel so guilty for what happened to her. The position she was put in. It makes sense why one day Jean is ready to cut your head off for saying no and then next she’s perfectly fine. What kind of person could be so deceptive? What kind of person… you huff through your nose. “I’m sorry that you had to go through that,” you say to Daisy in the softest tone you could muster up. “You shouldn’t have… She shouldn’t’ve…” you shake your head and close your eyes. 
Daisy stands up and takes your white-knuckled fist and massages the tight skin until you release your grip. “I am going to be okay. I probably shouldn’t have told you. I just, I don’t know. At first the offer was that I just give them the baby. I wrongfully assumed that also meant giving you the baby. Then she eventually told me that you would not know that the baby was even yours,” she shakes her head. “I couldn’t put myself in the middle of this. I couldn’t put anyone in the middle of that. I didn't want to be part of why Rachel’s parents grew to hate each other. You guys are such healthy examples for her.” You begin to grow upset again thinking about how Jean deceived Daisy. How she was ready to deceive you. It was one thing to ask you to knowingly not be allowed in your child's life. But to go behind your back and essentially kidnap what almost was your child… you couldn’t believe it. 
“When I had the chance to think about it, I didn’t want to give birth. I couldn’t go through with it so without telling her, I went through with the abortion because that’s what I wanted.” Daisy closes her eyes as tears slip out and she continues to rub your hand. Something she learned that can keep you grounded. “The only thing that has been tearing me apart about this whole thing is how much of it was being kept from you. I haven’t been able to sleep because of it. You deserve to know.” 
“Thank you for telling me,” you state as you watch her rub your hands. You clench your jaw as your eyebrows knit together. Normally an action like this would calm you down but the information was far too upsetting. “I need to go for a walk or something. I don’t know. I just can’t be here right now.” You pull your hand away. 
“I don’t think you should be alone,” Daisy tries to pull you back to her. 
“Trust me, right now, that’s what’s best for everyone,” you say as you hold your hand up to stop her from coming any closer to you. Daisy stares at you, wanting to be in your arms again. Wanting to feel that comfort that you brought her. Both in the past and just before she dropped the bomb on you. But you weren't someone that sought after touch when you were going through something. You retreated. You isolated yourself. At least, that's what you did when you were with her. She might never know that there are other sides to you. Especially not after tonight. 
“Okay,” she says just above a whisper. “Okay,” she repeats as she walks to the exit. “I'm sorry for everything, again,” she says as she steps into the hallway. “Please, don't do anything stupid.” She disappears, leaving the door open. 
You stare at the door as you think of what you want to do. You think about getting into your car but you're afraid that if you do, you'll drive into a tree or worse. You'll drive to Jean’s house. You couldn't do that to Rachel. You check that you have your keys, phone, and wallet in your pockets and then you lock up your apartment on your way out. Stepping out onto the concrete sidewalk outside of your apartment building you look every which way. There are bars and restaurants down each way. You could easily find somewhere to drink but that's not what you want to do. So you start walking. 
You walk aimlessly for a long time. You walk until your legs begin to ache and your feet begin to hurt. You find yourself at a dock, there are many boats parked but you find a space without one. You sit at the ledge and look out to the water and breathe. The smell of the salty water is calming. You watch as the water moves causing the reflection of the lights to dance. You allow yourself to grieve because even though you didn't want another child, you contributed to almost bringing another life into the world. It was a weird feeling. You're not upset with Daisy for making her choice, you are grateful to her. But you still feel the loss. You didn't understand the feeling but you let yourself feel it. Because even though you don't understand why you feel the way that you do, you don't have to justify or explain it to anyone. You can just allow yourself to feel whatever you want to. 
Then you grieve the relationship you thought you had with Jean. You can't believe she would pull something like this. You don't understand where an idea like that would come from out of her. You don't know how you'll be able to move past this. You feel like she took everything the two of you built together over the years and tore it apart bit by bit. You feel disgusting. You feel used. You take deep breaths as you feel it all. Hoping to release it in a healthy way. It was done, there wasn't much else that you could do about it now except to confront her. You couldn't do that until Sunday.
When you stand up to leave, you slip and fall into the water. You don't try to swim at first. You let the water move you. Trusting that it won't take you away. That it won't pull you under and shorten your time on this planet. You just float in the water. Eventually, the need for air is too great and you swim up until you break the surface with a big gasp. 
You pull yourself up onto the dock and start walking home. You are grateful for the bulky phone case when you pull it out of your pocket to find that the phone is perfectly fine. You use the map application in order to navigate your way home. When you arrive at your destination you shower and eat a microwavable meal. You fall into your bed after taking a sleep aid and fall asleep. 
The next day, at work, Wanda stops by the job site around lunch time. You walk into Pietro’s office and find the two of them laughing with takeaway meals in front of them. You still feel horrible from the night before. But hearing her laugh heals the wounds inside your heart. 
“Y/n!” Wanda grins. “I brought you something too,” she holds up a container. You look at the container and try not to show that you have anything wrong with you by forcing on a smile. 
“You didn't have to,” you say as you move to the sink to wash your hands before you join them. “I appreciate this. Is there an occasion I'm not aware of?” You ask as you open the container. The aroma of your favorite food should have made you happier, instead you began to feel nauseous again. It has nothing to do with the food or Wanda's presence and everything to do with the feelings that you're suppressing. 
“No, I had lunch with Tony yesterday and it reminded me how much I enjoy having lunch with other people,” she shrugs. “Isolation can become a bit of a downside when it comes to working from home for me sometimes.” 
You nod, “Makes sense. Why don't you do the hybrid method? That's what Daisy did with school. She would do online classes and in-person classes,” you suggest before you take a bite. You chew slowly because you do need to eat. No matter how sick you're feeling. 
“That's a good idea,” Pietro agrees. “You could finally get better acquainted with the rest of the staff.” 
Wanda makes a distasteful face, “I don't know. Getting to know people always leads to getting stuck in the middle of their drama.” She shakes her head. “I think I have enough of my own.” 
Pietro shrugs, “You never know. Sometimes it's good to hear about other people's drama. It makes your life sound better. Why do you think I still talk to you? Just because you're my sister?” Wanda’s eyes widen and she punches her brother on his shoulder. “Hey! It's not my fault, you have the most dramatic life out of anyone I know! Y/n,” he nudges you, “back me up here!” 
You are snapped out of your head and try to catch up with the conversation. You look between them cluelessly. “I'm sorry, I probably have her beat when it comes to a dramatic life.” 
Pietro shakes his head, “What are you talking about? Other than that baby thing, you are relatively drama free. That drama even ended pretty well from what I remember.” 
You feel a little light headed as you are reminded by the development of that issue. That there is a new ending to the situation. But you don't tell him. You don't want to tell him. You're not even sure you want to tell Wanda. Not right now at least. You nod, “Yeah, I guess you're right.” You turn to Wanda with a playful shrug. “Sorry, I tried.” Wanda shakes her head and the three of you share a laugh. 
“Whatever,” Wanda mutters as she stabs her salad with her fork. 
When lunch is over, you walk Wanda out to her car. You're quiet as she talks to you about her current project and updating you on her boys. Then she asks you if you are okay because you seem a little off. You shrug and stop when you reach the car. “Um the other day, Jean and Anna asked me to move my workshop out of their shed,” you scratch behind your ear. Feeling queasy saying her name. 
“Your workshop?” Wanda asks as she unlocks her car. 
“Yeah, just my tools and some leftover materials that I used on my last order,” you explain as you open the car door for her. 
“Last order? What do you mean?” Wanda reaches over and sets her purse on the passenger seat but she doesn't sit in her car just yet. 
“I have a little side business. Haven't I told you about it before?” You are surprised with yourself that you haven't mentioned this to her before. You try to think of a time that you might've brought it up before but you come up with nothing. There just hasn't been a reason to. Wanda shakes her head as she does the same. “Ah well, I have a small business. I take custom orders. Anything that someone wants built, I build it.” You pull out your phone and show her your website. “Just something to help with the bills whenever I can't get a lot of hours.” She takes your phone and nods, impressed by the stuff you have built in the past. “Anyway, the reason it's on my mind, they want me to move my stuff out of the shed. I can't really afford a place to be able to store everything and be able to have the space to work on orders.” 
“I have a shed that, admittedly, could use some care,” she says as she hands you back your phone. “You could set up shop in there, at no cost, of course.” 
“Wanda, I can't take you up on that offer,” you resist. 
“Yes, you can,” she insists. “Why couldn't you?” 
You look away and lick your lips as you are reminded of the night she rejected you. “I would need a lot of access to it when or really if I get another order. I don't know if it's a good idea for us to spend that much time together.”
Wanda nods as she understands where you're coming from. “Technically we wouldn't be spending any of that time together. You'd be working and I would be inside my house or doing something. Come on, we're friends. Let me help you with this.” 
You focus your eyes back to hers and you think about just how much she has been helping you. It doesn't feel like there is a balance in the friendship with how often she helps you compared to how often you help her. “I don't know Wanda,” you say as you bite your bottom lip in thought. You can't think of a good reason to say no so you don't. You shrug and nod at her. “Okay, yeah, I will take you up on that offer. Thank you, Wanda. I really appreciate it. Is it okay if I bring it all by on Sunday?” 
Wanda smiles and nods, “Of course, come by then. I'm sure the boys will be happy to see you and Rachel again. They were pretty upset about not having you guys there last week.” 
“Yeah, Rachel wasn't happy about it either. She prefers cooking with you a lot more than she does with me,” you say with a soft laugh. Wanda smiles at her shoes as she thinks about how much she prefers cooking with you over anyone else. She looks back up and locks eyes with you. She feels like an idiot for pushing you away but she doesn't feel ready to tell you how she feels about you. 
“I'll see you on Sunday,” she says and you nod as you repeat her departing words as you step away from her. You wave as she drives off and you go back to work without thinking about your problems with Jean and instead thinking about Wanda and how pretty she looked today. 
Saturday night you can't sleep. You toss and turn even after taking a sleep aid. Your heart pounds as your mind races about seeing Jean the next day. You can't stop running through scenarios of confronting her. Are you going to do it right away? Are you going to choke? Is the sight of her going to make you nauseous? Or worse. Is it going to cause you to actually vomit? Will you be able to see her without getting angry? You're going to have to be there longer than you want to because you have to load your truck with your stuff but are you going to make it through? You don't know. And you're exhausted by the anticipation. 
You are lucky to get in a nap before you have to pick up Rachel. You have to drink two cups of coffee before you feel awake enough to drive. On the drive over, you are yet again practicing what you're going to say when you arrive. You yawn as you park and shake your head to get you ready to knock on the door. You stare at the house as you try to remember that she is your friend. She was your favorite person once upon a time. You loved her. But it's all tainted now. She has slowly burned you out and ripped you to shreds. 
You step out of your truck and knock on the door. You look at the welcome mat to keep yourself calm as you wait. When there's no response, you ring the doorbell. You take slow breaths as you try to clear your mind. You can't think about what Daisy told you in front of Rachel. 
Anna is the one to open the door. Since Daisy hadn't mentioned her, you can tell yourself that she isn't someone that you should be upset with and you can tell yourself that she has no idea. At least until you can figure out when to confront them about this. You walk through the house to get to your stuff in the backyard but when you bring the tools to your truck you go through the gate that leads to the front instead of going through the house. You don't say anything to Anna, you don't even ask why she's the only person you've seen so far. You just focus on your task. Move your tools from the shed to your truck. When you're done, Rachel greets you with a tight hug that you are happy to reciprocate. It's a relief to see her and to hold her. 
Jean is on the phone in the kitchen and you don't feel the desire to interrupt her conversation just to confront her. You decide to leave it alone. You take Rachel to the car and help her get inside. “Did you hear the good news?” Rachel asks as you get settled in the driver's seat. You shake your head and ask her what the good news is. “I'm having a baby brother! My mommies said so. I'm going to be a big sister!” Your heart stops as your entire body freezes. How could they tell her something like that? How do they even know what the gender would have been? 
“Wait right here, I need to ask your mommies something,” you tell your daughter with a tight voice. You climb out of the truck and walk to the front door. This time, you enter without knocking and walk up to Jean as she ends her phone call. “How dare you,” you start bitterly. Jean is thrown off and her confused smile drops. “How dare you put Daisy in that kind of position. How dare you tell our daughter that she's going to be a big sister before there is a baby. There isn't going to be a baby! There never should have been. You shouldn't have tried to talk Daisy out of her decision. You are a cisgendered female, you should have some respect when it comes to another woman making a decision about her life and her body. Not only that, you are my best friend. Or at least you used to be. I thought you would have enough respect for me to tell me the moment you found out about Daisy's pregnancy. I was mistaken to believe the lies you told me but I will not allow that behavior to affect our daughter. So you better be a thousand percent certain when it comes to something as big as a sibling coming into her life before you tell her anything!” You take a split second to decide whether or not to continue and with how upset you are, you can't stop yourself. “And I was going to let Daisy tell you this herself but I will do what you should have done. She went through with her decision. There won't be a baby. Now I suggest that you either start looking into fostering or adopting — no. You should get your fucking head checked be clearly you are out of your fucking mind, Jean!” Jean slaps you clear across your face. The slap was loud and the impact was hard. It stings and you lift your hand up to your face in shock. 
“Get out!” Anna shouts from behind you. You are shaking with anger. You weren't aware that you had gotten so furious with the situation. You try to say more but Anna won't let you. Jean is in tears and looking down at her hand, shocked by her own actions. Anna steps in between you and her wife. “Get the fuck out of my house Y/n! Get out! Get out!” She starts pushing you backwards. You hold your hands up and shake your head. 
“You're both unbelievable. I'm going,” you walk out after Anna's last shove. You can't believe the reactions. You can't believe the lack of accountability. You storm across the yard and climb into the truck. 
“What's wrong?” Rachel asks in a scared little voice. You feel terrible seeing her shaken up. You sigh and close your eyes before you look at her. 
“Nothing sweetheart,” you say as softly as you can. “Nothing, let's just… we're going to go home and I'm going to go for a run and then maybe we'll stop by Wanda’s house to drop all of this stuff off later. How does that sound?” You try to make her feel more at ease. 
“Why can't we go to Ms. Wanda’s first? I really want to see Tommy and Billy and tell them about the good news!” She asks innocently and you have to close your eyes to calm down. You open them and start the engine. You need to distance yourself from this house. From Jean and Anna. You're starting to wonder if your ex’s behavior is being instigated by her wife. You aren't sure how you can find out. But it's definitely something to look into with the lengths she's gone through to make this idea of theirs happen. 
“Honey, mommies were mistaken. You're not going to be a big sister,” you correct her. 
Rachel frowns, “Yes I am. They said so. My mommies don't lie to me, Baba.” 
“I know that sweetheart, that's why I said that they were mistaken. That's not the same as lying, it's more like they didn't know what they were telling you wasn't true,” you take a second to glance at her. “Does that make sense to you?” Rachel nods with tears building in her eyes. “Awe baby girl, what's wrong?” 
“I really wanted to be a big sister,” she says as she wipes her tears. You feel bad as you continue to drive. 
“I know sweetie, I know,” you sigh as you start to reconsider their proposal. But you quickly shove that thought out of your mind. You cannot allow your daughters disappointment to change your mind on a matter of this magnitude. “Do you still want to go to Wanda’s first?”
“Yes please,” she says as she continues to wipe her face. “I want to see my friends.” You want to calm down before you see Wanda. You don't want to pull her into more of your problems. But you feel bad enough for taking away your daughters smile. So you suck it up and drive to Wanda’s house. You text her that you're on the way when you stop at a red light. 
When you pull up the driveway, Wanda is waiting outside with a smile. She knocks on the window and talks as you roll it down. “I don't care what you say, I'm helping you move the stuff into the shed.” Her wide smiles drops to an expression of concern when she sees the red mark on your cheek. She looks further into the truck and sees Rachel's face is red from crying. “What happened?” She looks you over and you shake your head. 
“Nothing, why do you ask?” You say, oblivious to the evidence on your face while you try to hide your frustration from the day. 
Wanda leans in as close as she can get. “Have you looked in the mirror?” She says in a low whisper. 
Your eyebrows knit together and you frown before you drop the visor mirror to check yourself out. Then you see the mark and you shut it. You want to curse yourself for not going home first. “I can't talk about it right now. Can we start moving this stuff?” Wanda nods and allows you to get out of the vehicle. You walk to the other side to help Rachel down before you start to take stuff down from your truck. You hand some boxes to Wanda and she leads the way to her shed. She talks the entire way about how she spent her entire Saturday reorganizing the entire space. You hardly listen as your mind replays the last hour. How Jean slapped you and Anna pushed you. How angry you felt —  no, feel. 
Once the pair of you set the boxes down Wanda asks again what happened and the words come out of you before you can stop them. You tell her everything from running into  Jemma to what happened with Jean just moments ago. Wanda is quiet as she stands there and processes. She doesn't look at you as she does. You shift your weight uncomfortably as you wait for a response. When she finally moves you don't expect her to hug you the way that she does. She holds you tightly in a warm embrace that breaks your walls down. 
“I'm so sorry,” she whispers against your chest as you break down in tears and she rubs your back. You let her hold you and comfort you in ways that you hardly ever allowed anyone to take care of you. You allow her to witness a side of vulnerability that you rarely let many see. 
After a bit of time the both of you stop crying. You and Wanda sneak into the house and each go to a bathroom in order to wash your faces and then get back to work. Together the truck gets emptied of the tools and materials in an impressive amount of time and was put away in the shed. When the both of you finish, Wanda gets a phone call and excuses herself to answer. You follow her inside to wash your hands. 
You get a message from Nebula and you feel slightly guilty when you do. You open the message and you clench your jaw as she admits how much she likes you and asks when she can see you next. The two of you went out on a date shortly after Wanda rejected you. It was an okay date but with everything going on, it doesn't feel right. You close your phone and head upstairs to check on the kids. As you do so you pass Wanda's office. Her door is slightly ajar. You don't mean to listen in but when you hear the words,  “Thank you for introducing me… yeah he has made me feel things I haven't felt before,” and,  “I feel like he understands me better than I understand me.” You feel your heart sink. You continue to walk to check on the kids as you try to tell yourself that you didn't hear the entire conversation so you couldn't possibly know what she was talking about. But a small voice in the back of your head is telling you that she rejected you because she found someone else. A reality that you'll have to accept if you and Wanda are going to continue to be friends. 
After you check on the kids you schedule another date with Nebula for the next Sunday after you drop Rachel off. Then you continue on with your night with Wanda and the kids. Doing your best to keep your mind off of everything else.
Chapter 19
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiofthemultifandom @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby @alexawynters @bittysworld @hopeless-romantic17177 @spongebobtentacles @the-ox-fan20 @shaniiwm
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darkbluekies · 1 year
I have a silly ask-
So what if reader is also yandere for them.??
I wanna how would they react to it
Also I love the Doctor Kryx Silas you madee!!Been reading it like 50 times!!
Warnings: double yandere, suggestive themes, mentions of killing, jealousy
A/N: thank you so much!! I'm glad you like their chemistry <3
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He can’t be more happy and worried at the same time. You want to do everything to please him without asking any questions, you want to cuddle up with him every second of the day and love him unconditionally. But you want to get involved in everything he does and that frightens him. You can’t see his violent side. You’ll cling onto him every time he has to leave for work and will send dark gazes to the men and women who help him.
“No, baby, I want you to stay here. I have to go work if I want to continue being a respected man. No, no, get your hands off of me, little thing. You’re making it harder for me to leave. If you continue- … stop that. Fuck. Fine. I’ll stay. You little trouble maker, if you weren’t as obsessed with me as I am with you, I’d throw you in the basement. But you’d like that, wouldn’t you? You like everything I do to you … and I love everything you do to me.”
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Dr Kry:
He’ll be delighted to know that you love him as much as he loves you, but it’ll make it harder for him to make you stay in your bed. You want to be by his side at all time, want to hold onto him and kiss him. Dr Kry isn’t fond of physical connection — even with you. He loves to hold you every once in a while, but needs his own space too. He’ll let you sit in his lap while he reads for you. You take the initiative to all the physical affection and end up kissing him more than he is prepared for. 
“My dear, wait, you’re bruising my lips. You really need to take your nap now. You can’t keep stalling by kissing me. I’m really happy that you want to be close to me, but I have a job to do. My job is to protect you so can you please let go of my hair? No, I’m not going to let anyone flirt with me, yes, I will be back … no, I’m not letting you come with me. You have to take a nap. I love you, my little sweetheart.”
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King Edmund:
He’ll enjoy you being obsessed with him. He will have you sitting in his lap while he’s on his throne, having you kiss his neck and run your fingers through his hair. Edmund won’t be able to hide his cocky smirk. Having you all over him while people talk to him might be the bes thing that has ever happened to him. You’ll whisper to him how you don’t like how certain people look and talk to him while they propose suggestions for him. He’ll turn his head to you and smirk. 
“My dear queen, are you a little jealous today? You want me to kill that woman for smiling at me? Yeah? You’d like that? Then I will, my jewel. I will get rid of everyone. You’re so cute when you’re jealous. You wrap yourself around me like a snake. I’m not going anywhere … and neither are you.”
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Jerry will let her guard down a bit. She will have no worries about you trying to leave her and “exposing” her sweet side to others. She’ll trust that you want her for the rest of your life. Jerry will give you more freedom, even letting you join in on missions every now and then. She'll be more human with you … and even more obsessed. Now that she has you for real, she'll never let you get away from her. And who are you to complain? This is all you could ever want.
"Are you hurt? Why the fuck did you do that?! I told you that I'd be fine! Why did you try to intervene? You could have gotten seriously hurt! Don't try to save me again, baby. I get that you wanted to protect me, but that's my job, got it? You're bleeding a little. You'll be fine. Don't cry. I-If I'm okay? Yes … yes, I am. Why are you more worried about me than yourself? Fucking hell, baby, you're unbelievable. I love you so fucking much. No, you’re not going to try to kill them, are you nuts? I’m not letting you get in more trouble."
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Hedwig will be the happiest girl in the world. She has everything she wants now. Every single thing. You'll hold her hand wherever you go and cancel plans to be with her. You’re clingy, loving and jealous. Can she even wish for more? Hedwig will be more open with you when she’s jealous and not hide her tactics anymore. Why would she need to now that you both think alike?
"Y/N, you’re so good to me. I love you so much. WHat did you say? Of course I’m yours, sweetheart. I’ll always be yours. What? Repeat please. You’d … you’d kill for me? O-Oh … I’m blushing. I’ve done that for you, Y/N. Multiple times. Or … not me personally, but … I’ve made sure to get rid of people for you. You’re not mad at me, are you? Thank you, honey. I love you so much. Speaking of that … that boy who was talking with you today … I didn’t like him. He seems like a good guy, but I don’t want him anywhere near you. Should we get rid of him?”
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konigsblog · 1 year
now we need kidnapper!König headcanons👀
(( well thank god you asked, here's some headcannons that i think resonate with kidnapper!könig !!! ))
kidnapper/yandere!könig headcannons. angst, smut, fluff
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warnings: yandere, smut, mentions of murder, lovebombing, somnophillia. (tell me if i missed anything!!)
kidnapper!könig who never feels anger or fury towards you. of course, he feels frustration some days; the times were you slap and growl at him, snarling at him for laying a hand on you, for taking you away from your loving family.
but he'd never want you to feel unworthy or insecure, that's something he felt as a kid, nothing he wants his love to feel. adding onto that, pain; he never wants you to feel pain, physically and mentally, hated when you've been hurt or cut, immediately presses tender kisses all over your face after cleaning your wound.
kidnapper!könig who can't keep his eyes off you. you're his desire, what he looked for truly. he'll call you over to sit on his lap, or kiss him, or hug him, and you don't have a choice.
kidnapper!könig who has a size kink, it only grew after meeting you. he'll of course prepare you, even months in advance before you're comfortable enough with him. telling you to use the dildo that looks like his cock, taking it even further each day until you take it fully.
he's so impressed, telling you what a good girl you are for using the dildo, that you're being so sweet to him, how much he loves you. he watches as you ride his throbbing size, bouncing up and down on his size, grasping at his chest in an attempt to get him to praise you for taking him so well.
kidnapper!könig who loves bondage and ropes. seeing you all tied up and bound, fucking into you again and again until his cum oozes from you, dripping from your hole, developing a breeding kink.
following onto that last statement, he'd become obsessed with the idea of getting you swollen, or just to watch you coveted in his cum. adores the suprised and shocked look on your face as he slams into your wetness. “hah-.. that's it, good girl, maus.. taking me so well, aren't you just a sweet little thing?” he'd coo.
kidnapper!könig who hates punishing you, despises it. he grits his teeth whenever he has to, you've done something unacceptable and now you have to face the consequences. he absolutely hates the way you cry, the pain in your voice destroys him.
kidnapper!könig who chains you to him as you sleep. you'd worked yourself up from the basement to the bedroom, finally able to sleep on something that didn't feel like concrete. he can't help but chuckle when you pass out immediately, handcuffing you to him before cuddling into you.
kidnapper!könig who doesn't hesitate to kill your family. he will ruin then and leave them gutted, literally. buried into the ground, dirt covering their bodies, never telling you the truth.
if you have a comfort for something like music, he'll make you work for it. a user called yandere-sins talked about how different yanderes would react to their darling needing music for comfort, and i view könig as an obsessive and protective, he'd probably let you do whatever, still monitoring the time you're listening to it, a bit worried but getting you to sit on his lap while you listen.
kidnapper!könig who will slam into you relentlessly after a failed mission. you can feel him in your cervix, kissing it while his grip tightens, you're too overwhelmed and dizzy to focus on anything other than the lengthy meaty dick pounding into you !!
kidnapper!könig who's toxic, and you don't even realise it. you don't notice how he'll manipulate and gaslight you into forgiving him, you barely realise how addicted you are to his touch, resulting in a huge breakdown when you finally come to the realisation.
he'll hold you, cradle you like a baby. you're refusing to eat anything, your bones starting to weaken. and he will treat you like a baby if he has to. bundling you in a wooly blanket, a bottle of milk forced into your mouth while he scolds you for refusing it. “schatz, drink it, please. you haven't ate since friday, it's sunday. drink it, you need it for your bones.”
kidnapper!könig who has you on his hip at all time. holding you like a koala. helping you whenever you wake up sobbing, still terrified that you've started loving this man beside you. he'll make you some soup his oma taught him, letting you eat it on the coffee table, sitting on a pillow while he sits back on the couch, pressing play to a series you'd become invested in, worried and anxious for your mental health.
then afterwards he'll play and braid your hair til you fall asleep, head rested on his big lap, running his fingertips down your cheeks before cuddling into you, waking up on the couch.
kidnapper!könig who cries into your shoulder when he has to go on deployment. you both weep onto eachother, finally letting him pull his mask down after you've kissed him, hugging him one last time before he leaves.
kidnapper!könig who facetimes you everynight. whether thats for a goodnight, or to see you all wet and sticky with cum running down your thighs. you can hear his grunts, watching as he fists his meaty dripping cock, the both of you coming all over the place.
kidnapper!könig who bathes you everynight he can. he washes your hair, you're sat in the bath, letting him lather shampoo onto your hair and let water run down your head. your body all soapy and wet with water, kissing your forehead every now and then. wrapping you in a towel and kissing your body, down to your cunt before he eats you out, getting you all sensitive and stimulated.
kidnapper!könig who will wake you up with sex, kissing your tits and sucking on your hardened nips. his thick dick easing into your pussy, waking up with a couple whimpers and whines, slick coating his shaft.
you and könig will giggle every night, playing videos or games, making fun of eachother playfully, letting him ruffle your hair.
in the first weeks of you being with him, he'd not let you use social media. even after months, you wouldn't be allowed. but he'd let you play board games or make puzzles, watching over you and asking questions to get you to open up.
yandere!könig who comes home all bloodied, watching your panic and terror, reassuring you to come give him a hug. getting you covered in crimson liquid, blood dripping onto your shirt, getting in your hair. he'd just murdered your parent(s), but you wouldn't know that.
who would wash your hair and body, everything silent and quiet. his hands roaming over your body and cleaning you, removing the blood from you while telling you that you'd be alright, that you shouldn't be scared of him. letting you warm up into his shoulder, trying to process what happened to your family, actually, not the lies you'd been fed. what has he really done?
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