#now the game seems to be. slowly getting worse. new seasons right after the other. crazy iaps and season prices. tgc is
krillkisser · 2 years
oh man i have not played sky since the beginning of little prince. i just went on a suuper long break and hm. well ive missed a few new features,
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seafoamreadings · 1 year
week of april 23rd, 2023
aries: you're post-eclipse but the vibes are still weird. the volatility has dissipated or at least will do so soon. but the consequences of any explosions still remain. accept and adjust.
taurus: welcome to the season of you. this week especially is particularly good for being "lazy" - which actually recharges you and is productive in an underappreciated way. let yourself be the role model.
gemini: odds are strong that you've had plenty worse mercury retrogrades in your life, even if we are right in the middle of an eclipse season. keep your protocols in place and try to be gentle with others in these strange times for brownie points with the universe.
cancerians: assess what has changed over the last week or two, and what is still in a state of flux, and what is stagnant but should change, or would be nice to change. you're not a mutable sign, but like the moon and the tides you're meant to be in cycles.
leo: your sign isn't a dominant energy at this time but what tension you experience this week is favorable in the end, and it probably doesn't take long for you to see how it helps.
virgo: yes mercury is retrograde and so is ceres, who definitely shares an affinity with your sign. so you're plodding along slowly. but if you're still playing the long game, no harm is done by a delay, whether it's externally imposed or strategic on your part.
libra: the week is not exactly harmonious for you but not hostile either. lingering effects of last week's eclipse may have you feeling like you're somehow under attack but keep reminding yourself, this is actually neutral territory for now.
scorpio: some sort of partnership or deal that seemed hyped at the eclipse seems more and more delayed now. it may still be fruitful but these things can't be rushed, rather let it ripen.
sagittarius: you can really go with the flow better than most anyone but if even you are having issues with it this week, bury yourself in any engaging task that needs doing. when you resurface it'll be to some new scene.
capricorn: it's a gently good time to pursue someone who would be in a partnership role with you, whatever type of partnership applies. but, of course, keep mercury retrograde protocols in mind as you go, especially when it comes to romance, love, or any creative activity.
aquarius: your private-public balance may be out of whack. get that sorted promptly to make your life easier. set healthy boundaries and all that. but don't expect to easily coast by even then, you're doing pluto now, after all.
pisces: you tend to be above the fray in a lot of astrologically turbulent situations simply by your deep connection with the unity of all things. the surreal nature of it suits you, even when it doesn't directly involve you, as is likely this week.
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k-sickies · 1 year
“I don’t think even medicine can help your stomach, it would be better be sick and get it over with”
Sickie: Yeonjun
Caretaker: Beomgyu
I hope you like it!!
Warning: description of vomit
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That Yeonjun feels fine would be a lie, that he feels bad would also be a lie. If he's being honest he feels horrible. Downright sick and disgusting. After that chicken he had for lunch he just felt horrible. It was a new place, the chicken tasted good and nothing seemed sketchy. However something must have upset his stomach. Maybe it was the sauce or the seasoning. He doesn't know but what he knows is that he has felt sick ever since after eating it. His stomach feels uncomfortable, tight and uneasy with each step he takes. He knows it's not just his stomach aching, there's another feeling lingering inside. He feels as if he had to be sick but there's no way he would lose the battle with his stomach and admit to that.
Currently Yeonjun sat on the couch next to Beomgyu. The two being the only ones without schedule. Normally Yeonjun would be in the studio, writing lyrics or practicing his dancing but today he doesn't feel like it. His stomach was too uncomfortable to even think about moving. So he watched Beomgyu play some games on his PS5. He didn't even know what game he was playing, not paying  any attention. From time to time Beomgyu glanced over to Yeonjun, being worried about the older as Yeonjun told him he wasn't feeling good.
Normally Yeonjun wasn't the type to speak up that easily but with no schedule and feeling this way he didn't see a point in hiding it from anyone. Especially not from Beomgyu as the younger was his safe space.
As the time passed the ache in his stomach got worse and worse. The singer rested one hand on his stomach and couldn't hold back a groan. He already took some medicine but nothing helped. As he rubbed over his aching stomach he let up a low burp, a grimace on his face as he did so. The nausea was getting worse but he wouldn't admit to that. Slowly Yeonjun stood up and popped out another pill, this time swallowing it dry as he got inpatient. 
As the older sat down on the couch again he curled up around his stomach. After around 15 minutes later the lain still wasn't better if anything Yeonjun felt worse. He tried to hold back a whimper as a harsh cramp seized up in his stomach. The older one burped again, this time he swallowed and swallowed after it. Until he felt good enough to settle down again.
Beomgyu finally had enough. "Hyung, I don't think medicine can help your stomach. It would be better to be sick and get it over with." 
Yeonjun looked over to the younger. "I don't want to be.." he mumbled.
Beomgyu sighed. He knew his Hyung had trouble getting sick. He wasn't really scared of it but he also didn't like to be alone While it happened. Actually he was scared of it but would never admit that and that was something all of the members knew.
Beomgyu walked over to Yeonjun and placed the trash can in between the olders legs. 
"I know you hate it." He said softly as he rubbed over the olders back. "I will hold you hand, okay?" 
As soon as the younger one took Yeonjuns hand the older one squeezed it. 
"I feel pukey.." he admit 
"Mhm I know you do. Let's get it over with. I won't leave." Beomgyu said softly.
Immediately Yeonjun relaxed. A bit too much because suddenly a wet burp bought up undigested food. Luckily he had the bucket placed in the right spot or he would have been sick on his lap. While bringing up wave after wave of sick the squeezed Beomgyus hand as hard as possible. 
"Gyu.." he choked out in between heaves. 
Beomgyu squeezed the olders hand and with his other hand he wiped one tear away that rolled down the olders cheek. "I'm here. You'll feel better after if. I promise." 
After one more round Yeonjun was finally empty. His stomach not churning as much as before. He spit one more time into the bucket and leaned back. Beomgyu placed the bucket aside, ready to clean it later but right now he needed to give Yeonjun some comfort. The younger rested one if his hands in the olders stomach and gave it a light rub. "Feeling better?" 
Yeonjun only hummed "Gyu..cuddle me" me whispered.
Beomgyu grinned and pulled the older one into his embrace. "You'll be so embarrassed about it as soon as you feel better. 
"Shut up and cuddle me." Yeonjun grumbled 
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My Well Essay Part 2
Aka: I get to use pictures again, isn't that great! Maybe this should be a video essay.
Anyway, we left off with Blaine slowly losing his humanity. Or what little humanity he has_
The murder of his grandfather also already puts Blaine back on the path to the well and everything it represents: He finds out that his father excluded him from his will, so he forces him to change it. He keeps his father as a (frozen) prisoner. By playing his amnesia game, he loses Don E who immediately turns to Angus to get back at Blaine - and eventually, Blaine again takes what he considers his by attacking the Scratching Post and feeding his father to the well. This coincides with him sacrificing another big part of his humanity
Because interestingly, before he attacked the Scratching Post and threw his father into a well, Blaine had actually left Angus alone for quite a while. He even signed the family fortune back over to him, that he had gotten his hands on and abandoned all his other ill-earned fortunes in favour of pursuing a relationship with Peyton (which is also ill-earned fortune because it was under a false pretext). But the point is: This was a genuine stab at building a life for himself. For once, this was Blaine defining himself by something other than his father's values. Now, ultimately it failed (because obviously, it failed) and Blaine immediately returns to his old trajectory: He kills a bunch of people, and he even abandons the semi-honest trade of selling funeral home brains in favour of getting into the big business of international brain smuggling and he throws his father into the well - from his own perspective, for good, but still maintaining the satisfaction of eternal torture AND being able to have dinner and talk to him and mocksimile a father-son relationship, aka perfectly illustrating his conflict between these two extremes. (except the well obviously gives him what he wants, in the shape of Brother Love)
There is something else very interesting that happens at this point: Blaine slowly loses one of his biggest, most central and most important (and most human) interests: Music. The thing that Blaine has left of his grandfather. Blaine's love for music featured very prominently in season 2 and at the beginning of season 3, where he was a lounge singer while he had amnesia - until his break-up with Peyton, the person who he believed was his last shot at a life of his own and outside of his father's paradigm of the world. After that, this slowly fades away. We see his grandfather's record player in the Scratching Post basement but we don't really see him play it a lot. I think the last time we actually see Blaine sing and play the piano is when he sings Amazing Grace at one of his father's services - and this too is very interesting because one of the more human aspects of Blaine in the later season is that tentative relationship he manages to build with his father - and Amazing Grace is very much about the saving grace of love and hope - the love and hope, he places in his reconciliation with his father at that point.
Obviously, the whole thing with his father also falls apart once again because of Blaine's lies and because Angus is still a horrible person.
And now to turn back to our Narcissus-withering-away parallel for a moment - we already catch a glimpse of how little is left of Blaine at this point:
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(also: crucifixion pose)
While Blaine, at this point, isn't actively trying to kill himself - he also doesn't seem to see any reason to stay alive now that his money is gone. (which brings us back to the "what they say they want" vs "what they want" vs "what they really want" vs "what they need" debate) We know that this is not just about money - we have seen Blaine lose everything several times now. And one of his incredibly cockroach-y character traits is that he usually gets right back on his feet and tries to do something new (and usually worse). In fact, even Don E points out that this has very little to do with money:
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meanwhile, Blaine is on an entirely different page:
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He lost his father.
And once again, Don E points out that very reasonable fact that-
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Because...for all accounts of purposes it is true. Blaine never liked his father as a person. He wanted a father because he was a lonely neglected boy and because he had notions of masculinity instilled into him that emphasised the importance of a father figure - but Angus as a person, he hated. He wanted him dead. From the perspective of someone who is more familiar with the darker side of Blaine (which is most of him so it's kind of hard to get familiar with any other sides, but let's be real, Don E is particularly close up and personal with that part of Blaine, even if he's also self-destructively unconcerned about it) - Don E knows there is no reason for Blaine to be sad about this. But we can also tell from the reaction of Don E that he can already tell that things are a bit more complicated than that: Because the well actually gave Blaine what he always wanted. A father who loved him and that whom he had a close relationship. This is the big conflict Blaine has.
This is another aspect of Blaine's humanity, one that the well specifically brought out in him. And then, in the end, he also loses that:
For most of season 5, until very end of the show (and Blaine), Angus' death doesn't play much of a role anymore. It's not like Blaine is consumed by grief or his death - in fact, by the time we meet him again in season 5 (and even the moment Major offers him a new brain deal), Blaine is once again in best spirits - which is another human aspect of him taken away: The very complex relationship he had with his father. Now, really his entire life seems to be about wealth, power and publicity. A lot of his interior life, of his soul and self, has disappeared.
As I said, I've seen a lot of people say that season 5 was kind of a breaking point for them when it came to having genuine sympathy for Blaine and his antics. That this was the point where they were no longer interested in seeing a Blaine redemption arc.
And I'm first to admit that season 5 Blaine isn't the strongest Blaine arc we see. But I'm actually not willing to concede that Blaine is the most evil version of himself in season 5. Sure, in the second half (which is very different to the first half of season 5 Blaine) he's back to killing children. But this is something that he already did in season 1. Surely, his plan doesn't really hold a candle to the madness that was his plan in season 4 where he really swung up to super-villain proportions:
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Like, my dude here was willing to sacrifice the planet - but most of what he does in that season is spend time with Don E and try to connect with his father. Like, I joked about this before but honestly, my sense of the season was always that Blaine's obligatory evil plan was really secondary (it barely even affects the season finale at all, it might as well not have happened, Angus could have just done that on his own at some point). The focus on his more human qualities still:
His messed-up family situation
His funny little evil friendship with Don E being closer than ever
(We also briefly touch upon the fact that he still has feelings for Peyton, but chooses to be weird about it from a distance)
The first one immediately seems to cease to be relevant to him in season 5 (or, perhaps, it is so relevant to him that it requires suppressing a lot of what little humanity Blaine has to actually avoid dealing with it).
His relationship with Don E is still a thing, they still seem to be evil besties, though we also get a bit of sense that due to Blaine being very absorbed with being rich, Don E feels a bit side-lined (the first time they talk on that season, Blaine is just back from a several days bender and hasn't kept up with brain business relevant news and Don E is kind of catty about it.)
In fact, this season also, for the first time, puts a real emphasis obnt he fact that Blaine has no friends (something he did as a kid). Usually, when a bad character becomes rich, there is this trope where he is suddenly surrounded by a bunch of at least fake friends - but Blaine remains fundamentally lonely other than Don E. He pretends he has friends to impress Al but she quickly finds out that it is all fake and he had to invite a bunch randomers to his soirée.
And to get back to the whole "wishing well" and "Be Careful What You Wish For" trope and the "selling his soul" thing - Blaine, at this point, has everything. Everything he ever worked towards, that he invested into. He is richer than his father ever was. He is beloved by the public. Angus is dead, Frau Bader is dead, he is one of the most powerful people in New Seattle, he can do whatever he wants.
That's all he ever worked towards!
That's all he ever worked towards. And now it's all he has.
Because Blaine, very clearly is simultaneously happier than ever - and still fundamentally sad. We see that in the way he throws himself at Al - despite getting everything he worked for, he still isn't it happy. And this is something that has been coming a long time because he was never happy, no matter what progress we saw him make over the course of the show. Because he very rarely built towards anything meaningful - and the few times when he did, he either ruined by trying to get it by underhanded means (his entire relationship with Peyton) or by abandoning it in favour of working towards "bad" goals, aka goals that were only valuable in the world-view his dad installed in him - like sacrificing his grandfather (who he took care of selflessly in favour of revenge and getting his business back). Even things like his friendship with Don E (something his father very clearly didn't value because when he was working with Don E, he basically delegated him down to errand boy) has to compete with his business and success: Like Ravi called Blaine about Don E having been abducted by the conspiracy theorists and Blaine literally cannot decide between locking Mr Boss into a coffin and going to rescue Don E OR first closing his latest business deal.
And this is where we get back to my well-takes:
I mentioned how wishing-devices in stories are often about finding out what you really want and what your priorities really are - but Blaine is too much like Narcissos to be able to achieve that. He has placed his entire energy into chasing after something that he cannot have, that he cannot identify with what he truly needs. In fact, I'd argue that all the energy that Blaine spends on his defensiveness and of chasing of safety and power - are symbolised by the coins and things he throws into the well. And like Narcissus, the more he invests into the well, the more he withers away and loses himself.
Something I enjoy a lot about the well-symbolism is that the whole "throwing a coin inside" is not a one-off thing. Blaine didn't do this one time, out of frustration. He did it every time he was hurt or watched his mother be hurt (which, in turn, also hurt him). I don't think it is excusing his actions to say that the childhood he had and the things he saw and experienced also created the foundation for all the choices he made in the future - I don't think the show argues that he was born evil. And it's also not saying that his wishing his father would die was a sign that he was bad or so inherently (or at all) sinful that it condemned him to become a monster. To make this clear: I don't think this reading punishes Blaine for wanting his abusive father to "drop dead". It punishes him for a) never investing any energy into all the positive sides of himself or trying to build a life of his own and b) using every bit of agency and power he carved out for himself in this world into living up to his father's ideas of power and success.
It is about the part of himself that Blaine fed and nurtured and paid into - and this is why it is important that he kept throwing coins in there because it is a continuous nurturing and a continuous loss of humanity he suffered. He didn't become evil because of one slip up or because he had a tendency to be evil or because the fact that he experienced a lot of physical and psychological violence as a child and that made him vulnerable to this stuff - it did make him vulnerable, which is something that happens when a child is exposed to abuse like this - but the fact that again and again, he chose to invest in that part of him that denied himself healing and instead, chased a false sense of safety from power and violence and mistreating others and never building genuine ties to others and because he indulged his father's world-view and his paradigm of success for so long - in fact, in many ways he also emulated his father: Blaine did end up hurting kids, he did end up hurting his romantic partners, he did end up exploiting people, he did end up hurting his grandfather - because that is the part of him he nurtured. And mirroring that, he lots all the other aspects of himself because he never nurtured them or he eventually neglected them in favour of pursuing money and power and (indirectly) his father's approval.
In fact, we even see him kill pieces of himself:
He kills homeless, drug-addicted youth
He sets up young drug-dealers (one of whom literally looks like a younger version of himself) to be killed by Mr Boss
He kills his grandfather who had a big influence on all of the positive sides of him
He killed Baracus, an ambitious hedonist (but not a monster)
and even his last important kill:
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He sold his soul to the well. And the money and the brains and his father and everything he dropped into the well and told the well symbolises that. And that's also what Narcissus did - he neglected everything around him in favour of these pointless visions he had. Narcissus thought he saw a lover down there. Blaine as a child saw safety from that well, later he used it as a stand-in for a father he can have dinner with from time to time - as well as revenge, finally. But those were the things Blaine imposed on the well. He never wished for anything genuinely constructive.
Just like Narcissus died because he forgot to eat and drink or do anything other than stare at that vision of what he wants and thinks he's entitled to, the genuinely good and human side of Blaine withers away because it is ignored and at times, basically pushed aside and cut away in favour of the cynic and selfish mindset he needs to live the life he does. In fact, Narcissus last words are him telling his mirror-self not to flee - not because he genuinely thinks they can ever be united but because he wants to stare at his reflection to "add fuel to my miserable passions". And much in the same way, Blaine neglects to nurture anything good and genuinely meaningful and authentic within himself even though he knows that he cannot reach happiness on the path he is on. He knows it's just a pointless illusion he has - but also, he loves to indulge his self-pity for being denied a family or a good childhood. He loves to use that as an excuse.
One big change that happens in season 5 is that Blaine, starting with The Scratchmaker, eventually concedes that he is a monster (I made a post where I talk about this in detail) - in season 5, after his grandfather, and after Peyton and after music and all the other thing that made him, the one thing Blaine has left to cling to his humanity was that...now a lot of people saw that aspect of him and acknowledged him as a good person. So he leant into that, tried to adopt that persona of the saviour of Seattle, put himself in commercials and everything. It can easily look like the high time for Blaine and like he's now better than before - but at that point, when it comes to his humanity and sanity, the ground under his floor has really begun to crumble. And when that last pillar - public opinion - falls away, there is nothing left anymore for him. He just does whatever he feels like now. There is no humanity in him left to speak of anymore.
He treats his staff (even Candy, a woman who loved him and supported him with more loyalty than anyone ever and only abandoned him once for neglecting her, long after Don E already left) worse than ever, he kidnaps Peyton and tries to force her to live with him (IN HIS FATHER'S OLD MANSION) and eventually, the last thing human thing about him that remains: He destroys his friendship with Don E by killing Darcy.
(I think it is very central that he only in the finale returns to the family estate. He could have done that far earlier. But the point really is that at that point, now that he's really become his father's heir and become the head of the McDonough family (what is left of it) and legacy, that's the final stage. Soul fully sold out.
We even see this in his final speech:
You know where you went wrong, pop? You started to believe in big ideas. More than wealth. More than pleasure. It's a short ride, life. You got to get what you can, while you can. Someone's gonna come up on you, put a gun to your head and pull the trigger. Some army is going to line you up and gun you down. It's okay by me. You heard that? It's okay by me! Cause I filled my life with wine, women, song. At least I wasn't bored. I'd rather be dead……
"At least I wasn't bored" is kind of the lowest expectation you can have of your life. Trying to fill your life with literally ANYTHING just not to be bored is the total absence of meaning - and that's what he says, that it is a fatal error to want your life to mean anything. And it's also very interesting that at this point, he's speaking of his life in the past tense - "I filled my life..." I actually sometimes wonder whether he was about to kill himself at that point or throw himself in the well on purpose because -
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why the hell are you sitting like this anyway?
All that time we've seen him obsess over the well, we've never actually seen him go so far as to dangle himself over it. Even if Don E hadn't pushed him in at that point, this would still be an important bit of symbolism - he is not outside of the well anymore (the well that is hell) - he's no longer even standing on the ground next to it. At this point, with his soul or humanity or whatever fully sold out and Blaine fully reaching the fall-out point of what it meant that he spent his entire life investing his energies and nurturing in the darkest side of himself - symbolically by feeding the well - there is more of Blaine inside that well than outside of it anyway.
At this point, he's actually already consumed by the well - because he fed so much of his humanity into it.
His falling in the end is really just the same ending we see in a lot of mythology:
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He really just finally becomes one with the well (and he goes to hell. Because that's what the well is and where he was always going and that's also what is happening to him down there: Endless suffering and torture as punishment for his crimes)
Which is what I mentioned earlier, the usual outcome of selling your soul to get ahead in these stories: Even if you get what you want in life (usually not the way you imagined it), these stories also often have a comeuppance in the afterlife. (And to symbolise how foregone the conclusion of Blaine's damnation was, the entire show takes place in his afterlife, he's undead. The entire premise is that he died in the very first episode)
...anyway. Those were my well-thoughts. I affirm that I composed the previous text with a clear and sound state of mind, fully aware of my mental capacities and sanity.
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mingoyeob-archive · 3 years
45 and 78 with jungkook pls🥺(Btw i love your writing and take your time for part 3☺️)
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under the oak tree drabble game ⚔️🌳 to make up for my delayed release of part 3 of under the oak tree i’ve decided to do a drabble game! send me a number + any of the characters from under the oak tree and i’ll write you a drabble :)
hi thank you guys so much for requesting and also for being patient with me anon! I combined these two asks because you both asked for 78 so other anon you get a little something extra haha! I hope you enjoy <3
45: “Take.It.Off” + 78. “I didn’t think it was possible for you to get any more gorgeous” - jjk x reader - word count: 1.4k
Around the castle people buzzed and shuffled, zipping past one another like moving pieces in a well organized machine. The sound of numerous conversations and orders being shouted from left and right was only beaten out by the loud rushing water from outside, heavy drops of water hitting newly installed stain glass windows and ringing off like canons. Rain was nothing new to the occupants of Uwhen and not even the downpour outside could stop the bustling maids and the boisterous knights that littered every hall. So it was to Jungkook's surprise when he heard the noise come to a halt, turning his head to follow the direction of everyone's gaze trained on the main entrance. His eyes fell upon the distressing, albeit slightly amusing, sight of you standing drenched from head to toe, looking akin to a shaggy dog he had once seen fall into a river as a young boy.
It wasn’t your fault of course, this was your first rainy season after all. Sure there were a few cloudy days and drizzles that happened here and there but for the most part Aster was typically a sunny land with what seemed like never ending summers. So how were you expected to know that during this time storms came through quicker than the drop of a hat, nose untrained to picking up the fresh scent of lingering salty rain that was always a tell-tale sign of what was coming. And by the time you were able to feel the light drops of water landing on the top of your head it had already been too late and the next thing you knew you were trudging through thick mud, struggling to pull the train of your dress and walk with the weight of your heavy petty coat holding you down.
“Y/N!” Jungkook exclaimed and rushed over to you in only a few strides. His hands found themselves landing on your shoulders as he worriedly looked you over, eyes full of concern. He could feel you shaking under his fingertips. “What the hell happened to you, my love?”
You could only gaze up at him through wet lashes, lips set heavily in a pout. You could tell he was waiting for you to answer but you were too caught up with the fact that everyone had stopped to stare at the pair of you. Too afraid to sound like a fool, you had no intention of explaining yourself out here in the open, only letting out a small whimper as you huddled your arms close to yourself to stave off the cold. Jungkook noticed your hesitation, head whipping around to glare at the onlookers who had stopped to see what all the commotion was about. “Fucking hell- what are you all looking at!? Get back to work!”
Like a flip was switched, the noises returned and everyone went back to rushing past each other. All except your hand maiden who came running over the minute she saw a clear path over to your dripping figure. “Lady y/n! Let me get you back to your bed chambers and I’ll run you a fresh bath and get you a new pair of clothes and-”
“No need.” Jungkook had brushed past the maid, arm locked heavily around your frame as he started escorting you back to your room, not even sparing her a glance. “I can do all of that perfectly fine on my own.”
She sputtered and followed hastily behind you two, “But- but sir! Are you sure you don’t wan’t-” Jungkook's steely eyes had her mouth clamping shut and she stopped dead in her tracks. “Of course, my apologies. Please let me know if you need anything else, my lord.” She didn’t even wait for a reply before bowing and leaving in a hurry.
Jungkook merely grunted and continued walking the two of you up the staircase, your graze trained behind you as you watched your hand maiden scurry away. “You didn’t have to be so rude, you know.” You muttered, letting out a small hmph. Jungkook just gazed down at you briefly before pretending as if he didn’t hear your snarky comment. Though you swore you saw the hint of a smile twitch at the corner of his lips.
Upon arriving at the room, Jungkook had immediately pushed you into the center of the room, broad shoulders looming more than a few inches over you just an arms reach away. He sighed slowly and crossed his arms, “Take it off.”
You deadpanned, “What?” you say. You had heard what he said, but you hoped he wouldn’t say it again. That hope was mistakenly misplaced.
“I said take your clothes off. They’re soaking wet and you’ll get sick.” Jungkook said, talking as if this whole thing was just a giant nuisance. His facial expression was cold (as usual), so it was hard to really tell if he was serious or not (also very usual). “Once you undress I’ll give you a bath-”
“No no I’m fine! Haha no need for that, yup completely fine.” Your attempt at passing off the situation in an effort to avoid his offer was very unconvincing. “It’s not even that cold, I’ll dry off soon.” That was a lie. You were freezing, Jungkook could practically hear your teeth chattering as you spoke.
You were obviously uncomfortable with his request. He wasn’t mad, in fact, he completely understood. Despite being married for 3 years (most of it being spent apart except for one short night), he had only ever seen you naked once. At least in real life it was only once, his dreams were a completely different story.
Jungkook just shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger, “Y/N…” he let out a sound of annoyance and took a deep breath to compose himself before dropping his hand and fixing you with a steely glare. He hated having to get stern with you. “Take.it.off.”
This time you could definitely tell he was serious and your nervous smile immediately dropped, replaced quickly by a look of defeat. You knew you had lost this time so there was no point in trying to push off the inevitable so instead you just sighed and began undoing your corset, Jungkook standing quiet as he watched. You could practically hear a pin drip, the room was so silent. It was deafening.
When Jungkook saw your fingers get to the last loop, he waited with bated breath. Finally, he thought, he really had to talk to someone about making your dresses less complicated to get off (for your convenience, of course). He watched you gulp just as the cord was set free and then stared transfixed as the material fell, pooling around your ankles. If he wasn’t already holding his breath, he would’ve choked. His dreams were doing you absolutely no justice.
By now your face was on fire, heat feeling your cheeks to the point you no longer even felt cold. And Jungkook's stare was only making it worse, your head filling with so many nervous ramblings and worries. Have I gotten fat since he last saw me? And was that stretch mark always there? Wait, when did my thighs get so big?
“I didn’t think it was possible for you to get any more gorgeous.” your breath caught in your throat. Jungkook had whispered the words completely in awe, irises finally filled with something other than stony resistance (dare you say, love?). You don’t know how, but for some reason those simple words had all your insecurities fading away, at least for the time being. Because the way he looked at you in this moment, it didn’t matter if you had gained a stretch mark or two, cause you knew he would still see you as nothing less than beautiful.
It was hard for you to say exactly how he was feeling since he didn’t say much else before turning around to head into the bathroom (presumably to run that bath that he mentioned earlier), but for someone who was a man of a few words, just one sentence could mean a thousand. And you hoped he would stay with you long enough for you to hear a thousand more.
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xsugarysweetsx · 3 years
Could I please get option 2! Angst and fluff?
The reader and Eren had been dating for years, everyone thought they were end game, until he went all you know season 4 Eren so she left him. He’s still in love with her so when he comes back he tries to get back with her, he also tries to kiss her and Jean sees and he like “hell no” and pushes Eren away because the reader and Jean are now happily together?
I hope that makes sense ☺️
A/N; ooo I like this idea! I changed it just  bit to make it a little more dramatic, hope that’s okay!
Warnings; Slight toxic relationship; mentions of hooking up/no detail; some language; possible spoilers for season 4 if you have no watched it yet; Angst; some fluff.
Please enjoy~🍰
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“Do you really think the future will be different for us?“ you asked Eren as you walked along the dirt road hand in hand. Pulling your hand towards him so you walked in his arms he answers
“As long as I’m here,“ he stopped and turned to you “we’ll have the future you always dreamed of“ he kissed your forehead gently
“The one with a house, a dog and 2 kids?“ you giggle looking into his deep green eyes. It was true you wanted that future with Eren, one where you were finally happy together. After everything was over
“That and more“ just as he was about to lean in to kiss you Jean passed by 
“There they go again. All lovey dovey“
“Hey at least I got someone!“ Eren retorted back making you all laugh. Before taking off Eren pulled you into a quick but love filled kiss. You hear them making sick sounds from your display of affection. Maybe everyone was right...maybe he was the hope for the future...
However, that was 4 years ago. When things still seemed to have hope, now you were at a base waiting for the return of the scouts as a medic in the same scenario you never wanted to see. 4 years later you were back to war, and chaos. What was worse was Eren, he was just so distant and cold now, he wasn’t the same. Even your relationship was strained. He was never abusive or anything but he wasn’t the same boy you had fallen for.
You were the only person who knew about him siding with Zeke. Whatever happened to finding peace? Ending the war? Living your happy future? He had the told you it wouldn’t happen since his life was now limited. He even thought of giving you his titan once he passed. It was just all too much for you, which lead to you leaving him about 2 years ago.
It broke your heart but for the sake of your mind and heart, this was better. Sleeping alone was something new, and something you didn’t like at all. He wanted you to stay though, he still loved you. There were even a few occasions where you’d still visit him and even slept over. You had stopped when the mission had started to go into process. And slowly and painfully, you felt that old love for him die along with your old self.
Now marking 4 years you were someone different, and everyone had noticed it. Some of them even became a bit protective of you knowing how Eren had changed. Levi gave you different assignments, you were moved to the infirmary, and Jean was even in the picture now. When you ha first broken up he found you crying alone. Instead of hiding it you had only busted into more tears.
He was there for you more than anyone, he even told you to get better you had to stop seeing him. Long story short you had gotten very close, and he eventually made his move. You gave him a chance and things went better than you anticipated. He treated you well, he was respectful and very loving. He was honestly very cute with how flustered he would become with you. No one else knew about you both except for Connie and Sasha. You couldn’t let this get to Eren, who knows what he would have done. 
When he had left you felt so lonely and you were worried about him. Of course he was strong and a great fighter but, he also put others before himself which worried you. As for him, he was happy you stayed home where he knew you were safe. As soon as you could see the airship your heart was pounding. With excitement, fear, hope and so many other emotions. But as soon as they came out Eren was in custody, grim faces, and a body, not to mention 2 kids...
Jean comes over to you with a straight face. He first embraces you over everything else. To feel you in his arms again was like grounding himself to reality that he was still alive. 
“Jean?“ you asked 
“...I’m sorry...“ he sniffed. Taking a head count there was one missing, Sasha. That body...it couldn’t have been...unless those kids were..
Pain was something you knew all too well. Yet this pain of losing someone was familiar yet more painful than anything. You didn’t have all the time in the world to mourn though, you had to tend to injured soldiers. Everyone wasn’t seriously hurt, a few scrapes and bruises but nothing more. After everyone was patched up you wanted to see Jean. You asked to see him or any injuries, which he actually had a few, just some scratches. You ask him to come to your room for more privacy. 
“Come on take your shirt off“ you said grabbing some swabs and disinfectant 
“you just want me to be shirtless“ he said with weak humor. You softly giggle but you know he wasn’t completely okay. Lifting up his head by his chin you make him look at you. You didn’t need any words as you lean down and kiss him gently. The kiss lingers just for a bit as his hands glide up to your waist and brings you down into his lap. 
“being out there in war is the last thing I ever want to see. But if it means that I get to come back to you I'll give you a hundred times“ he whispered to you with one more kiss to your soft lips. Without moving from your place in his lab, you continue to clean and patch up the small scrapes on his chest. After you were done he laid with you in bed for the night. 
The next morning you had to go and see Eren. You had to make sure he didn’t seriously injure himself or trying to at the moment. Of course there would be someone there with you just to be sure you were safe. And of all people it was Jean, now you were in a basement with you ex-boyfriend, and current boyfriend. He reluctantly opens the cells and lets you in. 
“Y/N, it’s been a while. You look good“ he said eyeing you up and down, almost as if it were only you and him there.
“Please sit Eren. Did you hit your body in anyway?“ you ask feeling his shoulders and back; no broken bones
“Hands please“ you hold yours out and take a hold of his large ones. They bring back a nostalgic feeling, you check them and see nothing wrong. You check other things like his eyes, head, hearing and he was in perfect health. Packing up your few things you tell him 
“Well, you’re completely healthy and that should be because of your titan powers. If you start feeling sick make sure to tell the guard to get me.” before you could walk out he grabs your hand. 
“Y/N wait“ he pulled you back a little 
“I still love you damn it!“ he cuts you off spinning your around. He meant it. He really did. It’s just you had moved on, and found a new light after seeing who he truly was. He still wanted you to be his.
“Eren let me go.” you try to shake him off
“Don’t you understand I’m doing this for us? So that we can finally be free together“ He holds you close and inches towards your face “whatever happened to us? Our future?“ he whispered
You shut  your eyes hoping for all this to be some crazy dream. You expected for a forceful kiss to crash on your lips but it never came. Opening your eyes Jean had put himself between you both. Moving your hand out of the way and pushing you behind him 
“She said, let go.“ Jean said sternly keeping his ground. Your hand gripped the back of his long coat to keep him from taking any hits.
“Who the hell are you in this situation?” Eren sneered 
“A guy who can actually love her the way she should be loved.” he barked right back
“Y/N.” he called but you didn’t answer “I know you too damn well, now get-”
“I love him Eren! H-he’s been caring for me when I was down and I love him“ while Jean had his cheeks flustered from your profession of love Eren’s heat in rage. Whatever God was out there, more guards had come after hearing the shouting. 
“The hell is going on in here” Levi spoke up seeing you behind Jean and the tension of the room spoke for itself. “You two out and upstairs now.” he said sternly. He had to be the cold captain to mask his worry about you both. Jean puts you in front of him and escorts you out of the cell and you could faintly hear 
“i fucking loved you....“
Getting you upstairs as fast as he could he walks you into a small office and locks the door. After locking the door he turns to you and embraces you into his chest 
“Did he hurt you? Are you okay? Does anything hurt?“ he asked cheking your head and wrists 
“Im okay Jean...“ you say almost quietly “Just...“ you hold back
“I won’t force you to say anything...but I’m here for you, okay?“ he tries to comfort you
You step forward and crash your forehead on to his chest. “hold me?” you didn’t mean for it to sound weak and broke but you were just shaken at the moment. He took you into his arms in mere seconds. Walking slowly backwards he sits on a couch with you in his lap. He held you tightly almost as if you were going to be ripped form his arms. He’d press kisses every now and then to your head and whisper things like 
“I love you“
“You’re so strong“
“no one will ever hurt you“
It still hurt. It was still there. Maybe you weren’t as strong as you thought or wanted to be. Yet, at this moment you felt the safest you ever have in a long time. Jean’s warmth, his scent, his whole aura engulfed you. Almost like you were in a safety blanket, one that protected you from the world. Even from someone who was once your world...
I hope this was okay! ❤️
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nugnthopkns · 4 years
i’ll wait and i’ll listen
word count: 2.1k
warnings: mentions of deafness/hearing loss, cursing, i think that’s it
recommended listening: new song | maggie rogers & del water gap
a/n: hi! first and foremost, i want to say that this is based off my own personal experiences with a deaf father, and it is in no way a reflection of how other people or families with hearing issues operate. this is just how we live and how my dad goes about life. with that out of the way, enjoy some soft nolan content i threw together in 45 minutes. pretty sure i made this gender neutral, but please point out any mistakes!
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There’s no legitimate reason for you to be so apprehensive about Nolan meeting your parents.
He’s a great person who is all you could ever ask for in a partner. The two of you get along like peas in a pod, and honestly most of the time your relationship feels like two friends hanging out. Of course there’s a bit more romance involved – but being with Nolan is so easy you barely have to think about it. 
Your parents aren’t the issue either. They’re both incredibly supportive of your relationship, and anything else you do. If it weren’t for them, you never would have left home – they’re the ones who packed the car and drove you all the way to Philadelphia. You never would have met Nolan if they hadn’t practically forced you out of the house and into the world. 
Truthfully, both parties would probably get along great. Your mother is kind and welcoming, and your father has interests similar to Nolan’s. Your younger siblings adore him – they came to visit one weekend and you took them to an afternoon game at Wells Fargo Centre, and afterwards the four of you went out for burgers. Since then they talk to him regularly, and have been begging for you to return home with Nolan. You can tell your parents are getting antsy too – after all, you’ve been with Nolan for nearly two years. 
Yes, Nolan has a busy schedule that doesn’t allow for much travel, but there have been plenty of opportunities over the years for everyone to get together. You’re the one who always comes up with a reason for him not to meet your parents. One time you were ‘sick’, another you were too busy with work to make the trip home. It isn’t that you’re worried they won’t approve or that Nolan will resent them. You’re apprehensive about bringing Nolan around because you’re worried there will be a communication barrier. 
Your dad is deaf, and Nolan doesn’t exactly enunciate his words well. His voice is also exceptionally deep, which doesn’t help much. It isn’t a secret, your father’s hearing issues, and you’ve spoken to Nolan about them numerous times. Most of the time it’s you fretting about it getting worse and he listens intently while you sob into his chest. Since the hearing loss came from years of working around loud machines, it was gradual, which was frustrating for him. You were in high school when he got hearing aides, but eventually they lost their desired effect. Now your dad relies on reading lips and other non-aural markers like hand gestures to fill in the gaps. 
“Babe, I have to meet them at some point,” Nolan says through a mouthful of pasta. “Especially since I plan on sticking around.”
Your mom had called earlier in the afternoon to ask when you were coming home next. The upcoming weekend is free in your schedule, and when you told her she insisted you bring Nolan. He’s out for the season with the migraine related issues so you couldn’t exactly lie and say he was going to be out of town. Instead, you fed her some bullshit excuse and said you’d check to see if he could move some stuff around. 
“I know,” you sigh. “I just don’t want you or my dad getting frustrated if talking doesn’t go smoothly.”
Nolan pushes his chair back from the table and walks to stand behind you. He rubs your shoulders soothingly and leans down to whisper in your ear. “There are a million and ten other ways I can communicate with him Sweetheart. Don’t worry about it.”
Deep down, you know he’s right. There’s no reason the two of them can’t communicate, even if they can’t do it verbally. After discussing it more and ironing out all your doubts, you call your mom back to let her know both you and Nolan will be coming. A small weight lifts from your chest, knowing that you’ll get the first meeting over with, but dread slowly creeps in. There are so many ways it could go wrong. 
You and Nolan stand on the doorstep of your childhood home hand in hand. As if he can sense how nervous you are, Nolan squeezes gently, reminding you of his unwavering presence. 
“Whatever happens isn’t going to change the fact that I love you,” he says, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. 
To steady yourself from the negative thought swirling in your brain you lean closer to Nolan. He wraps his arm around your shoulder and uses his free hand to knock on the door. Less than two seconds your sister is bounding towards the door and flinging it open. 
“Mom! Y/N and Nolan are here!”
She steps to the side and lets the pair of you in. You shrug off your jacket and hang it on the rack behind the door – Nolan copies. As soon as you’re inside the entryway your mother is wrapping you in a massive hug. 
“I’m so glad you’re home darling,” she says, arms tight around you. “Was the drive okay?”
You go to answer her question but her attention is turned to your very tall boyfriend who is standing beside you like a deer caught in the headlights. 
“You must be Nolan. It’s so nice we could finally meet. Y/N has told me a lot about you.”
Nolan clears his throat before speaking, his deep voice echoing slightly off the ceiling. “All good things I hope,” he laughs, looking to you for reassurance. 
Nodding your head, you join in his laughter. You travel farther into the house, giving your brother a fistbump when you pass him in the hall. When you moved out your parents converted your room into a sophisticated guest bedroom, so there aren’t any embarrassing posters from your teenage years on the walls for Nolan to make fun of. You quickly unpack your suitcase, wanting to get back downstairs and spend time with your family. It’s been a while since you’ve been home, and you missed them more than you thought. 
“Is your dad here?” Nolan asks, hanging the couple of sweaters you guys brought up in the closet. 
You glance at the clock on the wall, you shake your head. “He’ll be home from work just before dinner.” 
The two of you head downstairs to chill with your siblings, but not without sharing a few kisses that make your spine tingle. At your brother’s insistence the four of you head to the basement to partake in an air hockey tournament. Though Nolan can hold his own in the NHL, he’s rather miserable at this iteration of the game. Your sister eliminates him in under five minutes, and after a hard fought battle you defeat your brother. 
Nolan tries to coach you before the gold medal game but you laugh him off. “Nol, you were terrible. I think I can hold my own.”
He breathes out harshly through his nose, but you know he isn’t upset with your teasing. “Fine,” he mumbles, “See if you can win without my all-star advice.”
Your sister manages to win in a shootout. It was a close game, and you challenge her to a rematch after dinner. She accepts, insisting you’ll lose again. Nolan bets he can race her around the property, so you move outside. Your mom lets you know dinner will be ready soon, and you throw her a thumbs up. 
Though your sister is a fast runner, she’s got nothing on Nolan’s six foot frame. He passes her with ease, cheekily throwing her the finger as he rushes by. You’re the finish line and instead of stopping when he reaches you, Nolan throws you over his shoulder and continues running through the yard. 
Your laugh rings out as you kick your feet. “Put me down!” you shriek. When he makes no attempt to prove he listened to your cries, you try again. “Nol, come on, put me down. If you fall it’ll be really bad.”
Knowing you’re right, Nolan stops moving and gingerly places you on the ground. His hands move to cup your face and he plants a warm kiss on your lips. You refuse to let it get too far, but you lean into him slightly and sigh when he pulls away. 
In the distance you hear your mom calling for dinner. “Kids, it’s time to eat,” she says. “Your father just got home.”
Your heart beat rises exponentially, and your steps drag slightly as you get closer to the door. Nolan notices, but doesn’t say anything. Instead he flashes you a smile that’s reserved just for you and makes your heart melt. 
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll make sure I don’t mumble.”
In the dining room, you guide Nolan to sit beside your dad. You figure it’s the spot where he has the best chance of hearing your boyfriend, and no one seems to protest. They give each other a polite nod while the rest of you rush to place everything on the table and serve the food. 
Once everyone is sitting, Nolan takes the initiative to introduce himself. “It’s nice to meet you Sir,” he says a bit slower than his normal speaking voice, making sure to clearly enunciate his words. 
There’s no response from your father, and you suck in a breath. You watched him focus on Nolan’s lips while he spoke, but you fear he still couldn’t quite understand what your boyfriend said. It takes a few more beats for him to process what was spoken, but then your dad is cracking a smile and holding his hand out for Nolan to shake. 
“Glad Y/N isn’t hiding you from us anymore. I thought the first time I’d meet you was at the engagement party.” His voice is a few decibels louder than everyone else’s, due to not being able to hear himself, but Nolan doesn’t seem to mind. 
They slip into an easy conversation about work and hunting, asking each other a million questions. There’s barely room for any one else to contribute but the rest of you don’t mind – it’s been a long time since your dad has been able to go this long without asking someone for assistance. Of course there’s a few bumps in the road – Nolan not speaking clearly or looking elsewhere while telling a story, but that was to be expected. You step in when needed, repeating phrases and recreating scenes with hand actions. Overall, the meal goes swimmingly, and the two men leave the table eagerly to swap stories. 
You spend the time catching up with your mother, and she gushes over how Nolan is handling everything. “He’s doing so well,” she exclaims. “He’s so patient with your dad, waiting to make he understood what was said before continuing, and he doesn’t have an issue repeating himself a few times. You really lucked out Y/N.”
“I know,” you say honestly. “He’s simply the best.”
It’s a few hours later that Nolan finds his way back to you. You arch your brow, wondering what he got up to, and he explains that your dad took him for a walk in the forest to show him the deer he’d been tracking the past couple of weeks. It’s heartwarming that they get along so well, and you feel a little silly for fretting over what would happen. 
“Your dad is nice,” Nolan shrugs as you crawl into bed beside him. “I could hardly tell he was deaf most of the time.”
You tuck yourself into his side and hum. “He does a great job of not letting it define him,” you agree. “But thank you for being so patient with him.”
A small peck is placed to your shoulder blade and you sigh at the contact of Nolan’s lips on your skin. “He did grumble about how my voice is too deep,” he laughs. “Said he could barely hear me. Once I knew that I made sure to speak clearly and let him read my lips.”
You’re speechless. None of your friends or past romantic partners had made that much of an effort to treat your dad like he was a person. They got short with him for needing them to slow down or repeat themselves, and often would refuse to see him again. It’s part of the reason you were so hesitant to introduce Nolan – you wanted to protect him from another person who might treat him differently because he can’t hear.
“I really fucking love you,” you whisper into the darkness. 
You can practically hear the grin in Nolan’s voice as he speaks. “I really fucking love you too.”
The rest of your stay will go just fine, you think as you drift to sleep. There was nothing to worry about, and you can’t wait to watch a friendship blossom between your dad and boyfriend. 
taglist: @jamiedrysdales @kiedhara @tortito @boqvistsbabe​ if you want to be added shoot me an ask :)
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flyersheartbreaker · 3 years
Forever By Your Side| Isaac Ratcliffe
a/n: this is my first imagine that I am officially publishing! I am very excited to share all of my writing content and series with you guys :)
Pair: Isaac Ratcliffe x reader
Summary: Watching your boyfriend Isaac get seriously hurt during one of his home games and watching him battle through the toughest injury a hockey player could battle, so he can continue on with dream playing in the NHL
Warnings: Hockey Injuries, Cussing, Cute Fluff
Word Count: 3,321 words
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It was just another ordinary Sunday afternoon watching a game live from the PPL center here in Allentown, Pennsylvania or so I thought. The game was going really well with the Phantoms up 3-1 on the Hershey Bears half way through the second period. There was your beloved star-studded boyfriend number 19 carrying the puck up against the boards through the neutral zone when suddenly bam everything went to complete silence, except for that shear sound that you wish you could so badly get out of you head.
I jumped out of my seat and darted up the stairs from the lower-level seats that I was sitting in with some of the other girlfriends. I can hear the god-awful scream ringing in my ears over and over again that was coming down from ice level. The crowd was silent, so quiet that you could probably hear a pin drop and when that happens you know for a fact that it isn’t good. Nothing ever good comes from silence at a time like this and I needed to get down to the locker rooms as quick as possible.
Isaac got hit hard up against the boards and fell awkwardly down to the ground, and his right foot looked like it twisted the wrong way. He's had rough collisions before, but never like this. Isaac is a big dude that you surely didn’t want to ending up colliding with, but this time it looked like Isaac got the wrong end of the play. I never in my life ever heard him yell in absolute pain like the wat he was when the trainers and his teammates were trying to help his 6-foot-6 body off of the ice.
My heart was in my stomach as I was racing down the stairs that would lead me to the home locker rooms. I quickly flashed my team badge to the security guard Frank without saying a word. He must have known it wasn’t good either, as he told me to breathe and be careful myself as I jumped down the last few steps.
If Isaac had a season ending injury, it would kill him. He was just heating up and playing his best hockey yet and working his ass off day in and day out so he could eventually make the Flyers roster within this season or even next season for sure. But if his season is over that means his chances of getting to the NHL level could be too and that would just destroy him completely.
As soon as I rounded the corner to the trainer's office, I saw him being helped on to the examine table. His face was as red as a cherry, and he was in a lot of pain. The trainers quickly started icing the area the best that they could as they slowly untied his skate and too it off of him.
“He is definitely going to need some X-Rays done immediately and possibly an MRI as well depending on what the results of the X-Rays are.” The Phantoms trainer Brian Grogesky said to Neil who was one of the Phantoms physicians.
“Jeff and Robert are on their way down from the press box and getting the emergency X-Ray equipment ready. In the mean time you need to relax the best that you can Isaac.” Neil said to Isaac as Isaac tried his best laying down comfortably on the examine table.
Both Brian and Neil noticed me standing outside of the door of the trainer's room and signaled me to come on in, in hopes that Isaac could ease up and relax a little bit more with me by his side.
“Hello, y/n! Looks like we got a live one here and that big boy landed pretty hard on that ankle of his.” Brian said trying to make light of the situation.
Isaac sat up on his elbow and looked me dead in the eyes. I can see and feel the pan behind them, my heart sank even more for him. I just want him to be okay, I want him to be able to play the rest of this season, he worked way too fucking hard for this to happen to him.
“Hey babes, how is the pain?” I said walking over to Isaac and grabbing his hand while kissing him ever so lightly and carefully.
“It's a bitch babe if I am being honest. I’m trying not to think of the worst, but I can’t help it. This isn’t fair, why me? Why fucking me?” Isaac said in more frustration.
“Isaac, don’t get too far ahead of yourself. We don’t know the actual results just yet. But whatever the outcome is you can come back from it stronger than ever. Hockey injuries is sometimes apart of the game as silly and stupid as it sounds, but you’re a fighter and you got this.” Neil said as he placed another bag of ice on Isaac’s ankle.
“They are right babe, your team trainers, physicians and any other doctors have your best interests. Let’s get you into the X-Ray room and then go from there okay big guy.” I said while planting another kiss onto Isaac’s lips.
Jeff brought in some crutches for Isaac to use, so they can take him down the hall to get the X-Rays taking care of. I am hoping that is all that Isaac is going to need and that whatever it is, it's a quick recovery.
After a few short minutes Isaac was crutching back out of the X-Ray room with a look of disappointment on his face.
“Oh no babe...how bad is it?” I asked him while he collects himself.
“It’s not broken...but they are sending me for an MRI early tomorrow morning to see if that shows up with anything and then go from there.” He said in a low tone.
“Well, that is a plus sign that it isn’t broken. You got to be positive about this honey, you need to be optimistic. You can't be negative. Everything is going to work out for the best. Hopefully it's just a minor sprain and you will be back on the ice in no time.” You told Isaac as you wrapped yourself around his side.
All of Isaac’s staff and trainers helped Isaac out of the arena and to his car and safety got him into the passenger seat while, I got into Isaac’s driver's seat.
“Alright, make sure when you get home you put more ice on that ankle for at least 15-20 mins on and then same time off. Do it throughout the night if you can and also, make sure you are using the crutches as much as possible and for the love of God Isaac do not put any pressure on that ankle until after we get the MRI results and see exactly what is going on. We don’t want to make the injury any worse than what it could already be. Try to get some much-needed rest and we will see you in the morning.” Brian said closing the passenger door.
The ride back to Isaac’s apartment complex was extremely quiet. I didn’t know what to say or what to do, so I just let Isaac sit there and pounder in his thoughts alone without me distracting him. Which probably wasn’t a good idea, because I know my boyfriend, I know for a fact that he is thinking the worst possible scenario that he could think of right now.
I helped Isaac out of the car and into the elevators up to his apartment and got him comfortably settled on the couch with his foot/ankle elevated and two ice packs placed on the injured area.
“Do you want or need anything? You want me to bring out another pair of comfy clothes for you?” You asked Isaac as you placed a pillow behind his head/back and placed a blanket right by him as well.
“No, I’m fine...” He whispered as scrolled on his iPad to rewatch the ending of the game and rewatch highlights and the moment of his injury.
You so badly, wanted to say something along the lines to him like "babe don’t be watching that now, it wasn’t your fault, there was nothing that you could have done to prevented that from happening, so on and on.” But deep down you knew nothing would make him feel better until he knew what the main results were. And as the night went on, you could see the realization hit him that this was going to keep him out for a while. He just looked sad, and drained.
After a couple of hours, another X-Ray, and an MRI later, you and Isaac were sitting there waiting in the trainer's office for the results from both the trainer and team doctors.
Both Brian and Jeff walk in with a folder which I assume held the test results for Isaac’s ankle/foot.
“Well, the good news is the second X-Ray that we took this morning once again showed that there was no brake in both the ankle and the foot.” Brian said.
“And what about the MRI? What did the MRI show?” Isaac asked nervously.
I grabbed Isaac’s hand and interlocked his fingers with mine. I could see the look on both Brian’s, Jeff’s, and even Coach Gordon’s face that this news that they are about to give doesn’t seem to be very promising.
Jeff cleared his throat ever so calmly and spoke. “The MRI came back with a high ankle sprain injury which means we really don’t have a timetable for you to return to at this point of time. This type of injury is extremely difficult to recover from quickly. So, with that being said we need to place you on injury reserve indefinitely until we get more of a clear view on this injury.”
“Out indefinitely...so that could mean that I might be done for the season?” Isaac ever so softly spoke.
“Unfortunately, yes Rat...I am so sorry and with it being late into the season already we don’t want to risk anything further and do anymore damage to the ankle. Brian, Jeff and myself all agreed on shutting you down for the remainder of this year. So, it’s better for you to take this time to heal carefully and properly and then eventually rehab it back to full strength without any other necessary tests or worse case scenario surgeries. Then once you have healed properly, we can train and get you back to 100 percent for next year's rookie and training camp.” Coach Scott Gordon said while looking at both Isaac and myself.
My heart broke ever so much for Isaac, this isn’t fair. I know injuries can be a part of the game sometimes, but why did this have to happen to Isaac and why now?! He has been killing it day in and day out since being drafted in 2017. He deserves his chance at playing at the NHL and now with this setback is he ever going to make it to that level?
The ride to Isaac’s apartment was once again a quiet one and this time I don’t blame him. I mean how is he supposed to react to something like this? What is he supposed to say or do when your head coach, trainer and team doctor shut you completely down for God knows how long.
Isaac settled down on the couch and tossed his crutches to side and unstrapped his high ankle boot so he can comfortably rest his ankle on the pillow in front him.
"Baby, I am so fucking sorry that is happening, it’s not right nor is it fair to you." I said, resting my head on his shoulder while getting cozy next to him.
"What if this is it for me? What if I can't play anymore after this?" He asks, eyes filling with tears.
"Hey, hey, hey, don't say that.  You being negative will only make that happen. You are a fighter Rat...you are one tough, strong as hell hockey player who will power through this. I promise you that." I said grabbing his hand and interlocking our fingers together, while placing a kiss on his hand.
A tear rolls down his cheek ever so slightly. "All I wanted to do was be that excitement that both the Lehigh and Philly fans need. All I wanted ever so badly was to have my chance to make it to the NHL level and it got taken away from me. Why do bad things happen to good people?" Isaac asked broken and frustrated.
Once he started crying, I had lost it. Nothing I could do, or say would take that pain away from him and it just broke my heart. I went into the kitchen and I just cried as grabbed him more ice packs from the freezer. How am I supposed to look at the man that I love, and not have my heart shatter like glass when I look into those eyes that were once so shiny, and bright, but now shows nothing at all?  I have no idea the pain he is going through or the frustrating emotions he is now going through as well and I feel terrible.
I eventually collected myself and walked back out into the living room and ever so easily and softly place the ice packs on the injured area and took my seat back on the couch next to Isaac.
"That's the crappy thing about life.” I breathed as I took a deep breathe myself and continued on. “For some reason, it always attacks the good ones, and praises the hell out of the bad ones." I sob, wiping away not only my own tears but also his tears once again. "We'll get through this. I promise. It'll be hard, and it'll be long, but we're going to pull through this." I tell him as I run my hand through his hair.
He squeezes my other hand tightly. "What if during my time out things don’t get better and I need to get surgery, and it's worse than they thought? That could happen. What if they see that my injury is worse than what they thought and that I am out on the shelf even longer and I completely miss this upcoming season as well? Or worse they tell me that I can't do this anymore?" He asks, gasping for air. "I don't want that to happen and I'm scared to death that it will."
I snuggled beside him even more then I already was, resting my head on his chest, sobbing harder than I was before, because I honestly hate when he thinks that he isn’t good enough or he thinks his career is over because of a minor setback or in this case a possible major setback. "Then we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, okay? Just for now, it's a bump in the road. No journey to greatness is a smooth one Isaac. Whatever the hell happens next, we'll face it together as a team, because I am not leaving your side and letting you fight this injury alone. I know that you so badly want to break and that you feel like this the end of the road, but you need to keep pushing and listen to the training staff and follow their instructions."
"I love you so much." He tells me, sniffling. "Thank you for helping me with this, baby, I couldn’t do this without you" Isaac said while planting a soft and slow kiss on my lips
"I'll help you through anything. No matter what." I said while smiling and kissing him softly back.
It was battle to get Isaac’s ankle back to a healthy, normal, and stable ankle for a hockey player at his height and weight but we were able to do it. It was a long road and journey until Isaac was back out on the ice skating again and preparing himself for this upcoming training camp season.
Isaac looked and felt good, until one day right before the Flyers condensed training camp something didn’t seem right with him.
Isaac met up with Flyers trainer Jim McCrossin and after a deep examination we found out that Isaac was suffering from a fractured rib and a collapsed lung. We don’t know how exactly this had happen or when it happened. It could have been from when he fell during his ankle injury or from being hit during Rookie Camp, we don’t have the answers right now. And once again, here I am watching my boyfriend being completely destroyed and devastated all over again.
Isaac became instantly depressed, and much worst this time around because he knew there was no chance of making the Flyers squad this season and who knew when he could lace up for the Phantoms season as well. But thank God for Jim McCrossin who helped Isaac get the right and special care that he needed and got him completely healthy so he could play for the rest of this Phantoms season as well.
Isaac was getting game day dressed for a home game here in Allentown. I sat on the bed and watched/admire him as he fixes his tie in the mirror.
"Try not to worry about tonight so much baby, you are going to absolutely kill it out there like always. Once you get out on that ice, I have no doubt in my mind you will play just like how you used to before all of these setbacks. And just remember that no matter how easy, or how hard tonight’s game is going to be I'll be here for you always. But also, please promise me one thing, that if you don’t feel right to let your staff know immediately because I never want to see you get hurt like this again.” I said walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his torso.
"I promise babe, I know that I need to take my health more seriously and whatever happens, happens. One day I will make my dream a reality and officially play in the NHL, but for the time being I got to focus on the now and my health." He said as he spun around and kissed me.
Watching Isaac warm up made my heart race and beat fast. But it was all worth seeing him back out there skating with the team and his boys. He looked so good and happy out on the ice and that is all that I could ever ask for.
The journey was extremely hard and long this past summer and fall for both Isaac and I, but in the end it definitely made us a stronger unit in our relationship and it has totally made Isaac a stronger hockey player both physically and mentally.
After the game, I bolted down to the locker room this time excitedly to see my boyfriend, not in a complete shear panic like last time and waited for Isaac to come out after he was done with the media.
The door swung open and I immediately saw Isaac and jumped right into arms like a little high school girl. “Babeee, you were beyond amazing tonight! I am so very proud of you, how are you feeling?” I asked nervously but giddy at the same time.
Isaac picked me up and kissed me ever so passionately before answering any of my questions that I just threw at him. “I felt good and still feel good. It was awesome to be back out on that ice again playing with the boys in front of our home crowd, their excitement and energy helped out a lot. But truthfully, I couldn’t have done any of this without you, y/n. I love you so much and I can’t wait to continue this amazing hockey journey with you right by myside.”
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IOTA Reviews: Guiltrip
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So, my week has been hell. In addition to working night and day on final essays for my classes, I've been really busy at work lately, and the second COVID vaccine shot really took a lot out of me this week. And that's not even getting into the bureaucratic nonsense that comes with applying for the MTEL which is slowly making me wonder if I actually want to teach in the first place.
But, despite all that, there was a single light of hope this week that almost made it all worth it.
Oh yeah, there was also a new episode of Miraculous Ladybug that aired on the same day too, I guess. It was pretty good. Hell of a lot better than the past three episodes I've sat through.
Let's get into the fifth (chronologically the eleventh) episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fourth season: Guiltrip
We start off in the middle of class where we see Marinette looking at Adrien lovingly.
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Because the writers are still trying to push the Love Square on us as if they were trying to sell us some death sticks. And yes, expect a few Star Wars jokes in this review. This episode did premiere on May 4th after all.
Rose suddenly gets a headache, and asks to go to the nurse, saying that “Miss Dora” is back. While walking there with Marinette, she explains that it's a code name she gives when her head hurts and can tell Miss Bustier without letting everyone know. She probably felt a name like “Maya Grain” would just give it away.
At lunch, Juleka gets a text that really upsets her, so Marinette tries to cheer her up. Keyword being “tries”.
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Okay, yes, this is referencing the previous scene, where Rose refers to a certain snack at the nurse's office she eats to recover her health whenever “Miss Dora” visits called “Mr. Coffee”, but it's just bad timing. I get Marinette has a habit of not reading the room, but why did she have to use the term “Miss Dora” when she knows what it's being used for? Sure, she doesn't know that Juleka knows, but did she really have to say “Miss Dora”? She couldn't have used any other name instead? It's like making a chemotherapy joke when you just found out someone close to you has cancer. Even putting the context aside, what is this joke's punchline supposed to be? That “Miss Dora” will visit Juleka if she eats her lunch? Even by the humor standards of this show, the joke fails spectacularly.
Marinette bumps into Adrien, and although she stutters a little with a little exaggerated body movement, she does manage to take things seriously so she can have an actual conversation with Adrien about Juleka, who wants to be alone. She explains that the text she got was from Rose, who was sent to the hospital because of her sickness, and the entire class finds out because Marinette texted everyone to come to check on Juleka.
Goddamn it, Marinette. I usually defend you for getting screwed over by the writing, but you really aren't on your A game today.
Juleka explains that Rose got this sickness when she was little, which naturally worried everyone else. To make things worse, Juleka also says Rose made her swear to not tell anyone about her to worry her. Everyone else swears to not let Rose know that they know, and the act of support is actually enough to drive away an Akuma targeted at Juleka.
Unfortunately, nobody ever said anything about being overly affectionate to Rose, so everyone in the class tries to do things for Rose like carry her bags, giving her a pillow to sit on in school, helping her take notes, letting her cut in line at lunch, and giving her apples.
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All of this makes Juleka remorsefully tell Rose that she told everyone else, which worries her because she hates all the special treatment, so she goes to tell them all about her illness. While they seem to accept her, the next time she sneezes, they overreact like, uh... how can I make this joke in a tasteful way?
Rose says she's had enough with all the treatment, which makes Juleka feel guilty. In the bathroom, she gets akumatized into Reflekta (yet again) with a Sentimonster named Guiltrip. And then Reflekta immediately gets sucked into the Sentimonster, which will cause it to go out of control. Nice job, Shadowmoth.
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While it might not look like much, this is easily my favorite Sentimonster by far. Granted, that's not saying much, given all we've gotten so far for Sentimonsters is bootleg Mothra, sentient candy, a robotic doll, a frog with a body count, yet another evil doppelganger, and an eye, but my point still stands. Rather than actually confront the heroes, it's basically a portal to another world where it can trap people in bubbles that represent their regrets and despair, and turn them into copies of Reflekta.
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It's a really strong metaphor which reminds me of the villains from Kamen Rider Wizard, who tried to drive their victims to despair in order to turn them into monsters. Ironically, that show's main villain is also some asshole in white who was risking countless lives just to save someone close to him. In general, the area inside of Guiltrip is visually stunning, and easily the highlight of the episode. It's just so surreal, and it really sets the tone the episode's going for.
Ladybug and Cat Noir arrive on the scene, and also get sucked into the portal, seeing some of the victims before they also start to fall into despair. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but this is one of the few times where Angstdrien Depreste is thematically appropriate. Cat Noir points out that if they had simply defeated Shadowmoth by now, none of this would be happening, which is a good point. He even attempts to kill himself using his Cataclysm, but unlike RWBY, they don't try to glorify it.
This also leads to Rose managing to fight off Guiltrip's powers with her optimistic personality (so I guess you could say she's A New Hope for the heroes), inspiring Ladybug to compliment Cat Noir. While I'd normally be pissed that this is yet another way to boost his ego, it does fit in with the episode's theme of positive thinking. Well, with the exception of one line where she points out what her time as Ladybug would be like without Cat Noir...
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BEING A SUPERHERO IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE FUN. Yes, there are certain benefits to being a superhero, but it is not a fun game you play when lives are on the line. Why are the writers so dedicated to validate Cat Noir's beliefs that being a hero is just a fun extracurricular activity? Has there ever been a superhero who shares a similar mentality and isn't treated like a complete jackass?
So Ladybug and Cat Noir break free of the bubbles, and after summoning her Lucky Charm, a pickaxe, Ladybug realizes she needs more positivity to break free from Guiltrip. As such, she pulls out the Pig Miraculous and gives it to Rose, who transforms into Pigella. Funny how she forgot her little headache condition when she bangs her head like a death metal singer while transforming.
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The design is... wait, she's not wearing a skin-tight jumpsuit? She's actually wearing something different?
Yeah, I really like the Pigella design. There's a good mix of pink and white, and the skirt really brings the whole thing together. It really reflects Rose's optimistic and bubbly personality.
So the three heroes find Reflekta, who has been consumed by tons of bubbles. Pigella uses her superpower, Gift, to show Reflekta what her heart wants the most right now. So it's basically a more specific version of the Fox Miraculous? In fact, what do pigs have to do with optimism?
Whatever reason, it works, which helps Reflekta to break free of Guiltrip's influence, letting Ladybug de-evilize her. But because we need to have a fight scene in this episode, the Reflekta clones start to attack the heroes, but Ladybug uses the pickaxe to climb out of Guiltrip and purify the Amok.
So Rose hands the Pig Miraculous back to Ladybug, and the episode ends with everyone treating Rose normally in class, realizing she isn't as delicate as she thinks she is.
So yeah, I really like this episode. Aside from a few stupid things Marinette said this episode, I honestly don't have a lot of problems with the episode here.
I also really like the lesson this episode is going for. It doesn't shame Rose for rejecting the help, and it doesn't shame the class for being to overprotective of Rose either. It tries to find a middle ground, which is an important lesson to learn, not just for dealing with a loved one who has an illness, but for disabled people and other kinds of situations where someone has a disadvantage. Even as much as I ragged on Marinette for the text, it's clear that she isn't the only one to blame. In fact, nobody really gets blamed for anything this episode. It's more of a misunderstanding, and both sides find a balance on how to treat Rose.
It's overall a really good episode, and the second best one so far this season. And you know what? This episode taught me the importance of staying positive, so with that in mind, maybe I shouldn't be dreading “Queen Banana” when it comes out this week.
Wait, what? It got pushed back two weeks? Oh, THANK GOD! Now I feel like dancing. And I know exactly what song to dance to...
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keyboardink · 3 years
Sam and Deena are completely oblivious that their feelings are mutual, especially when Sam thinks Deena and Kate are together and Peter enters the picture.
pairing: samantha “sam” fraser x deena johnson / media: fear street trilogy
genre: friends to lovers, angst with hurt/comfort & fluff / word count: 2.6k / rating: pg-13 / warnings: bullying, a bit of swearing
a/n: so this is an au where deena and sam aren’t exes so sam never left shadyside (& kate isn’t all “screw ur ex” ya know). also kate is bi and no one dies. this is based mainly off 1994 (since 1666 hasn’t come out yet haha). please lmk if you like this & want more fear street fics from me. enjoy! :)
"I still can't believe you're dating a Sunnyvaler," Kate said, popping a potato chip into her mouth.
"Doesn't that totally go against the rules of this town?" Simon chimed in, stealing a tater tot from Sam's lunch tray.
"Oh, please," Sam scoffed, swatting Simon's hand away as he reached for a second piece. "He's actually a nice guy if you got to know him."
"Since when has the star quarterback ever been a nice guy?" Kate replied, earning a raised eyebrow from Simon. "Look, just because I cheer for them doesn't mean I like them."
The stiff wooden table rattled as Deena dropped into a seat across from Sam and next to Kate. She tried to pull her bomber jacket around herself quickly--
"New shirt?" Kate asked.
--but she wasn't quick enough.
"No," Deena sighed, letting the jacket hang open to expose a black, skin-tight tank top underneath. It used to be her favorite, previously baggy in all the right places, but it returned from her last laundry day one-size-too-small. "It just shrunk in the wash and I was running late." She kept her eyes down, focused on the unappetizing cafeteria food in front of her.
Kate eyed her for a moment, then looked over at Sam, who was practically drooling over this new shirt that provided a perfect V-shaped view from where she was sitting.
"I know you're not a fan of tight clothes," Kate countered, "but it looks nice on you. Makes your boobs look amazing."
Deena playfully elbowed Kate's arm, a small smile brightening her downcast expression.
Sam watched the two girls as it unfolded - the low-cut shirt, the raised eyebrows from Kate as she scanned Deena's body, the laughter following her joking shove. Had she imagined the flickers of lighthearted tension between them? She averted her gaze, envy bubbling up in her throat. She pulled her tucked hair out from behind her ears to cover the burning, red blush she felt building there.
"So, what were you guys talking about?" Deena asked, insecurity still swimming in her mind despite Kate's compliment. She looked up at Sam, who appeared to be too interested in her tater tots to hear the shirt dilemma. Although she was somewhat relieved, she felt a pang of disappointment at Sam's disinterest; she was the only person Deena had hoped would look at her.
"Sam's got a new boyfriend," Simon answered, his voice half-muffled by a mouthful of dull-brown burger, oblivious to the sideways glances being thrown around the table.
"And he's from Sunnyvale," Kate added, spitting out the town name as though it tasted worse than the school lunch.
"What? Isn't that, like, against town law or something?"
"That's what I'm saying!" Simon accidentally spewed small chunks of meat on his tray in the midst of his excitement.
"What's his name?" Deena covered herself with her jacket again.
"Peter? Oh, come on, you could've at least picked a guy who didn't have a basic name," Simon rolled his eyes, as if 'Simon' was the most unique name on the planet.
"Honestly, yeah, kinda sounds a little too basic," Deena said, her eyebrows furrowed. She felt a heat tightening within her chest. She was angry at herself, at Sam, at the world.
"I'm not making him up, if that's what you're suggesting." Sam cast a glare across the table, but it didn't stop them.
"Which Peter? I mean, there's Peter Williams, Peter Anderson, Peter Moore..." Simon counted along on his fingers.
"Oh, no," Deena interrupted, a smirk pulling her lips. "He goes to another school. You wouldn't know him."
The two threw their heads back and laughed. Deena felt the fury in her chest loosen slightly, a bit of relief found in the pain she caused others. It was her defense mechanism: when the world turns to shit, you act even worse - that's how you survive.
Sam was on her feet, her eyes full of tears and frustration. "His name's Peter Brody, and he's number 29 on the Sunnyvale football team, and he's actually a good fucking guy, unlike you." Her eyes narrowed, focusing on Deena, who suddenly didn't find the whole thing all that funny anymore.
And with that, Sam picked up her lunch tray, turned on her heel, and walked out of the cafeteria.
Monday dragged on, every class seeming longer than usual for both Sam and Deena as they sat in separate silences. Though apart, they each felt the same waves of guilt, anger, and sadness wash over them in cycles as clocks ticked their way to the end of the school day.
Deena was walking out of band practice, which had only extended her already-exhausting day, when she spotted a familiar head of blonde leaning against the cinder-block wall across the hallway.
"Hey," Sam said, reaching her hand out slightly. Her hair was tied back, adorned with an azure bow, and she wore her cheerleading uniform to match.
Deena stopped as guilt flooded her lungs once again. "Hey," she replied in a whisper muffled by her emotions.
"I just got out of practice. Want to walk together?"
Deena could tell Sam was lying. Kate normally waited with her, and they would both be shiny with sweat. The water bottle in Sam's hand was almost empty, meaning she had likely been waiting for quite a while.
Deena nodded, and they started to make their way towards the exit that led to the student lot.
"I just wanted to say sorry," Sam began, "for earlier. It was pretty shitty of me to say that."
"Yeah, but I was being shitty, too." Deena pushed open the heavy, navy-blue door. Sunlight blinded both of them. "I just can't believe you'd get a boyfriend and not tell me."
Sam stayed silent, unable to come up with a reply. Deena had been the first person she wanted to tell, but Kate saw Peter grab her ass after last weekend's game, and suddenly her boyfriend was all anyone could talk about. Sam didn't even know why she had agreed to go out with him in the first place. Everyone had said it must've been a prank, because why else would a Sunnyvaler date a Shadysider? Something about the whole relationship gave Sam a twinge of nausea if she thought about it too much, so she just tried not to think about it.
But she had wanted to tell Deena. She had wanted to see if she would be even a little jealous at the idea of her having a boyfriend. It just hadn't played out that way.
"See you tomorrow?" Sam said, stopping at the curb.
"Is your dad picking you up?" Deena looked around for the familiar, beat-up Ford that Sam's father drove, but to no avail.
"He should be here soon."
Deena knew he had a tendency to flake on his daughter, despite being the one who got custody in their divorce battle. Although Deena hated him for his neglect, she was silently, selfishly grateful that Sam didn't move to Sunnyvale with her mom. Regardless, if her dad wasn't here now, the sun would probably set before he'd remember to show up.
"Come on," Deena said. "I'll drive you home."
The drive was almost-silent. A disc played Pixies at a volume low enough to just barely understand over the sound of rumbling tires on uneven gravel. Sam's house was a bit out of the way for Deena, but as she was slowly realizing, she'd do almost anything for her.
"Thanks for the ride," Sam smiled sheepishly, pulling her backpack up from the floor. She started to open the car door, then hesitated. "Actually, wait, can I ask you something?"
Deena's heart leapt into her throat. "Shoot."
"Are you and Kate, um... like, together, at all?"
"What? No, no no no." A chuckle slipped past Deena's lips at the idea.
Sam must've thought Deena was laughing at her, because she felt her ears grow warm in embarrassment. "Oh, sorry, I just thought... I saw how you two were at lunch today and it just, I don't know. I thought you weren't telling me something." Sam looked at her sneakers, almost pristine white with the exception of faded grass stains on the toes.
"No, we're just friends, I promise. We've been best friends forever. I mean, she was there when I first got boobs, so, I mean, that's just how we are." Deena immediately cringed at that sentence. Way to make it better, dumbass, she thought.
"Oh. Okay. She just talks about you all the time to me, whenever we're at practice, you know? She'll say things like 'Damn, didn't Deena look really good today?' to me, like, all the time."
Deena let herself laugh at that. "Oh, really? Wooow. Good to know."
"I mean, from that I just kind of assumed that you guys had a thing. How could I not, right?"
Deena nodded, understanding that Kate's comments were her attempts at being a good wingman and not confessions of underlying feelings. "Kate and I both like girls, yeah, but not each other, not like that." Deena's gaze flickered over Sam's face, taking in her eyes, her ears, her lips. "Definitely not like that," she added in a soft whisper.
Sam looked up and smiled sweetly, her stare lingering for a moment too long before she returned to the moment. "Well, thanks again for the ride. See you tomorrow." She gave an adorable little wave as she stepped out of Deena's car.
"See ya," Deena replied, her stomach fluttery.
The days passed, and the friend group of four had returned to almost-normal. The only thing out of place happened on Friday night, after the second football game of the season. Normally, they would all grab pizza and watch a movie after the game, but this time was different.
"Peter invited me to a Sunnyvale party," Sam explained when they met in the middle of the field as the crowd started to file out. "Maybe next week?"
So Deena, Kate, and Simon ate their pizza without Sam, feeling a tangible emptiness where she would normally be.
Kate's house was on the so-called "good side" of town, where the roads had less potholes and the houses had more structure. It was the most Sunnyvale-esque part of Shadyside. Her living room was homey, with family portraits on the walls and a couch that was lived-in but not worn-out. They had rented Candyman from the town's Blockbuster, which played on Kate's boxy TV.
"I don't like this," Simon said, chewing a pepperoni slice.
Kate responded without looking at him. "The pizza or the movie?"
"Actually, I like both of those things," Simon replied with conviction. "I was talking about Sam. It feels... I don't know, lonely?"
"What are we, chopped liver?" Deena joked.
"I mean, some days you can come close to it," he teased back.
They all returned their attention to the movie, red and white light bouncing across their faces. As if on cue, there was a knock on the door at the exact moment a jump-scare flashed on-screen, causing the trio to startle.
"I'll get it," Deena offered, jumping up from her seat.
She opened the front door to reveal Sam, tears rolling down her cheeks. Her hair was slick and her blue uniform looked damp. Her arms were wrapped around herself as she shivered in the cool October air.
"What the fuck happened?" Deena stepped out of the way to let Sam in.
Simon and Kate scrambled to join them when they realized who had arrived.
"Oh my God, what happened?" Kate plucked her school cardigan off the coatrack and wrapped it around Sam's shoulders.
"Did Petey break up with you?" Simon asked. "I mean, you guys were only dating a week. It couldn't've been that serious, right?"
Kate elbowed Simon in the stomach at his insensitive comment, eliciting a pained groan from him.
Sam hugged the cardigan around herself, but moved her arms enough to reveal "IT" scribbled in black Sharpie under her cheerleading uniform's "SH".
"What the fuck?" Deena repeated, this time more to herself than Sam.
"God, those assholes really have no idea how much uniforms cost," Kate muttered.
"And they... they p-poured ice water on m-me," Sam stuttered just as Simon returned from the living room with a throw blanket. She gave him a grateful smile as she enveloped herself in it.
"C'mon, let's sit down, alright?" Kate suggested. "You want a hot cocoa?"
Sam nodded and followed Deena and Simon to the couch, while Kate split off to the kitchen.
"They poured ice water on you?" Deena asked as she sat next to Sam, a hand around her shoulders.
"Th-they got someone to hold my arms back so they c-could write 'shit' on me, and then someone came outside with a bucket, and-" A small sob came out of Sam's throat, and another tear rolled down her cheek.
Deena didn't stop herself before reaching up and wiping it away. She let her fingers stay there for a moment, unable to think clearly.
Simon stood up quietly, making a hushed excuse about helping Kate with the hot chocolate before disappearing into the kitchen.
"He's such a douchebag," Deena muttered, furious that someone would hurt such a sweet creature like Sam. "I'm so sorry. I'll kick his ass for you."
Sam chuckled at her offer. "Can I watch?"
Deena laughed softly at her response, then realized that her hand was still pressed against Sam's cheek and pulled it away. She let it fall onto her leg, but Sam reached over and rested her own hand on Deena's.
After a minute of silence, Sam had almost stopped sniffling when she spoke again. "I don't even know why I agreed to go out with him. Like, damn, he's not even that hot. I could've at least gotten played by a hot guy." Sam half-giggled at herself then sighed. "I should've seen it coming."
"Hey, it's not your fault," Deena said, placing her other hand on top of Sam's. Her hand was cold and delicate between hers, and she hoped that holding it would provide some warmth to her.
"If I'm being honest," Sam continued, "I think I only really went out with him to forget about this other crush."
"Hold up, you never told me about that. Who is it?"
Deena's obliviousness faded away as Sam looked up at her with wide eyes. The jealousy, the talk in her car, the longing that filled the space between them now - at this moment, it all clicked into place.
"Oh," Deena whispered.
"Deena," Sam spoke, hushed as she leaned forward. "Can I...?"
"Please," Deena breathed as their lips touched, soft and scared and new all at once. The thought of crossing a line beyond the point of return flashed through their minds, but it seemed as though they both wanted to push the boundaries. Sam's free hand cupped Deena's cheek shyly, as Deena squeezed her other hand between hers. They treated each other carefully, as though kissing too hard might break the other, which would be a crime worse than death.
"YES!" Kate shouted, giving Simon a high-five. Some hot chocolate spilled out of the mug in her other hand and onto the floor, but they were both too enthusiastic to care.
"Finally, you guys!" Simon ran over to them, wrapping them both in a wide hug from behind the couch as a giant grin spread on his face.
"You guys were watching?!" Deena asked. She felt her cheeks flush as she pulled away.
"Duh!" Simon answered. "We've been waiting for this!"
"Took you guys for-fucking-ever," Kate said with a smile, handing Sam her cup.
Sam held the cup up to her newly-warmed lips, courtesy of Deena, and took a sip, looking over the edge at her. Deena saw her blue eyes crinkle into a smile, and her mouth returned the sweet sentiment.
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Better Off - Frederik Andersen
Summary: After another fight the couple grows distant. Frederik ends up regretting his words once he realizes there are things only Y/n can do for him.
Words: 2229
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“…and the only thing they hear is each other, though no one is saying a word.” - Stig Dagerman
Even the happiest marriages, the most comfortable relationships, and most loyal friendships have their bad days. Even the couples who seem to be madly in love, always happy, and genuinely satisfied in their relationships could fight like the biggest enemies. Both Y/n and Frederik knew that things couldn’t always be good, they had their ups and downs, arguments, and they both said things they later regretted but they never expected to get into a situation they were now in.
It started about a month ago when the new season started. Frederik was thrilled for the new season, relieved they could return to somewhat normal life and Y/n thought she was excited as well but quickly learned it wasn’t the case. Over the seven years of their relationship, two years as a married couple she got used to the lifestyle and the chaos of living with an NHL's goalie. To a certain degree, she even enjoyed the days he was away, and she had time only for herself. But things changed drastically during the lockdown. Y/n started to enjoy having him home all the time and she caught herself wishing for a more traditional life with regular 9:5 jobs. When the new season started she noticed how lonely she felt when he was away and how she missed him more than she used to and it saddened her when on his free days he chose gym or his teammates over her.
Frederik was oblivious to his wife’s feelings in the beginning. After seven years, he didn’t think it was necessary to reassure himself she was okay with him being busy because he knew she was understanding and supportive of him and his career. And after all, she never complained about it anyway. He knew she liked her alone time and being apart worked for them because it made their relationship stronger and they never fell into a stereotype like so many of the couples they knew. He was in an excellent mood, in even better form and because he liked to work on himself he wanted to make up for the time he couldn’t practice so he spent an extra time working out and at the ice rink. Frederik and not only him but also his teammates were so happy to be back that they were busy with hockey and hanging out and Frederik didn’t even notice he made no time for Y/n. The third time he stood her up on a date she let him know how she felt and ever since that day it was all going downhill. At first, he tried to be with her but as if it wasn’t meant to be something always came up which only made Y/n feel worse and it made Frederik more and more frustrated. Eventually, they didn’t even try to spend time together and they drowned in their emotions.
“All you do is whine! Can you even imagine how annoying it is to listen to your never-ending whining and complaining?” He yelled at her out of frustration.
“Oh my god, I don’t care! If you were home a little more often then maybe I wouldn’t have to complain about it.” She yelled right back at him.
“You’re getting repetitive. I don’t remember hearing anything else from you other than this. I’m not at home because then I have to listen to you and I’d rather talk to the wall than to you! I’m better off without you anyway.”
Once he was done talking Y/n looked at him in pure shock and pain, she was speechless and surprised by his words and she didn’t have the energy to fight back. Everything that was said was enough, he made it clear and she wasn’t going to embarrass herself even more. Maybe she was irrational at times but all she wanted was a little more understanding from her husband but now she knew she wasn’t gonna get it.
“Fine,” she said quietly and left him alone in the living room while she locked herself in the bedroom so she could cry and think about it at peace.
Frederik regretted his words the moment he said them out loud. What he said wasn’t true or at least not fully because although he was tired of the fighting, he never dared to wish to get rid of her, to be without her. But he wanted to hurt her because the remorse he felt after every word she told him, after she expressed the pain, he caused made him act like a completely different person. But soon the remorse was replaced by anger. It wasn’t his fault she didn’t communicate with him better, it wasn’t his fault she didn’t tell him in the beginning how she felt, and it wasn’t him who argued about everything. Sure, he knew he played his part in this but there was no way he would take all the blame.
The days passed slowly and each day it got harder to handle the situation. Even the neighbors sensed the tension between the married couple, his teammates knew something was wrong because he was acting strangely but he never told them why, Y/n’s closest friend knew what was going on but Y/n didn’t want to talk about it because it only made things worse. The couple avoided each other at all costs, they slept in different rooms, ate at different times, and didn’t speak a single word. It was like living with a stranger, suddenly they stopped sharing their lives with each other and they lived individually as if they weren’t married.
Y/n continued living her life as if nothing was going on. She woke up every morning at 5:30, made herself breakfast and she was at work by 7. After work, she either hang out with her friends, did some grocery shopping, or went straight home where she hid in the bedroom. On the days Frederik wasn’t home she cooked a dinner and ate it before he returned, on the days he was home she waited until he left for the game and cooked then and every night she left a plate for him in the kitchen just in case he didn’t eat that day. Although she tried to act like she didn’t care about him since her ego was hurt by his words, she still wanted to make sure he was okay. And a part of her hoped he would soon realize how wrong he was. Mostly she hoped he would start missing her and that it would inspire him to make the first step to work things out. Every game night Y/n watched the game and rooted and cheered for her husband and felt proud of him no matter how angry she was. But the more time she spent alone the more she thought, and it only made her realize Frederik wasn’t the one to be blamed. Y/n knew he was doing his best, but she never appreciated it. Oh god, of course, he did his best, he loved her, and he didn’t mean what he said. She knew it but her stubbornness didn’t let her go to him and apologize for her behavior. Every time she was ready to go to him something told her she still deserved more time and attention from her husband.
Every night when Frederik returned home, he felt uncomfortable. Their home felt empty and cold without her waiting for him and he felt like a stranger in his own home. It was equally theirs, everything belonged to them both but now he couldn’t help but think it was now more Y/n’s than his because she was the one who turned the apartment into a home. Every night he found washed dishes in the kitchen and he never hesitated and put everything where it belonged so she wouldn’t have to do it the next day. Every night there was a dinner waiting for him and he ate it happily because it gave him a sign, she still cared about him. Every night he saw a light in their bedroom and as he passed by it, he fought a terrible urge to go inside and go to his wife. It was unbelievably hard to sleep in the guest room when Y/n was so close and he wanted nothing more than to hug his wife and kiss her goodnight but he thought sleeping in a different room was necessary and that giving her time was the right thing to do.
And in their stubbornness, they continued living like this for a few more days.
One night Frederik returned home broken and devastated after their biggest loss of the season. The Leafs lost 1:8 to Bruins and even though everyone tried to be nice to him and reassured him it wasn’t only his fault he knew they were lying. This loss was on him. He was horrible, he couldn’t focus on the game and for the most part, he didn’t even care. He returned home and wanted nothing more than to hug Y/n and be held by her because she was the only one who could calm him down, cheer him up, and bring back his confidence. Normally she would be at the game or at least waiting for him with her arms open but that night he once again returned to an empty apartment. He saw the light from their bedroom, and he heard a tv playing and for a moment he believed she watched the game and saw how terrible he was. He left his bag in the hall and went straight to the living room where he lay down on the couch and regretted everything he’s done in the past few days. He was afraid to check his phone or turn on the tv because he knew everyone would talk about how badly he played, he trembled from anxiety and he wanted to force himself to go to her but shame didn’t let him ask her for help.
Y/n impatiently waited for Frederik to come back home. She watched the game and cried when she saw how much he struggled that evening and she knew how sad he was going to be. Her heart skipped a few beats when she heard the front door open and close behind him and she didn’t know what to do. Her pride told her not to go to him and pretend to be asleep and to let him deal with it alone since he’d rather talk to a wall. But the bigger side of her, the side of her that loved her husband endlessly wanted to go to him and make sure he was going to be okay.
Twenty minutes later when it almost drove them both crazy, they stood up at the same time ready to make the first move. Frederik found the courage to apologize and headed to the bedroom hoping she wasn’t asleep, and Y/n got out of bed and headed to the living room to ask Frederik how he felt. They met midway and without thinking, Y/n ran to him and jumped into his arms and he held her as close to his body as was possible and immediately felt much better. He slowly carried her to their bedroom where they lay on the bed in silence for a while before they found the right words to say.
“I watched the game,” she spoke softly. “Is it stupid to ask you how are you feeling?” She said with almost an unheard chuckle.
“I feel terrible,” he admitted. “And all I wanted all night was to get home to you because you’re the only one who can calm me down.”
“I’m so sorry Freddie, for everything,” Y/n whispered and came closer to him, he hugged her tightly and rested his head on her shoulder and stroked her hand which helped him to calm down even more. “I felt really lonely because I loved being with you all the time and I liked the idea of having the ordinary and boring life everyone else has. But now I know I wouldn’t trade it for anything because this is our life, this is who we are, and I love it that way.”
Frederik relaxed under Y/n’s touch, he forgot all about the game and he felt ready to face the consequences the following day. He felt more secure now when he knew she had his back and he couldn’t even remember what caused the issues between them or how he could ever tell her he was better off alone without her. “I regret what I said because it’s completely nonsense. I’m useless without you.”
“You most definitely are,” she joked to ease up the situation. “We can forget about everything and try a little more to balance our private lives with our careers. And I promise not to complain when you’re busy.”
“I’d like that,” he said smiling and kissed Y/n’s cheek. Just now he fully realized how much he missed this and how much he needed it. “You make my life easier Y/n.” He whispered into her ear.
The couple soon fell asleep in each other’s arms. It was the first time in almost two weeks they fell asleep with ease and feeling completely calm and happy.
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brockadoodles · 4 years
ho ho hopefully - t. seguin
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AN: This is like... PURE fluff. Pure soft, Christmas themed, fluffy fluff with our resident idiot, Segs. But like, kind of what we deserve for Christmas, no? Totally based on the BEST Christmas song in existence, Ho Ho Hopefully, by the Maine. Tagging the seggy queen @texanstarslove​ in this one, since I think she’ll enjoy it. It’s a bit shorter than most, but let me know what you think!
Word Count: 2222
Warnings: None.
December first, I’m in a foreign state, I’m running late, I’m all alone, wishing I was home with you, baby.
It shouldn’t have mattered. It shouldn’t have been a big deal to miss it. It was one year, objectively, you could start on December second, or third, or fourth, or all the way up until Christmas Day and it shouldn’t matter. But there was something about December first, how the first signs of Christmas would start popping up, with lights beginning to pop up on homes and trees slowly starting to be seen in the windows, families decorating together. You probably liked December first more than you even liked Christmas because something about that transitional time from autumn scenery into snow-covered streets that actually made sense was comforting, and with everything going on in your life as of late, the only thing you wanted was to be home on December first, with him.
Tyler knew that December first was special. He knew from the years of knowing and falling in love with you how your eyes lit up at the smallest things, like the first snowfall of the season, even though Vancouver rarely got snow. He knew from the way his own heartbeat faster around you that first year you insisted he help you with a tree, his own love for you he was trying to keep at bay trickling through to the surface. He knew that being home with you was inarguably the one thing you wanted, and there he was stuck in an airport lounge in Boston feeling the farthest away from you he could possibly feel on your favorite day of the year. 
Tyler looked out the window. His eyes were still as he watched the storm get worse and worse outside. Muffled airport announcements in monotone voices announcing delay after delay in flights. Boston was an eight and a half hour flight from Vancouver, and reality was settling in that his chance at maybe, just maybe making it to you with an hour to spare was steadily decreasing with each inch of snow that was falling onto the ground. 
Tyler knew when you started dating that it would be hard. The distance between Dallas and Vancouver was already a hurdle, but the added layer of his career and your own job made the relationship seem nearly impossible. It felt at times like you were two people dangling from a rope, trying to balance too many things at once simply just to be together. But he’d hear your soft voice on the phone, “I can’t wait to see you” murmuring from your lips and it made it all worth it, it made the time difference, the traveling, and the hardships worth it anytime you’d utter those words. 
He wasn’t even entirely sure how it happened, him falling so hard for someone who was almost always half a world away. Everyone in his life cautioned him against it, saying that there was no way it could work, you’re too different of people and too different of lives and it wasn’t rational. But Tyler didn’t care to be rational, because you were his best irrational choice he had ever made, and he knew he was lucky that he got to love you. 
Tyler held his head in his hands and tried to tell himself that it would be okay. He was still getting to see you later that month for Christmas and that was what mattered. But he also couldn’t help being unfathomably irritated at the bad weather that he couldn’t control, the watered-down shitty Dunkin coffee sitting next to him, and the repetitive cycle of delayed flight announcements ruining what was supposed to be an incredible surprise. The Stars had been in Boston finishing up a long road trip where they would now have two days off before a short home stretch of games. The timing had lined up perfectly so that if he flew straight from Boston to Vancouver, he’d get almost two days with you, one of which being your favorite day of the year. But now as he sat in the terminal, the hope of seeing you just kept dwindling bit by bit, and he was coming to the deafening realization that maybe it just wasn’t meant to work out. 
“Any news?” Tyler turned his head quickly at the voice coming from his left. Jamie sat down next to his teammate with a soft frown on his face. Tyler just shook his head and took a sip of his coffee, growing more irritated by the minute. The only thing getting him through it was knowing that even though his surprise was crumbling, you at least couldn’t be disappointed in it since you had no idea he was even planning to come in the first place. But what Tyler didn’t know was that Jamie Benn loved a lot of things, one of which being a classic romantic Christmas surprise, and you had been scheming up a surprise of your own. 
It was a last minute surprise, an idea that you had panickingly called Jamie over just the week prior. You had been going through what might have been the worst day you’d had in months, one of those days where every single event felt like the worst thing in the world. You remember curling up on your couch and crying as you looked through the calendar and Tyler’s schedule, trying to piece together how you could swing a surprise visit between their pre-Christmas packed schedule and your own lack of vacation time from work. It felt like the pieces weren’t fitting, and you were desperate to try. So that’s when you called Jamie, and he patiently combed through the practice schedule with you, helped you book a flight and promised to keep it an absolute secret from your boyfriend. 
The thing that Tyler didn’t know was that you were also sitting in an airport terminal with a shitty coffee in your hand, waiting anxiously for a flight of your own, the first flight of two that in six and a half hours time would land you back in the lone star state. The main difference was that there was no snow where you were, and all that you had to do was board the plane and show up, Jamie said he would take care of the rest. 
You had everything worked out, Jamie had made sure he wouldn’t suspect anything, his dog sitter knew when you were coming, and you had even packed a goofy Christmas sweater for him to wear while you hopefully decorated together. Long-distance with him was hard, but when the schedule seemed to allow for a quick visit, you gladly took what you could get, willingly ready to be tired from the flights even if it meant just a few hours with him. 
Each visit you found yourself breaking more and more when it ended, the days between were starting to feel dreaded. Your work was no longer enjoyable. It felt like you were stagnant in Vancouver, with most of your heart nestled safely in whatever city Tyler happened to be in that night. If you were honest with yourself, you knew that this was going to burn out, the distance was going to take its toll on the both of you, and sitting in that airport ready to go see him for the first time in a few weeks, you found yourself thinking for the first time about the idea of not coming back to Vancouver. 
Your phone rang in your hand, Tyler’s photo filling up the screen. You set your coffee down and slid your thumb across to answer, smiling slightly in excitement.
“Hey.” you hummed, hoping that your headphones would drown out any announcements about flights that were periodically coming through the speakers around you. The airport was busy, as was to be expected this time of year, but you had worked hard to keep this a secret from him and the last thing you wanted was a muffled airport announcement blowing the surprise fifteen minutes before you were set to get on a fight. 
“Hi, baby.” He sighed. You could tell something was off, you could always tell. You and Tyler knew each other so well, the distance between you forcing you both to pick up on things between each other. The things that were highs and the shifts in tone that indicated something was wrong, you both knew. You had memorized all of his little habits, from the typical stuff like how he preferred apples in his oats or how he had to nap at the same time before every game, to the things that people who didn’t know him didn’t have the privilege to see. Like the way he lit up when his sisters would call, or how he was really hard on himself, even when he shouldn’t be. You just knew him, all of his good things and all of his flaws and you loved him endlessly through all of it. You frowned slightly and opened your mouth to speak but he started before you could.
“I’m heading back to Dallas. Our flight was delayed, big snowstorm here.” He groaned. He hated that he was telling you this without entirely telling you why he was upset. But Jamie was next to him, and even if Tyler didn’t want to believe that he was right, deep down he knew the surprise wasn’t going to work, and as much as it sucked, he needed to just go back to Dallas and accept the fact that he would have to wait a few more weeks to see you not through a phone screen. 
“I just really fucking miss you.” He admitted and your heart cracked. You could hear in his voice how bad it was, and it only strengthened the feeling of stopping all of the distance between you altogether. 
“I miss you, too, bub. But, only a couple of more weeks.” You raised the tenor of your voice a bit, hoping that it would get him a bit excited about Christmas together. 
“Yeah, wish it was sooner, though.” 
You talked with Tyler for a few more minutes, tapping your foot slightly as you waited for your boarding number to be called. When you ended the call and boarded your flight, that feeling came back. The feeling of wondering if Vancouver could really truly be your home anymore when half of your soul was in Dallas. You spent the whole flight thinking about it, even though deep down you had no doubts about your decision. All it took to confirm it was his strained voice on the other end of the line, the pent of frustrations he was feeling about missing you just as much as you missed him. 
Tyler carried his bags through the entryway, exhaustion finally setting in right next to his already bad mood. Gerry, Marshall, and Cash came running up to him, excited to see him and lifting his spirits just enough as he greeted them and then combed through his mail that was sitting on the table. He tossed his bags down and kicked off his shoes, not wanting to bother with taking them upstairs yet. He knew that the dog sitter had left, he had told her when he was coming in. He was honestly looking forward to just relaxing on his couch, face-timing you, and going to sleep. He was supposed to be in Vancouver, walking up to your door and seeing you, and he didn’t have it in him to not sulk about that. 
He walked toward the kitchen, freezing a bit when he saw bags of Christmas decorations on the counter. He poked around, sifting through the various bags wondering who had dropped them off or if he had somehow placed an order for Christmas decorations that he forgot about. He got to one bag, a small brown one with a ribbon on the side. It was probably a gift, but when he saw the note with his name scribbled on the front he quickly opened it. 
We go together like the winter and a sweater <3 
He recognized your handwriting immediately as he opened the bag, pulling out a bright red sweater, laughing softly at the horrible snow-related Christmas pun that was screen printed on the front. He felt warm at how you somehow must have known he needed the pick me up. He kept combing through the bags, various ornaments, and knickknacks, and other decors were littered throughout them. He knew it was you, he wasn’t sure how you coordinated this but he knew you were the reason it looked like Christmas was about to throw up in his kitchen. He smiled a bit, his bad mood lifting when he realized what this probably meant. You probably wanted to decorate on facetime together, a compromise for not being able to actually be with each other and the idea melted his heart. 
Tyler walked over to the fridge, cracking open a beer as he unlocked his phone to call you. As the phone was ringing, the dogs started barking like crazy, running back from the kitchen to the front door. He didn’t think much of it until he nearly dropped his phone when he heard your voice. 
“Shh, shh, hi boys. Hi! Oh my gosh, hi Gerry.” You laughed, petting each of the dogs as you walked further into the house. You had takeout in your hands and were so focused on not dropping it from the dog’s excitement that you didn’t even realize Tyler’s bags were sitting against the wall in the entryway.
“You’re here.” You jumped at the sound of his voice, smiling big as he walked over to where you were standing. You were wearing one of his sweatshirts, his name sprawled across your back, a sight that he never grew tired of seeing and you were carrying bags of what appeared to be take out in your arms. You had slippers on and your hair up, an indication of how relaxed you were. He couldn’t help but internally groan, seeing how comfortable you were in his house, the one he wanted to be your home, too. You quickly set the food on the kitchen table, meeting him halfway. He pulled you in tight and you listened to his heart beating against your ear. 
“Fuck, I can’t believe you’re really here. I was going to surprise you.” He whispered, tilting your head up to kiss you. You smiled into the kiss, your heart already telling you what you needed to talk to him about. You didn’t have any doubts about it anymore. Dallas was where you needed to be. It was where Tyler needed you to be, and standing there in his kitchen with Christmas decorations littered all around you and him holding you like this, you were ready. Every buildup to this moment had led you here, in slippers in his kitchen ready to ask him to take another step with you, hoping that he’d grab your hand as he did so. 
“I’m really here. Jamie actually helped, he made sure I could get in and made sure you had no idea.” Tyler had never been more appreciative of his best friend. He should have known Jamie would have a hand in a surprise like this, this had secret softie Jamie Benn written all over it, and he adored you, often warning Tyler not to fuck it up with you. 
“Remind me to thank him, because wow. Best surprise ever, honestly.” He melted into you. He didn’t care if it was cheesy, or something straight from a bad Christmas movie. He’d watch 100 of those Lifetime movies because the feeling he was experiencing now with you in his arms was probably the exact emotion those cliche Christmas films tried to convey. 
“Tyler, I wanted to ask you something.” You said, pulling back just enough to look at him.
“Anything.” He kissed you once more, still in disbelief that you had pulled off a surprise when his had fallen so flat. 
“I don’t want to do this anymore, the missed calls, the flights, all of it. I just want to be here, all the time with you.” You smiled. Your stomach was bubbling with nerves as you studied his face for any reaction or reason that maybe he wasn’t ready for that yet. It would be complicated, figuring out how to actually stay in Dallas and be together. But a strenuous Visa application was the least of your worries if it meant that you’d finally get to be with him. Tyler grinned, picking you up and setting you on the table, kissing you hard as he stood between your legs. 
“Please tell me that means you want to move here.” He mumbled against your lips. You just kissed him once more. 
“There’s nothing else I want. Well I kind of want the food I brought, and maybe we could decorate for Christmas since it’s my favorite day, but like, definitely want to move here the most.” You laughed slightly as you spoke. Tyler just smiled at you, a breathtaking, heartfelt smile that made butterflies swirl around in your stomach. It was an exciting step in your relationship, and you couldn’t help but think about how much you loved December first again, this time for a new reason, because now it was the signifier in a new start with the person you loved. You didn’t care that it was only December first, because to you, this was better than anything you could have received on Christmas Day. 
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ships-bynoa · 3 years
The Titans are almost back, bitches. aka 3x06
Guys, literally every time the titans are together-or even paired up-the episode gets ten times better, but in 6 episodes there is simply not enough Kory and Gar. I can easily forget that when I’m basking in the episode they are in, especially when they’re giving us family dynamics.
“You’re not mad that I left. You’re mad I came back.” Kory’s face tells us Blackfire is right on the money, and who would know her better than her sister?
So, Kory, oh boy. Our girl is on edge. She is slowly unraveling and is super vulnerable and raw with Kom around and little sister is going to exploit it and her guilt, which I think she’s carrying a lot of. So far their dynamic has been fascinating because there’s so much to read between them and so many accusations being flung back and forth, from both. From Kory; you sense guilt and even contempt and from Kom there’s envy and resentment, but also there’s a sense of idealization for her older sister, too, which of course, with younger siblings, there always is an element of that. And as an older sibling, there is always an unspoken and sometimes spoken responsibility placed on them for their younger siblings. Parents often don’t realize it, but they can create a lot of tension within siblingships by assigning roles.
They remember home and family very differently, which is often the case, too. Kom was often thrown in the pit and to that, Kory attributes her sister’s constant rebellion as the reason, and yet, Kory herself was a bit of a rule breaker, sleeping with her guard, Fiddei.
Kory was being suffocated by the laws and customs of her home planet; one could say she rebelled by going on a mission, to escape her duties. Home did neither of them any favors because while one rebelled because she did not fit in, the one who did fit in was dying inside, surrounded by little robots and becoming one herself. Being told what to eat, wear and who to love or be friends with is yikes.
I was thinking Kom began her game of manipulation in the bunker, but she really started before that when she sent Fiddei to bring Kory home when she probably intended to kill him all along. After all she would’ve castrated him if she’d had the chance to for sleeping with Kory in the first place. Shortly after Fiddei’s death, Kory flamed out. No powers. Emotionally wrung out from the news her family was dead and now the culprit is here. These two know each other very well and know exactly how to get underneath each other’s skin. Right now Kom is getting underneath Kory’s and our girl is losing patience fast. 
I’m wondering when exactly Dick will tune into Kory’s anxiety-ridden state and step in to support.
Ultimately, I just want to see what truly happened to the girls on their planet and how we have the versions we have now. Like, Kory said to Rachel, “No one is born good or bad, we are defined by our choices.” I get the feeling Kory has given Kom so many chances to make a different choice and has become disillusioned, meanwhile Kom believes nothing she does will give her the respect she feels she deserves anyway, so she may as well blow shit up, figuratively and literally. At least then she’ll have Kory’s attention.
Gar losing it on Dick was so cathartic and yet he could’ve gone much further, considering Dick abandoned him last season to go jail and hallucinate Bruce. It ultimately led to Gar (and Conner) being kidnapped and experimented on by Mercy. It’s actually all the adults fault this happened, but as the leader promoting his family everywhere he goes, he needs to keep his eye on the ball. He would know if he spent five minutes at home with them that Gar is struggling. Last season Gar was #OperationSaveTitans and this season he’s #ThisFamilyIsDying. He’s doing what the adults should be doing, or at least leading the charge on it. He’s the glue, but who will hold him together?
He’s carrying too much emotional responsibility and Dick’s dismissal, because he is fully locked into Gotham and being Batman, makes me mad. Get your head in the game, Grayson. Gotham is going to eat your family while you retread the nostalgic steps of your past.
We all know Dick’s not good at expressing himself emotionally, though he’s usually forced to express something when talking to or being confronted by Kory, so I was proud of him for giving Gar the floor to speak. I just wish Gar spoke about himself, but then again, he needs more time and consistent offers to be heard. I’m happy Dick followed up the conversation up with a bonding/training session. There was definitely pride in Dick’s face because Gar really has come a long way in this group, but he needs MORE SCREEN TIME. I’d like to see the two of them out in the field together the way we’ve seen Kory this season with Gar and Conner. 
I wonder if Gar losing control is the start of all his trauma bubbling up to the surface, will being in Gotham, hunting down a friend be too much?
As a side, has the CGI tiger face gotten worse?
Kom (and Conner):
First thing’s first, what music are we thinking Kom listens to? Probably the kind of music she can break your tailbone to, like, Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole and Jay Z, or Prince, Jimmy Hendrix, Stevie Nicks and Led Zeppelin? Rihanna?
Kom is absolutely a villain this season and if she isn’t, what a waste that’ll be. A mastermind at mind games (see, her picking up the chess piece), who is going to drum up Kory’s paranoia and anxiety around her being there. Trying to kill her suspicion by guilt tripping her while simultaneously being a do good-er to the group, feigning interest in helping the Titans to earn her way in, a tip from our boy, Conner.
She says she wants acceptance and I believe that’s absolutely true, but she doesn’t know how to get that without using power, so she’ll continue to covet acceptance through and with power because according to Kory, she’s always been a climber. Add to that, being born the cursed child and the only royal member born without the gift of fire, something that differentiates them from the common folk, being too frail to participate in the same games as Kory, having a speech therapist be her only friend while being the object of ridicule and you have a villain origin story nicely set up.
I really enjoyed Conner and Kom’s exchange. The boy lit up when he spoke about seeing his family happy and it made me light up. He’s so genuine and has a big heart and Kom is going to take advantage of it, that’s not to say she won’t develop real feelings for him, but she can like him and still use him.
Conner’s “you have to earn your way into the family,” is perhaps an internal and personal struggle he has from sharing blood with Luthor. I think it may come from an insecure place because he was made a titan as soon as he woke up and no one questioned it, but as he’s only half of superman, he’s constantly trying to prove his usefulness for good, which losing Hank has rocked, leaving him vulnerable to Kom’s recognition for his otherness. Their otherness.
She gave us insight into her mind, but also she has likely seized an opportunity to use the vulnerability against Conner and to her favor by making him her kindred. Outcasts. Will she gain influence over him? He’s still young and learning, and trusting, too.
Her interest in him felt layered, ignoring the ugly customs of sex servants, she was also observing Kory’s relationships and ranking them in her sister’s life. Her being able to determine who may have Kory’s interest (which Kory gave away with her vulnerable display of worry over Dick’s welfare in front of Kom) will surely come into play at some point, right? After all, Kom did kill Kory’s last lover/royal guard. This may be me projecting. LOL.
Romantically, I’m waiting to see how they play it before I decide if I like it or not, but so far, they have a nice chemistry. Friendly.
Dick (and Barbara) :
What a lovable dumb ass. 
I was so happy Kory lost it on him and called him on his lone ranger shit, at least when it’s her, even when he’s being an idiot, he’s still listening. “Let’s go.” and I thought it was hilarious that he tried explaining himself, but when Gar called him out, he got all huffy with, “Excuse me, young man.”
Gar asking Kory not to have words with Barbara over Dick getting shot was so funny because Dick’s face seemed to ask the same when she asked how it happened. We love a protective Kory. I’ll be looking at him when it’s his turn to reciprocate.
I don’t like him dismissing their concerns about his personal safety and how it affects them, it’s like he’s learned nothing after running off alone to battle Trigon, or rather has unlearned his lessons of S2. I’d like to see some more permanent emotional growth from him by this season’s end. In his current state, he’s not an exuding leader. He can’t be when he’s still wrapped up in Bruce and all things Gotham. He’s not tuned into Kory’s anxiety, or Conner’s grief and insecurity, or Gar’s emotional burden. 
He’s started making it up to him, but he has much to do in taking Gar’s concerns and emotional needs seriously.
I’m not even going to try and work out the timeline between Barbara and Dick and Dick and old Titans in San Fran and S1. But it doesn’t bode well that Dick’s dream with Barbara ended in a nightmare. 
I wish they’d never did the whole Dick and Dawn relationship in S2 because they’re basically repeating some of the beats in showing us how they don’t work as a couple, only his relationship with Babs makes a lot more sense even though I don't care. Dick has unfinished business with that relationship, Bruce and Gotham and I can only hope he’s wrapped it up for good by this season’s end. I want to see relaxed, smiling and happy Dick in THE PRESENT. I still Babs will be the one to notice and point out Dick's feelings for Kory.
Barbara (outside of Dick) is being downplayed a little, no? Dismissing Dick’s suspicions about Jason when he arrived, showing no knowledge of Jason’s visits to Crane and then taking the bait and moving Crane after he got a light beat down. A commissioner who was also a very capable vigilante is tricked by a recording and goes to meet “Bruce” on her own. I really enjoyed that she could hold her own and the fight scene was really good, but it was a bit baffling that she fell for that ruse. So far, she’s not entirely good at her job.
Dick’s a distraction in his own right and her feelings clearly get in the way, which is why she keeps asking him to leave the precinct and Gotham; because she’s pining a fantasy and he’s ruining it. Lastly, I really like the way Savannah plays Barbara.
Why’d they do that to Tim?? :(
Overall, it was a better episode and I enjoyed it more than latter episodes, but they’re not quite there yet for me. I’m  still waiting for Team Titans.
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Crossover Yandere Delta Warriors And Kris’s Three Souls
Credit for Steven Universe Series goes to Rebecca Sugar
Credit for Deltarune & Undertale goes to Toby Fox
Credit for Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss goes to Vivienne “Vivziepop” Medrano & Spindlehorse
Credit for Yandere Simulator goes to YandereDev
I do plan to post this drawing at the other place I post fan art at.
also the reason why Ayano has different color eyes,
has to do with the Genocide Route, Neutral Route and True Pacifist Route of Yandere Simulator.
like depending how we play, if we go full Geno-Route
our eyes, well Ayano’s eyes....become Red.
but if we befriend a rival and help other students, and not kill anyone in yandere simulator.....
Ayano’s eyes will become blue.
why Sans is wearing Steven Universe’s clothes and Pink Steven being right next to him should be obvious.
it has to do with Sans and Steven being one in the same.
and when the Human Half of Steven died, he was reborn as Sans
but the gem half that makes “Pink-Steven” reforms but Human-Steven is not close by and most likely left to maybe to go live with his new family, his new Dad that speaks in hands and his new little brother Papyrus.
the dark purple soul belongs to Knight, the light turquoise blue soul belongs to Kris, and the Red Soul belongs to the Player.
I believe that before the Player’s Red Soul ends up in Deltarune (in Chapter 1), the Knight who is the Dark Purple Soul had made Kris’s life miserable by pulling dark pranks on others, even if Kris could pull some pranks....they would not willingly cross the line, that would be the Knight’s doing.
yeah I have a theory that the Knight had done dark pranks by making Kris do them and making everyone believe it was Kris, while technically it was but at the same time it was against Kris’s will.
think about it, we never did any of those dark pranks that those in Deltarune mention.
so it makes sense that it is the work of the Knight, who’s soul has been controlling Kris before we got there.
and the only time Knight does take control,
is when they are about to do something sneaky and they rip our soul from Kris’s body and the reason why Kris doesn’t fight back is because the Knight is much stronger than them.
it is possible that the only time we are stronger than the Knight, is during the day time in the Lightner’s World and when we are in the Dark World.
but once Nighttime happens, the Knight has the power to control Kris and pull us the Players.
so if this is true, this means that Kris has two souls in them trying to fight for control.....one being the villain known as the “Knight”
and the other being us the Player, the Red Soul.
I see that as fan headcanon.
in theory if the Crystal Gems and Connie, didn’t know that Steven died and became Sans.....
like it happen some time after the end of Steven Universe Future.
Sans might have Alphys help with that, by cloning a homunculus steven body, that the Pink-Steven will be put in and make it so that no one knows Steven had died and became a Magical Talking Skeleton.
well that could be one way to keep the Crystal Gems, Connie, Greg and everyone else from Beach City from finding out what happen to Steven....if he had died off-screen and was brought back to life by Gaster as Sans.
I would like to see a crossover fan art with the meme
Gaster: *hugging Sans* stay away from my Son. 
Greg Universe: but he’s my Son!!
Gaster:.........Stay Away From YOUR Ex-Son......who is now MY Son.
even if we love Steven Universe
(and some of us do love Steven Universe Future)
at least we now know now that the Steven Universe Future,
was NOT the start of Steven’s problems......it was just the boiling point.         
Greg was not a great dad, something we should of seen from the start of the first Season but couldn’t.
I plan to re-watch the first series of Steven Universe, to really watch it
and notice the stuff that we never truly notice before....
like even if the Crystal Gems did make some mistakes with how they treated Steven most of the time during his childhood.
and Amethyst did start to become a better big sister to Steven,
like with the whole finding out his Mom is Pink Diamond.
even if not a lot of fans liked Steven Universe Future, because of different reasons....
but we have to acknowledge the problem Steven was having didn’t start in the Steven Universe Future.....it started in the first series.
even if Steven had his good days, he did end up with trauma and he didn’t see a doctor until Steven Universe Future....
which you can thank his “Ex-Dad Greg” for that.
most families have excuses for not being able to go to a doctor.
after becoming rich, Greg could of hired Steven a tutor
and send him to school.....though I don’t think you have to be rich to do that.....at least I don’t think so.
but we can’t place the blame on Steven, even if his Human and Gem Family loves him dearly....
it doesn’t help that Greg and Connie form a “Human Beings Club”
kind of excluding Steven and making him feel a type of negative emotion.
I believe what Steven was feeling when he also says “human beings.”
was a type of negative feeling, but like still wanting to be included in the human bonding that his Dad and Best Friend (Future Girlfriend) were having.
Greg was a bit disappointing in the episode where he took Steven to where his parents lived.....
just when Steven was becoming more better and even enjoyed finding out about his Dad’s past.....Greg only made things worse again,
when he couldn’t understand why his own son was upset with him.
 there might of been more to the story of Greg’s Parents than what Greg told so far.....it is possible that one of Greg’s parents had very sensitive hearing and couldn’t handle really loud music.
and Greg could of broke that rule many times and that is why his parents don’t allow any music in the house.
even if that episode tried to play that Greg was a victim, it might not be 100% true.....
yes Pink’s punishments were unjust at times, but we have to remember how bad she was before she given Earth.
so most of her punishments were just, meaning she deserved them.
while other times she didn’t deserve them at all.
the problem might be that both Greg’s Parents
and Blue & Yellow Diamond, would punish Greg and Pink even at times when they didn’t deserve it.....
but it could be that before they did start punishing them,
they let them get away with so much and one point both of them crossed a line that it became too much for Greg’s Parents and even Yellow & Blue, and they had no choice but to ground them
to Greg’s Room and Pink’s Tower.
once again the problem with Steven
didn’t start in Steven Universe Future,
it started at the very beginning in Steven Universe.
the the boiling point maybe started in the Steven Universe Movie,
then the breaking point started in the Steven Universe Future.
not all fans of Steven Universe, have to like Steven Universe Future.
I happen to love Steven Universe, Steven Universe Future and the Movie.
but we have to try to come to terms that the problems Steven was having, didn’t start in Steven Universe Future.
it started in Steven Universe, and even if not a lot of fans will accept that.....well it is their choice, and they should accept it by their own free will to.
I do plan to re-watch the first series to see if Steven had more than one bad experience which would of been one of the first problems he had before his breaking point in Steven Universe Future.
I know at first I thought of the Steven Universe Future
as the time he had his boiling point, but in correction it would be his breaking point that would get worse over time.
the boiling point would be the first stage, which would start in Steven Universe Future.....when more of his mother’s past misdeeds would come to light.
 the breaking point would slowly consume and get stronger for Steven, to the point where he would end up becoming Monster-Steven.
Steven becomes a gem monster because of all the negative emotions,
he only gets better once everyone realize what they didn’t do for him.
being there for him when he needs it.
at times we could pretend that everything is fine for others,
like acting like we are only a little sad but doing pretty okay now.
but that might not be for the best....even if we might think it is.
          Sans might be a future version of Steven,
who had gotten better and learned from his past, but could still hold on to some form of bitter memories.
like what if the one calling Connie, when Steven proposed to her...
wasn’t Connie’s Mom but was a Boy that Connie was Dating.
and she still liked Steven, but couldn’t bring herself to tell Steven.
well hopefully that isn’t true and that was just Connie’s Mom.
we know that a lot of fans were worried for their ship.
well the Sadie and Lars Ship had became the Friend Zone Ship.
meaning it went from “I Ship It” to “I Bud It”
Shep seems nice though, when I did first see them on the opening I didn’t know if they were a boy or a girl.....
but it turns out they are nonbinary, so it’s nice that the episode where they officially appeared on (as well as their bio.) had confirmed Shep’s identity.
I think I still need to figure out the whole Gyno-Agender
or Feminine-Nonbinary thing.....
I wonder how many fans of both Yandere Simulator and Undertale/Deltarune.....
would think that Fun-Girl from Yandere Simulator,
reminds them of Gaster....?
well Fun-Girl does remind me of Gaster, it be nice if both games did canon crossovers.
well there is that Yanderetale,
but maybe that is only Semi-Canon.....maybe?
there is another crossover drawing I did, that has to do with Undertale/Deltarune and even another game....
but I will wait until tomorrow to post it.
hope some of you like this drawing.
I wonder if it be weird to Crossover ship Sans x Collin....?  
I will think about it, but it might leave me a little sheepish. lol       
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aprilsrant · 4 years
Honey Honey! | Oliver Wood x Slytherin!Fem!Reader.
PAIRING: oliver wood x slytherin!fem!reader.
SUMMARY: (Y/N)’s friend takes his plan one step further, determined to get the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain and the overthinker slytherin together. 
WORD COUNT: 2,032.
PREVIOUS PART: Lay all your love on me.
NEXT PART: When I kissed the teacher. 
REQUEST: literally one person asked for a part two and I had to do it. I have in mind another part, and possibly last one, so if anyone is interested let me know!
WARNINGS: I don’t think so.
A/N: Please remember English is not my first language, so there might be some mistakes, you can always correct me and I’ll fix it. And yes, the title is another ABBA song because why not? 
I still can’t believe the first part got like 150 notes. Thank you so much! 
Gif below it’s not mind, credits to the person who made it.
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Three days after the party in the Ravenclaw Common Room, that same one in which she almost killed one of her best friends, the unexpected happened.
His mouth lifted in a grin, white teeth showing, eyes sparkling with excitement and, at the same time, craziness; Dorian, the one who barely escaped his early death, sat beside them, leaning his body on the big root of a tree near the Black Lake, orange and brown leafs beneath him. The other tree exchanged glances. 
The afternoon was about to take an interesting turn. It’s not like he was never happy, but this particular kind of happiness came with blaring red lights, screaming and alerting everyone close enough.
Silently agreeing to ignore the boy’s strange, but not new, behaviour, (Y/N), Isla and Ethan kept working on their assignments. Before any of them could write something on the pieces of parchment, Dorian fakely cleared his throat. None of them looked at him, suppressed smiles on their faces.
(Y/N) had finished writing a sentence for her Charms essay when he tried to catch his friend’s attention again. But now using a different strategy. After the third long sigh that left his mouth, Isla, with lips pressed in a thin line, finally turned her head in his direction.
“Yes, Dorian?,” she said. Her harsh tone rivaling Professor McGonagall’s. 
In an impossible way, his grin grew larger, resembling the Cheshire Cat from the classic Alice in Wonderland. Dorian fixed his position, making himself more comfortable against the root, legs stretching (a few inches away from Ethan’s ink bottle), eyes closed and fingers gently hitting each other, taking that typical stance of someone who’s planning something. 
“What is it?,” asked Ethan impatiently.
“I come here bearing good news, no, excellent news and you treat me like this?” Always the exaggerated, Dorian feigned a hurt expression, right hand going to his chest and grabbing the part where his heart was placed.
Having enough of his games, (Y/N), who wanted nothing more to finish her paper and take a nap before dinner, decided to step into the conversation. “What excellent news?”
Dorian dropped the wounded act and smiled at her, glaring at the others as if he was saying ‘this is what good friends are supposed to be like’. He changed his posture once more —he really couldn’t stay still—, now sitting closer to them with his legs crossed, hands playing with one of the chocolate sweets Ethan had been trying to transform. The corner of his mouth never lowered. 
“Nice to hear you’re interested, my dearest (Y/N), because this concerns you directly.” She regretted ever asking him the minute that answer rolled from his mouth and his dark brown, almost black, eyes shined with mischief. Ethan’s and Isla’s confusion showed through their faces. “I just, like just, saw you know who and he,” Dorian stopped talking when he saw his friend’s disturbed expression. Rolling his eyes —how could they be that dumb?—, he explained. “Not that You-Know-Who, the other one… Ugh, I’m talking about Oliver Wood.” 
Their mouths took the shape of an O, realisation finally coming to them.
“He asked me what day you would be free to tutor him, so now, thanks to me, you have a date with Oliver this Saturday morning.”
(Y/N) and the other two stared at him. While Isla and Ethan broke into a fit of thrilled laughs and big smiles, high-fiving Dorian for his “work”, she was trying to control her anger and the words —the majority of them being insults— ready to leave her throat.  
Why was he so keen on her and Oliver being together? Why couldn’t they understand that she was not the kind of person who would act on her feelings? 
Yes, she had made it obvious that she liked the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, but that didn’t mean she wanted to do something about it. She had always been awkward and, of course, situations with strangers (did she consider him one?) tended to go that way. The girl knew that if something, anything, went wrong with him she would overthink nonstop.  
Saying nothing, (Y/N) quickly grabbed her things —a dark blue bag with white dots forming the constellations, the parchment on top of it and the quill on her hand—, stood up and left with a quick step carrying her body, ignoring her friends screaming her name to come back from near the Black Lake’s shore. 
Entering the castle, bustling with cheerful students making their way outside to enjoy the warm and sunny afternoon, she decided this was the perfect moment to take that much needed nap, even if she hadn’t finished her assignment yet. 
The Slytherin was walking down one of the corridors, this one less transitaded, when she saw the particular crimson fabric of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team’s robes. She lowered her head, hoping it was one of the Chasers or any other member that wasn’t him.
Noticing the person wearing the uniform passed right beside her and didn’t say anything, she sighed in relief.
“(Y/N)?” said a disembodied and sweet voice from behind her. Even if she couldn’t actually see the person calling her name, she knew perfectly who it belonged to. 
Bloody hell.
Before turning around to face him, she closed her eyes, preparing herself. She’d never mind his presence, or him calling for her —hell, (Y/N) dreamed of that happening every now and then—, but now was definitely the wrong time for this. She was angry with Dorian for trying to set her up, exhausted from not being able to get used to the routine again and annoyed because of the amount of homework. 
Finding his black shoes extremely interesting and intriguing, she murmured a small response.
“Fancy to see you here, I’ve been trying to talk to you since the party but I didn’t want to bother you in class, you always look so focused on the lessons, and with Quidditch practices I couldn’t find you in your free time,” Oliver continued. He had been trying to reach her? Her? “I found Dorian instead and he said you were free to tutor me on Saturday morning. If you can’t or don’t want to or whatever, you don’t have to. I know I should have talked to you first, but I didn’t see you anywhere and I was getting desperate because I can’t lose this opportunity and… and I’m rambling a lot, sorry.” He stopped tapping his thumb against his broomstick’s handle.
All at once, the feeling, more like an intuition, that he could be nervous around her engulfed (Y/N), spreading a warm sensation through her body. 
She wanted to say no, even when this was the chance she’d wanted for too long but (Y/N) knew herself. The endless overthinking that she’ll have to endure before, during and after their “study date” —what if she was a horrible tutor?; what if he didn’t understand anything she’d said?; what if she wasn’t good enough?; what if he never wanted to speak to her again after it?; what if he failed and blamed it on her?; what if all this was a big and cruel joke?, would he do that to her, to anyone?—.
She really did want to say no, but how could she when he looked like that? Upper lip biting nervously on the bottom one, his cheeks of a rosy colour, constantly shifting his body’s weight, fingers fidgeting. 
“I, um, of course, no problem,” she assured. 
Why did she have to be such a people pleaser? 
And why did she have to like him so much that when he smiled, relieved because of the answer, her heart stopped for a second and her stomach turned upside down?
(Y/N) was sure Oliver had never wanted to revise Transformation so early on a Saturday, especially when his team was just a few hours away from playing their first Quidditch match of the season. She wasn’t so thrilled either, weekends were the only days she had to sleep till lunch, her roommates knowing that waking her up before one in the afternoon would lead to a pissed (Y/N) and no one liked that version of herself.
“Look, we can reschedule if you want,” she said after watching him fail once more at conjuring birds from the tip of his wand, “you are worried about the match and that’s making it impossible for you to focus on this.”
The Gryffindor glanced at her through his eyelashes, a frustrated look in his eyes —(Y/N) couldn���t figure out if it was because he was losing his time here with her while he could be training with his team one last time or because the only thing coming out of his wand were yellow feathers—. 
Running both hands across his face, he replied, “I-I don’t want you to waste your time, but I suck at Transfiguration and we haven’t even started with Potions, which is worse, and you make it seem so easy because you’re amazing at this. But I’m not and Professor MgGonagall said that if…”.
For someone who had a brave and confident exterior, Oliver Wood did ramble quite a lot.
“I know what MgGonagall said,” (Y/N) interrupted, choosing to ignore the part where he complimented her, “and you are not wasting my time, Oliver. I agreed to help you, remember?” He nodded his head slowly, watching his hands. (Y/N) thought he looked like a kid getting reprimanded. “Now, try one more time.”
And one more time he failed, yellow canary feathers falling down to the floor,  joining Oliver’s past attempts at mastering the Bird-Conjuring Charm. 
She saw him scratch his forehead with his eyes closed and lips barely visible because of the way he was biting on them. 
“You’re not doing the correct hand movement, I think that’s why it isn’t working,” (Y/N) noticed, “look, give me your hand.” She grabbed his right hand, the one holding his wand, delicately, fingers barely touching the skin. Taking his wrist and positioning herself on Oliver’s side, she showed him how to do accurate motion. “And you just say Avis.”
The next time he did the incantation, a loud blast, pretty much like the sound of a gun being fired, resonated throughout the place. Once the smoke dissipated, several yellow birds flew from the tip of his wand to the empty classroom they were practising in. Twittering and chirping filled the room, but as quickly as they did, they became background noise when Oliver let out a loud laugh at his achievement. 
He turned around, a big grin on his face and brightness in his eyes, now a completely different person. She smiled at him, his excitement starting to feel contagious.
“See, you don’t have to be so hard on yourself,” (Y/N) murmured. If only she’d take her own advice. “I think you’re good to go and-and do whatever you do before a Quidditch match.”
“Thank you, for agreeing to this.”
She shook her head, the corners of her mouth slightly going up. “No problem.”
Oliver walked towards the door and before he opened it, the boy asked, “will I see you at the match?”
“Nice, it’ll be good to see you there,” he’d smiled at her one last time and left the unused classroom. 
Biting down the nail on her thumb, (Y/N) let out a silly giggle, one of those that only escape people’s mouth when they are drunk or can’t get that one person out of their minds. Perhaps she was reading into this situation the wrong way, but for just a tiny moment she didn’t care. She enjoyed the warm feeling on her stomach, as if a ton of thestrals had suddenly decided to fly across it, and the erratic pace of her heart every time Oliver would glance at her or say anything remotely kind. 
Then the realisation came and with it, tangled like some kind of broken and dark creature, her severely damaged pride. She had to admit to Dorian’s face that he was, in fact, correct and that his ridiculous plan may actually work.
TAGS: @peeves-a-legend​ (amazing person and writer, read all of her work!).
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mingoyeob-archive · 3 years
17)you look ... Whoa...
52)if you don't stop I won't hesitate to kill you,
56)This was a bad idea,
60)Yup we're doomed,
75)that's it, I am going to kill him,
4)hold on, you aren't jealous, are you?
with Jk, reader, jimin and Tae. Please!!! 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
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under the oak tree drabble game ⚔️🌳 to make up for my delayed release of part 3 of under the oak tree i’ve decided to do a drabble game! send me a number + any of the characters from under the oak tree and i’ll write you a drabble :)
hi anons! thanks for requesting! i did #75 with jjk and tae just because I was already planning to go that route with the other anons request! sorry its taking me a little long to get through these my weekend was so busy 😭 but I appreciate everyone being patient as I'm trying my best to make these enjoyable for you guys :) hope you like it! 💜💜
7. you look ... Whoa… + 52. if you don't stop I won't hesitate to kill you + 56. This was a bad idea + 60. Yup we're doomed + 75. that's it, I am going to kill him + 4. hold on, you aren't jealous, are you? | jjk x reader, ft jimin and tae tae | word count: 2.2K
During the autumn season, everyone had to be on top of their game. No plate, mug nor drape could be out of place especially since Jungkook, the Duke, was back at the castle for the first time in three years. And with the season harvest just around the corner and family members flocking to the castle from every corner of the land, it had everyone at their wits end, including you. Even though this technically wasn’t your first harvest at Uwhen, it would be your first time meeting the Jeon family who saw no reason to come and visit when Jungkook wasn’t here. But now with him back it suddenly became of the utmost importance that you made a good first impression.
Jungkook could sense your nervousness (he seemed to have a knack for that) and it only served to make him even more moody. It wasn’t news that Jungkook hated his family. Most of them were uptight and had judged him for his choice in picking you to marry instead of your sister who was much more admired amongst the kingdom. Not that he cared, but their nagging was a pain in the ass nonetheless.
To curb some of the tension in the castle, Seokjin suggested that perhaps a hunting party would be a good way to blow off some steam and whatever they caught could be used for the feast, effectively killing two birds with one stone. So that was how you, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung had ended up on horseback out in the middle of the forest.
“Looking good on that horse Y/N!” Jimins loud comment had you looking away shyly, “Hard to believe Jungkookie got you that out of the kindness of his heart. Don’t you agree, Taehyung?”
“Yeah sir, if I come to your bedroom tonight can I have a new horse too?”
The two of them just laughed, bumping shoulders atop their horses before catching sight of the fumes practically radiating from Jungkook as he leveled them with a glare. “If you don't stop I won't hesitate to kill you.”
His words had them shutting up immediately, looking at each other with wide eyes before muttering out half-assed apologies. The rest of the ride ended up being pretty quiet, the boys too busty scouting the trees for game and trying to find something to kill to hold a conversation. You on the other hand were bored out of your mind and not to mention your ass was hurting from riding longer than you were ever used to.
“Don’t you guys think it's time to turn back?”
Their efforts to silence you had you rolling your eyes and you just sighed, horse trudging behind them. A pout settled on your lips and you glared at the back of their heads hoping that they would pick up on your fury and finally concede. But of course, that didn’t work and they just continued riding on in silence. This can not get any worse, you thought with a whine. But the sudden sound of your horse whinnying, spooked by something on the path, had you eating your words and the next thing you knew you were lying flat on your ass in the dirt. Thankfully all the commotion had snapped the guys out of their trance and they immediately turned around to come to your aid. Jungkook was the first one off his horse, rushing over to you in concern.
“Y/N! What happened? Are you okay? Let me see!” He fired off questions rapidly, barely giving you a chance to respond. You could only sit, dazed and confused at what just happened. Jungkook groaned at your lack of response, “This was a bad idea, I should've never listened to Seokjin.”
Jimin and Taehyung stood to the right of you two, looking down with worry in their eyes. “Jungkook, maybe we should start heading back. It's getting dark outside anyway and we don’t want to be out here when night falls.” Jimins said, eyes flicking up to look at the darkening sky. “Y/N can ride with you and we’ll get her horse.”
His words instantly had you shooting up from your spot. “No! No, I’m perfectly capable of riding back. It was just a little fall. I’ll be fine” you smiled, trying your best to hide the pain in your backside, but you couldn’t stop yourself from flinching when you felt a twinge shoot up your spine. Jungkook disagreed judging by the look he shot at you at your obvious lie and he opened his mouth to voice his opinion, but before he could even get a word out a distant howl rang through the air. The sound had the band of horses rearing back, letting out loud neighs and noises of freight.
“Whoa there!” Taehyung waved his hands up at the animals, trying his best to calm them, but to no avail, and they took off down the path leaving the four of you behind. He could only stare off at them with a look of disbelief before turning around and throwing his hands up in defeat. “Yup we’re doomed.”
The rest of you just shot him a look of annoyance obviously aware of the fact that all of you were in fact doomed. “Thanks Taehyung, I had no idea.” Jimin said sarcastically to which Taehyung just shrugged in response.
Despite the initial shock of being stranded in the forest, the boys didn’t seem to be too worried about how they were going to find their way back. Combined, the three of them had more than enough experience and the skill it took to navigate out of here. You on the other hand were completely lost and had no idea what the hell they were doing. So instead of getting in their way you decided perhaps it would be best if you found somewhere to clean yourself off.
Getting away from the boys was easy enough, especially when they were too busy arguing over which one of them was correct about which way was north. What was hard though was getting through knee high grass and stepping over gnarled branches as you struggled your way over to the creek you could hear just off the path. When you finally made it over it didn’t take long to start pulling off the dirty weighted fabric of your dress that left you only in your sheer white chemise.
“Another dress bites the dust.” you muttered amused as you bent over the water, scrubbing at your ruined dress. You were so preoccupied with the task you didn’t even notice the sound of boots stomping through the woods over the trickling sound of the rushing water.
“Y/N?” Taehyung's voice had your head snapping over to face the man as he stood just outside the brush. His face was full of shock as he looked at you with wide eyes,  “You look..Whoa…”
Immediately you let out a shriek and fell back on your ass, desperately trying to cover yourself. “Taehyung! What the hell are you doing?! Get outta here pervert!” you shouted, throwing pebbles from the shore of the creak in his direction in a futile attempt to try and get him to turn around.
Jungkook and Jimin must have heard you and followed the noise over to you two to see what all the commotion was about. The two of them came crashing from the same spot Taehyung had, swords raised in alarm and surveying the area to try and find the enemy. But when they were only met with the sight of you barely covered on the ground and Taehyung standing there staring like an idiot, they dropped their weapons and just looked back and forth between you two confused. Taehyung could only raise his hands in innocence, “It’s not what it looks like I promise!”
Jungkooks face slowly started to morph from confusion to anger, eyebrows furrowing and his jaw tensing. “That's it, I’m going to kill him!” he shouted charging in Taehyung's direction. Jimin couldn’t act fast enough and rushed after the man, trying to hold him back from actually cutting Taehyung's head off where he stood. You didn’t even have time to think about it before you jumped off the ground to cover him, facing Jungkook with your hands out in an attempt to calm him down.
“Jungkook, stop!” you screamed to which he seemed to ignore, too dead set on killing Taehyung. “It really isn’t what it looks like, just please calm down!” you continued with your efforts of trying to diffuse the situation but your attempts didn’t seem to be working. In a last ditch effort to stop Jungkook's rampage you charged forward, lips sealing over his and hands grasping at his face. Immediately the tension started leaving Jungkook’s body, his shoulders relaxing as he melted into your kiss, his own hands coming up to cradle your cheeks as well.
Noticing that Jungkook seemed to be pacified (at least for the moment), Jimin slowly retracted his arms from around him, backing up and gesturing Taehyung over to him hurriedly. Taehyung took advantage of your distraction and stumbled over to him, hugging the man as if his life depended on it. “Jiminie I almost died, did you see that?!”
Jimins cheeks filled with heat and his face blossomed red at the feeling of Taehyung's arms around him. “Of course I did, idiot. If I hadn’t, you probably would’ve been dead before Y/N got to him.” he mumbled as he pushed the man off him, trying his best to pretend that he didn’t secretly like it (not that he did a good job of it). Taehyung just whined at the thought, shaking his head as he struggled with Jimin to keep him in his hold.
While the two wrestled in the background, you and Jungkook continued your passionate embrace, lips locked and his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. You had completely forgotten why you had kissed him in the first place, too caught up in the feeling of his mouth on yours and how the world seemed to fade away when you were in his hold. The feeling of Jungkook's tongue swiping at your lips is what had you recoiling back into yourself, too embarrassed to go any further. “Jungkook…” you muttered shyly and placed your hands on his chest trying to gently push him away.
He just continued to hold you tighter, lips finding their way to your neck instead and kissing his way down your shoulder. For a second you allowed yourself to get lost in the feeling, a small gasp even leaving your lips. That was until you made eye contact with Jimin and Taehyung who were watching you two with amused smiles and wiggling eyebrows, mocking the two of you by making kissing noises and pursed lips. It made you try and escape Jungkook's grasp even harder. “Jungkook, they’re watching!” You whine, hiding your face in his shoulder in embarrassment.
Jungkook just hummed, “Just ignore them.” he said, continuing to pepper soft kisses along your skin. “I’ll stop once they remember who you belong to.” You could feel the smirk on his lips against your shoulder and you just sighed, eyes begging towards the two boys over Jungkook's shoulders.
Jimin must’ve decided that he’d had enough of yours and Jungkook's show of affection and took pity on you, “She’s a woman not a piece of furniture, Jungkookie! Don’t think she belongs to anyone but herself.” he said with a laugh to which Jungkook just responded with a grunt, shooting the man a scowl over his shoulder.
“Hold on, you aren't jealous, are you?” Taehyung questioned. Jungkook leveled him with a glare upset with the fact that the man had even dared to speak to him. Taehyung took his lack of response as a ‘yes’, “Trust me, sir, I am not after your wife. She’s not even my type!”
“Well what is your type?” Jimin’s question came out of nowhere causing everyone to shoot him a look of confusion. “I mean- see! Problem solved! Now can we head back now?!” He didn’t even wait for a response before turning around and rushing back from where they came. Taehyung hurried behind him, questions flying from his lips at what Jimin had meant to which he received no answer.
“I should lock him in the dungeons for even looking in your direction from now on.” Jungkook seethed, tightening his hold on you. You wheezed out a laugh, struggling to breathe in Jungkook's hold, before pushing on him hard enough that he finally let you go.
“There’s no need for that, love.” The affectionate nickname slipped out of your mouth before you even realized, but Jungkook heard it all the same, a smile instantly stretching across his lips as he reached out to try and ensnare you again. You narrowly avoided his grasp, dodging his hand and letting out a tut, “Ah ah ah! You can hug me all you want when we get back to the castle, but right now I’d like a bath and some clothes that aren’t covered in dirt.”
Jungkook chuckled and reached out again, this time capturing you and causing you to let out a squeak as he pulled you in closer once again. “Fine.” he muttered, bending down to place a gentle peck on your lips before pulling back to shoot you a wink, “But when we get back I’m doing a lot more than just hugging you.”
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