#now time forrrrrr
collophora · 26 days
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More minibatch adventure I need a full show maybe too XD
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nell0-0 · 1 year
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Quick drawing of the twins before sleep ^^
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acaciapines · 6 months
this is so huge for me lol ever since i decided for the name they adopt to be 'sraf' (in-universe the titan word for dust, it implies alive, thinking, wants-to-find-others, stuff along those lines), i needed to change what firefly calls them since the name they adopt is translating firefly's name for them. but firefly is a big owl she doesnt know wtf dust is so she doesnt literally call him sraf.
after a lot of messing around w/ various names and puzzling out why the old one wasnt working (the name in my notes was 'little stardust' which, while i still think is really cute, doesnt work when stardust is the archivist name for dust and like. what our sraf is trying to get away from) i settled on!!! drumroll please.
reaches out scared!!
i really like this one. i think it emphasizes why firefly decided to even try befriending the collector in the first place--they try to reach out to people, to make friends and connections but theyve been burned so many times they just cant do it. plus, it ties into some archivist dust-lore im holding close to my chest right now lol. it also matches nice with king--i go based on vibes if owl-names have hyphens or not (luz and mari are sea-and-light, apart either sea-and or and-light; king is puffs out chest) and since king's name has no hyphens it feels right that the collector's doesnt either.
AND i think it translates decently to sraf--sraf is the connection between people and the world, and so, it's a reaching out. and its ALIVE, and it feels, so, the emotional side of it--reaches out scared.
basically owl naming is so so fun okay. i love it.
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dodgebolts · 1 year
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n0ct0urn1quet · 2 years
oh god its so weird that next year in april my gf and i will have been together for 5 years and ik that doesnt seem like a lot but like think about it. a decade is 10 years right. my and my gf being together for 5 years is equal to Half A Fucking Decade and when you think about it like HTAT its like owhoaoshhow????!?!???? huh?!??!!??!!?!??? hwhhat??!!??!!!?????!?!?!?!
#like oh my god its just baffling to think about#AND LIKE I MEAN THAT IN THE MOST !!!!! POSITIVE WAY POSSIBLE#like i!!!!!1 im really happy we've been together for that long#I EMAN currently rn we've been together forrrrrr. 4 years and 4 months! so idk its just . its nice 2 think about :]#and ik i said it before but its so weird to think about how like ..... when we were in the Earlier Stages of our relationship we were like#oh yeah im gonan make a GOFUNDME at 13 YEARS OLD to RRAISE MONEY and then im gonna FLY OUT AND SEE YOU !!!#without even thinking about like . anything else besides heehoo i get to see gf :] :] :]#PLUS LIKE at the time if i remember correctly she was living in a . VERY very small house. VERY small#so like if i came n stayed there it woulda been so cramped ??? and like idk if i woulda gotten along very well with the ppl she lived with#BC thats also another thing we didnt think about we were so focused on just Meeting that we werent like#hey . maybe a 13 year old shouldnt fly on her own to see her gf. and hey maybe the family members shouldnt be there#SJDJKSKLKLG#BUT LKE i get it we jus rly wanted to see each othr and we were young and Supit so we didnt think about any of that othr stuff#but as i was saying its so weird to think about all of that and then think about where we are now and#1. we were already making plans for me to come visit during this summer but unfortunately things kinda got in the way so that#didnt end up HAPPENING but its amazing hthat we managed to like plan it out n everything#and 2. we're still gonna like move in together . liek. fairly soon hopefully#IDK HOW SOON and i feel bad bringing that up every time bc ik she isnt in a big hurry to leave n she's got her own stuff in the way#neithr of us have Jobs Yet and she started school on monday which just . hoohg#BUT. but but but. jus the fact that we went from the fuckin gofundme shit to actually palnning it out fr#ACTUALLY planning on getting jobs and getting Money and planning for me to come move across the country to see her its like!!!!!#woah!!!!!!! thats wild!!!!!! and idk when itll Happen because like i said neithr of us have jobs yet or like drivers liscenesses or anythin#she hasnt moved outta the house yet and both of us are still in school shes got a few mor years Left of school befor she's done#and i only have 2 yeaars left (unless they end up holding me back bc i failed 9th + 10th)#but like once we're outta school its just . Its Go Time Baybee !!!!!!!#n i mean it sucks we'll hav to wait a few more years but honestly shes prolly rigtht n its proly for tha best . bc like#originally i was jus gonna come visit her this summer but its like . my mom would HAVE to com with me and idk how she'll be#in a whole new State that she's never been in before with ppl she's never Met and i think she'd just be in a shit mood the whole time#n my gf was worried abt her mom also bein the same way so its like . prolly better for now to jus wait til she's moved out n THEN i can com#see her n stuff . so itll b a while but the wait is worth it and for the Better i think. :]
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outivv · 1 year
— Sneaking in —
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Synopsis: sneaking into their dorms!! For… different reasons that barely correlate to actually sneaking in :’)
Warnings: Idia being sick lol, not proofread
Characters: Sebek, azul, jamil, rook, and Idia
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello!! I know I have a lot of requests to finish but I couldn’t focus with this idea in my head :’). So!! I’m quickly writing this then back to requests >:O. I’ve been posting a lot of twst recently, so I do apologize for the people who follow me strictly for genshin content, I do hope you’re hanging in there OAVEJEG anyway, hope you enjoy!! And take care of yourself!!
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— Sebek —
You carefully snuck through the diasomnia form hallways, the creaking of the floorboards were the only thing that could give you away. That or the loud opening of sebeks door, and his head peaking out, with a large comical scowl, and frown on his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but thought against it as Lilia’s room was right across from his own, and he didn’t want to wake Lilia of all people. So he grabbed your arm, and hurried you inside his room.
“You were so loud I could hear you open the front door.” Sebek said his hand sliding down your arm, to carefully grab intertwine his hand with your own. “Nuh uh!! I was super careful!!” You protested. He scowled even harder, but despite that he was somehow very… docile this evening. He caught himself before shouting, he’s very gentle with his hold on your hand, he even asked you to sneak into his dorm, even though the curfew is 10pm and it’s currently 11pm, which all give the vibe that he’s not quite his usual self tonight.
“Sebek? Are you ok?” You squeeze his hand, which is still holding your own. He hums in response, his demeanor very… shy, and even embarrassed. You laugh a little, at how your big, half fae crocodile, loud, boyfriend is acting all… shy. It’s cute, you wouldn’t tell him that, but you know… he’s cute!! “I know you didn’t ask me to sneak in here without a reason.” You say, grabbing his other hand. He mumbles something completely incoherent as a response. “What was that?” You tease, even if it was a genuine question.
“I said… I just missed you.” His pointy ears turn pink, as his eyes meet your own. Ahh, now this makes more sense. Of course with the overblotting, and events, and etc etc, Malleus has been busy, which by extension means Sebek has been busy. Barely has any time to see you even, and he hates that, even if he doesn’t want to admit it because while he isn’t with you, he’s doing his duty and protecting Malleus. But, he can’t help himself, he misses you. You sigh, “alright c’mere.” You say, dragging him over to his bed, and laying down with him, beginning to talk about mindless things like you usually do.
— Azul —
“Thank you jade.” You say politely, as jade closes, and locks the mostro lounge doors again. “Of course.” You look over the massive box you’re holding, to try and make your way towards azul’s office. Getting close to the doors you can hear Floyd doing his agreed upon job, and distracting Azul so he’d stay in his office longer than usual. You creak open the door, and neither Floyd nor Azul could see you over the again, very very large box you were carrying.
Floyd rushes over to help place said box on the coffee table in the middle of the office. “Delivery forrrrrr… the prettiest boy in the world!! A-k-a the birthday boy!!” You say with a cheeky smile, thankfully for Azul Floyd has already left the room, saving him from the embarrassment. Well… you can’t really save completely, his face already turning red, as he bites down on his lip to stop himself from smiling. “What are you doing? I thought we were going out for dinner.” Azul says as he walks over to where you’re standing by your box.
“Well, maybe that was a lie to get you to think we were doing that when in reality…” you proceed to open said box, lifting it up to reveal a beautifully decorated cake. “We’re having cake for dinner!!” Azul think over how… unhealthy that is, but before he can get worked up ok how own thoughts you’re already sitting him down and lighting his candles. “You really got jade and Floyd in on this to help you sneak in?” Azul questioned, intertwining his pinky with yours. “Of course, as long as I give them some cake”
— Jamil —
“What are you doing?” Jamil asks as he suddenly appears right behind you. You jump away from your spot peering around the corner, your hands find their way to grasp the over the shoulder bag you were carrying. They have very valuable goods in I’ll have you know!! “uhhhhhhhhhhhh sneaking… into… your dorm?” You say it like a question. Jamil quirks an eyebrow, “really?” “Yes really!! That’s what I was doing before… you caught me” your demeanor goes to shy, and embarrassed real fast, which jamil chickened at a bit.
“You know you could have just… used the front door.” Jamil comments. You sigh, resting your hand ok your hip, and tsk at his naivety, “now now jamil. You know it’s less fun that way. Plus I wanted to surprise you!!” He crosses his arms, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, “oh? And why would that be?” Your face flushes as you suddenly remember why you came here.
“Well… I uh-“ you open up the bag you had with you, and carefully pull out a small bouquet you had with you “I actually wanted to give you this!!” You hold it out in front of you, a bright and almost innocent smile spreading on your face as you outstretched your arms. Jamil carefully holds the bouquet, looking at it confused, he’s never gotten such a thing from someone… what exactly does this mean? Do you feel the same way for him? Or is it a… friendly gesture amongst friendly friends for friends. He’s not sure. The more he stares at your gift the more your face reddens. “If… you don’t like it that’s fine, I know it’s not really a uh… what’s the word… hmm… practical? Gift?” Jamil now looks up from the flowers “No no it’s just… never mind, thank you. I appreciate it.”
— Rook —
You casually walked through the halls of Pomefiore, you were just gonna meet up with epel for some studying!! Nothing more!! And yet… “ah Mon cherie!! Were you trying to surprise me with your presence?” Rook said as he quickly revealed himself behind the corner, a sharp smile on his face. You step back and scream, obviously surprised by his appearance, rightfully so too!! “Holy sh- rook?!”
He tilts his head, and fully steps away from the corner, walking towards you, and taking your hand in his to kiss it tenderly. Your face bursts into a fit of blush, but also still shock from him startling you, “hey!! No flattery.” Rook looks at you, still with that same sharp close mouthed smile, “Hm, I do apologize for scaring you, but I just couldn’t help myself”
Rook leans against the wall next to him, “I thought you were sneaking up on me, oh how scary that would be” he fakes being dramatic, for a little added flair. “No, I’m just going to study with epel.” You tilt your head, clearly confused. “Oh now you’re even choosing epel over me, oh my!!” “What do you mean??” You respond, very clearly confused on how he keeps pulling random scenarios out of thin air “oh I can’t believe my beloved dear, is hanging out with someone other than me in my own dorm!!” You sigh and start walking to epel’s room, with rook still tailing behind you like a dramatic puppy. God this study session is gonna be obnoxious.
— Idia —
The ignihyde halls are usually very empty, as the echos of your footsteps are played over and over again. There’s not many students in ignihyde, and the ones that are here typically find themselves in their room, or on campus. Either way, meant you got to sneak into the dorms easily, well… after you notified ortho before hand (ortho is ignihyde equivalent of Cerberus prove me wrong).
Now, all you had to do was… not startle Idia, should be easy enough. You knocked on his door, and slowly opened it after hearing him groan. Upon entering you saw him huddled in a blanket, his face illuminated by the screen of his pc, and screen. “Hey.” You say, and you can hear a little squeak, and see him jump a bit in his chair. “What… are you doing here?” Idia says turning around, with a sniffle. You shrugs and say, “well I thought I should cheer you up.” You hold up a bag you were carrying, “I brought candy, that new game you’ve been wanting, and I even brought a copy for myself and my console. Oh and more tissues and medicine, cause you look all… drippy.
It’s funny how whenever Idia gets sick, it’s ortho who calls you for help. Idia was miserable this whole day so far, until you snuck in, and decided to take care of him. Idia, snuggles again, the tops of his hair turning a bright shade of pink, “thanks…” he mumbles, he is truly thankful for everything!! He just… god you make him so nervous, and so happy all at once. You walk over and hand him the box of tissues, “of course. Anytime.”
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blarrghe · 11 months
Hey hey hey 10 “You never believe me! If I told you right now that I love you, would you even believe me?” forrrrrr zeviolstair OR pavellan
You always send me prompts that I wind up incorporating into Party Camp I hope you're happy
For @dadrunkwriting and Strange Feelings in the Party Camp, some zeviolstair.
Violet is laughing, clutching Zevran's arm and laughing through her tears.
"Thank you," she says, wiping one away, gaze lingering on Zevran's still-concerned smile and then flicking over to him. "Maker, this is why I love you."
Alistair catches Zevran blushing, but he backs away and makes room when she says that, as though she hadn't said it to him. Violet grips his arm and pulls him back.
"Love you both," she clarifies, and she doesn't need to look Alistair in the eye for him to believe it, and she knows it, so her gaze snaps back to Zevran, defiant.
"Ah," Zevran hesitates. It's...
Is he allowed to be cute?
Alistair thinks it's cute, how he hesitates.
"I... thank you."
Violet's eyes narrow. Alistair almost laughs. Wrong choice, he thinks, that isn't what you say back when Violet Cousland tells you she loves you. He would know.
"You don't believe me?"
"Mi amor, of course I..." Zev swallows like he's choked on the Antivan phrase he's just spun. He says that all the time, mi amor, and Alistair knows just enough Antivan to know it means 'my love', and more than enough about Zevran to know that it's not really supposed to. Except it does.
He's always meant it, just draws it out and purrs over it and spreads it around, thinks they won't notice if he does it like that, which is precisely why he can't say it now.
"We both do, Zev." It's a rare moment for him, to be able to say something so succinct and just be done with it, but that sounded right. His own voice dips low and quiet, both his and Violet's eyes land on him, and he just lets that hang there. He takes Zev's hand. "You know that."
Zevran pulls his hand back. Alistair's never seen him blush so deeply. "Do I, now?"
He's doing a bad job of playing this off. Violet giggles.
"Mm, well, you ought to." Violet bumps her head into his shoulder.
Alistair crosses his arms and nods in agreement. "Sure, we say it enough, right Vi?"
"I've said it," she agrees, kissing Zev's cheek. "And we had that long talk, me and you."
"Mhm," Alistair nods.
"Aye, you've said it..." Zevran sighs like he's contemplating some difficult lock. "When was this talk?"
Alistair shrugs. "Week ago? Days are running together."
"I told him I loved you still, asked if it was alright."
"I just laughed, I was so relieved," Alistair adds in.
"And then we went on about him, didn't we?"
"Oh, into the night."
Zevran looks between them, skeptical eyebrow raising, defensive smirk forming, something almost like annoyance in his eyes, under it all. Alistair's heart sinks just a little, and he does a similar-but-different kind of not showing it.
"Ha ha, very funny," Zevran retorts, sarcastic and a smidge too defensive and so far off base it pangs in Alistair's sinking heart.
"Didn't I tell you he'd never believe you?" Alistair shoots Violet a raised-eyebrow and a look she'll know what to do with.
She nods, and her smile is the only one of theirs that isn't hiding something. She can get through to both of them like no one else can.
"Zevran, look at me," she says.
He does. She doesn't even say anything, and his eyes well up.
"Maker," Alistair sighs into a real smile and just collects him under an arm, draping his weight across Zev's shoulders and taking in the scent of his hair. "Finally."
"I -- this was not to be about me -- I do not need you two to - to..."
"Love you?" Violet finishes for him, not what he was going to say, Alistair knows, but absolutely what he was going to mean. "We've only tried to tell you half a million times each."
"You have not!" Zevran protests.
He's said it plenty of times, actually, thank you very much, Alistair thinks. Zev's just never heard him.
He said it after the very first time he'd ever buried himself inside him, and fine, he supposes he understands why Zev might think that one didn't count. Supposes he gets why Violet mumbling it out sleepily into his naked chest didn't register, either. He's said it when they're both in his arms by the fire, and maybe those times Zevran sat there obliviously considering himself an accessory to it all, but Violet's the one of the two of them that's really shy with the word. Because Alistair? Alistair says it.
He says it when Zevran cooks and brings him a bowl of something that actually tastes like food. He says it when Zev's got him bent forward and cramping with laughter. He says it when he pulls him up after a hard fight, checking him for injuries before letting the rest of his adrenaline out in a crushing embrace.
"Oh, thank the Maker," he remembers saying breathlessly, pulling Zev up from a muddy pit of a narrowly-missed ogre-stomp, just the other day, "Maker, I love you too much for you to get smushed by some giant stinking foot. Don't scare me like that."
So he shoved him after, didn't make it less true.
"You never believe me," Alistair corrects, jostling him now as well, still pulled tight under his arm. "If I told you right now that I loved you, would you even hear me?"
He can't do it quite like Violet does. Whatever surety she puts in a look, he's never had that. He has a goofy smile, eyes that don't like long, important looks into other eyes much. But he presses a rough kiss into the side of Zevran's face and feels just how hot his cheeks have gotten, and he's pretty sure it gets through.
"Mi amor," Zevran breathes. "I... my apologies."
"So we all agree?" Violet asks hopefully, scooching her way closer on the bench to get wrapped up under Alistair's other arm. She pushes her head into Zev's shoulder again.
"It appears that way," Zevran mumbles, and Alistair tastes the salt of his tears when he kisses his cheek again.
"I love you, Zev," Alistair closes his eyes and whispers it into his soft hair, this time.
"We both do," Violet concludes.
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veryparynormal · 7 months
Ughhhhhh I need a new guy to secretly pine forrrrrr .(
I learned that with my last crush, our orientations weren't compatible, so after that I didn't feel the need to confess, which made me get over it pretty quickly.
But now I am faced with the new problem of not having anyone to simp for........
At the same time tho if I ever got with a regular old human, they would out-age me since I'm stuck being 17, and then I would outlive them.
Which leaves me with other ghosts as my only option. Which. No. Ew. Zero simp-worthy candidates here in the afterlife.
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gloivy · 9 months
⌛️ [Hourglass] How long have you been working on this WIP? How long have you been writing in general?
I’ve been working on How to Catch Snitches and Get Witches forrrrrr about 10/11 months now (I think?). It’s hard to say exactly when, because I went through a long process before I actually settled on my final idea for this fic. The idea originally came from a fest piece I was writing over a year ago (that I wasn’t able to finish in time, and still haven’t posted, but maybe one day). It was a fic that followed Hermione trying to seduce Draco by following a “guide” she found in Witch Weekly. I was making a bunch of graphics for it, magazine pages, covers, etc. and I needed fake headlines to pop on the cover when “How to: catch snitches and get witches” came to me hehehe. Then when I was brainstorming what an article with that title would contain, I got the idea of it being Draco’s autobiography! But then I kind of abandoned the idea for a couple of months, until I was talking with my friend Tima about fake dating fics and I decided I wanted to write her one for her birthday. I was a bit stuck for ideas at first though until I remembered How to Catch Snitches and Get Witches and it all CLICKED.
I’ve been writing for 12 years now!! I started off writing cringy little y/n stories on wattpad at age 11, but I like to think my writing has improved somewhat since then hehehe
Thanks for the ask! sorry i rambled a bit oops
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hyperionshipping · 1 year
f/o question in my head: how would these f/os take a bath with you? (Bubbles, bath bombs, is it silly or are they being romantic etc) forrrrrr Hodgins, Sweets, Grog, Jack, Crowley AND Lucifer
Buckle in folks! Long answer!!
So, it depends. Back at his old place, he had a BIG tub with jets and everything. It could easily fit two people.
He has ALL the bath stuff. Bathbombs, bath salts, bubbles, anything else you could want. He only takes 'em once in a while.
If I asked him to take a bath with me? He'd go all out. Nice smelling bathbomb, bubbles, some salts, even candles!
He even holds his tongue when I want the water hotter than he's used too. He wraps his arms around me and holds me to his chest.
Oh you know he secretly enjoys bubble baths still. But, I think baths sometimes agrivate his scars. So it depends if he'll take one.
Sweets hasn't totally fit in a tub since he was little.
If I asked, he'd totally join me, even if he was a little blushy over it. I don't think he's had a lover who wanted to share the tub with him. And, really, it's a very vulnerable time for him.
Both of us could be the one in front. Depends on the night.
Fern grew up with his family who was group of orcs that travelled around. They were ALL about hygiene and cleanliness.
They especially raised Fern to take much care of his hair. Much like dwarves, hair played a very important role in the culture of orcs!
So, Fern grew up taking communal baths. Helping the orclings clean up, to washing the elders of the group which was seen as a high honor helping the oldest.
When he starts to travel with Vox Machina, he's unused to bathhouses. He doesn't feel out of place-- he is quite use to communal baths, but they're just different enough.
Now, Grog isn't dirty but he's a big ol' half giant whose clan kicked him out. He's used to being dirty.
When Fern first offers to help clean him? Grog is a little dumbfounded. When Fern gets flustered and says nevermind, Grog tells him No! He would like that. He just never had anyone help him.
It's rare the two would get to "properly" bathe together, but they've absolutely cleaned up together.
Grog is the first to help clean Fern's hair. In his group, only close family members or lovers would ever clean each others hair. As said before, an orc's hair is a sense of their pride, and, it's something very vulnerable to trust another to not ruin their hair.
Grog was always worried whenever Fern let him touch his hair. But Fern would always, always say he trusted Grog.
Jack would want you to believe he doesn't use bubbles in his bath but he does. Add on candles, bathbombs, salts, candles, anything else that screams "at-home spa day" and you have Jack's personal bath days.
With me there, it's mostly the same. Expect Jacks always touchy. If I want a relaxing bath I have to tell him or else... well... we get distracted.
Jack likes expensive smelling bathbombs. And ones that leave his skin smooth. He's less picky about the bubbles and salts he uses.
Crowley is renting out a heartshaped tub for us, light pink water with bubbles and salts that smell sweet. He sets it up as something romantic.
Just the two of us, low lights, flickering candles, perhaps even petals in the tub, water that is *just* the right temperature, and afterwards, despite never getting out? He has warm, fresh towels everytime.
He's not against a bath that leads to sex, but he truly loves indulging in just sitting with me in the warm water, holding me to his chest and letting his problems melt away. Even if it's just for a couple hours.
Lucifer would indulge me on baths. His tub is large enough to comfortably fit us both. He draws the bath for me.
He gets bathbombs with roses in it, bubbles, salts that relax, candles, music playing softly.
Baths with him can, and often DO lead to sex. But that's only because I want him so damn bad. He's totally fine with relaxing in the bath, but I always seem to want something else when we take baths together.
Lucifer would like "fresh" smelling bathbombs. He'll use two in the baths he makes. Or, like, flowery scents! He loves a nice lavender scented thing for the relaxation it brings!
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boypussydilf · 1 year
BMT (bacon mettuce tomato) from that ask game forrrrrr..... persona AND sgt frog. double whammy
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
in persona … i would most likely never have thought of sumitaba in my life if not for the fandom. they r just neat. uhhhhhh. lets see surely theres some pair of sgt frog characters i never wouldve considered interacting or smth if not for some external influence. Most notably kurudoro i probably wouldnt habe really thought about them if not for the fandom either but its hard to remember, but let’s also give a shout out to some pairs ive seen interacting One Time- i THINK i saw one (1) piece of ship fanart of bariri and keroro? if im remembering correctly? And also hark ! to the fanart of dororo and putata interacting. iirc. rich kid swag
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
EVERY character I LOVE friendship 😌😊☺️🍃🌱💅❤️😌🤭🍀🌸⭐️🌈✨😚 ok im done now. Anyway for real though I would like to be friends with all of the phantom thieves we would be besties . but i wanna hang out w yusuke and futaba especially. but like, separately. the violence when they are combined is funny but would be too intense for me. Also, Eikichi Persona 2. And maybe Maya Persona 2 we wouldn’t necessarily be close friends but she’s nice.
if dororo n koyuki were real we would be best friends “u n dororo n koyuki or me n u” yes. i would enjoy hanging out with fuyuki as well.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Ok well first of all lists of immutable autistic & trans headcanons as long as my arm for both series, but we already know that very well. Other than that uh ….. really die hard thoughts …. akira & futaba are siblings its simply a fact. also that fanart where sumi runs into akechi post p5r and shes the only one who knows hes alive for a while and its kinda just Them is like 85% canon in my brain. Also there is no world post-p5 where akira doesn’t become like… protests georg. if you have an Adult Akira Kurusu concept and hes anything other than not only willing to punch dudes in the face to try and get things to change but actually Actively Doing the closest things to that he can manage: you are just wrong.
sgt frog headcanons that r Just Canon to me …….. Aside frm the list of whos autistic keroro Super Has ADHD but that really kind of is just canon. not on purpose but no one in the history of mankind has adhd coded a frog harder than this. There’s not much else I can think of this is the worst thing to ever happen to me 😔 I could reiterate my trans headcanons in great detail but we’d be here all night and the Sgt Frog 10 Years Later au in my brain is still only half-formed (its my job, my DUTY, with everything i like to imagine what the characters are like a while post-canon, especially if theres kids who can grow up or other clear room for further life development, but also there’s a lot of factors to consider to figure details out.) So I’m just gonna end by talking about Kururu’s older siblings because we as a people need to talk more about them. I think that personality wise they’re both like. somewhere in between kururu and saburo. They like to Cause Problems On Purpose more than saburo who mostly just Doesn’t Prevent problems but not as much as kururu whod probably blow up a galaxy if it was funny enough, but they’re also like, Outwardly Nice, less like kururu and more like saburo. Theyre sooo good at acting friendly and sweet and normal that you can miss how extremely petty and selfish they’re being and all the problems they are causing. This is just based on 1 clip in the anime where shipepe sends keroro a card for new years or something like that? and part of it goes kinda like “Just a funny thing…. you know what that happens to remind me of? That time I bought you ramen in elementary school…. I still remember exactly how much money you owe me <3” anyway tbats what they’re like to me.
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polyhexian · 2 years
Tmiiii but You know I've had an IUD in forrrrrr almost a decade now- well, I'm on my second, but my first one was mirena which is supposed to last for five years but I kept it for eight for. Reasons. Don't worry about it. But like when I first got it I was nineteen and they weren't as common back then? Like when I told my mom I got an IUD she thought I meant the copper kind. I had a friend in china who'd gotten one eyars before but she'd given birth already and at that time they told me they only really recommended it to ppl who had given birth cuz it's gotta go right in ur cervix and it's like extraordinarily painful and like. Yeah lol. I was on a ton of drugs when they put it in but dude I couldn't stand for three days. For months I was getting random horrible stabs of pain. It felt like I'd get a week's worth of period cramps- and I've always had particularly bad cramps- in twenty seconds. And ppl would ask me why not get it out then and I'm like man I would rather sometimes be hit with so much pain out of nowhere that I double over and puke than deal with a normal period idk about you
I got skyla now which is smaller but even the I didn't need any drugs or anything? They just put it in and I drove myself home. That shit was wild. I don't know what the difference was, if it was me or time or the IUD or what the fuck. But goddamn was it easier.
And like yeah yeah birth control great and stuff it was particularly useful when I was in my slut phase but like I haven't done a fuck in years man I had my epiphany of spirit and I still have trouble explaining to like my mom like. Why are you on birth control if you never have sex. Like completely ignoring the risk of unwanted sex like how has it not settled in that the primary function of it for me is period control and not getting pregnant is just like a cool bonus
Anyway I still don't know what's wrong with me or if Im projecting but I am like 99% that when I'm not on birth control my periods are way worse than they're supposed to be and whatever I'm experiencing is in fact abnormal but I may legitimately never know if that's true or why and that annoys the hell out of me
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hwaightme · 1 year
Okay i'm here as promised buckle up because i have A LOT to say!!!
first lemme just say that i wanted to read the beginning quickly before going to work but i ended up powering through the whole thing i literally could not put it down. during the whole thing i was literally thinking is the kind of shit that should get published. so beofre i ramble into oblivion
i divided my comment into 3 points
first, oc really hit home on this one. like when you wrote that she born into heartbreak and nutured by it i felt that so hard. from the get go i felt really close to her. and what you was were describing felt so real. she didn't feel rushed or superficial she felt like a real character with background and history. so yeah amazing character development
second, the pacing of it all was outstanding!! like it was impossible to stop reading. i was literally held hostage by this fic yes it was THAT good! every event the was progressing the story flowed naturally nothing felt rushed or dragged on. it was just the perfect rythym!!!
third, T.H.E S.M.UT. girllll i cannot believe it was your first smut!!!! like brooo omg the amount of times i almost threw my phone across the room just to get a breather... honestly when they were back in the club and mingi just blurted "use me" i literally LOST. IT. the tension was through the roof!!! i was legit kicking my feet because i was just going insane. and what followed was just to die forrrrrr everything was perfecttttt princess mingi is the absolute best!!!!!!!
and that cliffhanger girl we live in a world where we need part 2 of this masterpiece. like im really NOT the romantic type at all but you got me so in my feels so much that i crave a good ending. like i loved so much peeking throught the cracks of oc's thick armour. mingi def has the power to get her to bring her guard down. of course as an author myself there absolutely no pressure! creative process cant be forced but just know if this happen ill be there literally barking lol
okay so thats all thanks so much for this amazing ff ! sorry for the typos im legit just typing and not thinking
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Hello there! Am I tearing up? Why yes I am ;~; This really is leaving me speechless. To borrow Shakespeare's words from Twelfth Night: “I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks.”
I am reading and rereading your comments and it honestly feels surreal. I so deeply appreciate what you have written and what your thoughts are about 'Use Me', and before I go and sob a lil bit from the sheer glee and how overwhelmed I am (in the best sense ever), let me try my best to answer you <3
As someone who adores literature in all of its forms, I am beyond honoured that you feel this is the type of work that should be published. Really, I have no words other than the fact that I am blown away and am so grateful.
About the OC, what you wrote about the feeling of depth and of connection with the character is so unbelievably meaningful to me. I greatly enjoy work that delves into exploring the psyche and the emotional landscape of personas, and attempt to learn bit by bit about how to incorporate that; proper character development, as well as having good pacing are both major goals for me, so I… quite literally… shouted into the horizon when I read your kind words about that. I am sitting here beaming at the screen <3 (because I am held hostage by your ask I literally want to print it out and hug it and am giving you a virtual hug right now)
As the song goes: THANXX (and gracias, and all translations of it)!!!!! Ahah yep indeed it was and I am seriously really honoured that the tension and the flow of the scenes were that kind of an experience <3 (and princess mingi for the win ;))
This is the highest form of praise, right here, and okay you know how I said 'tearing up' yeah I am fully boarding the feels train, you say you are in the feels? Okay what is your seat I am about to be in the carriage thank you so much!!!! ;~; Really grateful for your understanding nature and for your kindheartedness and for the time that you took to read and to share your thoughts with me and really… I think… a part 2 could very much be a (high) possibility now ;) as you say, it may take a little longer, but I would love to dive in deeper, and see how the relationship in 'Use Me' will be changing, how the past can haunt just about anyone, and if, given time and effort, people can heal, and learn to both love and live.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you so much for your words, the inspiration and motivation. Much love, big hugs and wishing you all the very best and more <3
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noblehcart · 1 year
❝ i think you're probably the only one who understands me. ❞ forrrrrr stefan perhaps?
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"in what sense?" he mused quietly between them as they carefully danced together in the midst of other couples. there was an anxious knot that tightened and loosened continuously; fear, he'd trample on lithe graceful feet of hers and the sense of relief at peering down to her lovely features. that she was there with him.
surely, she had many suitors- she was beautiful, talented and kind. there was a certain je ne sais quoi to her as the french said that kept him curious about the girl in his arms.
"as in the feeling of being seen by all and known by none?" he said gently as they swayed and he kept careful guard of where his hand rested at her back. it took all self restraint not to scowl darkly at the scoundrels dancing with the girls and women with wandering hands and eyes. gingerly he raised his arm slightly to allow her to spin out then return back into waiting arms as he continued to think of her words.
a thoughtful hum followed when he spoke again. "what it is to be surrounded by people in life, but feel often times alone. as though no one can quite understand how in that small space of time that you can feel that-"
blue eyes flickered away from her soft features as he realized how his melancholia had crept in so suddenly. a faint shy smile ever so briefly appeared before melting into his usually more stoic state. " i'm sorry. perhaps i'm being a bit too presumptuous; i'm sure this isn't exactly dancing conversation, now is it?"
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soccialcreature · 5 years
hey everyone. back on my star wars bs again. cal kestis and ahsoka wud b friends :)
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ssuckitlosers · 2 years
cannot quite believe that it’s 2:40am because I was fully expecting to go to sleep before midnight because I was tired af all day…
But apparently writing far too many words about a PrUK fic idea, will not only keep me awake, but make me lose track of time entirely.
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