#null the void beast
frostbitten-winter · 8 months
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The boys are fighting
And a few reactions to it
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nubsneos · 1 year
Some non-human centric pronouns on request.
If it's unclear what a pronoun says or is based on, ask in reblogs or comments and I'll do my best to get back to you. Most words or based were found on Wiktionary.
co/cor/corru/corrupt/corruptself or corruption
ny/nyc/nycto/nyctos/nyctoself - derived from night
cre/create/creature/creatuir/creatureself or chreatuir
bel/belua/beluine/beluinas/belluine or beluaself - derived from beast
kle/klau/klawe/klawo/klawself - derived from claw
ither/uther/ather/anther/anthraz or otherself - derived from other
phae/phen/phaeno/phaenom/phenself or phenomenon
fre/frek/freke/freak/freakself or freaky
fon/feng/fang/fangz/fangself or fangzen - derived from fang and German counterpart
vac/vaco/vaccus/voccus/voself or vacself - derived from void
nul/nulle/nulli/nullus/nulself - derived from null
form/forme/morph/morphe/formself or morself - derived from form/lifeform
mon/moneo/monstro/monstrum/monself or monstrous
kry/kryp/krupto/kruptos/krypself - derived from cryptid
lyf/lyve/lyven/lyves/lyfself - derived from life/lifeform
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seafoam-taide · 2 years
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hi hi hi hello. hi. meet the most fucked up and evil thing ever.
ok so this is . and i dont know a whole lot about void deal yet but just know . is so immeasurably fucked up. inarguably the worst creature in my oc story to date. ze is just vibing and appears frankly pretty harmless but trust me on this. the horrors are real and . caused them ok. shortest most evilest thing on earth.
also i think this is the most i’ve ever shown of rosy ever. say hi to rosy too i guess lol
#my art#oc landfill#philophrosyne#oc .#dont mind rosy's weird fuckin outfit i still havent figured out exactly what to put her in#this is the oc that after making i realized was very much so inspired by tesla n popup btw#so the whole thing with philophrosyne is she has a very sad and angsty backstory etc etc and thats why shes evil#but now that . exists. it gets worse because . is the worst fucking influence possible#and the thing is . isnt even like. technically malicious. voi's like. a force of nature#also im bad at drawing horror so it isnt real yet but i PROMISE those layers are hiding some fucked up shit i promise#im so in love with Ø's design bcuz the whole thing is (despite having magic n shit) a very very human story#and i mean. just look at null next to rosy. that beast doesnt BELONG here. out of place.#i want the story to focus on emotional conflict and be genuinely pretty fucked up at times. and . is like. the antithesis of that.#which is what makes . such the perfect ultimate evil i think?#ze simply doesnt care. nu is simply vibing#anyway the point is nu never actually becomes some sort of final boss or anything.#voi is just. there. in the background. and upon further thought you realize just how fucking scary nu is.#how much ze could do that ze hasn't yet simply because ze hasn't felt like it.#void exist from the narrative will be simple and unobtrusive. nu simply leaves. this endeavor isnt enjoyable anymore. so they leave.#the fact that ze can choose to do this in the first place is just another aspect of zer that is so out of place here#i dont know if im getting this across very well. im just. i love . so much#ok. send post
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For those who don’t know, I am the technical admin for a Minecraft server. Now I have slightly above average skills with computers, but nothing to call home about, since computers generally act weird around me. That said I was the best equipped for it so me and @the-seelie-court-official started it up together, me for technical stuff and Dion for community stuff.
Now let me tell you about the Haunting on the Minecraft server.
One of the things I wanted to set up was NPC shop keeps. Now these shop keeps look like players, and I can code them to type in chat and to walk around, but they aren’t players. They aren’t counted in the server list, they only say the words I’ve given them. One of these Npcs was Herb, the Herbalist. They sold plants.
This was their skin, by the way.
Now one day herb stopped talking, this was odd so I tried to select them, like I had done so many times before, but it wouldn’t work. Whenever I tried I was met with error messages. I couldn’t select them, so I couldn’t delete them, I couldn’t move them, they had cut their strings and I the puppet master was forced to place an end portal beneath them and drop them into the void.
I thought this would be the last of it.
Fast forward a couple months and the server is up and running for public use. The players got into the end to find the end dragon missing, and upon building out to make an enderman farm we found herb. They were hovering, in the void. Easily accessible, I still couldn’t select them to change them or edit them so we just let them stay, floating above the yawning void that was meant to get rid of them.
Over time the server got more and more glitchy, chunks were being loaded by the thousand with only one or two people on at a time. After some serious sleuthing we (me and my team) found that the server recognized a ghost player. One that wasn’t listed when you pressed Tab, but was listed on the server side. The console of the server was filled with error messages almost constantly, cascading errors of Null, of Not Found despite the fact herb was right there.
Eventually it came to a head, the corn plants and slimefun crops went Wrong. Corrupted just like herb. And with fields of Steve heads staring back from what should be a farm we agreed that we would completely delete the world. The world that herb was in, that whole dimension. In hopes it would finally get rid of them.
We thought it worked, that we had finally be rid ourselves of this beast of my own creation. An hour later Herb Appeared at the world spawn. As if nothing had happened.
Finally I had to resort to burying them in a bedrock box directly under world spawn, because while I couldn’t move them I could break the blocks under them to make them fall. They sit down there trapped, vomiting error messages any time they are looked at or touched. Waiting for the chance to destroy what we have built.
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lets-try-some-writing · 2 months
In your professional opinion: what would be some Cybertronian Superstitions? Like do the miners hit the entrance of mines after someone dies inside it to help free their sparks from their tomb? Do people not say Unicron’s name after dark for fear it’ll summon him? Is there a name(s) that you can’t say inside the Iacon Hall Of Records or else you’ll be cursed with bad luck????
Please feel free to go hog wild with this.
Oh boy I LOVE the idea of that sort of thing. Honestly, I can see all sorts of little superstitions existing due to mythos and history.
Miners make it a point to never leave their tools unattended. They take them everywhere. To recharge, to fuel, even to get repairs. As for why they do this? There is a certain belief that the tools carry a bit of the luck and wisdom of those who held them previously. And since most tools are handed down from one fallen miner to the next, miners treat their tools with reverence. Many have carried the same pick, and each has left their mark. It cannot be disregarded.
Additionally, miners refuse to enter a deep tunnel system without whistling down it first. The habit has been long since made null and void by tunneling improvements, but there are stories of miners getting lost in the dark, before they adapted to it. Many died before their optics were augmented to the low light conditions. Great swaths of miners still believe that the wandering sparks of those lost in the dark linger there, scared and alone. Whistling down the tunnel before entering gives the lost spirits of the dead something to cling to, a guide to the afterlife in a sense.
Gladiators have a particular set of beliefs revolving entirely around the concept of honor. They know that their work is bloody and often cruel, and so they have developed a strange set of beliefs. Every gladiator, before combat, will take a stick or something equally useless, and snap it in half. They will give half of their broken instrument to a trusted comrade and march off to fight. If they return alive, the two pieces are to be put back together and promptly crushed into powder to be cast out upon whichever mech or beast died so that the gladiator could live. A sign of respect. However, if the gladiator were to die, their comrade is obliged to gather up the fallen's half of the instrument and have them run through their funeral rites with the joined object. This is done out of a belief that the dead must be honored, lest they linger in the living realm to haunt those who killed them (in the case of the gladiator surviving) or to stay with the other piece of their spark (in the event the gladiator dies).
Gladiators also have a firm belief that going into battle without paint will inevitably lead to bad luck coming upon them. They take meticulous care of their accenting paint, tracing swirls and jagged lines with delicate touches meant for those of higher castes. Some believe the marks distract enemies. Others say that the marks ward off attacks, letting otherwise lethal combat situations turn in their favor. No one really knows what they do. It is just something that must be done. Failure to go into battle without paint has led to more than a few gladiators meeting their end. Seeing such things has left the rest preferring to not take chances. Megatron himself went into battle without paint one time, and he quickly learned never to do that again when he returned with a brand new scar on his shoulder.
Amongst dock workers, there are various superstitions revolving around cargo in particular. It's bad luck to look at someone's cargo if it has a written letter attached. It doesn't matter what is in the box, it is considered a stain on one's spark to witness the usually rather sappy interactions between those who bother with sending hardcomms. Additionally, dock workers have long since grown to fear any box that comes in solid black. There was exactly one incident where a black box appeared amidst the cargo and disappeared without a trace, taking several other cargo pieces with it. Since then, any black boxes are either thrown right off the truck with a collective agreement that the loss will be signed off as an accident, or said boxes are loaded up with one unfortunate spark to transfer alone. Black boxes being delivered by one mech are often found missing, the driver and the box itself having vanished without a trace. Black boxes are terrifying, and not one dock worker is willing to risk it.
It is also notoriously bad luck among dock workers to deny the youngling with golden optics a ride. They will appear anywhere and at any time without rhyme or reason. When they appear, they never say a word, instead coming up to dock workers and pointing toward whatever transport they are loading up. Dock workers have long since learned to quietly nod and promptly ignore the youngling as they load up alongside the cargo. Interacting with the youngling results in the worker in question befalling some unfortunate end. Ignoring the youngling entirely leads to a similar situation. This superstition began long ago, and many younglings have abused it relentlessly since no one knows what the mysterious youngling from the myth actually looks like aside from their optics.
Low caste mecha as a whole have a strange superstition revolving around the concept of truth. They are notorious for keeping information to themselves, but low caste mecha never ever outwardly or blatantly lie. They are very careful to leave even the smallest grain of truth in their words. Why? Because telling lies brings the whispers of Liege Maximo. What are the whispers? No one is exactly sure. It is an evil omen, one that has led the low castes to develop odd honesty. They don't want to risk Liege's touch, not when he was stated to have been torn apart during the first age for his manipulations.
Low level soldiers hold the belief that giving away their names to one another is bad luck. Since they can all die at any given moment, they find it easier to remain nameless around one another. To them, remaining without a name in the optics of those around them ensures that survivors of battle can move on without fear. Giving a name means binding oneself to another. Their sparks might linger if they are attached, and that could lead to pain for both themselves and their comrades. So to get around this, soldiers don't do the name thing. Instead, every soldier refers to each other through characteristics or words of endearment. "Yellow" for a mech with yellow plating. "Comrade" or "Brother" for a mech they have served with frequently. Anything except a name. It would be cruel to bind the dead to living and the living to the dead.
Soldiers also have a belief that leaving a corpse to rot is incredibly bad luck. It doesn't matter whose corpse it is. It can't be left out. If nothing is salvageable, the spark chamber must be removed and taken to be given proper funeral rites. Not a spark wants to risk and angry spirit lingering because the body was not tended to properly. This belief extends to the point where soldiers will actively tear out their own spark chambers if they know they are going to die (or request others to do it for them). They don't want to linger and haunt those around them, so its best that the core of their frame is guaranteed proper rites.
Flyers of all kinds simply refuse to fly when Luna 1 and 2 are fully aligned. There are a thousand stories telling tales of fliers crashing, being killed, hit by rogue shots, and everything else. They won't risk it, and instead of flying, flyers will instead actively hide from the moons on such occasions. Usually unwilling to be locked in tight spaces, such cycles are the exception. To be seen by the moons is to be hunted. They won't risk it. Additionally, flyers have one particular stretch of Cybertronian landscape they all avoid like the plague. Mecha have been known to go in and never come back out, or if they do return, they are changed. They don't want to mess with that place, not for anything.
Flyers also hold the firm belief that one must keep their optics in perfect condition. They run tests all the time to ensure that their optics function without issue. Some even go so far as to get goggles or visors built into their frames just to protect them. Most chalk this up to a simple desire to not go blind. But flyers think differently. They won't get their optics replaced even if its an option. Why? Because they hold the belief that they carry the optics of a mech who didn't get to soar. Every flyer who has ever lived has had the optics of a grounder who will never get to grace the skies. For flyers, they see their optics as something sacred. They fly not just for themselves, but also for whoever their counterpart is, living or dead. They honor another through their sight, and so they must maintain their vision at all costs. Some call the phenomenon something akin to soulmates. The flyers state that it is the price they pay for their gift of flight.
(Note: Starscream and many of his people do not subscribe to the above thought process. Thundercracker is the only notable exception. Most chalk this up to his love of romance novels.)
Enforcers have many little quirks depending on city, but one they all share is the universal habit of naming their weapon of choice. It is a strange not quite religious belief for them. Whatever the thought process actual is, Enforcers rely heavily on their weapons, and as such, they must appease the weapon itself. They have to bond to it, make it an extension of themselves so that they can move it just as easily as a limb. They go about this through naming, and once named, they never get rid of the weapon in question. Even if its outdated, old, or broken. The weapon stays. If it is obliterated or lost, the Enforcer is obliged to get a copy of their prior weapon for the sake of their continued success. For this reason, most Enforcers fight with inbuilt weapons until they settle on something, and then they buy several copies just in case.
Enforcers will also never actively say "goodbye" to one another. Doing so would imply that there is a possibility of not coming back from the next patrol. So Enforcers simply don't use such language. "Good luck" or "Get those slaggers" are common supplements. Surprisingly, Enforcers only dodge around "goodbye" while on duty. They will casually wave off companions when not on the clock without a care in the world. However, if an Enforcer really does not like someone while on the clock, they will say "goodbye" as their polite version of a middle finger.
It is not exactly a rule, but Archivist as a whole simply do not refer to the Primes by name most of the time. There is a belief that uttering their designations aloud will bring their gaze upon whoever spoke. That can either be good or bad depending on the context, but since Primus's chosen can never really be predicted, most Archivists won't risk it. Instead, if they must say a Prime's name, they will tap a nearby surface a few times to supposedly draw attention away from themselves and hopefully keep the Prime in question from seeing them. It makes no sense, but even Orion Pax kept to the habit. Although some, like Orion, usually worked around this by coming up with slightly different pronunciations of the designations of Primes to hopefully avert their gazes.
Archivists also refuse to read anything relating to relics after a certain time. There is a longstanding belief that doing so can drive a mech mad. Hidden knowledge comes at Primus's chosen joor. Sometimes Archivists will reach grand discoveries at this specific time after delving into records of relics. But more often than not, Archivists have been noted having mental breakdowns, crying, losing their minds, or otherwise going haywire. Medical professionals chalk it up to exhaustion and mania. The Archivists believe it is a warning. They refuse to read about relics during Primus's joor. Obviously, there are some thing between the veil they are not meant to know.
Medics won't come within a ten mile radius of the smelting pits where most of the dead are dealt with. They believe it is a bad omen to linger in places of death, and that the wrath of the deceased can stick to their frames, making other patients lose their lives. This has led medics to make it a habit to remove dead mecha from hospitals as fast as physically possible, handing them off to medical students to carry to the pits. Medical students hardly ever do anything of note with the patients, so the professionals don't feel bad dumping all the potential bad luck on them. The only medics who actively hang around smelting pits are morticians and mecha focused on autopsies. They think lingering around the dead will help them understand the dead. That way, they can better diagnose just what killed a mech. Such medics are usually avoided by the rest who work with the living.
Medics have very sensitive servos. There is a longstanding belief that if a medic is to retire or happens to die, he or she must give up their servos to a younger medic in training. This is to pass on skill, at least in theory. It is also a sign that a medic in training is skilled and worthy of note. To take the servos of an old medic is to take on their legacy. Similarly to the miners, medics take honoring those who came before them very seriously. They will go above and beyond to keep their servos in perfect condition so that whoever comes after them can have the vital sensors that come with a medic's servos. Ratchet is one of the few mecha to not have inherited his servos from anyone. He has also never signed up to have anyone get them after he dies. Most take this to mean he never will die. And considering how long Ratchet has lived, a good chunk of the population firmly believe that Ratchet is eternal.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 months
Here’s a crossover fic idea, Pokémon reader gets sent to stardew valley by Arceus for some strange reason, causing them to take a job as a farmer with their Pokémon. However, the reader has to hide their Pokémon from the townsfolk since they don’t know how they would react to their pocket monsters. Though eventually certain townsfolk (the male bachelors and Krobus to be exact) will eventually learn the truth depending on how close they are to the reader. The reader’s Pokemon team consists of Herdier, Gogoat, Mudsdale, Vespiquen, Blaziken and Oinkolonge (the female form).
"Does thou understand thy task?"
"I-I still don't know why I'm even doing this. What's my purpose in coming here? Pokémon don't even exist-"
"Once more I shall reiterate: Achieve Perfection, and come to the Summit. You will find me waiting."
"I..don't know what "perfection" even is! Why did you send me to this place?! Why did you choose-"
The sound of a rooster's loud caw made your eyes snap open, realizing that you were having yet another bizarre dream.
You sighed, waking up and rubbing your eyes, before checking the time.
6:00 AM.
"Oh well..time to make breakfast and get to work." You muttered to yourself, stretching out your limbs before getting out of bed and starting the day.
No time to muddle over your dream.
But you knew for certain that your encounter with the mythical Arceus--the God of all Pokémon itself--was no dream the first time around, as it decided to send you to this strange new land..
A land called Stardew Valley.
You didn't think there was any special reason it chose you. You've just finished schooling in Paldea and had plans to travel the world with your Pokémon. Although apparently god itself decided to fling you into an entirely different world..not one where Ultra Beasts nor Giratina existed.
But rather a world where you quickly realized Pokémon didn't even exist.
It was just you and your team: Herdier, Gogoat, Mudsdale, Vespiquen, Oinkolonge, and Blazkien--your start who's been by your side since your Pokémon journey began back in Hoenn.
You were thankful Arceus sent them along with you, or else you probably would've lost your mind at this point..
The moment you were dropped down into a dilapidated farmland, you quickly realized that you had to make a new home for yourself here...and as you've gotten acquainted with the locals in the nearby town, you also learned how to make some good profits.
Farming wasn't something you expected to do in your journey, but what other option did you have?
Besides, your team adjusted rather well to the roles you've assigned them: such as Oinkolonge sniffing out truffles, Vespiquen and Gogoat ensuring your crops were growing well, Herdier digging up bones and artifacts for you to sell, donate, or gift, Mudsdale helping you get around town on horseback, and Blaziken aiding you with the physical labor and being your bodyguard in the mines.
When you've heard rumors of monsters dwelling there, you assumed Pokémon and became eager to catch some....only to discover that they weren't even Pokémon at all--but rather hostile creatures that had no types or weaknesses you could exploit.
Your Pokedex and pokeballs were basically null and void.
So again, you had to adapt. This time you needed to sharpen up your combat skills, even though Blaziken was able to take them down pretty easily without you ever lifting your sword.
That was one problem taken care of.
The other...involved the villagers who don't know what a "poke-man" is, the majority thinking you were insane for going to the mines. You've become close friends with a lot of the guys over the past year or so, and while they've seen you, Mudsdale, and Herdier together, you never told them you were a Pokémon trainer.
For all they knew, you were just someone from Zuzu City who owned a "unique" dog and horse. They didn't know you came from a world entirely different from theirs.
They were wary of anything new--including yourself--and were especially terrified of the monsters, hearing nothing but rumors and horrible things happening to people in the mines.
What would they think if they discovered you owned "monsters" of your own who had special powers? You had no idea if they'd be scared of you..and everything you've done to build up friendships with them would come crashing down.
But a few hours later, while you and your companions were preoccupied with their outdoor tasks, you failed to notice one of the guys was approaching the farmland.
And you had little time to react to their presence before they spotted one of your Pokémon...
He just wanted to see if you're up for playing gridball, and instead stumbles upon your Blaziken breaking apart a large stone with their kicks.
It was the most efficient way you could help them train, while at the same time gathering resources to store for later.
"Woah..what the heck are you?!"
Alex's shout scares you, and you throw down your watering can in a panic, running over to explain-
"Hey, hey..no need to freak out." He laughs. "Is this one of those "Pokémon" you were talking about? Why does it look like an oversized chicken?"
His face pales. "Did...it just talk to me??"
Seeing no other way to hide this, you eventually tell him more about Pokémon, trying your best to explain the concept of evolution to the jock.
At first it just...flies over his head, but once you draw it out for him, he gets the gist of it.
"So you're saying that..Blaziken started out as this weak and small Torchic, but got stronger through rigorous training?"
"Yep, pretty much."
"Hey, that sounds like me! I used to be a scrawny little kid, too, but look at me now! On the road to going pro!" Alex smiles at your starter. "Looks like you already achieved that yourself. Awesome job." He gives them a fist-bump, and is thrilled when they understand the gesture.
Learning how strong their kicks are inspires him to work on his own leg routine (which he admits to neglecting).
He absolutely wants to invite Blaziken to play gridball with him....as long as they don't get too excited and accidentally scorch the ball with their flames.
If you ever bring Herdier over to his grandparents', them and Dusty will become best buds real fast.
He randomly decided to stop by your farm to give you a gift--as a way of thanking you for helping him write a new song.
But at first, he doesn't notice anything wrong with your Oinkolonge playing with a truffle crab she dug up.
Until he sees you, pauses, looks back at her, and says "wait do pigs normally look like that?"
You thought he wouldn't notice since his head was in the clouds 99% of the time.....but right now it wasn't.
And ofc she's kinda tired to hiding all the time and walks right up to him.
Sam isn't sure where that floral scent came from, although after it began making him sneeze, you had to politely recall Oinkolonge and apologize.
He just looks so bewildered, and stares at your other Pokemon...yet he didn't freak out like you expected.
Maybe Oinkolonge's ability still made him calm, so you took this moment to explain your team to him, reassuring him they're harmless.
"What? Scared? Nah, I was just...they remind me of this one game Vincent started playing."
"Oh? And what's that?"
"Junimon. You basically collect these Junimos with different powers and fight other monsters, with some attacks being more effective than others! It's pretty rad."
"....that's literally how it is where I come from. But it's no video game. We coexist with them."
Sam's mind=blown.
He wants to tell Sebastian and Abigail about your Pokémon so SO badly...but your Vespiquen physically blocks him from running/skating away from your farm until he promises you he won't say a word.
He made sure to write it down, of course.
It's something he 100% doesn't wanna forget.
He overheard that Marnie recently sold you a blue baby chicken, and he wanted to come over and see how the little guy was doing in your coop.
However, upon arrival he stumbles across your chickens being surrounded by Blaziken, the blue one standing on their shoulder.
"Farmer where the fuck did you get a chicken like that?"
"Holy SHIT Shane I didn't know you were there!" You sprint over, seeing the wide-eyed look on his face.
"Please tell me I'm not hallucinating. I haven't even had a drink yet but-"
Before he could start going on a rant and/or leave, you encourage him to stay so you can explain everything about Blaziken and your Pokémon team.
Like Alex, he's not gonna understand a whole lot about it, but he gets the gist of it.
You debate on telling him that Pokémon eggs just "spawn" and walking is the only way to hatch them. No incubators needed.
He has some questions, obviously, but not the ones you expected.
"So Blaziken..just combines "blaze" and "chicken" together?"
"Uh yep. Pretty much."
"....are there other chicken-based Pokémon where you come from?"
Whenever he visits the farm thereon, he'd always check up on Blaziken and the chickens, impressed at how many they were able to raise.
During the winter, they're a personal heater for the babies--although sometimes Shane worries about them accidentally burning the barns/coops down.
He also might forget that your starter isn't 100% chicken, and the one time he tried feeding them hay instead of berries....they weren't impressed.
Your secret stays safe with him, even when he goes to drink.
He's definitely written some short stories and poems about the monsters in the mines/skull caverns you talked about, even creating new characters inspired by them!
Oftentimes he silently envies the thrilling adventures you've had and wonders if his life will ever become that exciting (without all the danger and peril of mining, ofc)
While hanging at the saloon, you maaaaaay have let it slip that you owned Pokémon, but you don't remember how much you shared.
Fortunately, it didn't negatively affect your friendship with Elliot, as he comes to your farm to see these creatures for himself.
"Oh my...!"
The first one he meets is Vespiquen, and you SPRINT over to him in a panic, clothes dirty and your face sweaty.
"Elliot! Don't scream! She's just a..uh...ah....a-a really big bee-!"
"Farmer, why would I ever scream in the presence of royalty?"
You stand there, utterly dumbfounded as the writer greets your fearsome bug type, treating her like a princess and admiring her growing collecting of honey and flower garden.
Vespiquen, being the haughty and prideful lass she is, eats up his praise...and continues to every time he's visited your farm since.
Okay, so you might've told him too much about your Pokémon team, but you're grateful he didn't get too scared.
Or think you were crazy.
But it's gonna be a bit of a problem when you need Vespiquen to focus on her tasks.
Even if you're visiting his beach house or hanging out in the library together, you could feel her pokeball shaking within your bag, eager to be let out.
Elliot joked that she was simply "buzzing" with excitement, and you just groaned.
The shadow monster always dreamed of the day humans and monsters could live in harmony, but fears that it'll only stay that way: as a mere dream.
Well...one winter night that changes when he visits your farm under the cover of darkness, and Blaziken instinctively comes out to protect your land.
The familiar screech of a Shadow Brute has you rushing out the door, sword drawn, only to instantly recognize Krobus--who was about to get Fire Punched into oblivion.
"Blaziken, stop! That's my friend!"
"...blaze?" They stare at you, still holding the poor little monster in their grasp.
"Please, trust me. Don't hurt him."
Krobus is bewildered and scared..yet amazed at the same time.
This human has tamed a monster and can speak to it??? Not to mention you have several of them once he visits your coop and barn.
After you've explained the concept of Pokémon, he grows to understand them better, and forgives Blaziken for attacking him.
Obviously you didn't wanna tell him you used them to fight his "friends" down in the mines.
Initially, he was horrified by the idea of pokeballs being used to "imprison" them, despite you reassuring him that they roam freely almost 24/7.
Although when you're down in the sewers one day, he proposes a rather humorous question.
"Is the inside of a pokeball comfortable for them?"
"It is. It's well-insulated but..wait, don't tell me..." You see the look on his face, the way his eyes went to the pokeballs on your belt. "Did you wanna try going inside one? Thought you despised the idea."
"I did, but..if they help your monsters get around town discreetly, maybe..they could help me. The crocus are blooming nicely this winter, and I've been wanting to pick them myself."
"Sorry Krobus, but they don't work."
"Why not?"
"...because you're not a Pokémon. It'll just bounce right off of you."
"But I am a monster, though???"
"That's...not really how it works-"
"Didn't you say they were discovering new ones all the time in your world?"
Eventually, you entertain the idea of catching Krobus--and he's disappointed when you're correct, as the pokeball bounces off his antenna and almost rolls into the sewer waters.
You get a good laugh out of it, and as embarrassed as he is..it was worth a try.
Another day, another argument with his family...another reason to get out of that house and be as far away from the mountains as possible.
There's no better place for Sebastian to retreat to than your farm.
You two have become close friends at this point, even though you have yet to actually tell him about your Pokémon.
While playing Solarian Chronicles with him, Sam, and Abigail, you'd play the role of a summoner (which was the closest thing to "trainer"), with some of your creatures being inspired by your main team.
Ngl Seb was impressed by your character sheet.
When he decides to come over one random day after that fight in his house, Gogoat is tilling the soil with their hooves--and you're too occupied planting seeds until he says something.
"Woah..I've never seen that kind of goat before."
You jump, rushing over to explain everything....only to see that he doesn't look freaked out by any means. Nor did he seem upset that you kept this a secret.
Then again, he regularly visited the mines and thinks the Skeletons are badass, so you weren't sure why you were freaking out.
In the end, he just has genuine questions about your Pokémon, and you answer them honestly.
In your pokedex, you show him some of the frog-based ones. And he immediately likes Politoed.
You introduce him to Blaziken, who tries gifting him a frozen tear you had stored in a chest, only to pout as it melts and evaporates instantly.
It makes Sebastian laugh a little--and you did a double take bc you've never heard this man laugh before in your life (and you don't deny that it made your heart skip a beat).
"I appreciate the gesture, Blaziken..thanks." He smiles, already feeling better.
As an apology, your starter lights his cigarette with a small flame, and he's stunned.
"Wow..what can't you do?"
Like any good town doctor, he just wanted to visit your farm to give you a checkup, knowing how hard you must work to keep things running smoothly.
At your last appointment, you mentioned having "helpers", and he was certain that meant the animals you purchased from Marnie's ranch...
Not "animals" that don't look anything like animals he's seen in the valley or in Zuzu City.
He almost screams at the sight of Vespiquen staring menacingly at him while she's guarding the beehouses, and you rush out of your house before the poor bachelor faints.
"Calm down, Harvey! She's..uh..t-totally harmless!"
"..hh..harmless..? She--it...wh-what exactly is she, [y/n]? What am I looking at right now???" He looks to you with the widest and most terrified eyes, begging for an explanation. "Is she some monster from the mines??"
Try as you might to explain your Pokémon to him (even as you calmly introduce him to the rest of your team), that first impression left his nerves shot for the longest time.
No matter where he goes, Harvey couldn't stop wondering why you owned such bizarre creatures--and even at work, Maru begins to see that he seems extra nervous when around you.
But she assumes he has a crush on you, which is partially true.
As time goes on, though, he starts to understand your team better and acknowledges that despite their looks, they are kind, reliable, and protective partners.
He won't reveal your secret unless you're ready to. But he's impressed you've managed to keep them underwraps for so long.
When he learns Vespiquen's Heal Order is the reason you return from the mines/skull caverns with nary a scratch, he apologizes to her personally for screaming.
As long as you don't tell him you were sent to this world by the Pokémon equivalent of Yoba, you're golden.
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On The Topic Of Eddie.
First of all, he’s completely fucked. He’s screwed. I’ve said it a thousand times and I’ll say it again: I’ve never seen a character more doomed by the narrative. 
Second, Eddie’s halloween costume was Frankenstein’s Monster. And pray tell, what was the Monster’s whole thing? That he’s betrayed by his own creator, rejected / attacked by the town, deeply misunderstood & interpreted as a violent beast despite being well-read and helpful/benevolent. There are some interesting ties there - especially with the Misunderstood Despite Being Well-Read (switch out violent beast with forgetful klutz and it’s a perfect fit). That, plus Eddie’s description of “...brought back from the dead… by the scientist… stitches… a deathly pallor… a bit of a moral conundrum…”
Take that and add it to how Eddie resembles the “night” side of the clocks (this will be expanded upon with Sally in a different post), and how @/theneighborhoodwatch once pointed out that the color purple is only shown in relation to Eddie & may represent secrets, how in livestream trivia it was implied that Eddie doesn’t sleep at night as he is a “busy guy”, and how Sally’s “monster” only comes out at night and likely isn’t a monster at all - she is dramatic, an embellisher, and said to present things that she herself doesn’t know / is uncertain of As Fact, or at least present them as if she knows exactly what she’s talking about (even when she doesn’t and knows it). 
Another tidbit that I may have mentioned but I’ll bring it up again: Eddie’s eyelashes match the scalloped trim under Home’s windows. Three round curves. 
As an additional tally in the “Eddie is soooo fucked <3” scoreboard, Eddie is the mailman in a story where one of the first things we knew to be actually happening was the WHRP receiving letters of Welcome Home media (now I’m not saying Eddie sent them, certainly not. He may or may not have had a hand in helping with the delivery, but what I mean with this is how it ties in symbolically/abstractly/thematically.) That plus the red envelope, the general unfolding delivery theme… Eddie even has a holiday explicitly associated with him - Mail-In Time Day. 
Then there’s the fact that Eddie tends to express Knowledge and a more worldly disposition, in a way. Despite Frank being mentioned as the neighborhood “intellectual”, and he is so with facts, Eddie seems to have a deeper well of… let’s say cultural know-how. Pair that with how his bio is the only one to say/imply that he comes from elsewhere, that he’s been Around. Everyone else came from their family or don’t have a stated before, but Eddie? He was strongly implied to have delivered to a lot of different places - this is made into a running gag, but we all know a running gag for the Show has deeper implications and meanings. 
And the fact that his genuine knowledge as well as his past are consistently dismissed and/or played off for laughs…
A while back - this is related I swear - there was an ask Clown answered where they talked about some of his notes on Eddie. The first part that I want to point out is how apparently Eddie is a good source for information (specifically How-To), but despite being talkative he doesn’t share unless prodded for it. This directly relates to the above points. 
Then there’s the one I really want to talk about - how Clown says that “He [Eddie] has a great deal of precision for someone who presents themselves as a semi-clumsy busybody!” 
That single line made me insane, personally. First, the wording. The choice of saying presents themselves as instead of something like for someone who is. There’s an obvious discrepancy between his precision and clumsiness. Now I don’t doubt that he may be a tad accident-prone, but what if Eddie is dialing up the clumsy nature to disarm his Neighbors / craft a specific reputation for himself / give himself leeway in other areas. 
On one hand, this is suspicious as fuck.
On the other hand, this is so adhd of him. 
One of the things rarely mentioned about it is how sometimes we adhders will play up our more “useless” traits in order to create a bit of a social safety net. Admittedly, I will sometimes play up my forgetfulness so that a) if i do forget things (truth more often than not), people aren’t surprised. b) when i remember things, people are pleasantly surprised. I mean, if people start thinking we’re competent then they’ll start Expecting things from us, which is never a good thing! 
And another thing that relates to it that that ask said - Clown says in it that Eddie is slow to anger, but he gets frustrated more easily. Which is fascinating and very relatable. They also said that he can’t talk about it without wandering too far, which - if the post is viable - has… implications. 
Anyway I am very confident that Eddie is in fact adhd. List of reasons (refer to the wiki trivia Eddie Dear section for sources):
He’s forgetful
He gets so involved with a task and cannot break away until it’s finished, thus often making him late
He’s particular
He has a watch - likely to help him keep track of time, implying that he has difficulty with the concept (time blindness!) 
He is very talkative and rambley 
& seems to have slight difficulty with picking up on social cues telling him when to / when not to speak
He’s slow to anger but more easily frustrated 
Beyond all of this I don’t have much to add that I haven’t already talked about in a previous post! I’m sure even so I’ve restated some (or a lot of) things - it Happens! 
In conclusion: bbg is so screwed & also adhd <3
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theladyregret · 1 year
Drow Name Tables
Something I did as a special favor to @kimmurielsscryingmirror (@eldritchmist ) who showed interest. Because it’s...pretty big I decided to make it into it’s own post.
These are a few Drow naming tables that were originally found in an issue of Dragon Magazine. It’s two d100 tables of prefixes and suffixes commonly used in first names. The second couple of tables is a list of common house name prefixes and suffixes.
EDIT: Just a little something for those who care which I didn’t add before because it took me so long to finish the transcription I just wanted to post it lol. The gender difference is noted in the related Dragon Magazine article as being significant. Non Drow may not notice but a Drow will notice the difference. Female names sometimes borrow parts that are normally only considered male and this is considered fine...but a male with a name that borrows a typically only female part would be seen as extremely taboo.
Prefix (Female/Male) - Meaning
Akor/Alak                 beloved, best, first
Alaun/Alton             lightning, powerful
Aly/Kel                     legendary, singing, song
Ang/Adin                  beast, monstrous, savage
Ardul/Amal               blessed, divine, godly
Aun/Ant                   crypt, dead, deadly, death
Bae/Bar                      fate, fated, luck, lucky
Bal/Bel                       burned, burning, fire, flame
Belar/Bruh                 arrow, lance, piercing
Briz/Berg                    graceful, fluid, like water
Bur/Bhin                     craft, crafty, sly
Chal/Chasz                earth, stable
Char/Kron                  sick, venom, venomed
Chess/Cal                  noble, lady/lord
Dhaun                          infested, plague
Dil/Dur                         cold, ice, still
Dirz/Div                       dream, dreaming, fantasy
Dris/Riz                        ash, dawn, east, eastern
Eclav/Elk                      chaos, mad, madness
Elvan/Kalan                 elf, elven, far, lost
Elv/Elaug                     drow, mage, power
Erel/Rhyl                      eye, moon, spy
Ethe/Erth                    mithril, resolute
Faer/Selds                   oath, sworn, vow
Felyn/Fil                       pale, thin, weak, white
Filf/Phar                     dwarf, dwarven, treacherous
Gauss/Orgoll              dread, fear, feared, vile
G'eld                              friend, spider  
Ghuan                           accursed, curse, unlucky
Gin/Din                         berserk, berserker, orc, wild
Grey/Gul                       ghost, pale, unliving
Hael/Hatch                   marked, trail, way
Hal/Sol                           deft, nimble, spider-like  
Houn/Rik                       magic, ring, staff
Iiv/Dip                             liege, war, warrior
Iim                                   life, living, spirit, soul
Illiam/Im                         devoted, heart, love
In/Sorn                           enchanted, spell
Ilph                                  emerald, green, lush, tree
Irae/Ilzt                           arcane, mystic, wizard
Irr/Izz                               hidden, mask, masked
Iym/Ist                            endless, immortal  
Jan/Duag                       shield, warded
Jhael/Gel                       ambitious, clan, kin, family
Jhul/Jar                         charmed, rune, symbol
Jys/Driz                         hard, steel, unyielding
Lael/Llt                           iron, west, western
Lar/Les                          binding, bound, law, lawful
LiNeer/Mourn            legend, legendary, mythical  
Lird/Ryld                   brand, branded, owned, slave
Lua/Lyme                       bright, crystal, light
Mal/Malag                     mystery, secret
May/Mas                         beautiful, beauty, silver
Micar                                lost, poison, widow
Min/Ran                           lesser, minor, second
Mol/Go                            blue, storm, thunder, wind
Myr/Nym                       lost, skeleton, skull
Nath/Mer                        doom, doomed, fate
Ned/Nad               cunning, genius, mind, thought
Nhil/Nal                 fear, gorrible, horror, outraged
Neer                                  core, root, strong
Null/Nil                             sad, tear, weeping
Olor/Omar                       skin, tattoo, tattooed
Pellan/Relon                    north, platiunum, wind
Phaer/Vorn                      honor, honored
Phyr/Phyx                        bless, blessed, blessing
Qualn/Quil                        mighty, ocean, sea
Quar                                   aged, eternal, time
Quav/Quev                        charmed, docile, friend
Qil/Quil                               foe, goblin, slave
Rauv/Welv                         cave, rock, stone
Ril/Ryl                                 foretold, omen
Sbat/Szor                           amber, yellow
Sab/Tsab                            abyss, empty, void  
Shi'n/Kren                          fool, foolish, young
Shri/Ssz                             silk, silent  
Shur/Shar                          dagger, edge, stiletto
Shynt                                 invisible, skilled, unseen
Sin/Szin                              festival, joy, pleasure
Ssap/Tath                          blue, midnight, night
Susp/Spir                           learned, skilled, wise
Talab/Tluth                        burn, burning, fire
Tal/Tar                         love, pain, wound, wounded
Triel/Taz                           bat, winged
T'riss/Teb                           blade, sharp, sword  
Ulvir/Uhls                           gold, golden, treasure
Umrae/Hurz                       faith, faithful, true
Vas/Vesz                            blood, bloody, flesh
Vic                                       abyss, deep, profound
Vier/Val                               black, dark, darkness
Vlon/Wod                           bold, hero, heroic
Waer/Wehl             deep, hidden, south, southern  
Wuyon/Wruz                      humble, third, trivial
Xull/Url                                 blooded, crimson, ruby
Xun                                       demon, fiend, fiendish
Yas/Yaz                       riddle, spinning, thread, web
Zar/Zakn                             dusk, haunted, shadow
Zebey/Zek                        dragon, lithe, rage, wyrm
Zes/Zsz                              ancient, elder, respected
Zilv/Vuz                             forgotten, old, unknown
Suffixes (Female/Male) - Meaning
a/agh                  breaker, destruction, end, omega
ace/as                                savant, scholar, wizard
ae/aun                             dance, dancer, life, player
aer/d                                    blood, blood of, heir
afae/afein                         bane, executioner, slayer
afay/aufein                        eyes, eyes of, seer
ala/launim                          healer, cleric
anna/erin                            advisor, counselor to
arra/atar                             queen/prince
aste                                      bearer, keeper, slaver
avin/aonar                           guardian, guard, shield
ayne/al                       lunatic, maniac, manic, rage
baste/gloth                         path, walker
breena/antar                   matriach/patriarch, ruler
bryn/lyn                               agent, assassin, killer
cice/roos                             born of, child, young  
cyrl/axle                               ally, companion, friend
da/daer                                illusionist, trickster
dia/drin                                rogue, stealer
diira/diirn                             initiate, sister/brother
dra/zar                                  lover, match, mate  
driira/driirn                         mother/father, teacher  
dril/dorl                                 knight, sword, warrior
e                                           servant, slave, vessel
eari/erd                                 giver, god, patron
eyl                                       archer, arrow, flight, flyer
ffyn/fein                               minstrel, singer, song
fryn              champion, victor, weapon, weapon of
iara/ica                                 baron, duke, lady/lord  
ice/eth                                 obsession, taker, taken  
idil/imar           alpha, beginning, creator of, maker
iira/inid                                 harbinger, herald
inidia                                     secret, wall, warder
inil/in                                     lady/lord, rider, steed
intra                               envoy, messenger, prophet
isstra/atlab               acolyte, apprentice, student
ithra/irahc                         dragon, serpent, wyrm
jra/gos                                 beast, biter, stinger
jss                                          scout, stalker
kacha/kah                            beauty, hair, style
kiira/raen                              apostle, disciple
lay/dyn                               flight, flyer, wing, wings
lara/aghar                         cynic, death, end, victim
lin                                         arm, armor, commander
lochar                                   messenger, spider
mice/myr           bone, bones, necromancer, witch  
mur'ss                                   shadow, spy, witness
na/nar                                 adept, ghost, spirit
nilee/olil                             corpse, disease, ravager
niss/nozz                           chance, gambler, game
nitra/net                              kicker, returned, risen
nolu                                 art, artist, expert, treasure
olin                                   ascension, love, lover, lust
onia/onim                           rod, staff, token, wand
oyss/omph                       binder, judge, law, prison
qualyn                                 ally, caller, kin
quarra/net                           horde, host, legion
quiri/oj                                  aura, cloak, hide, skin
ra/or                                     fool, game, prey, quarry
rae/rar                                   secret, seeker, quest
raema/orvir                         crafter, fist, hand
raena/olvir                            center, haven, home
riia/rak                       enchanter, mage, spellcaster
ril                                 bandit, enemy, raider, outlaw
riina/ree                     enchanter, mage, spellcaster
ryna/oyn                         follower, hired, mercenary
ryne/ryn                      blooded, elder, experienced
shalee/ral                 abjurer, gaze, watch, watcher
ssysn/rysn          artifact, dweomer, sorcerer, spell
stin/trin         clan, house, merchant, of the house
stra/tran                             spider, spinner, weaver
tana/ton                           darkness, lurker, prowler
thara/tar                             glyph, marker, rune
thrae/olg                          charmer, leader, seducer
tree/tel                         exile, loner, outcast, pariah
tyrr                    dagger, poison, poisoner, scorpion
ual/dan                                speed, strider
ue/dor                                  arm, artisan, fingers
uit/dar                                  breath, voice, word
une/diin                         diviner, fate, future, oracle
uque                              cavern, digger, mole, tunnel  
urra/dax                       nomad, renegade, wanderer
va/ven                             comrade, honor, honored
vayas                         forge, forger, hammer, smith
vyll punishment, scourge, whip, zealot  
vyrae/vyr                     mistress/master, overseer
wae/hrae                           heir, inheritor, princess
wiira/hriir                           seneschal of, steward
wyss/hrys                          best, creator, starter
xae/zaer                             orb, rank, ruler, sceptor
xena/zen                         cutter, gem, jewel, jeweler
xyra/zyr                             sage, teller
yl                                          drow, woman/man
ylene/yln         handmaiden/squire, maiden/youth
ymma/inyon                      drider, feet, foot, runner
ynda/yrd        captain, custodian, marshal, ranger  
ynrae/yraen                       heretic, rebel, riot, void
vrae                                   architect, founder, mason  
yrr                                         protector, rival, wielder
zyne/zt                                finder, hunter
House Name Prefixes - Meaning
Alean                        the noble line of
Ale                             traders in
Arab                          daughters of
Arken                        mages of
Auvry                        blood of the  
Baen                          blessed by
Barri                           spawn of
Cladd                         warriors from
Desp                          victors of
De                               champions of
Do'                              walkers in
Eils                              lands of
Everh                         the caverns of
Fre                              friends of
Gode                          clan of  
Helvi                          those above
Hla                              seers of
Hun'                           the sisterhood of
Ken                            sworn to
Kil                               people of
Mae                           raiders from  
Mel                            mothers of
My                              honored of
Noqu                         sacred to
Orly                            guild of
Ouss                           heirs to
Rilyn                           house of  
Teken'                        delvers in  
Tor                               mistresses of
Zau                              children of
House Name Suffixes - Meaning
afin                              the web
ana                               the night
ani                                the widow
ar                                   poison
arn                                fire
ate                                the way
ath                                the dragons
duis                              the whip
ervs                              the depths
ep                                  the underdark
ett                                 magic
ghym                            the forgotten ways
iryn                               history
lyl                                  the blade
mtor                             the abyss
ndar                              black hearts
neld                              the arcane
rae                                 fell powers
rahel         ��                   the gods
rret                                the void
sek                                 adamantite
th                                    challenges
tlar                                 mysteries
t'tar                                victory
tyl                                   the pits
und                                 the spider's kiss
urden                             the darkness
val                                   silken weaver
viir                                  dominance
zynge                             the ruins
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whereserpentswalk · 7 months
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jeanniebug623 · 6 months
🕸️🕷️ Weaving the Web 🕷️🕸️
Chapter 15: Truth Be Told
“Nice try, kid.” Quaritch said with a huff of fatigue and a bit of frustration as he took a seat next to where the kid was crouched and watched Wainfleet take his chances with the ikran. 
Spider ground his teeth slightly and glanced down then away. Any direction to not meet the colonel’s gaze. When he ‘forgot to mention’ some parts of the iknimaya process and bonding with an ikran, the kid didn’t expect Quaritch’s challenger to fling both of them right off a ledge. Spider didn’t just feel bad because, without the colonel’s protection, he would likely end up back in a prison cell. That would be the best-case scenario. A straight jacket and padded room in the worst. 
“Must’ve been one of my other sides that forgot...” Spider said to lighten the mood. He didn’t know what the recom considered discipline for almost getting him killed but the teen REALLY didn’t want to find out either. 
“Yea right.” Quaritch said with a scoff and sarcastic smirk. He was legitimately angry with Spider for not mentioning that the Na’vi would handicap the flying beasts first before attempting to make the bond. 
“For what it’s worth...” Spider said, finally having the guts to look at Quaritch’s disappointed gaze, “...you did something Jake didn’t.” 
Ok, so it was a poor attempt at making up for Quaritch possibly falling to his death but the slight perk in the recom’s ears told Spider he’d fed his ego a little bit. Not that he wanted the recom to think he was anywhere near the level of greatness Toruk Makto was, but he had to think of saving his own skin while he was still property of the RDA. 
“You didn’t use a yìmkxa.” Spider said matter-of-factly then continued when the word meant nothing, “A banshee catcher to...you know...tie the mouth shut. There really aren’t many who don’t use them...if they don’t, it’s just to show off.” 
Quaritch noticed how the teen’s voice got quieter and more awkward as it was clear Spider was trying to butter him up. The colonel had made it quite clear the consequences of causing any trouble the first time they left Bridgehead. But a lot happened since then. He was only dealing with one snarky teenager then...not said teen, a young child, and a psychopath. 
The colonel’s frustration tempered as he rested and looked back to the cheering of Wainfleet dominating the stone arena. He chuckled a bit and said, “Ya don’t say. There’re things even the great Toruk Makto can't do, eh?” 
Spider shrugged and let out an internal sigh of relief. He avoided an ass whippin’, right? Or maybe that threat was null and void now that he was so fucked up in the head? Some of the recoms acted like they were walking on eggshells around him; some acted like nothing had changed. He wasn’t sure what he would do outside of the situation. He barely knew how to handle it as it was happening to him... 
“I am...sorry.” Spider said, glancing at Quaritch then back forward when the colonel gave him a side glance. 
Quaritch stared at the boy in his side eye glance before leaning forward and saw the boy’s jaw was set tight and his brows were furrowed up. If he had pointy ears too, the recom was sure they’d be pinned back and showing genuine regret. When he smirked again, it wasn’t forced or sarcastic and he reached out to ruffle the boy’s hair. He pretended not to notice Spider flinch then try to hide it. No need to embarrass the poor kid any more than he had been... 
“Point for you, tiger, I’d be a fool to not expect you to try and knock us all off at least once...” Quaritch said. 
Spider smiled slightly and tried to hide that as well, trying not to lean into the giant hand ruffling his locs. Part of him tried to pretend it was Jake doing it. Like in some fantasy, he had been saved and everyone was happy he was back. And Jake was promising that he would never let anything happen to him again. Treat him like his own son for once... 
And yet...it felt like Spider had that with...his dead father’s recom? Maybe that was just his brain damage making him feel that way... 
But after everything Quaritch had done the last few weeks? Taking ‘legal custody’ of Spider so he wouldn’t be prisoner, being present at every major medical test, letting him stay in an apartment reserved for military leaders instead of some grunt barracks? Well...Spider also had to remind himself that Quaritch was the reason he was kidnapped and ended up in that stupid death machine in the first place. Still...if Spider was ‘nothin’ to him’ then why was Quaritch doing so much? 
“I reckon not everyone walks away from this, do they?” Quaritch asked, interrupting Spider’s thoughts as another of the squad started scrapping with an ikran. 
“Nope.” Spider said, watching Lopez get flipped right off the ikran’s back as soon as he managed to mount it. 
“And kids do this?” the colonel followed up with. 
“Like I said, younger than me. Just part of being seen as an adult in the clan. Becoming one of the People. Some of them never make it...” Spider said, his mood dropping with his tone. Despite all he had accomplished, as far as young hunters his age go, he would never follow in his friends’ footsteps. Though Quaritch took it in more the literal sense, which was also true... 
“So, parents send their kids up here to die?” Quaritch said, his ears pinning back. Something twisted in his gut that made him feel uncomfortable about a teen younger than the boy next to him taking on such a dangerous challenge. Then the twisting tightened when he thought about the danger he’d put Spider and the Sully kids upon finding them in the woods. 
No, that was unexpected and could have proved useful to finally getting Sully in the RDA’s crosshairs. 
“Not to die.” Spider corrected quickly, “To prove themselves.” 
“Ya ever seen a kid fail this test?” Quaritch asked with a raised eyebrow. 
“Yes, but he didn’t die. He came back when he was ready and did it again.” Spider said, shifting his feet closer together in his crouched position and crossing his arms on his knees. The position was guarded and Quaritch could tell the boy didn’t want to talk. 
“One of Sully’s kids...?” the recom asked quietly. 
“Yea...” Spider said plainly and buried his chin in his arms as he watched the squad continue to pair up with the ikrans. Something he would never be able to do. Spider would grow up, sure. Something about being considered an adult at 18? What the hell did a number have to do with proving oneself an adult? And what did that matter to his people? To the Omatikaya? Age had nothing to do with being one of the people...it was what they did in those years. And there was a lot that Spider could not do... 
The teen didn’t want to admit he was impressed with the recoms when they were all off the mountains and sitting around a campfire with their new partners snug on the cliffs around them for the night. Spider stayed quiet and just smiled to himself as he listened to the squad give each other a hard time over what they could have done better against the ikrans. 
“That’s bull and you know it!” Lopez shot back as he was on the receiving end of most of the hazing. 
“Seriously, brother, if you hadn’t tried to jump it so quick, you wouldn’t have landed on your ass.” Wainfleet jeered with a laugh. 
Spider watched the way the recoms spoke to each other. They goaded each other in a way no different than himself and Lo’ak. It sounded tough but was all in good fun. The comradery. The warrior’s brotherhood. They were practically a family. More of a family than he ever had. He tried to push that thought away. He did have people in his life like this...he really did. They’d just...left him behind. Well, Jake probably made that call so was he really surprised by it? He wasn’t Jake’s kid...and he wasn’t worth the risk... 
“Spider?” Quaritch said for the third time, concerned the boy was disassociating and one of the alters had stepped in without any of them noticing. He placed a gentle hand on Spider’s shoulder and looked into his eyes while asking, “You good, boy?” 
“Yea, why?” Spider asked. Traces of panic infiltrated his mind. Did he lose time? Did someone else take over? 
“Yea.” Quaritch said quickly to put concern out of the boy’s mind, “I asked you three times if you were still hungry, but you didn’t answer.” 
“Oh...sorry...” Spider said, sighing quietly in relief as he looked back at the fire. 
“Nothin’ to be sorry for, kid.” 
“I think I’m just tired...”  
“You should be after tryin’ to leave us behind in the mountains.” Quaritch said as he patted the boy’s head and nodded off to where their sleep mats were laid out away from the fire, “Off to bed now, son. Get.” 
Spider stared at Quaritch, long enough that the colonel looked confused. ‘Son’ was not a word Spider was used to hearing unless it was in the context of ‘son of the demon’. He wasn’t really that tired. His brain was too busy processing his shifting perception of Quaritch and the recoms. How could being stuck with people who were supposed to be ‘the enemy’ feel like such a safe place to be...? 
Eventually, he nodded and wandered over to lay down away from where the fire polluted his night vision. Laying on his back, Spider stared up at the starry sky and shifting colors from the aurora. 
“Everything ok, boss?” Wainfleet asked, interrupting the colonel’s thoughts and staring at the boy. 
“Yea, Lyle...” Quaritch said, running his hand over his chin, “Just tryin’ to figure out what’s on the kid’s mind. Can’t read him today.” 
“You could just ask him.” Wainfleet suggested. 
“I asked him if he was good. Said he was.” 
“He might think he’s good. Or it might be easier to just say he’s good. Don’t you remember being a teenager? Last thing you wanted when a parent asked what was wrong was to actually tell them the truth.” 
Quaritch and Wainfleet looked at each other in silence. 
“Well, you know...ANY adult asking a teenager what’s wrong...they’re gonna avoid talking about it.” Wainfleet said. He didn’t realize what he’d said until his friend called him on it. Regardless of the shock of the term used, the corporal clapped his hand on the colonel's shoulder as he stood. “I’ll take your watch, boss. Take the night off.” 
Quaritch watched Wainfleet take up arms and start the new two hour perimeter watch. He cleared his throat and looked back to Spider. He could see he wasn’t asleep. In fact, the kid was pointing up at the stars and slowly moving his hand around. He cleared his throat again to distract himself from procrastinating then went over to the boy. 
“Not as tired as you thought, eh?” Quaritch said as his shadow blocked the firelight. 
“Too bright with the fire...” Spider lied. 
“Ah, right...hate that...” the colonel sat down, continuing to block the firelight. “Better?” 
“Yea...thanks...” Spider said, resting his hand on his stomach. 
“What’s got your head in the clouds, tiger?” Quaritch asked, leaning his head back to look up at the stars as well. 
“Just looking at the pictures in the stars.” Spider said with a shrug. 
“The Na’vi got constellations too?”  
“Like what?” 
Spider rolled his head to look at Quaritch as he continued to see what he could figure out on his own. He couldn’t tell if the recom really cared about the stars, but he did care enough to come over and check on Spider. So, he might as well humor the conversation... 
“There’s Tuvom Taronyu and Taronyutsyìp right there...” Spider pointed to two clusters next to each other. “The Greatest Hunter and the Little Hunter.” 
Quaritch looked at where Spider was pointing but it just looked like shiny dots in the sky to him. His ears twitched back, and he shuffled down the mat so he could lay back to see it from the same perspective as Spider. It didn’t help much and he asked, “Not seein’ a damn thing, Spider, what am I lookin’ at here?” 
“There.” Spider pointed up and the colonel tilted his head to get a better look, leaning his cheek against the top of Spider’s head. “You see the spear in the Greatest Hunter’s hands? And the bow in the Little Hunter’s?” 
“Ehh...” was all Quaritch could say as he tried to see what the boy was seeing. He held up his arm between them. Spider leaned his head further into the gap between the recom’s head and shoulder to look up the direction of his arm. 
“More like...there.” Spider said as he reached over to grab ahold of Quaritch’s arm and moved it into a better position. As he re-explained, he continued to move the recom’s hand accordingly like he was tracing the stars like a connect the dots page out of a child’s coloring book. “There’s the big hunter. And the spear...is over their head. See?” 
“Ah, yea.” Quaritch said, genuinely seeing the full picture now. The teen continued to tell him about the constellation and then some. He pointed out animals and plants and Na’vi folklore. The fire had been put out and the squad went to sleep. The sounds of the forest echoed, but all Quaritch could hear at that moment was the boy next to him as spoke with such fervor and passion that they could forget about what brought them to this point in time. And what unpredictable future lay ahead for the boy. 
“There.” Spider said suddenly, pointing to a constellation that had peeked out from behind the floating mountains as the stars moved across the sky over the time they’d been talking. “That one’s mine.” 
“Yours? Don’t tell me they do that horoscope bullshit here on Pandora too.” Quaritch grumbled as he tried to figure out what Spider was pointing at. Then a thought crossed his mind...what was Spider’s zodiac sign? He may not have cared for it, but Paz did. 
“I don’t know what that is.” Spider said before quickly moving on and drawing over the stars with his pointed finger so Quaritch could get an idea of what the image was, “A lot of times, Na’vi kids will claim a star or a constellation as kind of a guardian. Something to watch over them when they can’t watch over themselves. You know, like when you’re asleep? That one’s mine.” 
“Kinda looks like a...” Quaritch tilted his head to the side and squinted. He really didn’t want to insult the kid by his interpretation. Considering how many countless stars were in the sky, this specific constellation seemed sparse. It had the least amount of stars after the boy traced over it again. He cleared his throat quietly when he felt the kid’s head bump against his shoulder to prompt him to continue speaking and said, “Like a little arrowhead...surrounded by little spindly legs. But it looks all by its lonesome.” 
Spider snorted at the description and tilted his head against Quaritch’s arm again, “I mean you’re not wrong...” 
“What’s your little guardian called?” Quaritch asked, smiling that he figured it out without embarrassing himself too badly. 
“Le’awtu Swirä.” Spider answered quietly. 
“And that means, smart guy?” 
“Lonely Creature.” 
Silence fell between the two. Quaritch found himself missing the boy’s endless astronomy lecture immediately. To the colonel’s relief, Spider spoke up to further explain. 
“It’s not what you think...” Spider said vaguely. He took in a breath then let it out before continuing, “The Lonely Creature is one of the Na’vi’s greatest stories. It’s about an unknown creature that lives everywhere on Pandora. In the forest, the mountains, the seas, the deserts...everywhere. No one knows what it looks like, but they know it’s there.” 
“A whole pack of unknown critters?” Quaritch asked. 
“No, just one. But it can be anywhere it wants to be. Not knowing what the Lonely Creature is makes it accepted wherever it goes. The Na’vi respect the Lonely Creature because they don’t know what it is. They don't hate what they don’t understand. They need a reason to hate something...so they don’t hate what they don’t know.” Spider said, his eyes staring unblinking at his guardian in the stars. 
Silence fell between the two as stones sunk into Quaritch’s stomach. There were a lot of reasons for the humans and the Na’vi to hate each other. That was for damn sure. But he didn’t care about that. Spider was so expendable that there were no rescue attempts. If that didn’t say ‘hate’ in some form of the word, Quaritch didn’t know what did. But this poor kid didn’t deserve that... 
“Means more now than ever...most kids stop believing in them way younger than me...” Spider admitted sheepishly. 
“Yea? Why’s that?” Quaritch asked, quietly. 
“They don’t need stars to watch over them because they can connect to who’s here...they’re protected by who’s here...” Spider answered. A third silence. The colonel didn’t know if the kid was talking about parents or the clan or their great goddess Eywa. It seemed this Lonely Creature chose to stay lonely just to feel wanted, respected, and a part of something. Even if it that acceptance was based on how far it could stay away... 
“Am I ever going to be ok...?” Spider asked with a quiet voice, barely able to escape his tight throat. He didn’t feel as lonely as he used to. It was hard to when all he could think about was the extra personalities that he could not control. But they were there in his mind.  
“You’re already ok.” Quaritch said, struggling almost as badly as Spider was to speak. The boy didn’t answer but he heard him shifting until he was lying with his back to the recom. Quaritch contemplated his next decision, both for his sake and the boy’s, before sweeping his arm out and around the boy to pull him close. 
Spider may have been a little panicked mentally but allowed Quaritch to scoop him up in his arm to be pulled back against the recom’s side. The recom's arm was so long it could lay around his head and bend up at the elbow, so a large hand rested on the boy’s upper arm. Quaritch gave it a light squeeze and Spider found himself curling his head comfortably into the arm of the closest person he ever had to a father... 
Got to give a shout out to @naavispider for inspiration for their stargazing scene from chapter 12 of If You Ain't Playing Me. ✨
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frostbitten-winter · 1 year
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Maybe this time I'll actually write their story lmao
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hashimasims · 18 days
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Elucea: What's this? Changmin: A Winterfest gift. It's an old book I found, I've had it a while, thought you might enjoy it. Elucea: But I can't read it Changmin: Ah yes it was written in Atlantean before the language died out but still I think you should have it Elucea: Do you know what it's about? Changmin: It's about an Atlantean Princess, the first in centuries if the story is to be believed, who was promised to their God then disappeared right before her wedding. Elucea: Doesn't sound like a happy story Changmin: No not really Elucea: Can you tell it to me? I mean do you know the whole story? Changmin: I do. I remember reading it right after it was written. Come let's sit. Now some things get lost in translation but I'll try remembering it as best as I can
↓Long Text Post Ahead
A long time ago there was an Atlantean King who was out with his wife and infant son when they happened upon a giant shark. The shark charged at the woman and child and to protect his family the King threw himself in front of the beast attacking it with sword and magic. The King didn't stand a chance against the creature and he knew it but his sacrifice gave the Queen and her son enough time to escape. When Kanaloa came to retrieve the King's soul to bring back to the Underworld the King did not ask for the God to NOT take him but to spare his wife and child if he had not given them enough time to flee. Having met very few selfless Nobles the God was touched by this request and made a not so selfless one in return. He told the King that he would not take him to the Underworld and would return him to the living realm in exchange for the hand of the first daughter to be born of his blood. The King readily agreed telling the God that it would be an honor to provide a wife for the Deity that protects the City at the bottom of the Ocean. The King and Queen tried many times to have a daughter and all their sons and their sons' sons after them to honor the bargain but it wasn't until nearly five hundred years later that a golden haired girl was finally born and the family rejoiced. The mother of course was distraught, she knew of the bargain before marrying into the family and what would happen if she birthed a girl, but that did not stop her from trying to get her husband to renege on the agreement trying to claim that since the bargain had been for one soul that had since made its way to the Underworld the deal should be null and void and they should not have to honor it. Her husband and his family of course dismissed her not wanting to spurn a God, telling her that even if that were the case the Lord of the Abyss protected their city and offering their daughter to the God to be his bride was a small price to pay for that protection.
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tylermileslockett · 7 months
"Chthonic Ascent" (#6 in my Orpheus and Eurydice series) “The poet of Rhodope received her, and, at the same time, accepted this condition, that he must not turn his eyes behind him, until he emerged from the vale of Avernus, or the gift would be null and void. They took the upward path, through the still silence, steep and dark, shadowy with dense fog, drawing near to the threshold of the upper world.” (-Ovid, Metamorphosis,) So now Orpheus has the daunting task of ascending all the way up and out of Hades on pure faith alone that his Eurydice follows behind. Surely this is a test of faith for the poet. The gods are well known to play tricks upon helpless mortals. Doubt nags at his psyche with every step. He so badly wishes to turn and see his love. To make sure. No. He must carry on, up, up, further up. All the way to the surface. He must believe. ***I wasnt completely sure what to discuss or expand on with this scene in my commentary. Perhaps other parallel situations in greek myth where a god gave a mortal a faith based task? I also thought of Joseph Campbell's heroes journey and the ascent out of the belly of the beast for the hero. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. As always thanks for looking! If you can share this image I'd appreciate it. I'd even bring you a cup of river styx water up to the surface! :D xoxo. A very sad and dramatic scene coming next :( stay tuned!
Like this art? It will be in my illustrated book with over 130 other full page illustrations coming in June to kickstarter. to get unseen free hi-hes art subscribe to my email newsletter https://subscribepage.io/TylerMilesLockett
Follow my backerkit kickstarter notification page. https://www.backerkit.com/call_to_action/535a929d-4fc2-4be0-9b49-9656b0922754/landing
Thank you for supporting independent artists! 🤘❤️🏛😁
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ammonitetheartist · 7 months
I’m EXTRA excited to talk abt this idea *rubs hands together*
I have this idea for a couple of games where one Legendary is a creature from the deep sea, and the other a creature from deep space, and they’re both really spooky-lookin’
These games would be called Pokémon Aquatic Abyss and Vacuum Void, and the main theme would be the ✨unknown✨ and how different people feel towards it
So here’s some rough concepts of the Aquatic Abyss box legend, Gurguenull (ger-GYOO-nuhl) (I am way too proud of these two legends’ names axfhnijjyfx)!
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It’s inspired by underwater cryptids like the Black Demon shark, Bermuda Beast, and Hook Island sea monster, as well as deep-sea creatures like the anglerfish, hagfish and Pacific Blackdragon
Classification: Deep-Lurker Pokémon
Type: Water/Dark
Ability: Depth Check (summons rain and lowers the Special Attack of all Pokémon who aren’t Water-type by one stage)
Signature Move: Maelshredder (85-BP, 100-accuracy Water move that has a chance to flinch the opponent, then deals consecutive damage for a few more turns)
Lore (so far): It’s thought to be responsible for the mysterious disappearances of planes that fly over its area.
It uses its bioluminescence and uniquely shaped tongue to lure in prey, before using its claws to sweep the water around it into crushing the victim.
The name pulls from:
- gurges (Latin for sea)
- Bermuda (mainly the pronunciation)
- null (wanted to include the phrase ‘null and void’ in these legends’ names)
ID under the cut
[Image ID: Two drawings depicting Gurguenull, a fanmade Pokémon. The first drawing depicts a fullbody sketch. Gurguenull is long and serpentine, with a large head and a mouth with varying lengths of teeth. Its eyes lack pupils. The tip of its tongue is shaped like a dead fish. Protruding from the top of its head are two jagged, crab-leg-like horns with orbs at the end, and from the bottom are two ribbon-like whiskers. It also has a larger orb floating above its head. Near its head are a set of gills, and behind those are two fins with three long claws each. It has a sharklike tail.
The second drawing depicts individual body parts of Gurguenull. At the top-left is a more refined design of the tail, labeled ‘Shark tail?’ To the right are the gills with a more jagged edge to them, labeled ‘Jagged fins?’ Directly below the gills is an alternate design for the tail, topped with a massive crab-like claw, and one bioluminescent light each on the top and bottom. This is labeled ‘Claw tail?’ and ‘More lights’. At the bottom-left is a more refined sketch of one of the fins, labeled ‘Heavily knuckled fins w/ long claws’. Torn bits of skin on both shark tail and fins are labeled ‘Wear and tear’. End ID]
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heroforgeryhemporium · 7 months
I've had this idea in my head around my Ultrakill OC version of V3 (which i know plenty of people have done already. this is my take)
The idea is focused around it being the protagonist of a potential "Ultrakill 2". I'll explain more under the cut, because it's all spoilers
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------------------------------------------------------------- V3 Type: ??? Data: After the events of the previous 30 hours in which the V1 model wiped out many of the layers of Hell, its successor V2, and the Archangel Gabriel, it ultimately succumbed to the weight of Hell collapsing in on it. Hell Itself, (surviving the exchange, as it always has) lamented on the conquest of V1 and its defeat. Hell did not hate V1 for destroying large portions of it. Hell always knew it would survive. In fact, It adored the machine for bringing such death, such war and mayhem to the deepest pits of Itself. It loved the machine, and it mourned its loss.
War for the sake of war. Death for the sake of death. Fuel for the sake of fuel. Hell loved nothing more than an endless cycle of torment, of death and rebirth eternal. Love, indeed, is all It felt for the fallen machine, now with its cycle of near death and instant refueling come to a close.
When the Great Beast saw its love fall under its own weight, it let out a terrifying shriek. A scream that echoed in horrific and eldritch intensity. A scream of loss, and pain, and love. Its billion tentacles writhing, and Its billion eyes crying, It knew It only had one recourse of action. It created a Vessel, pooling Its unholy energy into a formation directly resembling the V1 model, to create the most agile and defensible Demon ever formed. It transferred Its consciousness into the Vessel, ensuring the fate of Its dimension to be utterly destroyed.
The unspeakably colossal dimension once known as Hell began to erupt without its essence residing inside of it, and the newly formed V3 swiftly made an escape for Purgatory through the pits of Treachery. Barely making its exit, V3 rode the shockwave created by the destruction of Its realm to the top of the now cracking and falling mountain of Purgatory, sure to fall into the empty void of Hell.
The Newborn Goat, The Last Creation, The Null Ouroboros, V3, made a war path to the gates of Heaven, forcing its way inside amidst the pandemonium and Angels reacting to the destruction of the Hell dimension, as well as Purgatory beginning to fall because of it. It began Its final quest to destroy Paradise, bringing the circle of the creation to a close.
IT WILL END AS IT BEGAN; WITH NOTHING. -------------------------------------------------------------
So yeah V3 is Hell taking on the appearance of V1 after it dies as a monument to its conquest because it loved it soooo much. And going on to destroy the place with any life remaining, being Heaven, and eventually fights its own creator in a battle for the fate of the universe. or whats left of it.
Also because It's literally Hell It would have more manipulation of the blood It absorbs, having cool blood wings for increased movement, and tentacles for rapid attacks that don't require Its otherwise occupied arms. I imagine if this was actually a game, it would have a max of 200 health to represent how its stronger and more durable than V1, but this would be balanced by being able to use blood abilities that cost some health.
Anyway Yea I Just Think It's Neat
V3's pronouns are It/Its, capital "i" necessary.
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elendsessor · 5 months
nocturne no fusion run update part god(‘s voice) is dead
well here’s one that didn’t go as planned yet also kinda did
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now i actually made some pretty massive mistakes, and at least let the first one be your take away if you ever do any challenge run where the demifiend has to be involved (aka not the demon only run yes that’s real)
do not, and i mean DO NOT pass up glacial blast.
i forgot that’s the only element metatron doesn’t either resist or nullify. my dumb ass decided i wouldn’t take it. i should’ve. i really really should’ve.
i did make the smart decision to finally replace tornado with bolt storm tho for mot. yay???
yeah i was originally gonna save metatron until post diet building but couldn’t remember if you get locked into an ending once you beat mitra/samael or once you entered the tower of kagutsuchi. either way, it was a perfect time to go back to the lab(yrinth) again… after beating up surt, mada, and mot.
as always, surt’s a joke if you null or drain fire. mot can’t beast eye spam in hd like he could back in the day so he got nerfed hard. mada was the only real problem because intoxicate sucks.
i was’t genuinely scared of metatron. worried it would take longer than it did, but he’s kinda weak by nocturne boss standards when you think about it.
i never found him as hard as beelzebub mainly because you start off at a massive disadvantage before fighting the fruit fly from hell, meanwhile you’re given all the tools necessary for mr roboto save for pierce which you don’t need. also because metatron wastes his turns with mahamon if you void or reflect light. death flies at least still damages and beel uses a variety of other elemental moves. the only thing that could make metatron harder for some is how he cracks down on buff/debuff cancelling hard and he has debilitate.
now, what’s the problem with my sorry band of losers featuring raidou kuzunoha the 14th and best girl pixie? simple answer is we don’t have enough ice power.
qing long had to be dropped sadly since he unfortunately can’t match up to a lot of the endgame demons without major assistance. on my first run, mabufula was doing nothing, and because i can’t fuse, there wasn’t any way to power him up without extensive grinding, be it for incenses or levels. i don’t think this would change much as yeah as i ended up learning aside from weak healing moves on high magic stat demons, no amount of buffs can make up for low/medium damage elemental attacks especially not multi target skills due to how they function. he did good though. a real unsung hero. carried my team in interesting ways. i can’t fully change his moveset into something much greater without fusion, not even if i redo mizuchi, but god he was an actual trooper and will always be remembered (i’ll probably resummon him for the heck of it though).
the original team was gonna be black frost, albion, and titania, but i hit another roadblock due to the whole no fusion thing meaning no moveset changing and a good chunk of black frost’s moves can’t be mutated. garuda could work but only through chaining. maybe lilith too, but that would require a lot of grinding i don’t want to do. i tried at least abusing megido and megidiola stones but they did nothing.
and then comes the idea of using tekisatsu.
while a physical move, it does almighty damage. the cons come from the low crit rate (at least in my experience i never get crits with it ;-;) and it isn’t super powerful outside of taking care of random encounters. raidou does get a special piercing ability, but i didn’t feel like abusing it with yoshitsune. i abuse the poor guy enough. also wasn’t super close (the exp from metatron was just enough to get him to learn the pierce skill). the original idea was buff with monke, debuff with war cry and provoke (+dekaja stone of course), have titania both heal and do bonus damage with glacial blast, and have demifiend play emergency support. had to switch monke out halfway through since the debuffing combos weren’t keeping up with how many times metatron spammed dekunda, so i swapped albion in (they null phys so if metatron did decide to use his normal attack it could potentially be wasted). it wasn’t as big a stall race as beel’s fight was thankfully, and i think that’s partly due to the ai giving up and prioritizing fire of sanai and the “forever useless until 4a onwards” mahamon over trying to remove the debuffs.
the other big mistake? i was wrong about the fat fuck elephant. you do need metatron, and yes the only way to get him without metatron is by clipping through the door, but in order to perform the glitch, it needs to be set up using a pc only exploit.
i’m playing on console.
raidou gets to be the op secondary attacker now. good. don’t separate the ankle biter from his boyfriend.
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