#nuse about
sang-malchanceux · 11 months
Mobile Navigation
Life Story
The Child
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between-two-fandoms · 5 months
Gahhhhhhh Oaky! So I’m almost dead over Buck kissing Tommy and getting the soot all over his face but damn could you imagine Maddie in her wedding dress just so excited to meet this guy that makes her brother so happy that she leans in for a hug and gets ash on her dress and doesn’t even care and Tommy is dead and dying on the inside because omg wedding dress is ruined but Maddie is smiling a different version of his Evan’s smile and flouncing her way back to Chimney.
Also YES I can imagine this happening so easily. Tommy thinks Maddie is going to be upset over the dress getting dirty but after the day she just had all she cares about is her finally getting to meet the man who makes her brother happy. Tommy's surprised cause he didn't expect her to be so excited and welcoming right away but from what Evan has told him about Maddie he should've expected it.
Bonus points if Jee gets a little dirty too because she runs up to Tommy and hugs his legs or something. Then Tommy has to leave because the nuse looks like she's gonna kick him out for tramping around a sterile hospital wing getting soot everywhere so Buck gets to take his boyfriend home.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 7 months
Meghan wouldn't have had a big red carpet event (Metgala) just 10-odd days before her wedding. She also wouldn't have had a big designer on her side in 2018, since she hadn't developed those relationships yet.
Chances are that it was for Metgala 2019. I've always believed this because she was also teasing her own Vogue UK issue in the first half of 2019. (She event fuest edited the Sept 2019 Vogue UK edition).
Her partnership with cogue UK was kept super secret, but she first teased it in Dec 2018 or Jan 2019. The palace then shut it down in Feb after weeks of speculations. She was also teasing a childrens book about the Dog in Jan/Feb 2018. (This project never happened, but it may have been negotiated at some point).
I think Meghan wanted to go to the Metgala as Ed's +1 in the lead up to the Sept edition. But she had to keep it from the palace. Then she wouldn't confirm her attendance to Anna since her own due date was May. She may have thought she would have the baby in April and then jet off to the Metgala as a big reveal. But also did not confirm either way with Ed and Anna. This may have irked Anna.
Meghan and the Vogue UK team were also not exactly getting along so well. She wanted to controleverythinh, and be there for meetings when it was expected that she is guest editor only in name. She also wanted a cover but Ed talked her down as he did not like that idea. It was later spun as Meghan being humble. Meghan wanted a cover as Catherine got the cover a few years back.
Meg was allegedly a nightmare to work with. And Ed actually did not like her. Vovue also did like that this Meghan went behind the palaces back to do the project.
Meghan also may have wanted to go with Claire as a givenchy nuse (lol) since Clair was supposed to be retiring/leaving Givenchy. but Anna may have vetoed that idea as being ridiculous and unnecessary. It's not like clair is on the same level as Alexander McQueen or Karl lagerfeld etc. Knowing what happened with Claire and Givenchy at the wedding Anna may not have wanted that association at the Metgala at all.
All of the drama at the Vogue UK office may have reached Anna. To add to that Ed and Anna arnt the best of pals. So Meghan being cagey about her attendance, her outfits, her designers and insisting on being Ed's +1 as a big reveal (ie., Taking the spotlight of the gala itself) may have put off Anna. And that's why Anna blacklisted her.
Ed went on to work with King Charles for the prince's trust. But never associated with Meghan personally (except for the Oprah interview which him and his pals watched together and later told the papers about lol).
You don’t need a relationship with a designer to go to the Met Gala. If you’re “It” enough, the designers will come to you or Anna will do the networking for you. And back in April/May 2018, Meghan was “It” enough. What we know about Meghan today wasn’t known back in early 2018 so while people today wouldn’t touch her with a thirty-nine and a half foot pole, they would’ve been all over her back then, especially if there was potential for accessing Kate or the rest of the royal family through Meghan…which is why all those A-Listers showed up for the wedding. If the A-Listers showed up for the wedding, the A-Listers would’ve shown up to dress her for the Met Gala.
And Meghan absolutely would’ve done a red carpet event before her wedding. Especially if it pushed Kate, Charlotte, and new baby Louis out of the headlines — which an unexpected appearance at Met Gala 2 weeks before the wedding would have done. Especially if it fit into Meghan’s narrative about being the more glamorous, fashion-forward, sexy one vs Kate, as her PR was doing in those days.
Like I said, the whole timeline surrounding the rumor is shifty. It doesn’t make sense for Meghan to be planning to attend Met Gala 2019 since she would’ve known she couldn’t make it because of the pregnancy/baby. Especially since it is known worldwide that the Met Gala is always the first Monday of May. But on the other hand, Meghan stayed at the Mark Hotel, which where the celebs stay for the Met Gala since it’s across the street from the Met, for a reason…and that’s so in three months when we’re googling “Met Gala,” up pops the pictures and stories from Meghan’s baby shower. Like I’ve said time and time again, Meghan knows what she’s doing when it comes to PR and SEO. Or at least her people do.
I personally don’t believe Meghan was ever going to the Met Gala. Despite “modernizing the monarchy” by wearing pants/trousers (sorry, The Queen did it 11 years before Meghan even existed on this planet), Meghan just isn’t a fashionable person. She doesn’t even have her own sense of style - she wears whatever someone gives her for free and doesn’t even bother to clean her shoes, remove the tags, take off the protective plastic wrapping, snip off the tacking stitch on her coats, wear the proper sizes and undergarments, get things hemmed and tailored to fit, or steam/iron the clothes. She’s a hot fashion mess. That’s not Met Gala material. That’s not what Anna Wintour wants on her red carpet — and that’s why the 2018 version of the timeline makes sense, because it was before all of the fashion sins were committed, it was before all the behavior and attitude allegations were made that sent the Sussexes spiraling, and it was smack in the middle of Harry’s “they’re jealous of Meghan being the most popular doing things they couldn’t/wouldn’t” PR campaign.
But anons can believe whatever they want to believe. My speculation about attending in 2018 vs 2019 is just armchair-quarterbacking trying to find a version of the story that works timing-wise. And for me, 2018 is more plausible than 2019 and all the teasing/hinting at a Vogue cover afterwards can be chalked up to Meghan’s usual manifestation or Vogue scrambling to keep her happy after getting cockblocked from the Met Gala so she doesn’t target the gala or Vogue or Anna the way she’d been targeting Kate and the royal family. Game recognizes game, and Anna is a master at it.
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stlegendaryofc · 2 years
Non-Sexual Acts of Intimacy
Binge Watching TV/Movies Together
Going to Events Together (e.g. carnivals, festivals etc.)
Sharing Secrets
Sharing Drinks/Food
Late Night Phone Calls (BONUS: Falling Asleep on the Phone,FaceTime, Skype, etc.)
Nose Kisses (Kunik)
Philosophical Discussions
Holding Hands
Joking Around
Laying Your Head on Someone’s Shoulder
Linking Arms
Tickle Fights
Playing/Brushing Each Others Hair
Head/Back Scratches
Tracing Designs on Arms, Legs, or Back
Talking About the Future
Listening to Someones Heartbeat/Breathing
Dancing, Singing, or Playing Instruments Together
Drawing/Writing on one another
sitting knee to knee across from each other
Doing Beauty Treatments (e.g. Facials, Manicures, Hairdying, etc.)
Reading Books Together
Nusing Partner Back to Health when They're Sick
Wholesome Conversations (e.g. Feelings, Mental Health, etc.)
Cooking Together
Discussions About Yourselves (e.g. Flaws, Shortcomings, Passions, Victories, etc.)
Being Physically/Emotionally Vulnerable
Having Deep Conversations
Bathing/Showering Together
Butterfly Kisses
Telling "On-the-Fly" Stories
Meditating/Sharing Spirituality
Playing Games Together (e.g. Video Games, Board Games, D&D, Sports, etc.)
Sharing Hobbies
Sharing Personal Stories
Seeing Each Other w/o Make-up/Dressed Up
Moral Support for Major Events
Sharing Emotions/Comforting Each Other
Fur Babies
Going on Trips Together
Sharing Clothes/Jewelry/Personal Items
Sharing Social Media
Going to Appointments Together
Making Art/ Doing Projects (e.g. Drawing/Sculpt Each Other, Painting the House, etc.)
Kissing Different Parts of the Body
Making Out
Working Together (e.g. Volunteer Work, Same Job, etc.)
Discussing Wants and Desires
Trying New Things Together
Working Out Together
Long Walks (e.g. Nature Walks, Walks in the Park, etc.)
Being Respectful & Kind to One Another (helping them do things,open doors for them etc.)
Sharing Responsibilities (e.g. Chores, Babysitting etc.)
Giving Each Other Presents/Gifts
Respecting Each Others Boundaries
PDA (Public Displays of Affection)
Wrestling/Play Fighting
Late Night Texting/Phone Calls
Gazing into Each Other’s Eyes
Complimenting Each Other
Making Faces at Each Other
Cloud Watching/Stargazing
Inside Jokes
Getting to Know Each Other
Go for a Ride Together
Make a Playlist Together
Make Up Your Own Language (e.g. Words, Slang, etc.)
Eating Out
Listing Out Each Others Favorite Features/Qualities
Leaving Little Love Notes
Having Wholesome Conversations (BONUS: Make Funny Faces)
sit back to back and feel each other’s heartbeat
Learn Their Favorite Food and Make It
Look at Photos Together
Taking Pictures Together
Go People Watching (BONUS: Creating Make-Shift Stories About the People and Talking Mad Shit)
Have a Staring Contest
Learn Something New Together (e.g. Fun Facts, Skills, Classes, etc.)
Get to Know Each Others Family and Friends
Drawing On Each Other
Playing with Kids
Stealing Each Others Clothes
Being Comfortable with Each Other’s Bodily Functions
Messages (e.g. Shoulder Rubs, etc.)
Forehead/Cheek Kisses
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scorching-earth · 5 months
twst x ddlc sayori mc
I have met so many new people after coming to nrc. I've helped so many more as well but no one will help me. I feel this metaphoric rope tighten around my neck a little every day. It won't stop no matter how many people I help it never loseins up. It’s almost like someone chose me to feel the most miserable. I can't tell anyone about this because they already have too much to worry about. Thay have to get better. I don't need help there because their problems are worse than mine. So I keep feeling the rope tighten. I shouldn't burden people who are already burdened.
One day the rope stopped. That invisible nuse stopped tightening around my neck. Because it was no longer invisible. Standing on the chair I smiled, no one will have to worry about my problem now. If I just die they won't have to worry about my problem. They can focus on themselves.
“Negh henchman what are you doing?” Looking back at grimm I stopped. “Nothing, what's the matter grim?” I said with a faked cheerful tone.  I think Grimm noticed it was fake. “N-nothing let's go to class henchmen I need to become the best soricer after all.” smiling at him I said “Ok grimm” and so i moved my head out of that nuse. Stepping down for the chair. One more day then that invisible rope fell over my head once more. Tightening to a suffocating amount. The day went by quickly nothing remarkable happened for once. At lunch I sat down with Ace and Duce as always. My smile faltered for a second. I think they noticed “hay sayori are you doing ok?” duce asked “ya why are you worried about me?” my cheerful tone felt like it was going to explode my vocal cords, the nuse tightening more. “You… seem… off…” “I’m fine, really stop worrying about me.” my voice wipers at the end.
“Henchmen, is this about this morning?” my face dropped. “No” my voice was full of dread the two quickly caught onto that. “Grimm, what happened to sayori.” Ace said he had stayed silent about the discussion till now. “Henchmen had something around their neck and were standing on a chair.” my eyes went wide. Why did he say that? The two immediately wiped their heads to me “sayori you didn't try to please tell me grimm is wrong and it was something else not why how.” tiers fell from my eyes. “Why did you tell them grimm” gripping my uniform I ran away ran as far away as my legs could carry me. The bell rang signaling that lunch had ended.
I sat there all day in that spot. The nuse was now crushing my neck. Crying and crying made them worry about me, someone without magic without a will to live, someone who knew way too much. All because she knew the same thing and I could do what she did to me last time. Instead of her I can do it to myself. Someone tapped my shoulder.
“Hay sayori it's me your president” looking up i saw monika “your just going to waste your time president. Can you delete me? I don't think I can do it myself, not after their looks.” monika then started to glitch “Ah I’m sorry s om s v er o r c o nec ts on.” “what don't go!” trying to grab the gilching form she was left looking at all of the people she didn't want to see. “Sayori are you ok” the small red haired teen asked her. “Tell us that what those first years said was a joke.” you could hear the heartbreak. “N-no stop it… stop worrying about me now.” she held her head “po- sayori you all helped us and shure some of us are still recovering… but we would've never gotten to this point without you helping us.” Vil told her in a surprisingly gentle tone Holding her shoulders, tears fell from her face “your problems are worse than mine!” “sayori how long have you felt like this… I can only hope not for long.” turning away from the dorm leaders she hangs her head low. “I felt like this even before I came here.” some gasped, some gave her pitying looks. “It's not like i overboted so why are you worried?” she let her arms hang at her sides now. “No it's not like you overbolted a herbivore like you couldn't ever, but It's worse than that! If you don't want us to worry then dont pull stunts like this, it's a pain.” she looked at them “that doesn't help I know too much already. I wasn't even meant to be here.” she gripped the grass around her.” “child of man-” she cut off the tall male’s sentence “EVERYTHING IS A LIE. were in a video game were not real” 
“child of man do you hear yourself. you're here and are feeling sad. I'm here worried about the first friend i made here.” holding her head she felt as if her head was about to fall off. “c-ca n” a female voice spoke out. “Can you hear me?” a glitch appeared beside sayori it was a glitch then a human. “Ah the connection's back” turning away from the group of males she crouched to sayori. “You know everyone misses you right sayori. Both nasuki and yuri are worried about you-.” the figure didn't get that long before she was interrupted. “Who are you and what do you have to do with sayori!” turning back to face the boys she straightened her uniform “who i am doesn't matter call me whatever you wish. I am the reason why sayori is like this. I guess for my actions you can give me a name." Without thinking someone berated out an insult “how about freak then” nodding she smiled “freak it is then ok it’s nice to meet you all I’m freak” that smile not leaving the girl’s face “sayori was always a tad bit sad but due to me messing with her likeability I made her full on depressed. It's only when I deleted her did I start going mad with power.” “I think I can confidently say for all of us. What in the sevens are you talking about?” placing the palm of her hand on her head she shook her head. “What she told you was true”
“Nothing is real.”
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arumharini · 3 months
Harini Arum's Model Portofolio
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Harini Arum
Date of Born: August 15, 2001 Height: 164 cm Weight: 43 kg Bust: 32 Bra: 32 Cup: B Hips: 37 Waist: 26 Dress: XS - S Shoe: 39
About Harini: With a cascade of raven hair framing her face like the shadows of twilight, and eyes the color of midnight, she possesses an ethereal beauty that captivates those who dare to gaze upon her. Standing at a modest height, her slender figure moves with a graceful elegance, as if each step carries the weight of a thousand untold stories. She made her debut as the model for Banilla.co, effortlessly embodying the brand's values with her lovely and adorable persona. Since then, she has graced numerous photoshoots for prestigious brands like Nuse, Kared, and Dermatory.
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Model Talent under Sourrie Ent. (June 2024 - Now)
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By Semi Kim for Self Portrait. (2022)
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Harini Arum for Spring Collection "Taste of Love" (2024)
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Harini Arum for Vanilla.co (2023)
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Harini for Mezanne / Model Catalog (2023)
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Harini for Bermatory-Sunshine! / Model Catalog (2022)
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Contact her for more: Sourrie Ent. - contactsourrie Harini Arum - +62 855-9784-185 [email protected] Twitter: harinirum Instagram: OfHarini
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toridimopoulos · 2 months
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Name: Victoria Dimopoulos Nickname: Tori Age: 33 Affiliation: None Place of birth: Patras, Greece Occupation: ER Nurse
Faceclaim: Stephanie Nur Height: 5'4 Hair: Black Eyes: Blue
tw  : mention of death, drugs, cancer
The youngest of three siblings, Stefanos and Christos her older brothers. Are twins, but their mother died when they were a child, and their father remarried to Tori's mother, Yasmin, before Tori was born.
Moved from Patras, Greece to Tonpah Valley when she was four years old
Her mother is her best friend. She tells her everything. You tell Tori anything, her mom will know bc she cannot keep her mouth shut.
When she was eight she started horseback riding, which is how she started competting in rodeos.
She tried many different events, such as barrel racing, trick riding, and breakaway calf roping. Tori competed in anything she could, excelling in each event she tried.
Three months after her 14th birthday, Tori’s brother Christos was suddenly killed. The loss was devastating for her, and for months, she struggled to process her grief, so she really leaned into riding at that time.
When she turned sixteen, Tori learned the truth about why her family moved to Tonopah Valley, and about Los Santos.
While she didn't get involved in Los Santos opperations, she didn't ignore them either. Merely stood on the sidelines while watching and listening.
she worked as a waitress at Dionysos during high school and throughout college.
At 21, Tori proudly won the rodeo queen title. Something she is super proud of.
Right after she graduated college, she started working at Tonoaph Valley Medical center as an ER nuse. It was around this time her mother got her first breast cancer diagnosis.
Two years ago, her mother’s cancer returned, now at stage three. Despite the diagnosis, Tori remain's optimistic.
While she doesn't compete in the rodeo anymore, she still teaches barrel racing lessons in her free time.
She has a buckskin horse named trigger that she boards at the Decker Ranch.
With Los Santos dismantled, her parents, along with her aunt and uncle, moved back to Patras. Although Tori wanted to join them, her heart belonged to Tonopah Valley, and she couldn’t leave everything behind to move halfway across the globe.
Despite her concerns about her mother’s condition, she decided to stay, maintaining daily contact with her parents, especially her mother.
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hinatastinygiant · 8 months
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30 | Rock Fire
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x Fem!Reader
Serpents and Roses
Y/N'S P.O.V.
"I can't believe I actually did well," Luna beams as the three of you discuss the results of your potions exam.
"I guess I did as good as I was expecting," you shrug. "Still, I don't know how Amit got everything right."
"It's so unfair," Luna grumbles.
"Well, I wasn't the one getting distracted with the doodles from my girlfriend on my notebook," Amit chuckles.
"She's not my girlfriend," Luna mutters, covering her cheeks with her blue scarf. "Not yet, at least."
"Sounds like the two of you need to talk that out," you smile at her.
"Says you," she scoffs, rolling her eyes playfully. "What are you and Ominis again?"
You chuckle and shake your head. "Whatever you say, Luna."
"Anyway, let's dig in," Amit cuts in. "We did great, and we've earned to stuff our faces."
"Yeah," you nod. "I could definitely go for some celebratory food. Maybe we could-"
Suddenly, you're interrupted by yet another one of Sebastian's persistent glances from the Slytherin table. "What is he up to?" you mumble, anticipating something bad.
"I don't know," Amit replies.
"Something tells me he's up to no good," Luna sighs.
"I'm going to check it out," you reply, rising to your feet. Just as you do, your apprehensions prove accurate as Garreth sits down beside Sebastian. A groan escapes your lips involuntarily as you walk over.
"Look, I don't know what's going on with you two but I thought I already told you-" you begin to reprimand them, but you're interrupted by Ominis.
"We need to talk," he suddenly stands up, causing your whole body to run cold. He walks over to you and grips your arm with a sense of urgency. "Come on," he says, guiding you out of the hall. Your nerves and confusion only intensify as you step into the quieter corridor.
"What is going on?" you question him, your tone a mixture of confusion and frustration.
"It's about your situation," he starts. "And my father."
"Your father?"
"He was here," he tells you, causing your stomach to sink. You know the disdain his family has for muggles. "Headmaster Black informed him about you."
A wave of heat rushes to your face as you process the implications. Ominis hesitates once more before he finally reveals the news.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, but I'm afraid my father is having you expelled."
"W-what?" you gasp, feeling your chest tighten.
The world seems to spin as the weight of his words sink in. Your legs wobble and you clutch Ominis' arm for support. The news hits you with a force you hadn't been expecting. "Expulsion?" you stammer, your voice barely audible.
"I'm sorry," he says, his voice soft and his eyes filled with pity.
Just as panic tightens its grip on you, your vision blurs, and the next thing you know, everything goes dark. You had fainted.
Ominis catches you before you hit the ground, concern etching his face. As your consciousness slips away, the echoes of his words linger, leaving uncertainty and fear in their wake.
The next thing you know, you're lying in a bed looking up at the ceiling of the infirmary.
"Ah, you're awake," Nuse Blainey says. "Feeling better now, dearie?"
"Where's Ominis?" you ask as you slowly sit up.
"He's gone to class," the nurse replies simply.
"Oh," you mutter, looking around the mostly empty room. "Okay?"
"Can I get you anything?" she then asks.
"How long was I out for?"
"About an hour," she informs you.
You shake your head and sigh as you stand to your feet. "I don't think so. I should probably just get back to the Ravenclaw tower. Thanks anyway, Nurse Blainey."
"Not so fast!" she calls after you. "Don't think I'm just going to let you go like this, dear. It's against my rules."
You huff in annoyance and reluctantly return to your bed. Nurse Blainey nods in approval before walking over to her desk.
"I need to inform Headmaster Black of your awakening," she informs you, grabbing her wand and pointing it toward the fireplace.
"Please, don't," you plead.
"What?" she scoffs, sounding rather confused. "Why not?"
"I, uh, I got in a bit of trouble with him and I've already got a lecture from James... I don't want to get another just yet. Please," you lie.
"Fine," she sighs, shaking her head. "But you should know that I already notified James of your predicament. He told me he was on his way to speak with you. And I have a feeling you won't be able to avoid a talk with Black forever, Miss Bennett."
"I know," you grumble as you peer back up at the ceiling, hoping time would move faster.
Soon enough, the sound of the door opening brings your attention back down to earth. To your relief, it's just James, and he rushes to your side.
"Hey, are you alright?" James asks, taking a seat beside your bed.
"I'm fine, James," you sigh.
"What happened?"
"She fainted," the nurse interrupts you. "Ominis Gaunt brought her here."
"Ominis?" he repeats, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah," you nod, averting his gaze. "He's the one who told me the news."
James' brows furrow in confusion. "About what? Don't tell me you did something stupid."
"Oh, trust me, I didn't," you scoff. "But it looks like I'm about to be kicked out anyway."
"What?" he gasps.
"Apparently Ominis' father found out about a muggle attending the same school as his son," you roll your eyes. "And he's demanding my expulsion."
"Shit," he groans, his face twisting into a frown.
"Yeah, shit," you grumble. "Now what the hell are we going to do?"
"Well, I don't know..." he sighs. "I guess I'll have to leave with you. But it'll be difficult to find another job at this point in the year."
"No," you shake your head. "You have to stay here, James."
"She's right, you know," Headmaster Black's voice calls out as he steps inside the infirmary.
James turns to face him. "You want her to go, too?"
"No," the headmaster nods. "But, I would very much appreciate if she did."
"Excuse me?" James raises an eyebrow.
"Look, Y/N, I'm really sorry for what happened, but there's no other option. Your expulsion has already been processed," he tells you. "As I've explained to Ominis, this is out of my hands."
"What the hell should keep me here then?" James scoffs. "I could just take her back home and-"
"If you'll allow me to finish," the headmaster interrupts. "You're a contracted professor for the remainder of the school year. I can't just let you leave without proper notice. Mr. Bennett, you must finish out the rest of the semester."
"Great," you sigh as you sink down into the bed. "Back to public school."
Serpents and Roses
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thesaintelectric · 11 months
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this just raises so many more questions about the population.
theres (roughly) 1-2 doctors per 1000 people in most countries today, so assuming 'healers' are sufficiently specialised that other people do more traditional nursing duties theres up to ~ 100,000 moonlings on lightlark alone, ~400,000 total
thats an insane number based on how everything is described so lets say 'healer' is less specialised and covers nuses too, then thats maybe one small hospital worth of staff so able to serve a small city or large town ??
but also everyone has *some* inclination to their realms abilty so what % of the population does this represent ? 10%, more even ?
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queeriboh · 2 years
When Kaiba returns from the Afterlife, it isn't to quite the excitement and fanfare he expects. Yes, he knows that he had spent longer away than originally intended, but one more Duel, one more day, one more night with the Pharaoh was never enough. But as days and nights turned to weeks, he couldn't put off repairing the Dimension Pod any longer.
But Kaiba has no idea just how much time has passed since leaving his own dimension behind.
Despite the abrupt and unexpected return, Kaiba's small space ship is retrieved quite quickly upon its splash landing off the coast of Japan. As the Coast Guard rush him off for medical attention, he's assured that a Kaiba Corp helicopter is already en route to meet him.
No matter how much he protests, assures them he's fine, that he has work to get back to, the medical team pokes and prods at him anyway, taking blood and urging the CEO to stay still and rest. He can't stand lying still for so long. Where are his representatives, anyway?
"I don't CARE what your protocol says, if he's awake and stable then Kaiba Corp's medical team is more than capable of taking things from here," a voice from outside his room catches his attention, pulling Kaiba from his restless brooding. His brows knit together as he cranes to see past the doorframe from the bed he's been confined to. He swears he recognizes the voice, there's something unmistakably familiar about it. Yet he can't quite apply a name or face.
"Well then at least let me see him," the voice continues to protest. It's a warm and confident tone, though tinged now with a bitter frustration at the nuse with whom he argues. And so familiar, it drives Kaiba crazy. Until the next words cut through him like a knife.
"I don't care, he's my fucking brother. Do you have any idea how long it's been since I've seen him??"
Kaiba's blue eyes go wide at the realization, just as he watches a tall, young man with short black hair and tired, cold, stormy grey eyes shoulder his way right past the smaller nurse blocking the doorway. Their gazes meet, and Kaiba swears he can't breathe, the oxygen in the small hospital room replaced with a thick air of tension between the two brothers as the sickening realization sets in.
For a long moment, they both stare in silence. Mokuba hardly looks relieved to see him, his brows knit, his lips pressed in a tight, thin line. His hair is short, shorter than Kaiba's ever seen. And, God, he's gotten so much taller. And Kaiba finally wonders just how long he's been gone.
The silence is finally cut, Kaiba speaking up first. "I came back," he quips, recalling the last words his brother had said to him before launch.
"Yeah. Three years later."
Kaiba isn't quite sure which hurts worse, the revelation, or the spite in his brother's deep voice.
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creedx13 · 1 year
Jason Creed Sabertooth Part 2
The Aftermath
 I just got off the train when I was engulfed In a cloud of brimstone smoke two blue arms with grippy bifractured hands grabbed me in a bear hug from the front. “Extraction incoming, hold your breath.” I do as i’m told and brace my self for the implosion of air I love my uncle but I hate this part. BAMF as soon as the smoke clears and my ears stop ringing and I have my bearings again I notice we’re in the faculty locker room. One of the nurses from the infirmary is there to. Dose everyone know about my sabertooth debacle? “Normally we’re doing this for logan” the nurse commented “what were you thinking? Kurt questions me. “ I wasn't “ I admit. 
“Now here’s the procedure you strip down and hand me your clothes to be washed and then you stand against that wall and stand still for kurt to hose you down I’ll be back with clean clothes vaccines and sicky sutures and bone and joint braces you'll need to wear for a week.” she explains. I strip it’s embarasing but It’s not like they haven’t seen me naked before and neither of them care kurt’s too body positive to notice or care and nurse patty is like 46 and has seen it all and then some.
I hand her my blood soaked clothes and i stand against the wall and kurt gives me that broad mischievous grin he dose so well. ‘Now comes the fun part, for me, not for you.’ he says with  a giggle. I brace myself and the gush of water hits me washing my gand father’s blood off of me and down the drain  “now. put your hands up and turn around slowly.” I do as i’m told and he hoses off down my back and leggs finishing off by blasting me right in the back of the head I whip around and growl at him. My uncle just laughs. “I’m used to doing this with logan, you’re just a grubby puppy all growl no bite. You can’t scare me. But  Next time  please leave sabertooth to the grown ups ok? mein kleiner Schatz.” his tone switched from goofing off to worried sick real quick, we don’t have a whole lot in common like I have with logan he sometimes ropes me into his pranks or sends me bible quotes he thinks might help me but that’s about it. My uncle kurt dose love me he is the only biological family I have that Isn’t a colosal sociopath/narcissist/ homicidal maniac. I’m pretty sure the feeling is mutual. “ I don’t want anything to do with sabertooth don’t worry. I just wanted to go to the cuniform and the wild places exhibit.” I tell him. He gives me a relived smile. “We can go together on my next day off avoiding trouble is easier when you can teleport.”  “ thank you.” I replied  “ great now that’s sorted. get in the tub. youre still a walking biohazard, you're getting the deep cleaning protocol.” he ordered pointing at the big round bath tub. In the center of the room he poured some bubble bath in and stirred it in with one of those bath brushes with the long handel encouraging bubbles. “Step in but give me your hands your claws look as atrocious as the rest of you.” I do as i'm told keeping my hands out of the water and giving them to him over the side of the bath my armpits resting on a plush towl for comfort the rest of my body under my bath bubbles. “Arguably your claws got the worst of it.” he said distainfully pulling a long blond hair from under my middle claw taking a small chunk of flesh out with it. He looked a little disturbed by this so to break the tension I said  “If you think this is bad you should see the other guy.” I grinned.  Kurt just gave me a disapproving tut and swatted my hand. “No more fighting. That’s an order.” he dictated 
“Yes sir.” I acknowledged. 
“Good boy” nuse patty said setting her equipment up beside me. Damn, that lady Is really sneaky I guess that’s how you survive in a house full of mutant kids. “ hey, Jason ignore her, focus on me.” Kurt encourages me. “I know how you feel about needles but I need you to try your best to not bite me. Ok?” nurse patty instructs as If I was an injured wild animal. After I’m all cleaned up I only growl at nurse patty twice this time And no one got bit or scratched I’ve matured. Compared to Sabertooth nurse patty is a walk in the park. Kurt brought me a clean Xaivier’s tracksuit it's grey and green and super comfy. My uncle Kurt set me up with a blanket in the xmen’s rec room he then put an errol flynn movie on. Mr. Logan ended up joining us but I fell asleep halfway through I was so exhausted and clean and comfy I couldn’t keep my eyes open but before I blacked out I think I caught them holding hands, that's sweet, good for them welcome to the family mr. logan now he might be my uncle through Kurt and or Sabertooth. Nice, I like Mr. Logan good for Kurt. I sleep peacefully and I am thankful that my family isn’t all bad I’m glad I have Kurt and Mr. Logan to look out for me when I need them.
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ofluminance-a · 1 year
@pluviacuratio said: what kind of music do you like? (Ochako! Perhaps she went to the nurse's office and for once it was Bella instead of Recovery Girl?) / moved from the old blog, thanks doll! <3
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she hated hospitals, nursing homes, and well.. even u.a.'s nurse's office. it wasn't intentional in today's exercise for ochako to whack her head. no one ever said she was the most agile. she missed a block from tsu, and well, one swift kick to the head had down quite the number on the gravity hero. though no real damage was done, aizawa had sent to her to the nurse's office just to be sure-- if anything, she sure had a killer headache.
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she must've dozed off after some medication that recovery girl had given her. when she awoke, another woman was in the room. asking about.. what music she liked? blinking hazel eyes, ochako wasn't sure what to say..
trying to sit up, she pulls the covers back and feels a tense pain in her temple. a hand raises to massage the pained spot, there was a bandage there now, and pushing against it, ochako winces. maybe she still need more rest after all? " uhm, well.. i guess a little of everything? but, pop or lofi beats are some favorites of mine. " there's a pause as ochako looks back at the nuse. " why do you ask? and.. wasn't recovery girl here earlier, ma'am? "
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godspecd · 2 years
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where: the iron islands, the sea tower when : month 4 of the seven months of hell in westeros who : ames harlaw @amesharlaw
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if only someone could see the two harlaw sisters. how horribly broken they had been. in this scene, one could hear how the rushed steps of the remaining elder harlaw uncle attempting to climb the roped bridge that divided this tour to the rest of the great keep in pyke. he was summoned by one of dyana’s handmaidens, as they soon came to realize just critical of a state their lady had become. thank god dyana’s staff was all paid handsomely for their ability to keep their mouths SHUT. a long tradition in the harlaw family, her mother would tell her to continue it. after all, who wanted their house to be gossiped about outside of the walls of the great keep? or even within it? it also helped that dyana was just desperately in need to ensure aurore never heard of her breakdowns. she didn’t need to be reminded how much stronger her sister had been, how her sister could just silently clench her fists on a sponge and scrub away at a boat to get her feelings out. 
dyana’s will had been finalized, hidden away and stashed somewhere in the great keep. her great council had significantly decreased, aurore’s seat now being replaced with victarion. all were made aware that dyana had made a will, but only sigfryd and ames were made aware of where to find it if she didn’t have to write a new one. the thoughts that plagued her mind were tremendous, hauntingly so. her dreams wouldn’t leave her alone and she tried to hide in the sea tower the day before. yet, upon waking up to yet another night terror, her cries wouldn’t stop. she didn’t have her nuse maiden anymore to comfort her, nor did she have euron and lani to remind her to stop screaming. after all, she was dreadfully scary as euron remarked once.
she would find herself gasping for air and curled up in a ball against the black cold old stone of the tower when her uncle arrived. it was a breathing alike hyperventilation. if she stopped, she would die. if she stopped, the cold air would stop entering her lungs. if she stopped, she would begin to taste the horrible taste of ash in her throat. the heat of her own body was an enemy as it only felt to escalate to unbearable levels. her fingernails scratched at her arms as if flames still danced near them, enough to cause her panic. she was awake, the night terror ended but this...this attack wasn’t. she felt like she lost everything in king’s landing, anything in front of her was forgotten as she only could hear the giggles of alanis harlaw in the fire slowly turn to screams. aurore’s hand was above the bush that just lit aflame in front of her. dyana saw it turn to ash right before her hands. davios’ firm grip on her was long lost already, his touch and the memory provided no comfort. she was alone in the pyre, with only the phantoms of her family both dead and alive telling her to just give up. 
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glimpseofadaydream · 3 months
Hello everyone,
I don't have a song for you today, just an article, that talks about political participation on TikTok and how pointless our Chancellor's channel on TikTok is:
So, essentially the guy complains, that Olaf Scholz creates embarrassing videos, that won't help to get young people to politically participate.
He criticizes, that Scholz does not use the app to explain his politics or debate about political contents and he complains about how Olaf Scholz feeds Chinese algorithms.
Let me set things straight, as someone who has more or less studied these things:
1. The content that Scholz creates has to be pointless because AI can use his content as training data and create new, fake content with him, that can be used in political smear-campaigns. Obviously, this is way harder to do when the content you're uploading is absolutely ridiculous. Explaining his politics on TikTok means tying his own political nuse, because that exact same political content can be analysed, butchered and used for political predictions or put together into new political fake-content. TikTok is not the place for political content, if you are ACTUALLY in a politically and strategically important position, which the AfD really isn't.
The videos his team posts HAVE to be absolutely pointless to minimize the risk of delivering training data for digital smear-campaigns (fake news, desinformation, etc).
2. It's not just about gaining reach, it's also about analysing trends and digital behaviour. Especially IT-people and digital analysts do that a lot and I assume his IT-team is no exception.
Say what you want about politicians being ridiculous on social media but posting political content on social media by people in important political positions, that goes farther than the regular statements given by spokespeople and PR-teams is a reeeeeaally slippery slope and should not happen.
In the end, it honestly seems like the author himself does not understand, how social media works and projects his ignorance onto Scholz' PR- and IT-team.
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sobachyakukla · 5 months
michael being "with" claude makes me light myself on fire & punch myself repeatedly in the head & privates & i keep banging my head as hard as i can on the brick wall outside my apartment. im scared of losing what we had / have & i thought claude was a lesbian. please not claude please please make sure they cant get too close i saw that status about his wavering lesbian situation & im terrified that he's got his sights on her. please god no please again please give him back to me, i can handle him, i promise. i need him. i dont think claude NEEDS him. i NEED him. just the thought of him being alone & with me in his mind. please god just make sure he doesn't make claude his next partner. i hang in a few weeks just keep them apart for that long please just until my date please .i get deactivated June 12th, im terminated my mothers already been informed & set it up so i go to heaven. its over, its done, now please stop this with him being with more people. im to hang. i want to die. i do not want to go on living. researching the chart nearest to the one that dies in the middle of the Russian channel. everything Cheyenne says is a metaphor & i wish i could go back to speaking them too & not-eating! my internet got fucked up again but i made a new internet. why would i have trouble reading a single sentence if i took my Vyvanse this morning it just doesn't make sense my medicine isn't doing its job. no matter what it is i take it seems to sit behind itself inside me. a facade a lie a liar. my medicine is a liar. i just dont talk much. plus i wasn't really able to talk like myself, you know? i wasn't "speaking in poetry" like i used to. & we broke up & got back together {at least once} i needed to be confident, & feel like myself. i needed to be thin. & sober, god did i need to be sober. & i needed to not feel that awful sinking feeling in my chest. that was horrendous. thats gone now though, thank God. i cant believe he was there with me for my throat tattoo. thats what the clear differential has been, my throat tattoo. once people try to say im not the person from the trip i just point to my throat & say "yes i am!" i needed some time away from him so i could work on my physical appearance & get back to acting like myself & make sure that feeling i felt most of my life was deleted. random surge of pro-Ukrainian nuse & not moved.
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nusehealthy · 9 months
Causes Of Vertical Lines On Your Nails and What to Do About It - Nuse He...
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