#nyx x original character
arizona2004 · 1 year
Courts of Love and Hate. CH10
Nyx x Juniper (Tamlins daughter)
WC: 3166
The morning passes slowly. After sleeping in we eat breakfast then lay on the floor, in what’s supposed to be a foyer, and make a list of everything we need to buy for the house. I can hardly stand not touching her at every possible opportunity so when another note from my parents arrives asking us to come over for dinner, I have every intention to tell them no and keep her all to myself. 
Juniper has a different idea, though. Snatching the note from my hand, she jotted down a quick response, allowing it to disappear on its own.
“Juniper,” I groan.
“What? We’ve been in here for nearly three days; we should go have dinner with your family. Besides, it would be rude for us to go out shopping today and not at least stop by.”
I relent when she gives me that sultry smile of hers and leans in to kiss me again. I want to get distracted kissing her and bending her over the countertop but she pulls away after a few moments. 
“Let's get dressed and go shopping.”
Out of the house within the hour, we head deep into the city to look at furniture. This is definitely Juniper's scene. Design is one of her favorite past times, her face just lights up when she finds furniture that will “bring the whole room together perfectly.”
I have absolutely no idea what she’s talking about but the happy expression on her face brings a smile to mine. We place several orders to have furniture delivered to the house and grab paint samples for a few of the rooms.
Then, before Juniper can drag me into another store, I pull her to a small restaurant with outdoor seating and force her into a chair. Within the minute someone is taking our order and rushing away to make it. 
“This is really pretty.”
“Mmm,” I hum, “it’s not one of the ones on the Sidra, though. Those are the best restaurants in the city.”
“Really? They’re probably extra beautiful at night then.”
“Yeah. I can take you to one for dinner tonight,” I offer.
“And skip dinner with your parents?”
“I was hoping you’d forgotten.”
She just shakes her head in response, smiling as the waiter sets her plate of food down infront of her. 
Hours later we fall into bed, virtually the only furniture in the house, and try to take a short nap but get distracted and end up more exhausted than before. It’s a rush to get ready for dinner with my parents and we still end up a little late. Juniper’s way more concerned about it than me.
“They’re gonna think I’m not punctual, or a flake.”
“No they won’t,” I sya, trying not to laugh at her unnecessary concern. “We never start dinner on time anyway. And they’ll be more than understanding since we’re newly mated.”
Her cheeks turn the most beautiful shade of pink, the same color as her rosy dress. “You look amazing, by the way,” I say, pulling her closer. “I don’t think I told you that yet.”
“You did. Several times actually.”
“Did i?”
She just rolls her eyes which then go wide as I pull us to a stop in front of the River House. 
“Do you like it?”
“It’s beautiful,” she says, openly gawking.
“Be sure to tell my mom. She designed it.”
“Mhmm, she’s an artist. She designed and decorated just about everything. The garden’s my aunt's doing, though.”
We walk up to the house and the door swings open before we’re even five feet away. Juniper’s obviously still anxious besides me so I grip her hand in mine and resist the urge to punch my smirking uncle in the face where he stands in the doorway.
“I thought it would just be dinner with your parents,” Juniper whispers in my ear.
“No, it’s Sunday: family dinner night.”
“Don’t worry, it’s probably easier this way,” I say, kissing her forehead before returning my attention to the door. “Uncle Cassian. Any particular reason for blocking the doorway tonight?”
“I was thinking about letting the creatures outside,” he jokes.
“What did I tell you about referring to the children as animals?” Aunt Nesta says, smacking him upside the head as she walks by.
He just rubs the back of it, smiling widely, and moves to the side for us to walk in. My three youngest cousins run by screaming as soon as we step in. One’s Cas and Nesta’s second and the other two are Uncle Azriel’s and his wife’s, all ranging four to eight years old.
I pull Juniper toward the sitting room, ignoring the creatures, and search out the only other person close to our age- Nesta and Cassian’s other daughter, Lenny.
We saw her briefly during the wedding, but I’m eager for her and Juniper to get to know each other more. “Lenny. You remember Juniper, yeah?”
“Was I supposed to forget your sudden arranged marriage?” She raises her brows at me and stands from her seat, gently setting her book to the side.
“He again,” Juniper says from my side. “If I recall correctly you’re Nyx’s closest friend and cousin.”
“Yep, and I used to be his closest confidant too, but it seems he moved on once I moved out to the steeps.”
“The steeps?”
“Illyrian Steeps,” I say. “My Dad offered her a chance to run one of the camps when she turned eighteen last year. She’s there more often than here now.”
“Yeah, I’m only here for a whole week so that those idiots can realize they’re barely surviving without me.”
I smile, immediately deciding I like Lenny. I barely saw her during the wedding, but being able to talk to her I realize we have a lot in common. 
I especially enjoy when she tells funny stories about Nyx and he turns beet red from embarrassment. I’m certain he’s grateful when his mother calls us all into the other room for dinner.
We file into the dining room with a large oak table running through it, to find everyone already seated, pulling out chairs, or struggling to get children to hold still. The only seats with placements in front of them remaining are two at the closer end and, to my surprise, the seat at the head of the table.
“I suppose I’ll leave the two of you then,” Lenny says and walks to the end. 
“If we have an even amount of people then no one really sits there, but there's thirteen of us tonight,” Nyx says, answering one of my many silent questions.
“Speaking of,” Cassian starts, “should we be worried? Isn’t thirteen a bad omen?”
“Oh, shut up, Cassian,” the woman I recognize as his wife says.
Nyx pulls out the end seat for me and takes the one between it and one of his younger cousins. “Hi!” The child nearly shouts, leaning forward to look around Nyx. “I’m Baz. I wasn’t allowed to go to the wedding.”
“Oh,” I say, “nice to meet you, I’m Juniper.”
“Yeah, I know. Everyone’s been talking about you,” the Eight year old says.
My cheeks burn in the awkward silence that follows and I have no idea what to say. A few long seconds pass.
“What have they been saying?”
“Oh, all sorts of things,” he says, beaming. “Aunt Feyre said you were very pretty and kind, and mommy said you and Nyx would be a good pair, but Aunt Mor said you can’t be trusted and this is the worst thing to happen. She’s not here because she's mad at everyone.”
There are another few seconds of silence, a few of the adults noticeably cringe and I can feel Nyx’s rage boiling beside me.
Baz continues, probably trying to change the mood, “Uncle Cas said we probably wouldn’t see you for a month because Nyx would be busy fucking you,” he shrugs after laying that detail out there, “whatever that means.”
“You said that in front of my child?” Azriel yells across the table at the other male.
Nyx grips his fork tightly, staring daggers at his uncle, while tiny blue flames lick to life in his hair. 
“Nyx,” I murmur his name and rest a hand on his arm. He calms down after a few seconds, but the shouting between the adults continues.
“This is relatively normal for family dinners,” Nyx says, deciding to ignore everyone and scoop food onto my plate.
“Are you upset now, Juniper? Mama said I might have upset you.”
I turn to the faeling, who I’m already starting to like, with a smile. “No, I’m not upset.”
“Good, then we should be friends.”
The yelling settles down after a few minutes and conversations continue between smaller groups of everyone. At first anyway. After a little while, everyone gives up on trying to mind their own business and I’m dragged into almost every conversation.
Feyre asks about my childhood and siblings. Cassian wants to know if I’ve trained at all but when I say I haven’t and don’t really have an interest in being a warrior he becomes almost completely bored of me. Nyx said not to think anything of it. 
The shadowsinger is silent through most of the meal but all of Nyx’s aunts have questions about one thing or another. You like to read? What books? Adventure.  Do you ever write?I love to. What flowers did you see the most in the spring court? Just about every kind depending on where you are. Do you like to cook or bake? Not really. What music do you like?
Minutes passed like this before Nyx took some of my food and forced me to eat, then not so subtly, told everyone to stop talking to me while I ate.
My favorite part of the evening was talking to Nyx’s cousins, it was then too that I realized how much I love kids. I had to make a mental note to ask Nyx if he wanted any, later, while mildly panicking about the prospect of him not wanting them.
On the way home I’m practically buzzing with anxiety, no longer able to keep the question of whether or not Nyx wants kids in the back of my mind. The possibilities race through me until Nyx stops in front of the house and turns to me with a look of concern in his eyes that practically forces me to confess my thoughts.
“Tell me what’s bothering you. I know my family can be a lot, but I figured after you jumped past the quote bombs Baz passes you could handle anything,” Nyx says, rubbing up and down my arms.
“It’s not that,” I say, remembering what their Aunt Mor had apparently said, “but I do want to talk to you about some of that later.” Nyx just nods in response, already knowing which part I’m referring to. “I was just wondering- We hadn’t talked about whether-” I struggle for a long few moments, not knowing how to phrase this. I’m usually so good with words.
“Go on, love. You can ask anything.”
“Do you want kids?” I blurt the question out, glad it’s finally done but kind of wanting to take it back.
A smile spreads slowly across Nyx’s face. “Yeah, Juniper, I want kids. Do you?”
I nod, biting my lip, relieved to have his answer.
“Right now?”
Shocked at the thought, my eyes widen and I take an actual step away from Nyx. “Mother above, no.”
Nyx laughs suddenly at my response and I can feel his humor down the bond, it warms me from the inside out as he grabs my hand and gently pulls me toward the door of our home.
Five months later
Waking, I roll over and reach out a hand for my wife, but find an empty bed instead. I blink my eyes open, noting that the sheets aren’t cold yet, but not warm enough for her to just be in the bathroom.
I groan as I sit up, wishing she were by my side. I climb out of bed, not bothering to pull pants on, and amble down the hall to the stairs. Before I arrive her frustrated sounds fill the silence. She must be trying to put some more of the furniture together.
Most of it’s been sitting in boxes for the past couple of months, neither of us wanting to do anything but lay in bed.
“I was planning on hiring someone to finally put those together,” I say, when I finally get to the top of the stairs, and lean against the banister in all my naked glory.
She doesn’t look up. “Yeah, but I was bored and you were sleeping so I figured I’d try.”
“I’m not sleeping now,” I say, smirking. “And there are a few activities I’ll never complain about being woken for.”
Junipers cheeks pinkin and she starts to chastise me as she looks up but the words never make it out. Her gaze immediately catches on my half hard cock and she turns an even darker shade.
“Come back to bed,” I say, my cock hardening faster the more she looks at it.
“Why don’t you make me?” Her tone is laced with humor and her eyes sparkle, but before I can retort or grab her the front door of our town house swings open.
In half a second I’m standing protectively in front of her, weapons in my hands as my uncles fill my foyer.
“What the hell are you doing here?” I snap.
“Why are you naked?” Cas asks.
“This is my house!” I yell, moving one of my long daggers to cover my cock.
“He has a point.” Az.
“We came to get you for training,” Uncle Cas says, smiling broadly, “but I guess you had a different form of cardio in mind.”
I clench my jaw, wishing they would leave. “How’d you get in? The door was locked.”
“Your parents have a spare key for emergencies,” Az says as if that explains everything.
“Yeah, I know.”
“We stole it!” Cas practically cheers, eyes lighting up. 
Even Uncle Az smiles a little. “Stealing from your dad isn’t easy. It took us a while.”
“You must be exhausted from all the hard work, then,” Juniper says sarcastically over my shoulder, smiling as widely as my uncles. “We can have coffee in the kitchen while Nyx gets dressed.”
I winnow upstairs, quickly putting on clothes. Juniper laughs downstairs at something one of my uncles said, and the smell of coffee is already floating through the house.
In a matter of seconds I’m downstairs again, standing in the kitchen as Uncle Cas pours milk into his coffee and Uncle Az looks on, cringing at the sight and sipping his black.
“Why the hell are you guys still here?” I grumble.
“We’re hanging out with your wife, obviously,” Cas says, smiling. Winning my family over has practically become a hobby for Juniper and she’s extremely good at it; they all love her. Even Mor is coming around.
I roll my eyes at my uncles and reach for the pot of coffee as they continue their conversation. 
“What are you two up to today?” Azriel asks.
“I’m meeting with someone from the theater to potentially work as one of their writers!” Juniper announces excitedly, just the sound of her bubbling excitement makes me grin, happy she’s happy.
“We’ll all come to the opening night of your first production,” Az promises as Cas nods enthusiastically.
“That’s if I get hired.”
“You’re a good writer, Juniper, they’ll hire you.”
“You’ve read some of her writing, Az?” I ask.
“Mhmm,”he says around a mouth full of food.
“He likes to read, you know? I figured he’d be a less biased reader than you.”
I roll my eyes, knowing full well I’m terrible at giving my mate proper criticism. My uncles leave soon after that when Dad shows up, hitting them over the head for taking his key. He makes a promise to come to dinner tonight, having something important to tell the family, and leaves soon after too.
The rest of the day is uneventful, but something in my stomach stirs, wondering what news my parents have. A part of me already knows and that feeling in my gut is unease or maybe guilt.
I hold Nyx’s hand loosely in mine as he swings the door to the River House open, the sounds of his rambunctious cousins greeting us. My smile instantly grows as Baz runs up to hug me and, not to covertly, checks my wrist to ensure I’m still wearing my friendship bracelet. He has several different bracelets crawling up his arms, all for different friends, and everyone in the room has one too.
He pulls me away from Nyx to talk and play with the other kids and I find myself wondering how long I do want to wait for kids. The thought of having them right away all those months ago felt outrageous, but being near these kids makes my hormones crazy.
Nyx seems to pick up on this and smirks wickedly from across the room. Thankfully Feyre interrupts moments later, calling us all in for dinner, so my mate can’t send any of her dirty thoughts down the bond.
The entire meal goes smoothly but I can feel Nyx’s anxiety as he sits by my side. It’s radiating off of him and his parents are far from oblivious to it too. They don’t make an announcement during the meal, though, but Nyx and I both pick up on the fact that the Highlady isn’t drinking wine.
I grip his hand as we move to the sitting room and Feyre smiles broadly, grabbing everyone’s attention as her and Rhys remain standing. Rhys clears his throat, everyone goes quiet. “I’m pregnant,” Feyre says simply. 
No one in the room is surprised and though we’re all happy we all know what this really means.
“It’s still early, but Madja thinks the baby’s a girl.”
The kids seem thrilled, the only people in the room saying anything for a long moment, before a few of their friends get up to congratulate them. Nyx remains, frozen beside me, though, even as we stand, and I wonder if he’s wishing he could take back what we did now that it’s real.
“This is good news,” Rhys says, smiling and gripping Nyx’s shoulder. “Your mother and I made this choice, Nyx, not you,” he reassures and low enough for only the two of us to hear.
Nyx relaxes slightly after that, hugging his mom for a long moment before returning to my side.
“This is good news,” I whisper into his ear, trying to convince him or myself, I don’t know.
We go home hours later, the peaceful bubble we’ve been living in for the last several months popped by the consequences of our actions.
There are defiantly going to be edits made to this story, but for now I just wanted to post it. Also, eventually, I’ll post a story about the other half of the deal between their courts, as well as a story around Junipers other sibling!
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glitchplague · 2 months
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Hello it’s me again and my silly meme photo redraw with Nyx and Marazhai😘
Also I’ve changed my watermark🙇🏻‍♂️
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tinkerbitch69 · 13 days
Kiden Nixon will continue to haunt Laura Kinney’s narrative and yet marvel will continue to insist Laura is straight!
Who, exactly, do they think they are fooling here?
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normal-water · 8 months
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Working out/training kind of date,,,or gymnast gf dragging insane bf to it
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tofuless · 7 months
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Going back through old art of stuff I was super excited for but had no one to share with is so mind blowing, especially given now I'm so tempted to revive some of these (Ninjago Lunar Priestess oc, cosmic horror characters, Sya's og design, etc)
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zoupkat · 1 year
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have something of them as I disappear into the abyss again
idk any ship names for them but THEM‼️‼️‼️
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jennathearcher · 2 years
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she’s laughing up at us from hell: an alternate universe post-season 4 playlist for stranger things inspired original character nyx hopper
1. anti-hero (illenium remix) - taylor swift 2. what could have been - sting ft. ray chen 3. cry little sister - chvrches 4. master of puppets - apocalyptica 5. you’re my world - anya taylor-joy 6. 99 luftballons - kaleida 7. (you made it feel like) home - trent reznor & atticus ross 8. in the hall of the mountain king - trent reznor & atticus ross 9. immigrant song - trent reznor & atticus ross & karen o 10. i’m a bitch - league of distortion 11. smells like teen spirit - malia j 12. small town witch - merci raines 13. i realize - megan mccauley 14. born again - rihanna 15. burn it down - daughter 16. master of puppets - liliac 17. which witch - florence + the machine 18. chimera - hana 19. exuma, the obeah man - exuma 20. you’re my world - cilla black 21. slipped away - avril lavigne 22. surface pressure - no resolve 23. never alone - barlowgirl 24. running up that hill - loveless 25. running up that hill - no resolve 26. lick it up - kiss 27. i wouldn’t remember me either - kyle dixon & michael stein 28. survivor - 2wei & edda hayes 29. sirens - ludwig goransson ft. vivir quintana & mare advertencia lirika 30. make me famous - kim dracula
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mynameiskanade · 1 year
@sapphierspider come pick up ur haruka
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endless-petals · 16 days
Uneasy Alliance - Chapter 4
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TW: language, etc.
0 notes
arizona2004 · 1 year
Courts of Love and Hate. CH 9
Nyx x Juniper (Tamlins daughter)
Not edited, also I think this one has SMUT at the end. I should probably check before I post, I have no idea what’s in it... oops
My father tries pulling me back as soon as he notices but Nyx pulls me toward him instead.
“What are you playing at,” Father hisses at Nyx’s parents. 
“Nothing,” Feyre says. “The deal was our daughter will marry one of your sons, not specifically the oldest.”
“You should be happy about this,” Rhys says. “This way if one of them can’t fulfill the deal, there’s always a backup. And no one could have guessed about the bond.”
Father glares for another long moment before stepping back toward his seat.
“If everyone could stand up and move toward the edge of the room, that would be most appreciated,” Feyre says, using magic to make her voice sound throughout the room.
Everyone moves to the side and in a matter of a minute chairs are moving through the air and tables are appearing out of thin air. Everything quickly organizes itself around the room while space is made in the center for a dance floor.
“We’re married,” Nyx whispers beside me, his hand reaching to grip mine.
I turn, smiling up at him, and grip his hand tighter before moving toward my brothers.
“This is totally awesome,” Oak's excited voice. “I’ve always wanted a tattoo.”
“It's not just an ordinary tattoo,” Kai says.
“I know, I’m not stupid. It’s still cool.”
Kai just rolls his eyes and turns, noticing our arrival. 
“You don’t hate the tattoo too much, do you?”
He shrugs in response, looking me up and down as if searching for some injury. 
“I’m fine, Kai. This will turn out for the best, I’m sure.”
He nods, still not saying anything before a voice interrupts the silence.
“Congratulations,” a tall, dark skinned male says, approaching us. “I’m Helion.” He holds his hand out to me.
“Highlord of the Day Court,” I say, recognizing him.
“Mother above,” Oak’s tone is all awe, his eyes practically popping out of his skull.
“Helion, this is my brother Oak: lover of history and books.”
“It’s my dream to come visit your court. I want to see all the libraries.
“That can be arranged,” Helion says, a fond smile brightening his expression. “I’m not too strict about who enters my court.”
The comment is simple enough but I don’t think any of us miss the dig about Father’s strict border laws.
“I’ll ask my father,” Oak says, ignoring it as he rambles out some questions about the history of Helion's court.
Nyx and I, though, silently step away so we can greet his family before welcoming all the other guests.
“I think this is going better than expected,” the male I already know as Cassian says to the Highlord as we approach. 
“Mates,” the Highlady says, “I can hardly believe it.”
“It’s quite a shock,” The Highlord agrees.
“Hey,” Nyx says, interrupting as he pulls me closer. 
“How are you both feeling?” Feyre asks.
“Wonderful,” I answer honestly, finally letting the excitement of finding my mate show. 
“It’s surprising to realize we’re mates,” Nyx says, “but we’re excited.”
Uncle Azriel’s expression makes it clear he doesn’t believe our false surprise at being mates, and I wonder if he’s known as long as I have that she’s my mate. Or longer? Mom and Dad are clearly surprised, though, and maybe a little apprehensive at the prospect. 
The genuine support coming from Uncle Cas, though, is enough to keep my spirits high. 
“This is probably the best turn of events we could have hoped for. Surely the two of you will find happiness being mated.”
“Not all mates are meant to be,” Dad says. I know he doesn’t mean it as the dig it is, only thinking about his own parents’ marriage, but it still hurts a little.
“We’re going to greet some guests,” I say, turning away quickly.
“Ow,” I hear Dad complain as we leave. Mom probably hit him over the head, the thought brings a smile to my face.
The rest of the long night passes in a blur of dancing and drinking and talking. We barely have any time to actually eat because even while everyone else is enjoying the meal people are getting up to greet us or give speeches. 
The one my parents give actually brings tears to my eyes and I know the same is true for Juniper and the speech her brothers give.
Guests don’t start leaving until well after midnight and even then we still stay until the sun is nearly rising. Several guests still remain, but figuring it's not my problem as the newly wed, I grab Juniper's hand and winnow us to her brothers for a quick goodbye.
She has to wake Oak, who’s sleeping on Kai’s shoulder, but within ten minutes her hand is in mine again while I winnow us through space.
Her breath visibly escapes her as we land on the front steps of the townhouse. I have to hold her up by the waist at first.
“Sorry, I’m not used to winnowing that far.”
I hum, nuzzling the side of her face before pressing a kiss to her cheek, ensuring she knows I understand and am far from upset.
“Nyx, where are we?” she asks, obviously noticing the house we’re standing in front of.
“This is Velaris: the City of Starlight. The house is a gift from my parents.”
“A gift?”
“Mhmm. My Dad bought it centuries ago, they lived here before building the River Manor.”
“River Manor?”
“I can take you there another time, can we start our honeymoon first?”
“Are you just going to ask one word questions all day?”
“Not a question but still one word.” I laugh and jump out of the way as Juniper swats at me. 
“I’m just tired.”
I nod to show my understanding and swiftly scoop her up, ignoring her squealing protest. “Shh, just let me carry you to bed. We both are probably sleep deprived.”
She gives up her escape attempt as we reach the door, her wiggling immediately ceasing as she wraps her arms around my neck and lays her head on my shoulder.
“You gave up easily.”
“The relief to my feet is a really good motivator.”
A smile brightens what I’m sure is an exhausted expression on my face as I swing the door open and walk us into the foyer.
“I had the whole house cleaned and whatever furniture remained uncovered, a lot of it was moved to the new house though.”
“It’s beautiful,” Juniper whispers, looking around as much as she can from her place in my arms. “We’ll have to go shopping, though.”
Another smile graces my face, hurting my cheeks, and I can’t help but wonder if it's because I’ve never smiled this much in my life. “I’d like to pick out furniture with you,” I whisper against her neck before placing a small kiss there and carrying her up to our bedroom.
We collapse onto the bed, neither of us having the energy to even undress. Until the rising sun peeks through the curtain wide window, that is.
“Ugh,” Nyx groans, sitting up. “Your bags are in the closet,” he says, turning toward me as I doze off. “Juniper,” he whispers.
I sit up immediately, forcing my tired eyes open. 
“You’re so beautiful with that exhausted look on your face,” Nyx says.  
I glare in response, making him burst out in laughter.
“I love you,” he whispers against my cheek, leaning in closer than we’ve been in days. I can’t help but drop my head back, allowing him the space to continue his path down my neck.
A small moan escapes me, eliciting a groan from him: something I want to hear everyday for the rest of my life, but he pushes away instead, and stands before going to the closet, motioning its light on.
“Come on, love,” he says, pulling his own sleepwear from the dresser. “Don’t you want to put on some pajamas?”
“I have some on under the dress,” I say, voice groggy, as I roll onto my stomach and pull my hair over my shoulder.
He moves silently before carefully unbuttoning the gown. My sigh is loud as the dress visibly loosens, no longer squeezing me so tightly. I can feel him watching as I pull the straps of the dress down my shoulders and kick it to the floor before rolling back over.
His voice is hoarse as he speaks, “That’s hardly a nightgown.” 
The slip in question is silk, stopping at the top of my thighs, with a lace neckline that cuts lower than any dress I’ve ever worn. On top of that its form fitting, hugging the curve of my breasts and bottom.
“It's a bridal nightgown, Nyx, basically just lingerie,” I say, too tired to feel self conscious.
“Lingerie,” he repeats before audibly swallowing.
“I can change if you want,” I offer.
“No. No, don’t change,” he says. “But if you’re wearing that, don’t expect me to sleep in a shirt.”
“Whatever makes you comfortable,” I mumble, rolling over again to hug the pillow beneath my head.
Nyx groans loudly behind me, bringing a smile to my lips and a new kind of excitement to the sensitive place between my thighs. A rustling sound alerts me to Nyx changing and I open my eyes as he moves to the window and closes the blinds before laying on the bed next to me.
We lay silently for several minutes before his fingers graze mine and a shocked gasp escapes me.
“Sorry,” he whispers, pulling his hand away.
“No,” I say, moving closer to him,” hold me.”
“I don’t think I can hold you without doing something neither of us is awake enough for,” he says, but still wraps his arms around me and pulls my back flush against his front.
I think for a moment that we really won't fall asleep, Nyx clearly awake below the belt, but he kisses me on the shoulder and whispers, “sleep,” so softly that I have no choice but to obey.
I wake with an ache in my groin and a warm weight on top of my chest. Blinking my eyes open, the first thing I notice is the golden blond curls. Then I realize that the hair in front of me is Junipers and she’s sprawled across my chest.
My chest lifts as I take a deep breath in, moving Juniper's body with mine. She doesn’t even stir, her eyelids continue to flutter as she dreams and mumbles under her breath about something or another. 
Blinking in the dark room I notice the sun is still shining behind the curtains so it’s still  day at least. Eventually gaining some sight I find the clock and make out the time. Early in the afternoon. 
I let loose another breath and wrap my arms around Juniper's frame, needing to hold her closer. Her voice increases in volume, but her words are still incoherent, the only sign she hasn’t woken as she stirs in my arms and nuzzles closer.
Her hips wiggle against me in the process, bringing attention to my lower half and making me harder. I groan as softly as I can manage but not soft enough. Juniper stirs again, her eyes fluttering open this time.
“Nyx?” Her voice is groggy, deep with sleep, and that seems to make my erection worse. I’m throbbing in my pants at this point, Juniper must feel it but has no qualm at all, wiggling more.
“June, stop,” I groan, not even able to get her full name out.
“What’s wrong? We haven’t done it yet, don’t you want to?”
“Of course I do, but I don’t want you to feel pressured.”
“I don’t. I’ve been thinking about this since the bond clicked…and maybe for a little while before.”
We stare at one another for a long moment, but when she bites her lower lip I can’t hold back any more. Rolling over I press Juniper to the bed and hover above her. 
“You’ve thought of me like this?” She nods. “You’ve thought of me making love to you?” Another nod. “Did you touch yourself?” She hesitates but nods again. 
I groan and lean in to capture her lips between mine, needing to taste her. “Juniper-” I start but kiss her again, not ready to confess.
“Nyx,” she moans against my mouth, making it more difficult to hold my orgasm off.
“I’ve never actually-” I cut myself off and swallow the lump in my throat as she moves her gaze back to my face. “I’ve never actually done this before,” I admit. 
‘You haven’t?” She seems a little surprised.
“I hadn’t when we met, and I had no desire to be with anyone but you after.”
She whimpers beneath me, pulling me closer to kiss me more deeply. “Neither have I.”
 I smile against her mouth, slipping my tongue in to stroke along hers. Then, moving down, I press a few gentle kisses to her jaw before moving to kiss her lips and press my hips to hers. She lets out a soft moan against my mouth as I grind down harder against her.
I pull back after a long few minutes, breathing heavily, and gaze down at the space between us, her breasts pushing up against my chest. “Can I pull this down?” I ask, needing to see her naked breasts.
She swallows and nods, holding still as I take the tiny silk straps and move them off her shoulders and further down her arms until the neckline is against her sternum and her breasts are in the open air.
Unable to help myself, I lean forward and dart out my tongue to flick one of her nipples. Then, cupping one in each hand, I move closer to take more of her into my mouth. I nip and suck and lick until she’s writhing beneath me, completely lost for breath.
With my hands on her thighs, I shove the little bit of nightgown covering her thighs up, and press my still covered cock against her clothed cunt. I kiss her neck, sucking the sensitive bits of skin for long moments while grinding harder and faster, barely able to control myself while she whimpers and whines and grips my shoulders.
My hands travel down to her breasts again as I pull my hips away, afraid I blow too soon if I keep going. Kneading one with my right hand, I suckle the other, biting gently at her sensitive nipple.
“Nyx- touch me,” she begs.
“I am touching you,” I say back, smirking against the valley between her breasts.
“Not there.”
“Nyx,” she groans in frustration. “Don’t make me say it.”
I don’t bother replying, moving back up to kiss her jaw, still keeping my hips away from hers.
“Please, Nyx. Touch my pussy.”
“Mmm, good girl,” I whisper, not entirely sure where the words come from, but glad I said them as her breath hitches. 
I snake one hand down her body, pleased with the shivers the run through it in my wake as I stroke over her clothed pussy. I groan at the feeling of her soaking through her underpants and tear them away, needing to get closer.
I arch up into Nyx’s grasp, needing to feel him closer. He rubs his thumb against my clit in fast delicate motions that make me moan uncontrollably. In only a few motions the rest of my night gown is off and on the floor, and Nyx is kissing down my chest.
He moves lower and lower, still stroking at the apex of my thighs, until his face is level with my pussy. His tongue laps out, eager to taste, and almost as soon as he starts I begin shaking, cumming beneath him.
Nyx shoves his tongue deeper, tasting me in no way I ever imagined a male would. 
“Please,” I moan, helplessly, needing him to come closer to me, be nearer.
In a flash Nyx is above me, his skin glowing faintly, as he presses my legs farther apart and moves his chest closer to mine.
“Nyx,” I whisper, gripping his shoulders as he shoves down his pants, releasing his hard, thick length.
“Shh,” he soothes. “I’ll try to be gentle. I promise.”
With that, he nudges his cock at my entrance, stretching me slightly around the tip of him. I gasp, suddenly in need of air, and hold onto him tighter. Nyx draws soothing circles on my back where he’s holding me closer to him and slowly pushes in further. 
In a few short, slow thrusts his pelvis is even with mine, his cock filling me. We lay like that for a few minutes, both of us breathing heavily as we try to adjust to the new feeling.
“Does it still hurt?” Nyx hedges, nuzzling my neck.
“Only a little.”
He nods in response and pulls out slightly before moving back in. He keeps moving, slowly at first but then with harder thrusts as I relax around him. I moan as he hits the small spot deep inside of me that makes me quiver involuntarily.
“Nyx!” I practically scream it as he hits it again immediately after. Then again and again.
“Right there?” He asks, gripping me tighter as he pumps faster. “I’m so close, Juniper.”
I nod and hold him tighter as a moan tears from my throat, making it impossible for me to say anything at all. Nyx moans above me too, setting his head in the crook of my neck while he moves his hips into mine. I grip his back, digging my nails in, and actually scream as my orgasm rushes through me and Nyx’s fills me. 
He pulls out after a moment and collapses onto the bed beside me. We lay like that for several minutes before Nyx crawls out of bed and over to a bathroom. He comes back with a warm, wet towel and gently cleans the mess between my legs. 
We sleep for a few hours more after that before continuing this little routine of ours a few more times. Two days after the wedding when I wake in the morning I finally roll out of bed. Nyx is gone but the sounds from downstairs let me know he’s cooking breakfast. 
A few times in the past couple of days I’ve woken to the fresh smell of food, Nyx having brought me breakfast in bed. This time, having woken up already, I wrap a silk dressing gown around my exhausted frame and leave to search for my husband.
It’s about time I got a look at the rest of the house anyway. Before going toward the large staircase I walk along the hall and open the various doors. Most of them lead to bedrooms with covered furniture, but a few are completely empty.
When I finally go downstairs, a peek into the sitting room, only one set of armchairs sits beside  the large fireplace and a few bare shelves are littered around the room. 
The dining room is worse off, though. There’s no table or chairs, only a rolled up rug pushed to the side.
“This might be the emptiest room in the house,” Nyx says, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. “A blank canvas for you to paint.”
“For us to paint.”
“What about the kitchen? What’s in there?”
He grabs my hand, pulling me down the small hall while he talks. “A few pots and pans, some bowls and plates and utensils. No stools, though. That’s why we’ve been eating in bed.”
I smile, spinning in his grasp to kiss him gently on the lips. “Let's make a list then.”
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glitchplague · 2 months
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- no civilising hides our animal impulses -
Nyx and his weird way of flirting🥀 Finally managed to finish this artwork! The heat and dampness outside is totally unbearable and I couldn’t normally function because of it for the whole month🫠
Also here is a version without blood in case someone wanted to see it lol
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raguiras · 2 months
TWST Olympics AU #1
Part 1: Heartshackle trio designs!
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Reblogs are hella appreciated!! I'm likely shadowbanned 😭
As the Olympic Games are officially starting in a week, I decided to finally sketch some of the designs for my Twisted Wonderland Olympics AU! Next up are Riddle, Trey and Cater.
Everything about the AU below!
AU rules
Feel free to add your own OCs to this AU!
Fan content is obviously allowed! Just tag me in it, please.
AU summary
This is a magicless AU where all of the TWST characters are Olympic athletes in the real world. Some win medals, some barely qualify — but all of them live in the Olympic village. The students are aged up here (usually early to late twenties) while the faculty members have no set age and work as sports reporters.
♤ Character introductions ♤
ACE TRAPPOLA — A 21-year-old Italian prodigy basketball player. He's considered to be his team's ace (pun intended) and is great at tricking his opponents, making tons of baskets for the Italian team, and efficiently assisting his teammates.
DEUCE SPADE — A 21-year-old Japanese track and field athlete competing in various smaller disciplines falling under the "track and field" term. He's extremely average at most things other than sprints, often ends up in the bottom 3, and is secretly incredibly insecure about not being the best at anything.
ALLEN ALAGONA (YUU) — A 21-year-old Japanese-Italian gold-winning figure skater competing for his current home country, Ireland, along with his best friend and sports partner Alcestris. He gave up on his original dream — becoming a musician — and is now working hard to be the best male figure skater in the world, hoping to kickstart a career as a musician later on.
♤ Relationships ♤
ACE & DEUCE — Their friendship originally started when Ace posted a picture of himself watching a sprint competition while Deuce made a grimace in the background, causing the photo to go viral and become a meme. Deuce originally DMed Ace to take the picture down and got teased for it, but this teasing slowly developed into a friendship. While they get along well, Deuce is secretly a bit jealous of Ace for pretty much being a prodigy.
ACE & ALLEN (YUU) — Ace is a fan of Allen and views him as a fellow gold medalist. Being open-minded and "eager" to make new connections, Ace simply DMed Allen one day and the two became unlikely friends. Nowadays, Ace also functions as a matchmaker, being the only person to know just how much Deuce likes Allen...
DEUCE & ALLEN (YUU) — Deuce knows Allen as the most famous figure skater in the world and is absolutely stunned by both his appearance and humbleness. The two accidentally meet at a coffee shop during the games one day, decide to have a drink together, and strike up a conversation. Deuce is fanboying on the inside and trying to hide his surprise that Allen genuinely recognizes such an average athlete as him. Allen, however, already knows Deuce due to closely following all Japanese competitions, and has also noticed how incredibly ambitious Deuce is. Knowing Deuce's pain of carrying other people's hopes and never being the best at anything all too well from his teen years, Allen wants to get to know him better... and what starts off as mutual admiration and a celebrity crush on Deuce's side develops into full-blown love.
If this post/AU ends up being well-received, I'll introduce Riddle, Trey and Cater next!
More about the Deuce x Allen ship in the canon lore:
part 1 // part 2 // part 3
Friends who participated in the original AU development some months ago 🫶
@althea-and-alcestris @miss-atena @vanrouge13 @spookyavenuestreet @heyhellohihowareyou @nyx-of-night
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normal-water · 2 months
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Trying murata's style w fake covers <33
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barrenclan · 1 year
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"Issue #28: Viscera, Shiny In the Light of Day"
CW: depiction of a semi-graphic animal heart on page 8
This absolute monster of an issue is one I've been incredibly excited to get to for months now. Deepdark is a very important character, as the primary antagonist, and he's finally gotten a real spotlight on him. At this point I'm really just writing original xenofiction too, which is fun. Yeah, this a Warrior cats story, you're getting a deer murder cult and you'll be happy with it.
One thing that I think it important to make clear is that Longest-Claws was not the "leader of Defiance before Deepdark". He was the leader of a group that Deepdark took inspiration from and poached several of its members, but Defiance is entirely Deepdark's creation.
Also, it's nice to finally reveal that Lingonberry is just Deepdark's original name! He took on 'Deepdark' after he killed Longest-Claws. Although they are not separate characters, I'll be tagging posts that refer to Deepdark's past with just 'Lingonberry' so as to not spoil any future readers who may be looking through the tag.
The animals featured in the big panels on page 2 and page 9 are cameos from the PATFW Discord, many of which are Defiance fan-characters. All of the characters and their respective creators will be tagged under the cut.
Previous < > Next
PAGE 2 (left to right, top to bottom):
Nyx - thegreatmaddu
Old Man, Cynthia - geckotree59
Monomon de Vinne - sundialle
Butchershop, Icepick - SammiSafetypin
Ramses - ichors-stuff
Mesa, Oleander - walter1white
Kane - gloomforrest
Clay - Gizzard
Becks - thecatspasta
Lyze - geckotree59
Junebug, Ti - UndeadDuudling
A common grackle - PanCakeCake
Redpaw - memoryofmurder
Sorez - kafkaesque
X - clawcakes
Robin - Arystarrea
Plaguepaw - luminaried
Duck - Poppythroat
Gladiolusflare - arachnits
Shrapnel - Lapis_Zap
Saltburn - nanistar
Lark - archostemata
Rosestar - boypaw-s
Asher - bullypinscherart
Otter - sm0lcatfish
Scorch - TheLuckOfTheClaws
Bottlenose, Burr - Poppythroat
Fir, Antler - undercover_roomba
Bouvar - fritzcastaway
Vega, Goblin, Alliee - Vega
Carmine, Chiron - sp1resong
Amira - yugiryou
Scorpion - riveracheron
Mable - larkmouse
Laxo - gloomforrest
Alight - beansprout
PAGE 9 (left to right, top to bottom):
Antelopestride - Splintered_rain
Sasha, Poppy - alumin
Starlit - rotdogz
Bubo, Worm - egg-on-a-legg
Snap - falling_featherss
Buddleia - Lilaniloxi
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zoupkat · 1 year
/e sex finna go crazy⁉️⁉️⁉️
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just little sketches that’s all
might draw a lil something spicy w them on my secret little nsfw twitter account so if anyone is interested for my other twitter it’s: zoupkatz
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mynameiskanade · 1 year
doodlez (anti selfship/selfshipper shoo shoo go away)
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ryuo, the oc i had for some time now
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