#obey me Lucifer and Cerberus
devildomwriter · 5 months
“I believe I told you to sit. Or didn’t you hear your masters command?”
“SIT, CERBERUS! NOW! Just you try harming my brother… Go ahead…see what happens to you! I promise you, I will take your [CENSORED] and [CENSORED] in a [CENSORED]!”
— Lucifer and Cerberus (Chapter 10-19)
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harunayuuka2060 · 3 months
Cerberus: *lets out a low, raspy, menacing growl*
MC: *pampering him with kisses*
Lucifer: MC, he's not liking it.
MC: *stops*
Cerberus: *whines*
Lucifer: ...
MC: He sounds like you when you receive affection.
Lucifer: *unamused*
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tsukii0002 · 1 month
Diavolo: What's wrong Lucifer? Why did you call me?
Lucifer: *sighing* Follow me.
The two go to the basement and see Cerberus lying on the floor while the brothers try to cheer him up or even get him to react, but the three heads have their ears down.
Diavolo: *worried* What's wrong with Cerberus?
Lucifer: I'm not sure… But he doesn't eat, he doesn't drink and he doesn't even want to chew Mammon.
Mammon: *pinching his nose* I think I know what's wrong...
Cerberus: *crying* Wuuuu…
Lucifer: And what is it??
Mammon: *sighing* He found out that Mc has a dog of their own in the human world.
Cerberus: *whining* Uuuuuu…
Lucifer and Diavolo: …
Lucifer: Are you kidding me?!!
Diavolo: Aaaaww.
Mammon: Mc has told him that he will always be their demonic puppy... buuuut he has been like this ever since.
Cerberus: Wuuuu…
Diavolo: He is exactly like his owners *very happy*
Lucifer: *massaging his temples* What have I done to deserve that even my dog is like this?
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opiopal · 3 months
Lucifer leaves the devildom for a trip, leaving the brothers and Mc home alone.
Lucifer tells Mc to make sure nothing goes wrong, and to make sure his brothers don’t do anything stupid. Unaware that his brothers won’t be the problem this time.
The first night he is gone, Mc had been silent all throughout dinner, the brothers thought nothing of it, figuring Mc was just having quiet time, listening to them all talk.
Without even finishing their plate they suddenly stand up, visibly shaking, the brothers all turn to look at Mc confused
Mammon: what are you-
Mc, very passionately: I AM GOING TO PET THE DOG.
The brothers all rush to follow after Mc as they bolt out of the dining room.
For the rest of the days Lucifer is gone they have to make sure Mc isn’t giving into their human desire to pet everything that moves, I can imagine lucifer is slightly frustrated upon his return, but then again probably finds it to be a little silly. And in the end takes Mc down to the basement to let them pet Cerberus.
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hime-arts · 2 years
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Cerby 🐕
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sparkbeast20 · 2 years
You just came back from the human world
MC: Where's my Baby~
Mammon: Here I am-
MC: Not you.
Mammon: Oh...
Asmo: Jokes on you-
MC: Not you either.
Asmo: WHAT!!!
Lucifer: *Smirk at himself before standing up* I'll let you slide this one-
Cerberus: *Ruff* *Ruff* *Ruff*
MC: There he is! *Walks past the brothers* I miss you, my baby pup~
MC: Who's been a good boy while I was gone.
Cerberus: *Ruff*
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luxthestrange · 1 year
Incorrect quotes#886 Mc is Coming back
Mc coming back to the Devildom and being promised that the house of lamentation will be like they left it clean and NOT in shambles
Mam*Coming back, in his modeling gig clothes...ran out mid-shoot given they got a text... You arriving today, Running through the MOUTAIN of packages from Levi and Asmo at the entrance and Cerberus who is chilling under the stairs*CERBERUS HIDE!?!
Cerb*Who was chewing on a couch and ...felt the seriousness of Mammon and ran away*!!!
Mam*ZOOOMS his way through the corridor missing the holes on te floor from Satan's outburst...a sleeping Belphie and Beel beside him eating a painting*LUCIFER!!!-
-In Lucifer's office...who bottles of empty demonus, used coffee mugs of dry black coffee of melancholy-
Mam*Kicks the door open sweating and panting*T-TREASURE-...Mc gets-*Pants and looks at the disheveled Lucifer*MC GETS BACK TODAY!!!
Luci*Checks his wristwatch and raises his brow*No, they are supposed to come in tomorrow
Mam: What day are they supposed to come back?
Luci*Sighs aggravated by mammon's antics*Monday
Luci*Face slowly morphs into one of panic and stands up fast, running out the door along with mammon*WE HAVE TO CLEAN-
Mam*Running beside him to get to the cleaning closet*WE HAVE TO CLEAN, WE GOTTA FUCKIN CLEAN ITS A MESS-
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omurysse · 2 years
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Welcome home, Cerberus
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mallowdarling · 2 years
Lucifer and his puppy, Cerberus. He grew a bit too much but still, a puppy.
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Comfort art.. Vent art.. I don't know what to call it but it is something
i missed making artworks with these vibes and warm colors why did i stop again
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pookiewookiewoo · 1 year
Solomon: Let’s play a game called “Who is MC’s favorite?”
Mammon: psh, this is easy. It’s me of course.
Asmodeus: Hah! No way, it’s obviously me!
Satan: Oh I beg to differ.
Levi: It’s not me.. I mean who would like a yucky otaku like me-
Beel: Is it me or Belphie?
Belphie: *nods and yawns* it probably is
Lucifer: Its me isn’t it MC?
Solomon:.. *turns to MC* Soo.. the answer?
MC: It’s..
MC: ..None of you. Cerberus is my favorite, he doesn’t cause me problems <3
Cerberus: *happily sitting nearby wagging his tail*
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devildomwriter · 21 days
“Y-Yo…DOG! You’d better not mess with my brothers, or you’ll have ME to deal wi—“
“Magic beast! If you dare harm my brothers, you’ll have to deal with me. And it won’t be pretty. Do I make myself clear?”
— Mammon standing up to Cerberus before Lucifer arrives (Nightbringer Chapter 3-10)
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harunayuuka2060 · 18 days
Cerberus: Grr...
MC and Lucifer: *are in bed*
MC: Is he growling at me or is he growling at you?
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: Try to leave the bed to see if he stops.
MC: Okay. *gets up*
Cerberus: GRRR...
MC: *lies back down*
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: *gets up*
Cerberus: ...
Cerberus: *wags his tail* Ruff! *jumps on the bed*
MC: *laughs*
Lucifer: Rude.
Cerberus: *snuggles against MC*
MC: Awww~ I love you, Cebby~.
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l3viat8an · 1 year
MC: I taught Cerberus a new trick! Watch!! *throws ball* Fetch!
Cerberus: *Just sits there*
Lucifer: He didn’t do anything.
MC: I taught him to ignore social conventions and think for himself.
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opiopal · 1 month
random mc stuff that I dont want to be their own post so HERE WE GO.(a lot if not most of theses are cracked out lmao)
imagine an Mc who noticed certain dirty things in the HOL and REALLY wanted to something about it but couldn't cause they were still a stranger. so once all the pacts are made Mc immediately goes around the HOL and attacks all the spots that bug them.. and isn't afraid to vocalize their complaints. "lucifer, when was the last time you guys washed these curtains?? you know what, don't answer that, I can already tell that the last time these were washed I hadn't even been born yet." "who is in charge of sweeping?? there is so much dirt under these rugs!! common guys, seriously???" "Mammon, Levi, twins.. I love you guys SO much.. this is commmon knowledge at this point... but cleaning your pillow cases is NOT enough you NEED to also wash the pillow itself. you guys are gross. gather up your pillows we're doing a soak." "beel. come here and lift me up. I'm dusting the chandelier." "Lucifer, I do not CARE if you're working right now your shelves are littered with dust. either ignore me or go take a break because I'm not leaving."
once during breakfast the brothers could hear cerberus growling and grumbling in the basement, it was annoying but they were trying to ignore it until they realized Mc wasn't at the table.... which of course once it was pointed out they all rushed to the basement.. only to find cerberus laying on its back and Mc sitting above it and quickly rubbing and scratching under each heads chins while going "good boys!!!! good puppy!!!!" and cerberus very happily whining and grumbling with their tail thumping on the ground. when they manage to get Mc away from the silly, the only explanation mc gives it "there is a massive three headed dog that lives in the basement and is feared by 6 out of the 7 men who live here, how could I NOT pet them??? clearly no one but lucifer does!!"
imagine an Mc who is a selective mute, and normally communicates through ASL and notes. the first time they talk is after knowing the brothers for a GOOD amount of time, and its not a sweet wholesome moment no no. Mc comes home with Lucifer after they finished running errands, and the HOL had been: flooded by levi summoning lotan, the living room had been torn up by satan, the kitchen was in pieces because beel got hangry, asmo had joined in on the chaos after his bedroom got damaged as well, mammon was struggling to keep everyone together, and belphie was sleeping on a chandelier. of couse it dies down the moment they all see lucifer and mc got home, and before lucifer could say anything Mc threw their ars up and went "guys what the FUCK we've hardly been gone for an hour!!" of course all the chaos is forgotten for a second and replaced by multiple "YOUCANTALK?!"s, which then shock and amazement turned to shame as they realize the first time they were graced by Mc's voice was because they were being idiots and Mc was upset at them.
imagine an Mc who isn't really used to people caring all that much about them, and finds it very odd that the brothers+other characters care so much. so once their birthday comes around its turned into a birthday WEEK because Mc is being gifted things and being taken out everyday until their actual birthday, which BAFFLES them, so when their birthday comes its a huge event, Dia hosts the party at his castle, there are so many presents you'd think it would be for a family of 18 on christmas day. and when Mc is sat infront of their cake they can't help but suddenly start crying, while everyone is panicking the only thing Mc can say is "I-*hic*- love you guys so much!!" once they realized it was happy tears there was much less panic, and it was forgotten about for the rest of the evening.
You guys remember my post about pacts marks and Mc feeling a demons sin really strongly after making a pact with them??? well this relates to that. imagine if mc feels something strongly that sin kind of takes over for a while until mc is satisfied (asmo enjoyers do what you want with that info), so imagine: theres just a day were Mc doesn't get the chance to eat, first they slept in and just had to rush to RAD, then they had to skip lunch because they agreed to help a few clubs with advertising and projects, then they had to stay after for a student council meeting, then, just as they think they can maybe grab a snack they get held up again, by the time everyone is going home all the brothers can sense Mc's aggression, half way to the HOL lucifer says that they should just go eat at hells kitchen. so they're all seated, and the second Mc's food gets out they dont even bother with utensils, they just grab their food with their bare hands and eat like they're a starved dog. of course the brothers are concerned as to why they're acting like this, and mammon reaches to put a hand on Mc's shoulder as he says "hey- are you ok-" but he cant even finish talking before Mc jerks their head and nearly takes a few of his fingers off, though they dont bite him cause he moves away fast enough with a "EEP" and Mc's teeth loudly click together. so from then on the brothers make sure that Mc is able to eat something throughout the day if their schedule is packed to reduce the risk of losing fingers. honorable mention is Mc getting praised to much one day that the amount of pride they feel almost puts lucifer into a coma.(satan and belphie sometimes praise Mc a bunch to distract lucifer while he's working, another cheeky win for the anti lucifer league)
imagine an Mc who gets so over protective of the brothers, like CRAZY protective. there is a point were they hear someone talking SHIT about their found family trope, so ofc the reasonable reaction is to tackle the demon down to the ground and almost bite their ear off like some sort of rabid raccoon. another time Mc squares up with some sort of magical mythical beast in protection of the brothers, almost won and would have if the brothers didn't stop them.
imagine an Mc who is very introverted and is secretly a fanfic writer, so one day levi and Mc are hanging out, he's just rambling about whatever, until he eventually mentions that a fic he was reading hasn't gotten updated in a while and ist just so frustrating to him. when Mc asks which fic he was reading, he pull it up and shows them... which Mc realizes thats THEIR fic... and outloud without thinking they mumble "oohh I forgot about that one..." and levi freaks out and immediately is questioning what they mean by that. which they eventually have to admit it.
Imagine a little kid Mc, I mean like, LITTLE, as in like 7-8 yr. and they are just such a sweeite, and they work so hard. but I can also imagine that when they're first sent there and the introductions are happening, when lucifer introduces himself Mc immediately interupts and goes "lucifer?? like the cat from Cinderella?:0" and then ofc when mammon is assigned to take care of the child he is a lot nicer at first, I wouldn't be surprised if having Mc around reminded him of his younger siblings when they were that small,(yes I am a believer of the brothers being at least little kids at some point in their angel lives) but then eventually gets Mc to go along with a few schemes, which they both have fun cause really it just turns into bonding. then ofc asmo adores this little creature and has little dress up parties and helps Mc get ready for school in the morning so they always look their best!! lucifer gave him permission for this since he agrees that Mc should look put together despite being a child. I still think it takes a while for the brothers to warm up fully to Mc, but it goes by a lot faster since mc quickly becomes their new little sibling. I think it would be cute if what won over lucifer is Mc coming into his office at some point, saying that they have something for him, and gives him a drawing, lucifer ends up scooping them up to sit with him and they explain what they drew, and its mc and all the brothers:( that drawing is almost immediately framed and put up where everyone can see it.
thats all for now, but I have a LOT of Mc what if's and imagines, my fingers hurt from typing now lol.
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stulili · 1 year
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Another year has passed. 06.06.
Happy Birthday, Lucifer! (And thank you the UR cards. *smooches*)
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witheredapple · 10 months
Diavolo, half-asleep: *Hears snoring* Lucifer... *gently smacks him* Lucifer!
Lucifer, also half-asleep: What? What's wrong?
Diavolo: You're snoring
Lucifer: Me? Oh, I'm sorry, I— *hears snoring*
Lucifer: *Looks down at his left arm*
Puppy Cerberus: *Snoring*
Lucifer: *Laughing* Look at him!
Diavolo: *Sits up* Come on! We said no Cerberus on the bed!
Lucifer: Oh, but he's just a little puppy, he probably got scared and snuck in
Diavolo: Oh, really? How come when Mammon has nightmares you don't let him sneak on the bed anymore?
Lucifer: All right, it's 6 o'clock in the morning. Can we talk about this later?
Mammon on the floor: Answer the question, Lucifer
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