#oc vs a roach
mysticstarlightduck · 7 months
OC vs A Cockroach
Omg this is such a funny concept LMAO, thank you so much for the wonderful tag, @doublegoblin!!!
Tagging: @the-mindless, @writernopal, @cabbojage, @oh-no-another-idea, @crowandmoonwriting, @lassiesandiego, @quisyop, @gummybugg, @tabswrites, @clairelsonao3 and @exquisitecrow
Rules: Rate your OCs on how well they’d fare against a cockroach
I'll go with the main cast of Enchanted Illusions for this one!
Cailean Telkerly - 4/10 Once he sees the roach, he'd try to look tough and unbothered to seem cool in front of Agatha at first all like "I can handle this (says he, visibly disturbed and from a considerable distance)". Like, he might - emphasis on might - actually get the situation under control if he can smack the roach with a broom or something from far away.
But then he would fail miserably at it once that mfer roach starts to fly - like the fear is evident, it's a run-for-your-life. He'd leave that room so fast. I give him those 4 out of 10 points solely because he would try to keep it cool before the roach flies. My boi would be jumpier than a cat in the rain like "Nah, man, hell nope, I think this is the bug's house now, let's just move".
Evangeline Daemitya - 10/10, I'm talking about the most nonchalant, cold reaction ever - solely for the fact that, with her magic, she can disintegrate that bug or teleport it away with a snap of her fingers. It surprises people to no end, because they usually expect her to be terrified of bugs due to her noble background but she actually doesn't mind them - she even has one of those weird dead insect collections.
Vincent Sharppe - 8/10 He is the kind of guy to pick the insect up in a jar or piece of paper and set it free far away outside of his home without saying a word, but whose soul would leave his body should the insect touch his skin or start flying around - he'd still spend a week complaining about it either way.
Harriet Sharppe - -2/10 She actually has a deep phobia of insects, so it doesn't go well whenever she sees one in her home, especially if it is a roach. Harriet can handle any kind of monster and dark magic spell thrown her way, but would have a full-on nervous breakdown if she saw a roach in her room, no one runs faster than her in that situation. She won't enter the room until the cockroach is properly terminated (and she has proof of it), which ends up being Vincent's job, because she will not get close to the insect on her own.
Clarence Van Sterlling - 6/10 Would attempt to become friends with a roach. There's a 50% chance that he'll suceed, and a 50% chance the roach will just scuttle away further into the room and never be seen again. Will be heartbroken - for five minutes - when Thaddeus inevitably stomps the cockroach until oblivion.
Thaddeus Lockhill - 11/10 It's as if he senses the roach's presence before it even has the chance to think about flying away. Then it's over. There's no roach, only its squished remains on the floor - which are quickly cleaned up. Thaddeus carries on afterwards like nothing ever happened. This all takes place in a total of ten seconds.
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sinnabee · 1 year
Here's my profile!
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the only thing I haven't finished making is the ref for my art fight sona lmao, but hopefully i'll finish it at work tonight :D FEEL FREE TO ADD ME THIS IS MY FIRST YEAR!!!! C'MON LADS IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!
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tabswrites · 7 months
OC vs. Cockroach
Tagged by @mysticstarlightduck here! I had to do this one right away because it was too funny to imagine and I need a break from writing…
Rules: Rate your OCs on how well they’d fare against a cockroach
For the Tomb of Light cast:
Hettie: 9/10 Hettie loves bugs and little crawly creatures (snails are her fave thing ever). She has seen a lot of roaches in her life and while she doesn’t mind them, she recognizes they are pests. Lavender is a natural insect repellent and she would have plenty of that on hand to harmlessly deter them from coming back.
Oliver: 0/10 Hates nature, hates bugs. He has spent the majority of his life indoors and doesn’t like things that live outside. Including people. He would see the roach and scream for dear life until it was removed from sight.
Adrin: 10/10 He spent his childhood outdoors being bitten and swarmed by everything nearby. He thought it was hilarious to sneak roaches and spiders into his house to scare his mother. He would help Oliver out, mostly to shut him up, but also because he doesn’t mind touching them.
Mara: ??? She knows a good source of protein when she sees one.
Tagging: @writingmaidenwarrior @pheita @the-down-upside-finch @sam-glade @avrablake
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doublegoblin · 7 months
OC vs A Cockroach
Lol! I saw this come across my dash before and it got a chuckle out of me, now I get to hopefully give a chuckle back.
Thank you to the wonderful @forthesanityofstorytellers for the tag
I tag: @asterhaze @gummybugg @garthcelyn @moonluringfrost @mysticstarlightduck and really anyone else who'd like in!
Rules: rate your ocs on how well they’d fare against a cockroach
So I'll not be doing the employees from Rituals and Red Tape for this go around, instead, it'll be The Board!(At least a handful of them) Because I think that'll be funny to think about. Mind you, The Board are extradimensional beings close to if not entirely gods.
Dave: 0/10 this mf'er would be so dead set on having this bug obey him he'd work himself into a tizzy. It is a quiet tizzy but one nonetheless. He'd get so fed up he would rush summon Alex to his pocket dimension to personally take care of the "offending creature". At which point they(Alex) would sigh and pick the roach up and carry it away from Dave. He would consider this a 10/10 but the man outsourced his labor.
Frank: 6/10 This new thing would be of great interest to Frank. I like it is the same roach from before and has now found it's way into Archives somehow. Perhaps Alex dropped it off? Either way, the enigmatic Frank would study this thing for a time, watching how it moves, what it eats. In fact he might become so interested with it that he would confine it to an ornate terrarium of some variety. Locked away from anyone but himself to view and ponder. Though when he would go to describe this new creature to anyone he would find more resistance than usual to get his point across thus going to the roach, and shoving (literally) it into the face of the dreamer he was communing with. At which point, the roach scurries away.
The Keeper: 2/10 Same roach. They would be quite intrigued like Frank was but more so in an attempt to understand how a thing like this could survive as it does. They would whip up some new kind of creature to combat it. It would lose for some reason, to which Keeper transports the creation to somewhere else (much to the quiet bemoaning of the wildlife employee who has to go now deal with it). More and more blood trials are conducted, the roach coming out on top each time SOMEHOW. When Keeper tries to alter the roach in some way, it skitters away once more. For a moment Keeper is upset, but soon they go back to crafting less focused creations.
Hivemaster: 9/10 She would try and pull this same (poor) roach into her collective, another mind for the hive. It doesn't really work because...I mean come on it's a roach. So she crushes the thing under one of her many legs and skitters away herself. The roach is then able to patch itself up and go about it's business.
HR: -5/10 He is terrified of it. Not only does HE run away but he manages to stumble into Frank's domain and gets the living tar beat out of him (they are siblings have while HR is more on the slippery fake kind end, Frank is ready to throw hands at the drop of the hat).
Unemployment: 11/10 There is nothing left of the roach. The roach is no longer even on this same plane of existence. Information of the roach or even what a roach is, vanishes from the public's minds. There are no such thing as roaches. Never have been.
What a fun tag game!
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ashen-crest · 3 months
OC vs. a cockroach
Thanks for the tag, @oh-no-another-idea!
Rules: Rate your OCs on how well they’d fare against a cockroach.
Let's go with the Rival kids for this:
Ambrose: 2/10 - a roach? in his shop? he thinks the fuck not. that sucker is OUT. GONE. ANNIHILATED
Eli: 5/10 - doesn't like 'em, but isn't as fazed by them. Will toss them out in the street or kill them if he can't easily throw it somewhere.
Dawn: 1/10 - screaming. so much screaming. probably grabs a blast wand and kills it that way. there's so much destruction. it doesn't matter, the thing is gone now.
Sherry: 7/10 - similar vibes to Eli, but far more efficient.
Banneker: 10/10 (or 0, depending on your opinion of roaches) - absolutely doesn't bother him unless they're in his kitchen. he's probably set up a tiny bed for them somewhere in his workshop.
Grim: 8/10 - swift, silent, no-mercy murder.
Tagging in turn, with zero pressure: @akindofmagictoo, @zmwrites, @winglesswriter, and @tc-doherty!
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samuelroukin · 12 days
Okay fuck it, team Roach, the 006 to the 141's 007, is roughly:
Roach: Captain Sanderson. Very soft spoken, stuck with extreme baby face despite being a hardened combat vet, tremendously calm, rational and easy going even when being shot at. Very reasonable and inhuman levels of stealthy. Never raises his voice, which is often Worse. He's not really sure how he got here but he is unfortunately Very Good at This. Which is both leadership and Warfare. In his heart of hearts he just wants to be chilling on a pool floatie with a beer in hand but Alas.
His Second in Command: Handsome, Polite, Charming and Clinically Insane. As in they are 100% fudging this man's psych evals. He seems easy going and fun but this man is basically a monster, he is the type that signed up to kill people and not go to jail. Graves but Worse. He's only technically a Hero because Roach is holding his leash but. Seriously he seems fine until you're alone in an enclosed space with him and your lizard brain sends up a panic alarm akin to being trapped in an elevator with a lion. The more he talks the more you realize he... doesn't live in the real world. For Reasons Unknown Roach is pretty much the only one that does actually have a collar on him. He Gets Real Weird and Jealous over Ghost when they finally meet.
Tex: Your Killing Machine Has Anxiety. Possibly the world's best sniper and a true mathematical genius, who has next to no social skills, the legacy of a childhood stutter and growing up in a Very Rural Isolated area. Excellent at taking directions but it's hard to not pin a kick me sign on him despite him being, objectively, a very dangerous guy. A lot of people assume he's Like That because of warfare/soldiers get strange/ptsd etc. No he was always Weird, he is definitely Undiagnosed Neurodivergent, but so is his whole family. A Cheetah in search of a Dog in his Pen. Hypercompetent in the field, who let you out of your cage otherwise.
Doc: World's Bitterest Medic. Loves humanity as a concept and truly believes in medicine as a science dedicated to the betterment of life and wellbeing. Also Hates Every Single Human Being he has ever come across. Extreme Pissed of Mom Who Says Get Your Ass Down Here Now Or I Will Beat You to Death Myself energy. Means he generally keeps them in line socially as well as the Angry Mom Friend so Tex generally hides behind him. He grumbles but he secretly kind of loves it. Unfortunately, these Idiots are *his* idiots. You are Stupid and Embarassing and he Will Run Out Under Heavy Fire to Save You at the risk of his own life. Running in joke is "does the life threatening wound hurt enough to subject yourself to his bedside manner?" Absolutely terrible taste in music he subjects them all to.
There are at least one or two more guys in this train wreck but these are the mains. Unsurprisingly something this disfunction works out horribly well and they are incredibly effective. Tired Dad Energy Roach vs You Should Have Gone Before We Left Mom Medic plus Their Frail Victorian Son of a Sniper plus I Will Kill For You Please Ask Me To Kill For You and Give Me Attention 2IC means this shit is actually A OK by the brass.
lmao didn't you just say you put no thought into them? these guys are far more developed than my ocs, give yourself some credit! they all sound great and like i said i already love tex and doc but uh HI second in command 👀
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sarandipitywrites · 2 months
OC vs Cockroach
@thepeculiarbird sent me this one - thank you! go see how her OCs deal with this disaster here. passing along the tag to @finchwrites, @indecentpause, @space-writes, @notwritinganyflufftoday, and @dyrewrites, plus an open tag for anyone who wants to torment their characters with household pests 😈
Rules: rank your OCs based on how well they would do with a cockroach
have a grab bag of OCs from various projects, ranked from high to low in order of competency (plus, the tumblr debut of Jules, V, and Jacqui from my new, very-tentatively-named WIP: You Up?):
Jacqui: Catches it in a tupperware and takes it outside. Then throws away the tupperware, washes and sanitizes her hands, and performs a ritual to magically bug-proof the building for the next month. 12/10 for preventative measures.
Mina: Throws a shoe across the room at it. Nails it in one hit. 10/10. FATALITY.
Jules: Uses the double-plastic-cup method to catch the roach. Takes his new buddy on a tour of the nearby dumpsters until he finds one the bug seems excited about. Releases the bug into the alley of its choice. 10/10.
Baz: Scoops it up in his bare hands. The feeling of it skittering around kind of breaks his brain for a minute; stands there, awkwardly holding a cockroach, until someone reminds him to put it outside. 7/10 because it does end up outside eventually.
Lienzo: Pretends he doesn't see it until someone else shows up and deals with it. If he has absolutely no choice, he'll find the largest, heaviest thing he can and smash the roach. Then there's the crisis of how he's going to clean it up. 5/10.
V: Jacqui says they're not allowed to use alchemical bombs on household pests anymore. So they grab the lighter and hairspray. 3/10.
Phi: Makes scathing comments in the roach's general direction until it gets the hint and leaves. This doesn't work very well. 2/10.
Qedlan: Looks up the correct way to deal with cockroaches. This takes long enough that he loses sight of the bug. He can't find it again. He lives in fear for the next week. 1/10.
Ari: Calls Mina to come kill it for her. When Mina inevitably refuses, she resigns herself to living with it. She names it Roachfort. It lives in the corner with Spedro (the spider she couldn't kill last week). 0/10.
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dyrewrites · 3 months
OC Vs Cockroach
@starbuds-and-rosedust got me for this one, check theirs here ^.^
Rules: rate your OCs on how well they’d fare against a cockroach
I is tagging @aziz-reads and @kaylinalexanderbooks
I've done a silly scene for these before, so let's do that again.
For rating, however, I think they'd both get a 10/10. No fear; irritation if anything. But we're going to make it worse, so I hope this is fun to read.
->it got away from me, so it's under the cut<-
Lucient insisted we stay in a brownstone we'd passed one too many times while getting entirely lost in all those towers and cars and people. It claimed itself a bed and breakfast, and he was intent on calling it home for the full month he wished to explore the city.
And so, while he charmed the sweet old woman at the counter into a lower price, I took our things up to the room.
I found it waiting for me on the pillow. A cockroach, bigger than any I'd ever seen, making itself at home on what was to be our bed. Last I dealt with one, it was at an inn in Tuscany and Lucient refused to stay there when he saw it. Not out of fear, mind, but propriety. He claimed it a sign the place was 'cheap', threw a fit at the staff and had us thrown out. We spent hours looking for another place to stay and ended up back on the ship as he ruled the whole of the region a backwater waste of his time and money.
I was not going through that again.
The roach had to die.
It is here feel I must assure you, dear reader, that I am not a fearful creature. I do not mind insects, or arachnids, or any creepy crawlies.
But I take issue with swarms. Of anything.
And there was a swarm under that pillow, which became one out of the walls...and up through the floorboards. Chittering and scratching, those roaches poured out of every nook and cranny.
So Lucient, and the sweet old woman he spoke to, were audience to my stomping down the stairs with all of our things in hand. Not screaming, but making a sound very close to it--through tight lips, as more roaches began falling from the ceiling.
"We're leaving?" Lucient asked as I clamped a hand on his arm, "but she just agreed to less than half."
"We can't stay here," I kept calm, despite the things crawling in my hair, down my shirt, into my pants, I kept calm.
"Treasure," that tone, somewhere between scolding and pouting that tone, one he knew I couldn't ignore. But he said the rest so only I could hear it, I did it without any tricks, like you wanted. Do you know how difficult it is to talk a woman like this into charging less for anything?
Fairly certain the woman didn't speak it, I explained in Italian, or...well, I shouted, "Ci sono fottuti scarafaggi nei miei pantaloni!"
All smiles, tight and twitching not to become a scream--or laughter--Lucient turned to the woman, "Thank you, ever so much, madam...but I think we'll be staying elsewhere."
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willtheweaver · 3 months
OC vs. a cockroach
Thanks for the tag @winglesswriter this looks like a fun one.
Rate your OC on how well they would deal with a cockroach
Characters from A Feather in the Forest
Fen 7/10
Would not be phased by a cockroach at all. Points deducted as he would eat the offending insect if by himself.
Playa 10/10
She finds roaches annoying. Dealing with them all the time means that she is at least capable of shooing them out, or trapping them in a cup and releasing them.
Opal 100/10
As someone who finds all the creations of Al-Gia fascinating, Opal would be calm and collected. She may even decide to keep the roach as a pet.
Ivy 6/10
Ivy doesn’t particularly like insects or spiders (ironic considering she wants to become a hunter, and the forest is full of creepy crawlies). She would grab a broom and try to brush the cockroach out of the room.
Lord Halley -10000/10
He would not be amused by having a roach disturb him. Would try and kill the insect himself…and absolutely wreck whatever room he was in. He would then take his anger out on the nearest bird, before proceeding to smash every piece of furniture he could get his hands (um, wings) on.
Captain Hesper 0/10
Would kill the roach as soon as he spots it. Major point deduction as he would then threaten to report the servants to Lord Halley.
Tagging @the-ellia-west @theeccentricraven @indecentpause @bard-coded @illarian-rambling @smudged-red-ink @kaylinalexanderbooks , and an open tag for anyone who wants to join in. No pressure.
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OC vs Cockroach
I was tagged by @illarian-rambling ! Thank you for this!
Rules: how would your oc fare against a cockroach?
Narul: 6/10 Narul wouldn't particularly care about cockroaches, though he might be annoyed by their smell. If asked by someone else he would certainly squish one. The only real issue might be if it slips under something or if Narul is overly enthusiastic in his quest to smash it. It certainly wouldn't be the first time that Narul accidentally (or purposefully) destroyed a house.
Ninma: ?/10 Surprisingly for a princess, Ninma has no problem with creepy crawlies, and loves to catch bugs, spiders, lizards, and if given the chance, would certainly try to make a pet out of a roach. If properly motivated she could certainly catch one. Narul and Otilia would be horrified/disgusted by this. Ninma however would tearfully inform them that she had already given the pest a bath and named it.
Otilia: 1/10 Otilia is not a fan of insects, in fact she is quite repulsed by them. She would almost certainly call for Narul to dispose of the roach for her
Shela: -1/10 Shela would have a similar response to her partner, Otilia, but even worse. Screaming, gagging, and cursing out the poor pest. Ultimately she would refuse to enter whatever structure the roach was found in until it had been carefully cleared of any of its brethren.
The Throuple (Istek, Dati, Sihunu): 7/10 They would be fairly unbothered by the sight of a cockroach, any one of them would simply squish it (most likely Sihunu since she is the only one that regularly wears actual footwear.) However if Istek spotted a roach aboard his ship what would follow would be an obsessive round of cleaning, one which would necessitate completely unloading and scrubbing the hull and its cargo.
Penetinos: -4/10 An extreme dislike of insects is apparently a very common trait among Korithians. Penetinos has a deep fear of things that crawl and creep and the idea of seeing a roach much less touching one would bring the poor old man to tears.
Zatar: 10/10 Zatar would take great pleasure in hunting down and killing roaches.
Akard: 10/10 Would ask Zatar to take care of the issue.
Kumad: 8/10 Kumad would have no problem squishing a roach, though he might complain about the resultant mess.
Mikrab: 0/10 Has no issue with roaches, but lacks the motivation or drive to ever actually try to squish it.
Batricca: 10/10 Similar to Narul, however she would have no problems with destroying things in the process and might even destroy things intentionally.
Tagging @dyrewrites , @patternwelded-quill , @elsie-writes , and @roach-pizza
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illarian-rambling · 3 months
@willtheweaver tagged me in this and it was too funny to pass up lmao
OC vs Cockroach
Rules: how would your oc fare against a cockroach?
Izjik - 🤢/10: Being from the ocean, Izjik doesn't know what a cockroach is. All she knows is that it's little, looks kinda like a tasty crawdad, and doesn't seem to be a threat. ...Yeah, she's taking a bite. I don't think she'd like the taste, but she would definitely eat at least one cockroach before learning to just shush them out of the house.
Sepo - 8/10: He'd definitely make a gross face at the sight of one, and he'd probably jump like a startled cat when the roach starts to fly, but other than that, no issue. He's not squeamish, so he'd just take off his shoe and smack it.
Twenari - -5/10: Illaros has never seen such a speedy display of such powerful fire magic. The house is ash. Knowing cockroachs, the bug probably survived. Twenari feels bad later for overreacting about such a little bug she could've just telekinesised outside, but startled sorcerers rarely poof rainbows from their hands.
Djek - 2/10: For a mostly-grown man, Djek has a very girlish shriek. He'd definitely make Sepo or Izjik deal with the bug while hopping nervously from foot to foot and screaming every time it moves.
Astra - 7?/10: While not the most violent of my characters, Astra has a vengeful streak when it comes to vermin in her vardo. She probably has a corkboard where she pins any cockroachs she catches as a warning to the rest. She gives them little name tags.
Mashal - 0/10: One of Mashal's biggest fears as a robot (or close enough to a robot), is that something creepy and crawly will get up into his internals without him noticing, only for him to do a maintainence check later on and dozens of bugs spill out. This is definitely a fear born from experience, as Mashal generally likes all animals. He's not getting within a dozen feet of a cockroach. Hell, he's not getting back into the vardo until Astra has the bug on her warning board.
Ivander - 4/10: Immediately calling an exterminator. He wouldn't do anything catastrophic, but he'd probably go stay with his friend Ceyrel until his apartment has been thoroughly cleaned.
Yeah, this was a fun one. I'll tag @mk-writes-stuff @elsie-writes @somethingclevermahogony @kaylinalexanderbooks @televisionjester and anyone else who wants in :)
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 months
OC vs Cockroach Tag Game
I'm back (or trying to be, at least) and will try to catch up on my asks and tag games, my friends 💜
Thanks to @illarian-rambling for the tag (here)!
I'll go with some of the characters from the main cast of my WIP Of Starlight and Beasts (since I've already done this for a few of my other WIPs, such as Enchanted Illusions and Realms of Loss if I'm not mistaken)! This is going to be fun (:
Corah 9/10 - Doesn't really mind it, as long as it's like, scurrying far away. But will step on it no questions asked if it gets too close or starts being a bother, though all her courage towards it will vanish when the roach starts to fly.
Arammys 6/10 - Is very curious, albeit disgusted and from a distance, about the strange creature. Probably doesn't want to kill it, but is very uncomfy with the bug all the same. One of his friends either kills the roach for him or takes it far away.
Eidan 12/10 - Drop kicks it so fast even the roach's atoms cease from existence. Cosmically obliterates the roach with that kick. Does it so fast his friends are probably in shock at his reflexes. Proceeds to walk it off like nothing happened and tries to carry on any interrupted conversation too.
Rin ???/10 - Eats it as a lil snack. 😃 In front of everyone. Making unbreaking eye contact. Is probably unaware of why everyone is so disturbed by what he just did too.
Masen 1/10 - Will scream and try to jump into somebody's arms, climb some kind of furniture, or stand behind Kyran (or anyone who can stand in between him and the bug as a shield) until the insect is dealt with. If the roach flies towards him or worse, touches him, he'll probably cry and end up vomiting.
Tomasa 9/10 - Depends on her mood. If she's happy and generally okay with life, she'll gently just find a jar or something to pick up the roach and take it outside to nature. If not, shoes - or anything throwable she can get her hands on - will be flying towards the roach at the speed of light.
Kyran 10/10 - Doesn't mind and doesn't care. Is more annoyed at his twin's (Masen) breakdown about the roach than bothered by the bug itself. Will ignore it and let someone else go through the trouble of getting rid of the insect.
Leora 9/10 - Has a mini heart attack upon noticing a roach in the vicinities. Collects herself quickly though, and instantly burns/disintegrates it with her magic. If she's feeling especially petty, she might pick it up with a spell and place it in Masen's room just to watch the chaos unfold later on.
Florynce 8?/10 - Befriends it. Due to her powers, she might actually be able to communicate with it, and if she has the time, might engage in some kind of conversation with the insect. (It wouldn't last though, as her pet raven would be overjoyed at the free snack walking around on the floor, and so the bird would just swoop down and eat it.)
Tagging (gently) - @thepeculiarbird, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @little-peril-stories, @littleladymab, @clairelsonao3, @oh-no-another-idea, @conkers-thecosy, @crowandmoonwriting, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams, @mk-writes-stuff, @anyablackwood, @lassiesandiego,@steh-lar-uh-nuhs, @cowboybrunch and OPEN TAG
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anyablackwood · 5 months
OC vs Cockroach
Belated thanks to @athenswrites for the tag! Finally going through my mentions and catching up after my disappearance, lol. Love a new ask game!
Gonna bring it back to Asteria Heights with this one, lol.
Rate your OCs on how well they’d fare against a cockroach
Meg: 3/10. Would scream first before setting it on fire, probably after missing and hitting other stuff a few times. Wouldn't have been so freaked out if not for the fact that her house has insect-repelling spells all over it, and therefore has no fucking clue how it got inside
Aven: 0/10 would shit himself and run screaming for the nearest person. Would suddenly forget that he literally knows magic and has spent half of his life traipsing through forests rife with insects. He can handle spiders, but ROACHES?
Nina: 10/10. Does not give a shit. She's seen worse. If it's in the house, she'll either kill it with a newspaper roll or capture it with her bare hands and let it out. If anywhere else, she'll leave it be unless asked to do something about it. As long as it stays off of her and her things (and Antheia doesn't notice it), it'll be like it's not even there.
Antheia: ????/10. Would be 10/10 if she wasn't so fucking weird about it. If left to her own devices, would capture the roach with her bare hands, shove it in a glass jar, and rattle it, giggling the whole time. Aven is more scared of her than he is of the roach. No one would see that roach again, and no one would want to know what happened. Rest in peace, roach.
Seraphina: 7/10 would do nothing. Her butler will handle it. If not, her ringneck snake will handle it. A Lady (TM) doesn't bother with insects.
Luella: 9/10 would fight the roach. Being barely taller than it, they'll see each other as a threat. If her assistant isn't there to handle it, and she finds herself unable to either ignore it or fight it with magic, she'll whip out her sewing needle sword and go to war.
Michael: 10/10 would eat the roach. No questions asked.
Thanks again for the tag! (Gently) tagging: @amaiguri, @anoelleart, @mysticstarlightduck, @paintedbutton
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the-mindless · 6 months
OC vs A Cockroach
Oh! Now THIS is fun! Thank you for the tag, @mysticstarlightduck!
Gently tagging: @desastreus, @a-had-matter, @prismo-pelican, @firesmokeandashes, @susurrus-mxfluffy, @alhyastarain
Rules: Rate your OCs on how well they’d fare against a cockroach
For this one, I'll be using characters from Woes and Whimsy. Since it's still relatively small, I'll just use every named character (minus the big bad).
Percival Elpida, the Swordless Swordsman - 10/10 He can sense the roach's movement from a mile away and crush it before it can even get close to him. It's just that he doesn't really care. He has a revenge plot that he needs to finish.
Agori - 10???/10 The kid would just. Befriend it. No problem. It wouldn't even take that long before they start having tea parties together. Go to the park. Ride the swings. Go on the merry go round. All until the cockroach suddenly dies, where he would hold a funeral by himself.
Fysi Agapaei Se - 4/10 She's a friend of nature, but still, that doesn't make it easier for her to deal with the cockroach. She'll try to politely ask it to leave her alone, but since it's an insect, she'll probably end up accidentally waterboarding it.
Fanos Agapaei Se - 9/10 On the other hand, he wouldn't really mind. He'll just pick it up with his bare hands and set the dude free.
Orgi II - 5/10 Burns it immediately. If it even dares to touch his skin he will spend the next 17 hours bathing it away.
Lagneia - 4/10 Similarly to Orgi, except she doesn't have fire magic, so she'll either waterboard it or spend at least 10 minutes trying to crush it with her flails.
Yeperifaneia - 11/10 Give him 2 seconds. It's like the cockroach never existed.
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writernopal · 6 months
OC vs. Cockroach
Alright I had to jump on this one stat LOL thanks for the tag @mysticstarlightduck see their post here!
Rules: Rate your OCs on how well they’d fare against a cockroach
I'm going to do the casts of AASOAF and M.O.W for this one!
Mariel: 7/10 Mariel grew up on a farm so she's pretty used to seeing creepy crawlies around. That said she can't keep her cool around them like she can with rodents and other types of pests so she is definitely the sort to be startled by one, and call for help if there is someone nearby. Otherwise, our little lady is bucking up and dealing with it on her own.
Axtapor: 10/10 A big part of Lizardfolk diet is eating bugs including roaches. While they aren't his favorite, he's known to indulge from time to time because the wings have a nice crunch to them *chefs kiss*. So he just manhandles them whenever they're around and down the hatch they go!
Fay: 0/10 Fay grew up impoverished in the slums of a place called Saltend and on more than one occasion discovered roaches in her bed, clothes, food, hair, blankets you name it. Safe to say she was traumatized after being surrounded by them for so many years. She is definitely calling in for backup if she sees one.
Wilkes: 10/10 Even though he's a Lizardfolk, he doesn't eat roaches. Rather, he despises them because Fay hates them so he's become quite the exterminator on her behalf. He can hit one from across the room with a throwing knife and has done so on many occasions. I should add, that he also doesn't let his adoptive parents eat them either. The Sikthax-Seymour household is a roach-free zone 😤
Hartim and Lexlar: 20/10 So these two are from The Oasis Heartlands which is mostly jungle ergo, LOTS of bugs to eat. They hunt bugs for fun and roaches are no different but they are a little bit more sadistic with roaches than other creepy crawlies. Lexlar will catch a bunch, enough to fill a jar, and then set them loose in an enclosed area, like a room for example, and let Hartim just go nuts trying to catch and eat them lol. Then the same thing vice-versa, Hartim will catch a bunch and release them for Lexlar. They claim it's a speed trial but they're really just playing with their food lol.
Tagging (gently): @outpost51 @sparatus @teamdilf @commander-krios @void-botanist @silverslipstream @captain-kraken @moonluringfrost
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asterhaze · 7 months
OC vs A Cockroach
HAHA! This amazing and I love it @doublegoblin. Thank you for tagging me. Please check out where I've been tagged HERE.
Rules, simple: Rate how your OCs would fare against a cockroach.
Ska, OC Sexypants: 8/10
Ska likes bugs. He thinks they're cute because they're ultimately harmless and great for the environment. If cockroaches aren't great for the environment, he probably won't listen. As far as he's concerned they're fun to look at and if one gets on his nerves or tries to chew on him or something, he'd probably just teleport it away. Ska is a demon but he doesn't just ruthlessly kill everything in his path. He's actually kind of a nice guy.
Vlad and Glen: ???
Vlad isn't scared of anything because he's possessed, though he really doesn't like getting his hands dirty. He won't eat finger foods, hates getting his hands wet, and doesn't even like holding hands. So squishing the thing with his bare hands is probably off of the table, though I'm sure he could probably do it if he absolutely had to or if it got on his nerves badly enough.
Vlad is also the kind of guy that won't do anything he doesn't have to, so he'll probably just call Glen in to grab it for him.
Glen, stupid and sexy: 0/10.
First off, I am very mad at the universe for making me look up pest control in 1800's America. Out of all of the things I thought I'd have to look up for a vampire book, that was not one of them. I am mostly mad because I still do not have a clear answer.
So I imagine Glen would try to live in harmony with the damned thing until he learned that they...what?!...EAT BOOKS?! CALL THE EXTERMINATOR. The roach would then probably scurry away, completely unscathed, while the house is being bombed.
This was very fun for me to think about. Normally I only think about Glen doing very goofy things because he is a very stupid vampire. I'd love to be tagged in other goofy tag games.
Gently tagging: @elbritch-kit @sparrow-orion-writes @tea-and-mercury @covenscribe @goldxdarkness @poetinprose @rainisawriter @doublegoblin @veetvoojagigthemagnificent @dakogutin @jessicagailwrites @godspeedjuneblackemperor
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