#oc: jamie barnes
house0f3 · 5 months
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[C O N T I N U E D F R O M]@marvelmyriad
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From @marvelmyriad: Jamie, much like either of his parents and his sister, couldn’t get drunk.  When one was enhanced in the way that the Barnes family was, the metabolism moved at breakneck speed on any given day.  That meant that any substance that might normally inebriate people was damn near useless to them.  As unbelievable as it might have seemed, he really did drink beer for the taste.  Of course, he didn’t buy the cheap stuff, so the taste wasn’t that of the typical American brew.
After their toast, Jamie took a decent swig of his drink before setting it back down on the table.  They still had about fifteen minutes or so before the Chinese food would arrive, and that both excited and terrified him to think about.  It meant that he had more time to talk with Virgil unhindered, but that also gave him more opportunities to put his foot in his mouth in some way.  Navigating small talk in the beginning stages of any relationship had been one of the biggest challenges that he’d faced.  He was a wallflower in school, even before he knew about his sister and father.  When it had just been he and his mom, most of his time had been spent either at home listening to music or at the movies or maybe a concert.  Some place that he could be that didn’t facilitate talking at all.
As it seemed though, Virgil wasn’t exactly a pro at small talk either.  That did well to make him a little less on edge.  He offered the other man a bright, if not somewhat awkward smile.
“Um…” he ran his fingers through his hair some and rolled his lips, “Music, all kinds really.  I’ve always loved movies.  Especially horror.”  He looked up at the poster that resided on the wall behind them.  It was a ‘Nightmare on Elmstreet’ poster that had been framed, a signature scrawled across the middle of it by Wes Craven himself.
“That right there, that’s my prized possession.”
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From house0f3: Virgil wasn’t a huge fan of horror. He had seen too much real life horror to enjoy those movies but he didn’t want to push Jamie away with his dislike of horror films, but Virgil didn’t want to lie to Jamie either. His anxiety spiked and hard causing Virgil to shift in his seat. The poster was really cool. Virgil whistled in a high to low tone.
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“That is a nice pic, man. Not really my cup of tea but it’s still really cool. I generally go more monster flick, like Kaiju films, dinosaurs eatin corporations, those kind of thing. I could get into a horror flick that’s more monster than human. Like the Alien movies, with Sigourney Weaver. Yeah.” Virgil chuckled and scratched the back of his head, taking another quick swig of his beer, using the motion to have him slump forward, leaning his elbows back onto his knees, allowing Virgil to turn his face away in his embarrassment. He hoped that he didn’t offend Jamie.
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@marvelmyriad [T O: Jamie Barnes 911 verse]
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[2147 I:I 9:47pm] Karen Williams was also working late. She seemed to be in her own little world growling at her computer, while neurotically looking at her phone. Virgil suspected that it was Hen wondering where she was and if she was okay. I guess that's the price one pays for being in a relationship with a first responder. "Hey! Yo Karen. Breathe girl. Is that geek box giving ya troubles? Want me to come take a look?" Virgil said loudly from the other side of the room with a chuckle. Karen looks up and at Virgil in that daze that one only gets from being pulled out of their hype fixation. "Huh? Wha...? Oh. No I'm good. Think I'm calling it a night anyway. Hen wants me home." Karen shook her head and smiled. Karen closed her laptop and started gathering her notes. Virgil smiled and shrug. "All-right. No worries. See ya tomorrow, I guess. Tell Hen, What's up for me." Turning his gaze back to his own laptop to finish the project that he was working on, which wasn't much, only trying to figure out a bug in the programing for a robot that the lab was working on that could help astronauts while floating around in zero gravity. "Will do, Virg! We'll have to get together again soon!." Karen yells back as she hurries out the doors. Virgil hears the sound of Karen locking the doors and begins focusing on his work. [2223 I:I 10:23pm] Virgil had done what Virgil does and he hyper fixated on fixing the bug to the point that he didn't know how much time had passed since Karen locked up. Wait. Did Karen lock up? Virgil was pretty sure that she had. Virgil shook his head and chuckled to himself. Distractions. Ugh. C R A S H! The sound of breaking glass. Okay. Virgil was now sure that Karen had locked the door. Why else would someone break the glass front doors? Wait. Virgil remembered that his building had cameras, then pulling up the security feed on his laptop. There was definitely someone or someones breaking into the building. Virgil quickly pulled out his phone, and began dialing 911 as he rushed to the door of the room that he was in, closing it quietly, and shutting off the lights as he ducked down.
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"Uh....Yeah. I'm at the Blue Origin Robotics' building. Someone is definitely breaking into the building. I've got the security feed yup. Looks like there is 3 of them." Virgil quickly and quietly explained to the dispatcher, who proceeded to ask Virgil questions. She helped keep him calm as he waited for first responders to arrive. Virgil crawled over to his deck and grabbed his laptop, putting it in his bag and then strapping that to his back, putting the phone, along with the 911 operator, pressed between his shoulder and his ear. "I'm back. Got my laptop 'nd I'm down low. I think I got a place I can hide." Virgil rushed to a nearby door with a plaque that said Janitor on it, and slide inside as flash lights swept into the room that he was just in. They were coming closer.
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skyfallslayer · 1 year
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Welcome to my official Masterlist for my account. Since I decided to start branching out to more fandoms beside Marvel, I thought I should organized my work a little better. Down below are links to each fandoms own masterlists. I am currently not taking any requests right now as I focus on finishing up some of the stories I've written so far. Any who, Enjoy!
Key Factors: 🔥 = Smut 🧸= Fluff 💔= Angst (Mostly what my fics surround)
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Mostly just me loving on Bucky and Matt. This Masterlist consist of romantic and platonic love between reader-insert and Original Characters; And some times, What if ? Fics.
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Right now it consist of a small future fic with Hughie and Annie. More will be added on soon.
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DC Universe -
Coming soon: The multi universes of different DC movies. Mostly consisting of 2005 Constantine and 2023 Blue Beetle.
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John Wick -
Coming soon: Starts off with an original character au with Wick's daughter.
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Stranger Things -
Starts off with an original character au and a story about Will being in the Upside Down.
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 2 months
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes is in love with you, his best friend. But not in his wildest dreams can he imagine that his feelings are reciprocated. In a futile attempt at moving on, he finds himself a girlfriend, Priya. Unfortunately for you, her presence in Bucky's life comes as an unexpected and rather unpleasant surprise and you have to deal with the pain of losing the man you love to another woman.
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI)
Word Count: 48k
General warnings & themes: angst, mutual pining, girlfriend!oc, aliens and arms dealers, canon-level violence, some explicit sexual content, mentions of sexual trauma, ** indicates chapter includes explicit sexual content and * includes allusions to sex
I will add warnings to each chapter but please tell me if I've missed anything.
A/N: Shoutout to @samodivaa and @scoonsalicious for your valuable input and for listening to my crazy for the last month!
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Posting schedule will be Tuesdays and Fridays around 7.30am ACT / 4.30pm EST / 1.30pm PST / 9.30pm BST
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yourmidnightlover · 10 months
getting it over with - ch 1
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
summary: after relentless teasing and being the butt of too many jokes, you ask bucky to help you become more experienced in… a particular area of your life
warning: precious bucky, virgin shaming?, virgin reader, slight male!oc x reader, sexual harrassment, illuding to sex, talk of sex
w/c: 2.5k
a/n: i am working on part 2 in my other series, timeless. i've been debating two different ways i could take it and it's been an internal battle trying to figure that out. that being said, i can't help myself and started writing this and so here it is! this will likely be a simple mini series with smut in the later parts, probably the next one tbh. anywho... enjoy!
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another night with the girls, and yet another night of beng singled out and ridiculed over a miniscule part of your life. 
you were a well accomplished woman and yet all of your hard work has consistently been overlooked in nearly every conversation because of your extracurricular activities. or, well, more like your lack of extracurricular activities. 
you had been working with the avengers for five years now as their pr manager, living there for a little over three after finding it was easier to represent and present the team in a brighter light when you knew more about them. it was after you moved in that you got much closer to james ‘bucky’ barnes, who you’ve coined the nickname of ‘jamie’ for. your friends also began to question why you hadn’t, in their terms, “banged,” one of the avengers you happened to live with.
truth be told, you did enjoy spending time with them, especially bucky. but, that would be crossing a line. you were practically employed by them. well, technically you were employed by tony, but that didn’t change the fact that they were your clients. it was just particularly easy to find the good in the people who constantly saved the world. well, that, and you were supposed to make them look good anyway. 
the most difficult one to paint in the golden light was definitely bucky. you were great at getting the media to lean into his humanity and reminding them of how he had been tortured into what he became. you’ve imagined him to the public as “sargeant bucky barnes,” giving him back the title he earned rather than the name he was branded. he was still wary of venturing into the eye of the public, but everytime he did there were less people yelling at him and more people giving pitying looks and whispers. sure, he would rather not be recognized at all, but whispering was a hell of a long way from harassment. 
bucky was grateful for everything you’d done for him. truth be told, you were grateful for everything they had done for you anyway. hell they had repeatedly saved all of humanity, helping their reputation was the least you could do for them. 
but regardless of how well of a job you’ve done making the avengers’ reputation way lighter, somehow the only thing your old friends could talk about is how you’re somehow still a virgin.
“god, i can’t believe you’re still a virgin sometimes. especially being surrounded by hunks like him,” stephanie spoke up as she flipped her bleached hair behind her shoulder. “i would’ve tried my luck long before i cleared their name, girl. i mean, that sergeant guy has the prettiest blue eyes, and have you never wondered what he could do with that metal hand of his?” 
you rolled your eyes, “he’s more than a pretty face, steph. he’s actually really sweet, too. his humor’s a bit old, kinda like a grandpa.”
“well, if he’s a grandpa then i’d gladly be his sugar baby,” she squeaked as she sipped on her vodka cranberry. 
“can we not talk about him like that?” your face furrowed in embarrassment and you only hoped that she would take your blushing as remnants of the alcohol running through your body.
“why?” she scoffed as she rolled her eyes. “do you want him or something?” she paused, seeingly waiting for your response. clearly, your silence was answer enough. “oh my god you like him, don’t you?” 
“no, no, it’s not like that,” you shook your head as you downed the rest of your drink. “i just spend a lot of time with him because of the job, y’know?” 
“why don’t you just get him to pop your precious cherry?” she ventured as she stood from her stool. 
boy, had you wished for that. mostly in your wildest dreams, but part of you hoped it could maybe happen. but then, you would wake up and were reminded of your place in the world. besides, jamie was over 100 years old. there’s no way he’d want someone who didn’t know what they were doing in the bedroom. 
“or,” steph interrupted your thoughts. “we can get out there and find you a different guy to pop your cherry,” she finished with a wink as she grabbed your hands, pulling you from your seat and to the dance floor. 
you managed to sneak a glance at the clock before the crowd surrounding you made it more difficult, reading the time being 11 pm. you told the guys you’d be back before 1, so that gave you enough time to please stephanie and then politely excuse yourself. 
surprisingly, you had begun to enjoy yourself. the music wasn’t so bad with the surge of confidence the alcohol running through your veins gave you. after a few too many drinks, you were in your own world. finally unbothered by the nagging thoughts of your friends and the weight of your job on your shoulders. 
you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder before turning to see a sweet smile. he had big, brown eyes and shaggy hair, broad shoulders, none that compared to the men you lived with, but they were nice nonetheless. 
“hi,” he said even sweeter than his smile, keeping his hands to himself politely. “i-i’m noah.”
“well, hello, noah,” you smiled as you stepped closer to him, uncharacteristically throwing your arms around his neck as you continued to sway to the music. “y/n.”
“i-uh-you-you’re gorgeous,” he stuttered as his hands modestly found your waist.
“you really think so?” you said teasingly before leaning up to his ear. “i think you are super cute, yourself.” 
at this point, you had nearly forgotten all about stephanie’s presence at all. maybe she had already left with another guy, herself? who knows. right now, all you knew was that you didn’t know brown eyes could be so pretty. mayb you didn’t want to wait anymore. maybe you didn’t want to be the old virgin in your friend group anymore. maybe noah could change that.
“you’re unreal,” he chuckled as he continued to sway with you for the next song until you began to kiss on his neck. 
“you taste so sweet,” you commented in his ear before kissing right below it. he pulled back, giving you a sweet smile before connecting your lips together. 
“you taste sweeter, believe me,” he huffed out a breath as you reconnected your lips with his. 
“i think i want you, noah,” you whispered against his lips so softly he wasn’t sure he even heard you. “pretty please?” 
“ye-yea, sure,” he guided you out of the bar, you needing nearly all of his support to even walk out of the threshold of the door. 
“think ‘m sleepy, noah,” you mumbled against his neck as the cold air hit your face, as if it had began to sober you up.
“you just said you wanted me…?” he perplexed as he pulled you aside into the ally to gather yourself. 
“‘m sorry, noah,” you shrugged as the cold air hit you again. “‘s cold outside, can i go back in?” you turned to walk back inside when he grabbed your arm, probably a bit more harsh than he intended to. 
“what the fuck?” he sounded disappointed. “i complimented you, i let you make the first move, and now you just wanna back out?” he pulled you closer to his body. “what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“i-i dunno, i just got confused i think?” you stumbled as you tried to back away once more. “it’s too cold out here, noah.” 
“maybe this’ll warm you up,” he grabbed your pliable face and brought you back in for a kiss before you tried to push him away again.
“y/n?” you heard a raspy voice call out. “what the fuck?” you turned to see your jamie confused.
“jamie!” you tred to wiggle out of noah’s grasp once more, a disgruntled look on your face as you did so. “jamie…” you were now limply wrestling out of noah’s grasp as he scoffed at the situation in front of him. 
“what?” he said in disbelief. “you wanna lead me on and leave with this guy?”
“i think you need to back of the lady, alright, man?” bucky spoke up as he stepped closer towards you. “she’s clearly a bit drunk, just let me take her home and we’ll be on our way. no harm, right?” he tried to reason with the douchebag. 
“no harm?” he grasped your arm tighter before he continued, making you wince slightly. “so this bitch is able to fucking lead me on and then leave me high and dry and there’s ‘no harm’?”
“okay, i’ve tried to be nice about this,” without a second of hesitation, he had noah’s arms behind his back, not enough to seriously injure him, but just enough to harm him enough to not tempt him to do any more harm. “you will apologize to miss y/n for talking to her the way you did, you will walk away, and you won’t do anything like that to any woman in the near future, understood?” noah nodded. “am i understood?!” 
“yes, yes!” bucky nudged him further in your direction as you were leaning your back against the brick wall for stability. “i’m sorry, y/n.”
“for…?” bucky taunted.
“i’m sorry for talking to you the way i did.”
“good boy,” bucky teased as he released the man, letting him run away and not sparing him another glance before he made his way closer to you. 
“‘m sorry, jamie,” you stumbled forward and threw your arms around him. you had never been so openly affectionate, especially with bucky since you knew his aversions. since you were so drunk, you simply didn’t register the unspoken boundaries you had unintentionally set in place for yourself. “didn’t wanna make him mad. jus’ changed my mind s’all,” you buried your face in his neck. 
“you have a right to change your mind, doll,” he soothed as he gently rubbed your back, leading you to steve’s car he borrowed. 
“y/n?” you snapped your head to look at bucky as he spoke. “i don’t want you to be so late again, doll. it’s almost 2 am. had me worried sick about ya,” his hand danced on your knee, you assumed to comfort you after the events of the night.
“i didn’t know,” you shook your head. “i swear, i just lost track of time. s’not like me to do this. i just got so mad and wanted to get it over with, y’know?”
“get what over with?”
“you won’t laugh at me?” you grabbed his hand that was resting on your knee and turned in your seat to face your body towards him. “never, doll,” he chuckled at your serious tone.
“i’m tired of bein’ a virgin,” you said with a sense of disappointment. “don’ want people makin’ fun of me anymore.”
“that’s nothing to be embarrassed about, doll,” he shook his head as he put the car in park before running to your side of the car and helping you out. “some people want to save that moment, i get it.”
“no,” you groaned as you leaned into him. “i don’t wanna save it. i was just scared at first, and then i didn’t want to, and now it’s too late because nobody wants to be with a virgin.”
“that’s not true, y/n,” he shook his ehad as he pressed your shared floor on the elevator. 
“would you wanna have sex with me?” you wondered aloud as bucky began coughing loudly. “don’t be mean,” you huffed and crossed your arms, figuring he was trying to hide his laugh. “steph said i should get you to ‘pop my cherry’ but i knew you would’t wan-”
“hey, that’s not what i meant,” he stopped your train of thought. 
“so you do wanna ‘pop my cherry’?” you awed at the man as the elevator doors opened. 
“i wan’ you to stop referencing it as ‘popping your cherry’,” he grimaced as he said it himself. 
“you wanna have sex with me? bang? do the deed? take my virginity? make love?”
“stop it,” he groaned as you giggled, leaning into his chest even more. “i wanna have this conversation when your sober, if you even remember it.”
“i’ll remember, my sweet jamie,” you held onto his arm as he walked you to your room, helping you get into bed before going into your bathroom and returning with your bin of skincare. “this is why you’re my sweet jamie,” if you didn’t know any better you’d think he was blushing. 
he began using your makeup wipes to remove the remnants of makeup that had survived the night, followed by micellar water to remove the excess remover from your face. you knew he had seen you do your skincare routine after having so many late movie nights with one another, but it was still flattering that he had remembered it all so well. he finished applying your toners, serums, and finally your moisturizer with gentle hands, his metal one providing a nice cold surface that woke your skin up a bit more. it wasn’t until you reached up to grab his flesh hand that he noticed the bruises lacing your arms. 
“god,” he sighed as he looked down at his lap. “i’m so sorry i was too late, doll.”
“you weren’t too late,” you shook your head at his negativity. “you were perfectly on time. you saved me. i don’t-i don’t know what would’ve happened had you not shown up. i-”
“i don’t wanna think about what could’ve happened, please,” he shook his head as he held onto your bruised wrist softly, tenderly rubbing his cool metal hand over the damaged skin before pressing a kiss to it. 
“will you stay with me tonight?” you asked softly, as if you were scared he would say no. as if he would ever tell you no. 
“only if you’re sure,” you nodded eagerly with a grin before he crawled into bed with you. 
bucky’s arms wrapped around your waist as you laid on his chest, breathing in his scent as his soothing heartbeat calmed you down after the nights antics. 
“i’ll remember tomorrow, jamie.”
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c0wgurlz · 1 year
Trouble On My Left, Trouble On My Right
Chapter 1: Sweet Caroline
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Kayce Dutton x Reader/OC - Friends to Lovers
He grabs ahold of the belt loops on either side of my hips. “I just-” he shakes me, “I’m tired of people treating me like some wounded animal or-or like some bomb just waiting to go off. You’re the one person who-,” he licks his lips, “you’re my person. Please don’t do that to me.”
I'm a long-time fic writer and an even longer reader, but this is my first attempt at writing for Yellowstone. If ya'll have any notes on characterization or just anything in general, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thank you for reading xx.
As always: I do not own Yellowstone (2018) or any of its characters. This work is not monetized.
THIS FIC IS CROSSPOSTED TO AO3. It is not posted to any other site. I am lookingcold on AO3 and that is all. I do not give permission for my work to be posted by others to any other platform.
I was no stranger to the Yellowstone Ranch, but bumping my way along its seemingly never-ending dirt drive, I still couldn’t help but feel out of my depth - like a little kid made to ride a bike with no training wheels. Its sprawling pastures surrounded by the towering mountains, standing at attention like century guards, intimidated me, and I had spent nearly every day of my childhood gallivanting around the property. I can only imagine how outsiders feel the first time they dare to mosey onto the ranch. Now, all this isn’t to say that I wasn’t looking forward to returning to Yellowstone, I undoubtedly was, but being there at the (somewhat) wisened age of twenty-seven felt significantly riskier than it had at the naive age of seventeen. The Yellowstone was trouble, and I had spent the last ten years of my life trying to stay out of it. Putting myself right back into its clutches went against every instinct I have.
Still, I was excited to see the people I had come to know as family. When my daddy died when I was only twelve, Mr. John treated me like one of his own, and when my momma remarried a man who was known for his fiery temper and love of the drink, he took me in as his own. My daddy and Mr. John had been best friends, so truly I think he felt as though it was his duty to care for me, but I like to believe he loved me all the same. And I loved him back. He taught me everything I could ever need to know - plus some. Helped put me through college. Even supported me when I wanted to take on the pageant circuit - although I don’t believe he minded the extra bit of shine my winning of Rodeo Queen added to his reputation. Hell, I even loved his ragtag group of kids, Jamie included if you can believe it. They were my family, and I wouldn’t have traded them for the world. Except I did, because Yellowstone was trouble, and I couldn’t let myself get caught up in that. And neither could Mr. John.
Sneaking up on Rip was somewhat of a talent I had cultivated over my long years spent on the ranch. I’m proud to say that I’m still the only son of a bitch who can do it. And that’s why I park my truck a good half mile down the road from the corrals. There’s a small hill in the dirt drive that obscures the shoulder of the road as you approach the house, one that Kayce and I used to hide away in, smoking or drinking, trying to stay out of trouble while getting into it. I park my truck on that hidden shoulder, closing my door as quietly as I can before approaching the road. As I walk, I stick as close to the fence line as possible, relying on the looming fence posts to provide me with cover. I know that if I can make it past the corrals unseen and circle around the back of the barn I’ll have Rip jumping a foot in the air before he can even catch a whiff of me. Lucky for me he’s locked in on what I can only describe as clownery, supervising some gangly kid as he works to stay on a bronco. Taking my golden opportunity, I creep through the barn, hushing whinnying mares as I go, before sidling right up to Rip’s left side.
“Now that kid has got balls of steel,” I comment, hands splayed across my hips, head nodding in appreciation.
I wish I had the words to appropriately describe Rip’s reaction. With a little hop and shout, Rip whirls on me, hand splayed across his chest, breath thundering in shock. “Jesus, what in the fuck do you think-” And that’s when he realizes who exactly he’s about to chew out. His eyes go wide and a grin starts to stretch across his weathered face. “Well as I live and breathe, if it isn’t sweet Caroline herself, gracing us with her beauty.” He takes a step towards me. “Come ere ya little menace!”
Before I know it I’m wrapped up in the warmest, most comforting bear hug on earth. If Mr. John had been like a father to me, then Rip had been like a big brother. My protector and confidant - and the target of my and Kayce’s many pranks.
“Where have ya been?” He jostles me around. “Haven’t heard from you in over a year, and haven’t seen you in well over that. Too busy for us old cowpokes?”
I hold onto his hands, squeezing them. “Well I haven’t been ignoring ya’ll on purpose, I’ve just been a bit busy. I -” And that’s when Mr. John comes ambling down the lodge steps, casual and collected as ever.
“She’s been in Oklahoma, working PR for the rodeo circuit. And based on what I hear, she’s pretty damn good at it.” Before I know it I’m embraced in a fierce hug, and if I didn’t know better I’d say I heard Mr. John sniffle. “It’s good to see you, honey. Welcome home.”
Rip looks between myself and Mr. John, confused. “You mean Caroline’s back working the ranch? We ain’t got any beds left in the bunkhouse.” At this, he turns to me, “Not that I’d expect you to sleep there but I know how stubborn you can be about doing what’s right.”
Mr. John cuts him off. “No.” He responds gruffly. “She’s not here as a ranch hand, she’s here as my PR specialist.” Casting Rip a pointed look, he murmurs, “Ya know with all the problems we’ve encountered lately I thought we should call in an expert to help with damage control, and who better than family.”
Rip nods gravely, a closed expression covering his face that I don’t particularly like the looks of. “Well if that’s what she’s here for then I’ll leave you two to talk privately. I’ve got wranglers to wrangle and supper to check on.” He turns to walk away, but pauses, angling his body towards me. “If you need me, Caroline, for anything, don’t hesitate to shout.”
He looks so serious, so grim, I feel the small, unsure age of eleven all over again. “Ok.” I nod, my voice coming out thin and reedy. “I will.”
“I mean it.” He’s firm. “Anything.”
“I know Rip.”
With that, he gives a final tip of his head to Mr. John and I, stalking off to holler at the gangly kid - Jimmy.
“What was that all about?” I turn to Mr. John, big-eyed and pale.
Looking resigned he says, “You know Rip, he’s just protective of you is all, and he knows I’m about to ask a lot of you, get you involved in stuff we normally would try to keep you out of.” He shakes his head, knocks one of his boots against the other. “But you’re my last resort honey, you have to know that. I wouldn’t drag you into trouble if I thought I could help it. Honest.” His voice is so sincere, soft in a way it rarely is. I would have believed him anyways, but now there’s no doubt in my mind. I have to do right by Yellowstone, by the Dutton family, by my family. I have to stay, wade through the trouble, and bring everyone out on the other side.
“Tell me everything I need to know.” It comes out harder than I expected, harder than I’ve ever heard my own voice. It makes Mr. John look up. His features turn steely, matching mine. We’re in this together now.
“Walk with me, let me show you where you’ll be lodging. I’ll fill you in.”
Ten years of keeping clear of trouble down the drain, but I owed Mr. John, owed Yellowstone, a debt, and I wasn’t about to not repay it.
To say that what Mr. John had shared with me was shocking would be an understatement. Land and cattle disputes I had expected, helping Jamie and Beth campaign - sure, I figured (well maybe not Beth), but murder? Can’t say that was anywhere on my radar, or anywhere in my wheelhouse. If I’m being honest with God and myself, if it weren’t for my love for Mr. John and the Dutton family, I would’ve turned the job down. Any PR specialist with a brain would because what the Duttons needed was a criminal defense lawyer, not some cowgirl who’s good at turning nasty scandals into marketable flattery. But I do love the Duttons, and I love Yellowstone, so from the looks of it, if this ship goes down, I’m going with it.
Mr. John must think it wise to give me time to mull over the absolute bomb he’s just dropped on me, because after he breaks the news and confirms that I’m still willing to stick around, he goes silent, his face settling into a contemplative furrow, the same as mine. It isn’t until the foreman’s house comes into view that I break the silence, slightly bewildered.
“We making a pit stop or something?” I gesture to the house in the distance, halting my gait.
Mr. John breezes past me, only turning his head back to answer my seemingly stupid question. “No darling, I’m showing you to your lodging, like I said I would.” Darling is reserved for when I’m being a moron, honey as a term of endearment, and cowgirl for when I’m about to get what’s coming to me. I’ve not even been back an hour and I’ve managed to collect two of the three, and I’m not too keen on collecting the third.
I wait until he looks away before rolling my eyes. That would’ve earned me a ‘cowgirl’ for sure. “Well, who died and made me foreman because I sure as hell don’t have the beard or buckle to pull it off.” I hustle to catch back up with him, bumping his shoulder against my own, knowing I’m toeing the line between a chuckle and a swat. Thankfully I’m gifted with the chuckle.
“You know I keep waiting for your beard to come in, but I remain disappointed.” He shoots me a wink. “But no, I don’t want you as my foreman as much as you don’t want to be my foreman. No worries there.” He side-eyes me. “Kayce’s taken over from Rip, so this is his place now. I just thought you’d want to be out here with your partner in crime rather than cooped up in the lodge with an old fart like me.” I know he’s aiming for casual as he explains my living situation to me, but if my many years spent living at Yellowstone had taught me anything, it was how to read John Dutton. And right now, I can tell he’s up to no good - more so than usual.
“Right, because living in that big snazzy house would be so terrible. I think you’re just trying to keep me and Beth apart. Too scared to live under the same roof with us both. Can’t say I blame you.” And while I really wouldn’t blame him for not wanting to live with me and Beth - if she’s a terror alone, with me she’s a terror and a half - I have a sneaking suspicion Beth and I’s potential reign of terror isn’t the true cause of his decision. But I sure as hell can’t let him know I’m onto him.
He chuckles again, in an almost relieved sort of way. “You’ve got me there. I’d rather keep my sanity, thank you kindly. So no, I quite frankly don’t want to live with you and Beth at the same time. And truly, I just thought you’d be more comfortable out here.” He sighs. “You’ll be wrapped up in our mess during all your waking hours, I don’t want to take away the little bit of peace you’ll get during your sleeping ones too.”
I frown. “Mr. John, I-” I begin to protest.
“No, I don’t want to hear it. You’re in the foreman’s and that’s final.” Mr. John’s swinging the door open now, and the house is everything I thought it would be growing up.
High ceilings reveal exposed wood, and the humble home is lined with windows, letting in ample natural light. In a way I feel like I haven’t left the outdoors at all, the house is simply an extension of the forest that looms behind it. As kids, one of the few places Kayce and I weren’t allowed to wreak havoc was the foreman’s house. Mr. John always berated us whenever we’d beg to go inside, saying, “A hard-working man deserves some privacy, some peace and quiet. You better leave him and his home well enough alone or I’ll skin both of your hides.” For once we listened, neither of us too keen on getting our butts busted.
“Plus, I imagine Kayce will be mighty happy to learn he’s got his best friend back. It always was ya’ll’s dream to set up camp in here. Now you get to live it.” His statement breaks me out of my reverie.
“I’m sorry, you ‘imagine’ Kayce will be happy? He doesn’t know I’m here?” And so the other shoe drops. Mr. John always did hold out hope that Kayce and I would end up together. Said we’d be a power couple. Combine my business sense and charming small talk with Kayce’s grit and knowledge of the ranch and we’d be unstoppable. Let’s just say he was never too shy about his meddling. And while I did have a small crush on Kayce growing up, and I’d like to think he had one on me too, we were always both too awkward to entertain anything other than a close friendship. Naturally, we experimented the way kids do, having had a drunk kiss or two and having done our fair share of skinny dipping, but by the time we were in our late teens all romantic feelings had fizzled. That doesn’t mean we weren’t closer than we’d ever been though, thicker than thieves and troublemakers to boot. We practically lived in each others’ pockets. You wouldn’t find one of us without the other. I was crazy about Kayce and he adored me, but it was never anything other than platonic.
“Mr. John, I can’t live here if Kayce doesn’t know about it. You said so yourself, the foreman’s house is his getaway, a place for peace and quiet. I’m not taking that from him.” Hands planted firmly on my hips and lips pursed, I shake my head adamantly. “I’ll find myself a place in town or-”
“Caroline, no, you’re staying-”
“Or I’ll see if my cousin Amy has a spare room, we were always close and-”
“Caroline.” His voice is firm, if not a little irritated. “I said no. Kayce needs you here, you hear me? You’re staying here and that’s final.” This last part is spoken a bit softer, but firmly all the same.
Now Mr. John might not be my real daddy, but I’ve spent my whole life obeying him all the same, and this time is no different, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to plead my case. “Mr. John, I’ve missed Kayce too and I know he’s going through a lot right now, but he doesn’t need me.” I sigh. “And I couldn’t possibly put out his family. I mean, this place is small enough as it is. And Tate’s what, nearing eight now? He needs room to play and run around, I’ll only be taking up already limited space.” Giving a half-hearted shrug, I turn to head back toward the door, but Mr. John’s heavy sigh has me doubling back.
“Caroline honey, I wasn’t going to tell you this because I don’t feel like it’s my place, but when I say Kayce needs you I mean it. He and Monica split a few weeks ago, and with everything else going on he’s in real bad-”
Back turned to the door, I hear Kayce before I see him. “Dad, for the last time I’m not interested in meeting who you’ve got running for AG, so if you could kindly show her out I’d greatly-”
I know I said Kayce and I had never been anything other than platonic, but you’d have to be blind not to see what a looker the boy is. God damn is he beautiful. I mean he always has been, but the years have been more than kind to him. Seeing him now damn near takes my breath away. The last time I laid eyes on Kayce he had just returned from the navy, eyes weary and hair cropped close. He had looked exhausted, almost dead in the eyes. Now though, he looks like a field set ablaze by the setting sun, all bright and aglow with something unnameable. Almost dangerous in his beauty. He must get over seeing me for the first time in five years before I get over seeing him because before it feels like I can even blink he’s across the room and I’m a foot off the ground, wrapped tight in his arms. I never knew I was missing part of myself until this very moment, with Kayce’s face pressed into the crook of my neck and my hand fisted in his hair. I swear I feel more settled in myself than I have in years, like I’m sinking into my bed after a long day, or eating a warm meal after I’ve spent all day working out in the cold.
“Caroline.” It’s a soft whisper in my ear. It almost sounds reverent, like a prayer.
“Kayce,” I murmur back, something private only he can hear.
I suppose he remembers we aren’t alone because before I know it my feet are planted firmly on the ground once more and I’m no longer wrapped in his embrace. Instead, he lets one gentle hand linger on the small of my back, almost hesitant and unnatural in its hovering. Grinning, he turns to Mr. John. “Dad what is-” his gaze shifts to find mine. “Caroline, what are you doing here?”
My lips part preparing to answer, but no sound comes out, just a whisper of an inhale followed by a beaming smile. I think it’s important to say once again that my feelings for Kayce are strictly platonic, but my God if a woman can’t get lost in his whiskey-brown eyes.
I’m broken out of my trance by an awkward cough. Both Kayce and I turn to face Mr. John, who looks a bit too pleased for my liking. Smiling wryly he drawls, “Well I think I’ll leave you two to catch up. Caroline, I’ll have one of the boys bring your truck up. No sense in you hauling yourself all around sundry.” Making his way outside, he pauses on the porch. “I expect to see both of ya’ll at supper. Don’t be late.” He saunters down the porch and down the path, not looking back when he hollers, “And Kayce, wash up! You smell like shit.”
“So, you’re here to clean up the fucking mess I made then.” Kayce looks the most dejected I’ve seen him in years. Like a puppy dog that’s been kicked and put out in the cold. “Dad dragged you back to this godforsaken place because of me.” His fists shake where they’re clenched atop his knees. He tosses his hat onto the coffee table and rakes his hands through his sweat-dampened hair. “You know, I was so relieved when you got out of here. I was so scared this place would ruin everything good about you, set you up in flames like it does everything else.” His calloused hand clasps mine. “Why would you come back here? After everything that happened, after-” He takes a moment to collect himself, teeth gritted together, shoulders tensed. “After what Caleb- after what he did-”
“Kayce don’t.” I know what he’s trying to get at, and I won’t have it talked about. Not on my first day back. When I said I loved Yellowstone, that I was happy to be back, I meant it. But there are memories that this place carries that I’d rather forget, and I’m not about to let my reunion with my best friend turn sinister over one of those memories - over the mention of some asshole cowboy that belongs to the past. I want that memory to die with him. Placing a comforting hand on his back, I try to console him. “I’m a big girl. Believe it or not, I’ve grown into my britches and I know what I can handle. Plus,” I give his back a hard pat, “you really think I would let this place ruin me? I’d like to see it try.”
“Caroline..” He shakes his head, eyes glassy. “You-”
I cut him off with a quick rap of my knuckles against the coffee table, rising off the couch with an air of finality. “As for why I came back, well that’s simple. I love you Kace.” I lick my chapped lips, find a spot on the wall to focus on. “And I’m- I’m never going to abandon you when you need me.” I extend my pinky in the form of a promise, a relic left over from our childhood. “Come hell or high water remember?”
He straightens up, gaze ungluing itself from the floor only to meet mine. Kayce was always taller than me, but I don’t remember having to crane my neck up to meet his eyes the way I do now. His pinky wrapping around mine is a distant sensation in the back of my mind. “Come hell or high water.” He steps back, scratching his temple awkwardly. From a man to a boy with one simple gesture. “Uh, there’s only one bathroom so we’ll have to take turns. I don’t know if you need to shower, but you can go first, everything you need is in there, but I mean- you probably brought your own stuff so never mind.” He mutters below his breath, “God Kace,” and picks invisible lint off his shirt.
I laugh, bright and airy. Growing up Kayce was known for his ruthless pranks, and when I wasn’t his accomplice I was his primary victim. So to miss such a golden and rare opportunity to make fun of him would be a crime, his emotional turmoil aside. “No need to take turns bud, I don’t need to shower. Just got to freshen up a bit, throw on some makeup, brush my hair.” I start a slow saunter down the hall, sporting a feline grin. Kayce follows close behind- my shadow. Turning to walk backward, I poke him sharp in the chest. “How about you, Manure Man, hop in the shower while I do my makeup. We can keep each other company, catch up on each other's lives.” My back hits what I assume to be the bathroom door. I sigh. “After all, we don’t want to keep your daddy waiting. I for one don’t want a smack upside the head and I reckon you don’t either.” Angling my body so it faces the door, I reach for the nob and look at Kayce imploringly, my eyebrows raised, daring him to chicken out.
He suppresses a grin, tongue poking at his cheek. “Now you know that’s not exactly proper and I know that you’re trying to embarrass me, so you can go ahead and drop the act Miss Caroline.” Calling me on my shit, he leans into the door frame, his arms boxing me in on both sides.
Of course he knows I’m trying to embarrass him, anybody with eyes could see that. What he hasn’t caught onto is that I’m appealing to his competitive nature. If I keep poking at him long enough, there’s no way he won’t cave. If I know Kayce, he’ll take being excruciatingly embarrassed over losing against me any day. “Not proper? Sweetheart, I’ve seen you in your birthday suit more times than I care to think about, I don’t think standing in the same room as you while you shower will be the thing that sends me to hell.” I duck under his arm, grab my makeup bag from where I’d left it in the living room, and duck back under, swinging the bathroom door open as I go. Throwing my hair into a ponytail, I lock eyes with him in the mirror. His skin is flushed pink all the way down to his chest and he gnaws at his lip. Like I said, from a man to a boy with one small gesture. “Unless you’re too much of a chicken.” I shrug. “Then I guess we can take turns.” I aim for nonchalant, fingers crossed that he’s not catching on to my instigating.
Kayce’s eyes immediately narrow. Good, he’s taken the bait. “I know you’re not calling me a chicken.” His arms drop and he closes the door behind him.
Snickering, I breathe, “I’d only call you a chicken if you were acting like one, so tell me Kayce - are you being a chicken?”
He turns the shower on in lieu of an answer, eyes never leaving mine in the mirror. “I wouldn’t even know what a chicken acts like Caroline, having never been one, so no I don’t reckon I am.” At this, he flings his shirt off, and I hear his belt buckle clink shortly after, and then a thud as his pants hit the floor. The only thing that remains are his underwear and I hold his gaze steady, daring him to lose our little game. I can’t hear his underwear hit the floor, but I see the hunch his shoulders form as he bends to take them off. When he stands back up straight, he must see the devious gleam in my eye because he drawls out a suspicious, “What?”
“Nothing.” I shake my head, pressing my lips together. I fiddle with the hem of my blouse. It’s a frilly white thing with thin straps and a gathered waist. One of my favorites truly. Too pretty to risk getting makeup on. I pull the shirt gingerly over my head, not worried about appearing sexy, knowing my plain bra isn’t much to look at. I begin to sort out my makeup, lining products up along the counter. “I was just thinking about how I don’t want to get makeup on my blouse. That’s all.”
The rustle of the shower curtain opening and closing is Kayce’s only reply. Check and mate Dutton.
Despite my reasoning for us sharing, Kayce and I don’t catch up with each other in the bathroom, in fact, he doesn’t speak a word to me until I’ve completed my makeup and he’s finished his shower.
Brushing my hair slowly and methodically, lost in my own thoughts, I almost miss the sound of the shower turning off and the rasp of the curtain as Kayce steps out. He’s wrapped in a comically large towel, but his hair still drips steadily onto the bathmat, saturated with water. The embarrassment has leached from his face and his downtrodden expression from earlier has returned. “So dad told you about me and Monica?” He perches on the closed toilet, sagging into himself, sniffs. “Old bastard.”
“What makes you think that?” Laying my hairbrush down, I turn to prop my hip against the counter and cross my arms, face as neutral as I can make it.
Kayce looks at me from under long, damp lashes, his jaw set. “Caroline, we’ve pushed a boundary or two in our decades of friendship, but I know that if you thought for one second that you’d be stepping on any toes or be disrespecting my marriage in any way, you wouldn’t have started whatever all of this,” he gestures around the bathroom, “little game was. So what did he tell you?” His hands are shaking again, but rather than clenched shut, this time they lay open, palms up, almost pleading.
“Kayce.” I kneel down, encasing one of his weathered hands with both of mine. “All he told me was that you and Monica had split not too long ago, nothing more. And he didn’t even really want to tell me that, I kind of forced his hand. I promise you.” I stand back up and ruffle his still-damp hair, trying to bring some levity back to the situation. “Although I really don’t understand all the secrecy bud, you had to hear all about my messy divorce- and over facetime of all ways. I’m not- I would never judge you Kace.”
Rising to his full height, Kayce fidgets with one of my belt loops. “I know you’d never judge me, Caroline, it’s not your judgment I’m worried about.”
“Then what are you worried about,” I murmur.
He grabs ahold of the belt loops on either side of my hips. “I just-” he shakes me, “I’m tired of people treating me like some wounded animal or-or like some bomb just waiting to go off. You’re the one person who-,” he licks his lips, “you’re my person. Please don’t do that to me.”
“Oh Kayce, you really think-,” I laugh, “I just gave you shit in the most ridiculous way, knowing well and good you’ve been put through the wringer, and you think I would treat you like some wounded thing.” I bend down to retrieve my shirt, toss it onto the counter behind me. “I realize I have a bad habit of babying you, and I don’t plan to stop any time soon, but if you think for one second that I won’t give you hell any and every time you need it, well then you’re mistaken sweetheart.” Propping his hands on his hips, Kayce looks down, kicks his bare foot against my booted one.
“Now, nobody said anything about me wanting you to stop babying me.” He grins shyly at me. “Every good cowboy needs a pretty lady to soften him up a bit, ya know.”
I feel my breath hitch as his fingers wrap loosely around mine, I’m suddenly hyper-aware of the damp towel that seems to slide lower down his hips by the second. Have I mentioned how beautiful this man is? Have time and space away from him turned my brain into scrambled eggs? Why in the hell do I feel a flush creeping down my neck? Dear God, and I have to live with this man.
I smack his chest, like any sane woman who suddenly finds herself attracted to her best friend would do, and try to hide my nerves behind a too-loud laugh. “Well as long as you don’t expect this pretty lady to harden you up too, I think I can manage that.” Slipping my hand out of his hold, I grab my blouse and make to leave, but not before I catch sight of the scarlet blush that paints his face and ears. One foot in the hallway, I call back, “Now hurry up and get dressed cowboy, wouldn’t want to keep daddy waiting.” Closing the door all I hear is a muttered, “Jesus,” in response.
I wait out on the porch while Kayce gets ready, slouched down on one of the steps, elbows resting on my knees. The absolute quiet that surrounds me, save for the chirp of a bird or the rustle of leaves as the breeze blows, feels like a balm on my soul. I’d forgotten what it was like to feel this way. Content, at peace, like the whole world could be falling down around me but I’d still be alright, because this place, this land, will cradle me, protect me, like a momma does for her baby. I spent so long, years of my young life, running from one thing or another. Running into the arms of the wrong people, the wrong places. Yellowstone wasn’t the only place I found trouble, and while I was able to make a name for myself, to come out on top, the years I spent fighting for myself, fighting myself, have taken a toll on me. Never really thought the ranch would be my respite, but fighting for the Duttons feels like a goddamn breath of fresh air compared to what I’ve had to claw my way through in the last decade. This is my home, trouble or not.
The door creaks open, then shut, and I crane my head back to greet Kayce. “Took ya long enough, beauty queen.”
Unphased Kayce shoves his hands into his pockets. “Your face looks goofy upside down. And I can see into your nose.” He swaggers past me, down the steps, and onto the path. “Might want to invest in a nose trimmer.. beauty queen.” Fantastic. We’re back in familiar territory. No more warm damp skin, or slouchy towels, and thank god no more tugging at my belt loops or crowding me against the counter.. abs on display, broad shoulders at eye level… Yeah no, childish insults are great! Much more comfortable, way less confusing. I’m more than happy to engage in some lighthearted bullying with my completely platonic, non-romantic, best friend.
I must take too long to respond because Kayce doubles back, coming to stand at the base of the stairs below my feet. Looking at me funny, eyebrows scrunched and lips upturned, he asks, “You good? Wasn’t even that good of a burn to be honest. You’ve taken worse.” Actual concern begins to creep into his features, so before he can get himself worked up into a spiral of guilt I hop up from the stairs, dust off my backside, and punch him square in the gut.
“Oh don’t you worry ‘bout me, I’m fine. I was actually just thinking that I probably should buy a trimmer, keep things ship shape. And you know,” I glance back at him deviously, “now that we’re living together, there’s bound to be quite a few spa nights in your future. I could use it on you as well, really get my money’s worth.” As he falls in step with me, I expect him to protest immediately. When we were kids, I asked to pretty him up practically every day, told him I did boy activities with him so it was only fair he did girly things with me. In all our years of friendship he only caved once, the night I got my first period, told me I shouldn’t have to become a woman alone. He let me put a full face of makeup on him, paint his nails, and even braid his hair. No complaints, no making fun, just supported me in the only way he knew how.
So he surprises me when he inquires, “What exactly would a spa night include? Like what are we talking here? Fancy robes, overpriced lotion, cucumbers on our eyes?” His face is entirely serious, sincere in its curiosity. Man, it's easy to forget how much growing up changes a person.. how much marriage changes a person.
I stutter. “I- I mean, it can really include whatever you want it to? I normally take a bubble bath, shave my whole body- not that you’d want to do that, and then I go ham with some lotion, put on a face mask and hair mask, maybe whiten my teeth or trim my nails. Just depends.” I shrug. Kayce and I have talked about everything under the sun, but I never thought in a million years we’d be discussing my self-care routine.
He looks at me, eyebrows furrowed, contemplating. He kicks at the dirt a bit, tips his head to either side and then with an unexpected air of finality says, “Okay. I think I’d like to try all of that. I’ve never done masks or whitened my teeth before.” He stops, looking suddenly reluctant. “Wait, none of this hurts right? Like it’s relaxing?”
I place my hand on his back, half to prompt him to keep walking, half to comfort him. An easy laugh escapes me. “No, none of it hurts. And it is very relaxing, especially when you have a good bottle of wine on hand.” I wink, trying still to reassure him.
Worries assuaged, he winks back. “Well if there’s good wine involved, I’m in. Do you have the stuff with you already? Could we do it tonight?”
This time I stop in my tracks. If I was shocked before, now I’m flabbergasted. “You really want to do all that tonight?” He starts to look self-conscious so I clarify myself. “I mean, I’m more than happy to host a spa night, don’t get me wrong, but I just figured you’d need to warm up to the idea.”
Kayce walks a half step in front of me, avoids making eye contact. “In all honesty, tomorrow’s going to be a rough day. I don’t know if dad told you, but we’ve got to negotiate with the rez, the governor, and the sheriff tomorrow. Try to find some way to sweep everything under the rug, not let my fuck-ups tarnish the ranch’s reputation.” He removes his hat, runs his hand haphazardly through his hair. I know he asked me not to treat him like some wounded thing, and I won’t, but boy does he look it. “So, yeah, I just need something to take my mind off of the impending shitstorm I’m about to deal with. And I know you’re dying to gussy me up.” He flashes me a smile. “And if you’re happy, I’m happy, so a spa night it is.”
I sigh, feeling out of my depth. In all our years of friendship, I so rarely had to be the strong one. That was always Kayce. And while I’ve certainly toughened up in the time we’ve spent apart, I still feel so unprepared to tackle all of this. I’m scared I’ll say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, misstep in an unfixable way. More than anything, I’m scared I’ll let Kayce down. “Your uh- Mr. John did tell me all that actually, but I hadn’t thought about how emotionally draining it’ll be. A spa night sounds good Kace. And we can even put on a horror movie, even it out.” I shrug, still feeling out of my depth.
Kayce doesn’t reply, but he does show me the barest hint of a smile, just the slight upturn of the corners of his lips. His smile says, “we’ll make it through this, we have to.”
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jtargaryen18 · 9 months
Jamie's Halloween Challenge 2023
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It's almost time for Halloween and no one throws a Halloween party like Tony Stark. No expense is spared and anyone who is anyone makes an appearance at the Avengers compound for the event. Tony also loves surprises, and he has plenty for the guests at this year’s event.
You (or your OC) is there as an invited guest or maybe you work for Stark Industries. Your choice. Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to write a sizzling Halloween story. It can be dark, scary, or just really sexy, but the goal is a smutty good Halloween read.
CHARACTERS: Reader insert or OC (your choice) x any of the established Avengers, their foes, or other important characters in the MCU. You can also select a character played by an MCU actor (i.e. Bucky Barnes or Nick Fowler, Charles Blackwood, etc.) Multiple partners are allowed. LGBTQ+ stories are welcome here.
PROMPTS: You must pick one and submit it with your character choices.
The Mysterious Neighbor: Your neighbor's house always seemed normal until Halloween night. You notice something strange and decide to investigate.
A Night in the Haunted House: I don’t know why you’re there when you’re supposed to be at the party. You tell me.
The Unusual Pumpkin Patch: One pumpkin in the local patch grows faster and looks different from the others. You take it home.
The Halloween Costume Comes to Life: Remember that episode of Buffy? You rented a costume and when you put it on, that’s who you are as long as you are wearing it.
Halloween Candy: Tony only buys the good stuff when it comes to Halloween candy. But be careful. There’s a reason there are no kids at this party. Some of the candies are a pretty potent aphrodisiac.
The Unexpected Visitor: On Halloween night, an unexpected visitor knocks at your door. It's not a trick-or-treater but something else.
The Disappearing Act: A drink at Tony’s party turns you (or your significant other) invisible for Halloween night. What do you do?
7 Minutes in… Where?: You know the game. Only when you and your significant other are locked in the closet for 7 minutes, you’re transported somewhere else.
The Frightening Feast: Tony has quite a spread at the party. Be careful. Each dish has magical properties.
The Portal in the Pumpkin: You carve one of the pumpkins Tony ordered, but this one turns out to be a portal to somewhere else...
You must be 18 to write for this challenge and it must be legal to participate where you are.
While a smutty good story is the goal, no incest, underage characters, bestiality, or toilet kinks.
Dark stories are welcome. Bonus points if they’re scary.
Stories can be reader insert (preferable) but can be OC.
At some point in the story, your characters must attend Tony’s party, be planning to go to the party, or just come from the party. Bonus points if Tony makes an appearance, even if it’s brief.
You must send me an ask with your characters of choice and the prompt of your choice. `(Example: Steve Rogers x Reader and Halloween Candy)
Minimum word count is 1k words. The max length is up to you.
For this challenge, the fic must be brand new. No tie-ins to existing fics or series. No recycled stories.
Please add a “keep reading” function after 300 words and apply all needed warnings and labels to your fic.
You don’t have to follow me, just tag me in your posts and use the Hashtag #JamiesHalloween2023. If I don’t reblog your story within 3 days, please DM me.
DEADLINE: October 31, 2023
I haven't done one of these in a while and I don't know if anyone will want to participate so no limits on characters or prompts. Each story will be amazing.
Thank you!
The Closet of Desire by @nicoline1998enilocin
Bad Moon Rising by @spectre-posts
Toys 'R' Us by @americasass81
Seven Minutes Pt 1 & Pt 2 by @anika-ann
The Past Always Catches Up by @holylulusworld
Something Else by @nekoannie-chan
Spiked Candy by @nicoline1998enilocin
Embracing the Darkness by @americasass81
The Mysterious House on Easton Avenue by @talesofadragon
Circles by @the-soulofdevil
Taste Me on Your Tongue by @autumnrose40
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dearstvckyx · 3 months
Master List + Who I Write For or Will Write For ⊹₊ ⋆
Bucky Barnes
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Hughes Brothers
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Matt Rempe
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Luke Hughes
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Jack Hughes
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Quinn Hughes
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Nico Hischier
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Mitch Marner
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Trevor Zegras
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Jamie Drysdale
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Cole Caufield
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F1 Drivers
Charles Leclerc
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George Russell
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Lando Norris
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Oscar Piastri
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Singer Hughes (Instagram Au)
You Wear Their Jersey For The First Time (head canon/nhl)
Your Instagram Posts with/of NHL Players
Dreaming of A Place That’s 3000 miles away (OC!Nevaeh x UMICH Hockey)
nhl texts
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house0f3 · 5 months
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Jamie Barnes & Virgil Hawkins high ♡ voltage @marvelmyriad & @house0f3
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-℘ɛŋŋɛɖ ცყ ƙɛɬ 𓎢 𓅃 𓏏 𓆑 𓄿
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nonplatonicsubtext · 9 months
Estate of the Bay Part 1: Johnny Law
(If you haven't read about @shakertwelve's Estate AU, go check out their victor lavere tag, or this won't make much sense)
Thought we'd put together a quick breakdown of the state of Brockton as of story start, beginning with the heroes. Names in italics are changed from canon
Protectorate Heroes:
Armsmaster (Colin Wallis)
Miss Militia (Hana)
Velocity (Robin Swoyer)
Dauntless (Shawn)
Battery (“Jamie”)
Assault (Ethan)
Redeye (Crystal Pelham)
Clockblocker (Dennis)
Aegis (Isabela)
Scribble (Rune)
Vista (Missy Biron)
Kid Win (Chris)
Browbeat (Browbeat)
The Brockton Bay Protectorate core members are mostly unchanged, due to the point of divergence only being about ten years prior. The main differences are the absence of Triumph, who died in a horrible nepotism accident due to a lack of Panacea around for healing, and the addition of Redeye, who graduated from the Wards closer to a year before story start and rebranded from her Laserdream identity, severing the last tie between her and the Brigade, at least in the eyes of the public.
The Wards are a different story. Gallant was put permanently out of action in a horrible fucking rich boy accident, which was what precipitated Crystal being transferred in. Beyond that, Aegis is transgender but that doesn’t really come up except in the Wards interlude pre-Leviathan.
The biggest change to the Wards is the absence of Shadow Stalker - in her place is Scribble, aka Tammi. This is very much the same Rune as in canon, to be clear - no whitewashing here. She just got snapped up by the PRT while doing Plausible Deniability “Vigilantism” kind of like what Purity does and got press-ganged into the Wards. She’s not mask-off all the way about the white supremacy… at least not yet.
More importantly, she takes over Sophia’s Other role in the plot too - the Trio now consists of Emma Barnes, Madison Clements, and Tammi Surname. Always Sunny font Emma Barnes Goes Alt-Right.
Outlaw Inlaws
The Arrows
Spitfire (Emily)
Morrigan (Sophia Hess)
Apsis (Whirligig)
Replacing New Wave as the independent heroes (or ‘heroes’ depending on who you ask) are the Arrows, a recently formed vigilante antifascist group. Spitfire, the leader, has a bit more steel up her spine than in canon (though she still struggles), Sophia’s still an angry loose cannon but just not. you know. in a racist way. She's got a lot of very good reasons to be angry. Whirligig in canon is just a power and a faction so she’s basically an OC - she’s slightly older than the other two, an even mix of the level head and the slacker. Doesn’t seem to quite fit with the vibes of the group.
For the most part, they’re concerned with not bringing the wrath of the Protectorate down on themselves - like in real life, killing Nazis tends to get more of a response than Nazis killing people does. A lot of what they do is lurk nearby during civilian antifascist action, ready to head off the Nazi capes if they try and intercept for their own side. A few months before story start, they killed Alabaster - more specifically, Sophia did, and while it hasnt been conclusively linked to them at story start, they’re keeping their heads down, to Sophia’s chagrin. 
They're still semi-associated with Palanquin, despite Spitfire not being a part of that group - they did approach her, and now they communicate sometimes, as the club with Case 53s is a pretty frequent target for neonazis and other shitheads.
Charlotte knows them by chance encounter, after Sophia saved her from a few skinheads.
Rogue One
Parian is still Parian. She’s aware of the Arrows, but disapproves of their use of violence, cause she’s a bit of a lib. 
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annepsilvaauthor · 4 months
You Belong With Me - Jamie Dutton
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Pairing: Jamie Dutton x OC (Ava North)
Summary: Ava only wanted one thing: to be a horse tamer. And when she had the chance, she took it. Ava became the new horse tamer of Yellowstone, a totally different ranch from the others she met, either because of its immensity or because of family problems. Ava thought her problems were big, but when she met the Dutton family that thought dies. However, there is a Dutton who is a point out of the curve, a lawyer mistreated by the problems and by his own family. Meeting Jamie Dutton may not have been the work of chance, after all one broken understands the other.
Warnings: Subtle sexual innuendos, brief language, alcohol consumption, angst, smut, fluffy.
Parte II
Bosses are called 'sir'
In the days that followed, Ava tried to do her best at work, but it was difficult not to notice the cowboys' looks on her. At least, she seemed to have earned their respect and they just looked at her with curiosity, perhaps thinking the same as Lloyd. She just ignored all this and tried to fit in with them, getting into their games and playing poker games.
A specific look did not seem to have changed: Lee Dutton, son and foreman of John Dutton. He was the oldest son and to whom Ava realized that John gave more confidence and love. John's look at Lee was completely different from looking at Jamie. Ava admitted that Lee was an attractive man, who knew how to govern the cowboys well and take care of the pasture, but did not look like a landowner. He loved to take care of the land but not command it.
Sometimes, when returning from the expeditions with the cattle, Lee invited her to talk about the work, but deep down she knew he wanted to know more about her. Ava wouldn't reveal anything. Since she was little she recognized the value of discretion and silence, in addition, Ava did not feel attracted to him enough to tell him about her suffering life. However, the silence did not seem to bother Lee, since he always found an opportunity to talk to her. Ava even liked these moments, after all he was an eye drop and was still one of the only cowboys in which the subject did not revolve around football or cattle.
Lee was a nice guy. So cool that she allowed him to kiss her. It happened behind the barn after she fixed the horses inside the stables. It was still day and he surprised her with a stolen kiss. To her surprise, his kiss was soft, sweet, completely different from what she expected from a cowboy. A point outside the curve. Ava enjoyed that kiss until they both lost their breath.
A throat scratch prevented Lee from saying anything about that gesture and they both turned their heads to the left, where Jamie was. Unlike the other times she had seen him, he wore slippers, wide sweatpants and a white blouse transparent enough for her to notice some chest muscles and hair. His hair was not licked with gel, it looked natural, as if he had just woken up and just ran his fingers to comb them, which she found very difficult to have happened. Jamie seemed to give a lot of importance to his appearance.
For a moment her whole body burned. He was...different, he almost looked like an ordinary person. Lee moved far enough from her with a heavy and angry sigh and looked at his brother.
"Dad wants to see you at home." Jamie announced and took a sip of his coffee in a big blue cup.
"I'll go in a little while."
"It's better to go now. You know that dad hates waiting."
Ava could feel the tension in Lee's body even from afar and was sure of his anger when he left stepping firmly on the sand floor until he disappeared from sight. As she did not want to be among the affairs of the family, Ava recomposed herself and began to walk away from there, but his voice appeared again.
"Who are you?"
"How long have you been working here, Ava?"
"A month." She tried to respond as politely as possible, but his incisive tone was making her angry.
"I think you had enough time to know that the bosses are called 'sr'."
"Yes, I had."
"So why do you talk to me as if I were one of you?" Jamie asked about that nonsense and drank another sip of the coffee. Ava wanted to punch that cup and break his nose.
"I didn't know you were my boss."
He laughed without humor and approached her. "That doesn't surprise me at all. If you really knew who your bosses are, you wouldn't go out kissing anyone."
It was her turn to laugh in derision. "I'm confused...sir...are you complaining that I kissed that boss and not 'this' boss?"
Jamie choked on the coffee, spitting out the liquid and dirtying the clear shirt. Well, she found the weak point of that well of arrogance. Ava observed that his expression became bitter, even a little painful and she was intrigued by that.
"Do you want some help, sir?" Ava asked with false education and Jamie denied it with a gesture, then leaving. "Idiot."
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accihoe · 9 months
I'm on a two week spring break (as the seasons in my country work differently to EU and USA), and I'm also working on a business report that has to be submitted by October 13th. What better time to write than now?
I am once again truthfully sorry for my continuous disappearances.
Here's a Bucky fic because I found my tiny magnetic frame with a photo of him in it <3 (pic of photograph at the bottom).
P.S. this will be my first publicly posted Bucky fic woo-hoo!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Summary: it's the 1940s, and Bucky comes home from a hard day at work, but his wife is there to make every moment of his hard work worth it.
Genre: fluff
Warnings: mentions of war. Probably not all canon regarding time, etc. Slightly oc Buck.
A/n: Please do not plagiarize my work, and please give me credit if you post my work elsewhere. I might make this a series, dunno. Love y'all. Pls comment or inbox me if you'd like to be on a taglist.
The walk home seemed longer than usual as Bucky trodged down the familiar path, every item of clothing feeling heavier with each step. He juggled his keys, slightly frustrated when they didn't go into the lock in the first few attempts. Finally, he managed, stumbling forwards from having his weight on the door. Bucky kicked off his boots in an instant, hung up his coat and hat, and looked around for his sweet love, his sugarbunch.
A smile bloomed across his handsome face as he saw her sauntering towards him, pretty dress flowing in the cool spring breeze. "Well, hello there, handsome chap. To what do I owe you the honours?" She smiled playfully, arms stretching open. Bucky gracefully accepted her invitation, wrapping himself around her and laying his cheek on her shoulder. "There, there, my love. Come on in. Go have a warm bath whilst I finish setting up the dinner table." His wife soothed, kissing above his cheekbone.
Once he'd freshened up, Bucky came downstairs to their four-person dining table, grinning at the meal his wife had prepared. She slid down in the seat across from him and reached out her hand, taking his. "Would you be as kind as to say grace for us?" She smiled, stroking her thumb over his bruised knuckles. They bowed their heads and closed their eyes as Bucky prayed for the food, "Lord God, Heavenly Father, bless our food and our drink, since you redeemed us so dearly and delivered us from evil, as you gave us a share in food and so may you give us eternal life. Amen.". They said amen in unison, and James kissed her hand as he let go of it.
"Jamie, my dear, I do not mean to alarm you, but I read about the war in the papers earlier today. It only seems to be intensifying. And I'm afraid young American men are no longer permitted a say as to whether or not they're getting drafted." His wife announced as she was washing the dishes, and he was drying and packing them away. The mug that he was busy drying slipped from his hands, but thankfully, his wife caught it just before it tumbled down the floor. "James," she breathed, taking his hands and gently tugging him away from the sink.
"Be..g my pardon, m-my love. The reality of the situations and times that we are living in has only dawned upon me now." James breathed, exhaling once again in disbelief. "Why don't you go and get ready for bed whilst I finish up here, hm?" She hummed, trailing her hand up to his neck and laying it there against his warm skin. "Alright, my darling, I bid on seeing you soon." He smiled, squeezing her hand that he held. "In the blink of an eye, sugar. Now go." She grinned, patting his cheek.
She joined him shortly after bathing and getting ready for bed, her chest tightening as she saw his frame in the bed, curled up in fear and staring off at the wood of his closet doors. Despite being fully aware of her presence, Bucky jumped when he felt her hand snake over his side and onto his stomach and chest. "Pardon me, my love." She giggled, spooning up against his back. James held his hand over hers as he continued to stare at the door. She felt sudden guilt. Should I not have told him that? She wondered.
"I'm sorry if I alarmed you, my darling." She said, pressing a loving kiss to the back of his neck. "You did not alarm me, dollface. 'M just tired from work 's all." He said, turning to face her. "Jamie, what'd your mama teach you about lying?" She warned. "Alright, alright." He smiled, eyes trailing across her bonny face, ruminating his luck. "Whatsoever may happen with this war, James, know that I love you." Y/N smiled, holding his hand to her chest and kissing his palm. "And I you." He smiled.
She skipped her reading that night, and so did he, just basking in each other's presence. The pair had fallen in love just after high school. James had seen her at church after praying for a pretty woman to cross his path, and she had prayed for a stable rock in her life to start a family with later on. It was instant love. After a period of wooing the pretty girl, they started dating, which then flourished into marriage. Bucky, age 24, Y/N, age 22, decided that they were content with the life they had built. Small but decent apartment, church community, flourishing matrimony, James had a stable job, and Y/N was applying for several.
Not to mention, their parents were incredulously proud. They were the spoken couple of Brooklyn, and Y/N treated Steve with the respect he deserved from day one, which was probably one of the central reasons for Becky's undying love for her. The life they had built together was sublime. Until the war hit.
Fin. Hope you liked it. Lots of love x
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bilightningwhumper · 20 days
Shadow of a Shield- Rewrite Poll V2
Less wordy. Feel free to reblog and/or vote on the original poll as well.
Bottom line, I've made more OCs since the original creating of SoaS. Plan is to either make the rewrite one big fic OR like TNEI and make several fics happening in the same timeline revolving around each of the OCs (listed below the poll).
Benefits of either: (Option 1) big fic all together / (Option 2) separate fics but opportunities for more Avengers PoVs
(Tbh, I'm personally leaning toward the second option, but I might be able to do both if need be. It's a different balance, at the very least.)
Now these are my OCs for the story (in order of creation, not age):
Jamie Carter-Rogers - omega; daughter of Peggy Carter and Steve Rogers; kept in captivity similar to how Bucky had been; autistic and adhder; love interest is another OC named Ana/Anastasia (Latina-american)
Willam Wallace - alpha; supposed son (trans) of Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff (unsure because Mariya Ivanov often lies); dyslexic and adhder; tentative love interests are either Peter Parker/Harley Keener (together) or an OC; has a twin, Mare
Becca Barnes - omega (late bloomer); daughter of Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers; autistic with OCD tendencies; love interest is her fiance who is also an OC
*Mare ? - omega; twin sister of Will; selective mutism; seperated from the others, so she isn't with them during the 5-year Blip; eventual planned QPR with MJ
(All of them have C-PTSD, that's just a given)
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roleplayfinder · 3 months
About Me: 21+. She/Her. EST. I write on Discord but like to plot on Tumblr. I write in third person, past tense and around 2-4 paragraphs. I work full-time during the week so replies won't happen every day. I try to get them up as soon as possible and don't really expect more than 1 reply a week out of my writing partner because sometimes that's all I can do myself. Because of my limited amount of free time, I don't double.
Please read everything and be 21+ to interact!!!
What I'm Looking For: Threads for my five-ish biggest fandoms right now. I prefer canon x canon but will take on some canon x OC (I'm just picky with those so don't be offended if I turn your OC down). I'm open to MxM (my big preference for my male muses), MxF, or FxF. I like canon and canon divergent plots the most. As long as a plot could reasonably happen within the universe, I'll likely be okay with it. I'm open to writing NSFW/smut and do prefer romantic ships, but I'm also okay with keeping things clean.
I'll be listing my main muses for each fandom and some of my favorite ships (with my preferred muse in italics, if I have a preference). I'm more than open to discussing other ships, however. There's only a small chance I'll turn one down.
All characters will be 18+!
Doctor Who: Delgado!Master, Dhawan!Master, Eleventh Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, Second Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Tenth Doctor
Delgado!Master x Three
Dhawan!Master x Any Doctor
Eleven x Jack
Eleven x Clara
Five x Turlough
Fourteen x Jack
Two x Jamie
Ten x Jack
Ten x Simm!Master
Fantastic Beasts/Harry Potter: Albus Dumbledore (FB era), Barty Crouch Jr (Golden Trio era)., Cedric Diggory (Golden Trio era or AU where he survives), Cormac McLaggen (Golden Trio era or post-Hogwarts), Gilderoy Lockart (any era), Severus Snape (any era), Theseus Scamander (FB era)
Dumbledore x Grindelwald
Dumbledore x Newt
Dumbledore x Theseus
Barty x Lucius
Barty x Draco
Cedric x Harry
Cormac x Ron
Cormac x Hermione
Lockhart x Snape
Lockhart x Quirrell
Snape x Lucius
Snape x Harry
Snape x Lupin
Theseus x Newt
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon: Alliser Thorne, Benjen Stark, Beric Dondarrion, Daemon Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Petyr Baelish, Robb Stark, Roose Bolton, Stannis Baratheon, Thoros, Tywin Lannister, Yoren
Beric x Thoros
Daemon x Laenor
Daemon x Criston
Daemon x Viserys
Daemon x Laena
Daemon x Rhaenyra
Dany x Margaery
Dany x Jorah
Jaime x Sansa
Margaery x Sansa
Margaery x Roose
Margaery x Stannis
Margaery x Joffrey
Petyr x Renly
Petyr x Sansa
Robb x Roose
Robb x Jon
Robb x Theon
Roose x Stannis
Roose x Tywin
Roose x Sansa
Stannis x Davos
Marvel: Benjamin Poindexter, Billy Russo, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Carol Danvers, Eddie Brock, Frank Castle, Loki Laufeyson, Nathan Summers, Andrew!Peter Parker, Ray Nadeem, Remy LeBeau, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Dex x Ray
Dex x Billy
Dex x Matt
Dex x Karen
Billy x Frank
Billy x Karen
Bruce x Tony
Bucky x Zemo
Carol x Valkyrie
Eddie x Venom
Frank x Matt
Frank x Karen
Loki x Grandmaster
Loki x Thor
Loki x Mobius
Cable x Wade
Andrew!Peter x Tobey!Peter
Andrew!Peter x Matt
Andrew!Peter x Wade
Andrew!Peter x Male MJ
Andrew!Peter x Gwen
Gambit x Wolverine
Gambit x Rogue (canon female or genderbent male)
Tony x Strange
Tony x Tom!Peter
Tony x Steve
Wade x Wolverine
Wade x Dopinder
Wade x Comics!Peter
Wade x Matt
Wade x Colossus
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Charlie Hewitt Jr., Drayton Sawyer, Johnny Sawyer, Nubbins Sawyer
Johnny x Leland
Johnny x Sonny
Johnny x Nubbins
Johnny x Julie
Nubbins x Bubba
Nubbins x Sissy
If you'd like to work something out, please like this post. It may take me a few days to get back to you because I'm both wary and weary of being shadowbanned for sending too many similar messages at once.
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prpfs · 3 months
About Me: 21+. She/Her. EST. I write on Discord but like to plot on Tumblr. I write in third person, past tense and around 2-4 paragraphs. I work full-time during the week so replies won't happen every day. I try to get them up as soon as possible and don't really expect more than 1 reply a week out of my writing partner because sometimes that's all I can do myself. Because of my limited amount of free time, I don't double. 👑
Please read everything and be 21+ to interact!!!
What I'm Looking For: Threads for my five-ish biggest fandoms right now. I prefer canon x canon but will take on some canon x OC (I'm just picky with those so don't be offended if I turn your OC down). I'm open to MxM (my big preference for my male muses), MxF, or FxF. I like canon and canon divergent plots the most. As long as a plot could reasonably happen within the universe, I'll likely be okay with it. I'm open to writing NSFW/smut and do prefer romantic ships, but I'm also okay with keeping things clean.
I'll be listing my main muses for each fandom and some of my favorite ships (with my preferred muse in italics, if I have a preference). I'm more than open to discussing other ships, however. There's only a small chance I'll turn one down.
All characters will be 18+!
Doctor Who: Delgado!Master, Dhawan!Master, Eleventh Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, Second Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Tenth Doctor
Delgado!Master x Three
Dhawan!Master x Any Doctor
Eleven x Jack
Eleven x Clara
Five x Turlough
Fourteen x Jack
Two x Jamie
Ten x Jack
Ten x Simm!Master
Fantastic Beasts/Harry Potter: Albus Dumbledore (FB era), Barty Crouch Jr (Golden Trio era)., Cedric Diggory (Golden Trio era or AU where he survives), Cormac McLaggen (Golden Trio era or post-Hogwarts), Gilderoy Lockart (any era), Severus Snape (any era), Theseus Scamander (FB era)
Dumbledore x Grindelwald
Dumbledore x Newt
Dumbledore x Theseus
Barty x Lucius
Barty x Draco
Cedric x Harry
Cormac x Ron
Cormac x Hermione
Lockhart x Snape
Lockhart x Quirrell
Snape x Lucius
Snape x Harry
Snape x Lupin
Theseus x Newt
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon: Alliser Thorne, Benjen Stark, Beric Dondarrion, Daemon Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Petyr Baelish, Robb Stark, Roose Bolton, Stannis Baratheon, Thoros, Tywin Lannister, Yoren
Beric x Thoros
Daemon x Laenor
Daemon x Criston
Daemon x Viserys
Daemon x Laena
Daemon x Rhaenyra
Dany x Margaery
Dany x Jorah
Jaime x Sansa
Margaery x Sansa
Margaery x Roose
Margaery x Stannis
Margaery x Joffrey
Petyr x Renly
Petyr x Sansa
Robb x Roose
Robb x Jon
Robb x Theon
Roose x Stannis
Roose x Tywin
Roose x Sansa
Stannis x Davos
Marvel: Benjamin Poindexter, Billy Russo, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Carol Danvers, Eddie Brock, Frank Castle, Loki Laufeyson, Nathan Summers, Andrew!Peter Parker, Ray Nadeem, Remy LeBeau, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Dex x Ray
Dex x Billy
Dex x Matt
Dex x Karen
Billy x Frank
Billy x Karen
Bruce x Tony
Bucky x Zemo
Carol x Valkyrie
Eddie x Venom
Frank x Matt
Frank x Karen
Loki x Grandmaster
Loki x Thor
Loki x Mobius
Cable x Wade
Andrew!Peter x Tobey!Peter
Andrew!Peter x Matt
Andrew!Peter x Wade
Andrew!Peter x Male MJ
Andrew!Peter x Gwen
Gambit x Wolverine
Gambit x Rogue (canon female or genderbent male)
Tony x Strange
Tony x Tom!Peter
Tony x Steve
Wade x Wolverine
Wade x Dopinder
Wade x Comics!Peter
Wade x Matt
Wade x Colossus
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Charlie Hewitt Jr., Drayton Sawyer, Johnny Sawyer, Nubbins Sawyer
Johnny x Leland
Johnny x Sonny
Johnny x Nubbins
Johnny x Julie
Nubbins x Bubba
Nubbins x Sissy
If you'd like to work something out, please like this post. It may take me a few days to get back to you because I'm both wary and weary of being shadowbanned for sending too many similar messages at once.
give a like and anon will get back to you
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vekovoysoldat-a · 8 months
SMALL SC : JAMIE BARNES (OC). hit the heart for a starter between 1-3 lines from jamie c:
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