#oc: legume
hikiclawd · 9 months
big mysims doodle dump ; not everything but a pretty large portion of stuff in my files that i just. dont know how to put into a post ;; @_@
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thats all for now . if you need context for some of these let me know cause i tried putting context in the tags but they all got deleted </3
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fowl-leaf · 1 year
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Fun spring drawing of Legume on their way to a picnic
Lots of cherry blossoms!
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goforshexgo · 1 year
Harry Hook has white boy rizz
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isleofdarkness · 3 months
It turns out that Gil is allergic to shrimp. Like, anaphylaxis, two EpiPens, and 911 immediately levels of allergic. This leads to all Isle kids getting massive tests for allergies done (they're testing them for every allergy they can think of,) and several of them are surprised by the knowledge that they have food allergies. Several have a red meat allergy. CJ is allergic to dairy and not just a little bit, no, it turns out that her "mild symptoms" are actually called "anaphylaxis" and a "medical emergency."
That is not going to stop her eating ice cream.
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nb-hedgewolf · 4 months
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Sometimes, usually on a new moon, Jericho suffers from nightmares, often depicting his demise as he tries to achieve his dreams. Quite literally in this depiction. He chooses not to think on them too hard.
Dreams aren't real, after all.
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humaudrey · 2 months
Descendants Scene Rewrite: Mal (& Uma) vs Audrey (& Melody)
"Hey, you two must be the daughters of Maleficent and Ursula, aren't you?"
Melody finally managed to take her attention off of the sea witch pirate captain she just moments ago learned was Uma, and her handsome lackeys, and turned toward Audrey. Everyone had, actually, just as Audrey intended. Despite the enthusiastic and friendly sounding tone, anyone who knew Audrey, knew this was anything but.
The interference of Mal and Uma's playfully snarky conversation with Ben caused him to step back. Audrey relinked her arm with Ben's while Melody slowly approached the couple.
"Yeah, you know what, I think I speak for Melody and Arietta when I say we totally don't blame you guys for your mothers trying to kill our parents and stuff," Audrey said, attempting to sound casual with a chuckle. Melody was agape, much like most of her peers.
"Audrey–" Melody warned.
Audrey continued anyway. "Oh, we're not sisters. Melody and Arietta's mom is Queen Ariel of Seaside, 'The Little Mermaid'. My mother is Queen Aurora, better known as 'Sleeping–"
"Beauty!" Mal absorbed Audrey's pep, as Audrey's smile slowly dropped. "Yeah, I've heard the name. And you know, I totally, do not, blame you for your grandparents inviting everyone in the whole world, but my mother, to their stupid christening."
Uma took a few steps forward, matching the forced smile Audrey had worn earlier and faced Melody. "Nor do I blame you for your grandfather, who wrongfully banished my mother from that pathetic, underwater sandcastle of a kingdom."
The diss hurt, but what really pissed Melody off were the snickers from Harry and Gil. Whatever smiles the two princesses tried to force on her their faces, they never developed.
Melody bit her tongue, and forced a chuckle. "Water under the bridge?" Melody asked Audrey.
"Totes!" Audrey replied, her fake smile returning.
"Definitely!" Mal reciprocated.
Audrey and Mal shared a rather insincere laugh simultaneously, before they both simultaneously trailed off with a sigh. Uma's smirk only grew bigger as Melody's lips stretched in a thin line.
"Well, while we're apologizing," Gil began, stepping forward to the rest of the group. "I guess I'm sorry for my dad trying to kill your dad even though your dad kidnapped your mom and took her hostage and held her against her wi–"
"No need," Ben said. "None of you have anything to be sorry for. If anyone should be apologizing, it should be me. You're not your parents, and you shouldn't have to answer for the crimes they committed."
The seven villain kids all shared looks between one another. Uma snorted, and opened her mouth as if she were about to say something. Instead, she kept to herself and crossed her arms.
Ben paced back and forth, intentionally looking each of the new transfer students in the eyes. "You all deserve a chance to live here in Auradon. I wish things were different on the Isle for you, but I'll do everything in my power to ensure that everyone lives the lives they deserve. And today, I'll start by welcoming you to Auradon Prep."
A genuine smile had returned to Melody upon listening to her best friend. She nodded at Uma, who she caught staring at her rather quizzically.
"And on that beautiful note, I'll steal control of the tour and show you guys around!" Zephyr chimed in. "Right this way, please!"
Ben, Audrey, Melody, Zephyr, and Seth gestured toward the front of the school, allowing the seven villain kids to take the lead.
Mal and Uma decided to compete in a speed walking contest for a battle of dominance. Jay and Harry had rolled their eyes at the sight, then entered a staring contest of their own. Carlos caused Jay to lose as he passed both of them and dragged Jay along by his shirt collar. Evie and Gil, meanwhile, were once again distracted by their surroundings until Harry turned around and pushed Gil forward as Gil waved hello at everyone.
Evie curtsied as an apology, before strutting off and holding the rear and the group of five followed behind her.
Seth specifically broke out in a jog to catch up to Evie as everyone gathered around the copper statue of King Adam.
"So, we're good, right?" Seth asked.
Evie giggled, and rolled her eyes playfully as she went to stand beside Mal. Was that a yes?
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baylardian-1 · 5 months
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some more Mable (and Jemima) stuff wheeeeeeeee :]
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manyfandomocs · 3 months
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OC PRIDE CHALLENGE 2024 ; day nine - tropes of a gay oc
The Twink, Gym Bunny, Queer Flowers (Green Carnation), Out of the Closet Into the Fire ft. Gabriel Legume ; Descendants
Tag list: @daughter-of-melpomene
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↳ for @manyfandomocs as part of his blog birthday exchange; I really hope you like this!!
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cecexwrites · 7 months
Wasting Time with Rabbits Mini Moodboards pt 1
Galston Legume
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Cedrick Facilier
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Quinn Queen
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little-teacupss · 20 days
May your anchor be tight and your heart be mine. Chapter II
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Note: Hello! Once again, this is an old story of mine that I'm rebooting. Also, if you don't like the ship, don't read it, and if you do read it and have opinions, criticism is welcome, but don't be a prick about it, anyways hope you enjoy the story!
Tagged list - @giveityourworst, if you want to be tagged, just ask!
Warning: teasing, mild cussing, arguing, AK vs VK, VK vs VK, mild flirting, some mild Mal slander, I love her character, but it works for the story, I don't hate her or anything, she was great, and my bad attempt at pirate/British terminology
Summary: It is the day of the VK transfer. All of the Auradon kids are given four VK's to represent, but this time around ten VK's will be coming back to the Isle
Note 2: Some dialogue is from D3. There are a few OCs, so if you don't know those characters, that's why! + new cover if you saw the old one, and are confused, that's why! Another thing I want to add when I'm writing Carlos is that I don't want to show any disrespect to Cameron Boyce or the character, unfortunately I won't be writing much about that character, because it doesn't sit right with me writing about someone who has passed, anyway fly high🕊 Cameron Boyce 🕊
Chapter I here
Jane and Li Lonnie quickly got their speeches together as they hurried to the entrance of Auradon prep, Li Lonnie furrowed her brows as she read over her speech. "It'd be helpful if we knew who were representing, so our speeches could cater to them better."
She said as she shuffled through some some of her papers, Jane nodding as they finally exited the doors to Auradon Prep. They saw the rest of their party waiting by the limo, Doug quickly opened the door to it, allowing everyone in, and he smiled as he tapped the roof of the limo. "Cya, when you get back!"
What the four AK's noticed immediately was that the limo was decked out in candies and snacks, Charlie reached out and grabbed a chocolate covered cherry as he turned to Carlos and asked. "Why are there so many snacks?"
Carlos, who was currently stuffing a jumbo reeses in his mouth, nodded and began to explain. "Most of the VK's don't have access to much food, and if they do it's not great, so we want them to have something nice for when they arrive to Auradon."
Then Jay continued as he crossed his arms and leaned back against the seat. "Another thing is most VK's are really jumpy right off the Isle, so it's a nice way to keep them calm and distracted."
A long limo ride later, as in four hours later, they finally make it across and through the barrier, but before we got out, Ben asked. "You all have your speeches ready?"
They all nod, but before we could get out, Ben then continued. "We'll be introducing you one by one, so stay in for a little longer."
And with that, the group of five exited the limo, we could hear cheering as each one stepped out. They heard Mal and Evie's voices shout. "We're back!"
Then Jay and Carlos shouted out as they clapped their hands towards the crowd. "But we have guests!"
Ben standing next to Mal at the top of the podium begins to introduce us. "Hello Isle of the Lost, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the daughter of Queen Tiana and King Naveen, Princess Navada of Maldonia."
Navada quickly exited the limo and walked to the podium she was directed to stand on as she waved the people of the Isle. When she got to her podium, Ben continued. "Next, it's my pleasure to introduce you to the soulmate and best friends of Princess Navada, Charlie La Bouff!"
Charlie made his exit as he bowed to the crowd with a charming smile as he got up on the podium next to Navada's, Ben then continued. "It is my honor to introduce the daughter of Fa Mulan and Li Shang, Li Lonnie!"
Jane smiled as she got out of the limo and waved, but then she felt a cold chill run up my spine as she realized that she was next, Jane paled when she heard Ben continue his introduction. "Now for our last, but certainly not least some may say she is the most important to all of our stories, the daughter of Fairy Godmother, Jane Godmother."
Jane carefully made her way out of the limo as she looked to the large crowd of VK's all looking at her hopefully, it's then that she finds her eyes trained onto Dizzy who was nervously looking at her because of how their stories connected, Jane gave her a small smile and wave before getting onto her podium, then Navada started her speech. "We are all so honored to meet all of you, I hope one day we all may get to live in Auradon side by side."
As Navada finished, Charlie began his part of the speech. "I Charlie La Bouff, I am honored to say that all of you can have a chance to be a part of the tourney team of Auradon and have the ability to receive many scholar opportunities on Auradon."
As Li Lonnie began her speech, Jane felt dizzy as she realized that soon all eyes would be on her as the representative of Auradon prep. She let out a little sigh as Li Lonnie ended her speech, Jane carefully looked at her speech one last time before looking out to the crowd as she began to speak. "I am honored to welcome you into Auradon. You will no longer have to hide, steal, or survive to get by in life. Instead, you will be granted freedom and hope, I'm proud to say you all have a place in Auradon."
Jane stepped back as Evie then began the ceremony of who would be brought back to Auradon. "First, I'd like to begin with bringing the granddaughter of Lady Tremaine, daughter of Drizella, my sweet friend, my Dizzy."
Evie pointed to her as random VK's congratulationed her while she squealed out of pure joy before she ran up the stairs to the podium and stood closely too Evie, as Carlos began to announce his pick. "Next is son of Smee come on Squeaky!"
He waved him over as Smee gently pushed him forward towards Carlos, while Squirmy looked at his twin with somberness, but then Jay began to announce his VK. "And no way were splitting up the twins, get over here, Squirmy, bring it in buddy!"
Smee quickly ushered his other son towards Jay and helped him climb the stairs, as Mal began to announce her VK. "But last, but certainly not least, we all picked this girl because we all think she could use a bit of Fairy Godmother's goodness class, give it up for Doctor Facilier's daughter Celia Facilier!"
She smiled before spinning and saying to the group around here. "Yeah, I'm bad."
Before making her way up to Mal, Evie, and Dizzy, then Ben stepped forward. "Now we will be hearing from our guests 'their' VK picks."
"I choose this VK because I feel they could benefit Auradon in more ways, come along Ms. Gwen Gothel!" .Li Lonnie said with a grin as she beckoned her to come stand by her. Then Navada stepped forward as she looked down at the crowd. "I choose this boy because of his great intelligence and honor, the son of Claude Frollo, get up here Paul Frollo!"
The VK boys around him patted his back and shoved him forward towards the podium, and then Charlie waved down at the crowd as he cleared his throat. "I'd like to give the opportunity of a lifetime to Henry Isles."
He tilted his head to tell the boy to come up to the podium, and then everyone's eyes were back on Jane, who nervously rubbed her arms as she gave a shy smile before slowly speaking. "The reason I picked this VK is because of her raw and true resilience and honesty to herself, Uma."
The moment the name left her lips, a group of pirates marched forward with a very unpleased Uma, who currently had a sword pointed up at the podium as she spoke. "Listen here, i don't leave without my crew, and if you think you can just waltz in on our home and pick and choose who gets to leave well, bet your scaly ass wrong Mally!"
Li Lonnie and Jane share a look of uncertainty as they make their way down towards the limos with Navada and Charlie, and then they hear Mal say. "Oh, don't act like a guppy, shrimpi."
Clearly mocking Uma, whose eye slightly twitched at the nicknames, the two went back and forth for a bit, swapping insults before Ben stepped in. "Both of you stop."
But Uma only continued. It was clear she knew how the VK's were really picked to go over the barrier, and clearly, they had bad blood, so she smiled spitefully as she went on. "You think just because you got a fancy ring on your finger and get nice meals, you can walk in act Ike you're the boss? Sorry, Mally, that ship sailed the moment you turned your back on every single kid here and only came back when it was convenient for you."
Once again, the two shares insult back and forth before Ben steps in again.
"Uma, we'll bring your crew." .He says, trying to compromise with her. While the three of them try and sort out their issues, Li Lonnie and Jane look at each unsure of what to do, Li Lonnie whispers. "We can leave now."
Jane nodded as the two watched the three before whispering. "I wish we could."
As she finished that sentence, she let out a small gasp when she felt a cold medal run along her collarbone, and someone said. "Fairy Godmother's wee duckling?"
Carefully turning around, she's met with a devious smirk and bright blue eyes looking down at her, and then another guy throws his arm around the first guys shoulder, and he says. "A pretty little treasure indeed, but I find it a bit odd for Fairy Godmother to allow her only child and daughter at that anywhere near the Isle?"
Jane wasn't sure if he was saying that to himself, but the pirate in front of her seemed to nod as his smirk turned into more of a cheshire grin, wide and earily scary, then he asked. "So what does a ravishing little duckling have business around these parts?"
Before Jane could answer Li Lonnie put herself between her friend and the two pirates, with her arms crossed and a firm glare pointed at the two as she said. "Oi! Stay away from Jane!"
She glared at the two pirates before gently grabbing Jane's arm and leading her back to the limo before gently pushing her inside. The two boys stared while sharing similar smirks before the brunette turned to the blond and said. "Aye! I think we've struck a nerve mate!"
The two boys walked away and back towards Uma to hype her up before finally everyone from Auradon made their way back inside the limo before leaving Ben declared to the group. "We will be returning tomorrow."
The guests let out a shared sigh as they all tired with how the day had gone.
Hello! Thank you so much for reading this story. Chapter three should be coming soon if you're wondering about the fourth part to their good fairy, I hope to post it tonight or tomorrow! If your here for P.S - I'll always love you, it should come out tomorrow or the next day!
Anyways I hope you enjoy this series! By the way, go check out my co-founder's first story for MFH. @giveityourworst
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Isle kid Moodboards revamped part 2;
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Marya Grigorievna Rasputin, the 20 year old daughter of Grigori Efimovic Rasputin and Baba Yaga (bartok the magnificent).
One of the medics of Harriet Hook's crew.
Lover of skeletons, magic, taxidermy, bugs, roses, and whiskey cake.
Not too great st speaking English.
Bestfriend of Big Murphy and Claudine Frollo.
Currently single.
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Reza Vizer, the 15 year old son of the former Royal Astronomer of Agrabah and a harem girl as well as the adoptive son of Mozenrath and Sadira. Older brother of Omar and Alya.
He is the forensics expert of the Badun Detective Agency and is rivals with Carlos De Vil as well as a student at Dragon Hall.
He's good with swords, daggers, guns, tea, and breaking and entering, and He always acts like he is the smartest in the room (which he is most of the time) and doesn't like it when that title is challenged because he has earned that title.
He also doesn't like it when people treat him like he's less than Carlos, which is why he didn't join the Anti-heroes club (because it was being run by Yen Sid who is not found of him at all).
He is dating Yzla Sorcerer of Enchancia.
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Claudine Esther-May Frollo, the 19 year old daughter of Claude Frollo.
She is homeschooled and apart of Harriet's crew, the Bad Apples, and the Anti-heroes club. She is also the bell ringer at Dragon Hall.
She is left handed and a redhead who loves science, art, music, sweets, and things being fair. Which of course while paired with her beauty did not bode well for her due to how her father is.
She works at her father's crepes shop and is dreaming of the day she can escape with her friends.
She has a thing for Lefou Deux.
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Richard 'Rick' Perseus Ratcliffe, the 21 year old son of Governor John Ratcliffe.
He is apart of Harriet's crew, The LeGume Hunting Club, and The Bad Apples.
He and his dad do not get along at all due to many factors—like his dad being racist and naming him after his dog. If anyone dare mention the origin of his middle name, they will get a black eye from him.
He had his own pug named Prometheus.
Once when he and Clay Clayton were young and rough housing, he accidentally knocked the other man out of a second story window at Hook's inlet. They're still friends though, surprisingly.
He also has a habit of saving people from water sources like John Smith, much to his father's annoyance.
He has two younger siblings (Rachel and Rory) and is very protective of them as well as the kids of his father's former crewmates who got stuck on the isle with him.
He is dating Mad Maddy.
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Claymore 'Clay' Comrade Clayton, The 20 year old son of William Clayton.
He is a member of the Bad Apples, Harriet's crew, and The LeGume Hunting Club.
Though unlike his dad he doesn't enjoy poaching or being crueler than necessary when hunting because it makes him uncomfortable, so he avoids doing it.
He loves graffiti and sailing and the jungle as well as tree climbing, rope swinging—on vines—, and partying. He also likes carving his intails into things and rough housing.
Especially with Rick and Anthony.
He and Rick once overdid it and he ended up getting thrown through a window, which no one has let them live down since.
He and his dad have a volatile relationship, which is arguably better than what most kids on the isle have, though those in Auardon would argue that that's still bad. He gets along alot better with his aunt and brothers though and has no clue who his mother maybe.
He has no problem with speaking his mind, which gets him in trouble often. He has tons of weapons as well as a stuffed grollia and would get along swimmingly with Tarzan and Jane, and their family. Especially their son, Taylor, who is just as rambunctious as he is.
He doesn't have the best grades but he's a good person and arguably Ginny's conscious, and that's all that matters, right?
Also he's terrified of getting hung like his dad and the idea of drowning again.
He's protective of his younger brothers, Cassius and Wilson, and is dating Ginny Gothel.
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Jadeana 'Jade' of Agrabah, the 19 year old daughter of Nasira and the niece of Jafar.
She is in Harriet's crew and is the messenger of the isle, so no one really messes with her.
She's a bit of a loner but when she cares about people, she cares about them deeply—i.e. Jay. She'd help him steal so he could stock Jafar's shop quicker and so he would get hit or have to sleep outside. She rarely ever goes near Jafar's shop—since her mom who isn't all bad strictly forbade it—but when she does, it's to see Jay.
She was heartbroken when Jay left without saying goodbye but slowly over time she's gotten angry and bitter and resentful because she thinks he forgot about her.
She likes crocodile wrestling since it's an easy way to get out her aggression and she has two pets—a snake named Hassan and a parrot named Tygo.
She has magic but goes to Dragon Hall because she thinks the witch school is pointless on the isle.
Oh and she's dating Jonas Olympian (a member of Uma's crew).
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Hermione 'Hermie' Leona Bing, the 14 year old daughter of The Ringmaster and Miss Atlantis.
She is a member of the Badun Detective Agency and as well as the Anti-heroes club.
She was an orphan by 7 and left to run what was left of her father’s circus on the isle.
She lives by herself with her animals in her father’s old trailer by the woods where the circus tents and trailers are located.
She is known as an animal whisperer and a Jack of all trades on the isle because she can do nearly every circus act there is.
She obsessed with circus related things—ESPECIALLY clowns.
She is in denial about the true nature of her parents' deaths and is emotionally and mentally unstable due them.
She has quite a sweet tooth—especially when it's traditionally considered circus food.
She collects glass figures as well as odd/deformed furniture, toys, and photos (along with just vintage photos in general) and loves colorful things.
She also loves reading, filing, painting, dagger throwing, acrobatics, gymnastics, dancing, playing games, and taking care of animals.
Her and Eddie Balthazar are dating.
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Edmund 'Eddie' Seraiah Balthazar, the 15 year old son of Sarah Dear /Aunt Sarah and Edgar Balthazar.
He is apart of the Anti-heroes club and the Badun Detective agency.
He has alot of old school hobbies like croquet and crochet, golf, birdwatching, and collecting things. Things like stamps, coins, and bugs. He likes reading and listening to music and writing and he loves picnics, sewing, and knitting.
He had a litter of kittens that he adores as well as a motorcycle.
He also likes red wine, coffee, tea, champagne, slushie, hard candy, chicken pot pie, cigar, and toast with beans. Not that his parents know that he likes alcohol.
He usually shows little more than indifference to those outside his inner circle and has been taking care of his elderly parents (and their pets) since he was 9.
He is dating Hermie Bing.
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Gaston Junior and Gaston the 3rd LeGume, the 21 year old sons of Gaston LeGume and Laurette. Aka Junior and Bronze.
They are hard heads lacking in education because of their father and can hold one hell of a grudge (as well as an ox) but have hearts of gold. When it comes to the people they care about that is.
They are both members of Harriet's crew and have many shared (and differing) hobbies.
They are very protective of their little brother (and sister) and their little cousins, even if they love getting under their skin at times.
Junior is dating Daphne Tremaine and Bronze is dating Sammy Smee.
Also Junior has a bad leg from trying to ram through the barrier with his dad.
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Gemma Enchtra LeGume, the 3 year old (by d3) daughter of Gaston and the Enchantress. She is the younger half sister of the Gaston twins and Gil as well as the younger cousin of LeFou Deux, Claire Bimbette, and La Foux Doux (by default).
She is every bit as good, innocent, and bubbly as Gil is. She loves Magic, fruit, candy, roses, lifting rocks, animals, the forest, mirrors, and adores her older siblings and cousins with all her heart. She also loves her parents too despite not knowing them all too well.
Oh and she likes weight-lifting, though her elder family members don't allow her to do it.
And she loves mirrors as well and carries around the doll that her brothers and LeFou Deux made her.
She is my oc based on the toddler from d1.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 months
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OC Pride Challenge 2024 Week One: Identities Day Four: Trans
Gabby Legume, trans girl, from Descendants Family Business, Descendants Evil's Unfinished Business and various alternate universes.
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princess-ibri · 2 years
the lindwyrm prince?
Oooh! Another Beauty and the Beast type! I've had the thought for a while that if I did an adapation of this I'd make the Lindwyrm female, as the two flowers the queen ate were supposed to give her a boy and a girl child, not a boy and a boy snake. And wouldn't you know it I had a cursed wyrm woman obsessed with getting married ready to go with my OC Lady Melusine from my Canon Descendants BatB story.
I don't have much of an idea yet but yeah if I were to do one she'd be the Lindwyrm. Cuz if I can give Hans a redemption arc I can give one of my other villains one as well x)
Probably have to cut out the actually eating people part though...(she may have eaten Gaston at this point though)
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I think I'll name the shepherdess bride Amaryllis. And she'll either be responsible for releasing Melusine from the book she got trapped in in the BatB story or get pulled into it too.
(Credit for the picture base to Henry Justice Ford from Andrew Lang's Pink Fairy Book)
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isleofdarkness · 28 days
The song "Red" almost perfectly fits both Rose and Ace, with one exception- both of the twins hate being called Red (the only person allowed to call either of them Red is Gil, and that's because his vision isn't great and he can't tell the difference between the red-haired members of the crew at a distance and he's kind of colourblind, but even he tries to call whichever twin he might be seeing Hearts because he knows they hate the nickname that much,) calling either one Red is the fastest way to kill yourself on the Isle.
They already have nicknames, stop forcing new ones on them
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nb-hedgewolf · 4 months
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His name is Jericho Umbra, and he's going to Mansplain, Manipulate, Manslaughter, and sometimes Malewife his way into world domination.
One of the two Hybrids i created for YaoiNek0's (on twitter) PokéHybrids/Team Legume AU
//and technically based on a makeshift character and organization i had originally created for the Tlautlan region but shhh we don't talk about that /silly//
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