#oc: teddy hall
darkbluekies · 11 months
Halloween special<3
Warnings: the three dirty yanderes being dirty as usual
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Genuinely loves halloween, loves to scare little children for absolutely no reason at all. But he doesn’t want you to want to do the same thing — or whatever you wanted to do. He wants you to be with him only, dressed up for his eyes. He has never allowed kids to come for trick or treating, but you manage to convince him to leave out a bucket of candy this year. You sit curled up in the window in your costume, watching to see if any kids will come take from your prepared bucket. Time goes, but no one comes. 
“Don’t be sad, little thing. They’ve never been allowed to come here so they probably don’t know that they can come here this year. And I think that their parents know who I am, so they don’t want to send their kids over here anyhow. I know that you were excited, but this is the reality of being a criminal. Bring the bucket inside and we can overindulge. By the way, your costume turns me on.”
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Dr Kry: 
Dr Kry has given you a little makeup to paint you into a vampire. You have a bucket of candy in your hand while Dr Kry brings you through the hospital to visit small children laying in their beds. He thinks that you’re adorable with kids and finds himself staring at you talking to a little boy. You pet his teddy bear and give him a chocolate bar before walking out of the room to go to the next. 
“You’re really nice, and great with kids … wow. Why I’m not dressed up? I don’t like that very much, but I like to see you dressed up. That fulfills my need of costumes for this year. Next year maybe. Let’s see how much candy you have left. Do you want to keep those for yourself or give them out? Give them out? You’re so nice, Y/N. Let’s move on. You need to go back to bed soon, so better hurry. Before the air and its toxins get to you.”
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King Edmund: 
Halloween doesn’t exist in his timeline, but he decides to have a masquerade ball for kids and by your request, the doors standswide open for the entire kingdom. Parents of all classes came to drop of their kids in cute costumes. Edmund sits on his throne, watching over you and the fifty children in the big hall. He looks at you with a small smile, seeing how you take such good care of the little kids. While they dance, you go to get a bucket of candy. Edmund gets down from his throne and walks over to you. 
“It seems like you have quite the control, my dear. I can't understand how you like these creatures. Yes, I know I've been a kid and yes I know I'll have to have a kid in the future, but still. Look at them? You're doing great though. Keep doing that and I'll have to pump a child in you sooner than planned."
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She refuses, but gives in once she gets to hear that she can scare the kids. Doesn't want to couple match because she finds it cringe, but if you're going to match, she wants to be superior to you like owner and dog or queen and peasant, or even cop and jailcriminal. 
"I'm going to scare so many fucking kids, this is going to be amazing. Don't give me that look. It's trick or treat! You give the treat and well … I do the trick. Stop being a baby, it'll be fun. We could do role-playing in these costumes, by the way. Just wait until we get back home. I'll show you what a queen does to the peasant who hasn't given crops to the castle."
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Of course she'll love it! She will buy too much candy and decorate the entire mansion for kids to come trick or treating. You'll be in adorable couple costumes (chosen by Hedwig of course) and have fun with the little kids. Hedwig shines every time she pretends to get scared by a little kid.
"You look really cute, Y/N. Do you like this? Imagine when we get kids, we can do this every year, create our own traditions. We can dress in family costumes and … and have really, really fun. You look really cute with kids, Y/N. But I’m starting to wonder if you like the candy more. It’s okay, we have a lot, sweetheart, just eat away.”
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emotionalcadaver · 27 days
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Part 21: The Shadow of the Abattoir
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x OC
Summary: Tommy and Lucy prepare for the oncoming ambush of Luca and his men. 
Word Count: 3,443
Notes: Warnings for depictions of smut (though only briefly).
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Chapter 16: Kestrel
They laid with the bedsheets entangled around them, Lucy’s head on Tommy’s chest while he stroked his fingers daintily through her hair and along the ridges of her spine. His free hand brought the cigarette that he was holding to his lips, drawing the smoke deep into his lungs, letting it go with a long exhale and passing the cigarette to Lucy. 
He loved the weight of her in his arms and on his chest, head tucked atop his pecs like it was made to be there, her fingertips tracing delicately over his ribs and occasionally along his tattoos, paying particular attention to the one of her name on his upper left forearm. 
It had gotten to the point where he couldn’t sleep properly without holding her. As if she was an oversized teddy bear that he clung to for comfort like a child.
With a contented sigh, he tipped his head back against the pillows, taking in the state of the room. Their clothes were still scattered across the floor, joined by the robes they’d had to hastily don when their food had arrived only moments after they’d finished their second round of fucking. The plates, cleaned but for a few crumbs, were stacked on one of the nightstands, hastily discarded and forgotten after he’d kissed her to taste to remnants of chocolate mousse and strawberry sauce and they’d wound up with him on top of her in the bed, robes tossed away while he lined his cock up and sank into her in one quick, glorious thrust.
“Has Polly said anything more about when Luca’s attack will be?” Lucy asked, passing the cigarette back to him. 
“Soon.” They did not have an exact date, yet. “I told Charlie and Johnny Dogs to set aside some guns for us. Mrs. Ross’s old flat is ours, now that she and her family have left town. We can store the guns there until it’s time.”
They’d checked out the area surrounding Mrs. Ross’s flat earlier. It was perfect. Lots of cover and places to hide, a winding network of interconnected halls and alleyways that would make it perfect for them to be able to dodge Luca while he chased after or shot at them. The amount of civilians that could be caught in the crossfire concerned him somewhat, but that couldn’t really be helped anywhere that they went. At least at Mrs. Ross’s, they could mostly just hunker down in their homes until it was over. Luca would be so busy chasing him that he likely wasn’t going to be targeting them anyway.  
“When the time comes, I want you to go there early and meet me there. Luca’s more likely to get overconfident if he thinks I’m on my own. You stay out of sight, and see if you can catch him or any of his men by surprise.”
The protective part of him prickled at putting her in such a direct line of danger. But he knew better than to try to ask her to sit at home while he walked directly into an ambush. Even if he knew that ambush was coming. 
Besides, she had handled herself very well regarding the whole thing with Alessio. And he would be there. He could keep her safe. And he could use the backup. 
As if reading his thoughts, Lucy stretched up his body to kiss him. “Thank you. For letting me come with you.”
He nodded, swallowing roughly, tracing over the shape of her lips. “Just promise me you’ll be careful.”
“I promise,” she poked his chest. “You too.”
His lips quirked upwards, nodding. She kissed him again, an open mouthed, lazy press of her lips to his, moaning quietly against his mouth as his hands drifted low on her back, until he was groping handfuls of her ass and pulling her closer. Shifting, she straddled him properly, strong thighs spreading across his lap. He kissed her back harder, hands in her hair and on her breasts and guiding her hips to grind down on his already swelling erection. The wetness from her cunt coated his cock, dripping down onto his thighs. He was fully hard within a matter of only a few rolls of her hips against his, cock twitching with the eager hope of being inside her again. 
A hope that it did not have to wait long to have fulfilled, as she reached down, taking him in hand and lining him up, sliding down onto him with one expert movement. And then there was nothing more but indescribable pleasure shooting through every nerve of his body, and the sounds of their love echoing throughout the room.    
∗ ∗ ∗ 
“What the hell is that?” she grumbled, wincing at the blaring of a car’s horn just outside, the sound unending, just going on and on. Like the world’s most annoying alarm clock. Tommy cringed, pulling on his cap, grabbing her coat where it was hanging on a hook by the door and passing it to her. 
“Alfie, I would imagine.”
Yeah, that seemed about right. “He’s going to wake up the whole bloody neighborhood,” she complained, quickly shrugging on her coat. Outside, the horn kept blaring. “Yeah, yeah, we’re coming,” she mumbled under her breath, pulling her hat on over her curls and following Tommy out the door. 
The car was across the street, Alfie standing at the driver’s side, arm shoved through the window to lean on the horn. He didn’t let it go until they were standing directly in front of him. He had two other men with him: a man she was assuming must be his guard and driver, and a hulking boy that towered over all of them. The boxer. 
Her eyes shifted to Alfie. Up close, his skin looked terrible, red and peeling in multiple places, giving it an almost scaly appearance. She frowned. Not once had she ever asked after the problems with his skin; it didn’t really feel like it was any of her business. But she was pretty certain he had never had such problems when they were kids in London. And whatever it was, it looked to have gotten a whole hell of a lot worse since the last time they’d seen each other. 
“Hello, little demon,” he said to her after greeting Tommy.
“Hey, Alfie.”
Tommy led the way to the gin distillery; he had wanted Alfie to take a look at it and to try the recipe he was still tinkering with while he was in Birmingham. As they walked, Alfie started to ramble in that way he so often did, until he was distracted by the sound of starlings fluttering about near the rafters, to which he decided that the appropriate response was to pull out his gun and take aim at them.
“Ricochet,” Lucy warned, half cowering behind Tommy. “Ricochet, ricochet, ricochet.”  
It took Tommy hastily assuring Alfie that he would get a kestrel to get him to lower the weapon he had pointed at the animals up above that had so offended him, and when he turned to face Tommy, his tone was suddenly much more serious as he asked after the situation with the Italians.
“You got a kestrel for them and all?”
“Yes,” Tommy reassured, moving to pour some gin for Alfie to sniff at, since he didn’t drink alcohol. Alfie glanced over at her.  
“I heard that you’ve graduated from castration to decapitation as your preferred form of murder, love.”
“Oh, castration is definitely still on the table for any who might deserve it, Alfie. Don’t you worry.”
He chuckled, clapping her on the shoulder as he moved past her to follow Tommy and assess his gin. Lucy jumped up to sit on the table, watching as Alfie pontificated while sniffing at the gin, declaring it not sweet enough for the Americans. Tommy looked mildly dismayed at the criticism, probably because it was the exact opposite of the assessment that May had given them earlier. She nudged him gently with her thigh in solidarity. 
“What have you heard, Alfie?” Tommy asked, going to sit down at the table Lucy was propped up on. 
“I heard a cop got shot. Who shot him?”
“My kestrel.”
Alfie raised an eyebrow. “Sounds like someone may be after your job, Winters.”
Crossing her arms, she leaned back with a small smirk. “Ah, well, you know, I can’t be everywhere at once.”
Tommy continued to work him for information, first about Luca’s alliance with Sabini, and then about any potential reinforcements. Her brows creased at Alfie’s dismissal of either.
“You really don’t think that they’d use any of Sabini’s men?”
“No. Like I said: they’re Sicilians, they’ll use him for resources, but not men.”
“Not calling in reinforcements seems like an unnecessary risk on their part.”
“Pride, maybe?” Tommy suggested. “Or overconfidence.”
“You’re sure it’s eleven?” Lucy asked. 
“Yes, I’m fucking sure!” Alfie snapped, clearly growing agitated at her questioning him. 
Eleven made no sense. The math didn’t add up based on how many she, Arthur, and the Golds had already killed. There should not have been that many of them left.
But she decided to back off on questioning Alfie. Perhaps that was all that his information had been able to uncover. 
Or perhaps he was not being entirely honest with them.  
Alfie’s following comments that Tommy was likely to be dead soon did not help to assuage that feeling. Her fingers twitched against each other, picking at her rings, thinking hard. 
Aberama’s arrival helped steer the conversation in a different direction to that of the organization of the boxing match between Bonnie and Alfie’s nephew. Deals were made, payment arrangements drawn up, and then everyone was off on their way. 
They headed back to the office after seeing Alfie to his car. As she was walking in behind Tommy, Lizzie swept past them, handing out mail to the girls working the desks. Her shoulder knocked hard and purposefully into Lucy’s as she passed, nearly causing Lucy to stagger, and when her head turned to stare at Lizzie in surprise, she was met with a smug smirk dancing across Lizzie’s lips before she spun her back to Lucy, going to the other end of the office before she could say anything to her. 
Lucy sighed dejectedly, shaking her head and moving to follow Tommy the rest of the way into the office, closing the door behind her and taking off her coat to hang up. 
“Eleven men left in Luca’s organization here in Birmingham makes no fucking sense,” she said the moment that they were alone.
“I know,” Tommy agreed, pouring glasses of whiskey for them both. 
“He has to have more men coming from somewhere. You think it’s Sabini’s boys?”
“No. Alfie was right, the Sicilians will only trust their own. He might use anyone he can find here in Birmingham or who were previously allies of his family for information and even lodgings, but I doubt he’ll trust any of them enough to put a gun in their hands. He probably brought in another set of men from New York or Italy.”  
“Right. Do you think Alfie was lying?”
“I don’t know.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time he’s betrayed us,” she sighed, sadly. “But I just don’t really see a reason why he would, this time. It’s like you said: Luca won’t stop after he’s killed all of us. They’re going to want to take everyone in the country.”
“Yeah,” he rubbed at his lips, going to his desk. “But who knows why Alfie does the things that Alfie does. Shit.”
She turned to find Tommy looking down at the diary laid out on the desk, his fingers settled on a specific date, lips pursed.
“What?” Setting down her drink, she went around the desk to peer over his shoulder, spotting the little black star drawn into the blank white space just under the date of Friday, the fifth of February. The day that Luca would move to attack Tommy. “Fuck,” she grumbled. “That’s so soon. She couldn’t have given us more time to prepare?”
“Go to the yard, get the guns I told Charlie and Johnny to set aside, and stash them in Mrs. Ross’s apartment.”
He sighed, wiping at his face tiredly. She wrapped her arms around his waist, pillowing her head between his shoulder blades. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”
He let out a breathless laugh, rubbing at her arms, head craning around to look at her. “Last chance to back out.”
“Not a chance in hell, Shelby.”
∗ ∗ ∗ 
The car pulled up outside the hospital, Tommy shutting off the engine, though neither of them made a move to get out of the car. Neither of them said anything for a long moment. It felt as if they were each holding their breath, preparing for the oncoming fight. Lucy couldn’t even count how many times she’d checked her revolver to make sure it was loaded properly. 
“I’ll set out the guns under a tarp so that you’ll be able to see them when you come up the stairs,” she said, as if they hadn’t already gone over the plan a dozen times that morning and the night before. “And I’ll tell any civilians that I see to go inside and stay there until it’s done.” 
The clock was ticking. They both needed to get going. And still neither of them moved.
Lucy looked down at her hands, rubbing at her rings, taking a deep breath.
“Hey,” Tommy’s strong palm was suddenly cupping the back of her neck, turning her head to him. He leaned forward, kissing her softly and allowing their foreheads to rest against each other. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” she smoothed her hand down his forearm, breathing in deep the scent of his cologne and the smoke that lingered to his clothes. 
“We’re gonna be fine.”
Up and down, her head nodded, breaths drawing in shakily with nerves. But his touch helped calm her. He was right. They had prepared as well as they could for this. Everything would be fine.
Angling her head up, she kissed him again, taking her time with it, the pillow-soft plush of his lips warm as he reciprocated. That large palm rubbed back and forth across the nape of her neck. 
“I love you,” she said after they finally parted.  
“I love you too.” His thumb moved back and forth across her cheekbone. “You be careful.”
She nodded. “You too.”
They kissed again, and he loosened his grip on her, both moving to get out of the car.  
“Do you think Michael will say anything to you about it?” she asked as they headed for the doors of the hospital. 
“I don’t know.”
“If he doesn’t…”
“We’ll deal with that later.” His jaw ticked at the thought, and she would have almost felt pity for Michael, had he not likely been about to send Tommy to what he thought was his death. 
They came to the big doors of the hospital and paused. This was where she left him. Tommy touched her arm, and she could see the worry creasing between her brows and igniting behind his eyes. He had been doing a wondrous job keeping his overprotectiveness from getting out of hand lately, but she could see him wrestling with it now, battling between his trust in her competence and his need to ensure her safety. Lucy cradled the side of his face in an attempt to comfort him, offering one of her impish smiles with the hope that it would make him feel better. 
“Whoever kills fewer Italians today has to buy the winner lunch,” she declared. Tommy’s brows rose, lips twitching.
“Oh, is that right?”
“Mhm. So I hope that you’re prepared to treat me, sergeant major.”
“How do you know that you’re going to win?”
“Because of the two of us, I’m the one that’s more motivated by food.”
That got a real chuckle out of him, bringing his smiling lips to her forehead. “Deal.”
She smiled, nudging him affectionately. “I’ll see you soon.”
He nodded, swallowing hard, hand coming up to cover hers, squeezing, and then finally letting her go. Lucy watched him climb the steps and enter the hospital, waiting until she was out of sight to shove her hands into her pockets, and begin to walk at a brisk pace down the block and around the corner. 
And then she broke into a light jog.
Tommy would be in there at the hospital for a good while with Michael; at least half an hour, more if he could stretch it out. But she wanted to have as much time as possible to get everything set up. 
When she got to the square where the building housing Mrs. Ross’s former flat was located, she slowed to a quick walk, climbing the stairs hastily and pulling the keys from her pocket. As she passed a few civilians out on the terrace, hanging their washing out to dry or hauling groceries inside, she quietly told them to go into their flats and stay there. Those who recognized her did what she said without question, and those who didn’t only needed to take one look at her cap and red hair to know that they needed to listen to her. 
The door to Mrs. Ross’s apartment unlocked with a click. She left it open, going to the kitchen and opening up the cupboards under the sink, beginning to haul the huge machine gun out, setting it down on the kitchen table. Grabbing one of the chairs from around the table, she dragged it to the China cabinet against the wall, climbing the chair so that she could stash the other gun and its ammunition on top of the cabinet. It would be out of the way there for anyone who may decide to wander into the flat between the time she left it and Tommy arrived. She would have to leave it unlocked so he could easily get in if they started shooting at him straight away. 
The machine gun she took outside, keeping it wrapped up in the tarp, and put it down on a crate by the railing, just in front of where a set of stairs veered up to the next level of apartments. Raising the gun up, she tested the line of sight the position would offer to the square below, then squatted behind the crate to check the area of cover that it offered. 
She tucked the tarp more securely around the gun, triple checking that all the pieces save for the ammunition–which Tommy already had–were in place. Satisfied, she ducked back into the flat to take one sweeping look around, ensuring that she hadn’t missed anything before departing. 
They had talked about having her position herself on the terrace opposite Tommy with a sniper rifle, picking the men off when they turned to fire upon him where he would be up at the machine gun. But Tommy had felt quite strongly that it carried too many risks and left her too exposed. The other terrace didn’t offer as much cover, and they had agreed that it would serve them better to keep her presence on the field a surprise for a little while longer. 
The apartments were a labyrinth of tight corridors and terraces. Easy to weave around and lose people in the shadows. Easy to sneak up behind someone and slit their throat without their companions ahead of them even noticing. Especially when they were busy chasing the bait in front of them that was busy blasting them all with machine guns.   
Melting into a dark corner, Lucy checked her revolver one last time, fingering at the ammo tucked away in her pockets, then at the set of throwing knives tucked into one side of her belt. On the other side, she had sheathed her massive hunting knife, the blade cool and so sharp, she was half afraid it would cut her through the cloth that she carefully used to clean it. It shined when she held it up to the light, turning it every which way before nodding to herself and placing it back in its home against her hip. 
Seated in the shadows, she lit a cigarette and listened, barely even breathing, for the sound of approaching cars. Her heart beat loud in her ears, nerves jumping, hands clammy where they squeezed at the cigarette clutched between her fingers.
Everything was set up and in place. 
All that there was left to do was wait. 
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celiawrites14 · 2 months
anthony x oc (polly featherington)
summary: kate dies in a tragic accident and anthony needs help caring for his two children, who better to help than his and kate’s best friend polly?
warnings: major character death, angst, mad anthony, sad anthony, kids, stereotypical gender roles for early 1800s in england
i screamed in agony when lady violet bridgeton told me the news of viscountess bridgerton’s death. kate had been my best friend. the person i poured my heart and soul out to. and she was gone.
my sister, penelope, rushed to my side at the screams. i couldn’t focus, i couldn’t breathe. i felt her beside me, trying to soothe the pain in my heart. to comfort me. but it wasn’t working. the pain was deep, raw, and utterly broken.
“polly, look at me sister.” colin. i knew colin. i knew colin better than most. he was one of my dearest friends, other than kate. “polly, eyes on me.” i tried to search for colin’s face, but my eyes were too full of water to focus on him. i felt penelope wiping at my face, brushing the tears off. “there she is. there’s my pretty sister.”
i gasped for breath, inhaling deeply. penelope’s hand was on my back, the other wiping tears off my face. colin held both of my hands. “oh polly,” penelope said, sadness in her eyes. “i’m so sorry. i can not even fathom what is is like to lose such a dear and close friend.”
i gasped again before letting colin help me to my feet. “anthony is as distraught as you are, my dear.” lady bridgerton told me, reaching for my hand. “the children need you.”
the children. the children need me. “where are they,” i managed to get out.
“at the house.” i did not waste another second before running out of my house and over to the bridgerton house. i burst through the door, pushing past the staff and up the stairs to where i knew della and matthew would be. i pushed into matthew’s room, knowing he would not be consolable.
“matthew,” i breathed, looking around the two year old's room. he was lying in his bed, clutching his stuffed teddy. he stared at the wall. it was then that i noticed anthony sitting in the rocker in the corner, clutching the baby della. "anthony," i whispered. his eyes were red, his grip on the sleeping baby was strong but he wasn't hurting the baby. he looked so broken, similar to how he looked after his father died. i'm sure that i didn't look much better.
"he won't let me near him. i don't know what to do for him." anthony said, pain evident in his voice. "he isn't - he isn't like us. i'm not sure how to help him."
i nodded before looking back to matthew. i knew what anthony meant. i was one of the very few people that could reach matthew, the others being kate and hyacinth. i pulled the desk chair close to the bed and waited until matthew wanted to make contact. it wouldn't do anybody any good me to do anything before he's ready.
at two years old, matthew was a sweet boy. yes, he was different than most boys. he didn't talk much, he didn't like to be held or touched or hugged, he didn't like when it was too loud. he liked things to be a specific way. he liked everything to be the same. he liked colors and patterns. he was insanely smart. he was the smartest kid i had ever met or known.
eventually, matthew tucked himself into my arms and let out sobs. i'm not sure how much he knew was going on, but he knew that he would never see his mom again. i closed my eyes, not wanting my own tears to fall. eventually, i opened my eyes and met anthony's dark brown ones. tears were streaming down his face. i wouldn't let my body shudder even though i wanted to sob. after a while, matthew fell asleep, i rocked him back and forth in my arms, soothing him the best that i could. once i was assured he was asleep, i laid him on the bed before exiting the room, anthony and della behind me.
"i'm going to go put della down." anthony whispered, walking down the hall to della's bedroom. once he was out of sight, i raked my hand through my hair. this was real. kate was dead. my best friend. my person. my favorite human to grace the earth. she was dead.
anthony came out of della's room, still looking utterly broken.
i had to be strong, i reminded myself. i couldn't break. kate needed me to take care of the family. i needed to do this.
a month later, we had found some sort of routine. i would come and help with matthew and della for the day, while anthony did his viscount duties. when he was done, around dinnertime, i made my way back to my house with my mother and sisters.
it was exhausting. della was use to breast milk, which i did not have, so i had been using goat's milk. it was hard to feed her, it had to be exactly the right temperature and she didn't take hardly any. i was the only person she would drink a half a bottle for. sometimes anthony could feed her at night, but only if she was truly hungry. i did my best to be there for her right away in the morning and give her one last bottle before putting her down for the night. it was exhausting, but it needed to be done and i knew kate would want me here. lord knew anthony needed help.
when i tried to approach anthony about everything, it immediately he became defensive.
"i do not need to do anything!" he shouted at me.
“would you for one second just listen to me?” i screamed to anthony.
“i cannot! my wife is dead, you and the rest of the ton expect me to just move on? i won’t do it. i have children to attend to, who need a father. i have responsibilities as viscount to run the home. i do not expect you to understand!” he seethed.
“anthony i'm not expecting anything from you. im asking that you let me help you.”
“and how do you suppose we do that, huh? how, pray tell, polly, do you suppose we do that?”
“your children need caring for.” i said quietly. “and it’s not that you’re not doing a good job.” i added quickly before he could yell at me again. “but they need constant care. they are 1 month old and 2 year old. you are right, you have responsibilities as viscount and i respect and honor that, my lord. but let me help you with the children.”
anthony thought for a moment before nodding.
“but you must live at the house. they need it to be constant, so you must be there when they need you.”
"alright, we can make that work. i'm not sure how, but we will work out the details."
“right,” anthony rubbed his forehead. “right. okay.”
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sofasoap · 2 years
Fate, brought us together again.
Pairing: König x  f!Reader ( OC aka Mini MacTavish )
Summary: Few weeks after Interlude: Here comes the insertion specialist. Reunite with König, again, under very undesirable circumstances. Inspired by the piccadilly circus mission.
Warning: Mature theme, sexual theme. TRIGGER WARNING: gun violence,blood and gore and death.  English isn’t my first language.
A/N : Character of Mini MacTavish is from @saltofmercury fic “ “The Favorite MacTavish” ” which she graciously let me borrow and write bit more expanded universe. Please go read her wonderful story to get bit of background.
 “masterlist” for more stories to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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Smoke, Ashes, Sirens sound everywhere. Dazed and confused, you slowly got up from the ground. You hear people screaming, sound of gunshots being fired. Alerted, you quickly got up and ran towards the nearest obstacle for cover, that's when you notice two little kids sobbing and shaking a body of a woman lying unconscious. Looking left and right, you dash towards them.
You quickly check for any vital signs of the woman, luckily you can feel a faint pulse, and shallow breathing sound. You let out a sigh of relief. Better not move her at all until the EMS arrives. You took off the jacket and lay it on the woman, keeping her warm.
Turning your attention the two children, you ask, "Shh.. shh.. it's ok darling. Is this your mummy?" They nodded. "Are you two hurt?" One of them shook their head, the other replied you with trembling voice, " My arm hurts..", and you notice the child's arm was bleeding from a big gush. Digging through your bag, you found the little wooden teddy bear König had gave you. Passing to the injured child, you ask them to hold it, trying to distract their attention while you try to bandage them up as best you can. As you carefully wipe the gush wound with the alcohol wipe you had in your bag, the child flinches a little, biting their lower lip a little trying very hard not to cry again.
" Good job.. I am sorry it's stings... it's killing all the bad germs so you can heal better." The child nods. Suddenly another loud bang startled three of you. More gunshot sounds, you can hear it's coming closer and closer. Quickly shielding the two children behind you, you saw someone with Ak-47 approaching from behind the turned over bus few meters away. You immediately grab the two children and run towards the wall, but it was too late, the gunner spotted you and shot you right in the leg. Falling onto the ground, you let out a cry of agony. From the corner of eyes, you see the gunman walking towards you, shouting in a language you don't understand. Raising his gun, the two children tremble in fear, you turn around and use yourself as a body shield, waiting for the bullet to hit you. But the death never came. Unknown to the gunman, a figure appeared behind him, grabbing his head and slashing his throat in one fluid motion. Turning your head, you see a tall hooded figure, with piercing feral eye staring at you. You gasped. König.
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König wish he could fly back to Austria, back to his Opa and Oma's cottage , high up in the mountain, and never be seen again. He had no idea what happened later that night at the pub. The last thing he remember was Horangi jabbing him with his elbow, teasing him about the girl he is waving to across the room. He took a sip of the coke after that, which had a odd sweet taste to it, and as if someone switch off the tv, everything just blackout afterwards. It's not until the next day, when he woke up with huge headache, he crawled out from the SAS's guest quarter, dragging himself towards the mess hall in search for water and breakfast. He was met with looks walking down the corridor. König is familiar with people giving him " the look " throughout his life due to his massive stature, but this feels different. Some of the women ( and even some of the men too ) was eyeing him up and down with admiration or even.... suggestive looks??? Doing his best to ignore them, he enter the mess hall and walk towards the buffet Picking up water and coffee, and bit of scramble egg ( he think that is all he can stomach at moment with this dreadful hangover ), he saw Horangi waving him over to sit by the corner table. "Hey big boy, how you feeling?" ".. I need some pain killers. Huge headache." Is all he manage to squeeze out. " Well, I apologise for that. I forgot you don't drink alcohol at all...but! You have now few admirers in this camp!" König shot Horangi a look, " I shouldn't have ask you to get the drink for me... What did I do? what do you mean I got admirers?" Pulling his mask down a little, he started sipping coffee slowly. The warm beverage eases bit of the queasiness in his stomach. " You mean you don't remember?" " No. I told you before I can't take any alcohol at all. It makes me black out." " OHhhh.. So remember the girl you were waving to earlier that night? You made a move on her. " König eyes was bulging out." you were suggesting to her you were very good at ramming people with your .. um.. greatest asset." König spit his coffee out. Suddenly he heard plates slammed on the table. He can see Ghost and Soap looking at his way from two table down. If their eyes are weapon, they are currently shooting him with death rays. The kept their eyes on him while stabbing into sausage with full force, rattling the table. König never finish his meal so fast in his life. You kept texting him, as if nothing had happened. Guessing its a good thing? You are still willing to talk to him despite the embarrassing incident. But he just couldn't bring himself to reply. Not until few weeks later, Kortac headquarter received news on possible terrorist threat in London and then SAS and MI6 has requested assistance. He thought it's a good chance for him to see you face to face, and apologise for what he did. He never realise he will meet you again amongst the chaos and death.
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When they arrive on scene Piccadilly Circus, the terrorists had already started their rampage. The team split up in twos and goes around trying to clear out any threats while the SAS team and police continue to scout around for other possible explosives that hasn't been set off. He heard a gunshot, coming from behind the turned over bus, an anguish cry of a woman, follow by someone yelling in some foreign languages. He signed to Horangi, motion him to hold his position. He slowly approach towards the sound of the gunshot, trying not to be discovered, he saw men raising his AK-47 aiming towards a woman that is doing her best shielding two small children in her arm.
Split second he made the decision of unsheathe his knife, dash towards the gunman, pulling his neck back and cut his throat in one swift motion. The gunman dropped onto the floor, blood spraying out and eye turned upward. Turning his attention to the three trembling figure, the woman turned her head and look up to him, eyes wide with recognition. "... K... König ??? " It was you. He forgot you never seen him with his full sniper hood on before. Horangi appeared from the other side, nodding to him, standing guard. Wiping his knife before sheathing it back into the pouch, König slowly approaches you and kneeled down.
" It's me Liebling, are you Ok?" You let out a shaky breath and shook your head. " he shot me in the calf.. I can't walk." König nodded. " Requesting for medical assistant here ASAP. Three civilians require assistance." " Thank you for saving us.. " small smile appeared on your face. " For the second time.. " König shook his head. " Don't mention it." he look at the two children, who is looking at him with apprehension. He tenses up. The children reminds him of the Urzik hostages, who was unwilling to listen to him due to his appearance. You nudge the younger children, " It's Ok, he is the good guy." Pointing to the wooden teddy bear they still hold in their hand, " He made that teddy bear, for me." The kid open his eye wide with amazement. How can someone so big made something so small??? " The Medics should be coming soon." You can see few people rushing towards your direction with stretcher and medical supplies. "You should be safe now, these people will get you to safety and get you treated." He was about to stand, you grabbed his arm.
" Wait!" He look down at you, eyes full of question. " Am I going to see you later?" "... I will come and find you." His eyes soften a little, before turning his attention elsewhere again, back into full soldier mode.
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He later found you amongst the heap of ambulances and injured, you were sitting on a stretcher, with the two children who he saw before with you on the other stretcher and with woman lying there. You were talking to the children, trying to distract them. " Mini." he called out to you. You turned your visibly pale face towards him. Despite the tiredness you shot him a beaming smile. " König!" He stride forward and stood by your side. " You ok?" You enquired.
Nodding his head, he look at your leg. " They will have to get me to the hospital soon to retrieve the bullet. But in the meantime, I will survive. At least my pain has lessened with the drug they are giving me. " You sighed.
He tentatively reach his gloved hand towards your face, cupping it gently. You close your eyes and lean into his touch.
"I was so scared. I thought that was the end. I kept thinking in my mind , I had to protect those innocent kids." You chuckled bitterly. " You know what flash through my mind the last second? Oh I had to apologise to König that I gave his little teddy bear away.." "Don't worry about it Liebling.. I'll make you another one." He was proud of you but same time his heart ached, what if he didn't spot the gunman sooner? What if he didn't reach you in time? The thought drove him to darker places.
" You keep calling me Liebling. what does it mean? " " ... It.. It.. It means.. It means darling...." König look down onto the floor and stammered. You open your eyes again, face red. Reach up with both of your hand, pull him down slightly by his sniper hood. Forehead bumping together, you look him into his eyes. Oh god, how much you love looking at his blue eyes, behind his piercing look, you can see a soft man in it, waiting to be hugged, to be loved. "Well, Liebling." He love the sound of you speaking his language. "Do you want to take me out for dinner? A proper date?" You can see his eyes open bit wider. You place a kiss on his cheek through the hood, and whispered into his ear : " And MAYBE you can show me later how good you are at... RAMMING into people. My big teddy bear."
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mr-1-2-3-4 · 1 month
hey i’m the silly guy with that Switchblade OC you might’ve seen(?) :D
I made Switch part of Shadow Company (and totally not undercover on 141’s behalf), so i got a couple questions if that’s okay—
Can I feature Pixel in one of my mini-comic-things?
If yes, how would he react if he heard Switch walking through the halls talking on the phone (to totally not Price), saying these exact words: “'Does Graves know?' of course he knows, he’s INVOLVED with it! AND would you believe me if i said he’s a bottom?? Please don’t ask how i found out.”
(I don’t get notifications for Ask unfortunately I don’t want to come off as rude)but if you’re bored and want to still but I’m just answering because I don’t like when I have unanswered Ask because it makes me feel bad
But if you still want to go ahead you don’t have to ask permission even in the future, now that I think about it I should probably start asking if I can put 7-11 in videos or other OCs
But to answer your question, Pixel HATES Price, Ghost, and Soap, so he’ll probably just take the phone and crush in his hand for how much he especially hates Price, but yet can’t get rid of the goggles he gave Pixel, but Pixel would probably crush it until his hand bleeds, and then walks away to go calm down, probably go play his guitar or violin, or smoke a misty cigarette, but he just hates Price, Ghost, and Soap for what the did in the fire
(Also I’m a little dyslexic so if I spelled or say something in a wrong way or anything wrong let me know if you want)
(And I’m ok if any shadow company creators make Pixel, you don’t even have to give him a big roll he can just be in the background, but I don’t want him doing anything romantic with anyone OCs or Graves or any C.o.d characters, Teddy and Roach I will allow, because Pixel is still kinda dating Teddy they just can’t talk on the phone much and they can’t see each in person, and Roach I can just see them have a friendly relationship but people think they are dating because Teddy is poly and is also dating Roach and Pixel is fine with that he just doesn’t do much romantic stuff with him, but like I said nobody has to ask to put Pixel in any art, I just don’t want him doing anything inappropriate, but there you go I guess)
I believe I spelled everything correctly 
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neuroprincess · 1 year
Past, present and future - The Conversation (Chapter 5)
Emily Prentiss/Female Reader
Fanfic Chapter List
Summary: The agents on an old case become the target of a criminal group seeking revenge, and Emily returns after four years, thinking she doesn’t have much to lose until she learns about a part of her past that has been denied.
Warnings: A little angst, anxiety crisis, OC (original character)
Word count: +3800
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Unrevised chapter
Lilibet's eyes are sweet and curious, there is depth and intensity in the gaze of such a little person. The eyelashes are long, thick and lovely, giving an even more angelic and expressive appearance. And remind Emily, they share the same shade of chocolate brown, which easily earn Y/N in just a few seconds staring at her with an adorable pout, this always makes her want to hug the little girl and fill her with kisses. In fact those eyes are the woman's greatest weakness, because she can never say no to the little princess. She is her weak point. Another thing the little girl shares with the chief is her smile, straight teeth, dimpled cheeks, and when she smiles, lips formed in a way that highlights her heart-shaped mouth. It's one of the most adorable features of the little one, along with all the other hundreds of features the mother can list as she faces her daughter about to fall asleep on her hotel bed, wrapped in a thin colorful blanket and hugging her plush teddy bear. Lilibet is having trouble sleeping after all that has happened and with the little nap on the way, it had not been long or quality, but enough. When this happens the brunette becomes sly and difficult to deal with, also a bit moody, so all that is left for Y/N to do is use her secret weapon, lullabies. "Hush Little Baby", "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "All the Pretty Little Horses", "Mary Had a Little Lamb", "The Wheels on the Bus" and "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". She sang one by one hugging Lili, caressing her dark hair and thinking how lucky she is to have her in arms, how every second counted so she could act, not even wanting to imagine what would happen if she didn't get there in time.
So many years working at Interpol and also at the BAU have made her realize that even though she is not in a job that requires guns constantly she has decided that she must protect her small family safe from the evils that surround them, from horrible people just like the ones she has had to deal with and possible retaliation from the past. Although Clyde has given her a clean record and a safe place, she can't ignore the fact that those monsters she has imprisoned or their partners may seek revenge. So that's why she decided to keep a gun at home, making sure it was always locked up and out of Lilibet's sight. She knew that she would need to be prepared in case any kind of emergency occurred and also to ensure their safety, determined not to allow her daughter to have to go through anything like what she went through before, in the end it only served to protect them because now she knows that even at a very young age Lili will probably carry marks from that day forever.
- How I wonder what you are... - she whispers the last verse of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", the girl's favorite and sung for the third time in the night.
After two hours of fighting against sleep Lilibet finally falls asleep, her plush teddy bear pressed against her chest, face relaxed, body light and her breathing becoming calm as the minutes pass. Mother pulls the blanket over her body, covering her carefully and gently, placing a loving kiss on the little forehead before settling down beside her. But then, only after ensuring that her daughter is all right, can she deal with her own demons. Images from the day before take over mind like a movie that repeats itself several times, like when someone loses the remote control and is forced to watch the same bad channel over and over again. She sees herself running down the halls, the gun in trembling hand, the adrenaline high, the steps fast. She finds herself desperately trying to reach the room where Lili was, the panic and fear of losing her daughter consuming her, and then the familiar sound of gunshots, then red, very red mixed into the wooden floor of the foyer as the child stood there, standing. And she constantly watches herself reliving that moment, unable to change the channel, unable to pull out those memories along with all the unassimilated feelings and sensations.
Her eyes are fixed on the ceiling fan spinning at medium speed, on the city lights vaguely illuminating the dark room, attentive to the muffled noises coming from the ground floor seven stories below, and to those in the corridor where she is, memorizing the footsteps of the security guards, worrying about anyone different from them. But the dry thuds against the floor are more familiar than Y/N would like to admit, instead of knocks on the door she hears the metallic sound of keys against the lock and the knob turning next. She curls up in bed pressing the blankets even tighter against her chest, unable to look at the door and who has entered. She hears heels, but her mind refuses to believe the safe possibility and goes into another alert mode, survival speaking louder than reason. Her heart beats harder to the point where she could swear to hear it, hands sweat and she felt paralyzed, trapped in her own instrusive thoughts. When a hand touches a shoulder, Y/N trembles even more and her heart speeds up to the point of feeling almost pain, which makes her tear up, tears caught in the edges of the eyes. Y/N's hands tremble and she feels even more paralyzed against the bed, she feels helpless as if she is stuck in a maze of thoughts, unable to find a way out to free herself and suddenly back to square one, desperate. The woman still can't turn to look at who is there, but something inside her calms a little as she hears Emily's calm, familiar voice.
- Hey, hey... Relax, it's just me, Emily. - the brunette whispers taking the hand off her shoulder and moving to hold her in a tight hug, pulling the body against her own as Y/N stifles a cry in the curve of the chief's neck so she doesn't wake the child sleeping next to her - It's okay. Calm down, it's okay.
Emily has arms tightened around her, it is cozy and comforting, her touch is soft, Y/N can recognize the scent of the brunette's usual perfume as well as the shampoo as the strands rub against her face. Even though they were divorced years ago she can feel the familiarity and comfort of being in her arms, Emily still knows how to soothe her. She can feel the strength around, it somehow makes her feel protected, so her body slowly relaxes, allowing Y/N to snuggle even tighter against her ex-wife's body, hear her whispering in ear that everything is okay now while thin and gentle fingers caress her head slowly until breathing normalizes and her body stops shaking, the tears have stopped making eyes burn so much when they dry.
- I'm here, no one will hurt you. You don't have to be afraid, you're safe... - Emily's voice is clear, calm and gradually makes the woman relax, slowly the bad thoughts dissipating as she concentrates on the voice that continues to speak reassuring words, bringing her back to the present - - Are you okay now? - Emily asks gently, looking at her with a worried expression in eyes, the same expression she indentifies in her daughter every time she looks at her now and it made Y/N break into tears.
- I don't know, I still don't know. - she whispers, voice almost inaudible not wanting to leave her chest as she separates from the chief, moving quickly to check on the daughter, but seeing her peaceful appearance and in deep sleep reassures herself. Y/N looks over her shoulder to Emily, still seeing concern in her face - I don't know what was going on, but... thank you.
- You're welcome. - Emily nods, putting her hand lightly on Y/N's shoulder - I think it was an anxiety crisis. Are you ok now? If you need anything, I'm here. - she says gently, looking into Y/N's eyes and trying to give a smile, unsuccessfully, her heart aches to imagine what the former agent is going through and the child too - We can talk about it, if you want.
Y/N wipes the tears away and swallows hard, trying not to cry again. She turns to Emily, trying to keep a neutral expression, hiding her feelings of pain, fear and helplessness.
- I'm fine, thank you. - she says, forcing a smile. - Don't worry, it's nothing. I'll be fine in time. Now, let's talk about what we had planned.
- Are you sure you're well enough to talk about it? If you don't want to talk about it now, we can postpone the conversation. - Emily sighs and approaches carefully, gently trying to touch Y/N's shoulder again, but she pulls away, her hard gaze making it clear that she is not ready for contact - I understand, don't worry.
- No. No, I'm fine. - she replies, keeping a firm voice as she can, directing the topic - So, have you read Lili's entire file? Are there any questions that need to be clarified? Anything you'd like to know?
The brunette is silent for long seconds, head down as her mind fills with mixed feelings as she hears her talking about this topic with a certain distance and coldness in voice, Emily feels a combination of sadness and guilt, because if Lili is really her daughter, then she has missed important growing up years, all those first moments like first steps, word, school day, first soccer game or whatever she does as a hobby, as well as birthdays. She was not there to hold her and help blow out the candles. Emily sighs deeply, aware that she may never have the chance to make up for lost time, nor would there be any way to go back in the past and try to do something different, because if there was she would definitely do it. She raises her head, looking at Y/N, and swallows dryly settling herself on the bed. Her jaw is tense and she tries to struggle to formulate something decent, non-invasive, trying to find the right words to express her feelings, but she can't.
- I know the file tells some things about her, but... does she have something she likes to do? Something she loves? Favorite color? - the chief bites the tongue, feeling suddenly silly for having asked so many trivial questions when there is a big question in the middle.
- I thought the first thing you would do is question motherhood. - Y/N laughs and sits down on the end of the other bed facing her ex-wife - Let's start from this point.
- Okay, so, how? I left and you were already pregnant? But our last attempt was months earlier. - Emily tries to do the mental math between her going to London and Lilibet's birth, remembering the time period between their last attempt to get pregnant and her leaving, the question on her mind from the moment she read the file - And we had negative results.
- One week and a few days before you left I secretly tried one last chance, two after you left for London came the positive. I called you.
- And I never answered. - the woman completes in a shaky voice - I don't question being or not being Lilibet's mother, I believe you. Besides, she's the personification of the Prentiss.
- That's true, she has those eyes and smile of yours, the nose is clearly of Elizabeth. - Y/N squares her shoulders and turns to face her daughter, knowing she could never deny her genetic heritage when a small version of her ex-wife is lying there wrapped in the blankets -- If you want, we can do a DNA test, also, I still have all the documents of the fertilization clinic. - she suggests, with care in temper.
Emily sighs and nods reluctantly in agreement, staring at the child behind Y/N, her heart tightens and there is a strange weight in the pit of stomach. She feels the need to get closer, to know Lili's personality and way of being, to better understand who she is, who she can become. To know the little girl's world.
- I wish I was here with you Y/N, when you were pregnant with Lilibet and her growth. I wish I could have been a part of that. But, unfortunately, I can't change the past. - the brunette's body is trembling and she feels the sweat starting to run down her hands -- And I know that no matter how hard I beg you won't forgive me so easily. So I can only ask. Can you tell me how it all went? What were your symptoms when you thought you were pregnant? How did you find out? I want to know more about Lilibet.
The former agent sighs, feeling suddenly sick, everything that has happened in the last few days is simply too much, first the attack, that man, meeting her ex-wife again after 4 long years, Emily discovering their daughter and consequently probably returning to her life just as she once arrived. She looks at Lilibet behind her, eyes gazing at her baby with love and admiration, it's a little human being that she wanted so much and brought into the world. And even though Emily Prentiss didn't know it, she was a part of that process. Y/N understands that despite the hurts and events no matter what happened in the past for now, what really matters is Lili. She turns to Emily again, nodding.
- You're right, Prentiss. I won't forgive you so easily, but for me what matters right now is Lilibet and her feelings. She will never be denied of anything. - Y/N pauses, taking a breath and the courage to continue - I would never deny you the... right to be Lilibet's mother, nor would I deny Lilibet the opportunity to have the other mother by her side. She needs love and care, I just want the best for my princess. - she swallows down her saliva, still not believing that this feared moment has arrived and to go through her pride for the sake of the girl's happiness is harder than she thought it would be - I'm here to answer your questions, as apparently I won't be able to sleep. After all.
Emily opens the mouth to say something, but no words come out. She then quickly approaches Y/N and hugs her with excitement, wrapping her in arms tightly, affectionately and gratefully. Although she returns the contact the woman carefully pulls away, as if the touch is burning her, which is not entirely untrue. Where she is touched burns, leaving a lingering trail on Y/N skin, etched as well as scent of her perfume on her clothes.
- So...
- Ah! - the chief realizes she just did and practically throws herself back to where she was before - I'm sorry. I couldn't control myself. I want to think of something to ask, but there are so many things about her that I don't know where to start, maybe the basics. What is her favorite color? What does she like to do? Is she a lively child or a quieter one? That would be ironic, a quiet child was all my parents wanted. - she laughs sadly, unable to know what the girl is like even though she spends a day watching her, the guilt takes over her stomach and reaches into bile with this dull feeling.
- Well, her favorite color is green, she also likes pink tones, except for vibrant ones. Lili loves to draw and paint, and sometimes she can be quite agitated, especially on colder days, because all she wants to do is go out and play in the garden. - a bright smile appears on Y/N's lips as she talks about her daughter, and this doesn't pass unnoticed by Emily, who pays attention to every word, absorbing everything - She also loves to sing and dance, she is a little fan of musicals and Disney movies. Lili is really smart, she can already read little books, and is learning to count.
- It's amazing how smart she is for her age. - Emily comments, looking a bit amazed - You have done a great job with her. It's really fortunate that Lilibet has you for a mother. And... what else can you tell me about her? Does she do any activities? Maybe soccer.
- She is too young and small to play soccer, but she has been practicing ballet since 2 years old and wants to join the pre-school baseball league as soon as she turns 4. She loves sports, almost constantly accompanies me on walks, and when we are at home, there are the games and active play. - she smiles sadly, remembering that the girl had a day like that and was putting together her own mess when that man showed up, so she closes the eyes trying to erase it from her memory for the moment and tries to change the topic - Any other questions?
- I... - Emily was about to start asking, but was interrupted by the beep of her phone. She picks it up to see what was sent and her face becomes apprehensive - It's Tara calling me back to the BAU. There's a new lead. I have to go. Sorry, Y/N. I'd really like to talk more, but... - she gets up, already preparing to leave, putting her leather jacket against the body and the holster on her waist - Try to get some sleep, anything I call and if you need anything just call me, my number is on the nightstand.
- You can't tell me anymore about the lead?
- One of the invaders was captured. Do you remember the Petros Galanis case? - Emily feels frustrated for having to interrupt the conversation, but at the same time is motivated by finally having a useful lead about what is going on, besides that anything related to the case concluded years before has to be observed and treated with care - It's one of his former henchmen.
- Is Petros seeking revenge? Or one of his sons? - the question is practically rhetorical, Emily neither agrees nor responds - But we arrested him along with his sons, the only one who was not arrested reported him in and is in witness protection.
- He is a man with many cards up his sleeve. - the brunette says low, more to herself than to the woman, and shudders to imagine what the Greek mobster could do in retaliation, she knows he has connections with powerful people and has the ability to provide resources that many others don't have, which probably allowed him to invade the agents' house even in prison - I'll reinforce security here, Will and the boys are in the next room if something happens and I can't get there in time.
- Okay. - by now the tension has taken over the air, both feel the fear running down their spines, as much as they were protected and off the radar, the Galanis family had been one of the biggest criminal organizations they faced at that time, with a legacy marked of violence, power and intimidation, leaving a trail of corpses. When the case was closed there was the near certainty of the decimation with the arrest of the leader and his heirs, so the agents involved would be safe, but apparently not, no one is safe when there is one of them out there - Please take care.
- I will, you take care too. And of Lili. - Emily smiles weakly and approaches the child, leaving a kiss on her forehead. Then, she turns to Y/N and automatically does the same thing to her, an affectionate gesture and at the same time a farewell, something they used to do when they were married and even after years away her body still seems used to it. - Everything will be fine, try to get some sleep.
- Right.
And Emily left the hotel room with the feeling of fear in the pit of her stomach but mentally determined and ready to act on this case, to confirm if that arrested piece of shit is still connected to the greek mafia and what the hell Petros Galanis might be up to, or one of his four sons behind bars. Now, besides the BAU family, she has to protect the mother and daughter as well. She knows the danger they are in, especially Lilibet as she is an easy and fragile target, who could easily become the organization's ultimate goal of revenge. She was called Little Prentiss, just confirming that whoever goes after this sick plan knows about the maternal connection to Emily, knows about the marriage, and most importantly, knows that Lilibet Eloise Y/L/N (Prentiss) is the daughter of the two main agents responsible for the Galanis' downfall.
- Hey, we have a visitor... - Tara whispers practically running towards Emily as she passes through the glass doors of the floor, a bit distracted in her own thoughts.
- What?
- Behind me. Near the snack machine. - she points with her head to a woman in the same spot she indicated, the only person there -- Friend of Y/N and must be important to be here 3am behind her.
When looking closely at the place Emily comes across a tall woman, maybe almost or as tall as Tara, she is slim, her body is highlighted by a tailored feminine suit, she wears black Manolo Blahniks high heels, fine authentic jewelry, light makeup, her blonde hair is perfectly cut at shoulder height, her glasses perched on the tip on her thin nose as she searches for something on the machine reveals her light blue eyes, deep and penetrating. When she notices the chief's presence and directs her gaze at Emily, it is intense and inquisitive, as if she is reading her mind. Her expression is half amused, half serious, and she has an aura of authority that cannot be denied. This woman has an air of professionalism and elegance, standing out among the other people who despite wearing similar clothes seem just background in her presence. As she walks towards the women, the brunette can't not notice the beautiful pair of long, shapely legs fitted tightly into the chic skirt.
- Agent Prentiss, right? - she asks gently, holding out her free hand to the brunette, a small smile on lips.
- Chief, actually. - Emily shakes the woman's hand, feeling the firmness and confidence she conveys in just one touch. The handshake was brief but intense, as if both were evaluating and testing each other - And you?
- Dr. Helena Cavendish. - she faces her with a certain superiority, analyzing Emily from head to foot, as if she were weighing every detail of hers and analyzing it, then smiles before continuing - For closer, Lena. Y/N's girlfriend.
Note: Ladies, I present to you how I imagine the OC, for me Helena would have the same look and vibe as Alex Cabot from SVU
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borntoocry · 2 years
𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐
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college Ellie AU
part 2/ ? part 1
word count: 3.2K
summary: Ellie and val go to a party together and get high. 
pairing: Ellie williams x fem/latina oc
warnings: none? just them getting high so if you hate weed... I guess don’t read. 
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I huffed as I fell onto my bed. My phone was hovering over my face and I had Ellie’s phone number typed up in. I was trying to find something to say—my thumbs were hovering over the keyboard and every time I typed in ‘Hey,’ I asked myself if messaging her at all was a good idea. I had another syllabus to look over tonight and if I didn’t remember it, I would actually have to pay attention in class. 
But I wanted to see Ellie. I wanted to go to a party and speak to her again. To have a conversation with her where I wasn’t squirming in my seat. I may squirm while in front of her, fighting the frustration in my body that may attack her lips with my own. But I wanted to be around her, to find something we had in common that wasn’t College Algebra 1304. 
I typed in, Hey, it’s Val. At what time is the party?
I turned on my ringer and hopped off of my bed, quickly running to my closet. I opened the door and eagerly looked through my clothes. I knew not to wear something wild, like one of the skimpy dresses I brought from home in case one of my invisible friends invited me to a night club. Like maybe I needed it to make my boobs look bigger even though not even a push-up bra could help. Like maybe it would persuade the security guard to let me into their club. 
I then had a bright pink flow-y dress. No.
A pair of black skinny jeans if I found a job soon. No. 
A tacky green tennis skirt. Hell no. 
I was looking in the wrong section of my closet. I pushed all of my dresses to one end and looked at my overalls, jeans, old tank tops I never wore. This seemed boring and good. Good for a college party—I didn’t have to get anything absurdly dirty and I wasn’t going to ruin any of my skimpy ‘maybe’ dresses. 
I pulled out a breathable, tight red long-sleeve, a pair of identical jean shorts I was already wearing, and black platform tennis shoes. 
I laid the clothes out on my bed and picked up my phone. I turned it on and albeit not hearing a single ring, Ellie’s number was stamped on the only notification on my phone. 
 817-008-####: At 9. If you wanna hang before, we can. 
I felt watched. Like someone was staring at me through my window, cackling at how frightened I was that someone—especially an extremely attractive girl—was interested in me. Maybe not in the romantic way, but at least platonically. Sam shared no interest in me whatsoever, and besides Ellie, no one has looked at me with a curious eye. 
I felt an immense pressure in my chest that ran up to my chest, but as I opened my mouth, I realized I just hadn’t been breathing. I gasped and quickly opened my phone, erratically typing in an answer. It was 8:00 and I was not dressed, nor had makeup or my hair done. 
Yeah that’s fine, I typed. I’m not ready yet but… 
I huffed. I rubbed my thumb and index against my eyebrows. I was going to ask her if she wanted to sit in my room as I got ready, I knew I was, but I needed to prepare myself. I knew I would ask her because my thumbs were already typing the message. I couldn’t tell myself no, so as soon as I typed the message, I sent it. 
Yeah that’s fine! I’m not ready yet but if you want, we can hang in my room until I’m done. 
I placed my thumb into my mouth to stop myself from vomiting all over myself, and waited for her to answer. It wasn’t long before she replied. 
 817-008-####: Great, just tell me where your dorm and room is and I’ll be on my way in like five minutes. I have an edible and a few joints. Is that alright. 
Maples Hall. 2nd floor. Literally the fourth door on your right. Will say Sam and Val on a teddy bear. 
 817-008-####: Cool. See you soon :) 
I quickly threw off all of my clothes and stepped into the clothes set on my bed. Underwear. Red long-sleeve. No bra, ‘cause now I was cool. I also had no boobs, so a bra was unnecessary. Jean shorts. I then pumped my coconut lotion into my hand and lathered myself with it until I probably didn’t even need perfume. I slid on my mismatched socks that had pretzels on the left one and Barney’s face on the right. I lathered my armpits in both spray deodorant and roll-on. 
I was running rampant in my room, trying to slap gel into my hair and forming my hair into long braids that ran down my back, finding my makeup, and finding my perfume that magically slid off my desk. By the time my second braid was swaying down my back, there was someone rapping their hard knuckles on my door. 
I slid towards the door and opened it as wide as I could, almost slamming it against my face. 
Ellie was directly in front of me, her body relaxed. She had on a semi-tight black shirt that clung to her arms but swished against her tummy. I could see a sliver of her pale skin where her shirt failed to reach her loose jeans. I sucked in a little too much air and had to squint my eyes so I wouldn’t cough out and die. 
“My…” I looked behind me and my eyes widened at the sight of my bra and underwear on the floor. “…My messy room. You can choose wherever you wanna sit, but let me clean up a little.” 
She chuckled and shut the door behind her. I ran to pick up my green bralette and underwear and chucked them into my hamper that struggled to fit itself in the space between the wall and our sink. I sighed and said, “I’m sorry, I was trying to get ready before you came and I forgot that was there.” 
“It’s okay,” she whispered, as if Sam was here and she was not only seeing the situation but laughing at it. I could feel her shitty aura in the room, so I wasn’t far off. “We all have underwear.” 
“Not bright green one’s though,” I laughed. This made her laugh, even though I was withering away on the inside. I was glad my embarrassment made her laugh. Maybe it was the wrong thing, but I no longer cared. 
“Yeah, maybe not,” she answered as she hopped onto my bed. 
As she relaxed into my bed, I threw my unlocked phone beside her. “Play something. All I have to do now is some makeup. Don’t worry though, it’ll take like ten-fifteen minutes top.” 
“Take as long as you need, I can wait.” 
I smiled at this. She was patient, and she didn’t judge me for having my underwear out on display as if it were Victoria’s Secret. She was silent and she played music like I asked and she was observing my room and me! Without her saying it was weird that I had picture of cats in almost every square inch of my room. 
Well maybe I was wrong. She did say something about the cats. “Are these your cats?,” she asked. 
My eyebrow pencil waved around in the air as I let out a breathy chuckle and waited for my cheeks to redden. “They’re not… Just some ideas for what I’ll get when I’m older.” 
“Oh,” she said, her smile cutting through her tone. “That’s… interesting. No girl I’ve met has done that.” 
“Yeah well I am probably unlike most people you’ve met. Obviously by the pictures of random cats on my wall and the panties you saw as soon as I opened the door.” 
“I don’t think you’re weird…” 
I looked at her and raised my eyebrow pencil at her. “Don’t lie. I can see through you right now.” 
“You cannot,” she laughed. “I just think you’re… different. Not in a bad way, just a… different way.” 
 I rolled my eyes and looked away. “Whatever you say, Ellie Williams. You’re too normal for me.” 
“Yep. Normal. 
“Would a normal person offer you an edible?” 
“Hm,” I murmured. “Maybe not a normal person. Maybe a weirdo.” 
“Well a weirdo is offering you an edible. It’s a gummy ring. I know nothing about you but from what I’ve collected, you are new to this.” 
“And how do you know this?,” I asked, in a slightly flirtatious tone. I wasn’t sure if I was being completely flirtatious, because flirting was not my forte, but I tried. I tried extra hard, because I could feel her next to me now, with her pale torso right beside my face, burning my cheeks. 
“You wrote down everyone in our classes’ description followed by a deeper description of them. To feel them out.” 
“Hmm.” I placed my makeup onto my counter and looked up at her. “Well not only are you a weirdo, but you’re a spy too, huh?” 
She shrugged. “A little. Only ‘cause I wanted to know if you wrote my name down. But you didn’t.” 
“No, I didn’t.” 
“And why not?” 
“Too distracted,” I said. 
“Talking to me?” 
“No, watching our sexy professor.” 
She let out a belly-laugh that made me suck in my lips to stop myself from following her lead. “Oh, please tell me you’re joking.” 
I shrugged. 
She stopped laughing and took a serious look at me. “You are joking, right?” 
I stared at her with a straight face, watching her slowly question my entire existence. Then I smiled. “Yes, joking.” 
“Good,” she said, in her stupidly hot whispering voice that had my heart clawing at my chest. She dipped her hand into the pouch of edibles and took out a peach ring. She cut it in half and grabbed my hand, placing it into my palm. “Half so you can smoke a joint.” 
I popped it into my mouth and chewed. “Thanks. Now shoo, I’m almost done.” 
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Why the hell did I already feel like melting into Ellie? 
Not in the OH MY GOD LET’S HAVE SEX RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW way, but in the, You’re sweet and I like that you aren’t mean to me, kind of way. When I took my first hit of my first ever joint, she fished a water bottle from the crevices of her pocket and opened it for me. The crack of the cap opening ringed in my ears and I inhaled as much water as I could. 
“You’re okay,” she murmured whilst rubbing my arm. “This still happens to me sometimes.” 
“Really?” I would gasp. 
“Mhm. Don’t worry about it.” 
I looked up at her with glittery eyelids and glossy eyeballs and smiled. She smiled back, of course, because she was nice and she didn’t make me want to run away. “Ugh,” I then said, cutting off the silence and handing her back the joint. “I like the feeling but damn, my throat hurts.” 
“‘Cause you just coughed up half a lung, Val. Here, just sip on this water while we walk to the place.” 
I followed her instructions and slowly drunk the water. When we got to the party, I was absolutely stoned. It was a good high, I couldn’t lie, but I was out of my body, drifting off somewhere. 
I could tell Ellie noticed because she held me outside with her hands on my arms and a worried expression stuck on her face. “You alright?” 
I smiled. “Yeah, I’m good. Just…” 
“Really high,” she answered. “Got it. So maybe let’s not drink tonight.” 
“Wasn’t planning on it,” I replied. “But maybe just one drink.” 
“One, but 90% lemonade and 10% vodka.” She backed up and stood next to me now—her hand slithered onto my hip for stability and I faltered just a bit. I chuckled but she worriedly asked me, “You alright there? Do we need to sit down?” 
I pursed my lips and shook my head. “Just nervous.” 
There was a smirk forming on her lips. She said nothing but took me up the short set of stairs and into her friend’s house. I’d forgotten the name but I knew it was a guy. She told me that, but she didn’t tell me he was rich as hell. They were apartments where they weren’t truly apartments, more like fucking homes. 
Ellie knocked once then opened the door. She shut it behind us and led us through a dim-lit hallway with a couple of girls and guys attached to the wall. Some girls smiled, but I wasn’t sure if it was at me or Ellie. She was the one gay girls probably drooled over. Because I most certainly was. 
The main room where the music blasted and bottles of vodka and tequila and seltzers lined the table was the living room. Everyone was either sitting on the couch or slouching on the wall as if they were flies. When I turned my head to the right, some more people stood around the dining table, playing college games where they tossed balls and poured water into a glass and stuck cards into seltzer tops. 
Ellie leaned down and whispered in my ear. “You alright if I let go? I’ll grab your hand if you need me to.” 
I shook my head and helped her snake her hand out from around my hip. I didn’t hold onto her but I followed her over to the bar seating around the kitchen counter. Her friend was there, dressed head to toe in black. 
“Kahlo,” Ellie said, and the name finally rushed back into my head. Obviously. “What’s up.” 
“Nothing much, nothing much.” He glanced at me and smiled, shining his pearly white teeth at me. “You brought a friend. It’s nice to meet you, I’m Kahlo.” 
I waved and shined a smile, but a much smaller, more shy smile. “It’s nice to meet you too. I’m Val. Valeria.” 
“Great. I see you found Ellie. She been good?” 
I turned to Ellie and laughed. She rolled her eyes and looked away. “Well we only met today, but yeah, she’s been a good girl.” 
Kahlo’s eyes widened and he averted his gaze to Ellie. “Good girl. Huh.” 
“Alright, shut up. Just make us a drink. 90% cranberry juice, 10% vodka.” 
“Got it.” 
Ellie placed her elbow on the counter beside me and sighed. “You doing alright?” 
“Yeah, I’m good,” I replied. “Do I not look it?” 
She ran her eyes down my body and back up to my face. I saw the lingering of her eyes on my boobs, but kept the scream inside of my ribcage. “You look great, but your eyes are red and droopy.” 
“Hmm. Maybe I’m sad that I don’t have a joint in my mouth right now.” 
She chuckled. “Well then let’s get onto that then.” Kahlo returned with the drinks and Ellie picked them up with one hand, using the other to grab my hand and pull me back outside. No one was out besides a few stray people smoking beside the mini-garden. 
We sat down on the gray steps and she handed me my drink. She set hers down and fished in her pocket for her joints. She took one out and handed it to me, saying, “Open,” as she fished in her pocket once more for her lighter. I opened my mouth and clamped down on the end. She grabbed her lighter, flicked it on, and neared the flame to the tip of the joint. “Pull.” 
I did as she said and blew out once I felt enough smoke simmering in my throat and running down into my chest. I blew out and took the joint out of my mouth. Her mouth opened wide and she smiled, followed by short clapping. “See, you got it.” 
I bowed and clapped right beside her. “Thank you, thank you.” 
She took the joint and took a few hits herself. It was silent between us but like usual, it wasn’t for long. She blew out a puff of smoke and began to speak once more. “So do you like it here?” 
“Yeah,” I answered quickly. “I do. I think I just had to find someone to hang out with.” 
She hummed and handed me the joint. “I meant to ask about your roommate.” 
“Is she like a total bitch?” 
“Not a total one,” I said. “A slight one. She’s all about her boyfriend, but to the point where she cries every time she has to sleep in our room and it’s like she’s a cat crying for her damn owner to come back. She’s also a brat. Spoiled one. The day I moved in she was being such a bitch to her parents. Crying about the space, and how if they had paid some more, she would have been in the post luxurious dorms on campus.” 
“Nothing like you, then?” 
“Hell no!” I exclaimed. “I wanted to punch her in the face.” 
She chuckled. “Well, good to know. But sad to know that that’s why I hadn’t seen you around campus: you were stuck in your dorm the entire week before classes.” 
“Well now you see me, and you like me, so now you don’t have to worry,” I whispered with a smile. 
“Yeah,” she replied, also in a whisper. She took a sip of her drink and took another hit. I was higher out of my mind. I began swaying to the music playing inside that flowed out of the cracks of the front door. She followed along—her shoulder bumped into mine, her arm touched mine and each time we moved apart, she raced back to my skin. I might have been high and thinking wrong, but she kept looking at me with her low, bloodshot eyes, with a look similar to a lion readying itself to eat its prey. 
I wanted to kiss her, but I glued my ass to the ground. I was letting the high thoughts enter into every crevice of my brain. I took a sip of my drink to calm my nerves but it only made me more thirsty. A bit sexually thirsty. 
Fuck. I was having a horny high. 
I looked away and ran my fingers down my braids. “Is it hot?” I questioned. 
“You feel hot?” 
“I think so.” 
Ellie placed her hand on my arm and rubbed up and down like she’d done before. “You wanna walk around?” 
I took a deep breath and turned to her. I looked at her lips, her freckles, her red cheeks, her stupid-pretty eyes. “No.” 
Her eyebrows curled in. “No? You wanna take a sip of water?” 
“No, I just… really wanna kiss you.” 
She sucked her lips into her mouth. In attempts to hide her smile, she ended up smiling  even harder. She lowered her head even further and whispered, “Okay.” 
“I just haven’t really kissed. Not since my junior year when a guy slipped his entire tongue down my throat.” 
Ellie placed her hands on my cheeks and pulled me in. “Enough talk about guys, just kiss me.”
part 3
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the-al-chemist · 1 year
The Beginning of a Symphony - Chapter 36
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A/N: the night of the ball has finally arrived, and Ophelia is determined to make the most of this opportunity.
Warnings: Ophelia’s usual antics, plus fake-dating trope gone wrong.
OCs featured/mentioned: Carolyn Nyberg, Selene Fraser, Alan the ferret and Henry Lovecraft @lifeofkaze, Bradford Pendleton, Ivy Anders, Oliver Gerard and Eliot Gerard @kc-and-co, Adelia Selwyn @thatravenpuffwitch, Marigold Sterling and Cledwyn Ironwood @that-scouse-wizard, Victoria Summer @whatwouldvalerydo, Primrose Gray @endlessly-cursed, William Devlin and Maxwell Pembroke @unfortunate-arrow, Lydia Ellis @mjs-oc-corner
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May 1897
The night of the Celestial Ball had arrived at last, and it was everything Ophelia had dreamed it would be. The Great Hall had been transformed into a grand ballroom, with the tables vanished to make enough space for people to dance, and a large obelisk in the very middle. Even the enchanted ceiling appeared more star-filled than usual, as if the very sky knew that this night was going to be one where something magical might happen.
Ophelia observed the scene from one of the seats that lined the walls of the Great Hall. Carolyn, Adelia, and Marigold were all on the dancefloor; Caro with Bradford Pendleton, Adelia with Teddy Ellison, and Marigold with Lydia Ellis. All three of them looked beautiful in their dress robes, and were the very pictures of poise and grace as they danced with their suitors.
The Slytherins were not the only ones who were looking and dancing exquisitely. Hufflepuff’s Ivy Anders flashed Ophelia a wide and friendly smile as she paraded past on the arm of Maxwell Pembroke, while Gryffindor’s Oliver Gerard and Victoria Summer appeared to be saving their smiles for each other. Primrose Grey from Ravenclaw was among the best dressed, smiling as she danced with her fiancé William Devlin. Ophelia felt a pang of jealousy. It was not fair, really. Primrose’s parents had picked out a wealthy suitor for her as a child, and she did not even need one. She clearly had enough money for pretty dresses and dance lessons without one.
As for Ophelia herself, she had managed to magically alter the dress her mother had bought her for birthday so it looked brand new and far fancier and more fashionable than it was in reality. She had arranged her newly blonde hair very prettily and applied a subtle amount of Marigold’s rouge to her cheeks in order to accentuate her newly green eyes. But as of yet, no one had asked her to dance with them.
It was peculiar; she looked as close to being beautiful as she ever would, and the stage had been set perfectly for her to showcase that, but somehow, she still found herself waiting in the wings. She had so many potential leading men, but she had yet to become a leading lady. Sitting to the side of the dance floor next to the wall, she may not have even been part of the ensemble. No, she was merely a piece of the scenery.
She was trying to act as if nothing was vexing her - after all, no gentleman would want to dance with a lady who did not smile nicely - but she was finding it increasingly difficult to not show how disappointed she was by this turn of events. Still, she was able to force a smile as Carolyn approached her, Bradford at her side, the two of them having retired from the dancefloor.
“Ophelia, are you not dancing?” Caro asked her, and Ophelia shook her head. “Why, has no one yet asked you?”
“No, sadly not.”
“Now, that simply will not do. You must have a dance,” said Brady. Ophelia looked at him hopefully, but his eyes had started to scan the dancefloor. “I’m certain that we can find someone to dance with you. Let’s see… Ah, just the person. Jim, old bean!”
At the sound of his name being called out, Jim Hexley walked towards the group. When he reached them, Brady etched around to clap him on the back.
“Jim, my friend, we have a young lady who wishes to dance and has no partner to dance with, and I see that you appear to have misplaced your dance partner.”
“Oh, well, I… I have not misplaced her. That is to say, I am quite certain of where she is. Over there, look.” Jim pointed in the direction of the refreshment table, where his twin sister Ethel was drinking pumpkinade with her own dance partner, Cledwyn Ironwood. On her other side, Selene Fraser was intently listening to something that Eliot Gerard was telling her.
“I take no joy in being the man to deliver this news to you, old chap, but it would appear that there are three of you in this partnership.”
“Yes, but then that… that has been the case since the beginning of the evening.”
As Jim spoke, the small, minky-furred body of a ferret climbed up over Selene’s shoulder and came to rest there, a small bow tie tied around its neck. Brady guffawed, Jim chuckled, and even Carolyn’s lips twitched a little.
“So, what do you say, Jim?” Brady asked, once he had finished laughing. “Fancy a turn about the room with Miss Burke here?”
Jim cleared his throat before nodding his head. “Uh, yes. Of course. It would be my pleasure. An honour. I… Ophelia, would you like to dance?”
Ophelia considered the offer. Jim Hexley was not the sort of wizard she had hoped to dance with. He was a decent enough fellow, but not at all wealthy. Still, one had to start somewhere, and everyone knew that a gentleman showing interest in a woman was sure to garner the interest of other men. So, she took Jim’s proffered hand and accompanied him to the dancefloor, where the couples had just begun to dance along to the polka music being played by an unmanned orchestra.
“I am afraid that I… I am not the best dancer,” Jim apologised. “Ethel and Selene did teach me - or attempted to teach me, I should say - but their efforts, I fear, have been in vain.”
“Do you think that is why Miss Fraser has set her sights on Eliot Gerard?” Ophelia asked. Jim shook his head. His face looked somewhat saddened. “Are you upset by this snub?”
“No. Not at all,” Jim almost smiled. “Selene and I are just friends. Perhaps more like family, with how close she and my sister are.”
“Then why do you seem downhearted?”
“It is nothing. I mean, I am not. I… Well, I had wished to accompany someone else tonight. I am sorry.”
“That is very well. I had wished to accompany someone else, as well.”
“Really? Who?”
“No one in particular. Just someone of status.”
“I see,” Jim nodded slowly, frowning. “I feel that I must be a disappointment.”
“It is better than dancing with no one at all, is it not?” Ophelia asked him.
“I am not certain that I agree. I… It seems to me that the more dances one has with others, the more one misses the company of the one they truly wish to dance with.”
“Well, maybe if the one you wish to dance with sees you dancing with another, she will find herself wishing that it was her you were dancing with and miss you in return.”
Jim looked thoughtful. “That is what my sister said. But so far, Héloïse has barely looked at me.”
“Does she know that you and Selene are only friends, and that Selene has also been accompanied by her ferret?”
“I… I do believe that she does.”
“Then perhaps this is why your sister’s plan has not worked. Say, I have an idea,” said Ophelia, suddenly feeling hopeful again. “A ruse, one which will allow us to help one another. If we each appear to be enjoying the other’s company as we dance, then other wizards shall wish to dance with me, and… Héloïse, did you say? Perhaps Héloïse will take notice of you at last. What say you?”
“It is as good a plan as any, I suppose,” Jim sighed. “How… How should I act towards you.”
“You may start by smiling,” Ophelia told him, and Jim laughed quietly to himself. “See? You are doing quite well already.”
They smiled at one another as they danced, barely talking. Jim did not seem to want to talk much, seeming to be too preoccupied with counting his steps to attempt to hold a conversation. Eventually, though, he asked her:
“Is it working? The ruse?”
“I think it is, yes,” Ophelia said. She looked around her at the boys at the edges of the hall. Several were looking at her, including Henry Lovecraft, who was watching the scene with the little dark-haired, dark-eyed girl at his side. “Héloïse is looking at us.”
“She is?” Jim’s eyes brightened. He cleared his throat. “Is she… What is she doing?”
“At present she is talking with Henry Lovecraft.”
“He is putting an arm around her shoulders.”
“I do believe that he is attempting to comfort her,” Ophelia informed Jim, watching as Héloïse took a deep breath and blinked rapidly. “Yes, she looks quite upset.”
“What? Is she-”
“No, don’t look, you’ll ruin the ruse,” said Ophelia. “It is working, is it not?” Jim nodded, but he looked doubtful. Ophelia turned her attention back to Héloïse and Henry Lovecraft. “She is sad, but Henry is saying something to her. She is shaking her head, and has stepped away from him.”
“She has?”
“Yes, but he’s taken hold of her hand. Oh, but she’s taken her hand back. She’s taken another step away from him. She… Oh.”
“What?” Jim asked urgently. “What is she doing?”
“I do not know,” said Ophelia. “She has left. She ran that way.” She pointed in the direction of the main doors out of the hall, and Jim turned his head to look, his lips parting and his arms falling to his sides. Ophelia sighed. “You should go after her.”
“Are you… You do not mind my leaving?”
“Of course not. The ruse has served its purpose.”
Jim bowed his head to her, and she curtsied back. And with that they parted ways, their ruse over. And it had worked. For as Jim rushed out of the Great Hall, Ophelia returned to her seat by the wall with more eyes on her than ever, knowing fully well that this time, she would not remain a wallflower for long.
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mcx7demonbros · 1 year
Teddy Bear
Characters - Klein (OC), Lucifer, Lucius (OC kid), other brothers, the Royals, Little D no. 1
Pairing - LuciKlein (Klein is poly so other pairings may be implied or mentioned)
Warning - Lucius being a handful toddler
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Anyone who knows the Avatar of Pride would be surprised (more or less) to find him trying to pacify his crying two-and-a-half-year old son, Lucius, because he seemed to be begging the boy to calm down.
The reason for the crying was that Lucifer had taken the boy’s favorite Pride teddy bear to the washing machine and the boy cried when he couldn’t find his favorite toy.
“Lucius, don’t worry, your teddy bear is in the washing machine, he will come back to you before you know it.” The eldest tried to explain to the boy on his arm.
“Bear!” Lucius shouted while crying, as if he didn’t hear his father’s words at all. Lucifer could only sighed in defeat while patting the boy’s back, hoping he would calm down.
“Here, have this bear.” Mammon held out his Greed teddy bear to Lucius. The eldest looked at his brother with grateful look. The second eldest telepathically replied to his brother that he didn’t need to thank the Great Mammon because he was his brother.
However, Lucius’s reaction was not what the two had hoped.
“No yellow! Blue!” Lucius shouted before assuming his tantrum.
“Look, Lucius. Your teddy bear is just on an adventure to defeat evil, ok?” Levi chimed in, trying to help. But Lucius turned his head away, ignoring the third-born, much to the latter’s sadness.
“Hey, Belphie, how’s about you give Lucius your pillow? Just for a while.” Beel asked his twin as the two were sitting on the sofa and witnessing the scene.
“Huh, why?” Belphie asked.
“Well, your pillow has such a calming effect? Maybe it can calm Lucius down.”
“Fine.” Belphie said reluctantly before standing up and going to Lucifer, offering his beloved cow pillow for the peace of the house.
“No cow! Bear!” Lucius didn’t even look at the pillow, he just wanted his bear.
Just as the brothers were trying their best to calm their son/nephew down, the door bell rang.
“Let me open the door.” Asmo said as he dashed out of the common room, into the hall leading to the front door.
After a while, the fifth-born returned with Little D no. 1.
“Lord Lucifer, Lord Diavolo asked me to give this to you.” The little demon said.
“I don’t have the time right now. Give it to one of my brothers.” Lucifer replied, his voice tired and harsh.
“Lord Diavolo ordered me to give it directly to you.”
Lucifer sighed. The first-born walked towards the little demon to receive whatever Diavolo gave him. One of his arm received the box, while the other still carrying Lucius.
“DD.” The eldest heard the mumbling voice of his son.
Then, Lucifer realized his son had stopped crying. He noticed the toddler was looking at Little D no. 1, as if he had been hypnotized.
Before the little demon could react, Asmo had caught him and given him to Lucius.
“Huh, what!?”
“DD.” Lucius mumbled, finally smiling.
“Lord Lucifer, please tell the boy to let me go. I have to go back to report to Lord Diavolo.”
“Give me a minute.” Lucifer said as he smiled at the little demon. For whatever reason, Little D no. 1 had a bad feeling about this.
The eldest grabbed his phone and dialed Diavolo.
“Diavolo, can I borrow Little D no. 1? Lucius has come to like the little demon.” Lucifer asked.
“I’m afraid it would be difficulty. You see, Little D no. 1 works at the castle and is the leader of the Little Ds working here.” Diavolo replied.
“I’ll give you child-raising tips I have accumulated through the past two and a half years.”
“I see, you may have him. Just return him safely to the castle.” Diavolo said with a straight face after hearing what he would get out of this from Lucifer. He could imagine raising a child with Klein already.
“Thank you. I appreciate it.” Lucifer said before ending the call.
The moment Diavolo put his phone down, the Prince was greeted by Barbatos’s concerned face. The Butler’s face seemed to tell him “you either have made him ascend to heaven or have thrown him into the deepest pit of hell”.
A few minutes after the call, Klein finally came back to the common room with the Pride bear in his hand.
“I have to use magic to dry it.” The Overlord explained before giving the bear back to his son.
“BEAR!!!” Lucius shouted happily as he received the bear back from his papa.
Seeing his chance had come, Little D no. 1 intended to slip away but unfortunately, his escape route had been blocked by Mammon, Satan, and Beelzebub.
Before he could find another way to escape, the little demon was grabbed by Lucius. In his “last moment”, he saw Satan’s expression which seemed to tell him “sorry, but your fate is sealed”.
“Bear, DD.” “DD, Bear.” Lucius made a simple introduction for the two before he started to speak with them in baby talk as if the three of them had been best of friends.
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A few hours later, Lucius finally settled in his cot, hugging both the little demon and his bear as he fell asleep.
“They’re so cute.” Klein whispered to the prideful demon after he had given Lucius a goodnight kiss.
“What a handful little devil!” Lucifer said, sighing.
Despite saying that, the first-born still used his phone to take a picture of Lucius sleeping before setting the photo as his home screen photo.
“Hey, send that pic to me too. I also want to have it as my home screen pic.”
“Anything for you, love.”
After that, the two climbed on the big bed beside the cot and fell asleep immediately after wishing each other good night, exhausted after taking care of the toddler for the whole day.
Author’s words
This is my fourth fic to celebrate Lucius’s birthday 🥳
Tag - @sparkbeast20
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callsign-joyride · 1 year
Don't Fear The Reaper - Chapter One
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Description: You start getting things set up at the camp with everyone else.
Content warnings: For the fic; violence with a knife, blood, death, gore, sexual themes, drug use. For this chapter; a crazy old man, drug use, drinking.
Pairing: Daisy Jones & The Six x OC Donna Smith
Series Masterlist Playlist Taglist Previous Chapter
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June 1, 1978 One week until campers arrive
Everyone whooped and cheered as you rolled into the gravel parking lot with your windows down. You chuckled and spit your piece of bubblegum into an old receipt and shoved it into your pocket before pulling the key out of the ignition and getting out of the car. Daisy practically tackled you for a hug and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Oh my God, it’s been forever! How was college?” She asked.
“It was great. I just graduated with a BA in fine arts and I already have a job lined up at one of the high schools.”
“You’ll be a great art teacher,” Camila said.
The group continued to catch up in the parking lot before Teddy walked out of the mess hall and greeted them.
“It’s great to see all of you here this year. We’ve got a week to get everything ready for when the kids get here. I’ve already got your rosters and cabin assignments prepared. Camila, the nurse’s cabin should have everything that you need. Donna, the craft cabin should have everything that you need. The two of you will share the Cherry Lane house.”
“That’s hot,” Graham said. Daisy didn’t hesitate to give him a well-deserved smack on the back of the head.
“As for the rest of you, you’ll be with the campers. I’ll leave you guys to unpack your things and we’ll meet at the mess hall for lunch at around one. Does that sound good?” 
Everyone said yes and you went back over to your car to grab your things. As you closed the trunk, you could’ve sworn that you saw a tall figure in the woods. You hadn’t realized that you had been in a trance with your keys in your hand and your bag on the ground next to you until Camila put her hands on your shoulders and asked if you were okay. It made you jump a little.
“Yeah, just thought I saw something. I’m good, I promise.”
“Uh, okay. Let’s get going.”
The two of you talked on your way to the house. You were the first one in, putting your bags in one of the bedrooms and immediately going to open the windows. The place felt stuffy and you knew that a few fans weren’t going to do the trick. The alarm clock on the nightstand doubled as a radio so you got that going. Silence tended to freak you out. Time seemed to pass by slowly as you put your clothes away and arranged the room in the way that you’d like it. 
Everyone laughed over ham and cheese sandwiches and coleslaw. Teddy started telling everyone what to do when you grabbed a bag of chips and opened your second can of Sprite. 
“Billy and Graham, make sure that the trail behind the scout cabins is still closed. And make sure that those cabins are clean. We’ve got a group of scouts coming in the middle of July. Daisy, Karen, and Donna, you’re on pool duty. We might need more pool toys and floaties. Warren, Camila, and Eddie, you’re on bathroom duty. I want all of those bathrooms cleaned by the end of the day. I’ll be doing yard maintenance around the cabins if anyone has any questions.”
Warren complained that he was getting bathroom duty, which made everyone laugh. Everyone split up to get their tasks done and you went to the pool. Daisy and Karen followed you to the shed to get the cleaning supplies. It took a few hours to get everything turned around, but it went by quickly. You all looked up when the gate opened. In walked Billy and Graham, who looked sweaty and tired.
“Looks like you did more than go out to the scout cabins,” Daisy said.
“Actually, that’s pretty much all we did. It’s hotter than hell’s front porch and we thought we saw someone.”
“Huh,” you said.
“What? Have you seen someone?”
“Maybe. I don’t know. Earlier when I was getting my stuff out of my car, I thought there was someone in the woods. It was probably nothing, though.”
“Well, I wanna know why Teddy wants that trail blocked off.”
“Probably because it’s too far from the mess hall? Having a bunch of kids walk that far in the heat could be dangerous. I don’t see why it matters, anyways. Let’s head back to the mess hall.”
It had started to cool down a lot by the time the group got back to the mess hall. Everyone enjoyed tacos that Teddy went to pick up before you went to the arts and crafts cabin. There were certainly enough supplies for basic activities but you wanted to do more. Teddy handed you his credit card and told you to get whatever you needed. Camila volunteered to go with you in case you needed help, and Warren asked you to bring back a few cases of beer if you could. The shops were in town, so it was about a fifteen-minute drive. You decided that you were going to go to the grocery store last since you were also going to get popsicles and ice cream.
“Okay, don’t tell anyone, but Billy and I are getting married when we get home. We’ve been together for four years but we just can’t wait.”
“Woah, you can’t just drop that on me. I mean, congratulations, but woah. Do you have a plan for a ceremony?”
“Yeah, we’re just gonna run off to the courthouse and fill out the papers. It’s cheap and fast. And then we’re going to Vegas for our honeymoon.”
“Camila, that sounds amazing. I should make you a cake. Or cupcakes and we can celebrate with the kids. But only if you want me to, of course.”
“That’s very kind of you, but we want it to be a secret. Maybe you could wait until the last night? It’d be a nice surprise for the kids.”
You got everything that you needed before stopping at a local Dairy Barn and getting a Fanta float for yourself and a Coke float for Camila. You also stopped to fill your tank on the way back and pick up a few snacks from the small gas station. Camila was behind you and talked to the cashier while you paid for your things.
“We’re counselors at Camp Solstice, actually.”
“Really? I haven’t been there since my kids were little. They’re 18 and 20 now. My youngest is getting ready to move away for college soon.”
A rugged-looking elderly man rushed up when you picked up the snacks. His nonsensical rambling startled you and Camila.
“You shouldn’t be there! He’ll come back and kill you! All of you!” He exclaimed.
“All right, calm down, Ed. They reopened the camp a little over a decade ago, remember? And there haven’t been any incidents. Let me call your daughter so that she can pick you up,” the cashier said. 
“Sorry about that, ladies. My son was one of the counselors thirty years back. He didn’t get the worst of it but it was all an awful, bloody mess. I about killed myself trying to find the guy. I still don’t know how he got away with it.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. We gotta get going but we’ll be careful,” you said as you and Camila walked out of the store. 
“That was weird,” she said.
“I know. I don’t like making assumptions but it sounded like he had something wrong with him. Having someone that you care about get horrifically murdered is traumatizing, no doubt about it, but he seemed whacked out.”
“Like he was on drugs.”
“Yeah, but I’ve never seen drugs do that to a person. I’m not particularly worried about it, though. The killings happened thirty years ago so I’m pretty sure the guy who did all of that would be on death’s door. We’ll be fine.”
You got back to the camp and everyone helped you unload your car. Warren and Camila put the beers and ice cream in the house and you put the art supplies in the craft cabin before handing Teddy his card back. You spent hours at the pottery wheel making little flower pots for the kids. You were so in the zone that Eddie knocking on the screen door made you jump and you almost screamed.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. We’re all going to the pool for a swim if you wanted to join us.”
“Cool. You don’t have to wait up for me. I gotta get all of this cleaned up but I’ll be there.”
“No, it’s okay. We’ll wait.”
You nodded and quickly cleaned up before grabbing your water bottle and heading out. The sun was starting to set so mostly everyone had flashlights. You all stripped down to your underwear and jumped into the deep end of the pool. Warren got out of the pool and walked over to his clothes before going through the pockets of his shorts.
“Anyone wanna do some acid?” He asked. Billy muttered something under his breath about how bad of an idea this was going to become, but you, Daisy, and Graham all seemed down. The high that the acid gave you combined with the buzz from the alcohol turned you into a giggly mess. You all got out of the pool when your fingers got started to get wrinkly from being in the water for so long. Warren and Billy walked you and Camila to the house and got you to your rooms.
“We should do that again,” you said as Warren tucked you in. He chuckled and sat next to you.
“We’ve only got a few days until the kids get here. Maybe I could come and visit you sometime after this is over, though.”
“Why didn’t I think of that? And my apartment complex has a pool so we could recreate this if we wanted to. That’d be fun.”
“It’s getting late and I gotta go, but I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”
“Okay. Goodnight, Warren.”
“Goodnight, Donna.”
Billy and Warren’s cabins were right next to each other so they were able to walk and talk for a bit. 
“Admit it, man. You like her,” Billy said.
“Who? Donna? I mean, she’s cool and all but I don’t like her like that.”
“Keep telling yourself that. I could see how antsy you were until she showed up. You’ve kind of been doting after her for years. I’m actually surprised that she hasn’t noticed. You gotta say something, man. Only a month or so before we go our separate ways again. All I’m saying is that you should give it a shot.”
“What if she says no?”
“That’s probably the worst thing that could happen. It’ll be fine.”
That was far from the worst thing that could’ve happened.
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@idontcare-11 @kmc1989
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auxiliarydetective · 1 year
The OC Halloween Challenge - Day 12
You can find the challenge here!
Today's prompt was...
The Final Girl
It’s all come down to this, the last stand. There’s two people left, or at least two important people left; the killer and the final girl. She’s fought tooth and nail, and grief has made way for rage. At first she was just another potential victim, now she’s in the killers way and she won’t go down easy. In the beginning she just wanted to survive, but like Laurie Strode now she wants revenge. Which oc becomes the monsters monster?
R.I.P. to the friends we lost along the way:
Diana, Akaito Coraline and Kassandra Hargrees
But now, without further ado:
Bára's breath was still stuck in her throat. Carefully, she scooped Jedediah and Octavius up from the ground into her shaking hands. They were barely recognizable anymore, their tiny bodies mangled and destroyed. Still, she knew it was them. There was no mistaking it. Of course, they wouldn't listen to her when she told them to run. They had always had a tendency towards the heroic, ignoring the fact that heroes often died tragically. Or maybe they did it for that exact reason, a last shower of glory. Still, Bára knew that the pain had to have swept their pride out of them. At the very least, she thought, they hadn't died alone. Not like she was going to.
Gently, she placed the two brave warriors down in the only place she saw fit: The large hole torn into the wall between the Wild West and Roman dioramas, now united, even if through horrifying events.
She could barely even feel the tears in her eyes anymore, nor the piercing ache in her heart. For all she knew, she had been crying for the last five hours without stopping even once. Not that she would have noticed if she had. Her hands were stained with blood and droplets of molten wax, and she wasn't so sure how much of it was real and how much she was imagining anymore.
In the darkened glass behind which she knew the Mayan diorama to be, Bára saw her own reflection, beaten and distraught. Her muddied, discolored boots. The clawmarks across her thigh. Her belt, heavy with familiar items. Flashlight, a set of keys. A second belt with a gun holster but no bullets left, crossed sabers stamped into the dark, once pristine leather. Animal hairs and stains across her clothes. Strings and beads woven into her hair. And atop it all, a golden headdress, governed by vines and knots, an ankh dropping down onto her forehead. He was meant to live forever. They all were supposed to live forever. But now, Bára found herself alone. She had seen Teddy be sliced in half before. No pain, nothing. He had been able to talk, breathe, act normally. But now, not only him, but all of her friends had lost their immortal lives to a creature roaming the museum. Nobody had ever fully seen it and lived. If only the tablet had been able to protect them...
The tablet! Suddenly, a spark of life lit itself within Bára's chest. If the tablet could bring Ahkmenrah to life, Ahkmenrah, who was, by human rules, long since dead, then it had to be able to do it again, didn't it? It was capable of so much, why shouldn't it be able to heal everyone? Stuck in this eternal night, the sun wouldn't doom them. Only the destruction of the tablet would. But the tablet was in the safest place it could possibly be. Bára took a deep breath, then started walking quickly and forcefully across the marble tiles. She reached the entrance hall where Rexy lay shattered on the floor. Buried beneath the bones was a saber, straight at the hilt, then curved. It was heavy in her hands and the handle too big for her, but it would do. It was an honorable weapon and, if she closed her eyes, she felt as if Attila's spirit was in it. In truth, she wasn't alone. Though their bodies may be destroyed, she could sense her friends' spirits floating around her. It was almost as if they were whispering to her, giving her strength in those familiar tones she knew so well. And there was another force, one that seemed to come straight from her blood. An ancient ancestry of warriors and seafarers, surfacing to lend her their power.
A toe-curling cry echoed from the upper floors, sending shivers down Bára's spine. But this time, she didn't run away. She ran towards it. This creature would soon find out what true monstrosity felt like.
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scarletgemstone · 11 months
stronger than you
Disclaimer i own nothing everything belongs to the rightful owners please go and support them and be nice i only own my ocs
(hanako is seen in the abandon building she watches azulin enter)
Hanako”it’s a beautiful day outside birds are singing flowers are blooming on days like this kids like you  (her eyes glow red) should be burning in hell”
(azulin pulls out his knife)
Hanako”turn around kid it’d be a crime (ponits at azulin) if i had to go back on the promise that i made for you (azulin looks at hanako) so don’t step over that line or else friend you’re going to have a bad time but kids like you don’t play (azulin’s soul apperese) by the rules and girls like me  it ain’t easy to be played for fools (she snaps her fingers and summons knifes) so let’s go let the room get chiller let’s go dirty brother killer”
(hanako’s eyes glow red as azulin tries to attack her but she doges it)
Hanako”go ahead and try to hit me if you’re able guess you’ve figured out (summens gaster blaster they blast at azulin but he doges) that mercys off the table i can tell you’re getting really sick of trying (she grabs azukin’s soul and throws him to the ground and makes knifes appear beneath him) but i think you’re just mad you keep dying”
(azulin soul shatters but he restats and hanako throws him to the ground trapping him and summing two gaster blaster aming them at azulin)
Hanako”you’re not gonna win we’ll be here together (the gaster blasters blast azulin) fighting in this judgement hall forever (azulin restaes and sees hanako balancing a knife) i know you’ll just reset each time i’ll beat ya but i’ll always be right back here to meet ya (azulin looks at her as the teddy bears sprits apperes behind him) i know you’re made of love (coco is seen) love (the twins are seen) love (padre is seen) love (the war is seen ) love”
(laito and azulin are seen fighting azulin stabes him and hanako is seen looking at her brothers corpse in shock her eyes glow red as she begins to laugh insanely)
(hanako is seen supendind azulin in the air by his soul with knifes sticking out of him)
Hanako” this is where  it stops (throws azulin to the ground) this where it ends (his soul shatters) if you want to get past me well you better try again (azulin resets again and hanako covers her eyes from the light) but no matter how i stall you you don’t give up your attack (hanako glares at him) do you just like the feeling of your sins crawling on your back?”
(azulin attacks but hanako doges it )
Hanako” go ahead and try to hit me if your able (azulin drops the knife) you should know by now that mercy’s off the table (azulin hugs hanako she recuitly hugs back) think that you can try to spare me like i’m some pawn well you did’nt spare my brother so (thorws azulin in knifes she summed from the ground) get dunked on!”
(azulin turns his knife showing hanako’s refelica in it)
Hanako “ i know you made all my friends all disappear but everything they cared about is why i’m here (padre gordi and maria are seen) i am their mercy (coco caricias and laito are seen) i am their vengeance (hanako smiles evilly as her eyes glow) i am determination i know your made of love love (azulin trys to kill her but she grabs his wrist) but i think i’m stronger than you
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lyypeachu · 2 years
hello im lyy and welcome to my dl2 self-insert/sona (gay) ted talk (lots of images)
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hes so gay and creature coded. normally lives in elyseum but ever since theres been a shortage of workers in carnagehall (coughs astrid what the hell) he basically sleeps there (OKAY SO you know the art room in carnage hall with all the posters, big easel and ad sketches?? yeah theres another door in there so im gonna assume its open and thats where martin made his little nook)
hes also friends with adisa! (yknow. the poor drunk portrait guy. yeah i made him my oc atp)
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look at him. WHAT A BEAN.
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i also plan on giving him an infected cat or sth. to keep him company (mainly bc i have a cat irl and he follows me everywhere) 
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pet him!
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youre a sentient infected visiting carnage hall at night:
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whenever galla starts saying some insane shit and acting like its normal:
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hes a guy. just a dude! hates going outside but is also scared of the dark. nonbinary lesbian SLAYYYYY . hes  tormented by everyone and everything my guy just wants to sleep. also is shit at realizing his own feelings for certain someone. teddy bears!!! he loves them.  someone who was important to him gave him one when martin was a kid, i wonder where he is now?
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he also got W rizz
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hes so failguy.
aand this is mainly the reason why i didnt draw any dl2 fanart LOL. thank you the tower server for making me more confident to post this shit here
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the-lavender-lapin · 1 year
Umm hi ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶꒱ა
🪻I’m Lavender or Lav
🏳️‍⚧️My pronouns are he/him and I am a certified femboy
😍Likes: Writing, art, YouTube, video games, board games, character design
🤮Dislikes: Green beans, certain buggies (ants, spiders, and cockroaches are biggest nopes), clowns, getting wet, the sound of chewing
⚠️Triggers: S/A, S/H, people touching their eyeballs (it freaks me out), vomit, bugs
🖋️What/Where I write:
Newsies on here
Marauders on Instagram
Working on getting an AO3 account
🚫DNI: TERFs, -phobes, racists, anti-, ableists, etc etc just don’t be rude
🪭Fandoms: Newsies (Livesies, 1992, I have never seen uksies but I wanna know more), Harry Potter, My Hero Academia, Yuri On Ice, 9-1-1, DnD, She-Ra, Animal Crossing, Legend of Zelda (very casually), Demon Slayer, Beetlejuice Musical, Steven Universe, Coraline, uhhh there’s probably more
🎶Favorite Music: Melanie Martinez, Alec Benjamin, Doja Cat, Dixon Dallas, Todrick Hall,Teddy Hyde, Lizzo, Beetlejuice Musical, Newsies, lots more
📢👤Characters that I could talk about forever: Any newsie (but especially Race, Crutchie/y, Davey, Romeo, and Darcy Reid), Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Xenophilius Lovegood, Benjy Fenwick, Tilden Toots, Kingsley (from HP, I don’t like using his last name), Denki Kaminari, Hawks, Toga, Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido, Yuuri Katsuki, Viktor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky, Leo de la Iglesia, Phichit Chulanont, Double Trouble, Adora, Entrapta, Coraline Jones, Miss Spink, Miss Forcible, Tanjiro, Inoske, Peridot, Lapis, Connie, Garnet, Henrietta Wilson, Maddie Buckley, Howie “Chimney” Han, Athena mf Grant, lots more tbh
📢💏Relationships I could talk about forever: Spralbert, Javey, Blush, Xenora, Wolfstar, Hot Wings, Seroki, Hen and Karen, Maddie and Chim, Buddie, Athena and Bobby,Victuuri, Otayuri, Stevonie, Lapidot, Link and Prince Sidon, lots more tbh
🌈Fun facts:
I do the art
I make lots of ocs
I’m in PST
I have anxiety and depression, and am working on getting other diagnosis (including autism)
I really want a pet bird so I can have a lil buddy that will sit on my shoulder
💭Current hyperfixation:
Newsies, ASL, junk journaling, Sims 4 (specifically horse ranch), making ocs/designing characters
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padfootreggie · 2 months
The punishment unfinished!!
Theodore x OC x Mattheo
Warnings: threesome, bondage, fingering, not knowing whos doing sex, punishment, begging, implied cheating, squirts, creampie, party, fucked dumb, mean Theo and Matty<3, sub OC, couple fighting implied, BF! Theo, flirting, drinking, smoking, watching sex, porn with little plot
Me, and Theodore had gotten into a fight before this stupid party that Pansy had dragged me to, I drank most if the night. The music blaring through the Slytherin hall, and the lights were dimmed and full of color. Making my head hurt and throb.
One more shot and I danced in front of Theodore and Mattheo. Theodore is very possessive, he glares at my skimpy skirt and Mattheo smirks watching my hips swerve.
Mattheo glances at Theo before walking up to me, going behind me and grinding back into me making me smile. Teddy will definitely go to me apologizing soon.
I continue dancing with Mattheo, looking straight at Theodore. He's so angry flaring daggers into my back, I turn away grinding back into Mattheo until someone grabs me.
Yelping I see Theodore hair, I smirk he's going to apologize. He drags me into a hallway and pushes me into his dorm, whys he being so harsh??
"What Teddy?"the t in what is punctualized, he glares at me and says "strip and get on the bed." My eyes widen and I shake my head "no" I really want to but I wanna get him angrier, it's always fun when he fucks me out of my thoughts. He glares at me and I pout.
I sigh stripping and going on the bed, he goes behind me. We're sitting on his bed as he starts rubbing my clit with one hand and the other fingering my pussy. He demands in my ear "never talk to Mattheo unless I'm with you baby"
Not answering, only moans he rubs my clit harder. I squeal he knows I'm sensitive after a few drinks, he goes harshly on my pussy.
I close my eyes squirming in front of him "Teddy mmm" I can feel his erection digging into my clothed ass, he rubs my nerves in a circle making me whine.
Now side to side making me gasp, I lay my body into feeling safe in his arms once again. I'm so close, he takes one hand away covering my eyes. What the hell? He still rubs my clit in the way he knows makes me closer.
I hear a ringing in my ear and my back arches "please please please ohh" my body heats up and I can't hear anything from my pleasure.
Theodore keeps my eyes covered and moves away still kind of rubbing my clit, I squeal and whine so so close. He pulls away still not moving his hand away from my eyes.
I feel a new body behind me, I try to see but Theodore moves his hand away from my eyes to my chin "Teddy who's behind me??" His grip hardens on my chin as he looks behind me, then back to my face. I feel the cold hands go to my bare pussy. Rubbing harshly as I whine.
"Hello?? Teddy who's be- ngh behind me?" He chuckles kissing me, I'm so close from a strangers hand..."Please please plea please ple- mmm please!!"
That's when I feel the rings, it's fucking Mattheo!! "Teddy why's r- mphh riddle touching me" Mattheo laughs kissing my neck, rubbing my clit deliciously.
I cream on Mattheo's fingers, he pushes them into my mouth as I suck them clean keeping my eyes on Teddy's. Theodore smirks his erection pushing through his pants, I feel Mattheo's grinding into my ass.
Being naked in front of two hot men is embarrassing, yet I can't stop moaning from the feeling. Mattheo is skilled but he's not as good as Theodore, my Teddy knows my weaknesses and strengths. I whimper when mattheo keeps pushing me to my high.
Theodore guides his fingers to my most sensitive spot, he knows that's what makes me cum faster and harder. Mattheo rubs harshly making me cry out in punishing pleasure.
My lower abdomen tightens, and my pussy squeezes nothing. Lust fills my brain, I hear a throbbing in my head. My mouth gapes open letting slobber to drip down my chin, my eyes blur and I lean forward in protest.
I'm held still as I cum again and again, forced into this pleasure as I watch Theodore stoking his dick. The only words I know chanting out in slurs from my over ridding pleasure
"Please pleash pea please" over and over my begging plays needing to feel full of dick. Mattheo grinds into my back groaning at my pleas.
Theodore grins watching me being pushed to stupidity, he watches my face as his pink tip glistens his arousal. Mattheo keeps rubbing my sensitive nerves, making me feel euphoric.
Teddy sees my thighs are wet from how many times my orgasm washed over me. He grunbles out "così bagnato da un altro uomo, tesoro (so wet from another man, darling)"
I can't understand him at all, the throbbing in my head fills my ears. Everything washes over me, Mattheo's fingers drive me to insanity as I throw my head back feeling pleasure I had once before. Squirting out my arousal I cry out being a whimpering and whining mess.
0 notes
bigbadripley · 5 months
Chapter 16 - Muscle Memory
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Marc Spector&Co. x Ex!F!OC, F!OC x Modern!Miguel O'Hara
Summary: Everything changed after Marc and Simone moved to New York. Being in a relationship with the Fist of Khonshu proved to be difficult enough without the added obstacles of normal relationships being forced into the mix. With seemingly irreconcilable differences overhead, fate’s plans continue to drive the pair back into each other’s lives, testing their patience, self-control, and new relationships. Is it truly written in the stars, or is it old habits taking over?
18+!! | Third-person omniscient | Dark elements | AU/AT |   Warnings: Language, OC with religious trauma, childhood trauma, sexual trauma. Effects of trauma in adulthood. Angst, daydreaming of smut, reference to non-dubious consent, Jen is back with the patience of Job, reference to violence.
Words: 6K-ish
A/N: I update warnings with each chapter. Only proceed if you can handle the themes included in the warnings.
Minors DNI, DL;DR, if I miss a warning, please let me know.
Chapter List and AO3 saw it first!
" Again, off into the next fall I am on the back steps trying to let you in See you standing in the front hall Maybe this is madness underneath my skin Guess love is a response of the body it haunts And we do what it wants " -"Muscle Memory" by Lights
After a few sleepless nights, Simone learned the hard way that she had been backed into a corner. She knew she called Marc in her drunken stupor, but for the life of her, couldn't remember what she said. All she knew was it was a very angry and long voicemail.
To her surprise, Marc didn't respond to it in any capacity. She couldn't tell if this was for the better or not, wondering if she had really pulled the trigger this time and said something she couldn't take back. Whether it was truthful or not boggled her imagination. 
Miguel was still MIA from Simone's life, and she continued to keep her distance. As far as how she would fix things with him, everything seemed unclear. She wanted him to get fair treatment and give him what he wanted: confirmation and reassurance that she was done with the troubled trio. Her calling them only magnified the issue that she was indeed not done with them after all.
In a surprising turn of events, it ended up being Jennifer who she apologized to profusely for her behavior in having made her friend babysit her all night. Jen was quick to forgive her and play it off like it was nothing to be sorry for, which relieved Simone but led to a conversation about her actions. 
"You really did it this time, Simmy," Jen told her vaguely in response to her question about the voicemail. 
I sure did.  She thought to herself, expecting her phone to have been flooded with missed calls and messages from Marc's number, but there was nothing but radio silence. This would go on for days, only further reminding her of her situation with Miggy. To cope, she did what she did best: threw herself into her work.
"So, you missed our session last week. Do you wanna explain?" Simone asked the blond young man sitting across from her. It wasn't like Teddy Altman to miss, and allowing him to tell her why was a good start to getting him to unlock his emotions.
"Is being stuck in a void-like state reason enough?" He asked as he leaned back into the soft leather seat across from Simone. This piqued the doctor's interest.
"'We talking mental void or physical?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow. Before the boy could answer, a clap of thunder bellowed above their heads and stole their individual attention momentarily. Simone hadn't realized it was raining. 
Fitting.  She thought to herself.  Sounds like napping weather.
"Physical," Teddy spoke up once the sound died away. This brought his doctor's attention back, causing her to sit up in her seat a bit more. The young man explained further, "I was trapped there by some... I don't know what the hell you'd call it. Think of a Dungeons and Dragons-type hag and that's the best description I can give."
This made Simone chuckle. Teddy sounded a bit excited to speak of the no-doubt terrifying villain he faced. She deduced that he didn't get to gush as often as he'd like, given all of his close pals are normally there with him when these things happen. She appreciated his willingness to speak and was happy to be his ear as his eyes filled with boyish wonder.
As Teddy's tale came to an end, he was sitting on the edge of his seat and talking with his hands. "And then Billy..." He trailed off at his own mention of the name. He suddenly grew quiet, his head dropping and eyes falling to his lap.
Though Simone would normally find this to be a curious transition, she wasn't as surprised when it came to Teddy at the mention of the other young man, whom he had a complicated relationship with. Another beat of silence passed before Simone spoke up. 
"I sense there's  more  you wanna discuss than your latest adventure?" 
Teddy audibly sighed as all amusement drained from his face. It tugged at something in Simone's heart, being familiar with the emotion.
"I tried to create space like you suggested, but our day jobs always seem to push us back together." He started, suddenly becoming shy with his words. Simone motioned for him to continue with a nod, signally that he was doing fine. "It's been rough standing triumphant by his side and having to fight the urge to grab him and hold him."
Simone could have gagged at how she found so much similarity between his situation and her own. There seemed to be no getting away from her own flame, but Teddy and Billy had a vastly different relationship.
"Like I told you before, regardless of the job, having to do it with your ex is tough." She said, reaffirming her statement from their previous session. Teddy visibly winced at her use of the word "ex" like it was final. 
All Teddy wanted was to figure out if his feelings for Billy were real and not a consequence of the other boy's lack of control over his own powers. The ability to bend reality sounds peachy until you realize it affects you, as well. Still, it had been weeks since the idea occurred to Teddy and it seemed like his feelings never changed. "You two are young, and it sounds like you've given separation a very considerable shot. Did it do anything for you?"
"It made me miss him more," Teddy admitted. 
And there it is.  Simone thought.  Bingo was his name-o.
"Then it seems like you got the answers you needed. It sounds like you truly love Billy, and that you two are lucky to have each other. Perhaps it's time to lean into that again? Reexplore that feeling?" She suggested.
Another quiet moment passed as Teddy mulled over her words. This allowed Simone to point out a fact that the young man seemed to be overlooking. "Is Billy here? Have you seen him since last week?  You  are choosing Billy by declaring that you miss him.  You  made that deduction, no puppetry."
Teddy's eyes widened at her, "I guess I never thought about it that way." He spoke, seeming befuddled by the idea. Right then, the alarm signaling the end of their session began to ring through the air. "I'm gonna go talk to him." 
"Let me know how that goes next week," Simone said with a smile, watching as he scooped up his backpack and nearly ran out of her office.
All thoughts of the nap Simone planned to take after work had left her mind just as quickly as they came. She knew there had to have been something more to this, that it wasn't just an exaggerated feeling or thought that brought her to the conclusion that something bigger was at play, drawing her and Marc together like rare earth magnets. 
With her feet firmly planted on the sidewalk across the street from the Midnight Mission, her nerves buzzed, her joints felt tight, and she could scarcely draw a full breath. The once pouring rain had turned into a light sprinkle causing cold droplets to coat her hair.
Am I doing this?  She asked herself.
The more she drew herself to putting her right foot forward, to make that first step back to the domain of that cursed bird, her stomach did cartwheels. Visions clouded her mind of a car pulling up out of nowhere and the occupants grabbing her, dragging her away from making this grave mistake.
Or a car could just slam into me. Not enough to kill me, but enough to knock some sense into my dumb ass. Or break one of my legs to keep me from taking another step.
The memory of the car that nearly hit her a few yards away from where she stood came into her memory and immediately changed her mind about the convenience of the idea. 
That one would probably miss me too. That can't be a coincidence. None of this is.
A shakey breath fell from her nostrils as she pulled her phone out and began calling Jen. One last lifeline, in case things go sideways. Simone needed someone to know she was here, of all places. 
It's like 'if you don't hear from me in the next 12 hours, I'm probably dead' but more in the tune of 'if you don't hear from me in the next 12 hours, I'm probably in bed with the enemy.'  She snickered to herself.
The line had just clicked, and Jennifer answered cheerfully on the other end.
"Hey girl, what's up?"
Simone's voice caught in her throat. She didn't know what to say, afraid to admit that she had pretty much failed at one simple task she set in place for herself.
"Hello? You there?"
"I fucked up." Simone nearly whispered into the phone as her voice cracked and a single, hot tear rolled down her face. It was almost sad how powerless she felt. It was all she could bring herself to choke out, even if it made little sense to the confused and concerned friend in her ear.
"What do you mean? Is this about Miguel?" 
As Jen made her almost desperate attempt to get answers through the phone, Simone felt her heart stop abruptly at the sight of a figure, completely draped in white, opening the door to the building she stared at. He spotted her immediately like he was expecting her. This meeting suddenly felt far more final than before.
"I gotta go now." She stated coldly before a numb finger hit the red hang-up button and her dead arm fell to her side, sliding the device back into the bag that sat lazily on her tense shoulder. She swore he could hear her heart race from where they stood.
Marc's body froze in the doorway, hardly believing that Moni hadn't started walking, avoiding his glace the second he stepped outside. He questioned if this was another doppelganger, but the hesitant body language was too quick to give her away. 
"Oh, my gods, what do we do? What do we say?" Steven chimed in as they observed Moni stepping in their direction now, the closer she drew the more prominent her clenched jaw became.
"Take it easy, English. Prob'ly not best for you to start us off." Jake interrupted, thinking he was about to take the front seat for this exchange. All the while, Marc could only think of a single thing to say, lips unable to form anything else as she arrived within earshot of a greeting.
"Moni?" He spoke in the form of a question. Of course, it was her; all cold eyes and no smile to speak on her behalf. 
"Hey." She replied, followed by an audible deep breath. Marc began to wish he was a mind reader, examining the faint stress lines of her face before his eyes dropped to her right hand, picking the cuticles of her thumb with her index finger, subconsciously. 
No sense in standing here.
"Come in." He gestured, holding the door open and stepping out of the way enough for her to brush through. She stared blankly still, left foot rocking in place before she picked up her right instead. The more Marc gawked, the more he noticed her poker face begin to crumble. Her eyes were red and her cheeks and lashes gleamed with spent water that didn't seem to be from the rain. "Have you been crying?" 
The concern in his voice could have made Simone start bawling once more. It reminded her of the Marc she used to know all too well. The Marc she seemingly showed up here in search of. Maybe his heart was still in there somewhere. Maybe it still had room for her. 
No. You're here for answers.
"Maybe." She responded as she slinked through the heavy door. She walked through the Mission as she had done dozens of times, turning into Marc's office and standing in wait as he followed at a distance. Once the door was shut behind them, no time was wasted in asking questions.
"What happened? Did Miguel hurt you?" 
Though it wasn't correct, the fact that he could gather even close to the truth showed Simone that he could still read her like a book. She felt a tinge of annoyance at this before reminding herself that he was fishing for what he wanted to hear.
Don't let him in your head.
"No, it was something I did." She admitted. If she wanted honesty about the situation, she needed to supply it first. "I have these stupid dreams, and you're in them and-"
"He heard you in your sleep." Marc cut her off, promptly, but in a tone that was barely above a whisper. Her eyes darted up at him, seemingly burning holes through his mask exactly where his own eyes would be. "After you started taking those sleeping pills... they made you talk in your sleep." He elaborated further as if he needed to explain what she already knew. Moni crossed her arms with a huff at this and Marc threw his hands up, "Don't act like I shouldn't remember these things."
Simone's frustration stemmed from the fact that this seemed to be a known fact to everyone but herself. Still, she knew picking a fight would get her nowhere and took a breath before replying. 
"Exactly that. So I need to know something, and don't you dare look at me like I'm nuts for this." She attempted to speak firmly but couldn't get past the rising feeling of embarrassment coloring her cheeks. She didn't want to admit any of this, especially not to him.
Acceptance is one of the steps, right?  She thought as she steeled herself once more and continued. "You live in my head. The only time I  don't  think about you is when I'm with Miggy. When I'm alone, when I'm with friends, when I'm fucking asleep! I can't get you out, and somehow, chaos keeps happening around me and you tend to be there when it does. No matter what I do, you can't seem to leave me alone. So why is that?"
Marc stood quietly for a beat as each of her words delayed heavily in his thoughts. There was only one explanation that he knew of, but she would surely hate him for saying so. That being said, he was at a loss for words.
"Moni... I-"
"Take that fuckin' thing off, so I know you're telling me the truth." She interrupted, nodding her head upward as her deep brown eyes continued to burrow into his, searching for an expression under the mask. 
There she is.  Marc thought, expecting his face covering to come up at some point. 
As Marc's white-gloved hands traveled up to the top of the mask, Moni instinctively dropped her gaze to her freshly picked fingers. A hint of regret at her request filled her and knotted her stomach as he revealed his face to the blur of her peripheral vision. Without much thought, her eyes flicked back up and studied his.
Marc's hair was unkept, his face unshaven, and a steri-strip sealed a freshly split scar over his left temple. He was bruised, and clearly tired around the eyes. Even then, Simone's first thought was how he was still  gorgeous . She felt the corners of her mouth twitch, but she couldn't pinpoint if they were trying to form a grin or a frown. 
The awkward silence felt eternal, and Marc's throat grew more dry by the second. He swallowed harshly before finishing his previous thought.
"I don't understand it either. It's like some kind of gravitational pull. Like I know when you need me..." He trailed off as the guilt from the half-truth bubbled up. He could only bring himself to describe how it felt, the burning sensation behind his eyes building as he remembered that day in the hospital. The day he branded her for life. The day he gave her to Khonshu. 
Marc's words echoed loudly in her skull. If she wasn't desperate for answers, she would call his bluff. Yell about how it was the biggest load of bullshit he had ever spewed to her, and yet, the words were just too damn pretty to let slide. Her head began to buzz. She lacked the words, then the composure, and before she could get ahold of herself, the self-control.
Simone all but leaped forward, gripping Marc's stubble-riddled face between her palms, mashing her lips into his. His knees nearly gave in from the surprise as his body caved back, and it felt as if he was falling fifty feet down, but soon found solace in the wall behind him.
Completely selfish, self-indulgent, self-sabotage. Just like old times. His lips tasted of coffee and his teeth were impossibly clean. The same old feeling and ordinary familiarity, but Marc still proved himself to be  far  from ordinary. 
Simone was doomed to an eternity of yearning for this sickly sweet sap that she first sampled as a teenager. It was comfort, all the while feeling like it could corrode her from the inside. She couldn't find a care in the world as her body was shifted, gloved fingers dug into her thighs and pulled her off of her feet, suddenly knocking the wind from her lungs as her back hit the wall she previously faced.
The ache ran deeper than ever as whiskers rubbed her jaw raw while lips and teeth trained at her neck. As she forgot how to breathe, she felt her nerves climb to impossible heights like her wet dreams had become reality once more. 
Murdock was undoing the buttons on his shirt when a knock at his door pulled him from his thoughts of what he could have done better in the courtroom that morning. He wasn't expecting anyone, and Simone had a key, so whoever was knocking was unknown to him. 
Before he had a chance to focus and identify who it might have been, they gave the surprise away. 
"Anyone home?" The visitor asked, voice just above their normal speaking volume. It was Jen, and this meant that she was either there for Simone or something was wrong. Matt and Jen had called off their casual escapades months ago.
Upon answering the door, the short woman crossed her arms and glared up at him, doing her best to avoid gazing at his bare chest peaking under the unbuttoned shirt. "Is Simone here?"
"No, she hasn't come back from the office yet."
"She called me a bit ago. Sounded like she was in trouble." Jen advised as she pushed past Matt and into his apartment. The brief contact of her shoulder brushing him felt almost intimate, and he couldn't help but note how sweet she smelled.
"And you think she would be in trouble here, of all places?" Matt questioned cockily, finding the concept to be foolish, especially for Jennifer Walters. Jen through her hands up and let them fall back down harshly, causing a loud smack to reverberate from her arms hitting her sides.
"Okay, well, this is  Simone . Where the hell else would she be?"
The second the question left Jennifer's lips, the answer clicked in her brain. Conveniently, the blind man got the same idea.
"The Mission." The pair said in unison. 
"I don't know what to say, but I think I may know who to ask. Give me a minute." Simone heard as she snapped back to Earth, Marc's words interrupting her pornographic head movie. 
Goddamnit, get out of my head!  She thought. She cleared her now too-moist throat and nodded briskly, everting her stare to the floor once again. Her heart rate was through the roof and if she was a betting woman, she would put money on the notion that he could hear it from where he stood. 
As Marc exited his office, he left the door slightly ajar. Simone thought about following behind and nearly stepped to do so before her phone started ringing from her bag. A quick peek verified it was Jen calling her back, but was met with an even quicker press of the decline button.
In another room, not even 10 feet away from his office, Marc stood with his hands in his pockets and retreated into his mind. In this meditative state that he had been practicing, he was able to not only see the two other gentlemen who lived in his brain, but he could dig deeper into his connection to his beaked God. 
This state took the form of a dark void enshrouded by bright stars and formations of all colors. It was a sight to behold, like a photo from the Hubble telescope. Marc imagined it was far from Khonshu's new digs on Asgard, knowing the other gods would never let him have a view��this breathtaking to look at during his imprisonment. 
From this spot, Marc could call out to Khonshu. Though it normally took a few echoey yells to summon him, it never failed. 
"Marc Spector. It has been too long."  The bird's voice boomed across his cranial recesses. If he wasn't so used to it, his body on the physical plane would flinch. Though Marc couldn't see Khonshu, his presence was just as loud. 
"I'm not here to catch up," Marc stated, making sure he knew this visit was for business, not pleasure. "I need to know what's going on with Moni, and I think you have something to do with it. You and that damn mark you manipulated me into putting on her."
"You already know the answer! She's protected!"
"There's more to it and you know it. What haven't you told me?"
Just as Simone started to question what was taking Marc so long, she started hearing footsteps approaching from outside the office. A chill fled down her spine the closer they came. She hoped it wasn't a total loss coming here and that whatever he disappeared to do helped her cause. 
As Marc reentered the office, the urge to engage in some form of small talk arose. Though Simone didn't come here to discuss the weather or see how Marc was really doing, she wanted to pick his brain. More than that, she wanted to speak to the whole trio again. 
"I think I got it, but you're gonna hate me more than you already do," Marc informed her as he closed the door behind him and leaned on it. Simone nearly opened her mouth to argue that she didn't hate him before she clocked the fact that he was blocking her only exit. Either he didn't realize it, or it was something he really needed her to hear out and didn't want her running off before he finished. This didn't settle her nerves.
"Just tell me." She said in an attempt to sound more calm than she was. She didn't know where this was going, but a part of her already didn't like it. The look in Marc's eyes told her how she needed to feel. They were the same eyes he had when she confronted him about keeping Jake a secret.
More fucking secrets, just when I thought there couldn't possibly be more shit he could keep from me.
"When you were in the hospital, unconscious, wounded, starved... I hated it. I said I would never let something like that happen to you again. I wanted you to get better and be safe, even if I wasn't around, and Khonshu told me to do something." Marc began. His eyes never broke contact with hers as he spoke, still soft and telling of wrongdoing that was unbeknownst to her. 
At the mention of Khonshu, Simone immediately felt nauseous. She squinted at Marc, who seemed to be trying to gauge her reaction before continuing. 
"What'd you do to me?" She asked quietly, hating the way the question sounded as it left her tongue. There was unfortunately no better way to phrase it. The wording made Marc frown and step toward her without much thought.
"He had be draw his symbol on your forehead... a moon." He told her as the gap closed between them more. He knew he was risking getting hit, but it couldn't be worse than the emotional blow he would take if Moni misunderstood him. "Not with anything visible but in spirit, I guess." He explained further.
Simone knew she could have backed up, but her legs didn't move. Her throat prepared to tell him to back up, but her mouth didn't open. Her eyes followed his right hand as it came up to her face before training on his pupils once more while he ran a barely grown fingernail lightly over her forehead. "Just like this."
His face was close enough to feel his breath graze her face just as delicately as his finger did. It was clear he was tracing the shape of the crescent moon gradually, taking his time as he drank in the moment. 
The middle finger he used for this then tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear as he continued to speak. "I didn't ask a lot of questions at the time, he just told me it would protect you." 
The gentler he spoke the harder it became for Simone to stay in control of her faculties. Millions of goosebumps spread across her skin. She felt the usual comfort she did while close to him, a comfort she had not felt since they were behind her couch avoiding her face-stealer's explosion. " He  would protect you." Marc half-heartedly corrected. 
It quickly clicked in Simone's mind that by  he , Marc meant the bird. This yanked her right back to Earth, from her floating state to busting her ass. She blinked a couple of times but wasn't able to come up with something to say before he continued. "But it came with a catch that I didn't understand at the time."
"Marc..." She choked out through a too-moist windpipe but still managed to convey to him that he needed to get to his point. The slight stiffness of the tone made the hand on Moni's shoulder begin down her arm. Her focus was elsewhere, paying no mind to the gesture. 
"We're bound together — heart, mind, and soul — under Khonshu. It would explain any thoughts or dreams you've been having, and my instinctive urge to be pulled into whatever direction you're in when you're in need."
His words hit Simone like a train and the sensation of Marc's hand taking hers broke her out of her mesmerized state. She yanked the hand away and finally backed up before crossing her arms,
"You did this without my permission and didn't  tell  me about it? The fuck is wrong with you?" She spat, face filling with disgust but only partly due to what she was hearing.
Why did I let him get that close?  She thought with disappointment in herself.
"Moni, I'm sorry. I didn't kn-."
"You didn't  ask , you didn't care!" Simone cut Marc off before the excuse could finish. She realized she had yelled much louder than she meant to, startling him into a brief silence. She took a shallow breath before she continued, this time in a lower tone. "Now I can't even get you out of my life because we're fucking  moon brothers  or whatever."
Or is it moon married? Christ, I can't imagine that's much better.
Subconsciously studying Marc's face as she finished her thought, she took note of the glass that began to surround the whites of his eyes upon hearing her say that. It was harsh, but she felt she was well within her rights. "How do I get rid of it?"
"You can't, baby, it's a much bigger thing than you think." He said before he realized the old pet name had flown through his teeth, thoughtlessly. Simone was too caught up in the fact that it being  bigger than she thought  did little to make her feel better to notice the word right away.
Her head began to feel light and her vision tunneled around Marc's face. The nausea became worse with each new thing said about her freshly-discovered  disease . As much as she wanted to protest, she knew she needed to be off of her feet for the rest of this chat and took a seat in the soft office chair across from Marc's desk. 
Marc took a knee in front of Moni, letting her fully see his face as he attempted to conjure up something that might help. "There's a lot of celestial shit that even  I  don't understand. Influence, divine intervention, shit like that. As far as I know, there's no cure... Unless death counts. He might just bring you back like the rest of us."
That sounded a lot better in my head.  Marc thought as the woman he loved's eyes widened with abject terror.
"That's so fucked up!" She nearly shouted. Her rage began to grow the more she learned and the longer she spent with the person who put her in this mess. "What does the bird get out of this? His ass wouldn't have me protected  simply  out of the kindness of his fuckin' heart."
"I was getting to that." He lied, not wanting to talk about this portion of the deal at all but knowing he needed to. "Before I say this, just know I don't like it either. The purpose of your protection is so you can take the avatar mantle if it ever comes to that. It's not something you  have  to do though; he has several other people marked the same." 
That was where Simone felt Marc was wrong in his assumptions. She knew how people worked—they do you a favor and absolutely expect something in return. She imagined gods were no different. Khonshu provided a line of defense, and if the time ever came, she would have to pay up. They were pacted. 
"I need to get outta here before I crack you in the fuckin' face." She said as softly as she could as she attempted to stand on wobbly knees. Marc stood as well and was able to act quickly when Simone attempted to take off toward the door and stumbled instead. He managed to catch her by her hips to keep her from falling forward.
"Take it easy. Let's just talk this through. We  need  to understand each other here." Marc said as Moni steadied herself in the room that was only spinning to her. Once she was seeing straight, she shook the hands that tenderly held her away.
"I understand that you pimped me out to your patron." She bit.
"That's not what happened!" Marc defended, holding his hands up both in expression and in an effort to keep them to himself after having them pushed away. "Tell me you wouldn't have done the same if I were in that hospital bed."
"Marc,  you  didn't even want to be involved with Khonshu at the time. Why would I?"
"I think you would have. Regardless of what it meant, you  would  have done it for me. You know how I know?"
Simone was too mad to put up with any more excuses, his words garnering an eye roll and a shrug along with her sarcastic response. 
"Because you think too highly of me,  clearly ."
It was moments like these where Marc wanted to grab Moni by the shoulders and shake her. He hated to not have a better way of calming this conversation, but once he remembered a situation between them where the tables were turned, he had to bring it up.
"Remember when I died fighting that Joker wannabe after we moved here? You said I needed to get out of this, we had a bad fight about it, ring a bell? Do you remember what you said?" He asked, risking poking a nerve by bringing up a sore spot for Moni. He knew he had done it as she stood before him, flabbergasted that he would use that against her.
There were few moments of their first year in New York she hated thinking about, and this was one she preferred to push out of her brain as often as possible, especially when trying to get far, far away from her feelings for Spector. Her mind wandered back to that place so long ago, in the wrong place at the wrong time. 
Marc's blood painted the sidewalk outside of the building that was the original Midnight Mission. She stood staring at the man in the crimson-stained white cape, fear overtaking her as she froze and fell to her knees before him. Then, all at once, shock turned to unmistakable anguish and a gutwrenching cry flew from her throat and out into the open air. 
Bloodied fingertips caressed the beautiful, still-warm face of her dead lover and an uncontrollable stream of hot tears poured from her eyes. Her heart ached like she had been punched in the ribs and she felt responsible for not trying harder to make him leave this life.
I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry, baby. Don't leave me.
Even reliving it made water prick up from her tear ducts. He came right back with a stiff breath as color returned to his face and Simone could barely contain herself, unsure of how it was possible and swearing she couldn't have  wished  for such a long shot, even if she had the best luck on the planet. 
It didn't stop that fight though, as Marc had mentioned. He wanted to go back out there and continue his business. Simone begged him not to, screamed even.
"I said I'd take your place if it meant you'd be okay," Moni finally responded, evading her gaze to hide her welling up. It was a trick Marc knew well, having seen it dozens of times. Never once did it get easier to see. 
God, you prick.  He thought to himself as a hint of guilt and regret bubbled up from his bringing up the topic. He moved his left foot forward, automatically feeling a pining need to console her. This was met with an instant step back. "But  you  said you'd never be okay again if I did," Moni spoke through a clenched jaw, her voice cracking on the word  you . 
"You're right, I would never want  this  for you," He motioned to his suit, then the Mission surrounding them. " But  I was given a chance to make sure I would never slip up and let you get hurt again, so I took it."
" But- " Simone mocked, "You didn't wait for me to wake up because you  knew  I would say no."
Marc sighed heavily and looked down at his feet, knowing Moni was on the nose about that. He couldn't deny it. "You're right about that, also." 
Simone's folded arms grew tighter to her chest. She didn't know what  she  would have done. Had she thought  'Take me instead'  as he lay on the sidewalk bleeding out? Yes. She valued Marc's life at the time.  Still  did. Even knowing that much, she felt this situation was entirely different. Though she wasn't in a good way at the time in the hospital,  she  was alive.
So is Marc.  She thought, second-guessing if she would have done the same in his place. After all this time, no matter how much she tried to get him out of her life, she was grateful he was still alive.  But he doomed me.  
"I need some time," She said, avoiding eye contact as she started for the office door. Marc knew that meant she was going back home to let her rage stew. It was textbook Moni and he couldn't stop her even if he tried now.
"Call me if you need anything." He spoke emptily, knowing what she would say in response.
"By the sound of it, I won't have to."
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