#occult publishing
ssspringroll · 5 months
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Howdy. It's a little pack of 3 skin overlays (pictured above)
I originally made these as tests, but I found them nice enough to deem worthy of release. Two of them have been put out as secret-cc before, and if you have either of them I recommend deleting the files and replacing them with this new, updated, merged package file. I cleaned up some crunchy spots and also there's a bunch of new colors.
All 3 have 30 swatches, 20 solids, 10 gradients. All 3 are found on 4 different body birthmark slots, so you can layer to your heart's content.
Custom thumbnails. Color slider mod compatible. Works for both genders/frames TYAE.
I think that's everything.
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disease · 7 months
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Sir Knight, magazine, Vol. 4 No. 9, Sirkay Publ., November 1964
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madmonksandmaenads · 1 year
Something I have learned while reading about magic:
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publishinggoblin · 23 days
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Now, this deck was conceived of by myself back in 2021 when I was working on the Alleyman's Tarot. I did a single card that went into the Alleyman's from the deck as a sort of test card. The Bogeyman.
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The Misery Tarot is an abnormal tarot deck that follows the paths of pain. It's meant to be a dark and gnarled hand coming from the shadows to help you up from the pit. To give you a flashlight to find your path through the dark. It welcomes you with compassion and patience into the hell of trauma, pain, and loss. And then it takes you through the museum of all this terror, but it never lets go. You do not need to take these paths alone.
It is born of a survival-horror inspired aesthetic, thinking to games like Resident Evil, Evil Within, and Silent Hill.
And while it's not the focus of the next project I'm about to launch, it is a stretch goal. If the Hot Housewives Tarot, launching June 18th, reaches $80,000, it will fund me paying Enoch Duncan to be the artist for the Misery Tarot, and Enoch and I will work side by side on these two decks, both of my design.
And if a deck lambasting traditional American values and American exceptionalism is of interest, The Hot Housewives Tarot will explore occult symbology through a "good ol days" 50s approach, creating a slightly skewed tarot deck with a nuclear glow.
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masonhawth0rne · 2 months
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Buy it here!
Lockdown. 2020. Hector was alone in his one-room flat, keeping himself occupied by studying a number of ancient occult texts. He discovered a secret that allowed him to escape into other worlds, to travel through vast deserts and to view alien stars. Hector was still alone out among the fungal groves and eternal twilights, but there is so much to see—and there’s something else, something that’s just on the tip of his tongue, like a tune that he can just about, almost remember… When restrictions ease, Hector is able to share this secret with his friends, who are at first awed, and then horrified by the things Hector has seen. The things he has done. But that’s nothing compared to what he will do next…
Earworm is a 10k standalone novelette.
Buy it here!
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rootandrock · 3 months
"Well, since they finally actually shipped the book and it's supposed to have an open edition of paperbacks I guess I'll go-.... sold out? How is... okay books a mill-... twice the price. Y'know what fuck you."
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thatophite · 7 months
my friend is cool af go check their deck out it is DIFFERENTY and Intense. And beautiful.
(a lot like my friend, ngl)
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daisyvramien · 2 months
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Welcome to SPIRE, where the corridors echo with the whispers of centuries past and every brick holds the weight of history. Nestled amidst ancient oaks and looming spires, our school stands as a beacon of knowledge in the heart of mystery. Here, in the hallowed halls of our Gothic architecture, students delve into the arcane arts, unraveling the secrets of the supernatural and mastering the occult sciences. From cryptic libraries to candlelit study nooks, every corner of SPIRE exudes an aura of scholarly pursuit and intellectual curiosity. But our curriculum extends beyond the pages of dusty tomes and into the realms of practical application. Under the guidance of esteemed faculty, students embark on thrilling investigations, honing their skills in paranormal research and haunted exploration. From deciphering ancient runes to uncovering long-forgotten relics, every day at SPIRE is an adventure into the unknown. Yet, amidst the shadows and specters, camaraderie thrives. Within our ivy-covered walls, friendships are forged that withstand the test of time, and bonds are formed that transcend the mortal realm. Together, we stand as guardians of knowledge, united in our quest for truth and understanding. So join us, dear seeker of knowledge, and step into the world of SPIRE. Embrace the darkness, embrace the mystery, and unlock the secrets that lie within.
"Hic Occultum Sempiternum Timorem"
S.P.I.R.E._ Ophelia's Hall Announcement, n°I. Project H.
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hellomuller · 2 years
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I recently created the logo/masthead and publication design for the new supernatural thriller series DAMN THEM ALL—by Si Spurrier (Constantine, Way of X, Step by Bloody Step) and Charlie Adlard (The Walking Dead). You can find out more about the series over at Boom! Studios: https://www.boom-studios.com/archives/damn-them-all-1-first-look/
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vnholygrace · 1 year
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So, I wrote a book and made a giveaway for it. 🥹
The Bed of Eels, available in paperback and ebook on the May 5th full moon lunar eclipse. ❤️
Follow the link to enter the giveaway for a deluxe paperback copy that comes stuffed with lore!
Giveaway ends 5/3/2023
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acapellapotato · 2 years
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[caption bc my brain is fried]
Our lady of the forests. That is our name for the one called Evera, as well as the spirits under her. You may have heard of how each leaf rustling above your head come from that first seed fallen from her hair. You may believe it as fact. Or not. From your youth it has been taught as a story of hope, and a warning. That what we tend will bloom far wider and last beyond our days. Though many celebrate on Evera's holy days this warning falls away like a distant voice. If you mean to take up my path, it is one you'll need to keep close to your heart. For your choices will affect all in equal measure. Those you hate. And those you love. You will have the power to softly coax flowers from hardened ground after winter. However, you will also have the power to crumble mountains that have stood since time immemorial. And you must know when which is needed. You will be asked to destroy more than you save. With the luxury of time on your side, you will be called to gather alongside other earth mages to decide. Most times you will be the voice of us all. If you choose to stay here within my cottage they will bring the world to your doorstep. Your words will carry the weight of kings. Yet you'll find they also make little difference when mercy is needed. You will be called traitor as often as you are hero. In the beginning each word will dig itself deep. Carried from each encounter to the next, each barb will push you to please the mob. You will waste time trying to repair a bond you didn't break. This isn't the balance we protect. Though it will be hard for such a heart as yours to hear, learn to walk away.
They will curse your name and the supposed snobbery of our Lady's children. Heed me when I say that this lesson will be all the harsher the more you fight against it. I would not tell such a gentle soul as yours not to care. I mean only to say you mustn't choke the world for the sake of a poisoned weed. Which weeds are poisoned? That is also a question you will need to answer time and again. Our path is full of abundance yes, but life leaves no one unscathed. From the moment you accept our Lady's calling you are an arrow notched; waiting for the moment her fury can no longer be quelled. This work is larger than you but it also needs each of us. Mage or not, it is our duty to protect life from mortal machinations. If you are blessed that will be the extent of your duties.
For creatures of the Wild belong to the balance while seeking freedom at all costs. Some will tell you that they are simply darker aspects of Evera's spirits. If they acknowledge the spirits of spring, summer, autumn, and winter at all. I can't say what life will show you. Just know there's one thing every mage learns if one of the six calls them. Wild magic belongs in those ephemeral places beyond our realm. Only death follows when the Wild is pulled into the mortal realm. Our magic heals. Our mage siblings burn the way for us to follow. Even the flimsiest sapling can one day grow  to break through stone. Vines can grow thick enough to crush or offer fruits of the earth. Wild magic is different. It cares for no order other than its own. Do not dismiss the idea that magic is more than a tool. Mortals can not live among the evergreen fields of Eacearus. We cannot know the longing to return to a place such as that. A place that is not just our home but our body as well. In the mortal realm a creature of the Wild will eat in an attempt to fill a form never meant to be physical. It doesn't differentiate between a youth or the elderly, a mud covered pig or a prized stallion. It yearns to be full. But more than that it yearns always to return. Why it lingers is a question only a Wild witch, in her folly, would attempt to discover. I beg you stay far away from those blinded by the chaos that refuses all names, definition, all attempts at unity. The children of Evera are taught not to make enemies lightly. This is one of few exceptions where the greater good is jeopardized if you falter for even a moment. In this moment you must call on that strength capable of splitting both land and sea. Or be made a husk fit only to crack apart in a gaping maw.
There are many theories as to why our Lady's magic does not burn from within as it would if it were of the Wild. I have never been one for philosophy myself, though a few scholars have remained dear friends. I do not know why any of the six allowed themselves to be named. I know only that a pact is binding to you and your deity. Neither above the other. We are simply different. Evera asks first and foremost that her gifts be used to plant. Whether you do the sowing or not is of no concern. However, witches who attempt to make a pact with the Wild end up with their needs twisted. Amplified by a being made flesh who is undying, insatiable, their minds are quickly lost to them. You must not designate yourself an executioner. Mercy for the witch if it's not too late. Return the Wild where it longs to be. Know that doing so may call for your life, yet still you must answer. Not simply because our Lady of the Forests demands the natural cycle of each realm be protected. Only the coldest of hearts would be unmoved by our suffering should the Wild be allowed free reign.
When the land is destroyed without care, Evera weeps alongside those who are left to rebuild. It is then our endurance will be called on without sneers. And it will sting in the beginning, I know. To help the same people who kicked you when you were already down. I can't tell you what to forgive, but the path of the Lady will require this of you. Sooner or later. They will not care for the difference between our magic and the Wild. If you survive your encounter, it's better to retreat back to this solitude among the trees before the celebration is done. All magical paths share this double edged sword. Though Sleria's children bear the brunt of a bard's attention and the people's love. There aren't many places one can hide when they embody the light. When the sword hand turns hostile even our forests are not safe. We must give Sleria's children shelter as though they were blood siblings. It is a moment that must be resisted with all the effort we can muster. A conflict between mages and nonmages that leads to raising of arms will always burn to the roots. Some places remain scarred to this day even though centuries have passed since the damage was done. Should you live to see such a time you'll wonder if this is what your gifts were meant for. We have no titles for one who leads others into battle after all. Here, I admit, the teachings of Evera will contradict the obvious choice to be made. You will be urged again and again to forsake open battle in favor or building defenses. You will be asked to weather the storm instead of controlling it. To not meet destruction with greater force lest nature become uncontrollable. You may think a spiritual cousin is not a true cousin. Until you see the bottomless hunger of the Wild reflected in the eyes of children and their parents, their leaders. Until you know with striking clarity that it will not end with that downtrodden fire mage. That hunger will grow. It would devour not just living mages. It would destroy our future as well. The balance would still need protection though mages would no longer be able to fulfill our purpose. Who will help those who follow us to keep the way? Instead of growing up at the feet of a crotchety old woman who tells them how the Ladies of Light and Earth are locked in eternal frolic. Their presence felt the strongest in the afternoon sun while the long grass blows in the breeze. No, their awakenings will be ones of terror. And the world will forget the days where they heaped honors on the awakened. Any who hear the call of the six will learn to bury it or be buried themselves.
That call has been singing to you. It sounds so loud you wonder how you never heard it before. To ignore it seems unimaginable I'm sure. But it is growing late and you've let me ramble on for far too long. When the dawn rises on your initiation, you may remember these words. Maybe you'll find that weight was heavier than I prepared you for. The earth moves slowly but still it moves. Times change and the ways of my youth may not carry you through. It may even be a solution appears to solve my greatest fears. And you'll shake your head at the words of a doomsayer. There can be no greater reward than to leave a lighter burden for you. Until then I can only part with one final word of advice.
Steadiness. Remember that word. Repeat it until you think you'll never want to hear the word again. For others will often tell you that exact phrase. When tensions are high, your pleas for patience will be unwelcome. Our fables tell of our Lady Evera acting as a mediator. As she is the voice of compromise within the six divine realms, we must follow her example in our world. Now please, allow me to rest.
support link: msha.ke/mikahorror
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Adam, magazine, V. 14, N. 2, Knight Pub., February 1970
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theodore-sallis · 2 years
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“Night of the Nether-Spawn!” Fear (Vol. 1/1970), #11.
Writer: Steve Gerber; Penciler: Rich Buckler; Inker: Jim Mooney; Letterer: Jean Izzo
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bipolarfreek · 8 months
A sneak peek at the amazing content being released with the first issue of the chaos magick zine The Void Files, scheduled for release 11/27/2023 at midnight.
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lilibetbombshell · 8 months
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