#of course i love ALL of them very dearly but sometimes you just bond really quickly with a particular kid
sugared-violets · 1 year
oh my god so i called out of work yesterday to go pick up my car finally (photos incoming) so then today when our kids were getting off the bus one little boy (who's my favorite even though we're not supposed to have favorites) saw me and yelled "you're here!", RAN to give me a hug, and just wouldn't let go 😭😭❤️❤️❤️
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Twisted Night At The Museum HCs/Thoughts/Concepts:
These are brain farts but ya'll are making me feel like I have the biggest brain so-
- If the Daley! Reader had a Unique Magic it'd be: "Alive for the Night" where basically any statues on display and stuff can come to life. Including the ones of the Great Seven but they can only do it at night. (Idk if you guys want them to have it or not, ya'll can fight about it in the notes)
- The Daley! Reader was also adopted by Larry after Nicky moved out and became a DJ, Larry is still a super protective father whose very anxious and is looking through various museum archives to figure out if something can be done about his child whose stuck in Twisted Wonderland. He requires you to check the mirror and talk to him at least 4 times a day to know you're alright and if you miss a time, YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD EXCUSE-
- No but parent teacher conferences and you have to hold the mirror so that your teachers can talk to Larry through it.
Larry Daley + His Relationship with the Staff:
- Crowley: No, he's been in this game long enough to know that Crowley isn't trustworthy and while you KNOW he isn't trust worthy, he is the reason that Larry wants you to check in 4 times a day. Crowley tries to paint it like everything is fine and Larry pretends to believe him. Crowley is just a bit off put by Larry because you're already such an odd and resourceful individual, that he can't imagine what your father (the man who raised you) must be like and while he laughs whenever Larry promises to bring you home, Crowley slowly starts to believe him. Like, bro, he deals with a magic tablet and brought a family of old Egyptian pharaohs together, Larry Daley is getting his child back.
- Crewel is the only man in this school that Larry trusts, along with Trein, but Larry does notice that Crewel seems a lot more concerned with your safety and has a soft spot for you. Crewel will also give Larry due respect and while he's not sure about his bland outfit choices, he's very much aware that your father loves and is worried for you and so, Crewel will make sure you are well behaved and taken care off until you're able to reunite. It's bittersweet for him because he does grow to get attatched to you but soon realizes that he's never gonna be your father back home. (SPLIT CUSTODY IS ALL I'M GONNA SAY).
- Vargas: Larry hates him so much. Like in the movies, he's always snarky and closed off from people he dislikes so their conversations are always so passive aggressive. Like, Vargas is all: "Ha, no wonder you look so wimpy! Look at your dad!" and Larry is all: "First of all, they're adopted (but still my kid) so neither of us can really say anything but second of all, I went face to face with a triceratops, so, yeah. Not sure if they have those in your world, but thats pretty impressive." and Vargas just brushes him off and he HATES IT.
- Next is Trein, who is like a strict grandpa to you and one of the other teachers who get along with Larry. As a father himself, he admires Larry trying to protect you as best as he can while he's in a different world, and he couldn't imagine what it would be like if his own children where stranded in a place he couldn't protect them in. So yeah, while your dad is awkward, Trein tries to help him out and ease both his and your anxieties. I also can totally see Dexter the Cappuchin Monkey and Lucius fighting across the mirror.
- Sam is one that Larry doesn't see to often aside from Larry trying to find old spells in old archives that require magical ingredients that he doesn't know about so he'll ask Sam about them or see if he can find any suitable substitutes and Sam will do it of course, for a fee. He really admires your dad's dedication but he also admires the relationship and bond you two have. Yeah, you might come into his shop to rant about how protective he is and some other flaws but you love him dearly. Sometimes he'll throw in a few freebies because at the end of the day, you two just want to be with each other again.
Now back to some general headcanons:
- Okay so have you guys seen the Stuart Little movies? Where he has a bunch of ladders and stuff around the room because he's small and can't get to places faster, thats kinda what you have to do for Jedediah and Octavius. They sleep on your nightstand after Deuce and Jack either made tiny beds for them or you made them in a wood work class or something.
- I can also totally see that after the first winter break, your first year friends bring back some old childhood toys that maybe Jedediah and Octavius can use to help or to help them travel faster around the campus.
- Deuce brought back an old remote controlled Magic Wheel (the motorcycle thing he likes) and gave it to them so not only can they ride around in style but they also have a tendency to drive recklessly and trip over poor unsuspecting students who are just trying to walk to their class. They'll do it especially if they mess with you.
- Ace brings them back like, tiny weapons from his old toy soldiers and stuff and while they might not do much, he just thinks its so funny how serious Octavius is when he's all: "Thank you, Child of Trappola, for I now have an arsenal to defend Fort Ramshackle!" and Jedediah rolling his eyes.
- You try to keep them on higher ground, especially due to the rats but I love the idea that when you're away on classes and you trust them not to do anything stupid, they're riding around on Grim and throwing toy spears at any rats running around and defending their home. Like to them, it's an intense battle where they could possibly die but to the ghosts, it looks like they're just annoying the rats that they eventually just give up and leave because they're so annoying and rambunctious.
- Out of all of your friends, they like to use Jack as a mode of transportation. After all, he's HUGE and when they sit on his shoulders, they're absolutely amazed by how much they can see. Jack tries his best to remember they're on his shoulders but if a class is really boring and he forgets, he'll lean on one shoulder which causes them to lose balance and almost fall but hed got quick reflexes and apologizes to them.
- THE WAY EPEL AND THEM WOULD GET ALONG. Like, Epel will walk in all roughed up because he got into a fight and walk past you to rant to Jedediah and Octavius and talk about how some kids were picking on him for being cute and little and Jed and Oct are all: "YA BETTER HAVE SHOWN 'EM THAT WHAT FOR!" and Epel is all: "COURSE I DID!" and you just sigh because you know that Vil is gonna ask to keep Epel away from your "little raggedy friends".
- BELIEVE IT OR NOT, SEBEK ACTUALLY RESPECTS YOUR LITTLE CREW. Especially after he finds out you want to be a Night Gaurd and mistakes your words and believes that you come from a family of noble gaurdians who keep the ancient relics of your world safe (which is kinda true but its not that dramatic) and when he sees you defend yourself with a mere flashlight, you become his idol.
You, whispering as your faces are squished together: "Listen, fae boy, you do not know who you're dealing with. I've seen things in my world, stuff you can't even imagine."
Sebek, whispering back: "Like what kind of stuff?"
You: "I'm not gonna tell you, but you're gonna drop your sword-"
Sebek: "The way you said it just made it sound like you were gonna say something really cool-"
You: "Yeah, you don't get to hear it, drop the sword-"
- OKAY BUT YOU BEING DEEMED THE NIGHT GAURD OF NIGHT RAVEN COLLEGE. Like idk, maybe you don't need as much sleep as everyone or during weekends, you just hibernate and then survive on naps and energy drinks throughout the week (it's such an unhealthy habit, all of the Dorm Leaders are concerned and Vil might trick you into drinking a sleeping potion if your eyebags get too prominent) but I love the idea that the bullying rates go down. Hell, even the Savanahclaw dorm kids don't try to start with as many fights with you around because they know you'll finish them with your flashlight. Like they're all cornering you and you blind one of them temporarily before you do some cool fighting moves. Your quick wit and training as a night gaurd is the only thing you've got to give you an edge in this world and by God are you gonna use it.
-And even if that fails you, you've got friends who've got your back. Like you get cornered by some bullies and then they feel something stab their feet and Jed and Octavius are bravely stabbing their shoes and the students are hopping around in pain.
- But yeah, the Night Gaurd in you just makes you walks around Night Raven College and look at all the various statues and history and you read and do your research on Twisted Wonderland.
- Like in the first movie, the thing Larry did after his first wild night at the museum was do research and by God, do you dedicate yourself to doing research on Twisted Wonderland and the study of magic.
- ALSO MALLEUS JOINING YOU DURING YOUR LATE NIGHT PATROLS OF YOUR SCHOOL GROUNDS and telling you everything there is to know about the magic here. You know how Ahkmenrah calls Larry "Gaurdian of Brooklyn"? I feel like instead of Child of Man, Malleus would call you "Gaurdian of the Night" because you tell him that's your dad's job and you want to fill in his shoes.
- MALLEUS AND SEBEK TRYING TO GET YOU TO JOIN HIS GAURDS BUT YOUR DUTY IS TO EVERYONE BUT HE'S ALL: "You know, just in case you might have to stay for longer, there will always be a spot in my court for you. As either my gaurd or my spouse-"
- "What was that last part?"
- "What?"
Feel Free to Send in any Thoughts/Asks/or Questions about this AU!
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blackbutlerbrainrots · 5 months
Okay how about Platonic Yandere Prince Soma and adopted sister reader?
WC: 1.2k 
A/N: This is after writing!Lily (AKA me) and I just wanna say that this not only includes Soma but also Agni too! The two of them are just so close even in their backstories so it was inevitable for me not to write platonic yandere Agni too.
And as always, reblog for part 2! <3
Hmmm, just based on Soma’s personality alone, Romantically, he’s very possessive and isolating. But him being a platonic yandere? 
Him being a yandere includes a platonic yandere Agni too. Agni has always considered you the child he never had. And plus, you’re his young master’s sister, even when you’re not his young master’s flesh and blood. If Soma says you’re his sister, then YOU ARE his sister. There is no denying that. 
Let’s start from the top,
When Soma was very young, he was neglected due to his mother who was more worried to get the attention of his father. And his father could care less about him just because he was the youngest out of his twenty-six kids. But that title was quickly given away from him, and the youngest title now belongs to you. 
In his isolated mind, he really wanted to meet you. He always had older brothers or sisters. He, himself, had been considered the oldest because he was the youngest. But the moment he heard that the title of youngest was taken away from him, his curiosity skyrocketed. Thoughts like him having a little sibling, and sister no less, made him a bit too excited to meet you. 
He was always verbal about wanting to meet you and this, of course, did not go unnoticed by his butler, Agni. And bless his poor heart (And soul), he pulled some strings in order for you two to meet. And let’s just say that ever since that day, Soma considered you someone he must protect. In his defense, you’re just so cute and adorable! With your tiny hands and big doe eyes, how can he not love his little sister? 
He thinks it’s cute that you sometimes act mature, and he tries his hardest to act like you are mature. But with your chubby cheeks, he just can’t resist, no? He’s the type of brother that always teases you by accident too. He always wants to see what your reaction is to this and that and it sometimes gets you annoyed. Now, don’t get you wrong, you love him dearly as a sister. 
When you got pulled into the life of a princess suddenly, you were confused of course. From an orphan to princess in one night. And all because you were used as a gambling bet. You, of course, am grateful that you’re not in the streets anymore. But turning a princess in one night? Now that’s a change you don’t know whether to welcome it with open arms or not. 
As you tried to live as the “forgotten” princess and live quietly in peace and luxury, you met Soma. By now, you’ve met the other Princes and Princesses, and let’s just say that you were definitely intimidated. So you had to prepare yourself just so you can’t angry the said prince who was coming in 2 hours from now-
‘What?’ You’re confused. You didn’t have any meetings today except for prince Soma, in which that meeting is 2 hours from now. So, who can that be? Your question got answered quickly.
“Prince Soma is here, your highness.” You visibly froze. ‘Eh? He’s here? Prince Soma? Did time quickly fly past? Or is Shiva really punishing me at this moment?’ You shake your head. Did 2 hours go by without you noticing? You breathe in and out to calm your heart beating fast out of nervousness. 
You sighed, getting ready to not stutter and get this meeting over with,
“Come in.” You said in a composed voice. As the pair walked in, they couldn’t believe it. Soma laughed wholeheartedly. “Are you this short, really?” You bit your tongue, careful to not make this prince another enemy of yours. “I am still 12 years old, your highness. I’m still growing.” The prince and butler duo looked at each other. 
And one thing leads to another, from strangers to having a bond that can’t ever be broken (seemingly). 
You didn’t see any red flags with Soma. After all, he’s the only one that ever treated you like an actual sibling and not some kind of war enemy. Maybe that’s why you didn’t see anything wrong with his behavior. Alongside his butler, you never saw anything wrong with them. You didn’t realize that they were isolating you already. With Soma’s optimistic attitude and Agni’s (In your opinion) ‘cool’ personality, you were put into red colored sunglasses. 
You saw Agni more as a father figure. In your mind, he was the perfect combination of a mother and father. Something, in which, you lacked. Maybe that’s the reason why you looked up to him. You really loved his curry, and you admired the way he was fiercely loyal to your brother. Not to mention, his strength. You sometimes wonder how could he have this balance of a mother hen and father dog? 
Now, Agni doesn’t want you to know about him in the past. Nor does he want you to see him fight. He doesn’t want to scare you off of course. But even then, it probably wouldn’t make you scared. It would just admire him more (If that was even possible). 
Soma on the other hand, is very protective of you. He lets you out once in a while and why didn’t you question his insistent attitude whenever you say “you want to go outside”? 
He would always say things like; 
“You can’t! Brothers and sisters are outside, are you sure?” 
“You might get sick, no? Just stay here, Agni will cook some curry to make you feel better!”
He’s always been like that, you guessed. Even when he’s much older than you, he acts like he’s younger than you. It sometimes pisses you off because he doesn’t like to resolve the problem head on. Opting to instead whine and whine until you can’t take it anymore. 
But if that ever happens, Agni is always there to resolve the feud the two of you have. Even when you say feud, he always tells Agni that you’re “acting” out. 
All in all, it’s like heaven and earth with them :’)
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eleanorandphantom · 17 days
tell us a bit about your DR and your relationships with the wards!! Maybe some cool things you guys do together
(I just wrote this entire thing out on the bus and when I got off it deleted so now I have to write this for the second time 😭)
but of course!! I’m so happy you asked, brace yourself because this is gonna be LONG (if you can’t tell, I love talking about my DR, especially my lovelies🩷🩷🩷)
be warned I will get side tracked at least twice
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I’ll start with my momma, Miss Peregrine herself! 
About two weeks after I was born, my parents (who were both surprisingly peculiar) found me sprouting white fluffy tufts from my back(later I would discover I’m a Phoenix ymbryne) and they knew I wasn’t safe in America. They reached out to the ymbryne council and I was brought to Miss P before the loop was created. I grew up with her as my mother, and she taught me everything I know about being an ymbryne in training. She is my world, and I love her so dearly 
My favorite memory with her has to be when she started teaching me how to fly. I wasn’t the average ymbryne, I could sprout my wings without being in bird form, so I had to learn how to fly as a bird and as a human hybrid. Learning as a bird was wicked easy, as a human? Not so much. The way she taught me was using a swing set in our garden, which could swing a full 360. I would basically swing as fast as I can and have to jump and use my wings, which was very difficult when you’re 4 years old and scared of heights. It was quite amusing, but she had to hold back her hysteria to encourage me. We would go on flights together after that, it’s how we spend most of our time together
Now onto Claire! She is literally like a little sister to me, I love her so much 
(I didn’t script when each ward came, I’m leaving that to my consciousness because I suck at timeline stuff) when she arrived she was silent, she wouldn’t speak, she had the worst anxiety. I still stood by her side and showed her kindness and warmth, and she warmed up to me immediately, especially after I taught her the piano. She would follow me like a shadow and sometimes end up coming to my room after a nightmare to cuddle. After Olive arrived, she attached herself to Claire and brought out the bubbly energy into Claire, making them inseparable friends. I was so proud of Claire, she started talking a lot more and was genuinely so happy
I think my favorite memory with Claire was when we were at the beach playing chicken fight against Millard and Horace. Claire was on my shoulders and Horace was on Millard’s shoulders. At some point during the fight we got behind them and Claire nipped at Horace’s swimsuit with her back mouth and he screamed like a little girl. She started giggling and I sprouted my wings and shot us up 20ft in the air, throwing her up and catching her in my arms as we flew back down into the water, the entire time she laughed and smiled, her smile is so contagious (to say the least, Horace didn’t want to plus with us after that though)
Speaking of Horace, we grew to be great friends over our equal love of fashion. I was the seamstress of the household, making new clothes for everyone, especially for when we went to different loops, I made clothes for different timelines so we wouldn’t be caught by normals. At first we didn’t really talk since we didn’t know much about the other. Until one day he walked into my room to ask for something when he found me using my sewing machine. The look on his face was completely indescribable, but he immediately walked up to me and begged me to teach him all I know. We bonded over our love of fashion and grew super close, often hanging out or making witty jokes. 
One of my favorite memories with Horace was when it was his birthday (we have a calendar that keeps track of the days in the present so we can still celebrate events together) I ended up making him a 3 piece suit of his favorite fabric, navy blue silk velvet. I presented it to him at dinner and he bawled his eyes out, he would wear it for only special occasions and leaves it on a mannequin in his room to keep as a form of trophy. 
Onto Millard!! 
We actually immediately became friends with our love for books and reading, when he first came to us I showed him around the house and we didn’t leave the library till dinner time (we started in the morning) his favorite (fiction) books are dark mystery novels, he says they make him think more than any other kind of book, and he enjoys the suspense. He does enjoy nonfiction immensely, he loves to study maps, history, and languages. We actually study a lot of German and Russian together, it’s quite interesting 
My favorite memory with Millard was when we were out for a walk and it was quite windy out by the beach as normal. Millard (being unclothed as usual) got so much sand attached to him, we could sorta see him, he jumped into the ocean after that. It was honestly very funny, but he was so cold after that. Afterwards we all got him bundled up by the fireplace and gave him hot coco with extra marshmallows while he read us The Tales. It was truly a lovely day 
Onto Olive!!!
As I’ve stated, Olive is basically an energy filled bubbly girl in my DR. She is not afraid of much, other than hollows and being alone (oh and can’t forget, floating into the sky). She asked me to teach her piano after Claire learned, but she didn’t like the structure, so she ended up learning the pan flute instead! She’s actually pretty decent at it and it’s so sweet whenever she puts on little shows for us with Claire. She is a lot closer to Claire and Bronwyn, but we still hang out together often! 
One of my favorite memories with Olive was whenever she and Claire would ask Bronwyn and I to join their tea parties, they are always a delight. They would play with their dolls and instead of the usual Princess games, they would make them peasants in a royal kingdom and complain about the monarchy (they would do fake accents and everything, it’s adorable). It kind of reminds me of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, very satirical. 
Okay up next is Bronwyn, she’s literally like my best friend I love her so much 
She and I would often hang out together with the two girls but we mainly hang out to decompress and just chill. She loves my record player, and we like to dance together to music in my room. She also loves puzzles, especially 2000+ piece ones, I swear she finished one of those in three days, I don’t get how she can do that. Although she was more closed off after Vic died, it took her a few years to process, we stayed by her side no matter what. 
My favorite memories with Wyn are definitely our sleepovers. Her, Fiona, Emma and I would have an all older girls sleepover in my room and do a bunch of fun feminine activities like painting out nails, doing each other’s hair, etc. it was always the highlight of the week, especially if we were all stressed. We like to cuddle puddle, where we all cuddle on my bed, I’m normally up against Fiona but Bronwyn loves to cuddle with me. They all say that I’m the best cuddler, and if I’m being honest that makes me so happy 
Oh goodness where do I start. Victor, Bronwyn and I were very close family like friends. We were always together and I was always there to help him, until that fateful day he died. It absolutely destroyed me, but it was 150% worse for Bronwyn. Everyone at the home was silent for a month, some went on longer. Miss peregrine was destroyed, at night she would sleep walk into my room and cradle me in her arms. But enough of the upset, let me tell you about life before he left 
Victor, Millard, and Hugh loved the play games together, he even made games like mixcrosse, (I’ll get into that later if anyone is interested!) He has a lovely singing voice, we would often sing duets together during our theater sessions (miss P wanted us to experience different forms of literature and we all loved theater so we ended up making a theater troupe!!) if I were to describe his voice, it would be like the Flea from Monster in Paris. 
My favorite memory with Vic was the night I took him out of the loop to visit the present, just for one day. I took him flying, brought him around modern day Cairnholm, we had ice cream, he was so happy. He couldn’t stand living in a loop, so the times I would bring him outside were cherished. I miss him dearly 
Next up is Fiona!!
She hangs around me when I’m baking, and often wants to help me cook and make food. She loves my cats, Oscar and Felipe, and often begs me to let them sleep with her which of course I let her! She’s very sweet, outgoing, but also very introverted and selectively mute. She doesn’t speak much to others besides Hugh and myself. Miss P ended up teaching us all ASL so we could all communicate better, Fiona was so happy she cried. 
I think my favorite memory with Fee was when we were decorating her room. Her room has pretty high ceilings, so I came up with an idea. I held her bridal style and sprouted my wings and flew us up to the ceiling where she used her seeds and peculiarity to make vines and wisteria flowers bloom all the way down, her room is absolutely gorgeous. Fresh flowers everywhere, she keeps it warm like a green house, and even Hugh lets his bees out to roam when they are in there together. 
Speaking of Hugh, him and I are good friends too! We don’t hang out just the two of us often, mainly cuz we hang out with Fee or Millard all together, but the times we do hang out alone are always delightful. We have extremely meaningful conversations, about our insecurities, inspirations, worries, etc. he often talks about his love for Fee, which is absolutely adorable. 
My favorite memory with Hugh was when we were on our morning walk and he found 10-15 bees in the forest. He was so happy, like stimming happy. He named them all and brought them home(that was the batch of bees Henry was apart of!!), I’ve never seen Fiona giggle so much, she thought it was the cutest thing ever. Of course Miss P was fine with the newest editions to the bee community that resided in Hugh’s stomach. 
Next onto Emma!
She and I are pretty close, especially after Abe left. She fell so deep into that relationship it took everything for us to dig her out of that. But besides her romantic life, she is hella strong. Miss P gave us self defense classes and she and I were up against each other and WOAH THIS GIRL CAN FIGHT, no wonder she pulled a knife on Jacob when they first met lol 
Besides her “firey” spirit, she is actual so soft when she’s tired. She will spill everything from her heart when she’s tired, and we have the most meaningful conversations when we are by the fire place just us two. This girl has been through so much and I’m so proud of her ❤️❤️
My favorite memory with Emma has to be during the classes we had, it was just so fun to see different sides of her. Not only that but swimming with her is so funny, she’ll light her fire under water and boil small sections, like we made a hot tub once entirely ourselves, although Miss P wasn’t too sure of its safety 
Next up is Jacob!
Yes I will call him Jacob and only Jacob, it pisses me off so much in the movie that they only call him “Jake” when in the books they never called him that. Okay enough of my ranting. One thing I am changing is the amount of time Jacob spent with us while in Cairnholm, I felt like it was very rushed. But during the time we spent, I felt kinda connected to him in a brotherly fashion. We would crack jokes and he’d make 2016 humor which none of us understood but still laughed with. I didn’t quite accept his and Emma’s relationship at first because of what happened with Abe, and also the fact that I’m a bit over protective of Emma. But after getting to know him I felt a little more comfortable with them, although it sucked whenever I would see them kiss and think it was Abe and her, trust me it was something to get used to 
Most of the memories with Jake are in the plot, but one of my favorite moments was the beach before everything happened. We just spent all day all together, it felt whole again, like we weren’t missing anything. It was so nice, I still look back fondly 
Last but not least, Enoch 
Although I’m shifting to the book version, I scripted Enoch to be the movie version with Enoch from the books personality. He is 17, and still has the same backstory as the book. (I have some opinions on the movie, but I watched the movie before I even knew the books existed, I watched it during a panic attack and it instantly calmed me down, which is why I have such a strong connection. I think the movie by itself without the book in mind is phenomenal, the setting, the storyline, the acting was kinda mid and I wished the children had more lines but other than that I still enjoyed it. But I think it sucks with the book in mind, they changed too much for no reason. But I digress) Enoch came to Cairnholm and we actually grew pretty close because of how interested I was in his peculiarity and his infatuation with mine. We grew very close and later on we would end up dating, he means the world to me in ways I cannot fathom properly. 
My favorite memories with him are the nights where we spent laying on the roof of the house watching the stars, my record player on my windowsill so we have some music to listen to. As much as he is an asshole, he has a soft spot for his loved ones, especially me, and it means the world to me to be with him 
That’s all for today!! If you’d like to hear about stuff that we do all together like activities, what kind of things we learn in class, theater stuff or little adventures I’d be more than happy to share, also if you have any questions about specific people I can do my best to answer! There are things I don’t feel comfortable sharing, such as relationships (not just my own, but also Hugh and Fiona, Emma and Jacob (eventually Noor) I hope you enjoyed my ramblings !! 
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"I have some opinions on his childrens' reactions but I won't get into that." I'm begging you....please get into it 🙏
Haha, you don't have to beg. I just didn't wanna get into it because that ask was turning out to be super long.
For post-canon Linzin, obviously, Tenzin's kids will be involved and they all have very different ways of processing it. To start off though, I don't see Lin as trying too hard to have a relationship with her boyfriend's kids because it's already awkward enough but she'll basically mirror the way in which each of them are with her.
a) Jinora: Being older, wiser (and tattooed), I'm certain she displays the most maturity in the situation. Her opinions are often reflected in her younger siblings, and sometimes it's not for the best. She understands why her father married his mother and not the person he was in love with, to begin with, but she faults her father for not making better decisions back then because now she (and her siblings) are left feeling some kind of fulfillment of duty. She likes to meditate over it- of course, Tenzin is very apologetic about the whole situation and while she wants to be supportive of her father she has a hard time processing these unique feelings. Jinora also has a lot of regard and respect for Lin and it's very clear between them that Lin's not trying to take on the role of her mother in any way- and somewhere while that's a great understanding to have between them, it often gets in the way of them bonding in their new relationship. She is happy that her father is happy but she is upset on both Pema and Lin's (from the pre-canon Linzin) behalf. He didn't treat either of these women justly and naturally, she has a soft spot for her mother who did dearly love Tenzin. All in all, I'd say for these reasons, Jinora is mostly estranged or indifferent to post canon Linzin for the most part. She'd rather not have anything to do with their relationship. She gets along very well with Lin and for her family's sake, forges a more personal relationship. However, over time, as Lin becomes her confidant, Jinora learns to cope with her feelings and winds up with a healthy relationship with all three of them.
b) Ikki: Ikki likes to stand out- and she's volatile. She hates being her sister's shadow. And like any quintessential child of divorce, starts acting out. If Jinora is going to be mature about it, she sure as hell is not going to be like her. She gives both her parents a bit of hard time- blames her father for their "broken family", blames her mother to have had better morals about breaking up a relationship pointing out how poorly her advice worked out for Korra and that now she has to pay for it. It's mostly all superficial. She has an understanding of the situation but she refuses to accept it. She doesn't want all that much to do with Lin even though she does actually admire the woman. She'll mostly just storm off in the other direction (or her room) whenever Lin shows up and Lin shrugging in response doesn't help. It isn't until Lin finally relents and gives the kid the attention she wants that Ikki starts to realize it's not all that bad. Ultimately, she forgives her dad and remains very close to Pema. She develops a soft spot for Lin but deep down, her sorrow for her mother keeps their relationship from getting too intimate.
c) Meelo: MEELO IS OUT OF THE WORLD THRILLED! Sure he exhibits about 10% of the understanding that Jinora has but he can't help it BECAUSE THE HERO LADY HE LOVES SO MUCH IS GOING OT BE LIVING WITH HIM IN THE NEXT ROOM!!!! He takes the divorce really well and keeps in touch with his mother from time to time. As a boy, he really isn't the kind to build and maintain relationships so he is a little out of touch with his mother in an out-of-sight-out-of-mind kinda way but as he matures, he makes sure to check up on his mother from time to time. Did I mention he absolutely loves Lin? It's the best gift Tenzin could've ever given him and he loves his dad for it. Ikki and Meelo often clash on their opposing views but that's where Jinora and Tenzin come in (cue: more resentment from Ikki). He often idolizes Lin and the day he gets married, he thanks Lin for being the best mentor he could've ever had and that he is the man he is because of her.
d) Rohan: Rohan straight up doesn't understand anything. I went a little back and forth on this because he's too young to have a stance of his own. I could see him moving to Ba Sing Se with Pema since he's definitely more attached to her but at the same time, that would be separating him from his siblings as well as his airbending/air nation training with Tenzin- which wouldn't be fair. He ends up spending most of his weekends at Ba Sing Se though and also starts seeing more and more of Lin at the Air Temple. He's mostly just giggly around her and tries to cuddle her- something she wasn't very receptive to, to begin with. To him, it's just becomes new normal and adjusts to it pretty smoothly. He misses having his parents together, but Tenzin is sure to comfort him when need be. Lin becomes a second maternal figure to him and they end up having a sweet relationship.
Let me know if you guys have any specific questions! I feel like I've given this wayyy too much thought now lol.
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overheaven · 4 months
🍕🎹🎯❤️✂️💚🧠 for Everett please! 💜💜💜
THESE ARE FUN QUESTIONS LET’S GOOOO (sorry for the delay lol had my surgery as u know xD) 💗💗💗
under the cut since i got a little rambly!!
🍕 — What is their favorite food?
I haven’t been able to nail down a FAVORITE-favorite for him yet! But I do know he likes meat & rich foods. He’s really not afraid to get messy with some saucy barbecued meat which is kind of a charm point for him imo >w>
🎹 — Do they have any hobbies?
He has a few! Some are really dry, like reading medical journals and other professional development. Other are more lively and less focused on his field of study— collecting records and oddities like taxidermy pieces, reading fiction & poetry. He also really likes going to concerts or seeing live music, and visiting art galleries and museums. and of course then there’s the casual sex and the killing and the necrophilia :yikes emoji:
Bonus: I have an AU where he’s a musician, he plays bass guitar (which Lucy also picks up later)!
🎯 — What do they do best?
His job! He’s chief medical examiner for a reason. :> That title is a recent achievement at the time of his ‘canon’ story (2008-2009ish), but overall he’s been in the field and climbing the ranks for about 19-20 years by then. He sincerely likes figuring out the puzzle of a death and is very articulate in presenting his findings.
❤️ — What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Cheating a little bit on this one because he doesn’t have a singular best memory. Some of his most treasured memories are Lucy visiting for summers & then eventually getting full custody of her! He’s very fond of watching her grow into her own and bonding with her over music; taking her to concerts is something he recalls fondly often. ;w;
He also holds memories of his teenage sweetheart dearly, but that’s part of his esoteric history that he doesn’t share with anyone else. ;)
✂️ — What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Cheating again because the years he wasted being married are all a miasma of ennui and frustration. 😬 He did love his ex at one point (at least, he thinks he did), but their relationship soured pretty quickly and both of them resented each other a LOT by the end of it. The silver lining is he got Lucy out of it all, at least.
💚 — What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
He’s a cis man and like 99.9% straight lol. he’s experimented sexually with men (and maybe he’s kind of still open to that?), but yeah overall he’s attracted to women.
🧠 — What do you like most about the OC?
This is tough because I like everything about him xD I guess a good answer to encompass that feeling is: I like how indulgent he is! I made him & Lucy because I wanted to find a very specific flavor of a dark setting & taboo relationship, and I thought, “Holy shit I know how to write and draw. I can just make what I want myself!!” And I did! I’m giving myself everything I want with him!! So I’m ESPECIALLY happy that others enjoy him too ;w; I’m always thinking of new things about how his brain works and how he moves through their world, he’s challenged me to be creative but also trust my own process!
Part of that is also being proud of his design & personality, without trying to hold back on making him a really attractive character— sometimes I second guess character design because I don’t want to be corny or ‘mary sue’-ish with someone who is TOO attractive or perfect, but… no, we’re going balls to the wall and making a really fucking hot goth dad who is really smart and dangerous and it’s so sexy of him to be so fucked up LOL. I wanted to make a serial killer character who has babygirl sexyman vibes (think like, how fans lust after Hannibal Lecter or Patrick Bateman lol) as a sort of cheeky way to honor that type of fan xD Everett is my love letter to slasher fangirls, yandere fanatics, bad end lovers, people who understand the eroticism of sleazy horror movies, and so on. 🫶
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chayannecraft · 9 months
hey the last drawing will probably be uploaded tomorrow!! i know you'll understand but i've been very busy today :)
anyway i'm curious about if the other eggs have any sort of role in your au??
OH and if you want to talk abt what chayanne and phil's relationship is like, i've been very curious about that lol bc it seems like phil's both very protective of him and doesn't care about him that much. not saying you haven't thought it out i'm just eager to look more into his character!
Hello!! Yeah no I understand I’ve been super busy too. Finals season and everythang. It’s a curse. Oh my god. (Which is why im so late answering this ask hello omg!!!) But anyways yes hello oh my god questions!!!! 💖💖💖!!!!! YES!!! I WILL ANSWER
The other eggs have very loose roles but they do exist!! They sort of take up the space of the descendants-of-the-champions roles that Sidon and the others fill (although I’m not sure who is who at the moment, would have to think about that a little more!!) (I have no idea what role Tallulah plays, but I think she might be traveling around with Wilbur, more info on that later) but sometimes they’re also just like, normal random kids. They are all friends I promise. I don’t have a lot on them though so this is not that coherent.
You were right in that Phil is very protective of Chayanne!! I think a part of him knew Chayanne was The Chosen Hero, but when faced with the decision to send him off to what very well could have been his sons death, if not horrific trauma he was like um. No lol. Not doing that.
A consequence of the storyline in general is Phil isn’t very mentioned a lot, so it gives off the idea that he’s uncaring towards Chayanne, but I promise you that’s not the case!! (Not to make fun of you or call you out of course). Phil is actually very loving towards his son, and was devastated when he ran away with the Master Sword.
Then (for reasons I haven’t thought up yet) he’s pretty distracted but desperately trying to get his kid back. Until the calamity happens and they fail. Then he’s under the impression his son is just dead and he’s in mourning for the next 100 years (Why is he still alive in 100 years, you ask! Well! I took everything from these kids and I think taking their parents is a little bit too cruel so everybody is blessed by some sort of god that expands their lifespan a couple hundred ok :D!!!)
And then a little bit after botw someone goes to Philza and is like hey. The hero is back. He’s hanging out with Princess Pomme. He looks a lot like the missing hero from 100 years ago. Your son. Might be your son Phil. And Phil basically takes 3 seconds to process this before clawing himself up from his depression and being like OK. WE’RE GONNA GO GET HIM!!! AND IF ANYBODY TRIES TO STOP ME IM MAULING THEM. Of course he gets to hyrule RIGHT as totk plot starts and Chayanne goes missing so kind of an L BUT THEY DO REUNITE!!!
They get their moments. They also get a really tearful reunion where Chayanne is like dad im so sorry for running off oh my god :( I forgot you for a hundred years you must be so upset with me. And Philza is hugging him like oh my god my kid is ok. Oh my god. YOU’RE GROUNDED FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WHAT THE FUCK. And then just caries him around. And probably has some sort of beef with Missa because that’s Chayanne’s Hyrule-Dad. Meanwhile Pomme stands in the back ready to kill him if he makes one wrong move.
There’s a side story kind of sequel relating to that where Pomme and Chayanne have to grapple with the fact that Chay is also a prince and his dad misses him dearly and wants him to come home but they don’t want to be separated ever for the rest of their lives. Maybe even some parent bonding. Like a little family-person drama to contrast the cursed-destiny-supernatural-calamity drama and probably some Death Family Bonding.
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Have been having thoughts on a TNP AU
- Leafpaw goes on the journey too. Mostly she’s there because the group needs a medic on site, but also as a Skyclan stand-in. Half of Starclan insists that Skyclan should be involved in this journey, and the other half says that Skyclan was only just rebuilt and need time to get their footing as a clan before they’re ready to take part in something like this. Since Leafpaw is named after Leafstar, and her mother and father were the ones to rebuild Skyclan in the first place and thus are technically former members, Starclan comes to a compromise with sending Leafpaw as well as Brambleclaw from Thunderclan. Squirrelpaw is Leafpaw’s plus one. Also this helps set up LeafCrow for the latter half of the arc because they’ve had all this time to become friends first.
- Feathertail is the leader of the group. For the first couple of days, nobody’s really sure what’s going on and nobody can get along, so Feathertail steps up to get things done. Her approach to getting everyone to work together is to encourage each member to use their personal strengths to the group’s benefit. For example, Crowpaw feels out of place, so when they’re crossing a field full of sheep Feathertail said “Crowpaw, doesn’t Windclan deal with sheep on the moor sometimes? What do you guys do then?” It gets him to participate, particularly with something that he’s good at, so the rest of the group is now like “wow thanks Crowpaw we’re sure glad you’re here!” and it brings the group closer. Feathertail still dies in this AU, but I’m thinking by showing off her character first and making her the binding force in this team, it’ll make her death a more impactful moment in the story. Like first of all, she’s the leader, she’s gotten to know all her companions and loves them dearly, so of COURSE she’s going to punch a lion in the face for them. She’d do ANYTHING to make sure they get home safe, even if it means she doesn’t. And in the wake of her death, the group is now bonded, having all been made better for her presence in their lives, and they make it back to the clans. They wouldn’t have been able to do it without her, but this next leg of the journey they WILL have to do without her. It’ll be hard, but they have each other to lean on still. 
- There is no tribe. I don’t remember being a fan of the tribe when I first read the books, and also just. The tribe only exists so the clan cats can prove how much better they are and I don’t like those implications. I’m instead imagining a slow burn horror where, as they enter the mountains, the group realizes something has been stalking them but they don’t know what. Sharptooth gets revealed, and then the team has to come up with a plan to get rid of him so they can get out of the mountains alive, and to be sure they won’t be leading Sharptooth back to the rest of the clans. 
- Midnight the Badger never made any sense to me so I’ve replaced her with Purdy, I’m not even kidding. The group gets to the sun-drown-place just to meet Old Man Purdy, a mysterious old cat who despite not being clanborn, has near Goosefeather level abilities for sharing with Starclan. He travels with the group upstream from the river that empties out into the sea, and brings everyone to the lake. The journey cats all get to explore the new territories for a couple of days, Purdy hangs out in the horseplace with Daisy, and then he directs them a shortcut back to the forest through the mountains. Once the clans arrive by the lake, Purdy just goes home with Thunderclan. 
I’ll have to come back with a part 2 because I have some Very Cool Ideas for Hawkfrost and his relationship with Brambleclaw in this AU but I want it to be accompanied by a fun drawing :3
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parulite · 8 months
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repost and rate your muse's traits out of 10 in each category !
COMPASSION: 9/10. Driven by a deep desire to alleviate others' suffering (when she isn't too wrapped up in her own head), Kiri chose the path and rites of a healer. Right now she mostly deals in physical ailments, but she hopes to build the skills of spiritual aid too.
BITTERNESS: 6/10. There's a general sense that she's carrying a lot of confusion and discontent. She feels estranged from her peers and even her family, and doesn't understand why she is just so different. Why it had to be her.
HAPPINESS: 4/10. Really going through it™ with the awkward teenage years, made much much worse by the re-arrival of the RDA and the destruction of so much of her home. She lost two dear friends; the shaman of songs who lived deep in the forest was killed by the inferno of the arriving ships, and in the months that followed the first ikran Kiri was bonded with was shot and killed by a SpecOps soldier (& that's really only the beginning...)
POLITENESS: 5/10. Generally knows her place and respects tradition and those with more experience than her, but isn't afraid to give a little lip and form her own opinions. Occasionally prone to nyeh nyeh nyeh and sticking her tongue out. Currently going through a little bit of a "everyone in my family is so embarassing" phase.
MORALITY: like... 8/10? I don't know. She has a set of beliefs she lives by and holds to them. But .. as things are changing around her, choices are getting harder, and she's pushed at these lines in the name of protecting and defending her loved ones. As well, I have.. a thought about that some of that... being able to hear and feel Eywa is driving her to make choices she would have shied from just a year ago. Which begs the questions of if they're her morals, or something else. Which sounds very scary to me.
PRIDE: 7/10. Working on lowish personal self esteem/ego, but has high value on her home, her family, her clan, her planet. Does not take kindly at all to insults and shaming; does not take these things silently, either. She will at least try to stand up for herself, but she's twice as active when standing up for/with others (especially her family. Especially Neteyam.)
HONESTY: 8/10. A little sneaking away here, a little keeps-things-to-herself there, but mostly honest about her choices. She aims to be reliable and trustworthy, someone people can come to, and in general just doesn't like to lie. Leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
BRAVERY: 5/10. There will be much worrying, and grumbling, and hesitance. Will notably step up much more directly when it comes to defending others, especially her siblings and, presumably, other/younger children. Otherwise, she'd much rather make peace and/or flee than fight.
RECKLESSNESS: 4/10. Fairly sensible on her own, a little absent minded sometimes but not particularly prone to risk taking. Also susceptible to following others (i.e. Lo'ak and Spider) into nonsense out of a reluctance to miss out, but it almost works out because then she can act as a voice of reason those situations and at least slow them down a little.
AMBITION: 3/10. Genuinely just wants to live a 'normal' life, a quiet life she feels she belongs to, in harmony with nature.
LOYALTY: 8/10. Bends her personal values for the sake of others.
LOVE: 6/10. Deeply emotional, but afraid to commit to it. She withholds herself a lot, often hiding behind a vague leave-me-alone attitude (that she, of course, secretly and silently wants people to ignore, and see her through it anyway. But only if they're going to really love her. You know how it is.)
SENSE OF FAMILY: 7/10. Very connected to her parents and siblings and loves them dearly. Also feels ostracized, being 'technically an orphan', and every now and then is afraid that she is not quite as much of her parents child as her siblings are, like there is somehow a difference between them and her that means she doesn't really count.
ATTRACTIVENESS: I...... Don't want to use a number in this instance? She doesn't strike me as having a high opinion of her own looks, but I don't think it's necessarily a point of focus for her. I do think, though, she's got a lot of features that could be considered more human-influenced, such as her four fingers and smaller nose, defined brows, and smaller canines. This probably effects others' opinions of her beauty, but I doubt (at least among her own clan) as much as she thinks it does.
AGILITY: 9/10. Mostly she likes to take her time and tends to sort of ...drift around, but when pressured or excited, she's light on her feet and difficult to catch. Notably, she's an incredibly quick climber, and excels at moving over both the forest floor and higher pathways among the branches. She's still learning & building her skillset but I imagine she's showing signs of this in the water, too.
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jalshristovski · 4 months
what's your opinion about the Nordics?
Omg a real life ask!!! In real life!!!
I would like to preface by saying the Nordics are some of my favourite characters in the whole series, I love them dearly
But let’s start with my favourite two characters in the entire show
He is my favourite and my all time comfort character. He’s so dad-coded, and I love him for it. I love how awkward he is, and the gentle giant vibes fit him so well
Also the fact he is our canon gay rep, it fits him so well but mayhaps Himaruya looked at some Finnish memes about Sweden lol
I love how soft he is, and how he’s such a real character. For someone who doesn’t show up as much as some other characters do, he has so much depth to his personality. He’s deeply caring about his neighbours, especially Finland and Iceland, but he’s also considerate of everyone else (even if he’s not entirely sure HOW to do it). His communication issues sometimes hold him back from working at his full potential but I think that makes him more human. Even with those issues he still has close friends and companions, which I think he more than deserves
As scary as he is, he is so kind and considerate of everyone, even if it doesn’t come across as such, and I think he is just so wonderful for that. Ok, maybe not to Denmark but I think that is justified
He is in no way perfect, but he does his best for everyone and is constantly willing to inconvenience himself for others (especially Finland)
Also my favourite character and comfort character, I always interpret him a little more chaos gen z than is maybe canon but I still think it fits with his actual personality
As emo as he is, you can tell he really cares what other people think of him and I think his need to feel like an equal tracks pretty well with how teens are. Especially I think the inferiority complex fits not only with his physical age but his actual age too, because he ISN’T a young country. He’s older than much of modern Europe, but with how disconnected, physically younger, and perhaps more culturally/political irrelevant he is, he feels like he maybe will never be seen as an equal unless he argues for it
Tying him back to Sweden as well though, I like the bond they share with Sweden treating him as an equal but also trying to teach him it’s ok to not be so serious all the time (like with the ‘what’s wrong with big brother?’ bit) (also ironic coming from Sve who is perceived as super super serious. Though we know he’s just a silly goofy guy)
I also like seeing his soft side, like when he told Romano “deep down you don’t mind it so much” in regards to being teased by others, showing maybe it does bother him a bit to be teased but he knows it’s just good fun, not serious
I think Iceland really just gets teased too much by the other Nordics (mostly Norway tbh). Enough that it’s bothersome and maybe it’s starting to not FEEL like a joke, but he knows it is. Deep inside he knows they see him as an equal, and I think that really gives him personality when it shows in moments like with Romano, but also like the Nordic meeting where they joked about the drinking age
I think he’s a good interpretation of a teen/young adult just doing his best, but also someone who is very accomplished but doesn’t get much credit for what he’s done
Another very deep character, I think a lot deeper than most people give him credit for
He’s of course somewhat of a comic relief, the sunshine character, golden retriever-type character but he also has his moments where he shines and truly shows his character. He jokes a lot but he’s a very worried older brother of the Nordics who seems to almost worry over them like a parent would. But also I think he doesn’t realise how much the other Nordics appreciate him
Like the scene he found out Norway was living in deep poverty without complaint because he saw how hard Denmark was working, and Denmark started sobbing because of how much it meant to him, presumably the emotions behind getting noticed for what he does
Also having been to Denmark I think he’s pretty in-character. Danes are super super friendly and I think a lot more open than they give themselves credit for. Genuinely the nicest people I have ever met, probably. So I see where he gets it. Denmark and the Danish people aren’t perfect but they’re certainly welcoming, hardworking, and overall very friendly, which definitely reflects in him
I think the levels of ‘I’m so done’ this man radiates all the time is very great and tbh maybe a reflection of how Norwegians feel about the other Nordic countries (more specifically the other Scandinavian countries)
Though on the same note, he’s definitely a lot nicer than he too is given credit for. When it really counts he speaks his mind, and I think he is very considerate of the other Nordic countries regardless of maybe some grievances
I the a lot of the time he just follows along with what the other Nordics do without much input (aside from a few maybe mean jokes) which maybe is a reflection of him basically getting pushed around between Sweden and Denmark for a very long time. I think he’s not much afraid to share his opinion or make comments but habitually he follows the others anyway
Regardless though I like how sometimes goofy he is. His mean sense of humour I think is relatable to a lot of people, including myself. It really does give the dynamic with Iceland of older/younger sibling, with bully older sibling and perpetually annoyed younger sibling. I think their personalities mesh perfectly into those roles
As a Sweden stan I absolutely love Finland too. I love how he interacts differently yet so same to everyone, yet he is always kind. Even if he’s feeling awkward or annoyed he never gives the impression of being mean or rude. I think he fits so well in a group of characters who genuinely might usually just bully the fuck out of each other
I love that he isn’t super out of place regardless of his differences especially with his language, and while he might make some comments about it, ultimately he is one of the Nordic 5. It’s never the Nordics and Finland, they are the Nordic 5
Also it’s a little goofy but good goofy that he’s this sweet guy, he’s an angel, always sunshine and flowers in regards to his energy but when he gets to choose names and designs it’s always so dark and dreadful as an homage to perpetual Finnish misery with aura and demeanour (and being the largest producers of heavy metal in the world). He found a way to combine them being the happiest country in the world, but also (affectionately) hardasses
I also like how he interacts with the non-Nordics, and how they interact with him. Like him and Germany being on friendly terms, even if it’s not a whole lot of interaction, it’s enough you can see he’s friendly with everyone (except Russia), not just his neighbours. Conversation about Germany’s lunch, friendly (or maybe not so friendly) banter about America with England and France (although they kinda clowned him, he was very nice to them). Justice for Finland and the butter churn ✊😔
I think it’s also a great that he’s not afraid to be a little silly goofy, he’s kinda like a Gen X midwestern mom in that aspect and genuinely I am obsessed
It is genuinely so random that he is atp one of the Nordics, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. It makes my soul happy to know that while most people find Sweden scary, Sealand just sees him as his goofy pappa that he is NOT afraid of 🫵
I think his relationship with the other Nordics isn’t touched on as much as it is with Sweden and Finland (mostly Sweden) but I still think it’s sweet he’s shown as part of the family regardless. Also knowing Sweden made the little curl when he was cosplaying as Canada is so silly, Sweden going along with his child’s shenanigans is what I thrive on
I love how friendly and open Sealand is, but how like a light switch he can go to calling someone a jerk and bragging about himself. Even to people who are mean to him though, he is kind. Yet sometimes to people who aren’t England he just flips the brat switch and I think that’s so good for a kid his age
I think the thing most compelling about his character is that he IS a kid. He acts like a child. People sometimes have said he’s annoying but he’s ??? 12??? We were all weird as 12 year olds. If he was totally mature it would be strange
Random fun fact, I have Ladonian citizenship lol. It has no legal binding but I technically qualify as a citizen of the internet country and have been since 2020 🤌 anyway
Onto his character. I think he’s a very interesting take on Ladonia as a place. I don’t know what personality I’d give to Ladonia personally but I think the choice for him was super creative and silly, and I love him
As far as I remember he doesn’t have a canon age but I’m pretty sure he is younger than Sealand, so he’s still very much a young child and acts as such. A kid who loves Pokémon and practices how he introduces himself to people, still believes in Santa, and also reminiscent of a kid who tries (and fails) to grow up too fast
I think in the recent chapters he’s been shown to be a lot more mature and kind (ofc he was a little mean previously) to the others which could either just be a change in personality, or just character development from him. And I like it, because if it is character development for him, I think it just goes to show that he’s grown fond of the other micronations over time
One last thing I will mention is the scripts. I think it’s so silly, and I love how obvious the scripts are yet Ladonia doesn’t seem to notice or mind them because Sweden pays attention to him and those scripts usually give power to Ladonia, like genuinely just the monotone screams and the ‘I lost my meatballs’ line showing Ladonia may have bested him (when we know he genuinely would not have) but Sweden still tries to give him that power in a silly way
Anyway that’s all I have, thank you for listening and if you read this far, THANK YOU!!! I apologise for the length, I really love the Nordics so much, they’re my favourite characters and I am so fond of them and their characters
I’ve given them much fanon personality as well but I tried to keep this mostly relevant to canon so anyway, thank you 💪
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blindbatalex · 6 months
So I’ve been rereading the first two chapters of your marcheron soulbond WIP (as I await with bated breath for updates), and something that always give me pause is the scene where Bergy goes to drop off the jersey at the cafe and is mistaken for a hookup of Brad’s.
I’m really curious how dating would work in a soulbond universe, like I imagine there would be dating apps dedicated to matching you specifically with your soulmate, right? But it would be different from current dating apps, because the categories are aimed at narrowing you down to find one very particular person among 7 billion. Almost more like a 23&me or something, where you need the database to be large enough to be useful. People probably upload photos of their soulmarks and then you can use filters to search for what you want? And there would be all sorts of other interesting soulbond categories (like they can probably set up meetups for those with timestamp soulmarks to meet). And then there’s probably apps specifically dedicated to hookups only so there’s no messiness or pressure of getting emotionally involved.
In this world, wouldn’t it be less common for one night stands to develop into something more, when there’s always the expectation that there’s only the one person out there for you, so other romantic relationships could easily be seen as placeholders in the meantime? So wouldn’t Brad only doing casual relationships at the moment be more of the norm for folks who haven’t met their soulmates, rather than those hookups Kelsey mentioned who wanted more from him?
All of which is to say I’m fascinated by the relationship rules of your universe, and in particular, Brad’s dating life and everything leading up to the moment your fic actually begins. (I would dearly love to have the moment where he actually figured out who his soulmate is.) Given how mysterious and ungovernable the human heart is, throwing the implacable idea of a soulmark/soulbond into this universe probably simplifies things in some ways, but would seem to cause so much more emotional distress in others (hence it’s right up your alley haha). And I can’t wait to read more!
Oh man, I saw this ask right before I went to bed after the game last night and it made my wholeass night; people engaging with the inner workings of any AU verse is great and triply so for this one, so thank you! The rest under the cut because it got long.
You hit the nail right on the head with your second to last sentence. Soulmate AUs have always read as a little dystopian to my on the aroace spectrum ass so I thought let me explore all of those implications in my own writing. You know how sometimes you meet someone and you immediately hit it off and feel like you could spend hours just talking to them? To me, as the writer, that is what a soulbond is -- that and the fact that barring early death and so on, you are guaranteed to meet them. Any additional meaning people imbue to that bond is as societal a construct as anything. But of course, both of our narrators buy into that contemporary Western allo notion of 'your soulmate is The romantic partner for you' framework, which complicates things. The other thing I should have perhaps established more strongly in the first two chapters is that not everyone has a soulmate in this verse.
So then when it comes to dating: you are absolutely right that it would be less common for one night stands to develop into something more in this verse. But for one, a good portion of the population (maybe 20-30%?) are unmarked, so they have to find love like the rest of us do. And even for people who have soulmates -- if you don't meet them before you are 21, or 25, or 30, what do you do in the meanwhile? Opinions would diverge on this, I think. Some people, like Brad, don't want to date at all, because what's the point when your true The One is out there, waiting for you? But other people might -- the same way you and I may embark on short term relationships even if we don't want or see it leading to e.g. marriage -- perhaps with the implicit understanding that if either party meets their soulmate in the meanwhile, they will call it a day. (And man, there are so many stories you can tell about the ungovernable human heart within that space -- if you already have a partner you love dearly, is that instant connection you have with your soulmate worth throwing away what you have? And if you don't, won't a part of you always wonder about what you could have had?) And also another important question: who is Kelsey? How informed or reliable is her opinion on Brad and the people he sleeps with?
Then, w/r/t online dating: for one, this fic is currently set in ~2009, which is actually the year Grindr launched. So online dating exists but is much less of a thing then than it is now. I actually didn't give it much thought before your ask, because given that you know you will meet your soulmate eventually via natural means, why try to force that connection? But I think you are so right: and in fact maybe this is a controversy in their universe, with on one hand, people who don't want to wait until they are 30 to meet the One, and on the other, people who think trying to force a meeting will mess things up. I am also SO interested in the pop culture around soulmates within the verse, which Brad is as well, and thanks to you, I might just work some of this in later on 👀
Lastly, your ask made me interrogate why Patrice hasn't reacted to the implications re Brad's soulmate situation when he talks to Kelsey, which I think will make the upcoming chapters stronger, so thank you! And re how Brad found out who his soulmate is -- *I* have always known and it is coming, perhaps as early as the next chapter depending on how the editing goes :D
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ladysternchen · 1 year
Yet Were Its Making Good, For This- Sparked (part 2)
As if summoned by Mablung’s very thoughts, Elwë indeed sat down beside him not long thereafter, groaning a little. “Forgive me for joining you unbidden, but that fire looked just so inviting.” he muttered apologetically, closing his eyes for a moment. Mablung felt rather pleased with himself at the praise of his fire, which crackled merrily. “You’re very welcome.” Elwë opened his eyes once more, looking appreciatively at Mablung. “You’re doing really well. ’twas a long walk since our last rest. Elmo’s fast asleep already. Well, truth be told, I don’t even know when he fell asleep, as I carried him for the last hours* of our march.” Mablung scowled, folding his arms defensively before his chest, even while he silently pitied Elwë. Elmo was a lot older than Mablung’s own little sisters, and he knew how exhausted his parents were from each carrying one of the twins while keeping up with the march. Still, his annoyance outweighed his pity now. “Ai! I’m older than Elmo by quite a bit.” he said indignantly, and was all the more annoyed when Elwë chuckled. “Maybe. But you can still sulk like you could as an elfling…” “You…” Mablung aimed a fist at Elwë, but the older elf parried his swing easily, grinning even more. “I what, little one?” he teased, making Mablung snort and turn away. He would never admit it, even less as he knew perfectly well this was just good-natured mocking, but Elwë’s words stung. Elwë seemed to have noticed nonetheless, for he laid a consoling hand on Mablung’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just… I sometimes miss our trips around Cuiviénen, the teasing, the laughter. I miss all of you. ” Mablung smiled and nodded, realising only now that it must feel somewhat lonely to be singled out like this, regarded all of a sudden as lord rather than friend by the people one had grown up with. “I think of that a lot, too.” he said. “Seems like an eternity ago, doesn’t it?” Elwë nodded gravely. “It does. All the more grateful I am to have friends like you with whom I can share those memories. Beautiful memories…” “Childhood memories.” Mablung added, and was pleased that apparently, Elwë had learned from previous mistakes and refrained from reminding Mablung that a child could hardly have childhood memories. “It was you who made it so special for all of us.” Even by the firelight, he could see Elwë blush. “I enjoyed that greatly. And it helped me so much with Elmo later.” “Nay, it didn’t. You’d have managed well anyway, as you’re great with children.” “Stop it, Mablung, really. But… you know, sometimes I wonder whether that was simply a gift by… fate. Not my parents’ death, of course…” he added hastily, his expression stricken “…but me being allowed to raise Elmo.” “No need not sound so melancholic, you’ll raise your own children soon enough.” Mablung said gently, sensing his friend’s pain. Elwë shook his head. “I don’t think so. For one, elvish law forbids me to wed ere our journey is completed…” “Aye, and who ever cared about law when falling in love?” Mablung asked with a small smirk. Ha, he thought, now it’s your turn feeling awkward. Serves you right for belittling me earlier! “True. But I truly wouldn’t want to. Elmo is still a child and needs me and honestly, I cannot even imagine a time past this journey. Valinor has never seemed further away. And also… I don’t know. Finwë has his Míriel and even Olwë spends all his free time with a maiden of his host he claims is just a friend, but…” Elwë waved his hand in a gesture that said clearly “…but everyone except them knows it’s more than friendship.” Mablung chuckled. He, too, had noticed that. “I just don’t feel likewise with anyone.” Elwë went on. “There are so many I love dearly, but that’s not… not like they say this one bond is like.” Mablung tilted his head slightly. “You believe it then? That the Quendi form only one union in life?” Elwë nodded, gazing into the dancing flames. “I do.”
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
Headcanons for being Thena’s adoptive daughter
Thena x daughter!reader
a/n: i think from now on for child!readers i’ll be going with daughter or son specifically if it’s requested!! also i kind of headcanon that the eternals can’t reproduce since theyre not real beings (?) like theyre space androids kinda. terminators.
prompt: anonymous: “Hey love your blog ❤ could I request in being thena's child/ daughter whatever is comfortable with you headcanons? If that's okay like thena is their mother or mother figure through out the centuries and time and even after reader goes their own way? If that's okay 😊”
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thena cared deeply for you, her bonds were always strong
and although she was told not to interfere with the humans, she felt the need to save you and take you in
she missed her family dearly, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t have a new one
“hello, my darling. momma’s here” -thena
she was so gentle with you, worried that she may accidentally hurt you one day
gilgamesh definitely took care of you, too, of course
“hi there, little one. would you like some pie?” -gilgamesh
he ALWAYS spoiled you
thena loved seeing you happy and with pie stains on your face, but she did have to put her foot down to make sure you didn’t push yourself over the limit
family dinners too <3
which sometimes resulted in dancing and singing
she told you war stories to lull you to sleep
“and then i sliced off the deviant’s head and it fell down and died and mommy saved the whole village. the end” -thena
“can you tell me another?” -you
“mommy stabbed a deviant in the eye and then again in the neck and it died slowly. the end” -thena
“thank youuu” -you
tons of forehead kisses from her
she let you play outside a ton, just using your imagination
“you’re just going to let y/n play alone? that’s so sad, she needs company!” -gilgamesh
and that was around the time your mom began taking walks with you outside, holding your hand and looking at the vast nothingness while you played games together, sometimes made up games
gilgamesh played soccer with you
thena and you drew by the tree
she complimented your work often
“is that supposed to be all of us?” -thena
“gilgamesh, mommy, me” -you, pointing
gilgamesh hung your work on the wall for sure
your mom told you about the eternals
and always referred to the others as your aunts and uncles
and you grew up wishing you could meet them
the two of them homeschooled you, but not with a real curriculum
they also taught you to fight, despite you not having powers
“here you go, hun, a sword just for you” -gilgamesh
“thank you!” -you, beaming
gilgamesh died (sorry) when he saw ur smile bc that’s a precious smile
thena made sure she didn’t hurt you during training, but you were a super fast learner
so you two were sparring in no time
she still took it easy on you, though
thena lets you lay on her lap on the couch as she watches the fire a lot, zoning out while she misses her old friends
she’s had cases of mahd wy’ry in front of you, which have prompted the discussion of safe spaces and exit routes and deescalation tactics
she almost hurt you a few times, but you know it wasn’t her
and your mom apologized a million times through tears
gilgamesh protected you, as well
and he taught you to cook!!
making mother’s days very sweet and special
even if they turn out a little….messy
“hahah, you look like a ghost!” -gilgamesh
*you brushing flour away from your eyeballs*
your face did get caked with flour yes
long hugs with momma
and group hugs w gilgamesh
and them happily watching you grow up, something that never failed to fascinate you
“when do i get to meet my aunts and uncles?” -you
“that really depends, my love. maybe one day, maybe never” -thena
you dreamed of fighting beside them
and maybe one day you would
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @brutal-out-here // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @resplendentlady // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @dindjarinsspouse // @werewolf-himbo // @lost-fantasy // @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom // @summersimmerus // @cipheress-to-k-pop // @augustvandyne // @buckyeojin // @the-did-i-ask // @glxwingrxse // @scarthefangirl //
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enderwoah · 4 years
any seven-footers in chat??
literally is cared for by everyone
wilbur warning him that it’s raining up on the surface when he’s in a cave? phil telling him not to mlg water bucket?? the entire server collectively decided “this. this we must protect.”
mans makes the little vwoopy noises when he’s excited
he messes with the particles a lot, waving his hand through them and making them swirl
determined to make his and niki’s forbidden friendship work
has sworn that one day he’ll figure out how to visit niki’s house
oh yeah phil low-key adopted him
it just be like that sometimes
mans is LOuD, ANGRY, AND ON! FIRE!!
yes his hair WILL explode into flames like disney!hades when he gets super mad no i dont take critisism
he doesn’t actually get cold when he gets sad as one would expect
he just gets hotter and hotter as emotions grow
only time you’d ever find him cold is if he just didn’t care anymore.
but he’d be a broken, broken man before that happend!
often hides under trees with ranboo when it rains
(if anyone on the smp ever needs wood, they go to one of those two. they have literally every kind. in excess.)
similarly, they make fun of wilbur and niki (lightheartedly and jokingly, of course) being in the water when it’s daytime
which is fair because they make fun of those two in the rain
glub glub mfer
sis is somehow useless with a bow and arrow but will absolutely murk you if you give her a trident
basically kins ariel
has a collection of above sea-level stuff wilbur has given her
uses them to decorate
determined to visit jack someday
has fins and gills
the whole shebang
and just for funsies -- is an angler fish hybrid
has the cool light thing coming from her hair and her teeth are super sharp
watch out!! she’s always armed and always dangerous!!!
oh he is so salty about the tiny wings
CONSTANTLY bugs phil about how to make his wings bigger
“you cant mate that’s just how you were born”
(he won’t find a way)
phil’s son
glides instead of flies and is really good at it
could probably beat an elytra course better than phil tbh
can actually hold his breath underwater for a helluva long time
mans has to sleep super high up and the atmosphere is suuuper thin so he’s used to not having a ton of oxygen
visits niki and “pollutes” her pond a lot
(he always cleans up afterwards and brings her cool stuff)
and he gets super embarrassed abt it afterwards
hard man
has funky fresh purple scale things that he can grow in combat to cover more of him
can manifest items out of thin air
no inventory pull up, they just appear
offers himself as a punching bag to people a lot to blow off steam
it doesn’t hurt
it hurts their knuckles more than him
even playfully punching him is a pain, good lord
ghostbur is very happy to be alive again! :)
wilbur has been dead, dead for quite a bit now
he genuinely is just a phantom
the phantoms that come at night are just people that have been dead for over 500 years
thankfully, wil only died a few months ago, so he still has some time left!
slightly forgetful
not the smartest boy in the bunch
didn’t think to build his house underground when he is literally burned by sunlight
still loves his father and his brother(s) dearly!
niki and him bond underwater a lot during the day
(he’s a ghost, he doesn’t need oxygen!!)
they are literally best friends man
wilbur goes on expeditions purely to get niki things she’s never seen before since she’s water-bound most of the time
somehow has the most playfully malicious intent when he’s literally more than half the server’s father figure
(ranboo, tommy, tubbo, wilbur)
plays pranks on ranboo with the pumpkin heads all the time
much to ranboo’s chagrin
but would literally fight a world for his kids
adopted or not
his wings make his hugs g r e at
he bonds with tubbo and ranboo over this inexplicable feeling of longing
(hint hint: they’re all connected to the end!!)
homesickness for a place they’ve never been...
anyways he also stops everyone from doing stupid stuff
“no ranboo, you can’t mlg water bucket”
“no tommy, yes i know you can jump off of giant towers, no, it’s not a good idea”
“NO tubbo, you CAN’T try and fight an entire raid armourless”
“no, wilbur, stop trying to see if walking in the sun around while wet will stop you from catching on fire, you’ll still melt.”
“i swear to god niki, don’t see how long you can hold your breath outside of the water”
it’s a 25/8 job, being the collective server’s dad.
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Second Chances
Ben Hargreeves x Reader
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Summary: With new threats about, the Umbrella Academy is looking for new members to (potentially) help save the world and your healing abilities make you the perfect candidate to join.
Note: Idk why I’ve been in a Ben Hargreeves mood these past few days, but have some fluff. Set in a no time travel no apocalypse au?
Warnings: Very mild mentions of death
Word Count: 1.2k
Reader is: Gender Neutral
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When you’d called the Umbrella Academy claiming to be gifted like they were, the others were, admittedly, skeptical. Several times throughout their childhood, the Hargreeves had met countless parents with children they claimed to be special, and none of them ever actually were. But, with Reginald dead and world-ending threats lurking around every corner, the remaining Hargreeves siblings were a little more…open to having more help around.
So, you arrived at the house, with little more than your messenger bag, your laptop, your favorite mug, and some clothes. You figured you shouldn’t bring too many things in case they kicked you right back out, but they wouldn’t have any reason to. You really were gifted.
The monkey butler, named Pogo, welcomed you in, and a nice woman named Grace made a cup of tea for you, and in the meantime, the rest of the siblings slowly assembled in the living room. The first of whom was Klaus, who, as usual, was bored.
“So you’re the one who called, huh?” He asked, sizing you up.
“Yep. I’m (Y/N).”
“And what’s your ability?” Klaus asked, plopping down on the couch across from you.
“We’ll let them show us when everyone else gets here.” Luther asserted, entering the room. “Nice to meet you, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, too.” You said politely, sipping from the mug of tea. Off in the corner of the room, you felt a…presence. You looked over there, your eyes narrowed, and sure enough, there was a bundle of energy concentrated there. Almost as though…
Huh. Odd.
You caught Klaus staring at you when you glanced back that way and he smirked a little to himself, although he didn’t explain why it had caught his attention. Given your faint knowledge of the Umbrella Academy members, heralded as heroes while you were growing up, you were fairly certain he was Séance, which could only mean one thing…
It only took the others a few more minutes to get to the living room, and so once everyone was assembled, a man who had introduced himself as Diego said, “Alright, so what’s your thing?”
“I’m a healer. I have healing powers and they’re…kind of ridiculously powerful.” You told them.
“Healing powers are great, but we’re going to need you to prove it.” Luther crossed his arms, focused on you.
“Okay.” You shrugged. There was a dead plant sitting in a pot on the coffee table, so, you concentrated, green energy manifesting around your fingers. You flicked them onto the plant, and when you did, immediately, it perked up, its brown and withered leaves filling out and returning to the green color they had been weeks prior before it had died.
“Woah.” Allison smiled, staring at the now, very much alive plant. “That’s…incredible.”
“Thanks.” You chuckled. “It, uh, works on people, too. Obviously.”
“Right. Well, next time one of us is injured, we know where to find you. Welcome to the team.”
“Thank you.”
And so, you moved some more of your things in, which included a large amount of books. You liked reading, so a lot of your time spent at the school was in the living room, curled up with a book and a mug of tea.
It was on one of those occasions that Klaus approached you.
“You can see him, right?” He asked, motioning to the…presence that was lingering next to him. It migrated swiftly to one of the chairs in the living room, and Klaus looked at it, seemingly listening to it before turning his attention back to you. “When you first got here, you looked right at him.”
“I cannot see him, no, but I can feel him. I don’t know if that makes any sense…It’s like a magnetic field, kind of. There’s a pull to wherever he is.”
“Ah. Makes sense.” Klaus nodded. “This is Ben. My dead brother. Our dearly departed.”
“Oh, uh, sorry for your loss.” You said, unsure of how to respond to such a statement. “And nice to meet you, Ben.”
Klaus looked to Ben before repeating, “He says it’s nice to meet you, too. I have a question, though, are you into spirituality? Like witchcraft? Or is this part of your gift?”
“I’m…not sure, actually. I collect rocks, but more because they’re pretty than any other reason.” You thought for a long moment about just what he was insinuating. “Huh…”
“Hold still.” You told the empty space where Ben was supposedly sitting, calling your power to your hand and watching as the green light flickered around your fingertips. Then, you flicked your wrist forward, sending the energy in that direction.
Then, suddenly, a young man in a black hoodie and leather jacket appeared in the chair in front of you, staring at you dumbfounded.
“Holy shit!” You jolted, gasping and staring at him. “I did not expect that to work, honestly.” You admitted, giggling.
“You can see me?” He asked, looking down at his hands and then pressing them to his cheeks to feel his skin.
“Yeah, and I can hear you, too.” You told him.
“Am I…?” Ben murmured softly, feeling the fabric of his hoodie. He pinched himself.
Klaus walked over and poked him a few times. “I mean, you feel pretty real to me.”
“How did you…How did you do that?”
“I have no idea, but I guess we can add necromancy to my list of powers.”
“Is there something going on in…here…?” Allison was standing in the doorway, looking into the room. Her eyes landed on Ben. Immediately she teared up. “B-Ben?”
“In the flesh. I think.” Ben chuckled, still not positive he was really alive after all of his years as a ghost. Tears brimmed his eyes too. “Been a while, huh?”
Allison rushed into the room and hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks, and once she was done, she went to gather the others while Klaus took his turn, giving his formerly dead brother a hug.
As soon as Klaus let go of him, Ben walked over towards you and knelt down in front of where you were sitting, taking your hand, tears streaming down his cheeks. “Thank you. So much. You have no idea how much this means to me.”
“Of course.” You said softly. “I’d say anytime, but I don’t want you to die again anytime soon, alright?”
“Right.” He laughed. “I’ll try to stick around a while longer this time.”
With Ben alive again, the occasion called for celebration, which meant some family bonding and drinks and music, and while you didn’t really feel like part of their mismatched family yet, the Hargreeves welcomed you quickly as one of their own, especially given that you had returned their brother to them.
And once the party was over and the others were slowly but surely going up to bed one by one, Ben made sure to single you out, approaching you with a smile brighter than the others said he’d ever smiled during his first life.
“I don’t mean to be too forward, but, um, second chances and all that…” Ben rubbed the back of his neck chuckling to himself and blushing for the first time in about a decade. “Do you maybe wanna go to the movies sometime? Or like out to dinner? I’d like to do something to repay you, and also…get to know you a little better? If that’s alright? If not, it’s totally cool, I just—”
“I’d love to, Ben. That’d be great.”
“Awesome. Cool. Um, Friday at seven?”
“Friday at seven.” You nodded, smiling. “It’s a date.”
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monako-jinn-stories · 2 years
So, I debated about posting this for a while, and I even saved in it my drafts to contemplate whether or not I would actually post it, so if you’re reading this, well, obviously I posted it
But today is my birthday. And I was very hesitant about announcing this for two reasons, one being my overall privacy and safety as someone who is active online, and two, I’m going to school to become a teacher and it would be very awkward to explain my smut writing if it showed up on a background check, or if a future student somehow found out it was me
But I’ve also just decided to say fuck it. I have a story I want to share, and spoiler alert, it’s a true one
My birthdays always suck. I can’t remember one birthday where a family member didn’t make me cry (and not a good cry). I was either made to feel bad or mad, yelled at and bullied, every single year. And it always rains, sometimes only a little, but it always rains. Also, TMI, but I’m also always on my period for them
My birthday makes me feel more alone than other days. I wait for sweet messages but never get any. I see other people hyping up their friends and wish that happened to me. But at the same time, I’m not a child. I feel like it’s stupid to want those things as badly as I do, so I’ve resolved to acting like it’s just a normal day
But this year, I’m taking a moment to actually realize I made it. I survived another year. Despite not knowing if I would, despite even a few weeks ago wondering if I would, but I did. And it wouldn’t have been without the help of many people that are close, both in person and online
@oo-hazel-oo @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @maygalodon @imabeautifulbutterfly - you all have formed irreplaceable bonds with me. You all have helped me countless times, and I wouldn’t be here without you. I love you with every fiber of my being, and I can’t imagine where I would be, if I would be, if I hadn’t met any single one of you. And if I hadn’t met any of you at all? I don’t think I’d be sitting here typing this
@megafrost4 @ilikemymendarkandfictional @just-another-dreamerr @ladykatakuri @cosmicghostie @rain-on-kamino @letsunity - you all are also some amazing people I’ve been granted the gift of knowing. Though we may not talk often, seeing you pop up in my notifications always brings a smile to my face
And of course, every one of you reading this, everyone who has ever read, liked, reblogged, or commented on one of my fics, or posts, you have done so much for me as well. Your support inspires me, and I wouldn’t still be posting without it. You all have also helped me stay here, knowing that there’s people who don’t know me that will miss me if I was to leave (leave both tumblr and the world)
I haven’t been good mentally for a very long time. I think it sometimes shows in my writing. Sometimes I don’t think I write with my heart, and I think I just write to put something out there, so that I’m not forgotten. And my birthday is no exception to bad mental health. But this year I’m hoping it’s a bit better. I’m hoping the people that I love and care about are able to talk, even if it’s just a short conversation. The ones that have continuously been there for me when I needed them. I hope I’m able to catch up with those that I’ve missed so dearly, the one that I’ve not gone a day without thinking about
If I had to make a birthday wish, it would be that all of you reading this have an amazing day. That your day is filled with love and joy. I don’t really care about my own self, which is something I need to work on, but I don’t want my birthday to be all about me. I want it to be about you guys as well, because I love you
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