#of his growth
marandina-001 · 10 months
I'd like to meet Robbie (cavetown) just to hug him, tell him how proud i am of him and to thank him for getting me through hard times with his music and other videos
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curioscurio · 1 year
I'm rewatching Steven Universe and I will never forgive Fandom for what it did to her
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rika-mortis · 1 month
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Headcanon: Deep down they both want to be their fairy godparent/godkid again after losing them, but don't believe they deserve each other and feel like they aren't worthy to be their companion anymore
They both need counseling and therapy as a whole package
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hinamie · 3 months
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I could've been a better man, but I'm not
more lmhs megu bc i love him. he is here fr ur lunch money :>
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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bibxrbie · 6 months
"Luke Skywalker isn’t like the old Jedi. He saves Vader with his attachments!”
Luke Skywalker, at the end of Return of the Jedi, after his confrontation with the Emperor drags Darth Vader through the destructing Death Star. He’s desperate, knuckles white under the heavy weight of his father’s body, a little boy dragging his dad to safety. He sets Vader down for a moment, to catch his breath or maybe to get a better grip. He goes to grab Vader again, but Vader, uncomfortable and in pain, asks Luke to take off the mask. He wants to see Luke through his eyes instead of the eyes Palpatine built for him. Luke refuses, says that removing the mask is a sure way for Vader to die. Luke doesn’t want Vader dead, he wants Vader alive. Not to hold him accountable for his many evil acts, but for the same reason why Luke Skywalker can’t kill Darth Vader; Vader is his father and Luke loves him.
And yet, after a moment, Luke removes Vader’s mask. He doesn’t want to, he hesitates, but he removes the mask with enough slowness to allow Vader to take it back. In that moment, Luke sets aside his desire for Vader in his life, sets aside his desire to see him live, and sets aside his entire mission, the reason he was even on the Death Star in the place. In his compassion for his father, Luke stays with Vader until he dies. It is this moment where we see him be the best damn Jedi he can be. I’d even argue that this moment is the greatest example of non-attached love we see. Because Luke lets Vader go! He lets his father die, and in some ways, by removing the mask, he too kills Vader, he stays with him until his last moment, gives him the kindness of granting his last wish and finally chooses Vader.
And Luke doesn’t have to do this. If Luke Skywalker’s love for his father was an attachment, he would ignore Vader and continue dragging him to the escape pod, put his desire for a father as his central focus and ignore Vader’s wants and discomfort. Maybe he would even save him. But he doesn’t. Instead, he watches as Vader dies.
He builds a Jedi burial for his father and watches it burn the remnants of Vader and Anakin Skywalker away. He mourns Vader, he mourns what they could’ve had as father and son, considers what ifs and maybe-if-I-did-this. Vader/ Anakin is released from his mortal body, from his ‘crude matter’ and Luke lets him go. He says one final goodbye to Anakin. Then, he joins Leia, Han, Chewie, Lando, and the rest of the Rebels and celebrates their victory. He lives in the present and celebrates what he has instead of what he lost.
Luke Skywalker is THE Jedi. Everything about Luke Skywalker serves as the foundational cornerstone of the Jedi, everything about the Jedi as a culture and philosophy is reflected in his character. Luke’s desire for the New Jedi Order isn’t to throw away the values of the old Order, but to vitalise them, breathe life back into dying lungs, and rebuild a path that people set out on their way to destroy. (Yes, his Order is different from the Old, but that’s because it has to be. He doesn’t have the resources or the safety of the Old Order.) The philosophies of the Jedi are difficult and they aren’t for everyone, and like the perfect Jedi that Luke is, he struggles and stumbles and sometimes he even rejects it. But, no matter how far he falls, it is a way of life he chooses again and again and again. It is a way of life that welcomes him back each time
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DC x DP Prompt
To the delight of Gotham's citizens, and the dismay of her criminal underbelly, the GCPD has a new specialized unit that ACTUALLY apprehends criminals and brings them to justice!
It's a relatively small squad of mostly young adults, who looked fresh out of their teens. But age didn't matter once they got the work done. And they did, as they've already got criminals like Penguin, Riddler, and Bane behind bars for what looks to be 'for good'.
No one besides Commissioner Gordan knows anything about the squad as they operate as a mostly separate entity from GCPD. It was rare to see any of them, and any photos taken were unusually blurry. They are also extremely secretive; if you exclude their social media which are usually just shit posts, memes, and thirst edits of the Wayne family.
They were a total mystery. Almost as mysterious as Batman.
But those who have seen/worked with the squad before all had the same thing to say about them. They were cool. They had an unusually effective method. And their leader is a menace. With his sharp teeth and pointed smile. And bright blue eyes that spoke to your soul. It was a pleasure to see/ work with him, it really was. But they weren't planning on doing so again for a long time.
That being said, Gotham had been quiet for a while. A bit too quiet if you ask anyone, especially the Bats. Strangely, it didn't feel like the usual calm before the shit storm. The instinctual pit in their guts that usually formed just wasn't there. This was different. This wasn't the calm before the storm. This was the ocean receding. But no one seemed to realize it yet.
Not until the tsunami came crashing down on them.
The GCPD special unit accounts that had been inactive for the last three months suddenly pinged to life. Everyone who followed them clicked the notification almost immediately. With this unnerving calm surrounding them, who the hell didn't want to see what batshit crazy statement they would make after three months of radio silence.
What they didn't expect, was to see a crystal-clear picture of justice finally being served.
The picture was a selfie, taken in an abandoned warehouse. In the middle of the dirty floor was the Joker. He was tied up and his head hung low. You could see how beaten he was, his clothes torn and bloody. His face paint was also coming off, revealing pale blotchy skin. Reminding everyone that, he was still human, just like the rest of them.
Behind him, all lined up with smiles on their faces, was Team Phantom. They were a bit bloody and bruised as well but overall in much better condition. They weren't wearing the normal GCPD navy blue uniform, but black and white ones. All stylized to fit the wearers taste. They all looked so young, but their eyes looked like old tired eyes, finally getting some relief.
From in the corner was their leader. Only part of his face was in the picture. One glowing blue eye, and part of his Cheshire smile. His hand making a peace sign next to the Joker. Even with only part of his being shown, everyone could tell he was relived as well.
And while the picture itself was shocking, the caption was what really got them. The top was what you would usually expect from the team. A big bold 'GOT EM' ' at the top. But at the bottom in small, almost unnoticeable text was:
"He will face his punishment. We will get our retribution. May we finally rest in peace."
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king-wille · 5 months
Spider realising the patriarchy harms men too is what I live for
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nell0-0 · 7 months
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Just a bit more about my HC for this lil' guy
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excali8ur · 4 months
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Weird dream.
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cubbihue · 27 days
What are a lot of the main consequences for a kid becoming a fairy? And does Timmy ever miss his bio parents or his human friends?
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Aside from his inability to visit the Human Realm? There are Eight Major Consequences to becoming a Fairy. At least, 8 that Timmy has discovered.
The first major consequence are Magic Adjustments. Human Children's small bodies need to handle at least a Pixies' worth of magic output. Slow prolonged exposure to Fairyworld is matched with an increase in consumed Magic.
This is not an issue for Fairies, born and raised within Fairyworld, but for outsiders its a lot like an itch you cannot scratch. An irritation that won't go away until the transformation's complete, or the body adjusts in full.
Timmy used to deal with frequent painful growths in his magic. He finds that exploding objects with his magic helps alleviate the pain somewhat. Or doing one of Jorgen's harsher military courses.
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
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edenxrosey · 3 months
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Highever Has Fallen
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archer973 · 3 months
One of the things I realized when I watched Fury Road directly after Furiosa:
Furiosa doesn't treat Max like she treated Jack. She treats Max like Jack treated her.
There are so many parallels - the way they meet, their conflict with each other that quickly turns to partnership, their journey to The Green Place (and how it fails)...
But where before it was Jack reaching out to her, now it's Furiosa who is asking Max his name, teaching him the kill sequence for the rig, trusting him to have her back in a fight, giving him everything he needs to leave (even when she wants him to stay).
Furiosa doesn't see Jack in Max, she sees herself. Everything from the muzzle to the nightmares to the fact that he barely speaks is a direct parallel to what she was like when she met Jack, and Furiosa knows it. And so as someone reached out to her, she reaches out to him, this feral, half-mad Wastelander. She reaches out and offers him hope, just like Jack did to her when he came back for her on the Fury Road.
And together, they find some kind of redemption
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xpiester333x · 4 days
Alphinaud's character development is wild. He rolls into Eorzea so fucking cocky. He's the grandson of the great Louisoix. He's 16 and he's a prodigy and he's going to fix the world. He has all these lofty ambitions and he knows exactly how to make the world better. He's playing chess with the city states in his mind. He's the main character in his own mind. He's the hero.
And rides this high of being this brilliant hero, savior of the realm, right up until it all blows up in his face. The blade of the sword he was brandishing points right back at him and all of his friends. Everything he worked so hard for becomes his downfall, and sets all his dreams back.
And now he's so mild. He's learned his lesson the hard way and he's probably terrified of every making that mistake again. He fully relies on his friends, consulting every decision with them. He still wants the best for the world, but he no longer sees himself as the main character. He is still smart, still a prodigy, but he's not the cocky brat he was when he first came to town.
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bitterseaproduction · 11 days
AA7 game idea? Playing AS Eustace Winner. As a prosecutor. With a new face/Athena as your main rival, Edgeworth as your main mentor, and Phoenix Wright as your final prosec- I mean defense lawyer.
Give me back Phoenix Wright, but as my Red in Pokémon: The final boss you have to take on. Make me prove to Phoenix Wright himself that his client is guilty against all his bluffs & efforts, without dismissing or disrespecting his faith in his clients. Make a tale of struggling to reach justice and truth from the other bench, with all the conflict of Case 2-4 but without a kidnapping motivation or an early villain reveal. Make us tear apart the lies and fight to make everyone, including Phoenix, face the truth, only to underline how it was never that he should have doubted his client, but that he should trust US. Trust the prosecution even when their name isn’t Miles Edgeworth to help him find the truth.
Give me back Phoenix Wright, show him at his strongest, but also show that, even at your peak, there are still new lessons to learn from new perspectives.
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marmastry · 27 days
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Iodine's Unrequited Love
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shivroy · 11 months
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kendalling in oil
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