#of kenji and warner interactions
definitelynotisabel · 6 months
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ferraers · 1 year
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𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 » visuals. 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 » introspection. 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 » ooc. 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 » kenji. 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 » a. warner. 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 » warnette. 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 » queue. 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 » interactions.
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aaron warner x ferrars!reader pt. 2
aaron warner continues to make way into your life, and it's only a matter of time before you grow fond of him too.
(taken place during unravel me)
continuation of the hcs from this piece!
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a/n: hey y'all.... the long awaited pt 2 is finally here. so sorry for the wait, but i had some major writer's block with this at first, and tbh life has been a lil hectic rn with classes n stuff, so thank you for all the love and support on the first headcannons, and thank you for being patient with me! i truly cant express enough how happy i get when you guys compliment my work <3 as usual, hayden is my personal fc, imagine who you like !
side note: i know reader might seem kind of useless at times even tho she has powers, but it's because she doesn't have a full control of her ability yet, still learning how far it goes, and she doesn't have much practice on defensive uses of it, since a lot of her training is about learning about her powers. hope that makes sense LOL. some big events are going to be briefed over bc i didnt wanna bore y’all with stuff you alr read in the book and wanna focus on warner & reader interactions👍
word count: 8.2k
warnings: some plot changes, vague taylor swift reference, mentions of injuries and blood, some violence
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after receiving the note, you immediately crumped it and stuffed it into a random drawer with your clothing. you hadn't told a soul about the message, you feared it would only make the implication of meeting warner again true.
thinking about the note was a pipeline to thinking about aaron warner. thinking about him meant flashing back to the last moment the two of you shared.
his lips on yours, his confessions of his infatuation, and of course, the way your shot him in the chest. you hated how the memory was brung a warm and unfamiliar feeling in your chest, especially thinking back to the kiss.
you told yourself it wasn't a big deal. maybe another member at the base decided to play a prank on you, or perhaps it was just an empty threat. there was no way warner knew your location, so there's no need to tell anyone about the silly note.
but to be extra cautious, you laid off going on missions to the outside for a little bit. plus, it forced juliette to interact with people that weren't you on missions when you weren't there.
you went along with your routine as usual, training with castle and kenji, and hanging out with juliette and adam.
you didn't hate castle by any means, but you find his underlying scrutinization of both you and your sister at times to be bothersome. his constant pushy treatment to juliette never sat right with you either, but since he was the leader of omega point - you knew you had to still show respect for him.
although, you started to notice a strain between the couple recently, mostly from adam's side. there was obviously something he was keeping from juliette.
you comforted your sister to the best of your ability, but you knew not knowing was starting to affect her. kenji also seemed to know whatever this secret was, but was adamant on keeping his lips shut.
however, once castle took adam away in the middle of you guys eating lunch, juliette demanded answers since it was obvious adam himself was struggling to reveal it himself.
this time kenji was helpful and guided you and juliette to the research labs. there you both saw castle engaging adam in some sort of tests, and it sent your sister into a fit of rage, mainly aimed at castle. which then resulted in her angrily punch the ground, causing for a large earthquake that shook the entire establishment.
juliette was passed out for three days before waking up. you worried for her endlessly during those days, it was the one of the only times you intentionally listened for her thoughts, to ensure she was alright, but it was scarily silent. you knew adam also was quite worried for juliette, but castle made sure he kept his distance.
after that, her and adam were on some sort of unofficial break up, and you knew better than to get involved. juliette was also now required to join you and kenji in training, which made for a chaotic, but fun trio.
your powers were getting easier to control, you were working on levitating heavier objects every time. you've practiced mental manipulation on insects and small animals, so you had a gist of to what extent you could control a mind. the most you've done so far was send simple commands like jump, sit, move, etc. kenji always offered to be a test subject for this, but you always declined, not liking the thought of possibly controlling the mind of your friend.
now that you could control when to apprehend thoughts, it made it much easier to make friends without disrespecting people's privacy. while sara and sonya were always kind to you, others had made it sort of clear they wanted to keep their distance to prevent their mind from being read by you. being able to now reassure others that their thoughts weren't being heard made it easier for people to approach you.
much like juliette you found new friends in brendan, with an electric ability, and winston, who had a stretchy ability and also designed the suits for both ferrars.
days at omega point were serene for a bit, everyone following routine and members continuing to patrol areas for any threats of the reestablishment. but it was surely disrupted with the arrival of threatening news.
it was in the middle of the night when you were dragged away from your bed by kenji to castle's office; juliette and adam following suite. he claimed it was an urgent matter that required the presence of the four of you.
there, castle revealed the return of the supreme commander, also known as warner's father - that was big news to you and juliette. it explains how warner was able to be out with his men in the sector so often.
however, news worsened when you found out brendan and winston along with emory and ian were taken by the reestablishment during their patrol. at their missing location was left a note, with specific instructions on how to proceed.
you were shaken by this discovery, it had been only less than 24 hours since you had last spoken with either of them, both you and juliette had had breakfast with brendan and winston.
that wasn't even the end of if, castle instructed that all four of you were to go to this meeting destination.
all of you were taken aback by this, you had initially assumed castle would be the one to see the supreme, since has is the leader and all.
adam and kenji were at the head of the protest against this plan, not wanting to easily comply . both you and juliette remained silent, still taking in all the information given.
you without a doubt were ready to head in for the safety of your friends, but you also didn't like the unpredictability of the situation you all could possibly wander into with the commander.
"the two of you may opt out as you like, but i am requesting the aid of both ferrars, seeing as they are the ones very explicitly instructed to see the supreme - a sort of exchange, them for the hostages. "
again, everyone in the room was stunned with confusion. all having the same question, why would he need both sisters there?
you didn't know the room could've possibly erupted into more chaos than right now. adam was now furious, kenji not too far behind with questions of his own.
you couldn't help but think back to the note you found in your pocket, "see you soon." is this what he had meant? had he known this would occur that long ago?
again, you shook the thought from your mind. aaron warner wasn't the one who sent the order, it was the supreme, so it's possible warner will not even be at the location the four of you are suppose to go to.
no need to think about warner, you told yourself. no need to remember how he kissed you with ferocious passionate intent.
with this newfound knowledge, you knew you couldn't back away from this, not when there were lives at stake, and you didn't have to be familiar with the supreme to know he would not hesitate to take the lives of omega point members.
you looked toward juliette to inquire her thoughts about the situation. you understood from the look on her face that she had a similar plan of action to you. a telepathic (without actually reading her mind this time) message was communicated between both of you, making a mutual agreement.
"we'll do it." you announced over the arguing.
castle was pleased with this decision, but immediately adam objected, and even kenji was hesitant for you both to go through with the plan. however, stubborn as ever, both of you committed to your decision.
preparing for the meeting with warner's father was nerve-racking, worried for the safety of your team, and also the hostages. you and everyone knew this had to be some sort of trap set up by the commander, but there wasn't much you could do besides arm yourself and comply.
the four of you were gathered in castle's office. castle made sure all four of you were equipped with necessary gear for the mission, including having weapons with you.
you attire was the same as usual, a red leather corset-styled top, a matching leather coat-like jacket, black pants in a stretchy material, accompanied with black fingerless gloves and black knee-high boots - except now you had the addition of a harness and holsters up your leg to hold any firearms given to you. the coat did well in concealing a lot of the guns.
luckily, you had a good amount of practice with a gun since the warner incident. you were no james bond, as a man kenji liked to reference, but you had enough skill to defend yourself and others in the face of danger.
"why does warner's father need both sisters?" kenji humorously asked castle, "can't we at least keep one of them, one for the reestablishment and one for omega point."
you scoffed with a grin, entertaining the joke. "i'm sorry, who exactly are you willing to sacrifice to the reestablishment kenji?"
"well, with that attitude i'm starting to lean towards you."
castle goes through the plan once more before having to leave with the rest of omega point. they had to be stationed around building near the meeting point before the four of you arrived.
the time finally arrived for all of you to begin the journey to meeting the commander. since you all were traveling on foot, adam and kenji leading the way, you needed to leave at least an hour before the designated time.
adam was able to successfully turn off his protective shield for kenji to make all of you invisible. it made the journey easier; being able to wander through the land unseen.
after kenji misguided you to the wrong house, you all rushed to get to the correct address, 1542 sycamore. with 50 seconds of time, you all arrived.
juliette made the quick decision to tell kenji and adam to stay hidden, that it was better if warner's dad thought we were alone. in the case of an emergency, they could jump in.
kenji and adam gave a few last words of reassurance, before turning back invisible. then, you and juliette stood in front of the door of meeting house, holding hands before entering the house.
warner's dad did the job of opening the door for you both, inviting you inside even though it was more a of demand, and commenting on your impeccable timing.
once inside, you got a good look at the man. you shouldn't be shocked he was also quite handsome since he is warner's father, but you were still thrown back by his unexpected attractiveness.
unfortunately, you didn't take him his appearance for long before he abruptly & forcefully pushed juliette head against the wall behind her, momentarily knocking her out.
you didn't even get to process the action before you were pushed roughly against the wall, the commanders right forearm holding you down by the throat, while his left hand was disarming you.
almost as if acted on instinct, you pushed him back with a scarlet force, sending him back first onto a nearby table.
you took a second to get react, unsure of what happened, before rushing over to your sister. juliette didn't seem to be bleeding, luckily, but you figured she might have a concussion. much to your surprise, she sat up straighter attempting to act unfazed.
you were roughly yanked away by your wrist and away from juliette. you attempted a second self-defense act, but the commander was first and pulled out his gun, pointing it to your sister.
"try anything else, and i'll shoot her before you could blink."
your silence was a sign of defeat. you stood still as he unarmed you, even taking off your coat for good measure.
he released you finally then went on to do the same to juliette, who was still recovering from the slight blackout she faced from the collision with the wall - he repeated the threat to her, gun pointing in your direction this time.
you swore if you made it out of here alive you were going to learn more defensive uses of your powers to never be in a position like this again.
juliette must've been refocused on the task at hand because she starting asking the commander for the location of the hostages.
you stomach dropped when he disclosed his army is equipped and ready to take down any omega point members who are lingering by.
he went on to elaborate his plan to eliminate the "freaks" that made up the rebellion. but what got your heart beating faster was the mention of warner.
he directs his talk to you, "i admit, your sister, juliette, had piqued my interest quite a bit with her ability and history, i'd never paid much more than a glance in your direction. but what really astounded me, was when my son begged me to spare your life." he smiles, in a terrifying manor, "i just had to meet this girl whose bewitched him and spelled him into such a lovesick fool."
you felt physically stuck to your place as you listened. you didn't have to look at juliette to know she was also frozen.
'did aaron really do that?'
he turns in your direction, "i have every intention to use you to teach my son a lesson, and that will just have to include your death much to your misfortune. i really do hate to waste a pretty face." you face pales at the mention of your death.
then he faces your sister, who had taken a sudden step in front of you, "but that doesn't mean the older ferrars has to suffer the same fate and couldn't prove to be useful to join me in the capitol."
"i'd rather jump off a very steep cliff, thanks."
you wanted to laugh at your sister's retort, but you couldn't help but worry that he'd kill her for her denial. you'd rather be the sole target of his persecution than drag your sister down into it as well.
you reminded yourself adam and kenji were still around, they would surely arrive in time before either of you could be dead. you hoped.
the commander, however, does laugh at your sister's rejection, "a stubborn one you are."
"son, would you come in here, please?"
your eyes widen, warner was here this whole time.
you and juliette glanced at the same time, both being shocked at his presence.
when he appears in the doorway, all the memories of the event in his room come back to haunt you.
his face was void of any emotion, but his stare directed intensely toward you.
there was no time for small talk, because warner's father handed him a gun, meant to kill you. he places it in aaron's hand and aiming it to your head, dishing out the command to 'clean up his mess.'
you wouldn't be surprised if he had intentions to shoot you, you quite literally had shot him the last time you'd seen each other.
juliette let out yells of protests, telling warner to put the gun down.
you were preparing ways to defend yourself, mainly involving levitating an object and throwing it at either person with murderous intent toward you. but you weren't sure how you could hide the movement of your hand, and red glow of your eyes, when the attention was all on you.
but you couldn't help solely stare back into aaron's emerald green eyes. you wondered if this would be your last sight before death.
no, you refused to succumb to death like this, you wouldn't give anderson the pleasure.
you stared back into the green eyes, daring him to take a shot. this could be really courageous or terribly stupid.
then in the next instant, the gun had a new target, his father.
his father didn't look too fazed, confident that his son wouldn't shoot him, even patronizing him for it.
you didn't wait to find out if he would go through with it because now that the attention shifted, you could execute your plan of action.
the supreme and warner were both knocked down by the large heavy table being thrown at them. granted, aaron wasn't your target, but it didn't hurt to knock him down in case he intended to shoot you.
juliette took the opportunity to get the firearms the commander has taken at the beginning, and use the gun to shoot him in the leg. both legs. multiple times.
you were about to reel her back, when kenji appeared out of thin air, literally, and held juliette back from further injuring anderson.
suddenly, you remembered warner was still in the room. you looked around to find him passed out on the ground, a syringe, you guessed kenji used, next to him.
kenji tossed you as roped and told you to bound his arms, so, you knelt down on the floor next to him, carefully shifting him to place the rope.
as you did this, you noticed his features closely, how different he seemed unconscious, at peace. it kind of made him more beautiful.
out of your better judgement, you reached out slowly to touch a lock of his blonde hair, soft.
you immediately pulled your hand away when you thought you felt a stir, but you looked back to his face and he was still unconscious.
maybe, if you had looked a little closer you'd notice the ghost of a small smirk on his lips.
"we're going to take this kid hostage."
you were brought to your current situation with that statement.
"wait, what!" kidnapping wasn't on your to-do list for the day.
however, the most shocking news to be said in this room, was when adam dropped the bomb that the supreme command, warner's father, was his dad - making warner his half brother.
in the midst of all this chaos, omega point had already set off the call to attack, and now were battling against the reestablishment.
there was no time to think about events because kenji was rushing everyone out the door to get back to the safe haven.
the four of you needed to a large distraction so castle could draw back before major disaster since anderson was down and you now had taken warner. juliette promptly stepped up with an idea and create a part two of her earth-shattering ability. - which it turned out working really well because you all were able to make contact with castle.
adam and kenji did the heavy lifting of carrying aaron's heavy body while you and juliette had the task of finding a tank for the four of you to head to omega point in.
once that was settled all of you clambered into the tank, kenji taking the wheel and adam acting as second in command - that left you and juliette in the back with warner.
who was currently to the left of you, slumped against the window side of his seat, and juliette being on your right.
you weren't thrilled to have him smushed next to you. not when you were close enough to smell his cologne and feel the outline of his muscles through his jacket.
a part of you thought he would maybe wake up somewhere during the ride, but his eyes remained close. you know because you were staring at him more than you'd like to admit.
you reminded yourself what he had put you and juliette through, the asylum, the imprisonment, and the tests. it was enough to reel you back in and continue your dislike for warner.
although he was asleep, the bumps on the travel to the underground base made for a lot of jolts of movement and in turn caused warner's body to tumble onto you.
his body was heavy, but somehow it was heavier whenever you had to push him back to his side. it was like a force was trying to keep him on there.
his head somehow always slumped into the hair on the crook of your neck, and at some point, you could've sworn you felt him breathe in through his nose, like a sniff. but you wrote it off as the movement of the vehicle.
you must've passed out at a point because when you opened your eyes, you were lying against warner's shoulder.
your face was a flush of scarlet when you realized your position, but luckily juliette was fast asleep, and the two men were occupied in the front, likely going over today's events. thank god.
not long after, you all arrived at the destination and made it out of the tank.
kenji helped pull you out of the tank, not before leaving a teasing comment.
“have a nice nap, did you?”
you ignored him, but your face went red in embarrassment. he would never let you live this down.
you took a rest for a whole day before interacting with anyone. you weren't sure if you could handle any other sudden revelation without rest, especially if it involved warner.
castle came to you and juliette to discuss further the plan with warner and such. and you were reminded of the fact adam and him were technically brothers, which was kept a secret between all four of you still.
then castle gave you both the most ridiculous task; to be in charge of the questioning and occasionally visiting the prisoner. his reasoning being you both were the most acquainted with warner, and he'd be more willing to comply with at least one of you.
you wanted to decline; you didn't understand why castle always sent everyone else to do work for him - but you knew your sister was happy to finally have a real assignment for omega point; she wanted to be useful.
so the following day, you began your "mission." you sisters went to where they were holding warner, a room much like where you and juliette slept, but the difference was it closely guarded, not letting the person inside leave.
you greeted the guards, and they had looked very relieved to see you there. apparently, warner has been less than pleasant as an inmate - throwing things and demanding to speak with you, and they informed him the two of you would be arriving to calm him down.
you stepped into the room and noticed the lack of furniture, probably because he was throwing, then you saw warner sitting on a mattress on the floor, indulging himself in some sort of journal that you didn't get to get a look at before he put it away.
he looks up at your arrival with a grin, "hello amor, a pleasure to see you again at last." he scanned your attire, "i have to say, this new look on you has you looking rather ravishing."
you rolled your eyes, fighting the butterflies because of his comment. "how you manage to be a prisoner and still keep that stupid charm goes beyond me."
"i did say i'd see you soon didn't i?"
juliette gave you a confused glance, you hadn't told her about the note, nor the kiss.
you ignored what he said, trying redirect the conversation. you glanced down at his chest, "nice to see you've healed from the shot, for a moment, i thought i'd killed you."
"takes a lot more to kill me i'm afraid, however, if it's by your hand i'm more than willing to greet death like an old friend."
before you could bite back, juliette interrupted your banter with a cough, meant to serve a reminder to you to stay on task.
"right, forgot you were here juliette, perhaps you'd like to step out so your sister and could properly reunite."
god, you hated his suaveness. you hated it even more when it worked in making your heartbeat pick up.
juliette took charge of the conversation and started asking questions relevant to the establishment, but warner would either change the subject or give vague answers.
you both decided to leave after growing tired of the lack of information. you ignored warner's pleas for the company and walked out.
the next day you both tried again, meeting in from of his room. juliette, however had decided a change of tactics.
"i think you should go in without me."
you turned to her confused. she explained he would likely be more cooperative with your presence alone, his actions from yesterday proving to be in support of that.
you denied it, even if part of you believed it. you weren't sure you were ready to be in a room alone with aaron.
nonetheless, juliette left you to your own devices and rushed off, probably to find adam or kenji, before you could protest further.
you cursed her, but prepared to enter the room in front of you.
aaron was lying down, resting an arm behind his head and using the other to throw and object up and down. once he noticed you he sat up in your direction.
he noticed the lack of presence of juliette, and you could tell he was more than pleased.
"finally, i was starting to think your sister would chaperone us forever."
"don't be so eager to be alone, i could shoot you again."
"and i'd willingly take another bullet if it meant another kiss."
you couldn't help the annoying pink tint on your face that came up with the mention of the kiss.
you changed topic, "how were you able to send me that note?"
he smirked, "well for one, i noticed you after our eyes met briefly during your first time outside in the sector. after that, it was blatantly obvious who you were; that disguise did nothing to hide your gorgeous face, unfortunately for you. and then it wasn't hard to order a civilian to drop the note in your pocket while you were distracted."
you were stunned; you really hadn't thought to think he recognized you. you thought you blended in pretty well on those missions.
"okay, stop distracting me, what are your father's plans."
"hmm, maybe if you ask nicely and give me a kiss - i'd be more willing to comply."
you left shortly after that, knowing you weren't going to get much out from him.
it continued like that for a few days; you'd walk in, try to get information, but then he'd turn it back into a way to flirt with you or bring up the kiss.
this time when you walked in, you saw him reading the journal from the first day, and you were able get a better look at it. it was yours.
"hey, what are you doing with my-"
"dear diary, today i checked out a book from the library, there was a rather intimate scene between the main charact-"
you immediately recognized the writing as your own and strided across the room to aaron to snatch your journal back.
warner was quicker, standing up in a snap, keeping a distance from you as read aloud more pages.
you yelled at him to stop, catching up to him, but now he held the book to the ceiling, making it harder for you to reach because of his tall body.
you, much to your embarrassment, jumped up and down to reach the journal, wanting this humiliation to end.
"aaron, just give it back!"
all of a sudden, aaron stopped his teasing and looked down to you, a lopsided smile on his face.
"you called me aaron."
you eyes opened in horror, you just called him aaron, not warner. and he heard it.
"no. no. i said warner, you misheard." it was a terrible attempt at lying.
he smiles even wider, his dimples prominent. he reaches a free hands to lift your chin.
"please, keep saying my name, i do love how it sounds coming from you."
you felt you were gonna explode from all the emotions you were feeling, the room was getting hotter, and your heart was pounding in your ears.
you couldn't get a solid sentence our without babbling in embarrassment. so you took the coward's way - bolting out the room, abandoning the mission to retrieve your journal.
you avoided visits a few times after that incident, you were still cringing at the flashbacks, it worsened when you also remembered he had the contents of your journal and all the embarrassing things and darkest secrets you'd written inside.
unfortunately, that didn't stop you from running into warner.
you were eating lunch with kenji, he was currently explaining some princess film you'd never seen.
"wait, so how did this girl even find out when her birthday was?"
"well, obviously, mother gothel told her."
"why didn't she just lie about her birthday, or not even tell her what a birthday is?"
"i don't know, i didn't make the script."
"also does the ending mean she has power still, or was it the last of her ma-"
"oh my god, can you shut up and just appreciate the greatness that is tangled!"
"hey! you're the on-"
"well, isn't this a surprise."
you turned to the new voice that entered the conversation. aaron warner stood in front of your table, hands behind his back, and castle behind him, likely guiding him somewhere.
then you remembered your last conversation with the leader and came to the conclusion aaron was on his way to be tested, probably like adam had.
castle remained unaware of the blood shared between the two, but you did let it slip you were unable to read your mind, and he was able to make skin contact with your sister.
"well if it isn't my favorite ex-boss." kenji spoke with a mouthful of food.
aaron ignored kenji, much to kenji's offense. "amor, here have you been these days, you left quite flushed after our intimate moment in my cell."
kenji spat out his food at that last bit.
you body was filled to the brim with utter embarrassment and hate toward the way he phrased his wording to make it seem what it wasn't.
you turned to kenji who was coughing continuously, "nothing even happened!" you gave warner a glare, "stop making it seem so.. so-"
"so what, amor? i'd love to know what you think i meant by intimate."
"you are so insufferable."
castle then dragged warner along to the testing area. you couldn't deny you weren't curious to find out if he shared a gift similar to adam.
you were planning to engage with warner the next day, but his guards had come up to you during your training session demanding your presence because apparently warner was in a fit of rage.
worried, you rushed over. entering the room, warner was sitting against the wall, face in his hands. the room was in disarray, broken items of what was already so little, scattered all over the room. even his floor mattress had been tossed.
he barely acknowledged you, so you took it upon yourself to kneel down in from of him, silently asking what happened.
"castle..he told me it's possible i have an... ability. he told me i could change," he laughs humorlessly, "that there was potential for me to be.. different... possibly better."
you stayed silent, unsure of how to respond, as he bitterly ranted about his talk with castle.
"what do you think?”
“do you believe i can change? i’d love to know what your opinion is on this, amor.”
you weren’t sure how to respond. “i believe… everyone can choose what they want to be. it’s up to them to decide, even if everyone tell tried to tell you who you are.”
this time, he was the one silent, looking down at his lap, likely in thought.
you took the chance to take in his attire; some black sweatpants, grey socks, and no shirt.
you probably would’ve been flustered to see him shirtless if you didn’t notice some peculiar marks peaking from his shoulder.
silently, you slowly crept to the side of aaron, still distracted. you slide far enough to get a good few of his back.
you internally gasped. his back was littered with lines of scarring - likely whipped. your stomach churned at the thought.
you also notice a big tattoo in the upper middle of his back, in all caps ‘IGNITE’.
you must’ve said it out loud because aaron’s head whipped in your direction. he turned his back away from you once he noticed where your stare was directed.
“no need to say anything, i already know how hideous it looks.”
unsure how to respond, you blurt the first thing out of your head - “i think they look cool. kind of like an abstract piece of art.”
yeah, comforting people wasn’t your forte.
luckily, aaron seemed intrigued by your statement. so you took the chance to request something further.
“can i touch your, erm, back?”
aaron was hesitant for a few moments, but then sighed and turns his back toward you.
you delicately pressed your fingers along the canvas of his back. you could feel every ridge and texture of each scar as your fingers glided over.
aaron flinched at first content, then progressively & visibly melted into your touch.
“why ‘ignite’?”
“why not?” you really hated his vagueness.
an idea popped into your head. you pulled a pen out of your jacket pocket, testing it on your own skin a few times before you started drawing lines on aaron’s skin.
“amor, what are you doing?”
“hang on.” he could feel the ink of the pen etched on his back.
“you know, my original plan was to seduce you with my perfect abs, but i guess luring you with my scars works as well.”
“shut up.” but you were smiling while saying it.
you finished connecting a few lines, “there, perfect.”
"i think you've forgotten i dont have the neck of a giraffe to twist around."
"oh, my bad." you said sheepishly. "do you have a mirror?"
"i did, then i broke it. pieces should be in a corner somewhere."
you mentally scolded his carelessness.
you managed to find a piece big enough for him to see your creation upon his skin.
"i drew a star." you wanted to facepalm at how silly it sounded.
star was a bit of a stretch, you connected lines scarred on his bank to form a lopsided and wonky-shaped star.
he just stared at it, not uttering a word. you moved to try to wipe off the mark, but he grabbed your wrist before you could.
"no," he grins, "i adore it. do more of them."
you did. it was a whole galaxy of stars embedded on him.
he stayed mute as he watched you through the shard of mirror while you doodled, but suddenly he spoke and gave you details as to what his knew of his father's plans and the location of brendon & winston.
"why are you suddenly telling me this, why now?"
"it's what your here for, isn't it."
you rushed over to castle immediately and repeated everything aaron told you. he thanked you for the information before he called in others to draw up a plot of attack. you all were to leave immediately the next day.
castle called a meeting in the lunch hall a few hours later; everyone at omega point was gathered there.
he briefed them on the commander's plans or what the plan was supposed to be so far. of course, people were suspicious of this information coming from warner, not trusting him at all; not that you could blame them.
"he's immune to both of the ferrars abilities, he can touch juliette with no issue and y/n can't get into his head. after this reveal, we did some test, and we've come to find out he's gifted like the rest of us."
the room exploded in chaos, gasps, yells, and protests coming from all different directions. a lot of ongoing looks toward your table. castle raised his voice to calm everyone down.
you and juliette didn't stick around long after, for one you already knew the information being given , and two, the stares and questions were getting annoying and uncomfortable.
however, adam shortly followed the two of you out, desperate to speak to juliette, and you knew why - warner being able to touch her.
they began talking intensely as if you weren't there. you watched from the sidelines as juliette explained her side and adam getting more frustrated.
you butted in at a point, you felt bad for the guy, but your sister came first. “adam, maybe it's best you leave to cool down.”
but your voice of reason only irritated him. “how about you stop inserting yourself into your sister’s affairs and let her speak for herself.”
"what is your issue?"
"this is between juliette and i; she doesn't need you speaking for her."
"you hypocrite, that's what you're doing right now!"
"why don't you go fraternize with warner, that's all you seem to be doing these days." adam venomously spat at you.
as if the mention of his name made him appear, warner's presence made it known. he stepped in front of you, dividing you and adam who got closer as the argument headed.
"kent, you've really got an attribute for being infuriating and vexing."
that set off the fire for an intense standoff between the two. adam, already mad at aaron, started the verbal feud.
it got so heated, kenji inserted himself between the two - trying to stop the commotion. you even grabbed aaron's arm to pull him away.
it was all happening so quick; one moment, they were shooting insults back and forth, the next instant kenji was dropping to the floor clutching his head in pain.
juliette immediately called out for help, finding castle, who brought in sonya and sara to take kenji to the medic.
adam and juliette went trailing after them, but you stayed there stunned. what did you do?
you had a flashback to the experiment - kenji reacting, in the same manner, those soldiers had after you freaked out.
you felt extremely horrible for kenji and you prayed he would be alright.
but you hadn't intended to hurt kenji nor did you exert any force in using your powers. you had better practice with your energy, so it didn't make sense.
aaron, still beside you, reached out to you - but you instinctively took a step back. you weren't sure what was happening to you, and the last thing you wanted was to hurt someone else accidentally.
"probably better you stay back," you looked down at your hands in fright, "i don't have control right now, i'm don't even understand how i did that to kenji."
"because amor, you didn't injure him. i did."
your confusion only deepened with that. then he brought back the mention of his gift, and you put the puzzle pieces together as he spoke.
"so you can basically can absorb someone else's power and use it?"
"a little more complicated than that. i can sense people's energy, like right now i know you're confused and worried for your friend, but also scared of yourself for what you did, or thought you did."
he elaborated, saying he unintentionally manifested your energy when you touched him. when kenji grabbed his arm, in an attempt to pull him away, that was when he projected the energy on him and hurting him in the process.
"wait, so does that mean you have my ability to read minds too?"
"hmm, i haven't given it a chance," he smirks at you "would you like to be my test subject?"
"absolutely not."
later that night, you check with sara and sonya on kenji's condition. they informed you that he was alright, but just needed some rest. after, you met up with castle in his office, finalizing plans for the morning - the beginning of the battle.
before you said goodbye, you had a question that had been crossing your mind.
"why do you trust ar-, er, warner, what's to say he won't turn his back."
"well, i guess i can't say for sure that he won't. i just have to have faith in mr. warner that he will make the right decision for himself. and with your added presence, i'm sure he's more open to that than ever."
"what do you mean?"
"surely you realize he's in love with you. he's even told me himself."
"he..he told you he was in love with me?"
"yes, just after i was discussing his gift with him." he said it like it was the most casual thing.
you stayed to chat briefly after. you directly headed to aaron's room, no longer littered with guards since he was considered a "member." you were able to walk in with no issue.
aaron hadn't been asleep yet when you got there, he was sitting up on his bed, which had a frame now, reading a book.
you didn't give him a chance to react to your sudden intrusion before you started speaking.
"why would you tell castle you're in love with me"
he furrowed his brows, but you kept going - you were set on getting answers.
"how could you just.. say something like that, what is your motive? are you trying to get to me?"
"amor, calm down. i have no motive." he said, standing up and walking toward you.
"then why would you even say that."
"isn't it clear?" he gets nears, a hand going to cradle the underside of your face, "i meant what i said."
"you can't love someone you barely know."
"but that's just it. i do know you. i've read your mind on paper, and experienced you for myself the moment i met you. i know that you hate to be wrong, you want to clench your first when you lie, although juliette is older by a bit - you feel the need to protect her, you're afraid of the dark, but never admit it, you hate yourself for loving your powers, and you want so badly to be accepted here because of your lonely childhood. shall i go on?"
you were flabbergasted by his word, and you couldn't even deny that they weren't true.
"how do you know this?"
"because, as my dear father put it, it seem you've bewitched me, my mind, and my body."
then he kissed you. and you let him.
and you very much liked it.
it was a longing, messy, kiss - he had you against the wall, lifted by your hips to his height. you wrapped your arms around his neck kissing him deeper, not letting any thoughts or worries flow from you for the moment.
the doors opened. "y/n? are you her-" then a gasp.
you recognized the voice - juliette.
you immediately panicked and pushed aaron away, attempting an explanation yo your sister, but she was already turning her feet and running away.
you gave warner a glance before you ran off in her direction.
you caught up to her, "juliette, please, wait!"
she abruptly stopped her feet and turned to you, "what are you doing y/n? kissing warner, are everything he's done!"
"it's just... i didn't... it's not like-" you struggled to put it into words.
"so what, you- you like the guy who kidnapped us? the one who shot a guy in front of us. experimented - borderline tortured us? he made me hurt a child, y/n. a child! and now you're making out with him."
you were at a loss for words, tears starting to build up at her harsh words.
"you're an idiot if you think you could love him, and even stupider to think a cold heartless person like him could love you. and i won't have anything to do with you if you keep him in your life." and with that she waked off, leaving you in the hall.
you didn't go back to warner after your fight, nor did you go back to your room immediately. you shamefully found an empty closet to cry into for a while. once you were able to breathe normally, you went back to the shared room - luckily everyone was fast asleep.
by morning, everyone was preparing for the rescue of brendan and winston. you and juliette exchanged no words; you attempted - but was shut down every time. she had never been this mad at you. so you just suited up and went to find kenji. kenji sensed the tension between you sisters, but didn't push for information.
you came to found out from castle, aaron warner was gone - he escaped omega point. likely on his way to the reestablishment.
you didn't want to focus on why a part of you was hurt when you heard that.
the battle was not a scene for the light-hearted - anderson's men had already begun gathering civilians and spewing blood. if you didn't have a strong stomach, you'd already be spilling your guts.
midway through dodging bullets and soldiers, you felt a shift in the already dire environment. there was something wrong, and you sensed it.
you urged kenji you felt the need to return to omega point - there was something wrong. he wasn't too convinced by your vague intuition, so you sought off on your own, doing your best to avoid the battlefield.
you ran into juliette at some point, not caring for your argument at the moment, and told her your inkling. she also brushed you off, telling it wasn't a time for your dramatics.
even with no support, you went back - you couldn't ignore this feeling.
you were maybe 200 ft away from omega point when it happened. bombs were dropped on the territory - causing the destruction of the building and any remaining members who stayed behind.
the explosion was powerful - even from where you were standing, it sent you both painfully flying back. you blacked out before you could react to the tragic ending of omega point.
you regained consciousness after consecutive kicks to your ribs and a voice telling you to wake up.
in front of you stood a crippled anderson, standing with he support of a cain. his composure was calm, but you could see the hatred behind his eyes.
you painfully stood up, surveying the area. you were in a house - similar to the one from last time.
you felt weak, dizzy, and the world was a bit blurry. you were leaning on a mantle to support your standing.
"ah, the fatigue your feeling would be my own fault. had those lovely sisters inject you with something. it will incapacitate you enough that you won't be a threat. can't have you flipping tables again."
you were barely registering his words, but when he mentioned sisters it gave you a bit of a jump start. he had sara and sonya.
your words felt faint, but you demanded to know where they were. he assured you they were unharmed, but it did nothing to ease you.
midway your conversation, warner enters the room - shocked to see you there. you probably would've reacted if you weren't so dosed on drugs.
"now that we have this reunion out the way, i'm going to be generous, something you ought to appreciate. you can tell me where your sister is and where the rest of your band of freaks are. you can aid me in destroying them and only after will i grant you the mercy of joining the reestablishment."
"what do you want with juliette?"
"she did this to me," he gestured to his legs, "and now i want my compensation."
no matter the situation with your sister, you'd never give her up.
"go to hell."
he sighs, "a disappointment once again, miss ferrars." he turns to his son, "this is why it's important i teach you this very valuable lesson son."
warner goes rigid, "what do you mean?"
warner pull out his shotgun, "justice, should always be served - even if it has to be by your own means."
then you were shot right in the chest.
you blacked out, then started slipping in and out of consciousness. all you remember is blood spilling from you at a rapid pace, and aaron crouched in front of you.
you remember voices - aarons, sara, and sonya's talking in rushed voices - then it was only aaron.
"hey cmon, amor, stay with me."
"wow... getting in the chest really sucks. i feel really bad about shooting you now." you spoke deliriously.
"it's alright, i just need you to hold on a little longer." his voice strained, holding back anguish. 
but you didn't; you passed out, your last thoughts hoping juliette would throw you a nice funeral, enough though she was upset at you. 
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usmsgutterson · 1 year
Hi! Could I request an Aaron Warner x fem!reader where reader is always flustered when Aaron flirts with her and one day she flirts back with Kenji. Aaron is frustrated (and obv jealous), he didn’t know it was a joke between them and he confronts her about it. This time she’s the one teasing him cause he’s jealous and then LOVE CONFESSIONNN
Thank you!! And sorry if it’s too long
So Am I- A.W x fem! reader
All right, hi! Again, I am so sorry about how long this took and I hope you like it in spite of that.
As I did with your last request, this is a headcanon/fic combo--I wrote out the headcanons first and then turned the confession into a fic because writing it that way is just easier on me when my motivation is somewhat lacking lol
Fic type- this is fluff with angst but only if you squint
Warnings- none!
Okay, so!!
You and Kenji are exactly the kind of friends who flirt but like,, platonically
it's never anything too serious--at most, it's typically just stuff like: "Lookin' good, L/N!" or just random compliments, the occasional wink here or there
also, on another note, Kenji is definitely the type of person to either bring up or agree to marry his best friend if they're both still single at 30
it's lighthearted bantering that you guys do for the hell of it, and it generally gave you both a bit of a laugh so it brightened the mood significantly while you were with him when things got bad at Omega Point and stuff with the Resistance
when Aaron flirts with you???
it's not platonic (you're in love with him)
it's never platonic (he's also very deeply in love with you)
you ALWAYS, ALWAYS get just a bit flustered around him
kenji teases you for it RELENTLESSLY too because he finds it to be the funniest thing in the world??
"C'mon, Y/N! Warner saying that your eyes look nice in the sun can't just be platonic. He's in love with you and he's flirting! Flirt back and let me officiate your wedding."
"Did Warner flirt with you again??" He asked one time as he caught Aarons back fading from view as he walked away and noticed you standing there, a loving look in your gaze as you watched him go. "Oh, shit, Y/N. You are in so deep."
Warner doesn't really know that you and Kenji flirt platonically, so when he does hear that for the first time, this is how it goes:
"Lookin' good, L/N!" Kenji called out as the two of you passed each other in a hallway, Kenji likely going to visit Castle while you were in search of his daughter.
"This from you, Kenji? You look flawless."
TO YOU, that was where the interaction ended--a bit of harmless flirting, words of encouragement to keep one another on your feet.
whereas warner?? warner was like "Okay, gotta confess my feelings now and see where that goes."
He, however, is a gentleman who finds you in your room that night, and the confession goes as well as Aaron could've hoped--better than that.
Aaron finds you in your room, back against the wall, blanket tossed over your lap and a book in hand. A candle had been lit to keep the room lit well after you were meant to have been sleeping, and when you saw him enter after knocking and you'd said it was fine, you gave him a grin and set the book in your lap.
"Hi," you greet. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," Aaron says, closing the door behind him as he steps into the room. "I have something to talk about, is all."
You glance at your book, and Aaron has to fight a grin as he watches you grimace at the cover.
"This book sucks anyway," you tell him, nodding. "Say your peace, please. Anything to distract me from this god awful prose."
Aaron laughs, and your heart gives way to a funny little flip.
"I love you," he says, figuring it best to just rip the bandaid off. "I'm in love with you, and I have been practically since we met. I was content to just wallow in it forever but you and Kenji were flirting and my insecurities got the best of me, so here I am, pouring my heart out like some fool in a romance novel."
"Aaron," you say, laughing a little as you say his name. "Kenji and I aren't romantically involved, I promise. We flirt from time to time but that's just been something we've done all our friendship--it's kept spirits up in the worst of times because we find it hilarious. I'm in love with you too, and I tended not to engage with your flirting because every time you flirted, my heart kicked off into a racing pace and I almost forgot how to breathe."
Aaron can't help the way that his eyebrows raise or the surprised expression on his face, which makes you laugh and in turn makes his heart race just a bit.
"Do you want to stay the night?" You ask. "We can talk, maybe go to see if theres any tea left in the kitchens."
Aaron steps forward, takes your hands and sits down beside you on your bed, glad that he'd decided to change into sweatpants and a shirt before coming to confess his feelings.
"Kenji is going to lose his mind," you say, laughing a bit as Aaron wraps an arm around your shoulder and you let him pull you close. "He's been telling me to get on with it for a year at this point, to confess my feelings, but I've not found the strength. I was afraid I wouldn't adequately be able to put it into words."
Aaron presses a kiss to your forehead, laughing just a bit in turn.
"I didn't do so much better," he comments. "Glad I did it though."
You hum, pressing a kiss to his jaw. "So am I."
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lizzybugg · 9 months
Come on!
Warner and Kenji kind of have a friendship. 😂
“Why are you such a dick?”
“Sweetheart, I hope you will forgive me for what I’m about to do to his face.”
Payback for the hair.
I love their interactions.
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ravenclawh0re18 · 1 year
Warner: Omega Point members are the most insanely idiotic people I have the displeasure of interacting with. Winston, referring to himself and Kenji: Even us? Warner: Especially you guys. Kenji: Winston: Kenji: Petition to kick Warner out so he stops insulting us. Winston: Seconded.
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thebloomingsoulss · 1 year
I just finished reading believe me, and I’m absolutely heartbroken. Like what do you mean no more Kenji’s funny jokes? No more funny & chaotic interactions between Kenji and Warner? No more seeing Juliette’s character developments? No more Juliette and Warner ? No more Kenji and Nazeera? And you’re telling me that they were never real, just an ink on a paper? I’m absolutely heartbroken right now, but I’m glad Tahereh Mafi gave us the perfect ending. :(( </3
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dangermousie · 1 year
I love this bit! Also, never thought I could ever relate to a post-apocalyptic death machine but as a control freak who hates surprises, oh yes.
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This is amazing. Warner's reign as the most awkward human being on the planet continues. But then with his upbringing, how could he ever be anything else?
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Bwahahahaha this is hilarious but also his genuine puzzlement that Kenji has figured something out that would be obvious to anyone who spent more than two minutes around him is honestly pretty sad. He is so terrible at normalcy and people.
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Awwwww, my heart...
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I found I had this bit highlighted last time I read it; I love that their greatest hope is normalcy...
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It's such an interesting and cool tack that being an empath didn't make Warner more of a people person or better at interpersonal interactions, but actually made him worse. But it makes sense - take an intensely private person and force him to listen to stranger's emotions about him (or other things) nonstop and it would drive anyone, let alone someone like him, up the wall.
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I mean:
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I mean mark 2:
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I got to give mad props to the writing because both description of incipient panic attacks and methods for trying to cope with them before they turn into full blown ones is on point.
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And this is the end this time. Final end, end of novella, end of series:
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And I am bereft. It was a reread but it ate my life the way even few original reads do.
This is definitely one of my favorite series. I really should make a post of my all time fave YA series some time. Only really good ones, like this or Lumatere or Winner's Curse or Smoke and Bone leave me this bereft when I am done.
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moplayspoke · 1 month
Whoo done with Ignite Me! And read in less than 24 hrs on a weeknight no less. Damn. Here is my little review (has spoilers)… 4.5/5
Yes FINALLY we are at peak story. My immediate thoughts:
1) Kenji is MVP friend of the year (except that oooone time iykyk).
2) WARNER with that GLOW UP.
3) Juliette’s 180 in character development and badassery
Delicious. The characters are really starting to blossom. My favorite moments besides any scene with Kenji and Warner were Warner’s interactions with James. They were so sweet.
Still. I do feel this could have been better writing wise and I wish this was an adult series to explore more of the emotional depth in some of these relationships. I do feel like it’s missing something though and honestly if it weren’t for Kenji and Warner the story would be pretty flat for me. I think that’s where I take issue, but maybe that’s because it’s YA and I am seeking more depth that it simply cannot provide being a YA.
BUT for a YA it is very good. I read this in less than 24 hours which is a testament to how easy it was to read and get attached to the characters. It deserves no less than 4.5/5 for a rating.
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zulemmita · 2 years
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this is, no joke, the best shit i’ve ever read
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huntressfeyre · 4 years
So i loved the orginal shatter me series but the new books have basically been a dumpster fire
I was gonna just end my post with that but i’ll elaborate with spoilers
i love juliette/ella and warner together the first three books? Every thing i could’ve asked for and more, however in this continuation they not only gave us separate story lines with little interactions between them while also making their whole world exclusively about the other?? how hard was it giving them a personality and identity outside of each other huh
I can’t even remember what restore me was about but i remember the oceania plot twist being promising
The world building has never been the strongest in my opinion but now it just felt convulted and dumb? like i feel it was lots of info dumps and it non of the reasoning behind the restablishment felt logical
There’s something about bringing dead villains back to life that irks me and I hate
In imagine me (which i haven’t finished btw and am currently reading) I’ve been hating with a burning passion the juliette/ella-anderson interactions after the whole mind wipe thing it’s gross and it creeps me out and it just feels so violating and creepy
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minmeowgi · 7 years
Relatable Warner from Restore Me
“Idiots are highly flammable, love. Let them all burn in hell.”
“I’m having a panic attack, you inconsiderate ass.”
“I’m very tired,” I say to him. “Please go directly to hell.”
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ofeden · 3 years
aaron warner , kenji kishimoto , juliette ferrars / ella sommers
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jemdeserveslove · 3 years
you guys that was so cuteee
I feel like my favorite thing has to be the interactions between Warner and Kenji, they're always great together lol
and, obviously
(Winston and Brendan too)
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effei-s · 3 years
What shatter-me Warner would do.
The fastest character assassination I’ve ever seen.
Here’s the thing: Warner from original trilogy had character arch. More important: he was a character.
He was mean, villainous, cold, cruel murderer, with daddy who basically bought him regency (like come on, if it wasn’t for Anderson no one would even think about giving him that position; n for nepotism), but he also was deeply traumatized and abused his whole life and had little to none normal human interactions. I loved that fact that the only good thing he did (killing Fletcher because he was abusing his family) resolved into a complete catastrophe (Anderson killing children and wife) because Warner didn’t think it through. He tried to do the right thing and failed miserably, because he was more concerned with making a spectacle for Juliette. And after that he still had the audacity to paint himself as a hero who saved poor family from terrible tyrant in Ignite me.
I didn’t expect him to act and think like a human being. He didn’t need to act like a normal human. Warner gas lighting Juliette in the first third of ignite me is Warner’s thing to do. Him yelling and throwing tantrums and making scenes in Unravel me is Warner’s thing to do. Him forcing Juliette to do things she doesn’t want and traumatizing her in the process in Shatter me is Warner’s thing to do. Him wanting to torture Adam to death is Warner’s thing to want.
There’s a few reasons for this:
a) he doesn’t know how to communicate with people other than giving them orders or making threats;
b) he truly believes that he’s in the right here (he doesn’t see himself as a bad guy in Juliette story, more like a knight on a white horse);
c) he’s physically unable to be honest with himself and always has someone to blame for his own mistakes and failures;
d) he’s ‘results justify the means’ kind of guy.
Changes for good, with trauma that deep, when you basically don’t have a moral compass, don’t happen over night.
Was his ignite-me arch made sloppy? Yes. Everything was too info-dumpy and too convenient (Juliette forgetting that Warner was going to torture Adam to death; Juliette feeling that she’s the one who needs to apologize; Leila’s entire character used only for a sob story; Adam turned into a douchebag so Warner would look a more suitable love interest, etc). But it still was an arch. And the finale of ignite me was so open I really could imagine that, little by little, in the future, he will start to trust people more and really gonna help Juliette and co to make the world a better place. And his redemption arch wasn’t finished in the slightest, and I would even say that it was only the beginning of it, but it was implied that things will get better from there (the most important part of that being him genuinely wanting to make things right with Adam and James; he’s the one who makes the first step and initiate the bond).
So what went wrong in new three books? Ehm… everything, to be honest. Instead of developing a character that was already there, she decided to give him a new personality. Actually it can be said about every single one of characters, but Warner just happened to be the biggest victim of them all.
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Let’s look at Restore me.
Okay, we have his pov, and I never thought I would say it but… Warner is kinda dumb. He’s supposed to be this military strategy genius, someone who knows how RE works from within and… it turns out that he just as clueless as Juliette. More than this, we never actually see him do ANYTHING except fucking Juliette. And for some reasons he never helps Juliette with her work??? There’s so much paperwork and instead of helping her to sort though it he’s… just not there???
Those stupid long monologues about how she’s capable to do anything mean nothing if he doesn’t actually help (as we can see at the end of restore me, when Juliette gets captured).
That fact that he doesn’t immediately check if Castle’s words are true? And instead of helping Juliette with Haider (telling everything he knows about him and his family, preparing her for the dinner) he fucks her??? This is a dumb bitch shit. And maybe you didn’t noticed but Shatter-me Warner wasn’t a dumb bitch.
After all, there’s a simple reason I never wanted the job of supreme commander myself—
I never wanted the responsibility.
It’s a tremendous amount of work with far less freedom than one might expect; worse, it’s a position that requires a great deal of people skills. The kind of people skills that include both killing and charming a person at a moment’s notice. Two things I detest.
Remember shatter-me Warner who wanted power because power meant that he could have control over his life? Remember shatter-me Warner who wanted to work with Juliette as a team to change the world? Yeah that’s him now.
No personal ambitions allowed when you’re a walking dildo, I guess.
Off the topic, but Mafi really enjoys making Juliette stupid as fuck:
“Oh, yes, of course,” she says, remembering. “I’ve gotten a bunch of letters about that. I didn’t realize it was such a big deal.”
Let's continue.
Hurting Haider would be enough to start a world war.
Warner says and then Juliette threatens Haider, a foreign official on a diplomatic mission, and instead of being even a little bit worried and think about possible consequences, Warner thinks this:
But I can only smile at her. I want to scoop her up and carry her away. Take her somewhere quiet and lose myself in her.
Okay, I guess it’s official, there’s sperm inside of his head instead of brain cells. I can’t find any other explanation for this clownery.
Shatter-me Warner would… Shatter-me Warner won’t be in this situation in the first place.
Someone tries to kill Juliette and Warner does… nothing about it. He never goes to check the body of the assassin himself. He thinks that Nazeera hides something and he still allows her to go around and doesn’t even interrogate her when Juliette says that Nazeera was there at the moment of the attack. He doesn’t find it even a little bit suspicious? That guy who had tremendous trust issues in the original trilogy? Remember him? Yeah, that guy. Shatter-me Warner would lock Nazeera and Haider up and demanded answers. Shatter-me Warner would be angry as fuck, and would try to kill Kenji with his bare hands, because Kenji was stupid enough to leave Juliette alone. Shatter-me Warner wouldn’t stop until he had answers (and the head of a person who wanted to kill Juliette on a plate).
New Warner is too busy feeling sorry for himself to actually do anything about it. And after one chapter it’s completely forgotten, like that fact that someone tried to kill her is not important at all.
And then Castle enters the picture with his stupid and sloppy info-dumping (I guess Mafi never heard of ‘show don’t tell’ rule). And says this:
“She can’t lead this resistance,” he says, squinting at something in the distance. “She’s too young. Too inexperienced. Too angry. You know that, don’t you?”
and if that wasn’t enough he also says this:
“It should’ve been you,” Castle says. “I always secretly hoped—from the day you showed up at Omega Point—that it would’ve been you. That you would join us. And lead us.” He shakes his head. “You were born for this. You would’ve managed it all beautifully.”
This is a fucking treason right there. And Warner A-OKAY with this.
Shatter-me Warner would strangle him right there. Or better yet, he would go along with this until he has 100% evidences of Castle’s betrayal and then he would kill him. Or he would kill him simply because Castle was withholding important information and earlier in books he put Juliette in a great danger by sending her to Anderson without telling her the truth (unravel me).
But not this Warner. New Warner is far more concerned with fucking Juliette then helping her or looking for a way out of this situation (because now he has dick instead of a brain).
After my father’s revelation, my thirst for information became suddenly insatiable. I needed to know more—who these people were, where they’d come from, how much we’d known—
When I say that Mafi simply forgot her own characters this is what I mean. Warner from original trilogy didn’t give a flying fuck about them. He thought that they were weak and stupid.
I will lose her.
And it will kill me.
He said this shit and after he nearly had a panic attack because he imagined her dating someone else? Oh, come on, how more pathetic can he get?
There are words for this kind of behavior: toxic codependency.
Oh wait wait! I know! This is not Warner! This is Edward Cullen disguised as Warner! The mystery is solved!
Oh, he fucks her again. Apparently it’s the only thing he’s good at. What a character! The layers! The complexity!
And then Lena came into the picture.
Until that moment I was more or less okay with Warner. Yes, I was very confused, but I was ready to give Mafi benefit of the doubt. He lost his father and was dealing with grieve. We all can act out of character in the face of a tragedy or drastic changes.
“Why do you keep pressing this? Who cares if I’ve been with other women? They meant nothing to me—”
And there I felt in my guts, I’m not gonna like what next to come.
Haider was exhibiting suicidal tendencies. Self-harming. And I got really scared. I called Warner because I knew Haider would listen to him.” She shakes her head. “Warner didn’t say a word. He just got on a plane. And he stayed with us for a couple of weeks. I don’t know what he said to Haider,” she says. “I don’t know what he did or how he got him through it, but”—she looks off into the distance, shrugs—“it’s hard to forget something like that.
Oh, so Warner's words about how he never had any real interactions with anyone before Juliette were bullshit. About how he doesn’t understand people were also bullshit. About how Juliette was the first person who was not afraid to speak with him freely were also bullshit. Because all of the sudden he can help someone heavily depressed. Someone with suicide tendencies? Someone who harms himself? And now he has an ex-girlfriend who’s ready to beat the fuck out of him and calls him mean words (she clearly doesn’t fear him)?
Now his entire character in the first trilogy doesn’t make any sense. And his excuses don’t make any sense.
Bravo, Mafi! Bravo! This was the fastest character assassination I’ve ever seen.
She says that Lena was in love with him—really in love with him—but that Warner broke her heart, that he never treated her with any real affection and she’s hated him for it.
Oh, so he’s not only stupid and absolutely useless, he’s a fuckboy. And if there’s one thing I HATE, it’s fuckboys.
There’s a big-big-big difference between someone who has one-night-stands and THIS SHIT:
“You’re upset, I understand. But it’s not my fault you feel this way. I don’t love you. I never have. And I never led you to believe I did.”
“She and I,” he says, “it was—we were nothing. It was a relationship of convenience and basic companionship. It meant nothing to me. Truly,” he says, “you have to know—if I never said anything about her it was only because I never thought about her long enough to even consider mentioning it.”
“It wasn’t like that. It wasn’t two years of anything serious. It wasn’t even two years of continuous communication.” He sighs. “She lives in Europe, love. We saw each other briefly and infrequently. It was purely physical. It wasn’t a real relationship—”
So he despised her but used her for sex? WOW. Cool. He can go and trip over a fucking knife or fall out of the window for all I care.
“Everything in my life was different before I met you,” he says. “I was lost and all alone. I never cared for anyone. I never wanted to get close to anyone. I’ve never—you were the first person to ever—”
And how exactly he was able to help Haider with his self-harm then??? If he didn’t CaRe for anyone before Juliette?
This was the moment when Warner from original trilogy died in agony.
Okay, let’s see real quick what we have in Defy Me:
He thinks about escape but never really does anything to escape;
(anderson is the one who opens his cell;
he stands in front of a guy who murdered his mother and doesn’t even think about her, yeah I can see how important she was for him;
/again, shatter-me Warner would probably demanded answers, but not walking dildo, walking dildo cares only about Juliette. his excuse in ignite me 'i did it all for my mom' doesn't make any sense now, because he actually doesn't give a flying fuck about her/
he gets captures one minute after he “kills” Anderson;
nazeera is the one who gets him out of there;
super soldier taught his whole life how to survive, everyone. useless as fuck)
He doesn’t know anything about jewelry.
(super ooc, i know what Mafi was trying to do here: she tried ‘sherlock holmes doesn’t know that earth revolves around the sun’ thing Arthur Conan Doyle did, but the problem is WARNER IS A FASHIONISTA, or he was).
He wants to get married because…???
He sees a woman who tried to kill Juliette and he’s a-okay with staying at her place, because she said that it was actually a message (???).
Castle is still alive.
Nazeera who knew all this time about Anderson and was working for him is also alive and well.
Oh and he doesn’t care about Anderson being alive and being a real threat to Juliette (fucking her is more important for him, as usual).
His complete disregard for Juliette’s safety only makes me hate him more with every new book.
Imagine me.
First and foremost: don’t call imagine-me Warner shatter-me Warner. Don’t insult shatter-me Warner like that. With shatter-me Warner Anderson would have to try very hard to get to Juliette. It would be ‘Warner made 100 back-up plans, but Anderson knew him too well and created 101 plan and that’s how he managed to win’ kind of situations.
But walking dildo is too busy feeling sorry for himself (as usual), he just sits by her bed FOR TWO FUCKING DAYS, doing absolutely NOTHING to make sure she’ll be safe.
Nooira says that Juliette should be killed and she’s still alive for some reason.
He’s entire persona is that he’s rude to people (but not bbc’s sherlock holmes kind of rude, when he’s unbearable dick but he’s actually smart and really gets shit done, so we can tolerate him). He’s just rude.
He doesn't care about Adam or James's wellbeing (remember Ignite me Warner who really wanted a family? Yeah that's him now).
But he has gruppies now, because he’s hot and everyone in the sanctuary wants to fuck him.
Because god fucking forbid we forget about it.
(mafi really thinks that her readers have the mental capacity of a golden fish, huh?)
I lost count how many times walking dildo implies that he's gonna kill himself if Juliette is not with him (disgusting).
Then our walking dildo cures Juliette by the power of petting (it’s not power of love, lads and gents; you want to see love go watch defenders on netflix; mafi already copypasted elektra’s arch from that show into imagine-me Juliette, you can do yourself a favor and see how this trope can be executed without borderline on sexual assault petting scene).
18-old girl marries a fucking sociopath believing he’s actually a good person.
(we all know how shit like this ends, people like that don't change; and this 'he's different with me cuz i'm very special and i'm gonna teach him the right way' it's really harmful message considering that the audience of those books are mostly teenage girls).
Trust me, there's nothing revolutionary in this trope, it's tale as old as time.
Here's the thing, good written character always defined by connection to other people: friend, lovers, enemies, family, foes, acquaintances, even some random strangers. It's the easiest way to establish what kind of person they are.
Walking dildo doesn't have any of that because all of his "character" revolves around Juliette. He's not a person anymore. By the end of Imagine me he doesn't have friends (his relationships with Kenji or Haider non-existent), no family connections (no talks with Adam or James), even enemies or foes or even people that don't like him (because everyone wants to fuck him, because being hot is his only character trait).
His only family and friend is Juliette. And you know what? It's fucking boring, overdone and lazy as fuck. And insulting to the character he once was.
No redemption arch, no character arch at all.
Happy end.
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thebookpatrol · 4 years
Things I loved about Imagine Me
Been seeing a lot of negative reviews about Imagine Me here but I personally loved it, so to bring some positivity into the tag here are (a lot, sorry) of things i loved about Imagine Me
(spoilers, but that is a given)
- That whole entire fight scene at the beginning, literally the most intense moment in the whole series
- Warner begging his father to take him instead of Juliette because he cares more about her freedom than he does about his own life
- Anderson declining his offer because even though he doesn’t really care for him he doesn’t want that future for his son
- Warner finally snapping at Omega people for being bad friends and abandoning Juliette (and him (but mostly Juliette))
- Seeing the more ruthless side of Warner, I mean this was obviously sad to see but we finally got to see that people weren’t exaggerating about him
*side note but I don’t consider this a “regression” from his part, Warner was never fully the good guy just as he was never fully the bad guy, he exists in a gray area and just does what he needs to do, we got to see his more gentle side with Juliette because he allowed that side of him to show but with Juliette gone that part of him wasn’t useful (in his mind) anymore. He allowed himself to be happy for a little while and that was immediately ripped away from him so it only makes sense that he acted the way he did. His characterization is so unique and complex and I will literally never shut up about it 
- Anderson having compassion, something he never had for his own sons,   & trying to save Juliette at the end, but only because she was useful and obedient to him  
- The fact the the whole series was build up on the idea of Anderson being super smart and stuff and seeing that the other Supremes thought he was a fucking idiot 
- Ibrahim being the one to shoot Anderson / seeing them turn against each other to maintain power
- Warner spending days covered in blood and dirt and then showering and putting a suit on to go save Juliette 
 - Warner thinking that Juliette was already gone but trying to rescue her anyway because that was the only thing he could do 
- Kenji going OFF on everyone and anyone that said that Juliette wasn’t going to make it / that they would be better if they killed her 
- Brendan and Winston finally getting together 
- Winston getting Kenji drunk by putting whiskey on his tea 
- Juliette coming full circle with her skin powers; saying that she would never use them to hurt anyone ever again and her holding up that promise until the very end to kill Emmaline because it wasn’t to hurt her but to free her from her pain
- Juliette struggling with her goddess, being curious, and going against orders despite being brainwashed and being under control 
- Every Kenji/Nazeera interaction 
- Warner telling James that he didn’t tell him they were brothers because he didn’t want to scare him off 
- Emmaline feeling safe in Juliette’s mind and to some extent getting to spend her final moments with her 
- Warner literally stabbing Anderson with a MACHETE 
- Like this man tried to kill his father so many times for what he did to him and never could but the moment Juliette’s life was in danger he did not hesitate to try and kill him 
- The people of 241 basically falling in love with Warner after he saved the day
- Kenji and Warner’s little bonding moment when Warner tells Kenji that he proposed to Juliette and Kenji finally understanding why he was so devastated 
- Warner calling Kenji a clown and that he should seek help 
- Kenji telling Nazeera that Juliette and Warner were engaged just to annoy Warner 
- That whole Warner & Juliette scene just UGH the FLAVOR
- I had been secretly hoping for a Warner/Juliette showdown since the beginning and I can’t believe I finally got it
- “She’s going to kill you” “that’s fine”
- “She’s really going to kill you” “then I’ll die”
- Nazeera being shocked and hurt seeing her father dead despite her knowing it would happen/kinda wanting it to happen 
- Warner taking his coat off while “fighting” Juliette and folding it over a chair, literally the smallest detail but his mannerisms are just so interesting to me  
- Juliette unconsciously recognizing Warner’s traits in Anderson 
- Juliette being SO CLOSE to killing Warner but stopping cause she couldn’t believe how beautiful he was and her literally thinking Warner was fake and that it had to be a test because he was too good looking to be real 
- “Where did they make you?” “So you are in there”
- This whole scene is so good because it’s unlike Warner to do something so reckless and you can just feel his desperation at not knowing what else to do to get her back and Juliette thinking that she has to kill him but being unable to resist when he kisses her and her trying so hard to hold back her emotions, thoughts and memories but her love for him being literally so strong that it snaps her out of the control just UGH 
- “Here,” he whispers, pressing my hands to his heart. “Home”
- Emmaline fucking obliterating Max 
- Warner being unable to hold back his inner fashionista and saying the new wedding dress was ugly 
- Warner being embarrassed at feeling too much when seeing Juliette in her corset and being literally paralyzed (in a good way) at the thought of them getting married 
- Warner having to restrain Juliette from grabbing a plunger 
- Juliette being excited at fixing stuff, learning how to use tools
- Juliette reclaiming her name to not give the ghost of Anderson any power over her
- Warner being the only one to call Juliette Ella the way she’s the only one to call Warner Aaron 
- Kenji destroying the wedding dress
- The dog!!!! They have a freaking dog!!!
 - Juliette being upset that she can’t talk to the citizens cause they almost trampled her cause they were so grateful 
- Those same people throwing babies at her and trying to cut a piece of her hair off 
- Warner’s, who has struggled with depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts, final words (and the last words on a series full of pain and loss for every character) being of happiness at the mere sound of Juliette’s laughter 
Feel free to add any :)
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