#off duty drive-in theaters
lukebeartoe · 2 months
A Tale of Five Tandems
The Body Language of Double Riding with your Buddy
This was bouncing around in my head when i went to the theaters and someone reminded me so here it comes. Bear with me.
Ride 1: The "Vespa" on the Island
For their first ride, Luca is anxious and hesitant! But Alberto is right, if he doesn't hold on to the front the makeshift Vespa will fall apart. Luca doesn't grab on until it begins to detach, keeping it whole and working correctly.
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He keeps a tight grip onto Alberto for the rest of the ride, out of fear or duty, but also because grabbing worked. He was right to trust Alberto. And then, when they're falling towards the rock, he stops grabbing and re-detaches it, because they would not survive if he stayed attached. (Parallels what parallels?)
Ride 2: The Dream Vespa
Later that night, Luca is much more confident. The trust he put in Alberto paid off and he faced his fear. And he's starting to share Alberto's appreciation of adrenaline. When he falls asleep, he's behind Alberto on a "real" Vespa. Holding his waist gently, not desperately like earlier. Comfortable and secure.
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Dream Alberto puts Luca in the drivers seat, perhaps representing Luca's growing confidence and desire for agency. Alberto encourages him to ramp up into the fish, but once there Alberto isn't holding him anymore. And when Luca goes even further and touches the moon, Alberto and the Vespa vanish.
(break added because long)
Ride 3: The Uphill and the Downhill
That worry (or maybe the whole dream) is forgotten for a time, and Alberto and Luca don't ride together on a two-wheeled vehicle until the day before the race. By this point much has changed. Tensions are rising and Alberto feels like Giulia is pushing them apart. While helping Luca strength train, he is literally separated from him by Giulia. At the top of the hill, things start to come to a head and Alberto interjects himself in front of Luca, for him to hold onto. Where he thinks he belongs. Luca's hands go out, but do not grasp him, not trusting him. Notably, Alberto has never ridden a bicycle.
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On the way down the hill, Luca only touches Alberto once, to try to take control of the handlebars. Is he willing to fall of the bike away from Alberto? He may be fearing his safety but he does not trust Alberto with this, and again this is justified. They did get down the hill, but they did crash. Into the sea.
Ride 4: The Race
After Ercole stymies Alberto's attempt to rescue Luca from the rain, Luca rescues Alberto from Ercole. Things are completely different. Alberto rides behind and he barely stops touching Luca the entire ride. He trusts Luca's ability and is putting his life in his hands.
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Alberto switches between Luca's waist or his shoulders, and once his face to avoid Ercole's harpoon, but he clings tight to Luca the entire time he is on the bike. No matter what jumps, rough terrain or murder threats are happening.
Ride 5: Victory Lap
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As Portorosso celebrates the Underdogs' victory, they drive the newly-purchased Vespa to Giulia's house. Luca is now between Alberto and Giulia, everyone holding each other by the shoulder, nobody feeling estranged. The body language is much more relaxed, like in the dream, no doubt helped by the slow speed. Alberto is driving, but the Vespa was his dream to begin with. And his to sacrifice if he chooses.
So yeah, this was I'd guess 80% intentional, 20% me reading too much into things, haha!
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twigg96 · 9 months
Hello my sweet lovelies. I’ve been trying to write some more Daryl X Y/N and thought what better way to get started than doing the Fluffy and Naughty Alphabet HCs! 😊 so please enjoy the start to my little 52 HC journey!
Daryl Dixon’s Fluffy Hc Alphabet:
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A - Attractive (what about their partner do they like most?)
Daryl loves a partner that cares a lot about other people. Those who put themselves before the betterment of the group are not people who Daryl can ever get along with. He finds kindness, compassion, honesty, and openness attractive in particular.
B - Banter (How do they tease each other? Is it always friendly/ flirtatious or does it turn nasty?)
Daryl doesn’t conventionally tease his partner. But in an unconventional world he thinks their version of teasing fits right in. Instead of the jovial picking other couples do, Daryl will often come over and say nothing but simply take a bite out of his partner’s food, smiling devilishly as he continues on his duties. While walking on patrol together, Daryl and his partner will go from walking hand in hand to playfully bumping each other to shoving each other off the path and into the plant life that lives along the side of the road. Neither partner can always read the other’s emotions so if Daryl is in a dark head space he will lash out if his partner tries to tease him. The same however can be said too for his partner.
C - Cute (Cuddles, Handholding, Sweet Touches, Caresses, Sneaky Moves)
Mr. Dixon is not into PDA. He doesn’t like people having the upper hand on him with information that could be used against him. Plus he’s really really busy a lot of the time. It’s not until the pair are alone either in the darkness of the night or shrouded in the forest that he allows himself to become more vulnerable. Taking his partner’s hand when there are no Walkers about he rubs his thumb over the back of their hand as he whispers plans about the day to come.
In the dead of night he’ll pull his lover close letting them cuddle close to his chest. He’d run his fingers through their hair. It would be a peaceful silence with a few shared kisses simply listening to their shared breaths and heartbeats. As sleep over takes them both and the last thing either of them hear is “I love you” from either partner.
But Daryl isn’t all innocent and shy all the time. Sometimes when things are good he’ll come around and smirk at his partner as they work. Walking up as they bed over he pinches their ass and covers their mouth telling them to meet him in the house in ten minutes.
D - Dates (What kind of dates do they like to take their partners on Are they creative with their date ideas?)
In the post apocalypse there isn’t really time for what we would consider real dates. There is no movie theater. No restaurants. No Pools. No beach. No hotels. Daryl couldn’t do the things he really desperately craved to do with his partner and it killed him. This topic has sparked more fights in your relationship than either of you would ever care to admit. Daryl wanted to provide for you and take you out on real dates. You however saw the sweet scenic bike rides you both took as date enough. His partner saw scouting ahead on a peaceful day as a date. Or even just doing nothing within the walls talking about everything. Eventually you both agree to disagree.
E - Eat (Do they have similar tastes in food or do they share food at the dinner table? I. E. Swapping the tomatoes on the burger for the pickles on their partner's chicken sandwich)
There is no room to be picky after the turn. With good food so scarce if someone didn’t like dinner that night they just didn’t eat. But Daryl hated it when his partner didn’t eat. So he went out of his way to find food they liked when dinner was something he knew they wouldn’t like. He’d offer them the stuff they like off his plate and took the food they didn’t like. No problems or fuss. He loved you.
F - Fire (What drives them the most in the relationship?)
Seeing you survive. Daryl couldn’t live with himself if he ever lost you. And he knew that it was unrealistic to try and expect that his partner would live well past when he would live. That he would die long before his partner and be waiting wherever it was on the other side for them. But it made him so sick thinking about the opposite so he simply did his best to keep you safe.
G - Generosity (How do they show their partner they care?)
Daryl was extremely caring in his love. He may not always show it or even say it but he is always thinking about his partner’s wellbeing. He looks for safer paths to take when they scout together, ones they can’t be ambushed on or that are easier to walk on. He always checks you over for cuts and bruises when he sees you before hugging you too tight or kissing you. He is on high alert outside of the camp at all times ready to protect. He gives his food to you when you need it.
H - Hot Head (Are they quick to anger? Are they spiteful in a fight? Will they say things they don't mean just to piss their partner off? Or are they easy going?)
Oh sweet lord. Yes. This man is a hot head. He is like a volcano. Full of anger and negative emotions that when placed under pressure will make him explode and cover other in the anger and negativity. But understand that this is a product of a horrifically broken home. He tries like hell to keep from erupting all over you. But sometimes it just happens and he never means for it to get as out of hand as it gets.
Daryl gets mean when he’s pissed. He gets nasty and spiteful. He will pull up shit from past fights just to fuel the fire of the argument and keep it going until he feels like you’re just as pissed off at him as he is at himself.
Whatever you do… do not give this man alcohol and expect him to be ok. He is an angry drunk and has no self control. He will get into an argument sometime into the night and it will be more than either of you can handle.
I - Interest (What are some of the interests they may share?)
Before the turn you both enjoyed bike rides and the occasional night out.
But now that the turn happened, you both like the time you spend together hunting and scouting. You both love providing for your camp. And you both still love riding.
J- Jealousy (Are they the Jealous type? How would they act if they were?)
Sweet God yes he’s very jealous! He trusts Rick more than anyone in the group but he looses his mind when you walk into Rick’s house alone to babysit Judith alone to just let the ex-cop sleep. One time when you all first moved to Alexandria a guy outside the walls approached you, Daryl, and Aaron asking if you wanted to go with two real men for a night of “fun”, Daryl beat him into a bloody pulp for thinking about it.
K- Kids (Do they want kids?)
Yes. If the world had never changed. If the dead never walked. He would give you all the children in the world, even though the thought of being a dad scared him more than anything. But now. He worried about the life his children would live. He worried for their safety. He wanted them so much but to put them through hell just because of his selfishness… he didn’t know if it was right.
L - Likes (Favorite things about relationship and partner)
Daryl loved waking up next to his partner each morning. He loved looking into his partner’s eyes and knowing that silent communication was all they needed. He loved the feel of their hand on his telling him it was ok. He loved knowing that without gaining to look you always had his back and he had yours. He loved feeling safe and secure for the first time in his life and he hoped with all he had he gave them the same feeling.
M- Marriage (Are they interested in getting married at all?)
At one point before the turn he actually bought a ring for his partner. He wanted to marry them and do the whole family thing. But once the turn happened that all got shoved onto the back burner. And while you and Daryl never really “got married” you both consider yourselves one step above boyfriend and girlfriend in this new life. Whatever that means to you both and no one opposed it.
N- No (Pet Peeves in a relationship)
Daryl refuses to tolerate a partner who intentionally hurts someone he loves. Betrayal is something he’d been through a lot in his life and he can’t imagine if his partner ever betrayed him.
Letting Daryl protect you is crucial. He can’t stand to loose you and if your constantly throwing yourself into harms way even when he advised you not to it will spark arguments
He must truly and fully trust his partner in their entirety. He wants full honesty from them. If they lie once he considers it a complete breach of trust and it will take a long time to heal that.
O - Orange (What color reminds them of their partner?)
Blue - he sees his partner as the color blue. They are truthful, merciful, loving, tranquil. They remind him of the sky on a clear day. They are calming and serine and they always manage to make him smile even when he wants to scream. He thought of you in his darkest times and felt the most free from all his problems.
P - Proposal (How would they or how did they propose?)
If Daryl would have gotten the chance he would have gotten down on one knee in your favorite spot after a long bike ride feeling you pressed up against his back.
But now it was in the Prison that you two talking jokingly about marriage. What it must have been like to do such a thing and have children. Daryl pulls an old ring on a chain out from behind his shirt. It’s aged. A little tarnished. He tells you about his failed plan. Smiling he tells you that he kept the ring as a piece of you to hold close you his heart.
Q - Queen (King) (What traits makes them a KING or a QUEEN?)
He is the ultimate King! Daryl goes out of his way to make sure that his partner is well taken care of and happy.
God forbid the day that the two of you are ever separated either by accident like at the Prison or by force. He will put his body through the ultimate test and hell in order to get back to you. Everything that stands in his way are simply obstacles to overcome. Day and night he will search until he finds you and if someone has you... god rest their soul.
He is always willing to share. Food, heat, shelter, water, medicine... whatever you need in order to survive.
Daryl can communicate with his partner with just a look. He loves them whole heartedly. He can just feel when something is wrong. It's like a sixth sense. No words are ever needed to be said. However he is always willing to listen if you need to talk.
Family is direly important to him. If you ever were to start one with him he would become all the more protective.
R - Rain (What was the most romantic gesture they have ever done for their partner?)
He made you a necklace...
The day that a good friend of yours turned...you were heartbroken and distraught. You refused to leave your cot in the prison for a full day. You had seen it before. You had even seen other friends turn and it affected you but never like this. Daryl hated seeing you like this. So taking a walk and giving you space he started looking. Looking for things that reminded him of you... Of brighter days. It was then he realized... that was exactly what you needed.
And so he started to look for things to brighten you. To make you smile. Things that reminded you of your lost friend based entirely off of stories you told of them. He found a shiny stone deep in a river bed recounting the tale you told him of the day you and your friend went tadpole hunting when you were young, splashing each other with the mud. A blueish black feather laid perfectly on a rock and reminded him of the myths his mother used to say about the crows and ravens bringing peace to those who grieve. A discarded bear tooth reminded him of the first time you had introduced him to your friend, the three of you hunting into the evening only to find a hare and two squirls.
Tying his treasures onto a long piece of twine he fashioned a necklace and brought it home to you placing it around your neck and telling you it would all be alright.
S- Smooches (Who gave the first kiss? When do they kiss their partner? How often do they kiss their partner?)
Having met Daryl before the turn, you both had more than your fair share of kisses. But your first one... well Daryl claims it was an accident. A heat of the moment reaction of passion.
Merle had been hounding you all day. He had known you were dating Daryl but to him it was just a word until he saw the proof. You were outside with Daryl at the time. Watching him work on Merle's POS truck when Merle came home from work on his bike. The older Dixon immediately swooped in and tried to get fresh. Playing grab ass and trying to get you to go inside with him. Daryl flipped his shit. Throwing the tools to the ground Daryl flew into a rage, pushing Merle away from you and into the house. He was still pacing for 20 minutes before you were able to get him to look at you. Before you could say anything he grabbed you by the hips and pulled you close, gripping your hair and kissing you deeply, muttering that you were his and his alone and if any man touched you like that again he'd cut their hand off. Needless to say he didn't get done with Merle's truck...
Now that the world is upside down Daryl tries to be more purposeful with his kisses, he wants them to mean something if they're the last they are ever to share as a couple. It was hard for his partner to understand at first... but he explained that he would hate it if he kissed his partner simply to end a fight no other meaning behind it and something happened. He wanted passion and romance behind his every action while they had the time.
T - Travel (Do they like to travel with their partner? Where do they dream of traveling to?)
God... does Daryl want to travel with his partner. He often dreams of the days before the turn. Dreams of taking you to far away places. Safe places. But the world is no longer that place... and so he tries to stay realistic in his waking life. Safety means stability. If he can have a stable life with you then he can start a family... He simply wants a safe stable place to settle... but he knows that may not always be possible. And so he roams looking for the perfect place for you both to live out your days.
U- Universal (How Public are they with their affection? Are they very open with PDA? Do they brag about their partner?)
Daryl is incredibly reserved. He always has been. He doesn't like the attention that PDA brings. He would much rather recede to the privacy of the forest or a darkened room/hallway than to make his move in front of the others. If Daryl was ever to talk about his personal life it would be to Carol (for advice and advice only about his partner's wellbeing) or Rick (To ask for dating advice/ and maybe to brag)
V- Valentines (First holiday together. How did they prepare? How did they celebrate?)
While holidays no longer exist and have no meaning after the turn, he often thinks to the only holiday he ever got to spend with his partner, properly.
It was Christmas. A holiday he and Merle had long since forgotten. One they had abandoned long before either of them were out of primary school but still knowledgeable enough to decipher that Santa Claus was a classist jackass. You had insisted they each give it a shot. For you. No religion involved just free shit. Daryl was hesitant. He didn't want to be disappointed again. Merle however was defensive. He wanted nothing to do with the holiday and often ridiculed the entire idea of it in it's entirety. But... the two relented after hearing that you would be cooking for them all weekend long. Merle complained and bitched the entire time you decked the halls of their trailer. "This sparkle shit better come out of my God damned carpets! I don't need ta find it in June!" You couldn't find a tree at a price any of you could afford but Daryl cut the biggest limb off a nearby pine and hoped it would be good enough. You were able to make stocking for each of the boys and on christmas eve you stuffed them with gifts and laid their presents under the makeshift tree. In the morning... they both stared at you nervous and akward. Like they both wanted to move and tear into shit but were scared they'd get in trouble. So you sat them down and handed them gifts. It wasn't much. You were working with a waiter's salary... but it was more meaningful to either of them than you ever knew. When Merle growled, embarrassed he didn't get you anything you simply said that spending the day with them meant more to you than any gift and you thought... for a second, that you watched both men's hearts grow three sizes that night.
W- Wicked (What do they do that purposely pushes their partner's buttons?)
Daryl will pull shit up from the past and use it against his partner to start a fight. He does this the most when he's feeling shitty about himself or a situation he's in and can't fix. He wants his partner to be just as upset and angry at him as he is with himself.
He has a really... really bad drinking problem. He is a mean drunk. If he wants he will find alcohol and drink in front of his partner knowing they hate it when he acts vindictive and hateful.
He gives the best silent treatment in the entire apocalypse. He could exist completely silent for literal weeks. (please do not mistake his need for space with the silent treatment. He gets over stimulated a lot and needs space)
Straight up disappears for days without ever telling his partner where he's going or when he'll be back. This gets worse after the Sanctuary.
Calls them pet names they despise (this is normally in retaliation to pet names they give him)
X- Xylophone (What song fits the relationship?)
Y- Yearning (When do they miss their partner the most? What do they do to placate themselves in the mean time?)
Daryl misses his partner so much when he's out on a run that lasts longer than a day. He worries about them constantly. If he can't bring them then he tries to bring a part of them, something to remind him of them. A trinket he can worry until he can get home. But if he can't or it's an emergency and he didn't have time. He always has a matching tattoo on his arm that you both got on your one year to remind him to come home to you...
Z- Zipper (Do they let their partner pick their outfits?)
If you find clothes that fit him out on runs he'll look at them and choose to wear them or not. Sometimes you bring home baby clothes to pick on him when he's being a big baby bitch. Other times you bring him clothes you know he's never going to wear just to fuck with him. He never says it out loud but he thinks this is funny.
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oddballwriter · 6 months
Going on a date with the moon boys to a drive-in theater? 🎃
Drive-In Movie
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Warnings: Not anything that I know of honestly. There's one "1950s having sex in the car at a drive-in movie joke/reference" but literally nothing happens other than some really wholesome Jake fluff. There isn't any mention of the system or of any actual Moon Knight duties so you can choose if they're still a system or if it's just Jake and if Moon Knight is even a thing.
Author’s Snip: I chose Jake for this because as far as I know, he's the one with the car in the system so yeah. Also, we love soft wholesome Jake content in this household. We need more soft and fluffy Jake.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 486
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It was so cheese. In a 50's young couple kind of way. You felt like Jake should be wearing a leatherman jacket and you should be watching where his hands are. The event was cute, it was definitely a good date idea. You can see why drive-in movies were so popular. You could bring your own snacks and didn't have anyone next to you two that could bother you.
Thankfully Jake was good at timing out when you two should get there to have the best view of the screen, where you're not too close but also aren't so far away that you can't see or hear the movie. Your placement was just right.
There was also just this nice atmosphere in the car. Jake had the heater on since he needed to have the windows all the way down so that you could hear the movie on the speakers and it was chilly tonight, so it felt cozy. Jake and you were holding hands with your fingers intertwined. It was a normal habit, he liked holding your hand as much as he could. The light coming off the screen gave the dark car a nice pale lighting that defined both your faces which drew you both to occasionally steal a glance. It all lulled you into resting your head on his shoulder without a thought.
Jake obviously noticed the weight and looked towards you. You gave a glance back with a little smile, which Jake returned before kissing your head and moving his arm that was previously holding your hand to now be around you.
You both turn your attention back to the movie and there's a few seconds of nothing between the two of you, where the actress on screen says a few lines before Jake speaks for the first time since the movie started. "I hate this movie." he says as a throwaway comment. You look towards him confused, "Then why did you want to see it here? They have a list of what movies they're going to play on certain nights on their website." you ask and remark on. "Because you like this movie." Jake simply answers as he eats a handful of pretzels. You let out a huff in laughter, "I never said that." you mention, "I said that I watched it before and thought it was okay and it was the only movie I recognized in this month's lineup." you explain.
Jake let out a "hm" through his mouthful chewing. When he swallows it he suggests "Maybe we should look up some of the summaries of the other movies and see if we like the sound of them.". You nod, "That's a good idea." you say, "Plus, I actually really like this type of date." you add. "Me too." Jake comments as he gives you a kiss on the lips before turning back to watch the rest of the movie.
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causticjuice · 10 months
A Refreshing Distraction — Part 1
Copia x masc!reader
(Part 2 here)
Summary: You convince Papa to go see a movie with you as a break from his paperwork. He still needs some help clearing his mind, and you do so with pleasure.
Notes: Reader is referred to by masculine terms (only in Italian in this part) and wears a cassock (even though they’re a Sibling because fuck the rules in this here satanic church). Their genitals are not mentioned. Also, I know that Copia wears those black nitrile gloves in the chapters but I cannot have that, he’s wearing leather ones.
Tags: SMUT (18+ MDNI), oral sex, car blowjob (while driving), getting caught (sorta, not really)
Word count: 1.6k
You walk through the corridors leisurely, admiring the intricately carved wooden panels on the walls while making your way to Copia’s office. You know he has been having a hard time with tax season lately and you haven’t seen him in days. It seems strange to you anyway that a Papa would be the one filing his own taxes, but you accepted it. He’s been holed up with those papers long enough, and probably unable to make any progress at this point, so you decided to take his mind off of it for a bit. You heard of a new movie that just started playing in theaters and thought that would be a good enough distraction. It’s your day off and you know Copia will appreciate going at a time when the place isn’t packed. Once you arrive at his door, you give it three rapid knocks and once you hear his voice telling you to come in, you open the door.
“Oh, hello, Fratello! I wasn’t expecting you today,” Copia says, grinning.
“Yeah, well, I haven’t seen you in a while. And I have no duties scheduled today so I thought we could go see a movie together,” you suggest, with a subtle hint of uncertainty in your voice, already anticipating his response.
“Unfortunately, I, uh…,” he gestures to his desk, “need to deal with this now. But I will gladly go another time.”
You pause for a few seconds. You know this work is important but he still needs some time off. You can see his eyes look puffy, even with the paint around them. “I think you’ve earned a trip out to the town for a bit.”
“I do need to finish this, caro,” he insists, while giving you an apologetic look.
You decide to try to convince him to go one more time. “Think about it. I bet you've been sitting there, trying to figure out some little detail and not able to do it, right? Your brain needs a break, Copia.”
He sighs, staring for a moment at the stack of papers in front of him. “Okay, I will go.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll show you a good time,” you smirk.
“Alrighty, give me a moment, hm?” He scurries out of the room after you give him a small nod.
You sit down at the desk and scan over the chaos in front of you. There are at least five different piles of papers, different bowls, plates and cutlery all stacked together and many empty juice boxes, on the desk itself and in the small trash can next to it. You hear an exasperated “damn it” and break out of your trance.
The door that Copia left through opens once again and you see him appear.
“I’m so sorry but it seems that I, eh, have no other clean clothes… I have just been so busy–“
“Oh, don’t worry, you look fine. We’re not going to the Met Gala! C’mon, we’ll be late.”
“A-are you sure? Won’t I stand out?” He asks.
“I will stand out more in my cassock than you will in a tracksuit and T-shirt.”
“Hm… Okie dokie, let’s go.” He gestures to the door, letting you leave first.
On the drive to the theater, you notice that he’s gripping the steering wheel tightly enough that the leather of his gloves is almost constantly squeaking against it, and his jaw is clenched.
“Are you okay, Papa?” you question.
“Ah, sì, sì, just worried about work,” he answers.
“Hmm. Maybe I can help you take your mind off of it?” You place your hand gently on his thigh, slowly moving it higher.
“I’m not sure what you– Oh,” he cuts off as your fingers almost reach his crotch.
“Is that alright? May I continue?”
“Y-yes, please.”
You move your hand up until it is resting over his bulge and lightly stroke. Once you notice he is getting hard, you squeeze a little as you continue your movement. A tiny gasp escapes Copia’s lips and his eyes close briefly.
“Keep your eyes on the road, Papa,” you tease. He clears his throat and straightens up a bit, composing himself.
Satisfied that he will pay attention now, you hook your thumb on the waistband of his sweatpants and underwear and pull them down, letting his cock spring out against his belly. You grasp him and run your thumb over his head, gathering his precum. You can’t stop the urge to taste his arousal and bring the drop to your mouth. Copia glances over at you for a moment as you hum at the taste. Wanting to taste more of him, you dip your head down and run the tip of your tongue directly over his slit, which earns you a shudder.
You start to lick in circles around his head while occasionally pumping your hand over his length. You can feel his toned thighs tense slightly under your other hand and hear his breathing becoming just a little more shallow and rapid. You still the hand working him and lower your head, taking him deeper into your mouth, while reaching your tongue down towards his balls. After a moment of pause, you move up, pressing your tongue against him until you reach the top once again. A low moan comes from Copia, clearly becoming more aroused while also being mildly frustrated at your slow pace. He seems to be letting go of his shy demeanor and letting lust take over.
Just as you start to pick up your pace, you can feel the car slow to a stop and a hand pressed on the back of your head.
“We’re at a stoplight now, topolino, don’t move,” Copia whispers.
The top of his LeSabre is down, so you know it would be plainly obvious to anyone around if you continued. You decide to tease him just a little bit by massaging his balls delicately, not being able to do much more with his cock down your throat and his hand restricting you. The sound that escapes him, a mix of a moan and yelp, is absolutely obscene and not at all what you expected from your gentle action. That’s when you feel his hand grip your hair and yank you off of him. He keeps you just below eye level, glaring at you, completely red in the face. You glance over to his left and see two people in another convertible staring at you with wide eyes. You grin and wave at them with the hand that just elicited that over-the-top response, your face portraying a bizarre mix of mischief and embarrassment.
The car you’re looking at starts driving and you hear a honk from behind. Copia quickly lets go of your hair, grabs the stick shift and starts driving.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” He yells.
“What? We’ll probably never see those people again.”
“And what if they know who I am?”
“Then I’m sure this is not much worse than what they’ve seen from you before.” He huffs in response. “What was that reaction anyway? I barely touched you.”
“I wasn’t expecting it!”
You glance down at his crotch and see that he’s still hard.
“You wanna keep going?” You ask.
“You better finish what you started,” he replies, still clearly annoyed at you.
This time, he is much more rough once you start again. You begin with an already relatively quick pace, bobbing your head up and down while keeping a bit of suction. Whenever he doesn’t need to use it for driving the car, he places his hand on your head and shoves you down, all the while grunting and growling. You can tell from a glance at your surroundings that you’re at the part of the road where it is straight and uninterrupted for a while, and you speed up even more. Copia’s hips start to move in rhythm with you and his fingers are now threaded through your hair.
“Cazzo, Fratello–” he growls low in his belly and his hips begin to stagger at the top of his movement. You keep moving your head up and down, committing to memory the blissful feeling of having him fill your mouth up and making him unravel under you.
He tenses up and thrusts one last time as you keep your nose pressed against him and feel his cum spill directly down your throat and into your stomach. You pull off of him just in time to pump one more rope out and catch it on your tongue this time to taste him.
“Hmm, you taste so delicious, Papa,” you moan as you lift yourself up.
Copia only pants and huffs, unable to respond, all of his attention split between coming down from his pleasure and driving the car.
After a moment, you tuck him back into his clothes to the best of your ability, only seconds before he pulls into the parking lot at your destination.
You notice he is still in a dazed state, pausing for a beat too long after stopping the car.
“Everything good?” you ask, and just as you get the words out, he turns sharply towards you and pulls you into an intense kiss, grabbing the back of your neck. After you quickly adjust to the surprise, you deepen the kiss and swirl your tongue against his. As you do, he moans and pulls away.
“Sì, I suppose that does taste nice,” he smiles with a glint in his eye, “that was incredible, tesoro, thank you.”
“My pleasure. Besides, you can return the favor during the movie.”
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naquey · 5 months
PJO x Batman(Batfam)
Alfred Pennyworth: Alright, first things first. This man would be Chiron. In a heartbeat. At first I was thinking Dionysus, but Bruce fits more with Dionysus. He's reliable, considerate, and lends a helping hand if the kids ever need it. Also a horse bottom half would be fucking awesome. Alfred could kick so much butt.
Bruce Wayne: Dionysus. He is camp counselor. He is the dramatic one. He would fuck with the kids by saying he's their father, just so they could get him whatever he wanted. He holds no malicious intent behind this, and only wants to mess around with them. He will apologize if it hurts some of the kids. AND he is a dramatic emo. Case in point.
Dick Grayson: When I think ab him the first thing I see in my mind's eye is acrobat. Responsible older brother, dutiful, chaotic. At first I was thinking Athena, but THEN I was like wait- someone else is Athena's son. Not that Athena can't have two sons but it don't fit. He's Apollo's son. Ball of sunshine, can hold a wicked good tune, and kicks ass. A punch you least expect from someone who is so nice and kind.
Helena Wayne: Her dad is literally Dionysus, so people underestimate her. She's seen as the party girl, the rich spoiled kid who can't defend herself. Then next thing you know you're in the infirmary because she knocked you out. She is a theater kid like her dad, and tends to instill madness into those that go against her, sort of driving them insane. If they don't get medical attention right away. It pisses people off when she plays the part of a helpless rich girl and then suddenly has a powerful punch. But she is a good contender for Artemis.
Barbara Gordon: How can she not be Hermes daughter? She has the brains and the wits, but is in the background feeding all the Bats information. She keeps things running and helps Bruce not burn something to the ground, also helps Alfred keep his sanity. Technically, she could be considered camp counselor with how well things are run under her guidance and advice. She may have all the information, but only gives certain bits out for free. She also has hella blackmail on her family if they ever decide to cross her.
Jason Todd: Hella Ares vibes at first, but beneath that this man has strategy. Don't let his blind hatred for Joker fool you, he knows he has to understand a battle first and foremost. His loathing for Joker only gets in the way with clown related things, but he truly is Athena's son. He's well read and observes a battlefield, pointing out many vantage points so he can stay out of line of sight until the perfect moment.
Kate Kane: Artemis' daughter. She hunts down her enemies, and sticks to hiding in plain sight. She may not use a bow, but she has other ways to hunt her target without one. Quiet and strong, able to keep herself hidden until she can properly attack.
Tim Drake: Athena's son, like Jason. He's known as the one who comes up with the plans and often gets the others in the family to excecute him. He's the brainiac. It's known at a young age he found out who Batman and Robin were. He looked up to Batman. He followed Batman. He used detective skills to figure things out that adults hadn't even tired to. He's the mastermind. No, Babs is.
Turner Hayes: Aphrodite's son. He's pretty and uses that to his advantage. Others think he's the spoiled adopted son of Bruce Wayne, but he is nothing like what the media says about him. Regardless of how he may look he is rather cunning and smart, but it's hidden beneath a pretty face. The police didn't believe he was doing detective work because he didn't look like someone who would be able to do that, and they were wrong.
Stephanie Brown: Steph is trying to prove herself. She may not be seeking revenge, but she believes that she needs to prove herself in delivering justice like the rest of her family. Nemsis' daughter. She believes in doing the right thing, even if the right thing at that moment seems like the worst thing someone could do.
Harper Row: Nemesis' daughter. She doesn't feel right living in a world where there are bullies around. Harper wants to take down as many bad guys as she can to keep the streets safe for Gothamites. She seeks retribution and vengeance, trying to save others much like she saved her own brother. Her brother Cullen, is who drives her forward.
Cassandra Caine: Her strength is seeing things that others cannot, i.e. body language. Hypnos' daughter. Cass can read a room and understand immediately what is going on. Her sight is her power. She was taught to be an assassin that looks but never speaks. Able to use that to her advantage to get a one up on those she is fighting or going against.
Damian Wayne Al-Ghoul: Son of Nike(and Dionysus). His goal is victory, in anything. He trains hard and strives to be the best at what he does, Damian does not take second place. He believes he can only achieve something if he is the best and most powerful at it. That is why he stays in the Nike cabin to train and hone his skills. (Even if he has a bed at Dionysus cabin.) He doesn't tell people a lot, but he goes over to sleep in his dads cabin. Once in a while. The old man would think he was getting soft if Damian ever told him that.
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good-beans · 7 months
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(Milgram self-insert oc masterpost hehe)
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Name: For the sake of posting online I’ll call her Rose!
Color: #E7355B [the pink in the art]
Age: I guess she’d be 20 given when Milgram started huh.
Status: Milgram Staff, Machine Technician
Symbols/imagery: ballet/musical theater, science experiments
Song genre: very similar to Mahiru's, something upbeat and extra pop-y
Tentatively she's number 011? She's not really prisoner but she's also not free to come and go, so I'm not actually sure if she'd get a number (Edit: I've decided she'll actually be 012. Staff is given the 01X range, and even though Es doesn't actively have a number they'd be staff member 011, making her 012.)
Story: Since the project is supposed to be realistic/present day, the mv machine would be brand new and unpredictable tech, so they’d want someone keeping up on maintenance and making sure the brain-invasive process won’t cause any harm to the prisoners. Rose was studying abroad in Japan working on some cool neuroscience tech (irl I know nothing about technology or brains but shh) and she stumbled upon some secret tech/plans from Milgram. Long story short, she was dragged into the experiment to make sure things ran smoothly.
Writer's Reasoning: She’s really fun for me to play around with, as she allows me to work with a character who has a tiny bit of pull over Es’ mindset in conversation but not the final decision (aka mirroring the voting system), and someone who is simultaneously trapped in the prison but has a reason to see all the canon content.* I really enjoy the character interactions and dynamics Milgram has set up so far, so it’s been super fun seeing how things change for better and worse when someone not quite aligned with either Milgram/the prisoners is thrown into the mix!
*As much as I love dramatic irony in fiction, it would drive me crazy if I knew every detail of of the vds/mvs but Rose didn't – and every single Milgram character is The Worst Communicator Ever so I couldn’t justify that she’d hear it secondhand from them...
Story roles:
She’s a bit conflicted -- she’s officially Milgram staff and knows she should remain neutral on the prisoners, since she won’t be allowed to interfere with the process/executions. At the same time, her job description is literally “make sure the machine doesn't hurt them and everyone's safe :)” and she's way too emotional to avoid getting hopelessly attached to everyone 😅
I really enjoy the theory that the machine extracts videos based off of priming, so one of Rose’s duties involves listening in on the interrogation and making sure there’s been enough material discussed/not too much time has passed overall (hence the ringing of the bell happening at different lengths for each vd -- That's her ringing it :3). She then watches the mvs along with Es to make sure there are no machine glitches, and know how to calibrate it better for next time.
(IEdit: I've since decided to add in official trial mvs, but before when I wasn't ready to tackle that:) She has to run some tests on the machine to make sure things are calibrated correctly, so she'd extract little things here and there. It gives me the opportunity to think up lyric snippets and recurring symbols for her without worrying about full encompassing music videos.
I'm not afraid to admit she can fall into Mary Sue territory every so often by being everyone's friend, because it's less about "aw everyone likes her" and more about "canon is too painful rn and I need a fix-it tool to take care of these guys and give them hugs and tell them someone forgives them and cares about them and unfortunately these characters wouldn't let anyone less than a friend do that." Rest assured she's definitely not perfect and will fuck everything up on occasion :3
Miscellaneous: Whenever I play around with normal au ideas she's still working on the machine (but in a public, more ethical setting), and she's Mahiru's roommate :) Her character isn't super focused on love, but if I had to pick a cover song it'd be Stickybug II. It's very much my vibe, the lyrics fit well enough (better than most songs, at least lol) and it's one of my favorites out of my limited knowledge of unchosen Deco songs! (Edit, I've actually given her non-deco cover songs hehe)
So yeah, I hope she's not too boring without a cool crime to decipher, but I wanted to share since I was really proud of her! It took a bit of tinkering to find a way to fit her into a perfect secret-third-thing role that runs very smoothly with all of canon, so I was very excited!
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Hi and Good day/night <3
I wanted to request if it isn't a problem, so here it is:
Smokescreen and nb Cybertronian s/o who has a lot of work in general and takes little to no time to take care of themselves and Smokescreen tries to make them understand that they need time to relax (and for him too, ofc). They ask Optimus to take some load of work from them and even get them some cycles to spend time alone and with him
If you can headcannons, but if not tiny story (don't remember name, sorry) is great too
Sorry if it's a little confusing, ooc and messy, just wanted more Smokescreen love
Please and thank you
Smokescreen X Cybertronian Reader
You were Optimus Prime’s second in command and scientist. You worked tirelessly to make sure that the team had everything they needed. There wasn’t a time you weren’t working, other than the short little breaks you took to recharge. You often skipped refueling too- you’d put it back in the reserves room in the event there was an emergency. Everyone else needed it more than you, you thought.
One day, Smokescreen saw you putting back your portion of the energon. He was confused, but brushed it off. Surely it was nothing- maybe you’d refueled another time. 
When he saw you do it again, a week later, he questioned you.
You stuttered out your answer. “I-I just refueled earlier. Don’t worry about it.”
Smokescreen grabbed your arm. “Don’t play dumb. I know you didn’t refuel last week- so what’s up?”
You pursed your dermas together and vented. “Others need it more than me- I’m hardly on the field anymore.”
“That’s a dumb idea!” His faceplates showed disappointment. “You need to refuel- or I’m telling Ratchet.”
You were already on thin ice with Ratchet this week for not recharging enough. You hesitantly picked up the cube. “Fine.” 
You were going to your lab but he shook his head. “Nuh-uh. I want to make sure you drink it.”
You rolled your eyes and drank the energon in front of him, chugging it down quickly so you could get back to work. As soon as you finished, you began your walk back to your lab. 
Smokescreen had to rush to keep pace with you. “Don’t you think you should take some time off? Just a few solar cycles even. You work wayyy too much- you almost remind me of Alpha Trion” 
You got a little annoyed at him. “There’s kind of a war going on, Smokes. There’s no time for slacking. Unlike you- I have responsibilities I’m taking care of.”
The bot scowled at you and jumped in front of you. He grabbed your arms in his servos and made you look at him. “Don’t you see how you’re running yourself thin? I hate to see you like this!”
At a loss for words you merely blinked. You looked to the side at a shiny metal pipe to see your dull optics. You really hadn’t been able to rest at all. You’d been far too busy with projects and data gathering.
“I… suppose you’re right. But I can’t abandon my duties-”
“Get Optimus to take em! Or Ratchet.”
You nervously asked Ratchet and Optimus to take some of your workload, just a few days- and they seemed so relieved. You’d finally taken time off. 
While you felt guilty, they assured you that there was nothing to worry about and that you should enjoy the time of low-Decepticon activity while you still had it. Who knows when they’d start causing mayhem again?
Smokescreen convinced you to try some human activities with you. You both went to see a movie at a drive in theater- you quickly left in disgust. They were playing what was called a ‘slasher’ film. 
Next, he took you to a race. You were rusty and quickly fell to the back of the group. You didn’t like this activity much either. Activity after activity you tried at the behest of Smokescreen, and yet none of them actually felt relaxing. 
Finally, he convinced you to go to one more place. 
“How long will this take?” You huffed.
“It’s just up the hill! Come on!” Smokescreen grabbed your servo and a blue tint covered your faceplates. He dragged you up the hill. Right as you got to the top, your mouth dropped open in shock. You took a few steps forward in admiration. 
The sun was beginning to set over the horizon. Pink, orange, and golden clouds drifted around the sky. Before you sat a large lake that reflected the sun. Flowers of all colors littered throughout the field. 
“Like it?” 
You almost couldn’t get out the words. “It’s beautiful…” You sat next to the now-sitting down Smokescreen. 
You both just sat there in silence, enjoying each other’s company. As the moon rose into the sky to replace the sun, you took Smokescreen’s servos in yours.
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scwheeler · 2 years
🩰 ˖ ࣪⊹ — the answer
pairing: mike wheeler x fem!reader
summary: mike informs you that he has a crush on a new girl but he doesn’t tell you who, he thought you would figure it out sooner or later 👀👀
warnings: open ending??
age of pairing: 15-16
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“MIKE WHO IS IT?!” you shouted after the dark haired boy, running down the hall to his next class. leaving you quite frustrated after just hearing the news, ‘i really like someone.’ he bolted the next minute after muttering those words, instantly making you intrigued into his story before he ran away. holding your pencil case and backpack strap, you looked down at your dirty ass sneakers.
he likes someone?
of course you wanted to know because mike was your bestfriend so whenever something big like this happened, you were the first to be told. same thing when something happened for you. but mike hadn’t told you anything about his tiny teeny love life since like the fifth grade when he had a major crush on shelby jones.
you had to comfort him for almost a month when she got a boyfriend. but besides her and a few other girls back in grade school, mike had been quiet about his crushes or who he liked. maybe a few actresses or girls at the mall but nobody he actually knew and truly liked.
which was why you were curious when mike told you he liked someone a few minutes ago. you wanted to know because as his best friend you had a duty to get him and that girl together but also because you wanted it to be you. but you knew it wasn’t, that was improbable. ridiculous.
“y/n over here!” will called out from your usual cafeteria area. you joined the rest of your friends already intrigued in a conversation of sneaking into the theater this friday for the showing of back to the future II. you sat next to mike and dustin, leaning towards mike you whispered, “so are you ever going to tell me who mystery girl is?”
he retracted himself from the group conversation and turned to you, “shhhh! the guys don’t know, i’ll tell you later.” you raised an eyebrow, “promise?” putting your pinky in front of his face. he rolled his eyes and reluctantly did the same. interlocking the sacred pinky promise and finishing it by each of you kissing your thumbs. “it’s locked in now,” you smiled and returned to the conversation.
“but what if we get caught?” will spoke and drank from his milk carton. “then we’re fucked,” you answered where everyone turned to you. “what! im just speaking the truth!” you shrugged your shoulders and shove off their looks of accusation. “as much as i don’t want to, i have to agree with y/n. my moms gonna kill me and not let me play in next weeks game!” lucas agreed.
“right right i forget your a huge basketball player, benchwarmer,” mike remarked. “at least i’m on the team!” lucas defended himself. “ok ok fight later shitheads, back to the plan. if steve drives us there then no one in town will see our bikes and call our parents, right?” dustin suggested.
“you’re still friends with that dickhead?” you asked and opened your pudding cup. “he’s not a dickhead-!” dustin instantly fired back. you rolled your eyes, “sorry sorry, i meant douchebag.” dustin ignored your nasty remarks, “hey you’re not gonna be calling him a douchebag when he’s the one saving your ass from getting grounded like last time.” you took a spoonful of pudding, “yeah yeah fine he’s not a douchebag.”
“thank you,” dustin said proudly. “but won’t our parents notice we’re gone at like eleven p.m?” mike questioned and stole your spoonful of pudding and ate it. you gasped, “mike!” he just smiled in your face and returned your spoon.
“hopper would definitely kill me, he barely even lets me go out in general,” el insisted and handed you her pudding cup. “thank you el,” you said and waved your new pudding cup in front of mike. “that’s why we’ll just lie that we’re sleeping over at someone’s house!” dustin explained. “but who’s house?” max asked and took a bite of her apple.
“not mine,” dustin immediately said and looked at everyone else. “no one’s going to believe hopper let me have a sleepover with all of you guys,” el said and everyone nodded their heads.
“mine are out of town and i’m staying over at wills so can’t be mine,” mike said and out his hands up in defeat. “yeah not mine,” will followed. “my parents hasn’t let anyone sleep over since like sixth grade!” lucas explained, taking himself out of the situation.
“not me,” max quickly uttered and everyone turned to you. “wha—no no,” you declined and ate your pudding cup. “oh come on y/n, you’re the only one and it’s not like we’re actually staying over.” dustin pleaded. “plus you’re the most believable like we’ve actually all slept over at your house before!” mike brought up.
you sighed and took your final spoonful of pudding, “okay fine.” the table instantly cheered and started high-fiving. earning a few extra stares from around the cafeteria.
by the time the night came around, mike still hadn’t told you about his crush. he gave you daily clues like you were in a scavenger hunt but never actually told you. you guessed almost a hundred times with him responding with a mocking ‘nope.’ you named almost every girl in hawkins besides the moms—could it be one of the moms?!?!? nah, unless… 🤨
you were the last one to get picked up, a knock on your window made you grab your backpack and get ready. it was mike at the window, something he used to do on a daily. he would climb to your room and knock on your window to talk about the usual stuff or play games when bored.
“you ready?” he asked and you opened the window. “yup,” you responded and he helped you get out of your bedroom window and hop down to the front lawn. “let’s go let’s go!” steve yelled from the drivers seat of his car. you saw all your friends in their seats and you rushed over with mike to his car. even though it was squished, you all surprisingly fit. you were sitting next to max and mike, your entire body almost conjoined with mike at this point. “so you weren’t kidding henderson,” you said and looked over to steve harrington in the drivers seat.
“i’m not a liar y/n,” dustin remarked and proudly patted steve on the shoulder. he pulled up to the theater and turned around, “i’ll be back at 12:30 sharp. if any of you are late i’m leaving you, you hear me? 12:30 sharp.” everyone nodded and got out of the car, full of excitement and a little bit of anxiety in getting in trouble by our parents.
there were dozens of repeated, “thanks steve!”’s as you guys got out of the car and ran into the theater. “12:30 sharp!” he yelled after us and watched us running inside the theater. you walked beside mike and entered the dark room. the movie hadn’t started yet as you guys filled the seats in row f. “thank god we made it just in time!” mike said and sat down.
“yeah who knew steve would be the time of guy to drive at the rate of a grandma!” lucas laughed and earned a hit to the shoulder by max. “hey you guys should be grateful i got us a ride,” dustin said and looked from side to side. “yes yes thank you dustin,” you, max, will, and el said.
snacks were passed around and sound of rustling chips and candy was the only thing heard in the entire theater. there was a light on the screen and the movie began. “rachel martin,” you whispered to mike on your right. he laughed, “are we still doing this?” you nodded with your eyebrows raised, “of course! you still haven’t told me the answer!”
“shhhhhh—!” dustin whispered from the left to you. you elbow nudged dustin and turned back to mike for an answer. “so?” you asked. “no, no it’s not rachel martin,” mike answered but kept his eyes on the screen in front of you guys.
you sighed and leaned back, grabbing a handful of popcorn to dwell your sorrows with. “mike i’m starting to think this girl doesn’t exsist!” you whisper shouted and looked back at the screen. he turned to face you, rather your side-profile and whispered something so quiet you missed it as your eyes were glued on the title card that flashed on the screen, “oh she exists all right.”
he smiled at the answer, you.
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jomiddlemarch · 9 months
Tagged by @oldshrewsburyian during the week and now getting to this on a rainy weekend morning.
Favorite color: my general default is yellow, but I do love the deep green of a mallard's throat and the purple that veins the white violets that are native where I live.
Last song: my 12 yo has been playing a lot of Taylor Swift, but I can never quite pick out any of her songs, so I'll go with "Autumn Leaves," as it's topical and one of the songs the youth wind ensemble is rehearing (both daughters in that group-- this is a mom-Tumblr, what did you expect?)
Last movie: at home, rewatch of "Princess Diaries." In the theater, "Barbie."
Currently watching: midway through third season "Only Murders in the Building," third season "The Great," second season "Good Omens," need to start season 2 of "The Bear" so @tessa-quayle and I can conspire about fix-it fic evidently.
Other stuff I watched this year: This feels like a cognitive test! I'll do my best. The Frozen 2 documentary that I then ranted about at home and to @fericita-s who had already watched it like a decade ago. "Jury Duty" on Amazon, which was hilarious. "I Think You Should Leave" with my family, always when my 18 yo suggested it (you need to watch if only for "Driving Crooner!") Whatever the last season of "Call The Midwives" is and the most recent "All Things Great and Small" on PBS. "Cabin Chronicles" on HBO when I want 9 minutes of a life I will never lead before I turn off the TV. "The Summer I Turned Pretty" Season 2 with my daughters where we collectively ranted about Belly. "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" 1 and 2 for a comfort watch, though neither aged especially well.
Shows I dropped this year: "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel," though it's more that it feels like a heavy lift to get back into that headspace and patter when I've seen intimations here it won't end in a satisfying way.
Currently reading: Just finished How High We Go In The Dark and slumming now with Eva Leigh Scandal Takes The Stage. Downloaded a number of books to my Kindle today, including The Dutch House and The Chalk Artist. Bought Babel at our recent Barnes and Noble trip. Any there's always fanfic-- I'm messing around with some classic SSHG fic and have Visiting by @ladamedusoif on my list on AO3.
Tagging @tessa-quayle @orlissa @fericita-s @sagiow @tortoisesshells @artielu @nervousladytraveler @aquitainequeen @ladamedusoif @trulybetty @amarguerite @daisyyydaisyyydaisyyy @kivrin @incognito-princess and anyone else who feels like it!
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divine-donna · 1 year
the monster is us
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i was thinking about this and then i thought “wow. i think alicent would be such a perfect (insert character).” and boom! this post was born. i also personally just really, really love horror.
so here is this shitpost about hotd and their roles in horror movies!
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ser criston cole
your husband was a man of obsession, who would not stop chasing the high of exploitation within his writing. you were against true crime for a variety of reasons, but among them was that you and your children were dragged into it. whether it was moving around constantly or living in houses where murders were committed. you wanted out of the life, which is why you had gotten divorce papers. your husband’s obsession was driving you to the edge. you wanted to leave! you had a savior though: criston, a detective at the local police department. you were so relieved to make another friend but most importantly, have a confidant. a confidant that also found your situation concerning. criston wasn’t keen on your husband’s constant negging about helping him. you and your family eventually moved, right after criston had figured out the connection between the murders.
“(y/n)! you have to get out of the house right now! take your children and leave! i don’t know how to explain it but you can’t say. your husband might kill you!”
daemon targaryen
bride of chucky
you missed your ex. you missed him a lot. but he broke up with you. so to your surprise, a box appears at your door. and when you take it out, there is a doll. it must be a joke, especially since you’ve told your ex how much you hate dolls. this was from your ex, right? the tag says so at least. it’s strange, really. but nevertheless, you take it inside. late into the night, you woke up when you heard a noise in your kitchen. so you took a bat with you just in case someone had broken in. and much to your shock, the doll was alive. and when it spoke, it had the voice of daemon.
“(y/n)! darling! you’re awake! i was getting a bit hungry. but i’m having trouble reaching the shelves for some food. my body is not...exactly what it used to be. but you never really cared for it really.”
rhaenyra targaryen
men were...aborrent partners. of course you knew this from experience. your friend was an awful partner to their girlfriend, rhaenyra. you admired rhaenyra from afar, watching with frustration as your friend fumbled the bag. they wanted to break up with her, especially after the death of her father. she lost her mother and then her father. she had no one, especially since she had cut off ties with alicent. so you decided to extend the invitation to a trip back home to her. she was happy to go, but definitely felt off, as if she didn’t belong. you made sure to check up on her the whole time you guys traveled and watched as she grew incresingly distant from her partner and into your arms.
“it feels a lot different here, like a sense of home. it’s nice, (y/n). it’s very nice. do you think i can, um, get some water?”
alicent hightower
at the local theater in town, you worked as a projectionist. and every week, alicent would come visit to watch the motion pictures. it was the only time she could escape from her dull reality on the farm, escape from her familial duties. so you extended a rare invitation, telling her she can come knocking at your door if she wanted to see something new. one night, she did come. and you showed her a new picture from across the sea. she seemed...unsure. that was okay. not everyone was cut out for it. but what surprised you more was when she came to you the next night and kissed you. she stayed over that night and you decided to drive her back to the farm. it wasn’t until she took you to the barn did you notice that something was...off, about her. and so you told alicent that you had to go, which may have been a poor decision.
“you want to leave me? leave me? but you said you liked me. you like me (y/n)! you like me! tell me the truth! why are you leaving me? what did you see? why did you change? why are you leaving me if you like me!”
aegon targaryen
you loved your husband. you loved jace. you really did! he was a sweetheart, someone that cared about you. but every night, when you dreamed, you dreamed of sweet, sultry sex. and sweet sultry sex with his uncle. aegon had ignited a fire within you. and you were obsessed! you wanted to devour him, consume him. part of you wished that you hadn’t married jace and married aegon instead. but he was nothing more than fleeting man in your life. jace had decided to move you guys to his house. but he cut himself on accident, blood spilling all over the floor of the attic. so you drove him to the hospital first. and when you came home, entering the attic, you were mortified to find a person without their skin. the muscles were red, dripping with blood. the body was so unfamiliar. but that voice. it made shivers run down your back. and that kiss, as wet as it was, was electrifying.
“i sought out new pleasures, beyond this world (y/n). but it seems that...the angels took these new pleasures to the extreme. i need bodies, i need blood. you can help me get them, yes? once i have a body, we can...well, you already know.”
aemond targaryen
it was an accident when he was a kid. of course, caused by his nephew luke. they both were young. but he found no comfort in the way his father reprimanded him instead. and found comfort in inanimate objects. but particularly, jewels. aemond grew to love jewels, almost to a creepy extent. and he also took a liking to murder as he grew older. it’s been many, many years since that accident. and he was becoming notorious and sloppy. he had even let a victim slip. so he had no choice but to go on the run, change his appearance. and what better than pretend to be a missing person? aemond could care less about the weird changes his body is going through. he cared more about not getting caught. what he wasn’t expecting when he arrived at the home of this supposed missing boy was you. and you called him something else. alon, he was pretty sure. and he quickly figured out from pictures in the bedroom that you were this missing boy’s significant other. he had plans to “break up” with you but something about you made his heart feel warm. and maybe it was worth staying around despite the fact that his fingernails broke his teeth and beneath the skin of his arm was the glittery veneer of sapphire.
“you...i...i am changing. i have changed. but it feels...better with you. everything is better with you. it makes me feel...makes everything feel normal, consistent. and i like that. i like you.”
helaena targaryen
she just didn’t want to be bullied. it was that simple. helaena had been bullied all her life whether it was by her own brother or her fellow peers at school. her grandfather was the worst though. her mother had passed away years ago, leaving her under the roof of her zealous grandfather. which explains why she knew nothing about puberty or her period when she got it. and worse of all, it had happened while in the locker rooms. and all the girls laughed, throwing things at her. among them was a girl who felt guilty. so she goes to you, her best friend and one of the most popular students at the school, and asks you to do her a favor: ask helaena to prom. take her. it won’t be so bad. you were hesitant to but when you talked to the girl, you found her intelligent and funny. you were looking forward to prom. and when you rolled up to her house, she looked so pretty in that gold dress and with her hair done up. little did you know that prom night would be your last night.
“i didn’t have a dress. so i made it myself. does it...does it look nice?....thank you. the corsage you got me is very pretty. it matches with my dress well.”
jacaerys velaryon
jennifer’s body
a lot of people found jace to be very clingy, someone who would always stay by your side. of course, you were seen as the most attractive person in school despite the fact that you could be a little shallow. everyone wanted a piece of you. even jace, despite the fact that he actively denied having a crush on you. it just wasn’t feasible. you guys were friends and nothing more. you did manage to convince him to go out with you one night. of course, a fire erupts at the bar and you disappear for the rest of the night. what jace didn’t expect was for you to show up in his kitchen. bloody and eating raw meat and then vomitting black liquid all over his floor. and then you were fine the next day. actually, you were even more radiant than ever. jace was concerned. it was supernatural almost how different you seemed. and this new you, different you, captured his attention. and perhaps even deepened his already preexisting feelings for you.
“what are we doing? you...you just kissed me! you’re different (y/n)! and i saw you. i fucking saw you! you landed on top of my car and you were covered in blood and...and! ah! you are not the (y/n) i fell in love with. you’re an impostor.”
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blissfullyapillow · 9 months
Can i have a male honkai star rail matchup please?
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Zodiac: Capricorn
Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body (although I’m more top heavy if you know what i mean) black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks wears glasses sometimes (im far sighted so it’s usually when driving in class or at the theater)
Mbti: infj
Enneagram: 2w1
Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence (more pertaining to my talents or personality then my looks) sassy sarcastic (I’m mainly these things with people i feel comfortable with like friends or family) soft spoken cute (my friends think im cute because i can be pretty innocent plus I’m small physically)
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping being a part of something bigger than myself
Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people who don’t take others into consideration (like make insensitive jokes or don’t consider the comfort of others or are mean just cause they can) people i care about not caring for themselves (im a hypocrite on this i take care of everyone else but not me) not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests (I’m being tested for a math disability and i have test anxiety)
Love language:
Giving: acts of service gift giving and physical affection (if they’re ok with it)
Receiving: words of affirmation and physical affection (although i can be shy about it)
Extra: i pace a lot i sing when im alone i talk to myself im a picky eater (mainly with textures) i have a cat i have minor ehlers danalos (a hyper mobility disorder) but it doesn’t hurt me like it does my sisters i get abdominal migraines which is basically like a migraine but instead of headaches it’s nausea
Thank you
Notes: Hey astralmysteria, thanks for requesting a matchup from me <3 Hope you like it! This one came immediately to me haha
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
I match you with: Gepard
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Gepard loves your empathetic motherly nature, as he can be a bit like that with his loved one’s as well. He adores you the way you are, although he’ll initiate some things with you in an attempt to alleviate your anxieties and low self esteem.
He truly believes you’re amazing the way you are, and he’ll make sure in time you’ll know it too. 
He was a bit taken aback when you initially started being a bit sassy and sarcastic with him, but he finds it fun. Sometime’s hell say something a bit out of character, totally sarcastic while on duty, and he’ll quickly cover his mouth as a blatant blush covers his cheeks.
He definitely picks up some of your cheekiness and sarcasm, and it only gets worse with time. 
“Oh, you like animals? Well my siblings and I are all named after-” You promptly cover his mouth before he can even finish that thought.
Unfortunately there are times Gepard may neglect his health a bit as he dives head first in his duties with the Silvermane Guards.On the flip side, a well meaning scolding from you and a much needed self care day is enough to get his health back to where it needs to be. 
He adores the gifts you get him, make, whatever! He’s just happy to know you put thought and consideration into whatever you present to him, and he’ll proudly brag, wear, and show off every present you give him. 
When he’s feeling a bit playful, he may or may not take your glasses and attempt to try them on. If they won’t fit on his face, he’ll simply hold them up out of your reach just so he can see your cute, annoyed expression. He immediately gives them back though because he’d hate to make you actually upset. 
He’s an absolute king at words of affirmation, and he’s more than happy to indulge you with physical affection. If anything, you’d be the one trying to pry him off of you. 
One time he walked in on you talking to yourself, and you didn’t notice him so he quickly hid around the corner to listen in on what you were saying. When he repeated your exact words back to you over dinner, he had to pat your back as you coughed on the drink you were having.
You got him back for that and he definitely didn’t enjoy it.
Whenever you get an abdominal migraine Gepard is there and ready. He’ll learn the best ways to help you out when they occur, and he’ll go above and beyond to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible during these moments.
Overall, Gepard is a very loving and doting boyfriend with you and he’ll happily fight and defend your honor to his last breath (after you successfully drag him away from his job of course <33)
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝
Gepard’s head rests on your chest as he takes deep, content breaths. His eyes are closed, and your hands gently card through his soft blonde locks.
“I told you, you need to take care of your health more. I know your job is important to you, but-” “You’re just as important to me as my job, you know. Actually, you’re more important. I just.. I take my duties very seriously.. And..” Gepard slowly trails off. 
You look down to see a pink hue on his cheeks, and your gaze softens at the sight of him.
“I know. I understand. But still, be more careful, okay? I care about you too much if something bad were to happen that could have easily been prevented.” Your words are kind and doting, and exactly what Gepard needed to hear.
The grin on his face widens and his body shakes with laughter. You complain when his movements start to shake you, but it only makes him laugh harder.
You wind up joining in on his carefree laughter, and the atmosphere feels light and airy. Almost like the high of two friends enjoying each other’s company at 4am on a Sunday night.
As Gepard calms down, your hands move from his hair to his back. Your hand smoothes over his back, and a content sigh escapes his lips.
Sounds of pleasure leave him, and if you didn’t know any better you’d believe he was purring like a cat; kind of like how a cat purrs when they receive head pats from their favorite person.
Honestly, your current situation is very comparable. 
You press a soft kiss to the crown of Gepard’s head. As a result, he nuzzles his head against your chest.
You love this man; with all of your heart.
Dedicated to,
astralmysteria ⟡
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fayeandknight · 1 year
Forte's first camping-ish trip.
Went to a drive-in movie theater that also has camp grounds for my friend's birthday.
Faye went to Maryland with my parents because I wasn't sure how he'd do in general and I wasn't confident they'd be able to sleep calmly in a tent together. Also it was going to rain at least part of the time and Faye has developed a fear of storms so potentially making her ride one out in a tent felt unfair.
Since it is pet dog friendly I decided to bring Forte off duty so I could assess how he would handle things on his own terms. And also because the risk of my being triggered in this situation were low.
While it did indeed rain throughout pretty much the whole of the first movie Forte was really well behaved. He didn't mind the rain or seemed bothered by it all. He didn't react to the numerous dogs that barked at him, even the beagle who bayed at him several times. He completely ignored the popcorn and other spilled snacks, even when someone knocked their bucket over right next to him. And he was thrilled to love on the people in our group as well as politely but happily greet strangers when given permission.
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Unfortunately he really struggled to relax in the tent. He pretty much stayed snuggled up next to me. But he grumbled at every little noise all night long so neither of us slept much. It's completely understandable for him to be on alert his first time in a tent in a field that backs up to the woods. But also I had hoped he'd be tired enough from the new experience of the drive in that he'd have fallen asleep during the night.
Around 5am I was getting over stimulated from his constant grumbling and being tired and uncomfortable because I forgot the padding for under the sleeping bag. To the point where I was seriously considering putting him in the car crate and leaving the trunk open just so I could catch an uninterrupted hour or two.
And then he switched himself into work mode, got up and resettled on top of me, let out a big sigh, and stayed quiet. I slept until almost 8, which was much needed.
This morning I let him zoom around a little, with a leash on, while we packed up. He does know what Too Far means and used it to figure what the perimeter was and was really good about sticking to it.
Overall I think he did well for his first time. But we definitely need to work on one night tent trips to get him more comfortable before trying to add days or Faye into the mix.
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mostrandomgallery · 9 months
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Character designs for two new OCs featured in my original project As Seen on TV!" Say Hello to Gretchen Siegfried and Fateema Fattoush!
According to the series canon, the Kwon family is one of the most important families in the cast, and also one of the wealthiest in Suburbia...though not as wealthy as other families. The Kwons live in a Tuscan-style villa with a grand foyer, island kitchen, and a large patio with a gazebo. Such a lavish home cannot be maintained by the Kwons alone— that's where their housemaids come in. Enter Gretchen Siegfried and Fateema Fattoush; two top-ranking housemaids from the Housekeeping Authority of Suburbia.
Gretchen and Fateema have a long history, going back to middle school. The two first met at St. Fontina Junior High Girls' Institute, a school that was known for turning girls into proper young maidens with activities such as tea time, flower arranging, music, dance, theater, and general education (side note: Tae-Yeon and Soleil attend this school in their junior high years). Some popular girls picked on Gretchen for wanting to study medicine instead of becoming a fashion model. That's when the courageous and justice-bringing Fateema stepped in, standing up for Gretchen. The two became friends and would study together frequently; they also made each other friendship bracelets that they still wear today. Eventually, they went on to attend Suburbia Academy, where Fateema played on the girls' basketball team, and Gretchen was a cheerleader showing off her school spirit. After high school, the two went back to their home countries temporarily. Gretchen studied medicine in Zürich and became an accomplished harpist, while Fateema did military service in Cairo.
The two returned to America without the other knowing, and applied for the Housekeeping Authority of Suburbia. The two friends were thus reunited when they were hired by a Korean family—the Kwon family—to maintain the upkeep of their home. Myung-Jun Kwon (father) and Chae-Won Song (mother) trusted Gretchen and Fateema not just with their lives, but also those of their two children, Tae-Hyun (son) and Tae-Yeon (daughter). The maids proved to be loving caretakers, and seemed to spoil the children a lot; especially Tae-Yeon. It was these two maids that gave Tae-Yeon her pet Flemish Giant, Hana. The maids also have pets of their own: Gretchen owns a St. Bernard named Edelweiss, and Fateema owns a cat named Bastet (who originally belonged to her mother, Shahira).
Gretchen and Fateema are very opposite to one another, but they get along very well. Gretchen is sweet, nurturing, a little shy, and loves fine chocolates and baking. She is also the one who does the most domestic duties, such as cooking, cleaning, and laundry. Fateema, on the other hand, has a very "too cool for you" jock-kind of personality, is a fitness nut, loves basketball, and has a strong sense of justice. She is the head of the Kwon home security, and works setting up security systems to protect the household from danger. While Tae-Hyun can drive himself to school in his own car, Tae-Yeon cannot, so Gretchen and Fateema drive the girl in her own personal automobile—a pink limousine nicknamed the "Tokkimobile". On their free time, the maids like to watch a show about Cyber Ninjas, and not just because of the action; the cyber ninja brothers are really handsome, and both the maids are head-over-heels for them.
Originally, Tae-Yeon and her family were going to have one maid: Gretchen. However, I watched the anime Tonikawa: Over the Moon For You, and was drawn to the dynamic of Chitose's housemaids, Charlotte and Aurora. Therefore, Fateema came into the picture, and I wrote her and Gretchen to be the "Aurora" and "Charlotte" to Tae-Yeon's "Chitose" (unlike Chitose, Tae-Yeon would not go to great lengths to rip apart a marriage and act like a spoiled brat).
Also on deviantART
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gamerdog1 · 2 years
Pearl Review
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As the weather grows colder, many people, including myself, are drawn to films that frighten and disturb us. With Halloween not too far away, the drive to watch horror films is in the air, leading brave people to flock to theaters in hopes of seeing something truly terrifying. So far, a number of strong, competent horror films have been released this year, including Jordan Peele’s Nope and Scott Derrikson’s The Black Phone, yet in their midst lies another film that deserves similar recognition. That film would be Pearl, a slow-burn slasher that does everything in its power to simultaneously unnerve audiences and get them to deeply sympathize with its titular character. This balancing act at times seems to veer off into one direction or the other, yet as a whole, seems to focus more on the descent of its main character into hysteria than the horror itself that the film advertises itself with. 
The film follows our titular character, a young woman who is cooped up on her family’s farm while she desperately dreams of film stardom. Her desires are actively restrained by her strict German immigrant mother (Tandi Wright), who states she wants nothing but the best for her daughter, while actively punishing her for anything resembling disobedience. Pearl’s duties on her family farm, as well as taking care of her immobile father, form a steel cage that she so desperately wishes to break free from, and seeks any opportunity to try to do so throughout the film. However, once Pearl starts to finally get what she wants, she goes on a power trip, seeking control over everything in her life, and mowing down anything that stands in her way. 
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Pearl, while advertising itself first and foremost as a horror film, takes quite a while to show its true colors. The build-up to Pearl’s psychotic break is slow, giving audiences enough time to prepare for its occurrence, yet leading to many moments which almost seem inconsequential. Much of the first third of the film is Pearl’s normal life on the farm, running errands and spending time with the farm animals she loves. There are moments in this part where Pearl’s true nature shines through, they are short, and far between. For a while, it almost seems as if Pearl is just another country girl with big dreams, a Disney Princess one song and dance number away from an adventure with a talking animal friend. At times, it plods along, not quite sure it is a horror film, as it says it is, or a period drama with the occasional strange plot thread. 
However, what doubts the audience has in the first act are soon broken by an excellent second and third act, as Pearl begins to take back control of her life. Slasher fans will be delighted at how she takes out each person in her life in unique, shocking ways. Each kill liberates Pearl from her unfortunate circumstances more and more, yet with each she grows more and more dissatisfied with what she has. The work is never done for her, it seems. Pearl’s spiral demands attention, a tragic plummet from grace complete with big, meaty splat at the end. Her transformation from a simple country girl with big dreams into a deranged ax-wielding killer has a slow start, but once the ball begins to roll, it doesn’t stop until the very end, where there’s no turning back.
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 Mia Goth’s performance gives an excellent depth to the character, showing both sides of Pearl in their full glory. Her portrayal of Pearl is one that is sure to disturb audiences, yet is hard to look away from, like a train crash in slow motion. From the beginning, she plays someone audiences might naturally want to root for, but become more terrified of as the film progresses. This is no small task; many horror films fall into the pit of making their villain characters transition into villainy too quickly, leading to tonal whiplash. Here, though, Goth makes it clear that violence was always there, just bubbling under the surface, waiting to rear its ugly head. Every time she rolls over when her mother criticizes her, there’s a palpable feeling that underneath all that self-pity and fear, something with sharp teeth is waiting to explode.There’s a great restraint in Goth’s performance, one that keeps Pearl from retreading the well worn path of other female slashers. Even at her lowest, she never becomes a wild-eyed, master plan making killer, monologuing about how her victims ‘deserved it’. She holds back, keeping up the facade of a poor farmer woman who is just a victim of circumstance, right until she springs the trap. In this, Goth’s performance is mesmerizing. 
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Beyond its killer content, Pearl is a feast for the eyes for those whose heart soars at the mention of a simpler time. Set in 1918 rural America, the film is jam-packed with a hearty helping of old-timey scenery and language, sure to hit anyone who is fond of this era in history with a strong wave of nostalgia. From the beginning, the film makes its nod to films like The Wizard of Oz known, with its sweeping orchestral overture and big, bold title card. The film frames itself around the era it is set in, making it feel almost like it was taken straight out of time, without the color limitations of that era. Much of the setting of the film is also sure to prompt a feeling of a by-gone era, with long shots of farmlands, theaters showing silent films, and apothecaries selling syrup-y medicine. Yet, at the same time, the looming threat of the Spanish Flu among the towns-folks feels modern, despite its historical accuracy. Many times in the film, characters are seen wearing face masks in public, in theaters, or in the crowd of Pearl’s fantasies. In this regard, the film almost folds time, making past and present one in the same, if only for the film’s hour and 43 minute runtime. 
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Though the statement is cliche, this film is certainly not for the faint of heart. A quick look at the film’s possibly troubling themes or content is recommended for anyone who wishes to experience it for themselves, as there are quite a few things in this film that might deeply upset viewers. Those who are sensitive to sexual imagery or violence against animals might do well to pass on this one. Pearl is a film that seeks to disturb audiences deeply, and has a variety of methods to do so that it revels in. Though it drags in its first act, the film delivers lots of drama and violence throughout its runtime, leading to an experience that will leave audiences lying awake at night contemplating what they’ve just seen.  
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icharchivist · 1 year
I feel like Sariel has low intelligence, yes (through no fault of his own, since the Astrals put a limiter on him that ended up not working right), so he can seem a bit slow, but he has great emotional intelligence. Which is ironic, since that is exactly what the Astrals wanted to remove from him. He's very empathetic and even though he can't always put what he's thinking into words, he feels so much. I am biased, but I choose to believe that he was the only one who saw behind Belial's facade
Yes, i rather agree.
Sariel was just... never in a situation where he could seek knowledge, nor have the emotional stability to put himself in this position. The Astrals put a limiter on him, which added to it, but i doubt he'd find time for reading a book after having been torn to shred on a battlefield again and waiting to recover knowing it will happen again the next day.
Sariel coped with the horrors by wanting to push away from his mind anything that weren't the horrors so he could dedicate himself to his purpose, and anything that made him think outside of that was driving him to despair realizing he was stuck. So IMO, this is typically the type of situation you can't even bring yourself to look outside of the box, because then it's just a reminder of how cruel the box is to start with.
And i mean, now he's in a better environment, NOW, for what. A year? a year on his thousands years of existence? and now he's starting to think a little more.
i didn't bring it up last ask bc i didn't know where to put it but, while he's bad at acting (because he is bad at acknowledging his own feelings, with, re what i was just talking about), he still managed to infiltrate the Mole Troupe, in no small part because he was thinking carefully on how to do that.
I think he doesn't have the words to express anything he knows: intellectual or emotional knowledge alike. He was never given the opportunity to. But out of his reasonings, or his behaviors, or the way he's starting to connect with others, it shows that he understands quite a few things, and perhaps more attunely than many, but just doesn't have the tools to express it.
Which is why, personally, as someone who's brain has been totally rewired by character arc linked to theater, i'm thrilled on the fact Falsch and the rest of the troupe managed to give him pointers not only for acting, but to understand himself. I think it would work well for Sariel to kind of rationalize this part of his thoughtprocess and basically, getting a way to solidify those thoughts in general so he can address them, or, at least, have a better attuned reading of himself.
And when it comes to Belial, i totally agree. I believe originally it is that Sariel cracked this facade to start with, because he kept taking Belial by surprise. And for what it is, Belial has always mostly been manipulating others by using their vices, their sins, the stuff they could feel guilty about. And those are all things he can't find in Sariel, and when they met Sariel was so depressed, that i think it genuinely took Belial aback and forced him to drop the mask. Not to mention how Belial also manipulates people in order to keep up a scheme or appearance, and Sariel doesn't care about either of it. and i think again, Belial would be in a situation where he can't approach Sariel with his usual way to set distances with others, because none of this works on Sariel. So he's forced to do the worst thing of all with him: actually be a bit earnest. And Sariel caught on to that, and Sariel looked further into that.
I honestly think Sariel knows Belial more than any of the others angels (except perhaps Lucifer but even there...) because he knows this side of him Belial has been unable to show off with the world. Because he had his own duties to carry as well.
I've said it before, i'll say it again, i genuinely think Sariel is perhaps the only possible path to redemption Belial could get. Sariel could also just decide to mostly be at Belial's side (but now that Sariel is starting to get himself a support system and Belial is no longer the only person who was nice to him, i doubt he would this easily as he would have at the end of 000) but if there's one characters who can get Belial to drop the facade a little and try to be better, it's him.
And Sariel is at least... aware that something is afoot? He can perhaps not word it completely but he keeps thinking something is up with how Belial saved his life while pretending to be an asshole about it. He wants to understand, but it also means he figured out that Belial had some plan while doing that, and i think a part of him understand it means Belial cares and he needs to know for himself.
And if anything, i think the fact Sariel as we know him now is constantly seeking for knowledge, to know how to do stuff, that he became a detective which means he's working on his deduction skills, when he's working on acting he's working on his relationship with people, on understanding them, on how to communicate with them emotionally and just in general, he's learning more about emotions, how to process them, how to see them in others, how to see it in characters, all of that.... is that Sariel is now in a position in which he can reclaim all of those things that would have been meaningless in his previous life, but now allow him to be his own individual.
I think it's really that Sariel never had the tools for it when he was in a toxic environment, and never was in a mental place where he could justify wanting to seek them out. Now that he is in a positive environment, he's free to do whatever he wants and he's seeking this type of things, and despite it all, he is learning fast. It's not like a switch was flipped, he still has a very long road to go considering just how far his development was stunned by his circumstances, but the fact he has the ability to pick up this many new things now and work on it shows he always had at least the base work for it in place.
All he needed was a more positive environment that wasn't trying to kill him every single day.
so yeah, just. many thoughts. Sariel is smarter than we give him credit for, if only emotionally speaking. That's my take on it.
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horrocious · 1 year
MAn i just LOVE how you portray Reinhardt in your fics it drives me FUCKING INSANE
Its like, you show her flaws, her humanity, and its just so fucking raw its jus ARFFGGGHHHH
i think, unintentionally we more or less make rein a symbol bc thats what shes made herself in the story and to the characters, illumina's light, but jus showing her moments of weakness and emotion just gets me every fucking time. it reminds us shes human despite seeming p much omnipotent and it just punches me in the guts
i hjope i make sense bc im going insane and half akseep
oh man thank you so much this kind of comment brings me to life. allow me to postpone folding the laundry to ramble on incoherently about her. apologies if I get some facts wrong. unlike Victoria, I do forget things. anyway. (one more thing, sorry, there's spoilers under the cut for those of you who haven't progressed into the late chapters. OK I'll stop editing now)
she's complex and the way we relate to her is complex, given that she exists as both propaganda item and actual military commander (side note: I feel like it's worth mentioning that she gets represented to us as the be all end all of Illumina but revealed in the plot later to be beholden to other forces in the government, which makes me wonder how many people in Illumina even know who really runs their country.) and while it's kind of tempting to see this as the writers providing a "moral escape route" (i.e. well the bad things in Illumina aren't Reinhardt's fault, it's Eisen/The Committee/The Science Council!) for her I think it's more complicated.
she definitely has authority both in the military hierarchy and just by virtue of everyone's clear respect for both her as a person and what she represents. the upshot is that she's aware of e.g. the black umbrella laboratory and whatever Denier was up to* because, well, survival means making Hard Choices. wasn't her experience with Helios and Denier proof of that, after all? surviving the path to power at any cost meant exactly that. I think her objection to the human experiments in front of the Science Council is pretty telling! she knows it's wrong when she has to confront it! but because she herself was a "beneficiary" they more or less brush her off. this kind of thing is nothing new, but she's had time to see where that line of thinking really gets you. and it's not great.
that's a big deal, because her beliefs about Duty and Responsibility and Sacrifice led her here. and I think the psychological consequences of "I have given up everything, buried my friends, and committed myself to be the standard bearer for Atrocities, Inc.™️" are untenable. so she both has to be the ever-hopeful soldier leading to a triumphant future while knowing that the cause itself is extremely fraught. that manifests in her keeping up a facade both for everyone else and for herself. she needs her legend to be true. that's my read, anyway.
one more thing. you know who I think about in relation to her? the Varaki siblings. Charon has an important but not super high ranking job and thus can be as weird as he wants. he's the silly Gothic death rock train cappuccino theater man. I bet Reinhardt is insane with envy. she would love to be silly risotto exercise lady. but that's what she gave up for this. because survival means hard choices. my thoughts on how Reinhardt and Victoria serve as foils to each other will have to wait until another time because these underpants ain't gonna fold themselves. thanks for reading, and splendor Illumina.
*it isn't explicitly stated, no, but let's think. depending on how literally you take Forsakin when she calls Reinhardt "sister," they're either related or were extremely close. I'm not sure I buy that they would be that close without Reinhardt being aware of what Denier did for a day job. as an aside, I think she's speaking figuratively. one of the things that makes AS both interesting and infuriating is that kind of unexpanded detail.
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