#off take but naruto could have done So much better in So Many Ways
mysweetgirl2-love · 2 years
Sunk in Familiarity - Kakashi Hatake x Reader
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Jesus christ, this went waaaay over my personal word limit.
Though! I like it enough... it's a little rushed in the end? But I think the story ends on a good note, and unless I was wanting to make a part 2 I would've done the pacing more justice.
Either way, here's some fun antics with Team 7 surrounding their lovable Sensei ^^! Hope you enjoy :))
Prompt #7: Costume
Word Count: 5.5k
Free days were far and few between once you’d become a sensei for the Academy. Even with you having not being tasked with an individual team of genin for the foreseeable futures, a career some of your colleagues recently undertook at the request of Lord Third, your schedule wasn’t entirely open either. You didn’t mind, though; your peers still stuck to being home, or at least close to it, with only going out into the fire nation to complete D-rank missions.
Regardless of that, your job was just as important as the individual sensei’s who harbored the teams to face the rest of the shinobi world. Preparing the kids in the classroom for the field was a vital first step, one that you were responsible in helping them take.
It more so just meant you had to deal with the kids all at once instead of three at a time, work out their childish qualms with one another before sending them off to participate in missions and the rest of the shinobi-world.
Your recently graduated class had all successfully found their sensei’s with peers from your past, and all were turning into fine ninja as far as you were concerned. Antics would still rise up among the trios, today being no different in schemes from some of those familiar students among the Hidden Leaf.
“Sensei!” You were interrupted mid-stroll along the village fence by a hoarse shout from behind, the voice’s person not hard to discern.
You turned on your heel, the gleam of the kid’s recently acquired headband blinding you momentarily before you could focus on the blonde’s ferocious grin, “Hello, Naruto—“
your voice felt short with surprise in finding he wasn’t alone, you then readjusting to see his other two teammates standing over his shoulders, “Sasuke, Sakura... is everything alright, you three?”
“We need your help, M’am!” Sakura, your forever fiesty fighter spoke up, “We’ve been put on a secret mission.”
“A secret mission, you say?” This can only mean so many things, and it wasn’t against your interest to find more out, “Without Kakashi-sensei? Sounds dangerous.”
“Nevermind him.” Sasuke scoffed before taking a step forward now, pushing Naruto aside much to the other’s audible dismay, “He can’t be involved in this.”
“Oh?” You tilt your head on its side, curiously looking over each former student, “Why’s that?”
Naruto eyes you cautiously, his head snapping to the right and then to the left, him leaning to look around the back of you before again turning over his shoulder. Once all directions had been throughly checked in his better judgement, you assumed, he finally centered himself back in focusing on you. He waved his hand back in his direction, beckoning you to lean forward in which you comply to nearing the group of genin.
He cups his hand up towards your face, against the front of your ear, “It’s about Kakashi-sensei. We’re gonna finally see the face behind the mask!” 
“You’re serious?” You ask quietly, a little taken aback by their goal.
Out of any scenario these three could make a mission out of, it’s not that you didn’t expect them to end up with this one. You just weren't expecting it, and your eyes grew wide in surprise as you pulled back to stare at the three—their own expressions letting you know they were all convinced with their self-proclaimed mission.
Your face slightly fell with the edge this knowledge gave you, “Oh, you’re all serious.”
They all replied, sounding off one-by-one as if there was an order to their speech. A nervous chuckle resounded in your chest at that, your hands placing themselves on your hips.
“Well, it sounds like you’ll have some tough work ahead of you…” You hesitantly began, Naruto leaping up to cut you off with more information.
“We actually already have help from others!” He claimed once airborne, the kid then landing and taking your hand in his smaller, calloused one, and tugging you back slightly, “He was the one who told us to come find you!”
No longer innocently playing along, the fact that another ninja from the leaf had specifically told Team 7 to find you made you beyond suspicious. All would be quelled, though, when the man Naruto was regarding stepped out from behind the tree a few feet away.
Eyes narrowing in caution, you raised a brow in the person’s direction when you weren't sure who was approaching. The name was definitely lost on you, and the face was not going immediately connect with one you could remember. He was a stranger, as far as you were concerned.
He wasn’t outwardly unordinary, wearing what looked to be a green trench coat and a tan scarf wrapped around his neck and over his shoulders, a camera dangling against the front of his chest as well. He had shaggy brown hair which swept in his eyes and almost hid how grey they were now that you had progressively gotten closer to the apparent-photographer. The oddest thing about him was definitely the purple face paint that covered the lids of his eyes and fell in two elongated blocks over his cheeks, almost down towards his jaw. An imperfect mole punctually dotted right beneath the curve of his smile, making him into… what you would describe as a unique individual.
“Hello!” The ninja chimed, and it was like a ghost of someone you once knew was suddenly standing in front of you—and just as quickly, the feeling was gone. The voice before you belonged to a stranger all over again.
“Hi.” You shortly responded, the kids beside you visibly tensing at the hard tone you held, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around the village.”
You surely hadn’t, everything happening in front of you just felt off. Like the situation itself was somehow amiss… you just couldn’t point out a valid enough reason as to why. Superstitious as ever, you were sure Kakashi would also feel similarly if he knew what was going on.
Even with your less-than-friendly greeting, the man managed to widen his smile into a grin, “No, you wouldn’t have!”
“His name’s Sukea!” Naruto spoke back up from your side, grabbing your attention to dilute it from the scarfed man, “He’s wanting a scoop.”
“… A scoop?” You repeat, raising an unimpressed brow in the adult’s direction—him finally letting out a nervous laugh.
“I—I’m a photographer, you see!” Sukea brought his camera up from his chest, motioning it towards you, “Trying to get the latest and greatest documented from the five great nations. Simple as that.”
“Simple?” you huff an irritated grunt, turning on your heel to begin walking away, “I thought you three were better than talking to crazy strangers.”
“No, please sensei!” Naruto yanks at your arm, the force causing you to stumble back into a halt, “We need his help!”
You scoff in wanting to object to the spiky-haired boy’s whines—but you also saw how Sasuke and Sakura looked up at you with a similar yearning. Saying no to three was much more difficult than just one, and you slumped at the thought.
“So, why need me if you have him anyway?” you cautiously ask.
The kids all gave each other hopeful looks before again regarding you, a new note of excitement within their manner. One you found to be maybe a little too visible, and you swore you heard the self proclaimed photographer snicker. 
“Sensei…” Sakura started, in responding to your question, “You really don’t know?”
You shook your head, confused enough as it was. Not fully grasping a solid plan as to how your talents would even begin to help discover what stay hidden beneath Kakashi’s mask. There must’ve been something you were missing, the three genin smirking now in your direction before looking back to Sukea. He had stepped even closer now, a similar smirk like the kid’s mirrored on his features.
Evermore growing in your confusion, the look on Sukea’s face further added frustration to your list of feelings. And now, him being a complete stranger wasn’t the issue—he clearly knew too much for your liking that really became your annoyance with him. Like he was in on the biggest secret this whole mission could have, and was only stringing you and Team 7 along for his entertainment.
“Am I supposed to?” You countered—not towards Sakura. Your eyes were glued to Sukea, challenging him to laugh if he would.
“Sukea pointed it out to us yesterday.” Sasuke interrupted this time, his arms stiffly crossing over his chest, “The way Kakashi-sensei acts around you.”
“He what?!” You shouted back, jaw slack and definitely shattered at your feet below you, “You guys were spying on us?!”
“No, no, not them.” Sukea took a step forward, the nervous smile pulled back over his features, “Just me.”
“You.” The edge in your tone was clear, no longer afraid in offending now knowing you were facing your stalker, “Why the hell were you spying on us?”
“Please, it’s not…” he stumbled, as if looking for the right words to say, “I wasn’t doing it to be a creep.”
“Well, you failed on that end. Clearly.” 
The photographer fretfully voiced your name, like it were a forbidden word; and for him, you’d damn well consider it one. The airy voice he had when saying it made your skin crawl, you were throughly freaked. Even with the harsh glare you had been giving him ever since being introduced, he still spoke up your name. “Let’s clarify—It wasn’t spying. Do you even remember what you and Kakashi were doing yesterday?”
Of course you knew what the two of you had done yesterday. You had been looking forward to spending time with him all week, it’d been awhile since the both of you got to spend any time together and were wanting to stop by your favorite book spot. It was just that, a nice outing followed up with some ramen for dinner. So when…
“Obviously you were hiding yourself from us yesterday.” You grumbled, now following Sasuke’s attitude in crossing your arms over yourself, “I think that fact makes it ‘stalking’.”
“Agh! Nevermind if you think it’s stalking or not!” Naruto sounded up again, the fiery kid clearly fed up with whatever conversation could be left. “Sukea says Kakashi-sensei obviously has a soft spot for you, and if we lure him out with your presence we’ll definitely be able to catch him off guard!”
Your brow furrowed now in Naruto’s direction, and the overwhelming feeling of defeat with giving in to your favorite trio’s wishes was on your horizon. 
“Yeah, well how can he know that just by spying on two people for an afternoon? Hm?” You wave off the blonde boy, turning to face the three once again. “Besides, guys, I don’t think this is really a good idea. What’s so important about seeing under Kakashi’s mask? I’ve known him for years, at this rate, and still don’t know what he looks like. Does it really matter that much?”
Naruto and Sakura’s eyes blew wide whilst Sasuke merely huffed emphatically through his nose, the first two then erupting into complaints.
“Of course it matters!”
“Sensei, this could very well be the most vital information upcoming ninja like us could be getting our hands on!”
“Don’t you think since Kakashi’s our sensei now that we should see what he looks like! What if…” Naruto froze as his mind played catch up with his thoughts, and something clearly struck him, “What if we’re asked to identify a body! How would we know if it was him or not?!”
“His hair—“
You flinched at the screeching children, your shoulders slouching when they finally waited for your response, even Sasuke showing little signs of anticipation for what you were going to say. It was hard to make the decision—as much as you loved helping them out, this seemed like a bad idea. And, you were looking out for your friendship with Kakashi, if he found out and got upset? Who knows what would happen between the two of you…
“You know…” You jumped at the incoming voice of Sukea again, warily then turning to glance his way, “Regardless of what happens, I think Kakashi would be proud of them for displaying teamwork with others if you were to help them.”
The suggestion didn’t really help in your decision making, but when you looked back down at Team 7 to still find their unwavering hope in gaining your support in their super, secret mission… there was really no way you could bring yourself to say no.
“…Alright,” The kids gasped in excited surprise as you finally gave in, “I’ll help… but nothing too crazy! I’m backing out if things get out of hand, and—“ You reach over the kids heads, not hesitating to snag the strange photographer by his collar; much to his surprise. “I’ll be bringing him to the Hokage, personally. Capeesh?” 
Team 7 was reminded of their earlier days in classes where you’d switch out with Iruka to give the poor man a break, remembering how you’d whip the class back into shape in his absence and you weren’t worried about shaking the shinobi up a little along the way. With the fresh memory in mind, the three heads carefully nodded in response, Sukea still awkwardly leaning over them—resisting against your firm grip.
You regarded the kids once more to make sure they understood the severity of which you meant this, pushing back against Sukea to put him back behind his ‘protectors’. “Good. Let’s just hurry up and get this over with…”
Turning on your heel, you started to head back into town, mentally beginning to make a list as to where the grey-haired shinobi might have already ended up this afternoon. The kids, giggling and whispering a couple times to themselves, faintly cheered encouragingly to one another before than running to catch up with you. Sukea, thankfully, staying to walk behind.
With no telling to how this could turn out, you tried putting your best foot forward in leading you to help the kids succeed, a new hope now on your mind as well. Maybe helping them wouldn’t end in disaster, maybe you would finally see the face of the one shinobi you had always thought to be such a desirable mystery in your life. The person you never went further than asking to hang out with, the one you’d indulge in your deepest secrets with a feel safe knowing he was merely listening to you. He meant so much to you in everything you experienced alongside him, it was hard to believe you were trying to invade such a private fact about him on a random afternoon like this.
Maybe it would end up being fine, maybe he wouldn’t be upset and possibly find it funny that even adults were in on this little task. Whatever the case would be, you were now filled with a newfound eagerness to get to the bottom of this. Alongside Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura… and the odd acquaintance Sukea, what could really go wrong?
So many things, it turns out. So many things could end up going wrong.
The plan you and your newly-founded team had come up with seemed solid. You, seemingly innocent and harmless, would wait at the corner of town with the other four off and out of sight. In their absence, you would sit in wait for Kakashi to eventually head down the road to where he thought he was meeting Sasuke for a training lesson; instead was supposed to find you in a surprise attack of hugging him around his neck and holding him in place with Shikamaru’s shadow possession. Yes, Naruto had even gone that far to get the back up of Shikamaru, along with a handful of his other friends, if you weren’t able to get the mask off in time for Sukea to snap a photo.
It seemed simple enough, and was a whole lot better than Sukea’s suggestion to make it seem like you’d fallen into the river prompting Kakashi to come save you. No way in hell were you letting that happen in risk of mouth-to-mouth when already the idea of Kakashi in any romantic setting had you reeling in the privacy of your thoughts. That much wasn’t happening.
Even with the ‘better plan’ being anticipated to be put into action, and the help from the rest of Naruto’s newfound friends from other Teams, it still wasn’t enough. In the end, Shikamaru’s shadow possession wasn’t strong enough to last on both your’s and Kakashi’s shadow with Tenten using Shikamaru as a boost to follow after Rock Lee and Neji. What was meant to be harmless was actually the end to your full out attempt at discovering the mystery…and Kakashi was still there, masked and clearly upset with the advantages taken against him.
It was now, after running in a full out sprint and splitting up from the rest of the dashing genin that you hopefully lost the pursuing Team 7 Leader. You were gasping for air when you finally came to a stop back where you first had gotten yourself into the mess in the first place—right along the first fence, now beneath the shade of the oak tree. 
Wearily, you sighed out with both hands on your hips, steadily inhaling to try and regain control of your gasping lungs. Finding it safe enough to now rest, and not wanting to seek out Kakashi in facing consequences just yet, you approached the tree’s base and promptly fell against its wood.
Quickly sliding down the tree once graced with the first bit of rest, you lay yourself out in the shade and calm from whatever the hell just happened. Tired, nervous at the idea  seeing Kakashi, the little relief you held with now being by yourself was alleviating—to say the very least.
Evidently, it wasn’t meant to last.
“Didn’t realize how fast you would be, after all that.” 
You gasped at the approaching voice, eyes flying wide and snapping up in the direction of the approaching individual. It took all your willpower not to sneer in the direction of Sukea, his camera clunking softly against the center of his chest. Rolling your eyes obnoxiously, you crossed your arms over your chest and further sink to the ground. “What the hell do you still want?”
“Everyone ran away so fast, I didn’t get a chance to really apologize.” He cheekily laughed, your brow only hardening at what you assumed was his ‘innocent-guy’ act. 
“Apologize?” You had a list of what you could want from him, at this rate. An apology wasn’t among the bullet points you’d already thought through.
“Yeah, you know… for wasting your time.” He gestured to your exhausted self on the ground, you snorting a humorless laugh to begin your response.
“Really?” Tilting your head on its side, you raise an eyebrow up at him, “Wasting my time?”
Sukea merely smiled at my questioning tone, his lips pressing against each other in a hard line as he peered down at you. 
“Still just as suspicious of me?”
“Why would that have changed?” You frowned again, sitting up a little as he suddenly took a step closer, “It’s not like you gave me any real grounds to trust you. I only went along with it for the sake of Naruto and his team.”
“Ah, well why be so cautious of me in the first place?” Sukea stepped up to stand beside you against the tree, his arms folding over his chest this time too as he used the trunk to support his back. He was clearly waiting for a response, and you bit the tip of your tongue to keep from saying something unnecessarily rude at his taunting. “…Does it matter?”
“Sure,” Sukea shrugged, looking off towards the sky suddenly, “humor me.”
“I—You.” Stunned a little, you scoffed and waved him off suddenly; if you weren’t already fed up enough with his behavior up to this point. “You’re ridiculous.”
“And, you still haven’t answered my question.” He promptly responded, his legs suddenly folding as you found him then seated up next to you, “Do you have a good reason to be so guarded? Or, is it just stubbornness?”
It sounded like he knew people called you stubborn, or it was something he was somehow familiar with. Whatever the case may be, you finally revolted in yourself and turned to confront the photographer.
“What gives you the right way to be so rude? I mean, really. We’ve never met and—“ Sukea began chuckling at your sudden outburst, and your confusion fell apart into pure disbelief at the reaction. “I’m sorry… is something funny about this?”
“No! No, no, no, hah… not at all.” He turned to grin down at you, the stupid grin on his face making dimples slightly carve at the sides of his face. “Clearly.”
You blink in trying to regain conscious thinking in this moment, the tease he so clearly was directing at you flustering you in ways you didn’t want to be possible. Yet, here you were at his mercy… and none of it made sense. You weren’t able to reason as to why he made you feel this way, there was just something about him…
“…God, who are you?”
Sukea laughed out again, this time having to throw his head back with the sheer force of his laughter. You couldn’t help but apprehensively smile now, confounded at the ninja beside you.
“Trust me,” He huffed out softly, an all too familiar nickname of yours breathing from his lips before he turned back to you, “you know who I am. I think you have to know me better than anyone in this village, at this rate.”
There was a change in his voice, and it resounded in an all too familiar tone you could pin-point in a crowd if the circumstances called for it. Still not entirely understanding what was happening, the cogs in your brain were fervently churning in your mind. Sukea’s grin widened at the thoughtfulness riddling your features, and your heart suddenly sunk in familiarity.
“Holy shit,” You fell off the tree’s trunk and landed in the patchy grass below, your hands flying out from under you and scrambling to sit you back up at a distance this time, “no way.”
“Haha, did I get you?” ‘Sukea’s’ hand lifted over his head, fingers tangling into his seemingly brown locks before tearing at the roots; the hair pulling off his head with ease and revealing a spiky mound of grey bangs that lay beneath. There was no longer a mysterious photographer sitting beside you, your long-time shinobi friend revealing more than just his identity to you in that moment.
“Kakashi—“ You breathed, gawking very openly at the fact you were now truly facing the man behind the mask—and had been since earlier this afternoon, “why?—“
“I meant it earlier when I said I’d be happy to see you helping out my team with learning more around the importance of teamwork.” He beamed, the stupid beauty mark from earlier making your heart race now.
You wanted to grin in return, laugh along with his happiness at even the lack of success Team 7 had with their secret mission. But, you couldn’t help but stay so completely awestruck in the wake of this reveal. He was as beautiful as he always had been in your eyes, and all you wanted to do was now memorize the features before you in case it was the last time you’d ever be able to see them again. Kakashi must’ve sensed your wariness, his grin closing into a warm, sincere smile—his face pushing closer in your direction.
“Not what you expected?” He softly asked.
You scoffed at the question, shaking your head at how tickled this made you. “I mean… I guess I didn’t know what I was expecting entirely.”
From the space you had placed between the both of you, you tentatively placed a hand back in front of you and crept back towards him. He watched you with an easy stare, and arguably looked maybe the most peaceful you’d ever seen him. It made your face flush in quiet heat and nerves feel like they were pumping fire through each motion you made to close the distance between the both of you. 
“…I’m sorry for antagonizing you so much, today.” Kakashi was suddenly apologizing, you huffing in surprise at how sudden it felt for you while he continued, “I did chase after you to apologize.”
“Ah,” You slowly nodded at his reasoning, now taking the chance to taunt him as he had today, “well… in that case, you’re forgiven.” 
Kakashi laughed openly at your acceptance of his apology, shaking his head and letting his grey hair settle from being stuffed in the wig all day. You took another look at his eyes, suddenly confused as to how he pulled this disguise off in the first place.
“Wait, your sharingan…” You didn’t think before placing a steady hand on his face, leaning closer to try and peek at his left eye, “How?”
“The contact works as a suppressant, made with me in mind.” He calmly responded, now weaning away from your touch and instead arguably pressing into the warmth your fingertips held, “I used them to go undercover when I was still in Anbu…”
“I see,” You hummed, leaning back a little to see his face in its entirety again. It was then you registered just how forward you had acted in holding his face, and your hand quickly snapped back to your side. Shame shot flared up inside you like a burning fire, and you frantically began tripping over yourself to apologize, “I—I’m so sorry, oh my god, I wasn’t thinking, and—“ 
“Woah, it’s okay,” Kakashi lifted a hand to silence you in which you were quick to comply, the same hand then falling back to the one that had just been pressed against him. Delicate fingers wrapped timidly around your wrist, he too being hesitant to take whatever ‘this’ was a step too far, but regardless brought your palm back towards his face where he goaded your fingers back to his cheek and flattened your hand back against him. “I… I didn’t mind.”
Your chest felt tight in anticipation, and you had no words to explain how it all made you feel. Kakashi wasn’t rushing you to speak, he too was staring at you as he thrived in the adoration between you both. He swallowed, a quick breath as he spoke up again.
“Uh… remember when Naruto mentioned how… I act around you?” 
You paused at the question, trying to recall what he had said an hour or so ago. “Yeah…?”
“Was that… uncomfortable?” 
“What?” Your eyes grew wide, shocked he would even be worried about such a thing, “No… no, never uncomfortable. Not from you—Sukea? Another story.”
Kakashi chuckled again at your joking of his persona, his breath hot against the edge of your palm, fleeting just as quickly as it had appeared. It made your hair stand on end, and you shuddered softly at its touch. He watched you with his eyes now halved in appeal, studying each glimmer and gleam you produced just by existing in the space beside him. You were the diamond in his roughest of days, the light at the end of the tunnel he always hoped to reach. Instead, you were reaching out to him in this moment, physically holding him and letting that light encapsulate him fully.
Forever grateful is how he would feel in relation to you, the you who saved him when all else was lost; the you who kept him safe when you probably didn’t realize it. 
“Well, then, I apologize for Sukea’s efforts in trying to help my team.” He murmured, his eyes dangerously flitting towards your parting lips, further eliciting the deep desire he held anytime you were close like this. This was the first time contact had been made, though, so what was really stopping him from going further.
Dignity? He had none left when it came to you, surely you realized that too?
“Hah, I accept.” You resounded, your thumb swiping over his cheekbone as you felt into the trance that came along with those grey contacts, “So… with your attitude differing around me, this is okay then?”
Kakashi didn’t voice a response, just softly brushing his head against your skin in a nod. This was more than okay, this might as well be a dream come true.
It was too hard to keep away any longer, the anticipation had built in both of your hearts and one finally had to brim. You swept in towards him, and took his lips in yours. His newly exposed, newly perceived lips that instantly melted to yours and made it as though fireworks resounded in the broad daylight around you both. It was so sudden, so solidifying in your heart that there was no longer denying how right you were for one another. Perfection was hardly the right word to describe how fulfilling this finally felt.
Your hand reached past his head, pressing to the shag of the hair growing towards the back of his neck—lightly tugging at the roots while he too moved to bring you in. Put you somehow closer, wanting at your hearts in one another’s chest to maybe touch if the moment allowed it to be so. 
“Sensei?!” The screech of a student sounded from the end of the road, you and Kakashi leaping back at the interruption. “I think those are their feet! Over here, Sasuke! Sakura!”
“Crap!” You whispered, Kakashi already frantically moving to grab the wig he foolishly took off in broad daylight. But, he was already prepared for something like this happening, the man turning to you with a light smirk as you watched him hopelessly. “Hide, before they get here!”
“Way ahead of you~” He chuckled, a single finger pressing to his now sorely red lips in shushing you, and your cheeks warmed to another degree at the smirk he flashed before disappearing into the branches above. You took a glance and sighed at the relief in not being able to see any sign of him—the shinobi securely hidden amongst the leaves.
“Sensei!” Sakura was the first to reach you, your head flying back forward to see her approach. “We were so worried Kakashi-sensei had caught you!”
“Yeah, sensei… that was close!” Naruto bounded to her side, the two overwhelmingly worried for your sake. Sasuke didn’t look anymore bothered than he usually did, regarding you all warily.
You laughed cheerily at the troublesome genin, shaking your head gently in their direction, “No, guys. I’m fine, really… I escaped.”
The two visibly sighed in relief, Sasuke’s eyes closing to show his own sign of comfort in seeing that you were fine. You grinned, hoisting yourself up from the ground and standing before them.
“So…?” They all faced you again with the trailing off in your tone, “What’s the verdict?”
“For Kakashi-sensei?” Naruto nervously replied, awkwardly scratching at the back of his head, “Uh… I think—“
“I believe we’re done for the day.” The three shinobi jumped at the incoming voice, slowly turning to face the wrath of their Team Leader. Kakashi regarded them sternly, his cold gaze finding you and almost easing. He muttered your name, the noise muffled by his mask; you couldn’t help but smile in response.
“Kakashi.” You replied with a light nod. He put a hand on his hip, shaking his head disappointedly in your direction before turning to the three.
“What you idiots tried pulling today was incredibly rude. You should learn to respect privacy!” He lectured. 
“We’re really sorry, sensei!” Sakura spoke up, “It was Naruto’s—“
You flicked the back of her shoulder as she tried pinning the blame, the smaller girl flinching in response but respectfully quieting down at the correction. Kakashi regarded her with a weary sigh, looking once more to you.
“I apologize for my team’s behavior in getting you wrapped up in their shenanigans today… I hope you can forgive them.”
“Oh, trust me,” You smiled happily in the direction of the three, the outcome maybe the best thing that had happened to you in awhile, “I already have.”
The trio frowned in confusion at how warmly you spoke now, not knowing the bright side that ended up being your now reality. Kakashi didn’t let them stand around for long, grabbing at Naruto and Sasuke’s shoulder before shoving them back in the direction of the village.
“We best be off now,” He grumbled over their whining complaints, “these three still have to report back to Hokage over their attempt of seeing me yesterday.”
They all groaned, you lightly giggled at the resistance but waved in goodbye anyway. “I’ll see you around, you guys… take care.”
“Bye, sensei…” They all replied meekly, the consequences now being faced.
Kakashi didn’t pause in walking, but instead turned lightly over his shoulder—a wink from his visible eye sent your way. You mimicked the gesture, grinning happily at the thought of seeing him later. 
It was going to be sundown soon… you could only guess what this all meant from here.
383 notes · View notes
Hi, something I never understood is why Kakashi didn't get rid of the elders once he became hokage???, I mean in the novel they tell us that Kakashi as hokage got rid of the corrupted system, got rid of Root and all of Danzo's followers and he also helped Sakura open the first mental health hospital, but it seems that the elders still have power in Boruto, I don't understand why they are not in prison.
I don't understand much about politics and therefore I don't get too involved when they relate it to Naruto, that's why I had that doubt, someone had said that Kakashi as hokage hadn't done it since the hokage don't have power over the elders since they are the ones who select the next candidate for hokage, but I wasn't sure about that, that's why I asked you, to see if you understand why and to know if that person was right
Unless the elder’s do something unforgivable that is recognized (so like they had their part on the uchiha massacure but the story line decided to just drop it cuz ‘itachi asked nicely’ so it can’t be used against them) kakashi or any other hokage has no real power to remove them
Because Kakashi’s also not the only one who would have wanted to
Tsunade hates them
Kakashi didn’t like them
We don’t see Naruto hate them but given that him and Kakashi know the truth about the massacure he SHOULD Hate them (yet he continues to idolize the f***ing third which is just terrible writing in my opinion)
The elders are kinda similar to the checks-balances system
The Hokage is the ultinate power, but even ultimate power needs someone to reign them in. Hence a system like the elders
Because of that, it’s not the Hokage’s powers to remove them without a damn good reason (and Kishi took away that damn good reason by having Naruto agree to keep Itachi’s stupid secret). For the Hokage to remove the Elder’s would be seen as a breech of their power. Them over stepping their boundaries)
Of course we don’t know the full extent of the political system. Kishi could have changed a lot of it to do better
Like he could have had the Hokage voted for by the village (Kakashi probably still would have been chosen. He was the one Shikaku chose as someone who could actually lead the village well and who was so trusted that all the other Kage’s could agree to work with him)
Even if the Hokage role was still nepo baby hand down, the elder’s could have been changed out by vote of the village. Then that way the villagers would get a say in just who is keeping the Hokage in check
Or it could have become a situation of remove the elder’s and make a government of clan leaders and civilian leaders to keep that balance and keep the Hokage in check.
There’s a lot of things that could have been done, but in the end they wanted to make Boruto and change only the bare minimum so even though Kakashi does change the most about a very broken system, he is still so very restricted by the story
Because if you actually take away child soldiers, boruto wouldn’t exist and the people making money off of that can’t have that happen
Edit: i do want to clarify that Kakashi did not get rid of the entire corrupt system. The shinobi system inherently is corrupt and tbh would take prob more than one hokage and a lot more fighting to completly change
He also didn’t get rid of root
What Kakashi did do was
Take root operatives into Anbu and make one coherent group
Change missions to ‘capture first kill only when necessary’. So Teen anbu Kakashi who killed every person he faced grew to become the man who made sure no anbu or regular shinobi did the same thing.
Opened the police force to everyone rather than just one clan
Helped and supported sakura in her goal to open a children’s mental hospital
And is stated to have fought against those who wanted to ‘uphold the old ways’ to make many of these changes because he knew they were necessary
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tamelee · 9 months
hi tamelee!
I'm here to ask for a little bit of advice if that's okay (: about a month ago I bought a Wacom drawing pad so I could start experimenting with digital art. artists like you here on tumblr have really inspired me to start making art. but I feel kinda.. lost. I've been mostly drawing naruto manga caps and I'm getting better but I guess I don't know where to go from here. coloring and shading scares me lol. I'm using clip studio paint and it's just a little.. intimidating. I feel discouraged, like I won't be able to do it. how did you do it tamelee? did you watch a lot of tutorials, or did you experiment until you figured things out? any advice you'd have for a beginner artist I'd really appreciate.
thank you veryvery much for your time ^^
Hi Nonee! 🧡 Sure!
Oh I think that’s a very good place to start. As well as drawing subjects you like ^^! Hmm, tbh I’ve just experimented a lot, but I don’t think my way of having done things was the most efficient. You might want to follow tutorials step by step? You can try coloring only with flat colors until you feel a bit more confident with that as well as cell-shading (toon-shading/non-realistic, like in anime) instead of rendering further as that can all be confusing at first. I personally never truly understood shading until I studied cell-shading and made my art a lot more readable. A lot of Anime uses this; 
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You see how there is a base color, a darker color for shadows and highlights? (Sometimes not even highlights.) 
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When you start to study it from existing work you’ll start to notice things like color always being in the same area of saturation and when you suddenly have a color that is way more saturated than the other it can look off. (See example.) But this is a guideline, not a rule. In your own art you can especially use saturation and brightness to help aid you to direct a viewer's focus and even tell a story.
I LOVE ‘How to train you dragon’ and ‘Kung Fu Panda’ for this because their coloring is so inspiring and if you truly want to learn from professionals... well those are the type of media to look for of course! I have an entire folder to inspire me just based on those.
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Do you see how calculated those color combo’s are?!?! Here you see both analogous and complementary schemes and it is actually through looking at the things I like that I learned it >< The orangey colors stand out and are bright which helps you to focus on that area whereas the complimentary scheme is used to bring characters together.
If drawing Manga-caps is something you love to do, then maybe for coloring you can study screen-caps from Anime or even other animated films. I’d recommend to take it step by step, though I haven’t really applied it myself, from the video’s I’ve seen and artists I’ve followed it is always advised to have an art-goal that you can work toward. Maybe you first want to focus on lineart and then laying down a base color where the colors are harmonious and next would be cell-shading maybe and then you can start adding another light-source etc- eventually you can decide to create more depth or practice with monochromatic coloring, maybe even greyscale to learn values. But right away that can all sound a bit intimidating doesn't it? Find things that you like and then maybe you can open them in your program and just study. Find a brush you like, put on some music or a show on the background and for a moment play around with it without needing to create a finished piece. This is also how I learned how things like adjustment layers work or what all the different kinds of tools do. I have to agree with you, CSP is intimidating for me as well >< so this is kinda how I approach it as there are so many add-ons and additions within it but I try to only learn what I need for that moment so I don't overwhelm myself.  I definitely try to find video’s that can help me with creating Manga though! ^^ There are plenty!  It'll get easier eventually, you'll learn the program and you start to recognize placements for shadows and you will get a feel for the coloring- no worries 💪 Learning something new will always stay intimidating, every time I open up a new document I feel it too. It's not easy at all, but you kinda have to allow yourself to experiment and even make mistakes because practice is never perfect. I have some beginner tips written here- I hope any of this is somewhat helpful 🌷🫶
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Almost out of nowhere, Shikamaru felt his sinuses prickle. Not now, not now.
“Anyway, what’s on the docket for today?”
Shikamaru felt his stomach drop as he realized it was coming, no matter what. “Ex-excuse me,” he managed before turning to the side with a sneeze. “H-heh’TPSHH!” He felt his eyes water as he brought his fist up to his nose to stifle the next. “Hh’NNNGNT!” That last one made his head spin.
distant | weed | fuss | struggle | couple | professional | remember | nap | abundant | objective | wrong | discreet | gift | stay | collapse | cabin | practical | defend | haunt | indoor | rhythm | ankle | incentive | healthy | steam | anger | bond | text | correction | visible | guess | cinema | maze | contrary | observer | nuance | neglect | lip | reflection | sniff | authority | illusion | echo | medicine | lace | insurance | knit | dealer | grudge | affair | sofa | expertise | passion | spill | laundry | exposure | shelter | privilege | manner | relax | compromise | sacred | doubt | philosophy | thaw | ticket | bike | bench | vain | bed | improvement | pier | gravity | immune | vigorous | productive | reception | veil | bee | train | harsh | loyalty | fresh | late | mind | highway | sound | frozen | annual | soup | instinct | groan | lonely | spite | bill | crude | dare | magazine | mess | ignore | sketch | flush | liability | camp | brag | sour | compensation
prompt(s): discreet
notes: this (obvs) takes place during “naruto: next generations,” but since it’s totally made up, there shouldn’t be any spoilers
As Shikamaru walked through the halls of the Hokage Residence, making his way toward the Hokage’s office, he felt his stomach flutter with anxiety. How unlike him. 
There was a busy day ahead of him, but he’d come down with a cold yesterday evening, which was just his luck. Temari did her best to convince him to stay home — and she could’ve used brute force, certainly — but in the end, somehow he’d convinced her that he was magically better. 
However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, he’d already sneezed a number of times while getting ready for the day, and it still felt like his sinuses were on fire. He was worried he wouldn’t be able to mask it well, and he was right to worry. 
Shikamaru felt his stomach flutter again and pushed the anxious feelings to the side. It would be fine, surely. 
“Shikamaru,” Naruto greeted him, smiling as he walked into the office. “Good morning. Sleep well?”
“You’re one to ask,” he said, gesturing to the stacks of paper on Naruto’s desk. “You slept in your office again, didn’t you?”
“So what if I did?” Naruto shrugged. “It’s gotta get done one way or another.” 
Almost out of nowhere, Shikamaru felt his sinuses prickle. Not now, not now.
“Anyway, what’s on the docket for today?”
Shikamaru felt his stomach drop as he realized it was coming, no matter what. “Ex-excuse me,” he managed before turning to the side with a sneeze. “H-heh’TPSHH!” He felt his eyes water as he brought his fist up to his nose to stifle the next. “Hh’NNNGNT!” That last one made his head spin. 
Naruto raised an eyebrow. “Did you catch a cold?” 
Shikamaru waved him off. “No, no. You know Temari wouldn’t have let me leave the house if that was the case.” 
He sniffled, quickly rubbing his nose before continuing. “A day full of meetings. The first starts in about 15 minutes.” 
Naruto sighed. He felt he could get so much more done if he didn’t have even half as many meetings. Ah, well. It couldn’t be helped. “Hey, what did you think about—” 
Shikamaru turned away again, this time cupping two hands over his mouth. “H-hihhH! Hh’TSHHHP! Ah’TSHH!” Shit. 
“You are coming down with something, aren’t you?” Naruto said, his eyes narrowing. “I knew it. Your chakra felt off as soon as you came in.” 
His advisor shrugged sheepishly. “Eh, it’s such a drag. Nothing to make a fuss about.” 
He felt his nose start to run and blushed, turning away to pull out a cloth from his pocket. As Shikamaru dabbed at his pink nose, he felt a hand on his back. 
“How about I walk you home?” 
Shikamaru’s face couldn’t have been more flushed. The combination of his embarrassment and fever made it all the more obvious. 
He shook his head. “Not today,” he said thickly. “T-too much to do.” 
His breath caught again and as he tried to sidestep away from Naruto, Shikamaru felt him grab his arm, preventing him. “N-Naruto, I’m going to—” The panic in his voice was obvious as his eyelids fluttered shut. 
“Hehh... ehH! Eh’TSHHH! Hh’SSSH!” 
“Eh, I’m sick of all these meetings anyway,” Naruto said, setting the schedule back on his desk. “This is the perfect excuse for me to reschedule them. Besides, I owe it to Temari to bring you back anyway.” 
“Wh-what a drag,” Shikamaru stuttered, quickly putting a knuckle under his flaring nostrils. He was definitely going to get it once he got home.
request some stuff/give me feedback!!
read more naruto universe stuff!!
ask me about my commissions!!
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randomnameless · 9 months
The only time I felt a major arc in Boruto(anime wise. The manga is its own can of worms)was genuinely bad and didn’t make sense was the Mist Village vs Eco Pirates, especially as they threw cycle of revenge BOTH SIDES in even though the Eco Pirates were legit insane and their arguments don’t make sense that one of them sought ReVeNgE because his sister was hurt when Boruto protected himself in SELF-DEFENSE and killed herself in a hospital room by taking off all the tubes giving her fluids and KEEPING HER ALIVE! She was such an irrational spiteful human being who killed herself out of hate but clearly it’s Borutos fault! That he didn’t let her kill him!
Even the oldest son of the Eco Pirates leader who had been raised to believe his father was the only way to protect their clan realized his father was insane and was murdered by his father when he tried to make peace with the Mist because his father was just a spiteful mosnter and their mom was an idiot that died in battle on board a ship when the pirates were RAIDING MIST SHIPS. It was just genuinely stupid.
I think stuff like Naruto’s failings leading to things being worse in areas, like letting the Mist collapse despite being so physically close in location to Konoha and the Fire Country, or him not trusting people the way he does Kakashi or Sasuke, especially as he had no real answer to making things better in Naruto itself, makes sense.
The "both sides uwu" or "cyle of hatred sad uwus" argument, especially how it is depicted in this general verse really pisses me so much and is one of the reasons I vastly prefer 1st gen to the fuckery that was shippuden, and later, as you pointed out, Boruto (I haven't watched those episodes, but reading the wiki about them makes me puke lol)
At least, in the 1st Gen, when Gaara wants to "hurt" the world because his crap dad tried to kill him, Gaara is only 12 and not in the best mental state thanks to Shukaku being an ass, and is proven wrong, which prompts his change.
Nagato got his uwu moment to justify his "both sides" plan, because his random parents died in a war so in return he will bring "Tru Piss" to the world even if it means leveling a village full of randoms bcs he's pissed at Tsunade telling him to stop acting like a fucking brat and starting more conflicts that cause more and more senseless random's deaths.
(and then the dude nukes the village, including Ramen Guy and his daughter, to make a point or something)
but everything is alright uwu, since he rez everyone and we're supposed to follow Naruto's mindset, about the guy having had a point or something and the "uwu cycle of hatred that somehow includes killing people who haven't done a thing to you because they exist and it's not your fault if you had to slaughter them :("
(that's why, despite its own faults, I think BC is vastly superior, at least with this scene - Asta doesn't kill Patry when he reveals his tragic backstory and despite emphasing with him, he still punches him bcs dude, you killed a bunch of randoms who never asked for anything in your stupid plans)
Madara was the best example with his "wah wah, Hashirama y u kill me, i thought we could understand each other, see u and I are the same we kill because we can't understand each other :'(" after repeatedly attacking the Leaf, and all of its randoms, with Kurama many times.
As for those episodes you've mentionned -
Iirc Kagura was supposed to be the next Mizukage?
And lol @ his randoms friends for apparently wanting to ditch and betray him after they heard they would only get a 3 years reduction of their sentence, that they got, iirc, from the previous arc where they killed randoms and attempted a coup against the Mist???
Again, it's the general trend within that crap verse of giving more fucks to the perpetrators than to the victims - you can't fucking kill people and expect to get away with a slap on the wrist ; 1st gen Gaara understood it and swore to protect the people of Suna, as the Kazekage, to make up for what he used to do and what he used to be, which ends beautifuly with his final scene in the Deidara battle, and is corrected when he "wakes up" - aka his entire village loves him now (even if the later chapters of Shippuden try to retcon this in a Naruto wankering fest).
Anyways, iirc, one of those random dude in this filler killed Kagura by stabbing him after taking him hostage? And Boruto'n'co effectively dropped their weapons to comply to the dude's demands?
And then Boruto apparently goes in "rawr revenge mode" by pummeling randoms and nearly killing a kid, because that's totes how revenge works, I mean have you seen the old Chiyo pummeling Sakura to death because she comes from the same village as Sakumo? (and I'm pretty sure she was faking trying to attack Kakashi during her "senility" scene, because she didn't use any of the techniques she uses against Sasori!!)
Forget trying to build up or shoehorn an "uwu cycle of hatred uwu BaD uwu" with third rate characters in a third rate filler using a convoluted plot on how "killing terrorists BaD because their families will hate you afterwards :("
Why don't we have any samurai going to Konoha and having a beef with Sarada because Sasuke killed some of them during the land of iron arc? Like Pedro the Samurai's daughter, or niece, or grand-daughter ? I legit thought the samurai girl character would be something like this, but no, she's just pure filler material.
It's not a fair comparison at all, but I was re-re watching FMAB a few days ago, and I vastly prefer the "cycle of revenge" and Scar's general arc to whatever Kishimoto and whoever the fuck works on Boruto tried to give us.
Kishi's world is stupid enough to apparently make everyone accept Naruto's decisions even if those same decisions, if they were made by anyone else or during the Shippuden Era (or even the first gen), would have declared several wars or have been criticised to oblivion.
At least, the later manga reveals he is a shit hokage, even Shikamaru shits on him - and he receives the worst punishment ever, being fridged with "the woman who makes diner in his home" lol
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megwritesnstuff · 2 years
Mmkay fuck it. I’m just gonna go for it.
Naruto Modern AU with southern flair. I’m calling it “A Small Town Affair” for now, although I do like that title a lot and think it would become the real title if I don’t think of anything better. Here’s some details/HC’s I have so far already.
Credit where credit is due! While I have definitely considered a fic like this in the past, I really got inspired by @tired-biscuit and the way they portray Kiba and Naruto, specifically their Cowboy!AU ideas. After chatting with them a bit I couldn’t stop thinking about it and decided to just go for it and not worry too much about weather I’d be able to pull this off ““GOOD”“ or not. Please go check out their writing and support them! They deffo deserve it!
SETTING: I’m basing this off of my own hometown, but the name of the town in the fic will obviously be different because I don’t want people to know where I’m from aside from “Southern US” lol.
Mainly, it takes place in and around a smaller city in the south and the even smaller towns and rural communities near it. The city, while much smaller and less progressive than say, New York City, is still one of the most progressive, diverse, and inclusive places around. As you get out to the small towns surrounding, and even further out into the country/rural farming communities, it ends up being more hateful, less inclusive and accepting.
I think the story can take place over the wider region of this area, but it’ll mostly take place in the city (because, even irl, if you don’t go into the city you can’t get much done, lol. Its very centralized to all of the communities where various characters may end up working/living).
PLOT: Obviously, every story needs a central plot, or it just devolves into fluff. I like fluff, don’t get me wrong, but this will be the first “real” story I’ve written in a while, so I want to A) give it a strong central plot and B) actually end up finishing this fic at some point instead of going in too many directions and basically fizzle out when it becomes too hard to keep track of, lol.
I’d thought of the idea of going the whole “Country song murder mystery” route, considering the setting I’ve chosen, but I don’t write a ton of mystery/intrigue, or at least, I haven’t in the past. I also think I’d rather keep things lighter, so it’ll probably end up being more of a fluff/angst romance tale, while also exploring the ideas and themes really prevalent in a setting like this; Racism, homophobia and transphobia, cultural heritage(as in race/where your family is from) vs cultural identity(the region you grew up in/the culture you’re part of now), as well as things that are relevant to the IRL setting this fic is based on. Things like changing traditions and loosing traditions of a region as tourism gains traction, gentrification, and the melding of cultures and how locals react to that.
I feel like people will say that’s a lot to fit into one fic!! And how does that even relate to Naruto?? And I hear you, and I feel the same way, lol. This is basically gonna end up just being an exploration of things in my own life through the lens of my favorite anime/comfort show, and maybe people will like it, maybe they won’t. IDK. Isn’t that how all fanfiction is though? Ahaha
CHARACTERS: So, as far as characters go, they’re obviously gonna be the Naruto characters we all know and love, but I do have a few specific headcannons about these characters and how they would act in this particular setting.
Oh, also!! I have some very specific HCs about characters race! I know people say “oh well its a show made in Japan by Japanese people so OBVIOUSLY they are Japanese” but in a modern AU that takes place in the Unites States I think they could be somewhat different races! I’ll talk about it more in the HCs below lol.
I’m only gonna do the rookie 9 kids for now but if people want to hear more about these guys pls let me know!!
Naruto: Good ol’ Nart, lmao. Not too much I think would be different from how he normally is tbh, he’s still loud, clueless, earnest and amazing. He probably has ADHD, not to mention the trauma from having both of his parents die at a young age. I kinda think he lived in Florida before moving to (insert town name here). He got into some trouble in his last year of high school and ended up in a psyche ward to get help for his PTSD and other neurodivergencies. Once he graduated from school he decided to get the hell outta dodge and bought himself a one way Greyhound ticket to where he lives now. He just really thought that going some place where no one knew about his past would make things so much easier, but, life isn’t so simple. Eventually though he made friends, found a job as a farmhand that keeps him fed (and doesn’t drive him absolutely insane like office work or retail probably would have. ChriST SO BORING) and settled down here. Also!! I HC him as mixed white/Japanese. idk really why but yeah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sasuke: Broody, moody, standoffish and generally just “weird” to the locals of this town. Was totally goth/emo in middle/high school. Would have gotten picked on a lot more if he wasn’t the sheriffs son. In this fic the Uchiha massacre wouldn’t have happened, so his family is alive and well, and Fugaku is part of the local police/sheriffs office. The Uchiha family immigrated to the US several generations ago and settled in this town because it was the best they could do at that time, but over the years they did a lot to help enrich the community at large and gain everyone’s respect, so no one really gives them crap even though its a majority white area. It was Fugaku’s grandfather who initially got involved with the police, and the men of the family have followed in his footsteps ever since, until Itachi and Sasuke, that is.
Sasuke really didn’t care to follow in his fathers footsteps, but he’s doing it anyway because he wants his approval and love. He’s got to clean up his image first, though. No one wants a sheriff who wears eyeliner and parades around holding the hand of a local farmhand (who also happens to be a guy. What a scandal.)
Sakura: Honestly. HONESTLY. I always have and probably always will feel like we got robbed of seeing Sakura’s development in the anime. Unfortunately, I’m an anime only, so I can’t say much for the state of the manga but I could rant about this for hours. That’s a different post.
In this fic and my headcannon for her in general, I think Sakura is a boss bitch. She grew up in this town, she loves her hometown, but she’s ready to leave. She wants something bigger than what the (1) university or community college here can offer her. She wants to be a doctor, to save lives, to make *real* change in this world, and this town just isn’t big enough to hold all of her ambition.
She’d already have been gone, were it not for her parents and her friends here. How can she manage to balance all of her hopes and dreams, versus the love she has for the people in this place? Can she really leave them behind?
She’s also definitely having a personal crisis with her sexual orientation and she’s afraid thats not gonna fly with her folks. Weather it be because of her Japanese mother and her traditional, conservative attitude towards marriage or her white dad whose spent his whole life in the southern US until he was enlisted in the airforce and met her mother, she’s afraid one of them will have something to say about it. Yeah, they’ve never been anything but encouraging of her in everything else, but still, what if they freak?
Sai: My personal headcannons of Sai and how they interact with this setting are... interesting, to say the least, lol. I completely HC Sai as a transman who uses his shitty humor and sarcastic snipes as a way to deflect anything anyone might have to say about how he doesn’t look like a guy/isn’t a real man/is going to hell/ ect ect ect. He used to live up north, near Boston, but right before starting his senior year of HS got thrown out of the house by his shitty homo/transphobe grandfather (aka Danzo) and had no where else to go except to live with his older brother who’d already left home five years prior.
He totally can’t understand why his brother chose to move down south, right into the middle of the so called “Bible belt” and settle there, but it was his only option to fuck it, it’s that or be homeless on the streets of Boston. It was definitely a huge adjustment period, but eventually he made friends with Sakura (they had their elective art class together in senior year) and she introduced him to Sasuke, Ino, Naruto, and other people.
Sai lives right in the central part of the city, and it isn’t so bad. He has friends who respect him and he’ll tell off any redneck that so much as squints in his direction wrong, but underneath all of that he is a real softie who gets hurt easily. He just wants to finally, actually medically transition and start living his real life.
For the time being, he works as a waiter. He hates dealing with shitty tourists, but at least he usually never sees the same people twice, so its better than working on one of the local farms or local hangouts where people could potentially figure out he isn’t really a guy, just a really skinny girl wearing a binder. Also!! I HC Sai as just being white. He’s so pale come on. No melanin in there dudes. (also bc the way he acts, at least when he first gets introduced, reminds me of a shitty white fuckboi lmao)
Shikamaru: He’s lived here his whole life. He doesn’t have any really strong thoughts about it, doesn’t hate it and want to leave like Sakura, and he doesn’t love it and think its the best town in the whole of the USA like some of the kids he went to school with, either. He’s very meh about this place, like how he is about most things in life, lol. His dad is an elected official on the city council, and he’d love if Shikamaru went into politics as well, but the little lazy ass can’t be bothered. He thinks it’s a drag and he also doesn’t really see the sense in spending thousands of dollars to go to university. He’d rather just go to the local community college, chill with his pals, and (maybe) raise a little hell on the weekends, if he has the energy for it.
Just like in the cannon, he’s super happy to be a chronic underachiever if his family/friends will let him get away with it. Of course though, his dad tries to push him, and choji will encourage him to do better though he isn’t very pushy about it. Ino, though, will nag him every time she see’s him, lol.
I sort of HC the Nara family to be Native American/Indigenous, or at least mixed/partly Indigenous, however I am not NA/Indigenous myself and don’t know enough about the culture or nuance of the different cultures of different indigenous nations to properly write that, without it getting sterotypical/tropey, which is NOT something I want to do. I suppose I could say that the family is mixed, and the older generations are more traditional while the younger gens like Shika are more “americanized” or not as in touch with their culture, but even then, I don’t want to offend anyone or misportray the indigenous identity in any way that could be harmful, so in this fic they will probably end up just being white.
I do think theres a lot that could go into the Nara family’s connection with nature/deer/ect and how most Native American cultures have a very close connection with nature, though.
Ino: Okay, so, right off the bat, I envision Ino as Hispanic AF. Lmao. People are probably gonna give me shit about that, but let me tell you why. I’m married into a Puerto Rican family, and after living with the women of that family for many years, they remind me of the way Ino acts... SO MUCH. Loud, sometimes brash, so fucking fierce, literal goddesses who aren’t afraid to speak their minds whenever, wherever they need to. I’m not trying to say that Hispanic women are rude or can’t read the situation or whatever. Those are all qualities that I admire SO much from my MiL and my partners cousins and aunties. I think Ino is super Hispanic-coded honestly.
Her family probably either moved from Florida, or possibly several generations ago the family were migrant workers who came to this area during some seasons to help with farm work, and eventually saved up enough and settled down in this area (something which is really common in the IRL area this fic is based on). I haven’t really decided yet honestly but one of those two. I think the latter option could give a lot more drama, like, stupid people always giving Ino shit about it and there could be racial tension and different stuff. Ino doesn’t take anyones crap though. Someone is about to feel this babes chancla lmaooo
Wear shoes inside of the Yamanaka home and feel. Her. Wrath. FEEL IT.
Choji: Literally a baby, golden boy, he’s just shy and has no self confidence but hopefully that’ll grow. With Ino always hyping him up and Shika giving him subtle nudges as well he slowly comes out of his shell. I totally HC him and his family as being locals to the region. They live on a farm and own a farm-to-table restaurant that’s not only popular with the tourists that have begun coming into the city but also the locals. Its REALLY popular and for Choji its a source of pride knowing he’ll be able to take over when his Pa retires.
His mom wants him to go to college, even if its just the community college, but even with the success of the restaurant he worries about the money it would take for him to get a quality education, and honestly, it’s not needed, right? He’s gonna take over the family business anyway so there’s no reason for it.
In this fic he really is the poster child for “Good ol country boys.” He works hard, no matter if its in the kitchen with his Pa or helping his cousins pickin crops to bring into town. He’s honest, and a little filled with anxiety, but he doesn’t let it show. Happy to work for the weekend and have some beers with the boys when the week is over. Goes to church every Sunday because his Ma tells him to.
Also drives a pretty ratty pick up truck, lmao. Keeps saying he’ll fix it up one of these days but never gets around to it. Ah, well.
Shino: Definitely one of the “weird” kids in school. He never fit in with the goth/emo crowd, but also didn’t really vibe with the artsy kids either. He was definitely a loner. Is on the autism spectrum, but he’s able to mask pretty well, Really, unless you’re a family member, or Hinata or Kiba, you wouldn’t really be able to tell you’d just think he’s weird. He’s been friends with Kiba forever even though they’re drastically different, personality wise. Kiba’s kinda a fuckboy, sweet talking, ladies man type, but he’s still really sweet and cares about his friends with a ferocity that can’t be matched. Shino and he became friends after Kiba stood up for him on the playground in fifth grade, and the rest is history. Hinata joined their group when they all attended the same summer camp between 7th and 8th grade.
Shino feels more comfortable around those two than basically anyone else, and isn’t afraid to infodump about his special interest (bugs) as long as the other two have time. He’s aroace, but not afraid to tell those two that he loves them (platonically ofc)
He wants to go to uni to become an entomologist, but he’s gotta save up the money first. His family said they’d pitch in to help him so he doesn’t have to take out a bunch of loans, but his family is kind of poor and he doesn’t want to burden them. He feels like being born with autism is a burden enough, although literally NO one else in his family thinks that.
Hinata: I read somewhere one time that Kishimoto had intended for the Hyuuga family, as well as all of the members of team Guy, to have a much more Chinese feel to them and that has stuck with me forever so of course in this AU Hinata (and Neji) are Chinese. Hiashi is VERY strict still and imposes a lot of traditional Chinese cultural values onto Hinata starting from a young age. Originally the family lived in NYC but moved to Florida because Hiashi (and other older members of the family)wanted to go someplace warmer. Turns out, though, Florida is HELLA hot and it was too much, so they ended up settling in TN/NC where the climate is warmer, but more mild than Florida.
(Fun fact: We have a term for people that do this. We call em “half-backers.” Because they moved half way back hgfjhgdl)
Hinata is still very quiet and reserved as in cannon, but I’d like to imagine that when they moved to this town and she met Shino and Kiba, she comes out of her shell, even moreso than in the cannon. She ends up living a sort of double life, where she is quiet, respectful, never talks back and takes care of the household duties at home, but when she’s at school/work/with friends, she’s able to smile, talk, laugh and just generally be more carefree. She doesn’t even stutter, when she’s with the other girls or Kiba/Shino. She only really does it at home because she’s just, SO anxious being there.
Really, it’s quite the toxic situation, and gets even more so when Hiashi finds out that she went to a PARTY with BOYS in senior year of high school. In reality, she only went because she was invited and she didn’t want to be rude, but he really cracks down on those “traditional values” and even starts to suggest that maybe he should try to find a nearby Chinese majority community and see if they have a matchmaker. Or send her back to New York to live with her grandfather.
She quickly moves out and cuts ties with most of her family when she graduates HS. She does feel guilty for leaving her little sister in that house, though. :(
Kiba: Just like Choji, he’s another “good ol country boy” lol. Although in Kiba’s case, he leans a little more “Hell raising Redneck” type in contrast to Choji’s “sweet well mannered church boy”.
His family owns a ranch that raises chicken, goats, and cattle. They sell a lot of the butchered meat to the Akimichi family for their restaurant, and the rest they sell commercially. Kiba’s a good son and helps out with what he can between balancing school and just being a kid/young man. Although, he DOES think it’s fucking annoying when his mom makes him help out during the busy seasons. He complains, Tsume yells and maybe knocks him upside the head every once in a while, he ends up doing what she says anyway even if he grumbles. It’s routine at this point, lmao.
When he isn’t helping out on the ranch or struggling to stay afloat with his studies, he’s out partying with his friends, defending them from other locals, chasing skirts and just generally... raising hell lol. He thinks he’s really smooth with the ladies, and to be fair he DOES get a lot of tail, but mostly from tourist girls who come through on spring break or with their families in the fall to see the Blue Ridge parkway and such. Local girls? Couldn’t nab one if he begged. They all know him and see through his shit.
Although, maybe there is one local girl he could get, if only he’d stop seeing her as just his childhood friend and notice her as a woman.
And yeah!! Those are most of the ideas I have for now, but I’m sure I’ll think of more ahahaha. I’m gonna try to tag this really well so hopefully a lot of people will see. PLEASE let me know what you think and hit up my inbox to talk to me about Southern Modern!AU Naruto stuff. It’s seriously always open and hungry for asks. Also, I get lonely lol.
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ladyravenjadethe2nd · 1 month
Spoilers for Part 9 of If Wishes were Kisses
This might be my favorite part. I really think I'm gonna surprise a lot of people and I really think it will ruin the awesome if you read this early. So you have been warned if you check this out before I get around to posting chapter 9 you will not as fun of a time.
Okay so what I've done is added many cannon characters from fandoms not HxH or MHA and hidden them! Very cleverly by the way.
Frist chapter though does go to an HxH reincarnation that you never see in my story. You only feel her effects on it.
Bisky! That's right she's been here the whole time. I made everyone the correct ages so her 57 year old self was reincarnated before MHA cannon even happened.
She's also not the same Bisky we all know and love. She hated being buff in cannon so reborn into a world with better laws (Child endangerment wasn't a thing in HxH and several other things make that world more dangerous) and a fairly normal family why would she push herself into having a body she hates again?
Nah this Bisky doesn't work out like she used too maybe she would if she could transmuter herself, but that's not how her power works here.
Her quirk gives her the effects Cookie her ability, could do. In about 30 mins she can make a body regain the same stamina they would from a good nights rest.
If you combine this with say Recovery Girl's quirk which uses someone's stamina to heal you have someone able to not only heal a bit faster, but survive more surgeries and more uses of Recovery Girl's quirk.
Now she didn't want to be a hero since she didn't want to fight, but she did become a very pretty girly Doctor who has worked with heroes before.
She makes tons of money, has tons of side flings with hot men and lives her best life never knowing that Gon or Killua are here.
She also saves Sir Nighteye. Bet you thought that I was lazy and didn't have a good reason for everyone living didn't ya?
With her quirk he is able to withstand a life saving surgery and in cannon he died right when he learned to believe that the future could be changed. Therefore he saves Midnight.
Anyway first chapter goes to her. The following chapters will be a new character each time and I have many, with fairly long stories of their own.
We have Rin Shouto's aunt who is also Rin from Naruto. This sweet peaceful girl with died young in a world with child soldiers got really pissed off when she was born into peace.
She realized what happened to her was unfair and feels like she didn't stand up for herself enough so she's a lot more outgoing and less polite in her day to day life.
I'll go though her feelings about her death and her relationship with her parents.
Luckily brown hair is common and Shouto is very distracted when he briefly mentions her face tats. I figured they were a clan thing and she got them redone as an adult.
There are a lot more side characters that you may not see, but only hear about that won't effect the story much at all, but I thought doing this was super fun.
Sato married a woman from France although he lives in America and owns a bakery with her. At some point it will be mentioned that he has a daughter named Mari, although that is actually the nickname of Marinette from Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir.
Her chapter will be about her traveling to France to intern with a great French designer friend of her father's Aoyama who has a son Adrian.
My very favorite of these characters though is Ratio the son of Iida and Camie. Ratio is how you say Light's name in Japanese.
Light is reincarnating because those that use the Deathnote cannot go to heaven or hell.
He has already been in Naruto and Harry Potter, but he didn't have a nice ending in either time. This will be relevant in a min.
So he starts out planning to take over the world and he has a great plan.
Light has both his parents quirks, but he is smart enough to pretend to not have glamour. Instead everyone is distracted by the engines that come out of his shoulder and then bend in a way that looks like angle wings. He can use them to fly.
Light is gonna take over his father's hero agency by day and set himself up to lead the hero commission by day and use glamour to look like a Shinigami by night and terrify the villains into following him.
He will be the god of this new world!
Except he goes for a playdate over at the Todoroki/Yaoyorozu place when he's around 8 and sees Milluki watching Deathnote.
This changes everything. Of course he has to watch it. Of course he has to wonder if any other world could also be found in media and he finds them.
In the Naruto he was competing with Minato to be the next Hokage. Things were going well, but he was betrayed by Danzou and killed. Who could have know?
In Harry Potter he was competing with Tom Riddle as the most perfect student and dies when he tries to blackmail Tom when he realizes he opened the chamber of secrets.
That's twice now that if only he had been able to learn about these worlds before he would have had a great time ruling the place.
Clearly this new world he is in is special. It might be the only world where this information is available to Light. His next life could be in any hundreds of thousands of worlds and to not try to arm himself with knowledge would be senseless.
New plan. Light is now a full fledge Otaku. His new goal is to consume all the content he can. He becomes Milluki's best friend and they watch anime together.
Your never gonna guess that Raito is Light even with all the signs because him throwing away power to enjoy fandoms is crazy.
Now Light needs a plan to keep his easy lifestyle where he can binge One Piece in peace so he needs a job of some sort.
You know if manga is about real places if he becomes a manga writer he will pretty much be God creating a world. He's very into that idea by the way.
His dad is pretty sad that his only kid isn't suited to taking over the agency though so Light should find a badass hero wife that can run the agency for his dad and make Light a kept man that has free time to read and write.
He marries another reincarnation Kari from Digimon or Hikari as is her Japanese name.
Did you know that Hikari means light? Did you know that her last name was mistranslated and it's supposed to be Yagami?
Her cannon name is Light Yagami of course they have to get married!
So she only halfway remembers her past life. Mostly she has odd dreams about monsters.
Kari is the kid of the Invisible girl whose powers work by refracting light and Tailman. Her digimon Gatomon is called Tailmon in Japanesse by the way.
She looks like a cross of herself and Gatomon. She has the Gatomon tail with the stripes turning invisible. Her power is that she can send a ring of light flying off of her tail. It looks like Gatomon's tail ring.
Light acts like the perfect boyfriend and while sometimes he does feel a little....off she never has a good reason to breck up with him.
They are pretty happy actually.
I have a few more ideas, but those were the best ones that I'm certain I will use. Feel free to comment on this if you have an idea for a character from a different fandom being reborn into this story!
Seems like I can't post more then 10 links in a post so I'm adding the spoilers for part ten here.
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mightstaywhoknows · 2 years
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I posted 3,392 times in 2022
That's 3,392 more posts than 2021!
42 posts created (1%)
3,350 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 736 of my posts in 2022
#the umbrella academy - 84 posts
#tua - 71 posts
#spy x family - 59 posts
#watcher - 57 posts
#shane madej - 48 posts
#ryan bergara - 46 posts
#naruto - 40 posts
#ghost files - 36 posts
#puppet history - 35 posts
#obkk - 32 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#only the one that have a tintiest moment between their fight that they see themself in the other and lowkey don't want to end this bitch
My Top Posts in 2022:
Kakashi blushed and malfunctioned when he have to read the first line out loud
The truth is that you love me (then)?
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He's so
11 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
43 children were born on the same day and in a weird way (their mothers weren't pregnant before that day)
Mr. Alien bought 7 of them
Why only 7?
Was he not rich enough? Is it because he felt like he couldn't deal with like more than 7 kids
I think it's because he knows he only needed 7 of them
7 to "ring the bell" the get his little prize, his glory
To activate the machine and rewrite reality, reset the world in his favour
So that's why he picked 7
But still it's funny
Why 43? Is there a meaning behind this number? And if there's so many of these strange kids, what happen to them (assume that all of them have powers)
12 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Shuri is a bright and briliant woman. Her humor is witty and she love to tease people.
She is a great leader and will continue to grow and become an even better protector and inventor of Wakanda.
So eventhough i love to ship her, i would die to see more of her own journey
I can image her life after wakanda forever 2
- she'll be staying at Nakia's house, healing for a while (i'm not sure how much since everyone heals differently) playing with Toussaint, helping Nakia with the school,...
- she'll start training with Okoye or/and Nakia and eventhough it's tiring but she'll find it quite stress relieving.
- she'll still be working in her lab and start teaching more. So that when she's gone, others can continue her legacy.
- she'll sometime visit Riri in her uni and check if there's other talented young people that she could potentially recuit before the CIA can take a hold of them.
- she'll sometime join in if there's any big decision from the council
- she'll help the Talokanil to upgrade their defense system and in exchange there will be trading lines made between the 2 nation
- she'll take inspiration from Wakanda, Talokan and Haiti for new inventions and plans for her own country and Talokan
- she'll oneday fight along side other heros when crazy shit happen (like someone about to create the multiverse war)
- she'll be one badass aunti/hero/princess/the love of my life
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17 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
Spy x family manga chapter 66 spoiler
I think someone might have done this but ima still do it
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I have a feeling the Gardener will test Yor or keep an eye on Loid after such information.
They don't recomend getting close with the Desmond, their political party and seems a bit concered when Yor does mention that her husband is interested in the National unity thing.
Hmmm interesting
See the full post
19 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My heart breaks everytime i see young twilight cry
Damn it, Endo bring back his friends just to make us cry and then kill them off to show the cruel reality of war
Love that Slyvie was his first commander in WISE too. Hehe she was so scary that he had to woke up
And we got to see The man - the one who saw something in young twilight to drag him into WISE
Hmmm i hope we get to see more of him in the future
40 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tomiokasensei · 2 years
hello hello it's me again! your secret santa! 🎅🏻 hope you have been doing good on since last time marilyn? cool! we are alike i too adore talking and talking about my fav characters i just adore them so much. shower them with all our love and attention it's all they deserve!! and when we have someone with the same tastes aah it's even better! god!! akaza is one of my fav characters of kny along with uzui! such a great character and his backstory was so sad i really love seeing how they all became demons, what did happen to them to be in despair of wanting to have powers to survive and advange on something. akaza was so unlucky with his life.. (well they all were mostly haha) he deserved so much better but when he died it was so touching seeing him with the girl he loved most it's always so touching when we see those scenes of them going back and feeling relieved and in peace. the second season with uzui was amazingly well done just thinking of the effects ufotable is able to create on their animes is just the cherry on top of the cake! i'm excited to see what they will bring and show us on the next seasons, that fight of akaza with tomioka and tanjirou will be sick! thank you so much for the brief summary of the anime yu yu hakusho, it seems so interesting and fun! i will definetely put on my to wacth list and see it when i have more time. i didn't know it was the same author that made hunter x hunter!! xD WOW! i was amazed when i saw your reply! is it one of your fav animes as well? i still haven't watched it too people say it's super cool too. by the way could you tell my about your fav colors, as well of your fav quotes of giyuu and of other of your fav characters? ^^ i want to start on your gift! have a great day/night marilyn! take care! 🥰🥰
welcome back and thankyou for your lovely message, secret santa!!😀😊
akaza's arc was truly bittersweet~ when his wife decided to go to hell with him was the most heartfelt moment that happened and was a perfect end to him considering that his life as a human was utter hell and his life as a demon was also a struggle as he did gain power but didn’t really have a purpose except murder. i hope that akaza could rest in peace truly he deserves it! 🥺… tengen is also one of my favourite characters!!!! 🥰 not only is he the most funniest and handsome god of festivals but he is also a fearsome shinobi with flamboyance haha i love him sm!!!! 💓 the animation did a wonderful job and i think it exceeded the first season ~~
i love hunter x hunter ☺️ a really good animanga. my favourite characters are clearly killua and gon, their friendship is so wholesome and adorable!!! 💜
purple is my absolute favourite colour but blue is also like my aesthetic 💜💙 some of my favourite quotes from giyuu are, 1) from the first chapter/ episode quotes to tanjiro: “feel the rage. the powerful pure rage of not being able to forgive will become your unswerving drive to take action!” along with “do not let others hold the right to decide if you live or die” 2) when giyuu found his resolve to fight as the water hashira by protecting tanjiro: “never again will i let my family and friends die before my eyes. i will save tanjiro the same way i was saved." 3) his monologue against fighting akaza “for the first time in a long while, i’m up against a strong opponent who can overwhelm me and i realize that my senses have been sharply honed in a short time. senses that were closed off to me have been awakened and dragged out to the place where my strong opponent stands. now i understand how the intense struggle to survive increases in one's skills." 4) last but not least (lol) to shinobu: “i am not hated”
some of my other favourite characters from other animes are inuyasha (inuyasha), lelouch vi britannia (code geass) akemi homura (puella magi madoka magica) zenin maki (jjk) and many others but those are the ones from the top of my head. including the naruto and yyh characters i mentioned earlier… i just started to watch csm and i really like power already, she left a huge impression, i love her personality! 🥰
i wish you a truly fantastic rest of the week and stay safe, stay warm (it’s been freezing on my end lol), until next time, secret santa~! ! ! 🥰✌️
0 notes
majesty-madness · 2 years
“Not Alone” - Kakashi Hatake x reader (sfw)
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Summary: It all seems hopeless, but Kakashi declares for the others to run away and get as far from the battle as possible while he fights to give them more time to escape. However, Y/N simply won't allow him to do it alone. 
Word Count: 1700+
Warnings: heavy angst, confessions, crying, guilt, arguing, cursing, some good feels
a/n: I was re-watching Naruto and I remembered how much I love Kakashi so here we are with some fluff/angst. Funny enough I was writing this at the same time as “Never Again” and it actually motivated me to finish Part 2 on a strong note.
Sequel: “Still Here”
Main Masterlist
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This was bad.
At first, it seemed as though they were winning this battle, but one move from the enemy showed just how powerful he truly was.
Now, the only thing they were left with was to try and counter the attacks. Even that was a stretch, and many of them were wounded.
They'd used up so much chakra too. Was there a way out of this?
That's what kept running through Kakashi's head as he’d glance back at Sakura desperately healing Sai's wound while Yamato stopped Naruto from charging back in recklessly.
Y/N sat next to Sakura, letting her siphon her chakra to better heal Sai as he laid passed out.
Every once and a while, Y/N would glance up to Kakashi staring out at the fire wall caused by the enemy in the last attack. She could tell that he was deep in thought, most likely weighing their options of success and by the look on his face none of them were good.
Kakashi couldn't help but think of Obito and Rin. Everytime, when a mission had felt hopeless, he would think of the last time he saw them.
Such different circumstances, yet ending all the same; them slipping from his hands and powerless to do anything about it.
He had a sinking feeling that maybe this was the end meaning he was going to join them very soon.
Kakashi looked over his shoulder again to see his friends injured and exhausted. Something had to be done.
"You guys should get out of here." He'd suddenly said, drawing everyone's attention.
Everyone's eyes were now on him. Naruto was the one to speak first, "What are you talking about, Kakashi sensei?"
"We don't have much time, if you guys can make it out of here maybe you'll be able to get back to the village in time to send reinforcements."
"But the village is days away, and based on the circumstances it might not even be possible to stop that man from destroying this edge of the continent." Yamato explained his voice becoming pinched as the realization dawned on him.
However, Kakashi didn't seem bothered by it.
"Not if you take the thief's pass through the mountains; it's guaranteed to get you to the village in half the time."
Naruto stepped forward, his face looking a bit annoyed. "It seems like you're saying that we can't beat this guy! But if we-"
He was cut off when Y/N spoke. "Why are you talking like you're not coming with us?"
Kakashi looked over to see Y/N staring up at him with an expression of fear mixed with anger.
All he provided was a silent stare of 'you know why.'
There was a moment of silence between them when Y/N very quickly said, "No."
"Y/N you know as well as I do that the best option is the stall for time, and I'm the only one with any substantial chakra left."
Y/N swiftly stood up from the ground and stomped over to Kakashi. "I won't let you do this."
Kakashi shook his head in defiance. "Y/N, this is the only way. We need someone to stall for time, and I am the only one here who can do that now."
"You are out of your mind if you think we're gonna leave you here!"
"This isn't up for debate, Y/N." He turned away, starting to walk away but Y/N followed him.
She yanked his arm to force him back to facing her. "You don't get to decide this on your own. We’re a team."
"That's right, we fight together. No one abandons their friends, remember?" Sakura pleaded, her hands planted on Sai's chest but her gaze centered on her sensei.
"If you’re so bent on going, we'll go with you. To back you up." Y/N suggested, only to have Kakashi grab both of her shoulders.
"No! No matter what, you cannot come with me!" This time it was Kakashi who looked afraid.
Y/N raised her hands to grip at Kakashi's sleeve, her eyes beginning to water. "Why? Why can you go, but I can't?"
"Because that shinobi is astoundingly powerful, and if anyone goes against him they will die. And it's better if that person is me."
Y/N paused for a second, letting his words sink in and before she knew it, tears rolled down her cheeks. All the while, her throat felt like it was closing in on itself.
She gripped at him tighter, even tugging on him a little as she stared him down. "Then I'm not gonna let you die alone."
Then she began to cry; Kakashi watched absent-mindedly for a second before pulling her into him. He wrapped one arm tightly around her waist, and cradled the back of her head with his hand.
"Damn it..." Kakashi gritted out, "Why do you have to say things like that?"
Y/N pushed herself closer in his embrace. "Because you won't listen to me any other way."
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to hurt you, I'm just trying to make sure that you survive this." Kakashi apologized, his voice wavering the slightest bit.
"But can't you see? I've never let you go into battle by yourself, and I'm not about to start now." Y/N pulled her head out from the crook of his neck to look up at him, "If you're going to fight, I'm going to fight too."
Kakashi let out a sigh as he wiped away the stray tears falling down her face. At the same time, he shook his head. It wasn't in annoyance, but stemmed from his affection for Y/N.
"Why do you have to be so stubborn?"
"So you don’t get ahead of yourself." Y/N sniffled, the smallest of smiles making it to her lips.
She rested her hand on top of his as he wiped her eyes free of tears. "I need you to understand that I will never abandon you; no matter what."
Her words rung through his head, reminding him of Obito. While the circumstances were much different, it was layered with a similar atmosphere.
Y/N continued, "And if you're still set on going, then I'm going to be right there with you; fighting by your side. To make sure you survive."
Kakashi shook his head, a smile of his own hinted through his mask. “Together then.”
After Y/N decisively nodded, she leaned her forehead against his and he leaned in a little closer as well. They closed their eyes, simply basking in the warm presence of one another.
The moment only lasted a few seconds though before Kakashi turned to face the others. “Yamato, you lead the others through the thief’s pass; Y/N and I will hold this guy off until you get back with backup.”
Yamato took a worried step forward, “Are you sure?”
“We’re sure.” Y/N answered as she wiped away the last of her tears; her expression was now one of pure determination.
He was somewhat surprised by the response, but eventually Yamato settled on it. “Alright, we’ll head back to the village and send reinforcements as soon as possible.”
Naruto then pointed at Kakashi, “You better not go dying out there!”
Kakashi couldn’t help but smirk. “We’ll try.”
Sakura, who had already helped Sai to his feet, stood before them. “Kakashi sensei, Y/N sensei, I believe in you. And I promise we won’t let you down.”
“Thank you, Sakura.” Y/N smiled, patting Sakura on the shoulder.
The pink haired shinobi nodded then began to walk over to Yamato. They all stood facing Kakashi and Y/N.
They all nodded to each in acknowledgement when Yamato and Sakura disappeared before they’re very eyes.
Now only Naruto stood there alone. He turned his back to them then spoke. “You better not go beating this guy up too much, I still gotta give him some payback for earlier.”
Kakashi and Y/N let a light chuckle at the humor in his tone. There was a second of silence when Naruto spoke again.
“You guys won’t have to fight for too long on your own cause we’ll be back in a flash; don’t you worry.”
“I have faith in you, Naruto.” Kakashi said honestly, causing the blonde to look over his shoulder with a smirk of his own and then vanished as well.
Suddenly, the wind let out a gust of air across the land while Y/N and Kakashi stood there in silence; gazing upon the place they’re comrades had just been.
Their presence little more than a fleeting memory.
As much as they had faith, who knew if they were actually going to live long enough to see them again.
Y/N shook her head of the negative thoughts that attempted to take over her mind. If they believed in her then maybe there was a chance here.
Simultaneously, Kakashi and Y/N whipped around to once again face the wall of fire; the enemy visible even from where they stood at the top of the forest cliff.
The heat of the flames was almost unbearable, but the vigorous wind provided some solace.
Kakashi, without looking, took Y/N’s hand into his own and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “One thing before we do this...”
Y/N, also not looking at him, squeezed his hand back. “What is it?”
“I love you.”
If she were normal, maybe Y/N would’ve been surprised, possibly blushed furiously while stuttering out her response like a silly teenager but she didn’t. She had known for a long time how Kakashi felt about her, it was only at the chance of death that he finally admitted it.
That was okay though, she always understood his hesitation after all he’d lost in his life.
All she did was smile. “I love you too.”
Who knew what was going to happen, and who knew if they’d make it, right now the only thing they could do was try.
Try to stall for time, try to win, try to fight for a better tomorrow, because if this was their last day on earth then there’s nowhere else they’d rather be than by each other’s side as they’d always had been.
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To Redaku
Prompt: Happily Ever After
Words: 1653
Fifteen days was an exceptionally long time to be out on the road, especially in situations like the one Kakashi currently found himself in with Gai swinging from one tree to the next while he trudged through the mud holding his husband's wheelchair over his head.
Not the best way to start out their official retirement, but still somehow better than the hundred other things he could be doing with his life.
“Having fun down there, rival?” Gai called down to him, a smile on his face when Kakashi looked up at him. “Make sure none of the mud gets on my wheels or we’ll have to spend the entire night cleaning them once we get out of here.”
“Right” Kakashi snorted at the thought of him and Gai sitting by a nice fire wiping away mud while their dinner simmered in the small pot they’d packed. A pot that was currently hanging off of the bag on Gai’s back. “I’ll make sure to keep it away from the mud, don’t worry.”
The last time he’d taken this road he hadn’t had nearly as many problems, though he had also been alone during that trip. Gai’s wheelchair was what had presented them with a problem when they found the path in front of them had turned into a muddy mess thanks to the rain that had fallen overnight. He only hoped that this was the only part of their journey that would prove to be difficult for them.
“So,” Gai continued to swing, keeping himself a fair distance ahead while Kakashi dragged his feet through the mud. “Tell me about Redaku.”
“I’ve told you about it.”
“Tell me more,” he insisted, catching the next branch with ease and heaving himself up onto it. “This is the place you want us to retire to after all, so I should know as much about it as I can.”
“I didn’t say we were going to stay here.” though he had to admit, that was the insinuation. He hadn’t really thought things through too much before suggesting the move. All he could think about was Nanara and the small village that had welcomed him so openly. The country that needed a strong leader, and the leader that still needed a tutor. 
Kakashi wasn’t sure he was the best person for the job, but it was still a job he wanted to do. One he could take pride in.
“Don’t lie to me, Rival,” Gai laughed as he planted his good foot on the branch and stood up, his damaged leg bent so that it hovered in the air behind him. “We both know this is where we’re retiring.”
“Well, maybe,” he wasn’t adverse to the thought. Redaku wasn’t Konoha by any stretch, and he’d miss all of the precious people he’d come to cherish in the village, but it was time for a change. “You’ll like it I think. It’s quaint.”
Bending his leg, Gai sprang toward the next tree. “Quaint,” his voice danced through the air. A pleasant sound that brought a smile to Kakashi’s face even when he was ankle deep in mud. “Does this quaint village have an Onsen?”
The smile dropped off of his face. “No,” he grumbled under his breath, annoyed by the reminder that he was giving up Konoha’s Onsen’s for a quieter life away from the busy streets of Konoha. “I might have to convince Tenzo to pay us a visit and build one.”
Maybe he’d be able to smooth talk Tenzo into staying with them. Orochimaru was Naruto’s problem now, and Tenzo deserved to relax. He’d done more than enough in his short lifetime to earn a nice retirement. 
“No Onsen, and none of our precious students. What exactly is there in this village that you like so much again?” 
There was no appropriate answer he could think of. No reason he could come up with to explain his sudden desire to move. All he had was a gut feeling that they needed to leave. That their lives in Konoha had finished and it was time to move on.
Kakashi didn’t make a habit of listening to his gut over emotions or logic, but sometimes it couldn’t be helped. Redaku was calling to him and he had no reason to say no. 
“I see,” Gai chuckled. “Even you don’t know why, do you?”
Up ahead, Kakashi could see the end of the mud soaked road. A path that would free him from the weight of Gai’s wheelchair hanging over his head and allow him a moment’s reprieve to clean his feet and relax. 
“I don’t know,” he admitted, keeping an eye on the road ahead of him. “All I know for sure is it will be good for us.”
Gai dropped down from the tree’s at that moment, his good foot touching down on the clear road just ahead. “Good for us,” he repeated, turning his head to look back at Kakashi. “How can you be sure?”
A shrug of his shoulders is the only explanation Kakashi could offer as he dragged his feet through the last few inches of mud and placed the wheelchair down beside Gai. “Like I said, I don’t know. It’s just a…”
“A feeling?” Gai’s grin grew wider. “Hatake Kakashi, are you following a gut feeling?”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“For me? No,” slipping his backpack off, Gai handed it off to Kakashi before grabbing the wheelchair and spinning it towards himself. “For you? A little bit, yes.” He dropped into the chair with a low, satisfied groan.
Lifting his foot out of the mud, Kakashi stepped onto solid ground for the first time in twenty minutes and claimed his freedom from his muddy prison. “Come on now,” he groaned, glaring at the pair of mud soaked feet. “It’s Redaku. The land of Legend.”
“Legend,” Gai rolled his eyes. “How many books have you read about it?”
“Before or after visiting?”
“To date,” His husband clarified. “I know for a fact you read more after you met the old king. There were at least five new books on the bookshelf at home.”
Thinking about it for a moment, he shrugged his shoulders. “I’m not really sure,” he admitted. “Maybe nine?”
Nine wasn’t a lot of books for Kakashi. He could easily read nine books in a month if he had the time, and only one or two of them would be from his Icha Icha collection, but for others it could be a lot.
Gai enjoyed reading at times, but he’d never been as much of a reader as Kakashi. Two books a month was usually his maximum and even then he’d only read after a long day of training and hanging out with friends.
“Nine,” his husband repeated with a shake of his head, a fond smile stretching across his face. “You say that as if it’s nothing.”
“Well, it is nothing,” he argued. “At least to me. You’ve seen my book collection.”
“You mean the Konoha library?” Gai joked. “Yes, I’ve seen it.”
It was a small jab at his love for books, but Kakashi didn’t mind. If he was going to go down in history for any of his accomplishments, installing a library that anyone could borrow books and scrolls from seemed like a pretty good one to be remembered for. 
“Fine,” placing his hands on the wheels, Gain manoeuvred himself around so he was facing the correct way down the path. “You can tell me some of those legends while we walk.”
The words hit him like a punch directly to the gut. A punch that came from Genma, or Ebisu. Not too painful, but enough to make him feel like he’d actually been hit. “You want me to tell you the stories?” he clarified, dreading the rest of their walk more than the mud he’d just trudged through. “I have one of them with me. You can read it when we set up camp.”
“I could,” Gai agreed. “But all stories sound better when you tell them to me.”
A compliment. Kakashi could ignore it, but the sweet smile that Gai shot his way right after was too much for him to handle. He’d never admit it out loud, but Gai’s smile was a weakness of his. Something he simply couldn’t ignore no matter how much he wanted to.
“A story,” he grumbled, thinking back to all of the fables that he’d read about Redaku. “Well, you like action so how about the one about the Queen who fought off an army of one hundred shinobi to protect her country?”
Gai’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Yes!” He declared, already beginning to wheel himself down the path. “That’s the perfect story to listen to during the last bit of our journey. One with a great fight and a ‘happily ever after’ sort of ending.”
Not wanting to be left behind, Kakashi quickly fell into step with Gai. There was still one day’s worth of walking between them and Redaku, meaning they’d be spending at least one more night camping out in the open before they would make it to their destination. Even without an Onsen to look forward to, Kakashi found himself looking forward to their arrival.
He was most excited to see Nanara again. For the last five years he’d been helping the young king with his studies through letters and packages, sending him new books to read at least once a month. However, he hadn’t been able to actually visit since the last time he was in Nagare. There was still so much for him to do in Konoha that he simply hadn’t found the time to return until now. 
“Now, where does it begin again?” he whispered, thinking back to the fable he’d read in at least three different books about Redaku. “Oh, right! Once upon a time there was an intelligent, determined queen-”
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delirious-donna · 2 years
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To be honest, I can't quite believe I've hit this milestone already and actually I achieved it two days ago (this is so unreal to me)!
I would love to personally thank every single one of you, but y'know, I do have a life and I'm definitely not rich enough to be visiting you all, but just know that I would!
Anyway, this is to allow me an opportunity to give back! Please have a look at the rules and pick something you'd like from me!
Event Close Date: CLOSED 29th August 2022 (or if I get snowed under, but I'll update) Rules and options are below the cut ^^
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The Rules
must be following me
over 18 blogs only, yes I'm offering SFW options but my blog is primarily NSFW so yeah... NO MINORS!
can be for any of my fandoms: Naruto, Jujutsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, Black Clover, Fairy Tail, Edens Zero & Bleach
requests need to be off anon so I can check the top two rules are being followed but if you want to stay anon when I post, just tell me, it's no problem
at this time I'm not going to limit requests per person except ones that are first come first served - but be mindful of others
please be patient, all requests will be fulfilled but I do have to work and live so yeah...gimme a chance to rock your world
all drabbles/scenarios will be around 500 words, although I am not known for brevity so it could be more
I will assume female reader in scenarios unless gender neutral is specified, male reader needs to be assessed on a case by case basis but is not a straight no
I'll be using the tag delirious500 for all posts for this event
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Option One - Can I take you out? (SFW)
Self-ships are amazing and need more coverage so this option is for anyone that wants that true experience with your favourite beau. Send me a description of yourself, as much detail as you are comfortable with (physical attributes, hobbies, maybe a little of your dress sense and if you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert) or you could send a photo – which will be deleted, of course. Choose a pet name or nickname and tell me your favoured character. I will write up a date for you cute little sweethearts. I am asking for this to come in off anon, but you can tell me you would prefer to be anon when it posts. No one needs to know it’s you if you don’t want!
Option Two - Sin with me... (SFW or NSFW)
Sinning never felt better than when it’s done with your beloved. Choose one of the seven deadly sins and your character of choice. I will write up a drabble based on your choices, this can be either SFW or NSFW, just let me know what you want. If I find I get too many requests for the same sin, I might take it off the menu. Just remember, lust isn’t the only fun one… promise.
Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath & Sloth
Option Three - I wanna do bad things with you (NSFW)
Pick a prompt from below and give me your character of choice. I will write a short drabble around the theme of the quote. Let me know if there is anything you specifically do NOT want to be included. Only one request for each prompt – I will cross them out as they go. If I get two for the same then it will be first come first served but I will offer another option to the person who misses out, cause I’m a motherfucking sweetheart! ^^
“Your face would look better between my legs.”
“Roses are red, Violets are blue, I’m using my hand but I’m thinking of you.”
“I give you permission to wake me up if you get horny.”
“A gentleman holds my hand. A man pulls my hair. A soulmate will do both.”
“I wanna be the reason you slightly tilt your phone away from others when you read it.”
“I swear to you I won’t stop until your legs are shaking and the neighbors know my name.”
“Respect me. Adore me. Dominate me.”
“I want to taste me on your fingers.”
“The key to a great marriage — keep the fights clean and the sex dirty.”
“Now spread your legs and try to tell me about your day.”
“Spank me. It’s the only way I learn.”
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All of the times Naruto knew she danced and the one time he didn't.
A/N: I've really wanted to write some Naruto fics for a while now but just haven't found the inspiration for it. Not sure how many I'll write but I hope to make a collection of these
The first time Naruto knew Hinata could dance it was on a mission. It was just a few months after the war. Hinata and Shikamaru were assigned as his mission partners to ensure that the diplomatic hero tour (as Kakashi had called it) would go off without a hitch. It had been a long mission, one that Naruto was slightly uncomfortable with. Sure he loved traveling and meeting friends but it felt silly to be paraded around villages like he was the only hero of the war. As though others didn’t help. As though others hadn’t died. Still, having Hinata and Shikamaru there with him made the trip worthwhile.
It was the day before one of the first grand parties to be held in Naruto’s honor. People from all over the land had gathered. All wanting to be a part of the festivities, with many young women hoping to catch the eye of the hero. Naruto felt a slight panic when the Daimyo slapped him on the back telling him how lucky he would be dancing all night.
Naruto looked pleadingly over his shoulder towards Shikamaru begging for help but the man barely shrugged before turning away. Though Naruto thought he caught the lazy bastard smiling at his misfortune. He was about to call the genius out when a gentle hand touched his shoulder.
“Naruto-kun, if you need help I can teach you some basic steps.” Hinata smiled at him encouragingly, causing warmth to spread in Naruto. Hinata was always there to save his ass. Grinning brightly to show his appreciation he grabbed her hand in his and led her away. Once they found a quiet and more importantly private area Hinata stepped closer calmly explaining what a waltz was.
“Naruto- kun in a waltz there are three steps. a forward step, a side step, then together.” Hinata demonstrated the steps to Naruto going over it a few times until he felt comfortable enough to try it himself.
“That’s correct Naruto-kun. Now after you bring your feet together you will go backward so step back with the right foot- just like that. Now bring your left foot back. Good. This time however it’s going to swing back to the side where you first started. Now bring the right foot to follow.” Hinata and Naruto stood side by side as she walked the steps with him, letting him get comfortable with the footing, gently nudging his foot to the correct step when there was confusion. Once he felt confident he had memorized the steps Hinata stepped in front of him, trying to ignore the light blush that was forming.
“Naruto-kun, I think we should practice as partners now, but only if you are comfortable.”
“I’m always comfortable with you Hinata-chan! You’re the best-ttebayo!” Hinata’s face was entirely red by now but she chose to ignore the heat. Instead, she continued on, showing him the arm positions while trying to ignore the way her heart skipped a beat when his arm came across her back.
Focusing on the warmth his other hand provided in hers. Hinata began showing him the rotations. It took quite a while to get the hang of. Especially when Naruto faltered as Hinata went to step backward when he went forward. He panicked thinking he had messed up the steps he stumbled over himself to fix it. Causing both skilled shinobi to fall. Naruto grabbed Hinata tightly around the waist, rotating them so that he landed on the ground and Hinata was cradled safely into his chest. Both stayed laying like that for perhaps a second longer than needed, Naruto once more unconsciously giving the woman a gentle squeeze before letting go quickly an embarrassed and apologetic smile on his face as he began to apologize.
“I’m so sorry Hinata-chan I didn’t mean to do that I swear! I just forgot and didn’t know if I was supposed to keep going forward or follow you!”
“No Naruto-kun it was my fault for not explaining better, you were going the right way, women have different steps to follow in the dance.”
“No! You’re great at explaining all this! really! I should have just trusted what you had told me and done that. I’m really sorry Hinata-chan but I promise I’ll get it!”
“It’s ok Naruto-kun it’s your first time, it is only natural to be nervous. I know you’ll get the hang of it. It’s our nindo, remember?” Hinata’s smile was so genuine and bright Naruto had to look away for a moment, her words lingering even after she had said them.
Our nindo.
Naruto felt a spark of energy soar through him and wondered if Kurama also felt motivated by Hinata’s words. Jumping back onto his feet Naruto stretched out his hand to Hinata. A fire burning behind his blue eyes as he clasped her hand once more. Pulling her up and even closer to him than before.
“Let’s try again-ttebayo!”
It was the evening of the party and Shikamaru and Naruto were walking around the ballroom together.
“Would you quit messing with it?” Shikamaru whispered in annoyance.
“I can’t help it, everything feels tight!” Naruto whined as he shifted the collar of his outfit. (A gift from the daimyo) and let out a string of curses. He felt like he was suffocating. Glancing over at his friend he felt envy, the Nara had on a much simpler version of his own outfit and it seemed that the man opted for his own undershirt rather than the constrictive piece of material that Naruto was currently wearing. Sighing the blonde adjusted the collar one final time before giving up and pouting.
“Hinata would feel sorry for me”
“Then go complain to her.”
“Tch- you know she said she would be arriving later.” Naruto had been excited to see Hinata. However, one of the daimyo’s servants had stopped at Naruto and Shikamaru’s room informing them that Hinata had sent a message letting them know that her own dress hadn’t arrived and that she would be a few minutes later than the boys.
That was an hour ago and Hinata still hadn’t shown up. Naruto was itching to go and find her, worried something had happened. Though also just wanting an excuse to escape from the boredom that was the party. However, before he got the chance the Daimyo entered the grand room from a balcony up above.
“Thank you all for gathering tonight to celebrate the end of the war and the prosperity we shall gain from it!" The daimyo smiled down at the cheering crowd, puffing his chest out like he was the reason such prosperity would come about. Still, Naruto was smart enough to keep from rolling his eyes. clapping in approval of the words.
"So tonight I ask that everyone enjoy the entertainment and food. Let the dancing begin!" It was like the Daimyo had opened the flood gates suddenly it seemed that every woman in the room had turned their attention onto Naruto. Many already trying to form a line to get to him.
S-Shikamaru I can’t dance with all of these girls, that's impossible!”
“Naruto you’ll be fine, you’ve worked hard.” A different softer voice spoke out, causing Naruto to jump. Spinning around wildly, he spotted Hinata who had quietly taken her place beside Shikamaru.
“Hinata -chan!”
“I apologize for being late, it took longer than anticipated to get ready.” an embarrassed blush adorned her face as she bowed towards her two friends for her tardiness. Shikamaru waved it off while Naruto looked appalled.
“Don’t apologize Hinata! It’s not your fault the daimyo is using us for advertisement!” It was true, these outfits were a blatant excuse to get the textiles out into the public eye, and what better way to show off your country's goods than to have them paraded around on the most popular attraction. Though as Naruto eyed Hinata’s dress he couldn’t help the irritating though that the Daimyo had requested this specific dress on Hinata for a more lewd reason. Though the dress was far from indecent, the low scooping back and the form-fitted top were far more revealing than anything Naruto had ever seen on his friend.
Old daimyo is just another perv. he thought darkly but he still couldn’t help the thought that she looked really pretty. Naruto was just about to tell her this when a woman stepped forward grabbing Naruto’s arm tightly.
“Naruto-senpai please dance with me!” the young girl Naruto realized was one of the shinobi who had met their squad at the gates of the capital.
“Just get on with it. The sooner you do it, the sooner we can leave.” Shikamaru whispered as he shoved Naruto towards the dance floor. Naruto stumbled but caught himself. He turned his head back planning to give Shikamaru a dirty look but stopped when he saw Hinata. Though she was still smiling there was a sad look in her eyes. Belatedly Naruto realized he probably should have asked Hinata for the first dance. After all, she had helped him so much. As he was dragged to the dance floor and could feel his dance partner feeling up his muscles, he couldn’t help but wish it was Hinata in his arms instead.
It had been a few hours and Naruto felt like his feet were going to fall off. He had lost track of how many partners he’d had. It was all the same. Every monotonous move yet it seemed his partners couldn’t get enough, some even fighting for more dances.
Naruto sighed as he spun his latest partner away, waiting for a new one to take her place. Straining his neck he caught sight of Shikamaru’s hair. Since the dancing had begun he’d tried to catch a glimpse of that beacon of spiky hair around the perimeters of the ballroom. It worked every so often but he was disappointed in not spotting long deep blue hair.
He had prayed at some point that Hinata might cut in. Hoping for a reprieve from all these women who only seemed to care that they were seen on his arm. It would have been nice to dance with a friend, someone he could actually talk to. yet it never happened. Still, he needed a break. Stepping back away before the next girl could come up he gave an apologetic grin scratching the back of his head as he did so.
“I’m sorry, but I just spotted someone I need to talk to, please excuse me.”
The girl pouted murmuring that she'd only gotten to dance with Naruto three times but Naruto had already turned away making his way towards his friend.
“Are you ready to call it a night yet?” the Nara asked from his slumped position in his chair. He had acquired the table an hour ago and had been napping ever since. Naruto nodded slumping into a chair of his own. Wincing as his feet screamed in protest over the night's abuse. Though he’d done exceptionally well he had no doubt abused his poor feet. For all the teaching and practice Hinata had gone through with him he still ended up tripping a time or two. though the biggest abuse was in the form of some of his dance partners accidentally stepping on them in their heeled dress shoes. Yes, Naruto was ready to call it a night if it meant soaking his poor feet.
“Then go grab Hinata-chan so we can get out of here,” Shikamaru said stretching out as he did so.
“Where is she?” Naruto asked turning once more to catch a peek of her.
“No surprise you haven’t seen her, all the women clustered around you while all the men have been circling her. She’s in the middle of that crowd over there.” Shikamaru pointed to the other side of the room where it seemed an equally large crowd had gathered. And true to his words right there in the middle was Hinata, dancing with some man.
“Why didn’t you help Hinata-chan?!” Naruto accused glaring at the man already settling in for a nap again.
“It’s too troublesome to get involved, besides unlike you she’s actually enjoying it.” Naruto was surprised by these words. Standing up he ignored the pain he felt as he looked closer at the scene.
Sure enough, Hinata looked like she was having the time of her life, her eyes were half-closed and there was a healthy blush adorning her cheeks though not from embarrassment but from all of the activity. Her hair had come loose at some point in the evening and it followed behind her in a mesmerizing dance of its own. Naruto could only watch in awe as Hinata was swept around the floor matching her partner step by step. It had looked as though the two had been dancing together all of their lives. Like they had been born to be each other’s partner.
“They're a handsome couple.” an older woman spoke near him, nodding her head toward the couple. her friend agreed, speaking up herself.
“That is the Hyuga heiress from the leaf village, Lord Souta would do well to ask for her match.”
Naruto frowned at the two women gossiping. Match? Why would Hinata fight that guy, he’s obviously not shinobi.
Idiot Kurama murmured but Naruto ignored it. Choosing instead to make his way through the crowd to get to Hinata. As he came to the center of the growing circle he watched as the dance came to a close. Lord Souta or whoever it was had just dipped Hinata low. All around him, people gasped in delight at the display but Naruto could only frown. This didn’t look like anything Hinata had taught him. This was obviously a different dance, one that only someone with more skill could do. As if to give the crown one final trick Souta spun Hinata, having her twirl out away from him as far as their joined hands would allow. Hinata was so close to Naruto he suddenly had an urge to take her and run. However, he was frozen in place, Hinata was breathtaking. There was no other way to describe it, Naruto couldn’t think of a time where she looked so relaxed and happy.
Something about that hurt Naruto deeply but he couldn’t understand why. He was happy that Hinata was enjoying herself and was feeling comfortable enough to show him and everyone around them her passion. But still, something bothered Naruto. He watched as the final notes to the song ended, Lord Souta pulled Hinata back toward him as if there was a magnetic force pulling the two back together. Hinata spun effortlessly back into the man’s chest clutching his shirt as she was breathing heavily.
The audience cheered.
Naruto couldn’t help his eyes narrowing at the man’s hands, who had clasped them against the small of Hinata’s back. Bunching the fabric together. Naruto was about to tell him off when Hinata finally seemed to realize their audience. To everyone’s surprise, her blush grew as she went to step back. Souta released her just enough to let her have some breathing room.
“Thank you for the dance, Lady Hinata. It was a pleasure.”
“T-thank you, I enjoyed it very much.”
“We must dance again soon.” Lord Souta smiled gently as he bowed towards the woman, taking her hand before she could walk away and kissing it. Hinata, Naruto was shocked to see didn’t faint, or freak out over this instead she gave the man a dazzling smile before nodding her head.
“I would like that very much Lord Souta, thank you.” Both dancers ignored the gossiping whispers as they moved back away from each other. Before any other guy could ask Hinata to dance Naruto snaked through the rest of the crowd. Grabbing her hand pulling her with him gently.
“N-Naruto- kun?!” Hinata felt surprised at seeing the blonde. She had been trying to spot him all night but was unable to, due to the masses that surrounded him. Naruto just smiled down at her, his grin stretched across his face.
“Hinata-chan it’s getting late and Shikamaru is ready to go to bed. I’m sorry I had to interrupt you but-”
“No, it’s fine Naruto-kun. I was getting tired myself and we are leaving early in the morning to head out to the next village.”
“Still, I hate to make you leave. You looked great out there Hinata-chan! I had no idea you liked to dance so much-ttebayo!”
Hinata felt like she was in heaven, Naruto was actually complimenting her. Still, Hinata tried to calm herself down.
“Thank you Naruto-kun. I had to learn many dances as a daughter of the head of the Hyuga clan. It's believed that dancing helps to create relationships and bonds with others all around the world. Like tonight with Lord Souta, he has many trade deals with the Hyuga.”
“Oh, so you are friends with that guy?”
“Well, we’ve met before. However, tonight was the first time we were able to speak freely amongst ourselves. He was able to talk to me about a special rare herb he has been cultivating in his gardens. I offered to make some special salves using those herbs with the promise that we could keep bundles of the herbs ourselves.”
“Wow, you were able to make trade negotiation while dancing, that's impressive Hinata-chan.”
“W-well that happened during our first couple of waltzes together. The last dance though was to a song from his country and so we couldn’t really speak. The dance is so fast-paced.”
Naruto faltered in his steps for a millisecond before continuing. By now they were close to the table to grab Shikamaru.
“Haha, I thought that dance looked a little more complicated than what you taught me,” Naruto said with a forced laugh. Hinata stifled a yawn as they woke Shikamaru up once more, humming in agreement to Naruto.
“Yes, it’s a bit more advanced, I don’t often get a chance to practice it.”
Later, long after they had left the party, and walked Hinata back up to her room. Naruto laid awake thinking about the events of the evening and everything Hinata had mentioned. He tossed and turned, kicking the blankets off of him as he stared up at the ceiling. Something was still bothering him. Something that he couldn’t figure out. It was only after the image of Lord Souta’s hands clutching around Hinata's waist jarred him out of a fitful sleep did Naruto realize what the problem was.
It wasn't the fact that he didn't like the guy.
It wasn't the fact that he wasn't as skilled a dancer as the guy.
It wasn't even the fact that Hinata repeatedly danced with the guy.
It was the fact that Naruto wanted to be the only guy that Hinata danced with.
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uchiharomance · 3 years
Hii, I saw that your requests are open so I decided to shoot my shot.
If it's not too much trouble, could I please ask for some headcanons about Madara, Itachi, Boruto!Sasuke and Boruto!Naruto who's S/O is dealing with some insecurities? {You don't have to write for all of them if they're too many or if you just don't feel like writing for them}.
Thank you so much in advance if you're willing to write something like this *again, it's totally okay if you're not*. Take as much time as you need and I hope you have a great day!
madara, itachi, sasuke, naruto: comforting insecurities
for better or worse, can read you like an open book. madara can be intense and a little offputting when he's starting you down while you discuss your problems but he's generally listening to you. he's a little too prideful to show it but has felt his own insecurities. he know more how you're feeling than he'd like to admit. alternates between crushing amounts of praise (if madara uchiha sees your worth and value and *blushes* loves you, that should be enough for anyone else and if not, they're opinion is simply wrong.) and gentle actions such as placing a hand under your chin and telling you outright listing your accomplishments, your positives, every good quality you have and trust him, there are many. not exactly a traditional comforter, but he's trying, in his own way.
voted most likely to sit and listen to you explain just why you have these insecurities, and what bought them up. you don't have to be loud, or look him in the eye. he understands, but his attention will be on you with a offered hand for squeezing. do you want pure comfort? he's smothering you in praise, in affection, in comparisons to the sun and moon and stars. help in overcoming them? he already has ideas, and you know how deeply his love and loyalty goes. what do you need him to do? just ask.
a little blunt in his asking but not in his care. much like itachi he'll sit and listen, and much like madara he'll be a little "you shouldn't worry about them, their opinion doesn't matter." he knows that's easier said than done though, oh boy does he know, and won't press if you're still upset. full of words of affirmation and each one carries so much sincerity and earnestness. the mission might send him off on missions regularly but don't worry, he's wholly dedicated to helping you overcome this.
been there, done that, hates to see you struggling too. do you want to talk? he'll listen. all night if you need him too, hokage work can wait a little while longer. talk no justsu has worn down only a little since he was a kid and he has plenty of praise and encouragement for you. you know you're great right? he thinks so, he thinks you're the greatest, and this challenge and fear you're facing right now is only going to make you stronger. it's hard though, he knows, and he'll let you rest in his arms if it ever gets too much.
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narutogwriting · 3 years
hii, could you do a naruto x reader fic the day/evening before naruto becomes hokage n he and the reader are discussing their future , if they want kids, if they will get married and reminiscing about the past ( maybe about how they met or significant moments ) and he confides in her that maybe he’s a lil nervous n it’s just cavity inducing fluff ,,, sorry if that was a little long but thank you! <3
Hey did you take this prompt straight out of my heart?<3 This may need a part 2...
Long Live
Pairing: Naruto Uzumaki x Reader
CW: fluff
Length: 2.9k+
Inspired by “Long Live” by Taylor Swift because that song always makes me think of Naruto 🥺
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Why is he so pretty
His whole life had led up to this. He’d spent years alone and isolated and hurting. Years being left in the background, unseen, forgotten. All Naruto had ever wanted in life was to gain the acknowledgment of his village.
And now he had it.
In just a few hours, by this time tomorrow, Naruto would officially become Hokage. Everything he’d ever worked for was finally coming to fruition.
Naruto was sitting on the Hokage heads, the same stones that he’d spent years vandalizing as a child, just wanting someone to notice him. Specifically, he was sitting on the formation of his father’s head, a small smile on his face. He’d always said that he was going to become better than the fourth hokage… He wasn’t sure if he could ever surpass his dad. But at the very least, he would do his best to make him proud.
The Sun was beginning to set over the leaf village, casting a brilliant orange glow over the town he loved so much. It was a powerful, flawed village that had done a fantastic amount of good and created imaginable pain. It’d taken Naruto years to understand it, that nothing was black and white, that things can be good and bad, and that you can love something, but still want to change and improve it.
The Leaf Village had simultaneously been a place that had broken him and the place where he had become healed. Now that Naruto was a little older, a little wiser, he understood that things had to change, and that’s what Naruto would do.
He would become the change, lead the village into a new era. One of healing and restoration. Not only would Konoha change its way, Naruto was going to do his damndest to right all of its wrongs.
Finally, just before dark, Naruto got up and decided to head back home. He couldn’t imagine that he would be getting much sleep tonight; he was too excited, too nervous. Of course he’d always believed that he would become Hokage, but now that it was happening… It was almost too much for him to handle.
He expected you to maybe already be in bed by the time he got home. It wasn’t super late, but you were just getting back from a mission that day, so he was sure you’d be exhausted.
He opened the front door slowly, quietly, not wanting to wake you.
He was surprised to find you not only awake, but waiting for him with a big smile. You looked so beautiful, he thought, in the tight red dress you were wearing. The lights were dim, the living room and kitchen only lit by candle light.
Blinking in confusion, Naruto looked at you as you came to give him a big hug. “Hi, I missed you…” Naruto said, wrapping his strong arms around you, pulling you into him. He placed a kiss on your head, getting a whiff of his favorite perfume that you had.
Just over your head, he could see the table set with a pretty red table cloth, flowers, romantic candles, and the unmistakable aroma of your homemade ramen.
“I missed you so much,” You told him, pulling away just enough to press up on your tiptoes and give him a kiss. “I’ve been waiting for you. Were you at Hokage Rock?” You questioned. You knew him way too well.
He gave you a sheepish grin. “I was,” He told you. “Just taking it all in, ya know? Before…” He trailed off. He couldn’t even speak the words; it would make it all too real and then he was sure he’d implode.
Instead, he nodded to the set up in the kitchen before pulling away from the hug. He took your hand, pulling back so he could check you out properly, giving you a little twirl as you giggled. “What’s the occasion?” He asked you, causing you to stare up at him with a dumbfounded expression.
“What do you think, dummy!?” You asked him, playfully smacking his arm and making him laugh.
“I thought we were gonna celebrate tomorrow night?”
You shook your head, exasperated. “Yes, but that’s with our friends, Naruto. “Tonight, I wanted to celebrate, just you and me.” You explained to him, smiling up at him fondly. You reached up to touch his cheek gently. “I’m just so proud of you, you know? I wanted to do something special. I always knew you could do it.”
Naruto eyes began to tear up instantly as he grinned happily. He ran the back of his hand across his eyes. “Geez, you really know how to make a guy all choked up…”
You giggled. You were well accustomed to Naruto’s happy tears by this point. It never failed to make your heart well up, knowing that you could fill Naruto with such joy that he would cry tears of happiness.
His hands cupped your cheeks, pulling you to him as he pressed his lips against yours softly. “I love you so much, you know? Believe it!”
“I do believe it,” You teased, kissing him one more time before taking his hand. “Cmon, before your food gets cold.” You told him, pulling him to the kitchen. “I made your favorite.”
The two of you made small talk while you ate your food. He asked about your mission, and you gave him the exciting details. He slurpped down the ramen hungrily; somehow you made it just as good as Ichiraku ramen, maybe even better. It was just one of the many things he loved about you.
When the two of you finished eating, you cleared the table, leaving the dishes in the sink.
“Cmon,” you said, leading Naruto to the living room.
You had more candles set up on the side tables, and in the middle of the floor, a blanket with lots of pillows for the two of you to lounge on, chocolate covered strawberries, two glasses of wine, and a present just for Naruto.
“How did I get so lucky?” Naruto asked quietly, staring down at you with love filled eyes. He wrapped his arms around you from behind, dipping his head down to place light, open mouth kisses against your neck. You tilted your head slightly, placing your hands over his arms.
“Sweet, thoughtful, a good cook.. Not to mention so gorgeous.” His hands began to trail over your body, starting at your waist and slipping slowly down your hips and thighs before moving back up.
You felt your stomach clenching in desire, always so responsive to his touch.
“Naruto,” you moaned softly. It took all of your willpower to pull away from him. “I have a nice night planned; stop trying to seduce me!” You scolded.
Naruto just gave you a cheeky smile. “I can’t help myself. Look at you…” He muttered.
You bit your lip, blushing as he followed you to sit down on the blanket. Naruto pulled you between his legs to rest your back against his chest as he peppered your cheeks with kisses, making you giggle and squirm in his arms.
Picking up a chocolate strawberry, you placed it in front of his lips. He took the fruit in his mouth, the juices spilling over his lips before you pulled you in for another sweet kiss.
It would have been easy to let that become the rest of your night with Naruto, getting lost in his arms, letting his lips trace over every part of your body, spending the night in ecstacy. And you wanted that. You really wanted that.
But tomorrow was going to be the best day of Naruto’s life. Honestly, it was probably going to be the best day of yours, too. You were giddy with pride and adoration; you could only imagine the way you would feel tomorrow, watching Naruto stand in front of the whole village, all eyes on him as that hokage cloak was finally, finally*, placed over his shoulders. The way the people were going to scream his name, look at him with reverence and admiration. It made you start to tear up just thinking about it. Naruto was going to be hokage. His life long dream would be his reality. You always knew it would be. You couldn’t think of anyone more deserving to become the leader of the village.
“I got you something,” you told him, your head a little dizzy with the champagne you two had been drinking in between your kisses and giggles. You were so in love with this man.
“I thought I was going to unwrap you,” Naruto flirted, but you batted his hands away, pushing to your feet. You grabbed the present bag, specially chosen for the little foxes that littered the wrapping.
Walking back over, you sat cross legged in front of him, holding the bag in your lap.
“Naruto,” you said, giving him a silly smile. “Ever since the day I first met you, I’ve been in awe of you.” You told him. It was hard not to blush at the way that Naruto was gazing at you, those beautiful blue eyes glistening and intense. “From the way you carried yourself, to how hard you worked, to the way you changed people. Your heart is bigger than anyone I know. I wish so much that I would have met you sooner, so I could have been there for you, so you never would have had to be alone…”
You wiped at your eyes. The more you spoke, the wetter they became. “Whenever you tell me about the things you experienced when you were little, the way you grew up… It breaks my heart. I never want for you to feel sad or alone or abandoned like that… Never.” Scooting closer to him, you took his hands.
“I wish I would have known the little boy you were before you became the ninja I love. I wish I could hug him and tell him it’s all going to be okay… Could you imagine if he could see you now?” You’re smiling and crying and Naruto is smiling and crying and you’re both such an emotional mess. Everything he’d gone through, all the pain he experienced, he’d do it all again if it meant he could be here.
Naruto kissed your knuckles as you worked to compose yourself. You never knew it was possible to feel so deeply before Naruto. He’d taught you to love the way he did, and you couldn’t thank him enough for that.
“It’s been the best thing of my life, watching you take on the world.” You told Naruto in earnest. “The greatest honor. I just… I love you so much, and I want you to know how proud I am of you… And I never want you to forget how far you’ve come so… here.”
You passed him the present, and he took it with shaking hands. How? How was this his life? How had he gone from being four years old, wandering the streets of Konoha without a friend in the world to becoming the leader of the village, with the most beautiful, caring, magnificent woman he could have imagined by his side?
He opened the gift slowly, so contrary to the way he may normally rip into a present with excitement and vigor. This, right now, this entire night, this moment. He wanted to savor it, remember it forever. He wished it never had to end.
Eventually, he pulled the gift from the bag slowly, he’s mouth dropping in awe at what it was.
It was his goggles, the one he used to wear on his forehead to pretend he was a ninja before he got his headband, framed.
In your pretty little script, you’d written:
Long live the mountains you moved,
I’ve had the time of my life fighting dragons with you.
Long live the look on your face,
And bring on all the pretenders.
One day, you will be remembered.
Naruto was speechless; the gesture was so thoughtful it blew his mind. You believed in him. You really did. He thought about what you said, wished he could go back in time and tell himself that is was all going to be worth it. That one day, he’d never be alone, never feel that pain again. He would be happy beyond his wildest dreams. “This is… This is…” He looked up at you through blurry eyes. “I don’t know what to say… I thought I lost these.” He told you.
“I found them when we moved,” you explained to Naruto. “You hadn’t mentioned them, so I decided to save them to frame. For this moment.”
Naruto stared down at the goggles in his hands. “This is the best gift ever… Really. You don’t know how much this means to me. I’m going to put it in my office, look at it everyday…” His gaze trailed up to meet yours. “Until we have our first kid. Then I’m gonna give it to them.”
Your heart began to flutter, your lips trembling. “O-our first kid?” Naruto nodded, grinning at you.
“I think it’ll be a boy. And he can wear them just like I did, until he graduates the academy. He’ll make it the first time, unlike me. And even if he doesn’t, it’ll be okay. I’ll practice with him until he’s confident and strong enough to pass.”
Placing the frame aside, he pulled you to him, lifting you so you were straddling his lap. His arms wrapped around your waist as he rested his face in the crook of your neck, breathing you in as he quivered just barely.
“What about after that?” You asked Naruto, wrapping your arms around his neck and threading your fingers through his hair. “I want three boys, all mini yous. The older two will be crazy like you, loud and hyper and determined…”
“And the third will be like you,” Naruto finished. “He’ll be kind, gentle but fierce. And a kick ass ninja. And they’ll all get the goggles, so we have to space them out just enough. It’ll be a tradition!” You could see by the excitement in his eyes that he meant it. The two of you had talked about a future together before, of course. But not like this. This felt different. It was there now, just ahead of the two of you.
“We could start now…” Naruto teased, his hands once again trailing over your body as he grinded himself against you.
Feigning shocked, you gasped. “And have a child out of wedlock? How scandalous, Hokage-sama…” You joked, as if you could care less about doing things “traditionally.” You didn’t need traditional. It was you and Naruto forever; there was no doubt in your mind about it.
“Of course! Our first little guy is gonna be our ring bearer.” Naruto told you as if it was obvious. “Maybe even help me when I finally put the ring on your finger…” Naruto took your hand, lacing your fingers together as he examined the ring finger. “Gonna get you the biggest rock in the village. You’re gonna need sunglasses when you look at it, it’ll be so bright.”
He was ridiculous, this man you loved so much. “You know I don’t need that. Only you.”
Naruto smiled. “I know.”
You loved this, talking about your future. It was unfolding before you so vividly. “Tell me more,” you insisted, still playing with his hair. “How are you going to propose?”
Naruto laughed, shaking his head. “Nice try,” He teased. “That’s a surprise. But if you really want, I’ll tell you about our wedding…”
You, of course, nodded in earnest. “Tell me,” You practically begged, making him laugh and kiss you.
“It’s gonna be the biggest party of the year. Everyone’s gonna be there. We’ll pull out all the stops… Kakashi can officiate. Our little guy will carry the rings down the aisle… I’m gonna say vows that will make you cry…” You laughed, shaking your head.
“MY vows will make YOU cry,” you countered, and he just shushed you because he knew you were right.
“Anyways,” he laughed. “After the ceremony, we’ll have a huge reception. Music, food, dancing, games. Ninja games, and I’m gonna win them all, obviously, because I’m the hokage…” He grinned at you. “Everyone’s gonna be having the best time… But, when it’s in the full swing of things, everyone’s drunk and distracted, I’m gonna pull you away…”
To emphasize his point, he pulled you closer into him. A hand gripped in your hair as he pulled you into a deep kiss. “Cause I’m so in love. And somehow, that night, I’m gonna find even more* love for you, even though I can’t imagine my heart being able to handle all that…” He murmured against your lips.
“I’m gonna pull you away to have you all to myself. To admire you. To kiss you. To make love to you. It’s gonna be official. You’ll be all mine forever…”
And honestly? When Naruto said forever, it didn’t sound too bad. It sounded like an adventure, a never ending story. It would be a wild ride you never wanted to get off of.
Tomorrow, Naruto would become Hokage. He would achieve his dreams, and you would be right there by his side for it all.
But right now, there was just the two of you. Together, in love. Supporting each other through it all.
That much would never change.
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krreader · 3 years
take your time.
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pairing: min yoongi x reader fandom: bts warnings: / genre: fluff ; hints of angst word count: 1.2k+ 
summary: neither yoongi, nor you had expected the night to end like this. but this moment was yours, and yours alone.
a/n: I tweaked it a little, hope that’s okay my love <333
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This was everyone's dream that was a KPOP fan. Standing in this meeting hall with none other than BTS on the stage, holding an interview for a few selected fans and afterwards, you'd all have dinner, “not as fans, but as a family” is what they had advertised this as.
Yet, when the interview was done, you knew that you had absolutely no chance to meet them. The fans kept their distance, at least so that the boys wouldn't be super uncomfortable, but they were still swarmed. You couldn't even see them anymore once they got off the stage.
You knew you should have just given this ticket to your friend. They were way more outgoing than you were and would have done everything in their power to at least talk to them once.
But you weren't that. You were waiting in the back for a little while, just to see if it got a little better.
It didn't.
If anything, it got worse over time. 
“Excuse me,” you approached one of the security guards, “Is there any place I could go to for some fresh air?”
“Sure, just take the elevator up, the rooftop lounge is open to all visitors.”
A rooftop lounge. Man, BigHit was so fancy.
Nevertheless, you were glad for it, because once the cold air finally hit your face, it felt like your drained energy was slowly coming back.
A small smile spread on your face when you saw the view, taking a few more steps towards the railing until you could lean against it, the smile then turning into a grin.
If you had been working here, you would never ever leave this lounge. This view was glorious. Would probably look just as great in the morning, when the sun was coming up. But with all the lights from the buildings, it looked magical right now. 
“So... you found my hiding spot,” the voice made you jump, then turn around and bow deeply when you realized who it was.
“I'm... so sorry. I didn't know that this was your...-”
Yoongi chuckled and shook his head, “Not like I own this place. If I did, though, I would make this my private area.”
That sentence made it clear that he wanted you to leave and unlike the others down at the party, you didn't want him to be uncomfortable, so you rushed past him and wanted to do just that, but just before you stepped back into the building, you heard Yoongi let out a sigh.
“Sorry... I didn't mean to be rude. You can... stay, I guess.”
“No, it's fine,” you laughed uncomfortably, “I'll just leave you on your own. I'm sure you need the silence more than me.”
Yoongi looked at you for a long time and it was only then that you realized you were talking to Min Yoongi, the Min Yoongi, completely on your own. Nobody else around. 
Just you and him.
Jeez, he was so mindblowingly handsome.
“Stay. After all, this event is held for you.”
“For fans. Not specifically for me,” but you let go of the door. Not that you were moving towards him, though.
“Aren't you a fan?” he sat down on one of the benches and pulled out his phone.
“I am... but...”
“But you're not like them?” he looked at you from under his eyelashes, both of you laughing at that.
“I'm not that naive,” you eyed the spot next to him and waited for him to nod, before you finally sat down too, but at the very edge of the bench, so that you still kept quite a lot of distance to him, “Just not a party person.”
“Same,” Yoongi chuckled and turned his head to look at the same view that you had just admired, “I go up here every time there is one.”
You leaned back, and nodded, “I would too, with this view.”
Yoongi became quiet for a moment, but to your surprise, it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. If anything, it was what you both needed. Quiet and peace.
Still, you couldn't help but study him, now that he was so close to you.
This was such a coincidence. How was this real, how was he sitting right here next to you, talking to you? 
But because he was so close to you, you could tell that he was exhausted. That his social battery had run out as much as yours. That was the perk of being an introvert. You could easily spot another one.
“Hey, you like anime?” you asked, seemingly so randomly, that Yoongi let out a snort.
“Anime. Do you watch it?” you pulled out your phone, but made sure that you kept it on your lap where he could see everything you were doing. Just so he knew you weren't taking any pictures or were recording anything.
Again, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. 
“Uh.. sure?”
“Well... every time I need a pick-me-up, I go back into old Naruto episodes and just watch them again. They always make me smile and remind me that I'll be back home in my bed soon, where I can just continue watching them.”
You didn't see it, but Yoongi's eyes weren't on your phone anymore, but on you.
At first, he was surprised, but then a soft smile spread on his face and he only averted his gaze when you caught him staring.
“You want to watch Naruto with me? You get some alone time with Min Yoongi and instead of asking me intimate questions, you want to stay quiet and watch an anime?”
“Right now, you're not Min Yoongi and I'm not a fan. We're both just two people who need a break.”
That made Yoongi's heart swell, the smile on his face returning, “Will you at least tell me your name, fan?”
You considered it for a moment, then you shook your head, “Let's just... enjoy this. You won't see me again after this night, so no point in making too many memories, right?”
Your blunt answer made him speechless. You didn't look sad about it, though. In fact, once the theme song for Naruto came on, you just started grinning and even hummed to it.
You looked... happy. You didn't care anymore that he was sitting next to you, or at least not, that he was Min Yoongi.
Part of him wanted to know more about you, your name, what you were even doing at an event like this, where you lived, what your job was... but he knew you were rational before. He would never see you again after tonight.
No point in making memories.
“Alright, fan. Let's watch some Naruto,” he let out heavy sigh, but then smiled, “This is one of my favorite episodes, by the way.”
“Oh my god, seriously? I absolutely LOVE this episode!”
The two of you continued talking, but only about Naruto. Nothing personal was exchanged, you both just realized how much the other one loved anime.
You only watched one episode, that was all the time that you had with each other. But every second of it was precious. 
And when Yoongi was later asked where he had been, he just smiled happily and said: “Just watched some Naruto.”
He wouldn't let anyone in on this little moment between you two. He didn't know who you were, but he hoped that you knew how much this night had meant to him. Because you showed him that it's okay not to be okay every now and again. What matters is that you try to get back up on your feet again and find something, that will pull you up.
And so whenever Yoongi needed a break, he would pull out his phone and start that specific episode that he watched with you that night.
Maybe he'd see you again one day. Then, he'd like to thank you and finally get to know your name.
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