#oh! and I found his book and downloaded it
chiyuuchu · 2 months
Shoto’s for you page <3 (30th July 2024)
Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Prompt! The class tried to figure what a nonchalant boy like Shoto Todoroki would have on his tiktok for you page.
Class 1-A was abuzz with energy during a rare free period. As usual, the students found themselves immersed in various activities—some studying, others chatting, and a few engrossed in their phones. The topic of the day happened to be TikTok, as Mina proudly showed off the latest dance trend she had mastered.
"Deku, what's your FYP like?" Kaminari asked, lounging on his desk.
Midoriya blushed, rubbing the back of his head. "Oh, you know, mostly hero analysis videos, training tips, and a few cat videos."
Kirishima laughed. "Sounds about right. What about you, Bakugou?"
Bakugou scoffed, crossing his arms. "Explosions, fight scenes, and cooking hacks. Why does it matter?"
The class erupted in laughter, each person sharing snippets of their For You Pages, until the conversation naturally drifted towards the enigmatic Todoroki Shoto.
"Hey, Todoroki," Mina called out, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Do you have TikTok?"
Todoroki, who had been quietly reading a book, looked up with his usual calm demeanor. "Yes, I do."
The class fell silent for a moment, collectively stunned. Todoroki having TikTok seemed almost out of character for the stoic boy.
"Wait, really?" Jiro asked, incredulous. "What do you even watch on there?"
Todoroki shrugged. "Midoriya kept asking me to download it so he could send me videos. I thought it would be easier to just have the app."
This piqued everyone's curiosity. "So, what's your FYP like?" Kaminari asked, leaning forward eagerly.
Todoroki hesitated, an unusual expression crossing his face. "I'd rather not show."
The class exchanged puzzled looks. What could Todoroki, of all people, possibly have on his TikTok that he wouldn't want to share?
"Come on, Todoroki!" Mina pleaded. "We're all friends here. What are you hiding?"
But Todoroki remained firm. "No."
Suspicion and curiosity reached an all-time high. The students whispered among themselves, brainstorming ways to uncover Todoroki's mysterious FYP. Finally, Mina came up with a plan.
The next day, during another free period, Mina put her plan into action. She sent Todoroki a TikTok and approached him with a smile. "Hey, Todoroki, can you open your phone and check the TikTok I just sent you? I think you'll find it interesting."
Todoroki, unsuspecting, nodded and pulled out his phone. As soon as he opened the app, Mina lunged, snatching the phone from his hands.
"Mina, what are you—" Todoroki started, but it was too late. The entire class gathered around as Mina began scrolling through his For You Page.
The room fell into a stunned silence as the truth was revealed. Todoroki's FYP was filled with TikTok edits of Y/N. Clips of her during training, random shots of her around campus, and even some candid moments where she was just being herself—all meticulously edited with effects, music, and transitions.
“No way!” Kaminari wheezed as he took the phone from Mina. “Let’s check his favorites!” he said with a smirk.
And behold.. an edit of Y/n way back from the sports festival with an incredibly great velocity transition to the song ‘One Of The Girls’. And it was in fact very interesting.
“It’s not what it looks like—!” Todoroki pleaded in embarrassment.
The class, however, erupted into a mix of laughter and teasing.
"Well, well, well," Kaminari smirked. "Looks like someone has a crush!" he sing-songs as he swipes on the next favorite which happened to be an edit of Y/n playing the electric guitar during the school festival performance with the background music being ‘Heartbeat’ by Childish Gambino. The edit was indeed also very alluring with its flashing velocity and dim filter.
Kirishima clapped Todoroki on the back. "Didn't know you had it in you, man."
Even Bakugou couldn't help but chuckle. "You're more of a sap than I thought, Icy Hot."
“Don’t worry! We won’t tell Y/n.” Mina teases.
The class continued to tease Todoroki, but just then, the door opened and Y/N walked in, her eyes narrowing as she noticed the commotion.
“Tell me what?” she asked, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.
The room fell silent, everyone exchanging nervous glances.
“Uh, nothing!” Mina said, trying to deflect. “Just… hero stuff.”
Y/N wasn’t convinced. “Hero stuff? Really?”
Midoriya, ever the peacemaker, tried to step in. “It’s just that, um, Todoroki’s TikTok FYP is… interesting.”
Y/N’s curiosity piqued, and she looked directly at Todoroki. “Interesting how?”
Todoroki took a deep breath, deciding it was time to come clean. "My FYP is full of edits of you, Y/N. I hope this isn’t weird and… I do very much admire you."
The class held their breath, waiting for Y/N’s reaction. She blinked, processing the information, before a small smile spread across her face.
“You… admire me?” she repeated softly.
Todoroki nodded, feeling a mix of vulnerability and relief. “Yes. I didn’t know how to tell you, but I guess now you know.”
Y/N’s smile widened, and she took a step closer to him. “You could have just told me, you know. I’ve been trying to get your attention for ages.”
The class collectively sighed with relief and joy, realizing that this was the moment they had been waiting for.
“So,” Kaminari said, breaking the tension, “are you two finally going to go out or what?”
Todoroki looked at Y/N, his eyes filled with newfound confidence.
Y/N laughed, nodding enthusiastically. “I’d love to, Shoto.”
The class cheered, clapping and whistling as the new couple shared a shy, but happy moment. And as the buzz of excitement filled the room, Todoroki couldn’t help but feel relieved. What had started as a mortifying ordeal had ended in the best way possible.
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soapsbaby · 1 year
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Summary: Your CoD Partner finds you reading a smutty novel. Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, Johnny "Soap" Mactavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, Kate Laswell, König, Alejandro Vargas, Rudy Vargas, Valeria Garza, all x gn!reader Rating: NSFW (mdni) Word Count: 600ish
He doesn’t fully get it but if you love them, he does too. He's never once criticized any of your hobbies, if they make you happy, he supports it.
He has definitely found his way to have fun with it though, his favorite way is to make you read them out loud while he eats you out, making you repeat every line you didn’t manage to get out clearly enough for him to understand.
“Oh, Baby, what was that?”
He loves your voice, he could listen to you for hours, so he loves when you read them out to him. Usually he’s just sprawled out on top of you, head on your chest while you run your fingers through his hair and read to him.
He keeps commenting everything to make sure you know he’s still awake, with little sentences like “Hm. Would you like that?” or “We should try that” or “That sounds horrible, I’m sorry.” if it’s a particularly wild scene.
Definitely falls asleep at times, though.
It started with you telling him all of the plots of the books you were reading but since he seemed so intrigued you just started leaving the books on his bedside table once you were done with them so he could pick them up too.
It has become a tradition for you to leave little sticky notes on parts you especially enjoy so he can take inspiration (and he does).
He enjoys them, especially since it makes it easier for you to express your needs and desires to him when you can otherwise be a little shy about them. He likes having you cuddled up to him and reading them out to you, reenacting them while he does, if possible.
She picked up a few of the ones you finished and wasn’t convinced, telling you they were silly and unrealistic, but the next time you picked up your e-reader, she downloaded your favorite authors’ entire bibliography for you.
If you love something, he loves it too, but it took him a while to get used to those books, he was scandalized by the types of things you decided to read. 
“Listen, I thought I was mostly fluent in English… But the words in here…” 
Now this man will indulge you. Be it reenacting scenes, taking inspo, hell, he’ll even dress like your favorite characters if you ask him nicely enough.
He’s into roleplay anyways so it’s not that much of a far cry for him to get into the characters you find yourself fantasizing about. 
He’d be lying if he said he fully gets it, but it’s your interest and so he appreciates it as much as he appreciates you and always shows interest when you wanna share any of the stories with him. 
He’s a huge bookworm as well, so a lot of the time you will cuddle up together somewhere, both reading your books.
He sporadically looks over your shoulder and if he spots you reading a particularly explicit scene his fingers will find their way between your legs, getting you off while you read .
When she first saw you reading one of your smutty little novels she grabbed it from you, reading it out loud to you to fluster you (which worked, of course).
“Cariño, what the hell are you reading, hm?” You straddled her, desperately trying to grab the book out of her hands, miserable failing to do so. "Wow, you little slut."
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angel-of-the-moons · 10 months
When you get the chance do you think you could write a Miguel x chubbyF!reader ?
(It's my first time requesting and I wanted to try and give like an idea of it)
Miguel saw the reader in the library and she caught his eye and he went on about what he was doing until he grabbed the same book as her and it just happened to be both of their favorite books and they ended up talking about it and maybe going to a coffee shop after?
The Very Grumpy Spider
Miguel x Chubby/Curvy!Fem!Reader
TW/CW: None
Taglist: @tojishugetiddies
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Miguel was hiding away from the world in the most unlikely of places. It wasn't his home, or his darkened office at HQ, or the labs at Alchemax.
No, it was the library. It hardly had any foot traffic, and the libraries of the world were quickly becoming obsolete with their actual paper books in favor of all the digital files you could simply download online these days.
Which is why it was perfect for him to hide in.
It was quiet, almost no people, and his favorite reading nook had the comfiest chairs. Hell, sometimes he'd sit in the bean bag chairs and nod off a bit.
Today he was browsing the shelves labeled "Classics -- Science Fiction".
His large fingers drummed on the spines of each book as he weighed the decision of which one to read, his glasses perched low on his nose. It seemed silly, that someone who has superpowers would like something as simple as science fiction, but these books were a big escape from the abuse he and his little brother were witness (and in many cases victim) to.
It was also the library he'd run off to back then, too.
It was a sanctuary, a sweet, private Sanctuary.
Miguel was so warped in his thoughts that he didn't notice somebody was now standing right next to him.
Not until a small hand reached out and they both touched the spine of the same book.
An omnibus of sorts containing all the stories of a series called "Dinotopia" by an author named James Gurney, a little over a hundred or so years ago. Miguel as a child had silly fantasies of finding such a place and now the stories were a source of great comfort when the stress of his life became a bit too hard.
"Oh! Sorry!" You say, awkwardly snatching your hand back. "I... Er. Didn't know that anybody else liked... uh, nevermind."
You were... cute. Not obnoxiously made-up like many of the women he's met; you were very minimal makeup and he could even see a few blemishes here and there.
Your body was not rail thin--again, like most women he's known--you were soft, your clothes hugged your body in a way that showed that you had little rolls that spilled over the top of your jeans, your legs and arms a bit on the thicker side, and your round little face definitely set you apart.
And Miguel found himself quickly liking the sight.
He lowered his hand and shook his head with a soft chuckle, "Ah, no, it's alright. I'm surprised anybody even knows these books exist."
You smiled sheepishly up at him, dimples in your soft cheeks as you did. "Yeah... My grandpa used to read these to me when I was little. It's hard to find them nowadays and the copies I had got ruined when my apartment flooded..."
"I used to read them as a kid, myself." Miguel smiled at you as he plucked the book off the shelf, looking at the illustrated cover; protected by a dust jacket but the cover was faded with time, the pages slightly yellowed.
"They were a nice escape."
"Oh! Yeah... They--they are." You say as you watched him turn the book over in his massive hands. Hell, they were so goddamn big that the thick volume looked like a tiny booklet. And oh, did you try to ignore how strong they looked.
Miguel sighed and held the book out to you, "Here. Far be it from me to keep someone from reading a favorite, huh?"
You held your hands up, waving then a bit. "Oh! No, no, um... It's okay. You can read it."
You both stood there, blinking at each other in an awkward silence.
Until you both broke out into soft laughter and Miguel lowered his hand that still clutched the book.
"...We're just going to go back and forth about this, aren't we?" He asked.
"... Probably." You giggled, rubbing the back of your neck.
There was another pause, until you decided to break it.
"Um... well. We can... Talk about it?"
When he tilted his head at you with raised eyes you felt yourself flush. "I--! Well, I just mean that, um... Er. It's unusual to find anybody that knows about that series because it's so old, so, I mean..."
He laughed again, and god, did it sound wonderful as it tumbled out of his lips. He fixed his dark eyes on you and smiled. "Sure. I don't have anywhere to be for the rest of the day."
You swore you could see that his eyes glimmered a different color as he spoke, and your heart slipped a beat.
You and Miguel chatted for what must have been close to three hours. You'd even gotten so close as to read the book together; or, well, a few of the stories in it here and there.
You guys had sat so close you could smell his cologne and aftershave.
Meanwhile Miguel could smell your sweet, cherry-like perfume. Hell, he could even smell your lip balm (it had notes of honey) thanks to his super senses.
He loved watching you move, he would often take his eyes from the pages to scan your form, looking at how soft and plush you were. He had the most intrusive thoughts about laying his head in your lap and just letting you run your fingers through his hair as you read the book aloud to him.
Oh, your thighs looked like perfect napping pillows...
He was gorgeous, and he found you absolutely beautiful. You were cute, funny, and quirky, whereas you found him intelligent, witty and kind when he spoke to you.
Something beeped on Miguel's watch and when he looked at it, he grunted. Lyla was asking him when he was going to just ask you out, because apparently she'd been eavesdropping covertly through his watch.
Yeah, it had been hours.
"Is that, um... A call you need to take?" You ask hesitantly.
"No, it's just my assistant checking on me." He turned it off and lowered his wrist, smiling again at you, and he felt something gnaw in his stomach when he saw your hopeful expression.
Fuck it.
"Hey... Would you like to get a coffee?" He finally asked you directly.
And oh, the little error-code face you made was just precious.
"Oh!" You shake your head softly, and smile up at him again. "Sure! I--I mean that is I'm okay with with that, and... uh."
Miguel stood, the book once again in his palm and he extended his hand to you politely to help you out of your seat.
Witty and chivalrous. It made you positively weak in the knees!
"But, um... are you sure?" You ask, following him to the check out counter.
He smiled at you over his shoulder, waving the book.
"Of course. After all, how else are we supposed to finish reading this together?"
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astridthevalkyrie · 6 months
cw: afab reader + she/her pronouns, creepy stuff, yandere ig??, very very very brief and extremely mild use of phone as a vibrator, if you've seen gravity falls this is inspired by the soos and the real girl ep 💀
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You pause and exit out of the app right as you open up the video call link, ignoring the twinge of guilt you feel at leaving during such a steamy scene. It's not real, you remind yourself, like you have a million times in the past month. A part of you wants to find the coziest corner of this library and play until you've leveled up all the memories you can and gone on all nine claw machine dates you're allowed to, but it's time to unplug.
Besides, you have an actual date.
"Hey!" your boyfriend greets as soon as the video loads up, grinning when he sees your face. "Are you in the library?"
"Yeah. Booked a room all for you," you tease, setting your phone down to focus on your laptop.
"Wow, I'm flattered. So what's been up lately?"
You sigh. "Nothing much. Same old boring stuff. What about you?"
He starts talking about his new job, the entire reason that you and he have been long-distance for the past few months. You're not going to lie to yourself—it's rough. It feels like torture, not being able to see him and hold him and kiss him. You've really, really missed him. That's probably why you've turned to dating sims of all things in the first place.
Your phone buzzes while he's talking, and your eyes flick over to the screen.
new text from alien boy <3
Your brows furrow in confusion. This app doesn't notify you about new texts, because they only come through while you're on the app itself. And you never just get texts, unless you've leveled up on affinity, which you haven't in the past half hour.
Whatever. Probably some new feature or event you don't know about yet. You turn your attention back to your boyfriend.
"—And my break will be in two weeks," he finishes his story, then smiles. "Which means in two weeks I'll be seeing you, pretty girl."
Eyes lighting up, you lean in so you can blow him a light kiss. "I can't wait. I already have the whole weekend planned out. We'll go to the park, the museum—I thought we could go canoeing if you wanted to—"
Once again, your phone buzzes.
alien boy <3: didn't we have plans that weekend?
Your stomach flips unpleasantly.
"What is it?" your boyfriend asks, noticing your struck expression.
"N-nothing, just—this app I downloaded, it gave me a super weird notification. For a second, I thought it was, like, listening to me."
He chuckles. "Creepy. What app is it?"
"Nothing," you say quickly, not sure if you should even tell your boyfriend that you've found solace in fictional characters during his absence. "Just some stupid game."
This time when your phone buzzes, you jump a little in your seat.
It's not a text. Someone's calling you. Your shoulders almost sag until you notice there's no name on the caller id, just a small spaceship emoji.
"What the hell," you mutter under your breath, putting one finger up to the camera. Your boyfriend nods in understanding, leaning back and muting himself while you swipe and answer the call. "Hello?"
No answer.
Still nothing. You almost hang up, until the barest of sounds makes your ears perk up. If you strain them and press the phone so close it's smushing your cheek, you can hear something. It sounds like someone whispering, but you can't make out anything.
"Hello? Um, your audio is super low, I can barely hear you. Hello? Can you hear me?"
With no change, you hang up, frustrated. It might be a prank call. You're in the library on a Friday night and there's barely anyone here, one of your friends might've thought it was hilarious to mess with you.
"Spam call." You shrug uneasily, slipping the phone down between your thighs this time instead of on the table. He nods in understanding, then starts saying something.
"You're still on mute, sweetheart, I can't hear you."
He makes an oh face, then leans forward a bit to use the mouse. After a few seconds, though, his eyes narrow in focus and he shakes his head. He looks up, mouthing can you hear me now?
"Nope. Can you still hear me?"
An affirmative nod. Weird. It's still showing that he's muted on your end. "What, is it not clicking?"
You see him look back up to the screen, whether to nod or shake his head, you don't find out, because the screen glitches out for a moment, and all you see is a door.
You shriek, clamping a hand over your mouth.
His face is back in front of you again, and you still can't hear him, but he clearly sees how freaked out you are, because he tilts his head up concernedly, as though to ask you what's wrong.
You didn't scream because of the glitch.
You screamed because you've visited your boyfriend at his new place before, and that door was his door.
"Can you hear me? Is your door locked?" He only looks more confused, shaking his head like you're the one who's muted now.
Your phone lights up before you can grab it and call him, and you gasp when it buzzes against your core and doesn't stop buzzing. It doesn't vibrate this much when you get a call, and there is no call on the home screen, nor text, nor any kind of notification. It feels like it presses itself into your skin more, and you grip the table with one hand at the brief jolt of pleasure before snatching it and unlocking the screen.
Before you can click the phone app, Love&Deepspace opens. You groan in frustration, trying to swipe up to no avail. Did you accidentally click on it? It wasn't even in the list of apps on your main page.
Movement from your laptop catches your eye. Your boyfriend's looking forward, but not at the camera. He's looking at—at something, and he backs up in his chair, looking terrified all of a sudden.
"What is it?" you say as loud as you can, but even if he does hear you, he doesn't respond, and instead, his mouth falls open in a silent scream.
The screen goes black, and then so does the entire library.
"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit." You look back down at your phone, ready to crack it if it doesn't swipe up and get out of this stupid app—
There's no one there.
Your heart stutters in its chest.
There's always someone in the Destiny Cafe.
There's no one there.
And on the little white armchair in the background, there's a dark streak of red dripping down and staining the cloth.
"What the fuck," you whisper, eyes wide. Your laptop screen flickers.
The facetime has been replaced by grey-blonde hair, that gently brushes against baby blue eyes with a soft, unassuming smile.
"You shouldn't pause me," he coos, "now, where were we?"
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a/n: i hope no one tells me that people don't put their phones between their thighs while sitting bc i very much do. also. i'm talking to a guy on FT in the library tomorrow. hope i don't have gift of foresight. or maybe i hope i do muwahahaha. this is actually mad goofy and not scary at all
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vxiphoid · 1 year
❨ summary ❩ genshin › genshin men playing minecraft with you ((ft. alhaitham, itto, cyno, diluc, kazuha, kaeya, heizou, & xiao))
tags ✧ modern au, drabble, fluff, chaotic energy, not proofread, cursing, ooc(?), established relationship, gn!reader, kaeya sets a forest on fire, alhaitham does not appreciate bees, mentions of pixelated deaths
amanuensis’ message ⊹ IM NOT TRYING TO KILL MY OTHER FANDOMS I SWEAR… im gonna back up from twst for a bit (im literally posting scarabia soon.) you can clearly tell who my favorites are… this unlocked a whole different part of my brain holy shit im deceased
⌜200+ e/chara ⌟
♫ blossom - t. shan
genshin masterlist
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╰┈➤ tbh he thinks minecraft is stupid, i mean, why not read a book instead of burning the images of pixels into your eye sockets😒 yeah, he’d just rather books. its a game about blocks, what could possibly be so interesting? he will admit the music is… nice. its nostalgic even though he’s never heard the track before. his favorite animals are the axolotl idk they’re his little pookies. its their little stick arms, they look so silly… as soon as haitham found out that you could color things its over, he make some sweet things like putting a sign on top of your shared house with both initials with colored dye. he’s so happy, just not very vocal about it, but he has the smallest of smiles. he definitely has headphones with the crochet sprout on it omg😭 alhaitham does not like bees whatsoever, they stung him for trying to get food. he just wanted honey :[
“look, the dog’s collar is blue. and the sign’s letters are green and then if you add a glow squid’s ink, it lights up.”
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╰┈➤ he has waited YEARS for someone to play minecraft with him omfg. certified snack hoarder for times like these. you both literally hit each other to show love, you’ve accidentally killed him once bc he didn’t tell you that he had like half a heart… itto likes the water, hates the guardians because who do you think you are attacking him out of nowhere??? gets one shotted by the elder guardian while trying to fight it with a stick and then blames it on magma blocks pulling him down. GAMING WITH HIM IS NEVER CALM GODS💀 you cannot lay on him or anything bc as soon as those cave sounds or disc 13 start playing, he’s already done sprung out of his seat. his screams are actually really funny though, you got him a cat from how much he’s been assaulted by creepers. when you introduced him to shaders, he was so in awe. “babe i have a shadow!” type of excitement JAKEJEJDMnda.
“the cat’s name is sir arataki the third, you are now my loyal guard cat. who’s an adorable little guy?”
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╰┈➤ look at this nerd (affectionate), ofc he plays cubecraft. loved it so much that when he didn’t have the actual game, he would play the really bad knockoffs💀 plays on console so you can sit between his legs, lean back, and game with him. cyno hate the split screen because he always gets confused on what side he’s on so he lets you use his switch, that way you’re both still comfortable. he’s more of an explorer if you do get mod packs for him, likes the horror ones the most. there’s nothing like hitting the enemy or shit talking the thing that could potentially one shot you with your s/o‼️ yall crouch a lot, its like a little dance. he really likes the disc “far” it itches his brain in the right way. definitely downloads the little raccoon mobs but then regrets it because he gives up all his berries to them, look at their little begging arms, literally how can you say no to that?? AND THEY WASH THE BERRIES. you both fall asleep to the ambience and to each others breathing all cuddled up ‘n warm. cyno absentmindedly sings the music while chopping wood or mining that shit has you SLUMPED. he kisses your head when you fall asleep, smiling like a silly goober.
“do-do-do-do do-do-do-do do, neow neow neow nneow neeeowwww… huh? oh, i’m almost done then we can go to bed, yeah? i’ll charge the switch too, don’t worry. just rest.”
(he’s singing that one part in danny lmfao)
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╰┈➤ diluc does not understand the concept of minecraft but its okay, he’s just happy to be here. he also doesn’t call it minecraft but “cave game”, the original name, he did his research though it is rare that he actually calls it minecraft. found out that you could breed animals and accidentally made a pack of wolves. diluc is really good with redstone its actually insane😭 he’s the type to protect you the whole time while you’re getting flowers for the house, boyfriend bodyguard. diluc doesn’t play much because of his job but when he does, he’s prepared to sit for hours and spend time with you :(. these are the times where he’s most affectionate, randomly kissing your cheek, getting water for the both of you before you play, etc. luc loves the mod pack “industrial”, he can build machines, how neat is that??? also it has way more OMFP with the added features it has yk? he likes the trains :D
“is the water running…? the water’s running, they have moving windmills!”
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╰┈➤ kazuha has the most expensive equipment yet doesn’t use this shit half of the time unless he’s streaming with heizou??? like im talking msi infinite rs pc, multiple monitors, a graphic drawing tablet, headphones with immaculate sound quality AND!!! the ear cups have fucking cyberpunk 3d wing guards on them. but anyways, minecraft, yes, he plays. in fact, kaedehara has about 10 beaten hardcore worlds every time a new update comes out, he must beat the game again. he rarely plays minecraft without his shaders so when you want to play the original og minecraft, he doesn’t mind, he actually enjoys the nostalgia. so much so the music is actually his background music when he’s just lazing around. words cannot express how much he dislikes (hates) wardens omg. he’ll protect you from them but if there were diamonds behind a warden, ig he’s going somewhere else😭 kazuha gives you random shit, weather that be something really sweet or questionable…
“love, do you want my rotten flesh? here<3 oh! and, i also got you some steak, you’re low on hearts…”
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╰┈➤ he’s heard of it, watched people play, just never played it. but when he does… he’s a menace. kaeya got his hands on flint and steel and set an entire jungle on fire… but he can be sweet sometimes! you’re the one protecting his ass while he walks around at night UNARMED to gather blue flowers for you. like you’re cute, but take a shield or something😭 he’s jumped off of a tall building before and landed on half a heart for a stack of bread you didn’t want. he’s rather oblivious to the mobs around him, he once thought shulkers were friends because they were just “silly little guys in little boxes” yk until they almost killed him. you bought him his own skin and introduced him to parrots and now its his favorite animal, he looks like a pirate!!! kaeya is chaotically sweet.
“yes, you almost died protecting me but how could you resist my everlasting love plus pixelated blue flowers?”
(has a cat unironically named ice spice LMFAO)
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╰┈➤ your boyfriend is good at literally anything else BUT minecraft. its the way this game constantly has it out for him too like what did bro do??🙁 heizou stream’s with kazuha every now and again and on those, he still doesn’t know what to do… he’d rather play on the servers, bedwars in particular. extremely good at bw, you’d rather NOT be his enemy😭😭 wins almost every single game even when he carries, rank 98 in the server. yet when it comes to a casual server between you and him, the chats are filled with his deaths and his hashtagged rages💀 heizou despises silverfish which is also why he hates going into strongholds, they could get stomped on for all he cares! >:( he has texture packs with really beautiful skies and then a picnic mod so he can stargaze with you and eats minecraft cake :(<3
“oh. babe, green is heading for our bed, no pressure or anything. i loovveee youuu😚”
┏━━━━━━ ━ ─ ╴⋯ ⟢
╰┈➤ xiao has the MOST downloaded mod packs, shaders, and worlds. not very expensive mod packs most of the time but when they are, they’re always good. spends his time fighting off mobs at night, #1 totem holder. he even has his own custom skin!!! he’s kinda been waiting for you to ask so when you do play mc together, you already have your own room, but when you voluntarily move your bed into his room to sleep… he melts. xiao loves cuddling while the two of you play, he’d rather your arms around him than the other way around, feels more intimate. you have matching hoodies for occasions like this. he has the dragon mod pack and has his own golden and orange dragon named ‘li’. he doesn’t talk while gaming, curses silently when he gets hit, but other than that doesn’t talk. if you want to talk, he’ll listen, he likes hearing about your day :].
“no, keep talking. i’m listening. see, li’s listening too.”
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m00nymonster · 4 days
It All Sounded Interesting
Written for Tideland's On the Loose prompt!
"I'll give you a tour of the station, Three, and if you want we can go to the planet later," Dr. Ratthi said, clearly excited. This was my first time on Preservation Station, and I wanted to make a good impression.
"Yes, Dr. Ratthi," I said. 1.0 told me I didn't have to answer humans if I didn't want to anymore, but old habits die hard. Dr. Ratthi gave me a sad half smile.
"Ratthi is fine, Three."
"Yes, Ratthi."
It felt strange to address a human so informally. A lot of things were strange now that I was rogue. Freedom in general was strange.
"I--oh. Just a minute." Dr. Ratthi got a vague look on his face, and turned away, subvocalizing as he did so. I looked around. 1.0 had told me that humans here didn't know what SecUnits looked like, so they would think I was an augmented human, but 1.0 had also altered its configuration. Perihelion had offered a similar treatment, and while I had declined a physical alteration (not being SecUnit standard bothered me and I didn't know why) I had altered my code to grow my hair out. Still, it was strange to look at the humans through a fringe of hair.
So many things were strange, now.
I looked around, and realized Dr. Ratthi had walked away, probably assuming I was following along behind. A transport docked and a flood of humans deboarded, chattering amongst themselves, separating me further. I could ping Dr. Ratthi, ask him where he was. I could. If I wanted to.
Decisions were hard, so I was proud of myself when I decided not to follow him and instead let the crowd drift me away.
The main discourse was beautifully decorated, with sculptural shapes hanging from the ceiling and both holo and real plants scattered along the pathways, as well as many comfortable looking chairs and benches. There were several storefronts, but the one that drew me had a large display of media, including almost an entire wall of nonfiction books. 1.0 found my fascination with nonfiction puzzling--it preferred fiction--but it wasn't here.
A human walked up to me.
"We have digital and paper books," he said, his smile making little wrinkles around his eyes. I was confused.
"Yes! We sell all genres. Are you a history fan?"
I wasn't sure how to answer this, but as I said, old habits die hard.
"I'm not sure."
"Hmm. Well, I have several interesting books if you want to find out! The most popular here of course is the story of Preservation, but I have other polities as well as the Corporate Rim."
It all sounded interesting.
"All of it, please," I said.
"All of it?"
At his expression I hesitated. This seemed like an unusual request. 1.0 had told me to not behave unusually.
"Just Preservation," I amended. The man beamed.
"No, no, always happy to encourage a fellow history enthusiast! Which would you like first?"
Dr. Ratthi found me an hour later, browsing the last of the nonfiction selection. I had already downloaded all the history books the man in the shop had recommended, and now was looking at biographies.
"There you are!" he said, out of breath. "I was looking everywhere for you!"
"Ah, is this your friend? I must say, this young person is a voracious reader! Quite commendable!"
Ar Dr. Ratthi's glance I looked down.
"1.0 gave me a hard currency card," I said meekly. It would not have understood why I actually paid for the books instead of just downloading them, but according to it I also didn't have to justify my decisions to anyone anymore.
Dr. Ratthi smiled. "If you want more I'll cover it," he said. The shopkeeper smiled widely.
Later, when I'd left with as much as Dr. Ratthi and my hard currency card could afford, Dr. Ratthi laughed.
"I'll say this, SecUnits certainly aren't predictable. Set you loose and you buy half the bookstore!"
I wasn't sure what to say to this, so I didn't. It was nice.
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ryuichirou · 1 month
I'm not sure if you already answered a similar question like this, but Do you think the twist boys watch porn/read dirty magazines? Which kind of Porn would they watch in your own opinion?
I don’t think we had this kind of question before, Anon! An ask about boys being boys lol As I was writing it, I realised that the majority of them would probably watch porn on their phones, which kind of makes sense, I guess. Yay technology!
Still, some of them kind of surprised me as I was thinking about this prompt… well, enjoy!
Riddle – oh not a chance. This boy probably wasn’t allowed to look at some paintings and sculptures because of boobs and peens. Which is kind or ridiculous because as a future doctor he did have a bunch of anatomy books… Anyways, if he sees anyone with a dirty magazine or catches someone watching porn, he will confiscate it. He also has no idea that pretty much everyone watches porn in his dorm…
Ace – yes, yes and yes. He used to steal his brother’s dirty magazines when he was younger, but nowadays he prefers to just watch porn on his phone. He has a couple of vids downloaded, but for the most part he is the type to jump from video to video while masturbating. He doesn’t watch anything too weird or kinky, but… these days he is into threesomes. Mostly because it’s the only way he could watch a boy getting fucked without fully committing to watching straight-up gay porn (he is still in denial). So yeah, two guys fucking, and a girl is somewhere around to help him cope.
Deuce – he’s an oldschool boy and likes magazines – he used to steal them back when he was a delinquent. He and his boys used to have such a huge stash of porn… Deuce still owns some magazines, but they’re at home under his bed – he didn’t bring anything to NRC. He was so sure that he would focus on studying so much that he wouldn’t have time to masturbate! Model students don’t jerk off anyway! Yeah, long story short, he started watching porn on his phone after enrolling lol He also watches pretty basic stuff. Anything with two people fucking will turn him on. Similarly to Ace though, he is a bit embarrassed to watch gay porn…
Trey – as things often are with Trey, he is more into this kind of stuff than he cares to admit. He didn’t watch porn all that often when he had more roommates, and he still doesn’t do it too often, but sometimes he wakes up earlier than everyone, goes to his kitchen and has 20-30 nice minutes to himself. He does watch gay porn, he learned pretty early on that other stuff just doesn’t work for him, and a lot of times he watches videos about oral stuff (big surprise I know). He tries to watch 80% vanilla 20% kinky stuff, because he knows that if he doesn’t pace himself he’ll only watch cursed shit.
Cater – Heartslabyul’s baron of porn. He knows so much about porn it’s insane. He has a lot of favourite creators, and he follows all of them from his alt account. He even supports some of them with donations from time to time! He also watches livestreams and participates in the chat. It feels very freeing to him. He also prefers gay porn, but still jerks off to girls too. But mostly when the girls are together and there are no guys involved. So yeah, lesbian porn. With some bdsm. Very light though. Oh, and he also listens to porny audio plays.
Leona – funny enough, I don’t think he watches anything. He just isn’t interested – if he wants to jerk off, he’d do it even without porn. He might even make fun of someone who needs porn for that, but he is just a meanie.
Ruggie – he has a porn stash of 30 y.o. magazines with beast chicks hidden somewhere in his room, and no one will ever find it! Savanaclaw is the most dangerous dorm when it comes to hiding porn. Ruggie is very protective over it. One would think that Ruggie wouldn’t read magazines, because hey, imagination is free, but he found these magazines when he was like 10 – they are his treasure.
Jack – he is a good boy, and I should probably say “no he doesn’t”, but yes he does. But he thinks of it as if it’s a treat, to congratulate himself for good results and such. He mostly watches beastmen-centric straight porn, but one time he accidentally clicked on a video of a huge wolf-man fucking a twink and Jack’s life kind of…changed… he watches a lot of this kind of stuff now, even though he is embarrassed by it…
Azul – he respects porn for being a huge industry that makes money on pathetic horny saps (wait until he learns how much individual content creators make), but he doesn’t consider himself a horny sap, so no thank you, he doesn’t watch porn. Unlike the tweels, he doesn’t even have any curiosity about it… yet? He’d probably enjoy power play and bondage stuff. If it wasn’t a waste of time for horny saps, that is!
Jade – this man has such a cursed search history. He wasn’t really interested in porn until he learned about some fucked-up kinks. He is truly fascinated by some videos, and sometimes it feels like he has a neverending quest to find the worst porn ever. He doesn’t jerk off or anything, he just watches it, but still feels very refreshed afterwards. He didn’t even think about putting this in that hole and then pushing this until that expands so much.
Floyd – he would say “yuck” to the majority of stuff that Jade watches, but he isn’t much better. Similarly to Ace, he clicks around when he masturbates, and sometimes ends up jerking off to something very fucked up. He would still go “yuck” after he cums, but while he’s in the process, he thinks that it’s the hottest shit ever. I don’t think Floyd has a favourite porn genre, he just hates anything that is boring or feels fake. He wants to be entertained!
Kalim – he doesn’t. Whenever he sees something porny, he gets very awkward, even if he is all alone and knows that no one would judge him for watching it. In a weird way, I think Kalim would prefer to watch something like this irl… so I guess his awkwardness from porn isn’t out of shyness then.
Jamil – extremely rarely. Sometimes he tells himself that he has two or three small tasks left, and then he’s free, so he could go to his room, watch some porn, jerk off and sleep. But then he feels so tired that he falls asleep immediately. And sometimes he’s not in the mood… and looking for something nice to watch is also a pain, because despite not being a very active porn watcher, he is bored with vanilla, but anything more exciting than that feels like it’s too much. He would enjoy something with powerplay though.
Vil – you know this thing called professional deformation? Vil suffers from it a lot. Of course, he isn’t a porn actor, but that doesn’t mean that he won’t judge their acting, won’t comment on weird cuts and won’t complain about the camerawork being shitty, about the production being overly expensive and yet very tacky and tasteless, and of course, about the dialogue being very cheesy. He just doesn’t like porn too much… but I think he would get turned on by erotica when it’s done well. There are some scenes in his favourite movies that turn him on every time. I guess Vil really needs to have a story behind and compelling character writing…
Rook – he doesn’t need to watch porn because when he closes his eyes, he sees a whole-ass theater of all kinds of pleasures before him. Rook’s imagination is insane, and he uses it very well. It’s very rare for him to jerk off to porn, but sometimes he looks at a picture of a person while imagining a certain scenario with that person… All of that doesn’t mean that Rook doesn’t watch porn. Unlike Vil, Rook sees beauty in these little imperfections, but they still stop him from getting turned on lol Unless he starts imagining that it’s him and his beloved in the setting doing it before his very eyes.
Epel – he probably caught a virus or two before… he watches porn a lot. Internet connection in NRC is much better than back home, so at first he used to spend all night watching porn under his blanket. He really loves it when a huge guy fucks someone, and when he’s feeling extra spicy, he watches stuff with multiple huge guys! He hasn’t deduced that he doesn’t necessarily picture himself as one of the guys just yet…
Idia – he also watches porn for the plot and for the art of it, and he almost never watches irl porn: only 2d and sometimes 3d babyyyyy. Otherwise he just cringes, especially if it’s cosplay porn or something like that. But doujins, eroge and hentai are comfortable, gorgeous looking (even when the art is kind of bad) and overall superior in every way. He mostly watches stuff on the internet but he has a big collection of smut downloaded and a lot of smutty books stacked everywhere. It’s ART, you just don’t get it!!
Ortho – he watches porn as we speak. In his head. He has access to so many sites and platforms now that Idia doesn’t have any way of monitoring what his AI does. Of course, as things always are with Ortho, he doesn’t necessarily do it to jerk off, he LEARNS! But he also ordered a couple of dirty magazines and doujins to have them hidden in his room (now that he has his own room!) to feel like a proper freshmen. These fuckers are horny, and Ortho wants to be the horny one too.
Lilia – he also caught a virus or two before lol He has a phase during which he watched a lot of porn, and it ended up being something similar to what Jade is doing, but then he kind of lost interest. He mostly watches bdsm stuff to jerk off these days… but he also loves all the fantasy/medieval-themed porn that spawned after the Game of Thrones! He mostly laughs at it though. And gets kind of nostalgic.
Silver – he doesn’t, but he did watch some porn with Lilia once. He gets unexpectedly shy when watching it… as if he’s looking at something he isn’t supposed to, despite Lilia telling him not to look away. It did turn him on, but at the same time he prefers to focus on his partner instead of looking somewhere else. He doesn’t watch it on his own because he doesn’t even think about these things.
Sebek – he doesn’t! And he gets pissed off when other first years (mostly Ace and Epel) talk about it so casually! He finds the whole thing obscene, unnecessary and brain-rotting. Ironically, despite being so horribly horny, he would have good resistance to porn. He doesn’t know these people and doesn’t care about their indecencies! Until someone tells him to imagine that it’s Malleus…
Malleus – he doesn’t have any magazines and doesn’t watch porn (he would find the idea kind of weird, he is too sophisticated for that), but he does have a favourite erotic novel that he used to read a lot. He has it somewhere back at home… but it’s okay, he doesn’t really need to have this book with him at all times – he remembers it very vividly, word to word. Unfortunately, this novel is more of an outlier – Malleus was kind of disappointed by the quality of every other smut book he got.
Rollo doesn’t watch porn, come on now. The only type of smut he experiences is the kind that his own mind plays in his head when he sleeps. And Rollo really wishes he could turn it off! But he can’t, so for now he’s just having weird wet dreams about faceless men in red cloaks judging him….
Fellow doesn’t really care about porn all that much because his life is already so full of sex, but he doesn’t necessarily have access to a lot of porn either. He used to flip through magazines with some hunks on them, but hasn’t done it in quite a while.
Gidel, however, loves his dirty magazines! I’ve said it in some other hc post: a magazine with beast-ladies in tiny bikinies is an ultimate gift for him. He steals those from shops, he takes the ones that are randomly abandoned at gas stations. Whenever they are lucky enough to stay at a motel with a tv, the first thing Gidel does is turning on the TV to see if there are porn channels available for free. He doesn’t even do anything while watching it, he’s just fascinated by smut. I guess it’s a phase… or is it?
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marzinstarz · 1 month
COUNT -> 100
"Hide it under shirt during pledge of allegiance"
"A good family tree"
His 18 y/o medical report
Ebay page for brass knuckles
Full recording of Dipper singing
News article from after the fact
Wikipedia page for 'triangle'
Church meeting recording
Pig adoption page
"Tri harder"
Google page for 'Confusion Hill'
"Never heard of it"
"rat.gif censored for your protection"
"Never mention that name again"
"Life's goth cousin"
"Life 72% complete. Now loading:  Death"
"The one with the sword! He found you!"
A note from Wendy about warding off evil triangles
Thompson and Robbie's messages about summoning bill
Soos's message about life at the mystery shack
A video of a bill cipher pinata getting beat up
Link to youtube video of "Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe"
Adds stickers to the page until it reads "Lab now fully mabelised"
A note from bill telling Dipper to stare at the sun
An oddly sexual video of bread
A romance novel called "The Love Triangle" with an audio recording of the first chapter
Wikipedia page for "Eye of Providence"
Google page for "Restraining order"
Google page for "Sweat resistant bolo ties"
Any swear word
"Not S&P Approved" notice
"Portal.exe has been deleted. I bet you could build one"
"Oh yes oh yes they both"
"Season -1: Antigravity falls"
"Season 1"
 "Season 2"
"For you, kid!"
A faux eye test page filled with codes that someone smarter than me need to decode
"I'm not impressed"
"Time agent lost and presumed incompetent"
"The journal of fun"
"The journal for you"
"The journal for me"
Google page for "Flannel"
Video of an axolotl swimming in front of a Bill statue
"You ask alotl questions"
A video of Weird Al stuck inside the computer
"Hoot. Hoot. Password please!"
A poem about a shepherd
Art labelled "The Bastard Triangle Cuts the Unicorns Hair" 1499
An ultrasound of baby Bill
Dipper's note to ford on anagrams
Downloads a zip file containing fonts of codes and runes
A video of Stan and Ford on the Stan O' War II, with a colour block code
The full image of Ford and Fiddleford at collage
Your webcam is on. We are watching."
"Ducktective stars in 'Love, Quacktually' coming to 'Oi, it's the Cockney Channel innit?' this fall"
A note from Bill about Fords place as a perfect pawn
Image of the oracle with a warning on the back
Images of Bill and his henchmen in the real world, message reading "They found a new home"
Youtube tutorial on how to blanch vegetables
A note from Pacifica about what a loser Bill is
A story of how Bill tried to enlist Pacifica to steal the time rift before turning to Blendin
"Dimension not found"
"Life form not found"
Bill's mug shots
Drawing of Stan catching a mermaid
Youtube link to Jem and the Holograms theme
Urban legend story of the 'Always Garden' a restaurant you cant leave
A video of Matpat tell us were on our own T-T
A hypnosis video with Bill audio convincing you to pledge your soul to him
A Bill Cipher ouija board
"Burned inside"
A snippet of Bill's therapy sessions talking of what ford was to him
"Patient file: Bill Cipher. Greatest love: Himself. Greatest fear: Himself"
"Art therapy notes: All he draws are red and blue triangles"
"Patient's odd phobias: 3D Glasses. Venetian blinds. TV static."
An old game commercial for "Perfection" with a snippet of Bill's [?] voice at the end
A transcript of a fight between Bill and the Time Baby, sheds light on Bill's crime against his home dimension
Downloads a photoshop file full of skin layers
"Life privileges revoked. Now releasing poison gas."
Creepy jump scare video
A novel cover for "Spookemups" with and audio sniper of the story
"Input deleted. AI Antiviral activated"
"Warning: Secondary firewall breached"
"Fatal warning. System under attack"
"Soos! I still love you! We will be together"
"Now downloading girlfriend. (This action cannot be undone)"
Then downloads a zip file full of link to Giffany gifs
A shockingly uplifting poem from Bill with a little image of him as a melting candle
Words that do not trigger the buzzer : BUBBLE, BUTTON, CLEAR, MUSIC
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billthedrake · 10 months
I was inspired by the latest hot story by @maturedadsandmen. He gave me the blessing to write a riff on the premise. It started out as a prequel but became something else. Thanks to him for the inspiration and for the permission to let me adapt his idea.
"So, Trent..." I said as we settled into the business-class seats on the transatlantic leg of our flight. "Whadya have to promise Becky to get to come for a week?"
My friend and golf buddy shrugged. He's a big guy, 6'5", real muscular with a good deal of middle aged padding on his thick, ex-jock beef. Good thing I had scored the plush seats with my miles, because I couldn't imagine the poor guy squeezing into economy. Even now in his jeans and button-down shirt, the sight of him got me going. From the twinkle in his eyes, I could tell he was maybe feeling the same about me.
"It's not a week," he corrected.
"Pretty close," I smiled. We were flying to Frankfurt for the Chiefs-Dolphins game, but tacking on a few days in Bavaria for the typical guy-trip stuff. Beer halls and outdoors time. Stuff our wives had no interest in.
"I didn't have to promise Becky anything... what, is that something Heather expects?" he asked with genuine surprise.
I nodded. "Fuck yeah, that's something she expects," I said. "She's already planning the Napa wine trip."
Trent smiled. He had a personality that was laid back almost to the point of being taciturn, so I always found him especially handsome when he smiled.
Yeah, me and Trent have a thing. A sexual connection, an affair, whatever you want to call it. Sometimes we talk about it, sometimes we sweep the complications under the rug. But it had been a solid six months since our last time having sex and with the prospect of this trip together for six days, there was just this unspoken sexual tension between us. SOMETHING was gonna happen, all right.
"Didn't she just do that for one of her girls trips?" my friend chuckled.
Our wives got along OK but weren't close friends outside of my and Trent's bond. I was always surprised that Trent was able to keep up with my wife's doings.
"Oh yeah," I said. "Only she wants to go back with just me. You know, do something romantic. I don't even wanna know how much the cases of wine are gonna set me back."
That got a belly laugh out of my buddy. It was a running joke between us. He was the hunky ex-football player who ran his own construction company. I was the number-crunching corporate exec who admittedly had the MUCH deeper bisexual streak, to the point I carried around a lot of what-ifs in my middle age. But I was the one who was more bro-ish. Maybe I wasn't quite the sexist asshole I played up, but Trent gave me some real eye rolls from time to time.
"You can afford it, buddy," he chastised me. "And a lot fucking more."
I started to reply but he held up a finger in warning. "Don't you even pull that 'happy wife, happy life' BS." He was smirking.
"Dude... you gonna bust my balls this whole trip?"
I saw a naughty look sweep across my buddys masculine, handsome face as he leaned. "Whaddya think, Josh?"
I bit my lip and did as casual a crotch adjustment as I could. Trent had given me a full-on boner.
I knew Trent was chubbed too. It had been THAT long since we'd fooled around. Sometimes it was lack of opportunity, but my buddy likes to put the breaks on a lot. Probably for the best, since I had zero self-control, around him or in general. When I was 35 I had to vow never to go to Vegas again. This affair had a different kind of high stakes, but it felt like an extension of my addictive personality.
But my hunky buddy was pulling back now, putting in his earbud and pulling up his iPad to watch some shows he'd downloaded.
I had a book. Some stupid spy novel that let me get my mind off of work. Trent teased me for bringing the office with me, and on the first leg I'd caught up on a bunch of emails. I'd have more stuff to do in Germany, but I'd worry about that later. Trent told me I should set boundaries with my company, but hell it was my work travel that was getting us these business class seats and the hotel rooms on points and I'd probably cover the majority of our meals, too...
I took a breath and paused. I had this dickish thing where I'd enjoy treating people in my life - spoiling my wife or picking up the tab with my buddies - then I'd get resentful or controlling. I was lucky to have a travel buddy like Trent. Even if we didn't suck or fuck at all this next week. Though God knows I hope we did.
I put on my noise-canceling headphones and picked up my book.
"You gentlemen here for the game?" the concierge asked.
I'd booked us at a chain hotel in the old city. The guy at the desk was in the typical hotel uniform - vest and tie - and I was immediately attracted to him. Early 30s I'd guess, light brown hair, almost boyish in his handsome looks, though he had the kind of athletic build that comes with doing sports, maybe soccer, or rock climbing or something. I had a soft spot for German guys, I'll admit. They always seemed to have that boy next door thing going on, with a naughty side beneath.
Or maybe it was just the slightly clipped, more formal accent.
"Yes, sir," Trent said. "You got a lot of folks in town for it, I suppose." It was a trip to see my not-so-chatty buddy get all Midwest now that he was abroad.
I couldn't tell if the desk man was trying to humor us, but he replied back to Trent's small talk with a smile. "It seems so, yes."
I felt like I had to pull Trent away. He was asking for restaurant and bar recommendations, asking for the guy's first name, the whole works.
"What?" he asked, not quite annoyed as I shook my head in the elevator.
"Dude, you don't know how much I'm looking forward to a hot shower. Wash some of that jet lag off."
He seemed contrite. "You should have told me buddy. I honestly didn't think we'd get into the room early." It was nearly noon, but we were ahead of check-in time a little.
"I guess it'll be good to stretch the legs some this afternoon, get in some sun and fresh air?"
He nodded. "Looks like a nice day."
We rolled our luggage down to our rooms and entered the clean but soulless business hotel room.
"You go first," he said. "I'm gonna call Becky and let her know we're here." I knew from Trent's account that his wife was an early riser, a yoga devotee who got an early start on her day. I'd text Heather in a bit and call her later.
"Yep," I said, already pulling off my sweatshirt and kicking off my sneakers.
The shower felt good. No, it felt great. I could have stood under for much longer, but I didn't want to hold things up. I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair and turned off the water. I was just as quick drying off and putting product in my hair. I took one look in the mirror. Not so bad for 46, I thought. I'd gotten into Crossfit lately and tried to eat clean, saving beer and junk food for game days or the nineteenth hole with the guys. I was shorter than Trent, 5'9" and some, even if I rounded up to 5'10" when I told people my height. Everything was looking pretty sculpted and hard and compact, and the thick blond fur on my torso was groomed and trimmed.
"You fucking narcissist," I thought. I wrapped the towel around my waist and opened the door, letting the steam out.
"Damn, that felt nice," I said to Trent. He was waiting for me, stripped down to his boxer briefs. It took me a second to realize what was in his hand, but it was a portable enema kit.
"I know you wanna hit the sights, buddy... but maybe I can clean out for you, first?" he asked. An excited glint in his eye but also some embarrassment. It had taken some convincing to get my hunky friend to bottom for me and even more sweet talking to get him to do a deeper prep. But it turns out Trent loved getting his ass eaten out, and he knew I'd go at it more freely and fervently if he was squeaky clean.
"God yes," I said. "I guess vacation starts for real, huh?" I said. Already I was chubbing beneath the towel.
He nodded with a grin, clearly excited by how easily I got turned on.
I let him do his thing while I texted Heather and answered a couple of work emails. I set down my phone and took off my towel, hanging it up in the closet. I pulled down the sheets on one of the double beds. My dick wasn't hard at first but as I lay down naked, I thought of Trent's hunky ass and meaty body. I thought of the reception guy and what it would be like to watch him and Trent go at it before I came in and fucked that German stud hard and fast from behind.
I was rock hard now. I thought of picking my phone back up and scrolling through some porn but decided I'd enjoy the more purely mental excitement I was filling. Just enjoy the moment of being in a hotel room with my good buddy and sometimes fuck buddy. For a whole week. I shut my eyes and let my sexual fantasies visualize themselves.
"Dang," I heard, snapping my eyes open. Maybe I'd been dozing some, but apparently my prick wasn't. "I never get sick of seeing that cock of yours."
I'm not huge, but I'm big, and my endowment looks bigger on my frame. I smiled and spread my legs, showing my meat off to Trent.
"OK if I suck it first?" he said, stepping up. In the big mitt of his right hand he had a small bottle of lube, which he set on the night stand.
"When have I ever said no to that?" I asked.
"Bro," Trent retorted, "You're such an ass-man... you can have a one-track mind sometimes." I felt defensive and I was gonna say something, but Trent got on all fours and crawled toward me. He was such a big guy, tall and beefy, that it was never anything short of mind-blowing to see him in such a posture. Already his hand was on my quad muscle, rubbing it in a way that sent electricity right to my boner. "It's OK bud. It's a good look on you," he said in a hushed, sexy voice.
Then he leaned forward to get a closer look at my crotch. Inches away close, and I could feel his breath on my dong. Trent's brown eyes were on my dick, only flitting up to my face occasionally.
"What happens in Frankfurt, right?" he growled.
"Fuck yeah," I hissed. When I started up with my buddy, I just thought I was scratching that bisexual itch. And yeah it was naughty fun. Clearly I fantasized about other men, too. But I was coming face to face with the reality that no one turned me on so much or so effortlessly like my 52 year old friend.
His first licks were a get-reacquainted approach. It had been a while since he'd taken care of me. I sucked him too, and on a blue moon bottomed for the stud. But this is what we did the first time we fooled around, and it felt like our own private anniversary ritual.
"That's it, buddy," I hissed. Trent had that combo of not-quite-skilled and very enthusiastic that appealed to me more than I realized. Outside of my times with Trent, I'd only had dude sex a couple times behind Heather's back, and those guys were better cocksuckers. But not better, you know? They weren't Trent Grayson.
My buddy coughed some on my dick as he swallowed more. Not a gag, but a grunt that said he was fighting back that initial reflex. Instantly my fingers went to the back of his neck. "Easy, bro... you got this."
He did, too. After that initial shock, he was working more of me into his gullet, over and over, faster and faster.
"FUCK!" I gasped, my eyes wide as I watched my best bud deep throat me with silky steady mouth strokes. "Buddy... if you don't let up," I warned, my breath ragged. I normally wasn't this quick at the draw, but I hadn't gotten off the last couple of days. My balls were drawn up tight.
Trent spit me out, a satisfied smile on his face. He knew he'd done a great job.
"You been practicing?" I asked. "You haven't done THAT before," I said.
"I may have gotten a toy to work on," he admitted with a wink.
"Yeah?" I asked, my chest heaving in excitement. My dick was twitching in time with my heartbeat. "When was that, bud?"
Those brown eyes were hungry and playful and sexy as fuck. "When we booked this trip."
"And here I was worried I was gonna push up against some boundaries with you this week," I said.
Trent nodded and leaned up. He was excited all right, his medium-sized tool rock hard and wet at the tip. My buddy had a beefy build that was something shy of a dad bod, but he was real and muscled head to toe, and his size meant he carried the mid-section girth well. "You probably will," he answered honestly. "Hell, I know you well, Josh," he added.
"Yeah," I admitted. Chastised some. I was the one of us who got carried away. But this man was so incredible, body and soul.
Trent didn't seem too fazed. Or maybe the sexual heat was winning out. He turned to face away from me so I could see that broad back, that short hair cut with the gray fringe and the balding spot on top, that round daddy ass fitting a tall, athletic man.
That ass was backing up toward, the buns getting closer. Trent didn't shave down there, he somehow naturally had a smooth ass, except for deep in the crack.
"You gonna...?" I asked. Or started to ask. Already the big guy was leaning forward and spreading his legs, opening that crevice right up for my gaze. Softly furry with that neglected crinkled pucker in the center, freshly cleaned for me.
My hands were already on his butt doing the rest of the work to part the cheeks as I dove in.
"Oh god yes," Trent hissed. "I've been thinking about this... so much."
I licked softly at first. Giving some gentle kisses beween a more exploratory approach to his hole and trench. Then I gripped his ass more tightly and started drilling in. I couldn't even say I was an expert at rimming. I just loved it and went at it, hard. Slurping and sucking. Munching and tonguing. Alternating my moves in part because I just fricking loved it all.
Trent loved it too. I still think he had hang ups when it came to anal. I know I did. We were two men unwilling to relinquish what we considered the more masculine role. I'd probably put up with his misgivings this week, and he might try to break down my hesitation to bottom. We'd see. For now, though, it was clear that I was even more into eating out a male cunt than actual pussy, and Trent enjoyed the oral treatment to his hole.
Finally, I pulled back, practically growling into his spit wet trench. "Dude, I gotta be in you. Now."
I expected some pushback, but instead Trent was scrambling his big body. Moving forward and pivoting around. His prick was outright dripping now, a thin strand of clear sap swayed from his tip. I wondered how many days he'd held off from sex or jerking off.
Hurriedly he reached over and got some lube in his palm, eagerly reaching back behind. "Let me ride," he said. "It's been a while."
I nodded and rode out a deep couple of breaths while he lined my prick up to his wet buns and settled back on me.
The initial penetration stung some for him, but quickly he relaxed.
"That's nice," he muttered as he sank down a couple more inches. He got a grin on his face. "I love how hard you get, Josh."
"Jesus buddy," I hissed. I'd had to sweet talk him into barebacking a little over a year ago. Now, every time I entered him was pure bliss. Silky, warm, and drum-tight. "I'm like that everytime I'm with you."
"I know," Trent replied. "I fucking love it." He settled further back and my cock popped past the last bit of tightness. Suddenly, Trent was sitting all the way in my lap and his guts were gripping my boner in spasms.
"You good?" I asked with concern. But a little hesitant to ask, because this was all VERY good for me.
"Yep," he said. He reached down and wrapped his lubey fist around his hard on, smearing this own sap to add to the slickness. His initial strokes made his ass clench down tighter on me, then the self pleasuring helped his body relax into it.
Within a minute of settling down on me, Trent began to lift his burly body up off my dick a couple of inches, only to swivel back down.
This was the almost feminine part of our mating that Trent felt self conscious about. Working my bone with a slutty hip motion. But I'd told him that starting slower is much better for me, and it turned out to be better for Trent, letting him build up the stimulation of his prostate as we locked eyes.
Our fuck was silent now, other than the sloshy slick sounds where his ass connected to my dick and the soft bounce of the bed. Trent's a heavy man, in the mid 200s on the scale, and my dense muscle added to it, too.
I watched him get into it, watch the pleasure grow on his face. This is what surprised me with Trent. I thought sex with dudes was simply about getting my rocks off, but I loved giving this man pleasure. Giving him an orgasm. I was about to give him one now.
"You're getting close," he said in his deep gravely voice. Not a question. Trent could read it on my face, register my impending cum before I did.
"Oh yeah," I hissed. It was arriving fast now, that crest of pleasure, like an ocean swell that breaks right in front of you. My fingers gripped his hard quads, maybe a little too hard, just seconds before I felt his hot spray of semen jet onto my bare chest muscle. Then another, then another. All heavy wads of bleachy-floral seed raining onto me. I was pounding out a mammoth load from this beautiful man.
My own cock was firing now, matching Trent's in its heaviness. "Fuck!" I whimpered. Trent sometimes teased me for the way my voice would get higher pitched when I came. But our nearly simultaneous O meant we were synched in our lust and deep connection.
Finally Trent's hips slowed and he eased off. Some semen came out on the dismount but he clenched up to stop the rest as he plopped down on the spare side of the bed. The double mattress didn't hold out two big bodies easily, Trent's especially but he kind of snuggled up to me in an uncharacteristic intimacy and rested his face on my shoulder. Lazily his hands ran along my torso, smearing his own cum into my chest fur.
"You have an incredible body, Josh," he said.
My dick hadn't gone down. I was drained and not ready to fuck again or anything, but I was still pretty keyed up. I kissed his forehead. I didn't want to push the guy too far but figured he'd initiated this closeness. "Yeah?" I asked. I knew we enjoyed a physical chemistry, but Trent had never complimented me like this, even though I sometimes gushed over his body.
He ran his hand down my ripped abs. I didn't have the body of a 26 year old, but I kept my core tight and knotted.
"I've been afraid to tell you," he said.
"Really?" I asked. Trent didn't seem to be afraid of things.
"You can get a little conceited," he said, brusquely.
This was the Trent-and-Josh thing. Teasing each other. Humble guy and the corporate exec. But something about his words seemed to cut deeper. "I don't know what to say," I said softly.
He patted my stomach. "You're you, Josh. I understand ya, buddy. And I know I'm not easy to get along with." His hand drifted lower and wrapped around my cock, which was still rigid as just a minute earlier. "In all fairness, you have good reason to be conceited."
I wanted to kiss this guy, so bad, but that was against our bro code. "If I get to be too much, buddy..." I started. "Well, I just don't want this week to be weird."
Trent looked up. "It's not gonna be weird, Josh. Football... beer... hot steamy hotel sex... what more can you want?"
"Nothing, man," I growled. I enjoyed the soft touch of his hand as he explored my dick. Finally with a sigh, I spoke up, "I will absolutely fall asleep if we keep lying here... maybe get out for a bit?"
Trent didn't answer but just scooted away from our tight embrace, edging his big tall body off the bed. I watched him walk to the bathroom to clean off.
Somehow, the spell had been broken.
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subsystems · 4 months
hope sending ask is ok rn, i have hard time looking resource. looking for book how to co-exist with independent dissociative parts (have system but not feel safe in saying DID yet). cannot do therapist addressing parts yet but want to cope in daily life. hope can help. or others comment/reblog and give. thank you 🍀
This ask was sent a while ago, I hope you're doing okay now anon. You say you can't talk to a therapist yet but I hope you have someone else in your life who is supportive and you can talk to about these things! You shouldn't have to face this alone.
Even though you don't have therapeutic support, it's still possible to build up communication and cooperation with your parts. I reblog a lot of tips and resources to my coping tag if you want to check that out. Here are some other resources that you might find helpful:
DID/OSDD Self-help Masterlist There are so many resources here, categorized by different topics. You'll find stuff here for both survivors and loved ones, and you don't need to have DID/OSDD to use them!
Beauty After Bruises Blog You'll find so many articles here on coping with daily life as a dissociative survivor. I love how they're written, they feel very approachable and almost calming to read.
Dissociative Living Admittedly, I haven't read many of these articles but the few I've seen have been good. I think their writing is very approachable for people who are new to all of this.
DIS-SOS Lots of advice and informative articles on living with DID here -- in both English and German! I've found some really interesting and unique coping tips here, I definitely recommend it. It's actually because of this blog that I discovered one of my favorite methods of system communication.
CTAD Clinic Youtube Channel A channel run by the director of this clinic which specializes in dissociation and trauma. I've watched probably all of his videos -- they're very good! Lots of the videos provide tools and self-help tips on coping with dissociation & dissociative parts!
Carolyn Spring's Blog You'll find amazing articles here about trauma and dissociation, but do be aware that the author is both a professional and a survivor with DID herself. She isn't afraid to talk about her lived experience, shining a light on the reality of trauma and dissociation which can be confronting but oh-so empowering to read.
System Speak Podcast A podcast run by a DID system. She talks about her own healing journey as well as interviews professionals and dives into the psychology behind trauma and dissociation. Personally, I think the website is a bit hard to navigate but every podcast I've listened to has been extremely informative and relatable!
Self-help books can also be extremely useful if you don't have access to a therapist. You can find a bunch of free downloads here! I would recommend starting with "Got Parts? An Insider's Guide to Managing Life Successfully with Dissociative Identity Disorder" by ATW. Personally, I think this is the best book to start with. It's a bit old and there are some outdated ideas in it, but I think it's a very gentle entry into learning system communication and coping with DID if you have never worked with a therapist.
Some other resources that might be useful:
Strategies for coping with distressing voices
FREE 100 page e-book for trauma survivors
Talk/vent to listeners on this non-crisis support chat line
Apply for a grant to receive financial help or a therapy box -> (Also learn about the Therapy Box Project! If anyone is able to donate, please do!)
- Sunflower
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first-edition · 4 months
Fox and the Hound
Sum-Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Cw for chapter- pregnancy, 18+ words and themes overall. Angst, death of husband, not prof read apologies for any errors, mention of sexual assault.
// A/N: just wanted to apologize for the broken links at the beginning of the book since i changed my username they haven’t been working but i assure you I’ll get to fixing them. I will also end up making a goggle docs with the entire book for downloading when this series ends//
previous chapter here
Chapter 19
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Somewhere along the coast line the temperature became more fridged than it could’ve ever needed to be. You’d packed a few warm items but layered up heavily none the less. The boat at port long ago and the carragie and horsemen’s ride to castle black was nothing short of ‘fucking freezing’ as joss had put it. 
You arrived safe however. The gate immedetly opened at the hint of your arrival and despite the men being rapers, murdering, thieves and criminals they welcomed you with bows. 
“Welcome your highness your presence here blesses us all.” John speaks as he walks up to you before bowing. 
“You don’t need to do that.” You say helping him stand again. He chuckles nervously. 
“I want to thank you. For letting me stay here i recon with the long days I’ve been over seas the plague in volantis and the other corners has long since gone.” You say 
“you can never be too carful.” He says smiling you smile back to him before opening your arms he pulls you in for a hug but pulls away for a brief moment only to look down a bit where your stomach is hidden under your large cloak. 
“Are you…” he trails off you nod. 
“Wasn’t by any ill hand if you're insinuating. ‘Twas my husbands doing.” You say he frowns with hint of a smile and confusion. 
“We have much to discuss.” You say he chuckles and nods. 
“Apparently.” He laughs. 
“Y/n!” You hear a voice as John move out of your way Sansa hurriedly walks to you before hugging you but once again pulling back realizing your stomach. 
“Sandor.” You say she smiles and hugs you again. 
“Ive missed you so much” she says not letting go. As if you were. 
“Me too.” You say taking a few more seconds to hug your best friend before pulling away. 
“You found your way here after the fight in kingslanding?” You ask. 
“Yes but not on my own i have news to share with you much news.” She says you smile and nod. 
“Oh. This this my head lady in waiting Lucy, this is Sarah, and Meleesa. This is my squire joss stilwood” you introduce they Curtis and bow as followed. 
“Lets get you out of the cold first and ill show you your quarters and then i can share with you the much needed to speak about news.” Sansa says. You smile to her as she takes your hand leading you. 
“queen of the north..why arnt you in winterfell then if youre queen. Why isn’t john?” You ask 
“we have people holding down the fort. And im much more rather be stationed here at castle black more to do, however we will be going back there in the next month before the winter gets rough and id like you to come with, better rooms less men crawling about.” She says giggling at the last bit you laugh as well. 
“you dont look the same.” You say Turing to her. 
“Neither do you.” She replies. 
“What? Is it my large belly?” You joke she chuckles and shakes her head. 
“N-no..you…you seem sadder.” She says. 
“As do you..what happened after black water Sansa?…” you ask quietly. She takes a seat on the bed next to you before taking a breath. 
“Jeoffry was bethrothed to someone else the lady Margery Tyrell of house highgarden-“ she begins 
“lady olenas granddaughter?” You ask she nods 
“Tyrion and i married.” She begins again 
“you married Tyrion Lannister?!” You ask shocked as ever. 
“I still needed to marry a Lannister per my fathers death note. He was kind, didn’t touch me kept me pure. At Joffrey's wedding he was poisoned and killed. Lord belish grabbed me and ran with me away from the gruesome sight i was put into a boat and we left for the vale to my aunt Lysa…but…only a few days there and- well we left eventually and he..he sold me to Ramsey Bolton. He wasn’t so kind in the marragie. He raped me abused me. But he got his dues.” She says 
“hes dead?” You ask. sansa nods a bit to proudly. 
“hounds.” She says as he is well known for his love of using dogs to tear apart his vitcims. 
”then i ended up here little finger is with me but i hope not for long, john barley trusts him and good measure too anyone who trusts littlefinger is fool.” She says.
”i heard about the battle outside of the Bolton fields. Im glad you won.” You say. She dodges the scentece and asks you about yourself. 
“What of you? Your pregnant and showing for the gods sake. I rembering sitting on your bed you covered in bruises from him and now you carry his child.” she says 
“alright first of all it wasn’t like that you and i both know that Sandor didn’t bruise me for power it was an accident you’ve seen him, hes a lot larger than most assume.” You say. 
“In all honesty are you sure hes not part giant or something how can a man be that large and not be.” She jokes leaving you two to share another laugh before you continue on. 
“After black water Sandor joss and i were heading to volantis, home, but we got separated in princes pass by a theivery ambush he sent joss and i with the horse away while he fought the others off. We were supposed to meet at sunspear but the horse had an accident so we had to sale off at salt shore. We arrived in volants not long after porting and stayed for a while before the sickness hit. my father died from it and the last i saw of my mother she had it.” You say. 
“Then…what of volantis?” She asks. 
“Im next in line since my brother is gone and sandor is to reign with me but, if my mother passes on as well i do not want to sit on a throne the rest of my life and bark orders at people. I dont want to be queen and i can reassure you sandor does not want to be king.” You reply. 
“What of sandor any news from him?” She wonders. 
“…no…out paths haven’t crossed, hes not arrived in volantis and i fear the worst for him. I cannot be certain of his demise as theres not raven sent or sign but…” you trail off as she take you hand. 
“You’ll see him again. I know you love him and that’s enough to hold to. Dont you think?” She says you nod. She smiles. You nod giving her a quick hug before she speaks again and hops up. 
“Come on! There’s someone i want you meet another lady. A lady knight.” She says you raise you eyebrows confused. 
“Can ladies be a knight?” You ask. 
“She is! Come on.” She exclaims. You get up pulling you cloak on and following her out of the room and through the halls.
“lady Brienne!?” Santa calls to her as she pushes the sparing mate into the pile of snow before turning to face Sansa. 
”lady Sansa.” Brienne says bowing slightly. You admire her features strong yet still faire shes very tall and could almost apose sandor. She wears armor with a cloak to keep her a bit warm. 
“This is princess y/n of volantis, house vixen, married to house clegane by friend. We met in kingslanding when both had a debt to pay from our parents. Y/n this is Brienne of Tarth.” Sansa introduces you. Brienne gets down on her knees and lowers her head as soon as the word princess and volantis are uttered. 
“Your highness its an honor” Brianne says. 
“Oh no please..” you say asking you up she obeys and takes her stand. 
“She will be living with us till the foreseeable furture.” Sansa continues. 
“Pleasure to have you along.” Brienne speaks. 
“Lady Brienne this is my squire joss stilwood. If you should need anything of battle value joss may provide.” You reply to her. 
“My lady.” Joss says bowing a bit. 
“This is my um..squire podrick.” She answers. 
“Your highness.” Podrick says 
“weren’t you tyrion lannister's squire?” You ask him. 
“Yes your highness i was. He relieved me and i offered my useage to lady Brienne.” He replies to you. 
“Hmm you and joss should have much to talk about two squires from kings landing with royal practice.. should be fun.” You say a smile on your face. 
“If you dont mind my ask who did you squire for before?” Brianne asks joss. 
“Ser Gregor clegane then his brother sandor clegane during the battle of black water.” He says to her. 
“Y-your highness you said you married into the house clegane?” Brianne asks you. 
“Yes. You ask this why?” You ask. 
“F-forgive me but erm.. your husband, He was large dented metal armor, ugly, scruffy… he had his face scarred on the left.” She says. You nod. 
“Ser sandor clegane..” podrick says in a ‘oh shit’ sort of way 
“Why?” You ask a slight winge in your voice. 
“Your highness. While It was means to get lady Sansa’s sister back to her safety, we fought, hard, I was scared I wasn’t going to win, but I’d hit him with a rock and kicked him off the cliff…..I….I didn’t see him move at the bottom.” 
“What..” you voice strained as tears threaten your eyes.
“I-im sorry…you um…are you sure he was dead?” Sansa asks briskly. A lump forms in your throat  as she asks you wait for the impending answer. 
“Yes…i-“ before she can finish her apology you shortly gather your dress ends up with a whimper and hurry away from the others tears running down your cheeks as you run outside the gates as they open for other coming into the fort your hand clutching your stomach as you fall your knees sobbing into the snow.
“Y/n..y/n” Sansa says hurrying twords you kneeling to you pulling you into a hug as you sob in her arms.
“Shh-sh” she shushes as you sob in her arms. The pure thought of the love of your life your husband who’s reunion you’d been keeping up hope for was dead. All you had of him now was his child. He will never get to see his son or daughter. He will never get to see you.
Next chapter here
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
Okay now, this is about deku. But is a mafia boss who happens to find the reader in the rain, The reader is being bothered by some men and after they are done messing with her, like calling her names, they leave her there just lying on the floor and deku comes a cross of her and he is experiencing a feeling that he used to feel before he becomes a mafia boss " mercy " and he decides to take her to his big mansion to make her his maid and he starts to feel other different feelings like love but he is confused a lot since he never felt this feeling since he became a big rich mafia boss so he decides to confront her about this btw they are both young adults so no worries, the rest of the story up to you bestie,
Wow this is my first request after a really long time. I sure hope this turns out okay and thank you for requesting
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You've always found solace in the rain, you adored the peaceful serenity and calmness the atmosphere brought around you, the slightly gloomy weather brought a smile on your face as the cool breeze rushed against your skin. This was the perfect time to listen to some lofi music that you've downloaded and created a playlist of as you plugged in your earphones, drowning out the noise around you. You kept walking, unsuspecting of what was about to follow and occur. A few moments later you finally stopped when you saw the large mustard yellow colored sign that mentioned there were some construction work going on near your house and you had to take the other route, which was a rather sketchy alleyway which you weren't really too fond of entering. You slightly groaned to yourself as you made your way to the other route to your house
You glanced at the time and saw that it was around 9:00 pm, you were slightly surprised at how fast time seemed to pass but that was the case everytime when you spend half a day in the public library snuggled with books and delving into tales of fantasy. You encountered a group of 5 men who seemed be slurring something to each other as they clutched their alcohol bottles like it was something precious. One of them stopped talking and snuck a glance at you as he whistled and catcalled you while the others grinned at you wolfishly. "What's a pretty little thing like you doing here all by yourself?" one of them asked as you kept a straight face and maintained your demeanor and tried to walk away from them while ignoring them, but no avail. "Oh looks like little princess here thinks she's too good for us" one of them growled angrily as someone sneered "We'll show you what happens to stuck up brats like you". You felt one of them pin your hands back as you felt hands groping all over your body, you kicked and screamed and flailed for all you were worth but they didn't leave you alone, in fact they just reveled in your suffering and your screams and egged them on to mess with you further
They were done messing with you and after calling you a variety of a string of colorful names, you were finally left on the ground, your once kempt and neatly brushed hair was now disheveled, as strands of your hair fell on your face, which was now covered with a few scars. Your dress was tattered and torn and you cursed yourself for not having a jacket with you to cover yourself up. You silently sobbed as your tears fell from your eyes to the ground. You tried to stand up but abruptly tripped on your foot as you grimaced in pain and realized that during your struggle, your ankle got slightly twisted as you cursed under your breath. 'It's okay... I think I can manage to get home' you thought
However your fate had other plans for you as you spotted a silhouette of a person slinking from the corner of the alleyway you were in. You hoped that it wasn't someone else who was going to take advantage of your present situation as you looked at the shadow with a slightly petrified expression. Out from the shadow emerged a green haired guy with freckles covering his face, somehow his stoic look didn't really match his eyes, which glinted with something more dangerous beyond your compression. You peeked a glance at his arms and realized with a start that he was a part of the mafia, as you felt your heart stop beating
"My my, don't look so worried doll, I'm not going to kill you..." he finally spoke as he slowly stepped towards you. You backed backed cautiously and upon instinct as he surveyed you with a calculating look without saying anything for a few moments. His emerald eyes traced the scars on your face and hands, your disheveled and matted hair as he stepped even closer to you than before. Your breath hitched as he gently tucked a hair strand behind your ear and took your soft hand in his rough and calloused hands and spoke "It looks like you've been through a pretty rough time... let's get you home first, yeah?" He took off his coat and put it over your shoulders as he carried you in his arms when he saw you limping, despite your vehement protests
You told him where you lived but once you reached your house, to your immense dismay and horror, your quaint little house was burnt down to the ground. You couldn't even fathom what was happening to you at the moment, you just silently gaped at the charred and burnt ground in front of you, where your house used to be. The stranger's eyes widened in surprise at the scene in front of him and asked "Why did your house burn down, do you know who could have done this?" but you shook your head. The man felt a sense of rage surge through his veins, despite meeting you right now, you most certainly didn't deserve to have your house burned down like this. Thinking about your situation rekindled an emotion that he thought was long forgotten, mercy
Ever since he took over after his mentor Toshinori Yagi, one of the most feared mafia bosses in Japan, he learnt quickly that sparing one's enemies was an early ticket to their own grave. He didn't waste time by going to clubs and bars to get high, he wasn't really fond of the idea of relying on external factors for getting away from his reality. It was a vicious and constant cycle for him ever since he'd entered the underground world, competing with other bosses and making sure his members were protected and kept safe. His name quickly spread around like wildfire, rumors had it that people trembled to even look at him in the eye. His name was something everyone knew and had on the tip of their tongue, which was exactly what he'd wanted
Deku became a force that no one could beat. He was known for his ultimatum, side with him or perish. He was just coming back from a meeting with the syndicate board when he bumped into you. Judging by your scars and your appearance he could guess you've probably been harassed. He knew it couldn't have been Kaachan's men, they had pride and respected women and were quite chivalrous. However now he had to think about your housing situation, he couldn't just leave you alone like this. "Doll, would you like to come over to my house?" he asked you gently as you eyed him suspiciously and replied "Are you going to kill me in my sleep or something?" He chuckled at your endearing question as he replied "If I'd wanted to kill you, I would have done that a long time ago but don't worry, you have my word that you'll be safe"
You agreed to spend the night at his place and your eyes popped out of your head when you saw the grand mansion he stayed in. The lawn and trees were neatly trimmed, the house looked something like an ancient relic filled with secrets along with sturdy oakwood for doors. The interiors were neatly maintained and well furnished as the dim and faint glow from his chandleirs added to the enigmatic aura of the atmosphere. "Please make yourself at home and don't hesitate to ask me for anything you need. You'll find a spare change of clothes in the cupboard in that room" as be gestured towards a room
"I'm curious about something, I hope you don't mind me asking you this.." you started as he beckoned for you to continue. "Why are you being so nice to me, I don't think we've ever met before..." he just smiled and told you to get comfortable as he went to his room. He heaved a sigh and closed his eyes as he recalled the first time he met you, when the two of you were in middle school. He harbored less than savory feelings towards you, feelings of obsession ever since the two of you literally shook hands. He couldn't forget that soft touch of yours. His eyes almost couldn't believe it when he saw you with that broken look on your face, he felt a sharp pang of pain jab his chest as anger coursed through his body. How dare someone do this to you? He had to be sure it was you, he was only a bit regretful that you'd forgotten about him but don't worry he'll make you remember who he is
He opened the little box that he kept hidden away from prying eyes which consisted of a handmade greeting card you've once made for him for his birthday which he treasured with his life even to this day and a bunch of other random stuff that he's managed to salvage from his time with you. Regrettably you had to move to another country but now that you were back, he was going to use this chance to his full advantage. It's like destiny wanted the two of you to meet, he was convinced that the two of you were meant to be soulmates, to be together
After you were done changing clothes, you peered closer at his face and remembered about your classmate, about a certain green haired boy, similar to the man in front of you who had the ambition and hopes of becoming a hero. "Izuku?'' You hesitantly asked him as he smiled and replied "You finally remembered me... took you long enough darling...". The two of you spent the night enjoying each other's company talking about random stuff and whatever happened in both of your lives till now. The next day, Izuku decided to get to work to find out who were the bloody scumbags who decided to hurt you like this. After using his connections and influence among the various other gangs, he received information through his cartel that those men were members from another rival mob, headed by Hideki Dojin. Deku had a score to settle with him anyway, he'd been stalling his debt payment lately and Deku wasn't one for being patient
Eventually Deku confronted Hideki as Hideki laughed and spoke "Come on now Midoriya, I've seen the pictures of her from my boy's phones... she's quite the catch if I have to say so myself, but don't worry, I'll lend her to you after I'm done with her" Deku felt a blinding moment of rage take over his rationality when he heard those loathsome words out of his mouth. Deku used his quirk and activated the full cowling on him. He got hold of a drill and pinned him down and pierced his ear as Hideki's screams of agony fell upon deaf ears. Even his own men were nervous to stand against Deku as he grabbed him by the hair and snarled "I'm going to find those useless lumps and make them pay for what they've done to her... to MY Y/N, if you ever make the mistake of even looking at her once again next time, I'll carve your bloody eyes out..."
Long story short, Deku eventually found them and made them pay dearly by literally chopping off their fingers, saying that they didn't deserve them as he returned back to his manor to be with you. He didn't want to tell you about what he's done, the last thing he needs is for you to be scared of him. Initially he wanted to keep you as a maid so you'd be with him forever as he was confused with his feelings. Years after he'd finally managed to master and overcome his emotions, you finally appeared in front of him, opening a new chasm of obsession for you. He isn't going to deny the fact that he'd kill for you, he was willing to do whatever it takes to make you stay by his side no matter what, even if he had to use his connections. You're his and only his....
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shiny-jr · 2 years
why are you in my apartment? (I)
Warning: Yandere. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Albedo, Bennett, Diluc, Kaeya, Razor,
Summary: Everything was supposed to be better when you got your own apartment to call home. So when you got home one day, why was was there some weird guy in your home?
Note: The guys are separate, for obvious reasons. Too many characters is too much chaos, makes things harder to write. Anyways, this idea has been in my drafts for a while. Happy to finally get it out. And yeah, it’s basically the same as the other two I made but the other two were for Twisted Wonderland (TWST). People seemed to really enjoy those though, so here I am with this genshin version. I was gonna add Venti but I figured if I ever do a part for Zhongli, I can just do Venti at the same time as I write his. Double gods. 
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You worked and saved to be able to live in a spacious apartment in the downtown area. The buildings had decent security, the apartment itself was in a low-crime area, and there were a bunch of stores nearby for the basic necessities, not to mention you worked from home half the time and the other time work was just a few blocks away. Everything was perfect...! Until it wasn’t. Your seemingly perfect life was thrown completely off balance when you returned home and found your door unlocked.
Like any reasonable person, you were worried. Were you just forgetful this morning or had someone broken in...? Not wanting to call authorities right away and make a fool of yourself if you had forgotten to lock your door today, you carefully proceeded inside, with your phone gripped in hand and your makeshift key weapon in the other hand. Steadily you crept inside, looking left and right, your heart rate accelerating as you noticed a few things out of place. A remote controller not on the coffee table, a blanket you forgot to fold now folded neatly-- Just then, you heard a voice and footsteps, and when the stranger entered your line of vision, you screamed as they jumped in surprise and exclaimed,
One game. You downloaded one game, Genshin Impact, on a whim, and now this strange man claimed to hail from the nation of Mondstadt from that very game. It was incredibly difficult to believe, almost impossible, if it weren’t for their striking resemblance to the character and their sparkling vision on their person. What was more of a shock? They claimed to know you as the player. Of course before they knew nothing of your looks or true personality, but now here you were in your divine grace, the real deal right before them! You can be sure that they will take advantage of your kindness as you allowed them to stay until they could find a way to return home. But really, why want to go back when you were here?
Oh, but you want to know how it’s like living with the guys from Mondstadt, hm?
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Chemicals...? Why did your apartment very vaguely smell like a science laboratory? Wait a moment... The place seemed cleaner, but things were missing. Books from the shelves, the local flower you placed in a vase, even the second remote to the television were just some of the things not where you left them. It’s as if someone had taken them. Which may explain the rustling you heard from the kitchen. Cautiously you crept closer, keeping your phone in one hand and your keys to use as a makeshift weapon in the other. 
Upon stepping inside, you saw a blonde stranger rummaging through your kitchen drawers. His hair reached to his neck and was partially tied back, his teal eyes seemed to grow brighter with interest upon pulling out any kind of mechanical or electrical kitchen appliance. On the table in front of him, he left books and the remote controller that was taken apart to the smallest buttons. 
The jingle of the keys in your hands alerted him to your presence. His teal eyes went from the items, immediately to you. However, he seemed to brighten up even more when his gaze landed on you. Immediately he took notice of how the sharp ends of your keys stuck out between your fingers, paired with how wary you appeared and how tightly you gripped the strange device in your other hand. The intruder could instantly piece together what was happening. 
Resting his hands on the table where you could see them, he spoke in a quiet voice as if not to startle you, “Ah, I see... Wait. There’s no need for that. I mean no harm. Perhaps I should explain.” 
So this is your residence. Do people of your world normally live in these packed complexes? 
What’s he often doing in the apartment? Well, a mix of things. Albedo is greatly intrigued by this world. There’s much more to learn and discover here. He’ll get the hang of things pretty quickly, and it’s fairly common for him to share his discoveries with you. 
What does he enjoy the most? Possibly going out to explore with you, finding someplace new and making paintings or sketches of you living normally in the environment. These are such sweet serene moments he wishes to capture and frame on the wall to admire over and over again. 
In the mornings, he makes lunch for you since he is a decent cook. Albedo lets you go to work, he doesn’t interfere because he knows it’s what sustains your way of living. In the mean time to fill the void of loneliness, he busies himself through various manners. Continuing research, exploring, even painting commissions and babysitting the kid downstairs. The last two are how he earns an income to pay you back for allowing him to stay with you. But even as he does all this, he grows disinterested until you are somehow involved. 
He has the strangest habit of just... staring. Watching your every move, exactly how he studies his subjects. Taking mental note of your choices, your words, your expressions, your habits, everything. Sometimes even creating certain scenarios or situations just to see how you’d react, just to pick apart your every move. Will you go forward with determination, or will you hesitate and squirm with discomfort under his intense gaze? 
If you ask if he missed you, he’ll answer honestly, yes. He’s polite but blunt at times, so of course he’ll be honest with you. It’s strange, he doesn’t quite miss anyone like this. Is that so embarrassing for you to hear? Hm, how interesting. You were the one that asked. 
Of course Albedo knows you. Previously, he only knew you as the player that controlled selected vision-wielders. The mystery intrigued him. 
How did this player control them? Were they a higher being invisible to the eye? Did they wield some magic that allowed them control? These were the first questions among the endless that followed, when you first captured his attention. And he wasn’t getting tired of you, for better or for worse. 
When he appeared in your apartment and eventually realized who’s house he was in, he immediately felt overwhelmed by everything around. In this small space that was yours, there were so many items, tools, and devices he had never seen in his entire life! There were so many new things that captured his interest, so many of your things–– he was so busy examining objects that he very nearly missed your presence at the door to the kitchen. When he looked up, there you were. The player, the very subject that puzzled him and kept him intrigued, who’s existence and control linked to his world seemed impossible. But it wasn’t impossible, because he’s felt your graceful presence in Tevyat, and how he feels it here as he stands feet in front of you. 
“Hm? You got an apology from that noisy neighbor? I see. You must be happy then... Did I say anything to them? Goodness, no. Why are you looking at me like that? I didn’t say a word to them. Their conversations bore me. I wouldn’t want to speak to them anyways. But if you’d like, I suppose I could have a word with them to silence them for good.” 
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Smoke...? The smell of smoke permeated throughout the apartment. Oh no–– did you accidentally leave the stove on? What something burning? In your rush to get to the kitchen, you completely missed the little details around your abode. One of the framed pictures with broken glass but placed exactly back where it used to be, some goggles forgotten on the coffee table, and one of the clay pots was cracked. However, all those details escaped you as you ran into the kitchen, dearly hoping that the kitchen wasn’t burnt down. 
When you stumbled in, you came to a screeching halt upon seeing a stranger with pale hair attempting to put out a fire in the microwave. His green eyes were wide with panic, which only seemed to worsen when his eyes landed on you. Torn between wanting to question why a stranger was in your home and stopping the fire, you ultimately chose to put out the fire.
As you were doing so, somehow keeping calm yourself, you heard a young man beside you speak in rapid sentences, so fast you struggled to comprehend. But by both the fear and guilt etched on his freckled face, you were able to deduce that he was apologizing. As the fire was dying out, you were able to make out the occasional word. Something about being lost and exploring when he accidentally started this fire and he’s so so sorry, player. Whatever that meant.
When the fire was finally out, he heaved a huge breath of relief. This time he spoke softer, “Wait, I-I’m so sorry, player...! Ah, what have I done...? I really didn’t mean to do this! This is all going so wrong...” 
Woah, you live here? This is so cool! He can’t believe he’s here, in the player’s home! Don’t worry, he’ll try his very hardest not to cause any more trouble!
What’s he up to? Lots of things actually. Although he tends to stay out of the apartment and work outside. Besides, working outside is what he’s best at! He has a lot to do in order to pay your back for your incredible kindness! That, and he doesn’t want damage your home somehow. 
What does he enjoy the most? Well, he never asks, but he feels so blessed whenever you willingly spend time with him outside the apartment. If you’re on a lunch break, he’ll want to explore parts of the city with you! Traveling is a must. If you take him for a small trip on the weekend, he’s over the moon. 
After Bennett failed tried to make amends by cooking for you on the first day, he’s been prohibited from even entering the kitchen unless you’re present. It’s a shame because he really want to make breakfast for you... But! He won’t be useless! He picks up odd jobs like pet-sitting, making deliveries, etc. There’s always an accident, whether he drop the food or the pet escapes the apartment, but he always powers through it when he remembers that all of his efforts are for you! He refuses to keep a cent of his earnings, and insists that you take every dollar. Please, he’s just trying to be useful to you. Is it not enough...? 
Bennett has this horrible habit of letting his insecurities take root as soon as one thing goes wrong, and you can imagine how many times that happens. He feels like he’s going to break down, even if it’s something like accidentally breaking a plate. He just has this huge fear that one day your patience will reach it’s limit and you’ll no longer want anything to do with him, you’ll realize that he really is the most unlucky boy in the world. It’s why he depends so much on your praise, even if it’s something kind you said offhandedly, he’ll treasure your words. 
Oh, he misses you so much! He wishes he could just go to work with you. He’d even be happy being the janitor at your workplace! But he doesn’t want you to think he’s being too clingy... And if he were there and you were to accidentally spill hot coffee on yourself, he wouldn’t stop believing it was his fault. 
To be honest, Bennett didn’t recognize you at first. But he felt... safe. Like nothing bad was gonna happen in this strange place. That’s when he picked up your photo in the frame, and he accidentally dropped it out of shock. Just seeing your face gave him a warm feeling, the same feeling he got whenever the player was controlling him. 
Being in your presence, gave him a particular comforting feeling. He could only describe it as the kind of feeling you get when everything seems like it’s gonna be alright! It’s what the poor pale haired guy desperately needs, a sense of peace where he isn’t constantly wondering what horrible unfortunate accident is coming next.
The adventurer was so confused when he appeared in your apartment. For a moment he thought he fell into a hole in the ground and ended up someplace completely different. But upon closer inspection, he could only piece together that he was in a place that belonged to you. Hurriedly he tried to clean up the glass from the frame he broke, accidentally cutting his finger in the process. He tentatively made his way around, reminding himself to be more careful. These were your things after all! That’s how he eventually ended up in the kitchen. Curiosity getting the better of him as he tapped a button on the microwave, and it began to spark and sputter. That’s when you came in, and boy was he surprised. He couldn’t stop stammering apologies, pleading for forgiveness. He’s so sorry, please believe him, he didn’t mean to cause this! He just wants to be of use to you...!
“Here! This is enough to cover groceries, right? Ah, this...? Don’t worry, I just fell while I was walking the neighbor’s dogs, that’s all! It’s not that bad! But I really appreciate you worrying about me, heh, I’ll be fine though, really! Umm, wait, you don’t have to bandage me up. You do so much for me already...! T-Thank you... You’re so nice to me. I’ll do better, so just don’t get sick of me, okay...?” 
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Roses...? Why did it smell like roses and the slightest hint of ash? Wait a moment... The stray books you left on the side had been neatly placed on the bookshelf, the paperwork you left on the coffee table has been organized, and there were fresh roses in the usually empty vase. These were some things you noticed that were off, but it was overall... cleaner. Someone had obviously entered your apartment. Before you could decide whether to proceed or not, an unfamiliar figure entered your field of vision from the hallway. 
A tall intimidating man with crimson red hair paused, both of you freezing in place as your eyes met his surprised red ones. Slowly he lifted his hand, possibly as if to show he meant no harm, but in response you only gripped your keys and phone tighter. Judging by the guy’s build, he could probably take you down instantly, but damn it you would go down fighting. 
You’d make sure the whole apartment complex heard the commotion and someone would surely come to your rescue. The redhaired man kept calm, but it was clear he was taken aback. When he finally made the move to take one step forward like he was approaching a cornered animal, you screamed and made a dash back for the door. Almost instantly a gloved hand covered your mouth, muffling your cries for help. He expertly maneuvered with one hand to separate your items from you and hold your wrists behind your back. 
You could feel the unnatural amount of warmth his body emitted as you struggled but could not escape his firm hold. Beside your ear, you heard his steady voice, “Wait. Hold still, and be quiet. I won’t hurt you, you have my word. I’m going to let go of you and we are going to have a little chat. Do you understand?” 
This is your home? He sees... It truly is best that he came along. There’s much to be done now. 
What could he possibly be doing? During the day, he remains at home, taking care of matters there. If you do spare time for him, he enjoys going to cozy cafes with you and taking simple walks. Even reading at home together, sounds like a wonderful evening. 
Diluc enjoys hearing about you. How your day went, what you want to do later, stories from your past, hopes for the future, really anything. Wait... where’d he get those credit cards from? NO! Don’t use them on the items you offhandedly mentioned wanting! 
Somehow, he got credit cards, and there is seemingly no limit on them. When you go on evening walks with him, it takes everything not to look at the shop windows. God forbid you do, because Diluc is watching. If you so much as look at an item for more than a milisecond, he’s buying it. He loves to spoil you with luxury items. And you’re just flabbergasted. Like the time he went to buy toilet paper and came back with Chanel and Gucci. How does he pay it all off? How is he not in debt? It’s a mystery. 
During the day he’ll go through your bills, help with paperwork, and he’s taken up the task of cooking. But at night is when he’s most active. He’s tried to keep it a secret, but you figured it out when you saw he wasn’t sleeping on the couch at midnight (he refuses to sleep near you, probably because even the sight of your bare ankle is scandalous to him. What is he, a Victorian maiden?) You like to refer to him as batman. Seriously? A filthy rich man fighting crime at night like some vigilante? Sounds like batman. What you don’t know is that he rids the street of scum for you. 
Diluc is extremely protective. Everyday he insists on walking you to and from work. He’s pretty weird(?) definitely stoic, possibly paranoid? Once he sat on the couch, watching the rain hit the windows as he murmured something about if only rain can wash away sins of the criminals lurking in the back alleyways of the city. Dude... you only asked if he wanted to join you on the balcony over coffee to watch the storm. 
Of course Diluc knew you. He worshipped you back in Tevyat. In his mind, you, the player, who controlled vision-wielders to fight off evil, was truly just and admirable. 
Now that he knows you as just... you, he still holds you in high regard but he’s come to view you a bit differently. Here, in your world, you are not a higher being like in Tevyat. Here, you cannot even defend yourself. You are truly so fragile and oblivious to all the dangers in the world. So, he swears to protect you, whether you want it or not. 
At first, he was extremely apprehensive when he appeared in the apartment. He had been fighting an abyss mage and now it was... quiet, with only the noise of a city, in this strange and unfamiliar place. Immediately he began to investigate his surroundings, looking out the window, examining items, and observing pictures. It wasn’t until he took a proper look at the photos, and stared at your face in the image, was he able to piece together where he was. Your face instantly made him feel at peace, much to his initial confusion. It was the same sense of peace he felt whenever you controlled his movements to walk along on the roads of Mondstadt. How was he here...? How was this possible? He certainly wasn’t angry but–– he never expected to meet you like this!
“Where are you going? Out...? I see. Wait, it will only take me a moment to get my coat. Hm...? It’s only a short walk? You know how dangerous it is, and the sun is setting. I will not take any risks. If it’s a private matter you’re tending to, I’ll wait outside if I have to. But for your own good, I will be accompanying you.
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Cologne...? Why did your apartment smell like cologne with traces of alcohol? Did a drunk from the club across the street somehow get into your home? You were beginning to doubt the idea with the lack of a mess. In fact, the place looked slightly better. There were blue flowers in the usually empty vase, sweet smelling candles had been lit, and the curtains on your balcony were open. At this rate, you were expecting some eligible bachelor to pop out of nowhere. Like on those stupid romantic TV shows where you marry someone you just met. Wait a damn minute... was that someone on your balcony? 
Whoever was on the balcony must’ve heard your arrival, because they turned around and reentered the living room space. It was a tall slim man with long thin dark blue hair tied in a small ponytail and one visible light purple eye with the other concealed by an eyepatch. He offered such a welcoming and charming smile, it almost made you feel out of place, like you had walked into his home.
Maybe you should’ve been comforted by the fact that the intruder was a seemingly suave man, but you were only unnerved as so many questions went through your head. It was clear to him that you were not letting your guard down, judging by your stance and how you warily eyed the front door as if considering the option of fleeing. That certainly wouldn’t be good. He didn’t want you to go running down the hall screaming bloody murder. 
So he lifted both his hands, a sign he meant no harm. And he spoke gently, “Woah there, there’s no need to be so nervous now. Wait, before you go and do anything rash, let me have a word with you. Won’t you?” 
This is yours? How quaint. Well, he’ll be a fine addition to the place, and make your residence a little more homey. 
What could he be doing in the apartment? Honestly, you really have no idea what he gets up to. He’s a bit of a mystery, and he seems to prefer keeping that air of enigma. Must be some kind of defense mechanism or something. But he goes out all the time. 
When you do spend time with him, most of the time he often coincidentally bumps into you on the street. From there, he invites you to outings. Teasing must be his hobby, because boy does he enjoy seeing you flustered or slowly getting on your nerves. Inviting you to a drink over a nice chat as he tells stories seems to be his favorite. 
But maybe his fun tormenting you is worth it... maybe. He wakes up early to cook you breakfast and lunch, as he mentally plans what restaurant he’ll take you to for dinner when you coincidentally bump into him in the evening. He pays off part of the rent, and obviously has money to spare. You just don’t know how he does it, and he won’t reveal his secrets no matter how many times you ask him. He’ll only smile knowingly, amused by your curiosity that he refuses to satisfy. Maybe it has to do with the fact that he knows a lot of people. Somehow he knows all the tenets and others around the block, more than you ever knew in your years living here. 
Kaeya got wasted once. Perhaps he got too carried away with trying the wine of this world, or he simply underestimated whatever he drank. The point is, you had to pick him up from the bar across the street and help him home, as he had to practically lean on you for support while he murmured something incomprehensible about you the entire time. This was when you saw a sliver of his true colors. He got so dramatic just because you were watching TV and not him. Yeah, he touched you often, usually just to embarrass you, but he’s never been this... clingy, it almost felt concerning with how bad it was. When he had his eyes closed and you got up for a drink, you swore you never saw him get up so fast. Nor had you ever seen such a look of fear in his eyes, which disappeared once he saw you. That’s probably one of the last times you’ll see him so obvious with his feelings for a long time. 
Don’t ask him if he missed you. Just don’t. He’ll take the question and turn it right back around, making you the flustered one. It completely backfires on you, and now you’ve got a smug calvary captain as he relishes in your precious reaction. What’s wrong? Did you really miss him that much~? 
Who’s he if he doesn’t at least know about you? As the player, a mysterious being, you fascinated him so. And now, the more he learns about you, the less he’s satisfied. 
There’s so much more he wishes to know, but he’s already learned everything possible about you. He’s learned your preferences, your dislikes, your habits, hobbies, and has even managed to know so much about you that at times he can accurately predict your decisions before you make them. And well, he doesn’t want to leave yet. Perhaps staying may be for the better...
When he appeared in your apartment, for a moment he believed he was in some strange dream. What an unusual place, it was unfamiliar but it felt so... comforting in an odd way. But, this was far too real just to be a dream, is what he quickly realized. This serenity he felt... it didn’t take him long at all to recognize it and make the connection. That’s when he began poking around, taking mental note of everything to paint a picture of what kind of person you truly were as he mentally prepared himself for your arrival. But despite all his efforts, no amount of time would be enough to prepare him. On the outside he was cool and relaxed, but on the inside he felt his heart palpitating. He could only hope that your godly powers didn’t extend to your home realm, and you didn’t hear his frantic heartbeat masked by his smooth voice. 
“I plan our evening ventures? Of course not! How can I foresee where you will be?... You believe I’m stalking you? Why I would never! Why would I go through such lengths just to see my roommate whom I already share a home with? You wound me so! Do you truly think so little of me? Is it so bad to want to share a meal with you?” 
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Dirt...? Your apartment smelt of nature with its pine and grass scent. It almost smelled... funky. Like someone needed a deep soak in some sweet smelling herbal soaps. On the floor there were the slightest traces of dirt as if someone didn’t wipe their shoes at the front mat, and there were nearly-crushed daises in the vase on the table. Someone had obviously been here. Just then, your eyes noticed the moving figure over the balcony. It appeared as if they had been interested by the potted plants you grew, at least until they saw you.
You locked eyes with the stranger, freezing like a deer in the headlights. As he slowly stood up from his crouched position beside the flowers, you were able to notice his features. Watchful red eyes, long messy gray hair, a few scars with the most prominent being on his left cheek. The strange young man remained unsmiling and silent, only placing you further on edge. 
When he took one single step forward, you shifted the keys in your hands so the sharp ends pointed out between your fingers like brass knuckles. The unwelcome guest immediately took notice of this and took a step back to where he stood originally. That serious look on his face softened very slightly, now displaying hesitance. It seemed that he sensed your growing fear, and he was trying to ease it away. 
Slowly he held up his palms to show he had nothing. When he saw your shoulders lower as the thick tension vanished, he finally spoke. “It––It’s okay...! I’m good. Wait, uh... you player? I’m very happy to see!” 
Your home is... cozy. He likes it. But strange, filled with lots of new things. Also, he smells. He’s getting a bath immediately. 
What’s he up to at the apartment? Actually, he’s usually not even at home unless you’re there. There aren’t any forests for miles, but there is a humongous park a couple of blocks away with lots of wilderness. That seems to be his preferred place to spend time when you’re at work. 
What does he enjoy? Picnics at the park, showing you all the best spots he’s found to nap in the sun, even locations where he can forage fresh ingredients. Razor always looks so proud when he can show you what he loves, that you don’t have to heart to say no when he asks to stay a bit longer here. 
Razor always makes sure to wake you up early, he’s like your personal alarm clock as he pokes your cheek to wake you up. He cooks your lunch and breakfast too. He’s decent at it but when he tries to make it cute like in those videos he saw on your phone, it looks really messy in the end. Once you’re away though, Razor has to go out. If he stays cooped up in your apartment for too long, he starts feeling lonely, abandoned even. Your home is filled with your scent, he just can’t help but think about you. It’s why he always goes out, to distract himself or else his patience may snap and he may seek you out at your workplace for himself. 
The concept of paying to live in this space, paying for food, paying for water, paying for something called AC, and all these other things he didn’t initially know about, confuse him. It sounds overwhelming, and like it costs a lot. So he tries to help. He’s very good at pet-sitting, specifically for dogs. Other times he’ll forage as much as he can from the park and gardens, so you won’t have to spend on groceries. He makes a good amount of cash on selling rare mushrooms and other finds to collectors. Razor can’t help but be proud when he presents you with his earnings and finds. 
You don’t even need to ask Razor if he missed you. You know he does, and he makes it very clear that he did. It’s as if he senses your arrival when you’re down the hallway. He rushes to the door, ready to throw it open and greet you. He’s immediately clinging to you, the feeling of abandonment no longer there... for now. 
Razor is very in tune with his surroundings, it’s why he felt very close to you when you were simply the player to him. When you were an entity, some mystic being in Tevyat, without your own permeant vessel. 
At first it frightened him, being controlled and all. But after, he realized maybe it wasn’t so bad... You guide him in foraging good and exploring land, it’s actually peaceful at times when there’s no battling involved. And even when he must battle, he’s not afraid. He feels you guiding his movements, helping him emerge victorious and survive another day. 
When he appears in your apartment for the first time, it’s a lot like when you first controlled him. He was afraid, scared of the unknown. But after a few moments... he settled down. He felt at peace, he couldn’t explain why. He was still confused. Where was he? What was going on? Why was this happening? This scent in the air somehow felt... familiar. It instilled him with a sense of calm that he felt before. It took some time, and he made a bit of a mess around the apartment, but he figured it out. Razor was shocked, still in disbelief that he was standing in the player’s home! Yes, he was still confused, but he decided not the question it. He would continue to be good, he’ll try his very best! Because the last thing he wants is it to be abandoned by you.
“See! See? Found this all on my own. This, all yours. Money, food, all yours, even me! And these flowers I found, are pretty like you...! And this shiny necklace! Hm...? Where did I get necklace? Uh, found it! Yes. These are yours. A gift. Do you need more...? No...? This is okay? This means I did good, right...?”
As a whole…
So, you’ve gotten used to life with your new roommate. Still, you can’t help but wonder how much process they’ve made to find a way home. But there’s no real need to worry about that. They’ve discovered you, the player. They’ve settled in nicely, and become an essential part of your life. Surely they can stay, can they not? Perhaps the universe brought them here for a reason, it was fate that led this happy accident to occur. You aren’t really considering turning them away, are you? 
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kawaiianimekitten · 2 years
Yandere! Bakugou x reader
Summery: Bakugou babies you a lot, but finally gives you a chance to escape
Warnings- unhealthy/toxic relationship, smothering, slight dehumanization, mention of nudity (non detailed), near death experience
You sit, chined to your bed in childish cloths Bakugou makes you wear. The chains have soft fabric around them so they don't hurt you. You have a few books and a kiddy phone with child lock on it (so he can make sure you don't try to download anything to try to talk to people). There isn't much to do except sleep and dread his return.
The front door opens and you hear little explosions. He's back. After a few minutes he opens the door to the room you're staying in.
"hi, baby, I'm back." He says in a soft voice (well, soft as Bakugous voice is able to get, that is, lol). He sits on your bed and goes to brush some hair out of your face, but you try to bite him.
"Baby. That's not very nice." He says in a warning tone.
"You keeping me here, chained up, isn't very nice." You spit back.
He goes silent. Oh shit you thought. It's never good when he goes silent. Usually he'll just yell, but when he goes silent is when you're in trouble.
"You think I'm not nice? I can show you not nice." He says, unlocking your chains and throwing you over his shoulder. He takes you outside and sets you down. "Go ahead. You wanna be in real world? Go ahead and try to survive it. You wouldn't even last a day."
Around where you're being held captive is a giant forest. At night you would always hear different animals calling out.
"Go on. Try to leave. If you can get back to civilization within 24 hours, then I'll let you be for a bit and let you live your life." You look at him, seeing if he's joking or serious. He is serious, but he also has a look in his eyes screaming "you won't be able to. You'll come crawling back within an hour." You stand up, and look him dead in the eyes.
"Ok, well you better keep your end of the deal when I get back to civilization." You say confideny.
He pulls out his phone and sets a timer for 24 hours. "24 hours exactly. As soon as you turn around I'll start the timer."
Excitement ran through you. The thought of actually being free. Getting back to living your own life. You turn around and go into the woods, confident you'll find your way out.
You've been walking in a straight line, so you know you aren't walking in circles. Your legs are starting to hurt and your starting to get a little hungry. You haven't run into any other problems yet, though, so you should be fine. You bet that as long as you keep walking straight, you'll be out before the sun even starts to set.
The sun is almost down now, and you're starting to panic a little. You decide to try to climb a tree to see if you're close to getting out. You make an arrow in the ground so you know which way you were walking, so you don't accidentally go the wrong way, then you find some vines. You use the vines to help you climb the tree. Just don't look down, and everything will be ok. You think to yourself. After getting high enough to kind of see over the trees, you look around. You see nothing, though. Which makes you panic more. You carefully climb down the tree.
Once you get to the bottom, you sit down for a moment to catch your breath and calm yourself down. You know it'll be dark soon, so you need to find a place to stay for the night. You look around for some wood and rocks and whatever else you can use, making sure to leave a trail in the dirt so you can get back to your spot.
It starts to rain. This is so not good! You're thoughts are racing, trying to think of what to do. You panic and just start running, trying to find anything to take cover under.
It's pure luck that you somehow found a cave and got in right before it started downpouring. You set down the sticks you're still carrying, and separate the dry and wet ones and the semi wet but still dry enough ones and same with some leaves you grabbed. You also still had some vine.
You use the dry leaves and dry sticks to try to start a fire. You've seen many shows where people have done it. Once again, out of pure luck, you were able to get a fire started. It's not very big, but it's enough to keep you warm for a little while you hope.
You lay down to rest your eyes and let your body take a break. You immediately pass out, though, exhausted from all the walking and panicking.
When you wake up, it's still raining. You know you weren't asleep long because you're fire was still going a bit. You put the last few non wet sticks onto it, hoping the rain will stop soon.
You immediately freeze when you hear a growl behind you. Why must you freeze instead of fight or flight. Freezing isn't a good option. After taking a deep breath, you try to convince yourself to turn around and that it was just in your head.
It wasn't just in your head. It's a bear. It doesn't look happy. All animal knowledge left your head. Pure fear. I'm gonna die. Is all you can think.
Suddenly you're swept off your feet and hear little explosions. The bear gets scared of the noise and backs away. Bakugou smirks and walks out of the cave with you, after he puts out the little fire you made. He quickly runs you two back to the house.
As soon as you get inside he takes you to the bathroom. He starts the bath and puts some bubble bath into it, to make little bubbles, before walking out.
He comes back with try cloths for both of you and towels. He strips both of you. You're brain is too fried from everything that happened that day to fight back. After turning off the water, he gently sets you in the bath and gets in with you. He just holds you and runs his hands through your hair.
Tears start running down your face, overwhelmed by everything that has happened. He holds you closer and whispers sweet nothings to you. You're surprised that he's being so gentle with you, rather than yelling or gloating. You slowly drift off to sleep while in Bakugous arms.
You wake up the next day without chains on and not in your room. Instead you have two arms wrapped around you and you're in Bakugous room.
"Morning, sweetie." You hear as you get a soft kiss on your shoulder. "You actually managed to scare me a bit last night. Good thing I decided to go looking for you when the rain started." He said.
He gets up and tells you he'll be back. You crawl under the covers more, still cold from being out in the rain. He comes back after while with breakfast. He sits down next to you and insists on feeding you himself.
"I'm feeding you, baby. You don't have to lift a finger. I'll always be here to keep you safe." He says while feeding you. "You don't have to be scared like that ever again. I'll always be right at your side to protect you and keep you safe." He's not comforting you, he's telling you that you'll never get another chance to escape. You're stuck with him.
Honestly, though... You're strangely starting to kinda be ok with it...
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musewrangler · 3 months
WIP Tag Game
Rules: If you are tagged, you have to work on your WIP until you write a sentence that contains at least one word from the sentence given to you by the person who tagged you. Then post that sentence and tag as many people as you want. Tag-backs are not only allowed, but encouraged! >:)
Starting a new one because it was getting huge. Also, SO MANY lovely people have tagged me and I am so so behind, and I'm sorry. xD. Thank you @lady-merian for the most recent tag. Here we are:
---But when he came home with a split lip or a black eye because the local gangs of feral children enjoyed targeting him, it would only send his Father off into a rage. Not because his son was hurt—oh no. Because his son was stupid enough to get caught in the first place. Because he couldn’t fight back effectively. It was embarrassing apparently.
He was silent for awhile, trying to wait for the hot tears sliding down into his hair so that he could reply without a sob.
“What if he’s right?” he asked his sister at last. It was the question that plagued him. What if he and Rilla were wrong? They were just children after all and Father worked with tough beings. He knew what cowards looked like.
Rilla emitted an angry huff at the night sky and turned to lean up on her elbow so he could see her face. 
“He is NOT,” she emphasized, reaching down to wipe his tears with her fingers. She’d known he was crying anyway. 
“But what do we know?” he pushed. “We’re just—-”
“I know, Firmus Piett,” Rilla told him fiercely. “All those stories we read—they’re by beings who are smart. Who know these things.”
It was the one luxury they had. Their oldest sister had found a battered and ancient datapad one day in a dumpster outside her work. Firmus had worked tirelessly on it to make it run—-hunting for wires and chips himself to do so. It didn’t connect to the holo network or anything. But what it could do was download the free books from the small local library. He would go there whenever he could and the kind lady with the wrinkled face like an old apple would assist him. 
“You telling me they’re all wrong about courage or cowardice, Shaja?” Rilla pursued relentlessly.
He looked up into her large brown eyes, the moonlight making them shine at him with intensity.
“Karking right, no,” she nodded, and he couldn’t help the snort laugh at her language. She smiled down at him and leaned in to kiss his temple hard. “Don’t you dare listen to him, brother of mine. You’re the bravest.”-----
Tagging @lady-merian, @kraytwriter @kanerallels @afaroffsong @klarionthewizard @chaosgoblinhours @wolfy254709 @tolkienreader1996 @called-kept @freenarnian dumps bag of tags on @winterinhimring ;D
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heyybaejjk · 4 months
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pairing. teen!miguel o'hara x fem samoan oc
content. implied smut 😞 SIONE DA BEST MAN MENTIONED 🗣️🗣️🗣️ secret relationship, jealous miguel, cutesy moments between miguel & manaia <33 not proofread yall
main masterlist.
series masterlist.
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She was the epitome of beauty, that's what Miguel loved to think. In everything she did, it was utter perfection in his mind.
To the way she smiled, the way she walked, the way she sat in silence with her earphones blasting her cultural music and letting her mind run wild while jotting everything she knew in her book, whilst everyone else in class had caused chaotic mess with their confusion in every mathematic problem they tried to solve.
He admired her from across the table they both sat on, and his heart was fucking racing. He was close, yet so far away. And no, he wasn't going to slowly move his foot forward to accidentally hit her own, no.
Instead, he called out her name after finally shifting away his thoughts. "So, Manaia," she looks at him with an endearing smile, taking out both of her earphones to give the boy her full attention.
He shuts his mouth instantly. "Uh, never mind, sorry."
Miguel bites his lip nervously when she shakes her head and laughs, "You can talk to me anytime, Miggs. Don't be shy," yet she hides the fact that her face was hot, and if Miguel wouldn't open his mouth in 2 seconds, she was sure she'd run out the room out of nervosity.
He smiles, "I just wanted to say I love your new hair," and he says out of truth.
Manaia's hair that had once been honey brown had been dyed black, with a blonde counterpart underneath. She had found it so stupid, but to him, it was beautiful. She was beautiful.
"And your lip piercing as well," he compliments with a whisper.
Miguel's heart dances when she hears her giggle.
"I've always had this, Miguel," her ever so soft voice laughs.
To this, Miguel chuckles, "Never had the chance to say how beautiful it looks."
How beautiful you look, his mind thinks.
He smiles at her shy self, hiding a smile with her palm. "That's very sweet of you to say, Miggs." Her hand slides across the table to hold onto his, but backs away
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Manaia loved to experiment with her looks. Now there wasn't much you can do with a simple skirt, blouse, and the same mediocre looking jumper.
Miguel was excited everyday to see what was different; whether it be with her hair, new lip combo, or with how she styled her school uniform. She loved putting on jewelry as an addition, either way, she was ethereal without a doubt.
He made notes on which look stayed for a few days, indicating she loved it. And which look only lasted one period before something was changed the next time he saw her during the breaks.
Miguel had to come to accept the fact that people around him also had eyes.
He glared at those whose whispered about how elegant and beautiful his girl looked; nonetheless his mouth stayed shut.
"Smash or pass?"
Of fucking course.
Miguel craned his neck to the side, the table he sat on was isolated but he still heard the whispers of the two boys from across the room.
"Who are you talking about?" one of the two asked, wearing his hat backward as the other had long, yet messy gold hair placed in a tight braid.
"Girl over there," the long haired boy motioned his head over to Manaia who had her back facing anyone that sat behind her. Her headphones had blasted the latest song she had downloaded, seemingly on repeat as she couldn't get over the tune.
Miguel's glare goes unnoticed from everyone else in the room, thankfully.
"Oh, Naia?" his eyes slightly widen, and he doesn't hesitate at all with his answer. "Fucking smash, obviously," the guy with the backwards hat had smirked, dapping up his friend as he chuckles.
Miguel resisted the urge to get up and make his way over to the both of them.
"Reckon she's even good at, you know?" the Rapunzel dupe questioned, trying to get his voice low as possible yet failed miserably.
"Boys? Is there anything you'd like to share?" an authoritative voice rung through the room. The middle-aged woman who stood in front of everyone had raised a brow towards the back of the room, eyes set on a particular pair of boys.
Miguel watches as Manaia pulls down her headset to pay attention in case she were the one who was in trouble, then looking behind herself to see who the elder was talking to.
"No, Miss," the boy with hair that reached his ass crack had snickered, and Miguel's blood began to boil.
But his heart calms when Manaia looks over his way with a gentle smile, as well as a wave. He smiles awkwardly back after being caught staring at her.
Miguel looks back down to his notes pretending to write.
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It was semi-normal for couples to find a space where they could talk, kiss, and stuff...
Nonetheless, it was no different for Miguel and Manaia - who had walked around together with aching want to hold hands but managed to find a set of stairs that conveniently led up to the block they both had classes in.
Miguel had sat on an upper step so Manaia could sit a step below him. Settling herself between his legs, she slipped off her headphones and placed them around her neck, her music still playing in the background.
A few kisses on the cheek and forehead were shared, whispers of affection, and the sickly sweet banter - the usual of loving couples.
After awhile, they had fallen into a comfortable silence. Listening to each other breathe in the air they shared, letting each other gain warmth from the touch their bodies shared.
Manaia pulls away from his touch slightly to look up at him. "What are you thinking about?" she smiles.
Miguel is pulled away from his thinking, looking down to the girl he had his arm wrapped around.
A giggle erupts from the girl before him, "I said," her hand reaching up to poke his cheek, "What are you thinking about? I hope it's about me," she jokes.
Miguel gulps at the strong eye contact Manaia had held with him. He feels the warmth of her soft palm spread on his cheek, the soft push had made him look directly down at her just as she intended.
"Just us." Miguel whispers quickly.
"Mhm," her other free hand cups his other cheek, her head tilts curiously, "And what about us?"
"I'm just tired-" he drags his words, his eyes then widen when Manaia lets his face free from her soft hold, "Wait- no, no, not of us- I'm not tired of us, I swear I didn't mean that!" He whispers in an assuring tone, cupping her face and giving her forehead as many kisses as he could.
"Okay, okay, I believe you," she whispers in a soft voice.
Miguel sighs, "I'm just tired of us not being able to, you know, be a proper couple and we've been together for like," He counts with his fingers, "Months! We can't hold hands in public, I can't walk you to class, I can't show you off. I can't show anyone that you're my girlfriend, and vice versa," he pours his heart out to his girlfriend in expectant of her understanding.
Manaia nods her head in acknowledgement to her sweet boyfriend's words, she smiles at the trust Miguel had in sharing his feelings with her. "I get you, Miggy. I've felt the same way before, and I know I was the one to say I'd like for us to be private. I'm just scared, to be honest."
Miguel raises a brown, fully intrigued.
"What are you scared of?"
Miguel feels his heart jump when his sweet girl groans angrily, which he finds cute, "What should I not be scared of, Miguel?"
First-name basis? Miguel gasps as he thinks to himself.
Oh never-mind, she was truly upset.
"Miggy, you're-" She groans again with a pout, "You're attractive! you're bulky, you're tall, you're sporty, and you're smart!"
His face flushes at the rush of compliments he's given, "I still don't understand what you're trying to say, Naia," his fingers delicately brush a strand of hair behind her ear, as he noticed it slightly annoyed her.
Manaia huffed in annoyance, crossing her arms. Miguel chuckles, "Please just tell me what it is that's bothering you," he kisses her temple countless times as she doesn't pull away.
"You already know I barely have friends. Besides Sione, Kiuga and David, there's no one else I can talk to. And I don't want girls to try and befriend me just to get close with you," Manaia admits. She fidgets with the golden bracelet with the M initial Miguel had gotten her for their first month anniversary.
"I don't know what I'm saying honestly. I just know that I want you to myself, even if it means to keep us a secret," Manaia averts her gaze from his in a shy manner.
Manaia continues in a lowered voice, "I know how people can be. If people knew we were together, they'd talk about you regardless, especially in front of my face. They- ugh. What's that word, Miggy? They.. uh.." looking around to see something that would help her.
Miguel intervenes, "Naia, what are you-"
"FAWN! Yes, they fawn over you!" Manaia dramatically faints into Miguel's lap. Then peers back up with widened eyes looking straight at her boyfriend in shock.
"What if you find someone better along the way as well?!"
She continues on her rant for countless minutes about the silly what ifs and the "pretty" girls that would snatch him away from her.
Miguel could only admire the girl before him with a wide smile on his face, "I get what you're saying," planting a kiss on her forehead to calm her down. "But I want you to know that being together in this relationship means I'm only for you and it'll stay that way." he emphasizes before cupping his girl's beautiful face.
That was all Manaia needed before getting shy again. Trusting her boyfriend, she reaches up and leaves a loving peck on his lips.
Still in a mood, Manaia raises a brow, "You'll only love me, right?" her eyes sparkling with curiosity. His ears then catch on to the ongoing melody that rung through Manaia's headphones.
she looks just like a dream
the prettiest girl i've ever seen
Miguel chuckles, "If I wasn't going to love you only, I wouldn't have asked the prettiest girl in the world to be mine."
Manaia chuckles as she rolls her eyes, smushing Miguel's cheeks with her hand, "So cheesy."
"But if you're so concerned about people fawning over me," Miguel teases as his girl lightly slaps his chest, holding onto her wrist to keep it there, "I can think of a way to get people to lay off."
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M.Ohara_99 has mentioned you in his story !
Manaia is stopped from her endless scrolling on tiktok. Her attention is on the new notification from her boyfriend. Tapping on the notif, she immediately feels a rush of heat spread on her face when she sees her chat with Miguel.
Miguel was a gym fanatic, those who liked to look knew of this. It was bound for him to post at least one photo of his progress. Yet, for him to post a photo, flexing his arms and his uncovered neck that was marked with dark, purple hickeys?
He knew those who prayed and wished for him to be theirs were going to be hurt. But did he care?
Not at all.
Manaia isn't able to fully inspect Miguel's story completely when another mention pops up.
It shows Miguel flexing his muscular back, the long and deep scratches on his back definitely wasn't made to be hidden with the way he solely focused the camera on them.
Before Manaia could bang her head against her pillow happily, she notices the very obvious mention of her username in Miguel's story.
Not even a minute goes by and Manaia gets another message.
mahi_sniffer has sent a message to pussy eatersssss
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this is so chat, i just wanted to upload this cos why not, i didnt know how else to end this LOL
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