#oh I fell over the other day and my arms been a bit sore ever since
sandymybeloved · 2 years
everyone thinks I have a really high pain tolerance, because once on a guide camp I broke my arm in two places and didn't tell anyone till I got home
in reality there were no adults I knew around when it happened (it was a big camp with lots of different guide groups), so I walked back to our tents, I had to stop half way becuase I was crying so hard from pain I couldn't see, when i got there my guide leaders weren't there so i went to wait in the tent, passed out for an unknown length of time, got found by the leaders who told me off for not doing camp stuff, removing my ability to tell them I was in a serious amount of pain
anyway, I went and climbed a tree that afternoon, and convinced everyone my body started violently shaking becuase I was scared of heights (I am not, at least not those kinds of heights), and not because my arm was screaming at me and unable to support my weight
high pain tolerance my foot
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neteyamssyulang · 6 months
Day 2
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Pairing: Incubus Adult Neteyam x Fem tawtute reader
Warnings: P in V, Dub con, Dom Neteyam, Sub Reader, Rough Neteyam, Creampie.
Word count: 832
Translation(s): Paskalin -> Honey, Yawne -> Beloved
Tagging: @teyamshuman @hidden-snow @anemonelovesfiction @ikeyniofthetayrangi @itchaboi-itchyboy @kia-wolfie @aria-tempest @loaksulluyswife
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“These dreams.. they’ve been so- weird the last few days, it’s hard to explain but the dream always starts off normal but then it always ends up with this blue alien fucking my brains out and I wake up being sore between my legs.” You spoke softly, looking between your friends who were rolling their eyes.
Tanya, one of your friends, eventually spoke up “Yeah right y/n” she scoffed, “I think someone has been watching the avatar movies wayyy too much” Jessie, your other friend, added in.
Now they weren’t wrong, you loved to binge watch all the movies but it does not explain why you have the same dream every single damn night.
You went to open your mouth to speak but Jessie cut you off immediately, “Look y/n, we’re gonna go home now but I suggest seeing a therapist or something because your losing it babe”
They gave you both a pitiful smile and got off the couch, walked out the living room, opened the door and left closing it behind them.
Maybe they did have a point, maybe you were losing it.
Or maybe you weren’t.
An hour passed and you got ready for bed, doing your nightly routine but also putting a camera on your dresser facing your bed. Now you’ll finally have proof that your not crazy.
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As always, you fell asleep instantly after getting into your warm, cozy, bed.
Your dream started off different this time, you were laying down in the huge fancy bed but no one was in the room with you.
Or so you thought.
“Miss me already paskalin?” Neteyam purred next to you, your breath hitched as you felt his cold hands on your skin, tracing patterns along your stomach before moving his hand down between your legs, swiping a single digit across your folds.
He smirked feeling how wet you already are “Yeah, guess you did miss me.” Before you could register anything, he pinned you down and crawled ontop of you, his cock already hard and leaking pre-cum onto your thigh.
“Wait wait!” You pleaded, pushing at his chest “Wait for what pet? You don’t want this?” He asked completely unfazed, placing one of your legs around his waist and swiped his cockhead teasingly against your slick folds.
“I.. I don- shit!” You screamed as he plunged his cock inside you, small grunts leaving his lips as your walls squeezed tightly around his thick shaft.
Once Neteyam finally bottomed out, he stayed still for a few moments just admiring you. How beautiful you looked underneath him with your eyes squeezed shut and mouth slightly agape trying to adjust to his size.
Doesn’t matter if you took him multiple times before, each time felt like your first time all over again.
Slowly he began moving his hips, his cock dragging against your gummy walls, coaxing out beautiful moans from your lips.
“Nothing to say now huh?” He chuckled, picking up the pace, his hips slapping against yours. “Ungh! Fuck teyam!” You mewled, his cock was hitting all the right spots inside you, making you see stars.
Your hands went to his arms, digging your nails into him making him groan. The sting was oh so delicious and only encouraged him to push deeper into you.
Neteyam leaned down, his hot breath fanning over your ear as he whispered “Your all mine y/n, mine. No one will ever get to have you besides me.”
Your walls clenched around him at his words making his lips tug up into a smirk, “You want that? To be all mine yawne?”
By now your mind has turned to mush, all you could think of was how good Neteyam was fucking you.
“P-please..” you slurred, already feeling your climax approaching rapidly. Leaning back up, he bit his lip and wrapped his tail around your thigh. Fuck you felt like heaven to him, it was only a matter of time before you would be his completely.
With one particular hard thrust your breath hitched and you came hard, gushing around his cock. Feeling your walls clenching tightly around him, Neteyam groaned, painting your gummy walls white.
Your eyes began to slowly flutter shut as he slowly began to withdraw himself from you, “Till next time, little one” he murmured.
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You woke up to your alarm going off around 7:30, groaning you opened you eyes and sat up slowly, wincing at the familiar pain between your legs.
Quickly you got out of bed and went to the camera, grabbing it off your dresser. Stopping the recording you sat back down onto the bed and played back the footage you caught.
Holy shit- no..it couldn’t be..
He was actually there, fucking your unconscious body while glancing towards the camera.
Once Neteyam was done and pulled out, he got off the bed, walked to the camera and crouched down.
“Did you enjoy the show darling?” He grinned, sending a wink towards the camera.
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amarachno · 3 months
Gotham City can be a terrible place to live but at least it has a nice skate park. It wasn’t always that way but ever since Bruce Wayne started his free space repair program all kinds of free activities for city kids had opened up. In Tim Drake’s opinion, the skate park was the best. Conveniently placed near Gotham Academy AND in the direction of Tim’s house? It was perfect. The best part? Sometimes, Jason Todd showed up with his older brother. What’s cooler than one Robin? Two!
Not that either boy knew Tim existed, of course. Tim Drake was fantastic at getting peoples eyes to glance right over him. Janet Drake had trained him to become invisible, after all. But really, it was too cool to watch. if a little funny at times. Dick Grayson was a wonder in the air, but finding your balance of skateboard is a bit different than finding your balance on a beam. Jason wasn’t much better about it but hearing him laugh at Dick falling on his butt after attempting a kickflip always brought a warm feeling to Tim’s chest.
Sometimes, Tim was tempted to go over and try to teach them, but he always chickened out at the last moment. He settled for helping out the seven year olds who always fell off their scooters. There had been a few times where he picked them up and out of the way right before they could get run over but it was all in a days work.
Tim usually managed to visit the skate park for an hour or two after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the other days he had extracurriculars Or had to be home in time to check in with Mrs. Agnes, the house keeper. Heaven forbid he gets home even a minute too late. Her pointy fingers always left his arm sore when she marched him up to his room.
where was Tim going with this again? Oh yeah, school is finally out and it’s time to visit the skate park. He had debated bringing his camera this morning, but ultimately decided that it wasn’t something he wanted to carry around all day.
He couldn’t help but wonder if he would see Jason and Dick there that day. Usually, they went around every three weeks after school. One of the nicest parts about seen him there though, was a heads up that Nightwing would be out that night. Nightwing was so fun to take pictures of. he was an entertainer after all. His movements fluid and quick. Once, Tim had gotten a picture of him falling from one of the higher buildings in a pose that almost perfectly made it seem like he was flying through the air. Arms spread, feet together, and chest out. A stark contrast to the way he windmilled and gracelessly fell at the skatepark, though Tim was pretty sure he only let himself fall because it made Jason laugh. The ride from school to the skate park wasn’t long, thankfully. It would be such a hassle to have to bike to the skate park and carry his board too. upon arriving to the park, he glanced at who was present that day
The good news, was that Jason was there! Not so cool news, Dick wasn’t. Jason seemed to be in a bad mood either way. Usually, Tim wouldn’t butt in. Usually he would’ve just made sure that Jason got back safe. But… Tim had a bad feeling. He hadn’t seen Robin out with Batman the day before. or the day before the day before that. Tim knew he couldn’t just leave this alone.
“So, where is your older brother?” Tim blurted out as soon as he was next to Jason
Jason blinked, looking mildly shocked before furrowing his brows. “Who’s asking? And why d’ya wanna know?”
“Uh” Tim said unintelligently. “I see you around here a lot and usually you don’t go by yourself.”
Jason stared for a moment, looking conflicted.
”Oh! I’m Tim, Tim Drake. We’re um, we’re neighbors.” Tim’s palms felt sweaty. This was painfully awkward.
“I guess that makes sense. Not that it’s any of your business.” Jason said hesitantly, taking a deep breath and then speaking again. “So, you skateboard?”
“Yeah, I guess, a little” Tim stuttered out. “You never answered my question.” Before clapping both hands over his mouth. he did not mean to say that out loud.
“He’s out of town for the month, ya nosey little shit. He lives in Blühaven.” Jason gave a wry grin. “He’ll be back soon.” he opened his mouth as if to say something else, but closed it again and looked away.
let it be known Tim is just as stupid as he is smart. He knows that once he starts talking, there’s no stop. It’s why he never talked to Jason or Dick before. Despite that, he opened his big, dumb, mouth. “Hey I’ll raise you to that ice cream place around the corner. Whoever loses has to pay.”
Jason grinned maniacally, “Alright short-stack, you’re on!” And then Jason shot off like a blur. Tim yelped out a “Hey! No fair!” before running after Jason.
Tim lost, not that there is really any competition, Jason’s legs were longer anyway.
One Neapolitan bowl and one Superman cone later, (courtesy of Tim’s wallet, of course) Jason and Tim headed back to the skatepark. they wound up wandering around, talking about anything and everything, laughing at the college kids who fell on their faces and the pigeons who attacked some guy for his fries. (The random dude was fine but he seemed creepy anyway so Tim couldn’t bring himself to feel bad.)
One hour turned into two and two turned into four. Soon enough, it got late and it was just about time to head home. The older kids were showing up anyway, and usually it wasn’t a good idea to stick around.
Tim was about to mention this, but when he turned to look at Jason, he paused.
“Not sure why I’m tellin’ ya this. But, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders.” Jason murmured, “I was gonna run away tonight.”
“Oh.” breathed Tim.
“My- I found my bio mom. I’m um- I was, that is, staying with Bruce Wayne.” Jason turned to stare out towards where Tim knew Wayne manor was. ”But, he thinks I did something I didn’t. something I would never do.” Jason swipes furiously at his eyes. “I found my birth certificate. The woman I called my mom all this time was actually my stepmother.” He turns back, making eye contact with Tim, a determined look on his face. “Her name is Sheila Haywood. I was going to fly to Ethiopia to meet her.”
Tim inhales sharply, “Alone?” he asks breathlessly.
“Yeah.” Jason replies guiltily. “I didn’t think Bruce would believe me.”
Tim pauses, thinking it over. “And, how much research have you done on this?”
Jason tenses, “Enough.” he snaps defensively. “I found a way there and back. I have enough to find somewhere to stay for about a week. But, if everything goes well then I should be able to stay with my mom.”
Tim laughs a little, a short exhale through his nose. “Oh no, I know you can take care of yourself. I’m talking about how much you researched into your mom. it would be smart to know why she moved. I don’t think a lot of people move to Ethiopia just for a change of pace. What if she were involved in some kind of-“
“She would never!” Jason exclaimed. “She’s an aid worker there.”
“Okay, I believe you.” Tim reaffirmed “ it was just an example. my point is just that, having all the facts is an important part of every plan.”
Jason relaxed at Tim’s reassurance, “Oh. That makes sense I guess.”
“Maybe I could help!” Tim squeaked out nervously. “ you could come to mine I’ll get my laptop out and we can look into her public records. Maybe we could do a little bit more digging and see if there could’ve been an outside situation.”
Jason considered it for a second, tilting his head back.
“If you sleep over at my house tonight, you don’t have to see Bruce.” Tim added quickly.
Jason whipped his head to look at Tim, nodding vigorously. “Yeah that would be great. Um, maybe we can stop by really quickly though just to tell Alfred and pick up my clothes for tomorrow.”
With Tim’s help, Jason found evidence that Sheila was involved with the Joker. He never went to Ethiopia, he does tell Bruce about his bio mom. Batman goes to investigate it, finds out about the Joker’s plot, and stops it in time. Jason Todd doesn’t die. But he doesn’t see much of Tim anymore either.
Tim Drake saves his favorite Robin. Who knows what would’ve happened had he actually gone to Ethiopia? Especially since the Joker was there. Nothing good obviously. Jason and Tim stay friends for a little while, but don’t stay that way for long, only occasionally seeing each other in the hallways at school. Jason was busy with personal matters anyway, not much time for the skate park. Or for Tim. Eventually, Dick and Jason show up again, bringing Cass, Steph, and Damian along to teach them how to skate. Tim keeps his distance, content to watch.
Sometimes. Sometimes he wishes he could join them. Not that he’d ever say that out loud, of course. It’s the same way with their nightly activities too. It’s selfish. Tim has everything he could ever need. A roof over his head, food in his pantry, and two living parents. Even though they aren’t around. he has his hobby, chasing shadows around Gotham, taking pictures. That’s what Tim was meant for. He wasn’t meant to be a brother, or even a friend.
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tonowarii · 2 years
Young and Dumb, with a Broken Arm
Pairing: Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk'itan x GN! Human! Reader
Requested?: Yes
Summary: A tale of you and Lo'ak's shenanigans, but this time, it ended up with you supporting a broken arm.
Word count: 2.0k
Warning/s: graphic description of injury, slight angst bc bro its lo'ak, swearing, hurt/comfort, but fluff towards the end!
Note: I truly believe this was supposed to be just a funny little one shot but I spilled a little bit of angst onto this one 😶
GIF is not mine, credits to the owner!
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"I bet you can't climb a tree faster than me."
"I bet you can't jump down from this branch on your feet."
"I bet you—"
It has always been a game of bets and pranks between you and Lo’ak growing up.
You two were considered partners in crime, not seeing the otber without one following close by.
You two were always up to shenanigans that ended up Jake scolding Lo’ak around two to three times a week.
Lo’ak would get scolded on about bringing you in to his reckless ideas, putting you in danger, while you watched to the side as Lo’ak suffered Jake’s wrath.
You didn’t have anyone to scold you, technically, your adopted parents were back in the lab and they often had little to none news of what you were doing out and about with the Sully family.
Yet there was no stopping the two of you.
You had also grown to play pranks on each other, one time you had Lo’ak’s bow super glued to its place that when he went to grab it, and when it wasn’t budging, he pulled on it with all his force that he fell straight onto his ass. After that scenario leaving his butt sore, he could hear you laughing from the outside.
He retaliated by hiding your quiver of your own handmade arrows.
It took you a whole week of pestering Lo’ak and when he finally had enough, he retrieved them from behind his bed. Which earned him a smack on the (lower) back from you.
Now at present day, you were bound to doing something stupid again.
“Look, trust me, mom taught dad this one.”
Lo’ak says, looking out off the edge of the cliff towards the huge green leaves that sprung from the huge trees on opposite sides.
“Yeah, that looks like a quick death to me.” You reply, stepping to look out of the edge yourself.
Lo’ak huffs, placing his bow behind him. He looked like he was getting ready to jump.
“When have my calculations ever been wrong?” Lo’ak looks down to ask you, a smirk forming on his face.
“Well…” You say in thought, looking up.
“Shut up, that was one time.” He spoke.
You laughed.
“Come on, are you really living if you’re not trying this out? Or are you just being a wuss?” Lo’ak teased. He surely knows how to get on your nerves.
“Oh, you’re on, forest boy.” You accept.
“That’s what I’m talking about!” Lo’ak cheered. He then gets himself ready, adjusting his bow behind him and backing away to gain momentum.
“But if you die, I’m taking your toruk stuff toy.” You say to him.
“Pfft, watch me, human.” He rolls his eyes at you. Then he breathes out before running and jumping of the edge, his body now facing the ground as he fell.
You ran over to the edge and watched, watching how Lo’ak gracefully switched between leaf to leaf, slowing down his fall as he successfully plops to the ground on his feet.
You knit your brows as Lo’ak yelped, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through him.
To be honest, you hadn’t done this before.
“(Y/N)! Come on!” Lo’ak shouts at you from below. “Just like what I did!”
Oh, the things you’d do for this boy.
You didn’t have your bow with you today, so you just braced yourself, backing up the same as Lo’ak did.
Eywa, if I fall to my death, please reincarnate me into anything that can haunt Lo’ak for the rest of his life
You prayed with a slight chuckle.
Or even reincarnate me into an avatar, that sounds cool.
“(Y/N)! Did you finally back out?” Lo’ak’s voice stopped your thoughts.
“Like hell I did!” You shout back at him.
Breathing out, you ran with all your might and jumped.
You did what you saw, and at first, you were successful after a few leaves.
But then everything went downhill on the bottom half.
You concentrated on moving your body from side to side that you had failed to notice a looped vine on one of the leaves, that when you landed on it, your feet had fit the exact loop.
Your foot got stuck, making you lose your progress as you panicked, failing to reach the opposite leaf, making you almost hover a few feet up from the ground.
And that’s when the vine snapped.
Your eyes widened, thinking first to prevent your mask from taking the fall as your body was quickly reaching the ground.
“Shit! (Y/N)!!” You hear Lo’ak scream as you flipped to your side, hoping the mask doesn’t break.
And you hit the ground hard. With a cracking sound.
“Fuck, fuck!” Lo’ak swore, running over to you, flipping you onto your back as you had your eyes closed.
Lo’ak, in a panic, lifted you into his arms, immediately going to check if there was any damage to your mask as his hands, almost two times bigger than the size of your face, traced over your mask.
It looks like there was no damage, but he could hear your faint breathing.
Then he takes a glance at your arm and it was almost the most terrifying thing he has ever seen.
And he was a hundred percent sure your arm, or even a regular na’vi’s arm, should not bend that way. “Shit.” He mutters, huge blue hand going over to lift your arm to find your forearm falling limp, almost like jelly.
Then you stirred, making Lo’ak’s eyes widened. “Can you hear me? (Y/N), (Y/N) look at me!” He says, shaking you.
The first thing you registered was Lo’ak who was hovering above you.
Then came the searing pain from your arm.
Lo’ak watched as you stared at him, then in seconds your face contorted into pain as you cried out loud.
Lo’ak felt a pang in his heart, making himself want to cry, almost feeling your pain, but he knows he can't afford to act this way.
“Hold on, (Y/N), alright? Stay with me.” Lo’ak says as he stands up, carrying you in his arms. You continued crying, making Lo’ak frown as he quickly found his way to an opening, calling out to his ikran.
Once it arrived, Lo’ak wasted no time making tsahelyu as he carried you in front of him.
“Go, go!” He screamed at his banshee, who scurried to take flight.
Lo’ak could still hear your cries as he bites his lip, not wanting to look down at your face because he knew it would only pain him more. His heart pounded in his chest; he wanted you to be okay.
Please be okay.
Reaching High Camp, Lo’ak carefully gets off his banshee and he once again carries your small body.
“Norm, Norm!” Lo’ak called once he finds the human figure of Norm talking to another scientist.
Norm turns, his face paling once he realized Lo’ak was carrying you, your bent arm in full view.
“Holy shit, come on, bring her in here!” Norm shouted, earning a few looks from the other villagers.
Norm opens up the door towards the shack, wasting no time to grab the necessary kits to use.
“Lay them down there!” Norm commanded. You had fallen unconscious again.
Lo’ak followed, not minding that he was running out of breath being in the shack as the oxygen was not capable with his body.
He places you down carefully, removing your mask so you could be seen clearly.
“(Y/N), c’mon wake up.” He whispers, seeing your tear stained cheeks makes him let out a shaky breath.
“Lo’ak, I’m sorry bud but you’re going to have to give us some space.” Norm said.
“But I’m—” Lo’ak gasps out, eyes scanning to find a mask made for the na’vi inside the shack. Once he had his hands on it, he breathes through his mask before placing it down.
“I’m not leaving.” Lo’ak said, stubborn as always.
Norm sighed but he let the boy stay. “Sure, kid, just keep out of the way, yeah?”
Lo’ak nods, finding a spot for himself in the corner where he could see you being monitored by Norm, and then he was joined by Max.
He could hear them talking and scanning your vitals, but he only thing he focused on was the rise and fall of your own chest.
A few good ten minutes had passed when the door opened, and it was the last thing Lo’ak needed to see.
His dad.
“I heard what happened.” Jake entered, carefully going over to Norm and Max.
“They took quite the fall… but their vitals are stable now, except for their broken arm which I’ll estimate would heal about two weeks or so.” Max said.
Jake nods, looking at you on the table, brows knitted in worry.
Then his eyes cast over to the corner to find Lo’ak looking at you, wearing the same worried look.
Jake bites his lip, of course, how could he have not known?
He spares his son the lecturing this time, figuring that your health mattered the most to him.
But that wasn’t stopping him from comforting his son.
Jake carefully trudges over to where Lo’ak was.
“Hey, kid.” Jake said, kneeling down so they were almost face to face.
“Dad- dad I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-“ Lo’ak begins explaining, his voice cracking in the process.
Jake lets Lo’ak lean his head on his shoulder as Jake sighed. “It was an accident, I know. They’ll be okay.”
“But dad- It was my fault—”
Jake shakes his head. “I don’t think they’ll blame you for it, kid, the two of you are quite the troublemakers.” Jake said, trying to ease his son.
Lo’ak then lifts his head, eyes darting towards your form, seeing your arm now had a bandage around it, a cast, he thinks its called.
Jake breathes in the oxygen from his own mask before patting Lo’ak on the back. “I don’t blame you and neither do they. Just make sure they’re okay, yeah?”
Lo’ak nods, feeling an instant relief provided by you and his father. As Jake left, Lo’ak stands up, slowly making his way toward you.
“They’ll be alright, I think its best giving them a couple of hours to rest.” Norm says. “Thank you.” Lo’ak said.
Norm nods at him before walking out with Max to leave the two of you alone.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N).”
Then as if on cue, you stirred again, your eyes shut as you tried to move.
Your eyes slowly blinked open. “Wha-“
“We’re back in High Camp,” Lo’ak quickly said, he then assists you in sitting up, then his hand delicately ghosts over your cast covered arm.
“I bought you here… Norm and Max helped fix you up but they said your arm would take about three weeks to heal.” Lo’ak said in a low voice.
You looked at him as he was looking at your arm. Then you glance back at him. “Well, that’s a bummer.”
Lo’ak was caught off guard by your reaction as he turned his head to face you.
“What?” You looked at him, only then you realized how big his face actually was compared to yours.
“I just broke your arm… that’s not “a bummer” that’s like… worse than bummer.” Lo’ak said.
You laugh. “Why? Did you personally come to me and broke my arm in half with your bare hands? No, no you didn’t. It’s not your fault. And have you forgotten? We grew up literally almost befriending death because of our stupid bets and pranks.”
Lo’ak finds himself smiling, remembering quite the few bets that almost had the same outcome as this. “I suppose so… whatever you say.”
“But you’re still a skxawng for not catching me back there.” Your voice turned serious and Lo’ak’s face looked like it was drained of its color.
You laugh out loud again, gaining the courage to lean yourself against him, feeling his bare skin on yours felt something to be remembered.
Lo’ak, upon the contact of your head on his chest, had his tail swaying behind him in content.
He sneakily wraps an arm around your smaller form, his hand resting beside your thigh.
“This time I’ll be sure to catch you.”
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ang3l0fde4th4ndd0gs · 2 months
James X Remus (Moonchaser fic)
Word Count: 664
James had been practicing out on the Quidditch pitch all day, and of course, he smelled like it. Remus never cared about that however, he just enjoyed watching the boy walk in after he’d gotten back from practice or a game, his dark skin glistening with sweat and his hair a mess. James was probably the prettiest thing Remus had ever seen when he was like that.
“Moony, you’re staring.”James teased as he removed his Quidditch jersey.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize.”Remus mumbled, not being able to stop staring despite his embarrassment.
“I’m headed to the showers.”James said which fell deaf on Remus’ ears.
“I’m gonna shower.”James repeated. “Just letting you know. Sirius is still out with Mary and Pete’s still out with Dorcas. So you’ll be alone up here.”
“I’ll be fine. Been alone all day.”
“Full moon’s in a few days. You shouldn’t be alone.”
“Where would I even go?”
“Could go to the library if you wanted. At least there’s people there.”
“I’d rather be here, honestly. Everything hurts.”
“Then I’ll stay here.”
“You’re exhausted. I’m sure you’re sore…”Remus swallowed hard, trying not to let his mind wander. “You should really shower.”
James grinned and grabbed his towel from the floor by his bed, starting to wipe the sweat from his skin. Remus forced himself to turn his attention back to the book in his hands.
“You seem distracted, Remus.”James said, changing into his sweatpants.
“It’s really nothing, Prongs.”
“You usually are. At least when I’m around, it seems like you are.”
“Don’t think about that too hard.”
“Remus, c’mon. You know you can talk to me.”
Remus sighed and set his book in his lap. James walked over and sat on Remus’ mattress beside him.
“James, go shower.”Remus said, looking up at the bespectacled boy.
“No. Something’s going on. Normally you’re at least more open with me. C’mon.”
“Why does it matter so much if I'm upset or not?”
“Cause you're one of my best friends and I care about your well-being.”
Remus rolled his eyes and set the book aside. James raised an eyebrow.
“I fancy you, unfortunately.”Remus confessed. “You have it bad for two other people and yet, I have it bad for you. That's why I didn't want to talk.”
“Oh…”James muttered, staring at his lap for a moment. “I had no idea…”
“Yeah, I've tried to be quiet. Clearly my eyes have different priorities.”
“How’d you know you had feelings for me?”
“I don't know. Pretty sure friends don't think about making out with their friends.”
“Would you ever want to act on it?”
James leaned forward and pressed his lips to Remus’. Remus grabbed hold of James' sweatpants and kissed back. James gasped against Remus' lips when he felt the boy’s nails dig into his skin.
“Shit, sorry.”Remus mumbled against James’ lips.
“No, don't apologize. That felt… good.”
Remus kissed James again, more deliberately this time. James gripped Remus’ sweater in his hands.
“What the hell?!”Sirius yelped as he walked into the room and saw the two of them.
James let go of Remus' shirt and leaned back. “Sorry, Pads.”
“No-no. It's okay. When did this happen?”
“A bit ago…”
“So you're dating…?”
“Not yet? I'm not sure. It was an experiment.”
Remus blushed hard and leaned back against his headboard again. Sirius raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest.
“From here it didn't look like an experiment,”he said. “Looked more… personal than that.”
“I'm not gonna push that on Remus, okay?”James replied.
Remus scoffed. “No, by all means. Push it on me. I asked first anyway.”
James squeaked and his cheeks turned a deep red at the comment. “Weirdest way I've ever been asked out. But, yes. It was personal and yes it's… I guess we're dating.”
“Figured so. I'll leave you to it.”Sirius winked at the two boys and left the room, smirking.
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 8 months
Dante x male reader ♠️
870 words
Huge thanks to @halfetirosie for working on this fic and the epilogue with me! They did an awesome job and because of them this fic turned out amazing!
He looked like he was sculpted by the God of Klein himself. His slender, muscular frame; white tattoos ornamenting copper skin; fiery hair; eyes shimmering tourmaline and deep brown. Every feature displayed his majesty, and even at a glance, one could see he was worthy of the throne…I never expected that one day, rather than watching him from a distance, I would be looking down at him as I use him as a throne of my own.
A sudden jolt of his hips knocked me out of my stupor, and I couldn’t suppress the whine in my throat.
“Slowing down already?” he said with a smirk, “I didn't realize my favorite guard needed more stamina training.”
My chest tightened. Had I not already been struggling to keep my body upright as his cock speared into me from below, I would have hidden my face in my hands.
The sound of my panting filled the room as I tried to adjust myself. “M-my Lord…with all due respect, i-it has been two hours. My stamina is normal, y-yours is just...far above a-average.”
A light chuckle escaped his lips. “Is that so~” He rolled his hips slightly, hitting my sweet spot perfectly. My cock twitched against my stomach despite having cum multiple times already. The world was spinning. Warm hands caressed my sore thighs and gently massaged them as his mismatched eyes looked into my own hungrily. “Would you like to wrap this up then?”
I nodded my head sheepishly, and before I could blink, he had me flipped onto my back. I found myself caged beneath him, trapped in those strong arms; exactly where I always longed to be.
I didn't even have the energy to react as he started moving his hips and lifted my legs over his shoulders. His cock is long to begin with, but this position hit me even deeper. Broken moans fell from my lips with every thrust, and then-
“A-ah? W-wai–AAHHHH!”
My scream echoed through the bed chamber as he pinched the tip of my cock right below the head. He playfully nipped my calf that was on his shoulder, adding to the many marks he had already decorated my shin with.
“OH! OH, GOD!”
I gripped the bed sheets so hard I was afraid they would rip. Sweat and tears soaked my face. I could barely think, I could barely speak. Everything ached, but the heat the enveloped me from the outside and invaded my insides–
–It’s so good. Oh God, it’s so good!
His handsome face contorted in pleasure as he continued to fuck me. Every other thrust hit my prostate and rearranged my guts. My own pleasure was building again, almost overflowing, but his strong grip on my cock stopped even precum from dripping out.
It hurt, and it hurt so good. My body tensed up, my cock became harder and harder. Every violent thrust vibrated through my entire body. I hated it, but I loved it. I was fighting against my own strangled moans in an attempt to speak.
“P-please!” I finally managed to squeak out. My voice and throat were raw. One weak hand managed to grab onto his pistoning thigh. “Please, My Lord!!”
He smirked down at me. “Please what?”
His thrusting didn’t stop, but it did slow down a bit; allowing me a short break to catch my breath. Still, my lips shook as I begged, “L-lord Dante, p-please let me cum. I can’t take it anymore. P-plea-”
Like a carnivore pouncing on its prey, he released my member and leaned forward; folding my knees against my chest. My mouth, already slack, welcomed his ravenous tongue.
Something inside the both of us snapped. We were out of patience. His thrusts were longer and harder than ever before, hammering into my most sensitive zones without mercy. I moaned loudly, pitifully, into the mouth smothering my own, and I reached to pull him even closer…
Close. Close. Oh God, I’m close! I’m-
I couldn’t finish the thought, much less warn him, before the unbearable heat scorching my stomach exploded. I keened, and my cum splashed across our stomachs.
He didn’t follow immediately after; he fucked me through my orgasm, releasing my mouth and grunting erratically against my ear. “Fuck, it’s tight…”
My mind became hazy, my insides continued to clench tighter, and my fingers dug into his warm flesh. I couldn’t tell if seconds or years went by. But just when it seemed everything was about to be too too much-
One last thrust, his teeth sinking into my neck, muffling his raspy moan. I felt my insides filling up, bloating and overflowing. Ecstasy.
I desperately tried to hold onto him; to hold him close for as long as possible. Who knows if this will happen again? But my arms were starting to slip, and so was my vision. Whiteness and paralysis were beginning to take me. I needed to do something, to say something at least, while the chance was still here.
I felt my lips move, briefly, but couldn’t hear.
The last sight, before I drifted away, was his beautiful face; surprised, at first, but then smiling with a sweetness and pride that took my breath away.
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feyhunter78 · 2 years
Can I request an Aemond and blind!reader fic? I think it would be an interesting dynamic. Aemond having one eye but being her eyes to guide her 🥹 maybe she lives at the keep as the daughter of someone on the court? Free reign!
You definitely can love!!! This idea is super cute🥺 it’s unedited and a bit short but I hope you like it!!
The Prince and His Musician
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You rest your head against the neck of your lute, fingers strumming the strings as the notes fill your mind. Your mother tells you that the gods must have gifted you your musical abilities as penance for depriving you of your sight. She is one of the court musicians and has been training you since you were a child to one day take her place.
The sound of clapping makes your head jolt up.
“Even in your musings you make the most beautiful music.” Aemond’s voice fills the room and you don’t have the courage to tell him that his voice is more beautiful than any song you’ve ever heard.
“My apologies, my prince I did not hear you come in.”
He chuckles softly and sits beside you, placing a hand on yours. “I did not wish to disturb you. You know how much I adore watching you play.”
You duck your head bashful. “If I was aware you were here I could play something more to your liking.”
He lifts your chin and you feel his gaze upon your face. “You assume I do not enjoy simply sitting beside you as you craft your masterpieces?”
When you were young you had heard tales of the One-Eyed Prince, of his swiftness with a sword and his cold nature. When the Queen summoned your mother to his quarters you were sent instead, your mother suffering from a sore wrist.
You were guided by a kingsguard who announced your presence and lead you to a chair.
“Do you have any requests my prince?” You asked, hands at the ready.
He stood, and you heard his footsteps stop before you. “You are blind?”
You nodded, “yes, my prince, since birth. I can request for another musician to take my place if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“No.” He said, a bit too quickly. “No, please play something calming, I wish for music as I read.” His footsteps receded.
You began, playing a simple tune your mother would play for you as a child. As you played, threading songs into songs, and adding your own melodies, you heard a thud.
“My prince?” You asked, waiting for a response. When none came you stood and made your way over to where you assumed Aemond was sitting.
You felt around until your hands met warm flesh. Gently you ran your hands down the skin, feeling his eyebrows, the bridge of his nose, then your fingers brushed over puckered skin.
This must be the scar you heard whisper about.
You feel further marveling at the fine leather covering his eye, lost in your wandering when a hand grips your wrist.
“My prince, I am so sorry, I heard a thump and I came to check on you.” You apologized, jumping back.
Aemond’s grip loosened. “I fell asleep and dropped my book.”
“Oh, I see, again my deepest apologies.” You wonder if he’ll cut off your hand or kill you. You’ve heard dozens of stories of the cruelty of the Targaryens.
He releases your hand and sighs. “I must applaud you, not many musicians have been able to lull me to sleep with a few simple songs.”
That one moment changed your life forever. Suddenly you were the prince’s personal musician, he called for you whenever he was stressed or upset. He sought you out every free moment of his day, much like he did today.
You thought yourself foolish now, Aemond was the kindest man you’ve ever encountered. He walked you from his chambers and any other place you were summoned by him, he brought you sweets, and ensured that you had the finest instruments in the realm.
“Y/N, are you listening?” He brought you out of your thoughts of the past and you nodded.
“Of course, my prince.”
He’d released your chin and took your hand in his. “I wish for you to accompany me to the gardens.”
You stood and he linked your arms together before making sure your lute was safely tucked away.
He lead you out of the room and towards the gardens. You inhaled the smell of flowers and fresh dirt.
“Is there a particular reason you asked me here?”
He hummed lowly, then helped you sit on a bench. “I wished to ask you something.”
“Is it for a song, because I have no instruments with me.”
He chuckled. “No sweet one, I do not desire a song.” He took your hand and pressed it to his lips. “I desire your hand.”
You sat there in shock. “You wish to take my hand or you wish to marry me?”
“Marry you, Y/N I wish for you to be my wife, if you will have me.” His voice is filled with fondness, and it makes your heart sing.
You wrap your arms around him a wide smile lighting up your face. “Yes, yes I will have you, Aemond nothing would make me happier.”
He tilts your chin up, presses a gentle kiss to your lips, and you can feel him smiling.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir
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This oneshot was originally posted on my second wattpad account and I wanna post them here instead because I know ppl will see them
Morning After
Genshin Impact one-shot
{kaeya & childe x fem!reader}
CW: suggestive themes {18+ minors dni}
Y/n rolled over in the bed onto her stomach, her naked legs felt sore when she flinched slightly as she opened her eyes.
"Good morning, my love. How are you?" A voice said.
Y/n turned up to the person was next to her on the bed. Seeing tanned skin of a naked torso in her eye view, she squinted slightly since she just woke up. Y/n rubbed her face into the pillow than looked back at the person next to her and came to realize who it was.
'Wait! I know those abs!' She thought with widened eyes.
"Kaeya..." She muttered softly.
Kaeya chuckled, which made the young woman blush. I mean it always did ever since she met this man, his laugh was what made her fall for him in the first place but over time she loved everything.
"By the way, you were great last night, hon." Kaeya said making Y/n flush in embarrassment, kissing her cheek as well as slipping his hand under the covers to hold her waist.
"Shut up... you're so embarrassing." Y/n said, turning away from him.
Kaeya smirked. "And you're cute," She felt his hand slip to her ass, giving it a tight squeezing it. "Feel like another round?"
"Hell no and hey watch those hands or you'll have a hook to match that eyepatch, mister." Y/n said.
"Wow, ice cold, milady." Kaeya said.
Y/n sighed. Sometimes with Kaeya's nature it makes her forget why she love this man but she remembered she does. Y/n turned over to lay on her back, removing Kaeya's hand as she did so.
Y/n looked over to the other side, she scowled seeing the other person in the bed with her and her boyfriend, Kaeya.
"Childe? I'd thought you'd be at work by now." She said to ginger-haired male.
"Sorry to disappoint you, girly." Childe said softly leaning back on a pillow.
"I'm not. It's just unexpected," Y/n said crawling over to his side of the bed and sat up to hug his arm. "I'm happy."
Childe being Y/n's other boyfriend was an accident, it was mostly Kaeya's fault. Childe was a friend of Kaeya's that's how the two of them meet. Childe fell for Y/n and Kaeya noticed this which he brought up the thought of a poly relationship which Childe agreed with as well as both Y/n and Kaeya so that's how the three got together.
Childe and Kaeya's relationship started of pretty rocky because of jealousy until they were alone together in the house they shared with Y/n and had sex together so this is how it's been for almost a year. Y/n, her boyfriend, Kaeya and his boyfriend, Childe who is also Y/n's boyfriend. Basic stuff here
Childe smiled hearing Y/n's comment, kissing her forehead. "Good, I'm glad," He said. "That Kaeya can't have you all to himself." Childe said with a playful glare towards Kaeya.
"Oh. Is that so?" Kaeya asked smirking at Childe crawling over towards the two, wrapping his arm around your waist again.
"U-Um, guys I thought you two were over this whole jealousy things." Y/n said feeling squished by her two partners.
"Oops, sorry love. Old habits die hard, right babe?" Kaeya said smirking at Childe.
"Yeah." Childe said, leaning in and kissed Kaeya on the lips.
"Hello, you both are squishing me!" Y/n exclaimed.
"Sorry, N/n." Childe said pulling away from both her and Kaeya getting up from the bed.
"Aww, you're leaving!" Y/n whined a bit.
Childe laughed a bit as he pulled on some boxers. "Sorry, but you know I have too." He said.
"Whatever, they overwork you sometimes and sometimes you never come home until 3 days later." Y/n said getting up from the bed to hug him from behind, press her chest against his bare back
"I know but it's part of my job. I'm sorry, N/n." He said.
"Fine, can I at least join you in the shower?" Y/n asked.
Childe smirked. "Sure." Turning around in Y/n's arms to kiss her on the lips. She giggled as she and Childe rushed to the bathroom.
"Kaeya join us!" Y/n yelled.
Kaeya smirked getting up from the bed to join them in the bathroom. "Okay, just no funny business." He said.
"Says you." Y/n said.
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zoeyslament · 9 months
Warm Me Up - Nischa OneShot
The power is out in Uranium City. Mischa goes to spend the night with Noel, so he’s not cold in his drafty basement. Fluff ensues.
No tws! Enjoy!
The power in Uranium City rarely ever went out. Was it because the town was fairly devoid of trees so nothing was there to hit the power lines? Or maybe because a power outage would be too interesting and whatever deity was out there would not wish that on the town where nothing ever happened? As far as Noel Gruber knew or cared, the latter was more likely. 
So whenever it did happen, which was barely once, maybe twice a year, Noel had a plan. 
Step 1: light a few candles
Step 2: cuddle up in bed
Step 3: pull out a copy of a classic novel and read the night away
Foolproof. Even a power outage could become a special occasion for him. So on a Saturday night in mid January, he was ready as soon as the lights started to flicker. 
As the scent of lavender and lemongrass rose in the room, Noel glanced outside the window. Snowflakes the size of quarters were drifting down from the heavens in heaps and heaps, coating the ground in a blanket of frosty white. The window was glazed with ice, though Noel was warm and toasty in his pile of blankets and pillows.
He cracked open an ancient copy of Jane Eyre, kicked his feet up, and breathed in the sweet scents of flowers and citrus. Nothing could possibly have ruined this excellent night. 
Something ruined his excellent night. 
Noel was only three chapters into his fifth re-read of Jane Eyre when he felt a vibrating sensation in one of his pockets. A text message. 
Mischa: Noel can I come over
Noel quickly texted back. For as little as he seemed to care about life, as nihilistic and sometimes pessimistic as he could be, he drew the line at Mischa. 
Noel and Mischa had grown close over the last few months. It wasn’t like Noel liked him or anything, just loved the way Mischa’s warm brown eyes melted him, the feeling of Mischa’s strong arms snaking around his body for a hug, the way his hair sometimes swung in his eyes, the way his head bobbed whenever he listened to music, the stupid lopsided smile on his face when he showed Noel a new rap, how his voice sounded when he was concerned…
Okay, maybe Noel liked him…a little bit. 
Noel: Yes, use the back door tho, front walkway is real icy
Mischa: k
Noel glanced around the room. What could have been so urgent that Mischa needed to come over? 
Noel: everything ok?
Mischa: ig
Noel: liar
Mischa: im just cold 
Mischa: heater not working
Mischa: u have power?
Noel: no, but i have warm blankets and candles
Mischa: ofc u do
Noel: whats that supposed to mean lol?
Mischa: gay ass
Noel: no shit
Ah, there it was. A sinking reminder that Mischa was not, in fact, into guys. “Gay ass.” Almost an insult. Maybe worse? 
Mischa: ok almost there. Its cold out here. 
Noel: Are u not wearing a coat?
Mischa: I don’t have one
Noel: oh shit
Noel: doors unlocked for u, im in my room btw
Mischa: thx
Noel could hear the door swinging open. The house was old and also extremely small, meaning sounds on one end could be easily heard on the other. Footsteps pounded on the squeaky floorboards, a yawn, the rustle of clothing on skin. 
The bedroom door opened, and Mischa stepped into the dim candlelight. He was soaked head to toe, dressed in a pair of pajama pants with dogs on them and a t-shirt. 
Noel raised an eyebrow, concerned. “That doesn’t look very comfortable.”
Mischa flicked a few remaining bits of snow from his pant leg. “It is not, but it was all that was clean.”
“Why are you all wet?” Noel stood up, facing Mischa. “You look like you almost drowned!”
“Fell on your icy as fuck driveway and landed in a snow bank.” He grumbled. “My ass is gonna be sore for days.” 
“Careful what you say.” He chuckled.
 He reached out, hand brushing down Mischa’s arm. “I have some warmer 
pajamas you can wear if you want.” He gestured toward his closet. “Dryer too.” 
Mischa smiled his stupid lopsided smile again, but waved him off. “I would rather just sleep in my boxers if that’s not an issue.”
“It’s freezing cold, and you’re taking layers off?” Noel laughed. 
“Well, yeah. It is wet. And you said you have blankets, yes?” 
“Yeah, on my bed. You can sleep there I guess, I’ll go sleep on the couch or something.” 
Mischa cocked his head to one side. “It is freezing cold, and you are going to sleep without blanket on the sofa?” 
“...Touche. I’ll dig the air mattress out.” He suggested. “I’m  pretty sure it’s in the basement.” 
“No need.” Mischa insisted. “I will sleep on floor. Just toss me down an extra pillow maybe?” 
Noel sighed. This wasn’t going anywhere. “Nobody’s sleeping on the floor. Look, Mischa, I know it might be awkward, but you can share my bed if you want. It’s probably warmer than the couch, and it’s big enough that you won’t even have to touch me if you so wish.” 
It suddenly occurred to Noel that he’d been staring at the floor for the past few moments of their conversation. He finally looked up at Mischa to see a blush spread across the taller boy’s face. He was also shaking from the cold. Noel himself was shivering a bit–winter in Uranium City was no laughing matter, especially with no heating. 
“Get out of those wet clothes and get in bed.” He demanded. “I won’t move my big gay ass any closer than it needs to be.” He joked. Mischa just blushed harder. 
“Thank you, Noel. This is much better than drafty old basement already.” He took off his shirt, revealing light curls of chest hair. Then he removed his pajama bottoms, and Noel kindly averted his eyes until Mischa was safely covered in blankets. 
“Comfy?” Noel slipped into bed beside Mischa, careful that no part of his body touched the Ukrainian. “You look a lot better now.”
“I am. Thank you, Poet. For everything.”
Woah, woah…Poet? What was that all about? Noel’s mind raced a million miles a minute, his face flushing redder than a cherry. He shifted side to side, debating moving closer to Mischa. 
A draft from the leaky ceiling solved this dilemma for him. The cold air came barreling at him like a racehorse, sending a shiver down Noel’s spine. Mischa tenderly wrapped an arm around him. 
“Stay close. We must remain warm, right?” Mischa laughed slightly. Noel smiled up at him. “That’s right. You don’t mind, do you?” 
“Poet, I have dreamed of this moment for months. You are clueless, aren’t you?”
Noel was confused. “What?” 
“I have been flirting with you for weeks! This whole sleepover thing was just one great big ploy to sleep in bed with you!” Mischa explained, sounding exasperated. “You are clueless as a bag of rocks.” 
Noel’s face went red once again. “You…like me? Like actually?”
Mischa nodded. “You are my man of words, Noel Gruber! I like you a hell of a lot!” 
The boys’ eyes met in the dim light that emanated from Noel’s candles. Mischa’s were a warm, chocolatey brown, and Noel’s were flecked with gold and grey. “You really are very beautiful, Poet.” Mischa’s voice was a husky whisper. “I hope you know that.” He cupped Noel’s face, and Noel nuzzled into his calloused hands. “You’re a lot gentler right now than you are at school.” He noted, and Mischa snorted.
“Can’t be gentle at school,” he explained, “Someone needs to act up. Keeps Ocean on her toes. I like bothering Ocean.” His eyes glimmered with his usual air of mischief, which warmed Noel’s heart. 
“Mischa,” Noel began warily, “Do you mind if I…if I kiss you? You know, consent and all that.” 
“Noel, Poet, you beautiful, perfect boy…You never need to ask.”
So, Noel hesitated for a moment, before sticking his head forward and giving him a quick peck on the cheek. 
Mischa smirked. “You missed.”  
He barely gave Noel a split second to realize what he meant before locking lips with him, sliding Noel’s body toward himself. As their bodies and faces collided, the males became enveloped in each other’s embraces. Mischa’s lips parted slightly, and Noel, almost instinctively, slid his tongue in, exploring Mischa’s mouth. It tasted almost like cheap vodka, a flavour Noel was not accustomed to, though he guessed, in his highly pleasured state, that he would be soon. 
Mischa broke the kiss, looking into Noel’s eyes again. This lasted for mere seconds before Noel has buried his face into Mischa’s chest, eyelashes fluttering down over those hazel-brown orbs, drifting off into slumber. 
“Hey, Poet?” he murmured, one more time. 
Noel shifted slightly. “Mhm?”
“Thank you for warming me up.” 
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Working and single parenting is not easy. Andy needs to find a nanny for his son Jacob. Annie, an education degree student at Lasell University, comes to their lives just in time for the big changes in Andy’s life.
Warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Smut, language, explicit sexual content. Always use protection.
A/N: is just fluff and porn.
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
Word count: 2128
GIF not mine, if its yours, please let me know to give you credit :)  
When Annie woke up, the rain was hitting against the windows, her body manifesting the soreness of the night before, she lazily smiled at the memory. Andy was by far the best sex she’s ever had. Although she had only been with Daniel.
She turned to find Andy’s side cold and empty, and because of the cloudy sky she couldn’t tell what time it was. She stood up and went to Andy’s closet and borrowed a Patriots hoodie long enough to cover her naked form, she then went to her bathroom and brush her teeth, and that’s when she heard Andy cursing downstairs.
Andy was in front of the stove cooking in his boxers and a white t-shirt his hair all over his forehead, it made him look younger; the smell of coffee lingering in the kitchen. Annie walked towards him and hugged him from behind.
“Good morning”
“Good morning, honey!” Andy spun around to greet her giving her a kiss on the forehead. “How you slept?”
“Excellent, thank you. And you?”
“Like a baby. How you feeling?”
“A bit sore,” her cheeks blushing “Ammm you are tick…er, than others” She bit her lip.
“Oh I’m sorry.”
“I’m not complaining” she gave him a peck on his lips.
“Alright then,” Andy’s chest growing bigger with pride. “Is this my hoodie?”
“Nop, is mine.”
“Yeah, I found it in your closet.”
“Right.” Andy gave her a sided smile “What you wanna do today?”
“Have sex with you.” Andy laughed at her request “I love your laugh, is infectious.”
“I think your plan will be accomplish, besides if you believe in the forecast weather on TV, today won’t stop raining.”
“Do you think we can go to the pharmacy?”
“Sure, what for?”
“I need to get a Plan B.” Andy tensed up “I was too horny last night to think, I forgot to tell you I wasn’t on the pill, sooo…It was nice to feel you cumming in me, and it was really hot actually. Definitely a first.”
“Sure! No problem, we should buy condoms too then.” Andy kissed her.
“Are you horny now?” Andy said cheekily “Cuz that can be arrange.” He kissed her neck.
“Ammmm sure, but breakfast is burning.”
“What?” Andy turned to see the eggs he was making were now black and the smoke was starting to dissipate in the kitchen. “Argh! Fuck!” Andy placed the pan under the water of the sink. “I was trying to be romantic.” Annie giggled, “Let’s take a shower and then I’ll take you out for breakfast.”
They took off the few clothes they had on and stepped into the hot steamy shower, water falling over their bodies, Andy attentively looking at her movements, how the water fell down her head and then her boobs. When Annie looked back at him Andy’s mouth was a little agape.
“You ok? Look like a fish out of the water.”
“Shut up. Come here.” Andy squeezed a bit of his shower gel in his hand and rub it in his hand until it form foam.
“I’m gonna smell like you all day with that.”
“Honey, you’re gonna be smelling like me anyways” He winked “Turn around.”
Annie gave her back, Andy putting his arms under hers to touch her breasts, a sweet little moan came out of her mouth, her ass grinding against his shaft. One of his hand went south until he reached for his treasure, his fingers separating her pussy lips to find her clit.
“Yes, honey?” One of his fingers barely grazing her button and kissing her neck.
“Don’t tease me, please.”
“Tell me what you want.” Andy’s finger giving lazy circles over her clit.
“You, fuck, keep doing that.”
Andy’s ministrations kept going, his now hard cock hitting against her butt. Making her bend a little, Andy entering her tight hot cunt. He started trusting her without breaking contact with her clit. Andy’s trusting became erratic when he felt her pussy contracting, not able to hold back he pulled out and came all over her ass.
“FUCK! SHIT!” Andy’s head fell back against the tiles of the shower. “I’m sorry…that was too soon.”
“It’s alright baby.” Annie gave him a sweet kiss “I’m hungry anyways.” She stepped under the water to wash his seed off.
Newton was almost desert except for a few people here and there. After having breakfast at Andy’s favorite pancake place, they headed to the pharmacy for their supplies. They walked in hand in hand while the few people in there glanced at them. They got in line waiting for their turn, Annie stole a kiss from him, when an old couple passed by looking at her up and down and leaving the place.
“People keep staring at me.” She whispered.
“I’m sorry honey, what did you say?”
“I said people is staring at me, it also happened when we were having breakfast, it was like they were judging me.” Another woman passed by them and Andy noticed the look she gave him.
“They are not looking at you honey. They are looking at me.”
“But, why? They don’t even know me.”
“But they know me, and you are young and I could be your dad.”
“That is not true, you are 31. You cannot be the dad of a 21 year old.”
“Next!” The clerk at the pharmacy called them.
“Hi!” Andy greeted the man behind “I want a Plan B please, and a pack of condoms.”
The pharmacist looked at Andy and then to Annie.
“Do you have an ID?” He asked staring at her.
“Why are you asking for her ID?”
“It’s just the procedure Sir, I’m sure you understand.”
“Not really, no.” Andy wasn’t too pleased.
“Baby, is fine.” She took her id out of the wallet and handed to him.
“Very well, thank you miss.” The guy went behind the counter and came back with the pills and a box of condoms.
“Is this brand ok?” Andy just nodded “It will be 55.99” The man said while putting the items in a plastic bag.
Andy paid, took the bag and left the pharmacy to go home. Andy was pissed she could tell, his jaw was clenched during the entire ride to the house and he was driving faster than usual. Andy parked outside the garage.
“Don’t yell! I didn’t do anything wrong!”
“I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t like the way they were looking at us, nor how he asked for your ID, it made it seem like you were under age, and I’m some kind of fucking perv!”
“Ignore them. Yes, I felt uncomfortable, but we are not doing anything wrong. I’m a grown up, what I do with my body and whoever I sleep with is my decision. There is nothing wrong for me to love you.”
“I’m not saying there is a problem with us being together honey, is just, they were rude!”
“And that’s their problem Andy. It’s a small town, people will always talk, especially when you are who you are, everyone in here knows you.” Annie kissed him “Fuck them, ok?”
“Fuck them.”
Annie was in all fours with Andy behind her, her glistening slit and ass hole in full view for him. He rubbed the tip of his dick along her entrance and sank to her with a swift quick motion. Annie moaned loud, her head looking over her shoulder to see Andy, his chest shinning with a thin layer of sweat, his eyes dark with desire. He took her by her hips and started slamming against her cunt, the sound of his balls against her flesh mixed with the sounds of moans, grunts and juices overlapping the silence in the house. Andy’s thumb went to touch her back opening, lingering but never breaking the entrance.
“Fuck! Baby! Just like that!”
Annie’s words broke Andy’s trance for a minute, his hand going to her button making harsh circles over it, taking her over the edge.
“OH MY GOD!!!” Annie’s pussy clenched around his cock, milking him, spilling his cum in the condom he was wearing.
Her body collapsed against the back of the couch, small cries leaving her mouth.
“Honey?” Andy took her in her arms “Baby girl, did I hurt you?” She shook her head. “Look at me. Please honey, I’m worried.” Her tearful eyes made contact with his. “What’s wrong?”
“I came so hard…” She whimpered. “It felt so fucking good.” Andy giggled and kissed her temple.
It was around 5 p.m. the rain was heavier than before, they were laying in L shape couch watching a film after a long sex session, Andy had made her cum 4 times already, both naked, a warm blanket covering them, Annie’s body almost on top of Andy’s, her leg on top of his body, her face hidden in the crock of his neck, Andy’s hand was touching her tight up and down, reaching for her bum and give it a squeeze.
“I’m guessing Mr. Barber is an ass man.” She whispered.
“How you know?” he giggled, her fingers lingering on his chest, while his fingers lingering on her slit.
“I like your chest.” She said sleepily.
“Really?” she hummed, “Why?”
“I like your chest hair and your tattoos.” Tracing one of the many tattoos he had on his chest. “Which was the first one?”
“The one on my shoulder.”
“What does it mean?” Annie looked at the Korean sign on his shoulder.
“It means, don’t you ever get your first tattoo when you’re drunk and definitely don’t let your also drunk roommate to choose it.” Annie laughed, “I honestly don’t know what it means, and with my luck it probably means soup.” She laughed even harder, “I’m planning to have laser to remove it.” Annie yawned.
“I’m tired, I need a nap.”
“You go ahead, I’ll be here.” His fingers now touching her cherry.
“I can’t if you ammmmm keep doing that.”
“I’m just getting you ready.” Andy’s erection hit against her leg. Annie was half asleep by now, but she clearly heard another condom package opening. “Ok honey, you ready?”
“Mhm” was her only response.
Andy enter her slowly, moaning at the feeling of her pussy clasping against his cock.
Annie woke up to see Andy’s face right in front of her, peacefully sleeping, slightly snoring with his mouth opened. She got up making sure not to wake him up, took Andy’s shirt from the floor and cover her modesty, her stomach growled so she headed towards the kitchen. Taking out a couple of containers with leftovers of the week, she placed everything on the counter. She was opening them to heat them in the microwave when she had a strange sensation, she lifted her gaze and saw a dark shadow staring at her on the other side of the kitchen window. The dark figure didn’t moved at all, Annie’s breathing became heavier.
“ANDY!!!!!!!” she ran to the living room, Andy’s sleepy gaze turning to see her. “Andy!!!!!!”
“There is someone outside! By the kitchen, please!”
“What?” Andy sat down taking his boxers and putting them on “Are you sure?”
“Yes! Come with me!”
They both walked to the kitchen and Annie showed him where she had seen the person. She stood by the counter and pointed to the window. Andy got closer but didn’t see anything.
“Ok, I’ll check outside. Let me just get dress.”
She saw him walked out of the house and to the kitchen window, no one was there. When Andy came back in, his hair was wet.
“Honey, there is nothing outside.”
“But I saw someone! I swear! It was right there!” She said pointing to the glass.
“It? Honey, was it a thing or a person?”
“A person! And was wearing black clothing”
Andy walked towards her and stood behind her, their reflection in the window.
“Honey, maybe you just saw your reflection. You had just woken up right?”
“See, there’s nothing to worry about, your brain is playing with you.” He hugged to reassure her everything was fine. “Let’s eat something, ok? I’m starving.”
 Meantime Stacy, or better said Amanda was in her car at the end of the street, putting the camera away. Took her phone and texted Laurie.
“He is screwing his nanny. And I’m done with this, this is the second time they almost caught me, that is if you don’t count the time Andy found me in his office. I’m going back to New York.”
“Caught you? I hired you because you said you were one of the best private investigators. We will meet tomorrow, you know the address.” Was the answer to her text.
Amanda turned the engine on and left Newton for good.
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cythena · 2 years
cw/tw: stepcest, blowjob, cheating, slight breeding
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“he’s always up my ass, sakura,” you complained into the phone. you kicked your legs and dropped your face into your pink pillows.
“but he’s so hot, isn’t he?” your friend sighed, making you roll your eyes. you rubbed your thighs together in a private agreement. of course you knew he was attractive. of course you had a crush on your stepdad.
you scoffed, “he’s such a pain. i wish mom never married him.”
“and who’re you talking to?” kakashi asked from your door. he leaned on the wooden frame, crossing his arms, muscles pushing against his dress shirt. you laid on your bed in your sweater and skirt. you placed your phone down and glared back at your stepfather.
“give me a sec, sasuke,” you giggled and muted yourself.
you could see his eyebrows twitch and expression drop and the sound of his names from your glossed lips. your own frown turned into a sly smirk. you rolled onto your stomach and sat up.
“oh my,” he chuckled. “how is my own daughter such a slut? i don’t ever remember raising her to be this way.” he walked towards your bed. you noticed the top two buttons of his shirt were popped open. he towered over your smaller form.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“you’re whoring yourself out, using me to get to my students.”
you scoffed. “and what about it, kakashi?” you snickered. his eyebrows furrowed and he placed his hand on your mattress. the fabric of your blanket bunched up underneath his fist.
he’s had enough of your snarky and bratty attitude. you bit your lip, enjoying the sight of your pissed off stepdad. it’s been too long. you just wanted him to finally snap. he would always leave you high and dry. today was finally the day you would push him past his limit.
“too scared to discipline your own daughter? what kind of father are you?” you mocked him.
kakashi’s cock fit perfectly in your stupid mouth. you took him so perfectly. your head hung off your bed and he set a brutal pace to throatfuck you. you continued to gag around him, choking every time he went just a little past your limit.
“this is what you wanted,” he groaned. he pulled his cock out to slap your puffed out cheeks. you stuck your tongue out, glittering strings of saliva connected your lips to his tip. he pushed you up on the bed. your back faced him. you gasped as he pushed you even further onto your hands and knees. his hands dug into your hips. he lined his cock up with your dripping hole. you dropped down to your elbows, arching your back and pushing your ass out. you felt so full as he bottomed out. his hand came to rest on the back of your head as he pounded your dripping cunt.
“i’m gonna fill my dirty girl up,” kakashi groaned mindlessly. “you want that don’t you- my cum just to be yours.”
you cried into your blanket, completely forgetting about “sasuke”on the phone. you barely managed to lift your head up to let out a sore “yes please.” your desperate attempts amused your stepfather. he chuckled, leaning over your body and right by your ear. you could hear his own breathy moans and jumbled confessions. he might’ve let a love confession slip out. he continued grinding against your ass, hands gripping your thigh and shoulder. he pushed his chest against your back.
you glanced at your phone without a thought in mind. “fuck!” you cried. your jolted forward with what limited space you were given. your thighs began quivering. your upper body dropped against the bed. you turned your face to the side towards the forgotten sakura. you grinned and glanced back up at kakashi. his anger seemed to grow.
he slid his hand underneath your stomach and yanked you up. you were forced against his chest. your head fell back over his shoulder. “thinking of two men at once? how dirty is my girl?” he spat. you could only smile even more with your little secret on the phone.
“i don’t know…daddy, maybe sasuke could fuck me better than you.”
“i see.” his other hand moved around your thigh to your clit. he furiously rubbed at it, matching the speed of his thrusts. you grabbed his forearm. the feelings of an orgasm were begging to come over your body. you felt the tingles spreading all over you. your cunt had slight spasms around his cock, enough for him to pull his hand away and slow his pace.
“fuck! you asshole!” you cursed at him. he let you fall forward back onto the bed. “you stopped!” he leaned over you again, one knee rested on the bed for support. he was only halfway inside of your pussy. he gave it a little tap and only a hum in response. you clenched the sheets in your fists. your dignity began fading away. “please let me cum,” you mumbled.
“what was that?”
“please let me cum, i’m sorry-” he cut you off with another thrust. you sighed at the feeling. “cumming,” you squeaked. your body gave out and you collapsed. kakashi still made use of your warm cunt, pounding into you to reach his own high. to be honest it was right after the feeling of yours. he was soon filling you up with his own cum.
with what energy you had left, you picked up your phone. kakashi watched you intently. you unmuted yourself and turned up your volume. “sorry sakura, i have to call you back later.” she barely got a word in before you hung up and looked back at your stepfather. he sighed as he realized he’d been tricked. it’s fine, it worked out in your favor once again.
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
Enamored [41] - Too Many Drinks
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback my loves, you’re amazing!❤ I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please let me know what you think, thank you! ❤ And as always, thank you @theskytraveler for helping me with the chapter and the story❤
Summary: A drunk mind speaks a sober heart.
Warnings: Regency era society and social rules, mentions of sex, some gender specific language and terms, mentions of pregnancy, drinking.
Word Count: 7000
Series Masterlist
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Ever since you had married the love of your life, it felt as if you were walking on the clouds.
Happiness was almost making you feel dizzy, from the time you woke up until the time you fell asleep. It was beyond everything you could have imagined, and you were quite certain you would never tire of waking up next to him.
That was exactly why when you reached out and felt the empty spot beside you in bed, your eyes opened with a frown.
This wasn’t how you were used to being woken up. Anthony always woke you up with kisses and sweet whispers, and more often than not, you would be pulled away from the haze of sleep with his head between your—
A fire spread over your face and you shook your head slightly as you sat up in bed, clutching at the silk sheets. You and Anthony had been up until the midnight as usual and your muscles were sore in the most pleasant way possible, even the thought making you heave a sigh. You checked the clock on the wall and tilted your head, then pushed the sheets off of you before getting up from the bed to grab your shift off the floor where Anthony had thrown it last night.
It was still rather early for breakfast, and you figured probably Lucie was just waking up, so picking a dress could wait until after you found where Anthony was.
You put your dressing gown on top of your shift, trying it tightly around your waist and paused for a moment to think about whether you should put your hair in a bun, but decided otherwise; leaving it in its natural state. The rest of the family had moved out of the house into their new house two days ago, and considering the time, it was obvious you wouldn’t be getting any visitors.
You would get into an appropriate dress at a more appropriate time in the morning anyway.
You yawned and put your slippers on before you left the room to walk down the hallway. As you had expected, he wasn’t in the music room or the drawing room, and you turned your head when you saw Mrs. Burchett walking by.
“Good morning Mrs. Burchett.”
She turned around immediately and approached you.
“Good morning my lady,” she curtsied. “The breakfast is not ready yet, but if you’d like I can inform the cook that you want it earlier today.”
“Oh no, please don’t,” you said. “It can be at its usual time, thank you. I was actually wondering if Lord Bridgerton has left for somewhere or…?”
“I think he’s in his study my lady.”
You snapped your fingers. “Right,” you said. “His study, of course. Thank you Mrs. Burchett.”
She curtsied as you walked past her to go downstairs and reached the foyer, then approached the closed door of Anthony’s study and nibbled on your lip. You paused for a moment, then raised your fist to softly knock on the wood.
No reply.
You frowned, then opened the door to peek inside, the view making you tilt your head, a smile playing on your lips. Anthony had seemed to have dozed off on his desk, slouching on his chair, his forehead leaning on his arm on the desk while the other one rested on top of stacks of paper. You looked behind you in the foyer, then stepped inside, closing the door behind you as quietly as possible before making your way to him.
“Mon amour?” you said gently, touching his hand and he took a deep breath and raised his head from his arm, groggily looking around. The sight was so heartwarming that you bit down on your lip and reached out to fix his hair that was tousled in his sleep while he looked up at you.
“Good morning my love,” he said, his voice still husky with sleep and your smile widened.
“Good morning,” you said and leaned back to the desk after pecking him on the lips. “What are you doing here?”
He ran a hand over his eyes then straightened his back and cracked his neck, making a face.
“I was planning on coming back to bed before you woke up.”
“What do you mean before I woke up?” you asked. “What time did you wake up?”
“Around four in the morning.”
You pulled your brows together.
He wrapped his arms around your hips to pull you closer to him, leaning his head on your stomach as you ran your fingers through his hair.
“Nightmare?” you asked and he nodded without lifting his head, still holding you tight. You scratched at his scalp with your nails, making him let out a content sigh.
“You’re here,” he said, his voice muffled and you pulled your hand back.
He reached out to grab your hand and put it in his hair again, making you giggle.
“Don’t stop,” he murmured and you started stroking his hair, still smiling.
“Where else would I be mon amour?” you asked. “It’s my house too. Though my husband seems to have wanted to rob me of his presence, there are only so many rooms in here.”
Unlike what you were hoping for, your joke didn’t seem to make him laugh and you frowned.
“I had a nightmare that you were gone,” he admitted after a beat, his voice almost quiet. “I couldn’t…sleep again, and I didn’t want to wake you up so I came down here.”
You could swear your heart melted and you squeezed at his broad shoulders with your other hand.
“You should wake me up if it happens again though,” you told him. “Just a nightmare mon amour. I will always be here.”
He nodded quietly and you tugged at his hair gently, making him groan before he lifted his head to look up at you, his dark eyes soft as they met yours.
“Are you alright?” you asked and he shrugged his shoulders.
“My head hurts,” he murmured. “Has been since I woke up.”
“Can I convince you to come to bed and stay there until it goes away then?”
“I need to go over—” he motioned at the papers scattered on the desk. “All those. Concerning the new house and everything.”
“Mon amour…”
“I’ll take a break after I’m done.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, then grabbed his hand and took a step.
“Come on.”
“Y/N, I can’t—”
“I’m not taking you to bed,” you said, tugging at his hand until he stood up, and followed you to the sofa. You sat down and motioned at your lap.
“Put your head here,” you said, “I will help you with the headache.”
He chuckled and sat down before lying down on the sofa, his head resting in your lap. You placed your palm over his eyes so that the light spilling through the curtains wouldn’t bother him before burying your fingers into his hair again, raking your nails over his scalp. You could feel him relax under your touch and he heaved a deep sigh.
“How do you smell so good all the time?” he mumbled and you grinned.
“One of the many secrets a lady must keep to herself,” you said. “It’s more seductive that way.”
He scoffed a laugh. “Can’t argue with that.”
“Are you and Elias meeting tonight?”
“Because me and Cece are attending Lady Danbury’s gathering tonight?” you said. “For married ladies only, have you forgotten?”
He hummed.
“I did,” he murmured. “But no, I don’t think we’ll meet tonight. What time are you coming back?”
“I’m not sure, Lady Danbury’s invitation didn’t have a specific ending time on it. Why?”
“I’ll probably have to chaperone Eloise to this ball, so I was just curious,” he said. “I might just leave it to Benedict though.”
“I don’t think Benedict can be intimidating to Eloise’s suitors.”
“I don’t think anyone can be as intimidating as Eloise when it comes to her suitors.”
You let out a giggle. “Until the right suitor comes along and makes her fall in love.”
“I wouldn’t hold my breath darling,” he said, his voice laced with exhaustion. “She won’t fall in love.”
You hummed.
“That’s funny, I remember someone with the exact surname who said the same thing once.”
That drew out another chuckle from him.
“Fair enough,” he admitted as he took your palm to his lips to press a kiss in it, then put it over his eyes again, making you smile wide. “Is she your next candidate then?”
“Not yet,” you said. “I am thinking I could get to Abby first.”
“Cece’s sister?”
“Yeah. Cece says Lord Holloway is in love with her and she is in love with him but they’re both hesitant for some reason.”
“Holloway is courting Cece’s sister?”
“Barely. Please don’t tell me he has a mistress, I can’t break Abby’s heart.”
“Not as much as I’ve heard,” he said. “It’s just that he’s a bit…”
“Well so is Abby,” you said. “That’s why I must push them together. Would it not be nice to have another wedding before the season comes to an end and we all leave London?”
He hummed, clearly sleepy and you nibbled on your lip.
“I’ve already planned how it would go, but we must attend a ball together first, us and Abby and Lord Holloway,” you mused. “I cannot be obvious about it, so it must happen before their dance but it cannot happen as the first dance, which means Abby needs to dance with another suitor beforehand and…”
You stopped talking and checked whether he would notice but he seemed to have fallen into a deep slumber because of exhaustion. You waited for a couple of minutes, then pulled your hand back as slowly as possible so as not to wake him up. You moved away from him carefully as you held his head and placed a pillow under it, then grabbed the folded blanket at the foot of the sofa –no doubt from an earlier time he had slept there- and placed it on him. A fond smile curled your lips, your heart skipping a beat at the sight of his peaceful expression and you ran your fingertips over his hair, then kissed his cheek gently and walked to the door to step outside.
“Mr. Salford?” you whispered as you carefully closed the door behind you and the butler made his way to you.
“My lady?”
“Please tell the staff not to make any noise while walking past here,” you said. “And not to disturb the Viscount. He’s resting inside, I don’t want anyone to wake him up.”
“Of course my lady,” he bowed. “Shall we hold the breakfast until he’s awake?”
“That would be lovely,” you said. “Is Lucie awake?”
“I’ve just seen her my lady.”
“Wonderful, can you please send her to my room?”
“Of course,” he said. “Anything else?”
“Please send some fruit and tea to the west drawing room in half an hour, I will be there replying to letters and gifts until breakfast time after I get ready.”
“Yes my lady.”
“Thank you,” you said and walked upstairs, stretching your arms over your head, a smile playing on your lips.
After Lucie came to your and Anthony’s bedroom, she helped you get dressed and you made your way to the west drawing room so that you could at least finish writing some of the thank you letters before it was time for you to leave and meet Cecily. You had decided to meet so that you could go shopping for the baby –your idea, not hers- before Lady Danbury’s gathering in the evening.
You had no idea how much time had passed but you were almost finished with the half of the letters when you felt two strong hands clasping over your shoulders, making you jump up in your seat. You craned your neck to look up at him, a smile warming your face instantly.
“Good morning again,” you told Anthony who gave you a grin and bent down to kiss your forehead. His hair was sticking everywhere which was surely a sign of some good sleep, along with the rested look in his eyes. “I take it the headache is gone?”
“Mm hm,” he said, resting his hands on either side of you over the desk, caging you in as you inhaled his pleasant scent, then turned to the letter in front of you. “Remind me again why you’re doing this instead of having a maid do it?”
“Because it would be considered rude if I didn’t reply to them,” you said, squeezing at his muscular arm and crossed your legs, trying to focus. “I must add something personal too, see? Dear Lord and Lady Ackford, thank you very much for your wonderful gift and heartfelt wishes. Please give my kisses to little Bessy and congratulate her on my behalf for her wonderful harp skills—Bessy is their daughter, she’s just learned to play her first tune on the harp.”
“And you just knew that?”
“Why do you think I was walking around and making small talk with every guest on our engagement ball?”
He let out a chuckle. “I didn’t think you were gathering information my love,” he muttered before pulling your chair back to himself, making you squeal.
“Anthony, I’m not finished!”
“Too bad, I want to be with my wife,” he said, drawing a giggle from you as he pulled you up and you turned around in his embrace, then pecked him on the lips.
“Come on then,” you said, pulling him to the door. “We should have breakfast, I’m starving!”
You were so happy to become an aunt that you could hardly wait until the due date. You knew it was months away, but you wanted your nephew to arrive already, even the thought of it filled you with so much happiness.
“I just think you should decide on the name so that we can stitch his blankets and such with his initials,” you said airily while you and Cecily walked through the street, “Or maybe a monogram! He must have a monogram surely.”
She suppressed a laugh.
“I cannot believe I must remind you and Elias this but there are months until the baby is here,” she said. “And I think I will wait until the birth to decide on the name.”
“You have no name in mind at all?”
“I have a lot,” she said. “That’s why I feel like it’s impossible to decide on one this early on.”
You heaved a dramatic sigh.
“I suppose,” you said. “But are you alright?”
“Yes, why would I not be?”
“Everyone keeps saying pregnant ladies get tired very fast, do you wish to sit down? We can if you’d like.”
Cecily shook her head.
“To repeat, I’m two months along at most,” she said. “That’s what the doctor said. It’s too early for me to be all tired. As my mama says, that comes later on.”
“But do you feel any different?”
Cecily thought for a moment.
“Not really,” she said. “I mean except for nausea in the mornings.”
“Do you have any cravings?”
She let out a laugh and nodded.
“I had the cook bake me a strawberry cake last night,” she admitted. “Elias is convinced that the baby will take after you.”
You smiled brightly.
“I cannot wait to meet him!”
“If you’re like this with my pregnancy, I cannot imagine how you will be with yours when the time comes,” she commented, making you nibble on your lip. “I fear you will buy everything baby related in the city before it’s born.”
The mere thought of having a baby of your own with Anthony almost melted your heart and you tried to control your impression, then cleared your throat.
“I’m sure there’s still time for that,” you said. “My friend Josie waited for two years for example. No one knows when it happens.”
“Something tells me yours will be a bit faster than that, judging by how you two are,” she said, making you giggle. “Have you and Anthony ever talked about it?”
“Having babies?” you asked, your heart skipping a beat. “Not really. I mean he knows I want a big family, I always have. I told him about it when we weren’t— when we weren’t on good terms, back in Stormview but…we didn’t talk about it afterwards.”
“Probably because you two are very busy with the act of it?”
“Oh come on, I know very well why you two left the play in a haste the other day,” she said with a grin, making your cheeks burn.
“I just…I mentioned we could take a trip around the city, that’s all.”
“Oh you took a trip around the city?”
“What did you see?”
You blinked a couple of times and waved your hand in the air, trying to come up with something. “Things.”
“Mm hm, that’s what I thought,” Cecily said and stopped you in front of the herbal shop. “Do you want to come inside or do you want to wait here? It’ll only take me a moment.”
You took a look inside the tiny shop and shook your head.
“No, too many people already. What will you buy?”
“My mother told me about this tea she used to drink a lot when she was pregnant, it’s supposed to help with nausea,” she said. “I’ll just buy some and try it.”
“I’ll wait for you around here,” you said and she nodded, then walked into the shop. You looked around, then approached the next window that belonged to a jeweler shop, tilting your head.
The pink pearl bracelet looked rather lovely, but—
You snapped out of your thoughts on whether you wanted to buy the bracelet or not and turned your head to look at the owner of the voice. The man staring at you seemed as if he had seen a ghost, his mouth slightly agape. He looked to be around your father’s age, with grays in his hair and beard, and you tilted your head, then smiled slightly.
“Y/N,” you corrected him. “She was my mother.”
He blinked a couple of times and swallowed thickly, then cleared his throat.
“Right,” he muttered. “Right, yes. Of course. You look so much alike, my lady.”
You nodded slowly.
“I take it you knew her?” you asked and he hesitated for a moment.
“You could say that,” he told you. “We uh—I had the pleasure of dancing with her on a couple of balls. Though I’m sure she didn’t share the sentiment, I wasn’t that good of a dancer.”
“Oh she used to claim the same, yet I know for a fact that she loved dancing nonetheless,” you said, waving a hand in the air and a shadow crossed his face as soon as his eyes caught the sight of your wedding ring. He looked almost lost in some sort of a memory, his jaw clenching before he tried to offer you a small smile.
“Yeah,” he said. “I remember that.”
“How rude of me, I don’t believe I caught your name,” you said and he cleared his throat.
“What are the chances my mama told me to buy the foulest smelling tea in the world?” Cecily’s voice cut him off and you turned your head to look at her. “I can’t even imagine it being helpful with anything—oh my apologies. Have I interrupted you?”
You shook your head.
“Cece, this is—” you started but when you turned to look at the man, he was already walking away from you. You pulled your brows together.
“Who was that?” Cecily asked and you shrugged your shoulders.
“I don’t know,” you murmured. “He knew my mother though.”
Cecily hummed.
“That’s strange,” she muttered and held out the small bag for you. “Smell it.”
You leaned in to take a breath, then made a face.
“That smells disgusting!”
“I know,” she whined. “Ugh, it better be helpful. Shall we go?”
You thought for a moment, then nodded your head.
“Of course,” you said. “Let’s check the jeweler’s shop first though, I want to try on that bracelet.”
Even you had to admit that you did not expect this when you thought of a married ladies gathering. When you first got the invitation you were certain it would perhaps be night full of tea and gossiping and some music but—
You hadn’t expected a game night with cards and alcohol and smoking.
It almost reminded you of the second parties that would take place in the backroom of the ballrooms back in Paris.
“I’m beginning to think I’m terrible at gambling,” you mused, taking a huge sip of your champagne and Cecily tilted her head.
“You think?”
“It’s very obvious at this point Y/N,” Lady Danbury said from her spot beside yours and you let out a laugh.
“Well in my defense, I’ve just learned this game!”
“So has Cecily, she hasn’t lost any rounds so far.”
Cecily smiled in almost a too sweet manner. “I’m just naturally lucky.”
“Well, newly Viscountess Bridgerton,” Lady Collins grinned at you. “How about we make this round a bit more interesting?”
She nodded at your brand new pink pearl bracelet around your wrist and you looked down at it.
“I just bought it though,” you mumbled, turning it around your wrist. “I didn’t even get the chance to show it to Anthony yet.”
She hummed, then unclasped her diamond necklace and put it on the table.
“If you win, you can have this.”
You tilted your head and Lady Danbury smirked.
“Don’t fall for it,” she teased you and you took a deep breath, then shrugged your shoulders and placed your cards on the table. Lady Collins let out a laugh and placed her cards on the table as well, making your jaw drop.
“Oh no!”
“Warned you.”
“Well a deal is a deal,” you said and unclasped your bracelet, then pushed it in her direction.
“Aw thank you.”
“I’m sure it will look lovely on you!” you said with a bright smile, your mind almost fuzzy after countless glasses of champagne and you fanned yourself with your hand, then looked around.
“I think I will take some fresh air if you do not mind,” you said and Cecily stole a look at you.
“Do you want me to come with you?”
“Oh no, I’ll be right back,” you said and pushed your chair back, stumbling a little. You let out a giggle and dropped an exaggerated curtsy. “Ladies.”
You walked out of the room and made your way to the front door, then stepped outside, the chill weather helping you just a little with dizziness. There were some ladies outside as well who seemed to have wanted some fresh air just like you and you went down the marble stairs, then sat down on one of the benches before you lied on your back, keeping your gaze on the stars glimmering in the dark sky.
“May I join you?”
You turned your head, then held your breath and sat up again. The lady in front of you was Countess Banfield, the lady whose dinner party you had attended when you had first arrived, the one that had made Cecily Elias’s dinner partner and by extension making it possible for them to meet. She was only a couple of years older than you but she carried herself with great elegance as you had noticed when you had gone to thank her for the dinner party all those months ago.
“Lady Banfield!” you said. “Hello!”
“Hello Lady Bridgerton,” she said with a small smile as she held up her glass. “Congratulations again on your happy matrimony.”
“Thank you!” you said, pressing a hand on your chest. “And of course you can join, it’d be my pleasure!”
“I see I’m not the only one who has indulged in champagne a bit too much,” she commented as she sat next to you and you let out a laugh.
“Champagne and…some other drinks as well.”
“Mmm, you mixed them?”
“They were all delicious!”
“I will not envy you next morning,” she said and you shrugged your shoulders.
“I’m sure it will be alright,” you said and straightened your back. “And I wanted to thank you on behalf of Cece and Elias. I hope one day my events bring couples together like yours did with them.”
She raised her glass, mocking a toast. “I do throw lavish dinner parties if I say so myself.”
You nodded fervently. “And Cece is pregnant now!”
“Tell her she can make the next one during the next dinner party I host, I won’t mind.”
You bit down on your lip, trying to contain your laughter.
“And how is marriage treating you?” she asked, “The lady who tamed the capital R Rake?”
“Aw thank you for asking, we’re in love!” you all but chirped. “I do enjoy marriage more than I’ve enjoyed anything else in my entire life. Everyone keeps making it look more difficult than it is if you ask me.”
She waved a hand in the air.
“Oh marriage is not hard,” she said. “That is if desire and love are present.”
“You’ve made a love marriage too?”
“Mm hm,” she nodded with a smile. “I’m lucky to be one of the few, along with you.”
“And how long have you been married?”
“Five years in October.”
You awwed.
“And do you have any advice for a happy marriage?” you asked. “I have certain questions to ask every in love couple around me.”
She tapped her cheek and leaned back, swirling the drink in her glass.
“Well, it’s the ladies’ night,” she muttered. “Anything that’s said here stays here and I’m too drunk to follow any stifling rule. I’d love to give you some advice. What do you want to ask?”
You thought for a moment, then swallowed thickly.
“I was going to ask this to my aunt actually but,” you said. “I suppose it could be nice to have an objective viewpoint on it. Is it normal if…”
A fire burned your cheeks but you raised your chin defiantly “Is it normal if a lady desires her husband too much?”
She stared at you and a small laugh spilled from her lips.
“What do you mean, too much?”
“Well I know I have duties to attend to,” you said. “And I was very much looking forward to them until—until my wedding night. And now I…I cannot focus on anything at all, I just—wish to be with him. In the marital way, all the time.”
She sipped her drink.
“Do tell me, how many times does he have you?”
You looked up at the sky, trying to count in your head.
“Well it depends but not less than three.”
“Three times a week? That’s completely—”
“A day.”
She raised her brows. “He has you three times a day?”
“Well most of the time more than that but yes,” you said. “Because it’s um—in the morning, and then sometimes wherever we are in the afternoon, and of course at night. More than once at night, most of the time. We usually go to sleep around dawn.”
“And even with all that, it’s—almost magic of the sort,” you insisted. “It should be enough surely but whenever I’m away from him, it’s as if it hasn’t happened in centuries, I wish to go back to him even now as we speak!”
She threw her head back, letting out a clear laugh before reaching out to hold your hand.
“Aren’t you sweet…” she said. “My dearest, you desire your husband and it’s very obvious he desires you. Enjoy it, there’s no such a thing as too much.”
“Are you certain?”
“Mm hm. It should even keep away the arguments if you ask me.”
“We almost had an argument yesterday,” you said. “But then he…convinced me to forgive him.”
“How so?”
“Well I’m so happy that he desires me but just yesterday morning he ripped my dress in a haste and it was such a beautiful dress!” you whined. “And now I cannot wear it until Lucie finishes mending it, but I really liked that dress. I was even going to wear it tonight!”
She scoffed and winked at you.
“You can’t blame him, I think anyone would do the same,” she said. “I know I would.”
“Have you seen yourself?”
You gave her a bright smile. “Thank you, I think you’re incredibly beautiful as well. Your husband is very lucky.”
She tilted her head, eyeing you up and down with a small smile.
“So is yours.”
“There you are!” you heard Cecily’s voice and you turned your head, then grinned at her.
“Cece, look who I’m with! Your Cupid!”
“Hello Lady Banfield.”
“Lady Westcliff,” Lady Banfield said. “Come sit with us, we’re talking about husbands and how lucky they are to have us.”
Cecily giggled and sat beside you, and you laid down to rest your head on her legs.
“Lady Banfield was just telling me that it’s normal for a lady to desire her husband too much.”
“To repeat, there’s no such a thing as too much.”
Cecily fixed your hair. “How drunk are you exactly?”
“And you, Lady Banfield?”
“I enjoy ladies’ night and alcohol,” she said with a shrug of her shoulders. “And as I’ve said Y/N, you have nothing to worry about.”
You pursed your lips. “I do worry about one more thing though.”
“Oh this is going to be fun,” Cecily said and you sat up, and heaved a sigh.
“He assured me in a very smug way that he was fine but the other day I…I accidentally…” you trailed off and looked between them. “Have you ever accidentally left a mark?”
“Because I didn’t even realize but I accidentally scratched him—his back I mean,” you added. “And it was rather deep but he didn’t tell me during….that, and when I realized it, it was too late and he looked rather pleased about it if you ask me but his back has my scratch marks and I don’t want him to resent me for it deep down.”
Lady Banfield and Cecily exchanged glances, wearing almost identical grins before turning to you.
“Oh I’m sure he does not.”
“I’d say he enjoyed that.”
“Is it common then?” you asked. “Does it happen to you too?”
Cecily stole a look at Lady Banfield. “Lady Banfield?”
“Oh no, you can answer first, I will answer after you,” she said. “Go on, do share with us.”
Cecily shifted her weight and cleared her throat.
“Not scratching so to speak but I…bite him sometimes,” she said, making your jaw drop. “I can get a bit loud so that’s—anyway, he does enjoy it. He was the one who came up with the suggestion actually.”
You snapped your fingers. “Is that why his collars went up since he got married? I thought he was trying a new look!”
Cecily waved her hands in the air. “Well yes, and it’s your turn now, Lady Banfield.”
“Catherine,” she said. “We’re exchanging bed stories, no need for formalities. And it happens from time to time with me too.”
“Catherine knows a lot about marriage Cece!”
Catherine grinned and motioned at you. “Have either of you ever been blindfolded during the act?”
“You should try it,” she shrugged airily with a grin before nodding at you. “It’s rather fun. Or if you’re that worried about scratching him accidentally, your husband can tie you up.”
You gasped. “Is that what you do?”
“Sometimes,” she said. “Sometimes I tie him up.”
Cecily tilted her head as if considering the suggestion and you raised your brows.
“But how would that work?”
“Quite splendidly,” she said and downed her drink, making you giggle.
“Can we always attend these ladies nights?” you asked and Catherine let out a laugh.
“It’s rather fun, is it not?” she asked and stood up, then motioned at you two. “Now come on. We should gamble and drink some more before we exchange even more stories.”
By the time you had gone back home, it was almost three in the morning. You got out of the carriage with the help of the coachman, then gathered up your skirts and ran up the marble stairs to enter the house.
“Anthony!” you called out, your voice echoing in the dark foyer. “Anthony! Are you sleeping?”
The door to his study opened and he stepped outside,
“Oh here you are!” you said and he shushed you, striding to you in three steps.
“Darling, it’s three a.m. The whole staff is asleep.”
“But I missed you!” you said and lowered your voice to a whisper, wobbling in your spot before his hands grabbed your upper arms to make sure you wouldn’t lose your balance. “And I must tell you I love you! I thought of it in the carriage—well no, because I always think about how much I love you but I really missed you tonight and I was looking forward to seeing you and I hoped you weren’t asleep and voila, you aren’t!”
A smile pulled at his lips and he tilted his head to the right.
“How much did you drink exactly?”
You gasped. “A lot!” you said. “I had port, and then champagne, and then some rum—and Lady Danbury has something that looks like water, came from another country.”
“Jesus Christ.”
“And you drink scotch too right?” you asked. “Can I have some of that?”
“Then some port!”
“Can it be the water Lady Danbury was serving?”
“That wasn’t water darling.”
“It was transparent!”
“I’m sure it was. How about we get you to bed, hm?”
You shook your head. “No, I want cake.”
“Strawberry cake,” you said. “The cook made some the other day, do you think we still have it?”
“Let’s get you to bed, and then I can check the kitchen and bring it to you—”
“Let’s go to the kitchen together!” you said, darting from his grip to run down the hallway with him catching up with you almost immediately, grabbing at you to pull you back, making you let out a laugh.
“No running when you’re black out drunk.”
“I’m not that drunk!” you protested but leaned to him as he repressed a chuckle.
“Mm hm, of course you’re not.”
“And I want you to know I don’t have any resentment towards you even if you ripped my dress I was planning on wearing tonight.”
He smirked at you as he helped to towards the kitchen. “You have a hundred gowns darling.”
“But I planned to wear it tonight!” you said. “And we’ve been over this Anthony! If I change the dress, I have to change the shoes. If I change the shoes, I have to change the jewelry. If I have to change jewelry—”
“Alright, I’ll buy you as many gowns as you want, how about that?”
You shot him a bright smile. “That sounds lovely, thank you,” you said and entered the kitchen, then looked around for any sharp object.
“What are you doing?”
“I’ll unlock the cabinet.”
Anthony pressed his lips together to control his expression.
“This is your house my love,” he reminded you. “Just open it.”
“It’s not locked?”
“Oh,” you said and went to open the drawer, then let out a happy noise and pulled the huge plate of strawberry cake to yourself. Anthony grabbed a fork from the drawer, then handed it to you and you put it beside you on the table, then jumped to sit on the table and placed the plate in your lap, happily digging into the cake, humming a melody to yourself.
It was only after a minute that you realized Anthony was watching you with a fond smile on his face and you chewed on your bite, then swallowed it.
“Nothing,” he said, still smiling. “I love you, you know that right?”
“You’re the love of my life and you can blindfold me any time you want.”
The words seemed to have had some sort of an effect on him because he started coughing, then cleared his throat.
“…Come again?”
“Lady Banfield says I should ask you.”
“And she would rip my dress too she says, isn’t that nice of her?”
“And Cece bites Elias.”
“Lady Banfield says that happens though.”
Anthony blinked a couple of times, gawking at you and you nodded your head, getting some cake on your fork again.
“She told me to tell you to blindfold me.”
“Did she?”
“Yes. Told Cece too. But not in a “I got you a present” kind of way. In a bedroom kind of way.”
A mischievous smirk curled his lips. “Mm hm.”
“Have you ever done that?”
“I’m not answering that question.”
“Lady Banfield says it’s fun,” you pointed at him with your fork. “She blindfolds her husband though.”
“I can never look Lord Banfield in the eye again.”
“Nothing. What else did she—”
You gasped, making him jump up in surprise.
“What happened?”
“I got a very pretty bracelet today!” you said and pouted your lips. “I was very excited to show you but Lady Collins has it now.”
“How did that happen?”
“I lost it on the gaming table,” you said, your brows pulled together in almost a petulant manner, making him chuckle.
“Oh really?”
“I also lost twenty pounds. Because she—I had two queens but she had three aces! And then I thought three kings were enough, but apparently not!”
Anthony nodded, still smiling before he filled you a glass of water and handed it to you.
“Drink all of that.”
“You’ll thank me in the morning. So about what Lady Banfield was telling you—”
“She was drunk too but she’s such a lovely drunk,” you said, taking a huge sip of water before taking a piece of cake into your mouth again, dangling your legs over the edge of the table. “Only Cece wasn’t drunk, she took a sip and then felt sick because of the baby—which reminds me!” you said. “Anthony mon amour, Cece disagrees but we are having our son’s crib brought in from Paris, aren’t we?”
Anthony looked very amused. “Darling we don’t have a son.”
“We will have a son. And his crib will be better than François Guillaume Andrieux’s crib because Cece and Elias refuse to listen to me even if I’m right as always.”
“Wait, who?”
“Our nephew!”
Anthony stared at you. “Elias and Cecily are naming the baby François Guillaume Andrieux if it’s a boy?”
“No!” you said. “They haven’t decided on a name yet so I’m naming him such.”
“And you decided to just give him three French names in a row?”
“Those were the top of my baby names list,” you said. “Aren’t they wonderful? I searched for a lot of names before deciding on those back in Paris. At first I did it so that I could help my friend Marie choose a name and then I decided that while I was at it, I could decide on my future babies’ names as well. But I love Cece and Elias so they can use some of those names.”
“Yeah I wouldn’t…hold my breath on them naming him that.”
You hummed. “Why not?”
“So many reasons.”
“What are we going to name our baby then?”
“Not that.”
A gasp left your lips and you waved the fork in his direction. “He can’t grow up without a name Anthony!”
“To repeat, we don’t have a baby—”
“We should have a nursery.”
“You’re not even listening to me, are you?”
“Two nurseries!” you said with a mouthful of cake. “Because he’s going to get bored if he’s in the same room all the time—can give him a French name at least?”
“Can we give our heir who will inherit the title a French name?” he repeated. “No we cannot my love.”
“That’s fair. How about our second born?”
“Also no.”
“Our third born then.”
“How many babies do you want to have exactly?” he asked with a grin and you shrugged your shoulders before taking a huge chunk of cake onto your fork.
“I’m willing to go up to five.”
He let out a laugh. “Oh, five?”
“Why not? You have seven siblings,” you said. “We could’ve had eight or something, I’m just keeping our expectations at a rational level.”
A shadow crossed his eyes and he shook his head. “Not eight.”
“Hyacinth’s birth was…” he trailed off and he shook his head again. “Mother almost—no. You’re not going to go through that.”
You swung your legs back and forth as you pushed at the cake with your fork, your mind still fuzzy.
“We’re giving the fifth one a French name.” you told him and he pushed himself off of the counter to step closer to you to wipe the leftover icing over your bottom lip, a soft smile warming his face.
“Alright,” he said. “We’re naming the fifth one something French. Happy?”
You nodded, smiling up at him and he curled a finger under your chin to tilt your head up, then pecked you on the lips.
“Finish that water.”
“I’m busy eating cake!”
“Water,” he said. “All of that.”
You pouted your lips and took another huge gulp of the water, then placed the plate beside you and rubbed at your eyes, repressing a yawn.
You nodded slowly, then took another sip of water and lied on your back on the table, making him laugh.
“What are you doing?”
“Resting,” you said, entwining your fingers with his, your eyelids already heavy. “Anthony?”
“Yes darling?”
“I’m so happy that you’re the love of my life,” you said, beaming at him and he chuckled, then leaned in to press a kiss on your forehead.
“I’m so happy you’re the love of my life as well.”
A giggle climbed up your throat and you closed your eyes, sleep welcoming you into its warmth.
Chapter 42
687 notes · View notes
catcze · 3 years
it’s me again ofc 😩 but hear me out my liege the “there’s only one bed” troupe with kazuha, possibly a nsfw ending if i dare venture
-ur loyal 🍁 nonnie
NSFW!! 18+ ONLY !!
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Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
!!⠀Feat : Kazuha x GN! Reader
!!⠀## : Smut
!!⠀CWs : There's no fucking, but, like,,,Plot?? Dominant Kazuha, face fucking, rough ish oral sex, everything is safe, sane & consensual, breathplay, choking, cumming untouched (for the reader), cum-swallowing, dacryphilia, hair-pulling, deep throating
akjdskja HI IM SO SORRY IM GETTING BACK TO THIS LATE–– but mMMM YES YES <3333 PLS the way I’m cranking this out before I can’t simp for Kazuha for a week so like if you think this is a bit rushed you now know why akjdsns
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Kazuha twitched from his side of the (cramped) bed, the tips of his fingers accidentally skimming your back before retracting away in a rush. “Sorry,” he mumbled, his voice a quiet interruption in the evening. You merely hummed, back still facing him, desperate to get any wink of sleep you can get. The journey today had been draining, and not free of obstacles. Behind you, Kazuha quieted, seemingly mulling things over. “I’ll just sleep on the floor––” He attempted to say, but was cut off when you looked over your shoulder blearily.
”Don’t,” you said around a poorly-disguised yawn. “It’s uncomfortable and you’re injured.”
He smiled, but in the moonlight, the shadows under his eyes looked prominent. “Thank you for the concern, but I promise I’m alright. Your comfort is much more important than mine.”
You sighed, and he was ready to take that as a sign of your acquiesce, but you rolled over onto your other side, closing the distance in one fell swoop. Now, your front was pressed to his, head tucked under his chin and against his chest. “Just sleep, okay?” You mumbled, yawning. Your arms twined around his middle, careful to avoid the sore bruises from today and pulled him close. 
On instinct, he settled his hands on your back, pressing you just the slightest bit closer. Kazuha wondered if you could feel the way his heart raced at the contact. His blood thrummed in his veins wherever your skin touched his.
“Sleep,” You commanded, but your voice was too tired to be anything else but endearing to him. 
It was early morning when you awakened, the dark of the night only barely faded. It was the lack of Kazuha’s warmth at your side that had roused you–– he was sitting on the edge of the bed, back turned, and his head drooping. You could hear soft pants come from him.
“Kazuha?” you asked, rubbing your eyes to rid yourself of tiredness. At your voice, the ronin jolted. On your hands and knees, you crossed the space between you to sit beside him, examining his flushed person in the dim light. “What’s wro– oh.”
Even in the dim light, it’s difficult to miss the blush on Kazuha’s face, or the noticeable bulge in his sleeping pants. He expected you to turn away in embarrassment, maybe, or to finally take him up on the offer and let him sleep on the ground. That’s why it took him by surprise when you instead settled beside him, calm as ever, just a slight smile on your face.
“Have a good dream?” You ask, and he can hear no mockery in it. It’s a genuine question.
“I–– yes, you could say that.”
You give a short laugh. “Was it about me?”
It might have been a presumptuous answer, but really, you’re not blind. You’ve seen the way he’s been watching you for the past few days (you’re sure he’s seen how you’ve watched him, too) and there’s no doubt that he’s felt the tension in the air. He didn’t answer the question, but the deepening flush on his cheeks was enough.
You turned to face him so he could see the smile on your lips. “Want some help?”
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”a–ah! That –hnngh– you’re so good,” Kazuha moans from above you when you swallow around his cock, your hands braced on his thighs, digging crescents into his skin. His grip on your hair is tight, bobbing you up and down his cock, easing his length into your throat then pulling you off until only the tip remains. 
Over and over, he repeats the motions, each pass drawing a gasp or moan from him, and a muffled groan from you. Every sound you make only heightens his pleasure, praises and gasps the only thing on his mind and on his lips. With each slurp and suck on his cock, his breathing hitches and his grip tightens–– every so often, the pace of his hips grinding into your mouth stutters and his cock will twitch. 
When you gag from how deep his cock fucks into your throat, he steadily pulls you off him, watching as you glance up at him with sweet, hazy eyes and tears dripping down onto the futon. Immaculate, he wants to say, but he’s sure you get the point with how his hips jerk, sliding his cock partially into your mouth again.
His chest sparks every time you hum happily from having your mouth filled, eyes looking as if they were just a touch from rolling back in pleasure.
Even though your sight is blurry from the tears and the pleasure, there’s no missing the way that Kazuha’s flush had darkened. His jaw had slackened, mouth ajar in a permanent groan as he watches his cock disappear past your lips and feels the head of his cock in your throat. You’re so obedient too, letting him push your head down onto him until his cock is balls deep down your throat, even while you gag and cry around his length. 
Kazuha gasps sharply at the overwhelming feeling of your warm, tight throat squeezing his cock, tilting his head back and closing his eyes before the most delicious moan fills the room.
But it’s not enough, you think–– you want to hear him moan louder, you want to see the face he makes when he’s consumed by the pleasure. Most importantly, you want his cum down your throat, goddamnit, and you’ll be damned if you’re not getting it.
With renewed fervor, you pull off just enough to be able to lick and suck at the tip of his cock, your tongue sensually trailing one of the veins that runs down the side in a way that he undoubtedly doesn’t expect. Kazuha’s gasp above you sounds strangled, surprised, and the hand in your hair tightens to the point where you’re whimpering in pleasure.
“How devious,” he says, a wicked half smile forming on his face that has your center aching and your thighs rubbing together. Above, Kazuha watches you squirm. “You said you would help,” he reminds you, and you nod once. His smile widens. “Good. Take a deep breath.”
You barely have the time to do so before he uses his grip to push you down on his cock once more, holding you against the base of him so he can feel the contractions of your throat as you squirm and wiggle in his hold. Your hands tighten on his thighs, but you don’t try to push away–– if anything, you push yourself deeper. He moans then, the loud, pleasured one you were aiming for since you began, and you positively throb in arousal, whimpering. It wouldn’t be impossible to cum untouched just from this–– from Kazuha holding you down on his cock, your nose pressing into his abdomen and his grip on your hair a comforting ache.
“So good, so tight,” he hisses, his voice somehow still soothing despite the pleasure-hoarse edge to it. You whimper at the praise, the vibrations running along his cock, and he lets out another sharp exhale.
He easily lets you up when you tug, your vision beginning to swim from lack of air, and wipes your tears while you catch your breath. His eyes have the slightest concern in them while he watches your chest heave, and for a moment it looks like he was about to call it a night. But before he can, spit-soaked lips are once more wrapping around the head of his cock, sucking and licking. “ah, Fuck,” he swears under his hitching breath, hands tangling in your hair once more, guiding your mouth up and down his length while his hips jerk every so often to nudge him deeper into your throat. 
Tears run down your face like rain, but Kazuha thinks that you look ethereal like this–– on your knees, for him. His cock twitches at the thought. 
“We should do this again,” he gasps, and is delighted by your agreeing moan. He chuckles and presses your face back down while he fucks his hips up, drawing a gurgled gag from you while your lips are wrapped around the base of him. “Maybe next time,” he muses, holding you there to choke on his cock, “I should go down on you.”
You moan in agreement once more, and he releases you from his hold, letting you pull off slightly to catch your breath before dragging you back down. He watches with rapt fascination as  as you swallow around his cock, and when he thrusts up again ––delighting in another choked, gurgling gasp–– one hand goes to wrap around your throat and the distinct outline of his cock in it.
You’ve already been short of breath from the length in your throat, but him curling his fingers around your neck has your head spinning from lack of air, though you feel no real danger–– you trust him, after all. He uses his grip on your hair and your throat to pull you into his next thrust easily, burying your nose against his abdomen while you cry. His thumb massages the bulge in your throat and your knees shake.
“Where do you want my cum, love?” He asks, breath husky and eyes half-lidded. “Do you want it down your throat?”
Sniffling around the tears and the hold on your throat you nod. Kazuha chuckles, releasing your throat to push some strands of hair away from your eyes so tenderly while you gasp at being (sort of) able to breathe again. 
“You’re sweet,” he mumbles, stroking a hand up your cheek gently, letting you lean into the touch before he pulls you back off his cock then fucks you right back onto it, sending your eyes rolling in their sockets.
Spit had long since dribbled past your lips with every push and pull off his cock. The heat in your own abdomen is searing, to strong that it brings even more tears to your eyes from how aroused you are from merely choking on Kazuha’s cock. 
He doesn’t last much longer–– merely a few more thrusts into your obedient mouth before he pulls you down the length of his cock one last time, balls deep in your mouth while his cock pumps your throat full of his cum, just like you wanted, which sends you spiralling into your own haze of pleasure. You hum your happy, blissed-out thanks while Kazuha keeps your head still with a firm hand, moaning and gasping your name ––and endearingly enough, thank you’s–– above you. You swallow as much of his cum as you can, your tongue licking his cock while it rests heavy in your mouth. When he finally releases his grip on you and you pull off to breathe, you’re proud to note that you’ve successfully licked up every drop of cum. 
While you catch your breath and rest your cheek on his thigh, he releases his hand in your hair to gently run his fingers through any tangles. The exhaustion finally hitting, you bask in his attention. “Thank you,” Kazuha mumbles reverently, petting your hair gently. He clears his throat, his eyes straying to your lower half with barely-concealed excitement. “Do you want me to..?”
You laugh gently under your breath, burying your nose into his skin to hide your embarrassment. “Uh, actually I... may have cum... just from that. It was really, really hot.”
You don’t miss the surprised expression he shoots you, nor the way his cock twitches, and you have to hold in an amused snort. You’d love for him to keep his promise from earlier–– to have his mouth on you, driving you to bliss, but a yawn interrupts your horny haze, and you remember once more that it’s still early in the morning, and neither of you have gotten nearly enough rest from your busy day.
Kazuha laughs, gently pulling you up into his lap where he cradles your rapidly tiring form against his chest. 
“Since you’re so tired, how about I just return the favor at a later date?” he asks sweetly, pressing a kiss and a gentle nibble into the juncture of your shoulder and neck. You hum in agreement, nuzzling deeper into him, mumbling a sleepy “You betcha,” that has his heart skipping a beat.
“Sleep.” It’s his turn to say it, gently laying back down until his back is against the soft mattress. He plants a gentle kiss to your forehead and mumbles just loud enough for you to hear, “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
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bumbleklee · 3 years
the first week
masterlist | 1k prompt masterlist | baby series
pairings: diluc, kaeya, childe and zhongli x female!reader (separate)
warnings: babies
before i officially start the series: if you would like to be on a tag list for this series please let me know! i didn't make one for the pregnancy series because it slipped my mind but i noticed a lot of the same people returning lol. secondly, quite a few people have sent me family/baby requests but instead of making them totally separate parts, im just going to add them into this series! so if you get a tag from me, your request is in the prompt somewhere (ex: @dragontamereg​ for khanreiah eyes) ♡( ◡‿◡ ) enjoy
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If you thought one baby was difficult, try two.
And it didn’t help that you were still exhausted from the birth. Diluc felt like he was going into overdrive between tending to you and his new children. The first week felt like a never ending cycle of feeding, changing, bathing and sleeping.
Neither of you tried to be in a bad mood, but the sleepless nights and fatigue were catching up faster than you anticipated.
You had just laid down when Clara started to whine in the bassinet next to your bed. Her cries woke up Isaac and soon both babies were fussy. Your eyes pried open and you leaned over to rock the bassinet, shushing the newborn.
Diluc groaned next to you and sat up. He had dark bags under his eyes and his hair was frizzy and messy from not being able to shower in a few days.
“Can you calm Isaac down?” You asked tiredly, lifting Clara up and bringing her over to the bed.
“Why can’t you? I thought we said we would take turns,” He grumbled, though he was already getting out of bed and walking to the other side. You rolled your eyes and rocked Clara in your arms, brushing your finger against her soft tuft of hair.
“Because this isn’t something we can take turns at, Diluc,” You snapped back.
He sighed and climbed back into bed, Isaac now in his arms. The room was silent except for the occasional whines and noises from the babies. You had come to the conclusion that they just liked to wake you up for fun.
After a while, you turned your head to the side and melted at the scene. Isaac was laying on top of Diluc’s chest and they had both fallen asleep. Diluc’s mouth hung open and the baby snuggled into his warmth. You reached over to brush a lock of hair out of Diluc’s face, “My boys,” You said quietly.
At your touch, Diluc jolted awake. He was careful not to disturb Isaac, “Did I fall asleep?”
“You did,” You said, the ghost of a smile on your face. You put both babies back into their respective bassinets and Diluc lifted the blanket so you could slide next to him. “I don’t want to argue.”
“Me either,” Diluc agreed, wrapping his arms around you, “It’s just the first week. I’m sure it’ll get much easier.”
To say Kaeya was attached to your daughter was an understatement. When you weren’t feeding her, Kaeya was tending to her. He held her close to him every chance he got, even offering to change and bathe her so you could sleep.
And he was so, so gentle with her. He didn’t know it was possible to love someone so much. You had gotten into the habit of just watching Kaeya. You didn’t know if you were ever going to have another child one day, so you treasured these moments like diamonds.
“Kaeya? The shower’s open,” You called out, twisting water out of your hair and wrapping a towel around yourself. When you didn’t get an answer, you raised an eyebrow. You changed into clean clothes and poked your head into the hallway to see the light to the nursery was on. “Kae?”
You poked your head into the nursery and stopped in the doorway, a smile creeping onto your tired face.
Calla laid on the changing table with Kaeya hovering above her. She barely kicked her feet, something she was just learning to do, and Kaeya struggled to get her legs into her onesie. “Come on, Princess,” He pleaded, tickling the bottom of her feet. Calla made a noise and Kaeya took the opportunity to dress her finally.
Once he lifted her up, he noticed you standing in the doorway. “Very cute,” You said softly, teasing Kaeya. Your husband smiled proudly.
“How was your shower?” He asked, looking for a pacifier to give to Calla.
“It was nice. You can take one now if you want,” You said. Kaeya looked down at Calla and hesitated. “I promise she’ll be here when you get out.”
You took Calla from Kaeya and brought her into your bedroom. After feeding her, you held her in your arms and she stared at you with wide eyes. Like Kaeya, she had his unique star pupil. Neither of you knew that was something that could be passed down but Kaeya was beyond shocked that it was. He wished she didn’t have it, saying something about how it didn’t represent her, but you liked it.
Calla yawned and you laid her beside you in the bassinet, rocking it before she fell asleep. Kaeya joined you in bed a little while later and rubbed his face against your shoulder, “I’ll grab her the next time she wakes up.”
“How did I get stuck with someone so wonderful?” You asked, throwing your head back. Kaeya shrugged and kissed your forehead before snuggling close to you. His eyes never left the bassinet.
You didn’t know what to expect during the first week of Nikolai’s life but it definitely wasn’t a shower of gifts from your boyfriend. It seemed that everyday you woke up, there was something new on the bedside table.
“Childe, what are these for?” You finally asked after unboxing a designer dress that in no way would fit you now.
Your boyfriend poked his head into the bedroom, a coffee mug in one hand and Nikolai snuggled securely in his other arm. “Just some thank you presents,” He said casually, as if he wasn’t dropping thousands of mora with each gift.
“For what?”
Childe smiled softly and came into the bedroom, putting down his mug and climbing onto the next next to you. “For giving me this little guy,” He said quietly, “I’ll be eternally grateful.”
Your cheeks grew warm, “You helped too, you know.”
“I didn’t have to go through nine months of pregnancy and hours of labor, though.” Childe caressed Nikolai’s cheek and the baby’s eyes fluttered closed. “Do you think he knows we’re his parents yet?”
You stopped examining the dress to peer at your boyfriend, “Of course he does. You’re his father.”
“Yeah, but, you have a better bond with him. I’m just on the outside.”
You sighed and reached out to hold your hand over Childe’s, “He knows you just as well as he knows me, Ajax. You’ve been in his life as much as I have and you’ve been singing to him, talking to him and loving him. He adores you.”
Your words made Childe smile softly. Nikolai stirred in his sleep and Childe adjusted him in his arms. He was so small, so delicate, and Childe would never let anything or anyone harm him.
You snuggled back into the covers, exhausted from being a new mother, and Childe didn’t leave your side. “Thank you for the gifts,” You mumbled, your face half squished in a pillow.
“Oh, they aren’t done just yet.”
Because of your traumatic experience in labor, Zhongli was being extra precautious with you. He didn’t like when you left the bed, even to use the restroom or grab the baby, and would much rather bring Jia to you when it came time to feed her.
The help was nice for the first few days since you were exhausted and sore but as time went on, you became ansty to just be a mother. It wasn’t like Zhongli was holding you back on purpose - he was just horrified that you weren’t yet healed from your traumatic experience and something could happen while you were up and about.
So when Zhongli ran to the store and left you home alone with Jia sleeping in the bassinet, you took this as your opportunity. Gently waking up the sleeping baby, you lifted your daughter into your arms. She snuggled into your warm embrace and slowly, and somehow calmly, woke up.
You bathed Jia yourself for the first time since she was born and afterwards, carried her to the nursery to change her into warm pajamas. For the first time all week, you were starting to feel like a mother.
“Why are you up?”
A voice broke you out of your trance and you looked up to see Zhongli standing in the doorway. He wasn’t mad, just worried, and his voice expressed that.
“You can’t hold me hostage in bed forever,” You said, picking Jia up and resting her securely in your arms.
“But what if it’s too early for you to do strenuous activity?” He questioned, frowning a bit.
You rolled your eyes, “Taking care of my daughter isn't a strenuous activity.” You stepped closer to Zhongli so you could reach a hand up and cup the side of his face, “Besides, I’m feeling much better.”
Zhongli leaned into your touch, “You’ll tell me if you need a break, right?”
“Of course I will.”
You made your way to the loveseat in the corner of the nursery and you sat down in it, enjoying the change of scenery from the bedroom for once. Zhongli’s eyes softened at the sight of you with the baby and he went to leave the room. Before he stepped out, he turned his head over his shoulder and said, “I’m proud of you.”
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imagine youve been stuck in Ambrose for a while and you find the highchairs and start to cry because you started to put two and two together about what happened to them as kids
TW; canon-descriptive child abuse (all three brothers), canon typical darkness and allusions of previous violence, reader cries, implications of Stockholm Syndrome (but that was unintentional; you know by now I prefer to think of the Sinclairs healing & learning to love an S/O genuinely - however, it could be interpreted that way so I'm putting it on here just in case), swearing in the narrative and dialogue, reader has some self-negative thoughts within the narrative, references to stomach bile, nausea and feeling sick (NO vomiting or anything physical; just emotionally driven physical responses).
You didn't ask for a specific Sinclair (which is more than fine!!!) so I meshed all three of them - it can be platonic or romantic for any or all of them. Take what you need from this piece, it's all left ambiguous so you can decide for yourself!!!💗
I wrote this out in one sitting so apologies for any typos; it kind of... just flowed out of my fingers??? IDK but here! I hope you like it! <3
Word count: 2, 777.
Also lmao sorry not sorry the things Y/N says to the brothers are all things I want to say, as well as others here, so there's some degree of self-insert in here.
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The pieces were all there.
They had been since the very beginning - the thick scars which roped around Bo's wrists, always covered and never ever touched; Vincent's wax mask and the way he never took it off; Lester's reluctance to go into certain rooms of the house; the various newspaper clippings scattered all around the house but only in drawers that remained shut, picture frames shattered and never replaced. They loved their parents, they hated them, they missed them, they were glad they were gone. Small pieces of information had revealed themselves to you over the months you had been stuck in Ambrose, every puzzle piece you needed to connect the dots of the tragic, horrific past of the Sinclair brothers was there, but none of them fell into place properly until one day when you were in the House Of Wax playing with Jonesy in the foyer.
As you called Jonesy to you, causing her to bark excitedly before she trotted over, your eyes fell upon the highchairs in one of the alcoves. You shuffled closer to the childhood momentos. They were caked in a thick layer of dust, cobwebs so thick that they were stretched like cotton candy across the handles and the spaces in which limbs were supposed to fit. One of them was in pristine condition, well loved and kept, with 'Vincent' engraved on the back rest, and the other... you felt bile rising up in your throat almost immediately. Dried blood was crusted around the restraints on both foot rests and both arm rests, and you had a flash of a mental image of baby Bo, restrained by his wrists and screaming, kicking, making noise because no one was listening to him so he would only yell louder until someone did...
Everything crashed down onto you all at once like a ton of bricks and you gasped so hard that you had to cough. Oh, fuck. Everything made sense now and a sob ripped its way out of your throat so violently and so suddenly that it scared you. You cried harder for that and Jonesy barked and raced off down the corridor behind you. You shuffled a bit closer to Vincent's highchair and reached your hand out, wanting to touch it but also not wanting to. The disgust that you felt towards Trudy and Victor was rising, and your eyes fell on Bo's highchair next. There was so much blood and you couldn't breathe, your throat aching, your lungs sore, your vision blurry with tears that wouldn't stop falling.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Who were you apologising to? You knew not, but it didn't matter. Your head bowed under the weight of the grief, the empathy, the sympathy and the disgust all piled atop your mortal shoulders and you let it take you over. You had always felt everything just a little too much, and even though the start of your permanent residency in Ambrose hadn't been a pleasant one, you had grown to love the brothers and their lifestyle. "You didn't deserve it, you didn't - " Words continued to pour out of your mouth and it masked the sound of someone approaching you with slow, confident steps. "I see the twins, but where's Lester?" A pause as you thought about it - the terrible truth had always been right under your nose - and then, "Oh... oh, that's even worse. Lester, honey, I'm sorry."
Vincent stood there, listening to you grieve for him and his brothers, and it was making his chest hurt. Oh, but you thought you were alone, so that meant that this was all real. You were genuinely upset for him and his brothers, and it made Vincent even more grateful for the fact that his brothers had both asked him to leave you alone all those months ago. Somehow had you wormed your way into three hearts with walls constructed around them so high that even the brothers themselves couldn't see over them sometimes, and here was the proof that they had made the right decision. Vincent vowed in that moment to get to know you more, to let that final sliver of ice in him towards you melt away. He was the hardest brother to properly bond with, so cautious was he.
Carefully, Vincent pulled out his phone and sent Bo and Lester a message each. All three of them had to be here for this, the final event which had to happen in order for you to become a Sinclair, and not just someone they had decided not to kill so very long ago.
Wax House. Now.
It wouldn't take them long to get here; rarely did Vincent command something of his brothers, free spirits were the three despite the fact that they bore the chains of their past, their traumas, and the hopes and dreams that had been murdered alongside their parents. They had been doomed from the start and they never would have been anything more than what they were. They were chained up by the ghosts of themselves, a cemetery was Ambrose, the tombs mere replicas of the bodies encased within.
All in Ambrose were dead, even those with heartbeats.
Vincent tapped his thigh twice and Jonesy moved from his side over to yours, her tail wagging slowly, her nose poking at your damp cheeks. "Hi, pretty girl," You sniffled thickly. The wet noise of such made Vincent wince and he decided that this was a real display; you weren't faking it. It was too raw and it had been going on for long enough now that if it was an act, an inconsistency of some kind would have made itself known. He was gently apathetic to your grief but touched by it all the same; Vincent barely understood how that could be so.
You were still sobbing, your hands in your lap and your head bowed. You were the very picture of devastation. Vincent knew well the cost of a horrific realisation. Of all the brothers, he was the one who had the clearest head about their childhoods, and his grief had been processed whereas yours had only just begun. Your love for them was so strong and it commanded Vincent now to make himself known to you. He wouldn't interrupt, though - he wanted to see if you were going to say anything else. Vincent approached you from the side and scuffed his boot so that you would hear him; he knew not how badly you would startle if he seemed to materialise right in front of you. It would have made for some free entertainment, but this wasn't the time or the place. Bo absolutely would have made you jump, just because he could, but Vincent couldn't bring himself to do that to you, even if the thought of it made him smile. Vincent wasn't his twin, the differences subtle but distinct.
As quickly as the upset had come to you, so too had moral conflict. They had had abusive childhoods, Bo seeming to bear the brunt of it just from the state of his highchair, but that could never and would never excuse, condone or justify any of what they did. It could serve as an explanation but even that was a stretch. They were all sadistic, cruel and underhanded, psychotic, dark, dangerous, evil motherfuckers... and you had grown to love all three of them in their own ways. You swiped at your face just as Vincent's wax-encrusted boot came into view and the door to the museum swung open, revealing a panting, curious and worried Bo and a cautious Lester. The sight they walked in on - you on your knees sobbing in front of the highchairs and Vincent looming over you - was a decidedly odd one and characteristically was Bo the one to make the first move.
"Uhh, Vincent? Th'fuck they doin' down there?" His voice was quiet, every syllable enunciated. Uncertainty never sat well with Bo, who wasn't looking at you. He only had eyes for his twin as he pointed at you rudely, his chin tipped up so that he could see the room clearly underneath his baseball cap.
Not wanting to be spoken about when you were right there, you sniffled louder than you needed to, just to make a point, and said, "I found the highchairs... put the pieces together about what you've all been through. I'm really sorry." Your voice broke and now all three brothers had gazes fixed on your body. It was unnerving to have three matching intense and unwavering stares on you and it made you fumble your words out, your forehead growing hot from the inside. "It's disgusting what was done to you by the people meant to love and protect you like no other. Doesn't mean I agree with what you do 'round here as adults, it's not right... but none of you deserved to go through that as kids and I'm sorry." Your tears were slower now but still very much present in your face and on your face, and all three gazes softened as they looked at you. You were down on your knees, broken over their pasts, and none of them knew what the fuck to do.
So they stood there and watched with unapologetic apathy, though parts of all three brothers wished they found it as easy to physically offer you comfort as they did thinking about it.
You wondered which one would join you in breaking first.
"Bo, you - " You turned to look at him, and you saw his face crease in sympathy. "I'm so sorry. Your wrists, I - " You covered your face in your hands and let yourself choke out a sob before you straightened up and tried to get your words out, so thickly laid were they in your throat that it felt like you were going to be sick. "They never should've done that to you. You were just a kid with behavioural problems. You needed help, not... not that. Fuck, I - " Your face screwed up and your tears fell faster, hotter, harder.
Vincent made a quiet noise of distress - this was now starting to become too much, even for him, and he knew that he needed to intervene so that he could calm you down, if nothing else, before you spiralled even further. He ducked down to rub his hand up and down your back in fluid, slow motions. It was almost clinical in the way he was trying to soothe you, the heat of him sinking through your clothes and warming you from the inside. It accompanied Lester's murmured, "oh, sweetpea," and the unexpected tenderness only made you cry harder still. Fuck, what had the Sinclairs done to you?
There was a look of something on Bo's face. "Darlin', y'don't gotta' feel sorry for me, it was..." Words failed him. There were too many emotions at once in his voice and eyes for you to name but there was vulnerability on his face and in the way his thumbs rubbed at the seams of his black shirt. With the Sinclairs, vulnerability was always met with the same, a silent gesture of thanks. Bo started to come towards you and you reached out for him. He didn't touch you yet, but somehow, some way, all four of you ended up on the floor together, with you in the middle and the Sinclairs dotted around you. Jonesy made her home on your lap as she whined and licked at your cheeks. You kept your hands on her even as you poured out more of your thoughts. You wanted them out of your head but you also wanted the Sinclairs to hear them.
"And Vincent, you - " Your eyes fixed on the line which announced the presence of a mask on his face, "Your momma shouldn't have taught you that. She should've taught you to love you for you, to accept things beyond your control. She should've taught you to love yourself. I'm sorry she taught you the opposite. It was wrong of her and you deserved better." The hand on your back froze briefly before it continued, the touch softer this time, and you heard his thank you within his gesture. "Lester - you don't seem to have a highchair in here which makes me feel sick. Whatever was done to you, or... or not done, I'm sorry. S'not right to have a child and not treat them like any others. All three of you deserved better."
Silence met your rawness and you began to feel like an idiot who had just embarrassed themselves in front of -
Thick roped scars came into your view and you began to tear up again. You raised your hand, as if to touch, but the last time you had accidentally touched Bo's scars, he had ripped away from you with a snarl and avoided you for the rest of the day. Your fingers clenched and you pulled your hand away, but Bo stopped you. "No, shush, it's okay," Bo's voice was but a whisper. "After that whole thing, darlin', d'ya really think I'd stop ya'? Y'c'n touch." His tone was soft, his words harsh but the look in his eyes kind. It was confusing even during the best of times, but right now you could see how hard Bo was genuinely trying, and it only made your poor heart bleed for him more. How many times had he screamed for help in his head and gone unaided? How many times had he asked as an adult for help and been unheard because no one stuck around long enough (typically, he killed them before they could even find out who he truly was, but that was a point of semantics as far as you were concerned).
"Does it - do they hurt?" You sniffled and fingers ghosted across Bo's flesh. A shudder ripped through him and you glanced up at him. He shook his head just once and you understood - it didn't hurt him now. The flesh was just too damaged after years of repetitive abuse. "I'm sorry, Bo," Those tears dripped down your cheeks still, and Bo sighed. He didn't know what to say and so he didn't say anything at all. He just let you touch his scars and examine them up close and he hoped that that would be enough. It had to be, because he didn't know what the fuck else to do with you or for you. For all of his scripts, for all of his southern charm and acts, when it got down to the nitty, gritty raw emotions, Bo was lost.
Vincent's hand continued to rub up and down your back and you realised that he had been this entire time as it registered in the back of your mind that your spine was tingly every time he moved away from one spot and onto another, even though you hadn't paid any attention to him since you had said what most needed to be. Lester made a soft noise, something between an "ohh" and an "awwh", and leaned over to cup your face in his hands. His muddied thumbs clumsily brushed away your tears and he leaned in, closer, closer, until he could press a tender, lingering kiss to your forehead. "Too kind t'us, Y/N."
You shook your head and the most pitiful whine left your throat. All three brothers froze into place, their hearts wrenching in their chests, and then there were hands on you. Bo's hand, which had come to be cradled in your lap between both of your own, was now tightly gripping yours. Lester's hands remained on your face, and Vincent managed to somehow straighten out his legs and plop you on his lap in just two motions. It was scary how he was able to move like that, and his brothers shifted closer too.
You allowed yourself to sink into their touches, one of your hands in Jonesy's fur and the other tightly gripping Bo's own, your fingers interlaced. How long you all sat there for, you knew not. All you did know was that you were surrounded by the Sinclairs, and though none of them had really said anything to you in response to the way you were hurting over them, for them and because of them, the fact that they had all gathered around you on the dusty, dirty and well worn floor to comfort you said everything it needed to... as did the fact that when you finally went home that night, all three were just a little warmer towards you.
You were a Sinclair now, for worse or for the worst.
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le4ftea · 4 years
So, uhh how would Tanjiro Inosuke and Genya act after having sex with their s/o for the first time? Would they be protective? Shy? Lovey-dovey? Thank you ^^
OWO HONEY. I'll tell you.
Demon Slayer Boys after being Intimate. G/N!Reader
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When he found out about you liking him back...
He was shaking with excitement, his hands shaking and his fingers going numb.
He was so happy that he felt that he could die and know that at least he had you.
But when you both had sex
He was very passionate and kind with each thrust, the world spinning with every deep pound into you.
After you both had lose your innocents to one another
He was shy and very gentle with you the next day, and felt as if he fell in love with you all over again.
You softly hummed as you felt like the day had been washed in vanilla and cinnamon, the morning was somehow more lovely then before. Slowly rising up from the bed, you felt a bit of soreness in the lower half of your body.
Groaning quietly to yourself, you sat up.
A fuzzy bath robe wrapped around you yet slipped off your shoulders due to the fact it was a little bigger then usual.
Both of your bare shoulders shining with a pink blush.
Still half closed, you looked around the room almost drunkly.
Confused of why you were alone in the bed you passionately shared with the hero to all himself.
Without another minute of worry of his where abouts, the sliding doors open in a clumsy way.
A soft gasp leaving whomever it was, as the sound of dishes cling together.
"Oh oh no!" He whispered shouted as they struggled with the door and what seemed to be a tray.
You stumble onto your feet and quietly walk over to the man at the door, gently holding the door open for him to enter.
A soft smile on your face as you spoke to him, silky and smooth.
"Need help love?"
Tanjirou squaled and almost fell back from your sudden presence.
"D-Darling! Did I wake you?" Sounding worried about being to loud.
Giggling and shaking your head you replied with a 'no'.
Tanjirou had brought a tray of rice eggs and bacon that had sliced green onion and some yellow mashed potatoes that had some cheese inside, with some tea.(I wish I could eat this.)
A small blush on your face at the cute gesture.
You sat next to him and kissed his cheek.
Turning to face you immediately, his face burning a bright red. Almost whimpering at you.
Both of you grabbed your chop sticks and started to eat while you asked why he brought the food himself.
He looked away as he scratched his cheek, a blush still visible.
"Well... I just felt bad that I went to rough on you last night, I got selfish near the end and gave into my needs and probably hurt you a bit. So I asked if I could take our food here today as an apology."
His mood at change the atmosphere in the room, his face also turned into a sad frown.
You gently crested his cheek drawing his attention to you.
"You didn't hurt me love, all you did is make me fall in love with you more."
His frown jumped into a smile as a small tears popped from his eyes.
He would never be able to let you go now.
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He was very obvious with his crush on you, yet you seemed to be denser then a brick.
When he start up told you he loved you.
You had no other choice but to know.
And when you both finally got intimate.
Holy Hell.
This man was going really hard and rough with you, gentle groaning as you screamed his name. It was like he had been waiting forever to pound you into the bed.
Like a beast breeding his mate.
The next day he was in a daze almost for a week.
Not speaking to anyone but only staying by your side with flowers dancing around him.
Laying on his chest, you would occasionally snuggle into him. His arm underneath you holding you closer to him.
His other laying on his toned stomach.
You both stayed like this for a while till you had the feeling of hunger, stomach grumbling quite loud now.
You pushed yourself from his warm body and saw his state that you didn't notice before.
He seemed to be a melted puddle of happiness, his aura a heart warmed glow as he had finally had you.
A dopey grin on his face until he saw you about to leave, gripping your wrist he sat up too. Looking you in your eyes deeply.
"I'm going to get food Inosuke" you whined almost at the growing hunger.
He pouted and almost asked you to stay with his eyes alone, his body language begging for you to not leave him yet.
Sighing you stood up but helped him up too and hugged him.
"Just come with me, we can eat together." His aura rising back to a heart warming glow as you felt hims nod, grabbing his bore hat he placed it on and walked with you to find food.
Sitting outside together, munching on bean buns. Humming at the yummy flavors, you turned to look at Inosuke.
A soft smile on his mouth as he ate his bun, still happy as a puppy that got a treat.
You giggled and sat closer to him as you both enjoyed eachother presences.
The wamr spring breeze blowing soft smells of nature, it was a perfect morning with Inosuke.
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This man was so rough when it came to all but you. He just silently stays by your side and always make sure he gives you enough attention.
When he confessed to you, he was a stuttering mess which was quite out of character.
And when you both decided to have sex
O my God.
You would think he would go crazy
But when he put himself in.
He would slowly pound into you, with each thrust he would whisper how much you truly meant to him.
Telling you how long he waited to be connected with you.
And he made sure you had at least four orgasms.
So in the morning he was more prideful then ever and actually acted happy to others which made people scared for their lives.
He also marked you up quite a lot on your neck to make sure they all knew you both were together.
"Ouch! G-Genya that hurts!"
You whined as Genya gently pressed each hickey that was a beautiful purple on your neck.
Small tears forming at your big loveable eyes.
The morning was bright and fresh as the two of you woke form your long night of love making, the both of you were hugging one another when you guys opened your eyes.
Genya quickly moved away from you and wore blush of crimson while yelling at you to not get the wrong idea.
Even though the two of you basically saw eachother naked.
You both chatted about how silly he was acting but Genya smirked when he saw your neck that looked like you came back from a fight.
Blushing at how many you had, he kissed each one with a cute smile on his rough face.
"You look so beautiful."
He made sure you did not hide any of his marks with your cloths and walked with you around the temple where all of the demon slayers stayed.
The others asked if you were okay since you looked like you were in a fight to the death.
You waved them off, saying it was nothing serious and they shouldn't worry to much.
As you drifted off to the reality of what gave you such mark in the first place.
Blushing and shaking the heat from your face, you saw in the corner of your eye.
Genya grinning like an idiot. But you found this quite charming.
Running to him after saying your goodbye to the others you were talking too
You hugged Genya and hid your face in his chest, a soft groan at the sudden impact.
He frantically tried to get you off him as you could tell he was blushing at your embrace, you laughed to yourself quietly as you heard his heart beating faster then anything in the world.
He was adorable in his own strong way.
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