#oh and french chuuya
i have more unasked for opinions btw if ur curious
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lesbianyosano · 1 year
there is something so nefarious about animanga fans’ willingness to perceive the characters as white even when they are explicitly stated to be japanese
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nonhumen · 1 year
@chaosbled : Chuuya had been quietly agonizing about this day for weeks. He and Verlaine had only recently grown close, thanks in no small part to the Flags encouraging him to reach out. He’d been angry at the older man for… a long time. But he could see that Verlaine was making an effort to understand Chuuya, & respect their differences. The last few months had been… painful, & Chuuya had found himself venturing down to visit the blond more & more. It was the first time he’d ever really felt like he had an older brother; the only bond he had he could compare it to was Anesan. It made him want to give him something meaningful — but what could he give Verlaine that the man couldn’t buy for himself if he truly desired it… He’d tried asking Rimbaud for ideas but the man had simply told him to follow his heart… which was probably French cryptid for ‘I have no idea’. It wasn’t as though Verlaine had any family besides the two of them he could ask. Wait… family… that was it.
He went down to the subterranean floor of the Mafia HQ & greeted Verlaine the same way he often did. Still unsure if he wanted to give Verlaine something so embarrassingly personal. The redhead was nearly finished his cup of tea when he felt a sudden burst of courage & grasped onto it tightly. “I know it’s your birthday.” He blurred out, internally cringing at how fucking awkward he sounded. “I-I mean, Rimbaud mentioned it a few months back… I’ve got something for you, but you have to promise to be honest with me if you don’t like it so I can take it back & get you something better.” He remembered a time when he had little to his name & all his gifts were handmade… the Sheep had never been particularly enthusiastic about a handwritten poem or a jar of cool seashells he’d collected. So he was a bit conflicted now; what if Verlaine hated it?
To my dear older brother, the cover page said in the corner. Inside the book was… well, it was almost a collage, of sorts. Images of Yokohama, random locations — no, actually. Images of places significant to them. The bridge, Yamashita park, Old World, the clearing where Guivre had been summoned… with little sentences written under each in calligraphy. You were the reason it all began… the second page had a picture of France, near the city where Verlaine was created. …& the reason I’m here at all. The third was a picture of the freshly created crater in Suribachi, long before the settlement started being rebuilt. It seemed to tell a story as he flipped through it.
You weren’t always here, & that really is a shame… but those that matter most in our lives sometimes take a long time to appear. Battered photographs of Chuuya, ages eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve & on, various stages of his life, from a blank-eyed scraggly little boy to a fierce, lost teenager. Salvaged from the stray Sheep he’d managed to keep in touch with & his own personal possessions. I had to grow without your guidance, & maybe sometimes I wonder what might have been if things were different. But I don’t regret meeting you when I did. Beneath that was a snapshot one subordinate had taken of one of their training sessions, when he was 16. Because despite everything…
A photo of Chuuya on his wedding day, when he’d dragged Verlaine in front of the camera because ‘if I have to take these cheesy ass family of the groom photos so do you!’ The text beneath it read: you were there for me during the most important moments. That’s why… Close to the end, a photo of the two of them, taken by Dazai of all people when Chuuya convinced Verlaine to show him how he braided his hair, & snapped the photo to both of their surprise, his husband could even sneak up on assassin spies, apparently.
I cannot regret what was never meant to be. We might not share blood or DNA, but our existences are forever intertwined. None of us ask to be born, but I don’t want you to mourn the fact that we were, or what opportunities were lost, I just want you to be AMAZED any of us ever got to be here at all. — Love, your little brother, Chuuya.
On the final page was a very official looking documents, belonging to the redhead, one of which he had to do a lot of digging to even find in the first place. It was his birth certificate, his legal one. The one beside it… a certificate of adult adoption.
“I don’t need parents.” Chuuya said, ever so softly. “I haven’t in a very long time, but…” You freed me from a date worse than death. You taught me everything I know about combat. You protect me & are there when I need it most. “Japan allows anyone to adopt individuals older than fifteen so long as both parties consent, & that the adoptee is at least one day younger. The Mafia also follows the tradition that the one who mentors you is, essentially, your guardian. So… if you wanted to…” This would make us truly family, regardless of circumstances of birth.
He clasped his hands together anxiously, & waited.
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the days blend together down in the sublevels of the mafia headquarters. not that verlaine really pays much attention to the date of march 30th, for he is an inhuman thing created to be a weapon. he was not born, he does not have a birthday. and yet... i know it's your birthday. the older man pauses mid-sip of his tea at the words. icy eyes glance towards his brother to watch his expression and see how he seems to shuffle in place like a child. this means something to him, just as it means something to rimbaud.
birthday; the anniversary of the day one is born. verlaine was not born screaming into this world. he does not remember the day he was created, only remembers that one day he simply started existing. but that was no. 12, that pitiful thing meant for destruction. verlaine, paul verlaine, was given a birthday. the day he was given a name, given an identity beyond a number. the day he took his freedom. today is the anniversary of the day verlaine came into existence. " of course arthur would tell you. " the former assassin sets down his cup to give chuuya his full attention.
he has no idea what to expect for a birthday present. rimbaud had given him a hat but that had a purpose; it had been a tool for his protection. verlaine does not want for much now, not with the mafia on the rise and his release from his self-exile. when the book is initially set in front of him, verlaine doesn't know quite what to think. well, the first thing he thinks is how nice chuuya's handwriting has gotten.
a scrap book? verlaine flips to the first page and recognizes the locations instantly. meaningful locations. places where he made memories with chuuya -- both good and bad. he turns the page. france, a place of heartache. he knows those trees well; the details of the scenery the only thing he could fixate on while his body moved on its own like a puppet on strings. he remembers autumn, wishing to fall dead like those leaves.
the third page depicts the aftermath of arahabaki. it's a night he still remembers most vividly. chuuya had been so frail when the two spies had extracted him from the facility. verlaine remembers putting his coat around him to keep him warm, remembers how small he had been as he carried the child on his shoulders. something had sparked in him that night, something fierce and defensive. the idea of such a small, innocent child growing up to be like him made him sick. verlaine realizes now that it's the same feeling he gets when he sees chuuya in danger, when he sees him broken and in pain. the desire to protect.
the next set of pictures are new to him. it's chuuya growing up. he couldn't protect him, he couldn't whisk him away to some secret countryside where he would never know his origins. he's lonely and lost. he's like verlaine. he never wanted chuuya to be like him. the next photo makes the blond pause. it's a picture when he was training chuuya. the teenager is serious, concentrating on flattening his opponent with all of his strength. and verlaine is smiling with something light and lively in his eyes. this is when he had found is love for teaching.
chuuya's wedding at had been a special day. even if he didn't trust dazai -- as no smart person would -- verlaine could not deny the happiness he gave chuuya. he remembers talking to the boss after the two had gotten engaged, demanding answers and making mild threats because chuuya's heart must be protected. and that brilliant, cunning bastard dazai had said the one thing he had needed to say to make verlaine understand: chuuya is a lot like rimbaud, isn't he? verlaine stares down at the picture, at the way chuuya has his arm hooked around his brother so he cannot flee from the photo. he's grinning; they both are now. even if his initial plan had failed so steal a258 had failed, chuuya still ended up happy.
the last photo is one verlaine has never seen before and yet it is of him and chuuya. sneaky dazai, he is the only one capable of taking a photo of someone as paranoid as verlaine. he's in the middle of braiding his hair with chuuya looking up at him with fingers messily trying to copy him with his own fiery locks. it's so terribly mundane for a port mafia executive and the former king of assassin's. but isn't that the point? to have something gentle and boring and brotherly in their lives?
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verlaine catches the documents as they begin to slip out. he looks at them curiously before realization of what they are slowly melts onto his face. " chuuya. " these emotions within him, swirling like a storm, how could someone ever write code for what he is experiencing? when verlaine had pulled chuuya from that black liquid into the world, when he found the conviction to save him from this life of pain, part of verlaine had wanted to stay with chuuya in that quiet village. even then he had felt the connection between them; the same connection that had verlaine calling chuuya brother when they met again nine years later. all this time, that fierceness in his heart, had it been a longing? a longing for a family? a longing now held in his grasp in the form of adoption papers?
family, not only in feeling, but in right. family, despite verlaine's inhumanness. family, despite them both know what they truly are. he reacts before he can think, pulling chuuya into a hug and holding the young man against his chest. he isn't frail or small anymore -- chuuya has grown up and has found a life for himself. one that is still full of bloodshed but can also be real and true. a life he now invites verlaine to be a part of. what a beautiful birthday present: to have a place to belong.
" merci, mon frère. je serai heureuse d’être ta famille. "
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videogamelover99 · 11 months
Guys Chuuya's feelings toward Dazai must be so absolutely incomprehensible right? Right??
Like, you meet this kid who insults you and acts all intellectually superior and then turns around and defends you in front of your friends. Is like "Let's kill this dude together" after which you demand him explain why he's so gung ho about living suddenly, and seem to be satisfied with his answer?? So you put your life in this asshole kid's hands and he comes through. You did it. You defeated the bad guy.
Then this kid turns about and reveals he was playing you and your friends the whole time, and blackmails you with your friends' lives (friends who stabbed you literally in the back like 10 seconds ago, it was a really shitty day). You join the mafia but you pretend somehow you did it of your own volition and not because of the manipulations of this kid.
Fast forward a year later, you make new genuine friends who die immediately by some French asshole trying to control your life, and the shitty manipulative kid is back, saves you from imploding on yourself and carries you all the way to your dying friends so you could say goodbye, running off before you can stop him. Goes completely AWOL when you need him for your plan to kill the French asshole, shows up AGAIN to the place you'd just been tortured in. You decide the only reasonable way to deal with this is to tie him to a pole and spin him around until he's sick, and he 100% agrees. You come up with a plan to finally beat the French asshole. Oops the plan backfires. Now you gotta trust the shitty manipulative kid with your life so you can save the city and maybe the world. Somehow everything works out.
Oh, not to mention the horrible hallucinations you had of this kid claiming you're just like him.
He caused your friends to abandon you. He plays arcade games with you every Sunday. He is the worst version of yourself. He is a menace. You trust him with your life. He claims to want to brainwash you into being your maid. He drew you into the mafia only to ditch you three years later. How Chuuya doesn't have an aneurysm every time Dazai is mentioned I don't know.
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chuuyaxsupremacy9 · 21 days
Chuuya: is mad at Dazai and is cursing him in french
Dazai, totally whipped: stop being so mean to me or I swear I'm gonna fall in love with you
Atsushi: OH MY GOD
Akutagawa, eating popcorn: there they go again
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cloudysleepingzone · 7 months
Heya^^ could we possibly get some romantic hcs about dazai, atsushi, and possibly fyodor with a artist s/o, they sometimes doodle on unimportant papers when the meetings are way too boring for them , and sometimes when they have free time they draw their lover in their sketchbook, maybe a painting or two of their lover <3 anyways love your writing and don't forget to hydrate! Have a wonderful day or night!!
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BSD with an Artist S/O
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Decided to add Chuuya and Tecchou due to a very similar request!
Contents : Dazai, Atsushi, Fyodor, Chuuya and Tecchou x Reader (separate), gender neutral reader (they/them used), fluff, suggestive for Dazai's part and sorta Tecchuu? Not really. Pet Names.
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Dazai Osamu
Doesn't matter what your drawing, he's watching.
Can you blame him though? He just loves watching his lover just doing something they enjoy!
If you draw him he will start acting like a dramatic prince for a solid 10 minutes.
"(Name), draw me like one of your French girls~"
You sit quietly at your desk, the surface covered with your sketchbook and a handful of pencils and pens. "Belllaaa~!" Though your peace is interrupted by your loving boyfriend trying to get out of doing his job again. "What are you drawing beautiful?" He leans over you, his arms wrapping around you from behind as he props his chin on your shoulder. The sketchbook page had small doodles of the two of you, mostly just small cute doodles of holding hands, Dazai tilts his head slight to the side, pressing a kiss to the side of your neck. "You know, if you need any ideas you could always draw us with less clothes~"
Atsushi Nakajima
Our sweet boy
He's so supportive of your work he loves seeing the look on your face when you make something your proud of
You draw him? Oh boy...he can't even form words
"You're getting even better sweetheart, you keep improving!"
Your a mess, your finger tips covered in different shades of blue and grey, just like the tip of your paintbrush. Atsushi was behind the canvas, laying comfortably on your shared bed with a soft smile on his lips. "Am I doing alright? I'm not moving too much?" He was doing an amazing job. A perfect job. "Your doing good sweetheart, I'm almost done". You've drawn him from memory plenty of times before, but it feels so much more romantic with him right in front of you. "You look really pretty when your focused..." He mumbles under his breath, even if your the one painting him, he's the one doing the most admiring <3
Fyodor Dostoevsky
To a non familiar eye he seems completely uninterested or even annoyed at your interests. But that's far from true
He adores your work though he sucks at showing it
Got a piece you're really proud of? Yep he's putting it in a fancy frame
You? Drawing him? Aren't you just a sweetheart...
It was already late at night, the curtains had been drawn and you were currently in the shower. Meanwhile your husband Fyodor was already dressed in something more comfortable and was waiting for his dear. Fyodors finger tips gently run over the cover of your current sketch book, which laid on top of a desk in your shared bedroom. He picks up the sketchbook, flipping through the pages slowly before a certain page catches his eye, a page seemingly dedicated to just him. His normally cold and hard gaze softens a bit at the sight, some being full line art and color and others being simple messy doodles. His admiring is interrupted by the sound of the bathroom door opening. "Sweetheart what are you doing?". Your husband gently closes your sketchbook, setting it down onto the expensive hard work surface. "Just admiring your work my dear..."
Chuuya Nakahara
New art supplies? He's buying it. You want a new set of expensive as hell paint brushes? Pfft, pocket change.
If you even mention getting into a new form of art he's already handing you his credit card without another question.
"It looks pretty already doll, make sure to show me when it's done yea?"
Like Fyodor, he puts his favorite pieces in fancy frames <3
You walk into Chuuya's at home office, not bothering to knock (not like he minds) "Chuuya, I finished that painting you wanted to see!" He slowly turns his chair around, a small smirk on his face, completely ignoring his task of sorting through files for now. "Let me see it babe". You turn the canvas around, showing him your paintwork you've spent a few weeks on. He stand from his seat, walking up to you and placing a gloved hand on your cheek, planting a loving kiss on the other. "It looks beautiful sweetheart, just like you. I'll be hanging it up." Chuuya had already started a small selection of your art that was displayed in fancy gold and silver frames over a fireplace, in the style as if they were million dollar paintings. To him they may as well be, to him your art is priceless. Your priceless.
Tecchou Suehiro
You could make something weird and he'll like it
He will just silently watch you draw whatever, doesn't matter what.
"That looks good sweetheart"
Drawing him? God I don't know if his heart can take something so sweet!
Here you are, sitting on your boyfriend's back while he does sit ups. It was actually pretty normal at this point. The only sounds in the room was the huffs coming from Tecchuu throat and the sounds of pencil scratching against paper. "Hm...maybe I should draw you like this, it would be pretty good anatomy practice" you quickly sketch up some messy line art you can fix later, shifting slightly to show Tecchuu. "Huff Looks good" Despite the slight strain in his muscles he's able to respond pretty easily. I get up from your seat on his back, letting him get up with a groan before stretching his arms. Moving your pencil back to the paper, you continue to look from your boyfriend to the paper back and forth. "This is a bit better" you your sketch book around, it was just a simple sketch of his muscular figure but it was like fine art in his eyes. "You've been improving a lot haven't you?"
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lotus-pear · 10 months
i'd like to think chuuya knows bits of french to some extent bc rimbaud would often randomly exclaim smth or mumble to himself in his native tongue and chuuya would overhear and pick up the little phrases and store it in the back of his mind unconsciously bc of his intrinsically observant nature, only for those phrases to resurface again when he's fighting verlaine and verlaine goes "sacre bleu!" or some shit and chuuya's like "Oh. OH. IVE HEARD THAT BEFORE...WASNT THAT WHAT SUB EXEC RANDOU ALWAYS USED TO SAY...." and verlaine completely halts with a nebulous expression on his face before going "who?????"
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anticidic · 5 months
headcanon that Chuuya's fluent in French, so when he came to Meursault to break Dazai out, Dazai has to rely on him to translate so long as they're there. And sometimes Chuuya will just slip in French here and there to flex on Dazai, because Dazai has no idea what he's saying so he's like ??? are you trying to start a fight, Chuuya?
but who knows—Chuuya could be cursing him out in French or talking about how nasty the prison is.
Also headcanon that Chuuya sometimes purposefully mistranslates French to Japanese to mess with Dazai
Dazai's looking for the exit but the signs are all in French, Chuuya directs him to a bathroom instead and is like oh, oops, misread that word, I guess
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tachiharastanacc · 4 months
Heyyyy love your posts
I thought about this after I read someone else’s post ( I think they called him tragic little f@ck? Not sure)
Imagine after hd reveal, port mafia starts to think back of all tachi’s behavior and words, then it hits them holy fuck this kid has some issues.
Like, there was a time when he tried to ignore his bleeding leg because ‘we got a mission and that is much more important nee-san!’ Or he was very scared of medica examination and when it ended, he asked so baffled ‘..that’s it?’ And I’m fairly sure he at least once said ‘orders make me who I am’ in front of others-probably gin of hirotsu-and they were just like oh, he’s very loyal. But now that they know how young he was when he joined the hunting dogs, they can’t help but feel bitter about that sentence. I think the reason tachi is desperate to follow orders are not only because government shaped him into perfect soldier, but he was desperate for love, affection and approval. Like, his parents told him they wished him dead instead of his brother! That is something sure will leave a scar on a CHILD.
I rlly want tachihara to learn how to be human again with the port mafia. Black lizards and chuuya probably will be the biggest help because, tachi is closest to black lizards-I think hirotsu will be able to be a father tachi never had-and chuuya has been through this. He knows how he’s feeling. Black lizards will be his family, his emotional support. And chuuya will be there, guiding him through the little things-that is normal as breathing to others but so, so foreign for him(them)-and tachihara feel so understood.
(Whoops rambled..if this does not make sense, pls don’t be mad!)
I’m furious actually /j
No, I just completely forgot I had an inbox lol. But yes!! I agree!!
I think the idea of them questioning everything they knew about him also is super interesting. Because they all saw him one way (reckless, brave, a lil dense sometimes), and everything is different when he comes back.
There’s a level of ‘was this all an act’ that takes a bit to get over. But at the end of the day, it’s still their Tachi, just a different side of him. Personally, Hirotsu specifically wouldn’t mind the quiet if he wasn’t worried out of his gosh darn mind.
Also, he 100% picks up on just how much telling Tachihara he’s proud of him affects him when Tachi isn’t trying really hard to act unbothered and cool.
Chuuya just assigning him self reluctant older brother even tho it was fully his idea. Verlaine’s kinda there too, but he doesn’t really know how to approach him in a way that won’t scar him for life (again) so he kinda just follows him around occasionally like some kind of depressed French cryptid.
This is 100% more terrifying than if he just approached him bc Tachihara fully is aware that he’s been stalking him and is convinced he plans on assassinating him.
Please always ramble to me abt Tachi and his families please lol
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dinaanana · 8 months
What If Verlaine Trained Teenager!Reader?
the Character is from Stormbringer Novel
synopsis: Fluff/Crack
Paul Verlaine x Teenager!Reader (Platonic!)
(He's so pretty)
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(Pretend you're Also a stormbringer Character aswell)
So first of all This Man is strict asf. so Brace Yourselves
(Didn't he also Train Kyouka and Gin? Yeah)
There's no problem with training you either
If you already know Any type of Martial Arts or MMA he's Glad to hear that.
When he Looks at you working out and f you do Something he doesn't like? You get the exercises wrong? He's making you Do 50 Push ups 50 Sit Ups and yeah☠️
And if you're still lazy Then you'll be doing 100 instead of 50 (He is really nice isn't he)
(Obv he trains You in his musty ass Basement)
Sometimes Chuuya Watches As His big Brother Trains you He's just Standing there like 🧍 while you're fighting for your own Life
And when you look at him with Tired eyes and drenched In sweat Asking for Help? he just Smirks and Shakes his Head
Verlaine doesn't care about Your age if you're young or not if you think that you're young and he's gonna go easy on you Nah you're wrong .
You're Training to be an Assassin for the Port mafia. After all
Not only he teaches you martial arts but he also teaches you how to use A gun a Knife Anything for self defence
''Oh my god I'm tired'' You whine as you Lay on your back all sweaty and breathing heavily
'Did I hear something?'' He Looks down At your lying form
''I- no-'' You know what's coming Next.
''Im not deaf,You're doing 100 push ups and 100 sit ups Right now.'' He Says in Stern tone with his French accent
We also Know that To become an Assasin you have to get used to Alot of Gore.
I mean You gotta see some Gorey shit everyday You're a Mafioso After all.
Training with him is Bit Intense
But you'll become Stronger and It boosts your confidence Everyday Around other Ppl soo It's worth it 100%
You're literally being trained By king of Assassin's how could you not be strong I mean.. you can knock Down 10 Grown men With Just Using your fists
After Years of training He asks you to have Hand to hand combat With Him
Well you put up A great right but you still lose ''You may not win against me But you put Up a great fight.Thing The Members older than you in Port Mafia can't do..'' He Says
(Bro the things I'll do To be trained by This Man omg I don't mean it cuz I simp for him and not in A creepy way tho☠️)
After Training for like Years You go on your first Mission and guess what
When you come back With the mission accomplished
You go down in the basement to tell him the News but he already knows That,Ge Comes near you looking down at you and He Pats u on Shoulder ''Good Job.'' with His French accent.
He's like a Proud dad when his Kid Gets high score in elementary school omg
He also Tells you to read books (If you don't like reading them) He'll tell you That Assasin Are suppose to be Smart and not dumb Like you (Not to Insult you just to Get you to read Them)
You agree after that and ask him what type Of books you shall read and he Suggest you to read Some detective Books By Some Authors Like Agatha Christie and etc.
And if you already read Alot of books? he praises you and tells you you're doing Great
(Except If you read Wattpad stories ☠️)
Training with him is Amazing but Very I mean very exhausting even thought you Barely Can walk after all the Exercises and Training
Id rate him
10/10 tho
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suphelii · 8 months
BSD Totally Hateful Bickering Prompts - PT 1.
“Can’t you use your ability to break the chains?”
“You’re handcuffed to me, asshole. I can’t fucking use it.”
“Oh, so you’re just good for nothing, huh?”
“Good for nothing?!”
(chuuya and dazai get caught for a short period)
“Is your life threatened?”
“Is your life gonna be threatened?”
The phone is hung up.
“Chuuya, go, go, go!!”
“I don’t know how to fucking drive!!”
“Hey, kid, the middle school’s just a bit further down the road.”
“Why you—!”
(also would make sense in a high school/modern au!)
“They have the good shit!” [wine]
“How did you realize that from the color alone?”
“You done with your wine?”
“No, I’m not done with my wine— Chuuya!”
“Gimme your wine…”
“Dazai, do you wanna pet the dog?”
“No, I don’t want to pet your mutt.”
“He’s not a mutt! He’s a purebreed!”
“He’s purebred? Probably has some sort of disability.”
“You have some sort of disability…”
(chuuya finally gets a dog)
“How long do I have to wear this stupid thing?”
“Mm, 30 minutes.”
“I’ll kill you in 35.”
(chuuya loses another arcade game. bonus points if it’s fifteens!!)
“Which one do you want?”
“I don’t want any of them.”
“Can i have the pink unicorn plushie?”
“No, don’t give me the fucking pink unicorn plushie!”
(chuuya and dazai carnival stake out mission/date)
“Woah, looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today.”
“I didn’t even wake up IN a bed.”
“Why don’t you like speaking French?”
“Cause it’s a garbage language for garbage people.”
“Chuuya says that, as he is half-French.”
(would make more sense in a modern, no-powers au where they still ‘hate’ each other.)
[X] "Won't Dazai get embarrassed?"
[C] "Please, the second coming of Christ will happen sooner than that fish-face getting embarrassed.
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Finally caved and did my perceived timeline of what happened to Chuuya, from being brought into the lab for project Arahabaki to being taken out of it.
I originally thought about mentioning it in my Chuuya's true original ability being to amplify others' abilities post, but it was way too long, and not as solid an argument to that specific topic.
Because this is about Chuuya being the original, not the clone, but more importantly the why and how that is the case.
Chuuya's humanity is the core question of SB, and the most important part is that in the end, Chuuya chose to accept himself despite it all, and that no matter what, he is himself and no one can take that away from him.
But once we have been given all the pieces of the puzzle, we can try connecting the dots and deduce the true story behind it all.
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Project Arahabaki was built to create an ability weapon based on the recovered notes of Pan, a French researcher and Verlaine's creator. The technique uses the clone of a human with a "fake" psyche (persona model) who is fused with a singularity life-form. The clone's original should have an ability able to create a self-referencing singularity (to manifest gravity powers). Pan even had a special ability metal to brainwash that individual. Basically, this concept is supposed to create an overpowered flesh puppet.
So. Project Arahabaki. They needed an original with an ability that could produce a singularity on its own, which is super rare. Joy oh joy, there just so happen to be this boy, the son of a military doctor, who fits these needs! They just need his DNA/some cells to create a clone to use in their project. It's the middle of the war, ethics are disregarded, plus no "real child" should be harmed in the making of this weapon. No biggie, right? Lend us your son for the sake of the country!
Except we know that boy, officially at least, died during the war.
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According to N's timeline, there once was this certain boy who managed to create a singularity with his ability while under the supervision of scientists, but got swallowed by the black hole it created, never to return.
He also had Chuuya's supposed "original" stuck in a tube full of mystery liquid, the same kind Chuuya once was in, but that one's flesh and organs melted when exposed to air (normal behaviour), changing it into a skeleton that can be ordered around like an overpowered puppet (literally on strings. The tubes in its back controlled it and kept it going, but would severely limit its range)
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Back to our Chuuya:
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All N does is lie, so we can't take his word as the simple truth. Chuuya was a miracle they never managed to reproduce. Why is that?
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In Rimbaud's notes, he says how in their operation to retrieve the new ability weapon Japan was developing (based on Verlaine), they managed to identify the artificial being, aka the clone, A2-5-8. In the flashback, Rimbaud is absolutely positive it is him, so we have to assume this information was recorded as-is somewhere.
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And yet, Dazai is the one to suggest later that, perhaps, the original and the clone had been swapped.
And wouldn't that make everything else make sense?
The clone(s) never managed to hold up to the quality standard necessary to be useful outside of their confines. The skeleton approach was the lab trying something different, like N admitted so to Verlaine. There ever only was one successful attempt, a "miracle", Chuuya. The original child is thought to be dead, yet N the liar supposedly had him in a tube, ready to turn him into a skeleton(???). Rimbaud and Verlaine thought for sure they had the artificial life-form, the clone, but they got Chuuya, who has a graphite scar from before he lost his memories, with a past that was able to be dug up by the Flags and Port Mafia.
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My conclusion is this: N swapped out a clone for the original child. His research wasn't giving the proper results, but he had found a workaround, where he could use the original instead of his clone, for better/faster results.
Chuuya is the only one who could harness "Arahabaki" in any way that would remotely resemble "Guivre". Chuuya is the only one who could operate autonomously. That's why N wanted to remove "Arahabaki" and try to factory-reset Chuuya before putting it back in: because there really is only one of him, and he couldn't afford losing him if he wanted to continue his research.
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fyodior · 2 years
au calme clair de lune triste et beau
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pairing: paul verlaine x reader
cw: vaginal sex, cunnilingus, fem pet names, creampie, french people
notes: first verlaine fic yay! its very fluffy and sweet bc i needed verlaine to cosplay being a nice person ♡ huge thank you to @amythedemisimp for helping me with the tiny bit of french so i didnt look like a complete idiot ♡♡ much love
wc: 2k
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“Mmm, good morning, darling,” Verlaine mumbled into your hair as he felt you stir next to him. 
You barely heard him, brain still foggy from only just opening your eyes, but smiled as he wrapped his long arms tighter around your waist. He snaked his hands under the baggy t-shirt you were wearing to press his warm hands against your skin, making you giggle. You intertwined your fingers with his that were resting on your stomach pulling him even closer to you. Nothing ever made you feel safer and more at peace than when you were wrapped in Verlaine’s arms, especially on lazy mornings like this. 
It was the weekend, and you had no idea what time it was, could only see the growing sunlight filtering in through the curtains of the large bay window, and the snores of your cat still curled up in his bed in the corner of the room. The thick comforter draped over you was all tangled up around the two of you as a remnant of Verlaine’s slightly violent sleeping habits, and you laughed quietly to yourself as you remember being woken up at least twice by clumsy flopping and kicking and the incoherent conversations he had with himself in his sleep. 
“What are you laughing about?” he asked, voice deep and scratchy. Though he sounds accusatory, you could feel his toothy smile against the back of your neck as he snuggled closer to you.
“Oh, nothing,” you teased. “Just the 30 minute long argument you seemed to be having with Chuuya in your sleep last night. Brotherly love at its finest.”
“Oh, really? What were we fighting about?”
“I'm not really sure, I think he was asking for your approval to propose to Dazai, and you were so not on board.” Verlaine chuckled. “There were plenty of slurred exclamations of ‘Chuuya, you idiot!’ and intense groaning.” 
“Definitely sounds like how that would go down.” 
You felt the deep, comforting grumble of his chest as he laughed, and thought about how much you wished you could freeze this moment and live in it forever. The warmth radiating from his skin and the way his body melded perfectly against yours, all in the hushed quiet of a morning with no alarms or schedules to meet. 
Verlaine tugged on your waist a bit as a signal to look at him, and you flopped over on your side to gaze dreamily into his silvery-blue eyes. 
“Hi, pretty,” he whispered, a lopsided smile spreading across his face. You blushed and smiled back, somehow still flustered at his flirting after all this time. 
He rested a hand on your bare hip as he slowly leaned in to press a soft kiss to your lips, and you sighed contentedly into it. You reached up to gently run your hands through his silky, long blonde hair that you only ever got to see down at night. It started out as a gentle kiss, but your involuntary groans as his familiar lips moved against yours encouraged Verlaine, dipping his tongue into your mouth. He looked at you sideways when you groaned again but pulled back, wrinkling your nose. 
“I love you, but your morning breath tastes pretty bad,” you giggled, making him roll his eyes.
“Guess I’ll have to kiss somewhere else, then,” he said with a tone of feigned defeat. 
Before your still-foggy head could process what he said, Verlaine was all of a sudden flipping you onto your back and snaking between your legs, spreading them and kissing at the soft skin of your inner thighs. All you did was smile and let your head fall back against the pillow.
“No protest?” he asked, words muffled.
“None at all.”
Verlaine happily went back to working on your thighs, biting softly as he worked his way upward. Once he got where he wanted to be he made eye contact with you before slowly shimmying your panties down your  legs, leaving you naked from the waist down. Placing your legs over his shoulders for better access, you moaned in anticipation of what was to come. 
Now he was pressing light kisses to your outer lips, running his tongue up and down your slit. He used two fingers to spread you open, staring mesmerized for just a moment at your quickly moistening pussy. Just the sight of Verlaine buried in between your legs, mouth on you alone was enough to get you dripping. His arms wrapped around your thighs, hands coming to rest on your pelvis before leaning further in, using his tongue to gather up some of the slick that had already begun trickling out of you. You could feel the mmmmm he grumbled against your pussy as he tasted you. 
Finally, he dipped his tongue inside you, pulling a deep moan from your throat as he flicked his tongue expertly against your clit, his hot mouth feeling heavenly against your already pulsing pussy. 
“Oh, god, Paul,” you whined.
He smiled before wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking as he continued to circle his tongue around it, reminding you that he knew your body better than anyone else. Verlaine knew exactly how to touch you and push your buttons to have you melting in his hands, and he happily put this knowledge to good use.
He soon dipped his head lower to lap up more of your juices, while dragging his tongue through your folds. Verlaine tapped your thigh to get you to look him in the eyes before he slid his tongue into your hole, pleased with the gasps and moans tumbling out of your mouth. He would’ve smirked if his mouth weren’t full of your pussy. Then it’s Verlaine who’s gasping as your hands found their way into his hair and tug, fingernails scratching at his scalp. Desperate to ride his tongue, he had to hold down your hips as you involuntarily thrusted into his mouth.
Unwrapping one of his arms from your legs so he could palm himself through his boxers, Verlaine shivered at the friction against his growing erection. His tongue pumped in, out, and around your hole as he pulled his cock out and circled his fist around it.
“P-Paul,” you gasped. He looked up at you, eyes dark and sultry and face covered in saliva and slick. “Make love to me, please.”
Verlaine lifted his mouth off of you before nodding wordlessly, crawling from between your legs to hover over you. All of your labored breaths were swallowed as he once again pressed his lips against yours, melding your mouths together.
“You like tasting yourself?”  he asked. All you did was kiss him back hungrily.
The kiss was messy, all teeth and tongue and drool as your hands clumsily snaked down his body to tug at the waistband of his boxers, signaling him to pull away so he could undress. You were both fully naked now, your old sleep shirt having been thrown off a while ago, and you relished in the intimacy of the moment. The intimacy of knowing exactly how to make your lover feel good and doing exactly that, of showing love unabashedly, fully exposed and on display for each other. You trusted Verlaine with your entire being.
Not many words were needed as you could read each other’s minds and bodies better than your favorite books, and it felt only natural as he positioned the two of you, pestering you regularly over if you were comfortable or not.
Verlaine peppered sweet kisses all over your face as he hovered over you, and you laughed as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Ready, ma chérie?” he asked in his typical sultry, sexy voice. You bit your lip and smiled in response.
He leaned back so he run his cock through your folds to gather some slick, making you cry out as the tip nudged your swollen clit. Then he was lining himself up with your hole before slowly pushing in. Your breath hitched as you struggled to stretch around his thick length, eyes screwed shut.
“Doing so, so good for me, beautiful,” Verlaine whispered as encouragement, each word punctuated with a chaste kiss to your lips, cheeks, or forehead.
Your legs came to wrap tightly around his thin waist as he bottomed out, and you couldn’t help the cries you let out. He stayed still for a moment, balls resting heavily against your ass, as you adjusted your hips to try and encourage the tight ring of muscle to relax. Verlaine was always so patient with you, so sweet and accommodating, and it made your heart swell.
Once you gave him a silent nod and smile of approval, he hiked your legs further up his waist before slowly pulling back out, eyes focused on you and your expression the whole time. Pulling all the way out so only the tip was still inside, he thrusted back into you with a little more speed, prompting a high-pitched moan from you. The feeling of being completely filled by your lover was so comforting yet so intoxicating, and you clenched hard around his length.
“More!” you groaned.
“Of course.”
Verlaine’s lips attached to your neck and sucked at the sensitive skin underneath your jaw as he slowly began to build up a rhythm, the wet friction of his thrusts sending pleasure coursing through your veins with every movement.
He held your body close to his as he fucked you and cherished the moment. All of his senses were on fire: the sounds and smells of sex and sweat, the lingering taste of your pussy, and the sight of you clinging onto him as you cried out his name.
“Ma p’tite minette,” he whispered into your ear, French accent thick. “Je t'aime.”
My little kitten. You whined at the words, returning a garbled je t’aime back to him while he pumped his cock in and out of you.
You could tell Verlaine was getting close to cumming as you felt his cock throb inside you, and your suspicions were confirmed as his pace increased.
“Inside, please,” you groaned, and he knew exactly what you meant.
His hand slithered between your bodies and used his slim fingers to rub circles over your throbbing, neglected clit. You immediately cried out at the touch, hips bucking wildly into the touch as your senses were overwhelmed. It didn’t take long for you to cum, whines, screams, and cries of his name all falling past your lips as your orgasm spread from your core to your fingers and toes.
The cream that had gathered on his cock amplified the dirty squelching noises in the room, and Verlaine was grunting and fucking into you hard as he chased his own high. You tensed the walls of your pussy tight around his cock to encourage him, and soon he was moaning as he spilled his hot cum inside you, eyes screwed shut as he was overtaken by his own orgasm.
Verlaine pulled out of you slowly, falling down next to you on the bed as you both attempted to catch your breath. Upset at the distance, you flopped back over, throwing your arms around his neck and burying your face into his chest. He chuckled as he caught you, holding you close while he ran his fingertips softly up and down your back.
The light shining through the window was brighter now, and you could hear birds chirping from outside. Everything was still, everything was peaceful, and you felt safe being held tight by your lover.
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skkfujoshi · 1 month
Please,please,don’t prove I’m right
“Are you sure this is wise?”Akutagawa asked tossing Chuuya his motorcycle helmet “If you wanted to go with Dazai,you should’ve piped up before I left.” “I don’t ask for Dazai’s benefit,I ask for yours.”
Chuuya chuckled,leaning on the bike.
“Do you doubt my abilities?” “You’ve only used it in combat by yourself twice before.And both times you were bedridden for almost a week.” “…That is true.” “And Dazai’s our enemy now.If he feels it more beneficial to let you die…Despite Fukuzawa’s orders,he’ll surely do so.”
Chuuya sighed.He couldn’t say he didn’t consider that.A lot has changed between them after all.Dazai no longer had any affection or obligation towards him,he’d hardly feel the need.
And Ahrahabaki,try as they both might,still drained a lot out of him with corruption.Chuuya was in control of it now,much more precise then before but that only meant he felt the pain the whole time.Granted,being exhausted but conscious enough to get into a cab by yourself was a big improvement over passing out immediately,but still.
“Dazai values his new life far too much to risk it over something so petty.”he said,decisively “Still…Perhaps I should come with you.” “No.I made a deal and you don’t change those last minute.You wait here and hold the fort.”
Akutagawa frowned but nodded.Chuuya gestured for him to come over and wrapped one arm around him,Akutagawa’s arm coming to do much the same though a tad more stiffly.
“If I don’t come back you know where to find my will.” “…Right.Good luck,boss.” “Hopefully I won’t need it.”
“And on the bike too?Do you do that for all the guys or am I just special?” “Especially annoying,more like.”Chuuya said, tossing Dazai the helmet as he parked in front of the Agency building  “Still the only one you have?” “What are you gonna do detective?Bitch at me about traffic laws?”
They held eye contact and for a moment Chuuya thought Dazai might actually scold him.
But he didn’t,simply shrugging and putting the helmet on
“I don’t care about laws which don’t apply to me.Step on it,boss.”he said,throwing his leg over the bike’s side and wrapping his arms around Chuuya’s waist.
Chuuya obliged,stepping on the gas,using one of his hands to grab Dazai’s shoulder.
“Try jumping off and I’ll bring you back just to kill you again.”
Dazai simply tightened his hold on Chuuya in response.
“A verbal response would’ve been just as good.” “Yeah,but I’m a liar so would you have really believed me?” “Touché.” “Don’t you mean-“ “I know what I meant and don’t you dare try to correct me,because if you try I will cut your tongue out for insulting the French language as a whole.”
“Jeez…If you liked France so much,maybe you should’ve stayed there.”
It was rare that Chuuya agreed with Dazai.But he’d give him that one.
“Then Yumeno would still be in a cell.” “Exactly,win win for everyone.”
Chuuya might’ve made a bit too sudden of a swerve at that,causing Dazai to cling to him for dear life.
“What the hell were you thinking!You could’ve gotten us both killed!” “Sorry,Dazai-san,slip of the hand.”
Dazai grumbled but seemingly knew better than to continue an argument when Chuuya was the one making sure they didn’t crash.
“So,detective,what’s the plan?” “Operation Pufferfish and Bull.” “Are we using the explosion as a distraction or in a more offensive manner?” “Distraction.Those two survived getting hit by a truck.I’d rather not take my chances with anything long range.Besides,it’ll be easier to get Q out that way.And the easier that goes,the faster I get out of your presence.” “For once we’re in agreement,Dazai-san.However…Do you really think that close range would be much better?”
He didn’t need to turn to know the smug smirk that now surely played on Dazai’s lips.
“No matter how powerful the ability,mine can nullify it.Didn’t we learn that a long time ago, slug?”
Chuuya bit his own lower lip in response,tamping down a smug smile of his own.
“Something funny?” “Oh,you’ll see.I’d hate to ruin it.”
He was gonna see Dazai get smacked by a giant octopus and for free at that.
“You still like calamari,right?” “Yeah.”
There was a pause and he could feel Dazai’s eyes narrow at him in suspicion.Surprise,surprise,the bastard who messes with people   can tell when you mess with him.
“Why?” “No reason.”
The premise of the Pufferfish and Bull strategy was rather simple.
Him and Dazai would split up,with Chuuya taking one of the enemies down from high up in whichever manner he saw fit.Once he’s done with that,Dazai will set off a bomb he planted earlier which will set the person pursuing him in the wrong direction.
Silmutaneously,it will serve as a signal to Chuuya to go in the direction opposite the sound of the bomb where Dazai will be able to pick him up,driving them in the direction they needed to go on Chuuya’s motorcycle.
Use to be one of Chuuya’s favourite strategies.
Keyword being use to be because only someone with a crush on Dazai would ever find the man’s utter inability to balance a motorcycle cute or endearing in any way.
Chuuya adjusted his former partner’s posture a bit lower,finally allowing Dazai to keep the bike straight.
“If you dent this bike you will get-“ “A new dent on my skull for every dent I make,mark your words.I know.”Dazai finished
Chuuya glared at him,but he wasn’t really sure why.He should probably be grateful that he didn’t have to waste his breath on explaining such a simple concept,yet…
There was something in this that made the shiver refuse to go down his spine.Instead it just…lingered,unresolved.
Maybe it was how quick Dazai was to parrot Chuuya’s words.As if they were last heard a few hours ago instead of four years. 
It also didn’t help matters that under the tree dimmed moonlight Dazai’s beige coat could almost be mistaken for black.
It was an oddly surreal situation,like walking in on a memory .He was half expecting to feel a literal rug being pulled out from under him,as if it were all some sick joke.
He turned on his heel,ignoring the twisting in his chest .
“Chuuya,one more thing.” “Hmm?” “Don’t fuck it up or I’ll haunt you from beyond the grave.” “…Not if I do it first.”he said,before activating his ability 
“When were you planning to tell me that the tentacles weren’t an ability !?”Dazai asked/screamed over the sound of the motorcycle  driving at top speed “Slow down!You’re driving over the roots,dipshit!” “Relax,the kid’s probably unconscious.Even if you let go of me,you’ll be fine.Now back to the important-“
Chuuya turned Dazai’s head back towards the road.
“Eventually!Eyes on the road!”
Surprisingly,Dazai managed to avoid the tree not just entirely but smoothly,performing a perfect donut inches away from the small cabin like house’s entrance as Chuuya screamed on the top of his lungs.
“Oh my God…”Dazai muttered,almost in awe “Yeah,oh my God,you nearly killed us!” “No,I mean…You still scream like a little girl.” “Why you-“
Before the insult could leave Chuuya’s mouth,they were interrupted by the sound of trees falling.Lovecraft realized the trick and he was advancing on them quick.
“Wanna finish that thought?” “…Some other day.Take out the keys.”
Dazai obliged and the two stood silent as they dismounted and Chuuya kicked the door open.
Except,of course,a silent Dazai never remained too long.
“So,what do you plan to do about the octopus back there?” “What do you think I’ll do?”
He expected Dazai to throw out a crazy idea,just for shits and giggles but no such luck.
“Corruption?”he asked,low,uncomfortable and uncertain 
Chuuya nodded.
“I’ll try to stay close by then.We don’t know for how much time you can handle it.Best we don’t risk it.”
A part of him wanted to appreciate that he didn’t have to ask.That Dazai said he’d have his back with essentially with no prompting.The other part of him wasn’t quite so pleased by it.
Because he loathed the assumption,the ego that it took to jump to conclusions.To think that Chuuya was unable to solve his own ability in four years time and that he still needed Dazai.
However,he decided to be civil.
“That won’t be necessary.Well,per say.”he amended awkwardly 
Politely,hopefully,was how it sounded to any ears that weren’t his own.
“Huh?” “Let me put it for you this way,Dazai.You’re insurance.”
A silent beat and a laugh.
Chuuya scowled,staring at Dazai’s back.He took up that particular position,just in case Dazai got any smart ideas and decided to be a bit more direct with putting Yumeno out of his misery.
How he didn’t always loathe Dazai’s laugh was beyond him now.It was hollow and unpleasantly flat.Love truly did make people dumb and deaf,it seemed.
“Don’t be ridiculous,Chuuya.Maybe you used it a little,but that doesn’t mean-“ “I used it in combat twice.And I still stand before you,don’t I?”Chuuya bit
Dazai turned to him and Chuuya flinched.The corpse glare.
Flat,black and lifeless…Just like Chuuya remembered it.Dazai grimaced,though Chuuya suspected it was supposed to be a smile.
“Then tell me,boss,why exactly am I here?” “I told you,Dazai-san,insurance.Just in case.”
Dazai rolled his eyes,picking the lock without even looking at it much.He swung the door open and turned heel,with a shrug.
“Whatever you say,Nakahara-san.”
Chuuya tsked,following closely behind.
They walked into the room and there Yumeno was,unconscious and hung up by vines.Chuuya held back the urge to yelp.However much pain they put him trough,it must’ve made the razor blades look like nothing in comparison.
He went over to touch the side of the boy’s neck.It was faint,but…his heart still seemed to be beating.
Chuuya breathed a sigh of relief.
“You know Chuuya,from a certain angle…This is kinda your fault.”Dazai remarked casually,throwing- “Is that my knife!?” “Possibly.”
He didn’t pay Chuuya’s glare any mind as he walked past him and held the knife up right over Yumeno’s face.
Chuuya pulled out his father’s scalpel,the blade of it ending up at Dazai’s throat.Not close enough to press,but close enough that it would only take a moment to slash the brunette’s throat.
Dazai simply swung the knife into the branches as if nothing happened.
Chuuya blinked,stunned.He sheathed the scalpel back in and watched Dazai work at the wood in silence.
“Thought I was gonna stab him?” “Only an idiot would put much past the Demon prodigy.” “Former.” “…Right.”
The sound of the stabs was blunt as Dazai freed Yumeno’s hand.
“As I said,this is kinda on you.If you didn’t let him out to spite me,none of this would’ve happened.” “Yeah,well me from two years ago didn’t even know the Guild existed.”
Dazai’s hand stilled briefly,before he continued,now freeing Q’s left leg.
“What?” “I let him out two years ago.” “…For all you changed,seems at least your sentimentality remains perfectly intact.” “Sentimentality!?This is basic decency!He was seven when you tossed him in there,Osamu!Seven!What did you think was gonna happen!?”
Dazai fixed him with a look that was arguably much worse than either his smug one or the corpse glare.Annoyance.
As if that concern and fact was below Dazai.As if it wasted his time to even hear it.
“Chuuya,I did what I had to.Even if he were an infant he’d still be a monster.” “Because of his ability.”
Dazai scoffed.
“So you do get it.”he said cutting Yumeno out completely.
He caught the brat before he could hit the floor,tossing him into Chuuya’s semi waiting arms like a human hot potato.
Chuuya adjusted the boy in his arms,carefully cradling the back of his head and holding him close.Like Q deserved it in any way.Like the kid wasn’t the world’s youngest ever sadist.
“Of course .I know what he can do.”Chuuya said,carding his hand trough the kid’s hair
What Chuuya asked him to do on that train.What Chuuya might’ve asked him to do however many times over those elusive two years.
“The only question now is…What do you make of me in that case?”
By the look in Chuuya’s eyes Dazai could tell this was more of a challenge than a genuine question.
There was a flicker there,but it was focused and precise.
Chuuya was prodding Dazai to say,what the brunette now realized,they both knew he was thinking.
After all, it was one thing to internally call someone every horrible thing you could think of,it was another to speak it.To give that thought a form,a sound,an impact.
And a part of Dazai wanted to.Especially after that insurance comment.
Was that all he was to Chuuya now?Just an asset?
Like father,like son.
He scoffed and opened his mouth to speak.But,nothing came out.Something about Chuuya standing there,hair properly red again,eyes darting to Q at the boy’s slightest shiver despite himself made the words dry up on his tongue.
“Simple,it just makes you a human.A really,really stupid human.”
Chuuya glared at him but was interrupted before he could speak.
“Oh great…The brat woke up..”Dazai grumbled
Yumeno’s brows furrowed in confusion,his eyes still just barely open.
“Is-“ “Yeah.Dazai.Insurance.Long story.Are you in pain?”
He weakly shook his head,before pulling on Chuuya’s coat nuzzling into it.
He was cold.No wonder,his circulation was probably screwed with how long he hung there.Unfortunately there was no time to fix that problem.
He looked to Dazai who was staring up at the ceiling,waiting.
Dazai lightly shook his head.Lovecraft was way too close and they couldn’t let themselves get caught in an enclosed space.Chuuya placed Yumeno down carefully and wrapped him in his coat,giving him the sign to wait.
“We’ll be back soon,I promise.”
“Friend of your mind roommate’s?” “More like acquaintances.”
They were staring up at what must’ve been Lovecraft’s truest form and Dazai could only blink.
After 136 murders,312 counts of extortion and 625 cases of fraud,Dazai found not much could shake him.
“Well,I hate to admit it,Chuu,but seems you were right,there’s only one card left to play.”
He tossed Chuuya a look,expecting a brief flash of dread before it transitioned not quite so smoothly into a look of begrudging acceptance.
But no such thing happened.
Instead,Chuuya,seemingly no second thought at all,began taking off his gloves.
“Chuuya?” “What?”
He didn’t seem to find anything strange about it.
“You sure you have no other ideas?” “Nope.As you said,only one card to play.Besides,if I were you I’d worry about Steinbeck.”Chuuya said tilting his head towards the woods.
Dazai raised a brow,but turned his head,one of Steinbeck’s branches nearly going trough his face as he did so .With a sigh,he touched it before it could retract,making it dissapear .
“Seems we both have our parts to play then.”
“What the hell is that?” “That  is the true form of Chuuya’s gift.In his corrupted state he can even create black holes that swallow everything in their path.”Dazai said as he held the knife to Steinbeck’s throat,eyes fixed on Chuuya
It was a bad habit,he supposed.Most people would find something deeply unsettling about corruption,but Dazai was,as time had showed,not most people.
He found it was a lot like watching a storm at sea.It was deadly and he wouldn’t recommend anyone who wasn’t at least half as suicidal as him to get anywhere near it,but..The sheer power and scale of it simply took your breath away.
“Unfortunately,he isn’t in control of himself in that state,so if not stopped,he’ll just lose energy and die.”he continued lightly 
Though…For someone who wasn’t in control or registering much of the bodily pain Dazai knew Chuuya’s body was experiencing,his former partner did seem to be quite a bit more precise and careful than Dazai remembered.
“Let me put it for you this way,Dazai.You’re insurance.”
Was that true?
Surely not.More likely than not,Chuuya only tried to maintain corruption,minus actually doing anything.That sounded a lot more believable.
Just maintaining that state must’ve been a tremendous effort,without the extra exertion of a proper fight.
Chuuya still needed him.He was just being a hardass as usual.
“He seems to heal no matter what Chuuya does to him…Know why that is?”
He tossed Steinbeck a glance,the blonde only looking at him with a smug grin.
“All I can tell you is that there’s no way to destroy Lovecraft from the outside when he’s in that state.” “Outside you say?So you can take him out from the inside?”he said with a smug smile of his own 
Lucky that he had two bombs.And extra lucky that he gave the second one to Chuuya.
Dazai watched the ball of red light form in Chuuya’s hand and grinned as he pressed the detonator.
Oh,how he loved when a plan came together.
As the explosion sounded,Dazai stabbed into Steinbeck’s side.The blonde groaned and Dazai kicked him to the ground,stepping on him on his way to Chuuya just to be safe.
He tried not to run,lest Lovecraft’s human…Shell?Form?Meat suit?Whatever that version of him was,Dazai didn’t want him to know just how on the ropes he had Chuuya moments prior.
Speaking of Chuuya…He seemed oddly composed.Usually once the enemy was defeated he’d go on a rampage,throwing those small black holes with seemingly no reason except for the sake of destruction itself.
Now he was standing in the middle of the battlefield panting like crazy,as his entire body shook.
Dazai’s blood froze in his veins and his stomach dropped.
That shouldn’t be possible…
That’s not how this worked…
Chuuya shouldn’t be concious enough to feel anything.
“Chuuya?”Dazai asked,praying that he wouldn’t get a response
This was the one thing he could count on.The one thing he was sure of.It was just how things were.
Chuuya used corruption,Dazai was the only thing that could get him out.If that wasn’t the only way,Mori wouldn’t have gone with it.
But Mori didn’t have direct contact with a destruction god,did he?
Chuuya turned to him and Dazai stumbled back slightly.His ex partner looked exhausted and in pain.
His teeth were gritted together,sweat pouring down his face and tears held back in the corners of his eyes.But that look of immense effort wasn’t why Dazai stepped away.
It was Chuuya’s eyes,more precisely the fact that his pupils were still there.During corruption his eyes would go milky white,until Dazai touched him.And yet it was two all too clear blue eyes that stared back at him.
Dazai’s knees felt weak,his feet were lead and breathing never felt harder.
“Insurance.” he thought “What a terrible thing to be.”
Chuuya saw the look that was now on Dazai’s face before.Of course he had.You don’t get to be half of the most feared duo in Yokohama without seeing people look absolutely horrified of you.
The same wide eyes,the chalky pallor,the tensed shoulders.All of the signs were there.
Chuuya had stopped taking it personally years ago,even started taking pride it in.After all if it was only gonna keep happening,might as well change tact to a better strategy.
He honestly should have been glad here too.Dazai’s the enemy,if he fears Chuuya,all the better.
Somehow he couldn’t convince himself of that.
His shoulder hurt like hell.His head was drumming terribly…He really didn’t need Dazai’s guilty look after he nullified corruption on top of all that.
“Chuuya?” “What?!”he whisper shouted
He would’ve shouted properly if he wasn’t carrying a sleeping Yumeno.
“How…How did you start talking to it?” “It just sorta happened…”he lied
He knew why.It happened the night he killed Dazai’s ‘murderers’.Same how he blew up the lab in Surubachi,his suffering and internal pain just brought the god out.
“Liar.” “Takes one to know one.”Chuuya spat back,placing Yumeno into the mafia car
Hirotsu,as always,had perfect timing and called it at the exact right time.
Chuuya got in as well,with Dazai closing the door.
“Goodbye ,Dazai.” “Goodbye,Chuuya.”
It was only later that he realized his gloves were missing.
Previous fic part <— Next fic part—>
First overall AU info post
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cloudyyoimiya · 1 year
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To Be Human; Paul Verlaine
Format: Oneshot
Possible warnings: spoilers for Stormbringer and Age 15
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"How do you pronounce your surname?"
Verlaine looked up at you, mildly confused as he tilted his head. He didn't know who you were, nor what your intentions were. You looked like you could have been a mafioso, but something about you was off. You seemed cheerful-happy, even. Verlaine didn't know what to make of it.
Only a few moments ago you had entered the basement with his meal for the afternoon in hand. It looked slightly better than usual. What he was normally given was bland food; rations if you wanted to label it as such. But what you held in your hands was a tray that consisted of a bowl of tomato soup, a small loaf of bread, and herbal tea. It looked beyond appetizing.
"Do you want the English or French pronunciation?"
You placed down the tray of food on the nearby coffee table that was within arms length of the couch that Verlaine was sitting on. After a moment of hesitation Verlaine picked up the tea first and smelled it. It didn't smell like cinnamon, so he thought that it was safe to drink.
When he joined the French government before he ran away, he was taught various things. One of these things being how to determine if a drink was poisoned or not. Things like this soon became second nature to him after years of nonstop practice.
"English, please."
Verlaine took a sip of his tea. It was raspberry, one of his favorite flavors. He let out a soft hum of approval before speaking again.
"Ver-layn," he spoke. He then made eye contact with you. "If I may ask, who are you? You clearly aren't my normal assistant."
You avoided eye contact and started to fiddle with your hands. "They were sent on a mission and was killed in action. I'm their replacement, (Name). It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Verlaine."
Verlaine looked at you skeptically, then reached out his right hand while keeping the tea in his left. You took this as a signal to shake his hand, so you promptly done so albeit a little shakily.
He didn't seem to care about his old attendants death. He wore the same bored expression he always did, but this time with a little bit of uncertainty laced into it. To say the least it was off putting by quite a lot. Though, who were you to judge him? Verlaine was a powerful mafia executive after all; one that even rivaled Chuuya Nakahara.
His grip on your hand was tight, so you made sure that your grip was almost as tight. His hands weren't all that soft, but that was likely because of time in the field. The two of you then shook hands quickly and took back each of your hands. It seemed like the both of you would rather not shake hands.
"There's no need to call me "mister" You're my new assistant, so I'll treat you as my equal," Verlaine spoke as he took the bowl of soup. "Alright?"
You blinked a few times before responding. "Alright... But are you sure? You are my superior after all."
He waved his hand dismissively. "I don't mind at all—I'm sure."
Verlaine took the spoon that you left on the tray and scooped some soup onto it. He then brought it to his mouth, blew on it, then took a bite. A ghost of a smile appeared on Verlaine's features before he immediately went back to his usual poker face. Who knew that the King of Assassins liked warm soup?
"The soup rather good. Did you make it yourself?" He asked after taking a few more bites.
"Oh! Yes I did. I'm glad you like it," you spoke with a smile. You then reached into your pocket and grabbed a pear. "I heard that you liked pears so here you go. I hope you don't mind me not putting it on the tray; there was no more room left for it.!
He took the pear after a moment of skepticism. "Thank you. I do not mind in the slightest." He then paused for a moment.
"Though, who told you that I liked pears? Was it Kouyou?"
"Yes it was. She was the one that recommended that I should work for you," you said as you shifted your weight onto your left leg. "She also said that I should give you a pear to get into your good graces."
Verlaine smirked a little bit. "Well, you already accomplished that."
"Really? That's surprising...”
The man let out a short chuckle before taking another bite of the soup. After he swallowed he started to speak once more. "Why it so surprising? You've done nothing to set off any alarm bells in my mind. If anything you've been really nice to me."
"Ah well I'm really glad," you said with a faint smile. "Anyways, shall we discuss what my duties are as your personal attendant are or do you already have a good grasp on it from your old attendant?"
"I think I'm quite alright."
You nodded as you took out a piece of paper. You then handed it to Verlaine. "Then I'II leave you to enjoying your food, sir. Please call me if you need anything. I'm more than happy to help," you said, attempting to be courteous.
Verlaine internally rolled his eyes as you said your last sentence. You? Be happy to help someone like him? He's not even human. He doesn't deserve nor need your help in the slightest.
"I'll be quite alright. Though, thank you for the offer," Verlaine muttered as he checked his watch. "You best be on your way now. It's getting late."
"Alright. Goodbye, Mr. Verlaine."
And with that, you started to head up the stairs to leave the basement. As you were doing so, Verlaine rolled his eyes at your words. He told you not to address him as mister, but yet you did so regardless. Were you just being kind, or trying to get onto his nerves? The executive honestly couldn't tell at that current point in time.
Verlaine let out a loud sigh and leaned back into his chair.
Day turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months eventually turned into a year. For you, time had flew by rather quickly considering that you somehow managed to have fun while being Verlaine's attendant, though you couldn't tell if you could say the same for Verlaine himself. He had remained the same all through out your services; his stoic expression never once faltering. But you knew it was to be expected from the once King of Assassins.
Though, little did you know that the mafia executive has become quite fond of you.
Verlaine would often look forward to your visits, making sure to clear up his schedule just to spend time with you.
At first his actions shocked even himself. Why wouldn't they? He never thought that he'd become attached to another person ever again after the realization of Rimbaud's significance to him once he passed, but here we was, enjoying your conversations about rather mundane topics.
Then the realization hit him like a storm. He liked you more than a friend. In fact, he loved you. He was very surprised that he could even feel something like this.
He tried to get you out of his life once he made this realization, he really did. At one point he even considered killing you, but he just couldn't bring himself to it. He thought he was growing soft, but in reality he was just in love.
So, after a while of internal battles, he decided to ask you out on a date. He has never been on a real one, the most he has done was take out an attractive person somewhere out on a "date" so he didn't look suspicious while going on countless missions. He had no real experience with romance up until this point because of this.
When he did ask you out though, it was rather sudden. He honestly wasn't expecting his words to come out so suddenly like that while conversing with you.
As of now, the two of you were sitting in his office. Verlaine was filling out some paperwork, and you were simply reading a book, ready for any orders he would give.
Eventually after a while he looked up at you and gave you a small smile. "Dear?"
Dear. It was a nickname that he gave you a while ago. He insisted that it was to show his platonic relationship with you, but you didn't buy it one bit.
Verlaine hesitated. "Have you ever been on a date before?"
"I have. It was when I was still a teenager, though I barely remember who it was with," you said with a small chuckle. "Why do you ask?"
"May I take you out on one? A date, I mean."
You froze. “I beg your pardon? Did I hear that right?"
Verlaine's cheeks slightly flushed; it was barely noticeable. "You heard me right. I want to take you out on a date."
"Are you sure? I mean I'll accept but-"
"(Name)," he chuckled under his breath. "I'm sure. I've been thinking about it for a while."
"Ah well, I'm glad!" You said with a smile.
"Where should we go?"
"Wherever you want."
"You know I'm not good at making decisions, Mr. Verlaine."
"Right, sorry. But my statement still stands. I think it would be best that you choose where we go," you spoke gently.
Verlaine sighed. "Alright, l'll choose the place. When are you free?"
You thought for a brief moment. "Any time, really. I don't have much going on outside of work."
"Is that so? Then... how does tonight sound?"
He asked with a soft smile. "Is that alright with you?"
"Really? Alright then! That's alright with me!" You said enthusiastically. "What time? Should I dress formal or casual?"
Verlaine chuckled once more at your enthusiasm. He seemed happy that you were happy. "How about six o'clock? And you can dress formally if you so wish."
"Alright! Wait, what time is it?"
Verlaine rolled up his right sleeve and looked at his watch. "A quarter to five."
You shot up out of your seat. "Really? Oh, I gotta get ready... May I go home early?"
"Of course you may," Verlaine spoke dreamily.
"I'Il see you later then!"
You went to go up the stairs then paused. "Wait, one last thing."
"Hm? What is it? Is something wrong?"
You walked over to Verlaine's side then lightly grabbed his chin. You then brought your faces closer and have him a quick kiss on the cheek. Once you pulled back you could see how Verlaine's face flushed even more.
"Alright. Now I'm ready to go. C'ya later, Paul!"
And with that, you jogged up the stairs. Verlaine silently watched you leave, putting a hand to his cheek where you kissed him. He seemed entranced as he watched you go up the stairs.
Maybe, just maybe, you could make him feel like the human he was supposed to be.
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this is my apology for not updating in 9 days
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syunkiss · 6 months
i could talk about malice mizer songs and bsd for a whole day
Like. Baroque is obviously Fyolai (Nikolai to Fyodor) coded. No discussion.
"Because I stopped your breath with my hands (...) oh, My Sweet Corpse, I put weight on this love..." - Baroque, Malice Mizer
Au Revoir was MADE for Rimlaine. (Rimbaud to Verlaine) Not only because its name if french lol but the lyrics. Is just so.
"Your familiar form leaning on the windows, flickers among the hazy sunlight and disappears, a whispered phrase in my crowded memories says (...) Just a while more, I want to fall asleep holding you.." - Au Revoir, Malice Mizer
Unfortunately I will have to relate Odango (Ango to Oda) to Syunikiss (🤭) because. Just. Read these lyrics.
"Ah… To the lord who dwells in the sky that has answered my prayers, crant one more prayer of mine… “Return her heart to her.” (...) With a cold finger I trace the tear stains running down your cheek And in a trembling voice I repeat, “Return to the sky…”" - Syunikiss, Malice Mizer
And UNFORTUNATELY I WILL have to relate Ma Cherie to Soukoku. (Dazai to Chuuya) I AM SO SORRY. Just. Read that.
"Because of the tight shoes that it was forced to wear, that doll in the show window cannot move. Today I have no plans, so it might be nice to absorb myself in the passerbys... In the morning after the rain, I will jump in puddles, and I'll wait for a night with falling stars and make a wish... Ma chérie, are you missing me?" - Ma Chérie, Malice Mizer
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