#oh deat it will be long
scarletfantasia · 8 months
I decide to watch again Alive (1993) to compare with Society of the Snow.
I discovered their story through a documentary and later with Alive that I liked so much that I read the book and Nando's book. And yes I havent seen again this movie after that. Because the choices they made with the reality and changing the names' deads disturbed me. Knowing the Survivors didnt like it was also a reason I hoped for a new movie and kept a distance with Alive. But I still genuinely thought it wasnt "bad" And I kept a "nostalgic" memory of it.
Well, after Society of the Snow, watching a old documentary and reading again Nando's book...oh dear Alive (1993) is painful to watch.
I could write already an essay about everything that goes wrong...and I am only at the thirtieth minutes.
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small-world-au · 3 months
Ramshackle Stone facts you might have/haven’t heard of before!
By yours, truly :333
(FYI, some of these fact are super old and might’ve changed for current canon!)
Stone’s name isn’t ACTUALLY Stone! It’s his last name!
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His first name could possibly be Eric, Phillipé, or Cecil! As stated by Zeddyzi on one of her older posts.
(I personally think Eric suits him better!)
He has a fear of rats/mice/and death!
He’s possibly aromatic and Demi.
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He hates bananas cuz of their texture!
He’s into astronomy! 🪐
It’s possible that in the future he’ll open up in future, but he’ll just stick to smoking and drinking for now. (He’s a VERY private person!)
He’s a big crybaby. (And me too :3)
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He can’t fuckin dance.
He listens to Nirvana! (Is that how u spell it????)
He has a love/hate relationship with his violin. 🎻
He can also be quite childish when it comes to potty humor.
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He’s actually super sweet and sentimental when not sober!
He’s the most happiest when he’s surrounded by puppies or just chilling with friends. :333
His birthday is on march 14!
As stated by Zeddyzi, if he were to have a blog, it be about science!
If he were going to date someone, it be someone he’s already close to! (He ain’t picky as long there’s a strong connection!)
If you were to take him on a date, he’ll just act awkwardly. (Cute :3)
He’s not very artistic.
He doesn’t like food. (especially spicy food!)
To express his love, he gets drunk…(um…what???)
He fidgets A LOT in his sleep.
If he were in a dangerous situation and he’s SUPER drunk, he just be standing there like a deer in headlights.
When drunk, he can’t fight for shit! (Save this confused man!)
He’s very grateful for his friends and is scared to lose them if he fucks up. (Same 😎.)
He’s not funny. Can’t even tell a fucking joke to save his own life!
He’s definitely the “don’t you pull that stupid shit” mom type as confirmed by Zeddyzi!
His blood type is B! (positive or negative, it’s not confirmed yet.)
If he were to be a Pokémon trainer, his team would be ghost/ice type!
He has a habit of being/staying clean, but often times fails miserably at it.
He doesn’t exercise. (maybe when he’s running tho!)
He trips a lot.
He loves doggos!
He hates anime.
His turn on/off is science/when people try talking to him. (Eh???)
He wears eyeliner! (According to Zi, he was born with it???)
OH!!!! HE LIKES EMO POETRY!!!! (As shown in Zi microwaving the Stone plush to DEAT-)
AND HE HAS BLACK 💅!!! (They couldn’t animate in the pilot cuz, ya know, it be difficult to animate.)
That’s all I have for today! Hope you enjoyed reading these facts about our beloved emo boy🖤🖤🖤!!!
Have a stone and skipp drawing! (Art by @zeddyzi )
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Edit: shout out to @k1tkatzzz for pointing out that interesting detail!
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lena--beana · 1 year
Damn I can't believe Sam Deats read my journal and made Castlevania Nocturne specifically for me with everything I could have wanted from a Rondo/Symphony story but like
Oh my GOD??????????
Olrox getting main billing after being my favorite one-off villain with one (1) boss fight with no build-up and never reappearing, they were really like "yeah let's make him the hottest motherfucker in the world and make him even cooler while we're at it"
Richter and Maria's character designs are 😘👌 perfection! I loved how Maria had her classic hairdo with her nightgown too and watching Richter put the bandana on for the first time with goddamn "Divine Bloodlines" playing like????
And Richter doing the Grand Cross??? And his flame whip????? The 1000 blades technique against the marquis?????? Maria using so many of her animal friends and caring so much about each of them sweet child oh my goodness
Not to mention the way I screamed louder for Juste than Alucard bc let's be real baby vampire boy was always going to come back but I had NO faith that they would even look at my boy JB and especially Maxim?? Even in passing I'm so touched holy shit. And I see that red coat on the foot of his bed, I know my angry grandpa's coming back 👀👀
But speaking of Alucard I adore this redesign, the little cravat telling me they're at least trying to give him his Symphony look instead of the t-shirt in the last show is a nice touch but that porcelain doll look is killer and I'm all here for it 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Also everything about Annette oh my lord?? Giving her anything besides just being a damsel in distress like before but everything about her backstory had me on the edge of my seat and I LOVED watching her trap the plantation owner in a cage before the end
Loved getting to see Countess Bathory since we're never getting a Bloodlines anime, the succubus who took me way too long to realize she wasn't just a unique vampire like I had every clue thrown in my face from the fit to the nails and she even admitted to haunting men's dreams and I didn't figure it out til the second she grew wings 😭 glad Alucard still got to finish her off but I'm sad we probably won't get that scene with Lisa again (which probably wouldn't happen since Drac isn't back anyway so there wouldn't be much point)
Can I just talk about Olrox some more bc like??? This guy had NOTHING before the show, he was a fuckin Nosferatu reference and now they gave him all this history, they kept all of his abilities and the dragon transformation?? Plus the beautiful purple and gold suit and those piercing green eyes I love one (1) man and its this fucker I need WAY more of him next time around 👀👀👀👀👀
And yes absolutely I'm excited for next time, we're picking up right where Rondo starts, Father Abbott as a stand-in for Shaft and Tera immediately being turned, the city about to burn like? Are we gonna see Death again?? Do we get to watch Richter fight the Behemoth next season? Is Abbott going to totally lose his mind and bring back Dracula to stop Bathory? Since Alucard is here from the start and not after a time skip do we get to see the Inverted Castle? We already got so much that I would have called a million to one chance but anything's possible now we are SO back baybeeeee
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Do you know any thai/korean/all BL dramas with sad ending?
Thai/Korean/All BL Dramas With Sad Endings
Okay, let me get started. BL in general is not really created for sad endings. It is a phantasy land where all kinds of dreams come true. And originally it adressed a specific audience. So, some of the dramas I am listing here are more queer media in general and not specifically BL. And some of those dramas have an open ending, that does not mean it is not a sad ending, and some might have a beautiful ending, which was kind of sad. There are so many ways of reading those endings.
Two of the shows I haven’t watched yet, but I know that those have sad endings… And please be aware, there will be spoilers after the read-more-dash.
Let’s get started!
Egoist – based on a true story, this Japanese movie is heartbreaking. It is a beautiful story about the love between two people and how they manage their life together until, yeah well, until fate f*ed everything up.
Eien No Kinou (Eternal Yesterday) – another Japanese title. From the start of this series, you just know that this won’t end well. It just can’t. And at the same time, it is so beautiful, you can’t stop watching it. So good!
History 3: Make Our Days Count – I guess people would come after me, if I don’t mention this Taiwanese bl. Yeah…I wasn’t that impacted by the ending, but most of the people who watched it were devastated. I understand why, so have fun 😊
Kissable lips – the first Korean one. This series wasn’t my cup of tea, but that wasn’t the question. For a sad ending, this is your series!
The Miracle of Teddy Bear – this is such a complex thai series as is the ending. Many didn’t watch it because of some weird elements of the series and the episodes are long, but BUT it is so worth a watch! The ending? I kind of liked it? But it was very bittersweet and considering the use of the Little Prince source it is really good...but sad... I am confused... still...
Dark Blue And Moonlight – a Taiwanese series…I wouldn’t recommend it. I can’t really remember the ending… I know it was bad sad.
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us – a thai masterpiece. I love this one so much and I analysed the sh*t out of it! It is so good and I was devastated in the end! Such a great storytelling and cinematography and story and the characters...perfection.
Dear Doctor, I’m Coming For Soul – this is a thai series, which got very little attention when it aired (I don’t know why, I really liked it) and the ending was just a sobbing fest for me. I mean I liked it and it was just logical, but I was very sad!
Don’t Say No – also a thai series and I don’t focus on the main couple… I couldn’t care less about them… but the side couple! Oh the heartbreak I felt and the betrayel!
He She It – To this day I still ask myself what I have watched here. All I know is, it is confusing and kind of sad…the whole story, not just the ending.
The Best Story – it is Thai and it is YinWar… so it is good. Nevertheless, it has a very bittersweet ending, and I didn’t feel good after finishing this miniseries. I was very sad!
Once Again – one of my favorite series of 2022. This Korean series deals with a lot of trauma. It has some supernatural element and is really really good! And I was sobbing for the whole f*cking last episode!
When The Waves Rise – in this Korean short film, it is all about the feeling you get from it. It left me devastated. I was really not doing well after finishing it. It touched a part of my soul and it left a sore spot there.
Your Name Engraved Herein – I haven’t seen this one, because I know it will break my heart and I am still not ready for that. It is a Taiwanese movie and I know that I will love it, but I also know that I will cry my little eyes out.
Grey Rainbow – haven‘t seen this one either. This is a Thai miniseries and it is said to have a very sad ending.
The Untamed – the king, the queen, the emperor of sadness. I love this 50 episodes long Chinese masterpiece of a series to death! It doesn’t have a bad ending imo and it is quite open, but the amount of tears I shed during watching this fantasy epos was not funny anymore. I was ugly crying for like 15 minutes straight at one point. And I felt empty after I finished it. I miss it so much! I wish I could watch it again with all the emotions I had during my first watch!
But yeah…this is my little list 😊
If anyone wants to add more dramas, please feel free to do so 💜
Anon, I hope I could help a little bit and this list is useful 🌼
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whumpndump · 2 years
Sleep Tight
CW: Needles, Injections, Medical Equipment, Non-con Touching (Nonsexual), Restraints, Mentions of Death
This is kinda weird but like... most of my stuff is tbh.
It had been days since Whumper had last let Whumpee sleep. When not being tortured for his owner's amusement, Whumpee was kept tied in stress positions, his limbs straining against the chafing rope as he tried his hardest to close his eyes and relax. It was futile though, as any perceived attempts to sleep would be punished with a sharp slap to the face. He was beginning to think that perhaps he would never sleep again, and Whumper would just keep him awake until he eventually died from the strain on his body. Today, however, would be different.
At the point in the day when Whumper would normally tie Whumpee up, the man instead crouched to his cowering victim's eye-level, a look of dark and twisted compassion in his eyes.
"Whumpee, you seem very tired. Would you like to sleep?" He asked gently, stroking the other man's face with a surprising softness. In any other situation alarm bells would be ringing in Whumpee's head, but he was so incredibly tired he just nodded with a choked back sob.
Whumper picked the trembling form up with strong arms, and carried him into a room Whumpee had never seen before. There, he lay him down on possibly the softest bed he had ever felt, strapping him in place with multiple leather buckles, before covering him up with a thick, warm quilt. Whumper appeared to continue moving around, as if preparing something, but Whumpee was so very tired that he simply slipped into sleep as soon as his eyes fell shut.
Several hours later Whumpee's eyes fluttered open, feeling refreshed and comfortable, if a little sore. Waking up properly, he scanned his surroundings, noticing an IV drip attached to his arm, and a tube coming from …between his legs, into a bag hung at the end of the bed. Strange.
Looking to the side of him he was a little startled to see Whumper hovering nearby, a look of faux concern plastered on his face.
"Oh dear, are you awake already? Well that just won't do, you were so very tired earlier, that cant have been enough rest! Go back to sleep darling." Whumper cooed, saccharine sweet. Whumpee thought to protest, to ask why this monster suddenly seemed to care about his well being, or to say he didn't need to sleep anymore, but before the words could form he felt a sharp prick in his arm. Suddenly his surroundings started to grow dark, and the last thing he saw before falling into unconsciousness once again was Whumper, holding an empty syringe and smiling.
He wasn't sure how long he spent in his dreamless sleep, but eventually Whumpee awoke once more. As he sluggishly remembered his situation he became frantic, thrashing against his bonds and trying to escape. Against his better judgment, he began to yell and scream for help, thinking perhaps someone could hear him from this new room.
All the chaos caused Whumper to burst in, cold eyes locking onto Whumpee, quickly filling with that faux warmth he had come to despise so very much. The man ignored Whumpee's thrashing and crying, calmly striding over to a table in the room where he filled a fresh needle with some unknown sedative. Tapping the implement gently to remove any air bubbles, Whumper encroached upon his panicking victim.
"What are you doing up?" He smiled, "I told you to get some rest." Quick as a flash he held down Whumpee's arm and injected him, sending him to sleep once again.
Whumper put the needle to one side, hovering over Whumpee's prone form. He stroked sweat slick hair from his forehead, relishing in the slight whimper the touch elicited from him. He pulled up a chair beside the bed and simply sat and watched, taking in how vulnerable his captive was like this, and how much control he had over him. Before, when he was keeping Whumpee awake for as long as possible, he knew that the game would have to end eventually, whether via sleep or death. However, this new game could last for a long, long time.
Perhaps while Whumpee slept he'd add more straps and gag him, considering how noisy and erratic his reaction was this time. That was sure to bring the man to a whole new level of panic. Whumper let his imagination spiral as he thought of all the things he could do to Whumpee as he slept, giving him only a moment to process what was happening, before leaving him unconscious and vulnerable once again. For now though, he simply watched his new toy's chest rise and fall beneath the blankets.
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faniacmag · 1 year
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France, 1792 - the height of the French Revolution. In a remote part of western France, the counter-revolutionary aristocracy has forged an alliance with a terrifying Vampire Messiah, who promises to ‘eat the sun’ and unleash an army of vampires and nightcreatures to crush the revolution and enslave humanity. Annette, a sorceress from the Caribbean, seeks out Richter Belmont, last descendant of the long-fabled family of vampire hunters, to lead the resistance.
From Showrunners Kevin Kolde (CASTLEVANIA) and Clive Bradley (TRAPPED), CASTLEVANIA: NOCTURNE is the next installment of the CASTLEVANIA universe. Bradley also serves as Creator/Writer. Sam Deats and Adam Deats share directing duties. Project 51 Productions and Powerhouse Animation produce for Netflix.
Series Credits:
Episodes: 8 x 25 minute episodes
Showrunners: Clive Bradley, Kevin Kolde
Creator: Clive Bradley
Executive Producers: Clive Bradley, Kevin Kolde, Fred Seibert, Adi Shankar
Production Company: Project 51 Productions LTD
Animation Studio: Powerhouse Animation
Directors: Sam Deats & Adam Deats
Writers: Clive Bradley (101-102, 104, 106, 108), Zodwa Nyoni (103), Temi Oh (105), Testament (107)
Voice Cast: Edward Bluemel, Thuso Mbedu, Pixie Davies, Sharon D. Clarke, Richard Dormer, Iain Glen, Sydney James Harcourt, Elarica Johnson, Nastassja Kinski, Zahn McClarnon, Aaron Neil, Franka Potente, Sophie Skelton
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conscriptur · 9 months
peeta mellark verses;
VERSE I. peeta is the baker's son on the merchant side of district twelve. he is quiet but still has a large friend group. his hardships lies with his family, the normalcy of them for what is expected takes a tole on him as he has a lot to live up to, mainly his two older brothers who thrive in their life expectations. oh and he has a crush on a girl, whose singing will have the birds stop their own voices to listen to her. but he will never approach her, he simply will watch her from afar.
VERSE II. it was quite a shock when the name primrose everdeen left effie trinket's mouth with that capitol shrill. he knew that name, the younger sister of katniss, the girl he liked and before he could really process the fact her little sister had been reaped, he heard her frantic shouts and he could only stare at the dust that cakes his dress shoes. his eyes remained trained on his shoes that he did not even take note to register his own name coming from that same shrill voice. unimaginable to have his face pale more than the color already lacking in his skin as he stumbled upon the stage next to that girl, katniss everdeen, who occupied his mind in the most innocent love. ladies and gentlemen let the 74th hunger games begin.
VERSE III. they made it out once. glad to be alive but at what cost? the list ran long for him; the nightmares, the ghostly pain of his leg against the metal of his newly improved one, the play-up of love that led to his heartbreak. but at the announcement made the next summer, he found himself back in the arena already, in misery to save the girl that he could not help but still love with each ache of his heart. he would volunteer if it came to it, but he was also prepared to take on the role of mentor if haymitch was allowed to volunteer for him. alas, peeta made his claim on volunteering and they were back to last year, a more intense version of their games. the 75th hunger games: the quarter quell.
VERSE IV. he remembers bits and pieces of the tail end before the arena went to pieces. the shouts from katniss before the explosion had left him numb, on the verge of unconscious. now, he has woken up with the urge to find katniss but all of this was not right. he was greeted with peacekeepers and his prep team to prepare him for an interview. he is in the capitol while katniss has been taken in with the rebels.
VERSE V. hijacked. that is what they whisper to each other, the doctors that surround him. he does not really know the meaning of it as his focus resides on katniss. katniss everdeen. the girl on fire. a murderer. a mutt. he hated her. the idea of her filled his body with rage. beyond the rage there was sedation. rage. and then sedation. a vicious cycle. he was trapped in thirteen where he knew she was also roaming around. and then he's on squad four five one along with the girl he hated headed into the capitol where the depth of his trauma was buried. there was loss and suffering and confusion. but somehow. he made it out even though he begged to die along with the rest of them.
VERSE VI. the war is over. snow and coin are dead. now all that is left is the three of them in district twelve. that's how it feels even as the citizens of twelve that took refuge in thirteen begin to trickle in as the three of them; peeta, katniss, and haymitch live in their secluded homes in the victor village. peeta spends his time learning how to be okay with his mind, his body in these years. he finds reason to bring normalcy in helping put back the crumbling pieces of the district and make it a newly found home for everyone.
VERSE VII. the freedom games. his anger resides with katniss and haymitch as his only family left in the world, they chose to allow this to go through initially. peeta believes if they had disagreed with coin's decision to begin with, then maybe the new government would not have given it a second thought after the assassination. but here they were sending capitol children to death as they had once experienced. and it seemed eerily similar to the hunger games, with them reeling the victors of the hunger games to be the mentors for these kids. how he hated it, and how the peace he pleaded for only seemed to grow further away as this all became a reminder of what he experienced. affiliated with @hvbris
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amrbokhari · 9 months
Poetry Club Prompt || Nonsense Poem
[Day of the Deat]
Death caught a cold thus reluctantly told his dimwitted brother, “Please handle today”.
“No sweat, don’t fret!” said Deat, but fret Death did and sweat in dismay.
Deat’s condition isn’t known but it’s a secret quite blown that his mother refused, out of love,
all his vaccines, which rendered Deat h-less and brainless, intellectually not far from a glove.
Deat skimmed the list and quickly got pissed, as he remembered that he couldn’t read,
so he opted instead to write the names in his head, a solution of genius indeed.
The list was of suicides, which had Deat upset, as he couldn’t quite understand
the will to distill, in other words kill, oneself by thine own faithful hand.
So out of confusion, Deat conjured—through fusion—a space for these poor souls to go;
now follow the five as they’re soon unalived, with souls upon Deat they’d bestow.
First we have Wade whose parents forbade from the sin of enjoying music,
it was as if he heard not as he went to the spot of a concert quite loud and confusing.
The volcano nearby then erupted—oh my!—and vomited not-so-nice lava;
the boy was okay but died—by the way—by an odd breed of ear-loving magma.
You might wonder why this kid’s story would apply for entry to suicide land,
but his defiance perplexed Deat, and please don’t forget—Deat’s as retarted as sand.
The second’s a Costanza as short as this stanza, and rightfully obsessed with his height;
he was advised that to hang would lengthen his lang, and so used the rope of his kite;
what followed’s no mystery: Costanza was history, and delighted was Deat at this sight.
Thirdly was Guy, constipated and high, who decided to go to a doc;
he prescribed him a pill for the intestinally ill, and wrote instructions for him on a sock.
He hurried then back but, alas and alack, he misjudged and chose the wrong hole;
his decision was amiss and, along with the mix, he ejected his poop-tainted soul.
The most genius, named Adele, went to the jungle and fell by the slip on a banana’s poor skin;
watchful apes found it vile thus took her to trial, where “guilty” meant slap on the chin;
and as Kong prepared the damsel ensnared, she was saved by bananas with capes,
but they were also quite mad, as they chanted, quite glad, “We shan’t go extinct like the grapes.”
So one at a time, as punishment for her crime, the bananas slipped on her face;
she died before long, as planned all along, and danced into Limbo with grace.
The last perhaps least—you might call a freak—loved knitting a little too much;
she took off her hand and installed, as planned, a crochet hook just before lunch.
She then ordered a meal which caused an ordeal and tickled her silly nut allergy;
her neck started to itch and, due to her glitch, she applied a neat tracheotomy.
And despite Deat drawing nigh while she bled on the sky, she simply given’t a damn;
“She really needs pills,” said Deat—filled with chills—as he ticked off the last name, Wessam.
Here gathered the five who arrived unalive by means more or less with intent;
Deat soon arrived and found himself bribed with a penny more or less than a cent;
Deat couldn’t count and so didn’t doubt that he was just given a fortune;
Deat’s mother saw all and couldn’t recall the reason she refused an abortion.
Deat lost his compass thus caused quite a rumpus on the way to where he thought was Heaven,
but took them to Hell where none could quite tell since he cranked the heat down to eleven.
He bid them farewellen then exited Heallen, patting himself on the spine,
he then gave the list back to Death with the gist that all was sublimely sublime.
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limetimo · 2 years
RAB fics I read 24-31oct
Důvodná pochybnost by Josika reading fanfic in not english is WEIRD but the style is good and the plot is interesting, after Walburga dies Sirius returns to england to investigate Regulus' disappereance/deat. Oh and he was in Slytherin and not friends with the Marauders so the one labeled traitor and tossed in the azkaban is Remus. Regulus and Peter were in love and Dumbledore seems to be the mastermind bitch behind everyone's problems.
If The Sun Caught Icarus by dantesstarsxxxii only just started this one but the writing looks good, jegulus, seer regulus
The Marauders and the Prisoner of Azkaban by SilverShadow1 aylternate marauders and lily and regulus read the harry potter books (you can guess which one). def one of the best executed takes on this kind of story!
After all, he's mine by anauro I love it your honour, open marriage Bartylus!
Orange Lilies & Black Dahlias by moonyfest this is fun! muggle AU, after Lily got kicked out of home by petunia, she tried ringing Sirius for help but Regulus picked up instead. He was looking for a roommate tho so it worked out. lalala years go by they meet Remus they open a bookshop/flowerhop/cafe across from a tattoo salon and a sex shop and I forgot what the third thing was but single dad James and his hot friends are there and they're hot and dateable
Bound By Honour by moonyfest I loved this. I loved this so much, the way it's written, Regulus' cahracterization, the deep dive into hogwarts houses stereotypes, it was a pleasure and an experience to read. slowburn jegulus
Bound By Strings by moonyfest the aftermath of october 31 1981 from bound by honour
wrong number by swoons for Ticigi after years of not talking Regulus accidentally sends Sirius his dickpic. texting fic
to the dark lord by justwhatialwayswanted :D :D :D ambitious Regulus, supportive parents Walburga and Orion, Gryffindor causing chaos, Evan is a sweetheart and Geoff deserves the world.
constellations inked in blood by The_Duchess_of_Fiction in the aftermath of Regulus' cave diving experience (which he survived) the Blacks put aside their personal feelings to kick so dark lord ass. Also Narcissa and Sirius are slowburning straight to hell
a more perfect life by inmyownlittlecorner snape-and-romance-with-OFC centric but Regulus is living his best life married to Peter Pettigrew sooo I'll take it
Textbooks and blowjobs by anauro college AU jegulus
awash with color by ga_bi soulmates au when you can write on your skin and it'll show up on your soulmates' skin. James has two soulmates. The start was kinda slow in my opinion (i'm just too much of a regulus hoe) but it got really interesting really fast. FUCK Dumbledore is all I'll say
Ogni Parte È Viva (Every Part Is Alive) by euphorial_docx ♥♥♥ jeguls but in italy
when you were mine by battlehamster ♥♥♥ jegulus but on house arrest
Twisting Fate by Anonymous Sirius fell through the vail and woke up in his owl year. he's got shit to do people to safe but his friends don't undersatnd the sudden change in their friend. Regulus haven't had a lare (or any?) role yet
Snakes and Lions by Moony_Reggie Remus is in slytherin, regulus is bumber up a year for being so smart, they're besties, they both end up dating certain gryffindors, and they're both doomed to taking the mark
Kill Your Darlings by MesserMoon college AU, regulus is stressed depressed overworked and James Potter trying to befriend him is not helping. Lots of hockey drama, we ♥ Evan, I wish Barty let Evan give him a hug, love to see where this is going
eleven:eleven by wheresmejumper ♥♥♥♥♥ 1981 Sirius does a stupid and ends up in 1991 with his long dead brother - oh and they're both eleven. How fun is that :D
The Missing Link by Keysie ♥♥♥ After the war was won everyone is picking pieces of themselves trying to heal and go forward. slowburn jegulus, wolfstar being in love
Burning Doves by TowardTheStars im screaming, after regulus befriends snape at school... angst, just lots and lots of angst esp now in the later chapters when Regulus is a death eater and bad at it and also plotting suicide and Severus can tell but doesn't know how to stop him
Waters Run Deep by knight_bus_of_doom ITS HERE ITS HERE ITS HERE ITS HERE okay you'd need to read Severus and Snape to know what's up but the gist of it is that Severus stopped his heart in grief when he was hugging Lily's dead body and got transported to the time he was 11 and got a do-over. He dated Regulus in Hogwarts and they were very very much in love but then Regulus said he needs to check something out AND NEVER CAME BACK BUT NOW IN 1990s THEY'RE DRAINIG THE LAKE AND REGULUS IS ALIVE I REPEAT REGULUS IS ALIVE THIS IN NOT A DRILL AAAAAAAA
left turns off familiar streets by FiresFromOurHearts Regulus hits up his long estranged brother like Hey what's up ding dong the witch is dead do you wanna go on a road trip and commit arson
where the ice burns by jelenaRusso Regulus survives the cave, and gets thrown in the azkaban, and it sucks. Kingsley is a king tho I looove Azkaban Auror Kingsley
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jrheatriz · 6 months
Got any more lore on the Glezra world? 👀 I know about Glory, Ezra, the instructer guy, and the assassin that Ezra had a crush on, but have you come up with any other characters for that world? Alsoo what office was Ezra working at? I know it’s set in a 70s noir sort of aesthetic thingy so I was thinking news paper vibes for him, but I realized I don’t think you’ve mentioned what he did specifically before getting caught up in all the spy stuff haha. Ooh also does Glory have like a specialty as a spy? Like is she really good at languages or a certain weapon? Gimme all the deats!!
shout out to melancholy once again for answering my prayers and rescuing me from the psychological torture house (not having attention) all day 😭
okay okay so. There aren't many characters other than the ones you listed because 1) i am a little lazy and 2) the story mostly revolves around glezra forming a companionship due to being stuck as roommates. HOWEVER there are other characters, i just need to flesh them out more. For instance, there is ezra's older sister and her baby, who i think will play a bigger part in the story once glory and ezra have more freedom to leave the apartment later in the story (i have long since decided that the aftermath of killing the instructor dude will be the preface for glezra to like. figure out how they actually feel about each other and what to do about it). both ezra and his older sister have the fact that they are in desperate need of a higher purpose, which ezra seeks out in the form of trying out espionage (and almost getting himself killed) and ezra's sister seeks out in the form of trying to be the perfect mother of her own family. both of them are not really satisfied at all, but from their family's perspective ezra's sister is far more successful than their kinda-loser son. oh well.
The next most fleshed out (but not that much) character is glezra's ex, whom glory seduced when she was on a mission when glory was still erm. employed by her old boss. i haven't decided on a name for this character yet, all i know is that they are a beautiful nonbinary princess bc i really wanted to have a beautiful nonbinary princess character (i will be calling them BNP for the purposes of this post). anyways for the mission glory had to get close to them to gather info on their father, and the bad part is that the two actually fell in love, but at the end of the day glory was on a job and was forced to leave when her mission was over. The REALLY bad part is that glory was terrified to let them go and waited til the last minute to choose between BNP or her assassin life, and so the day she ended up deciding to leave was their wedding day. TERRIBLE MOVE. glory literally was the gf BNP had at 19 that ruined their life. glory beats herself about it Still and she's literally 30. it's probably high on her list of the shittiest things she's ever done and as you know, glory's straight up murdered a ton of guys. it was truly that bad. anyways i have plans for them to meet in the future, but by that point BNP is over the fuckery and got themselves married to someone who didn't leave her alone at the altar. good for them!
so the deal with ezra is that he thought he was working a normal desk job--and i mean technically it was-- but it had also been a front for the organization glory used to work for. he's just doing cubicle desk shit like data collection and looking at boring graphs. it's the very cheesy trope equivalent of like, working at a fast food restaurant and then it turns out there's a secret culty fighting ring happening below deck and the restaurant is just a cover for tax benefits. (i get to be a little more absurd with the premises of this story bc technically it's a futuristic noir spy-dramedy and very unserious.) but anyways for ezra, this is like the first job he's been fairly steady for cuz he really sucks at holding them down--this is cause for contention with his family and a main part of why they think he's a disappointing loser. so 3 months into having the job, ezra does the previously mentioned trope of like, stumbling into the basement of the fast food restaurant and getting a glimpse of a super secret cult secrets happening unbeknownst to the public, and instead of taking this as a red flag and dipping or just ignoring it to secure a bag, ezra decides to do some snooping. as you can probably guess, it was a bad idea, and he quickly finds out that some of the guys who work at HR literally do not gaf about killing his ass if he accidentally finds info they don't want regular people to know about. oops!
because glory was trained basically since birth to become an assassin, she's well versed in most weaponry. i mean, she probably wouldn't pull out an ax from her spy kit and try to whack you with it, but most other things are fair game. in particular though, and for convenience, her go-to fighting weapons are her dual-wield guns, her confusingly large array of daggers, and also hand-to-hand combat, which is basically a weapon in and of itself. and also, strangely, her "murder knife", which is just a really gnarly and unnecessarily scary looking knife that is solely for threatening people. i will be using this knife in the story mainly for joke purposes. and finally there is the age old weapon of using your environment. see a trashcan lid? hit a guy with it! that fancy vase? smash it over some guy's head! that conveniently placed yet seemingly innocuous bottle of ketchup? figure it out and get creative! the possibilities are endless!! (<- will also definitely be utilized for comedy purposes.)
aside from physical weapons in her arsenal, there are her traditional spy talents of speaking many languages and being very good at blending into situations. alot of this has to do with an obscene amount of prep that she does before each mission in the event of any hiccups. she also gets very upset of things get off plan, which sometimes they do and sometimes it's ezra's fault. (glory has undiagnosed autism and anxiety but she can't worry about that cuz she has a job to do. we'll put getting an evaluation on the back burner for now.) one super specific skill that puts her apart from most of the other assassins in the story is that she's also a fashionista, so not only will she beat your ass in battle, she'll beat your ass in a custom-made, perfectly tailored, mega fierce outfit. because what's the point of having a story set in a futuristic 70s aesthetic world if the characters can't look cunt?
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obsidiinium · 9 months
Chapter 3: The Lord is Dead
Part 3
They eventually turn down an alley, and then a quick left, then right between buildings; a few more twists and turns before finding the stairs Lilli was searching for.
Down the stairs, into another passage lined with two wooden pillars on each side. Lilli walks towards the end wall and disappears through it. Zythraul follows. The two adventurers find themselves in a small tavern; the entrance to the hideout of the vigilantes of Erbin’s Ire. It’s a little shabby; like a building built to be hidden under another building. And yet, it still gives off a warm and welcoming aura. A rickety wooden sign is stuck above the entrance that says “The Sword and Scoundrel” pinned in place with a dagger.
A few patrons move to intercept them before the barkeep - an elf man - intercedes and waves them down.
“Lilli! Zythraul! It’s about time you two showed your faces back here!” The patrons sit back down. The barkeep pulls three glasses and pours drinks; A large flagon of mead for Zythraul and two shots of straight whiskey for Lilli.
“Olon. Greetings.” Zythraul nods and drops a couple of silver on the bar as they take their drinks.
“Olon! Oh you scoundrel. Thank you.” Lilli winks and hops up on a barstool. “What’d we miss?”
“Depends. How long you been in town? Neverember was publicly disintegrated last night.”
“We saw. We were there.” Zythraul motions at the scars on their face. Olon looks surprised.
“Oh shit Zythraul! Apparently it was hellish at the festival.” Zythraul and Lilli both nod, confirming.
“Galodir has started getting people to look into it, despite dwindling numbers of useful bodies he has to investigate.” Lilli groans.
“Whyy do we have any care about the rich Neverwinter bastards murdering each other? One falls and another rises, it’s none of our business.” Zythraul says nothing but raises an eyebrow over their jug of mead. Olon nods.
“That is true, but plenty of regular people died last night. Even if it is none of our business, it’s worth getting the intel on. Speaking of, I’ll let him know you are here. He will want to see you two about that last job you finished.”
Olon leans over behind the bar and knocks on a panel in the wall.
“Finish your beverages. He won’t be long.”
It wasn’t. From a door at the other end of the bar appears Galodir. He says nothing, but makes eye contact with Zythraul and Humility and waits. They finish their drinks and head towards Galodir, leader of Erbin’s Ire.
Galodir continues to not speak as they walk through the door into a hallway, before a few short steps takes them to another room, with a desk and walls covered in papers; notes of various events and rumours regarding Neverwinter and the surrounds. Behind them, the door closes shut by a large, obsidian coloured big cat. The drow man pauses for a moment before turning, head down, looking concerned. Then, he looks up and smiles wide.
“It’s great to see you two.” and he opens his arms. Humility skips up to hug Galodir.
“And you.” Zythraul reaches out a hand to shake. Galodir removes himself from Lilli’s embrace and firmly shakes Zythraul’s hand.
“I take it your travel was uneventful? You both seem well rested.”
“It was. Longsaddle was grateful for the supplies. The people there don’t look well after that plague swept through their crops. “
“Thank you. I’ll let Khari know. I think she has some stuff for you that we liberated previously.”
“Sweet! What’s new that you have for us? We could use the coin.”
“Well, we need people to go investigate the Lord Neverember’s deat….”
“Oh, no no no. Don’t you dare. We aren’t getting involved in that.” Galodir chuckles at Lilli’s protests.
“I figured as much. Well, in that case… I’ve been getting information and rumours about a few different problems I think are right up your alley.” Galodir points at the wall of notes. He paused, thoughtful for a moment.
“I should let you two know that they are going to be shutting down the city at sundown tonight, hoping to catch whoever had a hand in Neverember’s death within the walls. It’s going to be a lot harder to leave if you stay until tomorrow, just in case that changes your decisions.”
Zythraul and Lilli look at each other.
“Maybe we should get out of town for a bit, let this all simmer down.”
“I do think that’s a good idea, except all these people appearing feebleminded on the streets is concerning. It’s not going to get any better if more people are trapped within the city’s walls.” mentions Galodir.
“Truthfully, I’m most concerned about them.”
“You can just ask us to go check that out, Gal, we are at your command.” Humility mock bows and Galodir pulls a face at the nickname.
“I would appreciate it if you could. I might be able to have Khari rustle up something more for you if you do. If you do decide you want to leave the city at a later date, I can also assist with that. It just might be more difficult than walking out the front gate.” Galodir raises his palms.
“Think on it. Go and see Khari. She has been wondering how you got on. Come back to me once you have and I will have all the information you need to investigate these people collated and ready for you.”
Outside Galodir’s office and down a hallway, followed by some stairs, there is the sound of banging and crashing. The stairs give way to a large storeroom and Khari the gnome quartermaster can be seen tutting over a fallen stack of boxes.
“Ugh! Who put these hereeooooooh my gods Lilli! Zythraul!” Khari comes bounding up to them, leaping onto a box next to the door to be eye level with the two adventurers. She claps Zythraul on the shoulder and throw her arms around Humility.
“I was wondering about you two! Thought you might ‘ave died on the road to Longsaddle! Your timing is excellent. I was just digging around in these boxes and I think the one that we put aside for you two is in this pile lying on the ground!”
Khari goes back to the jumble of boxes and pushes some around before dragging one out.
“Here! Payment for your work and your share of our repurposed belongings of the rich of Neverwinter!” Khari kicks the box lid off. There is an assortment of jewellery, a mirror, and a statue, as well as a mask and a silk handkerchief. Lilli sorts through them, taking the handkerchief for herself and handing Zythraul the mask. Digging further into the box reveals a hood, a pair of leg wraps and a pair of gloves. The gloves look to disappear when Lilli puts them on. Lilli hands Zythraul the leg wraps; they have small dragon wings embroidered on them. Lilli also grabs the hood and puts it on, doing a little twirl.
“How do I look?” Zythraul looks up to see Lilli striking a pose with her new gloves, scarf and hood.
“Stunning.” They state. As Zythraul stands, their steps feel a bit lighter. Lilli glances at her new hood, puts it back on, looks at Zythraul, and winks. As she does, she suddenly looks like a smaller Zythraul.
“Sweeeeet! This is great!” She winks again and becomes Lilli once more.
“Thanks Khari, these are fabulous!” Khari laughs at Lilli’s antics and wishes them farewell as they return to Galodir.
He hands Lilli a handful of notes, barely legible scribbles of known information.
People are being found left feebleminded in the street, no memory.
All around lower Neverwinter - not the rich people suburbs.
None of them have been able to be returned to their normal state.
There might still be people missing.
There is also a map of Neverwinter with various marked locations - a record of people found so far.
Zythraul and Lilli thank Galodir and head out, waving to Olon on the way out of The Sword and Scoundrel to begin investigating.
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maya-burke · 10 months
settler society must be stopped::
:: or else we are all definitely going to be cooked
at this juncture in the calamity of colonially induced climate collapse most of us are going to get cooked anyways
and the question remains - what is still yet possible, what can be protected, what can be imagined, as the inevitable becomes closer and closer to the doormats of the oligarchs
there is no escaping the absurdity of this violence, and even, and I'd say especially! here at the brink of the end of it all, we are witnessing a doubling, tripling, quadrupling down of colonial logics. a re-commitment and extravagant re-investment in eco-fascist tactics. there is a level of disconnection from power and the ground that is truly staggering to try and comprehend, and yet here we are, in the muck and in the tunnels - still trying to hold together our solidarity, our resistance to domination
what is left for us to fight for
well, love no? love, love it has always been love -- and not in the fully commodified romance sense of the word not this dating bullshit and all the hook up apps and white racist polyamorists too tepid to step into actually revolutionary praxis we are talking about the love it takes to set a machete to the plantation crops the love it takes to bomb a chemical factory during vietnam going full out to the wall for this shit because you HAVE done the math and you DO not what is at stake it is our connection to each other as much as the planet that is at stake here
if a bunch of breathing bodies are left with no skills to love we have already lost and can give up the ghost then
settler society is run rampant and it is time for the mess to end
the mess should have never left pandora's box, and the disease should have never spread out from europe
all the medicine keepers, the patriarchal rape culture run rampant
the empire games and the psychosis of hierarchy
collectively we are gaining more connected conscious awareness of these patterns, but i do often feel wary about the ecollective capacity to activate effective responses, effective intervention s
there is a severe lack of courage, as it has been beaten and conditioned out of us at gun point
they have all the guns, all the food, they have your children in their schools what is that you can do
what is that we can do other than socially die
the colonized feminized world has been the source of vital energy and life since time immemorium. we exist beyond and before these confines, and what is at stake here is whether we exist after them
after their imminent collapse
will we all be collapsing within these structures, these violent dinosaurs of labor extraction
what does it take to say no
and i am not afraid of the gun ---- it is an awareness that we are dead already
we are socially dead, our cutlures are extra curricular activities, down at the YMCA on saturday nights -OH - buffy said
that's where you can be an indian
at the show or the club meeting or in the classroom
our life is relegated to the affininty group industrial complex
not on the land, not anymore
these ecosystems have been at their brink for so long, is it not a wonder any of us are still here?
if we're going to have any windows of possibilty, for radical transformation, for growth, for bare minimum harm reduction
then settler society must end. it must be stopped. there is no choice here, there is only courage or fear. In fear there is a choice and that is violent control, and there is silence in observance of it -- but we should all know by now that there are no neutral observers.
we must all be active participants in the deconstruction of settler society or else, there will be no planet left for us to make our homes.
every warning about the 11th hour coming has long since passed, the clock is past broken, the time loops of faux linear history are collapsing in on themeselves on one last and final crusade, the first in a new era of post-hypo-hypo-manic-techno-philic-deathcult-post-post-post-capitalist hellscape
is it not a wonder we are still here, and that even within these calamties, people are raising their consciousness and working together to fight for the world we need and deserve.
we cannot imagine what life beyond settler colonial, and capitalist imperial domination can ever look like, we cannot imagine it and especially can not move towards it until we unseat the core wound of patriarchy suffocating almost every inch of the land and sea
lately I have been listening to ouree's impermanence mix, and feeling deep gratitude for the air, the medium between our breath and these waters and the land -- if there is wisdom to be followed and change to be made, I believe it is in acceptance of impermanence, and with trust in the movement of spirit, and the winds of true freedom blowing through these cursed and dead infrastcutures
we can do it
we can we have to believe that we can at least tear them down, give the future generations of youth that more of an inch to fight for
we have to we have to and we must
settler colonial patriarchal shrimp dick society it is on fucking site, no more pleasantries and no more propriety
fuck all it's past 11:59pm y'all can catch these trans-historical solidarity linked HANDS
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blazenfire223 · 1 year
Jesus and Crowley
A little thing I wrote literally today about Jesus and Crowley in a bar together. It's mostly Crowley venting. I liked how it turned out so here ya go: (It is kinda long)
*Golgothia, Jesus's crucifixion. A hammer comes down with a heavy blow*
Aziraphale- *winces* ...Did you..ever meet him?
Crowley- Yeah, seemed a very bright young man...I showed him all the kingdoms of the world.
Aziraphale- *turns to Crowley* Why?
Crowley- He's a carpenter from Galileo, his travel opportunities are limited....I remember him being...fun.
Aziraphale- Fun?
Crowley- Fun to hang out with. Kind, nice, charming, hell of a jokester...He knew how to light up the mood....
Aziraphale- Oh...
Crowley- I remember when we were near a river, he'd grab our cups and collect some of the water, do a bit of hand flourishing and then, voila, wine. *Crowley smiles fondly at the memory* He seemed terribly proud of himself the first time he showed me. He was so excited.
Aziraphale- ....Did he know you were a demon?
Crowley- Probably..Not exactly something I can I hide now can I? And certainly not from *him.* If he did know, he didn't seem to mind...
*another loud crack whistles through the air and Jesus cries out. Crowley frowns, body going stiff.*
Aziraphale- .....*he whispers* His death does serve a purpose, you know. 
Crowley- *bitter and scowling* Yeah..I'm well aware.
*Aziraphale glances sadly at Crowley before looking back. They both watch as Jesus and 2 others are lifted up on the cross. Jesus cries out and shudders in agony but as he gazes down he smiles, specifically at Crowley.*
Crowley- *meets Jesus's gaze and feels tears well up in her eyes. She lifts her hood higher to cover her face as she looks away* We should... probably go now...
Aziraphale- *sighs and fidgets* Y-you're probably right.
???- Crowley? Crowley?
Crowley- Hm?
*Crowley and Jesus are sitting together in a quiet and vacant spot at a bar. Crowley had spaced out*
Jesus- Did you hear me?
Crowley- mmn- no, sorry..
Jesus- I asked if you remembered my crucifixion, my death..
Crowley- Mmm- Well, yeah. Not exactly something you forget, the death of the Son of God, now do you?
Jesus- *nods* I guess so...
Crowley- Why do you ask?
Jesus- Well, I was just wondering because I remember you being there.
Crowley- *eyebrows raise* Oh...do you?
Jesus- Of course I do. I remember you looking...sad
Crowley- ...Did I?
Jesus- You did....*places a hand on Crowley's thigh* My dear friend, you do know I died for a reason, right? I know I didn't know at the time why I was supposed to die but surely your angel friend would have explained it to you? If you had not heard the plan yourself.
Crowley- *looks at Jesus through his sunglasses. He feels his throat close up* Yeah. I knew. 
Jesus- And yet you looked so sad...resentful even. How come? Do you not love humanity as I do?
Crowley- *Love* is a strong word.
Jesus- Yet it is one I could use to describe how you feel, is it not?
Crowley- ....
Jesus- You and your angel friend knew why I died. Unlike my human mother or father, surely you would have been happy for me-
Crowley- Just because I like humanity doesn't mean I wanted my only other friend to die for it.
Jesus- Oh...
Crowley- I mean-.....I thought you were like me nnot- not a *demon* of course but...ya know, an immortal being, being God's son and all. I kinda hoped you would have lived longer. I hadn't expected you to be murdered-
Jesus- I wasn't murdered. 
Crowley- *rolls eyes* Oh, well, whatever you wanna call it....I can't say that watching you get nailed to a cross was something on my bucket list. Besides, it wasn't even your fault. It was planned from the start.
*silence between them for a moment*
Jesus- .....Well, I was eventually resurrected...and I did what I did because I love humanity. Even if it was supposedly planned from the start....
Crowley- *drinks wine* Yeah...wouldn't expect anything less from you. 
*Jesus drinks his wine*
Jesus- *hums* Your angel friend, the one with you at my death, he wasn't always Supreme Archangel, correct?
Crowley- No..
Jesus- Hmm..I thought so. I had heard about Gabriel's...retirement? From the position.
Crowley- *pours more wine in his cup* Yeah, he got hitched.
Jesus- Oh really?...Angels can do that?
Crowley- There was never any rules against it. So long as they were an angel, at least.
Jesus- Who was the angel? 
Crowley- *drinks* Lord Beelzebub.
Jesus- *thinks* Beelzebub? That's a demon.
Crowley- Yup.
Jesus- Hm..Well, are they happy?
Crowley- I assume so. They're living in Alpha Centauri to my knowledge. 
Jesus- That's good. I'm happy for them.
Crowley- Hmm..
Jesus- What about you and your angel friend?
Crowley- ...What about him?
 Jesus- Well, I remember when you mentioned him you'd talk very highly of him. 
Crowley- *looks away* Oh, did I?
Jesus- You know you did.
Crowley- Well, long story short. We aren't in contact anymore.
Jesus- Well, I'm willing to stay for a long story. Tell me, dear friend, what happened.
Crowley- ....I don't think you'll like what I have to say..
Jesus- I cast no judgement.
Crowley- *grumbles and rolls his eyes*
Jesus- *looks at Crowley with soft eyes, waiting* 
Crowley- *groans* Fine.....He...He chose Heaven over me. He was given a job opportunity after everything and chose that over me.
Jesus- ....Well, he was given a better job opportunity was he not?
Crowley- *Shifts to look at Jesus* I don't know what part of Heaven you hang out in but it's not as *sunshine and rainbows* as everyone makes it out to be....at least not the main office.
Jesus- Well, I mainly stick to the area where the humans live and sometimes go up to see Mother. I'm not very involved with all the political stuff.
Crowley- Yeah well...They tried to kill us, me and Aziraphale. Him with Hellfire and me with Holy Water.
Jesus- Really?
Crowley- Yeahhh. Whether or not you choose to believe me is up to you, I mean, I am a demon, but...It's true. I would know. I was there.
Jesus- You were there?
Crowley- yuP. Me and Aziraphale pretended to be each other and so Aziraphale got taken to Hell disguised as me and I went to Heaven disguised as Aziraphale. It was even the Supreme Archangel Gabriel who initiated everything.
Jesus- ...Why were you punished so harshly? Surely there must...have been a reason?
Crowley- Oh, just because we helped stop Armageddon and were caught "fraternizing" with each other.
Jesus- ....
Crowley- *Snorts* Ironic, isn't it? It took Gabriel and Beelzebub only 4 years to fall in love and took me and Aziraphale 6000 years to even *admit* we cared about each other! Hell, when Gabriel was told he would be punished for not wanting to start a second Armageddon he wanted to fall! He took his *own* memory and waltzed down, NaKeD! *points* To that bookshop down the road and Aziraphale- *Ohhhh sssweeett, angelic, too kind for his own BLOODY good, Aziraphale* lets him in- lets him waltz around the place, risking his *God given life* for his ex boss, angelic douche bag, Supreme Archangel of all Heaven, GABriel! *sucks in a breath* The same fucking boss whose been nothing but a bureaucratic JACKASS to him for 6000 years and tried to KILL HIM! AND HE JUST BLOODY LETS HIM IN! He tries to *help him!* .....God, he's so much better than me. Because I would have dropped him in an instant....Anyway, he comes and Aziraphale calls me to help, we eventually hide Gabriel with a miracle that we disguised as a miracle to make 2 humans fall in love, he tries to find clues, doesn't really get us anywhere, eventually Hell comes after Gabriel and at some point Aziraphale ended up blowing up his halo and almost starting a war. But that's allll *fineee* in the end. The war never happens, Gabriel gets his memory back, Heaven comes down as well to do their thing, Beelzebub and Gabriel get caught but again it's all finee! Beelzebub and Gabriel simply get called Traitors, then I recommend they go to Alpha Centauri, they sing their cute little song and Buzz off! They never get threatened with Hellfire or Holy Water. They get to have their happy ending! Next thing, Metatron comes down, has a *chat* with Aziraphale, he comes back, I'm about to confess my undying love for him, finally put how I feel I to words and he ends up babbling on about how he gets a new job opportunity in Heaven as the new *Supreme Archangel* and I'm also invited as his second in command. I get to be an angel-
Jesus- And..You didn't take it? Why not? You'd get to be with him.
Crowley- Darling, I'm a demon. It's who I am....I don't like Heaven anymore than I like Hell. That's why I'm *here* on *Earth.* That's why we stopped Armageddon in the first place! Because I love humanity! I like...I like being here....I liked being here on Earth...With Aziraphale...I thought he'd...*Takes a shuddering breath as his lower lip wobbles* I thought he'd finally understood that. That we were...Us...on Earth together...That...That we didn't need Heaven and Hell that they were toxic for us! But apparently not...*his mouth opens and closes as tears run down his face* I...I tried to explain that b-but..I must have not done a good enough job...So I tried one last thing to try and get him to stay
......*Crowley touches his lips* I-*he clears his thoat*....I kissed him..
Jesus- ....
Crowley- And not even that worked....and I learned *very quickly* that movies don't always reflect real life...or he's just changed....He said..He said "I forgive you." after the kiss. And I told him "Don't bother." And left. *shudders* Watching him walk into the elevator to Heaven...was probably the most heartbreaking thing I've ever been though....*he huffs a teary laugh* And I'm a demon...so yeah...That's why he's Supreme Archangel of All Heaven and I'm here on Earth, alone, sad, and drowning my sorrows away in alcohol. *he grins* Isn't that just..a sssick twisted turn of fate? My boss got a happy ending before me. They got to run away with the love of their life, doing the one thing I wanted to do with Aziraphale *for years* they did it in only 4....Heh..Guess life really is Ineffable. Never know what's gonna happen next....You think you know someone...
*They were silent*
Jesus- ....Do you want a hug?...
Crowley- *looks at Jesus before his contorts with sadness. He nods*
Jesus- *Holds his arms out and Crowley collapses in them. He lets Crowley cry in his shoulder while he tries to soothe him, rubbing his back and planting a small kiss on the top of his head. After Crowley calms down a bit he starts to talk.* I'm sure it will be okay in the end. I believe he will realize his mistake and come back to you.
Crowley- *looks up* How can you say that? Aren't you like...Heaven's biggest fan or something?
Jesus- The Human part of Heaven is very different to your part of Heaven. And you've never lied to me before. I have no reason to not trust you in what you say, Crowley.
Crowley- Even though I'm a demon?
Jesus- Yes, even though you are a demon....I can feel the love you have for your friend...for the Supreme Archangel and I do not believe that love is misplaced....It may take him a while but I believe he'll realize soon enough and come running to you. 
Crowley- Can't you talk to him? Put some sense into him?
Jesus- I don't I'd be much help so, I'm afraid not. I believe this is something he'll have to figure out by himself.
Crowley- ...Yeah..y-you're probably right. He is rather stubborn like that.
Jesus- *smiles* Yes, and in the meantime, I believe you should work on yourself.
Crowley- What..What do you mean? 
Jesus- I mean just that. Who is Anthony J. Crowley?
Crowley- H-how do you- ....
Jesus- *Smiles*
Crowley- N..never mind...
Jesus- So...Who are you?
Crowley- *sits up* What kinda question is that? I'm...I'm me!...I'm....ya know...
Jesus- Okay....What about when Aziraphale isn't around...is this *looks pointedly at Crowley* ...you? Sad and alone?
Crowley- .....
Jesus- Maybe...you should try to forget him for a bit. Figure out how to be you...how to be Happy without him...
Crowley- ...I...I don't know how to.....
Jesus- *Smiles* Now is the perfect time to learn, my friend. Maybe you could get a hobby or two, make a friend that isn't him. I know human lives can be short but maybe there is someone who you could become friends with? Maybe even another angel or demon who thinks like you?
Crowley- Well...I..I like gardening and...I guess I have a few people in mind...Maggie and Nina, the humans we tried to get together, and Muriel, they run the bookshop right now...I guess they're okay..new but they like it here...already starting to properly fit in and enjoy themselves...
Jesus- Seems like you have a perfect place to start.
Crowley- *looks up at Jesus* ....
Jesus- *places a hand on Crowley's knee* I promise you, this will be better in the long run, finding happiness here on Earth without him, finding friends. So when he does come back to you, you'll be happy to be with him, and not just happy *because* of him.
Crowley- *nods* Okay...
Jesus- *smiles wide* Now, can you sober up for me? I'd like you to show me around the place. I don't know Soho very well and It'll be a while until I have to go to America. So I'd like to get to know the place better. 
*Crowley nods again and sobers up. Once he does Jesus gets up from the seat. He holds his hand out to Crowley.*
Jesus- Let's go, my friend.
Crowley- *looks at Jesus's hand before swallowing. He hesitates before taking Jesus's hand and letting him help him up. Once he does, Jesus miracles money on their table as they walk out, arm in arm.*
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jordanprice · 1 year
May 28 - Asakusa and Fukugawa Edo Museum
To start the day off, I had breakfast in the hotel, which was actually really good and had a pretty solid selection. I ate rice, miso soup, gyoza, and some sort of sweet bread with jelly.
Then I went to Asakusa to see the Sensoji Buddhist temple. This was my first time taking the train in Japan as well, and it was definitely a lot better than what we have for public transportation in America. Trains arrive frequently and on time, there are plenty of signs to help guide you, and the trains seemed clean and had both Japanese and English as languages. As for the temple, it was a very cool experience. You walk up to this ornate front entrance with a huge lantern.
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Then, once you’re through, there is a long line of shops with a bunch of different things for sale. It was very busy, but people were still mindful of not running into each other and stuff.
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From shops here I got snacks of these candy coated strawberries and some ice cream. The strawberries tasted very fresh, and the sugary layer added a nice crunch and sweetness. The ice cream was extremely smooth and very sweet.
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I also got my fortune, and of course it was bad luck, but oh well.
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After that, I went into the temple itself, which was quite cool.
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I then went to the Fukugawa Edo Museum, which recreates a Tokyo shitamachi neighborhood. I found it interesting to be able to see what a neighborhood there would look like 200 years ago and be able to walk around it and see into model houses and shops.
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After that, I ventured over to the Tokyo Skytree. It is a very tall tower that stands well above the neighboring buildings. It has very unique architecture, which I enjoyed getting to see in person.
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I also got to try a cake in a can dessert which I had seen on instagram a while back and had been wanting to try every sense. It was a strawberry sponge cake with cream and it was one of the best desserts I’ve ever eaten. And it came out of a vending machine!
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Then for dinner to end off the day I had some giant gyoza. There were 8 of them, which was honestly way to many given their size. Luckily, I had a couple people with me to take some off my plate.
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It was a great first full day in Japan. People here have been very kind, welcoming, and understanding towards foreigners, making it very manageable to get around and do stuff without knowing the language. The food was fantastic, the city is beautiful, and it feels much more safe and clean than big cities in America tend to.
Academic Reflection
From the readings I learned that the two main religions in Japan are Shinto and Buddhism. Also, for some time, there was not separation of church for some time in Japan, and now that there is, the line is blurry. Additionally I learned that the main service carried out by Buddhist temples in Japan is funerals. Many temples are owned by a local family in a neighborhood and they will carry out funerals and memorials for people in the area. This differs a lot from the shrine today in Asakusa, however, which was a lot more busy, touristy, and had a lot going on. I also learned about different types of Buddhism, such as Pure Land Buddhism and Zen Buddhism. Learning about Buddhism in Japan from the reading helped deepen my experience going to the Sensoji temple. This is because it is a place that feels easy to get lost in the touristy parts of it and lose focus of the cultural and historical importance of the place. It was also interesting to think about how it went from Buddhist temples being destroyed in 1868 due to government decrees, to now still holding an amazing and popular one such as the one I visited today.
I also learned about the Tokugawa Period in Japan. The man who started this military dynasty was Tokugawa Ieyasu. He had a rough start to his life, being held hostage from the age of 6 to 18, leading him to understand the values of patience and enduring hardships, as well as causing him to be merciless, even going as far as to intentionally cause the deaths of his own wife and child when an ally instructed him to do so. He was named shōgun for a couple years before resigning the position, although he still effectively remained in power. I also learned about Iemitsu, who was a ruthless and clever shōgun starting in 1623. He cleverly required his daimyō to spend every other year in Edo to drain their resources, preventing them from surpassing him in power. I also learned about the futile system which was in place during the time with the shōgun, daimyō, samurai, merchants, and peasants. The Edo replica neighborhood I saw in the Fukugawa Edo Museum felt more like a merchant town almost from how I saw it. It’s crazy to think how much it has changed from then until now, with Tokyo being an extremely modernized city.
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blackwinged-soul · 2 years
You know how I recently decided to accept that the Po|kemon trainer self-insert is a kintype? You know how, when I first posted about it here, I was like, “A kintype without trauma?! WOW!”
H A .
Yeah, that was wishful thinking.
Apparently I have a Massive Panic Reaction from certain angles of the A|amos Town incident.
(deat|h and panic mention)
It’s a long story and I’m exhausted and need to go to bed, so this isn’t going to be one of my Essays^tm.
But basically, I’m exploring this kintype and finding a creative outlet in the p|kmn|RL rp community.
Someone posted Dar|krai having a panic attack/flashback to dying in A|amos Town.
And my emotional state took a fucking nosedive.
My heartrate doubled, my breaths are shallow, my throat was so tense I could hardly swallow. I got dizzy and trembly, and my whole body is still sweating.
I’m still trying to untangle exactly why it’s hitting me so hard now... I really don’t understand why it’s so INTENSE tonight?
Because I always had a strong emotional reaction while watching the movie, but it was never THIS severe? I’ve known my trainer-character-insert-kintype was there when that happened for YEARS. Watching it NEVER got this strong of a reaction.
But it was triggered over an hour ago and I’m still trembling.
And with this kintype I don’t have the benefit of Dissociation Practice and Memory-Lockdown Spells I had with R\you. DX} It’s hitting me full force and I can’t even close my mouth to breathe through my nose.
Of course I cared A LOT about them, so seeing them Vanish was a blow. In that life, I’m Always on a crusade to defend the ones being scorned or blamed unfairly, so even if I didn’t Know Them Personally, my heart went out to them. (Not so different from this life; I’m just a lot Louder about it there.)
At the time, I don’t think I knew how all of this was going to stop, or what the others were trying to do. I just have very vivid memories of my M|ismagius chanting desperately to help.
Somewhere in there, the rp and maybe rsd aspects are tangled up in all of the emotional Memory^tm stuff, because I was like “!!! My character tries to help!” and they were like “No, don’t”. So I’m also flinching because I was excited to try Doing a Helpful Thing in that fictional community and then got shot down.
(I mean, I asked. They have a right to say no. I’ll respect it.)
But even rsd doesn’t hit me THIS hard. This is.... honestly a ridiculously powerful reaction to a thing I didn’t know I had Latent Feelings about.
I probably need to sit with this one, but gods, I am not in an emotionally stable enough place to process this right now. I know I SHOULD, but I have to figure out how to move in two weeks, I work full-time, I haven’t been sleeping well, I just had a really bad night with my phobia yesterday (Defcon 5 Bad), and now it’s 11pm and I’m too tired to do much besides feel how miserably Anxious I am and wish I could go to sleep.
I’m chronicling this more for my own posterity than to ask for help, because I am no stranger to sudden exotrauma-related emotional nosedives. But help... wouldn’t be rejected;;;
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
HMMM... While i've never been in a polyamorous relationship, it certainly interests me! If my partner was open to it, i dont see any reason why i wouldnt want to do something like that and it seems like itd be very nice (although complicated...)
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What are ur thoughts on transmasc Mafuyu??? I love transmasc Mafuyu. Uhm. A lot. Transmasc Mafuyu makes me vv happy. *cries bc i never got the winter card where she has short hair*
Also- another question- whats ur favorite Kagamine song? With both of them, i mean. My favorites are Bring it on and Lets drop deat hehe <3
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YAYA !! as long as all parties are happy its very lovely <3 AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON TRANSMASC MAFUYU I LIVE FOR IT !!!! he has so much transgender swag I heart tranamasc maf so 🫶🫶🫶 and oh ya, bring it on for sure !! such a bop <3
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