#first I want to scream for how they broke the group and the friendship
scarletfantasia · 8 months
I decide to watch again Alive (1993) to compare with Society of the Snow.
I discovered their story through a documentary and later with Alive that I liked so much that I read the book and Nando's book. And yes I havent seen again this movie after that. Because the choices they made with the reality and changing the names' deads disturbed me. Knowing the Survivors didnt like it was also a reason I hoped for a new movie and kept a distance with Alive. But I still genuinely thought it wasnt "bad" And I kept a "nostalgic" memory of it.
Well, after Society of the Snow, watching a old documentary and reading again Nando's book...oh dear Alive (1993) is painful to watch.
I could write already an essay about everything that goes wrong...and I am only at the thirtieth minutes.
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I am totally obsessed with your fics!!! Your writing 🤌💕
I just wanted to request a fic where the reader is new to the task force but she's experienced and tough. Vibez similar to Ghost to elaborate she's more scary than Ghost cuz of her past maybe she was experimented on or trained brutally....
Reader is working hard to prove herself even if everyone knows she's the most lethal person. So one time she gets injured badly while protecting someone from the 141( probably Ghost 👉👈) and she wakes up has an emotional moment Ghost comes know about her Trauma . More like hurt/comfort....
Happy Writing 💝
CW: Mentions/references of kidnapping, torture, canon typical violenece Part 2, Part 3 Hiii Anon!! First off, thank you! Secondly, I am so, so, so sorry for how long this took😭 I did make this a two parter, the first part is kinda like backstoryish and the second part will be the actual story. I was gonna wait until I finished both to post but you have been waiting for way to long so I'll give you the first part now instead of waiting, again I am so sorry! I hope you like it :)) Summary: F!Reader was a part of a special program(LMK if you can guess what it is) and once she was released she joined the military.
WC: 1467 As always, I didn't proof read so lmk if there are any mistakes :3
Life had not been kind to you. Ripped from your family at a very young age, you had never known the type of love and safety a nurturing home could provide. Instead, you grew up in the confines of a Russian base, with cruel instructors and a dwindling group of girls as your only companions.
From the moment you could walk, you had been told you were a weapon. A lethal force to be honed and trained, nothing more than a tool for others to use to further their games. Brainwashed, tortured, and trained into submission, a perfect puppet. Both your brain and body were sculpted into absolute perfection, a rigorous process most people did not survive. By day, they trained to be a lethal force, an unstoppable, unnoticeable, killing machine. At night, you were handcuffed to your bed, listening to the screams of students who did not make the cut.(to this day you sleep handcuffed)
You watched, at first in horror, then with a sense of detachment, as your friendsrivals bit the dust, unable to keep up with what the program demanded of them. It got better as you got older, less girls died from their tasks. But in some ways it got worse. It was a competition now, a fight to see who would remain victorious, to see who would come out on top. It was not a place for friendship and comradery, and you learned that quickly.
You stopped trying to make friends with the other students when you were forced to shoot your best friend in the head after giving her some of your dinner when she was being punished. You were 8. And you stopped trying to even just be friendly with the other girls at 10 years old, when the instructor broke every bone in your hands after your bunkmate framed you for something you didn't do. To this day your hands are not the same, always hurting and forever scarred.
Your world was kill or be killed, and you'd be dammed if you didn't come out on top.
And come out on top you did. You graduated top of your class, a position you had fought and killed for, won through bloodshed and pain. If you had a conscience, it would have been screaming at you for the things you had done to get to the top(You laid awake every night consumed by guilt and grief)
The program was disbanded(re: destroyed) when you hit 18, just two weeks after your 'graduation'. You were given two options: Join the American military, or face a life sentence in prison. 
You had a lifetime of sins to atone for, and knew there was only one way to even begin to ease your guilt. Two days later your background was sealed up and you were shipped off to boot camp. 
And you excelled. This was nothing to you. What was a six mile run when you used to run until you passed out, then wake up and keep going? What was surviving on four hours of sleep when sleep deprivation had been the norm your whole life? What was any of this compared to what you had been forced to do everyday since you were five? 
You scared your instructors. And the other recruits. And everyone else you came into contact with. And you were fine with that. You didn't like when people got close to you anyhow.
Love got you nowhere in the world. It was a lesson you learned hard and fast. You did not care for others, they did not care for you. And you liked it that way. Until you met the 141.
A woman named General Laswell came to you one day with a job offer. Well, not a job offer exactly, but more of a…transfer of positions. A small, (mostly)four-man team that she oversaw.
You had gotten disciplined for beating the ever-loving shit out of a recruit the week before, and Laswell had watched it all unfold. She went back to her office, read your full file, and decided you would make a good fit for John's team.
You took a look at your bunk, at the trunk that held zero worldly possessions, realized there is nothing for you here, and said yes. 
Price had not wanted a new recruit, and told Laswell as much. She simply said he had a penchant for picking up strays and left your file on his desk. It took him a week to actually get curious enough to read it. A paper copy, the only one in existence that had your full, undisclosed background. He pretended he didn’t see her smug grin when he hit accept on your transfer application. 
You had been trained since youth to fight and to kill, yes, but your true purpose was espionage. You were trained to study those around you, to lie, to mold yourself to the expectations of those around you. You excelled at fitting into your surroundings, at assimilating perfectly with your peers. It was all you were good for, in your opinion. So you asked Laswell for files on your new teammates. And she gave them to you. They were full of gaping holes and redacted information, but there was enough there for you to profile them. 
Soap would be the most receptive to you. He most likely would also be the one to not give up in trying to get you to be open with them. Gaz would be receptive as well, but you know that your sealed background would put him on edge, Ghost, well…Ghost was a lot like you from what you could piece together. Yet another person who learned that the world was cruel and unforgiving, who had learned the lesson that love does nothing but hurt. And because he was like you, you knew he would trust you the least.
You felt a small pang in your chest when looking at this masked photo that you hadn’t felt in years. Not quite sadness, but…pity? No. It was different, it was sympathy. It weirded you out. 
It was hard at first, joining the 141. You had court-mandated therapy you had had to attend, and you had slowly come to realize that some trust was good, necessary even, for life. You knew you wouldn’t be able to open yourself up to them, that you would never be able to feel the sense of brotherhood you had seen amongst other soldiers, but you wanted to try. 
It was harder than you thought it would be. Hard joining men who already had comradery, who had a bond that had been forged with blood, sweat, and tears. men who weren't sure how to fit another person, much less a female, into their group. 
As you suspected, Soap was the most receptive. He was fun, you thought. His Scottish accent and affinity for filling the silence made him a very pleasant conversationalist. You didn’t have to do any of the talking.
Gaz was wary of you, but did a good job of not showing it. As you suspected, he stopped inviting you out after you said ‘no thanks’ for the third time. 
Ghost didn’t like you. You could see it in the slight tensing of his muscles when you walked in the room, the way his eyes pinched when you spoke. 
It was a rough, rocky start, full of distrust and misunderstandings. Everything about you set his senses on high alert. They way you could sneak up on him completely silent, the way you could hold your own when you sparred with him, even the way you moved had his hair standing on end. It wasn’t until a mission that would have ended with Soap's death if you hadn’t risked your life to shove him out of the way that Ghost began to trust you. 
And then he began to notice something else about you. And the more he noticed, the more concerned he grew. He noticed the way you threw yourself into battle, what little regard you held for your own life. He noticed how you never instigated conversation, never gave away the slightest bit of information that could be used against you. Noticed that you always wore gloves. In fact, he's never once seen your hands.
His constant observations of you had an unintended side effect. The longer he watched you, the more he realized you were a lot like him, the more he was drawn to you. And vice-versa. 
You found yourself willfully seeking Ghost out, willingly sharing information with him. Nothing about your past, no, you would never tell anyone the things you had done. But little things, how you liked the food served this week, how your mission went, that your new pants were really itchy. And he told you things too. Told you really bad jokes, told you Soaps stupid Scottish saying of the week. And slowly you branched out, agreeing to go to the bar the next time Soap asked you, telling Gaz that you liked his new sunglasses. 
It was nice, having people who looked at you like you meant something to them. Having people who didn’t know what you’d done, people who didn’t look at you with disgust and distrust. It was nice to have…friends. 
So of course everything had to go downhill from there.
End scene :3 let me know what you think!!6 and be on the look out for pt.2, I hope you're ready for a buttload of angst >:) Also requests are open <3
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jungkit · 3 months
what's after like?
sunghoon x f!reader genre: fluff warnings: none wc: 1,295
inspired by after like by ive!
for @bywons event! love u sruby
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Sunghoon has been your best friend for as long as you can remember.
Your earliest memory is of 4-year-old you with 4-year-old Sunghoon, playing in the sandbox. 
A mean kid came by and ruined Sunghoon's sand castle. You didn't like seeing another kid cry, so you told the boy's mom. 
He got dragged out of the park, kicking and screaming.
You returned to the sandbox to see Sunghoon smiling, and that's when you introduced yourselves.
From that point forward, you and Sunghoon were inseparable.
You went through every stage of life together, even the awkward ones.
Of course, when puberty struck, you noticed Sunghoon becoming more handsome than you last remembered. 
Now, you didn't say anything.
Sunghoon was cocky in a playful way. You didn't want to stroke his ego further. 
This newfound attractiveness came with more people, especially girls, interested in Sunghoon.
You were 14 when he got his first girlfriend.
Not wanting to cross any boundaries, you stepped back, only interacting with Sunghoon when he initiated it.
That relationship didn't last, and before you knew it, Sunghoon became known as one of your school's playboys. Having a new girlfriend every month became a habit for him.
But you didn't judge. You didn't pry. You didn't do anything.
Sunghoon was still your best friend, and you didn't want to jeopardize that.
Today, you and Sunghoon are at your house, chilling. 
“How are you and Veronica?” You ask, messing with your hair in front of your vanity.
Sunghoon, lying on your bed, shakes his head before saying, “We broke up.”
Confused, you turn to him, “But I thought you guys were doing well?”
“It just didn't work,” he said, scrolling through his phone.
While Sunghoon has had several girlfriends, you haven't even had your first boyfriend. 
Being a senior in high school without even having your first kiss is kind of embarrassing. Then again, you've never been teased for it.
“Can you help me get a boyfriend?” You ask, taking the conversation in a completely different direction. 
“You don't need a boyfriend,” Sunghoon replies curtly, not even bothering to look up from his phone.
“I know I don't need one, but I want one. You get to have a million and one girlfriend, but I can't have a boyfriend?”
Sunghoon finally looks up at you, but the usual playfulness in his eyes is not present. Instead, he almost looks angry.
“Guys are no good. You don't need somebody who's just going to play with your heart.”
You don't know why you're suddenly annoyed, but before you can stop yourself, you snap, “What, someone like you?”
Sunghoon eyes widen, taking in your words. 
You turn away from him, immediately regretting what you said, “I'm sorry, I didn't mean that-”
Before you can say anything else, Sunghoon leaves your room. You call after him, flinching as you hear the front door slam.
Tears prick your eyes, and you bury your head in your hands.
Great, now you just ruined the one genuine friendship you had.
The next day at school, you try to look for Sunghoon, but he's nowhere to be found.
You ask his other friends, a group of boys Sunghoon met in his first year.
“I saw him this morning, but he seemed to be in a pissy mood, so we didn't bother him. Did something happen?” Heeseung asks.
You sit at the table, telling them what happened the day before.
“Y/N, don't worry about it. Technically, what you said isn't wrong. Maybe it sparked something inside Hoon,” Sunoo says, touching your shaking one.
The other guys look at each other like they know something you don't. As you're about to ask what's up, the bell rings.
You sigh, frustrated, but get up, leaving for class.
The rest of the day passes with no sign of Sunghoon. In your last period of the day, you hear two girls gossiping in the back corner.
“Did you hear about Sunghoon?”
They immediately catch your attention, and you subtly lean back to hear the rest of the conversation.
“What happened?”
“Younghee asked him out during lunch, and he rejected her. Can you believe it?”
Younghee? You know her, she's one of the most popular girls in your school.
She asked Sunghoon out, and he rejected her, you wonder why.
From what you know, she's a nice girl. There's no reason as to why Sunghoon shouldn't have at least given her a chance.
Once the bell rings and your day ends, you rush to the parking lot to see if you can spot Sunghoon's car.
You see it, but he's already speeding out of the parking lot onto the street.
You sigh. He must be avoiding you. You must've hurt his feelings.
Getting into your own car, you drive home with a sense of guilt plaguing your heart.
When you get home, you see Sunghoon's car parked by your house.
He's sitting on your porch, head in his hands.
You park in your driveway, get out, and walk up to him.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, slinging your bag across your shoulder.
He looks up, his eyes red, like he'd been crying.
You immediately bend down to his height, “Hoon, what's wrong? Did something happen?”
He shakes his head, “No, I just needed to talk to you.”
You invite him inside, and the house is quiet because your parents aren't home.
He sits on the couch while you go to the kitchen for water. 
Once you sit down, Sunghoon starts speaking. 
“I'm sorry for running out on you yesterday and avoiding you today at school. I just had a lot on my mind.”
“Sunghoon, I should be the one apologizing. What I said was too much, and I didn't mean it.”
He shakes his head, “You don't need to apologize… you were right. I do play with girl’s hearts. I’m one of the guys I told you to stay away from.” 
“But Sunghoon,” you start, “You're so much more than that. You're kind and caring. You put others before yourself, especially me. You're one of the greatest people I've ever known. I don't know why your relationships don't work out, but they don't define you.”
“I know why they don't work out,” he says, “They don't work out because I'm the one who doesn't give any effort.”
“But why, Sunghoon?”
“Because they're not who I truly want.”
You scoot closer to him on the couch, putting your hand over his, “Then who do you want, Hoon?”
He pauses.
“You, Y/N. I want you. I've always wanted you.”
You don't register his answer for a second, the words running through your mind a million miles a minute.
Sunghoon nods, “It's always been you. I know I shouldn't have used those other girls, but… I thought I couldn't have you.”
“Sunghoon,” you coo, “You've always had me.”
You place a gentle hand on his cheek, turning his head to face you.
His lip wobbles like he's going to cry again.
You press your lips on his, stroking his cheek.
He kisses you back, turning his head to deepen it.
You've never felt something like this—this amount of happiness and warmth.
His hands make their way to your waist, holding you tightly.
You feel his tongue tease your bottom lip.
Opening your mouth slightly, you let him inside. 
The taste of him makes you feel weak.
You don't want to pull away, but you need air, so you do reluctantly. 
“Is this real?” Sunghoon asks, stroking your waist with his big hands.
You giggle, “It's real, Hoonie. You know what comes after like?”
He shakes his head.
“Love. I love you, Sunghoon.”
He smiles, his fangs, your favorite part of him, showing. “I love you more, Y/N.”
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i will be updating mafs today so look out for that hehe
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multifan2022 · 1 year
Fearless 2
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It doesn't surprise you that Beatrice and Christina jump holding hands, it was clear they would be friends. Maybe that would help, if she had others her own age to model her behavior off of. As they tumbled and skid to a stop you heard the dark haired girl laughing, smiling to yourself remembering your first time. 
You and Four had held hands, being the only two 'gentle' transfers. Eric had made fun of both of you, only to tear up himself as his knees ripped open under the gravel. Four who then was Tobias had picked the gravel out of your cheek as you both laughed. Your friendship bloomed from there, too this day he was the only other person besides Tori you trusted 100%.
Christina will fit in with Dauntless thrill seekers, such as yourself. You're pulled from your thoughts by a scream, Rita standing on the ledge crying and screaming looking down. You knew without looking that her little sister hadn't made it, it broke your heart. You were thankful when Theo stepped up to hold her back from falling herself. 
You looked away from the transfers and looked up to the sky, willing the tears to go away before anyone sees them.  You can hear Theo trying to calm her down as others walked over looking over the ledge. You hoped that the transfers realize now, that not even Dauntless born are safe now. 
Closing your eyes briefly you open them the second you hear that annoying guys voice again. "Ooh. Scandalous! A Stiff's flashing some skin!" Your eyes land on Beatrice who has her sleeve pulled up, you can tell this one is going to cause problems too. Noting in your head to watch him and to alert Four. Just as you go to tell him where to shove his mouth Max speaks, pulling everyone attention besides your own. You keep your eyes on the Stiff, as if you can will her to listen too you. 
"Listen up! My name is Max! I am one of the leaders of your new faction! Several stories below us is the members' entrance to our compound. If you can't muster the will to jump off, you don't belong here. Our initiates have the privilege of going first."
"You want us to jump off a ledge?" asks an Erudite girl, her mouth hanging open. As a trainer your already taking notes as to who you think the weaker ones will be. Rolling your eyes and crossing your arms as you turn to look at Max, who's smiling at you clearly amused not only by the girl but by your reaction. 
Max always told you that you should've been born into Dauntless, he never understood how you were Amity. "Yes," Max says clearly holding in his laughter. 
"Is there water at the bottom or something?"
"Who knows?" He raises his eyebrows and waving over the ledge, you remember your own group again. You were the first jumper, having to literally pry your hand out of Tobias's who was the last jumper. The blood is pumping in your ears as the group parts waiting to see who has the balls to go first. 
You clench your jaw when she finally steps forward making her way to the ledge thankfully not looking at you as she passes. You can hear the Dauntless around you start to whisper and turn the look on your face shutting them up quickly. When she steps up you can see the doubt on her face, the fear clear as she pulls her over dress off. 
But the defiance steps in as she throws it directly at the annoying Candor boy. A chuckle breaks through the silence, it takes a second for you to realize it was yours. Steeling your face back up you watch as people start up again with the catcalls and laughter. 
She doesn't yell after her foot leaves the ledge, she doesn't scream on her way down and you're slightly impressed. You also know that it could be the choking fear keeping her quiet like it did Four. Max even looks a little impressed, and as you thought Christina was the next to step up. 
One by one each person jumps, some scream, some laugh but others mostly initiates stay silent in fear. They now know there has to be something at the bottom, but they still don't know what it is.  Soon they are all gone, leaving only those of you who are top tier members. 
"So Y/n, whats your first impression of the newbies?" Zeke asks, bringing everyone attention back to you. The one place where you really hate, is under everyone's scrutiny.
Uncrossing your arms and moving to lean against the ledge you pause acting like your thinking. Its of course fake, they all know that, they know you are quick to judge and your opinion is hard to change. 
But its one of the reasons you make an excellent trainer, that and that your normally right. You can find their weaknesses within the first few encounters. That's why you're partnered with Four, who then will push those weaknesses until they break. 
"Really I only have an opinion so far on four of them. The Stiff is either going to excel or completely fail, haven't decided yet. The short Candor girl will fit in here well once she learns to control her mouth. The tall Candor girl is fake. Shes gonna act tough, fight hard but she will ultimately fail. And last but not least that annoying ass Candor boy, I have a feeling Im going to have fun breaking him in. Hes pissed me off already and its only been an hour and a half since I met him." 
Max nods taking notes as you speak, hes a very efficient leader. You don't always agree with him, but it's one of the reasons you get along. You're one of the few people here that gives him an honest opinion. That's also the reason hes training you to take over for him, of course Four was his first choice. But he turned it down so hey, his loss right?  
Once you take over it wont matter. He will be your second whether he likes it or not, you'll kill Eric if you have too. 
After a few more moments of conversation the rest start jumping, until it's just you and Max. He gives you a questioning look, but you shake your head indicating that you don't want to talk. He knows how much you hate running into your brother, hes assuming thats the reason for your mood. You let him run with his assumptions, leaving you alone on the roof for a moment. 
You know you only have a moment, so you remind yourself of who you are. Just a moment to feel the weakness that having two more Divergents here brings. The crushing load of responsibility your promise to Tori lays on your shoulders.  
You are brave. 
You are fearless.
You are Dauntless. 
And with that final sentence you stand back to the darkness, and fall. The ride to the net is too short, the adrenaline that runs through your veins fading too quickly. You hear those who know you chanting your name as you roll yourself off, scoffing at your best friend who's standing right there. He smirks a little knowing you're pretending to be offended that he didn't help you. 
Once everyone leaves, besides you, Four and the initiates, the two of you lead them down a narrow tunnel. The tunnel is lit at long intervals, so in the dark space between each dim lamp. One that if you didn't know where you were going you could easily feel lost or disoriented. 
When we stop I turn and watch as the Stiff runs into someones back, holding back the sigh that wants to escape badly. "This is where you divide,The Dauntless-born initiates are free to go to your dorm. I assume you don't need a tour of the place."
They break away from the group and dissolve into the shadows. You watch the last heel pass out of the light and look at those who are left. Most of the initiates were from Dauntless, so only nine people remain. Of those, only one Abnegation transfer, and there are no Amity transfers. The rest are from Erudite and, surprisingly, Candor. 
You know Four likes to get the first word in, so you tuck your feminism away for the time being and wait for him. "Most of the time I work in the control room, but for the next few weeks, I am your instructor," he says. "My name is Four."
Christina asks, "Four? Like the number?" You somehow manage to hold in the chuckle that wants so badly to escape when you see his face. "Yes," Four says. "Is there a problem?"
"Good. We're about to go into the Pit, which you will someday learn to love. It—"
Christina snickers. "The Pit? Clever name."
Four walks up to Christina and leans his face close to hers. His eyes narrow, and for a second he just stares at her. "What's your name?" he asks quietly.
"Christina," she squeaks. "Well, Christina, if I wanted to put up with Candor smart-mouths, I would have joined their faction," he hisses. "The first lesson you will learn from me is to keep your mouth shut. Got that?"
She nods, and again your holding in your laughter. You cant wait to make fun of him for this later, cant wait to tell Tori about the bravely stupid girl. Four starts toward the shadow at the end of the tunnel. The crowd of initiates moves on in silence.
"What a jerk," she mumbles as she and Beatrice, now Tris, walk past you. "I guess he doesn't like to be laughed at," she replies and this time you do laugh. They both jumped, clearly forgetting you were still in the room. "He also doesn't like smart asses, He wont tolerate you talking behind his back either. So learn quickly or the next few weeks will be harder than they need to be." You say before jogging to catch up with Four, shoulder checking the kid you don't like on the way. 
He opens his mouth and starts to speak "Watch where you're going Bitch!" The second his voice rang through the corridor Four stopped, but when the word Bitch left the pour guys mouth all Fours muscles tensed. He knew you could handle yourself, but he had a hard time tucking his chivalry away when it came to you. "Excuse me?" He says going to step forward but your hand on his chest stops him. 
Your busy smiling at the dumb ass who just spoke, so you dont see Tris's eyes linger on your hand on Fours chest.  "Whats your name dumb ass?" You say still smiling but cocking your head to the side condescendingly.
"Peter.." He says threw his teeth as some of the guys cover their laughter with coughs. You nod, and without thinking drag your hand down Fours arm, squeezing his hand to let him know you're ok. It's an innocent movement, none of them know what happens behind closed doors. You feel him relax a fraction as you let go and take steps towards the group. 
"Im Y/n. I'm also one of your trainers, I am also one of Dauntless's leaders." You watch as Peters face pales, and chuckle bringing your hands up to effortlessly put your hair in a messy bun. "I will be taking over for Max when he retires, meaning I will be the one that chooses how your life here functions. And for me..." You draw on, turning back to start leading the group away noticing Fours eyes locked on Peter. 
"First impressions are everything." 
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waldau · 8 months
hello!! big fan here! i think you’re super talented and cool 🫶🏼 can i perhaps request a friends to lovers thing for vernon? do you think he’d be the first one to break and confess or would it be you? if it’s the latter, how does he react? any thoughts on this would be fine really, even if you don’t want to make it into a full fledged story. just love talking about and thinking about vernon.
darling anon i think you broke my brain because i've never written so much in a single day (also thank you so much!!! <3). i love vernon and i've kind of been in a vernon spiral myself recently. i hope you like this :)
chroma — chwe hansol | 2,520 words | fluff
chroma (noun) — the purity of a colour, or its freedom from white or grey. reader and vernon are best friends who SCREAM become lovers. briefly ft dokyeom.
gender neutral reader. warnings: none.
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at first glance, you and vernon are opposites.
not exactly grumpy and sunshine opposites, but if you're both the same colour, you're a shade or two brighter than him. which means that you're similar with different energy levels, and honestly? you love your dynamic.
your friends notice that outside of the group, you're the one he's the closest to — so it only makes sense that he's also the one you're the closest to.
he's always near you whenever you're hanging out with your friends — whether you're sitting right next to each other or across the room, he meets your eyes from time to time, if only to check in on you, or to allude to an inside joke when someone speaks.
(you have way too many inside jokes; an unhealthy amount, even.)
he always makes it a point to drop you home. always. unless your other friends are around, in which case he won't rest till you send him a text saying you got home safely. or you crash at each other's places for the night if you're too tired.
you always look forward to whenever he gets random bursts of energy and proceeds to tell you about stuff he finds interesting. but you also use him as a pillow when he becomes extremely quiet, and honestly? it's pretty easy to co-exist with vernon regardless of the silence or the lack of it, because you always match his energy.
he sends you pictures of whatever he thinks you'll like, whether it's a meme or a sunset, but sometimes he sends you stuff he likes — like a cool monument he saw in new york or his cat or a picture of two snails on the side of the road with the caption "us?"
seriously, opening his texts is like a wild card (in a good way).
he always makes it a point to drop you home. always. unless your other friends are around, in which case he won't rest till you send him a text saying you got home safely.
you're slightly more affectionate than him, which is something he doesn't mind.
he's not the first to initiate hugs, but you can trust that he's always going to find your hand for a high five or a fist bump or a quick side hug.
if you're sitting together on the couch listening to music or watching something on the television, he lets you loop your arm through his like it's something you do every day (which it most definitely is).
vernon wasn't very physical in the beginning of your friendship, but now you're used to a light brush of his hand against yours, your shoulders bumping for a second or two, a poke to your cheek — just your things.
now the thing is this: you have a crush on vernon. a huge crush that doesn't seem to be going away any time soon.
"i knew it!" dokyeom says shrilly, and you wince. you love him, but you're not sure if he's capable of keeping your secret.
"was it that obvious?"
"of course it was! i've seen the way you look at him. like he's the funniest guy in the room, even if he's not. or like he's the hottest guy in the room. which he—"
"—is," you finish, and bite your tongue. dokyeom doesn't need to know exactly how in deep you are.
dokyeom shakes his head. "i can't believe he doesn't know."
"kyeom, if you tell him, i swear—"
"i won't! i kind of want to see how long it takes for him to realize."
"i don't think he will," you say, looking over to where vernon is sitting on the couch and arguing with seungkwan and seungcheol about the best movie from 2008.
"how do you know that?"
you shrug. "i've tried dropping subtle hints. he's just...oblivious."
dokyeom follows your gaze and sighs. "he really is. but if you ask me," he says, turning to raise an eyebrow. "this really could go somewhere."
every year, you spend valentine's day together.
it started as a joke the first time — vernon's date somehow cancelled on him at the last moment, and he showed up to your place with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates.
you thought your heart was going to fall out of your body, but he sheepishly explained he didn't know where else to go, or who else to give them to.
it turned into a rant about how he didn't believe in or care about the holiday anymore.
but now it's your tradition to enjoy each other's company rolling your eyes and booing at cheesy movies.
(you wish they'd come to life, specifically with vernon, but he doesn't have to know.)
he isn't the best at comforting you with words. you learned that a long time ago and know it well even now. yet he's the first person you turn to when something's wrong.
you're wrapped in a blanket on vernon's sofa, a hot mug of cocoa in front of you next to a bowl of snacks, but your mind isn't on any of them. why, you think. why, why, why me. you feel terrible for the space you're occupying, even though you've curled up into a ball.
"hey," vernon says from above you, and the next thing you know, you're pulled into him. "i don't know what to say to make it better, and...i don't know what else i can do, but tell me, okay?"
you nod.
"i'm sorry."
you stop crying at that, trying to blink away your tears but failing. "why?"
"he was a dick, and you never deserved someone so shitty."
you try to inhale, but it's shaky. "i'm just...so tired," you say, resting your head on his shoulder. "i don't know why i keep attracting idiots like him. and i hate that you always have to see me like this."
"like this?"
"in pieces. crying. whatever."
"you're not in pieces," vernon says, running his hand over your back. "you're sad. it happens. and i don't mind being here, okay? i'm always here. sorry."
you snort. "you've apologized more to me than he's ever done at this point."
"now you know who to keep around longer," vernon smiles.
you wonder if vernon's aware of the things he does. he talks to you like there's no one else he'd rather be with at the moment. he bends down to meet your eyes when you're talking about something, and you're amazed he hasn't noticed you short-circuiting in the middle of your sentences more than a few times now. he finds the most random things to give you every now and then.
"pebble. reminded me of pou."
"pou? vernon, that was so long ago!"
"do you want me to skip this rock?"
"no, wait—"
fights with him aren't really fights, because one of you always caves in and has to make up.
"your neck's going to hurt," you hear vernon say softly, probably trying not to wake you up. but you weren't really asleep in the first place.
"why do you care?" you grumble, sitting up straight and wincing when your neck does, in fact, hurt.
"i don't hate you just because we had a fight," he says, pulling you down to rest your head on his chest. "sore necks suck."
you chew on your cheek for a while, not wanting to say the words you know are inevitable. "fighting with you sucks, too."
he says nothing; just hugs you tighter.
you're surprised at how well you've adapted to vernon going out on dates.
it wasn't easy, you'll admit. at first it felt like your heart was being ripped out of your chest while also being crushed, but now it's okay (maybe because he hasn't been dating as much recently — you can't remember the last one he even went on).
you're nothing if not a supportive best friend, so you're okay with the few times his dates go well enough to tell you about.
you teasingly tell him not to give you too many details, but you wonder if he knows why you really ask that of him.
both of you act like a married couple, according to your friends. it made you blush at first, but there's no point reacting to it anymore because it's just not true. vernon doesn't like you the way you like him, and the way you're affectionate with each other is...hard to explain. just friends, you say, even though you wish you were more.
"you're dishgushting," dokyeom says, mouth stuffed full of pizza while he pours himself some coke.
you give him a look. "you or me?"
dokyeom nods, chewing aggressively before swallowing his bite. "you. and vernon. can't stop giving each other those eyes all the time. makes me sick."
"like you need a room or something. like there's no one else in here with you guys."
"we don't do that, kyeom."
he snorts inelegantly. "ask anyone. you're lucky jeonghan hasn't snitched on you yet."
and maybe, just maybe, vernon treats you somewhat differently than he treats his friends.
you always get the first bite of his food, always listen to new vinyls he gets on the weekends, sprawled out on the floor and letting the music seep into your skin, always get to steal his hoodies whenever you're cold — you can't think of any other friend of his who gets the same treatment.
but that's just best friend privilege.
at least that's what you tell yourself.
after vernon comes back from his latest tour, he becomes more touchy with you — resting a hand on your thigh, tracing the shell of your ear, linking pinkies with you.
maybe it's just his way of reconnecting with you after being away for so long.
but doesn't he realize what he's doing to your heart?
probably not, you think, when he wraps his arms around your waist one morning when you're in front of his vinyl collection, trying to pick something you think you'll like.
"sol?" you ask, patting his hands before resuming browsing through his shelf.
"what's up?"
"shouldn't you be in bed, then?"
"you weren't there."
you pause, the magdalene vinyl in your hand threatening to fall before you place it back. "i'm never there."
"wanna change that?"
you think it's some silly pick-up line he's trying to test on you, so you gently push him back to his bedroom, threatening to leave his home if he doesn't sleep for a few more hours.
but it doesn't end there.
those pick-up lines pop up in the most unexpected places, with the most unexpected company. you shake your head and laugh them off, but you wonder why he's behaving like this.
there's one possible explanation for it, but you're not going to let yourself walk down that path. not unless he does it first.
vernon's quiet on the walk back to your car from the supermarket, half your groceries with you and the other half with him. he doesn't say anything when you point out his shoelace is untied, or his hair is sticking up a bit weirdly for his liking, or even the fact that there's a cat sitting right next to your car before it skitters away a few seconds later.
you're not worried. vernon does have those moments where he zones out so hard no one can get him back for a while, and this seems to be one of them.
"i love you," he finally says.
your hand fumbles with the grip of your bag. not cool, not when there's a couple of glass jars in there. there's going to be nothing cute to put the cookies in if you break them now.
"i love you too?" you offer, because it's not uncommon for you to say it to each other. it's just that vernon's never brought it up unprompted before.
"no. not how you think."
not how you think? how...
you can only stare at vernon, mind running a million miles an hour while he refuses to look at you, suddenly finding interest in that untied shoelace.
"love me love me?"
he nods, almost imperceptible if you weren't looking for it. it gives you a sudden boost of courage, of happiness, of everything good. you weren't wrong, after all. you put the rest of the groceries in the trunk and turn to face him.
you've seen this sight hundreds of times before — vernon with his messy hair, in this very hoodie with jam stains on the left sleeve, and those brown eyes that light up from the inside when the sun hits them just the right way and make him look like the most handsome man in the world — but it's like you've been seeing the world, even vernon, in monochrome till he said those words.
"oi," you say, grabbing his face in your hands. "sol."
he just blinks.
"are you sure? absolutely sure?"
"yeah," he says, voice a bit rougher than usual, and you see yourself in his eyes for a moment. "i am. but i'm sor—"
you shut him up with a quick peck to his lips, uncaring of who might be seeing you right now. you know you're going to be embarrassed about it, squeal about it to dokyeom, bury your face in your pillow and question if any of it was real, but right now, it doesn't matter.
you've shocked vernon, for once. it feels good. he's staring at you with his mouth open, hands clutching your wrists like there's no tomorrow.
"you're not the only one," you explain, all bravado fizzling out when his full focus lands only on you.
"oh? yeah?" he asks, pulling you closer.
he rubs his thumb across one of your wrists. "do you have eggs?"
"...what?" back to regularly scheduled programming, then. trust vernon not to make it weird.
"eggs. or ice cream. anything that needs the fridge. because i want to take you out on a date right now."
some things change: vernon becomes your boyfriend. you move in together a few months later. it's not the first time you've met his mother, but you're still nervous.
but the best thing of all is that he's yours now.
he even tells you how he realized he loved you back.
"i just...remembered you arguing with me about whether penne or fusilli was better, and my only thought was, i want this with you. for however long i could have it. i think i just loved you for so long, but...i didn't realize it was that love. i finally understood why kyeom-hyung kept telling me to get my shit together."
"no one knows me like you do and i don't want anyone else to. yeah."
"sol, babe, i was just asking if you want me to take out the trash."
"you...oh," he says, grinning in that shy way he does. "thought you asked me if i wanted you. but hey, if i'm trash for you, you're legally obligated to take me out, right?"
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i've never put pictures before but he's SO boyfriend material, look at him
taglist: @bookyeom @wootify @strnsvt @cloudycaramel @thepoopdokyeomtouched @minnieminshi
336 notes · View notes
josephandrewstarkey · 11 days
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unseen wounds
warnings: angst, panic attacks
drew starkey x reader
Y/N’s apartment felt like a prison.
No matter how many times she locked the door, drew the curtains, or tried to lose herself in distractions, the weight pressing down on her chest refused to lift. The once safe space had become a place of torment—her phone constantly buzzing, flashes from paparazzi outside her building, and the memory of that night playing on a loop in her mind.
It had been a week since the incident. Since that man followed her home. His voice still echoed in her ears—disgusting, threatening, reducing her to something she didn’t recognize. And the worst part was, ever since the news broke, the paparazzi had made her life a spectacle.
“Y/N! Y/N! Look here!”
“How do you feel about the whole situation?”
“Who’s that man? do you know him!?”
Each time she stepped out, they swarmed her like vultures, their cameras flashing, questions being shouted without a shred of compassion. No matter how hard she tried to avoid them, they were relentless.
Today was worse.
A surge of anger and fear had boiled over in a crowded grocery store when a group of photographers trapped her near the exit. Her heart had raced, her vision blurred, and she’d barely managed to make it back to her car. The drive home was a haze. She hadn’t realized she was crying until she’d parked in front of her building. The trembling hadn’t stopped. Her breathing had become shallow, erratic. The panic attack hit her full force, like a wave crashing, pulling her under.
Her first instinct had been to hide, to lock herself away. But it hadn’t worked. The walls felt like they were closing in, her lungs screaming for air she couldn’t get, her heart pounding so hard she thought it might break through her chest. She tried everything—counting, breathing exercises—but nothing was working.
She couldn’t do this alone anymore.
Her trembling hands fumbled with her phone, scrolling through her contacts. She couldn’t call her parents—she didn’t want to worry them. Friends would try to help, but they wouldn’t understand this. This was a different kind of fear. A different kind of anxiety.
Then, she saw Drew’s name. She hesitated for a moment. He had been a good friend—quiet, steady, always there when she needed a listening ear. But ever since they started working together, things had felt different. There was an unspoken tension between them, something more than friendship bubbling beneath the surface. She wasn’t sure if calling him was the right thing to do, but in her panic, he was the only person she wanted near.
She pressed Call.
The phone rang once. Twice. Her heart raced with every passing second, wondering if she’d made a mistake. Maybe she shouldn’t—
His voice was steady, calm.
“Drew…” she tried to say, but her voice broke. The sobs that had been threatening to burst free finally escaped, raw and uncontrolled.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. What’s wrong?” His voice softened immediately, concern flooding his tone. “Are you okay? Where are you?”
“I—” She couldn’t form a complete sentence, the words lost in the chaos of her emotions. “I can’t… i need you.”
“I’m coming over. Just hang in there, alright? I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
She nodded, even though he couldn’t see her, and ended the call. The sound of his voice was like a lifeline, a tether to something real, something stable. She curled up on the couch, knees pulled to her chest, trying to focus on the fact that Drew was coming. He was coming.
Minutes felt like hours, but soon, she heard the knock at her door. Her body was too weak to move quickly, but she managed to get to her feet and unlock the door. The moment she opened it, Drew stepped inside, his face etched with worry.
“Y/N…” His voice was barely above a whisper, and in two steps, he closed the distance between them.
She didn’t think twice. The moment his arms were around her, she collapsed into him, her body wracked with sobs, unable to hold it together any longer. His embrace was warm, solid, and exactly what she needed. He held her tightly, one hand cradling the back of her head, the other wrapped protectively around her trembling form.
“I’m so sorry…” she choked out between sobs, her hands clutching his shirt as if letting go would cause her to fall apart entirely.
“Shh, don’t apologize. It’s okay. I’m here,” he murmured into her hair, his voice soothing as he gently rocked her. “Just breathe, okay? Focus on your breathing.”
But it wasn’t that easy. She had tried, so many times, to breathe, to focus, but her mind was a hurricane, and every time she closed her eyes, she was back there, in that moment, surrounded by strangers who wouldn’t stop. Couldn’t stop.
“I can’t… I can’t do this,” she gasped, her fingers tightening their grip on him.
“You don’t have to do it alone,” he whispered, his hand moving to gently rub her back. “You’re safe now. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
His words, though simple, broke through the storm in her mind, just enough for her to take a shallow breath. Then another. His steady presence, the calm cadence of his voice, gave her something to hold onto when everything else felt like it was falling apart.
“You’re safe,” he repeated, and for the first time in days, she believed it—if only for a moment.
Minutes passed, and slowly, her sobs subsided into quiet sniffles. She hadn’t moved from his arms, still clinging to him as if he were the only thing keeping her from falling apart completely.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled again, her voice hoarse.
He pulled back slightly, just enough to look her in the eyes, but he didn’t let go. “You don’t have to be sorry. You’ve been through a lot. I’m just glad you called me.”
Her eyes, still red and swollen from crying, searched his face. There was no judgment there, only concern. Genuine concern. “I didn’t know who else to call,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
“You did the right thing.” His thumb brushed away a stray tear from her cheek. “I’m here now, okay? I’m not going anywhere.”
The weight in her chest hadn’t completely lifted, but with Drew there, holding her like she was the most important person in the world, it was bearable. She wasn’t alone anymore.
drew’s pov:
The moment Y/N collapsed into my arms, I knew it was bad—worse than I had imagined. Her body shook with sobs, her breath coming in ragged gasps, and I held her as tightly as I could without hurting her, trying to shield her from whatever storm was raging inside.
How did it get this bad?
I had seen her overworked and exhausted before. We’d both been through the whirlwind of fame, of constant attention, but this was different. This was personal. I could feel her trembling, the fear radiating off her in waves. She wasn’t just tired—she was terrified.
“It’s okay,” I whispered, brushing her hair back from her damp cheeks. “I’m here. You’re safe now.”
Her sobs slowed, but she stayed close, gripping me like I was her only anchor. I didn’t mind. She needed me, and right now, that’s all that mattered. As her breathing started to even out, she whispered an apology, but I quickly hushed her.
“Don’t apologize, Y/N. You don’t have to do this alone.”
She didn’t reply, just let her head rest against my chest, the exhaustion finally catching up to her. I realized then how fragile she looked—so much smaller in my arms than usual, her usual spark gone, replaced by raw vulnerability.
“I think you need to get some rest,” I said softly, stroking her back, my hand tracing calming circles. “Let’s get you into bed, alright?”
She nodded weakly, barely lifting her head as I helped her up. Her legs wobbled, but I kept my arm around her, guiding her slowly towards her bedroom. The room was dimly lit, cluttered with scattered clothes and items she hadn’t had the energy to deal with. It was clear she hadn’t been taking care of herself. My heart twisted at the thought of her suffering like this, isolated, overwhelmed.
“Here, let me help,” I said gently as I reached into the drawer to grab a pair of soft pajamas. She stood in front of me, eyes downcast, too tired to protest.
With careful hands, I helped her change, my movements slow and respectful. She was silent, allowing me to guide her arms through the sleeves of her top and then helping her step into the loose-fitting pajama pants. I avoided looking at her face too much—this was already such an intimate moment, and I didn’t want her to feel any more vulnerable than she already did.
After that, I led her to the bathroom, where I ran a soft cloth under warm water, wringing it out before gently wiping her face. The coolness seemed to calm her further, her eyes fluttering closed as I moved the cloth over her cheeks and forehead. I couldn’t help but notice how fragile she seemed. Her skin was pale, her eyes red from crying, and yet, even in this state, there was something about her—something strong beneath all the fear. She wasn’t broken. Just hurting.
“Thank you,” she whispered, her voice barely audible.
“You don’t have to thank me, Y/N,” I murmured, leaning down a little to catch her eyes. “I’m just glad i’m able to help.”
She offered a weak smile, one that tugged at my chest, and I guided her back to the bedroom, pulling back the blankets on her bed. She crawled in, her movements sluggish, and as she settled in, I gently tucked the covers around her.
I should’ve left then. I should’ve said goodnight and let her sleep, but I couldn’t. Not yet. She was still so fragile, and I could see the lingering anxiety in her eyes. So, without saying anything, I lay down beside her, keeping a little distance, but close enough that she could reach out if she needed me.
Her head turned toward me, eyes half-lidded, and I instinctively lifted a hand to her hair, running my fingers through the soft strands. I wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do, but when I felt her body relax under my touch, I knew she needed it.
I kept stroking her hair in slow, rhythmic motions, hoping it would help her drift off. “You’re safe,” I whispered again, the words soft in the quiet room. “I’m right here.”
Within minutes, her breathing slowed, the tension gradually easing from her body. Her eyes closed fully, and she fell into a deep, exhausted sleep, the kind that comes after too many sleepless nights. I stayed there for a moment longer, watching her, making sure she was truly asleep.
When I was sure she was resting, I carefully slipped out of bed, doing my best not to disturb her. She looked peaceful, the lines of anxiety smoothed away in sleep. It was a small comfort to know she was at ease, even if only for a little while.
I glanced around the room, noticing the scattered clothes, the unopened mail, the empty water bottles by the bedside. It was clear she hadn’t been able to take care of herself properly for days. I could help with that, at least.
Quietly, I began to tidy up, picking up the scattered items, folding clothes, and organizing her bedside table. I tossed the empty water bottles into the trash, feeling a strange sense of calm as I worked. It wasn’t much, but I hoped it would help, even in a small way. I wanted her to wake up and feel like things were a little less chaotic.
Once I was done, I noticed her fridge was practically empty. I couldn’t imagine she’d eaten anything substantial in days. My chest tightened again. She was running on fumes, and I needed to fix that.
I scribbled a quick note and placed it gently next to her on the bed, where she would see it when she woke up:
*“Went to the store to grab a few things. Be back soon. Rest up. –Drew”*
With one last glance at her, peaceful in sleep, I grabbed my keys and quietly slipped out of the apartment.
y/n’s pov:
I woke up with a start, the echo of a nightmare fading from my mind. I blinked against the dim light of the room, my heart racing as a wave of panic washed over me. My hand instinctively reached out to the space beside me—empty.
*Where’s Drew?*
The familiar anxiety began creeping back in, tightening my chest. The warmth and safety I had felt in his arms just hours ago were gone, replaced by the familiar chill of loneliness. I sat up quickly, my breath catching in my throat.
And then I saw it.
A small piece of paper, right by my pillow, Drew’s familiar handwriting scrawled across it. I picked it up, my fingers trembling as I read the note.
*“Went to the store to grab a few things. Be back soon. Rest up. –Drew”*
My shoulders slumped in relief, the tightness in my chest easing. He hadn’t left. He was coming back.
I leaned back against the headboard, letting the note rest in my lap as I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. I didn’t realize how much I’d needed that reassurance until I had it. Drew had always been my rock, even when I felt like I was falling apart, and now, even in the quiet moments, he still managed to make me feel safe.
I rubbed my eyes, still heavy from sleep, and pulled the covers closer around me. The room was quiet, the soft hum of the fridge in the next room the only sound. I let my mind wander, focusing on the comfort of knowing that I wasn’t alone. For the first time in days, I felt a little lighter.
Just then, I heard the sound of the front door opening. My heart fluttered, and I sat up straighter, folding the note carefully as I placed it back on the nightstand. A moment later, Drew appeared in the doorway, balancing grocery bags in his arms, his face soft with concern but a small smile tugging at his lips when he saw me awake.
“Hey,” he said quietly, stepping into the room. “How’re you feeling?”
I gave him a tired smile, my voice still hoarse from crying. “Better. I saw your note.”
He nodded, setting the bags down on the dresser before walking over to the bed. “I didn’t want you to wake up alone and worry. Thought I’d grab a few things for you, stock up your fridge a bit.”
Tears welled up in my eyes again, but this time they weren’t from fear. They were from the overwhelming gratitude I felt in that moment. Drew was doing everything he could to take care of me, even when I felt like I didn’t deserve it.
“You didn’t have to do all this,” I whispered, my voice thick with emotion.
He knelt down beside the bed, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. “I wanted to. You’ve been going through too much on your own, Y/N. You don’t have to carry it all by yourself anymore.”
His words were a balm to my frayed nerves, soothing the rawness inside me. I reached out, taking his hand in mine, squeezing it lightly.
“Thank you,” I said softly. “For everything.”
Drew gave my hand a gentle squeeze in return, his thumb brushing over my knuckles. “I’m always here, you know that, right?”
I nodded, letting the warmth of his presence settle over me again. He stood up, glancing toward the kitchen. “I’m gonna put this stuff away, then I’ll make you something to eat. You probably haven’t had a real meal in a while.”
I didn’t protest this time. I knew he was right, and the thought of having him take care of something as simple as dinner was a relief. I leaned back against the pillows, watching as he disappeared into the kitchen with the grocery bags.
The sounds of him moving around, the quiet clatter of dishes and the opening of cabinets, filled the apartment, making it feel alive again. I closed my eyes, letting the sounds lull me into a peaceful calm, knowing that, for the first time in a long time, I wasn’t facing everything alone.
Drew was here.
And that made all the difference.
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hwangism143 · 4 months
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limbo (part 4)
synopsis: a reunion and an awkward first interaction. but what if the past repeats itself?
pairing: non-idol!minho x non-idol!fem reader
genre: angst, exes to lovers, heart break
warning: swearing, air-frying as a joke (minho. duh.), flipping off, abandonment
word count: 1.4k words
a/n: I physically cannot write long chapters. send. help.
part 3 | masterlist | part 5
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One friendship you were desperate to hold on too was that of your friendship with Sora. The bond you shared with your roommate was forged through the unbreakable mix of late night ice cream and broken nail polish bottles.
When you told her about your plans to move, she cried out, "Unnie! How's going to give you much needed advice on you fashion and love lives now?"
And, for a while, you maintained steady contact with her. Sora was like the younger sister you did have but was closer in age to you. You both would regularly gossip, her about university and you about your new job.
That was, however, until she fell off the face of the earth three years ago.
She had completely, out of the blue cut off contact with you two years into you leaving. After confirming with others mutual friends, people who knew her and her family, you found out that she had deleted all traces of her existence. Her parents later got a message from her stating that she was fine and just wanted to be left alone.
You couldn't help but wonder: was it you? Had you done something? Could you have prevented it?
These same questions along with a longing for Sora made way to your mind as you got ready for the get together later at Chan and Eun-bi's place. If Sora was still here, you would have called her, patiently taking all the well meant hits she aimed at your outfit.
If Sora was here, she would ease your anxiety about meeting Minho again.
Instead, you just sighed in contempt and walked out the door, deciding to be somewhat satisfied with whatever you wore.
You entered the penthouse with an animated gasp.
It was a penthouse. Of course it would be grand. Still, the absolute magnitude of how brilliant it was blew you away. It made sense of course, Chan along with Changbin and Jisung, completed the production trio 3Racha. Their music was literally everywhere.
Eun-bi, on the other hand, had made a name for herself as a soloist in the Korean music industry. Together, the two of them had built up Bahng Entertainment from the ground up and were now, very obviously, reaping it's benefits.
"I'm so cool," you whispered to yourself, "I managed to make famous friends."
Giving yourself a complimentary pat on the back, you rang to doorbell. The door opened and you fell right into Eun-bi's already open arms.
"I have missed you so much," she squealed, squeezing the air out of your lungs.
When she finally let you go, you went around the room making rounds. Unease bubbled in your stomach as one name clouded your thoughts. Minho, Minho, Minho. It was a fervent prayer, once always at the tip of your tongue.
Felix and Hyunjin, despite just seeing you a few days before, loudly proclaimed there problems with your absence. Changbin gave you a small pat on the back with a defeated mutter of 'still tall'. Jeongin practically flew at you, his hug competing with Eun-bi's for 'most oxygen depriving'.
Seungmin sent you a devious smirk while Jisung screamed as loud as he could "Jeogiyo noona, hokshi namchajingu isseoyo?" The entire group, bar a certain Lee Minho, broke out into laughter.
At last, Chan came up to you, palms open and facing up. "Hand it over," he said playfully. You let out a dramatized sigh and handed him thirty bucks, making a mental note to never bet on cricket again.
Then, you finally saw him.
He looked good. Uncomfortable at you being there, yes, but good nonetheless. He wore a white t-shirt with three cartoon cats and the words 'SoDoNg' on top. His black jeans were snug and a gray hoodie hung off his shoulder. He regarded you with alert eyes and a small smile.
"Hello," Minho finally said after a long pause, "You look good."
"Thank you," you responded awkwardly, "So do you."
six and a half years ago.
Minho walked in front of Jeongin, chastising him at his lack of energy.
"Come on, stop being lazy! I want to get there before Hyunjin and Felix leave to go anywhere else," Minho told him off.
"Ugh," Jeongin groaned, "We all know you just want to see Y/N. Why'd you have to drag me along as well?"
Minho glared at him to avoid the fact that he was right. Minho did want to see you. He had never offered to pick up Hyunjin and Felix up from their Physics class, considering how it was on the other side of campus and often clashed with his schedule.
When offered to accompany Jeongin today though, his eyes instantly lit up with suspicion. He began teasing Minho on the walk to the Science department until Minho threatened to air fry him. When that failed, Jeongin resorted to whining about the walk.
"So! Tired!" he huffed.
Minho ignored him and continued walking, oddly excited at the prospect of seeing you. You had an effect on him that nobody else seemed to have. Sure, he had a few flings here and there and a few girls head over heels for him, but for once, he thought that he could possible be head over heels for someone himself.
Someone like you.
You were funny, pretty and your nose scrunched up whenever you were judging someone. You were expressive, understanding and sent a smile to everyone that even so much as looked at you.
It astounded him how much he liked about you after only one meeting.
Jeongin chatted off Minho's ear about some breakup or the other, but Minho wasn't listening. He leaned against the wall in attempt to come off as casual and nonchalant, but assumed that he was sweating profusely.
When you, Hyunjin and Felix finally came out of the building, Minho let out a sigh of relief. He didn't know how much longer he could keep up the act. Hyunjin raised an eyebrow upon seeing him while Felix's mouth was slightly hung open in shock.
Hyunjin gave Minho an exaggerated wave right in front of his face and went off to terrorize and already shrieking Jeongin. ("I spent five hours fixing my hair, you will not mess it up again," he yelped in agitation). Felix, seemingly catching wind of what was happening, shot Minho a wink. Minho promptly responded by subtly flipping him off so that the motion would escape your notice.
"Hi," Minho greeted you kindly.
You blinked in rapid succession, slightly shocked at the fact that the man you were daydreaming about when you were supposed to be noting down orbital diagrams, was standing right in front of you.
"Oh, hey Minho! I have never seen you here," you told him with a surprising amount of enthusiasm for someone who had just sat through an hour long lecture on the 'principles of celestial bodies and irregular orbits'.
"Oh, uh," he chuckled nervously, a hand making way to his neck, "I usually have my culinary class right after, but the professor delayed it and I figured I would pick Felix up."
"Oh yeah, yeah," you snapped your fingers in remembrance, "You're studying cooking, right."
"You should cook for me sometime," you added in what you hoped was a smooth tone that would soften the nervous shakes in your voice and aggressive thumping in your chest.
You didn't know the effect that sentence had on Minho. Minho didn't know the effect his presence had on you.
"Well, we should grab a bite to eat sometime," Minho chuckled nervously, "I know this really nice cat café and you mentioned that you always wanted to go."
For someone really smart, you sure were extremely dumb. "'Kay, I'll ask the boys," you blurted out, with even giving what he said a second thought.
Your nose scrunched in mortification. "Well, I was hoping more just me and you..." Minho's voice trailed off.
You regained your footing in the conversation and replied in what you supposed was a flirtatious tone. "Lee Minho. Are you asking me out on a date right now?" you prodded his arm with your finger.
"I don't even have you phone number," he exclaimed defensively, throwing his hands up, "That would be unethical."
You promptly recited a set of number in response as Minho looked at you in surprise.
"So, um, I assume that was your phone number?"
"Yep! But I wonder what happened to mysteriously and charismatic Lee Minho I talked to that night. Since when did he become such an anxious mess?" you teased him playfully.
"Maybe you'll see that side of me on our date," Minho winked at you with a smirk. You bit back a playful retort, wanting to see and embrace every side of him that you possibly could.
"So it's a date then?" you asked, a blush pattering over your nose and cheeks.
"It's a date."
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twigg96 · 1 year
Reader jealous of Carol plz !
👀 ohhh I love this idea @matilda4eve !!! I hope you like this fic!
Two Can Play That Game
Era: the Prison
POV: You
Warnings: Angst, Arguments, Yelling, Misunderstandings, Swearing, Fear of Abandonment, insecurity in relationships, resolving of issues
Summary: After Sophia’s death Daryl and Carol become nearly inseparable. They rely on each other for almost everything. And while you try your damnedest to make sense of it all, as their relationship progresses you begin to feel more and more insecure until you can’t hold it in anymore.
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Ever since the farm when little Sophia came stumbling out of the barn like tomb, Daryl and Carol had been inseparable. She came to him for nearly everything. And he went to her for comfort. It was a bond none of the others including yourself could ever hope to understand. A mother ripped away from her daughter much to early. And a man willing to step in to the girl’s father’s shoes for a brief moment out of sheer kindness of the heart. Over time their relationship evolved past formality. Into friendship and the love that only two best friends could share.
But you simply couldn’t understand it. You tried. After Sophia you let the two have their space. After the farm you tried not to mind the nicknames Carol gave Daryl. When you first arrived at the prison you told yourself that when Daryl and Carol went on runs together it was better for the group. That even though Daryl and you made a good team you often got distracted and it made sense that he wanted to go with her. You did your damned best to ignore the psycho muttering of Rick about love lost and turned to Hershel for guidance who only gave you vague religious advice instead of the relationship advice you were hoping for. You even gave the two grace for how clingy they became once Daryl found Carol in the closet after thinking she was dead after the herd broke through the prison. When Merle came back you tried to ignore his vague but infuriatingly observant comments about the pair. You honestly tried not to spark fights if you could avoid them but sometimes the fire had already been lit and it was hard to avoid catching the whole thing aflame.
And so you sat in the courtyard of the prison. Taking a long drag of your cigarette you tried to calm yourself as you watched Daryl sharpen his arrows, Carol draped over his shoulder musing with his hair in such a way that would have been considered intimate had you and Daryl not been in a relationship since before the turn. And so you did what you did best. You tried to ignore it. But that white hot jealousy rose when Carol kissed Daryl’s temple and then his cheek a little too close to his lips. And oh… oh you had your suspicions about the kissing for a while. You had walked in on the two in what could be considered compromising positions before but they always explained it away. She was just leaning down to get something… He needed to go back and say good night… it made you feel so insecure and heartbroken. Standing in a huff you threw the butt of your cigarette to the ground and stomped it out ignoring the forlorn look Daryl gave you.
“I’m goin’ out.” You growled, stomping towards the gate. “W-What?” Daryl stammered standing up trying to follow but the glare you sent him instantly grounded him. “I said im goin’ out. I need a damned walk.” Daryl blinked at you cocking a brow. “Well. Let me get my gear and-“ He muttered pointing back to the prison with his thumb, but you were well past your breaking point. Rounding at him shook your head. “NO!” You screamed, storming up to face him, tears brimming your eyes even when you desperately wanted to seem strong. “Stay the hell here. Keep-“ you cut yourself off shaking your head to keep from outwardly sobbing. Daryl’s face fell, confusion and worry washing over him as he reached out to touch you, but for the first time in your relationship you pushed him away, turning away. “Like I said. I need a god damned walk.” You whispered. Daryl was glaring at you now. You were seriously starting to piss him off. “Well let me just come with ya!” He yelled walking along behind you.
Once again you shook your head, looking around you pointed to Merle. “Your brother promised me we’d go out today. So let’s go Merle!” You called motioning for Merle to follow. The elder Dixon turned from his place on the fence, covered in sweat, to see the commotion. Cocking a brow he walked over eyeing the situation warily. “What’s goin’ on?” He asked Daryl more than you, but you still answered. “You said you’d go out with me later. So let’s go. I’m ready. Let’s take a walk.” You huffed pacing anxiously in front of the gate. Merle was a little taken aback glancing from you to Daryl. He had said he would take you out for a good time… but he didn’t mean for a walk. He just wanted to piss Daryl off a little. But when he caught Carol standing farther up the hill the pieces started to click into place. Sighing deeply he let his face rest into his signature sleazy grin. “Alright, sugar. Where are we headed?” He asked, rounding you, wrapping his good arm around your waist, pulling you close to his sweaty form. Walking with you out the gates with only his knife arm and the weapons you had on you to keep you safe.
Once out of sight you peeled away from Merle tearing into every Walker in a 30 foot radius whether you had to or not. Merle stayed quiet for the most part. Whether it was out of curiosity or courtesy you had no idea. He simply puffed at a cigarette and watched you vigilantly from his seat on an old rotted stump. Once in a while he’d call out if you were going to be flanked. But for the most part he let you do what you had to. That is until the small herd moved in. You would have been fine. At least that’s what you told yourself. If you hadn’t used most of your energy stabbing the first five walkers more than they needed you could have taken them all down. But Merle’s panicked look made you second guess. Before you could register what was happening you were on your back, a strong hand having gripped the back of your shirt and yanked you out of danger. 6 shots was all it took to take them down but it also was all you had in your chamber. And you knew with the echoing of the shots through the air, that it wasn’t only the dead that would soon come looking for you both.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” You screamed, scrambling to your feet. “Me?!” Merle blinked looking at you completely appalled. “Sugar,” he growled stepping up to you, grabbing your wrist. “What the hell is wrong with you? Are you out here tryin’ ta get yerself killed?! Because that’s what I jest witnessed!” He yelled. You sneered at him fighting the sobs and the burning urge to scream at the top of your lungs. Maybe if you had more bullets you’d had attempted it. Maybe if you knew Daryl wasn’t tearing through the woods searching for you both you would have been more willing. But you didn’t want to be found. Not yet. And so you tore away from Merle with a small huff. “Just… fuck off.” You mumbled bending over to grab the knife you dropped. “Oh no…” Merle uttered through a strained laugh. “No. You don’t get to get pissed off at me for saving you, little one. That’s not how this works.” He hissed, grabbing you by the shoulder and pushing you up against a tree. “Yer gonna tell me what the hell is going on here because I feel like I’ve been extremely flexible with you. I’ve went along with your self destructive plan so far so the least I need is an explanation!” He growled.
Suddenly the tears you held back over the months, the feelings of abandonment and shame came crashing to the surface. Like a dam that was bound to break you let yourself sob, covering your face with filthy hands cried, heaving ugly sobs. Merle stared at you, his eyes wide as he pulled you close, rubbing your back, letting you rant about these messed up feelings you were having. You questioned yourself, questioned your sanity, and finally Daryl. You could feel Merle tense at your admission. And even though you backtracked and tried to make him see it like you did. Just a miscommunication, Merle still remained just as pissed. “Now you listen to me.” He whispered, pulling away slightly. “I’ve never known Daryl ta be a man ta ever mess around on anyone he’s been with… not that he’s ever been with many people before you but that doesn’t matter. He was normally the one ta be made a fool of. If Daryl is messing around…” he stayed silent for a moment but the anger and disappointment shone in eyes. “Well. He doesn’t know what he’s missing.” He whispered. Kissing the top of your head he sighed when a branch broke to your right a large heard coming in. “Looks like we’re camping out tonight, sugar.” He teased, winking at you. Rolling your eyes you sighed walking deeper into the forest to find a place to bunk down for the night.
With the early morning light came the migration of the walkers. And as much as you and Merle enjoyed each other’s company you had to admit the little inlet of the large oak tree you both scrambled under for the night was less than comfortable. Crawling out first you accessed the area. No walkers you could see… nodding to Merle you both wiggled out, covered in mud and wood chips. It wasn’t a long walk back to the prison. Only an hour or two but the way you two talked made it feel like it only was a second.
Daryl was waiting for you at the gates, pacing inside like a tiger in a cage made much too small for him. You glanced to Merle, his arm firmly around your shoulders. As the gates swung open you felt him squeeze you gently. “Remember what I said. Talk to him. If yer gonna fight. Let it happen. Figure out what’s goin’ on and quit dancing around this shit.” He whispered into your hair. Letting his arm slide from your shoulders he let you go. “See ya inside.” He muttered, giving Daryl a sly wave as he passed by his brother. “The fuck was that all about?!” Daryl growled, watching Merle slink up the hill. “Daryl… we need to talk.” You whispered, looking to the ground shamefully. “Ya fuckin’ think?!” Daryl hissed practically seething. “Let’s go inside and then-“
“No!” Daryl screamed, grasping your shoulders. “Ya wanted to take a fuckin’ walk so god damned bad let’s take a damned walk!” He yelled, twisting you around and shoving you back into the dark forest.
Stumbling tiredly through the thicket you grasped helplessly at Daryl’s wrist as he held you firmly by the back of the neck. “Daryl…” you pleaded, tears staining your dirty cheeks. “Daryl, please stop hurting me.” With a shove you fell to your knees to the forest floor. Your boyfriend pacing the ground around you grasping fists full of his own hair. “Are you kidding me?” He bit out. It wasn't until then that you got a good look at him. He looked disheveled and exhausted, big black circles under his blue eyes highlighted them making them seem brighter than life. “Do you know how fucking God damned worried I was last night?” He breathed, still pacing. “Do you have any idea how panicked I was when I heard those shots?!” He yelled out stopping to spin on his heel glaring directly at you. “I searched all god damn night fer you and Merle! And then ya jest waltz back inta camp…” Daryl stops covering his face letting out a low growl as you venture standing up again. “Like… nothing happened. Jest like Carol said ya would.” He muttered, seeming to relax a little at the thought of the older woman.
But for you… hearing her name was the straw that broke the camel’s back. “God!” You huffed, throwing your arms up in the air exaggeratedly. “Can we go one god damned conversation with out talking about Carol!” You screamed. Daryl blinked cocking a brow at you looking at you like you grew a second head. “Wha-“ he started but the cap had already flown off. The dam was broken. And you were ready to break along with it. “Jesus fucking Christ!” You screamed at the top of your lungs holding your face, trying to muffle some of the sounds before turning and kicking the nearest rock to you, sending it over the ravine. “You two are always together! I can barely get a word in edgewise when she’s with you!” You cry holding your middle as sobs wreck your core. “And I have tried, Daryl! I have desperately tried to make sense of it all. I have given you both space! I have tried to get used to the pet names!” You sobbed. “Ya think I like it when-“ Daryl tried to interject, but you shook your head, holding a hand up to cut him off. “Daryl I’m not a fucking moron!” You whined wiping tears away. “I know…” your sobs stopped you. “I saw you both. The way you look at her. The way she kisses on you…” you sobbed, your knees buckled and so you hugged them close to your chest.
Daryl was silent for a minute. Only the sound of the forest surrounded you. As the crunching of leaves grew near then distant you were sure that Daryl was going to abandon you. Leave you out in the forest and return to her. But as a thump came behind you of a fallen Walker followed by the leaves rustling as Daryl settled behind you, you felt like you could finally breathe. His arms wrapped firmly around your middle gently. You couldn’t help but to lean back into his chest and let him hold you tight. Feeling Daryl’s breath on the back of your neck and his stubble rubbing against the bare skin of your shoulder as he laid his head there you felt yourself start to ground into this reality.
“It’s not like that.” He whispered softly into your ear after a long moment. Interlacing your fingers with his he sighed. “Car-“ he muttered, cutting himself off to reword. “Darlin’. What we have is so different from what Carol and I have. I love you. I can’t lie to you and say I don’t love her. I do. But it’s different. I…” he sighed, laying his head on your shoulder. “I love her like a sister. I think? Maybe like a best friend. But you.” He muttered clambering around you to sit in front of you, he took your cheeks in his hands, brushing the tears from your eyes. “I love you like my partner. Like we’re married. Like I could never live without you.”
He whispered, kissing your forehead lovingly. “How long have you felt this way?” He asked, pulling you tight to his chest. “Too long.” You answered weakly, snuggling close, sniffling. Daryl nodded, brushing back the hair from your face. “That why ya ran off yesterday with Merle?” He asked seriously. You only nodded. You could feel Daryl tense at the thought but you refused to let his imagination run wild, not when he quelled your own fears. “We ran into a herd... it was my fault. I was too loud. Merle took some down but it got out of hand and had to camp out.” Daryl hummed rubbing your arm the worry never melting from his face. “Nothing happened. We just talked.” You tried to reassure him but he still glared into the forest in front of you. “Daryl.” You whispered. “I’ll talk to Merle. Just… hate that you felt like you couldn’t talk to me about this.” He whispered.
Back at the prison Daryl immediately went to have a… talk with Merle. After a much needed shower you were back on the hillside, smoking the last of your cigarettes. “Hey.” A soft voice called from behind you. Turning to face the woman you cocked a brow. “Carol?” You muttered watching her take a seat a few feet away. “So… I caught Daryl on his way to… well.” She sighed running a hand through her gray bob. You frowned using your toe to kick a small rock down the hill you nodded. “And?” You whispered, glancing at her through the curtain of your hair. “Honey…” Carol whispered, scooting closer to you, taking your hand in Hera she squeezed it.
“Daryl loves you. He’s loved you since the start.” She muttered, smiling kindly. “When we talk, he only talks about you. How much he cares. He worries. He wants to care for you and asks for advice. He asks about relationship advice sometimes but sometimes he asks what he should do now in the world. And…” she moved so that she was in front of you. “I’m so so sorry I ever made you feel insecure about that, honey. I didn’t mean to. What Daryl and I have is-“ You cut her off with a sad look. “Like brother and sister. I know. He told me.” You muttered. “I accept your apology, Carol. I just hope Daryl forgives me.”
Nodding she sighed. “I’m sure he will.” She whispered. “Like I said. He loves you. He just gets… prickly.” She said, smiling up and behind you. “I ain’t shit…” Your boyfriend’s voice startled you, making you jump as he plopped down to sit beside you. Wrapping an arm around your shoulders you frowned at his broken knuckles. “Did you-“ you reached out and grabbed his hand. “I deserved it, sugar! Just happy you got your shit sorted!” Merle called out walking past, showing off his shiner. Daryl glared at him, flipping him off and pulling you tighter to his chest. Carol giggled standing and walking behind you both. “Have fun, pookie.” She whispered, reaching down to scratch both of your heads as she walked away. “So?” You muttered. “So?” He whispered back. “Are you angry?” You asked. Daryl was silent for a moment as he watched those on the fence work, Rick in his garden, and Carl bring his father water. “No.” He muttered. “Are you?” He asked, looking into your eyes. Shaking your head you snuggled closer to him. “No.”
“Good…” he whispered, combing through your hair watching as the sun set. “Want to take a walk later? Just you and me?” He asked with a smirk blooming on his lips. Smirking back, you nodded. “It’s a date.”
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m0nnypie · 1 month
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Part 1 | Part 2
WARNINGS: Bokuto x reader, angst, too late, marrying, sad! bokuto, memories, insecure!bokuto, maybe a happy ending? Or maybe a sad ending?
800 words.
A/N: English is not my first language
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Bokuto has waited his whole life for this day. Looking at himself in the mirror with a gorgeous suit while waiting for the wedding to begin has always been his dream.
The first time he saw you was at the beginning of elementary school. There was a group of people who wouldn't stop bothering you and pushing you around. Bokuto, being the great gentleman he was, felt he had to defend you, even though he didn't even know you.
From that day on, you two never left each other's side (even if you tried, Bokuto is too clingy for you to get rid of him). Looking back, he always thought that the feeling of his heart beating fast and the happiness that invaded him every time he saw you was just admiration.
He only really realized that maybe he loved you more than just a friend when one of his classmates said he was going to confess to you. And the relief that consumed him when you didn't accept his classmate's confession was immense.
As soon as you entered high school, he decided that he would never confess to you, because he knew that you didn't like him the same way he liked you. Even though Akashi told him that Bokuto should take a chance, he didn't want to. He would rather die of a broken heart than lose your friendship.
Things between you never changed, even as the years went by, you always remained close. Even though his feelings only grew with the passing of time.
But as they say, 'don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today'. He wishes he had listened to that, and followed that advice. He regrets so much not having told you sooner.
Everything started to change when you met the infamous Miya Atsumu, attractive, flirtatious, famous (as if Bokuto wasn't), from a great family. At first, he didn't see it as a threat. But when Atsumu asked you out on a date, and you accepted... he became apprehensive.
He tried to put aside this feeling of jealousy, saying that it was just a hangout as friends. He couldn't have been more wrong. Before he could even realize it, you and Atsumu were dating. It broke his heart, but he couldn't blame you for it, you didn't even know how he felt. What could you do?
Unconsciously, you two drifted apart, he even thought that now that you were apart, it would be easier to get over you. And once again he was wrong. Everything got worse when he found out that in less than a year, you were engaged to Atsumu. 
How did this happen so fast? He didn't even have time to do anything to get you, that was the problem. He had a chance, but he wasted it. And now he would regret it for the rest of his life. A voice brought him back to reality.
- Kou...how do I look? - You asked apprehensively in your beautiful wedding dress. He looked at you speechless.
- You...you look perfect...- the sparkle in his eyes when he looked at you was noticeable, anyone could see how much he loved you.
- Thank you Kou...- You hugged him. He felt like crying, because he knew that this would be the most he would ever get from you.
As soon as the bride entered, he felt tears in his eyes. Anyone who saw him would think it was because he was excited for his friend, but Akashi knew the truth. Akashi knew that Bokuto was crying out of pain and sadness.
He wanted to scream as he watched you and Atsumu say your vows to each other. He wished he could stop it. He hated himself so much for not having told you anything before. Until the priest's voice made him think of something.
- Anyone who is against the union of these two gifts? Speak now or forever hold your peace! - But before he could continue, a voice spoke.
- I AM AGAINST THIS WEDDING! - Everyone turned and saw Bokuto walking to the front of the altar. Akashi even tried to stop Bokuto from continuing, but he was unable to.
- (name)... I'm here to beg you not to get married... I've loved you since we were kids..- he took a deep breath - I know this is the worst time for me to finally tell you how I feel, but I regret every minute of never having told you before. I didn't want to ruin my last chance...
You were in shock with your best friend's confession, there you were, about to marry Atsumu and out of nowhere Bokuto confesses his love to you? You were confused.
- Kou... I..- You looked into Atsumu's eyes, and at that exact moment you knew what you should do.
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bloodyquillink-blog · 9 months
I loved your reader x logan story!!!! it made me NEED more lol. Would you be willing to possibly write one for logan x reader where they meet at heshs wedding. Logan is best man for hesh, and reader is heshs finance maid of honor. they get forced to pair up and hate each other but then fall in love by the end of the wedding planning.
If it’s super confusing that’s okay!!
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A/N 🪶: I’m glad you enjoyed it! I noticed you said they meet at Hesh’s wedding but then said they fall in love by the end of the wedding planning which was sort of confusing so I made a few adjustments if that’s okay. I will say I struggled with this prompt a bit, but the challenge felt good! I'm gonna label this one an f!reader as I noticed you used her when explaining.
Warnings/Tags: Reader wears a dress, Reader is from east coast, very fluffy and sweet, Happy Ending, Spaceballs(1987) Reference, Features a couple oc!characters as reader’s friends, Logan used to tease reader for being short, Keegan and Kick get bitches
Word Count: 5.1K
Who Would’ve Thought? Logan Walker x f!reader
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You step out of the cab and grab your luggage from the trunk of the black SUV, your friends following. As your group moves to the sidewalk so as to not obstruct traffic, Wanda shades her eyes from the bright sun and looks up at the giant hotel.
“Lena’s fiancé rented out this whole place?!” Wanda exclaims in disbelief.
“Actually, it was her fiancés captain. David wasn’t even asking him to, he just brought up that they wanted some place nice and spacious for everyone and then his captain took care of it all.” Shawn corrects.
“Aw, that’s nice of him. Looks like he spared no expense either, shit!” Mara laughs.
“Looks like we’ll also be with a bunch of soldiers too, so remember to be nice! I’m looking at you, Mara.” You point.
“If they don’t mess with me, or any of you for that matter, then I won’t mess with them. Might wanna tell David to warn them too!” Mara doesn’t even look at you when she speaks, you already knew the drill after having known her and the others for so many years.
A car screeches to a stop right next to you, the door opening as Kat, your best friend since high school, jumps out and runs over to you all screaming incoherently.
“EEE! My girls!!! My best girls!!!” She manages to wrap all of you in her arms and squeezes you so tight, you begin to question if you’ll even make it to the wedding without some kind of breathing tool. Her soon-to-be husband steps out as well.
“H-Hi, Dav-id!” You squeak as Lena’s hug gets even tighter. You and your –breathless– friends endure the pain of friendship while David gets their luggage. He chuckles as he walks over to you all.
“Honey, you’re killing your friends.” He says, jokingly… you think.
“10 more seconds!” Lena shouts. David looks at each of you, smiling.
“We’ll remember all of you well, what kinda of graves do you want?” He jokes. Lena finally lets go and playfully smacks David on his arm.
“Yeah yeah, can’t a girl be happy to see her best friends?” She looks over at all of you, still smiling as wide as ever. You, Mara, Wanda and Shawn are hunched over, gasping for air as quietly, and gratefully, as possible. You hold out one of your hands.
“Good to see you in person again.” you pant. David gives you a half-hug so as not to make breathing even harder for you.
“I think you realigned my chakra with that hug.” Wanda groans.
“Which one?” Mara asks. Wanda pauses for a moment, still panting.
“All of them?” She answers. David continues giving hugs before kissing Lena on her forehead and wrapping an arm around her waist. 
“I think that might just be your spine shifting back into place.” Shawn points.
“So, how was the flight over here? Nothing too bad, I hope.” David asks. You talk with them as you bring your luggage inside the hotel. All of you had a relatively quick and painless flight, ignoring your bag almost breaking open twice and Wanda needing to replace hers in the airport when it broke after the first layover. Mara and Shawn were all set and helped her pick out better suitcases. At one point, Mara offered to hold some of your things in her bag. It’s not that either of them traveled light, Shawn noted, they just packed more efficiently than you. You stuck your tongue out at her for that.
As you each receive your room keys, you hear the revolving door swirl. David looks over and waves to a small group of men, all dressed in mostly dark clothes despite the summer heat. One of them is absolutely huge with a beard, the next three are relatively similar in size and height, their eyes dark as they walked just a bit behind the older man. You recognize one of them but you can’t remember how. He holds your gaze until David begins introducing them.
“Ladies, I’d like you to meet my sweet old Captain.” He smiles as you all chuckle amongst yourselves. The man eyes David before shaking each of your hands.
“Call me Merrick. If you ever want to hear any stories about David, let me know. I suddenly have plenty to share.” Your group giggles as David deadpans and rolls his eyes before introducing the next man to come up.
“This is Keegan “The Smoothtalker” Russ, he and Merrick both worked with my dad a while back before the Federation. One of the most reliable men I know.” Keegan walks forward to shake your hands as well.
“Pleasure to make your acquaintance,” his voice is even deeper than Merrick’s, “I hope I can make your night as well.” You notice he holds onto Mara’s hand a bit longer than everyone else’s, he stares directly into her eyes. Mara doesn’t shrink at all despite his intimidating aura.
“I’d like to see you try, tough guy.” She shoots back. Keegan smirks as he steps back into his original spot. Mara doesn’t usually flirt, but when she does, it’s honestly inspirational. 
David moves on to the next man, he bares some resemblance to David, actually. Wait…
“This is my brother, Logan, the first most reliable man I know.” He doesn’t say anything. Your friends offer a small wave, while you stare.
“Long time no see, Logan.” You say, smiling. He nods, smirk on his face, while David moves on. The next man is a little shorter than Keegan and Logan, but seems somewhat more approachable.
“This is Kick, the biggest nerd I know but another one of the most reliable men I know.” Kick rolls his eyes and steps forward to shake everyone’s hands.
“You may not know this but Hesh- er- David,” He corrects, “is unintentionally the funniest man I know.”
“Thanks, Kick–”
“I mean you should see him whenever he faceplants on the field after slipping, it’s like a cartoon. He gets up and it’s like he got a mud mask.” You all giggle as Kick walks back with his head high and David bites his lip as his ears turn pink.
“Don’t suppose you have pictures?” Shawn asks, Kick shakes his head but smiles.
“If I get any, I’ll send them to you right away.” David is gritting his teeth at this point.
“Okay, hun, do you wanna introduce your friends?” Lena brings her hands together, excited.
“Oh yeah! David and Logan already know her but,” She introduces you first. “She’s my best friend since high school! And this is Mara “The Baddie” Williams, and Wanda “The Mind Reader” Stevens and Shawn, who’s a nerd too! But it’s cool when she does it.”
“Interesting names. So, what qualifies you as a nerd?” Kick asks, amused.
“I did computer science and engineering in my first four years of college, then went back for my masters in computer science and I’m working on my doctoral, at the moment. I think she just calls me a nerd because I’m doing an ‘unnecessary amount of school’.” Shawn explains. Kick nods, appreciatively.
“What do you- you guys do?” Shawn seems nervous suddenly.
“I’m an IT specialist, so I also work with computers a lot.” Kick answers immediately. Shawn nods, smiling an awful lot more than usual.
“Cool, cool… and, uh, you guys?” 
“As Hesh pointed out, I am apparently a ‘sweet’ and ‘old’ Captain. My job is working with these assholes and others like them.”
“Jury’s still out on the ‘sweet’ part, but everything else, yeah. I’m one of the assholes he works with, sadly.” Keegan says with a straight face.
“Same thing for Logan and I, just a couple assholes trying to make the world a better place.”
“I knew it, I’m surrounded by assholes.” Shawna jokes. Wanda turns to her.
“Did you actually just make a Spaceballs reference? Right now?”
“It is a good movie.” Kick admits.
“See, he agrees with me so it must be correct.” Shawna and Wanda bicker about the film. Lena claps her hands to get everyone's attention.
“Okay, why don’t we get our keys and head to our rooms before dinner and we can relax a bit and explore the hotel.” She suggests. As she finishes, the rotating door slides as more soldiers enter and fill up the lobby, some passing by David and clapping him on the back.
“I gotta stay here to help everyone else get comfortable, but you guys go on ahead.” David and Lena share a quick kiss before she turns. She pulls out her key card and excitedly ran off and then ran back to grab her luggage and waved goodbye.
“It was nice to meet you all! See you at dinner!” With the weight of her luggage, it was more of a speed walk. You and the girls wave goodbye and follow her to the big elevator centered in the lobby. As you walk, you feel eyes on you. Once you get to the elevator and wait, you look around. It doesn’t take much to find out what’s wrong. You look back over towards David and see Logan staring in your direction. You hold his gaze for a moment and force yourself to wave at him. He just looks away, focusing on whatever David is talking about with his group.
You ignore the interaction (if you can even call it that) and join into the conversation your friends are having. Lena is explaining the schedule while Shawna corrects her.
“Okay, so! We have dinner at 6:30! It’s like noon right now-”
“It’s 1:30.”
“Same thing! So, I got a room for all of us to share so we can be roommates!”
“Like it’s college again!” Wanda interjects.
All of you file into the elevator and go to your shared room. There’s five beds spread out amongst the room. The bathroom includes a separate bath and shower with multiple baskets of travel size toiletries lined along the side of the bathtub. You all set down your luggage beside one of the beds and sit down on the soft mattress and plush covers, talking amongst yourselves while you clean up for dinner.
After a few hours, you head down to the hotel restaurant. There were many tables filled already by David’s military friends. Him, Logan and his friends you met earlier sit at one table amongst their peers while Lena leads you to a different table that’s within their view. Logan can easily just stare directly at you from his spot which is exactly what he’s doing. When you look at him, you see the smile on his face. You almost immediately feel the weight of possible insults he could throw at you. 
When you were younger, you knew the Walker boys when they attended the same middle school as you on the east coast since their family was moving around a lot at the time before going back to San Diego. While Logan was quiet then, he still managed to make silent jokes at your expense. He’d rest his elbow on your head or bend his knees or hunch over dramatically to highlight the height difference between you two at the time. One time, he saw a chihuahua being walked by its owner and pointed at it then pointed at you before patting your head and continuing to walk beside David, their longer strides made it hard for you to catch up.
None of those jokes seem to come from him now but it left an imprint at the time that was apparently enough to make you self-conscious in front of him these days. 
Maybe I should’ve worn heels, you thought. 
Whatever, it's too late now. Lena put her purse down in her chair.
“I’ll be right back!” and she scurried off to see David. Their happiness is worth it. You can get through the dinner. You and your friends take a look at the menu. Before long, everyone’s ordering and drinking together. Lena’s since returned from the other table and excitedly talks about the hotel. “It’s so nice, I can’t wait to explore it with all of you. I think I heard they have an arcade room somewhere.” As everyone talks, your phone buzzes.
Unknown Number: Can you tell Lena I said thank you for giving me your number?
Who the fu-
You look up at Logan again. That same damn smile on his face, phone in hand. His smile looks so damn genuine but you can’t help but feel like it’s fake. You look at Lena.
“You gave him my number?!” You whisper yell.
“Oh yeah! He asked me for it and I thought ‘Why not’, so now you guys can catch up a bit while everything’s going on.”
As much as you want to grab her by the shoulders and shake her silly, you can’t. She was trying to be nice and this was something for you to take up with him yourself, like an adult. You exhale through your nose and show her the text.
“He wanted me to say thanks.” You chuckle. You refuse to ruin her mood in any way on the week of her wedding, especially if she’s done nothing wrong. She smiles and turns to look at Logan, bringing two thumbs up which he returns. You bite your tongue and type in his name for the contact before typing more.
You: It’s rude to text during dinner
Logan Walker: Tell that to Kick and your friend.
With wrinkled brows, you look up at your table and see Shawn typing which is strange because Shawn’s the one who reminds everyone of table etiquette. You look between Kick and Shawn, remembering their interaction earlier. Oh?
“Shawn, what happened to your table manners?” You ask, trying not to smile. She looks up with wide eyes, suddenly shy again.
“Oh! Sorry, I, um…” Her phone buzzes. Lena finished sipping her wine.
“Guilty, I may or may not have given Kick her number too!” Lena chimes in.
“It’s been like 5 minutes and you’re already forgetting table manners? Okay, Shawn, I see you.” Shawn flushes at your comment and finishes a quick text before putting her phone away, smiling at Kick who sees her and smiles back.
“Done now! So, what were we talking about?” Shawn’s face is still red as she attempts to shift the conversation. As Mara and Wanda poke and prod, your phone vibrates.
Logan Walker: Since it’s so rude, I’ll text you after dinner.
You: Much appreciated
Logan Walker: But before I do, I just wanted to say you look nice tonight.
You: I feel a joke coming on
Logan Walker: A joke?
You: Nevermind
You shove your phone in your bag and get back to the conversation at hand. Not too long after, dinner is served. You share laughs and drinks, as well as small bites of your gourmet meals. Afterwards, dessert is served. You can’t tell which course you enjoyed more but both taste like heaven.
When the night is over, everyone heads back to their rooms, aside from Lena and David who spend some time together away from their “roommates”. You sit in bed, showered and ready to sleep when you remember the texts. You pick up your phone and read.
Logan Walker: So what did you mean by joke?
You: You remember in middle school when you’d always make fun of my height
Logan Walker: Oh.
The hell does “Oh.” mean?
Logan Walker: And you thought I was gonna make fun of you tonight?
You: I was expecting it yeah
Logan Walker: I meant what I said earlier.
Logan Walker: I didn’t realize I bothered you so much back then.
You wait a few seconds, seeing three dots appear and disappear a couple times.
Logan Walker: I’m sorry.
He’s apologizing? You debate your response in your head.
You: Thanks
Logan Walker: I’ll let you be, it’s late. I’ll see you at brunch tomorrow.
Logan Walker: Don’t be late.
You: I am never late
Logan Walker: You were late to dinner.
You: I was right on time!
Logan Walker: In the military, if you aren’t early, you’re late.
You: The bride decides the time of arrival
Logan Walker: You made that up.
You: You’re applying a military “rule” to civilians
Logan doesn’t respond for a few seconds. You don’t see any dots.
You: I got you there
You: Goodnight mr sergeant walker sir
You immediately put down your phone smiling to yourself as though you just broke a rule in an elementary school class on purpose and feel that little rush of doing something “bad”. If your friends weren’t sleeping, you’d probably be giggling or some shit like a damn schoolgirl. As you roll over on your side, ready to sleep, you realize something. Logan Walker made you smile. You go to bed feeling warm and fuzzy.
You wake up the next morning to Lena shaking you awake before she moves on to the others. You collectively get ready and head out by 10:30 for brunch. Before the doors open, you swear you can already smell the food. You eat in the same restaurant area of the hotel as you did last night. While the tables remain in the same spots, the room has brought in more tables, all divided into sections where chefs make and serve food. You can even see the spice racks hanging on the walls that must’ve been moved in here. As everyone moves throughout the room, you sit down with Mara and Wanda. Lena joins not too long after.
“Where’s Shawn?” She asks. Mara looks around and points, smiling. Shawn is walking around beside Kick as they talk, almost looking excited. Kick intently listens and you notice whenever he finishes talking, Shawn’s smile gets a little wider. Wanda pulls out her phone and sends a quick text before eying Shawn carefully. Shawn pulls her phone out, Kick waiting patiently. Suddenly, she looks up at your table of smirks and turns back to Kick giggling, her face already red. After a minute more of talking, they go their separate ways. You see Kick sit beside Logan and he makes a comment that has Kick rolling his eyes. Logan’s eyes turn to you and he smiles. This time you smile back at him and get to eating.
The next couple days are a blur. You and your friends explore inside and outside the hotel, hanging out in mud baths at the spa with some other ladies, and you think you see a couple men too, from the military getting massages. As much as you want one as well, they probably need it more if the content groaning you hear says anything. You’re all sure to say thank you before heading out for shopping. You already brought your bridesmaid dress, but you see a pale blue dress with flowy sleeves that you must have. You notice Mara, Shawn and Wanda have matching dresses tailored to their style and body, their dresses are nearly at the floor and the sleeves go to their wrists whereas yours stops before your elbows and the hem is a little above your ankles. They all wear a variety of darker shades of blue while yours is noticeably more pastel than theirs.
“Oh, I didn’t realize you already picked out dresses! Do they have more of those?” Lena grabs you by the shoulders, a firm grip.
“You won’t be needing to match them! In fact, it’s good you won’t.” She has another excited look on her face. Before you can ask her what wicked thing she has planned, she spreads her arms out in front of you.
“You’re my maid of honor!” Your mouth drops open. You look at the others who are all smiling almost as wide as her.
“You little shits, did you plan this?!” You know the answer and they all confirm with a nod and you squeal, giving Lena a bear hug. Both of you practically fighting to crush the other in your arms, but lovingly so. Eventually, everyone joins in.
After more shopping and spending time with your girls, you text Logan to let him know you were all heading back. The wedding was tomorrow and your favorite love birds, David and Lena, already had arrangements to make sure they didn’t see each other at least 24 hours before the wedding.
Logan Walker: Don’t worry, we have him locked in the bathroom.
You: Will that hold him?
Logan Walker: No, but this is what we’re trained for.
You: You’re trained to hold your brother in a bathroom?
Logan Walker: The army prepares us for everything.
You felt bold tonight.
You: What else are you prepared for?
Logan Walker: Can’t say, surprise attacks only work when no one expects them.
You: Are you gonna attack me?
Logan Walker: Maybe. Probably.
Logan Walker: Only if you give me a reason to.
You: Yeah ok soldier boy
You suddenly feel like you’re in trouble.
You: I’m sorry
Logan Walker: You’re in room 345, right?
You: …no
Logan Walker: You have 5 seconds to tell me the truth.
Logan Walker: 4
Logan Walker: 3
Logan Walker: 2
You: YES
You: Fuckin interrogating me
Logan Walker: It’s my job.
You: Is it tho?
Logan Walker: When necessary.
You: Yeah that’s not ominous at all
You: Wedding’s tomorrow
Logan Walker: Oh, is it? I didn’t know that.
You: Yeah okay stupid comment
Logan Walker: Happens to the best of us.
You: So you admit I’m the best?
There’s a pause.
Logan Walker: Goodnight.
You: Thats a yes!
You: Im calling it a yes!
You: Im the best!
You see he’s reading your texts but not answering and decide to stop.
You: Goodnight
Before you can put your phone down, it vibrates.
Logan Walker: I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep well.
And the conversation ends there.
Finally, the morning comes and Lena can’t sit still. After having to text back and forth with Logan about moving through the hotel so the couple doesn’t see one another, everyone heads out. You make it safely to the bride’s dressing room with everything you need. The hair stylist and makeup artist are already there and greet you inside. Lena’s mom has also joined to help her with the dress. Before you and the bridesmaids start getting ready, you take turns going out in casual clothes to get small snacks and water for everyone. You talk about the schedule of the day and occasionally past weddings you’ve attended.
Sometimes, Lena’s mom chimes in about her wedding, and the disaster it almost became multiple times the day of. From the makeup artist getting food poisoning when only half her face was done, the marriage officiant came in with crutches and a limp, the cake was almost destroyed when it was left somewhere in the hotel and no one knew where (keeping in mind the hotel you’re in is smaller than the even fancier hotel her mom was married in.). 
As time continued going on and you all got yourselves together, it was time. Lena’s beautiful in her long white dress and veil that framed her face. Mara, Shawn and Wanda look amazing in their darker hues. Lena’s mom’s trying not to cry. And you felt pretty. Not even pretty, shit, you felt gorgeous. After thanking the makeup artist and hair stylist, you head out.
Lena and her mom walk arm in arm, David is biting his lip as he fails to contain a wide smile. You’re sure you can see tears in his eyes. You and Shawn and Mara and Wanda walk in pairs behind Lena. As Lena stands across from David, you stand on the far left side of the front with Mara, Shawn and Wanda standing to your right. You look across the way at the groomsmen. At Logan. Where your dress is lighter than the bridesmaids, his suit is lighter than his fellow groomsmen. The groomsmens suits are dull in comparison to the bridesmaids. Everyone still looks great and matches wonderfully. Logan looks so handsome. The entire time, you guys eye each other when the other looks away. Lena is crying and David is trying to hold back his tears, both still smiling at one another.
The vows and kiss are what break David, even with tears he continues smiling at his bride while everyone claps. Logan’s smiles and all of the groomsmen crowd around him as the photographer stands in the middle of the aisle. Then you, the bridesmaids and Lena take a photo as well. You spend almost another hour taking photos of everyone together in the venue before the afterparty ceremony begins. The toast and dinner seems to bring everyone even closer, you find yourself talking with a few other soldiers. Afterwards, at the cake cutting, Lena and David hold the knife together and pick out a slice. Lena swipes her finger against the knife, picking up the leftover frosting, before lightly pressing her finger onto the tip of David’s nose. He stares at her for a second before squishing his nose onto her cheek, returning the frosting.  The interaction is held onto by the photographer taking pictures of the moment.
A few minutes later, David and Lena come up to you.
“So, how do you like dancing?” She asks.
“... You’re planning something again, aren’t you?” You respond, all too aware of her tendencies.
“Oh, no.”
“You’re not?”
“No. It was already planned.”
“What was planned?”
“So, the best man and maid of honor are expected to be paired for the dancing.” She’s smiling as though something mischievous has happened.
“So…” Logan appears before you can ask anything. 
“Logan’s my best man. Lena was telling me about her plans for the bridesmaids dresses, so I did the same for the groomsmens suits.” David explains. Your face feels warm.
“W-Well, I’m ready when you guys are. Just, uh, say the word.”
“The word is now!” The music immediately changes to something soft and sweet. David and Lena move to the middle of the room. You and Logan stand on the opposite side of the floor to the tables. You back at Logan and do a double take when you see Kick and Shawn on the other side of Lena and David. You smile at her, her face is more red than ever. You think you see the redness goes all the way to her hands, of which Kick holds tenderly. Kick looks over and smiles at the both of you. You look back to Logan and think about the whole situation. Your best friend is getting married, your other friend apparently has a love interest, and you have some kind of maybe love interest person, kind of, possibly (good lord, even your thoughts are flustered). You see Shawn pointing towards the tables and Kick chuckles. You look over and your jaw drops.
Just off to the side of the tables, away from the dance floor, Mara leans against Keegan while he has his hands around her waist. He rests his chin on her head while she covers her face in her hands, giggling. Were all of you reduced to fits of giggles because of military men? Apparently so. As all of you chuckle to yourselves, you look at Logan. He’s smirking at you, his cheeks are a little pink.
“Hi…” You whisper, staring into his eyes.
“Hi.” He whispers back, staring back at you. 
“I’m glad I saw you again, Logan.”
“Me too.” He pauses for a moment. “You still on the east coast?”
“Yeah, yeah. Never really left. It’s just my place, I guess.”
“Everyone has their place in the world.”
“I guess they do, yeah.”
“Would you mind if, after all of this, I visited?” You blink, a smile slowly creeps onto your face.
“I’d like it if you did.” Logan smiles wide and attempts to keep his cool. The flow of the conversation is interrupted by Wanda sauntering over.
“Hehe, hi guys.” Her words are almost slurred.
“Wanda, how much have you had tonight?” She pauses a moment, thinking.
“Um, I think, like, maybe a couple?”
“A couple?” You and Logan have stopped moving at this point, but your hand is still in his and his other hand remains on your hip. You’re both smiling to yourselves.
“Yeah, hehe.” Merrick walks up behind her. “Oh, hi, Captain sir!” He silently brings his arms around her stomach and lifts her just enough to get her feet off the floor, allowing him to walk away while Wanda continues her drunken giggling. You watch as he sets her down and instructs her to sit in a chair, before moving all alcoholic drinks away. She pouts looking at the cup of water that just so happens to be in front of her. You start laughing, trying to be silent so as to not draw attention away from Lena, but your fit has you putting your forehead on Logan’s chest. You feel him rumbling from his chuckles. You look back up and catch Lena laughing and directing Logan to a Merrick, who’s smirking down at the still pouting Wanda. Everyone’s happy tonight it seems. Even as the party dies down, it stays that way. Full of happiness.
~A couple months later~
You walk to your front door after hearing a firm couple of knocks. You look through the peephole and smile to yourself, heart pulsing. Opening the door, you see the man you��ve been waiting for. Logan grins, moving forward to pull you into a tight hug. His arms are always so warm, you’ve noticed.
“I missed you so much, what took so long?” You ask.
“A nearly canceled flight, traffic, there’s more if you wanna hear about it.” He answers, grabbing his luggage and bringing it in. 
“Tell me everything! I’m still making dinner.” You spend the next thirty or so minutes cooking and talking, Logan talks and tastes the food intermittently. His vacation consists of exploring your town and attending special events throughout his time here. You catch up on your lives, or as much as he can tell you about. Originally, it was supposed to be two weeks of staying at your home. This changed to three, then four, and so on until Logan ended up changing his address  and bringing in boxes. While he still has to leave for months at a time every once in a while, it makes seeing him worth it.
Then the day comes when he’s home for good. He stays in the state with a new job. You learn to lose the fear of losing him with every night you spend in one another's arms. Years later, you’re having your own wedding with him. Your friends wear similar bridesmaids dresses and groomsmen suits to remind yourselves of the event that led to this… the happiest moment of your life.
I hope you enjoyed this. Thank you for your request. I will add this to my CoD Stories series on Ao3 @ RiversSong82
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kimbappykidding · 1 year
Your relationship with Yeonjun ends abruptly when he cheats on you with your member but neither of you can quite move on from one another
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 Even though it had been almost 4 months since you'd broken up, Yeonjun still froze every time he saw you. It did get better the more times he saw you in a day but the first time always got him.
While you didn't freeze every time you saw Yeonjun and the pain had lessened considerably, you did think of him and still missed him which made you mad at yourself every time. You also still found him attractive too which didn't help. You pretty obviously had a type and the only other guys you found attractive looked like him. You watched him performing during his latest comeback and sighed, he always knew how to work a stage. The problem was this wasn't a normal breakup where you just lost touch or were going down different paths. No, this break-up was caused by the ultimate betrayal between Yeonjun and one of your own members.
You weren't too close to your members before but Yeonjun and Ari's actions had ruined everything. You always felt slightly left out of your group being the only foreign member but any relationship you did have with was made worse by how most of your group took her side. They, of course, were sympathetic at first but they liked her more than you so encouraged you to think of the group and to remember it was just a kiss. You wanted to scream when they said that because it wasn't just a kiss. The image was still ingrained in your mind all this time later. Of the two of them together, her in his lap and how his hands held her hips as they moved together. It probably would've progressed to more if you hadn't walked in on them. The aftermath was the worst time of your life. Your only support system was your fellow Thai Idols and if it wasn't for Lisa and Minnie you're not sure what would've happened to you or what you would've done. You only had a year until your contract ended and then you were gone. In your mind, you were done with singing and music. It had been your passion since you were a child but now you wanted nothing to do with it, you just wanted to be alone. The company was trying to sweeten you up by giving you a solo and all the creative input possible but you just wanted out. Yeonjun knew how much he'd hurt you and he hated it. His actions with Ari had been his worst moment too and he tried punishing himself but there was nothing he could do to make it hurt less. So when you dumped him he didn't fight it, he did everything so you wouldn't have to see his face or have people ask you about him. He encouraged his members, who of course were friends with you after 2 years of dating, to still be there for you. However, you told Beomgyu you'd prefer not to see any of them for a while and that broke Yeonjun. Not only had he ruined your life he'd also broken 4 friendships. Time passed and Yeonjun had no idea how you were doing. He'd left you alone and avoided your group like the plague but recently he'd been thinking a lot about you. There was some drama with his family and he didn't know what to do. Your family was similar to Yeonjun's and you always got his feelings and understood his thinking. So he desperately wanted to discuss it all with you but of course, he couldn't. Soobin noticed Yeonjun had been down a lot recently and Yeonjun explained the situation. "Just when I think me hurting Y/n can't get any worse things like this pop up and I realise how much she was there for me. I'd give anything to talk to her about this" he sighed and Soobin frowned "well what if you asked her?".  Yeonjun's heart picked up "but I can't! After what I did to her how can I ask for help?". Soobin nodded "I know but this is about your family who she always cared a lot about. Plus, you want to be friends with her again don't you?". "More than anything" Yeonjun nodded and Soobin nodded "well then you'll have to make a first step sometime. Test the waters, be very clear she doesn't have to respond to you and can ignore you. Ask her permission and be as compensating as possible. Don't ask to meet up, give her the choice to just text if she wants to but I'd say try". Yeonjun sighed but nodded. He was terrified but he trusted Soobin, so he wrote the text and sent it. You looked at your phone and saw a name you hadn't seen in 5 months since he stopped texting you. You were on the phone with Lisa in seconds. You sent her a screenshot of the text and she read it in silence.  "What are you feeling?" she asked. "Angry" you replied "after all he's done he expects emotional labour? Someone to sound ideas off and comfort him?". Lisa nodded "I agree but he did give you multiple chances to say no. I know he sent the text anyway so there's still some emotional collateral but you don't have to reply. You can delete this and he knows". You sighed "should I do that? I should right?". Lisa frowned "Look I hate his guys but I'm only saying this because I think you're too scared too...you miss him and I know you worry about him and still care for his family. You're a good person and I know you'll torment yourself with worry about him if you don't atleast text him back". You nodded "I want to text him back and that makes me hate myself". Lisa shook her head "don't...you can't help it. Plus it's just a text. It doesn't mean you've forgiven him or are condoning his action  It doesn't mean anything". You nodded and took a breath "okay help me write a reply". Nearly an hour later Yeonjun received a reply and he actually gasped. "What?" Taehyun asked and he smiled "Y/n texted me back!". "That's great" Huening Kai smiled and the younger members started getting excited. Yeonjun shook his head "don't do that. She's still sad, I can tell by her message and she's only agreed to help me because of my parents". "But still it's something" Beomgyu said and Yeonjun nodded "yeah it is". You only sent Yeonjun 3 texts but they did drain you and brought up a lot of old memories. It didn't help that you were also working on your solo which happened to be a sad ballad at the time. It helped in that every note you sang was so raw and honest but that didn't make you feel much better. Your members all went quiet when they first heard it and you knew why. They all knew you were signing every single note to Yeonjun and Ari and you didn’t care to try and hide it. The first time you performed it live they were both there in the audience and you felt your emotions take over. They surged out of you through your voice and you gave the most emotional and powerful performance of your life. 
You hit the final note and the stage went black. The audience screamed and other idols clapped along, many female idols had glossy eyes that they tried to hide and all your idol friends were wiping away tears. Ten was stood up clapping, Lisa looked furious on your behalf and Minnie who happened to be behind TxT was screaming loudly for you. But through it all, you only saw Yeonjun. He was staring at you and when you locked eyes he looked so ashamed and shocked. Like he never quite realised what he'd done to you. You held his eye for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and quickly fixing a smile on your face. You waved to your fans and made your way off stage as if it didn't feel like you were crumbling. You figured you just had to act like that wasn't the biggest moment of your career and should pretend as if nothing happened.
But Yeonjun didn't feel that way. He made an excuse to the staff and rushed backstage to find you. He knocked on your dressing room door and you opened it not expecting to find him there. "Y/n...I need to speak to you" he said. You knew Yeonjun and if he didn't say whatever was on his mind he'd probably explode so you let him in. Luckily he got right to the point.  "Y/n I know I hurt you but I never knew I made you feel that way...I'm so sorry". You blinked at him unsure what to do or say. For so long you thought if he just knew how you felt and apologised you'd be at peace but you weren't. The sorry felt redundant now but it still hurt. So you just shrugged "it happened, it's over now". Yeonjun frowned "but you're still hurting. I can tell, I know you remember". You rolled your eyes "you don't get to tell me you know me!" you said sharply and Yeonjun raised his hands "you're right! I'm sorry. All I meant is I can see in your eyes you aren't happy. You nodded "of course I'm not for so many reasons! You cheated on me for one, with one of my members! A person I have to see practically every day so try healing from that. You put an immovable wedge between me and all my members. A wedge I just made a chasm by singing that solo. A solo everyone loves by the way which is great but also so fucking sad because it's about the worst time in my life and I re-live it every time I sing those words...and the worst part is through all of that I still care about you...and miss you and wonder about you". Yeonjun stared at you unsure what to do. Hearing you still cared about him made him want to leap for joy but the tears running from your cheeks made him realise this wasn't a good thing. "You ruined me Yeonjun" you said softly "and I don't think I'll ever recover from that". Yeonjun frowned "I'm so sorry Y/n" tears filled his own eyes "there's not a day that goes by where I don't regret what I did to you or hate myself for it. I'd take it all back in a heartbeat and I still care about you too. I'll never forgive myself for what I did to you and all I can say is I'm sorry". You were crying fully now and Yeonjun's instinct to try and hug you won out. He gently put his arms around you and while at first, you were rigid the moment you smelt his scent you couldn't help it. You were soon crying into his shirt and couldn't stop yourself. You just felt so overwhelmed and your brain was confused, unsure if Yeonjun was still safe or not after all those years of him being your support system. You were too tired to remember to be angry. You were just sad. You stopped crying a while later and Yeonjun sat beside you. He'd given you his jacket at some point and you had some water. You'd been crying so hard you now had hiccups and were trying to get them to stop. "Do you want me to take you home?" Yeonjun asked "or I can order you a taxi if you'd rather not be with me?". You just wanted to go home so you shook your head "let's go". Yeonjun nodded and rushed to grab his stuff. You drove in silence until Yeonjun pulled up outside your apartment. "I know talking about it is painful but I think it could also help you get closure. I know I'm the last person you want to hear this from but I'm worried about you Y/n. You're very pale and skinny, your eyes look tired and if your members are a problem then that's not good for your stress levels. If I can be one less problem I'll do it so if you need me to stand there while you scream or to send angry message then do it". You nodded slightly "I think I need closure and there's one thing that always bugged me...why?". Yeonjun paused as the question he'd always been dreading finally came up. "Why did you cheat on me?" you asked "you always told me it was a mistake you regretted but never explained why you did it in the first place". Yeonjun sighed "it just kind of happened. It had building I guess, Ari used to flirt with me and I'd flirt back encouraging her. I thought there was nothing wrong with it but then it became way too normal and we both got bolder and then that happened. I never planned on doing anything, she was just there and I was tired and lonely it just happened". You weren't sure what you were expecting, some reasonable excuse but that was your answer. He was tired. You almost laughed. "Well let's hope you're on a better sleep schedule now" you replied and got out of the car. You walked away and felt something shift in the universe. Things were about to change. One year later Yeonjun watched you on stage and couldn't believe you were the same person as before. You'd left your company the second you could and hadn't looked back. You signed up at a new company and seemed to be thriving. You performed your song on stage to a screaming crowd and idols singing along. Your debut solo song had done really well and you'd already won 2 awards for it. You looked so much better. You were back to a healthy weight and your smile didn't seem forced anymore. You looked happy and that pleased Yeonjun. That's all he wanted for you. He saw you again that night sandwiched between G-Idle and BlackPink. Yeonjun had noticed how pretty much all the girl groups and several of the boy groups had become friends with you and as you walked several called out to you. Then you paused as you spotted him at the bar. You hesitated and Yeonjun shook his head "you go I'll go later" he said and went to back away but you shook your head. You walked right up to him and took a breath "I need to tell you something". Yeonjun nodded and looked at your expectantly. "I forgive you" you said and Yeonjun's eyes widened "really?". You nodded "I'm in a much better place than last year and I've decided to let go of any of those bad memories or pain. I'm not saying what you did was right...that's not what forgiveness is, but I choose to let go now". Yeonjun nodded "thank you and I'm really happy to see you doing so well. You look...well happy". You nodded "I am, for the first time in nearly 2 years I am". Yeonjun smiled "that's great, you deserve it all". You nodded and moved away. "You okay?" Soobin asked, having observed the whole thing and Yeonjun nodded. For the first time since your breakup, he let out a deep breath he'd been holding because you were okay. You'd recovered from what he'd done to you and his worst fear of him causing you irredeemable damage hadn't come true. You were stronger than the bad he'd done to you. Yeonjun would always carry the weight of what he'd done to you but he was so happy you'd recovered. It was a relief and something he'd always be grateful for. He loved seeing you smile and you were truly thriving, enough to even repair some old friendships. About a month later Yeonjun came back from the bathroom to hear a familiar but sorely missed sound. You laughing. He saw you chatting with Soobin and Huening Kai. You must've somehow found each other at this kpop event and got talking. Soobin said something and Huening hid behind you as you argued back jokingly. He watched the scene and smiled to see you doing so well but then he paused. He felt a much more familiar pang of regret realising this not being normal was all his fault. He'd never gotten over you or been able to move on and he was fairly sure he never would. As if sensing his thoughts Soobin looked up and spotted him. You followed his gaze and met Yeonjun's eye. His breath paused but then you smiled softly and gestured for him to come over. He felt so surprised but also joyful and hurried over. "Hey" he said trying to act casual "what's Soobin done wrong now". Soobin mocked gasped and Huening giggled. You smiled "he was just teasing Huening for his plushies" you told him "he threatened to throw some away". Yeonjun laughed "that would be like torture to Huening!". You nodded "that's what I said" and laughed before you seemed to realise what you were doing. "Well it was really great seeing you again, good night" you called and walked away. Once you'd gone both boys turned to Yeonjun. "You both just stood and had a conversation!" Soobin said. Yeonjun nodded "I know...and it felt amazing". After that, you had several more chats with TxT and Yeonjun. You'd nod to each other at award shows and talk behind the scenes. Yeonjun would sometimes find your friends watching or glaring at him as you did but that was okay. He was so grateful you had them and all they'd done for you so they had the right to be angry at him long after you'd forgiven him. The more he was around you the more he realised he still had feelings for you and that they weren't going anywhere. He hadn't dated anyone in nearly 2 years since you'd broken up and honestly he'd never even thought about it. He knew you were the love of his life and he figured he'd wrecked all of that but now you were talking again he wasn't sure. You still fit together so well and the last time you'd run into each other went to get a coffee and stayed talking for hours. The way you looked at him gave Yeonjun hope things weren't over and so he kept a watchful eye for any hint from you, that you might want something more. When he got it at a party where the two of you found yourselves outside together all night, he went for it. "Y/n I...I never stopped loving you" Yeonjun said and your breath caught in your throat. Yeonjun carried on "I still love you and I know after everything I've got some nerve even asking but is there any way you could give me a second chance? I've learned my mistake I promise, I just want you back". Your heart was hammering in your chest and your brain hurt with all the thoughts processing. When a while passed and you didn't reply Yeonjun prompted you "Y/n?". You took a breath "sorry I just need a minute...I don't know what the smartest thing for me to do is". Yeonjun nodded "I know your brain is probably screaming at you to tell me to suck it but I swear Y/n I will never hurt you like that again. You can trust me and I will prove that to you every single day". You sighed "see I believe you mean that but what if that changes? You never set out to hurt me the first time but Yeonjun I almost didn't survive this. I'm not sure I can take a second one". Yeonjun shook his head "me either which is why you can trust me. I know how badly I messed up and it was the worst time of my life. So no matter what happens I will never let things get that bad. I'll be open and honest with you throughout. Please just give me a chance to show you". You looked at him "please don't hurt me again" and Yeonjun broke. He rushed forward and cradled you against him. "Never" he said kissing your forehead tenderly before looking into your eyes "does this mean...?". His voice wavered and you saw the emotion in his eyes so you nodded. "I still love you too" and you kissed him. Yeonjun had literally dreamed of this scenario for so long that it didn't feel real. He kissed you back, his brain unable to process if his wildest dream was really happening. You were giving him a second chance! When you pulled away you were both laughing and crying at the same time. "I won't let you down Y/n, I swear it" Yeonjun said concentrating so hard he was frowning and you smiled "I know, I trust you" and you did. You could feel the truth in Yeonjun's words and could also feel something else. You weren't sure what it was but something was telling you this was the right thing to do and that your struggles with Yeonjun were over. Your future together was going to be bright. _______
Just to clarify I am in no way saying cheating is something Yeonjun would do! I just wanted to explore a sad storyline with Yeonjun :) 
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maeleelee · 11 months
Chapter nine
Liquor Lips
PC x Skz!Frat Boys.
Feel free to replace your name with one from the crew, Mae and Minho are the main characters in this story.
Sleeping with him was a mistake, but telling him about her feelings for the guy her best friend likes was what she regrets the most. Now she's stuck doing everything he says in fear that if she doesn't, he'll tell everyone and her friendship will be ruined.
⚠️minors DO NOT interact⚠️
Warnings: party, drinking, spin the bottle, kissing, making out, argument, sex: degrading in a way, praise(good girl), fingering, demanding, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex (this is bad. Don’t do this), pet names (baby, bunny), marking, knife mentioned(not used), pet play in a way, begging, edging, multiple orgasms. Murder is in this chapter. Please be advised. Read WITH caution.
Mae walked into the party with two cases of beer and a smile on her face. The party had started already. People were pushed together, swaying and grinding on each other on the dance floor. Some were already drunk. Some were basically fucking where they stood.
“Thank fuck.” Hyunjin smiled at her. “We just ran out.” He said, taking the cases from her. Ani, Yeonjun, and Jeongin brought in six more cases. “Damn.”
“We were informed you guys didn’t have enough. We supplied.” She smiled at the boy. “Liquor?”
“On the bar in the kitchen.” He told her.
“Thank you bubs.” She smiled and walked into the kitchen, pulling Ani behind her. Jeongin and Yeonjun followed close behind them both. Mae set up four shot glasses and poured liquor into them. They all grabbed one and clinked the glasses together before shooting it back. They did this two more times and made themselves a drink.
The two girls were giggling at something Yeonjun had said when they heard a scream. Mae walked to where the scream came from and giggled quietly when she saw Sadie covered in a drink. “Are you fucking kidding me?” Rumor shouted at Caden.
“What?” Caden smirked at the girl. “I didn’t do anything.” She shrugged.
“You poured that drink onto her.” Rumor shouted, her face was red, you could see the steam roll from her ears, how she clenched her jaw and balled her fist.
“Wanna know why I did it?” Caden asked Rumor, a big smile across his face.
“Why?” She huffed.
“Because you two don’t know when to stop talking shitting about my girl. Keep her name out your mouth and go be the whores I know you can be.” Caden told them, making Rumor slap him across the face.
Mae didn’t think straight after that, just walked over, fist clenched and with her full force, swung on Rumor. “Don’t you ever touch my family again.”
“You broke my nose you crazy bitch.” Rumor shouted, touching her nose. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“A lot, honey. I have a lot wrong with me. You can talk as much shit you want to about me, but do not ever touch or talk about my family.” Mae hissed.
She turned to Caden and pouted. “Come on baby boy. Gotta clean that cut.” Rumors ring cut him when she slapped him.
Mae got him to the kitchen and Chan brought the first aid kit over to them. Mae cleaned it up and put a butterfly bandage on it to keep it from reopening. “There we go. All done!” She smiled.
“Thanks momma.” Caden smiled softly.
“You know I don’t care if they talk about me, right?” Mae patted his head. “I’d take every hit if it meant they left you guys alone.”
“We know.” Bun bun smiled beside the two. Mae kissed bun buns cheek and looked towards the group.
“Wanna dance?” She asked Caden, who nodded. “Come on then.” She held out her hands for both of them and walked back to the circle. She giggled when she looked at Jess. “Where the hell did you find a scream mask?”
“I mean, you got me the one mask and I didn’t like it so I went and traded it for this one.” She giggled. “I’m still a nun for you though.”
“Caden and I are gonna go dance. Anyone wanna join?” Mae smiled at the group. Half stood up and they all walked to the dance floor.
The group was definitely tipsy. Some more than others. Jess was looking for the bathroom when she ran into a wall. She took a step back and tilted her head. It was someone in a scream mask, the same one she was wearing. “I’m so sorry.” The boy said. “I should have paid attention to where I was going.” He smiled and slid the mask off. “I’m jisung.” He held his hand out but before she could answer, he was being pulled off by a few teammates.
Caden had walked to the front and smiled at Binnie. “Come up here.” He shouted at Caden. Caden listened and Binnie helped him up there. He pulled him in front of him and started showing him the way everything worked. Binnie took the cowboy hat off of his head and put it on Caden’s. “You look cute in your sharkboy costume.” Binnie smiled.
“Mae asked me to wear it. I didn’t wanna say no.” Caden chuckled lightly.
“I’m glad you didn’t. I really like it.” Binnie smiled.
Mae made her way through the crowd and giggled at the group. “Spin the bottle. Come on.” Jeongin smiled and patted the ground.
“What are we, fifteen again?” Mae smiled at the boy, who pushed her over slightly. “Who’s starting and what’s the rules?”
“Kiss the person the bottle lands on.” Chan smiled at Mae.
“Alright. Sounds easy enough.” She giggled and shook her head. They all took turns, spinning it a few times before it was Mae’s turn. She spun it and tilted her head when it landed on Jeongin. He had a big goofy grin on his face, making her laugh.
“You gonna kiss me or just make that goofy face?” Mae asked him, making him lean in and pressed a light kiss to her lips. When he pulled away he smiled that goofy grin.
“Have you fallen in love yet?” He asked her, making Yeonjun smack him in the back of the head.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself.” Yeonjun smirked at the boy. The game continued, people spinning the bottle, and then kissing the one it landed on. It was Mae’s turn again and she spun it, leaning on Yeonjun slightly.
She froze when it stopped on Minho. They locked eyes and he smirked at her. She felt a push and moved towards him like she was in a trance, stopping right in front of him.
He was gentle at first, putting his fingers in her hair and gripping the back of her neck. He pressed their lips together. It was soft but hard at the same time. He wanted to know how her lips felt since he started hanging out with her. He wouldn’t let her pull back until they were both out of breath. His tongue ran across her bottom lip and slid into her mouth when she opened up. Her hand gripped his shirt and pulled him slightly closer. His tongue explored her mouth, making her moan softly into his mouth. They pulled away and took a second to catch their breath. They had spit connecting their lips together still. “Fuck.” He whispered.
Once she came back to her senses, she saw Yeonjun stand and walk away. She looked back at Minho and then turned red. She stood up and headed towards the bathroom, to get away from everything for a second. Yeonjun had followed her though. She couldn’t tell his emotions, but she knew he wasn’t happy. “What’s wrong?”
“Why’d you let that happen?” He asked, voice low.
“Last time I cheek you were the one telling me there wouldn’t be any feelings involved with us.” She glared at him and crossed her arms.
“You know what, you’re right. I did say that.” He growled. “However, he’s the worst one of them all. So don’t come crawling back to me when he hurts you.” He told her. He didn’t really mean it. He’d always be there for her. No matter what. They were best friends.
“Why are you being such a fucking asshole?” She asked him. “You know what, I don’t wanna know.” She pushed past him and headed towards the kitchen.
“Mae.” He grabbed her wrist.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” She growled at him and pushed him away from her. “You were the one who made the rules. I would have made things work for you. But you’d rather fuck ‘em and leave apparently.” She took a deep breath. “Fuck you Yeonjun.” She walked away from him and grabbed a bottle of liquor and walked outside.
“You okay?” She looked up at Jeongin. She shrugged and he sat down next to her and took the bottle from her, taking a sip. “His loss.” She giggled lightly.
“Thanks for trying to make me feel better.” She shook her head at the boy and leaned in against his shoulder. “Why are boys the way that they are?” She whispered.
“Baby. If I knew the answer to that, I’d try and show you the right way to be treated.” He chuckled.
“That’s gross Innie.” She giggled and took a sip of the liquor. “Can we go dancing? I need to forget what just happened for a little bit.” She whispered to him again.
“Of course. Come on.” He held out his hand and pulled her up and inside.
She stood there and watched Chan flirt with Ani the same way he flirted with her. She sighed and turned. She ran into a wall and apologized.
“It’s okay. You alright?” She looked up and sighed.
“I’m fine Minho.” She mumbled and walked around him.
“Wait, Mae. Talk to me.” He grabbed her wrist lightly and pulled her back to him.
“Yeonjun got mad that we kissed and the man who I kinda like is flirting with my best friend.” She sighed. “Yeonjun is leaving with someone else tonight and by the looks of it, I’ll be alone.” She said quietly.
“Let me help you forget.” He mumbled at her.
“How?” She whispered.
“Take you back to my room and show you my name is the only one you’ll be remembering.” He smirked, pushing some hair behind her ear.
“What’s the catch?” She giggled at him. “You boys always come with a catch.”
“There is none. I just wanna fuck you.” He smirked.
“Will you fuck the sad away?” She asked.
“I’ll fuck you so dumb you’ll see stars pretty. Come on.” He smiled and pulled her towards his room.
As soon as he got her into his room, he closed the door and pushed her against it, locking it as he did, pressing his lips to hers straight away. He needed to feel her lips again, feel every curve of her body. His fingers went back into her hair and he pushed himself against her, pushing her more into the door.
He lifted her leg around his waist and slid his tongue into her mouth. Her hands went to his waist, trying to pull him even closer. “Min.” She moaned into his mouth. He pulled away, only to kiss down to her neck. He nipped and sucked, making marks all over her neck. She gripped his overalls tighter.
“Minnie baby.” She moaned lightly. He lifted her skirt up a little bit and slid her underwear to the side. He groaned against her neck and slid his fingers into her.
“So fucking wet baby.” He mumbled against her neck, moving his fingers fast. “Wanna make you cum so many times.”
“Fuck.” She whimpered, hands wrapping around his biceps and nails digging into them. “Close.” She mumbled. His lips were still on her neck, marking her with his marks. He sped up his fingers, rubbing her clit with his thumb. She came onto his fingers and took a deep breath.
He pulled his fingers out of her and licked them, moaning at her taste. “Fuck baby. Wanna eat you up.”
“Do it.” She told him.
“Oh baby. One thing you need to understand about me, I’m not asking you anything. I’m telling you what I want to do with you.” He mumbled out to her. “So be a good girl and shush.” He grumbled, biting on her shoulder.
He lifted her up and walked to the bed, putting her on the edge. He got down on his knees and smiled up at her. “Lift those pretty hips baby girl.” He told her. She nodded and did as told. He pulled down her skirt and licked his lips. “So fucking pretty.” He mumbled, pulling her underwear down.
He put her legs over his shoulders and kissed her thigh, moving up to her cunt. He flatten his tongue and licked up, making her moan. Her hand flew to his hair, finger tingling in them and gripping tight. “Fuck Min.” She mumbled out, head falling backwards.
He pulled away, making her whine. “Look at me or I’ll stop.” He growled at her. She nodded and looked down at him, his tongue licking up her again. She moaned softly, gripping a little tighter. He slid his tongue into her and pulled her closer by her hips. In and out. In and out. In and out.
She moaned and whimpered. “Min. Min I’m close.” She stuttered out. “Ah. Please don’t. Shit. Please don’t stop.” She whined at him.
“Sound so pretty when you beg.” He mumbled out between her thighs, speeding his tongue up. She came against his tongue and gripped his hair tightly as she did. He cleaned her up and pulled away. She pulled him to her and pushed their lips together.
He pulled away and undid her corset. Her mask was long gone and fell off somewhere at the party. “Looked so pretty dressed as a bunny tonight. So dangerous with the knife.” He mumbled against her lips. She undid his overalls and took off his shirt.
“Please fuck me Min.” She whined to him. He smirked.
“Gonna do this two ways. You start on your stomach and end looking up at me so I can watch you cum or you start looking at me and I flip you on your stomach and shove you into the bed when I come.” He told her. Fuck. They both sounded great.
“Start looking at you, end on my stomach.” She told him.
“Good girl.” He smiled and slid his boxers down. He spit on it and used to precum to lobe himself up. He pushed into her, slowly.
“Min please. I can take it.” She whined, gripping his biceps, nails digging into them. He groaned and did as told, sliding into her a little faster.
“Fucking hell.” He groaned as he slid all the way in. “Feel so fucking good.” He mumbled and started to move after a second. His thrusts were fast, rough. Everything she needed.
She pulled him closer and pressed their lips together. He kept the speed going and slid his tongue back into her mouth. Their tongues fought each other for a moment before he pulled away to kiss back down her neck, nibbling and biting. She dug her nails into his back, wrapping her legs around his waist. “I’m close.” She whined.
“Cum my little bunny.” He smirked at the name. “Wish you had your ears still. Look so fucking good on you. So cute. Looked so innocent.” He chuckled, moving quicker. “We all know that’s a lie though, look how good you're taking my cock bunny.” He groaned.
She moaned at the words, cumming around him. He did what he said he would and flipped her onto her stomach. His pace picked up and he pressed her into the mattress. Every thrust was better than the last. He could have his way with her at any point in time. “Good Lord.” He groaned out as he watched his cock disappear inside of her.
The music was still going, blasting loud throughout the frat house but all he could hear was how wet Mae was. Only thing he could think about was how deep she could take him.
Every thrust made her even more wet and he could feel himself getting close. He didn’t want this to end though, knowing she’d probably never look at him like this again. So he slowed down, making her whine.
“Minnie. No please. Fuck.” She pleaded. “Please keep going. Don’t stop. So so close.” She gripped the sheets.
“Fuck bunny. Beg some more.” He growled, hand running down her tattoo covered spine.
“Please Minnie. Please fuck me. Keep fucking me.” She cried out, tears falling down her face into the bed sheets. He grabbed her wrists and tied them together with a tie he had thrown on his nightstand the other day. He was silently thanking his past self. He pulled her up and moaned into her jaw.
“So fucking pretty with tears down your face.” He smirked at her. “Wanna make it happen again.” He whispered as he started thrusting hard into her again. The tears came back and she moaned out loudly, head falling onto his shoulder.
“Yes Minho.” She nodded. “Again.” She mumbled. “Feels so good.” She whispered, eyes closed tight.
“Gonna cum inside you, yeah?” He asked.
She nodded, knowing he probably wasn’t asking. “Please. Want you to fill me up.” She whined, pushing back a little into him.
“Fuck. You’re perfect.” He groaned, thumb finding her clit, rubbing circles. “Be a good bunny and come.” He mumbled into her ear.
“Yes sir.” She whined, cumming after a few more thrusts. He shoved her back onto the bed, pressed her face into the mattress again and thrusted fast and hard. Cumming soon after her. He rode out their highs, fucking his cum into her.
“Shit bunny.” He mumbled, pulling out of her. He watched his cum roll down her thigh and moaned. He kissed her spine and slowly moved her onto her back. “You okay?” He whispered, moving her hair out of her face.
“I’m good Min. Didn’t hurt me.” She smiled.
“Wanna soak in the tub with me?” He asked her and she nodded. “Off to the tub we go.” He smiled, picking her up.
She walked into the bathroom and sighed. “Emily. You look fine. Stop stressing.” Her best friend, Haley, said.
“I just, did you see that girl making out with Minho?” Emily asked Haley.
“Yeah. Total whore moves right there.” Haley shook her head.
“Hey, imma go get a drink. I’ll meet you downstairs?” Emily asked Haley.
She nodded and watched her bestie walk out the door. She went back to fixing her lipstick when she was grabbed and her face was smashed against the mirror, not once not twice, but three times. Glass and blood was everywhere.
She was on the ground, trying to scream but nothing would come out, she tried to crawl away and couldn’t. She felt hands wrap around her throat and tried to get them off. She looked up and panicked when she saw who was strangling her, the cape covered their head and face
“Please.” She breathed. “I’m sorry.” She took another breath. “For whatever I did wrong.” The person tilted their head and shook it. “I-“ she couldn’t breathe anymore, when the hands tightened around her throat.
Soon she laid there, lifeless, and the person stood up and walked out the bathroom, going to a room and stripping out of the cape and back into their costume.
Then made their way back to the party, like nothing happened.
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Taglist: @cadenonlinelive @imagine-a-life-like-this @mxnsxngie @choisoorin @littleleatabixx @acrylishly @babyboyquokka @nyro-in-new-albion @bunnyiix @turtledove824
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snakegorl212006 · 2 years
SCP headcanons pt1
(how did you meet)
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Scp-070(you’re a SCP)
You always was a entity at site** and honestly you thought you saw everything but this would’ve been one of the weirdest things you’ve seen. You had a hard time sleeping so the guards let you stay up for one hour before returning to your room. With that hour you head to the cafeteria , got yourself a snack, then you hear clanking on the floor. You turned around to see a native american male who appears dead asleep. That’s not the weirdest part you’ve seen researchers sleep walking before but this man wasn't walking as he’s held up by rusted metal wings with long pointed chains coming down from the structure. He was crawling on the walls well, his wings made him crawl. I waved my hand to see if he was ok but in return he floated down and crashed onto me. The wings stopped moving and it looked like his whole body was asleep. When that happened no more than 2 or 3 security personnel  came in with sticky foam. They handled the rest and I was sent back to my room.
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Scp-073(you’re a SCP)
You just got taken from your home after some rando exposed your powers and your true form. Due to the incident you had a hard time opening up to research personnel and were not very compliant to test due to a build up fear. Due to you being difficult, tests were suspended for the time being. In the present day, you are allowed to go around the facility to help boost your trust. The first place you went to was the cafeteria. You were in your human form and honestly you could almost be considered a D-class if the researchers and security personnel didn't know who you were. Now you just got done going through the line and you yourself some (favorite food)which wasn't normally served but due to you being a SCP and wanting to get on your good side you kinda get special treatment. This caught the attention of many D-class personals who envy you. You were casually minding your own business until a small group of D-class were surrounding you . each one was just itching for a fight. But you just were not interested. Before anything else happened to you a man grabbed his arm then the guards came and took them away before anything else could happen "are you ok" the man asked which sounded cold,kinda robotic but it felt warm to you. You nod which made him give a small smile "good. I'm scp-073 but I'm calling cain" he introduced "(y/n)" you replied significantly you're first steps of your friendship
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Scp-076-2(you're a D-class)
You never wanted to be here. But if it wasn't for you being accused of a massacre you wouldn't be in this mess. Multiple containment breaches happened at the same time. All you had was a knife from a dead personal, a flashlight,and a couple key cards ranging from levels 1-4. The people were dropping like flies and reinforcements were coming soon. you were roaming around the halls aware of the sound and the quiet screaming from the victims. Unfortunately for you you came across a hostile scp who was stabbing another military personal. He wouldn't have noticed you if you hadn't flash your flashlight in his face. He turned slightly for a second and you booked it. As you ran you heard his footsteps getting closer and closer. You managed to shut a gate on him and you didn't stick around to find out if he broke though or not. Lucky for you  found yourself in the cafeteria. You head to the kitchen and grab yourself the biggest knife there. It wouldn't be too useful on a scp but hey you got a weapon. From behind the kitchen counter the doors burst open and you quickly hid in the cabinets in the back. You readyed your knife and calmed your breathing “where are you? Little mouse”he called as his footsteps grew closer to your location. Then without warning his sword pierce through the cabinet from above you making you run out. He tries to slice you again but you also dodge that move. Using the knife in your hand and stabbed through his neck and managed to snap his neck by twisting the knife towards the back of his neck. To add insult to injury his collar exploded making him disintegrate. Some MTs’ found you and managed to get you to a temporary cell.
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Scp-085( you’re a scp)
You were in your cell minding your own business until you saw foundation personnel transport a canvas in your room. It wasn't just any canvas but there was a person inside “Scp-(random numbers) this is scp-085. You’ll be helping her and will be sharing the same containment cells for a few days. There was a breach that destroyed her containment.”the rechercher said then he left. You turned to the 2D girl and saw how sad she looked. You grabbed a pencil and wrote to her “hi im (y/n) what’s your name”  you asked. She slowly wrote the word ‘cassy’ “why are you so sad” you asked. She shook her head like she didn't want to talk about it. “What do you like”you wrote “cars”she replied “why ask” she said “well you look sad and i want to know what makes you happy” you wrote a reply. She smiles through the picture “want to be friends”she asked. You nod in reply and thus a friendship was born
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Scp-049( you’re a researcher)
You’re the new researcher at the facility and were told due to a previous breach you have to interview Scp-049 asap. You reach the interview room “good evening 049. Im dr.(l/n) and i’ll be asking you a few questions. Is this ok with you”you asked.'' It’s completely fine, doctor,”he replied. The interview began and he was very polite to you and you had zero issues with although he never gave a clear explanation on what the pestilence is. At the end of the interview selection you declared your leave “wait Doctor.”049 called “is there something wrong”you asked “if it’s possible i would like to chat with you again”he said. You thought for a moment “I suppose it wouldn't hurt. I’ll see you soon 049” you declared as you were escorted out the room.
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liaromancewriter · 1 year
Day One (4/6)
Series Premise: What happened when Cassie met Sienna? Small moments that defined their friendship.
Book: Open Heart Characters: Cassie Valentine (F!MC), Sienna Trinh Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 1,085
A/N: Submission for @choiceschallenge-may2023 prompt "bedroom"
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Sienna Trinh knew she should ask for a life preserver when she was drowning. She had great friends and wasn’t lacking a supportive community. And therein lay the problem.
Her friends were brilliant.
Elijah was already on the fast track to becoming a renowned researcher. Aurora made practicing medicine look effortless. Jackie was likely the best chief resident the hospital had seen in years. Bryce was supremely confident and an excellent surgeon. Rafael was practically Superman.
And Cassie. Well, her best friend had graduated top of her class at Hopkins and, despite tough competition, maintained her spot as the number one intern. She had been doing double duty as an internal medicine resident and a junior diagnostics fellow for two years.
None of them struggled while studying for their board exams. They indulged her in group study – the cat café had been inspired. But they could’ve taken the exam the next day and passed it comfortably.
Sienna wasn’t sure she could say the same about herself. After her meltdown last week and the mix-up with her baking and medicine textbooks, she’d tried to follow everyone’s advice and just chill. But panic was setting in again, with the exam now only a few hours away.
She stared at her bedroom ceiling and blew her overlong bangs out of her eyes. She wanted to scream, but it was the middle of the night, and her roommates were asleep.
What made her think she could do this? Be a doctor? Maybe she should quit before she made a fool of herself.
The soft knock on her bedroom was so unexpected that Sienna gripped the comforter's edge and wondered if she could hide under the covers. An intruder wouldn’t knock, she thought with a mental shake. Her nerves really were on edge if her first thought was of intruders invading their apartment.
She shoved the covers aside, switched on a bedside lamp and padded across the floor to pull the door open a crack. The cobwebs cleared when she saw Cassie on the other side with a tray of cookies and milk.
“Hey,” Cassie whispered. “I had a feeling you’d be tossing and turning, so I come bearing gifts.”
Sienna beamed and swung open the door, stepping back to let Cassie inside.
“How’d you know?” she asked, closing the door and joining her on the bed.
They sat cross-legged on the covers facing each other, the snack tray in the middle. Sienna broke off the corner of a double chocolate cookie — her midnight indulgence — and nibbled, uncaring of the crumbs.
“You’ve been stressing about the boards for months,” Cassie told her. “I know you tried to rein it in this past week, but it can’t have been easy. Now with the test only a few hours away…”
Sienna twisted her lips wryly as Cassie shrugged.
She didn’t need to say the words. Her friend knew her well enough to suspect stress was never far behind. She was one of the few people who knew how much Sienna hated standardized tests and that she struggled with them.
“If it helps,” Cassie continued, “I’m stressed about it too, but I try not to show it. I’ve felt a target on my back since intern year and the rankings. Like, people are waiting for me to fail and do it spectacularly.”
Cassie sighed, polishing off her cookie and sipping milk, lost in thought.
“I’m not immune to the gossip about me, Si,” she said. “Some people believe I used Naveen’s cure to weasel my way onto the team over other worthy candidates. And others think Ethan deliberately goes easy on me. So, if I don’t do well—"
“Who cares what small-minded people think?” Sienna protested, brows furrowing. “And Dr. Ramsey is always hardest on you. Even when we were interns, he assigned you all the PITAs. I asked Zaid once if I could take one of them off your list. But he told me the orders had come straight from the top, so no substitutions.”
Cassie stared at her, amused and surprised. “Why did I not hear about this before?”
Sienna shrugged. “The point is, you earned it. I have zero doubts you’re gonna ace the test.”
“You know, I came to cheer you up, and I’ve made it about me,” Cassie said, tapping one finger against her lips, considering.
“I’m glad you did,” Sienna said. “It helps to know you have doubts just like I do. Sometimes, I look at you and wish I had the same self-confidence.”
Cassie made a distressed sound, but Sienna rushed through the rest, needing to get the words out.
“I was ready to quit in intern year,” she said. “I wasn’t exactly a great mentor to Mitch. I get too hung up on what others think of me. And when I compare myself to the Roomies, I’m not sure I measure up as a doctor in quite the same way.”
Cassie’s long and silent scrutiny made Sienna uncomfortable. She opened her mouth to change the subject, but her friend held up a hand to stop her.
“You’re an amazing doctor, Sienna, and always have been,” she insisted. “But being a doctor is not your identity, and never has been. You brought us together in this apartment to become a second family. You cheer each of us on. Feed us breakfast, packed lunches, and cookies.”
Cassie smiled. “You remember everyone’s birthdays and always buy the best gifts.”
Eyes swimming with tears at the heartfelt words, Sienna looked down when Cassie’s hand covered hers.
“As to medicine, I’ve never met a more compassionate and caring doctor like you, except for Ethan. The kids in the pediatrics ward would riot if you didn’t visit them daily. They can feel what we all know. That you’re the best of us. No matter what happens tomorrow, that will never change.”
Sienna wanted to speak, thank Cassie, but the lump in her throat wouldn’t let her talk. Tears fell unheeded down her cheeks. Her smile was watery as she squeezed Cassie’s hand in silent acknowledgment and gratitude.
Cassie took out her phone. “Now, because I know you, I will help you with last-minute exam prep. Hopefully, that’ll put your mind at ease. You know the drill.”
Sienna nodded and inwardly laughed as Cassie pulled up the browser app on her phone. She glimpsed the familiar logo of an exam prep website and took a deep breath.
“Ready, Dr. Trinh?” Cassie asked, lifting one eyebrow in challenge.
“Fire away, Dr. Valentine.”
All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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fucklife-or-me · 2 years
I just broke down while showering. I'll post it here bc I can't scream it to the world.
I don't think I'll ever be able to say-to admit- face to face how much I want to be loved by people who I do not share blood with.
How bad I carve an embrace that will hold me when my bones ache, and will whisper soothing words when my spine breaks by the events of the day. I cannot put into words how much I crave inner jokes, funny looks or gentle words. How my soul aches to be the first option just once. I pretend to not care, but even I can't deny my longing looks when I see a happy friend group chatting amongst themselves, can't deny the sadness and the envy that crawl out making me look away. I want to be on the arms of people other than my kin. I want to be a receiver of the meaningful looks and be the one that understands inner jokes. I want to know what is like to be care about. To have people who will genuinely fight for you, no questions asked. I want to be seen. And I can't help but feel selfish,feel like I'm making myself the victim.
I try and try and try to establish friendships but I can't. In the end I can't. Because it has been so long since I've had a proper one I don't know who to nurture them anymore. Even when I try and even when I'm laughing with them I feel it. In the back of my head, whispers echoing repeating the same thing
It won't last
It won't last
It won't last
Then they became cruel,
They don't like you
Your just a replacement
They will tose u aside, forget u when their finished
And how could I compete with the truth? History repeats itself after all.
How can I want people to like me when I don't even like myself. I don't feel good in my skin in my mind. Perhaps that was the problem, my thoughts, my unsaid words, the words that I did said, what my eyes would say.
Perhaps I am just not suitable for human relations but oh how deeply do I crave to be. Looking for that warmth on words and paragraphs, on books and poems, on scraps.Oh but I don't think they are enough to cure the ache in my soul anymore, perhaps they never were.
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ablazenqueen · 7 months
For writer's ask game ^^
✨💖 🥺💔
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
Hoo boy, starting off easy, huh? 😅
I guess the first thing that comes to mind is that I think I’m pretty decent at writing angst. I’ve watched a few people cry from reading some of my fics so it’s something I’ve grown to feel fairly confident about over the years!
💖 What made you start writing?
I’ve been writing since I was old enough to know how and really, why does anyone do anything as a kid? It just sparks joy, always has 😊
I got into fic specifically though because I was tired of not seeing the obscure fic AUs I wanted for my ships. I am a recurring victim of the infamous “guess I have to do it myself” mentality.
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Oh, I’m a HUGE fan of romantic confessions that are half self-deprecation, half argument, between close friends who think their friendship is falling apart because they couldn’t keep their feelings in check. It’s one of my favouritest things ever and it always makes me Feel So Much.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
In my friend group, I’m pretty notoriously bad at gauging how angsty my writing is and that’s because I don’t tend to make myself sad when writing. I already know a happy ending is on the way so it feels so temporary, you know?
That said, there is one time I’ve gone “oof” while writing and that was during Chapter 3 of my Patpran Thieves AU. Those who know know, I got a lot of screams of anguish after posting it. I’m rather proud of that 😌
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