#oh forgive me brother i thought the floor was soft but turns out it was your rock hard abs
canthandlethishit · 1 year
if their positions were switched and Biseol saw this shit the first prince gon die 💀
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akwarddddd 🫢
the sensation tho like we saw those chest muscles like doha is ripped asf no wonder jeokyeon thought he was the stone floor
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Don't break Izana Kurokawa's favourite mug! Or do... who knows?
Izana Kurokawa x M!Reader
This is the first story on this account and i am very happy to post it. I hope you can forgive me any spelling mistakes for i am not from an english speaking country and therefore am not as good at it as i would like to.
WARNING(S): cursing, slightly suggestive, some weird shit over-all tbh,
"Oh, fuck off, will you?" You were already pissed off, but he just had to tick you off even more.
"No." He was so used to getting whatever he wants. He wouldn't leave you alone.
"Oh, so you DO know what that means?!" At this point, you couldn't stop yourself from screaming at the guy. He was getting on your nerves for about a week now. All because he saw you beat some guy up and decided he wants you in his gang.
"Join-" You didn't let him finish.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!" You jelled and turned around to leave right after.
"He really doesn"t want to join us. It's a shame, he is a great fighter." The blonde said as he walked through the door.
"Mikey, leave the guy alone. You're turning into a damn stalker." The tallee male said, used to his friend's antics.
"But Ken-chin~" Mikey whined, latching onto Draken and shaking him.
"OI, QUIT IT" He tried to take him off of himself, but couldn't. Mikey was like a really determinated koala.
"STOP IT, YOU'RE GONNA RIP MY HAIR OUT!" The tall teen was screaming at his friend.
"You barely have any anyway! It won't be a big loss!" Mikey exclaimed happily, still not letting go of his vice-president's hair.
"Hey! Mikey, Draken, cut it out!" Both boys turned their heads towards the entrance of Mikey's room in pure fear. They feared that were louder then they thought and woke Emma up. An angry Emma is a terryfying Emma.
"Oh, Emma, sorry. Did we wake you up?" Draken was the first to say anything while mikey simply let go of his friend, just standing there like a sculpture with wide eyes.
"Yes. Yes you did. Do you have any idea what hour it is? I need rest! I promised Hina-chan to go to the mall with her." Emma definietely wasn't in a good mood. The scowl on her face only deepened when her brother tried to make his way towards the window to escape her anger.
"And where are YOU going, Mikey? Get back here!" Yes, this defenietely wasn't his day, was it?
"Ahhh, this is relaxing" A soft whisper escaped your mouth as you laid in the bathtub. After a long day like this one you defenitely needed this. That blondie who kept bothering you everyday for the past week really stressed you out. You were wondering why the actual fuck wouldn't he understand that you don't want to be a part of his gang. Like, man, can't you take a motherfucking hint.
"OI, (NAME)!" You heard a familiar voice. Your face imidiately fell.
What the hell is it now? You asked yourself, not caring enough to get out of your little heaven.
And soon enough three men practically fell into your bathroom, panting as if they just ran a marathon. You suppose they have fucked up again and HE was on their asses.
"Again?" You asked no one in particular. The monotone tone of your voice wasn't a shock to them. At this point it was an everyday thing, so you were used to this. In all honesty, it was almost getting boring.
"(Name)! Please! Plea-!" Finishing the sentence wasn't his fate today, huh?
"You HAVE to help us! He's gonna kill us this time." They desperately pleaded. They looked pathetic.
"Have? It's quite a strong word, especially considering your..." You looke them up and down. "... situation."
"(Name)-" Maybe Ran should all together give up speaking today.
On Ran's back fell your beloved bathroom door, crushing the poor guy on the cold matte black, tiled flooor. Rindou and Shion, who were lucky enough to miss the heavy, oak door by mere milimeters were scrambling on the floor like cockroaches, afraid to even look back at HIM.
"Here comes the star of the show." You say, bored of their antics already.
"YOU FUCKERS, HERE YOU ARE" Oh, he was furious. Yup, they're completely F U C K E D.
"God, did yo mama not have more of you or what?" You sigh rhetorically to no-one in particular.
"Huh-" Now that an interesting reaction, hehe.
Izana's face turned crimson red as his gaze was fixed on you. Has he never seen a man taking a bath after a lomg day or what?
"Hello to you too, boss." This was gonna be fun-
Only a loud ass thump could be heard as the great Kurokawa Izana fell to the floor with wide eyes and blood rushing from his nose. Guess he really has never seen anyone taking a bath before. Oh well, his loss.
"..." Rindou was speechless to say the least.
"Now that's an unexpected turn of events" Said Shion as Ran could only show a thumb up from underneath the door.
"God, what did you even do for him to freak out on you like THAT." You move your arms around pointing at this whole mess around you.
Before Ran even got to find the right words, Rindou interrupted him. "I FOR ONE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING-" "shut up, i've had enough of your shouting" "Sorry..."
"Um... well, uh-" This guy really wasn't god's favourite, was he.
When Rindou was busy being embarassed of his behavious, Ran took a chance to speak again. "As i was saying-" Well, try to at least. "IT WAS ALL RAN'S FAULT!" Shion was quick to cut him off. "I was just minding minding my own damn business, when he came to the kitchen and decided to pick a fight with me!"
"OHHHH HELL NAH! YOU'RE NOT GONNA PUT ALL OF THIS ON ME-" well at least he got to finish one sentence, right? Madarame threw himself at Ran, who just barely got out from under that cursed door and they started to bicker and fight.
"They broke Izana's favourite coffee mug." Rindou, the only somewhat sane one here, explained. "Tha one-" "Yes, the exact one that was gifted to him by Shinichiro."
"Ouuhhh, they fucked up big this time." You frown as if you were the one who would get their bones rearranged. "Yup."
"How did you get into their shit tho?" You raise your brow at him.
"I might have been the one who left it on the table..." You look at him as if he grew another head. It was common knowledge not to touch it. "Shhhh.... noone needs to know, and they're too busy blaming eack other."
"Anyway, Imma go and get myseld some ice cream from the fridge, want some?" He started heading for the (lack of the) door. "No, thanks."
"I am not even going to question this" Kakucho looked so done with this shit.
"Good. Save your sanity for later." You wish you could do so too. Your life would be so much more peaceful, but of course, you've got to be a nosy asshole.
"Sooooo..." Mochi started "what the fuck do we do with him?" He said gesturing at an unconsious Izana. "We can't let him just lay here forever."
"Why not?" Yeah, why not. For once you agree with Hanma (ew). It's so much more peaceful this way. "I think we should enjoy ourselves while he's not on pur asses about tenjiku." For once Ran gets it. Maybe his brain isnt pea-sized in the end? Hmm... Peanut-sized, then?
"Let's just wake him up, he's probably gonna be angry if we don't anyway." Okay??? That'd be a problem for the future.
"Kakucho, how the hell do you even wanna do that?!?" Shion asking a valid question? Someone write it done in their calendar! Quick!
"That's the problem-" Sorry Kaku, you're gonna share Ran's fate. "No-one has the balls here to try anyway" You say. "Why not just go do whatever you have to do and let him wake up on his own. It's most logical." You shrug.
"What if he doesn't wake up on time and misses his favourite tv series though?" Fuck. Mucho's got a point.He'd kill you all if you let that happen.
"Alright..." You move your sleeves up to your elbows. "Everyone get ready." "Huh-" Confusion. Confusion everywhere. "What do you-"
And before anyone registered what just happpened you have ready bolted through the door and were long gone, as if you were never there in the first place.
Oh shit. Oh fuck.
"Who. Has. Just. Slapped. Me." Izana was looking at them with a stare so manacing, that if eyes could kill, they'd be dead 3 time already and then roasted and served with aplles like a turkey.
"Who had the FUCKING AUDACITY to slap me just now." Sorry not sorry. You had to put yourself first..🤷
Mochi, Mucho, Rindou, Ran, Hanma and Madarame were looking at you with absolute fire in their eyes as you were patching them up. Kisaki was on the side, thanking whatever god has given his mother the idea to host a family dinner exacly when she did and Kakucho stood on Izana's right side.
"Why did i get caught in the cross fire WHEN I HAVE JUST BEEN STANDING TO THE SIDE!" Boohoo what and injustice. You wish you could say it outloud, but you don't need to dig your grave any further. It's already quite deep
"Hanma, do you want another black eye?" Uh oh. In the end, Izana hasn't calmed down yet. Now you were 100% sure you needed to keep your mouth as shut as possible.
"Izana, calm down. Tenjiku need fully able members and if you beat them up too much they won't be able to fight and [...]" Kakucho started panicing as he listed reasons as to why it's not a good idea to beat Hanma or anyone else up.
Meanwhile the Haitanis started whispering among themselves "I still can't believe Kakucho got out without a scratch." "I mean, he is Izana's right hand man so-"
"FINE." And on as if on cue, everyone, including stressed Kakucho, has let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. "But i still want to know who the hell had thw balls to slap me." Fuck. You knew it. There was no way you'd get out of this alive and well. It was too good to be true.
"No-one wants to come out and-" "I'm gay." You cut him off while putting your hands up in the air in a 'i give up' gesture. "Here, you've got the coming out you wanted." At this point you were praying (yes, even if you aren religius, let's be honest, Izana'd scary when angry/crazy) that your attempt at changing the topic would work.
"So like, wanna fuck?" Ran raised he eyebrows up and down as Rindou gave an... interesting proposition to say the least.
"Pfft! Ahhaaayhayea!" There it was, if you didn't know Shion, you'd think a hiena has somehow gotten into your house. (yep, yall are all at your house, let's say it's a common hangout spot for the tenjiku crew for the sake of this story) It was eerie how similar he was to a hiena, now that you think about it.
"Uhh... Congratulations, (Name)?" Kakucho was BAFFLED. Definietely not what he was expecting.
"What the actual FUCK. That's is not what i wanted to ask AT ALL." When the initial shock went by, Izana was back on track looking for the person guilty of leaving a big, red hand print on his face. Ypu shocked yourself with how hard you could hit someone, especially since it's beem an hour and his cheek is still red as ever.
"Okay, fine! It was me wha slapped the shit outta you! Happy?!" You finally surrender, unable to hide that you're guilty.
"Oh yeah? In that case we've got to talk a little, don't you think?" His tone of voice was fucking scary. Someone save you, please.
You looked at everone as Izana held your wrist in his hand and started heading to your room, but suddenly everyone was busy.
Mucho was brushing his hair with his hand, which is impressive how he was still able to with that balding head of his. Mochizuki was rebraiding his lil sad rat tail, as if he could save it from looking shitty (he couldn't). Rindou was checking the time. Most normaln of them all award goesto him. Shion was just being Shion. Theres not much to say, other then that he looked higher then the fucking sky, but always does so it's alright. Kakucho has a suspicious smirk on his face as he sent you a wink and Ran..
... Ran was checking if his dick is still in it's place.
Overall, there was no saving your ass from this. Amen.
"You think they know we can hear them?" Ran asked his brother, trying not to scowl too much at the sound he was hearing. "With all that moaning? Yeah, i'm pretty sure at least Izana is aware of that." Just as he said that a loud whine could be heard through the whole apartament.
"The neighbours are so going to complain. God, i almost feel bad for them" Almost, because Kakucho knew damn well that this was gonna happen one way or another, and just decided to give you guys a little push.
It's not his fault that push has required the Haitanis and Shion breaking Izanas favourite mug, and then with Izana on their tail running into the bathroom where you were relaxing.
Then after that he didn't even need to do much, it all went down on it's own.
"I should have been a full-time cupid instead of joining a gang."
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oldsargasso · 2 months
ep 3 stream of conscious thoughts!
so I went and rewatched ep 2 in the hopes I might remember who is who🤞With the ending reveal that Tyme is working against the gambling ring, the way he listens to the woman in the hospital about how she lost her son to debt makes more sense now. Wondering if Tyme knew the son specifically, or someone like him - he obviously has a personal motivation to take out Great's family's business. (thunderstorm while she's talking - coming back I don't think we got a thunderstorm in ep3?)
also the fakeout on the identity of the dead guy is so perfect even second time around
I never noticed the hospital logo before; the cross with a heartbeat rhythm going through. subtle!
also how is Tyme literally looking in a mirror yet is surprised to find Bee behind him when he turns around. he must've really been focussed huh
the high-pitched flatline whine during serious moments…god this show is so good
okay NOW i'm gonna watch ep3
is that the body from ep2's first scene? my interest in the brother character (??name I should remember) would go up immeasurably if he was secretly a serial killer ngl. probably more like he's revenging his brother by killing his killer the same way which is also pretty good. coming back to remind myself his name is Tonkla.
oh Great asked him? hmmm.
bed #4 you love to see it!
so Tyme has a bit of a saviour complex. or control issues (relatable). Dr Den might be a little too emotional for this part of the job though
Great has a pool table in his place? I desperately need a floor plan of his apartment. how is he living like this. not the #4 ball as the phone shows 11:01 this episode was like SEE. DO YOU GET IT YET. idc I love it
do we think Great is a little dumb? if I thought I was seeing things and recently acquired a headwound I would definitely be seeing many doctors immediately. oooh LUCKY there is one doctor already on the case it seems
(so Tyme just showed up at Great's school - how does he know where Great goes to school/when he's there - and asks a random student to give Great a drink from him?)
"can you forgive me Great?" omgggg. vision of the future or a divergent timeline orrrrr.
I don't care if the flirting has ulterior motives it's adorable and I love it
so Great's ~episodes~ are 100% being used to get him to alter his actions/path to move toward Tyme. I like the theory that it's future-Great coding out manipulating his past self but also I enjoy the idea that it's someone else (Tyme himself?)
Tyme clearly thinking "okay so it's you…who should be a psychiatric patient". personally I would've been like let's go to the hospital and get an MRI or something but asking your friends is doing something too I guess
P'Tyme 🥺
I love how much interaction we get of Tyme and other staff in the hospital, so we get to see the different sides of him. the way he and Den are together is DELIGHTFUL.
fascinating (and feels a little like we're getting dessert first) that it's only ep3 and we're already getting the characters talking and linking things we as the audience got to do earlier, like the heart patient who mentioned 4 minute future to Den.
Tyme's already asking "why 4 minutes?" this show is so good to me. I have medical-related theory that I generally feel like the show will go for, but I'm interested to see how it plays out
they're on a date your honour. what if Tyme was hungry though. circling back to my "is Great just dumb" question because clearly it's going through Tyme's mind rn. I think it's just a matter of privilege in this case though.
Tyme's a nerd too. control issues peeking through!
(the need I have for a terrible cat soft toy is ever growing)
the juxtaposition of Great's (bright red) car against the dilapidated fence around Tyme's house…chef's kiss. I love that they're having a little conversation about their different statuses.
the way they perfectly captured the awkwardness of sitting in the car at the end of a date lmao. the heaviness/weight/don't know what word I mean in the way Great moved his arm was perfect.
(not really relevant to this scene but do we know how old Tyme is?)
Great truly living out the stereotype of held a guy's hand once and is already picturing their life together
it's interesting that they said specifically 4 minutes into the future but Great is clearly seeing more than that when he is with Tyme. they're gonna kiss and then Tyme's grandma is going to be standing there like :| OR NOT LMAO she's not even looking you can still go for it my guy
you may have ONE of the many cat toys we won
I know it was mostly a pause for emotional processing but good to see Great is the wait until you're inside kinda guy
my girl better be getting very richly rewarded for all the work she is doing to take down this gambling ring. I hope she gets to kill someone
NOOO. jump into the water!!
feel like the chief could've handled that better. and more privately. that was like textbook suspicious
omg that zebra artwork!!
okay I zoned out let me start this scene again. this couldn't have been a phone call? oh I guess not lol
couldn't even close the drawer properly smh rookie move
he's a cop!!! dude. not only is he grieving he's high af right now.
I'll be honest I skipped the sex scene so if it had important character work or something let me know
Tonkla's definitely using sex to foster intimacy I just hope he's doing it in a manipulative way
I guess it makes sense that they all go to the same school. a case for divergent timelines I think re: the identity of the deceased
smoking and watching traffic in his underwear, Great has the most relatable hobbies
ohhh progression!!! 11.02. two more minutes to go?
look at Great using 2 colours for his little brainstorming. now that is organised. I like how he immediately calls tyme like. maybe he's at work. (I think the "sex?" note should be screenshot and used everywhere)
"do not hurt her under any circumstances" except for she already got shot so
well I guess the good doctor is at work in a way. is this the most soundproofed open hallway in existence?
was that a look of recognition or not. I guess not. okay Tyme!!! we love a man of action with a brain.
ughhh is it next Friday yet.
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cosmickaz · 1 year
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Catching Captains
one-shot (754 words)
Pairing: Rex x Reader
Genre: Fluff
He didn’t even know you were in the room with them, too distracted by the unknown environment and the familiar presence of his brothers. They say when you’ve known someone for long enough, you’ll be able to sense their presence before you even know they’re there. If he didn’t spend most of his life working and living alongside Jedi—if he were a different man—he would have dismissed the thought as romantic but ultimately unrealistic. As things stood however, he would be foolish to dismiss one’s intuition.
Despite being surrounded by troopers he’d trained and trained with virtually all the time, there seemed to be something special in the air, whenever one of his closest brothers was part of the action. Better yet, there was something in him that always seemed to know exactly when a member of his inner circle was about to interrupt a briefing he was giving to other members of his battalion. The same way the hairs in his neck could sense an approaching danger, or the feeling in his gut warned him that this time, he might want to pay the crew in a particular bomber under his command one last visit before they deployed on a mission without him.
But he hadn’t sensed you at all.
He saw the weathered couch you crouched before, the neon sign of the fire exit, the freaking cat you were petting, but not. you.
It took him literally tripping over you for him to finally meet you.
“Shit, sorry.” He tried to apologize and then, breathless, somehow: “I didn’t see you.”
There was amusement in your voice when you told him not to worry about it and if he wasn’t already on his knees to help you collect the stuff he’d knocked from your bag, he was sure he would have made an even greater fool of himself.
“Really, it’s on me, I left my bag laying on the floor like that, you didn’t even touch me.”
Truth be told, Rex hadn’t even noticed he was still babbling apologies until you cut him off again.
“No harm done,” you added, still smiling at the thought of one of the GAR’s infamous clone troopers tripping over, well, certainly not your bag. That you had managed to knock over yourself when the sudden movement of a falling body had startled you.
“Wouldn’t be too sure about that,” he murmured, trying desperately not to let it show how much the whole situation flustered him. “Cat seems pretty mad about it.”
You followed to where he’d nodded and laughed at the absolute nasty look your little companion gave the Captain of the 501st. “Oh dear.”
Rex didn’t see you when he first walked in the room, but Maker, he would not be making the same mistake twice. He wasn’t even sure he would be able to stop looking at you.
Like, ever.
How had he not seen you?
“Well, guess you’ll have to put your training to good use. She’s just joined the Dark Side.” Your expression dropped and you deepened your voice to mimic the dramatic tone of his general.
That finally got a laugh out of him. “I’m sure the Jedi will welcome the new challenge.”
“Oh, let’s not bother the Jedi with this. I was thinking-” it was your turn now to avoid his eyes. You really hoped you weren’t being too forward. “Since you’re the one who interrupted her nap, maybe you can make it up to her?”
You’d think it was impossible to lose balance while sitting on the floor—when did he settle down on the ground like that?—but if Rex had learned anything in his time as a trooper, it was how to exceed expectations. And so, he fell. Again.
“You sure she can forgive me?” His voice was laden with unnamed emotion, eyes training on the purring creature between you.
Your touch was gentle, barely brushing over soft fur, and with a sudden sadness, he thought of the calloused skin of his own hands.
“I’m sure. She trusts my judge of character. And I happen to like you.”
Suddenly, the world shifted back into focus again. The stale air of the room and the moving bodies around him returned with a tingling in his arms and legs and Rex readjusted his stance as he composed himself and did a mental sweep of his surroundings. And what do you know, there you were, clear as day.
“Then I guess we’ll have to meet again.”
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projectcaramel · 2 years
No Forgiveness (2) - Obey Me! Belphegor
“Sidra, have you seen my pillow?” I glanced away from my D.D.D. to see Belphegor yawning without his favorite cow-patterned pillow. 
“Why am I the first person you ask?” I questioned testily, and he rubbed his eye while inhaling slowly through his nose, a soft, drowsy groan coming from his throat as he exhaled again. Although he was lacking the pillow, it seemed as if he’d fall asleep standing up. 
“Because you’re sitting here,” he replied with a slow blink. “If you haven’t seen it, then whatever...”
“I saw Mammon hugging it earlier,” I relented eventually, and briefly, Belphegor’s eyes widened before he faintly smiled at me. 
“Thanks,” he replied before he drifted off, and I returned to my D.D.D. “Oh, actually...” I glanced up again to see that Belphie had stopped and turned back towards me. 
“Do you want to come up to the attic?” Chills racked up and down my spine, and I’d barely even noticed it, but my D.D.D. had dropped onto the floor, almost on top of my feet. “Hm? Sidra?” 
“The... attic?” 
“Yeah,” he replied, and for a moment my stomach lurched, and I covered my mouth as I remembered that moment. That dreadful mistake. “You look sick.” 
“Fuck off,” I whispered. “Didn’t you hear me?! I SAID FUCK OFF!” Belphegor looked at me for a long, long moment as I panted, swallowing the memories of that day before they could rise up, acid in my stomach. The Avatar of Sloth eventually left without another word, leaving me alone and brooding. 
“Beel... how do you say you’re sorry to someone who doesn’t want anything to do with you?” I stopped in my path to my room, loitering outside the door of the twins’ room. 
“Hm? Are you talking about Sidra?” 
“Hm... I don’t really know. Maybe you should get her a gift.” 
“She won’t accept anything from me though,” Belphegor replied, and I heard him throw himself into his bed. “Even though I don’t want to hurt her anymore, she won’t trust me.” 
“Do you think it’d help if I talked to her?” Belphegor paused for a very long time after that. 
“It’s worth a shot,” he said eventually, and I almost opened the door then and there. What kind of response would he have given me if I had? And yet... something stopped me from doing so. There were two possibilities. The first, and more hopeful of the two, was that he really did want me to forgive him. But the second, and more likely option was that he knew I’d been eavesdropping. It was just a show. 
I refused to fall for it again. 
As it turned out Belphie had gotten several members of his family involved in his plot to make me trust him again other than Beel. It was quite well done, I must admit, when Beel pretended to be startled by the brothers arriving on the scene. 
“Sidra,” Lucifer said, with that irritating, patronizing tone of his, “Belphie doesn’t want to kill you. We already went over this.”
“Yeah, the guy’s always liked humans anyway!” Mammon interjected, and each of the brothers started trying to convince me that Belphegor really wasn’t as bad as I thought he was.  
“I’d think you’d be more irritated that he doesn’t do anything all day.”
“He’s actually pretty loyal.”
“He might act a little spoiled sometimes, but he’s still adorable, you know~?” Asmodeus laughed, even as Beel looked at his siblings almost in awe before he turned back to me, smiling with that big, goofy grin of his. 
“Yeah. He’s the best twin brother.” 
“Is this some kind of bullying?” I asked finally, and their expressions turned confused. “He didn’t betray any of you!” I retorted. “It’s easy for you to say, ‘oh, he’s our cute little brother’! Bullshit! You guys have known him all your lives, but what about me?! The only way I’ll ever remember him is for what he did to me! The way he manipulated me! Do you have any idea how it felt to...!” I got choked up, and I couldn’t finish my sentence, hunching over as if I were going to hurl. I felt sick again as my back throbbed with phantom pain. “Leave me alone.” 
And, eventually, the brothers left one by one to leave me in my misery. It left me feeling a small sense of victory, especially since Belphegor must have orchestrated this to make me trust him again. 
I almost screamed however when someone approached me from behind and wrapped their arms around me. 
“Calm down... It’s just me.” 
That wasn’t reassuring.
“Don’t cry.” 
“Get away from me,” I half-growled, half-sobbed. I felt like a wounded animal protecting its pride, which in a sense, was accurate.
“Do you promise to stop crying if I do?” 
“Yes, so get away from me, you son of a—!” He let go of me and left without another word before I’d even finished cursing him. I stared after him, watching his every step.
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logarhythm-bees · 2 months
Earn What You Sleep - Chapter Four ⭐️
Chapter Three | Chapter Five
TW: Remus mentions dissecting a lion, Remus gets bit for this suggestion. A little bit of blood as a result
The lion-ing continued on for a while.
When Pebble woke up in the morning, they sunk out of the mindscape, and when they fell asleep at night, they were a lion in a Florida man’s imaginary living room.
They met most of the sides on their visits- Patton was overjoyed to find out that they were hypoallergenic, Virgil warmed up to them after they let him pet them during a panic attack, and Janus, though not into the idea of a lion friend so much as the others, gave them a fond smile from wherever he was sitting or standing, and Remus-
Well, they hadn’t actually met Remus yet. Pebble, with enough intrusive thoughts of their own, was fine with that. Remus, however, who enjoyed nothing more than causing problems on purpose, was not.
Pebble was lying on the couch, watching Roman sketch out ideas for a hypothetical video as he, Patton, Logan and Virgil watched a nature documentary, when a grating voice entered their ears and made them shudder. “Aw, there’s the guy I’ve been hearing about! Y’know, Roman, if you still don’t know where they come from, we could try dissecting them and seeing if we get any clues.”
Pebble growled on instinct as Remus approached, and Roman shielded them from Remus with his arm, scowling at his brother. “We won’t be doing that, Remus. And you’re blocking the screen.”
“You’re not even watching it!” Remus rolled his eyes, moving to pet Pebble, but Roman blocked him. Remus rolled his eyes, scoffing. “I’m kidding! You’re no fun, I won’t hurt it- ow!”
As he spoke, Remus had managed to reach past his brother’s arm, almost touching the top of Pebble’s head. Remus’s burst of speed in getting past his brother might have been quick, but Pebble- or, rather, the instincts instilled in them in this lion form- were faster. Remus had been coming at them quick and *frightening,* and the lion brain moved to what lions are wont to do in self-defense- bite. 
Pebble drew away quickly, hissing in lion tongue, but halted when they saw the room staring at them. Roman had a look of shock on his features, hand moved far out of Pebble’s range. Remus held his injured hand in his free one, a little bit of blood creeping out from between his fingers. Pebble flinched at the sight. The sides who had been watching the movie turned away from the still-rolling television to stare at them with a look- concern, fear, *judgment,*
Embarrassed, and more than that, afraid, Pebble jumped from the couch and ran as far as their lion legs would take them, into the first hiding spot they saw- an open door, with a small pile of clothing on the floor inside, which they quickly burrowed under. Biting their tongue to keep their *stupid, stupid, why a lion, why’d they get so comfortable in this weird, not-their-own-form* vocal chords from making any unexpected noise, they curled up into a ball and hoped nobody noticed them. The sides had all been in the living room, right?
Pebble heard a soft click, and then a sigh.
“Are you going to come out, or are you planning on staying in my laundry basket forever?”
Oh. Not all the sides. 
Pebble folded themselves in, trying to curl in as small as possible in the hopes that Janus might forget they were there, or take pity on them and pretend they weren’t hiding in his laundry, or something, Pebble was panicking and also they bit a guy, cut them some slack. Janus did none of the above, instead walking back to his desk- Pebble could tell from the sound of the chair’s wheels squeaking. Janus sat down, moved something that sounded like paper, and clicked his tongue. 
“I’m really not sure why you’re hiding in my laundry,” Janus said nonchalantly, “but I am fairly sure you’re *hiding,* and given you’ve decided to involve me in it, you’ll have to forgive me for being curious.”
Janus flipped through a book, and Pebble poked their head out from the pile. Janus didn’t seem mad- and Janus was a heavy advocate for self-preservation. Perhaps, potentially, he would understand.
Pebble crept out from the pile, shaking a stray sock off of their back. Quietly, with their head dipped, they moved over to Janus, pawing at his shoe.
Janus looked at them, closing the big novel he’d been reading and setting it on the desk. “Yes? What’s got you running from the big, scary light sides, hm?”
Pebble took a deep breath, trying to mime. Janus squinted at them, first in suspicion, then in contemplation, trying to understand the charades. 
“Well-uh.” Janus began. Pebble moved a paw over their snout, imitating a mustache. “Remus?” Janus questioned.
Pebble nodded, and then opened and closed their jaws shamefully. They looked at Janus shamefully, trying to convey the message, but still embarrassed about it. And worried about Janus’s reaction.
Janus’s eyes widened a little bit, but he kept it under control, to Pebble’s hopeful gaze. “You bit Remus?”
Pebble nodded.
Janus leaned on his hand, Pebble scratching at the rug anxiously. “That’s not so bad,” Janus said. “I’m sure Remus had it coming, and frankly, I’m surprised he hasn’t been bitten by one of us yet. He’s such a pain sometimes, you know?”
Sitting down on the rug, Pebble’s shoulder’s lowered in relief. Janus leaned forward, petting them tentatively. 
Pebble placed a hand on his knee, appreciative of the reassurance, but still feeling ashamed about something. They weren’t really a lion, and they’d been getting a little comfortable in what they felt was a lie. 
Janus- Janus should know the truth. Pebble wanted to tell them.
Motioning towards Janus, Pebble stood on their hind legs the best that they could. They moved their paw back and forth, stumbling a little. They leaned forward onto Janus’s leg again, lion paws sitting on his shoe.
“You- me?” Janus questioned. “You’re- uhm. Person?”
Pebble nodded. Janus blinked at them. “You’re a person.”
Pebble nodded, again, more enthusiastically this time. Janus sighed. “Alright, we can figure that out later. Perhaps let’s work on one problem at a time?”
Pebble tried to bob their head one more time to agree, but they found themselves sinking out, waking up in the real world. Janus jolted a little, having not seen them sink out before, but before Pebble could try to explain, they were back in their bed at home in their own body.
0 notes
As You Wish It | Loki x Reader
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Summary: You’re an Asgardian long banished to Sakaar. You haven’t thought about your home planet in a while until Loki and Thor show up and the God of Mischief decides to hold you hostage in a closet while he hides from his brother. 
Word count: 1349
Warning: Fluffy, light smut. (The insinuation of SA is mentioned towards the end but does not actually occur as everything described/implied in this oneshot is consensual.)
“Loki!” Thor roars loudly as if he were being projected from a speaker. 
You didn’t know where the God of Thunder was but his loud voice suggested it was somewhere close.
“He’s over here!” you scream at the top of your lungs.
“Shut it!” Loki sneers. 
He pulls you closer to him, muzzling your shouts with his hand. It’s so large he’s almost able to wrap his palm and fingers around your lower face from ear to ear. You were both stood upright, the back of your body held tightly to his front. You squirm as hard as you can, hoping you could weasel your way out of his grasp.
“It’s not going to work,” Loki whispers into your ear, his hot breath on your skin making every inch of you tingle.
“He’s going to find us,” you say. In your head, it’s perfectly clear, but to Loki, it’s nothing more than muffled talk vibrating against his palm.
With his free hand, Loki grabs a chunk of your hair and pulls, twisting your head to face his. 
“I will not ask again,” he threatens stilly, his eyes a wicked shade of green. “Keep quiet and I won’t hurt you. Do you understand?”
You nod and he brings your head back upright. He unbunches his fingers from your strands and takes his other hand off your mouth.
“Loki!” Thor rumbles again, his sound as powerful as the thunder he casts.
It makes the locked door that traps you in a tiny closet with Loki tremble. You don’t know why the God of Mischief was holding you hostage, but you didn’t care to find out. All you wanted was to be free of him, and you planned to, one way or another. Thor’s loud, heavy stomps suggested he was nearing your captivity. If you timed it right, you could catch his attention before Loki had the chance to slit your throat. You were an Asgardian, after all—you knew all too well what he was capable of doing.
Your banishment to Sakaar was a byproduct of Loki’s desire for power and you would never forgive him for it. Maybe at the beginning you hated Loki for trying to rule Earth, but if he hadn’t, you would have never been forced to fend for yourself. Loki proved to you more than anyone that you only had yourself to rely on. And that’s who you were counting on to get you out of this.
You were going to use a tactic four years with the Grandmaster had taught you: distraction.
“Loki,” you whisper, turning slowly towards him so that you didn’t set off any alarm.
He put his finger up to his lips, silently shushing you.
“But Loki, I—”
“What part of shut up do you not understand?” he snaps quietly, but it's loud against your ear.
“I understand plenty,” you begin, your hands sneaking behind your back. “Don’t you remember how quiet I could be?”
Loki groans as your hands drag down his pelvis. He wraps his arms around your midriff and pulls you into him.
“Oh, I remember,” he says into the side of your neck.
You gasp when he kisses the skin.
“And I remember your enjoyment of that.”
“Loki,” you say his name the way you used to, soft and drawn out. “Take me.”
You don't have to turn around to know the smirk that burns into the back of your head. Loki couldn't resist domination, even if it was only over one person.
“As you wish it.”
Loki spins you around and you're greeted with his sinful grin. As much as you were mad at Loki for what he unknowingly did to you, it would be a lie to say that even a little part of you didn't miss his luring presence. He bunches up the fabric of your gown at the waist and pulls it all the way up until he slides it off your upper half. It falls to the floor, exposing you completely. He takes you in head to toe for a few seconds, and then his hands are all over you. There isn't an inch of you that hasn't felt the coldness of his fingers. You gasp as he lingers on your center, his chilling digits sending shocks throughout your nervous system.
“Loki,” you wail, testing the waters.
You want to know how loud you can get before he stops you. And if it's just loud enough, it should get Thor’s attention who was still drumming through the corridors.
“Say what you want,” Loki demands. “And I shall give it to you.”
You breathe unsteady breaths against his chest.
“I want you,” you answer. You gasp again at his undivided attention at your core. “All of you.”
His want for you is growing bigger, you can feel it pressing against your behind. You try to grab for it but he tsks you away. “Patience, my pet.”
Your lips form a pout. You didn't need to be patient, you needed good reason to yell and you knew from experience that he could give you it.
“Tell me first,” he says, removing his fingers from you. “How did you get to Sakaar?”
“What? Why are you asking me this?” you question back.
“Curiosity.” “I already told you, Loki. You put me here.” “I've put you in many positions, but not this one.”
You grab his hand and bring it back down to you. He swirls his fingers again and you sigh of relief.
“When you decided to invade that stupid human planet and then was stupid enough to get caught”—you pause for air—“everyone who stood by your side before was forced to turn against you. But I couldn't. I loved you.”
“So you mean to tell me that you rather be exiled to this wasteland than consider yourself a traitor to my honour?” Loki asks, summing up the years of your life spent in Sakaar in one simple question.
And you could condense your answer to one word, “Yes.”
“How could you be so stupid, Y/N?” “Stupid? I did it for you, Loki.” “And look where that got you.” “Is this why you locked me in here with you, so you could get your answer while hiding from your brother?”
Loki’s silence provided the answer better than his words ever could.
You slap Loki's hand off you.
“Don't touch me!” you shout, it's much louder than any other noise you've made while being trapped.
“Y/N, calm down,” Loki says, his words still as if they’d rub onto you.
He reaches for your hand and you holler again.
“I said don't touch me, Loki!” “Y/N.” “Don't!!”
Once Loki clues into what you're doing, it's too late. The closet door rips open and light pours in. You spin around and take in the massive being that is the God of Thunder. But it's only once his eyes trail down your body that you realize you're still very much bare.
“What in Odin’s name is going on in here?” he shouts.
“Brother, I assure you nothing she didn't want,” Loki is quick to answer.
You pick up your gown on the floor and slide it over you. You start to walk out the doorway when Thor clutches your arm, pinning you in place.
“Not so quick, Y/N. What are you doing here in Sakaar?” he asks, looking you up and down as if trying to see if your body clothed matches the shape of it bare.
“What? Your father didn't tell you either? Almost makes you wonder of everything else he's keeping from you.”
Thor lowers his head. You can feel his hold on you loosen as if his strength was melting out of his body.
You turn your head slightly to meet Loki. “Won't you be a good boy and fill in your dear brother?”
Loki scoffs at you. “I will have you again, Y/N. Mark me!”
You free yourself from Thor’s grasp and exit the closet. You turn yourself fully towards Loki and blow him a kiss.
“As you wish it.”
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Hello I really love your writing. I’m glad that you decided to open requests for a bit. I have a personal headcanon that the boys are a lot nicer to MC then they are to everyone else. Could you do a headcanon of the boys being out with MC and they are talking with MC happily. Then a lesser demon sees them with MC and says that the seven brothers have gone weak and they aren’t scared of them anymore. Thank you again!!! 😖 (Also the way you write Levi is great)
Aww thank you!! Levi's kind of my favorite character (if that hasn't become painfully obvious) so I try to write him well, you know? This one was a little hard for me to write because I just have a hard time imagining Asmo and Beel as something intimidating to the masses, but I tried my best! I hope you like it!
Lesser Demons Think the Brothers have "Gone Soft…"
If anybody had something to lose by acting sweet on a lowly human, it was Lucifer. His entire image was built on the back of power and intimidation, so really who didn't see this coming?
He knew there were whispers… Mostly in the RAD hallways. Students would see him with the MC and gossip amongst themselves… 
"Did you see them together again in the courtyard?"
"How did some random human even score a pact with him??"
"And I used to seriously look up to him, too…"
He'd always silence their chitchat with a well placed glare, but this was a symptom of something more… troubling. A decay of his social image if you will.
Perhaps it speaks to how well and truly enamored he was with the MC that this proud creature didn't just dump them the second he started looking bad, but still… a part of him really couldn't stand for this...
So maybe it was a blessing in disguise when he finally got an excuse to establish his superiority yet again!
He and the MC were walking the halls of RAD after school hours and they had just made an amusing joke at the expense of of his brothers. Unfortunately, Lucifer collided into a lesser demon student while he was laughing…
On most occasions, he would have expected someone of such station to pay him deference then offer an apology - they had just ran into Lucifer after all - but the student just scoffed at him!
Lesser Demon: "Oi! Watch where you're going, Lucifer! Or were you too busy sucking up to that human to notice?"
This… was maybe not the best response to have (if the "Oh shit" look on the MC's face was any indication) but for as annoyed as Lucifer was, he was also somewhat delighted.
Finally, he had the perfect messenger for just how cruel he could still be!
Lucifer: "MC, feel free to go home without me for now and tell my brothers to save my dinner for later…" *starts pulling out his favorite rope with a cold, but pleased, smile on his face* "I have a feeling I'll be home late tonight..."
The MC left him and his unfortunate victim to their fate and Lucifer later came home in the night with his uniform in a bad need of cleaning...
A new body decorated the RAD entrance hall the next morning - swinging from the ceiling and making an awful mess on the floor - but still alive enough give a very important message to the rest of the students:
"Lucifer hasn't changed a bit…"
So, not even lesser demons see Mammon as some kind of high-ranking badass… 
Just to be clear, he is, but it’s hard for him to come off that way when he's begging for his next Grimm... Then enter MC into the picture and he somehow lost even MORE cred.
"There goes poor Mammon… Did you hear he got tricked into a pact?"
"Just look at him nipping at the human's heels! How pathetic is that??"
"Well that's Mammon for you… What a shit excuse for a demon."
Like Lucifer, Mammon wasn’t immune to the whispers, but unlike his brother he was able to push them mostly out of his mind. People look down on him? Yeah, what else is new?
To be honest, he didn’t really feel the need to prove anything to a bunch of lesser demon losers… But insulting his MC takes things a step too far.
He and the MC were out at the Devil's Coast, "enjoying" some of the haunted house attractions and generally having a good time…ish. 
Any time they managed to make it out of one, the MC would have to peel Mammon off their back and hold him to assure him they were back to safety (a process he seemed to like enough to repeat the horror that precedes it).
It was during one of these calm down sessions that the two were accosted by a couple of snickering lesser demons, clearly looking for a fight…
Lesser Demon 1: "Hey look! There's the 'Great' Mammon and his little master!"
Lesser Demon 2: "Guess the master fits the demon… Of course someone like Mammon couldn't even score a pact with Solomon and gets stuck with the weakling!"
Lesser Demon 1: "Well how's the babysitting going, Mams? I bet you can't wait for them to kill over, can ya?"
Lesser Demon 2: "Careful! With his luck, they'll probably get eaten by the end of next week! Haha!!"
Now… an important thing to know about Mammon is that you can fling all the mud and stones you'd like at him… but never at his MC. That's just asking for a bruising...
Mammon: *smiling like usual, but his eyes are practically burning with rage...* "Yo, MC… I'm gettin' a little hungry. Can ya go find us a snack over there? I'll meet ya in a bit…"
MC: "Mammon, are you-?"
Mammon: "Don’t worry 'bout me, babe." *takes his glasses off and flashes a fanged grin* "This is'a piece of cake."
And indeed, it wasn't difficult at all. No matter how fast those demons ran, they could never out speed Mammon and he was looking to give more than a warning…
The MC didn't know what he did while they were waiting in line, but they heard the sounds of pleading go silent before Mammon turned back up with a nice bruise on his cheek. Oh, how they fretted and dotted on him…
Meanwhile, the haunted houses just earned themselves a couple new mannequins!… when rigor sets in anyway.
Levi has a… mixed reputation in the Devildom to start with. People who only know him for his titles usually expect him to be some kind of sea-hardened badass. Those who meet him are… well let's say less than impressed.
This isn't anything new to Levi. It does take a blow to his confidence sometimes but even still most people aren't dumb enough to say something to his face… most people.
Unfortunately, "most people" have been getting bolder after seeing him with MC - because Demon Lord forbid Leviathan actually look happy for a change…
He and the MC were out and about for once. There was a raffle for exclusive merch at Anidaemon and he brought them along to boost his chances. They were grinning and chatting about anime but well…
The human couldn’t hear this, but he could - sensitive demon ears and all that. There were a couple guys who were tailing him… heckling him just loud enough that he was CERTAIN they knew he could hear them...
Lesser Demon 1: "Is that seriously Leviathan hanging out with a human? Isn’t he an Admiral??"
Lesser Demon 2: "Ha! The whole family's turned into simps, are you that surprised?"
Lesser Demon 1: "Wonder what the human's giving them that's got them all brainwashed…"
Lesser Demon 2: "Well... I've got an idea." 😏
If there were ever a reason for bile to fill his throat, it was now. He might be a shut-in, but those guys were the real creeps…
To be honest, Levi isn't one for public confrontation. Even with how gross and disrespectful those demons were being, he would have let it slide if they had just left it at that… but no…
He and the MC were browsing the ani-music racks in the store when those idiots popped up again. They hovered a while until they MC suddenly left his side to go find a store clerk.
When he saw the other demons move their direction, he naturally put himself between them and the would-be harassers. It was a little telling that despite his ticked off expression, the demons just laughed in his face!
Lesser Demon 2: "Hey look, the puppy's come out to protect its owner! How cute!"
Lesser Demon 1: "I can't believe you're that predictable, Levi… Do you really think we'd be scared of you?"
Well. That settled it.
When the MC came back, they found that Levi had moved from the music racks to the merch tables near the bathrooms. They didn't think anything of it… but...
One body was paralyzed by his venom and stuffed head first in a toilet while the other getting strangled by his tail just underneath the tablecloth… Meanwhile, Levi was cheerfully rambling about the raffle like nothing was happening at all.
Maybe they should have been a little more scared of the shut-in...
This may actually be a case where the rumors have a point… The MC has made Satan "soft."
Well, if "soft" means actually in control of himself, anyway. 
Satan would probably call their effect on him both a blessing and a curse. Though he loved finally having a handle on his inner rage, it flew in the face of a lot of his public image… and people were starting to notice….
"Do you think there's something off about Satan…?"
"I saw the human step on his toes earlier and he didn't even flinch…! The old Satan would have torn them apart!!"
"He's gotten way too nice all of sudden… Wrath shouldn't be nice."
Was it a little frustrating? Certainly. Especially for someone as image conscious as him. But for as calm as he was now, Satan wasn’t any less cruel and he'd be more than happy to remind others of that fact….
His chance came when he and the MC were together having just left the local art gallery. The two were exchanging a healthy dialogue about a curious sculpture they saw on display when a latte suddenly went soaring through the air and ended up all over Satan's sweater… The culprit was plain to see, being the only other demon on the road that night.
Whether the act was intentional or not, the correct course of action would have been to apologize immediately and beg for mercy forgiveness… but all the demon did was laugh in his face…
Maybe he thought that since Satan had mellowed out and his human was right beside him that he'd be lenient… Oh no. Not gonna happen.
Satan's fist slammed into the guy's mouth with the force of a jetliner and knocked him over two benches before his back bent over a lamppost… To say it was a KO move would be an understatement.
He probably could have done a whole lot worse to the guy while he was down, but you know… the MC being there and "self-control" and what not…
The demon survived (barely) and only had to spend a few months in the hospital, if anything he got off light.
Not a soul would gloss over Satan's temper again and really he preferred it that way.
Well, to be fair not a lot of people thought that Asmo was tough to start with… but that's also his intention.
"Scary" is the opposite of "cute" and he prefers to be "cute" at all times! 😊
Buuut that doesn’t mean this scorpion is without a stinger. He CAN be quite brutal when he wants to be, you just have to push him that far and trashing his looks is a good way to start.
Asmo was out with the MC getting his hair done for the week at his favorite salon. They weren't the only people there that day, obviously. There were other customers - one being a lesser demon classmate of theirs - though neither he nor the MC thought much of him at the time...
Well… It was supposed to be a prank. Probably something the guy intended to use for social media clout. While the staff was too busy to notice, he snuck by and replaced Asmo's preferred conditioner with pink hair dye…
Asmo. Was. Furious. And honestly, the dude could have gotten away with it if he hadn't been laughing and recording the whole thing!
When Asmo's ire naturally fell onto him, he hardly looked fazed!
Lesser Demon: "Ah, please! You won't do shit to me with the human still around! You don't want to look any uglier to them do ya?"
Asmo: *freezes, but still furiously eyeing every sharp instrument within arm’s reach* "MC? Darling?"
MC: "Got it..."
Perhaps the prankster should have kept his mouth shut, because suddenly the MC needed to take a looong bathroom break…
They didn't come back out until they heard the sounds of screeching and broken glass finally die down and then they stepped back into a warzone… Broken mirrors and items seemingly flung everywhere in a fit of rage! The guy (and his phone) now nowhere to be seen…
The salon comped Asmo for the botched hair job and touch up… and then billed Lucifer for the property damage (which he got an earful about later). On the bright side though, Asmo actually looks pretty great with pink hair! Silver-linings. 🙂
… The concept of Beel "going soft" is almost an oxymoron. He IS soft, but his personality was never what made him intimidating to start with.
Behind all his kindness, Beel packs more firepower than at least 4 for his siblings combined and most people remember that fact. Hell, the guy looks like he could lift a semi and he probably would if he ever tried. 
However, that doesn’t save him from being underestimated completely... Especially when an upstart or two thinks he's too nice to actually start a fight...
He and the MC were coming back from the grocery store with the usual armfuls of sacks when the MC accidentally walked into a lesser demon on the street. Since their arms were full, several items spilled out from the bags and onto the ground…
The MC was quick to apologize to the demon and try to get down to clean the mess, but the asshole just kept walking… and Beel really didn't like that.
Beel: "Hey! Aren't you going to say, 'Sorry?'"
The lesser demon hardly looked over his shoulder to respond.
Lesser Demon: "Why should I? That's your human. Take care of them yourself."
Well it didn't take long for some of Beel's bags to hit the floor so he could lift the demon up by the back of the neck properly. When he turned the guy to face him, he made sure to bring his face reeaal close so he could hear him growl...
Beel: "Apologize. Or I'll eat you."
And like that, the asshole's mood went from "Do it yourself," to "Yessir Mr. Beelzebub, sir!" right quick!
The MC didn't have to carry a single bag another step and Beel got to keep his free hand so he could link it with theirs!... all while Beel kept mushing their new pack-mule forward like a sled dog back to the House. Thanks, Beel! 😊
Kind of similar to Asmo, Belphie prefers to come off as unassuming on most days. But don't let his, "I'm a harmless sleepy boy" shtick fool you. He will cut a bitch if he's so motivated...
Thankfully for the world, he's generally not motivated. But that can be changed under the right circumstances...
Belphie and the MC were on yet another date to the botanical gardens. It's a peaceful place, though the MC can never go alone because of the frankly concerning amount of flesh-eating plants… Pretty, but also deadly, you know?
The two of them were walking to another rest spot when Belphie heard whispering from a demon behind them, seemingly on his phone…
Lesser Demon: “Yeah, I can see them right now…”
Lesser Demon: “I know right? It's so lame that these guys are in charge of us… They can't even say no to a dumb human!”
Lesser Demon: “What do you mean keep my voice down? Dude, it's fine! This is Belphegor we're talking about, the hell is he going to do if he hears me?”
… Huh.
The answer to the man's question was a simple one. Flash into his demon form for just a moment and whip out his tail... It only took a quick swipe to make him trip and fall right into the foliage. The man-eating… carnivorous… hungry… foliage….
Belphie was back to normal by the time the jerk let out his first scream and the MC almost stopped to see what had happened.
MC: "What the-oh my God!! Should we help-??”
Belphie: *puts his hands on their shoulders to keep them moving, not even glancing back* “Someone else will take care of it. Let's see the roses.”
Even when the desperate cries for help became distant, it took all Belphie had to stifle a smile…
Sometimes, you've got to love irony. 🤷‍♀️😏
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books-and-catears · 3 years
"Isn't it my turn to haunt you?"
TW: Blood, Mention of death, Trauma, Mental abuse
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Belphie woke up with a scream. He had a new recurring nightmare. This one, he could tell noone about. Especially not you.
"Belphie you're still awake? It's 3 AM." Beel asked worried. "Let me bring you some warm milk. It'll help you sleep, right?"
"No Beel. I don't want to sleep." Belphie said urgently. "Please. Let me stay awake."
The whole house was hushed in gentle concern over the next few days. Watching Belphie stumble around tired yet refusing to sleep was like watching Beel never touch food again.
They tried to everything to make him fall asleep but he refused it all, fought against his slumber with all his might.
"Are his nightmares back again?" Lucifer questioned, "He went through this phase after the war remember?"
"Maybe MC can help. Belphie cannot stay awake in MC's lap. He falls asleep within minutes." Beel suggested.
Mammon grumbled and scowled at the thought but agreed nevertheless.
That night you knocked on Belphie's attic door. He'd locked himself back up in there again - a clear sign of despair.
"Belphie? Won't you let me in? Don't worry I'm just here to talk."
He stared at you for a while before quietly unlocking the metal door with a clang. You sat next to him on the bed. He rested his head on your shoulder.
"It is a nightmare problem. I'm guessing my brothers already figured that out." He said.
You nod with a sheepish smile. "Want to talk about it?"
"I want to but...you are involved in it too. I don't want you to feel worried about it." He lifted his head up to look at you.
You looked nothing like Lilith. Not physically atleast. And yet you had exactly her kind eyes and her soft smile. So much that the more Belphie looked at you, the more you seemed to transform into her.
Suddenly his stomach churned, his heart sinking rapidly. No it wasn't just his imagination. You REALLY were turning into her.
Your hair grew longer, your eyes shifted on your face, and two glimmering wings sprouted rapidly on your back. Lilith's wings.
Belphie fell backwards, off the bed and onto the floor. He crawled across the floor, as you stood up and hovered over him.
With shaking hands he reached to open the attic door, but it was locked. From the outside. How was that even possible?
"What's wrong Belphie? Why do you look so terrified? Don't you remember me?"
The voice sounded like two people talking in unison. You and Lilith harmonizing your words.
"Please MC, Lilith, please I'm sorry I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He curled up in a ball, banging his head against the door.
Hurting oneself in dreams was usually an effective way to wake up but it didn't seem to work on him.
"Get up, Belphie. Have you forgotten what you must do now?" The voices said. "Oh no, you remember, don't you? That's why you're so scared!"
He'd never felt so powerless and weak, "Please-please MC don't make me, please forgive me-"
"Get up and open your arms, Belphie. Do it."
A pact command. His body was forced to follow . He fought back with all his might, but he was being forced into position by unseen strings. A mere puppet in the hands of the body in front of him.
As he stood up with his arms raised, you embraced him. The way you had done when you finally rescued him. With so much affection and warmth...
How he wished he could see that before.
"Now, kill us." The voice spoke into his shoulder. But he heard it loud and clear.
He gritted his teeth and let out cries for help. "No, no, NO PLEASE NO MORE! BEEL! Beel! Beel where you?! Help me Beel! Stop me from doing this?! Lucifer! LUCIFER! Lock me back up, please Lucifer stop this! Please don't let me do this!! Please!"
And with that he lost control of his body. His hands were wrapped around your throat as tight as they could. He'd even flipped you around, banging the back of your head against the door.
"You have tormented me for so long Belphie. This was my nightmare before it was yours."
This time the voice was just yours.
"I lay a crying mess at night, because I had noone to call. These are your brothers. Your home. I had nothing here to claim as mine - except this horrible memory."
And then he heard it. Maniacal laughter. His laughter echoing around the room while Lilith and you let out small cries of help together.
Tears escaped Belphie's eyes watching both Lilith and you die by his hand. He tried to close his eyes, but couldn't even look away.
"You've had your fun for so long, Belphie. Isn't it my turn to haunt you?"
The wings broke off as he snapped your neck. You fell limp in his arms and fell to the floor, blood oozing of your neck where his nails dug in. Your eyes were frozen wide open in fear.
The face had shifted into yours again.
Belphie held onto your cold hand and placed it on his head. "MC... MC... MC, wake up.. MC.." Using your touch to calm himself, hoping with all his strength that you'd wake up.
But you didn't.
Belphie woke up with a scream. He had his nightmare again. He could tell noone about this. Especially not you.
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I don't know if you've done this before :( but could you maybe write about the Obey me brothers after an argument with MC?? Like a fight make up kind of situation??
400 years later.....
Well, maybe not that long, but certainly long enough. I'm sorry >.<. Hope this doesn't put you off on sending other things because I did like doing this one!
Obey me Brothers + MC After a Fight
It was late into the evening when you heard the knock at your door. Before you could ask who it was, you heard the even timber of Lucifer’s voice behind the door. “[Y/N], it’s me. May I come in?” There was a long pause than usual between his introduction and question, seeming to debate asking, or your response, before he asked it.
To be honest, he had a right to be cautious because you weren’t sure what your answer would be before you opened your mouth. “Yes. Come in.”
The heavy door opened and Lucifer stepped in. Prim and as well stationed as ever, but the confidence normally in his face diminished just the slightest. “I…came to apologize.” The words seem to want to drag out of his throat. Like it’s the hardest thing he’s ever had to say. Not the best start for an apology.
“You didn’t have to treat me that way.” You tell him. Telling you like a child in front of everyone. Getting your hand smacked for something you didn’t even do. No coming to give some lack luster, dutiful apology he doesn’t mean. “And don’t say your sorry if you’re not.”
“I am sorry.” Lucifer insisted, before he took a deep breath and tried to relax. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have embarrassed you like that in front of everyone. I was upset, and took it out on you. Sometimes you’re an easy target because I know you’ll care for me no matter what I do. We always hurt most the ones we love.” Your cheeks tint at the comment. Damn him and his suave words.
The demon makes the effort to cross the threshold and take your hands. “Please know that I am truly sorry for my behavior. I will strive to never make you feel foolish, or less than, again. My mission in life now is to show you how much more than I find you over everyone else.”
You roll your eyes a little at the comment. “Let’s not get carried away. You’re starting to sound like Asmo.”
You giggle when Lucifer gave a forced, disgusted shutter. He then lifted your hands to his lips and gave them a kiss. “Am I forgiven?” He asked.
“I suppose.” Annoyingly, he was right. You would always care for, and love him, so it was hard to stay mad at him for long.
“Good,” he said, with his usual prideful smile, “I’m glad. I do plan to still make it up to you though. So make no plans for Saturday.”
“Will do.” You agreed. Giving him a tiny salute. He then left to let you finish getting ready for bed. Ideas of how he’d ‘make it up to you’ swirling in your head.
There was a sharp rap at your door that rung out clear in your room over your headphones. You were curious who was here at this hour, but got up to go answer the door before the tried again.
You open the door and are immediately confronted with a bundle of flowers being shoved in your face. Almost to the point of the blooms bursting against your cheeks. You stagger, at the afront of color, and the bouquet is pulled back slightly to reveal Mammon behind them. “I…bought you these flowers. To say I’m sorry.” The more he talked the more his voice trailed off. His normally confidence draining like the color from his face.
“Isn’t it rather cliché to buy someone flowers to apologize?”
Mammon flinched at your criticism. “I didn’t know what else to do. If you don’t like them I’ll buy you something else. Anything you want! Just please…talk to me.” Please forgive me, was what he was really saying.
You look at the demon for a moment. His defeated stance not fitting into his character at all. Ironic, since the fight was about Mammon being too full of himself. Confidence was one thing, but ever now and then it was too much, and when you tried to talk to him about it he turned on you. He had immediately regretted it, but you refused to talk to him for several days after to cool off.
Apparently, that was the worse punishment he could think of.
“You don’t need to buy me anything Mammon. I’ve already forgiven you.”
“Really??” He asked. Seeming unsure of what he’d heard or that he could trust you.
“Really.” You repeat, and immediate find yourself in his arms. Your flowers falling to the floor as he hugged you.
“Thank you [Y/N]! I’ll never do anything stupid like that again! I promise!”
“Well now, let’s not make promises we can’t keep.” You tease. Patting his back. “We all make mistakes Mammon. I’ll be angry with you sometimes, but I generally forgive you. How can I stay mad at my ‘First Man’ for long?” His hold on you tightened a little. It lingered for a moment longer before he let you go.
“Yeah. Right. Don’t you forget it.”
You were getting ready to head downstairs when there was a knock at your door. It was a surprise, since you were going down to meet everyone. So who was up here now? You open the door and find everyone’s favorite otaku, out of his hole and in front of your door, staring at you.
“Y-Y-You…You weren’t answering my texts.” Levi finally got out.
“That should have been a hint.” You tell him. Perhaps a bit more curt than need be.
The bluenette straightened in alarm before his shoulder slumped again. “I know. I’m sorry! But I couldn’t stand the thought of you being mad at me! I know I can get a little…-“crazy?” You interjected –“excited about my games and stuff, but I really didn’t mean to snap at you!”
The two of you had been playing some new quest game that was all the rage apparently on the deep otaku net. Supposedly it was unbeatable. No one had actually ever seen the final boss ending yet. Which of course meant Levi was determined to be the first. Confident that his eons of experience wouldn’t lead him astray.
Sadly, the legends of the unbeatable game were true. And after hour after hour of crushing defeat Levi snapped and took it out on you. He’s locked himself in his room after. Ashamed, and upset that he hurt you; if his texts were anything to go off of.
“I threw the game away and I’ll never play it again. I promise! I’ll never go all rage beast mode on you again as long as I live! Just please forgive me and talk to me again!”
“Oh Levi, it’s not that serious.” You insist as you reach out your hand to his clasped ones in front of you. Reassuring him. “We all get a little crazy when things don’t go our way. I forgive you. In the future lets try to play games that are a little less….taxing on our relationship, if we can manage.”
“R-R-R! Relationship!” Levi stammered. Turning bright red in front of you, which made you giggle. You lean in to give him a kiss on the cheek. Really frying his circuits. Maybe it was a little bit out of you missing Levi when you were fighting. And maybe it was also his ‘punishment’ for the fight as well.
Tucking into your homework for the evening, you look up from your desk when there was a knock at the door. It was sharp, to the point. You immediately knew who it was, and debated not answering. However, that would be rude and a level of pettiness not even you could manage.
“Hello Satan,” you greet when you open the door. Correct in guessing who was there. “How can I help you?”
The blonde seemed wounded by your formality, usually such a champion of manners. But he was a clever man and knew you were doing it to put some distance between you. “I came to apologize.”
“As you should.” Ok. Maybe you were a little pettier than you like to admit.
“You’re right, and I should have been here sooner. I was just….embarrassed.” Satan ran his fingers through his hair. “He just makes me so angry sometimes! Being so high and mighty. Bossing us around. I try to keep it under control but….I can’t.” Given he is the Avatar of Wrath, it’s a wonder he made any effort to keep his rage in check. Everyone says he was getting better though. Even his relationship with Lucifer was getting better; even with this spat. “It pains me more than I can tell you to know that I upset you in the process. Turning on you like that like an idiot when you were only trying to help. It was so stupid.”
“It wasn’t very like you.” You admit, and Satan gave a single, bitter scoff.
“Maybe not now. Maybe with you.” Cautiously he reached out his hand to take yours in a gentle hold. “But I am sorry. Please know that I’ll strive to not let my anger get the better of me again.”
“I’m sure you will.” You said. Squeezing his hand back. “And, I forgive you. I should know by now not to get involved with any of your fights. But I care about you all so much.”
“But you care about me most, yes?” He asked with a soft smile. To which you giggle and kiss his cheek.
“Yes. I care for you most.”
It was late afternoon when you heard the knock at your door. Typically, everyone was off doing their own activities at this hour, so it was a surprise to have someone looking for you. You open the door cheerfully at first, but then frowned. “Oh. Hello Asmo.”
“Hello [Y/N]-kun.” Asmo greeted brightly, but you could tell it was forced. “I…wanted to come see you. To apologize. For acting so ugly earlier.”
It’s not often that Asmo lost his temper. He usually left that to his silly, older brothers. Rising above in dignified beauty, as he liked to put it. But every now and then it got the best of him, and his tongue was sharper than any knife in the draw when he got that way.
“What you said really hurt Asmo.”
“I know,” he admitted frowning. “I haven’t been able to sleep all night thinking about it. Look at these bags!” You frown as he pointed to his under eyes, and he realized he was being selfish again. “I’m sorry I said such awful things the other day. I don’t have an excuse or fix for it. Except to say that I’m sorry, and I hope you forgive me.”
You let out a soft sigh at his words. He did seem sincere. It was a little odd to see Asmo so down. “Alright, I forgive you.” The demon immediately perked up with his usual smile and took your hands in his.
“Thank you [Y/N]! Let me take you out shopping, as a further apology. I’ll buy you anything you like!”
“So we’ve resorted to bribery now?” Asmo giggled at your joke and you nod. “I’ll right. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to get out. Anything I want?” Asmo nodded and made some suggestions on what you could spend his money on as you walked. Inevitably ending up on lingerie, which earned him a smack.
You had just gotten back from class when you heard the knock at the door. It startled you. You had only just gotten back a moment ago, so what remarkably good timing.
You finish taking off your uniform jacket before you open the door. Startled, yet again, to find Beel behind it. “Beel?”
“Hi [Y/N].”
An awkward silence filled the space, one that hadn’t been there since you first arrived in the Devildom, before you spoke. “I uh…was going to change. I just got back from class.”
“I know. I waited for you to come back.” The red head confessed. Nervously scratching the back of his head. “I wanted…to talk. I wanted to apologize.”
“You don’t have anything to apologize for.” You reply. Now nervously scratching the back of your head as well. “If anything I should apologize.”
Beel was so sweet and kind. But sometimes, his ‘space cadet ways’ over anything that didn’t involve food or fitness was very hard to deal with. He’d forgotten you were supposed to meet, yet again, so when he showed up an hour late for your date yesterday you had given him an ear full. He’d been hurt, but took it. Now you just felt bad, like you had kicked a puppy, with it over.
“But I should have remembered. It’s not fair that I forgot when we were supposed to meet. Again.” He looked upset with himself and fidgeted with his hands. “I really am sorry I forgot. I don’t want you to think you’re not important or anything. I’m just dumb.”
“You’re not dumb!” You scold Beel. Not accepting him putting himself down like that. “Can’t we just agree that we’re both at fault. You should have remembered, but I shouldn’t have yelled at you either. Can’t we just….make up? I hate fighting with you.”
Beel smiled softly and leaned forward to give you a hug. “I hate fighting too. I think I’ll be ok if we both take blame. That seems fair.” He let you go and stepped back. Seeming back to his usual, easy going self already. “Do you want to do a make up date? If you’re free. I can take you to Madam Scream’s or we can go get Fire Iceies.”
You giggle and nod. “Sure. That would be wonderful.”
It was so late at night when you heard the knock at your door that, initially, you thought you dreamt it.
Hearing it again, you woke up and threw on your robe over your pjs to go answer the door. Groggy, and a little concerned as to who could be here at this hour. Something must be wrong.
“Belphie?” You question in a whisper. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to see you.” He said. Remarkably less groggy than you were for a change. “I had to see you.”
“In the middle of the night?” You question. Getting more alert and annoyed at being woken up by him.
“Yes. I couldn’t sleep. Imagine that.” His fingers twirl at his long bangs while he looked down at the floor. “I came to apologize.”
“Apologize?” You repeat. Shocked, more than anything, that he was here to apologize. Not that he did deserve an apology to you, you just didn’t think he’d do it.
“Yes. To apologize. Can we make up now?”
“That’s it??” You remark after his ‘apology’. “You say you’re sorry like that and I’m just supposed to forgive you?”
“Yes. That’s how apologies work.”
“No it isn’t!” You snap. Louder than you wanted to with the late hour. You set your teeth and wheeze through them. You don’t want to start another fight. “You apologize because you feel bad about something and want to make it up to the person. It has to be sincere.”
“I am being sincere.” Belphie insisted. “This is sincere as I get.”
“Well it certainly doesn’t feel like it.” You reply. Crossing your arms.
It was Belphie’s turn to sigh at you. “Look. I’m not like Asmo or the others who are great with words. I came to apologize, and that’s it. I was wrong and I wanted to say I’m sorry. That’s the best I can do.”
“Why do you even want to say your sorry? If you don’t sound like you mean it.”
“Because I hate you being angry with me.” You blink in surprise at Belphie’s confession, and he sighed again. “I hate it. I hate not talking to you. I don’t care what anyone else thinks of me, but if you hate me, I can’t stand it. So, I came to apologize. To do anything so you wouldn’t hate me anymore.”
You uncross your arms and scrunch your lips a little bit. “That’s a better apology.” He looked back up at you with a questioning look. Seeming surprised that he had ‘done good’. “And, I don’t hate you. Just because I’m angry with you, for good reason, doesn’t mean I hate you. I could never hate you.”
The demon smiled softly. His expression tired, but hopeful. “Thanks [Y/N].”
“Now, we need to get back to bed. It is the middle of the night after all. And we have school.”
“Ok.” Belphie agreed. Then stepped into your room and made way to your bed.
“In your own room mister!”
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(Y/n) and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week: Wednesday
Monday     Tuesday     Thursday (Part 1)     Thursday (Part 2)     Friday     Saturday     Sunday
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: panic attacks, swearing, getting outed, f slur and d slur, homophobia, puking, toxic friends
Word count: 5,160
(A/N): woah, thank you all so much for all the positive feedback, that really makes my day! 
The room was quiet with the exception of the clacking of the keyboard and the soft chirping of crickets outside your open window. The stars twinkled in the sky as the night droned on and on. There was a loud rustling outside your window, but your sleep deprived mind didn’t think anything of it. It wasn’t important at the moment, the only important thing right now was finishing your work. 
Throughout the night, you worked endlessly on your friend’s work. The essays were relatively easy because Adrian and Annie had luckily chosen topics that you’re somewhat interested in, so at least finding the sources was enjoyable. You had gotten your essay completely written and proofread, Annie’s outline finished, and Adrian’s sources analyzed. You would start on Sammy’s presentation after you finished Adrian’s outline. Hours upon hours passed by you as you worked, yet you didn’t notice the time once. You worked uninterrupted with no breaks. Well, one break to talk to your dad about how you weren’t hungry, but you got back to work right after he left your room. You couldn’t waste any more time than you already have.
Your eyes felt heavy as you typed on your keyboard, working on putting Adrian’s sources together cohesively so that the writing would flow seamlessly. You paused your typing to rub at your tired eyes so you could keep working, you couldn’t afford to fall asleep. You had to get these done as soon as possible if you wanted their forgiveness. 
The blaring of your alarm startled you out of your focus, making you fall backwards out of your chair with a yelp. Landing painfully on your back, you laid on the floor trying to calm your racing heartbeat. You looked out your window. Hints of pinks and yellows were starting to make a gradient with the lightening dawn sky. Shit, you were so focused on getting your work done that you didn’t take account of the time. You just knew today was gonna be long. At least after school volleyball practice was shortened because of finals tomorrow. 
You groaned as you pulled your tired form off from the ground. You made your way downstairs and plopped yourself down at your usual place at the table, burying your face into the crook of your arm. You felt yourself drift off into a blissful sleep, the wood of the table suddenly seemed very comfortable at the moment. Not long after, you were jolted out of your peaceful sleep by a loud crash. Jumping up and looking around with wide eyes, you saw Tubbo looking at you apologetically. There was broken glass in front of his feet on the floor. 
“Sorry, (y/n).”
You just stared at him blankly as you slowly blinked. Philza didn’t spare you a glance as he whisked the short boy away from the glass. “(Y/n), can you please go get the broom and sweep this up?”
You nodded, hauling yourself to your feet and walked over to the storage closet, pulling out the broom and dust pan. You mindlessly sweeped up the glass, your limbs feeling heavy. After throwing the glass away, you rummaged in the cupboard and pulled out a mug. The bitter smell beckoned you welcomingly, working its way through your nostrils and digging itself deep into your brain. Just as you were about to pour yourself a cup, a hand snatched the coffee pot away from you. 
“You shouldn’t be drinking this.”
“You let Techno and Wil drink it, so why can’t I?”
“(Y/n), you’re a full year younger than them and you haven’t eaten anything since breakfast yesterday.”
You felt your eye twitch, “I’m only a year younger than them! There’s literally no-”
“(Y/n),” his warning tone cut you off, putting the pot back into the coffee maker, “you aren’t going to drink this. That’s final. Get a glass of water.”
You huffed and pushed past him to the sink to fill your coffee mug with water. You’ve been drinking coffee for a while behind his back, so you were used to its effects on your body. You supposed that you’d just beg Wilbur to take you to the cafe so you could get your sustenance. He always relented for you. 
You heard him chuckle, “you’ll thank me when you’re older.”
You plopped down next to Tubbo nursing your mug of water, trying to make small talk with him. One by one, your brothers made their way to the table. Tommy was talking and gesturing wildly to Tubbo like he normally did, Wilbur looked as dead inside as you felt, and Techno made it a point to ignore you. When someone pissed him off, he can hold a grudge better than he could hold onto his knowledge of Greek mythology, and that’s saying something. Man is obsessed with Greek mythology. 
Breakfast went by in a daze with you struggling to keep your eyes open. At one point, you almost fell asleep sitting up, only to be woken up by Tubbo shaking your shoulder to get your attention. When breakfast was almost done, you had only eaten about half your breakfast. 
Drifting off again, you were startled awake by the screeching of the chairs against the wooden floor and loud shouts coming from your brothers. You didn’t have the energy to race them to the bathroom like you usually did, you’d just freshen up after they were done. You tried to stand up to go to your room to get dressed, but you were stopped by a hand on your shoulder forcing you to sit back down. Looking up, you were met with the concerned, yet stern eyes of your father. 
“You’re not leaving this table until you’ve eaten at least a few more bites and tell me why you’re so tired.”
“I just stayed up later than I normally do finishing up some homework, it won’t happen again.”
“It better not or else I will make you stay home next time. When’d you go to bed last night?”
You avoided his eyes, “around one thirty or two.” You couldn’t tell him that you didn’t actually go to sleep last night, he’d flip. 
“You know, you’re a terrible liar.” Shit.
Looking him in the eye, you spoke more confidently. “Three in the morning.”
You felt a sudden rage start to twist inside you as he started to lecture you about taking better care of yourself. He was treating you like a child and you were not having it. 
“-young kids like you need to- are you even listening?”
You set your jaw and willed yourself not to explode at him. “Dad, I’m not a child. I know how to take care of myself.”
You saw him narrow his eyes and purse his lips in frustration, “well, obviously you don’t if you’re not eating or sleeping well,” his eyes softened. “I’m starting to worry about you.”
“Well, you shouldn’t because I’m fine,” you snapped at him. “I’m going to get ready.”
You stalked out of the room and stomped upstairs. Passing a shocked Tommy and Tubbo, you made your way into the bathroom to get ready. The person that stared back at you in the mirror looked pale and had dark eye bags accentuating her tired eyes. She had red pimples dotting her face more than she usually did. She was ugly, revolting. The girl you remembered her being was confident in her appearance and walked with an air of importance. Now, she was a decrepit thing that was run down and scared of her own shadow. You couldn’t recognize the girl that stared back at you anymore. You should’ve been able to;  after all, she was you and you were her.
You rushed through your morning routine in the bathroom avoiding looking at yourself in the mirror. You opened the bathroom door only to be met with Wilbur’s chest, his hand poised in the air in a closed fist ready to knock on the door. He stepped back.
“We’re gonna be late if you don’t hurry up.”
You glanced at the clock on the wall. “Wil, we still have twenty minutes before school starts. We don’t have to leave for another ten minutes.”
He gave you a smirk, “well, you want coffee, don’t you? You look dead.”
“Oh thank god. I feel dead, I didn’t sleep at all last night.”
“When’d you go to bed?”
“I didn’t.”
“Christ, (y/n) I knew you were a dumbass, but not that much of a dumbass.”
You rolled your eyes, walking around him and into your room. You felt a stab of hurt in your heart. “Fuck you.”
Before you could close the door, he shouted out a cheeky “love ya too (y/n)!”
You took off all your clothes slowly and stood in front of your open closet deciding on what you should wear today. You figured that since you felt like absolute shit, you should probably put a little bit more effort into your appearance. Picking out your favorite flannel shirt and favorite pair of pants. Smiling at yourself in the mirror in your room, you felt slightly more confident in your appearance. You felt like you could walk around the hallways at school without as many peering eyes trying to figure out your every secret. But maybe that was just the sleep deprivation talking. You tend to be more impulsive and emotional when you’re sleep deprived.
You slung the backpack onto your back with less difficulty than in the previous days. Your back was healing faster than you thought it would. Now, it barely hurt and the swelling completely went away.
You went downstairs and slunk past the kitchen where Philza was talking to Tommy and Tubbo. You didn’t want them to notice you, you felt somewhat guilty for snapping at your dad. You slipped through the front door and hopped into the passenger seat next to Wilbur. You three usually rotated seats counterclockwise and took turns driving each day. Now, you were just waiting for Techno.  
“Well, you look less homeless today.”
“Thanks Wilbur, I just felt like looking a little nicer than usual.”
“Who’re ya dressing up for? Is it Adrian?” He asked with slight disgust. He hated Adrian almost as much as he hated Annie and Sammy. He thought he was nothing more than a fuckboy looking to get into your pants. Little did he know you were secretly a raging lesbian so deep in the closet that you’re froliking with Aslan through the flowerfields of Narnia.
“Wilbur, I’m gay why would I-” you froze, cursing your sleep deprived self for lacking a filter. Your breath caught in your throat and you felt anxiety start to seep into your veins and pump around your body, filling every single nook and cranny with dread. You could feel tears welling in your eyes as you stared at your shaking hands horrified at yourself. How could you just… just out yourself like that? How could you be so careless? So stupid?
You barely felt it when Wilbur reached over to press a gentle hand on your arm. “(Y/n), are yo-”
“I-tha-that was a joke, I’m not gay, I’m straight.” Your words came out in frantic jumbles, desperately trying to fix your slip up. Oh god, you really fucked up this time.
“(Y/n), brea-”
“I swear I’m not gay, I like men, I do. I-”
“(Y/n), breathe with me.” Wilbur’s firm, yet gentle voice demanded. He placed your hand on his chest and took in a deep breath, held it, and released it slowly. You tried your best to follow him, but after about ten minutes, you were slowly but surely calming down. It was a lot faster calming down from a panic attack when you had someone helping you breathe. You’ve never gotten help with a panic attack before, it was nice. Becoming more aware of your surroundings, you took notice of the soft fabric of Wilbur’s sweater, the gentle thumping of his heart, and his worried expression. You also became aware of the extra hand rubbing small circles into your shoulder from behind your seat. It was Techno.
Taking in a shaky breath, you took your hand out of Wilbur’s grip and clasped your hands tightly in front of you, shrugging Techno’s hand off from your shoulder. 
“...Can we please leave? I don’t want Dad or Tubbo and Tommy seeing me like this.”
Wordlessly, Wilbur started up the car and pulled out of the driveway. At the intersection, he turned in the opposite direction of the school. “Wilbur, where are we going? The school’s the other way.”
“We’re going to the cafe for some coffee, my treat.”
“But school starts in five minutes, we’re gonna be late if we go to the cafe.”
“Actually,” Techno’s deep voice chimed in, “school started ten minutes ago. If we’re already late, there’s no harm in skipping first block.”
“Tech, I literally have no idea what’s going on in stats.”
“I’ll give you my notes.”
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to bother you.”
Wilbur pulled into the cafe’s parking lot, “don’t be stupid, (y/n). You can never bother us.”
You didn’t say anything as you left the car and headed into the cafe. You could think of plenty of ways you could bother your older brothers. You bothered everybody just by being in their presence. You just had that effect. 
Your brothers followed you into the cafe, glancing at each other worriedly. You three quickly got your orders and sat in the secluded back of the cafe. Soft jazz music drifted throughout the quiet cafe. 
“(Y/n), we need to talk about what happened. Was this your first panic attack?” Wilbur asked you gently.
“...No, I’ve had them before.” 
“Were they always this intense? You’re still shaking.”
“That one was nowhere near as intense as the ones I usually have.’
“Usually? Do you have them often?” Tecno asked.
“Yeah, usually a couple of them a week since the middle of freshman year. Nothing I can’t manage.”
“So you’ve been doing this on your own for three years? You could’ve gotten us to help you.” 
You sighed, looking down at your steaming cup. “...I couldn’t’ve. Don’t get me wrong, I know you guys could help me, but I-I just couldn’t. No one was supposed to find out.”
“Promise us that you’ll come to one of us when you have an attack. We care about you, (y/n).”
“I… I’ll think about it. Thank you.”
The table fell into a comfortable silence as you all sipped at your drinks, the comforting taste of the bitter coffee dancing across your tongue.
“Ya know, we don’t care that you’re gay. A lesbian called me ‘actually pretty funny’ once and I’m still riding the high.” 
“Yeah, you’re still you. Nothing changes the fact that you’re our little sister.” 
You smiled as you felt warm inside. You knew your brothers loved you, but you didn’t know that they loved you for being you. You didn’t think anybody loved you unconditionally like that, and that made you feel genuinely happy.
“Thank you guys, for everything. I-I can’t put into words how much that means to me, I love you guys so much!”
“We love you too,” Wilbur smiled before he dropped it into a stern frown. “But if any girl hurts you, we’ll have a stern talking to her.”
“Yeah, we can’t beat up girls. We’ll put her in her place alright.” You snorted into your coffee, almost spilling it on yourself. Quickly setting it down before you could baptize yourself with the scalding liquid (though, you did consider coffee to be holy), you wiped at your teary eyes. 
“And that’s why I love you guys.”
“We’re serious, she’ll be wishing she got beat up after we’re done scolding her.” Wilbur said seriously before he broke into a grin and started laughing. 
The conversation carried on about your sexuality, how you found out, when you found out, if you’ve told anyone yet (they were honored that they were the first people you’ve told, even if you did it accidentally mid-panic attack). Eventually you had to go back to the school before your second block started. You three split ways to your separate classrooms. 
Annie and Adrian were locked onto you as soon as you walked through the door. They looked angry at you. What’d you do this time to piss them off?
“Where the fuck were you this morning? We were looking everywhere for you,” Annie seethed.
“Yeah, you wasted so much of our time looking for your sorry ass. You ditch us again?”
Oh, that. “Look, I didn’t mean to skip out on you guys again. It was a rough morning.” 
“That’s funny because we also had rough mornings, yet we still hung out with each other. You aren’t special.” Adrian rolled his eyes at you.
“It’s gonna take more to apologize. We don’t let things like the little stunts you pull go off scott free.”
“Oh, Annie I have the best idea,” Adrian squealed, bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly. 
“What is it Dri?” Annie’s eyes shone.
“Our little (y/n) can set you up with one of her brothers and she can go on a date with me on a double date! It’s foolproof, not even someone as dumb as (y/n) could fuck it up.” 
“I don’t think that’s a good id-”
“It’s perfect Dri! Can it be with Wilbur? He’s literally so hot! Oh, the way his fingers can work that guitar…” Ew. The thought of Wilbur and Annie together made you scrunch up your nose with disgust.
“I’m sorry, but Wilbur’s actually dating Sally Fishmin right now. They’re actually really cute together-”
“God, how could someone as hot as Wilbur go for Sally Fishmin? She’s disgusting, always smells like fish,” Annie gagged, then gasped. “Wait (y/n) do you actually think that she’s more deserving to be with him than I am?”
“No, I nev-”
“Really? Cuz you just did. Glad to see you care about me, (y/n).”
“Annie, you’re literally so beautiful. I never said that you don’t deserve him. You deserve the world. I can’t split them up, but I can do more homework for you.” She perked up immediately, “awe, thanks love! That’s what happens when you actually put effort into how you look.”
“Speaking of, did you get that shirt out of the trash? It’s really not a look.” Adrian snickered to himself. There goes what little confidence you had. You actually thought you looked decent today. You felt grateful for your friends, they always told you the truth about how you looked when everybody else lied to you. 
Before you could respond, the bell rang and everybody took their seats. Luckily, Mr. Todd assigned today as a work day for your final research essays. You had finished Annie’s and got Adrian’s thesis done before the bell rang. While you were working on their essays, they were mindlessly scrolling on their phones and texting someone. 
You, Adrian, and Annie met up with Sammy and went into the lunch room. You tried to line up in the lunch line with them, but they laughed and told you that you’re fat enough and you needed to lose weight. What did you do to deserve such considerate friends? You really owed them one for always looking out for and putting up with you.
While you were waiting for them, you pulled out your phone. To your surprise, Haley texted you a screenshot of her conversation with Unknown. You felt a chill run down your spine. All four pictures were of you. You rubbing your eyes as the light of your computer provided the only light in the room. Your bare back facing the camera as you stood in front of your closet this morning. You sleeping a day ago (you felt sick as you realized that whoever took the picture was standing directly over your bed). Lastly, you and Haley holding each other’s hand under the moonlight last night. Attached to the pictures, Unknown had typed “you have one more day or else sleeping ugly gets it. Do not tempt us.”
Hales : )
(Y/n), how the hell did they get these pictures of you
Did you seriously leave your window open???
Why wouldn’t you close your curtains
Oh god, do you think they saw us in your driveway????
Haley calm down 
Hales : )
I know you’re not telling me to calm down right now
You have a stalker
We’ll get to the bottom of this
Like I said, I don’t care if my pictures get leaked
I care about your pictures
Until we figure out who’s doing this, we need to lay low
Hales : )
Hanging out last night was a mistake
I shouldn’t have gave you a ride
I shouldn’t have tried to kiss you
I’m straight
And you are too
You said it yourself
We can’t talk anymore (y/n)
I’m not straight Hales
I’m gay
And I like you
Like you like you
Hales : )
I’m sorry (y/n)
But I’m straight
We can’t talk anymore
With each text she sent you, you felt your heart drop deeper and deeper into your stomach until you felt your heart shatter in your chest, the pieces lodging themselves deep within you and ripping you open from inside out. How could you be so stupid to think that soemone as perfect as Haley Andrews, arguably the prettiest girl in the senior year, go out with (y/n) Minecraft, a known trainwreck. Annie’s shrill gasp sounded right next to your ear, making you gasp and drop your phone onto the table with a loud bang.
The entire cafeteria fell into silence as they listened to Annie’s shrieking. Whispers started to meld together.
“(Y/n)’s gay?”
“How gross”
“Damn, I was gonna hit it”
“We have a dyke going to this school?”
You felt like you were suffocating as the whispers and Annie’s yelling jumbled together in a disorienting cacophony. Adrian and Sammy both glared at you from behind Annie with a hatred that you didn’t know they had for you. You tried stuttering an apology, but you were quickly shut up by Annie harshly slapping you across the face.
“I don’t wanna hear it, fag. You’re going to finish our essays and you’re never gonna talk to us again. Do you understand me?” When you didn’t respond, she slapped you again. “I asked you, do you understand me?” 
You frantically nodded your head, grabbed your backpack, and sprinted out the door without any real destination in mind. You sprinted before you found the bathroom that nobody used. Ducking into a stall and slamming the door, you felt yourself start to hyperventilate. You couldn’t feel anything except for the tightness of your chest. You couldn’t see anything. You couldn’t hear anything. You faintly tasted bile rising up in your throat as you bent over to empty your stomach. You threw up everything in your stomach until you were left sitting on the dirty floor painfully dry heaving. 
You sobbed on that floor for what felt like hours. Everybody knows your secret now. Your dirty, dirty secret. God, you were a pervert weren’t you? You made people around you comfortable by just being you. Faintly, you felt your phone start to buzz in your pocket, your shaky hands scrambling to fish it out. They were all texts from your brothers.
(Y/n) I heard what happened
Are you okay????
Please answer me
Where are you
Technology Sword
I’m gonna kill them
I swear to god they’re dead
Blood for the blood god
Pls dont do anything or hurt anyone
I’m fine
I’ll see you two after practice
Tell us where you are
I’m fine
I’ll see you two after practice
You silenced your phone and put it back into your pocket, once again feeling yourself start to dry heave again. Your sobs and gags echoed throughout the bathroom. This is by far the worst panic attack you’ve had yet, and it doesn’t seem like it’s gonna stop anytime soon. You heard the final bell ring and students start to rush to their lockers to get home, so you tried to muffle your shaking sobs the best you could. You had at least an hour before you had to go to volleyball practice. Until then, you would stay in the bathroom trying to ground yourself. 
Luckily, you managed to calm down to the point where you stopped crying and dry heaving. You were only shaking slightly. You felt numb and completely drained from your panic attack, practice today was going to be a struggle. You cautiously walked through the empty hallways jumping at every little noise. When you finally reached the locker room, you made a beeline past Zara and Jazzy to your locker. You pulled out your uniform and changed in one of the bathroom stalls.
Practice went by with the girls on the team giving you sympathetic looks and Haley ignoring you. Not that you noticed, you were ignoring everyone and putting all of your focus on the ball. The entire practice, you felt light headed and drained. Fortunately, practice ended right as you felt like you were going to pass out.
You changed as fast as you could and pulled out your phone.
Come outside, I’m here to pick you up
You felt a dread pool in your stomach as you stared at the text. Did he find out? Was he going to kick you out for being gay? Wilbur and Techno wouldn’t let him do that to you, right? Reluctantly, you left the sanctuary of the bathroom stall and rushed out of the locker room and out of the school. Sure enough, your dad’s car was parked in the parking lot. You glanced over to where Haley’s car was parked last night and saw glimpses of you and her chasing each other and laughing into the night sky without a care in the world before you ripped your gaze away to stare at your walking feet.
You reached your dad’s car and sat in the passenger seat. Your dad grinned at you. “Hey hun, how was practice?”
You merely shrugged your shoulders at him. You didn’t have the energy to talk to anyone at the moment. You felt extremely drained.
“What’s wrong, did something happen? You can talk to me.”
“...I’m just sad that the season’s over tomorrow.”
“Don’t be sad kid,” a gruff voice coming from behind you made you jump. “That’s pussy shit.”
You yelped and whipped your head around to look at whoever said that. Your uncle’s cocky grin greeted you. You felt yourself grin back at him. 
“Uncle Schlatt!”
“The one and only.”
“How was your business trip? You’re home early.”
He rolled his eyes, “boring as hell. I’m so fucking glad I got out early, I woulda blew my brains out if I had to stay there any longer.”
“Schlatt!” Philza reprimanded him, glancing at him through the rearview mirror.
“What? I’m just telling the truth. I woulda!” He defended himself.
Your dad gripped the steering wheel. “You didn’t have to say it in front of (y/n).”
Schlatt scoffed, “please, she’s heard me say worse.” 
As they bickered, you felt yourself zone out as you looked out the window. Houses and street signs passed by in a blur as the car moved down the road and pulled into your driveway. You got out as quickly as you could and made your way into the house alongside your uncle and dad. As soon as your uncle walked through the door, Tubbo barrelled into him and pulled him into a tight hug. Schlatt laughed loudly and bent over to pick him up into a hug. You smiled at the father and son as Philza gestured for you to follow him into the kitchen. He opened the oven to check on something cooking inside of it and turned to face you, leaning against the counter.
“So what’s really wrong?”
“I already told you, I’m sad the season’s almost over.”
“It’s something more than that,” as you opened your mouth he quickly added, “and you can’t say that it’s because you’re tired. I wasn’t born yesterday.”
You sighed and mimicked his actions. “...It’s just been a long day. I really don’t wanna talk about it.”
Without warning, he pulled you into a warm hug, your face being shoved into his shoulder and him rubbing circles into your back. “That’s okay, just talk to me when you’re ready. I won’t push you.”
That broke you. Throwing your arms around him, you started to sob into his shoulder. He started to rock you back and forth whispering reassurances into your ear. 
“That’s good, let it all out.”
“I love you so much.”
“I’m here for you.”
With each sentence to fall out of his mouth, you felt more at ease and safe. Your dad always did a great job at making people feel safe, that was just his natural talent. After a while, you pulled away from him.
“Do you feel better?”
You smiled tiredly at him, “Yeah, I really needed a hug.”
He turned around to check on dinner, “I bet, you look like you’ve been to hell and back. You don’t have to tell me what happened, but just know that I’m always here for you and I love you.”
The rest of the family flooded the kitchen after a while of you two talking. Dinner went by with Schlatt laughing loudly and telling stories about the people he met on his business trip. Every now and then, Wilbur and Techno would glance at you, but you ignored them. You just wanted dinner to end so you could pass out in your bed. Once dinner was over, you helped your dad gather everybody’s plate and put them into the sink. The rest of your little family went to the living room to start a game of Monopoly. The last time you all played that ended in fresh bruises and shed tears.
“I think I’m gonna go to bed, I have to get some rest for finals tomorrow.”
“But (y/n), it’s Monopoly! You love Monopoly,” Tommy exclaimed.
“That’s alright, you look dead on your feet kid. Go get some sleep.”
“Thanks Uncle Schlatt. Goodnight everyone, love ya.”
A flurry of goodnights and love you’s follow you as you leave the room and drug yourself up the stairs. Without a second thought, you closed your curtains and plopped face first onto your bed. You passed out without even making sure you were fully on your bed.
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lonely-lost-soul · 4 years
Where Loyalties Lie
(Technoblade X reader) 
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Request 3: Can we get a little angsty fic or headcanon of Techno trying to get the reader to leave L’manberg?
Requested By: Anonymous
     “Tubbo please take a deep breath,” You followed him around the rubble as he paced restlessly. 
     “I’m president of a crater (Y/n)!” The boy pulled on his ears with a loud whine, “What am I gonna do. I can’t believe Wilbur blew it up-” He felt your hands touch his own and gently pull them away from his oversensitive goat ears. “What am I gonna do? I-I’m a kid…” You frowned, moving to cup his cheek with your hand. He nuzzled into it desperately, welcoming the comforting touch of someone who he considered family. 
     “You’re going to get through it because you’re strong.” You told him, “and so brave little ram.” He flushed pink letting out a whine of protest especially because he was still surrounded by most of his friends. 
You watch as Quackity walked over to the both of you and placed his hand on Tubbo’s shoulder squeezing it, “We’ll rebuild. We’ll be right behind you Tubbo.” He smiled at the kid and you couldn’t help but smile over at him. 
     “Thank you both. Truly.” 
There was one thing that had you were worried you may come to regret, and that was not taking Technoblade’s hand as he fled from the country. You were close almost touching it, he looked like he wanted to beg for you too but one desperate cry from Tubbo had you pulling away. He looked heartbroken but at the same time, you saw understanding in his deep red eyes. 
Family came first. 
That day he pulled you close pressing a soft kiss on your forehead, “I’ll be back for you.” 
You murmured a soft I’m sorry, turning to find Tubbo to make sure he wasn’t injured or dying. The thoughts of the festival replaying in your head, you couldn’t go through that...not again especially because now Tubbo was officially on his last life. Tommy couldn’t fathom how you didn’t blame Technoblade for what happened that day, but to you, two things were clear: one was that Tubbo didn’t blame him which made it easier on your end to forgive him; two Schlatt was manipulative and overwhelming as fuck you can’t blame someone for something they were peer pressured into doing. Speaking of Tommy you ended up finding Tubbo and him in the rubble that day, the taller male was pressing cloth to Tubbo’s bleeding arm desperately, when you took over and Tommy seemed grateful. 
However, you had to push your possible regrets aside and focus on the new nation you’d help build, and build it you did. You worked endlessly for months on end creating a lovely new nation for people to live in, Tubbo had dubbed it New L’manburg. You felt his pride and happiness, he just loved seeing everyone together again and happy once again. Finally, the server felt somewhat normal after all that destruction, even if there was a Techno-shaped hole in your heart. Things changed rather quickly when Tubbo was, in your eyes, manipulated to exile Tommy by Dream. You had tried to argue for the boy saying that not only was he Tubbo’s friend but just a kid. You were shut down harshly by not only Dream but Tubbo as well, the look in his eyes was filled with so much loathing and frustration. It’s the first time he ever snapped and was harsh to you, you felt your own frustration bubble up in your chest. You turned on your heel and marched back up into your house, you were not going to put up with this behavior. When you slammed the door shut, and turned around to find Technoblade standing in your living room,  with your cat purring fondly on his shoulders; you almost screamed.
     “Heh- why are you scared it’s just me?” The hybrid complained his nose scrunching up, “Don’t be cringe- oof-” Techno grunted as you threw your arms around his waist, the man flushed to the tips of his ears and looked away from you, Taffy hopped off his shoulders disgruntledly, “Yeah, yeah, I missed you too.” He pet the top of your head tenderly and you looked up at him with a smile. 
     “What’re you doing here Tech? If Tubbo finds out he’ll have your head.” 
     “Then I guess we’ll just have to make sure he doesn’t find me then huh?” He mused lips, quirking into a smile, and you nodded in agreement. “Other than that just running some errands. I’m in retirement now you know. I have to say that ‘New L’Manburg’ is certainly a name.” He did air quotes around the name and you nudged him, 
     “Be nice.”
     “Boo Cringe. I’m a Blood God starlight. I don’t do nice.” 
     “Bullshit,” You punched him in the arm, “Tea?” 
     “Please.” He cracked a smile as you walked over to your tea kettle heating the water and grabbing some tea bags. 
     “So, you came here to run some errands huh? I almost thought you missed me?” Technoblade shuffled a little behind you, how could you read him so perfectly? It was complete and utter bullshit. You heard him click his tongue distastefully behind you and you couldn’t help but smirk cheekily,
     “Get off my back woman.” He stated gruffly as you laughed, “but I guess I do miss you a little bit.” You smiled fondly and softly cooed at him and he let out another scoff, 
     “A little bit?”
     “What is this interrogation? You a cop now?” You placed his tea in front of him and he took a sip,
     “Yeah, we’re gonna need to do a strip search. Drop your pants.” Technoblade choked on his drink, face turning the darkest shade of red you’ve ever seen from him. You howled with laughter sliding down in your seat beside the man. 
     “I changed my mind. I didn’t miss you at all, you’re a terror.”
     “You love me, admit it.”
     “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” He murmured looking at you with a sudden softness that was out of character for him. You didn’t notice the change but it was there, oh if only you knew how much of what you said was true. He did love you. He ran his tongue across his teeth and reached out to interlock your hands within his own. 
     “Come live with me.” 
     “I’m in retirement now. I’m going to get some turtles hopefully, maybe some other pets while I’m at it. There’s a lot of room...It gets lonely all alone you know. It’d be nice to have you there with me.” He watched hesitance flicker across your face again just like the day Wilbur blew up L’Manburg. Your thoughts went to Tubbo and how much he needed you, especially now that Tommy was exiled. However, you were also brought back to a few moments ago where Tubbo snapped at you for trying to help. You took a ragged breath and pushed his hand away, he frowned sadly bringing his hand back down to his lap. 
     “I need to be here for Tubbo. He’s a kid Tech...way over his head. Dreams sniffing around him like a dog looking for his next victim to manipulate. I can’t let that happen, not to him. I know he’s President of this nation and you hate him for that, but he’s my brother and I love him. He’s a tough kid with a lot of fire, but I can’t just leave him in the dust. I love you,” You reached up and cupped his cheek and Technoblade felt his cheeks burn at the implication, “but I can’t leave until Tubbo is safe.” 
     “I’ll convince you one day.” Technoblade shot back even though his heart ached, that you wouldn’t be coming home with him. But Technoblade wasn’t known for giving up. He was stubborn as hell, he’d win you over yet. You’d come home with him, he’d confess to you and he’d make you the happiest person in the world. You just...didn’t know it yet. 
     “I’m excited for the day you do Tech.” You snickered softly, you both were startled by harsh knocking on the door.
     “That’s my cue. See you soon Starlight,” Technoblade hummed slipping right out the window, you watched him go longingly. You shuffled towards the door and opened it slowly, on the front steps stood Tubbo who was rocking nervously on his feet. 
     “Hey LR...you okay?” Tilting your head to the side,
     “Is LR supposed to stand for little ram?”
     “No…I suppose not.” He murmured before clearing his throat and straightening his back, “I wanted to talk with you.” 
     “Oh?” You raised an eyebrow watching him nod his head sternly, you walked outside and closed the door behind you so you could lean on it. “Shoot,”
You watched as Tubbo swallowed thickly, “First off I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier. It wasn’t fair of me to snap.” He watched you nod a little urging him to continue, “however, I am the President now and you have to respect my authority.” Eyebrows furrowing together in frustration you opened your mouth to counter him but he held up his hand, “Dream has an idea of how to rule. He can steer me in a better direction-”
     “Pardon me?” You let out a disbelieving laugh, “A better direction? Tubbo, are you forgetting everything we all fought for, we fought him for independence. He killed us!” 
     “He might’ve changed!”
     “He exiled Tommy!” 
     “He deserved it!” Tubbo shouted back as your nose scrunched up, “He’ll steer me in a direction that you never could!” He snapped before realizing what he said, he slapped his hands over his mouth eyes widening to the size of saucers. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that-” 
     “Go home Tubbo.” 
     “(Y/n) please,” He reached out towards you and you held up your hand, 
     “Go reset the day. You need rest,” You frowned, turning back into the house “see you tomorrow.” Inside the house you shut the door on him and slid down onto the floor, you brought your hands to your mouth and swallowed thickly. A part of you wished Technoblade was still here just so he could tell you to get over yourself, he wasn’t skilled in the art of comforting others, but he could make you laugh. To keep yourself sane you reminded yourself that Tubbo was a child and needed you now more than ever, especially if he thought Dream was dishing out good advice. But you were hurt and a selfish part of you wished you could just go live in retirement with Technoblade and not worry about the new country forming, but you couldn’t ditch Tubbo. 
Running a hand through your hair you sighed loudly, one might wonder what exactly could Tubbo do to make you listen to Technoblade’s offer. Honestly, you had no idea if anything would make you do that unless of course they just started executing people or something ridiculous like that. 
Restless was how you’d describe the rest of your night, you tried to sleep but after a few hours of tossing and turning you gave up. You decided to make yourself a ‘healthy’ midnight snack, a small bowl of mac & cheese, you didn’t care, you were sad. You sighed softly scratching behind your cat’s ears, “It’s just you and me against the world Taffy isn’t it?” Her purrs rang in the air as she snuggled against your hand, distracting you just enough to swipe a noddle from your bowl. “You fat bitch!” You hissed as she ran off back up the stairs, you leaned back in your chair and sighed, literally nothing was going your way today. Just as you finished up your snack you heard a soft ping upon your window, turning to the sound you noticed your neighbor Phil awake in his house. He held up a hand and waved at you through it, and with a small smile, you waved back. He shuffled back into his home, I guess you both were insomniacs together, Techno knew how to pick a certain type of friend it seemed. 
You walked back up to your bedroom and slid under the covers once more, maybe you were wrong and things were going to get better. 
Months went by and nothing seemed to change much to your disappointment. Tubbo and you were still a little rocky, you had forgiven him for his harsh words but he always put Dream’s and even Quackity’s opinion before your own. When you came back from visiting Niki one day and saw wanted posters of Technoblade all around the country you almost had a stroke. You confronted Tubbo about it and only half answered you before running off when Quackity called him. That worried you, he normally didn’t like lying, especially not to you. 
The same day you were walking into the market to get some fresh fruit when a hand shot out from the wanted poster and pulled you behind it. You were held flush against someone’s chest who chuckled gruffly, you recognized that chuckle anywhere. “Techno! What’re you doing here?” You asked looking up at him with eyes filled with concern, “don’t you know you’re a wanted man?”
     “I think that just makes this all the more exciting.” Techno mused running his fingers through your hair, “Plus it’s not like anyone here can catch me.” 
     “Wrong I could catch you.” He dared to laugh in your face, 
     “Sure you could, and I’m half sheep.” Technoblade mused and he watched you huff cutely, “Don’t get all huffy at me you know I’m right.” You only waved him off, “seriously though I’m here to do some trading with Phil.”
     “Oh…” You gave a nod, “Will I see you more frequently then?”
     “You could see me all the time if you moved in with me.” Techno joked again and was surprised to see your face fall a little. Are you serious? Was he getting you to crack? “Starlight?” 
     “Ask me again in a few months and I might say yes,” You teased brushing the question off swiftly, Technoblade didn’t pry but he could tell you were almost convinced. Just what was going on in this country to make you want to leave your little brother? “Now shoo, go see Phil before he gives up on you.” You gave him a little shove and he stumbled off with a huff sticking his tongue out at you in the process. 
After that encounter, you didn’t run into Technoblade for another very long stretch of time. About a month or so after that encounter, Tubbo had shown up at your doorstep a complete nervous wreck. He begged you to help him, claiming he needed diamonds for an upcoming project and wanted you to acquire them for him. “Tubbo I don’t understand why I need to go on this trip? I have diamonds I can just give you. You know I don’t care.” 
     “But I feel bad about it,” Tubbo argued with you “please just do this for me.”
     “You know I’ll do anything for you. If you want me to get them this way I’ll do it. I should be back tonight is that okay? Do you need them sooner?” Tubbo looked relieved as he took your hands in his own, 
     “No tonight is perfect!” The boy chirped sounding more like himself than he has in months, you couldn’t help but smile. You ruffled his hair a little before kissing his forehead, 
     “Then tonight you shall have them, Little Ram.” 
Tubbo helped you gather the materials you needed for a trip down into the mines, Tubbo even gave you some fire resistance potions. You thanked him for the potions before putting on your armor and heading down into the tunnels. As you were down in the mine the concept of time was always an illusion, so when you finally found diamonds for Tubbo and you left the cave you were surprised to see the sun was just setting. You hummed softly to yourself walking back into New L’manburg excited to show off to Tubbo you couldn’t help but wonder what he needed them for in the first place. However, when you entered town you were greeted by a gathering going on at the center. Everyone seemed to be there clad in what looked to be butcher’s outfits, your vibe was immediately thrown off eyebrows furrowing in concern. Quackity was giving some sort of speech and that finally drew your eyes towards the podium, locked inside a cage was a fuming Technoblade. You rushed towards the group, pushing past Ghostbur and a blue sheep, and grabbed tightly onto Tubbo’s arm. 
     “Tubbo what the fuck is happening?” He tensed turning towards your face. It was no secret that you and Techno were friends, this wasn’t good at all.
     “(Y/n)! You’re back early!” He spoke nervously rubbing his hands together as Quackity turned towards you, 
     “Welcome back!” Quackity hopped off the podium with a smirk, “Fundy grab them.” 
     “Quackity hey wait a minute-” Tubbo started as Fundy roughly grabbed onto your arms pinning you in place, 
     “Ow hey! Watch it! Let go of me!”
     “Get your hands off them!” Technoblade snarled nostrils flaring grabbing the bars of the cage tightly. 
     “Quackity you said we’d leave them out of this!” Tubbo argued and your jaw dropped staring at Tubbo, “You promised!” 
He waved Tubbo off with a scoff, “they’re just as bad as Phil, Tubbo. She needs to be punished. We can't play favorites when trying to run a country. We’ll execute Techno then deal with the other traitors.”
     “Execute?” You choked, “you can’t be serious! Tubbo you cannot be serious, since when are you okay with public executions?” He refused to look at you, his hair covering his eyes, he only nodded his head in Quackity’s direction. 
     “Do it.” 
     “Tubbo!” You shrieked watching Quackity grin maliciously, moving over to pull the lever that would allow the anvil to fall and crush the man below it. 
What happened next was a cluster fuck, someone began trying to set off TNT, and Quackity pulled the lever. It fell rapidly towards Techno and he pulled something out of his pocket, in a flash of bright colors and bursts of light Technoblade was ripped apart and pulled back together again. He was alive, Technoblade really doesn’t ever die. He hopped on top of the anvil and jumped the bars of the cage, Fundy had long since lost his grip on you, he noticed Dream ushering him inside a cavern and he paused a moment. The hybrid turned towards you holding out his hand one final time, the world seemed to stop a moment and it was just you and him. His face held a desperate look in it, almost pleading you to take his hand within your own. You flashed back to the day Wilbur blew the country up, Tubbo called your name you glanced over your shoulder once towards Little Ram. You reached into your bag and dropped the diamonds you found for him on the ground, you grabbed Technoblade’s hand and squeezed it tightly. Technoblade smiled and yanked you forward, leaving a heartbroken Tubbo in your wake.
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literaila · 3 years
a void on your side of the bed. 
loki x gn!reader 
summary: loki is feeling lonely. and guilty about that. 
here was the thing:
loki tried not to ask for too much. he tried to be the perfect partner, the perfect person just for you.
he didnt complain when you wanted to sleep in, or when he was supposed to make you breakfast (he enjoyed doing that). he wasnt upset when you asked him to ‘clean up’ around the house, or when you refused to buy him any more ice cream.
he tried to eliminate any problems-- never been done before by the god of mischief --he might cause before they even appeared, and tried to give you anything and everything you might want.
it wasnt a hard task, actually. he liked the feeling in his chest when you smiled at him, when you were grateful for his help or when he surprised you with something that made your life just a little bit better. he liked taking care of you, causing less trouble than before.
but. it was really hard not to complain when you werent paying attention to him.
when you needed space for just a bit too long for his liking. when he felt like an interruption every time he attempted to make any small talk with you, and you sighed-- almost reluctantly --before turning to him.
he knew you were busy, and he knew that you wanted to get as much work done as you could during the day. he just didnt like it.
he didnt like not conversing with you during the day, not cuddling with you on the couch during lunch while you snacked on something beside him. he didnt like leaving you alone until it was nine o’clock at night and you looked like you were contemplating murder.
he felt lonely. and he just missed you.
and, gods, he was really trying not to complain.
he was really trying not to make this a bigger struggle for you by stealing any of your time. he knew how hard you were working, knew that it drained all the life out of you by the end of the day, knew that the last thing you needed was him telling you that he was upset.
he was used to not sharing his emotions, to building up walls and keeping all his thoughts locked in. but usually, he didnt have to do that with you.
it was all looking up for loki when the week was coming to a slow end. friday night, he felt excited to get you back for at least two days, to steal all the time he could from you before you got annoyed of him. he got his usual smirk back when you came out of your office friday night, giving him a soft smile as you headed to the bedroom.
this was it, he knew. tomorrow morning, he wasnt going to let you leave bed until at least noon.
he fell asleep that night, arms tucked around you, lips smiling against your head, with thoughts of the next day filling his dreams.
so, when he woke up in the morning, colder than usual, a void where you were laying in his arms, it wasnt surprising that he was feeling more upset than before.
disappointment was a violent emotion.
still, he walked out of the room with some hope left, that maybe you were just drinking coffee and eating breakfast while you waited for him.
that hope disappeared when he heard the familiar click-clacking from the room you had proclaimed was your office.
you were working. again. and loki was alone. again.
he felt a groan building up in his chest, a terrible feeling filling him as he listened for your breathing. he knew it was madness to miss you this much when you were only a door away, but he wasnt used to spending days away from you.
he reminded himself that you were right there with a bitter laugh.
he was trying not to be angry or disappointed with you, he knew that it wasnt fair to put you at the end of the blame when you didnt even know how he was feeling and that it wasnt fair for him to want you to stay with him of every second of every day. to ask for so much.
he turned toward the bedroom again and tried to drown his emotions in reading.
it wasnt really working, but at least when he was this far away from you he didnt feel like you were ignoring him.
at around noon, after hours of re-reading the same chapter over and over again and illusioning himself as his brother and throwing a fake hammer around, he finally decided that you needed lunch, at least. he decided that bringing lunch was a perfectly acceptable thing for a significant other to do.
(and hopefully, it wouldnt annoy you too much)
“my love,” he called, knocking on the door. “i’ve brought you sustenance”
you replied a quick ‘come in!’ and loki put a smile on his face, walking in the room deviously and grinning down at you in your chair.
“thank you, loki,” you whispered, kissing his cheek when he leaned to place the plate on your desk, rubbing a hand down his arm when you looked back at the screen in front of you.
loki tried not to preen too much at the touch.
“how are you, love?” he asked, bending down to stare at the screen with you. he didnt understand anything about it, but it was still fun to pretend. to include himself with you.
“oh, tired,” was all you said as you leaned over to type something yet again. loki frowned at your words and focused his attention on your face instead.
you looked perfectly normal, perfect and normal, he supposed. your eyes were bright and your face was blank, but still, loki was worried over your words.
“maybe you could take a break for lunch then?” he asked, bringing a hand to your face and tracing your jawline with his thumb. he was trying to sound casual, to not let the hope that you might concede slip.
“i wish i could,” you sighed and looked over at him with a smile, taking the hand that was on your face and placing a gentle kiss on his palm. he froze under the attention. “thank you, sunshine, for lunch. i adore you,” you kissed him again, and turned away.
his hand was still in the air, left behind.
your words were sweet. exactly what loki wanted to hear, really, but he heard the unspoken dismissal of his presence. he knew this was your way of asking him to leave, even if you didnt realize it.
he wanted to plead with you to let him stay.
he stood up instead, not letting the sigh escape his lips in the room with you, and headed toward the door. he touched the doorknob, feeling all the emotions building up in his chest. making their way through his body like a stampede.
it was all very much for him. this disappointment that he could barely hide anymore. the loneliness he knew he had to return to in the other room.
before he realized it, the words were slipping from his lips.
“have i done something wrong?” his usual teasing tone was there, his usual indicator for dramatics, but when you looked at him the look on his face was much more serious than his tone.
you frowned immediately, and loki scolded himself. “quite the opposite really, sweets. you just brought me lunch?”
“right, of course.” he nodded to go, but you stopped him.
“is there something wrong, loki?” you were turned towards him completely, concern tainting both your face and your tone. loki felt terrible like he shouldn’t have said anything at all.
he tried to put on a smile. “no, darling.”
but you werent easy to trick, he knew, and you scowled at him. “loki.” you were staring at him with your intimidating eyes now, only slightly soft because you were worried. even to a god, it was scary.
reluctantly, he nodded. avoiding your eyes now.
“come sit, sunshine,” you said, gesturing to the couch next to your desk. loki could hear the concern more now, stronger. he winced and took a seat.
after a few moments of silence and loki looking at the wall with furrowed eyebrows, you spoke first. “whats wrong?”
he sighed, feeling silly. you were supposed to be working and he was interrupting that with childish emotions that he could deal with himself. but still, he couldnt help but feel grateful at your asking.
“we havent been spending as much time together recently and..” he stopped, still avoiding his eyes to run a hand through his hair. “i suppose i’m feeling a bit..excluded? or maybe lonely?” he winced, sighed, looked like the perfect definition of regret. “i dont know” he said, almost silent.
but while loki was feeling ridiculous, you were looking upon him with something similar to horror in your eyes. terror at the thought of hurting him.
you were well aware that you’d been working more, the exhaustion every night made sure of it, but you hadnt realized that it was taking a toll on loki too, that he was... missing you while you were preoccupied.
you hadnt even considered it, really, when you longed to go watch a movie with him or have dinner together. your clinginess wasnt surprising, but loki?
he never seemed to mind space.
your brain took a few seconds to process it before you could speak again. “i’m so sorry, loki.” you were already pleading with him, begging for forgiveness.
how could you have disregarded him so much this week? you felt disgusted at the thought.
loki’s head snapped up in shock. he thought you might be tired with his admission, maybe even upset. not... regretful? he didnt expect to see this look on your face, one that was so disappointed, so loving.
“i didnt realize that you might be feeling lonely also, which is completely unthoughtful of me, i just thought that maybe-” you were gesturing with your hands, looking around the room rapidly as you used all your breath.
“you arent upset?” loki asked carefully, interrupting your rambling.
you paused, then blinked, looking at him curiously. he was serious, that much you could tell. he had that same frown on his face. you blinked again.
“upset?” you repeated, astounded. “why would i be upset?”
loki was just as confused as you now. he scratched his neck, looking down. “because i’m getting in the way of your work, interrupting you, being troublesome?” he said it as if he was trying to ring any bells in your head. he seemed sure of every word he spoke.
all you felt was more horror.
“your emotions are not interruptions or ‘troublesome’“ you mocked his accent, mostly with anger at yourself as you scowled at the floor. your words were harsh, but loki didnt flinch away. he still didnt understand.
“they aren’t?”
your eyes snapped up to his, guilt pouring from them. immediately, you jumped up from your chair, coming to sit next to him and taking his hand in yours. his face relaxed a bit at the feel of your touch. “of course they’re not, loki. if you’re upset i want to know. you and your feelings arent burdens on my day, i love you!” you promised him with strong eyes, with a strong grip on his hand.
it was probably the most important thing in the world to you that he knew this. that he didnt feel unwanted again.
“i love you too” he answered, quickly, before he even had the chance to think over your words.
he almost smiled when he did, proud of himself, of you, for seemingly no reason. you loved him.
it was nice to hear.
it was also nice to hear the softness in your voice, the sweet words, his name. it was nice to be sitting next to you.
he was hit was a sudden burst of longing, this time for something different.
he wished he would’ve talked to you days before, wished there was more he could do. if that had happened, he might’ve saved you both from some unwanted feelings. might’ve kept you from the sorrow that you still had on your face.
you were still upset, he knew.
“i’m sorry i’ve been so busy. that i havent spent enough time with you,” the words fell from your lips before you could stop them, despite the happy look on loki’s face. you still felt horrible, guilty for making loki feel anything but joy.
“its okay, darling, i know you have a lot of work to do.”
though his words were sweet, they only made you scoff.
“thats not an excuse.” you insisted, scowling again. “i havent been taking care of you,”
loki, who no longer felt disappointed or lonely, who was enjoying just the sound of your voice and feel of your skin, frowned with you. he didnt like the pain in your voice, the anger he could hear.
he really wasnt upset anymore, never upset with you, to begin with. he was only glad that you knew he’d missed you and that you seemed to feel the same. he was happy to see you away from your desk.
his brows furrowed.
then he smiled again, leaning in closer to you with an idea.
he lifted your face towards him with gentle fingers, admiring you before he spoke. “i know how i’d like you to make it up to me,” he said, smirking at you.
it was a familiar look. one you hadnt seen in far too many days.
“you do?” you asked him, forgetting your guilt for a moment while he stared at you.
he nodded, staring down at your lips. his damned smirk was glued to his face now, distracting you from anything besides him. “i rather think you’ll enjoy it..” he assured.
and then he kissed you, and guilt was the last thing on your mind.
the thing was: loki was already the perfect person for you.
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maria-akira · 4 years
good girls don't get used: michael langdon x fem! reader
Tumblr media
summary: michael langdon, your ex, falls into a bet wherein he has to (fake) date you. if he falls in love again, he loses and doesn't get the prize.
warnings: private school au, fuckboy!michael, slight mention of sexual topics + i didnt proofread this mwahaha
this fic is inspired by the song 'good girls (don't get used)' by beach bunny.
i don't know if other private schools have bells, because mine doesn't :(
italicized bold words are direct lyrics from the song. but in this chapter, there are none since this is like an intro :)
"Dude, shut the fuck up."
"Are you kidding? She really said that?"
"You really think that's gonna happen?"
"Who's class do you have first?"
Voices of different students flooded the white and grey hallways of the school. Different friend groups and teachers can be seen roaming the halls, getting stuff from their respective lockers as they waited for the bell to ring.
"Y/N! Do you mind if I borrow your calculator? I forgot mine at home and Math is my next class." She said while panting.
"Sure, here it is. If you lose it, I'd probably drop kick your ass." Y/N let out a small laugh and grabbed the calculator from her locker, giving it to her friend.
"Gosh, Y/N. I'll never lose it! I'll give it back during recess. Thanks again!" She flashed Y/N a smile and waved bye, before returning to her locker.
Y/N looked at herself in the mirror she had on her locker, fixing the tie that always seemed to be out of place whenever she checked. Her hair was neat, complete with a white headband that complimented the color of her school's uniform.
A few seconds later, the bell rang and everybody started rushing. Different couples were seen kissing before they parted ways for the mean time.
Cringe. Y/N thought. She shrugged it off and held her books tightly to her chest, walking to her next class.
Walking straight into the classroom, she noticed a group of guys dart their eyes to her direction as she entered. They gave her weird smirks. In return, she stared back at them while she made her way to her seat and never broke eye contact. Eventually, she noticed a familiar face among the group.
Michael, her ex.
How the fuck is he in my English class? She thought, along with a whole hundred thoughts roaming around her head. Michael stared back at her, giving her a wink.
Y/N's face gave a hint of disgust, "The fuck do you want, Langdon?" She stood up from her seat and walked over to Michael, pushing his other friends. She heard his friends coo and tease Michael for his act towards her.
Michael put up his hands in defense, "Chill, is it bad to wink at a pretty girl like you?" He said with a smug look, while he grazed his hand over her arm.
"Shut the fuck up, Langdon. Don't you ever touch me." Y/N slapped his hand away, his friends taken aback from her actions. As she walked back to her seat, the teacher entered as well.
Y/N put her face in her hands. By now, a million thoughts were in her head. It's been 2 years since Michael and her broke up, and since then, she made a promise to herself that she would never fall in love with men like him. She was so tired of all the tears and sleepless nights that Michael gave her.
She let out a sigh and lifted her head from her hands. The soft light from the windows filled her eyes after the darkness formed by her hands, causing her to rub her eyes to adjust from the light.
The rest of the hour went smoothly for Y/N, after English class was recess, her most favorite time of the day— aside from going home, of course.
She glanced at her watch, 10:28 AM.
2 more minutes, and English will be over. She thought.
She averted her gaze back on the white board full of scribbles about some writing lesson she clearly did not listen to. She looked over to her classmates and friends, Well they aren't listening either. She laughed at the thought.
As soon at the bell rang, everyone started packing up their notebooks, textbooks, and whatever they had on their table. Every student was seen rushing out of every classroom in hopes of being the first ones in line for the cafeteria.
On the way there, Y/N bumped into her friend group. "Hey Y/N! We heard about happened in English class. Michael is really in your class?" A friend of hers mentioned, "Yea, and apparently that son of a bitch winked at me, such a disgusting ass motherfucker. he should keep his fuck boy ass to himself." Y/N spat out, earning a chorus of 'oh's' from her friends.
When they arrived at the cafeteria, the line was painfully long, all of them groaned in frustration and they had no choice but to wait for the line to move. But once it did, it was faster than usual. After Y/N and her friends received their food, they left the cafeteria to eat at their usual place.
The school rooftop.
A few students know that staying in the school rooftop is permitted, which was why Y/N and her friends loved eating there.
When they arrived at the rooftop, they saw the usual people that they always encounter while staying there. The view was beautiful, there was no doubt about it. The small garden in the rooftop gave a beautiful and elegant touch.
Though there were a few chairs and tables, Y/N and her friends always preferred to eat on the floor. So, they laid the linen cloth on the ground and sat on it. Y/N was wearing the skirt uniform, thus she removed her tux and placed it on her legs to prevent her skirt from lifting.
They shared a few giggles while they ate their meals, laughing about some life experiences, or whatever they wanted to talk about.
Y/N loved this. She loved how she and her friends would have little moments like these, it was like an escape from reality.
The rest of the day went smoothly for Y/N. She didn't fall asleep in any of her classes, which in this case was a very big accomplishment for her.
As soon as she arrived home, her little brother, Aaron, rushed towards her. "Y/N!! I missed you!" He chimed, Y/N kneeled down onto his level and gave him the tightest hug. "I missed you too, Aaron!" Her mom came into the room and smiled. Y/N stood up and gave her mom a hug as well.
"How was school?" Her mom asked, Y/N placed her tux on the coat hanger by the door. "It was fine, Mom. Where's Dad?" Y/N walked over to the fridge and poured herself a glass of milk, "He'll be home soon, he still has a meeting right now." She took a sip of her milk, "Oh, okay. I'll be upstairs doing school work." The glass of milk that was once full, now empty.
She took her things upstairs and plopped herself on the bed. Out of nowhere she felt a vibrating noise from her bag, she rummaged through her bag to find her phone and once she did, a message was see on her lockscreen.
Unknown Sender has sent you a message.
She unlocked her phone and went to her messages.
Unknown Sender: hey ;)
Her eyebrows furrowed. What the fuck?
(Y/N): hi? whos this?
read 2:29 pm
Unknown Sender: oh shit you deleted my number? damn.
"Huh? I don't recall deleting anyone's number..." She went to her recently deleted contacts and it showed nothing.
(Y/N): im sorry, i haven't deleted anyone's number recently, maybe you have the wrong number?
read 2:32 pm
Unknown Sender: im pretty sure you know me, Y/N.
They know my name. And her heart started pounding.
(Y/N): and im pretty sure i dont, so just reveal yourself before i report this number
read 2:35pm
Unknown Sender: ayo chill 😬 its me michael.
"Michael fucking Langdon? You've got to be fucking me right now." She felt rage fill her, slamming her keyboard.
(Y/N): langdon what the fuck do you want? i made it very clear that i dont want you talking to me.
read 2:40 pm
Before Michael could reply, she changed his contact name to 'Motherfucker'
You have changed Unknown Sender's contact name as 'Motherfucker'
Motherfucker: damn you still mad at me after 2 years? gosh (Y/N). whats with the nickname?
(Y/N): of course im still mad, asshole. ill never forget what you fucking did.
read 2:43 pm
Motherfucker: i thought you forgave me 🥺
(Y/N): FORGIVE YOU???? god langdon you're so fucking stupid, i will never forgive you. you didnt even say sorry in the first place!
Pissed off, Y/N blocked his number. "That fucking asshole." She mumbled to herself.
"Hey! Y/N!" A familar voice called out from the crowd. Y/N removed one earbud and turned around to find the voice that called her.
Once she saw the shiny blonde locks from that stood out in the crowd, she immediately ran in the opposite direction in hopes of avoiding him.
It was Michael, again.
"Y/N wait!" Michael called out again, chasing her
For some reason, Michael was able to catch her. He pulled Y/N into an empty science laboratory and they were both panting.
"What the fuck do you want this time, Langdon?" Y/N was catching her breath, fanning herself with her hand.
"Okay. First off, sorry for the sudden message. I know I pissed you off and that wasn't my intention at a—"
"What was your intention then?" She cut him off.
Michael panicked.
"Uh, you know? I just wanna talk to you again. Clear the bad air between us.."
Y/N let out a laugh, "Clear the bad air?? Oh gooood Langdon, you are really so stupid! You know what? You just made it worse." She pushed him off and walked out of the room,
"Whatever it is your planning, Langdon, I'm telling to stop it. I don't wanna talk to you or even go near you."
Michael was dumbfounded. She changed so much. He thought to himself.
2 years ago, Y/N was the sweetest, most innocent girl he knew. Playing with her feelings was Michael's biggest regret, and he's starting to feel it again.
Michael was about to leave the room until he felt a buzzing from his pocket, He pulls out his phone to see who was calling him.
Duncan, one of his bestfriends.
Michael answered the call, "Hello?"
"What's the update on your little girl?"
"She still doesn't trust me."
"That's sad man."
"I know. She changed alot. "
"What do you mean by 'changed'?" Duncan emphasized,
"I can't point it out, Dunc."
"Whatever you do, don't chicken out. I promise this bet is worth it."
"Fine, I trust you."
Call Ended.
Michael ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and left the room before the bell rang.
It was the last subject of the day. Most students were falling asleep or on their phones.
Y/N was scribbling weird things on the back of her notebook, when suddenly the bell rang. She packed up her stuff and stood up from her seat. Before she could leave the room, she saw a familiar face again.
Michael stood by the doorway of her classroom, the strap of his bag over one shoulder while he looked for Y/N among the other students.
Y/N ignored Michael and walked past him, but he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards him.
"Langdon! What the fuck do you want?!" She screamed, all of the students averting their attention to her.
Michael put a finger on his lips, shushing her. "Let's go somewhere private, yea?"
Before she could object, Michael dragged her outside towards the parking lot.
"Okay this is actually something serious—"
"Woah‐woah! Easy now. I actually need your help, with school..."
Michael rubbed her shoulders, looking straight into her eyes. For once, Y/N believed him. His eyes were speaking the truth.
"Okay, fine. Shoot."
"I can't believe I'm saying this.."
"Don't waste my time, Langdon."
"Fine! I'm failing."
Y/N's mouth hung open. Michael was one of the top students in their batch and this was obviously a huge surprise for her.
"Oh, really? What am I gonna do about that?" She crossed her arms and cocked her head to the side.
"Can you please help me? Like, tutor me?" At this point, Michael was desperate.
"Um, no thanks. Just fuck some other girl's pussy for your grades." Y/N pushed him away, but Michael stopped her again.
"I'm serious, Y/N. I really need your help."
"Why me?"
Now that made Michael nervous.
"Because you happen to be the top of our batch right now?"
"Fine! Under one condition."
Michael was curious, "What?"
"If I do this tutor shit, we're doing it at my place. I can't tutor you in your messy ass room." Y/N said. She always remembered how messy Michael's room was when they were together. He would only clean when he was scolded by Y/N.
"That's fine by me."
"Okay then. 5pm, sharp."
She walked away, but Michael pulled her again.
"Let me go! What do you want now?" Y/N said, clearly annoyed.
"Unblock my number, silly." Michael chuckled,
"How are you supposed to know if I already arrived?"
"Theres a doorbell, dimwit. I'll be downstairs waiting for you."
"Bye, Michael. I'll see you later." Y/N flashed him a small smile and continued to walk away.
Once he saw Y/N reach the bus stop, he started walking to his car, until someone tapped him on his shoulder.
"Hey Michael, whats the update? I saw you talking to her." It was Duncan. His brown hair was lightly gelled back and the first two buttons of his white dress shirt were undone.
"I'm still trying to win her back, I lied to her that I was failing so she could tutor me. That way, it'll be easier."
Duncan smirked, "That's my boy! When will this tutor thing start?"
"Later, 5pm."
"Hmm, that's good. Remember, if you fall in love again, bet's over."
"I won't."
tags mwah: @kitwalker02 @sojournmichael @angelicmichael @deademobitch @iheartfrogs101 @tatestripedsweater @mrs-march-ahs
i hope you guys enjoyed this. i wrote this while doing schoolwork </3
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maximoff-pan · 4 years
l’amore de ma vie | fred weasley
Summary: When Fred invites you to Bill and Fleur’s wedding, your feelings for your best friend are stronger than ever before. What happens when you realize just how much you love him?
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Fluff...i-is that a warning?? Anyway buckle up for some sickly sweet goodness....
A/n: I know, I’m terrible. It’s been a little while longer than I’d intended but I hope this makes up for it! Feedback is very very much appreciated! I love seeing what all of you think of my writing! Without further rambling from me....enjoy!
Sidenote: This is a total AU. It completely deviates from canon, as Bill and Fleur’s wedding goes smoothly in this version. No violence here haha...only happiness! (I guess what I’m trying to say is, in no way shape or form is this an accurate recollection of the books, this is purely from my imagination...)
• • • • •
“Fucking weddings...” you mutter as you walk through the massive white tent that adorns the front lawn of the Weasley residence. Everything is perfectly displayed, tables meticulously set, with delicate flowers littering the venue.
The romance of it all makes you want to throw yourself into Bill and Fleur’s masterfully crafted, six-tier cake. And watching as Molly rushes in and out swiftly with the brightest smile on her face, it all reminds you of how you should be getting ready right now. But you just can’t stomach that.
It’s not that you’re not happy for Bill....you’re ecstatic and you absolutely adore him. He’s been a role model for you almost your entire life. And it’s not like you’re not an absolute romantic, because you are...but weddings always make things complicated. They manage to dig up feelings that you’d rather not confront.
Feelings for a certain Weasley twin...
That’s why when he (said twin) and George invited you to the wedding, you were reluctant to say yes. It’s hard to pin point exactly when you felt your friendship with Fred (at least on your end), morph into something more, but you’ve managed to keep your feelings for him locked away for the better part of four years. And as far as you’re aware, the only person that’s truly caught on is Hermione...because you’re convinced at this point that she just knows damn well everything.
“Something on your mind?” A voice startles you, bringing your attention back to the bustling world surrounding you.
Turning around slowly, you’re greeted with Bill’s towering figure. You huff out a quick, teasing laugh. “You know, it’s not nice to interrupt a lady’s thoughts.”
“Forgive me,” he chimes with a chuckle of his own.
Bill knows your humour, and he knows you well enough to recognize when you’re using it as a defence mechanism.
“It just looks like you’re about ready to make a run for it,” he continues, “and I wanted to make sure my favourite guest doesn’t ditch me on my wedding day.”
“You know I would never ditch you.”
Bill sends you a look, clearly not impressed by your jokes. You can tell he knows something’s wrong, but you don’t want to be the first one to bring it up.
“I’m fine.” You reassure with a soft smile. “I promise.”
He only nods at you, and he’s not quite sure if he’s convinced, but he’s confident things will work out in the end. “You know, I best be getting ready.” He grins wide. You reciprocate his grin with an additional giggle.
“You best be. Or else Fleur might divorce you on the spot.”
“Wouldn’t that be a shame.” Bill shifts his weight from foot to foot. “I’d have the record for the shortest marriage in wizarding history! Mum would have an absolute shit fit.”
You both burst into a fit of laughter, before you’re nudging him out of the tent and towards his home.
There’s a comfortable pause of silence as Bill thinks to himself. He can see it in your eyes exactly what you’re thinking about. Having been around you for years and Fred even longer, and watching the two of you grow up together, he knows what’s troubling you. Bill Weasley is not a stupid man, and he knows love when he sees it. Better yet, he knows the fear of losing that love that runs rampant in your mind. If Bill has learned anything in his years on this earth, it’s that love allows for the greatest of happiness but it also allows for the greatest manifestation of fear. Unrequited love can be more painful than the relief of returned feelings, but Bill Weasley knows you both well enough to know that these feelings you and his brother share, they’re anything but unrequited.
“I should probably be getting ready too.” You break the silence and remind yourself of the upcoming event as you step through the front door of the Burrow.
You both turn to each other, acknowledging your parting of ways. You hear Arthur shouting for his oldest son from above. “I guess that’s my cue.” Bill simply nods in the direction of the staircase, taking a step towards it. You stand still, just watching him for a moment.
He leans his head over his shoulder for a brief second, already a few steps up the winding stairs. “Oh and (Y/n),” he breathes, “my brother may be an oblivious twat, but to give him some credit, I see the way he looks at you, and I’d be blind to say he isn’t in love with you too.”
In love with you too....
And as soon he’s said it, the cheeky bastard’s disappeared up the stairs, leaving you dumbfounded and completely still.
Fucking hell. Your mind wanders, his words at the forefront....so apparently Bill knows and surely if Bill knows, George must too. Are your feelings for Fred that obvious?
• • • • •
You step through the doorway to Fred and George’s room hoping to find a certain twin. You spot him sitting cross legged on his bed, fiddling with a prototype for the shop that you’re sure you’ve seen him working on before. His ginger hair is messily in his face, his tongue sticking out in concentration. He’s the picture of a working artist....pranking materials being his art. You heave a sigh. Like you, he’s nowhere near ready for the wedding that is going to take place in a few hours.
“Do you know?” His head whips up at the sound of your voice. It’s such a vague question, one in which a normal person would question what it itself is in relation to, but George knows exactly what you’re getting at. But maybe he’ll screw with you a little first....
“I know lots of things love. You’re going to have to be more specific.”
A groan passes your lips. Maybe he doesn’t know....but the way his lips are turned upward, the smirk that seems to be growing on his face tells you otherwise. You’re not blind; you know the games George Weasley likes to play.
“Don’t be coy asshole.” You send him a look that says ‘try me.’ “I know you know. My question is, why haven’t you told me that you know?”
“I haven’t a clue what you mean.” He continues testing the waters of your frustration, seeing just how far he can go before you snap.
“Oh fuck me!” You exclaim, hands thrown up in the air. You point at him, eyes narrowing in his direction. “You’re a prick George.”
His grin only widens. “I’m pretty sure you’ve got the wrong twin (Y/n). Last time I checked, Freddie’s the one you want to fuck.” He says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
And....Bingo. There it is. The exact confirmation you wanted and feared.
You recoil, eyes widening at him. Your voice goes soft, serious. “Why didn’t you tell me that you knew?”
His warm eyes meet yours, a calmness to them that is surprisingly reassuring. “I’ve made a living out of not taking things seriously and meddling in other people’s lives (Y/n), but what you and Fred have, I won’t meddle in that.” He pauses for a moment, his voice softening. “It’s not my business to push you two together. You’ll realize it at your own pace.”
“Realize what at your own pace?” Fred leans his body against the doorframe. He’s dressed in a suit, his hair done up nicely, and unlike his twin, he looks entirely put together. The irony almost makes you laugh. You’ve always known George to be the prepared one, ready hours before he needed to be. And Fred a scambler, leaving everything to the last second, to be fashionably late was his life motto.
“Just how stupid the two of you are going to look all dressed up with no dates.” George answers for you, keeping the true nature of your conversation a secret. “Even Ginny’s managed to catch the chosen one.”
You huff out a laugh. “You’re an idiot.”
“Ah,” George muses. “But I am an idiot with a date.”
Fred grins at the two of you and your banter. “Angelina’s better off without you as her date.” He jokes.
A laugh passes your throat, Fred joining in with you. “Oh, sod off!” George pipes before shoving the two of you out to get ready.
• • • • •
Hours later you find yourself ready on time, a shocking revelation to you and each of the Weasley’s. And George is too. He sits beside you grinning like a mad man. Fred is on your other side, smiling all the same.
The ceremony is wonderful and quaint. You knew the moment you saw Fleur all those years ago, just how beautiful she was, but you never could have imagined just how much you’d grow to think of her like a sister. And it’s funny because you’re neither a Delacour nor a Weasley, and yet you feel like you belong. It’s different from the love you know Harry and Hermione feel for the Weasley’s, because ultimately, they’ll both marry in and it will be official, and as much as you love Fred, you know that will likely never be the case for you. But that’s the thing you love most about Molly and Arthur and their children: you don’t have to be related by marriage or blood to be a Weasley.
And seeing Fleur and Bill smile, seeing the pure happiness that they exude in this moment, it makes you forget why you ever questioned coming. It makes you hope that one day you can find what they have. You’d spent the last few minutes mesmerized by their first dance as a married couple. You’re so caught in a trance that you don’t hear the clapping when they’ve finished and stepped off the dance floor.
Your eyes snap up at the clearing of a throat beside you. George nudges you and you turn to look at him. He points at Fred who’s gazing at you curiously. You must have looked like a daft idiot, an utter love struck expression on your face.
“I’m sorry.” You laugh. “Did you say something Freddie?”
“Dance with me?” He asks.
Fred’s question lingers as you contemplate whether or not to accept his outstretched arm. But then your eyes drift up to his, and you catch the mischievous glint that rests in them. It’s in that moment that you know there is no turning back.
Groaning, you relent into his touch. “One dance.” You say, but you know that if he asked, you’d dance the night away.
The grin that spreads onto his face is nothing short of beautiful. It’s unmistakably perfect the way the light catches his features, his ginger hair glowing in the overcast moonlight, and an ethereal aura glistens from his skin. Fred looks youthful...and he looks undeniably happy.
Gripping your hand, he leads you to the dance floor. You catch a brief glimpse of Bill whose lips are tugged into an encouraging smile. Fred snaps your attention back to him as he pulls you into his body, bringing your arms to rest around his shoulders. You can hear the faint thrumming of the slow and melodic music drifting towards you, but all you register is the sound of Fred’s heart beating against yours. Wrapping yourself in his embrace, you allow yourself one second to believe that he might feel the same.
Your feet move in sync almost flawlessly, and it’s as if you’re reading each other’s movements without any effort. (Despite being known for your clumsy nature). But if you’re being honest, it’s always been like that with Fred....easy that is. Easy to read each other, easy to be with each other. It’s just natural. 
“You’re quite graceful Freddie.” You nudge him playfully, breaking the silence between you. 
“And you’re quite...” his voice drifts softly, “something.”
The half scoff, half laugh you let out rings in his ears. “Are you implying that I’m not a good dancing partner?”
“You’re a formidable partner love, just a shit dancer.”
Your eyes light up in amusement. “Well we can’t all be as graceful and beautiful as you Fred Weasley.”
He plays along happily. “No.” He agrees. “I guess we can’t. But I reckon everything else about you, your beauty, your wit, your affinity for kindness, makes up for your lack of dancing skills.”
It’s that self assured attitude that draws you to him. Yet he’s not the slightest bit arrogant. He simply believes in himself, knows his strengths and his weaknesses, is completely aware of his self worth, and he won’t let anyone tell him otherwise. It’s addicting to be around, and a quality so desperately you wish you could find in yourself.
And when Fred compliments you, you can believe that he’s telling you the truth. He makes you believe things about yourself that you would never dream to think about on your own. As cheesy as it sounds, he makes you feel seen. He makes you feel special. And it’s so strange because for as long as you can remember, everyone has always thought of you as merely the best friend of the infamous Weasley twins. Hardly to anyone had you been your own person with your own identity. But Fred never made you feel like that. You’ve always been someone to him, not just a product of who you chose to be friends with.
“You shouldn’t say things like that you know.” Your voice goes quiet.
Fred notices the change in your body language as you begin to close yourself off from him. “Why not?” He asks. “It’s the truth isn’t it?”
Your eyes catch his and your breath hitches. This feels like something. It feels like a moment, the moment that you’ve been waiting for. You never believed Fred could ever feel the same for you, but the look he’s giving you feels so so real.
“Fred, do you-“ You start, but he cuts in for you.
“Feel it too?” He finishes.
“I do.” He replies.
Your heart races in your chest as he pulls you closer into his embrace. This confession of feelings is nearly wordless, and yet it feels perfect. You’ve never needed to say a lot to Fred for him to understand you.
You’ve always just had that kind of connection.
You barely notice that you’re still dancing, your bodies moving on autopilot. And the people around you fade to nothing. Your focus is solely on the man who holds your heart in his hands.
Your movements slow as Fred tilts your chin towards his face. “I’ve been in love with you since we were 11 years old.” He says. It’s nearly impossible for your mind to process it. “I’ve known for so long, I just didn’t want to ruin what we have. But I reckon if there’s ever a time to do it, now seems pretty good.”
A gentle smile rests on your face, your heart warm at his words. “Now is perfect.”
Fred hums softly, his warm brown eyes searching yours for any sign of regret. He sees nothing but adoration staring right back at him.
“Can I kiss you?” This is the first time you’ve seen Fred so timid.
You smile coyly, nodding your head. “Such a gentleman.” You tease, pulling him gently towards you. Your lips meet so softly and briefly that you almost miss it.
But no matter how brief, it’s a feeling you’ll never forget. You both want more of each other, but you also know that standing in front of Fred’s immediate and extended family and friends, you can’t simply put on a show for the world to see, as much as he wants to.
You pull back for a moment only to find yourself wrapped in each other’s arms, swaying to the music. Most people in your situation would say something. Maybe they’d profess their love, or whisper sweet nothings into their lover’s ear, but right here, right now, words don’t need to be used.
You don’t need to say I love you to feel that you are loved. And you know Fred feels the same.
• • • • •
Off to the side, Bill takes a moment to part from his wife, approaching his younger brother with a shit eating grin.
“Bloody hell.” George runs a hand through his hair, spotting Bill striding towards him.
Their eyes lock for a moment and George notices his oldest brother’s lip quirk upward. “You owe me 20 galleons.” Bill states matter-of-factly.
George grumbles, reaching into his pocket to pull out the payment. Handing it to Bill, he smiles. “Get back to your wife you tosser.”
Bill nods, taking a step towards Fleur. He turns to face his brother, eyes glinting with mischief. “Just know, when they get married, I’m telling everyone I won.”
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iovchlde · 4 years
childe x a reader who works with kids? maybe like a teacher?
you really have a way with kids.
teucer doesn’t really like most of the teachers at the school, to which childe feels apologetic because he often has to stick back after school. he likes one teacher though— you— and after seeing the teacher for himself, he thinks he likes them too.
in which childe thinks his brother’s teacher is cute.
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childe x gn!reader
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author’s note.
so like— someone make an in depth series of this please. the problem with not being able to write slow burn but absolutely loving to read it 😔✋
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it’s becoming late, something you note to yourself when you look out the window, as the sky is now an ombre of blues and reds and oranges. you’d been so absorbed in grading papers that you’d failed to check the time— the clock now indicating that it was almost four post meridiem. a sigh escapes past your lips as you straighten your back, relishing in the feel after sitting in a crouched position for so long. it’s hard to maintain proper posture when you’re bored out of your mind. “two more papers to go,” you mutter to yourself. “and then i can finally leave.”
the room is dead silent so when you hear a creak from the door across the room, you look up in curiosity to see teucer peeking his head in. he hasn’t noticed you, as you’re hidden behind the clutter that covers your desk, and he’s looking around in hopes of spotting his peers. noticing that there was no one else, his lips tug into a small frown. you blink in surprise, looking back at the clock to make sure that you weren’t mistaken. but alas, it really was that late. halting your pace of work, you drop the pen in your hand and you stand up from your chair.
“hi teucer.” you call out to him, and he jumps from being startled, not quite expecting someone else to be in the room. teucer turns his head to look at you from his awkward position at the door frame, slightly struggling to keep the huge door open, and you motion for him to come in. silently, he shuffles through the door with his hands wrapped tightly around the straps of his backpack, and he flashes a smile towards your way. “what are you doing here so late?”
at the question, the smile on his lips immediately fall. teucer looks down and twirls his foot on the floor, his voice quiet as he speaks. “my brother is really busy with his job, and he hasn’t come to pick me up yet. i came to see if my friends were still here, but there’s no one else left.” your heart twinges at the tone he uses— dejected and downcast. mentally, you scold yourself for asking such an obvious question, but you can’t really take your words back.
you hum, walking towards the boy and crouching in front of him. “then, let’s do something fun to pass the time, shall we? how about drawing— do you like drawing?” his head immediately perks up the suggestion, and he nods vigorously as if to say yes.
“i have the perfect thing for drawing,” teucer exclaims. he pulls the backpack off of his shoulders, opening a big pocket and rummaging through it. it takes a second for him to find what he’s looking for, but he lets out a proud, “aha!”, as he finds it. excitedly, he fishes out a big pack of crayons, showing them off to you. a satisfied feeling blooms within you, glad that he’s no longer as gloomy as before.
you gasp. “is that a pack of sixty-four crayons?” he grins, nodding again. “well, i have the perfect thing for that too.” from your crouching position, you get up and walk towards your cabinet— the one filled with new and unused materials. yanking out one of the drawers, you take out a fresh sketchpad, and you place it on a desk closest to you. all the chairs were placed on the desks, a thing the school would ask of students to do as they pack up from their last class of the day. taking a hint, teucer rushes over and brings down two chairs.
“i wanna draw my big brother, and give it to him when he comes to pick me up.” teucer holds a determined look on his face as he says those words, and you can’t help but chuckle at his admirable love for his brother. ripping off a piece of paper from the sketchbook, you hand it to him, which he accepts gratefully. he wastes no time in unpacking his crayons, picking out some peachy color, and leaving the box on the table. “what will you be drawing, ms. y/n?”
you hadn’t actually thought of drawing, simply coming up with the distraction on the spot to cheer him up. subconsciously, you look to the side as you think of an answer. “i’ll draw flowers,” you say, and he smiles, going back to his piece of paper.
if you were to give an estimate on how much time has passed, you’d say that about fifteen minutes had gone by since you’d first started drawing. you finished early on, drawing two simple lilies onto the paper, and simply sitting comfortably on the chair. or at least, as comfortable as it can get for an adult sitting on elementary-student-sized chairs. it’s not for another five minutes that teucer finally speaks up from his concentration.
“finished!” the boy beside you exclaims, holding up his drawing proudly. on the paper is a stick figure, the hair that covers its head is ginger-colored, and it has a loopy smile drawn as its face. it’s charming, and it has a message written beside it.“you’re the best big brother!”, the little note reads out. (he used the wrong “you’re”, but you decide not to comment on it given that it’s after school hours.)
little did you know, teucer’s older brother is observing you two from the door. his arms are crossed over his chest, and a soft expression is evident on his face as watches the interaction between the two of you. teucer had always beamed about you to him— talking about how amazing of teacher you were, and how kind you were. “you really look up to your brother, don’t you?” you comment, while analyzing his picture more.
“of course i do,” teucer avows, answering to you almost immediately, no hint of hesitation within his voice. his little hands are always curled up into little fists as he praises his brother, his voice going up a few octaves than it normally is. “he’s really busy, but whenever he’s not, he makes sure to make it up to me. on my birthdays, he gives me really big presents, and he takes me out to parks as well. he’s the best, isn’t he?”
“i think your brother seems like an admirable man.” you comment. “but, you’re also a good brother too, you know? you care for him a lot, and i think that matters just as much.”
childe’s gaze is soft as he watches the two of you talk, impressed by how cheery his brother was around you. it’s not often that teucer stays back and actually enjoys it. he hated to ruin the moment, but you’re interrupted as there’s a cough heard from the doorway, and you see a ginger-haired man leaning on the door frame. his looks are uncanny to those of teucer’s— boyish and smiley. must be his older brother.
quite cute too, but you brush off the thought.
the two of you make eye contact for the briefest of moments, but from those few seconds, you can see there’s a hint of penitence swirling in his eyes. the forgiving smile you return is barely noticeable, but he catches onto it with keen eyes. “sorry to keep you waiting, buddy.” he apologizes to teucer, before redirecting his gaze towards you. “i’m sorry you had to stay back and take care of him— though from what i can see, you really have a way with kids, ms. y/n. teucer here wasn’t wrong when he said you’re a really cool person.”
he gets off the door frame, now walking into the room and closer to teucer. the latter runs over to him immediately, sticking to his side. “mhm! ms. y/n is the best teacher.”
“see? teucer says so himself. you truly live up to the stories he’s told about you.”
you snort, shaking your head. picking up teucer’s items for him, you start walking towards the two. “being good with kids is part of the job description, you know? i’d be a bad teacher if i didn’t know how to handle them.” you say as you hand the bag and drawing to him. for a second, the tips of his hand grazes yours, before he promptly picks the items from your hand. “and he tells stories about me?”
“all the time,” he exaggerates, and teucer playfully pushes his arms. “teucer seems miserable around every other teacher, so they must be considered bad teachers by your definition.” he teases, and you flush at his words.
“oh,” you say as your eyes widen, “i don’t mean in that—” just as you’re about to protest against his words, he cuts in.
“joking, joking. anyways, we should really get going. i’ve already wasted enough of your time, as is— will i be seeing you around more often, ms. y/n?” he asks, and there’s a cheeky look to his eyes as he says those words, staring right at you. “y’know, for when i pick teucer up from school.”
you smile back, more obvious this time. “of course.”
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