#oh my god you tell me all about your day and send paragraphs of random shit?? h. here's a rose .. for you..
hazmatazz · 11 months
the Worst point in a relationship is when you get worried you're annoying or shit. and it always happens no matter what! and it's the WORST
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junniepop · 3 years
JJK men and a male reader
So I died and came back. Now my inbox is filled with a lot of Jujutsu Kaisen stuff with a male reader, so I looked around and noticed there aren't a lot of male writers or even gender neutral ones, meaning that's what I'll be doing for awhile. This first request is...
before I get started, if you'd like to request something, then please see my masterlist
JJK boys with a male s/o
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Warnings: aged up and language oh and some nsfw stuff cuz that's what they wanted.
Characters: I. Yuuji, F. Megumi, G. Satoru, N. Kento, R. Sukuna, T. Aoi
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I. Yuuji
Isn't hung up by you being male, I feel as Yuuji got older, the more open minded he became. His sexuality was something that evolved as he aged and had a big change in his mid teenage years when he was exploring himself. Into his late teens he began seeing people of all types of representation, he simply did not care how they presented themselves.
That leads us to you, our gorgeous male that has Yuuji simping. All seriousness, this man loves entirely, some might even find it to be smothering. He is the type to text you paragraphs of good morning and goodnight texts, always leaving something for you to eat in the fridge, brings something home because it reminded him of you, and always always makes time to call you before a mission.
Yuuji always has random thoughts about you. Like, "Should I make his favorite tonight?" "I wonder what he's doing." "Oh....that would look so cute on him, should I get it?" "AH this charm has our initials on it! that means it was meant to be!"
If you're a sorcerer, Yuuji d e m a n d s to be your partner on missions and he will have a fit if someone says no. Is constantly stressing himself out over your well being, even if he knows you can handle yourself. always asking about your technique and is amazed every time he sees it. Very protective, stands in front of you a lot and when he see's you struggling he doesn't hesitate to get the curse's attention regardless of his own situation.
Also just because I feel like he would: Yuuji gave you a promise ring when he realized you were the one he wanted to be with for the rest of his life.
He has this need to prove to you that he is a fit partner, Like showing you he can cook, has his own place, very responsible with his money and what not.
The type of guy to send you a million snaps a day. He will literally show you everything he did that day and wants the same in return.
Every date with him somehow includes a physical activity. Going out to dinner? chances are Yuuji will see an arcade and more specifically the DDR in the background.
In terms of sexual stuff, Yuuji seems like a top, but has definitely thought about bottoming and upon trying it- was not into it. Does not matter if you're much bigger than him or not, he will top you. However, Yuuji is rather submissive when it comes to his partner, he will say yes to whatever it is you want. You want him to be soft and gentle, he'll do it. You want him to absolutely wreck your ability to walk, he'll do it.
The first time Yuuji tried stuff with a guy, he for sure looked up if it would hurt and read that anal could be very painful, was TERRIFIED that he would hurt the guy. Definitely was asking with every movement if he was okay. With you he's more confident, but still askes if you're okay throughout the event.
Man is simple, likes very intimate positions where he can see your face. Heavily into pleasing you, he tries any kinks you're into even if he's not that into it. Loves being praised, it just does something to his brain, in that same line- any sounds you make go straight to his dick. Really enjoys marking, is proud to cover you in them too.
The type of guy to enjoy eating you out, like fully sit on his face. Plus it helps his dick slide in smoother.
Yuuji will lose his mind if you say you want to milk him. Yuuji usually never thinks about his own pleasure, so when you want to pleasure him until he's empty, mans is not readyyyy. Just stutters out an okay and proceeds to go stupid when you start.
Yuuji loves you entirely. Trusts you 100% and would do anything to keep your life stable and happy. Yuuji just wants to grow old with you tbh, so in love with the idea.
If you were to break up with him, he would be devastated, unable to continue on for a long time. I mean he placed his everything into you, why would you do this to him?
all in all, it is a very stable relationship as long as you don't take him for granted because he is prone to letting people use him.
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F. Megumi
Definitely did not care you were male. Megumi cares about a person's mentality, their goals and dreams, the way a person carries themselves. When Megumi met you, he found you quite attractive, your drive is what lured him in and from there his feelings developed.
Megumi is subtle in showing his affection. Little touches here, sticky notes meant just for you, always carrying 'extra' snacks. It actually might take you awhile to notice his affections for you, simply because it is so subtle. Megumi seems like the person to wait until you confess. However. Megumi would confess if he gets pushed to or knows he won't get rejected.
Once he confesses, his love is soft and soothing with a hint of awkwardness. Megumi in the beginning would be showing affection through words and small acts of service, always telling you how much he appreciates you and doing things for you. Some of these things would be things like picking up snacks for you, doing your laundry, leaving you some of his clothes. He likes to do these things without you knowing because I think it lessens the embarrassment he feels doing it.
Even if you are in a long term relationship with him, he always gets flustered by you. Megumi is naturally reserved, so telling him I love you with sincerity will cause him to malfunction. Poor boy freezes and stutters around his words while avoiding eye contact.
Now, physical contact in this relationship is a tell tale sign of how much Megumi trusts you and loves you. Megumi is the type of person to reserve physical touch for someone he completely trusts, so with you, this will let you know his true feelings.
Touch would start with closeness at first, just grazing hands or bumping knees, but would develop into hours of intimate cuddling because he's touched starved. KISSING, oh my lord- his kisses tell you everything he feels. so intense, no matter how soft he kisses you.
if you're a sorcerer, Megumi is the type to go on missions with you, but doesn't complain if he can't go with you. However, worries a lot and contemplates going after you. Unlike Yuuji, who would go to literal war, Megumi trusts your strength a lot. The only time he is like yuuji is against a particularly strong curse. Loves fighting together though, it shows how much you trust him.
Megumi gives me verse energy. Like he was a top for a long time, asked you if he could bottom once and was surprisingly into it. So now when the mood arises, its whatever you guys are in the mood for. You guys often take turns.
His first time was with you- Megumi just seems like a late bloomer and you were the only person he did stuff with. He's very gentle because he knows it can be painful, I think sexually his fear is not being good enough for you, so give him as much reassurance as you can.
Now this boy is rather kinky despite his personality. Loves when you beg, drives him mad to hear your pleas and whimpers. Likes the pain of you needing something to hold onto when he tops which results in scratches down his back and the pulling of his hair. Doesn't think condoms are necessary because you're the only person for him in his eyes- aka likes breeding. When he bottoms, he enjoys riding and wants to see your face as he does. Do not get it twisted though, he's very much into you messing him up and railing him.
SEND THIS BOY NUDES. DO IT. Mans will sprint home if he has to. Don't do it too often or he'll get used to it. Maybe like once every two-ish weeks. Or better yet do it while he's on a mission. Megumi always tries to answer you, so expecting something serious, he short circuits when its just a pic of you in some underwear he thought he ripped the last time you guys were intimate.
Shy boy into some kinky things with his partner. It might take him some time to develop a deep relationship with you because he's scared you'll leave, but as long as you provide him the security he needs, he'll stay by your side indefinitely.
If you were to break up with him, you're just like his dad in his eyes and the betrayal would result in him locking many people out. Unlike Yuuji, who's emotions pour out of him, many wouldn't know Megumi is barely scrapping by.
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G. Satoru
Gojo doesn't give a rats ass how you present yourself, he lives by the motto "a hole's a hole." What truly would make Gojo invest in more than casual hooking up is your personality. Gojo needs someone who doesn't need him and doesn't care about who he is in the sorcerer world. Someone like that would capture his eye rather quick and this man is like "Eh? I'm GOJO SATORU, you know top dog?" and you would just blink and go back to whatever it was you were doing.
Shows off so much trying to impress you. "ne ne (Y/n) did you see me squash that special grade into dust?" *sigh* "Yes Gojo, I also saw you split one into a thousand pieces and turn another into a ball." so unamused by his abilities.
The one time he saw amazement cross your features is when he was playing the piano (I feel Gojo's other talents were never looked at and everyone saw him as this god like being, all he wants is someone to look at other things he can do.) and his heart skipped a beat. Because his first goal was just get into your pants, he was quite surprised you were more interested in his normal talents. This is where he begins showing you his real side, still a teasing man child, but he begins asking you about your interests and seeing what you have in common.
The more he learns, the harder it is for him to find a way not to commit to you. You see Gojo subconsciously looks for a reason to leave, he hates being tied down and is super flighty. Then there's you, ticking all his boxes without even knowing it. There's only been one person to do that.
So he takes a leap and goes for it. He's still scared that he'll get burned like last time, but he's willing to try.
One of the requirements to being with Gojo is you need to be strong in your own right. Gojo is an extremely powerful man with many enemies, so his partner must be able to handle themselves. Being a sorcerer, Gojo would B E G you to go with him on literally every single mission and would throw the biggest tantrum until you say yes. Sometimes when he's being particularly childish, he'll stop fighting the curses to watch you do it. "You can do it (Y/n)-chan, if you win I'll give you kisses." Takes everything in your power not to launch your technique right at him as he sits there with his shit-eating grin.
This man in the beginning of your relationship is immediately extremely handsy. Just all up on you all the time, but little do you know is, this is really a protective measure for when you're out of the house. At home, he's still handsy, but you can just feel how different it is. He'll come and fall asleep on you, stand behind you when you're doing your skincare routine, always following you around the house.
Overtime, you'll become his place to rest when he needs to recharge. You're the only time Gojo gets a break from being at the top. It makes you wonder if he ever truly gets to be normal.
Overall, Gojo's love is deceptively delicate because his personality is quite childish, he uses it as a mask to hide how he's really feeling. So you might think everything is going swimmingly until he ups and leaves you. Once he starts showing you that real side of him, that's when you have him wrapped around your finger.
This man is incredibly horny. His stamina is very high and he's very kinky. Gojo is a dominant verse whore. It doesn't matter if he's taking or giving, he's always in control. Honey you were not first and you might not be the last, this man is very confident in pleasuring you.
Gojo like I said, is incredibly kinky. He enjoys degrading you, overstimulating you until you beg him to stop, he wants to break you and make you only crave him. Seriously, you might want to think about a safe word because this man won't stop until you're not even speaking coherent sentences. In saying that there are somethings that you can try (key word 'try') to do to make him lose his mind. One of those things is a blowjob, his dick is incredibly sensitive in certain areas, so he'll become a mind-numbed mess if you're good enough. Another is softly begging in his ear and saying how he's the only one who makes you feel this way aka call him your god in bed and he'll bust right then and there.
Phone sex. Legit will call you if you guys haven't been together for a few days and all you hear are his whines and groans. "Guess what I'm doing cutie~"
THIS MAN- you're never safe to answer your phone because one time you opened the snap and it was him lazily jacking his dick. You have a small heart attack every time the notif is a snap from Gojo, just praying you can open it in public and 9/10 you can't.
The type of guy to get handsy in public places. Just in your ear like "Baby pleeeeasssseeeee can we fuck in public, I promise you'll still be able to walk when I'm done."
Gojo is a rollercoaster of a relationship that needs it's rider to be okay with a lot of distance for awhile and sudden disappearances. Without the right criteria, the relationship is doomed to fail.
If you were to break up with him, he would immediately sleep with as many people as he can to numb himself from the pain of having a hole ripped right through him. He'd go back to that childish personality, but you can feel the edge in his words despite his tone.
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N. Kento
Nanami gives me 'gave up on the sex of my partner ages ago' energy. Like he has tried relationships with a lot of people and realized all people suck. So you being a man means nothing to him, you just have to prove to him you're not shitty like everyone else.
The type of guy that takes you out on proper dates in the beginning. It's usually dinner because of his job, but sometimes he'll ask you to lunch. Nanami will bring you small gifts like flowers or Knick knacks he thought you'd like.
Nanami likes someone a little younger than himself, probably around 23-24, they still have that idealistic thought process but with realistic foundations. He likes someone who can be serious, but still enjoys things like joyrides or going out bowling.
Nanami is a very uptight guy, so you're going to have to work to get him to relax. When you do, this is when he starts to see you as long time partner rather than someone who is just for fun. Literally goes from stick up his ass, to a big softie that just wants to curl up in bed with you. He'll start smiling more and doing intimate things like bathing together.
Nanami would probably rather have someone outside the sorcerer world so he doesn't have to think about work when he sees you. He wouldn't complain if you were though, gives him a lot less to worry about since he knows you can handle yourself. Doesn't even stress when you go on missions by yourself, he respects your strength.
Now Nanami is moderately kinky. He's definitely a top and will not change. He's into ddlb (dom daddy and little boy for my innocents out there.) Very much into control and making you take it, he's not one for brats and will tame that shit right out of you. Doesn't need a safe word, he's very good at gauging your reactions. Really really into deep throating and you better learn how to breathe or you'll be struggling. Likes breeding, so he would be glad you can't have children.
Nanami’s love is traditional and straight forward. He likes routine to a certain degree and that degree ends at stable relationship, everything else is not that fun without a level of risk to him, but he likes that when he comes home, you'll be right there.
if you were to break up with him, Nanami would sigh and say he told himself so. He's hurt, but it'll solidify that people are still and always will be shitty.
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R. Sukuna
Sukuna does not do love. period. The only way I could see him giving notice to someone is if they are powerful, someone who can bring him amusement. Sukuna only does thing for his own entertainment end of discussion.
I’m going to be using post-Yuuji Sukuna, so he’s restricted by Yuuji himself and can’t outright cause chaos at all times. This way Sukuna has to spend more time with people than he’d like to, normally he would just kill something once he’s bored, but now he has to deal with them.
Noticed your technique through Yuuji and was amused, much like Megumi, he thought your curse technique had a lot of potential to be devastating. As Yuuji spent more time with you, Sukuna began noticed more things about you, like that you cooked better than Yuuji, were extremely versatile in battle with your technique and so on.
The type to notice your attraction to him and act on it. He can’t really do much since he’s in Yuuji’s body, so he’s going to work with what he’s got. Didn’t care if you’re male or female, he just likes a strong partner so he can go harder during sex.
Your relationship would start with being his toy, something to bring him pleasure that is all. With Sukuna, you must both respect him and not fear him. He’s very big on respect and trust, but hates when someone he views as ‘important’ fears him because they’ll betray him the second they can. Everyone else can fear him, he doesn’t care.
Sukuna is also highly unpredictable and unstable, be prepared for death at a moments notice tbh. He’ll kill you if he feels like it. In a deeper relationship, Sukuna is a hard pressed tsundere, saying things quite harshly. Saying things like, “Here brat, I don’t need you breaking just yet.” “Dumbass, that curse was stronger than you.” “I took care of them because you’re weak.”
Trust between Sukuna and you is a game of high stakes chess, one wrong move and you’re nothing but trash to him. However, succeed in earning his trust and you’ll be rewarded with a loyal man. Though Sukuna hates showing vulnerability, so he’ll treat you the same in public places that he would treat anyone else. Alone, he’s alright with whatever as long as it doesn’t annoy him.
Surprisingly protective. He’ll kill curses he deems are a problem to you or rip a person limb from limb if he found a hair missing from your head. Doesn’t understand why you don’t let him handle it, he’s way stronger than you.
Is almost never soft with you unless he’s extremely tired or just waking up. Holding you as close as he can and telling you not to go. Don’t bring it up either, he’ll end you if you tell anyone.
Will never tell you, but likes touching you, you’re very soft compared to him. He’s the type of guy to have callous from years of fight and doesn’t really care about his skin to much because he’s a God in his eyes.
Would rather surrender himself to a church than admit he gets slightly giddy when you remember small details about him. Like this man has a lot of history, so when you know a tiny random detail about him, his non-existent heart shutters a little.
This man is extremely kinky during sex. I pray for your well being because honestly I don’t know if you’re going to live through sex with him. A dom top period, that last person to even insinuate they could top him was added to his innate domain permanently.
He’s into completely dominating you and make sure you know he owns you. B I G into impact play, slapping you a lot until you’re a beautiful red. Degrading and humiliating you, honestly would let people watch so they know that you’re his property.
Actually really likes his partner to be a brat, man loves breaking you and turning you into a submissive bunny just for him. Honestly he just likes pushing people beyond their limits, like really into emotional play, he wants to see your expressions when he does something. Ooo objectification, will use you like a foot stool and sit on you. Man in general will work you hard.
In saying all that, immaculate aftercare because he knows your mind is too far gone to remember him being this caring and soft for you. Literally bathes you and gets you into bed curled up on him. Also makes sure your body didn’t sustain a lot of damage during sex.
Do. Not. Taunt. Sukuna. It will not end well. “Huuuh? You think you can handle more little boy?” Eyes narrowed and smile too tight. You’ve awoken the beast and he’s not going to leave anything unbroken.
Sukuna’s love is... well a bike ride through hell? To be honest you’ll never know if he loves you. Everything about him is highly unpredictable and dangerous, you could end up as worm food in seconds.
Breaking up with Sukuna... you’re joking right? You don’t have the balls to tell a man who could split you into a million pieces with a flick of the wrist, you’re breaking up with him , right?
Seriously he’ll kill you, no hesitation. It’s either realize you’re stuck with him or die. I think most people would assume he never cared at first, but he did care and now you want to leave him? Absolutely not. He set everything down for you and he’ll be damned if he lets you live without him.
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T. Aoi
(First and foremost- why is it so hard to find Toudou headers.)
Okay, I’m sorry but Toudou to me is a straight guy, so I can’t really see him with a male. But, if it were to happen, I think it would go like this:
Being childhood friends with Toudou, you were used to his eccentric personality and sometimes extreme antics.
This man is EXTREMELY comfortable with you. You guys grew up together, so some of the things you guys do together would definitely be seen as way too much for friends. I’m talking sharing the same bed, bathing together, using each other’s things without permission. To you guys, you’ve been doing this since you were little, so neither of you think twice.
I think there would be a trigger that would make Toudou realize he’s more into you than being friends. Like maybe someone flirting with you, he’d at first think he’s being replaced as a friend, but it’s much deeper than that. Definitely debates in his head about what he’s feeling toward you. After going back and forth with his type of girl in his head, he’ll come to terms with it.
This is when he’ll start noticing things he’s never payed that much attention to before. Things like how small you’re compared to him, the way clothes fitted to your body, how pretty you actually were and most important difference- how he’s never noticed you have the fattest ass he’s ever seen.
Seriously this man’s sexuality went from women to women + you.
Toudou isn’t the type to wait either, as soon as he knows how he feels, he confesses. He’s the type of guy to say “take it or leave it, that is how I feel.”
You kinda just stand there. Like, huh? Toudou are you feeling okay? Have- have you been cursed? There’s no way, Toudou middle name pussy pounder Aoi just said he was into you romantically... right?
After the shock, you reciprocated his feelings and began dating.
Now, this man- S U P E R affectionate and devoted. Always wanting to hold hands or link arms. He loves cuddling and playing with your hair while you sleep on him. Puddy in your hands if you give him a massage.
Toudou is immensely dedicated. He knows your favorite foods down to the amount of salt you use on your fries, knows what sizes you prefer for hoodies, shirts, button ups and so on, and this man knows your favorite movies by heart.
He’s the type to buy you something simply because you said it was starting to give you problems.
Lovvvvessss dates. I mean he’s a hopeless romantic, he wants to take you on really cheesy dates that you’d see honeymoon couples go on.
The type to want to match clothing or jewelry.
If you’re a sorcerer, he’s wanting to train everyday, he likes seeing you in action. Double points if you can match him in strength too. He respects your strength enough to not worry about you, he’s confident in his S/o’s abilities.
Top. Enough said. Ok but seriously, he wants to clap you cheeks so bad.
Toudou has the biggest size kink too, I’m talking like he’s the type to point right at your navel and say “I’m right here baby~ can you feel me filling you?”
His definitely into railing. His favorite position is the mating press, allows him to hit deeply and as hard as he wants.
Lovesss when you whine and beg. He wants to see how much you can take before your begging him to let you cum.
The type of guy to leave your ass a nice reddish purple color. Just two big ass hand prints on you ass and hips.
✨i m m a c u l a t e✨ aftercare. It’s almost like he’s worshipping you when he’s cleaning you up and making sure you’re taken care of.
Being with Toudou is like being with an Aries, he’s high energy and can get easily bored. He enjoys someone who excites him both mentally and physically. Loves a challenge. Toudou’s love is like a concentrated ball of sunlight, it’s hot and bright. He’s overly devoted to you and tells you how much you mean to him all the time.
If you break up with him, he’s the type to hold his head high until he’s alone and then he breaks down, crying into his hands. Thinking, “Was I too much?” “Maybe I wasn’t enough?” He’s confident, but he’s still a person with insecurities.
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aceofshitposts · 4 years
Happy Valentines Day everyone!!! This wasnt actually what I initially planned and it technically... isn’t v-day themed but it DOES feature idiots in love so that’s good enough, right? No beta we die like robins okay hope you enjoy! (will probably throw this up on ao3 tomorrow too)
ALSO a reminder that you can totally send me prompts for little drabbles/ficlets!! a sentence or dialogue or just an au you think might be cool (i adore aus) or if you just wanna say hi!
Jason's not stupid. It's just that. Things can sneak up on you sometimes, okay? They all have that habit of getting lost in the details or not looking for what isn’t expected. And boy, is this not expected.
"Please," Tim is imploring in the same tone a child asks their parent for a candy bar at the grocery store checkout, "Bruce isn't even going to be there so you don't have to worry about him."
That's. Really not the problem. The problem is Jason has no idea why Tim is asking him, of all people. Not that he doesn't like hanging out with Tim, as a matter of fact he probably likes it too much. Seeking Tim out had become a bad habit, if he’s honest, that has escalated from working on cases together to eating meals after patrol and even occasionally meeting up during the day to whisk Tim away from the office for a proper lunch.
They're friends, right? But that doesn't explain why Tim is inviting him to an important social gathering and not, say, one of the Titans if he needs a second that badly. Hell, Dick or Stephanie are better choices than Jason is. Asking Jason is. Is. It’s-
It feels a little like Tim’s asking him on a date. Which is absurd for all kinds of reasons, least of which is that Tim doesn’t like Jason like that.
"Why are you asking me?"
Jason winces. That sounded harsh even to him and the way Tim’s expression goes from distinctly hurt to completely closed off has Jason cringing even more.
“Okay,” Tim says, turning towards the open window.
“Okay?” Jason repeats, already forgetting that Tim hasn’t answered his question.
“Mhmm, don’t worry about it,” he says in a tone that suggests Jason should absolutely worry about it.
With that Tim slips out the window and into the early Gotham morning, leaving Jason with an extra breakfast burrito that they’d never even got around to eating before Tim had… whatever the hell that had been. Jason stares at the open window for a moment more, the wind blowing a napkin into his face, and decides he’ll deal with it after sleeping.
“What the hell did you do??”
If the sound of Jason’s bedroom door violently hitting the wall didn’t wake Jason up then Stephanie’s indigent yelling would have done the job just fine.
“What the hell do you want?” Jason asks, then shoves a pillow over his head in the vain hopes she will go away.
“Get up!”
The covers are pulled from his body which wouldn’t be so bad if this didn’t also give Stephanie better access to punch him squarely in the stomach. Jason snarls, leaping out of bed to tackle Stephanie to the floor. They grapple around on the floor for a while, Stephanie succeeding in nailing Jason in the throat with an elbow and pinning him to the floor.
“What,” she says pointedly, “did you do to Tim??”
Jason wheezes, only half due to the pressure still on his throat. Stephanie stares down at him furiously.
“I have no idea what you mean,” Jason says hoarsely. 
Stephanie’s eyes narrow.
“Well, you better figure it out because he showed up at my apartment and has spent the entire morning moping under my blankets and obsessively redesigning Redbird on his tablet.”
Stephanie gets up in one smooth motion then offers a hand to help pull Jason up from the floor. Jason rubs at his sore throat giving Stephanie an incredulous look.
“I dunno what his problem is; he asked me to some fancy dinner and I just asked why he wasn’t asking you or whatever-”
“You what?”
“What! What did I do?”
“What did you do??” Stephanie shrieks in lieu of answering the question. “You have to be joking.”
When Jason just stares at her for a good minute Stephanie’s expression breaks and she starts laughing.
“Oh my god, please tell me you got dosed with something from Ivy or took a blow to the head recently,” she wheezes through her laughter. “Oh, noo, this is too stupid.”
“If you’ve figured out whatever is going on, could you clue me in?” Jason implores which only makes Stephanie laugh harder.
“Nope!” she says, popping the P, “this is too fucking funny. You’re on your own, bro.”
Before Stephanie leaves she makes sure to steal some of Jason’s leftovers and laugh at him some more, giving a two fingered salute as she leaves through the same window Tim had earlier that morning.
Over the course of the day Jason tries to busy himself cleaning his weapons and kitchen but he just end up stewing in the echoes of Stephanie’s laughter. He’s slumped on the couch rereading the same paragraph of a random paperback he’d grabbed when around four in the afternoon he receives a text from Cass that’s just a smiley face. It’s the only warning he gets before Tim comes stumbling through his window, laptop tucked under his arm.
“Okay, so, I’m still mad at you,” Tim starts, which is great, “but I want you to watch this.”
He sets his laptop down on Jason’s coffee table and maybe Jason can finally find out what this is all about.
On Tim’s laptop screen he opens what looks like a power-point presentation, and isn’t that just incredibly Tim, with the title: “Reasons We Make A Good Couple and Shouldn’t Break Up”.
Back up.
“Break up??” Jason asks incredulously.
Tim’s head whips around to look at Jason, the slide on the screen changing to a picture of the two of them in uniform at the local 24 hour diner, probably taken by the waitress and posted on some social media platform, Tim reaching across the table to snag a piece of Jason’s bacon. It’s got several heart emojis all over it.
“You- yes? Isn’t that?” Tim sputters suddenly turning a bright shade of red.
“To break up don’t we have to date first?” Jason asks in a rush before his brain has really caught up with the situation.
Tim gets impossibly more red, muttering, “oh my fucking god,” while slamming the laptop shut. He runs a hand through his hair, looking as nervous and off kilter as Jason currently feels.
“I’m. I’m so sorry, Jay, I thought-” Tim starts rambling, words flowing together into an incoherent string while Jason’s brain tries desperately to parse what’s happening.
Like a lightbulb finally turning on in the middle of the night, Jason understands.
“Tim. Are we dating?”
Tim stops, jaw audibly snapping shut. He looks at Jason for all of two seconds before his gaze darts away miserably, looking at the floor.
“Yes?” he ventures, sounding unsure. “I just. I assumed you wanted to take it slow.”
Jason can’t help the bark of laughter that escapes his throat.
“Do I look like I do anything slow, Babybird?”
Tim growls in frustration, throwing his hands in the air and then pointing an accusing finger at Jason.
“We go out all the time! I hang out in your apartment! But whenever I’d try to initiate something more, you’d back off! I was trying to be considerate!”
Oh holy shit. Stephanie is right, this is stupid. Jason had thought he’d been projecting his own desires onto Tim, that there was no way Tim would want to be close to him like that. Even after all this time, Tim still finds ways to surprise Jason.
“Well, this explains why Stephanie punched and then started laughing at me this morning,” Jason laughs while draping an arm over his eyes. They really were Batman’s kids if their complete inability to communicate like normal people was anything to go by.
“God, Jason, I am so sorry,” Tim says, dropping down beside Jason on the couch with an oof. “I never should have assumed anything.”
“Hey, Babybird?” Jason shuffles over so he can throw his arm over Tim’s shoulders.
Tim startles, looking at Jason with wide blue eyes.
“Shut up and let me kiss you.”
Yeah, okay, maybe sometimes Jason is stupid. But he can at least find solace in the knowledge that sometimes Tim is also. Besides that, Jason tells himself, what really matters is that they got their shit together in the end. Even if that realization is undoubtedly going to come with a large amount of their family all pointing and laughing at them for being idiots.
“So,” Tim ventures after they’ve spent half an hour making out on Jason’s couch, “does this mean you’ll come with me to the dinner?”
Jason muffles a laugh against Tim’s collarbone and says, “yeah, sure I’ll come.”
“Okay, cool, cool. We’ve got to be there in an hour then.”
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Legends react to being hit on by another legend? could be interesting! sorry for sending two i just rlly want u to make more 💕
Hey, sorry for being so long to reply! Because it would be a lot to do a reaction for everyone, and I feel the reactions would be extremely different depending on who hits on/flirts with who, I narrowed it down by tackling what I would probably consider my personal major ships, sort of in order by which ones I got into first; miragehound was definitely the first, though the last four kind of all came on in S7 with the invention of my newest coping mechanism, Mary “Horizon” Somers.
This also turned into more of a “Legends react to other legends hitting on/flirting with them/asking them out on a date”, just kind of whatever I guess. Ships listed below, ship names applied to the paragraphs following:
MiragexBloodhound, CryptoxWraith, WattsonxMirage, HorizonxBangalore, HorizonxLoba, RampartxLifeline.
Anyhow, here we go.
Miragehound – Mirage x Bloodhound
Bloodhound: It’s probably happened before in a joking manner, because it’s Mirage, but when they realize he actually means it this time they’re totally caught off guard. If they’re wearing their mask, they are blushing like the dickens underneath it and smiling because he’s sweet and kind of funny about it, and they really don’t get that often. If they are not wearing a mask, they are trying so hard to not let it show, except they’re grinning like a dork so RIP Hound, Mirage won this one (and also probably your heart).
Mirage: Just a bumbling mess. Bloodhound was probably kind of blunt but also weirdly poetic because They’re Just Like That, probably compared him to the sun or something and he stumbled out a “thank you” and then was like, “your goggles, goggles they’re, you know they’re hot-er-cool-er-I like – your face.” If he hasn’t seen their actual face, he’ll try and add that he’d like to see their face to try and flirt back and then wish he could go consult his 14 year old self, because that guy got two girlfriends at one point and he could really use his advice right about now.
Cryptaith – Crypto x Wraith
Wraith: She wouldn’t know she’d been hit on until an hour later, because Crypto’s version of hitting on someone is probably, “your hair looks nice” or “you’re really good with that knife”. Honestly, she probably wouldn’t know for sure until he offered her some of his lunch, since the man is pretty well known to think everyone is going to poison him. Frankly, she’s quietly flattered.
Crypto: Error 404: brain not found. Issue: Pretty girl flirted with me. Initiate shutdown and embarrassment protocols immediately. This will prompt an immediate system override, he will forget how to talk, trip over something, squeak and run away with his head down in his collar like a turtle. Unfortunately (read: very fortunately) for him, Wraith thinks it is adorable and will probably proceed to flirt with him more and forever.
Wattage – Wattson x Mirage
Wattson: Surprisingly easygoing about it, a little flustered but manages to say something right back with a grin. She definitely did not practice flirting in her head. Never. She will later tell her Nessie or Horizon all about it.
Mirage: Not quite as nervous as with BH but he does bumble a little because Wattson got him when he least expected it. Probably teased him about his equipment not being waterproof and he went on the defense, citing all the alterations he’s made and she said something like, “pretty and smart? I like that.” He got shot while trying to think what to say back.
Horizonlore – Horizon x Bangalore
Bangalore: So, this woman is oblivious. I’m talkin’ brick wall oblivious. No goggles underwater blind. Driving in a blizzard with your lights off so you miss every sign along the way. Horizon hits on her blatantly. Several times. Horizon isn’t sure she’s into women, Loba promises she is. By all calculations, saying, “you’re so pretty I could kiss ye right here in the dropship, lass” should instigate something else than, “oh, uh, thank you! I like you’re hair.” It’s the day Horizon finally says, “you look great in those jeans, want to go on a romantic date?” That Bangalore realizes and has to sit down and contemplate how much of a dumbass she is.
Horizon: Significantly less oblivious, it only took her about three days to realize Bangalore had been hitting on her. She now perks up like a puppy every time, especially since most of what Bangalore says is (sometimes revamped) Shakespeare quotes. Yeah, they’re both romantics.
Horizonhound – Horizon x Bloodhound
Hound: Pretty girls make them stupid. She says anything that can be interpreted as flirtation and they’re hardly much better than Mirage, though they’ll say something poetic and kind of pretty back regardless, thanks to a little thing called “random immeasurable luck”. Having the favor of the gods helps, too.
Horizon: So Bloodhound doesn’t so much hit on Horizon as perform a complicated mating ritual that begins with bringing her small gifts and trinkets and then evolves into book exchanges and evolves from there into actual conversations. Then that, finally, evolves into them growing a pair and, while watching her do something mundane, casually state, “you know, I have recently realized I might have a thing for redheads, felagi.” They are not prepared when she states that she has a thing for blondes and, “I’d like to ken if you’re part of the rule or an exception at, say, at 7?” Because she has been waiting for them to say something like that and takes great satisfaction in practically knowing they’re blushing under their mask.
StarStealers – Horizon x Loba
Horizon: The first few times she didn’t think anything of it, since Loba is just like that. But then there’s a time after a game that Loba says, “I’d like to see you around a lot more often, beautiful,” and tucks a piece of paper in Horizon’s hand with her phone number on it. Horizon probably covers her mouth while giggling like a schoolgirl because it’s fucking Loba and she would have never guessed she’d be interested in her but fuck is she not complaining. Smart pretty women are kind of her ideal.
Loba: So, Horizon is such a sweetheart and whatever method she chooses is probably a little dorky, and maybe a bit clumsy being she’s rather out of practice but will probably involve a love note with a really bad science pun on it because she asked Wattson for advice. Whatever it is, Loba is absolutely head over heels. If she’s in the dropship or otherwise visible, she just slowly grins. If she’s alone she bounces in her seat and might even giggle, just a little bit. She keeps a copy of the note taped to the inside of her Apex locker like a lovestruck teenager (this is, provided, they end up in a relationship).
Rampline – Rampart x Lifeline
Lifeline: Rampart tends to go big or go home. After spending approximately 2 weeks debating with herself internally, Rampart just waltzes right up to her, leans on the doorframe or something and says, “do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?” Lifeline would think she was joking and laugh, wave her off. Then Rampart would sort of panic and say, “no, I mean, like, you wanna like, uh, I like you but in a gay way.” Lifeline then smiles brightly and arranges a date on the spot, much to Rampart’s relief.
Rampart: They’ve been hanging out a bit and are chilling when Lifeline just sorta says, “hey, I think yuh really pretty, you know?” And Rampart, with all the grace of a donkey on roller skates, says, “that’s neat” while her voice cracks like a thirteen-year-old boy’s. Somehow Lifeline’s laugh banishes most of the embarrassment, and she even manages to flirt back without stuttering.
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xnchxntmxnt · 3 years
1 | name : amie 2 | pronouns : s/her 3 | preferred gender : doesn't really matter 4 | self-description :
— it's ya clown sho <3 anyway, i'm an ambivert but more inclined towards the introvert side. my MBTI is INFJ and i'm a Gemini. i'd describe myself as someone who's very observant? yea, i guess. i'm awkward and you know it. My favorite color is blue, specifically sapphire, but i love all pastel colors. My fav show is Chicago Medical and all the psychological and crime thrillers out there are my favorite ( silent patient is my #1 though ) I love painting, playing piano and basketball!
— what i look in a partner you ask, uh, someone who can tolerate my silence. there are times when i go quiet for a whole day, i'll barely speak, no interaction nothing. i want someone who'd not exactly 'deal with it' but 'understand it.' also, i want someone who i can talk to without any hesitation. i have a hard time opening up so i don't do it but when i do, i spill almost everything. i might cry, might have anxiety attack, i might even shout. i know it's not very healthy but i want someone who can help me with those. plus someone who i can read with please <3 cheating and not having any respect for personal space would be the major deal breaker for me
5 | gen. aesthetic : my fashion sense starts from sweats and ends in sweats. i'm a big fan of those oversized hoodies and shirts, like something really comfy. however, i do have a collection of formal wears like blazers and dress.
6 | color/s to describe myself : red, actually. if not read then blue. it switchers but red 90% of the times.
7 | fav song/s : literally everything by Chase Atlantic and The Neighborhood. However, my absolute favorites are some of the famous classical pieces like Experience by Ludovico Einaudi and Chopin's Ballade No. 1 Op 23.
8 | fav genre of music : classical music ( Beethoven, Einaudi and Chopin own my heart )
Lol this is very lengthy I'm sorry, btw congrats again!
I looked into MBTI, I looked into zodiacs, I went off of what you said
Here he is, the man, Seijoh’s do-it-all guy
HANAMAKI TAKAHIRO ur new boyfriend
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There is not enough content for him, anyway
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How You Met
Bear with me here
Think about this
You love painting? Art club.
Idk if youre actually in any art club but shhh
Anyway, it was probably some sort of community thing full of tons of different age artists (bc you’d have basketball or something after school and he had volleyball)
So like once a week on thursday afternoons everyone gets together and does all sorts of artsy stuff
Everyone listens to lo fi music (or you can bring headphones) and chit chat and just paint for a couple hours
Its in the back section of a library (bc the library near me does stuff like this its awesome) so if you want you can go read a book while you wait for things to dry
One day the person that ran it suggested you talked to the new guy
He was about your age, it was his first day, they didn't know what all he was good at, and tbh they thought you two would look cute together
Just the vibes yk
So you set up your canvas and stuff next to him and introduced yourself
And you guys just vibe to the playlist
He’s REALLY good
Compliments you a lot too
Which is fun because he’s cute so it makes you a little flustered
You find out you guys go to the same school and he’s on the VB team
And says he has a (practice) game that weekend and asks you to come if you can
Which you do
And they win! So its fun!
Matsukawa basically asks you out for him though
He’s heard all about you already
“You don't get it issei! She’s so pretty!! God, she touched my hand and I thought I was gonna die!!!!!” “the enthusiasm is new for you” “shut up asshole” (conversation from the night before)
So he walks up to you after the game and is like “Hey so,,, we’re going out to get some lunch, you wanna come?”
Makki thinks HES flirting with you and is pissed off about it
Until you all sit down for lunch and oh, the only open spot for him is next to you (since when is matsukawa willing to sit between iwaizumi and oikawa??)
He asked you out after art club that week (Mattsun threatened not to give him any more monster for the rest of the month if he didn't get the guts to do it)
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General Headcanons
You date hanamaki, you're also dating matsukawa
There’s no separating them (good thing ur MBTIs work together too, especially for strong friendships)
This was literally my first thought
Good luck with both these trolls
More on that later
Of course he’s going to be worried if you go radio silent for a while, but he'll understand
There are some days he’s not gonna wanna talk either
He’s really supportive on your bad days of course
Expect a random text in the middle of the evening from him
“Hiya sweetheart, just wanted to remind you that you’re beautiful, I love you, and I hope your day is going well.”
When he��s having a bad day, the same thing is all he needs from you to keep moving
He’s a really honest person. If you want to talk to him, be prepared not to get any sugar coating. If you tell him to shut up because you don’t want advice, he will. But if you expect advice from him, expect brutally honest advice. Subtlety is not his strong suit, so when it comes to advice, he’s going to tell it like it is. He's just trying to help, yknow?
However, he’s pretty good with people, so will know how to comfort you when something is bothering you. Tea and cuddles? Gotcha. Dancing at 11pm because neither of you want to sleep yet? On it. You want him to hold you? Perfect.
He’s not like...the most touchy person? There are some things he’s really indifferent on, and other things he’s stubborn as hell with. Whatever you wanna do, though
His weakness though
⚠️this part is slightly little bit suggestive⚠️
He will randomly walk up to you and pull you against him, give you a really deep kiss, smirk and walk away like nothing happened
Like hands in hair probably almost making out and then just
Walk away
Because that’s how he kisses and it’s breathtaking every time
It’s either little temple kisses or forehead or cheek pecks or something
Or that
And probably leaves you flustered and it’s funny (to him) (and to me if I was there with you) (bc that would be funny)
Hmm I’m thinking
I’m thinking hair dye dates
He needs help doing his hair from time to time Y’know (he doesn’t he just likes spending time with you) and he wants to make it pink again
So he teaches you how to do his hair and even offers to dye yours one day
Either just a strand or the ends or everything, up to you
Imagine having twinning hair dye with makki isn’t that cute
I think it’s cute
I said ur platonically dating mattsun right
Yes you are now
He absolutely adores you and loves how much makki loves you
Probably would have asked you out if makki didn’t but he was really pushing for makki to because he was just all over you in the beginning
He wasn’t overly attached to you romantically so being friends? Perfect. Sounds great
You two get along wonderfully though like you act like siblings once you warm up to each other
Again, very brutally honest person, but a little more awkward so doesn’t know what he’s saying might come off as he’s acting like a dick
He doesn’t try to though and he does really care about you
Flat out told makki if he breaks up with you and breaks your heart he’s gonna kick his ass (makki doesn’t know he had the same (less aggressive) conversation with you)
Tbh all of the VBC at seijoh loves you
Oikawa loves talking to you he thinks you’re great for makki
Gets you in on he and makki and mattsun’s antics
Iwa thinks you’re good too he just doesn’t know you as well
I think that kunimi would like you (he was almost a runner up--)
Kindaichi too
The first years just think you’re cool even if they won’t say it out loud
Seijoh VBC loves you
You got mattsun’s approval
And hanamaki loves you with literally everything in his life
You’re pretty set with your strawberry baby huh
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Date Night!
I was waiting for some matchup to come along that gave me sleepover vibes
In a perfect world where you could do sleepovers with your bf because most parents would,,,not let that happen
He shows up at like 7:00 after practice, pizza in hand because he picked up dinner
You two eat, chat about your day, he probably scarfs down half the pie bc it’s after practice ofc he’s hungry
So when you guys are done eating you head up to your room
And make pillow fort
It’s mandatory
Different design every time, but there’s a pillow fort nonetheless
And then when there’s just enough room for the both of you to climb in
You get a blanket and a couple pillows and one of your phones or laptops or whatever and watch a movie and cuddle
When the movie is over you guys break out the face masks
You ever wonder why he has such great skin? It’s thanks to you (or if you don’t have masks, he picks them up on the way home from practice)
But anyway you guys talk shit about people for a while and sit with the masks on (it’s usually him talking about how Oikawa is a bitch as much as he loves him) (or about whatever he and Mattsun were talking about lately)
You both get chances to vent while the masks sit on your face and you just vibe with music (usually that you pick) (he listens to like,,,meme songs and like CORPSE yk)
After masks you guys make/get some snacks and munch on those during another movie but this time you’re in comfy jammies and more relaxed Y’know
Less paying attention to the movie you’ve seen a million times and just vibing in each other’s presence and it’s just really sweet
Fall asleep on his chest
Let him fall asleep on yours
Either way, you’ve got him whipped for you he loves you
Not that he doesn’t already but that’s his favorite thing ever so please just let him do that
Always makes sure to tell you he loves you before you sleep too
If you fall asleep first he takes embarrassing pictures of you with your hair being a mess & you best bet he sends them to mattsun because “she’s so cute omfg” “dude” “dude what” “you’re so fuckin stupid” “?” “Whatever—good luck being whipped just tell me when you need to get a ring, k” “you’re such a jackass” “yeah yeah Gnight”
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Okay so I’m not doing a big long paragraph for all this BUT from what I understand, Gemini/Aquarius are really compatible, and ENTP and INFJ are known as “perfect matches” sO (I had a really hard time deciding between Atsumu and Makki because they're both ENTP)
Psst Gemini + Leo is compatible and so is INTP + INFJ,,,, so, again, asking you to marry me sho 💍💍
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Prelude and Fugue No. 1 in C major, BWV 846
Linus and Lucy by Vince Guaraldi Trio (meme song)
Sky Full Of Stars by The Piano Guys
Someone To You by The Piano Guys
Shut Up And Dance - Simply Three
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Runners Up
Miya Atsumu, Tsukishima Kei
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And He Walks With Flames (Dabi x Reader) - Part One
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They say humans, in a strange, ironic twist of fate, owe their magic to demons. A thousand years ago, they walked the earth, wreaking destruction and chaos wherever they tread. Humans were no more than meat for the slaughter, or glorified playthings for their amusement. The first generation of humans to fight back against their monstrous oppressors did so by a peculiar, ancient magic. A power that could repel demons and bring hope to all humanity. A terrible war raged for the fate of the world and the humans managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. The demons were banished to their land of origin, sealed away in defeat. But seals don't last forever. While historians argue on how literal these legends may be, there is no denying that ancient creature have begun to stir, appearing in our world again with growing frequency. And soon there might- The last paragraph was torn away. "Oh, for god's sake," you tsk. Sunlight pours through the large, high window of your lecture room, dust motes dancing in the golden rays. Though you were engrossed in your book, once you look up, the spell is broken, and the clear sky outside once again has your eyes wandering to it. It seems that you are not the only one getting distracted, either - even the professor keeps tapering off at the promise of an afternoon outside in the gorgeous spring weather. "Well," the professor says, shuffling the papers in front of her. "That's all for today. Please revise over the material and we'll discuss it in further detail next time. You are all free to go." You're only too happy to comply, putting your things away and scrambling to your feet. Everyone else is hurrying to get outside, pouring down the stairs to the doors, chattering to one another as they go. Normally you love going to lectures, but it's just too nice outside to be cooped up indoors. You push open the doors and step outside, a muted sigh of pleasure leaving your mouth. Your university, the Royal Academy of Magic, has the reputation for being tough, but so far, you've been enjoying the work. Learning about the different faces of magic, its uses, and the history of it, it's all so very fascinating to you. You've been able to use magic since you were young, but it's studying it here that will really help you unlock your true potential, and hopefully give you a concrete idea of what to aim for with your career. So far there are so many options a magic-user might do that it's been a little overwhelming trying to decide. As you cross the lawns, grass crunching beneath your feet, you decide to swing by your dorm first to drop off your books - they may contain a lot of knowledge, but damn if they're not heavy - your mother pointed out that you've developed something of a slouch since you started studying here. "I'm back!" you call as you push open the door of your dormitory. "Huh?" Kendou looks up from her bed, where she has a couple of books sprawled out next to her head, notes scribbled in the margins of her notebook as she looks over her textbook. Her red hair spills down her shoulder, coming loose from its signature ponytail. "You're back early!" "Yeah, they let us out sooner than I expected," you reply with a shrug and a small laugh, dropping your bag on your own bed and stretching, wincing as a kink in your shoulder pops. "Oh, well, that's good timing, someone came by earlier with a message for you," Kendou says, pushing herself up into a sitting position, apparently deciding your arrival is a good a reason as any to take a break from studying. "Your mother wants you to go down to the Imperial Research Centre to get your father." "Did she come by here?" you ask in surprise. Normally your mother arranges to meet you after lectures or seminars if she wants to see you during the week, and she's a rather busy woman besides. "No, she left a message at the front desk and someone passed it along," Kendou shrugs. "But she also said you guys are doing something tonight, right?" "Oh, yes, I'd forgotten all about that!" you say, feeling silly that it could
possibly have slipped your mind - you love it when you get to go out for a meal with your parents and often it means one of them has some exciting news to share. "Thanks, Kendou, I'll head over there now." She grins and gives a little wave. “No problem!” You suppose it's fortunate that the Imperial Research Centre is only a short walk from the campus and that you're very familiar with the place, since your father's been working there for so long. Anyway, it's a pleasant walk, the way there is lined with rows of trees that are only a week or two away from growing from dark to light pink and shedding their blossoms. When the street is in full bloom, it's like there's been a wedding. You even find yourself humming as you walk, breathing in the subtle smell of flowers on the breeze, wondering to yourself if the blossom trees were planted before or after the buildings were founded, but either way, whoever was responsible for them made a good call. The Imperial Research Centre is a peculiar building, made of blue stone and with a roof that boasts four conical points, one in each corner, making it resemble a castle from bygone days just plopped in the middle of the city. There's an aura of mystery to it, too, hinting at the all-important, life-changing work that’s always going on inside. If ever cutting-edge technology is released to the public, odds were that the Centre had a hand in making it. The building is cooler on the inside than it is outdoors, powered by a system designed to spread cool or warm air throughout the entire building, depending on the system. You approach the front desk, wishing that you'd thought to bring a jacket, because it’s always cold in here during the warm seasons, and the receptionist glances up on you with a slightly dismissive expression on her face. It's probably because she thinks you're an overeager student or some hapless intern, it's very rare a researcher your age would be able to work here. "May I help you?" the receptionist asks in a cool, professional tone. "Yes, I'm here to see my father," you reply. "He's one of the vice executives here." You give his surname, and the woman pauses. Is that a trace of nervousness you can see? "He's downstairs in Containment Room 1A," she says, checking a sheet of paper on the desk, which is littered with various papers, random pieces of stationary and one of those magitech intercom systems that they use. They have something similar at the Academy too, though of course, the Centre get the most high-tech version of everything. "All right, thanks," you say, turning to head for the elevator. "Wait!" the woman cries out and you glance back, confused. "I'm sorry, but you can't just walk through here, especially to the lower levels! You don't have the clearance and it can be dangerous." You scoff in disbelief. You have visited your father here before, many times, and this has never been a problem for you before. You always just tell them who you are and then get a visitor's pass. You even know some of the codes to the doors, thanks to waiting around for your father to finish work so often. "Well, please can you have someone go fetch him for me?" you ask, going to reluctantly perching on one of the chairs in the waiting area. "Can't it wait?" the receptionist asks impatiently, and maybe it can, but her attitude is starting to piss you off, so you shoot her a frosty smile you've perfected after watching your mother pull a similar face at people who don't meet her standards. "No, it can't." The woman sighs but she dutifully presses a button on the intercom system and speaks quietly into it for a moment or two, while you idly pick at a loose thread on the chair you're sitting on. She then glances back at you, eyebrows raised. "A messenger has been sent down to speak to him. Hopefully he should be upstairs shortly." "Thank you so much." you reply sweetly, the last words with heavy emphasis. After that, the two of you sit in a mutually frosty silence, with the woman sorting through paperwork on her desk and occasionally
directing people who approach her desk to the correct floor (which seems redundant to you - why can't people just read the clearly printed sign on the wall next to her desk ?), while you flick through some glossy magazines without actually taking in a single word. But you're not leaving until you've spoken to your father. Minutes tick by and you start drumming your heel lightly on the floor, leg jiggling with impatience. You wonder if the woman just lied about sending a messenger down to the Containment Room in an effort to pacify you, in the hopes you'll just get bored and leave. You grit your jaw at the thought, ignoring how cold you're getting, sitting here doing nothing. After maybe ten minutes, a man in a lab coat approaches the front desk, leaning over to speak to the woman. "Kino, could you come with me a moment? Hannah can start her shift." "Oh, I'll be right there!" Kino says, flustered, getting out from behind the desk and following the man as he walks briskly down the corridor, without a backwards glance at you. No doubt her replacement will be along any moment - perhaps she's running late? But you don't plan on sticking around. As soon as the receptionist rounds the corner, out of sight, you spring up and walk briskly across the room to the elevators, stabbing the button and stepping through the doors. You don't bother to fight the smile that spreads across your face as the doors slide shut. ~ "Father?" There's always something slightly creepy about the lower floors. The orbs lining the walls that are designed to keep the machinery running in case of a power shortage cast an eerie glow in the corridors, washing everything with a pale blue light that makes it seem far colder than it actually is. It reminds you a bit of walking through a tunnel of ice. Your boots click on the stone floor as you follow the lights to Containment Room A1. Finally, you reach the double doors leading inside, flanked by two windows each side. You can see your father inside, his back to you, so you rap on the windows. Nothing. You try again with more force, hurting your knuckles, but he still doesn't turn around. Perhaps it's soundproofed, so whatever's out here can't disturb whatever's going on in there? You glance at the keypad next to the doors, but you've never been to this particular room before so the code for the doors on the upper level is unlikely to be the same one for down here. Then you see movement, shadows beneath the crack between door and floor, and the doors slide open with a mechanical swish and two scientists in lab coats come out, comparing notes and murmuring together excitedly. You slip inside before they can slam shut again, unwilling to stand outside in the chilly corridor for any longer than necessary. "Father!" you call out as you enter. But then you stop dead in your tracks. Ahead of you, trapped behind some kind of containment field...is a monster. "What-?!" you hear your father say in surprise at his daughter suddenly marching through the doors. "What are you doing in here?!" But you don't answer. You can't look away from what's in front of you, even if you wanted to. You know without being told that this is a demon, but it's certainly not what they looked like in any of your history books. A tall, humanoid being that is undoubtedly male and you can tell from where you’re standing that he’s tall. The demon's huge, black wings arch out from behind him, reminding you of a bat. Two horns jut out from a crown of spiky black hair, but aside from that, you're surprised by how… human he looks. Your cheeks warm up as you notice he is shirtless, peculiar burn marks covering over half of his body and seemingly crudely stitched together like a patchwork doll. Despite that, he's impressively sculpted, sinewy muscles on full display and you know that demons were said to be uncommonly strong. Your eyes drift further down, and you spot a whiplike tail wrapped around one leg, topped with a pointed barb at the end, like a club in a game of cards. His arms are in restraints and so are his
ankles, yet he doesn't seem stressed in any way, leaning against the back wall of his holding cell as though he's waiting for something. "What...is this?" you breathe out, finally turning to your father. "This is our latest research subject," your father replies beside you, also staring at the demon, though his expression is surprisingly somber, considering just how amazing it is that they have been able to capture and contain a demon. You've never seen a live demon before, and something tells you that the one before you certainly isn't any garden variety one. "Director Fuji is very excited about this. It's not every day you see a demon this high ranking." Slowly, the demon stirs, raising his head a little. You're perfectly safe outside the containment field, as well was the multiple other safety measures both inside the cell and out of it, yet the sensation of being watched makes your flesh break out in goosebumps. From beneath spiky fronds of hair, the demon's eyes - so blue they almost don't look real - stare right at you, his gaze alone rooting you to the spot, laying all your defenses bare and leaving you feeling bizarrely naked before that look. Watching you without once blinking or breaking his gaze, his lips part in a sneer to reveal two rows of teeth, the fangs sharp and white as an icicle. You find yourself holding your breath as your father speaks again. "Sweetheart, meet Dabi."
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Multipart Commission work - Harry Hook x reader - A Prince Behind the Pirate - part 12 - letters and conspiracies
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“more and more people are rallying for the children of the isle to join us in Auradon” the council was meeting secretly, talking about the recent events of the people of Auradon calling for the children of the isle to be removed and relocated to Auradon“all thanks to your granddaughter Leah”
The ex-queen crossed her arms, glaring at her fellow council members. “it is not my fault that my granddaughters….soulmate” she spat “is a filthy isle pirate boy, trust me, I have plans to get him out of her head, the first being an arranged marriage between Ariels son and (y/n)”
“now how are you going to do that?” Luis scoffed, twirling his white mustache between his fingers “while it's not common knowledge that the pirate and your granddaughter are soulmates if it gets out the whole kingdom would riot for her, you know the consequences of forcefully pulling two souls apart”
Leah waved the old king off, he was a sucker for love and allowed his son to marry a peasant dish maid, he would be no use in the planning of all this. “yes yes whatever, I cannot have a filthy pirate soil my family line, (y/n) needs a prince, one with land and claim to his throne. Jordan will be just fine, with the claim to Atlantica”
The council nodded along with her standing as the “meeting” was dismissed, Luis frowned to himself, he just couldn't condone this behavior…he needed to tell someone.
You sighed, leaning back in your desk chair, blowing your hair out of your eyes. Another stressful day of dealing with Isle affairs, from the food barges to the assholes on the council denying yet ANOTHER transfer request of another 4 VKs.
It had been a long battle but after your stories, along with the cour four and Ben backing you up and their own stories, the people of Auradon were rallying for the removal of the vks from the Isle.
Cinderella herself was voting for the removal of the vks, along with her step-sister Anastasia. Which lead to more people to come on your side, if someone who was raised by a villain was rallying for the vks how bad could they be?
If only your grandmother wasn’t such a bitch and convincing the other council members to keep denying the VK transfer plan. You rolled your neck and got back to business, finishing up another document on the medical barge that was being sent to the isle soon.
A few minutes later a knock sounded at your door, and you turned to look at it for a moment before going back to your work “it's open!”
Audrey stepped through a moment later, a bowl of fruit in her hands “snack break!” you sighed and looked at her, smiling.
“but-“ she tossed a grape at you, pouting.
“no buts, now eat the snackies” you laughed and held your hand out for the bowl, she gave it and a fork to you, spinning around and landing on your bed “sooooo, hows work?”
“pretty good” you shrugged, a mouthful of watermelon “just finishing on a medical document before working on the next barge for fabric”
Audrey hummed and nodded to herself, picking up the tossed leather jacket on your bed, thumbing over the stitched silver hook. “any progress on Harry?”
“no” you groaned, letting your head fall “the council STILL won't approve the plan” Audrey pursed her lips, sucking on her teeth.
“….im really glad I've grown away from grammie, I used to think she knew everything but….shes just-“
“close-minded and thinks about what's best for her and HER line instead of what's best for us and what WE want?” Audrey pointed at you and nodded.
“exactly, shes so demanding and-and god, I wish mom and dad had more of an opportunity to raise us, I never realized that I hardly had a relationship with mom until I actually tried to hang out with her instead of grammie”
You shook your head, it had been hard for Audrey and mom to get their “proper” relationship going, even months later their relationship was slightly strained.
Thankfully for you, you had….not trusted your grandmother since you were a kid and she had grimaced and called a same-sex couple walking down the street “rule-breaking f*gs”…yeah you decided she wasn’t a good role model and mentally disowned her.
When you had told Audrey about it, right around the times she separated herself from Grammie, she had a look of horror on her face, being apart of the LGBTQ community herself, she took it to heart.
To sum it up,  you and Audrey had basically disowned your grandmother and decided you deserved better than a homophobic, controlling bitch of a grandmother.
She still tried to control the two of you but 1) since you met Harry and decided that hey, your soulmates a pirate, let's just go crazy and 2) Audrey was done with her bullcrap.
Your dad had almost died from laughing as you both hid from your grandma one day while she visited. But managed to hide it from her as she asked about you, while your grandpa found you and snuck you some food
Your grandfather was always your favorite out of the two grandparents,  he never pressured you, never forced his beliefs on you, and just let you be yourselves….and also took you to get junk food.
Big difference from your grandmother, but anyway- back to the main plot.
You swallowed the last bit of fruit and placed it on your desk, going back to working on the medical document.
“shoot I gotta get going, Jane wanted to go get brunch at Tiana's place, see you later!” Audrey jumped up from the bed, ran over to give you a quick kiss on the cheek before she bolted from your room to find jane. “have fun” you muttered distracted, typing out your last paragraph, and hitting the save button, opening up the fabric document next.
Time for another three hours at your desk, just the life of the isle ambassador.
Harry grunted as he set a large barrel full of fish on the ships main deck, groaning as he stood and stretched out his aching muscles. He shook his head, feeling beads of sweat dripping from his scalp and down his forehead. “gods” he muttered “the one day I do work and its gotta be so hot” he slicked back his sweat-soaked hair and turned around, heading back to the barge to collect more food for the crew.
As he walked down the gangplank, his oh so precious little sister CJ came trotting towards him, a white envelope in her hand, waving it about in the air “oh Harry~ a letter from your girlfirend~” she called, skipping over to him and holding out the letter.
Harry tried to grab it but CJ twisted and pulled away the letter, sticking her tongue out playfully “you have to be quick-hey!” Harry picked CJ up and plucked the letter from her hand, dropping her back on her feet, snickering as she hit his shoulder.
“and yeh hav’ ta be quicker than tha’” Harry mocked, ripping open the envelope and taking out the letter, grunting as CJ jumped onto him and climbed to look over his shoulder “yeh rotten little monkey” he muttered, opening the letter and grinning slightly as (y/n)s neat handwriting appeared
-hi Harry~ just wanted to write a quick letter to you. The next barges are medical and fabric and should be at the isle within the week, I need Uma to write up any needs on the blank paper I put along with this letter and give it back to the courier that will be retrieving the returns in three days.
I miss you every day and even though we see each other in our dreams, I still wish I could see you.
-until next time, love- (y/n)
Harry sighed, smiling softly at the letter, thumbing over (y/n)s signature. “gag” CJ stuck her tongue out and walked away “im gonna go hang out with someone who isn’t being a love guppy” Harry rolled his eyes and closed the letter, shoving it in his pocket and taking the envelope and blank paper to Uma
You sighed, finally finishing the last document and sending it to the manager of isle affairs. You spun around in your chair and stood, walking to your bed and flopping down onto the mattress.
“uhhhg” you groaned, grabbing your jacket and pulling it over your head, ready to sleep for 10 hours after your grueling day of filling out paperwork.
Your phone sounded off, and you groaned loudly and sat up, your jacket falling to your lap, leaning over you grabbed your phone from the charger, clicking on the message bubble.
-end of part 12-
we are all disappointed at the wedding “short” so heres a x reader for your trouble
taglist that i forgot to do when originally posted to here!
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daemour · 3 years
You’re Still My Universe pt. 4
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Title: You’re Still My Universe
Pairing: Jinyoung x BamBam
Genre: Fluff, hint of angst, parent au
Warnings: VerY direct references to sex
Word count: 3024
Summary: Jinyoung’s life is devoted to his son. But the first time he’s been separated, so many other people barge into his life and start taking up what little free time he has left.
inyoung misses Yugyeom. Yes, it’s only been three days since Jinyoung dropped him off at Jaebeom and Youngjae’s, but he really missed him. He misses being woken up at odd hours of the night when Yugyeom has a nightmare and wants to cuddle with Daddy, he misses making pancakes on weekends for a giggly child, and he misses Yugyeom’s kisses.
Yes, he’s been able to focus on work and they’re happy about it, but Jinyoung hopes they don’t take it for granted. As soon as Yugyeom is with him again Jinyoung swears he might even spoil Yugyeom a little more. He’s been moping around the house every time he comes back from work, half-expecting Yugyeom to be running around and trying to climb up his legs.
He should probably go out to take his mind off the empty and silent apartment before all his time is taken up by Yugyeom again. Jinyoung can hear Jaebeom in his head telling him to go do what kids his age do, even if Jaebeom is only a few months older than Jinyoung.
With great difficulty, Jinyoung gets up from the couch where he had been nursing an almost empty soju. He was just so comfortable. God, he feels older by the minute. Today it’s lounging on the couch, tomorrow it will be retirement.
Jinyoung is too lazy to put on something nicer than the wide-legged pants Jaebeom laughs at and a regular tee shirt, he really does feel like a middle-aged man. But in an effort to save his fashion sense, he puts on his scarf and a jacket before heading out. It’s early April, a little cold for his liking but that just makes going out to a nice, warm, place all the better.
He heads almost immediately to the bar he and Jaebeom used to frequent during their university years. It had been so long that Jinyoung was slightly awkward inside for the first few minutes. It was both familiar and yet different and Jinyoung wasn’t sure if he liked it. Different people, different decorations, and yet, there was a sense of familiarity there.
The bartender is different. Last time Jinyoung went there it was a kind old man who would always give him and Jaebeom an extra drink if it was a slow day. Now, it’s some young man who Jinyoung doesn’t recognise, and who might be foreign. Jinyoung wasn’t ever any good at telling the difference, but the person’s aura doesn’t seem Korean. Jinyoung wonders if he’s just as good at making drinks.
Only one way to find out, he guesses. He orders a quick drink, his usual bokbunja, and watches the bartender out of the corner of his eye. The bartender seems natural, smiley even as he takes orders from not so nice people. Jinyoung thinks he was a good choice of bartender. He had such a pretty smile too.
He wishes Jaebeom was here, Jaebeom always liked looking at eye candy with him. Jinyoung pulls out a phone, taking a quick picture of the menu and sending it to Jaebeom for old times’ sake. He gets a reply soon after of his son sleeping on the couch with the cats, and Jinyoung coos under his breath.
The clinking of a glass draws Jinyoung’s attention away from his phone. The bartender had served his drink with a smile. “What’s got you so peppy?” Jinyoung returned the smile.
“My friend just sent me a picture of my kid and his cats. It’s really cute, do you want to see?” Jinyoung may be a bit of an idiot, showing off pictures of his kids to random people, but he feels like he’s doing the world a service. To his credit, the bartender leans over the counter, smiling wide enough for his thick lips to be stretched thin.
“Of course. How old is he now?” Jinyoung turns the phone around with a proud father's smile. The bartender laughs. “He’s very cute, what’s his name?”
Jinyoung can feel his heart blooming with pride. He now knows what his father felt like when Jinyoung was younger and carted around in a stroller. “He’s four, and his name is Yugyeom.” Jinyoung smiles back at the picture. He should make it his lock screen. And home screen. In fact–
Jinyoung saves the picture, immediately setting it to the picture, and the bartender laughs. “Seems like you really love your son. Your friend’s watching over him, right? So are you relaxing with your partner then?”
Jinyoung takes a sip of his drink to prolong giving his answer. The downside of meeting new people was having to remember that Yugyeom has only one parent. “Ah, his mother died in a car crash three years ago.” He downs the drink, letting the sweet alcohol wash away his bitterness.
The bartender’s eyes immediately soften. “Oh, damn, I’m sorry man. That sucks-" his eyes dart around, catching on a new customer, and he excuses himself with a smile. Jinyoung’s eyes follow him again, smile tugging at the corner of his lips. This man was nice enough, friendly and kind.
His phone binged again, and Jinyoung unlocked it, smiling slightly at his brand new lock screen. Jaebeom had texted him; ‘isn’t the deco a bit different?’ and Jinyoung was immediately launching into a whole paragraph or three about the new bartender. He could tell Jaebeom was just responding to respond, not because he was interested, but Jinyoung couldn’t help himself.
The bartender, now that Jinyoung thought about it, was young. Younger than him, maybe. He had a nice smile too, and big eyes that really did make him seem younger. And pretty lips. And he always smiled at the customers, even the slightly pissed ones, offering them a laugh and a drink.
“I’m glad to see you think so highly of me,” the peppy voice caused Jinyoung to look up from his phone and straight into the bartender’s eyes. The words and the meaning behind them took a moment to register, but when it did, Jinyoung’s face burned hot red and he almost threw his phone across the counter.
“I– It’s not-" Jinyoung stammers out, and the bartender just laughs.
He leans across the counter once more, winking. “Maybe you should know my name first, cutie. I’m BamBam.” Jinyoung’s face turns even redder, and BamBam laughs again. “And you are?”
“I’m Park Jinyoung.” BamBam laughs again.
“So stiff, so formal. C’mon, man, crack a smile!” Jinyoung lets the corner of his mouth pull up, and BamBam mirrors it, only wider. It came so easily to him. Jinyoung wishes he could feel as young as he is. He can’t remember the last time he was out and having fun like this.
Even Jaebeom, only a few years older, had time to do this, even married and trying to get through the adoption process. Sometimes, Jinyoung felt like he was losing himself in Yugyeom, losing who he was. He knows it's a far reach, but he feels tired sometimes. BamBam is still smiling, letting Jinyoung work through his tangled thoughts and feelings.
“Sorry,” Jinyoung finally says. He doesn’t know what he’s apologising for, and neither does BamBam.
“Hey, man, I don't think you’re that much older than me, right? Come on, drop the formalities.”
Jinyoung arched a brow. “I’m still a customer, you’re providing me with a service.” BamBam laughed again. He and Jackson were similar in that aspect, never running out of smiles and giggles.
“Well, it’s a good thing my shift ends in ten. Will you stay?” Jinyoung doesn’t know what his ace looks like right now but it must be funny considering BamBam laughs. “You’re cute when you’re flustered, you know.”
“I don’t know how– I-" Jinyoung flounders for an excuse and BamBam laughs, leaning forward and closing Jinyoung’s open mouth.
“Let me finish up back and when my coworker arrives I’ll come and join you.” Wait, BamBam wants to join him? Before Jinyoung can ask why, BamBam darts off and Jinyoung is left with an empty glass and a bemused smile. BamBam isn’t the same as he is, not at all, but somehow Jinyoung finds that endearing.
The wait is not too long, someone enters and takes their place behind the bar. Jinyoung is about to order another drink when lanky arms loop around his shoulders. He jumps, looking to his right, and there is BamBam grinning at him like a cheshire cat. Jinyoung tries not to be embarrassed but he can feel his ears heat up and BamBam laughs again. His voice is a lot rougher than Jinyoung remembers.
“Hi,” the greeting comes out of Jinyoung’s mouth a lot softer than he’d like and BamBam giggles again.
“Hey. How’s it going?” Before Jinyoung can answer, BamBam turns to the new bartender, exchanging low pleasantries and ordering a drink. Jinyoung once again finds himself looking at BamBam’s gorgeous side profile. He doesn’t know why, but Jinyoung is drawn to him, and it didn’t help that BamBam is insanely pretty. “You could take a picture, you know. It’d last longer.”
BamBam had caught Jinyoung staring again, a shit-eating grin on his face. “I”—Jinyoung fumbles for words as BamBam laughs—”I– do you find joy in teasing me?”
Jinyoung expected an answer that wasn’t flirty, but he had underestimated BamBam apparently. The much skinnier bartender leans in close, breath ghosting over Jinyoung’s cheek. Jinyoung is practically frozen in his seat as BamBam whispers in his ear, “Yes.”
Jinyoung feels like he could explode from the inside, face burning hot and BamBam cackling at his expense. “Stop teasing me,” he whines, “Aren’t I older than you?” BamBam laughs again.
“I don’t know, how old are you?” Jinyoung tells him, and BamBam laughs again. “You are older than me by three years, oppa.” BamBam emphasizes the honorific, and Jinyoung chokes on air, heat pooling in his stomach at the sound of it.
“What the fu-” BamBam cuts him off with an elbow.
“No cursing in the establishment, hyung.” Jinyoung glares at BamBam with no bite.
“You are a pain in my ass,” Jinyoung decides out loud, and BamBam snorts, leaning in and fluttering his eyes at the older, who pointedly turns his head away.
BamBam laughs again, whining and pushing his head into Jinyoung’s shoulder. “Stop ignoring me, hyung,” he draws out the last syllable of the honorific, “Pay attention to me.” Jinyoung turns his eyes to BamBam, mouth tightening at the sight of BamBam’s usual shit-eating grin.
“Then”—Jinyoung is the one leaning forward this time, hand coming around and sliding down to the small of BamBam’s back—”don’t be a brat, BamBam-ah.” BamBam is finally startled, his eyes quavering and his mouth moves from a smile to a gasp.
Jinyoung smiles in satisfaction, not missing the way BamBam’s eyes flick to his lips. He returns to his original sitting posture, and BamBam almost immediately downs his drink. There’s a moment of silence, where Jinyoung and BamBam just sit there and look at each other, until BamBam finally reaches forward and interlaces his fingers with Jinyoung’s.
“Let’s get out of here, hyung.” Jinyoung’s eyes shift to look at BamBam’s hand holding his, feeling his heart warm. “Hyung?”
Jinyoung shakes his head to get out of his thoughts, smiling at BamBam. “Yeah. Where do you wanna go?” BamBam laughs.
“My place, you can meet my cats. I saw your son, let me show you mine,” BamBam jokes and Jinyoung snorts, bumping his broad shoulder into BamBam’s thinner one. The younger whines playfully, pinching Jinyoung with his free hand. “Hyung, stop playing around.” Jinyoung just laughs again, and BamBam doesn’t wait for a response, pulling Jinyoung out of the bar and down the street.
Apparently BamBam didn’t live far, his apartment building only a few blocks away. In the elevator, no words were exchanged. BamBam had pulled Jinyoung in by his neck and pressed a kiss to the older’s lips and the night had started.
Jinyoung’s free hand (the two hadn’t stopped holding hands) made its way to the small of BamBam’s back again, holding him close. BamBam’s lips were full and chapped, and Jinyoung couldn’t get enough of them. But the elevator dings, the doors open, and BamBam pulls away. Jinyoung pouts at the loss, but BamBam pays no heed, dragging Jinyoung down into his apartment.
The door bursts open and BamBam soon pins Jinyoung to the closed door behind him, mouth finding his. “Fuck– BamBam-” Jinyoung gasps out and BamBam laughs breathily. “Don’t worry, hyung, I’ll take care of you, you big baby.”
The words startle Jinyonug, and his eyes narrow, leaning forward and pressing his forehead against BamBam’s. “Hm. I think it’ll be the other way, BamBam-ah. Don’t forget, baby, I’m the hyung.” BamBam’s eyes light up with desire and Jinyoung’s hands travel down, ready for a busy night.
And it certainly was busy. When Jinyoung woke up in BamBam’s apartment the next day, his head hurt like hell. He didn’t really know why, but it probably had something to do with how he kept accidentally knocking his head against the headboard, and possibly how he and BamBam drank even more right before heading to bed for one last round before falling asleep.
Now that he thinks about it, his everything hurts. His legs hurt, his arms hurt, his head hurts, and his dick and ass definitely hurts. But his heart is warm, and his body is warm as well, thanks to BamBam curling around Jinyoung’s waist and burying his head in Jinyoung’s shoulder. Jinyoung’s arm is trapped under BamBam’s shoulders, which may be part of the reason it aches, but he doesn’t really mind. Especially after last night.
Jinyoung can’t help himself, tilting his head and pressing a kiss to BamBam’s temple. He’s grown fond of the younger man. When they weren’t fucking, BamBam was always friendly and funny, and liked to play cards and watch dramas which Jinyoung appreciated. And his cats were adorable.
One, Jinyoung thinks is King, was curled up at the foot of the bed. Jinyoung doesn’t quite know how it got in, but he doesn’t mind, making soft noises to draw the cat over. King doesn’t care at first, but after a few minutes he wanders over, settling on Jinyoung’s chest like he owns it. The weight is comforting, and Jinyoung could almost fall asleep again.
However, before he can, BamBam stirs and yawns, eyes flickering open, his eyelashes tickling Jinyoung’s shoulder. Jinyoung giggles at the sensation, and BamBam smiles lazily up at Jinyoung. “Morning, hyung,” he says, breath ghosting over Jinyoung’s collarbone, eyes still trained on the older.
“Good morning, BamBam,” Jinyoung responds, smiling back and leaning down the best he can to press another kiss to BamBam’s forehead. “Did you sleep well?” BamBam laughs, rough and low in his throat.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that, hyung? After all, you’re my guest.” Jinyoung just laughs, and King presses a paw into his cheek in retaliation at the movement. BamBam snickers. “It seems like you’re stuck in my bed for the time being. Do you want me to get King off or would you like to be served breakfast in bed?”
Jinyoung snorts again, and King, annoyed enough, just retreats to the windowsill, where the sunlight is just as warm as Jinyoung’s chest. “Well, there’s my answer.” BamBam snorts, wrapping his hand loosely around Jinyoung’s wrist. He brings the elder's hand to his mouth, kissing the back of it softly.
Jinyoung can feel the warmth bloom in his chest again, and BamBam rolls his eyes endearingly before hopping out of bed. He only was able to take a few steps, however, his knees buckled and down went BamBam like a sack of potatoes.
Jinyoung leaned over the edge of the bed and laughed. “Having some trouble there, Bam-ah?” BamBam glared at Jinyoung, pulling himself up with the edge of the bedframe and shaky legs.
“Fuck you,” he says with no bite at all, and Jinyoung laughs again.
“I mean, we went at it for almost the whole day, even over your kitchen counter. But if you want…” he trails off and winks, and BamBam looks disgusted but with a twinkle in his eyes.
He leans closer, nose brushing against Jinyoung’s. “Well, hyung, I distinctly remember, on the sofa, you crying because I just wouldn’t let you-” Jinyoung cuts him off with a hand over BamBam’s mouth.
“Okay, you made your point, BamBam-ah. We get it, you fuck just as hard as I do.” BamBam cackles again, not unlike a crow, and Jinyoung can’t help but let a smile tug at his lips. “Let’s just go make breakfast. Jesus.”
Jinyoung manages to stay upright, and BamBam is slightly miffed about it, but it doesn’t mean his legs don’t hurt all the same. Jinyoung can feel his leg muscles screaming at him in agony. They make it to the kitchen aching and giggly, and BamBam crinkles his nose in disgust at the mess on it. “Gross. I forgot we didn’t clean up.”
Jinyoung snorts. “I’ll wipe the counter, you can start breakfast. Sounds good?” BamBam nods, still shaking his head in disappointment. “Why are you so unhappy at the state of your kitchen, Bam? I mean, last night you seemed to enjoy being fucked to tears,” Jinyoung can’t help but tease BamBam back, and BamBam squawks again, smacking Jinyoung on his sweaty and sticky chest.
“Oh, my God, shut up hyung.”
There was no room for banter after that, BamBam had thrown a wad of baby wipes at Jinyoung’s face. While Jinyoung was wiping down every spot they had occupied last night, BamBam was busy frying some food and trying to ignore the look of Jinyoung’s ass as he was on his knees and wiping the floor.
They managed to get through the morning without any side excursions (though Jinyoung did suck off BamBam in the shower and vice versa), and Jinyoung was ready to make his way home when BamBam grabbed his arm.
“Hyung, can I have your number?” Jinyoung tries to keep his face from breaking out into a smile, but he can’t help himself.
“Yeah, sure.”
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On Bruce And Texting:
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Author’s Note: Hello and welcome, this is my first properly written fic, originally posted to my AO3, and now that I have finally created a writing blog, it’s here as well. Please enjoy!!  AO3.  Masterlist
Warnings: Hopefully none, its all cute and fluff <3
Summary: Bruce Wayne texts like he's sending correspondences to the Queen, so of course the little monsters he calls children just have to make fun of him! Brats, the lot of them, but he wouldn't have them any other way.
Features: Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle, all the bats and birds, mentions JL, no crime fighting, only family fluff, jokes and nods to Millennial and GenZ shenanigans.
Word Count: 2.7k
Billionaire, genius, tech expert, father of many children, and all around up-to-date-with-just-about-everything type of person he may be, it is also a well-known Fact that Bruce Wayne, the Batman(TM) himself, can’t text to save his life.
Whether it’s due to his Very Proper English Upbringing, his inability to be informal via written correspondences of any type, his indifference, or the fact that it bothers his children so much, Bruce Wayne has not and never will text with anything less than perfect grammar, spelling, and formality. If he has not sent you a proper letter (featuring a dedication, indentation for every paragraph, signature, and post-script when applicable), he did, in fact, not send you that text. Informality is not his Batman Way(TM) according to his children... he’s not too sure what that even means, but it makes his young ones laugh so it’s probably fine?  
His oldest children (Richard and Jason) were raised in the time of Change, where computers, internet access, social media, and all things similar were only just being introduced into households en-masse. They were young enough to remember a time without such devices and connectivity (both for very different reasons, of course, but they grew up without the newest technology none-the-less). They could understand his relationship to the digital environment more so than his younger children, but they still tended to poke fun at his ‘texting blunders’ regularly. All his kids somehow ended up as brats. He doesn’t know how this happened. It’s certainly not his fault. He blames the League members, and especially Clark Kent, for their defiant personalities. 
His younger children, whom he loves dearly, like to confuse him as much as they possibly can with their slang, egregious spelling errors, and all-around ‘internet humour’. He doesn’t know what ‘wig’ or ‘worm’ or ‘oof’ or anything means. He has no idea what those dances are, or how they relate to the music that seems to always accompany them, and for the love of all that is good, don’t ask him what he thinks of this or that ‘meme’. What even is a ‘meme’, and should he be more concerned about his kids being obsessed with them? He tries, oh my god, does he try to follow the children’s conversations, but they somehow all learned a language he has no idea how to decrypt. His best response to them once they start speaking in tongues is as follows: smile but not too much, listen to child even though he is deeply confused, and pat child on head or shoulder when they are finished and are looking for assurance.  
He refuses to be a parent who ignores or tunes out his children, so he always makes sure to put down his work, his crossword, his tools, or whatever else is in his hands when a child searches him out for a conversation. But somehow, despite all the time he spends around them and their strange words, when he gets text from them comprised of abbreviations, acronyms, and completely random words, he goes a little cross eyed. He would never tell anyone, but he keeps a running list on his phone about the things they say that he has had to translate in the past. Spilling tea? Speaking the truth, usually to do with gossip. Wow? Multiple possible meanings: either a video game, or someone saying it (different pronunciation depending on context and who sent the text). Stickbug? A nice little prank with no ulterior motives, just for fun. Something along the lines of “this basic bitch Karen at the grocery store who is a dirty rat-licker and is def an anti-vaxxer just took 45 (forty-five) minutes to decide she didn’t actually want that almond milk. I Stan the cashier who had to put up with her. Rad af dude.” roughly translates to “A rude, middle-aged white woman who wasn’t wearing a mask and doesn’t believe in disease control or vaccinating her children wasted a great deal of an essential worker’s time in the checkout line. The cashier was very professional in their dealings with said customer and should be commended on their actions.”  
Given enough time, the internet for searching up new slang words, and occasionally some help from a friend (Alfred, Selina, Lucius, another of his children, etc), Bruce could decode and respond appropriately to most texts. He was quite proud of these achievements, and although he didn’t always like how often his children were on their phones or computers or gaming systems, he was quite proud of how integrated and easily they adapted to the ever-evolving world of electronics. All his kids were gifted in many ways, but their ability to learn, their hunger for knowledge, and their perseverance when exploring new and challenging ideas were always the things that he was most impressed by.  
He could do without their comments though. Yes, surprisingly, he did manage to get girlfriends with his type of texting. No, he doesn’t miss the ‘good old days’ when telegraphs were the main form of long-distance correspondence (how old do these brats think he is?!). And yes, he does know what a “tweet” is, and how to “post” on his social media accounts, and what “sliding into your DMs” is (thanks to a frantic search after a WE employee mentioned it near him). The Wayne children, truly whom and what Bruce considers his pride and joy, are cruel little jerks to him sometimes. His hoard of parenting books fails to mention what one should do when their children gang up on them. Bullying is covered of course, but he can’t really talk to a teacher or his guardian about how his second son calls him an idiot sandwich, or that his third son regularly tries to get him to do something “For The Vine”. His oldest and youngest boys are only slightly better in the bullying him department; Richard and his puppy dog eyes when he wants to do something dangerous or not-Alfred-approved, and Damian and his growing collection of pets because “Mother never let me have them, and I am deprived, and don’t you love me Father?”.  
His only good child is his beautiful daughter Cassandra, the flower of the Wayne clan. She gives him hugs, and pats his hands, and can sit with him and just enjoy the quiet and stillness when his other children are not around. Her language skills are improving by leaps and bounds every day, and her heart and spirit are unparalleled, but her main method of communication is in her movements. Her hands, her posture, her dancing; Bruce couldn’t think of a more graceful, fluid, powerful person if the world depended on it. His amazing little girl doesn't bully him (and if she ever does, he probably deserves it, he trusts her), so he turns to her most of all when it comes to communicating with someone else. She doesn’t let him send anything that is “sketchy” or “wrong words, bad meaning, Dad”. He would give the world to his children, but for Cassandra, he would destroy it and build her an entirely new one.
Social media, especially with his terrible children all having accounts dedicated to making him look like a simpleton, was another rocky terrain he had to navigate on the regular. He had professionals in place at WE to run the company’s many accounts, paid top dollar to help appeal and relate to the masses, but he mostly had to manage his personal accounts himself. And so, @TheRealBruceWayne was one of the greatest struggles in his adult life. Why can’t he just retweet every post from @WE_Offical and leave it at that? People should only want to know about what’s new with the company. What do you mean they want to know more about our family and private lives? That’s unnecessary, and not important to the running of the company, right? Right? Why are you laughing?!
Luckily, most people in his life aren’t so intimately aware of his struggles. He can act and lie all he wants about being “hip” and “woke” and whatever else the kids are saying these days when he’s with the JL or in board meeting intermissions, networking with his associates. The Batman knows all and sees all, Green Lantern, of course he understands how “Tiktok” works. The Batman is a robot without a funny bone in his body, Green Arrow, but I did witness him sigh and say “same” when he knocked his cup of coffee over while on monitor duty once. No matter how badly his darling children call him out, the Justice League would be so much worse. So, it’s one of his most importantly guarded secrets... even more so than his secret identity at this point. Being unmasked in front of every Gotham rogue would be less detrimental to him than his “friends” learning of his utter ineptitude in staying on top of the younger generations’ lingo.  
When questioned why the League doesn’t have a group chat or a forum or anything that they can use to contact each other outside of world ending matters and communicator (”because we’re friends, Batman! Ma and Pa Kent would love to have everyone over for a barbecue!”), the person who dared even mention texting isn’t even given a verbal response. They are just glared at, silently, often for several uninterrupted minutes, frozen in place only able to breathe shallowly in fear of setting off the Bat. “You know why” his glare says, “I’ll eat you, your family, and everything you have ever held dear” the younger members hear. No one makes the mistake of asking about it twice.  
Outside of his children and Alfred, and his small circle of true friends involved in all aspects of his life, there is only one more person Bruce allows to know of his Darkest Secret. Selina. Someone most people would recommend he not be involved with. Catwoman: accomplished thief, distraction, chaos-incarnate most nights, and his significant other. Sharp as a whip (ha) and crafty like no one’s business; he is head-over-heels. On again/Off again and all over the place their long romance has been, but no one has ever challenged him, intrigued him, like this clever, beautiful, amazing woman has. He’s brought his partners around his children before, both for their judgement, and for their worst behaviours to vet out any “unworthy” suitors. He trusts them explicitly to tell him the truth about those he allows into the manor; were they rude about Bruce wanting to have group outings, did they say something about Bruce’s money, did they get angry or shout or make anyone uncomfortable while they were here? If his children even looked slightly unhappy with someone he brought them to meet, that person would not be invited back. Children, he finds, have the best sight when meeting people; no motives other than finding safety and love, no fear of consequences from speaking honestly...  
Selina, or Catwoman, as they had known her first, was someone all of his kids liked without issue right off the bat. She would make puns and play word games with Richard, his first Robin, tiny, still working on his English, able to connect with him over their acrobatic abilities. His second Robin, Jason, skittish and feisty as an alley cat, knew of Catwoman and her daring escapades long before Bruce found him. The young boy had a few heroes, and no one (not even Wonder Woman) could compare to the incredible burglar who bought food and jackets and medicine for the street kids in Crime Alley. She was saintly in his eyes, and to this day, Bruce was still working on convincing Jason he was good enough for Selina. Tim and Cass and Stephanie (basically another daughter to Bruce, she spends so much time with the family) all joined the Wayne clan around the same time and officially met Selina as a friend and partner of his, and in the good graces of his first two sons. Selina, in all her nightly business, and many travels and acquaintances, had met the three independently, helping Tim get home safely back to Drake Manor when he escaped to photograph Batman and Robin in the dank darkness of Gotham when he was just a young boy, spending some time with Cassandra when her despicable father left her alone long enough to recover from his rough treatment, showing her the first scraps of kindness in her short life, and watching over and protecting Stephanie as she followed and sabotaged her father Cluemaster and his criminal activities. There was no need to win them over once they met her civilian identity, she had already gained their favour and acceptance, and they were happy to have her near their new family. Damian, his youngest, his biological son, took the longest to warm up to Selina. He would never fault his little boy for fighting so hard against a woman that was not his birth mother, especially after all the manipulation and cruelty dealt to him by Talia for the first decade of his life. But as he began to learn about his father, these people in his father’s life, and this woman that was Not His Mother but “still okay, I guess”, he grew to see her as acceptable. Her cats definitely helped, he’d say, no one with cats that loyal and happy can be a bad person.  
Selina, the love of his life, he’d admit quietly to himself, was also a dirty traitor and in cahoots with his terrible children. She would say his texting skills were “sweet” and “very gentlemanly” when she was asked by anyone outside the family, and privately to him she would say she thought they were “adorable” and “please don’t ever change, Bruce, I like it.” However, nothing seemed to bring her more joy than his children sending her texts and “Snaps” and “memes” about him to her. Sometimes it was screenshots of the family group chat that they forced him to join, where he would post “To whom it may concern...” and “In regards to...” when he needed to reach all his delinquents in a timely manner. Sometimes it was video clips of him staring at his phone intently, then typing something on his laptop, then him reading and nodding along, and then finally going back and responding to the text he received with a small, pleased smile. And sometimes, when he got too injured or was too incapacitated to text coherently, he’d have his nearest able child transcribe his text to her. Depending on who was texting her for Bruce, she could expect many different things. From Dick, she’d get lots of shorthand and silly emojis, and many, many, winky and crying/laughing faces in brackets depending on what Bruce had made him type. Jason, bless him, used proper English most of the time, but would never write a single word of Bruce’s soliloquy to her, instead she enjoyed the TL;DR version: “hurt again, missing you, come home soon, blah blah blah, sappy gross words here, love you”. Tim would allow speech recognition to run on Bruce’s phone, and just let it go until the man passed out. Stephanie, the little chaos child, would film it and send it to her, including all her muffled laughter and shaky camera shots of Bruce emoting with his available undamaged limbs. Cass, still more versed in physicality and emotive movement, would interpret Bruce’s text into mostly emojis, hearts and happy faces and animals, but would include photos, and phrases that she found important enough to type out for Selina. Damian, forever his Father’s son in any way possible, texts very formally, referring to her or his siblings Bruce mentions by last name only, and lots of “Father requests me to tell you...” and “Kyle, know that Father...”. She adores these kids, and once Bruce recovers enough to text her himself, or she gets back to the Manor, they get to laugh about whatever she was sent this time.  
So, while it’s true that Bruce couldn’t text his way out of a wet paper bag, and his kids are sometimes brats about it, there’s probably a lot of different reasons he doesn’t spend too much time trying to improve his skills. Whether it’s the smiles of his children, the giggles of his significant other, or the warm feeling in his chest when he sees all his important people bonding over him, well, in the end, who’s to say?
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grimcorvis · 4 years
Sins Locked Away- The Wedding
Part 2 of 3 ( Part 1 here) 
Party Crasher
The crowd let out several murmurs amongst themselves and turned their heads to see who had spoken out. Grim raised a brow and looked towards the back, keeping his hold on his fiance’s hands. Who on Earth would object to them being married? "Is that...?” 
Abaddon gasped, sensing an aura that sent a shiver down his spine. He called out to the man in question, trying to act calm through his fear. “If I remember correctly, we made sure not to invite you. Leave now or you will be escorted out.”
“Escort me out? I don’t think you’ll do such a thing, my boy.” The voice in the back laughed smugly and stepped out into the aisle. It was an all too familiar man; his eyes ablaze with anger and annoyance, a tight smile on his face. It was the Wizard. Grim growled lowly and narrowed his eyes. “Don’t test us. We know you’re not who you say you are, and we will escort you out by force. Leave.”
Abaddon could only stand there in fear, sensing the man’s aura that radiated so much power. There was only one being he knew of with that much anger and hatred inside them. Abaddon was surprised it took him this long to realize just who he was dealing with. “You’re not welcome here, Satan. Go back to your own circle of Hell before anyone gets hurt.”
There were murmurs and gasps from the humans, demons, and angels around them. The Wizard's tight-lipped smile turned into a sinister smirk. "You finally figured it out? It certainly took you long enough, Abaddon...or should I say, Jeffrey Payne~" He waved a hand over his body as his outfit and appearance changed in front of everyone. 'The Wizard' now wore a long black and elaborate trench coat, tall heeled boots, and a purple and black top hat. Blonde hair wrapped in a braid that rivaled Grim's own, and his eyes were now black and red. 
Grim instinctively stood in front of his bride, scowling. "Dear, stay close to me. We don't know what he could be planning." His hand had a death grip on Abaddon's as Satan began to stroll down the aisle towards them.
Abaddon nodded to Grim, steadying himself for whatever was about to happen. Thousands of possibilities raced across his mind as he stared the devil himself down. ‘Should I tell everyone to evacuate? Is there going to be a fight? Are we even strong enough to fight?’
Reaper was smart enough to read Abaddon's thoughts and shared them with Abigail. "Jeffrey, honey, you worry about you. Your friends and I will get everyone out." She whispered to him as Satan made his way closer and closer. "You two really know how to piss me off. No soul corruptions? No spirits sent to Hell? And I find out you're goofing off up here in a play and having this wedding. And you don't even invite your own boss! Honestly, I'm so wounded." Satan placed a hand on his chest and sarcastically sighed. "Now why do that to little old me?"
“Maybe because we hate you and everything you stand for?” The words fell out of Abaddon’s mouth before he could even think of the repercussions for saying them. “I’ve spent 450 years doing whatever you told me to do, and I hated every second of it. You can’t control me any longer.”
"And me. Both of us are done being your puppets." Grim nodded in agreement, looking back at Abaddon with a small smile. Satan paused in his tracks and was silent for a minute, then burst out laughing. "How pathetic is that! You really don't know, do you? I have total control over you!" He reached into his coat and pulled out a worn and old contract. It unfurled and Satan flashed his sharp teeth. "I believe you'll recognize the signature at the bottom."
Abaddon squinted at the parchment, trying to decipher the signature at the bottom. A wave of cold washed over him as he realized who’s name was signed on the line. “That’s… no, it can’t be…” 
"That's right: Joseph Payne!" Satan cackled and tossed the contract to them. "Your religious father begged me for help since the Almighty didn't help him. Shows how good of a god She is, doesn't it? I wonder what it was he begged me for, why don't you take a look at what your dear old dad did~" He pointed at the signature and the last paragraph before it. Joseph was pale-faced and looked away out of shame. "Son...I am so sorry…"
Abaddon shook as the contract was tossed to him, landing on the floor in front of him. He looked to his father with rage and disappointment. “What did you do?!” 
Joseph heaved a sad sigh and his eyes glanced at the contract. "...I asked for you. For a son. I was terrified that I would get a daughter, you remember that they were treated so poorly back then. I tried to pray to God...but I got nothing. I prayed and prayed for hours, days even...still nothing. With desperation, I turned to him." He looked up at Satan with a frown. "He gave me what I asked for. In return- you would be his when you died…forgive me, Jeffrey."
Abaddon was stunned to silence, trying to process everything that was said. “...All this time… I thought what I did caused me to become… this. Turns out, like most of my problems growing up, you were the cause of it.”
Grim placed his hand on Abaddon's shoulder. "Abby...we can deal with this later. Right now, another asshole requires our attention. Let's focus on getting him out of here and getting everyone to safety." Satan chuckled darkly at the display in front of him. "Oh boo hoo~ Such hurt and betrayal. Come now, come back home with me, my son. It's time for you to really learn how to be a princely demon."
“I am not your son! I’m not your anything, not anymore. You don’t own me.” Abaddon stared down the man that had caused him so much anguish for centuries. “I don’t care how much power you think you have, because you have none against me.”
“You should care, Abaddon.” Satan sneered and brought a hand behind his back. “While I have power, I know that you hardly have any left. If I have to kill you to bring back the demon in you, I will.” He pulled out a horrid scythe from behind him, its blade pulsing with one of the most powerful demonic auras ever felt. It was jagged and purple, adorned with a skull frozen in mid-scream. The humans shrieked and started to flee in random directions at the sight of it.
“Not if I have any say in this. You won’t lay a finger on my bride!” Grim glared at his boss and turned to the podium where a golden cross hung. He pried it off and revealed it to be the holy spear he had ordered from Heaven, the blue spearhead glowing brightly. “Abaddon, stay close to Alistair and Raphael. Have the others help the humans out of here.” He ordered, stepping forward in a defensive stance. “I promised I would keep you safe, and I meant it!”
Abaddon hesitated for just a moment, not wanting to leave Grim to fight by himself. “Alright, just… be careful.” He stood back, the angels standing in front to protect him. He hated not being able to help, but he knew just how dangerous getting in the line of fire for that weapon could be. 
“Playing the hero, are we Reaper? That’s gutsy. I’ve always wanted to know what would happen if I killed you, looks like we get to find out today!” Satan charged forward and raised his scythe at Grim. It was blocked by the spear, the holy and hellish auras crackling and sparking as they met with each clash. Koban and the other demons tried to help the humans out of the garden, while Alistair, Raphael, Reaper, and Abigail stuck close to Abaddon. Reaper whimpered at Abaddon’s feet, scared out of his puppy wits. “Papa, I’m scared! What’s gonna happen to Daddy and the bad man if this keeps going? Is he gonna come for us?”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that…” Abaddon was just as scared as Reaper was, the only difference was that he had to hide it for the sake of everyone around him. 
Spear and scythe continued to strike against each other, the skies overhead growing dark as their fight continued. The Lord of Hell was starting to struggle at this point, but he had just begun his real fight. “You honestly think you can save your ‘bride’, Reaper?” Grim let out a laugh and smirked with determination. “Of course I will, we love each other and I know he would do the same for me.” The Devil narrowed his eyes. “Are you sure? Perhaps he was under my command this whole time, I own him after all. Would he do this for you? Or maybe…” “Maybe...what?” “Maybe he was using you, trying to reach the one thing he lost long ago. He was using you to get to Robin, his first love~ Didn’t you try to get it for him, didn’t the thought of getting Robin back make him happier?”
Grim drank in Satan’s words, repeating them in his head. No- no that wasn’t true- was it? He remembered their conversation they had long ago when Abaddon was recovering his memories. He recalled the kiss he was given when Abaddon was told that Grim would go get Robin’s soul. He did want to see Abaddon happy, and Abaddon seemed overjoyed at that. Did...did he really still want Robin? After all the things they went through together? He paused and shook his head to clear the doubt and lies Satan wove with his words, and that gave Satan his window of opportunity. With a swift swing, the spear was knocked from Grim’s grasp and the blade pierced through his skin. A deep gash opened on Grim’s body, sending blood into the air like rose petals. Thunder could be heard above them as Grim was struck, a flash of lightning streaking across the sky. 
There was only silence after the sound of thunder, the world too shocked by what had just occurred. Satan’s laughter was the first thing to break the silence, followed by Abaddon’s blood-curdling scream. “NNNNOOOOOOOOOO!” He fell to his knees, sobbing as his beloved fell to the cold ground, a pool of crimson around his limp body.
The angels, remaining humans, and the demons all stared in horrid shock as Grim now laid on his back in his own blood, lying limp. His chest still rose up and down, he was breathing but for how much longer? Satan laughed, his scythe blade dripping with Grim’s red blood. The spear rolled in the grass, stopping near the podium. “You were always so quick to listen to my lies, Reaper. Now, look where it got you. All I need to do now is put you out of your misery and reclaim what is mine.”
Abaddon’s sorrow quickly turned to rage. He growled at Satan as his skin darkened, wings ripping holes in the back of his dress. Soon, Apollyon had taken over. “YOU BASTARD! I’M GONNA RIP YOU TO SHREDS!” He picked up the holy spear, smoke burning from where the weapon met his demonic skin.
Satan glanced up from the dying body of Grim and couldn’t help but snicker. “Are you sure? You can barely hold onto the spear, let alone contain your beastly demon side. What will you do if you hurt your family and friends? One false move and you could finish off your precious love before I get to~ Now be a good prince and let me end this.”
‘Prince?’ Something about those words struck something deep within him. Abaddon’s true voice came through Apollyon’s form. “The contract… You made my mother pregnant with me… which, ew by the way, but that means… I’m technically your son. I’m a prince of Hell.” As soon as those words left his lips, Abaddon was engulfed in blue fire. When Abaddon emerged, he was dressed in ancient clothing and armor, nine horns adorning his head. His eyes turned blue, as did everything else that was once red. “I am Asmodeus, Prince of Hell, the demon of lust, and the true ruler of the nine circles.” The holy spear had changed form to a demonic sword glowing with blue flames. “Looks like you're my bitch today~ I wonder, should I decapitate you, or castrate you first?”
Everyone now stared at what was once Abaddon, now Asmodeus. This was possible? Even Satan seemed a bit surprised at this. The angels and the others backed up and gave him space, knowing this was going to be a big fight between father and son. The Devil frowned, raising his weapon at the prince. The blood was still fresh and dripping from the blade of the scythe. “True Ruler? I’m warning you, boy. Back down and let me finish the Reaper, and I might let you off with an easy punishment when we return to Hell. You may be my son, but I can still kill you too.” Thunder rumbled again, louder this time as his red eyes burned at Asmodeus’ blue ones.
“Oh please, you kill me? I’d like to see you try.” Asmodeus readied himself for a fight, brandishing his sword. “Bring it on, Lucifer.”
“I plan to, Asmodeus!” Satan hissed and charged at his son, eyes blazing and teeth bared. He swung his scythe as he got close, causing Abigail, Reaper, and the angels to run out of the way. While Satan was away from Grim, Raphael rushed over to his dying body to try and see what he could do to heal him. “Get him, Papa! Kick his a- butt! Avenge Daddy!” “Go, Jeffrey! You can do it, sweetie!” Abigail and Reaper cheered him on from the side, giving the prince moral support.
Asmodeus yawned as their weapons met, easily parrying Satan’s attack. “Boooooring. Can’t you at least try to kill me? It’s no fun if it’s this easy.” He hurled a ball of blue fire at Satan, much more powerful than his usual abilities. 
Satan gasped and dodged the blue fire as it landed in the grass a few feet from where Grim and Raphael were. “Eep! Careful!” Raphael warned as he was trying not to panic. Clearly, healing wasn’t going well and the battle wasn’t helping. The Lord of Hell growled and launched his own fire at Asmodeus, continuing to fight back with his bloody scythe. “I’ll add your blood to your love’s! Perhaps I can beat you close to death and you can watch as I kill everyone here!”
Asmodeus dodged the fire as it hit the podium behind him. “Now this is getting interesting~” He lunged at Satan, taking the fight more seriously this time. 
Thunder clapped again with another flash of lightning, rain beginning to fall from the sky as their battle waged on in the Garden. Abigail and Reaper continued to cheer on Asmodeus while Alistair and the other demons finished getting the humans out of harm’s way. Satan realized he would have to start playing dirty again. “Are you proud of this now? Fighting your own father, your world crumbling around you, and your lover dying? It’s your fault you know~ If you never slacked off or met him, none of this would have happened. You caused Grim to get hurt, you’re the one who is letting him die~”
Asmodeus was unphased by his words, being the combination of Abaddon and Apollyon made him a surprisingly rational thinker. “Exactly, I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for Grim. I’d still be working for you, doing a job Abaddon hates and Apollyon only tolerates for little to no pay. Instead, Abaddon is finally happy after centuries of your abuse. I can feel each scar that was caused by you. Now, you’re going to feel the same.”
Well, Satan didn’t expect this from Asmodeus. His little mind tricks usually worked on everyone, even demons. Now to have Asmodeus easily not play into his words caused him slight shock..and building anger. “Hate to break it to you, but I shall walk away without a scratch. You will have more than a few puny scars when I’m done with you. I’ll tear your tail off and let the dogs eat you alive!”
“Dogs, huh? Not a bad idea.” Asmodeus turned to look at the crowd of Abaddon’s loved ones. “Reaper, come to me.”
Reaper’s eyes flashed yellow and he nodded, taking off the pillow saddle and running over to Asmodeus. As he ran, his puppy body started to get larger and his horns grew on his head. His fur rippled as his fat turned to muscle, his teeth becoming sharper and his eyes glowing bright yellow. In a matter of seconds, standing beside the demon, was a full-grown Reaper the Hellhound. The giant wolf-dog growled at Satan, saliva dripping from his jaws. “I’m ready to fight by your side, Papa.”
“Good boy.” Asmodeus turned to Satan, a smirk on his face. “They grow up so fast, don’t they?”
“Grr, this will change nothing! This is just another creature I need to get rid of to end you!” Satan growled, seemed like his son didn’t even want to go with him by force. “Let’s finish this, you’ll have quite the punishment waiting for you in the deepest circle of Hell!” His scythe started to glow and purple flames lined the blade, light flickering against the crimson blood still there. “Now, show me what a ‘Prince of the Nine Circles’ can actually do.”
“With pleasure~” Asmodeus took a fighting stance once again, preparing to strike. “Reaper, sick ‘em.” 
“Yes, Papa!” Reaper charged at Satan and bared his teeth, latching on to the arm that held the scythe. His teeth dug into Satan’s flesh, causing his own blood to trickle down the wound. “AGH! Get off of me, you stupid flea-ridden runt!” He shouted, dropping his scythe and smacking Reaper in his face to get him off.
Asmodeus saw his opportunity, striking Satan straight through his heart (if he even had one). Black blood pooled around his sword, adding fuel to the blue flames that engulfed it. “Too easy. Better luck next time, Satan.”
“GAH-” Satan only had time to gasp as the holy blade impaled him, and he looked down at his own chest as his blood dripped down his coat. Reaper let go of his arm and Satan looked at Asmodeus. “Heh..kind of funny, isn’t it? One life for another… I couldn’t be more proud of the bastard you are.” As he spoke, his physical form started to fade away in the wind like ash. “Good luck, Prince Asmodeus. If you defeated me, then you’ll make a damn good ruler of Hell.”
“I’ll see you in the 9th circle… father.” Asmodeus removed his sword from Satan’s body, causing the rest of his form to turn to ash. He fell to the ground, exhausted as he returned to Abaddon’s form which was now bruised, bloody, and burnt. 
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The Light In My Life - Jean x Reader
A/n: Oh my god, this is so SAD. I PROMISE ya I will write a fluffy fic for Jean after this, I already got an idea from someone. It will happen! In the meantime, have some feels... College!AU
TW: Attempted Suice, Blood, Wounds, Cutting
Nothing was going right in his life.
Of course he had you and he had his best friend Marco so that wasn’t so bad. You two were the best things that had ever appeared in his life but his situation back at home was unbearable. His parents hated him and always treated him like shit for no reason. He tried many times to work things out but it would always end up with one of them shouting at the other in a big fight. 
Jean found college as an escape. He was far away from that hell, enjoying the company of his friends, his girlfriend, and joining clubs to keep his mind busy, but when the semester was over or they were on a week’s break from school, his heart raced with anxiety at the thought of going back home. 
It was two days away from the spring semester being over and while students were packing up their stuff to go home to spend time with their families or do other summer activities, Jean stood alone in his dorm room, sitting on the floor with his back pressed to his bed. He couldn’t handle it anymore, he couldn’t handle life anymore. He didn’t have his own place as a permanent escape and so school was only temporary. Dark thoughts clouded his mind, unable to see any light and hope for a better future. It pained him to think that he would leave his girlfriend behind and his best friend who would suffer greatly if he was gone but at the same time, part of him just wanted to leave this world behind.
He sat there shaking, knife in his hand that he had found somewhere in his room, staring at the wall in front of him. His heart was racing, his hands and forehead sweaty for what he was about to do and when he would do it. He looked at a photo of the two of you on his desk, tears piling up at his eyes from the pain. He decided that he should leave you some kind of note, something that you could read. There was a little part of him that wanted to be saved from this hell and so he found the fastest way to reach you. He pulled out his phone from his pocket, letting the knife go for a brief second so he could type up his last words. Minutes went by and he had finally pressed send, resting his phone at his side before picking up the knife again. He gritted his teeth as he held the knife at his left wrist, his logical side of his brain telling him to stop. Fighting and winning the battle in his own head, he cut deep into his wrist, biting down on his lip harshly at the pain. He continued cutting, bringing the knife towards him on his arm and watching the crimson blood flow out of his veins, his breathing heavy as he did so. He suddenly felt weak, his vision becoming blurry and dizziness taking over as the knife fell from his grasp. His breathing began to slow down as he looked over at the photo again. At least it was going to be over... 
It was half past noon as you were eating lunch in the cafeteria at your university. You settled for a simple sandwich and a fruit since you didn’t really find today’s food appetizing. Everyone rambled on about what they were going to be doing during their summer break, whether it was parties, the beach or being with family. You rolled your eyes at them, chuckling softly before you realized what was to come. You were well aware of Jean’s situation back home and knew that he dreaded going there. You met his parents one time and it was a horrible experience, something that Jean swore he would never put you through again. You wondered where he was at since he had been quiet for most of the day but you figured he was busy packing his stuff. Getting up to toss your trash away, you walked back in the direction of your table to head on out of the cafeteria until you got a text message on your phone. Unlocking your screen, you saw it was from Jean and felt some joy that he finally wrote to you but noticed that he wrote to you an entire paragraph. You took the time to read it while you were still standing.
From: Jean
“Y/n… from the moment I met you, I knew that you were the right girl for me. The way your smile lit up a room only shed some light to my dark life and I finally felt some joy with you ....”
You smiled thinking it was a random love note he wrote to you. You continued reading the message. 
From: Jean
“With summer break coming up soon, the light in my life would be leaving back home and my life would be back in darkness… I don’t think I can handle going back there… To be honest I don’t think I can handle living at all…”
Your eyes widened at his words, wondering what he was referring to with that last sentence but not wanting to think the worst. You continued reading. 
From: Jean
“What I’m about to do isn’t your fault. It isn’t Marco’s fault either. You guys always tried your best, cheering me up when I felt low and letting me stay at your places whenever you could, no matter how far it was. I don’t want you to cry, even though I know that's impossible but I hate seeing you cry… I don’t know if I’m writing this to you for some kind of saving but.. I just want you to know that you did the best you could. I love you and always keep smiling okay?”
“Oh my god…” you whispered as your heart literally dropped right there, trying to process the message you just read. Your heart then began racing at the idea of Jean, your Jean taking his own life. You were frozen in place for a second but eventually snapped out of it and ran out of there in a panic. You ran as fast as you could, not caring who saw or spoke to you to ask you what was wrong. You just had to find Jean.
You dashed across the halls, eventually finding his dorm room, knowing that that was the only place he could possibly be at. You tried to open the door but realized it was locked and that drove you more mad in fear. 
“Jean! Open the door!” you yelled out as you pulled on the door handle forcefully, trying to pry the door open. It didn’t work and you didn’t get any response.
“Jean god dammit, open the door!!”. Your screams were becoming louder with every passing second, banging on the door now for him to open it. If he wasn’t opening the door by now, it meant he was either about to harm himself or the harm had already been done. 
In that moment, you heard your name and footsteps running towards you as fast as they could from the end of the hall. Looking at who it was and hoping they would help you, you noticed it was Marco. 
“Marco! He’s trying to kill himself!” you yelled out to him, panic racing though your body.
“I know, he texted me. Move back!”, he called out, his own fear written all over his face. You moved back as he charged through, his side making contact with Jean’s door as it finally opened. What you saw next was something you had wished to never see in your life.
“NO!” you screamed as you saw Jean sitting on the floor, his back pressed to his bed. You saw the crimson colored blood flowing out of his veins and onto the floor, wondering how long he had been like that and if he was already gone. Not wasting any time, you ran to his side while Marco froze for a second. 
“Jean! Jean!” you cried out as you cupped his face to see if you would get some type of response since his eyes were closed. You placed your finger on his neck to check if he had a pulse and finally felt one thought it was very weak. At least it was a sign that he was still alive.
You noticed Marco was frozen in that second and you had to snap him out of it.
“He’s still alive! Marco, go find something to tie up his arm with, a sock, a tie, anything!” Finally snapping out of it, he went to check for what you requested. You focused your attention back at Jean.
“Jean, baby please look at me” you pleaded as he finally took in a weak breath and opened his eyes. He tilted his head slowly to look at you, tears staining his cheeks, the light in his eyes slowly fading out but still holding on. He was pale as ever, his color fading the more blood flowed out from his arm.
“What did you do Jean.. why”, you asked him through your sobs, knowing why he did it but still not accepting the scene before you.
“I got something! Here!” Marco yelled out, handing you two pairs of socks while he had his own. Letting go of Jean’s face, you looked at his arm horrified at what he did. The cut was pretty deep with no means to stop bleeding. You lifted his arm slowly but shaky, wrapping the socks under and around it, tying it tight to stop the bleeding. The blood would eventually seep through but the socks but it was what Marco could find. You were almost done when you saw Jean’s head tilt to the side from the corner of your eyes causing you to hand off your last sock to Marco before cupping his face forcefully, his blood now staining his cheeks.
“No no no, don’t you dare close your eyes on me, Kirschtein! You stay awake for me, you hear me!?” He opened his eyes once more, fighting the battle to stay awake before he finally said his first words.
“Don’t cry…”, he whispered, only causing you to cry more.
“We gotta take him to the nurse so they can call for more help from there. I gotta move him.”
Listening to Marco’s words, He placed his arm carefully on his stomach as he went to pick up Jean from his right side. He lifted him up, both of your hands covered in his blood as you left the room and rushed to get him some help…
It had been hours since Jean attempted to end his life. The nurse did all she could before calling an ambulance to take him to a hospital. Jean ended up needing surgery because of how deep the cut in his arm was, which only made your heart ache with anticipation as you waited in the waiting room with Marco. His blood still stained your hands even though you had tried to wash it off, Marco’s hands being in the same state. Staring off into space, Marco finally broke the uncomfortable silence.
“I’m gonna talk to my parents to see if Jean can live with me. He can't go back home, especially in his state”, he gritted through his teeth, his hands balling up into a fist. He cursed at Jean’s parents in his head.
“Right…” you slowly said in response to him.
You wanted to know what Jean told Marco in his last text message so you asked him for his phone. Handing his phone over, you read through it, Jean telling him how he was the best friend he could never ask for and asking for him to take care of you after he was gone. Your eyes became watery again, realizing that he had a whole plan laid out after he was gone. Handing the phone back to Marco not being able to read the texts anymore, the doctor came into the waiting room, causing you two to stand up and rush to him.
“Is Jean okay??” you and Marco asked him at the same time. 
“Mr. Kirschtein will be fine though he lost a lot of blood. He needed a blood transfusion but he is out of danger. You’ll be able to see him soon.”
“Oh thank God” you replied, your hand clutching your chest as more tears fell from your eyes and leaned into Marco. 
“Do you know his parents contact information?” the doctor asked. “We went to check his records but he didn’t have any”.
“We’re his family” you said, disregarding that he still had living parents. If they didn’t care for him when he was alive, they wouldn’t care if he was dead. “We take care of him”.
“I see,” he replied. “In that case, I’ll notify you when you can see him, he’s still asleep from surgery.”
You nodded in response before turning over to hug Marco tight as a sob escaped your lips once more. He cried too.
Some time had passed before the doctor notified you that Jean was awake.Heading over, you walked into the room slowly as your eyes widened to see Jean on the bed, your breathing slightly unsteady. His face was facing the window, his arm bandaged up heavy before turning over to you two. The doctor gave you three privacy as you walked over to Jean’s side.
“Hi baby… how you feeling” you softly said, brushing his short light brown locks away from his face. 
He opened his eyes and blinked slowly as he sighed at your touch, giving you a soft smile. “Tired”, he said in a whisper. He took notice that Marco was standing next to you. “Hey”, Jean said to him.
“Hey.. you gave us a scare there man… we thought we lost you.”
He blinked in confusion as to what Marco was talking about before he slowly looked down at his arm and then back at you, realizing what he had done. He didn’t have a perfect memory of the events that happened but he remembered the pain that he felt in his chest and the photo he saw of you two. He took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry… I -”
“Don’t be sorry… you have to focus on getting better for yourself, for Marco, for us” you replied, holding his hand softly, fearing not wanting to hurt him. 
His mind then remembered that he had to go home soon. His breathing slowly sped up, the monitors numbers changing ever so slightly.
“Hey hey what’s wrong, you’re heart rate is speeding up”, you said, eyeing the machine in concern before cupping his face.
“Home”, he said, his eyes becoming watery.
“You don’t have to worry about going back there ever. I already spoke to my parents about it and you’re coming to live with me. We’ll take care of your stuff and you too”, Marco said.
His heart rate became steady again before looking at Marco and then back at you, as if he couldn’t believe the words he was hearing. His face started becoming red as he let out a sob. 
“Oh, Jean”, you replied, holding him close but conscious about his arm. You kissed his lips through the tears and then on his cheeks, tasting the salty tears on your lips. “It’s gonna be okay…”
And everything did turn out okay. Marco took care of Jean’s things back at the university and at his home, hearing harsh words from Jean’s parents but he didn’t care. Jean eventually got cleared to go home and being given a second chance at life with you and Marco at his side, maybe he could finally feel pure happiness once again.
Tagging: @humanitys-hottestsoldier @paopufruittt @mysteriousmagicx @angelanimedesaray @huntersbunker @final-fantasy-xv-nut
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hollenka99 · 4 years
Now That I’ve Played SoulScape...
This will be a spoiler review so please don't read this if you plan on playing the game yourself. Will naturally also contain spoilers for SeptiScape too so the same goes for that game as well.
General Comments
(This was originally all bulletpointed but I decided it was easier to read as paragraphs instead)
It's so good to see the -Scape (Scapeverse?) boys again. It's been over 2 years so their face design looks slightly different but that's expected when it comes to continual development as an artist. My favourite new looks are Chase, Marvin and Nega.
Also voice acting???? Hell yeah! Marvin’s expressions give me the kind of vibe that they were inspired by cat memes and his voice acting seems perfect for him. 
I was just wandering around the woods, exploring the area, when Angus makes a pun involving loss. It took me by surprise and I spent a full 10 seconds being super confused by this seemingly random comment before noticing the trees. Then I just wanted to flip my laptop. I can't remember if it was Dev Ritchy or Dev Blake who claimed responsibility but I want you to know I was glaring at my screen for a minute because of what you did. Have been lowkey wondering whether Lucky Luciano was there since this happened last night.
Straight up melted when Bing saw Angus in his true appearance and they started calling each other sunflower and angel etc. Their reunion during the good end and any/all interactions they have in this game send me every time.
I spent so long just wandering around Attitude City. Mostly because I was too dumb to realise the cliffs were to the side and you could get the bus to the skating rink. At least I got to explore the place thoroughly.
Loved seeing some characters from SPG making cameos. I saw Mack’s sprite and went “Surely not... oh my god it is!”. The dialogue with Billy where he makes references to chapter 1 of GITS were brilliant.
The only issue I had was in the church because for some reason it was super laggy and quite difficult to do anything in that room. But that it is just one small area that slightly dampened the experience. Everything else in the game ran smoothly.
Chad just showing up and being like "Well... how about I let someone of your exact description have all this weed of the dankest degree for free." was iconic.
Fuck Stacy. That's all I'm going to say. But it does go to show that men aren't the only ones who are capable of being abusers and thank you for showing that.
I had to take a moment when Jackie told his younger self that they were braver and stronger than they gave themselves credit for.
I am so glad Marvin has a friend like Beau who had his back while he was being taken advantage of. The world needs more Beaus.
I loved the art on Beau's cards. If it’s mentioned in the credits, sorry because I think I may have missed it but kudos to whoever designed those cards.
I could watch that empty room all day. I'm sure there might have been an easter egg if you chose to stay in the room multiple times but I didn't pursue it. Didn't even see Angus show up because I was anticipating a mild jumpscare from [OMITTED] so my hands were covering my face.
Not entirely sure what the cause of Emma's death is. When Henrik said he blamed himself, I originally thought he might have made the fatal mistake of letting a baby sleep in his bed. But I doubt Henrik would do something that dangerous, especially since he has a background in medicine. It's more likely to be an unfortunate case of cot death/SIDS, which just makes it sadder because sometimes that stuff can simply Happen and nobody is to blame, least of all the new father who simply left his daughter alone for a short while to get some sleep.
Bing's boss battle was so tough, I swear. He kept doing that attack where multiple people suffered a fair bit of damage. I lost to him once because I did not stock up properly. Classic case of not having enough BB when shops were available then not having access to shops when I did have enough BB to buy a bunch of white choc cookies and Jameson. 2nd time lucky though.
I found burn damage is your best friend with bosses. Now I will forever swear by this method whenever I replay this game.
I managed it on my first try but man, the fight between Anti and Angus was rough too. I couldn't get Angus' code manipulation trick to work with Anti so no burns to help me this time. Plus, the guy kept freezing time and healing himself like wow, who'd be mean enough to replenish their HP mid-fight. Anyway, it ended up being a case of them continually hitting each other with occasional misses and me feeding Angus cookies whenever his HP grew yellow.
When it came to the scene where Anti gets his souls back, I honestly thought Angus would give up his chance of feeling whole with nothing to fall back on because of the card Beau showed us where someone falls off a tower. I'm really glad Angus got to have a good ending too. Both he and Anti deserve to be whole and happy.
No but seriously, I think it's really cool that both of the SeptiScape endings are canon. I have no clue who the shadow person could be but I am hyped to eventually find out.
I can't wait for EndScape to be released and we have literally only gotten SoulScape in the past 24 hours.
Angus and Anti
Thought these two deserved their own section since the game largely revolves around them and their conflict of wanting to exist but needing Posi and Nega to do so.
That first bit with Anti's horror world creeped me the hell out. It was after 10pm, maybe around 11 even. My room was completely dark except for my screen. I was so tense the whole time I walked around, incredibly wary throughout that section. I was living when Anti confronted Angus once you caught up to him. And when Angus went to find him in the woods near the campsite? My mind kept yelling 'ThisisbadThisisbadThisisbad' as we approached.
After that first bit, I looked forward to any Anti section because I love his character. He was completely justified in his motivations. I mean, Angus admits to stealing Nega as soon as he returns to his house with Sean after their fight in the first game. If anything, I'm surprised it takes him as long as it does for him to realise [OMITTED] is the true Anti.
I really liked the truth that it hadn't just been Anti that Angus affected when he grabbed Nega. There was also Henry and that universe's Bing, among others presumably. They all deserved a happy ending and it looks like they're getting it after all these years. I think it was very sweet that they threw Anti a birthday party as an epilogue.
Oh also, seeing the dynamic between Angus, Posi and Nega was really cool. They've obviously grown close to each other in the year that's passed since the events of SeptiScape. The souls admitting they felt returning to Anti was the right thing to do was the perfect kind of gut punch. You know deep down that they're right and Anti does indeed need them but at the same time you're going "Wait no, you can't leave Angus!"
All in all, I think the whole story arc concerning Anti and Angus was really well written. You want to dislike Anti because he's the antagonist to Angus' protagonist, an aggressive one at that. But you can't help siding with both of them.
Either way, I already said it this morning when I'd just finished the game about 15 minutes before but well done. You did yet another great job with this one. SeptiScape is one of my favourite games in general, I can tell I'll be replaying SoulScape several times like I have with the first game and I have no doubt I'll be here in 2-3 years gushing about EndScape just like I am right now.
Once again, thank you for creating these games. Now go grab a slice of cake, watch your favourite movie, put an album you love on blast... whatever it is that you do to treat yourself. You've all earned it.
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ckret2 · 5 years
would you mind explaining "Careless whisper" "I will always love you" and "Friend please"? no pressure though!
Oh god you chose two of the meme-iest songs! Both in one post! I can’t believe it!
This took me forever to write because I wrote half of it and then got distracted for weeks and didn’t get back to it until I got a fresh ask today with some more songs and I was like, crap, I should finish this one.
So the first three paragraphs in this post still apply here, I’m not gonna copy paste them, go read those paragraphs if you haven’t yet. tl;dr i’m answering questions about why i included songs on my radiosnake spotify playlist because i like rambling for thousands of words at a time, also the playlist is based on a fic i wrote.
Feel free to keep sending me questions about more songs on the playlist. Explanations under the read more, assuming the read more works, which I make no guarantee of because this is tumblr.
Careless Whisper (Lyrics)
… except, the jazzy version.
So lemme tell you a story about how “Careless Whisper” came up and then I’ll explain why it actually belongs on the playlist.
The only way I can outline a story is by sitting down with another person and rambling the plotline at them, copy pasting it into another document, and bam that’s an outline.
Right now, in the disjointed process of outlining a sequel to Cold Day In Hell, I’m sort of chunking random ideas at a couple friends to see what sticks. One idea is that, when Alastor is drunk, he’s 90% worse at pretending he totally doesn’t care about Sir Pentious at all. If they’re ever drunk at the same social event, he will subtly (not subtly at all) follow him around all night like a puppy and hang on to his every word, automatically playing this sort of nonsense in the background.
One of my friends announced sadness that it didn’t start off with “Careless Whisper,” so I checked Postmodern Jukebox (the fastest/easiest/most common way to translate a modern song into Alastor Aesthetic) to see if they had made a jazz cover (they had), and I reassured my friend that the PMH cover definitely played every second song while drunk!Alastor was mooning over (and/or looming over) Sir Pentious.
And then I went oh goddammit the lyrics actually fit, dammit, now I’ve gotta put it on the playlist.
So I put it on the playlist.
Here’s the great thing about song lyrics. Even if everyone knows that the lyrics mean one thing, language is inherently ambiguous and you can totally just decide to read the lyrics a slightly different way if you really really want to and the exact wording doesn’t make it impossible. Everyone KNOWS that “Careless Whisper” is about cheating, but it never SAYS it’s about cheating (like, it says “cheat a friend,” but like the singer could’ve cheated their friend at cards? it doesn’t say), so you can just decide that it’s about any other kind of betrayal in a relationship! Like, say, blowing up your ally’s steampunk airship fleet. The song never says it ISN’T about a steampunk airship fleet.
So let’s just establish right now that this song is no longer about cheating. That’s out the window.
In the original song, “dancing” is probably intended as a metaphor for having sex. In THIS context, it is literally dancing. The emotional core of CDIH, the moment around which the rest of the story rotates, is the night that Alastor and Sir Pentious dance together. And although Alastor no doubt dances plenty of times after leaving Sir Pent, he’s certainly never going to dance like that again—like he’s with a lover, like he wants to be touching his dance partner, rather than either alone or while distastefully putting up with physical contact with someone who doesn’t matter to him.
The interpretation of the line “careless whispers of a good friend” that I think is probably Most Common is that a friend of the singer’s lover warned the lover that the singer is cheating on them, and the singer thinks that the fact that the lover now knows is worse than not knowing at all, because now that the lover knows they can never go back to normal, hence why the friend was being careless. Aside from any questions of, like, whether or not that’s a sound opinion at all—I’ve always interpreted that line differently. Since the singer refers to their lover as a “friend” (“should have known better than to cheat a friend”), I’ve always assumed that the singer would refer to themself as their lover’s friend, and so the “careless whispers of a good friend” were the whispers that the singer themself made that started whatever affair it is they had.
And so that assumption—that the “good friend” that said something they shouldn’t have is the singer—is the interpretation I’m carrying into the song’s inclusion in the playlist. In this case, it’s Alastor’s decision to lie to Sir Pent about how he feels about him (claiming that he never cared & that he was just screwing around with his emotions) before running off that are the “careless whispers” because, although not exactly whispery, they do have the same effect as in the song: ever since he said them, there’s been an unmendable rift between Alastor and Sir Pent (which was, like, his objective, but he’s still not happy about it)—and, more than that, it was very careless. Alastor had intended for his actions to just push Sir Pent away, not to effectively ruin Sir Pent’s ambitions to rule hell completely. But, that’s what happened. Because he didn’t think anything through. He just said and did the very first things he could think of to push Sir Pent away. Extremely careless.
And, of course, the specific version that got included was chosen because it sounds jazzy. Yay for PMJ, making all sorts of songs Alastor-ready.
I Will Always Love You (Lyrics)
… except, the super dark version.
So I figured out at some point that the easiest way I was gonna find Alastor music was through jazz-style covers of songs a la Postmodern Jukebox, 1) because PMJ has been actually mentioned as among the limited varieties of modern music that Alastor would listen to by virtue of the fact that they do covers that sound like what he used to listen to, and 2) because Puff here isn’t actually a fan of jazz and it’s a lot easier for me to slowly wade into the water via jazzy covers of songs I already know than it is for me to fling myself into the deep end like “appreciate Jelly Roll Morton! Appreciate Jelly Roll Morton NOW!!!”
(I am slowly and laboriously training myself to be a fan of jazz, because Alastor is a RADIO HOST from NEW ORLEANS in the ROARING TWENTIES AND A LITTLE BIT OF THE THIRTIES, i will NOT be writing him while in complete ignorance of a subject that probably occupied a huge portion of his life.)
So due to the fact that I was looking for PMJ-esque genre-switching covers of songs, I drifted over to other genre-switching song cover acts like Chase Holfelder to go through the songs and go “hm wonder of any of these work." This song is an exception to the genres I’m looking for for Alastor, but it still makes the list because like, the vibe is just right.
Have y'all ever actually listened to/read the lyrics to "I Will Always Love You” before? Not just the AAAND IIIIIIIII-IIII-IIIIIII WILL ALWAAAYS LOVE YOOOOO-OO-OOOU bit but the actual lyrics. They’re sad. The lyrics are “I deeply love you but if I stayed with you I would only hold you back so i’m going to leave you because it’s for the best but i’m super sad about it and i always will be.”
Now, that doesn’t 100% line up with Alastor’s situation. Because, like, obviously, he was doing the exact opposite of holding Sir Pent back when they were together, and fearing holding Sir Pent back was not the reason he left.
But it is among the reasons he avoids the hell out of him now. The primary reasons, of course, are still “being in love is scary and i do not want to do that so maybe if i avoid him i can continue pretending that i am not in love?” and “lmao he justifiably hates me now so why try"—but #3 on his list is the recognition that, since they broke up, Alastor’s actions have caused a constant cascade of events that have held Sir Pent back ever since. (And Alastor also suspects that there might actually be some kind of legitimate curse or fate or something going on here—that part of Alastor’s role in hell is playing the part of Sir Pent’s personal hellish divine punishment.) So he didn’t leave because he’s sabotaging Sir Pent’s ambitions; but he sabotaged Sir Pent’s ambitions because he left.
And therefore, as a consequence, he should stay away from Sir Pent now. He shouldn’t beg forgiveness and a second chance—because he doesn’t deserve them, and because he might make it worse.
This particular cover of the song really kicks the anguish up into high gear. The most common Whitney Houston version is like, okay she’s brokenhearted, but also somehow somewhat empowered by the brokenheartedness—like even though she’s leaving sad and bitter, in her heart she knows that the decision she’s making is for the best for her beloved, and she can draw strength from that. There is no drawing strength from the decision in the Chase Holfelder version—just using it up. It’s like he’s burning through all of his reserves of strength to push his loved one away. When Whitney hits the big note, she’s pulling power into herself to belt that out. When Chase hits the big note, he’s pouring out every last bit of power left inside his body. You can imagine Whitney walking away from this song with her head held high and her back straight but Chase is just gonna collapse to his knees with his shoulders hunched and head bowed—completely empty, a husk. That’s the vibe I want with Alastor—that every single day of his self-imposed exile he’s losing a little piece of himself, hollowing himself out. He can’t draw strength from it.
Typically, when I’m picking songs for this playlist, I don’t pay much attention to the gender of the singer (my only main priority on this playlist is that by the time it’s done I want the genders of the singers to be roughly balanced on both Sir Pent’s part and Alastor’s part), but in this case I think the fact that the singer is male contributes to it working for Alastor the way another version with a female singer wouldn’t. Not entirely sure why—maybe because, even though the voice doesn’t sound anything like his, it’s easier to actively imagine Alastor singing the song when it’s got a male voice? Maybe because, thanks to Sexism In Society, a woman saying "I’m leaving you because I’d get in the way of your dreams” more easily comes across as “Oh… I am simply not good enough for you… I’d hold you back…” while a man saying “I’m leaving you because I’d get in the way of your dreams” more easily comes across as “I wouldn’t hold you back, I’d push you down. I’m dangerous for you.” And the latter fits Alastor better.
(But hey, if any of you know of any versions of “I Will Always Love You” with a female singer that makes her sound dangerous as hell, feel free to recommend them to me. Not because I’m looking to replace the version I’ve already got but just because I’d really like to hear it.)
Currently, it’s listed as the last song on the Alastor portion of the playlist. I recently reorganized it so that the Sir Pent portions and Alastor portions each flow from the shallowest/most surface emotions down to the deeper/truer/more hidden emotions, and even before I did that reorganization, “I Will Always Love You” has been the closing song on Alastor’s side since it was added to the playlist. That feels like the right note to leave it on: after everything else has been said, once every other layer and lie has been stripped away, the deepest and truest and last thing Alastor would have to say to Sir Pent is “I hope life treats you kind and I hope you have all you’ve dreamed of” and an anguished screaming declaration of love.
Friend Please https://genius.com/Twenty-one-pilots-friend-please-lyrics
So remember when I said that language is inherently ambiguous and if you want you can totally just choose to read words differently if the wording doesn’t actually prevent that interpretation? This song is clearly about suicide. I have decided for the purposes of this playlist it is not about suicide anymore! It’s still about depression but not about suicide! When the singer was like “Please don’t take your life away from me” what he meant is “Please don’t take your life, and also, I am emphasizing that if you do so you are removing yourself from my life to try to show you how much you mean to me,” but how I have decided to interpret it for this playlist is “literally do not remove your life from my life, as in, like, don’t run away and stop talking to me.”
So. As I mentioned in my last song meta post, there’s sort of two—not genres, but like, musical aesthetics that I’m drawing from for Sir Pent: Victorian-ish/steampunk-ish sounds, and emo stuff because Vivz said that’s what he actually listens to. Twenty One Pilots fits the criteria for emo for me—idk and idc if other people consider them emo, they toured with Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco, they count as far as I’m concerned—so they’re actually among the bands I’ve been intending to specifically look at for potential Sir Pent Songs.
For the most part, they’re, like, too good at the sad millennial vibe. But that song works.
“Friend, Please” comes low on Sir Pent’s portion because it’s deep in the more genuine emotions—I’ve actually considered putting it last and may still do so, it would make a nice counterpoint to “I Will Always Love You"—actually I’m gonna go do that, gonna go shuffle the playlist, there, good—and it’s also something that he couldn’t/wouldn’t say until after he knows about Alastor’s deep thoughts. Reinterpreted so that it’s not about suicide, it becomes about a friend who’s still depressed, but the focus of the song becomes about the friend’s self-isolation—a self-isolation that’s fueled by denial and self-delusion, the friend convincing themself that they’re alone, always will be, and can’t/won’t have anyone else in their life again that they can depend upon.
Which, although he doesn’t necessarily seem to be depressed, is certainly the vibe Alastor gives off in the show—that despite his overly-friendly overly-familiar attitude, he probably keeps everyone else at a great emotional distance. In canon he might be okay with that. In fic, he’s doing that at the expense of pushing away a person he loves very much—and then pushing away anyone that could help him cope with that loss. Leaving him very alone and perpetually disguising himself as fine with that. Maybe, when he can go years without having to see Sir Pent, he can be fine with that.
But I have Big Plans for that sequel and you know item #1 on the list is "stick Alastor and Sir Pent in a position where they’ll have to cross paths all the time so that it’s like threading a giant needle with barbed wire, stabbing the needle into Alastor’s heart, and slowly dragging the barbed wire straight through.”
And after that? Living like a ghost, claiming he’s fine when he’s been completely emotionally drained, is gonna be a pretty accurate description of his mental state.
Right now, Sir Pent is in no way close enough to Alastor to know that—and in no way sympathetic enough toward him to care even if he did know. He still hates Alastor for completely ruining his life. But there’s still that part of him that used to care about Alastor and still could come to care about him again. And if that part gets revived, and if he gets close enough to Alastor to see how miserable he’s made himself by trying to push everyone away and denying that he’s pushed his own mental state into as bad a state as it’s currently in, his reaction would be “you absolute dumbass” followed by trying to shout some sense into Alastor by pointing out that every one of his problems is caused not by external factors, but by his own damn screwed-up perception of the world. Like, every one of his problems he made himself, and he can unmake them. He’s just got to uncover his eyes first.
It’s easy for fandom to just, like, characterize Sir Pent as an all-around dumbass—strategically, socially, emotionally, etc. Until and unless we see otherwise—and see it so firmly that even I can’t find ways to headcanon around it, and believe you me, I can headcanon my way around a lot of things—I choose to believe that the only areas he’s definitely a dumbass in are “understanding modern slang” and “remembering NOT to charge into battle without considering the odds the second he sees somebody he hates.” This means that I like to believe he also has a reasonable level of emotional intelligence, and a healthy level of compassion that he can deploy, when he so chooses, on someone he considers worthy of that compassion. He’s evil, yes, but self-professed evil, which means self-aware evil; which means that even though there’s gotta be something fucked up with his worldview for him to choose to be evil, it is a choice he’s making, not something he’s doing specifically because he believes it’s right/necessary. And he can turn it off when he decides he’s with someone that deserves it.
Now, is Alastor on that list? Not currently, hell no. But there’s potential for him to make it on the list—that potential for Sir Pent to care about him again, to want to see him throw off the things that he’s using to hold himself back, to want to see him become better and happier, to want him back in Sir Pent’s life—buried somewhere deep beneath Sir Pent’s burned emotions and decades of resentment.
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iamartemisday · 5 years
Pepperony Week Day One- 5+1 Things
A/N: So I posted this last night, but I was informed that one of my tags wasn’t spelled correctly. Somehow, in my attempts to fix it, I managed to erase the entire post. That’s what I get for trying to fix it on mobile. >>
So here we go one more time. Hope you enjoy!
5 times Tony didn't realize he was in love with Pepper, and 1 time he did.
When Tony made a random low-level administrative assistant his new PA, it was mostly for the novelty.
Here was a woman confident enough to break into his office and tell him to his face that he was wrong. Observant enough to catch a mistake not even he, the guy who built a working robot before his balls dropped, had spotted.
Plus, she was a former model. In magazines and everything. Whoever said models were dumb could go eat their ignorant words with some ketchup on top.
Virginia Potts, newly baptized as Pepper, spent her first day on the job familiarizing herself with her new responsibilities, organizing the photos on her desk, and signing a truly immense amount of paperwork. Seriously, Tony had to talk to Obidiah about switching to digital. What kind of futurist was he killing all those defenseless trees?
Given his track record with PAs, he expected Ms. Potts to last a month, maybe two. Not a crack against her, but he was a handful and he knew it. When she inevitably quit, he'd have a generous severance package and a glowing reference ready for her. Now it was just a matter of how long before his partying, all-night science binges, and frequent overnight guests of the female variety wore her down.
Three months later, she was in his office while he slept off a hangover, notes in hand as she briefed him on the upcoming board meeting.
"Mr. Daniels in HR needs to talk to you about calculating this year's Christmas bonuses. Mrs. Prowitt in accounting just had a baby and you need to send out your personal congratulations-"
"You still have paperwork to sign for the merger with Rushcorp-"
"Potts, please…"
"And R&D has taken issue with the blueprints you gave them for the new missile prototype. They're saying the flight system isn't feasible with our current technology. You might want to have a word with them."
"Potts! I'm dying!"
He struggled to lift his head and look into her eyes with all the pain in his formerly inebriated soul. As usual, she was unsympathetic.
"This is why I told you not to go out partying on a Tuesday night," she said.
"As if you never partied on a Tuesday."
"No, Mr. Stark, I didn't. I waited for the weekend." She started for the door. "I'll get you some water and ginger ale. You'll be ready to go by noon."
"I could also not go."
"That's true, but you will" Her phone rang and she ignored Tony's moaning to answer it. "Hello? Oh, yes Mr. Daniels, I was just about to call you… yes, he will be ready in time for the meeting. I just confirmed it with him."
She left and Tony whimpered in agony. This must be what abandoned kittens on the side of the road felt like.
"I thought I hired an assistant," he mumbled. "Instead I got a new mom."
He almost immediately cringed at the idea. Potts was not at all like his mother. She wasn't even a really strict big sister.
No, she was something else. Something he couldn't pinpoint.
Boy, did he hate not knowing the answer.
"Potts, we should go out sometime."
Surprisingly, he wasn't drunk. In fact, he'd been sober for the last six days while they negotiated a contract with a new satellite company. That was a personal best for him and he deserved some recognition, dammit.
"We are out," she said, and indeed they were in the lounge at the Plaza hotel waiting for their drinks to arrive.
"I mean on a date," Tony said. "You know, with dinner and dancing and no business deals. Just the two of us."
Pepper sighed like this wasn't the first time he'd asked. And, to be fair, it wasn't. "Mr. Stark, you know why we can't date."
"Do I? Remind me real quick."
She rolled her eyes. "First of all, it's against company policy. Even if I didn't work directly under you, we're still in the same department and fraternization among employees never works out well. Second, dating your PA would reflect badly on us with the press. Finally, maintaining a professional environment in the workplace is crucial to overall productivity and good financial health."
Tony whistled. "Lot of big words there. You've done your homework, Potts."
"I have to," she said, but couldn't hide a slight smile. "If I don't, who will?"
"Good point." Tony leaned back with his hands under his hand. "It's funny, though. I didn't hear anything in there about you not wanting to date me."
Pepper opened her mouth, but none of her pre-established responses to his flirting came forth. Instead, she blushed heavily and turned away to tap on her phone.
Tony chuckled to himself. She was kind of cute when she was flustered.
Not that she wasn't always cute, but…
Even though Pepper wouldn't date him (and all jokes aside he did begrudgingly see her point), that didn't mean she wouldn't date at all.
Five years had passed since the pepper spray incident. There had been a few guys in that time, or so he assumed. He was too busy keeping track of his own one night stands to pay attention to Pepper's.
One day, out of the blue, she asked to leave work two hours early. The last time she did that was three years ago.
"Hitting the town, Potts?" He meant it as a joke, but also not. Tony wasn't a genius for nothing and he'd noticed the changes in her make-up and the unfamiliar perfume lingering in the air.
Pepper cleared her throat. "As a matter of fact, yes. I'm going on a date tonight and I need to get my hair done."
He wanted to say her hair was perfect the way it was because it was perfect and whoever this guy was probably didn't even notice. He also wanted to say he needed her to stay late because they had some extra paperwork to go through. Surely he had something buried in one of his desk drawers for her to look at.
"Oh, that's nice," he said, leaning back in his big plush chair. "Didn't know you were seeing someone."
"We're casual at the moment."
"Just looking for a midnight ride, huh?"
Pepper glared at him, but it wasn't her offended face. More like her 'I think you're funny but I'm not going to say it because that will just fuel your ego so I'm going to pretend to be offended' face. He'd become an expert in differentiating between the two.
"I'll be sure to have all my tasks done before I leave," she said.
"As if you need to tell me," Tony snorted. He read some papers while Pepper went to her office. Fifteen minutes later, he was still on the same paragraph and needed to stretch his legs. "So… what's his name?"
Pepper glanced at him, then went back to typing. "Craig."
Craig and Pepper… Crepper?
God no...
"What's he do?" Tony fought to keep his posture loose. "Let me guess. He's a genius billionaire in charge of his own company-"
"He's an investment banker."
"Fun. Where are you going?"
"To dinner and maybe a movie."
"You know what you're going to see?"
"We'll decide when we get there." The intercom beeped and Pepper pressed the button to silence it. "Looks like your two-thirty is here."
Tony barely paid attention during his appointment with… whoever this guy was. Something something missile guidance revamping something. His eyes always trailed back to Pepper behind a wall of glass. When she left for the night, he hung around for half an hour before going home. It was just too quiet without her.
A few months later, Pepper asked for another early day.
"Sure thing," Tony said, chewing on his bottom lip. "Got a hot date with Craig?"
"No, just dinner with my parents. It's my mom's birthday tomorrow," she explained. "Actually, Craig and I decided to just be friends. I think he's seeing someone else now."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."
Tony tried his best not to grin as he said it, but he was grinning for the whole rest of the day.
After Tony completed renovations of his Malibu home, he started doing more work from home. This meant Pepper had to come over more often than not. Aside from a requisite 'want to see the master bedroom' quip, Tony had allowed her space in his massive home. She had an office and a guest room complete with a private balcony for when she wanted to work outside.
Being as she was, most of their private time centered around business. Making deals, planning meetings, arranging his schedule, and lots of other fun and exciting activities. On weekdays, she arrived promptly in the morning and left before sundown. Unless it was quarterly report time or they were on the verge of closing a huge deal, she never deviated from this schedule.
So it was strange when he left the basement one night at midnight after five hours working on his new convertible to find Pepper asleep on the couch.
Her tablet and some papers were on the floor where she'd dropped them. One arm was tucked under her head, no pillows in sight. She'd taken her shoes off, and while Tony was no foot fetishist, her new pedicure was lovely.
She sighed and shifted in her sleep as Tony gently squeezed a throw pillow under her head and draped a blanket over her. He would've carried her to the guest room, but Pepper was typically a light sleeper and putting her in an awkward position might mean she wouldn't come over as much.
He gathered her things and stacked them neatly on the coffee table. Hopefully, those pages were in the correct order, but if they weren't, she'd have them right in under a second.
Tony stepped back to watch her chest rise and fall. Her face was so peaceful. Not like the cool serenity she used to calmly destroy brown-nosing idiots at meetings. It was like he was finally seeing Pepper in her natural state of being.
He liked it.
But of course, he liked it. He liked her.
And maybe he shouldn't be staring at her while she slept. That was kind of creepy.
He was never going to see Pepper again.
'No,' he told himself, 'don't do that. Stay positive. Stay positive.'
The problem with staying positive is that it's hard to do when you're running through the desert with no food or water and you've just escaped captivity and watched the man you spent three months forming an emotional bond with die before your eyes.
Suffice to say, this was not Tony's day.
He'd only briefly considered what would happen if the escape was successful. Best case scenario, he got himself and Yinsen out and they found a village less than a mile away with friendly locals who had food and a satellite phone handy. With both of those things now off the table, Tony stumbled through the sand, careful not to run too fast and waste energy. If he had to guess, the temperature was roughly a thousand degrees Fahrenheit. He'd probably sweated another five pounds off.
The one good thing about being lost in the desert was it gave him time to think. About all his mistakes and all his missteps. All the things he never realized he should've done.
He should've told Rhodey how much their friendship meant to him. Tony had been a pain in his ass since college and yet Rhodes never abandoned him.
He should've told his father he loved him. Twenty years he spent ignoring and pushing away that one simple truth, and now he couldn't avoid it. Howard Stark was an asshole, but so was Tony Stark. Like father, like son as they say.
He should've told Pepper… God, the things he should've told Pepper. Listing them would kill hours of time while the elements slowly killed him. He should've told her how important she was, not just to Stark Industries, but to him. How much he appreciated everything she did for him. How happy he was to see her every morning. How thankful he was that she didn't quit after two months and take that severance package. How much better she deserved than to be in his shadow. How much he truly cared about her from the bottom of his heart.
How much he…
God, this heat was unbearable. Couldn't even think straight.
When he saw her again after hours in an air-conditioned plane, being fed jello packets and wanting nothing more than a hunk of real meat, none of what he should've said came to mind.
"Your eyes are red. A few tears for your long lost boss?"
It would have to do.
It should've been another quiet post-return evening in.
Tony didn't feel like flying that night, otherwise, he'd be out on the town already. The plan was to watch cheesy sci-fi movies and laugh at all the mistakes until he fell asleep. Now he was trapped in his own body, eyes unable to close, mouth unable to open. He stared up at a monster wearing a familiar face as he literally ripped his heart out.
"Oh Tony, this is your ninth symphony," Obidiah said, among other bullshit villain monologue crap Tony couldn't hear over his own internal screaming. "This is your legacy. A new generation of weapons with this at its heart."
'Fuck you,' Tony wanted so badly to say. 'Fuck you, you lying son of a bitch. Fuck you fuck you fuck you-'
"Too bad you had to involve Pepper in this. I would've preferred that she'd live."
Someone once said there were five or six profound moments in everyone's life. Tony didn't know who that someone was or if he didn't just make that whole thing up in his head. Whatever the case, this was one of those moments.
Never before had he wanted so badly to kill someone. Not just kill them, but make them suffer the worst sort of torment. He wanted to rip Stane apart with his bare hands, destroy him from the inside out. Make him regret even thinking about threatening Pepper.
He focused all his strength on his legs, making his toes wiggle. The ringing in his ears was fading, but not fast enough.
'You can do this,' said the voice of Pepper in his ears. 'You can do this.'
His fingers twitched and he slowly clenched a fist.
He wouldn't lose one more person he loved.
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hearteyesemergency · 5 years
Prompt List
RULES: Send me an OTP or OT3 in the 911 fandom (especially buddie) and the prompt/s you’d like me to include. Drabble’s will be a few paragraphs long. I don’t write explicit smut, but will definitely write the flirty prompts otherwise!
1. “What if I kissed you right now?”
2. “I’m going to kiss you now.”
3. “Did you just kiss me?!”
4. “Is it bad I really want to kiss you right now?”
5. “This is where we kiss, right?”
6. “So are we going to kiss or not?”
7. “Don’t talk just kiss me.”
8. “You owe me a kiss.”
9. “I’ll go home, but it’s not home unless you’re there…”
10. “Stay with me.”
11. “Stay the night. Please.”
12. “Please don’t go.”
13. “I just need you here with me right now.”
14. “Just hold me.”
15. “Scoot over a little bit, please.”
16. “It’s lonely without you in the bed.”
17. “I miss sleeping with you.”
18. “I love cuddling with you first thing in the morning.”
19. “Please come back to bed.”
20. “You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this.”
21. “You’re so cute when you’re tired, you know.”
22. “It’s too cold! Come back!”
23. “Mmm… you’re warm.”
24. “Here, take my hand.”
25. “You’re so clingy, I love it.”
26. “We’ll get through this, I promise.”
27. “I can’t stand the thought of losing you.”
28. “It’s okay I’m here for you.”
29. “Just sit down and let me take care of you.”
30. “I need you.”
31. “I can’t do this without you.”
32. “If you walk away everything will fall apart.”
33. “There’s no one I’d rather have with me than you.”
34. “I’ve made so many mistakes… but you’re not one of them.”
35. “Promise me you’ll come back… I need you to promise me.”
36. “Promise me you’ll stay.
37. “When I look at you, I see my whole world, and that scares the shit out of me.”
38. “It’s always been you. You and only you.”
39. “I’m yours, in every way possible.”
40. “I love you and I am terrified.”
41. “Please… I love you.”
42. “I think I might be falling in love with you.”
43. “I’m so in love with you.”
44. “This is why I fell in love with you.”
45. “I never believed in love till I met you.”
46. “You’re all I ever wanted.”
47. “For some reason I’m attracted to you.”
48. “When you smile I fall apart.”
49. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
50. “You were the greatest thing that ever happened to me.”
51. “I like the way I feel when he looks at me. Like I wanna believe in myself.”
52. “I’ve seen the way you look at me when you don’t think I can see you.”
53. “I just really miss talking with you.”
54. “Actually… I just miss you.”
55. “I don’t know who I am without you.”
56. “We’re not just friends, and you know it.”
57. “But do you love me the same way I love you?”
58. “Those things you said yesterday… did you really mean them?”
59. “Just say it is okay. I just need to hear you say that.”
60. “Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you.”
61. “I know you told me to stop thinking about you, but I can’t get you out of my mind.”
62. “None of that matters anymore.”
63. “I’ll make it right for you.”
64. “I had a nightmare about you, and I wanted to make sure you were alright.”
65. “Is that my shirt?”
66. “You know, it’s okay to cry.”
67. “You’re cute when you’re all worried.”
68. “Despite what you think, I am completely capable of taking care of myself.”
69. “Promise me you’ll take better care of yourself.”
70. “Please don’t give up on me.”
71. “Please listen to me.”
72. “Please don’t go.”
73. “Please don’t leave me.”
74. “You’re worth any fight.”
75. “I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.”
76. “You look like you could use a massage.”
77. “He/She’s pampering me, let him/her be.”
78. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”
79. “You’re way too pretty to be out here by yourself.”
80. “We’ve become the clingy couple that you used to complain about.”
81. “Wait a second… are you jealous?”
82. “Stop being so jealous will you?”
83. “You deserve better than them.”
84. “They’re not right for you, you know.”
85. “It’s not fair that they get to be around you all day and I don’t.”
86. “I noticed them checking you out.”
87. “They were hitting on you.”
88. “Were you checking them out?”
89. “I’m not gonna stop leaving marks ‘till I’m sure everyone will know you’re mine.”
90. “This is mine. Are we clear?”
91. “You are mine, you will always be mine.”
92. “You belong to me.”
93. “I want you all to myself.”
94. “If I ever see you anywhere near her/him, you’ll have to deal with me!”
95. “I’ll kill the bitch.”
96. “No one will ever love you like I do.”
97. “Say you love me, and only me.”
98. “Say that I’m yours.”
99. “Mine.”
100. “I didn’t realize I needed your permission.”
101. “I don’t love them. I love you.”
102. “You don’t own me.”
103. “You’re too damn overprotective!”
104. “I can’t do this anymore.”
105. “Where do you think you’re going?”
106. “I just want to be alone right now.”
107. “And where do I go?”
108. “What are you doing in here, it’s 3 in the morning. Get out!”
109. “I will not hesitate to murder you.”
110. “You don’t need to protect me.”
111. “Stop looking at me like that!”
112. “You don’t scare me.”
113. “Would you just hold still?”
114. “Don’t you dare walk away from me!”
115. “I’m not the one that’s always leaving.”
116. “Give me a chance.”
117. “You see, unlike some other people, I don’t sleep with everyone I make eye contact with.”
118. “Please don’t argue with me.”
119. “Please shut up. Just shut up.”
120. “Oh my god, I don’t care!”
121. “What the hell is your problem?!”
122. “What more do you want?!”
123. “I knew you were trouble when you walked in.”
124. “I’m sorry I made you into who you are today.”
125. “We could’ve had it all.”
126. “I almost forgot you only come around when you need me.”
127. “A date? An actual date? To an actual place?”
128. “I’m tired of being your secret.”
129. “It’s hard to believe you actually care about me when you’re so hell-bent on keeping this from all your friends.”
130. “It just feels really shitty, to be the secret boyfriend/girlfriend.”
131. “Are you ashamed of me?”
132. “They didn’t just find out. They already knew!”
133. “Do you regret getting involved with me?”
134. “I’m only dating [name] as a cover. You’re still my baby.”
135. “I’m not ready for them to find out about us!”
136. “I don’t want to be just friends with benefits anymore.”
137. “I told you not to fall in love with me.”
138. “Go on, tell me. Tell me you don’t love me.”
139. “You’re not her.”
140. “I tried to move on, but nobody is you.”
141. “Jealousy isn’t cute on you.”
142. “You’re wrong and I’ll prove it.”
143. “Don’t even think about it.”
144. “Well. Yell, scream, say something, anything.”
145. “Just talk to me.”
146. “Oh, so you do speak?”
147. “Do you think at all before you speak?”
148. “Are you high or just stupid?”
149. “You’re so fucked, you know that?”
150. “We’re not going to be like them.”
151. “Do it, I dare you.”
152. “Are- are you flirting with me?”
153. “Stop sending me weird pictures.”
154. “Is there something you want to tell me?”
155. “Quit moving, I’m trying to sleep. Wait… are you… what?!”
156. “You’re in trouble now.”
157. “And how are you going to make it up to me?”
158. “Come here.”
159. “You have no idea what you do to me.”
160. “Just marry me already.”
161. “Do you trust me?”
162. “Are you going to let me go now?”
163. “Don’t bite that fucking lip.”
164. “Bite me.”
165. “Kiss me.”
166. “If you’re going to keep running your mouth like that, i can think of a few ways to make you shut up.”
167. “I’m pretty good at providing distractions.”
168. “I just want to help you relax.”
169. “You know you want it, sweetheart.”
170. “Lay back.”
171. “Does that line ever work?”
172. “Am I supposed to be impressed?”
173. “Oh don’t mind me. Just enjoying the view.”
174. “Damn that’s hot.”
175. “I think you’ll be happy to know that I’m not wearing any underwear.”
176. “Take off your clothes.”
177. “Take. It. Off.”
178. “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
179. “Well if you’re up for the challenge.”
180. “Is that a challenge?”
181. “Well… don’t keep me waiting.”
182. “I’ve wanted this for so long.”
183. “I’ve been thinking about you all night.”
184. “We haven’t had sex in like a month, you’re just going to tease me like that?”
185. “I need you so bad.”
186. “Get over here.”
187. “Quiet, they can hear us.”
188. “Beg for it.”
189. “Did I stutter?”
190. “Say that again.”
191. “Say my name.”
192. “Tell me what you want.”
193. “I want you. Right here. Right now.”
194. “I want you to fuck me.”
195. “Take your clothes off.”
196. “Stop undressing me with your eyes and start using your teeth.”
197. “You can stay but your clothes must go.”
198. “Is there a reason you’re half naked in my bed?”
199. “Put your hands somewhere useful.”
200. “That’s distracting.”
201. “Don’t tempt me.”
202. “Stop teasing me so much.”
203. "Behave.”
204. “Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you?”
205. “How bad do you want me?”
206. “Do you know how bad I want you?”
207. “It’s like you want to ruin men/women for me.”
208. “Make me.”
209. “How about you make me?”
210. “Well if you insist.”
211. “What, does that feel good?”
212. “Do you like it when I touch you like that?”
213. “Is that your hand on my ass?”
214. “Ha! I found a weak spot on you, didn’t I?”
215. “I want to take a shower so you should probably join me. It’ll save water.”
216. “Friends don’t get each other off.”
217. “Can you do that again?”
218. “Good girl.”
219. “Good boy.”
220. “Why are we at a strip club?”
221. "Save the last dance for me.”
222. “Woah, I never knew you had a tattoo!”
223. “What even happened last night?”
224. “Do you think if we met differently, we’d be friends?”
225. “I just wanted to fit in, I don’t know.”
226. “I can’t do this without you.”
227. “You owe me.”
228. “Have you lost your damn mind?”
229. “Everyone knows my job here is to look hot.”
230. “I can’t believe you didn’t think to ask me first.”
231. “Put me down!”
232. “Would you quit moving around?”
233. “Quit hogging the blanket.”
234. “Are you throwing rocks at my window?”
235. “I’ll go if you go.”
236. “You called for backup?”
237. “Give me back my phone!”
238. “Hey have you seen my- Oh.”
239. “Look at me.”
240. “Why are you always so cold?”
241. “You make me nervous and happy and horny all at the same time and it’s confusing as fuck sometimes.”
242. “I didn’t know you could do that.”
243. “I can’t believe you talked me into this.”
244. “Everything is fine.”
245. “The boys and I will handle it.”
246. “I’ll take care of it.”
247. “I think you’re just afraid to be happy.”
248. “If my parents knew what I was doing they’d kill me.”
249. “Share your jacket, I forgot mine.”
250. “Hold my hand, we have to make this look convincing!”
251. “Please pretend to be my girlfriend/boyfriend.”
252. “We’d make such a cute couple.”
253. “Are you sure you two aren’t married?”
254. “Why can’t they see they’re meant for each another?”
255. “Somebody’s in love!”
256. “Do you remember when you use to think you were straight?”
257. “Oh, HELL no! Not in MY bed!”
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keichanz · 5 years
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I knew it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. Considering how much the owner hates me and likes the play the poor, pitiful victim, I’m not at all surprised one of his little fans took it upon himself to “warn” the community about me. 
The fools really should have made the posts private just in case I happened to stumble upon them. But then again, I never pegged them to be particularly intelligent. So I suppose I have that in my favor.
I’m sure you’re all well aware of the “famous” Official Inuyasha group on Facebook. This was posted to it just a few hours ago. I’m not a part of this group, however somebody on here was kind enough to alert me to this, and they will remain anonymous so they don’t receive any backlash from this post, but I hope they know they have my plentiful gratitude.
I struggled all day on whether or not to make a post about this. But then I decided, y’know what, I have a goddamn right to defend myself against the above bullshit, so fuck it. Here I am, about to address every libelous accusation this Seth person - whom, mind you, I have never talked to before in my life and I have no idea who the hell he is - has just callously tossed out there.
First and foremost, because this accusation really dug deep and because it’s pretty much the foundation of this bullshit, I want to address the so called fact that I attacked Official Inuyasha - I’m going to call him OIY from here on out - because he’s trans. 
I will say this as many times as I have to--I do not give a flying fuck that he’s trans. I don’t. That literally has nothing at all to do with my opinion of him, and this Seth dude is just grasping at the most obvious reason, or so he thinks, for my “attacks.” I also want to point out that I also don’t give a shit that his fiance is trans. 
I have gay friends. I have lesbian friends. I have trans friends. I have bi friends.
I myself am motherfucking bisexual.
So for this guy that I’ve never even talked to before to sit there and indirectly claim that I am in any way, shape, or form trans- or homophobic? He’s off his goddamn rocker.
I will say it again: 
Oh, and the whole “attacking people I don’t like just because”? Also false, but that goes without saying. Or at least I like to think it does. I also don’t give a rat’s ass that he changed his name to Inuyasha. Do I find it strange? Sure. Do I have a problem with it personally? No. 
Concerning me sending my friends to attack people I don’t like--um, no?? God, I would never, ever ask my friends to do that for fear of retaliation against them.  I can say with the utmost confidence that my friends are fiercely protective, very loyal, and they will voluntarily stand up and defend me without me asking them to. They all know I love them to death and I appreciate them all so much. They have my back, and I have theirs. I don’t send them to say anything on my behalf--they do that all on their own, and I sure as hell ain’t gonna stop ‘em. People can argue that I have them fight my battles for me, but I disagree. They are my allies, my reinforcements, my backup when I grow weary. Every battle needs them, no? I hope they know that they are so appreciated, very loved, and they have my undying gratitude. I don’t expect them to defend me either, and they know it. All I ask is that they support me in my time of need, and the fact that they rise up to the occasion without question, defend me, support me and protect me at all costs just goes to show what kind of amazing, wonderful people they are and I wouldn’t trade them for the world. 
Regarding the statement that I attacked Seth himself. As I mentioned before, I have no goddamn clue who this guy is. I didn’t even know he existed before my anon friend notified me, and browsing his profile gleans zero recognition. So where the hell is he pulling this shit from? Oh, and I would love to see these proposed screenshots that are “too detailed to post,” mind you, depicting me attacking him. I will show anyone who asks a screenshot of my messages, both on here and on Facebook if they want proof. And I never delete them either--I have messages from like...2015 or some shit.
The discord chat. Seth has conveniently failed to mention the fact that OIY himself joined that chat, and deliberately went through every single channel and searched my name. He found messages I had sent last year that don’t prove anything other than the fact that I think his “beautiful edits” are bogus, but that’s it. Nothing else. My friends and I discussed it briefly, but we never “talked shit” about him. So once more, he’s pulling false facts out of his ass to make me seem like such a horrible person. 
I’m not even going to touch the “he never steals artwork and gives credit” because I have some strong opinions on that, but would rather not get into it since this post isn’t about that.
“I make fun of his cosplay and looks.” I”m assuming he’s referring to that post of OIY in full cosplay with fake black eyebrows. Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t find the actual post anywhere on this site, so I suspect it might have been deleted, but if anyone is truly curious, here’s a screenshot that was attached to the above post. So after viewing that, someone please enlighten me how saying “Thanks, I hate it” is, in fact, making fun of his cosplay and/or looks? Yeah, I haven’t a clue, either. But whatever, go off, I guess. 
“I make up lies and brainwashes everyone into thinking it’s truth.” Well, shit, guys, why didn’t somebody tell me I can brainwash people? Because this sure as hell is news to me. What lies are these, exactly? Any idea? No? Hmmm. Welp, anyway, I can attest that this is also false. If I can magically brainwash people I sure as shit wouldn’t be working a job that barely gets me by. And who do I lie to? My friends already support me and carry the same opinions, so it can’t be them. And I take pains to avoid anything and everything that has to do with OIY just for this exact purpose because it’s a pain in my ass. I don’t like the guy. Big fucking whoop. Who cares. Grow the fuck up and move on, Jesus Christ. So, no, you can bet your ass I’m not spreading around lies to random strangers about something I give zero fucks about. 
There. I think I addressed everything in that atrocity of a paragraph. The comments on that post are less than pleasant - I’ll spare you the details, but most of them included various degrading names and ridiculous statements - and I find myself just...incredulous that these people, who don’t even know me, so readily agree with something that has no basis of fact. It astounds me that they accept this bullshit as truth just because someone says it is without seeing for themselves first. Talk about blind faith. Very misguided/misinformed blind faith. 
It truly does sadden me that people are so quick to judge without getting facts, but that’s the way of the world, isn’t it. 
Moving on, I suppose this post can be considered as an open letter to Seth Whiterun, and any of OIY’s followers that happen to see this. So please, feel free to reblog this all you want. Reblog it once, twice, ten times. I want them to see it. I want to right the wrong that Seth has so callously dealt me and have the chance to defend myself given that he made a post to a group that I am not a part off like a damned coward, knowing there was little chance of me seeing it. 
Well, surprise, Seth Whiterun. I saw it.
I want them to come to me. This directly involves me, no one else. What right does Seth have to say any of that? Absolutely none. 
I am tired of this. How many times do I have to put up with this? This is so mentally exhausting and I just want to be left alone. Again and again I’m having to deal with this complete and utter bullshit because some asshat with a hero complex decides that it’s his job to “warn” the community of this toxic person with, need I remind you, zero evidence in which to prove himself with. Or at least evidence with any credible standing. 
This entire situation is old. Am I dealing with children? Why can’t they just let sleeping dogs lie and put it behind them? I sure as hell have - or at least I’m trying to, but then shit like this happens and I’m dragged right the fuck back into it because of course I’m not going to just sit there and let this guy slander my name. Did he think I was going to remain quiet about this? WRONG. 
Now that I’ve said my piece, I want to implore you my dear followers and friends, please, please, please DO NOT contact Seth Whiterun or Official Inuyasha. I understand if you get angry on my behalf, but please, I don’t want to get you mixed up in this. If Seth has the balls to confront me himself, or one of OIY’s followers, or even the guy himself, then by all means, they are free to come forward and we can discuss like this adults. Otherwise, please don’t go attacking Seth or OIY because that will just affirm to them that I do send my friends after them, and I really don’t want that. 
I think that about covers it. I wanted it to be known that if you happen to hear any of this bullshit, please be aware that it is untrue, and I am more than happy to answer any question directly. Message me. Send an ask. I will clear up any confusion or misinformation. Don’t assume something is true just because you read it somewhere--get the facts from the source first. 
There you have it. Grow a pair, Seth, and confront me yourself.
I’ll be waiting. 
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