#oh please let them reunite on screen
solifelessblog · 2 years
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Preparing myself for their reunion
Please reblog, don’t repost :)
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freshlove-sturn · 4 months
house on the cape.
pt 1 pt2
based on last friday’s video bc im obsessed with it. (events that happened in the vlog may not be in order just so the story flows how i want, also might add or get rid of some things for that same reason ofc). definitely gonna be multiple parts if yall like it so please let me know!!
summary: when the triplets come back home from la, they reunite with their favorite summer tradition, staying in the house on the cape. amidst all of the familiar laughter, and reminiscing on old memories, y/n can’t ignore the feeling stirring in her heart. something that went deeper than friendship. as she grapples with the fact that her feelings for her lifelong best friend, matt, are more than what’s just at the surface, she must learn to navigate and balance the unspoken feelings, and the gut wrenching fear of risking it all.
a/n: sorry guys but i think im scrapping all my old fics. i just have lost interest in them and i dont want to give yall something that i just half assed yk. i just need something new 😖🙏 don’t hate me pls. also i didn’t proof read and i never do so hopefully this all makes sense LMAO
“BOYS TRIP!” chris shouts through the house.
the triplets are back in boston from being in la. i’d be lying if i said that i didn’t wish that these visits would last forever. being across the country from my best friends sucked.
“oh yeah , and you’ll be there too. you’re one of the boys.” chris points at me, smiling before loading the car with our bags.
“chris please never say that again.” i cringe, but fail to keep in my laughter.
“i agree. that was disgusting.” nick chimes in.
“just wanted to make sure you know you’re included.” chris throws his hands up in defense.
“thanks.” i smile and shake my head before getting in the car.
we were staying at their house in cape cod, something all of us looked forward to each summer growing up.
we arrive at nate’s house to pick him up. after the group effort of showering him in compliments for his new hair cut, we get back in the car.
sandwiched between nick and nathan, i check the time on my phone. nick grabs my wrist and moves it out of the way to give himself a better view of my lock screen.
“that is such a cute picture.” he says admiringly. it was a picture of matt and i. the picture was taken from behind while matt gave a piggy back ride back to the car because my feet hurt from wearing heels to madison’s concert.
“you took it.” i laugh.
“i know. i really out did myself huh.” he hypes himself up. i smile and roll my eyes.
once we get to the cape house, we unload the car. all of our bags scattered haphazardly throughout our respective rooms. the same rooms each of us have stayed in for years. nate with chris, nick with matt, and me, having been the only girl, with my own room.
“let’s go to the beach!” nate walks out into the kitchen, clapping his hands together.
the beach was just within walking distance. matt and i fell behind the rest of the group.
“i’m so glad you’re back.” i tell him.
“me too. i missed you.” he replies.
“i missed you too.” i admit. “a lot.” i look up and meet his eyes. we just stare at each other for a second. we didn’t really need to say anything. it was almost just a mutual understanding that each other were our favorite person.
if only he knew the extent.
the only person i’ve confided in about my feelings for matt was nate. which was precisely why he kept shooting me knowing glances anytime matt and interacted. nate swore that he knew i was in love with matt for years, before i even knew myself.
i can’t exactly pinpoint when i fell in love with my best friend, but i do remember when i realized.
matt and i sit together in the hammock string between two large oak trees in the backyard of the cape house. the gentle breeze swaying us back and forth softly. the sun was going down just to the right of us. beautiful pink and orange hues paint the sky.
“i could stay right here forever.” matt breaks the silence that had fallen between us.
“me too.” i reply softly.
“oh hey i have something for you” he digs his hand around in his pocket and pulls out a baby pink seashell. he hands it it me.
“i’ve never seen a pink one like that before.” he tells me as i admire the gift.
“me either. i love it. thanks matt.” i smile sweetly at him.
“of course.” he returns the smile.
i feel the heartbeat in my chest racing and my cheeks heating up. the feeling i had been carrying around with me for quite some time became abundantly clear.
i was in love with my best friend.
when i got home that night, i tied a string around the shell, and wore it as a necklace. and i haven’t taken it off since.
end of flashback
that was back when we were 16. 4 whole years i’ve gone hiding my biggest secret from the one person i told everything to.
our gaze was interrupted by chris. “jesus, yall are some slow pokes” he hollers back at us.
we both laugh and pick up out pace.
soon we arrive at the beach. i’ve always loved the beach. it truly is my happy place.
especially when i’m with matt.
nick snaps pictures here and there.
“oh my gosh matt look! this is just like your tattoo!” i hold out a shell to him.
“oh shit you’re right.” he holds out his arm, revealing his tattoo.
“that’s sick.” chris admires the similarity while nick takes a picture.
later that night, we all sit in the living room debating on what movie to watch.
“chris im not watching planet of the apes again. we’ve watched it like 9 times already.” nick argues, shutting down chris’s pleads.
“how about grown ups?” matt suggests.
“yes i love that movie.” nate agrees.
“that’s fine with me.” nick shrugs and starts typing it in.
“is that good with you?” matt leans down to where i was sitting in front of him, his voice soft and genuine.
“yeah that’s good with me.” i tell him.
he smiles and pats the spot on the couch next to him, gesturing me to come sit up there with him. i stand up from my spot on the floor and sit down next to him. he drapes a blanket over the both of us.
about an hour or so into the movie, my eyes get heavy. i lean my head on matt’s shoulder, to which he responds with wrapping his arm around me. this was nothing out of the ordinary. there’s pictures going back to when we were in preschool of the two of us practically fused together passed out on the living room floor.
suddenly, a gentle shake of my shoulders woke me up from a sleep i hadn’t even known i fell into. my eyes flutter, slowly regaining focus. when they do, i’m met with matt’s gentle blue eyes.
“hey, you wanna go lay down in your bed? i don’t want your neck to be sore.” he asks, genuinely concerned for my comfort.
i look around, everyone else appeared to have gone into their rooms.
“yeah i probably should.” i say through a yawn.
matt grabs my hand and helps me stand up from the couch. we walk down the hallway. my room came before his and nicks.
“goodnight matt.” i say, slowly turning the doorknob.
“goodnight y/n. see ya in the morning.”
i toss and turn in bed, unable to fall asleep. i stand up from bed, and leave my room. slowly making my way to the kitchen to get a drink, careful to not wake anyone up.
i open the fridge and grab a water. before i can take a sip, i hear a familiar voice behind me.
“can’t sleep?” the sudden breach of silence made me jump a little. i turn around and see matt. he was leaned up against the door frame. his sweatpants falling dangerously low on his figure, his arm under his shirt itching his shoulder, exposing his midriff.
“nope. you?” i set my water down on the counter.
“hm mm” he replies.
we stand in silence for a few moments before matt breaks the silence again.
“wanna go to the beach?”
a/n: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LMK IF YALL LIKE THIS. SUGGESTIONS ALWAYS WELCOME AND MY INBOX IS ALWAYS OPEN 🙏 i’m using my old taglist, so lmk if you want taken off or added to it!
taglist: @honestlybabymiracle @pepsiimaxx @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattestrella @luvmxtt @rac00ns-are-c00l4
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
AND ANOTHER THING ABOUT ELITA'S TWIN! I need the reunion with Sentinal and Elita.
The long awaited reunion has finally been written!
The last writing for Buddy was nice and sweet... get ready, no one is spared for what's about to come...
Hope you enjoy!
Elita One's twin sister with the personality of SG! Blackarachnia reuniting with Sentinel and Elita
SFW, Angst, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronian (techno organic) reader
Buddy had been looking at the main screens for any docks with extra steel beams, the injury rates had been going up with the recent arrival of the Elite Guard.
They had been on edge since she heard about the Guard landing on Earth’s soil. Even refusing to leave the base, constantly working on menial tasks to keep her occupied.
Buddy hunched over her work area trying to fix some chips that had gotten fried.
Blitzwing walks in.
“You are still here? How are you even functional? Its been how long since you’ve gotten out of here?”--Blitzwing
“You should go outside before you start rusting here.”--Blitzwing
“Why you—”--Blitzwing
“The sparklers aren’t working correctly.”--Buddy
“The transfuser need to be tweaked.”--Buddy
“Are you even listening—”--Blitzwing
“Tweak to the left… tweak to the right…”--Buddy
Blitzwing leaves the med bay and returns with Lugnut.
“Your turn.”--Blitzwing
Lugnut comes closer to Buddy and taps her shoulder.
“If I can just get the cells to work correctly…”--Buddy
“Blitzwing hit his helm against my servo.”--Lugnut
“Then I can finally get the thing…”--Buddy
“I threw an Autobot off the roof.”--Lugnut
Buddy using a mini blow torch on the chips.
Lugnut turning back to Blitzwing shrugging.
Starscream comes into the med bay after hearing the entire thing from behind the door.
“Step aside, watch how a master works this.”--Starscream
Starscream moves to Buddy.
Starscream grabs on of Buddy’s servos.
“As your Second in Command, I am ordering you to—”--Starscream
“I think I melded this one the other way.”--Buddy
Buddy slipping her servo out of Starscreams hold and continues moving and working.
“DID YOU NOT HEAR—”--Starscream
“If I put the cells here… maybe it’ll work and function with the transfusers…”--Buddy
Starscream looking back at Blitzwing and Lugnut.
“Did she just completely ignore me?!”--Starscream
“I know an impossible feat.”--Blitzwing
“… I’ll let that one sly.”--Starscream
“I have an idea!”--Lugnut
“Oh, please Lugnut. That slow moving processor couldn’t even—now he’s gone…”--Starscream
Lugnut going out of the room, soon returning with Megatron.
“Why am I here Lugnut?”--Megatron
“Buddy hasn’t left the med bay.”--Lugnut
“It’s been approximately 1 earth week. I haven’t seen her refuel too much.”--Blitzwing
“She’s too busy working on those chips to even acknowledge us.”--Starscream
Megatron walking over to Buddy’s work area before picking up Buddy with one servo and tossing her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
“Megatron! Put me down! I must continue working!”—Buddy
“Those chips are not going to disappear if you leave for a couple of minutes.”—Megatron
Megatron ignoring Buddy as he makes his way to the fueling station.
“…Why didn’t we think about doing that?”--Blitzwing
“…I don’t know…”--Starscream
The Prime did try and reach Buddy, but she was very short with her responses, mainly afraid that the Elite Guard would pick up on the signal.
She did make one point clear.
Not to tell any of the Guard that she was alive.
The last thing Buddy needed was to be on the Guards number one bot of interest.
Finally, after a bit of searching she found a dock with extra steel beams laying around.
Most of the Cons were out on missions, even Megatron was out for the moment, she opted instead to leave a note saying that she was out on another steel run.
Now at the docks, she found the neat pile of steel beams.
As she reached for them, she paused.
“These look too perfect… either Ernie from docking works is working more on presentation… or…”--Buddy
Buddy takes a couple steps back from the beams.
“…It’s a trap…”--Buddy
Buddy jumping at the screams but immediately goes towards the noise.
“Hello? Hello, is there anyone there?”--Buddy
“I’m coming! Can you—”--Buddy
When Buddy turned the corner, she was caught in an electrical pulse net. She tried to get rid of the net, but it started electrifying her.
She screamed in pain, falling to the ground.
In her hazy vision, she saw a pair of pedes walking over to her and placed stasis cuffs on her, immobilizing her.
Another pair of smaller pedes came and placed something on her faceplate.
Then she blacked out.
When Buddy woke up the first thing, she saw was bright white walls.
Her neck was too stiff and upright.
And it was too bright…
Snapping her optics open she saw that she was in stasis cuffs, frozen in place, with a mouthpiece preventing her from talking.
She looked around, it looked like she was in a cell and there was thick glass separating her from the outside. The cells design looked extremely familiar… as if she had seen it before…
The sound of opening doors alerted her and looked at two shadows coming towards her.
She swore her spark stopped for a second when the figures came into full view.
In front of Buddy was Sentinel and Elita.
Buddy wanted to cry so badly seeing her twin and one of her friends.
Sentinel looked like her hadn’t changed much considering a brighter paintjob than the one in the Academy, maybe a new brand he was trying out. His infamous shield strapped to his back.
Elita looked exhausted but a bit chipper than Sentinel. Her frame had slightly more kibble than the last time she had seen her. Elita looked like she had opted to take up a staff as her weapon.
They were so close… yet so far…
She couldn’t hear anything what they were saying, must have been soundproof glass. But whatever they were talking about, Buddy had a bad thing they were talking about her.
She saw the doors open again.
In walked in Optimus Prime.
Optimus spotted Buddy and immediately went over to the glass placing his servo on it.
Buddy saw the fear in his optics seeing her in there.
Why would he be so scared of that… the Autbots wouldn’t subjugate torture as an interrogation tactic if that was what he was worried about.
But… what if the protocols had changed?
Surely, Ultra Magnus wouldn’t…
Optimus turned to Sentinel and Elita with a furious look on his face.
Buddy hadn’t seen that look before.
Sure, the Prime got angry, she had seen it before, but this time it was different.
He and Sentinel began arguing, or what looked like arguing.
Sentinel’s face went from confused to shock to furious.
Elita’s just went fully in shock slowly moving her helm to Buddy.
Optimus couldn’t be talking about…
No, he wouldn’t after…
A few more Autobots came into the room, but right now Buddy couldn’t care less about that.
Buddy wanted to get out of here.
She needed to get out of here.
Then it hit her.
She could still move some of her digits and extra appendages.
Granted it was a little bit, but it was still something.
Maybe it was because she wasn’t entirely Cybertronain anymore.
Abruptly all the bots started going outside of the room.
Elita giving her one slight glance before turning off the lights.
Silence filled the room.
It was time to put her plan into action.
Carefully wiggling her sharp digits into the cracks, Buddy twisted around until she heard a satisfying crack.
The cuffs slid off her aching wrist as she took off the face mask.
Thankfully the cell systems of the ship were still like the ones she used to work with back in her days at the Academy.
Slowly crawling through the vents, she managed to find a loose plating of the ship heading outside.
With a swift kick she was met with the starry night.
“It’s night?!”--Buddy
Buddy carefully scaled down the ship and softly landing on the ground.
“I’m so going to be put on base arrest for the next solar cycle if I keep this up… and I didn’t even get the beams! No, no, focus on the priorities!”--Buddy
Buddy wrapping up her webs in her servos.
“First get out of the base. Check. Second clean up any evidence and tracking devices. Check. Third thing escape. Almost check—”--Buddy
“Freeze Con!”--Elita
Buddy felt someone fall on her back, tackling her to the floor.
She quickly got up to see Elita armed with a staff.
Oh no…
Buddy wanted to talk but was met with Sentinel and Optimus racing towards them.
The group had finally been reunited, whether they knew it or not.
Buddy realized that she didn’t have any weapons on her.
She didn’t want to resort to using her powers, especially knowing how they reacted to other Cybertronains.
She swore that she would use them as a last resort.
Everyone was at a standstill.
Then Elita charged.
Buddy did her best to dodge and avoid every blow.
Granted Elita did land some but otherwise Buddy was able to dodge the rest.
Buddy managed to get a hold of Elita’s staff.
Elita leaped forward with her servos wide open.
Buddy used the staff to block any contact Elita tried to get on her. Elita was trying to use her power on her. There was no telling what would happen to her.
Suddenly something slammed into her helm causing her to drop the staff and fall to the ground.
Elita grabbed the staff and stood on top of Buddy with the tip inches away from her pipes.
Buddy saw from her side that Optimus was trying to get to her, but Sentinel was somehow managing to keep him at bay shouting something.
Elita One raising her staff over Buddy’s helm.
“ELITA WAIT!”--Optimus
The staff stopping inches from Buddy’s helm.
Elita looking down on her with wide optics.
Sentinel and Optimus have stopped fighting to see the scene.
Buddy quickly rolls from underneath Elita giving them both enough space.
“How—how do you know that?”--Elita
“…I’d be a pretty crummy twin if I didn’t want to annoy you from time to time, huh?”--Buddy
“And Sentinel! Next time give a bot a warning before you throw the giant frisbee to someone’s helm.”--Buddy
Optimus walks forward but gets held back by Sentinel.
“I’m not going to ask again. How did you know that name.”--Elita
“…You know I didn’t think that me being gone for so long would make you less smart Lita—”--Buddy
“Don’t call me that! Who are you!”--ELita
“It’s me! Buddy!”--Buddy
“No you aren’t!”--Elita
“Elita listen to her! That is Buddy—”--Optimus
“Shut it Optimus! You honestly think that this disgusting looking Con is Buddy? This is just some Con trick!”--Sentinel
“I’m not hearing it!”--Sentinel
“Please! Elita, you know it’s me! Yeah I look a little bit different but I’m still the same Buddy you grew up with”--Buddy
Buddy moves slowly to take Elita’s servo.
Elita immediately retracts her servo as soon as they touch backing up.
“You’re not my twin sister.”--Elita
“Elita, please—”--Buddy
“She was gone on Archna 7.”--Elita
“She was an honorable Autobot who was too selfless for her own good!”--Elita
It dawned on Buddy like a cold shower.
Elita feared her.
Sentinel feared her.
They both saw her as a monster.
A freak.
The enemy.
Optimus pushing pass Sentinel and Elita and standing in front of Buddy’s slightly trembling form.
“I think you two have done enough.”--Optimus
“Optimus you of all bots can’t believe this. We knew Buddy better than anyone!”--Elita
Optimus placing a servo on Buddy’s shoulder.
Buddy looking down with unshed tears building up.
“…I—I need to get out of here Prime…”--Buddy
“What? No, Buddy we can work this out—”--Optimus
“Prime. Not now… please just let me go.”--Buddy
Buddy sees a dark shadow coming from behind Optimus.
“Optimus look out!”--Buddy
Buddy pushes Optimus out of the way and instinctively uses her powers on the figure, bringing them down.
Sentinel with the stasis cuffs in his servos fell to the ground.
“Sentinel! Optimus!”--Elita
Elita rushed to Sentinel and Optimus’s side standing protectively over the two of them.
Buddy staggers back looking at the scene before her.
Optimus and Sentinel slowly waking up from the harsh toss to the ground and power drainage.
Buddy sprints away from the scene.
She ran and ran for once not caring to watch her steps.
Buddy needed to go somewhere, anywhere but there.
The thoughts of going back to the Decepticon base where immediately shot down. She didn’t want to explain this whole story to her team.
She couldn’t tell Megatron about what happened.
Eventually Buddy would return to base, but right now, she needed a place to calm down, let out some steam, and cry without judgement.
Lucky for Buddy, there was one place she could think of.
Carefully, she crawled into one of the empty cargo bins on a ship that was setting sail.
When the time came, Buddy came out of the cargo bin without disturbing the other bins and went to the edge.
A minute later the shoreline of the island came into view.
Good thing that the boat always came close to the shoreline, it was perfect for jumping distance.
Wadding in the water, Buddy made her way to the shore.
She continued through the greenery following the familiar pathway she had walked multiple times before.
The rush from the events was slowly draining away as her steps became more and more sluggish; her vision becoming more and more watery, tears sliding down her faceplate, she could feel her servos and frame start to shake.
Buddy came to a clearing and fell to her knees venting hard trying to stifle everything.
In a split second, she didn’t care who or what heard her.
She screamed.
Buddy didn’t remember for how long she screamed, but her voice box was starting to glitch from the excessive use.
Buddy trembling on the ground finally done with the screaming match.
Heavy steps are heard coming closer to Buddy, but she is too exhausted to even look up.
Buddy looking up a bit.
“Hey Grimlock. Long time no see.”--Buddy
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riskyraiker · 7 months
Hii, I saw you were taking requests, so how about this: A Vox x Reader who were old friends in life, now reunited in hell, but not in a way he would expect. Reader was fighting for the Hotel against exterminators and got hurt.
Sort of an angsty/hurt-comfort kinda thing, with Vox stepping out of his cruelty and demon persona. Please, take care and thank you 💕😋
Oh my i absolutely love this😍😍and here have a rose for being my first request🌹You didn't specify genders so i wrote Y/N as they/them, also i apologize if the pov changes from 3rd pov to anything else.
Glad that we're in hell | Vox x reader
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Vox loved how much control he had in Hell. He didn't miss anything from the time when he was alive, or so he thought. He didn't want to break his persona in anyway, but he couldn't help but miss Y/N after Valentino had another tantrum over Angel Dust. He covered it by stalking and complaining about a certain radio demon who came back in town. Vox was so focused that he didn't even notice his good old friend next to Alastor.
All of the three V's sat on the couch watching how an army of angels flew closer to the Hazbin Hotel. Vox was enthralled that Alastor would lose, but all his focus on Alastor vanished when he noticed someone familiar being attacked by an exorcist. "No fucking way.." Vox mumbled under his breath which got the attention of Velvette for max. 2 seconds. His panic didn't last long when the exorcist head was shot full of holes by Angel. Soon enough Adam broke the barrier and started to fight with Alastor himself. Vox was celebrating as Alastor got his ass beat by Adam, now he was complaining about alastor leaving. "Agghh Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!"
Alastor was down, Angel, Husk and Cherry were struggling, Charlie was choked by Adam and Vaggie was struggling with Lute. Y/N had no other choice but try and sneak up on Adam. Attacking the first man, but almost no damage was done expect a scar on his shoulder. Adam threw Y/N to a wall, which made Vox absolutely enraged. "Y/N!!" Oh shit, that confirms it, it's you. As lucifer arrived to the fight, Vox dissapeared from the couch through cameras to the battlefield, he ran to Y/N. "I..what are you doing here?" It seems like they didn't recognize him well for being a TV screen. "I'm here to save you, darling. I-it's me Vox you knew me when we were alive." Y/N eyes widened as she coughs his name before losing consiousness. "Aw shit, let's go back" Vox held Y/N close as he went back into his place. He did the best he could to bandage you up and give you every pain reliever he had after you woke up. "uhh..what happened. The hotel! Where am i? I need to help Charlie and the others!" Vox was at his own desk watching the cameras, until he heard you yelling about the hotel and your friends. He had no time to get up and run when he straight up teleported through electricity next to you. "Oh god, I was so worried about you! I didn't even know you were in hell. Why in the fuck are you even here?!" Vox didn't care if Val or Velvet would walk through those huge doors as he held you close and rambled about you and your well being to you. "Vox, is it Really you? I thought i had lost you completely." Those words cut his heart in half and made him glitch. You held him tight as you could without being in pain.
You couldn't help but let tears fall down your face, you missed him so much. "I thought i didn't miss you at all, but I was so wrong. How could I've been so selfish not to realize I loved you all this time" Was it true what he just said or were you still in shock from the battle. "Vox. Did you just confess?" Vox only glitched and even shed a few tears which made him ashamed. "Oh darling don't cry, I love you aswell" You caressed his screen styled face softly as you leaned your forehead onto the top of his screen. "Y-You do?" His eyes flickered and moved up and down, looking into your eyes then glancing at your lips. "Of course I do. I loved you since we were alive. You make me glad to be in hell" It took you long enough to kiss, but you did it anyway. Angels say Hell is only suffering and pain, but they didn't know that it's not only that. "You make hell seem like Heaven to me, Y/N"
AN: I hope you liked it. I wrote this quick as possible to not keep you waiting. It might short aswell, I'm not good at going to detail :,)
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the-bitter-ocean · 3 months
oceaaaannn hiii! let's go with 3, 5, and 15 for the isat ask game c:
(MAJOR A6SE / 2HATS SPOILERS + FULL GAME SPOILERS AHOY) Thank you for the questions @dekupalace ! Since I’m going to be talking more in depth about the game for one of these questions I’m going to put my responses under a read more:
3- favorite soundtrack?
Oh god that’s such a hard question the whole game has certified bangers. The musicians at Studio Thumpy Puppy were not messing around or pulling any punches. The soundtrack of the game elevates literally every emotional beat. If I was forced to choose only one song out of the soundtrack my favorite track in the whole game has to be “How Can You Help Me, Stardust?” aka the theme that plays when you fight Loop at the Favor tree during act six. Hearing that for the first time while getting the full context of loop’s backstory made me go crazy. It was so fucking emotional and well done. That and it’s just objectively a super intense high energy song that makes me wanna dance around. If anyone deserves the coolest fight theme in the game, it’s Loop.
5- favorite optional event?
Ooh this is also a hard one! I adore a lot of the optional story events because each of them really shed light on Siffrin’s mental state /characterization, as well as gives depth to other aspects like the other character of the world building as a whole which strengthens the themes of the story. Aside from the obvious choice (2Hats Ending/ Act six loop encounter) I think my favorite optional event would have to be the “Who Was Phone” achievement (Change God event). There’s something so fascinating about learning about the Change God. Someone who clearly adores their certified little guy (Mirabelle) and is willing to offer words of kindness and assurance in her identity even if it knows she won’t remember in one instance..and then in the very same breath tell Siffrin that they enjoy watching Siffrin in the timeloop torment nexus because they’re curious to see how they change in a situation where everything is forced to stagnate. It was so genuinely fucked. I will think about it always forever.
15- anything you’d change about the game? be it game mechanics, a new feature, a change in plot, etc
Overall I’m pretty satisfied with the game both in story and gameplay actually. I think Adrienne did a good job writing and expanding on the characters and story that was set up in the prologue. The quality of life in terms of gameplay got improved since the previous game as well ( those who played the prologue can attest to this) . The fact that it was a in universe story reason as to why makes it all the more satisfying (if you want to know what I mean by that please read my mutuals @felikatze analysis about it here.)
I just am happy that Siffrin got to be happy in the end and stay with their family, to be able to talk things out and escape the loops. I know some people didn’t like that or expected a more darker/sadder ending or wanted the gameplay to be more challenging … my response to that is Literally Just Play Start Again: A Prologue. To me it would be extremely reductive to have Siffrin just suffer with no reprieve or escape from the loops (because that’s just a repeat of what happened in its predecessor) or have the group just split off from each other immediately after everything happened. It would have been extremely unsatisfying and ultimately missing the point of the themes of the game as a whole gonna be real lol.
The only things I’d maybe change or add is like it would’ve been cute to see Euphrasie and Claude be together/ reunite on screen in act 6. They should kiss. Lol. (That and just I would’ve personally loved to see Euphrasie in canon expanded on a little more but that’s not necessarily needed she serves her purpose in the narrative. I just like analyzing her and giving her more depth and I like when others do too, but that’s what fanart/ fics and aus are for so I’m not fussed.) 
I don’t mind that the game is sort of open ended and doesn’t answer all the questions. I think that gives artists, fanfic writers, Au makers and people who like to analyze the game more freedom to come up with their own interpretations for things that happened in pre canon and post canon which to me is more interesting. I know Loop disappearing at the end of the game in both endings is sad/ bittersweet but I wouldn’t necessarily change the way that was structured either. I like that their fate was ambiguous because it leads the viewer to come up with their own theories as to where they went. ( personally I love seeing stuff where loop gets to travel on their own and form a new life and identity outside of the loops and learn to heal, as well as post game getting to meet back up with the party and learn to navigate this new life/ change one step at a time. )
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ronsenthal · 9 months
Part five and final of Jess Reads Fierce Valor as we reached his post WWII military career, his retirement and last years of his life
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Notes: Please read the book and take your own conclusions if you can, this is my view and my own clonclusion from my experience reading it
okay now really not much happens, he got married for a second time, stayed in the army, got divorced again
he came to the veterans reunion in 1947 and then never showed up again until some 50 years later
he made his final combat jumps in Korea, he had like 4 which was like a LOT
btw do you guys remember Albert Blithe from the series right? Right! the guy lived after recovering from his wounds and actually served in the 187th Infantry Regiment, guess who was the company commander? thats right! our very own bald man
ok so he worked and had time studied Russian and became the governor os Spandau, at this time there was already some cold war shit going on
speaking of shit, his german was shitty (so is mine!!!) so he couldn't quite undestand the prisioners but played chess with one of them??
Ah yes got married and divorced again
trained and organized some stuff for the the Royal Lao Army and some more army duty??? but nothing interesting is said really
he was then Lieutenant Colonel and worked with the Pentagon, it says that his army duty came to an end in 1964 but his name came up in army records in 1965 at a special division, so he had some function? was he a spy? we will never know for sure
okay now he is retired, married again (the man was a machine), had some health related problems and had to do some heart surgeries, like 5 of them or even more
at this point he was really introspective over his life, then the Ambrose book came and old man was PISSED because guess what??? Ambrose didn't even bothered to actual fact check his book and Speirs felt that he did dirty to his first ex-wife and even to himself
Dick became his biggest advocate and tried so many times to reunited him to the last members of Easy but he couldn't, he even begged Speirs but remember he is a Taurus so he said no again and again
toward his late years and after the release of the book he was afraid some n30-naz1s would come after him for some kind of vengeance so he asked for his name adress and personal info to be removed so Dick was the only one who knew hot to contact him
then there was the reunion for the screening of Band of Brothers and he finally showed up after his last wife made him show up and it was really emotional, Matthew Settle just watched the real Speirs and Dick watching the first ep and then Matthew showed up on his door and asked him to sing his cast, cause he got hurt his feet somehow
oh right forgot to mention that he loved his poodles, he was really into square dance (I don't know what the hell this is don't ask me), had some weird hobbies like pan for gold on rivers??? also normal ones like playing golf and he was also a nice elderly to his grand-sons and great-grand-sons, nephews, nieces and stuff
he had really bad PTSD specially while sleeping ans even after being retired he couldn't relax while sleeping and always eat his food fast.
he wouldn't let people kill spiders, like black widow spiders because of the William Wallace story and because he served in a company that the symbol and nickname was one
also he didn't talked about his army life like AT ALL, he said it was harder for him to remember things since he spent great part of his life om the army while the other guys served like with one company and that was it, for me it's clear it was bullshit he was so hard on himself and self critical on the basic stuff he didn't so one can only imagine how he dealt with the heavy stuff
his final years he was losing his strength, already loss great part of his hearing and was so ashamed of it and was really frustrated and miserable
after his death this one person of his family took his ashes and spread somewhere in a beautiful lake near the Canadian border where he rests today, quite emotional really
Okay so overall this was such a great reading, it's really a testament to how complex, mysterious and sometimes twisted his character really was.
I loved how the authors didn't pushed any agenda or narratives, I feel like they did a good job because they didn't tried to justify any of his actions, they just wanted to bring as many facts to the table as they could so we, as readers, could come up with our own conclusions
Mine is: He was crazy indeed, he did some questionable stuff and it took it's toll on him during and after the war, but also really cared for the man on his side, he sure could be cruel, flawed, cold blooded, impetuous and a true killer, but at the same time protective, respectful, really smart and incredible skilled as a leader, so much that everyone respected him for it, some loved the man dearly, some despised and that it was what truly amazed me by
A big thank you to everyone who followed my dumb takes during this reading, it was really fun to do!!!
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taglist: @mads-weasley, @mutantmanifesto, @love--persevering, @gorgeousundertow, @grumpy-liebgott, @wexhappyxfew, @latibvles, @1waveshortofashipwreck and @executethyself35
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k0k1ch1111 · 4 months
Death puzzles !!!!
quote log from a fic I rlly am obsessed with rn
“Yeah, I lied! My parents are actually in Russia,” Kokichi told him gleefully, his eyes narrowed at the block he was very carefully wiggling free from the tower. “I haven’t seen them in years since I’m actually forbidden from entering Russia.”That was probably a lie, but Shuichi was curious how far this story went. “...why?”“I ran for president,” his classmate sighed mournfully. “Now I can never reunite with my family.”
If you’re neither, then congratulations, I think.
"Hmm, yeah… that’s too sweet,” Kokichi hummed thoughtfully, seeming to see an entirely different problem than he did. “How about babygirl?” “And I am stopping this conversation here,” Shuichi decided, rolling onto his side away from his classmate. “Goodnight, Kokichi.”
he had always had a bit of a soft spot for physical comfort. Maybe his parents didn’t hug him enough or something.
Shuichi got to have a full night of sleep full of peace and ignorance while Kokichi got to die of heatstroke in the night. Overall, it was a pretty fair deal in his books.
The second grave he dug up was also incorrect, he noted in despair. Also, he almost got whiplash seeing what looked like a girl in the coffin, and he didn’t even want to think about the implications of what the gravestone meant if this kid was what he thought they were. That was an absolute nightmare scenario for Shuichi himself, and he couldn’t imagine being killed over it…
Our bathroom’s gonna look like a crime scene,” Kokichi groaned, throwing his head back and letting it droop to the side. “Once my hands are cleaned up, I’m dealing with yours. You look like you’re about to cry.”I am about to cry, he thought depressingly.
This guy had bounced from borderline manic to the childish, game-loving prankster he had come to know in the Objective Room.
What's there to talk about?” asked Kokichi, thankfully lowering the gun. “It’s like Monokuma said! It’s a puzzle of luck. Either I die and permanently traumatize you for the rest of your probably very short life, or I’m totally fine. Seems like pretty even odds to me.
”I’m glad you asked!” A list appeared on the screen next to Monokuma, which he read out. “Shooting yourself with just one dummy bullet will earn you entertainment for the Objective Room. Watching you two argue about the earth being flat killed some of my brain cells, so I figured that you could do with some books or board games or something.”
"I didn’t know I was that still of a sleeper…” Shuichi admitted sheepishly. “Do I really look that bad…?” “Yes,” replied Kokichi without hesitation. “Yes, you do. Watching you sleep makes me want to spontaneously buy a coffin for you, flowers and everything.” “You watch me sleep?”The room went deathly quiet as the two of them stared blankly at each other.
“Not sure.” Kokichi shrugged, sitting on the pulled out chair and crossing one leg over the other. “You were sleeping for a reaaaally long time though. Why do you sleep like you’re a child from the 1300s dying of the plague?”
He decided that it was better to just let Kokichi get all of the Kokichi-isms out of his system before asking about the puzzles.
I haven't updated this in like. Many chapters oopsiesss
I won’t be able to do it myself… s-so please, Kokichi. Let’s survive this together.”“...we are so fucked up,” Kokichi whispered with a drastic shudder.
Maybe they had left for a vacation? That was okay, he supposed– they worked hard enough. Even organs deserved a vacation… little hard workers. So noble.
He briefly wondered why his hand wasn’t closing around anything.And that’s when he finally remembered, oh, right. That’s gone.
“So you have synesthesia,” Maki concluded.The minute those words left her mouth, Himiko broke out into a sweat, casting her eyes downward. “N-No… it’s my magic.”
It’s not that bad,” he choked out. “K-Kokichi took most of the beatings, even when he didn’t have to. I’m fine…”He didn’t even have to look up to see Hajime’s skeptical expression. “Shuichi, your hand is missing.”
“Where’s the others?”
“Saving the ecosystem,” Shuichi told him in barely a mumble.“Supposedly,” added Maki. Somehow, Hajime managed to look even more tired. He massaged his temples with two fingers each, squeezing his eyes shut.
Why would she put us through the trouble of putting it on if she’s just going to take it off!? he thought in outrage, fighting to get the stupid thing off of his head. It was so liberating to have his jaw entirely free once again– it felt like he was human again. Did she just want to humiliate me…?
Y-You really shouldn’t be walking around on a fractured ankle…” the woman continued stammering, her hands on her head. “I-If malalignment develops, then H-H-Hajime’s the only one who’d be able to fix it! You should r-really lay back down!”
“You should try ketamine,” he retorted dryly. “You sound like you’d benefit from it.”
You thought I was gonna die?” Kokichi scoffed, disguising his teary voice underneath a snicker. “Yeah, right. Like I’d die in a stupid locker.”
So apparently. The world ended.
And yes, he knew he shouldn’t be walking around yet. That was something Mikan, Shuichi and Hajime all reminded him of daily. Was that going to stop him, though? No. No it wasn’t.)
The rules were stupid,” Himiko insisted fiercely. “I’m glad you guys are okay now. I was casting all kinds of protection charms for you, but I wasn’t sure if they ever reached you.”Protection charms.Kokichi had nearly forgotten about it after what happened in the Seating Puzzle, but with that reminder, he could feel his body heating up.
“Or we can just… have a nice picnic somewhere,” Shuichi suggested hurriedly. “No one needs to slit open their stomachs.”Kokichi pouted. “Not even a little bit?” “What does a little bit even mean…?”
Maki made it… for Kokichi? Shuichi cast a surprised look back at his partner, who had stood out of his wheelchair and limped into the room. He gave Shuichi a similarly confused look, seeming to lack any form of an answer too.. Well, she was the one who found us. I was really aggressive over him when that happened…
Ah, barns. Shuichi didn’t imagine that he was going to be visiting that place anytime soon. Big animals were nice, and he always found horses a little fascinating, but up close? They were a little terrifying.
Hajime rubbed the side of his head, exasperation flicking across his face. “I wish I knew which god to curse, but no, I brought this upon myself. Let’s move on to our next topic: a recovery plan.”
He’s definitely going to run away from our sessions,” Hajime muttered under his breath as he closed the door.“A broken ankle will definitely not stop him,” Shuichi agreed fondly. “When are his sessions, anyway?”Hajime put on a small smile. “I’ll keep it a surprise, at least for now. He’ll be easier to catch if he doesn’t know when to flee.” “That– um, that sounds terrifying.”
You’re… feeling dysphoric?” Kokichi somehow found the bravery to ask.“What’s dysphoric?” Kaito whispered.
Obviously, that’s a lie. Vampires don’t exist, silly goose,” Kokichi declared. “Clearly he’s a ghost.”
“Also, even if you were high, why would you two be kissing each other? How bored do you gotta be?” “I can think of an emotion other than boredom that’d lead to it,” Kokichi snickered. Kaito paused, thinking deeply. “...curiosity?”Clearly, that wasn’t the answer Kokichi was thinking of. The only reaction he gave was a deadpan stare.
Invisible paint brushes streaked lines of orange and yellow across the darkening sky, and he thought for only a moment, Angie must love her new canvas.
Every drop of color drained from his face and his head snapped forward, facing the sunset as he coughed awkwardly. Kokichi, probably curious, sat up and looked back at their apparent audience, forming an ‘o’ with his mouth when he saw them.“Busteddd,” Kokichi whispered, not sounding bothered in the slightest.
“I’m not jealous!” Kaito defensively shouted. “I’m just… really freakin’ confused!”
“What’s so hard to understand? Is it ‘cause we’re both boys?” Kokichi guessed, his voice layered with something akin to amusement. “Have you never seen two boys kiss before, Kaito?”
“That’s… that’s not the problem! I’m confused ‘cause I wasn’t expecting…” Kaito gestured wildly at them, his mouth open helplessly before he managed to spit out, “you two, yknow!?”
I wasn’t moping,” Shuichi protested at the same time K1-B0 exclaimed, “jetpack shoes!?”
As expected, K1-B0 looked even more surprised. “What? Kokichi and Shuichi are dating!? When did this happen?”
“This cannot get any worse,” Shuichi mumbled into his hand.“Nyeh!? What are all you guys doing here?”He stood corrected.
“The stars look great tonight, don’t you guys think?” Kaito spoke up, lifting a finger skyward.“You say that every night,” Maki pointed out.“That’s ‘cause the stars are freakin’ awesome!” Kaito shot back with an enthusiastic grin
Hell yeah, Keeboy! Embrace the robot!” Kokichi cheered, clapping his hands together excitedly.
"Whoopee! Keeboy, you’re flower girl.”
“What!? Why am I the flower girl?” K1-B0 demanded, visibly frazzled.“It’s like when you have your dog bring you the rings. You’re perfect for the role!” Kokichi exclaimed, practically having stars in his eyes as he excitedly pumped his fists up and down. “Himiko’s my maid of honor.”
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slashingdisneypasta · 7 months
I just watch Good Day For It... I have so many thoughts!!
With how it was set up, it felt like an indie film, or one of those shows with an hour+ runtime per episode. I had to double check the that this was a on-its-own movie. I don't mean that in a bad way at all! I kinda hoped it was so we could get more story and action XD but it was just- executed sooo well! By the halfway point, I was surprised that Emily hadn't been kidnapped and Luke had to go rescue her. The movie focused on them and their relationship and her getting the answers she needed. No unnecessary drama or action needed to keep us at the edge of our seats. I absolutely love how you can see what the characters are thinking through their emotions and expressions- especially Luke!!!! And I was so so so relieved when we got that happy ending of the family reunited. No prison or death for Luke, Emily and Sarah can get all their answers and hopefully they'll be one bug happy family again ^^
Hec and Rose? Do I need to say anything?? They are the BEST supporting cast ever. Hands down. I need Rose and Reba to hang out. I need more Hec and Rose banter. I need more of Hec not just flirting with Rose and genuinely caring for her. I. Need. Them.
And of course, I can't forget the thugs you- and now I- love. First of all; Norman is my favorite. He's just.... Hooooooo fuck. I need him. I need that man. So in control? So level headed yet dangerous at the same time??? Lord have mercy (it doesn't help at all that I'm 99% sure that this is the same guy who played Foxy. WHAT IS IT WITH THAT MAN AND HIS VOICE!?)
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As we can see, this is yet another case of me falling in love with the sidekick/accomplice of the one you're in love(?) With. First buck and Harper, then Big Bad and Granny. Greasy and Psycho, Otis and Baby/Rufus. And now Norman and Wayne. What other team/duo are we going to fall for next? XD
Secondly, all these guys KILLED their roles. Oh my god, they really bring a whole new level to the movie when they're on screen. The tension is so thick, you could cut it with a butter knife. They just.... Ohhh my god, I wish I watched this movie sooner so I could appreciate your writing of them more!
Thirdly... Ok the fact that Robert England's character was dealt with by smashing a plate on his head 🤣🤣🤣 I'm sorry, a plate smashing can do serious damage (especially to an old man *cough*) but- the other two got shot, but it's this toon of a man that's finished off with a dish. Please tell me I'm not the only one who found that funny XDDD
And finally.... ALL OF YOU GUYS ARE TALKING ABOUT WAYNES EGG COMMENT, BUT NONE OF YA'LL TALKING ABOUT ANY OF LYLES LINES!?!? I don't like that egg comment either, it made my skin crawl too 😅 But believe me, I would take THAT any day over what Lyle said towards Emily, "You like 'em young, eh?"//"So she's legal, now?"//*keeps touching Emily*//I'll let my new girlfriend explain."//"Your sick kid turned into this?"//"Well, I already paid for it." 🤢🤢🤢 Emily my girl I am so sorry. Lyle, I am going to throw you OUTTA THAT WINDOW MYSELF! YOU AND YOUR BOYS CAN COME CATCH THESE HANDS-
All in all, I loved this movie!!! I'm definitely gonna watch it again. And I need to re-read your 'Good day for it' content now, too XD
I could not wait to answer this Sarah. So hi, I'm reporting from the trenches bus stop XD
I'm so jazzed you watched the movie and liked it!!! YES!! I'm absolutely hyperfixated at the moment XD
Right?? I thought it was gonna take forevor to get through it when I started it but the pace was actually really good?? Nothing in it seems like boring filler- and if it is slow, it's just building up tension! XD
I'm also bummed there isn't any more ): I guess though it's a good thing, cuz Norman-Dale-and-Wayne wouldn't be in it ):): (well... maybe Wayne. I HAVE THEORIES. yes they live in the bickerman twins au.)
Yesssss, it has a happy ending and I'm so happy for it XD Happy endings are so underrated 😅😆😄 Just let them be happy!!! Let there be some optimism that they'll get it together and fix everything and everything can be forgiven and everything will be good ^^ 💛💛💛
YES ROSE AND HEC!!! OH MY GOODNESS. THEY ARE THE KINDA PROTAG/SIDE CHARACTERS I LOVE. The well-meaning banter?? The old married couple vibes spliced with the hard-to-get/trying forevor combination??? WAHH!! They're so good XDD I love how Hec is flirty but he's not creepy or threatening. Rose can say no as many times as she likes and he'll make her laugh <3 And- when he came to be Rose's back up against Wayne and Dale??? AGH I was so nervous for them both but so happy to see him come XDD
And the fact that the Sheriff is basically their son??? XDDDD I just thought I'd chuck that in.
... I TOTALLY CALLED IT!! I KNEW YOUR FAVOURITE WAS GONNA BE NORMAN XDD (and yes, that's Richard Brake which means it is absolutely Foxy XD ) I need to make more gifs of that man for you XD He is so pretty <3 And yes- s o in control. That bit where he warns Hec and Rose and Luke that t h e y don't want any trouble?? JEEZ, MAN, BE CAREFUL OF MY DAMN OVARIES, WILL YA??
I was totally about to say 'actually, miraculously my favourite is not the robert englund character this time, i like dale', but i couldn't even think it XD I am s o into Dale for some reason, but 'Dale' kept on getting autocorrected to 'Wayne' when I was drafting this responce in my head XD I obviously love Wayne 🙄😅 (he's under jim and stuart though... but, still, above ink and buckman which is saying something), and YES! YOU'RE RIGHT!! THAT IS OUR PATTERN!! Haha 🤣🤣🤣 I love that XDDD Who is next on our raydar?? 🤔🤔🤔 XD Hmmm XD
'I wish I watched this movie sooner so I could appreciate your writing of them more!' oh there will be more. dont you worry. i have so much in my head; its like when I was into Mr Snake and I kept churning out ideas for him every night XD Wayne x Reader's, Dale x Reader's, N o r m a n x readers... 👀*pointed look at you* // *cough* also Poly!Wayne x Reader x Dale x Norman.
Omg... right??? XDD I've been thinking about Wayne getting the plate, too 🤣 Its too funny. Thats a bit I really wanna gif. When I first watched I honestly I kept thinking we were gonna get a post credits scene of him getting up and brushing the plate bits off himself, chuckling. I've been spoiled by Lake Placid XD
'AND FINALLY'-- I DUNNO ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE BUT I FOR ONE WAS NOT MENTIONING THAT B E C A U S E ITS SO MUCH WORSE 🤣😭🤣😭🤣 Oh my lordddd. At least Wayne's entertaining. Lyle is pure terror. I keep fantasising about him saying horrible things like that to me and one of the others sticking up for me~~ 💛💕^^💕💛 I m u s t admit though- god is that actor good. Oh my god. My skin was crawling and I wanted to punch him. That is g o o d shit. The twisted little creature writer in me is loving it; she wants more. Like with Otis. I'm thinking oh s h i t oh shit oh shit, this writer isn't pulling any punches. I kneel. I just think its s u c h an art, to make horrible disgusting characters and thats why I get SO PUMPED when someone compliments my ability to make my characters gross XD ITS JUST??? Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh XDDD I cant even. But yes- Lyle's lines.
I'm soooooo glad you loved the movie!! It, and Titanic, are my current hyperfixation's so its a good thing you got on board- its gonna be all over your dash and notifs for a bit XD Do you wanna be tagged for Norman content? XD
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beefromanoff · 8 months
Going Under Ch. 29
summary: christmas. online comments. an emotional spiral. angst. new years. missions. heartbreak.
characters: Bucky Barnes x OC
soundtrack: exile - Taylor Swift and Bon Iver
warnings: fluff, pop star fantasy x love story, set in an AU where the Avengers reunite after Civil War, pre-infinity war, slight angst, hurt/comfort, lonely reader/OC.
author’s note: GUYS PUT DOWN THE PITCHFORKS PLS, first of all, so sorry it's been a million years! the holidays and my birthday and vacation and everything has just kept me too busy. i've tried to alternate between my other story (linked here) and this one, but I still hate that it's been so long. also, I know this story is a lot of your comfort fic, so I'M SORRY for the angst and heartache! just stick with me pleaseeee!
ilysm, thank you for reading! please let me know what you think!
chapter list
The city lights glittered outside the panoramic windows of the penthouse, casting a soft glow over the sleek, modern furnishings. A fire blazing in the center of the living room illuminated Gianna’s gaunt face. The past month had taken the youthful roundness from her face and the twinkle from her eyes. Bringing her knees to her chest, she took a slow sip of her wine as she stared out the window at the New York night. Across the horizon, a sharp knife to her heart, glowed the trademark ‘A’ of Avengers’ Tower. 
The infamous building, once filled with laughter and shared moments, sat dark and empty. Gianna gazed through the floor-to-ceiling glass, her reflection staring back at her—a portrait of a woman who had lost something irreplaceable.
Her thoughts were a hurricane, a montage of memories that wrecked her mind and haunted the solitude of the room. The past months had unraveled like a thread, leaving behind a tapestry of emotions that she struggled to make sense of. The laughter from Thanksgiving with the Avengers echoed in her mind, but now it seemed like a distant melody she no longer knew how to play.
She spun the stem of the wine glass in her fingers, ignoring the blue glow of the phone on her coffee table. Texts, calls, social media alerts…nothing she cared to check. She knew what they’d say, all variations of the same headlines that had been running for weeks. 
Pop Star and Winter Soldier call it quits after whirlwind romance!
Gianna Cruz spotted on solo coffee run in Manhattan!
Who Made Gianna Cruz Cry?! Pop Star Spotted with Red Eyes Amid Split with Famed Assassin.
As bad as the tabloids were, nothing wrecked her like the truth that played on a loop in her mind.
Early December, New York
The glow of holiday lights adorned the city streets as Bucky and Gianna strolled through Central Park. Snowflakes danced around them, and the air buzzed with the energy of the season. 
They paused under a streetlamp, his eyes meeting hers. "You know, you're too good for someone like me," he confessed, a hint of vulnerability in his gaze.
Gianna chuckled, playfully nudging him. "Oh hush. You’re the first guy to ever think he doesn’t deserve me, and it’s one of the many reasons I’m certain you do."
Bucky's laugh echoed through the crisp winter night as he held Gianna’s hand in his own.
“If you say so.” 
Early December, Upstate New York - Avengers’ Compound
The soft glow of the evening sun streamed into Bucky's room as he idly scrolled through social media. His fingers danced over the screen, swiping through images and updates. A photo caught his eye—himself and Gianna, smiling, carefree, fingers woven together as they crossed a street in the city.
The initial wave of warmth quickly gave way to a sinking feeling as he caught a glimpse of the comment section. Many were positive, gushing about how good they looked together, how happy they seemed. Bucky couldn't help but smile at those.
However, as he scrolled further, the tone shifted. Harsh words leapt off the screen, cutting through him like a knife. They weren't strangers to him—the names, the insults—all a reminder of the Winter Soldier's haunted past that some couldn't let go. Comment after comment confirmed his darkest fears, the things his mind taunted him with late at night.
"Can't believe she's with a killer."
“Of everyone she could date, she chooses him? A freak of nature with blood on his hands?” 
“I hope he knows he’s ruining her life. He should be with a monster like himself, not someone innocent like Gianna. I hate this relationship.” 
“Does she even know everything he’s done? I can’t support her after she knowingly dates a murderer.”
"She deserves better."
The words became a relentless cascade, a torrent of doubts and insecurities that he had fought so hard to suppress. The shadows of his past seemed to stretch and loom, threatening the fragile happiness he had found with Gianna. He felt guilty, shameful, stupid for ever thinking he could escape them, thinking he could find some semblance of peace. 
Gianna's voice interrupted his thoughts as she cracked open the door to his room, a soft and cheerful invitation to join the team for dinner. A part of him wanted to tell her about the comments, to seek reassurance in her presence, but a darker instinct held him back. The shame was too great. Something nagged at him, told him maybe they were right. Their relationship was a fluke. Maybe she didn’t realize what she’d gotten herself into. Fear crept into his mind, convincing him that if he put those thoughts into her mind, even seeking comfort from them, they’d take root and she’d wonder what the hell she was doing with him in the first place.
Forcing a smile, he silenced the turmoil in his mind and pocketed his phone, choosing not to burden her with the weight of his doubts.
“Let’s go eat,” He put a hand on her lower back and kissed her cheek, ignoring the nagging feeling that at some point soon, he would no longer be able to. 
Christmas Morning, Avengers’ Compound
The cozy warmth of Christmas evening found Earth’s Mightiest Heroes lounging by the fireplace in the overly decorated living room. Gift wrapping strewn everywhere, the smell of hot cocoa and spiked cider filling the air. In a mess of holiday sweaters and new presents, the team fell into a quiet but comfortable silence. This had been an over-the-top, Hallmark-esque Christmas season. Thanksgiving had been the crack in the stoic dam that they all previously kept in place, and now the full on family festivities were unleashed. 
Wanda and Gianna had baked so many Christmas goodies that Tony swore he wouldn’t even be able to wear the Iron Man suit. They’d arranged a team “Secret Santa” after insisting the guys couldn’t be trusted to buy a good gift for everyone on the team, so they limited it to one person each and repeatedly reminded Tony of the $200 limit. 
An absurd number of stockings hung from the mantle, cramped and hung nearly overlapping, but everyone had their own. Christmas music had played over the built-in speakers in their living quarters since the day they’d touched down after Thanksgiving. The most surprising part was that no one seemed to mind the excess holiday cheer. 
Now, as Christmas Day wound down, it had all culminated in a picturesque holiday.
As the festivities wound down, Bucky caught Gianna's eye, his expression softening with a secret.
"Come with me," he murmured, jerking his head towards the balcony.
Gianna followed him through the common room, away from the heart of the celebration. They slipped out onto the balcony, a quiet alcove overlooking the snowy landscape.
Bucky handed her a steaming mug of hot chocolate. "Merry Christmas," he said, a small smile playing on his lips.
"Merry Christmas," she replied. The night air was crisp, and the stars above shimmered in a vast, dark canvas. One of her favorite things about being away from the city.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a carefully wrapped gift. "I made something for you," he confessed.
“What? Bucky…” Curiosity turned into wide-eyed surprise as she unwrapped the present. Nestled within the paper was a beautifully bound book. On the cover, in elegant script, read the simple title MMXXIII -- or 2023. The year they met. 
Her fingers traced the cover, and when she opened it, she found a chronicle of their tour—all told from Bucky’s point of view. He had meticulously compiled entries from his journal, filled with his thoughts and feelings about her, paired with photos both snapped by fans or paparazzi and by Gianna herself. It made for a comprehensive timeline of him falling in love with her. 
Tears welled up in Gianna's eyes as she flipped through the pages. Bucky's writing, which she’d read before, but to have it gifted to her with all the photos and scrawled footnotes and thoughtfulness…she felt dangerously close to melting into a puddle on the ground.
"I remember the first time I saw you on stage," he recounted. "There was this light about you. It drew me in, and little did I know, it would change everything."
Gianna was speechless. Shaking her head, she looked up at him with watery eyes. “This is, undoubtedly, the best gift I have ever been given.” She leaned forward to kiss his cheek. “James Buchanan Barnes. Thank you. I love you.”
His chest tightened. No matter how many times he’d heard those words come from her mouth or said them back to her, they never felt any less miraculous. 
“I love you too, G.” 
Giving a shy smile, she stood. “I have something for you, too. Be right back.” She darted through the doors. 
Returning swiftly with her guitar in hand, she plopped back down on the chair beside him. Her breath came out in steamy clouds against the cold air. Gazing up at him through her lashes, she began to strum.
“This one is called…My Hero.” 
As she played, her angelic voice echoing across the quiet night, Bucky felt his stomach twist. Sitting across from him was the most beautiful, kind woman he’d ever known. She told him she loved him. She slept beside him every night. Here she was on Christmas Day, singing a song about him. As her poetic words heralded him as her hero, he couldn’t help the guilt he felt reminding him that he would always be a villain.
New Years’ Eve, New York - Avengers’ Tower
The New Year's Eve party at the Avengers' Tower was a spectacle to behold. Tony Stark had outdone himself once again, transforming the common area into a sea of crystal champagne flutes and ice sculptures. The clinking of glasses and laughter filled the massive room. 
Sam had taken over bartending -- flipping bottles with flair while the actual paid bartender stood awkwardly to the side. Peter hung from the chandelier, showing off for a group of this years’ Sports Illustrated models. Steve and Nat, shared a quiet moment away from the dance floor, looking suspiciously comfortable together. Tony, to no one’s surprise, had been the life of the party. He bounced from the DJ booth to the dance floor to the bar, never being seen without a champagne bottle in hand. The atmosphere was infectious, a perfect ending to the year's highs and lows. 
Meanwhile, Gianna and Bucky had spent most of the evening cozied up on a plush couch toward the back of the room, taking it all in. Her laughter seemed to drown out the music and the crowd, Bucky's eyes glimmered with a softness that only her presence could invoke.
As the clock crept closer to midnight, the anticipation in the room grew. The sequin and glitter-clad Avengers had found their way together in the final moments of the year. 
Tony, ever the showman, took center stage. "Ladies and gentlemen, Avengers and friends, let's welcome the new year with a bang!"
The countdown echoed through the room, a chorus of voices rising in unison. Ten, nine, eight...He raised an arm, clad in one single sleeve of the Iron Man suit, and aimed it for the rafters.
Bang! Confetti rained down from where his shot hit as the clock struck midnight, and cheers erupted. Amidst the celebration, Bucky and Gianna only had eyes for each other as they pulled away from their first kiss of the new year, only feet from the barstools where their first ever kiss had been shared.
Gianna’s eyes were bright as she looked up at him, "I can't wait to spend this year with you."
Bucky, his smile carrying a mix of emotion, replied, "You're going to have an amazing year, G."
End of January
The Quinjet soared through the night sky, cutting through the clouds like a sleek shadow. Bucky, sitting in the co-pilot seat, stared out into the vast darkness. Steve glanced at his friend, sensing the tension in the air.
"Something's been eating at you, Buck," Steve finally broke the silence, his eyes focused on the controls. "You've been volunteering for every mission lately. More than usual. What's going on?"
Bucky hesitated, his gaze fixed on the city lights below. He was wrestling with a storm of conflicting emotions, unsure of how to voice them, even to his closest friend. Steve was persistent, his concern etched on his features.
"Bucky, we've been through too much for you to keep things from me," Steve urged gently. "Talk to me."
Bucky sighed, the internal struggle evident in his eyes. "It's Gianna."
Steve raised an eyebrow, silently inviting Bucky to continue.
"I can't shake this feeling, Steve," Bucky confessed, his voice laced with uncertainty. "Like I'm holding her back. Like I'm not good enough for her. I love her too much to see her stuck with someone like me."
Steve furrowed his brow, concern deepening. "Bucky, you've been through hell and back. She knows that, knows it wasn’t your fault, and she chose to be with you. You're not holding her back. You saved her life, remember?"
"But what if she deserves more? What if I can't give her the life she deserves?" Bucky's words carried the weight of his self-doubt. “She’ll always have to pay the price for my past. I want more for her than that.” 
Steve understood the root of Bucky's turmoil. He reached over, placing a reassuring hand on Bucky's shoulder. "You're not giving her enough credit, Buck. Talk to her. Share what you're feeling. She deserves to know. I’m sure if she had any idea you were feeling this way, she’d be devastated."
Bucky nodded, but his gaze drifted back out the window to the night sky. 
“Where did all this come from?” 
“I saw some comments online.” 
“Buck…” Steve sighed. “You can’t do that to yourself. None of us can go online without finding something day-ruining written about ourselves. It’s never good.” 
“At least you guys have saved more people than you’ve killed.” Bucky’s tone was gruff. 
“If we’re looking at deaths at our hands while under our own volition, I’ve got you beat by a long shot, pal. Hell, I bet even Pete’s got you.” He gave his friend a reassuring smile. 
The conversation was interrupted by the Quinjet's navigation system signaling their arrival at the mission site.
"We'll continue this, Buck. But for now, focus on the mission. And don't do anything stupid until we can talk more.”
End of February
Sweat dripped from Bucky’s forehead as his fists pounded into the punching bag. 
The chains clinked as Bucky moved from the bag to the bench, his breathing heavy. The dim glow of the overhead lights cast deep shadows on his face, highlighting the lines etched by years of war and the burdens of a tortured past.
His inner dialogue was a relentless companion, the voice of doubt whispering in the hollows of his mind. 
She'd be happier without you. She could be back in New York, performing, living the life she deserves. She could find someone without your dark history. Someone she doesn’t have to defend.
The weights lifted and dropped with a controlled precision, the repetition an attempt to drown out the insistent thoughts. Bucky's jaw clenched, muscles straining against the heavy load. The gym became a battleground, his internal conflict manifesting in the physical exertion.
You're a relic of a bygone era, Buck. She deserves someone who can give her a future, not someone haunted by the ghosts of his past.
The voice echoed, each word a reminder of the perceived inadequacies he felt.
He moved back to the sparring area, still running from his own demons. The stark sounds of his combat training echoing in the empty space. The punches were precise, calculated, a dance of muscle memory and suppressed rage. His metal arm moved with deadly precision, nearly knocking the bag out of the ceiling with one blow.
Bucky paused, chest heaving, a sheen of sweat covering his body. His reflection in the gym's mirrored walls showed the anguish and exhaustion on his face. He spent more and more time in the training room as sleep continued to evade him. Despite himself, he couldn’t help but read more of the same comments that began this spiral in the first place. Subjecting himself to them felt like a fair punishment for everything he’d done, so he continued to scroll, hoping that facing the ugliness would somehow atone for his past. Instead, he found his guilt growing alongside the chasm between him and Gianna. 
The truth was, the weight of his past had woven itself into the fabric of his identity. He doubted if he could ever truly be what Gianna needed. He’d thrown himself into missions, avoiding time with her. When he looked at her face, saw her beautiful, earnest eyes…his heart cracked. He couldn’t stand to be with her and think of losing her. He couldn’t stand to be with her and stomach how much better she deserved. So he stayed away. 
He told himself she didn’t notice him sneaking out of bed every night after midnight, and maybe she didn’t at first. But as the weeks crept by, she felt him pulling away. When he came home between missions, he wasn’t fully there. She’d even asked Steve if something had triggered his PTSD, sending him back into a dark place. No matter what she tried, she couldn’t pull him back. Even when she initiated sex, he never seemed to be in the mood. She was at a loss. 
Their reality that had once been passionate, sweaty, tangled in the sheets had given way to a new reality. One where she pretended she didn’t hear him leave their room to go to the gym every night. One where he convinced himself his absence was better for her. One where neither of them felt happy. 
As he wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand, a pang of realization hit him in the gut. 
I have to let her go. For her own good.
The gym, usually a place of solace, now echoed with the tortuous thoughts that crowded Bucky's mind. He stood there, caught between the pull of love and the push of self-doubt, wondering if sacrificing his happiness might be the only way to ensure hers.
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End of February, The Next Day
The air in the common room hung heavy with tension, a storm brewing in the otherwise quiet evening at the Avengers Compound. The team exchanged uneasy glances, as the thin door to Gianna’s bedroom did little to mask what was happening behind it. Natasha shot Steve a concerned look, her instincts honed from years of reading between the lines. 
Gianna and Bucky stood on opposite ends of her room, the echoes of their argument reverberating through the walls.
"Why can't you just talk to me? Do you know how much it hurts that you're making this decision without even discussing it with me, without giving me a chance to change it?" Gianna's voice quivered with the rawness of her emotions. “I have to feel you pulling away for weeks, beg you to talk to me, and now…this?”
"I thought it would be easier this way," Bucky admitted, his voice heavy with regret.
Gianna shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "Nothing worth having is easy, Bucky. Love isn't easy. But you don't just throw it away because it's hard."
“I’m not throwing it away because it’s hard, Gianna. I’m giving it up because you’re better off without me, I -”
"What do you mean I'm better off without you?!" Gianna's voice rose, a crescendo of hurt and disbelief. Her eyes, usually filled with warmth, were now ablaze with anger. “You don't get to decide what I deserve, Bucky! All I did was try to love you the best way I possibly could, and this is how you repay me? By pushing me away? By dumping me?”
Bucky's expression was a mixture of regret and resolve. "I can't give you what you deserve, Gianna. You deserve a life without the shadows of my past."
“Bullshit,” Her laughter was bitter. "That’s a bullshit excuse and you know it.” 
She crossed the room and jabbed a finger into his chest as angry tears filled her eyes. “I know your past, all of it. You sat there in my hotel room and you decided to trust me with it. Not once have I judged you, not once have I used it against you, not once have I given you any reason to regret trusting me. So don’t you dare stand here and tell me I deserve better than your past when I saw all of it and decided for myself that it changed nothing.” 
His jaw clenched, the weight of his decision etched into the lines of his face. "It’s not about that, Gianna. I don’t regret telling you anything, but you deserve to be with someone without a past you have to overlook -”
“I don’t overlook your past, Bucky!” She cried. “I don’t love you because I can ignore everything you did, or in spite of who you are -- I love you because of who you are! Everything you’ve overcome, how strong and kind and good you are. I don’t want someone who has a perfect past, I want someone who knows how ugly the world is and chooses to be good anyways. I want you.” Her voice broke at the end as her rage gave way to heartbreak. 
“I would never be able to live with myself if I kept you from everything you deserve,” He spoke softly.
“You don’t get to decide what I deserve!” She interrupted, staring up at him with angry tears streaking down her face. 
 “You deserve a man who doesn’t get called a murderer when he walks down the street.” Bucky hissed. “Your kids deserve a father that hasn’t committed fucking war crimes. Hell, you deserve someone who can give you a family at all, because who the hell knows if I even can!” 
“That’s not fair,” She protested. “I never asked for those things from you.” 
“You shouldn’t have to ask for a good life, Gianna.” His eyes softened as he ran his fingertips down the back of her arm, a gesture that used to make her heart clench now shattered it even further. “That’s why I’m letting you go find it.” 
She wrenched free of his grasp and stormed out of the room, throwing the door open. The team looked up, caught in the crossfire of a relationship unraveling, unsure if they should acknowledge or intervene at all. Gianna ignored the audience as she whirled to face Bucky who’d followed her out of the room. 
“Do you know where I was before I met you?” Her eyes narrowed. “I was alone. Completely and utterly alone. The only people who cared if I woke up in the morning were the people who worked for me. I would go weeks without anyone asking how I really was. I was a spectacle, a circus act. I was a commodity.” She paused to take a shaky breath. “So this ‘better life’ you’re so nobly sending me back to? It doesn’t fucking exist.”
Gianna stepped further into the living room, finally acknowledging the group. “And do you know the worst part?” She gave that cold, foreign laugh again before turning back to Bucky. “You already knew all of that. You knew because I trusted you and I told you. Yet here you are anyways, sending me right back into the life I loved you for saving me from.” 
There was no sound in the room except for Gianna’s ragged breathing. The look of pure anguish on Bucky’s face was enough to break even the coldest heart. No one dared intervene, not when so much hung in the balance between them. 
“I spent months crying myself to sleep before you came along.” Gianna spoke softly, reigning in her emotions. “But what difference does it make now, considering for the past two weeks you haven’t even cared to stay in bed long enough to know that I’m right back to my old ways.” 
Her eerily calm delivery struck the final blow. Bucky’s face crumpled as he looked at the ground. Guilt rose up inside him. For weeks, he’d been avoiding her, sneaking out of their room, doing anything he could to deal with his own shit. Not once did he think of what that was doing to her. In trying to protect her, he’d been slowly breaking her heart anyways.
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Gianna turned her back on Bucky, his broken expression still locked on the ground. 
“Can someone take me back to New York, please?” She spoke softly but firmly, eyes scanning the pained faces of her friends. Her fists clenched at her sides.
The group shifted nervously on the couch, unsure what to do. The recent tension between the couple hadn’t exactly gone unnoticed, but this explosion had caught them all by surprise. No one wanted to move, to acknowledge that this was real. To take Gianna back to the city would be to cement both of their broken hearts. 
“Nat?” Gianna’s lower lip quivered. “Please?” 
The redhead stilled beside Steve. His hand squeezed hers in reassurance that everything would be okay. It had to be okay. 
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“Yeah. Yeah, of course.” Nat’s voice was soft, kind as she stood, weaving through the group. “Do you want to grab your stuff?” 
“No.” She didn’t look behind her as she turned to leave the room. “There’s nothing here I need anymore.” 
And with that, she walked away, leaving Bucky standing in the ruins of a love he was convinced he had to sacrifice.
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Present Day, Mid-March, New York
Gianna's eyes stung with tears that wouldn’t come. For once in her life, she had no tears left to cry. 
The phone continued to vibrate, a cruel reminder of the messages she couldn't bring herself to read. The truth she didn’t want to acknowledge. 
Bucky Barnes had left her. She was alone. 
This time, no one was coming to save her. 
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 19 Group 95
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Cheer Factory: Goo & Bot
Submissions are still open!
Cheer Factory:
waves at you . hi !!!!! (pastes in my pre made rant and slightly edits and adds onto i
you have NO IDEA how much ‘found family’ energy these two give off (unless yyou do . by coincidence.uhm) like?? they find out theyre on the pink team and BOTH bot and goo shout “YEAHHH,, PINK TEAM !!” in unison . and then they immediately start getting along throughout the show . they are siblings to me they are the duo ever theyre like so silly theyre like two little kids in a trench coat/pos
okay so let me talk about bot first of all bot is . theyre heavily implied to be trans actually NO not heavily implied it’s practically CANON because bot is supposed to be the robot replica of a dead person named bow but later on they say they “aren’t bow” and that they wanna be a different person !!!! in the newer episodes literally when they were drawing what they wanna look like they put they/them on the paper and it was shown ON SCREEN !!!!!/pos/silly and in the new episode they GOT their new look and when they noticed their eyelashes were gone and all the other cool details they got they said “it’s so… me !! :D” ALSO: this small speech they gave
“yknow, lately ive been worried,, if i went by a different name, or maybe even ,, looked a little different.. i wouldnt be me anymore., but you helped me realize that,, no matter what you put out there.. youre still you” UWAHHHHHH/POS okay now goo second of all goo is like the silliest little goofball ive seen on a web series . he dances with PINECONES and makes weird analogies and made a 3 hour film for bot after they came out he did NOT deserve to be voted out for that i really hope they reunite because they didnt get to talk much before goo’s elimination and not ONLY that but literally goo got eliminated BEFORE he got to see bot’s new look he doesn’t even know that their name is bot he still thinks its tbd as far as i know (also because the only pictures of them together so far are literally before bot got their new look so. im gonna have to separate them when i submit photos💔💔) and the interaction right before his elimination was like kinda awkward unfortunately but it made me sob/hj
"yeah,, i liked it !! but.. it was,,. a lot :[ listen goo,, i-i dont need this new identity to be such a big grand spectacle , i just want you to treat me like. llike me . with all the uncertainty lately, it helps everything feel just a bit more,, normal , yknow .?" “oh,, ohfor sure ,! i get it !! it’s like,, you just wanted a slice of cake, and i went and gave you the whole bakery ,:D !!” “hehe, yyup, nailed it !! ,:)” ↑↑↑ UWAHHHHHHH😭/LH/POS and third of all their alliance name they are literally called THE CHEER FACTORY because they wanna CHEER PEOPLE UP and they did !!!!! they cheered up clover and the floor ithink yes the floor is a character ssshshshshhsshh and goo literally lost one of the challengesbecause he laughed at the floor’s joke AND HE DID NOT CARE he was just glad he got to cheer somebody up !!!!! “another satisfied customer at the,, CHEER FACTORY !!! :D” LITERALLY HE WAS SO HAPPY and also when they were separated into two seperate teams goo is IMMEDIATELY sad when he notices bot isnt with him “sigh… i guess the cheer factory has become the.., cheer llc. :[“ I FELT SO BAD FOR THE BOTH OF THEM also can you tell whos my favorite/hj/lh anyways theyre silly theyre blorbos theyre the duo ever and thats why they should be in this competition (psssssst pstpst hhey im not gonna force you or anything btw but watch this video that interviews goo after he got eliminated from the show please/nf/ ineed to provide more evidence/hj/lh) || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eb4iAbI2f3s
goo literally made a video that was like 3 hours.long which was dedicated to bot's new identity after they said they were a robot and weren't "bow" and also they both have their own silly little alliance in the show called "The Cheer Factory" ❗❗❗ cmon theyre like. theyre literally like two little kids in a trenchcoat/silly theyrefound family siblings to me
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Naruto & Umino:
everyone in the village hated naruto since the day he was born bc of the demon that lives in his insides somewhere (this sounds crazy if you haven't seen the show but trust me here). iruka was his teacher at school. when everyone was graduating, naruto failed and some side character told him that if he stole a secret scroll he'd pass (since he failed). they were using him tho, and were planning on killing him (i think). and then iruka goes after him and finds him with the scroll before the other person did, and was the first person to actively defend naruto, and was the first person to believe him and see him as the person he was (he's like 12 here btw). and then, iruka always acts as a father figure to naruto, and at the very end of the series, when naruto gets married, he asks iruka to be his father at his wedding. i cried like a little bitch and i swear to god i just lvoe them so much. i doubt anyone will submit them butAAAAAA. ALSO IRUKA PASSED HIM IN THE END AND GAVE HIM HIS OWN FUCKING HEADBAND!!! SOBS AND CRIES AND SCREAMS
iruka was the first person to ever believe in naruto. it’s mentioned throughout the story how much of an impact iruka had on naruto just by believing in him, and it’s super sweet. the real kicker is that at the end of the show, naruto asks iruka to play the role of his father at his wedding, and i will never not cry about it!! literally look at them!!! never shutting up about this!!
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33 notes · View notes
chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 181
Chapter 181: "Beyond Destiny"
I keep thinking how Alex mentioned last chapter that he can only call for help during the spring and of the one panel that showed the snow melting and flowers blooming by the time we reached the scene where he takes Emma to the city, which leads me to believe it's actually early 2050 instead of late 2049. I know I'm in the minority thinking that since this chapter clearly states it's been two years since Emma disappeared, but I personally don't believe they meant that timeskip literally.
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Referencing the search she, Don & Ayshe went on is a nice callback, but with both situations having their parallels, why couldn't ya think of this idea sooner sweetie?? Ah well, at least this leads everyone in the right direction in the end. Regardless of any of that, I love Gilda's outfit here.
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Sigh. This arc had so much potential to give so many more characters some spotlight and we get crumbs.
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I am politely asking the world once more to please let my boy say "fuck." You can't tell me Ray hasn't been swearing like a sailor with how frustrating these last two years have been for him. Also, seeing Phil using the WM pen raises more questions, such as who's pen did that originally belong to? My first bet would've bene that it Yuugo's, as he's really the only one we've seen with a pen aside from Emma (who still has hers), but with how chaotic life at the shelter was moments before it blew up, I have my doubts he would've even thought to give the pen away to Ray or one of the other kids for safekeeping. It would've been a pretty big hint towards him and Lucas not returning as well so I can understand why such a scene was left out, if it happened at all. Anyways, with Norman on the other end of the conversation with Phil, it's obvious he somehow has a pen of his own but how he acquired such pen doesn't seem that surprising to me, since Norman was actually shown to have one in season two and I can easily believe it was another gift from Smee or another supporter. If not, Norman seems like the type who would be able to create another pen just like the original, which could result in the one Phil's group is using, if it isn't actually Yuugo's. Other that than, seeing how the pens are still fully functional (and assuming they're both originals from the demon world and not newly made), I'm going back to my own question I had last chapter about whether or not Emma and Alex have ever tried using the pen she has in her possession. Surely they could've figured something out about Emma's past if they just looked through it.. unless demon god thought that far ahead and deleted all information off said pen.
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I know it's the same moment as the previous chapter where Phil's group gets close to Emma without realizing it but it still makes me so anxious! I'd absolutely be yelling at my screen had this encounter been animated.
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Now they're teasing me on purpose. Just let them meet, damn it! AAhhh.. at least Ray's looking handsome, even though he's completely worn out.
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Oh how very convenient for the necklace to somehow fall off her neck and be found right in front of where she eventually reunites with her family. This necklace also looks like the kind that you just slip on over your head, as there doesn't seem to be a visible clasp anywhere on the chain, so how it managed to go up and over her head without her noticing is some sorta demon witchcraft right there. Look at how that thing is glowing! It's sentient I tell ya. I do like how much Emma values the necklace though despite not having any memory as to why it's so special to her.
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Speaking of keepsakes, I'm also very fond that Ray still uses his scarf. More importantly though, this panel is such a relief! I'm so relieved the reunion takes place rather quickly in the chapter so it gives the characters more time to figure out the situation and sort out their feelings. And I may be wrong about this, but it kinda looks like Emma is raising her eyebrow at the sight of all these people suddenly surrounding her with such surprised faces. Hold on tight honey, it's about to get even weirder for you.
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And this first panel is darn heartbreaking, for her family and us readers. They probably dreamed of this moment for so long, to finally reunite with Emma and live together again, but they certaintly never imagined her to react like this. Safe to say that our girl was taken off guard by this encounter as well. Here Emma was, expecting a chill day out shipping with her adoptive father and now she's getting hugged outta nowhere by a bunch of strangers. Poor girl looks seriously stunlocked.
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I am so incredibly proud of my boy for figuring out that this girl is indeed their Emma. I'm sure anyone could've looked at the necklace in her hands and made the assumption this was her, but the way Ray was able to piece everything together about what exactly happened to Emma and what the real reward was amazes me to no end. He looks so angry and full of regret in that second panel before he reveals the truth too, almost as if he's a bit hesitant to let the words out of his mouth, but he knows this is absolutely something everyone needs to hear and unfortunately for Ray, no one is better at delivering hard truths than him. Once he reveals to everyone the true price of the reward, he looks completely crushed and I seriously need to go and hug him pretty please! I'm certain Ray has been constantly thinking up many possibilities of what the reward could've been over the last two years, but this reveal has gotta be something he never expected. Or perhaps it was, considering he realized it so quickly, but I doubt he'd be happy to be correct in this moment anyway. I can't imagine what Emma must be feeling hearing all this crazy stuff either.
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Okay but what if she just said no here instead? Would demon god actually changed His mind or am I being too hopeful? Emma's optimism might be rubbing off on me, but I just want her happy! I don't like that sad look in her eyes or the slight pause she takes before finally answering Him.
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She's such a damn sweetheart, I'll literally never get over how big her heart is and how much she loves and cares for everyone, especially over herself. I can imagine the sad tone in her voice for the first couple speech bubbles, but then she'll lighten up as she rambles on about the better future that's on the horizon and will be so grateful she's able to grant such wonderful lives for everyone she holds dear.
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It goes without saying but Emma's family doesn't take the news of her memory loss too well. While I am glad that a majority of them were present to hear about the real reward (given how important it was) and that everyone eventually celebrates Emma agreeing to live with them at the end of the chapter, a part of me wishes the initial group who found her was a bit smaller? All the attention is completely overwhelming her and I can't blame her for shoving them aside for freaking out so badly. If it was Ray, Norman, Phil and a couple others from GF who found her first, they could've broken the news to her gently (once Ray figured it out) and then fill in the rest of their family one by one, if Emma still decided to join them in the end.
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Phil is so good at picking up on major details, whether it be GF's secret or Emma's anxiety. And then ya got Norman who is just totally relieved to see her again. I had forgot to mention this during ch179, but another reason losing Emma hit him so hard was because he had just reunited with her a couple weeks prior to their arrival in the human world. Norman spent all that time planning his escape in Lambda and ways that would allow him to reconnect with Emma, Ray, and the rest of their family and he finally had a moment of peace when they all arrived at the paradise hideout to feel that hole in his heart being full again. Then you had all that drama at the demon capital that pitted them against each other for a little bit until they reconciled and fought together during the GF raid. He had to be so happy once they finally obtained freedom and to live by each other's side without fear of being separated again, until they split up once more without any indication how long it would last or if a life without Emma was gonna be Norman's new normal. So of course he breaks out into happy tears here because all that matters to him is that she's real and in front of him again.
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Hearing him tell her how thankful he is that she's healthy, eating well and injury free is a great parallel to his speech in ch30 right before he gets shipped out, only instead of saying their goodbyes at the end, they can introduce themselves and start all over. I gotta wonder what Alex thinks of all these kids suddenly surrounding his adoptive daughter, though I pretty positive he's chill with it since we do see him a bit later sitting back and watching all their happy faces.
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Although it's a real convenient way to tie up loose ends about what's been happening with their family these past couple years, I'm still thankful we get a little insight about everyone's dreams and progress they've made. Naturally I wish could've seen so much more of everyone, but I'll take what we can get. Poor Emma has gotta be so confused on what Norman is talking about though.
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This boy is trying is absolute hardest to not breakdown in front of her. It reminds me of how he comforted Emma the night after Conny's shipment despite him being just as frightened to learn the house's secret as she was.
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Okay but props to our girl though for sticking around and at least hearing them out. If a bunch of strangers came up to me and started sharing their life stories with me, you can bet I'd make a move to run the first chance I get.
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It's crazy how seeing a panel of our favorite girl cry such big tears can make me so happy but aaahh, I'm so thankful that the love she has for her family is powerful enough that it overrides her dumb amnesia. Demon god can be a bastard and take away her memories but he can't do shit about her strong feelings! Also, I always liked how her tears land on the necklace, considering it resembles the dragon's eye, it makes it look like as if it's crying as well.
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It took me until now to remember that several pages of this chapter were redrawn since I remember that one fantasy scene of the boys finding her on that beach.. but no way in hell am I gonna go back and rework this to accommodate those changes. I've been writing this post out for far too long already. The sun is no longer up.
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It's because of the inner monologue from the previous pages that leads me to believe it's also Emma who declares "screw destiny" here and I will literally never accept anything different because I love that phrase for her. That's the very reason I went nuts during s2ep10 when she shouts "I don't give a damn about that destiny!" at Peter. (Dub had her fire back with "Well I don't give a damn what you say!" if anyone was curious, which is equally good in my book.)
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Favorite panel/moment:
Oh, there's.. so many. There would've been more but I did already chat about some favorite moments already, such as Ray's smart mind recognizing Emma and the real reward, along with her expressing how much she's always wanted to meet her family regardless of meeting everyone for the first time. As for the rest however, of course we're starting with Ray's lost family members assisting him with locating Emma. Seeing Conny, Yuugo and Isabella appear one last time was such a welcomed surprise and I could absolutely ramble about them more, but I should really keep the rest of this short considering how long this darn post is turning out to be. I'll place the original review here though for funsies. I will mention something I only thought of recently though, and that's how I think the "Over here, Ray" is actually in Emma's voice instead of Conny, Yuugo & Isabella's like I originally believed. While I do love the idea of Ray thinking fondly about all the people he failed to save, no one compares to Emma and that girl has probably been living rent free in his head the past two years. It would also makes sense as to why he would later comment about how hearing her voice could've been his imagination since he's thinking of her so frequently all the time, as we clearly see as he sprints off chasing that voice.
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Eeehehe, Ayshe may not have been around for the reunion but her absence is definitely forgiven with this small panel! I would die for more content about these two and how their complicated acquaintanceship changed over the years, even if only barely. Norman still has to be on his guard around her and I love the idea of her lowkey threatening him often enough so he'll never feel relaxed. So glad all her dogs were able to cross over as well considering the new promise really only affected the cattle children. Rest in peace Vincent!
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One of the most important reveals is my boy Chris FINALLY waking up!! It still really sucks how he was knocked out for almost half the story but oohhh I'm so incredible thrilled that he's okay. Poor guy has so much drama to catch up on though. I'm sure once he heard about Emma's disappearance he would've offered to help look for her, but since he wasn't shown anywhere else during the chapter, it makes me believe that his awakening was fairly recent and he's possibly still recovering. I'm fine if that's the case considering he gets to join in all the fun during the epilogue.
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Everyone delighted beyond belief to hear that Emma missed them and her adorable face when they return the sentiment. Ah, Ray also looks fantastic. Love that smile on him as he's crying tears of pure joy.
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Though I very much prefer the redrawn version of the final page where it includes more of the family joining in the celebration, having Emma accept their offer and wishing to live together will all of them definitely makes for a wholesome ending.
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End of volume 20. But one day remains.
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bicycle4two · 2 years
fine as we are, but we want more || Jason Todd x Female!Reader || Chapter 2 of 8
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all things considered, you're pretty lucky.
in all your years living in gotham city, you've never been mugged, never had your apartment broken into, never been held as a hostage.
until now.
it seems your luck has run out and there's nothing you can do about it other than wait for someone to come rescue you. . . .
or, jason and you reunite after a long time.
Read on AO3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2:
It’s been a long couple of weeks since Bruce’s death and, well, Batman’s disappearance is felt all over Gotham and, as such, crime is at an all-time high. The criminals are getting cocky and although it took longer than any of them would have liked, it finally feels like Jason and the others are getting the hang of being in what sometimes feels like five places at once. They aren’t quite sure that they’ve figured out how Bruce did it all on his own but the four of them together cover more ground and save more civilians, cops, and stop further incidents from happening and that’s what matters.
The sun’s gone down and even though crime doesn’t quite have a schedule, bad guys tend to work in the night. Jason’s ready to head off to patrol, his guns are loaded and he’s just about to put his helmet on when there’s a ping from the bat computer, an emergency alert. He looks up and sees that along with all the red triangles on the map indicating crimes they know are going to happen thanks to some criminals unable to keep their mouth such under a little pressure, there’s a bright red symbol in the shape of a bat hovering over the Saul Erdel Planetarium.
“That’s odd,” Barbara says, walking towards the computer, already decked out in her Batgirl uniform. “That’s an old tracker. I thought we had all of those recalled.”
“Could it be a false alarm?” Tim asks. “Detective Montoya and Lucius have the updated models. Maybe it’s like how Bruce hid batarangs all over the city? A civilian found an old tracker and thought it was toy?”
“Maybe…” Dick mutters. “Or maybe not. Someone should check it out.”
“But who would have the tracker?” Barbara asks, pressing something on the keyboard that brings up icons of Lucius, Detective Montoya, and Thompkins. Above the Belfry’s location, all of their symbols and Alfred’s appear as well. “Everyone is accounted for.”
Jason stares at the red bat on the screen for a second longer than the rest. Something about it seems off to him—it tickles something at the back of his mind. The sensation is annoyingly familiar. It’s happened a lot since the Lazarus Pit. The feeling that he’s forgetting something. The Pit’s taken a lot from him and the loss of his memories still pisses him off from time to time. Sometimes it’s something small, maybe an event that happened in school or a get together with the others that brings smiles to their faces until they realize Jason has no idea what they’re talking about even though he was there.
It’s frustrating and he does find himself lashing out because of it sometimes. But it’s manageable. These memories, although once precious, would not cost much grief. After all, does everyone remember their middle school algebra teacher? Sometimes, if he’s lucky, the memories come back eventually. Small scenes playing in his head like a dream.
But this. This is something different. It’s obvious that this is something really important. Something that he could not afford to wait to come to him.
So, he’s going to get to it first.
“Who wants to go—and he’s gone. Okay. I guess Jason’s going to take care of it.” Dick let’s out a sigh. “Is it that frustrating when we do that to the others?”
“Oh God! Can anybody hear me?”
“Help! Please! Help!”
The other hostages cry, scream to the heavens. They pray and plead to no avail. No one knows that you’re here and you don’t even want to think about what the Freaks have planned for you all. No calls have been made, no ransom whatsoever. You’re left to wait. Wait to see if they’re just keeping you around for their own amusement, a power play of sorts, or if you’re going to be used for something else, something more sinister.  
“We’re going to own this place!”
“Gotham’s ours!”
The Freaks cheer over the music, head banging to the guitar riffs and slamming their bats against the walls and your cage’s bars. They’ve set some barrels on fire and you feel the heat even in the far corner of the cage you’ve pressed yourself against. The Freak that was taunting you, trying to egg you on, is now facing away, vandalizing the astronaut statue on the opposite wall. You scowl. You’ve always loved this planetarium and they’ve tainted it in more ways than one.
You fiddle with the bat buzzer in your hands, tracing its shape with your fingers, trying to calm yourself down with the familiar feel of it. Although you aren’t begging for your life like the others, you feel just as afraid, if not more so. Because you tried to do something to save yourself from this situation and you’re not exactly sure if it worked. It’s been years. And nothing really happened after you pressed the button—no confirmation that the message was received. So, there’s nothing to do but wait. You can’t find it in yourself to beg for freedom, you imagine that with how hard your heart is beating against your chest, with how sweaty your palms are, words won’t come out easily and you will probably embarrass yourself if you stutter out your pleas.
But you do find yourself chanting in your head—please come, please come, please come.
You promised.
It’s only by chance that you’re already looking up at the ceiling (huh, maybe you were praying. Just a little bit) and see him crawl out of the air vent, crouching on the beams overhead. You’re surprised with his balance, not thinking that someone of his size could manage to make himself look small, unnoticeable.
The Red Hood.
You’ve only ever heard about him on the news, seen posts online, discussions about how he handles the criminals on the streets, about the meaning behind his name—what it means that he takes on the old moniker of the Joker, if he’s another villain that Gotham needs to worry about.
The first time he appeared, he didn’t seem like a hero—he didn’t exactly work with the Batman, in fact it looked like he went out of his way to antagonize him. And you’ve heard that the guns he had strapped to his waist weren’t just for show and that, for a time, he had actually gone for the kill rather than simply render his opponents unconscious or immobile. Something Batman would not agree with.
But if the red bat on his chest was any indication of his allegiance, you think that you aren’t going to see any dead bodies tonight.
Heavily injured, maybe. Beaten. Bruised. And maybe slightly singed, burned even. But not dead.
You watch with fascination as the Red Hood lands behind the Freak, his landing muted by the loud music, and grabs him by the neck, lifting him from the ground. The Freak struggles against Red Hood’s hold, legs kicking, before he slumps, unconscious. Red Hood drops him to the ground before turning to you.
He picks the lock quickly but doesn’t open the cage’s door.
“Stay here,” he instructs, dropping the lock to the floor. “And keep quiet.”
“Thank you,” you whisper, and he stares at you for a second before giving a terse nod, taking out his grappling gun and shooting it upwards, zipping him back up to the beams.
When he’s gone, you wait for a second to see if anyone else is going to come to your corner, if they somehow figured out that something’s amiss, before you quietly open your door, sneaking out. You hate that you’re going against his orders, but you also don’t want to be stuck behind bars with no means of protection just in case things go sideways. So, you approach your unconscious captor and pick up the baseball bat he was wielding, see that he’s wrapped it with barbed wire.
You’re heading back to your cage when you hear someone approaching. You think fast, pressing yourself against the wall hidden in the shadows as a new Freak comes into view.
“What happened here?” She nudges him with her bat. “He’s unconscious!”
“Guys! We aren’t alone!” She calls out over the music, and you move without thinking. With her back still facing towards you, you run to her, baseball bat held over your head. She turns around just as you swing the bat with all your strength, hitting her hard enough to knock her out.
She slumps to the ground in a heavy heap, bleeding but still breathing.
You’re in disbelief with what you’ve done, but you don’t have time to think about it because suddenly there’s an explosion from the other side of the planetarium and you hear the Freaks panic followed by the rapid fire of gunshots. There’re shouts, grunts, and groans. And more shooting. Bullets making contact in rapid succession. Another Freak runs into your corner of the room soon after, stumbling back when he sees the body.
“Shit!” He says, taking in the sight of the fallen Freaks and then he spots you. You’re probably a sight to behold right now, disheveled and a little crazed from the adrenaline coursing through your veins. “You! You bitch!”
And he’s charging towards you, and you’re scared out of your mind because you don’t do this, you’re not a fighter, but you are a little angry, more angry than you are scared, you’re absolutely livid that these guys put you in this situation, so something wild in you figures that if you’re going to go, you might as well go swinging.
You’re ready for the Freak, as ready as you can be, but he never gets the chance to get to you because a gunshot rings through the air and suddenly the Freak’s falling forward, skidding to the floor. Behind him, Red Hood is standing with his gun out.
“What are you doing?” Red Hood asks and although his voice is heavily disguised from the modulator in his helmet, it’s easy to tell that he’s pissed that you’re not inside your cage.
And you want to maybe explain yourself, but instead you warn, “Behind you!”
And Red Hood doesn’t even hesitate, he turns slightly, his posture changing to shoot two rounds at the Freak that was aiming to hit him from behind. He, too, falls to the ground. Easily.
“Oh my God,” you breathe out, heart hammering in your chest. “Do you have eyes on the back of your head?”
“Sometimes.” Red Hood replies. “Give me a sec.”
He whirls around and delivers a strong punch to the shield of a gigantic Freak bulldozing towards him, forcing the Freak to lose his balance. When the shield drops, Red Hood continues to deliver punches and kicks before the Freak catches himself and brings the shield back up to protect himself. Red Hood jumps back to give himself some distance and the Freak charges. Thunders. In your direction.
“Get out of the way!” Red Hood yells and, really, he doesn’t need to tell you twice.
So, you run away from the Freak, passing by a barrel before hiding behind the next wall you see. You hear the gunshot before the explosion. Before the screams of the Freak. Before the sound of a powerful hit after powerful hit landing on its target. Before the sound of a heavy body hitting the floor, shield clattering.
Before the silence.  
You wait a minute before coming out of your hiding place, walking back to the wreckage.
You stare at the collapsed body of the Freak, eyes trained on his chest just to see if he’s still breathing. When you see the slow rise and fall, you feel yourself let out a breath as well. Your gaze moves from the unconscious bodies in front of you to Red Hood.
You think maybe you should be scared but instead you feel that there’s something about him that seems familiar, strangely enough.
You’ve never seen him in action before, his name never wining you Bingo Bad Guy, but watching him fight someone much bigger than him gives you a sense of déjà vu.
A second passes and before Red Hood puts his guns away, cracking his knuckles and neck like he’s relieving some tension. The loud music has stopped playing now that the fight is over, mysteriously enough, and you hear more than see the other hostages running towards the exit, quickly calling out their thanks to Red Hood, not making the effort to approach him themselves.
You should probably follow their lead, but you’re rooted in your spot the same way Red Hood seems to be. Because now, now that the dust has settled, he simply stares at you like you’re some kind of puzzle. Or, at least, that’s what it feels like when he doesn’t move from his spot, only looking at you through the glowing eyes of his helmet. He’s big, bigger than the other vigilantes you’ve seen on the street. Might even be bigger than Batman, but maybe that’s pushing it. There’s something about the Dark Knight that makes him seem larger than life.
The Red Hood is big, period. And if he didn’t just come to your rescue, you’d be afraid of him.
“You’re crazy, you know that?” He says, breaking the silence.
“I didn’t think I had it in me, to be honest.” You place the baseball bat on the table nearest to you. “I, I just wanted to protect myself.”
“You’d have been a whole lot safer if you stayed put in the cage.”
And you frown at his words because he wasn’t there, he didn’t know what it felt like to be in there.
“It sure as heck didn’t feel safe.”
And again, he’s quiet, staring, probably mulling over your words. You try to find it in yourself to maybe apologize because he’s also right, you aren’t trained, you could have gotten hurt, but there’s also no promises that you wouldn’t have been hurt behind the bars. So, you keep your mouth shut as well, staring right back at him.
“Well, no use fighting over what’s done. You should probably get out of here.”
“Oh, yeah. You’re right. I should,” you begin, already making the first step away from everything, when you lose your balance, stumble, trip because your legs seem to have forgotten how to work. Red Hood’s fast, faster than you think is humanly possible because he catches you before you can join the Freak pile on the ground. And you would admire his quick reflexes, the strength in his hold, if you weren’t so mortified by what just happened. “Oh my God. I’m so sorry.” You force yourself to push away from him. You’re shaking. “I, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Your adrenaline’s dropping.” Red Hood explains, hands still hovering like you’re going to fall again.
You let out a laugh. It’s a pitiful attempt to make light of whatever it is you’re feeling. “I can’t believe this happened. This never happens to me.”
“Unlucky night?”
“You could say that.” Your try to distract yourself, think of anything other than what just happened. Because you’re sure you’re going to cry once you finally wrap your head around everything that has happened, but you’ll be damned before you cry in front of Red Hood. You’ve embarrassed yourself enough, so you focus on something else, which happens to be his chest, on the bat symbol. There’s something off about it and before you know it, you’re reaching out.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Red Hood says, grabbing your wrist in his hand, making you feel the vast difference in your size. “Taser.”
“Oh. Wow. You’re really ready for anything, huh?” You have to crane your neck to look him in his glowing eyes and there’s that feeling in your gut telling you that you know him. That there’s something off, something different, but something familiar, too.
You have to think hard if you’ve ever come across anyone like Red Hood, if maybe you’ve passed by him on the street or served him coffee at the café, but nothing rings a bell. He’s just so tall, so big, that you feel like if you ever saw someone like that you’d remember.
“You should probably be heading home now.” The Red Hood breaks you out of your thoughts. He’s standing farther from you know, clearly having let go of your hand while you were trying to place him. “Do you have someone you can call to pick you up?”
“No…no. It’s fine. I can make it home on my own,” you say, still staring. Probably staring too much by now. But the nagging feeling is still there, and you don’t know if you’ll ever see him again so you can’t help but ask. “Do I…Have we met before?”
The question startles a laugh out of him, oddly enough. He shakes his head, hands on his hip.
“This is a first.” He says. “I’ve never been picked up by a hostage before.”
“Oh! Oh no, no.” You rush to say, face warm, realizing how your question sounded. “I, I just thought you were familiar is all.”
Red Hood snorts.
“Ugh. I’m just making a fool of myself here.” You grumble, hating that you listened to that little voice in your head. “I just thought that maybe we’ve crossed paths. I don’t know. It’s stupid.”
“It’s not.” He’s quick to say, his robot voice soft, empathetic. “I know what you mean. You’re the one who called for help, aren’t you?” He gestures to the bat on your neck, and you grab hold of it out of reflex, keeping it safe in the palm of your hand. “Where’d you get that?”
“It was a gift,” you start, staring at the bat symbol on his chest again. Would he know who you’re talking about? Would he know where he is? What’s happened to him? You have to know. Because you’ve gone too long without answers, without the means of finding out, so you take this chance. “I, uh, I got it from Robin.”
“But not the first one,” she says, shuffling her feat, clearly nervous, not confident with what she’s saying. “Or, like the one now. It was the second.”
And Jason thinks he knows what she’s talking about. He thought that maybe once he entered the scene, once he saw the person who had the tracker, his memories would come back, images flashing before his eyes in seconds, but they don’t. Instead, he’s left with that annoying feeling again. Only it’s not as strong as before. Looking at her, watching her fidget under his gaze, he knows that this is something he’s seen before. Something that used to amuse him, even.
There’s this need to tease her, to watch her scramble over her words, cheeks flaring.
But that’s it. He doesn’t remember her name or who she’s supposed to be.
But she knows him. Or she knew him. She knew Robin, at least, and that just leaves more questions than answers.
Which is annoying. But it’s also something. At least he knows that there’s a connection.
If he had given her a tracker, something that would immediately let him know if she was in any danger, then they were close. Friends, maybe. Could be something more but Robin was only a teenager, young and reckless, too focused on fighting bad guys and reading books in his spare time. No way did he have a girlfriend. Jason would never admit it but with what little memories he has of his childhood, he knows he wouldn’t have the balls to ask her out if he liked her.
So. Friend. That’s something. Another clue.
“Handy gift.” He says in a gruff tone. “You were lucky to have it.”
“A good luck charm,” she says fondly and again, again Jason knows he’s forgetting something.
But he doesn’t ask, can’t bring himself to because he’s not Robin anymore and he doesn’t know who this girl is and it’s late and there are police sirens blaring in the distance.
All signs are pointing to the fact that he should have left ages ago, left her to find her way back home.
But there’s that feeling again, the feeling that he shouldn’t let her walk back on her own. That it isn’t right. But that’s stupid. He let the others go off on their own, they probably called the police, too, let them know that there are people they need to lock up, the hard part of the job already taken care of.
“I should probably go,” she says, tucking the tracker back into her shirt. “I would hate to be here when these guys wake up.”
“Oh. They’re not getting up for a long time.” He made sure of it.
“I can’t imagine why they even risk wreaking havoc with you out there to stop them.” She mimes a punch, her form sloppy yet endearing. “I would run for the hills if I thought you were going to hit me let alone shoot at me.”
“You wouldn’t get far.” Jason pats his gun. “I’d find you.”
“Bet the tracker would make it pretty easy,” she grins. “Thanks for that, by the way. For coming to save me, us. I didn’t think anyone would.”
“It’s no big deal. Just ring the alarm and no matter what, I’ll come to you.”
Three days after your run in with the Freaks, you’re still thinking about him.
Red Hood.
Or should you say, your Robin.
Because it couldn’t have been a coincidence, it just couldn’t.
The brute strength, the fact that the bat buzzer led him to you, the fact that he’s still working with Batman, his words.
No matter what, I’ll come to you.
The promise hangs heavy in your heart, it’s one of the last things he’s said to you before disappearing off to who knows where. It still hurts, the memory of being left behind without warning. You thought you were friends, thought you mattered.
But he’d left.
And now he’s back. Maybe.
Definitely. You tell yourself. Definitely.
Because he was your friend, and he mattered and although it hurt, you still cared, still kept what little of him he left behind for you to hold, and that was enough. Enough for you to piece together what little you can to convince yourself that your Robin has come back as the Red Hood.
He just…he just doesn’t seem to know who you are. Not really.
The bat buzzer is cool against you skin and again, there’s that temptation to press the button just to see if he’ll come running to you. You don’t want to find yourself in another situation that calls for saving but you can’t imagine how else you’re going to find yourself in the same place as him.
Gotham City has gone to hell in the recent weeks, more so than usual, and you can only assume that Red Hood, along with the other vigilantes, have their hands full with saving other people and putting out fires. You think you’re lucky that someone got to you and the other hostages at all. You hate to imagine what would have happened if you didn’t have the tracker with you.
“He always finds me,” you tell yourself, looking out at Gotham’s night sky. You don’t think you’ll find him jumping from building to building this time, his clothes much darker than his Robin ensemble many years ago, blends in with the shadows better. “He’ll find me.”
Because he’s your Robin and even if you didn’t call for help, he was always there, waiting like it’s simply a coincidence, but you know, you always knew, that he’ll come looking. That somehow, someway, he’ll find his way back to you.
You just have to wait.
Chapter 3
96 notes · View notes
I’m From Brooklyn, Too ~ 158
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 1,905ish
Summary: Y/N reunites with Morgan. Sam calls with important information on Steve.
Notes: You must read Out Of Time in order to understand this. The chapter numbers continue from Out Of Time.
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Y/N appeared in her living room, looking around she didn’t see anyone. 
“Morgan?” She called. “Morgan?”
Hearing some laughter, Y/N looked out the window to see Natasha and Morgan playing in the falling leaves. Her eyes focused in on her daughter—that looked too much like her father—as she giggled and ran around the yard. Slowly, Y/N walked out onto the porch. Natasha heard the door open and looked over.
“Morgan,” Natasha called. “Look who’s home.”
Morgan looked in the direction of where Natasha was pointing. She gasped as she jumped excitedly. “Mommy!” She yelled before she started to run. “Mommy! Mommy!”
“Morgan!” Y/N exclaimed, rushing towards her daughter. Y/N bent down to catch her as she launched herself into her mother’s arms. “Morgan!” Y/N cried as she pulled her daughter closer.
“Mommy! I missed you!”
“I missed you so much, baby girl. So much. I’m so sorry that I was gone for so long. I promise I’m never going to leave you like that again.”
Y/N held Morgan tightly to her, thinking of what could have happened to herself and the goodbye she just had gone through. Y/N practically refused to let Morgan out of her sight and touch for the rest of the day. Natasha took care of making the meals so that the two could focus on each other.
Morgan ended up falling asleep on the couch after dinner, curled up into Y/N as a movie played on the screen. Y/N almost didn’t bother moving her but knew that Morgan needed to sleep in a bed and Y/N needed to talk with Nat. She carried the little girl up to her and Tony’s shared room. Y/N tucked her daughter in and kissed her head before going back down to the living room to find Natasha on the couch. Natasha quickly stood and embraced her friend.
“I was so worried,” Natasha whispered.
“Me too,” Y/N responded.
Nat pulled back and guided the two of them onto the couch. “What happened?”
Y/N explained what she could about Westview and what Wanda had done. It was hard for Y/N to talk about AJ and Tony. Natasha waited patiently for Y/N to explain, holding her hand as she did so.
“I got out of there as soon as I could,” Y/N continued. “But… but by doing that… Tony and AJ…”
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” said Natasha. “I hate that you had to go through losing them again.”
Tears trailed down Y/N’s cheeks. “I haven’t even recovered from losing Tony…” Y/N turned and watched the flames dance in the fireplace. “I need to call Bucky.”
“Y/N, Bucky’s gone.”
Her head snapped toward her friend. “What? What do you mean gone?”
“He went to Westview. He was helping SWORD for a little bit. But then he couldn’t take it.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Wanda had turned Westview into some sort of television production. SWORD was able to access it. Bucky watched you and Tony in Westview. Wanda even exited Westview and taunted Bucky. She told him that you had created Tony and AJ. He couldn’t handle knowing that you created them. He believes that life is what you truly wanted. So he left. He hasn’t been answering my messages or Sam’s.”
“Oh my gosh… Natasha… if I lose Bucky…”
“I know… I know…”
Y/N was alone, outside on the pier. Natasha had turned in for the night and Y/N wasn’t ready to go to bed just yet. Her phone twirled in her hand as she debated on whether or not to call Bucky. Finally, she dialed his number and placed it to her ear. Y/N held her breath as the phone rang and rang until it got to his voicemail. She sighed before deciding to leave a message.
“Bucky…” she wistfully said. “I’m, uh, I’m out of Westview… I… Natasha told me what you saw… what Wanda told you… Just please, call me back so that we can talk about this… Please, Bucky… just… just know… I’m from Brooklyn, Buck.”
She ended the call and looked out upon the simmering lake. Oh, how she wished things were different.
Deciding that family was the most important thing and healing from all the loss, Y/N began to put her focus on Morgan, Peter, and Harley. Natasha decided to still live with Y/N as she helped her with the kids, Stark Industries, and the non-profits she had started during the blip.
It was February, four months since Tony’s death and the Westview incident. Y/N had dropped Morgan off at preschool and was cleaning up the house when Sam called her.
“Hey Sam,” Y/N answered. “What’s up?”
“I need you to hear me out, Y/N, okay?” Sam immediately said. “Don’t hang up, don’t yell, just listen. Can you do that for me?”
“You’re scaring me, Sam. What's going on?”
“It’s Steve.”
“Y/N, hear me out.” Her silence gave him the go-ahead to continue. “He’s dying and he wants to see you. I know, I know he hurt you and Morgan by leaving. But he is still your brother and I know that you still care about him. I’m going to text you the address and you can make the decision on whether to visit him or not. He’s not going to be here much longer though, Y/N, and I don’t want you to live with any regrets.”
“Thank you for the information, Sam. I hope you and your family are doing well.”
“We are. Thanks for asking.”
“Don’t be a stranger around here, Sam. We would love to see you.”
“I’ll try my best. Please at least think about visiting Steve and remember, there’s really not much time left. I’ll be calling to check in later.”
The call ended and Y/N felt incredibly conflicted. It weighed on her mind for the rest of the day and through the night. Natasha could tell that something was on Y/N’s mind as she cooked breakfast the next morning.
“What’s going on?” Natasha wondered.
“Steve’s dying,” she replied.
“What? Are you going to go see him?”
“I don’t know… Sam just called yesterday but he said that there’s not much time... He really hurt me, Natasha. He left me… he left Morgan… when we needed him most.”
“I know. It’s your choice. I’m sure Sam already told you this, but don’t make a decision that you’re going to later regret.”
Y/N nodded. “Can you take care of Morgan today?”
“Of course.” Natasha brought you in for a hug. “Stay with him as long as you need.”
When Morgan came down to breakfast, Y/N explained that she needed to take a quick trip to see a family member who was passing. Y/N made sure to see Morgan off to school before packing a bag and opening up a portal to the address Sam had given her. Taking a deep breath, she stepped through. She looked around at the wooded area where there was a small log house in the midst. An old car sat in the driveway, causing her to wonder who was with him. 
Y/N walked up to the door. She held up her hand and took a second before knocking. Quick-paced feet came toward the door. It opened to reveal a woman who had to be in her late twenties-early thirties. Looking at her, Y/N took note of how she had Peggy’s brown hair and Steve’s blue eyes.
“You’re Y/N,” she said with a smile. 
“Uh, yes,” Y/N responded. “And you are?”
“Oh, sorry, I should have started with that. My name is also Y/N. I’m Steve’s granddaughter.”
Y/N felt like she could pass out. “What?”
“Why don’t you come in?” She opened the door wider. Y/N took a step into the house. “Pops has been hoping you’d come.”
Y/N nodded as she took in the small room. There were pictures of children and adults and Steve and Peggy all around the room. There were even pictures of the twins and the Team scattered around.
“I’m sorry that this is the first time we’ve met,” the great-niece said. “Pops kept saying we had to wait, and I understood why, I’ve just always wanted to meet you.”
Y/N turned to look at the younger woman. “Where is he?”
The younger one pointed to the slightly open door down the hall. “He’s in there. Honestly, I don’t know if he’ll last the week. I’m a registered nurse so I’ve been here helping. Pops has really been holding out for you to visit.”
“Pops, huh?”
“Yeah,” the woman smiled like it was a fond secret. “Thank you, by the way.”
“Whatever for?”
“For being the type of woman that I am proud to be named after.”
Y/N didn’t know how to respond to that compliment so she turned and headed down the hallway. Before entering the room, she set her bag down. Taking a deep breath, Y/N slowly pushed the door open. What she saw broke her heart. An old Steve lay on a hospital bed, connected to oxygen and a heart rate monitor. His head turned to look at who was standing in the doorway. A smile crossed his crinkled features.
“Y/N,” Steve said. 
He reached out a shaky arm and beckoned his sister toward him. Silently, she stepped into the room, closed the door, and went over to the chair beside his bed.
“Hello, Steve,” she responded.
“I’m so glad you came.”
“Yeah… I almost didn’t.”
“Well, thank you for doing so.” He coughed slightly as he tried to sit up more. “I know that you didn’t have to… Y/N… I need you to know that I am sorry for what happened. For everything that happened between us since I woke from the ice.” She stayed silent, wanting to know all that he had to say. “I should have told you my plan… should’ve been honest from the beginning. You and Morgan both deserved that… just know, I am sorry and that there wasn’t a day I didn’t think about the two of you and Bucky.”
“Steve… I don’t think that I’ll ever be able to fully forgive you. Leaving me and Morgan right after losing Tony was a low blow. Especially not telling us. You went back to a woman who had moved on too. Peggy had moved on… I appreciate your apology, Steve, but I am not ready to forgive you right now.”
“I understand that. I don’t regret going back to be with Peggy, but I do regret leaving you and Morgan.” His hand reached for Y/N’s. Y/N met his hand, grasping it between her two. “Thank you for coming… I missed you.”
Tears pricked her eyes. “I missed you too.”
Steve and Y/N chatted for a few hours. Y/N could tell that Steve was growing weaker with each passing second. Once Steve was finally tired enough to fall asleep, his granddaughter came in to check on him.
“He’s doing worse,” she whispered. “He may not last the night.”
Y/N hadn’t let go of Steve’s hand in hours, almost like holding it would keep him here. She was still holding it tightly when he passed two hours later.
next chapter >
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pb-dot · 6 months
Film Friday: Bohemian Rhapsody
This week I want to try something a bit different. So far I've mostly written about movies I really like. Hidden gems, movies that are, if not 10/10s are for the most part good and clever and made by people who really care about making a good flick. Today, I'm going to talk about a movie that I don't like. I'm actually going so far as to say the movie pisses me off. I'm going to try to be fair and explain my reasoning because there are some interesting points as to why this thing sucks, and I don't want them to drown in the bile. So, let's talk about Bohemian Rhapsody.
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For the uninitiated, Bohemian Rhapsody is the story of Freddy Mercury, lead vocalist in the British classic rock leviathan Queen. Born in Zanzibar and later immigrating to the UK, Mercury's truly stunning baritone tonal range and operatic songwriting sensibilities paired with his flamboyant and powerful stage presence made him and Queen an unstoppable force in the music scene up until his tragic death from AIDS in 1991.
Now, if you're thinking this is the kind of life story that the typical musician biopic yearns for if you could write a bit less of a bummer ending somehow, you'd be right. The screenwriter has solved this by climaxing the movie at the triumphant note of Queen's legendary Live Aid 1985 performance, where Freddy, by now aware of his HIV diagnosis, reunites with the band to pitch one for the angels and sing his heart out for a good cause.
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So, to cover the good things first. The Live Aid recreation is some truly impressive stuff, best viewed on the biggest screen you can. The soundtrack is, of course, Banger City, although it's mostly the crowd-pleasing hits. Not a lot of Innuendo, Barcelona, or Brighton Rock on the soundtrack if you feel me, but I suppose there is something to be said for the mass appeal. I also like Rami Malek in the lead role. He plays Freddy with a vulnerability that feels very genuine, and although he doesn't quite reach the peaks of Stage God Grandure that ol' Freddy operated on, he does sell the simulacra reasonably well.
Now, onto the less good parts. Now when I say Freddy's story fits the musician biopic, that isn't necessarily strictly a compliment. The by now well-worn ruts of "Rise To Stardom but Oh No Being Famous Kinda Sucks And Is Bad For You Actually but You Get Together With The Band Again and Rock Out Because That Is The Most Important Thing" is the kind of thing even a causal watcher of the subgenre can dictate in their sleep. Being a bit formulaic isn't strictly wrong of course, but it does feel a bit disrespectful when applied to the life of an actual real person.
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Of course, I say that, but for being a film about Freddy Mercury, Bohemian Rhapsody doesn't actually feel like that as much as it feels like a movie about the band members of Queen's perception of the guy. Now I say this in part because Freddy's interactions with the LGBTQ community (more on this later) feel a bit told from an outside perspective, as the filmmakers have chosen to tell this slice of the story as the poor lad's downward spiral. Freddy's in a bad place and he goes to gay clubs and truck stops and whatnot. Like, considering what ended up killing the man I can see where that came from, but it also feels like a flattening. Freddy didn't hang out in gay bars to die from aids, one assumes, and the fact that Freddy's soon-to-be shitbag ex looms in the background of several scenes dressed and lit like a villain on Star Trek does not help.
The reason why I say this really is "Freddy as understood by Queen" is because of what I have to assume is historical revisionism going on. Our protagonist does bicker with his bandmates, and he's late for rehearsal, and it does come up of course, but the rest of the band is just so goddamn reasonable. Yeah, he's a flake and he's out there partying all night with those scary gays (not that there's anything wrong with that) but y'know, he's Freddy, he's a bit of a tosser but he's a good lad. Nobody loses their temper with him, nobody says an ill word about this obviously spiraling man, and if anyone does bring anything up it is in the gentlest, most understanding tones you've ever heard. While that isn't bad in itself, it does feel highly suspicious, especially when you take into account that bar Freddy, all of Queen's original lineup is still alive and was, in fact, involved in producing the movie. Honestly, if they had owned this perspective a bit and made Freddy this Jesus Christ in Spartacus-esque figure, too large to be contained on film alone, that would be neat, but no, it's a tell-all story told by people who at the best have a fraction of the story.
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This isn't the film's biggest sin in my eyes though, no, it isn't even the atrocious editing although yes it does break several core tenets of good editing for no discernable reason. No, the most atrocious thing this movie does in my opinion comes down to one particular scene in Act 2. Here, Freddy has a heart-to-heart with his long-time friend and, in the actual man's own words, "common-law wife," Mary Austin. In a moment of melancholy Freddy confesses to Mary that he is Bisexual, to which she responds "Freddie, you're gay" and in essence cuts the conversation and the relationship right there. Now this isn't outrageous in itself, people have assumed that bisexual men are just gays in disguise up until very recently. What is somewhat unforgivable though is that this statement, and Mary's followup on it is literally the last words on Mercury's sexuality.
Now, the exact thats and whiches of Mercury's sexuality are a bit murky to my understanding, so this could be an attempt at hedging their bets in that regard. That said it is just incredibly disrespectful to let someone else than the character in question have the last word on anyone's sexuality, fictional or not.
Now I can see what the filmmakers were going for here. "You're lying to yourself and me when you say that you love me (in a way that we both find meaningful)" can be a place where a relationship ends, and it's an appropriately grim one for the start of a downward spiral. That said, it's hard not to read this as "This FAIRY thinks he can trick us into thinking he's BISEXUAL but he's LYING because he's GAY and then he gets SAD and has DANGEROUS GAY SEX about it."
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It's a whole mess of a scene, and even without all the other issues, it soured the entire experience for me. This wasn't the story of a musical genius with a complicated relationship with his own sexuality and the degree to which he was public with that sexuality in a time when that kind of openness was sought with destructive intent. This is the story of a musical genius whose understanding friends and bandmates love and support despite being a silly little gay. This is celebrating the works of a man despite the inner life he led that fueled those works, not because of it. I wouldn't call this movie explicitly hateful exactly, but it's so thoroughly saturated with what esteemed philosopher and playwright Abigail Thorn calls "yer da'-thinking" that it'd honestly be better if it just called Freddy a slur and got it over with.
To pull back from that frothingly rage-filled abyss for a second, it is perhaps too much to expect even a biopic to even-handedly handle its subject matter. After all, when making a movie about someone dead, all you have is whatever they left behind and the perspectives of the people who survived them. Adapting anything also requires some changes made, if nothing else because setting a start and an end to a story changes the story even as it creates it. That said, this isn't an excuse to remix historical events to your liking. Live Aid 1985 did not struggle until Queen turned the tide, it was a highly successful event in which a very famous band did one of the best rock performances of all time, to name one example.
So in short: I don't like Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) very much. The song is still a banger though.
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Puppy's not a Puppy anymore
Ah yes, it was another simple, calm and pleasant night that was creeping in, the Firsts Angeal Hewley, Genesis Rhapsodos and Sephiroth were once again hanging out on a Friday night as usual. Angeal was preparing a nutritious meal that didn't deviate from Sephiroth's hellish diet set by Shinra and Sephiroth was helping him out by setting the table. As for Genesis, he was very well accommodated, checking Instagram. For a moment, he opens a smile.
"Oh, lovely. Aerith went to Costa del Sol, I told her this bikini would look marvelous." Genesis said with a bit of a cocky tone, as if taking credit for such thing.
Angeal stopped in his tracks for a moment. "Wait. She and Zack went to Costa del Sol?" He asked confused and a bit concerned. "Did they took the cub or did they left with someone else?" He asked as he was about to reach for Genesis' phone.
Genesis pulled his phone away. "Oh nuh-uh! You're not touching my phone after breaking the screen because you 'pressed it too hard'!" He scowled at Angeal.
Angeal grunted. "At least— *sigh* At least call Aerith and ask her about Vanitas, will you?" Angeal asked sounding like a worried overprotective grandfather.
"Ugh, fine." Genesis said as he DM'd Aerith. "What do you care about if they took or left it with someone else?"
"Excuse me, I'm that child's godfather and the only other person I accept to take care of him is that child's grandmother." Angeal said with a bit of an authoritarian tone.
"You're not his only godfather, Angeal..." Sephiroth said while finishing setting up the table. "Wasn't Kunsel his godfather too?"
"If the Puppy left that little cub with Kunsel he will face my anger." Angeal simply stated.
Genesis and Sephiroth were silent for a moment until Genesis finally talked.
"Oh, she answered. 'Hi Gen! Vani's home with his father, it's a mom's weekend out after all!' Aw, good for them." Genesis said calmly.
"It's been what? Months since that girl got a full weekend for her?" Sephiroth asked calmly.
"Uh, YOU GUYS DIDN'T HEAR?! Zack's ALONE with a BABY!" Angeal shouted in genuine shock. "What was she thinking?! Why didn't she asked us to watch him?!"
"Oh please, Angeal! That 'Puppy' was grown enough when making the kid, he's grown up enough to watch it on his own!" Genesis scowled.
"He has to be told what to do at EVERYTIME! He can't read analog clocks, he's a DISASTER in the kitchen, he doesn't have a single sense of organization!" Angeal said all that while reuniting his cleaning material and a fire extinguisher.
"Oh, please, have a little faith on the kid." Genesis brushed it off while rolling his eyes.
"I think Genesis' right, try giving him this chance to prove himself completely capable of taking care of his own child. If the mother is so calm about it, why shouldn't you be?" Sephiroth asked calmly.
Angeal stopped in his tracks, taking that thought in for exactly a second. "Nope, no, nuh-uh, let's go." Angeal hurried out his apartment.
The other two Firsts sighed and helped him take the cleaning supplies to his car. After a good thirty minute car ride that should've been a fifteen minute car ride due to Angeal driving like an old woman, they arrived at the Fair household, a simple two floor house on a relatively nice condo.
"Oh, thank God it's still standing." Angeal sighed as he stepped out of the car.
Genesis and Sephiroth looked at each other, Angeal's concern about Zack being alone with his own child was so unbelievably ridiculous to the point they almost couldn't find enjoyment in it. They stepped out, following Angeal as he rang the door bell.
"You wanna bet he'll get pissed Angeal doesn't trust him?" Genesis asked Sephiroth.
"100gil he won't." Sephiroth said while shaking Genesis hand.
Angeal was too focused looking around, he was glad that the outside was still in one piece, soon enough, Zack picked up the door and smiled.
"Oh, hey guys, what're you doing here?" Zack asked, he was wearing an apron over his regular clothes, sleeves up.
"Hey, you mind telling Angeal you're —" Genesis was interrupted by Angeal shoving his elbow to his ribcage absolutely knocking the wind out of him.
"Actually, we were just talking of Vani and we wanted to come by and um, see the little one and play with him!" Angeal said giving a mediocre excuse at best. He was terrible at lying.
Zack raised an eyebrow at Angeal, he crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway. "Uh-huh. And because of that you brought a mop?" He pointed towards the mop sticking out of the car.
"... To play with him that, uh... I'm a witch and all..." Angeal said while starting to sweat a little.
"Don't witches use brooms?" Zack questioned as he payed attention to the electronic nanny that was hanging by his clothes that was making some noises. "Oh, he's up." Zack then calmly walked upstairs, Angeal followed inside, taking a good look around.
The house was impeccable, whatever was cooking smelled delicious, Angeal definitely smelled vegetables. Which he silently hoped weren't expired, knowing Zack's attention to it.
"Alright, would you look at that, he got it under control! Let's get out." Genesis said while pulling Angeal who stood firmly.
"I am not leaving until I see that child." Angeal proclaimed as he went upstairs.
Genesis and Sephiroth stayed behind, sitting by the living room. As Angeal walked along the corridor to the baby's room, he found concerning to not hear the child crying, as he opened the door, he saw Zack confidently holding the baby with one arm while he tickled him with another. The little boy got Zack's black and spiky hair and his eyes were a golden color thanks to Zack's father. Zack looked at Angeal.
"Hey. You're in luck he woke up in a good mood!" Zack said while using a baby voice.
"That's great, can I take the little cub now?" Angeal asked hastily, ready to lecture Zack.
"Oh, wait a sec..." Zack checked the baby's diaper and calmly walked towards the changing table. "Someone's left some dirty nappies! Who was it? Who was it~" Zack kept talking in that silly baby voice, Angeal absolutely hated it, but Vanitas was absolutely loving it, laughing, giggling and babbling due to how excited he was about it, that certainly helped keep the baby entertained while Zack changed his diaper.
"Uh, why don't you let me do it?" Angeal politely asked.
"No need. I'm very well used to changing his nappies." Zack said with a serious tone as he kept smiling towards his baby of which he very gently cleansed.
"Yeah, but—" Angeal was about to lecture him, but Zack interrupted him.
"No but. I'm his father. And if tell you I'm gonna be the one changing his dirty nappies, then I'll be one to change his dirty nappies. Understood?" Zack calmly said with a stern tone. That took Angeal off guard.
Angeal was a bit stunned while looking at Zack. He kept quite, after all the child was still Zack's, he couldn't disrespect his authority as a father in his own household. "Sure... I guess." He kept observing as Zack put the freshly clean diaper on the baby.
Zack chuckled and finished changing the baby, he picked up little Vanitas and held him close to his chest giving his son a few kisses on the cheek, making the baby laugh. He looked towards Angeal with a bit of a smug look as he went downstairs while holding the baby with one arm.
"Hey, hey, HEY! Hold the cub with two arms, Zack!" Angeal scolded him as he followed his pupil downstairs.
"I know what I'm doing, Angeal." Zack calmly answered back.
As they got downstairs, Genesis was taking a look around while Sephiroth read some "Mommy and Me" books. They looked back at Zack holding Vanitas.
"Oh, he can hold himself up now?" Sephiroth asked surprised. "Isn't he like two months old?"
Genesis gave Sephiroth a smack on the head. "The kid's almost one, you dimwit." Genesis rolled his eyes, he looked at the baby with a smile. "Hello little machine of farts, you seem lovely, so we'll be heading out, right, Angeal?"
"He's eight months old and, please, stay for dinner..." Zack said, he looked towards Angeal serious. "I insist."
He then went to the kitchen, as the Firsts stayed in the living room.
"Does he seem pissed or..." Genesis asked Angeal.
"He seems stubborn as always." Angeal scowled as he followed Zack towards the kitchen.
He saw Zack calmly putting the baby in a feeding chair, neatly and securely holding him there as Zack gave the baby a sensory toy for the baby to distract himself while Zack finished it up the dinner. Angeal was about to get the baby out of the chair when Zack interrupted him in his tracks.
"Nuh-uh, you're not taking him out." Zack said sternly.
"He's gonna fall off that thing or choke on whatever the hell that is!" Angeal said while pointing towards the toy.
"It's a sensory toy, Angeal. It helps the baby's development . And I don't want you taking my baby off his chair or even touching him without my permission first, or I swear to God, I will throw hands." Zack said seriously, he then looked towards Sephiroth and Genesis. "If you guys may watch Angeal so he won't bother my baby, I would greatly appreciate it." He said politely before directing his attention towards the stove.
Angeal was left dumbfounded at the way Zack talked to him. He never seen his "Puppy" behave like that, he was always stubborn, but he was nowhere near this serious about something. He sat down with his friends and kept watching his pupil prepare dinner for him, his baby and the Firsts, of course, after washing his hands first. While he talked to everyone and kept the situation under control. In no moment did he ever burnt the food, or the baby chocked on anything, as Zack was paying close attention to it. Nor in any moment Zack lost his calm, he had it all under control. As he served everyone, Zack then sat down besides the baby, and even though he did served himself, he wouldn't touch his food as he was focused on feeding Vanitas first.
"... You changed." Angeal commented out of the blue, calling Zack's attention.
"Well, yeah... I have a kid now." Zack said with a smile while he kept feeding his baby the vegetable puree he made for the little one. "If I wanna be the father he deserves, I gotta step up and start being more responsible. Pay more attention to what I'm doing..." Zack calmly said as his eyes shimmered with each smile his son gave him while eating.
Angeal was surprised to see his pupil like this. Fatherhood really changed the before reckless and restless puppy into a grown man. That Puppy's house didn't had a single speck of dust. His food was not only nutritious and well balanced, but delicious. His baby was healthy, happy and very well taken care of. In all honesty... Angeal felt a bit sad that his Puppy wouldn't need his help raising the little cub, but he was also proud of him.
"It's... Delicious... The food." Angeal said a bit awkwardly.
Zack smiled at Angeal, knowing his mentor, he knew he wanted to say he was proud of him, but was too ashamed of his mistrust in Zack for it.
"Well, it's the result of hours of studying... And a little of learning from my son's pediatric restrictions." Zack said calmly as he gently cleaned around his son's face.
"Hm, you mind if I ask about it?" Genesis said while delighting himself in the food.
"Oh... Pretty much anything that's home made and with no salt or sugar practically. He can't eat anything fried. Junkfood absolutely not. No processed food. No condiments. Sauce only home made and VERY smooth, with no seeds or anything. Meat has to be well done and very tender in thin strips, always with me or Aerith paying attention for him to not put it all in the mouth..." Zack calmly listed without even stopping to think about it. He had it all memorized.
Genesis held back his laughter as it sounded SO MUCH with Sephiroth's dietary restrictions. Except Sephiroth could eat food with salt and some selected sauces.
Angeal smiled lightly seeing Zack remember all that without even questioning himself. "Wow. You... Really paid attention to the pediatrician."
"Yeah, I took notes too, if you wanna read them later." Zack said a bit distracted caring for his son, he had barely touched his food and was already getting cold, Angeal on the other hand had finished.
Looked at Zack with a proud smile. "Why don't you give me that? Eat your food too." Angeal offered.
Zack nodded and gave Angeal the baby's small plate of puree that was almost over, Zack took his time eating. A pleasant and good conversation kept happening, soon Angeal finished feeding little Vanitas and asked permission to take him, which Zack gave it while still eating as Angeal went to distract the kid while Genesis and Sephiroth made Zack some company at the table. As Angeal played with Vanitas, he noticed the little one himself seemed much more grown too. A serious deviation from when he was born.
Angeal still very clearly remember the day, the little one was born premature, he got to the hospital and found Zack outside the incubator room, gazing at his son, sleep deprived for well over 24 hours, his nerves a complete wreck, he was desperate asking what would he do, to the point he was crying out of desperation, for his son, for his girlfriend, for himself, that baby was a complete and utter surprise for everyone, as Aerith never showed any symptoms and no one knew she even was pregnant, not even herself. Vanitas was born with a little under 4 pounds, whenever Angeal visited and he found Zack looking at his son, he could see his pupil silently crying out of worry. The very one day Zack was told to go home and rest, he almost burnt the house trying to tend for himself. Angeal still remembered Zack's words when he was helping him.
"I can't even take care of myself, how on earth am I gonna take care of a baby?!"
Maybe that's what's been blinding Angeal to his pupil's growth. Zack changed a lot in almost an year. From handling his mental state while watching his son fight for his life in the hospital to just calmly tend to him confidently as if he'd done this for years. Maybe even Zack didn't expect that he would be so capable and confident on being alone with his own son.
Angeal took another look at the house, very well baby proofed, no choking hazards in reach for the baby, no tripping wires, stairs and doorways properly baby proofed as well...
"ZACKARY, HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO USE THIS TOILET?!" Genesis yelled from the bathroom.
"Just remove the baby proof!" Zack answered as he went there to help him.
Yeah, he really had it all under control. Angeal noticed the little one getting a bit fussy, he didn't even had time to tell Zack, he had already noticed and picked up his son, who upon noticing his father, stretched his arms towards him.
"Hey little one~" Zack said with his baby voice. "Let me guess, you want your yummy milk?" Zack said while holding his baby and grabbing a cold baby bottle and heating it up properly at the stove. All the while Vanitas rested his head on Zack while waiting for his bottle. That child was almost angelical on how calmly it waited for his bottle.
Angeal sighed and stood up, walking towards Genesis and Sephiroth. "Well... Should we head out?" He asked.
"Oh, dear, no. I'm having fun." Genesis answered while checking Instagram again.
"I'm doing the dishes." Sephiroth calmly said.
"Oh, you didn't have to, but thanks anyway." Zack said politely.
Angeal then sat down, he saw Zack check the temperature and taste the proper way, in his arm, he sat down at the table and calmly held his baby lying down while giving his little head support, he then bottle fed him, rocking his baby while gently humming for him, soothing the before fussy baby. Angeal recognized the melody Zack was humming, it was a metal song Zack had shown him ages ago and that he hated. Some things do keep the same.
"Really? A metal song?" Angeal chuckled.
"Say whatever you want, he loves it." Zack said calmly while smelling his baby's head.
"Why are you smelling his head?" Genesis asked a bit weirded out. He wasn't the most... Fond of babies or children in general. Vanitas was the only baby he had contact and he still kept his distance.
"Baby smell. It's great!" Zack simply said while rubbing his cheek against his son's head gently.
"You never smelled a baby's head?" Angeal asked surprised.
"No, I'm not a weirdo like you guys." Genesis said a bit shocked Angeal agreed to begin with.
Without saying a thing, Sephiroth calmly approached the baby and smelled it's head while Zack kept gently rocking the baby to sleep. He then took another, longer and louder sniff. Zack had to hold his laughter back at that, not wanting to agitate the baby. Sephiroth looked at Genesis.
"Smell it." Sephiroth said serious.
"What?! No!" Genesis said even more in shock. "What IS IT with you people?!"
"Oh, come on, smell my baby's head!" Zack chuckled.
"No offense, but EW?!" Genesis said as he stood up and went to sit by the couch.
The three laughed at Genesis' reaction, soon enough the baby finished the bottle and Zack gently held Vanitas against his shoulder, giving it some light pats on the back until it burped.
"Alright... I'll put him to bed real quick." Zack said as he went upstairs.
Angeal calmly followed him to see how's it gonna be. He remembered Zack being absolutely useless in putting the little one to sleep, too many were the times Angeal had to drive to his house and help him out in the middle of the night, and too many were the times Zack would fall asleep along from tiresome. But as he got to the baby's room, he saw Zack gently rocking the baby to sleep, all the while singing "Goodbye, Yellow Brick Road" real low. It was no secret to anyone that Zack had a soothing singing voice, as many cameras around the SOLDIER Floor caught glimpses of that, but when he sang to his son there was something so different about it, there seemed to be so much weight in the love he put in while singing. Aerith had sent Angeal videos of Zack singing to Vanitas before, but seeing it in person was really something else in the best of ways. At that moment, Angeal finally thought to himself, "Would you look at that. The puppy grew up." He was a bit emotional even, seeing his pupil all grown, with a baby of his own in his arms. As soon as Zack finished singing, he put the little one down in his crib and silently left the room, keeping the electronic nanny with him, the two of them went downstairs to find Genesis and Sephiroth already waiting, Zack sighed and looked at Angeal.
"Well? Still don't believe I have it all under control?" Zack asked with a smirk.
Without saying a word, Angeal put his hand on Zack's head, messing his hair. "I'm proud of you." He said with a smile.
Zack looked at Angeal a bit surprised at first, but soon he opened a big grin, scratching the back of his head.
"Well, let's let him rest, shall we?" Sephiroth said already leaving the door. "Dinner was splendid. Thank you and good night." He said before heading to the car.
"I would say 'don't mind him', but you already know that." Genesis chuckled while giving Zack a few smacks on the shoulder. "Great meal. Have a goodnight."
Zack accompanied them to the car, where Angeal looked at Zack.
"Well, you have the weekend off, right? See you Monday, then." Angeal said as he headed to the driver's seat. "And, um..." He looked Zack with a lot of pride in his eyes. "You're doing a good job. You're really becoming the father you promised you would be to that kid." He stopped as if trying to find the right words, but failing. "You're... *sigh* I guess you're no longer a puppy, huh."
Zack chuckled a bit. "Nope. Not in a long while." Zack said while looking at his electronic nanny. He knew it was hard for Angeal to admit his pupil had outgrown his need for asking him for help, which only made that much more important for Zack to hear that. "See you guys Monday, then." He said while going back inside his house.
As Angeal turned the engine on and drove off, Genesis looked at him with a bit of a smirk, he didn't mind losing 100gil for Sephiroth this time.
"What did I tell you?" Genesis teased Angeal.
"Shut up." Angeal replied.
"He had it way more under control than we thought." Sephiroth commented with a bit of a smile.
"Told ya! The kid's fine!" Genesis said.
"Yeah... He is." Angeal said with a proud smile.
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Plethora's Pleasant-mas Advent Calendar: Day 2
Warnings: None
“This is stupid,” the Master groaned out, flopping down next to you on the couch. “If we have to watch some dumb human movie we could have at least chosen a horror one. At least those are fun.”
Ignoring his complaining you navigated the dvd menus, pressing play and shuffling around to get comfortable where you were. Letting the opening titles wash over you. With any luck the Master would actually watch the movie. You were certain if he did he would enjoy it. Not that it would be easy for him to admit it. He reached over you to steal from your bowl of mixed popcorn and candy. Shoving it into his mouth before you could think to protest. Rolling your eyes that he had been so adamant that he did not want anything only to steal from yours. At this rate you expected nothing less from him.
You did your best to ignore the constant complaining and bemoaning of the plot that he did the whole start of the movie. Glaring at you when the main character did something clever.
“Fine,” he grumbled. “I can admit that the boy was smart there, for a human.”
Finally settling down, he dug back in the remains of your bowl of snacks.
“Still think that those men have no idea how to case a house. Shameful excuse for criminals.”
You snuck out from his side  as he ranted to wander over to the kitchen for fresh snacks, his TARDIS providing them without complaint. As rough around the edges he could be he had spent a lot of time ensuring that you would be cared for. Dramatically commanding that you ask him for anything you could need. Swearing that his TARDIS would provide you with anything you needed. And she did, she spoiled you with food and other human comforts. This moment was no exception. The moment you considered more popcorn, it was already made. Perfectly popped and ready for you to place it into your bowl.
Reaching out for the bowl, the Master’s eyes were locked to the screen as you rejoined him. Smiling to yourself when you saw how enraptured he now was. It was almost the end of the movie but the segment of the plot that you knew he would enjoy had only just started. 
The moment that the first trap was successful he laughed at the expense of the criminals. 
“Now that’s how you spring a trap! Shame this kid isn’t real, I almost think I would have him join us.”
His whole body leaned forward, interest in the action really showing. Head resting on folded hands as he seemed to consider if the traps had any basis in real physics and delighting when they were somewhat realistic. The moment that the criminals were defeated and the movie returned to wrapping up with the mother reuniting with the kid, he lost interest again. No longer intently focusing on the screen, he leaned back into the plush cushions of the couch. Pleased expression on his face.
“Oh bravo,” he cheered. “I should take notes from this kid. I don’t need any help with traps, but man would it be hilarious to copy those. Make them real.”
Pausing he seemed to come to the realization that nothing was stopping him from doing exactly that.
“Rewind that while I go grab a notebook,” he shouted to you as he rushed off, sticking his head back into the room he had left in a flash. “I want to make that shit real!”
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