#oh the amnesia au how you plague me
blushweddinggowns · 1 year
WIP Wednesday!
Tagged by @devondespresso and @nburkhardt 💕💕💕💕
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
Basically the same as before but with different file names!
Uh no she's happening
Steddie Big
SNIPPET (18+ under the cut! Very slight though, but she's there)
Steve woke up slowly, still trying to cling to the dream. Fuck, that was a good memory. Maybe even his favorite so far. There was no panic this time around, no. It was more than welcome.
He sat up with a smile, quickly realizing that Eddie had cleaned them both up while he was asleep. God, he always took such good care of him. He glanced over at him, heart melting at just how adorable he looked when he was asleep. He was so fucking pretty. All naked and too handsome for his own good. 
Steve brushed back some of his hair before leaning down to kiss his forehead. He felt so good, and so lucky to be with someone as wonderful as Eddie. 
And you know what? He didn’t feel ashamed, he didn’t feel guilty, and he could give less than two fucks about what anyone thought of him. He just…wanted. He wanted Eddie’s hands, his cock, his mean laugh as he fucked him into oblivion.
And Steve knew exactly how to get it.
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~durge aus~
Behemoth: the one who was already a durge, so let's reverse it
gold-seeking flirtatious adventurer who is revealed to actually prefer being quiet and truthful
outlander background???
Takes one look at Karlach and immediately starts an arc from "I have to act confident in what I'm doing since she's new to this" to "[internal sobbing] what if we,,,kissed,,,and hellldd,hahandsds,,,"
all the previous trauma still exists. it's just now combined with durge trauma.
It's not exactly gonna be fic material (most likely [except for that one time]) so I'll go into it here ig: the thing I considered for them was that the amnesia removes the durge memories...but not what happened before durge things
a certain archfey avatar is very. very worried.
they have huge Orpheus from Hades energy
Quietly clings to people sometimes when it gets to be Too Much
Sir that is their emotional support vampire
My man is plagued with murderous urges and fucking sobbing the entire time
Oh god what do you think happened to the rats. Oh no. The rats.
The world is empty and meaningless place- omg Wyll hi!!!
yeah I imagine pre-amnesia this guy just kinda dissociated from every murder to remain cheerful
post amnesia he doesn't exactly know how to do that anymore
Plagued with murderous urges and fucking sobbing the entire time, the sequel
Lemming, clinging to Lae'zel like a lifeline "is this normal for gith BECAUSE I DON'T REMEMBER WHAT BEING A GITH IS LIKE-"
their romance with Shadowheart now has the tragedy of "whether you hate me for things out of my control or love me at least you're looking at me. please look at me so I can know who I am."
pre-amnesia murder was probably somewhat scientific for them. they're efficient, so they don't think about it too much.
Oh they will not hesitate, bitch
"you feel an urge to murder" "alright murder it is" "wait wh-"
they don't remember they had the title of nightmare bard but once they learn they're probably just like "yeah sounds about right"
karmyth remains tragic as hell but less because mythos is haunted by their actions and more because WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE DOOMED BY THE NARRATIVE. I WOULD KILL ANYONE WHO TRIED TO TOUCH YOU.
gortash: [misses them] mythos, local aro: [lol]
[shaking them] please get therapy we are all begging you PLEASE GET THERAPY-
raph can you like keep them behind bars. it's for the greater good trust me.
Noon (already a durge, haven't developed them much so this'll be interesting):
Noon's path in a non-durge au would probably depend on who gets to them first. Big peer pressure person.
Once it gets to the point where they have contradicting sides to this it'll get…complicated.
ace attorney style debate would need to happen
hey Noon, maybe you'll actually get to develop a personality (not just out of character. in character they're very passive until directed, down to emotions and wants)
[looks at their relationship with Minthara] ... oh, this'll be interesting.
yeah, Noon remains uh. not the best person.
the rest of the gang were already non-dnd OCs that I just made bg3 tavs, so they probably wouldn't fit this v well, but ye
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dreamsclock · 3 years
AU where the amnesia is contagious. It slowly spreads to every single memeber, eating at their memories and personalities, until one day, they all wake up, having no idea who or where they are.
-AB (could be the Egg, honestly)
I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH OH MY GODDDD,,, this offers so many painful possibilities holy shit, i couldn’t get this out of my head until i wrote it LMAO
warnings: amnesia, implications of torture/abuse, implications of explosions, implications of toxic relationships, implications of manipulation 
They still have flashes of memories. Not everything is gone. Tommy works through blurry faces in his mind, blurry associations - Tubbo is laughter and home, Ranboo is a purple flower and begrudging family, Technoblade is wary alliance and safety after a storm, and other members are similar - freshly baked bread, guitars, wings and beanies and smiles and comfort. It’s frightening, not knowing anything about himself other than his name, but Tommy clings to the associations he has with people, and as time passes, realises it extends to things, too.
There’s a huge crater in the middle of their world with glass over it that makes him hollow and sad. Tubbo finds him there one day, and promptly bursts into tears he tries to hide, and Tommy feels the same emotion well up in his chest despite not knowing why - something bad happened here, is all he can think, something awful happened here and I miss home. He doesn’t visit the crater much. Tubbo claims he never does either, but Tommy watches him come back often in the early hours of the morning with red rimmed eyes and a notebook with unsteady writing and knows he’s a liar.
And there’s a big black building too, that makes Tommy pass out the first time he sees it looming in the distance and avoid it and a friendly man called Sam for days after. He doesn’t know why, doesn’t know what it’s for - only knows he associates it with a sharp pang in his stomach and a throbbing in his head and chest that leads him to a panic attack whenever he thinks too hard about it, so most people steer clear of it.
Until one day they don’t.
Until one day they don’t, and when they manage to get inside, they find a man there, locked up in a little box and smiling at them like they’re old friends.
Tommy doesn’t like the man. It’s funny, because Tommy likes everyone, apart from two people called Schlatt and Wilbur, and he dislikes this new person even more.
“What’s your name?” The man asks him one day, eyes bright with curiosity. 
Tommy offers his hand out despite his racing heart. “Tommy,” he says, and ignores the flicker of something that makes him nauseous, ignores the flash of disks and explosions that breeze through his mind, “what’s yours?”
The stranger shakes it with a smile. “Dream,” he says, and Tommy feels like he’d known it before he’d said it.
Despite how uneasy he is around Dream, Tommy wants to stick to him, and the same is true of Dream, who never strays far from Tommy or Sam’s sides, or, sometimes, Quackity’s. He seems to like Ranboo, too, but Tommy knows Ranboo avoids him like the plague.
“Why?” He asks, unable to help himself. “He’s a bit of a dickhead, but, I dunno, he grows on you. Why don’t you like him?”
Ranboo can’t meet his eyes. “He scares me,” he says, evasive, “he sounds like someone I hear in my nightmares.”
...Strangely, painfully, Tommy knows what he means. He stares at Dream over dinner one day, sitting cross legged between Sam and Quackity, rambling about a new underground place he’d found while Sam listens eagerly and Quackity shifts beside him, looking strangely uncomfortable.
“You don’t like him either, do you?” Tommy presses Quackity that night, and the older squirms, looking like he’d rather not have this conversation.
“It’s not that I don’t like him,” he says hesitantly, “but he had a nightmare last night.”
Tommy blinks. “He did?”
“He did. I heard him when I was coming back from exploring.” Quackity lets out a breath, squaring his shoulders and meeting Tommy’s eyes firmly. “He was pleading with me to stop hurting him. I don’t think I liked him. Before we lost our memories.”
Tommy turns to Dream, who sleeps nestled beside Sapnap and George and looks content. His mouth is dry. “Oh,” he says, and what else is there to say? “I get it.”
He hadn’t ever considered dreams to remind them of their lives before the memory wipe. It makes sense, when he thinks about it. 
Tommy tries not to read too much into his own dreams, especially when they consist of a beach and waiting for people who never show up. Especially when they consist of a masked man who makes his life hell and makes him cry himself to sleep every night.
He doesn’t like to think about it, especially not when Dream has a mask tucked safely in the little belongings he’s claimed as his own. 
“Do you ever wonder,” Tubbo says one day, “if before all this, we actually hated each other?”
Tommy stares at Dream. 
“Yeah,” he says, quiet for once, “I wonder that a lot.”
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deerixiie · 4 years
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description: one by one, love stole the people oikawa cared about the most. it stole him, too.
pairings: oikawa tooru x fem!reader
w/c: 1.6k
genre/warning: angst, hanahaki au, major character death, mentions of blood, body horror?
a/n: this is a one day late birthday present for the wonderful @wanderynn!! rae ily don’t kill me for writing oikawa angst for your birthday
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Oikawa was nervous.
Which was odd, because he had been in situations like this before. Interviews required being asked questions he was expected to answer, after all.
But those were interviews. This was a therapy session.
Oikawa’s gaze dropped down at his hands, slightly worn from years of slapping a volleyball with his entire strength. Those same hands that had slapped a ball with spine-chilling intensity were the same hands that gently caressed your cheek, the same hands that easily intertwined with yours, the same hands that tilted your chin up with every kiss he placed on your lips.
Oikawa’s eyes started to burn.
The therapist seated in front of him continued to tap away on the computer, her face devoid of any emotion. She seemed to be satisfied with whatever was behind the screen and swiveled around to face him, a disgustingly fake smile on her face.
(Oikawa would know, his smiles were fake as well. Slightly strained, a little too bright to be genuine.)
“So, Oikawa-san,” the therapist said, making eye contact with him.
“Oikawa is fine.”
“Oh, alright. So, Oikawa, how are you feeling?”
Tired. Numb. Odd. Guilty.
“Fine.” The fake smile came easily.
“Ah, okay. Is this your first experience with Hanahaki?”
No, of course it wasn’t. He was told that being well-known meant people will fall in love with him. “It’s not your fault, Tooru,” they said. “Some people fall in love very easily.” Oikawa remembered snorting, thinking that no one could possibly fall in love with him just because he was charming and good-looking.
He was wrong.
(It started with Ume, the bubbly girl in his second year of middle school. Then Riko and Akika in his first year of highschool, one other girl he didn’t remember the name of in his second year, and Mizuki in his third.
Only three of them had settled on getting amnesia and forgetting Oikawa entirely instead of dying. The adoring gazes he was once plagued with became empty stares.
But Riko didn’t. Oikawa couldn’t bring himself to her funeral; he knew the only stares he would get would be accusatory ones.)
The therapist continued. “And I mean, not just from being a celebrity, but with people close to you.”
Oikawa suddenly found it difficult to breath. He saw the flash of spiky dark hair, of rude nicknames and harsh shoulder slaps.
(“I’ll be alright.”
“Iwa, you’re dying!”
“I said I’ll be alright.”
Oikawa was in Argentina when Iwaizumi died. “He had a severe coughing fit on the street that made him pass out,” they told him. “He was dead before they could put him in an ambulance.”
Oikawa cried for hours.)
“Yes,” Oikawa said quietly. “A close friend of mine died from it.”
“Oh.” The therapist’s smile faded away. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”
“It’s fine,” he said, flashing his brightest of smiles.
The therapist’s expression became more serious. “Dealing with that much loss must be hard.”
Oikawa didn’t respond. What does he even say to that?
“Do you want to tell me about them?”
About Iwaizumi? No, about you. Oikawa’s smile was smaller, obviously less genuine. “No, not really.”
“Well, uhm…” the therapist drummed her fingers against her thigh. “Were you two close?”
“I’m not sure.” It wasn’t a lie. The lines between the two of you had been gray and blurred. Were the intoxicated kisses at two in the morning really love, or just drunken lust? Being tangled up under the covers as you lazily slept on top of the other wasn’t necessarily romantic, was it? You held his hand because you were afraid of losing him in the crowd, not because you loved him, right?
“Even if we were friends, we were closer than most friends were.”
“Ah.” The therapist typed something on her computer. “How did you find out?”
“Come again?”
“When she was diagnosed. How did you find out it was you she was in love with?”
“Oh.” Oikawa looked out the window. It seemed to be on the cusp of fall and winter, bare branches and freezing temperatures but no snow.
He found himself smiling. You hated the snow.
“She told me a couple hours before she died.”
The therapist sucked in an audible breath. “What was that like?”
Oikawa swallowed slowly. “We were sitting together, watching a movie or something like that. She had a coughing fit.”
(He remembered how weak you looked pressed up next to him, your knees drawn to your chest, your eyes hollow and empty, your body thin and frail. Your coughing fits were violent, more violent than most. Tissues and handkerchiefs followed you wherever you went, stained with shriveled, bloody petals.)
“She told me it was me. I didn’t understand her at first, but she was saying it was me over and over. And then I understood. Six hours later, she died.”
“Is that all?”
No. “Yes.”
“So you didn’t really have much time to think about it before she passed, but it must have made you feel guilty. That’s why you’re here today.”
Oikawa nodded.
“You shouldn’t blame yourself, Oikawa.”
That’s what they all said. But he couldn’t help it, could he? He saw you sprawled on the ground in a pool of crimson, serene white petals decorating the floor like it was some sort of aesthetic arrangement. You looked so unbelievably peaceful, finally freed from the death vice of your unrequited love for him.
Love for him.
Oikawa was blind. He was desperate. He was so desperate for affection that he accepted your kisses and touches with open arms, disregarding the fact that you could be in love with him. Pure, inhumane lust drew him to you, trailing his hands down your arms, pressing his lips against your skin. He was a monster.
“Oikawa, I take it that you’ve heard of PHH?”
(PHH - (Purple Hyacinth Hanahaki) A branch of hanahaki originating from guilt over the death of a loved one; usually one who had died a hanahaki-related death from being in love with them.”
Oikawa’s nose had wrinkled reading the definition off of his health textbook. “That can happen?” He asked, glancing over at Iwaizumi.
Iwaizumi shrugged and continued to fill out his homework. “Love is confusing.”
“If it’s this confusing I’m never going to fall in love!” Oikawa huffed. “Love is stupid!”
“That’s what you’ll say now, Stupidkawa. I bet you’re falling in love first.”
“Hey, Iwa-chan, not true!”
The world was an ironic, cruel place.)
Oikawa’s heart pounded in his chest, an ominous countdown. (Countdown to a diagnosis? Countdown to his death?) He nodded once. “I know about it.”
The therapist drums her nails on her desk, echoing his already racing heart. A sympathetic look passed on her face. “You might be at risk for that, Oikawa.”
Oikawa found his eyes drifting over to the window once more. He spotted a lone orange leaf clinging to the end of a tree branch, persisting even as the wind violently shook the branch.
(Your body shaking violently as you clung to Oikawa’s arm, whispering “it’s you” over and over, a mantra that would haunt him even in death.
Death. It was coming sooner now, wasn’t it?)
Another violent shake, and the leaf spiraled to the ground.
(Ghostly empty eyes, mouth slightly parted as blood dribbled from the corner. Your arms were wrapped around nothing, as if in those last moments of life you were holding something tight to your chest, a last connection to the mortal world.
Oikawa wished he was there. No—no he didn’t. He wouldn’t bear to see the light fading from your eyes as he held you in his arms.)
He closed his eyes. “I know.”
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He found himself back on the court two days later.
“He always finds a way to come back to the court.” His coach had said that once. Highschool Oikawa had reveled in the praise, reveled in his devotion to a sport.
Now it felt shallow. How dare he be more devoted to a sport than the own two people who motivated him to even start playing? How dare he be blinded by the rush of dopamine a successful serve gave him? How dare he not support his closest friend when he was nearing his end? How dare he not notice your unyielding love for him? How dare he how dare he how dare he-
Oikawa swiveled on his heel and threw the volleyball onto the wall. It bounced off with a satisfying “thwack” and landed back into his hands.
Oikawa sighed.
His thumbs traced slow circles against the leather. Soothing. Calmi-
(His thumb rubbed a gentle circle into your cheek. “Thank you,” he murmured, his breath hot on your face.
Your lips quirked into a smile. “For what?”
“Mm,” he moved forward and closed the distance between you greedily, encapturing you in another kiss. “It doesn’t matter.”)
Oikawa threw the ball up and took a step forward, shifting his weight into his feet for the jump.
A violent cough tore itself from his throat.
Oikawa collapsed onto his knees, his hand pressed into his mouth. The coughs were aggressive, sending violent tremors throughout his entire body. His throat hurt.
(“Yeah, it hurts,” Iwaizumi muttered, quietly rubbing his throat. “It hurts like hell.”)
(“It hurts.” Your voice was a ghost whisper in the quiet hums of the night. “Tooru, it hurts.”)
The coughs subsided, leaving behind an eerie sort of silence. Oikawa removed his hand from his mouth.
Ah, he thought. I should’ve expected this.
A vivid purple petal dotted with crimson sat in the palm of his hand. He closed his fists around the flower petal, his eyes stinging with tears.
Love was harsh words and sore throats. Love was drunken lust in the ungodly hours of night. Love was confusing. Love was stupid.
Love, it seemed, was everyone’s demise.
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-purple hyacinths represent sorrow or regret.
-white tulips represent forgiveness.
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taglist: @joliechuchoter @pablopascal @yn-tingz @vannerz @strawberriimilkshake @sunarashi @hajiimes @tttournesolll @hajibee @semiis @kageyuji (send an ask/dm if you want to be removed, fill out the form here to be added!)
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shieldwinter · 4 years
Stucky Fic Rec [Part Three]
Part Three of the fic rec coming at you! Sorry for it coming so late in the day - I was finishing up reading a fic that I wanted to add to this part!  I do only add fics that I’ve read, and enjoyed, to this rec so (once again) there will be few, if any, ABO and Shrinkyclink fics!  As always; I will provide the Google Doc link where I update the rec regularly, but if you’d prefer it formatted here on tumblr, it is under the cut! If you want to recommend fics, go for it!
Google Doc Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10wqr5s-CzkFzLidQgt-y4-cjudHWwVeVPWCedMjK7t0/edit
Don’t Leave Me Asunder
        Word Count: 31.1k         Rating: Teen and Up         Notable Tags: Shrunkyclunks, Veteran!Bucky, Amputee!Bucky         Warnings: None         Synopsis: Like many other war veterans, Bucky Barnes is alone. He doesn't talk to his family, he has no friends and his only human interactions are with his cleaning crew from Avengers Tower. Plagued by nightmares and pain, he lives each day in isolation. Until the Avengers bring their fight at home and Bucky gets to meet the famous Captain America. To his surprise, both their lives change forever after that.
Far Strayed
       Word Count: 18.3k        Rating: Mature        Notable Tags: Post CACW, Pre Infinity War        Warnings: None        Synopsis:  “They’re not going to stop coming after me,” Bucky tells Steve, somewhere in the air above Siberia. “Let them come,” Steve replies, furious still.  After Siberia, instead of seeking refuge in Wakanda, Bucky and Steve go on the run.
All My Chances Again
         Word Count: 20.6k          Rating: Explicit          Notable Tags: Time Travel, Endgame Fix-It          Warnings: Smut          Synopsis: I love him, Steve thinks into the spiraling ether; I love him; let me tell him. Give me the chance to set that one thing right. If I can’t rest for saving him, let me give him all of me and hope that it’s enough. Or; Steve gets lost in the time matrix, and begs for an out. Seems confession is good for the soul—or so he hopes.
I, Barnes 
        Word Count: 76.7k         Rating: Explicit         Notable Tags: Bi!Steve, Bi!Bucky, Period-Typical Homophobia         Warnings: Heavy Smut, Talk of Suicide, Non-Consenual Vouyerism, Panic Attacks          Synopsis: When Steve finally finds Bucky and brings him home to New York, their reunion doesn't go as planned. Bucky disappears into the bowels of the tower, avoiding Steve at all costs. Bucky believes himself to be broken beyond repair, unworthy of any contact with Steve Rogers. But having finally gotten a taste of being around Steve again, Bucky can't just leave - he needs Steve. In ways he believes prove he's a monster unfit to live.
If Steve Rogers Were Your Boyfriend 
          Word Count: 70.2k           Rating: Mature           Notable Tags: Cafe!AU, Barista!Steve, Author!Bucky           Warnings: Abusive Relationship (not Steve and Bucky)            Synopsis: When he's not editing a magazine he truly loathes or navigating a rocky relationship he truly doesn't deserve, Bucky Barnes writes a fantasy romance column with an unexpectedly loyal internet following about the barista at his favorite cafe. Barista Boyfriend makes these other worlds bearable, but the real world dreamboat isn’t remotely involved; Steve Rogers is just a muse. Everyone loves the column. And it definitely isn’t killing Bucky very gently in 500 word increments, not in the slightest. What kind of a writer can't keep fact and fiction straight? James Fuckin' Barnes, that's who.
Love Me Tender
          Word Count: 13.1k           Rating: Teen and Up           Notable Tags: Canon Divergence            Warnings: None           Synopsis: Steve is captured by Hydra, who for lack of any other containment options, activate the Winter Soldier and order the man to "take care of Captain America". They really should have been more specific. - OR: Taking care of Captain America is a task that the Soldier's body seems to remember how to do, even if he doesn't understand why.
Falling Back on Forever 
          Word Count: 24k           Rating: Explicit            Notable Tags: Revenge Road Trip, Identity Porn           Warnings: Smut           Synopsis: Bucky falls from the train in 1945. Steve jumps right after him. The Winter Soldier and the Midnight Patriot are the world's most feared duo, serving HYDRA and leaving a trail of bodies a mile wide behind them. But then they remember.
Wishes and Words
         Word Count: 48.2k          Rating: Explicit          Notable Tags: Fantasy!AU, Prince!Steve          Warnings: Smut, Past Torture          Synopsis: Life is going great until the day Bucky Barnes finds Crown Prince Steven Grant bleeding out on his lands. Then it only gets better.
How Bucky Barnes Won His Second Pulitzer
         Word Count: 11.6k          Rating: General Audience          Notable Tags: Shrunkyclunks, Protective Steve          Warnings: None          Synopsis:  It isn’t like him and Steve go out frequently. Sometimes he’ll stop by Bucky’s apartment and they’ll binge watch tv shows, or Steve will tell him stories from ‘back in the day’. They’ve only gone out in public two or three times and it was merely quick runs to get coffee, or more popcorn.  So Bucky really doesn’t understand where this Hydra asshole is coming from when he says: “The reason we took you is because we know the Captain will come running right into our trap.” (aka: bucky is an award winning journalist who really doesn't appreciate being used as bait for a beefed up, spandex-clad super soldier.)
Maybe This Christmas
          Word Count: 24.8k           Rating: Teen and Up           Notable Tags: Shrunkyclunks, Christmas           Warnings: None           Synopsis: Bucky’s not going home for Christmas. But it’s fine. He’s spending Christmas alone in his apartment, but it’s cool. He’s not feeling up to seeing his family after his accident anyway, plus he has to work. He’s totally fine with it. But then he runs into Steve, literally, and suddenly his Christmas isn’t looking so empty after all.
6 Avenue Local
         Word Count: 10.6k          Rating: Teen and Up          Notable Tags: No Powers!AU, Veteran!Bucky, Graphic Designer!Steve          Warnings: None          Synopsis: It takes a moment for Steve to add up the features on the man in front of him: those blue-grey eyes, a cleft chin, high cheekbones. Sure, he's older, dirtier, taller, but there's only one person Steve knew who looked like that. "Bucky?" he asks. "Bucky Barnes?" It's been so long since he's said that name out loud. "Yeah, I..." Bucky pauses. "Oh fuck," he says. "I missed my stop." Steve smiles. “Wanna get a burger?” he asks, noting the happy coincidence that Bucky Barnes, of all the people in New York, fell asleep in the same subway car that Steve would walk into, and missed his stop. “Sure,” Bucky says with a shrug. “I could eat.”
Kingdom Come
          Word Count: 8.2k           Rating: Teen and Up           Notable Tags: Missions Gone Wrong, Angst w/ Happy Ending           Warnings: Near Death Experience           Synopsis: “It’s too late, Steve,” Bucky’s voice across the comm is flat, layered with static. “The deadlock’s irreversible. S’the only way.” Steve knows what nearly dying feels like; knows it better than most, and this—those words, that voice, this impossible burning that courses through him like the serum in reverse, this. This is so much worse than nearly.
Just Me, You, and These Shitty Cigarettes
        Word Count: 39.8k         Rating: Explicit         Notable Tags: Modern!AU, Veteran!Bucky, Barista!Bucky, Artist!Steve         Warnings: Smut, Dubious Consent         Synopsis: Steve Rogers is pretty sure Natasha's new roommate is trying to kill him. Which he wouldn't mind considering he's been helplessly in love with him since they were thirteen.
Where All Roads Lead
        Word Count: 46.1k         Rating: Explicit         Notable Tags: Shrunkyclunks, Time Travel, Historian!Bucky         Warnings: Smut         Synopsis: When Steve Rogers inadvertently touches a relic in the course of a mission gone sideways during WWII, he’s catapulted seventy years into the future. Before he's even sure where he's ended up, his search for help puts him in contact with Bucky Barnes, a historian and college professor who has built a career around studying Captain America. With Bucky's help, Steve means to find out how exactly he ended up in 2017, and solve the bigger mystery of how to get home. There's just one problem. The closer they get to their goal, the less certain Steve is that he wants to go home.
         Word Count: 77.9k          Rating: Mature          Notable Tags: Shrunkyclunks, Meet-Cute          Warnings: Smut          Synopsis: When Steve first met Sergeant James Barnes during the New York invasion, he flipped Steve off for calling him a civilian, then roundhouse kicked an alien in the face. They haven't stopped talking to each other ever since, and Steve thought it was normal for him to latch onto the first person who befriended him after coming out of the ice. Nope, turns out he was just pining.
Closed Book
         Word Count: 38.8k          Rating: Explicit          Notable Tags: Amnesia          Warnings: Smut          Synopsis: Bucky woke up with a headache, a mouth that tasted like something had died in it, and hands-down, swear-to-god, the most beautiful man he had ever seen asleep in his lap. Bucky was also, he realized after a moment, strapped down to a hospital bed with about six different monitors making unsynced, equally piercing, beeps. Beyond that he couldn’t quite see—there was a hideous floral curtain pulled around the bed, and while he could just make out figures moving in the room beyond it, the pattern made his head pound even worse the longer he looked at it. So. That was concerning.
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miafic · 4 years
Fall AU (Part 3)
Part 1
Part 2
Zakk spent a lot of his time in the hospital feeling like he was visiting someone else’s life, like this couldn’t have possibly been happening to him. Or to Lucas. But it was.
He looked at Instagram a lot when the pain got overwhelming. Seeing happy people hurt, but it helped, too. He texted his sister because she avoided emotions like the plague and wouldn’t dare bring up what was going on with Lucas or ask any questions about him. Zakk was grateful; everyone else wanted an update on Lucas and asked Zakk how he was holding up. All that accomplished was pulling more tears out of Zakk, and from his perspective, crying had become a waste of time.
He started wearing a name tag when he went to see Lucas. Not always, but sometimes. When he did, Lucas always looked at it a few times. When he didn’t, Lucas still seemed a little bit happy to see him. It made Zakk feel good that he not only recognized him but had a positive association with him, although the doctor who’d been working with Lucas the most thought that Lucas was basing the association on new memories, not old ones. That was okay with Zakk, at least for the time being.
As far as Lucas knew, Zakk was his friend. It was heartbreaking, but it was a good place to be, relatively. He’d come across some horror stories online from people whose spouses didn’t want anything to do with them when they woke up with amnesia, so all of a sudden, being Lucas’ friend didn’t seem so bad. He reminded himself again that Lucas was alive. He was confused, and he was having a tough time, but he was alive.
It was almost kind of funny when, after three days, everything sort of slowed to a stop, and Zakk was instructed to take Lucas home.
The hospital had run all the scans and blood tests that they could, and Lucas had met with a slew of neurologists and psychologists, but no one had been able to give Zakk any predictions of when - or if - Lucas might improve. Zakk felt fully unqualified to be caring for Lucas on his own, but he didn’t have much of a choice. He wouldn’t ever dream of giving anyone else the task, though. He wondered briefly if this was what bringing a new baby home was like.
“Did you bring me here?” Lucas wondered. Zakk was driving out of the hospital’s parking lot, and Lucas kept touching the line where the cold window met the plastic of the car door.
“Yeah,” Zakk nodded. “Do you remember?”
“I don’t think so.”
Zakk hummed quietly, just relieved when Lucas didn’t ask why Zakk had taken him to the hospital in the first place. “We need to get you a nice, hot shower.”
“You said that already.”
It was the fourth time he’d said it over the previous day and a half, but that was the first time that Lucas seemed to have noticed. Zakk grinned. “Yeah, I did.” Tears flooded his vision, and he shifted all of his effort into keeping them in his eyes. It upset Lucas when he cried. “Are you gonna stay in the big bedroom with me, or do you want me to set up the guest room for you?”
“We’re going to your house?”
“What about my house?”
Zakk knew that he had to be careful with what he said. Slowly, he stated, “It’s… the same house.”
“We live together?”
“You’re my best friend?”
“Yeah.” It was true; they may have been married, but they were best friends, too.
“Do we usually sleep in the same room?”
“Mmhmm. Do you want to tonight, or no? You don’t have to decide right now, but-”
“I wanna sleep by myself.”
Zakk felt a little pang of sadness, but he wasn’t surprised. Lucas still hadn’t wanted him to stay overnight at the hospital, and besides, in Lucas’ eyes, they’d only known each other for a few days. “Okay. I’ll get the guest room ready for you while you take a shower.”
“What are you gonna do to it?”
“Um, put your pillow in there, bring you some clothes, make sure the air’s set how you like it...” Take the pictures out...
“How do I like the air?”
There had been a lot of questions like that over the last day. An offhand comment about Lucas’ hair prompted him to ask how he usually wore it. Then, as more things came up, he wanted to know what sports he followed, what his favorite color was, what music he listened to, what he typically ate for breakfast, what kind of clothes he liked… Zakk felt so lucky to be able to give him all of the answers.
“Well, usually you like it a little warm. But if you want it cooler, we can do that, too.” He gave Lucas a smile.
Lucas nodded. 
Zakk held his breath as they pulled into the driveway, praying that Lucas would recognize the house, but he didn’t. They parked and got out, and Lucas seemed so unsteady on his feet as he walked inside that Zakk was relieved that he’d thought to ask Big T to come pick Baby up before they left the hospital.
“I’ll leave the door open a little, okay?” Zakk directed as he walked Lucas across the master bathroom. “You just call for me if you need me, and I’ll come help you.”
Discomfort flickered across Lucas’ face again, and Zakk sighed a little before explaining, “I don’t want you to fall. Sit down if you need to. If you get dizzy. And if you’re just tired, too.” Even a mild head injury could potentially kill him. The chances of that were slim, but slim wasn’t zero, and Zakk wasn’t willing to risk it.
“Do you remember how to turn it on?”
Lucas stared at the handle before hesitantly reaching in and turning it. A stream of water began to fall. 
“Good. A little more to the left.”
Lucas turned it farther.
“Yep. Left for hotter, right for colder.”
Zakk started to walk away.
“What’s up?”
“I…” He licked his lips, staring at the carpet. “I think my brother died.”
It only took a second for Zakk to figure out that he was talking about Chance. He nodded.
“He did?”
“Someone really, really close to you died.”
“Can I see a picture of him?”
Zakk smiled sadly. “Take your shower, and then we can look at some pictures.”
“Not of me. Just him.”
Zakk nodded. He kept refusing to look at himself, even in the mirror, and Zakk didn’t understand why. The doctor didn’t seem too surprised, though. “I’ll find some.” He pointed at Lucas. “Hey, I’m serious - you sit down if you need to. And call for me.”
“I will.”
“This is him?” Lucas murmured, touching the image of Chance’s face on the phone. The picture immediately enlarged, and then all they were looking at was half of a tan neck.
“Here.” Zakk took the phone and reset the photo. It happened again.
Lucas frowned deeply.
“Let me print them really quick,” Zakk suggested.
Lucas waited patiently, but Zakk noticed that he seemed more attentive than he’d been since this whole amnesia thing started. Usually, he gazed carelessly around the room or just zoned out, but Lucas was actually… interested. This seemed really good.
“Do I have pictures of him here?” he asked.
“Yeah, but I didn’t know where yours are, so I had his m- uh. I had someone send them to me.” 
“You don’t know where they are?”
“You hide stuff that’s important to you. Well - you don’t hide it, really, but you put it places and you don’t tell me. I don’t feel comfortable looking.” 
Across the room, the printer started making noise. Lucas got up and walked over to it. He watched as the paper inched out of the machine, and then he picked up the first photo. “This is my little brother?” he asked.
“That was your high school best friend.”
“And you’re my now-best friend?”
“Uh-huh.” Zakk got up and went over to him. He tried not to look at Lucas’ long, wet hair.
“How old are we?”
Zakk hesitated and then wondered, “How old do you think you are?” 
Frustration crossed Lucas’ face. 
“You’re in your thirties.” 
The frustration turned to surprise, but it disappeared quickly as Lucas stared at the paper in his hands. 
Do you remember his name? Zakk wanted to inquire, but he didn’t, because the doctor had told him to stop asking that.
“He’s young,” Lucas stated, pointing at Chance.
“We were the same age?”
“And he died?”
“What happened to him?”
“That’s… tricky. He decided to end his life, but you and I don’t know exactly how he passed away.”
That got Lucas to look at him. (Zakk wanted so badly to touch his hair.) “Why?”
“Your mom didn’t want anyone to tell you. If it helps, you told me a couple years ago that you’re glad you don’t know.”
Lucas didn’t respond to that. There was a long silence, and then he said curiously, “I think he likes turtles.”
Zakk smiled again, laughing a little in relief. “Yeah, sea turtles! He loved sea turtles.”
“I remembered something!” Lucas exclaimed, and it hit Zakk for the first time how distressing this whole experience must have been for Lucas.
“You sure did. You’re doing great, Lucas,” he replied sincerely. “I’m proud of you.” I love you so much. I’m so glad that it’s me taking care of you right now instead of you taking care of me.
The printer finished another photo, and Lucas reached down to pick it up. As he studied it, Zakk decided to ask a question he’d ask Lucas if Lucas were a kid at Peace and Purpose.
“What do you think about when you look at that picture?”
“I… don’t know his name,” Lucas murmured, “but I know how he makes me feel.”
“And how is that?”
Carrying the new piece of paper with both hands and not looking up from it, he went over to take a seat. “Sad. Happy.”
“But I know the turtles. Where’s his necklace?” Lucas asked, pushing at the image of Chance’s collar.
“You remember the necklace?!”
Lucas blinked, looking confused again. “No.”
“You just said…” Zakk said, his excitement fading as quickly as it had come. 
Lucas’ eyebrows knitted together, and the frown settled back onto his lips. He put the photo down. 
“That’s alright. Do you want to look at more pictures?”
“Oh. Well, what do you feel like doing?”
He shrugged one shoulder. “I could sleep, I guess.”
Zakk glanced at the clock. It was almost 10. Sleep didn’t sound so bad, although he knew he’d ache all night to have Lucas lying with him just as he had every night for the last several days. He wondered whether it would be better or worse knowing that Lucas was just down the hall. 
Zakk decided not to restrain himself any longer; he reached out and brushed some of Lucas’ hair back over his shoulder. Moon of my life, he whispered inside his mind. “Okay. Let me grab your toothbrush.” He went into the bathroom and returned with it and an unopened tube of toothpaste. “If you need anything else, come get me. I don’t care what time it is.”
“Okay. Um, goodnight. Thanks for showing me the pictures of my friend.”
“Of course. Goodnight.”
Lucas closed the door, and Zakk felt his face crumble as he started to quietly cry. He envied Chance, the dead teenager, because Lucas had remembered him. He envied the fucking sea turtles. He felt weird for partially wishing that Lucas would have said that he wanted to have sex. Most of all, he missed combing Lucas’ hair out and then lying in his arms.
“Please, God,” Zakk whispered into the room as tears streamed down his cheeks. “Please, please, bring him back to me. Please bring him all the way back.”
Part 4
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norcumii · 5 years
Feral!Kenobi plunnie
I’ve a ridiculous partial plunnie, and no idea what to do with it.
So here it is for the internets, hopefully someone wants to play with it because beyond pretty visuals and some silliness I got nothing. Also, much mock grumpy gesticulating must be made towards @dharmaavocado  because I’m sure I was inspired by her talk of Amnesia AUs (and her recent Leverage AU snippet was inadvertently what kicked things off, so thbbbbbt). Also thanks to @dogmatix because she helped plot SHENANIGANS.
SO! AU time! It’s been like, at least 2 years of this damned war, and Rex is now in a stage of P I N I N G for a certain General Kenobi. He’s professional enough to not ever say a thing, and Kenobi seems ignorant. That’s good enough, right?
Then Kenobi faffs off somewhere, as he is wont to do, and disappears for about a week. The 212th has been left to handle themselves like the ADULTS THEY ARE, while Skywalker, Ahsoka, and Rex sail off to rescue someone’s moronic ass. They follow his trail (no I have no idea what that’s a trail of, which is yet another reason I’m not writing this for reals) to some obscure planet and a weird Sithy type temple thing that looks ominous and feels even creepier in the Force. There’s not much to this temple thing, and the main chamber’s roof has caved in.
That looks recent. As a matter of fact, a bunch of the rocks have been cleared away, like someone was underneath them at the time they came down. There’s a decent amount of blood, too –  
Along with the crushed remains of a familiar lightsaber. Also something the Jedi can tentatively identify as some kind of Sith artifact, though according to Ahsoka (she geeked out about some old relics in the Archives for a project several years ago), no one knows what they might have done.
Fuck. So good news, Obi-Wan is probably alive – the rocks look like they were moved from underneath, not from the outside. Bad news, his lightsaber is toast and there was a mysterious Sith artifact involved. There’s no hint of which was cause and which effect: a lightsaber can be rigged to cause an explosion; the roof could’ve trashed it and the artifact when it came down; the artifact could’ve caused who knows what kind of damage.
They spread out to search the area a bit more closely. Rex is prepared for trouble, but something still gets the drop on him. One minute he’s prowling around checking the bushes, the next something is tackling him. If he weren’t a well-trained soldier and a clone genetically tweaked to keep up with Jedi, he’d be dead. As it is, there’s a scruffy cloaked figure trying to kill him with a set of fancy ritual knives that had to have come from the temple. They tussle for a bit, Rex JUST managing to keep them at bay while getting in a few good hits. The Jedi finally charge in to the rescue, Force shoving the figure into a wall.
The hood of his cloak finally falls, and Obi-Wan Kenobi is looking at them like he has no idea who they are.
There’s possibly a bit more fighting before the trio’s certainty that it’s someone they know and care about sinks in enough to convince Kenobi to back down and listen. See, he has no idea who he is, or who they are, or a lot of things, really. His memories overall are just gone – no hints, no remnants, no suspicious feelings. His skills are all there, including the Force, though he doesn’t always know he’s using things. He just does stuff. General knowledge is fuzzy – he knows about the Republic, but while for instance he knows there’s a chancellor fuckall if he knows who it is.
The other three are Very Concerned, and take him back to the Twilight, then/or the Resolute. Anakin has investigating to do, Ahsoka can research from the ship, and Rex is trying to grapple with the knowledge that after the fact, in retrospect, Feral!Kenobi almost killing him was disturbingly HOT (oh help what do?). Jedi don’t fight like that, this is not normal, and Rex is very, very confused.
“Feral” is accurate. Kenobi doesn’t seem to give many shits about societal niceties (he can observe them, he just doesn’t have much reason to care), and he keeps his shiny knives and just prowls around the place. He’s sparred with a number of the ARCs on board, and kicked ass in ways that The General would not do – also hot, though the general consensus is that the contrast between this new Kenobi and the old one is just too jarring and weird to overcome chain of command and propriety. He doesn’t have the serenity or the tendency of the General to sink into the background: it’s not that he’s arrogant, it’s just that this is a man who has no memories of why he might be uncertain about himself or his place in the world.
This weird little dance goes on for at least another week. It’s late evening, and Rex is almost at his cabin, almost able to faceplant in his bunk and contemplate how these new circumstances are beyond weird and just fucked up. Then Kenobi stalks up to Rex in the empty corridor, and from the way he rakes a look over the Captain, he can tell the aggressive thing is a turn on. He doesn’t waste any time before speaking. “I’ve been feeling you pining halfway across the ship, and it is a very large ship. Did we used to fuck?”
The floor doesn’t open and swallow Rex whole, unfortunately. He tries to stammer out a few things, which is interesting because he has no idea what he might possibly say. Kenobi steps closer, and Rex backs right up to his door. “That’s a no, then. Might be fun to.” He plants a hand on Rex’s breastplate, pushing enough for the pressure to be felt but not enough to actually trap him. “Interested?”
“No.” It’s like all the intensity just cuts off, for all that Kenobi doesn’t pull back, doesn’t move an inch. “Not anymore. I don’t remember being him, for all we know I won’t ever remember being him. I’ll use the name, but not the title. That’s not who I am now.”
“But you might be.” The notion’s plagued him a bit, helped keep a bit of reserve in the face of this man stalking through the halls, utterly certain of himself. “Isn’t that how it goes in the holos? Second crack on the head, forget everything between that and the first one?”
“That’s not how head injuries work,” Kenobi says, dry as he used to be, even as his posture and attitude are still sex on wheels. “There’s no decent explanation for this, several possible causes, and that’s a problem for the other me if he ever comes back. Would it make life difficult for you, if we fucked?”
Little gods, he wishes Kenobi would stop saying it like that, and the bastard can probably tell, and it doesn’t help that the aggressive thing and the attitude are intriguing. “Probably,” he admits with more honesty than he really intends.
Like that Kenobi is several paces back, hands to himself though the posture is still predatory. “Then it’s all your call, Captain. If you’re interested, I’m sure you can find me if you come looking.” He turns, takes two steps, then pauses and glances back. That is sultry in the way the rest was all matter of fact, direct. “Hm. We might have to try that.”
Try what? Rex’s brain manages to ask, before ‘come looking’ sinks in and he just goes red. Fucking asshole of not-really-a-general has already disappeared by then, of course.
So that all builds to some aggressive smutty fun times, because Feral!Kenobi loves pushing (and making Rex blush) and once he’s over the initial reactions Rex enjoys pushing back. For reasons unknown I don’t think Obi-Wan ever gets his memories back, but he’s FAR less likely to fall for persuasive bullshit and political idiocy than in canon.
No idea where or how that goes, though. Just pretty mental images of Feral!Kenobi who thinks fighting is right next door to fucking in terms of a good time, and Rex who is flailing along realizing this hits a LOT of kinks he did not know he had.
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olicitytropes · 5 years
Olicity Tropetastic Awards: Season Seven
The time has come to talk of many scenes.
Of bows and arrows and superheroes.
Olicity’s reunion and the baby we knew was a Queen.
But wait just one minute,
Before we go and do all of that...
We thank you all for the time you have shared.
The elevators you have climbed,
The episodes you have faced and scared.
We will keep your stories in our hearts for always,
And we hope that you can too.
Because they would not be bigger than the friggin’ universe
If not for all of you.
-xoxo Ellie, Caitlin, Sascha, Mary, Beccie, Meegan, and Alli (and of course Emily Bett Rickards since she wrote this poem first;) )
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@memcjo’s recs:
as darkness falls (a spark resides) - @alexiablackbriar13
It's been two weeks since Felicity found out she's pregnant, and she hasn't told Oliver yet.
Plagued by nightmares about being attacked and the baby being hurt, Felicity struggles to sleep.
After Oliver witnesses one of her post-nightmare panic attacks, she finally tells him about the baby.
**Award: Best Use of Angsty Angst Followed by Sweet, Sweet Olicity Moments**
two pints of mint chip it’s a girl - @alexiablackbriar13
missing scene in 7x22, before olicity move to the cabin. dr schwartz gives felicity an ultrasound, and our bigger than the freaking universe couple discover their baby's gender
**Award: Best Use of Touching, Loving, Sweet Olicity**
Run Away With Me - @dmichellewrites 
This is basically everything I hoped season 7 would be after the prison arc, but unfortunately we didn't get to see it.
Join Oliver, Felicity, their friends, and family as they navigate their lives together post-Slabside. They really can have it all. Watch them balance being heroes, parents, and still manage to hold down day to day jobs. Enjoy their slice of maximum domesticity, and take a peek into their home life together with their four children.
**Award: Most Kickass, Joyous, Amazing Olicity Finding a New Life!**
We Don’t Have To Talk About It (We’ll Find Another Way) - @smoaking-greenarrow
Felicity is at Slabside to pick up Oliver, to finally take him home...when all hell breaks loose
**Award: Most Awesome, Badass Oliver and Felicity Going Through Hell and Back to Find Each Other!**
Come & Talk To Me - @hope-for-olicity
I wrote this story as a fix it for the things I felt the writers forgot or screwed up since Oliver got out of prison. It mainly focuses on Olicity but it also deals with their relationship with Diggle.
**Award: Best Use of Oliver and Felicity Facing Their Fears and Finding Each Other All Over again~ SWOON!**
Dear Felicity - @smoakmonster
A series of letters Oliver journals to Felicity from prison.
**Award: Best Use of Oliver Finding His Voice (and making me cry)**
Nothing Breaks Like a Heart - @by-mintsea
A mid season 7 and Elseworlds Crossover fix it fic. Silences, missing scenes and rewrites from 7x07 through end of crossover.
**Award: Best Us of Oliver and Felicity Fighting for Each Other and Their Family**
@blondeeoneexox’s recs:
The Other Side (of a world without you) - fanfics4you
She stares at the sky, the moon staring back at her. She holds her daughter in her arms as she starts to talk about him. She hopes wherever he is, he is safe. She hopes that he knows. That she still loves him, that he has a daughter who loves him so much, a son who lives far away from this world, leading the normal life he always wanted. She hopes that he knows he isn't alone.
He stares at the sky, his fingers caressing his wedding ring gently. The night is full of darkness and he feels so lonely. He has everything here, yet he has nothing. He sees a shooting star fall from the sky, and he finally smiles. His hold on his wedding ring tightens as he reminds himself why is he doing this again. He knows.
In which Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak spend twenty years apart and then a lifetime together.
**Award: Best Cry Your Eyes Out Til They Hurt Fic**
The Microchip Chronicles - CSM
Post 713. Follows the next nine months of Felicity’s pregnancy.
**Award: Most Domesticated, Blissfully Happy Pregnant Olicity That Definitely Should Have Actually Happened**
The Other Side of a World Without You - MachaSWicket
SUMMARY: Arrow S7 finale SPOILERS ahead. Beware!
**Award: Best 20 Year Reunion I Could Ever Ask For**
The Legacy of a Queen -  inlovewithimpossibility
Series of one-shots from a future AU where Oliver and Felicity are able to raise their children after they defeat the Ninth Circle and Oliver hangs up the hood
**Award: Best ‘What Could (SHOULD) Have Been Fic**
The Hardest Part - @smoaking-greenarrow
Prompt: What if Felicity found out she was pregnant with Lucas after Oliver left and she'd have to raise both of their kids without him. Then Oliver would come back five years later to check on his girls only to find Mia playing with a slightly younger boy who looks exactly like him.
**Award: Most Heartbreakingly Beautiful, Sob-Worthy, Amazing Post-S7 (That Was Absolutely My Fault) Fic**
strange behaviors - @alexiablackbriar13
the 5 times john diggle noticed oliver queen and felicity smoak's latest weird behaviors and the 1 time he figured out what was causing it (spoiler alert: it's fetus mia smoak-queen)
**Award: Cutest Uncle Diggle Reaction to FINALLY Figuring Out Olicity’s Weird Behaviors**
@it-was-a-red-heeler’s recs:
bliss within madness - @alexiablackbriar13
“Hey, Mia. It’s your dad,” he whispered. Pausing, he added, “Mia or Lucas. We don’t know exactly who you are yet. But I promise you, your mom and I are gonna love you to the stars and back no matter who you turn out to be. I’m gonna call you Mia for now, though.” He kissed Felicity’s stomach softly, humming under his breath at the heat coming from her skin.
**Award: Best Beautiful, Blissful Domestic Olicity Moments**
Clean Slate - @smoakmonster
What happens when Oliver loses his memories of Felicity and William? How will this hurting family heal when he finally returns home from prison and doesn't know who his wife and son are?
This series is based on speculation from the Arrow 7x05 trailer that was released on Nov 5. As such, this short series will start in speculation and will likely shift to canon divergence or even au depending on what happens in the next few episodes. Future tags will be added accordingly.
**Award: Oliver Fighting His Way Back to His Family (Amnesia Tropes Are My Jam!) Award**
@msbeccieboo’s recs:
no heart for me like yours - inlovewithimpossibility
After weeks of chaos following Oliver's release from Slabside, Oliver and Felicity finally have a moment to sit down and discuss how they move forward from here
**Award: Best Gorgeous, Sleepy and Oh-So-Wise Oliver Moment**
Deep Water - @it-was-a-red-heeler
A Season 7 Speculation fic.
**Award: THE BEST S7a Do-Over (also the Delicity We All Deserved)**
At Last - @jesileighs
He hadn’t really even noticed there was a change in Felicity until the chaos died down, and even then it took him a couple of weeks to look past the excuses and the way she brushed off his attempts to talk. When he kissed her she pulled away almost immediately. When he reached for her hands she found a way to keep them busy. When he’d make his way to their bed at night, she would make an excuse to stay up and every morning when he woke up she was already gone from beside him. He told himself they were both readjusting. Things needed time to settle. They’d both been through so much.
**Award: Most Beautiful Reunion That We All Wanted But Never Really Got In Canon**
@smoaking-greenarrow’s recs:
Two - @nodecaff4me
Post Episode 7x07 ficlet about the first hours after Oliver stepped out of the gates of Slabside.
**Award: The Focus on Felicity’s Emotions That Should Have Been in Season Seven**
Renewal - @juliesioux
This first bit leads into the story we might never get and I wanted to explore the loneliness Felicity must have felt and the urgency she would feel to go and find him once she could.
**Award: Epitome of ‘Bigger than the friggin’ universe’**
Learning How to Win - @juvinadelgreko
At the end of Arrow S7, Oliver and Felicity retire from the vigilante life only to be interrupted by the Monitor and Crisis on Infinite Earths.
They deserved better. Here’s my take on what better looks like. Begins shortly after Oliver and Felicity moved into their new home.
**Award: Sweetest Life Win That Olicity Deserves**
No Sex Until There Is Hair - @hope-for-olicity
Oliver shaves his head again and Felicity is NOT a fan.
**Award: Best Felicity Completely Understanding Oliver Moment**
@tangled23works’ recs:
Holding On and Letting Go - @smoaking-greenarrow
Oliver is finally home. But he’s not as close to his wife as he’d like to be. To move past the choices he made, both of them need to get a few things off their chests.
This fic can be enjoyed on its own, but if you’ve read The Longbow Hunters, it can also be read as an epilogue for that story.
**Award: Best And Most Sincere Apology By Oliver Queen**
The Longbow Hunters - @smoaking-greenarrow
Based on the set photos from 7x02 and my imagination :)
**Award: Most Badass Felicity With A Plan**
whenever you’re ready - @alexiablackbriar13
Mia and William from 2040 travel back in time to 2019 to access an uncorrupted version of Archer. Oliver and Felicity investigate a break-in at the bunker only to find their children from the future bickering. Emotional confrontations and conversations ensue.
**Award: Most Heartbreaking, Angsty and Beautiful Family Reunion**
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andersssandrew · 5 years
Fanfic meme (or my opinions about some fanfic tropes)
Thanks to @flo-nelja​, I lost like one hour and half to do this post, you know my weakness for long ass meme. ❤️ on you, it was pretty entertaining.
So...let’s go
1. Slowburn or Love at First Sight: I’m never satisfied with the slow burn I read (or write, for what it's worth). Theorically I prefer slow burn, but it’s never slow enough, or BURN enough. I mean, for me, the slow burn involves some pining/longing, like they are accointances, then friends, then PINING/LONGING happens, then lovers. Probably the reason I love one sided love, because the feelings have time to grow, there is the pining/longing, with a pinch of angst ? 
aNyWaY I love a Love at first sight too, I don’t like it in rom-com, because it’s often without any background, but in fanfic, when you know the characters, you have implicitely the background, so it feels like fate they will be together, because you went to read this fic for your OTP, so it feels right they fall in love at first sight, because you know they are good together (even if they don’t know it yet in the fanfiction). Again, it’s the reason I love soulmate au. 
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2. Fake Dating or Secretly Dating: It’s the last one I answered because it needs lof of thinking. Fake or secretly dating ? Hmmmm. I’m not often interested by the “dating” part, and more in the “feelings realization” and all the “confession part”. So Fake dating, I guess ? Like, they start dating and fall in love after ? And it can be funny, like quiproquo and clumsiness ?
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3. Enemies to Lovers or Best Friends to Lovers: love shipping rivals and antagonistic relationships
4. “Oh no, there’s Only One Bed” or Long Distance Correspondence: I’m a pure victorian bitch
5. Hurt/Comfort or Amnesia
6. Fantasy AU or Modern AU
7. Mutual Pining or Domestic Bliss: Domestic is boring to me
8. Smut or Fluff: Not a big fan of fluff. I like some cheesy tropes (like Love at First Sight) but I’m tired really quick of fluff, so it needs to be a fic with other elements. And not tooth-rooting fluff.
9. Canon-Compliant/Missing Scenes or Fix-It
10. Alternate Universe or Future Fic: love the AUs. ALL THE FUCKING SUPER WEIRD AUs !!!
11. One Shot or Multi-chapter: It’s very rare a fic manages to stay good (like , interesting and/or coherent with the canon) during a long time, so if the fanfic is 34 chapters, for me, it’s a repellant, because it probably means the chapters are meaningless or the author loses themselves in their universe and forgot totally the canon. In my opinion, a good fanfic (I mean, ideally) has like 3 or 4 chapters, 1000 words at least for each one. So, I love one shot, it’s less risky to be disappointed.
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12. Kid Fic or Road trip Fic: I deeply hate kid fic, omg, I hate it with my guts, for me it’s the incarnation of the patriarcal and heterocentric injonctions
13. Reincarnation or Character Death: Again, I hate character death (I mean, major character death - except if it’s canon ?)
14. Arranged Marriage or Accidental Marriage or NEITHER: Hmmmmm I didn’t read a lot of “accidental marriage”. I’m not really fan of “arranged marriage” neither.
In fact, I recently read a Reddie fanfic (1000 nights​), it was in Las Vegas, Richie and Eddie were...plastered and Eddie pushed Richie in the chapel of a casino and they got married by a drag queen priest. Does it still count like an Accidental Marriage ? Because it was pretty funny.
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15. High School Romance or Middle-Aged Romance: I feel so old when I read High School Romance fanfiction lol but even when I was 16 I didn’t like it. I like the characters in their own age, so SOMETIMES they are in high school but...hmmm it’s rare I read fanfiction taking place IN a school, it feels weird and more, it feels boring, because school is almost the same for everyone, I mean it’s a totes cliché genre. Also I don’t really like to imagine these fantasy characters becoming boring teenagers with boring occupations, sorry not sorry (but it’s the same with College AU, guys, I will kill someone if I see another art student pining for the annoying fratboy)
(I still read highschool BL mangas btw)
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16. Time Travel or Isolated Together: Time travel give me headache. OH GOD I HAVE ONE RIGHT NOW !
17. Neighbours or Roommates
18. Sci Fi AU or Magic AU: aaaah a good supernatural au, like vampire au, werewolves au, demon/angel au, fairy tale au, hpverse au, incubus au or any other ideas. I love how it’s creative, I love how it can be super original, I love the potential in these idea, because magic AUs are very rich in themes, you can play on the medieval fantasy genre, the urban fantasy, the alternative timeline or the past (like victorian vampire AU 👌)
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19. Body swap or Gender change: I don’t like Gender change anymore because first, gender is a spectrum, these fanfics are about binary genders, it’s a little bit cringy (but it’s not the real factor I don’t like it), second, (the real reason), it’s often male characters becoming female, and it often to make it “femslash”, so the femslash tags are FULL of gender bending stuffs about male characters, and not actual real femslash with the female characters, it...erases femslash and even if I’m not a reader of femslash, I think it’s sad, because it deserves its own space in the fandom, not everything has to be about the male characters (even the ones I love a lot). 
You can say it’s more a choice driven by my opinions and not my preferences, but it’s kinda the same thing isn’t it ?
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20. Angst or Crack: Dude, it’s not a hard choice because I don’t really like crack in fanfic. I like it in fanarts, but you take more times to read a fanfic, and I don’t like crack during a long time. Crack is more a thing you enjoy quickly, it’s something who make you smile for a second then you scroll (or share it if it’s really funny or inventive). But crack in fanfic, it’s like a too long joke.
I don’t talk about crack ships, because crack ships can be interesting. Sometimes, I don’t see WHY you ship it (like Gavin x RK900 in Detroit: become human, or Lestrade x Mycroft in Sherlock BBC), sometimes I TOTALLY see it, but it still fun to see the explanations to put them together, the meta, the fan theories...
In the other hand, about angst...I like the drama, I like the horror genre (if you know my blog, you know I’m currently in the IT fandom, you know, the eating-kids clown thing), I like tears and blood, but...when it’s too much, it’s too much. I don’t like...I don’t know explain it : sometimes, you feel like the author had to get out some dark things they feel, it’s therapeutic for them but you feel kinda uneasy to read it, because it’s so DARK, man, it’s not even about the canon, it’s all about the writer’s feelings, and really, it’s okay, myself, I happen to cope like that. But as a reader, I don’t like it.
So I like some angst, when i’m in the mood, but it needs to have positive things in it too. Or to be short.
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21. Apocalyptic or Mundane: At first, I chose Mundane, but now I ask myself. I like the post apo genre, but I don’t like angst too much, like I said in the previous question.. But I still like it a little so...hmmmm it’s tricky. What is meaning mundane, by the way ? Mundane Lord of the Rings fanfiction, what is it ? What is MUNDANE in kids learning to fight with their quirks in a superheroes school ?
I will chose Apocalyptic because I love a good survival (and they have to cuddle to stay warm and save each other and cry by thinking the other is dead but in fact they are not and find a way to cure the zombie plague/find a safe place/kill the aliens XD)
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Now, the tagging part (sorry if you were tagged by someone else, and of course feel free to ignore it if you are not interested : @calimera62​, @wilwywaylan​ aaaaand....I don’t know fucking people on this hellsite anymore. Maybe @sleeping-potatoe​ ?
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froggy-beans · 5 years
Masterlist (For Irondad, Stucky, and Clintasha)
Fics are posted under the cut :)
everyone feels like a liar these days (don’t know how not to feel that way)
Written for the 2019 Irondad Fic Exchange for CinnamonrollStark. Prompt: Tony comes back to life after the Snap and this is their reunion.
Then, as Peter dodged bullets and destroyed drones, a flash of red and gold caught his eye. Attention elsewhere, he slammed into a drone and was sent sprawling to the ground. His mind raced a mile a minute.
It’s not real, Peter. It’s not real. It’s not real. You know what Beck is capable of, he’s only trying to distract you.
He could only watch, stunned, as he saw his childhood hero blasting drones out of the sky. Beneath his mask tears began to fall as he told himself it wasn’t real. How could it be?
| 1/1 Chapters | 7,121 Words | No Archive Warnings | Teen and Up Audiences |
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I Remember You 
There was no reason the experiment should have gone wrong. FRIDAY ran countless simulations, each one giving good results. And yet, it does, leaving the Stark family to suffer the consequences.
Prompts: Peter Parker is Tony Stark's biological son and Amnesia
| 1/1 Chapters | 4,755 Words | No Archive Warnings Apply | General Audiences | 
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There Will Come Soft Rains 
Just a little thing I made when I was supposed to be doing something else.
Tony Stark's funeral as There Will Come Soft Rains by Sara Teasdale (also well known from Ray Bradbury's short story of the same name).
| 1/1 Chapters | 389 Words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | No Archive Warnings Apply |
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Due to popular demand the Gilmore Girls Au has become a tangible thing!
After running away from home with a kid at sixteen, the last thing he wants to do is ask his parents for help. But with his kid's future on the line, he doesn't have much of an option.
| 1/1 Chapters | 3,580 Words |  No Archive Warnings Apply | General Audiences |
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Not One Single Thing 
There isn't anything in the world that Tony Stark wouldn't do to save his kid.
I was feeling angsty and decided to write this little drabble.
| 1/1 Chapters | 522 Words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | General Audiences |
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I’ll Be Better For You
Tony Stark had no idea what to do when Mary Parker showed up on his doorstep with a baby and a question. He just hopes he'll make the right decision.
Series: Part 1 of Star-verse
| 1/1 Chapters | 2,210 Words | No Archive Warnings Apply | General Audiences | 
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“Can we build a rocket?” 
Winter Break!! Christmas Eve Traditions!! Fluff!!
The fourth installment of the Stardust series brings to you Christmas fluff (yes I know it's September, no I don't care) and the gift to the world that is Peter Stark.
Series: Part 4 of Stardust | Part 5 of Star-verse
| 1/1 Chapters | 1,234 Words | No Archive Warnings | General Audiences |
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Oh My Darling, Don’t Be Sad (For You Are Made Of Stardust) 
Everyone knows kids are assholes, but at least Peter has his dad to pick up the pieces for him at the end of the day.
This is a continuation of the Stardust series, which is basically my excuse to write cute science inspired fluff scenes between my favourite father-son duo.
Series: Part 3 of Stardust | Part 4 of Star-verse
| 1/1 Chapters | 1,167 Words | No Archive Warnings Apply | General Audiences |
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Star Pictures 
Nightmares plagued Peter Stark even before his dad went missing, but they were a hell of a lot easier to deal with when he was there.
Some late night stargazing because I can't let go of the headcanon that little Peter would love space and Tony would love teaching him about it. Fight me (or please don't, actually, I don't want to go to the emergency room)
Series: Part 1 of Stardust | Part 2 of Star-verse
| 1/1 Chapters | 808 Words | No Archive Warnings | General Audiences |
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The Universe Is Infinite 
Peter Parker's dad has been missing in Afghanistan for three weeks. It's hard to fall asleep when the comfort you need is thousands of miles away, luckily though, Peter manages.
Or: Peter steals his dad's sweatshirt and I'm a slut for it.
Series: Part 2 of Stardust | Part 3 of Star-verse
| 1/1 Chapters | 753 Words | No Archive Warnings Apply | General Audiences |
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The Shield Literary Society 
This is an Irondad AU based on one of my favourite movies, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. If you havent seen it, you should totally watch it.
Tony's life is a mess after the war. No home, no family. No life. Outside of his writing, that is. But when he gets the chance to write a column for the New York Times, his life changes in a way he didn't think was possible anymore.
| 8/8 Chapters | 22,861 Words | No Archive Warnings Apply | Teen and Up Audiences |
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I’m Scared, Mr. Stark
Peter Parker gets caught at school during an active shooter situation . . . He may have an astounding hero complex, but beneath all that, he's a teenager. A scared teenager.
| 1/1 Chapters | 1,384 | No Archive Warnings Apply | Teen and Up Audiences |
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I’m Not A Liar 
This is the fourth installment of the fix it series "You Don't Have To Worry Anymore" and takes place between We Owe It To Ourselves and Maybe It Will Make You Feel Better, Too. I suggest reading the others first before reading this otherwise things won't make sense.
Peter feels insecure about staying with the Starks. After all, they built a whole new life while he was gone.
Series: Part 3 of You Don't Have to Worry Anymore (on hiatus)
| 1/1 Chapters | 1,339 Words | No Archive Warnings Apply | General Audiences |
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Nightly Visitors 
Just my collection of nightmare fics, so that I have a place to stick them all. Tags will be added as more are posted. Always shows as complete because I don't have a set update schedule on this story and each chapter works as a standalone.
Chapter One; Nightlight
Chapter Two: Spanish Class
| 2/2 Chapters | 1,450 Words | No Archive Warnings Apply | General Audiences |
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You Kept This? 
Peter discovers that Tony keeps the pictures kids send in to him. He's even more surprised when he finds out Tony kept his.
| 1/1 Chapters | 968 Words | No Archive Warnings Apply | General Audiences |
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Maybe It Will Make You Feel Better, Too 
This is the third part of my series "You Don't Have to Worry Anymore", and I definitely suggest reading those pieces first or some of this may not make sense.
Peter Parker has a nightmare and Morgan Stark shares her secret to feeling better after getting one.
| 1/1 Chapters | 781 Words | No Archive Warnings Apply | General Audiences |
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We Owe It To Ourselves
This is a follow up to the fic "Before? maybe. But now? not so much." so I suggest reading that one first because that is the basis for this fix-it series!
Tony Stark has a nightmare, but its okay because Peter is there when he needs him.
Series: Part 2 of You Don't Have to Worry Anymore (on hiatus)
| 1/1 Chapters | 1,875 Words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | General Audiences |
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Before? Maybe. No? Not So Much.
Avengers: Endgame made me sad, so I wrote some fix-it. I firmly believe Carol Danvers can wield the infinity gauntlet because she has the power of the tesseract literally in her body and also, she is just amazing.
Tony Stark doesn't die. That't it. That's what happens. Oh, also, Peter Parker gets a hug from his mentor-- cough-dad-cough.
Series: Part 1 of You Don't Have to Worry Anymore (on hiatus)
| 1/1 Chapters | 1,030 Words | No Archive Warnings Apply | General Audiences |
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Days Off 
During the war, the commandos have a break in between HYDRA raids. Bucky forces Steve to take a rest, because everyone knows that Steve Rogers does not know how to take care of himself.
“Let’s take the day off.” Bucky said. Steve looked up at him with a wistful expression.
“I wish we could, but-“Steve started, but Bucky cut him off.
“No buts. The closest base is another two hundred miles from here and we couldn’t fly out until tomorrow afternoon anyways. So, let’s take a break and relax for once.” Bucky used his best puppy dog eyes, the ones he knew Steve couldn’t resist.
| 1/1 Chapters | 1,262 Words | No Archive Warnings | General Audiences |
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Fight Me? 
Based on the tumblr post; when I was in the hospital I kept telling the nurse (a cute guy) to fight me when he came to check my vitals. I must have seduced him with my terrible lungs, because on my last day he gave me a coffee cup with his number that said "fight me?"
OR: Steve is stuck in the hospital for the seemingly millionth time, but this time he has a cute-- no scratch that, Hot-- nurse.
I saw this post a really long time ago and wrote this piece, but I'm just now posting it because I found it while cleaning out my computer files! I saw this post and immediately thought, "Oh my gosh, Stucky!!"
| 1/1 Chapters | 1,618 Words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Teen and Up Audiences |
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Pistols and Pirouettes
Natasha Romanov is a student at the Red Room Ballet Academy. One night her and her roommates discover some loose floorboards in the back of their room that leads to a secret tunnel. For three nights Natasha sneaks out of the school through the tunnel, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends.
A Twelve Dancing Princesses AU featuring Natasha Romanov and the Red Room Ballet Academy.
| 1/1 Chapters | 8,751 Words | Rape/Non-Con | Teen and Up Audiences |
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Silent Vows 
Just some happy Clintasha fluff after that farce that was Avengers: Endgame. Or more accurately known as Avengers: EndME
| 1/1 Chapters | 1,285 Words | No Archive Warnings Apply | General Audiences |
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trensu · 5 years
Rules: Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences.
Tagged by @theuntamednarrator~! i had fun with this one, so thank you :)
Slow burn or love at first sight - no, i’m not picking between them. i must have both.
Fake dating or secret dating - fake dating has pining and i am a sucker for pining
Oh no there’s only one bed or long distance correspondence 
Hurt/comfort or amnesia - i like both but i think i’ve read more h/c than amnesia fic
Mutual pining or domestic bliss - did i mention i’m a sucker for pining? it’s my kryptonite
Smut or fluff - i’m down for both.
Canon-compliant/missing scenes or fix-it - don’t really care. either/or.
Alternate universe or future fic 
One shot or multichapter - no preference. as long as the fic is fun and well-written i’ll read it.
Kid fic or road trip fic - god i hate road trips. having to be in a car for longer than half an hour is a drag. give me a kid fic instead. BUT ONLY IF the writer knows how to write kids (by the time kids are 4yo, THEY CAN HAVE FULL-ON CONVERSATIONS, QUIT MAKING THEM TALK LIKE A ONE-YEAR-OLD)
Reincarnation or character death - i avoid character death like the plague. if i wanted character death, i’d go back to canon.
Arranged marriage or accidental marriage - BOTH. god you can do so much with either of those
High school romance or middle aged romance
Time travel or isolated together 
Neighbors or roommates - meh, no strong preference for either
Sci fi AU or magic AU - GIVE ME ALL THE AU FICS
Body swap or genderbend - the potential for ridiculous, hilarious scenarios is endless
Angst or crack - i can make my self sad without anyone’s help, thanks. i’d rather have a fic make me laugh.
Apocalyptic or mundane - i just don’t like the apocalyptic stuff. it’s so dreary.
Tagging: @mylastbraincql, @bookbutterflies, @lemonisinplay, @absolutelynogravitaswhatsoever
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cupidford · 6 years
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Here are 50 great fics (~654k words) to read yall!
The Wedding Garments by cwb
2020 post-Brexit England and the government is encouraging arranged marriages. Candidates meet through agencies. Sherlock doesn't need or want a spouse, at least not until John Watson shows up. ~105k
Ruckusless by herbailiwick
Sherlock invites John to Xmas dinner. (A bit of unrequited Johncroft.) ~2k
Stradivarius by Berty
Winter. Life goes back to what passes for normal at 221B Baker Street. So why are there awkward pauses and uncertain glances? Why are they both on their best behaviour? ~20k
December by johnwatso, Salambo06
Sherlock and John fall in love during a summer in December. Bathing, food fight, baking, South Africa, romance tropes galore, Xmas and nye. ~41k
Memento Mori by Calais_Reno (Part of May 4 series)
Established relationship. Suffering amnesia from a concussion, John remembers Sherlock. He just can’t remember what happened to him. ~8k
Have Yourself an Angsty Little Christmas by 221b_careful_what_you_wish_for
Christmas. A collection of ficlets for the 2018 Advent Ficlet Challenge. ~7k
Home for Christmas by SilentAuror
Post S4/TFP. John and Rosie move back into Baker Street. Mrs Hudson decides to give them a slow cooker as a "house-warming present". ~19k
When There is You and Me by Salambo06
Stolen moments in John and Sherlock's routine. ~2k
And if it begins anywhere, it begins here by Salambo06
Sherlock finds a letter in his bedroom from Sherlock Watson-Holmes,  another version of himself from a parallel universe. ~27k
All Is Bright; Ch. 21: Hopes and Fears by FinAmour
In which Sherlock Holmes creates a Christmas List. ~500
The Spark and the Flame by All_I_need
"Explain to me how lying in the snow in a city in Sweden on Christmas Eve to watch whether or not a massive straw goat goes up in flames is traditional." ~10k
The Amalgamation of the Whole by unicornpoe
There is magic around them tonight. Post s4, parentlock, John takes Sherlock and Rosie to the ballet. ~3k
if you like him so much then why don't you marry him by zigostia
Unilock. John gives Sherlock suggestions on what kind of things to do with his secret santa crush, including hot chocolate and ice skating...not knowing that Sherlock likes him. ~8k
To Love, Cherish and Worship by Talvikuningatar
Established relationship. Wedding night fluff and feelings. ~3k
The Sleeper and the Sleuth by Zingiber
John is a light sleeper - plagued by dreams, nightmares, and Sherlock. ~12k
Tomorrow by Berty
Magic/Spells. S3/HLV fix it. The night before Christmas with Sherlock's parents and John's wife, 221 Baker Street is peaceful with the smell of baking, candles and presents under the tree. ~10k
Oh, my friends, it's been a long hard year by splix
Christmas for Mr./Mrs. Holmes/Eurus, Greg/Mycroft, Molly/Janine, and of course, John/Sherlock. ~12k
All Is Bright; Ch. 1: Holiday Decor by FinAmour
It had been a one-time thing, drunkenly snogging Sherlock Holmes up against the stairway wall outside of 221B. Christmas. ~500
The Lost Kiss by agirlsname
Established relationship, Next New Year's Eve, Sherlock kisses John at midnight in every time zone, to make up for that lost New Year's kiss. ~3k
All Is Bright; Ch. 7: Memories by FinAmour
NYE - John and Sherlock share 3 favourite memories of the year. ~500
Words Won't Come by FinAmour, unicornpoe
Post s4. Sherlock sways, John’s daughter in his arms, and she is happy, and Sherlock is happy. It’s all John’s wanted. ~3k
I See Fire by addicted2hugh
Sherlock tells John of the Lazarus plan. What if being faced with limited time left had led them to rethink their relationship? How would they have coped with being apart for two years? Switchlock ~38k 
Christmas Bash Romance by Elphen
AU. Sherlock goes undercover at a company party on Christmas Eve, with disguise. He's bored until he's sat next to John. They hit it off, but Sherlock leaves. John shows up at his front door. ~8k
Accidental Obvious by KimberlyAlexis
John very accidentally kisses Sherlock while picking Rosie up. ~2k
Resident Patient by MindYourOwnBismuth
AU. John is a therapist. Sherlock is forced into an appointment. ~128k
Thirty-Nine Rules by KittenKin
John and Sherlock agree to live together with a set of thirty nine ground rules to stay out of each other’s business. enemies to lovers trope. ~1k
Christmas Kismet by prettysailorsoldier
Christmas Unilock AU. SH/JW Love at first sight on the tube before they lose sight of one another. Mike then sets them up on a blind date. ~10k
Lay Your Head Where It Burns by unicornpoe
They don’t talk about it. Not now, not ever. John and Sherlock touching/cuddling before and after the Fall. ~9k
Midnight Clarity by potentiality_26
ACD/Victorian. Holmes has a near miss with a bullet, and the two men declare why they can't put the other in danger. ~1k
The Bells of King's College by SilentAuror
Post TFP, Mycroft sends John and Sherlock to pose as an engaged couple at a wedding show in the hopes of solving six unsolved deaths. ~64k
Disaster, Want, and Tea by verilyvexed
It's a game they play. Engaging, though it could be improved. Sherlock always wins by default: he never runs. Christmas, mistletoe. ~4k
Meretricious -and a Happy New Year! by the_consulting_linguist (xASx)
John and Sherlock have a fight, leaving Sherlock alone to attend his parent's NYE party. He drinks too much and lies about his relationship to John. The next morning he wakes up hungover in bed with John, what happened? ~8k
Ten Questions by 221b_careful_what_you_wish_for
It's Sherlock's birthday and John has brought home chocolate cake, red wine, and a question game to celebrate. ~2k
Five Times Sherlock Reads John's Mind (+1 he doesn't have to) by wendymarlowe
Sherlock's powers of deduction allow him to practically read John's mind. Except when they don't. (Halloween 5+1 fic) ~4k
Well Enough by Unpainted Canvas (LallaChan)
ACD/Victorian. Sometimes Watson can be a little oblivious. Much to Holmes' frustration. ~2k
A Warm Winter by nutmeag83
Sherlock is bored and learns how to knit so he can make Rosie a hat, all while trying to make sure the Watsons stay at Baker Street for good. ~6k
On The Dangers Of Semi-Skimmed by loveanddeathandartandtaxes
Post s4. Sherlock accidentally walks in on John wanking. ~2k
Lost and Found by intricatearticulation (chemma66)
In which John takes a cab home and Sherlock steals said cab. ~2k
bring it back by thisguystyles
John invites Sherlock to his house for Xmas. Unilock, bedsharing ~4k
Like Minds by Kestrel337
Established relationship. Rosie's teacher says that people get married when they love each other very much and want to be together, always. Which is exactly how Rosie feels about Sherlock.~2k
Roads, Not Shrouds by verdant_fire
Retirementlock, established relationship. He's perfectly happy to live out the rest of his life feeding John and loving John and provoking John just enough to distract him from what Sherlock did to their kitchen table. ~3k
Forevermore by bluegrassbaby
Set after TFP, Sherlock gets injured and it's a wake-up call for John. ~3k
christmas miracle by elexus
John is going back home with Sherlock for Christmas. Clearly, there's nothing that could go wrong. At all. Fake/pretend relationship. ~12k
The Spirit of Love by Schattengestalt
A Christmas party at Baker Street. Mistletoe. Hidden feelings. And too much spiced punch...What could possibly go wrong?! (Trans FTM Sherlock) ~10k
😍honorable mentions😍
Ornaments and Unburied Treasure by yaycoffee
While going through boxes from storage, John and Sherlock come across a box of unsent postcards and letters Sherlock wrote to John while he was 'dead'. ~2k
Staging A Drama by berlynn_wohl
ACD/Victorian. Holmes requests the medical expertise of Dr. Watson once again. Watson is slightly baffled, but amenable. ~6k
Snow Men by yaycoffee
It's winter when John and Sherlock find each other again. ~2k
Insanitas per aquam by advictim
Mycroft sends Sherlock and John to a spa for a case. ~7k
Eggshell White Satin by PuffleLock
John's stuck at Baker street on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, cleaning up another one of Sherlock's messes. (John spills paint all over Sherlock). ~11k
A new New Years by Gem_Gem, KittieHill
NYE. “Well that’s what you’re sulking about, isn’t it? Not having anyone to kiss in the New Year with? Just do it with me if you’re so eager for it.” ~5k
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deputy-ajay-ghale · 5 years
I was tagged by fave loser, @dykerory.
Rules: Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences because why not, gotta choose one (near impossible, but go with your first gut instinct), and tag someone because, again, why not.
slow burn or love at first sight.
It's the closest option to "two dumbasses mutually pining after each other" which is my actual favourite.
fake dating or secret dating
Again, two dumbasses low key pining, also shenanigans.
enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers 
You have to love when hate sex turns to genuine love sex.
oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance with correspondence 
hurt/comfort or amnesia 
Angst is my shit and when love interests/couples are there for each other??? Good shit.
fantasy au or modern au
I'm not a big fantasy person unless it's urban fantasy.
mutual pining or domestic bliss 
smut or fluff 
Gotta love what you can't make yourself.
canon compliant (missing scenes) or fix-it fic
Do you know how much shit I consume where things could be Better? Uhh, hello, I watch horror movies for background noise.
alternate universe or future fic
AUs all day, erryday, babe. Zombies, superheroes, someone's fucking deaf, Hogwarts, bartender witih feelings, homedude runs a cafe, dilf has heart eyes for the teacher.
one-shot or multi-chapter
Sometimes you just don't have the patience, y'know? It could be the same length as a ten chapter fic, scrolling for days, but it's all there.
kid fic or roadtrip fic 
Honestly, I'm such a stupid fuck, so I'm a sucker for "surprise, we had a kid!" I think it's bc I watch General Hospital.
reincarnation or character death
I love crying, man. It's cathartic.
arranged marriage or accidental marriage 
I've dedicated way too much of my time to Naruto and Game of Thrones to not have a thing for arranged marriages. Especially when someone's dreading their marriage, but then their fiancé is like "I want to make this as painless for you as possible, I'll be your bestie and we can sleep in other rooms and shit" and I'm just akldjflaskjd.
high school romance or adult romance
I survived high school with my high school sweetheart and cringing over other couples. That's me now still as an adult. Plus, some fics get Horny and I'm just "eww, teenagers." I'm fully aware of teens being sexually active (be safe out there, young ones, make good choices, consent matters), but I just don't want to read it. Watching it on Shameless feels different from having to read it during Everything, Everything. Know what I mean?
time travel or isolated together
Shenanigans, angst, humor, frustration.
neighbours or roommates
Meh, I guess Neighbours bc like separate spaces, more room for the characters being their own people.
sci-fi au or magic au
I guess I'll go with this bc this is like Star Trek, superheroes, apocalypse stuff.
bodyswap or genderbend
Genderbends depending on the fandom are just misogynistic or stereotypical (weepy fem gay and blushing uwu girl), bodyswaps leave space for, wait for it, shenanigans.
angst or crack
Have you ever read a fic that hurt you so bad that the emotional pain physically manifested into a ball of aching pain in your stomach???? I reread fics for that feeling because I'm just in awe. Please, op, make me cry, my eyeliner can handle it.
apocalyptic or mundane 
I love apocalypses. Natural disaster, plague, zombies... if it's bleak and then you find love???? I'm down, bitch.
Tagging @blackbabe-revolution @dreamisendgame @voxeterna1 @kekkou-tamago @starfiresbilquis @comic-book-guy89 @bisexual-nightwing @nareava
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lumiereswig · 6 years
Do you have any crossovers with/AUs inspired by "Moulin Rouge!"? I know there's a fics list page but my wifi is so stupid slow it never loads so I can never tell.
nope! srry
since u can’t load the fics page im gonna give it all to you right here boo
Lumiere discovers something new, post-curse: Matches
Plumette/Lumiere, pre-curse. Plumette growing up and Lumiere growing close. Lit By The Sun
Plumette/Lumiere, immediately after being cursed: Fire and Feathers
Lumiere meets the prince for the first time: A Showman Through and Through
Plumette/Lumiere as college kids: Modern AU that is not super great but eh i tried
plumiere in love: it’s right here for now (at least until I edit it and make it better)
here’s Scotland
“a maid that has a crush on Lumiere faking being Plumette and trying to seduce him”: hahaha this one still makes me laugh
abandoned ‘kidnapped’ fic—here
lumiere finding out plumette is pregnant: Here.
lumiere sees the baby for the first time:  Here. Aww.
“a one shot in which plumette and lumiere go on a romantic tryst about the castle in the days following their wedding 💕”:  poor cogsworth
Lumiere is the sexiest sandwich in the palace. Here.
Plumette gets sick, it’s really sad: Right over here, pal.
More plumiere falling in love here.
Tale as old as time, older than that guy, Beauty and Maurice.
garderenza backstory? here it is
So, like: what if Mulan showed up.
“can i please have a crack-shippy fic where everybody is in love with the wrong people.” Here.
figuring out how to be human again. here
lumiere/plumette body swap HERE.
“Movie night at the castle!” As you wish.
a bunch of other maids have a crush on lumiere and try to get his attention: a short fic about trapezes
“A group of poor motherless ducklings imprint on Plumette” QUACK QUACK.
“please expand on that night when Plumette and co. got drunk because of Chapeau’s brandy + wine idea…” I don’t know why I like writing drunk!staff so much but i DO
1991, MEET 2017!
What happened to Gaston? The only Gaston fic I’ll ever write, probably. Here.
He is nineteen. She is younger. Lumiere tells Plumette a fairytale. Lit by the Moon.
“How about a fic were the staff play light as a feather stiff as a board with Plumette as the board.“ what the fuck even is this game i am still confused but on y va, i guess
Plumette’s last seconds before the curse takes hold. Laughing Still.
Forgotten. [Ongoing]
Plumiere in the rain. Quick mini-fic. I’ve Seen Fire and Rain
“quick question : how often does lumiere get sick?” Here.
“What if the day the curse was broken the staff go batshit crazy over being able to eat again so they eat until their stomachs hurt. Then Chip starts a food fight by throwing a bread roll at Cogsworth.” THIS HAPPENED?
“A dragon comes to try and eat Plumette” Lumiere is a fire-bender
“crack fic where they somehow discover theyre fictional” this one was so fun to write, lumiere picks up ewan’s scottish accent and hates it
“What about a really cute fic were Lumiere and Plumette fake being sick so they don’t have to work and get to spend the whole day together” poor cogsworth part 2  
“Who gets the weird nightmares and who consoles the other at two in the morning because they’re in tears.” Me, because I just want my OTP to have nice things. Here.
”coffeeshop au but its still set in the 18th century“ BUT WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ROUSSEAU, THO??            
“Can you write about Lumiere throwing Plumette a surprise birthday party for her?”  hey
“Chip wants to be maître d’ someday and follows Lumière around the castle as his little protégé” he’s going to be a better one than lumiere here
“don’t think about how painful the transformation must have been for the servants" do i ever think of anything else. [the answer is no]                
“*Whispers in your ear* AMNESIAC LUMIERE”   FUCK. HOW’D YOU KNOW I LOVE AMNESIA FICS?? FUCK. ultimately one of my favorite fics. holy fuck
“*Whispers in your ear* AMNESIAC LUMIERE” part TWO, motherfuckers
“Maybe one during the curse where they can suddenly hear the soundtrack around them?“ poor cadenza
“What if somebody after the curse was broken just out of nowhere started playing the Aria. I NEED FEELS” have you thought about horrible things yet today  
“The castle has to order in pizza” adam would like to register a complaint.
“Ewan McGregor and Lumiere switching universes" here
”A water balloon fight that gets out of hand?“ SPLASH.    
Les Miserabeauty and the Beast. Here.
“Can you do where everyone is turn into a baby” ANGST
“Nutcracker AU?!” aw fuck here
“I Never Really Knew You”—Cadenza & Adam
“He Must Loathe Me”—Chapeau & Plumette
“The Sound of Her Weeping”—Garderobe & Lumiere
“Her Little Satin Slippers”—Cogsworth & Plumette
“Home”—Mrs. Potts & Plumette
“Chapeau’s Charade”—Belle & Chapeau
“Lullaby”—Garderobe & Plumette
“Cake in the Sun”—Lumiere & Stanley
“Like You Used To”—Adam & Garderobe
“Why The Beast Eats Like….That”—Chip & The Beast
“The Boy’s Hand”—Chip & Adam
“The Pink Vest”—Garderobe & Cogsworth
“Draw”—Maurice & Adam
“They’ll Never Meet Again”—Plumette & Garderobe.
“Her Beautiful Maman”—Garderobe & Plumette, in the parents AU. Also: Lumiere & Frou-Frou. Woof.
“have Belle and Adam watch batb 2017?” sure.  
“I would love to see their reaction to singing in the rain! It’s my all time favorite movies!! ❤️❤️"  🌧🌧🌧🌧SAME 🌧🌧🌧🌧
“consider the coconut” MOANA CRACK.
“Plumiere goes to Paris?” Prequel fic! [oh là là]
“thy crackest crack of all - batb but adam/belle and lumiere/plumette swap places” lumiere turns into a dragon
“so. um. amnesiac adam?“ FUCK. FUCK.FUCK.              
”Mary Poppins would be practically perfect in every way!” Feed the fucking birds
“I should have told you a long time ago.” Plumette wakes up, after their first night together. Fits into the “Lit by the Sun” story.
“This is why we can’t have nice things/you don’t see me”—right after the curse, Plumiere cope with their new forms. Angst?
“Prove It/You’re Drunk.” Lumiere had….a night of it. Poor Cogsworth, the Continuing Saga
“great comet” fic: the candle in the mirror
“I’ve been waiting a long time.” finally a happy!cogsworth fic. Tic toc.
“Batb and Frozen crossover pls“—it’s garbage                          
The whole palace body swaps. here
“What happens when Lumiere’s family wakes up and realizes they have a son at the palace?” well SHIT ! there’s a prompt
“Chapeau having to relearn and figure out how to play the violin once he’s turned into a coatrack.” Shh.
a cuisinier fic! this fandom doesn’t deserve him
“Batb and Robin Hood crossover!!!!!” fuck
“how about the castle residents plays a giant game of live clue.” Adam would like to register another complaint
Lit by the Stars. Plumette and Lumiere meet for the first time.
“belle catches a cold?” i’m allergic to fluff
“how about amnesiac belle this time?” FUCK
w o w this one’s about plumette & belle sharing plague stories
“Can you do where Lumiere and Plumette babysit Chip while Mrs. Potts is working”  cute? ??
Wedding Cake: it’s huge
“lightly read fanfiction.” RIGHT?!
“You should let them watch the classic movie Beauty and the Beast” here
“ plumette x lumière modern spies AU” here.
“cogsworth angst” YOU GOT IT dude
“Hi, could you do some fluff and angst headcanons for Madame de Garderobe and Cadenza please xx” the honeymooners
“Shalalalalala my oh my, looks like the boy’s too shy, ain’t gonna kiss the girl” has lumiere ever been shy in his life ?
“Would you care to write a drabble of the castle redoing Mrs. and Mr. Potts’s wedding because Chip found his mother’s wedding dress and was bummed that he missed it?“ oh hey unrelated: i never dated a christmas ornament  
“imagine plumiere first met AFTER they were turned into objects” um: FUCK YES.
“Batb characters in the titanic” too soon, people. too soon.
“Plumiere prompt: A whole new world! new fantastic point of view. No one to tell us no. Or where to go. Or say we’re only dreaming.” ok    
“a touring theatre group comes to perform at the castle” this is more like a headcanon but it’s long as fuck so it ended up here              
“cogsworth discovers he can fly” this is so wrong, this is so right              
“Card Tricks”—Lumiere & Chip
“Coffee & Tea”—Lefou & Mrs. Potts
“Lion’s Mane”—Cuisiner & Plumette & Adam
“the characters read some of your fics and their reactions” o fuck. crack.
“Ok, but what about someone slipping Lumiere a love potion meant for Plumette??” kisses
Plumette stargazes; Lumiere dates someone else. Veronique
“ding dong we need more cogsworth- can we have something with him and mrs. potts bonding over all of their dumb kids” ding dong yes yes yes we do!
the villagers get cursed. a trash fic!!!![[[[ongoing]]]
Seating Arrangementsare! important! here.
“cogsworth sharing plumette’s first dance with her at her wedding, and…” I don’t dance.
poly garderenza/belle. i love this bullshit. i ship this
“Bonjour you wrote a fic about Luimere taking care of Plumette when she’s sick, can you write one about Plumette taking care of Lumiere? 💛💛” cough!
The First Untethered Hot Air Balloon Flight: oh, fuck.
garderenza content FEELS
“amnesiac belle?” COMPLETED, BITCHES. fucking ga w w d
“Can we have cogsworth headcanons?? Pretty please mon ami??” Dulce et decorum est.  
“Eclipse”—Lumiere & Chip
what if the servants came awake again, in modern days? Here
‘do you remember when we were human?’ Plumiere shit.
A history lesson w/Cogs and Lums. Beware the dust. Album.
“Woof”— Belle & Frou-Frou
“Fireworks”—Adam & Plumette
“Amnesiac Mrs. Potts?” Eh.
“a midsummer night’s dream au?” welcome to CRACK CITY [x]
“Plumette has a tragic, existential moment.” Pouf-pouf.
“a touring theatre group comes to perform at the castle. like some kind of magic, they can perform shows that don’t even exist yet” [x]
“I would ​ love if you wrote when Plumette and Lumiere came up with Be Our Guest” BE! OUR! GUEST
“The castle adopts a pet? but not like a cat or anything, like they get a pet komodo dragon or something” welcome to the zoo
garderenza’s glory [x]
“Flicker In, Flicker Out.” The curse takes its toll.
“Who would be into divination? the Supernatural? Spooky Shit™?” HEY THERE DEMONS, IT’S YA BOI.
“If each of the servants could write a book, what would they be about?” The Villeneuve Catalog of Literature, fresh off the presses.  [x]
“Cogsworth + Lumiere switch personalities?”  i fuckin love a good crack prompt. showgirls!
“Socks”—Pere Robert & Mrs. Potts
adam and belle meet as tiny kids
sad maurice fic: :)))))))))
“What do the servants do when they can’t sleep?” Shhhh.
Chip being in town when the curse strikes, here [ongoing!]
Belle gets used to the staff being, well.….human again. “New.”
“Have you ever done a role-swap where Belle was the princess and Adam was the boy from the village?“ CHIP. DON’T FUCK WITH THE TIME TRAVEL. Here.
The useless energy of haunted things. “Freaks of Furniture.” Thanks, JSTOR.
@batbobsession​ collab w/me called “One Moment”—their part is here, my part is there. The servants and the staff take a minute, right before the battle, to face what they’ve become.
“spooky prompt: What If the castle was haunted the year after belle breaks the spell…sadder prompt: What If the ghost was Adams mom…Worse prompt: or his father” THIS IS NOT THE FUN GHOST-HUNTING I ASKED FOR.
“Everyone says that Adam was under the spell ages, so what if the spell went on for 300+ years or whatever, and a woman hiking through the woods kind of went through what Maurice did with the tree being knocked over…” Fucking!!!! Granola bars!!!!!!!!!!!![x] [Ongoing.]  
How desperate I became. To erase. To unmake my mouth, my pulse. / To unlive. “The Writing-Desk.”
“So Very Different”—Cuisinier & Garderobe
“how would the staff and Belle and Adam react to some little kids from the village showing up trick-or-treating?“ Something like this, I imagine.
“Amnesiac Cadenza?” i do fucking love an amnesia ask
“During the curse, Adam begins to see ghostly apparitions of the servants’ human forms.” Dead men walking.
“Spooky prompt: A haunted house in Villeneuve.” i just want to talk to the demons!
“These Two Need More Love”—Chapeau & Cuisinier
“A piece inspired by the song, “A Shoulder to Cry On,” aka, ‘80S MUSIC FICS
“Adam, Belle + staff go to pick out/chop down their own Christmas tree……” Yule fic by me + other people! ho ho ho.
way down in hadestown
The fandom-spanning fic, involving Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, and Tulio and Miguel.
“Everyone must leave something behind when he dies, my grandfather said.” Evermore. Thanks Ray Bradbury.
“idk how she got there but Garderobe rules the world.” ❤️
“Oh! How about a story or headcannons of Shane and Ryan doing a Buzzfeed Unsolved Video at the enchanted castle in BatB?” [wheeze] (a FAVE)
“Words”—Garderobe & LeFou.
“what if someone confused the servants with the royals, cuz they dress better than adam and belle?” This happens regularly.
“Pere Robert somehow comes across a Time Turner” ⏳tick-tock⌛️
“Crackfic prompt: Belle is messing around with magic books (AGAIN) and somehow summons dinosaurs.” that’s , uh, that’s chaos theory
“The BATB characters stumble into The Great Comet” EVERYBODY RAISE A GLASS
“So I’m reading the Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater…..” Here.
“Please give me more singing hair brush!” the fucking hairbrush. Here.
“Please can I have a bunch of adorable hcs where Garderenza are prepping Bassette for their first concert with her singing in it too” that is a hairbrush
arrrrGGHHHH, mateys, that thar be a magical pirates fic, shiver me timbers
“lumiere gets a sunburn” ouCh
“for adelle: maybe the Official Proposal?” Here.
“ what if. an amnesia fic. where they. ALL. Got. A m n e s I a“ —MY BRAND~
“Headcanons for Belle and Adam being the world’s greatest grandparents?” also known as “be a bear, grandpa!”
“Garderenza prompt: ‘You saved my life!’” oh how divine
belle keeps playing with magic and getting everybody fucked
this collab fic with @theteaisaddictive​ is done! “agathe gets amnesia”
“Whisky and Red Wine”—Lumiere and Belle have a night in.
“AU idea: As belle is leaving the second time, something stops her and she turns and whispers ‘I love you’ before running off.” Can you say “two idiots”?
“ have you ever done any asks about what you think maurice/belle’s mum’s life was like before they had belle???” I AM ALWAYS HERE FOR THE MAURICE SAD!FICS [x]
“something sweet with adam and the plumiere child.” sweet as stolen breakfasts.
“Belle messing with magic again finds one that puts the universe into reverse” this one is straight crack i hope you like it
chip is the middle man for some major lumiworth action
“A traveller stops by for directions […] by coincidence, he’s one of Belle’s *very favorite* authors.” Wow I wonder if the world’s biggest book nerd is going to handle this in a responsible manner [x]
“a man attending a ball at the palace spots plumette, and falls in love with her beauty. she receives an anonymous present of heart-shaped chocolates on her bedside the next day, and assuming they are a present from her dear lover, eats them without a thought. moments later…..” Not exactly this trope but uhhhh it’s a love potion fic babyyyyyyy
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i'm not op of that 'if you read yaoi' post but i'll take some cute bl recs anyway. i literally only just started reading manga this week and i'd love to add some more titles to my to read list
absolutely anon, let me tell you I spent three weeks reading nothing but bl and it was Great and now I have Many recs for you
warning! this is Gonna Be Very Long so my recs’ll be under the cut (bolded ones are my favorites!)
1K Apartment no Koi
24 Jikan Eigyouchuu
After Morning Love and its spin-off Before Daylight Love
Ai ga Love Shite You nanosa(this one is as ridiculous as it is adorable, so fucking funny)
Amayadori wa Basu-tei de
Ameiro no Toge
Ameiro Paradox(this one is still ongoing; i usually hate when love interests do nothing but bicker? but the journalist boyfriends just do something right for me. and Natsume Isaku is just one of my favorite mangakas! love most of her work)
Ano Koi no Tsuzuki
Arashi no Ato
Bikkuri suru hodo Doji na Koi
Body Talk Paradox(the second and third stories are the best ones, really love the art style, it’s very crisp, and one of the side characters/one half of the secondary couple has one of the most unique designs I’ve seen in a BL)
Boku no Ano Ko
Boku to Neko to Hatsukoi Kousa
Bokura wa Sore wo Hitei Dekinai
Chiisana Koi no Melody
Chikatetsu no Inu
Colorful Line
Konbini-kun.(I love Junko’s art style it’s very very cute)
Count 0(boy can see a counter above everyone’s heads that counts the number of lies that person has told in their life and is jaded because of it, until he meets another boy whose counter reads 0, very cute)
Doukyuusei and its sequels Sotsugyousei and O.B.
Doushitemo Furetakunai and its spin-off Soredemo, Yasashii Koi o Suru(Doushitemo is top tier okay, it’s one of my absolute favorites, the romance is lowkey and sweet and they’re just so good ;~;)
Doushiyoumo Nai Keredo
Endou-kun no Kansatsu Nikki
Gentei Kareshi
Gosan no Heart and its spin-off Owaranai Fukou ni Tsuite no Hanashi
Gunjou no Subete
Hachimitsu Darling
Hana no Mizo Shiru(very very sweet, I’m pretty sure I teared up at one point)
Hanagaya Eigyousho no Kare
Hand Which
Harapeko Usagi to Koisuru Ookami
Hare no Hi
Hatsukoi (Kakine)(very silly, there’s like four different love stories happening in this one boarding house, it’s great)
Hatsukoi (Kazuki)(so this mangaka has a huge list of Haikyuu doujins they’ve done, and I hadn’t watched Haikyuu before I read this but now that I have I can’t unsee the fact that the main characters look like Kageyama and Hinata lmfao)
Hatsukoi no Atosaki
Heart no Kakurega(the secondary couple are hit or miss but the main couple Izumi and Haru are so pure?? they’re so sweet I love them a lot)
Hibi Koikoi
Himegoto Asobi(I’m a goddamn sucker for single dad falls in love stories and this one is one of the best)
The Iberiko Buta series(this manga is so fucking funny?? the initial couple are cute and hilarious idiots, while the second couple are a bit more lowkey and bittersweet, and overall it’s such a funny cute read)
Illumination(this manga is melancholy in book form, I really love this mangakas writing style, the stories are all bittersweet and its some beautiful, beautiful angst)
Kaeru no Prince-sama
Kakugo wo Kimete
Kanemochi-kun to Binbou-kun (“I fell in love when I was sixteen”. great. thanks manga. now i’m crying.)
Kasa no Shita, Futari
Katappashi Kara Zenbu Koi
Kigurumi Planet (the premise for this one??? is so off the wall and ridiculous lmao this manga has no right to be as good as it is, the couple is very sweet and the story is actually pretty good if you can get past how fucking bonkers the premise is)
Kimi to Aruku
Kimi to Date (short and sweet! I love the art style)
Konya mo Nemurenai and its spin-off Kimi to Kore kara(college boy accidentally summons a demon who decides to stick around so he doesn’t have to go home and marry his childhood friend - I fucking love Konya so much, and the love interest Endo is legit one of my favorite characters, I usually hate assholeish semes but he just pulls it off so well; the spin-off features the secondary couple of Konya)
Kimi wa Natsu no Naka
Kiraboshi Dial
Kirakira no Hibi
Kodomo ga Neta Ato de
Koi made Hyakurin and its spin-off Akunin o Nakaseru Houhou (young heir to his grandfather’s yakuza group starts hero-worshiping an ex-yakuza florist (who now hates yakuza) and eventually they fall for each other - listen this manga was made for me, I love yakuza with a heart of gold and ex-yakuza archetypes so fucking much, i love this manga a lot and the main couple is so sweet; the spin-off features ex-yakuza’s older brother)
Koi ni mo Naranai.
Koi no Hanashi ga Shitai
Koko ni Aru, Kimi no Oto
Konya, Mister de
Kuchizuke wa Niji no Ue de (the premise for this is so cute and unique! a man who’s followed by sunny weather and a man who’s followed by stormy weather meet and decide to go mountain climbing! very cute)
Kurayami ni Strobe
Life, Love (okay listen this one! i did enjoy this one How. Ever. it’s a story where a seemingly not so smart man is made to guard the man that he and his boss kidnapped, and then they maybe??? fall in love over the course of the kidnapping and that’s the first half of the story, and the relationships are very weird and complex and the characters are also weird and complex? and it’s very unsatisfying as a romance but still somehow satisfying? except the ending which left me just shocked laughing like ‘that’s it?????’ and i’m still not sure how i feel about it but i’m pretty sure i liked it and yeah disclaimer over)
Link: Boku to Kimi no Aida
Lotus Eater
Lucky Number 13(okay no this one is so sweet and cute, a huge baseball otaku falls for a boy who is plagued with bad luck unless he’s dating someone, in which case his bad luck transfers to his partner, they’re such a pure couple and it’s a very sweet and funny story and I love it)
Mad Cinderella(this one isn’t totally scanlated :( but there’s still a lot of it scanned and it’s all very cute and worth)
Mahoutsukai no Koi
The Mainichi Seiten Series; Mainichi Seiten, Kodomo wa Tomaranai, Children’s Time, Kodomo no Iibun, Aki-chan no Iibun, Isoganaide, Hanaya no Nikai de(very very slice of life, three couples in all, the first volume is kind of slow and the art is kinda rough and the couple is very chaste but still cute and the art gets better through the series, and the other two relationships are top tier and overall this series is one of my absolute favorites)
Mayoke no Darling
Mazu wa, Hitokuchi.(okay but the premise is a farm that secretly raises flying pigs how amazing is that)
Me wo Tojite 3-Byou
Merry Checker
Motto Aishiaimasho
Nakanai Hotaru
Nee Senpai, Oshiete yo
Negative-kun to Positive-kun
Neko no Koi (I really love young masters who are in love with their less well-off childhood friend/keeper that’s some good shit)
Nennen Saisai
Nichijousahan Bi - Beautiful Life
No Color
Number Call
Okujou no Bye-Bye
Omamori Shimasu, Dokomademo
Ringo ni Hachimitsu and its sequel Kare no Barairo no Jinsei (i really love this mangakas art style and way of writing, very good)
Rutta to Kodama (listen these boys will be the death of me, I love delinquents especially delinquents with hearts of gold, and Rutta is the epitome of that, he and Kodama are so fucking sweet and I just love them so so much, one of my absolute favorites)
Saiyaku wa Boku wo Suki Sugiru(this one is still ongoing! it’s basically a soul mate au where if one half gets injured the other is the one who sustains the injury, turned into a family curse that lasts a year upon the younger one’s 17th birthday, so very very good)
Sannin Gurashi (i love this one it’s so sweet ;~;)
Sawattemo Ii kana (also not completely scanlated and I cry every day because of it)
Sayonara, Heron
Sayonara, Itoshi no My Friend
Seinen wa Ai o Kou
Sense of Love
Seven Days
Shitteru yo.
Shuuden Elegy
Soko ni Suwaru na
Sonna Me de Mitekure (this one??? is fUCKing ridiculous, I laughed through the entire thing it’s fucking ridiculous omg)
Sono Koi ni wa Wake ga Aru(love!!!! i love this one! so much! stoic but gentle semes are my fucking kryptonite okay and Azuma is that in spades, he and Aoi are just so fucking cute)
Sono Mama de
Sore wa Isshun no Hikari, dewa Naku
Sore o Koigokoro to Yobu no Nara
Sorenari ni Shinken Nan desu.(this is basically a sick fic featuring an overworked single dad and his playboy regular who’s in love with him, literally one of my absolute favorites and I think the first yaoi I ever read? Oosawa and Yoshioka are top tier and it’s just so sweet and feel-good, ugh I love)
Spotlight Lover
Star-like Words
Sugar Code(mix competent yakuza with useless gay and you get Oodoi, it’s beautiful; I love Oodoi and Akira a lot)
Suteneko no Karte
Te o Tsunai de Koi o(”oh you guys don’t get along? okay now you have to hold hands the entire walk home until you do” lmao archery club president knows what’s up)
Tear Drop
The Killer
Tight Rope(i’ve already exposed my love for yakuza and ‘young master in love with his childhood friend’ archetypes which means me loving Tight Rope was written in the fucking stars because Ryuu is b o t h, and I just really love Naoki as well)
Toki no Maigo o Sagashite!(amnesia plot!)
Tsukiatte Agete mo Ii n Dakara ne (this one is f u c k i n g ridiculous, the love interest is a giant fucking ham, it’s r i d i c u l o u s lmfao)
Twinkle (Kanda)
Wakabaryou de, Kimi to
Wakadanna ni Goyoujin
Work In
Yachin Hanbun no Ibasho desu
Yamada to Shounen
Yamete Kudasai,(this one gave me cavities)
Yozora no Sumikko de,
Yuki no Shita no Qualia
Yuugure no Machi
Zantei, Koibito
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midnightluck · 7 years
after that really really excellent scrawl fic, id love to see sabo reacting to seeing ace like that. whatever time or au you want, although id prefer post-amnesia. i love your work, tysm
Ahaha this kinda went awry, but I was thinking about when they first got it as kids, and….I hope you still like it?
Companion to this.
“Are you sick?” Ace demands.
“No!” Sabo says, and Ace just stares at him. “Okay, fine; maybe a little.”
“Ugh, no, go away,” Ace says, flopping back down into the grass. “Come back when you’re better.”
“But today’s when we’re supposed to go over–!”
“Nope! I am not catching whatever you have, Sabo! Go away!”
“It’s just a sniffle! We can still–”
“Nope, nope, no, get your gross face away from me! It’s leaking!” But Sabo just tackles him and smears his disgusting face liquids all over Ace’s shirt. “You’re disgusting,” Ace says, but he also gives up.
“It’s just a sniffle,” Sabo says again, but Ace can feel the heat of his skin even through all those layers.
“Liar,” Ace says fondly, but he doesn’t try to get up. A nap sounds pretty nice right now anyway.
He opens his eyes sometime later but he’s still dreaming. There’s a turning swirl of blue and green above him and the grass is suddenly sharp like needles.
“I’m awake,” he says, but he doesn’t believe it.
“M’too,” Sabo says beside him, or something like it. “Awake. Yeah.”
They lay there a while longer, and Ace stares upwards with eyes full of blur. A bird screams a ways off and there’s cicada song loud in his right ear.
Then Sabo rolls over and groans. “Ace,” he says, “I think I’m sick.”
“Me too,” Ace echoes. “But this is your fault.”
“I don’t wanna go home,” Sabo says, ignoring him entirely. “I can’t be sick at home.”
Ace met Sabo only a while back, and he’s the closest and only friend Ace has ever had. They’ve talked about sailing away and have plans to start a stash of money, but they never talk about personal things, not really, so Ace never wondered if Sabo had somewhere safe to be sick.
Ace should probably to go back to Dadan’s anyway. He doesn’t want to, but he does know better than to wander through the forest when the horizon isn’t staying steady.
He manages to sit up and squints forward into the tree line. His everything hurts, but the world’s staying more or less level now. “I’m gonna go,” he says and doesn’t move.
“There’s something on your face,” Sabo says. He reaches over to try to rub it off, but misses. “Hey, stay still.”
“I am,” Ace protests, which is even true. Probably.
Sabo’s fingers poke his cheek, and then rub. And then rub harder. “It’s not coming off,” he says, and Ace scowls.
“They’re freckles; they don’t come off.”
“No, the–the word. Where’d you get a marker anyway?”
Ace stares at him. Sabo’s face is a bit red and his eyes are swollen. “You look awful,” he says.
“Focus, Ace,” Sabo demands, snapping his fingers. “Where’s the marker?”
“I don’t have one,” Ace says. His hearing is dull on the left side. That’s–is that normal? “I think I’m sick.”
Sabo makes a huffing sound and says, “Oh boy. Have you got somewhere you can go?”
Oh, right. He ought to get to Dadan’s. They may not care, but they also won’t care if he curls up in a corner for a few days to ride this out. “Yeah, let’s go,” Ace says, and stands up. He does it carefully and slowly, and the second he’s upright he sneezes so hard he almost falls over.
When his eyes clear again, Sabo’s right next to him. “C’mon,” he says, grabbing a blue sleeve.
“Are you sure?” Sabo asks. “I can come with you?”
Ace scowls and takes a step. Not as hard as he’d thought; walking will be okay. “You’d better. This is your fault and you can’t make me sicker anyway, so you at least have to help me get better.”
Sabo says nothing, but he grabs Ace’s arm and together they find a swaying balance that gets them all the way to the hideout.
Ace pushes open the door and heads right into the back. He walks past someone who says something, so he stops and looks around.
Curly is staring at him, so Ace raises his chin. “I’m sick,” he says. “I’m gonna sleep in the back room for a while.”
Curly blinks. “Oh, is that the Scrawl?” He comes forward, hand out, but Ace flinches back, hissing.
He’d forgot Sabo was behind him, but Sabo manages to catch them both before they fall. “It’s the plague,” Ace lies shamelessly.
“Looks like the Scrawl to me,” Curly says, but he doesn’t try to touch again. “If it is, it’ll pass in a few days. It’s easy to catch if you’ve never had it before, but you can’t catch it again.”
“Is that why Ace has words on him?” Sabo asks from behind him, quiet and tentative.
But if Curly notices or cares that there’s a second brat where there was previously only one, he doesn’t show it. “Yeah,” he says instead. “It’s like a summer cold, only words that people’ve said to you that you think are true appear.”
Sabo makes a sound behind him, but Ace is looking down. One of his hands says brat, big and bold, and if his grandpa is the worst this disease has to offer, that’s more than fine.
“But it’s not fatal,” Sabo says, and Ace looks over. Sabo’s hands are clean. “And it’s passing?”
Curly nods. “Yeah, head on into the back room. We’ve all had the Scrawl before, I bet, so we can’t catch it. I think we got an extra blanket around, too,” and he wanders off.
Ace watches him go for a second, then looks back to Sabo. “This way,” he says, and tugs on Sabo’s fingers. They stumble over the high threshold, but in the back corner is the mess of sacks and old clothes that Ace sleeps on when he’s here.
It’s too small for both of them and too hot to curl together, but they do anyway. Sabo’s big stupid hat is somewhere on the floor because it keeps poking Ace in the face, and Ace falls into a fitful sleep, restless and dizzying.
He slides into awareness later. How much later he doesn’t know or care, but it’s dark-ish and there’s a coarse blanket over both of them.
“Sabo,” Ace says, reaching out to poke.
“Hm’wzt’mp,” Sabo says, then rolls over enough to mash his face into the ground. “Go ‘way.”
“Sabo,” Ace says again, ignoring all that. His friend’s skin is hot to the touch, and his hand doesn’t feel like his own. “You’re real, right?”
“-kinda dumb question-” Sabo mutters, and opens one fever-bright eye to look up at him. “We’re both real.”
There’s brat on his hand and son of a monster on his other wrist, and as he watches, swirls of ink are settling into more words on his arm. It doesn’t feel real at all.
He looks back over and Sabo’s pushing himself up, eyes stuck on Ace’s cheeks.
That’s right, there’s a word there, isn’t there? “What does it say?” he asks, and looks over Sabo’s skin again.
“Nothing,” Sabo says, but he reaches out to trace the letters and Ace can almost tell anyway.
But this isn’t at all fair; Sabo’s skin is clear. There’s no words, no ink, and when Ace reaches out to turn his arms over, they’re still clean. “I got this from you,” he says. “We both have this, the writing thing! So why don’t you have words?”
Sabo shifts, and his eyes are a sick kind of shiny. “I do,” he says like a secret. “I have two.”
Talk about unfair, when he has a whole speech on his forearm. “Only two?”
“Yeah,” Sabo says. “I found ‘em earlier, and one of ‘em’s yours.”
“Only two?” Ace repeats, voice higher and tighter than intended.
“Things you hear that you believe,” he repeats, leaning in too close and breathing fast and hot. “Who talks about me, Ace? Cause we don’t; we’re too busy. My parents don’t; they prefer to pretend I don’t exist, and the stuff they do say–I know it isn’t true. You’re the only one who talks to me, Ace, and no one talks about me.”
He’s panting now, and it’s not fair–Ace is covered in words and Sabo has none, and that’s–”Show me.”
“Show me my word.”
Sabo stares at him, so Ace pokes at him ‘til he moves. He reaches up, slow, like Ace is gonna change his mind, but Ace just waits.
And Sabo finally tugs that dumb napkin he wears loose, and there, right in the hollow of his throat, is a rough liar.
“I didn’t mean it,” Ace says, and he can’t tell if the low-level nausea is the sickness or shame. “I didn’t mean it like that, Sabo, I didn’t–”
“I know,” Sabo says, and ties it back up. “It’s fine anyway,” but he’s looking away and rubbing one hand over his stomach. “It’s good that my other one’s not the only–”
Ace surges forward and grabs at his shirt. Sabo protests but Ace gets it high enough to see the beautiful cursive worthless that follows the bend of the ribcage.
Sabo scoots back and smooths his shirt down and Ace lets him go. They both sit in silence for a while, then Ace says, “You’re worthwhile.”
Sabo smiles at him, a bit sad.
“You’re great, Sabo,” Ace says earnestly. “You’re strong and brave and you’ve saved my life; you’re literally a life-saver,” and then he holds his breath and watches blank skin stay blank. “It’s all true! Why isn’t it working?”
“Because it doesn’t matter if you think it’s true,” Sabo says, so very gently.
“But you’re–I–”
“It’s okay, Ace,” Sabo tells him, with his shiny eyes and red face and puffy nose. “Don’t worry about it for now. Go back to sleep.”
“No,” Ace says. “I’m gonna–” He starts to get up, and Sabo throws his weight against his shoulders.  
“You can’t fight a sickness,” Sabo tells him, but Ace is gonna try anyway.
“I’m gonna punch it,” Ace says, struggling weakly to get up. He’s hot and hurting, and then he sneezes, loud and sudden and all over Sabo.
Sabo blinks. “You’re gross,” he says, but he grabs Ace’s shirt to wipe his face with, so if anyone here is gross, it’s him.
“Whatever,” Ace says, giving up. He’ll punch the disease later. In a bit, after the world resettles and maybe a nap. He puts his wrist over his eyes to block out the little light that’s left.
“Ace…” Sabo says, and he’s still holding Ace’s shirt up. He’s probably reading more things, but Ace doesn’t want to know.
“Sleeping,” he announces. “So I can stand up so I can punch the sickness.”
Sabo makes a sound and then lets his shirt fall. “Sure, sounds good,” he says. “I’ll back you up.”
“Course you will,” Ace says, and yawns massively. “You’ve always got my back.”
There’s a moment quiet enough for Ace to dip into darkness, but he makes sure to get in the last word, because after all, “This is your fault, anyway.”
Sabo huffs and taps his shoulder. “Go to sleep, dork,” he says, and Ace does.
“Hey, Luffy,” Ace says, many years later. “You know you’re our precious little brother, right?”
“And that we love you and know you’ll become the Pirate King?” Sabo adds.
Luffy sniffs and looks up at both of them. “Of course I know! Shishishi!” and that’s it. He doesn’t ask why or doubt them; just takes it at face value, and Ace and Sabo exchange looks over his head.
“You’re really special,” Sabo says fondly, slinging an arm over his shoulders and pulling him into a sideways hug.
“One of a kind,” Ace says.
Luffy smiles at them both, and then he sneezes again.
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