#oh to have a prince who would announce his love in front of the whole kingdom for u
apomaro-mellow · 24 days
Runaway Royalty 3
Part 2
At the proposition, Steve and Robin shared a look during which an entire conversation was had.
It’s not a part of our plan. They’ve got numbers on us. They don’t seem like they’d leave us for dead. Especially if we joined. They’re the biggest threat on this trail. We can use them to get where we’re going.
“My sister and I are headed south”, Steve said. “Is your pack going that way?”
“We’re actually headed west”, a young man with curly hair said.
Steve and Robin shared a look again and the rogues around them were just as dumbfounded as the first time.
“Do you think this is normal for them?”, someone whispered.
“I know it’s not normal for me”, someone else muttered.
“We’ll go with you”, Robin answered, arms crossed. “But don’t expect us to be all cutthroat and deceptive and stuff.”
“Oh of course, not without introductions. Bandit Prince Eddie, at your service”, the alpha bowed. “My fellow rogues, Gareth, Jeffrey, Harold, I would trust them with my life.”
The three nodded their heads as their names were said. But they weren’t the only ones in the camp. Robin gestured to the rest milling about, going on as if there weren’t two newcomers to their den.
“And those guys?” They looked older. And significantly more rough than Eddie and his peers.
Eddie grinned. “Folks from my father’s old pack.”
“What happened to the Bandit King?”, Steve asked.
The man had been a scourge for decades both in the kingdom of Loch Nora and the kingdom of Forest Hills. His activity had calmed down somewhat in the past few years, but the legend was enough to keep travelers alert on the main roads, usually.
“My old man fell in love. And renounced his wicked ways.” Eddie gave Steve a meaningful look and for just a second, things seemed to stand still.
“We’re nearly ready to go”, one of the other members of the pack announced.
That was when the royal twins realized the activity going around the camp wasn’t just the pack moving about, they were packing up, getting ready to move. It made sense. One couldn’t be a roving band if they didn’t actually rove.
“Perfect”, Eddie said. “I want us in caravan formation.”
“You guys have formations?”, Robin questioned.
“Leading a pack takes strategy, whether you’re a leader of a household or of criminals.”
Steve and Robin rested on a large log for a few minutes while the last bits of camp were put away and then the whole group was off. Eddie walked towards the front of the pack. Robin and Steve walked alongside a horse-driven cart. Eddie talked with one of his friends, Jeff, but they couldn’t hear from where they were.
“Is this really a good idea?”, Robin asked.
“It is an idea”, Steve simply replied.
“Hey what was that back there?”, she suddenly changed the subject.
“Don’t act coy, it looks stupid on you. You know what I mean. There was a moment where you and that Eddie guy-it was gross.”
“Oh grow up”, Steve rolled his eyes. “What’s wrong with a little romance? Aren’t we on an adventure?”
“Romance? With the prince of thieves? I should have never read those swashbuckling tales to you.”
“But you did”, Steve reminded her. “And now I can choose. So why not Eddie?”
Robin’s nose scrunched. “No accounting for taste, I suppose.”
“Please, you don’t know what it’s like. You basically had your choice of partners.” Everyone wanted the hand of the dashing alpha who would run day rule an entire kingdom. Compared to him, Robin left behind a veritable harem. Her betrothed hadn’t been chosen yet. Steve was the one who had been trapped.
They continued to walk until dusk, when they set up a temporary camp. The pack sat around the fire, winding down from a day’s travels, people forming their own little groups within it all. 
“Tomorrow some of us will head to town to get a few more supplies. After that, we’ll begin our journey in earnest. It’s time for the Corroded Coffin to find a new home!”
There were cheers and raised cups to that and even the prince and princess felt a little mirthful. They slept on bedrolls next to each other, it felt the beginning of a grand adventure indeed.
Eddie held the feed bucket up to the horse when Jeff came up to him. He knew the most pragmatic of their group approaching him could only mean a lecture, so he hoped to butter him up a bit.
“Jeffrey! The morning sun makes you glow like an angel from above~”
Jeff crossed his arms. “Why are you letting those two tag along? They were just supposed to be marks.”
Eddie knew that. Knew from their clothing that they came from money, or at least had it on them. It should have been nothing to overpower them and take whatever they wanted off the siblings. So why hadn’t they?
“I just think it’s a good idea to bring up our numbers. Can never have too many thieves”, he said, not meeting his friend’s gaze.
“And I’m sure it’s got nothing to do with one of them being a pretty omega?”
Eddie scoffed about three times before waving a hand and shaking his head. “Listen to you! Me! Getting all moon-eyed over someone I just met! That would be terribly ironic, would it not? Give me more credit, Jeff, please. I just think they would be great additions. And if I’m proven wrong, they can be just as good as scapegoats.”
“Riiiight.” Jeff leaned against the cart the horses were already attached to. “It wouldn’t just be ironic, you know. It would be stupidly hypocritical.”
Eddie swallowed. “Yeah, I know. Don’t worry about me. I’m not that flighty.”
“You’ve already taken flight once”, Jeff said before leaving Eddie to his feeding.
Once fed, Eddie decided it would be him, Gareth as well as their two newest recruits to go into town. “You both look the most reputable among us”, he had reasoned. “And I wanna see what you’re made of.”
The town was just over a small ridge and at this bright hour was bustling with activity. Eddie grinned as he found a mark. He leaned into Steve’s space. “Watch this”, he said before walking past a man, bumping shoulders briefly and walking off with his coin purse.
“The classic move. But Gareth here is a master at the art of misdirection”, Eddie said as Gareth got to work.
Steve and Robin watched Gareth when he walked up to a booth, distracting the merchant and seeming very interested in the fruit on one part of the booth while using his other hand to stuff nuts into a pouch at his side. In the end, Gareth traded a bit of coin for a few apples and the merchant was none the wiser.
“Alright, that was admittedly impressive”, Robin praised. “For common criminals”, she teased.
“Oh? You wanna show us how it’s done?”, Eddie smirked at the challenge.
Robin grabbed Steve’s wrist, much to his protest. What was she doing? They’d never stolen anything bigger than a pastry from the royal kitchens. And really was it stealing when it came from your own home?
“We can’t-”
“Yes we can, get out of your head. Besides, if you want to run with thieves, you’ve got to play the part”, she reminded him. “Just follow my lead.”
Robin’s eyes zeroed in on their target. An older gentleman, just by a few years it looked, was taking his time in choosing the proper produce between an orange carrot and a yellow one. Robin nudged Steve hard with her elbow and he rolled his eyes before going forward.
Neither Eddie nor Gareth could hear what he said, but it all came down to body language. The way the omega’s eyelashes fluttered, leaned over slightly, allowed his eyes to rake up and down the other man’s body, even putting his hand on his arm briefly. All while Robin tried to creep up from behind and reach into his pocket.
She was able to pull a handful of something, but flicked her wrist on the release too hard, making her presence known.
“Hey! What the hell!?”
Robin was frozen in her spot and Steve was the one to grab her arm and pull her through the crowd. Eddie and Gareth ran after as the man gave chase to reclaim what was stolen.
“You and your noodle hands! Do you undress a lover with those fingers!?”, Steve shouted as they raced away.
“These noodles fixed your wreck of a hair!”
They were able to turn a corner and lose him so that they could catch their breaths. Robin opened her hand to count their haul only to be met with a bunch of pebbles.
“What the fuck?”
The two practiced thieves cackled and nearly went to their knees. Tears in his eyes, Eddie stood up straight.
“You get points for effort. And Steve here gets a ribbon for his part.”
Robin rolled her eyes, about to retort that she played an equal part and it would have been a victorious haul had it been actual money when a fanfare of trumpets sounded. A crier began to shout as a crowd gathered.
Steve’s heart began to pound in his ears as only bits and pieces of the message were relayed to him and he felt the sensation of shackles around his ankles, or of sinking into mud, or being carried off by an undertow.
Prince Stephen, reported stolen, high reward…
Robin had to shake him out of his reverie. “Did you hear that?!”
“What? Yes. What?”
“Prince Edwin of Forest Hills is missing!”, she shouted to his face.
“See, I knew you weren’t listening. Where do you think he’s gone?” Then she whispered. “Do you think it was cold feet?”
“How do two royal siblings go missing?”, Eddie asked the wind. His face appeared a tad pale. “Stolen? With Loch Nora’s defenses?”
“One royal is one thing, but two?”, Gareth agreed.
“Technically three”, Robin held up three fingers that Steve quickly slapped down.
Thankfully, their odd energy went unnoticed within the general unease of the crowd. Prince Stephen, Princess Robin, and Prince Edwin were unaccounted for. Steve swallowed.
“We should go.”
“Agreed”, Eddie said.
They actually grabbed a few things before returning to the camp, where Gareth promptly announced the news of the royal siblings’ disappearance. There was a confused murmur among them when a beta stood forward. Steve recalled his name was Greenley.
“We’re all thinking it, right? A prince and a princess missing? With a high reward?”
Eddie shook his head. “No.”
Robin froze and Steve bit his lip. “I also think no”, he said.
“That money could have us set for life!”
“Between us, we could find a couple of royals.”
“We got underground contacts!”
“No! NO!!”, Eddie roared, regaining control of the conversation. “Look, I know it’s tempting. But can’t take that risk. They’re probably spreading the message which means every bounty hunter from here to the shore is looking for them. Dangerous folk.”
“We’re supposed to be dangerous folk”, Gareth pointed out. 
“If use two new ones get a vote, that’s three for no”, Robin pointed to herself, Steve, and Eddie.
Steve nodded. “So three to…”, he started to count in earnest.
“You’re still outvoted”, Greenley said. “And since this is a majority rule, not a monarchy”, he glared at Eddie challengingly.
“He’s right”, Jeff said.
Eddie sighed. “Shit….shit shit fuck shit shit fuck”, he started to pace around. “If this goes sideways-”
“We’ll be so rich things can go whatever direction they want”, Gareth said.
“Gre~at”, Robin gave a tight smile.
“Perfect”, Steve’s smile was equally strained.
Part 4
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Ryan!Ken with a princess!Barbie reader maybe? Please?
Oh this is such a cute idea <3
In Barbieland, princesses were usually seen as figures of fiction in movies and books.
But you're a very real doll who lived on the outskirts of town, in a beautiful castle with a few Ken Knights (Kenights?) at your service and talking animals you befriended.
You enjoyed their company, although you do love seeing the faces of the other Barbies and Kens.
In fact, you hoped to see them more often.
So one day, you announced a ball at your palace, having invitations delivered to every dreamhouse.
You weren't sure if anybody would show up. You did live far, far away, after all...
And yet, so many Barbies came in droves, wearing their best dresses and tiaras, accompanied by their Kens who wore dashing outfits fitting for the fantasy setting you provided.
Soon the royal ball was in full swing, and everyone was having a grand time.
Well, everyone except....for a certain blond Ken.
You noticed this one in particular was following his Barbie around like a lost puppy.
Of all the Kens, he looked the most handsome in your eyes. His hair, outfit, and features were flawless in every way.
Why, you would've easily mistaken him for a prince!
Yet he was behaving more like a pauper at this rate, as he kept trying dance with her, only to be brushed off as she was pulled out of his reach by one of her friends.
Obviously, you believed in Barbies valuing friendships over relationships, although this was rather...difficult to watch.
Eventually he gave up, standing alone in the corner with an empty plastic glass in-hand, looking forlorn as everyone else danced to the gentle music.
You frowned at this display, not wanting anybody to feel lonely in your palace.
So you decided to go over to him.
"You look lonesome, dear Ken...what's wrong?"
At first, he doesn't realize you're actually talking to him...but when he does, he blushes and fumbles as he tries to respectfully greet you.
"O-Oh I'm...I'm good, your Highness. Wonderful ball, you're hosting, by the way." He kisses your hand, although when he looks up, the sadness in his eyes is even more apparent up-close.
"Now..you know better than to lie to a princess." You lightly tease. "Where's your date? Isn't that her over there?"
Seeing you gesture to Stereotypical Barbie, his confident front falters, but the second you look back at him, he pretends to be surprised.
"Oh there she is!! I was worried I lost her." He waves, hoping she'd look over at him just once.
Yet she didn't even spare him a glance, and he puts his hand down, becoming very upset as he notices Simu!Ken asking her for a dance.
Even though he was turned down, too, it still stung like a b-
"Would you care for a dance, Ken?"
The question turns his whole mood around, as he gawks at you, unable to believe his own ears. "Y-You're asking...me?"
"Well..it should be the man who asks the lady, traditionally speaking." You chuckle. "But since you only know Beach, I'll give you another chance."
"....o-oh right. Yes. Okay-" He clears his throat, setting aside his cup before he offers his hand to you, gazing into your eyes with renewed confidence. "May I have this dance, Princess Barbie?"
You pretend to swoon, smiling. "I thought you'd never ask."
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jessicaloons · 6 months
Chapter 39:
Don’t blame me, love made me crazy
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TW: as mentioned before, I’m using Carlos Sainz (and his family) as the baddies. Big baddies. One might think I don’t like him with how I portray him (and his family) and yep, that’s true. I don’t like him. For many, many reasons. But then again: this is fiction. Just because I portray him (and his family) like this, doesn’t mean that they really are like this. If you are a Carlos Sainz fan: I’m sorry, but he’s the bad guy here and it’s only getting worse… that’s it. That’s the warning.
Monza. Home of the Tifosi. It was loud and crowded in front of the hotel. Charles smiled and signed as much as he could, posed for selfie after selfie. Joked with the fans. From the outside it looked like he was the usual charming and sweet boy, Prince of Ferrari, Il predestinato. But I knew him better than that. I saw the sadness in his eyes. The tension in his shoulders. The forced smile. When we walked inside I grabbed his hand and he smiled at me.
"You don’t have to fake a smile for me." I whispered when we entered the elevator and he sighed.
"I know… it’s just, I don’t want anyone to see me just slightly unhappy here…" Charles replied and I nodded.
"I get it. Let’s just stay focused. It’s a race weekend like any other. Just that you look like a McDonalds employee this time." I teased a little and he groaned.
"Oh stop it!" he rolled his eyes but laughed "I like the suit and the livery."
"Oh the livery is amazing! Especially the German flag. You’re sporting it for me? Or maybe a little tribute to Michael?"
I laughed when we walked through the door to our room.
"You’re the worst!" he pushed me down on the bed, caging me in "I should teach you some manners…"
"Oh yeah? Teach me some manners? How are you planning on doing that?" I cocked an eyebrow, while he leaned down, kissing along my jaw down to my ear.
"Easy. I strip you naked, piece by piece, slowly. Kiss every inch I unravel. Worship every body part of yours… and when your squirming because you can’t take it anymore. Trembling from anticipation. Then I stop." he whispered in my ear and I shuddered.
"Charles…" I breathed out.
"Yes, cara mia? What is it…" he chuckled.
"Eww eww eww… god not again!" Joris exclaimed from the door, covering his eyes "If you wanna go and get at it, close the damn door! And then hang up a don’t disturb sign! God!"
"I just had to teach my pretty girl some manners." Charles laughed and I pushed him off of me.
"Nope you did not…" I got up and grabbed my suitcase sitting down on the floor.
"What about you have this very physical conversation as soon as I’m gone?" Joris asked and Charles laughed "Here, Silvia asked me to give you this. It’s your schedule for the next 2 days."
"Oh how fun." he scoffed "More sponsor events… more journalists asking me if this weekend my contract renewal will be announced…"
"Charles…" I turned around and looked at him.
"It’s mostly fan events…" Joris interjected.
"At least something." Charles mumbled, disappearing into the bathroom.
"I didn’t want to ruin his mood." Joris whispered but I shook my head, patting the floor beside me "This whole contract thing is really upsetting him."
"Yeah… it sucks. I honestly don’t know why Ferrari waits this long?" I said and leaned against the bed, Joris doing the same "Do they expect a better driver than Charles to come along all of a sudden?"
"Who would that be? There’s not many that are better? And the ones that might are a notch or two are in damn good teams already?" Joris played with his bracelets, a habit Charles had as well.
"There is no one. And as soon as Ferrari gets that in their head, he’ll get his new contract. Believe me!" I said determined.
"I believe you!" Joris answered and I laughed.
"Now we just have to get Charles into believing me…"
I didn’t see Charles the next two days much, he left the hotel room quite early and returned late at night, exhausted but with a little smile on his face. The Tifosi showered him with love and appreciation, something he needed dearly.
"I’m sorry that I was almost gone entirely the last two days…" Charles said when we got up on Thursday, getting ready for media day.
"It’s okay. I was busy myself." not true. I was staying mostly in the hotel room, feeling sick.
"You guys had some events, too?" he asked and I nodded, when my stomach cramped again.
"Umm- yeah…" I said, trying not to hiss in pain, only succeeding halfway.
"Are you okay?" Charles asked as I held my stomach.
"Yeah. It’s nothing." I smiled a little "Really. Just my stomach’s a little rebelling."
"Are you sure? You look a little pale?"
"Don’t worry. I’m fine." I reassured him.
"Charles. Stop looking at me like that…" I sighed as a wave of nausea hit me. I held up my hand and ran into the bathroom, throwing up.
"Cara mia!" Charles followed me and I got up from the floor "You stay here. I get you some meds."
"Don’t be silly. It’s just a stomach bug!" I rinsed my mouth and wiped my face "Give me 5 minutes and I’m ready to go."
"You should stay in!"
"I probably just ate something wrong, my stomach is a little sensitive." I waved him off and he walked back out hesitantly "5 minutes!"
"Okay…" he sighed and I washed my face. The sandwich at the truck stop. That’s what it must’ve been. It looked half dead. But I ate it anyways. I brushed my teeth, then dried my face and brushed my hair "Alright. Almost done." I smiled at him, stepping out of the bathroom putting on a hoodie and some sunglasses.
"If you feel worse, you tell me, okay?" Charles insisted, grabbing his phone and sunglasses.
"Promise." I walked past him, opening the door when he stopped me "What?"
"Didn’t you forget something?" he cocked an eyebrow and I though about what he meant, he sighed after a moment, pulling me in and kissed me. I tried to push him away, but he held on tight to me.
"Charles! I just threw up." I said but he laughed.
"You brushed your teeth? And I also don’t care." he put his lips on mine again "I kiss you whenever I want to."
"For fucks sake! Close your damn door!" Joris groaned, standing in the doorway.
"Stop bitching around, Trouchie." I laughed nudging him with my shoulder.
"Trouchie?" he grimaced.
"Doesn’t it sound cute?" I winked at him.
"It’s sounds like I’m a dog… so no. Not cute." he mumbled.
"Oh come on, Trouchie. Don’t be sour." Charles laughed and it was one of the very few genuine laughs of the recent days. Joris realised it too and chuckled along.
"Alright… Trouchie it is." he sighed as we stepped into elevator.
"Trouchie… sounds really cute…" Charles said quietly, putting his arm around my shoulders as we made our way downstairs.
"It does." I agreed when the elevator door opened on the floor beneath us and Elijah stepped in. Two guys by his side.
"Lizzie, Charles, Joris. Meet Dave and Aaron. Our new camera and sound guys." he introduced them and I nodded tightlipped .
"Hey guys, nice to meet you." Charles said.
"An honour to meet you guys." Dave said.
"We’re excited to follow you along a little." Aaron smiled at me and I forced out a smile.
Charles pinched my side a little.
"Yeah… nice to meet you guys." I said, feeling Charles gently stroking my side.
"Alright, I don’t know what Julie told you. But this weekend we’re just silent followers. We just film you, but no questions, no direct interacting with us. Just you and what you’re doing and us filming it." Elijah explained and I nodded.
I could live with that, I thought as the elevator doors opened and we could hear the screams of Charles’ fans outside. He looked a little worried for a moment but then put on his smile again and we walked outside. Some fans of my own were waiting as well and I did my best to take selfies with each and every one, signing as many stuff as possible, accepting a whole bunch of little fan gifts. Bracelets, puppets, paintings. It got more and more crowded and as I hugged a young girl, thanking her for a bracelet Joris tapped my shoulder, nodding his head towards the cars.
"Thank you guys!!" I smiled at my fans and the then waved one last time before I followed Joris to the car, looking at him confused.
"Sorry, but it got quite full there and Charles is a little worried… after last year." he said and I sighed, turning around. Looking at Charles who was practically swarmed by his fans, looking over at me.
"Thanks for waiting until I was done at least." I sighed.
"Your fans are more than happy, you gave every single one of them your attention." Joris said and I nodded, climbing into the van.
"Least I can do." I mumbled leaning my head back, my stomach still feeling a little off.
"Let’s go." Charles said a couple of minutes later, when he sat down next to me "Hey sleepy head."
"I’m awake." I yawned a little and he chuckled, pulling me to his side "You didn’t have to send Joris to look after me. I was doing just fine."
"I don’t trust them around you anymore… not after last year…" he answered simply and I sighed "I protect what I love."
"You’re so cheesy, Charlie bear."
Charles POV:
Contract renewal here. Contract renewal there. It seemed like there was not any other thing on their mind than when Ferrari will announce my and Carlos contract renewal. A part of me wanted nothing more than to answer that at the moment there wasn’t even talks about this topic happening. That I didn’t know myself if I would drive for Ferrari after next season. But I knew that I would only make things worse so I smiled. Said that we’re focusing on our races. That that was important. Everything else can be discussed later. But I saw the faces of the journalists, knew they weren’t happy with the answer. I watched a clip of Jacques Villeneuve talking with Canal+ about the contractual situation and how he thinks that if Ferrari won’t announce the renewal of my contract here in Monza, he’s not sure if there will even be a renewal at all. I swallowed hard.
"What’s up?" Pierre sat down next to me and I looked up.
"I asked what’s up?" he repeated and I sighed a little.
"Not much. Preparing for my interview with Canal+."
"They love you, don’t worry." he shrugged his shoulders.
"Not all of them." I scoffed.
"Most of them."
"Yeah. Have you seen Lizzie?" I checked my phone, still no reply from her.
"Not since the media pen?" Pierre cocked an eyebrow.
"Okay…" I texted her again when Mia waved me over "I have to go, when you see Lizzie…"
"I’ll tell her to text or call you."
"Thanks mate." I got up and followed Mia.
"It’s just a quick one, how’s the season so far. What they can expect this weekend." she explained and I sighed.
"What they can expect this weekend? I mean… it’s Monza!" I said and she smiled.
"Exactly, it’s Monza." she replied right as I got a text from Lizzie.
"Are we done after the interview?"
"Yeah, we are."
"Good." I said, I replied to Lizzie’s text and then followed Mia the interview, that luckily didn’t take long and thankfully my contractual situation wasn’t brought up.
"That’s it for today then, see you tomorrow." Mia waved at Lizzie when she saw her approaching us.
"Ready to leave?" I asked her and she nodded "Alright, then let’s go."
Friday went well. The practice sessions looked promising, although Carlos found little tenths and hundredths here and there to be slightly quicker than me, so I decided to stay late. Went through the data. Watched my laps again and again. Just to find that little extra bit of performance. And when quali came, I was sure I could put it on pole today. The cheers of the Tifosi around the track elevated me. But it didn’t work out as planned. The lap times weren’t as good as I’d hoped they would be. And by the end of the session I knew it wasn’t enough.
"And that’s P3. Good job."
"Yeah. Congrats to Carlos. He did a good job." I fucked up. Quali. The one thing I used to be good at. And then in Monza out of all places "Where’s Lizzie?"
Fuck. At least we would be both in a bad mood tonight then.
I returned to the pits and parked my car, getting out and looked around. Lizzie’s car already in her garage, but no sign of her. I sighed and congratulated Carlos and Max, but couldn’t help looking for Lizzie. I did my interview and when we returned back to the pit lane I walked to her garage.
"Where’s Lizzie?" I asked Pete who talked with Felix and two other engineers.
"Umm- she’s cooling off a little." Pete said and I cocked an eyebrow.
"What do you mean?"
"There was a little situation on track…" Pete said right as Lizzie walked in from the back.
"Hey, what happened?" I walked towards her, seeing her eyes slightly red and swollen.
"I’m stupid. That’s what happened. I drove like a fucking rookie, got a flat spot and fucked up everything for us." she said, he voice bitter "I’m sorry that I wasn’t out there for you…"
"It’s okay, I’m just glad you’re okay! I was worried there for a second when you were nowhere to be seen…" I cupped her cheek and kissed her gently "Let’s sulk together later on, okay?"
"I’m sorry that you couldn’t put it on pole today… here…" she whispered and I sighed.
"Yeah. It’s like this, I wasn’t good enough today…" I shrugged my shoulders a little.
"You’ll be tomorrow!" she kissed my cheek "And now off you go. Julie waits for me… interview time… yay."
I left as well, making my way back to our garage, getting ready for the interviews myself.
"I love Monza." Charles whispered when we walked back to our garages after the national anthem. The crowd cheering for Ferrari. The hometown hero’s.
"It’s always special here, that’s for sure." I said.
"See you later, cara mia." he said, pulling me into him "Tonight we’ll celebrate."
"You think so?" I mumbled but he nodded.
"Yeah. I know so." he squeezed my waist a little and then left, getting ready for the race.
"Ready?" JK asked, handing me my water.
"Always." I nodded and we walked to my car.
"Lizzie. Ready to show them how to race?" Matt asked, wiggling his eyebrows and I laughed.
"Sure. Let’s put this car on the top step, then?" I chuckled and he nodded.
"That’s the spirit." he grinned as JK handed me my balaclava first and then my helmet.
As soon as I was strapped in I tested everything and gave Matt the all clear.
Formation lap. Aborted formation lap. Another formation lap. Race delay. Formation lap. Race start. This time for real. Lights out and away we go. I had a good start, overtaking Norris and Lewis right at the start. The next three laps and I managed to overtake Oscar. And soon after that I saw an opportunity to go round the inside on Alex, overtaking him in lap 7.
"You’re doing amazing Lizzie. Already P6. Well done." Pete radioed.
"The car is on fire today." I cheered, happy with the performance.
The pit stop was great. 2.2 seconds. I came out right in the anticipated gap. The hard tyres worked amazing and soon after I knocked on George’s door. The gap behind me got bigger with each lap. But I couldn’t catch up to who ever was in front of me.
"Gap to Charles 3.9 seconds." Pete radioed and I looked up at the screens. Watching Charles and Sainz battling hard.
"Are they allowed to battle it out?" I asked.
"Lizzie, focus on your own race and stop watching the screens."
I had to chuckle a little, imagining Pete’s annoyed face, shaking his head, forehead wrinkled. I was lost in my thoughts when I saw the checkered flag being waved.
"It’s over?" I asked surprised.
"It’s over. P5! What a race Lizzie! Amazing job!"
"Thanks Pete! Thanks team! The car was amazing today! Amazing pitstop! Awesome guys! Really!" I followed the cars in front back into the pit lane and watched Charles celebrating a little with his team before he made his way towards me.
"P10 to P5! Amazing race, cara mia." he helped me out and when I sat my helmet down he engulfed me in a big hug.
"Sorry that you lost your podium spot. You had more pace in the end, no?" I said but he only shrugged his shoulders.
"Yeah, but it was a good race! So it’s okay!" he smiled and I nodded following him back to Max and Co.
"Good race, Max, congrats!" I hugged him.
"Thanks Lizzie." he smiled and I nudged Perez a little before I walked inside, getting my weighing done.
"Alright. See you in a bit?" I said to Charles and he nodded, leaving towards the Ferrari garage, while I walked back to mine. Valtteri already waiting for me.
"What a race, kiddo!" he hugged me and I smiled.
"Same for you! P7! 10 positions! Damn!"
"Yeah, I can do good sometimes." he chuckled as we walked inside and I sat down for a moment, watching some race highlights.
"Looked a little heated between Charles and Carlos?" Valtteri asked and I nodded.
"I think they just both wanted that podium damn much." I chuckled as Julie waved me over to follow her out the back of the garage, where a little commotion had formed. I looked up and saw Sainz senior talking with a reporter in Spanish about his son’s amazing weekend and how he did one hell of a job during the race, showing how to tame the Red Bulls. I scoffed and he looked up. He then turned to the reporter again, continuing the praise for his son in English.
"Lizzie? Ready for the media pen?" Julie asked and I nodded, following her, just to hear Sainz senior saying what a shame it was that Charles almost ruined the whole weekend with his reckless driving at the end. Just because he was too greedy and couldn’t accept that his son was simply better this weekend. I wanted to turn around but Julie held my arm and kept walking.
"Ignore him. We all know that this is not what happened, okay? Just calm down!" she whispered and I sighed.
"He’s an asshole." I replied.
"Not gonna argue on this with you." Julie nodded towards the first reporter on the left and I stepped closer.
"You didn’t congratulate Carlos, because he beat Charles?" the first question and I already was done. The reporter from ESPN Spain looked at me, grinning.
"I congratulated the winner, as always. Since when do we have to congratulate the third place? But if you want to put it like that, I didn’t congratulate Carlos because when he had the chance to help Charles, he didn’t do it, he was looking for his own race as always, but then he later complained that Charles didn’t help him by holding up Checo… and then when it was clear that Charles had more pace, he didn’t let him pass, complaining again, not wanting them to let them battle it out, because he knew he wouldn’t win."
"That’s a strong opinion."
"Yep. But it’s my opinion. Period." Was everything I said true? I didn’t know. But I didn’t care. The reporter pissed me off beyond believe and I couldn’t care less.
"Carlos was better the whole weekend and then most of the race, so don’t you think he deserved the podium more?"
"What is this now? Are we talking about Sainz or my race? If you have questions for me about my race and my team, ask them, otherwise, we’re done." I was beyond pissed.
"You couldn’t quite catch up to the Ferraris there, Charles and most definitely Carlos were faster, but did you expect the gap to be this big?" he asked, a fake smile on his face.
"As anticipated, Ferrari was faster, yes. I knew fighting with either one of them would only cost me my tyres so I refrained from doing that, managed my tyres well…"
"You saw the battle between Carlos and Charles in front. Did you think at one point they maybe will take each other out? Opening the door for you?"
"No, they both know how to race, know when to hold back. I didn’t expect anything to happen that’s why I didn’t push."
"Was it right from Charles to attack Carlos like this?"
"We are racing drivers. We want to win. We want to fight for any position. And that’s what that was. They fought for the last spot on the podium. Everyone would’ve done that…" I said.
"Thanks Lizzie."
"Yup." I walked away rolling my eyes "Can I boycott the Spanish media?"
"Unfortunately not. We have another one from Spain, sorry." Julie said, patting my arm as we walked to the next interview.
I watched Charles the whole time, trying to focus on him, instead of the stupid questions. He looked happy. His eyes had this natural spark back, that was missing for some time now. Today was a good day. He had fun. We were about to walk out of the media pen when Charles turned and looked at me, saying something to the reporter and then leaving, coming straight to us.
"Pretty girl." he smiled and kissed me, right in front of everyone.
"What’s gotten into you." I whispered when he let go of me and he shrugged his shoulders.
"I had fun today. Sure, being on the podium would’ve been better. But yeah. It’s like this. And you did amazing!"
"When you’re happy, then I’m happy!" I smiled and he nodded.
"Tomorrow we deserve a little treat…"
"When you’re thinking what I’m thinking…" I smiled brightly.
"Rossella will be happy to see you!" Charles laughed.
"Not as happy as me."
As soon as we arrived in Charles flat in Maranello he had to leave, Ferrari business, leaving Joris and me at the flat.
"Did you see that?" Joris said after a long period of silence and I almost flinched. He showed me his iPad.
"What am I looking at?" I asked sitting up and taking the iPad "You’ve got to be kidding me? No? She did not? Joris look what else she liked?" I was fuming when I saw the Tweets Carlos mother liked. Mostly all targeting Charles. But also some slightly against our family. I threw the iPad on the bed and got up.
"Lizzie? Where are you going?" Joris asked as I was putting on my shoes.
"This family is the worst! They’re fucking toxic! Ugh! I hate them!" I said and walked out of Charles flat, Joris following me.
"I’m not arguing with you on that, but where are we going?" Joris asked again and I got into the car "Lizzie?"
"I’m having a word with Carlos!" I said and turned on the road towards the Ferrari faculties.
"No! NO! Lizzie that’s not a good idea!" Joris pleaded.
"No, Joris it’s enough! Insulting Charles? Nothing new, unfortunately, but now they’re coming for his family? This stops now!" I was fuming.
"Lizzie…" Joris tried again after a while but I shook my head.
"No. I’m sick of them. All of them." I said when I turned onto the driveway leading to the gate "Ciao Antonio! How’s the baby?" I charmed the guard and he smiled at me.
"Oh, he’s doing wonderful! Thanks for asking! What can I do for you, Lizzie?" he smiled at me.
"Charles forgot some of his stuff and he also has my purse!" I lied and Antonio was unsure for a second "I’ll just throw his stuff in his car and get my wallet out, I have a spare key."
"Alright, sure!" he said and opened the gate.
"Thank you! And say Rosa and little Frederico hi from me!" I smiled and drove off.
"Lizzie, please think for a second here!" Joris sighed as I parked next to Charles car.
"I am thinking! But I’ve kept quiet even when the Spanish press tried to provoke me yesterday, even after the things the old man said yesterday standing right behind my back! But it’s enough!" I looked at my phone, checking the last message Charles sent me "He said the last meeting should finish at 4, perfect timing then." It was 15:58.
I kept scrolling through my phone, seeing all the hate there was going on and a new wave of anger hit me when I saw the Tweet from Ferrari, celebrating "the best podium of the season". Charles had won a race with their shit box of a car. Yet the best podium was a P3. I saw Carlos senior and then Carlos cousin walking out, talking and laughing, looking at their phones. Carlos junior walked out behind them, together with his race engineer, who said his goodbye and walked into the building on the right. Mattia walked out with Charles, who looked worried. Charles shook his head and walked then to Xavi and Mia, standing on the left. I took a deep breath, as Mattia walked up to the 3 Carloses.
"Lizzie, please, please, please! Don’t do it! Not here!" Joris pleaded again.
"Here is perfect, no cameras, no public! In the paddock everyone will listen!" I got out of the car, slamming the door shut and walked straight ahead to Carlos. The 4 men looked at me confused but I just smiled.
"Gentlemen, can I borrow Carlos for a moment? Junior!" I said and Carlos nodded and followed me as I walked back.
"What’s up?" his voice was indifferent, his eyes cold.
"Look, you and I, we don’t get along. That’s fine by me. You do you and I do me. All good. But this is going too far, Carlos. I know how Charles is treated by the Spanish media, mostly fuelled by your family, no, I’m not done yet. Criticism against Charles, I can deal with. But your mother, don’t interrupt me. Your mother liking all this nasty tweets, saying he has no honour? He? Out of all people? And the Tweets insulting his family? This doesn’t look good on you! Think about what the Tifosi will think! I’m asking you kindly to tell your mother and your father to stop with this bullshit. This is nothing Ferrari needs now…" I tried to reason with him but he just scoffed.
"What? Now it’s not okay anymore to openly criticise? After you’ve been doing it since last year? Oh right, it’s because now it is against Charles. You use every chance you can get to bad mouth me, but now you come here, telling me to tell my parents what to do, because your boyfriend is being attacked? No, I don’t think so." he sneered and I inhaled deeply to calm myself down.
"Oh, Carlos, you really think you’re living in my head rent free, do you? I’m not using any chance I can get to bad mouth you. I only answer questions that I get asked about you, I never bring you up myself, I don’t have to constantly drag you through the mud. Unlike you. And I never, not once attacked your family or you as a person, only you as a driver. And my criticism was justified, every single time. You and your family on the other hand, you use every opportunity to talk Charles down, now our family. This is why I’m asking you kindly to stop. There is only so little I will tolerate otherwise I’ll speak up myself." I really tried my best to not snap, to be reasonable with Carlos.
"I’m not telling my parents what to do. And we’re done." he said and walked back to his father and cousin, Mattia left. As I looked to the side where Charles stood, I saw Mattia talking to him now as he looked at me, confused. He shook his head and made his way over to me, looking mad.
"What are you doing here Lizzie?" he spoke French. Never a good sign.
"I had to talk to Carlos." I answered.
"What? You can’t just come here? How did you even get in here?" he looked at the car "Joris?" the passenger door opened and Joris walked around the car slowly "Whatever you’re doing here, you gotta go! Mattia is fuming why a driver of a rival team is standing in the courtyard of our facilities! What were you thinking?"
"I had to talk to Carlos." I repeated and Charles groaned.
"Then send him a text! You two. Go. Now! Whatever it is you need to talk with him about, it surely isn’t that important for you getting a reprimand from the FIA!" I looked at him "Yes! Mattia told me, if you’re not leaving immediately he will file a complaint to the FIA. So please, please cara mia, go! Nothing they could’ve said or done is worth the trouble! I don’t care when they say shit about me."
"And what about your mum? Your entire family?" I snapped at the grin on the 3 Spaniards faces.
"What?" Charles looked flabbergasted.
"It’s not just about you anymore…" I began but I could hear Carlos’ cousin laughing, saying something like Il predestinato looks more like Il pathetico.
"What did you just say?" I asked him and ignored Charles pleading look "Say it again." I walked over to them, stopping right in front of him.
"I didn’t say anything to you, I was having a conversation with my family." he said with a fake smile "And if I were you, I would leave now, or do you want to be removed by the security?"
"No one is removing anyone by the security!" Charles said, appearing next to me on my left.
"I heard Mattia clearly saying that if she won’t leave on her own, he will make her." Sainz senior said then he turned back to his son and nephew and continued in Spanish "She should go back in the kitchen and cook her man a meal." they were laughing and I was seething, not wanting to show them that I understood every single word.
"We should state in the new contract that she’s banned from all Ferrari facilities on and off track!" Carlos cousin suggested and my eyes widened, new contract?
"Lizzie, let’s go!" Charles whispered and the three Spaniards laughed.
"He should learn to tame his bitch!" Sainz senior said and I snapped, I turned around and punched my fist as hard as I could into his face, pain erupting in my knuckles. I was shocked, breathing ragged. I turned to my left, apologetic look towards Charles, but he was held back by a struggling Joris. Charles didn’t speak Spanish? Of course puta… almost similar to pute in French.
"Don’t you dare call her a bitch!" Charles face was red "Joris, let go of me!"
"Charles, stop!" Mattia appeared and with him two security guards.
"He’s not calling my girlfriend a bitch!" Charles said to him but Mattia only shook his head.
"Enough! Lizzie, leave the premises now. You’re banned from our facilities from now on." he turned to Sainz senior who was held by Carlos’ cousin, bloody lip and nose, both shooting daggers at me with their eyes, Carlos jr. only stood there looking shocked.
I grabbed Charles hand and pulled him towards the car, pushed him onto the passenger seat, took his car keys out of his pocket and closed the door, the throbbing in my hand getting worse with every second.
"You’re taking the Pista." I threw the keys at Joris who looked at me with big eyes "Joris! You need the car tonight! So please, just drive it!" he nodded and walked off. I spared one last look at the 3 Sainz men and Mattia and got into the car, revved the engine and drove off.
The whole drive to Charles flat was silent. The only sound was Charles staggered breathing. I parked the car and waited, he didn’t say anything. So I got out and waited for him. Back in his flat he left straight into the bedroom and I flinched when the door slammed shut, followed by a loud bang. I stood like petrified in the hallway. After a minute Joris walked in.
"Where’s…" he began but I only nodded my head in the direction of the bedroom and walked into the living room sitting down on the sofa, arms on my knees, head in my hands.
"Are you okay, Lizzie?" Joris asked me and I looked up "You’re really pale? And… oh fuck! Shit! Lizzie!" he almost shouted it and I flinched, the bedroom door opening "Fuck! Charles! We need ice and clean water and…" he ran off into the kitchen and Charles was at the sofa in 3 long strides.
"Oh my god! Lizzie! Why didn’t you say anything?" he kneeled down, gently taking my right hand into his and I looked down. Pain erupting. My knuckles were bruised and bloody. Swollen. Almost unrecognisable.
"Cara mia? Hey? Look at me!" Charles looked at me and I took a deep breath "How much does it hurt?"
"I don’t know? A lot?" I whispered and he kissed my forehead.
"Here, let’s clean it up first. And then… I don’t even know if cooling will help. Charles we should get her to the hospital." Joris said as Charles gently washed the blood away and I flinched and hissed in pain.
"I’m sorry! Almost done, okay?" Charles continued and I felt tears stinging my eyes. He gently wrapped a towel around my hand and put the ice pack on top "We’ll get you to the hospital. No, Lizzie! We can’t risk anything!" he got up and helped me to stand "Come on!"
Charles POV:
"One broken, two sprained… the doctor said the break was in a position where it will heal fast. He said with the right bandage she should be able to drive. Yeah… umm. Yeah, straight in the face. I don’t know, I don’t speak Spanish, but he called her a bitch, that I understood. I don’t know, Pops. Alright, yeah, you too. Love you guys!" I hung up and saw how Lizzie stared down at her heavily bandaged hand "How’s the pain?"
"Manageable." she answered and I sat down next to her "I’m sorry." she whispered and I looked at her "I shouldn’t have come to the facility, shouldn’t talk to Carlos, shouldn’t listen to them. I made it only worse for you. I’m sorry." she sniffled a little and I pulled her in my lap, taking care to not touch her hand.
"You defended me, like a lioness. Don’t apologise for that?" I said and she looked at me with her teary eyes "As long as I have you by my side nothing they say could ever affect me! I should be the one apologising, I didn’t even realise how badly injured you were! I just ignored everything that happened, walked back in here and left you alone while you were in pain and hurt."
"Charles, you don’t have to apologise either… you were mad at me, rightfully so, and then you were a little shocked yourself." she answered and I shook my head.
"Still, the first thing after such an altercation should be checking on my girlfriend…" I mumbled and she kissed my cheek.
"It’s okay, really! But Charles… they- they were talking about a new contract for Carlos…" she whispered and I swallowed hard.
"I don’t concentrate on contracts at the moment, cara mia! That is not important!" I answered and kissed her temple "What else did he say? I know you, you wouldn’t snap when someone calls you a bitch?"
"I’m having more self-control than you then?" she said and I chuckled but I still wanted an answer "First he said I should go home to the kitchen and cook you a meal and then he said that you should learn how to tame your bitch." I looked at her in utter disgust, whole body tensed up.
"The next time I see him, I kick his ass! Fucking asshole!" I was fuming but she laid her healthy hand on my cheek and made me look at her.
"You’re not doing such thing, you show it on track! You’re showing them on track that he will never be as good as you!" I looked at her for a while and then kissed her.
"God, I love you so much, Lizzie!" I mumbled between kisses and couldn’t stop smiling.
"I love you too, my most honourable man!"
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I woke up and silenced my alarm immediately, looking over at Lizzie, her hand heavily bandaged propped up on a pillow, dark circles around her eyes, but still she looked like the most beautiful girl to me. I got up quietly and took a shower, dressed up. Ready to face the consequences. Ready to face Mattia and Co. after yesterday. I expected some reprimanding words, maybe even some threats. But I wouldn’t budge. Lizzie shouldn’t have been there, that was true. But everything that happened afterwards? What Sainz sr. said? It all was unacceptable. And I didn’t care what they had to say. I leaned down, kissing Lizzie’s forehead when she stirred a little, her eyes opening slowly.
"Hey…" she mumbled and I tucked a stray strand of hair out of her face "Your up early?"
"Not that early actually. But I gotta go. I need to talk to Mattia and the rest of the team." I whispered and her face scrunched up.
"I’m sorry… for causing so much trouble for you. Right at a time like this." she sounded sad, so I sat down at the edge of the bed.
"You fought for me, Lizzie. I’m not mad or anything! What you did yesterday… how you stood up for me? My- our family? I can’t tell you how much that means to me. I want you to take it easy today, okay? Sleep in. Have a nice breakfast, I prepared you something, lean back and do nothing, okay?" I kissed her hand carefully and she nodded "Alright, I gotta go now."
"Not without a kiss!" she whined and I leaned down, kissing her "Thank you."
"I love you." I whispered against her lips and she smiled.
"I love you more."
"Not possible, but okay." I laughed and got up "I see you later. And really take it easy today, okay?"
"I will! Go now! I want to sleep."
I walked out the bed room chuckling, grabbing my stuff and left.
The moment I entered the premises I knew something was going on. Something I didn’t like. I walked inside the office building, Silvia already waiting for me.
"We have a problem." she said and I sighed.
"Good morning to you too." I pressed out.
"Charles, this isn’t the time for jokes. What Lizzie did yesterday? That will damage our brand massively!" her voice was to shrill for this early at the the day.
"She punched a misogynistic asshole? What’s the big deal? He can be glad that it was Lizzie and not me." I said and Silvia clicked her tongue.
"Yeah well, I’m glad it wasn’t you because I have no idea how we could make this right in the media." she almost hissed and I looked at her.
"Media? Silvia no one knows about it." I rolled my eyes and she scoffed.
"Oh yeah? Well there were some school classes here yesterday… and someone filmed it all…" she began and I took my phone out. It was everywhere. To think no one would find out about it, because it happened in the Ferrari faculties where no one was allowed to film, was wrong. The video was without sound. It looked like Lizzie just had punched him for no reason. The internet going crazy.
"You see? We have to deal with your girlfriend’s wrongdoing!" Silvia said and my head snapped up.
"Wrongdoing? Are you serious? You as a woman should be furious about what he said! I can’t believe you!" I was furious.
"Allegedly said… do you speak Spanish? No. Mattia said they were speaking Spanish. Since when does Lizzie speak Spanish? There is no proof that Señor Sainz said what Lizzie accused him off!" she stated matter of factly and I lost it.
"I WAS THERE TOO. I heard what he said! And I don’t need to speak Spanish to understand the word puta!" I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
"Charles. Enough. We have to deal with this now. We have to wait if Sainz Senior will press charges."
"Press charges?" I repeated.
"Press charges."
I swallowed hard. Ridiculous.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.
"No, not whatever. Mattia is still considering to file a complaint about Lizzie being here in the first place." Silvia said and I took a deep breath.
"I’m only saying this once, Silvia. This ends here. Leave Lizzie alone. Otherwise I’m posting about what really happened. What Sainz said to Lizzie… and then we’ll see what this does to our brand. When you’re backing a misogynist ass." I walked off. Hands trembling.
I didn’t listen properly in any of the meetings. Didn’t look at Mattia, Silvia or Carlos. Didn’t talk to anyone.
"Charles?" Mia waved her hand in front of my face.
"Yeah? Sorry, I was a bist lost there…" I replied and she nodded.
"We’re done for today…" she smiled and I looked around Carlos talking to Mattia and Silvia, the rest of the team gone.
"Finally." I sighed and got up, left before anyone could stop me again. I just wanted to go home. Away from here. Not the first time in the last weeks.
I unlocked the door. The flat was quiet. Only a faint sniffle in the living room.
"Lizzie?" I asked, throwing my keys on the sideboard and walking inside.
She sat on the floor, her back to me, soft sobs making her shake.
"I’m fine…" she sniffled, not turning around.
"What happened?" I whispered and kneeled down next to her but she only shook her head. I gently grabbed her chin and lifted her head up, eyes red and swollen, tears streaming down her face "Lizzie? What happened?" I looked down at the shattered iPad and glass bottle, droplets of blood on it.
"I’m sorry, Charles! I swear I didn’t want this all to happen!" she whispered and I looked at her confused "It’s everywhere, they’re spinning lies about you now. Many want Ferrari to terminate your contract!"
I took the iPad and read through some articles and comments, although it wasn’t easy with how shattered the screen was.
"I don’t care what they write, okay?" I got up and gently scooped her up, careful to not let her touch the shards on the floor. I walked into the kitchen and sat her down on the island, looked at the cuts on her hand. It wasn’t deep, thank god, I soaked a couple of paper towels and grabbed the first aid kit from the cabinet and stood in front of her, gently wiping the blood away, looking for any shards in the cut. I pad dried it and looked for a band aid. Lizzie sniffled a little then she chuckled and I looked up looking at her questioningly.
"That reminds me of Christmas, 3 years ago…" she whispered and I smiled, the memories replaying in my head "I’m sorry, for being such a mess." I sticked the band aid on the cut and gently cradled her face between my hands.
"But you’re my mess, got it?" I kissed her forehead and she giggled a little "I love you, no matter what they’re writing and no matter what’s going to happen, okay?"
"I love you, too." she whispered and I hugged her close. Never letting her go.
"Ouch!" I huffed out and JK grimaced a little.
"I know it hurts, but if you want to drive in Singapore…" he said, pulling a little at the rubber band.
"I know… but it still hurts like a bitch…" I mumbled.
"I know Liz, but you’re doing great. Really great." JK encouraged me and I clenched my teeth, doing everything to power through with the exercise "Just another 30 seconds and we’re good…" he counted down and as soon as he reached zero he stopped pulling at the rubber band and I let go "Well done."
"You know what’s funny? I don’t even know if I’m allowed to drive…" I said bitterly and JK turned around, looking at me with big eyes "Apparently Mattia and the Sainz clan filed a complain at the FIA. For entering the premises of a rival team. For trespassing. Oh and of course assault…"
"Assault? Because you punched him? Did he pressed charges?" he asked.
"Silvia said to Charles that he’s thinking about it…" I shrugged my shoulders
"What a cunt…" JK let out under his breath and I scoffed a little "I know, I know, not a word for you posh British accent speaker…"
"Very funny!" I threw my hoodie at him when Charles walked in with Andrea, back from their run.
"We never have that much fun training…" Charles grumbled, kissing my cheek "Sorry, I’m sweaty."
"Break your hand and we’ll train it for a bit. Until then, stop whining." Andrea said matter of factly, gently taking my injured hand in his, looking at the fingers "Looks way better…"
"It is. I say I can drive easily next week…" I smiled and he nodded "I mean if I’m allowed to, of course."
"Oh cara mia, stop it. It’s going to be just fine, okay?" Charles sat down next to me and I nodded a little "I told them that if they don’t stop this bullshit, I will release a statement, saying exactly what he said to you… and then they can deal with a new shitstorm."
"You should’ve hit him harder, for what he said, honestly…" JK stated.
"You should’ve kicked his balls." Andrea said and I almost choked on my water.
"Andrea!" I coughed and we laughed.
"He’s right. You really should’ve kicked his balls. Or punch his throat!" JK wiggled his eyebrows.
"Stop it, will ya? Damn!" I laughed.
"Okay, okay!" he held up his hands and chuckled "We’re done for today. I see you guys tomorrow at the airport." he grabbed his bag and left.
"I’m leaving as well. I’m not done packing!" Andrea kissed my cheek and followed JK.
"And then there were only two." Charles said and I sat back down on the sofa "How’s your hand?"
"It’s better. JK did an amazing job! I think driving shouldn’t be a problem." I yawned a little.
"And how’s your back? Don’t look at me like that!"
"It’s fine! I just have to train a little harder! But it’s all good. I’m good. I just want to leave. Stop hiding away. Go to Singapore and race. Maybe crush Sainz on track, but yeah…" I looked at my bandaged hand and Charles carefully took it in his.
"You’ll do great in Singapore. I know it."
"You’ll do better. I know it."
The moment we touched ground in Singapore I wanted to leave immediately. Go back home. Hiding. Fans and journalists were bombarding me with question after question about what happened in Maranello. The interview at one of the biggest radio stations in Singapore had to be stopped because the only question I was asked was why I was at the Ferrari factory and why I just hit Sainz senior. He was a motorsport legend. I should have respect. I returned to the hotel room, falling face first into the pillows. Charles next to me, gently turning me a little.
"Hey." I hummed.
"Hi pretty girl." he whispered "You’re really pale…"
"I’m still having this stupid stomach bug, or have it again? I don’t know… this whole drama is really messing with my appetite…" I sighed, closing my eyes "And I’m getting a headache… I hate this all. I just want to say what really happened. But who would believe me? Who would believe you?"
"Hey, come here." Charles gently pulled me up "I don’t care what is said out there, okay? We know what happened. We don’t care what the rest of the world thinks what happened, okay?"
"Okay…" I whispered.
"What about a nice, hot bath. Something to eat, maybe some mashed potatoes? Rice? Soup. Something light for your stomach? And then we’ll go to bed. We ignore the outside world."
"I really want to ignore the outside world… I’m just afraid they won’t let us ignore it…"
"Well, we don’t give a fuck then!" Charles got up and disappeared into the bathroom, where I heard him starting the bath "Come on now, cara mia. Let’s start ignoring the outside world."
"Ignoring the outside world my ass…" I mumbled after walking away from the second journalist, asking only questions about what happened in Maranello.
"What does that mean?" Julie asked but I shook my head.
"Please tell me I don’t have to go to any Spanish outlet." I pleaded but she looked at me apologetically "Great. Just great."
It was the same reporter like in Monza. I just knew that this wouldn’t end great.
"Lizzie. Lots of drama surrounding you lately." he began and I laughed "Can you maybe tell us why you punched Carlos Sainz senior? It looked like you were having a conversation and then straight up punched him for no reason."
"I don’t run around and punch people for no reason."
"So what made you do it then?"
"He said some not so nice things. And I don’t have to accept everything that’s coming out of his mouth. Although I know that violence never is the answer. I just short circuited and reacted. Which doesn’t make it right, I know, but it happened."
"But what made you short circuit?" he didn’t let go "We all know that you’re rather impulsive. And we also know that you attract drama like no other driver on the grid, just looking at the last months. The rumours about your nephew. Your short temper. An alleged stalker who allegedly tried to kill you. The list goes on…"
I looked at him. Alleged stalker? Allegedly tried to kill me?
"Fuck this shit. I’m done." I left. Didn’t look at Julie. Didn’t look at anyone.
"Lizzie?" Pierre shouted after me but I just kept on walking, leaving the paddock and this whole bullshit behind me.
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Chapter 39 - drama, baby, drama! What can I say 🤷🏻‍♀️ Singapore is next… and as we all know what happened in real life… prepare yourself for what’s happening here…
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Last but not least, English is not my first language and although I tried my best: please excuse any mistakes I made!
@silkenthusiasts @eugene-emt-roe @sunny44 @itsjustkhaos @glitterquadricorn @aundercover @kakorrhaphiphobia @alittlebitofbooksandmagic @ru-kru @shimmermotorsport @janeholt3 @kahhorri @18754389 @chiliwhore @hellowgoodbye @queensassybitchsworld @harrysdimple05 @skynel09
All the images I’m using are from Google, Pinterest and Instagram (or self made).Twat
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bearseulgs · 3 months
I Won't Love You (or will I?) listen to: I Never Planned On You - Newsies masc!prince!reader x prince!sunoo genre: enemies to lovers, fluff, royalty, arranged marriage wc: 608 warnings: male reader (fem version here)
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Oh God, not again, you thought, spotting him of all people across the dance floor. Sunoo had the same sour expression on his face, but made his way over to you anyways. "A dance, prince Y/N?" he asked, a mocking lilt in his voice.
You should probably explain how you got into this situation. Your parents decided to host a ball at the Kims' castle as both families had an announcement to make. What that announcement is, well, they decided to tell everyone in the staff but not their kids.
"Do you know what this is even for?" Well at least you aren't the only one who's confused.
"No, nor do I care to tell you when i find out."
Sunoo let out a sigh of exasperation, rolling his eyes at you. "Come on, prince, I don't want anything to do with you either, but work with me here."
Ouch. That one kind of hurt. You know you tended to put on a front, but you still wanted Sunoo to care for you like you cared for him. Though that seemed a tad irrational, you supposed, seeing as you never let it on that you didn't actually completely despise him.
"Now about that dance, prince. What do you say?"
Building up your front again, you looked away. He was about to leave when you stuck your hand out. "I suppose… one dance won't hurt, hm?" You couldn't hide your smirk when you saw his eyes light up.
One dance turned into four, then nine, then you lost track as you danced the night away with Sunoo. But no, you didn't actually like him, not that anyone knew anyways. You could both agree on your disdain for each other, but no one would have guessed that you were anything but in love as you danced. And somehow, you didn't hate that idea.
Before long, trumpets sounded, and everyone turned their attention to the front of the ballroom to listen to the royal families' announcement.
King L/N started, "Now, we've been meaning to become closer with our neighboring kingdom, and we also acknowledge that prince Y/N is coming of age and should marry soon."
Oh no, please don't father. You really hoped this wasn't going where you thought it was. Or at least, you kind of hoped.
"Prince Sunoo is also nearing the time when he needs to take over reign, and we thought that the perfect idea would be to join our kingdoms together. We would like to announce the marriage of the Kim and L/N families through prince Sunoo and prince Y/N," King Kim finished.
The whole room erupted in cheers, but your attention was only on Sunoo, who looked over at you with a nervous yet excited expression.
Making your way back over to the prince's side, you look at the floor, shuffling your heels a bit. "Well, it looks like this won't be our last dance."
"Yeah, I was hoping it wouldn't be." You looked up in shock. It seems that he hadn't meant to say that out loud, but you were glad he did.
Since it seemed he didn't want to say anything else, you took a chance, and said, "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm not that upset about the marriage." Your gaze stayed on his face, gauging his reaction.
A blush painted Sunoo's features as he looked back at you. "You know what, I'm not either." And with that he looked at your lips and leaned in.
Maybe, just maybe, you loved prince Sunoo, and with the way he was kissing you, maybe he loved you too.
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a/n: first masc gendered fic: done!
©️bearseulgs 2024
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tom-whore-dleston · 2 years
A Royal Longing
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Pairing ▹ princess! Layla El Faouly x princess! f. reader
Genre ▹ angst with some fluff
This fic contains ▹ fairytale (Snow White) AU, forbidden love, wlw, heartbreak, dark magic, death by poison, revival
Word Count ▹ 2,746
Summary ▹ I wish that it could be like that | Why can't we be like that? | Cause I'm yours
Notes ▹ Here is my very late submission for @the-slumberparty's I Spy (week 1) challenge. After a whole month of overthinking this piece, I finally just allowed myself to write it without being hard on myself. This is unbeta'ed so I take full responsibility if it's meh. Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed!
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You watched from the top of the grand staircase as Princess Layla waltzed across the dance floor with your older brother, Prince Marc. A tear fell from your eye as they closed the space between them, lips sealing together like the promise to marry one another. 
Your kingdom was threatened by a magical but evil force. Driven by fear, the king and queen of the neighboring land formed an alliance with your parents against the evil force they call Agatha Harkness. Part of that alliance was arranging a marriage between their only child with your brother, Marc.  
The day you met Princess Layla was the day your life began. Your parents threw a ball in honor of Marc’s birthday, which turned out to be an excuse to discuss diplomacy with Layla’s parents. You were never one for dancing until the curly haired princess pulled you onto the dance floor and spun you around in circles. Dancing with her felt like floating on a cloud, and you were basking in the sunshine of her laughter. 
The two of you eventually stepped out for fresh air, strolling side by side to the garden. You shared your life stories, your hopes and dreams, and everything in between. She even taught you more dance steps, claiming that dancing would impress a suitor when the time comes. However, this hypothetical suitor meant nothing to you as she caressed your frame, guiding you with each step in the middle of the garden. This moment under the moonlight stirred emotions you couldn’t explain to a single soul for numerous reasons. That night, before you succumbed to slumber, you thanked the stars and heavens that they held your secret with care.
After the ball, Layla visited the castle often, sharing her time between Marc and you. Your brother made many attempts to win her affection, however, he was not all that successful. Understanding how close you were to Layla, Marc sought advice from you on how to woo her. Even after explaining in full detail everything to know about the princess, he was oblivious to your affections towards her. 
You were close to Marc. In fact, you looked up to him. While you were growing up, Marc was obviously the preferred child. He was a boy; a boy who already carried the kingdom in the palm of his hand at birth. Because the king and queen neglected you in favor of Marc, he was the one that always looked out for you. He taught you everything you needed to know. It was only fair you returned the favor, even if it meant hiding your true feelings for Layla and helping your brother win her hand in marriage.
The day finally came when Marc and Layla announced their engagement to one another. You congratulated them with open arms, but your heart shattered to a million pieces as they embraced you back. Later that evening after supper, you sat in your chamber painting Layla wearing the diamond necklace gifted by Marc. Her image was ingrained in your memory that you didn’t need her posing in front of you to create the masterpiece on your canvas. You were so entranced by your painting, you were unaware of Layla’s presence in your room.
“It’s beautiful,” she said, grasping your attention.
You stuttered, “Oh, I-I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you come in.”
“No, my apologies. I should have announced my presence.” Layla paused for a moment before tucking a chunk of her curls behind her hair. “I’ll come back-”
“Wait, please stay!” You interjected. She took a seat beside you, studying the portrait of herself. 
“I love how you painted my eyes.” The princess smiled like a flickering light in the darkness. “They look so full of joy. As if the innocence never died in them.” Although her voice faded, her smile never did. You turned to her, gazing into the brown orbs she spoke of.
“Something Marc taught me is that the world that I see through my own eyes is what I perceive as reality. As an artist, my goal is to be able to paint my reality, and show people the world I see.” You chuckled before continuing. “My paintings used to be so gloomy and dull. That was until I met you. I have had the absolute privilege of seeing the beauty and joy in you and putting my reality of you into color.”
You didn’t realize you had started crying until Layla wiped away your tears with her gloved hand. She stroked your cheek, holding it tenderly.
“I don’t want to marry Marc.”
Your eyes widened and your heart skipped a beat. “W-why? But my brother is-”
“Your brother is kind, handsome, and noble,” Layla sighed, “but he doesn’t see me. In fact, nobody sees me the way you do.” 
You were in disbelief. Was this a dream? Or a nightmare? Why couldn’t you wake up from it? You kept stumbling over your words until Layla cut in again.
“I don’t love Marc. I love you, Princess!” Her words slipped from her quivering mouth, but you couldn’t stop them from bursting into shards on the floor.
“I-” You shook your head. “Layla, Marc loves you. He’s counting on you to protect our kingdom. Our parents are counting on you. Even the people.” You began to pace the room with the princess following behind you.
“I don’t care about them. I mean, yes, I do. But none of them matter to me the way you do.” Layla tugged on your arm, forcing you to face her with hot tears bleeding into your makeup. “You mean to tell me that after that painting of me, you don’t love me, too?”
“Of course I do.” 
“Then, why won’t you say yes to me?”
“You know exactly why!” You shouted louder than you wanted. Layla jumped in fear, sniffling as the tears stained her cheeks. As if an arrow pierced through your heart, you collapsed to your knees, muffling your sobs with your hand. Your body trembled as the gleeful illusion you became familiar with disappeared amongst your bleak reality. Layla stooped down to your level, unclasping the diamond necklace to put around your neck. She tilted your chin up so you could lock eyes with her one more time.
“If you can’t fully embrace my love, then I hope you can accept this token of it. You don’t have to keep putting your brother before yourself. You, too, deserve the kind of love Marc receives.” With that, she walked out of your room, leaving you with a crack in your heart that no painting or necklace can mend for you. 
A week went by since you turned Layla away. You were bedridden with no interest in any form of outside interaction. Not even Marc bribing you with a horseback riding session could lure you out of your room. He was secretly hurting, not knowing what was eating his younger sister. But no one felt the pain that Layla was experiencing every time she’d pass by your chambers, fighting the urge to knock on the door and wait for your voice on the other side.
Your parents, along with Layla’s, hosted another ball for Marc and Layla’s engagement. As much as you wanted to hide away in your chambers and paint until your hands cramped, you couldn’t miss this tremendous celebration for your brother. You changed into a pastel dress, complimented by the diamond necklace from the woman you yearned for. Once you arrived to the ball, your gaze landed on the couple to be, wrapped around one another, preparing for the waltz.
And so, you were left to watch them dance their way towards their marriage. Tears glossed over the gut-wrenching reality that was displayed for you. You could no longer stand to let your happiness slip from you so you quickly escaped to your chamber.
Suddenly, a cloaked figure with dark tinted hands stopped you in your tracks. You gasped, almost stumbling to the floor.
“Oh, my dear child, what seems to trouble you?” The figure croaked that sounded like an out of tune violin. 
“I’m sorry, you just startled me.” You tried to pass her but she stood in your way. 
“Never mind that. Now, tell me, what seems to trouble you?” You glanced over at Layla, who was still in the arms of your brother. The person under the cloak followed your gaze, nodding in understandment.
“A forbidden love. I should have known by the way you looked at her.” Even though their face was hidden by their hood, you could still sense their grin. “Lucky for you, I can help with that.”
Before you could question them, a dark violet cloud swallowed you whole, blocking your vision of the outside world. The purple substance diffused and you found yourself in your chambers. The door slammed shut on its own, causing your heart to race and your breathing to increase. The tinted hands pulled down the hood to reveal the witch, Agatha Harkness. You gasped again, this time, your fear at an all time high.
“I-it’s y-you!” You stammered. “You’re the witch! I’ve heard stories about you and how you want to destroy us.”
Agatha cackled, doubling back with her hand on her chest. Her laugh was even more frightening than you had imagined. 
“Wow!” Agatha sarcastically exclaimed. “That’s the narrative your mommy and daddy are shoving down your throat. You royals always have a way of twisting my words!” She paced the room, speculating every crevice of the room as if she was an architect ready to rebuild your room with her magic. “I don’t want to destroy the kingdom.” Her piercing eyes glared at the painting of Layla, angry purple flames scorching through her hands. “I want to destroy that wretched little brat! Princess Layla El Faouly.” She aimed one of her hands at the portrait, and shot a purple flame at it, causing it to disintegrate. You rushed towards the pile of ash on the floor, your heart sinking as rage and sadness filled the beating muscle inside you.
“How dare you-” You were silenced as Agatha waved a finger in the air, zipping your lips tightly together. The witch smiled in satisfaction. 
“As I was saying. Once upon a time, I was the fairest of the land. Everyone, even the mighty king himself, thought I was the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. That was until the queen came along and they gave birth to your beloved princess.” Agatha found the mirror that stood tall against the wall. She walked towards it, staring at her reflection with melancholy.
“Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” Her reflection swirled like a storm until the image of Layla dancing with Marc appeared before her. Another flame hit the mirror, causing it to crack in the middle. You tried to scream for help but Agatha’s spell prevented you from opening your mouth. 
“I’m sure you are wondering how you fall into this, my dear.” Agatha paused before conjuring a crisp, red apple out of thin air. “This is no ordinary apple. It contains magic!” She whispered the last sentence as if it were its own spell. “With just one bite, all your dreams can come true, my dear.” All of a sudden, you twisted your eyebrows in interest with your head tilted. “You and your princess can live the happily ever after you both want. No need to worry about your brother, Marc, or your parents, or the kingdom. Heck, you don’t even have to worry about me bothering you two. Just you and Layla. And that’s it.”
Agatha handed you the apple. You studied the fruit with your fingers, making sure it was real and not a trick. The longer you held it in your hand, the more you believed that it was real. And the more you wanted to take a bite of the apple. 
“What do you say, my dear?” the witch inquired. You looked at her, pointing to her mouth. Agatha chuckled, forgetting that she sealed your lips shut, and withdrew her spell on you. 
“I really can have whatever I want?”
“Yes. The future is in the palm of your hands, my dear.” The dark haired woman stared back at you impatiently. You nodded, cupping the ripe fruit in your hands. The apple was so bright you could see your reflection in it. And so, you brought it to your mouth, taking a generous bite out of it. 
As you swallowed, your body instantly grew weak. The room turned into a fuzzy picture and the sound of Agatha’s evil laughter faded in your ears. You tumbled to the floor, your whole body turning numb and your eyes closed heavily. The bitten apple rolled out of your hand and the red turned to the darkest shade of black. As you succumbed to your tragic fate, images of you and Layla dancing in the garden to an unfamiliar, but soothing song played in your head. Then, everything went black.
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A sense of loneliness overcame Layla at the end of the night. Marc broke off the engagement with her upon learning her obvious feelings for you. He was surprisingly calm about the whole thing. What mattered to him was that she was truthful to him and loyal to you. Plus, it was about time you had found someone worth living for.
Layla passed by your chamber, noticing the door slightly open. She called out for your name but heard no response. After calling out for you a few more times, Layla pushed the door open to find you lying on the ground unconscious. A distressed scream echoed through the hallway, alarming Marc and your parents.
“Please! I need help now!” She cried loudly, rushing to your side. Layla held your limp body in her arms, sobbing violently as she rocked you in hopes to wake you up. Marc comforted Layla while your parents immediately ran to find a doctor for you. He, then, found the rotten apple off to the side, inspecting it before shouting angrily.
“That witch, Agatha, got to her! She poisoned my beloved sister.” Marc began crying in rage, realizing there was nothing he could do to save you. This was no use to Layla either as she continued to cry against your cold body. She looked down at your lifeless face, caressing it like the first time she held you.
“My love, I am sorry I could not save you.” Her voice shook with melancholy as more tears streamed down her face. Layla ran her thumb over your cheek before hovering her lips over yours. She took a deep breath before pressing her soft lips against your chapped ones. They lingered there while she cried over your mouth. 
Layla pulls away in defeat. As she held you longingly, heat radiated your face, and slowly, to the rest of your body. Once Layla noticed this slight temperature change in you, she peered down at you in utter confusion. An abrupt gasp for air filled your lungs, causing you to aggressively cough out the bitten piece of apple from the back of your throat. Your upper body shot up and your eyes flew open.
Once your breathing became steady again, you frantically searched the room for the witch that poisoned you. You were babbling nonsense until the feeling of Layla’s soft touch against your hand brought you back to your senses.
“We know, kiddo, we know,” Marc responded calmly, leaning down next to you. He leaned his head against your shoulder, relieved that you were alive and well. Meanwhile, Layla beamed with joy and shock.
“We can worry about Agatha later,” Layla started. “We are just happy you are okay.” You raised an eyebrow, glancing at Marc and then back at Layla. As if reading your mind about them, Marc nodded in reassurance that your thoughts were correct.
You looked back at Layla. “I just wanted to be with you.” Your voice descended along with your head. “I still want you.”
The princess lifted your head with a sweet smile on her beautiful face. “We can be together, my love. Just say yes, and I am all yours.” Your smile matched hers and warm tears filled your eyes. 
“Yes, Layla, I do!” Like a pair of magnets, you and Layla kissed as if it would be the last time your lips would ever meet again.
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Chapter 4 of untitled arranged marriage oot child timeline Zelink story. Forgot to add in this blurb that it has eye patch Link for those who like that. This chapter also does have something to do with the prompt by sheer coincidence.
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The next day, the two were called into her father’s solar to discuss plans for the future. Zelda, feeling as though the night before had been some strange dream, was surprised when she ran into Link in the hallway. Both were so lost in their thoughts they didn’t realize the other was there until their hands reached for the door handle at the same time.
Zelda felt her cheeks go ruddy and averted her eyes. Right, none of it was a dream. Link took the initiative and opened the large double doors, revealing her father sitting at his desk, as pleased as the cat who got the cream. 
“Ah, come in, come in, there is much to talk about,” her father started, waving them over to sit at the two chairs in front of his desk. “The first being, you were both very good at acting surprised when I announced it, I think the people enjoyed that very much.”
…Her father thought they were acting? Well, it wasn’t like it was a complete surprise for her hand to be offered, but she was legitimately surprised when Link accepted! She dared to sneak a glance at her new fiance. The eye covered in an eyepatch was on her side, and she couldn’t guess what his stoic expression meant. He had been surprised, he’d said as much before, right?
“In general, I’ve heard many people express excitement over such a wedding. It has been some years since your mother and my’s wedding after all. With the peace we’ve had since dealing with that whole Ganondorf business all that time ago…” Her father trailed off, and Zelda once more couldn’t figure out how to tell him the ones who’d attacked Link had gotten away, and were perhaps still at large. Many were still unhappy with how ‘leniently’ the Gerudo were dealt with, and if they knew a hopefully rogue faction had attacked their prince-to-be… well… it wouldn’t be good. 
But there was also a good chance they were dead. Or lost in the woods, which was as good as dead.
Link said nothing, so Zelda kept her own mouth shut. 
“So, I was thinking we could have the ceremony coincide with the summer solstice. I believe a priest said it would be an auspicious time.”
Summer was only a few months away.
“And it would give us enough time to prepare without pushing anyone too hard. I hope that’s not too long a time to wait…”
He glanced at the two of them meaningfully, and Zelda finally found her tongue. “No, we wouldn’t want anything to be rushed. If anything, should anyone need more time that would be–”
“Nonsense, I already put out feelers for these things before I arranged everything. If all goes to plan you two will be married on the summer solstice.”
Zelda smiled, a small and nervous smile. She didn’t futility check Link’s expression again. 
Her father looked expectantly between the two of them, and Zelda knew she had to say something. Unfortunately, all that came to her were too formal platitudes that her own father had taught her! She was happy, she really was, she just… didn’t want to leave her heart too vulnerable. Being too eager was never the wise spot to be… though she supposed love was different than battle. 
Besides, she was terrified! Her feelings had always been so strong to him, to acknowledge them was almost overwhelming. 
“Oh, no need to be shy, I know you’ve both held these feelings for some time. While my marriage was arranged, and it worked well enough, I’m glad that my daughter can have a love match.”
Love match? 
Well, it was at least half a love match, but what exactly was her father expecting them to do? Especially in front of him? What were fiances who held a secret love for each other supposed to do? 
Zelda knew what she’d read in stories, but courtly romances didn’t seem like a realistic spot to start. 
“Forgive us, Your Grace,” Link finally said, “I think this is all just very new.”
“Oh of course,” her father said with a laugh. “You’re both such good kids, I know it must’ve been hard to stay so proper all the time, but I mean it when I say you can let loose a little. Not too much mind you, but it does set the peoples minds’ at ease to know their future rulers are happy with each other.”
And on that note, they started discussing important details like the color scheme of the future wedding.
They left her father’s solar after a light meal and a heavy hinting about future grandchildren names. Zelda had never been so mortified, so it was to her surprise that Link pulled her aside once the meeting was over.
“I’m sorry he’s so,” she searched for the word, “like that.”
“No, it’s no problem,” Link replied easily. “Though what has given him the impression that we have been carrying on in secret?”
At that, Zelda shut her mouth and avoided his eye. What indeed? As subtle as she believed herself to be, even her father must’ve noticed how she pined and sighed when the Hero was away. He must’ve seen how she lit up whenever Link was in the room. And knowing how confident she was in every other aspect of her life, assumed her feelings must be reciprocated, but unable to be truly consummated because of Link’s humble origins. A simple man couldn’t ask a princess to marry him.
But to say all of that would be the same as confessing. And even affianced, Zelda couldn’t do it. 
“And what has you turning away, hmm?”
She knew her face was red when he leaned in in such a teasing way. He must not like her to be so able to tease. He must view her like a good friend. How to answer so he wouldn’t know how pathetic she was? But it had to be something embarrassing, as to cause her current state…
Ah! She had it!
“You may not recall, but there may have been a time after Princess Ruto arrived that I… loudly declared you would never marry her because you had promised yourself to me… and my father overheard.”
“All the way since then…” he said, almost amused. “Did I really say something like that? I don’t recall.”
“I… may have been stretching the truth about knight’s oaths.”
“Ah, that makes more sense. I do remember doing that around that time. Princess Ruto really bothered you that much?”
His teasing roused her temper. “She was just so possessive of you. I had been your friend longer and yet she made it seem as though you were in love with her. I knew you weren’t.”
At the time she had hoped that was the case. She glanced up to see if she was close to the truth.
Link’s sole eye squinted with a fondness, and he said, “I suppose I can keep relying on you to stop women from getting too familiar.”
“That will be your job too!” she burst. 
He laughed at her anger, and it only stoked the fire. 
The lack of denial, or real addressing of his feelings did nothing to quiet the uncertainty within her. Would he cheat on her? No, even if he wasn’t in love with her, he respected her enough to remain loyal. 
“Some kings are allowed to take mistresses,” she said, “but Hyrule does not. It would bring great shame to the royal family.”
Link sobered slightly. “When I give my word, it means something,” he said.
Zelda regretted douring the mood, and added, “This does mean you can interfere in my social affairs with other men as much as you want, which I’m sure you’ll have great fun with.”
He did perk up at that. “I hadn’t thought of that. Perhaps that’s also why your father thought we were…” he trailed off, unsure.
Link’s protectiveness hadn’t been restricted to danger, he’d at one time gotten in a fist fight with a son of a nobleman over what she could only gather had been an inappropriate compliment to her. She later found out through snooping that it wasn’t an isolated incident. Her fourteen year old heart had been aflame with certainty of reciprocity until she’d confronted Link about it. 
He’d responded that she was the Princess. She ought to be respected. 
After a long silence, he started again.
“...Your father, and everyone else, they all think we’re in love. I think… that is, if it’s not too forward…” She watched him with wide eyes. Link finally spat it out. “I don’t see a reason to correct them.”
Zelda blinked. Of course, they hadn’t corrected her father, and what use would it be anyways? “I agree, if anything, it's easier if they think we’re a love match. No one will question our motives, and it leaves less blame on not pursuing a more political match.”
He nodded. “I was thinking the same thing. And if we’re to seem like a love match, I was thinking we ought to…”
Her face burned at all the thoughts of what a love match would do. 
“Shouldn’t we seem more at ease with each other?” he asked.
She nodded. Right, they should seem more at ease with each other. He held out his hand and without thinking she took it. It wasn’t too much, holding hands. They used to do so as children, not for affection, but to drag one another into trouble. And even now as adults they would touch each other there on walks and such, as was appropriate. Hardly ever in time alone though. 
When she glanced up to see his expression, she was surprised to catch the moment of… something under his eye. Just a glimpse of some of that sadness before the mask came to cover it once more. 
“I feel at ease with you like this,” she murmured, “shouldn’t we ought to…”
She trailed off, feeling almost dirty to think to suggest they… 
To suggest they kiss. 
But they were engaged, it… it wouldn’t be wrong to do such a thing, would it? Maybe he would fall in love with her properly if they kissed! 
That was a fanciful notion. She glanced at his lips and a frightful thought came to her. 
What if she was bad at kissing and didn’t know? What if he had kissed others and��� And she wouldn’t compare. What if he resolved himself to her because he didn’t know how to say no?
Her rational mind mitigated her fears, as she recalled that she’d never heard of someone being bad at kissing. 
While she was preoccupied with kissing, Link apparently had been thinking much more above board thoughts, and after some strategizing, placed a hand on her waist in a familiar way. The touch brought her back to reality and she was sure her face was an even deeper red. Tentatively, she reciprocated, putting her own hand at his waist. 
Their bodies weren’t flush together, but they were still closer than usual, and she could feel the faint heat of his form. Especially where his hand touched her waist. 
He leaned close to her ear and whispered, “Is this too much?” his breaths caressing her ear. She held back a shudder and shook her head, not trusting her voice to come out in any dignified fashion. 
As exciting as it was, being in his arms also came with a sense of rightness, as if that was where she belonged.
The training ended shortly after.
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luciadiosa · 1 year
A better Peacock
Part 16: Dethroned
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Silence. Oppressive silence in the garden full of beautiful flowers. You are wearing a pastel colored dress now. rose and pink. Appropriate to your status. He's standing there. hands behind the back. The gaze directed to the ground.
 "Say something." you break the silence but it was he who quoted you here. 
"I do not understand it." he begins. "Why did not you say anything?" The crown prince is looking at you. "
I wanted it. But...it was too late by then." you react quietly
 "When I kicked you out. Why not sooner?" 
you nod "Because you're right, there would be no future." You sigh and turn to the side. "My father let me de-throne. I've always been wilder. My lifestyle didn't suit the officials. They demanded my dismissal." You pause to let the words sink. "I left before the announcement."
Your eyes lock in the other ones till you look down.You clear your throat and turn away. "Then why did your aunt propose you as a candidate?" he now asked.
"Because she didn't know. She only found out from me later and then left me alone." Silence again. 
"That's what Eunuch Oh wanted to tell me. The dishonesty..."
"Was that I lied about my status." she interrupts him. "About my origins."  
Now you turn back to him. With tears in the eyes. "But you're right. It would be a shame to have a deposed princess by your side. I never wanted to be queen. Or princess. That was always preordained for my brother and too much of a burden for me. Fearing I wouldn't be enough anyway. In the meantime I could have had life if I had conformed." You laugh and then shrug a shoulder. It didn't matter. Nothing changed about the situation.
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"It was my mistake that I developed feelings for you and also wanted to pursue them." Your eyes searched the ground.
"You're right, I dressed up to please you back then. I'm sorry that I took your feelings this far. I wanted to resist. But I didn't know how far longing, love, can take you ."
 The whole time the crown prince hadn't said anything. He let you talk and listened and never took his eyes off you. Ashamed that he sees you with tears on your face and so helpless, you turn away. After all the truth and without a wall, you feel naked and defeated. If only you had fallen in love with him. 
Go Won starts moving. Coming behind you, he stops and raises a hand. He wonders if he should put this on your shoulder. Or anywhere. His other hand clenched into a fist. But then he decides to do something else.
He spreads his arms and wraps them around you. Like a soft silk blanket, he wraps you in an embrace. His heart was pounding madly before he did it, but he has no regrets. Surprised when you feel his arms, you look at the hands in front of you.
They held you tight and you feel his head drop onto your shoulder. Without a word, you stay like that for seconds. Then, still confused, you turn to him without breaking the hug. He wouldn't have allowed that either. 
"Your Royal Highness..?"
 "Just...Go Won...."
Your eyes meet before he leans forward and puts his lips on yours. He has the velvetiest lips you know and they tasted like more. Go Won pulls you even closer, so you don't have a chance to escape from his strong arms. You give in and let yourself fall into the moment. You close your eyes and return the kiss, which is like salvation from a nightmare. Sweet and full of devotion. 
Before the kisses got too intense, he broke away from you and laid his forehead on yours. Followed by his hand which he puts on your cheek. "Thanks..." You look at him questioningly. "For what?" "For loving me for myself. A crow trying to be a peacock." he explains to you and you smile. 
"Why don't you send me away like last time?" Finally he pulls away from you and takes your hand to walk a few steps with you. "I can't tell you that yet. But...there's a lot going on and I don't know where exactly it's leading.It must be good to have you by my side. No matter how."
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hanayori89 · 1 year
Shot Through the Heart
Link POV
Link stood in front of a heterogeneous sea of faces. He saw Zoras, Gorons, Gerudos and Kokiris. Hylians of all shapes, sizes and colors had come to stake a claim for his heart.
There was one person who wasn't there to compete for his heart. The one person who promised him they would do anything for him. Y/N. Link felt his bottom lip do a controlled quiver as he continued to remain stoic in the face of disappointment. He knew the devastation that he felt in his heart was threatening to appear on his face. Goddesses, did she not want him? Did she not... love him? Oh Hylia, how the unknown tormented him. The whole journey of traversing through time and saving Hyrule was less painful than the idea of the rejection Link would feel, should she not show.
Y/N's feelings always left him more bewildered than when he had to track the poe sisters down in the Temple of Forest.
Her rejection incinerated more than a burn from the Temple of Fire.
The heaviness of their unspoken feelings suffocated him more than being trapped in his iron boots in the Temple of Water.
The times she remained absent from his side had shrouded him in a depression greater than the Temple of Shadow.
His feelings strong since the stem of childhood, fortifying as he entered adulthood, like combat in the Temple of Spirit.
But the feeling that was most paramount, was the pain. Should she not show her face, he would almost prefer Ganondorf hurl an electric blast at him. All the times he thought he swore he would perish, who would have thought Y/N's rejection would be the sword to finish him off. He mentally prayed to the goddesses in his mind. "Oh, please divine beings," he begged. " I would fight Ganondorf in every incarnation if Y/N shows up. Please, let her show up."
Princess Zelda stood next to Link giving a speech to her people. She gracefully grabbed his hand and lifted it. He was uncertain with what was spoken, but he heard unruly cheers flare from the crowd.
"Link," she said giving him a stone-faced glare. "Shall we commence?" Link gave her a shrewd nod. He tried to convey a chivalrous smile, but all he could feel was the immense strength it took to make his lips meet his eyes. Zelda gave him a meek smile. She strolled off, sitting on a throne that was positioned next to her father, King Daphnes. In a way, Link had empathy for Zelda. She too was going to marry out of duty. She would set her sights on a prince of another kingdom in order to strengthen Hyrule's bonds. Not only was it appealing on a diplomatic front, but it would also be beneficial on the militia front. Should Ganondorf break the seal, they'd have double the reinforcements. Hylia forbid.
An announcer made his way to the stage, bellowing instructions for round one. "Fair people of Hyrule," he roared, "Let us commence the first round, Archery! The goal is simple, contestants will stand in line and aim their arrow to the light of the sun. If the arrow penetrates the forcefield of light and transforms into a light arrow, you will be advanced to round two!"
Link took one last longing gaze out at the crowd. Y/N's face was nowhere in sight. He made his way to the archery stable to inaugurate round one." Link mentally pleaded to the goddesses one last time. "Please divine beings, for if Y/N does not show, then I will not choose what my heart does not desire. I shall be no one's hero but my own for I will follow my heart."
Your POV
"Here's the last one." You dropped the surely cucco in the pen for Anju. You would never say it, but you were beginning to think her time as a cucco farmer was well past its prime.
She clapped her hands in applause. "Ah, Y/N thank you! In return I will give you some of the frozen cucco meat for the pot pie you wanted to bake for dinner!" She awkwardly jogged into her house, momentarily disappearing. How could you be allergic to cuccos and farm them for as long as she has? There was a particularly nasty cucco Link always fretted over. Link used to joke that that his demise would come from Cojiro, the Ganondorf of cuccos. You couldn't help but giggle, for as tough as Link was, he was also quite vulnerable. No sooner did your smile fade as you remembered today was the contest and ceremony of the hero to be wed. Soon all of Hyrule would find out who Link's blushing bride would be, including you. You felt nauseated and leaned on the cucco fence for support. Anju reappeared holding a small parcel of frozen cucco meat.
"Please, enjoy! You should make some for Li- the hero! This is the meat of Cojiro. The one he despised." Anju chuckled at the same memories that you had just batted away. She cautiously looked at you and asked, " Y/N I'm surprised you didn't compete. Surely, you and the hero have been friends for a very long time. I feel like if any girl was his missing heart piece, it would certainly be you." Before you could respond, she absent mindedly waltzed back inside, scratching a prickled rash on her wrist.
You felt your vision steam as tears began to blur your eyes. Just because you weren't competing, didn't mean you couldn't support Link in spirit. You ran into your house, grabbing your bow and arrow that Link taught you to shoot with. You made your way up the ladder of the watch tower in Kakariko, not far from where you lived. As you approached the top, you hollered, "round one- archery!" You positioned your arrow, lining it up so that it seemed to stab the bright and illuminated center of the sun.
"This is for you Link... thank you for always being my light!"
Never letting your arm slip to your side, position stabilized, the arrow sliced through the cool air and into the warmth that was the sun.
Link to Wattpad and other fanfics below 👇🏻
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To Love a Ranger Chapter 16- Aragorn x OC
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Aragorn x Issa
Description: Edoras is allowed a night of celebration after the Battle at Helm's Deep, but Pippin makes a mistake that forces him and Gandalf to ride to Minas Tirith the very next morning:
Word Count: 2.5k
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“Tonight we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country,” he announced to the people in the Golden Hall of Edoras, lifting the goblet Eowyn offered him into the air. “Hail the victorious dead.” 
“Hail,” the guests returned his toast then took a drink from their own goblets and mugs. 
“Please, feast and drink away,” Theoden continued. “I believe it’s safe to say that all of us have earned it.” The guests cheered at his words then went off to do their own thing. Music began playing as some people began dancing. Others began feasting while the rest just sat down and talked between eating and drinking. Issa ultimately opted to sit with Lrgolas, Gimli and Eomer as the latter explained the rules of what sounded like a drinking game that the Elf and Dwarf would be competing in. 
“No pauses,” Eomer stated, setting two tankards in front of the two. “No spills.” 
“And no regurgitation,” Gimli added, lifting the tankard to his lips. 
“So, it’s a drinking game?” Legolas clarified, glancing at Issa, who nodded as Gimli drank his tankard all in one go. 
“Last one standing wins,” she concluded, gauging his still slightly confused expression and giggling. The Elf finally nodded then began drinking. 
Nearly an hour later the hall had gotten significantly louder as people got more drunk (which is saying something). Legolas was still going steady, as was Gimli. Their varying drinking etiquettes amused Issa greatly. While Legolas was elegant with his movements, Gimli didn’t quite care about any ale that dripped into his beard or down his face in general). 
After a while she noticed a rather odd look on Legolas’ face, which confused her. She opened her mouth to ask about if he was okay, but it would make him pause which would automatically make him lose. So, she kept her mouth shut about that and instead continued to converse with Eomer as they spectated. A short while later Legolas finally spoke. 
“I feel something,” he muttered softly, which caught the duo’s attention and put a halt to their discussion. Both Eomer and Issa raised a brow at him, the Prince out of curiosity and Issa out of concern for her friend. 
“What do you feel?” She repeated curiously, watching the Elf set his now empty tankard down then lift his hand. 
“A slight tingling in my fingers,” he elaborated, looking rather concerned. “I think it’s affecting me.” 
“What did I say?” Gimli slurred with a chuckle. “He can’t hold his liquor.” Not even ten seconds after he said that, the Dwarf’s eyes went cross. Everyone was silent as they watched min sit quietly for a moment before keeling over backwards off his stool. Legolas’ eyebrows shot up then faced Eomer.
“Game over.” Issa couldn’t help but laugh at the amusing turn of events as she joined in the several people that applauded him. 
“Well done Legolas,” she congratulated, standing up and gesturing to her seat. “Why don’t you take a break, mellon nin (my friend)?” The Elf thanked her as he sat down. She merely patted his shoulder before wandering off when she heard singing. It wasn’t just anyone singing however - it was Merry and Pippin, who were standing on one of the tables.
“Oh you can search far and wide,
You can drink the whole town dry,” they sang, kicking their feet against each other as everyone else laughed. 
“But you’ll never find a beer so brown, but you’ll never find a beer so brown,
As the one we drink in our hometown, as the one we drink in our hometown,” they stomped on the table.
“You can drink your fancy ales, you can drink them by the flagon,
But the only brew for the brave and true,” Pippin paused for a moment, glancing at Issa, who’d moved to stand beside Gandalf just off to the side. She smiled encouragingly at him and crossed her arms, eager to hear the end of the song. Merry called his name, catching his attention and allowing him to focus on their performance. 
“Comes from the Green Dragon!” The duo concluded, toasting their ale then drinking the rest of it. Issa couldn’t help but laugh as she applauded along with the others that surrounded the Hobbits. 
“Still as lively as the day they left us,” she commented, earning a nod and small smile from the Wizard. 
“Yes, that is what you get when a Took and a Brandybuck come together,” he responded amusedly, though there was an almost bittersweet tone in his voice. That made Issa look at him, and she  immediately noticed an indiscernible look on his face. She knew what he was thinking about. 
“No news of Frodo?” She asked, much quieter than before. 
“No word,” he answered in the same quiet tone, shaking his head. “Nothing.”
“We have time,” Aragorn suddenly spoke from beside Issa. “Every day Frodo moves closer to Mordor.” 
“Do we know that?” The Wizard asked skeptically, facing the Man. Issa could see the worry and unsureness in Gandalf’s eyes, and she rested a hand on his arm. 
“What does your heart tell you?” She inquired, breaking his eye contact with Aragorn as he looked down at her. He was silent for a moment, listening to what his heart had to say, then a small smile formed on his face. 
“That Frodo is alive. Yes,” he nodded, looking and sounding almost relieved. “Yes, he is alive.” 
“Then that is what we must hold onto. For Frodo’s sake. He needs us to believe in him that he may do this.” 
“And that is what I will do,” Gandalf responded, bowing his head in thanks to her. The girl merely smiled at him, then faced Aragorn with that same smile, which he returned. 
Later that evening Issa stood outside with Legolas. He had been studying the sky intently, which had piqued her curiosity. Several times she attempted to follow his gaze to see what exactly it was he was looking at, but it seemed to be in vain. She’d never been good at trying to understand what the skies and stars said, even after living with Elves the majority of her life. It wasn’t until Aragorn had walked up beside them that Legolas finally broke the oddly peaceful silence that surrounded them. 
“The stars are veiled. Something stirs in the east, a sleepless malice,” he muttered before facing the couple. “The eye of the enemy is moving.” Issa shared a concerned look with Aragorn before they looked at the Elf again. His eyes were closed as he attempted to feel something Issa couldn’t quite understand. She remained silent, however, and allowed him to do so. After a few more minutes (though it felt like an eternity with the tension Legolas had created with his earlier statement) his eyes shot open and he faced them abruptly. 
“He is here!” Almost as if it were a cue, Issa suddenly heard pained screams from inside the hall. She wasted no time in running back inside, Legolas and Aragorn following closely behind. Upon reaching the source of the screaming the girl gasped when she saw Pippin rolling around the floor as if fighting off some invisible force. In his hands was the palantir they’d taken from Isengard just that morning. 
“Help him,” Merry cried, having just woken Gandalf up. Aragorn was the one to spring to action, however. He grabbed the palantir from the Hobbit’s hands, struggling with it for a moment before ultimately dropping it. It rolled away, and Issa pulled Merry towards her as it rolled past them while Gandalf ran after it and threw a blanket over it.
“Fool of a Took!” He yelled before facing Pippin, then his gaze softened when he realized that the boy was still lying on the floor with his eyes wide open. “No,” he muttered, running over to him. He fell to his knees beside Pippin, taking his hand in one of his, then pressed his other hand to Pippin’s forehead. Everyone watched with bated breath as he muttered a spell under his breath then moved his hand to Pippin’s cheek. Without warning Pippin jumped up, gasped, then finally woke up. 
“Gandalf, forgive me,” he whimpered, closing his eyes again. 
“Look at me!” The Wizard demanded. “What did you see?” Pippin went on to describe a dead white tree in a courtyard of stone, which concerned Gandalf. 
“Minas Tirith? Is that what you saw?” 
“I saw- I saw him!” The boy exclaimed, which made Gandalf’s eyes widen. “I could hear his voice in my head.”
“And what did you tell him?” The wizard questioned. “Speak!” 
“He asked my name, but I didn’t answer. He hurt me!” Pippin whimpered. When Gandalf asked what he said about Frodo and the Ring, The Hobbit could only stare at him. 
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“There was no lie in Pippin’s eyes,” Gandalf informed Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Theoden and Alphine the next morning. “A fool, but an honest fool, he remains. He told Sauron nothing of Frodo and the Ring.” Issa sighed in relief and pressed a hand to her forehead. Her relief was palpable, but her worry over what would happen next was even bigger.
“We’ve been strangely fortunate. Pippin saw in the Palantir a glimpse of the enemy’s plan. Sauron moves to strike the city of Minas Tirith. His defeat at Helm's Deep showed our enemy one thing: he knows the heir of Elendil has come forth,” Gandalf nodded to Aragorn, who was staring at the Wizard intently. “Men are not as weak as he supposed. There is courage still. Strength enough, perhaps, to challenge him. Sauron fears this. He will not risk the peoples of Middle Earth uniting under one banner. He will raze Minas Tirith to the ground before he sees a King return to the throne of Men. If the beacons of Gondor are lit, Rohan must be ready for war.” Theoden scoffed at that.
“Tell me, why should we ride to the aid of those who did not come to ours?” He questioned. “What do we owe Gondor?” Issa could do little more than stare at him in shock as he finished speaking. He couldn’t possibly be serious after the events of Helm’s Deep. Lothlorien owed nothing to him and yet they still came to his aid. Hundreds of soldiers died in the name of keeping the people of Rohan safe and yet he still chose to act this way. 
“I will go to Minas Tirith,” Aragorn said before she could open her mouth to scold the King. 
“No,” Gandalf responded immediately. 
“They must be warned,” the Man argued. 
“And they will be,” the Wizard answered, leaning closer to Aragorn to say something in a low voice. “You must come to Minas Tirith by another road. Follow the river, look to the black ships.” He leaned back and continued aloud this time. 
“Understand this, things are now in motion that cannot be undone. I ride for Minas Tirith, and I will not be going alone.” He turned his gaze to Pippin, who sat just a few feet away with Merry.
“Out of all the Hobbits, Peregrin Took, you are the worst!” Gandalf exclaimed as he hurried towards the stables with Issa following while Merry and Pippin ran after. 
“Where are we going?” Pippin inquired. Merry shook his head at him. 
“Why did you look? Why do you always have to look?” He scolded. 
“I don’t know,” the younger Hobbit answered desperately. “I can’t help it.” 
“You never can!” He exclaimed, whipping around to face him and forcing him to stop mid step. Issa also turned around, though she did so just in case she needed to step in.
“I’m sorry, alright?” Pippin said in the same tone. “I won’t do it again.” 
“Don’t you understand?” Merry questioned desperately. “The enemy thinks you have the Ring! He is going to be looking for you Pip. They have to get you out of here.”
“And you? You’re coming with me?” His cousin asked softly, only for Merry to walk away, ignoring as he called his name again. 
“Come on,” the boy grumbled. Pippin stared after him anxiously, and Issa was quick to lay a hand on his shoulder, giving it a small reassuring squeeze. 
“He’s just worried about you,” she muttered gently, receiving a nod from him as they continued into the stables, where Merry and Gandalf were waiting. Issa let go of his shoulder and helped Gandalf lift him onto Shadowfax.
“How far is Minas Tirith?” He asked curiously. 
“Three days ride as the Nazgul flies,” the Wizard answered as he also climbed onto his horse. “And you better hope we don’t have one of those on our tail.” 
“Here, something for the road,” Merry spoke up, much softer this time as he stepped forward and held out a leather pouch. 
“The last of the Longbottom Leaf?” Pippin questioned as he held the pouch. 
“I know you’ve run out,” the boy explained. “You smoke too much, Pippin.” 
“But we’ll see each other soon?” The hopefulness in Pippin’s tone broke Issa’s heart, and she smiled sympathetically at him. Upon noticing her expression, he looked at Gandalf. 
“Won’t we?” He continued before looking at Merry once more. 
“I don’t know. We don’t know what’s going to happen Pip.” Merry backed away, obviously upset. Pippin called his name softly before Gandalf spoke. 
“Run, Shadowfax. Show us the meaning of hate.” 
“Merry?” Pippin repeated, much more alarmed now before Shadowfax galloped out of the stables. Without warning Merry suddenly ran off. Merry surprised Issa by running up the steps to the watchtower.
“Merry!” She and Aragorn (who had been there preparing Shadowfax for the journey ahead) exclaimed worriedly, running after him worriedly. They followed him up the steps of the watchtower, reaching him just in time for both of them to watch the brilliant white horse fade into the distance. After a moment of silence, the boy spoke up. 
“He’s always followed me everywhere I went since before we were tweens. I would get him into the worst sort of trouble but I was always there to get him out. Now he’s gone,” he muttered, looking at Issa with sad eyes. “Just like Frodo and Sam.” Issa’s heart clenched at his words, and she smiled sympathetically. 
“You’ve done an amazing job protecting him up until this point, Merry,” she reassured him gently. “But he needs to deal with this on his own. This is a problem he must solve, one that wasn’t started by you and is completely out of your control. And it’ll be a learning experience for him when he comes back.”
“She’s right,” Aragorn agreed, pressing a hand to the Hobbit’s shoulder. “If there is one thing I have learned about Hobbits, it is that they are a most hardy folk.” 
“Foolhardy maybe,” Merry responded with a small laugh. “He’s a Took after all!” His exclamation made both Issa and Aragorn smile as they nodded, happy to have made Merry feel better. They would need all the morale they could get with the upcoming days.
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illicien · 2 years
A Crown of Frost (Snippets)
Let’s be clear, this is the real reason I’m back on this site. I have begun chaos and I refuse to post it yet, so instead I must scream into a void as I shake everything around me violently.
This idea has been burning in my head for a little bit and I am utterly obsessed with Jotun Loki at the moment (which is the whole point of The Frozen Branch series). So what did I do? I decided to play a little “Everyone Loves Loki!” ... Sort of.
Let’s be honest, I’ve been around reading fic absently for years before I even made an Ao3 account. At the time I looked at my past writings and went “oh dear god, no, I should never write fanfiction again” so that took a good five-ish years to get over. But I’ve seen a lot of Loki’s changes through fandom, particularly with regards to ships, and man! I love ships! I love all the ships! So many ships!!
I haven’t even decided how this one will end, frankly. But I have a couple little snippets from a couple of different chapters to share, since I’m planning to break it down... sort of by ship.
Not all of the ships involved have snippets for sharing, yet, so this isn’t all there is to expect. ❤
Below the cut for snippets!
Intro Snippet:
On the branch of frost was born the snowflake of Jotunheim, with skin the colour of Midgard's daylight skies and hair darker than the coals of Muspelheim.
From a realm known for its unforgiving climate and brutal people emerged whispers of a beauty unrivalled in all the realms - and naturally, such a thing was coveted. For many years the whispers grew, truths and fictions weaving into a tapestry of an idea.
So when it was announced that the heir to the throne of Jotunheim - the very tapestry woven into the minds of the nine realms - would be meeting with potential suitors from across the realms, it was no surprise to find each realm well represented.
(A/N: This fic, as you may have noticed, began with intentions of being a fairytale. And... then I added Darcy and it went off the rails really quickly. I love you, Darcy.)
Darcy and the Giant Snippet:
"Alright, lay it on me. What are you looking for here? There's some stuff going on, and you kinda called three of them out about not loving you or something so… what's the political situation?"
"Thor is the biggest political situation." Loptr sipped their drink, looking thoughtfully at it.
"Oh yeah, big guy, gorgeous hair? Oh who am I kidding, everyone has gorgeous hair here…"
“You would consider Thor to be… big?” Loptr responded with clear confusion.
“Right, talking to a giant. Duh.”
(AN: When you’re the human in a land of non-humans, things get kind of weird. And Darcy didn’t bring a shovel to this snowy world.)
Thor’s Grand Proposal Snippet:
“I meant what I said before. I want peace between our people, Your Highness. We’ve been in conflict as long as both of us have been alive. For the sake of our people, and our children.”
“That isn’t what I asked,” Loptr chuckled, their lips quirking upwards. “I understand what you want from marriage. But what do you want from me, Prince Thor? And what do you require from a spouse?”
“Oh, yes of course!” Sitting back as food was placed in front of him, Thor rubbed at his leg under the table briefly in an attempt to reorient himself. “I require a bride if only to mother children - though, I believe-”
Before he could even finish speaking, the figure across the table shifted some in shape, chest filling out and a somewhat more feminine curl of hair managing to fall over her shoulders.
"Yes, I do believe I can fulfil that purpose just fine."
(A/N: I love Thor a lot, and Thorki is about as classic as Loki ships get! But oh gosh, I’m not used to writing this big softie. I’m getting some practice in elsewhere, and hopefully this whole segment will tighten up better!)
Tony’s Adventures in Bartending Snippet:
“You can just call me Tony. Anthony is a little overly formal, don’t you think?”
“Says the one who keeps calling me ‘Your Highness’.”
He tilted his head at the other before Loptr snagged his drink right out from under him, taking a sip. He sat up, giving the heir a surprised look, before smirking.
“Okay. Point. Am I getting that glass back?”
“No. You were going to bartend for me, Tony. And you may call me Loki when we are alone.”
Well, that was another surprise. Shrugging, he got to his feet and made his way around the bar, bowing teasingly.
“As you wish, Loki.”
(A/N: Hello, I love them friends. Any time Loki and Tony over in Collared start hurting my heart, I pop back over to this segment because this is the energy I love from these two. I feast.)
The Secrets Stephen Seeks Snippet:
"You seek a spouse to fill a void in your soul, Stephen?"
"A spouse?" Stephen leaned forward in his seat to look at Loptr, watching them intently. "I didn't come seeking a spouse. I came seeking you, Loki."
Loptr looked slightly taken aback by that and the sorcerer couldn't help but smile softly.
"You came seeking the rumours," Loptr responded, collecting themself again.
"Mmm, yes. But not the rumours of Loptr. As you've pointed out so astutely, I seek knowledge in all things. What need do I have for beauty and power?"
(A/N: Oh. Yeah. The ship that inspired me to finally pick up an Ao3 account and WRITE. Working on both IronFrost and StrangeFrost separately in one fic has been fun, it feels like it really breaks down what I love about IronStrangeFrost!
But this is all I’ve got for you for blips for now. Back to trying to finish up the next chapter of Collared, no more procrastinating... probably.)
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stoptellinglieslois · 10 months
Love fair Act 20
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Vampire fanfiction Clark Kent human x Richard Grayson Vampire no capes and tights but fangs and might.
Crossover Thor & Steve Rogers
Richard pov
As soon as we arrived we were greeted with Thor and Steve by the gate of the Wayne manor, Shocked but I didn't let anyone know it they came so quick like lightning I had no time to prep myself. Clark parked the car in front of the gate I unbuckled my belt opened the door and led myself out of the car.
I cursed Thalia and Raz in putting me in this position I killed her and she came back anyways. I was quick to be at Clark side I was expecting the unexpected tonight.
Thor and Steve for a brief moment glance at Clark but made no comment I purposely blocked out Clark if he is using telepathy to talk to me I didn't want anyone knowing anything about us yet or our thoughts right now.
Jason led us in and unlocked the gate for us all three of us were not tired in body but in spirit we lived longer then I have no clue who would rival us in that department. When we went in the manor it was empty and cold no lights were provided it wasn't renovated since the late sixties knowing my brothers never stepped foot in here was even more depressing.
I turned on the knob on the wall and the lights went on cob webs and dust peppered the whole mansion. {Oh god.} I thought to myself and I felt the heavy gaze of Thor and Steve on me they watched me intently they did not have judgement but they had questions that I needed to fill in for them I was dealing with a lord and leader I have no clue how long they've been leaders looks like forever.
"Hello your grace." They both bowed at me and I didn't like it I wasn't a prince anymore I had the wealth though but no longer the title nor the ability to even resurrect it, It is lost and that was that. "Please don't do that I am no longer any of those things anymore I am just Richard." I looked at both of them and their eyes leered at me I guess they didn't like the fact that I rejected their respect for me and what I stand for. "Someone is here." Thor hissed and his behaviour was not directed towards me at all.
"Come out we've discovered you." Steve announced voice carried out in the old mansion. "Very well sir." The cultured voice called back foot steps came from down below the mansion.
I was shocked to see Alfred here he came in and bowed a little to me and to the others he stood proud of himself. "Alfred." I said I knew I was smiling like a fool but I couldn't help it seeing him after all these lifetimes was enough to give me boost of confidence.
I hugged him and he hugged me in return. "Ok so you know him let's continue." I let go of him noticing Clark looking at us curious eyes watching between the both of us. "Richard please tell me why is there a human being here when there are important matters at hand is he your servant." I knew this would bubble up somehow. The topic of Clark being here I couldn't glaze over the matter I had to say something being honest was my best bet at this point.
"This is Clark Kent he is..... my l... he's the reason Thalia woke up he's a teacher and Thalia took possession of one of his co-workers Lois Lane mind and will she's able to reach us all the way to the cottage she won't step foot here we did a complete spell around the city of Gotham." I explained but in me I didn't like explaining myself to anyone my actions were always in good intent so I felt no need to explain anything to anyone.
"So he isn't a servant so again why is he here." Thor said a gentle tone to his manner then Steve straight forward. "Because this is the reincarnation of the love of my life and if I don't keep him by my side she will kill him and make my life a misery for all eternity, That's why he's here with me so I could watch over him." I looked over at Clark who looked away and blushed oh he's blushing he's shy.
"The fact that Rex is dead leaves me to think this Lois is the one who slain him and left his head at my door step leaving the underworld a message. I do believe she is Thalia she is not capable of killing one of us so she killed I believe the next best thing." Jason said arms cross leaning on the fireplace that has not been lit up in many decades the flick of my wrist I ignited it and small amber flames started filtering out from the fire wood.
No one reacted to my antics but Clark he was startled but said nothing just watch the flames grow bigger. "We have to leave tonight and rally up the underworld this is a big threat if she is able to knock out Rex." I shock my head no. "If you leave this city you would have to leave here protected with a spell I could move fast and make you leave here quicker but you'd have to protect your whole tribe and you're whole pack make contact with however you need to this moment you need to move fast though Thalia is a crafty witch." Alfred piped in.
"All right will do." Steve said.
"What about Rex he's still at the back of the car." Jason interjected.
"Ok let's get him out of there then and bury him in the forest."
"He wanted to be cremated."
"Ok let's go then."
Everyone went about the mansion as I glided closer to Clark. "I need to change my clothes I've been wearing the same clothes for three days now do you have anything to wear." Clark looked at me with an expression of uncertainty on his face. "I will see what I could muster here come follow me." We walk in silence to a room I haven't seen in years.
The hall was dusty and I used magic to light up the way till we reached our destination. "Here we are." I pushed in and entered a big closet that looked like a room. "Uh I think you would want pj's I don't know if anything I have will fit you but I know father's has clothes that can fit you nicely." I started my quest on finding Clark something to wear everything in this closet was a museum of my life nothing here was this decade.
I found black silk pajama set that would fit Clark. "I found something for you to sleep in." The buttons are white tortoise shell with silver threading I passed them over to him. "If you would like you could go through the closet and have whatever you like my home is your home." I told him gently.
"Thank you. Where can I change." He looked around. "Or take a shower." He said he is too tense around me I could feel it but what could I do I just hauled him into this world of mine and made him into this prisoner here I can't really let him go out really because I needed to make sure are allies are good enough to with stand the first wave of Thalia's assault.
"If you could follow me then our room is down the hall."
"Our room you mean we will be in the same room again."
"Yes Clark."
"Clark please not now ok I am not going through this with you right now the day was long this night is even longer can we do this another time." I didn't want to argue with two ancient leaders still down stairs who are able to hear us with no problem at all.
"......Are you going to try something with me."
"...No because I could see you are not ready for any of that yet."
"I can't do this knowing you want something from me because usually that's what guys want.... you're protecting me but it comes with a cost doesn't it." I had to shut this down. "Clark take a shower first and then we can argue." I tried urging him out of the closet and into the hall but he's stubborn.
"Do you want to have sex with me." I wasn't going to deny anything at this moment because as soon as he said it I felt like it was an ice breaker for me.
"Yes I do and I know that makes you feel uneasy but for me it's what I would like from you It does not need to be tonight but..."
"But but what does that mean Richard." He turned his back to me icing me out just like that giving me the cold shoulder, That triggered me it hit differently when he did that and that's when reason went out the window.
I snap.
Richard pov
"You don't have enough money leave here at once." I watched as the fisherman for weeks since his parents parish a month ago and left him like tramp in the forest.
Looking for shelter in one of the low rate paying taverns around I was about sixteen and I thought my crush for him would have left me but it never did it stayed with me for the rest of my life.
He left the tavern as I spied on him more frequently now I was out at night with my brothers and I strayed away from there company when I saw the fisherman.
He sat near a well I did a quick hand gesture and left a cranberry colour velvet pouch full of gold coins in his hand.
He didn't notice my hunter's green hooded cape nor my quick hand all he saw was suddenly a pouch full of money in his hand.
He got up shocked and walked back to the tavern I watched him go in and I went in as well following far behind him.
End of act 20 next is act 21
Thank you for reading
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Continuing from Part 1
Demon King adopts human and declares them co-ruler of Devildom
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Demon King: Ah we meet again, little MC. Have you had a good week?
MC: No sir, I have not.
Demon King: How so? I noticed Diavolo's work finished significantly faster once you gave him a hand. And the demons seem to love a lot of the human world customs you've introduced!
MC: Your majesty, I have some questions for-
Demon King: MC, you're my child now. I shall answer to nothing more than Father.
MC: I- *sighs* Father I have some questions for you while you're here.
Demon King: My my hasn't Diavolo walked you through everything? Diavolo, you haven't been cooperating with your new family? What a shame.
Diavolo: No Father it's not-
Diavolo: MC!! *Stands in front of you* I'm sorry Father, they didn't mean that.
Demon King: ......
MC: No I did mean that. Barbatos please take Diavolo and yourself away for a while.
Barbatos: ....as you wish Master MC. Come Young Master we must go.
Diavolo: Barbatos what are you doing!? We can't leave MC alone in there! Let me go at once!
Barbatos: MC requested me to keep you safe, Master. I can't deny it.
MC: I simply don't see how a competent ruler as yourself could choose a random human who has only been here a year to suddenly rule a whole kingdom.
Demon King: ....
MC: I'm only an ordinary human whose only been here for a YEAR. I know next to nothing of your customs and traditions or ROYALTY. I've lived a measly few decades compared everyone here. And Diavolo has been a revered prince worthy of the throne.
Demon King: ....
MC: His childish and happy nature doesn't take away his sense of responsibility. It only makes him a better ruler of the people. And Barbatos and Lucifer are more than supportive of him!
Demon King: ....
MC: And what would the demons think if you officially announce that a human will preside over them?! And not even a powerful one like Solomon! Just an ordinary one like me!
Demon King: ...
MC: And I have a life back on Earth. I simply can't abandon everything and come back here. Before you decide to punish me, let me know if I have I said anything except the truth?
Demon King: ....
MC: You're laughing...?!
Demon King: Aren't you the same human who formed pacts with the Seven Avatars?
MC: Yes I am.
Demon King: Then I believe you are too far gone from ordinary, little one.
MC: ....
Demon King: And within a week you pointed out all the problems there might be with your ruling. You put your own problems at the very end and you're nothing but loyal and loving towards my son. Don't you see how you're the perfect fit for the throne too?
MC: ....
Demon King: Do you know why Diavolo had to bargain Lucifer's loyalty using his dying sister?
MC: Don't tell me...did you ask him to -
MC: That's only because you've been too harsh on him. He's determined to be kinder than you. He's determined not to treat anyone like you did to him.
Demon King: I had to. My son has always been far too trusting and naive. And someone like you who won the trust of the seven fallen angels and never abused it for your own benefit - I couldn't think of a better person to be by Diavolo's side on the throne.
Demon King: And you and Barbatos are the only two beings who saw that in him. As for your human world - you can stay there. You only need come down here as you please for now. Afterall when you're done with your mortal life, you'll be here for eternity.
MC: ....What makes you so sure I won't be accepted into the Celestial realm?
Demon King: Oh I'm sure they'll want you up there. But I know you'll choose to be down here instead. You won't forgive them because you know what they did to the Seven avatars and your very own ancestor.
MC: .....
Demon King: Think it over, little one. I'll give you as much time as you need.
Demon King: You seem disappointed Diavolo. And yet you were the one who were keen on making MC stay here in Devildom with you? You said it yourself they were fit to rule this kingdom.
Diavolo: Of course Father.
Demon King: Then what's with the overwhelming sadness in your posture?
Diavolo: I was planning to give them command through marriage.
Demon King: Oh....oh no... son you should have told me you had a crush-
Diavolo: I was going to before you decided to announce them as my SIBLING.
Demon King: Well, um Barbatos.
Barbatos: Yes Master.
Demon King: Is it considered rude to un-adopt a child in order to marry them to your own son in the human world?
Barbatos: I'm certain some will find it strange. But our MC will understand.
Demon King: Oh my wife would have made me sleep in the garden tonight if she were here.
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ashdreams2023 · 3 years
Can I make a request for Loki x princess reader? She’s from a visiting kingdom and 3rd in line. But her older sisters are cruel along with their mother and do everything they can to keep her out of sight. Frigga isn’t having it and invites her to tea and other outings regardless of what her mother says. She’s a little younger than Loki and short so she gets excluded at home a lot. Loki takes a liking to her and brings her to see the rest of Asgard and invites her to private dinners. Later Odin announces Lokis betrothal and as the sisters get ready to walk forward, he calls readers name instead and it gets kinda rubbed in their faces by some of the other people cause they know they’ve been sucking up to the throne… where the reader has been polite, kind and just herself. Kinda like the whole “Ever After” film.
We love a Cinderella inspired story here ✨
A kinda of a Cinderella story
You knew this visit would be as awful as the other ones, it wasn’t because you didn’t want to see Asgard but you just knew your mother along with your sister will try to treat you like you don’t exist.
Just because you were the *accident child* your dear mother didn’t want any more children after the second daughter but you came and she couldn’t care less for you, and what made it worse was how your father become closer to you more than your eldest sisters.
You’re always pushed back, hidden in the shadows of your older sister and it didn’t help that they were both taller than you so it was impossible to be noticed with them in front of you.
When you walked into to meet the royal family, you were of course in the back, hissed at to be quiet.
You could see your sisters already giggling and gushing over the two princess oh Asgard.
"These are my daughters your majesty" she introduced them both and obviously you were not even mentioned, not until you felt a pair of eyes watching you.
Emerald green ones staring directly your way, the youngest prince had seemed to notice you in the back and whispered something to his mother.
Frigga smiled warmly then spoke "young girl in the back, what’s your name?"
That made your mother and sisters furious.
"She’s not important your highness! Just a family member who carries no value"
Frigga didn’t like the way she spoke of you, even if you weren’t family she didn’t like to speak low of others.
You even said your name then bowed keeping your glaze low.
Loki repeated your name in his head multiple times.
After the introduction you were surprised even more when a maid came to tell you that you’re invited to have tea not just with the queen herself but her son Loki too.
Your mother tried to play with your head and make you feel guilty for even thinking of going.
"You’re a selfish young girl, you know this could be an opportunity for your sisters!"
You were done with her bullshit at that point and brushed her off which resulted in her cussing you out and making you feel worthless.
Frigga was so kind to you, she actually listened to you and respected your opinions and oh sweet loki.
Even though he was known as the god of mischief, he was so respectful and polite and you hit it off with his so fast.
Loki would then start inviting you for strolls through asgard every so often and invite you to private dinners that only you both and a few individuals knew about.
"You’re more than a spoiled princess I see"
"You have no idea believe me"
It was by the end of the trip that Odin announced that he had an important announcement to make and recurred everyone to be present there.
As usual you stood in the back and your sister stood tall with ear reaching smiles.
You could see Loki wearing his armor and standing next to Odin, he winked at you before Turning his attention to his father.
"I gathered you all here to announce that my youngest son, Loki has chosen a wife and it so happens to be one of the Lin family’s daughters"
You swallowed them flinched when your pushed you to the back and stood behind her daughters with a proud look on her face.
But the happiness once on your family’s face faded as Odin spoke your name and Loki looked straight back at you with his little mischief smile you grew to adore.
"Child, come up" your family moved out of the way as you walked towards the throne and Loki walked down to meet you at the bottom of the stairs.
He took your hands and brought them to his lips.
Your heart fluttered and your cheeks warmed up.
This was more than you could have ever imagined.
"Tell me I’m not dreaming" you whispered.
"Does this feel real enough for you?" Then he kissed your lips.
His brother whistled and clapped, followed with everyone in the room expect your family.
Your sister were on the verge of tears and your mother looked just broken ready to crumble if anybody touched her.
And honestly, you didn’t feel bad.
Frigga hugged and Odin nodded his head in approval, both giving you their blessings.
"We still have a long way to go darling"
"I’m willing to go through it if it’s with you"
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bearseulgs · 2 years
I Won't Love You (or will I?)
princess!fem!reader x prince!sunoo
genre: angst (?), fluff, royalty, arranged marriage
wc: 608
warnings: female reader (masc ver here)
requested!! tysm
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Oh God, not again, you thought, spotting him of all people across the dance floor. Sunoo had the same sour expression on his face, but made his way over to you anyways. "A dance, princess Y/N?" he asked, a mocking lilt in his voice.
You should probably explain how you got into this situation. Your parents decided to host a ball at the Kims' castle as both families had an announcement to make. What that announcement is, well, they decided to tell everyone in the staff but not their kids.
"Do you know what this is even for?" At least you aren't the only one who's confused.
"No, nor do I care to tell you when I find out."
Sunoo let out a sigh of exasperation, rolling his eyes at you. "Come on, princess, I don't want anything to do with you either, but work with me here."
Ouch. That one kind of hurt. You know you tended to put on a front, but you still wanted Sunoo to care for you like you cared for him. Though that seemed a tad irrational, you supposed, seeing as you never let it on that you didn't actually completely despise him.
"Now about that dance, Princess. What do you say?"
Building up your front again, you looked away. He was about to leave when you stuck your hand out. "I suppose... one dance won't hurt, hm?" You couldn't hide your smirk when you saw his eyes light up.
One dance turned into four, then nine, then you lost track as you danced the night away with Sunoo. But no, you didn't actually like him, not that anyone knew anyways. You could both agree on your disdain for each other, but no one would have guessed that you were anything but in love as you danced. And somehow, you didn't hate that idea.
Before long, trumpets sounded, and everyone turned their attention to the front of the ballroom to listen to the royal families' announcement.
King L/N started, "Now, we've been meaning to become closer with our neighboring kingdom, and we also acknowledge that princess Y/N is coming of age and should marry soon."
Oh no, please don't father. You really hoped this wasn't going where you thought it was. Or at least, you kind of hoped.
"Prince Sunoo is also nearing the time when he needs to take over reign, and we thought that the perfect idea would be to join our kingdoms together. We would like to announce the marriage of the Kim and L/N families through prince Sunoo and Princess Y/N," King Kim finished.
The whole room erupted in cheers, but your attention was only on Sunoo, who looked over at you with a nervous yet excited expression.
Making your way back over to the prince's side, you look at the floor, shuffling your heels a bit. "Well, it looks like this won't be our last dance."
"Yeah, I was hoping it wouldn't be." You looked up in shock. It seems that he hadn't meant to say that out loud, but you were glad he did.
Since it seemed he didn't want to say anything else, you took a chance and said, "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm not that upset about the marriage." Your gaze stayed on his face, gauging his reaction.
A blush painted Sunoo's features as he looked back at you. "You know what, I'm not either." And with that he looked at your lips and leaned in.
Maybe, just maybe, you loved prince Sunoo, and with the way he was kissing you, maybe he loved you too.
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a/n: i actually hated my first draft of this but now i kinda don't but i also feel like i didn't do it justice 😭 also does your hand ever go numb from typing or am i on mine too much
©️ bearseulgs 2022
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
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“I know we’re facing a level one crisis right now. But can we just talk about how our lives are dependent on a puzzle? The hardest puzzle I’ve ever had to solve. So, excuse me for being a little excited.”
Georgia Christopher Lightwood Lovelace - LBAF Series 
Art by @thorndale @elisial. Click for better quality.
A short story about Gigi under the cut before you meet her again next week 💜
“Okay. I came as soon as I got your text. What happened?”
Georgia winced and held up the lab coat. “Sorry.”
Camila blinked and broke out in laughter. “Is that it? Gigi, I was so worried.”
“This is like the fourth lab coat I burned. You shouldn’t let me borrow them anymore,” she sighed and put the damn thing away. 
“You know what? You’re right,” Camila hummed. 
Oh no. Gigi had just been joking. Well kind of. 
Camila had been kind and generous enough to let Georgia work in the research lab in Alicante. 
Georgia didn’t really work there or anything. She just mostly observed what everyone else was doing and helped Camila with whatever she needed. 
Camila’s research focused on using ichor to help treat mundane illnesses. Gigi loved demon ichor and had been experimenting it with her whole life. 
So, it just made sense. 
She had never thought that she would be allowed to work here - since she was still rather young. 
But Camila seemed more than happy to have her. 
Unlike some people. 
“He is just really introverted,” Camila had said in whisper, her eyes darting across to the boy in the lab, her gaze lingering on him for a moment too long. “Don’t worry about it.”
It’s not that Gigi had an issue with Marcus per se. You need to talk to someone to have a problem with them.
Marcus barely acknowledged her presence. 
Camila kept talking about how amazing and brilliant Marcus was -and Rafael was the same. 
Gigi wished Marcus would let her in on some of his brilliance. No such luck though. 
But it was fine. Georgia was happy enough to work with Camila. She was really cool and very smart too. 
“You don’t need to borrow my lab coat because I got you your own one!” Camila announced. 
Gigi all but screamed and grabbed the white coat. 
It was a perfect fit. And it had her name on the front pocket. 
“This…This is so kind. Thank you,” Georgia whispered. 
“No need to thank me,” Camila tutted. “You’re my lab partner. And you earned this.”
Georgia smiled and put it on. “How do I look?”
“Like a scientist,” Camila winked. “Do you want me to take a photo?”
“Yes please,” Georgia nodded excitedly and handed her phone to the other girl. 
“Say nitrogen,” Camila chuckled. 
Georgia laughed and Camila look a picture. Gigi immediately sent it to Roman - who was currently in MIT. And then to Lexi too - who was in Tokyo. 
She was drowning in heart eye emojis and keyboard smashes from the two of them when she smelled something burning. 
“Shit!” she yelled and ran to her desk. 
Marcus was already there, dumping a glass of water on the beaker that was on fire. 
“Sorry,” Georgia said awkwardly. 
The boy didn’t respond. He simply walked away and sat in a corner, poking at a seraph blade. 
Georgia frowned and walked back to Camila. “What’s he working on?”
Camila shrugged. “Do you think we should ask him to help us with our project?”
“No!” Georgia said quickly. 
She didn’t want Camila to work with Marcus. She wanted Camila to work with her. 
Camila frowned. 
Georgia sighed. “Sorry. I just…I’d rather you work with me. I know Marcus is super smart and he has an actual degree and he is a tech genius and…You know what? It doesn’t matter. You are trying to do something really important here. If working with Marcus would help-”
“Georgia. I simply asked if we should ask for help,” Camila chuckled. “I’m not kicking you out.”
“No?” Georgia blinked. 
“Marcus might have graduated from Columbia,” Camila said. “But he didn’t design a weapon that killed a prince of hell.”
Georgia blushed at that. “Well, it was just luck-”
“It was a lot of thinking and hard work,” Camila corrected. “And you know what? Let’s stick to our little team. We can always talk to Marcus if we get stuck. But for now, it’s you and me, okay?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Georgia smiled. 
She turned around and looked at the other boy - who was inspecting a stele closely. 
So what if Marcus was really smart?
She was too. 
She can figure this out. 
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
Reflection Of You | Chapter 17
Genre: Historical!AU, Timetraveller!AU/ Different Dimension, Romance
Pairing: SUGA x Reader, Yoongi x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, Idol!Suga, King!Yoongi, Guard!Seokjin, Guard!Jungkook, RoyalAdvisor!Namjoon, Servant!Jimin, Servant!Hoseok, Prince!Taehyung
Summary: Confirming you were dating the famous Min Suga of BTS, you knew you were bound to make some enemies. But what you didn’t expect was to be cursed, leading you to meet a cold-hearted, arrogant king that shares the same face as your rapper lover.  
It’s hard for Yoongi to open up. It’s hard for him to show the feelings that he’s been bottling up all those years. But maybe, just maybe, it’s time to let all of them go. 
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Seokjin had come to inform you that Yoongi requested your company for dinner in the dining room. He waited for you to freshen up and escorted you and Jimin there. It was like deja vu as you took your seat to wait for Yoongi.
“The great king of Joseon, Min Yoongi, will be making his entrance.” Jungkook announced. Seokjin and Jimin bowed. 
“Long live the king.” They chorused. You remained seated this time, not even standing or bowing to Yoongi. Yoongi entered and stared at your still seated form, a small smile grazing his lips. You will never change and that’s what he liked about you. 
“Still refusing to bow down?” 
“You’ll live long enough, even without my wishes.” You scoffed. Yoongi chuckled and sat down in his spot. He waved at everyone to exit the room, leaving the two of you alone.
“How was gardening?” Yoongi asked as you poured alcohol into his cup. 
“It was so fun! I learnt a lot from the gardener! We planted some seeds and some plants that were already in pots.” You rambled. 
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” Yoongi reached out to pat your head. The simple gesture was something he did so often now that it didn’t even seem weird to the both of you anymore. 
“And I didn’t know advisor Namjoon is also an avid gardener. Apparently, he waters the garden plants every day and he even has this huge plum tree!” You continued, even using your arms to try and show how big the tree was. But of course, it was an underestimation. Yoongi watched you with amusement, taking a sip of alcohol. 
“Is he now?” Yoongi asked. Of course, he knew that Namjoon liked plants and did all that but he thought he would entertain you a little. 
“Yeah. Jimin says the plums are sweet when harvested and the plum wine that is made from them is really good. I hope to try it sometime.” You nodded with a hopeful smile. 
“I can get it for you now.” 
“There’s no need-”
“Namjoon!” Yoongi shouted. As if they were listening in on the conversation, Namjoon immediately opened the door with a bow. 
“(y/n) here heard about the plum wine we make from the harvest of plums from your tree. She would like to try some. Fill a bottle for her to have now.” Yoongi said. Namjoon nodded and promptly exited the room. 
“I didn’t mean I needed to try it now, Yoongi. Geez.” You scoffed. Yoongi ignored your comment and continued eating. Namjoon returned with a small ceramic decanter. He bowed and knelt by the side of the table to fill the small cups with the plum wine. 
“Have some.” You said to Namjoon. Namjoon turned to Yoongi, who nodded his head in approval. 
“Thank you.” Namjoon bowed his head as you took the decanter to pour some into a new cup for him. The 3 of you clinked cups before taking a drink. It was sweet and fruity. 
“It’s so good!” You complimented. Namjoon couldn’t help but smile. 
“I’m happy you like it.” He laughed. When he was done, he bowed his head and exited the room. 
“What about you? Did you have a good... meeting?” You asked Yoongi slowly. Yoongi raised an eyebrow at you trying to start small talk with him but he shrugged, being vague with his answer. 
“Whether it was good or bad, I hope you feel happy or relieved that it’s at least over.” You smiled. Yoongi stopped and stared at you. 
“Nothing. Just thinking about something else.” He shook his head and continued eating. You blinked but shrugged and ate as well. Yoongi picked out the bigger pieces of boneless braised meat and placed it onto your plate, surprising you. You looked at the piece of meat as if it was a foreign substance and looked up at him. 
“You seem to always struggle to remove the bones. And you give the boneless meat to the other me. I’ll do the same for you.” He excused. You couldn’t help but laugh as Yoongi acknowledged the ‘other him’. 
“So you acknowledge that there’s another you somewhere out there?” 
“I never said I didn’t. You just don’t tell me much about him, how different or similar he is from me.” He said. 
“What do you want to know?” You asked. Obviously, both Yoongis were rather different but as you got to know the Yoongi in front of you, you do seem to find similarities every now and then. 
“What can you tell me about him?” 
“Hmm... I mean, you look exactly the same, you already know that. You’re both deathly pale and bear resemblance to cats. You both love tangerines and you’re both night people instead of day people. Not that big a fan of sweets...” You listed out. 
“I fail to see how I look like a cat.” Yoongi blinked. It took a long while for your Yoongi to come to terms with the whole ‘lil meow meow’ thing too. 
“Trust me. It’s there. Oh and you both squint like this when you’re focusing on something.” You giggled, mimicking him. 
“You’re finding too much amusement in this.” 
“I don’t think I know you well enough to tell the differences. But my Yoongi... When you first meet him, he just seems cold, guarded and introverted. Yes, he is introverted. But he’s not cold at all.” You said, swallowing your food. 
“He’s guarded because he had been wounded before by the rest of the world. And even when we got together, I realised that he just isn’t one to really show his feelings, or at least verbally. He shows his love and care through his actions. That’s what I liked about him. He was very comfortable to be around and he made me lower my guard too.” You smiled. 
“He sounds like a perfect human.” 
“He’s not, he’s far from it. I am the same. We’ve both come to realise it. Sure, we’ve had our fights and arguments but at the end of the day, we work it out. It takes two hands to clap, right?” You looked up at Yoongi.
“You miss him.” Yoongi stated. 
“Of course. Even before we were together, he was my safety blanket for years.” You said sadly, looking at your food. 
“When I’m sad, he makes me laugh or he cries with me. He worries for me, even when he should be worrying about himself.” Tears blurred your vision. Suddenly, you felt someone pull your head to a chest. 
Yoongi didn’t know what to say. Just like your Yoongi, he wasn’t good with words, he only knew how to show he cared with his actions. 
“Sorry, I digressed.” You said. 
“It’s okay.” Yoongi whispered, stroking the back of your head. He used the end of his sleeve to wipe your tears. Sitting back down, the two of you continued talking as you finished the food. You wanted to ask about Mirae but you knew it was a sensitive topic for Yoongi so you didn’t bring it up. 
“Later, can we walk in the garden?” You asked. 
“That excited about the garden?” Yoongi teased. You flushed, clearing your throat sheepishly. 
“Of course, we can. I can’t wait to see your hard work.” Yoongi finished. That made you feel even more embarrassed. It was like a child pestering her parent to see her artwork. 
“I heard the garden was your mother’s?” You gulped. Yoongi seemed to falter for a few seconds before straightening up. 
“It’s not hers but she did enjoy maintaining it. She worked very closely with the royal gardener to constantly upgrade it to be better. Kind of like what you did today.” Yoongi explained. You nodded your head slowly. 
“Keeping it alive and maintained now is the best I can do for her, even after her death. She would not be pleased with me letting all her hard work go to waste. I’m not really good with plants but I’m glad Namjoon and the gardener take care of it. And now you help maintain it too. My mother would have greatly appreciated that.” Yoongi said. 
“She sounds like an amazing woman.” 
“Hmm.” Yoongi hummed. You mentally scolded yourself, of all topics, why did you have to mention Yoongi’s mother? 
“I felt like I lost the opportunity to get to know her better. My father never let her care for me as a normal mother should. He wanted her to care for him only and that was her flaw, constantly kowtowing to him.” Yoongi continued. 
“I don’t think it’s a flaw.” You said. 
“It’s not a flaw to give up all free will and follow a man, who’s not even loyal to you, like a dog? That you neglect your kid?” Yoongi raised an eyebrow. 
“That’s what you saw, Yoongi. I’m not saying you’re wrong, you could be right but was that how she really felt? Did you ever know her true intentions behind her actions? Maybe she never meant for you to feel neglected. I’m sure you had moments with her where she showered you with love.” You said. 
“Yes, I had my moments with her. But they were always short lived because my father ruined it. Every time I tried to tell myself she actually loves me, she proves me wrong.” Yoongi’s fists shook. 
“What if she was protecting you?” You asked. 
Yoongi stood up with such force that the low table of bowls and cutlery flipped over, spilling food remnants all over the floor. You stared at the mess in shock, looking up at Yoongi. He breathed heavily, standing over you. 
“Leave.” He warned. 
“I’m sorry, Yoongi. I shouldn’t have-” 
“I don’t want your apologies. I said leave.” His eyes flashed anger as he shook. You immediately scrambled to your feet and pulled the door open. 
“(y/n) nim!” Jimin rushed to you. They had all heard the loud clash but were too afraid of entering the room. You stared at Jimin, lips pressed into a firm line. Turning away from him, you ran to your room. 
“(y/n) nim!” Jimin ran after you, leaving Hoseok, Seokjin, Jungkook and Namjoon. Usually, you would have fought back or argued with him but seeing the resentment and anger in Yoongi’s eyes, you knew he was warning you to leave before his temper took over so you decided to make a break for it. You were actually afraid he would hurt you. 
“J-Jeonha-” The 4 that remained bowed but all they felt was the silk of their king’s robes brushing against them as he exited the dining room. 
“(y/n) nim.” Jimin stood outside your door, knocking softly. He could hear the soft echoes of your sobs. It was like everything was back to the way it was on day 1 when you arrived. 
“I-I just n-need to catch m-my b-breath.” You tried to sound okay to Jimin, who didn’t believe you one bit. 
“Can I come in?” He asked softly. 
“I’d r-rather you n-not.” You croaked from your dark corner in the room. Jimin sighed. He didn’t want to leave your side, he wanted to make sure that you weren’t hurt, he wanted to comfort you and stop your cries. However, he knew that he shouldn’t force you too.
“Please.” He tried for the last time. 
“Come.” Your voice was soft but he heard it. Slowly the door creaked open and Jimin came in to see your huddled figure. Immediately, he went to help you up and led you to the bed to lie down.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you.” Jimin whispered. You shook your head, you didn’t want him to feel guilty.
“It’s not your fault. It’s all mine. I shouldn’t have pushed him.” You said.
“What happened?”
“I brought up his mother. And it just escalated too fast.” You explained, regret written all over your face. Jimin softened as your eyes casted down with guilt. He took a clean handkerchief from the cupboard and gently wipe your face of its tears. He didn’t interrupt you and instead continued to listen as you explained what happened in the room.
“Jeonha’s relationship with his mother was always a touchy subject for him. But you didn’t know that.” Jimin spoke. 
“But I knew he was getting angry and uncomfortable. And yet, I continued to question him and doubt his feelings, the feelings he had been bottling up since he was a child.” You said. 
“That’s one of the reasons he resents Taehyung gun.” Jimin explained. 
“What do you mean?” 
“You know how Taehyung gun’s mother is. She was bubbly, kind and loving to Taehyung. She didn’t care that he wasn’t crown prince, he was just her son to her. Jeonha hated seeing them together.” Jimin started. 
“Jeonha wasn’t wrong in a sense... They did share their moments, like I said, they would be in the garden together. But all it took was for the king to call her and she would just leave jeonha there to stay with him. To jeonha, who was just a child, that was betrayal. Countless times.” Jimin explained. 
“And all I did was doubt him.” 
“Not true. You were right too. Jeonha didn’t see the fear in his mother’s eyes. She did try to speak up but what good comes out of defying the king. The king who can hurt your child, the crown prince.” Jimin smiled sadly. 
“How do you know all this Jimin? Aren’t you about the same age as Yoongi?” You tilted your head. 
“My mother worked as one of the queen consort’s servants before me. She saw everything and comforted the queen consort when she was upset.” 
“So Yoongi’s mother was trying to protect Yoongi...” 
“Yes. The king was very obsessed with the queen consort. He didn’t want to let anyone else her, even his own child. Yes, he had a harem of concubines but he always kept her by his side and never wanted her away for too long. She was someone special to him and he wanted her to only look at him. He was willing to hurt anyone who took her away, jeonha included.” Jimin said. 
“Jeonha grew up hating his mother. But a part of him still held to the few memories he had of her. The garden, for example. His mother is also the reason jeonha doesn’t believe in love.” He continued.
“That’s horrible. He must have felt so much hurt and felt all alone.” You hung your head down. 
“But I think you staying by his side has changed him.” Jimin lifted your head up with his finger. You stared at him in confusion. He giggled and just wiped your remaining tears. 
“Let’s get you washed up.” He helped you stand up and led you to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth and he combed your hair, helping you change out of your hanbok and into sleepwear. 
“Wait, Jimin. What did you mean by-”
“Get some rest, (y/n) nim. I’ll see you when the sun rises.” He smiled softly after tucking you into bed. 
“Goodnight, Jimin.” You yawned. Jimin exited your room. He stared at your door for a few seconds before he finally was able to turn and walk away.
Yoongi stood in his garden, his anger was slowly starting to dissipate. He scoffed, this dinner was supposed to be relaxing and a chance for him to get to know more about where you come from, ending with the both of you taking a walk in the garden with you showing him your new plants and flowers proudly. 
But you just had to bring his mother up.
“You always ruin everything.” He said to no one in particular. Well, he was referencing his mother, who wasn’t even alive anymore. 
“Why does it always have to end up this way?” Yoongi was now asking himself. He clenched his fists as the resentment for his mother bubbled within him. 
However, what caused his anger to fade was that he couldn’t ignore the memory of your eyes and how much fear was in them. As if you were actually afraid that he was going to hurt you. 
“I’m sorry, Yoongi. I shouldn’t have-” 
You actually apologised to him. He had expected you to argue back or stand against him but all you did was back away with fear and leave as you are told. What was happening to him? There was a dull ache in his chest that was never there before. When you spoke of your Yoongi, why did a new determination to prove that he was the better Yoongi appear? 
Yoongi sighed for the nth time. He lifted his head and stared at your window, which was now closed. Were you asleep? Or were you crying? 
“I swear.” Yoongi cursed himself. He subconsciously started walking and now found himself standing before your door. Gently, he knocked but there was no reply. He quietly opened the door to see you asleep. 
“Yoongi...” You called in your sleep. 
“I’m here.” Yoongi whispered. He honestly didn’t know if you were calling him or the other Yoongi but he was going to assume it was him you were calling out to in your sleep. 
“Just let me...” He didn’t know what came over him but soon, Yoongi was in your bed, holding you close to him. 
“What?” Your eyes shot open in shock, ready to kick the intruder in your bed. But looking down, you saw the locks of blonde. His face pressed into your abdomen as he held you tightly. You felt his tears wetting your night robe and the skin beneath. 
“She told me she loved me. But she never came back.” 
“I’m sorry, Yoongi.” You said softly, running your fingers through his locks. Even though Yoongi was slowly letting his guard down around you, this was the first time he let all his walls down. 
“I’ll never hurt you.” Yoongi looked up at you, moving up so your eyes met at the same level. 
“I’ll never hurt you. I promise.” He repeated, cupping your cheek. 
“Please don’t be afraid of me. Please.” He cried. You still didn’t respond but you did wipe his tears, drawing his head to your chest as you comforted him. Now you really saw it. You saw Yoongi as a child that was hurt by the world and just wanted someone to be there for him and tell him that he is loved.
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