#oh well it just leaves me with better ideas for other stories moving forward I guess uwu
Now that I have recently retrieved my old fanfic documents from my very old desktop, I am finally committing myself to logging and backdating my ancient FFN fics on my AO3 account. And boy is it such a shame that JKR is the way that she is because otherwise I would totally rewrite some of these ideas I had in high school and do them proper justice. The themes???? Man, I was onto something solid here.
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ivys-garden · 5 months
I, like many of yall, have noticed a vocal minority of people showing there support for Wilbursoot, going as far as to attack shubble and her supporters. In this post I'll go through the main points I've seen them argue with and explain why I believe that they are all wrong.
“Shubble was the real abuser” - No. If she was, William would have spoken up. There is no evidence for this, well, that isn't faked or saying one thing is another (like the guy saying a pic of will crying was because of shubble or the guy trying to pass a stream of a completely different girl of as shubble abusing will… live. On stream. Yah, think we would have heard of that before now.)
“She has no proof” - genuinely fuck of. In domestic abuse cases there won't always be hard proof, that's one of the reasons the police struggle to do anything about it. If a wife is struck by a husband and it leaves no mark that doesn't mean it didn't happen “why didn't she show the bruises” have you guys ever been bruised? Bruises heal quickly, and she doesn't have any to show since the allegations came out after their break up, all the bruises would have healed. “Why didn't she take photos at the time?” Look at it this way, if I punch you across the face you will have a lot of thoughts, none of them will be “I should take a photo of this so people belive me what I say it happened”
(Also don't pretend that people wouldn't just say the evidence was fake if she did have pictures)
Oh and she does have evidence, the fact William admitted to it.
“She just did it for attention” - bitch, shubble doesn't need attention she was doing great. Just because you never heard of her didn't mean she was some underground indie youtuber, she didn't need to lie to get attention. Also lying about domestic abuse is not a good way to do this since it's really easy to disprove. The other party would come out instantly to tell everyone the truth. William didn't do that because shubble WAS telling the truth.
“Her story changed” - no. It didn't. Even the idea that she changed whether or not wilbur bruised with the bites or made her bled (both of which are still bad, btw) is made up, she never said that, as was clarified by shubble herself
“She encouraged death threats” - She openly decouraged death threats. Saying she was like: “everyone go and tell people to kill themselves” is literally putting words in her mouth
Also, this by no means goes for everyone, but arguing about death threats while, wilbur hasn't told his supports not to send death threats and that wilburs supporters have been saiding threats to shubble and her fans while condemning the few shubble fans who sent death threats, is kinda stupid
(Also this is by no means the main point but I have seen people who support wilbur literally begging for death threats, soooooooo)
(Oh aslo I was mistaken in the early version where I said shubble had implied that she didn't belive wilbur could change, that was another misconception and I'm sorry for spreading it. Shubble does belive that people can change IF they put in the work to do so)
Also remember, William has not been shown to actually change yet. He still hasn't even given shubble an apology that takes proper accountability, when he does that, apologies to everyone else he's wronged, and puts in the effort to actually be better moving forward, then we can forgive him. But at the moment he has not shown that.
So until then: support shubble. Belive victims. Raise awareness for these issues in the gaming space (this has been going on for a long time). And don't engage with people who make up evidence to support there parasocial relationships, don't send death threats (obviously, because that's wrong) but also don't engage in any other way. This will be my last post on this subject. Move on from William and the support for him will die down when they realise there's no one to disagree with, and then William, Shubble and all of us can move past this and into the future as a (hopefully) better space
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thefallennightmare · 3 months
Morning love. Prepare for a long post.
I just want to thank everyone for yesterday. I didn’t realize how many people cared for me and my blog. I didn’t ask for anyone to come to my defense or say those wonderful things to reassure me. But you all did and I’m so fucking thankful.
After this post, I’m so ready to just leave everything in the past. Move forward and remain positive about everything. I can’t let it keep bothering me because it’s not healthy. It’s not good for any of us to keep going back.
So as much as I love you all coming to my defense, I think it’s best if we stop giving these blogs the attention they crave. We’re just adding more fuel to this fire and it doesn’t need to be. I don’t want people getting hate on my behalf.
I guess this whole situation brought a lot of things to light; on tumblr and my personal life. I’ve realized who is here for me with something like this. Who actually cares. I love you all so much. I can call you all friends and just know, my inbox/ask box is always open. We can literally talk about whatever. So are my twitch streams. I know some of the games I play might not be everyone’s cup of tea but we can always talk about whatever. It’s always a fun time.
Tumblr will always have a toxic side, along with any other social media. We just have to remember to stay on the right side. I’m doing my best not to slip into the toxic side because as I’ve stated multiple times, I don’t want that on my blog. I’m not going to let people who clearly don’t know me or my healthy marriage dictate what I do.
I feel like things are going to be changing on here, for the better. I’m still writing; fuck the fan fiction haters. They’re not going to stop me from doing something that will eventually help provide for my family(the family that loves me). I’m going to write whatever I want now. I’m doing things my way and if some people don’t like it, oh well.
I’ve got fantastic ideas for all of my current works in progress that I can’t wait to show all of you. I have great friends on here that have even more amazing ideas for their own stories that I cannot wait to read.
At the end of the day, Bad Omens created this wonderful fan base. We all come together to show our love and appreciation for not only them, but everyone in this community.
So once again, thank you all and I love you. The Fallen Nightmare is just getting started and she’s not going anywhere.
Angel 🪽
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Black Light 7
Warnings: namecalling, violence, other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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You back up as the men enter your house. It feels a bit like an intrusion but you're welcoming them right in, aren't you? Besides, your mother would kill you if she got home and the couch was still there. It's an in and out job. Oo, thinking of it like that makes it feel dangerous, like you're a spy. Or a hit man.
Well, you're not the one doing all the work.
August lets out a heavy breath as his eyes rove subtly around the space. He barely keeps from knocking over an oval frame with his hand as he passes the corner table and he turns to glower down at your graduation photo. Admittedly, your make up had been a bold choice for that one.
The two men approach the couch as you stand back. Lee tisks as he eyes it up. He grabs the middle cushion and pulls it off, then the next, and the last. He leaves them on the floor as he approaches one end of the couch. August mirrors him with a dull gaze, unimpressed by the task before him.
"On three," Lee directs.
"Just lift the damn thing," August growls.
The man lurch the couch up with less effort than you expect. Wow, so strong. You stand aside as they angle it around and through the wide archway. You give a nervous smile to Lee as he nods his head at you but the other man refuses to look in your direction.
"Oh, I can get the cushions," you scurry past and flit into the living room.
You grab two cushions and try to manage the third but they all flop to the floor. You try again, and again. You sigh as you hear an annoyed growl and you settle on just grabbing the two end cushions.
You go to the door as the men twist the couch to get it onto the porch. Their advance is slow and you wait behind August, his size even more obvious the closer you are. You get an idea but think better of it. He wouldn't appreciate the impromptu pillow fight, would he?
"Hey, what's taking so long?" Hottie's voice comes from behind you.
"Oh, uh," you turn to face her, "they're just tryna--"
"Not this jackass," she flips her sunglasses up and stomps down the hall, "hey fucker! You stalking her now? Fuckin' creep--"
August gives a confused hum and cranes his head over his shoulder. You keep Hottie at bay with the cushions, herding her back as she attempts to elbow her way past you. You move side to side, blocking her.
"They're just taking the couch--"
"Easy story, they're casing the joint?"
"Casing the joint?" August harrumphs as he gets past the doorframe, "dumb girl."
"Hey," you spin and smack him with a cushion, "she's not dumb, you are!"
"Don't do that," he warns.
"This is my house and she's my friend. Take the couch then, you big... you big.... lug!"
"Lug?" He scoffs as he tilts the couch, Lee grunting as he guides it down the front steps.
"Don't threaten her," Hottie storms forward, bumping into your shoulder.
"Go take some more molly," August snarls.
"What the fuck did you say?" Hottie barks and you block her again.
"Fucking girls," August sneers as he comes down to ground level.
"Leave em be," Lee tuts, "we got the couch, let's get on."
"You better," Hottie retorts.
"Now, don't be eggin' him on, little lady."
"I don't fucking buy it," Hottie blares, "this isn't a fucking coincidence--"
"Please," you turn to her, "they're leaving."
She looks at you and her anger slowly softens to regret. She shrugs, "fine."
"Alright," you exhale and spin, skipping down the steps with the cushions. "Here."
You run over as they get the couch in the truck bed. You hold out the cushions and August turns with a scowl. He snatches them, nearly taking you off your feet. You recoil and set your heels. Hottie rushes over with the last cushion and whips it at his face.
"Don't forget that one, dickwad," she snips, "now get the hell out of here."
He snorts and throws the cushions in with the couch. He takes the last one from the ground and hurls it over his shoulder so it lands with the other.
"Gladly," he rolls his eyes.
Hottie grabs your arm and urges you back. August shakes his head and struts up the side of the truck as Lee shuts the back. He nods at you, "good to do business with ya ladies."
You can see the dimple in his cheek, as if he might laugh. He goes up the passenger's side and gets in, the motor rumbling to life as August cranks into gear. Hottie retreats, still latching on as she moves you out of the way of the truck's tail as it veers away from the curb.
You pout as you watch the couch bounce with the trucks motion and you puff out.
"Ugh, what a butt," you frown.
"That's putting it lightly," Hottie crosses her arms, "why didn't you come get me?"
"I.. I don't know. They were just taking the couch."
"Hmm," she looks down the street once more, eyes narrow and words unsaid written above her brow, "do me a favour, if you see that jackass again, run in the other direction."
"Yeah, don't think he's coming back," you shrug, "I like to think someone's insides don't always match their outsides but that grumpy puss is testing me."
"Oh, and if you do see him sniffing around, call me," she heads back to the house and you spin to follow her.
"Oh trust me, I got no room for him on my dreamboard."
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1way2mars · 4 months
Pazuribe Event Translation - “VS Blue Lock!? Let’s settle it with soccer!” — Part 1
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Some of the members from Toman mysteriously end up in Blue Lock! Follow Mikey, Takemichi and Mitsuya's side of the story!
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☆ Please give credit in case of use.
☆ I'll do my best to update the second part of the event once it's released on May 31st!
☆ I'm not a professional translator and I'm still learning Japanese. That's why some things might not match exactly/could have been better translated/there might be mistakes. This is a great way for me to learn. I put a lot of effort into making the translation as good as they can be!
☆ Find more pazuribe translations here!
☆ If you have any comment, question, correction or suggestion, please let me know! Interactions are appreciated (^^ゞ
場地 圭介:集会終わったしバイク流しながら帰るか
Baji: Meeting’s over, so let’s ride around on my bike on the way home.
松野 千冬:そっスね!
Chifuyu: Sure!
佐野 万次郎:おーい2人ともこれからヒマ?
Mikey: Heeey, are you guys free right now?
場地 圭介:あ?今から帰るトコ
Baji: Hah? We’re just about to go home.
佐野 万次郎:じゃあヒマだな!おーい!タケミっち〜!場地と千冬もいけるってさ
Mikey: Then you’re free! Heey! Takemicchi〜! Baji and Chifuyu said they’re coming.
場地 圭介:おい!!マイキー勝手に話進めんな!
Baji: Hey!! Mikey, don’t make decisions by yourself!
龍宮寺 堅:おっ場地も来たのか
Draken: Oh, so Baji is coming too?
三ツ谷 隆:結構人数集まったな
Mitsuya: So we ended up being a good amount of people.
松野 千冬:何かするんスか?
Chifuyu: What are we gonna do?
佐野 万次郎:タケミっちのヘタクソライディングの特訓がてら海の方まで行こうと思って
Mikey: I was thinking we could head down to the sea while we do a special training for Takemichi’s shitty driving.
場地 圭介:ほぉ~?そんなにヘタクソなんか?
Baji: Ohoo~? Are you really that shitty?
松野 千冬:まあ上手くはないっスね
Chifuyu: Well, he’s really not that good.
花垣 武道:千冬~!そんなにはっきり言うなよ~
Takemichi: Chifuyu~! No need to put it so bluntly~
佐野 万次郎:よしじゃあ出発だ!
Mikey: Alright then, let’s go!
花垣 武道:ん?
Takemichi: Mh?
佐野 万次郎:え、何ここ
Mikey: Eh, where are we?
松野 千冬:今オレたち神社にいました・・・よね?
Chifuyu: We were just in the shrine… right?
龍宮寺 堅:あぁ・・・なんだココ何かの施設か・・・?
Draken: Aah… What’s this, some kind of institution or…?
三ツ谷 隆:同じようなドアが並んでるな
Mitsuya: There’s similar doors lined up.
場地 圭介:神だのみじゃねぇ?
Baji: A plea to the gods, isn’t it?
松野 千冬:場地さんそれ言うなら「神隠し」っスよ
Chifuyu: Baji-san, if you say that, it’d be “spirited away”.
場地 圭介:あーそれだワ
Baji: Oh– well then.
龍宮寺 堅:とりあえず進んでみねぇ?誰かいるかもしれねぇし
Draken: For now why don’t we move forward? There could be someone else.
花垣 武道:そうですね・・・誰か探すのはアリがも
Takemichi: Right… Might be someone to look for.
場地 圭介:よっしゃさっさと行こうぜ
Baji: Okay let’s get moving.
花垣 武道:(なんなんだ・・・?ナオトもここにはいないし、タイムリープ・・・じゃないよな?)
Takemichi: (What’s going on...? Naoto isn’t here either, and it isn’t a time leap, is it?)
松野 千冬:おい、タケミっち何してんだよ置いてくぞー
Chifuyu: Hey, Takemicchi, what are you up to? We’re leaving you behind–
花垣 武道:あぁ置いてかないで!今行く!!
Takemichi: Aaah don’t ditch me! I’m going!!
花垣 武道:完全に迷った・・・
Takemichi: I have no idea where we are…
佐野 万次郎:同じ風景ばっかだな~ ぐるぐる回ってるみてぇ
Mikey: It’s all the same sight~ It’s like going aroound and aroound.
三ツ谷 隆:ココ、さっきも通らなかったか?
Mitsuya: Didn’t we go through here before?
花垣 武道:いつの間にか千冬たちともはぐれたし・・・・・探しに行きますか?
Takemichi: We somehow got split up from Chifuyu and the others… Should we go find them?
佐野 万次郎:アイツらならなんかあっても大丈夫だろ
Mikey: Whatever happens to them they’ll be okay.
三ツ谷 隆:まぁでもココがなんなのかもわかんねぇし早めに合流したいな
Mitsuya: Yeah but we have no clue what this place is so I wanna meet up with them as soon as possible.
佐野 万次郎:お!扉はっけ~ん!とりあえずここの扉開けてみようぜ!
Mikey: Oh! Foound a door~! Let’s open it for now!
花垣 武道:え!マイキーくん!少し警戒したほうがいいんじゃ・・・!?
Takemichi: Eh! Mikey-kun! Shouldn’t you be a little bit careful…!?
???(潔 世一):くぞぉ・・・!まだまだ!!
??? (Isagi): Shit…! Not there yet!!
???(糸師 凛):フン・・・
??? (Rin): Hmph…
花垣 武道:あ!誰かいた!よっかた~!!あの~すみませんちょっといいですか?
Takemichi: Ah! There was someone! I’m glad~!! Umm sorry, do you have a minute?
???(潔 世一):え?誰?
??? (Isagi): Eh? Who is it?
???(糸師 凛):誰だ
??? (Rin): Who’s that?
花垣 武道:いや、あの~怪しい者ではないんですが・・・ちょっといつの間にかこの建物の中にいまして・・・ここがどこか教えてくれませんか?
Takemichi: Oh boy, well~ I’m not someone suspicious but… before we knew it we were inside this building… Could you tell me where this place is?
???(潔 世一):”ココ”のこと知らないのか?
??? (Isagi): You don’t know about “this place”?
花垣 武道:え?あ、はい・・・
Takemichi: Eh? Ah, yeah…
???(潔 世一):”ココ”に関係無いやつが出入りできるようになってるわけないよな?
??? (Isagi): There’s no way guys unrelated to “this place” can go in and out, right?
???(糸師 凛):当たり前だろ しかもこいつらの服見てみろどうみても不良だ 何しに来たのかしらないがさっきと出ていけ、邪魔だ
??? (Rin): That’s obvious. And look at their clothes, they look like delinquents. I don’t know why you came here but it’s about time you leave, you’re on the way.
???(潔 世一):ちょっ!凛!
??? (Isagi): Wait! Rin!
花垣 武道:え!すみません!話聞いてください!
Takemichi: Eh! I’m sorry! Listen to me! 
???(糸師 凛):触るな
??? (Rin): Don’t touch me.
佐野 万次郎:オレの仲間に手ェ出してんじゃねぇよ
Mikey: Then don’t mess with my mate.
???(絵心 甚八):そこまでだ
??? (Ego): That’s it.
???(絵心 甚八):拳だの暴力だのに頼るのはナンセンスだ ここは”青い監獄(ブルーロック)”勝敗はサッカーで決めろ
??? (Ego): It makes no sense to rely on fists and violence. This place is “Blue Lock” and we decide the outcome with soccer. 
佐野 万次郎:は?そもそもテメェ誰だよ
Mikey: Hah? Who are you anyway?
???(絵心 甚八):俺の名前は絵心甚八 その部屋にストラックアウトが出るようになってるから じゃーね
??? (Ego): My name is Ego Jinpachi. Soccer goal targets are supposed to appear in that room so… See you.
???(潔 世一):あ!切れた!何の説明にもなってない!!
??? (Isagi): Ah! He cut off! That doesn’t explain anything!!
佐野 万次郎:今のやつを探して話聞いた方が早そうだ 行くぞ二人とも
Mikey: It’d be quicker if we found that guy and asked him. Let’s go, you two.
???(潔 世一):お、おい!
??? (Isagi): H-Hey!
???(糸師 凛):ほっとけやってもどうせ勝つ
??? (Rin): Even if you leave it as it is, I'll win anyway.
佐野 万次郎:ハァ?んな訳ねぇだろ さっさとオマエ潰してアイツ見つけ出してやる
Mikey: Hah? You’d say that. We’ll find them and then I’ll crush you.
佐野 万次郎:ホラッ!!
Mikey: Come on!!
???(糸師 凛):力任せでサッカーができると思うな
Rin: Don’t think you can play soccer using all your strength.
花垣 武道:き、気づいたらサッカーで勝負することになってる・・・
Takemichi: Before we knew it this became a soccer competition…
???(潔 世一):てか、結局君らは何者なんだ?
??? (Isagi): I mean, who are you all anyway?
花垣 武道:何者と言われても・・・強いて言えばさっきの人が言ってた通り不良になるんスけど・・・本当に怪しい者じゃないです!何回も言ってると逆に怪しく見えるかもしれねえけど・・・
Takemichi: Who are we… If you ask me, we’re a bunch of delinquents, like that other guy said before but… We really aren’t shady! Though it might seem fishy if I keep on repeating it…
三ツ谷 隆:オレらなんでココにいるのか本当にわからないんだ
Mitsuya: We really don’t know how we ended up here.
花垣 武道:神社にいたんですけど、鳥居を潜った瞬間にここにいたんです!信じてください!
Takemichi: We were at a shrine, but we suddenly were here when we went through the toori! You gotta believe us!
???(潔 世一):うーん・・・(まぁ必死っぽいし本当・・・なのか?)
??? (Isagi): Mhhh… (Well, he looks desperate so… it might be true?)
三ツ谷 隆:そういや 自己紹介がまだだったな オレは三ツ谷隆だ
Mitsuya: Come to think of it… We haven’t introduced ourselves yet. I’m Mitsuya Takashi.
花垣 武道:あ!オレは花垣武道っています アナタの名前は・・・
Takemichi: Ah! I’m Hanagaki Takemichi. Your name is…
潔 世一:ああ!俺は潔世一 あっちで勝負してるのは糸師凛ね
Isagi: Aah! I’m Isagi Yoichi. That guy over there competing is Itoshi Rin.
花垣 武道:えっと、潔・・・クン  携帯借りることとかできますか?もしかしたら迎えを呼べるかも
Takemichi: Mh, Isagi… kun. Do you have a phone I could borrow or something? Maybe someone could pick us up.
潔 世一: あ~ごめん 懈怠貸せないんだ
Isagi: Ah~ Sorry. Can’t lend you a phone.
花垣 武道:やっぱり不良だからっスか!?悪い事には使いません!!
Takemichi: Is it because I’m a delinquent!? I won’t use it for bad stuff!!
潔 世一:いや、違う違う!オレ今没収されてて手元に携帯ないんだ
Isagi: No, you got it wrong! I don’t have my phone with me right now because they took it away.
花垣 武道:え・・・?没収って?
Takemichi: Eh…? Took it?
潔 世一:”青い監獄(ブルーロック)”には入る時携帯は没収されたんだよ サッカーに集中するために
Isagi: When we arrived at Blue Lock, they confiscated it. So we can focus on soccer.
花垣 武道:さっきの人言ってたその”青い監獄(ブルーロック)”って何ですか?
Takemichi: What’s all about this Blue Lock that guy mentioned before? 
潔 世一:今全国の高校生ストライカー300人を集めて世界ーのストライカーを育成するっていうプロジェクトがあってさ それがここ”青い監獄(ブルーロック)”ってわけ
Isagi: There’s a current project to bring together 300 high school students from all over the country and train them to be the world’s best striker, that’s Blue Lock.
花垣 武道:はぁ~最近のサッカーはすごいですね
Takemichi: Woah~ Soccer is amazing these days.
潔 世一:ってそれ置いといて花垣くんたち帰りたいんだよな やっぱ絵心さんのところに行くべきかな・・・それとも帝襟さんか・・・? よし!外部と連絡取れそうなところに案内するよ
Isagi: But putting that aside, Hanagaki-kun and the rest want to go home. Maybe we should go to Ego-san… or maybe Teieri-san…? Alright! I can take you to some place where you can contact the outside world.
花垣 武道:え!いいんですか!?アザーズ!!マイキーくーん!!
Takemichi: Eh! Are you sure!? Hey!! Mikeeey-kuun!!
佐野 万次郎:何?タケミっち今いいところなんだけど
Mikey: What? Takemicchi, we’re at the best part…
花垣 武道:潔クンが外と連絡取れるところに連れてってくれるみたいです!
Takemichi: Isagi-kun seems to be taking us to a place where we can reach the outside world!
佐野 万次郎:フーン
Mikey: Mhhhh.
三ツ谷 隆:その前にドラケン達探さなきゃな・・・
Mitsuya: We gotta find Draken and the rest before that…
潔 世一:他にも誰がいるのか?
Isagi: There’s more people beside you?
���垣 武道:はい あと3人とはぐれてしまって
Takemichi: Yes, we split up from three other friends.
 潔 世一:多分それも絵心さんのところに行けばわかると思うから とりあえず行こうか 凛も行くかー?
Isagi: Probably you’ll find out about that when we go to Ego-san’s. For now, let’s get going. Rin, you coming?
糸師 凛:どうでもいい
Rin: Whatever.
佐野 万次郎:なぁ、オマエなかなかやるじゃん また会えたら続きやろうな!
Mikey: Hey, you play quite well. Let’s pick it up where we left off next time we see each other!
糸師 凛:フン
Rin: Hmph.
 潔 世一:じゃあ案内するよ
Isagi: Then, follow me!
花垣 武道:お願いします!
Takemichi: Thank you so much!
糸師 凛:力任せでサッカーやってんじゃねぇ
Rin: Don’t play soccer with brute force.
糸師 凛:オマエなんかに負けるかよ
Rin: I’m not letting you win.
糸師 凛:素人にしてはやるな
Rin: You played well for an amateur.
You can read part 2 here!
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I heard that R.evali was getting a lot of CHONK art, so how about some vore with him at increasingly bigger sizes and being smug about it?
Yeah, he has been! Evidently, his voice actor is kinda into it? Or is at least interacting with art of it, which got a whole lot of people to make stuff. Anyway! Good enough excuse to fatten a cocky bird up.
The first time it had happened, R.evali would say that it was…weird. He’d been coming back from some of his personal training when another R.ito intercepted him with his bizarre request—to be eaten whole and alive by their champion.
“I’m not good at fishing or hunting,” the R.ito says. “And I’m not a skilled archer. I want…no, I need to do something for our village. And the only way is to serve you, our Champion!”
R.evali considers talking some sense into this R.ito, send him back. But the earnestness of the request and the gentle growling of R.evali’s stomach after a day of work, as well as the sense of praise and superiority, is all leading him to a different answer. A smug smile and a haughty laugh finally settle on him. “Well, who wouldn’t want to do that? I’ll make sure everyone knows that you went to the greatest cause of all—me.” He plants his hands squarely on the R.ito’s shoulders and opens his beak wide.
R.evali was late getting back to  by he village, and the guards that greet him seem relieved he’s returned. Then a bit surprised to see he’s cradling a person-sized gut, gurgling and churning thickly. A belch escapes the champion, some feathers fluttering from his beak as he slowly slurps along it. “I’m pleased to inform the two of you of someone who will not be coming home…”
It’s a couple of months later that R.evali begins to notice a shift. Specifically, the shift of his stomach every time he moves or takes to the sky. A pot belly has settled itself snuggly onto his frame, wobbling around any time he moves. He huffs to himself, poking and prodding it. “Where did all of this weight come from..?”
Well, he knew where it came from: ten R.itos, all of them offering their bodies and lives up to their great Champion. One at a time, every few days, someone had come to R.evali with the same story—they felt that they served no greater purpose than being a meal to move their Champion forward. And of course, he obliged each and every time. Even when the last one was a pair of brothers he had to work down together.
Of course, that much meat was bound to leave some extra heft. But R.evali had figured his training would work it off. Clearly not. He was almost a little ashamed of it—what would the other R.ito think if he walked around looking so…plush? Such worries were cast aside by his next meal.
“Oh, R.evali, I’m honored that I’ll be able to become a part of this,” the R.ito says, stooped down to rub along the sides of R.evali’s gut. “For everyone to see what’s left of me adorn your frame…is a great mercy.”
The thought makes R.evali grin. And R.ito went down soon enough, adding some more inches to R.evali’s heft by end of day. And when he runs his hands along his expanding girth, feels it wobble, there’s nothing but pride. It’s not just fat, it’s a sign of the strength of the R.itos. How they can come together and become something better, but never be forgotten or erased. They’re all more of him…but there’s still something to show they were there. His stomach bubbles over whatever remnants of his meal are left, and he absentmindedly wonders if he can get another for dinner.
R.evali huffs a bit with effort as he lands, the wood platform groaning under him. His belly rumbles harshly and a thick belch roars out of him, a multicolor of feathers explode forth and fluttering to his feet. R.evali sighs out, slowly slurping along his beak while he pats his gut slowly.
“This new training method is…an exceptional idea,” R.evali huffs. Having to work a bit harder to bela his meals lets him get plenty of flying in, a chance to adjust to his weight in the sky. He’s also found that all the new weight gives him something to throw around. Few continue to move much with a few hundred pounds of R.ito dropping on them.
Whoever had the idea initially is padding out his ass some more, so as far as he cares, it was his idea. It’s been over a year since the first R.ito joined their champion and at this point? R.evali is hardly slowing. He happily shows off his weight to everyone who can see it, and he has no intentions of ever losing it. Why would he want to, when so many R.ito gave themselves to him to form it?
There have been some noticeable…let’s say dips in the population. Much of the guards have been gutted by R.evali’s gut. Who needs them when the great Champion is keeping their village safe? A handful of hunters have fed R.evali with their own bodies as well. Less R.ito around means they need less food, so the hunters have less to do. And those they stay around, like artists and musicians, well…R.evali might have less of a justification there beyond finding them easy meals. But surely they’re still serving a greater purpose, yes?
Another belch erupts from R.evali, his hands lazily smooshing his stomach as it churns. “Hm…perhaps it’s time to start expanding my tastes outside of the village. I'm sure it’s not just the R.ito who recognize my greatness!” The heavy gut gurgled wetly in agreement.
R.evali can’t say when he last took to the skies, but it’s not such a problem for him. All the food he could ever want is down here, after all. Ever since K.aneli had retired (being mulched in R.evali’s gut is a popular form of retirement nowadays), he’s taken up residence as the leader of the R.itos. His great stomach rests on the floor, always burbling over something. R.ito most of the time, Hylian with some frequency, and occasionally a Z.ora or even a G.oron.
R.evali is fat, but it’s a sign of honor. “Letting those who give their lives to the great R.ito Champion show their additions is the highest honor!” Of course, since R.evali can no longer take to the skies, a successor is already in the works—he’s been hearing good things about this T.eba fellow. Might have to give him a few pointers.
After all, if he’ll be their new Champion, he’ll have to show others a high honor as well. R.evali pats his gut with a slight smirk. And if he’s all talk…R.evali will add him to a real champion. The best. The heaviest.
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all-about-kyu · 7 months
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Summary: You already ruined your friendship and might as well ruin it some more. Pairing: Pixie!Yoshinori x fem Jikan Kitsune!reader Tropes: modern fantasy au Genre: smut Rating: R 18+ Warnings: magic (mind reading), language Smut Warnings: 69, face sitting, handjob, oral (f receive), mommy kink, hair pulling Word Count: 1,471 Host Tags: @sanjoongie @thelargefrye Before You Interact February Filth Masterlist
Listen to ♡ Villain by K/DA
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“You really didn’t learn your lesson, did you?” You growl, bearing your teeth at your pixie friend.
Yoshi smirks, “I don’t know what you mean by that.”
Yoshi tilts his head making his half white-half brown hair flop to the side. His glittery wings flutter with excitement. You narrow your eyes at him, your tails flicking in irritation. You know that you really aren’t irritated with him. You know exactly how to get him to behave again. He knows, too. It’s exactly what he wants to happen.
“What are you gonna do about it?” he thinks.
“We talked about this, Yoshinori… you better speak out loud if you want something.”
“Where’s the fun in that? I’d like to see you try to put me in my place again.”
That was the final straw. You surge forward and grab his jaw, squishing his cheeks together slightly. His eyes have a glimmer of defiance despite clearly not having the upper hand. His thoughts are quiet even though his face is clearly telling a different story. Leaning forward, you crush your lips against his in a harsh, heated kiss. Yoshi makes a small, surprised noise when you let your hand fall to his throat. You don’t put any pressure, but it’s enough to say that you’re in control here.
“Oh, god…” he thinks, “I need something… anything…”
“You ready to use your words, pixie?” You question against his lips.
“Fuck me, please?” His tone is whiney and needy.
You pull away, eyes hooded with lust. You show your fangs slightly and watch as Yoshi’s eyebrows furrow with desperation. Even though he also has fangs of his own, he can’t help but be desperate to see the pretty bite marks you leave behind on him. Grabbing his hand, you drag him to your room. His mind is running rampant with debauched thoughts. One, however, catches your attention. The idea of sitting on his face while simply toying with him, hardly giving him any relief, sounds so delicious to you. The fact that he’s thinking about it as well only adds to the idea that he really does want you to pick him apart until he’s a completely fucked out mess.
It takes all of two minutes to have your pixie friend stripped and lying back on your bed. Yoshi is already a fucked out mess with just a few kisses, and you can’t wait to pick him apart more. Leaning over his body, you leave barely-there kisses along his jaw. In your peripheral, you can see him bucking his hips up once in a while. Still, you won’t pay attention to what he wants you to.
“Please~” he whines mentally.
The fact that he’s intentionally not saying things out loud only makes you want to ruin him more. 
“Say it out loud, Yoshi.”
“M-mommy,” he whines, “Please, I want something. Anything, please!”
You smirk and nip at his skin lightly before pulling away. Stripping all of your clothing from your body, you make eye contact with the pixie. His stardust-covered wins leave glittery marks across your bedding. Seeing it sends a flutter of something through your chest. You wouldn’t mind seeing the glittery substance there all the time.
“Put your head up on the pillows.” You guide.
Yoshi moves up further on your bed. Trails of the stardust follow his wings as he moves. You saunter over to him and climb up on the bed. At first, you think about teasing him more, but instead, you straddle yourself over his face. You’re facing toward the rest of his body. His shimmery skin makes your mind and heart reel with different thoughts, some more debauched than others. You glance down at his upper body to ensure you don’t accidentally kneel on his wings before lowering yourself just out of reach of his mouth.
“Now, you’re gonna eat me out like a good boy, and maybe I’ll reward you for it.”
“Yes, mommy.” He whimpers.
Without further conversation, you lower yourself fully onto his mouth. Yoshi instantly starts lapping at your pussy as if he hasn’t eaten in weeks. Every once in a while, you feel his fangs brush against you. It’s not something you expect, but you aren’t entirely upset about it either. His mind is going a mile a minute with filthy content. He’s eating you out in a way that makes you see stars, too. You reach back with one hand and tangle it in his hair, tugging lightly. You push your tails out of the way to make sure he can still have some semblance of vision even though his eyes are closed, focusing on eating you out as best he can.
“You’re doing such a good job, pretty boy. Eating mommy out so well.”
Yoshi makes a small noise reveling in the praise with the accompanied thought of “Thank you, Mommy”. Hearing him call you that out loud or in his mind sends you through even more thoughts that are far beyond anything you should say out loud. You grind against his face a bit while tugging his two-toned hair. His hips thrust up again. This time, you finally decided to give him some attention. You let your body fall forward so your elbows are against the mattress just below the bottom edge of his wings.
“You want me to touch you, pretty pixie?” You lift your hips just enough to let him have some room to respond.
“P-please, Mommy. Want you to let me eat you out more.” His tone is high and desperate.
You chuckle, “Don’t worry, Yoshi, I’ll sit again. Do you want me to touch your pretty cock?”
He nods, his hair tickling against your ankle, “Please, Mommy.”
You sit down fully again and bring one of your hands to wrap around the base of his member. The natural shimmer of his skin mixed with the beads of precum coming from his tip makes your mouth water. You pump your hand around him slowly, relishing in his moans reverberating against your pussy. Taking your other hand, you focus on his tip. You spread his precum around the head of his member, making his already shimmery skin shine even more. 
“Fuck…” he groans mentally, “Feels so– fuck”
“Is mommy making you feel good, pretty pixie?”
“Yes, mommy, wanna make you cum.”
You grind against his face again, “Focus on my clit, pretty.”
Yoshi doesn’t need to be told twice. He focuses on the small bud, licking and sucking it into his mouth. You speed up your hands and gasp out a chuckle when he starts thrusting up into your hand. Between the desperation to please you and chase after his own pleasure, it’s safe to say he’s completely pussy drunk.
It doesn’t take long for his moans to flow continuously from his lips while still doing his best to eat you out. Your high bubbles closer each time he licks or sucks on your pussy. You play with his cock in just the right way to know he’s just as close.
“Can I–” he stops to moan, “I need–”
He stops speaking to start eating you out again. You moan at the feeling and press yourself against him harshly.
“Gonna cum, but I wanna keep eating you and, and– mommy!”
“It’s okay, pretty pixie.” You moan, “Cum for me. I’m almost there.”
He thrusts up into your hands until he cums across your hands and his belly. He sucks on your clit harder, making you see stars again. Your orgasm washes over you; your thighs quiver around his head, and moans fall from your lips like a never-ending melody. 
Once you calm down a bit, you get off of his face and see how glossy the lower half of his face is. From his chin, all the way up to the end of his button nose, are covered in your arousal. 
“We should clean you up, Yoshi.” 
“I wanna keep pleasing you.” He pouts, “Please, Mommy?”
You breathe in sharply before responding, “You know I’d love that, but we also both know that if we do, we won’t leave my room for the rest of the night.”
Yoshi smiles, showing his small fangs, “I see no issue with that.”
“The issue is that we’re meeting with Haruto and Asahi in about a half hour.”
Yoshi makes a displeased noise but doesn’t fight any further. He gets up and follows you into the bathroom and takes ahold of one of your tails, smoothing out the white and teal fur. You smile softly at him before reaching to grab two towels out of the closet.
“At least one more round in the shower?” He asks with sparkling eyes.
You sigh with a small smile resting on your lips, “You’re a bad influence, Yoshi.”
“You love me!” He giggles.“Maybe a bit.”
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2024© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
Networks: @monsterfvckersunited @cultofdionysusnet @kwritersworld @k-vanity
Tag List: @bratty-tingz @yeosangiess @minjaeluver @abbietwilight @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
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𝚃𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚘𝚛 𝚂𝚠𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙰𝚜𝚔𝚜
The request ideas for the people who love Taylor Swift! Some of these can be platonic, while some are romantic. These are also vice versa (it could be about you doing something or about them doing it). Rules can be found here. Asks are here. Masterlist is here. Flower asks ideas are here and Hozier asks are here. 💔- Angst 💖- Fluff 💌- Personal fav.
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Tim McGraw ~ You leave them a letter months after things have ended. 💔
Picture to Burn ~ You put them on blast after they broke your heart by cheating. 💔💌
Teardrops On My Guitar ~ You're in love with them, but they're in love with someone else. 💔
A Place In This World ~ You don't know where you belong, so they tell you. 💖
Cold As You ~ Loving them is like loving a grey brick wall. 💔
The Outside ~ You were always lonely, an outcast. That was before you met them. 💔💖
Tied Together with a Smile ~ Struggling with insecurities about your self-image is always hard. They're able to make it a bit better. 💔💖💌
Stay Beautiful ~ Loving someone who is loved by everyone. 💖
Should've Said No ~ They come crawling back to you after they cheated, begging for forgiveness. 💔
Mary's Song (Oh My My My) ~ A lifetime of love together. 💖
Our Song ~ When people disapprove of your relationship, but you don't care. 💖
I'm Only Me When I'm With You ~ No matter what, you can always rely on the fact that the other's always going to be there. 💖
Invisible ~ They're crushing on someone who's not you. You're in love with them. 💔
A Perfectly Good Heart ~ They suddenly decided to break up with you, even though everything was fine. 💔
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Fearless ~ They're always getting you out of your comfort zone. 💖
Fifteen ~ Sharing your experiences of your first heartbreaks. 💔💖
Love Story ~ You plan to run away together, but they don't show up. They surprise you with something better. 💔💖
Hey Stephen ~ They discourage you from falling in love with them. You do anyways. 💔💖
White Horse ~ They came to save you too late. You already saved yourself this time. 💔
You Belong With Me ~ They're dating someone who doesn't deserve them. You try to make them see they deserve better. 💔💖
Breathe ~ You both decide it would be better to break things off. It kills you inside. 💔
Tell Me Why ~ They say one thing, but their actions always tell a different story. 💔
You're Not Sorry ~ After many screwed chances, you finally decide to call it quits. 💔
The Way I Loved You ~ You're in a good relationship, but miss the complicatedness of your old one. 💔💖
Forever & Always ~ Things started out so well; now everything is in pieces. 💔💖
The Best Day ~ You/They are their/your older sibling, and you/they always look out for each other. 💖💌
Change ~ After a life of constantly being beaten down, you have no idea what to do when things start working out. 💔💖
Jump Then Fall ~ You are head over heels in love with every single thing they do. 💖
Untouchable ~ Everything is saying you should be together. They're too scared. 💔💖
Come In With The Rain ~ You're always putting in all the effort. You give them opportunities for them to step forward. What will they do? 💔 or 💖
Superstar ~ You're just one of the many people in love with them. 💔
The Other Side of the Door ~ You say things you don't mean but are too prideful to take any of it back. 💔
Today Was a Fairytale ~ Your love is like a fairytale. 💖
You All Over Me ~ Everything you do reminds you of them. 💔
Mr. Perfectly Fine ~ You're mourning the relationship while they act like it meant nothing to them. 💔
We Were Happy ~ Looking back on the happy times of the relationship after everything is over. 💔💖
That's When ~ You're the one that leaves. They'll let you back in no matter what. 💔💖
Don't You ~ You hate them after they've moved on. You hate them because you love them. 💔
Bye Bye Baby ~ Right person, wrong time. 💔
𝓢𝓹𝓮𝓪𝓴 𝓝𝓸𝔀
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Mine ~ You watched your parents' relationship fail. You're convinced that yours will never last. 💔💖
Sparks Fly ~ When everyone tells you not to love them, you know you shouldn't love them, and yet you still do. 💖
Back to December ~ You made a mistake that ended the relationship. You see them years later and want to start over. 💔
Speak Now ~ You're at their wedding, and you object. 💔💌
Dear John ~ When nothing you do is ever good enough for them. 💔
Mean ~ You were bullied relentlessly as a kid. Now that you're well-known in the pirate world, you and your crew go back to your hometown to visit. 💖
The Story of Us ~ Many misunderstandings have led to neither of you knowing the fate of your relationship. 💔
Never Grow Up ~ You remember when they were a little kid. Now, they're all grown up and don't need you anymore. You realize you didn't have a childhood. (strictly platonic) 💔💖
Enchanted ~ You have a fated encounter with a good-looking stranger. They're all you think about. What happens when you meet them again? 💖
Better Than Revenge ~ You let everyone know exactly what happened in your relationship, specifically, why it ended. 💔💌
Innocent ~ You both reminisce about how simple everything was in childhood. 💔💖
Haunted ~ They're not what you thought they were. They show this to you once and for all. 💔
Last Kiss ~ You didn't know your last moments with them would actually be your last. 💔
Long Live ~ When you felt like you conquered the world. 💖
Ours ~ You only laugh at the people who disapprove of your relationship. 💖
Superman ~ They're always so focused on saving people that it feels like they never have time for you. 💖
Electric Touch ~ Just by touching you could they set you on fire. 💖
When Emma Falls In Love ~ The many times love never works out, and the one time it does. 💔💖💌
I Can See You ~ The others can never find you once you go off alone. You don't want them to. 💖
Castles Crumbling ~ You turn into what they hate. 💔
Foolish One ~ You're convinced that they're going to like you eventually, they're just leading you on. 💔
Timeless ~ Finding a picture of a couple back in the day has you imagining what it would've been like to be in love with them (character) during that time. 💖
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State of Grace ~ People can confidently say that your relationship was one of the epic loves from the books. 💖
Red ~ You've never felt the intense emotions this relationship has brought you. 💖
Treacherous ~ You've just met, but you can already imagine a whole life together. 💖
I Knew You Were Trouble ~ You knew it wasn't going to work out. You risked it anyway. 💔
All Too Well ~ Moving on is hard, especially when they haven't returned one of your belongings. 💔
22 ~ The best times you've had with your friends. 💖💌
I Almost Do ~ Things in the relationship ended badly. When you see each other again, you start thinking about doing it all again. 💔
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together ~ You're an off-and-on couple. They tried to ask you out again the last time you broke up. You turn them down in the most embarrassing way possible. 💔 or 💖
Stay Stay Stay ~ Arguments are expected in every relationship. You always make sure to talk it out in the end. 💖
The Last Time ~ It's an ongoing cycle of love and hurt. You say this is the last time you'll let them back in, knowing it won't be. 💔
Holy Ground ~ You can't help but think about your first love from your teen years. You wonder if they think about you too. 💔💖💌
Sad Beautiful Tragic ~ You're not angry anymore, just sad. 💔
The Lucky One ~ You move on to bigger things and leave the crew. They think you're doing great when you meet again. They couldn't be more wrong. 💔💌
Everything Has Changed ~ Your life changes when you meet them. 💖
Starlight ~ You sneak into an elite party and dance the night away. 💖💌
Begin Again ~ Your last relationship was one of the worst. You weren't expecting the next one to be so great. 💖
The Moment I Knew ~ This was important, they knew it was. So why didn't they show? 💔
Come Back... Be Here ~ Long distance was never easy. 💔
Girl At Home ~ They say pirates have someone in every port. You were determined not to be part of that statistic. 💖💌
Better Man ~ You had to break it off, but you can't help but miss who they could be. 💔
Nothing New ~ Growing up being heavily criticized and told you're uninteresting takes its toll. This affects any relationship. 💔💖
Babe ~ "You said, 'No one else.' How could you do this, babe?" 💔
Message In a Bottle ~ You try to find them after years apart and use any means necessary. 💖💌
I Bet You Think About Me ~ They always made you feel like you weren't good enough for them. You know that they think of you every day regardless. 💔
Forever Winter ~ You never knew they were hurting. 💔
Run ~ You dream about running away together. 💖
The Very First Night ~ You try to distract yourself from missing them, and it never works. 💔
All Too Well (10 Minute Version) ~ Like the previous All Too Well request, but angrier and more depressing. 💔💌
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Welcome to New York ~ Life got so much better after you joined the Strawhats. 💖💌
Blank Space ~ You've had a long list of lovers, and you're more than happy to add their name. 💖💌
Style ~ You complement each other well. 💖
Out of the Woods ~ Nothing can tear you apart. That doesn't mean things don't try. 💔💖
All You Had To Do Was Stay ~ They drove you away. Now they want you back. 💔💖
Shake It Off ~ Some comments are hard to shake off. They help you. 💖
I Wish You Would ~ You regret leaving like you did. 💔
Bad Blood ~ Lovers to enemies. 💔
Wildest Dreams ~ All you ask is that they remember you fondly when it all ends. 💔💖
How You Get The Girl ~ They get advice from others on how to get you back. 💖
This Love ~ The ups and downs of the relationship. 💔💖
I Know Places ~ When things are too much, you know the perfect place to go. 💔💖
Clean ~ You no longer associate them with your favorite things. 💔💖
Wonderland ~ You always seem to get in trouble together. 💖
You Are In Love ~ You never expected them to be the person you fell for. 💖
New Romantics ~ A day in the life of a pirate crew. 💖
Slut! ~ The names don't matter as long as you're with them. 💖
Say Don't Go ~ You want to leave just to see if they'll ask you to stay. 💔
Now That We Don't Talk ~ You hear about how much they've changed since things ended. 💔
Suburban Legends ~ Things weren't as great as you made them out to be. 💔
Is It Over Now? ~ You can never pinpoint when the relationship actually ended. 💔
Sweeter Than Fiction ~ You knew they would get past the hard times that threatened to down them. 💖
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... Ready for it? ~ Outlaw couple goals! 💖💌
End Game ~ "He's your first love. I intend to be your last." 💖
I Did Something Bad ~ You prove to them that you never needed them. 💔💖💌
Don't Blame Me ~ Love makes people do crazy things. 💖
Delicate ~ You've both had rough lives. You always make sure the other is comfortable. 💖
Look What You Made Me Do ~ They play games well. You play them better. 💔💖💌
So It Goes... ~ You can never keep your hands off each other once you get alone. 💖
Gorgeous ~ You showed up with one person, you want to leave with a different one. 💖
Getaway Car ~ You/They used the other and started feeling a little bad. 💔
King of My Heart ~ They don't try to impress you like every other person. They let you be you and them be them. 💖
Dancing With Our Hands Tied ~ You and them to the end. No exceptions. 💔💖
Dress ~ No one knows the true extent of your relationship. 💖
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things ~ They're always in your corner. No lies can change that. 💔💖
Call It What You Want ~ People think they know you. They don't know who you are when you're with them. 💖💌
New Year's Day ~ Cleaning up after an eventful day ends with you confessing how you never want to lose them (or vice versa). 💖
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I Forgot That You Existed ~ You finally don't let them consume your thoughts. 💔💖
Cruel Summer ~ Falling off the wagon always sucks. But why does it feel so good? 💖
Lover ~ All you want is to be with them. It's as simple and as complicated as that. 💖💌
The Man ~ Patriarchy is a bitch. They can be a bigger one. 💖
The Archer ~ Why would anyone stay in a relationship with you? Better question, why wouldn't they? 💖
I Think He Knows ~ You are ridiculously in love with them and haven't confessed yet. They already know. 💖💌
Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince ~ You're the favorite couple; everyone knows you're going to stay together. They don't see the problems. 💔💖
Paper Rings ~ You get engaged as children with paper rings. 💖💌
Cornelia Street ~ You'd never be able to go to your favorite place if things ended. That's exactly what happened. 💔
Death By A Thousand Cuts ~ You're recovering horribly after the breakup. 💔
London Boy ~ You're from a foreign country, and teach them about your home country. 💖
False God ~ There might be a chance you can get through this. 💔💖
You Need To Calm Down ~ People can't mind their own business. 💖
Afterglow ~ You say things you don't mean after overthinking. 💔💖
ME! ~You're the best person they're ever gonna find. 💖
It's Nice To Have A Friend ~ Childhood friends to lovers. 💖💌
Daylight ~ You've made mistakes. They see past those. 💖
All of The Girls You've Loved Before ~ The only reason they're so good to you is because of all the relationships before. 💖
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the 1 ~ You thought things would last. It always kills when it doesn't. 💔💌
cardigan ~ You were young, you didn't know what you wanted. Wrong. You wanted them, and they wanted you. 💖
the last great american dynasty ~ Years after the pirate age, you find a journal belonging to someone on the Strawhat crew. 💖💌
exile ~ You seem them after the breakup. Their new relationship looks a little similar. 💔
my tears ricochet ~ You have a falling out. So why are they crying over you now? 💔
mirrorball ~ They tell you that you don't have to put on a show anymore. 💔💖💌
seven ~ You come from different places and backgrounds. How beautiful it is to now be together. 💖💌
august ~ You're together unless someone asks. 💔
this is me trying ~ The relationship is different from any other. You have to adjust to the newness and not fall back into old habits. 💔💖
illicit affairs ~ Situationships are always the worst. 💔
invisible string ~ Some things are too convenient to be coincidences. 💖
mad woman ~ They always make you feel like you're being overdramatic. How else are you supposed to react? 💔
epiphany ~ With the world being as crazy as it is, the only place you find to be pleasant is your dreams, where you're with them again. 💔💖
betty ~ They ran off with someone else. Now they're back and wanting to be with you. 💔
peace ~ They are your peace (or vice versa). 💖
hoax ~ Their lies were always the prettiest. 💔
the lakes ~ You dream of running away with them to somewhere people understand you. 💔💖💌
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willow ~ You'd do anything to have them, even if you didn't always understand them. 💖
champagne problems ~ You're not ready for the next step. 💔
gold rush ~ Everyone wants them. Why would they choose you? 💔
'tis the damn season ~ You can never seem to leave the other. 💔💖
tolerate it ~ They never appreciate your effort. 💔
no body, no crime ~ Framing your significant other for murder isn't too bad... Right? 💔💌
happiness ~ You were happy with them, but you were happy without them too. 💔💖
dorothea ~ You're left behind where they grew up. Now you only hear about them from word of mouth and newspapers. 💔💖
coney island ~ They're not who they used to be and that breaks you. You know it's because of you. 💔
ivy ~ You knew it wasn't right. You couldn't force yourself to stop though. 💔💖
cowboy like me ~ You never expected to fall in love and yet here you are. In love with them of all people. 💔💖
long story short ~ You put all your troubles behind you so you can be with them, completely. 💖
closure ~ They send you a letter to see how you're doing after everything. You say you're doing great. You lied. 💔
evermore ~ You keep replaying the moment where everything went wrong. 💔
right where you left me ~ They moved on. You stayed exactly where you were. 💔
it's time to go ~ The only thing you can do now is leave. 💔
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Lavender Haze ~ The honeymoon phase forever. 💖
Maroon ~ How you found and lost each other. 💔💖
Anti-Hero ~ They're going to leave. It's just a matter of when. 💔
Snow On The Beach ~ How you both fell in love together. 💖
You're On Your Own, Kid ~ You worked hard to get their attention just to learn you already had it before. 💖💌
Midnight Rain ~ Sometimes you're just not good for people. 💔
Question...? ~ You want to see how similar their past relationship is to your current one. 💔, could be 💖
Vigilante Shit ~ You show them you're the wrong person to mess with. 💔
Bejeweled ~ They don't let you shine. You do it anyway. 💔💌
Labyrinth ~ You went against your rules and fell in love again. 💔💖
Karma ~ Karma does the work of getting back at them for you. 💔
Sweet Nothing ~ A night in bed together is sometimes all you need. 💖💌
Mastermind ~ You planned everything to the last detail. They knew it. 💖
The Great War ~ You overthink and attack. You regret it when you calm down. 💔💖
Bigger Than The Whole Sky ~ You/They lose the other in the worst way possible. 💔
Paris ~ You spend all your time together that you don't even focus on anything else. 💖
High Infidelity ~ Your partner finds out about you and them (character). 💔
Glitch ~ You never considered things to go the way they did. 💖
Would've, Could've, Should've ~ Things would've been so much better if you stayed home that day. 💔
Dear Reader ~ You live a life of loneliness and isolation. They help. 💔💖
Hits Different ~ Moving on from relationships was never hard until you had to move on from them. 💔
You're Losing Me ~ This is the one time they can't understand why they're in the wrong. 💔💌
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓣𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓟𝓸𝓮𝓽𝓼 𝓓𝓮𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽
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Fortnight ~ You two have a serious fling and they end things when they don’t want to take the next step. You find out they’re with someone else, how you wanted to be with them. 💔
The Tortured Poets Department ~ They want to ruin everything from fear. You’re not gonna let them. 💔💖
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys ~ They only loved you before they broke you. You still try to convince yourself they still love you. 💔
Down Bad ~ You don’t want to let go after they end things. 💔
So Long, London ~ You’ve given them everything, waiting for them to give you something. That day never came. 💔
But Daddy I Love Him ~ You’re in love with someone who doesn’t have the best reputation in the community. You’ll say anything to keep them. 💖
Fresh Out the Slammer ~ Being with them is like being in prison. 💔
Florida!!! ~ You run away to have a fresh start. You can never seem to outrun them. 💔
Guilty as Sin? ~ You try to stay away from the person with the bad reputation, but can’t help but fantasize about them. You know that nothing can happen though. 💖💔
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? ~ You show them exactly who they messed with. 💔
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) ~ You are convinced that you can make them better. Everyone else thinks it’s a lost cause. 💖💔
loml ~ They said you were the love of their life but hurt you anyway. 💔
I Can Do It With a Broken Heart ~ You know how to put on a good show after the break-up. 💔
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived ~ They showed you off to higher their status and dropped you when they didn’t need you anymore. 💔
The Alchemy ~ You came to take them back and plan on following through with getting them back. 💖
Clara Bow ~ You always get told you look like your family. They see you as you. 💔
The Black Dog ~ You follow them to see where they always go and see something you never wanted to see. 💔
imgonnagetyouback ~ You don’t know whether you want to get them back or if you want to get back at them. 💔
The Albatross ~ Everyone tried to warn them about you and you tried to warn them about everyone else. Could be 💖or 💔
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus ~ They loved the thought of you and get upset when you don’t act like how they envision. 💔
How Did It End? ~ Your breakup is a crowd spectacle. 💔
So High School ~ You have the kicking your feet and grinning to yourself kind of relationship. 💖
I Hate It Here ~ You hate living life without them so you imagine what life could’ve been with them. 💖💔
thanK you aIMee ~ You rant about that one person you hate to them. 💖
I Look in People’s Windows ~ You can’t help but think about what could’ve been when you catch a glimpse of a party through a nearby window. 💔
The Prophecy ~ You plead with whatever higher power there is to let you have them back. 💔
Cassandra ~ They never believed what you say you went through back home until you went back. 💔
Peter ~ You both said it would only be temporary. They didn’t seem like they were going to come back and you can’t keep waiting. 💔
The Bolter ~ At the first sign of trouble, you immediately run. 💔, could be 💖
Robin ~ They make you feel like you have no regrets and no expectations. 💖
The Manuscript ~ You hated to lose them but couldn’t help be grateful for what it eventually brought you. 💔💖
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larry-22-blog · 2 years
Period Complications 5 x ADHD
Hi guys, thank you for all your feedback regarding the series, I hope you enjoy this one too, as always please add your input in, I love to read your comments and messages.
I try to take all the suggestions and include them in the story.
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"I'm just so fucking angry! Why is it not fucking working!" I exclaimed in frustration trying to fix the bugs in my code, but I swear each time I fix one, another one just pops around the corner!
I hate this shit!
Who's idea was it to study Computer Science?!
It's bullshit!
I would be better off studying-- screw that! I would be better off not studying anything at fucking all!
I should have become a stripper or something! Would probably make more money selling feet pics to crazy people online than in this shit hole!
"You've got pretty feet… But they are for my eyes only" Erling chuckled from where he was leaning on the doorway, looking at me with his too-damn pretty face.
He's also not wearing a shirt.
Just some shorts. Some short shorts.
And he's sweaty and ---
Seriously why is he so damn hot all the fucking time?
"Awww thanks, babe!" He cheerfully said fist bumping into the air before moving towards me.
"Nope, out! Erling Braut Haland!" I said, trying to make him leave.
He shouldn't see me like this.
I don't want him to see what a mess I am.
Especially under stress.
"You're such a beautiful mess though, baby!" He exclaimed slowly coming closer to my desk, well, his desk. Since it's his house.
I just tried to kick the guy out of his own house.
"What's mine is yours, love, you know it!" He leaned forward from the other side of the desk, head resting on his arm as he watched me with a big smile on his face.
"Seriously what are you? Can you read minds?!" I asked frowning.
"Nah, you just tend to speak out loud when stressed or under pressure. It's cute. I find it quite endearing." He leaned and kissed the tip of my nose.
"Oh, oops!" I felt myself blushing.
"It's super entertaining too! Your mind is very funny, you go from one thing to another then back to the other thing and so on!" He chuckled, taking one of my trembling hands in his much bigger one and kissing the back of it.
"I can't help it… It's my ADHD brain going at 500km/h on a countryside road…" I sighed.
I hate the way my brain works sometimes.
Some other times I like it, makes me feel different but most of the time it's just frustrating and hard.
I feel so stupid most of the time, always thinking differently, always taking the long way around.
I just want a break from all the stress and pressure sometimes.
"Baby how can you say that, you're so smart, the smartest person I know, the most hard-working and selfless" he moved from where he was leaning over and came around the desk to where I was.
"I just feel like I have to work so much to make up for all these bullshit issues…" I feel tears filling my eyes.
"Baby…" he pulled me to his chest, hugging me tight as he leaned down so I could put my arms around his neck.
"Sorry, I'm all sweaty… I probably stink too" he said in my hair, kissing the top of my head.
"I love your scent," I said against his neck, on my tippy toes, hugging him tighter.
"You're something else baby" he chuckled.
"What do you say about a shower and then some comfy clothes, sneaks and Netflix and chill in our bed?" He proposed his accent peaking through quite a bit.
It's something that happens when he's tired or misses home or his family.
"Sounds like a plan, add some tea to the list and we are good to go," I said, kissing the top of his left pec as I moved away.
I let out an embarrassing loud squeal when he lifted me up and began carrying me upstairs.
"ERLING!! You have to stop carrying me around all the time!" I blushed into his neck.
This man is something else.
"Why? I quite enjoy it, no shush, go get the shower ready, I'll be back in a min with some clothes for us" he put me down in front of the shower and left running back to our room. I could hear him going through the drawers in the walk-in closet of the ensuite, smiling to myself as I started the water, making sure it was the perfect temperature as I undressed and stepped in.
I washed my body and was in the middle of washing my hair when I feel arms around my middle, pulling me back so our bodies are touching.
"I wanted to wash you!" He pouted, looking too cute for his own good.
"You can still wash me, come on, I'll wash you" I proposed, getting the soapy bath fluff nice and bubbly as I proceeded to press it on Erling's chest, washing his toned body. His chest, his arms, his back…
"You've got such an amazing butt… It's unfair!" I could not help myself so I squeezed it, loving how muscular and nice it feels. It looked so good all soapy.
"Hey! Hands of the merchandise!" He joked and I have him a playful slap on the right cheek as I moved back up, trying to get him to lean down to get a kiss.
"No kisses for you, you've been too naughty," he said, straightening his back so he put even more distance between us, smirking down at me.
"Well, I guess I'll just have to continue to wash myself then… Alone" I purposely turned my back to him, bending down to get my favourite shower gel and then proceed to wash my body, soaping up my chest and then looking up to see his reaction.
Well, I could have looked down also, there was definitely a reaction there too.
"Baby!! Those are mine too!" He exclaimed, moving his big hands on my chest, squeezing both my boobs, making me moan as he touched my sensitive nipples.
"Fucking hell, Erling!" I moaned as he moved behind me, pressing his front into my back, not letting go of my boobs as he played with my nipples.
"Love how sensitive they are, how sensitive you are…" he kissed my neck, holding me close as he played with my boobs. I could feel him pulsing against my back, he was hard. And so fucking big.
Everything about this guy is huge. Of course, his dick was also fucking huge.
I blushed at the thought.
"Erling please…" I begged.
I don't even know what I was asking. What did I want?
I just wanted him.
"Baby, slow down, we got all day" he chuckled.
"I want you inside me" I turned around pulling him down so we could kiss.
"No way in hell! Not going to happen on my watch!" He broke our kiss, putting some space between us and I looked confused up at him.
I couldn't help but feel insecure and rejected.
"You don't want to? With me?" I asked, looking sadly up at him.
"Of course I fucking want it! I love you, I desire you, can't you see how much you turn me on? I swear I'm always hard around you!" He groaned, using his hand to release some pressure on his very much still rock-hard cock.
I blushed, looking away.
"Then? Why do you keep rejecting me…" I whispered, looking up at him, into his lovely green eyes.
I love his eyes. They are such a complex colour, I swear they constantly change, depending on his mood.
"I'm not rejecting you, baby, I just don't want it to happen like this, it's your first time! It's supposed to be special, perfect! Not a fucking quickie in the shower!" He explained passionately.
I love how passionate this guy is about everything he does, and everything he loves.
I especially love it when I see him so passionate about me.
My man.
"I love you Erling. Thank you for loving me and taking care of me, always. Thank you for being you." I said hugging him.
"It's going to be perfect and special no matter what because it's you," I admitted, kissing his chest, right where his heart is beating so strongly.
"You're the same to me, we're perfect for each other, soulmate and all." He whispered, tightening his arms around me and kissing my forehead.
"Now, let's finish here," he said, starting the water again.
We quickly washed ourselves this time, to avoid distractions.
Erling finished quicker, he got out first, getting towels for both of us, before starting to dry himself.
He was a sight.
In all his naked glory.
His body was art.
"Take a picture, it lasts longer" he commented, not even turning around from where his muscular back is facing me.
I blush for the tenth time today.
Seriously what is his secret? Does he have superpowers?
How the hell did he see me?
"I have to be very aware of my surroundings baby, I'm a footballer, remember" he joked.
"I don't think I could ever forget you in your Manchester city home equipped even if I try. Wet dream material." I admitted, getting out of the shower and shivering because of the temperature change.
He immediately helped me, putting the big towel around me and a smaller one on my head.
"Awww thanks baby, glad to know you get off on me wearing the blue kit, got to wear it more often," he said, his cheeks a bit pink too.
"Or just don't wear anything, that would work too, for getting me off" I suggested, playfully.
"Oh shush it you, you would constantly blush whenever you see me partially baked! You would not resist me being naked around you!" Erling said while drying my hair carefully.
"No, I don't!" I slap at his arm.
Ok, maybe I'm a bit intimidated by him, especially naked. But like who isn't? Have you seen him?
He's a fucking God. A Nordic God.
"I love it when you do that anyways, don't worry. I find it very cute, the way you react around me" he admitted.
"Shut up" put the other towel on top of his head, pouting.
"Awww my little angry kitty," he said, leaning down to kiss all over my face, as I tried to stop him, giggling.
We ended up using the same drier for drying our hair, I let him have a go first Erling while doing my night routine then took it after he finished while he was doing his own night routine. Much simpler than mine.
"Let's get in bed!!" He suddenly said, lifting me up and walking out of the bathroom, ignoring my protests.
"I prepared you some clothes" he gestured to the pile of clothes on the bed, one of his kit light blue shirts, which was a dress for me and a pair of short white yoga pants, together with some fluffy blue socks and for him just some white boxes.
"You're basically naked" I comment, dressing myself in his shirt, loving how big it feels on me, then going to the closet to get some panties, deciding on some white ones.
"Very nice sight baby" he commented from the bed as he looked at me since I left the door of the closet open. I was bent down to pick the panties and of course, he was watching.
I blushed and immediately pulled the shirt down to cover myself.
"Perv!" I walked back to the room, closed the window shades and joined him on the bed.
"Oh God, this bed is like heaven…" I moaned as my back hit the soft material of the sheets, pulling the covers over me as I moved closer to Erling, searching for his warmth.
I moved my freezing feet under his shins and I put my hands on his abs to warm them "Nooo, you ice cube! How are you so cold?!" He shivered but hugged me closer.
"I don't know… I'm always cold, but you're hot" I whispered, hiding my face in his chest.
"Even your nose is cold" he giggled.
"What should we watch?" He asked, scrolling through the Netflix recommendations.
"Something with Vikings" I joked, almost asleep. He was just so warm and comfy.
"Hey, don't fall asleep on me!" He nudged me, kissing my hair.
"But I'm sleepy…" I complained, trying to get even closer to him, pulling my covers over my head to hide.
"It's so early thought, what are you, a chicken?" He giggled pulling the covers down.
"I'm an old lady, let me have some peace. You'll understand when you get to my age" I pouted.
"Your age, baby you're 3 years older than me that's no old" he laughed and started tickling me.
Did I mention I'm very, very ticklish?
I absolutely hate being tickled.
"Erling!!!!!!" I squealed, but he was having none of it.
By the time our tickling fight was done, I was trying to catch my breath, my face was covered in tears from how hard I was laughing, while he was laughing his ass off at me.
"Awww baby I made you cry, come here" before I could react he moved around, hovering over me, not putting all of his weight on me, as he used his arms to support himself but still. He was so fucking heavy!
"Nooo! Get off me you giant! I can't breathe!" I groaned, trying to shove him off, "Aww baby, I made you breathless too, am I this pretty?" He playfully spoke, trying to sound like a girl, flipping his long blonde hair.
"You are actually, the prettiest girl out there" I kissed his nose, moving one of my arms around him while I used my other to run my fingers through his soft hair.
"Hey!!" He playfully protested, but I kissed his pout away, making us both smile dumbly at each other after.
"I love moments as these" I looked into his eyes.
"Me too" he kissed me.
We sat like that for a while, just looking into each other's eyes, smiling and kissing until Erling spoke "Let's go eat something, I'm so hungry"
"You and your appetite, baby, don't know how you can eat so much and be this fit, it shouldn't be possible" I admitted, admiring his body once again as he got up from the bed.
"I'm a Viking baby, we are not normal people" he offered his hand to help me get up but I just rolled over on his side of the bed, pulling the covers over me as I hugged his pillow. I changed the sheets this morning and he barely sat on the bed since then, but I swear it has his scent.
I love his scent with a passion.
"Stop smelling my pillow, I'm getting a bit jealous over here! Plus, you could have the real thing…" he smirked, pulling the covers from around me and pulling me up.
"You can be a brute sometimes, Erling Haland" I sighed, following him out of the room, well not that I had much of a choice since he was holding my hand, basically pulling me.
"Only for you baby" he lifted me up on the island-like counter when we arrived downstairs into the kitchen, kissing my nose and then proceeding to take half of the fridge out to eat.
"You're something else, Erling, I swear…"
Thank you for reading, if you liked the story/series here is a way to support me:
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angstyaches · 1 year
from the prompts you just reblogged, would you do 10 for shayne and charlie? they’re literally so cute and i just love how flustered they both get when shayne’s tummy is upset. shayne always seems so embarrassed when he has to acknowledge having a physical form and charlie is adorable when he’s trying to pretend that he has a normal level of affection for shayne’s tummy
The ending to this did not want to be written. I'm sorry if it's awful.
Another one from @butterfliesornauseous's lovely prompt list.
I've been in a plot/character development mood lately so this ending up being about 10% character dynamic, 70% Charlie angst, and 20% Shayne having a stomach ache.
I just thought the idea of Shayne feeling sick but still focusing on Charlie's problem was nice 🖤
CW: anxiety, stress, crying, mention of childhood depression and trauma, food mention, slight bloating, implied body issues, stomach ache, stomach noises, burping, belly rubs, mutual hurt/comfort.
Charlie idly stroked the side of Shayne’s arm and let his mind wander. 
They were sitting next to each other in the surprisingly spacious conservatory – one of the better selling points of Trevor and Ingrid’s latest fixer-upper. The four of them had eaten a late dinner and then moved out here to continue catching up. 
As nice at it was to get some use out of the conservatory, it wasn’t the most well-insulated, so Charlie was glad that Ingrid had suggested making hot chocolate. He could still feel it warming him up inside, even if his mug was empty and cool in his hand. 
He was also enjoying the mundane view, if he was being honest; streetlamps blacked out the sky, erasing the stars, but the sights of other people’s – strangers’ – driveways and gable ends was comforting. He loved Mulberry, but the knowledge that it was the only house around for miles wasn’t exactly his favourite thing.  
He wondered if he would always have this need to seek out crowds and repetition and anonymity. 
This was the only room that had been completely cleared of construction clutter, leaving just the two wicker loveseats and matching coffee table. Even the blinds had been pulled all the way up, their cords rolled and sellotaped out of reach of anyone shorter than three feet. Belle wasn’t old enough to walk about by herself yet, but Charlie’s parents were taking no risks. 
She would be here tomorrow. In this room, at the same time as him.  
Charlie’s chest fluttered. He was trying to convince himself that he was feeling the good kind of nervous, but this didn’t feel like that. He knew he needed to get over it. Did he really want his five-month-old niece to look at his face for the first time and see all of his fear, all of his insecurity there? Was that the kind of role model he wanted to be? 
“... Charlie –” 
His thoughts jerked back to the moment at the sound of his own name.  
Shayne was speaking towards the other loveseat. Trevor and Ingrid were seated over there, holding mugs that matched the ones that Charlie and Shayne were using. 
A warm feeling swept in to soothe the anxiety in Charlie’s chest as he realised Shayne hadn’t said his name to get his attention; he was in the middle of telling his parents a story. 
“And then, um... w-well, Brian says, ‘oh, Charlie’s a nice name. Is she pretty?’” 
Ingrid snorted softly. 
“And – and I panic, right?” Shayne said, “and I say, ‘Yeah, Brian, she’s beautiful’.” 
Trevor bent his head forward, cackled, and slapped his knee. 
Warm feeling rapidly retreating, Charlie gaped at his boyfriend. “Excuse me?” 
“Shayne,” Ingrid chided outrageously, lifting a hand to her mouth to hide her grin. 
“What? I’m sorry,” Shayne groaned, sinking back in the loveseat and sliding down a few inches. “The guy is ninety-one. For all I know, I could have given him a heart attack if I corrected him.” 
Trevor, Charlie noted, was still chuckling away. Great. Thanks, Dad. 
“Charlie,” Shayne said softly, looking up from his slumped position. He had one hand balled into a fist and was half-heartedly covering his mouth to hide his grimace. The other – Charlie couldn’t help noticing – was holding his empty mug in place at the top of his tummy. “Forgive me?” 
Charlie smiled. He didn’t even have to think about it. The fact that Shayne was relaxed enough to even tell Charlie’s parents a story about his life was enough to make Charlie’s insides flutter. 
Definitely in the good way this time. 
“I forgive you,” he said, “but are you saying that if I ever visit the nursing home with you, I’ll have to wear a pretty dress and pretend to be a girl, all for the benefit of a ninety-year-old man who thinks you have a girlfriend?” 
“Ninety-one,” Shayne corrected him.  
“I don’t know, Char,” Trevor chimed in, “I think you could pull it off.” 
“Can we take it easy with the gendered stereotypes, please?” Ingrid demanded, partially tongue-in-cheek, partially genuine. “I’m a girl, and I haven’t worn a ‘pretty dress’ in years.” 
Shayne tilted his head to one side. “And I’m... fairly sure I've seen Felix in a dress.” 
Despite not even knowing who Felix was, Ingrid gestured towards Shayne, raising an eyebrow at Charlie.  
“Alright, alright,” Charlie half-smiled, lifting his hands in surrender. “I was describing a... a caricature more than anything –” 
“Too late, son,” Trevor declared. “You’ve been cancelled.” 
Ingrid rolled her eyes. “On that intellectual note, I think I’ll be off to bed with a cup of tea and my book. Have to savour the peace before it all kicks off tomorrow. Are you boys staying down here a bit longer?” 
Charlie glanced at Shayne, who shrugged. He was still sitting a little too low in the loveseat, mug propped on his belly, and he looked adorably established.  
“Yeah,” Charlie said. “I think so.”  
“Don’t be too long, though.” Ingrid wrinkled her nose and shuddered. “It’s cold.” 
“Your bed’s all made up for you,” Trevor reminded them for the third time since they’d arrived. Charlie had a feeling his dad’s emphasis was on the word your, insisting that the spare room in the fixer-upper belonged to Charlie as much as it would have if he’d been living with him permanently. Charlie couldn’t think about it for too long without his eyes fogging up, so he flashed his father a grateful smile. 
“Oh – do either of you want more hot chocolate?” Ingrid asked. “There’s still some left in the slow cooker.” 
Shayne was instantly shaking his head. “No, thank you, Ingrid.” 
Confused, Charlie glanced at the empty mug in Shayne’s hand. He hated the thought of Shayne pretending to like something just to be polite or to not hurt his parents’ feelings. He’d had a similar thought at dinner, when Trevor had given Shayne a slice of lasagne the same size as Charlie’s, and Shayne hadn’t said anything despite the look of dread on his face. 
“Um, yes, please,” Charlie smiled widely as his mum passed him on her way to the kitchen. 
She gently clicked her tongue and took his mug. “How did I know you would? Hmm?” 
“I mean, I can get it mys–” Charlie uncrossed his legs and started to stand up. 
“No, no, no, stop that. Relax, sweetie.” Ingrid poked his shoulder. She always made a point of fussing over him on the first day of one of his visits. By tomorrow morning, he’d be hard-pressed to get her to pour him a cup of coffee from a pot she was already holding, at least not without a raised eyebrow.  
He waited until both his parents had stepped out of the conservatory and into the kitchen before he turned towards Shayne again. 
“You didn’t like the hot chocolate?” Charlie asked softly. He was a little bit disappointed that sipping hot chocolate on chilly night wouldn’t become one of their regular shared activities. 
“I did.” Shayne narrowed his eyes. “I just didn’t want any more.” 
Right. Charlie had spent so long battling his own serotonin-starved brain that he forgot that some people actually believed that too much of a good thing could be bad. When Charlie found something he liked, he tended to indulge in it as much as he could before his brain decided to give up rewarding him for it. If there was a button that he could have pressed for instant serotonin, Charlie would have mashed it to pieces a long time ago. 
Next to him, Shayne turned his head away, raising a fist to stifle a low belch. “Sorry.” 
Charlie put a hand on Shayne’s leg, his heart dropping. Had Shayne been waiting for Trevor and Ingrid to leave before burping? How long had been holding it in?  
“Are you okay? Are you feeling sick?” 
When Shayne didn’t immediately say no, it was usually because the answer was yes. And Charlie’s first reaction was a mixture of sympathy and indignation.  
Holy shit, he’s so cute; I need to cuddle him right this second. 
It wasn’t supposed to make his tummy hurt.  
“No,” Charlie keened softly, glancing towards Shayne’s empty hot chocolate mug. “No, no, no, we made it with soy milk so it wouldn’t –” 
“Ssshh,” Shayne whispered, his eyes pleading as he looked towards the door to the kitchen. 
Charlie wanted nothing more than to fuss over his boyfriend and forget everything else, but that was when his father came back to the conservatory.  
“Here you go,” Trevor said, arriving beside Charlie with his cup of hot chocolate, refilled. “Watch it, it’s hot.” 
“Night, boys!” Ingrid called out from the hallway. 
“Goodnight,” they both responded. 
“Jon said they’ll probably be here around eleven,” Trevor said. “So, you two’ll be up and about by then, won’t you?”  
Charlie’s heart sank again as he was reminded of the countdown to Jon’s arrival with his girlfriend and child. “Yeah, of course we will be.” 
“Now, Char, remember. If you want to open that window in your room upstairs –” That time, Trevor definitely nodded in time with the words your room. “It sticks sometimes. So, you have to lift the frame, pull it in slightly –” 
Even though he’d heard all of this twice before, Charlie smiled and nodded. 
“Okay?” Trevor said. 
“Can do. Thanks, Dad.” 
Trevor still looked unconvinced that Charlie had understood his instructions. “You’ll figure it out. Goodnight, you two.” 
“Night, Dad.” 
“Goodnight, Trevor, thank you.” 
And then they were alone. 
Shayne held his empty mug in his right hand, propping his arm on the side of the loveseat. His left hand rested on his belly now, and Charlie’s head was flooded with all the different ways he could take over that job. Each image made his own stomach flutter, made his head feel like it was full of glitter. 
He took a few mouthfuls of his hot chocolate, hoping to wash down the guilt and shame rising to his throat. 
I’m so mean. 
I’m so weird. 
It had taken a lot of trust-building for Shayne to feel okay with letting Charlie know he didn’t feel well. Would he still be holding his stomach like that if he knew what kind of thoughts it sent spiraling through Charlie’s mind? How his face was burning with heat, and not just because of the scalding hot chocolate? 
“Hey, I’m fine.” Shayne frowned as he saw Charlie's expression. “Will you stop worrying?” 
Charlie panicked, thinking his stupid face must have betrayed his guilty elation, but Shayne must have interpreted the look as one of concern. 
“Seriously.” Shayne tilted his head to one side. He pulled himself forward and sat up a little straighter, his torso turned towards Charlie. “Are you okay tonight? Why are you so jumpy?” 
“I’m not jumpy! Who said I was jumpy?” 
Shayne was leaning forward to place his mug on the coffee table. His eyes flicked off to the side, then met Charlie’s again. “Me. I just said it.” 
“Here.” Shayne pried Charlie’s mug away from him and placed it on the coffee table too. “Hold my hands.” 
Charlie was horrified to find that his hands were shaking, but that didn’t seem to bother Shayne as he took them in his. 
“I know why you’re freaking out.” 
“I know you’re scared that Belle won’t like you,” Shayne said.  
Wait... What? Charlie blinked. His head felt like it had been hurtling down one road, only for someone to slam on the brakes and crash through a barrier onto a different road. How –? 
“But, like... god, how do I say this without sounding like an asshole?” Shayne muttered. “She’s a baby. She doesn’t even know that colours have names yet. You could be a murderer, and I doubt she would even care, as long as you made enough funny faces at her.” 
Charlie should have been relieved that Shayne hadn’t noticed the other reason for Charlie’s nerves, but his heart kept fluttering anyway. 
“That... probably didn’t come out right.” Shayne rubbed both of Charlie’s wrists with his thumbs. “Did I sound like an asshole?” 
“No,” Charlie laughed incredulously. “Take it easy on yourself.” 
Shayne arched an eyebrow. “Take your own advice, my love.” 
“Hmm.” Charlie’s smile faltered.  
Truth was, this had been weighing on him all week, ever since he’d gotten a message from Jonathan to say he, Nicole, and Belle would be visiting Trevor and Ingrid that Sunday. It hadn’t been an enthusiastic invitation; just a statement, left floating in the ether. It was like Jon had tossed a chunk of leftover ham between himself and a hungry dog, saying it doesn’t make a damn bit of difference to me if you eat this or not, but it’s there.  
But that was how it’d always been between the two of them.  
Charlie had gotten on the phone to Ingrid – it had been the first time she’d heard of this arrangement – and half-hoped that she would say that she and his dad wouldn’t be able to put him up on Saturday night, meaning the trip wouldn’t be worthwhile. She’d been delighted to offer him the spare room, though. 
His last hope had been Shayne. He had been counting on him to decline Charlie’s offer to join him at his parents’, at which point Charlie could offer to meet him somewhere else instead. Sorry, Jon, he could have said. Plans with the bf this weekend. Catch you next time!  
But Shayne had agreed to accompany him as soon as Charlie had explained the situation. He hadn’t even hesitated. He’d made Charlie simultaneously the most grateful and most disappointed boyfriend in the world. 
Charlie blinked and fought to get the smile back on his face. His chest ached with guilt towards the part of him that resented Shayne for not giving him an excuse not to be here.  
“What if...” His voice wavered. “What if she doesn’t like me?” 
Shayne blinked in surprise. “I already covered that. Remember? My definitely-not-an-asshole speech?” 
“I-I know. I know she’s just a baby now, but –” Charlie licked his lips. He had the urge to get up and try to walk off some of the nervous energy, but he didn’t want to let go of Shayne’s hands. “Even if tomorrow goes okay, she’s... she’s always going to have me in her life, and I just... I don’t think I’m ready for that.” 
Charlie tried not to think too hard about the next part. He just talked.  
“I didn’t exactly have the most optimistic outlook on life when I was a kid, and... and I don’t know if I ever got over it, or if I just learned to live with the depression at some point? Coexist with it, just like I did with CT? But I’ve always – I've always needed things to help me get through the negative feelings, you know? Even just... little things.” 
“Like Mr. Teddy?” 
Charlie paused, surprised that that was the first thing that popped into Shayne’s head. “Vincent.” 
“Right. Vincent. Sorry.” 
“Not just him, but... yeah.” 
Shayne nodded sincerely.  
“But beneath all of that... effort I made –” Charlie fought hard not to cringe; did he think his own attempts to stave off his depression had been some noble act of service to the world? Was he a hero for finding ways to cheer himself up? “For a long time, I felt like there was nothing worth looking forward to. Sometimes, the world felt so harsh, so scary, so...” 
Shayne’s eyes glittered with sadness.  
“Empty,” Charlie whispered. He wasn’t even sure if it had come from himself or from CT, but that didn’t even seem to matter. 
Shayne sighed like he’d been holding his breath. 
“What if...” Charlie swallowed again, his throat drying up as his eyes became wetter. “What if Belle comes to me one day, and asks me what the point of everything is? What if she asks me if things get better, if everything will be okay, if the world really is as messy and confusing and infuriating as it seems?” 
A sob clawed at Charlie’s throat and he gulped against it, shuddering. 
“What if she���s in pain, like I was, and she asks me to make it better, and I can’t?” 
“Then...” Shayne squeezed both of Charlie’s hands. “Her Uncle Charlie won’t lie to her.” 
Charlie took a deep breath, letting his mind wrap around that. He had been so lost in feeling and hearing his own despair that he had almost forgotten that Shayne could talk, too. “What?” 
“I was lied to my whole young life,” Shayne said. “I wish that I’d had someone who just... told me the fucking truth. Even if it was messier and more fucked-up than any of the lies they could come up with.” 
Charlie’s stomach twisted. He wasn’t sure that the psychological abuse Shayne had gone through fell into the same category as the little white lies that adults told children to preserve their world view. But he had a point, and the more he thought about it, the more he realised that if someone – anyone – had told his ten-year-old self that there was a name for the feeling he was so afraid of, maybe he’d have had an easier time of things. He could have gotten help. He could have sought out connections with other people who felt the same way. 
Maybe he’d have had a better relationship with Jon. Maybe he’d have a father who could look him in the eye and say I miss you instead of always dancing around the subject. 
“What?” Shayne frowned. “Was that – now am I being an asshole?” 
“No. No, you’re right.” Charlie shook his head. Teardrops started to run down his face. “You’re so right, lovely...” 
He lifted his arms, looping them around Shayne’s waist as he shifted forward to draw Charlie into an embrace.  
“I’m just so scared,” he wept into Shayne’s shoulder. “I’m so – so scared that she’ll – that I won’t be able to help her.” 
“You will be,” Shayne whispered to him. “Maybe not in the ways you want to, but... you’ll be the exact person she needs you to be.” 
Charlie loved his parents. They were wonderful people. But there were subjects that just weren’t spoken about in their family when he’d been growing up, and the person Charlie had needed was someone who wouldn’t pretend that things were normal when they weren’t. Who wouldn’t pretend that life was supposed to be unbearably stressful or you just weren’t doing it right. 
He’d needed someone who wouldn’t pretend that they had all the answers, just because they were expected to. 
He needed someone like the person he was now. 
Sobs quietly racked his body, dissolving into shivers. He tried his best to keep quiet; the last thing he wanted was for his parents to hear and to start worrying about him again. There was definitely a conversation he needed to have with them, but there was enough drama happening for one weekend already. 
For now, he just let himself be held. And Shayne held him until the trembling subsided, until Charlie could breathe steadily without triggering a shudder inside his lungs. 
“Thank you,” Charlie whispered, still not letting go. In fact, he held Shayne even tighter, turning the hug into an embrace that was for both of them, not just him. “I didn’t realise how much I needed this.” 
Where Charlie inserted a little extra force, Shayne seemed to let go of some. He let his head sag against Charlie’s shoulder and sighed. “I’m so full, Charlie.” 
Once again, the brakes on Charlie’s mind screeched – this time, the surprise was delightfully welcome. He felt goosebumps break out across his body, and a grin split his face, which he buried in his boyfriend’s neck.  
He’d completely blanked on the fact that Shayne had just comforted him through all of that while he had a tummy ache. It felt like a tornado of confetti had suddenly ripped through Charlie’s brain. He loved Shayne so much, and almost said so out loud, but realised it might sound a little out of place right now. 
Instead, he scratched the back of Shayne’s head and rubbed a circle over his lower back. 
“Aw,” Charlie said softly. 
Shayen let out a low groan of appreciation. 
“Mmph. Sorry.” He shook himself and lifted his head. He kept one hand on Charlie’s side but pulled the other arm towards himself to lightly cradle his stomach. “Are you okay, love?” 
“Yeah.” Completely okay, and outrageously normal. Charlie’s nerves fizzed with some delightful cocktail of adrenaline and dopamine and probably a million other things. “I feel so much better now.” 
“Promise,” Charlie smiled. “Thank you.” 
Shayne’s eyes were still a little glassy, but his frown relaxed a bit. He was taking slow, deep breaths, as though inhaling too sharply would make the pain worse.  
“Lie back,” Charlie said. They were both still sitting near the edge of the loveseat, which Charlie realised was unnecessary. He twisted into a comfier position, looping an arm around Shayne’s waist as he joined him.  
“Do you feel sick?” he asked, realising that he’d never gotten a proper answer earlier. 
Shayne shook his head. “Not sick, but I can feel everything just... sitting there, though.” 
His hand was now splayed over his belly, and Charlie couldn’t take his eyes off of it. He couldn’t help himself. It was practically an invitation, right? 
He slid his hand across the top of Shayne’s stomach, his heart fluttering as his boyfriend let out a sigh and moved his own hand to the side. Charlie happily smoothed his hand downwards and slipped his fingers beneath Shayne’s jumper and t-shirt, glancing at his face for confirmation that this was okay. 
His eyes were shut, and his frown was no deeper than it’d already been. 
On the sweeping upward motion, Charlie could feel the extra pressure and tension around and above Shayne’s belly button. Charlie’s hand lingered, and he tried to figure out whether Shayne’s stomach was actually taut and spasming, or if his muscles were just clenching from being touched. But the longer he spent running his fingers back and forth, the more certain he was that Shayne’s tummy was pushing out a little further than it usually did. 
Charlie felt a shifting motion under his hand, and a few seconds later, Shayne was turning his head away to let out another low, rumbling burp.  
Shit. Charlie had to restrain himself from smiling. 
He reckoned he must have still been gazing at him a bit too intensely though, because he instantly frowned when he met Charlie’s eye again. 
“I – sorry.” His voice prickled with defensiveness. 
“What? Don’t be sorry,” Charlie grimaced. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” 
“You’re fine, except your stomach hurts.” 
“I – yeah.” 
“So not fine,” Charlie pointed out. He let his hand glide a little lower, enjoying the warmth and the softness until it was abruptly cut off by the top of Shayne’s jeans. “You should probably take these off.”  
Charlie’s throat clenched as he heard himself a second later. He buried his head against Shayne’s shoulder, still cupping his belly under his shirt.  
“Shut up. I know that sounded like such a line." 
“Didn’t say anything,” Shayne said. 
“What I meant was that you should take your jeans off so they’re not hurting you.” 
Shayne narrowed his eyes.
"So... I can get you some of my spare pyjama bottoms..."
“What are you getting at, Charlie?” Shayne's voice was only lightly seasoned with sarcasm.
Charlie rolled his eyes as he lifted his head to look his boyfriend in the eye. “I’m not getting at anything, lovely, except that when you're too full, your tummy can get a little bit bloated... and that’s when you should change into something looser or softer, to keep the pressure off.” 
Shayne lowered his head, his mouth tilting into a sulk. Charlie pressed his lips to his cheek, wishing he could kiss away the look of muted discomfort on his boyfriend’s face.  
“Hey. It’s completely normal.”  
Oh, and really fucking adorable, but let’s not say that part out loud. 
Shayne let out a little hum – though whether it was a response to the kiss or the verbal reassurance, Charlie wasn’t sure. His stomach had just gurgled while Charlie had been absentmindedly rubbing a few light circles into it, so maybe he'd just been humming to try to cover that up.
"So, do you want those pyjamas?" Charlie asked quietly.
“Did you actually pack spare pyjamas for a one-night stay?”
Charlie frowned. "Yeah."
“Did you pack some for me?” 
“Yeah...” Charlie blushed. “We don’t have our own bathroom here. What if one or both of us needed to pee in the middle of the night? We can’t just wander around the house in our underwear.” 
Shayne let his head rest against the back of the loveseat, eyes closed again. “I would have just put my jeans back on, gone to the bathroom, came back, took them off again –” 
“No. No. No boyfriend of mine is putting his jeans on at four in the morning," Charlie said. "That...” 
Shayne opened his eyes.
“That... goes against my religion." Charlie's voice wavered and he bit back a nervous grin. "What are you staring at me for?”
"Nothing. You're just an idiot sometimes."
"For not realising how fucking brilliant you are."
Charlie let the grin win. "Okay."
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Happy 28th of March everyone! It has been a fun month for fic reading and I wanted to share a few of my favourites that I read this month. I've also included some WIPs that I'm reading that are really good!
take my hand (and my heart and soul) by bananasandboots @anylessreal (45k)
Mature - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (Alternative Universe, Amnesia, Angst)
Harry feels nauseous when he opens his mouth. "Hey. Um, hi. It's me," he mumbles before realizing with a jolt that Louis might not have his number anymore. "It's Harry... Styles," he tacks on, screwing his eyes shut and pinching the bridge of his nose. This was a terrible idea.
There's silence on the other end for a long time. Harry understands. He shouldn't have called. He tries not to let the static swallow him whole.
"I – yeah. Hi," Louis finally answers, slowly, awkwardly. "I um. Sorry. I heard about your accident. You're alright?"
Or, the one where Harry hasn't spoken to his best friend in sixteen months and can't remember why.
led by your beating heart by missandrogyny @missandrogyny (33k)
Explicit - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (Famous Harry, Non-Famous Louis, Sexual Content, Coming Out, Fluff, Banter)
Nick leans over. "Oh," he says, his voice smug. "Who is that?"
Harry just blinks at his phone. "Um," he manages to stammer out.
"Who's that, Harry?" Nick asks again, but this time he raises his eyebrows and smirks. Harry knows Nick is just teasing, and that he's not really looking for new Harry Styles gossip, but, um. He might have found something. Accidentally.
Harry opens his mouth to speak, but all that comes out is another 'um'. He really needs to work on translating his thoughts into words. But then it probably wouldn't be any help right now, would it? His mind is as blank as a newly erased etch-a-sketch.
"Oh," Nick says again, this time gleefully, seemingly having picked up on Harry's distress. "Looks like we've got a story here! Are you going to call or delete her number?"
Her number. So Nick thinks it's a girl. Well, Harry can't blame him: 'Lou' is kind of an androgynous nickname. His stylist's name is Lou.
But this Lou, well, Louis, he's kind of, really, really not a girl. He's really pretty though, which, is something.
(Or: AU where Harry's in One Direction, Louis isn't, and they reconnect over a game of 'Call or Delete'.)
got my heart beating fast (it's cardiac arrest) by DaddyAlphaLouisBabyOmegaHarry @bottomhaztoplou (2k)
Explicit - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (Fluff, Smut, Nesting, Harry is Louis' baby, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics)
Harry's in preheat and Louis just wants to take care of him until they bond.
painting flowers for you by DaddyAlphaLouisBabyOmegaHarry @bottomhaztoplou (4k)
Mature - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (Harry Styles wears Flower Crowns, Punk Louis Tomlinson, First Time)
He was hard in his blue jeans, his hips moving forward just slightly to meet Louis’. “Love you more, Lou,” the younger man whimpered. “Please.”
“What is it, love? What do you need?” Louis murmured back to him, drinking a kiss from his plush lips before letting him respond.
Harry blushed harder and dropped eye contact before speaking. “Want you to fuck me,” he whispered.
Sail Across Me by iwillpaintasongforlou @canonlarry (21k)
Explicit - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (Pirate AU, Prince(ss) Harry, Pirate Louis, First Time)
Harry is a prince that is about to be forced into marriage against his will and running away to sea seems like a much better option. Louis is the captain of the infamous pirate ship The Rogue and he has a thing for helping defenseless creatures. Especially when they're as pretty as this one.
The Pros and Cons of Breathing by HelloLovers13 @hellolovers13 (42k) WIP
Explicit - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan/Zayn Malik (Alpha/Omega, Arranged Marriage, Historical Fantasy)
Omega Harry has always known he'd be married off someday, so when he's betrothed to Prince Louis, he's anxious about having to leave his life behind, but hopeful for a happy marriage.
The hope doesn't last long, with his husband avoiding him at all costs and Harry being left to fend for himself.
Can he find happiness even in a broken marriage?
you are my destiny (you are the reason that i still believe) by alwaysxlarrie @alwaysxlarrie (71k) WIP
Explicit - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (Cinderella (Fairy Tale) Elements, Boss/Employee Relationship, Banter, Flirting, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Being a new employee at a company means that you have to learn to brush off the shitty bosses, shitty coworkers, and not getting the credit you actually deserve for things. At least, that's been Harry Styles' experience. Coworkers who steal his ideas in pursuit of getting praise and a raise, and a boss who's indifferent at best and condescending at worst. Harry has learned to expect this reality for the foreseeable future. He's accepted it.
What he hadn't expected was for Louis Tomlinson to waltz into their company, and his life, and change around everything he thought he knew about fate. -- A Cinderella AU.
Unrequited by babyhoneyhslt @babyhoneyheslt (8k) WIP
Omega Prince Harry of England has been engaged to Prince Louis of France ever since he was a young boy. Having met him at four and forming a bond, Harry is upset to find that Louis no longer treats him like a friend, instead treating him coldly.
However, Louis has his own dark secrets and Harry doesn’t know just how many dangers linger in French Court.
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cainluvr69 · 4 months
Let Me Tell You The Story Of A Rainbow - Chapter 21
Previous Chapter
Lennox: I think that you getting more used to doing first aid in the field would be a better idea. That way we'll be able to rely on you in an emergency, or if we're all busy doing other things that are equally important.
Mitile: Leno, Dr. Figaro… …Okay. You can leave it to me!
Figaro: Yep, you got this. Save this poor dear from its weary exhaustion. First, focus on your breathing and even it out. Then recite your spell.
Mitile: Alright…!
Mitile closed his eyes and took a single deep breath.
Mitile: <Ortonik Sealsispilce>
He recited his spell, still a bit nervous about it all, and a faint light wrapped itself around the spirit. It slowly started to perk up again, and once it looked like it was feeling all better, it promptly burst into tears.
Mitile: Huh?! Oh no, do you hurt anywhere?
The spirit looked up at Mitile, almost acting shy about it, and picked up a thin twig that had fallen nearby. And then it began to scratch lines and curves into the tree--it was writing something.
Lennox: Are these letters…?
Mitile: "…I decided the piece of her memories was something precious, so I brought it back here and hid it."
Lennox: "But this is something that's important to more than just me. It's one of Luca's precious treasures, too…"
Figaro: "I know I need to give it back to her, but what if she finds out that I lost track of it and decides she hates me for it…"
Mitile: "So I thought about what to do, and worried about what to do, and worried and worried and worried until…I wasn't able to move anymore."
The little leaf spirit bowed its head apologetically.
Figaro: Oh, I thought so… You're not actually an herbula, are you?
Mitile: What, it isn't?!
Figaro: An herbula wouldn't be able to write so many words, or so coherently. I know we're inside of a work of fiction right now, but if it were actually imitating real life, things should work roughly the same way as outside.
Lennox: But the creatures in this world are ones that Luca has seen herself and then drawn into her books, aren't they? So why would "her" spirits know how to write…?
Figaro: I doubt she's limiting herself to just what she sees. Surely she's injecting some of her own artistic flair, just like any true auteur. This little guy might be based on herbulae, but we can't discount how Luca's wellspring of creativity colors everything around us--this spirit included. She could, for instance, be unconsciously utilizing her dreams and personal desires when she creates her books, or writing about multiple different species as if they were one in the same.
Mitile: Multiple different species…
But their discussion was interrupted by a green pearl rolling out from under the little spirit's feet. It rushed to pick it up, as it bent forward, more things fell from its hands and scattered over the floor--I don't know where it was hiding them, because what it had dropped were… Hard candies with absolutely adorable wrappers.
Figaro: Hey, you okay?
Lennox: I see. They really are very talented at dropping things. Here, let me help you gather those back up.
The little spirit looked up at my wizards, tears in the corners of its amber eyes. The beautiful color of a clear sunset sky.
Mitile: This lil' guy…reminds me a bit of Mister Aslan.
Figaro: Aslan? Really? Was he actually a total klutz like this?
Mitile: Oh, n-no! That wasn't what I meant…
Lennox: Oh, that's right. You did meet him several times over the course of the event, didn't you?
Mitile: Yes, I did. We saw each other pretty frequently in the exhibition hall. And this spirit's eyes are the same color as his, and it sorta…has the same air to it that he does…
Figaro: …Well, if you say so.
Figaro knelt down and picked up the green pearl, smiling softly.
Figaro: I understand exactly how precious this is to you.
Lennox: You lost it because of how important it is.
Figaro: Here you are, your precious lost treasure.
Figaro placed the green pearl back in the spirit's hand. As he straightened up, he turned his gaze outside the knothole, and continued speaking.
Figaro: It must've been a real trial to throw so many of your treasures outside into the grass. Tough on the body, certainly, but tough on the heart as well. And yet you still emptied this place of your hard-collected treasures. Why is that?
The spirit was still looking down. Lennox knelt down next to it, his gaze still focused on the little guy, and answered in its place.
Lennox: Wouldn't that be because it had found something even more precious than all of them combined? Something so precious that it couldn't possibly let itself inadvertently drop it and lose it in the forest. That's why it cleared out this whole knothole, for just one thing. …You were trying to protect this piece of Luca's memories, weren't you? Please let me thank you on her behalf. Thank you so much.
The spirit just stood there, taking all of Lennox's words in, ever more tears overflowing from its eyes and rolling down to the floor. But worry not. There was a small hand waiting to wipe those tears away.
Mitile: Oh, please don't cry anymore. You see, we…we want to return your dear friend's memories to her.
The spirit looked up into Mitile's eyes--as clear and pure as the summer sky--and after a moment, it held the green pearl out to him.
Mitile: …Are you sure?
The little spirit nodded enthusiastically, so Mitile accepted the pearl, treating it with the same care that the spirit had.
Figaro: Well done.
Lennox: Rutile'd give you a gold star.
Mitile: Ehehe, thanks!
Figaro smiled gently at Mitile, and then took the green pearl from his hands. And as he did, the pearl began to glow…and then radiate blindingly with light.
After escaping the monastery and then being chased through the forest by humans, Luca's life was about to change completely--and it did. For there was a young man who took her into his care, hiding the wandering girl from the cruelties of the world. I saw her crouching down in a forest filled with sunlight, holding one hand out. She'd gotten bigger. Her hair was washed; her clothes were clean. She'd undergone a complete transformation from the girl she'd once been. And beyond her extended hand was a little leaf spirit.
Luca: Lu…ca… That's my name. "Roxy" is spelled like…this. I…I think this is how to write Teddy…
Luca was writing with a new, proper pen, her sheaf of papers still in hand. Her letters were clumsy and awkward, but she persevered. The little spirit was watching her every movement with obvious interest, dancing around her letters so it could take in every angle.
Luca: He taught me how to write. And he said that if I write a story to go with my art, I could turn it into a picture book. If you could write too, we could write stories together…
???: …Oh, Luca. Here's where you were.
Luca: …!
Someone pushed through the bushes, approaching them. That someone had glossy golden hair that seemed to be full of light, catching the radiance of the afternoon sun that shone through the forest canopy. It was Aslan, though he looked a bit younger than he did now.
Aslan: Are you talking to one of your friends?
Luca: …Yeah…
Aslan: Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I bought some nice candy for you, so I was looking for you so I could give it to you. Do you want to try one? It's milk and honey flavor…wahh?!
Aslan's foot suddenly caught on the root of a tree, and he stumbled forward. The candy bag in his hand flew through the air, spilling its contents over the forest floor.
Aslan: Ahh…
Luca: …Hehe.
Aslan was staring at the fallen candy in a daze. Luca giggled at the sight. And then she gasped, covering her mouth. But when Aslan crouched down and picked one of fallen candies up, their eyes meeting as he held it out to her, looking embarrassed, Luca got a bit bashful again. After Aslan took his leave, Luca gave one of the two candies she'd gotten to the spirit. She murmured something under her breath.
Luca: …Aslan's weird. He doesn't bully me at all. Instead he shows me lots of…pretty artworks…? And he took me into the city to buy sweets the other day, too. He knows lots and lots of things I don't… And…you and he are kind of similar, Teddy. You're both so careful, but you can get careless, too. Your eyes are the same color, too. They're the same color as the sunset I saw that day… It's so pretty… It's my favorite color.
I held the five pearls my wizards had searched for in the palm of my hand.
Akira: These are all the pieces of Luca's memory…!
Shino: We finally got 'em all!
Akira: Yeah. And if we add the pink one, that's all six!
Shino was working together with Arthur on broomstick, acting as bait for the ever-growing vines to follow so as to keep them in check, and I saw both of them heave a sigh of relief. When each team had retrieved a pearl, the memories within had flowed into my mind. I imagine each and every wizard here had the same thing occur. We'd all seen Luca's memories of her friends. I held the pearls and the fond but painful memories locked within them with care.
Murr: Master Saaaage!
Murr had the unconscious Aslan on his broom, but he jumped up and down like a bunny as he approached. He hooked his foot around his broomstick and flipped upside down, and Aslan dropped down next to me with a thud.
Akira: Ahh, don't be so rough…!
Murr: And Murr makes a beautiful pass, sending Aslan to the Sage! Hey, the weird leaves that were going crazy over there have all chilled out. Looks like things calmed down a little over here too? Maybe they're tired of chasing us around.
Mithra: Siiigh. There's no end to them.
Mithra was at my side, repelling the vines that Arthur and the others couldn't stop, peering into the crystal ball.
Mithra: What shall we do? Shall I open a door and gather everyone up?
Murr: Sounds nice 'n quick! But if you do that, won't this whole world fall to pieces? Spatial teleportation is pret-ty advanced, and you're just really strong as it is, Mithra. Who knows how much you'll mess with this world's framework!
Mithra: Does it really matter that much? If it falls apart, then it falls apart, but my doors will still connect where they need to go. Isn't that what matters?
Murr: Ahaha. Well, as long as you get everyone in time!
Akira: W-wait a second, please. What we should be focusing on right now is giving Luca the pieces of her memories…
Rutile: Master Sage…thank goodness. I'm glad we got them all safe and sound!
Rutile was desperately using his magic to stop the flowers that threatened to consume Luca whole. Rivulets of sweat glistened on his brow.
Rutile: Please! Please, give them to her as soon as you can…
Akira: Of course!
With Rutile and the others watching over me, I began to approach Luca with the pearls in hand, but… At the same moment, the flowers cocooned around her began to squirm and writhe over her--it was as if they were trying to devour her.
Akira: …?!
Arthur: Master Sage!
Arthur immediately swooped down atop his broom and grabbed my hand, tugging me into the air.
Next Chapter
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 years
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AN: thank you @illiana-mystery for the idea. I will be writing that other idea we talked about eventually. Maybe it’ll be part 2 to this. And after looking at the Indiana Jones wiki, this story just got a little more fleshed out.
Warnings: thievery, swearing, blood,
“Damn Hovitos.” I muttered under my breath. Satipo trailed behind me, keeping an eye on the burro and supplies. “Why didn’t you tell me they were getting closer? Is that part of your job?”
“You didn’t want to know!” He growled. “I said we had to watch out for them. But you didn’t want to listen.” I stopped and spun around to face him. He stumbled slightly in an effort to stop from running into me.
“You…” I stopped myself from saying something I would regret and instead glared at him. “Fuck you Satipo.” I turned around and fell into step next to him. I tried to ignore the smirk that had taken over his features. “How much farther?” Satipo reached out and gripped my arm as I tripped over a tree root.
“It shouldn’t be much further if your map is right.” He muttered, keeping a tight grip on me as we kept trekking through the forest. I was about to retort when he smiled at me. “You and I both know that there is no guarantee that Frenchman gave you a true map.”
“You’re right.” I begrudgingly agreed. “But honestly, if it isn’t, it gives me a reason to go back and kill him.” Satipo chuckled as he dug the map out of my back pocket. “Watch it.” I grumbled.
“Oh shut up.” He grumbled back. “According to this, we take a left at the waterfall and it should be about a mile from there.” I looked over and nearly tripped over another tree root. “Maybe I should look at the map and you watch where you are going.” Satipo paused a second before stopping me.
“What?” I turned to look at him. “Why are we stopping?” He stuck the map into his waistband and bent down slightly.
“Come on.” He muttered impatiently. “We aren’t going to get there any faster if you keep nearly falling over. Or worse get injured.” I stared at him, shocked he would actually offer this.
“You…I…” I laughed, my nerves getting the better of me. “A piggy back ride?” Satipo looked over his shoulder at me and nodded.
“Hurry up. Daylights fading.” He snapped. Snapping out of my thoughts, I wrapped my arms around his neck and tried to jump onto his back. I slid off and we laughed as I tried again with the same result. “Alright. Hold on.” Satipo held onto my legs and stood up. I wrapped my legs around his waist once he rose to his full height. After hiking me further up his back, Satipo started to continue walking towards our destination. Leaning forward a bit, I looked over his shoulder.
“How do you plan on reading the map now?” I teased. Satipo stopped and sighed. Letting go of my leg, he pulled the map free. Tapping my hand with it, he waited for me to take it before starting on his way again. I opened it and held it just out of his sight. “Can you still see where you’re going?” My voice had softened from our earlier teasing.
“Yes. And I can see the map as well. Just don’t move it.” I hummed in response and looked over my shoulder occasionally to make sure our supplies hadn’t run off. “There’s the waterfall.” Satipos head gently hit the center of my chest as he nodded towards our landmark.
“One mile to go.” I said with a smile. Satipo stopped and looked over his shoulder at me the best he could.
“Care to walk the rest of the way?” He teased. Sighing, I slid off his back and started off to the left. “Maybe we should leave the burro here?” He called after me. I waved my hand over my shoulder and continued walking. Satipo could be heard hastily tying up with burro and running after me. Before long we reached the entrance to the temple.
“Here we are.” I whispered. Nerves were getting the better of me. This wasn’t my first expedition but it could turn out to be the most lucrative. Satipo nodded next to me.
“Ready?” I looked over at him, eyes wide and anxious.
“Ready.” Satipo and I started up the steps together. Pushing open the doors, we walked in. Stepping carefully, we explored the entrance hall. “Nothing here Satipo.” He nodded in agreement and pointed to the far wall.
“We could try through there.” I nodded and we continued our exploration. An hour later, we had still found nothing. “I think you will have to kill the Frenchman anyway (Y/N).” Satipo grumbled. I sighed and leaned back against a doorframe. We had established the room we were in had no traps but it felt like one big trap anyway.
“I think you’re right.” I muttered. The frame behind me gave a little as I shifted. I yelped and jumped away from it. As I turned, I scratched my arm on a spike on the wall. “Fuck!” I cried out. Satipo instantly grabbed my arm to examine it. “Oh fucking hell that hurts.” I groaned as he put pressure on it.
“It’s not poisoned.” Satipo assured me. He wiped away some of the blood that had pooled. “But you will probably need to get it examined by a doctor.”
“Then what good is you looking at it doing me asshole?!” I cried as he put pressure on it again.
“Oh don’t be such a baby.” He mumbled. Pulling out a bandana from his pocket, he tied it around the wound. It quickly started to turn red with my blood. “That will have to do until we get back to town.” I hissed as he tied it tight, making sure there was pressure to stop the bleeding. “Do we go through?” He asked, nodding at the new doorway that had appeared.
“What do we have to loose?” I grumbled. Stepping in, I whistled at the sight before me. "I wasn't sure what I was expecting. But it wasn't this." I took in the room, covered in gold and jewels. Satipo stood beside me, equally stunned into silence.
"How do we get it back?" I shrugged and ventured deeper into the room.
"Clearly the map is correct." I turned to look at him, walking backwards. "We can always take what we can get and then come back later." Satipo entered the room as well, starting to bag up what he could.
"And if the Frenchman beats us to it?" He asked, casting a weary look over at me. I smiled at him as I started to bag up what was near me.
"We hide this in the jungle before we go back to town. We go to the doctor for this," I held up my arm. "Then we head back to that bar we met him in. If he's there and asks, we say we found nothing but an abandoned temple." Satipo stood up and slowly made his way over to me, stepping where he had seen me step.
"We close the door on our way out so he doesn't know about the room." He added. I nodded.
"We're the only ones who know how to open it back up. He would come out here looking for something that he doesn't know exists." I smiled up at him as I passed him my bag. I started to fill another one up when I felt the ground shift. Standing up quickly, our eyes met. Satipo took the bags from me and threw them towards the exit. He turned to me and grabbed my hand before running as fast as we could. The floor started to descend, making us look at each other and force ourselves to run faster. Without stopping, we each reached down and grabbed a bag before bursting into the main entrance hall. The floor was sinking there as well and Satipo tugged my hand, urging me to go faster.
"Come on (Y/N)!" He yelled. I panted and tried to keep up with him. He looked over his shoulder at me, worry painting his features. "You can do this. We've been through worse. I won't let you die here." Taking a deep breath, I let go of his hand and forced myself to keep running. Either he slowed down or I was able to put on a final burst of speed as I left the temple completely and hit a tree, clutching it as I tried to get my breath back. I dropped the bag of treasure, turning to lean against the tree as Satipo came running out of the temple. He came to a stop in front of me, doubled over and panting. Straightening up, he embraced me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my head in his neck.
"What the fuck was that?" I groaned, the temple releasing a burst of dust before being shuttered forever. Satipo turned us so we both could look.
"Probably a trap." He mused. "Weight triggered." I let my head fall to his shoulder.
"When we took the treasure from the floor, it triggered the trap. Extra weight wouldn't do anything which is why we didn't trigger it. But removing any of the weight would. Even us leaving probably would have triggered it." Satipo nodded. I lifted my head and sighed. "All that treasure. Gone." Satipo looked over at me.
"We still have some." He kicked a bag before smiling at me. "Besides, we made it out alive." I shook my head.
"Barely." I was still looking at the temple longingly.
"Barely yes. But alive." he teased. Finally looking over at him, I chuckled.
"Alright. We're alive. I guess that counts for something." Satipo nodded as I turned back to the temple. He reached up and gently turned my head back towards him. I watched him for a few moments before he leaned in. He kissed me carefully, giving me space to pull away if I wanted to. Instead, I returned the kiss, moving my arms so that I could hold onto his shoulder, pressing him closer to me. Slowly pulling away, Satipo chuckled.
"Never thought I would get the opportunity to do that." He breathed out. I laughed and smiled at him.
"Nothing like a near death experience to put things into perspective huh?" I teased. Satipo shook his head with a chuckle before kissing me again.
"We should head back." He mused. I nodded in agreement. We each grabbed a bag and started the trek back to the burro, hand in hand. When we reached it, Satipo untied him and secured our bags to the rest of our supplies. Then he bent over and helped me climb onto his back. "We wouldn't want you getting any more injured than you currently are." He teased. I rolled my eyes but leaned down to kiss his cheek anyway.
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deathbydarkelves · 1 year
As much as I think the whole Amirdrassil plot is happening WAY too fast in the in-universe timeline (Teldrassil was, like, 5 or 6 years ago as of DF? I think? Less than a decade, anyway), I think it could maybe work if it were on a longer timescale. I don't buy that an until-very-recently-immortal people would be so quick to be like "oh no! okay let's plant another tree and try again :)" I'm not that invested in it, mostly because Amirdrassil's existence relies on Shadowlands and thus clashes directly with my AU, which I just inherently find more fun because I designed it to be fun for me, but I do find the contrast between Blizzard's "kaldorei healing" plot and my "kaldorei healing" plot interesting. Blizzard's is all about them trying to move forward (at least at its center), which is fair enough, that's totally reasonable. And mine is... kind of them going a little bit backwards, actually. They outright leave the Alliance and become a semi-isolationist nation and work to rebuild/reclaim/heal the land they have, versus,, well, whatever's gonna happen after 10.2.
Neither's better than the other, I think they're both valid ways to approach a story like this. I like mine more, of course, but I don't actually think it's objectively superior. On principle anyway, I don't think it makes any sense for the kaldorei to stay in the Alliance even in the canon timeline but fine, whatever.
Like I said, Blizzard's plot would work better for me if it was on a longer timescale and, uh, if Shadowlands hadn't been so tone-deaf about the entire Teldrassil plot </3 And if they would actually address the still war-torn kaldorei territories in northern Kalimdor and also the giant, horizon-splitting husk of a once-thriving city and ecosystem that would realistically be visible for miles inland. It feels very weird to move on to just making a new tree without addressing the remains of the one before! I know that's a really fucking heavy topic but even I, random autistic internet user, have some ideas! Like:
You know how after forest fires, the seeds that were safe underground or were brought in by wind and birds start sprouting? And the odd tree that miraculously survived starts putting out little branches of bright green, startling against its own blackened bark?
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yeah... Teldrassil itself isn't gonna regrow, mind you. It's gone. But the island will. Lichens and grasses will start growing around the base again, then flowers, then bushes, then trees. And I would cry if Blizzard did that. And I WILL cry when I eventually write the scene revealing that.
I suppose there's a bit of a parallel "new growth" theme there, but in my opinion it feels a lot more cathartic and almost rewarding(?) to have that regrowth coming directly from the injury itself, as opposed to just growing a whole new tree. But that's me, and I like my fantasy a bit more grounded and emotionally-driven. WoW is... WoW lol.
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eggrobo · 2 years
what r ur thoughts on metal sonic
God, he's so cool. Metal Sonic is an effortlessly sleek character. His design has aged so well. In both conception and execution, he's fascinating. If there weren't so many good Sonic characters competing for my attention already, he'd be one of my favourites.
Metal Sonic is the original not-Sonic. He was designed by Doctor Eggman to be this perfect weapon --- to take Sonic's finest qualities and not only turn them against him, but improve upon them. Machines do not tire, or sass you, or possess pesky little things like "free will". That's the idea, anyways.
Of course, Metal Sonic isn't really better than Sonic, is he?
He is a real threat. He can easily go toe-to-toe with Sonic. But he's only a simulacrum of the original. A copy. No matter how many times he fights Sonic, no matter how hard he or Eggman try to improve upon his programming, he'll never quite measure up. Sonic will always win in the end.
This ties in nicely with the environmentalist themes of the Sonic series. As a robot, Metal Sonic is undermined by the very things thought to make him an improvement. He does not have Sonic's level of free will, or his thirst for adventure, or his love of helping others, all of which empower Sonic to keep fighting when things are down to the wire. Sonic's speed is a natural part of him, whereas Metal Sonic is propelled by circuitry and engines, things particularly susceptible to overheating and self-destruction when ran at high speeds over a long period of time.
Metal Sonic was created to destroy Sonic, and yet, he never will be able to fulfill this purpose. He'll never be "as good" as the real thing. This leaves him in a bit of an existential pickle. He externalizes these feelings of existential dread by challenging Sonic, attempting to surpass and defeat him, and to prove himself superior to his progenitor once and for all. He pursues this goal with a ruthless vengeance. My favourite Metal Sonic content, though, is the stuff that approaches Metal from a more introspective angle.
"Reflections" from the IDW 2020 annual comes to mind immediately when talking about quality Metal Sonic content. I'm not breaking new ground with this take, but it's absolutely worth mentioning anyways. Written by Caleb Goellner with art by Aaron Hammerstrom and Reggie Graham, it's this incredibly striking little story with almost no dialogue. It conveys Metal's mental state and existential discomfort with being an inhuman copy of Sonic really well! Just thinking about it is giving me shivers. AAH.
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LOOK AT IT! LOOK AT HIM! The poor little guy... er, I mean, the poor little evil killer robot.
Oh well. I adore the "guy who has identity issues over being not being Sonic" trope to no end. It gets me every time. A lot of my feelings surrounding Metal are amplified in the context of, say, Shard, who's this Metal Sonic trying to define himself and be a hero in his own right (despite that fact that he has a limited understanding of how to do that beyond copying Sonic). Now there's a poor little guy for you. But Shard is a can of worms that could deserve his own post entirely.
Anyways, I love Metal. He's a really neat dude with a lot of potential. I hope more Sonic writers moving forwards take advantage of the more introspective angles to his character. I always enjoy seeing that kind of thing explored in media. Thank you for the ask!
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astraystayastayastray · 11 months
The Middle
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Pairing: fem!reader + boyfriend!idol!hyunjin
Genre: angst, breakup, hope+comfort
Song by: Zedd, Maren Morris, and Grey
Plot: When love eventually comes to an end, you find yourself constantly wanting to go back in time.. to the middle.
A/N: the song cover for this song looked just like the hyunjin arts he likes to paint
Description: Time goes by too fast. It is a foe that takes away youth, memory, and childhood. It brings regret and pain.
"Why don't you just meet me in the middle?"
Take a seat, right over there, sat on the stairs
Stay or leave
You crumble to the floor, clutching onto your chest. The note that was once placed neatly in your room is now struggling to breathe inside of your tight fist.
I know we meant all good intentions...
But I feel like we are both continuing to drown in so much pressure and worry right now. We try to help each other, I know, but neither of us are feeling any better.
I'm sorry. You dont deserve someone like me.
You deserve to be happy and meet a person who will spend time with you every single day without leaving you in the middle of a movie because of dance practice or abandoning you at a park for a musicvideo filming.
I hope this letter will mark the end of our relationship but also a new beginning for you.
- 현진이♡
Ever since you broke up with your boyfriend, you've never felt so lost, cold, and empty.
You first met Hyunjin at an art museum. The two of you started talking as you both walked through the galleries and exhibits together.
He was wearing a mask and a hoodie so you had not the slightest idea it couldve been an idol - and it had to be Hyunjin too.
Sooner or later Hyunjin revealed himself and you were shocked.
But then things cooled down and you started dating.
Once or twice, you would see a camera go click or a phone tracking your every move through a video.
But you didn't mind. You had Hyunjin.
Everything you ever needed was Hyunjin.
All except that he left you.
I can't just let you go
And so here you are, in the same museum you first met the love of your life.
At the beginning everything was so clear, so beautifully intact.
Now all you can see is fog, mist, and terror crouching by every corner you turn.
You were stuck. With no way out.
You were scared.
Every single day, you would find yourself circling around the museum.
Day by day,
Week by week,
Month by month,
Hoping to pass by a person who might as well will never set foot in this country again.
Why was life so cruel?! Did it have to take every single happiness away from you?
Hyunjin, not even a text, left for another fucking tour and will not be coming back.
When someone says that their heart is broken, you have never really felt the true meaning of this phrase.
But now you do.
Your heart beats, aches, and hurts every single second for whom you loved most, the only person who has ever loved you back.
And now this story was coming to an end as well.
Now, you just want to go back to the middle of everything.
The period of time when you didn't know who Hyunjin exactly was but knew that he was the one for you.
When love wasnt a thing between you two but your heart pounded and hammered in your chest at the sight of him.
When the unfamiliar emotions of love started to blossom in your heart but you were both too shy to admit.
When the innocent confession of liking was revealed and love was introduced as a possible route forward.
The middle.
Oh, baby, why don't you just meet me in the middle?
Nothing more. Nothing less.
I'm losing my mind just a little
When you didn't know anything but knew everything.
Why don't you just meet me in the middle?
The middle of a moment in time when you and Hyunjin, hand in hand, would smile without a trace of worry or doubt.
A pause in time.. a picture film in the sunset.
In the middle.
The spring leaves of your breakup smithers away and autumn fall emerges.
You take your daily evening stroll through the same museum once again.
It was still beautiful, no matter how many times you step in and out of the building. It always felt so different every time.
But this time.. you see a new painting has arrived and was hung on the wall during the weekend.
You quickly walk over to take a glance when you recognize your face is mirrored against the wall.
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On the description, it read,
To my first and last love - I am coming soon.
It was definitely you in that painting..
And that art style.. could be of no one but Hyunjin's.
How could you not recognize it?
The face expressions, the quality, the paint brush techniques, the strokes - they were all so familiar to you.
Hope and panic starts to rise in your chest.
You should not be hopeful, you should not be expecting.
But here you are, twirling around and around to see if Hyunjin was anywhere.
But no, you do not see anyone.
You are alone...
Until you feel a warm body wrapping behind you into a hug so big it traps you and flushes all of your sadness and pain from your soul.
You recognize the hoodie surrounding you.. the scent.
It was the one he wrapped around your shoulders when you were cold...
It was the one he pulled over your head in your once-shared bedroom in intimate silence...
He made everything seem possible even through your darkest days.
So baby
You wish you can just forget about all the things that have hurt you for the past few years..
Why don't you just meet me in the middle?
But humans cannot do that. They plan, calculate, hesitate, look back into the past, and retreat their footsteps.
I'm losing my mind just a little
Can't we go back in time?
You spin around.
Can't we go back in time?
To the middle?
When everything was fine..
When everything was beautiful...
But the face in front of you says otherwise. Through his eyes, you can see the brightest constellations tracing his every thought and every gesture.
And in those thoughts and gestures, you can see the promising image of the two of you, eventually together in a warm, loving, and eternal embrace.
Him smiling in comfort and in final peace, stroking your hair and rubbing your back.
You gazing up at him in admiration and more love than you can ever imagine someone can depict through just a glance.
The images flicker in front of your eyes and now you see an older form of you and Hyunjin who stands facing the exact same painting in front of you even after many many years.
His hand momentarily leaves yours and gently reaches for your chin. Tilting your head up a slight bit to meet his eyes with yours, the man of your life stares at you with so much kindness, care, beauty, and love.
Then, just like the painting that stands permanently engraved into your memory, Hyunjin leans forward and connects his lips with yours.
Dating an idol might be challenging..
It breaks your heart, mends it, and will shatter it back into pieces numerously again and again and again...
But you decide that you don't want anything more right now than the man in front of you.
You didn't need to go back in time to the middle in order to reach your happiness,
Happiness is inside of you, inside of Hyunjin, inside of all of us,
And it will keep continuing to grow and spread
continuously, contagiously, and endlessly.
Love is eternal.
One other is all it takes to open up the barrier and let the light shine through
To know love,
To feel loved,
And share love.
Check out masterlist for more.
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