#oh yeah their ship name is breakfast btw
catastrothy · 1 year
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height difference in couples good. this too is yuri
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justagamerandaweeb · 6 months
Sun-Kissed - Modern AU! Iguro & Giyuu x Reader
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A beach chapter? How original! This is a rather interesting ship. Didn't see that much fan art of them when I was trying to find a cover for a modern setting.
Btw, I tried to edit the cover of this chapter, and just, it's not gonna work.
They still look sexy tho.
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You wiped your eyes and looked around to see that Iguro and Giyuu were still asleep. Iguro was sleeping on the bed next to you, while Giyuu slept on the couch.
You opened your phone to see that it was 4:45 AM. You yawned as you grabbed your headphones and opened your phone to watch videos to kill time. Minutes go by as you watched the brainrot that was contained on your phone, when suddenly something clicked in your head.
You swtiched your app to the calander to see what day it was, and see that you have a note on your phone that said, in all caps, "BEACH DAYYYY!!!!"
Oh shit... I forgot today was beach day. What time did we say we were gonna go? You clicked on the day and saw that it ranged from 12 to 2:15 PM. Oh fuck. Should I just sleep right now, or should I wait until we get in the car? You thought as you were tapping the side of your phone, thinking about what you should do.
You then felt the sudden urge to pee as you thought to yourself, Crap, just when I was thinking about going back to sleep. Well, it's better than pissing myself in my sleep... You thought as you took the comforter off of you and got out of the bed.
You were sneaking around the room quietly as you were very slowly walking to the bathroom door. You grabbed the doorknob and thought, Please don't squeak... As you softly twisted it, and slowly pushed the door open, only to find out that it didn't make a single sound.
You let out a soft sigh of relief as you softly closed the door and turned on the lights, making you squint your eyes for a split second. You then took your panties off and sat down on the toilet to use the bathroom.
Man, I feel so much better now. You thought as you flushed the toilet and washed your hands. You turned off the lights and left the bathroom and carefully went back to the bed.
You laid back down and closed your eyes as you were about to go to sleep, in case you need those extra hours of sleep when y'all go to the beach.
9:15 AM.
As you were sleeping, your nose started to sniff as you felt the taste of fish in your mouth, and so you began to wake up. "H-Huh? Who's cooking?" you said as you wiped your mouth from the drool that was running down your chin. "Who do you think, dumbass? Tomioka is cooking us some breakfast right now before we go, so get up." Iguro said with a towel in one arm, and a shirt, and swimming trunks in the other.
"Good morning to you too, Iguro," you said stretching your body while sitting down, and Iguro scoffed at you while going to the bathroom. You look outside to see a beautiful blue sky, and a bird's view of a city with cars passing from the highway. Man, I always forget how beautiful Japan could be.
"Hey, (Y/N)," you heard Giyuu call your name, and you turned your head and said, "Yeah?"
"What's your favorite drink to have for breakfast?" he asks you while cooking. You scratched your head and yawned as you said, "'Scuse me, um... I rarely eat breakfast, but usually, when I do, I drink (F/D) with my breakfast." you said to him and he hummed in acknowledgment.
"What are you even cooking, by the way? Smells amazing." you said walking up behind him, trying to peek under his shoulder. "Just some grilled fish and steamed rice, nothing special, really." he says as he puts the lid on the pan that was filled with rice, and lowers the heat to let it simmer.
He softly sighs as he sits down at the table and turns on the TV. You sat down with him and pat his back as you said, "Why do you look so glum, chum? Today is beach day! Shouldn't you be excited?" you said with a smile on your face, and he looked at you with an unamused expression on his face. "We go to the beach at least once or twice a year, and they have been mediocre. I'm using that word in the negative sense, by the way."
"And why do you think that? Is it because you don't know how to have fun? You just sit under the umbrella the entire time we're there and just poker face. Besides, I know you feel lonely whenever you watch us have fun. Am I wrong?" you said side-eying him.
He avoids making eye contact with you as he makes a groan of guilt, accepting the fact that he does exactly what you said. You patted his arm as you said, "Don't worry, I'm gonna fix that for you. Once we get to the beach, I'm gonna make you have some fun." you said, smiling at him.
He softly smirks at you before he heard the sound of the fish sizzling as he says, "Crap." he quickly stood up and speed walked to the kitchen as he takes the fork and flips the fish on the other side. As he did this, Iguro came out of the bathroom wearing a shirt, and black and white striped swimming trunks.
"Where's your swimming clothes?" Iguro bluntly asked you with a hint of venom in his voice. "It's in my luggage. Why should I take a shower now, when I can eat first, then shower?"
"So what you're saying is that you would rather smell like a bum, than smell hygienic when we go to the beach? Is that what I'm hearing from you?" Iguro said to you while he dried his hair with the towel. You clicked your tongue as you said, "Well fuck you too then, dickhead. Fine, I'll take a fucking shower." you said as you stood up off the chair and went to your luggage to take your one-piece swimsuit, and a shirt out.
As you grabbed a towel, you heard the sound of Giyuu talking to Iguro saying, "She's just hungry, Iguro. You shouldn't bash her for trying to eat before taking a shower." and Iguro scoffs as he said, "Shut up, you barely even talk, so who are you to butt in what were talking about?"
You closed your luggage and went to the bathroom and took off your pajamas, and panties. You went inside the bathtub and turned on the shower and began to clean yourself. You softly smiled as you realized that Giyuu was defending you, and thought to yourself, I'm gonna make sure he's gonna have lots of fun.
You turned off the shower and got out as you grabbed your towel and dried yourself off. Once you were done with that, you put your one-piece on, and then your shirt, which was a white graphic tee. You then grabbed your toothbrush which was in the toothbrush holder, and put toothpaste on it to brush your teeth.
You put mouthwash in your mouth, feeling the burning sensation on your tongue as you sloshed it around your mouth for 30 seconds, and spit it out. You picked up your clothes on the floor and left the bathroom to put your clothes in your bag.
You then turned around to see there was a plate of your breakfast in the spot where you were sitting. Iguro and Giyuu were already eating so you pulled the chair back, sat down, and ate with them.
You look at the TV that is talking about the weather to see that the temperature is gonna be 27°C by the time it reaches 1:30. "Do we have any sunscreen?" you ask as you take a bite of your rice. Giyuu raises his hand as he says, "It's in my luggage. Once we are ready to go, I'll grab it." he said chewing his rice. You hummed as you three continued eating your breakfast while watching the news.
You put your fork on the plate as you took a sip of (F/D) and let out a sigh of satisfaction. Honestly, you didn't think Giyuu was capable of cooking something that good. You got out of the chair and stretched as you said, "What time is it?"
Giyuu takes his phone out and says, "9:37." you hummed as you responded, "Has it really been that long? I thought it would be longer," you said before yawning and said, "When are we gonna leave again?"
"Guess we'll know when they knock on the door," Iguro said with his arms crossed. You hummed again as you walked to the couch and said, "Well, I'm just gonna take a nap for the next few hours, are any of you gonna wake me up when we go?"
Iguro ignored your request while Giyuu looked at you, but remained silent. You let out a sigh as you took out your phone and set an alarm on your phone, and sat it next to you on the table lamp. You laid your head on your hand as you closed your eyes and took a nap.
"She's kind of dumb taking a nap where we could be leaving right now, you know that, right?" Iguro said to Giyuu and he didn't respond to him. Instead, he stood up off the chair, and sat down next to also take a nap. Iguro sighed as he thought, Guess I have no choice but to wake them up. He said to himself as he continued to watch the TV.
1:15 PM.
As Iguro was watching the TV, he heard the sound of the door knocking and thought, That's our cue. He turned off the TV and turned around to see you both sleeping together as your head was on his shoulder, and his arm was around your waist. He scoffs as he walks up to both of you, and shakes you both for you to wake up.
You both yawned as you said, "Is it already time? How long were we asleep?" you said, wiping your eyes, as Giyuu did the same. "It's 1:15. Our friends just knocked on the door, so get up and let's go," he said as he grabbed all three of your flip-flops.
He puts his on, and you put yours on. They were a (P/C), mixed with a (S/C) polka-dot pattern. Giyuu unzips his luggage to take out the spray can of sunscreen. Iguro opens the door to see Kyojuro and Uzui standing in front of him. Kyojuro tilts his body and waves at you.
"You guys ready? Mitsuri can barely contain her excitement, she wants to leave now." Uzui said, tilting the top half of his body to the side so he can talk to y'all. "Yeah, we're ready. And I don't blame her, I'm just as excited too, as a matter of fact!" you said, joyfully.
Kyojuro laughed as he said, "Well then, let's not waste time! To our cars!" and walked off. You, Iguro, and Giyuu followed them as Giyuu closed the door and locked it.
1:33 PM, Odaiba Beach.
You got out of the car and was about to immediately run to the beach, when suddenly you felt Sanemi grab you by the back of your swimsuit. "Where do you think you're going? You're helping us too to set up, right?"
"What, why?" you asked him, confused, as he rebuked you saying, "Because the last time we went to the beach, you did jack shit helping us! Shit, even Shinobu helped us set up and she's the smallest one here! So c'mon, don't make me have to drag your ass like a child to help us too."
You pouted at him as he says to you in a threatening manner, "Don't fucking test me, I will smack that expression off your fucking face." and you immediately dropped it. "Now, help us set up," he said as he grabbed a huge umbrella out of the trunk of Uzui's truck.
"Here, the least you can do is find a good spot to put this up." Sanemi said as he put the umbrella in your hands and said, "Now go." he said as you started to walk to the beach. You scoffed as you thought, "I did jack shit last year." Please. If anything I DID do something to set up the beach. Like... Uh... Fuck, I hate admitting he's right sometimes, the fuck did I even do other than swim?
You looked around and thought, This looks like a good spot. As you opened up the umbrella, and jammed the rod to the ground. You were about to sit down, but then you would get sand on your behind, so decided to help out some more.
You walked passed Mitsuri, who also had a big umbrella in her hands. You looked behind her and said, "Do you need help, or?" and she looked back and smiled at you as she said, "No, but thank you for asking!"
Okay... You thought clapping your hands together. You went back to the truck and Giyuu says, "Hey, (Y/N), help me carry this cooler." he said as he grabbed the handle on the other side. You grabbed and you both lifted it up as he said, "Okay, move back, carefully."
As you were walking back, you said to him, "Man, this is a little heavy, doncha think?" he nodded in agreement. "Uzui wants us to have a fun time, so I guess we could use a couple of drinks in the meantime. Not that I drink, personally."
You hummed at his statement as you both sat the cooler down between the two umbrellas you and Mitsuri set up. You let out a little puff and said, "Okay, now what? Is that it, or is there one more thing we should do?"
"Well, Uzui thought it would be a great idea to play football here, so I guess that's something we're gonna do before we swim," he said as he walked back to the truck.
You tilted your head to the side like a curious dog as you followed him and said to him, "Football? Like, American Football?"
"If I were to guess, yes." he said as he grabbed his, and your towel. He then grabs your hand, which makes you flinch a little, but he quickly lets go of you as he says, "Oh, sorry. I don't know why I grabbed your hand. Maybe it was just on impulse." he said, having the faintest blush on his face.
He was about to walk away, when your body moved on its own as you grabbed his hand. He then looks back and sees that your hand is held onto his. He then looked at you, and you avoided eye contact with him, as you too had a very faint blush. He cracks a soft smirk on his face before it quickly disappears and continues to walk.
As you were both walking, you were still stuck on the fact that Uzui wanted to play American Football at the beach, you didn't know that Japan even liked American Football.
You both went under the umbrella and rolled each other's towels on the sand floor. Giyuu closed his eyes and let out a big exhale and looked at the people having fun on the beach.
You followed suit as you laid your head on your knees. As you were looking at the ocean, the next words Giyuu was about to say, is something you thought you would never hear him say. "I'm... I'm glad you're here with me."
Your mouth softly drops and your eyes widen when you hear him so nonchalantly say that. But, it made your entire body warm and fuzzy. "Why do you say that?" you said, side-eyeing him.
"Just... You've been a good friend to me. The others may have been too, but, you always been with me. We mostly go our separate ways, but you just follow me wherever I go. I just... I can't really thank you enough." he said as the blush on his face started to get more visible, and so did yours.
A smile started to form on your face as you scooted closer to him, and layed your head on his shoulder. He softly smiles as he wraps his arm around your waist and lays his head against yours.
"Well, look at you two love birds!" you heard Uzui say. "Trying to make the others feel single and disappointed in themselves for not having a significant other," he chuckles, "Kind of a scummy move you two, not gonna lie."
"We're not together, you idiot! We're just really tired, that's all!" you shouted him, all while having a red blush on your face. "Yeah right, and I'm physically disabled. But besides that, we're gonna play some football. I understand that the girls might not be interested, but you down, Giyuu?" You look at him as he says, "I guess I could give it a shot."
"Alright! Now since you, and the others are probably new to this, I'll make a brief summary of what to do when playing. So c'mon, let's get dirty, yeah?" he said tossing the football, and catching it.
He stands up and takes his shirt off, whixh caught you by surpise as he grabs the can of sprayable suncreen on him, popped the cap open, and sprayed it all over his chest, abdomen, arms, legs, and neck.
He extends the can towards you as he says, "Can you spary some on my back, and rub it?" and you nod as you stand up, grab the can, and he turns around as he rubs the marks he sprayed on.
You sprayed the sunscreen on his back, put the can down, and rubbed your hands on his back so you could spread the sunscreen all over. He then says, "That's enough." and you stopped immediately. He rolls his shoulders as he says, "Thank you." before he softly pats your head and goes to Uzui to tell him how football works.
Meanwhile, you picked the can back up and sprayed it on your arms, legs, and neck. You then rubbed all over yourself, put your phone on your towel, and proceeded to go to the girls.
You see Shinobu, Mitsuri, and Kanao splashing water at each other while Muichiro is deep in the water with only the bottom half of his face reaching the surface.
"Hey guys!" you said to them, and the three of them looked at you, and Mitsuri was the first to move toward you and hug you.
You giggled as she let go of you and said, "How are you doing on this beautiful day, (Y/N)? Are you glad that we're finally at the beach?" she said in her ever-so joyous tone.
"I'm doing good so far, and yeah, I guess I am. Even though we come here every year, It still gets me excited." you said, smiling at her.
"That's good. But, since you're here..." she puts both of her hands on your shoulders and gets closer to you, making you softly blush.
Your inner bisexual was panicking as she was close to your face as she whispered to you, "We're gonna play a little game..."
You swallowed your spit as you asked her, "Okay... What's the game called?"
"It's called..." She then goes under the water and goes around you as you feel her separate your legs and pick you up, resulting in your sitting on her shoulders. "Chicken fight!"
You were taken by surprise at how easily Mitsuri picked you up by her shoulders. "We're gonna fight each other until one of us falls, and the other becomes the victor! So Muichiro, carry Shinobu!"
Muichiro succumbs to the water as he went under, and picked up Shinobu. Kanao watches as she started to copy Muichiro, and shrinking herself into the water until her top half was peeking out.
"You guys ready?" Mitsuri said, and you responded, "As ready as we'll ever be. I can speak for you two, right?"
"In this scenario, yes." Shinobu said, while Muichiro looked unbothered by all of this.
"Okay. Ready... Fight!" Mitsuri shouted out as you and Shinobu locked hands with each other, both at a stalemate at who's gonna push off who.
Your body was tilting to the left, almost as if your were about to fall, but then you pursed your lips as you tensed your legs and every amount of strength you had to balance yourself back up.
Muichiro and Mitsuri were both circling around as you and Shinobu were doing a stare-down, both of determined that one of you would end up victorious.
You reached towards Shinobu, she was about to reflect your hand, thinking to her self that she had a plan to dodge your hands, and pull you so you would fall.
But then you did a evil smirk as you went under her arms, and tickled her armpits. She did a laugh and you thought to yourself, dramatically, Forgive me for what I'm about to do to you, Shinobu, but this is the only way it could end.
You then pushed her, and then she lost her balance as she backflops into the water, dragging Muichiro in the process. You cheered to yourself as Mitsuri said, "Woo-hoo! We won!"
Shinobu shook her head and coughed as she said, "No fair! You cheated because you tickled my armpits, and you know how ticklish I am there!" she said, with a pouting expression on her face.
"Silly Shinobu, in war, you should always take advantage of your enemies weaknesses." you said as Mitsuri lowered herself into the water to safely put you down.
"Oh. So what if I--" she then pounces on you, and you both went underwater, catching you completely off guard. You both resurfaced and coughed as Shinobu says, "What if I just did that all of a sudden? Is that me taking advantage of you?"
You moved your wet hair away from your eyes as you said, "In this scenario, yes." you said smiling at her.
Wow, that was pretty fun to watch!" you heard a feminine voice say. All five of you turned around to see three other people.
One had long white hair, and blue eyes, the second had long black hair that covered the left side of her face, and only shown her right eye. And the last one had a surpisingly tone body, much like Muichiro, had chin length black hair with red-pink ends.
"Hi, my name is Daki. Or Ume, whichever you prefer." she puts her arm on the other girl's shoulder and says, "This is Nakime," she then points at the pale skinned man, "and that is Enmu."
"Hi..." Nakime quietly said while Enmu said, "Hello, you beautiful people. It's a nice day to have a nice swim while socializing with your friends, is it not?"
All five of you were staring at him like you didn't even know him. Give or take you didn't, but after the way he spoke, you didn't want to hear what would come out of his mouth.
Scratch that, all five of you don't even want to acknowledge his existance.
"And this is why, Enmu, we barely take you anywhere." Daki bluntly said to Enmu, as she facepalms herself. She trilled as she says, "Please ignore him, he's always like this whenever we take him to public places."
"Noted." you said.
"I'll keep that in mind." and Shinobu.
"Gotcha." and Mitsuri.
"Mm." and Kanao.
"...wait, what are we talking about?" and Muichiro. Kinda.
"So, are you guys the only ones here, or..." you asked Daki as she replies, "Oh no, I've got more friends that came with us. My brothers even here too, see?" she said as she turned around and pointed at the group of Daki's and your friends playing football.
You see Uzui throw the ball to Kyojuro and he was about to catch it, until it was intercepted with a man that was wearing pink and blue swimming trunks. Once he landed on his feet, he quickly ran as the others were trying to block your friends from catching him.
Sanemi was about to tackle him, but the black haired man juked him, resulting ins Sanemi diving face first into the sand, but he quickly got up despite his pride being hurt.
However, Giyuu was quick enough to get close behind him as he then dived, and wrapped his arms around him, resulting in both of them falling into the sand.
"Damn, looks like they're having fun." you said after watching that play happen. "Yeah... But, y'know... boys will be boys." she said as she quickly turns around to all of you and say, "No sexism when I say that, by the way."
"None taken." Muichiro said as his head was the only thing that was visble to y'all. "Are you sitting down on the water and only keeping your head up?" you asked him and he did a simple nod, which made you trill your lips.
You felt your skin getting hot as you said to your friends, and the people you've just met, "My skin feels like it's getting burned, I'm gonna go under the umbrella now."
"Okay, careful not to get a sunburn, (Y/N)!" Mitsuri shouted at you as you look back and did a little wave at them. You went under the umbrella and sat down on your towel as you let out of sigh of relief being in the shade.
You then watched your friends, and the others playing against each other as if this was a real American Football game. Whenever they snapped a play, the other group would block the receivers to run their route.
What you thought it would be a passing play, turned out to be a running play, as the man with long spiky black hair backed up a few steps with the ball, and extended his arm backwards as a tanned man with yellow swimming trunks grabbed it and ran to the other side.
He didn't make it far as another tanned man that almost looked like him with red trunks shoulder checked him, which resulted in the runner dropping down into the sand.
"Damn, Sekido, you really gonna do Urogi like that?" the triplet said with the black and green trunks as he extended his hand to Urogi and picked him up.
"Nah, don't worry Karaku. I'll get 'em back once we play in the defensive." Urogi said as he wiped the sand off his back and stared at Sekido and he scoffed as he said, "Like hell you well."
"Fellas, fellas! I know y'all are siblings, but we got a game to win! You guys can bicker all you want about whos better at playing football later, but right now, it's game time!" the tall man with blond hair said in a joyous tone.
There is so much testosterone flowing in the air right now. This sport is too masculine for me. You thought watching them play.
Three plays later, Uzui shouted out, "Alright lads, let's take a break for the next five minutes! I know y'all thirsty after playing for this long!" and they both seperated in different groups.
Giyuu opened the cooler and grabbed a bottle of water and opened it as he sat down next to you.
"Good job out there." you said as you pat his back, but was met with the feeling of sweat on his back. You quickly wiped your hand on the towel and crossed your arms and legs together.
"Sorry my backs so sweaty. Football is a physically demanding sport. But, thank you." he said as he took a sip of the water bottle.
"I can see that." you said as you looked in the distance at Mitsuri, Muichiro, Daki, and Enmu playing chicken fight. You then look at Giyuu and say, "So, who's winning?"
He looked at you after he took a sip of water and said, "I don't know, a draw, maybe? Hey Uzui," he called out Uzui and he turned around with a soda can in his hand, "what's the score?"
"It's 14-21. We need about seven more points if we're gonna make this a draw." he said as he slurped the can of soda and swallowed his drink as he noticed you and said, "Oh, hey (Y/N), when did you get here?" and you pouted.
"So, what's the play Uzui? How are we gonna prevent them from getting a touchdown?" Kyojuro said as he gave himself a waterfall of water.
"lemme think..." he said as he was tapping his foot on the sand. "I got it. Kyojuro, you try and block off Hakuji. Except if it's a passing play, try to get behind him and try to intercept the ball once Michikatsu throws it."
"Got it."
"Iguro, you try and block Gyokko. I know he's taller than you, but you're faster and more agile."
Iguro hums in acknowledgment as he was just sitting down.
"Giyuu, do the exact same thing I told to Kyojuro, but with Aizetsu. Block him, unless if they're going for a pass, try to intercept."
"Got it." Giyuu said.
"And Sekido and Karaku, keep doing what you're doing, you two. Do whatever you can to make sure they don't get a touchdown. While I, take care of Douma."
They both had different reactions, Sekido clicked his tongue and huffed, while Karaku said, "You got it, boss."
Uzui finishes the can of soda and crushes it in his hand as he says, "Alright, you guys! Let's do this!" and claps his hands together.
Giyuu took the last sip of water out of the bottle and jammed it into the sand and stretched. "Wish us luck," he said as he stood up and walked with the others to play.
They all got into position, and prepped themselves for the play to snap. Once Michikatsu shouted out, "Hut!" they started to run their routes. Giyuu was very quick to block Aizetsu, Iguro followed Gyokko everywhere, and as for the two twins, they were doing their own thing.
Michikatsu had to make a split decision, does he throw it to someone who looks open and risk getting an interception, or does he run the ball and risk getting a turnover?
He took a deep breath, and decided to run the ball. Uzui tried to catch him, but was stopped by Douma as he wrapped his arms around his waist, spun him around and slammed him on the floor. "Hope that didn't harm you as much. It would be ashame if your group lost their most valuable asset.
Next was Iguro, but there wasn't even a chance to begin with as Michikatsu stiff-armed his face, and pushed him, resulting him in losing his balance and falling down.
Then it was Karaku and Sekido, but they both got blindsided by their younger brothers. Sekido got shoulder checked by Urogi and Karaku got speared to the side. While Aizetsu said, "Sorry." Urogi boasted at his brother's face as he laughed and said, "Hows that shit feel, huh!? Sit the fuck down, brother!"
Kyojuro tried to escape Hakuji's grasp, but it was like his arms wrapped around his waist were latched on to him. "Ah, ah, ah, who said you could tackle him?"
"Let go of me!" Kyojuro exclaimed as he was struggling to move, Hakuji responded, "No, I don't think I will, not until he makes a touchdown."
And then there was Sanemi, who was running directly behind Michikatsu. He was reaching for him and was almost close to grabbing him, but was unfortunately stopped when he felt someone's arms wrapped around his waist and collapsed to the ground.
He then heard the sound of a gravel, shaky voice say to him, "I can't allow you to tackle him, it wouldn't be fair if we had a draw." the person with black hair, blue eyes, and birthmarks on his face.
Michikatsu then slows down as he makes it to the other side of the beach, indicating that he made a touchdown. The others who were defending him cheered as they went up to him to gas him up.
Damn, they got laid out. All that planning, just to get shit on. Well, can't say they tried. You thought as you saw them getting up, or walking in shame.
Giyuu was the first to go under umbrella and sits down next to you and give you a quick glance. You were about to pat his back, but you didn't want your hand to het sweaty again so you just said to him, "Hey, at least you tried. If anything, that actually looked pretty cool to watch, honestly."
"Yeah, and if it would be even cooler if we did what we talked about." Sanemi said, wiping the sand off his body. "Speaking of which, Tomioka, where the fuck were you?"
"I was in the back. They were too quick for whatever reason." Giyuu said as Iguro responded to him, "Yeah, or you were too scared to get hit."
"You got stiff-armed and fell to the floor, I'm pretty sure your pride is shattered just like Sanemi's." Giyuu clapped back at Iguro.
Sanemi clearly heard that as he started to walk up to him and say, "The fuck you say about me?" but Kyojuro was lucky to interfere as he pushed Sanemi and Iguro away from him. "Relax, you two, I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it."
"Bullshit! When was the last time you ever hear him say something, and don't mean it?" Sanemi shouted at Kyojuro.
"I'm sure he's just joking around. Right, Tomioka?" and Giyuu scoffs as he scoots close to you. "Hey, we're having fun at the end of the day, that's all that matters, right?" Uzui said as he patted Giyuu's head. "Why don't we go swimming? That is the main reason we even came here in the first place."
"If it'll take our minds off the fact that we lost, sure, why not?" Kyojuro said as he patted Sanemi's and Iguro's sweaty backs.
Giyuu looked at you and said, "Do you wanna swim with me?" in a somewhat shy tone. The way he asked you made your heart flitter a little so you smiled and said, "Yes."
He softly smirks and stands up as he extends his arm to you. You then grab his hand and he pulled you up, but doesn't let go of your hand.
This made You blush a little, but you still chose to have a smile on your face. You felt the little wave of water crash on your feet, it kind of tickled in a way.
You both started to walk into the ocean, your body slowly submerging in the clear blue water as you both were at chest length.
Giyuu had a poker face, while you stuck your tongue out like some sort of house pet. He then does what Muichiro did, and lowers his body down to the water until his head is the only thing staying on the surface.
Seeing that you couldn't be bothered to ask him why he was doing this, you decided to do the same thing. What you did not expect however, is how he wrapped his arm around your waist, and pulled you closer.
"Woah, Tomioka, what's going on with you? Is this your way of flirting?" You said to him, as he turned his head to the side to hide the red blush on his face, and you giggled.
"I'm not complaining, really. I think what you're trying to do is cute." you said to him, as you got closer to his face, and kissed him on the side of his head.
His head quickly turned to you as if he caught whiplash, in which case he did. It's as if his aura changed as he started stammering like a high school kid asking out their crush.
"C-Can I... um... can I kiss you...?" he asked you, all while avoiding eye contact with you. You then responded to him, "Of course you can." and showed your cheek to him.
"Actually... I want to do the other one."
"The... Other one? Oh, you mean, lip to lip?" you asked him, and he nodded. You looked back to see the other boys playing around, not bothering to acknowledge both of you, so you looked back at him and said, "Okay, but on one condition."
"I'm listening."
"Let's do it underwater. That way, the others won't know what we did. Sound good?" and he nods.
You both took a deep breath and went underwater, looked into each other's eyes, as you both wrapped your arms around each other. You both leaned your head forward and got close enough to touch lips.
You both closed your eyes as you both savored the kiss. The feeling of both of your lips touching each other made you both feel so warm inside, it was as if the water temperature changed.
Both of you were wondering how both of you were staying underwater this long all while kissing each other, but you both didn't complain. It got to the point where you both were in the lotus position, and continued kissing.
However, it didn't last long as you both resurfaced to gain some oxygen. You both made huge inhales as you were heavily panting after being in the water for a minute and 15 seconds.
You wiped your wet hair out of your face as you said, "Well... That was romantic, wasn't it?"
"Yeah... I'm glad someone like you is in my life."
"Oh..." was all you could say as your entire body felt so mushy inside. He then kisses your forehead, and hugs you as he rests his head on your shoulder.
The blush on your face started to get redder as you slowly wrapped your arms around him as well. He then kisses your collarbone, and nuzzles his face under your neck, making you feel fuzzy inside.
"T-Tomioka, we're in a public area... Shouldn't we do this somewhere more private?"
"I'm just hugging you, there's nothing suspicious about that." he said as he kissed your neck, making you groan a little.
He pulled himself back away from you, and quickly said, "Sorry." with a clearly visible blush on his face. Meanwhile, you thought to yourself, Did I really just make a sound like that when he kissed my neck? Why did I... a-and, why did it feel good...?
Giyuu, in a fit of slight panic, decided to go back to the surface, to distance himself away ftom you. His body felt light, and his heart was beating rapidly. He never thought he would experience an emotion like this before. Is he expin eriencing... love?
You felt someone touch your shoulder and you turned around to findfeelslsthat it was Iguro who tapped you. He looks at you with his eternal unamused expression on his face as he says, "The hell's going on with Tomioka? Why is he going back to sitting down? And why are you blushing?"
Your first instinct was to look left and see that Giyuu was really under the umbrella, how lost in a trance were you to not notice that? And so you decided to leave the ocean as well, making Iguro even more intrigued, yet confused.
You jogged up to Giyuu, and he looks up at you and says, "Why are you here? Shouldn't you play with the others? I've already made you uncomfortable when I... I don't want to finish that sentence."
You were about to speak, but was cut off by Iguro when you heard him say, "Oh, please do finish it, so I can tell the others how much of a loser you are." which made you jump when you heard him speak.
"The hell!? Why are you following us!? Shouldn't you be swimming with the others?"
"I was, until I saw Tomioka swimming back to the surface, and looking embarrassed while doing so. So tell me, Tomioka and (Y/N), what the hell were you two doing?"
"Why do you even want to know? You don't even care about what we do." Giyuu says, and Iguro quickly replied to him, "Because you two are getting way too comfortable being at the beach. Almost as if you two are together as a couple, so what's going on?"
"None of your business, now can you leave us alone, please?" you said to him as you were about to sit down, but then you felt Iguro grab, and squeeze your forearm.
And for some unknown reason, with no explanation at all, you let out a sound that sounded like a moan. Iguro immediately backed away as he and Giyuu was as equally as shocked as he was.
All three of you were as still as a statue as the blushes on your faces were so red, that they would be mistaken for sunburns. Iguro was the first to break the silence as he says, "What... the fuck was that?"
"U-Um... my defense mechanism...?"
"What type of defense mechanism includes you moaning!?" Iguro shouted at you, but luckily not loud enough for the others to hear him.
You shouted back at him, "I don't know! It just... happened, okay!?" you said, as your voice was cracking like a prepubescent girl.
Giyuu just sat there, not knowing what to say after you moaned. Iguro was about to walk to the others, but then you grabbed his wrist as you pleaded to him, "Please don't tell them, I'll die if you go up to them and tell them what happened!"
"I wasn't gonna tell." Iguro bluntly said to you, not sounding convincing at all. "I don't believe you if you're talking like that. How can I take you seriously when you're speaking like you don't care?"
He then grabs your wrist, and drags you as he sits you down next to Giyuu, and then next to you, now being in between both of them.
"Are you convinced now?" he said to you, with a little bit of an attitude in his voice. But you said, "Yeah..." in response to his question.
He then sighs as he says, "Look, just tell me what you two were doing, and I'll leave you alone. I won't tell, and we can keep this between us."
You looked at Giyuu, and he shrugged his shoulders and you let out a big inhale as you blurted out, "Webothkissed." and covered your face.
You remained silent, but Giyuu said to him, "She said we both kissed." and you shouted at him, "Tomioka!" and he shrugged.
"Really? Well... good for both of you, I guess..." he said in a somewhat somber tone. "Isn't it funny that Tomioka does the bare minimum, and yet he has you now? And yet I try to give Mitsuri a fun time, and she still considers me a friend?"
You and Giyuu both look at each other, and back at him as you say, "I mean... have you ever tried telling her how you feel about her? I'm pretty sure that would resolve everything about this situation."
"Easier said than done. You know how many times I struggled to confess to her, and try to make an excuse on why I was talking to her?"
"You are quick on your feet when you do that." you muttered out as he continued, "So yeah. Like I said, it's easier said than done." he said as he did a little sniff.
You hummed as you looked at Giyuu again, and looked back to see Iguro looking at Mitsuri playing with the others. You then took him by surprise as you decided to kiss him on the side of his head.
Iguro's eyes widened as he looked at you, and under his mask, he had a red blush on his face. Was that the right move, or did I fuck up? You thought after you kissed him. Iguro rubs the back of his neck as he says, "T-Thank you..."
All three of you were just sitting down watching the others play in the ocean as Iguro and Giyuu rested their heads on your shoulders. Making you feel warm inside.
2:25 PM.
You put the umbrella back into the truck, and wiped your sweaty forehead with your towel. You went back to the beach to grab the cooler, but Iguro and Giyuu were already on that as they were both carrying it.
And since that was the last thing, you went back to Giyuu's car, and got in the passenger seat. You yawned as you pulled your phone out to see that it was 2:27, and yet you felt tired. Guess that's what happens when you swim for an hour.
You see Giyuu and Iguro putting the cooler on the trunk of the truck. They both walk back to the car as Giyuu went to the driver's seat, and Iguro sat in the back.
Giyuu puts the car in the ignition and turns it, resulting in the car turning on. He then looks at you and says, "You alright?"
"Of course I am. How about you?" you asked him as he said, "Better. What about you, Iguro? You doin' okay?" and Iguro nodded, smirking under his mask.
Giyuu puts the car in reverse, got out of the parking spot, and put the car in drive. You then look out the window, getting one more view of the beach before y'all went back to the place y'all were staying in.
2:44 PM.
Giyuu puts the car in park as he gets out of the car, and stretches. Iguro got out as he did the same thing, meanwhile you got out and yawned. "So, I take it we had a fun time?" Kyojuro said as he patted your shoulder.
"For the most part, yeah, we did." you said to him, with a smile on your face. "Fantastic! And I guess the same goes for you two, Iguro, and Tomioka?" and Iguro nodded while Giyuu gave a thumbs up.
You all started to walk to the building, slowly falling behind with the others on purpose so they didn't see you, Iguro, and Giyuu holding each other's hands.
5 minutes later.
Giyuu opened the door with the key that had the door number on it, and walked in as he let out a sigh of relief. He puts his stuff down next to his luggage and opens it as he grabs a pair of pajamas and boxers.
He keeps his towel on his shoulder as he walks into the bathroom, and closes the door. Looks like Tomioka is gonna take a shower, guess I should do the same. You thought as you went to your luggage, and picked out a few comfortable clothing.
When you stood up, you felt Iguro wrapping his arms around your waist behind you, making you blush and say, "Iguro?' He then nuzzles his chin on your shoulder. "Iguro, what are you doing?" you asked him as he responded, "I just want to hug you, that's all."
You grabbed his forearm with your free hand, and caressed it. He then started to nuzzle his nose under your neck, which made you groan a little bit. You then felt his mask touch your skin, implying that he was kissing your neck.
You softly moaned as you felt him touching your body and he quickly let you go, and backed up as he said, "Sorry."
Both of you blushed before he said, "I'll just... get my stuff." out of embarrassment. He then crouches down at his luggage and opens it up as he takes out a black and white pajama pair.
You grabbed the remote off the table, and then sat down on the couch as you turned on the TV and switched channels until one could pique your interest, and until Giyuu was out of the shower.
Iguro sat down next to you, but not too close to the point both of your skin were touching each other, but far enough to make a small gap between each other.
10 minutes later.
Both of you were immersed watching the TV, to the point where you weren't bothered by Iguro laying his head on your shoulder.
That is until you heard the bathroom door open, and see Giyuu walk out with his pair of pajamas on. Iguro quickly sat back up as you stood up off the couch and walked into the bathroom.
"Have a nice shower," Giyuu said to you before you blushed and closed the door on him. You put your pajamas on the corner end of the sink as you took off your swimming one-piece off and turned on the shower.
You waited a couple of seconds and put your hand in to see if it was warm or not. Turns out it was a little too hot, and you quickly pitched the valve down a bit.
You tested it again, and found out it was the right temperature so you went inside and took a shower.
15 minutes later.
You were about to turn the shower off, but then realized that it was about to be Iguro's turn, so you decided to leave it on.
You grabbed your towel and wrapped it around your body as you began to dry yourself off. Once you were done with that, you put on your panties, and brushed your teeth.
Once you finished brushing your teeth, you put on your pajamas and picked up your one-piece swimsuit and folded it into your forearm, same with your dry towel. You opened the door and said, "Your turn, Iguro."
He then stood up and walked right past you as he went inside the bathroom. You then sit down next to Giyuu, and he looks at you as he says, "How was your shower?"
"It was good. I feel more cleaner than before, that's for sure."
"Hm." he hummed. He then wrapped his arm around your waist, and pulled you closer to him as he kissed your forehead in the process. You crossed your legs together and laid your head on his shoulder as you both watched the TV.
You yawned as you asked him, "What time is it?" he took his phone out and said, "3:14."
"Huh, and I'm already feeling tired." you said as you wiped your eyes. "If you need to rest, I won't stop you." He said as he pets your head. You hummed ss you said, "Thanks." and closed your eyes.
Giyuu softly smiles as he softly kisses your forehead again, and continues to watch the TV. A few minutes go by when Giyuu hears the bathroom door open. He looks to his left to see Iguro coming out of the bathroom wearing his pair of pajamas.
He then sits down next to you, but decided to lay his side on the couch and perch his arm as he lays his head on his hand. His eyes trail to you sleeping on Giyuu's arm, and he scoffed as he looked back at the TV.
Six hours later, 9:14 PM.
All three of you were laying on the bed, Giyuu was on the roght side of the bed, but his back was turned against the screen door. Iguro was on the left, his back on the bed, and his head slightly tilted to the right at your direction.
And you were in the middle, sleeping soundly as your head was softly shifting around. It got to the point where you bumped your head onto Iguro's, causing him to wake up.
He softly groans as he opens his eyes to see that your face as inches away from his. His face immediately turns red at as his body felt warm and fuzzy. Him seeing your face this up close, made him realize how beautiful you are.
He moves the hair out of your face as he caresses your hair, and then your cheek. It was as if your body was like a marshmallow due to how soft it felt as Iguro was caressing your cheek.
His eyes panned down to your lips, and they had a rosy red complexion to them, that looked oddly attractive to him. His hands started to go down, slowly feeling every curve on your body.
You softly moaned at this, but you were still asleep. Iguro felt a sense of confliction, as a part if him wanted to stop, but at the same time, the other doesn't want to due to how beautiful you were, and how soft your skin was, and how curvy your body was.
His hand was on your thigh, and softly squeezes it as he felt your skin going back to its original state, despite being covered by your pajama pants.
Iguro then looks at you and sees that you were still asleep, so he quietly swallowed his spit and doubled down as he went under your top, and touches your raw skin.
You softly moaned as he thought to himself, Holy shit... I'm really doing this. My hand is touching her... her skin...
His hand was trailing around your stomach, feeling your warm skin against his hand. You let out a moan that was a little bit louder than before, but that didn't stop him.
He goes under the comforter as he takes his other hand and slowly started to roll your top up until your breasts were showing. Iguro then pulls his mask down and licked his lips as he got closer to your breasts, and wrapped his lips around one of your nipples.
You made a whimper as your arms started to move around, trying to find a head that you can wrap around and hold onto. It didn't take long for you to do that as your arms wrapped around Iguro's head and you whispered out, "T-Tomioka..."
Iguro must've thought that you we're having a dream since you were unaware that Giyuu was behind you sleeping, but he continued to suck your nipple.
His other hand was still on your right hip, and he had a lewd idea. This might get him into trouble, and you could potentially slap him once you wake up from this, but, in his mind...
He just said fuck it.
He then takes his hand, and started to go into your pajama pants, and he started to move his fingers up and down on where your bottom lips were.
You gasped, and started to whimper louder as your legs started to open, and he took advantage of it. He then makes you lay down flat on your back again, and then leave the top half of his body on top of yours as he continued to suck on your breast.
The friction of your panties, and his fingers rubbing against your slit, was slowly making you feel wet, and your body started to feel light. Your eyes slowly opened, and the first thing you see is Iguro sucking your nipple with his eyes closed, and his hand in your pajama pants, rubbing your spot.
"I-I... Iguro...?"
He slowly opens his eyes as he slowly takes his hand out of your pants, and stopped sucking your nipple and says, "(Y/N)..."
From your peripherals, you see Giyuu sitting up. He then wipes his eyes as he turns his head and says, "Why are you two still... awake...?" and notices you two in what you're both doing.
"T-Tomioka... It's not what it... looks like..." you said with a dark red blush on your face as Iguro sat up off of you, and you pulled your shirt down.
"I thought you were... h-he... I-I was..." You were stammering and stuttering as you couldn't form an excuse after what Giyuu had seen. A part of you was disgusted with yourself because a part of you liked Iguro touching you while you were sleeping. If there were a way to make yourself vanish, you would not hesitate to do so.
But, what you thought would be Giyuu having a breakdown and lashing on you, turned out to be an entirely different outcome. You felt him wrap both of his arms around your waist, and back as he pulled you closer to him to the point where you both we're face to face.
"Tomioka, what are you--" you got interrupted by him as he kissed your lips, and wrapped his tongue against yours. Iguro's eyes widened in surprise as he thought Giyuu was gonna get angry and kick his ass. But, he was relieved that wasn't the case.
Giyuu, while kissing you, pinned you down on the bed as his kissing started to become more rougher. Your hands were on his chest, trying to make more space for both of you, but he dropped on top of you, making your efforts futile.
Drool started to run down your cheeks as your brain slowly started to become scrambled. The way he was controlling you, made your mind go blank. Eventually he stopped kissing you as he says, "Why did you start the fun without me? I've always wanted to do this with you for so long."
He then rolled your top back up again, but instead of sucking on your nipples, he decided to pinch and twist them, making you feel more vulnerable than you already are.
He started to lick on your neck, which gave your entire body shiver, and your legs tingle. He then whispered to you, "You want this?" and you nodded, but says to you, in a husk tone, "Don't nod, I want an actual answer."
And so you whimpered out, "Y-Yes, Tomioka... I want this... I want you... Both of you..."
Whatever shame you had left in this moment, was completely out of the room. Giyuu softly smirks at you and says, "Good." before he sits up and starts to take his top off to reveal his muscular body.
He then does the same to you, and throws both of your pajamas tops on the floor, both of you almost naked as your breasts are at full display. He then fondles your breasts, which made you release a moan from your mouth.
His face got closer to yours as he kisses you again, which made you moan yet again. You wrapped your arms around him as you tilted your head to the left, and his to the right, making the kiss deeper.
As Iguro was watching this, he felt something below his waist get tighter and tighter as he continued watching this unfold. He looks down to see a bulge coming out of his pants as he thought, Fuck... I'm getting hard just from watching this... It's not fair if Tomioka can do all this, and all I get is to suck on her nipple, and rub her spot. I want to have more from her...
Giyuu stops kissing you, and fondling your breasts as he says, "Take them off." You nodded as Giyuu them nacks away from you, and you took off your pants, and threw them on the floor. Giyuu softly spoke to you, "I said, take them off." and so you closed your eyes as you grabbed the rim of your panties, and pulled them down to your legs, and shook it off as it fell to the floor.
You were fully naked in front of Iguro and Giyuu. The moonlight coming through the screen door as you cover yourself from embarrassment, heavily blushing, while your spot was wet.
"Wow..." Iguro said as he got a clear look at you. He was about to crawl up to you, but Giyuu stopped him as he says, "You take left, I take right."
You heard him say that as you asked him, "What do you mean? What are you gonna do to me?" You nervously asked them as they got close to you, and they laid next to you on both sides. "We're gonna make you feel special." Giyuu said as he began to suck your right nipple, Iguro says, "Enjoy it while it last." before he started to suck your left.
Your legs became completely open as Iguro and Giyuu were holding your thighs individually. The feeling of both of your nipples being sucked, made you feel so fuzzy inside. It didn't help either that your slit was becoming more drenched in its own juices.
Giyuu looked down, and took advantage as he takes his fingers, and started to move them left and right, teasing you as he stimulates your wet insides.
Your breath was trembling as you whimpered, "T-Tomioka..." and laid your head down on the pillow. Your eyes were closed as you slowly became a moaning mess, your body felt so hot, and yet so light, it's as if they were torturing you and you were slowly going to heaven due to the amount of pleasure you were feeling.
Every single one of their actions sent a wave of electricity through your body. Your sensitive lips slowly moistened at the feeling of Giyuu's fingers, your hips instinctively bucking down for more of that pleasuring feeling all while both of your hands gently nudged both of their heads into your breasts. "Please... I need you both... Stop teasing and just fuck me."
Giyuu stops as he says, "That's all you had to say, (Y/N). Don't worry, we'll make sure you feel really good after this." he said as he got up off of you, and started to take his pants off, and revealed a thick bulge coming from his boxers.
This made your slit throb a little from the site, and so he grabbed the rim, and pulled them down to reveal his thick, and long shaft. You swallowed your spit as you almost salivated from the sight of it alone.
Shortly after, Iguro does the same, although he wasn't as long as he was, but he was just as girthy as him.
"Get on your hands and knees," Giyuu said to you, and you complied, propping yourself as you turned your body horizontally.
You then felt his hand caress your ass, and softly smacked it, making you let out a sound that sounded like a yelp. He then takes his index and middle finger and starts to lick them as he says, "I need to make sure you're well lubricated for this. Even though you're already soaking." and inserts his fingers inside you, which makes your entire body weak as the top half on your body shrunk and it looked like as if you were bowing down to Iguro.
If you were this stimulated from his fingers, you could only imagine what it would feel like with his rod inside you. You then feel Iguro's hands touch your head and so he makes you look at his erect shaft in front of your face.
Without saying anything, you closed your eyes, and opened your mouth, with that gesture alone, gave him the approval to do it. He softly grips your hair, props himself, and slowly inserts his rod inside your mouth.
He was only using the tip in your mouth as he didn't want to hurt you or make you retch. You moaned, sending vibrations on his shaft as he stifled a moan from escaping his mouth.
Giyuu takes his fingers out, and opens and closes them to see your lines of juices stretching. He then licked his fingers and got a sense of what you taste like. He hummed in satisfaction as he propped himself up and lined his length to your wet slit.
He started to move his tip up and down, making you whimper as he said to you, "Are you ready?" you looked back to him and nodded as he then chuckled and slowly inserted himself inside you.
Your walls were slowly being filled inch by inch by his shaft all while you were sucking off Iguro. Speaking of him, he started to softly thrust his hips into your mouth, but not rough enough to make you gag.
Giyuu softly moaned as he felt you throbbing around him, and tighten around him. It's as if you were practically begging him to wreck you once he was fully inside you. But, he'll get to that eventually.
Once his pelvis came into contact your ass, he wasted no time, and softly started to thrust his hips. You let out the moan that also sounded like a whimper, as you felt his shaft slowly going in and out of you. With every thrust he did, his hips coiled. He was holding back from pounding your ass until it turned red.
Meanwhile, Iguro was drunk from pleasure from the feeling of your warm, wet mouth around him. The feeling of your tongue on the bottom of his shaft felt so slippery, that it felt like you had no teeth whatsoever.
She's so tight... Giyuu thought as he started to thrust a little bit faster, enough to make mini ripples from your skin.
Iguro started to pat your head and said to you, "Who's a good girl? You are." and that made your body feel mushy. "You're doing a great job sucking my cock like that. If you need oxygen, just let me know, okay?" and you nodded.
You then wrapped your arms around his waist as you pulled him closer to you, and you started to bob your head, taking every inch of him inside your mouth. This took Iguro by surprise, but he couldn't speak as he was in bliss of you deepthroating him.
Giyuu then puts his hands on your hips as he started to thrust his hips more faster, and rougher, making you moan even harder, and your body weaker as he hits your spot.
You clenched your eyes closed as you tried to distract the pleasure fogging your mind by sucking Iguro off, but then you felt him hit the back of your throat, and you violently coughed. Iguro backed away from you as you said to Giyuu, "W-Wait! T-Tomioka!" Thankfully he stopped as he said to you, "What, am I too rough?"
"A little, b-but it feels good though... I-I was wondering... if we could do a different position...?" You said as Giyuu responded, "I know one we could do." and then he took his shaft out.
He then turned your body around until your back was on the bed, and your legs were wide open. He then pulls you closer to him as he slammed his hips into yours, inserting his entire shaft back inside you as you arched your back, and neck.
You were a moaning mess as his thrusting was so rough and fast, it made your entire body feel tense, in a good way of course. Iguro then wrapped his hands around your neck as he put his shaft inside your mouth, and thrust his hips.
Your eyes were rolling back as Iguro was skull-fucking your throat, and Giyuu was fucking your tight cunt. Your legs frantically trembling, your toes curling, and your knuckles turning white as both of them were using you like a cocksleeve.
My mind... it feels like it's gone blank... I can't think of anything at this moment... you thought as you were being completely pounded on both sides.
The lewd sounds that your slit was making sounded like water that was being repeatedly smashed as your thighs were creating ripples from his thrusting.
You gagged a few times as you felt Iguro's shaft go in your throat and he looked to see the bulge in your throat disappear and reappear with every thrust.
It got to the point where you felt a knot in your stomach forming, and you began to whimper. Your eyes clenched as you felt it getting tighter and tighter until you felt Giyuu hit your spot, and you pet out a muffled scream that sounded like a moan as you creamed all over his shaft.
He looks down and says, "Wow... Did it feel that good, (Y/N)?" and you gave him a shaky thumbs up. He smirked before he went back to thrusting his hips.
Drool was running down your cheek as Iguro was in his own world fucking your throat. His body was sweaty, his bangs were sticking to his forehead, and his breathing was very heavy.
Giyuu's breathing also started to get louder as he started to feel himself twitching. His thrusting started to feel more sloppy as he was loosening his grip on your sweaty hips.  "F-Fuck..." he grunted as he started to go all out on thrusting you. Your thighs constantly rippling, your breasts bouncing with every thrust he did, and your arms and legs shaking as he hit your spot.
Iguro started to feel the same as his legs began to shake as he was getting close to his arrival. He then felt his shaft twitching as he stopped thrusting his hips, and let out a husk-sounding moan as he felt himself spurt his seed into your mouth.
You cringed from the texture of it, but still chose to swallow it as you felt him becoming soft in your mouth. He then moved his hips back and the sound of a little pop was made as the tip escaped your lips.
Shortly after, Giyuu clenched his eyes and teeth as he pulled out of you, and started to pump his shaft, resulting in him shooting his spunk onto your body. His breath was trembling after he got done relieving himself onto your body. And after that was done, Iguro went to the kitchen and got three paper towels to clean you up.
Iguro gave him one and he folded it up as he cleaned your abused slit until it was dry. Iguro cleaned the spunk off your stomach and breasts with the second paper towel, and then cleaned your face with the third.
Giyuu gave him his paper towel and Iguro threw them away as he walked back to the bed and laid down. Giyuu then picks you up, and puts you under the cover as he lays back down next to you, and rests his head on your shoulder.
"Night..." Giyuu softly said as he kissed your neck, and went to sleep. Iguro does the same as he kisses your cheek, and your neck as he puts his hand on your stomach.
You look at both of them as you think to yourself, My throat, and legs hurt... but, it felt really good... but, I don't know if I can walk tomorrow, so I hope Giyuu will carry me. You then kissed both of their heads as you closed your eyes and went to sleep.
03-24-24 - Well, that's another story in the books! I felt like I went a little crazy on the smut here, but that's just me. I hope you enjoyed this, next story I'm gonna write is gonna be another remake of an old story from my other book.
Catch you guys next time, love y'all.
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volkswagenitaliaog · 2 years
okay since these are actually popular which i did not expect at all btw thanks, here's another of my fav ship dynamics:
When Person A is usually an arsehole to everyone but MELTS when its person B (who is super sweet by the way)
Person A: *yelling at someone over something stupid*
[Person B enters]
Person A: *turns around* Oh hello my little marshmallow of delight
Person B: oh [person a's name] what did we say about being polite to people? *turns to the person A was yelling at* you can go honey
Person A: *turns into a stuttering gooey mess* y-yeah ofc hehe sorry about that do you want me to make dinner??? i can make dinner! and dessert! and tomorrow's breakfast!
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rivertapes · 2 years
Percy J. x Child of Ares!Reader
Chapter 1 here
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[this chapter is pretty long btw!]
Today was another boring old Friday, you groaned as you woke up and heard the other cabin mates laughing. “Oh shut up its 7am!” You yell covering your ears with your pillow. That only caused them to start talking louder. You walked over to the huge closet you guys had and grabbed your clothing and went into the bathroom to change.
Leaving the cabin with your hands in your jacket’s pockets you walked off to talk to Annabeth. It was either that she was with her cabin mates or with that new kid, it’s been a few days since he got here. Yes you beat him in wrestling, but when it came to swordsman ship? He knew a thing or two, that made you jealous- like really jealous. You kicked a rock out of frustration and you finally came up to Athena’s cabin and knocked on the door. Annabeth opened up.
“Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to walk to breakfast together?” The soft smile you gave to her was only for her and Luke, no one else needed to see it. She gave a quick nod and closed the door, she usually does that- just to put on her shoes. After a minute she opens the door and you guys both walk off to the tables.
“You know capture the flag is today, right Y/N?” One of your cabin mates say, you roll your eyes realizing that they’re going to say something stupid again. “Yeah against Athena’s and Hermes’ cabin! Guess you can’t say hi to your friends now!” Clarisse butts in nudging your shoulder. “Yeah thanks for reminding me…” you bite into the bread and stare off to Hermes table. You eyes try to look at Luke to see what he was saying but they diverted to Percy. The unclaimed guy, you couldn’t imagine him getting claimed- but it would be nice to see someone else here that doesn’t feel like they belong.
“Looking at Prissy?” Your cabin mate Alex asks. “His name is Percy, and no I wasn’t.” You bring up your voice, they love picking on you even though you’re their half-sibling. They didn’t see it that way though. “You’re weird Y/N, weird…” He states laughing. If anything these people didn’t have manners, you sure as hell didn’t have a mom that would take care of you but yet you knew to have manners.
The rest of Ares cabin would go home when the summer ended yet you stayed. You were an all-rounder like 20 other kids at camp. Some of them didn’t have parents that would look after them, Luke and Annabeth stayed at camp with you. That’s why you were so close with them, when you were getting to camp you dealt with so many blockages and troubles the two of them felt bad and wanted to help you. For the first month you were stuck in Hermes cabin, until you got the sign that your dad was Ares. Clarisse was picking on you as usual and you finally stood up for yourself. Like actually put up a fight with her and won it. It was a one in a lifetime event, literally. The only reason why you were seen to be his daughter was because a vulture feather fell to your feet. Clarisse had seen it and pointed it out, she was in rage that you were in the same cabin as her. You smirked it off and felt it gave you some power. Luke wasn’t too happy that you were leaving his cabin but you felt happy to be claimed, but you weren’t given a spear like your other cabin mates, you were given a feather that was tied to your home made one.
“I seriously don’t want to fight you Annabeth…” You state grabbing her arm, she places a hand on yours. “It’ll be fine, just don’t go slashing any of my cabin mates.” She says with a smile, now that hurt a little. You let go and nod and she goes on her way. Walking off, you go to archery practice with some of Apollo cabin since they were teaching some of the kids.
After that you tried doing some swordsman ship with Luke’s teaching. Yes there were other kids there that made you self conscious but you tried your best to get rid of that feeling. You held your sword close with a tight grip, your armor making scraping noises each time you moved. The air was cold, you couldn’t wear your jacket for this activity. Luke says his usual sayings before starting like “Don’t kill anyone, that’ll be put on me- and their family will not want to hear the news” he would always repeat. Many of the guys and few girls nodded.
Luke was the best swordsman in 300 years is what Annabeth would tell you. Honestly she wasn’t wrong, the guy knew a thing or two on how to fight. You studied his movements, he would step back only when it was necessary and attack most of the time with defense attacks in between. You tried your best to follow these movements but it only resulted in you attacking more than defending yourself.
“Who wants to go up next? No one?” It was dead silent, not after Luke just took out the last guy in a second. “Y/N, come up!” He said, you looked terrified. A course of “Yeah Y/N!” and “We’ll have her for dinner afterwards!” came up and about. “Come on Y/N, I’ll take it easy on you.” you knew he was lying, there’s no way he’ll go easy. You got to camp 2 years ago now, you should’ve learned like the rest but you were slow. This frightened you, maybe Ares had claimed the wrong kid? Maybe this was one of his sick jokes.
You walk forward and get put into position, quickly making the first move. Swords clink and so do the shields. Sending a quick hit towards Luke’s chest plate he moves back for your reach. ‘Shit..’ you thought placing the shield in front of you to block his attack. The goal was to tap the chest plate from either the back or front of the opponent. You usually never lasted this long, this was a first.
“Come on Y/N! You can do it!” You hear quickly snapping your head back you see its Percy rooting you on and just like that-
Your chest plate gets tapped on by Luke’s sword. Turning your head you see him smirk. “Too distracted Y/N.” Luke states, you look at him in disbelief. Nodding you walk away and grab Percy along as well. “Oh I have it out for you now.” He looks frightened.
“I wasn’t trying to distract you!” Percy retaliates, you have him pushed up against a wall behind one of the cabins. You have him by his shirt and lifting him a little off the ground, he was basically at your height now. The kid was shorter than you by two inches. “I looked like a fool in front of Luke and the others! Do you not know how I have to keep my image up here? I don’t need someone cheering me on, I have myself already.” He looks at you in disbelief, “Image?” he questions. “Yes, I’m in Ares cabin- I think I shouldn’t look weak and helpless.” You let go of him and he quickly fixes himself up. “Just don’t get in my way during capture the flag tonight.” You state taking off your chest plate and walking away to put it back at the armory. Percy looked at you leaving, he wondered why you were so harsh in general.
“Ares team has some of the ugliest kids!” The guy next to Percy whispered to him, he wanted to nod, but he couldn’t. “Yeah, most- but not all.” The Hermes kid looked at him as if he were crazy. “I mean yeah- they’re gross…” he says crossing his arms and getting ready into position.
“Y/N, don’t do much, you’ll allow us to lose.” Clarisse states pushing you a little, your body doesn’t move but it sure does push back. She grunts and looks forward again. She always picked on you after that fight you had with her when you had gotten here, guess she wasn’t over it. As the teams got called you could see Percy talking with Annabeth, she was giving him one worded responses and he kept on asking. Your team walked to the north side of the woods while the Blue Team went to the south side. A bug was in your stomach, you had a strange feeling about tonight.
“Cream the punk!” Clarisse screamed. She made you get put into the group of five, guess she wanted you to man-up or whatever it’s called. As you were running your eyes quickly adjusted and saw that it was Percy who the punk was. Your eyes widened, Clarisse and the other three were already a little ahead of you. They screamed while Percy tried to doge their attacks. Clarisse used her electric spear on him, Gods that must have hurt. You push her back, “Hey don’t fry the guy!” Clarisse looks at you confused, she did still frighten you even if you stood up to her.
One of your cabin mates pulls you up by under your arms so you’re off the ground. The others slammed him into the ground laughing. You didn’t know why you were protecting this guy, you had no reason to be he was on the other team. Clarisse was about to hit him with her spear but he grabbed his sword quickly. It was still tossed away from his grip.
“Let go of me!” You yelled kicking back and forth. Clarisse laughed, “Oh wow! I’m so afraid of this guy!” She spat at Percy. “The flag is the other way.” He states, one of her siblings laugh. “But see, we don't care about the flag. We care about a guy who made our cabin look stupid.” he stated while diverting his eyes to you as well. You sighed and stopped fighting.
A slash was put onto Percy’s arm, there was blood that seeped into his shirt fast and all he could say was, “No maiming..” They pushed him into the creek and let go of me. They charged at Percy but in a flash he was up and protecting himself. The slash that was once on his arm now disappeared, your eyes widened. You couldn’t believe it! He was hitting him one by one with good hits, once it got to Clarisse though-
Her spear snapped like a twig! “Holy shit..” is all you could mutter out. Percy knocked her out of the creek’s water and onto the land. You could hear Luke’s cheering and yelling as he grabbed the flag. You smiled and cheered for him, Clarisse only got pissed. “A trick!” she stood up, “It was a trick!” She yelled in anger. After that the other four ran off towards Luke, you turned around to see Percy who looked worned out. You ran up to him to check if he had any marks on him, and if he did they were all healed up.
“Not too bad, hero.” You could hear Annabeth’s voice from right next to you. The both of you jumped and then she revealed herself by taking off her cap, a warm smile she had on never really disappeared. “You set me up.” Percy states, you look confused. “You knew Clarisse would run after me, you used me as a cover up.” He sounded annoyed, very annoyed. Annabeth clapped her hands together, “I told you. Athena always, always has a plan.”
Percy groaned and looked at you, “Why didn’t you attack me?” You stepped back, “Didn’t want you to die, that’s all.” Annabeth could tell you were holding back something, hell you felt like you were holding back something- you didn’t know what though. “Yeah right…” she states crossing her arms. You give her the quick “Dont say anything you might regret” look and she shuts down and nods.
“Hey what happened to your arm?” Annabeth asks she examines it closely. “A sword slash.” Percy states, Annabeth doesn’t seem convinced. “Oh come on, it was!” Percy states holding his arm up, the slash was gone. “Now you noticed it huh,” you say flicking his forehead, “you healed once you got into the water!” Percy was confused. “Percy step out of the water.” Annabeth asks him. “Huh?” “Just step out.” You grab him by his arm and yank him out. Once he exists it he sort of falls over and into your arms. Quickly placing him onto his feet your face turns beet red. Due to the new becoming night sky it just looks like the sunlight is hitting your face a little too much.
“Oh, Styx,” she cursed, “I thought it would have been Zeus…” You nearly face palmed yourself, did she not see the water not drench him when the pipes bursted? You had a feeling he was Poseidon’s son, just a hunch though- only 67% sure you were but now it was at a 100%.
Before Percy spoke again there was that canine growl again, it shook the three of you- well the whole camp. Everyone stopped their cheering and all looked in that direction. Percy’s grip tightened on you shirt and you pushed him a little further from the water. You could hear the other campers draw their swords or whatever they had along with Annabeth.
Next thing we knew there was a black hound the size of a rhino, with lava-red eyes and fangs like daggers. The three of yours eyes widened out of fear, you didn’t want to go out like this. As Annabeth yelled for you two to get out of the way Percy covered you quickly just for him to get clawed in the back. You screamed as the monster also fell to its feet and onto the creek bank.
Chiron came running to your trio’s area, he was in a complete state of shock. “That's a hellhound from the Fields of Punishment. They don't... they're not supposed to...” Annabeth was in shock, “Someone summoned it from inside the camp!” You yelled out of anger, Percy was still holding onto you with his tight grip. “Percy get into the water.” You state bringing him closer now. “I’m fine..” he protested, you didn’t care you dragged him and placed him front side up into the water. Quickly the blood stopped pooling around him in the water and by the time he stood up everyone could see he was completely healed.
“Percy above you…” Annabeth pointed upwards to where he could see what was above him, a trident. “Holy shit!” You yelled, Annabeth didn’t look too amazed, “This is really not good…” Percy was confused. “Your father!” You placed your hands on his shoulders shaking him. “It is determined,” Chiron announced. Percy still didn’t understand, he guessed he was getting claimed now. “My father?” He asked stepping out of the water and close to Chiron now. “Poseidon,” said the centaur. “Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses. Hail, Perseus Jackson, Son of the Sea God.” You were amazed that he got claimed only by being here for a few days, but you were also amazed on how he survived- he is the one for the quest.
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[Hope you guys liked this chapter!]
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hebescus · 3 years
remember this ship ask? yeah, i wanna do them all with lawlight bcs they control my brain. but it's a happy no death note au bcs it's me. oh and this shit is long plus it's 3 am rn so my words are very messy. but enjoy.
(i skip some numbers that i answered and the ones that i can't think of btw)
pre relationship :
How did they first meet?
L's investigation hq. he was a suspect of L, still, but this time he told soichiro to bring this 18 yo boy to the hq to test him, asking light to work with all of them. he ends up not guilty ofc, but L still wants to keep him…around.
What was their first impression of each other?
ah, the good old 'what the fuck dude???' from light and the 'oooh he got a big brain' from L. it's hard to get out of canon in this one.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
L. But it's more like thoughts, rather than feelings. It's just these random thoughts that pop out in his head like 'i don't mind kissing this guy, if he asks' but not like 'i want to kiss him' yknow what i mean? idk this is just something i experience a lot lmao. it develops to feelings once light falls for him and L can see that. So in terms of ideas, it's L, but in terms of feelings, it's Light.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Oh our favorite light denial yagami. Of course he's cursing himself for having feelings like this but once L calls it out he's over. 
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Light would laugh it off, and be like "i don't like him that way you know". L would shrugs be like "well yes that's possible, i don't think i mind". 
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
boring, lonely, empty, you name it
(more under the cut)
general :
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
hmm, they both initiated the relationship? ykwim? They both notices they had feelings for each other and just...go from there. they never have like a relationship talk, they just go with the flow until at some point they starts to get comfortable to refer the other as partners. They basically can read each other's mind, after all.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Yes, sort of. A tennis game! And a coffee sesh after, just like canon. They plan this to be just "let's just relax, this case has been really exhausting, take a one day break, L" but when Light got home, sayu asked "how's the date going?!" He immediately said "it's not a date, you watch too many dramas it's rotting your brain" And sachiko gave him a smile while shaking her head at this statement and when he's back to his room he immediately calls L and was like "hey does that count as a date?" and L answers with "depends, do you want it to be?" with a smirk that light can hear.
What was their first kiss like?
it was late at night, light was helping L with the case when everybody went home. they were sharing their view about this certain criminal when light notices L staring at his lips, first he ignored it but it happens again and again to a point where their face just got real close and then...kiss, somehow. idk lmao.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
First person who can understand each other and are equals, the only ones who can tear the other's wall down, and just practically soulmates in any form that even their sun & moon signs mirroring each other's? YES. 
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
i hc L as just a little bit taller than light, but it's not like you can see it through the hunch anyway. ofc we all know the 6 years and 4 months age gap
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Sayu likes L, Sachiko is kinda surprise Light doesn't date a typical pretty person, but it only makes her heart fonder. L doesn't mind them, he thinks they're nice, light grew up in a good place. Soichiro? Well, he might me a bit reluctant but he loosen up slowly, his son is happier than he ever was, after all.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Light, obviously. Because he's a charmer and if L takes control, the person they speak to would run immediately the first 2 minutes.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
it is a universal knowledge that L does this. like, come on, count the fics, you can't, there's just so many. he loves to break that perfect wall and make light feel 🥴😳. it's entertaining. But he knows when to stop. too much of that will be embarrassing in light's part, and he respects his boy's dignity.
love :
Who said “I love you” first?
Light!! The thing is it was said over the phone. He gets more and more comfortable talking with L through calls, since every now and then L travel frok countries to countries. One time he just like "yeah, safe flight. love you, bye" he expected L to say goodnight to him as a response as usual but L was silent and he realised what he just said and realised that he fucking mean it. L seems to still be able to read his mind even thousands miles away so he replies with "i love you too, goodnight". they never missed seeing each other more than that night.
What are their primary love languages?
we had a discussion for this! but as we see in canon, they're both very acts of service with a little hint of physical touch here and there. quality time is also important. words and gift aren't really needed for them.
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
L. Only to annoy light. It's terrible that he almost cringed to himself, but it does bring a good laugh for light.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
PDA is a not their preference, they just love being in private more. They might hold hands sometimes, butmost times they won't. Altho they always stand or sit reaaaaally glued to each other even though there are so many space. 
Who initiates kisses?
both. they want it, they got it. but light gives light kisses (ha) more, not necessarily on the lips, usually when L was really busy working, keeping his feet on the ground.
Who’s the big and little spoon?
They don't spoon a lot, they prefer not touching at all or cufdling face to face, but when they do, Light is the little spoon because being a big spoon makes his sleeping position kinda uncomfy, he feels awkward with his legs, it's just not. thankfully L thinks cuddling light this way is very calming.
What are their favorite things to do together?
Tennis and solving cases, duh. Or sometimes they play video games fighting each other. Anything competitive and/or challenging that make their brain grow 10 times bigger. But sometimes, a comfortingly peaceful and quiet dinner with hushed words thrown here and there about random things feels like the best thing ever.
Who’s more protective?
L. For identity reasons, ofc.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Physical. They can read each other's mind, they knew it by gesture, touches, and glances. 
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
IT'S MY TIME TO SHINE. venus by sleeping at last fits them so well, that song is in the background of multiple cozy couch smooches sessions or even when they're slow dancing (please listen to this tho song it's so good). also i think they would like persephone by the tragic thrills too, L would be like "this song reminds me of you" and Light answers with "i'm persephone?" "Yeah" "i'm a fucking badass then" "yes you are". oh and first day of my life? lover of mine? pink in the night? sweet creature? the lakes? oh god i have too much answers
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
they don't do nicknames, really. although, L sometimes called light with some snarky tony stark styled nicknames when he feels particularly playful but annoyed at the same time.
Who remembers the little things?
They both do. Big brained assholes they are.
domestic life :
If they get married, who proposes?
It's not really a proposal, they didn't  even remember who said it first. But one sleepy night after a hard case, someone said "hey you wanna get married" and the other was like "sure, why not" "really?" "yeah, i think i'm ready, you?" "me too" "great" and then they go to sleep. at breakfast the next morning L called watari from across the room and said "wammy i need you to prepare [enter marriage stuff here], and light, you must call your family after this". poor old watari chokes on his tea.
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
The wedding is in a secluded little place near the wammy's house, L used to go there a lot as a kid. With just light's parents, sayu, and watari. Well, not until Light caught Mello, Matt, Near, and Linda peeping from the bushes
Do they have any pets?
A chunky cat the wammy's kids feed daily but never try to keep them in, because no animals are allowed inside the orphanage. L saw it and was like "light let's bring this bitch home" she is, indeed a little bitch, but light and L loves her dearly. her fur has light brown and black colors, like both of their hairs, so she becomes their daughter, L gave him a weird ass name but i can't think about it rn.
Who kills the bugs in the house?
Light because he's the one who's actually bothers to. They ofc annoyed L but he cpuldnt care less to actually get rid of them.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
L. He rarely sleeps and once he did, he wakes up very fucking late and will pull light back to the bed if he's woken up by the empty space beside him.
Who’s the better cook?
Light. L is a spoiled brat. But Light can't bale for shit, that's Watari's job. Light grow up learning and helping his mom making meals for the family. He's not the best, but it's good enough to make L craves them in between his sweets.
Who likes to dance?
None of them. But they would slow dance on rare, sentimental occasions. And it's like so fucking romantic bcs all the lights are off except for a candle or a table lamp or a cabinet lamp whatever that has yellow-y dim light. And they don't speak, they just casually move against each other, but heart ready to combust like i do when i the mental image came into my head.
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 years
I absolutely ♥️ADORE♥️ Scripted and would love to read your director’s commentary for it!
Oh, anon!! 😍 I'm SO THRILLED that you loved Scripted so much, that makes me so happy!! 🥰 Especially that you loved it enough to want to read my "director's commentary" (that phrase makes me laugh, you'd think I created a feature length film all by myself 🤣), so I think I'll skim through the fic - it's been a while since I re-read it - & make a bullet-point list of any special BTS info I can think of 😊 Anddd I'll also put it under a read more cause you know me, I never use one word when one hundred will do 😂
So, the fic itself was inspired by the ending of 5.08 where Liz wakes from her coma to Red reading to her in an armchair as he had been for the past 10 months, it's fine, I'm fine but she still has a ventilator in so she can't talk & instead has to write "how long?" on a piece of paper & her handwriting is super shake-y bc her muscles are so weak (I think Red even helps her hold the pen? It's clearly been a while since I re-watched the ep whoops but ugh, be still my heart.) For some reason, I just latched onto the idea of a mute Liz, really suffering with the implications of everything she went through (since her recovery was so glossed over in the show boo) & Red 1000% being there for her. Mostly, I just wanted to dive into the dynamic of Liz letting Red care for her the way he's always wanted to (without Tom & Agnes btw) to the point where their relationship is unhealthy in its reliance, but neither can see it bc Liz is blocking things out (& unknowingly falling in love with him) & Red is just so thrilled to be able to love & care for her (while already deeply in love with her obvi). So yeah, that was the kind of dynamic & closeness I wanted to explore between them & it was... really fun 😊
The idea of the coma providing the perspective Liz needed to see that Red has always had her best interests at heart & clearly loves her (in addition to the fact that he never left her side or gave up during those 10 months lol peak romance tbh) seemed very organic & logical to me.
I liked the idea of Red & Liz playing board games as a way to pass the time & get to know each other better. It's the kind of casual interaction we were never gifted with in the show & I think they're both competitive in the right circumstances, even if its playfully so.
I liked the idea of Liz being urged to learn ASL, as I'm deaf in one ear & would dearly love to learn it at some point.
The detail of Red sleeping on a cot close enough to Liz's hospital bed that they can hold hands in their sleep was a total guilty pleasure addition & I'm not sorry.
I loved the scene in the beginning where Red is talking to Dembe on the phone in the hallway & Liz is practicing her letters. She's purely doing it so Red doesn't worry & I loved the idea of her being apathetic to everything except Red's concerns, plus I added in the parenthetical of (Red sometimes squints at her k's.) bc I thought it represented that well, but also bc it was just cute af. I also added the little detail of him waving at her through the window at the last minute bc I thought the scene needed something else & once I pictured that, it was too adorable to leave out.
Red handling all the details of Liz's care & transportation without asking (bc he instinctively knew that's what Liz wanted) only to turn around & panic about excluding her seemed like a very RED thing to do & I like how it emphasizes his well-meaning intentions, respect for her preferences, & desire to see her happy, even if she did actually want to leave him lol as if.
I liked the visual of Liz stumbling into Red's arms as she stands from her hospital bed to leave with him (sets a precedent for later) & I also loved the visual of a pen in her ponytail & of course Red using it to flirt a little bc come on.
I remember struggling to write the car ride transition to the lake house. I usually get ideas & visions for specific scenes, moments, or bits of dialogue, so those kind of transition moments are hard for me sometimes. But I liked that I settled on Red helping to ground Liz through touch (again, sets a precedent for later).
Red & Liz playing hangman in the car with Red using the word "fedora" & drawing a suited hangman made me giggle.
I can see the lake house very clearly in my mind, complete with the willow tree, bench, & tiny house (included bc I desperately want a tiny house in real life) & I really enjoyed describing the interior & imagining the joy Red would get out of decorating it with Liz in mind.
Their first night in the house where Liz has her nightmare & Red comforts her - that was a scene I had in mind very early on & I love how it turned out, especially with Liz mouthing "stay with me" into Red's neck, that part gave me All The Feels™.
The "morning after" scene where Liz realizes on some level that she's too dependent on Red is an important moment in the fic & the off-hand detail that at least "she's not going around murdering people & calling it therapy" was a bit of shade to Ruin (which I don't think I ever saw bc I was kind of appalled with the idea lol) I think I posted Scripted after Ruin aired... if not, I guess I'm psychic?? LOL
The breakfast scene - & the fact that Red is preparing every breakfast food known to man bc he's nervous too - is near & dear to my heart. I think that's a pretty pivotal scene since they kind of reach an unspoken agreement & peace &... "things settle after that first breakfast."
I liked the teeny little parenthetical section that comes next as well, which acts as a sort of middle point for the fic.
The next large chunk of the fic was pure indulgence for me. I LOVED writing about all the different things they would do together when it was just the two of them, it was basically a collection of Lizzington headcanons & that's how I sketched them out LOL Here's some notes on them:
I came up with the jigsaw puzzle headcanon (that Liz is bored by them bc they're easy for her bc she's a trained psychologist & easily sees patterns in things) late in the editing process but loved it so much that I included it.
Liz's sandwich preference is actually mine LOL
The Monopoly banter was fun af to write bc I love that game.
The love notes Liz leaves around the house for Red is still an all-time favorite headcanon of mine.
I loved the idea of Red reading to Liz in a foreign language, holding the book only for looks, but not actually reading from it at all & instead professing his love for her. I think I've even used that headcanon in another fic LOL
Their movie nights were also something I was dying to include, especially since they include snacks & cuddles.
Their co-sleeping habits were also something I wanted to include & Liz's newly tactile nature is both a symptom of her dependence on Red & also a guilty pleasure thing for me bc we all wanted more of Red & Liz touching on screen, plus I felt obligated to explain through Red that it wasn't sexual in nature (though if I ever get around to writing part 2, that will change 😉)
Dembe being the one to observe & interfere in their situation was an early scene I imagined as well, that was always going to be the climax of the fic (or at least part 1). I so enjoyed writing about Red & Liz's relationship through his eyes bc he just loves them both & only wants to help them.
Another pivotal scene I imagined early on was Liz having a panic attack with Dembe when she discovers Red has left & that was super engaging to write, as well as the reunion between them which... I pretty much wrote the whole fic with the goal of getting to that lovely angst LOL
Red's resolve to finally urge Liz to speak was heart-breaking to write (so naturally I loved it lol what's wrong with me) & in particular the detail of them eating fruit for lunch before he broaches the topic with her & the parenthetical about it being "a sign from the cosmos that they are meant to be together just because they don't eat each other's favorite fruit" made my heart happy even tho it's stupid LOL & when Red asks her if she would ever try to speak again & she responds with a simple written "Why?" that was a huge moment that I loved the angst of, of course. As well as the absolutely gutting: "Lizzie, I miss your voice."
I liked that Liz needs some time to think & accept everything Red forces her to realize at the end, that was super important to me in the resolution of the fic/part 1 & I tried really hard to include both their mentalities there at the end.
The fact that Red hasn't had a drink since he started caring for Liz also made my shipping heart happy.
And - lastly - the fact that the only thing Liz actually says in the whole fic is Red's name? Yeah 🥲🥲🥲
Welp, there you go, anon, I'm not sure if that was interesting to you at all, but I certainly hope so!! I know that was a lot but... it's a long fic, my longest ever, so I figure it's warranted, right?? 😂 Anyway, thank you so much, both for the compliment of loving Scripted AND for wanting to read more about it, anon, you are so sweet!! 🥰 I hope you enjoyed this & much, much love to you, my friend!! ❤️
Fanfic Writers: Director's Cut
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cecelianonymous22 · 4 years
bmc digital art dump
Basically all the shit I can scrounge up considering I was in this fandom before I had Tumblr
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This is band!Michael! I love him. He plays guitar and does backup vocals. He also plays trumpet on the side. Me and my friend Evan were trying to do Expensive Headphones but then there was a lot of drama and forced Stagedorks AND Pupgrade. So..we didn’t make it. Smh they were just tryna eat breakfast.
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Another RP-based one! This is Project Player Two, aka Jeremy, created by Michael, who is an engineer. This one was with another friend (and Evan’s girlfriend) named Gold. It was going pretty well but we kinda fell out of it. There was going to be a whole Expensive Headphones thing for Jeremy to get suspicious about but the RP died before we got there. Also Jeremy fucking broke Michael’s TV with a remote.
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My most recent one! This is god!Michael. He’s originally from a fantasy RP but me and Evan just decided to turn it into an Expensive Headphones RP. So, it’s demon!Rich x god!Michael, because angel x demon stuff is cool but boring for roleplays. So this is something to spice up the norms. I did this on my school computer, which is way more sensitive to brush strokes than my drawing tablet. Hence why it’s a little more detailed than my other pieces. Oh and fun fact: Michael was alive but died and became reincarnated as a god (he doesn’t know why and it frustrates him). He was a poet in his past life. :)
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DUSTY!! I love him lmao. But yeah, this is my headcannon for what he looks like (minus the bleached tips. idk why I did that but I just thought it would look cool). This is the design that I’m using for my BMC fangame Feelin’ Kinda Cocky, btw.
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Alright, digging into some of my older pieces. This was for the YouTuber contest on Amino! I don’t think I did the submission right though, bc I really thought this would be mentioned. But oh well. This is Michael and Jeremy as Kryoz and Smii7y! (Note: I don’t ship them. Shipping real people is toxic as hell unless they want to be shipped, like Wilbur Soot and Nihachu. Just thought I’d mention.)
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This one isn’t really a full piece of art but I’m still putting it in. This is the art for the quarantine cover of More Than Survive! It was a big project that I’m very proud to have been a part of. Not only did I draw this but I also voiced Jenna, edited the audio together, and made the lyric video. You can find the video here: https://youtu.be/3bGAFtTVaYw?list=PLswS5sUYgqXS9OIkRBrLIi5o9wMvZf2Ug 
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Ew crusty looking one- Yeah, you can tell this is one of my older pieces because they have the same body type. But it’s not too bad- But yeah, Expensive Headphones! My comfort ship. This is the thumbnail for an animation meme I made on my second YouTube channel (aka, not my main one, yet it has more subscribers). I honestly don’t want to promote it because it sucks ass but if you wanna go look for it, alright, whatever. Just know that I have no fucking clue how to animate but I wanted to make Expensive Headphones content.
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I was fucking around with color palettes and made this neat-looking Michael. This image just gives me Glass Animals vibes for some reason. Even if this falls into the old “every character has the same body” line of art, I’m kinda proud of this :)
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This one was kind of a lazy one. Another thing I drew on my school laptop. Not much to say other than it looked way better on my school laptop.
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Another one from my school laptop. I’m pretty proud of this one! I started the sketch one day, then kinda felt like shit the next day. And so I made some Rich angst. (Also first time I’ve properly drawn messy hair, I think. But it won’t be the last time, course. The Creep comic exists lmao-)
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This was literally just a shitpost because I found this fuckin thing so funny:
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Behold, my most liked post on the BMC Amino. Pickle Rich.
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Alright, this one’s an OC. Me and Gold had a demon hunter!Jake x angel!Jeremy RP. And this was the motherfucker who helped Jake get to Jeremy. He’s a dick and I love him. (Yes I know he looks like a fucking Homestuck character, piss off)
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A phone background that I made! Evan used it for a while. Hell, she might still use it. I have no clue. I just thought this little concept was cool and wanted to draw it out.
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Me and my girlfriend, Cal, did this a while ago. It was fun lmao- Chuck E Cheese Michael (I can explain) and Goth IHOP Rich :)))
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inagetawaycarxo · 5 years
Dating Sebastian Stan Would Include
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—Requested by anon
—Requests are open btw, send in a imagine idea or a headcanon idea for Sebastian or marvel!
—A/N: *sighs dreamily* I might have gone a little overboard on this one! Feedback is appreciated!
When Sebastian first met you he couldn’t help but stare at you, getting captivated by you, which resulted in him running into a glass window of the coffee shop. He got flustered when you came over and asked if he was alright. Which made him stumble over his words.
“I’m fine.” He squeaked out, his cheeks reddening, as he looked anywhere but at you.
He then stumbled off, not waiting to hear your response, bumping into people on the way out. Tbh he was a clumsy mess. Still is when he is around you.
The second time you and Seb met was when Chris took you to the set of marvel.
You’s two started off as friends.
Chris and Anthony trying to get you and Sebastian together, and being frustrated by how oblivious you are to the feelings Seb has for you.
With a lot of encouragement from Chris & Anthony, Seb finally gets the nerve to ask you out. When you agreed to go out with him Seb can’t help but smile at you, wrapping his arms around you and lifting you off the ground spinning you around.
Being besties with Mackie as well as Chris.
Sebastian is always a blushing nervous wreck around you.
Also can be a cocky little shit as well, and a tease.
Seb adores you so much. You are his entire world, he loves to brag/talk about you to friends and family, though some of them get annoyed by his constant rambles/fangirling about you, not that Seb cares.
Seb looks at you and gets lost in a daydream a lot, sometimes dirty daydreams.
He could stare at you all day and not get bored.
Learning to speak Romanian. Though you butcher some of the words.
Sebastian falling more in love with you when you try/speak Romanian, his eyes beaming with happiness.
If you do speak Romanian, then having a conversation in Romanian with Seb.
A lot of PDA…Not really in front of paparazzi though, mostly in front of your family and friends. Sometimes fans.
Seb likes to have his arm around you a lot, either on your waist or around your shoulder. Or hold your hand in public. He will kiss your cheek and forehead but never your lips in public.
He likes to hold your hand all the time.
He loves to wrap his arms around your waist, pressing soft kisses on your shoulder then your neck, or resting his chin against your shoulder. Or in the crook of your neck.
Seb is really protective of you, if anyone says a bad word about you, god help them they get the wrath of Seb, he definitely gives them that Bucky glare, he is also protective over you in public too
Being the biggest space nerds ever.
Watching space documentaries/ sci-fi movies.
A lot of dates; coffee dates, pizza dates, movie dates, midnight dates, beach dates, hiking dates, Picnic dates
Dates with Seb are never boring.
Midnight strolls
Working out together.
You and him like to encourage/motivate each other when you’s are working out.
Trying not to stare at him too much while he is working out.
Vice versa Seb trying not to get distracted by you when he works at.
Trying to impress each other.
Taking a lot of selfies together + photos of each other {even without one of you’s knowing}.
He doesn’t post most of them keeping them to himself.
Anthony teasing you and Seb a lot.
Anthony calling Seb whipped.
He is definitely whipped.
Seb finding it cute/hot when you are mad at him.
When he is home, you’s two mostly have lazy days.
Seb taking you to cons.
Visiting him at his panels.
Getting fan art/gifts from the fans that ship you and Seb together.
Seb taking you to his movie premiers.
Seb finding it adorable when you fangirl about Marvel.
Sending each other memes. Telling him he is a walking meme. He is a walking meme tbh.
When he had longish hair he used to steal your hair ties.
Convincing Seb to keep his hair longer for a little while.
Playing with his hair a lot.
Braiding it when it was a bit longer.
Seb playing with your hair.
You’re his best friend, and he is your best friend.
A hell of a lot of kissing.
Forehead kisses.
Neck kisses.
Shoulder kisses.
Nose kisses.
Cheek kisses.
Thigh kisses.
Belly kisses.
Hand kisses.
Morning kisses.
Goodnight kisses.
Needy kisses.
Kissing you at random times
And a lot of making out.
Let’s just say he is obsessed with kissing you.
Your neck will be covered in a lot of hickeys, so will Sebs and the rest of your body, mostly your neck and thighs.
Seb buying matching turtle neck sweaters to cover the hickeys.
Seb believes every time you smile it makes the world a little bit brighter.
Visiting him on set.
Making out with him in his trailer.
The dudes a huge hopeless romantic.
Always being there for each other.
Loving each other no matter what.
Being there for each other when one of you’s have a bad day.
Listening to each other’s problems.
Long skype calls while he is away filming, he mostly falls asleep in them.
Or facetiming each other, either one.
A lot of “I miss you’s.” when he is filming.
Helping him with his lines.
Seb being your #1 Fan/supporter,
Being his #1 fan/supporter.
You spend most of your time at his place and he spends most of his time at your place.
If someone comments rudely on one of your post on Instagram then he will defend you.
Seb cursing in Romanian when he is angry.
Seb biting his lip constantly when he is around you. {Since he knows it turns you on}.
Teasing you in Romanian.
Seb likes to go lingerie shopping with you.
Also likes to go shopping with you in general. He has great taste.
Matching outfits.
Supporting each other no matter what.
Plus being honest with each other and trusting each other.
Being there for each other through the ups and downs of life.
Most of the time you’s don’t fight, but when you’s do its mostly small fights, though you’s two makeup and have makeup sex.
Sebastian getting jealous of your celeb crushes
“Yeah, well he/she can’t fuck you and love you like I can.” He grumbled.
Saving water and showering together, though you’s are probably wasting it since you’s have a lot of sex in the shower.
You love to run your hands through his hair.
You’s two don’t hide the fact that you’s your dating from public but you’s are private about it.
Though that doesn’t stop him from gushing about you in interviews. However, if it’s his friends or family then he will talk their ear off about you.
Cooking together, though it’s mostly make out sessions leading to the food to get burnt and you and Seb have to end up ordering take out.
You’d suggest going to cooking classes, but then you and him probably end up making out and get kicked out of the class.
He loves to cuddle you, he is such a snuggle bug, whether it’s spooning or you cuddling into his chest or his side. He loves cuddling you.
Morning cuddles.
Bear hugs.
Hugs from behind.
He also likes being the little spoon as well. The feeling of your arms wrapped around him makes him feel secure.
Seb is so handsy. Not that you are complaining.
Netflix and chill.
No, really you’s do watch Netflix and chill as well.
A lot of movie marathons.
Dancing. Well, dorky dancing.
A lot of pet names for each other.
Calling him either, Seb, Sebby, baby, babe, sexy, hot stuff, darling, honey, mon Cheri, daddy, babykins, cutie pie, babycakes, bae, beautiful, big boy, my love, cupcake, cutie, dreamboat, goofball, dork, gorgeous, handsome, honey bun, honey bunny, hot stuff, hottie, hun, love, love bug, love muffin, lover, loverboy, my drug, pumpkin, snuggle bug, snuggle butt, snuggle muffin, sugar, sweet stuff, sweet thing/thang, sweetie, sweettums, sweetie pie, tiger.
Seb calling you baby girl. Baby doll, doll, {your nickname}, sweetheart, adorable, babykins, beautiful, buttercup, cutie pie, cutie, darling, gorgeous, honey, hon, hottie, kitten, love, muffin, my queen, my love, peach, princess, sugar, sunshine, sugar pie, sweet pea, sweettums, sweetie, toots.  
He definitely says some of those pet names in Romanian too.
Whenever he speaks Romanian it turns you on.
If you have an accent then that definitely turns Seb on.
You even beg him to sit and watch his movies with you.
Accidentally calling him “Bucky.” only to get this response “Who the hell is Bucky?”
Seb always either smacks your ass or grabs it, either one, actually he does both.
Telling each other really corny jokes.
Always making each other laugh.
Buying you flowers/roses for no reason
“What are these for?” you asked Seb, smelling the roses.
“Cause I love you.” Seb answered, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing a soft kiss on your neck.
Comforting him when he is feeling sad.
Vice versa, Seb comforting you when you are down.
Begging him to tell you endgame spoilers.
“No, I’m not telling you, watch the movie.” He grumbled, getting out of your grasp.
“No, please tell me I don’t want to walk into endgame unprepared, I need tissues if my baby Steve is going to die? Or if Tony or Thor is going to die, I can’t be unprepared if my favourite dies.” You whined, giving him puppy dog eyes.
“What about Bucky? I thought my character was your favourite.” Seb whined, pouting at you.
“Bucky’s dead though, oh my gosh, I hope Carol kicks Thanos purple ass, Oh does Bucky at least come back, maybe he can be the new captain America if Steve dies or Sam.” You ranted, Seb rolled his eyes letting out a sigh, before turning around and walking away from you.
“Don’t walk away from me, tell me spoilers god damn it.” You shouted...
He is so needy. Might be a little clingy but so are you.
Seb likes to buy you gifts and spoil you.
Also, pamper you as well.
He loves you so god damn much and you love him so much. You’s two love each other a lot.
He is such a romantic.
You are his whole damn world.
Domestic Seb, got to love Domestic! Seb.
Grocery shopping.
Brushing your teeth together, because he hogs the mirror.
Seb making you breakfast in bed.
Adopting a dog together.
Live streaming.
A lot of “I love you’s.”
Straddling his waist either to cuddle or make out.
Moving in with him.
Piggyback rides.
Deep conversations.
Taking bubble baths together.
Falling asleep on his chest.
Seb tracing your spine with his fingers.
Road trips.
Helping each other when you’s are stressed.
Roasting each other.
Being proud of each other.
Roasting Tom Holland with him and Mackie, (poor Tom)
Texting each other a lot while he is away filming.
Giving each other massages.
Talking about the future, like getting married and having kids. He daydreams about having kids with you a lot.
Being couple goals.
“One day we will be marriage goals.” Seb cooed, smiling at you.
“Are you trying to hint to me you’re going to propose to me?” you asked, looking up from your phone to look at him.
“Maybe.” He answered, biting his lower lip as he stared at you.
Going on vacations when Seb is off of work.
Sending you flowers/gifts while he is filming.
Getting drunk together.
A lot of eye fucking. {Did I write that already probably did anyways more eye fucking.}
Tickle fights.
Fans adoring you.
His beard, you are obsessed with it, you’re always stroking it.
Hiding his razor so he doesn’t shave it.
Having fights on how to pronounce memes
Going to charity/galas with him. And red carpet events.
Telling each other how much you love one another.
Spilling tea to each other.
Seb wakes up before you do, he likes to admire you for a little while, before waking you up by kissing you/ your body.
Adoring every inch of your body and your flaws.
Same goes for you, adoring every inch of his body and his flaws. Not that you think he has any flaws.
He cherishes you in general.
Meeting each other’s friends.
Meeting each other’s families.
His mom absolutely loving/adoring you.
His mom teaching you how to cook Romanian recipes
Your family adoring/loving Seb.
Your mom even shows him baby pictures of you.
“Aw, I hope our babies look like you when we have one because you are just so damn cute.” Seb cooed, beaming at you.
Listening to each other about how your days went, what you’s did and so on.
Wearing his jumpers/ shirts. He loves it when you wear his clothes.
Being each other’s backgrounds/or/lock screens on each other’s phones.
Helping him navigate social media.
Seb gets jealous easily.
Seb getting jealous of your girl crush on Brie Larson. {Unless you don’t have a crush on Brie Larson then just ignore this.}
Taking videos of each other doing weird stuff and cute stuff.
Taking naps together.
Getting lost in those blue eyes, and not listening to what he is talking about. Damn those blue eyes.
Jogging together.
Seb getting insecure when you talk to guys younger than him.
Seb smirking when he gets you flustered. Also hot and bothered.
Sex with Sebastian is never vanilla.
A lot of hair pulling when you’s two are having sex, from the both of you’s.
A lot of oral.
Pretty much having sex every hour (if possible) you’s two kiss a lot and have sex a lot.
Seb speaking Romanian when you and him have sex. {Most of its dirty talk.}
He definitely loves to grope your boobs a lot.
He has a huge daddy kink.
And a praise kink
Lazy morning sex.
Shower sex.
Passionate sex.
Rough sex.
Jealous sex.
Making love to you.
Lots of quickies.
Lots and lots of hickeys.
And thigh burns.
A LOT OF DIRTY TALK, he will even say it in Romanian to which brings you close to your orgasm.
Orgasm denial, from the both of you’s
Orgasm delay.
Light bondage.
He is a Dom but he can be a sub as well.
His favourite positions are doggy style, missionary, the lotus position, cowgirl,
You’s two have sex nearly in every room and anywhere.
Seb is the king of aftercare.
Let’s just say you’s two have a lot of sex and a lot of make-out sessions.
If you are an actress or newly actress then Seb will support you, watching your movies, or TV appearance, helping you with lines, going to charity events, red carpet events, and movie premiers with you.
Seb prob feeds you food.
Seb is a gentleman though he is a dork and he a freak in bed.
The both of you’s are such big dorks.
Watching sunsets and sunrises together, mainly sunsets.
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The Cannibals Curse
Based off of THIS post by @dafaq2, which I absolutely loved, btw.
It had been a few years since Mark had crashed on that archipelago with his best friend and honestly, it hadn’t been that bad. The food was great, the company was fun, and he’d barely been sad or panicked.
They played a lot of games similar to the ones their friend had seen on TV before he’d been trapped on the island. Apparently Friendo, the only thing he let them call him, had watched a lot of game shows in his youth.
He’d also learned that feeling bad was a BIG nono. To quote Friendo, ‘All the world’s a game show and there are two types of people on. The players who have no control, and the host who set the game. You need to stay smiling so you can become a host yourself… Like Me...’ Whenever Mark or his friend frowned cried or panicked or so much as frowned, he’d become twitchy and threaten them with his knife.
‘I think we should leave,’ his best friend had signed to him on several occasions. Mark would always respond with ‘Nonsense. Friendo is perfectly fine! He’s been feeding us and helping us have a jolly old time. Besides, it was your idea to come in,’ which they would frown, nod, and continue on with life.
It had been a few years since Mark had crashed on that archipelago with his best friend and honestly, it hadn’t been that bad. The food was great, the company was fun, and he’d barely been sad or panicked. 
They played a lot of games similar to the ones their friend had seen on TV before he’d been trapped on the island. Apparently Friendo, the only thing he let them call him, had watched a lot of game shows in his youth.
He’d also learned that feeling bad was a BIG nono. To quote Friendo, ‘All the world’s a game show and there are two types of people on. The players who have no control, and the host who set the game. You need to stay smiling so you can become a host yourself… Like Me...’ Whenever Mark or his friend frowned cried or panicked or so much as frowned, he’d become twitchy and threaten them with his knife.
‘I think we should leave,’ his best friend had signed to him on several occasions. Mark would always respond with ‘Nonsense. Friendo is perfectly fine! He’s been feeding us and helping us have a jolly old time. Besides, it was your idea to come in,’ which they would frown, nod, and continue on with life.
Mark sat up in the hammock- his friend had made it for him a few years ago- as he woke up. He looked to the right where his friends’ leaf-padded mattress laid on the ground, only to frown when he realized they weren't there. He remembered that he’d heard some movement in the middle of the night. Something in his gut told him that something was wrong. He quickly shook his head as he got up.
“No matter. Maybe they got up early. There's not a problem with that,” he said. Smiling a bit wider as he made his way into the main part of the cave where Friendo was sitting at the table eating some of the food set out. Just like every meal Friendo made, it was vegetables and some kind of meat.
“Morning, Friendo!” Mark said, grinning brightly as his eyes flickered between the dining throne and the other empty chair before sitting in the empty one, leaving the Special Dining Throne vacant.
“Morning, Pal,” Friendo said, his smile diminishing slightly as his eyes also shot to the Throne. “Why not take the throne today, Friendo?” he asked, laughing a little bit.
“Nah. I had the throne yesterday. It’s not my turn,” Mark said, eyeing the food in front of him. It looked like some kind of pot roast and he couldn’t wait to dig in.
“Yeah, well… our third friend isn’t here right now…” he said, making Mark tear his eyes away from the meal so they landed on the other man. He was cleaner today, surprisingly. Something he only did if he got blood on him from his latest butcher when making food.
“Not here? Where are they?” he asked. Something in the back of his mind kept whispering that something was wrong. Something… wasn’t adding up.
“Oh, they went to the beach. Decided they wanted to spend the day alone there. Don’t worry about them, just enjoy some food and take the dining throne,” he said, waving Mark towards the dining throne.
“No way is that the truth. They hate the beach. Why are you lying?” Mark asked, standing up quickly.
“Ok, Fine! They’re Not Here! Just Eat The D**n Food!” Friendo yelled, his eye twitching as he stood up as well before pulling his knife out of its sheath, making Mark jump back a good few feet.
“I’ve Been Eating Your Food For Five-F**king-Years! How About You Tell Me What That Food Actually Is Before You Start Screaming At Me!” Mark yelled back, grabbing a large bone that had been left in the cave, holding it like a club to defend himself from Friendo.
“Fine!...” Friendo said, his wide grin bordering on satanic. “Fine… fine, fine, fine, fine, fine… FINE! You wanna know where your friend is?”
“Yes!” Mark yelled.
“They’re here, Friend. Right. Over. There,” he said, waving a hand towards the table.
“What… what do you mean?” Mark asked, lowering the bone-club slightly.
“Why… They’re Breakfast! Where Else Do You Think I Get Our Food? People Who Run Away From Me! People Who Don’t Respect Me And My Cave!... Friend, You’ve Been Eatin’ Human…” Friendo said, before breaking down laughing.
Marks' stomach squirmed before dropping completely. Blood was rushing in his ears as his heart thudded, unable to hear Friendo at this point. His breathing came in several harsh gasps and before he was able to understand what he was feeling or why... his vision went red.
He didn’t remember anything when he woke up. Sitting on a raft, floating in the ocean. He turned back to stare at the island, which was just barely visible through a thick mist that seemed to be spreading over the water quickly, like claws extending to grab him and never let him leave the island. He shook his head and turned to face the direction he was floating too. There was heavy overcast, but not enough for rain, meaning there probably wouldn’t be some crazy storm like last time he was on a raft like this.
He shook his head, trying to remember how he’d gotten here and where the raft had come from. He didn’t remember much after learning the sick truth about the food he’d been eating. That… food… It hadn’t actually tasted… bad. Like veal, if anything. Actually… it’d been pretty good-
Mark shook his head again. That food came from other human beings. 
He’d had almost eaten his best friend. There was nothing good about it, he told himself. He told himself for the next three days and nights whenever his stomach growled until a large trading ship picked him up. That was what he told himself for the week he was on that vessel whenever he found himself unsatisfied with the food onboard. That’s what he told himself for the two weeks he was in the hospital whenever he ate one of the overly bland meals prepared.
But no matter how many times he said it, it just… didn’t sound true.
One day, in a desperate attempt to forget his misery, he started searching the internet for his old friends. 
He went from friend, to friend, to friend. He became a little saddened when he realized they had appeared to move on without him, but the worst came when he Eventually ended up looking up his girlfriend. In the four years he’d been gone, she’d found someone else and was ENGAGED. 
A part of him, the selfish and egotistical side, wanted to go see her, let her know he was alive, and take her back. His eyes flicked down to a scar on his wrist.
He’d gotten it on the island when he’d gotten hurt when mountain climbing with his best friend, on one of those days where there was nothing to do in the cave and Friendo was ‘busy’. And so, Mark came to the sad truth that life had moved on, and he’d been left in the dust in the process.
That’s when the idea to google his name came up. After several minutes of scrolling through the internet, he found that a grave had been made for him. A sharp pain in his stomach made him forget about that for a minute, before the pain passed and his mind wandered again.
Mark… didn’t exist anymore, he realized. He was still here, yes, but not only was he thought dead by anyone who cared about him, but he wasn’t the same person. Not anymore. His family, his friends, his life, everyone was gone.
Except his appetite.
As he walked out of the legal build, he was glad to have a new name. Mark was almost dead. Almost. He had one more thing he needed to do before Mark would be gone and he’d be starting his new job.
One quick walk later, he was entering the cemetery his grave was. It took twice as long to find the ugly stone with his name carved in. He pulled a folded up piece of paper out of his suit jacket, unfolding it as he did. He read it over a few times despite knowing everything on there. His name, date of birth, birthplace, gender, his parents' names, occupations, birthplaces, and his mother’s maiden name. Digging into another pocket, he pulled out a lighter.
“Goodbye, Mark. It wasn’t nice knowing you,” he said before lighting the birth certificate on fire. He dropped it onto the uplifted dirt patch and stood, watching it burn as it started snowing around him.
It was the Tenth of December that he was born. Not that anyone would know but him. Like how they wouldn’t know of the dead body stored in the hidden fridge at his place of business.
“Is everyone in place?” Several people yelled backstage as he adjusted his tie. His eyes flickered over to the contestants who would soon be his dinner. After he’d started eating again, he’d been unable to go to long without eating human flesh, almost like with-drawl. His mind would become clouded, too, making him forget things. Not often, but enough that he’d realize he’d forgotten something important like his favorite dogs’ name. So how better to get free food without suspicion, then a game show with all kinds of special effects.
He briefly wondered if this was wrong to eat like this just to remember and avoid withdrawal symptoms, when his mind went to his best friend. The idea of forgetting anything about them confirmed his decision as he was called ahead by another crew member.
The starting music for his show played up and he grinned as he stepped into center stage. Time for another meal and another game.
“Hire my A*s! The Only Game Show That Gives You The Chance To Win Your Dream Job, My Name Is Bim Trimmer, Let’s Meet Our Contests.”
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sebthesnipe · 6 years
Space Mormor/ Doctor Who Mormor
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like mormor.
Stranger: [Space AU, looking for a darker Jim] Sebastian was one of the first humans on the star ship prison. He'd been kicked out of the army and sent this hell hole, surrounded by a bunch of strange alien beings, all of them criminals like him. The Earth prisons were far too crowded now . In his current position, Sebastian should have been well mannered and quiet, considering most beasts on this ship were far more powerful and smarter than the humans who had recently entered the galaxy alliance and started sending their trash up here, but, humility was not Sebastian's strong suit. So, he walked through the lunch area with a tray, staring at all of the food lines, rather eager to ensure that all these aliens knew that humans were here and they were the dominant species. It had to be done. If Sebastian looked weak, his ten years here would be hell. The blond wandered over to a line and roughly shoved some small alien out of the line just to prove his point. "Outta my way, runt." Other aliens paled and the whole place went silent. They couldn't believe who the human just pushed. Moriarty /ran/ this place. This was going to get ugly, fast.
You: [reading]
You: [Quick question... At the moment all I can picture is Jim as a Timelord T.T Probably because of the new DW episode. Would it be a problem if I made him one? Similar to the Master?]
You: [Love this btw]
Stranger: (Sounds lovely to me! I'm also a Whovian.)
You: [SWEET! Replying now! :3]
You: Jim straightened as he glanced down at the tray on the floor before him, and the food splattered on his trousers. Those were his favorite slacks... and if there was one thing he didn't tolerate it was someone ruining his clothes. His dark gaze lifted slowly before meeting Sebastian's, his cool expression unchanging despite the bloodthirsty and somewhat mad glint in his eye. "Runt?" Jim repeated as some one hurried forward to clean up the mess for him. He didn't even bother to glance down to see who it was. "You must be new here." Jim purred, a wicked smile slowly creeping onto his lips. "What's your name handsome?" He asked, he took a step forward and the silent onlookers all shuffled backwards as if worried they'd get caught in the crossfire. Jim, however, just invaded the larger man's space, uncomfortably close.
Stranger: Sebastian turned around to see the man who dared to actually interrupt him on his way to his meal. "Huh? Are you deaf or dumb, runt. Yeah, that's exactly what I called you." Sebastian turned fully and crossed his arms. The human also lifted his chin and straightened up, posturing like some dog might - all high ears and hackles raised. He looked arrogant and he certainly looked ready for a fight. This guy was small anyway, so this might work out well. Sebastian could just beat him up, prove he was strong, and others would let him be. "First off, don't call me handsome. Second, it's Sebastian. But, you know, you can call me sir, short-stack." He laughed, giving Jim a little shove out of his space. "Run along now, before you get hurt."
You: Jim's smile only widened at the response, though the shove had it faltering for a moment... but only just. "Oh... I like you." He purred dusting off his shirt. A large beast like alien trudged forward as if to protect Jim but the smaller man lifted a hand to stop him. "No.. No... It's alright, Igor." He reassured, using his pet name for the beast. "I don't want him dead..." He stepped forward once more, far too quickly for Sebastian to stop, a blade seemingly coming out of no where and sinking into the soft flesh of the blond's stomach. "I wander if your as pretty on the inside as you are outside, gorgeous." He teased, twisting the blade a bit. "Shall we find out?"
Stranger: Sebastian looked to the large beast and huffed. "What you need a body guard? How pathetic is that, you- Urgh!" Sebastian's eyes widened as the blade sank into him. First there was shock, blood... then the pain hit and he howled like a kicked dog. "Fuck, argh! Argh!" The blade twisted and he groaned in pain, but he'd gotten enough of his wits about him to pull away. He pulled back and the knife slide out of him, blood gushing out next. "Shit... you coward... I ain't armed..." He stumbled back and leaned on a pillar with one hand, the other clutching his wound to try and stem the flow of blood. Shit, this hurt.
You: One of the guards hurried forward at the cry to see what had happened but upon seeing Jim lifted his hands in surrender and backed away, darting out of the room. Jim huffed with amusement. "You're not?" He blinked. "Well surely a big guy like you could take on a runt like me without a weapon?" He teased. "No?" He asked innocently. "Alright, here. Have mine." He offered, turning the blade over in his blood stained hand and offering it out. "Would that make you feel better, darling
You: ?" He sang. "Though... I have to say I was right... You are very pretty on the inside as well... Such a lovely shade of red." He lilted, lifted the hilt so that the blood caught in the glow of the lights above them.
Stranger: Sebastian panted, looking to the guard then to Jim. ...what? The guard backed away from... from this guy? Who the hell was this guy, then? Sebastian feared he'd made a bit mistake, but he was too proud to be defeated and embarrassed now. The blond lunged for the blade and he snatched it from Jim, but the movement caused him to double over in pain and clutch at the horrid gash in his stomach. "S...Shit." He lifted the blade and tried to ignore the pain as he stumble-lunged at the other man, trying to stick him.
You: Jim arched a brow and side stepped him with seeming easy. "Oh... You're a determined one... Stubborn. I like that." He grinned giving a small excited bounce on his heels. "Come on... Fight through the pain... embrace it... you can do this." He encouraged, bouncing again before glancing at the red starting to pool on the ground. "Oh... look... you're going to stain the floor. Well, if you /do/ die... at least I'll have something to remember you by, Handsome." He groaned inappropriately. He watched Sebastian's movement's calculating. If Sebastian lunged at him again he'd probably allow the blade to his somewhere non-vital just so that he could get in close.
Stranger: Sebastian stumbled all over the place, half-lunging and half-falling as blood loss began to take hold. He started to get a little light headed, a bit dizzy... still, he held out his arm again ad made one last attempt to stab Jim. This time he got close and he grinned as the blade sliced through the flesh of Jim's arms. "Heh... gotcha runt..." He rasped.
You: Jim didn't give any indication of the pain that washed through him. It was nothing compared to the agony he was in on a daily basis. "Did you now?" He asked, with an arched brow. A hand lifted to clamp down on Sebastian's throat as he yanked him down to Jim's level. Jim gave a small approving hum as he pressed his nose against the name of the human's neck and breathed him in trailing the action along his check until they were face to face. He forced Sebastian's mouth open and peered inside. "Such a pretty shade of pink." He commented approvingly before messing their mouths together in an aggressive kiss. "Now... Next time you speak to to me like that, pet... That pretty pink tongue of yours is going to make me a nice new earing." He purred when he pulled away. "Do you understand me?" He asked, his free hand moving to dig a few fingers into the wound he had caused earlier.
Stranger: Sebastian coughed as he was grabbed so roughly the hand around his throat tightening and causing him to wheeze for each breath. "G...get off..." He winced as his jaw was pulled open and gasped in surprise at that kiss. It caught him off guard and he pulled back, half falling, half leaning on Jim. Blood rushed from his gut as Jim messed with it and the human groaned once more. He felt close to passing out. In fact, he basically did. He went limp and crashed to the ground as a worried looking beast, half dog it seemed, panted nervously and nudged at Jim's arm with a whine. "He's just a human, boss... he don't know any better. He's a baby." The dog-like creature was sneaking in grunts and barks to the human ear, but knew Jim could understand him. "I will take him to the infirmary, yes?"
You: Jim shook out his hand, splattering more blood on the floor before examining his digits. He paused before running his tongue another them and humming, considering the words. "Yes." Jim finally said with a nod. "If he lives, see that you teach him better... I think I rather like him... Brave but stupid." Jim sighed. "Cute. Reminds me of someone I knew a long time ago." He mumbled, gaze glazing a bit with memories before he shudder and gave a nod to the creature. "Be on your way... and send someone to clean up this mess."
Stranger: The creature, who went by a series of grunts and growls but ended up with the nickname Max, nodded and dragged Sebastian from the room. Luckily, Sebastian did survive and Max was right by his side, eager to teach him. Of course, Sebastian didn't want to be taught. Thus, as soon as he could the human left the infirmary and stayed back in the shadows, avoiding the humiliating fact of being the man who got beaten up on his first day. Max sought out Jim and whined as he sat down with his breakfast. "Massssster." Came the frustrated whine. "The human doesn't want to leeeearn."
You: Jim was in a foul mood that morning, for no particular reason but the fact that he felt as if the light didn't do his complexion justice. So when Max appeared with the news he pinned him with a flat stare. "Then make him." He stated flatly. "If my new pet was able to survive his first day picking a fight with me then he is good enough to be put into submission." It made sense in his made world. "If you're not up for the job then I'll find someone else but... Max." He growled the name. "Just keep in mind... I /don't/ like failures." He warned. "Bring him to the yard tomorrow... I will make my decision then."
Stranger: Max just paled and frowning, nodding quickly before darting off. Okay, looks like Jim was in a foul mood. Just lovely. Meant someone would probably die today and Max didn't want it to be him. Bouncing off, the alien made sure to stick close to Sebastian this time. "He's gonna kill you if you don't listen..." Max complained and Sebastian just grunted. He was unhappy with everything now. People kicked him around. People didn't respect him... all because of Jim on that first day. "I won't..." He muttered, but he certainly didn't want to get hurt again. He almost died... The blond sighed. This was a tough choice and he didn't want to surrender his pride... but he wanted to live. The next day he wandered out into the yard during their workout time and settled on a bench to mope.
You: Jim caught sight of Sebastian moping on the bench. He watched him for a long time before striding over to the man. He paused in front of him peering down at him. "Show me." He instructed simply, meaning the scar he had left before. "I want to see."
Stranger: Sebastian went pale as he looked up at the alien and he swallowed thickly, his mouth a bit dry. Obey? Disobey? He didn't wanna get hurt... okay. Okay. Just this one he'd obey. It was a small request. Without a word, the man lifted his t-shirt to show off the puckered scar, still red and tender.
You: Jim couldn't help but give a pleased smile and hum as he leaned closer to examine it. "Beautiful." He praised, reaching out to brush his fingers over the spot gently. "Now..." He huffed, sinking down next to him. "Tell Daddy why you're pouting so hard, pet." He instructed. "You keep acting like this, you're going to get someone kiiiilllled." He sang.
Stranger: Sebastian furrowed his brow. Another simple request. "I'm pouting because this place sucks... no one respects me and everyone treats me like dirt." He crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. It was obvious that the blond was nursing some wounded pride and struggling to adjust to his new way of life. "Who would die because I pouted?"
You: "Aw... Poor Sebby..." He purred, giving a click of his tongue. "Probably Max... Or whoever wonders by next." He shrugged before giving his own pout and blinking up at him. "I've wounded my new pet's pride." He sighed. "Not bad for a 'runt'." He teased, dancing his fingers across the expanse of Sebastian's arm. "Come on, Sebastian... everyone has to earn their stripes... You can't just expect for it to happen over night."
Stranger: Sebastian huffed, but he didn't pull away from Jim's fingers. Sebastian had learned his lesson, that was for sure. He didn't pull away, he didn't fight back, he just allowed Jim to do what he wanted. "Don't kill Max. He didn't do anything wrong." The blond said, "You have. I can barely show my face around here." He crossed his arms then and sighed. "I want it to happen over night. Can't you just tell them to respect me?
You: Jim blinked at him, surprised for the first time in a very long time. For a moment, he didn't realize what had just happened but then he laughed, actually laughed and there was no blood being spilled. It was a sound that sent shivers down the spines of everyone near by and had them all glancing Jim's way but he paid them no mind. "I could." He admitted with a large grin. "Is that what you want. People to be forced to respect you. That wouldn't make it real? Well... not real for some people. Real is relative." He shrugged. "Relatives.... RElatives?" He mumbled, a bit of his insanity bleeding through but he shrugged it away before climbing up on the bench on his hands and knees and crawling closer to the blond, invading his personal space once more. "You real respect is earned... But... I can make them afraid of you... Avoid you... Is that the respect you want?"
Stranger: Sebastian cocked his head to the side,a bit concerned about the way Jim was acting. He pulled back a bit more and shifted away just a bit,trying to gain a bit of his personal space back. "Well... I suppose not. I really wouldn't want people to respect me just'cuz you told them to..." He thought for a moment. "Yeah, I mean... I want them to fear me. I want them to look at me like they look at you when you walk into a room. I want all the best cells and the best food."
You: Jim continued to move forward as Sebastian tried to escape, his hand curling around the him of his trousers to pin him in place as he climbed into his lap. "Mmm." He hummed as he considered the words. He peered into the blond's gaze as if reading his very soul. "Blue... like the color of lips." He purred after a moment of silence, though he obviously didn't mean the living color. "Hmm... I can make it happen." He admitted, doing another 360. "/We/ can make it happen. Is that what you want, Sebastian? Do you think you're capable? Do you have it in you? I see it, you know... The color of your insides..." He groaned inappropriately, pressing closer as his gaze darkened.
Stranger: Sebastian was uncomfortable, but god... he didn't dare move. Jim's mind seemed fragile at this state so the blond just let him do as he wished rather than have him snap or something. "I uh.... I... I mean, I assume I have it in me. I'm very capable of.... well, I'm good at a lot of things." The human didn't know what to say or how to respond. He was bewildered, but fearing for his life. "I can do whatever you want me to do."
You: Jim caught the sight of fear in the blond's gaze and his flirtatious demeanor seemed to extinguish quickly at the sight. Did that mean Sebastian would be the same as everyone else? Just another fearful soul doing whatever they could to keep Jim from going crazy on them? He gave a heavy sigh and lifted to pat his cheek softly, smile gone in an instant. "Good... Very good." He acknowledged before climbing off of him. His gaze drifted lazily over the people on the yard before resting his chin in his palm as his elbow wrested on his thigh. "Kill him." He instructed flatly, pointing at a man with his back turned to them.
Stranger: Sebastian cocked his head to the side. "Kill him?" He asked, but he had already started standing. He would kill some stranger if it meant he himself wouldn't die. The human suddenly charged forward and wrapped an arm around the neck of the alien Jim pointed at. There was some yelling and shouting, but the blond had kept his hold and the body of the man dropped like a rock. Sebastian turned right away to Jim like any good dog might, looking for praise. Granted, there was a buzzing about him. The thrill of the kill, of the hunt... he was buzzing and seemed like a changed person than the one he was two moments ago.
You: Jim's gaze narrowed as he watched the scene, still looking a bit bored. When Sebastian glanced his way, as if seeking approval the smaller man stood and turned away heading lazily towards the exit of the yard as guards rushed towards the human.
Stranger: Sebastian looked confused as Jim wandered off. But... but... this is what he said to do! The guards tackled Sebastian and they dragged him away, kicking and thrashing. "He told me to! He told me to! Dammit! Fuck you!" Sebastian was dragged off to solitary.
You: Jim heard him yelling as he was dragged away and had a feeling it would take more than that to get what he wanted. Sebastian needed to hate him... Want him dead enough to actually try something. Attacking Jim and surviving once was just because Jim was feeling gracious. Twice... The person must be skilled. Sebastian would get no real respect for following Jim's orders... But trying to kill him repeatedly and getting away with it... That was another story. But it all depended on if Sebastian was willing to try again... If he was brave enough.
Stranger: Sebastian paced around solitary for a month, growing angrier and angrier by the day. This was Jim's fault. It was Jim's fault. Anger thumped through him and when he got out he began to make his plan. The human pretended to me some pathetic, scared man, but he was really gathering followers and energy. People who hated Jim began to join him and soon enough a plan took form. A fight would be staged and in the fray Sebastian would take Jim out - for good.
You: Jim knew... of course he knew. How could he not? While there were those willing to follow Sebastian a few were more afraid of Jim; so naturally he had a mole. He knew exactly when the attempt would be made and he couldn't be more pleased. He didn't let anyone else in on it. If he did the respect for Sebastian would lessen after everything... Instead he prepped. Sebastian would do enough damage to him to send him to med bay... but it would be returned. 'The man who went after Moriarty twice and held his own' Now that... was respectable.
Stranger: The day finally came and Sebastian was a ball of nervous energy. He knew he had a lot riding on his fight, a whole lot. Maybe his life. But, he had to earn a name for himself out here or he would continue to be stepped on. So, during lunch, the fight broke out. The scene was huge, with food and blood flying the the blond hunted the alien like a tiger. He stalked between the tables and finally pounced on Jim's back. "Payback time." He hissed.
You: Jim gave a pleased hum as Sebastian wrapped his arms around him, pressing back against him, hips rolling. "Well its about time." He purred in a husky voice before digging a elbow into the larger man's ribs.
Stranger: Sebastian snarled at that cocky voice and he just took the elbow, squeezing harder before tearing the man down to the ground. "I'm not playing games, bitch." He snapped, on top of Jim now. His fists flew and he slammed them down on Jim's face as hard as he could.
You: Jim couldn't help but laugh even as he took the blows, wrapping his legs around Sebastian's waist. "Oh but you are, tiger." He managed, turning his head to spit blood from his mouth. "Hit me again." He instructed, eyes a bit wild as he rolled his hips again. "One more blow before I get serious, pet." He purred before headbutting him in the chin.
Stranger: Sebastian hated being mocked like this. He snarled with a red face and fire-filled eyes. "Shut. Up!" He grabbed Jim's head and slammed it back down onto the floor. He did it again and again and switched back to punching, his arms never slowing.
You: Jim was starting to get dizzy which made it difficult to think which meant this was over. He drew a blade quick embedding it in Sebastian's shoulder before drawing another and slicing across his stomach. His legs tightened around him and an arm wrapped around the human's broad shoulders, pulling him close so that he couldn't hit him any longer.... Well that and so that Jim could seal their lips together once more, this time his kiss hungry rather than playful.
Stranger: Sebastian groaned as the blade was shoved into his shoulder and he howled as he was sliced open. Pain. Pain. Blood. Pain. Dizziness. A kiss. That was all. Suddenly everything went black and his body grew heavy. The next thing the blond remembered was waking up in the infirmary again. Huh?
You: Jim sat next to him on the bed, face bruised, lip split. He was switching between humming and whistling as ripped out page after page of a book in his hands, one at a time. He glanced up as he heard the man stir and offered a delighted smile as he glanced at him. "Oh good! You /are/ alive. I thought you were a goner for sure." He mused, bouncing a bit as he repositioned himself to face him.
Stranger: Sebastian winced at that voice. "Urgh... thought I was dead..." He rasped, throat scratchy and dry. "Fuck..." He blinked up at Jim. "You didn't kill me...?"
You: Jim looked a bit confused for a moment. "That would kind of defeat the purpose, wouldn't it?
You: " He asked simply, brows furrowing.
Stranger: Sebastian frowned himself. "What is the purpose, then?"
You: Jim paused a moment giving a huff. "Can't be expected to... time.... ignorance.... only human." He mumbled to himself, before reaching out to give the blond a small pat on his thigh. "To gain respect." He answered with a grin. "Why else? That is what you wanted. I honestly had my doubts that you would manage it but... I'm always right... in the end." He shrugged happily before hopping off the bed.
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Hello, I'm hoping this request is within your rules. Firstly, hello new fan here. I only started watching Voltron within the last month (started it with my bf and we're just one episode away from finishing s4). It's such an amazing show and we loved finding these male characters we can relate to (he's like Keith and I'm like Hunk). Secondly, I got a letter back from the art school I'm applying to (I'm an artist) and they would like to interview me and see my portfolio, which is like yayy! [1/2]
Part 2: But also like aahhh!! Can I request how the paladins would help support a male or gender neutral s/o who is freaking out over getting ready for such a situation or just interactions with an artistic s/o please? Thank you
A/N: First of all, CONGRATS! I HOPE THAT ART SCHOOL GOES WELL FOR YOU! I want an update on that, btw! And second, yes, I will write it! Sounds super cool! And goodness gracious these are long… I hope you like it! 
 he’d be so proud
like, brag about it to the cashier at the grocery store proud
just as a side note, one thing he likes to do is draw a really terrible scene and see how his s/o improves it
anyways, when his s/o gets the letter from the art school, he’d like, celebrate hard core
confetti too? 
he’d probably help prepare for an interview by asking his s/o different questions they’d probably be asked 
and they go over the questions once a day for a week leading up to the interview
at the actual interview, his s/o looks like a pro at answering the questions
and then he can barely breathe after his s/o gets back from the interview, as they’re both waiting for news
even if his s/o doesn’t get in, he’s really proud that they even got to the interview part
if they do get in, he’s like, so happy and he cries tears of joy
he’s also really proud
he calls his s/o’s parents to tell them about it
and he helps choose art from his s/o’s collection to show off
like Lance, he helps prepare his s/o for an interview
but he takes creative turns by twisting questions and just making them different every time
but he’s not super overkill like Lance, though
probably starts asking a couple of days before the interview, when anxiety gets really high
he drives his s/o to the interview and takes them to mcdonalds or something to get breakfast
he makes it a huge ordeal
and he waits outside, leaning against the building with his arms crossed and staring at the pavement
or he waits in the car
his music is really loud to drown out his worrying
and he’s tapping the steering wheel anxiously
but he’s strangely calm when his s/o comes out of the interview
it’s like he feels like he needs to be calm for his s/o
showing his anxiety will only make his s/o’s worse
if they don’t get in, he’s supportive
“You can always apply again, right?”
if they do, he’s really happy
orders food from your favorite restaurant 
eats in front of the tv while watching your favorite movie or tv show
this boy literally jumps out of his seat when his s/o tells him that they got an interview for art school
he doesn’t really know what to do with that information, but he’s happy because his s/o is
makes s/o their favorite food to celebrate
he tries not to be too involved
he isn’t really sure if his s/o wants his help or not
so he waits until his s/o asks for help
he does, however, make casual suggestions as to which art his s/o should use in their portfolio
takes his s/o to breakfast the morning of the interview
gets them like, five mugs of hot chocolate
lots of crepes and pancakes
it’s at breakfast that he starts asking if they’re ready 
goes over some of the talking points with his s/o 
“I’m really proud of you. Wait until my mom finds out you got into art school! She’ll be so proud!”
he is so confident in his s/o that he’s not really worried about the possibility of his s/o not getting in
if they don’t, he’s really chill about it
“There are other schools, right?”
“You can always apply again, too!” 
ice cream is sure to come that night
if they do get in
he calls his mom the second he finds out
and his mom is screaming on the phone
they go over to his parent’s house for dinner
there are balloons and confetti
I’m guessing that there was some sort of similar process to get into the garrison
so she kinda understands
she’s really excited that her s/o got this opportunity
she tries to be as low maintenance as possible while her s/o prepares for their interview
asks if they need anything
won’t ask to do stuff as much
she waits for her s/o to approach her
she makes cookies for her s/o all the time up until the interview
it doesn’t even matter if they’re good or not
her s/o is just happy that she’s trying to cheer them up
tries to psych her s/o up as much as possible
it’s an exciting thing, not something they should be worried about! 
like Hunk, she makes casual suggestions for the portfolio
“Oh, that one of the space ship is really nice…” 
“Remember when you drew Green? I really like that one. It’s pretty” 
“That tree with the monkeys is beautiful. It’s one of my favorites” 
she thinks she’s being smooth
but she’s not
at all
at her s/o’s request, she’ll run through some interview questions with them
she won’t go with her s/o to the interview
but she waits eagerly by her phone for news
if they don’t get in, she’s really supportive
doesn’t bring it up very much
is extra supportive of their art
if they do get in, she gets Matt to help her plan a party of some sort
imagine the best hug you’ve ever been given in your entire life
think of how warm it is
it envelops you completely
this is the hug that Shiro gives his s/o this glorious hug
definitely lifts them off the ground
he can’t stop smiling for days
he’d pick up when his s/o is nervous
he helps them plan how to prepare
“Over the next few days, just look at your art and decide which ones you like the best…” 
“A few days before the interview, start going over the questions they sent you…” 
he texts them little reminders
but they aren’t pushy or anything
he tries to make them as nice as humanly possible
drives his s/o to the interview
in fact, he waits in the waiting room 
his leg bounces a lot
the receptionist is a little annoyed
if his s/o doesn’t get in, he’s kinda sad
like, his s/o is amazing???
why not??? 
he’s really loving for the next week or two
if his s/o gets in, he immediately plans to take his s/o out to a really nice restaurant to celebrate
much proud
she hasn’t seen much of her s/o’s art
but she knows it’s insanely good
so she’s really really proud that they got the letter
tries to get her s/o excited
she knows she would be excited
doesn’t really know how she can help her s/o prepare, but she does her best
she helps pick out art to use in the portfolio
and asks her s/o some of the interview questions 
if her s/o doesn’t get in, she’s not too upset about it
there’s always next year, right? 
she does order their favorite food and watch their favorite movie with them, though
and she’s really affectionate for a little while
if her s/o does get it, she’s not surprised
she’s all, “Of course you did! Have you seen your art?” 
“Yeah, Allura. I’m kind of the one who made it.” 
there were a lot of artists surrounding him and Alfor before the Altea was destroyed
he’s well acquainted with beautiful artwork
but his s/o’s art is by far better than any he’s seen from Alteans
he’s pretty confident in his s/o’s abilities
tries to keep out of the way during this stressful time
the less trouble he causes, the better
he doesn’t take his s/o to the interview
but he’s really nervous waiting for them to contact him
when he gets the news that his s/o didn’t get in, he’s honestly really upset
like, his s/o’s art is the most beautiful thing ever
so why???
if his s/o does get in, he hugs his s/o so tight they they thing their lungs might explode and eyeballs pop out of their head
he’s just super proud
 the boy acts like his s/o got in before they even interviewed
they’ll be at the grocery store and he’s all
“Yeah, [Name] here got into art school. They’re a really talented artist” 
“Matt, I haven’t even interviewed yet.” They turn to the cashier. “I haven’t gotten accepted yet. He’s just excited” 
the cashier thinks it’s the cutest thing they’ve ever seen, but just politely smiles
he’s really jittery while his s/o prepares for the interview
a tiny bit annoying
but he soon learns to back off
helps his s/o pick out art
goes over the interview questions a bunch of times
he goes with them to the interview
on the way there, they go stop for lunch
lunch is completely silent, though
Matt isn’t really sure how to distract his s/o from their anxiety
he holds their hand
rubs his thumb over the back of their hand
if his s/o doesn’t get in, he’s quite upset
personally, he thought his s/o was super good
like, good enough to skip art school altogether
but things don’t always go the way they hope
if his s/o does get in, he’s not surprised
“Heck yeah you did, you’re too amazing not to!” 
he celebrates hardcore
confetti to the max
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team-free-squiggle · 7 years
I Am Not Afraid To Keep On Living
I had no clue that I could write so much Polysanders but hey I ain’t complaining. I hope you all are enjoying reading these as much as I am enjoying writing them.
Oh, and guys - please feel free to request something. Shoot me an ask or something, they’re open. If you want a particular ship, or have an idea, I will gladly write it for you.
As always, feel free to request to be put onto a tag list. Just let me know which one and I’ll get you on there.
Anyway, here we go!
Oh and btw, this is actually hella long. Like, probably the length of a decent sized chapter in a long book. 
It was meant to be a one-shot - short but sweet.
I have no clue how this happened, but I like it. So please, read on!
Summary: Virgil is super into My Chemical Romance, so to cheer him up and show him how much they appreciate him, the other Sides come up with the idea (even though they’re not into it nearly as much), to take him to a concert (this is in the mindscape by the way, it’s not a human AU).
This is after the video where Virgil reveals his name, but not too recent, because reasons of Virgil being surprised and not being quite as comfortable with them yet as he would become in the future. 
Also, they aren’t dating (yet... you’ll see).
Type: A really long fic that has the possibility of sequels
Characters: Logan Sanders, Roman Sanders, Patton Sanders, Virgil Sanders,  Thomas Sanders, and My Chemical Romance
Pairings: Polysanders
Warnings: literally nothing, just the fact that MCR is in this
Roman, Logan, and Patton were plotting. They knew that Virgil had been feeling more anxious than usual, as of late. After the  Accepting Anxiety videos and the , Fitting In video, he honestly needed a break. 
Virgil wasn’t used to feeling wanted, which the others (especially Patton, bless his heart) felt super bad about. The original three sides honestly cared a lot about their fourth, more than any of them had known, and wanted to make him happy. But how?
This question led them to Thomas. They decided to make a video out of it, but without Anxiety as this was going to be a surprise. Thomas was more than willing to let them help, of course, and he watched as they talked about what to do. 
Roman pouted - he was the creative one, and couldn’t come up with any ideas. “C’mon, Princey, think” ended up sort of becoming his catchphrase in this video.
Logan was logic, so he knew they had to do something that Virgil would actually want to do. He said as much, and the others totally agreed. Then came the problem of ‘wait, shit, what does Virgil even actually like??’ 
Luckily for them, Thomas had been paying attention to that one.
“Well, in the first video he was in, at the very end, Virgil said to Roman something about My Chemical Romance?” Thomas wondered aloud, not fully remembering the details. Roman, however, did remember. 
“Yeah, he said I was jealous ‘cause he had just been to a MCR concert. He looked happy about it too, so...” Roman trailed off as Patton jumped into the conversation.
“GUYS, THAT’S WHAT WE CAN DO!” Patton exclaimed, Logan having to remind Patton to breathe as he began to get overexcited. Patton calmed down as much as he could, before answering the others’ unspoken questions.
“We could hold an MCR concert in the mindscape!” Patton clapped, Roman nodding enthusiastically as Logan considered the idea. Thomas smiled, looking at Logan with a raised eyebrow to see if there were actually any disadvantages to their idea. Logan smiled, small but real, telling the others that (logically, of course) it was a brilliant idea. 
Thomas had them all sink down, waving goodbye as they left the real world to travel back into their home. 
They were quiet, so as not to wake the still sleeping Virgil, and got everything ready that they needed to. 
~~ small time skip, to after preparations to where Virgil wakes up ~~
It felt like weeks, but had really only been about 12 hours that Virgil was asleep. That was 12 more hours than he was used to getting, and honestly? It had done him wonders. 
Virgil felt well enough to actually try and dress decently today. He put on an MCR shirt - one of his “Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge” t-shirts - his now signature purple hoodie over it, some black ripped jeans, and took a look in the mirror. 
Most of the time, Virgil hated his reflection. He always thought he was too skinny, or pale, or something else that he knew wasn’t true but still felt anxious about. Today, though, was different. 
He put on black winged eyeliner as well as the deep black (and also somewhat deep purple now) eyeshadow under his eyes. He felt that today, he looked good, and he smiled at himself in the mirror. This jacket, this newfound confidence, it was all proof that he was beginning to be accepted and that maybe someday, he could consider himself loved.
Maybe someday, the others would love him the way Virgil knows that he has a huge crush on all three of them. And sure, that’s high hopes. but Virgil felt hopeful today.
So he walked downstairs, surprisingly not seeing anyone but Patton there. Patton noticed Virgil as he cooked breakfast, smiling and handing the Anxious side some tea he had had the foresight to make. 
“Thanks, Pat.” Virgil smiled warmly, making Patton’s heart flutter. Little did Virgil know, but Patton had had a crush on him, Roman, and Logan ]since what felt like forever. This idea of his, Virgil’s surprise, could just be the closest he would ever get to a date with the three people he cared about most in the world. 
Roman and Logan came down somewhat soon thereafter, around the same time. They both smiled at Virgil as they sat next to him on either side, Patton sitting opposite Virgil after he finished getting breakfast onto the table.
They ate, Virgil somewhat shy. But the other three did their best to include him in the conversations, specifically trying not to exclude him from anything any more. Virgil noticed this, of course - none of them were exactly subtle -. and he appreciated it enormously. 
That’s when they told Virgil that they had a surprise for him. His anxiety kicked in a little, but only to the point of keeping Virgil slightly on his toes. They led him to the imagination, and what Virgil saw nearly had him in tears of amazement and happiness. 
The others would never forget just how happy Virgil had looked when he had seen what they had done for him. Gerard Way smiled down at the four, before they all heard the first notes of ‘Welcome to the Black Parade.’
My Chemical Romance played all of Virgil’s favorite songs and then some. It was an amazing day of his life. And then something even better happened. 
Gerard Way spoke to the crowd. “I need someone to help me sing this next song.” He was looking over the entire audience, but his gaze landed on Virgil, who was stunned when he smiled and nodded.
Virgil jumped up, really wanting to sing with his favorite band. Despite his social anxiety, it was something he had always dreamed of doing, and so his sheer excitement overruled the nervousness.
“What’s your name?” The band asked, smiling as though they already knew. 
Virgil was fanboying at about the same level as when Princey got to be in a Disney show, so it was quite hard to talk. But, he managed it anyway, because hello he was talking to My Chemical Romance.
Oh my god, he was literally talking to My Chemical Romance. 
“My name.. it’s Virgil.” He half-whispered, slightly more shy than usual. But he was still excited, and smiling, and honestly couldn’t wait to sing whatever song they had in mind. 
Gerard smiled warmly at him. He could sense the excitement, and consulted the other band members on what they would sing. The others agreed with his suggestion that they should let Virgil pick, and told him as much.
Virgil whispered his suggestion, so the crowd (including the other Sides), would all be surprised. MCR nodded, smiling, and Virgil got to stand right next to Gerard freaking Way as he began the song.
“Now I know, that I can’t make you stay. But where’s your heart? But where’s, your...”
Virgil smiled softly at the sounds of Patton cheering softly below him, smiling at his family as he sang one of his (many) favorite MCR songs. 
Gerard was singing along with him, of course, but let Virgil take over the lead and joined the backgrounds at the chorus. 
“I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone! Honey, if you stay, I’ll be forgiven! Nothing you can say will stop me going home!”
He sang it as loud as he could, trying to let the sides know. He wanted to be with them, he felt at home when he was with them. And it was okay, if they didn’t want him around. They didn’t ever have to feel guilty, if that was the case. But if they would allow him, he would stay. After all, as Virgil had realized a while ago, he loved them. 
Virgil felt some of his anxiety slip away and hope flare within him as he saw Patton, Logan, and Roman staring at him in awe and smiling. On occasion, they would cheer, leaving an even brighter smile on Virgil’s face each time they did.
Then came the part that Virgil really wanted to sing right, really wanted to let them know how he feels.
“I see you lying next to me. With words I thought I’d never speak... awake, and unafraid. Asleep, or dead!”
He sang out his heart, and he swore that even the deaf heard him. He looked down, towards the boys he loved, and saw them gently wiping at their eyes as they all clapped for him. 
“I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone! Honey, if you stay, I’ll be forgiven! Nothing you can say can stop me going home!”
Virgil finished, strong and proud, and got the standing ovation he deserved for it. He made his way back to his seat (albeit after getting to hug the whole band), not daring to even look at the others on the way down for the fear he’d make a huge fool of himself. 
Gerard quieted the crowd as best he could, stating that they had had a special request for someone to come up on stage and ask someone else something. After that, they would sing their last song, but not before.
To Virgil’s utter surprise, all three of his crushes got up. They went on stage, all automatically knowing that the audience of the mindscape was super accepting of everything. In other words, no one would hate them for being gay and poly here. 
MCR stepped back, letting the Sides take the stage. 
“We wanted to ask Virgil, whom you all just saw up here, something important.” Roman was the one who started, smiling at Virgil before nodding to Logan. 
“A few facts about us, Virgil, that you may not know; number one, we are all poly.” Logan gestured to himself and the other two on stage. “Number two, the three of us want to date each other.” 
Virgil felt disappointed. Of course he was happy that they would always have each other, but... he wished that he, too, could be apart of their family. 
“The three of us also want to date you.” They smiled at him, nervous but warm. Virgil was taken aback, worried that this was all going to be a trick and he would wake up sad and angry with himself for going along with it. 
Patton, of course, sensed this turmoil, and bounced off the stage. He brought Virgil back onto the stage, holding his hands.
“It’s true, and believe me, I’m the heart. I know how you feel, Verge, and I want you to know that we all feel the same way, kiddo.” Patton smiled. He was rarely entirely serious - I mean, he’s not the one with the necktie - but this was one of those times.
Virgil looked at the three of them surrounding him with hope and happiness and warmth, and love. He was needed, he was wanted. Virgil Sanders was loved by the people he loved. 
Once he realized this, all it took was the utterance of a single word. 
Roman cheered, picking Virgil up and spinning him Disney Princess style. Patton fist - pumped the air, smiling widely and hugging the anxious side. Logan kind of held out his arms awkwardly, Virgil smiling and practically running into them.
The entire audience awwed and clapped, MCR doing the same before telling them to let them finish the concert. Everyone laughed, the Sides all blushed, and they held hands the rest of the night.
To be honest, Roman would later think, that MCR concert was the best thing he’s ever done.
Logan would analyze some of the moments where Virgil looked truly happy, to try and find (or make) a suitable collection of My Chemical Romance songs for Virgil that would remind him of the concert. After all, logically, they should all want to remember that night, right?
Logan wasn’t wrong on that.
For days later, Patton would decorate home made sugar cookies with different MCR album logos or symbols, each one getting scarfed down after a huge round of praise for how good they always looked (and afterwards, tasted). 
Virgil was just giddy. He had his boyfriends, and had gotten to sing at a concert with one of his favorite bands ever. 
The concert had been a really good idea, and the sides were all enjoying life together, as a true family. 
But then Virgil had an idea. 
What if, say, a concert for Logan’s favorite band was happening soon...?
Wonder if we’ll ever find out.
Tag List:
(Sanders Sides)
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wannawrite · 7 years
Siloso Vibes
who?: Wanna One’s Ha Sungwoon genre: 🌸 type: bullet point, part of Christmas collab wink wonk blog navigator. • part of the collab with @onlyjihoonsand@hwinkinghwi • a day at Sentosa with Sungwoon + added Christmas spirit finally writing something for Sungwoon :”), never got a request for him before so I’m happy - Admin L posted late out of respect for Jonghyun. Admins will officially return on the 25/12 Rest in peace, king. you did well. forever and always in my heart. 
• Sentosa • first, I need to explain what Sentosa is and what there is on that island • so Sentosa is an island off the coast of Singapore, linked to the mainland by a bridge • everything there is built on reclaimed land • which is basically throwing sand into the sea to form a platform • I think so • yeah • okay • ‘babe,’ someone says, waking you up from your sleep. ‘Come on, wake up.’ • oh, it’s Sungwoon • who let him into my house? • WHO • I NEED SLEEP • oh yeah, my parents are completely in love with him so I can understand why the gladly opened the door for him • Ha Sungwoon had your parents wrapped around his pinky finger • he finally took a trip back to your homeland after graduation • let me explain • you had flown to Seoul, South Korea to further your university education and there, you met Sungwoon • you guys started going out in Junior year • everyone shipped it • Daniel owed Jihoon $10 • Jaehwan was so touched, he composed multiple songs for both of you • and some were on his debut album • oooh • recently, the both of you had graduated university • CONGRATS TO THE CLASS OF 2017 • AND TO EVERYONE STILL STUDYING, KEEP GOING AND WORKING HARD • YOU GOT THIS • YOU WILL MAKE IT OUT ALIVE • burning the midnight oil writing papers and feasting on instant noodles at 2am was all worth it to hold that 4.0 GPA in your hands • uhh…maybe • possibly • I’m sure its GPA calculated there • sorry, no wifi to check right now :( • right after your graduation ceremony • you ran back to your dorm, packed up whatever was left and met Sungwoon in the campus carpark • he was decked out in full tourist attire • floral beach button down • board shorts • fanny pack securely tightened around his waist • and of course • he just HAD to wear his Birkenstocks • of all of his expensive shoes rotting in his house • his Birkenstocks • at least they weren’t Crocs • you were grateful for that • at least that • I have nothing against Birkenstocks • I guess they just aren’t my style • but Sungwoon still looked like a freaking buffet so you weren’t complaining • he’s probably that young guy who can pull of the ‘dad look’ really well • you know • random coloured t-shirt • or polo • jean shorts? kakis? • white high socks tucked into sports sneakers • or moccasins • maybe pairing Adidas socks with Nike running shoes • can’t forget that leather fanny pack • or a black dad hat • sometimes he would trade that for a snapback or sun hat • okay that’s enough visualising weird images • brain: Sungwoon with that Prince Eric black hair, golden circular spectacles, in a white button-down with the first few buttons open and tight-fitting black slacks • me: SCREAMS • THROWS MYSELF OUT OF A WINDOW • you know that iconic Jimin black hair part? yeah, that one. that would look SO good on Sungwoon • he’s sort of Jimin’s brother anyway • let’s move on • shall we? • Sungwoon as Prince Eric though • super frickin’ hot • ENOUGH • so you two threw your stuffed suitcases into your car trunk and sped off to Jaehwan’s mansion • that’ll be Sungwoon’s car’s house for the next month • some of your friends are there chilling out, still clad in graduation gowns • they’re like ‘what’ • after explaining, they wished you a safe journey and kissed both of you goodbye • Sungwoon left a 23-page journal on how to care for his car • in case Jaehwan had no idea • he was reassured when Minhyun mentioned he would be living with Jaehwan until his apartment was ready • Sungwoon’s car would be safe in Minhwan’s hands • hopefully • Jisung and Daniel drove the two of you to the airport • helping with the luggage and all • Jisung pushing Daniel on the trolley that’s actually meant for baggage • snapping pictures like fansites • ‘hi I’m starting a Sungwoon fansite, I’d like to call it Smolwoon.’ • angry chilli padi Sungwoon activated • he’s so small but spicy I love • ready for takeoff • taken off • RUN DANIEL RUN • is there a sungwoon fansite with that name? please link them if it exists • if not, feel free to take the name • or smallwoon • and tell me about it! • you and Sungwoon eventually get checked in and everything • after hugging Daniel and Jisung of course • video calling the rest of your friends to say goodbye • Jisung almost shed tears • wow • imagine of Seongwoo was there • drama time • flights are such a blessing, I personally love flying and travelling • slept on the flight in Seoul • woke up in Singapore • hELLO CHANGI AIRPORT IT’S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN MY LOVE BEST AIRPORT IN THE WORLD • YOU’RE DOING GREAT CHANGI AIRPORT • it was so cute to see Sungwoon half stumble off the plane • because he had an amazing nap • he emerged still sleepy-eyed and clearly freshly awoken • I’m talking bed-head, trying to cover up his puffy face with glasses and a mask • but he looked refreshed and well-rested so all is well • it’s important to sleep properly! • says the one who stays up to 2am to watch Master Key • Master Key is really addicting, I’ve never been so whipped • you guys managed to get a cab • around 1am three days ago, you got to your house after Sungwoon was dropped off at his hotel • because your house didn’t exactly have a guest room and sleeping in your room was a huge no-no • so you called and talked to him until 2am • how the hell did he wake early enough to get from Ritz Carlton to your home • what even • Sungwoon wasn’t one to wake early • he loved his sleep • and his pre-bed skin-care routine • speaking of which, his skin was effortlessly glowing • hmm, must be a change of weather • ‘BABE!’ Sungwoon yelled, shaking your blanket-clad figure. ‘WAKE UP!’ • was he…okay? • why does he want to deprive me of sleep? isn’t he supposed to come and cuddle with me? • :( • oh! • IT’S TODAY • ‘Aren’t you excited?’ Sungwoon whines, sitting on the edge of your bed. ‘Today’s going to be so much fun!’ • ‘and tomorrow,’ you mumble, still half asleep. ‘Are you not jet lagged? I feel like    I got run over by a truck.’ • SG translation: I kena truck langar • Sungwoon laughs, beaming brightly, sparkling like a total angel • ‘I am but I conquered all to come see you~’ • ROMANTIC • he’s such a hopeless romantic but pretends he isn’t • just a vibe • ‘see,’ he says, pulling up his Uber app to show you his new ride. ‘I even took an Uber here myself, and I spoke to the driver with slang and English.’ • you guys are probably using a mix of Korean and English to communicate btw • it’s so fun speaking in two languages • like you can interchange words into sentences • and no one around you will know what you’re saying • and when you speak dialect, it’s like your communicating in a secret code • for me at least • heh • you guys never had qualms speaking in both languages • for Sungwoon, who had pored over his English notes night after night so he could increase his fluency level, independently taking an Uber with a mainly English speaking driver was a huge deal • friendly reminder that English is not the only language in this world and people should not be obliged to learn/speak it. • it may be a commonly used language and more prominent but that still doesn’t mean everyone has to abandon their culture and switch to English • also, that Kpop, Jpop, Cpop, Cantopop, Bollywood, any other non-native English speaking idols/groups do not need to speak English to be valid • goes for anyone for that matter • :)))) • let people appreciate their cultures and languages • yay okay back to the story • the reason for Sungwoon’s excitement and eagerness • ahem..peculiar behaviour such as rising early • your itinerary for today was a day at Sentosa • more specifically, Universal Studios Singapore • can someone please go with me? • tomorrow would be Adventure Cove • should there be a part two for this? tell me, please • moving on… • it’s the most wonderful time of the year • to visit Universal Studios • well, the queues even at 10am in the morning proved you wrong • but we shall backtrack a little • how you got out of the house? • Sungwoon practically dragged you out of bed • threw you into the shower • saying that he would get your breakfast ready • you tried to battle the morning heat and wake up at the same time by taking an icy cold shower • WAKE UP • emerged refreshed and ready to roll • sort of • Sungwoon was sitting in the living room, talking to your parents • no sucking up needed to win their favour • especially since he helped to prepare your breakfast • ‘oh babe, you’re here! I packed your breakfast in a lunch box in case we didn’t have time.’ • so prepared I can’t • pulls a MOTHER • Sungwoon mum mode: activated • I know Jisung’s the mum but Sungwoon is probably the grandmother, mother or 帅叔叔 [handsome uncle] • flashback when Xuan described San E as 怪叔叔 [strange uncle] • I’m cackling • maybe Sungwoon could be a strange uncle too • eh • he strikes me as that • ‘see,’ he says, patting a stuffed tote black. ‘I even prepared all the things we could need. Umbrella, raincoat, sunscreen, moisturiser, bb cream…oh! This is a new kind of energy drink Jaehwan recommended!’ • hmmm….Jaehwan recommended • okay then… • your parents are SWOONING • WHAT A WELL-ORGANISED MAN • probably has an organiser in that tote • ‘uhh, okay. thanks, babe. so, mum and dad, we’ll be making a move.’ • your parents insist you update them every few hours • and they take a picture • like a prom picture • don’t blame them, they’ve only seen you and Sungwoon over Skype calls and Facetime • you guys hug them goodbye • ‘LET’S GO’ Sungwoon yells, tossing his tote into the backseat of your Rover • maybe some other car because Rovers are unreasonably expensive here • everything is unreasonably expensive here • ‘VROOM!’ • you speed off towards Sentosa. • in the ticketing queue, Sungwoon insists on applying a thick layer of sunblock • you hold his mirror • and then he does it on your face, purposely not blending it • asian beauty standards are like: • pls stop whitewashing • and idolising fair/white skin • dark skin is beautiful and should be deemed normal and acceptable too • anyway • at least he blended the cream properly before you approached the staff • Sungwoon couldn’t stop yelling excitedly as he entered the gates • he was amazed by every single little thing • CHRISTMAS SONGS • CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS • CHRISTMAS SPIRIT • santa hats everywhere • he does have Lotte World • but this was a whole new universe • ;) • Sungwoon’s hand envelopes yours and you two happily skip to the first ride • ‘what about Transformers?’ • ‘sure!’ • honestly, the queue for this ride is so ridiculous • luckily, Sungwoon keeps you entertained by taking a ton of Snapchat filtered selfies • Snow filters • making memes • Facetiming a tired Jihoon - time difference • who wishes he tagged along • he screams a lot during the ride • and screams after about how much fun he had • you two go on a couple more rides • got chased by a T-rex and got a bird’s eye view of the park • burnt to a crisp by a fire-breathing mummy before the roller coaster plunged backwards • went on a safari adventure and nearly got eaten by a crocodile • these are some of my favourite rides tbh • went along for a boat ride with Madagascar animals • ‘yo Sungwoon are you sure you’re tall enough to ride this?’ you tease playfully. • he pouts • yells a bit • before securing his red baseball cap on his head and confidently marching into the queue • ‘watch me.’ • ‘small is spicy.’ • after, you guys ended up buying ice cream • salted popcorn in a Minion container • Sungwoon calculated the expenses to the very cent • he’s either the guy to drop $1000 in a blink of an eye with no hesitation • or drop his friend off before the ERP [a system you pay - using cash card - to use a certain road via vehicle] because he wants to save that $2 • this happens to my friend irl lol ^ • you guys even purchase matching Santa hats • even though those at the mama shop are SO MUCH cheaper • Sungwoon persuades you to buy matching shirts too • ‘uhh are you really sure you want to buy that shirt for Guanlin?’ you questioned, pointing to the shirt in Sungwoon’s hands he got from the children’s section • ‘oh shush I know my son through and through, he’ll love it.’ • ‘….he’s almost 18 soon-‘ • ‘nope!’ Sungwoon exclaims, clamping a hand over your mouth. ‘No, no. His 8th birthday just passed.’ • poor Guanlin • Sungwoon and Jisung are going to feed him banana milk for the rest of his life • ‘what about Daehwi? He’s your son too.’ you point out his bias • ‘…well, he’s Jisung’s son right now because the sun is still out but I should buy my babies matching shirts too right?’ • ‘babe, help me choose one!’ • you guys spend at least half an hour haggling over shirts • which colour one would match Daehwi’s skin more? • wait, this is the exact colour of Guanlin’s eyes! • …this t-rex reminds me a lot of my sons • bet, Guanlin looks like this when he wakes up • *ends up spending much more than anticipated* • Sungwoon takes a brave step and agrees to ride the Battlestar Galactica:  Human Vs Cylon • two of the major roller coasters here • ‘woon, are you sure you’re over 125cm? you need to measure your height again…’ • *167cm* • ‘HAH’ he grins triumphantly • sighs • is confident • and brags about how he loves roller coasters • until he’s standing behind the metal gate, waiting for the cars to come back and all the screams from the previous riders can be heard • ‘uh babe are you sure you want to sit in the first carriage? I can always ask them to change our seats if you’re scared.’ • *bats eyelids* • you nearly fall for it • then, you gently push him to take his seat • ‘WAIT NO MY THING ISN’T CLICKING SHUT’ • a staff has to help him secure his barrier • he takes a deep breath • ‘I’m more nervous then when it was my debut-‘ • *yelling begins* • *yelling pauses* • Sungwoon nearly passes out • after,,, ‘THAT WAS SO FUN LET’S GO AGAIN BABE.’ • you guys stay there until almost closing time • cue staff trying to chase you out • ‘the night is still young.’ • so, you take a trip to Siloso Beach to watch the sunset • munching on fries • you rest your head in Sungwoon’s lap, his hands playing with your hair • the waves crash against the beach, the sunlight glimmers against your skin • ‘this is so different from Korea…’ Sungwoon mutters, almost to himself • he kisses your forehead affectionately, causing a smile to pull at your lips • ‘I like spending this kind of Christmas with you too.’
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mysplaced-pen · 7 years
i don't know if this was asked yet, but if possible, how would the RFA (+ v and saeran if you could) react to an mc who is trans/nb and coming out to them for the first time? it could be a teary come-out, a slip up, or a "oh hey btw im trans lol", whatever you think suits each character. thank you ^^ have a nice day
hey, love💛 I hope you have a nice day/night too ^^ I hope you like this! And I hope I did it justice ^^; 
im cis so i can only hope;;;; plus i’m, uh..feeling..some kinda way today. so i thought i’d start with something cute
mc was not in the mood today
for anything, really. they would much prefer to stay in bed all day
especially because they really did not want to be misgendered today, as they were bound to be 
even by zen, who was as cheerful as everyday, but he didn’t know
maybe they should just tell him 
“hey, babe” zen said, walking back into the bedroom. “I have breakfast ready, would you like some?” 
“…no, i’m okay.” they said from under the blanket. zen pouted, “princess, you know you have to be healthy..”
the nickname made mc cringe - and not in the usual ‘zen’s being cheesy’ way
he felt mc shift under the covers. “are you alright, hun?”
“yeah…” “mc, tell me what’s bothering you.” “zen, I said nothing-” “i can tell when something’s wrong, princess, just tell me”
and tbh, they couldn’t handle it anymore
“that’s what’s wrong!” mc said, uncovering their face from the blanket. 
zen jerked back in surprise, looking at them. mc was tearing up as they spoke again
“I know you mean well, god, I know you’re only trying to be good to me. and you are, you really are, I mean that. but I- oh my god- I can’t handle that nickname.”
“mc…can I ask why?” now mc was crying. 
out with it then, mc. there’s no going back now.
“I-” they sigh, “I’m not a girl, Zen. I’m nonbinary.”
he was honestly confused, he never heard of that before
so the day was spent explaining and being in bed. 
zen listened, wiped their tears, brought in that breakfast for both of them. he asked questions, mc answered them. and he understood, in the end
“well. now I need a new nickname!” “isn’t ‘babe’ enough?” “no! i want to shower you in adorable nicknames for being an adorable person”
it was an accident. 
mc ordered a binder and it came in when yoosung checked the mail
he saw what was on the package and asked mc about it
“hey honey, there was a package for you. something about a binder?”
mc froze. oh no.
it’s ok mc, damage control. just make something up, it’s fine. he doesn’t need to know what it’s really for.
“oh, thanks, honey! I didn’t expect it to come in yet.” “I put it on the bed, okay?” “yeah, of course.”
nice save, mc. 
“why did you need a binder shipped to you, though mc? can’t you just buy one at the store?”
mc laughs, “sure, honey. just buy a binder at the store. I wish I could, so at least I can try it on before buying it. It would help a guy out, you know?”
……….. wA I T
“what?” yoosung asks. mc flushes. “oh, um…”
“not…that kind of binder, than.” mc freezes again and looks at the ground
yoosung stands up and walks over, putting a hand on mc’s cheek 
“honey…it’s alright. you can tell me.” mc looked up at him, seeing a soft, warm smile.
“…I’m trans.” mc says. yoosung smiles wider, but it looks nothing like a teasing smile. “I’m a guy, yoosung.” 
he hugs mc tightly. “you’re the best boy I’ve ever met, honey.”
this was also an accident, but this time, it was on jaehee’s part
she didn’t know how to tell mc, especially since she just figured it out herself too
mc was a normal girl..and jaehee was nonbinary
but she would accept jaehee. of course she would…right?
guess she was about to find out
mc got home that day and jaehee spoke, “I need to tell you something, love. come sit with me?”
mc nodded, taking her hand and following her to the dining table. “I actually need to tell you something too, jaehee”
oh now jaehee was nervous
they sat down next to each other and jaehee took a deep breath
“you go first, hun.” mc said. jaehee nodded.
“mc, i’m…i’m nonbinary” jaehee waited for her reaction
mc kept quiet for a bit, staring at her and blinking
“…love?” “are you serious?”
oh no, there it was. mc was going to break up with her
“um, yes-” “i was just going to tell you that I’m trans!”
“wait- what?” “I’m a transwoman, jaehee…i couldn’t handle hiding it anymore..”
jaehee just pulled mc into a hug. “oh, i love you.” she let out in relief
mc chuckled, “i love you too.”
ok ok ok we can do this, mc
jumin won’t mind, he’s repeatedly told us he loved us for who we are, not for what we look like
….but what if who we are isn’t.. 
oh, just do it….no no no don’t
the door opens and jumin calls out, “mc, I’m home!”
oh no
“hi, love! how was your day?” “busy, as always..but I’m glad to be home.”
mc, don’t wait any longer, do it now!
“um, I need to tell you something, honey bun..” 
jumin looked up at them before going to take his shoes off. “go ahead, my love.”
before mc could speak, though, they started tearing up
they were nervous. too nervous to say anything
jumin looked at them again, stopping what he was doing as soon as he saw mc crying
“my love, what’s wrong? are you hurt? did someone hurt you or-”
“no, no jumin that isn’t it, I’m sorry..” “don’t be sorry, my love. what’s wrong?”
“I just…I don’t know how to tell you.” “You can tell me anything, mc. I love you and I trust you.” he’s getting really worried now
“I’m..I’m trans, jumin. I’m a male.” 
he stops for a second process, but automatically moves to wipe mc’s tears
“oh, my love. you scared me…I thought you were really hurt..” 
“you don’t mind?” “of course I don’t mind. You are who you are, and I love every bit of that.”
707 / luciel / saeyoung
he called mc after he signed them into the rfa
“hello? is this the new cutie in the rfa?” 
“have you really seen pictures of me?” mc says, making him laugh
“straight to the point, then. yeah, I have.” “then you know..”
“you’re cute, and I do mean that.” “…i am?”
“the cutest girl in the rfa! well, there’s only jaehee. but there’s me sometimes too.”
“..what?” “i’m genderfluid. but anymore about me is a secret~” 
“huh, alright. then I guess I can just say it.” “if you want to practice with me, sure.”
mc smiles. 707 catches it on the CCTV. “I’m trans.” 
707 smiles too, though she can’t see, “atta girl.”
the conversation doesn’t stop there, of course
the two of them talk for a while, about how they relate to each other, how the rfa reacted to him coming out 
he assures her that the rfa is very welcoming, but she can take all the time she needs
they confide in each other, which only adds to why they get along so well 
v / jihyun
it was so casual with jihyun, actually
like, mc couldn’t explain why, it just felt so easy to just say it 
the two of them were laying on the couch, legs intertwined while they both read a book
it was quiet and V was focused, but mc kept getting distracted from their book and kept glancing at him
he noticed, but didn’t say anything.
it was actually really hard for him not to smile 
“hey, jihyun?”
“yes angel?” he said, looking up from his book.
“i’m nonbinary.” 
v smiled and sat up, leaning over to kiss mc’s forehead
“alright, my love. i’m glad you decided to tell me, thank you for putting that much trust in me”
mc blushed and sat up to kiss his cheek, “you’re so amazing, V. I don’t understand”
he chuckled and shook his head, leaning back to his original position
“you are mistaken. I’m a simple human. you, however, are an angel”
“jihyunnnnn” mc whines
“what? it’s true! angels are nonbinary too.” “who told you that, jihyun?” 
“every story I’ve heard of them. Plus the person right in front of me right now.”
honestly, saeran just had to be taking questionnaires right now
and mc was too used to making this damn joke
“full name.” saeran says
“don’t you know that?” mc answers
“true, alright. birthday?”
“saerannnn, you know all these things about me. why are you doing these in the first place?”
he fills out mc’s birthday before shrugging. “bored. we’re not sending these out anyways”
“fine. what other questions are there?”
“the usual for now. next is gender”
“alien.” mc says 
saeran looks back at them. “what?”
“i’m an alien, saeran.” “no, mc, like…male and female”
“i have to pick??”
oh wait, mc, saeran doesn’t know- 
“…can you explain?” he asks.
“um…i’m nonbinary?” 
saeran also needs a little explaining. he has more questions than zen, too
but he’s totally understanding
“…they should make an ‘alien’ option.” he says after their talk
“honestly.” mc says
he draws a circle near the ‘male’ and ‘female’ options and marks it as ‘alien’ before filling it in. “there.”
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greenygreenland · 4 years
Wannabe Chap 11: Star Wars x Reader
-i'm so happy that I made it this far into the book -i hope you enjoy reading my work, because I put a lot of love and care into what I do. Basically, this book is my baby that I'm nurturing and growing -you're a young child in your flashbacks btw. Also sorry it's been like two weeks since I updated. School just started like two days ago and I was so confused on what was happening and stressed since I chose to do remote learning
'𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗜 𝘀𝗮𝘄 𝗺𝘆 𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗰𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘀 '𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗺𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻.' -𝗟𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗱𝗲, 𝗙𝗹𝗲𝗲𝘁𝘄𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗠𝗮𝗰
"Excuse me..." 
(Y/n) turned to the location of the voice. The young teen's padawan braid dangled from his brown locks, swaying as a strong breeze brushed past the courtyard. Today was a fairly cool day, so (Y/n) shivered a bit as she stood. "Were you speaking to me?" she quietly inquired. The boy let out a small, awkward laugh. "I don't know who else I'd be talking to." 
She surveyed the serene courtyard. At this time, it wasn't uncommon to find students studying together or other Masters holding classes in the afternoon sun. Today, it was absolutely dead. There was not a soul in sight save for her and the boy approaching. (Y/n) knew she had been meditating for a while, but not that long.
"By any chance," the boy added, "have you seen my master Obi-wan Kenobi?"
(Y/n) froze for a second, eyes widening in awe. She recognised the boy from class. He was a very eager and passionate student, but that seemed to be what held him back. Ever since he'd first shown up at the Temple, a plethora of rumours had spread about how he was the 'Chosen One' said to destroy the Sith and bring balance to the Force. Despite that, he himself hadn't reached equilibrium. "I," she swallowed and settled on the fountain's ledge. "I have not seen your master. Sorry."
She settled back onto the side of the fountain and the boy sighed in defeat. He plopped down next to her, placing his squarish hands on the ledge as he swung his feet in frustration. "Stars, he's been gone for hours and I haven't seen a single sign of him! Where could he be?" (Y/n) shyly shook her head with a shrug. "Master Kenobi is part of the Council, perhaps he is in a meeting?" 
"I haven't really thought about that." mumbled the boy. "Say, what's your name? I know I have some classes with you, but I've never really..." (Y/n) nodded in agreement. "Yes. I have not conversed with you. I am (Y/n)." 
"Last name?" 
She faltered, pausing to lick her chapped lips. The boy seemed so eager to hear her speak that she replied with, "Kryze. (Y/n) Kryze." He awkwardly smiled in reply. "Anakin Skywalker." (Y/n) frowned, knitting her brows so close together that they could have been one. "You are not going to...you know..." 
"You know what?" 
"Say something about me?" she quietly finished. Anakin mimicked her expression. "Why would I say anything about you?" (Y/n) played with the hem of her robes, turning her gaze to the loose threads to fiddle with. "I'm...I'm Mandalorian. The other kids always say I'll turn bad because of that." Anakin didn't seem to be all well-versed in Jedi history, because he only sat there with a dumb look on his face. Although he was older than (Y/n), he was definitely not the wiser.
"That's mean of them." (Y/n) dryly laughed. Her heart ached thinking about all the times kids picked on her for her heritage. It left an open wound that continued to grow with every passing day, and she knew that it was slowly turning her bitter. "That is what all the masters say, but none of them stand up for me. Some kids say that I should be a senator instead of a Jedi." (Y/n)'s shoulders slumped and Anakin crossed his arms. "I can't say I know how that feels like, but I do know that you shouldn't pay attention to that kind of stuff. My mum used to tell me that when I was younger."
(Y/n) nodded thoughtfully. "That is true. I suppose I just can't though. It is no easy feat to ignore people when they say I might as well be a killer." 
"Why would they have any reason to say that?"
"There was a battle between the Mandalorians and the Jedi long ago."
"Oh...I see."
There was an uncomfortable beat of silence. (Y/n) half-expected Anakin to get up and abandon her, but he turned to face her with a soft look in his bright eyes. "For the record," he piped up, "I think you're a wonderful person. I may not talk to you in class, but I see how nice you are to everyone. It doesn't matter what they say about you because I think it's great to be proud of who you are." (Y/n) furrowed her brows together. "Do you really believe so?" 
He firmly nodded. "I know so." He was about to stand up, but he tripped over his own robes and fell into the fountain. And for the first time in a while, (Y/n) laughed.
(Y/n) thought back to when Anakin shielded her from the exploding star ship probably a day or two ago. He had faced the full impact of the blast as she tumbled to the ground in his safe arms. 
The pain in his voice was still so real to her. He meant every single word he said.
"I would never let anyone hurt you, and that includes me."
She turned back to the man marching towards her with the blood red saber. Her heart thumped so loudly that it could have popped out of her chest. That couldn't be Anakin--she was probably just imagining it. It wasn't possible and never would be. Even if it was, she saw him a few days ago. 
"Master Jedi," called the Princess, "we have to go now. If we stay here any longer, we all will die." The princess pulled (Y/n) up the ramp and into the safety of the rubbish ship and helped (Y/n) into the main lounge room. The two slid into the booth against the wall, and for a moment, (Y/n) relaxed. Her heart rate began to slow, and the blood rushing in her ears smoothly lessened into a dull throbbing. 
Then it hit her: that feeling of imbalance with the sense that something was wrong. She felt it in the air and in her veins and in the Force that what just happened was not meant to be. The Princess was saying something to her, but again, she couldn't hear.
"Why are you crying?" 
(Y/n) met Anakin's sky blue eyes with a sniffle. Her heart weighed heavy in her chest, and it was hard to breathe as she held back a sob. The temple was quiet this early in the morning, so she didn't expect to find Anakin in one of the main halls. "What...what are you doing here?" she cried out. Anakin leaned back against the wall and sunk down to the floor beside her. "I could ask you the same too." (Y/n) sniffled again and rubbed her eyes with the edge of her sleeve. Anakin dug around in his pockets and produced a small napkin. 
"...Thanks..." (Y/n) quietly blew her nose as Anakin averted his gaze to the open windows. The vibrant yellows and oranges of the sun illuminated across the brightening skies, reflecting off the clouds and shining over all of the city. Speeders lifted into the skies along with a variety of starships, zooming past skyscrapers and into the streets or up into the vast ink of space. "Are you okay?"
Anakin frowned and scooted closer to her. He lifted up his sleeve and helped her wipe away the tears streaming down her face. "It's okay to cry, you know." (Y/n) knitted her brows together and said, "Everyone here says I shouldn't cry. They say it's a weakness and that I should release it into the Force but..." Her shoulders wildly shook and Anakin practically threw his arms around her. 
"Oh, no," he said. "Don't cry anymore. It's okay." He cradled (Y/n)'s small form close like his mother used to do. (Y/n) savoured the warmth reflecting off his aura and rested her head on his chest as he rocked back and forth, humming a small tune. The sun continued to rise over the horizon, soaring higher over the skyline and bringing with it a powerful light. "Did someone make you cry?" (Y/n) nodded. "Yeah." Anakin rested his head over hers. "What did they say?" 
"That...that I-I don't belong here. They said I'll never...that I'll never be a padawan..." Anakin wanted to believe he knew what he was doing, but he really didn't. Ever since he showed up at the Temple, all he's ever done was bow, speak beautifully, and learn the ways of the Force. Love wasn't exactly something they openly showed here, so he continued to hug (Y/n) close. 
"They...they said I'll be kicked out..."
Anakin's jaw dropped. "What? No! That won't happen. That won't ever happen. The Jedi wouldn't kick you out just because you're Mandalorian. They aren't like that, I promise." (Y/n) pulled away to wipe her eyes. "But those kids said..."
"What those kids did was waste their breath!" exclaimed Anakin. He wanted to say he was going to deal with this like a responsible padawan, but his lips curled into a scowl and his blood boiled like the lava on Mustafar. How dare her peers always insult her and make her days spent in the temple a complete nightmare? That wasn't the mark of a Peace Keeper, no it was one of pretender, a fake who only abused their titles. 
"You shouldn't care about what those kids say because you're an incredible, kind, and smart girl." he firmly said. The anger making his blood boil began to morph and cool into a sense of protectiveness. He didn't want to have to do anything he'd regret, so he resolved to protect (Y/n). Confrontation would only cause bigger problems, he thought.
"You've taught me so much about the Force and the Ways of the Jedi." Anakin added. He helped (Y/n) stand in the sun's morning rays. "When they knock you down, you've gotta get up again. You're better than them. You're so much kinder and nicer than them. If anyone's going to be kicked out, you better believe it'll be them!"
(Y/n) gave a watery smile and Anakin wrapped an arm around her shoulders, giving it a good rub. "Come on, let's get some breakfast."
(Y/n) leaned back in the booth, resting her head against the ship's wall with a long sigh. That was her Anakin, the one and only who cared deeply for everyone and everything. He was like no other Jedi, compassionate and a bit unpredictable, but (Y/n) trusted him with her life. She paused for a moment and closed her eyes to bring her focus back. Her loud mind began to settle down before another face came into mind. 
Obi-wan Kenobi. Why had she sense him fighting the guy clad in black when he should've been back in Coruscant with Anakin? Her instincts were never wrong, but this? It again didn't make any sense. In fact, nothing made sense.
The Princess placed a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder as Han and Luke came barrelling into the ship. Chewie had already started the controls, and while the boys made a racket and got the ship up and running, the Princess made sure to keep (Y/n)'s attention on her. "Are you okay?" (Y/n) opened her mouth, but the words wouldn't leave her lips. There was a disturbance in the Force that literally made her feel like the galaxy were a seesaw, tipping this way and that in a weak attempt to keep the balance.
She didn't know anymore. Was she okay? Was she not? Maybe she was drugged and that was the problem.
"...what year is it?" 
The Princess frowned in concern. "Han, do you have any water?" she called. He dug around the cockpit before throwing a flask over his shoulder. The Princess caught the flask with ease and pried the top open. "Here, we've all been through a lot today." (Y/n) took the flask and chugged down the cool liquid without a second thought. She drained the container until every last drop had gone down her throat. Leia took the flask back and closed it. "Feel better?"
"A bit. Thank you, Princess..."
"Call me Leia. What's your name?"
"(Y/n) Kryze." she replied. Leia was about to set the flask down on the booth, but she went completely rigid. "Kryze?" she breathily repeated. (Y/n) nodded. Leia's hand flew to her forehead as if she were about to suffer from a stroke. "You're Mandalorian and a Jedi? Is that even possible?" (Y/n) shrugged. "I used to think the same thing when I was younger." 
"How did the Empire capture you?" (Y/n) knitted her brows. There was that word again 'Empire'. "I apologise, but what does that mean?" she inquired. Leia pursed her lips together with a hum. "Did you hit your head? What was the last thing that happened before you ended up on that space station?" 
"I was in a warehouse on Coruscant. There was an explosion, and then I saw Count Dooku. He...I believe he was the one who kidnapped me." Leia looked beyond concerned. A small 'oh dear' left her lips that send chills down (Y/n)'s spine. "I don't know how to put this, but Count Dooku died a decade or so ago." (Y/n) wasn't sure how to feel about that. Confusion was her first instinct, then worry, and lastly, shock. It was like her body had completely frozen over in ice. She couldn't move or think straight. 
A decade or so ago. 
She missed out on a decade or so of history.
But how?
"I'm not too sure," continued Leia, "but you may have been frozen in carbonite or kept in a stasis pod. The Clone Wars ended about nineteen or twenty years ago, so you've probably slept through all that along with the Jedi Purge." Jedi Purge? The ending of the Clone Wars? Her vision suddenly became blurry. "I think I need to..." (Y/n) never finished that thought. Her eyes rolled back into her head and it was lights out completely.
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I was going to send this to @one-time-i-dreamt but I thought it might be too long
I'm dating both Dylan and Cole Sprouse and the three of us share an apartment. We are watching my two younger sisters because my mother is away but have no child approved breakfast items. Cole and I leave to go to the supermarket while Dylan stays with the kids. As we walk to the supermarket hand in hand I am swept up in domestic bliss until we come across a construction site. The supermarket has been torn down to make way for a mansion. I'm pissed and say something about inconsiderate rich people.
Cole: Hey!
Me: You're not rich.
Cole: Oh, yeah.
We go to the mansion and I start pounding on the front door. A robot maid answers and invites us in. She's very similar to the robot maid from The Jetsons. She's so nice that I don't want to take out my anger on her so I just ask for directions to the nearest supermarket. She tells me then Cole goes to use the bathroom and falls out a window into an alley. The fucking Terminator is there and somehow turns him into a vampire. Cole comes back into the mansion and tries to get me alone and tell me he's a vampire. Before he can, the robot butler sounds an alarm. “Alert. Vampire on the premises. Alert.” We gtfo and he tells me he's now a vampire. I'm like “Got that and I think we can fix this. But first we need to call your brother.” We call Dylan and let him know what's going on. He's all “What am I gonna feed the girls?” so I Uber Eats them some McDonald's. He says “Thanks. Btw I know a guy.”
Then it cuts to the next scene like a goddamn movie and we're on a pirate ship. Only the Captain and First Mate know Cole is a vampire so there's no “panic or discrimination”. Also the Captain and First Mate are the same Captain and First Mate from Treasure Planet because I watched that movie for the first time last week. Anyway we get to an island and the Captain suggests that Cole and I go find the cure while the rest of the crew explore the beach. So the two of us hike through a forest to a castle. We enter in search of a prince but the place is completely quiet and empty. We find a dining table with royalty and staff (human, not robot) frozen in place around it. They've all been frozen in the middle of eating dinner with only their eyes being able to move. Cole suddenly pulls me under the table to hide as another vampire comes into the room. Can you guess who it was?
Did you guess Robert Pattinson?
Barefoot, shirtless, and looking exactly like he did in 2008?
But also very, very dirty?
Vampire Robert Pattinson wanders through the room sobbing and calling for his mother. When he leaves, Cole and I follow him silently like ninjas. We follow him all the way outside and the whole time he's just crying and calling for his mother. When he stops to sit under a tree, I leave Cole to keep an eye on him while I go back to the beach to get the Captain and First Mate. When we get back Cole Sprouse and Robert Pattinson are having a vampire fight. We somehow manage to capture Vampire Robert Pattinson, tie him up, and put him in the back of a car to drive him back to the pirate ship. He is still sobbing and asking for his mother. Everyone is interrogating him about the cure to vampirism except me. I had finally realized that I was dreaming and decided to try and change something. We were halfway to the ship by the time I managed to change Cole’s hair from black to a dirty blonde. No one has realized that I am now a god so I tell them all to stop. Cole immediately stops the car because he is a good boyfriend and I say “He's obviously been alone so long that he's had some kind of mental break and thinks he's a lost child.” Everyone accepts this and starts speaking to Vampire Robert Pattinson very softly and asking about his mother. I think to myself 'If anyone mentions a Martha I'm going to reach into my skull and slap my brain myself' so of course someone asks what his mother's name is. He says Martha very pathetically and the Captain says “That's my name too!” (I don't think that was her name in Treasure Planet but whatever) Then my badass boyfriend Cole Sprouse pulls out a fucking machete and chops Vampire Robert Pattinson’s head off. He yells “I hated that movie!” and I yell “Drink the blood from the head so we can end this!” He does that and turns back into a human. The First Mate says “I think I'm going to be ill.” and we have another scene change.
We're back on the docks where we first boarded the pirate ship. Cole and I say our goodbyes to the crew and the Captain and I exchange numbers then we watch the ship take off. As we walk away Cole asks me “Do we have to tell Dylan that I drank blood from a decapitated head?” I say “I won't say anything if you don't want me to but I know for a fact that he won't judge you because he's your brother and he loves you.” Cole tells me I'm right and we walk into a parking lot where Dylan is waiting for us. He's leaning against a gorgeous, baby blue, 60s, two door, American muscle car. I run over to him and he catches me in a big hug. I get in the back seat while the boys greet each other and admire the beautiful car from the inside. Off white leather interior and a modern stereo playing Kanye. I swear I've seen this car before. The guy's get in and before I can ask about the car Dylan says “Your mom said to call as soon as you got back.” Cole says “Let's go home first.” and we make our way out of the parking lot. I think to myself 'Wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if we got into a car accident right now?' Then another car hit us and I woke up.
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