#ohhhhhh boy are there a lot of edits to make
compacflt · 2 years
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i am pretty solidly anti-fic printing except when its my fic that i wrote & i want to hold it in my hands for editing purposes
final (final!!!!) edit & slider one-shot inbound soon
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shiawase-rina · 5 months
Edit: Episode 15 has English subs now! The investigation of chapter 2 has begun!
Reactions to Danganronpa The After Episode 15:
Ohhhhhh Konoe's bullshit meter had a lot to do this time lol
Everything is stacked against Hatami but it also doesn't make sense from a gut feeling and a "He would do a premeditated murder better than this" perspective.
My boy is due to experience some power of friendship!
He will probably not make this easy tho.
Seki is really pushing Hatami as a culpit super hard lol
I also saw that Konoe tried to ask questions about Seki and Ueda being outside their rooms during the alarms, only to get interrupted.
My girl has good instincts but bad luck.
The After seems to continue the trend of heavily referencing the first Danganronpa game with the male changing room and cord.
I'm sure we'll be thrown for a loop tho~
My first impression feels weird since this feels like a suicide, but that would make no sense unless Kirigiri wants to take Seki down with her too.
So it must be a trap instead in which Hatami accidently kills Kirigiri.
But I also don't like that theory since I really want to keep Hatami lol
So the big question is who will be executed for this?
Seki absolutely had a big hand in this but killing him off so soon would waste potential...
I have no clue who I want to be the culpit🙈
I don't know yet how exactly everything fits together but I'm curious about the cords and the strings...
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Jyoooooooo! Jyamato Grand Prix! Sengoku Edition!
This might get bloody, strap yourselves in folks.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Super Hero Time bumper!
-"That dirty fox! Messing up MY garden! AAAAAAAAAH!"
-Archimedel's taking getting Boosted on very well.
-Micchi? Oh fuck, this really is gonna turn out badly.
-Naptime, Ace?
-"Oh thank God... he is human~!" OKAY KEIWA WOW
-Is that a lemonade?
-"The Red Fox..."
-I guess Beroba
-He's so sleepy
-...that's almost more worrying than him going apeshit, tbh
-Guess even an obsessive super fan has limits to what he knows.
-As he well should tbh, Ace doesn't owe him that.
-Oh shit, it's time.
-...that outfit looks super cute on Neon.
-Ninja Plants!
-Hot damn, Keiwa!
-These untransformed fights make me giddy.
-Oh fuuuuuck
-Daichi continuing to be the woist
-"How delightful~! Like Oda Nobunaga's last day in Honnoji~!"
-"I call dibs."
-Shogun Niram.
-...I guess Samas-san doesn't exactly wanna play along.
-You could help us at anytime, Producer Man. Just saying!
-Aren't you a Rider too, Ziin? Why don't you help?
-Here comes Ace with the hair extensions.
-Boost! Mark Two!
-...I just noticed, but I think his head is recycled from Lopo's.
-Oh shit, fox time again!
-Damn Michinaga, you survived that. Didn't even get knocked out.
-No more Jyamato.
-"Bro what the hell is that?"
-"Yeah... I guess it is."
-And he's down!
-What Neon and Keiwa know definitively about Ace.
He really misses his Mama.
He's way too good at this game.
His fursona is a fox.
-That's it.
-Seems kinda mean to not let somebody meet their mother just because their previous incarnation already did.
-"I may be new meat in this fandom, but everybody knows Yakumo Eisu."
-Wait... Fox... Yakumo... Associated with extreme deceit... from Holy shit, Ace is Yukari and Ran's secret bastard son!
-Desire Grand Prix! Genso Edition!
-...don't ask how they both got Mitsume pregnant, that's not a conversation I'm prepared to have with you.
-"Move me! Your character development is fascinating."
-I knew it~!
-Chirami off to complain to the manager.
-"You moron, they'll murder you!" I love just how sick Tsumuri is of this bullshit.
-Here she comes~!
-Don't tempt her.
-Tsumuri should be in charge of the whole game, she's clearly putting in all the work.
-"Keep your disgusting hands away from me."
-Oh, Beroba can just
-Do that, huh?
-Well, we're fucked.
-Seeing Ace stressing himself, even in such a limited capacity, is a bit frightening.
-Hello Ziin.
-Oh, that was
-That was a commercial break, okay. Weird.
-Ukiyo Ace...
-Those must be Garfield's parents. ...I wonder if their names are Jonathan and Elizabeth?
-There's very obviously not Yukari Yakumo.
-And that woman in the Mediterranean must be Mitsume-san.
-Influencer stans are horrifying.
-You tell him, Ace.
-"So like... is there a reason you guys picked us of all Riders?"
-Kekera really likes Keiwa, I see.
-Yeah you be very careful around Kyuun, Neon. His vibes are icky.
-Guess Chirami's getting fired after this.
-Oh finally! Some initiative!
-Damn he shoot
-Lots of untransformed fighting today!
-Rider Time.
-Teenage girls are frightening.
-Glare2! Log in!
-I believe that makes Beroba one of a very rare breed of female Rider with multiple distinct Rider identities.
-The only other examples I can name off the cuff is Natsumikan as Den-O (briefly) and Kiva-la (and Natsumikan Arms Gaim, if you wish to count that) ...does Sakura becoming George's Clone Riders really count? Fuck it, I'm counting.
-She's real dangerous now!
-Ziin got fucked.
-Damn, they threw that boy!
-"I'm gonna kill off your beloved blorbo~! And there's not a thing you can do about it~!"
-Laser Boost, incoming!
-Right, that's all done.
-Oh, Ace. Gotta sell me something, eh?
-I see, thank you.
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handelplayssims · 1 year
Another day in the Stuart-Waddell household. And oh no. It’s a weekend and no one has work. Ohhhhhh boy oh boy. Let’s see. Omar wants to volunteer again and Harrison wants to make money. But first! I remembered I wanted to do something! I wanted Harrison to go and set up his birthday party! Which humorously enough to me, will fall on Spring Day. This means I can’t make it a goaled event though. But ah well, it’ll be a party! And all the kids have woken up so it’ll be a volunteer time for everyone!
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Hmm. You know what? Roxana is childish. She knows kids media. She would have an opinion! -double checks wiki for voidcritter descriptions- Hmm. One’s an ultra-aggressive narwhal-like figure that will fight and one just wants to eat cars. The Articorn is the strongest, as it has the will and tenacity to fight! Now the kids will have some cookies and then we’ll all head out to volunteer. Avery’s up and is hungry. One last potential pizza for his lifetime? Maybe. Maybe. Everyone has returned from volunteering so now it’s time to figure out what everyone wants to do! That being said, Selena needs to make friends and I have been ignoring her all week. Perhaps it’s time for her to take an adventure by herself to the park. It took a bit for the kids to spawn in, time enough that I had to call in a vendor to get her some food. But hey, we found someone to befriend.
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Kristy Malloy is one of mine. I believe I made her family in one of those patch lulls where I wanted to play but didn’t want to risk corrupting my main file. We quickly befriend this genius of a gal as we can, though I had to keep resetting her because she kept wanting to go off-lot far too soon. We need to become friends! Friends! This is a big deal for Selena, trying to befriend kids! Don’t want to go home right away so I’m just going to linger here just a little longer and befriend another kid. She may hate hanging out here but maaan. And quite quickly do we make friends with another kid. Nice! Now, we can go home.
Onto Emille then and she wants to befriend Avery. Sure, why not! Like how the girls just latched onto the one ‘normal’ person around.
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So I was glancing around, trying to see if there was anyone on the street Avery could prank and Selena could befriend for her second adult and we found Noah! Hooray! Still a shame about Mio huh. So I’m going to have her befriend him and then Harrison will do his money making thing. Paint Busk for tips! He’s a dude with a guitar, picked it up for romantic flair. Annnd Emille got her aspiration finished. Nicely done! Now it’s her turn for the social aspiration. But first, bed. Selena should join her in bed but befriending Noah. I’m doing an old tick! Chess table and chatting over chess! It’s a long game after all so they can raise up their friendship well.
Avery is now a vampire as well! Hmm. I could freely edit Tamara’s skintone and vampire archtypes but not Avery’s. Weird. Eh. Oh huh. Selena became friends with Noah but it didn’t count. Because he’s a young adult, not an adult. I never noticed that! Anyway, let’s gather up the cat items we can gather up for soon, Avery’s going to move out! On the one hand, I’m a bit less picky on where I want him to go but I don’t have any good ideas off the top of my head immediately. ...though I should probably pick somewhere that can have a basement easily added into. Well, we can do house hunting after
Neighborhood Watch!
Nothing of note has happened recently. Check back later.
After assessing my options, I say Avery’s going to head out to Brindleton Bay at the Lonely Cabin. Nice and quite and remote, it is. Also marks my second paranoid sim that moved out there so that’s fun! Slowly running out of cheep housing on this file though… -glances on over at the expansions I haven’t purchased yet-
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purplecatghostposts · 4 years
List of things I’ve Seen in the HLVRAI Fandom that I Love
In Art:
- All of your headcannons are so valid I don’t think I’ve seen one that isn’t
- Monster Benrey gives me LIFE. Multiple eyes? Lots of arms? Biggggg? Eldritch being?? SHARP TEETH? Weird shade over the eyes that no one can explain but I LOVE? God it’s all so good, every single one
- To Anyone who gives a Bubby Sharp Teeth: You give me +10 years to my lifespan. You are so so so valid
- If you’ve ever drawn Coomer either short n round and/or with his arm sleeves torn out to reveal pure muscle: I Owe You My Life
- GOD THE FASHION... ITS ALL SO GOOD... I think I’ve seen Coomer wear a Hawaiian shirt a few times and everytime I see it, I die inside, it’s so utterly perfect
- Gordon in general honestly but especially the HAIR. The lil long haired ponytail thing he’s got going on in several drawings I’ve seen is just... sooooo good...
- I’ve seen some Virus Benrey since the stream and y’ALL!!! ITS SO GOOD!!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!
- Benrey’s hair. Need I say more? There’s never a bad take.
- Allllllll the stuff from the ACAB Payday Stream?? ITS SO GOOD!! Flamethrower Benrey has a special place in my heart and the random sonic doodles I see in some of them just make my day
- Whether you put in a JPEG of Sunkist or draw her out with Tommy, it’s so good either way. Sunkist drawings are so pure and seeing just a JPEG of Sunkist edited in will never not be funny.
- It’s a small detail but everytime Forzen is drawn with like a French flag patch on his outfit somewhere? That’s some good shit.
In Fanfiction:
- Holy shit there’s so much I’m ECSTATIC!! Everyone is so ACTIVE too like I almost always see at least a few comments on every fic I read and that!! Is so!! Important!! Tell the authors you love their stuff!! I’m gonna go do that after I finish this post
- (also to anyone who’s commented on one of my fics: You Give Me Life, thank you so much)
- Any Fic where it’s Post-Game AU and Benrey just kinda. Shows up in Gordon’s house. You. Yes you. I love you. You’re so valid.
- The Science Team coming to the real world trope never gets old. Gordon’s reaction is always GOLD and usually the embodiment of that one John Mulany Quote, “You ever think you yourself, ‘Life is already so goddamn weird, this might as well happen?’” And I greatly appreciate that
- mmmm...soft ships... goooooood...
- Benrey does weird unexplainable stuff fics and/or Eldritch/Alien/Inhuman Benrey Fics? yO!! It’s so COOL!!
- Adding in new translations for the Sweet Voice (Especially for Showing Feelings For Plot Reasons) is always fanTASTIC
In Animation:
- I’m constantly binging whatever animations I can find but ohhhhhh bOY ITS ALL SO GOOD
- Expressions... How people draw the characters... How scenes are depicted... ALL OF IT
- This one is for anyone who’s made animations to a song. (AMV? Is that the right word?) You? You make me cry but in a good way. I’m sobbing they’re so beautiful.
- Meme animations, thank you for feeding me. We have 3/4 of the main meme animations (Who Broke This, You Have Uno, Starbucks Discord Call). If anyone makes ‘The One Thing You Can’t Replace’, I will implode immediately. It’ll be fantastic. I love y’all so much.
In General:
- This Community is so good?? Everyone cares about each other?? Respects each other?? Everyone just vibes on a similar wavelength?? Also I’m pretty sure most of the fandom is either in the LGBTQ+ Community or very supportive and it’s so GREAT
- That being said, if you HC any of the characters a certain way because you’re projecting onto them, You. Are. So. Fucking. Valid. I care you.
- All of the AUs I’ve seen are so COOL!! Mothman Benrey?? Mermaids?? Absolutely any of the AUs in the HLVRAI Hellhole Server?? Band AU?? Benrey n Barney are brothers?? Y’all,,, I can barely express how much I love all of them.
- I haven’t seen a single bad ship- it’s all so SOFT!! Boomer and Frenrey hold a special place in my heart but everything else has been so good!! Frenmy? Tommy and Darnold? Darnold and Forzen? Tommy, Darnold, and Forzen? Benrey and Forzen? It’s all done so FLUFFY and WARM and GOOD.
- The Cast really said, “Yeah more fluffy stuff less sexual stuff” and the fandom listened and I’m so glad it’s all so wholesome
That’s all I got off the top of my head but if you got more, feel free to add, and if I remember more I’m gonna add more! But bottom line is, all of you content creators for the HLVRAI Fandom? You’re absolutely amazing and I appreciate everything you do.
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0ciestiel0 · 5 years
Buddie Appreciation
((After the episode Fools I think will update this weekly now because who knows where they are ultimately going with Buddie))
((Also including two of my newest edits))
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Now, Welcome to my Ted Talk:
So obviously Buck and Eddie are close. Buck calls him his best friend in Searchers.
They didn’t start out that way, however.
Buck was jealous of Eddie. Not just because he was a new hot guy who was in his turf and he felt threatened with that whole hot firefighter calendar but of how easily the team accepted Eddie into their ranks. Buck had to fight and earn a place and respect but Eddie just walked in and had it. It stung and you could see it in Bucks facial expressions and overall attitude.
However, that animosity quickly subsided the minute he and Eddie share an intense call. He sees that Eddie has experience and skill. Eddie offers him to have his back and Buck offers the same. But Eddie acknowledges Buck’s skill. He tells him he’s good under pressure. He offers verbal praise which I think is something Buck kinda craves. He seems to need that verbal validation. He must not have had that unconditional love growing up, at least from his parents and Maddie left for school and then got married and had her own set of problems. But Eddie gave that validation. That was a very quick progression to friends but not necessarily unreasonable given Buck’s personality.
They slowly bond over their time being partnered in the field. Buck spends the most time with Chris out of anyone else on the team. Buck helps Eddie out, giving him rides, going to see Santa, getting Eddie Carla, and who knows what else we haven’t seen. The lady elf even thought they were a couple and Chris was their son. Buck obviously cares about Chris. He loves spending time with him. When Eddie brings him to the station Buck was already informing Bobby and getting the necessary permissions. And he was Playing with him on the fire pole with Eddie. Maddie even picks up on their closeness by teasing him about having boy-crush on Eddie.
Eddie talked to Buck about his relationship with Shannon. Buck was the one to take Eddie to the school to make sure Chris was ok and to pick him up, after the earthquake.
There was a lot of this trust built up and then Eddie emphasizes it when he drops Chris off with Buck before the tsunami. He drops by Bucks unannounced, clearly having a key to his place. Like it’s normal for Eddie to just show up without warning. I bet only Maddie would have a key besides Eddie. He gets Buck out of bed, not caring about his personal space. He says Chris is spending time with His Buck today. He’s Chris’s Buck. And maybe Eddie’s too. We don’t really know Eddie’s full meaning behind those words. We’ve never seen Eddie leave Chris with anyone but his family or Carla prior to this. He has a very overprotective nature with Chris. He wouldn’t even trust Shannon with him when she first came back.
And with Shannon is the first time we see Eddie get kind of angry at all. This is important for later. Chris has been the only thing that Eddie expresses lots of emotion for, aside from from his anger at Shannon which is still about Chris.
Then we have the tsunami episodes. And Eddie was happy to show everyone the selfies Buck was sending. He didn’t even seem worried that Buck and Chris were out that day. He likely assumed they were at the movies but still. He trusted Buck. And after Cap said that Buck still has them even if he doesn’t know it Eddie has that look of like ohhhhhh. And boom. Christopher basically becomes Bucks therapy.
And after. That scene at the end of Searchers. Where Eddie tells Buck there’s no one is this world he trusts more with his son than Buck, that’s intense. That’s meaningful. Parents just don’t say that to anyone, friends included. He also said Buck loved Christopher enough to never stop trying. Also an important thing to note. And Buck needed to hear that. Buck needs verbal affirmations it seems. He needs to hear that Eddie and Chris are still going to be a part of his life. That Eddie doesn’t hate him. That Chris doesn’t hate him.
Now to this whole lawsuit non-sense. After the tsunami Buck was cut off from his team. Even Eddie and Chris it seemed. Chris was having nightmares but Eddie didn’t go to Buck for it. It didn’t seem like anyone came around Buck much. And then he comes to find out Lena has taken his locker, his place as Eddie’s field partner. They taped over his name. Eddie is clearly spending time with her. It was all too much for Buck after the loss of no one coming around and he did something stupid. He filed the lawsuit. All he wanted was to get back with his 118 family. Including Eddie and Chris. I think the thought of losing Eddie as his best friend hurt him the most. He didn’t mean to cut of ties with Chris. He never wanted to hurt his family, especially Chris. He just wanted to feel like he belonged again. Like he hadn’t lost his family.
But he did act rashly. And Eddie took his rash decisions the hardest. Which came out at the grocery store. His whole speech was I couldn’t call you. I couldn’t reach out to you. It may have started with Chris misses you but it led to I need you why didn’t you consider that. It also made clear how much Buck means to Eddie. How much Eddie considers Buck a parental figure to Chris. The only other time Eddie got emotional was with Shannon. He felt betrayed when she left. When she left Chris. And it seems like Eddie had very similar feelings here. Like he and Buck had built this relationship and that relationship included Chris and then Buck just up and leaves. It’s like he stopped trying. If he loved Chris so much why would he have done this. To Eddie that felt like a Shannon betrayal all over again and he snapped. Which makes his grocery store outburst make so much more sense. And I think Chim was clearly picking up on just how intense this outburst from Eddie really was.
And It wasn’t just that he couldn’t talk to Buck either but that was certainly part of it. Buck was obviously Eddie’s first choice to bail him out of jail. He said to Lena he couldn’t call the team, he couldn’t call Buck. He separated Buck from the team. Like Buck was more to him than just a colleague or work friend. That he can trust Buck when he can’t trust anyone else. Buck obviously means a lot to Eddie. He even looked ready to deck Buck before the car accident in the parking lot happened. And what happens next? Eddie goes and does illegal street fighting. And Buck? He looked crushed when he heard that Eddie and Chris are hurting. I bet that’s exactly why he gave up on the lawsuit. He didn’t want millions. He wanted his family. He was wondering where Eddie was at the rage room. Just wait until Buck finds out about that. I have a feeling he will be the one to pull Eddie back from this spiral that he’s on.
First thing I’d like to add into this is how the directors/writers add in these very…romantic tropey things with Buck and Eddie. Like how they set up shots for example. During Eddie’s ceremony when he’s finally like not a probationary firefighter and Chris is walking his helmet up the aisle and they have in frame: Eddie’s Abuela, Christopher coming up the middle, and Buck. And let’s take a min to look at Buck’s face as he sees Chris walking to his dad. It’s the face you’d expect a proud mom to have. But anyway. The fact they put Buck and Eddie’s Abuela in the same shot like that seems intentional and seems meaningful. Because Chris and his Abuela are two very important people to Eddie. And they have now included Buck into that moment. Giving us the impression Buck is as important to Eddie as his son (well almost, No One will be more important than Chris to Eddie but you know what I mean) and his Abuela.
Also, During Buck’s welcome back party we see Cap push Eddie, who was looking already ready to pounce, right to Buck to get the first hug. Everyone else waits while Eddie gets to greet his best friend first. And give him a very not bro-like hug. This kind of setup is also something we normally see with romantic partners. The love interest being the first to greet or hug or whatever.
Then we have that shot when Buck finally confronts Eddie for ghosting him when he comes back to the station. When they are standing apart Buck to the left Eddie to the right. It’s a very couple dynamic cinematography. Then after all is said and done, Eddie is still lying to Buck. He won’t meet Buck’s eyes. Like he knows if he makes eye contact Buck will push to find out what Eddie’s been secretly up to. And he knows he’d probably tell him. He tends to do that with Buck. He didn’t exactly want to talk about his relationship with Shannon when they took Chris to see Santa but it happened anyway. He talks to Buck. And Eddie currently doesn’t want to talk.
Next we have Buck and Eddie having dinner together at Bucks place with Christopher. We never see Eddie having dinner or hanging out like that with the other fire fam. Maybe as a group sometimes but never alone. And Eddie, once again, seems perfectly comfortable in Bucks place. we’ve seen he has a key when he showed up to get Buck out of bed pre-tsunami. And now we see him taking plates to the sink like he’s done that a million times before. He didn’t need to ask Buck what he wanted him to do.
And then we have that conversation in the kitchen. While Eddie does seem to have forgiven Buck, for real this time, Buck can’t seem to forgive himself. He apologizes for like the hundredth time. And Eddie is honestly shocked. He thought Buck knew things were good. But to Buck things weren’t. He still felt awful. He never meant to hurt his basically family like that. I think this is an interesting parallel here back to Shannon. She wanted Eddie to forgive her but she never really apologized. Not really. Eddie said he CAN forgive her. But wasn’t sure if he could trust her. He said he forgave Buck. No can, no maybe words. I think a lot of that has to do with their approach’s. Buck went out of his way to show Eddie he was sorry. He verbally said it multiple times. Eddie saw his remorse. He saw how much Buck was hurting just by the thought of hurting him and Christopher. That’s why Eddie thought they were past it. And why Buck didn’t. Buck seems pretty insecure with the people in his life. Like if they don’t tell him straight out what’s up he will worry. I don’t think Eddie’s the only one who feels like he’s not enough. I think Bucks love language thingy would be words of affirmation. He needed to hear Eddie tell him they were past it. To see Eddie really had forgiven him. And once they do get past it they are back to their weird flirty but not flirty thing they do. ([i](I mean did we all see Buck saunter over to Eddie with hands on his belt telling him he could take him?? Like that was a flirty way to say that, Buck))
And I think it says a lot that Eddie says his kind of therapy is just being with Buck and Chris. Buck does seem to be a grounding point for Eddie. Saying that out loud to Buck I think was important too because like I mentioned above Buck needs to hear things. Hearing that tells Buck that Eddie loves spending time with him. With his son. Basically like it’s his ideal day. It makes him happy.
And then we have the Christmas episode. Eddie invites Hen and Denny over to build gingerbread houses with Chris. But he also invites Buck. Hen points that out. All three of the boys. Buck, Chris, and Denny. Eddie knows how much Buck means to Chris. But I also think on some level he’s moral support for Eddie since he just told Hen that Chris was mad at him or upset really because he had to work on Christmas. And then Chris asks, His Buck, if he can spend Christmas with him. Like if he can’t have his dad he can have his Buck. Which is saying something right there. He knew he was going to be with his Abuela and his aunt but he still asked Buck. Buck obviously has a special place in Chris’s life for him to feel that way. To ask that kind of question knowing the alternative choice. But of course they both work and Eddie and Buck look heartbroken when Buck has to tell that to Chris. Let’s not overlook the face Eddie makes when he watches them make the gingerbread houses. Eddie looks so…happy when he looks over to Buck helping the kids. He doesn’t really look at other people that way.
Then at the station during the dinner, Buck is sitting next to Chris. Or more like Chris gets to sit next to both his dad and his Buck. They group Buck with the Diaz family a lot during this part. When Buck gives Chris his gift, it’s Chris, Buck, Eddie, and his Abuela off to the side. During dinner they sit like a family. During the fire fam photo Buck stands next to Eddie and the Diaz clan. When they return to the station to find all their family there the look on Bucks face is pure joy as he sees Eddie see Chris. And as he watched Eddie rush to Chris. Buck to doesn’t really make that face for other people. He made a similar face when Chris walked Eddie’s helmet up to Eddie after his probation status was up.
The writers and directors are intentionally making Buck look like part of Eddie’s family. They started this in season two but it’s increased since then. The way they film the shots, the way they write the dialogue, and the way the actors act the parts all add up to a very romantic/family centered relationship.
It makes me wonder how much is implied off screen between Buck and Eddie. Like how much time does Buck really spend with the two, how much co-parenting are we not seeing. Because Chris isn’t attached to anyone else from the fire fam like he is Buck. It must mean Buck spends quite a bit of time with them. Kids don’t just get attached like that otherwise.
Episode 11 of season 3. So they start off giving us an odd look between Buck and Eddie on being asked if they are single. Was that necessary? Why did they look at each other? Are they setting up a not single scenario? In all honesty I feel like it’s too late to give us a love interest for either of them this far into a season for it to be a serious love interest.
Then we have Maddie scolding Buck for not bringing a gift to Eddie’s house. He didn’t need Maddie to “save him from himself”. Buck knows when to bring gifts, he’s done so at least twice before. Like with Bobby and Athena’s Christmas thing he brought like wine and eggnog. So he didn’t bring a gift because he was being forgetful or rude he did it because he doesn’t feel like a guest in Eddie’s house. Because Eddie has made him feel this way. Eddie wants him to feel that way. So when he says this is Eddie’s house, he’s not really a guest, both he and Eddie mean that.
Eddie also gives Buck and Chris that really soft but huge smile he only gives them while Buck was playing with Chris on the couch with Albert. And Buck hovers next to Albert and Chris as everyone is getting dinner, like he needs to supervise.
Episode 12 of season 3. Now this episode was stressful for many Buddie shippers I’m sure. But we are not yet to the famous line of Dante “Abandon all hope ye who enter here”.
Yes, Eddie does flirt with that teacher. But Eddie is still human and the pretty girl kinda flirted with him. And sometimes there is a “mistake” relationship before the real romance happens. Many late season love interests don’t end up staying on tv shows. They are a stepping stone almost. If she does stay at all or more like if they continue to pursue this or if Eddie leaves it. Who knows where they were going with this, it could be a thing or it could end at flirting. Although I do fail to see how they could possibly build to something as good and developed with a new love interest as they have with Buck and Eddie. The foundation has basically been built for them already and they would literally have to start from the ground up with someone new to make this any sort of believable. Not just some nice, cute, woman thrown into either of their lives.
Eddie did apologize to her but some of the things she said make me wonder if they are hinting to Eddie’s future Buck feelings. Like her whole “There’s also some value in learning that… you don’t like horses.” Could that mean she picked up on something Eddie hasn’t? Or foreshadowing? Writers do dirty tricks like that. And I’d personally like to believe they wouldn’t set up Eddie with someone we the audience haven’t had anytime to get to know. He’s not that kind of guy from what we know. He’s had like one relationship. And even when he was separated (before she died) from Shannon he didn’t date?? So why would he just jump into something with this teacher whom we and he know nothing about??
Buck’s teasing Eddie while they got that woman unstuck from a window also seemed a little jealous maybe? Not to say he’s jealous Eddie has a date and he doesn’t but jealous he’s not the date even if Buck doesn’t totally realize that’s why he’s jealous. A stretch perhaps but why did he need to bring it up right then. Plus Eddie looked like “hey, I didn’t tell you that to mock me” kind of face. Like shocked Buck said that. And if Bobby’s face was anything to go by that was something he only had told Buck about because Bobby looked very shocked and confused, and clearly knew nothing of that situation Eddie had gotten himself in. Buck blurting that out seemed a little...out of place, is all I’m saying. Was he maybe a little relieved he may never talk to her again outside of school necessities? But Eddie apologizes anyway soo...
And we can’t forget about the poker game at Maddie’s and how Buck was not at all offended that he would get set up with a man but that his sister said she wouldn’t do that to Josh. Plus I think Buck isn’t really looking to date. I know he said all those things but since when has Buck ever had trouble getting a date if he wanted to. I was getting the vibe that Buck just isn’t actively looking. That he’s kind of ok with where he’s at right now.
We also can’t ignore how Eddie clearly vents to Buck. Not only about Chris but his terrible flirting and snippy behavior. And Buck also puts things into a better perspective for Eddie. He doesn’t just offer up some weak moral support, he offers actual constructive advice. He trusts Buck. Yes, that comes with being his best friend but when you pair that with all the other romantic subtext you get that close bond that Eddie likely isn’t going to get with someone else. (Cute English teacher I’m looking at you). And he also trusts Buck with Chris. He trusts Buck’s advice even though he’s not a parent himself. More than he trusts anyone else according to Eddie. And they are at Buck’s place. Alone. No Chris? That was clearly a hangout so Eddie could vent and talk out his feelings. Plus Buck uses baseball as a stepping stone for his point. He knows Eddie likes it. And they only just brought baseball up last episode. But we know Buck pays attention to small details. Did Buck actually read that book in the hospital? Or did he research people who were different but found ways to succeed before Eddie came over? Also, Eddie knew who the player was so he probably knew some of the details of his interesting story. But he let Buck explain.
And ok. When Eddie is talking to Chris he tells him things he told Buck in regards to Chris. He told his son to never stop trying. He told Buck he knows he loves Chris enough to never stop trying. He also tells Chris that next time he wants to try something they will try it together. And that just happens to also mean with Buck. That was likely Buck’s idea, just like with Carla, and Christmas. Buck doesn’t hesitate with Chris, if he can do something for him he’s going to get it done. He puts so much effort into being there for Chris, for making sure Chris is ok, he already loves Eddie’s son so much and the tsunami only bonded them more.
And the most heartwarming scene of the episode? Eddie and Buck surprising Chris with the special skateboard while Carla films the whole thing. They way Eddie and Buck look while they both spend time with Chris is just so domestic and comfortable and sweet. They feel like a family. They look like a family. They act like a family. Buck and Eddie are so in sync with each other. They only look at each other that way. Eddie’s flirty eyes are still different than the “heart” eyes he gives to Buck and his son. It’s a look so far that is exclusively reserved for them.
And the episode title, Fools, leaves a lot of questions too. The episode Eddie happens to flirt happens to be titled fools? The fools were not limited to the calls they received. Our fire fam is not immune.
The conclusion here?
Buck and Eddie definitely have an established relationship. Maybe it’s not romantic, at least yet (I can hope), but Buck has become a parental figure in Christopher’s life, regardless. And Eddie doesn’t let that happen with just anyone. And hell, they have more actual chemistry than most actual tv couples. I’m always a bit surprised when people say they don’t see how anyone could think Buck and Eddie should be a couple or how they look like a couple. You don’t have to ship them but saying you can’t even see why people do? Confuses me, Because they show is really hitting us hard with romantic tv tropes. However, if these tropes go nowhere and Buddie doesn’t develop, then this show is probably going to take the title for best queerbaiting show on network television.
And in all honesty I want Eddie to have someone who loves his son as much as he does because his son is his world. And who loves him too. And Buck already does that. And Chris loves Buck. And I want Buck to have that family that loves him because family is clearly something important to Buck and something he may not have had growing up. And he has that with Eddie and Chris. They could easily be each other’s happy. They made something wonderful, it didn’t just fall into their laps.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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yenslilac · 5 years
Daenerys Targaryen and Ophelia: An Essay
I wrote this a while back, just after Season 8 ended. After a few edits, I decided to share it with you! Disclaimer: I wrote this fueled with rage at 11 at night for two weeks straight. Don’t judge. 
Part 1: The Heroine Goes Absolutely Bats**t Crazy
Ophelia. Known throughout time as That Crazy Chick Who Drowned Herself. What a legacy. And Daenerys: She Who Toasted A City Like Marshmallows And Then Was Offed By Her Nephew/Lover. The sad thing is, these are my heroes. What a life. But the ‘Insane Heroine’ trope is prevalent in many forms of media – Dark Phoenix is another example. At first glance, Daenerys and Ophelia have very little in common; Daenerys is a powerful and assertive leader, and Ophelia is a background love interest. The one thing that unites them – they go crazy because of rejected love. While their descent into madness is slightly different; Ophelia is pitiful, Daenerys aggressive, both end up dying indirectly or directly as a result of their lover. Lovely. Let’s talk first about Ophelia – She is rebuffed Hamlet, the original pathetic sad boy, and at the death of her father, goes insane. After several performances of her insanity, she makes her way to a river where she falls (or throws?) herself into the water and drowns. This is witnessed by Gertrude, who then goes on to tell her brother Laertes of her death. It’s a pretty monologue, describing the flowers and plants growing along the riverbank, and how pretty and peaceful she looked as she sank under water and DIED. Remember this. Then my girl Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men etc. etc. Oh boy. Ohhhhhh boy. What can I say except **************** ***** ** **********. Thank you for your time. But she like Ophelia, was scorned by her Boyfriend Who Felt It Was Just A Little Weird That She Was His Aunt. But like, your paternal grandparents and the rest of your great-whatever grandparents were siblings, and your maternal grandparents were cousins so… But I digress. Wait no, this is what it’s all about. I’m back! I un-digress! So, she goes ‘insane’ cause she can’t get laid (don’t we all?) and roasts a whole lot of people and becomes… Hitler for some reason… So, Boyfriend Who Felt It Was Just A Little Weird That She Was His Aunt And Really Wishes He Can Just Catch A Break For Once Is It Really Too Much Too Ask is egged on by Murder Sister™ and Smarty Pants McGee to kill her. Just like my friends! He makes out with her and stabs her (best of both worlds!) and she dies. Very prettily. Remember this. You know. YOU KNOW I’m going to rant about this.
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Part 2: Heroic Man Kills The Crazy Lady Like The Feral Dog She Is (But Feels Sad About It) 
Trope as old as time… why is this still fine… surely there’s a better plot deviiiiiice. “Duty is the death of love…” Shut up. Shut up. No, it isn’t. There is a thing called multitasking. You should try it. But let’s recap. Woman goes crazy because of lover/hero of the story rebuffing her because he’s got issues of his own that he doesn’t care to share with her, and close friend/family member is killed. This is when the paths of the Hero diverge. Hamlet does not actually kill Ophelia himself, but his careless actions towards her eventually drive her to suicide. Jon, on the other hand, does kill Daenerys, (no, I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed) by a knife to the heart while snogging her. (I’d like to take the opportunity to say that this was ridiculous and yes, I will die mad about it.) What else is similar? Hamlet holds Ophelia’s (or in some adaptations tries to) dead body in his arms as she is about to be buried and Jon holds Daenerys as she dies. They cry and wish it didn’t have to be this way, but really guys, this is Your Fault.
The problem with this trope in particular (and I’m talking about a lot of other examples here, like Dark Phoenix and Wolverine) is that it renders the killer sympathetic. They didn’t want to do this, but it was for the good of humanity, it was a mercy, blah blah blah. Really? Did someone make you kill her? No, a sense of moral justice does not count. Hamlet abuses and humiliates Ophelia then claims he loved her so much that ‘forty thousand brothers could not…” Creepy. I have to say, creepy. And Jon Snow. “Was it right? It doesn’t feel right…” I’m glad you came to that conclusion. I really am. But I knew this from the moment you stuffed that butter knife into her spleen, so honestly you don’t have any business feeling sorry for yourself. If there’s one lesson that Game of Thrones and Shakespeare has taught me, it is:
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(not an artist, don’t judge)
Part 3: Someone Died And The Director Said, “Cool But Like… Make It Fashion.”
Do you remember what I told you to remember? Did you? Cause I’m about to RANT.
Throughout time (like 500 years) men have been painting Ophelia’s drowning – the probable suicide of a tormented young woman – and made sure she looked hot while doing it. True, the description of her death is pretty and all, but depictions of her floating just below the surface, a dramatic and lovely pose and flowers strewn around her glamorise her death – something many other people have taken note on – and give her death something of a peaceful, serene departing note, rather than the death of a woman so deranged she did not appear to understand the gravity of her situation as she sank under water. Daenerys suffers a similar case of SDPS (Sexy Dead Person Syndrome). Let’s go through it step by step, shall we? While in an embrace with someone she loves and trusts, she is stabbed in the heart area (I guess?), and she dies. The End. My respect for white men flew off with Drogon. But I haven’t complained properly yet! Compared to other characters, like Myrcella, Joffrey and Catelyn Stark to name a few, her death was very clean. In these other examples, blood runs down their faces or spurts out of their neck in suitably graphic fashion but Daenerys’ case, two thin lines of blood trickle from her nose and mouth. Pretty, pretty. We get a brief shot of a pool of blood on the snow as Drogon picks her up, but blink and you’ll miss it. She looks shocked and confused as she dies, yet the next shot of her face shows her eyes are closed and an almost peaceful expression on her face. Not only this but we don’t actually get any proper Last Words, when she knows she is about to die. She makes no sound at all. She dies prettily and quietly. We also don’t see the knife at all until she is dead, removing any very graphic nature from the scene. A lot of the camera shots are of Jon’s face. This scene is not about Daenerys Targaryen’s death; This is about Jon Snow’s inner turmoil as he selflessly sacrifices the woman he loves to save the rest of the world. Hold up one second I gotta……
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I mean, come on. Daenerys is barely mentioned after her death. She, a woman who freed hundreds, no, thousands of slaves and worked hard to reach her goals (albeit a little dragonfire-y) yet she dies without a whisper and is forgotten almost immediately. She becomes less of a central character and more of a catalyst for other men’s rise to power (see Bran the Broken). Wait, what about Sansa, you cry? Well, at this point, she was so out of character I’m striking her from the narrative. Bye bitch 😊 The same goes for most of the other women in the last season. They become plot devices with a little agency and that’s about it. Missandei? Unnecessarily killed to create the “Mad Queen”. Cersei? A compelling villain reduced to a ‘crying girl who wants to be comforted’. Arya? Kills the Night King and then, I dunno. Sansa? Suspicious of Daenerys because of reasons, betrays her brother/cousin because she doesn’t want Daenerys on the throne, then just ‘forgets’ about this whole thing to become Queen in the North. Brienne? Honourable knight left sobbing after her one (k)night stand left her. Another thing that many of these women have in common (the ones who survived to the final episode anyway) is that none of them have romantic endgames despite this being set up. Arya and Gendry have been close friends in Season 2 and 3, then <3  and everyone (i.e. me) thought that you know, they get together and stuff, because that’s what the writers seemed to be setting up. But nope. Arya’s all like ‘I wanna kill the queen’ (which she never does) and throws all that out the window. (But Gendry was totally on that ship at the end). Brienne and Jaime seemed to finally stop eye fricking and then got straight to the actual fricking but nooooo. “I lOvE CeRseI! WE’re bOTh tERrIble PeOple!” And of course, the crowning glory:
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And the woman who actually does come out on top is Sansa, a largely unemotional, suspicious woman whose brother is now the king and made her a queen because she’s his sister. Riiiight. That’s totally not nepotism or anything. 
The End: But Boy, Am I Just Beginning
To conclude, the ending of Daenerys Targaryen was largely misogynistic as it painted a brutal and dishonourable murder as an act of mercy and gave the killer (sorry man, I feel like I’m throwing you under the bus here, but it must be said) a sympathetic angle as a heartbroken martyr sacrificing for the greater good. I had high expectations, I really did, but you just took it anD THREW IT IN THE DIRT. Good god. But it’s fine, I have fanfiction anyway.
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Thank you for reading this, if you stuck around this far!
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Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Chapter 12: The 4pm Bookstacks (Part 2)
Previously: Yashiro and the suspicious girl (yes, I’m gonna keep calling her that until we learn her name) met for the first time. Her suspicion levels rose to even greater heights since she seems not only to know about Hanako (and the other mysteries) but also she seemed to imply that there’s possibly another little ghost boy going around? Which made me ask a lot questions last chapter, and apparently they will be answered in due time, so I won’t repeat those here. Anyway, following her advice, Yashiro and Kou ventured into the 4pm Bookstacks a.k,a. the fifth mystery of the school to hopefully learn more about Hanako. And Yashiro did find some details but the big terrifying butterfly monsters in that boundary made their little expedition come to an unexpected end. Thankfully, Hanako and...Tsuchigomori, yes, that was his name, appeared just in time to get rid of the two big butterfly Yashiro and Kou look-alikes. Tsuchigomori really wasn’t pleased with the state the kids left the bookstacks in sooo..... we’ll see what happens.
Now onto the next chapter!
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Ohhhhh we’re starting with a colour page of the last portion of last chapter! It’s so gorgeous and btw one of the main things that caught my attention when I saw the anime screenshots was the art style and the colouring. And I gotta say, the manga really doesn’t dissapoint, it’s so beautiful.
Okay, so onto the actual chapter and....
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I legit had to go check how the last chapter ended again because I thought I was forgetting something but no. It seems like we’re starting after a little timeskip and Tsuchigomori wants Yashiro to say something?
Ah, here’s narrator Yashiro again. And I just
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There’s so much going on here. Hanako cheering with the fans, the little “shame” sign above her head, the “(working title)” gag, and omg the little radishes with the microphones pffft I can’t. This manga really is something else.
But yes, Yashiro is recapping what happened between the end of the last chapter and the start of this one.
Kou mentions that he can’t believe that one of their teacher’s is not actually human and yeah, finding out someone you interact with almost every day is actually a supernatural being must be quite a shock. huh? But! Tsuchigomori says that it’s more common than one would think
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Huh. When he puts it like that, I can see his point. I mean, there must be an array of supernaturals that aren’t necessarily bound to a place and they might not want to live in hidding. If they can blend in with the humans and live semi-normal lives, then why not do it? Also, being able to influence your own rumors makes a lot of sense, that way you would be able to stop them if they got too out of hand. But also
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................well, now that he’s said that, I’m 90% sure that one of them will end up being a supernatural. Because come on, it would make the plot more exciting.
Yashiro brings up a good point: that could be dangerous, but Hanako says that they shouldn’t worry since that’s what the mysteries are here for and I just 
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There’s something so funny about this panels. Like, the contrast between Hanako’s cheery disposition and Tsugochimori and Yako’s just overall “done” aura it’s just great. 
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It just keeps getting better pffffft Yeah, idk if that’s the best way to describe their group. “Emo spider” made me giggle more than it probably should have
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............Yes, the leader thing is clearly true. And I talked about it during last chapter, but I really wonder if he’s the “boss” because he’s the most powerful one of the bunch and because his task is to take care of not only the random apparitions but also the mysteries themselves (like with what happened with Yako). Also jfc sometimes I forget how scary Hanako can get
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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh we have a clearer picture of the mysteries!!! Okay so we have Hanako, Yako and Tsuchigomori highlighted since we have met them already. Then we have another three: I had noticed the girl and the mirror before but this confirms that they are two different mysteries; then there’s a clocked figure....that I know it’s facing away from us but my brain just keeps seeing it as a big bug that has huge bulging eyes and almost human teeth and I hate it. But this is just showing six right now, yes? There’s one missing? (EDIT: Oh, I think I see it now, there’s a separate silhouette between Yako and the bug man, right?)
But anyway!! the important point is here is that apparently they think there’s a traitor among them. And they think this traitor has tied their fate to a human and they’re using this human as a way to alter the rumors around the school. So the human would be the suspicious girl because we know that she’s been spreading rumors. And if that’s the case, then this possibility about the “other Hanako” being the traitor would also be high. Because, come on, the drama would unbelievable
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Ohhhhhh that’s interesting. So the reason they think that one of the seven is behind this is because only a powerful supernatural would be able to change the rumors in a way that would actually affect another one of the seven mysteries. And I was right to a point: there meeting was indeed about the changes in the rumors.
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...........oh. I mean, I guess that would get rid of the problem. But I really need to know what that would entail. Because it obviously isn’t permanent if he says it’s only “for a while”. Like, would it involve doing something like what they did with Yako? Because Hanako had said that she had to “return her number” or something of the sort when he fought her, right? And she has less power than she had before, too, right?
Ah, okay. The next page confirms that yes, that’s exactly the case. And because of that, Hanako’s idea is to destroy all of the mysteries’ yorishiros before they even have a chance of going berserk. And I can see the value in doing that but like, what if the “traitor” isn’t, for some reason, actually part of the seven? Wouldn’t that leave them vulnerable?
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And I agree with Tsuchigomori (side note: my brain always autocorrects his name to “tsugochimori” and I have to make a conscious effort to actually type his name the correct way why is this so hard for me). It does seem like quite a rash plan to put into action, even if they can reappoint the mysteries later on. Then again, I understand why Hanako wants to avoid pissing Teru off because we know how that went and... yikes
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Pffffft this face made me laugh so much, it reminds me of one of my favourite Tanjirou faces.
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^this one
Also ngl my heart stopped for a second when he said “no” because I thought it would lead to a fight but then I scrolled down so thankfully that’s not the case.
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.................. *looks up echinococcus*: any of a number of tapeworms of the genus Echinococcus whose larvae are parasitic in humans and domestic animals. 
Omfg by e that’s harsh but also so nerdy. Yako’s response is both appropriate and incredibly over the top at the same time. I really like their dynamic so far
Ohhh okay. Tsuchigomori says that he’s a supernatural who craves knowledge, and if they’re gonna destroy his yorishiro and temporarily take away his boundry, then he wants information that would be valuable enough as compensation. And, okay, I now see what the beginning of the chapter was about.
Ah, he says that he will still let Yashiro destroy his Yorishiro even if they don’t tell him anything, but he says that if they don’t, then he will broadcast their most embarrassing secrets to the school. That.......that would do it, yeah, I completely understand why Yashiro was so willing to talk at the beginning. That would be a nightmare jfc
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.............still kinda hot ngl
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Btw I love that this is drawn as a fighting game, it’s so cute.
Yashiro gives it a shot but Tsuchigomori is not impressed. 
(Side note but Hanako’s reaction just gives me life:
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He doesn’t even try to hide his jelousy, does he?)
Omg he’s reading the one of the letters she “exchanged” with Teru and omfg Tsuchigomori stop she’s already dead
Okay now it’s Kou’s turn. Good luck, sweet child. It’s probably something really pure
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...........Baby boy, bless him
Both of them are getting fired up and spitting out their secrets and they’re such small and dumb secrets, bless their little hearts
Ohhh and Kou is appealing to what’s probably their last resort: asking Hanako to spill any secret he might have (there are probably a lot of secrets, my instincs tell me Hanako’s secrets probably have secrets)
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Oh? What’s this we have here? Those looks scream shared history. Well, I guess that Tsuchigomori could have read Hanako’s book since that’s part of his boundary. It would make sense for him to have read it. But idk, I feel like there’s something more to it that I can’t quite put my finger on. Like, why would he say “enough”? Because he’s read Yashiro’s book and he still wanted to know more. What makes Hanako different?
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ಥ‿ಥ ಥ‿ಥ ಥ‿ಥ 
They’re so freaking cute I can’t deal with it omg Also look at Hanako’s surprised face! The NeneKou combo is too pure to resist
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.......................................................of all the things I could have expected, this was not one of them. I- why is that so wholesome, though?? like, it’s really silly but also no one gave this child the right to be so freaking adorable (EDIT: also, is this gonna be relevant to the chapter title “donuts”? is Hanako gonna get some yummy donuts? I would honestly be okay with a chapter that centered around that. let the baby have his donuts)
“Are you both morons?” Yes, Tsuchigomori, they are. geez, I thought you had read their books, you should know by now. But also give them so leeway, they’re excited to learn more about their ghost friend. Like seriously
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Look at them, they’re so happy together, even Hanako has what seems to be a genuine smile. And by that comment I’m guessing that Tsuchigomori noticed that, as well
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Hmmm. Okay, two things: 1) so Tsuchigomori did read Hanako’s book and knows everything about his life 2) the fact that, knowing everything about him, he believed that Hanako wouldn’t want to create any new friendships AND the fact that this kinda implies imo that he hasn’t seen Hanako making that kinda gentle expression before is all just. really sad and it makes my heart hurt
 Anyway, sad thoughts aside, spiderman here tells them their time is up because their secrets are so ridiculously dumb that they’re not worth discussing.
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Why is he so fucking weird? and why do I kinda fucking love him already??
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This man just keeps earning more and more points in my book
But yeah, he says that he’s not gonna broadcast their secrets since he was (kinda) joking and he did end up seeing something interesting after all. In the end, he agrees to take them to his yorishiro! Yaaay!
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kingofthewilderwest · 5 years
It's anon-whose-dad-looks-like-McGucket again! He hasn't eaten any raccoons... yet... at least that I know of... XD Having fallen into this fandom hole rather aggressively with a lot of time on my hands, I have found the episode commentaries, graphic novel, and shorts. Are there any other behind the scenes or supplementary materials you recommend?
Hey there again! And bless, bless you for falling down the fandom hole.
As far as supplementary materials are concerned, I’m going to list everything I would recommend. I’ll even list things you’ve mentioned above, in case other people reading this post would be interested learning about GF extended materials too! I’ll be listing GF content in order roughly from “most essential” to “not so essential.” Note: this isn’t a comprehensive list of tie-ins. Also note: this list talks about spoilers from the show itself.
Journal #3. If you’ve already found out about the graphic novel and gotten your hands on that, I imagine you know about Journal #3 too - but since you didn’t mention it above, or if you were going to skip it over, I’m bringing it up now! Journal #3 is a *MUST*. I consider this book as essential to the Gravity Falls experience as the show itself. (Probably because the 1980s boys are my soul, life, and feels.) Journal #3 isn’t written to be a dump of monster lore, though there’s paranormal experiences in this book, of course. Journal #3 is a well-done narrative focusing on Ford’s hubris character arc and providing it amazing resolution. It also complexly dives into the relationship between Ford and Fiddleford, and to say that that narrative has ruined me and kept me awake at night would be an understatement. It makes the scenes and events of S2 more meaningful, and just… aughghgh. There’s so much to unpack there and I keep waiting for an excuse to yak about it.It’s also got several moments I wish could have been in the show proper (though I respect the need to cut for time and focus on the Essential Essentials, and think they did a great job prioritizing). If you’ve finished the commentaries (don’t know how far you are), you may remember Alex Hirsch saying they tried to get Dipper’s real name reveal into the show sev’ral timez, but ultimately cut it and left it for Journal #3. That scene definitely reads as “should have been in the show,” and it’s a great moment. Plus, Ford’s final remarks about “trust no one”? Ohhhhhh it’s so good, and makes the resolution to the show’s events all the better.
Journal #3 Blacklight Edition. Unless you can travel back in time to preorder, or have several thousand USD to spend today (no, I’m not joking, go onto eBay and cry), you’re not going to get your paws on the special blacklight edition of Journal #3. But there are people who have photographed important notes! Such as: [1] [2] [3]
Lost Legends. A  graphic novel with several short adventures. They’re all side adventures, but there’s some development on Dipcifica, and Mabel confronting her selfishness, that are nice additions and expansions to people’s characterizations. Wonderfully done, nicely arted, and feels like reading four new short episodes of the show.
The shorts, etc. I know you said you’ve gotten to the shorts, but there are so many shorts and promotional ads that I hope you’re going through the wiki pages and not just DVD menus to unearth everything. I don’t feel like pulling up my DVD to check, but if I remember right, some things like Creepy Letters from Lil’ Gideon didn’t make it to hard copy release?So anyway. I know some of these are easy to find and you’ve probably gone through them, but for the sake of thoroughness:
The Unaired Pilot
Creature in the Closet
Dipper’s Guide to the Unexplained
Mabel’s Guide to Life
Fixin’ It with Soos
TV Shorts 1 and TV Shorts 2
Mabel’s Scrapbook
Mystery Shack: Shop at Home with Mr. Mystery and its Outtakes
Old Man McGucket’s Conspiracy Corner
Creepy Letters from Lil’ Gideon
Gravity Paws
’Pocalypse Preppin’
The deleted scenes. The special edition DVD/Blu-ray provides a ton of S2 footage of the writer’s room, Alex narrating the storyboards, and through that showing us scenes that were cut or altered. There’s AMAZING stuff there, oh my goodness.It’s complicated finding all released deleted scenes materials, though, and honestly, I’m still trying to fish through the interwebs for more. You’ll find some released storyboards online for S1 and S2 that didn’t make animation. There’s a second long animation of Ford and Stan adjusting their glasses at the same time that made trailers but not “A Tale of Two Stans.” Or you’ll find things on Alex’s twitter page, like the now-notorious Dipper-snaps-Dippy-Fresh’s-neck-on-screen moment. And things like Bill’s initial introduction scene have been animated by fans. :)
Shmeb-you-unlocked website. I have fondness for this page because I love learning minor details about characters. This is a hidden website url you can uncover going through Lost Legends. Got some fun stuff on Anti-Mabel, Tate McGucket, and Pacifica, for instance. 
The Episode Commentaries. Seriously, these are the most enjoyable commentaries I think I’ve watched (outside of the LOTR cast commentaries, anyway). They’ve got insight into everything, from talking about character psychology, to storytelling techniques, to storyboard artists’ contributions, to how fans’ responses literally changed how the creative team wrote the show. 
The Special Features for the Special Edition DVD / Blu-ray release. All the special features on the DVDs are cool and enjoyable! Between the Pines, etc.
The Hidden Special Features. The Special Edition DVD / Blu-ray release comes with lots of hidden special features! Grunkle Stan’s hidden commentary for Land Before Swine is treasure. Like, Stan starts rambling about his childhood and embarrassing stories about Ford and stuff… it’s amazing. There’s also a Bill special feature that I love. 
Cipher Hunt! Most of it’s just fun, but it’s wild to consider that Alex staged an international scavenger hunt by choice. I don’t like road trips, but I would be very tempted to travel to see that Bill Cipher statue. Because I have… fandom issues. Haha.
Dipper and Mabel and the Curse of the Time Pirates’ Treasure! Though I’ve entertained myself with this, I don’t recommend this as highly as the other stuff on here. But if you want to keep living Gravity Falls, this is one of the books out there with original non-show content. There’s even a few moments in this book that were taken from the unaired pilot or deleted scenes. It’s a choose-your-own adventure, has nice art, and stuff. While it is written by Rowe, I don’t consider this as necessary of an addition to Gravity Falls fans because the choose-your-own adventure doesn’t (to me) capture the deep heart of the show. It’s more of a light, silly, random what-have-you. It does have a hidden web link to a page with the Axolotl, though, so that’s sort of important?
The Games. Most games are simple online flash games with no informative or lore-adding content to them. You won’t get anything new out of them, so take or leave them. But ya know, they still pass time in non-objectionable ways. If you’re really craving ANYTHING GF, why the fuck not. That’s how I ended up playing them. Some games have enjoyable versions of the main theme… the Weirdmageddon: Take Back the Falls game did not have to go so rocking hard on the music, and yet it did. (I may have recorded the audio to the level select and stuff and added it to my iTunes library.)I know you’ve been watching me play Legend of the Gnome Gemulets on my twitch. The other games that I think are the most entertaining are Rumble’s Revenge and Pinesquest (mostly Pinesquest, but it’s a “sequel” to Rumble’s Revenge). 
And if you haven’t gone clue hunting and decrypting yourself, and don’t want to extend the effort to do so, the cryptograms page on the wiki is a must!
Alex’s old twitter posts have some interesting things too from time to time?
I hope I remembered the main things. And I hope this helps!
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quecksilvereyes · 5 years
🔥 🔥 🔥 give me ur opinions on mermaids and how people portray them vs ur preferences 🔥 🔥 🔥
ohhhhhh boy
ok so this is mainly a rant about what hollywood thinks a mermaid is, to preface.
but! why does almost every hollywood production assume that mermaid = siren and the other way around???? why does every movie go “mermaid must mean they lure you in with singing“ when 1) sirens aren’t even water creatures. they’re half woman half bird and they also don’t seduce you away from anything with sex, they seduce you with knowledge and 2) mermaids (at least western ones) aren’t characterised to have nice voices (or even tails half the time!)
in european storytelling traditions, mermaids are nature creatures who don’t have a soul the way humans do (the fact that this is stupidly christian aside), so they’re either content to be what they are and spend their time either playing pranks, warning people or being generally careless, or they want a soul. How do they get a soul? Marriage with a human! (stupid i know.) That’s where the little mermaid comes from, that’s where Undine comes from, that’s where Nixen go ‘fuck you’ and decide to be the closest to sirens: they lure people in and drown them, but they rarely do it singing. Fun fact! The little mermaid didn’t have a tail in first drafts but Andersen ended up changing it to make the divide between land and sea more tangible. As a rule of thumb, the younger a depiction is, the more gruesome it is and you can definitely tell that a lot of people were working through their unwanted attraction to women via mostly the Nixen stories but since storytelling is an oral thing and thus susceptible to change, there are many versions of even old depictions being seductive and drowning whoever they’ve seduced.
selkies are a whole different thing and i don’t know as much about them but they do follow the general rule of thumb: creature of the sea that can temporarily walk on land, gets married to a human - the deviation here is that the spouse often knows who they’ve married and are actively keeping them prisoner by hiding their skin
Now, of course you don’t have to adhere to that tradition or even keep in it, but it does annoy me that so many people conflate sirens and mermaids, there are so many interesting things to be done with mermaids even if you never give them siren traits at all! This is really all over the place bc I just woke up but yeah. sirens aren’t mermaids is my general point.
edit bc im a dumbass and you just said it: in general, design wise its all so boring and all the same all the time. like. tell me why mermaids are always so thin, tell me why they’re always white, tell me why no one ever puts more thoughts into what they do, where they come from, how they eat, where they live. give me diverse mermaids, both in lore and body and skin colour, i’m tired of thin white is-really-what-we-think-a-siren-is
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thebiscuiteternal · 5 years
Festivia Finds Out
I have no idea whether I’ll actually make this a fic when I get my creative mojo back or not, so for now I’m just making worldbuilding notes for this alternate timeline.
- Crescenta, being the overachieving little psycho she is, demands an early coronation and her mother’s retirement. Festivia, being completely burnt-out from having to keep everyone happy all the time is like “Well, if that’s what you want (it’s your funeral),” and begins making preparations.
- In order to get everything perfect, because everything has to be perfect or it will be all her fault and that can’t happen, Festivia decides it would be great to have tributes to the prior queens as a sort of solidarity thing; Crescenta taking her place in the family history and getting the recognition Festivia herself didn’t when she was crowned.
- So off to the archives she goes! Only... this is weird, why are so many scrolls in such janky shape? Why does it look like her own name was just hastily stitched in? Ooh, maybe she had an older sister who died or ran off with Mum or something! Festivia figures the MHC could tell her more about her family. Sure, there was that huge fight she had with Auntie Heckapoo when she found out her mother wasn’t eaten by monsters, but this is different! She already knows Eclipsa tried to run off, so what could possibly be a bigger secret than that?
- Oh boy. Ohhhhhh boy. Festivia doesn’t even get an answer, doesn’t even get to ask, because as soon as she brings in and holds up the scrolls that show she was added to the line of queens, the MHC goes into big panic mode and she gets crystallized because oh shit oh fuck what if she finds out the truth and it gets out?!?!?! Worst of all, Heckapoo is the first to freak and order Rhombulus to fire. Heckapoo, the one Festivia thought loved her the most.
- Festivia being missing barely gets touched on. Crescenta’s mildly annoyed that her coronation party’s not perfect, but she’s QUEEN and that’s all that matters. Dirhennia’s worried because her mother would never miss a party she planned, but the MHC make up some bullshit about how Festivia was eager to start enjoying her retirement.
- Eclipsa and Globgor’s crystals are still right where they are crystallized, but poor Festivia is hidden because her being crystallized would be a lot more suspicious.
- Except Lekhmet is not happy about this. After all, he really did like her and have some sympathy for her uncomfortable position, and was the only one to counsel her to have a gentle hand with the monsters (edit: whoops, so did Omni, but obviously he’s changed that opinion given canon). And now she’s stuck in a rock to keep a conspiracy based in monster racism secret. So he starts quietly leaving little clues, hoping one of the future queens will find her.
- Unfortunately he doesn’t live to see it, but one day Star, Moon, and Eclipsa finally put all the pieces together and head for a catacomb deep beneath Butterly Castle...
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galactic-womann · 6 years
oh my god yes can you write one where y/n moves in next door to timmy in new york. and he’s in awe of her, and after meeting a few times he invites her to one of his parties where she buys a book for timmy instead of a bottle of wine because she’s only 20. and armie is there and he’s like “ohhhhhh so this is the girl?” thanks a million
Hey hey! This took me a while even though I think it’s kind of trash. I’m a bit rusty but I hope I lived up to your fan fiction standards! It’s probably kinda weird lol my mood changed like 12 times while writing this. Thank you for sending in a request anon I LOVE you.
*Excuse any spelling errors*
“Ma’am are you sure you don’t need help with your things?”
“No, thanks! I’m perfectly fine!” I chuckled. The truth of the matter was, I wasn’t fine. My back was ready to do the bend and snap and I had about 14 more boxes to bring up to my new apartment. Moving to the city was scary, being alone and inexperienced in the city is terrifying.
I carried the two large boxes towards the elevator door, by the time I reached it I’d felt like I’ve walked along a whole football field. You can imagine my utter disappointment when I read the white sheet taped to the door that said “Broken. Use stairs.” A red arrow slathered in sharpie pointed down a long narrow hallway to my right.
“What the fuck, man.” I whispered under my breath as I began my fucking pilgrimage to and up the stairs.
I wasn’t far up the total of 12 flights I had to climb before I heard the loud clanging of footsteps speeding down the stairs. The next thing I knew, my boxes were thrown against the wall and I was barely gripping onto the rail. This guy really just pushed me out of his way with only a “sorry” to spit as he continued speeding down the stairs and into my imaginary death note. I only caught a glimpse of this dark mop of hair. Jesus, I thought. I could’ve been carrying fine china in those boxes had I been interested in buying or collecting ever. Thank buddha they were my indestructible hardcover babies.
Pulling up the rest of the boxes was a pain but after I accepted help I was finished within an hour.
Once everything was settled in my studio styled apartment, I flopped onto my bed, which was the only thing I assembled so far, and took a big deep breath and just relaxed.. My first home living alone, just me and stuff.. door locked.. no one to bug me or-
I groaned into my pillow. I snapped my neck to where the sound came from and heard another loud BANG. It sounds like someone is punching the wall! It sent a worry through my stomach, but I pushed it away. I’m full of fire today, no one can fuck with me. I stomped out of my place, not even bothering to close the door behind me and pounded on the next door, which inhabited the cause of the ruckus. The door swung open within moments and I readied my rant. But what stood before me drained me of the fire I possessed a second ago.
A guy, tall, the floppy hair I saw shoving me on the stairs..
“WHAT is your problem, man?” I half-shouted. “I’m just trying to move my crap from one place to another, breaking my back in the process, and you shoved me! And now you’re banging on the wall when I’m attempting to relax.. I-“ I stopped once I realized he was just staring at me, dumbfounded. His lips parted a bit to say something then pressed together gently. I crossed my arms, suddenly feeling self conscious. I wasn’t exactly in the nicest clothes, I looked like a slob. Dressed for comfort in my sweats and my hair a mess from throwing myself into bed. He kept his eyes on me for a few more seconds until he finally spoke.
“Are you the new person renting the place next door? Do you want to come in?” He opened the door wider.
Lord help me, his voice sounded the way candy tasted. So.. so.. sweet.. intoxicating. I wanted him to talk more. Hell, he could be my ringtone.
I didn’t realize until then how attractive he actually is. His hair was dark and wavy, his eyes were green and endless. His eyebrows almost touched, in a good way. He had this messy, sleepy boy look to him and it looked so good.
“No thanks.” I replied out of pure anxiety. I mentally slapped myself for refusing such an invitation from such a cute guy. I stared down at my bare feet for the longest.
“I’m really sorry for bumping into you, and being loud just now, there hasn’t been anyone living next door for the longest.” He pushed the door even wider, “since you just moved in.. and i haven’t exactly given you a warm welcome.. want something to eat? I just picked up some pizza.” He said giving a light smile.
I hesitated a bit, he’s trying to apologize. I could use some friends here too. “Yes, sure.” I said almost shyly. He stepped aside to make way for me and I stepped into his apartment. I really hope I didn’t walk into a murder trap.
“So what’s your name?” I asked before fully walking in.
“Timothee.” He said back.
“Nice name.” I said with genuine fascination. “It’s classy. My name is y/n.” Then I continued to venture into his apartment.
It was a bit larger than mine, it also has a studio style to it, similar to mine. Except, his was cluttered with packets and papers. There was a pile on his bed, some on his counter and a few tossed onto the floor. He noticed my eyes wandering to the mess and he immediately stepped forward.
“I-I-I’m sorry about the mess, y/n” He said quickly. “My job requires lots of reading.”
“Oh cool, are you a writer?” I asked curiously.
“Nah I’m an actor.” He nervously chuckled. He sat on a kitchen stool and played with his hands. Why is he so nervous?
“Really? So was the banging on the wall part of the script?” I cocked my head to side and laughed.
He laughed and shook his head. A cute laugh, very cute. He opened his mouth into a dorky smile when he laughed. “No no, that was an in the moment thing. I was just really happy.” He said with a wide smile.
“Ooh!” I cheered. “What about, of you don’t mind me asking?” I wanted to be friendly but not so friendly that I’d make things weird. We only just met, and in slightly strange terms. It was worth it, seeing his reaction. His eyes widened and they almost gleamed at the question. But he kept such a cool face, I could tell he wanted to burst from happiness. He waved it off. “Oh no, it’s nothing.”
“It can’t be just nothing if you’re willing to wake up exhausted girls from their beauty sleep.” I teased. I sat on the stool next to him.
“I’m still SO sorry about that.” His face was slightly flushed from my teasing, he really was sorry.
“It’s okay. You’re repaying me with pizza. So you gonna tell me what you’re so happy about?” He smiled again. But this time it wasn’t a goofy toothy smile, he gave a crooked closed smile. I really couldn’t figure out what it meant, but it sure almost made me melt in my chair.
“I’ll tell you after we’ve met a few more times.” He said getting out of his chair. He leaned close to me, with a hand on his heart and said “I like to take things slow.”
I swear to god I nearly started choking in his face.
He walked away and opened a box of pizza. “Shall we eat?” He said, getting some plates.
“It’s what I’m here for.” I said back coolly.
It was a really fun, sleep deprived night.
Meeting Timothee started becoming the highlight of my day. He helped me unpack and decorate my apartment. He insisted on me getting these blue fairy lights that light up the whole place. He also insisted I put a pop corn machine next to my bed. He’s a man of many good ideas.
“You sure do have a ton of books.” He told me.
“I really like to read, I collect a bit too. Some of these books are first editions, hard to find.” I said proudly, I love my books.
“I wish I could find time to read a book. A lot of my time is taken up by work, not that I don’t love it.” He said. I couldn’t imagine not reading, we really had to do something about that..
After a week I finally got every bit of my things settled and in place.
I was relaxing on my bed, reading a book and playing soft music from a speaker. I was so happy, I never got to relax this way back home. Next to my bed window, the view was incredible. I was in the heart of the city and everything was just perfect from where I was sitting..
A knocking interrupted my thoughts and I made my way to the door. Peaking through the peep hold I saw it was just Timothee and I opened the door.
“What’s up Timmy.” I greeted him.
“Hey y/n I just wanted to stop by and tell you I’m having a party tonight at my place. It’s sort of a celebration for that happy thing I found out a week ago. Not too big.” He gave me his toothy smile. He sounded kind of nervous.
“Right, you never told me what that happy thing was.” I responded.
“If you come tonight, I promise you’ll find out.” He smiled again. I returned it and nodded, “Then I guess I’ll have to come.” I said.
“Really?” He bounced on his feet excitedly.
“Of course, it’s not like I’d be able to sleep through your partying anyway.” I joked.
“Alright, well I’ll send you then” He said as he walked into his apartment.
“You will.” The door shut, and so did mine. I let out a long sigh. I love New York.
It was around 9 when I decided to finally make my way to the party. I wore a semi casual dress since I wasn’t sure if it was a formal type of party. Before I could walk out of my place, i thought to myself: ‘Shouldn’t I bring a gift? That’s what people do right?’ People usually bring bottles of wine or champagne to a party. I however, cannot buy any alcohol and I have none stored in my house… I should get him a book, he’s said he’s never had time. Maybe he could find time if he had the right book? It’s something I suppose.
I walked towards one of the bookshelves that was placed symmetrically across the other. My fingers gently glided along the spines of each book until I found the one I’d been looking for. I believe this was the perfect selection for the new boy-next-door. It was y/f/b, my favorite. I have several copies, including the first edition and this was just a copy I picked up from Barnes & Noble. I suppose I was ready, my stomach started to churn a bit. Timothee is very nice, and cute. I hope he doesn’t think I’m lazy or weird. I let out a sigh, here goes nothing.
I walked out of my apartment and close the door behind me. I can already hear the music from behind Timothee’s door, I’m betting the neighbor on his right throws a fit like I did, soon. I stepped forward and knocked on his door, the door swung open a few moments later.
Timothee appeared with slightly disheveled hair, and a white button up shirt. I put a confident face on and smiled.
“Y/n..” he gulped. “You really came.”
“Yes I did. Im not exactly of legal age to buy any alcohol to celebrate so here.” I handed him the book. He let out a chuckle.
“You really didn’t have to bring a gift, I should bring you a gift, new neighbor. I really appreciate this, if you gave me a book I would definitely read it.” He opened the door and let me in.
There were lots of people piled in his apartment, it made me realize how much bigger his actually is than mine. I gazed around the room and my eyes landed back onto Timothee, who I realized had been looking at me the entire time.
As he was about to speak, a taller, more muscular guy walked up to us. He has very prominent blue eyes, brown hair and sun kissed skin. He smiled brightly at Timothee, revealing his perfect teeth. This guy had to be a model, no doubt about it.
“Timmy, your bathroom smells terrible. I think someone didn’t agree with the tacos you had on the buffet earlier.” Abacrombie model said.
“A buffet? Did I miss it?” I asked suddenly aware I hadn’t eaten since breakfast. I really need to start buying more ramen. The model eyed me carefully and turned to Timothee again.
“Who’s this?” He asked.
“This is.. y/n.” He replied, giving the model a look.
“Ooh so you’re y/n?” He smiled again, he turned back to Timothee. “So this is the girl?” He teased him.
“Alrighttttt. Alright.” He waved his hands. “No more.” His face looked red. He talked about me?
“So I’m the girl huh?” I teased Timothee further. He hid his face.
Model grabbed my hand, “My name is Armie. Let’s talk.” He steered me away from Timothee and I laughed.
This night is going to be the best, I can tell.
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kinomiakai · 6 years
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OK i hope this works, here some thing i spit out when i saw your answer djfhaksdjf it was like 4 AM so i’m sorry if it’s confusing, i’m bad a filtering my thoughts and highlighting what i really mean most of times. This is just what i though at the time without coming back and editing dsjahfakd, but i hope you get where i am coming from?? ? (also i hope is not too bad to read)
From Kinomi:
Man I am TELLING you, you’ve got a fic here 😂😂 Okay okay okay I’m gonna go piece by piece - yes, you’re absolutely right. Iruka & Teuchi are intermittent, transient bits of light in Naruto’s light, while Sasuke is constant (and relatable; having a best friend and a good parental figure are two important, but different things). I like how you call them “treats”, haha! It’d be different if Iruka adopted Naruto or something, I think - and it’s also different once Naruto graduates from the academy, because we barely see Iruka after that. I think, in that case, Sasuke’s influence becomes even more important - especially as Teuchi is someone that Naruto seeks out, not the other way around. All it takes to lose that is to stop going for ramen, you know? It’s easily done & I think something that a darker, more bitter Naruto would do. And yes, then the kyuubi killer intent surfacing would be even more of a turning point, because if Naruto’s already growing bitter, then “well, fuck it. They all say I’m a monster anyway” is only a very dangerous step away
OOH that metaphor, very nice very nice. You’re right!!! And without that ground the seeds of kindness from other people wither away.
Me too! I think Itachi would be all for it. And yes, Sasuke is so easily influenced by Itachi, I think he would very much listen to everything he said and keep his doubts to himself. But I think as he grew older, he’d start to reconsider a lot of those views. Itachi being there wouldn’t remove the memories of his parents, or the pain associated with them, you know? His presence wouldn’t remove that sense of unfairness and loss, and with all of that comes anger and bitterness and I don’t think Sasuke would be able to just accept that everything happened the way it should have. (And I think there is a great opportunity for Naruto to be there and agree that Itachi is wrong, and that it’s Konoha’s fault, and the whole situation is messed up - and then having that outsider’s perspective makes Sasuke really start to re-evaluate everything Itachi taught him). And yes, oh my gosh, being raised by akatsuki...this band of mismatched outlaws. There would definitely be a dissonance between the fun akatsuki that messes with Sasuke and plays dumb games with him as a kid and the actual akatsuki that does some real bad stuff (or have done bad stuff in their past). It’d be interesting for Sasuke to encounter the difference between how they treat him vs. how they treat their victims... I KNOW I was trying to piece together the teams without Sasuke and I couldn’t figure out who would replace him haha. Would Sai come earlier?? Would everything shift up a little? And Sai can’t relate to Naruto because he doesn’t have that bond with Sasuke that is so interesting to him? I don’t know. You could always throw in a generic OC but that’s never as much fun. But ohhhhhh shit. Oh damn. Get Sasuke to stand up for Naruto somehow?? That’s it. Naruto would be his for life. Boys would be unstoppable (also I’m losing my mind at “fucking yeet himself away” dfjsfkhskj)
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galactic-pirates · 6 years
2, 14, & 15 also 26
2) Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?*screams a little* I NEED TO TELL YOU ABOUT A THING!!
A person in my NaNo region did something incredibly dangerous and they sent me a link to two things, which I had never heard of but for all I know are widely known (I am Captain Oblivious) - Trope Bingo and Trope Bingo Generator and ohhhhhh boy.
I have always struggled with really knowing the trope names. I mean I know the obvious ones like bedsharing, fake dating etc. but I was sure that there were others and I felt like I was in the dark, like everyone somehow had access to a secret list and … wait a minute! Did you all know about this list before hmm? *eyes you suspiciously* :p
But But But anyway that thing is Dangerous - look with a capital D - because I want to write ALL THE THINGS. So I think the answer to “is there a trope I haven’t done yet but want to” is ALL OF THEM!
14) What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?Ok there was this writing advice book and I read it and had stars in my eyes. I felt like the writer who had penned it was a real person, and a lot of what they said resonated and then they went on to say “if I did it - so can you!” which is the typical spiel of the self-help book but that was incredibly dangerous.
They said a lot of things, but I think the most toxic (for me at least) was the “you either want it or you don’t. If you do want it then you’ll make it happen.” - so basically if you failed, you didn’t try hard enough because you didn’t really want it. The technique he espoused was to get up an hour earlier because if writing was the #1 priority it should be the first thing you do.
I tried, I really did but I get easily tired and I got really vicious on myself for failing. It hurt so much because it felt like I didn’t really want it - but I really did! You see the thing is that advice might be fine for those who are healthy but I have certain issues and my mind and body couldn’t take the strain.
That advice wasn’t for me.
I know this question is supposed to be about some specific technique or something but this experience I had with this writing self-help book scarred me and I wanted to talk about it to say to people, yes the advice might sound perfectly reasonable but everybody is different and don’t beat yourself up if something doesn’t work for you. Don’t destroy yourself because you bought into a line that someone sold you.
15) If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?Between Two Fires absolutely no question about it. I think the visuals of some fics would be great, I mean The Beauty and the Tragedy is the most ‘artistic’ fic I have ever written, but no it has to be my sci-fi/espionage favourite fic because I did so much world building and I can see the movie in my head already - to share with the world would be something else.
26) Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?I beta for a few people and what kind of beta I am depends on what kind they want. I always ask first what kind of feedback they are after, and I will do multiple beta passes if they want that. So I’ll do story feedback (characterisation, plot etc.), I’ll do a soft edit (my punctuation is not good enough to do a proper edit) but I can check for typos, tense errors, grammatical mistakes, that kind of thing. I’ll do a mix of that and I can go deeper, or more superficial depending on what people want.
My goal as a beta is to support the author - it is NOT to tear them down. So I don’t sweat the small stuff, I’ll let certain things slide sometimes because it’s not important. What is important is that the author feels good about the story they are putting out AND also feels like it’s their story. My job is not to destroy their voice, or to inject my vision - it’s to help them achieve their vision.
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stussybrad · 6 years
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Yes I know, I died for a bit but I’m back for release week! And as a blog tradition, here’s my messy reaction of Night & Day: Day Edition
Just My Type
Initial reaction: SICKEST BASSLINE. i love that i could actually hear the guitars. love the breakdown in the prechorus with the claps
Full listen: a really strong lead single - sick beat and shows maturity with the lyrics. EXCITED TO SING ALONG TO THIS ON TOUR. 
there’s a girl still on repeat plays in my mind won’t let me sleep
Hair Too Long
Initial reaction: love all the bg vocals. catchy af. bit surprised with the second verse but i love it especially love the ‘it might seem cruel’ part bc holy vocals
Full listen: i fucking love this song. idk what this was (promo single or what) but it deserved better 
i don’t wanna be this cold shivering into my bones someone reset my soul
Talk Later
Initial reaction: that beat omg. THE HOTEL LOBBY SONG!!!! love how it builds up and you expect a huge bass drop but its a pretty chill chorus. also very cheeky. wait why is there a piano out of nowhere????
Full listen: though the lyrics are a bit cheeky i really love how this was written. also how can you not love that beat???? one of my favs for sure
i get confused, putting labels on things makes them complicated
Too Good To Be True
Initial reaction: my boy serving vocals. a bit overproduced. mgk’s verse surprisingly fits the song
Full listen: idk why they had to rearrange the verses on the album version though it threw me off a bit but yes i love it
I’m hung on your words give me something to believe in
For You
Full listen: ITS SO DIFFERENT FROM THE FIRST FEW SONGS BUT I FUCKING LOVE IT. Brad started writing this 4 years ago AND!!! he produced and mixed this!!!! WHAT A TALENTED MAN I LOVE THIS EVEN MORE
remember all the mornings you would make me late cause i couldn’t bare to leave you when you look at me the way you do
What Your Father Says
Full listen: WHAT THE HELL I DIDNT EXPECT THIS AT ALL?????? ALSO FUCK WHAT YOUR FATHER SAYSS!!!! i watched the explicit live acoustic version after this and went to fucking heaven 15/10 IN MY TOP 3 FAV SONGS FROM THIS ALBUM
told me he dont like my hair he don’t like my music told me that i better run otherwise he’ll lose it
Cheap Wine
Initial reaction: okay another dancey track i dont mind. it kinda reminds me of hideaway/scars. CHORUS IS CATCHY AF
Full listen: YEAH OK I GET WHY PEOPLE LOVE THIS SONG. I LIKE IT. do i think it’s next single-worthy? NO they have better songs in this album soz
I drank too much cheap wine gonna spill this heart of mine
Time Is Not On Our Side
Initial reaction: ITS NOT ACOUSTIC WHY??? but i could actually understand the words now!!! ALSO THANKS I DIDNT NEED MY HEART TODAYYY
Full listen: SUCH A BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN SAD SONG. I still wish they kept it acoustic (kinda like million words) but I love it so much. and i admit i didn’t really like this when they first performed it on tour but what a mistake ITS A DAMN BEAUTIFUL SONG
looking in your eyes night after night night after night and i see where i gotta stay day after day day after day to find peace
Pictures Of Us
Initial reaction: interesting song but it doesnt leave a mark on me. sounds too generic. the lyrics are great though and you get the sentiment
Full listen: i mean its not bad but i think they could do better. Day deserved a better album closer. But who knows maybe it’ll grow on me
Is it your eyes or my eyes that’s making the tears fall?
WHAT A ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS. I wish i could unhear the previously released songs so i could experience this album in its entirety. THAT WOULDVE BEEN AMAZING. also i really love their songwriting on this album bc it shows their maturity and i feel like this really is their most personal one yet. i think for me, it’s more like summer night vibes than day? and the night edition was like autumn night vibes? idk if that makes sense lmao but that’s how i hear it. also they said this was more like meet the vamps with all the guitars but… where? I mean I guess the songs are more focused on the instruments but still far from MTV. But at the same time, I’m not expecting it to be. I understand their need to grow and evolve as artists (i hope everyone does too).
That being said, I still think this is a very solid effort from the boys. I applaud them for being able to write songs that shows maturity and at the same time be able to pour out their emotions through it. Releasing a great album every year and touring all over the world is a great feat for a fairly young band like them so I respect that a whole lot. And maybe we’ll never go back to the MTV era but they are creating music they love, bringing out bops after bops, getting recognized for their hard work and honestly, I couldn’t be more prouder of them.
Rating: 4.5/5
Quick notes about the bonus songs:
Sometimes it rains in LA deserved to be in the standard version
If I Was Your Man and Kiss is okayyy
I fucking love Con’s & James’ bonus songs
I didn’t know NHC was in one of the songs I love it
Juicy Fruit in one word: W H Y ?
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ayankun · 3 years
Probably should speak to a professional about my social media addiction, but staying offline for 24 hours was like holding my breath for the duration. I need a platform for my thoughts! They get cluttered in the attic and they must be vented into the night like bats !!!!!
Anyway, what you missed in 24 hours was that I started watching Andi Mack
Hey! This is a compelling show!!!!! I can understand why there's a following. If I had been a kid three years ago, I would have totally tuned in.
So what happened was, I'm a newly minted Sofia Wylie stan, and after HSMTMTS 2x09 I was mildly curious about the other show that the episode's guest star was from that Sofia had also been on. Also because she's a freakin' good performer, and he was delightfully charming, too, so what were they like prior to this performance? Have they always been mini-stars or did they have to learn it somewhere?
Ha ha ha well. She's a natural. The other kid, Asher Angel, as I learned his name was, definitely has come quiiiiiiite aaaaaaa waaaaaaaays since 2017. AND THEN. THAT'S WHEN I FOUND OUT HE WAS THE KID I DIDNT LIKE ALL THAT MUCH IN SHAZAM
LIKE. This sad sack saccharine heartbreak-in-a-polo from hsmtmts is a bona fide superhero movie star and I had completely forgotten any detail of that performance, or his face, or his name, literally n o t h i n g stuck with me. I thiiiiink I remember that he was too wooden, like, "why they hire someone who no act good" kind of wooden, which I'm guessing now was a performance they wanted from him. That actually makes more sense than thinking they hired a kid actor who couldn't cut it -- one of the things I remember pooh-poohing the most about that movie was how Zachary Levi just ... played himself? And no one stopped him? Like, you have this moody, sullen, wooden, tortured Asher Angel!Billy Batson, and then he turns into Chuck Bartowski on Red Bull and my suspension of disbelief that these actors were portraying the same character snapped faster than a mad Titan. So this whole time I thought that the two wildly different performances was an accident, but now I guess it was on purpose? DCEU, who hurt you? You wanna talk about it, buddy? You don't have to keep making bad films, you know that, right?
Where was I.
These kids are doing a p good job by Disney Channel standards!!!!! And the show has a lot of quality content mixed in with the Youth Comedy and the Youth Soap Opera elements. Kenny Ortega got the first real guffaw out of me, but I've had a couple more belly laughs since then.
Speaking of HSM(tmts) directors, can't help but notice that ma boi Paul Hoen is All Over The Shop. Looked him up and ohhhhhh wooooooow he's basically directed everything I ever saw growing up, and just hasn't stopped. I mean, I'm literally writing an essay on his work in hsmtmts 2x03 as we speak. Guess he's got the resume to prove he's worth discussing.
So also said essay, once completed, is going out over on a new WordPress blog. I just can't adequately break down a 30+ shot scene, shot by shot, with Tumblr's 10-photo limit. I've also been toying (gently, timidly, stand-offishly toying) with the idea of buckling down and producing more polished/consistent analysis of things I like, so, if I ever find myself in a position of tranquility where an expectation of polish and consistently doesn't paralyze me so bad that I never get started, then that's where that kind of content would go. Wish me luck.
Haven't forgotten about the final math & graphs on the camera engagement in hsmtmts, just been busy with some stuff and also I got them library books as well as a book on the art of editing, so I've been a little distracted with feeling I should make an effort to legitimize my viewpoints before I start pretending to speak authoritatively on the topic of televised cinema.
(I don't need to be legitimate, I just need to express myself, and if I'm wrong I'm wrong and I'll learn as I go)
Anyway, thanks for stopping by my online diary wherein I barf out my every trivial thought for safe keeping lololololol Tumblr omg what would I do without you.
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