#ok but now i'm thinking about where she gets her clothes from... because she came to sunnydale with a bag of clothes.
faith-thee-slayer · 2 years
In your opinion, what are Faith's best looks over the run of BtVS/AtS?
anon i am SO glad you asked this, because i was already thinking about making a compilation post of her best looks. it took me a while since i had to go thru every single appearance of hers so i didn't forget an outfit...
here are my favorite Faith outfits, loosely in order starting with most favorite:
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the RED SHIRT. i will never cease to be floored by how well she pulled it off. very much giving HAEBILF (homoerotic angry evil bestie i'd like to fuck).
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the amends outfit!! the "girlfriend visiting her gf's parents for the first time" outfit!! i love soft lighter colors on her, especially light blue. the tan jacket slays every time it makes an appearance.
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this denim jacket + lace black top + choker... super underrated look i think, considering we only saw it in this scene and the scene where she tries to get angel to shoot her.
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my god, this look. she showed up -> served cunt -> killed a man -> left
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this is almost like a companion to her amends outfit. obsessed with how comfy and cute she looks
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the tan jacket!! i hope she got a new one, this one's probably at the bottom of sunnydale... this outfit looks cute without the jacket too, just the simple red tank + blue jeans combo.
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the partial turtleneck + black denim jacket combo. i feel like this is another underrated one.
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she should've worn this more... yup
honorable mentions: orange tie-dye top from the graduation day dream; all black tank top + jeans she has on when buffy confronts her in sanctuary (the brown jacket she wears with it is cute too); denim jacket + dark red top from dirty girls (the scene where she's smoking with spike and she removes her jacket while stretching... YEAH); homecoming dress; sheer longsleeve top + leather pants she wears while angel has her chained up in consequences (both hair up and hair down deliver two similar but unique vibes for the look); white longsleeve and black vest from That Patrol in bad girls; blue longsleeve in empty places; and last but certainly not least, the "i was shooting for sultry, but hey" bombshell look from this year's girl.
thank you so much for this ask, this was fun!!
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AITA for coming to dinner with my ex and his new GF uninvited?
This situation is long and messy, so I'll try to include the relevant info only. I (F32) broke up with my long time partner (M33) right before COVID hit. We stayed in the same house during lockdown and continued to live together after lockdown was lifted, because we generally get along and we had a child (F11) to raise together. Over the last 3 years we've been roommates and co-parents and that's it.
One day he was supposed to take our daughter to buy new school clothes, and she came back 10 minutes later in tears. She said they were on their way to the store when his new GF called, and he drove her back home and dropped her off so he could go spend time with her. He even asked our daughter to lie to me for him, but she was tired of covering for him (implying she'd been lying for him for a while now).
When he got home we had a massive argument. I didn't care if he dated other girls, I cared that for some reason he thought he had to sneak around, and it made him act like a jerk to me and our daughter. I told him if he had been a man about this new girl and just introduced me to her then maybe we could have all been friends, but instead he had to act like a horny teenager. It ended with him moving out to live with his parents.
A couple days later he called and apologized. He said he hoped it wasn't too late for him to do things right, and he hopes we can all be friends. I was hopeful that we could finally co-parent in peace for the sake of our child.
This is where I may be TA: I have always been close with my ex's parents, to the point where even after we broke up I would be invited over regularly for dinner. They said even if I wasn't their son's partner I'm still their grandchild's mother, and that makes me family.
So one day when my daughter texts me while at my ex's parent's house and invites me to dinner because they're having my favorite meal, I don't think twice about coming over even though my ex and his GF I've never met now live there. I figured everyone had to be okay with it, since my daughter was inviting me.
I end up having dinner with my ex's parents and daughter, but my ex only comes upstairs to grab two plates of food and goes back downstairs. I ask my ex's mom why and she says his GF doesn't feel well today. Whatever, I think. She's just sick and I'll meet her another day. I have a perfectly pleasant dinner with my ex in-laws, help clean up, and make a promise to bring them a coconut cake (ex father-in-law's favorite) and take my daughter home.
Later my ex blows up my phone with texts and calls, saying it was so weird and rude that I came over for dinner uninvited. That I made his new GF uncomfortable, and like she wasn't welcome there. And that I caused trouble in their relationship because she assumes we must still be in love for me to come over and see his parents out of the blue like that, because "exes don't do that. it's creepy."
I had a talk with my daughter and asked her calmly if she had asked everyone else if it was ok if I come over before she texted me, and she sheepishly said she didn't know she had to ask since it had never been a problem before. (I didn't tell her about her dad's meltdown at me, or tell her dad that she's the one who invited me. She's a child and shouldn't be involved)
Instead I just told him I'm sorry me dropping by made things awkward, but I thought he wanted us all to be friends from now on and I figured this was a good place to start being friends. He said there was no way she'd want to be my friend now that I made her feel uncomfortable in her own home.
It wasn't my intention to make anyone uncomfortable, but I admit I'd be perturbed if he brought this woman into MY home and I had not even been warned first. So AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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w2soneshots · 6 months
Labour -W2S
words: 1.6k+
warnings: pregnancy, birth.
summary: you and Harry finally meet your baby girl.
notes: I’ve never had a baby so I apologise if this isn’t accurate!! Also this was a request on wattpad. Hope you enjoy🫶🏼🧸
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Liked by wroetoshaw and 1,467,098 others
y/username: not long now🫣🤍 @wrotoshaw @freyanightingale
faithloisak: ❤️❤️😭
taliamar: you're so cute
y/nfanpage21: the bump!🥺
user31479682: still can't believe w2s is gonna be a dad
I met Harry in primary school. I always thought he was a little weird but just as high school finished I fell head over heels in love with that weird boy. That was 12 years old. We got married two years ago, it was a small wedding in Guernsey with only our closest friends and family. Just under a year ago we decided we wanted a kid, 4 months later I found out I was 8 weeks pregnant. I waited an entire week to tell Harry just so I could tell him with a little bag containing a mini version of his charity match jersey inside (that I'd had specially made). Then we told the boys, Faith, Freya and Talia at a special dinner that we arranged just so we could tell them all together. They were extremely excited, especially Ethan and Faith because there would now be another set of parents in the group.
We found out we were having a little girl when I was 21 weeks. That was also around the time I felt the baby kick for the first time, me and Harry sat in our bed absolutely freaking out about it. After we knew it was a girl I could finally start buying an unholy amount of baby clothes, teddies and things for the nursery. Me and Faith have become considerably closer, since we now have things to talk about, she's really been a great help when it came to little worries I had or if I just needed someone to rant to about back pain.
I'm currently 38 weeks. The hospital bags are packed and the nursery is completely ready. I am seriously getting bored of being pregnant and would really like to just meet my baby. Harry ran me a warm bath so I could relax. Then I dried myself, put on my current favourite pyjamas and slid into bed next to him. I struggled slightly getting to sleep since I was really uncomfortable. I tossed and turned until I finally drifted off to sleep.
I woke to the feeling of wet between my legs. Confused, I pulled the covers back. My eyes met a large patch of clear ish liquid on the mattress, barely visible in the darkness of the room. My brows furrowed then my face dropped, mouth turning into an O shape. My water just broke. I took a deep breath then turned to gently shake Harry awake, he groaned. "Haz, wake up" I whispered gently. "What- what's up?!" He said the last part with a little bit of urgency after properly waking. "I think my water just broke." I stated calmly. His eyes widened "what!" He jumped off the bed.
"Calm down. It's fine the midwife said we have time, remember?" His face calmed slightly then he took in a shaky breath "are you ok?" He asked, coming over to my side of the bed. "I'm fine." I replied. He helped me off the soaked bed and to my feet. "This is really happening, we're really going this." He said with slight excitement in his eyes. "Yes we are. Now can you grab the hospital bag while I change?" He quickly nodded then ran towards the nursery where the bag resides.
I got changed into a comfy sweat set, brushed my hair and tied it back into a bun. When I emerged from the bedroom Harry was stood by the door rapidly texting on his phone. "Ready to go?" I asked. He looked up "yea," he nodded "I was just texting the boys." I giggled "Harry it's 5am!" I said with a light shake of my head. "I needed to tell someone!" He exclaimed. "We're any of them even awake?" I asked as he unlocked the front door. "Uh- no but they'll see it in a bit." I laughed.
Once we got in the car I text my mum telling her what was going on, then Harry speedily started the car. We were at the hospital just 15 minutes later. Harry helped me inside and we were quickly taken to a private room. "What time did your water break?" The nurse asked. "Around half four." I answered. "Ok... and have you had any contractions?" She questioned while scribbling on her clipboard. "Uh no, not yet." She looked up "alright then, I'll get my colleague to come and attach you to some machines so we can monitor you and baby." She said with a kind smile. I thanked her and she left the room.
Another nurse came in soon after and wrapped my stomach with some monitors, she did some other general checks on me. Once she left Harry came to sit next to me and held my hand. I smiled at him but my smile was quickly replaced with a look of discomfort as I felt a small but painful cramp wrap around the bottom of my stomach. "Woah, was that a contradiction?" Harry questioned a few seconds later, once it had subsided. I nodded "ye I think so." I replied. "Should I go get the nurse?" He asked. "No I'm fine." I answered. He nodded and kept his hand firmly in mine.
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y/username just posted a new story!
Once it hit 8am I was having regular contractions that were lasting around 30 seconds each and were 7 minutes apart. The midwife came in and checked how dilated I was, 4 centimetres. Me and Harry sat on a FaceTime call with his mum, dad and Rosie, just a few minutes after we called my family. Then I got a call from Faith. "Hey! How's it going. How are you?!" She asked excitedly. "Hey, I'm okay." I said with a light smile. She returned the smile "I literally couldn't believe it when Ethan told me you were in labour this morning." She stated. Before I could say anything else I felt another contraction building. I quickly said goodbye and placed my phone next to me. I took a deep breath and squeezed Harry's hand. "You're doing so good, breathe." He said quietly. As the pain subsided I let out a heavy sigh. Harry squeezed my hand lightly "You're incredible." I looked to him and smiled "You're so cute."
After an excruciating amount of time I was finally at 9 centimetres. I stood with my arms wrapped around Harry's neck, swaying slightly and breathing heavily. "Not long now. You've got this. I love you. You're doing so good." Harry whispered in to my ears as I clung to him. He kept his hands firmly on my waist, helping me to stay up. "Ok y/n, It looks like you're ready to push!" My midwife said and I looked up to Harry with fear in my eyes. He helped me back onto the bed and cupped my face in his hands gently "you're gonna be fine, I'm here." He said with a comforting voice. To be honest I thought Harry was going to be an absolute mess when it came to me giving birth but I was pleasantly surprised on how strong he's been, for me.
I lay back on the bed, held up by a few pillows and Harry was quick to grab my hand, once again. With my legs propped up, my midwife sat on a chair in front of me. "On the next contraction push as hard as you can." she said through my legs. I nodded nervously and it wasn't long until I felt that now all familiar pain run from my stomach all the way round to my lower back. I squeezed Harry's hand so tight I thought I might break it as I pushed with all I had.
After almost 30 minutes of what felt like constant pushing I finally heard the loud cries of my baby. Tears immediately poured down my face and the last few hours completely left my brain. I looked over to Harry once they passed me my baby. I have only ever seen Harry cry once during the entire time I've known him, but there was tears falling down his face as he stared sweetly at me. "You did incredible. She's perfect. I love you so much." He choked out. I brought him towards me by fisting his shirt in my hand and pulling him so our lips connected.
Once Harry cut the babies umbilical cord, both me and baby were checked over and cleaned up and we informed our families and friends that we were both ok and that the baby was healthy, we sat admiring the sweet little baby peacefully sleeping in the plastic cot. "We need to name her." Harry said quietly. "Got any ideas?" I asked, realising I hadn't actually thought about the fact she'd need a name. "Uhm, I like the name Nova." He said. My eyes lit up slightly and I nodded "she looks like a Nova." More tears dropped from my eyes. Harry shuffled towards me "what's wrong? are you okay?" He asked softly. I laughed lightly "I'm fine. I just- love her so much." Harry giggled then pulled me into a warm hug "I love you." He said with a breathy laugh. I smiled into his chest "I love you too."
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Liked by wroetoshaw and 4,023,611 others
y/username: my baby girl Nova Lewis🤍
behzingagram: omg wow wow wow congratulations❤️❤️❤️❤️
ksi: congratulations🥳
faithloisak: OMG😭😭😭😭
y/nfanpage21: I can't cope🥹
user29473674: w2s is officially a dad woah
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writtenbymoonflower · 7 months
hey I just wanted to say I love your work!!!! I keep binge reading your marauders posts especially!!! You are such a good writer. If it’s ok, can I send a request for the managers with an autistic reader? Maybe where they feel insecure bc of overthinking bc they act different to everyone else? I hope you have a good day xxxxxx
thanks so much for reading hunny! i hope this is okay. i'm not autistic myself so this may not be the most accurate, please let me know! autistic gn!reader x poly!marauders. modern!au
cw: insecurity, overthinking, mentions of alcohol
1k words
You couldn’t stop replaying all the interactions you had that day over and over in your head. You were scrutinizing every word you had said, every way you had gestured. You didn’t know if everyone loved, hated, or pitied you. It was possible that everything was fine, but it was equally as likely that everyone who you talked to today were still thinking about your conversations and were still annoyed with you. It was an indescribable feeling, it just made you want to curl up in bed and never see anyone again. Everything was just too much. You were grateful you were home alone right now so no one would have to see the state you were in. 
You had taken off your work clothes from the day, changing into a comfy sweater and soft lounge pants. You were on the couch wrapped in a fluffy blanket. (You thought that maybe Sirius had used it last, it smelled just like his soapy and musky cologne. You hummed in satisfaction from the comforting scent.) You buried your face in between a cushion and a pillow, hoping your nest would just swallow you whole and never release you. You had a few minutes to calm down before your boyfriends started barreling in. 
First it was Remus’ soft steps as he shucked off his coat before making his way to the kitchen. He probably assumed you were asleep, because when he passed you on the settee all he did was lean down to kiss your temple. You heard him (quietly) clanking around as he put the kettle on. Thankfully the sounds were familiar and comforting, rather than overstimulating. 
Then was James and Sirius, being very loud as they burst through the door, laughing and joking. It made you smile against the pillow. They were talking about something they had seen on the way home. 
“Moons,” Sirius made a beeline to the kitchen. You heard James hiss when he looked over to you. 
“Quiet, Pads.” He scolded. “Baby’s sleeping.” 
“Shit,” Sirius whispered, walking past to get to the kitchen. 
“It’s okay. ‘M awake.” You mumbled, shifting to sit up. 
“Oh, hi sweetheart.” James crouched by the couch. He could cry at how adorable you were, all wrapped in the blankets and what he recognized as his jumper. Sirius and Remus came back into the living room, each holding mugs of tea. 
“Wow, Prongs.” Sirius rolled his eyes. “Gettin’ onto me for being loud only to wake them up right when I leave.” He tsked disappointedly and shook his head. 
“I wasn’t asleep, just resting.” You took a mug from Remus while James sat beside you, hauling Sirius into his lap. The ink-haired boy turned to face you excitedly. 
“Babydoll,” He started. “I was thinking, Marlene is havin’ a thing at her house tomorrow. Not really a party, just a little get together. She was saying something about ‘playing Cards Against Humanity and getting shitfaced.’ How’d you feel about going?” 
You were contemplating heavily. You wanted to go, yes. It sounded like a lot of fun. But hangouts like that stressed you out. You always felt like you were saying the wrong thing, not acting the right way. Especially in small groups. You loved Marlene, you loved her girlfriend and probably everyone else that would be there. But that only made it worse. You wanted them all to like you so much that you overanalyzed everything you said, which likely only made things more awkward because you sounded so robotic and scripted. You tried to keep the worry from your face, but unfortunately James could read you (and almost everyone) like the morning paper and he usually felt the need to call it out. 
“You okay, sweetness? You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” He reached over to rub your thigh with his warm hand. 
“No, I want to go, I do!” You cut in quickly. “I just-” You snapped your mouth shut before taking a big gulp of your tea. 
“You just what?” Remus asked curiously from where he was sitting on the coffee table. 
“Are you sure she wants me there?” You asked, worriedly. Sirius looked like you had asked if the sky was green. 
“Yeah she does. She wouldn’t have asked if she didn’t. Why wouldn’t she anyway?” His sculpted brows scrunched in confusion. You sighed and set your tea on the side table, starting to fidget and stim with your nails, using enough force to shred your cuticles. James grabbed your hand, encouraging you to play with his fingers instead. 
“I just feel like I never fit in at those things. Like, I don’t know. I just make things weird.” You muttered shamedly. 
“You don’t make things weird.” James said, squeezing your hand. “Why do you think that?” You lost your words suddenly, feeling all too vulnerable. Sirius was looking at you with enough gentleness to make you sob, like he knew you inside and out (he does). 
“I know you get anxious about this stuff. But baby, everyone loves you. I don’t see how they couldn’t. I can promise no one is thinking about how you act as much as you are.” He looked at you, seeing right through you. He abandoned James, making him let out an indignant huff to catapult himself on top of you, wrapping you up and squeezing tight. 
“You know,” Remus started. “I was at work today and Aoife would not stop asking about you. She kept saying I need to bring you over during break because you’re ‘heaps of fun.’” You wanted to scoff but you were too tired. 
“Angel, everyone loves you. I know it doesn’t seem like it, because your brain can’t always tell what people are thinkin’ but they really do.” You looked at James over Sirius’ shoulder. He was looking so soft as he leaned forward to peck your forehead. You were looking doe eyed at Remus and James. 
“Promise?” You asked, quiet and insecure. Sirius pulled away, bringing his hand up to your face. 
“Pinky swear, dollface.” You knew how seriously he took those. You reached up to wrap your pinky around his, face heating as he brought your hands up to kiss your knuckles. 
“Okay, it sounds fun. I’ll go.” You relented happily. 
“Oh thank god.” Remus sounded oddly relieved. “Lily texted me earlier asking if you would be there and I said yes. I really did not want to face her fury.” 
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stawbeemilk · 6 months
Hey I love your work ! Um if it’s ok can I ask for kuroo and iwaizumi and Akashi and others if you like! Um they somehow realize that their girlfriend even though she is happy all the time has a abusive mother like she left a scar on her back or something and because of that she is insecure to change in front of them or you know I want to know their reaction 😭🙏🏻💕(you can ignore if you like!)
⤷ his s/o is insecure about their scars – hq
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✩ characters: kuroo, iwaizumi, akaashi
✩ warnings: f!reader
✩ a/n: i finally managed to get one of my requests done, i'm so sorry this took so long. i decided not to go into much detail about the origin of reader’s scars bc i thought it might be triggering to some, i hope that's okay!!
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⭑ kuroo
⤷ kuroo decided to surprise you with a new dress for you to wear on your date, telling you how he came across it online and immediately knew it would look amazing on you
⤷ you excitedly took the article of clothing from him, eager to try it on, however you soon felt your heart drop to your stomach as you realised that the dress he had chosen for you was entirely backless
⤷ you always made a conscious effort to wear clothing that covered as much skin as possible, especially your back— the large scar that resided between your shoulder blades caused you a lot of insecurity, and you felt more comfortable knowing it wasn't visible for anyone to see
⤷ you did your best to hide the fact you were self-conscious about it from your boyfriend, and while you knew he would never think of you any differently, you would be lying if you said you didn't still feel nervous any time he would see your bare skin, knowing that your scar was on full display to him
⤷ kuroo didn't miss the way your smile dropped or the sudden worried look in your eyes, your reaction seemed so unlike you and he instantly knew that something was wrong
⤷ you quickly changed into the dress, trying to face him as much as possible so that he didn't have a full view of your back, but when he asked you to do a spin for him you knew there would be no avoiding it
⤷ you reluctantly turned around, finding yourself unable to look anywhere but the floor as you came to face him again, watching in your line of vision as he began moving closer towards you
⤷ you couldn't help but turn away from him again so he didn't see the tears that were beginning to well up in your eyes— by this point your heart was beating so loudly you could practically hear it in your ears, nervously anticipating his reaction
⤷ your breath hitched in your throat as you suddenly felt kuroo’s lips brushing against your back, softly grazing the skin where your scar resides before wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into him
⤷ “you look beautiful. you should definitely wear that tonight.”
⤷ “but, tetsu, i—”
⤷ “shh, you're gorgeous, okay? and nothing will ever change that.”
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⭑ iwaizumi
⤷ your boyfriend accidentally walked in on you changing, which to him didn't seem like that big of a deal, and so he was surprised to hear you shriek when he entered the room, watching as you tried to cover yourself with the shirt you were holding
⤷ you shakily tell him to get out and that's when he sees the panicked look in your eyes, realising your reaction wasn't just simply a response to him catching you off guard and scaring you, and that there was clearly something else going on
⤷ “hey, what's the matter?”
⤷ “it's nothing, haji. i'm fine, just— please, just get out.”
⤷ “no, you're not. you're a terrible liar, you know that? i'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong.”
⤷ you sighed, knowing that regardless of how much you tried to avoid telling him about what was probably your biggest insecurity, you couldn't keep it from him forever and right now it seemed there was no way around it
⤷ the scar on your collarbone was never something you particularly liked about yourself, and so you usually just tried your best not to think about it and pretended it wasn't there
⤷ however you still found it hard to ignore sometimes, especially with the way everyone’s eyes seemed to be drawn to it whenever you'd wear clothing that left the area exposed, and as time went on you found yourself feeling more self-conscious about it than ever
⤷ you couldn't help but feel a little nervous as you explained yourself to iwa, finding it hard to put your feelings into words but doing your best to tell him how insecure you felt, admitting that you were embarrassed for him to see you because of your scar
⤷ your boyfriend listened intently to everything you told him, trying his best to understand how you were feeling, but it still made him sad to hear you talk about yourself so negatively— how do you not see yourself the way he does?
⤷ iwa literally thinks the world of you, he couldn't imagine spending his life with anyone else and to find out that you think so little of yourself makes his heart ache
⤷ he pulls you into a hug, telling you that he thinks you're perfect just the way you are and that he appreciates everything about you, even the parts you don't like so much yourself
⤷ “i love you for you, alright? now put a shirt on, doll. it's cold in here.”
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⭑ akaashi
⤷ i feel like it didn't take long for akaashi to notice your scars, they would catch his attention whenever you wore shorts or a skirt and the material would ride up your thighs
⤷ however he didn't mention anything to you, trusting that you'd open up to him about it when the time was right— he knew scars could be a sensitive topic, and the last thing he wanted was to make you feel uncomfortable by bringing up something you didn't feel ready to talk about yet
⤷ until one day when he caught you examining yourself in the mirror, a sad look in your eyes as your fingers lightly traced over the scars that were scattered along your hip bones and thighs, and he realised it was clearly something that bothered you
⤷ your boyfriend came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder— it was evident that you weren't expecting him to catch you in the middle of picking apart your own appearance, given your startled expression and the way your body stiffened under his touch
⤷ a smile promptly made its way to your face in an attempt to convince him you were fine, but akaashi was rather perceptive and he therefore noticed the way it didn't quite reach your eyes
⤷ “oh, keiji. i was just—”
⤷ “you're so beautiful, sweetheart. you know that, right?”
⤷ you laughed nervously, trying to play it off but it was clear your boyfriend could see right through you, and you knew you had no choice but to tell him what was bothering you
⤷ “i don't know, i just kinda think i'd look better if my skin was… y'know, smoother…”
⤷ hearing you talk so openly about your own insecurities wasn't something akaashi was used to, you were always so happy and carefree, seeming so comfortable in your own skin— he hadn't seen this side of you before and he hated to think he had no idea you really felt this way about yourself up until now
⤷ “nonsense. you are so much more than your body, my darling. your scars don't define you.”
⤷ you watched through the reflection of the mirror as his hands made their way a little lower, softly caressing your hips as he pressed a gentle kiss against your shoulder, eyes filled with nothing but adoration for you and your body
⤷ you felt your heart flutter and you couldn't help but smile at his words, and akaashi was thankful to see that this time it did in fact reach your eyes <3
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⤷ please do not repost my works on any other sites!
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dashofmonsters · 3 months
Dreamers & Delusions- Pt. 8
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merman x female reader
After you finally agreed to live with Tao he told you to take a few days to heal up. You were worried that you'd get fired from your job being out so long but apparently on his little jog out to get you clothes he also stopped by the diner.
He informed Mikey that you won't be back in for a few days due to your injuries. He also mentioned that he may or may not have threatened him after he said some horrible things about you under breath. Apparently Jes was there to stop him from beating Mikey black and blue.
You spent the first day just lounging about in the nest room, reading your romance novels you've stashed away at Tao's. He had to go back to the beach to asses the damage and help with clean up. When he came home he looked drained but quickly perked up when he saw that you made dinner
The second day Jes came to visit and the two of you talked up a storm.
"Girl you are so lucky to be alive right now! You could have fucking died!" She shakes you before giving you a rib crushing hug.
"I know, I know. I just couldn't be there anymore, I needed to get away," You cry against her shoulder and sigh.
You give Jes the run down of that fateful night and leave nothing out. She listens, shaking her head here and there and holding back tears when you talk about how terrified you were.
"And I've been here since. I don't know if he's told you, but I'm moving in with him," you tell her as you wipe your eyes with your sleeve.
"I think that's for the best, but what about... well, you haven't been to keen on getting any closer to him because of the... you know, mates subject," She sighs and scrubs her face.
"I'm trying not to think about it. I'll still keep him at a healthy distance, even though he seems to want the opposite. Not sure if he's taking this fake dating seriously or if he's just being over protective of me because he sees me as his shoal mate," you shrug.
Jes' brows hike up her forehead and she grins, "Shoal mate?"
"Like werewolves have pack members Jes, nothing special," you glare.
"Sure sure, and I'm guessing all those clothes and lacy things aren't special either?" Her grin widens.
"Jes, no. He's just being nice, he even said it was because I didn't have anything to wear and all," you roll your eyes and groan. "Besides he would probably buy even more expensive clothes for his mate, treat her even better and all. I'm just practice, that's all I'm ever good for."
Without warning a hand clamps down on your face and shakes you, "You listen and you listen good, I am sick and tired of hearing your woe was me bullshit! You are kind, smart, dependable, funny as fuck, and loving as hell and if no one can see that in you, they don't fucking deserve you. Tao included ok?"
You nod your head and whimper, "But when he finds her won't h-"
"And what if you are her? What then?" She asks you.
"How can it be me though? There's been no sign, no marks, no moment where we look deep into each others eyes and just 'know'. There's nothing Jes, just two friends who are fake dating," you start blubbering, tears rolling down your cheeks again.
You've bottled up these emotions for days now, unable to vent them since you're in the same living space with the merman who's causing them. You needed this, needed to talk to Jes and just let it all out.
"A part of me wishes he wasn't so goddamn nice to me ya know. Like it'd be so much easier to fall out of love with him. And now look at me, I'm about to move in with him because it's safer here than with my own fucking family. I can't win Jes, I can't," you sob into your hands and she pulls you in for a hug.
"You'll be alright sugar, maybe not now but eventually. I'm not going to sugar coat shit and say things will be fine because I'm no fortune teller girly. This is going to be a fucking journey, but it's all about how you navigate until you reach the end. Nobody needs to get hurt ok?" Jes pulls back and wipes a tear from your cheek. "But if he does hurt you, I will be more than happy to put my foot up where the sun don't shine."
You manage a teary chuckle and nod, "Thanks for being real Jes. I guess I needed to hear that and not some fake positivity bull shit."
"I don't do that wishy washy fake support girly, I tell it like it is," she grins and winks.
After you calm down Jes segues the conversation from you and Tao to her and her wild fae fiancé. You start cackling when she tells you about the gifts they've already received from friends and family. Apparently it's common practice to gift some fun things for the bedroom before the wedding so they can enjoy them afterward. Jes admits that she's lost count of how many of these gifts she has received.
"But here's the real kicker, because he's a wild fae our wedding has to be officiated by a wild fae who has worked law between both worlds for it to be legal in both," Jes sneers and tosses her hand back and forth.
"Won't that kind of be near impossible? Aren't wild fae against going into law? I thought they'd be more free spirited?" You try to imagine someone with wild hair and wild magic working in a court of law and quickly shake your head.
"That's what I thought, but there's one. Just one, fresh out of college too. He has a degree in law in both worlds. His name is Varen, very straight laced and way too normal for anyone to look at him and think wild fae. But Artek told me that this kid's one hundred percent a wild fae, could tell by the ebb and flow of his magic," She explains and goes into greater detail about this weird wild fae.
That conversation lead to another and another, talking and bitching turned to joking over lunch and eventually, like all good things, ended after cake. Jes left and you felt lighter though the dread stayed pooled in the pits of your stomach. It was manageable now, but still there.
You distract yourself by starting on dinner. You take it easy as to not overdo it and reopen any wounds again. You've splashed some healing potion on yourself this morning but should probably cleanse yourself with another dose soon.
Little by little you get everything together and toss it into the oven. Easy, simple bake for a dinner. While it does its own thing you whisk away to the bathroom and quickly strip as you run the bathwater. You've just finished pouring the potion into the bath when the door flies open haphazardly and Tao freezes.
You can't help but to laugh especially when he attempts to close the door that keeps slipping from his grasp.
"Dude you've seen me naked probably a dozen times now, nothing you haven't seen," you plop into the bath, still laughing.
You hear the door shut and Tao sighing and to your surprise you see him sitting right at the closed door. He looks a bit roughed up and tired as hell.
"Tough day at work," you ask as you settle in for a soak.
Tao groans, "Tough would be an understatement. Two vacant houses tumbled and shattered onto the beach during the storm. We started out with plenty of volunteers but once they realized how much work goes into the clean up, well we lost a good sixty percent."
"Sixty percent?!" you turn and nearly slip against the tub.
"And if that wasn't bad enough, a certain someone came to the beach looking for you," he adds with disgust that he doesn't even attempt to hide.
"You've gotta be shitting me... She came to the fucking beach after all that had happened?" you ask.
"She was cordial at first since there was a lot of people but when I wasn't giving her the answers she wanted she started saying horrific things about you in relation to, well, to us," he says.
You know how unhinged your grandmother can be with insults and name calling but to slander you or Tao, especially Tao, in public, that was crossing a whole new fucking line.
"What did she say?" you grit your teeth and exhale, trying to remain calm.
Tao doesn't say anything, but you hear him clear his throat and shift. You turn in the tub, keeping low enough that only your shoulders and up are visible, "Tao, what did she say?"
He looks at you and looks down, "She said a great deal of things that I am very certain would cause you to become quite enraged."
"I need something a little more specific buddy. How bad was it?" you keep pushing, knowing that Tao isn't fully comfortable with this but you need to know.
"I'm not sure if I-"
"If I promise to remain calm will you fucking tell me at least one goddamn thing she said?" you nearly yell, starting to get frustrated.
Tao's eyes widen but he nods his head, "She said...well she compared you to your mother saying that you're some slut for dating me and that I'm some freak with a human woman fetish that's lowering whatever qualities about you that would be desirable to human males."
You promised to remain calm, and you're no liar. Instead you start getting out of the tub. You quickly wrap a towel around yourself before Tao can say anything but to your surprise he seems rather speechless. His eyes are back onto the floor and there's this limpness to him. You squat down next to him and he doesn't flinch.
"There's more to this isn't there?" you ask.
"I couldn't say anything... I couldn't defend you or she'd know where you were. I wanted to tear her apart so bad, not physically of course, but I wanted her to know how wrong she was," Tao admits.
You lean up against him and he stiffens a bit before relaxing. He smells of the beach and whatever trash was on beach and it makes you crinkle your nose.
"I'm going to go get dressed and finish up dinner while you take a much needed shower. Let's try to get me moved in asap. I don't think I can tolerate my grandmother any longer," you shimmy up against the door to stand up as Tao shoves up and wobbles.
He seems a little off but mostly tired.
"Try to get some rest tonight ok? We have plenty of time to talk till we both pass out," you smile at him before leaving to go get dressed.
You throw on some comfy pajama bottoms that Jes bought for you and a large shirt that Tao had got you with all the other clothes. You slip into some comfy slides and head to the kitchen to check on dinner. It's a simple chicken bake that your older brother used to make and it made you feel like a normal kid when you ate it.
You wanted to share with Tao a taste of your world since the both of you always cooked his style. It's not that he can't eat or doesn't like to eat normal human food, it's just that you've been busy practicing his style for a while now.
It's just chicken breasts baked over carrots and potatoes that you've oiled and seasoned properly, but this was the one thing that kept you going on the hard days. You made it for your younger siblings when your brother got older and left, but it was never quite as good as his.
You start prepping some broccoli to go with it, something you added so everyone could get their vegies. You can't help but to smile when you think of your little sister grimacing when she took her first bite of broccoli. You had to convince her that they were tiny trees and she'd become a giant if she ate them. Before you left home, she admitted that it didn't work but she knew you were trying so she kept eating them even if she still didn't like them. Hearing that almost made you break down in tears.
You oil up the pan and turn to grab the broccoli when you run right into Tao.
"You have got to start warning me when you enter a room dude, this is going to keep happening if you don't," you laugh.
Tao chuckles and holds your arm, "I'll try to remember that for next time. How are your wounds?"
"Itchy," you shrug, "But manageable. How about you? How are you feeling?"
"I'm...," He pauses and sighs. "Tired, tired and drained. All I want to do is bury myself in a pile of blankets and pillows and pretend that the rest of the world doesn't exist for a while."
You want to laugh because you've been there, and you feel like this isn't the first time Tao has felt like this but it's the first time he's expressed it.
"Well how about we do just that after dinner ok? I could do with wrapping myself up in that fluffy green blanket like a lettuce wrap," you giggle.
Tao gives you a soft smile and nods, "Sounds like a plan."
His hand roves up from your forearm and to your shoulder, your heart pounding a mile a minute until his nose crinkles and he nearly shoves you away as he picks up the smoking oiled pan off the stove top.
You try to apologize but Tao stops you saying it's his fault he distracted you. He offers to help with the last bit of dinner but you stubbornly decline and banish him to the barstools.
The chicken bake finishes just as you toss the broccoli into the newly oiled pan and you hush up Tao when he offers to help again.
"Can't make you a thank you dinner if you keep trying to help now can I?" you poke at him.
"Wait, what do you mean?" he asks, almost shocked.
"I thought I'd make you something from my world as a thank you... Like we're always cooking stuff from the little book you made me or stuff based on that so I thought I'd try something different...," you feel your heart sinking a bit at how silly you sound.
You should have asked instead of jumping into this, should have double checked and now you're probably just cooking for yourself because he probably won't want t-
"I can't wait to try it then," he says.
You look up, realizing that you had been looking down at the broccoli and were probably about to salt it with your tears.
"It's nothing fancy, just a chicken bake my older brother used to make for me when I was a kid," you smile.
He smiles back and yawns looking more tired than usual, "Like I said, I can't wait to try it."
You feel your cheeks heat and your heart flutter but it doesn't last long as you mentally dunk yourself into cold water.
Just a friend, just a friend...
Shaking yourself out of your girly lovey dove self you focus on finishing dinner. As simple as it is you want to make it especially presentable. You give Tao two chicken breasts and a good helping of carrots, potatoes and broccoli. You wanted to serve dinner rolls with it but you had polished them off a couple nights ago.
Tao is unable to stay seated much longer and takes the plates to the one place you'd thought they'd be forbidden from entering, the nest room. Though not without trays which he asks you to bring. You grab them along with some bottles of water and the dessert Jes had brought earlier from the diner.
Tao has you set the trays and things down at the doorway so you can hold the plates. You watch with bated breath as his claw slowly slices through the air, dragging golden glowing ruins with it. The room shifts and the nest room transforms into something akin to a magical pillow fort. The plates you're holding float out of your hands and the trays fly up to support them.
You look down for the dessert and waters but they had already transported to Tao's hands. He smiles again and gestures for you to follow him into the pillow fort.
He plops down onto a beanbag that you had no idea was even in the room and the tray lands gracefully on his lap. You follow suit and snuggle up into a pile of pillows with your tray landing next to you.
"I gotta say Tao, had I known you as a kid I would have invited you over to build pillow forts and hang out because this is fucking nice," you joke.
Tao doesn't say anything because all of his focus and attention went straight into the dinner you had made. Though he's tired, his eyes turn solid black as he rips into the chicken like a beast. It's no feeding frenzy like he did at your grandmother's house, no he still seems conscience.
You take his silence and focus on the meal as a complement and tuck into your on plate. As you eat you realize that it's still not quite like your brother's.
Guess I'll have to hunt him down and shake that recipe out of him one of these days.
You're halfway down eating when you feel Tao snuggling up to you. You glance over at him, his eyes still all black.
"If you're still fully aware in there let me finish eating dude," you tell him.
Tao grunts which you suppose is a good sign as he slinks down and lays next to you. You stab at your food and eat as slowly as possible hoping that Tao will just pass out while waiting for you.
You're not against platonic cuddling or whatever sharky merfolk due to stay warm, but you need some distance. You need to be a little colder until you've sorted your feelings out.
He's been so good to you, kind and caring that it hurts more and more as the days pass and you haven't even officially moved in yet. You keep things as professional as you can but he keeps doing things like buying you snacks and little gifts like candles and bubble bath stuff.
It drives you absolutely crazy because you know this isn't going to last, that even though you'll still be shoal mates and all, you won't be anything more than just that.
You finish eating and check to see if Tao had passed out. Once you're certain he's asleep you clean up the pillow fort and take everything to the kitchen as quietly as possible. You shake your head and almost cry as you laugh about hanging out with Tao in a pillow fort.
If you weren't in love with him you'd probably have a blast. You'd probably try to wake his ass up and try to teach him some games the both of you could play.
But you're in love with him and he's tired. You're tired too.
You had allowed yourself to laze about while physically healing but mentally and emotionally you still feel like your wounds are wide open and bleeding all over the place.
Tip toeing back to the nest room, you quickly swipe the fluffy green blanket and a couple pillows to take back to the living room. You toss yourself onto the leather loveseat and curl into a ball before passing out.
My eyes feel crusted and practically glued together when I wake up. I'm cold even though I'm wrapped up in a heavy blanket. I reach out to get a feel of my surroundings when my memories of last night start flooding in. I snap up and and furiously wipe my eyes till I can open them.
The nest room is as I remembered, magicked into a cave of pillows and blankets but absent of a certain someone. I quickly untangle myself from the blankets and nearly trip as I make my way out of the room.
I search the nearby rooms to check for her before heading to the kitchen. My heart sinks when I peer into the living room and find her curled up on the couch. I quietly pad my way over to her and I fall to my knees when I see notice the tears stained on her face and the puffiness of her eyes.
Had she spent the entire night out here alone crying her eyes out?
I grab a fistful of my hair as I try to wrack my brain for anything I might have done to upset her. I start to worry if I offended her with the way that I ate last night, I did try my best to suppress my instincts. I know that going into a feeding frenzy can disgust humans but she's been fine with it before.
My heart starts racing and I can hardly breathe as I continue to spiral into a state of panic. I'm obviously not quiet about it because she stirs then shoots straight up. I hear her worrying over me, her warm hands cupping my cheek so gently. Without think I hold her hand in place as if I'm afraid this will be the last time she touches me.
Her thumb soothes short lines near my eye and I feel myself slowly calming down to the point that I almost doze off again. She keeps talking but it's muffled. She tries to pull her hand away then and I snap out of whatever trance I was in.
"Tao, you need to go in the tank dammit! You're dry as a bone!" she yells at me.
It takes a moment for my mind and body to sync up and that's when I realize the severe discomfort my skin is in. Not just my skin but my mouth feels sticky and my gills are on fire. I stumble as I stand, no longer operating on anxious energy. It's so difficult to move, to breathe in this state.
I haven't neglected myself like this in ages and now I'm doing it in front of her. For a moment I think she might scold me, rage at how stupid I was for not taking better care of myself until I feel her small hand at the mid of my back.
Slowly she helps me to the hatch, my breathing becoming more and more labored with each step. My gills feel stuck and itchy to the point of sheer madness. I try my best not to scratch at them in fear of them becoming raw.
She sits me down on one of the benches and helps me out of my shirt. For a moment I think that it's kind of her to help me out like this until I remember that I'm wearing pants too.
In a sudden bout of panic I shoot up and kick the hatch open. I hear her talking but not a single word is registering. I quickly start stripping my pants off and before she can see anything I try to dive into my tank but trip over my own feet. I nearly miss the edge when I hit the water and thank the goddesses I made it before I feel unconscious.
There's a weight on my shoulder, a stinging pain too. I suppose I did hit myself but not as bad. I peel open my eyes in horror when I see my shoal mate's limp body slowly floating away from me with blood trailing from her head.
You could see Tao struggling and you tried to stop him before he hurt himself, instead you ended up bonking your fucking head on the edge of the hatch. It stings like a bitch from the saltwater so you must have sliced it on impact.
But you quickly shove that though from your mind because you're underwater and you're breathing somehow. Memories flood back and you recall holding onto to his shoulder for dear life and Tao pulling you in and how his mouth opened yours up so he could breathe for you. He said something and you nodded before passing out again. He most likely cast a spell to allow you to breathe under water then.
You slowly open your eyes but there's not much to behold. The tank is dark save for the light near the surface. You feel around yourself and notice something smooth nearby. You give it a good poke a guess by the texture and smooshiness of it that it's Tao's tail. Suddenly you're being pulled against him, his nose nuzzling against your ear and his claws rest gently against your bare skin.
"You scared me half to death," he groans, his voice hoarse.
"Ditto dude, you were having a full blown panic attack. What happened?" you ask as bubbles exit your mouth. You have a good idea based on how he's responded to anything you do in the past but it doesn't hurt to check.
Tao's claws twitch and he hums, "I was worried that I had offended you somehow. When I awoke, you were not in the nest."
"You didn't do anything wrong Tao, I just... I needed some space. That and uhh...," You pause, knowing it's now or never and decide to rip it off like a band aid. "You don't have to keep up the fake dating act when we're alone. I mean whenever you find your mate or something I think you'll do good."
You continue to praise him and how he'll make someone super happy one of these days while doing your damndest to mask the ache in your heart. You slip up though and your voice cracks but you laugh it off or at least try to.
The slip doesn't go unnoticed and Tao pulls you into his arms again, crushing you against his body. You're stiff yet somehow you're trembling as he cradles your head and gently kisses your cheek. He doesn't say anything really but you do hear him purr. It's a low thrumming sound and it's oddly soothing.
"We were supposed to relax and pretend as if the world did not exist in the nest room. I ruined that by allowing my instincts to take over again," He says remorsefully.
"No you didn't Tao, I just... I needed space and... you've been great, maybe too great. It just feels wrong somehow to keep up the fake dating act twenty four seven. It's been messing with my head so much so that, I don't know... I just think we should tone it down and just be friends when no one is looking," you bury your face against his chest and sigh.
Tao taps his claws against the back of your head as his purring somehow intensifies, "Then how has it been messing with your head? Did I do something to overstep any boundaries?"
It's a genuine question, you know it is but it irritates you because it's digging so close to the truth, "You haven't overstepped anything, if anyone did that would be me. You've been nothing but kind and respectful and all that and it's been making me think how great it would be if there was someone who could treat me like you do but they actually loved me."
That last part stings your soul because you don't want just anybody, you want Tao.
Without thinking you keep blubbering on, your emotions taking charge now, "And then I started thinking how nice it would be if I was your mate, not just shoal mate, but that'd never happen. So I just kept telling myself we're friends and that you'll eventually find your fated mate and I'll be tossed aside. So I've been trying my best to shut those feelings off, to put some distance between us but somehow someway we keep coming into contact with each other."
At this point your laughing, possibly crying but it's too hard to tell since you're still underwater. Tao holds you even tighter, pulling you up until your chin rests on his shoulder.
"I pray to the goddesses every night that I never meet my fated mate or that I will have the strength to reject her if we do meet," he admits.
"Why would you do that?" you ask with a broken voice.
"Because I want to choose my mate and fated mates among merfolk are rare anyways. I came to this world for a new life, I can't hold onto old traditions and wishful thinking," he answers, his claws once again tapping the back of your head.
"Did you decide this because you've already chose someone?" The question slips and Tao's fingers still against you.
His purring is so loud now and his heartbeat is thrumming against it. He doesn't say anything for a minute but then nods, "Yes, I suppose I have."
You go limp in his hold for a second before looking up at him. His golden eyes glow in the darkness and his hair moves in waves around his head like an inky crown. He looks more feral at this moment than he does when his instincts kick in. For a moment you're terrified of the question fighting its way out but when he touches your arm oh so gently is just flies out.
"Who is it? Who did you chose?"
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footballfanficwriter · 8 months
Can you do part 2 of absent (mbappe story)
Absent pt 2
Summary:where Kylian apologizes for being absent at his son's match
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Kylian's POV
I wake up from my dream and look around and I realise I'm in one of the guest rooms remembering the events of the previous night I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, then walk to my room where Théo and Y/n are sleeping
Sighing and walking to my closet I get a new set of clothes to change in and go to the kitchen to make breakfast for y/n and Théo
I start off by making the eggs, the toast and juice for Théo then coffee for y/n
As I'm preparing the food I hear y/n and Théo coming down the stairs laughing
"Maman remember when iron man was like underoos and then Spiderman came out of nowhere and stole Captain America's Sheild, I was like wow" Théo said sounding excited
"Yeah I remember"
"Oh are you guys taking about Captain America: Civil war?" I ask from the stove"
The minute they hear my voice their smiles drop
Y/n nudges Théo a bit
"Bonjour papa"
"Bonjour Théo" I say
There's an awkward silence in the room until Théo breaks it
"Anyway Maman, then they fought at the airport and ant man grew bigger, then Rhodey was like "ok t-"
"I made breakfast" I say cutting Théo off
"Ok, C'mon Théo let's go" she says
She takes his hand and they walk out the door
I sigh again knowing exactly what game my wife Is playing
Sometimes I forget I married a person who holds grudges and is not easily forgiving, what's worse is that my son has taken after his mother with that habit
Until I make things right they won't talk to me or forgive me
I sigh once more thinking of things to do or say to make them forgive me but nothing comes to mind
I plate up my breakfast and eat in silence all on my own
3 hours later Théo and Y/n come back home
I stand up and watch them walk up the stairs
"Where were you guys"
"What do u mean out"
"I mean out of the house Kylian"
"Why didn't you guys tell me where you were"
"Look all you need to know is we were out"
"Out where?"
"See how it feels"
"So this is pay back for what I did Yesterday"
"Until you tell me where you were and apologize to your son, this is how things are going to be"
"You're being unreasonable"
"Call it what you want my mind is made up"
"Y/n how long is this going to go on for?"
"Until you do what I said you should do, now if you'll excuse me I have to help MY son with his homework"
She continues up the stairs and into Théo's room
I follow her up the stairs and into Théo's room feeling angry with every step I take
"Can you stop being so stubborn and just get over it already, I wasn't there for Théo's match so what get over it, it happened, there's nothing I can do now, nothing I say or do will change that fact"
"All I want you to do is tell me where you were and to Apologize to Théo"
"It wasn't my fault I wasn't there though"
"I don't even know if that's true cause you haven't told me anything about where you were yesterday"
"All you have to do is believe what I say and move on from this whole issue"
"You clearly don't know who on earth you married if you think I'm gonna do that"
"You're so difficult, my gosh" I say and walk out the room
I stand in the passage for a while and as I'm standing there I hear Théo's cries
"Théo?" I hear from inside the door
"Maman, why are you and papa fighting?"
"Oh Amour, ton père et moi, nous sommes bien" (your father and I are fine")
"Ah bon?"( really?)
"Then why are you fighting?"
"We're not"
"Are you sure that papa is not going to leave us?"
"Théo, why do you keep asking me that question"
"Because Hugo's dad left him and his mom,Hugo said that his dad started by not coming to his matches, then he stopped coming home for dinner, then he started missing all his important moments, until he just didn't come home anymore, is that what's going to happen with us Maman?" I hear Théo ask with cries
"Théo N-"
I barge into the room before y/n can reply
"Théo that's not happening, your mother and I we love eachother very much, there is no way that I am going to leave the both of you"
"Are you sure"
"And just because all of this is happening doesn't mean that your father and I are going to leave eachother"
"Et Théo je très désolé" (and Théo, I'm very sorry)
"Pourquoi papa?" (Why, dad)
"For not coming to your match yesterday, I know it meant so much to you and I know it was your first match after your injury, all I'm saying is that i wouldn't purposely miss your match, but to make it up to you, I'll be there for the next one and the ones after"
"T'es sérieuse papa, t'es promis?" (Are you serious dad, do you promise?"
"Oui, je promis" (yes I promise")
"Thank you" Théo says coming hugging me
"You're welcome"
As I'm hugging Théo I look at Y/n and she looks away
I already know what this is about, she wants me to tell her where I was or I'll be sleeping in the guest room again today
"Ok Théo let's help you with your homework"
"Maman, can you also help with my homework?"
Y/n instantly puts on a smile and agrees to help
The three of us sit in Théo's room helping him with his homework then after that we just play around his toys
"Ok amour time for your bath, c'mon"
"I've got it" I say
"You sure?"
"Yeah I am"
"Ok then, I'll get started on dinner"
"Théo, on y va"
"Ok papa"
We walk to the bathroom and I bath and help him where he needs help
By the Time we're done Théo looks like he's about to sleep
Till this day Water is the only thing that can make him sleepy, that's what we use to do when he was a baby everytime Théo was restless and couldn't sleep we'd just give him a bath
"C'mon Théo, you have to have your dinner first before you sleep"
He huffs an ok and we both make our way downstairs,where we find Y/n dishing up
As we eat our dinner I see Théo dousing in and out of sleep
"C'mon Théo, let's get you to bed" y/n says getting out of her seat and picking Théo up
"Ok Maman, bonne nuit Papa"
"Bonne nuit Théo"
As y/n is tucking Théo into bed I clear the table and get started on washing the dishes
When y/n walks to the kitchen
"I'm not going to beat around the Bush Kylian"
"Wow, right to it?"
"Yep, so what were you doing and where were you?"
"Really, so you call this nothing?" She Says
She turns her phone to show me the headline
Kylian Mbappe spotted walking out of the stores with bags of groceries and children's clothes
"Explain this then, what do you call this"
I'm quiet and don't say a word
"What, do you have another family outside me and Théo"
"And don't say that you brought the groceries and clothes for us because you came back home empty handed yesterday, so please explain, I really can't wait to hear what your reason is"
I continue being quiet not knowing what to say
"I brought the clothes and groceries for a charity the club said to keep it private because they would be announcing it to the media in a couple days that we'd be offered to adopt one of the children"
"Adopt one of the children?"
"Well not exactly adopt just being a guardian to them and showing them love and stuff, we take responsibility for them you know, and they don't have to live with us, we just have weekly visits to the charity and visit on weekends or anytime we want to"
"You didn't think to tell me all this before I left the house for work"
"I didn't want to say anything because at the time i didn't know that i would have been absent for Théo's match and I didn't know that there would be a child that would catch my attention"
"So you're saying there's a child there who peaked your interest?"
"Yeah his name is Alexander, he's Théo's age and he loves football aswell"
"How did you find him, what about him peaked your interest?"
"He was all alone at the back of the house and I was just exploring when I found him kicking ball against the wall"
"Why didn't call and at least let us know that you wouldn't be able to make it"
"My phone was off that's why all your calls went to voicemail"
"Mhm ok" she says and walks out the kitchen and upstairs to our room
I finish washing up the dishes and go to the room to find her doing her nightly routine
Testing the waters I walk closer to her and wrap my arms around her waist and she Pats the hands on her belly
She forgives me
"I'm sorry, for not telling you and for not being there yesterday, I realize that I was wrong and I could have used someone's phone to let you know that I couldn't make it"
"It's fine ,what's important is that you make it up to Théo and live up to that promise you made him"
"Yeah I will"
"Thank you"
"I love you"
"I love you too"
I kiss her her cheek and she gives me a tight lipped smile
"Can I come back to the room now"
"Yeah, you can come back"
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lovelycassy · 2 years
Ok hear me out, a Lorenzo Berkshire imagine where him and the reader are dating and she gets hurt during a girl day with pansy 😌
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Summary: Ever since you and Lorenzo started dating a week ago, you noticed a certain slytherin who always seems to be glaring at you. It only took some time before they take action against you.
Pairing: Lorenzo/Enzo x fem!reader
House: any
Blood status: pureblood
Word count: 1,588
Warning(s) : some violence, a lil cursing, a kissing scene that’s barely there, pet names (love & darling), not proofread, lmk if I missed anything!
a/n: I am so sorry anon I didn't check my ask box for a rlly long time so I didn't notice that I already had requests 😭 I hope you didn’t wait that long but here it is though. btw this is my first fic so pls bear with me if its cringy I'm trying
Also forgive me if pansy, lorenzo and Daphne are not so in character these are just how I imagine their personalities are
It was a sunny friday afternoon and you were going to your last class of the day. You were thinking of what you were going to do the next day when you heard someone call your name from behind.
"Y/n!" they called. You turned around and saw your best friend Pansy running down the hallway.
"Yes?" You answered
Pansy caught her breath before she asked, "Do you have any plans for tomorrow afternoon?"
"not much, just going to stay in my dorm all day I guess, why?"
"I was thinking that we should have a girl's day, you know just the two of us, shopping at hogsmeade. Since our NEWTS are coming up and I know its gonna take a lot of our time, tomorrow is the perfect time for us to hang out before we have to stress about our exams. So, what do you say?" She said, with her eyes almost looking like she’s pleading for you to say yes.
You thought for a while. You didn't have anything else to do aside from sleeping and staying in your bed all day anyway. You also finished all your homework yesterday, you just need to hope that your last professor gives mercy on all of you students and lets you go without any homework.
"Okay sure, I need a break from school anyway." You finally answered.
"Great! Let's meet at the great hall at 9am, sound good?"
"Yep, see you tomorrow Pans!"
"Thank god we don't have any homework assigned today" you muttered as you entered the slytherin common room, heading to your boyfriend's dorm.
You knocked 3 times before you heard someone answer from inside;
"Who is it?“ Lorenzo shouted
"It's just me" you answered
"Oh alright, the door's open"
You entered and saw him sitting on his bed, reading a book. He already changed out of his robes and wore some comfy clothes.
He looked up from his book the second you entered the room.
"Hey darling, how's your day?" He asked
"Tiring, how's yours?" You said while taking off your robe and putting it on the coat rack
"It's alright, if you exclude the fact that seamus almost set the classroom and everyone in it on fire in potions."
"Wow, that bad?"
"Yeah, luckily snape was there. But of course he had to take points off Gryffindor because of the chaos Seamus created."
By now you had already changed into some comfortable clothes and was climbing in bed "But everyone was okay, right?"
"Of course, but enough about my day. Tell me what happened to yours?" He said, while cuddling you putting you on top of him
"Well pansy came to me a few hours ago, asking me to go on a girl's day with her tomorrow at hogsmeade. Since our exams are coming up she wants to hangout before we all get busy studying."
"And what did you answer her?"
"I said yes of course she's my best friend"
"I thought you said we're going to spend the whole day together tomorrow?" He looked down at you with a pouty face
"I said on sunday, love"
"No you definitely said Saturday"
"I'm pretty sure I said sunday"
"Fine you did"
"I promise you on sunday I'm all yours, okay? No one is going to disturb us."
"Alright fine"
Before you could say anything else he suddenly flipped both of you and he was on top of you
“Love what are you trying to do right now?”
“What I’ve wanted to do since classes ended”
Then you felt his lips on yours
You were roughly making out for about 5 minutes now when you both heard a knock on the door.
"You lovebirds done? Its nearly dinner already so stop making out and let's go to the great hall." Theo groaned from the other side of the door.
"Okay okay we're coming" you said fixing yourself up
"Cmon lets just stay behind they won't even mind" Enzo complained
"Sorry love but as a human being I also need food plus I'm starving" you were walking to the door when you turned around and saw him on the bed with a pouting like face
"We could continue after dinner." You said with a smirk
That made him run to the great hall.
*timeskip to the next day*
You and Pansy have been shopping for almost 2 hours now. You suggested you guys eat lunch first before continuing your shopping spree
Once you guys were finished, you were both deciding the next store you were going to when you saw a certain slytherin walking towards you with her gang. The one who has been rude to you since you and Lorenzo started dating, Daphne Greengrass. Let’s pretend she didn’t like theodore and liked lor
It was no secret to the whole school that she liked him. She practically did everything to make him notice her. Yet Lorenzo still chose you, and that made her blood boil.
"What's she doing here?" You whispered to Pansy
Pansy just shrugged
"Well well well, look who we have here, its lorenzo’s little girlfriend, L/n " Daphne said with a smirk (IM INTERNALLY CRINGING RN)
“Hello Greengrass, what brings you to hogsmeade on this lovely day?”
“Oh nothing, I just heard you and parkinson over there talking about how you’re going to spend your boyfriend’s money on a shopping spree. Does enzo even know you’re spending his money?” She said as she strode a little more closer to you
You can’t start a fight, or else some professor might pass by and punish you both by taking away house points that won’t be enough to win the house cup
You took a deep breath before answering her, “actually Greengrass, the money I’m spending right now is my monthly allowance from my parents. Now if you would excuse us, we would like to get back to our shopping.”
You tried to get past her before she blocked you and pansy’s way
“Not so fast l/n, that’s not what I came here for.”
“What is it then Greengrass?” You were starting to get annoyed
By now you were standing at arm’s length from her
“I came here because I wanted to remind you something.”
Suddenly she pushed you to the ground
“What the hell are you doing!” Pansy shouted, while trying to break free from Tracey Davis, one of Daphne’s closest friends
“Telling L/n here to stay away from what’s mine” daphne said, pointing her wand at you
Right now you were terrified of what might happen
“What the hell do you mean by staying away from what’s yours-“
“I meant staying away from Lorenzo you bitch!”
“We were friends since we were babies! We were meant for each other until you came and took him away from me!” She shouted
“So right now I’m going to take revenge on what you’ve done, stupefy!”
With that you flew and landed your back on a wall, you felt yourself getting dizzy with dark spots covering your vision. You heard Pansy run to you calling your name before everything went black
You woke up from a shine of light coming through your eyelids (does that make sense?), with a slight pounding in your head. You squinted your eyes a bit to get a better view to know where you were, it took a while before coming to a realization that you were in the hospital wing
You felt something or someone holding your hand, and you turned to see your boyfriend, Enzo, sleeping on a chair beside your bed holding your hand.
“Love, wake up,” you said, gently shaking the hand wrapped around yours.
You saw him fluttering his eyes a bit before looking at you with wide eyes.
“Oh my god you’re awake- hold on for a minute I need to get madam pomfrey.”
He rushed out of the hospital wing and returned with her not even 2 minutes later.
“Hello dear, how are you feeling?” Madam pomfrey asked with a gentle smile.
You looked at her and said, “my head hurts a bit, but may I ask what happened?”
“You must’ve forgotten because of how hard you hit your head yesterday.”
Hit your head? What happened? You thought for a while before all the events came back to your head. Daphne greengrass hexed you.
“Oh” was all you could say.
“Well dear once the pain in your head fades you are free to go anytime,” And with that madam pomfrey left.
You turned to look at your boyfriend and he looked at you with concerned eyes
“Um” he started “I heard from Blaise what Daphne has done to you, he was walking in hogsmeade when he saw Pansy trying to drag you back to the castle. I’m really sorry that-“
“It’s not your fault love” you cut him off
“No it partly is, I should’ve made it clear it Daphne that we weren’t going to work out if we ever got together. I guess I kind of led her on before I asked you out.”
“Well even if you say it is, you weren’t the one who hexed me.”
“Alright but I’m going to stay by your side all the time now, wherever you go I’m always gonna be there”
“Even during girl’s day??” you asked with a fake shocked face
“Even during girl’s day.” He said with a grin
“Just kidding love, but still just in case so you won’t end up in the hospital wing again.”
I’m not really satisfied with the ending, I might redo it once I think of a better one. But anyways I hope you guys enjoyed! :)
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sunny44 · 1 year
Baby Sainz
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x wife!reader
Warnings: none I guess.
Summary: Y/n and Carlos are more than happy with their happy marriage and their baby girl.
Previous Chapter
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Y/n’s POV
I woke up to the sound of laughter and smiled to myself as I knew what it was, I looked over to see Carlos and our daughter in the armchair in our bedroom, she was lying on his lap with him making faces and she was laughing at him making him laugh along with her.
"I'm jealous." I said to him who looked at me smiling and Evie started looking for me since she heard my voice.
"Good morning love." He gets up coming with her to me and as soon as she sees me she starts moving on his lap. "Ok,ok I know you're hungry."
"Good morning princess." I kissed her forehead and lifted my blouse and she began to eat.
"Good old days when I was the only one who did that.”
"Carlos." I scolded him, laughing.
"I'm serious, now I have to share."
"Stop being silly and lay down here with us." I patted his side of the bed and he sat up. "What time do we have to leave for the track?"
"Are you sure you want to go? I know you're excited to see the race but do you think we should take her along?"
"I'll stay the whole time in your garage and we'll watch the race from there, you don't have to worry about her." He agrees. "Unless you don't think it's a good idea to take her or you think it's not the right time for them to know that she exists."
"It's not that it's just that she's so small and fragile that I'm afraid something will happen to her and about them knowing she exists that's going to happen one time or another so I'd rather they know for us than for some paparazzi’s." He says running his hand through her little hair. "But I know you will take good care of her."
"I will." He smiles and gives me a kiss getting up and going to get ready.
I had already left all her things ready yesterday and already in the car so I just needed to get ready and change her.
Actually my pregnancy was very peaceful until the time of the delivery where I never felt so much pain in my life. Evie was already 6 months old now and besides being her daddy's copy she was for sure daddy's little girl.
She hear his voice and starts screaming of happiness until he shows up and takes her in his arms and Carlos was so much in love with her that even without knowing she already had him in the palm of her hand.
"You go get ready and I'll put the clothes on her."
"I left her clothes separate in the bedroom." He agrees and leaves.
I know he would love the clothes I chose so I just waited until he came back with them. The race was again in Spain and it was hot so I took cool clothes or we would be hot.
"I can't believe it, how did you find these?" He already walks in smiling with a giggling Evie dressed in a bodysuit full of chillys’s.
"I knew you'd like it."
"I didn't like it, I loved it." He says patting her and she giggles.
"Daddy chilly and baby chilly."
"Don't call me daddy."
"Why not?"
"Because it makes me imagine things of which we cannot do in her presence and which would surely result in another baby chilly." I laughed and kissed him. "Can we go?"
We went to the car and after checking to see if we had everything we left in the direction of the circuit.
When we arrived I went down first so I could put her in the stroller and cover her before the people saw that he had arrived, after I got her sleeping inside I pulled the roof off the stroller and put a blanket over her so no one could see her little face and then Carlos went down and got Evie's bags and we started walking into the paddock.
I could already hear the murmuring as they saw me again pushing a stroller and along came Carlos with two golden bags, one on his arm and the other in his hand.
"Hey where's my best friend?" I hear Charles' voice and turn to him.
"She's in here sleeping." He lifts a little off the deck and I hear him talking to her who giggles a little. "Well since she's not sleeping anymore let's go to the garage and then you can pick her up.”
We go in and Charles picks her up and smiles at the sight of her clothes and starts walking with her through parts of the garage where the media wouldn't be able to see while Carlos and I are talking to the staff.
Soon he shows up with her and as soon as she sees Carlos she begins to reach out to him who takes her on his lap and kisses her forehead and lays on his shoulder.
"She looks a lot like him." Charles says as Carlos pulls away a little.
"Yes she does, she has him in the palm of her hand."
"You can tell, look at that." He’s holding her and pretending to throw her up but not letting go and she laughs along with him.
"I never got a chance to thank you for talking to him that time we fought, it made a lot of difference and it helped a lot."
"No need to thank me, I knew he was screwing up and look at him now." He pointed at the two of them playing together. "I was sure he would regret it if he let his fear speak louder because we both know he's a family guy."
"Yeah." I say watching Evie tug at his hair that swayed her in the air. "I don't even know how I could even consider divorcing him."
"Don't think about it, it didn't happen and it was because it shouldn't happen. Live in the now and enjoy your family."
"Thank you Charlie." I gave his cheek a light squeeze who smiled and walked over to them.
"Is everything okay?" He asks as soon as I get close to them and I smile. “Yeah, everything is perfect."
He gives me a kiss and hands me Evie since he needed to get ready for the race. And in the end Charles was right, I had nothing to worry about.
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Bonus scene!
Y/nSainz instagram post
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Liked by @carlossainz, @yourdad, @charlesleclerc and others 193718
Y/nSainz a little different weekend for us but a very nice one. Thank you @scuderiaferrari for the amazing weekend but a special thank you for @carlossainz for making sure his girls were having fun, baby Sainz and I had a lot of fun.
See you next time Spanish GP.
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Tag list: @spicyclover @starsanova
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keruimi · 5 months
Can I request a fluff??? Kenma tutoring the reader since the reader is bad at studies?? And later they confess and all?? Thank you!!
Infatuation or Love?
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Pairing: Kenma Kozume x Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Notes: I'm sorry if it took so long. I really know Kenma as an introvert so him agreeing on tutoring someone seems too impossible. But I thankfully manage, I just hope he is not that out of character. Hope you enjoy it!!
I sigh in relief after hearing the school bell and was ready to take my console out of my pocket when the teacher called for me.
I stay still from my seat thinking what will we talk about knowing I didn't even do anything wrong this week.
I decided to finally stand up and walk to her desk and saw she was checking something in her grading sheet so I just stood in front so we wouldn't invade each other's space.
But this is nerve wracking.
"Sensei?" I called out in a whisper to alarm her of my presence.
"Kenma, I'm sorry for what I'm about to request" she started as I bit my lip a little to distract myself.
"I know that you are really busy especially if you are a regular in the volleyball team" she started as I nod in understanding but still thinking where our conversation is heading.
"But I need you to tutor someone"
It felt like my brain stopped functioning on her words.
I hope, I wish, if you don't mind.
It seems like those words are not in her vocabulary.
Do I even have a choice in this?
"Sensei, don't we have other students for that?" I mustered up the courage to question her as I tightly grip on my gaming console.
I need time for myself too. Lev is already a heavy problem I'm trying to unload from my life.
"They have declined"
"Then why can't I?" I almost slap my hand on my mouth when it let out the words that shouldn't be stated.
"Well I thought you would agree since you and Y/n seem to be close compared to the other students I gave this request to"
My ears pick that one name.
"Yes Kenma" she answered.
"Come again?" The teacher exclaims in puzzlement as I tried to supressed the growing blush on my cheeks.
That came out loud than what I intended.
"I mean I don't mind, Sensei" I murmur that lifted a small smile from the teacher in front of me.
"Alright then, here's her contacts. Both of you should talk about your schedules so you know when you will have tutor sessions"
She handed me a card before I bid my goodbyes and immediately went to the volleyball boy's changing room.
I peek inside and saw that everyone seems to be already in the gym so I changed to my practice clothes.
I took my phone and typed her number.
It took me a lot of courage to even send a greeting and need to double check my spelling so I won't look stupid.
I hope this is the 'Y/n' I knew well due to Kuroo's constant nagging.
I quickly turn off my phone when I click the send button and just started walking to the gym, trying to calm my heart down.
Kenma, this is not you.
I remind myself when I start to notice I'm getting work up in this set up.
"Kenma! You're late!" I heard Kuroo immediately as I took a deep breath because I can really feel my racing heart.
I am not even sure if it was really her.
"Hey you ok? You look lost?" Kuroo ask as he stop in front me so I just walk past him and just start warming up.
"You look red, did you run on your way here?"
"Shut up"
"I'm just asking! Who knows you might be experiencing heat stroke right now"
I just ignore his nagging and just let the time pass by but I can't deny that my mind was in the phone.
Silently yearning that she would message me back.
Just because of one tutor, I had the chance to spend time with her.
"Kenma right?" My ears perk up when I hear her soft voice amidst the crowded hallway of the school.
I glanced up from my gaming console and saw the girl I started to secretly admire out of nowhere.
I just know I liked her when my heartbeat went faster and felt my face turn warm.
This infatuation just decided to target me right now.
"You're the one I'm going to tutor, correct?" I ask in a whisper as she hums in agreement.
I started to walk towards the library and felt her follow me.
My nerves started to get more out of control from the silence between the two of us until we finally managed to take a seat in the school's library.
"Where do you want to start?" I decided to break the silence and hid my gaming console to focus but I can't deny how my hands tremble under the table.
I really don't like socialising.
I only agree because it was her. Seems like I screwed myself up.
But thinking of the bright side, I prefer here than the gym where I won't even have enough rest unlike here where I bask in the cool and calming surroundings of the library without anyone annoying me.
Extra credits because of her presence.
"Wherever you want to start with" she answered in a whisper and my heart seems to calm down.
Is she also shy?
I mean, I only see her in every match we play, except when it's outside of tokyo.
That's why she always catches my attention until it turns into infatuation.
Now I need to suffer with the quick heartbeats every time I hear her name.
I shook my head to remove the thoughts that keep distracting me as I put my bag down to the floor.
"Alright then, we'll start with the easiest"
I need to take the lead which I have never done my whole life but this is a girl I'm talking about.
A shy one to say the least so since I need to teach her, I need to take the lead no matter how much I hate it.
As long as it was her.
Yet those moments where I need to push myself out of the bubble, will be one of the memories I would be honor to remember.
Because our relationship started to progress until we finally become comfortable in each other's presence.
She became a part of my routine and in exchange of fighting against my anxiety, I get to know more about who she is.
The reason why her grades started to fail was because she was also a working student. She can't balance school requirements and her work.
But she is not that really hard to teach. I think I only need to repeat myself twice and she will understand the lesson we are tackling.
And right now, three weeks after this tutoring session, I'm starting to have the urge to just lean on her shoulder and rest because I'm really starting to get comfortable in her presence.
It feels like I don't even want this to end.
"Kenma, I finished it" I heard her beside me as I finished the round I started playing like 10 minutes ago as I stopped leaning on the chair to check the worksheet I gave her.
Is this still infatuation when I'm starting to put efforts for her own good?
I slid the paper in front of her as I leaned towards her so I can point out where she went wrong in the third equation.
"In this part, you need to use the exact value. The only thing you're going to estimate is the final answer. Alright?"
I heard her hum as I finally had the urge to look at her and saw her focus was already on me.
It felt like my world stopped at that moment.
I saw how her face started to turn a little red until a notification sound caught my attention that made me break our eye contact.
I immediately turned away my face from her to hide the obvious blush appearing on my cheeks.
I was really falling in love that time.
And the obvious glances as the time passed by started to get to me.
"Kenma?" I heard her call for my name after I finished a practice match that brought the focus of my teammates on me.
"Oh, you're here" I muttered before I permitted myself to leave while drying the sweat from my neck using my towel.
"What brought you here?"
I finally glanced at her and saw she was holding a small box. I also noticed her shifting her feet from time to time and I unknowingly smiled.
"Sensei said that my grades are already good. So you won't need to tutor me anymore"
She mumbled as I nod but I can't help the sadness I felt in my chest and I out my mouth in a firm line to avoid saying something I shouldn't.
"Is that so?" I lost my words as my mind blank knowing it might be our last before we become strangers again.
"Yes, so as a little gift for keeping up with me. I made you an apple pie"
"Apple pie?" She nod when I repeated her words before she handed me the pastry.
"I've heard from your teammates that Apple Pie is your favorite" I didn't fail to notice the small blush forming on her cheeks that really confirms to me that this feeling of mine is not one-sided.
"Thank you Y/n. It was nice being with you" I exclaimed as I took her gift from her.
"Would you mind prolonging our time more?" I suggested and she immediately lifted her head up in delight.
"Are you sure?" She asked as I nod.
I saw her clasping her hands together as she seems to think whether to let out the words she is thinking or just let it be.
"I like you, Y/n"
I admitted it first so it won't be more difficult for her and I saw how her eyes met mine.
"That's why I ask you if you would like to prolong our time longer" I can't prevent myself from lifting a small smile.
And out of nowhere, I felt her own body on mine as I raised the box so she won't crush it.
"I like you too, Kenma. I really do"
Can I still call this infatuation?
When I'm starting to fall in love
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sawyerconfort · 1 year
fire(and)place | jackie taylor x fem!young shipman!reader
Ok, just want to let you guys know that this is an experimental post, because I really want to start watching Yellowjackets and I decided to write oneshots about it...
So, I'm sorry if there's anything wrong with this story regarding the context of the series, I didn't really watch it and only watched snippets of the episodes to cheer myself up and see if I liked the atmosphere of the series.
Btw, it's a story with a character played by Ella Purnell, I think there's no way to go wrong, right?
Hope you like it!
Requests open but taking things slow!
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Prompt: After your older sister has a nasty fight with Jackie in the woods, you decide to take matters into your own hands and confront her. It would all go down too well, though, if you didn't have a crush on her.
You didn't expect things to get to this point. In fact, you didn't even want things to get to this point. You knew better than anyone else how much Shauna liked Jackie, considered her her best friend, and how close Jackie actually was to you because she was best friends with your older sister.
Which is why, when you woke up to the screams echoing in the cabin that middle of the night, after accidentally falling asleep and snuggling into Natalie's shoulder - she was warm, in your defense - you wondered why Jackie wasn't there, and the way Shauna looking at you as soon as you opened your eyes was completely decisive.
"Why the hell are you yelling this time?", you asked, your voice coming out low and rather sleepy. "Where's Jackie? I thought we'd go hunting when we were all together, didn't we?"
"Not anymore," Misty blurted out unintentionally. "Your sister decided to fight Jackie, and she's outside now, who knows where, in the cold maybe."
Shauna rolled her eyes. "She started it!"
"Shut up you suckers!" you yelled, standing up and brushing a few strands of Natalie's gorgeous blonde hair out of her clothes a little bit before heading for the door. "You shouldn't have done that, you shouldn't!"
"Where are you going, (Y\N)?"
"Do what you didn't do. Apologize to Jackie and save her from dying of hypothermia at least."
You rolled your eyes as you left, slamming the cabin door slamming and leaving the girls exchanging skewed looks. Misty stopped Shauna with her arm and your sister had to watch you go, against her will, outside in the snow, just when she should have been protecting you.
It wasn't too hard to find Jackie, knowing at first that even if she was intensely hurt by Shauna or any of the girls, she wouldn't go far. The girl was as scared as you were about navigating the forest alone, so she could be anywhere, just close.
It was practically freezing outside, and you found yourself picking up your pace several times to keep your shoes from sinking into the icy white snow - sometimes it was quite pointless and you practically froze just by dipping your toes a little bit. But it helped you to locate yourself, when the fog gave way to a figure turned on its back, hugging its own legs, with that varsity jacket that you knew so much, and that, dammit, she never took off her body!
It didn't take much for you to know it was Jackie and, relieved to see her, you walked over slowly and sat down where she was, beside her, avoiding eye contact.
"Please don't tell me Shauna asked you to come after me as a consolation prize," she said, rolling her eyes, still hugging her legs. Her voice emitted a little air from her lips, and when you looked up, her mouth was purple.
Quickly, you needed to take action. You dug with your hands until you couldn't dig anymore, but eventually you found some sticks and stones, which were more visible in the middle of the snow. By rubbing the two together, you created a little bit of fire and arranged some lighter pieces of wood to create a fire. Jackie sighed in relief and another little smoke came out of her mouth.
"No, she didn't ask. I came at my own risk," you finally replied, taking a deep breath as well. It was nice to feel something warm as you sat on the icy ground. "May I know what happened between you two? Why did you fall out so quickly? Everything was so good…"
She didn't answer, and you decided to play with the situation.
"It's only when I fall asleep that you decide to let go, right? That's serious, Jackie, it's a lack of a worthy mother figure."
Jackie laughed, and dammit, you loved it when she laughed. You loved when you could make her laugh, when you could see her little eyes close as she turned her head towards you and looked into her eyes like she was looking at a little sister.
That's what you were to her, a little sister. And that was all.
"I don't know why Shauna is mad at me. Sometimes I thought it might be Jeff, but now that I've broken up with him, I…I don't know anymore," Jackie sighed. "I thought you knew, since you're sisters, and she should tell you everything…"
"Uh, one point less for you…", you chuckled nervously, sighing. "Shauna never tells me anything. She pretty much hates me, I think maybe she'd rather I was a Barbie doll instead of a normal flesh and blood person…" you huffed. "Seriously, I had to beg her to let me on your team, really."
"But she was right, (Y\N), you were still too young. It could cause problems in your class, because you're a year below us."
"I'm not a kid anymore, Jackie, I make my own decisions, and I've decided I want to make the team," you replied in an authoritative voice. "No one can change that now, I also wanted to win, I wanted to help you on the team, not just watch from the stands…"
Jackie nodded, smiling and pursing her lips. She looked at you, and again, there was that annoying little "big sister look" thing she always gave you. You pretended you weren't affected by him and tried to ignore it, but it was impossible.
"If I ask nicely, will you go back inside and make up with Shauna?" you asked in a whisper, looking at Jackie again.
"(Y\N), it's no use. Shauna really hates me now, there's no going back."
"But that can't happen! How am I supposed to be if you guys are fighting forever? How am I going to convince my mom to let me go to your party without Shauna around to babysit me?"
Jackie shook her head. "I'm sorry. Really."
"But that couldn't happen! It's so unfair!"
"(Y\N), stop whimpering like a baby!", Jackie complained, turning to you. "It's irritating, okay? It doesn't help at all!", her voice was different, and it was clear that she was very irritated with the situation.
You widened your eyes, an intrusive thought running through your mind as you stared back at her, your voice trailing off. "You find me annoying? Really?"
"No, that's not what… Ah, (Y\N), come on, I'm sorry, okay?", Jackie clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth and looked at you, her voice becoming quiet and calm, like she was talking to a puppy. "That's not what I meant, I swear, it's just…I'm really pissed off right now, and if you keep forcing me to make it up to her, I'll…"
You nodded, holding back tears, but didn't say anything. Then, there was a moment when Jackie surprised you by cupping your chin with her fingers and forcing you to look into her eyes. Gorgeous, huge, but gorgeous, you could easily get lost in the whole pool of charisma that was inside them.
"Come on, give me a smile please, (Y\N)…", she whispered, still holding you by the chin, and you smiled, blushing slightly. "That's it. I love seeing you smile, (Y\N), really. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude to you, but this whole situation is killing me."
"Everyone is nervous, Jackie, it's normal…", you explained, whispering, too lost to focus on one thing. "We should be playing right now, winning medals, lifting trophies, but here we are, stranded on a shitty island."
"Hey, at least we still have people to count on…", she whispered back, smiling. "People we like, that's what matters to me at least," Jackie laid her head gently on his shoulder and looked into the crackling fire. "Like, I like you a lot, (Y\N). I don't know what I would do if we had a fight…"
You were taken aback by the revelation. You were already used to Jackie's surprises and her nonsensical phrases, but this time, it rang true. Too bad you felt more than just a liking, and that you couldn't truly tell her that for fear of losing the friendship.
"Me too… I like you, Jackie…", you whispered. "But…"
"But you really want to dump me now, don't you? Yeah, I know. I figured my lack of affection would hurt someone one day…"
"No!", you said, kind of loudly, startling her too. "No, what I meant is… that I like you. Like hell. But it's not just liking… a friend. You know… I'm…"
She quickly pulled her head away from your shoulder to look at you, laughing in disbelief.
"Are you telling me that… you're in love with me?", Jackie asked, confused, frowning. "I mean, like, you? In love with me?"
"Yeah, I think that's right…", you replied. "I'm sure, actually. I'm in love with you, Jackie, and I've never felt that way about anyone in my entire life.
"Damn, (Y\N), that…that was cute, you know?"
Your smile faded, and Jackie saw it right away. It made her laugh, and when you least expected it, she kissed your cheek, then leaned in a little closer to kiss your lips, and you were taken aback by the feel of icy, frozen lips pressed against yours.
Jackie didn't seem to regret the impulse. She was clearly nervous, but she was shivering too, from the cold, and as you kissed, she touched your face with trembling hands over and over again, sometimes hesitating between your cheek and your shoulders.
Her lips were cold, because of the ice, and they were soft, because they were a girl's lips. The girl you were in love with and had kept that secret for a long, long time.
"Was that your way of saying you like me too?" you asked, afraid that this was more of a threat than a genuine question from someone who was confused when she pulled away from you.
Jackie smiled, nodding and blushing as she kissed you again. This time, the touch lasted a little less, and when she pulled away, her face was hidden in the crook of your neck.
"I don't know why it took me so long to figure this out…" she whispered. "It was literally in my face the entire time. That's why Shauna hates me. Because of you, (Y\N). She's so jealous because you guys are sisters, and because I'm her best friend…"
You smiled. "And that makes you regret liking me?"
"Never, I swear…", Jackie whispered. "I actually love the fact that I like you. It's comforting because I knew I'd never have to say it out loud since the two of us are inseparable…"
You smiled again and it was your turn to hide your face in Jackie's neck. She hugged you with both arms and breathed in your scent, sighing. She was clearly warmed by the touch of you on her body.
"Now, if I ask nicely, will you go back to the cabin?"
"(Y\N)!", Jackie sighed, before kissing you again, only this time, all over your face, laughing every time her lips meet your skin. "God, will you stop being so cute? This way I won't convince you that I'm mad at your sister!"
"It never convinced me, to tell you the truth. You two are failures to disguise that, deep down, deep down, you still like each other. And I'm happy about that, because I know that, no matter what, you'll have to put up with me for the rest of your days!"
The girl smiled. "Yeah, not that I'm complaining, either."
And there you two idiots were, giggling by a poorly made fire for the rest of the night, after an awkward but completely adorable confession.
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appocalipse · 2 years
ok its me again… i cant decide if store or jewelry is better so maybe u just pick whichever one u like lol ty :)
hi ♥ i went with jewelry + exes to lovers hehe <3 hope you like it!
[JEWELRY; Wearing a piece of jewelry (ring/necklace/bracelet/watch) that the other bought. ]
Two seconds after you enter the bathroom, the door opens and Steve comes in.
"Here, let me help you," he says, already approaching before you can answer.
Breaking up with Steve had been one of the hardest things you'd ever done. The breakup hadn't happened because you didn't love him anymore, or because you were interested in someone else, or for any other reason ordinary couples break up.
No. You'd broken up with him for one simple reason: you were afraid you weren't good enough. Steve was kind, he was brave, and of course he was very handsome and charming, although those last two things didn't weigh that much in the balance of things. And if Nancy — who had been his first love —was anything to go by, you had very little chance of being the girlfriend Steve deserved. She was just perfect in your eyes; beautiful, smart, very, very brave. She would often risk her life for others, like he did. And if the two of them didn't work out together, why would it work out with you?
You're well aware that the whole problem may simply be in your mind, that you're being unfair — both to Steve and yourself — but you couldn't help it. So you had walked away, protecting yourself—even though part of you knew Steve would never hurt you.
That's why today, two months after you'd broken up with him, you considered not coming to Max's birthday; you knew he would be here. But you love Max and it wouldn't have been fair to her not to come for such a selfish reason.
Then, against your better judgment, you came, reason why you're now trapped in a very tiny space with your ex — with whom you're still very much in love with.
Steve does a brief damage analysis. There's a sizable stain on the front of the lovely green dress you're wearing, a mixture of scarlet and purple right over your heart, spreading like a bleeding.
It's just grape juice, of course. You're trying to remove it with a cloth soaked in ice water, but he's not sure it's working.
This unavoidably brings a memory to his mind, one he's not fond of. Steve hesitates.
Then he pushes it away; you're not Nancy. You and him aren't even together anymore.
He realizes he's not making himself feel any better with that thought.
"I'm fine, Steve," you say in a tone that's neither warm nor cold; a balanced, measured, trained tone. "You can go back to the party."
"I'm sorry," he replies, biting the inside of his cheek as he thinks about what to say next. Uh...
"It wasn't your fault."
"Yes, it was," he insists. It's a half truth; Steve and the kids were kicking a ball back and forth, some game you were trying not to pay attention to, and then it somehow ended up hitting the cup in your hand and disaster was done. "I'm sorry, I should have been more careful."
You don't look at him, too focused on the stain. "It was an accident," you say, and Steve hears the usual gentleness behind your voice. "And it's just a dress, anyway. It's okay."
"It's a pretty dress-very pretty."
It's a risky move, he thinks. But by then he's said it and there's nothing he can do about it.
Steve watches the way you swallow, the way you pause for a brief second, how you look at him and quickly look away. It's a reaction, at least.
You don't answer. The trailer is small and the bathroom proportionately tiny. The air practically crackles with tension around you two.
The stain seems to be fading, but the fabric is getting wetter, sticking to your skin, turning transparent…
"Steve," you whisper, and his gaze darts to your face immediately. Is it a warning or an invitation?
He had definitely been staring.
"Sorry," he says again.
"Stop apologizing."
You put the cloth under the running water. Steve hears a metallic clink before he sees where it comes from: your arm. Your wrist, more precisely, where the bracelet he gave you as a gift just a few months ago is.
Steve can't stop himself from taking your wrist into his hand for a better look, half expecting the object to disappear at any moment, only a figment of his imagination.
"You still have it," it's not a question because it would be stupid to ask when he can see it for himself, but Steve still can't believe you're wearing it.
It doesn't.
He looks at you. You look flustered, your cheeks warm. Your parted lips can't get any words out, and the only thing Steve can think about is placing his hand on the back of your neck and kissing you slowly.
You gently pull your wrist away from his touch. "Do you...want it back?"
"I- what? No!" he exclaims, as if the idea horrifies him. "No, I'm just…I'm just surprised you're wearing the bracelet I gave you, that's all."
"I like the bracelet."
"Only the bracelet?"
Maybe he's pushing his luck, he thinks. But there's hope on the way you hesitate before answering, on the look on your face.
You look at the floor, dropping the cloth on the sink. "I don't know what you want me to say."
"Dustin told me you have a date tomorrow."
It is true. To be honest, this date means so much to you that you had forgotten about it until this very moment.
"I'm trying to move on," you say honestly. And failing, is what you don't say.
"By wearing the bracelet I gave you? Doesn't it remind you of me at all?"
Every damn thing makes me think of you.
An exasperated sigh escapes your lips. "I'm trying to move on," you repeat, weaker this time, a whisper. He hears it.
"So if I kissed you right now, you wouldn't feel anything?"
A single step is enough for Steve to be directly in front of you. Your heart seems to have been replaced by something three times faster and much louder.
"Wouldn't you kiss me back?" he touches your face with a gentle hand, leaning into you slowly.
Not wanting to say yes, I'd kiss you back (the truth) but unable to say no (which is a big, big lie), you take a step back as he steps forward. Nowhere to go — your back hits the wall.
He breathes against your mouth and you close your eyes, letting your head rest against the wall. "Steve," you whisper.
"I love you," he whispers back. "I just- I love you. You can go on a date tomorrow, you can go on a hundred dates, it doesn't matter. I won't give up on you, you hear me? Not unless you tell me that I don't stand a chance."
You don't.
Steve walks away. You stand there, leaning against the wall long after you hear the door close behind him, desperately trying to catch your breath.
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queendarkwolvescolby · 7 months
Protective Revenge
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Warnings: Sexual assault, Elton is hated in this, violence, a little sex.
Hope you enjoy! Request are open. This takes back when Elton and they all lived together and shit.
"Colby?" You say entering the house as he hopped up running to you. "Where have you been?! I was so worried." He said hugging you. You melt in his arms. Then quickly snap back into reality. "Sorry, Colbs" You say sadly backing out of his arms. "It's ok, just text me next time, yeah?" He says walking into the living room. You nod and follow him.
"Y/N!!" Elton yells running in to hug you. Colby rolls his eyes and looks away as Elton hugs you. You hug back then go to stop hugging him but he won't let go. You stand there but you feel his hand going down to your butt. You force your way out and grab Colby to go to Colby's room. "Be down in 5, we have a video!" Elton yells after you. "Sorry Colbs, I just had to get away from people." You say sitting on his bed. "I'm a person" he says smiling. "Yeah but you're different and I-" You stop yourself and try to save yourself. "I'm your favoriteeeee" he says coming over to you and tickling you. You laugh, "ok ok you are" You said and he stop. Y'all sat there and laughed until Elton came in angry. "Time for the video, we are going to a water park so wear a bathing suit." He said leaving and left the door open. "You wanna match swimsuits? The only swimsuit I have here is the one Elton gave me and I don't feel comfortable wearing it" You say reaching into your bag and pulling out matching boy and girl bathing suits. "Hell yeah! and yeah I think Elton likes you" He says as his smile fades. "Yeah a little too much, in my opinion." You say throwing his swimsuit at him.
After y'all get changed, you didn't want to go downstairs in just a bathing suit so you put on one of Colby's hoodies and headed downstairs to meet the others. "Colbs?" You call out. "In here" He yells from the kitchen and you head to the kitchen. "Well that's where all my hoodies are going" Colby said then taking a drink to cover up his blushing face. "Do you want it back? I didn't know if it was ok, I just didn't feel comfortable in just a swim suit. I can give it back" You start rambling. "Breathe, and no it's okay, it looks better on you anyways" He said then turning around to put his dish in the sink.
Elton walks in and starts yelling at you. "Take that off right now." Elton starts yelling. You hate yelling because of what you've gone through. Your eyes start watering. "Dude, chill the fuck out, what is your problem with her?!" Colby says as he hugs you and put your head on his chest as a shield of protection. You hug him. "Whatever, wear this instead," Elton said throwing his hoodie at you but Colby caught it and threw it away in the trash. "She'll wear what she wants." Colby said taking your hand and going into the living room with the others who just saw and heard everything.
"You look fantastic girl, specially with Colby's hoodie" Kat said lightening the mood. You smile "Thank you". Colby starts mumbling angrily "She can wear whatever she fucking wants because she'd look hot in anything especially my clothes." You smile and blush but pretend you didn't hear anything. "Colbs, thank you" You said snapping him out of the murderous thought he was having and smiled at you, "of course."
Elton came in the room, "Y/n's riding with me, Sam and Kat in another car and Colby and Amber with them." Elton said going to grab you but Colby was still holding your hand. "I think she'll ride with me and Amber will ride with you" Colby said leading you to the car Sam and Kat following. "Damn it.." Amber sighed.
In the car, Sam's driving while Kat is in the passenger, you and Colby in the back. You had fallen asleep on Colby while he talks to Sam and Kat about how he's tired of Elton's shit and stuff.
Y'all get to the water park and you stay quiet throughout the video til it hits night and y'all are staying overnight. You have a fun time laughing and only talking to Kat, Sam and of course Colby. Amber starts feeling up Colby and Colby thinks its a joke. Your face starts burning and you clutched your fist when Colby notices and told Amber to knock it off. Amber scoffs and walks away and you hide your smile but Colby sees it and smiles.
"I gotta go to the bathroom, Colbs" You say tugging on his arm. "Ok ok, let's go to the bathrooms then." He said walking over to the bathrooms with you. You go in the girls bathroom and he goes into the boys bathroom. You enter the bathroom and see Elton. "What the fuck are you doing in here?!" You yell but Elton covers your mouth. "Shh, I can't hold back anymore, baby" He says kissing your neck. You struggle to move and scream. "I know you like me, wanting to make me jealous with a depressed emo, no no no" He says as he starts to take your bathing suit off. You start crying shaking your head no. He slips his hand to your boob and playing with them.
Outside the bathroom. "She's taking way to long. Maybe I should check on her." He tells Sam, heading in the bathroom as they all follow. You are in the grasp of Elton, sobbing as he is touching you. You see Colby and he looks different, you've never seen him like this before. Kat gasps and Elton looks up. Elton lets you go. "She couldn't wait-" Colby punches him as you are holding on to him for dear life. Sam starts recording Colby beating the shit out of Elton. "C-colby.." You say just wanting to be held by him because you feel safe in his arms but Colby is to angry to think about anything else. "You are a manipulative bastard! You have been using everyone and abusing everyone! Making the love of my life uncomfortable and unsafe, and then you pull this shit! I should kill your ass!" Colby yells at Elton still beating the shit out of him. You blush and tug on Colby. He snaps out of it and looks at you. Y'all look into each others eyes and Colby's face softens a little and pulls you in close. He grabs your face and looks you in the eyes, tears in both of y'alls eyes. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I promise I'll never let anyone hurt you again." He says wiping your face. "Then you won't hurt me right?" You say wiping his tears. "Of course not! I'd never ever hurt you." He says worried that you think he would hurt you. "Then you won't hurt my feelings" You say kissing him. He kisses back and pulls you into him.
Elton has managed to stand up and he punched Colby. Colby is on the ground and Elton starts kicking him. You try to stop it but Elton hits you "Stay out of this dumb bitch!" Elton says as he contiues kicking Colby. You get up and sucker punch Elton breaking your hand. "OH FUCKING SHIT THAT FUCKING HURT!" You yell holding your hand as Elton is knocked out on the ground. Colby stands up and he kisses your forehead. "I'ma kill him.." He mumbles. "No don't do that because then who's gonna take me out on dates?" You say still in pain. "Ok fine." Colby walks over to Elton, "Don't even fucking think about coming back home." He helps you get your clothes back on and y'all head to the hospital, y'all took all the money out of Elton's wallet, his cards and his car keys.
You fall asleep on Colby in the hospital bed and he kisses you. "He'll be back, I know it but I'll be ready and no one will touch you and live.." Colby says and smirks.
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed. No hate towards Amber but all hate towards Elton because of what he did to Sam and Colby and even the others. (Just my opinion) Request are open and I can make a part two if people want it. Help me write more and Request! Have a good day or night! <3 You are loved!
(1451 words)
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luvxiem · 1 year
Can I please request Shu fluff with 16."your mom called me.", 17. "i'll take care of it, don't worry." and 20. "can i borrow a hoodie?" "i don't know, will i get it back this time?" thanks! Congrats again on 500!
life goes on
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[ INFO ]
✧ word count: ~800
✧ pairing: shu yamino x gn!reader
✧ genre: fluff
✧ summary: a brief moment into your relationship with your boyfriend of 3 years.
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"your mom called me."
the soft taps against your phone screen suddenly stop as your boyfriend turns the corner and enters the living room, the plant vs zombies theme still playing despite the lack of attention. when you turn your head to look at shu, you see him casually leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, an easy smile on his face.
"wha'd'you mean she called you?" you ask, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. you raked through your mind to try and think of any possible reason for her to call him and come up empty handed. a sudden shiver runs down your spine. hopefully she wasn't calling about... about... marriage. ugh. even the thought of your dear mother subjecting your boyfriend to talks of marriage makes you want to shove your head into a pile of dirt.
shu pushes himself off the wall and plops himself down next to you, propping his head up against his hand on the backrest. leaning over, he pauses your game to save your poor peashooters.
"she just wanted to ask if we wanted to come over for dinner today," he soothed, grinning at your sigh of relief. you set your phone aside and turn your body to face him fully.
"did she say what we're eating? i feel like we always get pho when she asks us to come over." shu laughs and nods in agreement.
"that's true. why does she do that, anyways?" your glare has him raising his hands up in mock surrender.
"what? why are you looking at me like that?"
"you told her that you really liked the broth when you came over for dinner the first time. now she's doing that thing where you tell your parent you like a certain food and they always get that for you because they think it's your favorite," you grumble. sure, it's true that the broth from the restaurant your mom always orders from is amazing; however, you can't always eat pho whenever she invites the two of you over. at this point you're convinced she only invites you guys when she doesn't want to cook dinner or just wants pho for herself.
a sudden tap against your nose has you dragged back into the present, eyes wide as shu grins at your confusion.
"i'll just tell her you want pizza or sushi or something." your head falls against his chest in relief and you can feel more than hear his laughter.
"yeah, i'll take care of it. don't worry."
without the threat of vietnamese noodle soup looming over you head, it's much easier to find the energy to agree to your mothers invite. shu is texting her the details when you suddenly remember your laundry still in the washing machine. poking your head out the bedroom door, you frantically call for the only other occupant in the apartment.
"shu! shu!!" the man in question looks up and raises an eyebrow.
"what's up, babe?"
"can i borrow a hoodie? my clothes are still in the washing machine." your boyfriend taps his finger against in chin as he shuts his eyes for a moment and pretends to think.
"hmm... i don't know, will i get it back this time?" he teases. you roll your eyes and head back to your guys' shared closet.
"i'm borrowing your light blue one!" you call out, hearing an 'ok!' in response. as you shrug it on and change into a different pair of pants, you return to the living room carrying your car keys in one hand and your wallet in another. shu is already dressed in outside clothes since he went out to buy groceries in the morning.
shu looks up from his phone at your entrance and stands, stretching his arms up over his head and lets out a pleasant sigh. the sigh quickly turns into a yelp, however, as you can't help but pat his cute tummy when his shirt rode up exposing soft, pale skin. you laugh at his whine ("hey! what the heck!") and slip your shoes on, holding the door open for your lover as the two of you slip out the apartment.
"hey, should we stop by the market on the way there?" shu asks. you nod, pressing the elevator button to take you down to the parking garage. "what did we bring last time? oranges? i think watermelons are in season right now, should we bring that?" the elevator dings and the door slides open as the two of you step inside and start your descent.
"watermelon is good," you agree. partly because you just wanted some for yourself, but you know your mom loves watermelon too so it's fine. "how can you tell if a watermelon is ripe, though?"
shu's eyes widen and starts explaining to you how his parents taught him how to tell a good watermelon from a bad one and you can't help but smile fondly at your lover.
today is a good day.
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[ WRITTEN 230607 ]
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Aegon II Targaryen//My Only True Love
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Anonymous requests: Could I request where Aegon II where it’s AU but he’s still a prince and There’s concubines and he has a favorite one and has slept with her multiple times but she hasn’t got pregnant so she gets jealous when princess Y/n the half sister of prince Aegon ll visit since he stops called her to come and is always busy with his sister  the concubine complains to the Queen mother Alicent Hightower but she gets mad and says instead of worrying about my son spending time with his sister worry about why haven’t you gotten pregnant y/n gets up to leave but she gets stop by her brother saying to spend the night together she refuses and gives in then in the morning he asks his mother if he can marry his sister and which his mother agrees and he stops having concubines that’s only if you feel comfortable writing incest but thank you for listening to me 
A/n: this a AU a I have switched a lot of stuff in here just in case you get confused
Warning: jealousy, and incest  don’t read if you’re not comfortable.
Your sister Rhaenyra and you were obviously the favorite daughters of the King Viserys I Targaryen and Queen Aemma. Arryn. which made the second wife of the King jealous since your sister and you were his successors not her kids.
Even though she stopped being friends with your sister, She still thinks of you as her second daughter.and soon the wife of her son the Prince Aegon II Targaryen since her daughter is already married to her other son.
You were today visiting your half siblings at King's Landing. since you live in Dragonstone with your sister and the family. you live there because your sister wants you to be with her and to be safe. since she doesn’t trust Queen Alicent and her kids.
Your sister wasn't happy she insisted on coming with you, but you reassured her that you'd be okay with going alone.
“You can leave now.” Aegon dismiss Lucy as he gets up to put on his clothes
Lucy’s smile into a sadness and disappointment since she thought she was going to stay with the prince she quickly gets off from the bed and she notices a handmade ring sitting on the prince working table, she smiles as she grabs it
He grabs the ring from Lucy “it’s not ready yet.”
She looks down at the ring and to Aegon "It's good like this." She smiles again, pulling her hand out “it’s beautiful, I'm so excited.”
He cringed, “I said that it’s not ready yet it still needs touches. I want it to be perfect and to be worthy of you.”
Lucy quickly bowed and leaves with a smile on her face a few minutes later there was a knock on the door the guards opened the door Queen Alicent walked inside
“I hope I’m not disturbing you, my son.” Alicent says
“Mother, you could never disturb me.” Aegon walks up to his mother “is everything ok?”
Queen Alicent smiles “Yes, everything is fine I just came here to tell you that your sister Princess Y/n is coming today.”
Aegon beamed at the thought of you coming to King’s Landing “did you tell the cookers? To prepare her favorite food?”
She nodded, “of course I did, everything should be ready when she comes here we’re going to eat in my Chamber.”
He frowned “I was thinking If I could have dinner with her by myself?”
She grinned “of course I should have thought about you wanting to have dinner with your sister by yourself. since you hadn’t seen her in a while.”
“Sorry about that mother”. He apologized.
She beamed “it’s ok I’ll have dinner with your other sister and brother.”
“Attention Princess Y/n Targaryen has arrived.” The servant announces making the maids stopped what they’re doing so can they bowed to you
As you walked passed them, the maids and servants bowed to you
“Princess I’m so happy that you're finally here.”Queen Alicent pulls you into a hug
You hug back her “I’m happy to be here thank you for letting me stay.”
“sister we have missed you so much.” Helaena tells you happily
“I have missed you guys so much as well. I'm sorry that I haven’t visited, I've been busy.” You look at them
Alicent grinned, "at least you're here my son Prince Aegon is waiting for you in his chambers.”
You nodded with a smile "thank you I should get going then.”
You went to your brother's chambers the guards let you inside you saw your brother sitting down waiting for you
He beamed, "Welcome sister, take a seat next to me.”
"Thank you brother.” you smiled sitting down
“My mother told the cooks to make your favorite food.” He tells you
You smiled "thank you, I love it.”
Your brother and you began eating, talking and laughing Lucy was coming with a smile on her face she was about to go inside to surprise the Prince but she got stopped by the guards
“Sorry Miss, but the Prince asked to not disturb him.” One of the guards tells her
"Tell the Prince that I’m here."
"The Prince is with his sister Princess Y/n.”
“Oh.” Lucy says leaving sad
You have been at King's landing for three week making Lucy jealous since Aegon is always with you he even stopped calling for her since he's always with you
Lucy was getting ready so she can see The Prince but Prince didn’t call for her, but she decided to surprise him
"Why are you getting ready? if he didn't call for you?" her friend asks
“I know, but he probably got busy but I bet when he sees me he'll get excited.” Lucy smiles
Lucy is walking happily thinking that today she's going to be with the Prince. She stops at his chambers "tell the Prince that I'm here."
"The Prince is gone.” He tells her
“I'm sure he's not going to take long. I can wait.” she says trying to get inside
"The Prince is with Princess Y/n in the gardens."
Lucy cries she couldn't handle it no more she can't help but feel jealous of you spending time with the prince she knows that she shouldn't feel jealous since you was his sister
She decided to go the Queen Alicent's chambers hopefully she can help her or have her talk to her son
"Lucy, why are you crying?" Alicent asks worried
“Because Prince Aegon hasn't called for me since he's always busy with The Princess, it's been weeks that he hasn't.” She cries “Can you talk to him? I’m scared that she probably told lies about me and he believed her.”
Alicent wasn’t going to let this concubine talked bad about you "listen here instead of you worrying about my son spending his time with his sister worry about why haven't you gotten pregnant.”
“Okay, I’m sorry.”
“If I heard you say bad things about the princess, I'll make you understand.”
Lucy quickly nods and bowed and leaves in fear
“I had so much fun today with you.” You smiled
“Come in with me, let's sleep together today.” Your brother flattered
You blushed, “I don't think it's inappropriate for us to do it.”
He smirks, "if our siblings do that why don't we do that as well.”
You laughed “they're married and we're not.”
“I'll marry you tomorrow.” He smiles
You smiled at the thought of being married to him, but you thought he was joking, but he wasn't
“Let’s sleep together.” You whisper shyly
Your brother and you woke up naked and the sunshine was hitting your faces
“Let's go, I got to ask my mother a question.”
“Mother, I want to marry Y/n.” Aegon tells his mother
“If you want to marry her then do it if she’s your happiness as your mother i have to accept it,”
You hug her "thank you Queen mother."
“Y/n beautiful I made a homemade ring. I want you to wear it as your engagement ring and wear it for the rest of our lives.” He put on the ring on your finger
“I love it so much thank you.”
“What’s going on?” Prince Aemond asks since he saw Aegon and you kissed
“Your sister and brother are engaged!!”
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3mcwriting · 2 years
Any Fan’s Dream, Part 3
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Any Fan's Dream Masterlist
When you look around and see Avengers Tower in front of you and Peter Parker beside you, you wonder how the hell you managed to get into the MCU.
"Why am I training with you guys again?" you asked.
"So you can kick ass." Natasha responded.
"Language! And no-" Steve corrected, "so you can defend yourself."
"Exactly. Kick ass."
"Let's just start, ok?"
No way! You got to train with the Avengers! It was gonna be so-
"-horrible. This is horrible. You guys are sadists."
You groaned, barely able to move your limbs. Everything hurt. You were convinced you were dying. 
"In case I don't make it, I just want to say that you guys are both really hot and-"
Natasha laughed. “Thanks, babe, but you're not dying. C'mon, get up."
"I don't think I can."
"Yes, you can. Up you go." Steve hooked his arms underneath your armpits, dragging you to your feet. 
You stood shakily, "I thought you guys liked me. This is abuse."
"Uh huh, well, the abuse is over." Natasha's comment made you sigh in relief. "You should go take a shower though, you're sweaty and you stink."
"And whose fault is that?" you sent a pointed look at the two Avengers. 
"Yours, for not exercising more often." Natasha deadpanned.
You gasped, affronted. Then you winced because holy shit you were way too sore already. "Blaming the victim. That's not very Avenger-y of you."
"'Avenger-y'?" Steve questioned.
"C'mon, let's go get some clothes for you," Natasha said, "you really need that shower."
You huffed, "I heard you the first time."
Natasha led you to her bedroom and grabbed you some sweats, some undergarments, and a t-shirt that said "Stop undressing me with your eyes. Use your teeth."
"Really?" you questioned.
"What?" Natasha asked innocently. She dangled the shirt from her hand, waving it slightly. A mischievous twinkle in her eyes, when she looked at you. "Bet you won't wear it."
You bristled, really? You grabbed the shirt. "Watch me."
"Well, at least the shirt is comfy." you said, having thrown on the clothes she had laid out for you. 
You were still wincing as you moved. You could admit that the soreness was persistent. Also a pain in the ass(pun not intended but very much welcomed). 
As soon as you were dressed, you left the room, carrying your bundled up clothes in your arms. You wandered, eventually managing to stumble upon the kitchen where you saw-
You dropped your clothes. It was Thor!! Now I've met both brothers! AWESOME!
But, wait a damn minute. I thought he went back to Asgard after AoU. Well I guess they technically don’t specify where he goes immediately after. They only show when he goes to Asgard during Ragnarok, but that’s set two years after Age of Ultron. Hmmm.
"Ah, Lady (y/n)! Are all things well with you?" Thor bellowed, grinning at you fondly.
I'm Lady (y/n)! 
"I'm good, Thor." You tried to maintain some semblance of chill. "How about you?"
"I am well!" Thor smiled, he wrapped his hands around you tightly, excited at seeing you. "I am quite joyful! I was not anticipating seeing you on this venture."
His tight embrace made all the sore spots send a flare of pain. You didn't care though. Thor was hugging you! And he was awesome at hugs! 
You remembered that he wasn't supposed to be here. "Why are you here?"
"I came here to inquire about some subjects, Vision was quite helpful in answering."
Ah, you thought, so he had to ask Vision some stuff about the Stones.
"How long are you staying?" you asked, the hug ending. 
"I'm departing later this evening," Thor answered, making you frown. "Do not despair! We shall feast on pop-tarts together before I depart!" 
You smiled, glad that someone else's excitement finally matched the level of excitement you were feeling. "Sounds great!" 
The two of you spent the next hour gorging on pop-tarts. Your stomach hurt from laughter(and the torture from earlier) and the two of you were having the time of your lives. At one point, Wanda had wandered into the room. She joined the two of you on the couch, trying a pop-tart because she had never tasted one before. 
The three of you started playing a game, Wanda would fly a pop-tart around the room and you and Thor would try to catch it. Tony interrupted halfway through the third round. 
"Why did I just get smacked in the face with a flying pastry?" 
Thor did not allow Tony's interruption to stop the game. Instead, he dove to catch the pop-tart before it could hit the ground. He caught it right before it touched the floor, but unfortunately, the pop-tart broke in his tight grip.
"Dammit. I guess you won this round, Thor." you grumbled.
Thor didn't respond, instead, he stared in despair at the broken pastry laying in pieces on his hand. "And yet, it does not feel as if I've won anything." Thor's voice full of melancholy.
You patted him on the back. "Don't be sad. We have more."
Thor nodded, then swallowed the broken pop-tart . "My apologies, but I cannot indulge myself in anymore. I must take my leave."
You frowned. "That's too bad." 
You didn't know when the next time you'd see him was. What? Until the events of Infinity War happened and he was angry and depressed about everything happening. Were you really that powerless to stop those circumstances from happening?
Thor hugged you tightly, his embrace warm and comforting. You sank into the hug, wrapping your arms around him just as tightly. You didn't want anyone to see the sadness or worry on your face. You tried to make your mind go blank, not wanting to start crying right there in front of all of them. After all, to their knowledge, for once nothing was wrong. 
"It is alright, Lady (y/n)." Thor tried to reassure you, noticing the way you were reluctant to let go. "Everything is alright."
But for how long?
You just squeezed him tighter before letting go. You forced a smile on your face, trying to appear happy. "I know," you managed, "can you promise to come back soon?" 
You weren't sure if just asking was enough to make a difference, or even if he would be able to follow your request, but you would take any scrap of hope you could because you were not gonna allow everything to end up the same.
Thor smiled at you softly, the first time you've seen him expressing something other than excitement or joy. It was simple fondness and adoration, "I swear to you, I will return. And maybe then we shall commence another round of this ingenious game you created."
You nodded, relieved at his agreement. "Then I hope you have a good time. Make sure you stay safe."
"Of course," Thor affirmed, before wrapping you up in another hug.
Tony snorted. "He's not going off to war."
After Thor's departure, you hung around the Tower for about another half-hour before you looked at your phone and realized that it was just about time for you to leave. Peter said he would wait for you at 6:30 in the lobby, and it was only three minutes until then. You didn't want Peter to get all worry-crazy again, so you said your good-byes to Wanda, Natasha, and Tony. You couldn't find Steve, but you hoped that you'd see him again soon.
"How was it?" Peter asked, brows furrowed in worry when he saw the limp in your gait.
"Pretty good," you responded, "unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to make the pear shooter."
"That's too bad," Peter distractedly responded, "are you okay? You look like you're in pain."
You couldn't help the way your heart squeezed at the genuine concern in his voice. "I'm alright. Steve and Natasha decided to start training me today, so I had to go through that pain. But by the time they're done with me, I'll probably have like a six-pack or something. Which is cool cuz like, muscular women are hot."
Peter tilted his head. "Are you sure you're fine? Avengers training must be really hard."
"I'm pretty sure I'll live," you managed, "for how long, that's the question.
"Also," Peter added, "when did you get that shirt?" 
He averted his eyes when you looked down at the words on your t-shirt. You remembered what it said and smiled giddily when you thought of how Natasha Romanoff gave you a shirt! You! One of her shirts! You owned an Avenger's t-shirt!!
"I got it from Natasha," you proudly stated. "Do ya like it?"
Peter coughed. "It's very...nice."
"I know right!" You nodded. "It was so amazing of her to give it to me, don't you think? She is so amazing."
"Has your crush on Black Widow returned?" Peter questioned, noticing your palpable adoration of the woman.
"Who said it ever left?" you asked. "Besides, how could I not? She's so strong and smart and pretty and so, so, awesome."
You were a hopeless simp, but who could blame you? You had met the Avengers! The frickin Avengers!! And Natasha fucking Romanoff had lent you one of her shirts. She was a close friend of yours apparently, and you loved it.
You were completely right about Natasha, but you remembered that another one of your loves was right in front of you. "Peter, you're strong, smart, and pretty too, not to mention a complete dork which is awesome because I am too!"
Peter grinned, his cheeks flushing slightly. "Thanks, (n/n)."
You winked at him, cheeks warm from excitement. "No problem, honey bun."
The two of you began the journey back to his apartment, talking about random topics the entire time. You felt like your heart was going to burst from happiness, here you were with one of your heroes and the two of you were talking like old friends. You had never had many(any) friends so having Peter Parker be your friend was insane. Especially because of how good of a friend he seemed to be. Granted, you didn't have much to go off of, but he was kind, attentive, funny, and smart, and he seemed to genuinely care about what you had to say.
You couldn't imagine a better companion, so who cared that you didn't have much friend-experience?
"You know you're really awesome, right?"
Peter looked at you and smiled. "You are too, (n/n)."
"Does she seem a bit...different to you?" Steve questioned.
Natasha hummed. "She definitely seems more excited when she comes here, but that's about it. Why?"
Steve's brows furrowed, "I don't know, it's just-"
"You two are just being paranoid," Tony strode into the room, "I, being the amazing person that I am, have decided to make her an Iron Man suit, with her help. That is why she's so excited. Also, that boy who's always with her probably has something to do with it."
Natasha snickered, while Steve frowned. "Isn't he like 15? (y/n) wouldn't break the law like that." Steve's forehead creased as he thought.
"3 years isn't much of a gap," Natasha said, "besides, if you go back a couple months that would be perfectly legal."
Steve's frown deepened and Natasha laughed. "What's wrong? Jealous that the little boy is getting more attention than you?"
Steve protested, "no, I-"
Tony laughed, "Capsicle is just mad that she got over him being a 100 year-old-man on drugs. Sorry," Tony patted Steve on the back, leaving the room. But not without calling out and laughing, "guess you've just gotta settle for being beat by that kid."
You flicked on the light, and stepped into the apartment.
You closed the door behind you, then walked into the kitchen. You couldn't hear anyone else in the apartment, but you knew that "your" mom was going to be here by the time you got home from the internship. She had told you so before you left for the Tower.
You turned the light on in the kitchen/dining room, looked around. You spotted a note on the table, and you moved to grab it. You read it, humming as you did so. 
I called and ordered your favorite dinner, went to go pick it up. Should be back by 7:15, your dad will be here around the same time. See you soon and don't burn down the house while we're gone. And if you do, make sure it looks like an accident so the insurance will pay for it.
You were in awe at how different "your" mom was from your mom back home. 
All of the lights going out at once interrupted your thoughts, plunging the apartment into darkness.
A noise came from the dark living room. "Ah shit," you cursed. I gotta go. There ain't no way I'm ending up like those people in horror movies. All those stupid motherfu-
“Hello, darling."
As soon as you heard the voice calling out in the dark, you were ready to get the hell outta there. Unfortunately, you weren't used to this new apartment so you ran into a wall. As you laid on the floor and cursed, the lights turned back on. Hitting your head on the wall had dazed you, but you could've sworn you knew that voice.
When you saw the person approaching you, you both tensed up and relaxed. You're reaction was confusing but-
How were you supposed to react when Loki broke into your apartment?
"Apologies," he chuckled, "I did not expect my arrival to cause you to attack the wall."
You sat up from off the floor, leaning against the wall you had just run into. "Really? You didn't think that breaking into someone's apartment and turning the power off would surprise someone?"
"Actually, the power went out all on it's own," Loki corrected. "Besides, I have been sitting here for quite a while, you simply never bothered to look up and see if anyone was in your living room"
"Are you-" you stopped. This was Loki, you didn't have the time to argue with him. You would normally be happy to spend time with him, but if "your" mom came in and saw him, you worried she might murder him. "Why are you here? You can't be here."
Loki tilted his head, looking at you in curiosity and delight. "You are rather relaxed considering our last encounter."
"You mean when you kidnapped me?" 
"Yes, that." Loki's gaze searched you. "Why is it that you are so calm after such an experience? You don't strike me as stupid. Well, at least not as much as most humans. But you're at ease in this situation. Why is that?"
You swallowed at how his eyes seemed to bore through you, "I'm just in shock right now. I'm sure I'll be plenty freaked out later."
Your feeble excuse only caused Loki to raise an eyebrow, his expression showing just how unconvinced he was. "As lovely as it was to see you again, I'm afraid I have to leave now. I will see you soon."
"See me soon?" you echoed.
He smirked, "you can count on it, darling."
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